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RFC 2: Design Considerations for Mediachain at Scale

Status: DRAFT

Author: vyzo


This document is concerned with the Mediachain[1] architecture as it grows from a small prototype to a large peer-to-peer network.

Specifically, we consider the system architecture and protocol requirements in order to support the system as it organically scales. As such, we sketch a tiered architecture that can operate both at small and large scale. Then we discuss protocols for maintaining the Mediachain Journal in peer-to-peer fashion and the fault tolerance characteristics of the system.

The starting point is the Mediachain Datastore as described in [2].

A Tiered System Architecture

Mediachain Peers and Clients

Conceptually we distinguish two types of nodes:

  • tier-1 nodes or Mediachain Peers.
  • tier-2 nodes or Mediachain Clients.

Peer nodes form the Mediachain Core Network responsible for maintaining the Mediachain Journal, which represents the canonical view of the Mediachain datastore. Furthermore, they serve clients with views of the journal and record transactions on their behalf.

Client nodes are the users of the system. They can retrieve and track the Journal through a Peer node, and they can perform reads and writes to the datastore.

Node Keys and Certificates

Each node in the network has a public-private key pair, with its public key forming it identity. Conceptually, the various keys form a tower of trust, connected through certificates.

When the system is bootstrapped, a root key pair must be created which can sign Level-0 certificates. These are certificates that grant signing rights for principal entities that can admit Peer nodes to the network. The key is used to generate such certificates for the principals of the system and is otherwise always stored encrypted. The public part is considered well-known and embedded directly in the software so that all nodes can verify certificates.

Peer nodes require a Level-1 certificate for their keys. In order to join the core network, a Peer node generates a key pair and asks a Level-0 certificate holder to sign it a Level-1 certificate. Thus, membership in core network is moderated for trusted organizations and individuals.

In contrast, the network is open for all clients. A Client can generate a key pair and have a Level-2 certificate signed automatically by a Peer node. In order to reduce the attack surface for spammers, Proof of Work must be required by a Client before a Peer will sign it a Level-2 certificate which grants it access to the network.

The Core Network

The Core Network is responsible for cooperatively maintaining and updating the Journal, and providing data persistence for datastore records.

In order to function, a number of Peer nodes bootstrap a connected overlay network, and maintain it live by exchanging regular heartbeats and peer identity messages. Once booted, Peer nodes are expected to be long-lived, with a lifespan of months and longer except for intermittent failures.

The overlay can start fully connected with a small number of bootsrap nodes, but over time relax the connectivity to an N-cut connected model. That is, with a suitable peer selection strategy, the network can tolerate up to N peer failures without forming a partition. The peer identity exchange messages propagate the constituency of the network, allowing nodes to learn of all other nodes without a direct connection to each one of them.

New peers can join the network at any time: after obtaining a Level-1 certificate the new Peer fetches a public list of known tier-1 nodes and connects to them. Upon connecting, it receives fresh list of peers and reconfigures its connectivity. Then it proceeds to obtain the Journal from other peers, synchronizes its state and starts serving clients.

Client Interface

The function of the core network is to provide continuous views of the Journal to clients and allow them to modify it by performing write transactions. In order to insert data to Mediachain, a connected Client first writes the requisite data directly to the datastore. Given that IPFS is an open network, clients naturally maintain the ability to write directly to the store.

However, in order to persist its data in Mediachain, the Client must also update the Journal to reflect the new data. So after writing to the datastore the Client creates a Transaction consisting of JournalEntry cells and submits it to a Peer node for merging into the Journal. In order to reduce the attack surface for spammers, the Client could be required to submit a fresh Proof of Work together with the transaction. After submission, the Client awaits confirmation for its transaction in the form of a view update.

The Journal Blockchain

The Journal as a Blockchain

At a fundamental level, the Journal is a sequence of JournalEntries as described in [2]. In terms of storage and easy modification however, the Journal is actually a sequence of chained blocks, each containing one or more JournalEntry cells forming a block of concurrent transactions:

Block = {
 "type" : "block"
 "chain" : <Reference>
 "entries" : [<JournalEntry> ...]
 "signatures" : <Signatures>

The blockchain can be easily stored in the IPFS datastore, thus solving the problem of Journal distribution and persistence. For additional integrity protection and disaster recovery backups, peer nodes may elect to persist the blockchain in an outside backing store like S3.

A reference to the last block in the store is sufficient to boot a new node that reconstructs an up-to-date index of Mediachain.

The Genesis Block

At birth the datastore contains an initial dataset from public sources, together with a single Block of transactions and a chain reference to Nil. This Genesis block describes the bootstrap datastore and is the first block in the Journal blockchain when the core network becomes operational.

