author = { Matthias Moulin },
title = { MAGE v0 },
year = { 2025 },
url = { https://github.com/matt77hias/MAGE-v0 },
note = { \url{https://github.com/matt77hias/MAGE-v0} }
- Anti-aliasing
- Assembly
- C/C++
- Collision Detection
- Color
- Data Structures
- Depth Test
- Design Patterns
- File Formats
- Game Loop
- General Computer Graphics
- General Computer Science
- General Game Engines
- Mathematics
- PBR and BRDFs
- Perception
- Post-processing
- Scene Graphs
- Scripting
- Shadows
- Textures
- Tone Mapping
- Tool Kits
- Version Control
LOTTES T.: FXAA, 2009.
PETTINEO M.: Deferred MSAA, 2010.
PRANCKEVICIUS A.: HDR with MSAA demo (2005), 2005.
TURÁNSKI J.: How to Resolve an MSAA DepthBuffer, 2016.
FERRARI A, BATSON A., LACK M., JONES A., EVANS D.: x86 Assembly Guide, 2017.
ACTON M.: Demystifying The Restrict Keyword, 2006.
ACTON M.: Typical C++ Bullshit, 2008.
ACTON M.: Understanding Strict Aliasing, 2006.
ALBRECHT T.: Pitfalls of Object Oriented Programming, 2014.
ALLAIN A.: C++11 range-based for loops, s.d.
ANDERSON D.: The Clockwise/Spiral Rule, 1994.
BECK J.: decltype and declval, 2011.
BOCCARA J.: A Concrete Example of Naming Consistency, 2018.
BOCCARA J.: How to choose good names in your code, 2017.
BOCCARA J.: std::iterator is deprecated: Why, What It Was, and What to Use Instead, 2018.
BOCCARA J.: The Incredible Const Reference That Isn’t Const, 2018.
BOCCARA J.: The Interface Principle in C++, 2017.
BOCCARA J.: The Most Vexing Parse: How to Spot It and Fix It Quickly, 2018.
BRAND S.: Adding C++17 structured bindings support to your classes, 2016.
BREDIKHIN E.: C++17, 2017.
CORENTIN B.: Undefining the C++ Pre-processor, 2018.
CPPDEPEND TEAM: What made John Carmack a legend in C++ programming? And which lessons to learn from him when adopting the new standards?, 2018.
CUMMING M.: C++: std::string_view not so useful when calling C functions, 2017.
DICANIO G.: How Many String types Does C++ Have?, 2018.
EDOUARD: When noexcept?, 2016.
ELVERT M.: C++ header-only libraries are bad, 2018.
FERNANDES R. M.: Rule of Zero, s.d.
FILIPEK B.: A Wall of Your std::optional Examples, 2018.
FILIPEK B.: Enforcing code contracts with [[nodiscard]], 2017.
FILIPEK B.: Error Handling and std::optional, 2017.
FILIPEK B.: Everything You Need to Know About std::any from C++17, 2018.
FILIPEK B.: Everything You Need to Know About std::variant from C++17, 2018.
FILIPEK B.: Examples of Parallel Algorithms From C++17, 2018.
FILIPEK B.: IIFE for Complex Initialization, 2016.
FILIPEK B.: In-Place Construction for std::any, std::variant and std::optional, 2018.
FILIPEK B.: Performance of std::string_view vs std::string from C++17, 2018.
FILIPEK B.: Refactoring with C++17 std::optional, 2018.
FILIPEK B.: Simplify code with 'if constexpr' in C++17, 2018.
FILIPEK B.: Speeding up Pattern Searches with Boyer-Moore Algorithm from C++17, 2018.
FILIPEK B.: The Pimpl Pattern - what you should know, 2018.
FILIPEK B.: Using C++17 std::optional, 2018.
FREE SOFTWARE FOUNDACTION INC.: Where’s the Template?, 2017.
GALEA V.: Rapid Prototyping of Graphics Shaders in Modern C++, CppCon 2018, 2018.
GOLDSBOROUGH P.: Internal and External Linkage in C++, 2016.
GOOGLE INC.: Google C++ Style Guide, 2018.
GUEGANT J.: An introduction to C++'s SFINAE concept: compile-time introspection of a class member, 2015.
HALDAR D.: C++ 11 Auto: How to use and avoid abuse, 2016.
