Uses MediaWiki Revision API to get entities revisions, generating URLs of the kind:
// get one entity's revisions (up to 500)
wbk.getRevisions({ ids: 'Q3548931' })
// get several entities' revisions (up to 500)
wbk.getRevisions({ ids: [ 'Q3548931', 'Q3548932' ] })
// get the last 10 revisions
wbk.getRevisions({ ids: 'Q3548931', limit: 10 })
// get revisions since a precise time
const startTime = // ISO time string OR epoch time in seconds OR milliseconds
wbk.getRevisions({ ids: 'Q3548931', start: startTime })
// get revisions from a precise period
wbk.getRevisions({ ids: 'Q3548931', start: startTime, end: endTime })
// customize revisions properties (`rvprops` in documentation)
wbk.getRevisions({ ids: 'Q3548931', prop: 'tags' })
// get revisions from a user (`rvuser` in documentation)
wbk.getRevisions({ ids: 'Q3548931', user: 'Someusername' })
// get revisions from all but a user (`rvexcludeuser` in documentation)
wbk.getRevisions({ ids: 'Q3548931', excludeuser: 'Someusername' })
// get revisions with a given tag (`rvtag` in documentation)
wbk.getRevisions({ ids: 'Q3548931', tag: 'WikibaseJS-edit' })
NB: limit
, start
, and end
parameters aren't passed when several ids are requested as the API would reject the request with this message:
'"titles", "pageids" or a generator was used to supply multiple pages but the "rvlimit", "rvstartid", "rvendid", "rvdir=newer", "rvuser", "rvexcludeuser", "rvstart", and "rvend" parameters may only be used on a single page.'