diff --git a/AboutGui.ahk b/AboutGui.ahk
index cb14b9a..bcbda05 100644
--- a/AboutGui.ahk
+++ b/AboutGui.ahk
@@ -1,45 +1,45 @@
- Global AppName, AppTitle, AppDescription, AppNotes, AppURL, AppVersion
- Gui, About:New, -SysMenu +OwnDialogs
- Gui, About:Add, Picture, x10 y10, %A_ScriptFullPath%
- Gui, About:Add, Text, x52 y10, %AppTitle% v%AppVersion%
- Gui, About:Add, Text, x52 y30, %AppDescription%
- Gui, About:Add, Text, x52 y50 h60 w280, %AppNotes%
- Gui, About:Add, Link, x52 y120, %AppURL%
- Gui, About:Add, Button, default x135 y150 w80, OK
+ Global AppName, AppTitle, AppDescription, AppNotes, AppURL, AppVersion
+ Gui, About:New, -SysMenu +OwnDialogs
+ Gui, About:Add, Picture, x10 y10, %A_ScriptFullPath%
+ Gui, About:Add, Text, x52 y10, %AppTitle% v%AppVersion%
+ Gui, About:Add, Text, x52 y30, %AppDescription%
+ Gui, About:Add, Text, x52 y50 h60 w280, %AppNotes%
+ Gui, About:Add, Link, x52 y120, %AppURL%
+ Gui, About:Add, Button, default x135 y150 w80, OK
- Gui, About:Destroy
+ Gui, About:Destroy
- Global AppName, AppTitle, AppDescription, AppNotes, AppURL, AppVersion
- BuildAboutGui()
- Gui, About:Show, w350 h180, About... %AppTitle%
+ Global AppName, AppTitle, AppDescription, AppNotes, AppURL, AppVersion
+ BuildAboutGui()
+ Gui, About:Show, w350 h180, About... %AppTitle%
- DestroyAboutGui()
- return
+ DestroyAboutGui()
+ return
- DestroyAboutGui()
- return
+ DestroyAboutGui()
+ return
- DestroyAboutGui()
- return
+ DestroyAboutGui()
+ return
diff --git a/Docs/releasenotes.md b/Docs/releasenotes.md
index 1f1f40a..223cfd7 100644
--- a/Docs/releasenotes.md
+++ b/Docs/releasenotes.md
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
# Release Notes
+## v1.6.7 - 2020-02-23
+- Consolidate data saving
## v1.6.6 - 2020-01-27
- Support History of Saved Desktop Icons
diff --git a/Lib/ArrayUtils.ahk b/Lib/ArrayUtils.ahk
index dce171e..ea201a3 100644
--- a/Lib/ArrayUtils.ahk
+++ b/Lib/ArrayUtils.ahk
@@ -3,24 +3,24 @@
for k, v in Arr
t[RegExReplace(v,"\s")] := v
for k, v in t
Arr[A_Index] := v
return Arr
- newArr := []
- for k, v in arr
- newArr.Insert(1, v)
- return newArr
+ newArr := []
+ for k, v in arr
+ newArr.Insert(1, v)
+ return newArr
@@ -28,10 +28,10 @@ ReverseArray(arr)
IndexOf(array, item)
for index, param in array
- {
- if (param = item)
- return index
- }
+ {
+ if (param = item)
+ return index
+ }
return 0
diff --git a/Lib/DesktopIcons.ahk b/Lib/DesktopIcons.ahk
index 40e61bb..13914d0 100644
--- a/Lib/DesktopIcons.ahk
+++ b/Lib/DesktopIcons.ahk
@@ -24,15 +24,15 @@ DesktopIconsFileExt := "dat"
; Initialisation
- global MEM_COMMIT
- global DesktopIconsBaseFileName
+ global MEM_COMMIT
+ global DesktopIconsBaseFileName
global DesktopIconsFileExt
- MEM_COMMIT := 0x1000, MEM_RESERVE := 0x2000, MEM_RELEASE := 0x8000
+ MEM_COMMIT := 0x1000, MEM_RESERVE := 0x2000, MEM_RELEASE := 0x8000
DesktopIconsBaseFileName := "DesktopIcons"
DesktopIconsFileExt := "dat"
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ DesktopIcons_OnInit()
; DesktopIconsDataFile -
class DesktopIconsDataFile extends WindowExtensionsDataFile
- __New(fullFileName)
- {
+ __New(fullFileName)
+ {
@@ -164,20 +164,20 @@ GetLatestDesktopIconsDataFileName(desktopSize)
-; BuildWindowFromDefinition - Build a Desktop Icon Definition from a text string
-BuildDesktopIconFromDefinition(text, separator = "|")
+; BuildDesktopIconFromDefinition - Build a Desktop Icon Definition from a text string
+BuildDesktopIconFromDefinition(text, separator := "|")
parts := StrSplit(text, separator)
icon := new IconPosition(parts[1], parts[2])
- icon.Title := parts[3]
+ icon.Title := parts[3]
return icon
; GetIconPositionDefinition - Create a text representation of a Desktop Icon
-GetIconPositionDefinition(iconPosition, separator = "|")
+GetIconPositionDefinition(iconPosition, separator := "|")
parts := []
@@ -192,58 +192,58 @@ GetIconPositionDefinition(iconPosition, separator = "|")
- icons := []
- try
- {
- listViewHandle := desktop.SysListView32Window.WindowHandle
- SendMessage, %LVM_GETITEMCOUNT%, , , , ahk_id %listViewHandle%
- iconCount := ErrorLevel
- iconNames := []
- ControlGet, items, list, Col1
- Loop, Parse, items, `n
- {
- iconNames.push(A_LoopField)
- }
- hProcess := DllCall("OpenProcess" , "UInt", 0x438 ; PROCESS-OPERATION|READ|WRITE|QUERY_INFORMATION
- , "Int", FALSE ; inherit = false
- , "UInt", desktop.SysListView32Window.ProcessId)
- VarSetCapacity(iCoord, 8)
- pItemCoord := DllCall("VirtualAllocEx", "UInt", hProcess, "UInt", 0, "UInt", 8, "UInt", MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, "UInt", PAGE_READWRITE)
- Loop, %iconCount%
- {
- index := A_Index - 1
- DllCall("WriteProcessMemory", "UInt", hProcess, "UInt", pItemCoord, "UInt", &iCoord, "UInt", 8, "UIntP", cbReadWritten)
- SendMessage, %LVM_GETITEMPOSITION%, %index%, %pItemCoord%
- DllCall("ReadProcessMemory", "UInt", hProcess, "UInt", pItemCoord, "UInt", &iCoord, "UInt", 8, "UIntP", cbReadWritten)
- x := (NumGet(iCoord) & 0xFFFF)
- y := (NumGet(iCoord, 4, "UInt") & 0xFFFF)
- title := iconNames[index + 1]
- iconPosition := new IconPosition(x, y)
- iconPosition.Index := index
- iconPosition.Title := title
- icons.push(iconPosition)
- }
- DllCall("VirtualFreeEx", "UInt", hProcess, "UInt", pItemCoord, "UInt", 0, "UInt", MEM_RELEASE)
- }
- catch e
- {
- LogText("Exception: " . e.Message . ", What: " . e.What . ", Extra: " . e.Extra)
- }
- finally
- {
- DllCall("CloseHandle", "UInt", hProcess)
- }
- return icons
+ icons := []
+ try
+ {
+ listViewHandle := desktop.SysListView32Window.WindowHandle
+ SendMessage, %LVM_GETITEMCOUNT%, , , , ahk_id %listViewHandle%
+ iconCount := ErrorLevel
+ iconNames := []
+ ControlGet, items, list, Col1
+ Loop, Parse, items, `n
+ {
+ iconNames.push(A_LoopField)
+ }
+ hProcess := DllCall("OpenProcess" , "UInt", 0x438 ; PROCESS-OPERATION|READ|WRITE|QUERY_INFORMATION
+ , "Int", FALSE ; inherit = false
+ , "UInt", desktop.SysListView32Window.ProcessId)
+ VarSetCapacity(iCoord, 8)
+ pItemCoord := DllCall("VirtualAllocEx", "UInt", hProcess, "UInt", 0, "UInt", 8, "UInt", MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE, "UInt", PAGE_READWRITE)
+ Loop, %iconCount%
+ {
+ index := A_Index - 1
+ DllCall("WriteProcessMemory", "UInt", hProcess, "UInt", pItemCoord, "UInt", &iCoord, "UInt", 8, "UIntP", cbReadWritten)
+ SendMessage, %LVM_GETITEMPOSITION%, %index%, %pItemCoord%
+ DllCall("ReadProcessMemory", "UInt", hProcess, "UInt", pItemCoord, "UInt", &iCoord, "UInt", 8, "UIntP", cbReadWritten)
+ x := (NumGet(iCoord) & 0xFFFF)
+ y := (NumGet(iCoord, 4, "UInt") & 0xFFFF)
+ title := iconNames[index + 1]
+ iconPosition := new IconPosition(x, y)
+ iconPosition.Index := index
+ iconPosition.Title := title
+ icons.push(iconPosition)
+ }
+ DllCall("VirtualFreeEx", "UInt", hProcess, "UInt", pItemCoord, "UInt", 0, "UInt", MEM_RELEASE)
+ }
+ catch e
+ {
+ LogText("Exception: " . e.Message . ", What: " . e.What . ", Extra: " . e.Extra)
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ DllCall("CloseHandle", "UInt", hProcess)
+ }
+ return icons
@@ -261,39 +261,52 @@ HasIconMoved(icon1, icon2)
; SaveDesktopIcons - Save all the current desktop icons to a file
- desktop := new Desktop()
- if (!desktop.IsValid)
- return
- desktopSize := GetDesktopSize()
- fileName := GetUserDataFileName(BuildWindowPositionsDataFileName(desktopSize, true))
- iconPositions := GetDesktopIconPositions(desktop)
- saveCount := 0
- for i, iconPosition in iconPositions
- {
- xx := iconPositions[i]
- data := GetIconPositionDefinition(iconPosition)
- FileAppend , % data . "`r`n", %fileName%
- saveCount += 1
- }
+ desktop := new Desktop()
+ if (!desktop.IsValid)
+ return
+ desktopSize := GetDesktopSize()
+ iconPositions := GetDesktopIconPositions(desktop)
+ fileName := GetUserDataFileName(BuildDesktopIconsDataFileName(desktopSize, true))
+ saveCount := 0
+ for i, iconPosition in iconPositions
+ {
+ data := GetIconPositionDefinition(iconPosition)
+ FileAppend , % data . "`r`n", %fileName%
+ saveCount += 1
+ }
LogText("DesktopIcons: " . saveCount . " icons written to " . fileName)
- if (notify)
- {
- notifyText := "No Desktop Icons saved"
- If saveCount > 0
- {
- notifyText := saveCount . " Desktop Icons saved"
- }
- new PleasantNotify("Desktop Icons", notifyText, 250, 100, "b r")
- }
+ pattern := BuildDesktopIconsDataFileName(desktopSize, false, true)
+ allDataFiles := GetUserDataFileNames(pattern, -1)
+ consolidatedCount := ConsolidateUserDataFilesByCRC32(allDataFiles)
+ LogText("DesktopIcons: Consolidated - " . consolidatedCount . " files removed")
+ if (notify)
+ {
+ notifyHeight := 100
+ notifyText := "No Desktop Icons saved"
+ If saveCount > 0
+ {
+ notifyText := saveCount . " Desktop Icons saved"
+ }
+ if (consolidatedCount > 0)
+ {
+ notifyText .= "`r`n" . consolidatedCount . " files Consolidated"
+ notifyHeight += 25
+ }
+ new PleasantNotify("Desktop Icons", notifyText, 250, notifyHeight, "b r")
+ }
@@ -307,10 +320,10 @@ RestoreDesktopIcons(fileName)
- desktop := new Desktop()
- if (!desktop.IsValid)
- return
+ desktop := new Desktop()
+ if (!desktop.IsValid)
+ return
desktopSize := GetDesktopSize()
; Read the file into an array
@@ -326,98 +339,98 @@ RestoreDesktopIcons(fileName)
- currentIcons := GetDesktopIconPositions(desktop)
+ currentIcons := GetDesktopIconPositions(desktop)
restoreCount := 0
moveCount := 0
- for key, currentIcon in currentIcons
- {
- foundIcon :=
- for x, savedIcon in savedIcons
- {
- if (savedIcon.Title = currentIcon.Title)
- {
- foundIcon := savedIcon
- break
- }
- }
- if (!foundIcon)
- {
- LogText("No saved Icon for : " . currentIcon.Title)
- continue
- }
+ for key, currentIcon in currentIcons
+ {
+ foundIcon :=
+ for x, savedIcon in savedIcons
+ {
+ if (savedIcon.Title = currentIcon.Title)
+ {
+ foundIcon := savedIcon
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if (!foundIcon)
+ {
+ LogText("No saved Icon for : " . currentIcon.Title)
+ continue
+ }
If (HasIconMoved(foundIcon, currentIcon))
- index := currentIcon.Index
+ index := currentIcon.Index
LogText("Moving: " . currentIcon.Description)
LogText("To: " . foundIcon.Description)
- pItemCoord := (foundIcon.Top << 16) | foundIcon.Left
- LogText("pItemCoord: " . pItemCoord)
- SendMessage, %LVM_SETITEMPOSITION%, %index%, %pItemCoord%
+ pItemCoord := (foundIcon.Top << 16) | foundIcon.Left
+ LogText("pItemCoord: " . pItemCoord)
+ SendMessage, %LVM_SETITEMPOSITION%, %index%, %pItemCoord%
moveCount += 1
restoreCount += 1
- }
+ }
- textParts := []
- textParts.push(restoreCount . " icons restored")
- textParts.push(moveCount . " icons moved")
+ textParts := []
+ textParts.push(restoreCount . " icons restored")
+ textParts.push(moveCount . " icons moved")
LogText("DesktopIcons: " . JoinItems(", ", textParts))
- new PleasantNotify("Desktop Icons", JoinItems("`r`n", textParts), 300, 125, "b r")
+ new PleasantNotify("Desktop Icons", JoinItems("`r`n", textParts), 300, 125, "b r")
; RestoreDesktopIconsFromFile - Show the dialog to select the file to restore desktop icons from
- global G_SelectableDesktopIcons
- columns := [ "Desktop Resolution", "Date Created", "Hash", "Icon Count" ]
- columnOptions := [ "AutoHdr NoSort", "Auto NoSort", "Auto NoSort Right", "AutoHdr Integer NoSort" ]
- G_SelectableDesktopIcons := GetDesktopIconsDataFiles(desktopSize)
- items := []
- for index, item in G_SelectableDesktopIcons
- {
- itemTimestamp := item.Timestamp
- FormatTime, timestamp, %itemTimestamp%, yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm.ss
- row := [ item.DesktopSizeDescription, timestamp, item.Adler32, item.LineCount ]
- items.push(row)
- }
- selector := new ListViewSelector()
- selector.Title := "Restore Window Positions..."
- selector.ColumnNames := columns
- selector.ColumnOptions := columnOptions
- selector.Items := items
- selector.ListViewWidth := 400
- selector.MinRowCountSize := 6
- selector.SelectedIndex := 1
- selector.OnSuccess := "OnDesktopIconsSelected"
- selector.ShowDialog()
+ global G_SelectableDesktopIcons
+ columns := [ "Desktop Resolution", "Date Created", "Hash", "Icon Count" ]
+ columnOptions := [ "AutoHdr NoSort", "Auto NoSort", "Auto NoSort Right", "AutoHdr Integer NoSort" ]
+ G_SelectableDesktopIcons := GetDesktopIconsDataFiles(desktopSize)
+ items := []
+ for index, item in G_SelectableDesktopIcons
+ {
+ itemTimestamp := item.Timestamp
+ FormatTime, timestamp, %itemTimestamp%, yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm.ss
+ row := [ item.DesktopSizeDescription, timestamp, item.Adler32, item.LineCount ]
+ items.push(row)
+ }
+ selector := new ListViewSelector()
+ selector.Title := "Restore Window Positions..."
+ selector.ColumnNames := columns
+ selector.ColumnOptions := columnOptions
+ selector.Items := items
+ selector.ListViewWidth := 400
+ selector.MinRowCountSize := 6
+ selector.SelectedIndex := 1
+ selector.OnSuccess := "OnDesktopIconsSelected"
+ selector.ShowDialog()
; OnDesktopIconsSelected - Restore selected Window Positions
- global G_SelectableDesktopIcons
- item := G_SelectableDesktopIcons[listViewSelector.SelectedIndex]
- if (!item)
- return
- RestoreDesktopIcons(item.FullFileName)
+ global G_SelectableDesktopIcons
+ item := G_SelectableDesktopIcons[listViewSelector.SelectedIndex]
+ if (!item)
+ return
+ RestoreDesktopIcons(item.FullFileName)
diff --git a/Lib/IOClasses.ahk b/Lib/IOClasses.ahk
index 3d62f58..747dab6 100644
--- a/Lib/IOClasses.ahk
+++ b/Lib/IOClasses.ahk
@@ -83,8 +83,8 @@ _FullFileName :=
; DataFile - Class to represent a data file with a well formed name
class DataFile extends FileNameParser
- __New(fullFileName)
- {
+ __New(fullFileName)
+ {
diff --git a/Lib/IOUtils.ahk b/Lib/IOUtils.ahk
index 8e03f8e..78cb69e 100644
--- a/Lib/IOUtils.ahk
+++ b/Lib/IOUtils.ahk
@@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ FileExists(fileName)
fileAttribute := FileExist(fileName)
exists := (fileAttribute && fileAttribute != "X")
- return exists
+ return exists
@@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ FolderExists(folderName)
folderAttribute := FileExist(folderName)
exists := (folderAttribute && InStr(folderAttribute, "D"))
- return exists
+ return exists
diff --git a/Lib/ListViewSelector.ahk b/Lib/ListViewSelector.ahk
index d13ae28..56e0123 100644
--- a/Lib/ListViewSelector.ahk
+++ b/Lib/ListViewSelector.ahk
@@ -16,117 +16,117 @@ MaxRowCountSize := 20
ListViewWidth := 400
OnSuccess := ""
- __New()
- {
- this.Title := "Select..."
- this.ColumnNames := []
- this.ColumnOptions := []
- this.Items := []
- this.SelectedIndex := 0
- this.MinRowCountSize := 5
- this.MaxRowCountSize := 20
- this.ListViewWidth := 400
- this.OnSuccess := ""
- }
- ShowDialog()
- {
- global G_CurrentListViewSelector
- G_CurrentListViewSelector := this
- this.BuildGui()
+ __New()
+ {
+ this.Title := "Select..."