Extending the Blockchain

The blockchain is extended every time a client requests to commit a write transaction. The core network may initially be quiescent, with peers exchanging heartbeat messages. When a transaction is requested by a client, the receiving peer verifies it and then proceeds with the Block Commit Protocol.

The transaction consists of a sequence of JournalEntries, which can be either an CanonicalEntry or a ChainEntry. In order to verify a CanonicalEntry, the Peer handling the transaction verifies that the canonical exists in the IPFS store and it is not already in the Journal index. In order to verify a ChainEntry, the Peer verifies that the canonical references exist in the store, that the ChainEntry.ref reference points to a canonical for an entity or artefact, and that the new chain is consistent with the current chain head in the index.

Thus, ChainEntry verification requires an extension field in the base structure defined in [2]:

ChainEntry = {
 "type" : "update"
 "ref"  : <Reference>
 "chain" : <Reference>         ; referece to the new chain head
 "chainPrevious" : <Reference> ; reference to the old chain head
 "timestamp" : <Timestamp>

In effect, the ChainEntry is a temporary cons cell on top of the chain to which it refers. The .chain field points to the rest of the chain in the datastore, which is the new head of the chain in the datastore. The .chainPrevious field points to the old chain head, which is now the cdr of the ChainCell pointed by the ChainEntry.

After the Peer verifies the new transaction, it signs and broadcasts it to its immediate peers in the core network and proceeds with the Block Commit protocol.

Block Commit Protocol

The protocol is initiated every time there is a new write transaction, unless there is a commit already in progress. The protocol prescribes an interval during which concurrent transactions are merged together to form a new block. During the wait interval each Peer collects and broadcasts new transactions by its clients and other peer nodes in the core network.

At the end of the wait interval, a Peer node must be designated to commit the block. This can be accomplished with a randomized Leader Election algorithm similar to the Raft consensus protocol [3]. Alternatively, a Proof of Work mechanism can be used, similar to bitcoin, where all Peers content on mining their currently accumulated transaction block. The advantage of a Proof of Work altorithm is that it fortifies the protocol against certain adversarial failures, albeit at an energy cost.

Once a commiter has been designated, the Peer proceeds with writing the block to the store and propagates the block canonical reference to all its peers and clients. The new block is in turn broadcast by its peers to the entire core network and out to all connected clients. In the case of competing commits, either because of peer selection algorithm or some pathology, one of the commits can be chosen deterministically. The other commits can then be merged by replaying their differential transactions on top of the selected commit.

Another aspect of the commit would be to persist the blobs pointed by the transactions being commited. Small records (less than 1KB) can be stored directly in the DHT, but larger ones will need to be persisted by the core network.

Transaction Merging and Conflict Resolution

In order to create a block, concurrent transactions must be merged together. Merging is not simple concatenation however, as one or more transactions may conflict.

Recall that client initiated transactions may contain CanonicalEntry or ChainEntry cells. Two CanonicalEntries with the same canonical reference are not in conflict, because the canonical points to a single object in the store. If for some reason they refer to the same object, they can be reduced to a single CanonicalEntry

Two ChainEntries however can conflict if they reference the same canonical with an incompatible chain pointer. They are not conflicting if they can be linearized and chaining on top of one another, in which case the .chainPrevious of one of the entries would point to the .chain field of the other.

In order to resolve the conflict, one of the two ChainEntries must be deterministically chosen as the base entry. The other entry can be reconciled by constructing a new chain head on top of the first transaction containing a link to the competing chain head. Traversing the chain link would fetch a reference to the metadata contained in the abandoned head, thus preserving the transaction metadata.

Supporting this operation requires a modification in the ChainCell data models for entity and artefact chains in [2]:

EntityChainCell =
 | <EntityChainLinkCell> 

EntityChainLinkCell = {
 "type" : "entityChainLink"
 "chain" : <Reference>      ; reference to tail of chain
 "chainMerge" : <Reference>  ; reference to merged orphan head
 "entity" : <Reference>
 "signatures" : <Signatures>

ArtefactChainCell =
 | <ArtefactChainLinkCell>

ArtefactChainLinkCell = {
 "type" : "artefactChainLink"
 "chain" : <Reference>     ; reference to tail of chain
 "chainMerge" : <Reference> ; reference to merged orphan head
 "artefact" : <Reference>
 "signatures" " <Signatures>

In addition, in order to track the conflicting update transactions and allow peers and clients to discern a merged chain we also need to extend the JournalEntry to include a ChainMergeEntry:

JournalEntry =
 | <ChainMergeEntry>

ChainMergeEntry = {
 "type" : "chainMerge"
 "ref"  : <Reference>
 "chain" : <Reference>          ; reference to the head of the chain
 "chainPrevious" : <Reference>  ; reference to the previous head of the chain
 "chainMerge" : <Reference>     ; reference to merged orphan chain head

The following example shows a merge of two conflicting ChainEntries:

ChainEntry {
 "chain" : "QmAAA..."
 "chainPrevious" : "QmCCC..."

