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File metadata and controls

223 lines (177 loc) · 11.2 KB

AquaTech User Activity Analysis


In the realm of aquatic-focused startups, understanding user behavior and user growth are paramount. In pursuit of this understanding, AquaTech has embarked on an analysis of user activity on its platform. They want to analyze their user growth in terms of daily active user (DAU) and monthly active user (MAU). Of course there are more rigorous criteria about DAU and MAU, but that's outside the scope of project, here we take a simple approach by counting distinct user based on event time.

Beside that, they want to know what kind of activities mostly user accessed in their platform. Data pertaining to user activity is collected and temporarily stored in the internal storage platform, residing on user devices. Subsequently, this data is pulled by a device every minute for all users. The pulled data is stored in JSON format with a timestamp naming convention, such as 20221130-111132.json, signifying the data pull time as November 30, 2022, at 11:11:32 AM.

Problem Statement

Below is an example JSON record from the raw data:

  "distinct_id": "21920",
  "event": "$identify",
  "timestamp": "2022-10-01T14:44:35.546Z",
  "uuid": "01839401-d757-0001-295b-23cf4fc0a94a",
  "elements": [],
  "$geoip_city_name": "Palembang",
  "$geoip_country_name": "Indonesia",
  "$geoip_country_code": "ID",
  "$geoip_continent_name": "Asia",
  "$geoip_continent_code": "AS",
  "$geoip_latitude": -2.9146,
  "$geoip_longitude": 104.7535,
  "$geoip_time_zone": "Asia/Jakarta",
  "$geoip_subdivision_1_code": "SS",
  "$geoip_subdivision_1_name": "South Sumatra"

The interesting thing here is that records with past event times(timetamp) may appear in the new JSON files (e.g., a JSON record with "timestamp": "2022-09-22T11:09:43.929Z" appears in the file 20221013-030129.json). This is a kind of "late arriving data". These delayed data will affect the daily active user (dau) and monthly active user (mau) tables. Therefore, if there are late-arriving records, the dau for the related day (event_time) will be recalculated, as will the mau for the related month.

To handle this case, we will add dl_updated_at column for each of our tables indicating data processing time that we wil use as filter criteria to capture both new and late arriving data. This column is also used as a partitioning column in our tables.

Desired Output


  • event_data: Contains parsed data from JSON files, with timestamp key in json is rename to event_time column.
  • dau (daily active user): Contains a summary of the number of active users in daily units (based on event time).
  • mau (monthly active user): Contains a summary of the number of active users in monthly units (based on event time).

Dashboard (Looker Studio - optional)

Cloning the Repository

Note: to follow along this tutorial, you need to use linux based OS or if you have windows OS, you can use Windows Subsystem for linux (WSL).

To get started, clone this repository:

git clone &&
cd AquaTech-User-Activity-Analysis

Data Source Preparation

In this project, JSON files have been stored in the file (located on Google Drive). To download the file, execute the bash script

chmod +x &&

the output will be saved in the ./ file.

Simply unzip the file and save it to the ./airflow/data/ folder:

unzip ./ -d ./airflow/data/ &&
rm -f ./

The output will be saved in the ./airflow/data/raw_data folder with folder and file structures corresponding to the datetime format. Execute

tree ./airflow/data/raw_data

command to view the folder structure. Example folder/file Structure:

├── 2022-10-01
│  ├── 20221001-000000.json
│  ├── 20221001-000001.json
│  ├── 20221001-000010.json
│  ├── 20221001-000017.json

Data Tech Stacks

data pipeline Image

We set up a batch data pipeline (using mixed cloud based and local based) to ingest, process and visualize the data.

Google Cloud Preparation

  • Create a GCP account.

  • Create a new project via:

  • Create a service account in your Google Cloud project (IAM & Admin -> Service Accounts -> Create a Service Account) with roles:

    • Cloud Storage -> Storage Admin
    • BigQuery -> BigQuery Admin
  • Download the service account JSON file (Service Account -> Actions -> Manage Keys -> Create a New Key -> JSON). Save this json file as service-account.json in the gcp_terraform folder.

Terraform (for activating Cloud Storage and BigQuery services)

  • Install Terraform on your machine/VM.

