On Windows command line run kubectl config view
to find the values of [windows-user-name],[minikube-ip],[port]:
mkdir ~/.kube && cp /mnt/c/Users/[windows-user-name]/.kube/config ~/.kube
If you are using minikube you need to set bellow settings
# allow kubectl to trust the certificate authority of minikube
kubectl config set-cluster minikube \
--server=https://[minikube-ip]:[port] \
# configure the client certificate to use when talking to minikube
kubectl config set-credentials minikube \
--client-certificate=/mnt/c/Users/[windows-user-name]/.minikube/client.crt \
# create the context minikube with cluster and user info created above
kubectl config set-context minikube --cluster=minikube --user=minikub
More info:
- https://devkimchi.com/2018/06/05/running-kubernetes-on-wsl/
- https://www.jamessturtevant.com/posts/Running-Kubernetes-Minikube-on-Windows-10-with-WSL/
For information on how to monitor metrics from published from the operator, please review the metrics page.