IGNATCHENKO S.: 5 Reasons NOT to Use std::ostream for Human-Readable Output, 2018.
JOSUTTIS N.: The Nightmare of Move Semantics for Trivial Classes, CppCon 2017, 2017.
KALB J.: A Foolish Consistency, 2018.
KARPOV A.: The Ultimate Question of Programming, Refactoring, and Everything, 2016.
KAY J.: An Introduction to Reflection in C++, 2017.
KAY J.: Fun with Reflection in C++, 2017.
KAYARI: C++ Antipatterns, s.d.
KNATTEN A. S.: lvalues, rvalues, glvalues, prvalues, xvalues, help!, 2018.
KRZEMIENSKI A.: noexcept destructors, 2013.
KRZEMIENSKI A.: Why make your classes final?, 2012.
LEMIRE D.: Which is fastest: read, fread, ifstream or mmap?, 2012.
MEYERS S.: Effective C++, 3th Edition, Addison-Wesley Professional, 2005.
MEYERS S.: Effective Modern C++, 1st Edition, O'Reilly Media, 2004.
MEYERS S.: Universal References in C++11, 2012.
METZ A.: Functions of Variants are Covariant, 2018.
METZ A.: “Modern C++” != “New(est) Standard”, 2018.
METZ A.: Modern C++ Features – decltype and std::declval, 2017.
METZ A.: Trailing Return Types, East Const, and Code Style Consistency, 2018.
METZ A.: Trailing return types everywhere, 2016.
MIKLOJCIK J. F.: Do-while and if-else statements in macros, 2008.
MÜLLER J.: Guidelines For Rvalue References In APIs, 2018.
MÜLLER J.: Lazy evaluation of function arguments in C++, 2017.
MÜLLER J.: std::string_view accepting temporaries: good idea or horrible pitfall?, 2017.
NASH P.: East End Functions, 2018.
NIEBLER E.: Standard Ranges, 2018.
PHARR M.: CHECK_RARE and making sense of unusual occurrences, 2018.
PHARR M.: Swallowing the elephant (part 1), 2018.
PHARR M.: Swallowing the elephant (part 2), 2018.
PHARR M.: Swallowing the elephant (postscript: reader emails), 2018.
PRANCKEVICIUS A.: "Modern" C++ Lamentations, 2018.
PRESHING J.: A Flexible Reflection System in C++: Part 1, 2018.
PRESHING J.: A Flexible Reflection System in C++: Part 2, 2018.
REGEHR J.: The Strict Aliasing Situation is Pretty Bad, 2016.
ROPERT M.: Modern C++ 03, 2018.
SUTTER H.: Back to the Basics! Essentials of Modern C++ Style, CppCon 2014, 2014.
SUTTER H.: GotW #91 Solution: Smart Pointer Parameters, 2013.
STROUSTRUP B., SUTTER H.: C++ Core Guidelines, 2018.
TURANSZKIJ J.: Simple job system using standard C++, 2018.
UPADYSHEV A.: PIMPL, Rule of Zero and Scott Meyers, 2015.
WELLER J.: How if constexpr simplifies your code in C++17, 2018.
WILLIAMS A.: Locks, Mutexes, and Semaphores: Types of Synchronization Objects, 2014.
WINTERS T.: Revisiting Regular Types, 2018.
KARRAS T.: Thinking Parallel, Part I: Collision Detection on the GPU, 2012.
KARRAS T.: Thinking Parallel, Part II: Tree Traversal on the GPU, 2012.
KARRAS T.: Thinking Parallel, Part III: Tree Construction on the GPU, 2012.
ALDRIDGE G.: The difference between RGBM and RGBD, 2010.
A.M.P.A.S.: Academy Color Encoding System Developer Resources, 2011.
ERICSON C.: Converting RGB to LogLuv in a fragment shader, 2007.
GUERTAULT J.: Gamma correct and HDR rendering in a 32 bits buffer, 2013.
HABLE J.: Linear-Space Lighting (i.e. Gamma), 2010.
KARIS B.: RGBM color encoding, 2009.
PETTINEO M.: LogLuv Encoding for HDR, 2008.
REINALTER S.: Gamma-correct rendering, 2011.
SUPNIK B.: The Value Of Gamma Compression, 2010.
