diff --git a/src/server/editorServices.ts b/src/server/editorServices.ts
index d8ee13561b397..af0427af971ad 100644
--- a/src/server/editorServices.ts
+++ b/src/server/editorServices.ts
@@ -997,7 +997,7 @@ function createWatchFactoryHostUsingWatchEvents(service: ProjectService, canUseW
cb: (callback: T, eventPath: string) => void,
) {
hostWatcherMap.idToCallbacks.get(id)?.forEach(callback => {
- eventPaths.forEach(eventPath => cb(callback, eventPath));
+ eventPaths.forEach(eventPath => cb(callback, normalizeSlashes(eventPath)));
diff --git a/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/watchEvents.ts b/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/watchEvents.ts
index 88c6450a7ae52..6666ce455a775 100644
--- a/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/watchEvents.ts
+++ b/src/testRunner/unittests/tsserver/events/watchEvents.ts
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@ describe("unittests:: tsserver:: events:: watchEvents", () => {
function updateFileOnHost(session: TestSession, file: string, log: string, content?: string) {
// Change b.ts
session.logger.log(`${log}: ${file}`);
- if (content) session.host.appendFile(file, content);
- else session.host.writeFile(file, session.host.readFile("/user/username/projects/myproject/a.ts")!);
+ if (content && session.host.fileExists(file)) session.host.appendFile(file, content);
+ else session.host.writeFile(file, content ?? session.host.readFile("/user/username/projects/myproject/a.ts")!);
@@ -150,12 +150,13 @@ describe("unittests:: tsserver:: events:: watchEvents", () => {
session: TestSession,
file: string,
eventType: "created" | "deleted" | "updated",
+ eventPath?: string,
) {
return collectWatchChanges(
(session.logger.host as TestServerHostWithCustomWatch).factoryData.watchUtils.pollingWatches,
- file,
+ eventPath ?? file,
@@ -185,21 +186,21 @@ describe("unittests:: tsserver:: events:: watchEvents", () => {
- function addFile(session: TestSession, path: string) {
- updateFileOnHost(session, path, "Add file");
+ function addFile(session: TestSession, path: string, content?: string, eventPath?: string) {
+ updateFileOnHost(session, path, "Add file", content);
- collectDirectoryWatcherChanges(session, "/user/username/projects/myproject", path, "created"),
+ collectDirectoryWatcherChanges(session, ts.getDirectoryPath(path), eventPath ?? path, "created"),
- function changeFile(session: TestSession, path: string, content?: string) {
+ function changeFile(session: TestSession, path: string, content?: string, eventPath?: string) {
updateFileOnHost(session, path, "Change File", content);
- collectFileWatcherChanges(session, path, "updated"),
- collectDirectoryWatcherChanges(session, ts.getDirectoryPath(path), path, "updated"),
+ collectFileWatcherChanges(session, path, "updated", eventPath),
+ collectDirectoryWatcherChanges(session, ts.getDirectoryPath(path), eventPath ?? path, "updated"),
@@ -321,4 +322,81 @@ describe("unittests:: tsserver:: events:: watchEvents", () => {
baselineTsserverLogs("events/watchEvents", `canUseWatchEvents without canUseEvents`, session);
+ it("canUseWatchEvents on windows", () => {
+ const inputHost = createServerHost({
+ "c:\\projects\\myproject\\tsconfig.json": "{}",
+ "c:\\projects\\myproject\\a.ts": `export class a { prop = "hello"; foo() { return this.prop; } }`,
+ "c:\\projects\\myproject\\b.ts": `export class b { prop = "hello"; foo() { return this.prop; } }`,
+ "c:\\projects\\myproject\\m.ts": `import { x } from "something"`,
+ "c:\\projects\\myproject\\node_modules\\something\\index.d.ts": `export const x = 10;`,
+ [libFile.path]: libFile.content,
+ }, { windowsStyleRoot: "c:\\" });
+ const logger = createLoggerWithInMemoryLogs(inputHost);
+ const host = createTestServerHostWithCustomWatch(logger);
+ const session = createSessionWithCustomEventHandler({ host, canUseWatchEvents: true, logger }, handleWatchEvents);
+ openFilesForSession(["c:\\projects\\myproject\\a.ts"], session);
+ // Directory watcher
+ addFile(session, "c:/projects/myproject/c.ts", `export xyx = 10;`, "c:\\projects\\myproject\\c.ts");
+ // File Watcher
+ changeFile(session, "c:/projects/myproject/b.ts", "export const ss = 20;", "c:\\projects\\myproject\\b.ts");
+ // Close watcher
+ openFilesForSession(["c:\\projects\\myproject\\b.ts"], session);
+ // Re watch
+ closeFilesForSession(["c:\\projects\\myproject\\b.ts"], session);
+ // Update c.ts
+ changeFile(session, "c:/projects/myproject/c.ts", "export const ss = 20;", "c:\\projects\\myproject\\b.ts");
+ // Update with npm install
+ session.logger.log("update with npm install");
+ session.host.appendFile("c:\\projects\\myproject\\node_modules\\something\\index.d.ts", `export const y = 20;`);
+ session.host.runQueuedTimeoutCallbacks();
+ invokeWatchChange(
+ session,
+ collectDirectoryWatcherChanges(
+ session,
+ "c:/projects/myproject/node_modules",
+ "c:\\projects\\myproject\\node_modules\\something\\index.d.ts",
+ "updated",
+ ),
+ );
+ session.host.runQueuedTimeoutCallbacks();
+ host.runQueuedTimeoutCallbacks();
+ // Add and change multiple files - combine and send multiple requests together
+ updateFileOnHost(session, "c:/projects/myproject/d.ts", "Add file", "export const yy = 10;");
+ updateFileOnHost(session, "c:/projects/myproject/c.ts", "Change File", `export const z = 30;`);
+ updateFileOnHost(session, "c:/projects/myproject/e.ts", "Add File", "export const zz = 40;");
+ invokeWatchChange(
+ session,
+ collectDirectoryWatcherChanges(session, "c:/projects/myproject", "c:\\projects\\myproject\\d.ts", "created"),
+ collectFileWatcherChanges(session, "c:/projects/myproject/c.ts", "updated", "c:\\projects\\myproject\\c.ts"),
+ collectDirectoryWatcherChanges(session, "c:/projects/myproject", "c:\\projects\\myproject\\c.ts", "updated"),
+ collectDirectoryWatcherChanges(session, "c:/projects/myproject", "c:\\projects\\myproject\\e.ts", "created"),
+ );
+ session.host.runQueuedTimeoutCallbacks();
+ baselineTsserverLogs("events/watchEvents", `canUseWatchEvents on windows`, session);
+ function handleWatchEvents(event: ts.server.ProjectServiceEvent) {
+ switch (event.eventName) {
+ case ts.server.CreateFileWatcherEvent:
+ host.factoryData.watchFile(event.data);
+ break;
+ case ts.server.CreateDirectoryWatcherEvent:
+ host.factoryData.watchDirectory(event.data);
+ break;
+ case ts.server.CloseFileWatcherEvent:
+ host.factoryData.closeWatcher(event.data);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ });
diff --git a/tests/baselines/reference/tsserver/events/watchEvents/canUseWatchEvents-on-windows.js b/tests/baselines/reference/tsserver/events/watchEvents/canUseWatchEvents-on-windows.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..90983324af87f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/baselines/reference/tsserver/events/watchEvents/canUseWatchEvents-on-windows.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1390 @@
+currentDirectory:: c:\ useCaseSensitiveFileNames: false
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Provided types map file "/typesMap.json" doesn't exist
+Before request
+//// [c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json]
+//// [c:/projects/myproject/a.ts]
+export class a { prop = "hello"; foo() { return this.prop; } }
+//// [c:/projects/myproject/b.ts]
+export class b { prop = "hello"; foo() { return this.prop; } }
+//// [c:/projects/myproject/m.ts]
+import { x } from "something"
+//// [c:/projects/myproject/node_modules/something/index.d.ts]
+export const x = 10;
+//// [c:/a/lib/lib.d.ts]
+interface Boolean {}
+interface Function {}
+interface CallableFunction {}
+interface NewableFunction {}
+interface IArguments {}
+interface Number { toExponential: any; }
+interface Object {}
+interface RegExp {}
+interface String { charAt: any; }
+interface Array { length: number; [n: number]: T; }
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] request:
+ {
+ "command": "open",
