dotnet tool install ilspycmd -g
.NET Core 2.1 Tool
ilspycmd -h
dotnet tool for decompiling .NET assemblies and generating portable PDBs
Usage: ilspycmd [arguments] [options]
Assembly file name The assembly that is being decompiled. This argument is mandatory.
-h|--help Show help information
-o|--outputdir <directory> The output directory, if omitted decompiler output is written to standard out.
-p|--project Decompile assembly as compilable project. This requires the output directory option.
-t|--type <type-name> The fully qualified name of the type to decompile.
-il|--ilcode Show IL code.
-d|--debuginfo Generate PDB.
-l|--list <entity-type(s)> Lists all entities of the specified type(s). Valid types: c(lass), i(interface), s(truct), d(elegate), e(num)
-v|--version Show version of ICSharpCode.Decompiler used.
-o is valid with every option and required when using -p.