WARD G.: The LogLuv Encoding for Full Gamut, High Dynamic Range Images, J. Graph. Tools 3, 1, 1998.
ARNEBÄCK E.: Comparing a Clipmap to a Sparse Voxel Octree for Global Illumination, Master Thesis, 2011.
CRASSIN C.: GigaVoxels: A Voxel-Based Rendering Pipeline For Efficient Exploration Of Large And Detailed Scenes, PhD Thesis, 2011.
BAKER S.: Learning to Love your Z-buffer, s.d.
GLATZEL B.: [Reverse Z Cheat Sheet(http://www.intrinsic-engine.com/reverse-z-cheat-sheet/), 2018.
KEMEN B.: Maximizing Depth Buffer Range and Precision, 2012.
LAPIDOUS E., JIA G.: Optimal depth buffer for low-cost graphics hardware, Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH/EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics Hardware, 1999.
PERSSON E.: A couple of notes about Z, 2009.
PETTINEO M.: Attack of the Depth Buffer, 2010.
REED N.: Depth Precision Visualized, 2015.
GAMMA E., HELM R., JOHNSON R., VLISSIDES J. M.: Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-oriented Software, 1st Edition, Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., 1995.
NYSTROM R.: Game Programming Patterns, 1st Edition, Genever Benning, 2014.
BOREAL GAMES: Implementing Component-Entity-Systems, 2013.
BOREAL GAMES: Understanding Component-Entity-Systems, 2013.
GAUL R.: Component Based Engine Design, 2013.
GAUL R.: Sane Usage of Components and Entity Systems, 2014.
BOURKE P.: MTL material format (Lightwave, OBJ), 1995.
BOURKE P.: Object Files (.obj).
FIEDLER G.: Fix Your Timestep!: How to step your physics simulation forward, 2004.
WITTERS K.: deWiTTERS Game Loop, 2009.
AKENINE-MÖLLER T., HAINES E., HOFFMAN N.: Real-Time Rendering, 3th Edition, A K Peters/CRC Press, 2008.
AKENINE-MÖLLER T., HAINES E., HOFFMAN N., PESCE A., IWANICKI M., HILLAIRE S.: Real-Time Rendering, 4th Edition, A K Peters/CRC Press, 2018.
ENGEL W.: Shader X5: Advanced Rendering Techniques, 1st Edition, Charles River Media, 2007.
GOOGLE LLC: Filament, 2018.
MCGUIRE M.: The Graphics Codex, 2016.
SCRATCHAPIXEL: Learn Computer Graphics From Scratch!, 2009.
SHIRLEY P.: Fundamentals of Computer Graphics, 3th Edition, A K Peters/CRC Press, 2009.
WHITTED T.: Ray Tracing and Global Illumination, 2018.
BELLER M., ZAIDMAN A., KARPOV A.: The Last Line Effect, In 23rd International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC), ACM, 2015.
BEAUFILS D.: To DRY or not to DRY?, 2018.
BOCCARA J.: How to Design Function Parameters That Make Interfaces Easier to Use (1/3), 2018.
BOCCARA J.: How to Design Function Parameters That Make Interfaces Easier to Use (2/3), 2018.
BOCCARA J.: How to Design Function Parameters That Make Interfaces Easier to Use (3/3), 2018.
CARMACK J.: In-Depth: Static Code Analysis, 2011.
HEVERY M.: To Assert or Not To Assert, 2009.
KARPOV A.: The Last Line Effect, 2014.
LLOPIS N.: Data-Oriented Design (Or Why You Might Be Shooting Yourself in The Foot With OOP), 2009.
MINES J.: Data-Oriented vs Object-Oriented Design, 2018.
MÜLLER J.: Mathematics behind Comparison #1: Equality and Equivalence Relations, 2018.
REED N.: On Vector Math Libraries, 2013.
REGEHR J.: Use of Assertions, 2014.
REINALTER S.: Adventures in data-oriented design – Part 3a: Ownership, 2013.
SEWARD J.: Dr Memory: a memory-checking tool for Windows, 2015.
VASILIEV S.: Static Analysis in Video Game Development: Top 10 Software Bugs, 2018.
VASILIEV S.: Top 10 Bugs in the C++ Projects of 2017, 2018.
WIKIMEDIA INC.: Yoda conditions, 2018.