+ "arguments": {
+ "file": "c:\\projects\\myproject\\a.ts"
+ },
+ "seq": 1,
+ "type": "request"
+ }
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Search path: c:/projects/myproject
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] For info: c:/projects/myproject/a.ts :: Config file name: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Creating configuration project c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] FileWatcher:: Added:: WatchInfo: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json 2000 undefined Project: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json WatchType: Config file
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] event:
+ {
+ "seq": 0,
+ "type": "event",
+ "event": "CustomHandler::createFileWatcher",
+ "body": {
+ "id": 1,
+ "path": "c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json"
+ }
+ }
+Custom watchFile: 1: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] event:
+ {
+ "seq": 0,
+ "type": "event",
+ "event": "CustomHandler::projectLoadingStart",
+ "body": {
+ "project": "c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json",
+ "reason": "Creating possible configured project for c:/projects/myproject/a.ts to open"
+ }
+ }
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Config: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json : {
+ "rootNames": [
+ "c:/projects/myproject/a.ts",
+ "c:/projects/myproject/b.ts",
+ "c:/projects/myproject/m.ts"
+ ],
+ "options": {
+ "configFilePath": "c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json"
+ }
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] DirectoryWatcher:: Added:: WatchInfo: c:/projects/myproject 1 undefined Config: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json WatchType: Wild card directory
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] event:
+ {
+ "seq": 0,
+ "type": "event",
+ "event": "CustomHandler::createDirectoryWatcher",
+ "body": {
+ "id": 2,
+ "path": "c:/projects/myproject",
+ "recursive": true,
+ "ignoreUpdate": true
+ }
+ }
+Custom watchDirectory: 2: c:/projects/myproject true true
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Elapsed:: *ms DirectoryWatcher:: Added:: WatchInfo: c:/projects/myproject 1 undefined Config: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json WatchType: Wild card directory
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] FileWatcher:: Added:: WatchInfo: c:/projects/myproject/b.ts 500 undefined WatchType: Closed Script info
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] event:
+ {
+ "seq": 0,
+ "type": "event",
+ "event": "CustomHandler::createFileWatcher",
+ "body": {
+ "id": 3,
+ "path": "c:/projects/myproject/b.ts"
+ }
+ }
+Custom watchFile: 3: c:/projects/myproject/b.ts
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] FileWatcher:: Added:: WatchInfo: c:/projects/myproject/m.ts 500 undefined WatchType: Closed Script info
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] event:
+ {
+ "seq": 0,
+ "type": "event",
+ "event": "CustomHandler::createFileWatcher",
+ "body": {
+ "id": 4,
+ "path": "c:/projects/myproject/m.ts"
+ }
+ }
+Custom watchFile: 4: c:/projects/myproject/m.ts
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Starting updateGraphWorker: Project: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] DirectoryWatcher:: Added:: WatchInfo: c:/projects/myproject/node_modules 1 undefined WatchType: node_modules for closed script infos and package.jsons affecting module specifier cache
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] event:
+ {
+ "seq": 0,
+ "type": "event",
+ "event": "CustomHandler::createDirectoryWatcher",
+ "body": {
+ "id": 5,
+ "path": "c:/projects/myproject/node_modules",
+ "recursive": true
+ }
+ }
+Custom watchDirectory: 5: c:/projects/myproject/node_modules true undefined
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Elapsed:: *ms DirectoryWatcher:: Added:: WatchInfo: c:/projects/myproject/node_modules 1 undefined WatchType: node_modules for closed script infos and package.jsons affecting module specifier cache
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] FileWatcher:: Added:: WatchInfo: c:/a/lib/lib.d.ts 500 undefined WatchType: Closed Script info
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] event:
+ {
+ "seq": 0,
+ "type": "event",
+ "event": "CustomHandler::createFileWatcher",
+ "body": {
+ "id": 6,
+ "path": "c:/a/lib/lib.d.ts"
+ }
+ }
+Custom watchFile: 6: c:/a/lib/lib.d.ts
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] DirectoryWatcher:: Added:: WatchInfo: c:/projects/myproject/node_modules 1 undefined Project: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json WatchType: Failed Lookup Locations
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Elapsed:: *ms DirectoryWatcher:: Added:: WatchInfo: c:/projects/myproject/node_modules 1 undefined Project: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json WatchType: Failed Lookup Locations
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] DirectoryWatcher:: Added:: WatchInfo: c:/projects/myproject/node_modules/@types 1 undefined Project: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json WatchType: Type roots
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] event:
+ {
+ "seq": 0,
+ "type": "event",
+ "event": "CustomHandler::createDirectoryWatcher",
+ "body": {
+ "id": 7,
+ "path": "c:/projects/myproject/node_modules/@types",
+ "recursive": true,
+ "ignoreUpdate": true
+ }
+ }
+Custom watchDirectory: 7: c:/projects/myproject/node_modules/@types true true
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Elapsed:: *ms DirectoryWatcher:: Added:: WatchInfo: c:/projects/myproject/node_modules/@types 1 undefined Project: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json WatchType: Type roots
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] DirectoryWatcher:: Added:: WatchInfo: c:/projects/node_modules/@types 1 undefined Project: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json WatchType: Type roots
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] event:
+ {
+ "seq": 0,
+ "type": "event",
+ "event": "CustomHandler::createDirectoryWatcher",
+ "body": {
+ "id": 8,
+ "path": "c:/projects/node_modules/@types",
+ "recursive": true,
+ "ignoreUpdate": true
+ }
+ }
+Custom watchDirectory: 8: c:/projects/node_modules/@types true true
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Elapsed:: *ms DirectoryWatcher:: Added:: WatchInfo: c:/projects/node_modules/@types 1 undefined Project: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json WatchType: Type roots
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Finishing updateGraphWorker: Project: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json projectStateVersion: 1 projectProgramVersion: 0 structureChanged: true structureIsReused:: Not Elapsed:: *ms
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Project 'c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json' (Configured)
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Files (5)
+ c:/a/lib/lib.d.ts Text-1 "/// \ninterface Boolean {}\ninterface Function {}\ninterface CallableFunction {}\ninterface NewableFunction {}\ninterface IArguments {}\ninterface Number { toExponential: any; }\ninterface Object {}\ninterface RegExp {}\ninterface String { charAt: any; }\ninterface Array { length: number; [n: number]: T; }"
+ c:/projects/myproject/a.ts SVC-1-0 "export class a { prop = \"hello\"; foo() { return this.prop; } }"
+ c:/projects/myproject/b.ts Text-1 "export class b { prop = \"hello\"; foo() { return this.prop; } }"
+ c:/projects/myproject/node_modules/something/index.d.ts Text-1 "export const x = 10;"
+ c:/projects/myproject/m.ts Text-1 "import { x } from \"something\""
+ ../../a/lib/lib.d.ts
+ Default library for target 'es5'
+ a.ts
+ Matched by default include pattern '**/*'
+ b.ts
+ Matched by default include pattern '**/*'
