From 12231a049075750bbfc7f8cde92eea3cf35c3268 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Kenny Kerr Date: Fri, 29 Dec 2023 11:00:00 -0600 Subject: [PATCH] Derive `Copy`, `Clone`, `Default` for enums (#2760) --- crates/libs/bindgen/src/rust/ | 39 +- crates/libs/core/src/imp/ | 26 +- .../sys/src/Windows/Win32/Media/Audio/ | 7 +- .../Security/Authentication/Identity/ | 7 +- .../Win32/Security/Cryptography/ | 14 +- .../Win32/System/WindowsProgramming/ | 42 +- .../src/Windows/AI/MachineLearning/ | 52 +- .../ApplicationModel/Activation/ | 26 +- .../ApplicationModel/AppService/ | 52 +- .../ApplicationModel/Appointments/ | 221 +- .../ApplicationModel/Background/ | 169 +- .../ApplicationModel/Calls/Background/ | 68 +- .../src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Calls/ | 351 +- .../src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Chat/ | 169 +- .../ApplicationModel/Contacts/Provider/ | 13 +- .../Windows/ApplicationModel/Contacts/ | 312 +- .../ConversationalAgent/ | 208 +- .../src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Core/ | 13 +- .../DataTransfer/DragDrop/Core/ | 13 +- .../DataTransfer/DragDrop/ | 13 +- .../ApplicationModel/DataTransfer/ | 52 +- .../src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Email/ | 390 +- .../ExtendedExecution/Foreground/ | 39 +- .../ApplicationModel/ExtendedExecution/ | 39 +- .../Windows/ApplicationModel/Payments/ | 78 +- .../ApplicationModel/Resources/Core/ | 26 +- .../Resources/Management/ | 13 +- .../ApplicationModel/Search/Core/ | 13 +- .../Store/LicenseManagement/ | 13 +- .../Store/Preview/InstallControl/ | 65 +- .../ApplicationModel/Store/Preview/ | 65 +- .../src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Store/ | 39 +- .../ApplicationModel/UserActivities/ | 13 +- .../UserDataAccounts/Provider/ | 26 +- .../UserDataAccounts/SystemAccess/ | 65 +- .../ApplicationModel/UserDataAccounts/ | 39 +- .../ApplicationModel/UserDataTasks/ | 182 +- .../ApplicationModel/VoiceCommands/ | 26 +- .../ApplicationModel/Wallet/System/ | 16 +- .../Windows/ApplicationModel/Wallet/ | 80 +- .../src/Windows/ApplicationModel/ | 130 +- .../libs/windows/src/Windows/Data/Json/ | 26 +- .../libs/windows/src/Windows/Data/Pdf/ | 13 +- .../libs/windows/src/Windows/Data/Text/ | 52 +- .../windows/src/Windows/Data/Xml/Dom/ | 13 +- .../src/Windows/Devices/Adc/Provider/ | 13 +- .../windows/src/Windows/Devices/Adc/ | 13 +- .../Devices/Bluetooth/Advertisement/ | 65 +- .../Devices/Bluetooth/Background/ | 13 +- .../Bluetooth/GenericAttributeProfile/ | 130 +- .../src/Windows/Devices/Bluetooth/ | 104 +- .../windows/src/Windows/Devices/Custom/ | 52 +- .../src/Windows/Devices/Display/Core/ | 260 +- .../src/Windows/Devices/Display/ | 52 +- .../Windows/Devices/Enumeration/Pnp/ | 13 +- .../src/Windows/Devices/Enumeration/ | 143 +- .../Devices/Geolocation/Geofencing/ | 52 +- .../Devices/Geolocation/Provider/ | 13 +- .../src/Windows/Devices/Geolocation/ | 104 +- .../src/Windows/Devices/Gpio/Provider/ | 52 +- .../windows/src/Windows/Devices/Gpio/ | 78 +- .../src/Windows/Devices/Haptics/ | 13 +- .../Devices/HumanInterfaceDevice/ | 26 +- .../src/Windows/Devices/I2c/Provider/ | 39 +- .../windows/src/Windows/Devices/I2c/ | 39 +- .../src/Windows/Devices/Input/Preview/ | 13 +- .../windows/src/Windows/Devices/Input/ | 13 +- .../src/Windows/Devices/Lights/Effects/ | 39 +- .../windows/src/Windows/Devices/Lights/ | 26 +- .../windows/src/Windows/Devices/Midi/ | 13 +- .../Devices/PointOfService/Provider/ | 13 +- .../src/Windows/Devices/PointOfService/ | 481 +- .../src/Windows/Devices/Portable/ | 13 +- .../Devices/Printers/Extensions/ | 26 +- .../src/Windows/Devices/Printers/ | 52 +- .../windows/src/Windows/Devices/Pwm/ | 13 +- .../windows/src/Windows/Devices/Radios/ | 39 +- .../src/Windows/Devices/Scanners/ | 52 +- .../src/Windows/Devices/Sensors/ | 143 +- .../Devices/SerialCommunication/ | 65 +- .../src/Windows/Devices/SmartCards/ | 325 +- .../windows/src/Windows/Devices/Sms/ | 146 +- .../src/Windows/Devices/Spi/Provider/ | 26 +- .../windows/src/Windows/Devices/Spi/ | 26 +- .../windows/src/Windows/Devices/Usb/ | 78 +- .../windows/src/Windows/Devices/WiFi/ | 143 +- .../Devices/WiFiDirect/Services/ | 91 +- .../src/Windows/Devices/WiFiDirect/ | 91 +- .../src/Windows/Foundation/Collections/ | 13 +- .../src/Windows/Foundation/Diagnostics/ | 104 +- .../src/Windows/Foundation/Metadata/ | 104 +- .../windows/src/Windows/Foundation/ | 26 +- .../src/Windows/Gaming/Input/Custom/ | 52 +- .../Windows/Gaming/Input/ForceFeedback/ | 65 +- .../windows/src/Windows/Gaming/Input/ | 117 +- .../Gaming/Preview/GamesEnumeration/ | 26 +- .../libs/windows/src/Windows/Gaming/UI/ | 26 +- .../Windows/Gaming/XboxLive/Storage/ | 13 +- .../Globalization/DateTimeFormatting/ | 91 +- .../Globalization/NumberFormatting/ | 26 +- .../PhoneNumberFormatting/ | 52 +- .../windows/src/Windows/Globalization/ | 26 +- .../src/Windows/Graphics/Capture/ | 13 +- .../Graphics/DirectX/Direct3D11/ | 26 +- .../src/Windows/Graphics/DirectX/ | 52 +- .../src/Windows/Graphics/Display/Core/ | 39 +- .../src/Windows/Graphics/Display/ | 104 +- .../src/Windows/Graphics/Holographic/ | 78 +- .../src/Windows/Graphics/Imaging/ | 143 +- .../Graphics/Printing/OptionDetails/ | 26 +- .../Graphics/Printing/PrintSupport/ | 26 +- .../Graphics/Printing/PrintTicket/ | 39 +- .../Windows/Graphics/Printing/Workflow/ | 104 +- .../src/Windows/Graphics/Printing/ | 156 +- .../src/Windows/Graphics/Printing3D/ | 104 +- .../src/Windows/Management/Deployment/ | 156 +- .../src/Windows/Management/Policies/ | 13 +- .../src/Windows/Management/Update/ | 39 +- .../src/Windows/Management/Workplace/ | 13 +- .../windows/src/Windows/Management/ | 39 +- .../src/Windows/Media/AppRecording/ | 13 +- .../windows/src/Windows/Media/Audio/ | 182 +- .../src/Windows/Media/Capture/Frames/ | 78 +- .../windows/src/Windows/Media/Capture/ | 572 +- .../windows/src/Windows/Media/Casting/ | 39 +- .../src/Windows/Media/ClosedCaptioning/ | 65 +- .../Windows/Media/ContentRestrictions/ | 26 +- .../windows/src/Windows/Media/Control/ | 13 +- .../windows/src/Windows/Media/Core/ | 416 +- .../src/Windows/Media/Devices/Core/ | 13 +- .../windows/src/Windows/Media/Devices/ | 341 +- .../src/Windows/Media/DialProtocol/ | 52 +- .../windows/src/Windows/Media/Editing/ | 26 +- .../windows/src/Windows/Media/Effects/ | 39 +- .../windows/src/Windows/Media/Import/ | 156 +- .../src/Windows/Media/MediaProperties/ | 104 +- .../windows/src/Windows/Media/Miracast/ | 104 +- .../windows/src/Windows/Media/PlayTo/ | 32 +- .../windows/src/Windows/Media/Playback/ | 198 +- .../src/Windows/Media/Playlists/ | 13 +- .../Windows/Media/Protection/PlayReady/ | 180 +- .../src/Windows/Media/Protection/ | 78 +- .../windows/src/Windows/Media/Render/ | 13 +- .../Windows/Media/SpeechRecognition/ | 104 +- .../src/Windows/Media/SpeechSynthesis/ | 39 +- .../Windows/Media/Streaming/Adaptive/ | 52 +- .../src/Windows/Media/Transcoding/ | 26 +- crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/ | 117 +- .../Networking/BackgroundTransfer/ | 52 +- .../Windows/Networking/Connectivity/ | 195 +- .../Networking/NetworkOperators/ | 416 +- .../src/Windows/Networking/Proximity/ | 52 +- .../Networking/PushNotifications/ | 13 +- .../Networking/ServiceDiscovery/Dnssd/ | 26 +- .../src/Windows/Networking/Sockets/ | 156 +- .../windows/src/Windows/Networking/Vpn/ | 169 +- .../src/Windows/Networking/XboxLive/ | 91 +- .../windows/src/Windows/Networking/ | 39 +- .../src/Windows/Perception/People/ | 26 +- .../src/Windows/Perception/Spatial/ | 78 +- .../src/Windows/Phone/ApplicationModel/ | 13 +- .../Phone/Management/Deployment/ | 26 +- .../src/Windows/Phone/Media/Devices/ | 26 +- .../Phone/Notification/Management/ | 182 +- .../Windows/Phone/PersonalInformation/ | 65 +- .../Windows/Phone/Speech/Recognition/ | 13 +- .../src/Windows/Phone/System/Power/ | 13 +- .../UserProfile/GameServices/Core/ | 26 +- .../Authentication/Identity/Core/ | 52 +- .../Security/Authentication/OnlineId/ | 26 +- .../Security/Authentication/Web/Core/ | 39 +- .../Authentication/Web/Provider/ | 52 +- .../Security/Authentication/Web/ | 39 +- .../Authorization/AppCapabilityAccess/ | 13 +- .../Windows/Security/Credentials/UI/ | 52 +- .../src/Windows/Security/Credentials/ | 65 +- .../Security/Cryptography/Certificates/ | 104 +- .../Windows/Security/Cryptography/Core/ | 52 +- .../src/Windows/Security/Cryptography/ | 13 +- .../Windows/Security/DataProtection/ | 39 +- .../Windows/Security/EnterpriseData/ | 91 +- .../ExchangeActiveSyncProvisioning/ | 117 +- .../src/Windows/Security/Isolation/ | 208 +- .../src/Windows/Services/Maps/Guidance/ | 78 +- .../Windows/Services/Maps/LocalSearch/ | 13 +- .../Windows/Services/Maps/OfflineMaps/ | 39 +- .../windows/src/Windows/Services/Maps/ | 156 +- .../windows/src/Windows/Services/Store/ | 130 +- .../Windows/Services/TargetedContent/ | 65 +- .../src/Windows/Storage/AccessCache/ | 26 +- .../src/Windows/Storage/Compression/ | 13 +- .../src/Windows/Storage/FileProperties/ | 78 +- .../Windows/Storage/Pickers/Provider/ | 39 +- .../src/Windows/Storage/Pickers/ | 26 +- .../src/Windows/Storage/Provider/ | 208 +- .../windows/src/Windows/Storage/Search/ | 78 +- .../src/Windows/Storage/Streams/ | 52 +- .../libs/windows/src/Windows/Storage/ | 182 +- .../System/Diagnostics/DevicePortal/ | 13 +- .../System/Diagnostics/Telemetry/ | 13 +- .../System/Diagnostics/TraceReporting/ | 78 +- .../src/Windows/System/Diagnostics/ | 13 +- .../windows/src/Windows/System/Power/ | 39 +- .../windows/src/Windows/System/Profile/ | 52 +- .../System/RemoteDesktop/Provider/ | 26 +- .../src/Windows/System/RemoteSystems/ | 169 +- .../src/Windows/System/Threading/ | 26 +- .../windows/src/Windows/System/Update/ | 52 +- .../src/Windows/System/UserProfile/ | 45 +- crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/System/ | 325 +- .../src/Windows/UI/ApplicationSettings/ | 42 +- .../Windows/UI/Composition/Diagnostics/ | 13 +- .../src/Windows/UI/Composition/Effects/ | 13 +- .../UI/Composition/Interactions/ | 91 +- .../src/Windows/UI/Composition/Scenes/ | 52 +- .../windows/src/Windows/UI/Composition/ | 273 +- .../Windows/UI/Core/AnimationMetrics/ | 39 +- .../libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Core/ | 156 +- .../Windows/UI/Input/Inking/Analysis/ | 52 +- .../src/Windows/UI/Input/Inking/Core/ | 13 +- .../src/Windows/UI/Input/Inking/ | 156 +- .../Windows/UI/Input/Preview/Injection/ | 117 +- .../src/Windows/UI/Input/Spatial/ | 65 +- .../libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Input/ | 130 +- .../UI/Notifications/Management/ | 13 +- .../src/Windows/UI/Notifications/ | 195 +- .../libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Popups/ | 26 +- .../libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Shell/ | 52 +- .../windows/src/Windows/UI/StartScreen/ | 78 +- .../windows/src/Windows/UI/Text/Core/ | 78 +- .../libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Text/ | 364 +- .../src/Windows/UI/UIAutomation/Core/ | 13 +- .../src/Windows/UI/ViewManagement/Core/ | 39 +- .../src/Windows/UI/ViewManagement/ | 172 +- .../windows/src/Windows/UI/WebUI/Core/ | 13 +- .../libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/WebUI/ | 13 +- .../src/Windows/UI/WindowManagement/ | 65 +- .../windows/src/Windows/Wdk/Foundation/ | 52 +- .../src/Windows/Wdk/Graphics/Direct3D/ | 1867 +----- .../Windows/Wdk/NetworkManagement/Ndis/ | 546 +- .../Wdk/Storage/FileSystem/Minifilters/ | 52 +- .../src/Windows/Wdk/Storage/FileSystem/ | 403 +- .../src/Windows/Wdk/System/Registry/ | 13 +- .../Wdk/System/SystemInformation/ | 13 +- .../Windows/Wdk/System/SystemServices/ | 2054 +----- .../src/Windows/Wdk/System/Threading/ | 26 +- .../src/Windows/Web/Http/Diagnostics/ | 13 +- .../src/Windows/Web/Http/Filters/ | 39 +- .../libs/windows/src/Windows/Web/Http/ | 65 +- .../src/Windows/Web/Syndication/ | 39 +- .../windows/src/Windows/Web/UI/Interop/ | 39 +- crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Web/UI/ | 26 +- crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Web/ | 13 +- .../Win32/AI/MachineLearning/DirectML/ | 299 +- .../Win32/AI/MachineLearning/WinML/ | 143 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/Data/HtmlHelp/ | 39 +- .../Win32/Data/RightsManagement/ | 117 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/Data/Xml/MsXml/ | 247 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/Data/Xml/XmlLite/ | 104 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/Devices/AllJoyn/ | 117 +- .../Win32/Devices/BiometricFramework/ | 117 +- .../Windows/Win32/Devices/Bluetooth/ | 130 +- .../Win32/Devices/Communication/ | 169 +- .../DeviceAndDriverInstallation/ | 468 +- .../Windows/Win32/Devices/DeviceQuery/ | 65 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/Devices/Display/ | 442 +- .../Win32/Devices/Enumeration/Pnp/ | 26 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/Devices/Fax/ | 390 +- .../Win32/Devices/FunctionDiscovery/ | 52 +- .../Windows/Win32/Devices/Geolocation/ | 169 +- .../Win32/Devices/HumanInterfaceDevice/ | 39 +- .../Win32/Devices/ImageAcquisition/ | 13 +- .../Win32/Devices/PortableDevices/ | 416 +- .../Windows/Win32/Devices/Properties/ | 26 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/Devices/Pwm/ | 13 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/Devices/Sensors/ | 260 +- .../Win32/Devices/SerialCommunication/ | 13 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/Devices/Tapi/ | 741 +-- .../src/Windows/Win32/Devices/Usb/ | 273 +- .../Win32/Devices/WebServicesOnDevices/ | 78 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/Foundation/ | 91 +- .../windows/src/Windows/Win32/Gaming/ | 91 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/Globalization/ | 2132 +------ .../Graphics/CompositionSwapchain/ | 39 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/DXCore/ | 65 +- .../Win32/Graphics/Direct2D/Common/ | 143 +- .../Windows/Win32/Graphics/Direct2D/ | 2161 +------ .../Win32/Graphics/Direct3D/Dxc/ | 26 +- .../Win32/Graphics/Direct3D/Fxc/ | 26 +- .../Windows/Win32/Graphics/Direct3D/ | 338 +- .../Windows/Win32/Graphics/Direct3D10/ | 533 +- .../Windows/Win32/Graphics/Direct3D11/ | 1365 +--- .../Windows/Win32/Graphics/Direct3D12/ | 2084 +------ .../Windows/Win32/Graphics/Direct3D9/ | 819 +-- .../Win32/Graphics/DirectComposition/ | 91 +- .../Win32/Graphics/DirectManipulation/ | 195 +- .../Windows/Win32/Graphics/DirectWrite/ | 858 +-- .../src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Dwm/ | 130 +- .../Windows/Win32/Graphics/Dxgi/Common/ | 78 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Dxgi/ | 364 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Gdi/ | 1014 +-- .../src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/GdiPlus/ | 819 +-- .../src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Imaging/ | 741 +-- .../src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/OpenGL/ | 39 +- .../Graphics/Printing/PrintTicket/ | 26 +- .../Windows/Win32/Graphics/Printing/ | 403 +- .../MobileDeviceManagementRegistration/ | 13 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/Media/Audio/Apo/ | 117 +- .../Win32/Media/Audio/DirectMusic/ | 52 +- .../Win32/Media/Audio/Endpoints/ | 13 +- .../Windows/Win32/Media/Audio/XAudio2/ | 65 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/Media/Audio/ | 403 +- .../Windows/Win32/Media/DeviceManager/ | 91 +- .../Windows/Win32/Media/DirectShow/Tv/ | 1243 +--- .../src/Windows/Win32/Media/DirectShow/ | 2634 +------- .../Windows/Win32/Media/DxMediaObjects/ | 156 +- .../Win32/Media/KernelStreaming/ | 2101 +------ .../Win32/Media/LibrarySharingServices/ | 13 +- .../Win32/Media/MediaFoundation/ | 5483 ++--------------- .../Windows/Win32/Media/MediaPlayer/ | 468 +- .../Win32/Media/PictureAcquisition/ | 78 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/Media/Speech/ | 1690 +---- .../src/Windows/Win32/Media/Streaming/ | 26 +- .../Win32/Media/WindowsMediaFormat/ | 403 +- .../windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/ | 13 +- .../Win32/NetworkManagement/Dhcp/ | 312 +- .../Win32/NetworkManagement/Dns/ | 156 +- .../Win32/NetworkManagement/IpHelper/ | 338 +- .../NetworkManagement/MobileBroadband/ | 468 +- .../Win32/NetworkManagement/Ndis/ | 598 +- .../NetworkManagement/NetManagement/ | 429 +- .../Win32/NetworkManagement/NetShell/ | 52 +- .../NetworkDiagnosticsFramework/ | 91 +- .../NetworkPolicyServer/ | 624 +- .../Win32/NetworkManagement/P2P/ | 533 +- .../Win32/NetworkManagement/QoS/ | 104 +- .../Win32/NetworkManagement/Rras/ | 338 +- .../Win32/NetworkManagement/Snmp/ | 117 +- .../Win32/NetworkManagement/WNet/ | 156 +- .../Win32/NetworkManagement/WebDav/ | 13 +- .../Win32/NetworkManagement/WiFi/ | 1061 +--- .../WindowsConnectNow/ | 221 +- .../WindowsConnectionManager/ | 52 +- .../WindowsFilteringPlatform/ | 728 +-- .../NetworkManagement/WindowsFirewall/ | 377 +- .../WindowsNetworkVirtualization/ | 39 +- .../Win32/Networking/ActiveDirectory/ | 585 +- .../ | 169 +- .../Win32/Networking/Clustering/ | 1248 +--- .../Win32/Networking/HttpServer/ | 442 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/Networking/Ldap/ | 13 +- .../Networking/NetworkListManager/ | 130 +- .../RemoteDifferentialCompression/ | 65 +- .../Windows/Win32/Networking/WebSocket/ | 65 +- .../Windows/Win32/Networking/WinHttp/ | 208 +- .../Windows/Win32/Networking/WinInet/ | 351 +- .../Windows/Win32/Networking/WinSock/ | 780 +-- .../Networking/WindowsWebServices/ | 1287 +--- .../Windows/Win32/Security/AppLocker/ | 52 +- .../Authentication/Identity/Provider/ | 52 +- .../Security/Authentication/Identity/ | 988 +-- .../Win32/Security/Authorization/UI/ | 52 +- .../Win32/Security/Authorization/ | 247 +- .../Win32/Security/ConfigurationSnapin/ | 26 +- .../Windows/Win32/Security/Credentials/ | 195 +- .../Security/Cryptography/Catalog/ | 26 +- .../Security/Cryptography/Certificates/ | 1040 +--- .../Win32/Security/Cryptography/UI/ | 169 +- .../Win32/Security/Cryptography/ | 1274 +--- .../Win32/Security/DiagnosticDataQuery/ | 13 +- .../Win32/Security/EnterpriseData/ | 39 +- .../ExtensibleAuthenticationProtocol/ | 234 +- .../Win32/Security/LicenseProtection/ | 13 +- .../Security/NetworkAccessProtection/ | 91 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/Security/Tpm/ | 39 +- .../Windows/Win32/Security/WinTrust/ | 117 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/Security/WinWlx/ | 13 +- .../windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/ | 312 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/Storage/Cabinets/ | 65 +- .../Windows/Win32/Storage/CloudFilters/ | 637 +- .../Windows/Win32/Storage/Compression/ | 26 +- .../Win32/Storage/DataDeduplication/ | 117 +- .../Storage/DistributedFileSystem/ | 26 +- .../Win32/Storage/EnhancedStorage/ | 13 +- .../Windows/Win32/Storage/FileHistory/ | 104 +- .../Storage/FileServerResourceManager/ | 533 +- .../Windows/Win32/Storage/FileSystem/ | 1547 +---- .../src/Windows/Win32/Storage/Imapi/ | 377 +- .../Windows/Win32/Storage/IndexServer/ | 78 +- .../Storage/InstallableFileSystems/ | 52 +- .../Windows/Win32/Storage/IscsiDisc/ | 130 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/Storage/Jet/ | 39 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/Storage/Nvme/ | 780 +-- .../Windows/Win32/Storage/OfflineFiles/ | 182 +- .../Win32/Storage/OperationRecorder/ | 26 +- .../Win32/Storage/Packaging/Appx/ | 351 +- .../Win32/Storage/Packaging/Opc/ | 143 +- .../Win32/Storage/ProjectedFileSystem/ | 130 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/Storage/Vhd/ | 468 +- .../Win32/Storage/VirtualDiskService/ | 996 +-- .../src/Windows/Win32/Storage/Vss/ | 390 +- .../Windows/Win32/Storage/Xps/Printing/ | 26 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/Storage/Xps/ | 299 +- .../Windows/Win32/System/AddressBook/ | 13 +- .../Windows/Win32/System/Antimalware/ | 65 +- .../ | 1170 +--- .../Win32/System/ApplicationVerifier/ | 78 +- .../Win32/System/AssessmentTool/ | 52 +- .../Windows/Win32/System/ClrHosting/ | 416 +- .../Windows/Win32/System/Com/CallObj/ | 52 +- .../Windows/Win32/System/Com/Events/ | 13 +- .../Windows/Win32/System/Com/Marshal/ | 13 +- .../Win32/System/Com/StructuredStorage/ | 91 +- .../Windows/Win32/System/Com/Urlmon/ | 364 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/System/Com/ | 819 +-- .../Win32/System/ComponentServices/ | 533 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/System/Console/ | 39 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/System/Contacts/ | 26 +- .../Windows/Win32/System/DataExchange/ | 78 +- .../Win32/System/DeploymentServices/ | 260 +- .../Win32/System/DesktopSharing/ | 156 +- .../System/Diagnostics/ClrProfiling/ | 286 +- .../Diagnostics/Debug/ActiveScript/ | 377 +- .../Diagnostics/Debug/Extensions/ | 364 +- .../Win32/System/Diagnostics/Debug/ | 702 +-- .../Win32/System/Diagnostics/Etw/ | 299 +- .../Diagnostics/ProcessSnapshotting/ | 104 +- .../Win32/System/Diagnostics/ToolHelp/ | 26 +- .../DistributedTransactionCoordinator/ | 273 +- .../Windows/Win32/System/Environment/ | 13 +- .../Win32/System/ErrorReporting/ | 156 +- .../Win32/System/EventCollector/ | 117 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/System/EventLog/ | 338 +- .../System/EventNotificationService/ | 13 +- .../Windows/Win32/System/GroupPolicy/ | 260 +- .../Win32/System/HostComputeNetwork/ | 39 +- .../Win32/System/HostComputeSystem/ | 104 +- .../Windows/Win32/System/Hypervisor/ | 650 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/System/Iis/ | 91 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/System/Ioctl/ | 1157 +--- .../Windows/Win32/System/JobObjects/ | 143 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/System/Js/ | 65 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/System/Kernel/ | 91 +- .../Windows/Win32/System/LibraryLoader/ | 13 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/System/Memory/ | 247 +- .../Win32/System/MessageQueuing/ | 429 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/System/Mmc/ | 312 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/System/Ole/ | 1066 +--- .../Win32/System/ParentalControls/ | 429 +- .../HardwareCounterProfiling/ | 13 +- .../Windows/Win32/System/Performance/ | 377 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/System/Pipes/ | 13 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/System/Power/ | 325 +- .../Windows/Win32/System/ProcessStatus/ | 13 +- .../System/RealTimeCommunications/ | 507 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/System/Recovery/ | 13 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/System/Registry/ | 104 +- .../Win32/System/RemoteAssistance/ | 26 +- .../Windows/Win32/System/RemoteDesktop/ | 676 +- .../Win32/System/RemoteManagement/ | 130 +- .../Win32/System/RestartManager/ | 78 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/System/Restore/ | 26 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/System/Rpc/ | 377 +- .../Windows/Win32/System/Search/Common/ | 26 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/System/Search/ | 1716 +----- .../Win32/System/SecurityCenter/ | 78 +- .../Windows/Win32/System/ServerBackup/ | 13 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/System/Services/ | 247 +- .../SettingsManagementInfrastructure/ | 91 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/System/Shutdown/ | 39 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/System/SideShow/ | 52 +- .../Win32/System/StationsAndDesktops/ | 65 +- .../Win32/System/SubsystemForLinux/ | 13 +- .../Win32/System/SystemInformation/ | 208 +- .../Win32/System/SystemServices/ | 507 +- .../Windows/Win32/System/TaskScheduler/ | 182 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/System/Threading/ | 377 +- .../Win32/System/TpmBaseServices/ | 26 +- .../Win32/System/TransactionServer/ | 39 +- .../Windows/Win32/System/UpdateAgent/ | 273 +- .../Win32/System/UpdateAssessment/ | 26 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/System/Variant/ | 52 +- .../System/WinRT/Graphics/Direct2D/ | 13 +- .../Win32/System/WinRT/Metadata/ | 689 +-- .../Windows/Win32/System/WinRT/Shell/ | 13 +- .../Windows/Win32/System/WinRT/Storage/ | 52 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/System/WinRT/ | 130 +- .../Win32/System/WindowsProgramming/ | 286 +- .../Windows/Win32/System/WindowsSync/ | 169 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/System/Wmi/ | 806 +-- .../src/Windows/Win32/UI/Accessibility/ | 858 +-- .../src/Windows/Win32/UI/Animation/ | 156 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/UI/ColorSystem/ | 130 +- .../Windows/Win32/UI/Controls/Dialogs/ | 117 +- .../Windows/Win32/UI/Controls/RichEdit/ | 351 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/UI/Controls/ | 4394 +------------ .../windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/HiDpi/ | 78 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/UI/Input/Ime/ | 195 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/UI/Input/Ink/ | 13 +- .../Win32/UI/Input/KeyboardAndMouse/ | 117 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/UI/Input/Pointer/ | 39 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/UI/Input/Touch/ | 65 +- .../Win32/UI/Input/XboxController/ | 130 +- .../windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Input/ | 78 +- .../Win32/UI/InteractionContext/ | 169 +- .../LegacyWindowsEnvironmentFeatures/ | 26 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/UI/Magnification/ | 13 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/UI/Ribbon/ | 221 +- .../src/Windows/Win32/UI/Shell/Common/ | 52 +- .../Win32/UI/Shell/PropertiesSystem/ | 312 +- .../windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Shell/ | 3471 +---------- .../src/Windows/Win32/UI/TabletPC/ | 1443 +---- .../src/Windows/Win32/UI/TextServices/ | 364 +- .../Win32/UI/WindowsAndMessaging/ | 897 +-- .../Windows/Win32/Web/InternetExplorer/ | 156 +- crates/tests/component/src/ | 19 +- crates/tests/component_client/src/ | 19 +- crates/tests/standalone/src/ | 19 +- .../tests/standalone/src/ | 19 +- 519 files changed, 9177 insertions(+), 109185 deletions(-) diff --git a/crates/libs/bindgen/src/rust/ b/crates/libs/bindgen/src/rust/ index 86dbc854ff..8ee71bc485 100644 --- a/crates/libs/bindgen/src/rust/ +++ b/crates/libs/bindgen/src/rust/ @@ -29,12 +29,17 @@ pub fn writer(writer: &Writer, def: metadata::TypeDef) -> TokenStream { }) .collect(); - let eq = if writer.sys { - quote! {} + let derive = if writer.sys { + if is_scoped { + quote! { + #[derive(::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone)] + } + } else { + quote! {} + } } else { quote! { - // Unfortunately, Rust requires these to be derived to allow constant patterns. - #[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] + #[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] } }; @@ -43,7 +48,7 @@ pub fn writer(writer: &Writer, def: metadata::TypeDef) -> TokenStream { #doc #features #[repr(transparent)] - #eq + #derive pub struct #ident(pub #underlying_type); } } else { @@ -69,30 +74,6 @@ pub fn writer(writer: &Writer, def: metadata::TypeDef) -> TokenStream { }); } - if is_scoped || !writer.sys { - tokens.combine("e! { - #features - impl ::core::marker::Copy for #ident {} - #features - impl ::core::clone::Clone for #ident { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } - } - }); - } - - if !writer.sys { - tokens.combine("e! { - #features - impl ::core::default::Default for #ident { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } - } - }); - } - if !writer.sys { let name =; tokens.combine("e! { diff --git a/crates/libs/core/src/imp/ b/crates/libs/core/src/imp/ index e5c8355ac2..b47efbd88c 100644 --- a/crates/libs/core/src/imp/ +++ b/crates/libs/core/src/imp/ @@ -32,19 +32,8 @@ where } pub const AGILEREFERENCE_DEFAULT: AgileReferenceOptions = AgileReferenceOptions(0i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AgileReferenceOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AgileReferenceOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AgileReferenceOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AgileReferenceOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AgileReferenceOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -952,7 +941,7 @@ impl ::core::default::Default for Point { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PropertyType(pub i32); impl PropertyType { pub const Empty: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -997,17 +986,6 @@ impl PropertyType { pub const RectArray: Self = Self(1043i32); pub const OtherTypeArray: Self = Self(1044i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PropertyType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PropertyType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PropertyType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PropertyType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/sys/src/Windows/Win32/Media/Audio/ b/crates/libs/sys/src/Windows/Win32/Media/Audio/ index e0537d5b32..28789411ae 100644 --- a/crates/libs/sys/src/Windows/Win32/Media/Audio/ +++ b/crates/libs/sys/src/Windows/Win32/Media/Audio/ @@ -922,6 +922,7 @@ pub type AudioSessionDisconnectReason = i32; pub type AudioSessionState = i32; pub type AudioStateMonitorSoundLevel = i32; #[repr(transparent)] +#[derive(::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone)] pub struct ConnectorType(pub i32); impl ConnectorType { pub const Unknown_Connector: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -931,12 +932,6 @@ impl ConnectorType { pub const Software_Fixed: Self = Self(4i32); pub const Network: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ConnectorType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ConnectorType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} pub type DataFlow = i32; pub type EDataFlow = i32; pub type ERole = i32; diff --git a/crates/libs/sys/src/Windows/Win32/Security/Authentication/Identity/ b/crates/libs/sys/src/Windows/Win32/Security/Authentication/Identity/ index 0532847242..1931ad065a 100644 --- a/crates/libs/sys/src/Windows/Win32/Security/Authentication/Identity/ +++ b/crates/libs/sys/src/Windows/Win32/Security/Authentication/Identity/ @@ -2261,6 +2261,7 @@ pub type SECPKG_NAME_TYPE = i32; pub type SECPKG_PACKAGE_CHANGE_TYPE = u32; pub type SECPKG_SESSIONINFO_TYPE = i32; #[repr(transparent)] +#[derive(::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone)] pub struct SECURITY_LOGON_TYPE(pub i32); impl SECURITY_LOGON_TYPE { pub const UndefinedLogonType: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2277,12 +2278,6 @@ impl SECURITY_LOGON_TYPE { pub const CachedRemoteInteractive: Self = Self(12i32); pub const CachedUnlock: Self = Self(13i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SECURITY_LOGON_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SECURITY_LOGON_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} pub type SECURITY_PACKAGE_OPTIONS_TYPE = u32; pub type SEC_APPLICATION_PROTOCOL_NEGOTIATION_EXT = i32; pub type SEC_APPLICATION_PROTOCOL_NEGOTIATION_STATUS = i32; diff --git a/crates/libs/sys/src/Windows/Win32/Security/Cryptography/ b/crates/libs/sys/src/Windows/Win32/Security/Cryptography/ index 612a8223ff..fa5092183b 100644 --- a/crates/libs/sys/src/Windows/Win32/Security/Cryptography/ +++ b/crates/libs/sys/src/Windows/Win32/Security/Cryptography/ @@ -3953,6 +3953,7 @@ pub type ECC_CURVE_TYPE_ENUM = i32; pub type HASHALGORITHM_ENUM = i32; pub type HTTPSPOLICY_CALLBACK_DATA_AUTH_TYPE = u32; #[repr(transparent)] +#[derive(::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone)] pub struct HandleType(pub i32); impl HandleType { pub const Asymmetric: Self = Self(1i32); @@ -3960,17 +3961,12 @@ impl HandleType { pub const Transform: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Hash: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HandleType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HandleType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} pub type MSCEPSetupProperty = i32; pub type NCRYPT_ALGORITHM_NAME_CLASS = u32; pub type NCRYPT_FLAGS = u32; pub type NCRYPT_OPERATION = u32; #[repr(transparent)] +#[derive(::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone)] pub struct PaddingMode(pub i32); impl PaddingMode { pub const None: Self = Self(1i32); @@ -3979,12 +3975,6 @@ impl PaddingMode { pub const ANSIX923: Self = Self(4i32); pub const ISO10126: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PaddingMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PaddingMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} pub type SIGNER_CERT_CHOICE = u32; pub type SIGNER_CERT_POLICY = u32; pub type SIGNER_PRIVATE_KEY_CHOICE = u32; diff --git a/crates/libs/sys/src/Windows/Win32/System/WindowsProgramming/ b/crates/libs/sys/src/Windows/Win32/System/WindowsProgramming/ index 718aff46d4..0e2dc31835 100644 --- a/crates/libs/sys/src/Windows/Win32/System/WindowsProgramming/ +++ b/crates/libs/sys/src/Windows/Win32/System/WindowsProgramming/ @@ -941,79 +941,49 @@ pub const WM_INTERIM: u32 = 268u32; pub const WM_WNT_CONVERTREQUESTEX: u32 = 265u32; pub const WinStationInformation: WINSTATIONINFOCLASS = 8i32; #[repr(transparent)] +#[derive(::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone)] pub struct CameraUIControlCaptureMode(pub i32); impl CameraUIControlCaptureMode { pub const PhotoOrVideo: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Photo: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Video: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CameraUIControlCaptureMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CameraUIControlCaptureMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} #[repr(transparent)] +#[derive(::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone)] pub struct CameraUIControlLinearSelectionMode(pub i32); impl CameraUIControlLinearSelectionMode { pub const Single: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Multiple: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CameraUIControlLinearSelectionMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CameraUIControlLinearSelectionMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} #[repr(transparent)] +#[derive(::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone)] pub struct CameraUIControlMode(pub i32); impl CameraUIControlMode { pub const Browse: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Linear: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CameraUIControlMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CameraUIControlMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} #[repr(transparent)] +#[derive(::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone)] pub struct CameraUIControlPhotoFormat(pub i32); impl CameraUIControlPhotoFormat { pub const Jpeg: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Png: Self = Self(1i32); pub const JpegXR: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CameraUIControlPhotoFormat {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CameraUIControlPhotoFormat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} #[repr(transparent)] +#[derive(::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone)] pub struct CameraUIControlVideoFormat(pub i32); impl CameraUIControlVideoFormat { pub const Mp4: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Wmv: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CameraUIControlVideoFormat {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CameraUIControlVideoFormat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} #[repr(transparent)] +#[derive(::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone)] pub struct CameraUIControlViewType(pub i32); impl CameraUIControlViewType { pub const SingleItem: Self = Self(0i32); pub const ItemList: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CameraUIControlViewType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CameraUIControlViewType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} pub type DECISION_LOCATION = i32; pub type FEATURE_CHANGE_TIME = i32; pub type FEATURE_ENABLED_STATE = i32; diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/AI/MachineLearning/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/AI/MachineLearning/ index 9f1e9bf15a..3fcce80d48 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/AI/MachineLearning/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/AI/MachineLearning/ @@ -4099,7 +4099,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::CanTryInto for TensorUInt8Bit {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for TensorUInt8Bit {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for TensorUInt8Bit {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LearningModelDeviceKind(pub i32); impl LearningModelDeviceKind { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4108,17 +4108,6 @@ impl LearningModelDeviceKind { pub const DirectXHighPerformance: Self = Self(3i32); pub const DirectXMinPower: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LearningModelDeviceKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LearningModelDeviceKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LearningModelDeviceKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LearningModelDeviceKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4131,7 +4120,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for LearningModelDeviceKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.AI.MachineLearning.LearningModelDeviceKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LearningModelFeatureKind(pub i32); impl LearningModelFeatureKind { pub const Tensor: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4139,17 +4128,6 @@ impl LearningModelFeatureKind { pub const Map: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Image: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LearningModelFeatureKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LearningModelFeatureKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LearningModelFeatureKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LearningModelFeatureKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4162,24 +4140,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for LearningModelFeatureKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.AI.MachineLearning.LearningModelFeatureKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LearningModelPixelRange(pub i32); impl LearningModelPixelRange { pub const ZeroTo255: Self = Self(0i32); pub const ZeroToOne: Self = Self(1i32); pub const MinusOneToOne: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LearningModelPixelRange {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LearningModelPixelRange { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LearningModelPixelRange { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LearningModelPixelRange { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4192,7 +4159,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for LearningModelPixelRange { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.AI.MachineLearning.LearningModelPixelRange;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TensorKind(pub i32); impl TensorKind { pub const Undefined: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4212,17 +4179,6 @@ impl TensorKind { pub const Complex64: Self = Self(14i32); pub const Complex128: Self = Self(15i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TensorKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TensorKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TensorKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TensorKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Activation/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Activation/ index 1ef7d9cc91..4c95e97036 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Activation/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Activation/ @@ -6965,7 +6965,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::CanTryInto f unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for WebAuthenticationBrokerContinuationEventArgs {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for WebAuthenticationBrokerContinuationEventArgs {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ActivationKind(pub i32); impl ActivationKind { pub const Launch: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -7013,17 +7013,6 @@ impl ActivationKind { pub const PhoneCallActivation: Self = Self(1025i32); pub const VpnForeground: Self = Self(1026i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ActivationKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ActivationKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ActivationKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ActivationKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7036,7 +7025,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ActivationKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Activation.ActivationKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ApplicationExecutionState(pub i32); impl ApplicationExecutionState { pub const NotRunning: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -7045,17 +7034,6 @@ impl ApplicationExecutionState { pub const Terminated: Self = Self(3i32); pub const ClosedByUser: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ApplicationExecutionState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ApplicationExecutionState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ApplicationExecutionState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ApplicationExecutionState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/AppService/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/AppService/ index 381220a8b7..7122adb55e 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/AppService/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/AppService/ @@ -698,7 +698,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for StatelessAppServiceResponse { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for StatelessAppServiceResponse {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for StatelessAppServiceResponse {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppServiceClosedStatus(pub i32); impl AppServiceClosedStatus { pub const Completed: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -706,17 +706,6 @@ impl AppServiceClosedStatus { pub const ResourceLimitsExceeded: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Unknown: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppServiceClosedStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppServiceClosedStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppServiceClosedStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppServiceClosedStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -729,7 +718,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AppServiceClosedStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.AppService.AppServiceClosedStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppServiceConnectionStatus(pub i32); impl AppServiceConnectionStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -745,17 +734,6 @@ impl AppServiceConnectionStatus { pub const DisabledByPolicy: Self = Self(10i32); pub const WebServiceUnavailable: Self = Self(11i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppServiceConnectionStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppServiceConnectionStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppServiceConnectionStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppServiceConnectionStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -768,7 +746,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AppServiceConnectionStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.AppService.AppServiceConnectionStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppServiceResponseStatus(pub i32); impl AppServiceResponseStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -783,17 +761,6 @@ impl AppServiceResponseStatus { pub const DisabledByPolicy: Self = Self(9i32); pub const WebServiceUnavailable: Self = Self(10i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppServiceResponseStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppServiceResponseStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppServiceResponseStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppServiceResponseStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -806,7 +773,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AppServiceResponseStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.AppService.AppServiceResponseStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct StatelessAppServiceResponseStatus(pub i32); impl StatelessAppServiceResponseStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -825,17 +792,6 @@ impl StatelessAppServiceResponseStatus { pub const DisabledByPolicy: Self = Self(13i32); pub const WebServiceUnavailable: Self = Self(14i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for StatelessAppServiceResponseStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for StatelessAppServiceResponseStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for StatelessAppServiceResponseStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for StatelessAppServiceResponseStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Appointments/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Appointments/ index 0f2899b82f..7f0a538a5d 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Appointments/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Appointments/ @@ -2964,7 +2964,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for FindAppointmentsOptions { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for FindAppointmentsOptions {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for FindAppointmentsOptions {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppointmentBusyStatus(pub i32); impl AppointmentBusyStatus { pub const Busy: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2973,17 +2973,6 @@ impl AppointmentBusyStatus { pub const OutOfOffice: Self = Self(3i32); pub const WorkingElsewhere: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppointmentBusyStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppointmentBusyStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppointmentBusyStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppointmentBusyStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2996,7 +2985,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AppointmentBusyStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentBusyStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppointmentCalendarOtherAppReadAccess(pub i32); impl AppointmentCalendarOtherAppReadAccess { pub const SystemOnly: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3004,17 +2993,6 @@ impl AppointmentCalendarOtherAppReadAccess { pub const Full: Self = Self(2i32); pub const None: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppointmentCalendarOtherAppReadAccess {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppointmentCalendarOtherAppReadAccess { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppointmentCalendarOtherAppReadAccess { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppointmentCalendarOtherAppReadAccess { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3027,24 +3005,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AppointmentCalendarOtherAppReadAccess { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentCalendarOtherAppReadAccess;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppointmentCalendarOtherAppWriteAccess(pub i32); impl AppointmentCalendarOtherAppWriteAccess { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); pub const SystemOnly: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Limited: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppointmentCalendarOtherAppWriteAccess {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppointmentCalendarOtherAppWriteAccess { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppointmentCalendarOtherAppWriteAccess { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppointmentCalendarOtherAppWriteAccess { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3057,7 +3024,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AppointmentCalendarOtherAppWriteAccess { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentCalendarOtherAppWriteAccess;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppointmentCalendarSyncStatus(pub i32); impl AppointmentCalendarSyncStatus { pub const Idle: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3068,17 +3035,6 @@ impl AppointmentCalendarSyncStatus { pub const UnknownError: Self = Self(5i32); pub const ManualAccountRemovalRequired: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppointmentCalendarSyncStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppointmentCalendarSyncStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppointmentCalendarSyncStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppointmentCalendarSyncStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3091,24 +3047,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AppointmentCalendarSyncStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentCalendarSyncStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppointmentConflictType(pub i32); impl AppointmentConflictType { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Adjacent: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Overlap: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppointmentConflictType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppointmentConflictType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppointmentConflictType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppointmentConflictType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3121,7 +3066,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AppointmentConflictType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentConflictType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppointmentDaysOfWeek(pub u32); impl AppointmentDaysOfWeek { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -3133,17 +3078,6 @@ impl AppointmentDaysOfWeek { pub const Friday: Self = Self(32u32); pub const Saturday: Self = Self(64u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppointmentDaysOfWeek {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppointmentDaysOfWeek { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppointmentDaysOfWeek { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppointmentDaysOfWeek { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3189,23 +3123,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AppointmentDaysOfWeek { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentDaysOfWeek;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppointmentDetailsKind(pub i32); impl AppointmentDetailsKind { pub const PlainText: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Html: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppointmentDetailsKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppointmentDetailsKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppointmentDetailsKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppointmentDetailsKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3218,7 +3141,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AppointmentDetailsKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentDetailsKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppointmentParticipantResponse(pub i32); impl AppointmentParticipantResponse { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3227,17 +3150,6 @@ impl AppointmentParticipantResponse { pub const Declined: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Unknown: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppointmentParticipantResponse {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppointmentParticipantResponse { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppointmentParticipantResponse { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppointmentParticipantResponse { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3250,24 +3162,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AppointmentParticipantResponse { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentParticipantResponse;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppointmentParticipantRole(pub i32); impl AppointmentParticipantRole { pub const RequiredAttendee: Self = Self(0i32); pub const OptionalAttendee: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Resource: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppointmentParticipantRole {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppointmentParticipantRole { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppointmentParticipantRole { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppointmentParticipantRole { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3280,7 +3181,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AppointmentParticipantRole { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentParticipantRole;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppointmentRecurrenceUnit(pub i32); impl AppointmentRecurrenceUnit { pub const Daily: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3290,17 +3191,6 @@ impl AppointmentRecurrenceUnit { pub const Yearly: Self = Self(4i32); pub const YearlyOnDay: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppointmentRecurrenceUnit {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppointmentRecurrenceUnit { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppointmentRecurrenceUnit { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppointmentRecurrenceUnit { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3313,23 +3203,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AppointmentRecurrenceUnit { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentRecurrenceUnit;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppointmentSensitivity(pub i32); impl AppointmentSensitivity { pub const Public: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Private: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppointmentSensitivity {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppointmentSensitivity { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppointmentSensitivity { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppointmentSensitivity { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3342,24 +3221,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AppointmentSensitivity { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentSensitivity;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppointmentStoreAccessType(pub i32); impl AppointmentStoreAccessType { pub const AppCalendarsReadWrite: Self = Self(0i32); pub const AllCalendarsReadOnly: Self = Self(1i32); pub const AllCalendarsReadWrite: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppointmentStoreAccessType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppointmentStoreAccessType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppointmentStoreAccessType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppointmentStoreAccessType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3372,7 +3240,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AppointmentStoreAccessType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentStoreAccessType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppointmentStoreChangeType(pub i32); impl AppointmentStoreChangeType { pub const AppointmentCreated: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3383,17 +3251,6 @@ impl AppointmentStoreChangeType { pub const CalendarModified: Self = Self(5i32); pub const CalendarDeleted: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppointmentStoreChangeType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppointmentStoreChangeType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppointmentStoreChangeType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppointmentStoreChangeType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3406,23 +3263,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AppointmentStoreChangeType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentStoreChangeType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppointmentSummaryCardView(pub i32); impl AppointmentSummaryCardView { pub const System: Self = Self(0i32); pub const App: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppointmentSummaryCardView {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppointmentSummaryCardView { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppointmentSummaryCardView { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppointmentSummaryCardView { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3435,7 +3281,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AppointmentSummaryCardView { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentSummaryCardView;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppointmentWeekOfMonth(pub i32); impl AppointmentWeekOfMonth { pub const First: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3444,17 +3290,6 @@ impl AppointmentWeekOfMonth { pub const Fourth: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Last: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppointmentWeekOfMonth {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppointmentWeekOfMonth { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppointmentWeekOfMonth { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppointmentWeekOfMonth { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3467,23 +3302,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AppointmentWeekOfMonth { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentWeekOfMonth;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FindAppointmentCalendarsOptions(pub u32); impl FindAppointmentCalendarsOptions { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); pub const IncludeHidden: Self = Self(1u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FindAppointmentCalendarsOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FindAppointmentCalendarsOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FindAppointmentCalendarsOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FindAppointmentCalendarsOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3529,24 +3353,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for FindAppointmentCalendarsOptions { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.FindAppointmentCalendarsOptions;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RecurrenceType(pub i32); impl RecurrenceType { pub const Master: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Instance: Self = Self(1i32); pub const ExceptionInstance: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RecurrenceType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RecurrenceType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RecurrenceType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RecurrenceType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Background/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Background/ index b2567a360f..9e85efda1b 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Background/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Background/ @@ -5104,7 +5104,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::CanTryInto for WiFiOnDemandHotspotUpdat unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for WiFiOnDemandHotspotUpdateMetadataTrigger {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for WiFiOnDemandHotspotUpdateMetadataTrigger {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AlarmAccessStatus(pub i32); impl AlarmAccessStatus { pub const Unspecified: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -5112,17 +5112,6 @@ impl AlarmAccessStatus { pub const AllowedWithoutWakeupCapability: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Denied: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AlarmAccessStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AlarmAccessStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AlarmAccessStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AlarmAccessStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5135,7 +5124,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AlarmAccessStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Background.AlarmAccessStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ApplicationTriggerResult(pub i32); impl ApplicationTriggerResult { pub const Allowed: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -5143,17 +5132,6 @@ impl ApplicationTriggerResult { pub const DisabledByPolicy: Self = Self(2i32); pub const UnknownError: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ApplicationTriggerResult {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ApplicationTriggerResult { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ApplicationTriggerResult { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ApplicationTriggerResult { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5166,23 +5144,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ApplicationTriggerResult { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Background.ApplicationTriggerResult;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BackgroundAccessRequestKind(pub i32); impl BackgroundAccessRequestKind { pub const AlwaysAllowed: Self = Self(0i32); pub const AllowedSubjectToSystemPolicy: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BackgroundAccessRequestKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BackgroundAccessRequestKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BackgroundAccessRequestKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BackgroundAccessRequestKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5195,7 +5162,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for BackgroundAccessRequestKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Background.BackgroundAccessRequestKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BackgroundAccessStatus(pub i32); impl BackgroundAccessStatus { pub const Unspecified: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -5207,17 +5174,6 @@ impl BackgroundAccessStatus { pub const DeniedBySystemPolicy: Self = Self(6i32); pub const DeniedByUser: Self = Self(7i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BackgroundAccessStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BackgroundAccessStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BackgroundAccessStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BackgroundAccessStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5230,7 +5186,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for BackgroundAccessStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Background.BackgroundAccessStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BackgroundTaskCancellationReason(pub i32); impl BackgroundTaskCancellationReason { pub const Abort: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -5246,17 +5202,6 @@ impl BackgroundTaskCancellationReason { pub const ResourceRevocation: Self = Self(10i32); pub const EnergySaver: Self = Self(11i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BackgroundTaskCancellationReason {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BackgroundTaskCancellationReason { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BackgroundTaskCancellationReason { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BackgroundTaskCancellationReason { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5269,24 +5214,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for BackgroundTaskCancellationReason { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Background.BackgroundTaskCancellationReason;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BackgroundTaskThrottleCounter(pub i32); impl BackgroundTaskThrottleCounter { pub const All: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Cpu: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Network: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BackgroundTaskThrottleCounter {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BackgroundTaskThrottleCounter { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BackgroundTaskThrottleCounter { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BackgroundTaskThrottleCounter { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5299,24 +5233,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for BackgroundTaskThrottleCounter { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Background.BackgroundTaskThrottleCounter;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BackgroundWorkCostValue(pub i32); impl BackgroundWorkCostValue { pub const Low: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Medium: Self = Self(1i32); pub const High: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BackgroundWorkCostValue {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BackgroundWorkCostValue { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BackgroundWorkCostValue { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BackgroundWorkCostValue { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5329,23 +5252,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for BackgroundWorkCostValue { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Background.BackgroundWorkCostValue;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CustomSystemEventTriggerRecurrence(pub i32); impl CustomSystemEventTriggerRecurrence { pub const Once: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Always: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CustomSystemEventTriggerRecurrence {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CustomSystemEventTriggerRecurrence { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CustomSystemEventTriggerRecurrence { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CustomSystemEventTriggerRecurrence { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5358,7 +5270,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CustomSystemEventTriggerRecurrence { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Background.CustomSystemEventTriggerRecurrence;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DeviceTriggerResult(pub i32); impl DeviceTriggerResult { pub const Allowed: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -5366,17 +5278,6 @@ impl DeviceTriggerResult { pub const DeniedBySystem: Self = Self(2i32); pub const LowBattery: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DeviceTriggerResult {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DeviceTriggerResult { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DeviceTriggerResult { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DeviceTriggerResult { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5389,22 +5290,11 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DeviceTriggerResult { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Background.DeviceTriggerResult;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LocationTriggerType(pub i32); impl LocationTriggerType { pub const Geofence: Self = Self(0i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LocationTriggerType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LocationTriggerType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LocationTriggerType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LocationTriggerType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5417,7 +5307,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for LocationTriggerType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Background.LocationTriggerType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MediaProcessingTriggerResult(pub i32); impl MediaProcessingTriggerResult { pub const Allowed: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -5425,17 +5315,6 @@ impl MediaProcessingTriggerResult { pub const DisabledByPolicy: Self = Self(2i32); pub const UnknownError: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MediaProcessingTriggerResult {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MediaProcessingTriggerResult { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MediaProcessingTriggerResult { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MediaProcessingTriggerResult { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5448,7 +5327,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MediaProcessingTriggerResult { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Background.MediaProcessingTriggerResult;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SystemConditionType(pub i32); impl SystemConditionType { pub const Invalid: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -5461,17 +5340,6 @@ impl SystemConditionType { pub const FreeNetworkAvailable: Self = Self(7i32); pub const BackgroundWorkCostNotHigh: Self = Self(8i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SystemConditionType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SystemConditionType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SystemConditionType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SystemConditionType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5484,7 +5352,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SystemConditionType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Background.SystemConditionType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SystemTriggerType(pub i32); impl SystemTriggerType { pub const Invalid: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -5504,17 +5372,6 @@ impl SystemTriggerType { pub const PowerStateChange: Self = Self(14i32); pub const DefaultSignInAccountChange: Self = Self(15i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SystemTriggerType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SystemTriggerType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SystemTriggerType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SystemTriggerType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Calls/Background/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Calls/Background/ index fec7fb2563..2a2ca72730 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Calls/Background/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Calls/Background/ @@ -429,24 +429,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for PhoneNewVoicemailMessageTriggerDetails { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for PhoneNewVoicemailMessageTriggerDetails {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for PhoneNewVoicemailMessageTriggerDetails {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PhoneCallBlockedReason(pub i32); impl PhoneCallBlockedReason { pub const InCallBlockingList: Self = Self(0i32); pub const PrivateNumber: Self = Self(1i32); pub const UnknownNumber: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PhoneCallBlockedReason {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PhoneCallBlockedReason { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PhoneCallBlockedReason { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PhoneCallBlockedReason { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -461,7 +450,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PhoneCallBlockedReason { #[doc = "Required features: `\"deprecated\"`"] #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PhoneIncomingCallDismissedReason(pub i32); #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] impl PhoneIncomingCallDismissedReason { @@ -471,20 +460,6 @@ impl PhoneIncomingCallDismissedReason { pub const ConnectionLost: Self = Self(3i32); } #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PhoneIncomingCallDismissedReason {} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PhoneIncomingCallDismissedReason { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::default::Default for PhoneIncomingCallDismissedReason { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PhoneIncomingCallDismissedReason { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -499,24 +474,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PhoneIncomingCallDismissedReason { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.Background.PhoneIncomingCallDismissedReason;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PhoneLineChangeKind(pub i32); impl PhoneLineChangeKind { pub const Added: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Removed: Self = Self(1i32); pub const PropertiesChanged: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PhoneLineChangeKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PhoneLineChangeKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PhoneLineChangeKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PhoneLineChangeKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -529,7 +493,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PhoneLineChangeKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.Background.PhoneLineChangeKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PhoneLineProperties(pub u32); impl PhoneLineProperties { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -543,17 +507,6 @@ impl PhoneLineProperties { pub const Transport: Self = Self(128u32); pub const Voicemail: Self = Self(256u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PhoneLineProperties {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PhoneLineProperties { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PhoneLineProperties { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PhoneLineProperties { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -599,7 +552,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PhoneLineProperties { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.Background.PhoneLineProperties;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PhoneTriggerType(pub i32); impl PhoneTriggerType { pub const NewVoicemailMessage: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -611,17 +564,6 @@ impl PhoneTriggerType { pub const IncomingCallDismissed: Self = Self(6i32); pub const IncomingCallNotification: Self = Self(7i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PhoneTriggerType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PhoneTriggerType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PhoneTriggerType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PhoneTriggerType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Calls/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Calls/ index a16530c20c..92c1ee67a1 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Calls/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Calls/ @@ -3412,23 +3412,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for VoipPhoneCall { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for VoipPhoneCall {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for VoipPhoneCall {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CellularDtmfMode(pub i32); impl CellularDtmfMode { pub const Continuous: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Burst: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CellularDtmfMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CellularDtmfMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CellularDtmfMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CellularDtmfMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3441,7 +3430,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CellularDtmfMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.CellularDtmfMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DtmfKey(pub i32); impl DtmfKey { pub const D0: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3457,17 +3446,6 @@ impl DtmfKey { pub const Star: Self = Self(10i32); pub const Pound: Self = Self(11i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DtmfKey {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DtmfKey { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DtmfKey { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DtmfKey { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3480,23 +3458,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DtmfKey { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.DtmfKey;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DtmfToneAudioPlayback(pub i32); impl DtmfToneAudioPlayback { pub const Play: Self = Self(0i32); pub const DoNotPlay: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DtmfToneAudioPlayback {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DtmfToneAudioPlayback { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DtmfToneAudioPlayback { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DtmfToneAudioPlayback { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3509,24 +3476,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DtmfToneAudioPlayback { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.DtmfToneAudioPlayback;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PhoneAudioRoutingEndpoint(pub i32); impl PhoneAudioRoutingEndpoint { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Bluetooth: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Speakerphone: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PhoneAudioRoutingEndpoint {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PhoneAudioRoutingEndpoint { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PhoneAudioRoutingEndpoint { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PhoneAudioRoutingEndpoint { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3539,24 +3495,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PhoneAudioRoutingEndpoint { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneAudioRoutingEndpoint;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PhoneCallAudioDevice(pub i32); impl PhoneCallAudioDevice { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); pub const LocalDevice: Self = Self(1i32); pub const RemoteDevice: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PhoneCallAudioDevice {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PhoneCallAudioDevice { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PhoneCallAudioDevice { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PhoneCallAudioDevice { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3569,24 +3514,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PhoneCallAudioDevice { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneCallAudioDevice;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PhoneCallDirection(pub i32); impl PhoneCallDirection { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Incoming: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Outgoing: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PhoneCallDirection {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PhoneCallDirection { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PhoneCallDirection { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PhoneCallDirection { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3599,23 +3533,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PhoneCallDirection { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneCallDirection;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PhoneCallHistoryEntryMedia(pub i32); impl PhoneCallHistoryEntryMedia { pub const Audio: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Video: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PhoneCallHistoryEntryMedia {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PhoneCallHistoryEntryMedia { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PhoneCallHistoryEntryMedia { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PhoneCallHistoryEntryMedia { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3628,23 +3551,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PhoneCallHistoryEntryMedia { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneCallHistoryEntryMedia;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PhoneCallHistoryEntryOtherAppReadAccess(pub i32); impl PhoneCallHistoryEntryOtherAppReadAccess { pub const Full: Self = Self(0i32); pub const SystemOnly: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PhoneCallHistoryEntryOtherAppReadAccess {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PhoneCallHistoryEntryOtherAppReadAccess { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PhoneCallHistoryEntryOtherAppReadAccess { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PhoneCallHistoryEntryOtherAppReadAccess { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3657,7 +3569,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PhoneCallHistoryEntryOtherAppReadAccess { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneCallHistoryEntryOtherAppReadAccess;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PhoneCallHistoryEntryQueryDesiredMedia(pub u32); impl PhoneCallHistoryEntryQueryDesiredMedia { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -3665,17 +3577,6 @@ impl PhoneCallHistoryEntryQueryDesiredMedia { pub const Video: Self = Self(2u32); pub const All: Self = Self(4294967295u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PhoneCallHistoryEntryQueryDesiredMedia {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PhoneCallHistoryEntryQueryDesiredMedia { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PhoneCallHistoryEntryQueryDesiredMedia { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PhoneCallHistoryEntryQueryDesiredMedia { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3721,23 +3622,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PhoneCallHistoryEntryQueryDesiredMedia { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneCallHistoryEntryQueryDesiredMedia;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PhoneCallHistoryEntryRawAddressKind(pub i32); impl PhoneCallHistoryEntryRawAddressKind { pub const PhoneNumber: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Custom: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PhoneCallHistoryEntryRawAddressKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PhoneCallHistoryEntryRawAddressKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PhoneCallHistoryEntryRawAddressKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PhoneCallHistoryEntryRawAddressKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3750,23 +3640,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PhoneCallHistoryEntryRawAddressKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneCallHistoryEntryRawAddressKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PhoneCallHistorySourceIdKind(pub i32); impl PhoneCallHistorySourceIdKind { pub const CellularPhoneLineId: Self = Self(0i32); pub const PackageFamilyName: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PhoneCallHistorySourceIdKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PhoneCallHistorySourceIdKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PhoneCallHistorySourceIdKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PhoneCallHistorySourceIdKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3779,24 +3658,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PhoneCallHistorySourceIdKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneCallHistorySourceIdKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PhoneCallHistoryStoreAccessType(pub i32); impl PhoneCallHistoryStoreAccessType { pub const AppEntriesReadWrite: Self = Self(0i32); pub const AllEntriesLimitedReadWrite: Self = Self(1i32); pub const AllEntriesReadWrite: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PhoneCallHistoryStoreAccessType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PhoneCallHistoryStoreAccessType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PhoneCallHistoryStoreAccessType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PhoneCallHistoryStoreAccessType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3809,24 +3677,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PhoneCallHistoryStoreAccessType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneCallHistoryStoreAccessType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PhoneCallMedia(pub i32); impl PhoneCallMedia { pub const Audio: Self = Self(0i32); pub const AudioAndVideo: Self = Self(1i32); pub const AudioAndRealTimeText: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PhoneCallMedia {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PhoneCallMedia { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PhoneCallMedia { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PhoneCallMedia { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3839,7 +3696,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PhoneCallMedia { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneCallMedia;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PhoneCallOperationStatus(pub i32); impl PhoneCallOperationStatus { pub const Succeeded: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3848,17 +3705,6 @@ impl PhoneCallOperationStatus { pub const ConnectionLost: Self = Self(3i32); pub const InvalidCallState: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PhoneCallOperationStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PhoneCallOperationStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PhoneCallOperationStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PhoneCallOperationStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3871,7 +3717,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PhoneCallOperationStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneCallOperationStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PhoneCallStatus(pub i32); impl PhoneCallStatus { pub const Lost: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3881,17 +3727,6 @@ impl PhoneCallStatus { pub const Held: Self = Self(4i32); pub const Ended: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PhoneCallStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PhoneCallStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PhoneCallStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PhoneCallStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3904,7 +3739,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PhoneCallStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneCallStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PhoneLineNetworkOperatorDisplayTextLocation(pub i32); impl PhoneLineNetworkOperatorDisplayTextLocation { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3912,17 +3747,6 @@ impl PhoneLineNetworkOperatorDisplayTextLocation { pub const Dialer: Self = Self(2i32); pub const InCallUI: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PhoneLineNetworkOperatorDisplayTextLocation {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PhoneLineNetworkOperatorDisplayTextLocation { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PhoneLineNetworkOperatorDisplayTextLocation { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PhoneLineNetworkOperatorDisplayTextLocation { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3935,7 +3759,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PhoneLineNetworkOperatorDisplayTextLocation const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneLineNetworkOperatorDisplayTextLocation;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PhoneLineOperationStatus(pub i32); impl PhoneLineOperationStatus { pub const Succeeded: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3944,17 +3768,6 @@ impl PhoneLineOperationStatus { pub const ConnectionLost: Self = Self(3i32); pub const InvalidCallState: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PhoneLineOperationStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PhoneLineOperationStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PhoneLineOperationStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PhoneLineOperationStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3967,24 +3780,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PhoneLineOperationStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneLineOperationStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PhoneLineTransport(pub i32); impl PhoneLineTransport { pub const Cellular: Self = Self(0i32); pub const VoipApp: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Bluetooth: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PhoneLineTransport {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PhoneLineTransport { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PhoneLineTransport { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PhoneLineTransport { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3997,7 +3799,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PhoneLineTransport { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneLineTransport;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PhoneLineWatcherStatus(pub i32); impl PhoneLineWatcherStatus { pub const Created: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4005,17 +3807,6 @@ impl PhoneLineWatcherStatus { pub const EnumerationCompleted: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Stopped: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PhoneLineWatcherStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PhoneLineWatcherStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PhoneLineWatcherStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PhoneLineWatcherStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4028,7 +3819,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PhoneLineWatcherStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneLineWatcherStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PhoneNetworkState(pub i32); impl PhoneNetworkState { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4040,17 +3831,6 @@ impl PhoneNetworkState { pub const RoamingInternational: Self = Self(6i32); pub const RoamingDomestic: Self = Self(7i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PhoneNetworkState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PhoneNetworkState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PhoneNetworkState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PhoneNetworkState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4063,7 +3843,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PhoneNetworkState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneNetworkState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PhoneSimState(pub i32); impl PhoneSimState { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4075,17 +3855,6 @@ impl PhoneSimState { pub const Invalid: Self = Self(6i32); pub const Disabled: Self = Self(7i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PhoneSimState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PhoneSimState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PhoneSimState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PhoneSimState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4098,24 +3867,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PhoneSimState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneSimState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PhoneVoicemailType(pub i32); impl PhoneVoicemailType { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Traditional: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Visual: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PhoneVoicemailType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PhoneVoicemailType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PhoneVoicemailType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PhoneVoicemailType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4128,24 +3886,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PhoneVoicemailType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.PhoneVoicemailType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TransportDeviceAudioRoutingStatus(pub i32); impl TransportDeviceAudioRoutingStatus { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); pub const CanRouteToLocalDevice: Self = Self(1i32); pub const CannotRouteToLocalDevice: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TransportDeviceAudioRoutingStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TransportDeviceAudioRoutingStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TransportDeviceAudioRoutingStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TransportDeviceAudioRoutingStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4158,24 +3905,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for TransportDeviceAudioRoutingStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.TransportDeviceAudioRoutingStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VoipPhoneCallMedia(pub u32); impl VoipPhoneCallMedia { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); pub const Audio: Self = Self(1u32); pub const Video: Self = Self(2u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VoipPhoneCallMedia {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VoipPhoneCallMedia { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VoipPhoneCallMedia { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VoipPhoneCallMedia { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4221,7 +3957,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for VoipPhoneCallMedia { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.VoipPhoneCallMedia;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VoipPhoneCallRejectReason(pub i32); impl VoipPhoneCallRejectReason { pub const UserIgnored: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4230,17 +3966,6 @@ impl VoipPhoneCallRejectReason { pub const EmergencyCallExists: Self = Self(3i32); pub const InvalidCallState: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VoipPhoneCallRejectReason {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VoipPhoneCallRejectReason { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VoipPhoneCallRejectReason { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VoipPhoneCallRejectReason { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4253,23 +3978,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for VoipPhoneCallRejectReason { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.VoipPhoneCallRejectReason;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VoipPhoneCallResourceReservationStatus(pub i32); impl VoipPhoneCallResourceReservationStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); pub const ResourcesNotAvailable: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VoipPhoneCallResourceReservationStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VoipPhoneCallResourceReservationStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VoipPhoneCallResourceReservationStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VoipPhoneCallResourceReservationStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4282,7 +3996,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for VoipPhoneCallResourceReservationStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls.VoipPhoneCallResourceReservationStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VoipPhoneCallState(pub i32); impl VoipPhoneCallState { pub const Ended: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4291,17 +4005,6 @@ impl VoipPhoneCallState { pub const Incoming: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Outgoing: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VoipPhoneCallState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VoipPhoneCallState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VoipPhoneCallState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VoipPhoneCallState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Chat/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Chat/ index e781ea7098..98a7b1b0e5 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Chat/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Chat/ @@ -3526,7 +3526,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for RemoteParticipantComposingChangedEventArgs unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for RemoteParticipantComposingChangedEventArgs {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for RemoteParticipantComposingChangedEventArgs {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ChatConversationThreadingKind(pub i32); impl ChatConversationThreadingKind { pub const Participants: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3534,17 +3534,6 @@ impl ChatConversationThreadingKind { pub const ConversationId: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Custom: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ChatConversationThreadingKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ChatConversationThreadingKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ChatConversationThreadingKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ChatConversationThreadingKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3557,23 +3546,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ChatConversationThreadingKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Chat.ChatConversationThreadingKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ChatItemKind(pub i32); impl ChatItemKind { pub const Message: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Conversation: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ChatItemKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ChatItemKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ChatItemKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ChatItemKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3586,7 +3564,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ChatItemKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Chat.ChatItemKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ChatMessageChangeType(pub i32); impl ChatMessageChangeType { pub const MessageCreated: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3594,17 +3572,6 @@ impl ChatMessageChangeType { pub const MessageDeleted: Self = Self(2i32); pub const ChangeTrackingLost: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ChatMessageChangeType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ChatMessageChangeType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ChatMessageChangeType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ChatMessageChangeType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3617,7 +3584,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ChatMessageChangeType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Chat.ChatMessageChangeType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ChatMessageKind(pub i32); impl ChatMessageKind { pub const Standard: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3628,17 +3595,6 @@ impl ChatMessageKind { pub const OtherParticipantJoinedConversation: Self = Self(5i32); pub const OtherParticipantLeftConversation: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ChatMessageKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ChatMessageKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ChatMessageKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ChatMessageKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3651,7 +3607,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ChatMessageKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Chat.ChatMessageKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ChatMessageOperatorKind(pub i32); impl ChatMessageOperatorKind { pub const Unspecified: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3659,17 +3615,6 @@ impl ChatMessageOperatorKind { pub const Mms: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Rcs: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ChatMessageOperatorKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ChatMessageOperatorKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ChatMessageOperatorKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ChatMessageOperatorKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3682,7 +3627,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ChatMessageOperatorKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Chat.ChatMessageOperatorKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ChatMessageStatus(pub i32); impl ChatMessageStatus { pub const Draft: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3700,17 +3645,6 @@ impl ChatMessageStatus { pub const Recalled: Self = Self(12i32); pub const ReceiveRetryNeeded: Self = Self(13i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ChatMessageStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ChatMessageStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ChatMessageStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ChatMessageStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3723,7 +3657,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ChatMessageStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Chat.ChatMessageStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ChatMessageTransportKind(pub i32); impl ChatMessageTransportKind { pub const Text: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3731,17 +3665,6 @@ impl ChatMessageTransportKind { pub const Blocked: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Custom: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ChatMessageTransportKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ChatMessageTransportKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ChatMessageTransportKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ChatMessageTransportKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3754,7 +3677,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ChatMessageTransportKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Chat.ChatMessageTransportKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ChatMessageValidationStatus(pub i32); impl ChatMessageValidationStatus { pub const Valid: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3772,17 +3695,6 @@ impl ChatMessageValidationStatus { pub const VoiceRoamingRestriction: Self = Self(12i32); pub const DataRoamingRestriction: Self = Self(13i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ChatMessageValidationStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ChatMessageValidationStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ChatMessageValidationStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ChatMessageValidationStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3795,24 +3707,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ChatMessageValidationStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Chat.ChatMessageValidationStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ChatRestoreHistorySpan(pub i32); impl ChatRestoreHistorySpan { pub const LastMonth: Self = Self(0i32); pub const LastYear: Self = Self(1i32); pub const AnyTime: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ChatRestoreHistorySpan {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ChatRestoreHistorySpan { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ChatRestoreHistorySpan { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ChatRestoreHistorySpan { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3825,7 +3726,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ChatRestoreHistorySpan { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Chat.ChatRestoreHistorySpan;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ChatStoreChangedEventKind(pub i32); impl ChatStoreChangedEventKind { pub const NotificationsMissed: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3837,17 +3738,6 @@ impl ChatStoreChangedEventKind { pub const ConversationDeleted: Self = Self(6i32); pub const ConversationTransportDeleted: Self = Self(7i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ChatStoreChangedEventKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ChatStoreChangedEventKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ChatStoreChangedEventKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ChatStoreChangedEventKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3860,7 +3750,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ChatStoreChangedEventKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Chat.ChatStoreChangedEventKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ChatTransportErrorCodeCategory(pub i32); impl ChatTransportErrorCodeCategory { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3868,17 +3758,6 @@ impl ChatTransportErrorCodeCategory { pub const Network: Self = Self(2i32); pub const MmsServer: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ChatTransportErrorCodeCategory {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ChatTransportErrorCodeCategory { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ChatTransportErrorCodeCategory { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ChatTransportErrorCodeCategory { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3891,7 +3770,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ChatTransportErrorCodeCategory { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Chat.ChatTransportErrorCodeCategory;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ChatTransportInterpretedErrorCode(pub i32); impl ChatTransportInterpretedErrorCode { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3901,17 +3780,6 @@ impl ChatTransportInterpretedErrorCode { pub const ServiceDenied: Self = Self(4i32); pub const Timeout: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ChatTransportInterpretedErrorCode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ChatTransportInterpretedErrorCode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ChatTransportInterpretedErrorCode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ChatTransportInterpretedErrorCode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3924,7 +3792,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ChatTransportInterpretedErrorCode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Chat.ChatTransportInterpretedErrorCode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RcsServiceKind(pub i32); impl RcsServiceKind { pub const Chat: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3932,17 +3800,6 @@ impl RcsServiceKind { pub const FileTransfer: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Capability: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RcsServiceKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RcsServiceKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RcsServiceKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RcsServiceKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Contacts/Provider/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Contacts/Provider/ index b43b3e20f7..eb3d071959 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Contacts/Provider/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Contacts/Provider/ @@ -178,24 +178,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for ContactRemovedEventArgs { } ::windows_core::imp::interface_hierarchy!