GREGORY J.: Game Engine Architecture, 2nd Edition, A K Peters/CRC Press, 2014.
PERSSON E.: Creating Vast Game Worlds, ACM SIGGRAPH 2012 Talks, 2012.
SANGLARD F.: Game Engine Black Book: Wolfenstein 3D, 1st Edition, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2017.
YOUNG V.: Programming a Multiplayer FPS in DirectX, 1st Edition, Game Development Series, Charles River Media, 2005.
COZZI P., RICCIO P.: OpenGL Insights, 1st Edition, A K Peters/CRC Press, 2012.
DE VRIES J.: Learn OpenGL, 2014.
FEINSTEIN D.: HLSL Development Cookbook, 1st Edition, Packt Publishing, 2013.
GRUEN H.: Constant Buffers without Constant Pain, 2015.
HARGREAVES S.: For best performance, use DXGI flip model, 2018.
LUNA F.: Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 11, 1st Edition, Mercury Learning & Information, 2012.
LUNA F.: Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 12, 1st Edition, Mercury Learning & Information, 2016.
MICROSOFT CORP.: Direct3D 11 Graphics.
MOULIN M.: Reducing Shader Binding Dependencies, 2017.
NVIDIA GAMEWORKS: DX12 Do's And Don'ts, s.d.
PHARR M.: On to the next thing, 2018.
RASTERTEK: DirectX 11 Tutorials.
RASTERTEK: DirectX 11 Tutorials - Series 2.
TAKESHIGE M.: The Basics of GPU Voxelization, 2015.
TURÁNSKI J.: Abuse the immediate constant buffer, 2016.
YUSOV E.: Designing A Modern Cross-Platform Graphics Library, 2017.
ZINK J., PETTINEO M., HOXLEY J.: Practical Rendering and Computation with Direct3D 11, 1st Edition, A K Peters/CRC Press, 2011.
CAFLISCH R.E.: Monte Carlo and quasi-Monte Carlo methods, Acta Numerica, Cambridge University Press, 1998.
CIGOLLE Z. H., DONOW S., EVANGELAKOS D., MARA M., MCGUIRE M., MEYER Q.: A Survey of Efficient Representations for Independent Unit Vectors, Journal of Computer Graphics Techniques 3, 2, 2014.
DAWSON B.: Tricks With the Floating-Point Format, 2011.
DUFF T., BURGESS J., CHRISTENSEN P., HERY C., KENSLER A., LIANI M., VILLEMIN R.: Building an Orthonormal Basis, Revisited, Journal of Computer Graphics Techniques 6, 1, 2017.
FRISVAD, J. R.: Building an Orthonormal Basis from a 3D Unit Vector Without Normalization, Journal of Graphics Tools 16, 3, 2012.
HILLAIRE S.: Crytek's Best Fit Normals, 2010.
HUGHES, J. F., MÖLLER, T.: Building an Orthonormal Basis from a Unit Vector, Journal of Graphics Tools 4, 4, 1999.
KAPLANYAN A.: Cryengine 3: Reaching the speed of light, SIGGRAPH: Advances in Real-time Rendering, 2010.
LENGYEL E.: Foundations of Game Engine Development, Volume 1: Mathematics, 1st Edition, Terathon Software LLC, 2016.
MITTRING M.: A bit more deferred – CryEngine3, Triangle Game Conference, 2009.
MOULIN M.: Creating a view frustum in local/world/camera space using SIMD, 2017.
MOULIN M.: NDC To Projection To View Space, 2017.
MUNROE L.: Perlin noise, 2016.
NARKOWICZ K.: Octahedron normal vector encoding, 2014.
PESCE A.: Notes on G-Buffer normal encodings, 2015.
PETTINEO M.: Scintillating Snippets: Storing Normals Using Spherical Coordinates, 2009.
PHARR M.: Rendering in Camera Space(ish), 2018.
PRANCKEVICIUS A.: Compact Normal Storage for small G-Buffers, 2010.
REED N.: Quick And Easy GPU Random Numbers In D3D11, 2013.
UPCHURCH P., DESBRUN M.: Tightening the Precision of Perspective Rendering, J. Graphics Tools 12, 2012.
WANG T.: Integer Hash Function, 1997.
WILSON P.: G-Buffer Normals and Trig Lookup Textures, 2008.