+ node_modules/something/index.d.ts
+ Imported via "something" from file 'm.ts'
+ m.ts
+ Matched by default include pattern '**/*'
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] -----------------------------------------------
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] event:
+ {
+ "seq": 0,
+ "type": "event",
+ "event": "CustomHandler::projectLoadingFinish",
+ "body": {
+ "project": "c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json"
+ }
+ }
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] event:
+ {
+ "seq": 0,
+ "type": "event",
+ "event": "CustomHandler::projectInfo",
+ "body": {
+ "projectId": "97f177d0a126eace4239f1be3ea802bded2784e559d112a10ed01c6617b1a28f",
+ "fileStats": {
+ "js": 0,
+ "jsSize": 0,
+ "jsx": 0,
+ "jsxSize": 0,
+ "ts": 3,
+ "tsSize": 153,
+ "tsx": 0,
+ "tsxSize": 0,
+ "dts": 2,
+ "dtsSize": 354,
+ "deferred": 0,
+ "deferredSize": 0
+ },
+ "compilerOptions": {},
+ "typeAcquisition": {
+ "enable": false,
+ "include": false,
+ "exclude": false
+ },
+ "extends": false,
+ "files": false,
+ "include": false,
+ "exclude": false,
+ "compileOnSave": false,
+ "configFileName": "tsconfig.json",
+ "projectType": "configured",
+ "languageServiceEnabled": true,
+ "version": "FakeVersion"
+ }
+ }
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] event:
+ {
+ "seq": 0,
+ "type": "event",
+ "event": "CustomHandler::configFileDiag",
+ "body": {
+ "configFileName": "c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json",
+ "diagnostics": [],
+ "triggerFile": "c:/projects/myproject/a.ts"
+ }
+ }
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Project 'c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json' (Configured)
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Files (5)
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] -----------------------------------------------
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Open files:
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] FileName: c:/projects/myproject/a.ts ProjectRootPath: undefined
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Projects: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] response:
+ {
+ "responseRequired": false
+ }
+After request
+Custom WatchedFiles::
+c:/a/lib/lib.d.ts: *new*
+ {"id":6,"path":"c:/a/lib/lib.d.ts"}
+c:/projects/myproject/b.ts: *new*
+ {"id":3,"path":"c:/projects/myproject/b.ts"}
+c:/projects/myproject/m.ts: *new*
+ {"id":4,"path":"c:/projects/myproject/m.ts"}
+c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json: *new*
+ {"id":1,"path":"c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json"}
+Custom WatchedDirectoriesRecursive::
+c:/projects/myproject: *new*
+ {"id":2,"path":"c:/projects/myproject","recursive":true,"ignoreUpdate":true}
+c:/projects/myproject/node_modules: *new*
+ {"id":5,"path":"c:/projects/myproject/node_modules","recursive":true}
+c:/projects/myproject/node_modules/@types: *new*
+ {"id":7,"path":"c:/projects/myproject/node_modules/@types","recursive":true,"ignoreUpdate":true}
+c:/projects/node_modules/@types: *new*
+ {"id":8,"path":"c:/projects/node_modules/@types","recursive":true,"ignoreUpdate":true}
+c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json (Configured) *new*
+ projectStateVersion: 1
+ projectProgramVersion: 1
+c:/a/lib/lib.d.ts *new*
+ version: Text-1
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+c:/projects/myproject/a.ts (Open) *new*
+ version: SVC-1-0
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json *default*
+c:/projects/myproject/b.ts *new*
+ version: Text-1
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+c:/projects/myproject/m.ts *new*
+ version: Text-1
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+c:/projects/myproject/node_modules/something/index.d.ts *new*
+ version: Text-1
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+Add file: c:/projects/myproject/c.ts
+Before running Timeout callback:: count: 0
+//// [c:/projects/myproject/c.ts]
+export xyx = 10;
+After running Timeout callback:: count: 0
+Custom watch:: c:/projects/myproject c:\projects\myproject\c.ts created
+Before request
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] request:
+ {
+ "command": "watchChange",
+ "arguments": {
+ "id": 2,
+ "created": [
+ "c:\\projects\\myproject\\c.ts"
+ ]
+ },
+ "seq": 2,
+ "type": "request"
+ }
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] DirectoryWatcher:: Triggered with c:/projects/myproject/c.ts :: WatchInfo: c:/projects/myproject 1 undefined Config: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json WatchType: Wild card directory
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Scheduled: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Scheduled: *ensureProjectForOpenFiles*
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Elapsed:: *ms DirectoryWatcher:: Triggered with c:/projects/myproject/c.ts :: WatchInfo: c:/projects/myproject 1 undefined Config: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json WatchType: Wild card directory
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] response:
+ {
+ "responseRequired": false
+ }
+After request
+Timeout callback:: count: 2
+1: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json *new*
+2: *ensureProjectForOpenFiles* *new*
+c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json (Configured) *changed*
+ projectStateVersion: 2 *changed*
+ projectProgramVersion: 1
+ dirty: true *changed*
+Before running Timeout callback:: count: 2
+1: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+2: *ensureProjectForOpenFiles*
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Running: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] FileWatcher:: Added:: WatchInfo: c:/projects/myproject/c.ts 500 undefined WatchType: Closed Script info
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] event:
+ {
+ "seq": 0,
+ "type": "event",
+ "event": "CustomHandler::createFileWatcher",
+ "body": {
+ "id": 9,
+ "path": "c:/projects/myproject/c.ts"
+ }
+ }
+Custom watchFile: 9: c:/projects/myproject/c.ts
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Starting updateGraphWorker: Project: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Finishing updateGraphWorker: Project: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json projectStateVersion: 2 projectProgramVersion: 1 structureChanged: true structureIsReused:: Not Elapsed:: *ms
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Project 'c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json' (Configured)
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Files (6)
+ c:/a/lib/lib.d.ts Text-1 "/// \ninterface Boolean {}\ninterface Function {}\ninterface CallableFunction {}\ninterface NewableFunction {}\ninterface IArguments {}\ninterface Number { toExponential: any; }\ninterface Object {}\ninterface RegExp {}\ninterface String { charAt: any; }\ninterface Array { length: number; [n: number]: T; }"
+ c:/projects/myproject/a.ts SVC-1-0 "export class a { prop = \"hello\"; foo() { return this.prop; } }"
+ c:/projects/myproject/b.ts Text-1 "export class b { prop = \"hello\"; foo() { return this.prop; } }"
+ c:/projects/myproject/node_modules/something/index.d.ts Text-1 "export const x = 10;"
+ c:/projects/myproject/m.ts Text-1 "import { x } from \"something\""
+ c:/projects/myproject/c.ts Text-1 "export xyx = 10;"
+ ../../a/lib/lib.d.ts
+ Default library for target 'es5'
+ a.ts
+ Matched by default include pattern '**/*'
+ b.ts
+ Matched by default include pattern '**/*'
+ node_modules/something/index.d.ts
+ Imported via "something" from file 'm.ts'
+ m.ts
+ Matched by default include pattern '**/*'
+ c.ts
+ Matched by default include pattern '**/*'
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] -----------------------------------------------
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Running: *ensureProjectForOpenFiles*
