MINLPLib.jl is an extensive collection of Mixed-Integer and Continuous Nonlinear Programming Instances in the native JuMP.jl
format. Numerous instances in this library are based on the standard MINLPLib.org instances in addition to hundreds of global optimization instances which appear in the litearature. This library can be useful for:
Benchmarking your Julia-based MINLP solvers, like Alpine.jl and Juniper.jl, by performing rigorous numerical experiments
Viewing meta information of each instance to assist your analyses and experiments
For more details of the libraries included in this package, please see documentation.
To install, at your Julia
command prompt,
Fetch an instance by its libname/name
just like the following,
using MINLPLib
m = fetch_model("minlp2/blend029")
using MINLPLib
m = fetch_model("minlp2", "blend029")
For special built-in model that requires additional inputs,
using MINLPLib
m = fetch_model("special", "multiKND", options=Dict(:K=>3, :N=>3, :D=>1))
The above scrip initializes an optimization JuMP model multiKND
. The formulation is controlled with parameter :K
, :N
, and :D
, which yields the following problem:
Max x[1] * x[2] * x[3] + x[3] * x[4] * x[5] + x[5] * x[6] * x[7]
Subject to
x[1] + x[2] + x[3] <= 3
x[3] + x[4] + x[5] <= 3
x[5] + x[6] + x[7] <= 3
0.1 <= x[i] <= 10 for all i in {1,2,..,6,7}
To know a instance better, you can do the following to get a dictionary of meta info. Note that as we continue to develop and test. More verified attributes will be added to the meta.
julia> meta = MINLPLib.fetch_meta("minlp2", "blend029")
Dict{String,Any} with 18 entries:
"NLINCONS" => 202
"OBJBOUND" => nothing
"NAME" => "blend029"
"OBJVAL" => nothing
"LIBRARY" => "minlp2"
"NCONS" => 214
"NVARS" => 103
"OBJTYPE" => "linear"
"NLOPERATOR" => Any["mul"]
"LOAD" => 1.7414
"OBJSENSE" => "Max"
"NNLCONS" => 12
"NBINVARS" => 36
Currently, MINLPLib.jl contains over 6000 instances. Experimenting with all
of them can be computationally heavy and risky. For your research projects, the scope may be
limited to a specific type of problems. Hence, it is necessary to construct you very own
library for research experiments. Below, we write a small .jl
script that will generate a
user instance library (without actually copying the problem) called USERLib
that collect all instances with
function. The directory will be created with name instance/USERLib
. Please see our
PODLib designed for
testing Alpine.jl solver. This customized library contains instances reference
as well as full instances. Note that each instance can be drastically different with different formulations and
implementations (peak into the library called special
and you will see some examples).
It is up to you to select and construct your own instance library for more exciting and convenient experiments.
using MINLPLib
# Collect target problem from these libraries
for lib in ["bcp", "global", "ibm", "inf", "minlp", "minlp2"]
NAMES = MINLPLib.fetch_names(lib) # Fetch a list of instance names
for i in NAMES
Meta = MINLPLib.fetch_meta(lib, i) # Fetch instance meta
isempty(Meta) && continue
!haskey(Meta, "NLOPERATOR") && continue
if occursin("exp", in Meta["NLOPERATOR"][1])
MINLPLib.add_to_lib("USERLib", lib, i) # Collect instance