+ this.ColumnNames := []
+ this.ColumnOptions := []
+ this.Items := []
+ this.SelectedIndex := 0
+ this.MinRowCountSize := 5
+ this.MaxRowCountSize := 20
+ this.ListViewWidth := 400
+ this.OnSuccess := ""
+ }
+ ShowDialog()
+ {
+ global G_CurrentListViewSelector
+ G_CurrentListViewSelector := this
+ this.BuildGui()
- if (this.SelectedIndex)
- {
- LV_Modify(this.SelectedIndex, "Select")
- }
- this.PopulateItems()
+ if (this.SelectedIndex)
+ {
+ LV_Modify(this.SelectedIndex, "Select")
+ }
+ this.PopulateItems()
- this.SetupColumns()
+ this.SetupColumns()
- Gui, LvwSelector:Show
- }
+ Gui, LvwSelector:Show
+ }
- BuildGui()
- {
- title := this.Title
- columnNameText := JoinItems("|", this.ColumnNames)
- rowCount := MinOf(MaxOf(this.Items.length(), this.MinRowCountSize), this.MaxRowCountSize)
- buttonWidth := 80
- buttonLeft := this.ListViewWidth - (buttonWidth * 2)
- listViewWidth := this.ListViewWidth
- Gui, LvwSelector:New, -SysMenu, %title%
- Gui, LvwSelector:Add, ListView, r%rowCount% w%listViewWidth% gLvwSelectorListView, %columnNameText%
- Gui, LvwSelector:Add, Button, Section default x%buttonLeft% w80 gLvwSelectorGuiButtonOK, OK
- Gui, LvwSelector:Add, Button, ys x+10 w80, Cancel
- }
- PopulateItems()
- {
- LV_Delete()
- for index, item in this.Items
- {
- LV_Add("", item*)
- }
- }
- SetupColumns()
- {
- for index, item in this.ColumnOptions
- {
- LV_ModifyCol(index, item)
- }
- }
+ BuildGui()
+ {
+ title := this.Title
+ columnNameText := JoinItems("|", this.ColumnNames)
+ rowCount := MinOf(MaxOf(this.Items.length(), this.MinRowCountSize), this.MaxRowCountSize)
+ buttonWidth := 80
+ buttonLeft := this.ListViewWidth - (buttonWidth * 2)
+ listViewWidth := this.ListViewWidth
+ Gui, LvwSelector:New, -SysMenu, %title%
+ Gui, LvwSelector:Add, ListView, r%rowCount% w%listViewWidth% gLvwSelectorListView, %columnNameText%
+ Gui, LvwSelector:Add, Button, Section default x%buttonLeft% w80 gLvwSelectorGuiButtonOK, OK
+ Gui, LvwSelector:Add, Button, ys x+10 w80, Cancel
+ }
+ PopulateItems()
+ {
+ LV_Delete()
+ for index, item in this.Items
+ {
+ LV_Add("", item*)
+ }
+ }
+ SetupColumns()
+ {
+ for index, item in this.ColumnOptions
+ {
+ LV_ModifyCol(index, item)
+ }
+ }
; DestroyConfigGui - Destroy the Config Gui
- Gui, LvwSelector:Destroy
+ Gui, LvwSelector:Destroy
- if (A_GuiEvent = "DoubleClick")
- {
- LV_Modify(A_EventInfo, "Select")
- LvwSelectorGuiButtonOK()
- }
+ if (A_GuiEvent = "DoubleClick")
+ {
+ LV_Modify(A_EventInfo, "Select")
+ LvwSelectorGuiButtonOK()
+ }
- DestroyLvwSelectorGui()
+ DestroyLvwSelectorGui()
- LvwSelectorButtonCancel()
+ LvwSelectorButtonCancel()
- global G_CurrentListViewSelector
- G_CurrentListViewSelector.SelectedIndex := LV_GetNext()
- if (!(G_CurrentListViewSelector.SelectedIndex))
- return
- Gui, LvwSelector:Submit
- DestroyLvwSelectorGui()
- funcName := G_CurrentListViewSelector.OnSuccess
- if (funcName)
- {
- %funcName%(G_CurrentListViewSelector)
- }
+ global G_CurrentListViewSelector
+ G_CurrentListViewSelector.SelectedIndex := LV_GetNext()
+ if (!(G_CurrentListViewSelector.SelectedIndex))
+ return
+ Gui, LvwSelector:Submit
+ DestroyLvwSelectorGui()
+ funcName := G_CurrentListViewSelector.OnSuccess
+ if (funcName)
+ {
+ %funcName%(G_CurrentListViewSelector)
+ }
diff --git a/Lib/Logging.ahk b/Lib/Logging.ahk
index 4b8d033..37b0e57 100644
--- a/Lib/Logging.ahk
+++ b/Lib/Logging.ahk
@@ -4,55 +4,55 @@ LogFile :=
; LogInit - Initialise logging (explicit call, rather than relying on include)
- global LogFile
- LogFile := A_Temp
+ global LogFile
+ LogFile := A_Temp
- SplitPath A_ScriptFullPath, , ScriptFilePath, , ScriptFileNameNoExt
+ SplitPath A_ScriptFullPath, , ScriptFilePath, , ScriptFileNameNoExt
- ; Initialise Log
- LogFileSuffix := ""
- IfNotEqual, A_IsCompiled, 1
- {
- LogFileSuffix := ".Debug"
- }
+ ; Initialise Log
+ LogFileSuffix := ""
+ IfNotEqual, A_IsCompiled, 1
+ {
+ LogFileSuffix := ".Debug"
+ }
- LogFile := A_Temp . "\" . ScriptFileNameNoExt . LogFileSuffix . ".log"
- LogStart()
+ LogFile := A_Temp . "\" . ScriptFileNameNoExt . LogFileSuffix . ".log"
+ LogStart()
; LogText - Debug Text to a file
- global LogFile
- if (LogFile)
- {
- FormatTime now,, yyy-MM-dd HH:mm.ss
- FileAppend %now% %text%`r`n, %LogFile%
- }
+ global LogFile
+ if (LogFile)
+ {
+ FormatTime now,, yyy-MM-dd HH:mm.ss
+ FileAppend %now% %text%`r`n, %LogFile%
+ }
; LogStart - Begin a logging session
- global LogFile
- if (LogFile)
- {
- IfNotEqual, A_IsCompiled, 1
- {
- FileDelete, LogFile
- file := FileOpen(LogFile, "w")
- if IsObject(file)
- {
- file.Close()
- }
- }
- }
- LogText("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
- LogText("Starting...")
+ global LogFile
+ if (LogFile)
+ {
+ IfNotEqual, A_IsCompiled, 1
+ {
+ FileDelete, LogFile
+ file := FileOpen(LogFile, "w")
+ if IsObject(file)
+ {
+ file.Close()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ LogText("------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------")
+ LogText("Starting...")
diff --git a/Lib/MathUtils.ahk b/Lib/MathUtils.ahk
index 1763658..0fe3e96 100644
--- a/Lib/MathUtils.ahk
+++ b/Lib/MathUtils.ahk
@@ -2,33 +2,33 @@
; MinOf - Find the lower of 2 numbers
MinOf(a, b)
- if (a < b)
- {
- return a
- }
- else
- {
- return b
- }
+ if (a < b)
+ {
+ return a
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return b
+ }
; MaxOf - Find the higher of 2 numbers
MaxOf(a, b)
- if (a > b)
- {
- return a
- }
- else
- {
- return b
- }
+ if (a > b)
+ {
+ return a
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return b
+ }
; ContainsFlag - Does a value contain a bitwise value
ContainsFlag(value, bitwiseFlag)
- return (bitwiseFlag > 0) && (value & bitwiseFlag) > 0
+ return (bitwiseFlag > 0) && (value & bitwiseFlag) > 0
diff --git a/Lib/MenuFunctions.ahk b/Lib/MenuFunctions.ahk
index 859ca85..344bc14 100644
--- a/Lib/MenuFunctions.ahk
+++ b/Lib/MenuFunctions.ahk
@@ -4,54 +4,54 @@
; ResetMenu - Remove all items from a Menu
- try Menu, %menuName%, DeleteAll
+ try Menu, %menuName%, DeleteAll
; AddMenuItem - Add a Menu Item to a Menu
AddMenuItem(menuName, text, handler, menuIndex := 0)
- If (text = "")
- {
- LogText("Adding Menu Separator: " . menuName)
- Menu, %menuName%, Add
- }
- else
- {
- LogText("Adding Menu: " . menuName . " - " . text . " = " . handler)
- Menu, %menuName%, Add, %text%, %handler%
- }
- return menuIndex + 1
+ If (text = "")
+ {
+ LogText("Adding Menu Separator: " . menuName)
+ Menu, %menuName%, Add
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LogText("Adding Menu: " . menuName . " - " . text . " = " . handler)
+ Menu, %menuName%, Add, %text%, %handler%
+ }
+ return menuIndex + 1
; AddMenuItem - Add a Menu Item to a Menu, and set its Icon
AddMenuItemWithIcon(menuName, text, handler, iconFileName, iconIndex, menuIndex := 0)
- menuIndex := AddMenuItem(menuName, text, handler, menuIndex)
- if (iconIndex > 0)
- {
- try Menu, %menuName%, Icon, %text%, %iconFileName%, %iconIndex%
- }
- return menuIndex + 1
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItem(menuName, text, handler, menuIndex)
+ if (iconIndex > 0)
+ {
+ try Menu, %menuName%, Icon, %text%, %iconFileName%, %iconIndex%
+ }
+ return menuIndex + 1
; AddMenuItemSeparator - Add a Menu Item separator to a Menu
AddMenuItemSeparator(menuName, menuIndex)
- AddMenuItem(menuName, "", "", menuIndex)
+ AddMenuItem(menuName, "", "", menuIndex)
; EnableMenuItem - Enable / Disable a menu item
EnableMenuItem(menuName, menuTitle, enabled)
- state := enabled ? "Enable" : "Disable"
- LogText("Enabling: " . menuName . " - " . menuTitle . ", with " . enabled . " = " . state)
- Menu, %menuName%, %state%, %menuTitle%
+ state := enabled ? "Enable" : "Disable"
+ LogText("Enabling: " . menuName . " - " . menuTitle . ", with " . enabled . " = " . state)
+ Menu, %menuName%, %state%, %menuTitle%
diff --git a/Lib/PleasantNotify.ahk b/Lib/PleasantNotify.ahk
index 3d61731..43b29e3 100644
--- a/Lib/PleasantNotify.ahk
+++ b/Lib/PleasantNotify.ahk
@@ -21,121 +21,121 @@ return
Class PleasantNotify {
- __New(title
- ,message
- ,pnW=700
- ,pnH=300
- ,position="b r"
- ,time=5
- ,backgroundColor="0xC0C0C0"
- ,titleFontName="Segoe UI"
- ,titleFontDetails="cBlue s16 wBold"
- ,textFontName="Segoe UI"
- ,textFontDetails="cBlack s12 wRegular") {
- Critical
- lastfound := WinExist()
- Gui, New, % "HwndPN_hwnd"
- this.PN_hwnd := PN_hwnd
- Gui, % PN_hwnd ": Default"
- Gui, % PN_hwnd ": +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow -SysMenu -Caption +LastFound"
- ;WinSet, ExStyle, +0x20
- WinSet, Transparent, 0
- Gui, % PN_hwnd ": Color", % backgroundColor
- Gui, % PN_hwnd ": Font", % titleFontDetails, % titleFontName
- Gui, % PN_hwnd ": Add", Text, % " x" 20 " y" 12 " w" pnW-20 " hwndTitleHwnd", % title
- this.TitleHwnd := TitleHwnd
- Gui, % PN_hwnd ": Font", % textFontDetails, % textFontName
- Gui, % PN_hwnd ": Add", Text, % " x" 20 " y" 56 " w" pnW-20 " h" pnH-56 " hwndMessageHwnd", % message
- if (time = "P"){
- Gui, % PN_hwnd ": Add", Button, % " x" pnW - 80 " y" pnH - 50 " w50 h25 ", OK
- ; When OK is clicked, call this instance of the class
- fn := bind("_NotifyOK", this)
- GuiControl +g, OK, %fn%
- }
- this.MessageHwnd := MessageHwnd
- RealW := pnW + 50
- RealH := pnH + 20
- Gui, % PN_hwnd ": Show", W%RealW% H%RealH% NoActivate
- this.WinMove(PN_hwnd, position)
- ;Gui, % PN_Hwnd ": +Parent" A_ScriptHwnd
- if A_ScreenDPI = 96
- WinSet, Region,0-0 w%pnW% h%pnH% R40-40,%A_ScriptName%
- /* For Screen text size 125%
- if A_ScreenDPI = 120
- WinSet, Region, 0-0 w800 h230 R40-40, %A_ScriptName%
- */
- Critical Off
- this.winfade("ahk_id " PN_hwnd,210,5)
- if (time != "P")
- {
- ; Bind this class to the timer.
- fn := bind("_NotifyTimer", this)
- SetTimer %fn%, % time * -1000
- }
- if (WinExist(lastfound)){
- Gui, % lastfound ":Default"
- }
- }
- __Delete(){
- this.Destroy()
- }
- TimerExpired(){
- this.winfade("ahk_id " this.PN_hwnd,0,5)
- Gui, % this.PN_hwnd ": Destroy"
- }
- OKClicked(){
- this.Destroy()
- }
- Destroy(){
- this.winfade("ahk_id " PN_hwnd,0,5)
- try
- {
- Gui, % this.PN_hwnd ": Destroy"
- }
- catch e
- {
- }
- }
+ __New(title
+ ,message
+ ,pnW=700
+ ,pnH=300
+ ,position="b r"
+ ,time=5
+ ,backgroundColor="0xC0C0C0"
+ ,titleFontName="Segoe UI"
+ ,titleFontDetails="cBlue s16 wBold"
+ ,textFontName="Segoe UI"
+ ,textFontDetails="cBlack s12 wRegular") {
+ Critical
+ lastfound := WinExist()
+ Gui, New, % "HwndPN_hwnd"
+ this.PN_hwnd := PN_hwnd
+ Gui, % PN_hwnd ": Default"
+ Gui, % PN_hwnd ": +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow -SysMenu -Caption +LastFound"
+ ;WinSet, ExStyle, +0x20
+ WinSet, Transparent, 0
+ Gui, % PN_hwnd ": Color", % backgroundColor
+ Gui, % PN_hwnd ": Font", % titleFontDetails, % titleFontName
+ Gui, % PN_hwnd ": Add", Text, % " x" 20 " y" 12 " w" pnW-20 " hwndTitleHwnd", % title
+ this.TitleHwnd := TitleHwnd
+ Gui, % PN_hwnd ": Font", % textFontDetails, % textFontName
+ Gui, % PN_hwnd ": Add", Text, % " x" 20 " y" 56 " w" pnW-20 " h" pnH-56 " hwndMessageHwnd", % message
+ if (time = "P"){
+ Gui, % PN_hwnd ": Add", Button, % " x" pnW - 80 " y" pnH - 50 " w50 h25 ", OK
+ ; When OK is clicked, call this instance of the class
+ fn := bind("_NotifyOK", this)
+ GuiControl +g, OK, %fn%
+ }
+ this.MessageHwnd := MessageHwnd
+ RealW := pnW + 50
+ RealH := pnH + 20
+ Gui, % PN_hwnd ": Show", W%RealW% H%RealH% NoActivate
+ this.WinMove(PN_hwnd, position)
+ ;Gui, % PN_Hwnd ": +Parent" A_ScriptHwnd
+ if A_ScreenDPI = 96
+ WinSet, Region,0-0 w%pnW% h%pnH% R40-40,%A_ScriptName%
+ /* For Screen text size 125%
+ if A_ScreenDPI = 120
+ WinSet, Region, 0-0 w800 h230 R40-40, %A_ScriptName%
+ */
+ Critical Off
+ this.winfade("ahk_id " PN_hwnd,210,5)
+ if (time != "P")
+ {
+ ; Bind this class to the timer.
+ fn := bind("_NotifyTimer", this)
+ SetTimer %fn%, % time * -1000
+ }
+ if (WinExist(lastfound)){
+ Gui, % lastfound ":Default"
+ }
+ }
+ __Delete(){
+ this.Destroy()
+ }
+ TimerExpired(){
+ this.winfade("ahk_id " this.PN_hwnd,0,5)
+ Gui, % this.PN_hwnd ": Destroy"
+ }
+ OKClicked(){
+ this.Destroy()
+ }
+ Destroy(){
+ this.winfade("ahk_id " PN_hwnd,0,5)
+ try
+ {
+ Gui, % this.PN_hwnd ": Destroy"
+ }
+ catch e
+ {
+ }
+ }
- WinMove(hwnd,position) {
- SysGet, Mon, MonitorWorkArea
- WinGetPos,ix,iy,w,h, ahk_id %hwnd%
- x := InStr(position,"l") ? MonLeft : InStr(position,"hc") ? (MonRight-w)/2 : InStr(position,"r") ? MonRight - w : ix
- y := InStr(position,"t") ? MonTop : InStr(position,"vc") ? (MonBottom-h)/2 : InStr(position,"b") ? MonBottom - h : iy
- WinMove, ahk_id %hwnd%,,x,y
- }
+ WinMove(hwnd,position) {
+ SysGet, Mon, MonitorWorkArea
+ WinGetPos,ix,iy,w,h, ahk_id %hwnd%
+ x := InStr(position,"l") ? MonLeft : InStr(position,"hc") ? (MonRight-w)/2 : InStr(position,"r") ? MonRight - w : ix
+ y := InStr(position,"t") ? MonTop : InStr(position,"vc") ? (MonBottom-h)/2 : InStr(position,"b") ? MonBottom - h : iy
+ WinMove, ahk_id %hwnd%,,x,y
+ }
- winfade(w:="",t:=128,i:=1,d:=10) {
- w:=(w="")?("ahk_id " WinActive("A")):w
- t:=(t>255)?255:(t<0)?0:t
- WinGet,s,Transparent,%w%
- s:=(s="")?255:s ;prevent trans unset bug
- WinSet,Transparent,%s%,%w%
- i:=(st):(s255)?255:(t<0)?0:t
+ WinGet,s,Transparent,%w%
+ s:=(s="")?255:s ;prevent trans unset bug
+ WinSet,Transparent,%s%,%w%
+ i:=(st):(s 0)
- {
- If (SubStr(text, 1, prefixLength) != prefix)
- text := prefix . text
- }
- return text
+ prefixLength := StrLen(prefix)
+ if (prefixLength > 0)
+ {
+ If (SubStr(text, 1, prefixLength) != prefix)
+ text := prefix . text
+ }
+ return text
EnsureEndsWith(text, suffix)
- suffixLength := StrLen(suffix)
- if (suffixLength > 0)
- {
- If (SubStr(text, 1 - suffixLength) != suffix)
- text := text . suffix
- }
- return text
+ suffixLength := StrLen(suffix)
+ if (suffixLength > 0)
+ {
+ If (SubStr(text, 1 - suffixLength) != suffix)
+ text := text . suffix
+ }
+ return text
RemoveStartsWith(text, prefix)
- prefixLength := StrLen(prefix)
- if (prefixLength > 0)
- {
- while(SubStr(text, 1, prefixLength) = prefix)
- text := SubStr(text, prefixLength + 1)
- }
- return text
+ prefixLength := StrLen(prefix)
+ if (prefixLength > 0)
+ {
+ while(SubStr(text, 1, prefixLength) = prefix)
+ text := SubStr(text, prefixLength + 1)
+ }
+ return text
RemoveEndsWith(text, suffix)
- suffixLength := StrLen(suffix)
- if (suffixLength > 0)
- {
- while(SubStr(text, 1 - suffixLength) = suffix)
- text := SubStr(text, 1, StrLen(text) - suffixLength)
- }
- return text
+ suffixLength := StrLen(suffix)
+ if (suffixLength > 0)
+ {
+ while(SubStr(text, 1 - suffixLength) = suffix)
+ text := SubStr(text, 1, StrLen(text) - suffixLength)
+ }
+ return text
- StringUpper, result, text
- return result
+ StringUpper, result, text
+ return result
- StringLower, result, text
- return result
+ StringLower, result, text
+ return result
JoinText(sep, params*)
for index, param in params
str .= param . sep
return SubStr(str, 1, -StrLen(sep))
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ JoinItems(sep, array)
for index, param in array
str .= param . sep
return SubStr(str, 1, -StrLen(sep))
diff --git a/Lib/UserConfig.ahk b/Lib/UserConfig.ahk
index 0f9a8e7..c4a0660 100644
--- a/Lib/UserConfig.ahk
+++ b/Lib/UserConfig.ahk
@@ -6,107 +6,107 @@
; Initialisation
- UserDataUtils_OnInit()
+ UserDataUtils_OnInit()
; UserConfig base class
class UserConfig
- DataFileName :=
- Properties := []
- ObsoleteProperties := []
+ DataFileName :=
+ Properties := []
+ ObsoleteProperties := []
- __New(fileName)
- {
- LogText("Setting DataFileName: " . fileName)
- this.DataFileName := fileName
- }
- GetValue(section, key, defaultValue, type="")
- {
- dataFileName := this.DataFileName
- LogText("Getting Value: [" . section . "]." . key . ", default: " . defaultValue)
- IniRead, readValue, %dataFileName%, %section%, %key%, %defaultValue%
- LogText("Got Value: " . readValue)
- if (type <> "")
- {
- if (type = "integer")
- {
- if readValue is not integer
- {
- readValue := defaultValue
- }
- }
- else if (type == "boolean")
- {
- readValue := (readValue) ? true : false
- }
- ; TODO - Support other types as necessary
- }
- return readValue
- }
- SetValue(section, key, value)
- {
- dataFileName := this.DataFileName
- LogText("Setting Value: [" . section . "]." . key . ", value: " . value)
- IniWrite, %value%, %dataFileName%, %section%, %key%
- }
- GetSectionNameFromFunc(func, defaultName := "General")
- {
- sectionName := Instr(func, ".") ? StrSplit(func, ".")[2] : func
- if (sectionName =)
- sectionName := func
- nameParts := StrSplit(sectionName, "_")
- if (nameParts.length() > 1)
- sectionName := nameParts[1]
- else
- sectionName := defaultName
- return sectionName
- }
- GetPropertyNameFromFunc(func)
- {
- propertyName := Instr(func, ".") ? StrSplit(func, ".")[2] : func
- if (propertyName =)
- propertyName := func
- nameParts := StrSplit(propertyName, "_")
- if (nameParts.length() > 1)
- propertyName := nameParts[2]
- return propertyName
- }
- RemoveProperty(section, propertyName)
- {
- dataFileName := this.DataFileName
- LogText("Removing: [" . section . "]." . propertyName)
- IniDelete, %dataFileName%, %section%, %propertyName%
- }
- Save()
- {
- for index, propertyName in this.Properties
- {
- value := this[propertyName]
- this[propertyName] := value
- }
- for index, propertyName in this.ObsoleteProperties
- {
- this.RemoveProperty(this.GetSectionNameFromFunc(propertyName), this.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(propertyName))
- }
- }
+ __New(fileName)
+ {
+ LogText("Setting DataFileName: " . fileName)
+ this.DataFileName := fileName
+ }
+ GetValue(section, key, defaultValue, type="")
+ {
+ dataFileName := this.DataFileName
+ LogText("Getting Value: [" . section . "]." . key . ", default: " . defaultValue)
