This is a MAJOR change.
------ Added modules - MINOR ------
------ Changes to module Element - MAJOR ------
type alias GridPosition =
{ start : (Int, Int), width : Int, height : Int }
type alias NamedGridPosition =
cell : Element.GridPosition -> Element.Element style variation msg -> Element.OnGrid (Element.Element style variation msg)
decorativeImage : style -> List (Element.Attribute variation msg) -> { src : String
} -> Element.Element style variation msg
download : String -> Element.Element style variation msg -> Element.Element style variation msg
downloadAs : { src : String,
filename : String
} -> Element.Element style variation msg -> Element.Element style variation msg
h1 : style -> List (Element.Attribute variation msg) -> Element.Element style variation msg -> Element.Element style variation msg
h2 : style -> List (Element.Attribute variation msg) -> Element.Element style variation msg -> Element.Element style variation msg
h3 : style -> List (Element.Attribute variation msg) -> Element.Element style variation msg -> Element.Element style variation msg
h4 : style -> List (Element.Attribute variation msg) -> Element.Element style variation msg -> Element.Element style variation msg
h5 : style -> List (Element.Attribute variation msg) -> Element.Element style variation msg -> Element.Element style variation msg
h6 : style -> List (Element.Attribute variation msg) -> Element.Element style variation msg -> Element.Element style variation msg
newTab : String -> Element.Element style variation msg -> Element.Element style variation msg
subheading : style -> List (Element.Attribute variation msg) -> String -> Element.Element style variation msg
type Option style variation msg
area : Element.GridPosition -> Element.Element style variation msg -> Element.OnGrid (Element.Element style variation msg)
audio : Element.Element style variation msg -> Element.Element style variation msg
break : Element.Element style variation msg
canvas : Element.Element style variation msg -> Element.Element style variation msg
checkbox : Bool -> style -> List (Element.Attribute variation msg) -> Element.Element style variation msg -> Element.Element style variation msg
embed : Style.StyleSheet style variation -> Html.Html msg
form : Element.Element style variation msg -> Element.Element style variation msg
header : Element.Element style variation msg -> Element.Element style variation msg
iframe : Element.Element style variation msg -> Element.Element style variation msg
inputText : style -> List (Element.Attribute variation msg) -> String -> Element.Element style variation msg
label : style -> List (Element.Attribute variation msg) -> Element.Element style variation msg -> Element.Element style variation msg -> Element.Element style variation msg
labelBelow : style -> List (Element.Attribute variation msg) -> Element.Element style variation msg -> Element.Element style variation msg -> Element.Element style variation msg
nav : Element.Element style variation msg -> Element.Element style variation msg
option : String -> Bool -> Element.Element style variation msg -> Element.Option style variation msg
radio : String -> style -> List (Element.Attribute variation msg) -> List (Element.Option style variation msg) -> Element.Element style variation msg
render : Style.StyleSheet style variation -> Element.Element style variation msg -> Html.Html msg
root : Style.StyleSheet style variation -> Element.Element style variation msg -> Html.Html msg
select : String -> style -> List (Element.Attribute variation msg) -> List (Element.Option style variation msg) -> Element.Element style variation msg
textArea : style -> List (Element.Attribute variation msg) -> String -> Element.Element style variation msg
video : Element.Element style variation msg -> Element.Element style variation msg
- type alias Grid =
{ rows : List Style.Internal.Model.Length,
columns : List Style.Internal.Model.Length
+ type alias Grid style variation msg =
{ rows : List Element.Attributes.Length,
columns : List Element.Attributes.Length,
cells : List (Element.OnGrid (Element.Element style variation msg))
- type alias NamedGrid =
{ rows : List (Style.Internal.Model.Length, List Style.Internal.Model.NamedGridPosition),
columns : List Style.Internal.Model.Length
+ type alias NamedGrid style variation msg =
{ rows : List (Element.Attributes.Length, List Style.Internal.Model.NamedGridPosition),
columns : List Element.Attributes.Length,
cells : List (Element.NamedOnGrid (Element.Element style variation msg))
- article : Element.Element style variation msg -> Element.Element style variation msg
+ article : style -> List (Element.Attribute variation msg) -> Element.Element style variation msg -> Element.Element style variation msg
- aside : Element.Element style variation msg -> Element.Element style variation msg
+ aside : style -> List (Element.Attribute variation msg) -> Element.Element style variation msg -> Element.Element style variation msg
- button : Element.Element style variation msg -> Element.Element style variation msg
+ button : style -> List (Element.Attribute variation msg) -> Element.Element style variation msg -> Element.Element style variation msg
- grid : style -> Element.Grid -> List (Element.Attribute variation msg) -> List (Element.OnGrid (Element.Element style variation msg)) -> Element.Element style variation msg
+ grid : style -> List (Element.Attribute variation msg) -> Element.Grid style variation msg -> Element.Element style variation msg
- image : String -> style -> List (Element.Attribute variation msg) -> Element.Element style variation msg -> Element.Element style variation msg
+ image : style -> List (Element.Attribute variation msg) -> { src : String,
caption : String
} -> Element.Element style variation msg
- namedGrid : style -> Element.NamedGrid -> List (Element.Attribute variation msg) -> List (Element.NamedOnGrid (Element.Element style variation msg)) -> Element.Element style variation msg
+ namedGrid : style -> List (Element.Attribute variation msg) -> Element.NamedGrid style variation msg -> Element.Element style variation msg
- section : Element.Element style variation msg -> Element.Element style variation msg
+ section : style -> List (Element.Attribute variation msg) -> Element.Element style variation msg -> Element.Element style variation msg
------ Changes to module Element.Attributes - MAJOR ------
type alias Length =
fillPortion : Int -> Element.Attributes.Length