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Before ensureProjectForOpenFiles:
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Project 'c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json' (Configured)
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Files (6)
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] -----------------------------------------------
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Open files:
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] FileName: c:/projects/myproject/a.ts ProjectRootPath: undefined
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Projects: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] After ensureProjectForOpenFiles:
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Project 'c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json' (Configured)
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Files (6)
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] -----------------------------------------------
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Open files:
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] FileName: c:/projects/myproject/a.ts ProjectRootPath: undefined
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Projects: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] event:
+ {
+ "seq": 0,
+ "type": "event",
+ "event": "CustomHandler::projectsUpdatedInBackground",
+ "body": {
+ "openFiles": [
+ "c:/projects/myproject/a.ts"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+After running Timeout callback:: count: 0
+Custom WatchedFiles::
+ {"id":6,"path":"c:/a/lib/lib.d.ts"}
+ {"id":3,"path":"c:/projects/myproject/b.ts"}
+c:/projects/myproject/c.ts: *new*
+ {"id":9,"path":"c:/projects/myproject/c.ts"}
+ {"id":4,"path":"c:/projects/myproject/m.ts"}
+ {"id":1,"path":"c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json"}
+Custom WatchedDirectoriesRecursive::
+ {"id":2,"path":"c:/projects/myproject","recursive":true,"ignoreUpdate":true}
+ {"id":5,"path":"c:/projects/myproject/node_modules","recursive":true}
+ {"id":7,"path":"c:/projects/myproject/node_modules/@types","recursive":true,"ignoreUpdate":true}
+ {"id":8,"path":"c:/projects/node_modules/@types","recursive":true,"ignoreUpdate":true}
+c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json (Configured) *changed*
+ projectStateVersion: 2
+ projectProgramVersion: 2 *changed*
+ dirty: false *changed*
+ version: Text-1
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+c:/projects/myproject/a.ts (Open)
+ version: SVC-1-0
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json *default*
+ version: Text-1
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+c:/projects/myproject/c.ts *new*
+ version: Text-1
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+ version: Text-1
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+ version: Text-1
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+Change File: c:/projects/myproject/b.ts
+Before running Timeout callback:: count: 0
+//// [c:/projects/myproject/b.ts]
+export class b { prop = "hello"; foo() { return this.prop; } }export const ss = 20;
+After running Timeout callback:: count: 0
+Custom watch:: c:/projects/myproject/b.ts c:\projects\myproject\b.ts updated
+Custom watch:: c:/projects/myproject c:\projects\myproject\b.ts updated
+Before request
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] request:
+ {
+ "command": "watchChange",
+ "arguments": {
+ "id": 3,
+ "updated": [
+ "c:\\projects\\myproject\\b.ts"
+ ]
+ },
+ "seq": 3,
+ "type": "request"
+ }
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] FileWatcher:: Triggered with c:/projects/myproject/b.ts 1:: WatchInfo: c:/projects/myproject/b.ts 500 undefined WatchType: Closed Script info
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Scheduled: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Scheduled: *ensureProjectForOpenFiles*
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Elapsed:: *ms FileWatcher:: Triggered with c:/projects/myproject/b.ts 1:: WatchInfo: c:/projects/myproject/b.ts 500 undefined WatchType: Closed Script info
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] response:
+ {
+ "responseRequired": false
+ }
+After request
+Timeout callback:: count: 2
+3: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json *new*
+4: *ensureProjectForOpenFiles* *new*
+c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json (Configured) *changed*
+ projectStateVersion: 3 *changed*
+ projectProgramVersion: 2
+ dirty: true *changed*
+ version: Text-1
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+c:/projects/myproject/a.ts (Open)
+ version: SVC-1-0
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json *default*
+c:/projects/myproject/b.ts *changed*
+ version: Text-1
+ pendingReloadFromDisk: true *changed*
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+ version: Text-1
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+ version: Text-1
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+ version: Text-1
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+Before running Timeout callback:: count: 2
+3: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+4: *ensureProjectForOpenFiles*
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Running: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Starting updateGraphWorker: Project: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Finishing updateGraphWorker: Project: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json projectStateVersion: 3 projectProgramVersion: 2 structureChanged: false structureIsReused:: Completely Elapsed:: *ms
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Project 'c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json' (Configured)
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Files (6)
+ c:/a/lib/lib.d.ts Text-1 "/// \ninterface Boolean {}\ninterface Function {}\ninterface CallableFunction {}\ninterface NewableFunction {}\ninterface IArguments {}\ninterface Number { toExponential: any; }\ninterface Object {}\ninterface RegExp {}\ninterface String { charAt: any; }\ninterface Array { length: number; [n: number]: T; }"
+ c:/projects/myproject/a.ts SVC-1-0 "export class a { prop = \"hello\"; foo() { return this.prop; } }"
+ c:/projects/myproject/b.ts Text-2 "export class b { prop = \"hello\"; foo() { return this.prop; } }export const ss = 20;"
+ c:/projects/myproject/node_modules/something/index.d.ts Text-1 "export const x = 10;"
+ c:/projects/myproject/m.ts Text-1 "import { x } from \"something\""
+ c:/projects/myproject/c.ts Text-1 "export xyx = 10;"
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] -----------------------------------------------
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Running: *ensureProjectForOpenFiles*
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Before ensureProjectForOpenFiles:
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Project 'c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json' (Configured)
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Files (6)
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] -----------------------------------------------
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Open files:
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] FileName: c:/projects/myproject/a.ts ProjectRootPath: undefined
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Projects: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] After ensureProjectForOpenFiles:
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Project 'c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json' (Configured)
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Files (6)
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] -----------------------------------------------
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Open files:
