- Fixed PHAR loading issues with enabled opcache in PHP 5.5 (submitted by @fgerards)
- T3Chimp uses now PHP streams instead of cURL to enable a less error prone network communication
- Improved compatibility with TYPO3 7.x (with support of @echavaillaz)
- T3Chimp now requires at least PHP 5.4.0
- If you've installed Suhosin make sure that it allows the usage of PHAR archives
- Fixes a TypoScript configuration issue under PHP 5.3.x which causes AJAX requests to have no parameters
- Adds a better possibility to style error and success messages
- Prevents form validation to check for captcha in CLI mode (submitted by Ingo Renner)
- Fixes compatibility issues with tt_content (submitted by Remo Häusler)
- Adds a JavaScript based CAPTCHA function (no user interaction required)
- Fixes the plugin configuration in multi-page setups (submitted by Remo Häusler)
- Optimized cURL calls for more restrictive server setups
- Added the possibility to customize T3Chimp through the Signal / Slot API
- Fixed detection of IE 11
- Fixed wrong template tags that were introduced during the automatic change of translation keys in v2.2.0
- Fixed a bug in the API that showed a wrong error message
- Moved all translation files to xliff format (thanks to Mark Howells-Mead for the help)
- All texts are now translatable using TypoScript, read it up here
- Added Dutch country list translation
- Improved the handling of settings during AJAX requests → you need to update your templates
- Improved error handling for MailChimp API calls
- Fixed a incompatibility with RealURL where forms sometimes would have an empty action
- Removed all use statements from ext_tables.php since it can cause conflicts with other extensions
- Adapted the API calls so that it allows redirects with curl even when open_basedir is set or safe_mode is turned on
- Fixed some warnings
- Fixed further MailChimp API v2 incompatibilities
- Fixed an issue where the unsubscription form would always be invalid
- Fixed missing namespace import
- Fixed MailChimp API v2 incompatibilities
- Fixed #14, an issue with the field provider for the sync task, where the class from a wrong namespace got imported
- Refactored code to use v2 of the MailChimp API
- Refactored code to use namespaces
- Dropped support for TYPO3 versions older than 6.1 (1.x still supports older installations and will get bugfix updates until the EOL of TYPO3 4.7)
- Removed the "Use secure connection" option, since the new API always uses SSL
- Added option to allow the users to choose the email format
- Fixed detection of IE 11
- Dutch translations by Jeroen Vanheste from tidi.be
- Added option to disable the welcome email
- Minor bug fixes
- Fixed rendering issue in 4.5.x
- Configuration issues fixed
- Optimized the extension for extensibility through other extensions
- Disabled the backend module since MailChimp doesn't seem to allow to load the page within an iframe anymore
- Adapted dependency configuration so that it gets processed properly by the new TER release
- Fixed API key configuration for 4.x
- Added the possibilities to configure site specific API keys and to adapt the country selection
- Fixed some issues with group synchronization
- Added possibility to set interest groupings when synchronizing subscribers
- Added a configurable blank option to select fields
- Fixed compatibility issue with 4.5.x
- Hidden fields are no longer rendered
- Improved error logging
- Fixed an issue where Internet Explorer would not handle AJAX responses of type application/json properly
- Removed dependency on static_info_tables
- Fixed TYPO3 6.1 compatibility
- Added missing support for radios and dropdown interest grouping field types
- Fixed a bug where commas in interest grouping names would cause an error
- Added frontend user synchronization
- Fixed further issues that can occur when doing Ajax requests in TYPO3
- Fixed several issues that can occur when doing Ajax requests in TYPO3
- Removed dependency on t3jquery
- Bundled custom jQuery version, since other plugin repeatedly cause conflicts with their own jQuery versions
- Minor bug fixes
- Typo3 6.0 compatibility
- Fixed further autoload issues
- Generated autoload registry to fix autoload issues
- Improved error handling
- Fixed compatibility with TYPO3 4.6.x and 4.7.x
- Added check for proper jQuery version
- First public release