ChainEntry {
 "chain" : "QmBBB..."
 "chainPrevious" : "QmCCC..."

QmAAA... = ArtefactChainCell {
 "chain" : "QmCCC..."

QmBBB... = ArtefactChainCell {
 "chain" : "QmCCC..."

QmCCC... = ArtefactChainCell {
 "chain" : ...

When the conflicting ChainEntries for an artefact chain are merged the result is a ChainEntry and a ChainMergeEntry in the Journal, and a new ArtefactChainLinkCell in the datastore as the head of the chain:

ChainEntry {
 "chain" : "QmAAA..."
 "chainPrevious" : "QmCCC..."

ChainMergeEntry {
 "chain" : "QmDDD..."
 "chainPrevious" : "QmAAA..."
 "chaiMerge" : "QmCCC..."

QmDDD = ArtefactChainLinkCell {
 "chain" : "QmAAA..."
 "chainMerge" : "QmBBB..."

The example is better illustrated in the following diagram: Diagram

It should be noted that a ChainMergeEntry can also conflict with a ChainEntry when they refer to the same canonical but with a conflicting chainPrevious; the conflict resolution can proceed similar to ChainEntry conflicts.

Fault Tolerance

Failure Modes

Failure and churn is an unavoidable aspect of peer-to-peer system operating in the internet. In general, we classify possible failure modes in two types:

  • Common Failures, such as node crashes and transient connectivity problems.
  • Byzantine Failures, where nodes exhibit arbitrary behavior.

Common failures are expected with some mean time between failures. They can be correlated, leading to connectivity problems within the core network. In some occasions, crashes and internet-wide connectivity problems can avalanche leading to core network paritions.

On the other hand, byzantine behaviors can appear because of software bugs or adversarial actions. Bugs may cause nodes to send or suppress arbitrary messages. Even worse, nodes exhibiting adversarial behavior may try to poison or disrupt the system with malicious intent. Our threat model is not concerned with state actors, but rather simply acknowledges common internet threats, where attacker-controled nodes can become adversarial to the system.

Common Failures

In general, client crashes are immaterial to the core network. Once the data have reached IPFS and a transaction has been inserted to the core network, the originating client can crash without affecting the commit.

On the other hand, all system protocols must be designed to accomodate crashes at inopportune moments. Peers exchange regular heartbeat messages, which allow nodes to health-check each other and the current membership to be propagated throughout the network. Similarly, the block commit protocol must be fortified with reasonable timeouts so that commits can be restarted on leader failures.

To make the effects of crashes clearer, let's consider all the logical steps in the Mediachain write protocol:

client -> ipfs: datastore write
client -> peer:  push transaction
peer -> peer: block commit protocol
peer -> client: commited block
client: confirm transaction

With each step in the protocol fortified for crash recovery, we can be reasonably certain that once the client has written the data and pushed a transaction, it will be persisted in Mediachain. The N-cut connectivity property of the core network allows the system to withstand random failures without partitioning. Transactions propagate using peer-to-peer broadcast, ensuring that the integrity of the blockchain in the absence of severe network events.

Network Partitions

During the lifetime of the system, there will be inevitable severe network events where correlated failures can parition the core network. In the face of network paritions, the CAP theorem dictactes that the blockchain will either be Consistent or Available.

Common consenus protocols in the literature choose consistency in such cases. This is an appropriate response for a cluster of tightly controlled machines, but inappropriate for a decentralized system. Hence, Mediachain should be designed to be partition tolerant with a Partition Healing Protocol.

In effect, a partition causes isolated islands in the core network to fork the blockchain into two or more competing chains. The partition healing protocol must merge these competing blockchains once connectivity is reestablished.

The protocol can proceed by choosing the longest chain, breaking ties with a deterministic scheme so that all nodes can make the same choices independently. Once choosing the new primary blockchain, the orphaned chains can be merged by replaying necessary transactions and rerunning the block commit protocol.

Byzantine Failures

Bug or Malice?

Invariably, the system will experience bugs or malicious behavior with arbitrary failure characteristics. We consider cases where the adversarial process (be it bug, murphy or a threat actor) controls a number of nodes in the system.

In general, the adversarial process is observable to the system through message exchange. An adversarial action can be a message injection, a broadcast message suppression or an arbitrary long combination of the two.