  • Change directory to the gcp_terraform folder.

  • At file, update the Terraform variables for project, region, and location according to your preferences.


    terraform image

  • Execute following command to create the Cloud Storage bucket and BigQuery dataset.

    terraform init
    terraform plan
    terraform apply
  • First execution of terraform apply command maybe show error like below:


    terraform error image

    Just copy url shown in your browser, and enable bigquery API.

    bigquery api

    bigquery API image

  • Execute terraform apply command again.


  • Update sources.database in the ./airflow/data/dbt/user_activity/models/staging/schema.yml file according to your project Id.


    dbt image

  • We will use the materialize = incremental configuration for the dau and mau tables to handle "late arriving data".

  • Everytime event_data_transformations DAG (detail below) run, it will insert records from GSC to Bigquery event_data table and value of dl_updated_at column is equal to airflow data_interval_end runtime parameter (first task of event_data_transformations DAG). Then we filter out event_data table by this dl_updated_at value to get different event_time (distinct date and distinct month, for dau and mau tables respectively) to upsert dau and mau tables, all this job is executed using dbt command (second task of event_data_transformations DAG).


  • Preparation

    • Airflow will be deployed using Docker (specifically docker compose), so make sure Docker (and docker compose plugin) is installed on your machine/VM.

    • Copy the google cloud service-account.json file to the ./airflow/data folder (to be used in creating a Google Cloud connection in Airflow).

    • Navigate to the ./airflow directory and execute

      chmod ugo+w data &&
      mkdir -p logs &&
      mkdir -p config &&
      mkdir -p plugins &&
      docker compose up -d
    • Ensure all services are up and running (docker ps).

    • Log in to the Airflow web server UI (http://localhost:8080) with config:

      password: airflow
    • Hover over the admin tab and click connections.

      connection tab

      connection Image

    • Create a new connection with Connection Type = Google Cloud and Connection Id = ‘google_client’

      create connection

      add connection Image

    • Fill in the Project Id according to your project Id, and fill in the Keyfile Path referring to service-account.json (/opt/airflow/data/service-account.json).

      configure connection

      configure connection Image

    • Click the test button at the bottom to test the connection to Google Cloud with the predefined configuration. A successful connection test will display "Connection successfully tested" at the top of the web page (scroll up), and then save the connection.

      test connection

      test connection Image

    • At ./dags/ file, edit value for project key at profile_args dict in ProfileConfig configration to your preferences project id.

      Update project id

      project_id image

  • DAGs

    In this project, we run three DAGs: create_bigquery_tables, ingest_data and event_data_transformations.


    dag image

    • create_bigquery_tables DAG: Firstly, activate the DAG by clicking on the DAGs tab on the web and unpausing the create_bigquery_tables DAG. This DAG will execute sql file that automatically create tables in Bigquery.

    • ingest_data DAG: This DAG runs every hour (schedule = hourly) and retrieves and processes raw data JSON files according to the execution time parameter in Airflow (not all JSON files are processed at once). The output of one run of the DAG is a CSV file uploaded to Cloud Storage with the naming format: output_{data_interval_start}_{data_interval_end}.csv (e.g., output_20221013030000_20221013040000.csv is the file generated when the DAG runs for the schedule interval from October 13, 2022, at 03:00:00 to April 13, 2024, at 04:00:00). Therefore, in one day, 24 files will be generated. When the data_interval_start is at 00:00 early in the morning, this DAG will trigger the event_data_transformations DAG for execution.

      Wait until create_bigquery_tables DAG run finished, then unpausing the ingest_data DAG, then the job to extract data from the JSON file will run and store the results in Cloud Storage.

    • event_data_transformations DAG: Unpause the event_data_transformations DAG. This DAG runs using the data aware scheduling (dataset schedule) triggered by the ingest_data DAG. When running, this DAG will execute a BigQuery query to create an external table from the CSV file in Cloud Storage for a one-day range and then insert it into the event_data table. Next, Airflow will execute the DBT command to transform event_data table to upsert the dau and mau tables.

Looker Studio (optional)

Create dashboard using your prefered tools. Here we create visualizations using Looker Studio with the event_data, dau, and mau tables. Below is example of the dashboard. Example Image