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] FileName: c:/projects/myproject/a.ts ProjectRootPath: undefined
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Projects: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] event:
+ {
+ "seq": 0,
+ "type": "event",
+ "event": "CustomHandler::projectsUpdatedInBackground",
+ "body": {
+ "openFiles": [
+ "c:/projects/myproject/a.ts"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+After running Timeout callback:: count: 0
+c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json (Configured) *changed*
+ projectStateVersion: 3
+ projectProgramVersion: 2
+ dirty: false *changed*
+ version: Text-1
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+c:/projects/myproject/a.ts (Open)
+ version: SVC-1-0
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json *default*
+c:/projects/myproject/b.ts *changed*
+ version: Text-2 *changed*
+ pendingReloadFromDisk: false *changed*
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+ version: Text-1
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+ version: Text-1
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+ version: Text-1
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+Before request
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] request:
+ {
+ "command": "open",
+ "arguments": {
+ "file": "c:\\projects\\myproject\\b.ts"
+ },
+ "seq": 4,
+ "type": "request"
+ }
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] FileWatcher:: Close:: WatchInfo: c:/projects/myproject/b.ts 500 undefined WatchType: Closed Script info
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] event:
+ {
+ "seq": 0,
+ "type": "event",
+ "event": "CustomHandler::closeFileWatcher",
+ "body": {
+ "id": 3
+ }
+ }
+Custom watchFile:: Close:: 3: c:/projects/myproject/b.ts
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Search path: c:/projects/myproject
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] For info: c:/projects/myproject/b.ts :: Config file name: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Project 'c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json' (Configured)
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Files (6)
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] -----------------------------------------------
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Open files:
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] FileName: c:/projects/myproject/a.ts ProjectRootPath: undefined
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Projects: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] FileName: c:/projects/myproject/b.ts ProjectRootPath: undefined
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Projects: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] response:
+ {
+ "responseRequired": false
+ }
+After request
+Custom WatchedFiles::
+ {"id":6,"path":"c:/a/lib/lib.d.ts"}
+ {"id":9,"path":"c:/projects/myproject/c.ts"}
+ {"id":4,"path":"c:/projects/myproject/m.ts"}
+ {"id":1,"path":"c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json"}
+Custom WatchedFiles *deleted*::
+ {"id":3,"path":"c:/projects/myproject/b.ts"}
+Custom WatchedDirectoriesRecursive::
+ {"id":2,"path":"c:/projects/myproject","recursive":true,"ignoreUpdate":true}
+ {"id":5,"path":"c:/projects/myproject/node_modules","recursive":true}
+ {"id":7,"path":"c:/projects/myproject/node_modules/@types","recursive":true,"ignoreUpdate":true}
+ {"id":8,"path":"c:/projects/node_modules/@types","recursive":true,"ignoreUpdate":true}
+ version: Text-1
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+c:/projects/myproject/a.ts (Open)
+ version: SVC-1-0
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json *default*
+c:/projects/myproject/b.ts (Open) *changed*
+ open: true *changed*
+ version: Text-2
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json *default*
+ version: Text-1
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+ version: Text-1
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+ version: Text-1
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+Before request
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] request:
+ {
+ "command": "close",
+ "arguments": {
+ "file": "c:\\projects\\myproject\\b.ts"
+ },
+ "seq": 5,
+ "type": "request"
+ }
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] FileWatcher:: Added:: WatchInfo: c:/projects/myproject/b.ts 500 undefined WatchType: Closed Script info
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] event:
+ {
+ "seq": 0,
+ "type": "event",
+ "event": "CustomHandler::createFileWatcher",
+ "body": {
+ "id": 10,
+ "path": "c:/projects/myproject/b.ts"
+ }
+ }
+Custom watchFile: 10: c:/projects/myproject/b.ts
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Project 'c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json' (Configured)
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Files (6)
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] -----------------------------------------------
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Open files:
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] FileName: c:/projects/myproject/a.ts ProjectRootPath: undefined
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Projects: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] response:
+ {
+ "responseRequired": false
+ }
+After request
+Custom WatchedFiles::
+ {"id":6,"path":"c:/a/lib/lib.d.ts"}
+c:/projects/myproject/b.ts: *new*
+ {"id":10,"path":"c:/projects/myproject/b.ts"}
+ {"id":9,"path":"c:/projects/myproject/c.ts"}
+ {"id":4,"path":"c:/projects/myproject/m.ts"}
+ {"id":1,"path":"c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json"}
+Custom WatchedDirectoriesRecursive::
+ {"id":2,"path":"c:/projects/myproject","recursive":true,"ignoreUpdate":true}
+ {"id":5,"path":"c:/projects/myproject/node_modules","recursive":true}
+ {"id":7,"path":"c:/projects/myproject/node_modules/@types","recursive":true,"ignoreUpdate":true}
+ {"id":8,"path":"c:/projects/node_modules/@types","recursive":true,"ignoreUpdate":true}
+ version: Text-1
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+c:/projects/myproject/a.ts (Open)
+ version: SVC-1-0
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json *default*
+c:/projects/myproject/b.ts *changed*
+ open: false *changed*
+ version: Text-2
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+ version: Text-1
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+ version: Text-1
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+ version: Text-1
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+Change File: c:/projects/myproject/c.ts
+Before running Timeout callback:: count: 0
+//// [c:/projects/myproject/c.ts]
+export xyx = 10;export const ss = 20;
+After running Timeout callback:: count: 0
+Custom watch:: c:/projects/myproject/c.ts c:\projects\myproject\b.ts updated
+Custom watch:: c:/projects/myproject c:\projects\myproject\b.ts updated
+Before request
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] request:
+ {
+ "command": "watchChange",
+ "arguments": {
+ "id": 9,
+ "updated": [
+ "c:\\projects\\myproject\\b.ts"
+ ]
+ },
+ "seq": 6,
+ "type": "request"
+ }
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] FileWatcher:: Triggered with c:/projects/myproject/b.ts 1:: WatchInfo: c:/projects/myproject/c.ts 500 undefined WatchType: Closed Script info
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Scheduled: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Scheduled: *ensureProjectForOpenFiles*
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Elapsed:: *ms FileWatcher:: Triggered with c:/projects/myproject/b.ts 1:: WatchInfo: c:/projects/myproject/c.ts 500 undefined WatchType: Closed Script info
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] response:
+ {
+ "responseRequired": false
+ }
+After request