WRONSKI B.: Small float formats – R11G11B10F precision, 2017.
BECKMANN P., SPIZZICHINO A.: The scattering of electromagnetic waves from rough surfaces, Proceedings of the IEEE 52, 11, 1964.
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BURLEY B.: Physically Based Shading at Disney, SIGGRAPH 2012 Course: Practical Physically Based Shading in Film and Game Production, 2012.
COOK R. L., TORRANCE K. E.: A Reflectance Model for Computer Graphics, ACM Trans. Graph. 1, 1, 1982.
COURRÈGES A.: GTA V - Graphics Study - Part 1: Dissecting a Frame, 2015.
COURRÈGES A.: GTA V - Graphics Study - Part 2: Level of Detail, 2015.
CRASSIN C., NEYRET F., SAINZ M., GREEN S., EISEMANN E.: Interactive Indirect Illumination Using Voxel Cone Tracing, Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Pacific Graphics 2011) 30, 7 (2011).
DÜR A.: An Improved Normalization for the Ward Reflectance Model, *Journal of Computer Tools 11, 1, 2006.
DUTRÉ P.: Global Illumination Compendium, 2003.
DUTRÉ P., BEKAERT P, BALA K.: Advanced Global Illumination, 2th Edition, A K Peters/CRC Press, 2006.
ERKENBRACH L.: Voxel Cone Traced Global Illumination
GIESEN F.: (Blinn-)Phong Normalization Factor derivation, 2009.
GOOGLE LLC: Materials, 2018.
GOOGLE LLC: Material Properties, 2018.
HAMMON E. J.: PBR Diffuse Lighting for GGX+Smith Microsurfaces, GDC 2017.
HEITZ E.: Understanding the Masking-Shadowing Function in Microfacet-Based BRDFs, Journal of Computer Graphics Techniques 3, 2, 2014.
HILL S.: Specular Showdown in the Wild West, 2011.
KARIS B.: Real Shading in Unreal Engine 4, SIGGRAPH 2013 Course: Physically Based Shading in Theory and Practice, 2013.
KARIS B.: Specular BRDF Reference, 2013.
KAJIYA J. T.: The Rendering Equation, Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, 1986.
KELEMEN C., SZIRMAY-KALOS L.: A Microfacet Based Coupled Specular-Matte BRDF Model with Importance Sampling, Eurographics Short Presentations, 2001.
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LAGARDE S.: Adopting a physically based shading model, 2011.
LAGARDE S., DE ROUSIERS C.: Moving Frostbite to Physically Based Rendering 3.0, SIGGRAPH 2014 Course: Physically Based Shading in Theory and Practice, 2014.
LEWIS R. R.: Making Shaders More Physically Plausible, 4th Eurographics Workshop on Rendering, 1993.
MONTES R., UREÑA C.: An Overview of BRDF Models, Technical Report, 2012.
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PHARR M., HUMPHREYS: Physically Based Rendering: From Theory to Implementation, 2nd Edition, Morgan Kaufmann, 2010.
PHARR M., JAKOB W., HUMPHREYS: Physically Based Rendering: From Theory to Implementation, 3th Edition, Morgan Kaufmann, 2016.
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REED N.: Radiometry Versus Photometry, 2014.
RUSSELL J.: Basic Theory of Physically Based Rendering, 2015.
SCHLICK C.: An Inexpensive BRDF Model for Physically-based Rendering, Computer Graphics Forum 13, 3, 1994.
SCHÜLER C.: The Blinn-Phong Normalization Zoo, 2011.
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STEVENS J.: Physically Based Rendering Algorithms: A Comprehensive Study In Unity3D, 2016.
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TURÁNSKI J.: Voxel-based Global Illumination, 2017.
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WALTER B., MARSCHNER S., LI H., TORRANCE K.: Microfacet Models for Refraction Through Rough Surfaces, Proceedings of the 18th Eurographics Conference on Rendering Techniques, 2007.
WARD G. J.: Measuring and Modeling Anisotropic Reflection, SIGGRAPH Comput. Graph. 26, 2, 1992.
WRONSKI B.: Image dynamic range, 2016.
YEUNG S.: Implementing Voxel Cone Tracing, 2013.
MINEAULT P.: What’s the maximal frame rate humans can perceive?, 2011.