+ IniRead, readValue, %dataFileName%, %section%, %key%, %defaultValue%
+ LogText("Got Value: " . readValue)
+ if (type <> "")
+ {
+ if (type = "integer")
+ {
+ if readValue is not integer
+ {
+ readValue := defaultValue
+ }
+ }
+ else if (type == "boolean")
+ {
+ readValue := (readValue) ? true : false
+ }
+ ; TODO - Support other types as necessary
+ }
+ return readValue
+ }
+ SetValue(section, key, value)
+ {
+ dataFileName := this.DataFileName
+ LogText("Setting Value: [" . section . "]." . key . ", value: " . value)
+ IniWrite, %value%, %dataFileName%, %section%, %key%
+ }
+ GetSectionNameFromFunc(func, defaultName := "General")
+ {
+ sectionName := Instr(func, ".") ? StrSplit(func, ".")[2] : func
+ if (sectionName =)
+ sectionName := func
+ nameParts := StrSplit(sectionName, "_")
+ if (nameParts.length() > 1)
+ sectionName := nameParts[1]
+ else
+ sectionName := defaultName
+ return sectionName
+ }
+ GetPropertyNameFromFunc(func)
+ {
+ propertyName := Instr(func, ".") ? StrSplit(func, ".")[2] : func
+ if (propertyName =)
+ propertyName := func
+ nameParts := StrSplit(propertyName, "_")
+ if (nameParts.length() > 1)
+ propertyName := nameParts[2]
+ return propertyName
+ }
+ RemoveProperty(section, propertyName)
+ {
+ dataFileName := this.DataFileName
+ LogText("Removing: [" . section . "]." . propertyName)
+ IniDelete, %dataFileName%, %section%, %propertyName%
+ }
+ Save()
+ {
+ for index, propertyName in this.Properties
+ {
+ value := this[propertyName]
+ this[propertyName] := value
+ }
+ for index, propertyName in this.ObsoleteProperties
+ {
+ this.RemoveProperty(this.GetSectionNameFromFunc(propertyName), this.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(propertyName))
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Lib/UserDataUtils.ahk b/Lib/UserDataUtils.ahk
index 090540f..db3e44c 100644
--- a/Lib/UserDataUtils.ahk
+++ b/Lib/UserDataUtils.ahk
@@ -11,39 +11,39 @@ UserDataPath := ""
; Initialisation
- global AppName
- global UserDataPath
- SplitPath A_ScriptFullPath, , , , AppName
+ global AppName
+ global UserDataPath
+ SplitPath A_ScriptFullPath, , , , AppName
- UserDataPath := CombinePaths(A_AppData, AppName)
+ UserDataPath := CombinePaths(A_AppData, AppName)
- If (!FolderExists(UserDataPath))
- {
- LogText("Creating UserDataPath: " . UserDataPath)
- FileCreateDir, %UserDataPath%
- }
+ If (!FolderExists(UserDataPath))
+ {
+ LogText("Creating UserDataPath: " . UserDataPath)
+ FileCreateDir, %UserDataPath%
+ }
; GetUserDataFileName : Build an appropriate file name for the specified User data
- global UserDataPath
+ global UserDataPath
fileName := CombinePaths(UserDataPath, dataFileName)
- return fileName
+ return fileName
; GetUserDataFileNames : Get a list of appropriate file names for the specified User Data
GetUserDataFileNames(dataFilePattern, sortOrder := 0)
- global UserDataPath
+ global UserDataPath
filePattern := CombinePaths(UserDataPath, dataFilePattern)
files := []
Loop, Files, %filePattern%
@@ -51,15 +51,80 @@ GetUserDataFileNames(dataFilePattern, sortOrder := 0)
- if (sortOrder != 0)
- {
- files := SortArray(files)
- if (sortOrder < 0)
- {
- files := ReverseArray(files)
- }
- }
+ if (sortOrder != 0)
+ {
+ files := SortArray(files)
+ if (sortOrder < 0)
+ {
+ files := ReverseArray(files)
+ }
+ }
return files
+; ConsolidateUserDataFilesByCRC32 : Consolidate User Data files by removing those with a duplicate CRC32
+ allFileNamesByHash := []
+ fileCount := allFiles.Length()
+ LogText("fileCount: " . fileCount)
+ Loop, % fileCount
+ {
+ fileName := allFiles[A_Index]
+ userDataFile := new DataFile(fileName)
+ fileHash := userDataFile.CRC32
+ items := allFileNamesByHash[fileHash]
+ if (!items)
+ {
+ allFileNamesByHash[fileHash] := []
+ }
+ LogText("Hash: " . fileHash . " - " . fileName)
+ allFileNamesByHash[fileHash].push(userDataFile)
+ }
+ return allFileNamesByHash
+; ConsolidateUserDataFilesByCRC32 : Consolidate User Data files by removing those with a duplicate CRC32
+ deleteCount := 0
+ allFileNamesByHash := GroupFilesByCRC32(allFiles)
+ For hash, hashItems in allFileNamesByHash
+ {
+ hashCount := hashItems.Length()
+ if (hashCount < 2)
+ {
+ LogText("Hash: " . hash . " - skipping for count: " . hashCount)
+ continue
+ }
+ Loop, % hashCount
+ {
+ hashFile := hashItems[A_Index]
+ hashFileName := hashFile.FullFileName
+ if (A_Index < 2)
+ {
+ LogText("Hash: " . fileHash . " - keeping: " . hashFileName)
+ continue
+ }
+ LogText("Hash: " . fileHash . " - deleting: " . hashFileName)
+ FileDelete, %hashFileName%
+ deleteCount += 1
+ }
+ }
+ return deleteCount
diff --git a/Lib/WindowExtensionsClasses.ahk b/Lib/WindowExtensionsClasses.ahk
index 544bd8e..134bd0f 100644
--- a/Lib/WindowExtensionsClasses.ahk
+++ b/Lib/WindowExtensionsClasses.ahk
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
; WindowExtensionsDataFile -
class WindowExtensionsDataFile extends DataFile
- __New(fullFileName)
- {
+ __New(fullFileName)
+ {
diff --git a/Lib/WindowFunctions.ahk b/Lib/WindowFunctions.ahk
index e733ab8..2fe3d50 100644
--- a/Lib/WindowFunctions.ahk
+++ b/Lib/WindowFunctions.ahk
@@ -7,12 +7,12 @@ G_RollupList := Object()
; MoveAndSizeWindow - Set the Window position and size
MoveAndSizeWindow(theWindow, winLeft, winTop, winWidth, winHeight)
- windowHandle := theWindow.WindowHandle
+ windowHandle := theWindow.WindowHandle
LogText("Window: " . theWindow.ProcessName . " (" . windowHandle . ") Left: " . winLeft . ", Top: " . winTop . ", Width: " . winWidth . ", Height: " . winHeight)
- WinMove , ahk_id %windowHandle%, , winLeft, winTop, winWidth, winHeight
- WinActivate, ahk_id %windowHandle%
+ WinMove , ahk_id %windowHandle%, , winLeft, winTop, winWidth, winHeight
+ WinActivate, ahk_id %windowHandle%
WinShow, ahk_id %windowHandle%
@@ -20,229 +20,229 @@ MoveAndSizeWindow(theWindow, winLeft, winTop, winWidth, winHeight)
; MoveAndSizeWindow - Set the Window position
MoveWindow(theWindow, winLeft, winTop)
- windowHandle := theWindow.WindowHandle
- WinGet, theProcess, ProcessName, ahk_id %theWindow%
+ windowHandle := theWindow.WindowHandle
+ WinGet, theProcess, ProcessName, ahk_id %theWindow%
LogText("Window: " . theWindow.ProcessName . " (" . windowHandle . ") Left: " . winLeft . ", Top: " . winTop)
- WinMove , ahk_id %windowHandle%, , winLeft, winTop
- WinActivate, ahk_id %windowHandle%
- WinShow, ahk_id %windowHandle%
+ WinMove , ahk_id %windowHandle%, , winLeft, winTop
+ WinActivate, ahk_id %windowHandle%
+ WinShow, ahk_id %windowHandle%
; SetWindowStatus - Set the Window Minimized / Maximized status
SetWindowStatus(theWindow, status)
- windowHandle := theWindow.WindowHandle
- LogText("Window: " . theWindow.ProcessName . " (" . windowHandle . ") Status: " . status)
- If (status = 1)
- {
- WinMaximize, ahk_id %windowHandle%
- }
- else if (status = -1)
- {
- WinMinimize, ahk_id %windowHandle%
- }
- else
- {
- WinRestore , ahk_id %windowHandle%
- }
+ windowHandle := theWindow.WindowHandle
+ LogText("Window: " . theWindow.ProcessName . " (" . windowHandle . ") Status: " . status)
+ If (status = 1)
+ {
+ WinMaximize, ahk_id %windowHandle%
+ }
+ else if (status = -1)
+ {
+ WinMinimize, ahk_id %windowHandle%
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ WinRestore , ahk_id %windowHandle%
+ }
; SetWindowToCentre - Centre the window on its Monitor
- monitor := new Monitor(theWindow.MonitorIndex)
- monitorWorkArea := monitor.WorkArea
- winLeft := monitorWorkArea.Left + (monitorWorkArea.Width - theWindow.Width) / 2
- winTop := monitorWorkArea.Top + (monitorWorkArea.Height- theWindow.Height) / 2
+ monitor := new Monitor(theWindow.MonitorIndex)
+ monitorWorkArea := monitor.WorkArea
+ winLeft := monitorWorkArea.Left + (monitorWorkArea.Width - theWindow.Width) / 2
+ winTop := monitorWorkArea.Top + (monitorWorkArea.Height- theWindow.Height) / 2
- MoveWindow(theWindow, winLeft, winTop)
+ MoveWindow(theWindow, winLeft, winTop)
; SetWindowTop - Set the Window TopMost setting
SetWindowTop(theWindow, top)
- windowHandle := theWindow.WindowHandle
- if (top = 1)
- WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, On, ahk_id %windowHandle%
- else if (top = 0)
- WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, Off, ahk_id %windowHandle%
- else
- WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, Toggle, ahk_id %windowHandle%
+ windowHandle := theWindow.WindowHandle
+ if (top = 1)
+ WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, On, ahk_id %windowHandle%
+ else if (top = 0)
+ WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, Off, ahk_id %windowHandle%
+ else
+ WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, Toggle, ahk_id %windowHandle%
; SetWindowTransparency - Set the Window Transparency setting
SetWindowTransparency(theWindow, transparency)
- windowHandle := theWindow.WindowHandle
- WinSet, Transparent, transparency, ahk_id %windowHandle%
+ windowHandle := theWindow.WindowHandle
+ WinSet, Transparent, transparency, ahk_id %windowHandle%
; SetWindowByGutter - Set the Window position including a gutter
SetWindowByGutter(theWindow, gutterSize)
- LogText("gutterSize: " . gutterSize)
- monitor := new Monitor(theWindow.MonitorIndex)
- monitorWorkArea := monitor.WorkArea
- winLeft := monitorWorkArea.Left + gutterSize
- winTop := monitorWorkArea.Top + gutterSize
- winWidth := monitorWorkArea.Width - (gutterSize * 2)
- winHeight := monitorWorkArea.Height - (gutterSize * 2)
- MoveAndSizeWindow(theWindow, winLeft, winTop, winWidth, winHeight)
+ LogText("gutterSize: " . gutterSize)
+ monitor := new Monitor(theWindow.MonitorIndex)
+ monitorWorkArea := monitor.WorkArea
+ winLeft := monitorWorkArea.Left + gutterSize
+ winTop := monitorWorkArea.Top + gutterSize
+ winWidth := monitorWorkArea.Width - (gutterSize * 2)
+ winHeight := monitorWorkArea.Height - (gutterSize * 2)
+ MoveAndSizeWindow(theWindow, winLeft, winTop, winWidth, winHeight)
; SetWindowByColumn - Set the Window position by column, including a gutter
SetWindowByColumn(theWindow, column, maxColumns, gutterSize := 0)
- SetWindowByGrid(theWindow, 1, column, 1, maxColumns, gutterSize)
+ SetWindowByGrid(theWindow, 1, column, 1, maxColumns, gutterSize)
; SetWindowByRow - Set the Window position by row, including a gutter
SetWindowByRow(theWindow, row, maxRows, gutterSize := 0)
- SetWindowByGrid(theWindow, row, 1, maxRows, 1, gutterSize)
+ SetWindowByGrid(theWindow, row, 1, maxRows, 1, gutterSize)
; SetWindowByGutter - Set the Window position by column, including a gutter
SetWindowByGrid(theWindow, row, column, maxRows, maxColumns, gutterSize := 0)
- LogText("Row: " . row . " / " . maxRows . ", Column: " . column . " / " . maxColumns . ", gutterSize: " . gutterSize)
- monitor := new Monitor(theWindow.MonitorIndex)
- monitorWorkArea := monitor.WorkArea
+ LogText("Row: " . row . " / " . maxRows . ", Column: " . column . " / " . maxColumns . ", gutterSize: " . gutterSize)
+ monitor := new Monitor(theWindow.MonitorIndex)
+ monitorWorkArea := monitor.WorkArea
- columnWidth := (monitorWorkArea.Width - (gutterSize * 2)) / maxColumns
- columnLeft := monitorWorkArea.Left + (columnWidth * (column - 1)) + gutterSize
+ columnWidth := (monitorWorkArea.Width - (gutterSize * 2)) / maxColumns
+ columnLeft := monitorWorkArea.Left + (columnWidth * (column - 1)) + gutterSize
- rowHeight := (monitorWorkArea.Height - (gutterSize * 2)) / maxRows
- rowTop := monitorWorkArea.Top + (rowHeight * (row - 1)) + gutterSize
+ rowHeight := (monitorWorkArea.Height - (gutterSize * 2)) / maxRows
+ rowTop := monitorWorkArea.Top + (rowHeight * (row - 1)) + gutterSize
- MoveAndSizeWindow(theWindow, columnLeft, rowTop, columnWidth, rowHeight)
+ MoveAndSizeWindow(theWindow, columnLeft, rowTop, columnWidth, rowHeight)
; SetWindowByGutter - Set the Window position by column, including a gutter
SetWindowSpanMonitors(theWindow, alignLeft, alignTop, alignRight, alignBottom, gutterSize := 0)
- windowSpan := new Rectangle2(alignLeft, alignTop, alignRight, alignBottom)
- SysGet, monitorCount, MonitorCount
- Loop, %monitorCount%
- {
- ; Get Monitor Details
- monitor := new Monitor(A_Index)
- monitorWorkArea := monitor.WorkArea
- if alignLeft =
- {
- if (windowSpan.Left = "" || monitorWorkArea.Left < windowSpan.Left)
- {
- windowSpan.Left := monitorWorkArea.Left
- }
- }
- if alignRight =
- {
- if (windowSpan.Right = "" || monitorWorkArea.Right > windowSpan.Right)
- {
- windowSpan.Right := monitorWorkArea.Right
- }
- }
- if alignTop =
- {
- if (windowSpan.Top = "" || monitorWorkArea.Top < windowSpan.Top)
- {
- windowSpan.Top := monitorWorkArea.Top
- }
- }
- if alignBottom =
- {
- if (windowSpan.Bottom = "" || monitorWorkArea.Bottom > windowSpan.Bottom)
- {
- windowSpan.Bottom := monitorWorkArea.Bottom
- }
- }
- LogText("Span: " . windowSpan.Description)
- }
- MoveAndSizeWindow(theWindow, windowSpan.Left, windowSpan.Top, windowSpan.Width, windowSpan.Height)
+ windowSpan := new Rectangle2(alignLeft, alignTop, alignRight, alignBottom)
+ SysGet, monitorCount, MonitorCount
+ Loop, %monitorCount%
+ {
+ ; Get Monitor Details
+ monitor := new Monitor(A_Index)
+ monitorWorkArea := monitor.WorkArea
+ if alignLeft =
+ {
+ if (windowSpan.Left = "" || monitorWorkArea.Left < windowSpan.Left)
+ {
+ windowSpan.Left := monitorWorkArea.Left
+ }
+ }
+ if alignRight =
+ {
+ if (windowSpan.Right = "" || monitorWorkArea.Right > windowSpan.Right)
+ {
+ windowSpan.Right := monitorWorkArea.Right
+ }
+ }
+ if alignTop =
+ {
+ if (windowSpan.Top = "" || monitorWorkArea.Top < windowSpan.Top)
+ {
+ windowSpan.Top := monitorWorkArea.Top
+ }
+ }
+ if alignBottom =
+ {
+ if (windowSpan.Bottom = "" || monitorWorkArea.Bottom > windowSpan.Bottom)
+ {
+ windowSpan.Bottom := monitorWorkArea.Bottom
+ }
+ }
+ LogText("Span: " . windowSpan.Description)
+ }
+ MoveAndSizeWindow(theWindow, windowSpan.Left, windowSpan.Top, windowSpan.Width, windowSpan.Height)
; IsWindowTopMost - Detect if a window is set on top
- WinGet, winStyle, ExStyle, ahk_id %windowHandle%
- if (winStyle & 0x8) ; 0x8 is WS_EX_TOPMOST.
- {
- return true
- }
- return false
+ WinGet, winStyle, ExStyle, ahk_id %windowHandle%
+ if (winStyle & 0x8) ; 0x8 is WS_EX_TOPMOST.
+ {
+ return true
+ }
+ return false
; IsWindowVisible - Detect if a window is visible
- WinGet, Style, Style, ahk_id %windowHandle%
- Transform, result, BitAnd, %Style%, 0x10000000 ; 0x10000000 is WS_VISIBLE.
- return result <> 0
+ WinGet, Style, Style, ahk_id %windowHandle%
+ Transform, result, BitAnd, %Style%, 0x10000000 ; 0x10000000 is WS_VISIBLE.
+ return result <> 0
; IsWindowOnScreen - Detect if a window handle is showing on any monitor
- WinGetPos, left, top, width, height, ahk_id %windowHandle%
- rect := new Rectangle(left, top, width, height)
- return IsRectOnScreen(rect)
+ WinGetPos, left, top, width, height, ahk_id %windowHandle%
+ rect := new Rectangle(left, top, width, height)
+ return IsRectOnScreen(rect)
; IsRectOnScreen - Detect if a rectangle is within any monitor
- monitorIndex := GetMonitorIndexAt(rect.Left, rect.Top)
- if (monitorIndex >= 0)
- return true
- monitorIndex := GetMonitorIndexAt(rect.Left, rect.Bottom)
- if (monitorIndex >= 0)
- return true
- monitorIndex := GetMonitorIndexAt(rect.Right, rect.Top)
- if (monitorIndex >= 0)
- return true
- monitorIndex := GetMonitorIndexAt(rect.Right, rect.Bottom)
- if (monitorIndex >= 0)
- return true
- return false
+ monitorIndex := GetMonitorIndexAt(rect.Left, rect.Top)
+ if (monitorIndex >= 0)
+ return true
+ monitorIndex := GetMonitorIndexAt(rect.Left, rect.Bottom)
+ if (monitorIndex >= 0)
+ return true
+ monitorIndex := GetMonitorIndexAt(rect.Right, rect.Top)
+ if (monitorIndex >= 0)
+ return true
+ monitorIndex := GetMonitorIndexAt(rect.Right, rect.Bottom)
+ if (monitorIndex >= 0)
+ return true
+ return false
@@ -251,15 +251,15 @@ GetWindowNormalPosition(windowHandle)
VarSetCapacity(wp, 44), NumPut(44, wp)
DllCall("GetWindowPlacement", "uint", windowHandle, "uint", &wp)
x := NumGet(wp, 28, "int")
y := NumGet(wp, 32, "int")
w := NumGet(wp, 36, "int") - x
h := NumGet(wp, 40, "int") - y
- rect := new Rectangle(x, y, w, h)
- return rect
+ rect := new Rectangle(x, y, w, h)
+ return rect
@@ -267,15 +267,15 @@ GetWindowNormalPosition(windowHandle)
SysGet, monitorCount, MonitorCount
desktopSize := new Rectangle2(0, 0)
desktopSize.Right := 0
desktopSize.Bottom := 0
- Loop, %monitorCount%
- {
- ; Get Monitor Details
- monitor := new Monitor(A_Index)
+ Loop, %monitorCount%
+ {
+ ; Get Monitor Details
+ monitor := new Monitor(A_Index)
desktopSize.Left := MinOf(monitor.Left, desktopSize.Left)
desktopSize.Right := MaxOf(monitor.Right, desktopSize.Right)
@@ -290,66 +290,66 @@ GetDesktopSize()
; RollupToggleWindow - Roll up a window to just its title bar
RollupToggleWindow(theWindow, rollupHeight)
- global G_RollupList
- windowHandle := theWindow.WindowHandle
- for ruWindowId, ruHeight in G_RollupList
- {
- IfEqual, ruWindowId, %windowHandle%
- {
- WinMove, ahk_id %windowHandle%,,,,, %ruHeight%
- G_RollupList.Delete(windowHandle)
- return
- }
- }
- WinGetPos,,,, wsHeight, ahk_id %windowHandle%
- G_RollupList[windowHandle] := wsHeight
- WinMove, ahk_id %windowHandle%,,,,, %rollupHeight%
+ global G_RollupList
+ windowHandle := theWindow.WindowHandle
+ for ruWindowId, ruHeight in G_RollupList
+ {
+ IfEqual, ruWindowId, %windowHandle%
+ {
+ WinMove, ahk_id %windowHandle%,,,,, %ruHeight%
+ G_RollupList.Delete(windowHandle)
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ WinGetPos,,,, wsHeight, ahk_id %windowHandle%
+ G_RollupList[windowHandle] := wsHeight
+ WinMove, ahk_id %windowHandle%,,,,, %rollupHeight%
; RollupWindow - Roll up a window to just its title bar
- global G_RollupList
- Loop, Parse, G_RollupList, |
- {
- if A_LoopField = ; First field in list is normally blank.