+Timeout callback:: count: 2
+5: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json *new*
+6: *ensureProjectForOpenFiles* *new*
+c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json (Configured) *changed*
+ projectStateVersion: 4 *changed*
+ projectProgramVersion: 2
+ dirty: true *changed*
+ version: Text-1
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+c:/projects/myproject/a.ts (Open)
+ version: SVC-1-0
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json *default*
+ version: Text-2
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+c:/projects/myproject/c.ts *changed*
+ version: Text-1
+ pendingReloadFromDisk: true *changed*
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+ version: Text-1
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+ version: Text-1
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+Before running Timeout callback:: count: 2
+5: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+6: *ensureProjectForOpenFiles*
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Running: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Starting updateGraphWorker: Project: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Finishing updateGraphWorker: Project: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json projectStateVersion: 4 projectProgramVersion: 2 structureChanged: false structureIsReused:: Completely Elapsed:: *ms
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Project 'c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json' (Configured)
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Files (6)
+ c:/a/lib/lib.d.ts Text-1 "/// \ninterface Boolean {}\ninterface Function {}\ninterface CallableFunction {}\ninterface NewableFunction {}\ninterface IArguments {}\ninterface Number { toExponential: any; }\ninterface Object {}\ninterface RegExp {}\ninterface String { charAt: any; }\ninterface Array { length: number; [n: number]: T; }"
+ c:/projects/myproject/a.ts SVC-1-0 "export class a { prop = \"hello\"; foo() { return this.prop; } }"
+ c:/projects/myproject/b.ts Text-2 "export class b { prop = \"hello\"; foo() { return this.prop; } }export const ss = 20;"
+ c:/projects/myproject/node_modules/something/index.d.ts Text-1 "export const x = 10;"
+ c:/projects/myproject/m.ts Text-1 "import { x } from \"something\""
+ c:/projects/myproject/c.ts Text-2 "export xyx = 10;export const ss = 20;"
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] -----------------------------------------------
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Running: *ensureProjectForOpenFiles*
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Before ensureProjectForOpenFiles:
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Project 'c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json' (Configured)
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Files (6)
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] -----------------------------------------------
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Open files:
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] FileName: c:/projects/myproject/a.ts ProjectRootPath: undefined
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Projects: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] After ensureProjectForOpenFiles:
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Project 'c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json' (Configured)
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Files (6)
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] -----------------------------------------------
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Open files:
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] FileName: c:/projects/myproject/a.ts ProjectRootPath: undefined
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Projects: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] event:
+ {
+ "seq": 0,
+ "type": "event",
+ "event": "CustomHandler::projectsUpdatedInBackground",
+ "body": {
+ "openFiles": [
+ "c:/projects/myproject/a.ts"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+After running Timeout callback:: count: 0
+c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json (Configured) *changed*
+ projectStateVersion: 4
+ projectProgramVersion: 2
+ dirty: false *changed*
+ version: Text-1
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+c:/projects/myproject/a.ts (Open)
+ version: SVC-1-0
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json *default*
+ version: Text-2
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+c:/projects/myproject/c.ts *changed*
+ version: Text-2 *changed*
+ pendingReloadFromDisk: false *changed*
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+ version: Text-1
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+ version: Text-1
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+update with npm install
+Before running Timeout callback:: count: 0
+//// [c:/projects/myproject/node_modules/something/index.d.ts]
+export const x = 10;export const y = 20;
+After running Timeout callback:: count: 0
+Custom watch:: c:/projects/myproject/node_modules c:\projects\myproject\node_modules\something\index.d.ts updated
+Before request
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] request:
+ {
+ "command": "watchChange",
+ "arguments": {
+ "id": 5,
+ "updated": [
+ "c:\\projects\\myproject\\node_modules\\something\\index.d.ts"
+ ]
+ },
+ "seq": 7,
+ "type": "request"
+ }
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] DirectoryWatcher:: Triggered with c:/projects/myproject/node_modules/something/index.d.ts :: WatchInfo: c:/projects/myproject/node_modules 1 undefined WatchType: node_modules for closed script infos and package.jsons affecting module specifier cache
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Scheduled: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Scheduled: *ensureProjectForOpenFiles*
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Elapsed:: *ms DirectoryWatcher:: Triggered with c:/projects/myproject/node_modules/something/index.d.ts :: WatchInfo: c:/projects/myproject/node_modules 1 undefined WatchType: node_modules for closed script infos and package.jsons affecting module specifier cache
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] DirectoryWatcher:: Triggered with c:/projects/myproject/node_modules/something/index.d.ts :: WatchInfo: c:/projects/myproject/node_modules 1 undefined Project: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json WatchType: Failed Lookup Locations
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Scheduled: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.jsonFailedLookupInvalidation
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Elapsed:: *ms DirectoryWatcher:: Triggered with c:/projects/myproject/node_modules/something/index.d.ts :: WatchInfo: c:/projects/myproject/node_modules 1 undefined Project: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json WatchType: Failed Lookup Locations
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] response:
+ {
+ "responseRequired": false
+ }
+After request
+Timeout callback:: count: 3
+7: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json *new*
+8: *ensureProjectForOpenFiles* *new*
+9: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.jsonFailedLookupInvalidation *new*
+c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json (Configured) *changed*
+ projectStateVersion: 5 *changed*
+ projectProgramVersion: 2
+ dirty: true *changed*
+ version: Text-1
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+c:/projects/myproject/a.ts (Open)
+ version: SVC-1-0
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json *default*
+ version: Text-2
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+ version: Text-2
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+ version: Text-1
