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File metadata and controls

75 lines (56 loc) · 3.36 KB


IAssemblyDetails interface

Provides information about an Assembly in a consolidated and easily accessible properties.

Property Type Description
AssemblyName AssemblyName Access the underlying AssemblyName directly. (Assembly.GetName())
Name string The Name of the assembly (AssemblyName.Name)
Location string The location (full file path) of where the assembly exists
FileName string The filename and extension of the Assembly location
Title string The Title property from the AssemblyTitleAttribute attribute, or null if not present
Product string The Product property from the AssemblyProductAttribute attribute, or null if not present
Copyright string The Copyright property from the AssemblyCopyrightAttribute attribute, or null if not present
Company string The Company property from the AssemblyCompanyAttribute attribute, or null if not present
Description string The Description property from the AssemblyDescriptionAttribute attribute, or null if not present
Trademark string The Trademark property from the AssemblyTrademarkAttribute attribute, or null if not present
Configuration string The Configuration property from the AssemblyConfigurationAttribute attribute, or null if not present
FileVersion string The Version property from the AssemblyVersionAttribute attribute, or null if not present
InformationalVersion string The InformationalVersion property from the AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute attribute, or null if not present
Version Version The Version property from the AssemblyName
SimplifiedVersion string The Version property above, with non-significant 0's removed from the right hand side

AssemblyDetails class

Implementation of IAssemblyDetails

Static methods

Method Name Parameters Description
ForAssembly Assembly Returns an IAssemblyDetails for the specified Assembly
ForMe Returns an IAssemblyDetails for the currently executing assembly
ForEntryPoint Assembly Returns an IAssemblyDetails for the entry point Assembly
ForAssemblyContaining Type Returns an IAssemblyDetails for the Assembly that the Type is in
ForAssemblyContaining Assembly Returns an IAssemblyDetails for the Assembly that the Type T is in


Extend an Assembly reference

Method Name Parameters Description
GetAssemblyDetails Enables an IAssemblyDetails to be constructed and returned from an existing Assembly reference


// GetAssemblyDetails
var details = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetAssemblyDetails();
var title = details.Title;  // "My Assembly"


Extend a Version reference

Method Name Parameters Description
Simplify minimumPositions (1 - 4) (Default: 1) Reduce a Version string to only the significant values, honouring the minimum required positions


// Simplify
var version1 = new Version(1, 0, 0, 0);
var v1 = version1.Simplify();     // 1
var v2 = version1.Simplify(2);    // 1.0

var version2 = new Version(1, 2, 3, 0);
var v1 = version2.Simplify();     // 1.2.3
var v2 = version2.Simplify(2);    // 1.2.3