Update an Aqueduct Workflow
ActionsThis GitHub Action installs the aqueduct-sdk package and runs an Aqueduct workflow script
LatestBy RunLLM
(1)This action installs the aqueduct-sdk
package and runs an Aqueduct workflow script.
The workflow script can access the Aqueduct server address and the api key via environment variables
Required IP address of the Aqueduct server.
Optional Port on which the server is listening.
Required Api key to gain access to the server. This should be passed in as a GitHub secret.
Required Path to the workflow script.
uses: aqueducthq/aqueduct-workflow-script-runner@v1
port: 8080 # Optional
api_key: ${{ secrets.AQUEDUCT_API_KEY }}
path: workflow/churn_prediction.py
Update an Aqueduct Workflow is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.