spread : Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
verticalSpread : Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
accept : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
acceptCharset : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
accesskey : Char -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
action : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
align : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
alt : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
async : Bool -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
autocomplete : Bool -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
autofocus : Bool -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
autoplay : Bool -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
challenge : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
charset : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
checked : Bool -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
cite : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
cols : Int -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
colspan : Int -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
contenteditable : Bool -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
contextmenu : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
controls : Bool -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
coords : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
datetime : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
default : Bool -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
defaultValue : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
defer : Bool -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
dir : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
disabled : Bool -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
download : Bool -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
downloadAs : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
draggable : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
dropzone : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
enctype : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
for : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
form : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
formaction : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
headers : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
href : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
hreflang : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
httpEquiv : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
ismap : Bool -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
itemprop : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
justify : Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
keytype : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
kind : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
lang : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
language : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
list : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
loop : Bool -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
manifest : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
max : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
maxlength : Int -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
media : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
method : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
min : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
minlength : Int -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
moveX : Float -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
moveXY : Float -> Float -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
moveY : Float -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
multiple : Bool -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
name : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
novalidate : Bool -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
pattern : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
ping : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
placeholder : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
poster : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
preload : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
pubdate : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
readonly : Bool -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
rel : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
required : Bool -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
reversed : Bool -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
rows : Int -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
rowspan : Int -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
sandbox : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
scope : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
scoped : Bool -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
seamless : Bool -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
selected : Bool -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
shape : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
size : Int -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
spellcheck : Bool -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
src : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
srcdoc : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
srclang : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
start : Int -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
step : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
tabindex : Int -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
target : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
title : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
type_ : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
usemap : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
value : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
wrap : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
- content : String -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
+ content : Element.Attributes.Length
- fill : Float -> Style.Internal.Model.Length
+ fill : Element.Attributes.Length
- height : Style.Internal.Model.Length -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
+ height : Element.Attributes.Length -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