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+c:/projects/myproject/node_modules/something/index.d.ts *changed*
+ version: Text-1
+ pendingReloadFromDisk: true *changed*
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+Before running Timeout callback:: count: 3
+7: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+8: *ensureProjectForOpenFiles*
+9: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.jsonFailedLookupInvalidation
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Running: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Scheduled: *ensureProjectForOpenFiles*, Cancelled earlier one
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Starting updateGraphWorker: Project: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Finishing updateGraphWorker: Project: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json projectStateVersion: 5 projectProgramVersion: 2 structureChanged: true structureIsReused:: SafeModules Elapsed:: *ms
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Project 'c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json' (Configured)
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Files (6)
+ c:/a/lib/lib.d.ts Text-1 "/// \ninterface Boolean {}\ninterface Function {}\ninterface CallableFunction {}\ninterface NewableFunction {}\ninterface IArguments {}\ninterface Number { toExponential: any; }\ninterface Object {}\ninterface RegExp {}\ninterface String { charAt: any; }\ninterface Array { length: number; [n: number]: T; }"
+ c:/projects/myproject/a.ts SVC-1-0 "export class a { prop = \"hello\"; foo() { return this.prop; } }"
+ c:/projects/myproject/b.ts Text-2 "export class b { prop = \"hello\"; foo() { return this.prop; } }export const ss = 20;"
+ c:/projects/myproject/node_modules/something/index.d.ts Text-2 "export const x = 10;export const y = 20;"
+ c:/projects/myproject/m.ts Text-1 "import { x } from \"something\""
+ c:/projects/myproject/c.ts Text-2 "export xyx = 10;export const ss = 20;"
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] -----------------------------------------------
+After running Timeout callback:: count: 1
+Timeout callback:: count: 1
+8: *ensureProjectForOpenFiles* *deleted*
+9: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.jsonFailedLookupInvalidation *deleted*
+10: *ensureProjectForOpenFiles* *new*
+c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json (Configured) *changed*
+ projectStateVersion: 5
+ projectProgramVersion: 3 *changed*
+ dirty: false *changed*
+ version: Text-1
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+c:/projects/myproject/a.ts (Open)
+ version: SVC-1-0
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json *default*
+ version: Text-2
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+ version: Text-2
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+ version: Text-1
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+c:/projects/myproject/node_modules/something/index.d.ts *changed*
+ version: Text-2 *changed*
+ pendingReloadFromDisk: false *changed*
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+Before running Timeout callback:: count: 1
+10: *ensureProjectForOpenFiles*
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Running: *ensureProjectForOpenFiles*
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Before ensureProjectForOpenFiles:
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Project 'c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json' (Configured)
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Files (6)
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] -----------------------------------------------
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Open files:
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] FileName: c:/projects/myproject/a.ts ProjectRootPath: undefined
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Projects: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] After ensureProjectForOpenFiles:
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Project 'c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json' (Configured)
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Files (6)
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] -----------------------------------------------
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Open files:
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] FileName: c:/projects/myproject/a.ts ProjectRootPath: undefined
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Projects: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] event:
+ {
+ "seq": 0,
+ "type": "event",
+ "event": "CustomHandler::projectsUpdatedInBackground",
+ "body": {
+ "openFiles": [
+ "c:/projects/myproject/a.ts"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+After running Timeout callback:: count: 0
+Add file: c:/projects/myproject/d.ts
+Before running Timeout callback:: count: 0
+//// [c:/projects/myproject/d.ts]
+export const yy = 10;
+After running Timeout callback:: count: 0
+Change File: c:/projects/myproject/c.ts
+Before running Timeout callback:: count: 0
+//// [c:/projects/myproject/c.ts]
+export xyx = 10;export const ss = 20;export const z = 30;
+After running Timeout callback:: count: 0
+Add File: c:/projects/myproject/e.ts
+Before running Timeout callback:: count: 0
+//// [c:/projects/myproject/e.ts]
+export const zz = 40;
+After running Timeout callback:: count: 0
+Custom watch:: c:/projects/myproject c:\projects\myproject\d.ts created
+Custom watch:: c:/projects/myproject/c.ts c:\projects\myproject\c.ts updated
+Custom watch:: c:/projects/myproject c:\projects\myproject\c.ts updated
+Custom watch:: c:/projects/myproject c:\projects\myproject\e.ts created
+Before request
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] request:
+ {
+ "command": "watchChange",
+ "arguments": [
+ {
+ "id": 2,
+ "created": [
+ "c:\\projects\\myproject\\d.ts",
+ "c:\\projects\\myproject\\e.ts"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "id": 9,
+ "updated": [
+ "c:\\projects\\myproject\\c.ts"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "seq": 8,
+ "type": "request"
+ }
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] DirectoryWatcher:: Triggered with c:/projects/myproject/d.ts :: WatchInfo: c:/projects/myproject 1 undefined Config: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json WatchType: Wild card directory
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Scheduled: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Scheduled: *ensureProjectForOpenFiles*
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Elapsed:: *ms DirectoryWatcher:: Triggered with c:/projects/myproject/d.ts :: WatchInfo: c:/projects/myproject 1 undefined Config: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json WatchType: Wild card directory
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] DirectoryWatcher:: Triggered with c:/projects/myproject/e.ts :: WatchInfo: c:/projects/myproject 1 undefined Config: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json WatchType: Wild card directory
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Scheduled: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json, Cancelled earlier one
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Scheduled: *ensureProjectForOpenFiles*, Cancelled earlier one
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Elapsed:: *ms DirectoryWatcher:: Triggered with c:/projects/myproject/e.ts :: WatchInfo: c:/projects/myproject 1 undefined Config: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json WatchType: Wild card directory
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] FileWatcher:: Triggered with c:/projects/myproject/c.ts 1:: WatchInfo: c:/projects/myproject/c.ts 500 undefined WatchType: Closed Script info
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Scheduled: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json, Cancelled earlier one