(ContactRemovedEventArgs, ::windows_core::IUnknown, ::windows_core::IInspectable); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AddContactResult(pub i32); impl AddContactResult { pub const Added: Self = Self(0i32); pub const AlreadyAdded: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Unavailable: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AddContactResult {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AddContactResult { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AddContactResult { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AddContactResult { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Contacts/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Contacts/ index a6fa204b5e..1a5aa3e186 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Contacts/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Contacts/ @@ -6055,24 +6055,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for PinnedContactManager { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for PinnedContactManager {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for PinnedContactManager {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ContactAddressKind(pub i32); impl ContactAddressKind { pub const Home: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Work: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Other: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ContactAddressKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ContactAddressKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ContactAddressKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ContactAddressKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6085,7 +6074,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ContactAddressKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Contacts.ContactAddressKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ContactAnnotationOperations(pub u32); impl ContactAnnotationOperations { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -6096,17 +6085,6 @@ impl ContactAnnotationOperations { pub const SocialFeeds: Self = Self(16u32); pub const Share: Self = Self(32u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ContactAnnotationOperations {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ContactAnnotationOperations { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ContactAnnotationOperations { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ContactAnnotationOperations { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6152,23 +6130,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ContactAnnotationOperations { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Contacts.ContactAnnotationOperations;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ContactAnnotationStoreAccessType(pub i32); impl ContactAnnotationStoreAccessType { pub const AppAnnotationsReadWrite: Self = Self(0i32); pub const AllAnnotationsReadWrite: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ContactAnnotationStoreAccessType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ContactAnnotationStoreAccessType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ContactAnnotationStoreAccessType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ContactAnnotationStoreAccessType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6181,24 +6148,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ContactAnnotationStoreAccessType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Contacts.ContactAnnotationStoreAccessType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ContactBatchStatus(pub i32); impl ContactBatchStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); pub const ServerSearchSyncManagerError: Self = Self(1i32); pub const ServerSearchUnknownError: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ContactBatchStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ContactBatchStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ContactBatchStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ContactBatchStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6211,24 +6167,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ContactBatchStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Contacts.ContactBatchStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ContactCardHeaderKind(pub i32); impl ContactCardHeaderKind { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Basic: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Enterprise: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ContactCardHeaderKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ContactCardHeaderKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ContactCardHeaderKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ContactCardHeaderKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6241,7 +6186,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ContactCardHeaderKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Contacts.ContactCardHeaderKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ContactCardTabKind(pub i32); impl ContactCardTabKind { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -6251,17 +6196,6 @@ impl ContactCardTabKind { pub const Video: Self = Self(4i32); pub const OrganizationalHierarchy: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ContactCardTabKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ContactCardTabKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ContactCardTabKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ContactCardTabKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6274,7 +6208,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ContactCardTabKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Contacts.ContactCardTabKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ContactChangeType(pub i32); impl ContactChangeType { pub const Created: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -6282,17 +6216,6 @@ impl ContactChangeType { pub const Deleted: Self = Self(2i32); pub const ChangeTrackingLost: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ContactChangeType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ContactChangeType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ContactChangeType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ContactChangeType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6305,24 +6228,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ContactChangeType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Contacts.ContactChangeType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ContactDateKind(pub i32); impl ContactDateKind { pub const Birthday: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Anniversary: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Other: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ContactDateKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ContactDateKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ContactDateKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ContactDateKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6335,24 +6247,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ContactDateKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Contacts.ContactDateKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ContactEmailKind(pub i32); impl ContactEmailKind { pub const Personal: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Work: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Other: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ContactEmailKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ContactEmailKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ContactEmailKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ContactEmailKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6365,7 +6266,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ContactEmailKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Contacts.ContactEmailKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ContactFieldCategory(pub i32); impl ContactFieldCategory { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -6374,17 +6275,6 @@ impl ContactFieldCategory { pub const Mobile: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Other: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ContactFieldCategory {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ContactFieldCategory { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ContactFieldCategory { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ContactFieldCategory { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6397,7 +6287,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ContactFieldCategory { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Contacts.ContactFieldCategory;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ContactFieldType(pub i32); impl ContactFieldType { pub const Email: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -6413,17 +6303,6 @@ impl ContactFieldType { pub const Website: Self = Self(10i32); pub const JobInfo: Self = Self(11i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ContactFieldType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ContactFieldType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ContactFieldType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ContactFieldType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6436,7 +6315,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ContactFieldType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Contacts.ContactFieldType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ContactListOtherAppReadAccess(pub i32); impl ContactListOtherAppReadAccess { pub const SystemOnly: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -6444,17 +6323,6 @@ impl ContactListOtherAppReadAccess { pub const Full: Self = Self(2i32); pub const None: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ContactListOtherAppReadAccess {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ContactListOtherAppReadAccess { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ContactListOtherAppReadAccess { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ContactListOtherAppReadAccess { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6467,24 +6335,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ContactListOtherAppReadAccess { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Contacts.ContactListOtherAppReadAccess;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ContactListOtherAppWriteAccess(pub i32); impl ContactListOtherAppWriteAccess { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); pub const SystemOnly: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Limited: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ContactListOtherAppWriteAccess {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ContactListOtherAppWriteAccess { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ContactListOtherAppWriteAccess { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ContactListOtherAppWriteAccess { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6497,7 +6354,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ContactListOtherAppWriteAccess { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Contacts.ContactListOtherAppWriteAccess;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ContactListSyncStatus(pub i32); impl ContactListSyncStatus { pub const Idle: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -6508,17 +6365,6 @@ impl ContactListSyncStatus { pub const UnknownError: Self = Self(5i32); pub const ManualAccountRemovalRequired: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ContactListSyncStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ContactListSyncStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ContactListSyncStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ContactListSyncStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6531,7 +6377,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ContactListSyncStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Contacts.ContactListSyncStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ContactMatchReasonKind(pub i32); impl ContactMatchReasonKind { pub const Name: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -6541,17 +6387,6 @@ impl ContactMatchReasonKind { pub const YomiName: Self = Self(4i32); pub const Other: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ContactMatchReasonKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ContactMatchReasonKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ContactMatchReasonKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ContactMatchReasonKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6564,23 +6399,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ContactMatchReasonKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Contacts.ContactMatchReasonKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ContactNameOrder(pub i32); impl ContactNameOrder { pub const FirstNameLastName: Self = Self(0i32); pub const LastNameFirstName: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ContactNameOrder {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ContactNameOrder { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ContactNameOrder { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ContactNameOrder { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6593,7 +6417,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ContactNameOrder { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Contacts.ContactNameOrder;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ContactPhoneKind(pub i32); impl ContactPhoneKind { pub const Home: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -6607,17 +6431,6 @@ impl ContactPhoneKind { pub const Assistant: Self = Self(8i32); pub const Radio: Self = Self(9i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ContactPhoneKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ContactPhoneKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ContactPhoneKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ContactPhoneKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6630,7 +6443,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ContactPhoneKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Contacts.ContactPhoneKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ContactQueryDesiredFields(pub u32); impl ContactQueryDesiredFields { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -6638,17 +6451,6 @@ impl ContactQueryDesiredFields { pub const EmailAddress: Self = Self(2u32); pub const PostalAddress: Self = Self(4u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ContactQueryDesiredFields {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ContactQueryDesiredFields { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ContactQueryDesiredFields { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ContactQueryDesiredFields { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6694,7 +6496,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ContactQueryDesiredFields { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Contacts.ContactQueryDesiredFields;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ContactQuerySearchFields(pub u32); impl ContactQuerySearchFields { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -6703,17 +6505,6 @@ impl ContactQuerySearchFields { pub const Phone: Self = Self(4u32); pub const All: Self = Self(4294967295u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ContactQuerySearchFields {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ContactQuerySearchFields { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ContactQuerySearchFields { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ContactQuerySearchFields { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6759,23 +6550,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ContactQuerySearchFields { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Contacts.ContactQuerySearchFields;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ContactQuerySearchScope(pub i32); impl ContactQuerySearchScope { pub const Local: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Server: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ContactQuerySearchScope {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ContactQuerySearchScope { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ContactQuerySearchScope { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ContactQuerySearchScope { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6788,7 +6568,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ContactQuerySearchScope { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Contacts.ContactQuerySearchScope;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ContactRelationship(pub i32); impl ContactRelationship { pub const Other: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -6798,17 +6578,6 @@ impl ContactRelationship { pub const Parent: Self = Self(4i32); pub const Child: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ContactRelationship {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ContactRelationship { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ContactRelationship { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ContactRelationship { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6821,23 +6590,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ContactRelationship { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Contacts.ContactRelationship;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ContactSelectionMode(pub i32); impl ContactSelectionMode { pub const Contacts: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Fields: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ContactSelectionMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ContactSelectionMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ContactSelectionMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ContactSelectionMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6850,24 +6608,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ContactSelectionMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Contacts.ContactSelectionMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ContactStoreAccessType(pub i32); impl ContactStoreAccessType { pub const AppContactsReadWrite: Self = Self(0i32); pub const AllContactsReadOnly: Self = Self(1i32); pub const AllContactsReadWrite: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ContactStoreAccessType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ContactStoreAccessType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ContactStoreAccessType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ContactStoreAccessType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6880,23 +6627,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ContactStoreAccessType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Contacts.ContactStoreAccessType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PinnedContactSurface(pub i32); impl PinnedContactSurface { pub const StartMenu: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Taskbar: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PinnedContactSurface {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PinnedContactSurface { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PinnedContactSurface { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PinnedContactSurface { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/ConversationalAgent/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/ConversationalAgent/ index 725c69036d..175dac9c09 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/ConversationalAgent/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/ConversationalAgent/ @@ -1639,7 +1639,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for DetectionConfigurationAvailabilityInfo { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for DetectionConfigurationAvailabilityInfo {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for DetectionConfigurationAvailabilityInfo {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ActivationSignalDetectionConfigurationCreationStatus(pub i32); impl ActivationSignalDetectionConfigurationCreationStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1651,17 +1651,6 @@ impl ActivationSignalDetectionConfigurationCreationStatus { pub const ConfigurationAlreadyExists: Self = Self(6i32); pub const CreationNotSupported: Self = Self(7i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ActivationSignalDetectionConfigurationCreationStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ActivationSignalDetectionConfigurationCreationStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ActivationSignalDetectionConfigurationCreationStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ActivationSignalDetectionConfigurationCreationStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1674,7 +1663,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ActivationSignalDetectionConfigurationCreat const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.ConversationalAgent.ActivationSignalDetectionConfigurationCreationStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ActivationSignalDetectionConfigurationRemovalResult(pub i32); impl ActivationSignalDetectionConfigurationRemovalResult { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1682,17 +1671,6 @@ impl ActivationSignalDetectionConfigurationRemovalResult { pub const CurrentlyEnabled: Self = Self(2i32); pub const RemovalNotSupported: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ActivationSignalDetectionConfigurationRemovalResult {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ActivationSignalDetectionConfigurationRemovalResult { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ActivationSignalDetectionConfigurationRemovalResult { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ActivationSignalDetectionConfigurationRemovalResult { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1705,7 +1683,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ActivationSignalDetectionConfigurationRemov const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.ConversationalAgent.ActivationSignalDetectionConfigurationRemovalResult;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ActivationSignalDetectionConfigurationSetModelDataResult(pub i32); impl ActivationSignalDetectionConfigurationSetModelDataResult { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1717,17 +1695,6 @@ impl ActivationSignalDetectionConfigurationSetModelDataResult { pub const ConfigurationNotFound: Self = Self(6i32); pub const UnknownError: Self = Self(7i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ActivationSignalDetectionConfigurationSetModelDataResult {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ActivationSignalDetectionConfigurationSetModelDataResult { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ActivationSignalDetectionConfigurationSetModelDataResult { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ActivationSignalDetectionConfigurationSetModelDataResult { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1740,24 +1707,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ActivationSignalDetectionConfigurationSetMo const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.ConversationalAgent.ActivationSignalDetectionConfigurationSetModelDataResult;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ActivationSignalDetectionConfigurationStateChangeResult(pub i32); impl ActivationSignalDetectionConfigurationStateChangeResult { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); pub const NoModelData: Self = Self(1i32); pub const ConfigurationNotFound: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ActivationSignalDetectionConfigurationStateChangeResult {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ActivationSignalDetectionConfigurationStateChangeResult { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ActivationSignalDetectionConfigurationStateChangeResult { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ActivationSignalDetectionConfigurationStateChangeResult { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1770,7 +1726,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ActivationSignalDetectionConfigurationState const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.ConversationalAgent.ActivationSignalDetectionConfigurationStateChangeResult;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ActivationSignalDetectionTrainingDataFormat(pub i32); impl ActivationSignalDetectionTrainingDataFormat { pub const Voice8kHz8BitMono: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1785,17 +1741,6 @@ impl ActivationSignalDetectionTrainingDataFormat { pub const AudioOEMDefined: Self = Self(9i32); pub const OtherOEMDefined: Self = Self(10i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ActivationSignalDetectionTrainingDataFormat {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ActivationSignalDetectionTrainingDataFormat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ActivationSignalDetectionTrainingDataFormat { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ActivationSignalDetectionTrainingDataFormat { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1808,24 +1753,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ActivationSignalDetectionTrainingDataFormat const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.ConversationalAgent.ActivationSignalDetectionTrainingDataFormat;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ActivationSignalDetectorKind(pub i32); impl ActivationSignalDetectorKind { pub const AudioPattern: Self = Self(0i32); pub const AudioImpulse: Self = Self(1i32); pub const HardwareEvent: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ActivationSignalDetectorKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ActivationSignalDetectorKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ActivationSignalDetectorKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ActivationSignalDetectorKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1838,24 +1772,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ActivationSignalDetectorKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.ConversationalAgent.ActivationSignalDetectorKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ActivationSignalDetectorPowerState(pub i32); impl ActivationSignalDetectorPowerState { pub const HighPower: Self = Self(0i32); pub const ConnectedLowPower: Self = Self(1i32); pub const DisconnectedLowPower: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ActivationSignalDetectorPowerState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ActivationSignalDetectorPowerState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ActivationSignalDetectorPowerState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ActivationSignalDetectorPowerState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1868,23 +1791,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ActivationSignalDetectorPowerState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.ConversationalAgent.ActivationSignalDetectorPowerState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ConversationalAgentActivationKind(pub i32); impl ConversationalAgentActivationKind { pub const VoiceActivationPreview: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Foreground: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ConversationalAgentActivationKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ConversationalAgentActivationKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ConversationalAgentActivationKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ConversationalAgentActivationKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1897,7 +1809,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ConversationalAgentActivationKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.ConversationalAgent.ConversationalAgentActivationKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ConversationalAgentActivationResult(pub i32); impl ConversationalAgentActivationResult { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1905,17 +1817,6 @@ impl ConversationalAgentActivationResult { pub const ScreenNotAvailable: Self = Self(2i32); pub const AgentInterrupted: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ConversationalAgentActivationResult {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ConversationalAgentActivationResult { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ConversationalAgentActivationResult { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ConversationalAgentActivationResult { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1928,23 +1829,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ConversationalAgentActivationResult { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.ConversationalAgent.ConversationalAgentActivationResult;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ConversationalAgentSessionUpdateResponse(pub i32); impl ConversationalAgentSessionUpdateResponse { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Failed: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ConversationalAgentSessionUpdateResponse {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ConversationalAgentSessionUpdateResponse { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ConversationalAgentSessionUpdateResponse { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ConversationalAgentSessionUpdateResponse { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1957,7 +1847,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ConversationalAgentSessionUpdateResponse { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.ConversationalAgent.ConversationalAgentSessionUpdateResponse;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ConversationalAgentState(pub i32); impl ConversationalAgentState { pub const Inactive: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1967,17 +1857,6 @@ impl ConversationalAgentState { pub const Speaking: Self = Self(4i32); pub const ListeningAndSpeaking: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ConversationalAgentState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ConversationalAgentState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ConversationalAgentState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ConversationalAgentState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1990,7 +1869,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ConversationalAgentState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.ConversationalAgent.ConversationalAgentState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ConversationalAgentSystemStateChangeType(pub i32); impl ConversationalAgentSystemStateChangeType { pub const UserAuthentication: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1998,17 +1877,6 @@ impl ConversationalAgentSystemStateChangeType { pub const IndicatorLightAvailability: Self = Self(2i32); pub const VoiceActivationAvailability: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ConversationalAgentSystemStateChangeType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ConversationalAgentSystemStateChangeType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ConversationalAgentSystemStateChangeType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ConversationalAgentSystemStateChangeType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2021,7 +1889,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ConversationalAgentSystemStateChangeType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.ConversationalAgent.ConversationalAgentSystemStateChangeType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ConversationalAgentVoiceActivationPrerequisiteKind(pub i32); impl ConversationalAgentVoiceActivationPrerequisiteKind { pub const MicrophonePermission: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2031,17 +1899,6 @@ impl ConversationalAgentVoiceActivationPrerequisiteKind { pub const BackgroundTaskRegistration: Self = Self(4i32); pub const PolicyPermission: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ConversationalAgentVoiceActivationPrerequisiteKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ConversationalAgentVoiceActivationPrerequisiteKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ConversationalAgentVoiceActivationPrerequisiteKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ConversationalAgentVoiceActivationPrerequisiteKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2054,24 +1911,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ConversationalAgentVoiceActivationPrerequis const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.ConversationalAgent.ConversationalAgentVoiceActivationPrerequisiteKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DetectionConfigurationAvailabilityChangeKind(pub i32); impl DetectionConfigurationAvailabilityChangeKind { pub const SystemResourceAccess: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Permission: Self = Self(1i32); pub const LockScreenPermission: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DetectionConfigurationAvailabilityChangeKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DetectionConfigurationAvailabilityChangeKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DetectionConfigurationAvailabilityChangeKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DetectionConfigurationAvailabilityChangeKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2084,7 +1930,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DetectionConfigurationAvailabilityChangeKin const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.ConversationalAgent.DetectionConfigurationAvailabilityChangeKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DetectionConfigurationTrainingStatus(pub i32); impl DetectionConfigurationTrainingStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2098,17 +1944,6 @@ impl DetectionConfigurationTrainingStatus { pub const TrainingTimedOut: Self = Self(8i32); pub const ConfigurationNotFound: Self = Self(9i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DetectionConfigurationTrainingStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DetectionConfigurationTrainingStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DetectionConfigurationTrainingStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DetectionConfigurationTrainingStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2121,7 +1956,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DetectionConfigurationTrainingStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.ConversationalAgent.DetectionConfigurationTrainingStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SignalDetectorResourceKind(pub i32); impl SignalDetectorResourceKind { pub const ParallelModelSupport: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2139,17 +1974,6 @@ impl SignalDetectorResourceKind { pub const ModelIdSupport: Self = Self(12i32); pub const DataChannel: Self = Self(13i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SignalDetectorResourceKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SignalDetectorResourceKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SignalDetectorResourceKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SignalDetectorResourceKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Core/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Core/ index 4e82533995..f997e554a3 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Core/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Core/ @@ -1098,7 +1098,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for UnhandledErrorDetectedEventArgs { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for UnhandledErrorDetectedEventArgs {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for UnhandledErrorDetectedEventArgs {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppRestartFailureReason(pub i32); impl AppRestartFailureReason { pub const RestartPending: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1106,17 +1106,6 @@ impl AppRestartFailureReason { pub const InvalidUser: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Other: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppRestartFailureReason {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppRestartFailureReason { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppRestartFailureReason { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppRestartFailureReason { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/DataTransfer/DragDrop/Core/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/DataTransfer/DragDrop/Core/ index a153765fa3..5b3d3050ad 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/DataTransfer/DragDrop/Core/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/DataTransfer/DragDrop/Core/ @@ -529,23 +529,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for CoreDropOperationTargetRequestedEventArgs { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for CoreDropOperationTargetRequestedEventArgs {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for CoreDropOperationTargetRequestedEventArgs {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CoreDragUIContentMode(pub u32); impl CoreDragUIContentMode { pub const Auto: Self = Self(0u32); pub const Deferred: Self = Self(1u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CoreDragUIContentMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CoreDragUIContentMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CoreDragUIContentMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CoreDragUIContentMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/DataTransfer/DragDrop/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/DataTransfer/DragDrop/ index 7d02c7e4d7..47fcf8810f 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/DataTransfer/DragDrop/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/DataTransfer/DragDrop/ @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ #[doc = "Required features: `\"ApplicationModel_DataTransfer_DragDrop_Core\"`"] pub mod Core; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DragDropModifiers(pub u32); impl DragDropModifiers { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -13,17 +13,6 @@ impl DragDropModifiers { pub const MiddleButton: Self = Self(16u32); pub const RightButton: Self = Self(32u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DragDropModifiers {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DragDropModifiers { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DragDropModifiers { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DragDropModifiers { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/DataTransfer/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/DataTransfer/ index f7d9bd02c5..5e3cd5c87e 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/DataTransfer/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/DataTransfer/ @@ -2858,24 +2858,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for TargetApplicationChosenEventArgs { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for TargetApplicationChosenEventArgs {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for TargetApplicationChosenEventArgs {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ClipboardHistoryItemsResultStatus(pub i32); impl ClipboardHistoryItemsResultStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); pub const AccessDenied: Self = Self(1i32); pub const ClipboardHistoryDisabled: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ClipboardHistoryItemsResultStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ClipboardHistoryItemsResultStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ClipboardHistoryItemsResultStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ClipboardHistoryItemsResultStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2888,7 +2877,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ClipboardHistoryItemsResultStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.DataTransfer.ClipboardHistoryItemsResultStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DataPackageOperation(pub u32); impl DataPackageOperation { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -2896,17 +2885,6 @@ impl DataPackageOperation { pub const Move: Self = Self(2u32); pub const Link: Self = Self(4u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DataPackageOperation {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DataPackageOperation { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DataPackageOperation { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DataPackageOperation { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2952,24 +2930,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DataPackageOperation { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.DataTransfer.DataPackageOperation;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SetHistoryItemAsContentStatus(pub i32); impl SetHistoryItemAsContentStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); pub const AccessDenied: Self = Self(1i32); pub const ItemDeleted: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SetHistoryItemAsContentStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SetHistoryItemAsContentStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SetHistoryItemAsContentStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SetHistoryItemAsContentStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2982,24 +2949,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SetHistoryItemAsContentStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.DataTransfer.SetHistoryItemAsContentStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ShareUITheme(pub i32); impl ShareUITheme { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Light: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Dark: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ShareUITheme {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ShareUITheme { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ShareUITheme { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ShareUITheme { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Email/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Email/ index f7058a2e92..93070d0482 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Email/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Email/ @@ -4531,7 +4531,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for EmailStoreNotificationTriggerDetails { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for EmailStoreNotificationTriggerDetails {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for EmailStoreNotificationTriggerDetails {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EmailAttachmentDownloadState(pub i32); impl EmailAttachmentDownloadState { pub const NotDownloaded: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4539,17 +4539,6 @@ impl EmailAttachmentDownloadState { pub const Downloaded: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Failed: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EmailAttachmentDownloadState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EmailAttachmentDownloadState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EmailAttachmentDownloadState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EmailAttachmentDownloadState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4562,24 +4551,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for EmailAttachmentDownloadState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.EmailAttachmentDownloadState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EmailBatchStatus(pub i32); impl EmailBatchStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); pub const ServerSearchSyncManagerError: Self = Self(1i32); pub const ServerSearchUnknownError: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EmailBatchStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EmailBatchStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EmailBatchStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EmailBatchStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4592,7 +4570,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for EmailBatchStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.EmailBatchStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EmailCertificateValidationStatus(pub i32); impl EmailCertificateValidationStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4607,17 +4585,6 @@ impl EmailCertificateValidationStatus { pub const ServerError: Self = Self(9i32); pub const UnknownFailure: Self = Self(10i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EmailCertificateValidationStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EmailCertificateValidationStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EmailCertificateValidationStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EmailCertificateValidationStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4630,7 +4597,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for EmailCertificateValidationStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.EmailCertificateValidationStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EmailFlagState(pub i32); impl EmailFlagState { pub const Unflagged: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4638,17 +4605,6 @@ impl EmailFlagState { pub const Completed: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Cleared: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EmailFlagState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EmailFlagState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EmailFlagState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EmailFlagState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4661,24 +4617,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for EmailFlagState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.EmailFlagState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EmailImportance(pub i32); impl EmailImportance { pub const Normal: Self = Self(0i32); pub const High: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Low: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EmailImportance {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EmailImportance { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EmailImportance { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EmailImportance { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4691,7 +4636,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for EmailImportance { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.EmailImportance;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EmailMailboxActionKind(pub i32); impl EmailMailboxActionKind { pub const MarkMessageAsSeen: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4706,17 +4651,6 @@ impl EmailMailboxActionKind { pub const MoveFolder: Self = Self(9i32); pub const MarkFolderForSyncEnabled: Self = Self(10i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EmailMailboxActionKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EmailMailboxActionKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EmailMailboxActionKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EmailMailboxActionKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4729,24 +4663,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for EmailMailboxActionKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.EmailMailboxActionKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EmailMailboxAllowedSmimeEncryptionAlgorithmNegotiation(pub i32); impl EmailMailboxAllowedSmimeEncryptionAlgorithmNegotiation { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); pub const StrongAlgorithm: Self = Self(1i32); pub const AnyAlgorithm: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EmailMailboxAllowedSmimeEncryptionAlgorithmNegotiation {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EmailMailboxAllowedSmimeEncryptionAlgorithmNegotiation { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EmailMailboxAllowedSmimeEncryptionAlgorithmNegotiation { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EmailMailboxAllowedSmimeEncryptionAlgorithmNegotiation { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4759,23 +4682,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for EmailMailboxAllowedSmimeEncryptionAlgorithm const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.EmailMailboxAllowedSmimeEncryptionAlgorithmNegotiation;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EmailMailboxAutoReplyMessageResponseKind(pub i32); impl EmailMailboxAutoReplyMessageResponseKind { pub const Html: Self = Self(0i32); pub const PlainText: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EmailMailboxAutoReplyMessageResponseKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EmailMailboxAutoReplyMessageResponseKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EmailMailboxAutoReplyMessageResponseKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EmailMailboxAutoReplyMessageResponseKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4788,7 +4700,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for EmailMailboxAutoReplyMessageResponseKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.EmailMailboxAutoReplyMessageResponseKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EmailMailboxChangeType(pub i32); impl EmailMailboxChangeType { pub const MessageCreated: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4799,17 +4711,6 @@ impl EmailMailboxChangeType { pub const FolderDeleted: Self = Self(5i32); pub const ChangeTrackingLost: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EmailMailboxChangeType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EmailMailboxChangeType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EmailMailboxChangeType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EmailMailboxChangeType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4822,7 +4723,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for EmailMailboxChangeType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.EmailMailboxChangeType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EmailMailboxCreateFolderStatus(pub i32); impl EmailMailboxCreateFolderStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4833,17 +4734,6 @@ impl EmailMailboxCreateFolderStatus { pub const NameCollision: Self = Self(5i32); pub const ServerRejected: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EmailMailboxCreateFolderStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EmailMailboxCreateFolderStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EmailMailboxCreateFolderStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EmailMailboxCreateFolderStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4856,7 +4746,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for EmailMailboxCreateFolderStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.EmailMailboxCreateFolderStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EmailMailboxDeleteFolderStatus(pub i32); impl EmailMailboxDeleteFolderStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4866,17 +4756,6 @@ impl EmailMailboxDeleteFolderStatus { pub const UnknownFailure: Self = Self(4i32); pub const CouldNotDeleteEverything: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EmailMailboxDeleteFolderStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EmailMailboxDeleteFolderStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EmailMailboxDeleteFolderStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EmailMailboxDeleteFolderStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4889,7 +4768,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for EmailMailboxDeleteFolderStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.EmailMailboxDeleteFolderStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EmailMailboxEmptyFolderStatus(pub i32); impl EmailMailboxEmptyFolderStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4899,17 +4778,6 @@ impl EmailMailboxEmptyFolderStatus { pub const UnknownFailure: Self = Self(4i32); pub const CouldNotDeleteEverything: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EmailMailboxEmptyFolderStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EmailMailboxEmptyFolderStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EmailMailboxEmptyFolderStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EmailMailboxEmptyFolderStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4922,24 +4790,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for EmailMailboxEmptyFolderStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.EmailMailboxEmptyFolderStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EmailMailboxOtherAppReadAccess(pub i32); impl EmailMailboxOtherAppReadAccess { pub const SystemOnly: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Full: Self = Self(1i32); pub const None: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EmailMailboxOtherAppReadAccess {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EmailMailboxOtherAppReadAccess { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EmailMailboxOtherAppReadAccess { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EmailMailboxOtherAppReadAccess { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4952,23 +4809,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for EmailMailboxOtherAppReadAccess { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.EmailMailboxOtherAppReadAccess;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EmailMailboxOtherAppWriteAccess(pub i32); impl EmailMailboxOtherAppWriteAccess { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Limited: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EmailMailboxOtherAppWriteAccess {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EmailMailboxOtherAppWriteAccess { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EmailMailboxOtherAppWriteAccess { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EmailMailboxOtherAppWriteAccess { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4981,7 +4827,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for EmailMailboxOtherAppWriteAccess { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.EmailMailboxOtherAppWriteAccess;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EmailMailboxSmimeEncryptionAlgorithm(pub i32); impl EmailMailboxSmimeEncryptionAlgorithm { pub const Any: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4991,17 +4837,6 @@ impl EmailMailboxSmimeEncryptionAlgorithm { pub const RC264Bit: Self = Self(4i32); pub const RC240Bit: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EmailMailboxSmimeEncryptionAlgorithm {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EmailMailboxSmimeEncryptionAlgorithm { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EmailMailboxSmimeEncryptionAlgorithm { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EmailMailboxSmimeEncryptionAlgorithm { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5014,24 +4849,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for EmailMailboxSmimeEncryptionAlgorithm { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.EmailMailboxSmimeEncryptionAlgorithm;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EmailMailboxSmimeSigningAlgorithm(pub i32); impl EmailMailboxSmimeSigningAlgorithm { pub const Any: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Sha1: Self = Self(1i32); pub const MD5: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EmailMailboxSmimeSigningAlgorithm {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EmailMailboxSmimeSigningAlgorithm { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EmailMailboxSmimeSigningAlgorithm { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EmailMailboxSmimeSigningAlgorithm { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5044,7 +4868,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for EmailMailboxSmimeSigningAlgorithm { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.EmailMailboxSmimeSigningAlgorithm;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EmailMailboxSyncStatus(pub i32); impl EmailMailboxSyncStatus { pub const Idle: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -5055,17 +4879,6 @@ impl EmailMailboxSyncStatus { pub const UnknownError: Self = Self(5i32); pub const ManualAccountRemovalRequired: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EmailMailboxSyncStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EmailMailboxSyncStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EmailMailboxSyncStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EmailMailboxSyncStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5078,24 +4891,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for EmailMailboxSyncStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.EmailMailboxSyncStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EmailMeetingResponseType(pub i32); impl EmailMeetingResponseType { pub const Accept: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Decline: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Tentative: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EmailMeetingResponseType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EmailMeetingResponseType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EmailMeetingResponseType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EmailMeetingResponseType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5108,23 +4910,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for EmailMeetingResponseType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.EmailMeetingResponseType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EmailMessageBodyKind(pub i32); impl EmailMessageBodyKind { pub const Html: Self = Self(0i32); pub const PlainText: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EmailMessageBodyKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EmailMessageBodyKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EmailMessageBodyKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EmailMessageBodyKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5137,7 +4928,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for EmailMessageBodyKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.EmailMessageBodyKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EmailMessageDownloadState(pub i32); impl EmailMessageDownloadState { pub const PartiallyDownloaded: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -5145,17 +4936,6 @@ impl EmailMessageDownloadState { pub const Downloaded: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Failed: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EmailMessageDownloadState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EmailMessageDownloadState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EmailMessageDownloadState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EmailMessageDownloadState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5168,7 +4948,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for EmailMessageDownloadState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.EmailMessageDownloadState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EmailMessageResponseKind(pub i32); impl EmailMessageResponseKind { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -5176,17 +4956,6 @@ impl EmailMessageResponseKind { pub const ReplyAll: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Forward: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EmailMessageResponseKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EmailMessageResponseKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EmailMessageResponseKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EmailMessageResponseKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5199,7 +4968,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for EmailMessageResponseKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.EmailMessageResponseKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EmailMessageSmimeKind(pub i32); impl EmailMessageSmimeKind { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -5207,17 +4976,6 @@ impl EmailMessageSmimeKind { pub const OpaqueSigned: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Encrypted: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EmailMessageSmimeKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EmailMessageSmimeKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EmailMessageSmimeKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EmailMessageSmimeKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5230,7 +4988,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for EmailMessageSmimeKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.EmailMessageSmimeKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EmailQueryKind(pub i32); impl EmailQueryKind { pub const All: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -5240,17 +4998,6 @@ impl EmailQueryKind { pub const Read: Self = Self(4i32); pub const Unseen: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EmailQueryKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EmailQueryKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EmailQueryKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EmailQueryKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5263,7 +5010,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for EmailQueryKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.EmailQueryKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EmailQuerySearchFields(pub u32); impl EmailQuerySearchFields { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -5273,17 +5020,6 @@ impl EmailQuerySearchFields { pub const Recipients: Self = Self(8u32); pub const All: Self = Self(4294967295u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EmailQuerySearchFields {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EmailQuerySearchFields { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EmailQuerySearchFields { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EmailQuerySearchFields { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5329,23 +5065,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for EmailQuerySearchFields { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.EmailQuerySearchFields;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EmailQuerySearchScope(pub i32); impl EmailQuerySearchScope { pub const Local: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Server: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EmailQuerySearchScope {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EmailQuerySearchScope { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EmailQuerySearchScope { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EmailQuerySearchScope { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5358,23 +5083,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for EmailQuerySearchScope { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.EmailQuerySearchScope;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EmailQuerySortDirection(pub i32); impl EmailQuerySortDirection { pub const Descending: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Ascending: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EmailQuerySortDirection {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EmailQuerySortDirection { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EmailQuerySortDirection { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EmailQuerySortDirection { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5387,22 +5101,11 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for EmailQuerySortDirection { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.EmailQuerySortDirection;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EmailQuerySortProperty(pub i32); impl EmailQuerySortProperty { pub const Date: Self = Self(0i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EmailQuerySortProperty {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EmailQuerySortProperty { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EmailQuerySortProperty { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EmailQuerySortProperty { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5415,7 +5118,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for EmailQuerySortProperty { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.EmailQuerySortProperty;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EmailRecipientResolutionStatus(pub i32); impl EmailRecipientResolutionStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -5427,17 +5130,6 @@ impl EmailRecipientResolutionStatus { pub const ServerError: Self = Self(6i32); pub const UnknownFailure: Self = Self(7i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EmailRecipientResolutionStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EmailRecipientResolutionStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EmailRecipientResolutionStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EmailRecipientResolutionStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5450,7 +5142,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for EmailRecipientResolutionStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.EmailRecipientResolutionStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EmailSpecialFolderKind(pub i32); impl EmailSpecialFolderKind { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -5461,17 +5153,6 @@ impl EmailSpecialFolderKind { pub const DeletedItems: Self = Self(5i32); pub const Sent: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EmailSpecialFolderKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EmailSpecialFolderKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EmailSpecialFolderKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EmailSpecialFolderKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5484,23 +5165,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for EmailSpecialFolderKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Email.EmailSpecialFolderKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EmailStoreAccessType(pub i32); impl EmailStoreAccessType { pub const AppMailboxesReadWrite: Self = Self(0i32); pub const AllMailboxesLimitedReadWrite: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EmailStoreAccessType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EmailStoreAccessType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EmailStoreAccessType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EmailStoreAccessType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/ExtendedExecution/Foreground/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/ExtendedExecution/Foreground/ index 55abbe2d8f..83702e080d 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/ExtendedExecution/Foreground/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/ExtendedExecution/Foreground/ @@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::CanTryInto for unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for ExtendedExecutionForegroundSession {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for ExtendedExecutionForegroundSession {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ExtendedExecutionForegroundReason(pub i32); impl ExtendedExecutionForegroundReason { pub const Unspecified: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -147,17 +147,6 @@ impl ExtendedExecutionForegroundReason { pub const BackgroundAudio: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Unconstrained: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ExtendedExecutionForegroundReason {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ExtendedExecutionForegroundReason { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ExtendedExecutionForegroundReason { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ExtendedExecutionForegroundReason { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -170,23 +159,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ExtendedExecutionForegroundReason { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.ExtendedExecution.Foreground.ExtendedExecutionForegroundReason;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ExtendedExecutionForegroundResult(pub i32); impl ExtendedExecutionForegroundResult { pub const Allowed: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Denied: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ExtendedExecutionForegroundResult {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ExtendedExecutionForegroundResult { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ExtendedExecutionForegroundResult { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ExtendedExecutionForegroundResult { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -199,23 +177,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ExtendedExecutionForegroundResult { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.ExtendedExecution.Foreground.ExtendedExecutionForegroundResult;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ExtendedExecutionForegroundRevokedReason(pub i32); impl ExtendedExecutionForegroundRevokedReason { pub const Resumed: Self = Self(0i32); pub const SystemPolicy: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ExtendedExecutionForegroundRevokedReason {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ExtendedExecutionForegroundRevokedReason { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ExtendedExecutionForegroundRevokedReason { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ExtendedExecutionForegroundRevokedReason { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/ExtendedExecution/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/ExtendedExecution/ index 20fe47a55a..d3faa77704 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/ExtendedExecution/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/ExtendedExecution/ @@ -155,24 +155,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::CanTryInto for Extende unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for ExtendedExecutionSession {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for ExtendedExecutionSession {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ExtendedExecutionReason(pub i32); impl ExtendedExecutionReason { pub const Unspecified: Self = Self(0i32); pub const LocationTracking: Self = Self(1i32); pub const SavingData: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ExtendedExecutionReason {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ExtendedExecutionReason { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ExtendedExecutionReason { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ExtendedExecutionReason { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -185,23 +174,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ExtendedExecutionReason { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.ExtendedExecution.ExtendedExecutionReason;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ExtendedExecutionResult(pub i32); impl ExtendedExecutionResult { pub const Allowed: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Denied: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ExtendedExecutionResult {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ExtendedExecutionResult { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ExtendedExecutionResult { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ExtendedExecutionResult { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -214,23 +192,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ExtendedExecutionResult { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.ExtendedExecution.ExtendedExecutionResult;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ExtendedExecutionRevokedReason(pub i32); impl ExtendedExecutionRevokedReason { pub const Resumed: Self = Self(0i32); pub const SystemPolicy: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ExtendedExecutionRevokedReason {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ExtendedExecutionRevokedReason { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ExtendedExecutionRevokedReason { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ExtendedExecutionRevokedReason { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Payments/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Payments/ index c16e83bcb0..96f6fe5613 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Payments/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Payments/ @@ -1984,7 +1984,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for PaymentToken { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for PaymentToken {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for PaymentToken {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PaymentCanMakePaymentResultStatus(pub i32); impl PaymentCanMakePaymentResultStatus { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1995,17 +1995,6 @@ impl PaymentCanMakePaymentResultStatus { pub const SpecifiedPaymentMethodIdsNotSupported: Self = Self(5i32); pub const NoQualifyingCardOnFile: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PaymentCanMakePaymentResultStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PaymentCanMakePaymentResultStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PaymentCanMakePaymentResultStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PaymentCanMakePaymentResultStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2018,24 +2007,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PaymentCanMakePaymentResultStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Payments.PaymentCanMakePaymentResultStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PaymentOptionPresence(pub i32); impl PaymentOptionPresence { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Optional: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Required: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PaymentOptionPresence {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PaymentOptionPresence { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PaymentOptionPresence { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PaymentOptionPresence { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2048,23 +2026,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PaymentOptionPresence { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Payments.PaymentOptionPresence;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PaymentRequestChangeKind(pub i32); impl PaymentRequestChangeKind { pub const ShippingOption: Self = Self(0i32); pub const ShippingAddress: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PaymentRequestChangeKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PaymentRequestChangeKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PaymentRequestChangeKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PaymentRequestChangeKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2077,24 +2044,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PaymentRequestChangeKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Payments.PaymentRequestChangeKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PaymentRequestCompletionStatus(pub i32); impl PaymentRequestCompletionStatus { pub const Succeeded: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Failed: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Unknown: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PaymentRequestCompletionStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PaymentRequestCompletionStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PaymentRequestCompletionStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PaymentRequestCompletionStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2107,24 +2063,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PaymentRequestCompletionStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Payments.PaymentRequestCompletionStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PaymentRequestStatus(pub i32); impl PaymentRequestStatus { pub const Succeeded: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Failed: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Canceled: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PaymentRequestStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PaymentRequestStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PaymentRequestStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PaymentRequestStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2137,24 +2082,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PaymentRequestStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Payments.PaymentRequestStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PaymentShippingType(pub i32); impl PaymentShippingType { pub const Shipping: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Delivery: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Pickup: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PaymentShippingType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PaymentShippingType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PaymentShippingType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PaymentShippingType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Resources/Core/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Resources/Core/ index 1bbac81bd1..51a84d5fe1 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Resources/Core/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Resources/Core/ @@ -1642,24 +1642,13 @@ unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for ResourceQualifierVectorView {} #[cfg(feature = "Foundation_Collections")] unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for ResourceQualifierVectorView {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ResourceCandidateKind(pub i32); impl ResourceCandidateKind { pub const String: Self = Self(0i32); pub const File: Self = Self(1i32); pub const EmbeddedData: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ResourceCandidateKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ResourceCandidateKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ResourceCandidateKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ResourceCandidateKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1672,23 +1661,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ResourceCandidateKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Resources.Core.ResourceCandidateKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ResourceQualifierPersistence(pub i32); impl ResourceQualifierPersistence { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); pub const LocalMachine: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ResourceQualifierPersistence {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ResourceQualifierPersistence { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ResourceQualifierPersistence { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ResourceQualifierPersistence { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Resources/Management/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Resources/Management/ index 10dfb54b02..10e97c90d0 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Resources/Management/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Resources/Management/ @@ -305,24 +305,13 @@ unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for ResourceIndexer {} #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for ResourceIndexer {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IndexedResourceType(pub i32); impl IndexedResourceType { pub const String: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Path: Self = Self(1i32); pub const EmbeddedData: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IndexedResourceType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IndexedResourceType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IndexedResourceType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IndexedResourceType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Search/Core/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Search/Core/ index f767a883ef..9ed15544f2 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Search/Core/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Search/Core/ @@ -338,24 +338,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for SearchSuggestionsRequestedEventArgs { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for SearchSuggestionsRequestedEventArgs {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for SearchSuggestionsRequestedEventArgs {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SearchSuggestionKind(pub i32); impl SearchSuggestionKind { pub const Query: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Result: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Separator: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SearchSuggestionKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SearchSuggestionKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SearchSuggestionKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SearchSuggestionKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Store/LicenseManagement/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Store/LicenseManagement/ index 076aacae2d..10a62dc2c5 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Store/LicenseManagement/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Store/LicenseManagement/ @@ -230,23 +230,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for LicenseSatisfactionResult { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for LicenseSatisfactionResult {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for LicenseSatisfactionResult {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LicenseRefreshOption(pub i32); impl LicenseRefreshOption { pub const RunningLicenses: Self = Self(0i32); pub const AllLicenses: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LicenseRefreshOption {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LicenseRefreshOption { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LicenseRefreshOption { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LicenseRefreshOption { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Store/Preview/InstallControl/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Store/Preview/InstallControl/ index 8df6fc4d80..15317ecd04 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Store/Preview/InstallControl/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Store/Preview/InstallControl/ @@ -1504,7 +1504,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for GetEntitlementResult { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for GetEntitlementResult {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for GetEntitlementResult {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppInstallState(pub i32); impl AppInstallState { pub const Pending: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1522,17 +1522,6 @@ impl AppInstallState { pub const PausedWiFiRequired: Self = Self(12i32); pub const ReadyToDownload: Self = Self(13i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppInstallState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppInstallState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppInstallState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppInstallState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1545,24 +1534,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AppInstallState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.Preview.InstallControl.AppInstallState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppInstallType(pub i32); impl AppInstallType { pub const Install: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Update: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Repair: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppInstallType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppInstallType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppInstallType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppInstallType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1575,7 +1553,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AppInstallType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.Preview.InstallControl.AppInstallType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppInstallationToastNotificationMode(pub i32); impl AppInstallationToastNotificationMode { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1583,17 +1561,6 @@ impl AppInstallationToastNotificationMode { pub const ToastWithoutPopup: Self = Self(2i32); pub const NoToast: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppInstallationToastNotificationMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppInstallationToastNotificationMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppInstallationToastNotificationMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppInstallationToastNotificationMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1606,7 +1573,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AppInstallationToastNotificationMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.Preview.InstallControl.AppInstallationToastNotificationMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AutoUpdateSetting(pub i32); impl AutoUpdateSetting { pub const Disabled: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1614,17 +1581,6 @@ impl AutoUpdateSetting { pub const DisabledByPolicy: Self = Self(2i32); pub const EnabledByPolicy: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AutoUpdateSetting {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AutoUpdateSetting { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AutoUpdateSetting { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AutoUpdateSetting { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1637,7 +1593,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AutoUpdateSetting { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.Preview.InstallControl.AutoUpdateSetting;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GetEntitlementStatus(pub i32); impl GetEntitlementStatus { pub const Succeeded: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1645,17 +1601,6 @@ impl GetEntitlementStatus { pub const NetworkError: Self = Self(2i32); pub const ServerError: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GetEntitlementStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GetEntitlementStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GetEntitlementStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GetEntitlementStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Store/Preview/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Store/Preview/ index fb5f9bd746..2ee25fff31 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Store/Preview/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Store/Preview/ @@ -850,7 +850,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for WebAuthenticationCoreManagerHelper { const NAME: &'static str = "Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.Preview.WebAuthenticationCoreManagerHelper"; } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DeliveryOptimizationDownloadMode(pub i32); impl DeliveryOptimizationDownloadMode { pub const Simple: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -860,17 +860,6 @@ impl DeliveryOptimizationDownloadMode { pub const Internet: Self = Self(4i32); pub const Bypass: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DeliveryOptimizationDownloadMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DeliveryOptimizationDownloadMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DeliveryOptimizationDownloadMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DeliveryOptimizationDownloadMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -883,23 +872,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DeliveryOptimizationDownloadMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.Preview.DeliveryOptimizationDownloadMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DeliveryOptimizationDownloadModeSource(pub i32); impl DeliveryOptimizationDownloadModeSource { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Policy: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DeliveryOptimizationDownloadModeSource {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DeliveryOptimizationDownloadModeSource { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DeliveryOptimizationDownloadModeSource { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DeliveryOptimizationDownloadModeSource { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -912,23 +890,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DeliveryOptimizationDownloadModeSource { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.Preview.DeliveryOptimizationDownloadModeSource;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct StoreLogOptions(pub u32); impl StoreLogOptions { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); pub const TryElevate: Self = Self(1u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for StoreLogOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for StoreLogOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for StoreLogOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for StoreLogOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -974,7 +941,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for StoreLogOptions { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.Preview.StoreLogOptions;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct StorePreviewProductPurchaseStatus(pub i32); impl StorePreviewProductPurchaseStatus { pub const Succeeded: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -982,17 +949,6 @@ impl StorePreviewProductPurchaseStatus { pub const NotFulfilled: Self = Self(2i32); pub const NotPurchased: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for StorePreviewProductPurchaseStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for StorePreviewProductPurchaseStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for StorePreviewProductPurchaseStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for StorePreviewProductPurchaseStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1005,7 +961,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for StorePreviewProductPurchaseStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.Preview.StorePreviewProductPurchaseStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct StoreSystemFeature(pub i32); impl StoreSystemFeature { pub const ArchitectureX86: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1044,17 +1000,6 @@ impl StoreSystemFeature { pub const VideoMemory1GB: Self = Self(33i32); pub const ArchitectureArm64: Self = Self(34i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for StoreSystemFeature {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for StoreSystemFeature { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for StoreSystemFeature { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for StoreSystemFeature { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Store/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Store/ index 325f15e7ff..cd4ed962bd 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Store/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Store/ @@ -1222,7 +1222,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for UnfulfilledConsumable { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for UnfulfilledConsumable {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for UnfulfilledConsumable {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FulfillmentResult(pub i32); impl FulfillmentResult { pub const Succeeded: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1231,17 +1231,6 @@ impl FulfillmentResult { pub const PurchaseReverted: Self = Self(3i32); pub const ServerError: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FulfillmentResult {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FulfillmentResult { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FulfillmentResult { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FulfillmentResult { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1254,7 +1243,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for FulfillmentResult { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.FulfillmentResult;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ProductPurchaseStatus(pub i32); impl ProductPurchaseStatus { pub const Succeeded: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1262,17 +1251,6 @@ impl ProductPurchaseStatus { pub const NotFulfilled: Self = Self(2i32); pub const NotPurchased: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ProductPurchaseStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ProductPurchaseStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ProductPurchaseStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ProductPurchaseStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1285,24 +1263,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ProductPurchaseStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.ProductPurchaseStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ProductType(pub i32); impl ProductType { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Durable: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Consumable: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ProductType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ProductType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ProductType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ProductType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/UserActivities/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/UserActivities/ index 21a419a566..afc7008404 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/UserActivities/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/UserActivities/ @@ -1115,23 +1115,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for UserActivityVisualElements { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for UserActivityVisualElements {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for UserActivityVisualElements {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UserActivityState(pub i32); impl UserActivityState { pub const New: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Published: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UserActivityState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UserActivityState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UserActivityState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UserActivityState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/UserDataAccounts/Provider/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/UserDataAccounts/Provider/ index 35e81dfdac..ee2713f32c 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/UserDataAccounts/Provider/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/UserDataAccounts/Provider/ @@ -267,24 +267,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::CanTryInto for UserDataA unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for UserDataAccountProviderSettingsOperation {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for UserDataAccountProviderSettingsOperation {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UserDataAccountProviderOperationKind(pub i32); impl UserDataAccountProviderOperationKind { pub const AddAccount: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Settings: Self = Self(1i32); pub const ResolveErrors: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UserDataAccountProviderOperationKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UserDataAccountProviderOperationKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UserDataAccountProviderOperationKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UserDataAccountProviderOperationKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -297,23 +286,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for UserDataAccountProviderOperationKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.UserDataAccounts.Provider.UserDataAccountProviderOperationKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UserDataAccountProviderPartnerAccountKind(pub i32); impl UserDataAccountProviderPartnerAccountKind { pub const Exchange: Self = Self(0i32); pub const PopOrImap: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UserDataAccountProviderPartnerAccountKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UserDataAccountProviderPartnerAccountKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UserDataAccountProviderPartnerAccountKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UserDataAccountProviderPartnerAccountKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/UserDataAccounts/SystemAccess/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/UserDataAccounts/SystemAccess/ index 2e773c2298..d39a538bf4 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/UserDataAccounts/SystemAccess/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/UserDataAccounts/SystemAccess/ @@ -755,24 +755,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for UserDataAccountSystemAccessManager { const NAME: &'static str = "Windows.ApplicationModel.UserDataAccounts.SystemAccess.UserDataAccountSystemAccessManager"; } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DeviceAccountAuthenticationType(pub i32); impl DeviceAccountAuthenticationType { pub const Basic: Self = Self(0i32); pub const OAuth: Self = Self(1i32); pub const SingleSignOn: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DeviceAccountAuthenticationType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DeviceAccountAuthenticationType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DeviceAccountAuthenticationType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DeviceAccountAuthenticationType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -785,7 +774,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DeviceAccountAuthenticationType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.UserDataAccounts.SystemAccess.DeviceAccountAuthenticationType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DeviceAccountIconId(pub i32); impl DeviceAccountIconId { pub const Exchange: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -793,17 +782,6 @@ impl DeviceAccountIconId { pub const Outlook: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Generic: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DeviceAccountIconId {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DeviceAccountIconId { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DeviceAccountIconId { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DeviceAccountIconId { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -816,7 +794,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DeviceAccountIconId { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.UserDataAccounts.SystemAccess.DeviceAccountIconId;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DeviceAccountMailAgeFilter(pub i32); impl DeviceAccountMailAgeFilter { pub const All: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -827,17 +805,6 @@ impl DeviceAccountMailAgeFilter { pub const Last30Days: Self = Self(5i32); pub const Last90Days: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DeviceAccountMailAgeFilter {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DeviceAccountMailAgeFilter { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DeviceAccountMailAgeFilter { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DeviceAccountMailAgeFilter { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -850,24 +817,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DeviceAccountMailAgeFilter { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.UserDataAccounts.SystemAccess.DeviceAccountMailAgeFilter;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DeviceAccountServerType(pub i32); impl DeviceAccountServerType { pub const Exchange: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Pop: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Imap: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DeviceAccountServerType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DeviceAccountServerType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DeviceAccountServerType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DeviceAccountServerType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -880,7 +836,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DeviceAccountServerType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.UserDataAccounts.SystemAccess.DeviceAccountServerType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DeviceAccountSyncScheduleKind(pub i32); impl DeviceAccountSyncScheduleKind { pub const Manual: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -891,17 +847,6 @@ impl DeviceAccountSyncScheduleKind { pub const Daily: Self = Self(5i32); pub const AsItemsArrive: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DeviceAccountSyncScheduleKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DeviceAccountSyncScheduleKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DeviceAccountSyncScheduleKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DeviceAccountSyncScheduleKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/UserDataAccounts/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/UserDataAccounts/ index cf6b071c1b..e113d7adce 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/UserDataAccounts/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/UserDataAccounts/ @@ -650,24 +650,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for UserDataAccountStoreChangedEventArgs { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for UserDataAccountStoreChangedEventArgs {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for UserDataAccountStoreChangedEventArgs {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UserDataAccountContentKinds(pub u32); impl UserDataAccountContentKinds { pub const Email: Self = Self(1u32); pub const Contact: Self = Self(2u32); pub const Appointment: Self = Self(4u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UserDataAccountContentKinds {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UserDataAccountContentKinds { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UserDataAccountContentKinds { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UserDataAccountContentKinds { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -713,24 +702,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for UserDataAccountContentKinds { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.UserDataAccounts.UserDataAccountContentKinds;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UserDataAccountOtherAppReadAccess(pub i32); impl UserDataAccountOtherAppReadAccess { pub const SystemOnly: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Full: Self = Self(1i32); pub const None: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UserDataAccountOtherAppReadAccess {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UserDataAccountOtherAppReadAccess { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UserDataAccountOtherAppReadAccess { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UserDataAccountOtherAppReadAccess { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -743,23 +721,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for UserDataAccountOtherAppReadAccess { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.UserDataAccounts.UserDataAccountOtherAppReadAccess;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UserDataAccountStoreAccessType(pub i32); impl UserDataAccountStoreAccessType { pub const AllAccountsReadOnly: Self = Self(0i32); pub const AppAccountsReadWrite: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UserDataAccountStoreAccessType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UserDataAccountStoreAccessType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UserDataAccountStoreAccessType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UserDataAccountStoreAccessType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/UserDataTasks/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/UserDataTasks/ index e755cd5c09..26fc38476b 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/UserDataTasks/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/UserDataTasks/ @@ -1187,7 +1187,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for UserDataTaskStore { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for UserDataTaskStore {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for UserDataTaskStore {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UserDataTaskDaysOfWeek(pub u32); impl UserDataTaskDaysOfWeek { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -1199,17 +1199,6 @@ impl UserDataTaskDaysOfWeek { pub const Friday: Self = Self(32u32); pub const Saturday: Self = Self(64u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UserDataTaskDaysOfWeek {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UserDataTaskDaysOfWeek { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UserDataTaskDaysOfWeek { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UserDataTaskDaysOfWeek { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1255,23 +1244,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for UserDataTaskDaysOfWeek { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.UserDataTasks.UserDataTaskDaysOfWeek;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UserDataTaskDetailsKind(pub i32); impl UserDataTaskDetailsKind { pub const PlainText: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Html: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UserDataTaskDetailsKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UserDataTaskDetailsKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UserDataTaskDetailsKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UserDataTaskDetailsKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1284,24 +1262,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for UserDataTaskDetailsKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.UserDataTasks.UserDataTaskDetailsKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UserDataTaskKind(pub i32); impl UserDataTaskKind { pub const Single: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Recurring: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Regenerating: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UserDataTaskKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UserDataTaskKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UserDataTaskKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UserDataTaskKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1314,24 +1281,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for UserDataTaskKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.UserDataTasks.UserDataTaskKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UserDataTaskListOtherAppReadAccess(pub i32); impl UserDataTaskListOtherAppReadAccess { pub const Full: Self = Self(0i32); pub const SystemOnly: Self = Self(1i32); pub const None: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UserDataTaskListOtherAppReadAccess {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UserDataTaskListOtherAppReadAccess { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UserDataTaskListOtherAppReadAccess { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UserDataTaskListOtherAppReadAccess { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1344,23 +1300,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for UserDataTaskListOtherAppReadAccess { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.UserDataTasks.UserDataTaskListOtherAppReadAccess;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UserDataTaskListOtherAppWriteAccess(pub i32); impl UserDataTaskListOtherAppWriteAccess { pub const Limited: Self = Self(0i32); pub const None: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UserDataTaskListOtherAppWriteAccess {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UserDataTaskListOtherAppWriteAccess { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UserDataTaskListOtherAppWriteAccess { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UserDataTaskListOtherAppWriteAccess { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1373,7 +1318,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for UserDataTaskListOtherAppWriteAccess { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.UserDataTasks.UserDataTaskListOtherAppWriteAccess;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UserDataTaskListSyncStatus(pub i32); impl UserDataTaskListSyncStatus { pub const Idle: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1383,17 +1328,6 @@ impl UserDataTaskListSyncStatus { pub const PolicyError: Self = Self(4i32); pub const UnknownError: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UserDataTaskListSyncStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UserDataTaskListSyncStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UserDataTaskListSyncStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UserDataTaskListSyncStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1406,24 +1340,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for UserDataTaskListSyncStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.UserDataTasks.UserDataTaskListSyncStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UserDataTaskPriority(pub i32); impl UserDataTaskPriority { pub const Normal: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Low: Self = Self(-1i32); pub const High: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UserDataTaskPriority {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UserDataTaskPriority { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UserDataTaskPriority { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UserDataTaskPriority { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1436,24 +1359,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for UserDataTaskPriority { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.UserDataTasks.UserDataTaskPriority;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UserDataTaskQueryKind(pub i32); impl UserDataTaskQueryKind { pub const All: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Incomplete: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Complete: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UserDataTaskQueryKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UserDataTaskQueryKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UserDataTaskQueryKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UserDataTaskQueryKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1466,22 +1378,11 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for UserDataTaskQueryKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.UserDataTasks.UserDataTaskQueryKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UserDataTaskQuerySortProperty(pub i32); impl UserDataTaskQuerySortProperty { pub const DueDate: Self = Self(0i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UserDataTaskQuerySortProperty {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UserDataTaskQuerySortProperty { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UserDataTaskQuerySortProperty { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UserDataTaskQuerySortProperty { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1494,7 +1395,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for UserDataTaskQuerySortProperty { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.UserDataTasks.UserDataTaskQuerySortProperty;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UserDataTaskRecurrenceUnit(pub i32); impl UserDataTaskRecurrenceUnit { pub const Daily: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1504,17 +1405,6 @@ impl UserDataTaskRecurrenceUnit { pub const Yearly: Self = Self(4i32); pub const YearlyOnDay: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UserDataTaskRecurrenceUnit {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UserDataTaskRecurrenceUnit { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UserDataTaskRecurrenceUnit { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UserDataTaskRecurrenceUnit { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1527,7 +1417,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for UserDataTaskRecurrenceUnit { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.UserDataTasks.UserDataTaskRecurrenceUnit;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UserDataTaskRegenerationUnit(pub i32); impl UserDataTaskRegenerationUnit { pub const Daily: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1535,17 +1425,6 @@ impl UserDataTaskRegenerationUnit { pub const Monthly: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Yearly: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UserDataTaskRegenerationUnit {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UserDataTaskRegenerationUnit { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UserDataTaskRegenerationUnit { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UserDataTaskRegenerationUnit { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1558,23 +1437,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for UserDataTaskRegenerationUnit { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.UserDataTasks.UserDataTaskRegenerationUnit;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UserDataTaskSensitivity(pub i32); impl UserDataTaskSensitivity { pub const Public: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Private: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UserDataTaskSensitivity {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UserDataTaskSensitivity { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UserDataTaskSensitivity { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UserDataTaskSensitivity { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1587,23 +1455,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for UserDataTaskSensitivity { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.UserDataTasks.UserDataTaskSensitivity;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UserDataTaskStoreAccessType(pub i32); impl UserDataTaskStoreAccessType { pub const AppTasksReadWrite: Self = Self(0i32); pub const AllTasksLimitedReadWrite: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UserDataTaskStoreAccessType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UserDataTaskStoreAccessType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UserDataTaskStoreAccessType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UserDataTaskStoreAccessType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1616,7 +1473,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for UserDataTaskStoreAccessType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.UserDataTasks.UserDataTaskStoreAccessType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UserDataTaskWeekOfMonth(pub i32); impl UserDataTaskWeekOfMonth { pub const First: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1625,17 +1482,6 @@ impl UserDataTaskWeekOfMonth { pub const Fourth: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Last: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UserDataTaskWeekOfMonth {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UserDataTaskWeekOfMonth { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UserDataTaskWeekOfMonth { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UserDataTaskWeekOfMonth { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/VoiceCommands/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/VoiceCommands/ index f4d22d6758..489d3fa339 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/VoiceCommands/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/VoiceCommands/ @@ -894,7 +894,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for VoiceCommandUserMessage { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for VoiceCommandUserMessage {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for VoiceCommandUserMessage {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VoiceCommandCompletionReason(pub i32); impl VoiceCommandCompletionReason { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -905,17 +905,6 @@ impl VoiceCommandCompletionReason { pub const AppLaunched: Self = Self(5i32); pub const Completed: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VoiceCommandCompletionReason {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VoiceCommandCompletionReason { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VoiceCommandCompletionReason { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VoiceCommandCompletionReason { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -928,7 +917,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for VoiceCommandCompletionReason { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.VoiceCommands.VoiceCommandCompletionReason;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VoiceCommandContentTileType(pub i32); impl VoiceCommandContentTileType { pub const TitleOnly: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -940,17 +929,6 @@ impl VoiceCommandContentTileType { pub const TitleWith280x140Icon: Self = Self(6i32); pub const TitleWith280x140IconAndText: Self = Self(7i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VoiceCommandContentTileType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VoiceCommandContentTileType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VoiceCommandContentTileType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VoiceCommandContentTileType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Wallet/System/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Wallet/System/ index 4cfaaef2ef..feed0e3b12 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Wallet/System/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Wallet/System/ @@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for WalletManagerSystem { #[doc = "Required features: `\"deprecated\"`"] #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WalletItemAppAssociation(pub i32); #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] impl WalletItemAppAssociation { @@ -228,20 +228,6 @@ impl WalletItemAppAssociation { pub const AppNotInstalled: Self = Self(2i32); } #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WalletItemAppAssociation {} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WalletItemAppAssociation { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::default::Default for WalletItemAppAssociation { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WalletItemAppAssociation { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Wallet/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Wallet/ index 9db19dbce2..558d8c1517 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Wallet/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/Wallet/ @@ -1741,7 +1741,7 @@ unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for WalletVerb {} #[doc = "Required features: `\"deprecated\"`"] #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WalletActionKind(pub i32); #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] impl WalletActionKind { @@ -1752,20 +1752,6 @@ impl WalletActionKind { pub const Verb: Self = Self(4i32); } #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WalletActionKind {} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WalletActionKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::default::Default for WalletActionKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WalletActionKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1782,7 +1768,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for WalletActionKind { #[doc = "Required features: `\"deprecated\"`"] #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WalletBarcodeSymbology(pub i32); #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] impl WalletBarcodeSymbology { @@ -1800,20 +1786,6 @@ impl WalletBarcodeSymbology { pub const Custom: Self = Self(100000i32); } #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WalletBarcodeSymbology {} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WalletBarcodeSymbology { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::default::Default for WalletBarcodeSymbology { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WalletBarcodeSymbology { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1830,7 +1802,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for WalletBarcodeSymbology { #[doc = "Required features: `\"deprecated\"`"] #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WalletDetailViewPosition(pub i32); #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] impl WalletDetailViewPosition { @@ -1851,20 +1823,6 @@ impl WalletDetailViewPosition { pub const FooterField4: Self = Self(14i32); } #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WalletDetailViewPosition {} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WalletDetailViewPosition { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::default::Default for WalletDetailViewPosition { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WalletDetailViewPosition { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1881,7 +1839,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for WalletDetailViewPosition { #[doc = "Required features: `\"deprecated\"`"] #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WalletItemKind(pub i32); #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] impl WalletItemKind { @@ -1894,20 +1852,6 @@ impl WalletItemKind { pub const MembershipCard: Self = Self(6i32); } #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WalletItemKind {} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WalletItemKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::default::Default for WalletItemKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WalletItemKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1924,7 +1868,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for WalletItemKind { #[doc = "Required features: `\"deprecated\"`"] #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WalletSummaryViewPosition(pub i32); #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] impl WalletSummaryViewPosition { @@ -1933,20 +1877,6 @@ impl WalletSummaryViewPosition { pub const Field2: Self = Self(2i32); } #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WalletSummaryViewPosition {} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WalletSummaryViewPosition { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::default::Default for WalletSummaryViewPosition { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WalletSummaryViewPosition { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/ index 89c8ad70cf..7c96d11710 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/ApplicationModel/ @@ -3499,24 +3499,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::CanTryInto for SuspendingOperation {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for SuspendingOperation {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for SuspendingOperation {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AddResourcePackageOptions(pub u32); impl AddResourcePackageOptions { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); pub const ForceTargetAppShutdown: Self = Self(1u32); pub const ApplyUpdateIfAvailable: Self = Self(2u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AddResourcePackageOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AddResourcePackageOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AddResourcePackageOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AddResourcePackageOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3562,24 +3551,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AddResourcePackageOptions { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.AddResourcePackageOptions;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppExecutionContext(pub i32); impl AppExecutionContext { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Host: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Guest: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppExecutionContext {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppExecutionContext { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppExecutionContext { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppExecutionContext { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3592,23 +3570,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AppExecutionContext { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.AppExecutionContext;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppInstallerPolicySource(pub i32); impl AppInstallerPolicySource { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); pub const System: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppInstallerPolicySource {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppInstallerPolicySource { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppInstallerPolicySource { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppInstallerPolicySource { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3621,7 +3588,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AppInstallerPolicySource { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.AppInstallerPolicySource;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FullTrustLaunchResult(pub i32); impl FullTrustLaunchResult { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3629,17 +3596,6 @@ impl FullTrustLaunchResult { pub const FileNotFound: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Unknown: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FullTrustLaunchResult {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FullTrustLaunchResult { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FullTrustLaunchResult { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FullTrustLaunchResult { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3652,7 +3608,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for FullTrustLaunchResult { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.FullTrustLaunchResult;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LimitedAccessFeatureStatus(pub i32); impl LimitedAccessFeatureStatus { pub const Unavailable: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3660,17 +3616,6 @@ impl LimitedAccessFeatureStatus { pub const AvailableWithoutToken: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Unknown: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LimitedAccessFeatureStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LimitedAccessFeatureStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LimitedAccessFeatureStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LimitedAccessFeatureStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3683,7 +3628,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for LimitedAccessFeatureStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.LimitedAccessFeatureStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PackageContentGroupState(pub i32); impl PackageContentGroupState { pub const NotStaged: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3691,17 +3636,6 @@ impl PackageContentGroupState { pub const Staging: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Staged: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PackageContentGroupState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PackageContentGroupState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PackageContentGroupState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PackageContentGroupState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3714,24 +3648,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PackageContentGroupState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.PackageContentGroupState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PackageRelationship(pub i32); impl PackageRelationship { pub const Dependencies: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Dependents: Self = Self(1i32); pub const All: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PackageRelationship {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PackageRelationship { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PackageRelationship { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PackageRelationship { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3744,7 +3667,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PackageRelationship { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.PackageRelationship;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PackageSignatureKind(pub i32); impl PackageSignatureKind { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3753,17 +3676,6 @@ impl PackageSignatureKind { pub const Store: Self = Self(3i32); pub const System: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PackageSignatureKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PackageSignatureKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PackageSignatureKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PackageSignatureKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3776,7 +3688,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PackageSignatureKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.PackageSignatureKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PackageUpdateAvailability(pub i32); impl PackageUpdateAvailability { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3785,17 +3697,6 @@ impl PackageUpdateAvailability { pub const Required: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Error: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PackageUpdateAvailability {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PackageUpdateAvailability { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PackageUpdateAvailability { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PackageUpdateAvailability { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3808,7 +3709,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PackageUpdateAvailability { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.ApplicationModel.PackageUpdateAvailability;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct StartupTaskState(pub i32); impl StartupTaskState { pub const Disabled: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3817,17 +3718,6 @@ impl StartupTaskState { pub const DisabledByPolicy: Self = Self(3i32); pub const EnabledByPolicy: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for StartupTaskState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for StartupTaskState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for StartupTaskState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for StartupTaskState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Data/Json/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Data/Json/ index 8c6c0e9e20..fb652ef3a1 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Data/Json/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Data/Json/ @@ -921,7 +921,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::CanTryInto for JsonV unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for JsonValue {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for JsonValue {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct JsonErrorStatus(pub i32); impl JsonErrorStatus { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -930,17 +930,6 @@ impl JsonErrorStatus { pub const JsonValueNotFound: Self = Self(3i32); pub const ImplementationLimit: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for JsonErrorStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for JsonErrorStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for JsonErrorStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for JsonErrorStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -953,7 +942,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for JsonErrorStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Data.Json.JsonErrorStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct JsonValueType(pub i32); impl JsonValueType { pub const Null: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -963,17 +952,6 @@ impl JsonValueType { pub const Array: Self = Self(4i32); pub const Object: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for JsonValueType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for JsonValueType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for JsonValueType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for JsonValueType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Data/Pdf/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Data/Pdf/ index 578628ee44..6a57a04e23 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Data/Pdf/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Data/Pdf/ @@ -464,7 +464,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for PdfPageRenderOptions { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for PdfPageRenderOptions {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for PdfPageRenderOptions {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PdfPageRotation(pub i32); impl PdfPageRotation { pub const Normal: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -472,17 +472,6 @@ impl PdfPageRotation { pub const Rotate180: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Rotate270: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PdfPageRotation {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PdfPageRotation { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PdfPageRotation { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PdfPageRotation { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Data/Text/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Data/Text/ index 8e315c2e1d..9424b5f65e 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Data/Text/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Data/Text/ @@ -1061,7 +1061,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for WordsSegmenter { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for WordsSegmenter {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for WordsSegmenter {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AlternateNormalizationFormat(pub i32); impl AlternateNormalizationFormat { pub const NotNormalized: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1070,17 +1070,6 @@ impl AlternateNormalizationFormat { pub const Date: Self = Self(4i32); pub const Time: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AlternateNormalizationFormat {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AlternateNormalizationFormat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AlternateNormalizationFormat { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AlternateNormalizationFormat { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1093,24 +1082,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AlternateNormalizationFormat { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Data.Text.AlternateNormalizationFormat;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TextPredictionOptions(pub u32); impl TextPredictionOptions { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); pub const Predictions: Self = Self(1u32); pub const Corrections: Self = Self(2u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TextPredictionOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TextPredictionOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TextPredictionOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TextPredictionOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1156,7 +1134,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for TextPredictionOptions { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Data.Text.TextPredictionOptions;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UnicodeGeneralCategory(pub i32); impl UnicodeGeneralCategory { pub const UppercaseLetter: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1190,17 +1168,6 @@ impl UnicodeGeneralCategory { pub const OtherSymbol: Self = Self(28i32); pub const NotAssigned: Self = Self(29i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UnicodeGeneralCategory {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UnicodeGeneralCategory { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UnicodeGeneralCategory { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UnicodeGeneralCategory { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1213,7 +1180,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for UnicodeGeneralCategory { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Data.Text.UnicodeGeneralCategory;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UnicodeNumericType(pub i32); impl UnicodeNumericType { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1221,17 +1188,6 @@ impl UnicodeNumericType { pub const Digit: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Numeric: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UnicodeNumericType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UnicodeNumericType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UnicodeNumericType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UnicodeNumericType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Data/Xml/Dom/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Data/Xml/Dom/ index 849cf73b1a..8ee821189b 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Data/Xml/Dom/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Data/Xml/Dom/ @@ -5219,7 +5219,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::CanTryInto for XmlText {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for XmlText {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for XmlText {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NodeType(pub i32); impl NodeType { pub const Invalid: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -5236,17 +5236,6 @@ impl NodeType { pub const DocumentFragmentNode: Self = Self(11i32); pub const NotationNode: Self = Self(12i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NodeType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NodeType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NodeType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NodeType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Adc/Provider/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Adc/Provider/ index 1c9f55418a..97aa8ea0f9 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Adc/Provider/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Adc/Provider/ @@ -123,23 +123,12 @@ pub struct IAdcProvider_Vtbl { GetControllers: usize, } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ProviderAdcChannelMode(pub i32); impl ProviderAdcChannelMode { pub const SingleEnded: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Differential: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ProviderAdcChannelMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ProviderAdcChannelMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ProviderAdcChannelMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ProviderAdcChannelMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Adc/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Adc/ index 145a9dc3f3..200390010c 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Adc/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Adc/ @@ -224,23 +224,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for AdcController { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for AdcController {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for AdcController {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AdcChannelMode(pub i32); impl AdcChannelMode { pub const SingleEnded: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Differential: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AdcChannelMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AdcChannelMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AdcChannelMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AdcChannelMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Bluetooth/Advertisement/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Bluetooth/Advertisement/ index 5a94b81498..660c6c52ea 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Bluetooth/Advertisement/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Bluetooth/Advertisement/ @@ -1421,7 +1421,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for BluetoothLEManufacturerData { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for BluetoothLEManufacturerData {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for BluetoothLEManufacturerData {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BluetoothLEAdvertisementFlags(pub u32); impl BluetoothLEAdvertisementFlags { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -1431,17 +1431,6 @@ impl BluetoothLEAdvertisementFlags { pub const DualModeControllerCapable: Self = Self(8u32); pub const DualModeHostCapable: Self = Self(16u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BluetoothLEAdvertisementFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BluetoothLEAdvertisementFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BluetoothLEAdvertisementFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BluetoothLEAdvertisementFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1487,7 +1476,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for BluetoothLEAdvertisementFlags { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.Advertisement.BluetoothLEAdvertisementFlags;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BluetoothLEAdvertisementPublisherStatus(pub i32); impl BluetoothLEAdvertisementPublisherStatus { pub const Created: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1497,17 +1486,6 @@ impl BluetoothLEAdvertisementPublisherStatus { pub const Stopped: Self = Self(4i32); pub const Aborted: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BluetoothLEAdvertisementPublisherStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BluetoothLEAdvertisementPublisherStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BluetoothLEAdvertisementPublisherStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BluetoothLEAdvertisementPublisherStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1520,7 +1498,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for BluetoothLEAdvertisementPublisherStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.Advertisement.BluetoothLEAdvertisementPublisherStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BluetoothLEAdvertisementType(pub i32); impl BluetoothLEAdvertisementType { pub const ConnectableUndirected: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1530,17 +1508,6 @@ impl BluetoothLEAdvertisementType { pub const ScanResponse: Self = Self(4i32); pub const Extended: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BluetoothLEAdvertisementType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BluetoothLEAdvertisementType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BluetoothLEAdvertisementType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BluetoothLEAdvertisementType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1553,7 +1520,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for BluetoothLEAdvertisementType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.Advertisement.BluetoothLEAdvertisementType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BluetoothLEAdvertisementWatcherStatus(pub i32); impl BluetoothLEAdvertisementWatcherStatus { pub const Created: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1562,17 +1529,6 @@ impl BluetoothLEAdvertisementWatcherStatus { pub const Stopped: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Aborted: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BluetoothLEAdvertisementWatcherStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BluetoothLEAdvertisementWatcherStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BluetoothLEAdvertisementWatcherStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BluetoothLEAdvertisementWatcherStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1585,24 +1541,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for BluetoothLEAdvertisementWatcherStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.Advertisement.BluetoothLEAdvertisementWatcherStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BluetoothLEScanningMode(pub i32); impl BluetoothLEScanningMode { pub const Passive: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Active: Self = Self(1i32); pub const None: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BluetoothLEScanningMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BluetoothLEScanningMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BluetoothLEScanningMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BluetoothLEScanningMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Bluetooth/Background/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Bluetooth/Background/ index 002550788b..887ea0f40c 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Bluetooth/Background/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Bluetooth/Background/ @@ -608,24 +608,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for RfcommOutboundConnectionInformation { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for RfcommOutboundConnectionInformation {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for RfcommOutboundConnectionInformation {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BluetoothEventTriggeringMode(pub i32); impl BluetoothEventTriggeringMode { pub const Serial: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Batch: Self = Self(1i32); pub const KeepLatest: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BluetoothEventTriggeringMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BluetoothEventTriggeringMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BluetoothEventTriggeringMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BluetoothEventTriggeringMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Bluetooth/GenericAttributeProfile/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Bluetooth/GenericAttributeProfile/ index 58c86a2678..ae59d49d35 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Bluetooth/GenericAttributeProfile/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Bluetooth/GenericAttributeProfile/ @@ -4568,7 +4568,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for GattWriteResult { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for GattWriteResult {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for GattWriteResult {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GattCharacteristicProperties(pub u32); impl GattCharacteristicProperties { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -4583,17 +4583,6 @@ impl GattCharacteristicProperties { pub const ReliableWrites: Self = Self(256u32); pub const WritableAuxiliaries: Self = Self(512u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GattCharacteristicProperties {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GattCharacteristicProperties { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GattCharacteristicProperties { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GattCharacteristicProperties { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4639,24 +4628,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for GattCharacteristicProperties { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.GenericAttributeProfile.GattCharacteristicProperties;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GattClientCharacteristicConfigurationDescriptorValue(pub i32); impl GattClientCharacteristicConfigurationDescriptorValue { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Notify: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Indicate: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GattClientCharacteristicConfigurationDescriptorValue {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GattClientCharacteristicConfigurationDescriptorValue { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GattClientCharacteristicConfigurationDescriptorValue { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GattClientCharacteristicConfigurationDescriptorValue { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4669,7 +4647,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for GattClientCharacteristicConfigurationDescri const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.GenericAttributeProfile.GattClientCharacteristicConfigurationDescriptorValue;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GattCommunicationStatus(pub i32); impl GattCommunicationStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4677,17 +4655,6 @@ impl GattCommunicationStatus { pub const ProtocolError: Self = Self(2i32); pub const AccessDenied: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GattCommunicationStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GattCommunicationStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GattCommunicationStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GattCommunicationStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4700,7 +4667,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for GattCommunicationStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.GenericAttributeProfile.GattCommunicationStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GattOpenStatus(pub i32); impl GattOpenStatus { pub const Unspecified: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4710,17 +4677,6 @@ impl GattOpenStatus { pub const SharingViolation: Self = Self(4i32); pub const AccessDenied: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GattOpenStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GattOpenStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GattOpenStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GattOpenStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4733,7 +4689,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for GattOpenStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.GenericAttributeProfile.GattOpenStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GattProtectionLevel(pub i32); impl GattProtectionLevel { pub const Plain: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4741,17 +4697,6 @@ impl GattProtectionLevel { pub const EncryptionRequired: Self = Self(2i32); pub const EncryptionAndAuthenticationRequired: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GattProtectionLevel {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GattProtectionLevel { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GattProtectionLevel { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GattProtectionLevel { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4764,24 +4709,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for GattProtectionLevel { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.GenericAttributeProfile.GattProtectionLevel;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GattRequestState(pub i32); impl GattRequestState { pub const Pending: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Completed: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Canceled: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GattRequestState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GattRequestState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GattRequestState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GattRequestState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4794,7 +4728,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for GattRequestState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.GenericAttributeProfile.GattRequestState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GattServiceProviderAdvertisementStatus(pub i32); impl GattServiceProviderAdvertisementStatus { pub const Created: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4803,17 +4737,6 @@ impl GattServiceProviderAdvertisementStatus { pub const Aborted: Self = Self(3i32); pub const StartedWithoutAllAdvertisementData: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GattServiceProviderAdvertisementStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GattServiceProviderAdvertisementStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GattServiceProviderAdvertisementStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GattServiceProviderAdvertisementStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4826,23 +4749,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for GattServiceProviderAdvertisementStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.GenericAttributeProfile.GattServiceProviderAdvertisementStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GattSessionStatus(pub i32); impl GattSessionStatus { pub const Closed: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Active: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GattSessionStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GattSessionStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GattSessionStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GattSessionStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4855,7 +4767,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for GattSessionStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.GenericAttributeProfile.GattSessionStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GattSharingMode(pub i32); impl GattSharingMode { pub const Unspecified: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4863,17 +4775,6 @@ impl GattSharingMode { pub const SharedReadOnly: Self = Self(2i32); pub const SharedReadAndWrite: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GattSharingMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GattSharingMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GattSharingMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GattSharingMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4886,23 +4787,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for GattSharingMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.GenericAttributeProfile.GattSharingMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GattWriteOption(pub i32); impl GattWriteOption { pub const WriteWithResponse: Self = Self(0i32); pub const WriteWithoutResponse: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GattWriteOption {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GattWriteOption { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GattWriteOption { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GattWriteOption { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Bluetooth/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Bluetooth/ index b6cba6b687..8a145bffe2 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Bluetooth/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Bluetooth/ @@ -2341,24 +2341,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for BluetoothUuidHelper { const NAME: &'static str = "Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.BluetoothUuidHelper"; } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BluetoothAddressType(pub i32); impl BluetoothAddressType { pub const Public: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Random: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Unspecified: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BluetoothAddressType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BluetoothAddressType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BluetoothAddressType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BluetoothAddressType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2371,23 +2360,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for BluetoothAddressType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.BluetoothAddressType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BluetoothCacheMode(pub i32); impl BluetoothCacheMode { pub const Cached: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Uncached: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BluetoothCacheMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BluetoothCacheMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BluetoothCacheMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BluetoothCacheMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2400,23 +2378,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for BluetoothCacheMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.BluetoothCacheMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BluetoothConnectionStatus(pub i32); impl BluetoothConnectionStatus { pub const Disconnected: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Connected: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BluetoothConnectionStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BluetoothConnectionStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BluetoothConnectionStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BluetoothConnectionStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2429,7 +2396,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for BluetoothConnectionStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.BluetoothConnectionStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BluetoothError(pub i32); impl BluetoothError { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2443,17 +2410,6 @@ impl BluetoothError { pub const ConsentRequired: Self = Self(8i32); pub const TransportNotSupported: Self = Self(9i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BluetoothError {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BluetoothError { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BluetoothError { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BluetoothError { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2466,7 +2422,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for BluetoothError { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.BluetoothError;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BluetoothLEPreferredConnectionParametersRequestStatus(pub i32); impl BluetoothLEPreferredConnectionParametersRequestStatus { pub const Unspecified: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2474,17 +2430,6 @@ impl BluetoothLEPreferredConnectionParametersRequestStatus { pub const DeviceNotAvailable: Self = Self(2i32); pub const AccessDenied: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BluetoothLEPreferredConnectionParametersRequestStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BluetoothLEPreferredConnectionParametersRequestStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BluetoothLEPreferredConnectionParametersRequestStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BluetoothLEPreferredConnectionParametersRequestStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2497,7 +2442,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for BluetoothLEPreferredConnectionParametersReq const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.BluetoothLEPreferredConnectionParametersRequestStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BluetoothMajorClass(pub i32); impl BluetoothMajorClass { pub const Miscellaneous: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2511,17 +2456,6 @@ impl BluetoothMajorClass { pub const Toy: Self = Self(8i32); pub const Health: Self = Self(9i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BluetoothMajorClass {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BluetoothMajorClass { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BluetoothMajorClass { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BluetoothMajorClass { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2534,7 +2468,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for BluetoothMajorClass { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.BluetoothMajorClass;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BluetoothMinorClass(pub i32); impl BluetoothMinorClass { pub const Uncategorized: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2609,17 +2543,6 @@ impl BluetoothMinorClass { pub const HealthGenericHealthManager: Self = Self(14i32); pub const HealthPersonalMobilityDevice: Self = Self(15i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BluetoothMinorClass {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BluetoothMinorClass { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BluetoothMinorClass { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BluetoothMinorClass { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2632,7 +2555,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for BluetoothMinorClass { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.BluetoothMinorClass;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BluetoothServiceCapabilities(pub u32); impl BluetoothServiceCapabilities { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -2646,17 +2569,6 @@ impl BluetoothServiceCapabilities { pub const TelephoneService: Self = Self(512u32); pub const InformationService: Self = Self(1024u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BluetoothServiceCapabilities {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BluetoothServiceCapabilities { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BluetoothServiceCapabilities { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BluetoothServiceCapabilities { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Custom/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Custom/ index b559d9aad5..a7369f4f4e 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Custom/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Custom/ @@ -306,24 +306,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for KnownDeviceTypes { const NAME: &'static str = "Windows.Devices.Custom.KnownDeviceTypes"; } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DeviceAccessMode(pub i32); impl DeviceAccessMode { pub const Read: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Write: Self = Self(1i32); pub const ReadWrite: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DeviceAccessMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DeviceAccessMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DeviceAccessMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DeviceAccessMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -336,23 +325,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DeviceAccessMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Custom.DeviceAccessMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DeviceSharingMode(pub i32); impl DeviceSharingMode { pub const Shared: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Exclusive: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DeviceSharingMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DeviceSharingMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DeviceSharingMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DeviceSharingMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -365,7 +343,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DeviceSharingMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Custom.DeviceSharingMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IOControlAccessMode(pub i32); impl IOControlAccessMode { pub const Any: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -373,17 +351,6 @@ impl IOControlAccessMode { pub const Write: Self = Self(2i32); pub const ReadWrite: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IOControlAccessMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IOControlAccessMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IOControlAccessMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IOControlAccessMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -396,7 +363,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for IOControlAccessMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Custom.IOControlAccessMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IOControlBufferingMethod(pub i32); impl IOControlBufferingMethod { pub const Buffered: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -404,17 +371,6 @@ impl IOControlBufferingMethod { pub const DirectOutput: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Neither: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IOControlBufferingMethod {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IOControlBufferingMethod { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IOControlBufferingMethod { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IOControlBufferingMethod { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Display/Core/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Display/Core/ index fa5d2edee8..f941e333e7 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Display/Core/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Display/Core/ @@ -2520,7 +2520,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for DisplayWireFormat { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for DisplayWireFormat {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for DisplayWireFormat {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DisplayBitsPerChannel(pub u32); impl DisplayBitsPerChannel { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -2531,17 +2531,6 @@ impl DisplayBitsPerChannel { pub const Bpc14: Self = Self(16u32); pub const Bpc16: Self = Self(32u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DisplayBitsPerChannel {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DisplayBitsPerChannel { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DisplayBitsPerChannel { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DisplayBitsPerChannel { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2587,22 +2576,11 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DisplayBitsPerChannel { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Display.Core.DisplayBitsPerChannel;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DisplayDeviceCapability(pub i32); impl DisplayDeviceCapability { pub const FlipOverride: Self = Self(0i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DisplayDeviceCapability {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DisplayDeviceCapability { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DisplayDeviceCapability { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DisplayDeviceCapability { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2615,24 +2593,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DisplayDeviceCapability { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Display.Core.DisplayDeviceCapability;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DisplayManagerOptions(pub u32); impl DisplayManagerOptions { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); pub const EnforceSourceOwnership: Self = Self(1u32); pub const VirtualRefreshRateAware: Self = Self(2u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DisplayManagerOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DisplayManagerOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DisplayManagerOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DisplayManagerOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2678,7 +2645,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DisplayManagerOptions { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Display.Core.DisplayManagerOptions;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DisplayManagerResult(pub i32); impl DisplayManagerResult { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2687,17 +2654,6 @@ impl DisplayManagerResult { pub const TargetStale: Self = Self(3i32); pub const RemoteSessionNotSupported: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DisplayManagerResult {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DisplayManagerResult { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DisplayManagerResult { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DisplayManagerResult { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2710,23 +2666,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DisplayManagerResult { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Display.Core.DisplayManagerResult;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DisplayModeQueryOptions(pub u32); impl DisplayModeQueryOptions { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); pub const OnlyPreferredResolution: Self = Self(1u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DisplayModeQueryOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DisplayModeQueryOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DisplayModeQueryOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DisplayModeQueryOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2772,7 +2717,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DisplayModeQueryOptions { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Display.Core.DisplayModeQueryOptions;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DisplayPathScaling(pub i32); impl DisplayPathScaling { pub const Identity: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2782,17 +2727,6 @@ impl DisplayPathScaling { pub const Custom: Self = Self(4i32); pub const DriverPreferred: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DisplayPathScaling {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DisplayPathScaling { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DisplayPathScaling { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DisplayPathScaling { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2805,7 +2739,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DisplayPathScaling { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Display.Core.DisplayPathScaling;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DisplayPathStatus(pub i32); impl DisplayPathStatus { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2815,17 +2749,6 @@ impl DisplayPathStatus { pub const FailedAsync: Self = Self(4i32); pub const InvalidatedAsync: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DisplayPathStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DisplayPathStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DisplayPathStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DisplayPathStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2838,7 +2761,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DisplayPathStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Display.Core.DisplayPathStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DisplayPresentStatus(pub i32); impl DisplayPresentStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2848,17 +2771,6 @@ impl DisplayPresentStatus { pub const DeviceInvalid: Self = Self(4i32); pub const UnknownFailure: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DisplayPresentStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DisplayPresentStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DisplayPresentStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DisplayPresentStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2871,7 +2783,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DisplayPresentStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Display.Core.DisplayPresentStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DisplayRotation(pub i32); impl DisplayRotation { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2879,17 +2791,6 @@ impl DisplayRotation { pub const Clockwise180Degrees: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Clockwise270Degrees: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DisplayRotation {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DisplayRotation { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DisplayRotation { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DisplayRotation { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2902,23 +2803,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DisplayRotation { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Display.Core.DisplayRotation;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DisplayScanoutOptions(pub u32); impl DisplayScanoutOptions { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); pub const AllowTearing: Self = Self(2u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DisplayScanoutOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DisplayScanoutOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DisplayScanoutOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DisplayScanoutOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2964,7 +2854,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DisplayScanoutOptions { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Display.Core.DisplayScanoutOptions;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DisplaySourceStatus(pub i32); impl DisplaySourceStatus { pub const Active: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2973,17 +2863,6 @@ impl DisplaySourceStatus { pub const OwnedByAnotherDevice: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Unowned: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DisplaySourceStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DisplaySourceStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DisplaySourceStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DisplaySourceStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2996,7 +2875,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DisplaySourceStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Display.Core.DisplaySourceStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DisplayStateApplyOptions(pub u32); impl DisplayStateApplyOptions { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -3004,17 +2883,6 @@ impl DisplayStateApplyOptions { pub const ForceReapply: Self = Self(2u32); pub const ForceModeEnumeration: Self = Self(4u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DisplayStateApplyOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DisplayStateApplyOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DisplayStateApplyOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DisplayStateApplyOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3060,24 +2928,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DisplayStateApplyOptions { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Display.Core.DisplayStateApplyOptions;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DisplayStateFunctionalizeOptions(pub u32); impl DisplayStateFunctionalizeOptions { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); pub const FailIfStateChanged: Self = Self(1u32); pub const ValidateTopologyOnly: Self = Self(2u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DisplayStateFunctionalizeOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DisplayStateFunctionalizeOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DisplayStateFunctionalizeOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DisplayStateFunctionalizeOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3123,7 +2980,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DisplayStateFunctionalizeOptions { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Display.Core.DisplayStateFunctionalizeOptions;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DisplayStateOperationStatus(pub i32); impl DisplayStateOperationStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3135,17 +2992,6 @@ impl DisplayStateOperationStatus { pub const ModesNotSupported: Self = Self(6i32); pub const RemoteSessionNotSupported: Self = Self(7i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DisplayStateOperationStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DisplayStateOperationStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DisplayStateOperationStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DisplayStateOperationStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3158,7 +3004,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DisplayStateOperationStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Display.Core.DisplayStateOperationStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DisplayTargetPersistence(pub i32); impl DisplayTargetPersistence { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3166,17 +3012,6 @@ impl DisplayTargetPersistence { pub const TemporaryPersisted: Self = Self(2i32); pub const PathPersisted: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DisplayTargetPersistence {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DisplayTargetPersistence { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DisplayTargetPersistence { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DisplayTargetPersistence { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3189,23 +3024,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DisplayTargetPersistence { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Display.Core.DisplayTargetPersistence;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DisplayTaskSignalKind(pub i32); impl DisplayTaskSignalKind { pub const OnPresentFlipAway: Self = Self(0i32); pub const OnPresentFlipTo: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DisplayTaskSignalKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DisplayTaskSignalKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DisplayTaskSignalKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DisplayTaskSignalKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3218,24 +3042,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DisplayTaskSignalKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Display.Core.DisplayTaskSignalKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DisplayWireFormatColorSpace(pub i32); impl DisplayWireFormatColorSpace { pub const BT709: Self = Self(0i32); pub const BT2020: Self = Self(1i32); pub const ProfileDefinedWideColorGamut: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DisplayWireFormatColorSpace {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DisplayWireFormatColorSpace { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DisplayWireFormatColorSpace { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DisplayWireFormatColorSpace { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3248,23 +3061,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DisplayWireFormatColorSpace { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Display.Core.DisplayWireFormatColorSpace;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DisplayWireFormatEotf(pub i32); impl DisplayWireFormatEotf { pub const Sdr: Self = Self(0i32); pub const HdrSmpte2084: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DisplayWireFormatEotf {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DisplayWireFormatEotf { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DisplayWireFormatEotf { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DisplayWireFormatEotf { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3277,7 +3079,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DisplayWireFormatEotf { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Display.Core.DisplayWireFormatEotf;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DisplayWireFormatHdrMetadata(pub i32); impl DisplayWireFormatHdrMetadata { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3285,17 +3087,6 @@ impl DisplayWireFormatHdrMetadata { pub const Hdr10Plus: Self = Self(2i32); pub const DolbyVisionLowLatency: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DisplayWireFormatHdrMetadata {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DisplayWireFormatHdrMetadata { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DisplayWireFormatHdrMetadata { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DisplayWireFormatHdrMetadata { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3308,7 +3099,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DisplayWireFormatHdrMetadata { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Display.Core.DisplayWireFormatHdrMetadata;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DisplayWireFormatPixelEncoding(pub i32); impl DisplayWireFormatPixelEncoding { pub const Rgb444: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3317,17 +3108,6 @@ impl DisplayWireFormatPixelEncoding { pub const Ycc420: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Intensity: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DisplayWireFormatPixelEncoding {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DisplayWireFormatPixelEncoding { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DisplayWireFormatPixelEncoding { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DisplayWireFormatPixelEncoding { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Display/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Display/ index b7b07d9072..96d749741a 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Display/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Display/ @@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for DisplayMonitor { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for DisplayMonitor {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for DisplayMonitor {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DisplayMonitorConnectionKind(pub i32); impl DisplayMonitorConnectionKind { pub const Internal: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -279,17 +279,6 @@ impl DisplayMonitorConnectionKind { pub const Wireless: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Virtual: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DisplayMonitorConnectionKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DisplayMonitorConnectionKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DisplayMonitorConnectionKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DisplayMonitorConnectionKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -302,23 +291,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DisplayMonitorConnectionKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Display.DisplayMonitorConnectionKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DisplayMonitorDescriptorKind(pub i32); impl DisplayMonitorDescriptorKind { pub const Edid: Self = Self(0i32); pub const DisplayId: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DisplayMonitorDescriptorKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DisplayMonitorDescriptorKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DisplayMonitorDescriptorKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DisplayMonitorDescriptorKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -331,7 +309,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DisplayMonitorDescriptorKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Display.DisplayMonitorDescriptorKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DisplayMonitorPhysicalConnectorKind(pub i32); impl DisplayMonitorPhysicalConnectorKind { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -343,17 +321,6 @@ impl DisplayMonitorPhysicalConnectorKind { pub const Sdi: Self = Self(6i32); pub const DisplayPort: Self = Self(7i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DisplayMonitorPhysicalConnectorKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DisplayMonitorPhysicalConnectorKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DisplayMonitorPhysicalConnectorKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DisplayMonitorPhysicalConnectorKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -366,24 +333,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DisplayMonitorPhysicalConnectorKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Display.DisplayMonitorPhysicalConnectorKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DisplayMonitorUsageKind(pub i32); impl DisplayMonitorUsageKind { pub const Standard: Self = Self(0i32); pub const HeadMounted: Self = Self(1i32); pub const SpecialPurpose: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DisplayMonitorUsageKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DisplayMonitorUsageKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DisplayMonitorUsageKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DisplayMonitorUsageKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Enumeration/Pnp/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Enumeration/Pnp/ index 7b99200ea5..fe3c20fb18 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Enumeration/Pnp/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Enumeration/Pnp/ @@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for PnpObjectWatcher { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for PnpObjectWatcher {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for PnpObjectWatcher {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PnpObjectType(pub i32); impl PnpObjectType { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -474,17 +474,6 @@ impl PnpObjectType { pub const AssociationEndpointService: Self = Self(7i32); pub const DevicePanel: Self = Self(8i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PnpObjectType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PnpObjectType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PnpObjectType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PnpObjectType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Enumeration/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Enumeration/ index 8c3c982b73..e4b985167e 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Enumeration/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Enumeration/ @@ -2226,7 +2226,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for EnclosureLocation { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for EnclosureLocation {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for EnclosureLocation {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DeviceAccessStatus(pub i32); impl DeviceAccessStatus { pub const Unspecified: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2234,17 +2234,6 @@ impl DeviceAccessStatus { pub const DeniedByUser: Self = Self(2i32); pub const DeniedBySystem: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DeviceAccessStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DeviceAccessStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DeviceAccessStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DeviceAccessStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2257,7 +2246,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DeviceAccessStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Enumeration.DeviceAccessStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DeviceClass(pub i32); impl DeviceClass { pub const All: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2268,17 +2257,6 @@ impl DeviceClass { pub const ImageScanner: Self = Self(5i32); pub const Location: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DeviceClass {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DeviceClass { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DeviceClass { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DeviceClass { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2291,7 +2269,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DeviceClass { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Enumeration.DeviceClass;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DeviceInformationKind(pub i32); impl DeviceInformationKind { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2304,17 +2282,6 @@ impl DeviceInformationKind { pub const AssociationEndpointService: Self = Self(7i32); pub const DevicePanel: Self = Self(8i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DeviceInformationKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DeviceInformationKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DeviceInformationKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DeviceInformationKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2327,7 +2294,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DeviceInformationKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Enumeration.DeviceInformationKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DevicePairingKinds(pub u32); impl DevicePairingKinds { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -2337,17 +2304,6 @@ impl DevicePairingKinds { pub const ConfirmPinMatch: Self = Self(8u32); pub const ProvidePasswordCredential: Self = Self(16u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DevicePairingKinds {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DevicePairingKinds { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DevicePairingKinds { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DevicePairingKinds { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2393,7 +2349,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DevicePairingKinds { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Enumeration.DevicePairingKinds;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DevicePairingProtectionLevel(pub i32); impl DevicePairingProtectionLevel { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2401,17 +2357,6 @@ impl DevicePairingProtectionLevel { pub const Encryption: Self = Self(2i32); pub const EncryptionAndAuthentication: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DevicePairingProtectionLevel {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DevicePairingProtectionLevel { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DevicePairingProtectionLevel { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DevicePairingProtectionLevel { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2424,7 +2369,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DevicePairingProtectionLevel { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Enumeration.DevicePairingProtectionLevel;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DevicePairingResultStatus(pub i32); impl DevicePairingResultStatus { pub const Paired: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2448,17 +2393,6 @@ impl DevicePairingResultStatus { pub const RemoteDeviceHasAssociation: Self = Self(18i32); pub const Failed: Self = Self(19i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DevicePairingResultStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DevicePairingResultStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DevicePairingResultStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DevicePairingResultStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2471,7 +2405,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DevicePairingResultStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Enumeration.DevicePairingResultStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DevicePickerDisplayStatusOptions(pub u32); impl DevicePickerDisplayStatusOptions { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -2479,17 +2413,6 @@ impl DevicePickerDisplayStatusOptions { pub const ShowDisconnectButton: Self = Self(2u32); pub const ShowRetryButton: Self = Self(4u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DevicePickerDisplayStatusOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DevicePickerDisplayStatusOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DevicePickerDisplayStatusOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DevicePickerDisplayStatusOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2535,7 +2458,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DevicePickerDisplayStatusOptions { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Enumeration.DevicePickerDisplayStatusOptions;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DeviceUnpairingResultStatus(pub i32); impl DeviceUnpairingResultStatus { pub const Unpaired: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2544,17 +2467,6 @@ impl DeviceUnpairingResultStatus { pub const AccessDenied: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Failed: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DeviceUnpairingResultStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DeviceUnpairingResultStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DeviceUnpairingResultStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DeviceUnpairingResultStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2567,24 +2479,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DeviceUnpairingResultStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Enumeration.DeviceUnpairingResultStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DeviceWatcherEventKind(pub i32); impl DeviceWatcherEventKind { pub const Add: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Update: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Remove: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DeviceWatcherEventKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DeviceWatcherEventKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DeviceWatcherEventKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DeviceWatcherEventKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2597,7 +2498,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DeviceWatcherEventKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Enumeration.DeviceWatcherEventKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DeviceWatcherStatus(pub i32); impl DeviceWatcherStatus { pub const Created: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2607,17 +2508,6 @@ impl DeviceWatcherStatus { pub const Stopped: Self = Self(4i32); pub const Aborted: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DeviceWatcherStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DeviceWatcherStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DeviceWatcherStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DeviceWatcherStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2630,7 +2520,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DeviceWatcherStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Enumeration.DeviceWatcherStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct Panel(pub i32); impl Panel { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2641,17 +2531,6 @@ impl Panel { pub const Left: Self = Self(5i32); pub const Right: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for Panel {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for Panel { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for Panel { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for Panel { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Geolocation/Geofencing/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Geolocation/Geofencing/ index b4acce3291..ae101118ca 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Geolocation/Geofencing/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Geolocation/Geofencing/ @@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for GeofenceStateChangeReport { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for GeofenceStateChangeReport {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for GeofenceStateChangeReport {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GeofenceMonitorStatus(pub i32); impl GeofenceMonitorStatus { pub const Ready: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -363,17 +363,6 @@ impl GeofenceMonitorStatus { pub const NotInitialized: Self = Self(4i32); pub const NotAvailable: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GeofenceMonitorStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GeofenceMonitorStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GeofenceMonitorStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GeofenceMonitorStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -386,23 +375,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for GeofenceMonitorStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Geolocation.Geofencing.GeofenceMonitorStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GeofenceRemovalReason(pub i32); impl GeofenceRemovalReason { pub const Used: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Expired: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GeofenceRemovalReason {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GeofenceRemovalReason { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GeofenceRemovalReason { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GeofenceRemovalReason { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -415,7 +393,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for GeofenceRemovalReason { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Geolocation.Geofencing.GeofenceRemovalReason;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GeofenceState(pub u32); impl GeofenceState { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -423,17 +401,6 @@ impl GeofenceState { pub const Exited: Self = Self(2u32); pub const Removed: Self = Self(4u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GeofenceState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GeofenceState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GeofenceState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GeofenceState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -479,7 +446,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for GeofenceState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Geolocation.Geofencing.GeofenceState;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MonitoredGeofenceStates(pub u32); impl MonitoredGeofenceStates { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -487,17 +454,6 @@ impl MonitoredGeofenceStates { pub const Exited: Self = Self(2u32); pub const Removed: Self = Self(4u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MonitoredGeofenceStates {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MonitoredGeofenceStates { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MonitoredGeofenceStates { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MonitoredGeofenceStates { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Geolocation/Provider/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Geolocation/Provider/ index e4751b1e6f..6513a8921d 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Geolocation/Provider/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Geolocation/Provider/ @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for GeolocationProvider { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for GeolocationProvider {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for GeolocationProvider {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LocationOverrideStatus(pub i32); impl LocationOverrideStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -86,17 +86,6 @@ impl LocationOverrideStatus { pub const AlreadyStarted: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Other: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LocationOverrideStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LocationOverrideStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LocationOverrideStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LocationOverrideStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Geolocation/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Geolocation/ index 6d38383ac4..16075db023 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Geolocation/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Geolocation/ @@ -1730,7 +1730,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for VenueData { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for VenueData {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for VenueData {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AltitudeReferenceSystem(pub i32); impl AltitudeReferenceSystem { pub const Unspecified: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1739,17 +1739,6 @@ impl AltitudeReferenceSystem { pub const Geoid: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Surface: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AltitudeReferenceSystem {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AltitudeReferenceSystem { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AltitudeReferenceSystem { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AltitudeReferenceSystem { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1762,24 +1751,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AltitudeReferenceSystem { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Geolocation.AltitudeReferenceSystem;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GeolocationAccessStatus(pub i32); impl GeolocationAccessStatus { pub const Unspecified: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Allowed: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Denied: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GeolocationAccessStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GeolocationAccessStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GeolocationAccessStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GeolocationAccessStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1792,7 +1770,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for GeolocationAccessStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Geolocation.GeolocationAccessStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GeoshapeType(pub i32); impl GeoshapeType { pub const Geopoint: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1800,17 +1778,6 @@ impl GeoshapeType { pub const Geopath: Self = Self(2i32); pub const GeoboundingBox: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GeoshapeType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GeoshapeType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GeoshapeType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GeoshapeType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1823,23 +1790,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for GeoshapeType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Geolocation.GeoshapeType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PositionAccuracy(pub i32); impl PositionAccuracy { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); pub const High: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PositionAccuracy {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PositionAccuracy { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PositionAccuracy { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PositionAccuracy { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1852,7 +1808,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PositionAccuracy { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Geolocation.PositionAccuracy;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PositionSource(pub i32); impl PositionSource { pub const Cellular: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1863,17 +1819,6 @@ impl PositionSource { pub const Default: Self = Self(5i32); pub const Obfuscated: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PositionSource {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PositionSource { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PositionSource { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PositionSource { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1886,7 +1831,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PositionSource { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Geolocation.PositionSource;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PositionStatus(pub i32); impl PositionStatus { pub const Ready: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1896,17 +1841,6 @@ impl PositionStatus { pub const NotInitialized: Self = Self(4i32); pub const NotAvailable: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PositionStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PositionStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PositionStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PositionStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1919,23 +1853,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PositionStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Geolocation.PositionStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VisitMonitoringScope(pub i32); impl VisitMonitoringScope { pub const Venue: Self = Self(0i32); pub const City: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VisitMonitoringScope {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VisitMonitoringScope { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VisitMonitoringScope { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VisitMonitoringScope { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1948,7 +1871,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for VisitMonitoringScope { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Geolocation.VisitMonitoringScope;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VisitStateChange(pub i32); impl VisitStateChange { pub const TrackingLost: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1956,17 +1879,6 @@ impl VisitStateChange { pub const Departed: Self = Self(2i32); pub const OtherMovement: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VisitStateChange {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VisitStateChange { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VisitStateChange { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VisitStateChange { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Gpio/Provider/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Gpio/Provider/ index 4917a082fd..7103757f41 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Gpio/Provider/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Gpio/Provider/ @@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for GpioPinProviderValueChangedEventArgs { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for GpioPinProviderValueChangedEventArgs {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for GpioPinProviderValueChangedEventArgs {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ProviderGpioPinDriveMode(pub i32); impl ProviderGpioPinDriveMode { pub const Input: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -249,17 +249,6 @@ impl ProviderGpioPinDriveMode { pub const OutputOpenSource: Self = Self(6i32); pub const OutputOpenSourcePullDown: Self = Self(7i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ProviderGpioPinDriveMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ProviderGpioPinDriveMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ProviderGpioPinDriveMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ProviderGpioPinDriveMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -272,23 +261,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ProviderGpioPinDriveMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Gpio.Provider.ProviderGpioPinDriveMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ProviderGpioPinEdge(pub i32); impl ProviderGpioPinEdge { pub const FallingEdge: Self = Self(0i32); pub const RisingEdge: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ProviderGpioPinEdge {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ProviderGpioPinEdge { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ProviderGpioPinEdge { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ProviderGpioPinEdge { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -301,23 +279,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ProviderGpioPinEdge { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Gpio.Provider.ProviderGpioPinEdge;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ProviderGpioPinValue(pub i32); impl ProviderGpioPinValue { pub const Low: Self = Self(0i32); pub const High: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ProviderGpioPinValue {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ProviderGpioPinValue { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ProviderGpioPinValue { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ProviderGpioPinValue { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -330,23 +297,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ProviderGpioPinValue { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Gpio.Provider.ProviderGpioPinValue;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ProviderGpioSharingMode(pub i32); impl ProviderGpioSharingMode { pub const Exclusive: Self = Self(0i32); pub const SharedReadOnly: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ProviderGpioSharingMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ProviderGpioSharingMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ProviderGpioSharingMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ProviderGpioSharingMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Gpio/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Gpio/ index d1196b5be1..51a20a0e51 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Gpio/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Gpio/ @@ -602,24 +602,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for GpioPinValueChangedEventArgs { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for GpioPinValueChangedEventArgs {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for GpioPinValueChangedEventArgs {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GpioChangePolarity(pub i32); impl GpioChangePolarity { pub const Falling: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Rising: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Both: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GpioChangePolarity {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GpioChangePolarity { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GpioChangePolarity { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GpioChangePolarity { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -632,7 +621,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for GpioChangePolarity { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Gpio.GpioChangePolarity;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GpioOpenStatus(pub i32); impl GpioOpenStatus { pub const PinOpened: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -641,17 +630,6 @@ impl GpioOpenStatus { pub const MuxingConflict: Self = Self(3i32); pub const UnknownError: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GpioOpenStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GpioOpenStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GpioOpenStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GpioOpenStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -664,7 +642,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for GpioOpenStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Gpio.GpioOpenStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GpioPinDriveMode(pub i32); impl GpioPinDriveMode { pub const Input: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -676,17 +654,6 @@ impl GpioPinDriveMode { pub const OutputOpenSource: Self = Self(6i32); pub const OutputOpenSourcePullDown: Self = Self(7i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GpioPinDriveMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GpioPinDriveMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GpioPinDriveMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GpioPinDriveMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -699,23 +666,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for GpioPinDriveMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Gpio.GpioPinDriveMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GpioPinEdge(pub i32); impl GpioPinEdge { pub const FallingEdge: Self = Self(0i32); pub const RisingEdge: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GpioPinEdge {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GpioPinEdge { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GpioPinEdge { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GpioPinEdge { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -728,23 +684,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for GpioPinEdge { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Gpio.GpioPinEdge;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GpioPinValue(pub i32); impl GpioPinValue { pub const Low: Self = Self(0i32); pub const High: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GpioPinValue {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GpioPinValue { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GpioPinValue { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GpioPinValue { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -757,23 +702,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for GpioPinValue { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Gpio.GpioPinValue;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GpioSharingMode(pub i32); impl GpioSharingMode { pub const Exclusive: Self = Self(0i32); pub const SharedReadOnly: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GpioSharingMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GpioSharingMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GpioSharingMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GpioSharingMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Haptics/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Haptics/ index d4a97b225b..cb4c7ff572 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Haptics/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Haptics/ @@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for VibrationDevice { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for VibrationDevice {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for VibrationDevice {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VibrationAccessStatus(pub i32); impl VibrationAccessStatus { pub const Allowed: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -445,17 +445,6 @@ impl VibrationAccessStatus { pub const DeniedBySystem: Self = Self(2i32); pub const DeniedByEnergySaver: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VibrationAccessStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VibrationAccessStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VibrationAccessStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VibrationAccessStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/HumanInterfaceDevice/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/HumanInterfaceDevice/ index 91bd776cb9..523530a2fa 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/HumanInterfaceDevice/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/HumanInterfaceDevice/ @@ -1157,7 +1157,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for HidOutputReport { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for HidOutputReport {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for HidOutputReport {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HidCollectionType(pub i32); impl HidCollectionType { pub const Physical: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1169,17 +1169,6 @@ impl HidCollectionType { pub const UsageModifier: Self = Self(6i32); pub const Other: Self = Self(7i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HidCollectionType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HidCollectionType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HidCollectionType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HidCollectionType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1192,24 +1181,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for HidCollectionType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.HumanInterfaceDevice.HidCollectionType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HidReportType(pub i32); impl HidReportType { pub const Input: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Output: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Feature: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HidReportType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HidReportType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HidReportType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HidReportType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/I2c/Provider/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/I2c/Provider/ index d899f2622e..28f711a3a7 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/I2c/Provider/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/I2c/Provider/ @@ -209,23 +209,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for ProviderI2cConnectionSettings { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for ProviderI2cConnectionSettings {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for ProviderI2cConnectionSettings {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ProviderI2cBusSpeed(pub i32); impl ProviderI2cBusSpeed { pub const StandardMode: Self = Self(0i32); pub const FastMode: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ProviderI2cBusSpeed {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ProviderI2cBusSpeed { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ProviderI2cBusSpeed { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ProviderI2cBusSpeed { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -238,23 +227,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ProviderI2cBusSpeed { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.I2c.Provider.ProviderI2cBusSpeed;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ProviderI2cSharingMode(pub i32); impl ProviderI2cSharingMode { pub const Exclusive: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Shared: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ProviderI2cSharingMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ProviderI2cSharingMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ProviderI2cSharingMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ProviderI2cSharingMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -267,24 +245,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ProviderI2cSharingMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.I2c.Provider.ProviderI2cSharingMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ProviderI2cTransferStatus(pub i32); impl ProviderI2cTransferStatus { pub const FullTransfer: Self = Self(0i32); pub const PartialTransfer: Self = Self(1i32); pub const SlaveAddressNotAcknowledged: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ProviderI2cTransferStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ProviderI2cTransferStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ProviderI2cTransferStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ProviderI2cTransferStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/I2c/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/I2c/ index 0155a0281c..b504f37c04 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/I2c/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/I2c/ @@ -359,23 +359,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::CanTryInto for I2cDevi unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for I2cDevice {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for I2cDevice {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct I2cBusSpeed(pub i32); impl I2cBusSpeed { pub const StandardMode: Self = Self(0i32); pub const FastMode: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for I2cBusSpeed {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for I2cBusSpeed { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for I2cBusSpeed { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for I2cBusSpeed { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -388,23 +377,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for I2cBusSpeed { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.I2c.I2cBusSpeed;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct I2cSharingMode(pub i32); impl I2cSharingMode { pub const Exclusive: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Shared: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for I2cSharingMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for I2cSharingMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for I2cSharingMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for I2cSharingMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -417,7 +395,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for I2cSharingMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.I2c.I2cSharingMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct I2cTransferStatus(pub i32); impl I2cTransferStatus { pub const FullTransfer: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -426,17 +404,6 @@ impl I2cTransferStatus { pub const ClockStretchTimeout: Self = Self(3i32); pub const UnknownError: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for I2cTransferStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for I2cTransferStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for I2cTransferStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for I2cTransferStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Input/Preview/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Input/Preview/ index a30db10bd1..e58c8934f9 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Input/Preview/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Input/Preview/ @@ -716,7 +716,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for GazePointPreview { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for GazePointPreview {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for GazePointPreview {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GazeDeviceConfigurationStatePreview(pub i32); impl GazeDeviceConfigurationStatePreview { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -725,17 +725,6 @@ impl GazeDeviceConfigurationStatePreview { pub const ScreenSetupNeeded: Self = Self(3i32); pub const UserCalibrationNeeded: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GazeDeviceConfigurationStatePreview {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GazeDeviceConfigurationStatePreview { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GazeDeviceConfigurationStatePreview { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GazeDeviceConfigurationStatePreview { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Input/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Input/ index 0b24cd511c..7fe71e2003 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Input/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Input/ @@ -977,24 +977,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for TouchCapabilities { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for TouchCapabilities {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for TouchCapabilities {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PointerDeviceType(pub i32); impl PointerDeviceType { pub const Touch: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Pen: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Mouse: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PointerDeviceType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PointerDeviceType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PointerDeviceType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PointerDeviceType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Lights/Effects/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Lights/Effects/ index 4051c08237..428ba26629 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Lights/Effects/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Lights/Effects/ @@ -1132,23 +1132,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for LampArrayUpdateRequestedEventArgs { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for LampArrayUpdateRequestedEventArgs {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for LampArrayUpdateRequestedEventArgs {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LampArrayEffectCompletionBehavior(pub i32); impl LampArrayEffectCompletionBehavior { pub const ClearState: Self = Self(0i32); pub const KeepState: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LampArrayEffectCompletionBehavior {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LampArrayEffectCompletionBehavior { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LampArrayEffectCompletionBehavior { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LampArrayEffectCompletionBehavior { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1161,23 +1150,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for LampArrayEffectCompletionBehavior { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Lights.Effects.LampArrayEffectCompletionBehavior;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LampArrayEffectStartMode(pub i32); impl LampArrayEffectStartMode { pub const Sequential: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Simultaneous: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LampArrayEffectStartMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LampArrayEffectStartMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LampArrayEffectStartMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LampArrayEffectStartMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1190,23 +1168,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for LampArrayEffectStartMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Lights.Effects.LampArrayEffectStartMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LampArrayRepetitionMode(pub i32); impl LampArrayRepetitionMode { pub const Occurrences: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Forever: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LampArrayRepetitionMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LampArrayRepetitionMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LampArrayRepetitionMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LampArrayRepetitionMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Lights/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Lights/ index 99107b3d1f..d17f1978f5 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Lights/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Lights/ @@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for LampInfo { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for LampInfo {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for LampInfo {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LampArrayKind(pub i32); impl LampArrayKind { pub const Undefined: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -700,17 +700,6 @@ impl LampArrayKind { pub const Art: Self = Self(10i32); pub const Headset: Self = Self(11i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LampArrayKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LampArrayKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LampArrayKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LampArrayKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -723,7 +712,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for LampArrayKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Lights.LampArrayKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LampPurposes(pub u32); impl LampPurposes { pub const Undefined: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -734,17 +723,6 @@ impl LampPurposes { pub const Illumination: Self = Self(16u32); pub const Presentation: Self = Self(32u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LampPurposes {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LampPurposes { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LampPurposes { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LampPurposes { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Midi/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Midi/ index 673e02c420..5327f52784 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Midi/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Midi/ @@ -1945,7 +1945,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::CanTryInto for MidiTuneRequestMessage {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for MidiTuneRequestMessage {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for MidiTuneRequestMessage {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MidiMessageType(pub i32); impl MidiMessageType { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1969,17 +1969,6 @@ impl MidiMessageType { pub const ActiveSensing: Self = Self(254i32); pub const SystemReset: Self = Self(255i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MidiMessageType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MidiMessageType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MidiMessageType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MidiMessageType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/PointOfService/Provider/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/PointOfService/Provider/ index 299c825cd5..b7184f006b 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/PointOfService/Provider/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/PointOfService/Provider/ @@ -1780,23 +1780,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for BarcodeSymbologyAttributesBuilder { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for BarcodeSymbologyAttributesBuilder {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for BarcodeSymbologyAttributesBuilder {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BarcodeScannerTriggerState(pub i32); impl BarcodeScannerTriggerState { pub const Released: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Pressed: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BarcodeScannerTriggerState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BarcodeScannerTriggerState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BarcodeScannerTriggerState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BarcodeScannerTriggerState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/PointOfService/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/PointOfService/ index d58be8d075..5a0fb7dce0 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/PointOfService/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/PointOfService/ @@ -9605,7 +9605,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for UnifiedPosErrorData { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for UnifiedPosErrorData {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for UnifiedPosErrorData {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BarcodeScannerStatus(pub i32); impl BarcodeScannerStatus { pub const Online: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -9614,17 +9614,6 @@ impl BarcodeScannerStatus { pub const OffOrOffline: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Extended: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BarcodeScannerStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BarcodeScannerStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BarcodeScannerStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BarcodeScannerStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9637,24 +9626,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for BarcodeScannerStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.PointOfService.BarcodeScannerStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BarcodeSymbologyDecodeLengthKind(pub i32); impl BarcodeSymbologyDecodeLengthKind { pub const