- maxHeight : Style.Internal.Model.Length -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
+ maxHeight : Element.Attributes.Length -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
- maxWidth : Style.Internal.Model.Length -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
+ maxWidth : Element.Attributes.Length -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
- minHeight : Style.Internal.Model.Length -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
+ minHeight : Element.Attributes.Length -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
- minWidth : Style.Internal.Model.Length -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
+ minWidth : Element.Attributes.Length -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
- percent : Float -> Style.Internal.Model.Length
+ percent : Float -> Element.Attributes.Length
- px : Float -> Style.Internal.Model.Length
+ px : Float -> Element.Attributes.Length
- width : Style.Internal.Model.Length -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
+ width : Element.Attributes.Length -> Element.Internal.Model.Attribute variation msg
------ Changes to module Element.Keyed - MAJOR ------
type alias Grid style variation msg =
{ rows : List Style.Internal.Model.Length,
columns : List Style.Internal.Model.Length,
cells : List (Element.OnGrid (String, Element.Element style variation msg))
type alias NamedGrid style variation msg =
{ rows : List (Style.Internal.Model.Length, List Style.Internal.Model.NamedGridPosition),
columns : List Style.Internal.Model.Length,
cells : List (Element.NamedOnGrid (String, Element.Element style variation msg))
cell : Element.GridPosition -> (String, Element.Element style variation msg) -> Element.OnGrid (String, Element.Element style variation msg)
named : String -> Element.Element style variation msg -> Element.NamedOnGrid (String, Element.Element style variation msg)
- grid : style -> Element.Grid -> List (Element.Attribute variation msg) -> List (Element.OnGrid (String, Element.Element style variation msg)) -> Element.Element style variation msg
+ grid : style -> List (Element.Attribute variation msg) -> Element.Keyed.Grid style variation msg -> Element.Element style variation msg
- namedGrid : style -> Element.NamedGrid -> List (Element.Attribute variation msg) -> List (Element.NamedOnGrid (String, Element.Element style variation msg)) -> Element.Element style variation msg
+ namedGrid : style -> List (Element.Attribute variation msg) -> Element.Keyed.NamedGrid style variation msg -> Element.Element style variation msg
------ Changes to module Style - MAJOR ------
type alias Font = Style.Internal.Model.Font
type alias Transform =
type alias Filter =
type alias Shadow =
filters : List Style.Filter -> Style.Property class variation
paddingBottomHint : Float -> Style.Property class variation
paddingHint : Float -> Style.Property class variation
paddingLeftHint : Float -> Style.Property class variation
paddingRightHint : Float -> Style.Property class variation
paddingTopHint : Float -> Style.Property class variation
shadows : List Style.Shadow -> Style.Property class variation
stylesheet : List (Style.Style elem variation) -> Style.StyleSheet elem variation
stylesheetWith : List Style.Option -> List (Style.Style elem variation) -> Style.StyleSheet elem variation
------ Changes to module Style.Background - MAJOR ------
contain : Style.Background.Size
cover : Style.Background.Size
coverImage : String -> Style.Property class variation
height : Style.Internal.Model.Length -> Style.Background.Size
natural : Style.Background.Size
size : { height : Style.Internal.Model.Length,
width : Style.Internal.Model.Length
} -> Style.Background.Size
stretch : Style.Background.Repeat
width : Style.Internal.Model.Length -> Style.Background.Size
round : Style.Background.Repeat
- imageWith : { src : String,
position : (Float, Float),
repeat : Style.Background.Repeat
} -> Style.Property class variation
+ imageWith : { src : String,
position : (Float, Float),
repeat : Style.Background.Repeat,
size : Style.Background.Size
} -> Style.Property class variation
------ Changes to module Style.Filter - MAJOR ------
- blur : Float -> Style.Filter
+ blur : Float -> Style.Property class variation
- brightness : Float -> Style.Filter
+ brightness : Float -> Style.Property class variation
- contrast : Float -> Style.Filter
+ contrast : Float -> Style.Property class variation
- grayscale : Float -> Style.Filter
+ grayscale : Float -> Style.Property class variation
- hueRotate : Float -> Style.Filter
+ hueRotate : Float -> Style.Property class variation
- invert : Float -> Style.Filter
+ invert : Float -> Style.Property class variation
- opacity : Float -> Style.Filter
+ opacity : Float -> Style.Property class variation
- saturate : Float -> Style.Filter
+ saturate : Float -> Style.Property class variation
- sepia : Float -> Style.Filter
+ sepia : Float -> Style.Property class variation
- url : String -> Style.Filter
+ url : String -> Style.Property class variation
------ Changes to module Style.Font - MAJOR ------
cursive : Style.Font
fantasy : Style.Font
font : String -> Style.Font
importUrl : { url : String, name : String
} -> Style.Font
monospace : Style.Font
sansSerif : Style.Font
serif : Style.Font
noWrap : Style.Property class variation
pre : Style.Property class variation
preLine : Style.Property class variation
preWrap : Style.Property class variation
wrap : Style.Property class variation
- typeface : List String -> Style.Property class variation
+ typeface : List Style.Font -> Style.Property class variation
------ Changes to module Style.Shadow - MAJOR ------
- box : { offset : (Float, Float),
size : Float,
blur : Float,
color : Color.Color
} -> Style.Shadow
+ box : { offset : (Float, Float),
size : Float,
blur : Float,
color : Color.Color
} -> Style.Property class variation
- drop : { offset : (Float, Float),
blur : Float,
color : Color.Color
} -> Style.Shadow
+ drop : { offset : (Float, Float),
blur : Float,
color : Color.Color
} -> Style.Property class variation
- inset : { offset : (Float, Float),
size : Float,
blur : Float,
color : Color.Color
} -> Style.Shadow
+ inset : { offset : (Float, Float),
size : Float,
blur : Float,
color : Color.Color
} -> Style.Property class variation
- text : { offset : (Float, Float),
blur : Float,
color : Color.Color
} -> Style.Shadow
+ text : { offset : (Float, Float),
blur : Float,
color : Color.Color
} -> Style.Property class variation