- continue ; So skip it.
- StringTrimRight, ws_Height, ws_Window%A_LoopField%, 0
- WinMove, ahk_id %A_LoopField%,,,,, %ws_Height%
- }
+ global G_RollupList
+ Loop, Parse, G_RollupList, |
+ {
+ if A_LoopField = ; First field in list is normally blank.
+ continue ; So skip it.
+ StringTrimRight, ws_Height, ws_Window%A_LoopField%, 0
+ WinMove, ahk_id %A_LoopField%,,,,, %ws_Height%
+ }
; SendWindowToBack - Send a Window to the back of the zorder
- windowHandle := theWindow.WindowHandle
- WinSet, Bottom, , ahk_id %windowHandle%`
+ windowHandle := theWindow.WindowHandle
+ WinSet, Bottom, , ahk_id %windowHandle%`
; GetMonitorIndexAt - Get the index of the monitor containing the specified x and y co-ordinates.
GetMonitorIndexAt(x, y, defaultMonitor := -1)
- coordinate := new Coordinate(x, y)
- ;LogText("GetMonitorIndexAt: " . coordinate.Description)
+ coordinate := new Coordinate(x, y)
+ ;LogText("GetMonitorIndexAt: " . coordinate.Description)
SysGet, monitorCount, MonitorCount
; Iterate through all monitors.
Loop, %monitorCount%
- ; Get Monitor details
- monitor := new Monitor(A_Index)
- ;LogText("Monitor: " . monitor.Description)
- ; Check if the coordinates are on this monitor.
+ ; Get Monitor details
+ monitor := new Monitor(A_Index)
+ ;LogText("Monitor: " . monitor.Description)
+ ; Check if the coordinates are on this monitor.
if (coordinate.IsInRectangle(monitor))
return A_Index
diff --git a/Lib/WindowObjects.ahk b/Lib/WindowObjects.ahk
index 365f7da..5131d7e 100644
--- a/Lib/WindowObjects.ahk
+++ b/Lib/WindowObjects.ahk
@@ -2,412 +2,412 @@
Class Coordinate
- X := 0
- Y := 0
- __New(x, y)
- {
- this.X := x
- this.Y := y
- }
- Left
- {
- get
- {
- return this.X
- }
- set
- {
- this.X := value
- }
- }
- Top
- {
- get
- {
- return this.Y
- }
- set
- {
- this.Y := value
- }
- }
- Description
- {
- get
- {
- return "Left: " . this.Left . ", Top: " . this.Top . ", MonitorIndex: " . this.MonitorIndex
- }
- }
- IsInRectangle(rect)
- {
- if (this.X < rect.Left)
- return false
- if (this.X > rect.Right)
- return false
- if (this.Y < rect.Top)
- return false
- if (this.Y > rect.Bottom)
- return false
- return true
- }
- MonitorIndex
- {
- get
- {
- SysGet, primaryMonitorIndex, MonitorPrimary
+ X := 0
+ Y := 0
+ __New(x, y)
+ {
+ this.X := x
+ this.Y := y
+ }
+ Left
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.X
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.X := value
+ }
+ }
+ Top
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.Y
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ this.Y := value
+ }
+ }
+ Description
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return "Left: " . this.Left . ", Top: " . this.Top . ", MonitorIndex: " . this.MonitorIndex
+ }
+ }
+ IsInRectangle(rect)
+ {
+ if (this.X < rect.Left)
+ return false
+ if (this.X > rect.Right)
+ return false
+ if (this.Y < rect.Top)
+ return false
+ if (this.Y > rect.Bottom)
+ return false
+ return true
+ }
+ MonitorIndex
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ SysGet, primaryMonitorIndex, MonitorPrimary
- index := GetMonitorIndexAt(this.X, this.Y, primaryMonitorIndex)
- return index
- }
- }
+ index := GetMonitorIndexAt(this.X, this.Y, primaryMonitorIndex)
+ return index
+ }
+ }
Class Rectangle extends Coordinate
- Width := 0
- Height := 0
- __New(x, y, width, height)
- {
- base.__New(x, y)
- this.Width := width
- this.Height := height
- }
- Right
- {
- get
- {
- return this.X + this.Width
- }
- }
- Bottom
- {
- get
- {
- return this.Y + this.Height
- }
- }
- IsValid
- {
- get
- {
- return this.Width > 0 && this.Height > 0
- }
- }
+ Width := 0
+ Height := 0
+ __New(x, y, width, height)
+ {
+ base.__New(x, y)
+ this.Width := width
+ this.Height := height
+ }
+ Right
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.X + this.Width
+ }
+ }
+ Bottom
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.Y + this.Height
+ }
+ }
+ IsValid
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.Width > 0 && this.Height > 0
+ }
+ }
- DimensionsText
- {
- get
- {
- return this.Width . "x" . this.Height
- }
- }
- Description
- {
- get
- {
- return "Left: " . this.Left . ", Top: " . this.Top . ", Width: " . this.Width . ", Height: " . this.Height . ", Right: " . this.Right . ", Bottom: " . this.Bottom
- }
- }
+ DimensionsText
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.Width . "x" . this.Height
+ }
+ }
+ Description
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return "Left: " . this.Left . ", Top: " . this.Top . ", Width: " . this.Width . ", Height: " . this.Height . ", Right: " . this.Right . ", Bottom: " . this.Bottom
+ }
+ }
Class Rectangle2 extends Coordinate
- Right := 0
- Bottom := 0
- __New(x, y, right, bottom)
- {
- base.__New(x, y)
- this.Right := right
- this.Bottom := bottom
- }
- Width
- {
- get
- {
- return this.Right - this.X
- }
- }
- Height
- {
- get
- {
- return this.Bottom - this.Y
- }
- }
- IsValid
- {
- get
- {
- return this.Width > 0 && this.Height > 0
- }
- }
- DimensionsText
- {
- get
- {
- return this.Width . "x" . this.Height
- }
- }
- Description
- {
- get
- {
- return "Left: " . this.Left . ", Top: " . this.Top . ", Right: " . this.Right . ", Bottom: " . this.Bottom . ", Width: " . this.Width . ", Height: " . this.Height
- }
- }
+ Right := 0
+ Bottom := 0
+ __New(x, y, right, bottom)
+ {
+ base.__New(x, y)
+ this.Right := right
+ this.Bottom := bottom
+ }
+ Width
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.Right - this.X
+ }
+ }
+ Height
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.Bottom - this.Y
+ }
+ }
+ IsValid
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.Width > 0 && this.Height > 0
+ }
+ }
+ DimensionsText
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return this.Width . "x" . this.Height
+ }
+ }
+ Description
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return "Left: " . this.Left . ", Top: " . this.Top . ", Right: " . this.Right . ", Bottom: " . this.Bottom . ", Width: " . this.Width . ", Height: " . this.Height
+ }
+ }
Class Window extends Rectangle
- WindowHandle :=
- WindowStatus :=
- ProcessName :=
- ProcessPath :=
- __New(windowHandle)
- {
- WinGetPos, left, top, width, height, ahk_id %windowHandle%
- WinGet, status, MinMax, ahk_id %windowHandle%
- WinGet, processName, ProcessName, ahk_id %windowHandle%
- WinGet, processPath, ProcessPath, ahk_id %windowHandle%
- base.__New(left, top, width, height)
+ WindowHandle :=
+ WindowStatus :=
+ ProcessName :=
+ ProcessPath :=
+ __New(windowHandle)
+ {
+ WinGetPos, left, top, width, height, ahk_id %windowHandle%
+ WinGet, status, MinMax, ahk_id %windowHandle%
+ WinGet, processName, ProcessName, ahk_id %windowHandle%
+ WinGet, processPath, ProcessPath, ahk_id %windowHandle%
+ base.__New(left, top, width, height)
- this.WindowHandle := windowHandle
- this.WindowStatus := status
- this.ProcessName := processName
- this.ProcessPath := processPath
- }
- IsValid
- {
- get
- {
- if (!this.WindowHandle)
- return false
- return WinExist("ahk_id " . this.WindowHandle)
- }
- }
- Title
- {
- get
- {
- windowHandle := this.WindowHandle
- WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %windowHandle%
- return title
- }
- }
- ProcessId
- {
- get
- {
- handle := this.WindowHandle
- WinGet, processId, PID, ahk_id %handle%
- return processId
- }
- }
- IsTopmost
- {
- get
- {
- return IsWindowTopmost(this.WindowHandle)
- }
- }
- IsVisible
- {
- get
- {
- return IsWindowVisible(this.WindowHandle)
- }
- }
- IsOnScreen
- {
- get
- {
- return IsWindowOnScreen(this.WindowHandle)
- }
- }
- MonitorIndex
- {
- get
- {
- monitorIndex := GetMonitorIndexAt(this.Left, this.Top)
- if (monitorIndex < 0)
- {
- midX := theWindowLeft + (theWindowWidth / 2)
- midY := theWindowTop + (theWindowHeight / 2)
- monitorIndex := GetMonitorIndexAt(midX, midY)
- if (monitorIndex < 0)
- {
- monitorIndex := GetMonitorIndexAt(theWindowRight, theWindowTop)
- if (monitorIndex < 0)
- {
- monitorIndex = GetMonitorIndexAt(theWindowRight, theWindowBottom)
- if (monitorIndex < 0)
- {
- SysGet, monitorIndex, MonitorPrimary
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return monitorIndex
- }
- }
- GetHitArea(hitHeight)
- {
- area := new Rectangle(this.Left + (this.Width / 2), this.Top, (this.Width / 2), hitHeight)
- return area
- }
- Description
- {
- get
- {
- return "Handle: " . this.WindowHandle . ", Left: " . this.Left . ", Top: " . this.Top . ", Width: " . this.Width . ", Height: " . this.Height . ", Right: " . this.Right . ", Bottom: " . this.Bottom . ", ProcessName: " . this.ProcessName . ", Title: " . this.Title
- }
- }
+ this.WindowHandle := windowHandle
+ this.WindowStatus := status
+ this.ProcessName := processName
+ this.ProcessPath := processPath
+ }
+ IsValid
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ if (!this.WindowHandle)
+ return false
+ return WinExist("ahk_id " . this.WindowHandle)
+ }
+ }
+ Title
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ windowHandle := this.WindowHandle
+ WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %windowHandle%
+ return title
+ }
+ }
+ ProcessId
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ handle := this.WindowHandle
+ WinGet, processId, PID, ahk_id %handle%
+ return processId
+ }
+ }
+ IsTopmost
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return IsWindowTopmost(this.WindowHandle)
+ }
+ }
+ IsVisible
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return IsWindowVisible(this.WindowHandle)
+ }
+ }
+ IsOnScreen
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return IsWindowOnScreen(this.WindowHandle)
+ }
+ }
+ MonitorIndex
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ monitorIndex := GetMonitorIndexAt(this.Left, this.Top)
+ if (monitorIndex < 0)
+ {
+ midX := theWindowLeft + (theWindowWidth / 2)
+ midY := theWindowTop + (theWindowHeight / 2)
+ monitorIndex := GetMonitorIndexAt(midX, midY)
+ if (monitorIndex < 0)
+ {
+ monitorIndex := GetMonitorIndexAt(theWindowRight, theWindowTop)
+ if (monitorIndex < 0)
+ {
+ monitorIndex = GetMonitorIndexAt(theWindowRight, theWindowBottom)
+ if (monitorIndex < 0)
+ {
+ SysGet, monitorIndex, MonitorPrimary
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return monitorIndex
+ }
+ }
+ GetHitArea(hitHeight)
+ {
+ area := new Rectangle(this.Left + (this.Width / 2), this.Top, (this.Width / 2), hitHeight)
+ return area
+ }
+ Description
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return "Handle: " . this.WindowHandle . ", Left: " . this.Left . ", Top: " . this.Top . ", Width: " . this.Width . ", Height: " . this.Height . ", Right: " . this.Right . ", Bottom: " . this.Bottom . ", ProcessName: " . this.ProcessName . ", Title: " . this.Title
+ }
+ }
Class Monitor extends Rectangle2
- MonitorIndex := -1
+ MonitorIndex := -1
- __New(index)
- {
- SysGet, mon, Monitor, %index%
- base.__New(monLeft, monTop, monRight, monBottom)
- this.MonitorIndex := index
- }
- WorkArea
- {
- get
- {
- index := this.MonitorIndex
- SysGet, area, MonitorWorkArea, %index%
- rect := new Rectangle2(areaLeft, areaTop, areaRight, areaBottom)
- return rect
- }
- }
- Description
- {
- get
- {
- return "MonitorIndex: " . this.MonitorIndex . ", " . base.Description
- }
- }
+ __New(index)
+ {
+ SysGet, mon, Monitor, %index%
+ base.__New(monLeft, monTop, monRight, monBottom)
+ this.MonitorIndex := index
+ }
+ WorkArea
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ index := this.MonitorIndex
+ SysGet, area, MonitorWorkArea, %index%
+ rect := new Rectangle2(areaLeft, areaTop, areaRight, areaBottom)
+ return rect
+ }
+ }
+ Description
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return "MonitorIndex: " . this.MonitorIndex . ", " . base.Description
+ }
+ }
class Desktop
- DefViewParentWindow :=
- DefViewWindow :=
- SysListView32Window :=
- __New()
- {
- ; Inspired by : https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?t=70072&p=302495
- ;handle := DllCall("User32.dll\GetDesktopWindow", "UPtr")
- ;this.DesktopWindow := new Window(handle)
- shellWindowHandle := DllCall("User32.dll\GetShellWindow", "UPtr")
- this.DefViewParentWindow := new Window(shellWindowHandle)
- this.LocateChildWindows(handle)
- if (!this.IsValid)
- {
- WinGet, workerWHandles, list, ahk_class WorkerW
- Loop, %workerWHandles%
- {
- workerWHandle := workerWHandles%A_Index%
- this.LocateChildWindows(workerWHandle)
- if (this.IsValid)
- break
- }
- }
- }
- IsValid
- {
- get
- {
- if (!this.DefViewParentWindow || !this.DefViewParentWindow.IsValid)
- return false
- if (!this.DefViewWindow || !this.DefViewWindow.IsValid)
- return false
- if (!this.SysListView32Window || !this.SysListView32Window.IsValid)
- return false
- return true
- }
- }
- LocateChildWindows(parentHandle)
- {
- defViewHandle := DllCall("user32\FindWindowEx", "Ptr", parentHandle, "Ptr", 0, "Str","SHELLDLL_DefView", "Ptr", 0, "Ptr")
- this.DefViewWindow := new Window(defViewHandle)
- sysListViewHandle := DllCall("user32\FindWindowEx", "Ptr", defViewHandle, "Ptr", 0, "Str", "SysListView32", "Str", "FolderView", "Ptr")
- this.SysListView32Window := new Window(sysListViewHandle)
- }
+ DefViewParentWindow :=
+ DefViewWindow :=
+ SysListView32Window :=
+ __New()
+ {
+ ; Inspired by : https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?t=70072&p=302495
+ ;handle := DllCall("User32.dll\GetDesktopWindow", "UPtr")
+ ;this.DesktopWindow := new Window(handle)
+ shellWindowHandle := DllCall("User32.dll\GetShellWindow", "UPtr")
+ this.DefViewParentWindow := new Window(shellWindowHandle)
+ this.LocateChildWindows(handle)
+ if (!this.IsValid)
+ {
+ WinGet, workerWHandles, list, ahk_class WorkerW
+ Loop, %workerWHandles%
+ {
+ workerWHandle := workerWHandles%A_Index%
+ this.LocateChildWindows(workerWHandle)
+ if (this.IsValid)
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ IsValid
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ if (!this.DefViewParentWindow || !this.DefViewParentWindow.IsValid)
+ return false
+ if (!this.DefViewWindow || !this.DefViewWindow.IsValid)
+ return false
+ if (!this.SysListView32Window || !this.SysListView32Window.IsValid)
+ return false
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ LocateChildWindows(parentHandle)
+ {
+ defViewHandle := DllCall("user32\FindWindowEx", "Ptr", parentHandle, "Ptr", 0, "Str","SHELLDLL_DefView", "Ptr", 0, "Ptr")
+ this.DefViewWindow := new Window(defViewHandle)
+ sysListViewHandle := DllCall("user32\FindWindowEx", "Ptr", defViewHandle, "Ptr", 0, "Str", "SysListView32", "Str", "FolderView", "Ptr")
+ this.SysListView32Window := new Window(sysListViewHandle)
+ }
Class IconPosition extends Coordinate
- Index := -1
- Title := 0
+ Index := -1
+ Title := 0
- __New(x, y)
- {
- base.__New(x, y)
- }
- Description
- {
- get
- {
- return "Icon: " . this.Index . ", Title: " . this.Title . ", " . base.Description
- }
- }
+ __New(x, y)
+ {
+ base.__New(x, y)
+ }
+ Description
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return "Icon: " . this.Index . ", Title: " . this.Title . ", " . base.Description
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/Lib/WindowPositions.ahk b/Lib/WindowPositions.ahk
index 7b4cb4a..920e2b3 100644
--- a/Lib/WindowPositions.ahk
+++ b/Lib/WindowPositions.ahk
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ WindowPositions_OnInit()
; WindowPositionsDataFile -
class WindowPositionsDataFile extends WindowExtensionsDataFile
- __New(fullFileName)
- {
+ __New(fullFileName)
+ {
@@ -192,14 +192,10 @@ GetWindowDefinition(window, separator := "|")
-; SaveWindowPositions - Save all the current window positions to a file
-SaveWindowPositions(includeOffScreenWindows, notify)
- desktopSize := GetDesktopSize()
+ positions := []
- fileName := GetUserDataFileName(BuildWindowPositionsDataFileName(desktopSize, true))
- saveCount := 0
WinGet windows, List
Loop %windows%
@@ -242,24 +238,58 @@ SaveWindowPositions(includeOffScreenWindows, notify)
if (window.Title && window.IsValid && isVisible)
- saveCount += 1
- data := GetWindowDefinition(window)
- LogText("Saving: " . data)
- FileAppend , % data . "`r`n", %fileName%
+ positions.push(window)
- LogText("WindowPositions: " . saveCount . " windows written to " . fileName)
+ return positions
+; SaveWindowPositions - Save all the current window positions to a file
+SaveWindowPositions(includeOffScreenWindows, notify)
+ desktopSize := GetDesktopSize()
+ windowPositions := GetWindowPositions(includeOffScreenWindows)
+ fileName := GetUserDataFileName(BuildWindowPositionsDataFileName(desktopSize, true))
+ saveCount := 0
+ for i, windowPosition in windowPositions
+ {
+ data := GetWindowDefinition(windowPosition)
+ FileAppend , % data . "`r`n", %fileName%
+ saveCount += 1
+ }
+ LogText("WindowPositions: " . saveCount . " windows written to " . fileName)
+ pattern := BuildWindowPositionsDataFileName(desktopSize, false, true)
+ allDataFiles := GetUserDataFileNames(pattern, -1)
+ consolidatedCount := ConsolidateUserDataFilesByCRC32(allDataFiles)
+ LogText("WindowPositions: Consolidated - " . consolidatedCount . " files removed")
if (notify)
+ notifyHeight := 100
notifyText := "No Window Positions saved"
If saveCount > 0
notifyText := saveCount . " Window Positions saved"
+ if (consolidatedCount > 0)
+ {
+ notifyText .= "`r`n" . consolidatedCount . " files Consolidated"
+ notifyHeight += 25
+ }
- new PleasantNotify("Window Positions", notifyText, 250, 100, "b r")
+ new PleasantNotify("Window Positions", notifyText, 250, notifyHeight, "b r")
@@ -329,9 +359,9 @@ RestoreWindowPositions(fileName, includeOffScreenWindows)
restoreCount += 1
- textParts := []
- textParts.push(restoreCount . " windows restored")
- textParts.push(moveCount . " windows moved")
+ textParts := []
+ textParts.push(restoreCount . " windows restored")
+ textParts.push(moveCount . " windows moved")
LogText("WindowPositions: " . JoinItems(", ", textParts))
@@ -342,45 +372,45 @@ RestoreWindowPositions(fileName, includeOffScreenWindows)
; RestoreWindowPositionsFromFile - Show the dialog to select the file to restore window positions from
- global G_SelectableWindowPositions
- columns := [ "Desktop Resolution", "Date Created", "Hash", "Window Count" ]
- columnOptions := [ "AutoHdr NoSort", "Auto NoSort", "Auto NoSort Right", "AutoHdr Integer NoSort" ]
- G_SelectableWindowPositions := GetWindowPositionsDataFiles(desktopSize)
- items := []
- for index, item in G_SelectableWindowPositions
- {
- itemTimestamp := item.Timestamp
- FormatTime, timestamp, %itemTimestamp%, yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm.ss
- row := [ item.DesktopSizeDescription, timestamp, item.Adler32, item.LineCount ]
- items.push(row)
- }
- selector := new ListViewSelector()
- selector.Title := "Restore Window Positions..."