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Scheduled: *ensureProjectForOpenFiles*, Cancelled earlier one
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Elapsed:: *ms FileWatcher:: Triggered with c:/projects/myproject/c.ts 1:: WatchInfo: c:/projects/myproject/c.ts 500 undefined WatchType: Closed Script info
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] response:
+ {
+ "responseRequired": false
+ }
+After request
+Timeout callback:: count: 2
+15: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json *new*
+16: *ensureProjectForOpenFiles* *new*
+c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json (Configured) *changed*
+ projectStateVersion: 6 *changed*
+ projectProgramVersion: 3
+ dirty: true *changed*
+ version: Text-1
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+c:/projects/myproject/a.ts (Open)
+ version: SVC-1-0
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json *default*
+ version: Text-2
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+c:/projects/myproject/c.ts *changed*
+ version: Text-2
+ pendingReloadFromDisk: true *changed*
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+ version: Text-1
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+ version: Text-2
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+Before running Timeout callback:: count: 2
+15: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+16: *ensureProjectForOpenFiles*
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Running: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] FileWatcher:: Added:: WatchInfo: c:/projects/myproject/d.ts 500 undefined WatchType: Closed Script info
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] event:
+ {
+ "seq": 0,
+ "type": "event",
+ "event": "CustomHandler::createFileWatcher",
+ "body": {
+ "id": 11,
+ "path": "c:/projects/myproject/d.ts"
+ }
+ }
+Custom watchFile: 11: c:/projects/myproject/d.ts
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] FileWatcher:: Added:: WatchInfo: c:/projects/myproject/e.ts 500 undefined WatchType: Closed Script info
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] event:
+ {
+ "seq": 0,
+ "type": "event",
+ "event": "CustomHandler::createFileWatcher",
+ "body": {
+ "id": 12,
+ "path": "c:/projects/myproject/e.ts"
+ }
+ }
+Custom watchFile: 12: c:/projects/myproject/e.ts
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Starting updateGraphWorker: Project: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Finishing updateGraphWorker: Project: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json projectStateVersion: 6 projectProgramVersion: 3 structureChanged: true structureIsReused:: Not Elapsed:: *ms
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Project 'c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json' (Configured)
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Files (8)
+ c:/a/lib/lib.d.ts Text-1 "/// \ninterface Boolean {}\ninterface Function {}\ninterface CallableFunction {}\ninterface NewableFunction {}\ninterface IArguments {}\ninterface Number { toExponential: any; }\ninterface Object {}\ninterface RegExp {}\ninterface String { charAt: any; }\ninterface Array { length: number; [n: number]: T; }"
+ c:/projects/myproject/a.ts SVC-1-0 "export class a { prop = \"hello\"; foo() { return this.prop; } }"
+ c:/projects/myproject/b.ts Text-2 "export class b { prop = \"hello\"; foo() { return this.prop; } }export const ss = 20;"
+ c:/projects/myproject/node_modules/something/index.d.ts Text-2 "export const x = 10;export const y = 20;"
+ c:/projects/myproject/m.ts Text-1 "import { x } from \"something\""
+ c:/projects/myproject/c.ts Text-3 "export xyx = 10;export const ss = 20;export const z = 30;"
+ c:/projects/myproject/d.ts Text-1 "export const yy = 10;"
+ c:/projects/myproject/e.ts Text-1 "export const zz = 40;"
+ ../../a/lib/lib.d.ts
+ Default library for target 'es5'
+ a.ts
+ Matched by default include pattern '**/*'
+ b.ts
+ Matched by default include pattern '**/*'
+ node_modules/something/index.d.ts
+ Imported via "something" from file 'm.ts'
+ m.ts
+ Matched by default include pattern '**/*'
+ c.ts
+ Matched by default include pattern '**/*'
+ d.ts
+ Matched by default include pattern '**/*'
+ e.ts
+ Matched by default include pattern '**/*'
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] -----------------------------------------------
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Running: *ensureProjectForOpenFiles*
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Before ensureProjectForOpenFiles:
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Project 'c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json' (Configured)
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Files (8)
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] -----------------------------------------------
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Open files:
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] FileName: c:/projects/myproject/a.ts ProjectRootPath: undefined
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Projects: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] After ensureProjectForOpenFiles:
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Project 'c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json' (Configured)
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Files (8)
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] -----------------------------------------------
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Open files:
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] FileName: c:/projects/myproject/a.ts ProjectRootPath: undefined
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] Projects: c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+Info seq [hh:mm:ss:mss] event:
+ {
+ "seq": 0,
+ "type": "event",
+ "event": "CustomHandler::projectsUpdatedInBackground",
+ "body": {
+ "openFiles": [
+ "c:/projects/myproject/a.ts"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+After running Timeout callback:: count: 0
+Custom WatchedFiles::
+ {"id":6,"path":"c:/a/lib/lib.d.ts"}
+ {"id":10,"path":"c:/projects/myproject/b.ts"}
+ {"id":9,"path":"c:/projects/myproject/c.ts"}
+c:/projects/myproject/d.ts: *new*
+ {"id":11,"path":"c:/projects/myproject/d.ts"}
+c:/projects/myproject/e.ts: *new*
+ {"id":12,"path":"c:/projects/myproject/e.ts"}
+ {"id":4,"path":"c:/projects/myproject/m.ts"}
+ {"id":1,"path":"c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json"}
+Custom WatchedDirectoriesRecursive::
+ {"id":2,"path":"c:/projects/myproject","recursive":true,"ignoreUpdate":true}
+ {"id":5,"path":"c:/projects/myproject/node_modules","recursive":true}
+ {"id":7,"path":"c:/projects/myproject/node_modules/@types","recursive":true,"ignoreUpdate":true}
+ {"id":8,"path":"c:/projects/node_modules/@types","recursive":true,"ignoreUpdate":true}
+c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json (Configured) *changed*
+ projectStateVersion: 6
+ projectProgramVersion: 4 *changed*
+ dirty: false *changed*
+ version: Text-1
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+c:/projects/myproject/a.ts (Open)
+ version: SVC-1-0
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json *default*
+ version: Text-2
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+c:/projects/myproject/c.ts *changed*
+ version: Text-3 *changed*
+ pendingReloadFromDisk: false *changed*
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+c:/projects/myproject/d.ts *new*
+ version: Text-1
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+c:/projects/myproject/e.ts *new*
+ version: Text-1
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+ version: Text-1
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json
+ version: Text-2
+ containingProjects: 1
+ c:/projects/myproject/tsconfig.json