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Running automated smoke tests locally

Tests support running on Windows 10, MacOS Monterey and Ubuntu 18.04 machines. Use instructions respected to your machine type. Please, be aware that automated tests don't cover debugging cases on real devices - only emulators/simulators.


Make sure you are on Node.js >= 18.x. Install Node.js on Windows and MacOS from Node.js org, and suggest to install on Linux by NVM that is more compatible.

Tests are running using VS Code automation package, so before the tests runs the VS Code build tools are required to be installed. Please make sure that instructions for building VS Code from sources are completed before running the tests.

Windows only

Mac only

Set up Android SDK environment

  1. Install Java Development Kit 17, Android Studio and Git

    • Windows:
    choco install jdk17 -y
    choco install androidstudio -y
    choco install git -y
    • Mac:
    brew tap homebrew/cask-versions
    brew install --cask  adoptopenjdk/openjdk/adoptopenjdk17
    brew install --cask  android-studio
    brew install git
    brew install watchman
    • Ubuntu:
    apt update
    sudo apt install openjdk-17-jdk
    sudo snap install android-studio --classic
    sudo apt install git
    sudo apt install xvfb
  2. Open Android Studio and go through the setup.

    • Select Custom Installation
    • When you will be asked where to install Android sdk choose the following directory:
      • Windows: C:\Users\<username>\Android\sdk
      • Mac: /Users/<username>/Library/Android/sdk
      • Linux: /home/<username>/Android/sdk
  3. Add android environment variables to path:

    • Windows (Powershell with Administrator rights):
    [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("ANDROID_HOME", "C:\Users\<username>\Android\sdk", [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)
    [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("ANDROID_SDK_ROOT", "%ANDROID_HOME%", [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)
    [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $env:Path+";%ANDROID_HOME%\emulator;%ANDROID_HOME%\tools;%ANDROID_HOME%\platform-tools;%ANDROID_HOME%\tools\bin", [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)
    • Mac: Add these lines to ~/.zshrc (create one if it doesn't exist):
    export JAVA_HOME="$(/usr/libexec/java_home)"
    export ANDROID_HOME=/Users/<username>/Library/Android/sdk

    Notice: since 0.68 version of React Native ANDROID_HOME has to be changed to ANDROID_SDK_ROOT for linux and macOS

    • Linux: Add these lines to ~/.bash_profile(create one if it doesn't exist) or ~/.bashrc :
    export JAVA_HOME=$(readlink -f /usr/bin/javac | sed "s:/bin/javac::")
    export ANDROID_HOME=/home/<username>/Android/sdk

    Notice: it's important to add $ANDROID_HOME/emulator before other paths because otherwise emulator will refuse to start from any directory but sdk ones

  4. (Linux only) Install KVM on your system and reboot your system.

    sudo apt install qemu-kvm
    sudo adduser <user_name> kvm

    where <user_name> - name of the user you want to add access to the KVM.

  5. Open Android studio for any workspace and open Android Virtual Device Manager(AVD Manager) at the right top of the window.

  6. Create two Android virtual devices using x86 image with the parameters you need for testing. Two emulators are required for correct testing.

  7. Run this command and if emulator starts - you are all set with Android!

    emulator -avd <device_name>
  8. (Linux only) Add this line to your /etc/sysctl.conf file by Vim Command to manage with file watching limitation on Linux:


    Then run

    sudo sysctl -p

    to apply settings.

Set up iOS SDK environment (Mac only)

  1. Install XCode
  2. Launch Xcode and install additional required components when prompted.
  3. Run sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/ in terminal
  4. Run brew install carthage in terminal (required by Appium)

Set up Windows development dependencies (Windows only)

Follow the official RNW guide

Set up tests

  1. Install React Native CLI
    npm i react-native-cli -g
  2. Install Expo CLI
    npm i expo-cli -g
  3. Install Appium
    npm i appium -g
  4. Install Yarn
    npm i yarn -g
  5. Create Expo account if you haven't one. Then login to Expo
    expo login -u 'YOUR_EXPO_LOGIN' -p 'YOUR_EXPO_PASSWORD'
  6. Open the root directory of the extension project and install node packages
    npm install
  7. Build the extension VSIX file
    gulp release
  8. Copy extension VSIX to test/smoke/package/resources/drop-win directory

Running tests

Tests require several environment variables to be set up before starting:

Variable Examples Explanation
ANDROID_EMULATOR Nexus_5X_API_29 Name of the emulated device
ANDROID_VERSION 10 Version of Android installed on emulated device
IOS_SIMULATOR iPhone8 (Only for iOS tests) Name of the simulated device
IOS_VERSION 15.0 (Only for iOS tests) Version of iOS on the simulated device
CODE_VERSION *, 1.61.0, insiders Version of VS Code to download and run while running tests
EXPO_SDK_MAJOR_VERSION (optional) 43, skip Version of expo-sdk for Expo applications. If set to "skip" then the latest expo-sdk version will be used
RN_VERSION (optional) 0.66.1, skip Version of a React Native application to debug while running tests. If set to "skip" then the latest version will be installed
PURE_RN_VERSION (optional) 0.63.4, skip Version of React Native while running tests on pure RN app with Expo. If set to "skip" then the latest version will be installed
PURE_EXPO_VERSION (optional) 42, skip Version of Expo while running tests on pure RN app with Expo. If set to "skip" then the latest version will be installed
RN_MAC_OS_VERSION (optional) 0.62.0, skip (Only for macOS tests) Version of a React Native application for RN macOS tests. If set to "skip" then the latest version will be installed
RN_WINDOWS_VERSION (optional) 0.67.0, skip (Only for RNW tests) Version of a React Native application for RNW tests. If set to "skip" then the latest version will be installed
RNW_PACKAGE_VERSION (optional) 0.67.1, skip (Only for RNW tests) Version of React Native Windows package for RNW tests. If set to "skip" then the latest version will be installed

To create an environment variable you can use these commands:

  • Windows (Powershell):
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("YOUR_VARIABLE", VALUE, [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)
  • Mac/Linux: Add these lines to ~/.bash_profile or ~/.zshrc:

In the directory test/smoke/package there is a config.json configuration file with predefined settings for environment variables. This approach would be more suitable for CI.

For local runs, it is more convenient to create file inside test/smoke/package directory and specify variables there. For example:

    "ANDROID_EMULATOR": "Nexus_5X_API_28_x86",
    "IOS_SIMULATOR": "iPhone 11",
    "IOS_VERSION": "13.5",
    "CODE_VERSION" : "*"

To run tests simply go to the root directory and run the command:

yarn smoke-tests

This command will perform pre-tests setup (creating applications, downloading VS Code, cleaning up, etc) and then run Android, iOS, RNW and macOS tests.

Notice (Mac only): when the tests are being run for the first time, you need to give permissions for agent process for System Events. Request for the permissions will appear automatically during the tests, so you need to just press Allow button. This is required for expo client:install:ios command which runs graphical iOS simulator.

Also, it supports the following parameters:

Parameter Explanation
--skip-setup Skip pre-tests setup
--skip-unstable-tests Skip tests marked as unstable
--reset-cache Reinstall test projects
--ios Run iOS tests only
--android Run Android tests only
--macos Run RN macOS tests only
--windows Run RNW tests only
--basic-only Run basic tests only (Debug Android, Debug iOS)
--dont-delete-vsix Do not delete extension VSIX at the end of the tests execution

Notice: if --ios, --android and --basic-only parameters are not set, all iOS and Android tests will be executed.

Notice: if --dont-delete-vsix is not set, then extension will be deleted after execution of the tests.


  1. Several diagnostic logs are written during tests run. SmokeTestLogs directory is created on each tests run and contains
  • zero-based numbering named directories that corresponds to particular test. There are different diagnostic logs inside such as:
    • extensionLogs/ReactNative* - extension output windows logs
    • extensionLogs/webdriverIOLogs* - logs of webdriverIO library
    • chromedriver.log - logs of Chrome Driver that are used by Spectron
  • appium.log - logs of Appium server
  • SetupEnvironmentCommandsLogs.txt - logs of console commands that are used for installing and patching RN projects Also, VS Code instance, that is downloaded and used for running tests, is located in test/smoke/vscode/test/smoke/resources/.vscode-test directory.
  1. (Linux only) There are some known issues with launching VS Code using virtual display servers:
libGL error: No matching fbConfigs or visuals found
libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast

There is a workaround for these issues. Also make sure to pass virtual display resolution argument to Xvfb, since it may lead to errors on VS Code based on Electron 6