- selector.ColumnNames := columns
- selector.ColumnOptions := columnOptions
- selector.Items := items
- selector.ListViewWidth := 400
- selector.MinRowCountSize := 6
- selector.SelectedIndex := 1
- selector.OnSuccess := "OnWindowPositionsSelected"
- selector.ShowDialog()
+ global G_SelectableWindowPositions
+ columns := [ "Desktop Resolution", "Date Created", "Hash", "Window Count" ]
+ columnOptions := [ "AutoHdr NoSort", "Auto NoSort", "Auto NoSort Right", "AutoHdr Integer NoSort" ]
+ G_SelectableWindowPositions := GetWindowPositionsDataFiles(desktopSize)
+ items := []
+ for index, item in G_SelectableWindowPositions
+ {
+ itemTimestamp := item.Timestamp
+ FormatTime, timestamp, %itemTimestamp%, yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm.ss
+ row := [ item.DesktopSizeDescription, timestamp, item.Adler32, item.LineCount ]
+ items.push(row)
+ }
+ selector := new ListViewSelector()
+ selector.Title := "Restore Window Positions..."
+ selector.ColumnNames := columns
+ selector.ColumnOptions := columnOptions
+ selector.Items := items
+ selector.ListViewWidth := 400
+ selector.MinRowCountSize := 6
+ selector.SelectedIndex := 1
+ selector.OnSuccess := "OnWindowPositionsSelected"
+ selector.ShowDialog()
; OnWindowPositionSelected - Restore selected Window Positions
- global G_SelectableWindowPositions
- item := G_SelectableWindowPositions[listViewSelector.SelectedIndex]
- if (!item)
- return
- RestoreWindowPositions(item.FullFileName, G_UserConfig.WindowPositions_IncludeOffScreenWindows)
+ global G_SelectableWindowPositions
+ item := G_SelectableWindowPositions[listViewSelector.SelectedIndex]
+ if (!item)
+ return
+ RestoreWindowPositions(item.FullFileName, G_UserConfig.WindowPositions_IncludeOffScreenWindows)
diff --git a/Setup/WindowExtensions_Setup.iss b/Setup/WindowExtensions_Setup.iss
index a8066b4..33b7b5e 100644
--- a/Setup/WindowExtensions_Setup.iss
+++ b/Setup/WindowExtensions_Setup.iss
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#define AppName "WindowExtensions"
#define AppTitle "Window Extensions"
-#define AppVersion "1.6.6"
+#define AppVersion ""
diff --git a/TrayMenu.ahk b/TrayMenu.ahk
index a6fc6de..c2d3530 100644
--- a/TrayMenu.ahk
+++ b/TrayMenu.ahk
@@ -9,88 +9,88 @@ TrayMenuName :=
; Initialisation
- global TrayMenuName
- TrayMenuName := "Tray"
+ global TrayMenuName
+ TrayMenuName := "Tray"
; OnStartup
- BuildTrayMenu()
+ BuildTrayMenu()
; Setup Tray Menu
- global AppTitle
- global G_UserConfig
- global MenuLocationTrayMenu
- global TrayMenuName
- global IconLibraryFileName
- desktopSize := GetDesktopSize()
- menuIndex := 0
- ResetMenu(TrayMenuName)
- Menu, %TrayMenuName%, NoStandard
- Menu, %TrayMenuName%, Tip, %AppTitle%
- menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(TrayMenuName, "Con&figure...", "TrayConfigureHandler", A_ScriptFullPath, 0, menuIndex)
- ; Window Positions
- if (ContainsFlag(G_UserConfig.MenuControl_WindowPositionsMenuLocation, MenuLocationTrayMenu))
- {
- menuIndex := AddMenuItemSeparator(TrayMenuName, menuIndex)
- saveTitle := "Save Window &Positions (" . desktopSize.DimensionsText . ")"
- menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(TrayMenuName, saveTitle, "SaveWindowPositionsHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("POSITION_SAVE"), menuIndex)
- restoreTitle := "Restore Last Window &Positions (" . desktopSize.DimensionsText . ")"
- menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(TrayMenuName, restoreTitle, "RestoreWindowPositionsHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("POSITION_RESTORE"), menuIndex)
- restoreEnabled := HasSavedWindowPositionsFile(desktopSize)
- EnableMenuItem(TrayMenuName, restoreTitle, restoreEnabled)
- if (HasMultipleSavedWindowPositionsFiles(desktopSize))
- {
- restoreTitle := "Restore Window &Positions (" . desktopSize.DimensionsText . ")..."
- menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(TrayMenuName, restoreTitle, "RestoreMultipleWindowPositionsHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("POSITION_RESTORE"), menuIndex)
- }
- }
- ; Desktop Icons
- if (ContainsFlag(G_UserConfig.MenuControl_DesktopIconsMenuLocation, MenuLocationTrayMenu))
- {
- menuIndex := AddMenuItemSeparator(TrayMenuName, menuIndex)
- saveTitle := "Save &Desktop Icons (" . desktopSize.DimensionsText . ")"
- menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(TrayMenuName, saveTitle, "SaveDesktopIconsHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("DESKTOPICONS_SAVE"), menuIndex)
- restoreTitle := "Restore &Desktop Icons (" . desktopSize.DimensionsText . ")"
- menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(TrayMenuName, restoreTitle, "RestoreDesktopIconsHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("DESKTOPICONS_RESTORE"), menuIndex)
- restoreEnabled := HasSavedDesktopIconsFile(desktopSize)
- EnableMenuItem(TrayMenuName, restoreTitle, restoreEnabled)
- if (HasMultipleSavedDesktopIconsFiles(desktopSize))
- {
- restoreTitle := "Restore &Desktop Icons (" . desktopSize.DimensionsText . ")..."
- menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(TrayMenuName, restoreTitle, "RestoreMultipleDesktopIconsHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("DESKTOPICONS_RESTORE"), menuIndex)
- }
- }
- menuIndex := AddMenuItemSeparator(TrayMenuName, menuIndex)
- menuIndex := AddMenuItem(TrayMenuName, "&About...", "TrayAboutHandler", menuIndex)
- menuIndex := AddMenuItemSeparator(TrayMenuName, menuIndex)
- menuIndex := AddMenuItem(TrayMenuName, "Exit", "TrayExitHandler", menuIndex)
+ global AppTitle
+ global G_UserConfig
+ global MenuLocationTrayMenu
+ global TrayMenuName
+ global IconLibraryFileName
+ desktopSize := GetDesktopSize()
+ menuIndex := 0
+ ResetMenu(TrayMenuName)
+ Menu, %TrayMenuName%, NoStandard
+ Menu, %TrayMenuName%, Tip, %AppTitle%
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(TrayMenuName, "Con&figure...", "TrayConfigureHandler", A_ScriptFullPath, 0, menuIndex)
+ ; Window Positions
+ if (ContainsFlag(G_UserConfig.MenuControl_WindowPositionsMenuLocation, MenuLocationTrayMenu))
+ {
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItemSeparator(TrayMenuName, menuIndex)
+ saveTitle := "Save Window &Positions (" . desktopSize.DimensionsText . ")"
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(TrayMenuName, saveTitle, "SaveWindowPositionsHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("POSITION_SAVE"), menuIndex)
+ restoreTitle := "Restore Last Window &Positions (" . desktopSize.DimensionsText . ")"
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(TrayMenuName, restoreTitle, "RestoreWindowPositionsHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("POSITION_RESTORE"), menuIndex)
+ restoreEnabled := HasSavedWindowPositionsFile(desktopSize)
+ EnableMenuItem(TrayMenuName, restoreTitle, restoreEnabled)
+ if (HasMultipleSavedWindowPositionsFiles(desktopSize))
+ {
+ restoreTitle := "Restore Window &Positions (" . desktopSize.DimensionsText . ")..."
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(TrayMenuName, restoreTitle, "RestoreMultipleWindowPositionsHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("POSITION_RESTORE"), menuIndex)
+ }
+ }
+ ; Desktop Icons
+ if (ContainsFlag(G_UserConfig.MenuControl_DesktopIconsMenuLocation, MenuLocationTrayMenu))
+ {
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItemSeparator(TrayMenuName, menuIndex)
+ saveTitle := "Save &Desktop Icons (" . desktopSize.DimensionsText . ")"
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(TrayMenuName, saveTitle, "SaveDesktopIconsHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("DESKTOPICONS_SAVE"), menuIndex)
+ restoreTitle := "Restore &Desktop Icons (" . desktopSize.DimensionsText . ")"
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(TrayMenuName, restoreTitle, "RestoreDesktopIconsHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("DESKTOPICONS_RESTORE"), menuIndex)
+ restoreEnabled := HasSavedDesktopIconsFile(desktopSize)
+ EnableMenuItem(TrayMenuName, restoreTitle, restoreEnabled)
+ if (HasMultipleSavedDesktopIconsFiles(desktopSize))
+ {
+ restoreTitle := "Restore &Desktop Icons (" . desktopSize.DimensionsText . ")..."
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(TrayMenuName, restoreTitle, "RestoreMultipleDesktopIconsHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("DESKTOPICONS_RESTORE"), menuIndex)
+ }
+ }
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItemSeparator(TrayMenuName, menuIndex)
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItem(TrayMenuName, "&About...", "TrayAboutHandler", menuIndex)
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItemSeparator(TrayMenuName, menuIndex)
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItem(TrayMenuName, "Exit", "TrayExitHandler", menuIndex)
diff --git a/WindowExtensions.ahk b/WindowExtensions.ahk
index ff2fc05..f7fd2ba 100644
--- a/WindowExtensions.ahk
+++ b/WindowExtensions.ahk
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
+#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
#SingleInstance Force
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ AppDescription := "Window Extensions Menu and HotKeys"
AppCopyright := "Copyright © 2020 Martin Smith"
AppNotes := "Concise and consistent control over Window Positions. Right-click right half of Window Caption bar to invoke, or hit WinKey-W"
AppURL := "https://github.com/martinsmith1968/WindowExtensions"
-AppVersion := ""
+AppVersion := ""
; Includes
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ LogInit()
; System Information
-SysGet, G_CaptionHeight, 4 ; SM_CYCAPTION
-SysGet, G_BorderHeight, 5 ; SM_CXBORDER
+SysGet, G_CaptionHeight, 4 ; SM_CYCAPTION
+SysGet, G_BorderHeight, 5 ; SM_CXBORDER
SysGet, G_MenuDropAlignment, 40 ; SM_MENUDROPALIGNMENT
SysGet, G_MonitorCount, MonitorCount
SysGet, G_PrimaryMonitorIndex, MonitorPrimary
@@ -54,11 +54,11 @@ OnExit, ExitHandler
; Auto-Execute section
-OnInit() ; Perform module initialisation - not reliant on other modules or globals
-InitGlobals() ;
-OnStartup() ; Perform module startup - may rely on other modules Init
+OnInit() ; Perform module initialisation - not reliant on other modules or globals
+InitGlobals() ;
+OnStartup() ; Perform module startup - may rely on other modules Init
-return ; End of script's auto-execute section.
+return ; End of script's auto-execute section.
@@ -86,43 +86,43 @@ ExitApp
; Initialise global variables once everything else initialised
- global G_UserConfig
- G_UserConfig := new WindowExtensionsUserConfig()
+ global G_UserConfig
+ G_UserConfig := new WindowExtensionsUserConfig()
; Module initialisation
- WindowExtensionsUserConfig_OnInit()
- WindowPositions_OnInit()
- DesktopIcons_OnInit()
- WindowMenu_OnInit()
- TrayMenu_OnInit()
+ WindowExtensionsUserConfig_OnInit()
+ WindowPositions_OnInit()
+ DesktopIcons_OnInit()
+ WindowMenu_OnInit()
+ TrayMenu_OnInit()
; OnStartup event
- WindowExtensionsUserConfig_OnStartup()
- WindowMenu_OnStartup()
- TrayMenu_OnStartup()
+ WindowExtensionsUserConfig_OnStartup()
+ WindowMenu_OnStartup()
+ TrayMenu_OnStartup()
; OnExit event
- WindowMenu_OnExit()
+ WindowMenu_OnExit()
; OnUserConfigUpdated event
- BuildWindowMenu()
- BuildTrayMenu()
- WindowExtensionsUserConfig_OnConfigUpdated()
+ BuildWindowMenu()
+ BuildTrayMenu()
+ WindowExtensionsUserConfig_OnConfigUpdated()
diff --git a/WindowExtensionsUserConfig.ahk b/WindowExtensionsUserConfig.ahk
index dc3ff34..7b971d8 100644
--- a/WindowExtensionsUserConfig.ahk
+++ b/WindowExtensionsUserConfig.ahk
@@ -19,153 +19,153 @@ DesktopIcons_TimerIntervalMinutes := 0
; Initialisation
- global MenuLocationNone
- global MenuLocationWindowMenu
- global MenuLocationTrayMenu
- global MenuLocationAll
- global MenuLocationItems
- global MenuLocationValues
+ global MenuLocationNone
+ global MenuLocationWindowMenu
+ global MenuLocationTrayMenu
+ global MenuLocationAll
+ global MenuLocationItems
+ global MenuLocationValues
- global WindowPositions_TimerEnabled
- global WindowPositions_TimerIntervalMinutes
- global DesktopIcons_TimerEnabled
- global DesktopIcons_TimerIntervalMinutes
+ global WindowPositions_TimerEnabled
+ global WindowPositions_TimerIntervalMinutes
+ global DesktopIcons_TimerEnabled
+ global DesktopIcons_TimerIntervalMinutes
- MenuLocationNone := 0
- MenuLocationWindowMenu := 1
- MenuLocationTrayMenu := 2
- MenuLocationAll := MenuLocationWindowMenu | MenuLocationTrayMenu
+ MenuLocationNone := 0
+ MenuLocationWindowMenu := 1
+ MenuLocationTrayMenu := 2
+ MenuLocationAll := MenuLocationWindowMenu | MenuLocationTrayMenu
- MenuLocationItems := []
- MenuLocationItems.push("None")
- MenuLocationItems.push("Window Menu")
- MenuLocationItems.push("Tray Menu")
- MenuLocationItems.push("Both")
+ MenuLocationItems := []
+ MenuLocationItems.push("None")
+ MenuLocationItems.push("Window Menu")
+ MenuLocationItems.push("Tray Menu")
+ MenuLocationItems.push("Both")
- MenuLocationValues := []
- MenuLocationValues.push(MenuLocationNone)
- MenuLocationValues.push(MenuLocationWindowMenu)
- MenuLocationValues.push(MenuLocationTrayMenu)
- MenuLocationValues.push(MenuLocationAll)
- WindowPositions_TimerEnabled := false
- WindowPositions_TimerIntervalMinutes := 0
- DesktopIcons_TimerEnabled := false
- DesktopIcons_TimerIntervalMinutes := 0
- UserConfig_OnInit()
+ MenuLocationValues := []
+ MenuLocationValues.push(MenuLocationNone)
+ MenuLocationValues.push(MenuLocationWindowMenu)
+ MenuLocationValues.push(MenuLocationTrayMenu)
+ MenuLocationValues.push(MenuLocationAll)
+ WindowPositions_TimerEnabled := false
+ WindowPositions_TimerIntervalMinutes := 0
+ DesktopIcons_TimerEnabled := false
+ DesktopIcons_TimerIntervalMinutes := 0
+ UserConfig_OnInit()
; OnStartup
- global G_UserConfig
- desktopSize := GetDesktopSize()
- if (G_UserConfig.Startup_RestoreDesktopIcons)
- {
- if (HasSavedDesktopIconsFile(desktopSize))
- {
- fileName := GetLatestDesktopIconsDataFileName(desktopSize)
- RestoreDesktopIcons(fileName)
- }
- }
- if (G_UserConfig.Startup_RestoreWindowPositions)
- {
- if (HasSavedWindowPositionsFile(desktopSize))
- {
- fileName := GetLatestWindowPositionsDataFileName(desktopSize)
- RestoreWindowPositions(fileName, G_UserConfig.WindowPositions_IncludeOffScreenWindows)
- }
- }
- WindowExtensionsUserConfig_OnConfigUpdated()
+ global G_UserConfig
+ desktopSize := GetDesktopSize()
+ if (G_UserConfig.Startup_RestoreDesktopIcons)
+ {
+ if (HasSavedDesktopIconsFile(desktopSize))
+ {
+ fileName := GetLatestDesktopIconsDataFileName(desktopSize)
+ RestoreDesktopIcons(fileName)
+ }
+ }
+ if (G_UserConfig.Startup_RestoreWindowPositions)
+ {
+ if (HasSavedWindowPositionsFile(desktopSize))
+ {
+ fileName := GetLatestWindowPositionsDataFileName(desktopSize)
+ RestoreWindowPositions(fileName, G_UserConfig.WindowPositions_IncludeOffScreenWindows)
+ }
+ }
+ WindowExtensionsUserConfig_OnConfigUpdated()
; OnConfigUpdated
- global G_UserConfig
- WindowPositionsConfigureTimer(G_UserConfig.WindowPositions_AutoSave, G_UserConfig.WindowPositions_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes)
- DesktopIconsConfigureTimer(G_UserConfig.DesktopIcons_AutoSave, G_UserConfig.DesktopIcons_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes)
+ global G_UserConfig
+ WindowPositionsConfigureTimer(G_UserConfig.WindowPositions_AutoSave, G_UserConfig.WindowPositions_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes)
+ DesktopIconsConfigureTimer(G_UserConfig.DesktopIcons_AutoSave, G_UserConfig.DesktopIcons_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes)
; WindowPositionsConfigureTimer - Configure the timer
WindowPositionsConfigureTimer(enabled, intervalMinutes)
- global WindowPositions_TimerEnabled
- global WindowPositions_TimerIntervalMinutes
- if (enabled = WindowPositions_TimerEnabled && intervalMinutes = WindowPositions_TimerIntervalMinutes)
- {
- return
- }
- LogText("Deleting WindowPositionsAutoSave_OnTimer")
- Try SetTimer, WindowPositionsAutoSave_OnTimer, Delete
- if (enabled)
- {
- milliseconds := (intervalMinutes * 60) * 1000
- LogText("Setting WindowPositionsAutoSave_OnTimer for : " . milliseconds)
- SetTimer, WindowPositionsAutoSave_OnTimer, %milliseconds%
- }
+ global WindowPositions_TimerEnabled
+ global WindowPositions_TimerIntervalMinutes
+ if (enabled = WindowPositions_TimerEnabled && intervalMinutes = WindowPositions_TimerIntervalMinutes)
+ {
+ return
+ }
+ LogText("Deleting WindowPositionsAutoSave_OnTimer")
+ Try SetTimer, WindowPositionsAutoSave_OnTimer, Delete
+ if (enabled)
+ {
+ milliseconds := (intervalMinutes * 60) * 1000
+ LogText("Setting WindowPositionsAutoSave_OnTimer for : " . milliseconds)
+ SetTimer, WindowPositionsAutoSave_OnTimer, %milliseconds%
+ }
; DesktopIconsConfigureTimer - Configure the timer
DesktopIconsConfigureTimer(enabled, intervalMinutes)
- global DesktopIcons_TimerEnabled
- global DesktopIcons_TimerIntervalMinutes
- if (enabled = DesktopIcons_TimerEnabled && intervalMinutes = DesktopIcons_TimerIntervalMinutes)
- {
- return
- }
- LogText("Deleting DesktopIconsAutoSave_OnTimer")
- Try SetTimer, DesktopIconsAutoSave_OnTimer, Delete
- if (enabled)
- {
- milliseconds := (intervalMinutes * 60) * 1000
- LogText("Setting DesktopIconsAutoSave_OnTimer for : " . milliseconds)
- SetTimer, DesktopIconsAutoSave_OnTimer, %milliseconds%
- }
+ global DesktopIcons_TimerEnabled
+ global DesktopIcons_TimerIntervalMinutes
+ if (enabled = DesktopIcons_TimerEnabled && intervalMinutes = DesktopIcons_TimerIntervalMinutes)
+ {
+ return
+ }
+ LogText("Deleting DesktopIconsAutoSave_OnTimer")
+ Try SetTimer, DesktopIconsAutoSave_OnTimer, Delete
+ if (enabled)
+ {
+ milliseconds := (intervalMinutes * 60) * 1000
+ LogText("Setting DesktopIconsAutoSave_OnTimer for : " . milliseconds)
+ SetTimer, DesktopIconsAutoSave_OnTimer, %milliseconds%
+ }
; WindowPositionsAutoSave_OnTimer - Timer execute
- global G_UserConfig
- LogText("Executing: " . A_ThisFunc)
- SaveWindowPositions(G_UserConfig.WindowPositions_IncludeOffScreenWindows, G_UserConfig.WindowPositions_AutoSaveNotify)
+ global G_UserConfig
+ LogText("Executing: " . A_ThisFunc)
+ SaveWindowPositions(G_UserConfig.WindowPositions_IncludeOffScreenWindows, G_UserConfig.WindowPositions_AutoSaveNotify)
; DesktopIconsAutoSave_OnTimer - Timer execute
- global G_UserConfig
- LogText("Executing: " . A_ThisFunc)
- SaveDesktopIcons(G_UserConfig.DesktopIcons_AutoSaveNotify)
+ global G_UserConfig
+ LogText("Executing: " . A_ThisFunc)
+ SaveDesktopIcons(G_UserConfig.DesktopIcons_AutoSaveNotify)
@@ -189,246 +189,246 @@ Default_DesktopIcons_AutoSave := false
Default_DesktopIcons_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes := 5
Default_DesktopIcons_AutoSaveNotify := false
- InitDefaults()
- {
- global AppVersion
- global MenuLocationTrayMenu
- this.Default_About_Version := AppVersion
- this.Default_MenuControl_WindowPositionsMenuLocation := MenuLocationTrayMenu
- this.Default_MenuControl_DesktopIconsMenuLocation := MenuLocationTrayMenu
- }
+ InitDefaults()
+ {
+ global AppVersion
+ global MenuLocationTrayMenu
+ this.Default_About_Version := AppVersion
+ this.Default_MenuControl_WindowPositionsMenuLocation := MenuLocationTrayMenu
+ this.Default_MenuControl_DesktopIconsMenuLocation := MenuLocationTrayMenu
+ }
- __New()
- {
- global AppName
- this.InitDefaults()
- fileName := GetUserDataFileName(AppName . ".dat")
- base.__New(fileName)
- this.Properties.push("About_Version")
- this.Properties.push("General_CascadeGutterSize")
- this.Properties.push("General_ColumnGutterSize")
- this.Properties.push("General_GridGutterSize")
- this.Properties.push("General_SpanMonitorGutterSize")
- this.Properties.push("Startup_RestoreDesktopIcons")
- this.Properties.push("Startup_RestoreWindowPositions")
- this.Properties.push("MenuControl_WindowPositionsMenuLocation")
- this.Properties.push("MenuControl_DesktopIconsMenuLocation")
- this.Properties.push("WindowPositions_IncludeOffScreenWindows")
- this.Properties.push("WindowPositions_AutoSave")
- this.Properties.push("WindowPositions_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes")
- this.Properties.push("WindowPositions_AutoSaveNotify")
- this.Properties.push("DesktopIcons_AutoSave")
- this.Properties.push("DesktopIcons_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes")
- this.Properties.push("DesktopIcons_AutoSaveNotify")
- this.ObsoleteProperties.push("General_RestoreDesktopIconsOnStartup")
- this.ObsoleteProperties.push("General_RestoreWindowPositionsOnStartup")
- this.ObsoleteProperties.push("General_DesktopIconsMenuLocation")
- this.ObsoleteProperties.push("General_WindowPositionsMenuLocation")
- }
- About_Version
- {
- get
- {
- return base.GetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), this.Default_General_CascadeGutterSize, "string")
- }
- set
- {
- base.SetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), this.Default_About_Version)
- }
- }
- General_CascadeGutterSize
- {
- get
- {
