Refers to background colour
Refers to foreground colour
Class ConsoleColourChanger.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Name | Description |
newColour | System.ConsoleColor The new colour. |
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Name | Description |
newColour | System.ConsoleColor The new colour. |
type | DNX.Helpers.Console.ColorType The type. |
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
Gets the colour.
Gets the colour.
Name | Description |
type | DNX.Helpers.Console.ColorType The type. |
Sets the colour.
Name | Description |
colour | System.ConsoleColor The colour. |
Sets the colour.
Name | Description |
colour | System.ConsoleColor The colour. |
type | DNX.Helpers.Console.ColorType The type. |
Name | Description |
s | System.String |
Name | Description |
s | System.String |
newline | System.Boolean |
Name | Description |
s | System.String |
wtr | System.IO.TextWriter |
Displays the specified s.
Name | Description |
s | System.String The s. |
wtr | System.IO.TextWriter The WTR. |
newline | System.Boolean The newline. |
Displays at.
Name | Description |
y | System.Int32 The y. |
x | System.Int32 The x. |
text | System.String The text. |
Displays at.
Name | Description |
y | System.Int32 The y. |
x | System.Int32 The x. |
text | System.String The text. |
alignment | DNX.Helpers.Console.DisplayAtAlignment The alignment. |
Name | Description |
s | System.String |
Displays the error.
Name | Description |
s | System.String The s. |
changeColour | System.Boolean if set to true [change colour]. |
Displays the header.
Name | Description |
assemblyDetails | DNX.Helpers.Assemblies.AssemblyDetails The assembly details. |
headers | System.Collections.Generic.IList{System.String} The headers. |
Displays the header.
Name | Description |
assemblyDetails | DNX.Helpers.Assemblies.AssemblyDetails The assembly details. |
headers | System.Collections.Generic.IList{System.String} The headers. |
writer | System.IO.TextWriter The writer. |
Name | Description |
assemblyDetails | DNX.Helpers.Assemblies.AssemblyDetails |
writer | System.IO.TextWriter |
Get the current console output window width
Name | Description |
defaultWidth | System.Int32 |
Moves to.
Name | Description |
y | System.Int32 The y. |
x | System.Int32 The x. |
Enum DisplayAtAlignment
The centre
The left
The right
Class ReturnCodeException.
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Name | Description |
returnCode | System.Int32 The return code. |
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Name | Description |
returnCode | System.Int32 The return code. |
message | System.String The message. |
Initializes a new instance of the class.
Name | Description |
returnCode | System.Int32 The return code. |
message | System.String The message. |
innerException | System.Exception The inner exception. |
The maximum return code
Gets the return code.