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Snap API Documentation

mgp25 edited this page Mar 22, 2015 · 11 revisions

Getting Started

Account registration

Use registerTool.php

Note: This is a CLI tool, not for webservers.

It will ask you for the account data:

Username: SnapTest

Password: thisIsMyPassword

Email: [email protected]

Birthday (yyyy-mm-dd): 1970-01-01

You should have a file called '' in your snap api folder, unzip it. You will have 9 images (image0.png, image1.png ...).

I have my 9 images:


Image with ghost = 1 Image without ghost = 0

So my result is: 111000000

Result: 111000000


Sent Request info: POST /bq/solve_captcha HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Snapchat/ (A0001; Android 4.4.4#5229c4ef56#19; gzip)
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en;q=1
Accept-Locale: en
Content-Length: 185
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

DATA: username=SnapTest&timestamp=1427058852343&captcha_id=SnapTest%7E1427058809780&captcha_solution=111000000&req_token=b134a4f8e7f0cc00bd922dc4e08e4b25a7caffb3ff9d985a42d3317a7b260615

Account successfully created

Username: SnapTest
Password: thisIsMyPassword
Email: [email protected]

If there is any error while registering your account, it will appear this:

There was an error registering your account
Error code: 401


Error 403: FORBIDDEN

Logging in

$username = ""; // Your snapchat username
$password = ""; // Your snapchat password
$debug = false; // Set this to true if you want to see all outgoing requests and responses from server

$snapchat = new Snapchat($username, $auth_token, $debug);

//Login to Snapchat with your username and password
$snapchat->login($username, $password);

If you want to use an existing session, for example your mobile device session (so you don't need to login again), you need to set $auth_token, you can capture that token from your device using any proxy.

Sending Snaps

$imagePath = ""; // URL or local path to a media file (image or video)
$sendTo = array(); // Single or multiple recipients

// Send snap adding text to your image and 10 seconds
$snapchat->send($imagePath, $sendTo, "this is a test :D", 10);

Setting a story

Remember that videos must be less or equal 10 seconds duration.

$imagePath = ""; // URL or local path to a media file (image or video)

You can also set a text to the image story.

$snapchat->setStory($imagePath, $time, $text);

Getting your friend list

$friends = $snapchat->getFriends();

Getting Snaps

// Get snaps data

// Automatically downloads Snaps and store it in 'snaps' folder

Getting Friends Stories

// Get stories data

// Automatically downloads Snaps and store it in 'stories' folder

Adding / Deleting a friend

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