AnyLength: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Discrete: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Range: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BarcodeSymbologyDecodeLengthKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BarcodeSymbologyDecodeLengthKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BarcodeSymbologyDecodeLengthKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BarcodeSymbologyDecodeLengthKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9667,7 +9645,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for BarcodeSymbologyDecodeLengthKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.PointOfService.BarcodeSymbologyDecodeLengthKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CashDrawerStatusKind(pub i32); impl CashDrawerStatusKind { pub const Online: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -9676,17 +9654,6 @@ impl CashDrawerStatusKind { pub const OffOrOffline: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Extended: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CashDrawerStatusKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CashDrawerStatusKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CashDrawerStatusKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CashDrawerStatusKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9699,7 +9666,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CashDrawerStatusKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.PointOfService.CashDrawerStatusKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LineDisplayCursorType(pub i32); impl LineDisplayCursorType { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -9709,17 +9676,6 @@ impl LineDisplayCursorType { pub const Reverse: Self = Self(4i32); pub const Other: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LineDisplayCursorType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LineDisplayCursorType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LineDisplayCursorType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LineDisplayCursorType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9732,24 +9688,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for LineDisplayCursorType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.PointOfService.LineDisplayCursorType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LineDisplayDescriptorState(pub i32); impl LineDisplayDescriptorState { pub const Off: Self = Self(0i32); pub const On: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Blink: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LineDisplayDescriptorState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LineDisplayDescriptorState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LineDisplayDescriptorState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LineDisplayDescriptorState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9762,24 +9707,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for LineDisplayDescriptorState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.PointOfService.LineDisplayDescriptorState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LineDisplayHorizontalAlignment(pub i32); impl LineDisplayHorizontalAlignment { pub const Left: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Center: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Right: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LineDisplayHorizontalAlignment {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LineDisplayHorizontalAlignment { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LineDisplayHorizontalAlignment { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LineDisplayHorizontalAlignment { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9792,24 +9726,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for LineDisplayHorizontalAlignment { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.PointOfService.LineDisplayHorizontalAlignment;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LineDisplayMarqueeFormat(pub i32); impl LineDisplayMarqueeFormat { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Walk: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Place: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LineDisplayMarqueeFormat {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LineDisplayMarqueeFormat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LineDisplayMarqueeFormat { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LineDisplayMarqueeFormat { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9822,7 +9745,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for LineDisplayMarqueeFormat { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.PointOfService.LineDisplayMarqueeFormat;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LineDisplayPowerStatus(pub i32); impl LineDisplayPowerStatus { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -9831,17 +9754,6 @@ impl LineDisplayPowerStatus { pub const Offline: Self = Self(3i32); pub const OffOrOffline: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LineDisplayPowerStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LineDisplayPowerStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LineDisplayPowerStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LineDisplayPowerStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9854,7 +9766,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for LineDisplayPowerStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.PointOfService.LineDisplayPowerStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LineDisplayScrollDirection(pub i32); impl LineDisplayScrollDirection { pub const Up: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -9862,17 +9774,6 @@ impl LineDisplayScrollDirection { pub const Left: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Right: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LineDisplayScrollDirection {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LineDisplayScrollDirection { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LineDisplayScrollDirection { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LineDisplayScrollDirection { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9885,7 +9786,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for LineDisplayScrollDirection { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.PointOfService.LineDisplayScrollDirection;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LineDisplayTextAttribute(pub i32); impl LineDisplayTextAttribute { pub const Normal: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -9893,17 +9794,6 @@ impl LineDisplayTextAttribute { pub const Reverse: Self = Self(2i32); pub const ReverseBlink: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LineDisplayTextAttribute {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LineDisplayTextAttribute { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LineDisplayTextAttribute { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LineDisplayTextAttribute { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9916,24 +9806,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for LineDisplayTextAttribute { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.PointOfService.LineDisplayTextAttribute;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LineDisplayTextAttributeGranularity(pub i32); impl LineDisplayTextAttributeGranularity { pub const NotSupported: Self = Self(0i32); pub const EntireDisplay: Self = Self(1i32); pub const PerCharacter: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LineDisplayTextAttributeGranularity {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LineDisplayTextAttributeGranularity { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LineDisplayTextAttributeGranularity { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LineDisplayTextAttributeGranularity { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9946,24 +9825,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for LineDisplayTextAttributeGranularity { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.PointOfService.LineDisplayTextAttributeGranularity;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LineDisplayVerticalAlignment(pub i32); impl LineDisplayVerticalAlignment { pub const Top: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Center: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Bottom: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LineDisplayVerticalAlignment {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LineDisplayVerticalAlignment { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LineDisplayVerticalAlignment { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LineDisplayVerticalAlignment { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9976,24 +9844,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for LineDisplayVerticalAlignment { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.PointOfService.LineDisplayVerticalAlignment;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MagneticStripeReaderAuthenticationLevel(pub i32); impl MagneticStripeReaderAuthenticationLevel { pub const NotSupported: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Optional: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Required: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MagneticStripeReaderAuthenticationLevel {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MagneticStripeReaderAuthenticationLevel { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MagneticStripeReaderAuthenticationLevel { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MagneticStripeReaderAuthenticationLevel { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10006,23 +9863,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MagneticStripeReaderAuthenticationLevel { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.PointOfService.MagneticStripeReaderAuthenticationLevel;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MagneticStripeReaderAuthenticationProtocol(pub i32); impl MagneticStripeReaderAuthenticationProtocol { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); pub const ChallengeResponse: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MagneticStripeReaderAuthenticationProtocol {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MagneticStripeReaderAuthenticationProtocol { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MagneticStripeReaderAuthenticationProtocol { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MagneticStripeReaderAuthenticationProtocol { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10035,23 +9881,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MagneticStripeReaderAuthenticationProtocol const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.PointOfService.MagneticStripeReaderAuthenticationProtocol;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MagneticStripeReaderErrorReportingType(pub i32); impl MagneticStripeReaderErrorReportingType { pub const CardLevel: Self = Self(0i32); pub const TrackLevel: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MagneticStripeReaderErrorReportingType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MagneticStripeReaderErrorReportingType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MagneticStripeReaderErrorReportingType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MagneticStripeReaderErrorReportingType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10064,24 +9899,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MagneticStripeReaderErrorReportingType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.PointOfService.MagneticStripeReaderErrorReportingType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MagneticStripeReaderStatus(pub i32); impl MagneticStripeReaderStatus { pub const Unauthenticated: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Authenticated: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Extended: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MagneticStripeReaderStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MagneticStripeReaderStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MagneticStripeReaderStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MagneticStripeReaderStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10094,7 +9918,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MagneticStripeReaderStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.PointOfService.MagneticStripeReaderStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MagneticStripeReaderTrackErrorType(pub i32); impl MagneticStripeReaderTrackErrorType { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -10104,17 +9928,6 @@ impl MagneticStripeReaderTrackErrorType { pub const LrcError: Self = Self(4i32); pub const Unknown: Self = Self(-1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MagneticStripeReaderTrackErrorType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MagneticStripeReaderTrackErrorType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MagneticStripeReaderTrackErrorType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MagneticStripeReaderTrackErrorType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10127,7 +9940,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MagneticStripeReaderTrackErrorType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.PointOfService.MagneticStripeReaderTrackErrorType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MagneticStripeReaderTrackIds(pub i32); impl MagneticStripeReaderTrackIds { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -10136,17 +9949,6 @@ impl MagneticStripeReaderTrackIds { pub const Track3: Self = Self(4i32); pub const Track4: Self = Self(8i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MagneticStripeReaderTrackIds {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MagneticStripeReaderTrackIds { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MagneticStripeReaderTrackIds { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MagneticStripeReaderTrackIds { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10159,7 +9961,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MagneticStripeReaderTrackIds { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.PointOfService.MagneticStripeReaderTrackIds;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PosConnectionTypes(pub u32); impl PosConnectionTypes { pub const Local: Self = Self(1u32); @@ -10167,17 +9969,6 @@ impl PosConnectionTypes { pub const Bluetooth: Self = Self(4u32); pub const All: Self = Self(4294967295u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PosConnectionTypes {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PosConnectionTypes { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PosConnectionTypes { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PosConnectionTypes { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10223,24 +10014,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PosConnectionTypes { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PosConnectionTypes;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PosPrinterAlignment(pub i32); impl PosPrinterAlignment { pub const Left: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Center: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Right: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PosPrinterAlignment {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PosPrinterAlignment { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PosPrinterAlignment { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PosPrinterAlignment { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10253,24 +10033,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PosPrinterAlignment { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PosPrinterAlignment;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PosPrinterBarcodeTextPosition(pub i32); impl PosPrinterBarcodeTextPosition { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Above: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Below: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PosPrinterBarcodeTextPosition {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PosPrinterBarcodeTextPosition { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PosPrinterBarcodeTextPosition { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PosPrinterBarcodeTextPosition { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10283,7 +10052,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PosPrinterBarcodeTextPosition { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PosPrinterBarcodeTextPosition;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PosPrinterCartridgeSensors(pub u32); impl PosPrinterCartridgeSensors { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -10292,17 +10061,6 @@ impl PosPrinterCartridgeSensors { pub const HeadCleaning: Self = Self(4u32); pub const NearEnd: Self = Self(8u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PosPrinterCartridgeSensors {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PosPrinterCartridgeSensors { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PosPrinterCartridgeSensors { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PosPrinterCartridgeSensors { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10348,7 +10106,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PosPrinterCartridgeSensors { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PosPrinterCartridgeSensors;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PosPrinterColorCapabilities(pub u32); impl PosPrinterColorCapabilities { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -10364,17 +10122,6 @@ impl PosPrinterColorCapabilities { pub const Yellow: Self = Self(512u32); pub const Full: Self = Self(1024u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PosPrinterColorCapabilities {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PosPrinterColorCapabilities { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PosPrinterColorCapabilities { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PosPrinterColorCapabilities { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10420,7 +10167,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PosPrinterColorCapabilities { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PosPrinterColorCapabilities;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PosPrinterColorCartridge(pub i32); impl PosPrinterColorCartridge { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -10435,17 +10182,6 @@ impl PosPrinterColorCartridge { pub const Magenta: Self = Self(9i32); pub const Yellow: Self = Self(10i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PosPrinterColorCartridge {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PosPrinterColorCartridge { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PosPrinterColorCartridge { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PosPrinterColorCartridge { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10458,23 +10194,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PosPrinterColorCartridge { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PosPrinterColorCartridge;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PosPrinterLineDirection(pub i32); impl PosPrinterLineDirection { pub const Horizontal: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Vertical: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PosPrinterLineDirection {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PosPrinterLineDirection { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PosPrinterLineDirection { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PosPrinterLineDirection { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10487,7 +10212,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PosPrinterLineDirection { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PosPrinterLineDirection;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PosPrinterLineStyle(pub i32); impl PosPrinterLineStyle { pub const SingleSolid: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -10495,17 +10220,6 @@ impl PosPrinterLineStyle { pub const Broken: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Chain: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PosPrinterLineStyle {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PosPrinterLineStyle { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PosPrinterLineStyle { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PosPrinterLineStyle { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10518,7 +10232,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PosPrinterLineStyle { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PosPrinterLineStyle;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PosPrinterMapMode(pub i32); impl PosPrinterMapMode { pub const Dots: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -10526,17 +10240,6 @@ impl PosPrinterMapMode { pub const English: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Metric: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PosPrinterMapMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PosPrinterMapMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PosPrinterMapMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PosPrinterMapMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10549,7 +10252,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PosPrinterMapMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PosPrinterMapMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PosPrinterMarkFeedCapabilities(pub u32); impl PosPrinterMarkFeedCapabilities { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -10558,17 +10261,6 @@ impl PosPrinterMarkFeedCapabilities { pub const ToCurrentTopOfForm: Self = Self(4u32); pub const ToNextTopOfForm: Self = Self(8u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PosPrinterMarkFeedCapabilities {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PosPrinterMarkFeedCapabilities { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PosPrinterMarkFeedCapabilities { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PosPrinterMarkFeedCapabilities { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10614,7 +10306,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PosPrinterMarkFeedCapabilities { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PosPrinterMarkFeedCapabilities;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PosPrinterMarkFeedKind(pub i32); impl PosPrinterMarkFeedKind { pub const ToTakeUp: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -10622,17 +10314,6 @@ impl PosPrinterMarkFeedKind { pub const ToCurrentTopOfForm: Self = Self(2i32); pub const ToNextTopOfForm: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PosPrinterMarkFeedKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PosPrinterMarkFeedKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PosPrinterMarkFeedKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PosPrinterMarkFeedKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10645,24 +10326,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PosPrinterMarkFeedKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PosPrinterMarkFeedKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PosPrinterPrintSide(pub i32); impl PosPrinterPrintSide { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Side1: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Side2: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PosPrinterPrintSide {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PosPrinterPrintSide { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PosPrinterPrintSide { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PosPrinterPrintSide { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10675,7 +10345,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PosPrinterPrintSide { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PosPrinterPrintSide;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PosPrinterRotation(pub i32); impl PosPrinterRotation { pub const Normal: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -10683,17 +10353,6 @@ impl PosPrinterRotation { pub const Left90: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Rotate180: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PosPrinterRotation {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PosPrinterRotation { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PosPrinterRotation { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PosPrinterRotation { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10706,24 +10365,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PosPrinterRotation { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PosPrinterRotation;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PosPrinterRuledLineCapabilities(pub u32); impl PosPrinterRuledLineCapabilities { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); pub const Horizontal: Self = Self(1u32); pub const Vertical: Self = Self(2u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PosPrinterRuledLineCapabilities {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PosPrinterRuledLineCapabilities { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PosPrinterRuledLineCapabilities { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PosPrinterRuledLineCapabilities { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10769,7 +10417,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PosPrinterRuledLineCapabilities { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PosPrinterRuledLineCapabilities;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PosPrinterStatusKind(pub i32); impl PosPrinterStatusKind { pub const Online: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -10778,17 +10426,6 @@ impl PosPrinterStatusKind { pub const OffOrOffline: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Extended: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PosPrinterStatusKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PosPrinterStatusKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PosPrinterStatusKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PosPrinterStatusKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10801,7 +10438,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PosPrinterStatusKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.PointOfService.PosPrinterStatusKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UnifiedPosErrorReason(pub i32); impl UnifiedPosErrorReason { pub const UnknownErrorReason: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -10816,17 +10453,6 @@ impl UnifiedPosErrorReason { pub const Busy: Self = Self(9i32); pub const Extended: Self = Self(10i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UnifiedPosErrorReason {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UnifiedPosErrorReason { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UnifiedPosErrorReason { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UnifiedPosErrorReason { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10839,7 +10465,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for UnifiedPosErrorReason { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.PointOfService.UnifiedPosErrorReason;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UnifiedPosErrorSeverity(pub i32); impl UnifiedPosErrorSeverity { pub const UnknownErrorSeverity: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -10849,17 +10475,6 @@ impl UnifiedPosErrorSeverity { pub const AssistanceRequired: Self = Self(4i32); pub const Fatal: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UnifiedPosErrorSeverity {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UnifiedPosErrorSeverity { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UnifiedPosErrorSeverity { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UnifiedPosErrorSeverity { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10872,7 +10487,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for UnifiedPosErrorSeverity { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.PointOfService.UnifiedPosErrorSeverity;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UnifiedPosHealthCheckLevel(pub i32); impl UnifiedPosHealthCheckLevel { pub const UnknownHealthCheckLevel: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -10880,17 +10495,6 @@ impl UnifiedPosHealthCheckLevel { pub const External: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Interactive: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UnifiedPosHealthCheckLevel {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UnifiedPosHealthCheckLevel { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UnifiedPosHealthCheckLevel { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UnifiedPosHealthCheckLevel { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10903,24 +10507,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for UnifiedPosHealthCheckLevel { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.PointOfService.UnifiedPosHealthCheckLevel;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UnifiedPosPowerReportingType(pub i32); impl UnifiedPosPowerReportingType { pub const UnknownPowerReportingType: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Standard: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Advanced: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UnifiedPosPowerReportingType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UnifiedPosPowerReportingType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UnifiedPosPowerReportingType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UnifiedPosPowerReportingType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Portable/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Portable/ index c4cb0708df..9cc63f0daf 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Portable/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Portable/ @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for StorageDevice { const NAME: &'static str = "Windows.Devices.Portable.StorageDevice"; } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ServiceDeviceType(pub i32); impl ServiceDeviceType { pub const CalendarService: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -95,17 +95,6 @@ impl ServiceDeviceType { pub const SmsService: Self = Self(5i32); pub const TasksService: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ServiceDeviceType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ServiceDeviceType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ServiceDeviceType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ServiceDeviceType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Printers/Extensions/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Printers/Extensions/ index 60069e4ee0..441d502420 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Printers/Extensions/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Printers/Extensions/ @@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for PrintTaskConfigurationSaveRequestedEventArg } ::windows_core::imp::interface_hierarchy!(PrintTaskConfigurationSaveRequestedEventArgs, ::windows_core::IUnknown, ::windows_core::IInspectable); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct Print3DWorkflowDetail(pub i32); impl Print3DWorkflowDetail { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -512,17 +512,6 @@ impl Print3DWorkflowDetail { pub const ModelNotManifold: Self = Self(5i32); pub const InvalidPrintTicket: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for Print3DWorkflowDetail {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for Print3DWorkflowDetail { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for Print3DWorkflowDetail { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for Print3DWorkflowDetail { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -535,7 +524,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for Print3DWorkflowDetail { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Printers.Extensions.Print3DWorkflowDetail;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct Print3DWorkflowStatus(pub i32); impl Print3DWorkflowStatus { pub const Abandoned: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -544,17 +533,6 @@ impl Print3DWorkflowStatus { pub const Slicing: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Submitted: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for Print3DWorkflowStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for Print3DWorkflowStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for Print3DWorkflowStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for Print3DWorkflowStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Printers/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Printers/ index a1c92a0645..c309ea3423 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Printers/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Printers/ @@ -1692,7 +1692,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for PrintSchema { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for PrintSchema {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for PrintSchema {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IppAttributeErrorReason(pub i32); impl IppAttributeErrorReason { pub const RequestEntityTooLarge: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1701,17 +1701,6 @@ impl IppAttributeErrorReason { pub const AttributeNotSettable: Self = Self(3i32); pub const ConflictingAttributes: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IppAttributeErrorReason {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IppAttributeErrorReason { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IppAttributeErrorReason { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IppAttributeErrorReason { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1724,7 +1713,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for IppAttributeErrorReason { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Printers.IppAttributeErrorReason;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IppAttributeValueKind(pub i32); impl IppAttributeValueKind { pub const Unsupported: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1749,17 +1738,6 @@ impl IppAttributeValueKind { pub const NaturalLanguage: Self = Self(19i32); pub const MimeMediaType: Self = Self(20i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IppAttributeValueKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IppAttributeValueKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IppAttributeValueKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IppAttributeValueKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1772,23 +1750,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for IppAttributeValueKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Printers.IppAttributeValueKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IppResolutionUnit(pub i32); impl IppResolutionUnit { pub const DotsPerInch: Self = Self(0i32); pub const DotsPerCentimeter: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IppResolutionUnit {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IppResolutionUnit { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IppResolutionUnit { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IppResolutionUnit { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1801,23 +1768,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for IppResolutionUnit { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Printers.IppResolutionUnit;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PageConfigurationSource(pub i32); impl PageConfigurationSource { pub const PrintJobConfiguration: Self = Self(0i32); pub const PdlContent: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PageConfigurationSource {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PageConfigurationSource { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PageConfigurationSource { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PageConfigurationSource { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Pwm/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Pwm/ index 22142aa478..e3477e0ea1 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Pwm/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Pwm/ @@ -280,23 +280,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::CanTryInto for PwmPin unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for PwmPin {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for PwmPin {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PwmPulsePolarity(pub i32); impl PwmPulsePolarity { pub const ActiveHigh: Self = Self(0i32); pub const ActiveLow: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PwmPulsePolarity {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PwmPulsePolarity { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PwmPulsePolarity { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PwmPulsePolarity { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Radios/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Radios/ index 7ad6df9e2c..2fb4d6b480 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Radios/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Radios/ @@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for Radio { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for Radio {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for Radio {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RadioAccessStatus(pub i32); impl RadioAccessStatus { pub const Unspecified: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -143,17 +143,6 @@ impl RadioAccessStatus { pub const DeniedByUser: Self = Self(2i32); pub const DeniedBySystem: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RadioAccessStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RadioAccessStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RadioAccessStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RadioAccessStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -166,7 +155,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for RadioAccessStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Radios.RadioAccessStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RadioKind(pub i32); impl RadioKind { pub const Other: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -175,17 +164,6 @@ impl RadioKind { pub const Bluetooth: Self = Self(3i32); pub const FM: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RadioKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RadioKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RadioKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RadioKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -198,7 +176,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for RadioKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Radios.RadioKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RadioState(pub i32); impl RadioState { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -206,17 +184,6 @@ impl RadioState { pub const Off: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Disabled: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RadioState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RadioState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RadioState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RadioState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Scanners/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Scanners/ index fcf52a1fd4..3306d73018 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Scanners/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Scanners/ @@ -1232,24 +1232,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for ImageScannerScanResult { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for ImageScannerScanResult {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for ImageScannerScanResult {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ImageScannerAutoCroppingMode(pub i32); impl ImageScannerAutoCroppingMode { pub const Disabled: Self = Self(0i32); pub const SingleRegion: Self = Self(1i32); pub const MultipleRegion: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ImageScannerAutoCroppingMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ImageScannerAutoCroppingMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ImageScannerAutoCroppingMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ImageScannerAutoCroppingMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1262,7 +1251,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ImageScannerAutoCroppingMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Scanners.ImageScannerAutoCroppingMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ImageScannerColorMode(pub i32); impl ImageScannerColorMode { pub const Color: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1270,17 +1259,6 @@ impl ImageScannerColorMode { pub const Monochrome: Self = Self(2i32); pub const AutoColor: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ImageScannerColorMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ImageScannerColorMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ImageScannerColorMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ImageScannerColorMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1293,7 +1271,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ImageScannerColorMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Scanners.ImageScannerColorMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ImageScannerFormat(pub i32); impl ImageScannerFormat { pub const Jpeg: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1304,17 +1282,6 @@ impl ImageScannerFormat { pub const OpenXps: Self = Self(5i32); pub const Pdf: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ImageScannerFormat {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ImageScannerFormat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ImageScannerFormat { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ImageScannerFormat { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1327,7 +1294,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ImageScannerFormat { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Scanners.ImageScannerFormat;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ImageScannerScanSource(pub i32); impl ImageScannerScanSource { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1335,17 +1302,6 @@ impl ImageScannerScanSource { pub const Feeder: Self = Self(2i32); pub const AutoConfigured: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ImageScannerScanSource {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ImageScannerScanSource { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ImageScannerScanSource { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ImageScannerScanSource { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Sensors/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Sensors/ index 86c7d708de..c9038fca50 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Sensors/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Sensors/ @@ -7002,24 +7002,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for WakeOnApproachOptions { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for WakeOnApproachOptions {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for WakeOnApproachOptions {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AccelerometerReadingType(pub i32); impl AccelerometerReadingType { pub const Standard: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Linear: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Gravity: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AccelerometerReadingType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AccelerometerReadingType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AccelerometerReadingType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AccelerometerReadingType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7032,23 +7021,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AccelerometerReadingType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Sensors.AccelerometerReadingType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ActivitySensorReadingConfidence(pub i32); impl ActivitySensorReadingConfidence { pub const High: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Low: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ActivitySensorReadingConfidence {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ActivitySensorReadingConfidence { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ActivitySensorReadingConfidence { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ActivitySensorReadingConfidence { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7061,7 +7039,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ActivitySensorReadingConfidence { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Sensors.ActivitySensorReadingConfidence;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ActivityType(pub i32); impl ActivityType { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -7073,17 +7051,6 @@ impl ActivityType { pub const InVehicle: Self = Self(6i32); pub const Biking: Self = Self(7i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ActivityType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ActivityType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ActivityType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ActivityType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7096,24 +7063,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ActivityType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Sensors.ActivityType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HumanEngagement(pub i32); impl HumanEngagement { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Engaged: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Unengaged: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HumanEngagement {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HumanEngagement { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HumanEngagement { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HumanEngagement { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7126,24 +7082,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for HumanEngagement { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Sensors.HumanEngagement;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HumanPresence(pub i32); impl HumanPresence { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Present: Self = Self(1i32); pub const NotPresent: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HumanPresence {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HumanPresence { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HumanPresence { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HumanPresence { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7156,7 +7101,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for HumanPresence { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Sensors.HumanPresence;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MagnetometerAccuracy(pub i32); impl MagnetometerAccuracy { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -7164,17 +7109,6 @@ impl MagnetometerAccuracy { pub const Approximate: Self = Self(2i32); pub const High: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MagnetometerAccuracy {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MagnetometerAccuracy { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MagnetometerAccuracy { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MagnetometerAccuracy { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7187,24 +7121,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MagnetometerAccuracy { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Sensors.MagnetometerAccuracy;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PedometerStepKind(pub i32); impl PedometerStepKind { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Walking: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Running: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PedometerStepKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PedometerStepKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PedometerStepKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PedometerStepKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7217,23 +7140,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PedometerStepKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Sensors.PedometerStepKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SensorOptimizationGoal(pub i32); impl SensorOptimizationGoal { pub const Precision: Self = Self(0i32); pub const PowerEfficiency: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SensorOptimizationGoal {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SensorOptimizationGoal { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SensorOptimizationGoal { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SensorOptimizationGoal { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7246,23 +7158,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SensorOptimizationGoal { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Sensors.SensorOptimizationGoal;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SensorReadingType(pub i32); impl SensorReadingType { pub const Absolute: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Relative: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SensorReadingType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SensorReadingType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SensorReadingType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SensorReadingType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7275,7 +7176,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SensorReadingType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Sensors.SensorReadingType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SensorType(pub i32); impl SensorType { pub const Accelerometer: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -7293,17 +7194,6 @@ impl SensorType { pub const RelativeOrientationSensor: Self = Self(12i32); pub const SimpleOrientationSensor: Self = Self(13i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SensorType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SensorType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SensorType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SensorType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7316,7 +7206,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SensorType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Sensors.SensorType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SimpleOrientation(pub i32); impl SimpleOrientation { pub const NotRotated: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -7326,17 +7216,6 @@ impl SimpleOrientation { pub const Faceup: Self = Self(4i32); pub const Facedown: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SimpleOrientation {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SimpleOrientation { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SimpleOrientation { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SimpleOrientation { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/SerialCommunication/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/SerialCommunication/ index 30e7600c13..dbe382c96b 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/SerialCommunication/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/SerialCommunication/ @@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::CanTryInto for SerialD unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for SerialDevice {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for SerialDevice {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SerialError(pub i32); impl SerialError { pub const Frame: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -426,17 +426,6 @@ impl SerialError { pub const ReceiveParity: Self = Self(3i32); pub const TransmitFull: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SerialError {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SerialError { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SerialError { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SerialError { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -449,7 +438,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SerialError { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.SerialCommunication.SerialError;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SerialHandshake(pub i32); impl SerialHandshake { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -457,17 +446,6 @@ impl SerialHandshake { pub const XOnXOff: Self = Self(2i32); pub const RequestToSendXOnXOff: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SerialHandshake {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SerialHandshake { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SerialHandshake { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SerialHandshake { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -480,7 +458,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SerialHandshake { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.SerialCommunication.SerialHandshake;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SerialParity(pub i32); impl SerialParity { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -489,17 +467,6 @@ impl SerialParity { pub const Mark: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Space: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SerialParity {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SerialParity { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SerialParity { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SerialParity { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -512,7 +479,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SerialParity { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.SerialCommunication.SerialParity;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SerialPinChange(pub i32); impl SerialPinChange { pub const BreakSignal: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -521,17 +488,6 @@ impl SerialPinChange { pub const DataSetReady: Self = Self(3i32); pub const RingIndicator: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SerialPinChange {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SerialPinChange { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SerialPinChange { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SerialPinChange { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -544,24 +500,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SerialPinChange { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.SerialCommunication.SerialPinChange;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SerialStopBitCount(pub i32); impl SerialStopBitCount { pub const One: Self = Self(0i32); pub const OnePointFive: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Two: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SerialStopBitCount {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SerialStopBitCount { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SerialStopBitCount { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SerialStopBitCount { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/SmartCards/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/SmartCards/ index 860e16644d..996f20fbae 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/SmartCards/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/SmartCards/ @@ -3390,23 +3390,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for SmartCardTriggerDetails { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for SmartCardTriggerDetails {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for SmartCardTriggerDetails {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SmartCardActivationPolicyChangeResult(pub i32); impl SmartCardActivationPolicyChangeResult { pub const Denied: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Allowed: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SmartCardActivationPolicyChangeResult {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SmartCardActivationPolicyChangeResult { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SmartCardActivationPolicyChangeResult { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SmartCardActivationPolicyChangeResult { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3419,24 +3408,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SmartCardActivationPolicyChangeResult { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.SmartCards.SmartCardActivationPolicyChangeResult;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SmartCardAppletIdGroupActivationPolicy(pub i32); impl SmartCardAppletIdGroupActivationPolicy { pub const Disabled: Self = Self(0i32); pub const ForegroundOverride: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Enabled: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SmartCardAppletIdGroupActivationPolicy {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SmartCardAppletIdGroupActivationPolicy { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SmartCardAppletIdGroupActivationPolicy { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SmartCardAppletIdGroupActivationPolicy { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3449,24 +3427,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SmartCardAppletIdGroupActivationPolicy { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.SmartCards.SmartCardAppletIdGroupActivationPolicy;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SmartCardAutomaticResponseStatus(pub i32); impl SmartCardAutomaticResponseStatus { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Success: Self = Self(1i32); pub const UnknownError: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SmartCardAutomaticResponseStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SmartCardAutomaticResponseStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SmartCardAutomaticResponseStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SmartCardAutomaticResponseStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3479,7 +3446,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SmartCardAutomaticResponseStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.SmartCards.SmartCardAutomaticResponseStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SmartCardCryptogramAlgorithm(pub i32); impl SmartCardCryptogramAlgorithm { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3492,17 +3459,6 @@ impl SmartCardCryptogramAlgorithm { pub const RsaPkcs1: Self = Self(7i32); pub const Sha256Hmac: Self = Self(8i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SmartCardCryptogramAlgorithm {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SmartCardCryptogramAlgorithm { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SmartCardCryptogramAlgorithm { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SmartCardCryptogramAlgorithm { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3515,7 +3471,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SmartCardCryptogramAlgorithm { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.SmartCards.SmartCardCryptogramAlgorithm;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SmartCardCryptogramGeneratorOperationStatus(pub i32); impl SmartCardCryptogramGeneratorOperationStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3533,17 +3489,6 @@ impl SmartCardCryptogramGeneratorOperationStatus { pub const ValidationFailed: Self = Self(12i32); pub const NotSupported: Self = Self(13i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SmartCardCryptogramGeneratorOperationStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SmartCardCryptogramGeneratorOperationStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SmartCardCryptogramGeneratorOperationStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SmartCardCryptogramGeneratorOperationStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3556,23 +3501,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SmartCardCryptogramGeneratorOperationStatus const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.SmartCards.SmartCardCryptogramGeneratorOperationStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SmartCardCryptogramMaterialPackageConfirmationResponseFormat(pub i32); impl SmartCardCryptogramMaterialPackageConfirmationResponseFormat { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); pub const VisaHmac: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SmartCardCryptogramMaterialPackageConfirmationResponseFormat {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SmartCardCryptogramMaterialPackageConfirmationResponseFormat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SmartCardCryptogramMaterialPackageConfirmationResponseFormat { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SmartCardCryptogramMaterialPackageConfirmationResponseFormat { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3585,23 +3519,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SmartCardCryptogramMaterialPackageConfirmat const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.SmartCards.SmartCardCryptogramMaterialPackageConfirmationResponseFormat;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SmartCardCryptogramMaterialPackageFormat(pub i32); impl SmartCardCryptogramMaterialPackageFormat { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); pub const JweRsaPki: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SmartCardCryptogramMaterialPackageFormat {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SmartCardCryptogramMaterialPackageFormat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SmartCardCryptogramMaterialPackageFormat { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SmartCardCryptogramMaterialPackageFormat { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3614,23 +3537,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SmartCardCryptogramMaterialPackageFormat { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.SmartCards.SmartCardCryptogramMaterialPackageFormat;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SmartCardCryptogramMaterialProtectionMethod(pub i32); impl SmartCardCryptogramMaterialProtectionMethod { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); pub const WhiteBoxing: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SmartCardCryptogramMaterialProtectionMethod {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SmartCardCryptogramMaterialProtectionMethod { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SmartCardCryptogramMaterialProtectionMethod { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SmartCardCryptogramMaterialProtectionMethod { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3643,7 +3555,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SmartCardCryptogramMaterialProtectionMethod const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.SmartCards.SmartCardCryptogramMaterialProtectionMethod;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SmartCardCryptogramMaterialType(pub i32); impl SmartCardCryptogramMaterialType { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3652,17 +3564,6 @@ impl SmartCardCryptogramMaterialType { pub const Aes: Self = Self(3i32); pub const RsaPkcs1: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SmartCardCryptogramMaterialType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SmartCardCryptogramMaterialType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SmartCardCryptogramMaterialType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SmartCardCryptogramMaterialType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3675,24 +3576,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SmartCardCryptogramMaterialType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.SmartCards.SmartCardCryptogramMaterialType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SmartCardCryptogramPlacementOptions(pub u32); impl SmartCardCryptogramPlacementOptions { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); pub const UnitsAreInNibbles: Self = Self(1u32); pub const ChainOutput: Self = Self(2u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SmartCardCryptogramPlacementOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SmartCardCryptogramPlacementOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SmartCardCryptogramPlacementOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SmartCardCryptogramPlacementOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3738,23 +3628,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SmartCardCryptogramPlacementOptions { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.SmartCards.SmartCardCryptogramPlacementOptions;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SmartCardCryptogramStorageKeyAlgorithm(pub i32); impl SmartCardCryptogramStorageKeyAlgorithm { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Rsa2048: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SmartCardCryptogramStorageKeyAlgorithm {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SmartCardCryptogramStorageKeyAlgorithm { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SmartCardCryptogramStorageKeyAlgorithm { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SmartCardCryptogramStorageKeyAlgorithm { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3767,24 +3646,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SmartCardCryptogramStorageKeyAlgorithm { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.SmartCards.SmartCardCryptogramStorageKeyAlgorithm;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SmartCardCryptogramStorageKeyCapabilities(pub u32); impl SmartCardCryptogramStorageKeyCapabilities { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); pub const HardwareProtection: Self = Self(1u32); pub const UnlockPrompt: Self = Self(2u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SmartCardCryptogramStorageKeyCapabilities {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SmartCardCryptogramStorageKeyCapabilities { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SmartCardCryptogramStorageKeyCapabilities { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SmartCardCryptogramStorageKeyCapabilities { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3830,7 +3698,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SmartCardCryptogramStorageKeyCapabilities { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.SmartCards.SmartCardCryptogramStorageKeyCapabilities;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SmartCardCryptographicKeyAttestationStatus(pub i32); impl SmartCardCryptographicKeyAttestationStatus { pub const NoAttestation: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3842,17 +3710,6 @@ impl SmartCardCryptographicKeyAttestationStatus { pub const TpmKeyWithLongTermAttestationFailure: Self = Self(6i32); pub const TpmKeyWithAttestation: Self = Self(7i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SmartCardCryptographicKeyAttestationStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SmartCardCryptographicKeyAttestationStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SmartCardCryptographicKeyAttestationStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SmartCardCryptographicKeyAttestationStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3865,23 +3722,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SmartCardCryptographicKeyAttestationStatus const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.SmartCards.SmartCardCryptographicKeyAttestationStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SmartCardEmulationCategory(pub i32); impl SmartCardEmulationCategory { pub const Other: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Payment: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SmartCardEmulationCategory {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SmartCardEmulationCategory { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SmartCardEmulationCategory { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SmartCardEmulationCategory { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3894,24 +3740,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SmartCardEmulationCategory { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.SmartCards.SmartCardEmulationCategory;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SmartCardEmulationType(pub i32); impl SmartCardEmulationType { pub const Host: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Uicc: Self = Self(1i32); pub const EmbeddedSE: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SmartCardEmulationType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SmartCardEmulationType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SmartCardEmulationType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SmartCardEmulationType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3924,23 +3759,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SmartCardEmulationType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.SmartCards.SmartCardEmulationType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SmartCardEmulatorConnectionDeactivatedReason(pub i32); impl SmartCardEmulatorConnectionDeactivatedReason { pub const ConnectionLost: Self = Self(0i32); pub const ConnectionRedirected: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SmartCardEmulatorConnectionDeactivatedReason {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SmartCardEmulatorConnectionDeactivatedReason { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SmartCardEmulatorConnectionDeactivatedReason { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SmartCardEmulatorConnectionDeactivatedReason { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3953,23 +3777,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SmartCardEmulatorConnectionDeactivatedReaso const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.SmartCards.SmartCardEmulatorConnectionDeactivatedReason;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SmartCardEmulatorConnectionSource(pub i32); impl SmartCardEmulatorConnectionSource { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); pub const NfcReader: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SmartCardEmulatorConnectionSource {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SmartCardEmulatorConnectionSource { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SmartCardEmulatorConnectionSource { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SmartCardEmulatorConnectionSource { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3982,7 +3795,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SmartCardEmulatorConnectionSource { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.SmartCards.SmartCardEmulatorConnectionSource;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SmartCardEmulatorEnablementPolicy(pub i32); impl SmartCardEmulatorEnablementPolicy { pub const Never: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3990,17 +3803,6 @@ impl SmartCardEmulatorEnablementPolicy { pub const ScreenOn: Self = Self(2i32); pub const ScreenUnlocked: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SmartCardEmulatorEnablementPolicy {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SmartCardEmulatorEnablementPolicy { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SmartCardEmulatorEnablementPolicy { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SmartCardEmulatorEnablementPolicy { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4013,23 +3815,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SmartCardEmulatorEnablementPolicy { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.SmartCards.SmartCardEmulatorEnablementPolicy;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SmartCardLaunchBehavior(pub i32); impl SmartCardLaunchBehavior { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); pub const AboveLock: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SmartCardLaunchBehavior {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SmartCardLaunchBehavior { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SmartCardLaunchBehavior { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SmartCardLaunchBehavior { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4042,24 +3833,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SmartCardLaunchBehavior { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.SmartCards.SmartCardLaunchBehavior;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SmartCardPinCharacterPolicyOption(pub i32); impl SmartCardPinCharacterPolicyOption { pub const Allow: Self = Self(0i32); pub const RequireAtLeastOne: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Disallow: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SmartCardPinCharacterPolicyOption {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SmartCardPinCharacterPolicyOption { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SmartCardPinCharacterPolicyOption { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SmartCardPinCharacterPolicyOption { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4072,7 +3852,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SmartCardPinCharacterPolicyOption { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.SmartCards.SmartCardPinCharacterPolicyOption;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SmartCardReaderKind(pub i32); impl SmartCardReaderKind { pub const Any: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4082,17 +3862,6 @@ impl SmartCardReaderKind { pub const Uicc: Self = Self(4i32); pub const EmbeddedSE: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SmartCardReaderKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SmartCardReaderKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SmartCardReaderKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SmartCardReaderKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4105,24 +3874,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SmartCardReaderKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.SmartCards.SmartCardReaderKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SmartCardReaderStatus(pub i32); impl SmartCardReaderStatus { pub const Disconnected: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Ready: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Exclusive: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SmartCardReaderStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SmartCardReaderStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SmartCardReaderStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SmartCardReaderStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4135,7 +3893,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SmartCardReaderStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.SmartCards.SmartCardReaderStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SmartCardStatus(pub i32); impl SmartCardStatus { pub const Disconnected: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4144,17 +3902,6 @@ impl SmartCardStatus { pub const Exclusive: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Unresponsive: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SmartCardStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SmartCardStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SmartCardStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SmartCardStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4167,7 +3914,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SmartCardStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.SmartCards.SmartCardStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SmartCardTriggerType(pub i32); impl SmartCardTriggerType { pub const EmulatorTransaction: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4177,17 +3924,6 @@ impl SmartCardTriggerType { pub const EmulatorAppletIdGroupRegistrationChanged: Self = Self(4i32); pub const ReaderCardAdded: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SmartCardTriggerType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SmartCardTriggerType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SmartCardTriggerType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SmartCardTriggerType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4200,24 +3936,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SmartCardTriggerType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.SmartCards.SmartCardTriggerType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SmartCardUnlockPromptingBehavior(pub i32); impl SmartCardUnlockPromptingBehavior { pub const AllowUnlockPrompt: Self = Self(0i32); pub const RequireUnlockPrompt: Self = Self(1i32); pub const PreventUnlockPrompt: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SmartCardUnlockPromptingBehavior {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SmartCardUnlockPromptingBehavior { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SmartCardUnlockPromptingBehavior { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SmartCardUnlockPromptingBehavior { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Sms/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Sms/ index 13ce1d01cf..0748f588b4 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Sms/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Sms/ @@ -3776,24 +3776,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::CanTryInto for SmsWapMessage {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for SmsWapMessage {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for SmsWapMessage {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CellularClass(pub i32); impl CellularClass { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Gsm: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Cdma: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CellularClass {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CellularClass { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CellularClass { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CellularClass { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3806,7 +3795,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CellularClass { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Sms.CellularClass;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SmsBroadcastType(pub i32); impl SmsBroadcastType { pub const Other: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3825,17 +3814,6 @@ impl SmsBroadcastType { pub const EtwsTsunamiAndEarthquake: Self = Self(13i32); pub const LatAlertLocal: Self = Self(14i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SmsBroadcastType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SmsBroadcastType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SmsBroadcastType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SmsBroadcastType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3848,7 +3826,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SmsBroadcastType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Sms.SmsBroadcastType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SmsDataFormat(pub i32); impl SmsDataFormat { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3857,17 +3835,6 @@ impl SmsDataFormat { pub const CdmaDeliver: Self = Self(3i32); pub const GsmDeliver: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SmsDataFormat {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SmsDataFormat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SmsDataFormat { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SmsDataFormat { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3880,7 +3847,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SmsDataFormat { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Sms.SmsDataFormat;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SmsDeviceStatus(pub i32); impl SmsDeviceStatus { pub const Off: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3892,17 +3859,6 @@ impl SmsDeviceStatus { pub const DeviceLocked: Self = Self(6i32); pub const DeviceBlocked: Self = Self(7i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SmsDeviceStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SmsDeviceStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SmsDeviceStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SmsDeviceStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3915,7 +3871,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SmsDeviceStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Sms.SmsDeviceStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SmsEncoding(pub i32); impl SmsEncoding { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3930,17 +3886,6 @@ impl SmsEncoding { pub const ShiftJis: Self = Self(9i32); pub const LatinHebrew: Self = Self(10i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SmsEncoding {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SmsEncoding { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SmsEncoding { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SmsEncoding { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3953,7 +3898,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SmsEncoding { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Sms.SmsEncoding;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SmsFilterActionType(pub i32); impl SmsFilterActionType { pub const AcceptImmediately: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3961,17 +3906,6 @@ impl SmsFilterActionType { pub const Peek: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Accept: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SmsFilterActionType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SmsFilterActionType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SmsFilterActionType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SmsFilterActionType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3984,7 +3918,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SmsFilterActionType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Sms.SmsFilterActionType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SmsGeographicalScope(pub i32); impl SmsGeographicalScope { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3993,17 +3927,6 @@ impl SmsGeographicalScope { pub const Plmn: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Cell: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SmsGeographicalScope {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SmsGeographicalScope { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SmsGeographicalScope { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SmsGeographicalScope { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4016,7 +3939,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SmsGeographicalScope { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Sms.SmsGeographicalScope;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SmsMessageClass(pub i32); impl SmsMessageClass { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4025,17 +3948,6 @@ impl SmsMessageClass { pub const Class2: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Class3: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SmsMessageClass {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SmsMessageClass { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SmsMessageClass { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SmsMessageClass { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4050,7 +3962,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SmsMessageClass { #[doc = "Required features: `\"deprecated\"`"] #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SmsMessageFilter(pub i32); #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] impl SmsMessageFilter { @@ -4061,20 +3973,6 @@ impl SmsMessageFilter { pub const Draft: Self = Self(4i32); } #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SmsMessageFilter {} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SmsMessageFilter { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::default::Default for SmsMessageFilter { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SmsMessageFilter { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4089,7 +3987,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SmsMessageFilter { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Sms.SmsMessageFilter;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SmsMessageType(pub i32); impl SmsMessageType { pub const Binary: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4100,17 +3998,6 @@ impl SmsMessageType { pub const Voicemail: Self = Self(5i32); pub const Status: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SmsMessageType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SmsMessageType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SmsMessageType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SmsMessageType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4123,7 +4010,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SmsMessageType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Sms.SmsMessageType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SmsModemErrorCode(pub i32); impl SmsModemErrorCode { pub const Other: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4139,17 +4026,6 @@ impl SmsModemErrorCode { pub const NetworkFailure: Self = Self(10i32); pub const FixedDialingNumberRestricted: Self = Self(11i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SmsModemErrorCode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SmsModemErrorCode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SmsModemErrorCode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SmsModemErrorCode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Spi/Provider/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Spi/Provider/ index 689f779201..573b1557aa 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Spi/Provider/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Spi/Provider/ @@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for ProviderSpiConnectionSettings { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for ProviderSpiConnectionSettings {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for ProviderSpiConnectionSettings {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ProviderSpiMode(pub i32); impl ProviderSpiMode { pub const Mode0: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -259,17 +259,6 @@ impl ProviderSpiMode { pub const Mode2: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Mode3: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ProviderSpiMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ProviderSpiMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ProviderSpiMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ProviderSpiMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -282,23 +271,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ProviderSpiMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Spi.Provider.ProviderSpiMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ProviderSpiSharingMode(pub i32); impl ProviderSpiSharingMode { pub const Exclusive: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Shared: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ProviderSpiSharingMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ProviderSpiSharingMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ProviderSpiSharingMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ProviderSpiSharingMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Spi/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Spi/ index b26209b156..33d0f29fc8 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Spi/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Spi/ @@ -452,7 +452,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::CanTryInto for SpiDevi unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for SpiDevice {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for SpiDevice {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpiMode(pub i32); impl SpiMode { pub const Mode0: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -460,17 +460,6 @@ impl SpiMode { pub const Mode2: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Mode3: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpiMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpiMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpiMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpiMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -483,23 +472,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SpiMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Spi.SpiMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpiSharingMode(pub i32); impl SpiSharingMode { pub const Exclusive: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Shared: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpiSharingMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpiSharingMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpiSharingMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpiSharingMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Usb/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Usb/ index eff14778ba..303c76cbb3 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Usb/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/Usb/ @@ -2051,7 +2051,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for UsbSetupPacket { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for UsbSetupPacket {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for UsbSetupPacket {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UsbControlRecipient(pub i32); impl UsbControlRecipient { pub const Device: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2060,17 +2060,6 @@ impl UsbControlRecipient { pub const Other: Self = Self(3i32); pub const DefaultInterface: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UsbControlRecipient {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UsbControlRecipient { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UsbControlRecipient { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UsbControlRecipient { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2083,24 +2072,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for UsbControlRecipient { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Usb.UsbControlRecipient;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UsbControlTransferType(pub i32); impl UsbControlTransferType { pub const Standard: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Class: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Vendor: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UsbControlTransferType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UsbControlTransferType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UsbControlTransferType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UsbControlTransferType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2113,7 +2091,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for UsbControlTransferType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Usb.UsbControlTransferType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UsbEndpointType(pub i32); impl UsbEndpointType { pub const Control: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2121,17 +2099,6 @@ impl UsbEndpointType { pub const Bulk: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Interrupt: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UsbEndpointType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UsbEndpointType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UsbEndpointType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UsbEndpointType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2144,7 +2111,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for UsbEndpointType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Usb.UsbEndpointType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UsbReadOptions(pub u32); impl UsbReadOptions { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -2153,17 +2120,6 @@ impl UsbReadOptions { pub const IgnoreShortPacket: Self = Self(4u32); pub const AllowPartialReads: Self = Self(8u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UsbReadOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UsbReadOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UsbReadOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UsbReadOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2209,23 +2165,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for UsbReadOptions { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Usb.UsbReadOptions;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UsbTransferDirection(pub i32); impl UsbTransferDirection { pub const Out: Self = Self(0i32); pub const In: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UsbTransferDirection {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UsbTransferDirection { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UsbTransferDirection { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UsbTransferDirection { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2238,24 +2183,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for UsbTransferDirection { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.Usb.UsbTransferDirection;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UsbWriteOptions(pub u32); impl UsbWriteOptions { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); pub const AutoClearStall: Self = Self(1u32); pub const ShortPacketTerminate: Self = Self(2u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UsbWriteOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UsbWriteOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UsbWriteOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UsbWriteOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/WiFi/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/WiFi/ index 2991a28e88..f78e8d940f 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/WiFi/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/WiFi/ @@ -846,7 +846,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for WiFiWpsConfigurationResult { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for WiFiWpsConfigurationResult {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for WiFiWpsConfigurationResult {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WiFiAccessStatus(pub i32); impl WiFiAccessStatus { pub const Unspecified: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -854,17 +854,6 @@ impl WiFiAccessStatus { pub const DeniedByUser: Self = Self(2i32); pub const DeniedBySystem: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WiFiAccessStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WiFiAccessStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WiFiAccessStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WiFiAccessStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -877,24 +866,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for WiFiAccessStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.WiFi.WiFiAccessStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WiFiConnectionMethod(pub i32); impl WiFiConnectionMethod { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); pub const WpsPin: Self = Self(1i32); pub const WpsPushButton: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WiFiConnectionMethod {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WiFiConnectionMethod { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WiFiConnectionMethod { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WiFiConnectionMethod { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -907,7 +885,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for WiFiConnectionMethod { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.WiFi.WiFiConnectionMethod;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WiFiConnectionStatus(pub i32); impl WiFiConnectionStatus { pub const UnspecifiedFailure: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -918,17 +896,6 @@ impl WiFiConnectionStatus { pub const Timeout: Self = Self(5i32); pub const UnsupportedAuthenticationProtocol: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WiFiConnectionStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WiFiConnectionStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WiFiConnectionStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WiFiConnectionStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -941,24 +908,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for WiFiConnectionStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.WiFi.WiFiConnectionStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WiFiNetworkKind(pub i32); impl WiFiNetworkKind { pub const Any: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Infrastructure: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Adhoc: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WiFiNetworkKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WiFiNetworkKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WiFiNetworkKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WiFiNetworkKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -971,23 +927,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for WiFiNetworkKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.WiFi.WiFiNetworkKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WiFiOnDemandHotspotAvailability(pub i32); impl WiFiOnDemandHotspotAvailability { pub const Available: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Unavailable: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WiFiOnDemandHotspotAvailability {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WiFiOnDemandHotspotAvailability { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WiFiOnDemandHotspotAvailability { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WiFiOnDemandHotspotAvailability { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1000,7 +945,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for WiFiOnDemandHotspotAvailability { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.WiFi.WiFiOnDemandHotspotAvailability;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WiFiOnDemandHotspotCellularBars(pub i32); impl WiFiOnDemandHotspotCellularBars { pub const ZeroBars: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1010,17 +955,6 @@ impl WiFiOnDemandHotspotCellularBars { pub const FourBars: Self = Self(4i32); pub const FiveBars: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WiFiOnDemandHotspotCellularBars {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WiFiOnDemandHotspotCellularBars { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WiFiOnDemandHotspotCellularBars { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WiFiOnDemandHotspotCellularBars { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1033,7 +967,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for WiFiOnDemandHotspotCellularBars { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.WiFi.WiFiOnDemandHotspotCellularBars;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WiFiOnDemandHotspotConnectStatus(pub i32); impl WiFiOnDemandHotspotConnectStatus { pub const UnspecifiedFailure: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1056,17 +990,6 @@ impl WiFiOnDemandHotspotConnectStatus { pub const PairingRequired: Self = Self(17i32); pub const DataLimitReached: Self = Self(18i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WiFiOnDemandHotspotConnectStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WiFiOnDemandHotspotConnectStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WiFiOnDemandHotspotConnectStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WiFiOnDemandHotspotConnectStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1079,7 +1002,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for WiFiOnDemandHotspotConnectStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.WiFi.WiFiOnDemandHotspotConnectStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WiFiPhyKind(pub i32); impl WiFiPhyKind { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1095,17 +1018,6 @@ impl WiFiPhyKind { pub const HE: Self = Self(10i32); pub const Eht: Self = Self(11i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WiFiPhyKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WiFiPhyKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WiFiPhyKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WiFiPhyKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1118,23 +1030,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for WiFiPhyKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.WiFi.WiFiPhyKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WiFiReconnectionKind(pub i32); impl WiFiReconnectionKind { pub const Automatic: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Manual: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WiFiReconnectionKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WiFiReconnectionKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WiFiReconnectionKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WiFiReconnectionKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1147,24 +1048,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for WiFiReconnectionKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.WiFi.WiFiReconnectionKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WiFiWpsConfigurationStatus(pub i32); impl WiFiWpsConfigurationStatus { pub const UnspecifiedFailure: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Success: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Timeout: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WiFiWpsConfigurationStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WiFiWpsConfigurationStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WiFiWpsConfigurationStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WiFiWpsConfigurationStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1177,7 +1067,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for WiFiWpsConfigurationStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.WiFi.WiFiWpsConfigurationStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WiFiWpsKind(pub i32); impl WiFiWpsKind { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1187,17 +1077,6 @@ impl WiFiWpsKind { pub const Ethernet: Self = Self(4i32); pub const Usb: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WiFiWpsKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WiFiWpsKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WiFiWpsKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WiFiWpsKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/WiFiDirect/Services/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/WiFiDirect/Services/ index 741afce04d..a5c84e99d3 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/WiFiDirect/Services/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/WiFiDirect/Services/ @@ -1003,7 +1003,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for WiFiDirectServiceSessionRequestedEventArgs unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for WiFiDirectServiceSessionRequestedEventArgs {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for WiFiDirectServiceSessionRequestedEventArgs {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WiFiDirectServiceAdvertisementStatus(pub i32); impl WiFiDirectServiceAdvertisementStatus { pub const Created: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1011,17 +1011,6 @@ impl WiFiDirectServiceAdvertisementStatus { pub const Stopped: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Aborted: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WiFiDirectServiceAdvertisementStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WiFiDirectServiceAdvertisementStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WiFiDirectServiceAdvertisementStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WiFiDirectServiceAdvertisementStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1034,24 +1023,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for WiFiDirectServiceAdvertisementStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.WiFiDirect.Services.WiFiDirectServiceAdvertisementStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WiFiDirectServiceConfigurationMethod(pub i32); impl WiFiDirectServiceConfigurationMethod { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); pub const PinDisplay: Self = Self(1i32); pub const PinEntry: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WiFiDirectServiceConfigurationMethod {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WiFiDirectServiceConfigurationMethod { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WiFiDirectServiceConfigurationMethod { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WiFiDirectServiceConfigurationMethod { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1064,7 +1042,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for WiFiDirectServiceConfigurationMethod { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.WiFiDirect.Services.WiFiDirectServiceConfigurationMethod;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WiFiDirectServiceError(pub i32); impl WiFiDirectServiceError { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1073,17 +1051,6 @@ impl WiFiDirectServiceError { pub const UnsupportedHardware: Self = Self(3i32); pub const NoHardware: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WiFiDirectServiceError {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WiFiDirectServiceError { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WiFiDirectServiceError { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WiFiDirectServiceError { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1096,23 +1063,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for WiFiDirectServiceError { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.WiFiDirect.Services.WiFiDirectServiceError;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WiFiDirectServiceIPProtocol(pub i32); impl WiFiDirectServiceIPProtocol { pub const Tcp: Self = Self(6i32); pub const Udp: Self = Self(17i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WiFiDirectServiceIPProtocol {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WiFiDirectServiceIPProtocol { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WiFiDirectServiceIPProtocol { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WiFiDirectServiceIPProtocol { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1125,7 +1081,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for WiFiDirectServiceIPProtocol { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.WiFiDirect.Services.WiFiDirectServiceIPProtocol;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WiFiDirectServiceSessionErrorStatus(pub i32); impl WiFiDirectServiceSessionErrorStatus { pub const Ok: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1135,17 +1091,6 @@ impl WiFiDirectServiceSessionErrorStatus { pub const SystemFailure: Self = Self(4i32); pub const NoResponseFromRemote: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WiFiDirectServiceSessionErrorStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WiFiDirectServiceSessionErrorStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WiFiDirectServiceSessionErrorStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WiFiDirectServiceSessionErrorStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1158,7 +1103,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for WiFiDirectServiceSessionErrorStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.WiFiDirect.Services.WiFiDirectServiceSessionErrorStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WiFiDirectServiceSessionStatus(pub i32); impl WiFiDirectServiceSessionStatus { pub const Closed: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1166,17 +1111,6 @@ impl WiFiDirectServiceSessionStatus { pub const Requested: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Open: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WiFiDirectServiceSessionStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WiFiDirectServiceSessionStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WiFiDirectServiceSessionStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WiFiDirectServiceSessionStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1189,24 +1123,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for WiFiDirectServiceSessionStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.WiFiDirect.Services.WiFiDirectServiceSessionStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WiFiDirectServiceStatus(pub i32); impl WiFiDirectServiceStatus { pub const Available: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Busy: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Custom: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WiFiDirectServiceStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WiFiDirectServiceStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WiFiDirectServiceStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WiFiDirectServiceStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/WiFiDirect/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/WiFiDirect/ index 7762c2aa9b..4c578ed9d5 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/WiFiDirect/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Devices/WiFiDirect/ @@ -944,24 +944,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for WiFiDirectLegacySettings { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for WiFiDirectLegacySettings {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for WiFiDirectLegacySettings {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WiFiDirectAdvertisementListenStateDiscoverability(pub i32); impl WiFiDirectAdvertisementListenStateDiscoverability { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Normal: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Intensive: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WiFiDirectAdvertisementListenStateDiscoverability {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WiFiDirectAdvertisementListenStateDiscoverability { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WiFiDirectAdvertisementListenStateDiscoverability { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WiFiDirectAdvertisementListenStateDiscoverability { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -974,7 +963,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for WiFiDirectAdvertisementListenStateDiscovera const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.WiFiDirect.WiFiDirectAdvertisementListenStateDiscoverability;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WiFiDirectAdvertisementPublisherStatus(pub i32); impl WiFiDirectAdvertisementPublisherStatus { pub const Created: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -982,17 +971,6 @@ impl WiFiDirectAdvertisementPublisherStatus { pub const Stopped: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Aborted: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WiFiDirectAdvertisementPublisherStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WiFiDirectAdvertisementPublisherStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WiFiDirectAdvertisementPublisherStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WiFiDirectAdvertisementPublisherStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1005,24 +983,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for WiFiDirectAdvertisementPublisherStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.WiFiDirect.WiFiDirectAdvertisementPublisherStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WiFiDirectConfigurationMethod(pub i32); impl WiFiDirectConfigurationMethod { pub const ProvidePin: Self = Self(0i32); pub const DisplayPin: Self = Self(1i32); pub const PushButton: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WiFiDirectConfigurationMethod {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WiFiDirectConfigurationMethod { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WiFiDirectConfigurationMethod { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WiFiDirectConfigurationMethod { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1035,23 +1002,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for WiFiDirectConfigurationMethod { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.WiFiDirect.WiFiDirectConfigurationMethod;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WiFiDirectConnectionStatus(pub i32); impl WiFiDirectConnectionStatus { pub const Disconnected: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Connected: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WiFiDirectConnectionStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WiFiDirectConnectionStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WiFiDirectConnectionStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WiFiDirectConnectionStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1064,23 +1020,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for WiFiDirectConnectionStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.WiFiDirect.WiFiDirectConnectionStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WiFiDirectDeviceSelectorType(pub i32); impl WiFiDirectDeviceSelectorType { pub const DeviceInterface: Self = Self(0i32); pub const AssociationEndpoint: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WiFiDirectDeviceSelectorType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WiFiDirectDeviceSelectorType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WiFiDirectDeviceSelectorType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WiFiDirectDeviceSelectorType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1093,24 +1038,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for WiFiDirectDeviceSelectorType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.WiFiDirect.WiFiDirectDeviceSelectorType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WiFiDirectError(pub i32); impl WiFiDirectError { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); pub const RadioNotAvailable: Self = Self(1i32); pub const ResourceInUse: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WiFiDirectError {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WiFiDirectError { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WiFiDirectError { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WiFiDirectError { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1123,23 +1057,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for WiFiDirectError { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Devices.WiFiDirect.WiFiDirectError;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WiFiDirectPairingProcedure(pub i32); impl WiFiDirectPairingProcedure { pub const GroupOwnerNegotiation: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Invitation: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WiFiDirectPairingProcedure {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WiFiDirectPairingProcedure { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WiFiDirectPairingProcedure { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WiFiDirectPairingProcedure { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Foundation/Collections/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Foundation/Collections/ index f7392fce0d..b37564b36b 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Foundation/Collections/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Foundation/Collections/ @@ -1402,7 +1402,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::CanTryInto for ValueSet {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for ValueSet {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for ValueSet {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CollectionChange(pub i32); impl CollectionChange { pub const Reset: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1410,17 +1410,6 @@ impl CollectionChange { pub const ItemRemoved: Self = Self(2i32); pub const ItemChanged: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CollectionChange {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CollectionChange { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CollectionChange { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CollectionChange { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Foundation/Diagnostics/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Foundation/Diagnostics/ index 5d3d32c886..0d80719e84 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Foundation/Diagnostics/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Foundation/Diagnostics/ @@ -2204,7 +2204,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for TracingStatusChangedEventArgs { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for TracingStatusChangedEventArgs {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for TracingStatusChangedEventArgs {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CausalityRelation(pub i32); impl CausalityRelation { pub const AssignDelegate: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2213,17 +2213,6 @@ impl CausalityRelation { pub const Cancel: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Error: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CausalityRelation {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CausalityRelation { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CausalityRelation { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CausalityRelation { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2236,24 +2225,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CausalityRelation { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Foundation.Diagnostics.CausalityRelation;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CausalitySource(pub i32); impl CausalitySource { pub const Application: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Library: Self = Self(1i32); pub const System: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CausalitySource {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CausalitySource { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CausalitySource { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CausalitySource { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2266,24 +2244,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CausalitySource { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Foundation.Diagnostics.CausalitySource;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CausalitySynchronousWork(pub i32); impl CausalitySynchronousWork { pub const CompletionNotification: Self = Self(0i32); pub const ProgressNotification: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Execution: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CausalitySynchronousWork {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CausalitySynchronousWork { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CausalitySynchronousWork { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CausalitySynchronousWork { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2296,24 +2263,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CausalitySynchronousWork { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Foundation.Diagnostics.CausalitySynchronousWork;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CausalityTraceLevel(pub i32); impl CausalityTraceLevel { pub const Required: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Important: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Verbose: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CausalityTraceLevel {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CausalityTraceLevel { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CausalityTraceLevel { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CausalityTraceLevel { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2326,7 +2282,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CausalityTraceLevel { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Foundation.Diagnostics.CausalityTraceLevel;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ErrorOptions(pub u32); impl ErrorOptions { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -2335,17 +2291,6 @@ impl ErrorOptions { pub const UseSetErrorInfo: Self = Self(4u32); pub const SuppressSetErrorInfo: Self = Self(8u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ErrorOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ErrorOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ErrorOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ErrorOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2391,7 +2336,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ErrorOptions { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Foundation.Diagnostics.ErrorOptions;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LoggingFieldFormat(pub i32); impl LoggingFieldFormat { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2414,17 +2359,6 @@ impl LoggingFieldFormat { pub const Signed: Self = Self(17i32); pub const Unsigned: Self = Self(18i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LoggingFieldFormat {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LoggingFieldFormat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LoggingFieldFormat { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LoggingFieldFormat { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2437,7 +2371,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for LoggingFieldFormat { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Foundation.Diagnostics.LoggingFieldFormat;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LoggingLevel(pub i32); impl LoggingLevel { pub const Verbose: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2446,17 +2380,6 @@ impl LoggingLevel { pub const Error: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Critical: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LoggingLevel {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LoggingLevel { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LoggingLevel { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LoggingLevel { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2469,7 +2392,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for LoggingLevel { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Foundation.Diagnostics.LoggingLevel;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LoggingOpcode(pub i32); impl LoggingOpcode { pub const Info: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2480,17 +2403,6 @@ impl LoggingOpcode { pub const Suspend: Self = Self(8i32); pub const Send: Self = Self(9i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LoggingOpcode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LoggingOpcode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LoggingOpcode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LoggingOpcode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Foundation/Metadata/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Foundation/Metadata/ index 6edd3af137..a63d215de8 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Foundation/Metadata/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Foundation/Metadata/ @@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for ApiInformation { const NAME: &'static str = "Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ApiInformation"; } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AttributeTargets(pub u32); impl AttributeTargets { pub const All: Self = Self(4294967295u32); @@ -112,17 +112,6 @@ impl AttributeTargets { pub const InterfaceImpl: Self = Self(2048u32); pub const ApiContract: Self = Self(8192u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AttributeTargets {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AttributeTargets { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AttributeTargets { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AttributeTargets { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -168,23 +157,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AttributeTargets { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Foundation.Metadata.AttributeTargets;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CompositionType(pub i32); impl CompositionType { pub const Protected: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Public: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CompositionType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CompositionType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CompositionType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CompositionType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -197,23 +175,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CompositionType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Foundation.Metadata.CompositionType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DeprecationType(pub i32); impl DeprecationType { pub const Deprecate: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Remove: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DeprecationType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DeprecationType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DeprecationType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DeprecationType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -226,7 +193,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DeprecationType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Foundation.Metadata.DeprecationType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FeatureStage(pub i32); impl FeatureStage { pub const AlwaysDisabled: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -234,17 +201,6 @@ impl FeatureStage { pub const EnabledByDefault: Self = Self(2i32); pub const AlwaysEnabled: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FeatureStage {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FeatureStage { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FeatureStage { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FeatureStage { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -257,24 +213,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for FeatureStage { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Foundation.Metadata.FeatureStage;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GCPressureAmount(pub i32); impl GCPressureAmount { pub const Low: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Medium: Self = Self(1i32); pub const High: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GCPressureAmount {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GCPressureAmount { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GCPressureAmount { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GCPressureAmount { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -287,7 +232,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for GCPressureAmount { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Foundation.Metadata.GCPressureAmount;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MarshalingType(pub i32); impl MarshalingType { pub const None: Self = Self(1i32); @@ -295,17 +240,6 @@ impl MarshalingType { pub const Standard: Self = Self(3i32); pub const InvalidMarshaling: Self = Self(0i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MarshalingType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MarshalingType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MarshalingType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MarshalingType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -318,23 +252,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MarshalingType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Foundation.Metadata.MarshalingType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct Platform(pub i32); impl Platform { pub const Windows: Self = Self(0i32); pub const WindowsPhone: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for Platform {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for Platform { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for Platform { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for Platform { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -347,7 +270,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for Platform { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Foundation.Metadata.Platform;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ThreadingModel(pub i32); impl ThreadingModel { pub const STA: Self = Self(1i32); @@ -355,17 +278,6 @@ impl ThreadingModel { pub const Both: Self = Self(3i32); pub const InvalidThreading: Self = Self(0i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ThreadingModel {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ThreadingModel { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ThreadingModel { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ThreadingModel { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Foundation/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Foundation/ index f55569ae2d..b4b7697692 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Foundation/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Foundation/ @@ -2451,7 +2451,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::CanTryInto for WwwFormUrlDecoderEn unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for WwwFormUrlDecoderEntry {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for WwwFormUrlDecoderEntry {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AsyncStatus(pub i32); impl AsyncStatus { pub const Canceled: Self = Self(2i32); @@ -2459,17 +2459,6 @@ impl AsyncStatus { pub const Error: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Started: Self = Self(0i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AsyncStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AsyncStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AsyncStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AsyncStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2482,7 +2471,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AsyncStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Foundation.AsyncStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PropertyType(pub i32); impl PropertyType { pub const Empty: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2527,17 +2516,6 @@ impl PropertyType { pub const RectArray: Self = Self(1043i32); pub const OtherTypeArray: Self = Self(1044i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PropertyType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PropertyType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PropertyType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PropertyType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Gaming/Input/Custom/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Gaming/Input/Custom/ index e3b4f68953..679aeb305b 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Gaming/Input/Custom/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Gaming/Input/Custom/ @@ -655,24 +655,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::CanTryInto for XusbGameControllerP unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for XusbGameControllerProvider {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for XusbGameControllerProvider {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GipFirmwareUpdateStatus(pub i32); impl GipFirmwareUpdateStatus { pub const Completed: Self = Self(0i32); pub const UpToDate: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Failed: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GipFirmwareUpdateStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GipFirmwareUpdateStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GipFirmwareUpdateStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GipFirmwareUpdateStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -685,24 +674,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for GipFirmwareUpdateStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Gaming.Input.Custom.GipFirmwareUpdateStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GipMessageClass(pub i32); impl GipMessageClass { pub const Command: Self = Self(0i32); pub const LowLatency: Self = Self(1i32); pub const StandardLatency: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GipMessageClass {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GipMessageClass { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GipMessageClass { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GipMessageClass { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -715,7 +693,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for GipMessageClass { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Gaming.Input.Custom.GipMessageClass;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XusbDeviceSubtype(pub i32); impl XusbDeviceSubtype { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -730,17 +708,6 @@ impl XusbDeviceSubtype { pub const DrumKit: Self = Self(9i32); pub const DancePad: Self = Self(10i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XusbDeviceSubtype {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XusbDeviceSubtype { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XusbDeviceSubtype { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XusbDeviceSubtype { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -753,23 +720,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for XusbDeviceSubtype { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Gaming.Input.Custom.XusbDeviceSubtype;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XusbDeviceType(pub i32); impl XusbDeviceType { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Gamepad: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XusbDeviceType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XusbDeviceType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XusbDeviceType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XusbDeviceType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Gaming/Input/ForceFeedback/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Gaming/Input/ForceFeedback/ index 4679249637..c75cededb7 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Gaming/Input/ForceFeedback/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Gaming/Input/ForceFeedback/ @@ -585,7 +585,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::CanTryInto for RampForceEffect {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for RampForceEffect {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for RampForceEffect {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ConditionForceEffectKind(pub i32); impl ConditionForceEffectKind { pub const Spring: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -593,17 +593,6 @@ impl ConditionForceEffectKind { pub const Inertia: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Friction: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ConditionForceEffectKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ConditionForceEffectKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ConditionForceEffectKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ConditionForceEffectKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -616,7 +605,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ConditionForceEffectKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Gaming.Input.ForceFeedback.ConditionForceEffectKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ForceFeedbackEffectAxes(pub u32); impl ForceFeedbackEffectAxes { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -624,17 +613,6 @@ impl ForceFeedbackEffectAxes { pub const Y: Self = Self(2u32); pub const Z: Self = Self(4u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ForceFeedbackEffectAxes {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ForceFeedbackEffectAxes { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ForceFeedbackEffectAxes { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ForceFeedbackEffectAxes { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -680,7 +658,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ForceFeedbackEffectAxes { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Gaming.Input.ForceFeedback.ForceFeedbackEffectAxes;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ForceFeedbackEffectState(pub i32); impl ForceFeedbackEffectState { pub const Stopped: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -688,17 +666,6 @@ impl ForceFeedbackEffectState { pub const Paused: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Faulted: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ForceFeedbackEffectState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ForceFeedbackEffectState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ForceFeedbackEffectState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ForceFeedbackEffectState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -711,24 +678,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ForceFeedbackEffectState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Gaming.Input.ForceFeedback.ForceFeedbackEffectState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ForceFeedbackLoadEffectResult(pub i32); impl ForceFeedbackLoadEffectResult { pub const Succeeded: Self = Self(0i32); pub const EffectStorageFull: Self = Self(1i32); pub const EffectNotSupported: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ForceFeedbackLoadEffectResult {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ForceFeedbackLoadEffectResult { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ForceFeedbackLoadEffectResult { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ForceFeedbackLoadEffectResult { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -741,7 +697,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ForceFeedbackLoadEffectResult { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Gaming.Input.ForceFeedback.ForceFeedbackLoadEffectResult;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PeriodicForceEffectKind(pub i32); impl PeriodicForceEffectKind { pub const SquareWave: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -750,17 +706,6 @@ impl PeriodicForceEffectKind { pub const SawtoothWaveUp: Self = Self(3i32); pub const SawtoothWaveDown: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PeriodicForceEffectKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PeriodicForceEffectKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PeriodicForceEffectKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PeriodicForceEffectKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Gaming/Input/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Gaming/Input/ index a431cf3f00..79fb15e82e 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Gaming/Input/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Gaming/Input/ @@ -1680,7 +1680,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::CanTryInto for UINavigationCont unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for UINavigationController {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for UINavigationController {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ArcadeStickButtons(pub u32); impl ArcadeStickButtons { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -1697,17 +1697,6 @@ impl ArcadeStickButtons { pub const Special1: Self = Self(1024u32); pub const Special2: Self = Self(2048u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ArcadeStickButtons {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ArcadeStickButtons { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ArcadeStickButtons { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ArcadeStickButtons { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1753,24 +1742,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ArcadeStickButtons { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Gaming.Input.ArcadeStickButtons;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FlightStickButtons(pub u32); impl FlightStickButtons { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); pub const FirePrimary: Self = Self(1u32); pub const FireSecondary: Self = Self(2u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FlightStickButtons {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FlightStickButtons { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FlightStickButtons { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FlightStickButtons { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1816,7 +1794,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for FlightStickButtons { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Gaming.Input.FlightStickButtons;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GameControllerButtonLabel(pub i32); impl GameControllerButtonLabel { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1889,17 +1867,6 @@ impl GameControllerButtonLabel { pub const DialRight: Self = Self(67i32); pub const Suspension: Self = Self(68i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GameControllerButtonLabel {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GameControllerButtonLabel { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GameControllerButtonLabel { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GameControllerButtonLabel { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1912,24 +1879,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for GameControllerButtonLabel { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Gaming.Input.GameControllerButtonLabel;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GameControllerSwitchKind(pub i32); impl GameControllerSwitchKind { pub const TwoWay: Self = Self(0i32); pub const FourWay: Self = Self(1i32); pub const EightWay: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GameControllerSwitchKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GameControllerSwitchKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GameControllerSwitchKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GameControllerSwitchKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1942,7 +1898,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for GameControllerSwitchKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Gaming.Input.GameControllerSwitchKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GameControllerSwitchPosition(pub i32); impl GameControllerSwitchPosition { pub const Center: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1955,17 +1911,6 @@ impl GameControllerSwitchPosition { pub const Left: Self = Self(7i32); pub const UpLeft: Self = Self(8i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GameControllerSwitchPosition {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GameControllerSwitchPosition { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GameControllerSwitchPosition { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GameControllerSwitchPosition { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1978,7 +1923,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for GameControllerSwitchPosition { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Gaming.Input.GameControllerSwitchPosition;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GamepadButtons(pub u32); impl GamepadButtons { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -2001,17 +1946,6 @@ impl GamepadButtons { pub const Paddle3: Self = Self(65536u32); pub const Paddle4: Self = Self(131072u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GamepadButtons {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GamepadButtons { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GamepadButtons { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GamepadButtons { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2057,7 +1991,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for GamepadButtons { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Gaming.Input.GamepadButtons;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OptionalUINavigationButtons(pub u32); impl OptionalUINavigationButtons { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -2074,17 +2008,6 @@ impl OptionalUINavigationButtons { pub const ScrollLeft: Self = Self(1024u32); pub const ScrollRight: Self = Self(2048u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OptionalUINavigationButtons {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OptionalUINavigationButtons { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OptionalUINavigationButtons { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OptionalUINavigationButtons { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2130,7 +2053,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for OptionalUINavigationButtons { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Gaming.Input.OptionalUINavigationButtons;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RacingWheelButtons(pub u32); impl RacingWheelButtons { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -2157,17 +2080,6 @@ impl RacingWheelButtons { pub const Button15: Self = Self(1048576u32); pub const Button16: Self = Self(2097152u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RacingWheelButtons {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RacingWheelButtons { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RacingWheelButtons { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RacingWheelButtons { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2213,7 +2125,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for RacingWheelButtons { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Gaming.Input.RacingWheelButtons;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RequiredUINavigationButtons(pub u32); impl RequiredUINavigationButtons { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -2226,17 +2138,6 @@ impl RequiredUINavigationButtons { pub const Left: Self = Self(64u32); pub const Right: Self = Self(128u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RequiredUINavigationButtons {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RequiredUINavigationButtons { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RequiredUINavigationButtons { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RequiredUINavigationButtons { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Gaming/Preview/GamesEnumeration/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Gaming/Preview/GamesEnumeration/ index e1c2b44959..9ae9ecb15c 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Gaming/Preview/GamesEnumeration/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Gaming/Preview/GamesEnumeration/ @@ -628,24 +628,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for GameModeUserConfiguration { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for GameModeUserConfiguration {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for GameModeUserConfiguration {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GameListCategory(pub i32); impl GameListCategory { pub const Candidate: Self = Self(0i32); pub const ConfirmedBySystem: Self = Self(1i32); pub const ConfirmedByUser: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GameListCategory {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GameListCategory { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GameListCategory { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GameListCategory { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -658,7 +647,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for GameListCategory { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Gaming.Preview.GamesEnumeration.GameListCategory;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GameListEntryLaunchableState(pub i32); impl GameListEntryLaunchableState { pub const NotLaunchable: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -666,17 +655,6 @@ impl GameListEntryLaunchableState { pub const ByUserProvidedPath: Self = Self(2i32); pub const ByTile: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GameListEntryLaunchableState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GameListEntryLaunchableState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GameListEntryLaunchableState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GameListEntryLaunchableState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Gaming/UI/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Gaming/UI/ index 9d7b58ce3e..7da83e4560 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Gaming/UI/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Gaming/UI/ @@ -375,23 +375,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::CanTryInto Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GameChatMessageOrigin { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GameChatMessageOrigin { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -404,7 +393,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for GameChatMessageOrigin { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Gaming.UI.GameChatMessageOrigin;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GameChatOverlayPosition(pub i32); impl GameChatOverlayPosition { pub const BottomCenter: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -416,17 +405,6 @@ impl GameChatOverlayPosition { pub const TopLeft: Self = Self(6i32); pub const TopRight: Self = Self(7i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GameChatOverlayPosition {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GameChatOverlayPosition { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GameChatOverlayPosition { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GameChatOverlayPosition { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Gaming/XboxLive/Storage/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Gaming/XboxLive/Storage/ index 0a5abdd290..4bd66edcfe 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Gaming/XboxLive/Storage/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Gaming/XboxLive/Storage/ @@ -781,7 +781,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for GameSaveProviderGetResult { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for GameSaveProviderGetResult {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for GameSaveProviderGetResult {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GameSaveErrorStatus(pub i32); impl GameSaveErrorStatus { pub const Ok: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -800,17 +800,6 @@ impl GameSaveErrorStatus { pub const UserHasNoXboxLiveInfo: Self = Self(-2138898420i32); pub const ObjectExpired: Self = Self(-2138898419i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GameSaveErrorStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GameSaveErrorStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GameSaveErrorStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GameSaveErrorStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Globalization/DateTimeFormatting/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Globalization/DateTimeFormatting/ index 96873a692e..0c0a516e7f 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Globalization/DateTimeFormatting/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Globalization/DateTimeFormatting/ @@ -357,23 +357,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for DateTimeFormatter { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for DateTimeFormatter {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for DateTimeFormatter {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DayFormat(pub i32); impl DayFormat { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Default: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DayFormat {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DayFormat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DayFormat { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DayFormat { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -386,7 +375,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DayFormat { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Globalization.DateTimeFormatting.DayFormat;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DayOfWeekFormat(pub i32); impl DayOfWeekFormat { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -394,17 +383,6 @@ impl DayOfWeekFormat { pub const Abbreviated: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Full: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DayOfWeekFormat {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DayOfWeekFormat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DayOfWeekFormat { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DayOfWeekFormat { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -417,23 +395,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DayOfWeekFormat { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Globalization.DateTimeFormatting.DayOfWeekFormat;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HourFormat(pub i32); impl HourFormat { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Default: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HourFormat {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HourFormat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HourFormat { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HourFormat { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -446,23 +413,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for HourFormat { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Globalization.DateTimeFormatting.HourFormat;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MinuteFormat(pub i32); impl MinuteFormat { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Default: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MinuteFormat {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MinuteFormat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MinuteFormat { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MinuteFormat { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -475,7 +431,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MinuteFormat { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Globalization.DateTimeFormatting.MinuteFormat;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MonthFormat(pub i32); impl MonthFormat { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -484,17 +440,6 @@ impl MonthFormat { pub const Full: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Numeric: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MonthFormat {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MonthFormat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MonthFormat { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MonthFormat { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -507,23 +452,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MonthFormat { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Globalization.DateTimeFormatting.MonthFormat;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SecondFormat(pub i32); impl SecondFormat { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Default: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SecondFormat {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SecondFormat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SecondFormat { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SecondFormat { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -536,7 +470,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SecondFormat { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Globalization.DateTimeFormatting.SecondFormat;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct YearFormat(pub i32); impl YearFormat { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -544,17 +478,6 @@ impl YearFormat { pub const Abbreviated: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Full: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for YearFormat {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for YearFormat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for YearFormat { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for YearFormat { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Globalization/NumberFormatting/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Globalization/NumberFormatting/ index a55d578f17..4385946b69 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Globalization/NumberFormatting/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Globalization/NumberFormatting/ @@ -1842,23 +1842,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::CanTryInto for SignificantDigitsNumberRound unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for SignificantDigitsNumberRounder {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for SignificantDigitsNumberRounder {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CurrencyFormatterMode(pub i32); impl CurrencyFormatterMode { pub const UseSymbol: Self = Self(0i32); pub const UseCurrencyCode: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CurrencyFormatterMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CurrencyFormatterMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CurrencyFormatterMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CurrencyFormatterMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1871,7 +1860,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CurrencyFormatterMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Globalization.NumberFormatting.CurrencyFormatterMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RoundingAlgorithm(pub i32); impl RoundingAlgorithm { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1886,17 +1875,6 @@ impl RoundingAlgorithm { pub const RoundHalfToEven: Self = Self(9i32); pub const RoundHalfToOdd: Self = Self(10i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RoundingAlgorithm {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RoundingAlgorithm { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RoundingAlgorithm { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RoundingAlgorithm { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Globalization/PhoneNumberFormatting/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Globalization/PhoneNumberFormatting/ index fd413647fa..1540f47ea6 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Globalization/PhoneNumberFormatting/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Globalization/PhoneNumberFormatting/ @@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::CanTryInto for Phone unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for PhoneNumberInfo {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for PhoneNumberInfo {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PhoneNumberFormat(pub i32); impl PhoneNumberFormat { pub const E164: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -311,17 +311,6 @@ impl PhoneNumberFormat { pub const National: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Rfc3966: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PhoneNumberFormat {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PhoneNumberFormat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PhoneNumberFormat { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PhoneNumberFormat { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -334,7 +323,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PhoneNumberFormat { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Globalization.PhoneNumberFormatting.PhoneNumberFormat;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PhoneNumberMatchResult(pub i32); impl PhoneNumberMatchResult { pub const NoMatch: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -342,17 +331,6 @@ impl PhoneNumberMatchResult { pub const NationalSignificantNumberMatch: Self = Self(2i32); pub const ExactMatch: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PhoneNumberMatchResult {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PhoneNumberMatchResult { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PhoneNumberMatchResult { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PhoneNumberMatchResult { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -365,7 +343,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PhoneNumberMatchResult { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Globalization.PhoneNumberFormatting.PhoneNumberMatchResult;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PhoneNumberParseResult(pub i32); impl PhoneNumberParseResult { pub const Valid: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -374,17 +352,6 @@ impl PhoneNumberParseResult { pub const TooShort: Self = Self(3i32); pub const TooLong: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PhoneNumberParseResult {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PhoneNumberParseResult { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PhoneNumberParseResult { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PhoneNumberParseResult { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -397,7 +364,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PhoneNumberParseResult { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Globalization.PhoneNumberFormatting.PhoneNumberParseResult;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PredictedPhoneNumberKind(pub i32); impl PredictedPhoneNumberKind { pub const FixedLine: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -413,17 +380,6 @@ impl PredictedPhoneNumberKind { pub const Voicemail: Self = Self(10i32); pub const Unknown: Self = Self(11i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PredictedPhoneNumberKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PredictedPhoneNumberKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PredictedPhoneNumberKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PredictedPhoneNumberKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Globalization/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Globalization/ index 62e8ddae10..bb7202575a 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Globalization/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Globalization/ @@ -3394,7 +3394,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for NumeralSystemIdentifiers { const NAME: &'static str = "Windows.Globalization.NumeralSystemIdentifiers"; } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DayOfWeek(pub i32); impl DayOfWeek { pub const Sunday: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3405,17 +3405,6 @@ impl DayOfWeek { pub const Friday: Self = Self(5i32); pub const Saturday: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DayOfWeek {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DayOfWeek { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DayOfWeek { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DayOfWeek { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3428,7 +3417,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DayOfWeek { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Globalization.DayOfWeek;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LanguageLayoutDirection(pub i32); impl LanguageLayoutDirection { pub const Ltr: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3436,17 +3425,6 @@ impl LanguageLayoutDirection { pub const TtbLtr: Self = Self(2i32); pub const TtbRtl: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LanguageLayoutDirection {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LanguageLayoutDirection { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LanguageLayoutDirection { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LanguageLayoutDirection { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Graphics/Capture/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Graphics/Capture/ index a298b37e43..999508e642 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Graphics/Capture/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Graphics/Capture/ @@ -596,23 +596,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::CanTryInto for Graphic unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for GraphicsCaptureSession {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for GraphicsCaptureSession {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GraphicsCaptureAccessKind(pub i32); impl GraphicsCaptureAccessKind { pub const Borderless: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Programmatic: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GraphicsCaptureAccessKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GraphicsCaptureAccessKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GraphicsCaptureAccessKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GraphicsCaptureAccessKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Graphics/DirectX/Direct3D11/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Graphics/DirectX/Direct3D11/ index 8ef72b4c9e..fc67cd85d9 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Graphics/DirectX/Direct3D11/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Graphics/DirectX/Direct3D11/ @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ pub struct IDirect3DSurface_Vtbl { pub Description: unsafe extern "system" fn(this: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void, result__: *mut Direct3DSurfaceDescription) -> ::windows_core::HRESULT, } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct Direct3DBindings(pub u32); impl Direct3DBindings { pub const VertexBuffer: Self = Self(1u32); @@ -76,17 +76,6 @@ impl Direct3DBindings { pub const Decoder: Self = Self(512u32); pub const VideoEncoder: Self = Self(1024u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for Direct3DBindings {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for Direct3DBindings { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for Direct3DBindings { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for Direct3DBindings { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -132,7 +121,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for Direct3DBindings { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.DirectX.Direct3D11.Direct3DBindings;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct Direct3DUsage(pub i32); impl Direct3DUsage { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -140,17 +129,6 @@ impl Direct3DUsage { pub const Dynamic: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Staging: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for Direct3DUsage {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for Direct3DUsage { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for Direct3DUsage { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for Direct3DUsage { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Graphics/DirectX/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Graphics/DirectX/ index 4bfc198187..3486a29e00 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Graphics/DirectX/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Graphics/DirectX/ @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ #[doc = "Required features: `\"Graphics_DirectX_Direct3D11\"`"] pub mod Direct3D11; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DirectXAlphaMode(pub i32); impl DirectXAlphaMode { pub const Unspecified: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -10,17 +10,6 @@ impl DirectXAlphaMode { pub const Straight: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Ignore: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DirectXAlphaMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DirectXAlphaMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DirectXAlphaMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DirectXAlphaMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -33,7 +22,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DirectXAlphaMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.DirectX.DirectXAlphaMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DirectXColorSpace(pub i32); impl DirectXColorSpace { pub const RgbFullG22NoneP709: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -62,17 +51,6 @@ impl DirectXColorSpace { pub const YccStudioG24LeftP2020: Self = Self(23i32); pub const YccStudioG24TopLeftP2020: Self = Self(24i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DirectXColorSpace {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DirectXColorSpace { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DirectXColorSpace { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DirectXColorSpace { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -85,7 +63,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DirectXColorSpace { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.DirectX.DirectXColorSpace;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DirectXPixelFormat(pub i32); impl DirectXPixelFormat { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -210,17 +188,6 @@ impl DirectXPixelFormat { pub const SamplerFeedbackMinMipOpaque: Self = Self(189i32); pub const SamplerFeedbackMipRegionUsedOpaque: Self = Self(190i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DirectXPixelFormat {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DirectXPixelFormat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DirectXPixelFormat { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DirectXPixelFormat { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -233,7 +200,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DirectXPixelFormat { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.DirectX.DirectXPixelFormat;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DirectXPrimitiveTopology(pub i32); impl DirectXPrimitiveTopology { pub const Undefined: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -243,17 +210,6 @@ impl DirectXPrimitiveTopology { pub const TriangleList: Self = Self(4i32); pub const TriangleStrip: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DirectXPrimitiveTopology {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DirectXPrimitiveTopology { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DirectXPrimitiveTopology { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DirectXPrimitiveTopology { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Graphics/Display/Core/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Graphics/Display/Core/ index 7021768f76..b3d4b2a5c4 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Graphics/Display/Core/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Graphics/Display/Core/ @@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for HdmiDisplayMode { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for HdmiDisplayMode {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for HdmiDisplayMode {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HdmiDisplayColorSpace(pub i32); impl HdmiDisplayColorSpace { pub const RgbLimited: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -296,17 +296,6 @@ impl HdmiDisplayColorSpace { pub const BT2020: Self = Self(2i32); pub const BT709: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HdmiDisplayColorSpace {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HdmiDisplayColorSpace { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HdmiDisplayColorSpace { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HdmiDisplayColorSpace { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -319,7 +308,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for HdmiDisplayColorSpace { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.Display.Core.HdmiDisplayColorSpace;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HdmiDisplayHdrOption(pub i32); impl HdmiDisplayHdrOption { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -327,17 +316,6 @@ impl HdmiDisplayHdrOption { pub const Eotf2084: Self = Self(2i32); pub const DolbyVisionLowLatency: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HdmiDisplayHdrOption {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HdmiDisplayHdrOption { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HdmiDisplayHdrOption { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HdmiDisplayHdrOption { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -350,7 +328,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for HdmiDisplayHdrOption { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.Display.Core.HdmiDisplayHdrOption;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HdmiDisplayPixelEncoding(pub i32); impl HdmiDisplayPixelEncoding { pub const Rgb444: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -358,17 +336,6 @@ impl HdmiDisplayPixelEncoding { pub const Ycc422: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Ycc420: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HdmiDisplayPixelEncoding {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HdmiDisplayPixelEncoding { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HdmiDisplayPixelEncoding { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HdmiDisplayPixelEncoding { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Graphics/Display/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Graphics/Display/ index 20912f8f7c..0e597de92a 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Graphics/Display/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Graphics/Display/ @@ -1395,24 +1395,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for DisplayServices { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for DisplayServices {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for DisplayServices {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AdvancedColorKind(pub i32); impl AdvancedColorKind { pub const StandardDynamicRange: Self = Self(0i32); pub const WideColorGamut: Self = Self(1i32); pub const HighDynamicRange: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AdvancedColorKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AdvancedColorKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AdvancedColorKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AdvancedColorKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1425,23 +1414,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AdvancedColorKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.Display.AdvancedColorKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DisplayBrightnessOverrideOptions(pub u32); impl DisplayBrightnessOverrideOptions { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); pub const UseDimmedPolicyWhenBatteryIsLow: Self = Self(1u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DisplayBrightnessOverrideOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DisplayBrightnessOverrideOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DisplayBrightnessOverrideOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DisplayBrightnessOverrideOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1487,24 +1465,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DisplayBrightnessOverrideOptions { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.Display.DisplayBrightnessOverrideOptions;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DisplayBrightnessOverrideScenario(pub i32); impl DisplayBrightnessOverrideScenario { pub const IdleBrightness: Self = Self(0i32); pub const BarcodeReadingBrightness: Self = Self(1i32); pub const FullBrightness: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DisplayBrightnessOverrideScenario {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DisplayBrightnessOverrideScenario { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DisplayBrightnessOverrideScenario { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DisplayBrightnessOverrideScenario { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1517,7 +1484,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DisplayBrightnessOverrideScenario { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.Display.DisplayBrightnessOverrideScenario;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DisplayBrightnessScenario(pub i32); impl DisplayBrightnessScenario { pub const DefaultBrightness: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1525,17 +1492,6 @@ impl DisplayBrightnessScenario { pub const BarcodeReadingBrightness: Self = Self(2i32); pub const FullBrightness: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DisplayBrightnessScenario {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DisplayBrightnessScenario { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DisplayBrightnessScenario { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DisplayBrightnessScenario { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1548,22 +1504,11 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DisplayBrightnessScenario { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.Display.DisplayBrightnessScenario;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DisplayColorOverrideScenario(pub i32); impl DisplayColorOverrideScenario { pub const Accurate: Self = Self(0i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DisplayColorOverrideScenario {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DisplayColorOverrideScenario { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DisplayColorOverrideScenario { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DisplayColorOverrideScenario { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1576,7 +1521,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DisplayColorOverrideScenario { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.Display.DisplayColorOverrideScenario;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DisplayOrientations(pub u32); impl DisplayOrientations { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -1585,17 +1530,6 @@ impl DisplayOrientations { pub const LandscapeFlipped: Self = Self(4u32); pub const PortraitFlipped: Self = Self(8u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DisplayOrientations {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DisplayOrientations { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DisplayOrientations { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DisplayOrientations { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1641,23 +1575,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DisplayOrientations { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.Display.DisplayOrientations;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HdrMetadataFormat(pub i32); impl HdrMetadataFormat { pub const Hdr10: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Hdr10Plus: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HdrMetadataFormat {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HdrMetadataFormat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HdrMetadataFormat { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HdrMetadataFormat { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1670,7 +1593,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for HdrMetadataFormat { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.Display.HdrMetadataFormat;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ResolutionScale(pub i32); impl ResolutionScale { pub const Invalid: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1691,17 +1614,6 @@ impl ResolutionScale { pub const Scale450Percent: Self = Self(450i32); pub const Scale500Percent: Self = Self(500i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ResolutionScale {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ResolutionScale { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ResolutionScale { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ResolutionScale { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Graphics/Holographic/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Graphics/Holographic/ index d8ca5e3937..7d66c37045 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Graphics/Holographic/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Graphics/Holographic/ @@ -2230,23 +2230,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for HolographicViewConfiguration { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for HolographicViewConfiguration {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for HolographicViewConfiguration {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HolographicDepthReprojectionMethod(pub i32); impl HolographicDepthReprojectionMethod { pub const DepthReprojection: Self = Self(0i32); pub const AutoPlanar: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HolographicDepthReprojectionMethod {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HolographicDepthReprojectionMethod { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HolographicDepthReprojectionMethod { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HolographicDepthReprojectionMethod { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2259,23 +2248,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for HolographicDepthReprojectionMethod { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.Holographic.HolographicDepthReprojectionMethod;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HolographicFramePresentResult(pub i32); impl HolographicFramePresentResult { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); pub const DeviceRemoved: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HolographicFramePresentResult {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HolographicFramePresentResult { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HolographicFramePresentResult { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HolographicFramePresentResult { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2288,23 +2266,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for HolographicFramePresentResult { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.Holographic.HolographicFramePresentResult;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HolographicFramePresentWaitBehavior(pub i32); impl HolographicFramePresentWaitBehavior { pub const WaitForFrameToFinish: Self = Self(0i32); pub const DoNotWaitForFrameToFinish: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HolographicFramePresentWaitBehavior {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HolographicFramePresentWaitBehavior { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HolographicFramePresentWaitBehavior { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HolographicFramePresentWaitBehavior { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2317,24 +2284,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for HolographicFramePresentWaitBehavior { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.Holographic.HolographicFramePresentWaitBehavior;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HolographicReprojectionMode(pub i32); impl HolographicReprojectionMode { pub const PositionAndOrientation: Self = Self(0i32); pub const OrientationOnly: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Disabled: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HolographicReprojectionMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HolographicReprojectionMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HolographicReprojectionMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HolographicReprojectionMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2347,24 +2303,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for HolographicReprojectionMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.Holographic.HolographicReprojectionMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HolographicSpaceUserPresence(pub i32); impl HolographicSpaceUserPresence { pub const Absent: Self = Self(0i32); pub const PresentPassive: Self = Self(1i32); pub const PresentActive: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HolographicSpaceUserPresence {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HolographicSpaceUserPresence { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HolographicSpaceUserPresence { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HolographicSpaceUserPresence { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2377,23 +2322,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for HolographicSpaceUserPresence { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.Holographic.HolographicSpaceUserPresence;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HolographicViewConfigurationKind(pub i32); impl HolographicViewConfigurationKind { pub const Display: Self = Self(0i32); pub const PhotoVideoCamera: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HolographicViewConfigurationKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HolographicViewConfigurationKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HolographicViewConfigurationKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HolographicViewConfigurationKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Graphics/Imaging/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Graphics/Imaging/ index 63fa48d0b9..b0661ee511 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Graphics/Imaging/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Graphics/Imaging/ @@ -2166,24 +2166,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::CanTryInto for Softwar unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for SoftwareBitmap {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for SoftwareBitmap {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BitmapAlphaMode(pub i32); impl BitmapAlphaMode { pub const Premultiplied: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Straight: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Ignore: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BitmapAlphaMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BitmapAlphaMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BitmapAlphaMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BitmapAlphaMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2196,24 +2185,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for BitmapAlphaMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.Imaging.BitmapAlphaMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BitmapBufferAccessMode(pub i32); impl BitmapBufferAccessMode { pub const Read: Self = Self(0i32); pub const ReadWrite: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Write: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BitmapBufferAccessMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BitmapBufferAccessMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BitmapBufferAccessMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BitmapBufferAccessMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2226,24 +2204,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for BitmapBufferAccessMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.Imaging.BitmapBufferAccessMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BitmapFlip(pub i32); impl BitmapFlip { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Horizontal: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Vertical: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BitmapFlip {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BitmapFlip { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BitmapFlip { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BitmapFlip { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2256,7 +2223,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for BitmapFlip { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.Imaging.BitmapFlip;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BitmapInterpolationMode(pub i32); impl BitmapInterpolationMode { pub const NearestNeighbor: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2264,17 +2231,6 @@ impl BitmapInterpolationMode { pub const Cubic: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Fant: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BitmapInterpolationMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BitmapInterpolationMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BitmapInterpolationMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BitmapInterpolationMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2287,7 +2243,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for BitmapInterpolationMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.Imaging.BitmapInterpolationMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BitmapPixelFormat(pub i32); impl BitmapPixelFormat { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2300,17 +2256,6 @@ impl BitmapPixelFormat { pub const P010: Self = Self(104i32); pub const Yuy2: Self = Self(107i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BitmapPixelFormat {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BitmapPixelFormat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BitmapPixelFormat { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BitmapPixelFormat { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2323,7 +2268,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for BitmapPixelFormat { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.Imaging.BitmapPixelFormat;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BitmapRotation(pub i32); impl BitmapRotation { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2331,17 +2276,6 @@ impl BitmapRotation { pub const Clockwise180Degrees: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Clockwise270Degrees: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BitmapRotation {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BitmapRotation { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BitmapRotation { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BitmapRotation { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2354,23 +2288,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for BitmapRotation { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.Imaging.BitmapRotation;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ColorManagementMode(pub i32); impl ColorManagementMode { pub const DoNotColorManage: Self = Self(0i32); pub const ColorManageToSRgb: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ColorManagementMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ColorManagementMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ColorManagementMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ColorManagementMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2383,23 +2306,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ColorManagementMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.Imaging.ColorManagementMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ExifOrientationMode(pub i32); impl ExifOrientationMode { pub const IgnoreExifOrientation: Self = Self(0i32); pub const RespectExifOrientation: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ExifOrientationMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ExifOrientationMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ExifOrientationMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ExifOrientationMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2412,7 +2324,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ExifOrientationMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.Imaging.ExifOrientationMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct JpegSubsamplingMode(pub i32); impl JpegSubsamplingMode { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2420,17 +2332,6 @@ impl JpegSubsamplingMode { pub const Y4Cb2Cr2: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Y4Cb4Cr4: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for JpegSubsamplingMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for JpegSubsamplingMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for JpegSubsamplingMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for JpegSubsamplingMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2443,7 +2344,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for JpegSubsamplingMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.Imaging.JpegSubsamplingMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PngFilterMode(pub i32); impl PngFilterMode { pub const Automatic: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2454,17 +2355,6 @@ impl PngFilterMode { pub const Paeth: Self = Self(5i32); pub const Adaptive: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PngFilterMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PngFilterMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PngFilterMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PngFilterMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2477,7 +2367,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PngFilterMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.Imaging.PngFilterMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TiffCompressionMode(pub i32); impl TiffCompressionMode { pub const Automatic: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2489,17 +2379,6 @@ impl TiffCompressionMode { pub const Zip: Self = Self(6i32); pub const LzwhDifferencing: Self = Self(7i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TiffCompressionMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TiffCompressionMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TiffCompressionMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TiffCompressionMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Graphics/Printing/OptionDetails/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Graphics/Printing/OptionDetails/ index 5775935c53..ba005f81d0 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Graphics/Printing/OptionDetails/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Graphics/Printing/OptionDetails/ @@ -2779,24 +2779,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::CanTryInto for unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for PrintTaskOptionDetails {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for PrintTaskOptionDetails {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PrintOptionStates(pub u32); impl PrintOptionStates { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); pub const Enabled: Self = Self(1u32); pub const Constrained: Self = Self(2u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PrintOptionStates {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PrintOptionStates { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PrintOptionStates { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PrintOptionStates { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2842,7 +2831,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PrintOptionStates { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.Printing.OptionDetails.PrintOptionStates;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PrintOptionType(pub i32); impl PrintOptionType { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2851,17 +2840,6 @@ impl PrintOptionType { pub const ItemList: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Toggle: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PrintOptionType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PrintOptionType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PrintOptionType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PrintOptionType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Graphics/Printing/PrintSupport/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Graphics/Printing/PrintSupport/ index adb686cae5..a44a462d6c 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Graphics/Printing/PrintSupport/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Graphics/Printing/PrintSupport/ @@ -861,23 +861,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for PrintSupportSettingsUISession { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for PrintSupportSettingsUISession {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for PrintSupportSettingsUISession {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SettingsLaunchKind(pub i32); impl SettingsLaunchKind { pub const JobPrintTicket: Self = Self(0i32); pub const UserDefaultPrintTicket: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SettingsLaunchKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SettingsLaunchKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SettingsLaunchKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SettingsLaunchKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -890,24 +879,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SettingsLaunchKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.Printing.PrintSupport.SettingsLaunchKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WorkflowPrintTicketValidationStatus(pub i32); impl WorkflowPrintTicketValidationStatus { pub const Resolved: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Conflicting: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Invalid: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WorkflowPrintTicketValidationStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WorkflowPrintTicketValidationStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WorkflowPrintTicketValidationStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WorkflowPrintTicketValidationStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Graphics/Printing/PrintTicket/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Graphics/Printing/PrintTicket/ index 179ca27561..86c6e0cdf0 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Graphics/Printing/PrintTicket/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Graphics/Printing/PrintTicket/ @@ -967,23 +967,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for WorkflowPrintTicketValidationResult { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for WorkflowPrintTicketValidationResult {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for WorkflowPrintTicketValidationResult {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PrintTicketFeatureSelectionType(pub i32); impl PrintTicketFeatureSelectionType { pub const PickOne: Self = Self(0i32); pub const PickMany: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PrintTicketFeatureSelectionType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PrintTicketFeatureSelectionType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PrintTicketFeatureSelectionType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PrintTicketFeatureSelectionType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -996,24 +985,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PrintTicketFeatureSelectionType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.Printing.PrintTicket.PrintTicketFeatureSelectionType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PrintTicketParameterDataType(pub i32); impl PrintTicketParameterDataType { pub const Integer: Self = Self(0i32); pub const NumericString: Self = Self(1i32); pub const String: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PrintTicketParameterDataType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PrintTicketParameterDataType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PrintTicketParameterDataType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PrintTicketParameterDataType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1026,24 +1004,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PrintTicketParameterDataType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.Printing.PrintTicket.PrintTicketParameterDataType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PrintTicketValueType(pub i32); impl PrintTicketValueType { pub const Integer: Self = Self(0i32); pub const String: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Unknown: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PrintTicketValueType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PrintTicketValueType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PrintTicketValueType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PrintTicketValueType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Graphics/Printing/Workflow/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Graphics/Printing/Workflow/ index a9d6480a5a..986da88c2c 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Graphics/Printing/Workflow/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Graphics/Printing/Workflow/ @@ -2039,7 +2039,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for PrintWorkflowXpsDataAvailableEventArgs { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for PrintWorkflowXpsDataAvailableEventArgs {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for PrintWorkflowXpsDataAvailableEventArgs {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PdlConversionHostBasedProcessingOperations(pub u32); impl PdlConversionHostBasedProcessingOperations { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -2049,17 +2049,6 @@ impl PdlConversionHostBasedProcessingOperations { pub const BlankPageInsertion: Self = Self(8u32); pub const All: Self = Self(4294967295u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PdlConversionHostBasedProcessingOperations {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PdlConversionHostBasedProcessingOperations { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PdlConversionHostBasedProcessingOperations { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PdlConversionHostBasedProcessingOperations { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2105,24 +2094,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PdlConversionHostBasedProcessingOperations const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.Printing.Workflow.PdlConversionHostBasedProcessingOperations;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PrintWorkflowAttributesMergePolicy(pub i32); impl PrintWorkflowAttributesMergePolicy { pub const MergePreferPrintTicketOnConflict: Self = Self(0i32); pub const MergePreferPsaOnConflict: Self = Self(1i32); pub const DoNotMergeWithPrintTicket: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PrintWorkflowAttributesMergePolicy {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PrintWorkflowAttributesMergePolicy { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PrintWorkflowAttributesMergePolicy { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PrintWorkflowAttributesMergePolicy { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2135,23 +2113,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PrintWorkflowAttributesMergePolicy { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.Printing.Workflow.PrintWorkflowAttributesMergePolicy;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PrintWorkflowJobAbortReason(pub i32); impl PrintWorkflowJobAbortReason { pub const JobFailed: Self = Self(0i32); pub const UserCanceled: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PrintWorkflowJobAbortReason {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PrintWorkflowJobAbortReason { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PrintWorkflowJobAbortReason { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PrintWorkflowJobAbortReason { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2164,24 +2131,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PrintWorkflowJobAbortReason { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.Printing.Workflow.PrintWorkflowJobAbortReason;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PrintWorkflowPdlConversionType(pub i32); impl PrintWorkflowPdlConversionType { pub const XpsToPdf: Self = Self(0i32); pub const XpsToPwgr: Self = Self(1i32); pub const XpsToPclm: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PrintWorkflowPdlConversionType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PrintWorkflowPdlConversionType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PrintWorkflowPdlConversionType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PrintWorkflowPdlConversionType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2194,7 +2150,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PrintWorkflowPdlConversionType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.Printing.Workflow.PrintWorkflowPdlConversionType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PrintWorkflowPrinterJobStatus(pub i32); impl PrintWorkflowPrinterJobStatus { pub const Error: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2202,17 +2158,6 @@ impl PrintWorkflowPrinterJobStatus { pub const InProgress: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Completed: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PrintWorkflowPrinterJobStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PrintWorkflowPrinterJobStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PrintWorkflowPrinterJobStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PrintWorkflowPrinterJobStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2225,7 +2170,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PrintWorkflowPrinterJobStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.Printing.Workflow.PrintWorkflowPrinterJobStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PrintWorkflowSessionStatus(pub i32); impl PrintWorkflowSessionStatus { pub const Started: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2234,17 +2179,6 @@ impl PrintWorkflowSessionStatus { pub const Closed: Self = Self(3i32); pub const PdlDataAvailableForModification: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PrintWorkflowSessionStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PrintWorkflowSessionStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PrintWorkflowSessionStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PrintWorkflowSessionStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2257,24 +2191,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PrintWorkflowSessionStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.Printing.Workflow.PrintWorkflowSessionStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PrintWorkflowSubmittedStatus(pub i32); impl PrintWorkflowSubmittedStatus { pub const Succeeded: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Canceled: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Failed: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PrintWorkflowSubmittedStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PrintWorkflowSubmittedStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PrintWorkflowSubmittedStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PrintWorkflowSubmittedStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2287,7 +2210,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PrintWorkflowSubmittedStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.Printing.Workflow.PrintWorkflowSubmittedStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PrintWorkflowUICompletionStatus(pub i32); impl PrintWorkflowUICompletionStatus { pub const Completed: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2295,17 +2218,6 @@ impl PrintWorkflowUICompletionStatus { pub const JobFailed: Self = Self(2i32); pub const UserCanceled: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PrintWorkflowUICompletionStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PrintWorkflowUICompletionStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PrintWorkflowUICompletionStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PrintWorkflowUICompletionStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Graphics/Printing/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Graphics/Printing/ index 4b59628a05..bc128bd2ce 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Graphics/Printing/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Graphics/Printing/ @@ -1600,7 +1600,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for StandardPrintTaskOptions { const NAME: &'static str = "Windows.Graphics.Printing.StandardPrintTaskOptions"; } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PrintBinding(pub i32); impl PrintBinding { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1621,17 +1621,6 @@ impl PrintBinding { pub const JogOffset: Self = Self(15i32); pub const Trim: Self = Self(16i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PrintBinding {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PrintBinding { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PrintBinding { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PrintBinding { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1644,7 +1633,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PrintBinding { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.Printing.PrintBinding;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PrintBordering(pub i32); impl PrintBordering { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1653,17 +1642,6 @@ impl PrintBordering { pub const Bordered: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Borderless: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PrintBordering {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PrintBordering { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PrintBordering { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PrintBordering { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1676,7 +1654,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PrintBordering { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.Printing.PrintBordering;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PrintCollation(pub i32); impl PrintCollation { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1685,17 +1663,6 @@ impl PrintCollation { pub const Collated: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Uncollated: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PrintCollation {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PrintCollation { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PrintCollation { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PrintCollation { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1708,7 +1675,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PrintCollation { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.Printing.PrintCollation;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PrintColorMode(pub i32); impl PrintColorMode { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1718,17 +1685,6 @@ impl PrintColorMode { pub const Grayscale: Self = Self(4i32); pub const Monochrome: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PrintColorMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PrintColorMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PrintColorMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PrintColorMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1741,7 +1697,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PrintColorMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.Printing.PrintColorMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PrintDuplex(pub i32); impl PrintDuplex { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1751,17 +1707,6 @@ impl PrintDuplex { pub const TwoSidedShortEdge: Self = Self(4i32); pub const TwoSidedLongEdge: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PrintDuplex {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PrintDuplex { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PrintDuplex { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PrintDuplex { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1774,7 +1719,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PrintDuplex { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.Printing.PrintDuplex;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PrintHolePunch(pub i32); impl PrintHolePunch { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1786,17 +1731,6 @@ impl PrintHolePunch { pub const TopEdge: Self = Self(6i32); pub const BottomEdge: Self = Self(7i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PrintHolePunch {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PrintHolePunch { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PrintHolePunch { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PrintHolePunch { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1809,7 +1743,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PrintHolePunch { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.Printing.PrintHolePunch;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PrintMediaSize(pub i32); impl PrintMediaSize { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1986,17 +1920,6 @@ impl PrintMediaSize { pub const Roll36Inch: Self = Self(171i32); pub const Roll54Inch: Self = Self(172i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PrintMediaSize {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PrintMediaSize { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PrintMediaSize { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PrintMediaSize { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2009,7 +1932,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PrintMediaSize { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.Printing.PrintMediaSize;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PrintMediaType(pub i32); impl PrintMediaType { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2045,17 +1968,6 @@ impl PrintMediaType { pub const TShirtTransfer: Self = Self(30i32); pub const None: Self = Self(31i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PrintMediaType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PrintMediaType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PrintMediaType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PrintMediaType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2068,7 +1980,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PrintMediaType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.Printing.PrintMediaType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PrintOrientation(pub i32); impl PrintOrientation { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2079,17 +1991,6 @@ impl PrintOrientation { pub const Landscape: Self = Self(5i32); pub const LandscapeFlipped: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PrintOrientation {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PrintOrientation { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PrintOrientation { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PrintOrientation { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2102,7 +2003,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PrintOrientation { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.Printing.PrintOrientation;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PrintQuality(pub i32); impl PrintQuality { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2116,17 +2017,6 @@ impl PrintQuality { pub const Photographic: Self = Self(8i32); pub const Text: Self = Self(9i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PrintQuality {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PrintQuality { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PrintQuality { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PrintQuality { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2139,7 +2029,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PrintQuality { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.Printing.PrintQuality;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PrintStaple(pub i32); impl PrintStaple { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2156,17 +2046,6 @@ impl PrintStaple { pub const StapleDualBottom: Self = Self(11i32); pub const SaddleStitch: Self = Self(12i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PrintStaple {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PrintStaple { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PrintStaple { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PrintStaple { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2179,7 +2058,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PrintStaple { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.Printing.PrintStaple;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PrintTaskCompletion(pub i32); impl PrintTaskCompletion { pub const Abandoned: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2187,17 +2066,6 @@ impl PrintTaskCompletion { pub const Failed: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Submitted: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PrintTaskCompletion {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PrintTaskCompletion { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PrintTaskCompletion { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PrintTaskCompletion { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Graphics/Printing3D/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Graphics/Printing3D/ index 0ac223d3fc..63e1ee0444 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Graphics/Printing3D/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Graphics/Printing3D/ @@ -2627,7 +2627,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for Printing3DTextureResource { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for Printing3DTextureResource {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for Printing3DTextureResource {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct Print3DTaskCompletion(pub i32); impl Print3DTaskCompletion { pub const Abandoned: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2636,17 +2636,6 @@ impl Print3DTaskCompletion { pub const Slicing: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Submitted: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for Print3DTaskCompletion {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for Print3DTaskCompletion { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for Print3DTaskCompletion { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for Print3DTaskCompletion { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2659,7 +2648,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for Print3DTaskCompletion { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.Printing3D.Print3DTaskCompletion;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct Print3DTaskDetail(pub i32); impl Print3DTaskDetail { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2670,17 +2659,6 @@ impl Print3DTaskDetail { pub const ModelNotManifold: Self = Self(5i32); pub const InvalidPrintTicket: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for Print3DTaskDetail {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for Print3DTaskDetail { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for Print3DTaskDetail { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for Print3DTaskDetail { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2693,7 +2671,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for Print3DTaskDetail { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.Printing3D.Print3DTaskDetail;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct Printing3DBufferFormat(pub i32); impl Printing3DBufferFormat { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2704,17 +2682,6 @@ impl Printing3DBufferFormat { pub const Printing3DDouble: Self = Self(500i32); pub const Printing3DUInt: Self = Self(501i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for Printing3DBufferFormat {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for Printing3DBufferFormat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for Printing3DBufferFormat { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for Printing3DBufferFormat { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2727,23 +2694,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for Printing3DBufferFormat { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.Printing3D.Printing3DBufferFormat;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct Printing3DMeshVerificationMode(pub i32); impl Printing3DMeshVerificationMode { pub const FindFirstError: Self = Self(0i32); pub const FindAllErrors: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for Printing3DMeshVerificationMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for Printing3DMeshVerificationMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for Printing3DMeshVerificationMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for Printing3DMeshVerificationMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2756,7 +2712,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for Printing3DMeshVerificationMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.Printing3D.Printing3DMeshVerificationMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct Printing3DModelUnit(pub i32); impl Printing3DModelUnit { pub const Meter: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2766,17 +2722,6 @@ impl Printing3DModelUnit { pub const Inch: Self = Self(4i32); pub const Foot: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for Printing3DModelUnit {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for Printing3DModelUnit { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for Printing3DModelUnit { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for Printing3DModelUnit { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2789,24 +2734,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for Printing3DModelUnit { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.Printing3D.Printing3DModelUnit;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct Printing3DObjectType(pub i32); impl Printing3DObjectType { pub const Model: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Support: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Others: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for Printing3DObjectType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for Printing3DObjectType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for Printing3DObjectType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for Printing3DObjectType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2819,24 +2753,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for Printing3DObjectType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.Printing3D.Printing3DObjectType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct Printing3DPackageCompression(pub i32); impl Printing3DPackageCompression { pub const Low: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Medium: Self = Self(1i32); pub const High: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for Printing3DPackageCompression {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for Printing3DPackageCompression { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for Printing3DPackageCompression { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for Printing3DPackageCompression { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2849,7 +2772,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for Printing3DPackageCompression { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Graphics.Printing3D.Printing3DPackageCompression;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct Printing3DTextureEdgeBehavior(pub i32); impl Printing3DTextureEdgeBehavior { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2857,17 +2780,6 @@ impl Printing3DTextureEdgeBehavior { pub const Mirror: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Clamp: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for Printing3DTextureEdgeBehavior {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for Printing3DTextureEdgeBehavior { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for Printing3DTextureEdgeBehavior { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for Printing3DTextureEdgeBehavior { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Management/Deployment/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Management/Deployment/ index 2075d7f0c6..ff35d10637 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Management/Deployment/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Management/Deployment/ @@ -3404,7 +3404,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for UpdateSharedPackageContainerResult { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for UpdateSharedPackageContainerResult {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for UpdateSharedPackageContainerResult {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AddPackageByAppInstallerOptions(pub u32); impl AddPackageByAppInstallerOptions { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -3413,17 +3413,6 @@ impl AddPackageByAppInstallerOptions { pub const RequiredContentGroupOnly: Self = Self(256u32); pub const LimitToExistingPackages: Self = Self(512u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AddPackageByAppInstallerOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AddPackageByAppInstallerOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AddPackageByAppInstallerOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AddPackageByAppInstallerOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3469,7 +3458,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AddPackageByAppInstallerOptions { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Management.Deployment.AddPackageByAppInstallerOptions;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DeploymentOptions(pub u32); impl DeploymentOptions { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -3482,17 +3471,6 @@ impl DeploymentOptions { pub const RetainFilesOnFailure: Self = Self(2097152u32); pub const StageInPlace: Self = Self(4194304u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DeploymentOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DeploymentOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DeploymentOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DeploymentOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3538,23 +3516,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DeploymentOptions { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Management.Deployment.DeploymentOptions;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DeploymentProgressState(pub i32); impl DeploymentProgressState { pub const Queued: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Processing: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DeploymentProgressState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DeploymentProgressState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DeploymentProgressState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DeploymentProgressState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3567,7 +3534,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DeploymentProgressState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Management.Deployment.DeploymentProgressState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PackageInstallState(pub i32); impl PackageInstallState { pub const NotInstalled: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3575,17 +3542,6 @@ impl PackageInstallState { pub const Installed: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Paused: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PackageInstallState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PackageInstallState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PackageInstallState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PackageInstallState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3598,7 +3554,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PackageInstallState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Management.Deployment.PackageInstallState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PackageState(pub i32); impl PackageState { pub const Normal: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3606,17 +3562,6 @@ impl PackageState { pub const Modified: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Tampered: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PackageState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PackageState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PackageState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PackageState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3629,7 +3574,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PackageState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Management.Deployment.PackageState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PackageStatus(pub u32); impl PackageStatus { pub const OK: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -3638,17 +3583,6 @@ impl PackageStatus { pub const Tampered: Self = Self(4u32); pub const Disabled: Self = Self(8u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PackageStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PackageStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PackageStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PackageStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3694,23 +3628,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PackageStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Management.Deployment.PackageStatus;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PackageStubPreference(pub i32); impl PackageStubPreference { pub const Full: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Stub: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PackageStubPreference {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PackageStubPreference { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PackageStubPreference { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PackageStubPreference { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3723,7 +3646,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PackageStubPreference { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Management.Deployment.PackageStubPreference;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PackageTypes(pub u32); impl PackageTypes { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -3735,17 +3658,6 @@ impl PackageTypes { pub const Optional: Self = Self(32u32); pub const All: Self = Self(4294967295u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PackageTypes {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PackageTypes { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PackageTypes { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PackageTypes { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3791,7 +3703,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PackageTypes { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Management.Deployment.PackageTypes;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RemovalOptions(pub u32); impl RemovalOptions { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -3799,17 +3711,6 @@ impl RemovalOptions { pub const PreserveRoamableApplicationData: Self = Self(128u32); pub const RemoveForAllUsers: Self = Self(524288u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RemovalOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RemovalOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RemovalOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RemovalOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3855,24 +3756,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for RemovalOptions { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Management.Deployment.RemovalOptions;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SharedPackageContainerCreationCollisionOptions(pub i32); impl SharedPackageContainerCreationCollisionOptions { pub const FailIfExists: Self = Self(0i32); pub const MergeWithExisting: Self = Self(1i32); pub const ReplaceExisting: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SharedPackageContainerCreationCollisionOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SharedPackageContainerCreationCollisionOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SharedPackageContainerCreationCollisionOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SharedPackageContainerCreationCollisionOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3885,7 +3775,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SharedPackageContainerCreationCollisionOpti const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Management.Deployment.SharedPackageContainerCreationCollisionOptions;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SharedPackageContainerOperationStatus(pub i32); impl SharedPackageContainerOperationStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3895,17 +3785,6 @@ impl SharedPackageContainerOperationStatus { pub const NotFound: Self = Self(4i32); pub const UnknownFailure: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SharedPackageContainerOperationStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SharedPackageContainerOperationStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SharedPackageContainerOperationStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SharedPackageContainerOperationStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3918,7 +3797,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SharedPackageContainerOperationStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Management.Deployment.SharedPackageContainerOperationStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct StubPackageOption(pub i32); impl StubPackageOption { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3926,17 +3805,6 @@ impl StubPackageOption { pub const InstallStub: Self = Self(2i32); pub const UsePreference: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for StubPackageOption {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for StubPackageOption { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for StubPackageOption { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for StubPackageOption { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Management/Policies/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Management/Policies/ index c2e21dd27b..7d43f6fdfa 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Management/Policies/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Management/Policies/ @@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for NamedPolicyData { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for NamedPolicyData {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for NamedPolicyData {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NamedPolicyKind(pub i32); impl NamedPolicyKind { pub const Invalid: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -206,17 +206,6 @@ impl NamedPolicyKind { pub const Int64: Self = Self(4i32); pub const String: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NamedPolicyKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NamedPolicyKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NamedPolicyKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NamedPolicyKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Management/Update/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Management/Update/ index 17ae280455..1bfdaa16bb 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Management/Update/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Management/Update/ @@ -1581,7 +1581,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for WindowsUpdateScanCompletedEventArgs { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for WindowsUpdateScanCompletedEventArgs {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for WindowsUpdateScanCompletedEventArgs {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WindowsUpdateAdministratorOptions(pub u32); impl WindowsUpdateAdministratorOptions { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -1589,17 +1589,6 @@ impl WindowsUpdateAdministratorOptions { pub const RequireAdministratorApprovalForUpdates: Self = Self(2u32); pub const RequireAdministratorApprovalForActions: Self = Self(4u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WindowsUpdateAdministratorOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WindowsUpdateAdministratorOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WindowsUpdateAdministratorOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WindowsUpdateAdministratorOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1645,24 +1634,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for WindowsUpdateAdministratorOptions { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Management.Update.WindowsUpdateAdministratorOptions;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WindowsUpdateAdministratorStatus(pub i32); impl WindowsUpdateAdministratorStatus { pub const Succeeded: Self = Self(0i32); pub const NoAdministratorRegistered: Self = Self(1i32); pub const OtherAdministratorIsRegistered: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WindowsUpdateAdministratorStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WindowsUpdateAdministratorStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WindowsUpdateAdministratorStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WindowsUpdateAdministratorStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1675,7 +1653,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for WindowsUpdateAdministratorStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Management.Update.WindowsUpdateAdministratorStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WindowsUpdateAttentionRequiredReason(pub i32); impl WindowsUpdateAttentionRequiredReason { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1712,17 +1690,6 @@ impl WindowsUpdateAttentionRequiredReason { pub const DeferredDuringOobe: Self = Self(31i32); pub const DeferredForSustainableTime: Self = Self(32i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WindowsUpdateAttentionRequiredReason {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WindowsUpdateAttentionRequiredReason { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WindowsUpdateAttentionRequiredReason { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WindowsUpdateAttentionRequiredReason { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Management/Workplace/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Management/Workplace/ index eff7837151..4c4f085da2 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Management/Workplace/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Management/Workplace/ @@ -113,24 +113,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for WorkplaceSettings { const NAME: &'static str = "Windows.Management.Workplace.WorkplaceSettings"; } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MessagingSyncPolicy(pub i32); impl MessagingSyncPolicy { pub const Disallowed: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Allowed: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Required: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MessagingSyncPolicy {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MessagingSyncPolicy { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MessagingSyncPolicy { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MessagingSyncPolicy { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Management/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Management/ index 2938a1dbe2..b1ebe02b38 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Management/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Management/ @@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for MdmSessionManager { const NAME: &'static str = "Windows.Management.MdmSessionManager"; } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MdmAlertDataType(pub i32); impl MdmAlertDataType { pub const String: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -311,17 +311,6 @@ impl MdmAlertDataType { pub const Boolean: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Integer: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MdmAlertDataType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MdmAlertDataType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MdmAlertDataType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MdmAlertDataType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -334,7 +323,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MdmAlertDataType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Management.MdmAlertDataType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MdmAlertMark(pub i32); impl MdmAlertMark { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -343,17 +332,6 @@ impl MdmAlertMark { pub const Warning: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Informational: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MdmAlertMark {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MdmAlertMark { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MdmAlertMark { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MdmAlertMark { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -366,7 +344,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MdmAlertMark { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Management.MdmAlertMark;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MdmSessionState(pub i32); impl MdmSessionState { pub const NotStarted: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -377,17 +355,6 @@ impl MdmSessionState { pub const Retrying: Self = Self(5i32); pub const Completed: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MdmSessionState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MdmSessionState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MdmSessionState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MdmSessionState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/AppRecording/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/AppRecording/ index ebd3a50cb0..9cb84b06a7 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/AppRecording/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/AppRecording/ @@ -492,23 +492,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for AppRecordingStatusDetails { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for AppRecordingStatusDetails {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for AppRecordingStatusDetails {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppRecordingSaveScreenshotOption(pub i32); impl AppRecordingSaveScreenshotOption { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); pub const HdrContentVisible: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppRecordingSaveScreenshotOption {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppRecordingSaveScreenshotOption { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppRecordingSaveScreenshotOption { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppRecordingSaveScreenshotOption { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Audio/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Audio/ index 90a2545bb4..8f53778ab6 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Audio/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Audio/ @@ -5460,7 +5460,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for SpatialAudioFormatSubtype { const NAME: &'static str = "Windows.Media.Audio.SpatialAudioFormatSubtype"; } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AudioDeviceNodeCreationStatus(pub i32); impl AudioDeviceNodeCreationStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -5469,17 +5469,6 @@ impl AudioDeviceNodeCreationStatus { pub const UnknownFailure: Self = Self(3i32); pub const AccessDenied: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AudioDeviceNodeCreationStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AudioDeviceNodeCreationStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AudioDeviceNodeCreationStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AudioDeviceNodeCreationStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5492,7 +5481,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AudioDeviceNodeCreationStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Audio.AudioDeviceNodeCreationStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AudioFileNodeCreationStatus(pub i32); impl AudioFileNodeCreationStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -5501,17 +5490,6 @@ impl AudioFileNodeCreationStatus { pub const FormatNotSupported: Self = Self(3i32); pub const UnknownFailure: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AudioFileNodeCreationStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AudioFileNodeCreationStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AudioFileNodeCreationStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AudioFileNodeCreationStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5524,7 +5502,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AudioFileNodeCreationStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Audio.AudioFileNodeCreationStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AudioGraphCreationStatus(pub i32); impl AudioGraphCreationStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -5532,17 +5510,6 @@ impl AudioGraphCreationStatus { pub const FormatNotSupported: Self = Self(2i32); pub const UnknownFailure: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AudioGraphCreationStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AudioGraphCreationStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AudioGraphCreationStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AudioGraphCreationStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5555,7 +5522,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AudioGraphCreationStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Audio.AudioGraphCreationStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AudioGraphUnrecoverableError(pub i32); impl AudioGraphUnrecoverableError { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -5563,17 +5530,6 @@ impl AudioGraphUnrecoverableError { pub const AudioSessionDisconnected: Self = Self(2i32); pub const UnknownFailure: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AudioGraphUnrecoverableError {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AudioGraphUnrecoverableError { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AudioGraphUnrecoverableError { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AudioGraphUnrecoverableError { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5586,23 +5542,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AudioGraphUnrecoverableError { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Audio.AudioGraphUnrecoverableError;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AudioNodeEmitterDecayKind(pub i32); impl AudioNodeEmitterDecayKind { pub const Natural: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Custom: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AudioNodeEmitterDecayKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AudioNodeEmitterDecayKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AudioNodeEmitterDecayKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AudioNodeEmitterDecayKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5615,23 +5560,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AudioNodeEmitterDecayKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Audio.AudioNodeEmitterDecayKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AudioNodeEmitterSettings(pub u32); impl AudioNodeEmitterSettings { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); pub const DisableDoppler: Self = Self(1u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AudioNodeEmitterSettings {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AudioNodeEmitterSettings { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AudioNodeEmitterSettings { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AudioNodeEmitterSettings { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5677,23 +5611,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AudioNodeEmitterSettings { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Audio.AudioNodeEmitterSettings;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AudioNodeEmitterShapeKind(pub i32); impl AudioNodeEmitterShapeKind { pub const Omnidirectional: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Cone: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AudioNodeEmitterShapeKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AudioNodeEmitterShapeKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AudioNodeEmitterShapeKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AudioNodeEmitterShapeKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5706,7 +5629,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AudioNodeEmitterShapeKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Audio.AudioNodeEmitterShapeKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AudioPlaybackConnectionOpenResultStatus(pub i32); impl AudioPlaybackConnectionOpenResultStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -5714,17 +5637,6 @@ impl AudioPlaybackConnectionOpenResultStatus { pub const DeniedBySystem: Self = Self(2i32); pub const UnknownFailure: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AudioPlaybackConnectionOpenResultStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AudioPlaybackConnectionOpenResultStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AudioPlaybackConnectionOpenResultStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AudioPlaybackConnectionOpenResultStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5737,23 +5649,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AudioPlaybackConnectionOpenResultStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Audio.AudioPlaybackConnectionOpenResultStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AudioPlaybackConnectionState(pub i32); impl AudioPlaybackConnectionState { pub const Closed: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Opened: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AudioPlaybackConnectionState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AudioPlaybackConnectionState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AudioPlaybackConnectionState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AudioPlaybackConnectionState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5766,7 +5667,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AudioPlaybackConnectionState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Audio.AudioPlaybackConnectionState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MediaSourceAudioInputNodeCreationStatus(pub i32); impl MediaSourceAudioInputNodeCreationStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -5774,17 +5675,6 @@ impl MediaSourceAudioInputNodeCreationStatus { pub const NetworkError: Self = Self(2i32); pub const UnknownFailure: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MediaSourceAudioInputNodeCreationStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MediaSourceAudioInputNodeCreationStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MediaSourceAudioInputNodeCreationStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MediaSourceAudioInputNodeCreationStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5797,23 +5687,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MediaSourceAudioInputNodeCreationStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Audio.MediaSourceAudioInputNodeCreationStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MixedRealitySpatialAudioFormatPolicy(pub i32); impl MixedRealitySpatialAudioFormatPolicy { pub const UseMixedRealityDefaultSpatialAudioFormat: Self = Self(0i32); pub const UseDeviceConfigurationDefaultSpatialAudioFormat: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MixedRealitySpatialAudioFormatPolicy {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MixedRealitySpatialAudioFormatPolicy { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MixedRealitySpatialAudioFormatPolicy { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MixedRealitySpatialAudioFormatPolicy { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5826,24 +5705,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MixedRealitySpatialAudioFormatPolicy { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Audio.MixedRealitySpatialAudioFormatPolicy;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct QuantumSizeSelectionMode(pub i32); impl QuantumSizeSelectionMode { pub const SystemDefault: Self = Self(0i32); pub const LowestLatency: Self = Self(1i32); pub const ClosestToDesired: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for QuantumSizeSelectionMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for QuantumSizeSelectionMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for QuantumSizeSelectionMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for QuantumSizeSelectionMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5856,7 +5724,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for QuantumSizeSelectionMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Audio.QuantumSizeSelectionMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SetDefaultSpatialAudioFormatStatus(pub i32); impl SetDefaultSpatialAudioFormatStatus { pub const Succeeded: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -5866,17 +5734,6 @@ impl SetDefaultSpatialAudioFormatStatus { pub const NotSupportedOnAudioEndpoint: Self = Self(4i32); pub const UnknownError: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SetDefaultSpatialAudioFormatStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SetDefaultSpatialAudioFormatStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SetDefaultSpatialAudioFormatStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SetDefaultSpatialAudioFormatStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5889,23 +5746,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SetDefaultSpatialAudioFormatStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Audio.SetDefaultSpatialAudioFormatStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpatialAudioModel(pub i32); impl SpatialAudioModel { pub const ObjectBased: Self = Self(0i32); pub const FoldDown: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpatialAudioModel {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpatialAudioModel { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpatialAudioModel { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpatialAudioModel { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Capture/Frames/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Capture/Frames/ index de1c86774b..369bdbd410 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Capture/Frames/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Capture/Frames/ @@ -1700,23 +1700,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for VideoMediaFrameFormat { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for VideoMediaFrameFormat {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for VideoMediaFrameFormat {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MediaFrameReaderAcquisitionMode(pub i32); impl MediaFrameReaderAcquisitionMode { pub const Realtime: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Buffered: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MediaFrameReaderAcquisitionMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MediaFrameReaderAcquisitionMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MediaFrameReaderAcquisitionMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MediaFrameReaderAcquisitionMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1729,7 +1718,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MediaFrameReaderAcquisitionMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Capture.Frames.MediaFrameReaderAcquisitionMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MediaFrameReaderStartStatus(pub i32); impl MediaFrameReaderStartStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1738,17 +1727,6 @@ impl MediaFrameReaderStartStatus { pub const OutputFormatNotSupported: Self = Self(3i32); pub const ExclusiveControlNotAvailable: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MediaFrameReaderStartStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MediaFrameReaderStartStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MediaFrameReaderStartStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MediaFrameReaderStartStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1761,7 +1739,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MediaFrameReaderStartStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Capture.Frames.MediaFrameReaderStartStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MediaFrameSourceGetPropertyStatus(pub i32); impl MediaFrameSourceGetPropertyStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1771,17 +1749,6 @@ impl MediaFrameSourceGetPropertyStatus { pub const MaxPropertyValueSizeTooSmall: Self = Self(4i32); pub const MaxPropertyValueSizeRequired: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MediaFrameSourceGetPropertyStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MediaFrameSourceGetPropertyStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MediaFrameSourceGetPropertyStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MediaFrameSourceGetPropertyStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1794,7 +1761,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MediaFrameSourceGetPropertyStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Capture.Frames.MediaFrameSourceGetPropertyStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MediaFrameSourceKind(pub i32); impl MediaFrameSourceKind { pub const Custom: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1805,17 +1772,6 @@ impl MediaFrameSourceKind { pub const Image: Self = Self(5i32); pub const Metadata: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MediaFrameSourceKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MediaFrameSourceKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MediaFrameSourceKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MediaFrameSourceKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1828,7 +1784,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MediaFrameSourceKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Capture.Frames.MediaFrameSourceKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MediaFrameSourceSetPropertyStatus(pub i32); impl MediaFrameSourceSetPropertyStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1838,17 +1794,6 @@ impl MediaFrameSourceSetPropertyStatus { pub const DeviceNotAvailable: Self = Self(4i32); pub const NotInControl: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MediaFrameSourceSetPropertyStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MediaFrameSourceSetPropertyStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MediaFrameSourceSetPropertyStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MediaFrameSourceSetPropertyStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1861,7 +1806,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MediaFrameSourceSetPropertyStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Capture.Frames.MediaFrameSourceSetPropertyStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MultiSourceMediaFrameReaderStartStatus(pub i32); impl MultiSourceMediaFrameReaderStartStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1870,17 +1815,6 @@ impl MultiSourceMediaFrameReaderStartStatus { pub const DeviceNotAvailable: Self = Self(3i32); pub const UnknownFailure: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MultiSourceMediaFrameReaderStartStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MultiSourceMediaFrameReaderStartStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MultiSourceMediaFrameReaderStartStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MultiSourceMediaFrameReaderStartStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Capture/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Capture/ index c553b53550..1be4bc310d 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Capture/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Capture/ @@ -8478,24 +8478,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for VideoStreamConfiguration { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for VideoStreamConfiguration {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for VideoStreamConfiguration {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppBroadcastCameraCaptureState(pub i32); impl AppBroadcastCameraCaptureState { pub const Stopped: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Started: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Failed: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppBroadcastCameraCaptureState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppBroadcastCameraCaptureState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppBroadcastCameraCaptureState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppBroadcastCameraCaptureState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8508,7 +8497,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AppBroadcastCameraCaptureState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Capture.AppBroadcastCameraCaptureState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppBroadcastCameraOverlayLocation(pub i32); impl AppBroadcastCameraOverlayLocation { pub const TopLeft: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -8521,17 +8510,6 @@ impl AppBroadcastCameraOverlayLocation { pub const BottomCenter: Self = Self(7i32); pub const BottomRight: Self = Self(8i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppBroadcastCameraOverlayLocation {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppBroadcastCameraOverlayLocation { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppBroadcastCameraOverlayLocation { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppBroadcastCameraOverlayLocation { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8544,24 +8522,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AppBroadcastCameraOverlayLocation { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Capture.AppBroadcastCameraOverlayLocation;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppBroadcastCameraOverlaySize(pub i32); impl AppBroadcastCameraOverlaySize { pub const Small: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Medium: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Large: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppBroadcastCameraOverlaySize {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppBroadcastCameraOverlaySize { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppBroadcastCameraOverlaySize { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppBroadcastCameraOverlaySize { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8574,23 +8541,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AppBroadcastCameraOverlaySize { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Capture.AppBroadcastCameraOverlaySize;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppBroadcastCaptureTargetType(pub i32); impl AppBroadcastCaptureTargetType { pub const AppView: Self = Self(0i32); pub const EntireDisplay: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppBroadcastCaptureTargetType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppBroadcastCaptureTargetType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppBroadcastCaptureTargetType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppBroadcastCaptureTargetType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8603,7 +8559,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AppBroadcastCaptureTargetType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Capture.AppBroadcastCaptureTargetType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppBroadcastExitBroadcastModeReason(pub i32); impl AppBroadcastExitBroadcastModeReason { pub const NormalExit: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -8611,17 +8567,6 @@ impl AppBroadcastExitBroadcastModeReason { pub const AuthorizationFail: Self = Self(2i32); pub const ForegroundAppActivated: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppBroadcastExitBroadcastModeReason {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppBroadcastExitBroadcastModeReason { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppBroadcastExitBroadcastModeReason { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppBroadcastExitBroadcastModeReason { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8634,24 +8579,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AppBroadcastExitBroadcastModeReason { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Capture.AppBroadcastExitBroadcastModeReason;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppBroadcastMicrophoneCaptureState(pub i32); impl AppBroadcastMicrophoneCaptureState { pub const Stopped: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Started: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Failed: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppBroadcastMicrophoneCaptureState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppBroadcastMicrophoneCaptureState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppBroadcastMicrophoneCaptureState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppBroadcastMicrophoneCaptureState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8664,7 +8598,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AppBroadcastMicrophoneCaptureState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Capture.AppBroadcastMicrophoneCaptureState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppBroadcastPlugInState(pub i32); impl AppBroadcastPlugInState { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -8675,17 +8609,6 @@ impl AppBroadcastPlugInState { pub const InBandwidthTest: Self = Self(5i32); pub const ReadyToBroadcast: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppBroadcastPlugInState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppBroadcastPlugInState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppBroadcastPlugInState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppBroadcastPlugInState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8698,24 +8621,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AppBroadcastPlugInState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Capture.AppBroadcastPlugInState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppBroadcastPreviewState(pub i32); impl AppBroadcastPreviewState { pub const Started: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Stopped: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Failed: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppBroadcastPreviewState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppBroadcastPreviewState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppBroadcastPreviewState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppBroadcastPreviewState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8728,7 +8640,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AppBroadcastPreviewState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Capture.AppBroadcastPreviewState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppBroadcastSignInResult(pub i32); impl AppBroadcastSignInResult { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -8737,17 +8649,6 @@ impl AppBroadcastSignInResult { pub const ServiceUnavailable: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Unknown: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppBroadcastSignInResult {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppBroadcastSignInResult { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppBroadcastSignInResult { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppBroadcastSignInResult { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8760,7 +8661,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AppBroadcastSignInResult { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Capture.AppBroadcastSignInResult;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppBroadcastSignInState(pub i32); impl AppBroadcastSignInState { pub const NotSignedIn: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -8769,17 +8670,6 @@ impl AppBroadcastSignInState { pub const OAuthSignInInProgress: Self = Self(3i32); pub const OAuthSignInComplete: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppBroadcastSignInState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppBroadcastSignInState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppBroadcastSignInState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppBroadcastSignInState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8792,7 +8682,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AppBroadcastSignInState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Capture.AppBroadcastSignInState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppBroadcastStreamState(pub i32); impl AppBroadcastStreamState { pub const Initializing: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -8801,17 +8691,6 @@ impl AppBroadcastStreamState { pub const Paused: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Terminated: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppBroadcastStreamState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppBroadcastStreamState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppBroadcastStreamState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppBroadcastStreamState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8824,7 +8703,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AppBroadcastStreamState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Capture.AppBroadcastStreamState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppBroadcastTerminationReason(pub i32); impl AppBroadcastTerminationReason { pub const NormalTermination: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -8838,17 +8717,6 @@ impl AppBroadcastTerminationReason { pub const BackgroundTaskTerminated: Self = Self(8i32); pub const BackgroundTaskUnresponsive: Self = Self(9i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppBroadcastTerminationReason {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppBroadcastTerminationReason { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppBroadcastTerminationReason { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppBroadcastTerminationReason { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8861,23 +8729,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AppBroadcastTerminationReason { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Capture.AppBroadcastTerminationReason;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppBroadcastVideoEncodingBitrateMode(pub i32); impl AppBroadcastVideoEncodingBitrateMode { pub const Custom: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Auto: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppBroadcastVideoEncodingBitrateMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppBroadcastVideoEncodingBitrateMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppBroadcastVideoEncodingBitrateMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppBroadcastVideoEncodingBitrateMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8890,23 +8747,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AppBroadcastVideoEncodingBitrateMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Capture.AppBroadcastVideoEncodingBitrateMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppBroadcastVideoEncodingResolutionMode(pub i32); impl AppBroadcastVideoEncodingResolutionMode { pub const Custom: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Auto: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppBroadcastVideoEncodingResolutionMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppBroadcastVideoEncodingResolutionMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppBroadcastVideoEncodingResolutionMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppBroadcastVideoEncodingResolutionMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8919,23 +8765,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AppBroadcastVideoEncodingResolutionMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Capture.AppBroadcastVideoEncodingResolutionMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppCaptureHistoricalBufferLengthUnit(pub i32); impl AppCaptureHistoricalBufferLengthUnit { pub const Megabytes: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Seconds: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppCaptureHistoricalBufferLengthUnit {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppCaptureHistoricalBufferLengthUnit { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppCaptureHistoricalBufferLengthUnit { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppCaptureHistoricalBufferLengthUnit { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8948,23 +8783,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AppCaptureHistoricalBufferLengthUnit { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Capture.AppCaptureHistoricalBufferLengthUnit;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppCaptureMetadataPriority(pub i32); impl AppCaptureMetadataPriority { pub const Informational: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Important: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppCaptureMetadataPriority {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppCaptureMetadataPriority { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppCaptureMetadataPriority { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppCaptureMetadataPriority { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8977,24 +8801,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AppCaptureMetadataPriority { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Capture.AppCaptureMetadataPriority;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppCaptureMicrophoneCaptureState(pub i32); impl AppCaptureMicrophoneCaptureState { pub const Stopped: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Started: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Failed: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppCaptureMicrophoneCaptureState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppCaptureMicrophoneCaptureState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppCaptureMicrophoneCaptureState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppCaptureMicrophoneCaptureState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9007,24 +8820,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AppCaptureMicrophoneCaptureState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Capture.AppCaptureMicrophoneCaptureState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppCaptureRecordingState(pub i32); impl AppCaptureRecordingState { pub const InProgress: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Completed: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Failed: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppCaptureRecordingState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppCaptureRecordingState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppCaptureRecordingState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppCaptureRecordingState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9037,24 +8839,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AppCaptureRecordingState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Capture.AppCaptureRecordingState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppCaptureVideoEncodingBitrateMode(pub i32); impl AppCaptureVideoEncodingBitrateMode { pub const Custom: Self = Self(0i32); pub const High: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Standard: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppCaptureVideoEncodingBitrateMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppCaptureVideoEncodingBitrateMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppCaptureVideoEncodingBitrateMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppCaptureVideoEncodingBitrateMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9067,23 +8858,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AppCaptureVideoEncodingBitrateMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Capture.AppCaptureVideoEncodingBitrateMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppCaptureVideoEncodingFrameRateMode(pub i32); impl AppCaptureVideoEncodingFrameRateMode { pub const Standard: Self = Self(0i32); pub const High: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppCaptureVideoEncodingFrameRateMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppCaptureVideoEncodingFrameRateMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppCaptureVideoEncodingFrameRateMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppCaptureVideoEncodingFrameRateMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9096,24 +8876,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AppCaptureVideoEncodingFrameRateMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Capture.AppCaptureVideoEncodingFrameRateMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppCaptureVideoEncodingResolutionMode(pub i32); impl AppCaptureVideoEncodingResolutionMode { pub const Custom: Self = Self(0i32); pub const High: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Standard: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppCaptureVideoEncodingResolutionMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppCaptureVideoEncodingResolutionMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppCaptureVideoEncodingResolutionMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppCaptureVideoEncodingResolutionMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9126,7 +8895,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AppCaptureVideoEncodingResolutionMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Capture.AppCaptureVideoEncodingResolutionMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CameraCaptureUIMaxPhotoResolution(pub i32); impl CameraCaptureUIMaxPhotoResolution { pub const HighestAvailable: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -9136,17 +8905,6 @@ impl CameraCaptureUIMaxPhotoResolution { pub const Large3M: Self = Self(4i32); pub const VeryLarge5M: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CameraCaptureUIMaxPhotoResolution {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CameraCaptureUIMaxPhotoResolution { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CameraCaptureUIMaxPhotoResolution { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CameraCaptureUIMaxPhotoResolution { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9159,7 +8917,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CameraCaptureUIMaxPhotoResolution { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Capture.CameraCaptureUIMaxPhotoResolution;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CameraCaptureUIMaxVideoResolution(pub i32); impl CameraCaptureUIMaxVideoResolution { pub const HighestAvailable: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -9167,17 +8925,6 @@ impl CameraCaptureUIMaxVideoResolution { pub const StandardDefinition: Self = Self(2i32); pub const HighDefinition: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CameraCaptureUIMaxVideoResolution {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CameraCaptureUIMaxVideoResolution { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CameraCaptureUIMaxVideoResolution { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CameraCaptureUIMaxVideoResolution { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9190,24 +8937,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CameraCaptureUIMaxVideoResolution { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Capture.CameraCaptureUIMaxVideoResolution;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CameraCaptureUIMode(pub i32); impl CameraCaptureUIMode { pub const PhotoOrVideo: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Photo: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Video: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CameraCaptureUIMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CameraCaptureUIMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CameraCaptureUIMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CameraCaptureUIMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9220,24 +8956,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CameraCaptureUIMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Capture.CameraCaptureUIMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CameraCaptureUIPhotoFormat(pub i32); impl CameraCaptureUIPhotoFormat { pub const Jpeg: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Png: Self = Self(1i32); pub const JpegXR: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CameraCaptureUIPhotoFormat {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CameraCaptureUIPhotoFormat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CameraCaptureUIPhotoFormat { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CameraCaptureUIPhotoFormat { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9250,23 +8975,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CameraCaptureUIPhotoFormat { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Capture.CameraCaptureUIPhotoFormat;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CameraCaptureUIVideoFormat(pub i32); impl CameraCaptureUIVideoFormat { pub const Mp4: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Wmv: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CameraCaptureUIVideoFormat {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CameraCaptureUIVideoFormat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CameraCaptureUIVideoFormat { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CameraCaptureUIVideoFormat { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9279,23 +8993,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CameraCaptureUIVideoFormat { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Capture.CameraCaptureUIVideoFormat;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ForegroundActivationArgument(pub i32); impl ForegroundActivationArgument { pub const SignInRequired: Self = Self(0i32); pub const MoreSettings: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ForegroundActivationArgument {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ForegroundActivationArgument { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ForegroundActivationArgument { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ForegroundActivationArgument { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9308,7 +9011,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ForegroundActivationArgument { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Capture.ForegroundActivationArgument;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GameBarCommand(pub i32); impl GameBarCommand { pub const OpenGameBar: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -9326,17 +9029,6 @@ impl GameBarCommand { pub const ToggleCameraCapture: Self = Self(12i32); pub const ToggleRecordingIndicator: Self = Self(13i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GameBarCommand {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GameBarCommand { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GameBarCommand { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GameBarCommand { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9349,24 +9041,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for GameBarCommand { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Capture.GameBarCommand;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GameBarCommandOrigin(pub i32); impl GameBarCommandOrigin { pub const ShortcutKey: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Cortana: Self = Self(1i32); pub const AppCommand: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GameBarCommandOrigin {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GameBarCommandOrigin { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GameBarCommandOrigin { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GameBarCommandOrigin { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9379,23 +9060,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for GameBarCommandOrigin { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Capture.GameBarCommandOrigin;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GameBarServicesDisplayMode(pub i32); impl GameBarServicesDisplayMode { pub const Windowed: Self = Self(0i32); pub const FullScreenExclusive: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GameBarServicesDisplayMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GameBarServicesDisplayMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GameBarServicesDisplayMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GameBarServicesDisplayMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9408,7 +9078,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for GameBarServicesDisplayMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Capture.GameBarServicesDisplayMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GameBarTargetCapturePolicy(pub i32); impl GameBarTargetCapturePolicy { pub const EnabledBySystem: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -9417,17 +9087,6 @@ impl GameBarTargetCapturePolicy { pub const ProhibitedBySystem: Self = Self(3i32); pub const ProhibitedByPublisher: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GameBarTargetCapturePolicy {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GameBarTargetCapturePolicy { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GameBarTargetCapturePolicy { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GameBarTargetCapturePolicy { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9440,7 +9099,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for GameBarTargetCapturePolicy { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Capture.GameBarTargetCapturePolicy;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KnownVideoProfile(pub i32); impl KnownVideoProfile { pub const VideoRecording: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -9455,17 +9114,6 @@ impl KnownVideoProfile { pub const VideoHdr8: Self = Self(9i32); pub const CompressedCamera: Self = Self(10i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KnownVideoProfile {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KnownVideoProfile { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KnownVideoProfile { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KnownVideoProfile { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9478,23 +9126,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for KnownVideoProfile { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Capture.KnownVideoProfile;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MediaCaptureDeviceExclusiveControlReleaseMode(pub i32); impl MediaCaptureDeviceExclusiveControlReleaseMode { pub const OnDispose: Self = Self(0i32); pub const OnAllStreamsStopped: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MediaCaptureDeviceExclusiveControlReleaseMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MediaCaptureDeviceExclusiveControlReleaseMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MediaCaptureDeviceExclusiveControlReleaseMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MediaCaptureDeviceExclusiveControlReleaseMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9507,23 +9144,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MediaCaptureDeviceExclusiveControlReleaseMo const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Capture.MediaCaptureDeviceExclusiveControlReleaseMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MediaCaptureDeviceExclusiveControlStatus(pub i32); impl MediaCaptureDeviceExclusiveControlStatus { pub const ExclusiveControlAvailable: Self = Self(0i32); pub const SharedReadOnlyAvailable: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MediaCaptureDeviceExclusiveControlStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MediaCaptureDeviceExclusiveControlStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MediaCaptureDeviceExclusiveControlStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MediaCaptureDeviceExclusiveControlStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9536,23 +9162,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MediaCaptureDeviceExclusiveControlStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Capture.MediaCaptureDeviceExclusiveControlStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MediaCaptureMemoryPreference(pub i32); impl MediaCaptureMemoryPreference { pub const Auto: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Cpu: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MediaCaptureMemoryPreference {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MediaCaptureMemoryPreference { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MediaCaptureMemoryPreference { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MediaCaptureMemoryPreference { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9565,23 +9180,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MediaCaptureMemoryPreference { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Capture.MediaCaptureMemoryPreference;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MediaCaptureSharingMode(pub i32); impl MediaCaptureSharingMode { pub const ExclusiveControl: Self = Self(0i32); pub const SharedReadOnly: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MediaCaptureSharingMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MediaCaptureSharingMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MediaCaptureSharingMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MediaCaptureSharingMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9594,23 +9198,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MediaCaptureSharingMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Capture.MediaCaptureSharingMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MediaCaptureThermalStatus(pub i32); impl MediaCaptureThermalStatus { pub const Normal: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Overheated: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MediaCaptureThermalStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MediaCaptureThermalStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MediaCaptureThermalStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MediaCaptureThermalStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9623,7 +9216,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MediaCaptureThermalStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Capture.MediaCaptureThermalStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MediaCategory(pub i32); impl MediaCategory { pub const Other: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -9635,17 +9228,6 @@ impl MediaCategory { pub const UniformSpeech: Self = Self(6i32); pub const VoiceTyping: Self = Self(7i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MediaCategory {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MediaCategory { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MediaCategory { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MediaCategory { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9658,7 +9240,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MediaCategory { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Capture.MediaCategory;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MediaStreamType(pub i32); impl MediaStreamType { pub const VideoPreview: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -9667,17 +9249,6 @@ impl MediaStreamType { pub const Photo: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Metadata: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MediaStreamType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MediaStreamType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MediaStreamType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MediaStreamType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9690,24 +9261,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MediaStreamType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Capture.MediaStreamType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PhotoCaptureSource(pub i32); impl PhotoCaptureSource { pub const Auto: Self = Self(0i32); pub const VideoPreview: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Photo: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PhotoCaptureSource {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PhotoCaptureSource { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PhotoCaptureSource { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PhotoCaptureSource { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9720,7 +9280,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PhotoCaptureSource { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Capture.PhotoCaptureSource;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PowerlineFrequency(pub i32); impl PowerlineFrequency { pub const Disabled: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -9728,17 +9288,6 @@ impl PowerlineFrequency { pub const SixtyHertz: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Auto: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PowerlineFrequency {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PowerlineFrequency { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PowerlineFrequency { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PowerlineFrequency { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9751,24 +9300,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PowerlineFrequency { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Capture.PowerlineFrequency;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct StreamingCaptureMode(pub i32); impl StreamingCaptureMode { pub const AudioAndVideo: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Audio: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Video: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for StreamingCaptureMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for StreamingCaptureMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for StreamingCaptureMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for StreamingCaptureMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9781,7 +9319,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for StreamingCaptureMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Capture.StreamingCaptureMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VideoDeviceCharacteristic(pub i32); impl VideoDeviceCharacteristic { pub const AllStreamsIndependent: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -9790,17 +9328,6 @@ impl VideoDeviceCharacteristic { pub const RecordPhotoStreamsIdentical: Self = Self(3i32); pub const AllStreamsIdentical: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VideoDeviceCharacteristic {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VideoDeviceCharacteristic { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VideoDeviceCharacteristic { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VideoDeviceCharacteristic { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9813,7 +9340,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for VideoDeviceCharacteristic { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Capture.VideoDeviceCharacteristic;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VideoRotation(pub i32); impl VideoRotation { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -9821,17 +9348,6 @@ impl VideoRotation { pub const Clockwise180Degrees: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Clockwise270Degrees: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VideoRotation {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VideoRotation { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VideoRotation { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VideoRotation { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Casting/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Casting/ index 91d254963f..2d440ea051 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Casting/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Casting/ @@ -608,7 +608,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for CastingSource { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for CastingSource {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for CastingSource {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CastingConnectionErrorStatus(pub i32); impl CastingConnectionErrorStatus { pub const Succeeded: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -619,17 +619,6 @@ impl CastingConnectionErrorStatus { pub const InvalidCastingSource: Self = Self(5i32); pub const Unknown: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CastingConnectionErrorStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CastingConnectionErrorStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CastingConnectionErrorStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CastingConnectionErrorStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -642,7 +631,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CastingConnectionErrorStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Casting.CastingConnectionErrorStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CastingConnectionState(pub i32); impl CastingConnectionState { pub const Disconnected: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -651,17 +640,6 @@ impl CastingConnectionState { pub const Disconnecting: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Connecting: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CastingConnectionState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CastingConnectionState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CastingConnectionState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CastingConnectionState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -674,7 +652,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CastingConnectionState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Casting.CastingConnectionState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CastingPlaybackTypes(pub u32); impl CastingPlaybackTypes { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -682,17 +660,6 @@ impl CastingPlaybackTypes { pub const Video: Self = Self(2u32); pub const Picture: Self = Self(4u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CastingPlaybackTypes {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CastingPlaybackTypes { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CastingPlaybackTypes { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CastingPlaybackTypes { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/ClosedCaptioning/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/ClosedCaptioning/ index af99d2c8a9..9c319dc248 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/ClosedCaptioning/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/ClosedCaptioning/ @@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for ClosedCaptionProperties { const NAME: &'static str = "Windows.Media.ClosedCaptioning.ClosedCaptionProperties"; } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ClosedCaptionColor(pub i32); impl ClosedCaptionColor { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -171,17 +171,6 @@ impl ClosedCaptionColor { pub const Magenta: Self = Self(7i32); pub const Cyan: Self = Self(8i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ClosedCaptionColor {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ClosedCaptionColor { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ClosedCaptionColor { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ClosedCaptionColor { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -194,7 +183,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ClosedCaptionColor { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.ClosedCaptioning.ClosedCaptionColor;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ClosedCaptionEdgeEffect(pub i32); impl ClosedCaptionEdgeEffect { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -204,17 +193,6 @@ impl ClosedCaptionEdgeEffect { pub const Uniform: Self = Self(4i32); pub const DropShadow: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ClosedCaptionEdgeEffect {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ClosedCaptionEdgeEffect { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ClosedCaptionEdgeEffect { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ClosedCaptionEdgeEffect { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -227,7 +205,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ClosedCaptionEdgeEffect { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.ClosedCaptioning.ClosedCaptionEdgeEffect;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ClosedCaptionOpacity(pub i32); impl ClosedCaptionOpacity { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -236,17 +214,6 @@ impl ClosedCaptionOpacity { pub const TwentyFivePercent: Self = Self(3i32); pub const ZeroPercent: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ClosedCaptionOpacity {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ClosedCaptionOpacity { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ClosedCaptionOpacity { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ClosedCaptionOpacity { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -259,7 +226,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ClosedCaptionOpacity { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.ClosedCaptioning.ClosedCaptionOpacity;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ClosedCaptionSize(pub i32); impl ClosedCaptionSize { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -268,17 +235,6 @@ impl ClosedCaptionSize { pub const OneHundredFiftyPercent: Self = Self(3i32); pub const TwoHundredPercent: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ClosedCaptionSize {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ClosedCaptionSize { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ClosedCaptionSize { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ClosedCaptionSize { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -291,7 +247,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ClosedCaptionSize { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.ClosedCaptioning.ClosedCaptionSize;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ClosedCaptionStyle(pub i32); impl ClosedCaptionStyle { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -303,17 +259,6 @@ impl ClosedCaptionStyle { pub const Cursive: Self = Self(6i32); pub const SmallCapitals: Self = Self(7i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ClosedCaptionStyle {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ClosedCaptionStyle { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ClosedCaptionStyle { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ClosedCaptionStyle { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/ContentRestrictions/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/ContentRestrictions/ index b9fb61734b..33444b4f84 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/ContentRestrictions/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/ContentRestrictions/ @@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for RatedContentRestrictions { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for RatedContentRestrictions {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for RatedContentRestrictions {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ContentAccessRestrictionLevel(pub i32); impl ContentAccessRestrictionLevel { pub const Allow: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -334,17 +334,6 @@ impl ContentAccessRestrictionLevel { pub const Block: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Hide: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ContentAccessRestrictionLevel {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ContentAccessRestrictionLevel { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ContentAccessRestrictionLevel { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ContentAccessRestrictionLevel { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -357,7 +346,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ContentAccessRestrictionLevel { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.ContentRestrictions.ContentAccessRestrictionLevel;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RatedContentCategory(pub i32); impl RatedContentCategory { pub const General: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -367,17 +356,6 @@ impl RatedContentCategory { pub const Television: Self = Self(4i32); pub const Music: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RatedContentCategory {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RatedContentCategory { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RatedContentCategory { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RatedContentCategory { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Control/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Control/ index 23b18b40fd..7c8be8823b 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Control/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Control/ @@ -965,7 +965,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for TimelinePropertiesChangedEventArgs { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for TimelinePropertiesChangedEventArgs {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for TimelinePropertiesChangedEventArgs {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GlobalSystemMediaTransportControlsSessionPlaybackStatus(pub i32); impl GlobalSystemMediaTransportControlsSessionPlaybackStatus { pub const Closed: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -975,17 +975,6 @@ impl GlobalSystemMediaTransportControlsSessionPlaybackStatus { pub const Playing: Self = Self(4i32); pub const Paused: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GlobalSystemMediaTransportControlsSessionPlaybackStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GlobalSystemMediaTransportControlsSessionPlaybackStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GlobalSystemMediaTransportControlsSessionPlaybackStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GlobalSystemMediaTransportControlsSessionPlaybackStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Core/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Core/ index 35ea3be847..94773056d9 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Core/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Core/ @@ -7926,7 +7926,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for VideoTrackSupportInfo { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for VideoTrackSupportInfo {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for VideoTrackSupportInfo {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AudioDecoderDegradation(pub i32); impl AudioDecoderDegradation { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -7934,17 +7934,6 @@ impl AudioDecoderDegradation { pub const DownmixTo6Channels: Self = Self(2i32); pub const DownmixTo8Channels: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AudioDecoderDegradation {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AudioDecoderDegradation { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AudioDecoderDegradation { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AudioDecoderDegradation { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7957,24 +7946,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AudioDecoderDegradation { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Core.AudioDecoderDegradation;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AudioDecoderDegradationReason(pub i32); impl AudioDecoderDegradationReason { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); pub const LicensingRequirement: Self = Self(1i32); pub const SpatialAudioNotSupported: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AudioDecoderDegradationReason {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AudioDecoderDegradationReason { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AudioDecoderDegradationReason { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AudioDecoderDegradationReason { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7987,23 +7965,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AudioDecoderDegradationReason { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Core.AudioDecoderDegradationReason;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CodecCategory(pub i32); impl CodecCategory { pub const Encoder: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Decoder: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CodecCategory {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CodecCategory { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CodecCategory { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CodecCategory { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8016,23 +7983,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CodecCategory { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Core.CodecCategory;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CodecKind(pub i32); impl CodecKind { pub const Audio: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Video: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CodecKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CodecKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CodecKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CodecKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8045,24 +8001,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CodecKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Core.CodecKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FaceDetectionMode(pub i32); impl FaceDetectionMode { pub const HighPerformance: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Balanced: Self = Self(1i32); pub const HighQuality: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FaceDetectionMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FaceDetectionMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FaceDetectionMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FaceDetectionMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8075,7 +8020,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for FaceDetectionMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Core.FaceDetectionMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MediaDecoderStatus(pub i32); impl MediaDecoderStatus { pub const FullySupported: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -8083,17 +8028,6 @@ impl MediaDecoderStatus { pub const UnsupportedEncoderProperties: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Degraded: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MediaDecoderStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MediaDecoderStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MediaDecoderStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MediaDecoderStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8106,7 +8040,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MediaDecoderStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Core.MediaDecoderStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MediaSourceState(pub i32); impl MediaSourceState { pub const Initial: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -8115,17 +8049,6 @@ impl MediaSourceState { pub const Failed: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Closed: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MediaSourceState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MediaSourceState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MediaSourceState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MediaSourceState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8138,23 +8061,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MediaSourceState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Core.MediaSourceState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MediaSourceStatus(pub i32); impl MediaSourceStatus { pub const FullySupported: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Unknown: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MediaSourceStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MediaSourceStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MediaSourceStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MediaSourceStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8167,7 +8079,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MediaSourceStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Core.MediaSourceStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MediaStreamSourceClosedReason(pub i32); impl MediaStreamSourceClosedReason { pub const Done: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -8178,17 +8090,6 @@ impl MediaStreamSourceClosedReason { pub const UnsupportedEncodingFormat: Self = Self(5i32); pub const MissingSampleRequestedEventHandler: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MediaStreamSourceClosedReason {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MediaStreamSourceClosedReason { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MediaStreamSourceClosedReason { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MediaStreamSourceClosedReason { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8201,7 +8102,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MediaStreamSourceClosedReason { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Core.MediaStreamSourceClosedReason;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MediaStreamSourceErrorStatus(pub i32); impl MediaStreamSourceErrorStatus { pub const Other: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -8213,17 +8114,6 @@ impl MediaStreamSourceErrorStatus { pub const DecodeError: Self = Self(6i32); pub const UnsupportedMediaFormat: Self = Self(7i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MediaStreamSourceErrorStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MediaStreamSourceErrorStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MediaStreamSourceErrorStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MediaStreamSourceErrorStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8236,24 +8126,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MediaStreamSourceErrorStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Core.MediaStreamSourceErrorStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MediaTrackKind(pub i32); impl MediaTrackKind { pub const Audio: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Video: Self = Self(1i32); pub const TimedMetadata: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MediaTrackKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MediaTrackKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MediaTrackKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MediaTrackKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8266,23 +8145,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MediaTrackKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Core.MediaTrackKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MseAppendMode(pub i32); impl MseAppendMode { pub const Segments: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Sequence: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MseAppendMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MseAppendMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MseAppendMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MseAppendMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8295,7 +8163,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MseAppendMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Core.MseAppendMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MseEndOfStreamStatus(pub i32); impl MseEndOfStreamStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -8303,17 +8171,6 @@ impl MseEndOfStreamStatus { pub const DecodeError: Self = Self(2i32); pub const UnknownError: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MseEndOfStreamStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MseEndOfStreamStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MseEndOfStreamStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MseEndOfStreamStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8326,24 +8183,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MseEndOfStreamStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Core.MseEndOfStreamStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MseReadyState(pub i32); impl MseReadyState { pub const Closed: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Open: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Ended: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MseReadyState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MseReadyState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MseReadyState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MseReadyState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8356,24 +8202,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MseReadyState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Core.MseReadyState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SceneAnalysisRecommendation(pub i32); impl SceneAnalysisRecommendation { pub const Standard: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Hdr: Self = Self(1i32); pub const LowLight: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SceneAnalysisRecommendation {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SceneAnalysisRecommendation { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SceneAnalysisRecommendation { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SceneAnalysisRecommendation { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8386,7 +8221,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SceneAnalysisRecommendation { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Core.SceneAnalysisRecommendation;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TimedMetadataKind(pub i32); impl TimedMetadataKind { pub const Caption: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -8398,17 +8233,6 @@ impl TimedMetadataKind { pub const ImageSubtitle: Self = Self(6i32); pub const Speech: Self = Self(7i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TimedMetadataKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TimedMetadataKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TimedMetadataKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TimedMetadataKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8421,7 +8245,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for TimedMetadataKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Core.TimedMetadataKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TimedMetadataTrackErrorCode(pub i32); impl TimedMetadataTrackErrorCode { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -8429,17 +8253,6 @@ impl TimedMetadataTrackErrorCode { pub const NetworkError: Self = Self(2i32); pub const InternalError: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TimedMetadataTrackErrorCode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TimedMetadataTrackErrorCode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TimedMetadataTrackErrorCode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TimedMetadataTrackErrorCode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8452,24 +8265,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for TimedMetadataTrackErrorCode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Core.TimedMetadataTrackErrorCode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TimedTextBoutenPosition(pub i32); impl TimedTextBoutenPosition { pub const Before: Self = Self(0i32); pub const After: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Outside: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TimedTextBoutenPosition {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TimedTextBoutenPosition { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TimedTextBoutenPosition { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TimedTextBoutenPosition { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8482,7 +8284,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for TimedTextBoutenPosition { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Core.TimedTextBoutenPosition;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TimedTextBoutenType(pub i32); impl TimedTextBoutenType { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -8494,17 +8296,6 @@ impl TimedTextBoutenType { pub const FilledSesame: Self = Self(6i32); pub const OpenSesame: Self = Self(7i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TimedTextBoutenType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TimedTextBoutenType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TimedTextBoutenType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TimedTextBoutenType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8517,24 +8308,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for TimedTextBoutenType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Core.TimedTextBoutenType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TimedTextDisplayAlignment(pub i32); impl TimedTextDisplayAlignment { pub const Before: Self = Self(0i32); pub const After: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Center: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TimedTextDisplayAlignment {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TimedTextDisplayAlignment { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TimedTextDisplayAlignment { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TimedTextDisplayAlignment { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8547,23 +8327,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for TimedTextDisplayAlignment { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Core.TimedTextDisplayAlignment;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TimedTextFlowDirection(pub i32); impl TimedTextFlowDirection { pub const LeftToRight: Self = Self(0i32); pub const RightToLeft: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TimedTextFlowDirection {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TimedTextFlowDirection { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TimedTextFlowDirection { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TimedTextFlowDirection { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8576,24 +8345,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for TimedTextFlowDirection { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Core.TimedTextFlowDirection;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TimedTextFontStyle(pub i32); impl TimedTextFontStyle { pub const Normal: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Oblique: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Italic: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TimedTextFontStyle {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TimedTextFontStyle { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TimedTextFontStyle { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TimedTextFontStyle { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8606,24 +8364,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for TimedTextFontStyle { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Core.TimedTextFontStyle;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TimedTextLineAlignment(pub i32); impl TimedTextLineAlignment { pub const Start: Self = Self(0i32); pub const End: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Center: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TimedTextLineAlignment {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TimedTextLineAlignment { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TimedTextLineAlignment { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TimedTextLineAlignment { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8636,7 +8383,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for TimedTextLineAlignment { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Core.TimedTextLineAlignment;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TimedTextRubyAlign(pub i32); impl TimedTextRubyAlign { pub const Center: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -8646,17 +8393,6 @@ impl TimedTextRubyAlign { pub const SpaceBetween: Self = Self(4i32); pub const WithBase: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TimedTextRubyAlign {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TimedTextRubyAlign { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TimedTextRubyAlign { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TimedTextRubyAlign { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8669,24 +8405,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for TimedTextRubyAlign { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Core.TimedTextRubyAlign;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TimedTextRubyPosition(pub i32); impl TimedTextRubyPosition { pub const Before: Self = Self(0i32); pub const After: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Outside: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TimedTextRubyPosition {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TimedTextRubyPosition { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TimedTextRubyPosition { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TimedTextRubyPosition { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8699,7 +8424,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for TimedTextRubyPosition { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Core.TimedTextRubyPosition;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TimedTextRubyReserve(pub i32); impl TimedTextRubyReserve { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -8708,17 +8433,6 @@ impl TimedTextRubyReserve { pub const Both: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Outside: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TimedTextRubyReserve {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TimedTextRubyReserve { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TimedTextRubyReserve { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TimedTextRubyReserve { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8731,23 +8445,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for TimedTextRubyReserve { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Core.TimedTextRubyReserve;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TimedTextScrollMode(pub i32); impl TimedTextScrollMode { pub const Popon: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Rollup: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TimedTextScrollMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TimedTextScrollMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TimedTextScrollMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TimedTextScrollMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8760,23 +8463,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for TimedTextScrollMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Core.TimedTextScrollMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TimedTextUnit(pub i32); impl TimedTextUnit { pub const Pixels: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Percentage: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TimedTextUnit {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TimedTextUnit { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TimedTextUnit { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TimedTextUnit { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8789,23 +8481,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for TimedTextUnit { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Core.TimedTextUnit;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TimedTextWeight(pub i32); impl TimedTextWeight { pub const Normal: Self = Self(400i32); pub const Bold: Self = Self(700i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TimedTextWeight {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TimedTextWeight { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TimedTextWeight { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TimedTextWeight { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8818,23 +8499,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for TimedTextWeight { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Core.TimedTextWeight;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TimedTextWrapping(pub i32); impl TimedTextWrapping { pub const NoWrap: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Wrap: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TimedTextWrapping {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TimedTextWrapping { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TimedTextWrapping { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TimedTextWrapping { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8847,7 +8517,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for TimedTextWrapping { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Core.TimedTextWrapping;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TimedTextWritingMode(pub i32); impl TimedTextWritingMode { pub const LeftRightTopBottom: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -8858,17 +8528,6 @@ impl TimedTextWritingMode { pub const RightLeft: Self = Self(5i32); pub const TopBottom: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TimedTextWritingMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TimedTextWritingMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TimedTextWritingMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TimedTextWritingMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8881,24 +8540,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for TimedTextWritingMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Core.TimedTextWritingMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VideoStabilizationEffectEnabledChangedReason(pub i32); impl VideoStabilizationEffectEnabledChangedReason { pub const Programmatic: Self = Self(0i32); pub const PixelRateTooHigh: Self = Self(1i32); pub const RunningSlowly: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VideoStabilizationEffectEnabledChangedReason {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VideoStabilizationEffectEnabledChangedReason { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VideoStabilizationEffectEnabledChangedReason { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VideoStabilizationEffectEnabledChangedReason { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Devices/Core/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Devices/Core/ index 2b4f8f63c2..9334783501 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Devices/Core/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Devices/Core/ @@ -1279,24 +1279,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for VariablePhotoSequenceController { } ::windows_core::imp::interface_hierarchy!