- return base.GetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), this.Default_General_CascadeGutterSize, "integer")
- }
- set
- {
- base.SetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), value)
- }
- }
- General_ColumnGutterSize
- {
- get
- {
- return base.GetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), this.Default_General_ColumnGutterSize, "integer")
- }
- set
- {
- base.SetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), value)
- }
- }
- General_GridGutterSize
- {
- get
- {
- return base.GetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), this.Default_General_GridGutterSize, "integer")
- }
- set
- {
- base.SetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), value)
- }
- }
- General_SpanMonitorGutterSize
- {
- get
- {
- return base.GetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), this.Default_General_SpanMonitorGutterSize, "integer")
- }
- set
- {
- base.SetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), value)
- }
- }
- Startup_RestoreDesktopIcons
- {
- get
- {
- oldValue1 := base.GetValue("General", "RestoreDesktopIconsOnStartup", this.Default_Startup_RestoreDesktopIcons, "boolean")
- return base.GetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), oldValue1, "boolean")
- }
- set
- {
- base.SetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), value)
- }
- }
- Startup_RestoreWindowPositions
- {
- get
- {
- oldValue1 := base.GetValue("General", "RestoreWindowPositionsOnStartup", this.Default_Startup_RestoreWindowPositions, "boolean")
- return base.GetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), oldValue1, "boolean")
- }
- set
- {
- base.SetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), value)
- }
- }
- MenuControl_WindowPositionsMenuLocation
- {
- get
- {
- oldValue1 := base.GetValue("General", "WindowPositionsMenuLocation", this.Default_MenuControl_WindowPositionsMenuLocation, "integer")
- return base.GetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), oldValue1, "integer")
- }
- set
- {
- base.SetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), value)
- }
- }
- MenuControl_DesktopIconsMenuLocation
- {
- get
- {
- oldValue1 := base.GetValue("General", "DesktopIconsMenuLocation", this.Default_MenuControl_WindowPositionsMenuLocation, "integer")
- return base.GetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), oldValue1, "integer")
- }
- set
- {
- base.SetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), value)
- }
- }
- WindowPositions_IncludeOffScreenWindows
- {
- get
- {
- return base.GetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), this.Default_WindowPositions_IncludeOffScreenWindows, "boolean")
- }
- set
- {
- base.SetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), value)
- }
- }
- WindowPositions_AutoSave
- {
- get
- {
- return base.GetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), this.Default_WindowPositions_AutoSave, "boolean")
- }
- set
- {
- base.SetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), value)
- }
- }
- WindowPositions_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes
- {
- get
- {
- return base.GetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), this.Default_WindowPositions_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes, "integer")
- }
- set
- {
- base.SetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), value)
- }
- }
- WindowPositions_AutoSaveNotify
- {
- get
- {
- return base.GetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), this.Default_WindowPositions_AutoSaveNotify, "boolean")
- }
- set
- {
- base.SetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), value)
- }
- }
- DesktopIcons_AutoSave
- {
- get
- {
- return base.GetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), this.Default_DesktopIcons_AutoSave, "boolean")
- }
- set
- {
- base.SetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), value)
- }
- }
- DesktopIcons_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes
- {
- get
- {
- return base.GetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), this.Default_DesktopIcons_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes, "integer")
- }
- set
- {
- base.SetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), value)
- }
- }
- DesktopIcons_AutoSaveNotify
- {
- get
- {
- return base.GetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), this.Default_DesktopIcons_AutoSaveNotify, "boolean")
- }
- set
- {
- base.SetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), value)
- }
- }
+ __New()
+ {
+ global AppName
+ this.InitDefaults()
+ fileName := GetUserDataFileName(AppName . ".dat")
+ base.__New(fileName)
+ this.Properties.push("About_Version")
+ this.Properties.push("General_CascadeGutterSize")
+ this.Properties.push("General_ColumnGutterSize")
+ this.Properties.push("General_GridGutterSize")
+ this.Properties.push("General_SpanMonitorGutterSize")
+ this.Properties.push("Startup_RestoreDesktopIcons")
+ this.Properties.push("Startup_RestoreWindowPositions")
+ this.Properties.push("MenuControl_WindowPositionsMenuLocation")
+ this.Properties.push("MenuControl_DesktopIconsMenuLocation")
+ this.Properties.push("WindowPositions_IncludeOffScreenWindows")
+ this.Properties.push("WindowPositions_AutoSave")
+ this.Properties.push("WindowPositions_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes")
+ this.Properties.push("WindowPositions_AutoSaveNotify")
+ this.Properties.push("DesktopIcons_AutoSave")
+ this.Properties.push("DesktopIcons_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes")
+ this.Properties.push("DesktopIcons_AutoSaveNotify")
+ this.ObsoleteProperties.push("General_RestoreDesktopIconsOnStartup")
+ this.ObsoleteProperties.push("General_RestoreWindowPositionsOnStartup")
+ this.ObsoleteProperties.push("General_DesktopIconsMenuLocation")
+ this.ObsoleteProperties.push("General_WindowPositionsMenuLocation")
+ }
+ About_Version
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return base.GetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), this.Default_General_CascadeGutterSize, "string")
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ base.SetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), this.Default_About_Version)
+ }
+ }
+ General_CascadeGutterSize
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return base.GetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), this.Default_General_CascadeGutterSize, "integer")
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ base.SetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), value)
+ }
+ }
+ General_ColumnGutterSize
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return base.GetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), this.Default_General_ColumnGutterSize, "integer")
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ base.SetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), value)
+ }
+ }
+ General_GridGutterSize
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return base.GetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), this.Default_General_GridGutterSize, "integer")
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ base.SetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), value)
+ }
+ }
+ General_SpanMonitorGutterSize
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return base.GetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), this.Default_General_SpanMonitorGutterSize, "integer")
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ base.SetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), value)
+ }
+ }
+ Startup_RestoreDesktopIcons
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ oldValue1 := base.GetValue("General", "RestoreDesktopIconsOnStartup", this.Default_Startup_RestoreDesktopIcons, "boolean")
+ return base.GetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), oldValue1, "boolean")
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ base.SetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), value)
+ }
+ }
+ Startup_RestoreWindowPositions
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ oldValue1 := base.GetValue("General", "RestoreWindowPositionsOnStartup", this.Default_Startup_RestoreWindowPositions, "boolean")
+ return base.GetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), oldValue1, "boolean")
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ base.SetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), value)
+ }
+ }
+ MenuControl_WindowPositionsMenuLocation
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ oldValue1 := base.GetValue("General", "WindowPositionsMenuLocation", this.Default_MenuControl_WindowPositionsMenuLocation, "integer")
+ return base.GetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), oldValue1, "integer")
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ base.SetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), value)
+ }
+ }
+ MenuControl_DesktopIconsMenuLocation
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ oldValue1 := base.GetValue("General", "DesktopIconsMenuLocation", this.Default_MenuControl_WindowPositionsMenuLocation, "integer")
+ return base.GetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), oldValue1, "integer")
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ base.SetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), value)
+ }
+ }
+ WindowPositions_IncludeOffScreenWindows
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return base.GetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), this.Default_WindowPositions_IncludeOffScreenWindows, "boolean")
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ base.SetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), value)
+ }
+ }
+ WindowPositions_AutoSave
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return base.GetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), this.Default_WindowPositions_AutoSave, "boolean")
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ base.SetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), value)
+ }
+ }
+ WindowPositions_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return base.GetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), this.Default_WindowPositions_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes, "integer")
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ base.SetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), value)
+ }
+ }
+ WindowPositions_AutoSaveNotify
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return base.GetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), this.Default_WindowPositions_AutoSaveNotify, "boolean")
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ base.SetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), value)
+ }
+ }
+ DesktopIcons_AutoSave
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return base.GetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), this.Default_DesktopIcons_AutoSave, "boolean")
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ base.SetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), value)
+ }
+ }
+ DesktopIcons_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return base.GetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), this.Default_DesktopIcons_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes, "integer")
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ base.SetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), value)
+ }
+ }
+ DesktopIcons_AutoSaveNotify
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ return base.GetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), this.Default_DesktopIcons_AutoSaveNotify, "boolean")
+ }
+ set
+ {
+ base.SetValue(base.GetSectionNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), base.GetPropertyNameFromFunc(A_ThisFunc), value)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/WindowExtensionsUserConfigGui.ahk b/WindowExtensionsUserConfigGui.ahk
index 46e64c8..76952c2 100644
--- a/WindowExtensionsUserConfigGui.ahk
+++ b/WindowExtensionsUserConfigGui.ahk
@@ -32,302 +32,302 @@ desktopIcons_AutoSaveNotify := false
; LoadConfigGuiValues - Populate gui variables with values from User Config
- global general_cascadeGutterSize
- global general_columnGutterSize
- global general_gridGutterSize
- global general_spanMonitorGutterSize
- global startup_restoreWindowPositions
- global startup_restoreDesktopIcons
- global menuControl_windowPositionsMenuLocation
- global menuControl_windowPositionsMenuLocationChoice
- global menuControl_desktopIconsMenuLocation
- global menuControl_desktopIconsMenuLocationChoice
- global windowPositions_IncludeOffScreenWindows
- global windowPositions_AutoSave
- global windowPositions_AutoSaveIntervalLabel
- global windowPositions_AutoSaveIntervalEdit
- global windowPositions_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes
- global windowPositions_AutoSaveNotify
- global desktopIcons_AutoSave
- global desktopIcons_AutoSaveIntervalLabel
- global desktopIcons_AutoSaveIntervalEdit
- global desktopIcons_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes
- global desktopIcons_AutoSaveNotify
- global MenuLocationValues
- global MenuLocationItems
+ global general_cascadeGutterSize
+ global general_columnGutterSize
+ global general_gridGutterSize
+ global general_spanMonitorGutterSize
+ global startup_restoreWindowPositions
+ global startup_restoreDesktopIcons
+ global menuControl_windowPositionsMenuLocation
+ global menuControl_windowPositionsMenuLocationChoice
+ global menuControl_desktopIconsMenuLocation
+ global menuControl_desktopIconsMenuLocationChoice
+ global windowPositions_IncludeOffScreenWindows
+ global windowPositions_AutoSave
+ global windowPositions_AutoSaveIntervalLabel
+ global windowPositions_AutoSaveIntervalEdit
+ global windowPositions_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes
+ global windowPositions_AutoSaveNotify
+ global desktopIcons_AutoSave
+ global desktopIcons_AutoSaveIntervalLabel
+ global desktopIcons_AutoSaveIntervalEdit
+ global desktopIcons_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes
+ global desktopIcons_AutoSaveNotify
+ global MenuLocationValues
+ global MenuLocationItems
- if (!userConfig)
- return
+ if (!userConfig)
+ return
- general_cascadeGutterSize := userConfig.General_CascadeGutterSize
- general_columnGutterSize := userConfig.General_ColumnGutterSize
- general_gridGutterSize := userConfig.General_GridGutterSize
- general_spanMonitorGutterSize := userConfig.General_SpanMonitorGutterSize
- startup_restoreWindowPositions := userConfig.Startup_RestoreWindowPositions ? 1 : 0
- startup_restoreDesktopIcons := userConfig.Startup_RestoreDesktopIcons ? 1 : 0
- menuControl_windowPositionsMenuLocation := userConfig.MenuControl_WindowPositionsMenuLocation
- menuControl_windowPositionsMenuLocationChoice := IndexOf(MenuLocationValues, menuControl_windowPositionsMenuLocation)
- menuControl_desktopIconsMenuLocation := userConfig.MenuControl_DesktopIconsMenuLocation
- menuControl_desktopIconsMenuLocationChoice := IndexOf(MenuLocationValues, menuControl_desktopIconsMenuLocation)
- windowPositions_AutoSave := userConfig.WindowPositions_AutoSave
- windowPositions_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes := userConfig.WindowPositions_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes
- windowPositions_AutoSaveNotify := userConfig.WindowPositions_AutoSaveNotify
- windowPositions_IncludeOffScreenWindows := userConfig.WindowPositions_IncludeOffScreenWindows ? 1 : 0
- desktopIcons_AutoSave := userConfig.DesktopIcons_AutoSave
- desktopIcons_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes := userConfig.DesktopIcons_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes
- desktopIcons_AutoSaveNotify := userConfig.DesktopIcons_AutoSaveNotify
- desktopIcons_IncludeOffScreenWindows := userConfig.DesktopIcons_IncludeOffScreenWindows ? 1 : 0
+ general_cascadeGutterSize := userConfig.General_CascadeGutterSize
+ general_columnGutterSize := userConfig.General_ColumnGutterSize
+ general_gridGutterSize := userConfig.General_GridGutterSize
+ general_spanMonitorGutterSize := userConfig.General_SpanMonitorGutterSize
+ startup_restoreWindowPositions := userConfig.Startup_RestoreWindowPositions ? 1 : 0
+ startup_restoreDesktopIcons := userConfig.Startup_RestoreDesktopIcons ? 1 : 0
+ menuControl_windowPositionsMenuLocation := userConfig.MenuControl_WindowPositionsMenuLocation
+ menuControl_windowPositionsMenuLocationChoice := IndexOf(MenuLocationValues, menuControl_windowPositionsMenuLocation)
+ menuControl_desktopIconsMenuLocation := userConfig.MenuControl_DesktopIconsMenuLocation
+ menuControl_desktopIconsMenuLocationChoice := IndexOf(MenuLocationValues, menuControl_desktopIconsMenuLocation)
+ windowPositions_AutoSave := userConfig.WindowPositions_AutoSave
+ windowPositions_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes := userConfig.WindowPositions_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes
+ windowPositions_AutoSaveNotify := userConfig.WindowPositions_AutoSaveNotify
+ windowPositions_IncludeOffScreenWindows := userConfig.WindowPositions_IncludeOffScreenWindows ? 1 : 0
+ desktopIcons_AutoSave := userConfig.DesktopIcons_AutoSave
+ desktopIcons_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes := userConfig.DesktopIcons_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes
+ desktopIcons_AutoSaveNotify := userConfig.DesktopIcons_AutoSaveNotify
+ desktopIcons_IncludeOffScreenWindows := userConfig.DesktopIcons_IncludeOffScreenWindows ? 1 : 0
; SaveConfigGuiValues
- global general_cascadeGutterSize
- global general_columnGutterSize
- global general_gridGutterSize
- global general_spanMonitorGutterSize
- global startup_restoreWindowPositions
- global startup_restoreDesktopIcons
- global menuControl_windowPositionsMenuLocation
- global menuControl_windowPositionsMenuLocationChoice
- global menuControl_desktopIconsMenuLocation
- global menuControl_desktopIconsMenuLocationChoice
- global windowPositions_IncludeOffScreenWindows
- global windowPositions_AutoSave
- global windowPositions_AutoSaveIntervalLabel
- global windowPositions_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes
- global windowPositions_AutoSaveNotify
- global desktopIcons_AutoSave
- global desktopIcons_AutoSaveIntervalLabel
- global desktopIcons_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes
- global desktopIcons_AutoSaveNotify
- global MenuLocationValues
+ global general_cascadeGutterSize
+ global general_columnGutterSize
+ global general_gridGutterSize
+ global general_spanMonitorGutterSize
+ global startup_restoreWindowPositions
+ global startup_restoreDesktopIcons
+ global menuControl_windowPositionsMenuLocation
+ global menuControl_windowPositionsMenuLocationChoice
+ global menuControl_desktopIconsMenuLocation
+ global menuControl_desktopIconsMenuLocationChoice
+ global windowPositions_IncludeOffScreenWindows
+ global windowPositions_AutoSave
+ global windowPositions_AutoSaveIntervalLabel
+ global windowPositions_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes
+ global windowPositions_AutoSaveNotify
+ global desktopIcons_AutoSave
+ global desktopIcons_AutoSaveIntervalLabel
+ global desktopIcons_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes
+ global desktopIcons_AutoSaveNotify
+ global MenuLocationValues
- if (!userConfig)
- return
+ if (!userConfig)
+ return
- userConfig.General_CascadeGutterSize := general_cascadeGutterSize
- userConfig.General_ColumnGutterSize := general_columnGutterSize
- userConfig.General_GridGutterSize := general_gridGutterSize
- userConfig.General_SpanMonitorGutterSize := general_spanMonitorGutterSize
- userConfig.Startup_RestoreWindowPositions := startup_restoreWindowPositions
- userConfig.Startup_RestoreDesktopIcons := startup_restoreDesktopIcons
- userConfig.MenuControl_WindowPositionsMenuLocation := MenuLocationValues[menuControl_windowPositionsMenuLocation]
- userConfig.MenuControl_DesktopIconsMenuLocation := MenuLocationValues[menuControl_desktopIconsMenuLocation]
- userConfig.WindowPositions_AutoSave := windowPositions_AutoSave
- userConfig.WindowPositions_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes := windowPositions_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes
- userConfig.WindowPositions_AutoSaveNotify := windowPositions_AutoSaveNotify
- userConfig.WindowPositions_IncludeOffScreenWindows := windowPositions_IncludeOffScreenWindows
- userConfig.DesktopIcons_AutoSave := desktopIcons_AutoSave
- userConfig.DesktopIcons_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes := desktopIcons_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes
- userConfig.DesktopIcons_AutoSaveNotify := desktopIcons_AutoSaveNotify
- userConfig.Save()
- OnUserConfigUpdated()
+ userConfig.General_CascadeGutterSize := general_cascadeGutterSize
+ userConfig.General_ColumnGutterSize := general_columnGutterSize