COURRÈGES A.: GTA V - Graphics Study - Part 3: Post Processing Effects, 2015.
GUSTAFSSON D.: Bokeh depth of field in a single pass, 2018.
INTEL: Compute Shader HDR and Bloom, 2012.
JIMENEZ J.: Next Generation Post Processing in Call of Duty Advanced Warfare, SIGGRAPH 2014 Course: Advances in Real-Time Rendering in Games, 2014.
PETTINEO M.: Average Luminance Calculation Using a Compute Shader, 2011.
PETTINEO M.: Depth of Field Sample, 2009.
REED N.: Circle of Confusion From The Depth Buffer, 2012.
ROCKWELL K.: Bokeh, 2008.
SHARMA S.: Bokeh Vs DOF — The Difference Between The Two, 2011.
BAR-ZEEV A.: Scenegraphs: Past, Present, and Future, 2007.
SPIRO L.: Scene Graphs, 2013.
ANTE J.: Writing High Performance C# Scripts, 2017.
EISEMANN E., SCHWARZ M., ASSARSSON U., WIMMER M.: Real-Time Shadows, 1st Edition, A K Peters/CRC Press, 2012.
ASTHANA A.: Introducing ‘Vector Calling Convention’, 2013.
PHARR M.: The story of ispc: Origins (part 1), 2018.
PHARR M.: The story of ispc: volta is born (part 2), 2018.
PHARR M.: The story of ispc: going all in on volta (part 3), 2018.
PHARR M.: The story of ispc: C's influence and implementing SPMD on SIMD (part 4), 2018.
PHARR M.: The story of ispc: first benchmark results (part 5), 2018.
PHARR M.: The story of ispc: first users and modern CPUs coming through (part 6), 2018.
PHARR M.: The story of ispc: Bringing up AVX and giving something back to LLVM (part 7), 2018.
PHARR M.: The story of ispc: more on optimizations and performance (part 8), 2018.
PHARR M.: The story of ispc: the open source release and the end of volta (part 9), 2018.
PHARR M.: The story of ispc: spreading the world and leaving Intel (part 10), 2018.
PHARR M.: The story of ispc: retrospective (part 11), 2018.
PHARR M.: The story of ispc: postscript (part 12), 2018.
SANDERS J., KANDROT E.: CUDA by Example: An Introduction to General-Purpose GPU Programming, 1st edition, Addison-Wesley Professional, USA, 2010.
CRYENGINE: Tangent Space Normal Mapping, 2013.
JERSILD J.: Understanding Half-Pixel and Half-Texel Offsets, 2008.
MICROSOFT CORP.: Directly Mapping Texels to Pixels (Direct3D 9).
PRANCKEVICIUS A.: Solving DX9 Half-Pixel Offset, 2016.
REED N.: Understanding BCn Texture Compression Formats, 2012.
SAWICKI A.: Half-Pixel Offset in DirectX 11, 2012.
SCHÜLER C.: Followup: Normal Mapping Without Precomputed Tangents, 2013.
WILSON J.: PBR Texture Conversion, 2015.
DRAGO F., MYSZKOWSKI K., ANNEN T., CHIBA N.: Adaptive Logarithmic Mapping For Displaying High Contrast Scenes, Computer Graphics Forum 22, 3, 2003.
DUIKER RESEARCH CORP.: Filmic Tonemapping and Color In Games, 2006.
HABLE J.: Filmic Tonemapping Operators, 2010.
ISHEDEN D.: HDR inverse tone mapping MSAA resolve, 2013.
KARIS B.: Tone Mapping, 2013.
LOTTES T.: Optimized Reversible Tonemapper for Resolve, 2016.
MADAMS T.: Why Reinhard desaturates my blacks, 2010.
NARKOWICZ K.: ACES Filmic Tone Mapping Curve, 2016.
PETTINEO M.: A Closer Look At Tone Mapping, 2010.
REINHARD E., STARK M., SHIRLEY P., FERWERDA J.: Photographic Tone Reproduction for Digital Images, ACM Trans. Graph. 21, 3, 2002.
THOMPSON A.: Archetype System, s.d.
THOMPSON A.: Archetype System 2.0, s.d.
ATLASSIAN CORPORATION PLC: Merging vs. Rebasing, s.d.
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Copyright © 2016-2025 Matthias Moulin. All Rights Reserved.