(VariablePhotoSequenceController, ::windows_core::IUnknown, ::windows_core::IInspectable); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FrameFlashMode(pub i32); impl FrameFlashMode { pub const Disable: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Enable: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Global: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FrameFlashMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FrameFlashMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FrameFlashMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FrameFlashMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Devices/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Devices/ index 55959b9924..17ec867f28 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Devices/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Devices/ @@ -4689,7 +4689,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for ZoomSettings { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for ZoomSettings {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for ZoomSettings {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AdvancedPhotoMode(pub i32); impl AdvancedPhotoMode { pub const Auto: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4697,17 +4697,6 @@ impl AdvancedPhotoMode { pub const Hdr: Self = Self(2i32); pub const LowLight: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AdvancedPhotoMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AdvancedPhotoMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AdvancedPhotoMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AdvancedPhotoMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4720,23 +4709,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AdvancedPhotoMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Devices.AdvancedPhotoMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AudioDeviceRole(pub i32); impl AudioDeviceRole { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Communications: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AudioDeviceRole {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AudioDeviceRole { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AudioDeviceRole { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AudioDeviceRole { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4749,24 +4727,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AudioDeviceRole { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Devices.AudioDeviceRole;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AutoFocusRange(pub i32); impl AutoFocusRange { pub const FullRange: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Macro: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Normal: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AutoFocusRange {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AutoFocusRange { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AutoFocusRange { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AutoFocusRange { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4779,23 +4746,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AutoFocusRange { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Devices.AutoFocusRange;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CameraOcclusionKind(pub i32); impl CameraOcclusionKind { pub const Lid: Self = Self(0i32); pub const CameraHardware: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CameraOcclusionKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CameraOcclusionKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CameraOcclusionKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CameraOcclusionKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4808,7 +4764,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CameraOcclusionKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Devices.CameraOcclusionKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CameraStreamState(pub i32); impl CameraStreamState { pub const NotStreaming: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4816,17 +4772,6 @@ impl CameraStreamState { pub const BlockedForPrivacy: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Shutdown: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CameraStreamState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CameraStreamState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CameraStreamState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CameraStreamState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4839,7 +4784,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CameraStreamState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Devices.CameraStreamState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CaptureSceneMode(pub i32); impl CaptureSceneMode { pub const Auto: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4856,17 +4801,6 @@ impl CaptureSceneMode { pub const NightPortrait: Self = Self(11i32); pub const Backlit: Self = Self(12i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CaptureSceneMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CaptureSceneMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CaptureSceneMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CaptureSceneMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4879,24 +4813,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CaptureSceneMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Devices.CaptureSceneMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CaptureUse(pub i32); impl CaptureUse { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Photo: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Video: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CaptureUse {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CaptureUse { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CaptureUse { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CaptureUse { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4909,7 +4832,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CaptureUse { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Devices.CaptureUse;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ColorTemperaturePreset(pub i32); impl ColorTemperaturePreset { pub const Auto: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4921,17 +4844,6 @@ impl ColorTemperaturePreset { pub const Tungsten: Self = Self(6i32); pub const Candlelight: Self = Self(7i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ColorTemperaturePreset {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ColorTemperaturePreset { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ColorTemperaturePreset { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ColorTemperaturePreset { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4944,24 +4856,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ColorTemperaturePreset { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Devices.ColorTemperaturePreset;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DigitalWindowMode(pub i32); impl DigitalWindowMode { pub const Off: Self = Self(0i32); pub const On: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Auto: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DigitalWindowMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DigitalWindowMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DigitalWindowMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DigitalWindowMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4974,7 +4875,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DigitalWindowMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Devices.DigitalWindowMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FocusMode(pub i32); impl FocusMode { pub const Auto: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4982,17 +4883,6 @@ impl FocusMode { pub const Continuous: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Manual: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FocusMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FocusMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FocusMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FocusMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5005,7 +4895,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for FocusMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Devices.FocusMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FocusPreset(pub i32); impl FocusPreset { pub const Auto: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -5015,17 +4905,6 @@ impl FocusPreset { pub const AutoInfinity: Self = Self(4i32); pub const AutoHyperfocal: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FocusPreset {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FocusPreset { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FocusPreset { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FocusPreset { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5038,24 +4917,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for FocusPreset { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Devices.FocusPreset;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HdrVideoMode(pub i32); impl HdrVideoMode { pub const Off: Self = Self(0i32); pub const On: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Auto: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HdrVideoMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HdrVideoMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HdrVideoMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HdrVideoMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5068,24 +4936,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for HdrVideoMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Devices.HdrVideoMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InfraredTorchMode(pub i32); impl InfraredTorchMode { pub const Off: Self = Self(0i32); pub const On: Self = Self(1i32); pub const AlternatingFrameIllumination: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InfraredTorchMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InfraredTorchMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InfraredTorchMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InfraredTorchMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5100,7 +4957,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for InfraredTorchMode { #[doc = "Required features: `\"deprecated\"`"] #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IsoSpeedPreset(pub i32); #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] impl IsoSpeedPreset { @@ -5118,20 +4975,6 @@ impl IsoSpeedPreset { pub const Iso25600: Self = Self(11i32); } #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IsoSpeedPreset {} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IsoSpeedPreset { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::default::Default for IsoSpeedPreset { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IsoSpeedPreset { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5146,24 +4989,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for IsoSpeedPreset { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Devices.IsoSpeedPreset;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ManualFocusDistance(pub i32); impl ManualFocusDistance { pub const Infinity: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Hyperfocal: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Nearest: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ManualFocusDistance {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ManualFocusDistance { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ManualFocusDistance { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ManualFocusDistance { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5176,7 +5008,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ManualFocusDistance { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Devices.ManualFocusDistance;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MediaCaptureFocusState(pub i32); impl MediaCaptureFocusState { pub const Uninitialized: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -5185,17 +5017,6 @@ impl MediaCaptureFocusState { pub const Focused: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Failed: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MediaCaptureFocusState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MediaCaptureFocusState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MediaCaptureFocusState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MediaCaptureFocusState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5208,7 +5029,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MediaCaptureFocusState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Devices.MediaCaptureFocusState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MediaCaptureOptimization(pub i32); impl MediaCaptureOptimization { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -5219,17 +5040,6 @@ impl MediaCaptureOptimization { pub const LatencyThenPower: Self = Self(5i32); pub const PowerAndQuality: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MediaCaptureOptimization {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MediaCaptureOptimization { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MediaCaptureOptimization { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MediaCaptureOptimization { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5242,23 +5052,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MediaCaptureOptimization { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Devices.MediaCaptureOptimization;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MediaCapturePauseBehavior(pub i32); impl MediaCapturePauseBehavior { pub const RetainHardwareResources: Self = Self(0i32); pub const ReleaseHardwareResources: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MediaCapturePauseBehavior {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MediaCapturePauseBehavior { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MediaCapturePauseBehavior { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MediaCapturePauseBehavior { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5271,24 +5070,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MediaCapturePauseBehavior { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Devices.MediaCapturePauseBehavior;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OpticalImageStabilizationMode(pub i32); impl OpticalImageStabilizationMode { pub const Off: Self = Self(0i32); pub const On: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Auto: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OpticalImageStabilizationMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OpticalImageStabilizationMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OpticalImageStabilizationMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OpticalImageStabilizationMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5301,23 +5089,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for OpticalImageStabilizationMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Devices.OpticalImageStabilizationMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RegionOfInterestType(pub i32); impl RegionOfInterestType { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Face: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RegionOfInterestType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RegionOfInterestType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RegionOfInterestType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RegionOfInterestType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5330,23 +5107,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for RegionOfInterestType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Devices.RegionOfInterestType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SendCommandStatus(pub i32); impl SendCommandStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); pub const DeviceNotAvailable: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SendCommandStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SendCommandStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SendCommandStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SendCommandStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5359,7 +5125,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SendCommandStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Devices.SendCommandStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TelephonyKey(pub i32); impl TelephonyKey { pub const D0: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -5379,17 +5145,6 @@ impl TelephonyKey { pub const C: Self = Self(14i32); pub const D: Self = Self(15i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TelephonyKey {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TelephonyKey { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TelephonyKey { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TelephonyKey { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5402,7 +5157,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for TelephonyKey { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Devices.TelephonyKey;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VideoDeviceControllerGetDevicePropertyStatus(pub i32); impl VideoDeviceControllerGetDevicePropertyStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -5413,17 +5168,6 @@ impl VideoDeviceControllerGetDevicePropertyStatus { pub const MaxPropertyValueSizeTooSmall: Self = Self(5i32); pub const MaxPropertyValueSizeRequired: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VideoDeviceControllerGetDevicePropertyStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VideoDeviceControllerGetDevicePropertyStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VideoDeviceControllerGetDevicePropertyStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VideoDeviceControllerGetDevicePropertyStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5436,7 +5180,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for VideoDeviceControllerGetDevicePropertyStatu const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Devices.VideoDeviceControllerGetDevicePropertyStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VideoDeviceControllerSetDevicePropertyStatus(pub i32); impl VideoDeviceControllerSetDevicePropertyStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -5446,17 +5190,6 @@ impl VideoDeviceControllerSetDevicePropertyStatus { pub const DeviceNotAvailable: Self = Self(4i32); pub const NotInControl: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VideoDeviceControllerSetDevicePropertyStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VideoDeviceControllerSetDevicePropertyStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VideoDeviceControllerSetDevicePropertyStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VideoDeviceControllerSetDevicePropertyStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5469,24 +5202,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for VideoDeviceControllerSetDevicePropertyStatu const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Devices.VideoDeviceControllerSetDevicePropertyStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VideoTemporalDenoisingMode(pub i32); impl VideoTemporalDenoisingMode { pub const Off: Self = Self(0i32); pub const On: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Auto: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VideoTemporalDenoisingMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VideoTemporalDenoisingMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VideoTemporalDenoisingMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VideoTemporalDenoisingMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5499,24 +5221,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for VideoTemporalDenoisingMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Devices.VideoTemporalDenoisingMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ZoomTransitionMode(pub i32); impl ZoomTransitionMode { pub const Auto: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Direct: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Smooth: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ZoomTransitionMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ZoomTransitionMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ZoomTransitionMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ZoomTransitionMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/DialProtocol/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/DialProtocol/ index 453e9d9b45..4c01e9cffe 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/DialProtocol/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/DialProtocol/ @@ -661,7 +661,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for DialReceiverApp { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for DialReceiverApp {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for DialReceiverApp {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DialAppLaunchResult(pub i32); impl DialAppLaunchResult { pub const Launched: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -669,17 +669,6 @@ impl DialAppLaunchResult { pub const NotFound: Self = Self(2i32); pub const NetworkFailure: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DialAppLaunchResult {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DialAppLaunchResult { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DialAppLaunchResult { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DialAppLaunchResult { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -692,7 +681,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DialAppLaunchResult { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.DialProtocol.DialAppLaunchResult;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DialAppState(pub i32); impl DialAppState { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -700,17 +689,6 @@ impl DialAppState { pub const Running: Self = Self(2i32); pub const NetworkFailure: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DialAppState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DialAppState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DialAppState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DialAppState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -723,7 +701,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DialAppState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.DialProtocol.DialAppState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DialAppStopResult(pub i32); impl DialAppStopResult { pub const Stopped: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -731,17 +709,6 @@ impl DialAppStopResult { pub const OperationNotSupported: Self = Self(2i32); pub const NetworkFailure: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DialAppStopResult {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DialAppStopResult { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DialAppStopResult { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DialAppStopResult { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -754,7 +721,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DialAppStopResult { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.DialProtocol.DialAppStopResult;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DialDeviceDisplayStatus(pub i32); impl DialDeviceDisplayStatus { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -764,17 +731,6 @@ impl DialDeviceDisplayStatus { pub const Disconnected: Self = Self(4i32); pub const Error: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DialDeviceDisplayStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DialDeviceDisplayStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DialDeviceDisplayStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DialDeviceDisplayStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Editing/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Editing/ index 7920e676ce..493cc0933f 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Editing/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Editing/ @@ -1094,23 +1094,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for MediaOverlayLayer { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for MediaOverlayLayer {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for MediaOverlayLayer {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MediaTrimmingPreference(pub i32); impl MediaTrimmingPreference { pub const Fast: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Precise: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MediaTrimmingPreference {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MediaTrimmingPreference { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MediaTrimmingPreference { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MediaTrimmingPreference { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1123,23 +1112,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MediaTrimmingPreference { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Editing.MediaTrimmingPreference;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VideoFramePrecision(pub i32); impl VideoFramePrecision { pub const NearestFrame: Self = Self(0i32); pub const NearestKeyFrame: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VideoFramePrecision {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VideoFramePrecision { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VideoFramePrecision { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VideoFramePrecision { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Effects/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Effects/ index d7df45247e..fc064b5f56 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Effects/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Effects/ @@ -1494,7 +1494,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for VideoTransformSphericalProjection { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for VideoTransformSphericalProjection {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for VideoTransformSphericalProjection {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AudioEffectType(pub i32); impl AudioEffectType { pub const Other: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1518,17 +1518,6 @@ impl AudioEffectType { pub const FarFieldBeamForming: Self = Self(18i32); pub const DeepNoiseSuppression: Self = Self(19i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AudioEffectType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AudioEffectType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AudioEffectType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AudioEffectType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1541,7 +1530,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AudioEffectType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Effects.AudioEffectType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MediaEffectClosedReason(pub i32); impl MediaEffectClosedReason { pub const Done: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1549,17 +1538,6 @@ impl MediaEffectClosedReason { pub const UnsupportedEncodingFormat: Self = Self(2i32); pub const EffectCurrentlyUnloaded: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MediaEffectClosedReason {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MediaEffectClosedReason { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MediaEffectClosedReason { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MediaEffectClosedReason { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1572,24 +1550,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MediaEffectClosedReason { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Effects.MediaEffectClosedReason;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MediaMemoryTypes(pub i32); impl MediaMemoryTypes { pub const Gpu: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Cpu: Self = Self(1i32); pub const GpuAndCpu: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MediaMemoryTypes {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MediaMemoryTypes { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MediaMemoryTypes { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MediaMemoryTypes { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Import/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Import/ index c1e85d12b6..711dfc4787 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Import/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Import/ @@ -1640,24 +1640,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for PhotoImportVideoSegment { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for PhotoImportVideoSegment {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for PhotoImportVideoSegment {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PhotoImportAccessMode(pub i32); impl PhotoImportAccessMode { pub const ReadWrite: Self = Self(0i32); pub const ReadOnly: Self = Self(1i32); pub const ReadAndDelete: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PhotoImportAccessMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PhotoImportAccessMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PhotoImportAccessMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PhotoImportAccessMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1670,7 +1659,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PhotoImportAccessMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Import.PhotoImportAccessMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PhotoImportConnectionTransport(pub i32); impl PhotoImportConnectionTransport { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1678,17 +1667,6 @@ impl PhotoImportConnectionTransport { pub const IP: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Bluetooth: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PhotoImportConnectionTransport {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PhotoImportConnectionTransport { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PhotoImportConnectionTransport { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PhotoImportConnectionTransport { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1701,24 +1679,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PhotoImportConnectionTransport { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Import.PhotoImportConnectionTransport;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PhotoImportContentType(pub i32); impl PhotoImportContentType { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Image: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Video: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PhotoImportContentType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PhotoImportContentType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PhotoImportContentType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PhotoImportContentType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1731,7 +1698,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PhotoImportContentType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Import.PhotoImportContentType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PhotoImportContentTypeFilter(pub i32); impl PhotoImportContentTypeFilter { pub const OnlyImages: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1739,17 +1706,6 @@ impl PhotoImportContentTypeFilter { pub const ImagesAndVideos: Self = Self(2i32); pub const ImagesAndVideosFromCameraRoll: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PhotoImportContentTypeFilter {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PhotoImportContentTypeFilter { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PhotoImportContentTypeFilter { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PhotoImportContentTypeFilter { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1762,7 +1718,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PhotoImportContentTypeFilter { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Import.PhotoImportContentTypeFilter;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PhotoImportImportMode(pub i32); impl PhotoImportImportMode { pub const ImportEverything: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1770,17 +1726,6 @@ impl PhotoImportImportMode { pub const IgnoreSiblings: Self = Self(2i32); pub const IgnoreSidecarsAndSiblings: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PhotoImportImportMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PhotoImportImportMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PhotoImportImportMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PhotoImportImportMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1793,24 +1738,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PhotoImportImportMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Import.PhotoImportImportMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PhotoImportItemSelectionMode(pub i32); impl PhotoImportItemSelectionMode { pub const SelectAll: Self = Self(0i32); pub const SelectNone: Self = Self(1i32); pub const SelectNew: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PhotoImportItemSelectionMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PhotoImportItemSelectionMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PhotoImportItemSelectionMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PhotoImportItemSelectionMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1823,24 +1757,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PhotoImportItemSelectionMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Import.PhotoImportItemSelectionMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PhotoImportPowerSource(pub i32); impl PhotoImportPowerSource { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Battery: Self = Self(1i32); pub const External: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PhotoImportPowerSource {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PhotoImportPowerSource { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PhotoImportPowerSource { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PhotoImportPowerSource { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1853,7 +1776,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PhotoImportPowerSource { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Import.PhotoImportPowerSource;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PhotoImportSourceType(pub i32); impl PhotoImportSourceType { pub const Generic: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1864,17 +1787,6 @@ impl PhotoImportSourceType { pub const PersonalInfoManager: Self = Self(5i32); pub const AudioRecorder: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PhotoImportSourceType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PhotoImportSourceType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PhotoImportSourceType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PhotoImportSourceType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1887,7 +1799,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PhotoImportSourceType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Import.PhotoImportSourceType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PhotoImportStage(pub i32); impl PhotoImportStage { pub const NotStarted: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1895,17 +1807,6 @@ impl PhotoImportStage { pub const ImportingItems: Self = Self(2i32); pub const DeletingImportedItemsFromSource: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PhotoImportStage {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PhotoImportStage { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PhotoImportStage { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PhotoImportStage { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1918,24 +1819,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PhotoImportStage { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Import.PhotoImportStage;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PhotoImportStorageMediumType(pub i32); impl PhotoImportStorageMediumType { pub const Undefined: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Fixed: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Removable: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PhotoImportStorageMediumType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PhotoImportStorageMediumType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PhotoImportStorageMediumType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PhotoImportStorageMediumType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1948,7 +1838,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PhotoImportStorageMediumType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Import.PhotoImportStorageMediumType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PhotoImportSubfolderCreationMode(pub i32); impl PhotoImportSubfolderCreationMode { pub const DoNotCreateSubfolders: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1956,17 +1846,6 @@ impl PhotoImportSubfolderCreationMode { pub const CreateSubfoldersFromExifDate: Self = Self(2i32); pub const KeepOriginalFolderStructure: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PhotoImportSubfolderCreationMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PhotoImportSubfolderCreationMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PhotoImportSubfolderCreationMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PhotoImportSubfolderCreationMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1979,24 +1858,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PhotoImportSubfolderCreationMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Import.PhotoImportSubfolderCreationMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PhotoImportSubfolderDateFormat(pub i32); impl PhotoImportSubfolderDateFormat { pub const Year: Self = Self(0i32); pub const YearMonth: Self = Self(1i32); pub const YearMonthDay: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PhotoImportSubfolderDateFormat {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PhotoImportSubfolderDateFormat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PhotoImportSubfolderDateFormat { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PhotoImportSubfolderDateFormat { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/MediaProperties/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/MediaProperties/ index ad38ba7d06..00f7023e54 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/MediaProperties/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/MediaProperties/ @@ -2709,7 +2709,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for Vp9ProfileIds { const NAME: &'static str = "Windows.Media.MediaProperties.Vp9ProfileIds"; } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AudioEncodingQuality(pub i32); impl AudioEncodingQuality { pub const Auto: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2717,17 +2717,6 @@ impl AudioEncodingQuality { pub const Medium: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Low: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AudioEncodingQuality {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AudioEncodingQuality { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AudioEncodingQuality { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AudioEncodingQuality { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2740,24 +2729,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AudioEncodingQuality { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.MediaProperties.AudioEncodingQuality;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MediaMirroringOptions(pub u32); impl MediaMirroringOptions { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); pub const Horizontal: Self = Self(1u32); pub const Vertical: Self = Self(2u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MediaMirroringOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MediaMirroringOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MediaMirroringOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MediaMirroringOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2803,24 +2781,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MediaMirroringOptions { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.MediaProperties.MediaMirroringOptions;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MediaPixelFormat(pub i32); impl MediaPixelFormat { pub const Nv12: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Bgra8: Self = Self(1i32); pub const P010: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MediaPixelFormat {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MediaPixelFormat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MediaPixelFormat { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MediaPixelFormat { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2833,7 +2800,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MediaPixelFormat { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.MediaProperties.MediaPixelFormat;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MediaRotation(pub i32); impl MediaRotation { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2841,17 +2808,6 @@ impl MediaRotation { pub const Clockwise180Degrees: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Clockwise270Degrees: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MediaRotation {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MediaRotation { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MediaRotation { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MediaRotation { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2864,23 +2820,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MediaRotation { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.MediaProperties.MediaRotation;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MediaThumbnailFormat(pub i32); impl MediaThumbnailFormat { pub const Bmp: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Bgra8: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MediaThumbnailFormat {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MediaThumbnailFormat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MediaThumbnailFormat { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MediaThumbnailFormat { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2893,24 +2838,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MediaThumbnailFormat { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.MediaProperties.MediaThumbnailFormat;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SphericalVideoFrameFormat(pub i32); impl SphericalVideoFrameFormat { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Unsupported: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Equirectangular: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SphericalVideoFrameFormat {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SphericalVideoFrameFormat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SphericalVideoFrameFormat { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SphericalVideoFrameFormat { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2923,24 +2857,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SphericalVideoFrameFormat { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.MediaProperties.SphericalVideoFrameFormat;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct StereoscopicVideoPackingMode(pub i32); impl StereoscopicVideoPackingMode { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); pub const SideBySide: Self = Self(1i32); pub const TopBottom: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for StereoscopicVideoPackingMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for StereoscopicVideoPackingMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for StereoscopicVideoPackingMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for StereoscopicVideoPackingMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2953,7 +2876,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for StereoscopicVideoPackingMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.MediaProperties.StereoscopicVideoPackingMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VideoEncodingQuality(pub i32); impl VideoEncodingQuality { pub const Auto: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2967,17 +2890,6 @@ impl VideoEncodingQuality { pub const Uhd2160p: Self = Self(8i32); pub const Uhd4320p: Self = Self(9i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VideoEncodingQuality {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VideoEncodingQuality { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VideoEncodingQuality { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VideoEncodingQuality { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Miracast/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Miracast/ index 10c4f3447d..e350ebf94a 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Miracast/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Miracast/ @@ -1511,7 +1511,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for MiracastTransmitter { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for MiracastTransmitter {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for MiracastTransmitter {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MiracastReceiverApplySettingsStatus(pub i32); impl MiracastReceiverApplySettingsStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1523,17 +1523,6 @@ impl MiracastReceiverApplySettingsStatus { pub const ModelNumberTooLong: Self = Self(6i32); pub const InvalidSettings: Self = Self(7i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MiracastReceiverApplySettingsStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MiracastReceiverApplySettingsStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MiracastReceiverApplySettingsStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MiracastReceiverApplySettingsStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1546,7 +1535,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MiracastReceiverApplySettingsStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Miracast.MiracastReceiverApplySettingsStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MiracastReceiverAuthorizationMethod(pub i32); impl MiracastReceiverAuthorizationMethod { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1554,17 +1543,6 @@ impl MiracastReceiverAuthorizationMethod { pub const PinDisplayIfRequested: Self = Self(2i32); pub const PinDisplayRequired: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MiracastReceiverAuthorizationMethod {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MiracastReceiverAuthorizationMethod { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MiracastReceiverAuthorizationMethod { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MiracastReceiverAuthorizationMethod { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1577,7 +1555,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MiracastReceiverAuthorizationMethod { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Miracast.MiracastReceiverAuthorizationMethod;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MiracastReceiverDisconnectReason(pub i32); impl MiracastReceiverDisconnectReason { pub const Finished: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1589,17 +1567,6 @@ impl MiracastReceiverDisconnectReason { pub const MediaStreamingError: Self = Self(6i32); pub const MediaDecryptionError: Self = Self(7i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MiracastReceiverDisconnectReason {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MiracastReceiverDisconnectReason { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MiracastReceiverDisconnectReason { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MiracastReceiverDisconnectReason { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1612,23 +1579,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MiracastReceiverDisconnectReason { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Miracast.MiracastReceiverDisconnectReason;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MiracastReceiverGameControllerDeviceUsageMode(pub i32); impl MiracastReceiverGameControllerDeviceUsageMode { pub const AsGameController: Self = Self(0i32); pub const AsMouseAndKeyboard: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MiracastReceiverGameControllerDeviceUsageMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MiracastReceiverGameControllerDeviceUsageMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MiracastReceiverGameControllerDeviceUsageMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MiracastReceiverGameControllerDeviceUsageMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1641,7 +1597,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MiracastReceiverGameControllerDeviceUsageMo const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Miracast.MiracastReceiverGameControllerDeviceUsageMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MiracastReceiverListeningStatus(pub i32); impl MiracastReceiverListeningStatus { pub const NotListening: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1651,17 +1607,6 @@ impl MiracastReceiverListeningStatus { pub const DisabledByPolicy: Self = Self(4i32); pub const TemporarilyDisabled: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MiracastReceiverListeningStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MiracastReceiverListeningStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MiracastReceiverListeningStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MiracastReceiverListeningStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1674,7 +1619,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MiracastReceiverListeningStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Miracast.MiracastReceiverListeningStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MiracastReceiverSessionStartStatus(pub i32); impl MiracastReceiverSessionStartStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1682,17 +1627,6 @@ impl MiracastReceiverSessionStartStatus { pub const MiracastNotSupported: Self = Self(2i32); pub const AccessDenied: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MiracastReceiverSessionStartStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MiracastReceiverSessionStartStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MiracastReceiverSessionStartStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MiracastReceiverSessionStartStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1705,7 +1639,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MiracastReceiverSessionStartStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Miracast.MiracastReceiverSessionStartStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MiracastReceiverWiFiStatus(pub i32); impl MiracastReceiverWiFiStatus { pub const MiracastSupportUndetermined: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1713,17 +1647,6 @@ impl MiracastReceiverWiFiStatus { pub const MiracastSupportNotOptimized: Self = Self(2i32); pub const MiracastSupported: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MiracastReceiverWiFiStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MiracastReceiverWiFiStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MiracastReceiverWiFiStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MiracastReceiverWiFiStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1736,7 +1659,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MiracastReceiverWiFiStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Miracast.MiracastReceiverWiFiStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MiracastTransmitterAuthorizationStatus(pub i32); impl MiracastTransmitterAuthorizationStatus { pub const Undecided: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1744,17 +1667,6 @@ impl MiracastTransmitterAuthorizationStatus { pub const AlwaysPrompt: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Blocked: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MiracastTransmitterAuthorizationStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MiracastTransmitterAuthorizationStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MiracastTransmitterAuthorizationStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MiracastTransmitterAuthorizationStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/PlayTo/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/PlayTo/ index b6cbd7ffd6..8497268e7f 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/PlayTo/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/PlayTo/ @@ -1629,7 +1629,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for VolumeChangeRequestedEventArgs { #[doc = "Required features: `\"deprecated\"`"] #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PlayToConnectionError(pub i32); #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] impl PlayToConnectionError { @@ -1640,20 +1640,6 @@ impl PlayToConnectionError { pub const ProtectedPlaybackFailed: Self = Self(4i32); } #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PlayToConnectionError {} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PlayToConnectionError { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::default::Default for PlayToConnectionError { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PlayToConnectionError { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1670,7 +1656,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PlayToConnectionError { #[doc = "Required features: `\"deprecated\"`"] #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PlayToConnectionState(pub i32); #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] impl PlayToConnectionState { @@ -1679,20 +1665,6 @@ impl PlayToConnectionState { pub const Rendering: Self = Self(2i32); } #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PlayToConnectionState {} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PlayToConnectionState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::default::Default for PlayToConnectionState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PlayToConnectionState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Playback/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Playback/ index 1c63d2ea05..e82666473d 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Playback/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Playback/ @@ -5471,7 +5471,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for TimedMetadataPresentationModeChangedEventAr unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for TimedMetadataPresentationModeChangedEventArgs {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for TimedMetadataPresentationModeChangedEventArgs {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AutoLoadedDisplayPropertyKind(pub i32); impl AutoLoadedDisplayPropertyKind { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -5479,17 +5479,6 @@ impl AutoLoadedDisplayPropertyKind { pub const Music: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Video: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AutoLoadedDisplayPropertyKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AutoLoadedDisplayPropertyKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AutoLoadedDisplayPropertyKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AutoLoadedDisplayPropertyKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5502,24 +5491,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AutoLoadedDisplayPropertyKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Playback.AutoLoadedDisplayPropertyKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FailedMediaStreamKind(pub i32); impl FailedMediaStreamKind { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Audio: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Video: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FailedMediaStreamKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FailedMediaStreamKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FailedMediaStreamKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FailedMediaStreamKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5532,23 +5510,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for FailedMediaStreamKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Playback.FailedMediaStreamKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MediaBreakInsertionMethod(pub i32); impl MediaBreakInsertionMethod { pub const Interrupt: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Replace: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MediaBreakInsertionMethod {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MediaBreakInsertionMethod { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MediaBreakInsertionMethod { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MediaBreakInsertionMethod { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5561,24 +5528,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MediaBreakInsertionMethod { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Playback.MediaBreakInsertionMethod;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MediaCommandEnablingRule(pub i32); impl MediaCommandEnablingRule { pub const Auto: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Always: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Never: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MediaCommandEnablingRule {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MediaCommandEnablingRule { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MediaCommandEnablingRule { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MediaCommandEnablingRule { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5591,7 +5547,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MediaCommandEnablingRule { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Playback.MediaCommandEnablingRule;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MediaPlaybackItemChangedReason(pub i32); impl MediaPlaybackItemChangedReason { pub const InitialItem: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -5599,17 +5555,6 @@ impl MediaPlaybackItemChangedReason { pub const Error: Self = Self(2i32); pub const AppRequested: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MediaPlaybackItemChangedReason {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MediaPlaybackItemChangedReason { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MediaPlaybackItemChangedReason { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MediaPlaybackItemChangedReason { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5622,7 +5567,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MediaPlaybackItemChangedReason { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Playback.MediaPlaybackItemChangedReason;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MediaPlaybackItemErrorCode(pub i32); impl MediaPlaybackItemErrorCode { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -5632,17 +5577,6 @@ impl MediaPlaybackItemErrorCode { pub const SourceNotSupportedError: Self = Self(4i32); pub const EncryptionError: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MediaPlaybackItemErrorCode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MediaPlaybackItemErrorCode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MediaPlaybackItemErrorCode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MediaPlaybackItemErrorCode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5655,7 +5589,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MediaPlaybackItemErrorCode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Playback.MediaPlaybackItemErrorCode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MediaPlaybackSessionVideoConstrictionReason(pub i32); impl MediaPlaybackSessionVideoConstrictionReason { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -5666,17 +5600,6 @@ impl MediaPlaybackSessionVideoConstrictionReason { pub const OutputProtectionFailed: Self = Self(5i32); pub const Unknown: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MediaPlaybackSessionVideoConstrictionReason {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MediaPlaybackSessionVideoConstrictionReason { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MediaPlaybackSessionVideoConstrictionReason { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MediaPlaybackSessionVideoConstrictionReason { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5689,7 +5612,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MediaPlaybackSessionVideoConstrictionReason const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Playback.MediaPlaybackSessionVideoConstrictionReason;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MediaPlaybackState(pub i32); impl MediaPlaybackState { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -5698,17 +5621,6 @@ impl MediaPlaybackState { pub const Playing: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Paused: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MediaPlaybackState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MediaPlaybackState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MediaPlaybackState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MediaPlaybackState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5721,7 +5633,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MediaPlaybackState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Playback.MediaPlaybackState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MediaPlayerAudioCategory(pub i32); impl MediaPlayerAudioCategory { pub const Other: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -5735,17 +5647,6 @@ impl MediaPlayerAudioCategory { pub const Movie: Self = Self(10i32); pub const Media: Self = Self(11i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MediaPlayerAudioCategory {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MediaPlayerAudioCategory { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MediaPlayerAudioCategory { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MediaPlayerAudioCategory { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5758,24 +5659,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MediaPlayerAudioCategory { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Playback.MediaPlayerAudioCategory;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MediaPlayerAudioDeviceType(pub i32); impl MediaPlayerAudioDeviceType { pub const Console: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Multimedia: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Communications: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MediaPlayerAudioDeviceType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MediaPlayerAudioDeviceType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MediaPlayerAudioDeviceType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MediaPlayerAudioDeviceType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5788,7 +5678,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MediaPlayerAudioDeviceType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Playback.MediaPlayerAudioDeviceType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MediaPlayerError(pub i32); impl MediaPlayerError { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -5797,17 +5687,6 @@ impl MediaPlayerError { pub const DecodingError: Self = Self(3i32); pub const SourceNotSupported: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MediaPlayerError {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MediaPlayerError { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MediaPlayerError { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MediaPlayerError { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5822,7 +5701,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MediaPlayerError { #[doc = "Required features: `\"deprecated\"`"] #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MediaPlayerState(pub i32); #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] impl MediaPlayerState { @@ -5834,20 +5713,6 @@ impl MediaPlayerState { pub const Stopped: Self = Self(5i32); } #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MediaPlayerState {} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MediaPlayerState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::default::Default for MediaPlayerState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MediaPlayerState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5862,23 +5727,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MediaPlayerState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Playback.MediaPlayerState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SphericalVideoProjectionMode(pub i32); impl SphericalVideoProjectionMode { pub const Spherical: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Flat: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SphericalVideoProjectionMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SphericalVideoProjectionMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SphericalVideoProjectionMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SphericalVideoProjectionMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5891,23 +5745,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SphericalVideoProjectionMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Playback.SphericalVideoProjectionMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct StereoscopicVideoRenderMode(pub i32); impl StereoscopicVideoRenderMode { pub const Mono: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Stereo: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for StereoscopicVideoRenderMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for StereoscopicVideoRenderMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for StereoscopicVideoRenderMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for StereoscopicVideoRenderMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5920,7 +5763,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for StereoscopicVideoRenderMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Playback.StereoscopicVideoRenderMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TimedMetadataTrackPresentationMode(pub i32); impl TimedMetadataTrackPresentationMode { pub const Disabled: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -5928,17 +5771,6 @@ impl TimedMetadataTrackPresentationMode { pub const ApplicationPresented: Self = Self(2i32); pub const PlatformPresented: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TimedMetadataTrackPresentationMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TimedMetadataTrackPresentationMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TimedMetadataTrackPresentationMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TimedMetadataTrackPresentationMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Playlists/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Playlists/ index faa8146cf5..7cac10931d 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Playlists/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Playlists/ @@ -127,24 +127,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for Playlist { } ::windows_core::imp::interface_hierarchy!(Playlist, ::windows_core::IUnknown, ::windows_core::IInspectable); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PlaylistFormat(pub i32); impl PlaylistFormat { pub const WindowsMedia: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Zune: Self = Self(1i32); pub const M3u: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PlaylistFormat {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PlaylistFormat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PlaylistFormat { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PlaylistFormat { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Protection/PlayReady/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Protection/PlayReady/ index 36c8de4cfd..a687dfb9a0 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Protection/PlayReady/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Protection/PlayReady/ @@ -4856,7 +4856,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for PlayReadyStatics { #[doc = "Required features: `\"deprecated\"`"] #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDCertificateFeature(pub i32); #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] impl NDCertificateFeature { @@ -4869,20 +4869,6 @@ impl NDCertificateFeature { pub const PlayReady3Features: Self = Self(13i32); } #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDCertificateFeature {} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDCertificateFeature { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::default::Default for NDCertificateFeature { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDCertificateFeature { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4899,7 +4885,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for NDCertificateFeature { #[doc = "Required features: `\"deprecated\"`"] #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDCertificatePlatformID(pub i32); #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] impl NDCertificatePlatformID { @@ -4917,20 +4903,6 @@ impl NDCertificatePlatformID { pub const WindowsPhone81OnX86: Self = Self(13i32); } #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDCertificatePlatformID {} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDCertificatePlatformID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::default::Default for NDCertificatePlatformID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDCertificatePlatformID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4947,7 +4919,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for NDCertificatePlatformID { #[doc = "Required features: `\"deprecated\"`"] #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDCertificateType(pub i32); #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] impl NDCertificateType { @@ -4966,20 +4938,6 @@ impl NDCertificateType { pub const LicenseSigner: Self = Self(12i32); } #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDCertificateType {} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDCertificateType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::default::Default for NDCertificateType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDCertificateType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4996,7 +4954,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for NDCertificateType { #[doc = "Required features: `\"deprecated\"`"] #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDClosedCaptionFormat(pub i32); #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] impl NDClosedCaptionFormat { @@ -5005,20 +4963,6 @@ impl NDClosedCaptionFormat { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(2i32); } #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDClosedCaptionFormat {} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDClosedCaptionFormat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::default::Default for NDClosedCaptionFormat { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDClosedCaptionFormat { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5035,7 +4979,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for NDClosedCaptionFormat { #[doc = "Required features: `\"deprecated\"`"] #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDContentIDType(pub i32); #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] impl NDContentIDType { @@ -5044,20 +4988,6 @@ impl NDContentIDType { pub const Custom: Self = Self(3i32); } #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDContentIDType {} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDContentIDType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::default::Default for NDContentIDType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDContentIDType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5074,7 +5004,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for NDContentIDType { #[doc = "Required features: `\"deprecated\"`"] #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDMediaStreamType(pub i32); #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] impl NDMediaStreamType { @@ -5082,20 +5012,6 @@ impl NDMediaStreamType { pub const Video: Self = Self(2i32); } #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDMediaStreamType {} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDMediaStreamType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::default::Default for NDMediaStreamType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDMediaStreamType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5112,7 +5028,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for NDMediaStreamType { #[doc = "Required features: `\"deprecated\"`"] #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDProximityDetectionType(pub i32); #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] impl NDProximityDetectionType { @@ -5121,20 +5037,6 @@ impl NDProximityDetectionType { pub const TransportAgnostic: Self = Self(4i32); } #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDProximityDetectionType {} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDProximityDetectionType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::default::Default for NDProximityDetectionType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDProximityDetectionType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5151,7 +5053,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for NDProximityDetectionType { #[doc = "Required features: `\"deprecated\"`"] #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDStartAsyncOptions(pub i32); #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] impl NDStartAsyncOptions { @@ -5159,20 +5061,6 @@ impl NDStartAsyncOptions { pub const WaitForLicenseDescriptor: Self = Self(2i32); } #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDStartAsyncOptions {} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDStartAsyncOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::default::Default for NDStartAsyncOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDStartAsyncOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5187,23 +5075,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for NDStartAsyncOptions { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Protection.PlayReady.NDStartAsyncOptions;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PlayReadyDecryptorSetup(pub i32); impl PlayReadyDecryptorSetup { pub const Uninitialized: Self = Self(0i32); pub const OnDemand: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PlayReadyDecryptorSetup {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PlayReadyDecryptorSetup { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PlayReadyDecryptorSetup { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PlayReadyDecryptorSetup { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5216,7 +5093,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PlayReadyDecryptorSetup { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Protection.PlayReady.PlayReadyDecryptorSetup;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PlayReadyEncryptionAlgorithm(pub i32); impl PlayReadyEncryptionAlgorithm { pub const Unprotected: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -5226,17 +5103,6 @@ impl PlayReadyEncryptionAlgorithm { pub const Unspecified: Self = Self(65535i32); pub const Uninitialized: Self = Self(2147483647i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PlayReadyEncryptionAlgorithm {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PlayReadyEncryptionAlgorithm { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PlayReadyEncryptionAlgorithm { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PlayReadyEncryptionAlgorithm { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5249,24 +5115,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PlayReadyEncryptionAlgorithm { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Protection.PlayReady.PlayReadyEncryptionAlgorithm;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PlayReadyHardwareDRMFeatures(pub i32); impl PlayReadyHardwareDRMFeatures { pub const HardwareDRM: Self = Self(1i32); pub const HEVC: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Aes128Cbc: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PlayReadyHardwareDRMFeatures {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PlayReadyHardwareDRMFeatures { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PlayReadyHardwareDRMFeatures { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PlayReadyHardwareDRMFeatures { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5279,23 +5134,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PlayReadyHardwareDRMFeatures { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Protection.PlayReady.PlayReadyHardwareDRMFeatures;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PlayReadyITADataFormat(pub i32); impl PlayReadyITADataFormat { pub const SerializedProperties: Self = Self(0i32); pub const SerializedProperties_WithContentProtectionWrapper: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PlayReadyITADataFormat {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PlayReadyITADataFormat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PlayReadyITADataFormat { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PlayReadyITADataFormat { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Protection/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Protection/ index ab56258e67..2ec4424e7d 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Protection/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Protection/ @@ -690,7 +690,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for ServiceRequestedEventArgs { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for ServiceRequestedEventArgs {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for ServiceRequestedEventArgs {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GraphicsTrustStatus(pub i32); impl GraphicsTrustStatus { pub const TrustNotRequired: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -700,17 +700,6 @@ impl GraphicsTrustStatus { pub const DriverSigningFailure: Self = Self(4i32); pub const UnknownFailure: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GraphicsTrustStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GraphicsTrustStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GraphicsTrustStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GraphicsTrustStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -723,24 +712,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for GraphicsTrustStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Protection.GraphicsTrustStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HdcpProtection(pub i32); impl HdcpProtection { pub const Off: Self = Self(0i32); pub const On: Self = Self(1i32); pub const OnWithTypeEnforcement: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HdcpProtection {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HdcpProtection { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HdcpProtection { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HdcpProtection { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -753,7 +731,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for HdcpProtection { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Protection.HdcpProtection;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HdcpSetProtectionResult(pub i32); impl HdcpSetProtectionResult { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -761,17 +739,6 @@ impl HdcpSetProtectionResult { pub const NotSupported: Self = Self(2i32); pub const UnknownFailure: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HdcpSetProtectionResult {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HdcpSetProtectionResult { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HdcpSetProtectionResult { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HdcpSetProtectionResult { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -784,24 +751,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for HdcpSetProtectionResult { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Protection.HdcpSetProtectionResult;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ProtectionCapabilityResult(pub i32); impl ProtectionCapabilityResult { pub const NotSupported: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Maybe: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Probably: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ProtectionCapabilityResult {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ProtectionCapabilityResult { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ProtectionCapabilityResult { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ProtectionCapabilityResult { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -814,7 +770,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ProtectionCapabilityResult { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Protection.ProtectionCapabilityResult;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RenewalStatus(pub i32); impl RenewalStatus { pub const NotStarted: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -823,17 +779,6 @@ impl RenewalStatus { pub const AppComponentsMayNeedUpdating: Self = Self(3i32); pub const NoComponentsFound: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RenewalStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RenewalStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RenewalStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RenewalStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -846,7 +791,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for RenewalStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Protection.RenewalStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RevocationAndRenewalReasons(pub u32); impl RevocationAndRenewalReasons { pub const UserModeComponentLoad: Self = Self(1u32); @@ -865,17 +810,6 @@ impl RevocationAndRenewalReasons { pub const ComponentSignedWithTestCertificate: Self = Self(16777216u32); pub const EncryptionFailure: Self = Self(268435456u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RevocationAndRenewalReasons {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RevocationAndRenewalReasons { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RevocationAndRenewalReasons { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RevocationAndRenewalReasons { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Render/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Render/ index df317b676d..96f3a95040 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Render/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Render/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AudioRenderCategory(pub i32); impl AudioRenderCategory { pub const Other: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -15,17 +15,6 @@ impl AudioRenderCategory { pub const Movie: Self = Self(10i32); pub const Media: Self = Self(11i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AudioRenderCategory {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AudioRenderCategory { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AudioRenderCategory { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AudioRenderCategory { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/SpeechRecognition/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/SpeechRecognition/ index 720b15fdf9..494a271d18 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/SpeechRecognition/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/SpeechRecognition/ @@ -1767,23 +1767,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for VoiceCommandSet { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for VoiceCommandSet {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for VoiceCommandSet {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpeechContinuousRecognitionMode(pub i32); impl SpeechContinuousRecognitionMode { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); pub const PauseOnRecognition: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpeechContinuousRecognitionMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpeechContinuousRecognitionMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpeechContinuousRecognitionMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpeechContinuousRecognitionMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1796,7 +1785,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SpeechContinuousRecognitionMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.SpeechRecognition.SpeechContinuousRecognitionMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpeechRecognitionAudioProblem(pub i32); impl SpeechRecognitionAudioProblem { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1807,17 +1796,6 @@ impl SpeechRecognitionAudioProblem { pub const TooFast: Self = Self(5i32); pub const TooSlow: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpeechRecognitionAudioProblem {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpeechRecognitionAudioProblem { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpeechRecognitionAudioProblem { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpeechRecognitionAudioProblem { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1830,7 +1808,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SpeechRecognitionAudioProblem { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.SpeechRecognition.SpeechRecognitionAudioProblem;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpeechRecognitionConfidence(pub i32); impl SpeechRecognitionConfidence { pub const High: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1838,17 +1816,6 @@ impl SpeechRecognitionConfidence { pub const Low: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Rejected: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpeechRecognitionConfidence {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpeechRecognitionConfidence { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpeechRecognitionConfidence { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpeechRecognitionConfidence { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1861,24 +1828,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SpeechRecognitionConfidence { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.SpeechRecognition.SpeechRecognitionConfidence;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpeechRecognitionConstraintProbability(pub i32); impl SpeechRecognitionConstraintProbability { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Min: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Max: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpeechRecognitionConstraintProbability {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpeechRecognitionConstraintProbability { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpeechRecognitionConstraintProbability { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpeechRecognitionConstraintProbability { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1891,7 +1847,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SpeechRecognitionConstraintProbability { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.SpeechRecognition.SpeechRecognitionConstraintProbability;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpeechRecognitionConstraintType(pub i32); impl SpeechRecognitionConstraintType { pub const Topic: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1899,17 +1855,6 @@ impl SpeechRecognitionConstraintType { pub const Grammar: Self = Self(2i32); pub const VoiceCommandDefinition: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpeechRecognitionConstraintType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpeechRecognitionConstraintType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpeechRecognitionConstraintType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpeechRecognitionConstraintType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1922,7 +1867,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SpeechRecognitionConstraintType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.SpeechRecognition.SpeechRecognitionConstraintType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpeechRecognitionResultStatus(pub i32); impl SpeechRecognitionResultStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1937,17 +1882,6 @@ impl SpeechRecognitionResultStatus { pub const NetworkFailure: Self = Self(9i32); pub const MicrophoneUnavailable: Self = Self(10i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpeechRecognitionResultStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpeechRecognitionResultStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpeechRecognitionResultStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpeechRecognitionResultStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1960,24 +1894,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SpeechRecognitionResultStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.SpeechRecognition.SpeechRecognitionResultStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpeechRecognitionScenario(pub i32); impl SpeechRecognitionScenario { pub const WebSearch: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Dictation: Self = Self(1i32); pub const FormFilling: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpeechRecognitionScenario {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpeechRecognitionScenario { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpeechRecognitionScenario { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpeechRecognitionScenario { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1990,7 +1913,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SpeechRecognitionScenario { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.SpeechRecognition.SpeechRecognitionScenario;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpeechRecognizerState(pub i32); impl SpeechRecognizerState { pub const Idle: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2001,17 +1924,6 @@ impl SpeechRecognizerState { pub const SpeechDetected: Self = Self(5i32); pub const Paused: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpeechRecognizerState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpeechRecognizerState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpeechRecognizerState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpeechRecognizerState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/SpeechSynthesis/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/SpeechSynthesis/ index a48a866c40..1684521dd2 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/SpeechSynthesis/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/SpeechSynthesis/ @@ -592,23 +592,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for VoiceInformation { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for VoiceInformation {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for VoiceInformation {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpeechAppendedSilence(pub i32); impl SpeechAppendedSilence { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Min: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpeechAppendedSilence {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpeechAppendedSilence { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpeechAppendedSilence { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpeechAppendedSilence { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -621,23 +610,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SpeechAppendedSilence { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.SpeechSynthesis.SpeechAppendedSilence;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpeechPunctuationSilence(pub i32); impl SpeechPunctuationSilence { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Min: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpeechPunctuationSilence {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpeechPunctuationSilence { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpeechPunctuationSilence { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpeechPunctuationSilence { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -650,23 +628,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SpeechPunctuationSilence { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.SpeechSynthesis.SpeechPunctuationSilence;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VoiceGender(pub i32); impl VoiceGender { pub const Male: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Female: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VoiceGender {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VoiceGender { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VoiceGender { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VoiceGender { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Streaming/Adaptive/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Streaming/Adaptive/ index 450147d8e7..3d6d748f66 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Streaming/Adaptive/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Streaming/Adaptive/ @@ -1724,7 +1724,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for AdaptiveMediaSourcePlaybackBitrateChangedEv unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for AdaptiveMediaSourcePlaybackBitrateChangedEventArgs {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for AdaptiveMediaSourcePlaybackBitrateChangedEventArgs {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AdaptiveMediaSourceCreationStatus(pub i32); impl AdaptiveMediaSourceCreationStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1735,17 +1735,6 @@ impl AdaptiveMediaSourceCreationStatus { pub const UnsupportedManifestProfile: Self = Self(5i32); pub const UnknownFailure: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AdaptiveMediaSourceCreationStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AdaptiveMediaSourceCreationStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AdaptiveMediaSourceCreationStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AdaptiveMediaSourceCreationStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1758,7 +1747,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AdaptiveMediaSourceCreationStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Streaming.Adaptive.AdaptiveMediaSourceCreationStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AdaptiveMediaSourceDiagnosticType(pub i32); impl AdaptiveMediaSourceDiagnosticType { pub const ManifestUnchangedUponReload: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1771,17 +1760,6 @@ impl AdaptiveMediaSourceDiagnosticType { pub const BitrateDisabled: Self = Self(7i32); pub const FatalMediaSourceError: Self = Self(8i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AdaptiveMediaSourceDiagnosticType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AdaptiveMediaSourceDiagnosticType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AdaptiveMediaSourceDiagnosticType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AdaptiveMediaSourceDiagnosticType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1794,7 +1772,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AdaptiveMediaSourceDiagnosticType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Streaming.Adaptive.AdaptiveMediaSourceDiagnosticType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AdaptiveMediaSourceDownloadBitrateChangedReason(pub i32); impl AdaptiveMediaSourceDownloadBitrateChangedReason { pub const SufficientInboundBitsPerSecond: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1805,17 +1783,6 @@ impl AdaptiveMediaSourceDownloadBitrateChangedReason { pub const DesiredBitratesChanged: Self = Self(5i32); pub const ErrorInPreviousBitrate: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AdaptiveMediaSourceDownloadBitrateChangedReason {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AdaptiveMediaSourceDownloadBitrateChangedReason { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AdaptiveMediaSourceDownloadBitrateChangedReason { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AdaptiveMediaSourceDownloadBitrateChangedReason { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1828,7 +1795,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AdaptiveMediaSourceDownloadBitrateChangedRe const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Streaming.Adaptive.AdaptiveMediaSourceDownloadBitrateChangedReason;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AdaptiveMediaSourceResourceType(pub i32); impl AdaptiveMediaSourceResourceType { pub const Manifest: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1838,17 +1805,6 @@ impl AdaptiveMediaSourceResourceType { pub const InitializationVector: Self = Self(4i32); pub const MediaSegmentIndex: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AdaptiveMediaSourceResourceType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AdaptiveMediaSourceResourceType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AdaptiveMediaSourceResourceType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AdaptiveMediaSourceResourceType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Transcoding/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Transcoding/ index c346faf71f..8ca76b16da 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Transcoding/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/Transcoding/ @@ -275,23 +275,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for PrepareTranscodeResult { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for PrepareTranscodeResult {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for PrepareTranscodeResult {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MediaVideoProcessingAlgorithm(pub i32); impl MediaVideoProcessingAlgorithm { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); pub const MrfCrf444: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MediaVideoProcessingAlgorithm {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MediaVideoProcessingAlgorithm { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MediaVideoProcessingAlgorithm { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MediaVideoProcessingAlgorithm { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -304,7 +293,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MediaVideoProcessingAlgorithm { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.Transcoding.MediaVideoProcessingAlgorithm;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TranscodeFailureReason(pub i32); impl TranscodeFailureReason { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -312,17 +301,6 @@ impl TranscodeFailureReason { pub const InvalidProfile: Self = Self(2i32); pub const CodecNotFound: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TranscodeFailureReason {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TranscodeFailureReason { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TranscodeFailureReason { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TranscodeFailureReason { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/ index 07b1e0713c..f6992f8cb0 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Media/ @@ -2991,24 +2991,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::CanTryInto for VideoFrame {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for VideoFrame {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for VideoFrame {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AudioBufferAccessMode(pub i32); impl AudioBufferAccessMode { pub const Read: Self = Self(0i32); pub const ReadWrite: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Write: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AudioBufferAccessMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AudioBufferAccessMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AudioBufferAccessMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AudioBufferAccessMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3021,23 +3010,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AudioBufferAccessMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.AudioBufferAccessMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AudioProcessing(pub i32); impl AudioProcessing { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Raw: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AudioProcessing {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AudioProcessing { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AudioProcessing { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AudioProcessing { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3050,24 +3028,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AudioProcessing { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.AudioProcessing;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MediaPlaybackAutoRepeatMode(pub i32); impl MediaPlaybackAutoRepeatMode { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Track: Self = Self(1i32); pub const List: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MediaPlaybackAutoRepeatMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MediaPlaybackAutoRepeatMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MediaPlaybackAutoRepeatMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MediaPlaybackAutoRepeatMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3080,7 +3047,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MediaPlaybackAutoRepeatMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.MediaPlaybackAutoRepeatMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MediaPlaybackStatus(pub i32); impl MediaPlaybackStatus { pub const Closed: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3089,17 +3056,6 @@ impl MediaPlaybackStatus { pub const Playing: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Paused: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MediaPlaybackStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MediaPlaybackStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MediaPlaybackStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MediaPlaybackStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3112,7 +3068,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MediaPlaybackStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.MediaPlaybackStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MediaPlaybackType(pub i32); impl MediaPlaybackType { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3120,17 +3076,6 @@ impl MediaPlaybackType { pub const Video: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Image: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MediaPlaybackType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MediaPlaybackType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MediaPlaybackType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MediaPlaybackType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3143,7 +3088,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MediaPlaybackType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.MediaPlaybackType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MediaTimelineControllerState(pub i32); impl MediaTimelineControllerState { pub const Paused: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3151,17 +3096,6 @@ impl MediaTimelineControllerState { pub const Stalled: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Error: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MediaTimelineControllerState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MediaTimelineControllerState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MediaTimelineControllerState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MediaTimelineControllerState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3174,24 +3108,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MediaTimelineControllerState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.MediaTimelineControllerState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SoundLevel(pub i32); impl SoundLevel { pub const Muted: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Low: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Full: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SoundLevel {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SoundLevel { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SoundLevel { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SoundLevel { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3204,7 +3127,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SoundLevel { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.SoundLevel;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SystemMediaTransportControlsButton(pub i32); impl SystemMediaTransportControlsButton { pub const Play: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3218,17 +3141,6 @@ impl SystemMediaTransportControlsButton { pub const ChannelUp: Self = Self(8i32); pub const ChannelDown: Self = Self(9i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SystemMediaTransportControlsButton {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SystemMediaTransportControlsButton { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SystemMediaTransportControlsButton { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SystemMediaTransportControlsButton { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3241,22 +3153,11 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SystemMediaTransportControlsButton { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Media.SystemMediaTransportControlsButton;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SystemMediaTransportControlsProperty(pub i32); impl SystemMediaTransportControlsProperty { pub const SoundLevel: Self = Self(0i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SystemMediaTransportControlsProperty {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SystemMediaTransportControlsProperty { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SystemMediaTransportControlsProperty { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SystemMediaTransportControlsProperty { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Networking/BackgroundTransfer/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Networking/BackgroundTransfer/ index ff715872f7..7accada6fd 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Networking/BackgroundTransfer/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Networking/BackgroundTransfer/ @@ -2420,23 +2420,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::CanTryInto for Upload unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for UploadOperation {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for UploadOperation {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BackgroundTransferBehavior(pub i32); impl BackgroundTransferBehavior { pub const Parallel: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Serialized: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BackgroundTransferBehavior {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BackgroundTransferBehavior { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BackgroundTransferBehavior { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BackgroundTransferBehavior { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2449,24 +2438,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for BackgroundTransferBehavior { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.BackgroundTransfer.BackgroundTransferBehavior;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BackgroundTransferCostPolicy(pub i32); impl BackgroundTransferCostPolicy { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); pub const UnrestrictedOnly: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Always: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BackgroundTransferCostPolicy {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BackgroundTransferCostPolicy { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BackgroundTransferCostPolicy { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BackgroundTransferCostPolicy { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2479,24 +2457,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for BackgroundTransferCostPolicy { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.BackgroundTransfer.BackgroundTransferCostPolicy;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BackgroundTransferPriority(pub i32); impl BackgroundTransferPriority { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); pub const High: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Low: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BackgroundTransferPriority {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BackgroundTransferPriority { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BackgroundTransferPriority { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BackgroundTransferPriority { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2509,7 +2476,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for BackgroundTransferPriority { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.BackgroundTransfer.BackgroundTransferPriority;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BackgroundTransferStatus(pub i32); impl BackgroundTransferStatus { pub const Idle: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2523,17 +2490,6 @@ impl BackgroundTransferStatus { pub const PausedRecoverableWebErrorStatus: Self = Self(8i32); pub const PausedSystemPolicy: Self = Self(32i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BackgroundTransferStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BackgroundTransferStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BackgroundTransferStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BackgroundTransferStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Networking/Connectivity/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Networking/Connectivity/ index eba8f58176..0836bffa18 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Networking/Connectivity/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Networking/Connectivity/ @@ -2239,7 +2239,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for WwanConnectionProfileDetails { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for WwanConnectionProfileDetails {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for WwanConnectionProfileDetails {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CellularApnAuthenticationType(pub i32); impl CellularApnAuthenticationType { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2247,17 +2247,6 @@ impl CellularApnAuthenticationType { pub const Chap: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Mschapv2: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CellularApnAuthenticationType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CellularApnAuthenticationType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CellularApnAuthenticationType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CellularApnAuthenticationType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2270,7 +2259,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CellularApnAuthenticationType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.Connectivity.CellularApnAuthenticationType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ConnectionProfileDeleteStatus(pub i32); impl ConnectionProfileDeleteStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2278,17 +2267,6 @@ impl ConnectionProfileDeleteStatus { pub const DeniedBySystem: Self = Self(2i32); pub const UnknownError: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ConnectionProfileDeleteStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ConnectionProfileDeleteStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ConnectionProfileDeleteStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ConnectionProfileDeleteStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2301,7 +2279,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ConnectionProfileDeleteStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.Connectivity.ConnectionProfileDeleteStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DataUsageGranularity(pub i32); impl DataUsageGranularity { pub const PerMinute: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2309,17 +2287,6 @@ impl DataUsageGranularity { pub const PerDay: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Total: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DataUsageGranularity {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DataUsageGranularity { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DataUsageGranularity { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DataUsageGranularity { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2332,24 +2299,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DataUsageGranularity { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.Connectivity.DataUsageGranularity;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DomainAuthenticationKind(pub i32); impl DomainAuthenticationKind { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Ldap: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Tls: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DomainAuthenticationKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DomainAuthenticationKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DomainAuthenticationKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DomainAuthenticationKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2362,24 +2318,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DomainAuthenticationKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.Connectivity.DomainAuthenticationKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DomainConnectivityLevel(pub i32); impl DomainConnectivityLevel { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Unauthenticated: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Authenticated: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DomainConnectivityLevel {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DomainConnectivityLevel { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DomainConnectivityLevel { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DomainConnectivityLevel { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2392,7 +2337,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DomainConnectivityLevel { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.Connectivity.DomainConnectivityLevel;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NetworkAuthenticationType(pub i32); impl NetworkAuthenticationType { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2411,17 +2356,6 @@ impl NetworkAuthenticationType { pub const Owe: Self = Self(12i32); pub const Wpa3Enterprise: Self = Self(13i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NetworkAuthenticationType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NetworkAuthenticationType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NetworkAuthenticationType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NetworkAuthenticationType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2434,7 +2368,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for NetworkAuthenticationType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.Connectivity.NetworkAuthenticationType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NetworkConnectivityLevel(pub i32); impl NetworkConnectivityLevel { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2442,17 +2376,6 @@ impl NetworkConnectivityLevel { pub const ConstrainedInternetAccess: Self = Self(2i32); pub const InternetAccess: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NetworkConnectivityLevel {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NetworkConnectivityLevel { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NetworkConnectivityLevel { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NetworkConnectivityLevel { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2465,7 +2388,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for NetworkConnectivityLevel { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.Connectivity.NetworkConnectivityLevel;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NetworkCostType(pub i32); impl NetworkCostType { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2473,17 +2396,6 @@ impl NetworkCostType { pub const Fixed: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Variable: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NetworkCostType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NetworkCostType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NetworkCostType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NetworkCostType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2496,7 +2408,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for NetworkCostType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.Connectivity.NetworkCostType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NetworkEncryptionType(pub i32); impl NetworkEncryptionType { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2512,17 +2424,6 @@ impl NetworkEncryptionType { pub const Gcmp: Self = Self(10i32); pub const Gcmp256: Self = Self(11i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NetworkEncryptionType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NetworkEncryptionType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NetworkEncryptionType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NetworkEncryptionType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2535,24 +2436,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for NetworkEncryptionType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.Connectivity.NetworkEncryptionType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NetworkTypes(pub u32); impl NetworkTypes { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); pub const Internet: Self = Self(1u32); pub const PrivateNetwork: Self = Self(2u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NetworkTypes {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NetworkTypes { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NetworkTypes { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NetworkTypes { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2598,24 +2488,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for NetworkTypes { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.Connectivity.NetworkTypes;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RoamingStates(pub u32); impl RoamingStates { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); pub const NotRoaming: Self = Self(1u32); pub const Roaming: Self = Self(2u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RoamingStates {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RoamingStates { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RoamingStates { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RoamingStates { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2661,24 +2540,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for RoamingStates { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.Connectivity.RoamingStates;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TriStates(pub i32); impl TriStates { pub const DoNotCare: Self = Self(0i32); pub const No: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Yes: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TriStates {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TriStates { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TriStates { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TriStates { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2691,7 +2559,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for TriStates { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.Connectivity.TriStates;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WwanDataClass(pub u32); impl WwanDataClass { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -2710,17 +2578,6 @@ impl WwanDataClass { pub const CdmaUmb: Self = Self(4194304u32); pub const Custom: Self = Self(2147483648u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WwanDataClass {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WwanDataClass { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WwanDataClass { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WwanDataClass { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2766,7 +2623,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for WwanDataClass { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.Connectivity.WwanDataClass;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WwanNetworkIPKind(pub i32); impl WwanNetworkIPKind { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2775,17 +2632,6 @@ impl WwanNetworkIPKind { pub const Ipv4v6: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Ipv4v6v4Xlat: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WwanNetworkIPKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WwanNetworkIPKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WwanNetworkIPKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WwanNetworkIPKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2798,7 +2644,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for WwanNetworkIPKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.Connectivity.WwanNetworkIPKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WwanNetworkRegistrationState(pub i32); impl WwanNetworkRegistrationState { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2809,17 +2655,6 @@ impl WwanNetworkRegistrationState { pub const Partner: Self = Self(5i32); pub const Denied: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WwanNetworkRegistrationState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WwanNetworkRegistrationState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WwanNetworkRegistrationState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WwanNetworkRegistrationState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Networking/NetworkOperators/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Networking/NetworkOperators/ index a4ebca3d07..2c03a2a836 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Networking/NetworkOperators/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Networking/NetworkOperators/ @@ -6954,7 +6954,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for UssdSession { } ::windows_core::imp::interface_hierarchy!