Message Suppression Attacks

The peer-to-peer broadcast of transactions in the core network routes through multiple paths. As such, it can withstand a number of nodes trying to deny or disrupt the service by suppressing broadcast messages.

At worst, clients of adversarial nodes will be denied service. Affected clients can easily recover by connecting to another Peer for service. If too many nodes are dropping transactions so as to affect the system as a whole, the disruption would be big enough for a metric event visible to system monitoring. At which point, intervention by tier-1 node operators can restore the problem.

Message Injection Attacks

At a base level, protocol implementation can reject injection of all obviously invalid messages that do not conform to rpc signatures. Nodes injecting such messages can be immediately disconnected and be considered failed. In the following we are concerned with the effects of well-formed messages that can affect protocol behavior at the algorithmic level.

We can further characterize such injections as poisoning and flooding attacks. In a poisoning attack, the adversarial process attempts to inject messages that can corrupt the state of Mediachain. In a flooding attack, the adversarial process attempts to flood the network with messages that hijack blockchain algorithms and disrupt service.

Client Injection Attacks

The network is open to all clients, thus we are more concerned about malicious behavior than genuine bugs in Client activity.

A Client can attempt a poisoning attack by injecting invalid transactions. Such transactions may refer to records not written to the datastore or be duplicates of older transactions, etc. The system can be rendered robust against transaction poisoning attacks by means of transaction verification. All tier-1 peers verify Client transactions before broadcasting them to the core network, as discussed earlier.

One or more clients can also attempt a flooding attack where they try to overload the store and core network by pushing a flood of transactions. Such actions can be rendered ineffective by requiring Proof of Work to be associated with every transaction. In addition, there should be a limit to the size of blobs acceptable blobs as part of the transaction in order to avoid core network storage exhaustion by such attacks.

If the system is under too much write stress, additional measures can be taken: difficulty for Proof of Work can be adjusted, CAPTCHAs may be presented to clients, IP blacklisting etc.

Peer Injection Attacks

A Peer can attempt to poison the blockchain by injecting invalid transactions with dangling pointers. Similary it can attempt to flood the system with duplicate transactions. Both scenarios can be simply defended by requiring peers to verify all transactions as new, not just client transactions.

A variation of the poisoning attack is for a peer to attempt to commit invalid blocks, containing invalid journal entries or extending an arbitrary blockchain. In order to be robust against such cases, peers must also verify commited blocks before accepting them as the new blockchain pointer.

Another flooding attack scenario is for a peer to attempt to generate a flood of valid transactions without originating them from a client. This scenario is mitigated by the requirement for all transactions to require Proof of Work regardless of origin. Thus, a peer is naturally limited to its flooding rate by hash power requirements.

A more subtle flooding attack is for a peer to attempt to hijack the Leader Election protocol and become a perpetual commiter. This is impossible to mitigate with a pure randomized Leader Election protocol -- it can only be mitigated by using a Proof of Work competition for leader election.

Similarly, a peer node may attempt to build a trivially long blockchain to needlessly trigger partition healing protocols. These attacks can be mitigated by treating a block as a transaction, and thus requiring Proof of Work by the commiting node before accepting it.

However, given that core network membership is moderated by signing Level-1 certificates, problems of this nature should be treated as major events and be detectable by system monitoring processes. This type of attack is indicative of either a serious software bug or a possible compromise of the misbehaving nodes, in which case operator intervention is required for resolution and key revocation.

Scaling Limits

The system architecture described so far should not have problems scaling to large number of nodes. Principals and organizations can easily add more peers to the core network accomodating the demands of client nodes as the system grows.

There is however on potential scaling bottleneck that can lead the protocols to fail. This is the storage requirements for the Journal: the blockchain of all Journal transactions and an index mapping canonicals to chain heads. Peer nodes need access to this index in order to verify transactions and the blockchain must be available for peers and clients joining the network.

Running a peer node should not have exorbitant hardware requirements: it should be possible to run a peer node with a medium instance from public cloud providers. With a back of the envelope calculation, the index should require some 100 bytes of storage for each canonical to chain head mapping. The blockchain could easily be 10 times larger, assuming an average of 10 updates per index head. Thus, a a billion entities and artefacts in Mediachain would require about 1TB of storage; this is readily available in today's public clouds.

A larger scale blockchain and index can be accomodated by sharding. If the storage requirements become too large for a commonly available cloud instance to handle the entire blockchain, the canonical space can be sharded using the canonical identifier bits. In this scenario, a different blockchain would be maintained for every shard, thus allowing the core network to scale horizontally.


  1. The Mediachain Blog
  2. Mediachain RFC1: The Mediachain Datastore
  3. The Raft Consensus Algorithm