+ userConfig.General_GridGutterSize := general_gridGutterSize
+ userConfig.General_SpanMonitorGutterSize := general_spanMonitorGutterSize
+ userConfig.Startup_RestoreWindowPositions := startup_restoreWindowPositions
+ userConfig.Startup_RestoreDesktopIcons := startup_restoreDesktopIcons
+ userConfig.MenuControl_WindowPositionsMenuLocation := MenuLocationValues[menuControl_windowPositionsMenuLocation]
+ userConfig.MenuControl_DesktopIconsMenuLocation := MenuLocationValues[menuControl_desktopIconsMenuLocation]
+ userConfig.WindowPositions_AutoSave := windowPositions_AutoSave
+ userConfig.WindowPositions_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes := windowPositions_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes
+ userConfig.WindowPositions_AutoSaveNotify := windowPositions_AutoSaveNotify
+ userConfig.WindowPositions_IncludeOffScreenWindows := windowPositions_IncludeOffScreenWindows
+ userConfig.DesktopIcons_AutoSave := desktopIcons_AutoSave
+ userConfig.DesktopIcons_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes := desktopIcons_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes
+ userConfig.DesktopIcons_AutoSaveNotify := desktopIcons_AutoSaveNotify
+ userConfig.Save()
+ OnUserConfigUpdated()
; BuildConfigGui - Build the Config Gui
- global AppName
- global MenuLocationItems
- global general_cascadeGutterSize
- global general_columnGutterSize
- global general_gridGutterSize
- global general_spanMonitorGutterSize
- global startup_restoreWindowPositions
- global startup_restoreDesktopIcons
- global menuControl_windowPositionsMenuLocation
- global menuControl_windowPositionsMenuLocationChoice
- global menuControl_desktopIconsMenuLocation
- global menuControl_desktopIconsMenuLocationChoice
- global windowPositions_IncludeOffScreenWindows
- global windowPositions_AutoSave
- global windowPositions_AutoSaveIntervalLabel
- global windowPositions_AutoSaveIntervalEdit
- global windowPositions_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes
- global windowPositions_AutoSaveNotify
- global desktopIcons_AutoSave
- global desktopIcons_AutoSaveIntervalLabel
- global desktopIcons_AutoSaveIntervalEdit
- global desktopIcons_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes
- global desktopIcons_AutoSaveNotify
+ global AppName
+ global MenuLocationItems
+ global general_cascadeGutterSize
+ global general_columnGutterSize
+ global general_gridGutterSize
+ global general_spanMonitorGutterSize
+ global startup_restoreWindowPositions
+ global startup_restoreDesktopIcons
+ global menuControl_windowPositionsMenuLocation
+ global menuControl_windowPositionsMenuLocationChoice
+ global menuControl_desktopIconsMenuLocation
+ global menuControl_desktopIconsMenuLocationChoice
+ global windowPositions_IncludeOffScreenWindows
+ global windowPositions_AutoSave
+ global windowPositions_AutoSaveIntervalLabel
+ global windowPositions_AutoSaveIntervalEdit
+ global windowPositions_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes
+ global windowPositions_AutoSaveNotify
+ global desktopIcons_AutoSave
+ global desktopIcons_AutoSaveIntervalLabel
+ global desktopIcons_AutoSaveIntervalEdit
+ global desktopIcons_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes
+ global desktopIcons_AutoSaveNotify
- menuLocationItemsText := JoinItems("|", MenuLocationItems)
+ menuLocationItemsText := JoinItems("|", MenuLocationItems)
- marginSize := 5
- indentSize := 20
- col1 := 20
- col1Indent := col1 + indentSize
- col2 := 220
- col2Indent := col2 + indentSize
- tabHeight := 40
- rowHeight := 30
- textOffSet := 3
- row1 := tabHeight + (rowHeight * 0)
- row2 := tabHeight + (rowHeight * 1)
- row3 := tabHeight + (rowHeight * 2)
- row4 := tabHeight + (rowHeight * 3)
- row1t := row1 + textOffset
- row2t := row2 + textOffset
- row3t := row3 + textOffset
- row4t := row4 + textOffset
+ marginSize := 5
+ indentSize := 20
+ col1 := 20
+ col1Indent := col1 + indentSize
+ col2 := 220
+ col2Indent := col2 + indentSize
+ tabHeight := 40
+ rowHeight := 30
+ textOffSet := 3
+ row1 := tabHeight + (rowHeight * 0)
+ row2 := tabHeight + (rowHeight * 1)
+ row3 := tabHeight + (rowHeight * 2)
+ row4 := tabHeight + (rowHeight * 3)
+ row1t := row1 + textOffset
+ row2t := row2 + textOffset
+ row3t := row3 + textOffset
+ row4t := row4 + textOffset
- ; Start Gui
- Gui, Config:New, -SysMenu, %AppName% Configuration
- Gui, Config:Margin, %marginSize%, %marginSize%
- Gui, Config:Add, Tab3, -Wrap w370 h230, General|Startup|Menu Control|Window Positions|Desktop Icons
- ; Tab 1 - General
- Gui, Config:Tab, 1
- ; Row 1
- Gui, Config:Add, Text, x%col1% y%row1t%, C&ascade Gutter Size:
- Gui, Config:Add, Edit, x%col2% y%row1% w80 x%col2%
- Gui, Config:Add, UpDown, vgeneral_cascadeGutterSize Range0-100, %general_cascadeGutterSize%
- ; Row 2
- Gui, Config:Add, Text, x%col1% y%row2t%, C&olumn Gutter Size:
- Gui, Config:Add, Edit, w80 x%col2% y%row2%
- Gui, Config:Add, UpDown, vgeneral_columnGutterSize Range0-100, %general_columnGutterSize%
- ; Row 3
- Gui, Config:Add, Text, x%col1% y%row3t%, &Grid Gutter Size:
- Gui, Config:Add, Edit, w80 x%col2% y%row3%
- Gui, Config:Add, UpDown, vgeneral_gridGutterSize Range0-100, %general_gridGutterSize%
- ; Row 4
- Gui, Config:Add, Text, x%col1% y%row4t%, Span &Monitor Gutter Size:
- Gui, Config:Add, Edit, w80 x%col2% y%row4%
- Gui, Config:Add, UpDown, vgeneral_spanMonitorGutterSize Range0-100, %general_spanMonitorGutterSize%
- ; Tab 2 - Startup
- Gui, Config:Tab, 2
- ; Row 1
- Gui, Config:Add, Checkbox, x%col1% y%row1t% vstartup_restoreWindowPositions Checked%startup_restoreWindowPositions%, Restore Window &Positions on Startup
- ; Row 2
- Gui, Config:Add, Checkbox, x%col1% y%row2t% vstartup_restoreDesktopIcons Checked%startup_restoreDesktopIcons%, Restore Desktop &Icons on Startup
+ ; Start Gui
+ Gui, Config:New, -SysMenu, %AppName% Configuration
+ Gui, Config:Margin, %marginSize%, %marginSize%
+ Gui, Config:Add, Tab3, -Wrap w370 h230, General|Startup|Menu Control|Window Positions|Desktop Icons
+ ; Tab 1 - General
+ Gui, Config:Tab, 1
+ ; Row 1
+ Gui, Config:Add, Text, x%col1% y%row1t%, C&ascade Gutter Size:
+ Gui, Config:Add, Edit, x%col2% y%row1% w80 x%col2%
+ Gui, Config:Add, UpDown, vgeneral_cascadeGutterSize Range0-100, %general_cascadeGutterSize%
+ ; Row 2
+ Gui, Config:Add, Text, x%col1% y%row2t%, C&olumn Gutter Size:
+ Gui, Config:Add, Edit, w80 x%col2% y%row2%
+ Gui, Config:Add, UpDown, vgeneral_columnGutterSize Range0-100, %general_columnGutterSize%
+ ; Row 3
+ Gui, Config:Add, Text, x%col1% y%row3t%, &Grid Gutter Size:
+ Gui, Config:Add, Edit, w80 x%col2% y%row3%
+ Gui, Config:Add, UpDown, vgeneral_gridGutterSize Range0-100, %general_gridGutterSize%
+ ; Row 4
+ Gui, Config:Add, Text, x%col1% y%row4t%, Span &Monitor Gutter Size:
+ Gui, Config:Add, Edit, w80 x%col2% y%row4%
+ Gui, Config:Add, UpDown, vgeneral_spanMonitorGutterSize Range0-100, %general_spanMonitorGutterSize%
+ ; Tab 2 - Startup
+ Gui, Config:Tab, 2
+ ; Row 1
+ Gui, Config:Add, Checkbox, x%col1% y%row1t% vstartup_restoreWindowPositions Checked%startup_restoreWindowPositions%, Restore Window &Positions on Startup
+ ; Row 2
+ Gui, Config:Add, Checkbox, x%col1% y%row2t% vstartup_restoreDesktopIcons Checked%startup_restoreDesktopIcons%, Restore Desktop &Icons on Startup
- ; Tab 3 - Menu Control
- Gui, Config:Tab, 3
- ; Row 1
- Gui, Config:Add, Text, x%col1% y%row1t%, Window &Positions Menu Location:
- Gui, Config:Add, DropDownList, x%col2% y%row1% vmenuControl_windowPositionsMenuLocation AltSubmit Choose%menuControl_windowPositionsMenuLocationChoice%, %menuLocationItemsText%
- ; Row 2
- Gui, Config:Add, Text, x%col1% y%row2t%, Desktop &Icons Menu Location:
- Gui, Config:Add, DropDownList, x%col2% y%row2% vmenuControl_desktopIconsMenuLocation AltSubmit Choose%menuControl_desktopIconsMenuLocationChoice%, %menuLocationItemsText%
+ ; Tab 3 - Menu Control
+ Gui, Config:Tab, 3
+ ; Row 1
+ Gui, Config:Add, Text, x%col1% y%row1t%, Window &Positions Menu Location:
+ Gui, Config:Add, DropDownList, x%col2% y%row1% vmenuControl_windowPositionsMenuLocation AltSubmit Choose%menuControl_windowPositionsMenuLocationChoice%, %menuLocationItemsText%
+ ; Row 2
+ Gui, Config:Add, Text, x%col1% y%row2t%, Desktop &Icons Menu Location:
+ Gui, Config:Add, DropDownList, x%col2% y%row2% vmenuControl_desktopIconsMenuLocation AltSubmit Choose%menuControl_desktopIconsMenuLocationChoice%, %menuLocationItemsText%
- ; Tab 4 - Window Positions
- Gui, Config:Tab, 4
- ; Row 1
- Gui, Config:Add, Checkbox, x%col1% y%row1t% vwindowPositions_AutoSave gwindowPositions_AutoSave_Checked Checked%windowPositions_AutoSave%, Auto-Save Window Positions ?
- Gui, Config:Add, Text, x%col1Indent% y%row2t% vwindowPositions_AutoSaveIntervalLabel, Auto-Save interval (minutes)
- Gui, Config:Add, Edit, w80 x%col2% y%row2% vwindowPositions_AutoSaveIntervalEdit
- Gui, Config:Add, UpDown, vwindowPositions_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes Range1-360, %windowPositions_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes%
- Gui, Config:Add, Checkbox, x%col1Indent% y%row3% vwindowPositions_AutoSaveNotify Checked%windowPositions_AutoSaveNotify%, Notify when Auto-Saving ?
- ; Row 4
- Gui, Config:Add, Checkbox, x%col1% y%row4t% vwindowPositions_IncludeOffScreenWindows Checked%windowPositions_IncludeOffScreenWindows%, Include Off-Screen Windows
+ ; Tab 4 - Window Positions
+ Gui, Config:Tab, 4
+ ; Row 1
+ Gui, Config:Add, Checkbox, x%col1% y%row1t% vwindowPositions_AutoSave gwindowPositions_AutoSave_Checked Checked%windowPositions_AutoSave%, Auto-Save Window Positions ?
+ Gui, Config:Add, Text, x%col1Indent% y%row2t% vwindowPositions_AutoSaveIntervalLabel, Auto-Save interval (minutes)
+ Gui, Config:Add, Edit, w80 x%col2% y%row2% vwindowPositions_AutoSaveIntervalEdit
+ Gui, Config:Add, UpDown, vwindowPositions_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes Range1-360, %windowPositions_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes%
+ Gui, Config:Add, Checkbox, x%col1Indent% y%row3% vwindowPositions_AutoSaveNotify Checked%windowPositions_AutoSaveNotify%, Notify when Auto-Saving ?
+ ; Row 4
+ Gui, Config:Add, Checkbox, x%col1% y%row4t% vwindowPositions_IncludeOffScreenWindows Checked%windowPositions_IncludeOffScreenWindows%, Include Off-Screen Windows
- ; Tab 5 - Desktop Icons
- Gui, Config:Tab, 5
- ; Row 1
- Gui, Config:Add, Checkbox, x%col1% y%row1t% vdesktopIcons_AutoSave gdesktopIcons_AutoSave_Checked Checked%desktopIcons_AutoSave%, Auto-Save Desktop Icons ?
- Gui, Config:Add, Text, x%col1Indent% y%row2t% vdesktopIcons_AutoSaveIntervalLabel, Auto-Save interval (minutes)
- Gui, Config:Add, Edit, w80 x%col2% y%row2% vdesktopIcons_AutoSaveIntervalEdit
- Gui, Config:Add, UpDown, vdesktopIcons_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes Range1-360, %desktopIcons_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes%
- Gui, Config:Add, Checkbox, x%col1Indent% y%row3% vdesktopIcons_AutoSaveNotify Checked%desktopIcons_AutoSaveNotify%, Notify when Auto-Saving ?
- ; Row 4
- ;Gui, Config:Add, Text, x%col1% y%row1t%, Number of saved files to &keep :
- ;Gui, Config:Add, Edit, w80 x%col2% y%row1%
- ;Gui, Config:Add, UpDown, vdesktopIcons_NumberOfFilesToKeep Range0-100, %desktopIcons_NumberOfFilesToKeep%
+ ; Tab 5 - Desktop Icons
+ Gui, Config:Tab, 5
+ ; Row 1
+ Gui, Config:Add, Checkbox, x%col1% y%row1t% vdesktopIcons_AutoSave gdesktopIcons_AutoSave_Checked Checked%desktopIcons_AutoSave%, Auto-Save Desktop Icons ?
+ Gui, Config:Add, Text, x%col1Indent% y%row2t% vdesktopIcons_AutoSaveIntervalLabel, Auto-Save interval (minutes)
+ Gui, Config:Add, Edit, w80 x%col2% y%row2% vdesktopIcons_AutoSaveIntervalEdit
+ Gui, Config:Add, UpDown, vdesktopIcons_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes Range1-360, %desktopIcons_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes%
+ Gui, Config:Add, Checkbox, x%col1Indent% y%row3% vdesktopIcons_AutoSaveNotify Checked%desktopIcons_AutoSaveNotify%, Notify when Auto-Saving ?
+ ; Row 4
+ ;Gui, Config:Add, Text, x%col1% y%row1t%, Number of saved files to &keep :
+ ;Gui, Config:Add, Edit, w80 x%col2% y%row1%
+ ;Gui, Config:Add, UpDown, vdesktopIcons_NumberOfFilesToKeep Range0-100, %desktopIcons_NumberOfFilesToKeep%
- ; Button Bar
- Gui, Config:Tab
- Gui, Config:Add, Button, default x205 y240 w80, OK ; The label ButtonOK (if it exists) will be run when the button is pressed.
- Gui, Config:Add, Button, x295 y240 w80, Cancel ; The label ButtonCancel (if it exists) will be run when the button is pressed.
- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Fire Events to ensure control consistency
- windowPositions_AutoSave_Checked()
- desktopIcons_AutoSave_Checked()
+ ; Button Bar
+ Gui, Config:Tab
+ Gui, Config:Add, Button, default x205 y240 w80, OK ; The label ButtonOK (if it exists) will be run when the button is pressed.
+ Gui, Config:Add, Button, x295 y240 w80, Cancel ; The label ButtonCancel (if it exists) will be run when the button is pressed.
+ ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ; Fire Events to ensure control consistency
+ windowPositions_AutoSave_Checked()
+ desktopIcons_AutoSave_Checked()
; windowPositions_AutoSave_Checked - When Auto-Save is checked
- GuiControlGet, windowPositions_AutoSave
- enabled := windowPositions_AutoSave ? 1 : 0
- GuiControl, Enable%enabled%, windowPositions_AutoSaveIntervalLabel
- GuiControl, Enable%enabled%, windowPositions_AutoSaveIntervalEdit
- GuiControl, Enable%enabled%, windowPositions_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes
- GuiControl, Enable%enabled%, windowPositions_AutoSaveNotify
+ GuiControlGet, windowPositions_AutoSave
+ enabled := windowPositions_AutoSave ? 1 : 0
+ GuiControl, Enable%enabled%, windowPositions_AutoSaveIntervalLabel
+ GuiControl, Enable%enabled%, windowPositions_AutoSaveIntervalEdit
+ GuiControl, Enable%enabled%, windowPositions_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes
+ GuiControl, Enable%enabled%, windowPositions_AutoSaveNotify
; desktopIcons_AutoSave_Checked - When Auto-Save is checked
- GuiControlGet, desktopIcons_AutoSave
- enabled := desktopIcons_AutoSave ? 1 : 0
- GuiControl, Enable%enabled%, desktopIcons_AutoSaveIntervalLabel
- GuiControl, Enable%enabled%, desktopIcons_AutoSaveIntervalEdit
- GuiControl, Enable%enabled%, desktopIcons_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes
- GuiControl, Enable%enabled%, desktopIcons_AutoSaveNotify
+ GuiControlGet, desktopIcons_AutoSave
+ enabled := desktopIcons_AutoSave ? 1 : 0
+ GuiControl, Enable%enabled%, desktopIcons_AutoSaveIntervalLabel
+ GuiControl, Enable%enabled%, desktopIcons_AutoSaveIntervalEdit
+ GuiControl, Enable%enabled%, desktopIcons_AutoSaveIntervalMinutes
+ GuiControl, Enable%enabled%, desktopIcons_AutoSaveNotify
; DestroyConfigGui - Destroy the Config Gui
- Gui, Config:Destroy
+ Gui, Config:Destroy
; ShowUserConfigGui - Build, Populate and Show the Config Gui
- global G_UserConfig
- LoadConfigGuiValues(G_UserConfig)
- BuildConfigGui()
- Gui, Config:Show
+ global G_UserConfig
+ LoadConfigGuiValues(G_UserConfig)
+ BuildConfigGui()
+ Gui, Config:Show
- DestroyConfigGui()
- return
+ DestroyConfigGui()
+ return
- DestroyConfigGui()
- return
+ DestroyConfigGui()
+ return
- DestroyConfigGui()
- return
+ DestroyConfigGui()
+ return
- global G_UserConfig
+ global G_UserConfig
- Gui, Config:Submit
- SaveConfigGuiValues(G_UserConfig)
- DestroyConfigGui()
- return
+ Gui, Config:Submit
+ SaveConfigGuiValues(G_UserConfig)
+ DestroyConfigGui()
+ return
diff --git a/WindowHotKeys.ahk b/WindowHotKeys.ahk
index b6209b6..3fefc31 100644
--- a/WindowHotKeys.ahk
+++ b/WindowHotKeys.ahk
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
#If WinActive("ahk_exe firefox.exe")
; F9 - Hide images
- LogText("Executing F9: firefox.exe")
+ LogText("Executing F9: firefox.exe")
Send !t
Sleep, 100
Send w w {Enter} i m
@@ -39,9 +39,9 @@
#If WinActive("ahk_exe notepad++.exe")
; Ctrl+F4 = Ctrl+W - Close current file
- LogText("Executing Ctrl+F4: notepad++.exe")
- Send ^w
- return
+ LogText("Executing Ctrl+F4: notepad++.exe")
+ Send ^w
+ return
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
#If WinActive("ahk_exe opera.exe")
; F12 = Ctrl-Shift-C - Open Debug Inspector
- LogText("Executing F12: opera.exe")
- Send ^+I
- return
+ LogText("Executing F12: opera.exe")
+ Send ^+I
+ return
diff --git a/WindowMenu.ahk b/WindowMenu.ahk
index 2feb2b8..22cc8d4 100644
--- a/WindowMenu.ahk
+++ b/WindowMenu.ahk
@@ -21,194 +21,194 @@ G_SelectableDesktopIcons := []
; Initialisation
- global WindowMenuName
- WindowMenuName := "WindowMenu"
- BuildIconLibrary()
+ global WindowMenuName
+ WindowMenuName := "WindowMenu"
+ BuildIconLibrary()
; OnStartup
- BuildWindowMenu()
+ BuildWindowMenu()
; OnExit
- RestoreRollupWindows() ; This line will unroll any rolled up windows if the script exits for any reason:
+ RestoreRollupWindows() ; This line will unroll any rolled up windows if the script exits for any reason:
; Build Menu
- global G_UserConfig
- global G_MonitorCount
- global G_MenuTitle
- global IconLibraryFileName
- global MenuLocationWindowMenu
- global WindowMenuName
- menuIndex := 0
- desktopSize := GetDesktopSize()
- try Menu, %WindowMenuName%, DeleteAll
- menuIndex := AddMenuItem(WindowMenuName, G_MenuTitle, "NullHandler", menuIndex)
- Menu, %WindowMenuName%, Icon, %G_MenuTitle%, Shell32.dll, 20
- ; Standard Window Sizes
- menuIndex := AddMenuItemSeparator(WindowMenuName, menuIndex)
- menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, "&Optimum Size", "OptimumSizeHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("MOVESIZE_COMMON_OPTIMUM"), menuIndex)
- menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, "Su&b-Optimum Size", "SubOptimumSizeHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("MOVESIZE_COMMON_SUBOPTIMUM"), menuIndex)
- menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, "M&edium Size", "MediumSizeHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("MOVESIZE_COMMON_MEDIUM"), menuIndex)
- menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, "Sma&ll Size", "SmallSizeHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("MOVESIZE_COMMON_SMALL"), menuIndex)
- menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, "T&iny Size", "TinySizeHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("MOVESIZE_COMMON_TINY"), menuIndex)
- ; Move to known columns of the Screen
- menuIndex := AddMenuItemSeparator(WindowMenuName, menuIndex)
- menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, "&Left Column", "MoveColumnLeftHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("MOVESIZE_COLUMN_LEFT"), menuIndex)
- menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, "Ce&ntre Column", "MoveColumnCentreHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("MOVESIZE_COLUMN_CENTRE"), menuIndex)
- menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, "&Right Column", "MoveColumnRightHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("MOVESIZE_COLUMN_RIGHT"), menuIndex)
- ; Multi-Monitor spanning
- menuIndex := AddMenuItemSeparator(WindowMenuName, menuIndex)
- menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, "&Fit Current Monitor", "SpanCurrentMonitorHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("MONITOR_FIT"), menuIndex)
- if (G_MonitorCount > 1)
- {
- menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, "Span &Monitor Width", "SpanMonitorWidthHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("MONITOR_SPAN_WIDTH"), menuIndex)
- menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, "Span &Monitor Height", "SpanMonitorHeightHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("MONITOR_SPAN_HEIGHT"), menuIndex)
- menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, "Span &All Monitors", "SpanAllMonitorsHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("MONITOR_SPAN_ALL"), menuIndex)
- }
- ; Window Positions
- if (ContainsFlag(G_UserConfig.MenuControl_WindowPositionsMenuLocation, MenuLocationWindowMenu))
- {
- menuIndex := AddMenuItemSeparator(WindowMenuName, menuIndex)
- saveTitle := "Save Window &Positions (" . desktopSize.DimensionsText . ")"
- menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, saveTitle, "SaveWindowPositionsHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("POSITION_SAVE"), menuIndex)
- restoreTitle := "Restore Last Window &Positions (" . desktopSize.DimensionsText . ")"
- menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, restoreTitle, "RestoreWindowPositionsHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("POSITION_RESTORE"), menuIndex)
- restoreEnabled := HasSavedWindowPositionsFile(desktopSize)
- EnableMenuItem(WindowMenuName, restoreTitle, restoreEnabled)
- if (HasMultipleSavedWindowPositionsFiles(desktopSize))
- {
- restoreTitle := "Restore Window &Positions (" . desktopSize.DimensionsText . ")..."
- menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, restoreTitle, "RestoreMultipleWindowPositionsHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("POSITION_RESTORE"), menuIndex)
- }
- }
- ; Move to Corners
- menuIndex := AddMenuItemSeparator(WindowMenuName, menuIndex)
- menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, "Move &Centre", "CentreHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("MOVE_CENTRE"), menuIndex)
- menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, "Move &Top Left", "MoveTopLeftHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("MOVE_CORNER_TOPLEFT"), menuIndex)
- menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, "Move &Top Right", "MoveTopRightHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("MOVE_CORNER_TOPRIGHT"), menuIndex)
- menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, "Move &Bottom Left", "MoveBottomLeftHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("MOVE_CORNER_BOTTOMLEFT"), menuIndex)
- menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, "Move &Bottom Right", "MoveBottomRightHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("MOVE_CORNER_BOTTOMRIGHT"), menuIndex)
- ; Rollup
- menuIndex := AddMenuItemSeparator(WindowMenuName, menuIndex)
- menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, "Roll&up", "RollupHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("SIZE_COMMON_ROLLUP"), menuIndex)
- ; Topmost handling
- menuIndex := AddMenuItemSeparator(WindowMenuName, menuIndex)
- menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, "Set Top&Most On", "TopmostSetHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("POSITION_ZORDER_TOPMOSTON"), menuIndex)
- menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, "Set Top&Most Off", "TopmostUnsetHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("POSITION_ZORDER_TOPMOSTOFF"), menuIndex)
- menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, "&Toggle TopMost", "TopmostToggleHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("POSITION_ZORDER_TOPMOSTTOGGLE"), menuIndex)
- ; Transparency
- menuIndex := AddMenuItemSeparator(WindowMenuName, menuIndex)
- menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, "Set Transparency &75%", "TransparencySet75Handler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("POSITION_TRANSPARENCY75"), menuIndex)
- menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, "Set Transparency &50%", "TransparencySet50Handler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("POSITION_TRANSPARENCY50"), menuIndex)
- menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, "Set Transparency &25%", "TransparencySet25Handler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("POSITION_TRANSPARENCY25"), menuIndex)
- menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, "Set Transparency &0%", "TransparencySet0Handler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("POSITION_TRANSPARENCY0"), menuIndex)
- ; Send to back
- menuIndex := AddMenuItemSeparator(WindowMenuName, menuIndex)
- menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, "Send to Bac&k", "SendToBackHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("POSITION_ZORDER_SENDTOBACK"), menuIndex)
- ; Desktop Icons
- if (ContainsFlag(G_UserConfig.MenuControl_DesktopIconsMenuLocation, MenuLocationWindowMenu))
- {
- menuIndex := AddMenuItemSeparator(WindowMenuName, menuIndex)
- saveTitle := "Save &Desktop Icons (" . desktopSize.DimensionsText . ")"
- menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, saveTitle, "SaveDesktopIconsHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("DESKTOPICONS_SAVE"), menuIndex)
- restoreTitle := "Restore &Desktop Icons (" . desktopSize.DimensionsText . ")"
- menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, restoreTitle, "RestoreDesktopIconsHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("DESKTOPICONS_RESTORE"), menuIndex)
- restoreEnabled := HasSavedDesktopIconsFile(desktopSize)
- EnableMenuItem(WindowMenuName, restoreTitle, restoreEnabled)
- if (HasMultipleSavedDesktopIconsFiles(desktopSize))
- {
- restoreTitle := "Restore &Desktop Icons (" . desktopSize.DimensionsText . ")..."
- menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, restoreTitle, "RestoreMultipleDesktopIconsHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("DESKTOPICONS_RESTORE"), menuIndex)
- }
- }
- ; Cancel menu
- menuIndex := AddMenuItemSeparator(WindowMenuName, menuIndex)
- menuIndex := AddMenuItem(WindowMenuName, "&Cancel", "NullHandler", menuIndex)
+ global G_UserConfig
+ global G_MonitorCount
+ global G_MenuTitle
+ global IconLibraryFileName
+ global MenuLocationWindowMenu
+ global WindowMenuName
+ menuIndex := 0
+ desktopSize := GetDesktopSize()
+ try Menu, %WindowMenuName%, DeleteAll
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItem(WindowMenuName, G_MenuTitle, "NullHandler", menuIndex)
+ Menu, %WindowMenuName%, Icon, %G_MenuTitle%, Shell32.dll, 20
+ ; Standard Window Sizes
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItemSeparator(WindowMenuName, menuIndex)
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, "&Optimum Size", "OptimumSizeHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("MOVESIZE_COMMON_OPTIMUM"), menuIndex)
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, "Su&b-Optimum Size", "SubOptimumSizeHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("MOVESIZE_COMMON_SUBOPTIMUM"), menuIndex)
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, "M&edium Size", "MediumSizeHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("MOVESIZE_COMMON_MEDIUM"), menuIndex)
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, "Sma&ll Size", "SmallSizeHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("MOVESIZE_COMMON_SMALL"), menuIndex)
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, "T&iny Size", "TinySizeHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("MOVESIZE_COMMON_TINY"), menuIndex)
+ ; Move to known columns of the Screen
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItemSeparator(WindowMenuName, menuIndex)
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, "&Left Column", "MoveColumnLeftHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("MOVESIZE_COLUMN_LEFT"), menuIndex)
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, "Ce&ntre Column", "MoveColumnCentreHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("MOVESIZE_COLUMN_CENTRE"), menuIndex)
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, "&Right Column", "MoveColumnRightHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("MOVESIZE_COLUMN_RIGHT"), menuIndex)
+ ; Multi-Monitor spanning
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItemSeparator(WindowMenuName, menuIndex)
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, "&Fit Current Monitor", "SpanCurrentMonitorHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("MONITOR_FIT"), menuIndex)
+ if (G_MonitorCount > 1)
+ {
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, "Span &Monitor Width", "SpanMonitorWidthHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("MONITOR_SPAN_WIDTH"), menuIndex)
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, "Span &Monitor Height", "SpanMonitorHeightHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("MONITOR_SPAN_HEIGHT"), menuIndex)
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, "Span &All Monitors", "SpanAllMonitorsHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("MONITOR_SPAN_ALL"), menuIndex)
+ }
+ ; Window Positions
+ if (ContainsFlag(G_UserConfig.MenuControl_WindowPositionsMenuLocation, MenuLocationWindowMenu))
+ {
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItemSeparator(WindowMenuName, menuIndex)
+ saveTitle := "Save Window &Positions (" . desktopSize.DimensionsText . ")"
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, saveTitle, "SaveWindowPositionsHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("POSITION_SAVE"), menuIndex)
+ restoreTitle := "Restore Last Window &Positions (" . desktopSize.DimensionsText . ")"
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, restoreTitle, "RestoreWindowPositionsHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("POSITION_RESTORE"), menuIndex)
+ restoreEnabled := HasSavedWindowPositionsFile(desktopSize)
+ EnableMenuItem(WindowMenuName, restoreTitle, restoreEnabled)
+ if (HasMultipleSavedWindowPositionsFiles(desktopSize))
+ {
+ restoreTitle := "Restore Window &Positions (" . desktopSize.DimensionsText . ")..."
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, restoreTitle, "RestoreMultipleWindowPositionsHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("POSITION_RESTORE"), menuIndex)
+ }
+ }
+ ; Move to Corners
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItemSeparator(WindowMenuName, menuIndex)
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, "Move &Centre", "CentreHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("MOVE_CENTRE"), menuIndex)
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, "Move &Top Left", "MoveTopLeftHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("MOVE_CORNER_TOPLEFT"), menuIndex)
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, "Move &Top Right", "MoveTopRightHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("MOVE_CORNER_TOPRIGHT"), menuIndex)
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, "Move &Bottom Left", "MoveBottomLeftHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("MOVE_CORNER_BOTTOMLEFT"), menuIndex)
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, "Move &Bottom Right", "MoveBottomRightHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("MOVE_CORNER_BOTTOMRIGHT"), menuIndex)
+ ; Rollup
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItemSeparator(WindowMenuName, menuIndex)
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, "Roll&up", "RollupHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("SIZE_COMMON_ROLLUP"), menuIndex)
+ ; Topmost handling
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItemSeparator(WindowMenuName, menuIndex)
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, "Set Top&Most On", "TopmostSetHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("POSITION_ZORDER_TOPMOSTON"), menuIndex)
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, "Set Top&Most Off", "TopmostUnsetHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("POSITION_ZORDER_TOPMOSTOFF"), menuIndex)
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, "&Toggle TopMost", "TopmostToggleHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("POSITION_ZORDER_TOPMOSTTOGGLE"), menuIndex)
+ ; Transparency
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItemSeparator(WindowMenuName, menuIndex)
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, "Set Transparency &75%", "TransparencySet75Handler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("POSITION_TRANSPARENCY75"), menuIndex)
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, "Set Transparency &50%", "TransparencySet50Handler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("POSITION_TRANSPARENCY50"), menuIndex)
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, "Set Transparency &25%", "TransparencySet25Handler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("POSITION_TRANSPARENCY25"), menuIndex)
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, "Set Transparency &0%", "TransparencySet0Handler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("POSITION_TRANSPARENCY0"), menuIndex)
+ ; Send to back
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItemSeparator(WindowMenuName, menuIndex)
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, "Send to Bac&k", "SendToBackHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("POSITION_ZORDER_SENDTOBACK"), menuIndex)
+ ; Desktop Icons
+ if (ContainsFlag(G_UserConfig.MenuControl_DesktopIconsMenuLocation, MenuLocationWindowMenu))
+ {
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItemSeparator(WindowMenuName, menuIndex)
+ saveTitle := "Save &Desktop Icons (" . desktopSize.DimensionsText . ")"
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, saveTitle, "SaveDesktopIconsHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("DESKTOPICONS_SAVE"), menuIndex)
+ restoreTitle := "Restore &Desktop Icons (" . desktopSize.DimensionsText . ")"
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, restoreTitle, "RestoreDesktopIconsHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("DESKTOPICONS_RESTORE"), menuIndex)
+ restoreEnabled := HasSavedDesktopIconsFile(desktopSize)
+ EnableMenuItem(WindowMenuName, restoreTitle, restoreEnabled)
+ if (HasMultipleSavedDesktopIconsFiles(desktopSize))
+ {
+ restoreTitle := "Restore &Desktop Icons (" . desktopSize.DimensionsText . ")..."
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItemWithIcon(WindowMenuName, restoreTitle, "RestoreMultipleDesktopIconsHandler", IconLibraryFileName, GetIconLibraryIndex("DESKTOPICONS_RESTORE"), menuIndex)
+ }
+ }
+ ; Cancel menu
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItemSeparator(WindowMenuName, menuIndex)
+ menuIndex := AddMenuItem(WindowMenuName, "&Cancel", "NullHandler", menuIndex)
; BuildIconLibrary - Build Icon Library
- global IconLibrary
- IconLibrary := []
- IconLibrary.push("MONITOR_FIT")
- IconLibrary.push("MOVESIZE_COLUMN_CENTRE")
- IconLibrary.push("MOVESIZE_COLUMN_LEFT")
- IconLibrary.push("MOVESIZE_COLUMN_RIGHT")
- IconLibrary.push("MOVESIZE_COMMON_MEDIUM")
- IconLibrary.push("MOVESIZE_COMMON_SMALL")
- IconLibrary.push("MOVESIZE_COMMON_TINY")
- IconLibrary.push("MOVE_CENTRE")
- IconLibrary.push("MOVE_CORNER_BOTTOMLEFT")
- IconLibrary.push("MOVE_CORNER_TOPLEFT")
- IconLibrary.push("MOVE_CORNER_TOPRIGHT")
- IconLibrary.push("POSITION_TRANSPARENCY0")
- IconLibrary.push("POSITION_TRANSPARENCY25")
- IconLibrary.push("POSITION_TRANSPARENCY50")
- IconLibrary.push("POSITION_TRANSPARENCY75")
- IconLibrary.push("SIZE_COMMON_ROLLUP")
- IconLibrary.push("MONITOR_SPAN_ALL")
- IconLibrary.push("MONITOR_SPAN_HEIGHT")
- IconLibrary.push("MONITOR_SPAN_WIDTH")
- IconLibrary.push("POSITION_RESTORE")
- IconLibrary.push("POSITION_SAVE")
- IconLibrary.push("DESKTOPICONS_RESTORE")
- IconLibrary.push("DESKTOPICONS_SAVE")
+ global IconLibrary
+ IconLibrary := []
+ IconLibrary.push("MONITOR_FIT")
+ IconLibrary.push("MOVESIZE_COLUMN_CENTRE")
+ IconLibrary.push("MOVESIZE_COLUMN_LEFT")
+ IconLibrary.push("MOVESIZE_COLUMN_RIGHT")
+ IconLibrary.push("MOVESIZE_COMMON_MEDIUM")
+ IconLibrary.push("MOVESIZE_COMMON_SMALL")
+ IconLibrary.push("MOVESIZE_COMMON_TINY")
+ IconLibrary.push("MOVE_CENTRE")
+ IconLibrary.push("MOVE_CORNER_BOTTOMLEFT")
+ IconLibrary.push("MOVE_CORNER_TOPLEFT")
+ IconLibrary.push("MOVE_CORNER_TOPRIGHT")
+ IconLibrary.push("POSITION_TRANSPARENCY0")
+ IconLibrary.push("POSITION_TRANSPARENCY25")
+ IconLibrary.push("POSITION_TRANSPARENCY50")
+ IconLibrary.push("POSITION_TRANSPARENCY75")
+ IconLibrary.push("SIZE_COMMON_ROLLUP")
+ IconLibrary.push("MONITOR_SPAN_ALL")
+ IconLibrary.push("MONITOR_SPAN_HEIGHT")
+ IconLibrary.push("MONITOR_SPAN_WIDTH")
+ IconLibrary.push("POSITION_RESTORE")
+ IconLibrary.push("POSITION_SAVE")
+ IconLibrary.push("DESKTOPICONS_RESTORE")
+ IconLibrary.push("DESKTOPICONS_SAVE")
; GetIconIndex - Find the array index of a named icon
- global IconLibrary
- return IndexOf(IconLibrary, iconName)
+ global IconLibrary
+ return IndexOf(IconLibrary, iconName)
@@ -368,83 +368,83 @@ return
; ShowMenu - Show the Window Control Menu
- global G_MenuTitle
- global WindowMenuName
- BuildWindowMenu()
- ; Build Window Details
- newMenuTitle := theWindow.Title . " (" . theWindow.ProcessName . ") [" . theWindow.Left . ", " . theWindow.Top . ", " . theWindow.Width . ", " . theWindow.Height . "]"
- ; Change Menu MainTitle
- if (newMenuTitle <> G_MenuTitle)
- {
- G_MenuTitle := newMenuTitle
- Menu, %WindowMenuName%, Rename, 1&, %G_MenuTitle%
- }
- processPath := theWindow.ProcessPath
- try Menu, %WindowMenuName%, Icon, 1&, %processPath%, 0
- ; Enable / Disable as appropriate
- enableTopMostOff := IsWindowTopMost(theWindow.WindowHandle)
- enableTopMostOn := !enableTopMostOff
- EnableMenuItem(WindowMenuName, "Set Top&Most On", enableTopMostOn)
- EnableMenuItem(WindowMenuName, "Set Top&Most Off", enableTopMostOff)
- ; Show Popup Menu
- Menu, %WindowMenuName%, Show
+ global G_MenuTitle
+ global WindowMenuName
+ BuildWindowMenu()
+ ; Build Window Details
+ newMenuTitle := theWindow.Title . " (" . theWindow.ProcessName . ") [" . theWindow.Left . ", " . theWindow.Top . ", " . theWindow.Width . ", " . theWindow.Height . "]"
+ ; Change Menu MainTitle
+ if (newMenuTitle <> G_MenuTitle)
+ {
+ G_MenuTitle := newMenuTitle
+ Menu, %WindowMenuName%, Rename, 1&, %G_MenuTitle%
+ }
+ processPath := theWindow.ProcessPath
+ try Menu, %WindowMenuName%, Icon, 1&, %processPath%, 0
+ ; Enable / Disable as appropriate
+ enableTopMostOff := IsWindowTopMost(theWindow.WindowHandle)
+ enableTopMostOn := !enableTopMostOff
+ EnableMenuItem(WindowMenuName, "Set Top&Most On", enableTopMostOn)
+ EnableMenuItem(WindowMenuName, "Set Top&Most Off", enableTopMostOff)
+ ; Show Popup Menu
+ Menu, %WindowMenuName%, Show
; WindowsKey+W
- ; Get Active Window
- WinGet, theWindow, ID, A
- MouseGetPos, mouseX, mouseY
+ ; Get Active Window
+ WinGet, theWindow, ID, A
+ MouseGetPos, mouseX, mouseY
- G_ActiveWindow := New Window(theWindow)
- G_CurrentMouse := New Coordinate(mouseX, mouseY)
+ G_ActiveWindow := New Window(theWindow)
+ G_CurrentMouse := New Coordinate(mouseX, mouseY)
- ShowMenu(G_ActiveWindow)
- return
+ ShowMenu(G_ActiveWindow)
+ return
; RightMouseButton
- ; Get MousePos and Active Window
- MouseGetPos, mouseX, mouseY, theWindow
+ ; Get MousePos and Active Window
+ MouseGetPos, mouseX, mouseY, theWindow
- G_ActiveWindow := New Window(theWindow)
- G_CurrentMouse := New Coordinate(mouseX, mouseY)
+ G_ActiveWindow := New Window(theWindow)
+ G_CurrentMouse := New Coordinate(mouseX, mouseY)
- LogText("G_ActiveWindow: " . G_ActiveWindow.Description)
- LogText("G_CurrentMouse: " . G_CurrentMouse.Description)
+ LogText("G_ActiveWindow: " . G_ActiveWindow.Description)
+ LogText("G_CurrentMouse: " . G_CurrentMouse.Description)
- ; Get Mouse Monitor
- currentMouseMonitor := New Monitor(G_CurrentMouse.MonitorIndex)
- LogText("currentMouseMonitor: " . currentMouseMonitor.Description)
- LogText("currentMouseMonitor.WorkArea: " . currentMouseMonitor.WorkArea.Description)
+ ; Get Mouse Monitor
+ currentMouseMonitor := New Monitor(G_CurrentMouse.MonitorIndex)
+ LogText("currentMouseMonitor: " . currentMouseMonitor.Description)
+ LogText("currentMouseMonitor.WorkArea: " . currentMouseMonitor.WorkArea.Description)
- if (!G_CurrentMouse.IsInRectangle(currentMouseMonitor.WorkArea))
- {
- LogText("Outside Monitor Area: " . currentMouseMonitor.WorkArea.Description)
- return
- }
+ if (!G_CurrentMouse.IsInRectangle(currentMouseMonitor.WorkArea))
+ {
+ LogText("Outside Monitor Area: " . currentMouseMonitor.WorkArea.Description)
+ return
+ }
- hitArea := G_ActiveWindow.GetHitArea(G_CaptionHeight)
- if (!G_currentMouse.IsInRectangle(hitArea))
- {
- LogText("Outside Window Hit Area: " . hitArea.Description)
- return
- }
+ hitArea := G_ActiveWindow.GetHitArea(G_CaptionHeight)
+ if (!G_currentMouse.IsInRectangle(hitArea))
+ {
+ LogText("Outside Window Hit Area: " . hitArea.Description)
+ return
+ }
- title := G_ActiveWindow.Title
- description := G_ActiveWindow.Description
+ title := G_ActiveWindow.Title
+ description := G_ActiveWindow.Description
- ShowMenu(G_ActiveWindow)
+ ShowMenu(G_ActiveWindow)
- return
+ return