(UssdSession, ::windows_core::IUnknown, ::windows_core::IInspectable); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DataClasses(pub u32); impl DataClasses { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -6975,17 +6975,6 @@ impl DataClasses { pub const CdmaUmb: Self = Self(4194304u32); pub const Custom: Self = Self(2147483648u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DataClasses {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DataClasses { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DataClasses { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DataClasses { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7031,24 +7020,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DataClasses { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.NetworkOperators.DataClasses;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ESimAuthenticationPreference(pub i32); impl ESimAuthenticationPreference { pub const OnEntry: Self = Self(0i32); pub const OnAction: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Never: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ESimAuthenticationPreference {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ESimAuthenticationPreference { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ESimAuthenticationPreference { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ESimAuthenticationPreference { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7061,24 +7039,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ESimAuthenticationPreference { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.NetworkOperators.ESimAuthenticationPreference;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ESimDiscoverResultKind(pub i32); impl ESimDiscoverResultKind { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Events: Self = Self(1i32); pub const ProfileMetadata: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ESimDiscoverResultKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ESimDiscoverResultKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ESimDiscoverResultKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ESimDiscoverResultKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7091,7 +7058,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ESimDiscoverResultKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.NetworkOperators.ESimDiscoverResultKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ESimOperationStatus(pub i32); impl ESimOperationStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -7124,17 +7091,6 @@ impl ESimOperationStatus { pub const ServerNotTrusted: Self = Self(27i32); pub const ProfileDownloadMaxRetriesExceeded: Self = Self(28i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ESimOperationStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ESimOperationStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ESimOperationStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ESimOperationStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7147,24 +7103,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ESimOperationStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.NetworkOperators.ESimOperationStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ESimProfileClass(pub i32); impl ESimProfileClass { pub const Operational: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Test: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Provisioning: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ESimProfileClass {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ESimProfileClass { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ESimProfileClass { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ESimProfileClass { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7177,7 +7122,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ESimProfileClass { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.NetworkOperators.ESimProfileClass;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ESimProfileMetadataState(pub i32); impl ESimProfileMetadataState { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -7189,17 +7134,6 @@ impl ESimProfileMetadataState { pub const NoLongerAvailable: Self = Self(6i32); pub const DeniedByPolicy: Self = Self(7i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ESimProfileMetadataState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ESimProfileMetadataState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ESimProfileMetadataState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ESimProfileMetadataState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7212,7 +7146,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ESimProfileMetadataState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.NetworkOperators.ESimProfileMetadataState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ESimProfileState(pub i32); impl ESimProfileState { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -7220,17 +7154,6 @@ impl ESimProfileState { pub const Enabled: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Deleted: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ESimProfileState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ESimProfileState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ESimProfileState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ESimProfileState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7243,7 +7166,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ESimProfileState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.NetworkOperators.ESimProfileState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ESimState(pub i32); impl ESimState { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -7251,17 +7174,6 @@ impl ESimState { pub const Removed: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Busy: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ESimState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ESimState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ESimState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ESimState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7274,7 +7186,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ESimState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.NetworkOperators.ESimState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ESimWatcherStatus(pub i32); impl ESimWatcherStatus { pub const Created: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -7283,17 +7195,6 @@ impl ESimWatcherStatus { pub const Stopping: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Stopped: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ESimWatcherStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ESimWatcherStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ESimWatcherStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ESimWatcherStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7306,7 +7207,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ESimWatcherStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.NetworkOperators.ESimWatcherStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HotspotAuthenticationResponseCode(pub i32); impl HotspotAuthenticationResponseCode { pub const NoError: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -7317,17 +7218,6 @@ impl HotspotAuthenticationResponseCode { pub const LoginAborted: Self = Self(151i32); pub const AccessGatewayInternalError: Self = Self(255i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HotspotAuthenticationResponseCode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HotspotAuthenticationResponseCode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HotspotAuthenticationResponseCode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HotspotAuthenticationResponseCode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7340,7 +7230,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for HotspotAuthenticationResponseCode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.NetworkOperators.HotspotAuthenticationResponseCode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MobileBroadbandAccountWatcherStatus(pub i32); impl MobileBroadbandAccountWatcherStatus { pub const Created: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -7349,17 +7239,6 @@ impl MobileBroadbandAccountWatcherStatus { pub const Stopped: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Aborted: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MobileBroadbandAccountWatcherStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MobileBroadbandAccountWatcherStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MobileBroadbandAccountWatcherStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MobileBroadbandAccountWatcherStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7372,7 +7251,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MobileBroadbandAccountWatcherStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.NetworkOperators.MobileBroadbandAccountWatcherStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MobileBroadbandDeviceType(pub i32); impl MobileBroadbandDeviceType { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -7380,17 +7259,6 @@ impl MobileBroadbandDeviceType { pub const Removable: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Remote: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MobileBroadbandDeviceType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MobileBroadbandDeviceType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MobileBroadbandDeviceType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MobileBroadbandDeviceType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7403,7 +7271,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MobileBroadbandDeviceType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.NetworkOperators.MobileBroadbandDeviceType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MobileBroadbandModemStatus(pub i32); impl MobileBroadbandModemStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -7411,17 +7279,6 @@ impl MobileBroadbandModemStatus { pub const Busy: Self = Self(2i32); pub const NoDeviceSupport: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MobileBroadbandModemStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MobileBroadbandModemStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MobileBroadbandModemStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MobileBroadbandModemStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7434,24 +7291,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MobileBroadbandModemStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.NetworkOperators.MobileBroadbandModemStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MobileBroadbandPinFormat(pub i32); impl MobileBroadbandPinFormat { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Numeric: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Alphanumeric: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MobileBroadbandPinFormat {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MobileBroadbandPinFormat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MobileBroadbandPinFormat { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MobileBroadbandPinFormat { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7464,7 +7310,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MobileBroadbandPinFormat { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.NetworkOperators.MobileBroadbandPinFormat;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MobileBroadbandPinLockState(pub i32); impl MobileBroadbandPinLockState { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -7472,17 +7318,6 @@ impl MobileBroadbandPinLockState { pub const PinRequired: Self = Self(2i32); pub const PinUnblockKeyRequired: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MobileBroadbandPinLockState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MobileBroadbandPinLockState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MobileBroadbandPinLockState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MobileBroadbandPinLockState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7495,7 +7330,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MobileBroadbandPinLockState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.NetworkOperators.MobileBroadbandPinLockState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MobileBroadbandPinType(pub i32); impl MobileBroadbandPinType { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -7510,17 +7345,6 @@ impl MobileBroadbandPinType { pub const CorporatePin: Self = Self(9i32); pub const SubsidyLock: Self = Self(10i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MobileBroadbandPinType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MobileBroadbandPinType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MobileBroadbandPinType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MobileBroadbandPinType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7533,23 +7357,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MobileBroadbandPinType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.NetworkOperators.MobileBroadbandPinType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MobileBroadbandRadioState(pub i32); impl MobileBroadbandRadioState { pub const Off: Self = Self(0i32); pub const On: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MobileBroadbandRadioState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MobileBroadbandRadioState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MobileBroadbandRadioState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MobileBroadbandRadioState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7562,7 +7375,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MobileBroadbandRadioState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.NetworkOperators.MobileBroadbandRadioState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MobileBroadbandSlotState(pub i32); impl MobileBroadbandSlotState { pub const Unmanaged: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -7576,17 +7389,6 @@ impl MobileBroadbandSlotState { pub const ActiveEsim: Self = Self(8i32); pub const ActiveEsimNoProfile: Self = Self(9i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MobileBroadbandSlotState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MobileBroadbandSlotState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MobileBroadbandSlotState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MobileBroadbandSlotState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7599,7 +7401,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MobileBroadbandSlotState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.NetworkOperators.MobileBroadbandSlotState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MobileBroadbandUiccAppOperationStatus(pub i32); impl MobileBroadbandUiccAppOperationStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -7607,17 +7409,6 @@ impl MobileBroadbandUiccAppOperationStatus { pub const AccessConditionNotHeld: Self = Self(2i32); pub const UiccBusy: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MobileBroadbandUiccAppOperationStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MobileBroadbandUiccAppOperationStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MobileBroadbandUiccAppOperationStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MobileBroadbandUiccAppOperationStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7630,7 +7421,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MobileBroadbandUiccAppOperationStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.NetworkOperators.MobileBroadbandUiccAppOperationStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NetworkDeviceStatus(pub i32); impl NetworkDeviceStatus { pub const DeviceNotReady: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -7642,17 +7433,6 @@ impl NetworkDeviceStatus { pub const DeviceLocked: Self = Self(6i32); pub const DeviceBlocked: Self = Self(7i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NetworkDeviceStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NetworkDeviceStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NetworkDeviceStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NetworkDeviceStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7665,22 +7445,11 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for NetworkDeviceStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.NetworkOperators.NetworkDeviceStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NetworkOperatorDataUsageNotificationKind(pub i32); impl NetworkOperatorDataUsageNotificationKind { pub const DataUsageProgress: Self = Self(0i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NetworkOperatorDataUsageNotificationKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NetworkOperatorDataUsageNotificationKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NetworkOperatorDataUsageNotificationKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NetworkOperatorDataUsageNotificationKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7693,7 +7462,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for NetworkOperatorDataUsageNotificationKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.NetworkOperators.NetworkOperatorDataUsageNotificationKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NetworkOperatorEventMessageType(pub i32); impl NetworkOperatorEventMessageType { pub const Gsm: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -7710,17 +7479,6 @@ impl NetworkOperatorEventMessageType { pub const TetheringOperationalStateChanged: Self = Self(11i32); pub const TetheringNumberOfClientsChanged: Self = Self(12i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NetworkOperatorEventMessageType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NetworkOperatorEventMessageType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NetworkOperatorEventMessageType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NetworkOperatorEventMessageType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7733,7 +7491,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for NetworkOperatorEventMessageType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.NetworkOperators.NetworkOperatorEventMessageType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NetworkRegistrationState(pub i32); impl NetworkRegistrationState { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -7744,17 +7502,6 @@ impl NetworkRegistrationState { pub const Partner: Self = Self(5i32); pub const Denied: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NetworkRegistrationState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NetworkRegistrationState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NetworkRegistrationState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NetworkRegistrationState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7767,23 +7514,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for NetworkRegistrationState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.NetworkOperators.NetworkRegistrationState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ProfileMediaType(pub i32); impl ProfileMediaType { pub const Wlan: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Wwan: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ProfileMediaType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ProfileMediaType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ProfileMediaType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ProfileMediaType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7796,7 +7532,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ProfileMediaType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.NetworkOperators.ProfileMediaType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TetheringCapability(pub i32); impl TetheringCapability { pub const Enabled: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -7808,17 +7544,6 @@ impl TetheringCapability { pub const DisabledDueToUnknownCause: Self = Self(6i32); pub const DisabledBySystemCapability: Self = Self(7i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TetheringCapability {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TetheringCapability { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TetheringCapability { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TetheringCapability { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7831,7 +7556,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for TetheringCapability { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.NetworkOperators.TetheringCapability;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TetheringOperationStatus(pub i32); impl TetheringOperationStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -7844,17 +7569,6 @@ impl TetheringOperationStatus { pub const BluetoothDeviceOff: Self = Self(7i32); pub const NetworkLimitedConnectivity: Self = Self(8i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TetheringOperationStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TetheringOperationStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TetheringOperationStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TetheringOperationStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7867,7 +7581,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for TetheringOperationStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.NetworkOperators.TetheringOperationStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TetheringOperationalState(pub i32); impl TetheringOperationalState { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -7875,17 +7589,6 @@ impl TetheringOperationalState { pub const Off: Self = Self(2i32); pub const InTransition: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TetheringOperationalState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TetheringOperationalState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TetheringOperationalState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TetheringOperationalState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7898,24 +7601,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for TetheringOperationalState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.NetworkOperators.TetheringOperationalState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TetheringWiFiBand(pub i32); impl TetheringWiFiBand { pub const Auto: Self = Self(0i32); pub const TwoPointFourGigahertz: Self = Self(1i32); pub const FiveGigahertz: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TetheringWiFiBand {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TetheringWiFiBand { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TetheringWiFiBand { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TetheringWiFiBand { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7928,7 +7620,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for TetheringWiFiBand { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.NetworkOperators.TetheringWiFiBand;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UiccAccessCondition(pub i32); impl UiccAccessCondition { pub const AlwaysAllowed: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -7940,17 +7632,6 @@ impl UiccAccessCondition { pub const Administrative6: Self = Self(6i32); pub const NeverAllowed: Self = Self(7i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UiccAccessCondition {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UiccAccessCondition { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UiccAccessCondition { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UiccAccessCondition { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7963,7 +7644,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for UiccAccessCondition { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.NetworkOperators.UiccAccessCondition;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UiccAppKind(pub i32); impl UiccAppKind { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -7974,17 +7655,6 @@ impl UiccAppKind { pub const CSim: Self = Self(5i32); pub const ISim: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UiccAppKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UiccAppKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UiccAppKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UiccAppKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7997,24 +7667,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for UiccAppKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.NetworkOperators.UiccAppKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UiccAppRecordKind(pub i32); impl UiccAppRecordKind { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Transparent: Self = Self(1i32); pub const RecordOriented: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UiccAppRecordKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UiccAppRecordKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UiccAppRecordKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UiccAppRecordKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8027,7 +7686,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for UiccAppRecordKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.NetworkOperators.UiccAppRecordKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UssdResultCode(pub i32); impl UssdResultCode { pub const NoActionRequired: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -8037,17 +7696,6 @@ impl UssdResultCode { pub const OperationNotSupported: Self = Self(4i32); pub const NetworkTimeout: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UssdResultCode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UssdResultCode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UssdResultCode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UssdResultCode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Networking/Proximity/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Networking/Proximity/ index 8dc334b087..20fcab5420 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Networking/Proximity/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Networking/Proximity/ @@ -867,24 +867,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for TriggeredConnectionStateChangedEventArgs { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for TriggeredConnectionStateChangedEventArgs {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for TriggeredConnectionStateChangedEventArgs {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PeerDiscoveryTypes(pub u32); impl PeerDiscoveryTypes { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); pub const Browse: Self = Self(1u32); pub const Triggered: Self = Self(2u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PeerDiscoveryTypes {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PeerDiscoveryTypes { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PeerDiscoveryTypes { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PeerDiscoveryTypes { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -930,24 +919,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PeerDiscoveryTypes { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.Proximity.PeerDiscoveryTypes;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PeerRole(pub i32); impl PeerRole { pub const Peer: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Host: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Client: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PeerRole {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PeerRole { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PeerRole { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PeerRole { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -960,7 +938,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PeerRole { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.Proximity.PeerRole;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PeerWatcherStatus(pub i32); impl PeerWatcherStatus { pub const Created: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -970,17 +948,6 @@ impl PeerWatcherStatus { pub const Stopped: Self = Self(4i32); pub const Aborted: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PeerWatcherStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PeerWatcherStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PeerWatcherStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PeerWatcherStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -993,7 +960,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PeerWatcherStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.Proximity.PeerWatcherStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TriggeredConnectState(pub i32); impl TriggeredConnectState { pub const PeerFound: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1003,17 +970,6 @@ impl TriggeredConnectState { pub const Canceled: Self = Self(4i32); pub const Failed: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TriggeredConnectState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TriggeredConnectState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TriggeredConnectState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TriggeredConnectState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Networking/PushNotifications/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Networking/PushNotifications/ index ef25a97986..3cbeceef9c 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Networking/PushNotifications/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Networking/PushNotifications/ @@ -577,7 +577,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for RawNotification { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for RawNotification {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for RawNotification {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PushNotificationType(pub i32); impl PushNotificationType { pub const Toast: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -586,17 +586,6 @@ impl PushNotificationType { pub const Raw: Self = Self(3i32); pub const TileFlyout: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PushNotificationType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PushNotificationType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PushNotificationType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PushNotificationType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Networking/ServiceDiscovery/Dnssd/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Networking/ServiceDiscovery/Dnssd/ index 75cc4e6c4a..1ab4791533 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Networking/ServiceDiscovery/Dnssd/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Networking/ServiceDiscovery/Dnssd/ @@ -492,7 +492,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for DnssdServiceWatcher { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for DnssdServiceWatcher {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for DnssdServiceWatcher {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DnssdRegistrationStatus(pub i32); impl DnssdRegistrationStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -500,17 +500,6 @@ impl DnssdRegistrationStatus { pub const ServerError: Self = Self(2i32); pub const SecurityError: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DnssdRegistrationStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DnssdRegistrationStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DnssdRegistrationStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DnssdRegistrationStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -523,7 +512,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DnssdRegistrationStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.ServiceDiscovery.Dnssd.DnssdRegistrationStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DnssdServiceWatcherStatus(pub i32); impl DnssdServiceWatcherStatus { pub const Created: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -533,17 +522,6 @@ impl DnssdServiceWatcherStatus { pub const Stopped: Self = Self(4i32); pub const Aborted: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DnssdServiceWatcherStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DnssdServiceWatcherStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DnssdServiceWatcherStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DnssdServiceWatcherStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Networking/Sockets/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Networking/Sockets/ index 9e3a305ad5..afac032d73 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Networking/Sockets/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Networking/Sockets/ @@ -4162,7 +4162,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for WebSocketServerCustomValidationRequestedEve unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for WebSocketServerCustomValidationRequestedEventArgs {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for WebSocketServerCustomValidationRequestedEventArgs {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ControlChannelTriggerResetReason(pub i32); impl ControlChannelTriggerResetReason { pub const FastUserSwitched: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4170,17 +4170,6 @@ impl ControlChannelTriggerResetReason { pub const QuietHoursExit: Self = Self(2i32); pub const ApplicationRestart: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ControlChannelTriggerResetReason {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ControlChannelTriggerResetReason { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ControlChannelTriggerResetReason { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ControlChannelTriggerResetReason { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4193,23 +4182,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ControlChannelTriggerResetReason { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.Sockets.ControlChannelTriggerResetReason;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ControlChannelTriggerResourceType(pub i32); impl ControlChannelTriggerResourceType { pub const RequestSoftwareSlot: Self = Self(0i32); pub const RequestHardwareSlot: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ControlChannelTriggerResourceType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ControlChannelTriggerResourceType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ControlChannelTriggerResourceType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ControlChannelTriggerResourceType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4222,7 +4200,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ControlChannelTriggerResourceType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.Sockets.ControlChannelTriggerResourceType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ControlChannelTriggerStatus(pub i32); impl ControlChannelTriggerStatus { pub const HardwareSlotRequested: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4233,17 +4211,6 @@ impl ControlChannelTriggerStatus { pub const TransportDisconnected: Self = Self(5i32); pub const ServiceUnavailable: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ControlChannelTriggerStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ControlChannelTriggerStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ControlChannelTriggerStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ControlChannelTriggerStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4256,23 +4223,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ControlChannelTriggerStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.Sockets.ControlChannelTriggerStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MessageWebSocketReceiveMode(pub i32); impl MessageWebSocketReceiveMode { pub const FullMessage: Self = Self(0i32); pub const PartialMessage: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MessageWebSocketReceiveMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MessageWebSocketReceiveMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MessageWebSocketReceiveMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MessageWebSocketReceiveMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4285,23 +4241,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MessageWebSocketReceiveMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.Sockets.MessageWebSocketReceiveMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SocketActivityConnectedStandbyAction(pub i32); impl SocketActivityConnectedStandbyAction { pub const DoNotWake: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Wake: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SocketActivityConnectedStandbyAction {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SocketActivityConnectedStandbyAction { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SocketActivityConnectedStandbyAction { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SocketActivityConnectedStandbyAction { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4314,7 +4259,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SocketActivityConnectedStandbyAction { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.Sockets.SocketActivityConnectedStandbyAction;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SocketActivityKind(pub i32); impl SocketActivityKind { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4322,17 +4267,6 @@ impl SocketActivityKind { pub const DatagramSocket: Self = Self(2i32); pub const StreamSocket: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SocketActivityKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SocketActivityKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SocketActivityKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SocketActivityKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4345,7 +4279,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SocketActivityKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.Sockets.SocketActivityKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SocketActivityTriggerReason(pub i32); impl SocketActivityTriggerReason { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4354,17 +4288,6 @@ impl SocketActivityTriggerReason { pub const KeepAliveTimerExpired: Self = Self(3i32); pub const SocketClosed: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SocketActivityTriggerReason {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SocketActivityTriggerReason { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SocketActivityTriggerReason { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SocketActivityTriggerReason { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4377,7 +4300,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SocketActivityTriggerReason { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.Sockets.SocketActivityTriggerReason;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SocketErrorStatus(pub i32); impl SocketErrorStatus { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4412,17 +4335,6 @@ impl SocketErrorStatus { pub const CertificateRevocationServerOffline: Self = Self(29i32); pub const CertificateIsInvalid: Self = Self(30i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SocketErrorStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SocketErrorStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SocketErrorStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SocketErrorStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4435,23 +4347,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SocketErrorStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.Sockets.SocketErrorStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SocketMessageType(pub i32); impl SocketMessageType { pub const Binary: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Utf8: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SocketMessageType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SocketMessageType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SocketMessageType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SocketMessageType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4464,7 +4365,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SocketMessageType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.Sockets.SocketMessageType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SocketProtectionLevel(pub i32); impl SocketProtectionLevel { pub const PlainSocket: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4478,17 +4379,6 @@ impl SocketProtectionLevel { pub const Tls12: Self = Self(8i32); pub const Unspecified: Self = Self(9i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SocketProtectionLevel {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SocketProtectionLevel { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SocketProtectionLevel { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SocketProtectionLevel { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4501,23 +4391,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SocketProtectionLevel { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.Sockets.SocketProtectionLevel;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SocketQualityOfService(pub i32); impl SocketQualityOfService { pub const Normal: Self = Self(0i32); pub const LowLatency: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SocketQualityOfService {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SocketQualityOfService { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SocketQualityOfService { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SocketQualityOfService { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4530,24 +4409,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SocketQualityOfService { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.Sockets.SocketQualityOfService;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SocketSslErrorSeverity(pub i32); impl SocketSslErrorSeverity { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Ignorable: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Fatal: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SocketSslErrorSeverity {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SocketSslErrorSeverity { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SocketSslErrorSeverity { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SocketSslErrorSeverity { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Networking/Vpn/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Networking/Vpn/ index 7cd984c5f4..338a5320bc 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Networking/Vpn/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Networking/Vpn/ @@ -4303,24 +4303,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for VpnTrafficFilterAssignment { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for VpnTrafficFilterAssignment {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for VpnTrafficFilterAssignment {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VpnAppIdType(pub i32); impl VpnAppIdType { pub const PackageFamilyName: Self = Self(0i32); pub const FullyQualifiedBinaryName: Self = Self(1i32); pub const FilePath: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VpnAppIdType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VpnAppIdType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VpnAppIdType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VpnAppIdType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4333,7 +4322,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for VpnAppIdType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.Vpn.VpnAppIdType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VpnAuthenticationMethod(pub i32); impl VpnAuthenticationMethod { pub const Mschapv2: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4341,17 +4330,6 @@ impl VpnAuthenticationMethod { pub const Certificate: Self = Self(2i32); pub const PresharedKey: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VpnAuthenticationMethod {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VpnAuthenticationMethod { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VpnAuthenticationMethod { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VpnAuthenticationMethod { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4364,23 +4342,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for VpnAuthenticationMethod { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.Vpn.VpnAuthenticationMethod;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VpnChannelActivityEventType(pub i32); impl VpnChannelActivityEventType { pub const Idle: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Active: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VpnChannelActivityEventType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VpnChannelActivityEventType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VpnChannelActivityEventType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VpnChannelActivityEventType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4393,24 +4360,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for VpnChannelActivityEventType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.Vpn.VpnChannelActivityEventType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VpnChannelRequestCredentialsOptions(pub u32); impl VpnChannelRequestCredentialsOptions { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); pub const Retrying: Self = Self(1u32); pub const UseForSingleSignIn: Self = Self(2u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VpnChannelRequestCredentialsOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VpnChannelRequestCredentialsOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VpnChannelRequestCredentialsOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VpnChannelRequestCredentialsOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4456,7 +4412,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for VpnChannelRequestCredentialsOptions { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.Vpn.VpnChannelRequestCredentialsOptions;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VpnCredentialType(pub i32); impl VpnCredentialType { pub const UsernamePassword: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4467,17 +4423,6 @@ impl VpnCredentialType { pub const ProtectedCertificate: Self = Self(5i32); pub const UnProtectedCertificate: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VpnCredentialType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VpnCredentialType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VpnCredentialType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VpnCredentialType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4490,23 +4435,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for VpnCredentialType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.Vpn.VpnCredentialType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VpnDataPathType(pub i32); impl VpnDataPathType { pub const Send: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Receive: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VpnDataPathType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VpnDataPathType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VpnDataPathType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VpnDataPathType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4519,24 +4453,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for VpnDataPathType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.Vpn.VpnDataPathType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VpnDomainNameType(pub i32); impl VpnDomainNameType { pub const Suffix: Self = Self(0i32); pub const FullyQualified: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Reserved: Self = Self(65535i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VpnDomainNameType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VpnDomainNameType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VpnDomainNameType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VpnDomainNameType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4549,7 +4472,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for VpnDomainNameType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.Vpn.VpnDomainNameType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VpnIPProtocol(pub i32); impl VpnIPProtocol { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4560,17 +4483,6 @@ impl VpnIPProtocol { pub const Igmp: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Pgm: Self = Self(113i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VpnIPProtocol {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VpnIPProtocol { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VpnIPProtocol { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VpnIPProtocol { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4583,7 +4495,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for VpnIPProtocol { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.Vpn.VpnIPProtocol;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VpnManagementConnectionStatus(pub i32); impl VpnManagementConnectionStatus { pub const Disconnected: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4591,17 +4503,6 @@ impl VpnManagementConnectionStatus { pub const Connected: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Connecting: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VpnManagementConnectionStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VpnManagementConnectionStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VpnManagementConnectionStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VpnManagementConnectionStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4614,7 +4515,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for VpnManagementConnectionStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.Vpn.VpnManagementConnectionStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VpnManagementErrorStatus(pub i32); impl VpnManagementErrorStatus { pub const Ok: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4637,17 +4538,6 @@ impl VpnManagementErrorStatus { pub const DnsNotResolvable: Self = Self(17i32); pub const InvalidIP: Self = Self(18i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VpnManagementErrorStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VpnManagementErrorStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VpnManagementErrorStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VpnManagementErrorStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4660,24 +4550,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for VpnManagementErrorStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.Vpn.VpnManagementErrorStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VpnNativeProtocolType(pub i32); impl VpnNativeProtocolType { pub const Pptp: Self = Self(0i32); pub const L2tp: Self = Self(1i32); pub const IpsecIkev2: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VpnNativeProtocolType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VpnNativeProtocolType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VpnNativeProtocolType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VpnNativeProtocolType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4690,23 +4569,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for VpnNativeProtocolType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.Vpn.VpnNativeProtocolType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VpnPacketBufferStatus(pub i32); impl VpnPacketBufferStatus { pub const Ok: Self = Self(0i32); pub const InvalidBufferSize: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VpnPacketBufferStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VpnPacketBufferStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VpnPacketBufferStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VpnPacketBufferStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4719,23 +4587,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for VpnPacketBufferStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.Vpn.VpnPacketBufferStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VpnRoutingPolicyType(pub i32); impl VpnRoutingPolicyType { pub const SplitRouting: Self = Self(0i32); pub const ForceAllTrafficOverVpn: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VpnRoutingPolicyType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VpnRoutingPolicyType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VpnRoutingPolicyType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VpnRoutingPolicyType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Networking/XboxLive/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Networking/XboxLive/ index 23d33c25f0..e48cd8aa8e 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Networking/XboxLive/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Networking/XboxLive/ @@ -1116,23 +1116,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for XboxLiveQualityOfServicePrivatePayloadResul unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for XboxLiveQualityOfServicePrivatePayloadResult {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for XboxLiveQualityOfServicePrivatePayloadResult {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XboxLiveEndpointPairCreationBehaviors(pub u32); impl XboxLiveEndpointPairCreationBehaviors { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); pub const ReevaluatePath: Self = Self(1u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XboxLiveEndpointPairCreationBehaviors {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XboxLiveEndpointPairCreationBehaviors { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XboxLiveEndpointPairCreationBehaviors { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XboxLiveEndpointPairCreationBehaviors { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1178,7 +1167,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for XboxLiveEndpointPairCreationBehaviors { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.XboxLive.XboxLiveEndpointPairCreationBehaviors;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XboxLiveEndpointPairCreationStatus(pub i32); impl XboxLiveEndpointPairCreationStatus { pub const Succeeded: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1191,17 +1180,6 @@ impl XboxLiveEndpointPairCreationStatus { pub const RefusedDueToConfiguration: Self = Self(7i32); pub const UnexpectedInternalError: Self = Self(8i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XboxLiveEndpointPairCreationStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XboxLiveEndpointPairCreationStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XboxLiveEndpointPairCreationStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XboxLiveEndpointPairCreationStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1214,7 +1192,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for XboxLiveEndpointPairCreationStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.XboxLive.XboxLiveEndpointPairCreationStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XboxLiveEndpointPairState(pub i32); impl XboxLiveEndpointPairState { pub const Invalid: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1225,17 +1203,6 @@ impl XboxLiveEndpointPairState { pub const RemoteEndpointTerminating: Self = Self(5i32); pub const Deleted: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XboxLiveEndpointPairState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XboxLiveEndpointPairState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XboxLiveEndpointPairState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XboxLiveEndpointPairState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1248,24 +1215,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for XboxLiveEndpointPairState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.XboxLive.XboxLiveEndpointPairState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XboxLiveNetworkAccessKind(pub i32); impl XboxLiveNetworkAccessKind { pub const Open: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Moderate: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Strict: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XboxLiveNetworkAccessKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XboxLiveNetworkAccessKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XboxLiveNetworkAccessKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XboxLiveNetworkAccessKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1278,7 +1234,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for XboxLiveNetworkAccessKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.XboxLive.XboxLiveNetworkAccessKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XboxLiveQualityOfServiceMeasurementStatus(pub i32); impl XboxLiveQualityOfServiceMeasurementStatus { pub const NotStarted: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1294,17 +1250,6 @@ impl XboxLiveQualityOfServiceMeasurementStatus { pub const RefusedDueToConfiguration: Self = Self(10i32); pub const UnexpectedInternalError: Self = Self(11i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XboxLiveQualityOfServiceMeasurementStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XboxLiveQualityOfServiceMeasurementStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XboxLiveQualityOfServiceMeasurementStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XboxLiveQualityOfServiceMeasurementStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1317,7 +1262,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for XboxLiveQualityOfServiceMeasurementStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.XboxLive.XboxLiveQualityOfServiceMeasurementStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XboxLiveQualityOfServiceMetric(pub i32); impl XboxLiveQualityOfServiceMetric { pub const AverageLatencyInMilliseconds: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1330,17 +1275,6 @@ impl XboxLiveQualityOfServiceMetric { pub const MinInboundBitsPerSecond: Self = Self(7i32); pub const MaxInboundBitsPerSecond: Self = Self(8i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XboxLiveQualityOfServiceMetric {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XboxLiveQualityOfServiceMetric { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XboxLiveQualityOfServiceMetric { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XboxLiveQualityOfServiceMetric { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1353,24 +1287,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for XboxLiveQualityOfServiceMetric { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.XboxLive.XboxLiveQualityOfServiceMetric;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XboxLiveSocketKind(pub i32); impl XboxLiveSocketKind { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Datagram: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Stream: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XboxLiveSocketKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XboxLiveSocketKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XboxLiveSocketKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XboxLiveSocketKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Networking/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Networking/ index 94f3bd3cb4..362c09734a 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Networking/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Networking/ @@ -303,23 +303,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::CanTryInto for HostName {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for HostName {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for HostName {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DomainNameType(pub i32); impl DomainNameType { pub const Suffix: Self = Self(0i32); pub const FullyQualified: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DomainNameType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DomainNameType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DomainNameType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DomainNameType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -332,23 +321,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DomainNameType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.DomainNameType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HostNameSortOptions(pub u32); impl HostNameSortOptions { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); pub const OptimizeForLongConnections: Self = Self(2u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HostNameSortOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HostNameSortOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HostNameSortOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HostNameSortOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -394,7 +372,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for HostNameSortOptions { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Networking.HostNameSortOptions;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HostNameType(pub i32); impl HostNameType { pub const DomainName: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -402,17 +380,6 @@ impl HostNameType { pub const Ipv6: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Bluetooth: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HostNameType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HostNameType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HostNameType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HostNameType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Perception/People/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Perception/People/ index 81f22c78cb..cfd3579004 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Perception/People/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Perception/People/ @@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for HeadPose { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for HeadPose {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for HeadPose {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HandJointKind(pub i32); impl HandJointKind { pub const Palm: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -466,17 +466,6 @@ impl HandJointKind { pub const LittleDistal: Self = Self(24i32); pub const LittleTip: Self = Self(25i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HandJointKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HandJointKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HandJointKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HandJointKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -489,23 +478,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for HandJointKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Perception.People.HandJointKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct JointPoseAccuracy(pub i32); impl JointPoseAccuracy { pub const High: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Approximate: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for JointPoseAccuracy {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for JointPoseAccuracy { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for JointPoseAccuracy { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for JointPoseAccuracy { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Perception/Spatial/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Perception/Spatial/ index 73433318b0..8caf743111 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Perception/Spatial/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Perception/Spatial/ @@ -1863,23 +1863,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for SpatialStationaryFrameOfReference { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for SpatialStationaryFrameOfReference {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for SpatialStationaryFrameOfReference {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpatialAnchorExportPurpose(pub i32); impl SpatialAnchorExportPurpose { pub const Relocalization: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Sharing: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpatialAnchorExportPurpose {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpatialAnchorExportPurpose { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpatialAnchorExportPurpose { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpatialAnchorExportPurpose { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1892,7 +1881,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SpatialAnchorExportPurpose { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Perception.Spatial.SpatialAnchorExportPurpose;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpatialEntityWatcherStatus(pub i32); impl SpatialEntityWatcherStatus { pub const Created: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1902,17 +1891,6 @@ impl SpatialEntityWatcherStatus { pub const Stopped: Self = Self(4i32); pub const Aborted: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpatialEntityWatcherStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpatialEntityWatcherStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpatialEntityWatcherStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpatialEntityWatcherStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1925,7 +1903,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SpatialEntityWatcherStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Perception.Spatial.SpatialEntityWatcherStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpatialLocatability(pub i32); impl SpatialLocatability { pub const Unavailable: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1934,17 +1912,6 @@ impl SpatialLocatability { pub const PositionalTrackingActive: Self = Self(3i32); pub const PositionalTrackingInhibited: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpatialLocatability {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpatialLocatability { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpatialLocatability { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpatialLocatability { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1957,23 +1924,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SpatialLocatability { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Perception.Spatial.SpatialLocatability;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpatialLookDirectionRange(pub i32); impl SpatialLookDirectionRange { pub const ForwardOnly: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Omnidirectional: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpatialLookDirectionRange {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpatialLookDirectionRange { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpatialLookDirectionRange { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpatialLookDirectionRange { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1986,23 +1942,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SpatialLookDirectionRange { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Perception.Spatial.SpatialLookDirectionRange;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpatialMovementRange(pub i32); impl SpatialMovementRange { pub const NoMovement: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Bounded: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpatialMovementRange {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpatialMovementRange { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpatialMovementRange { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpatialMovementRange { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2015,7 +1960,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SpatialMovementRange { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Perception.Spatial.SpatialMovementRange;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpatialPerceptionAccessStatus(pub i32); impl SpatialPerceptionAccessStatus { pub const Unspecified: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2023,17 +1968,6 @@ impl SpatialPerceptionAccessStatus { pub const DeniedByUser: Self = Self(2i32); pub const DeniedBySystem: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpatialPerceptionAccessStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpatialPerceptionAccessStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpatialPerceptionAccessStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpatialPerceptionAccessStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Phone/ApplicationModel/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Phone/ApplicationModel/ index 02f71bdb70..a6e4156ba6 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Phone/ApplicationModel/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Phone/ApplicationModel/ @@ -32,23 +32,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for ApplicationProfile { const NAME: &'static str = "Windows.Phone.ApplicationModel.ApplicationProfile"; } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ApplicationProfileModes(pub u32); impl ApplicationProfileModes { pub const Default: Self = Self(0u32); pub const Alternate: Self = Self(1u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ApplicationProfileModes {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ApplicationProfileModes { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ApplicationProfileModes { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ApplicationProfileModes { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Phone/Management/Deployment/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Phone/Management/Deployment/ index f0df54140c..e75b87ca95 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Phone/Management/Deployment/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Phone/Management/Deployment/ @@ -420,24 +420,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for PackageInstallResult { } ::windows_core::imp::interface_hierarchy!(PackageInstallResult, ::windows_core::IUnknown, ::windows_core::IInspectable); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EnterpriseEnrollmentStatus(pub i32); impl EnterpriseEnrollmentStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); pub const CancelledByUser: Self = Self(1i32); pub const UnknownFailure: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EnterpriseEnrollmentStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EnterpriseEnrollmentStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EnterpriseEnrollmentStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EnterpriseEnrollmentStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -450,7 +439,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for EnterpriseEnrollmentStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Phone.Management.Deployment.EnterpriseEnrollmentStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EnterpriseStatus(pub i32); impl EnterpriseStatus { pub const Enrolled: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -458,17 +447,6 @@ impl EnterpriseStatus { pub const Revoked: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Expired: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EnterpriseStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EnterpriseStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EnterpriseStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EnterpriseStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Phone/Media/Devices/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Phone/Media/Devices/ index 43ffa93b8f..320d1ea9ac 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Phone/Media/Devices/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Phone/Media/Devices/ @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for AudioRoutingManager { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for AudioRoutingManager {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for AudioRoutingManager {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AudioRoutingEndpoint(pub i32); impl AudioRoutingEndpoint { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -110,17 +110,6 @@ impl AudioRoutingEndpoint { pub const BluetoothWithNoiseAndEchoCancellation: Self = Self(6i32); pub const BluetoothPreferred: Self = Self(7i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AudioRoutingEndpoint {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AudioRoutingEndpoint { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AudioRoutingEndpoint { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AudioRoutingEndpoint { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -133,7 +122,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AudioRoutingEndpoint { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Phone.Media.Devices.AudioRoutingEndpoint;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AvailableAudioRoutingEndpoints(pub u32); impl AvailableAudioRoutingEndpoints { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -141,17 +130,6 @@ impl AvailableAudioRoutingEndpoints { pub const Speakerphone: Self = Self(2u32); pub const Bluetooth: Self = Self(4u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AvailableAudioRoutingEndpoints {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AvailableAudioRoutingEndpoints { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AvailableAudioRoutingEndpoints { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AvailableAudioRoutingEndpoints { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Phone/Notification/Management/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Phone/Notification/Management/ index fdcb70fc30..0f30596c83 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Phone/Notification/Management/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Phone/Notification/Management/ @@ -2302,7 +2302,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for VolumeInfo { } ::windows_core::imp::interface_hierarchy!(VolumeInfo, ::windows_core::IUnknown, ::windows_core::IInspectable); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AccessoryNotificationType(pub u32); impl AccessoryNotificationType { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -2322,17 +2322,6 @@ impl AccessoryNotificationType { pub const VolumeChanged: Self = Self(8192u32); pub const EmailReadStatusChanged: Self = Self(16384u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AccessoryNotificationType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AccessoryNotificationType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AccessoryNotificationType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AccessoryNotificationType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2378,7 +2367,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AccessoryNotificationType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Phone.Notification.Management.AccessoryNotificationType;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CalendarChangedEvent(pub i32); impl CalendarChangedEvent { pub const LostEvents: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2389,17 +2378,6 @@ impl CalendarChangedEvent { pub const CalendarChanged: Self = Self(5i32); pub const CalendarDeleted: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CalendarChangedEvent {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CalendarChangedEvent { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CalendarChangedEvent { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CalendarChangedEvent { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2412,24 +2390,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CalendarChangedEvent { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Phone.Notification.Management.CalendarChangedEvent;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PhoneCallAudioEndpoint(pub i32); impl PhoneCallAudioEndpoint { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Speaker: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Handsfree: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PhoneCallAudioEndpoint {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PhoneCallAudioEndpoint { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PhoneCallAudioEndpoint { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PhoneCallAudioEndpoint { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2442,23 +2409,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PhoneCallAudioEndpoint { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Phone.Notification.Management.PhoneCallAudioEndpoint;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PhoneCallDirection(pub i32); impl PhoneCallDirection { pub const Incoming: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Outgoing: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PhoneCallDirection {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PhoneCallDirection { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PhoneCallDirection { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PhoneCallDirection { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2471,7 +2427,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PhoneCallDirection { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Phone.Notification.Management.PhoneCallDirection;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PhoneCallState(pub i32); impl PhoneCallState { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2480,17 +2436,6 @@ impl PhoneCallState { pub const Held: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Ended: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PhoneCallState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PhoneCallState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PhoneCallState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PhoneCallState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2503,23 +2448,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PhoneCallState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Phone.Notification.Management.PhoneCallState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PhoneCallTransport(pub i32); impl PhoneCallTransport { pub const Cellular: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Voip: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PhoneCallTransport {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PhoneCallTransport { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PhoneCallTransport { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PhoneCallTransport { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2532,24 +2466,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PhoneCallTransport { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Phone.Notification.Management.PhoneCallTransport;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PhoneLineRegistrationState(pub i32); impl PhoneLineRegistrationState { pub const Disconnected: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Home: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Roaming: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PhoneLineRegistrationState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PhoneLineRegistrationState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PhoneLineRegistrationState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PhoneLineRegistrationState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2562,23 +2485,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PhoneLineRegistrationState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Phone.Notification.Management.PhoneLineRegistrationState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PhoneMediaType(pub i32); impl PhoneMediaType { pub const AudioOnly: Self = Self(0i32); pub const AudioVideo: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PhoneMediaType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PhoneMediaType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PhoneMediaType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PhoneMediaType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2591,7 +2503,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PhoneMediaType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Phone.Notification.Management.PhoneMediaType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PhoneNotificationType(pub i32); impl PhoneNotificationType { pub const NewCall: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2600,17 +2512,6 @@ impl PhoneNotificationType { pub const PhoneCallAudioEndpointChanged: Self = Self(3i32); pub const PhoneMuteChanged: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PhoneNotificationType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PhoneNotificationType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PhoneNotificationType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PhoneNotificationType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2623,7 +2524,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PhoneNotificationType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Phone.Notification.Management.PhoneNotificationType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PlaybackCapability(pub u32); impl PlaybackCapability { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -2638,17 +2539,6 @@ impl PlaybackCapability { pub const ChannelUp: Self = Self(256u32); pub const ChannelDown: Self = Self(512u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PlaybackCapability {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PlaybackCapability { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PlaybackCapability { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PlaybackCapability { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2694,7 +2584,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PlaybackCapability { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Phone.Notification.Management.PlaybackCapability;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PlaybackCommand(pub i32); impl PlaybackCommand { pub const Play: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2708,17 +2598,6 @@ impl PlaybackCommand { pub const ChannelUp: Self = Self(8i32); pub const ChannelDown: Self = Self(9i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PlaybackCommand {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PlaybackCommand { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PlaybackCommand { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PlaybackCommand { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2731,7 +2610,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PlaybackCommand { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Phone.Notification.Management.PlaybackCommand;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PlaybackStatus(pub i32); impl PlaybackStatus { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2740,17 +2619,6 @@ impl PlaybackStatus { pub const Playing: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Paused: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PlaybackStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PlaybackStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PlaybackStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PlaybackStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2763,24 +2631,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PlaybackStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Phone.Notification.Management.PlaybackStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ReminderState(pub i32); impl ReminderState { pub const Active: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Snoozed: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Dismissed: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ReminderState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ReminderState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ReminderState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ReminderState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2793,7 +2650,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ReminderState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Phone.Notification.Management.ReminderState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VibrateState(pub i32); impl VibrateState { pub const RingerOffVibrateOff: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2801,17 +2658,6 @@ impl VibrateState { pub const RingerOnVibrateOff: Self = Self(2i32); pub const RingerOnVibrateOn: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VibrateState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VibrateState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VibrateState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VibrateState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Phone/PersonalInformation/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Phone/PersonalInformation/ index 2471258087..a03e9dec02 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Phone/PersonalInformation/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Phone/PersonalInformation/ @@ -1418,24 +1418,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::CanTryInto for StoredContact {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for StoredContact {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for StoredContact {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ContactChangeType(pub i32); impl ContactChangeType { pub const Created: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Modified: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Deleted: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ContactChangeType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ContactChangeType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ContactChangeType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ContactChangeType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1448,24 +1437,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ContactChangeType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Phone.PersonalInformation.ContactChangeType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ContactQueryResultOrdering(pub i32); impl ContactQueryResultOrdering { pub const SystemDefault: Self = Self(0i32); pub const GivenNameFamilyName: Self = Self(1i32); pub const FamilyNameGivenName: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ContactQueryResultOrdering {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ContactQueryResultOrdering { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ContactQueryResultOrdering { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ContactQueryResultOrdering { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1478,23 +1456,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ContactQueryResultOrdering { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Phone.PersonalInformation.ContactQueryResultOrdering;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ContactStoreApplicationAccessMode(pub i32); impl ContactStoreApplicationAccessMode { pub const LimitedReadOnly: Self = Self(0i32); pub const ReadOnly: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ContactStoreApplicationAccessMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ContactStoreApplicationAccessMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ContactStoreApplicationAccessMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ContactStoreApplicationAccessMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1507,23 +1474,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ContactStoreApplicationAccessMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Phone.PersonalInformation.ContactStoreApplicationAccessMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ContactStoreSystemAccessMode(pub i32); impl ContactStoreSystemAccessMode { pub const ReadOnly: Self = Self(0i32); pub const ReadWrite: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ContactStoreSystemAccessMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ContactStoreSystemAccessMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ContactStoreSystemAccessMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ContactStoreSystemAccessMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1536,23 +1492,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ContactStoreSystemAccessMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Phone.PersonalInformation.ContactStoreSystemAccessMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VCardFormat(pub i32); impl VCardFormat { pub const Version2_1: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Version3: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VCardFormat {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VCardFormat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VCardFormat { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VCardFormat { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Phone/Speech/Recognition/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Phone/Speech/Recognition/ index aa7e90091f..e42bedeffe 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Phone/Speech/Recognition/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Phone/Speech/Recognition/ @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpeechRecognitionUIStatus(pub i32); impl SpeechRecognitionUIStatus { pub const Succeeded: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -8,17 +8,6 @@ impl SpeechRecognitionUIStatus { pub const Preempted: Self = Self(3i32); pub const PrivacyPolicyDeclined: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpeechRecognitionUIStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpeechRecognitionUIStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpeechRecognitionUIStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpeechRecognitionUIStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Phone/System/Power/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Phone/System/Power/ index 2c13ce13dc..af91abca93 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Phone/System/Power/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Phone/System/Power/ @@ -73,23 +73,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for PowerManager { const NAME: &'static str = "Windows.Phone.System.Power.PowerManager"; } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PowerSavingMode(pub i32); impl PowerSavingMode { pub const Off: Self = Self(0i32); pub const On: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PowerSavingMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PowerSavingMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PowerSavingMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PowerSavingMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Phone/System/UserProfile/GameServices/Core/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Phone/System/UserProfile/GameServices/Core/ index a919513d6e..5a49219953 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Phone/System/UserProfile/GameServices/Core/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Phone/System/UserProfile/GameServices/Core/ @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for GameServicePropertyCollection { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for GameServicePropertyCollection {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for GameServicePropertyCollection {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GameServiceGameOutcome(pub i32); impl GameServiceGameOutcome { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -168,17 +168,6 @@ impl GameServiceGameOutcome { pub const Loss: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Tie: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GameServiceGameOutcome {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GameServiceGameOutcome { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GameServiceGameOutcome { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GameServiceGameOutcome { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -191,23 +180,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for GameServiceGameOutcome { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Phone.System.UserProfile.GameServices.Core.GameServiceGameOutcome;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GameServiceScoreKind(pub i32); impl GameServiceScoreKind { pub const Number: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Time: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GameServiceScoreKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GameServiceScoreKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GameServiceScoreKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GameServiceScoreKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/Authentication/Identity/Core/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/Authentication/Identity/Core/ index cbe6afeba8..c6851fd044 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/Authentication/Identity/Core/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/Authentication/Identity/Core/ @@ -446,23 +446,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for MicrosoftAccountMultiFactorUnregisteredAcco unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for MicrosoftAccountMultiFactorUnregisteredAccountsAndSessionInfo {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for MicrosoftAccountMultiFactorUnregisteredAccountsAndSessionInfo {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MicrosoftAccountMultiFactorAuthenticationType(pub i32); impl MicrosoftAccountMultiFactorAuthenticationType { pub const User: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Device: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MicrosoftAccountMultiFactorAuthenticationType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MicrosoftAccountMultiFactorAuthenticationType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MicrosoftAccountMultiFactorAuthenticationType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MicrosoftAccountMultiFactorAuthenticationType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -475,7 +464,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MicrosoftAccountMultiFactorAuthenticationTy const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.Authentication.Identity.Core.MicrosoftAccountMultiFactorAuthenticationType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MicrosoftAccountMultiFactorServiceResponse(pub i32); impl MicrosoftAccountMultiFactorServiceResponse { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -501,17 +490,6 @@ impl MicrosoftAccountMultiFactorServiceResponse { pub const UIRequired: Self = Self(20i32); pub const DeviceIdChanged: Self = Self(21i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MicrosoftAccountMultiFactorServiceResponse {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MicrosoftAccountMultiFactorServiceResponse { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MicrosoftAccountMultiFactorServiceResponse { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MicrosoftAccountMultiFactorServiceResponse { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -524,24 +502,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MicrosoftAccountMultiFactorServiceResponse const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.Authentication.Identity.Core.MicrosoftAccountMultiFactorServiceResponse;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MicrosoftAccountMultiFactorSessionApprovalStatus(pub i32); impl MicrosoftAccountMultiFactorSessionApprovalStatus { pub const Pending: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Approved: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Denied: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MicrosoftAccountMultiFactorSessionApprovalStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MicrosoftAccountMultiFactorSessionApprovalStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MicrosoftAccountMultiFactorSessionApprovalStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MicrosoftAccountMultiFactorSessionApprovalStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -554,23 +521,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MicrosoftAccountMultiFactorSessionApprovalS const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.Authentication.Identity.Core.MicrosoftAccountMultiFactorSessionApprovalStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MicrosoftAccountMultiFactorSessionAuthenticationStatus(pub i32); impl MicrosoftAccountMultiFactorSessionAuthenticationStatus { pub const Authenticated: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Unauthenticated: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MicrosoftAccountMultiFactorSessionAuthenticationStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MicrosoftAccountMultiFactorSessionAuthenticationStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MicrosoftAccountMultiFactorSessionAuthenticationStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MicrosoftAccountMultiFactorSessionAuthenticationStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/Authentication/OnlineId/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/Authentication/OnlineId/ index 0925853b6e..63fc47558d 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/Authentication/OnlineId/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/Authentication/OnlineId/ @@ -782,24 +782,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for UserIdentity { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for UserIdentity {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for UserIdentity {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CredentialPromptType(pub i32); impl CredentialPromptType { pub const PromptIfNeeded: Self = Self(0i32); pub const RetypeCredentials: Self = Self(1i32); pub const DoNotPrompt: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CredentialPromptType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CredentialPromptType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CredentialPromptType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CredentialPromptType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -812,24 +801,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CredentialPromptType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.Authentication.OnlineId.CredentialPromptType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OnlineIdSystemTicketStatus(pub i32); impl OnlineIdSystemTicketStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Error: Self = Self(1i32); pub const ServiceConnectionError: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OnlineIdSystemTicketStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OnlineIdSystemTicketStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OnlineIdSystemTicketStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OnlineIdSystemTicketStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/Authentication/Web/Core/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/Authentication/Web/Core/ index 868d40ec28..3e1119a13c 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/Authentication/Web/Core/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/Authentication/Web/Core/ @@ -1027,7 +1027,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for WebTokenResponse { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for WebTokenResponse {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for WebTokenResponse {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FindAllWebAccountsStatus(pub i32); impl FindAllWebAccountsStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1035,17 +1035,6 @@ impl FindAllWebAccountsStatus { pub const NotSupportedByProvider: Self = Self(2i32); pub const ProviderError: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FindAllWebAccountsStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FindAllWebAccountsStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FindAllWebAccountsStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FindAllWebAccountsStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1058,23 +1047,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for FindAllWebAccountsStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.Authentication.Web.Core.FindAllWebAccountsStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WebTokenRequestPromptType(pub i32); impl WebTokenRequestPromptType { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); pub const ForceAuthentication: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WebTokenRequestPromptType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WebTokenRequestPromptType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WebTokenRequestPromptType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WebTokenRequestPromptType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1087,7 +1065,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for WebTokenRequestPromptType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.Authentication.Web.Core.WebTokenRequestPromptType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WebTokenRequestStatus(pub i32); impl WebTokenRequestStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1097,17 +1075,6 @@ impl WebTokenRequestStatus { pub const AccountProviderNotAvailable: Self = Self(4i32); pub const ProviderError: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WebTokenRequestStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WebTokenRequestStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WebTokenRequestStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WebTokenRequestStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/Authentication/Web/Provider/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/Authentication/Web/Provider/ index 40132ea808..a4973342c0 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/Authentication/Web/Provider/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/Authentication/Web/Provider/ @@ -1671,23 +1671,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for WebProviderTokenResponse { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for WebProviderTokenResponse {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for WebProviderTokenResponse {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WebAccountClientViewType(pub i32); impl WebAccountClientViewType { pub const IdOnly: Self = Self(0i32); pub const IdAndProperties: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WebAccountClientViewType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WebAccountClientViewType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WebAccountClientViewType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WebAccountClientViewType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1700,7 +1689,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for WebAccountClientViewType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.Authentication.Web.Provider.WebAccountClientViewType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WebAccountProviderOperationKind(pub i32); impl WebAccountProviderOperationKind { pub const RequestToken: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1711,17 +1700,6 @@ impl WebAccountProviderOperationKind { pub const RetrieveCookies: Self = Self(5i32); pub const SignOutAccount: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WebAccountProviderOperationKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WebAccountProviderOperationKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WebAccountProviderOperationKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WebAccountProviderOperationKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1734,23 +1712,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for WebAccountProviderOperationKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.Authentication.Web.Provider.WebAccountProviderOperationKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WebAccountScope(pub i32); impl WebAccountScope { pub const PerUser: Self = Self(0i32); pub const PerApplication: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WebAccountScope {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WebAccountScope { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WebAccountScope { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WebAccountScope { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1763,23 +1730,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for WebAccountScope { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.Authentication.Web.Provider.WebAccountScope;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WebAccountSelectionOptions(pub u32); impl WebAccountSelectionOptions { pub const Default: Self = Self(0u32); pub const New: Self = Self(1u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WebAccountSelectionOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WebAccountSelectionOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WebAccountSelectionOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WebAccountSelectionOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/Authentication/Web/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/Authentication/Web/ index 7a2da1059e..0cd6c51aca 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/Authentication/Web/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/Authentication/Web/ @@ -185,24 +185,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for WebAuthenticationResult { } ::windows_core::imp::interface_hierarchy!(WebAuthenticationResult, ::windows_core::IUnknown, ::windows_core::IInspectable); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TokenBindingKeyType(pub i32); impl TokenBindingKeyType { pub const Rsa2048: Self = Self(0i32); pub const EcdsaP256: Self = Self(1i32); pub const AnyExisting: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TokenBindingKeyType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TokenBindingKeyType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TokenBindingKeyType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TokenBindingKeyType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -215,7 +204,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for TokenBindingKeyType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.Authentication.Web.TokenBindingKeyType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WebAuthenticationOptions(pub u32); impl WebAuthenticationOptions { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -224,17 +213,6 @@ impl WebAuthenticationOptions { pub const UseHttpPost: Self = Self(4u32); pub const UseCorporateNetwork: Self = Self(8u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WebAuthenticationOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WebAuthenticationOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WebAuthenticationOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WebAuthenticationOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -280,24 +258,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for WebAuthenticationOptions { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.Authentication.Web.WebAuthenticationOptions;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WebAuthenticationStatus(pub i32); impl WebAuthenticationStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); pub const UserCancel: Self = Self(1i32); pub const ErrorHttp: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WebAuthenticationStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WebAuthenticationStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WebAuthenticationStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WebAuthenticationStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/Authorization/AppCapabilityAccess/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/Authorization/AppCapabilityAccess/ index 2ac07b99d8..462a4159ef 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/Authorization/AppCapabilityAccess/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/Authorization/AppCapabilityAccess/ @@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for AppCapabilityAccessChangedEventArgs { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for AppCapabilityAccessChangedEventArgs {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for AppCapabilityAccessChangedEventArgs {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppCapabilityAccessStatus(pub i32); impl AppCapabilityAccessStatus { pub const DeniedBySystem: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -231,17 +231,6 @@ impl AppCapabilityAccessStatus { pub const UserPromptRequired: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Allowed: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppCapabilityAccessStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppCapabilityAccessStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppCapabilityAccessStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppCapabilityAccessStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/Credentials/UI/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/Credentials/UI/ index 0bac191198..ed60d4fa69 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/Credentials/UI/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/Credentials/UI/ @@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for UserConsentVerifier { const NAME: &'static str = "Windows.Security.Credentials.UI.UserConsentVerifier"; } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AuthenticationProtocol(pub i32); impl AuthenticationProtocol { pub const Basic: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -377,17 +377,6 @@ impl AuthenticationProtocol { pub const CredSsp: Self = Self(5i32); pub const Custom: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AuthenticationProtocol {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AuthenticationProtocol { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AuthenticationProtocol { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AuthenticationProtocol { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -400,24 +389,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AuthenticationProtocol { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.Credentials.UI.AuthenticationProtocol;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CredentialSaveOption(pub i32); impl CredentialSaveOption { pub const Unselected: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Selected: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Hidden: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CredentialSaveOption {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CredentialSaveOption { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CredentialSaveOption { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CredentialSaveOption { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -430,7 +408,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CredentialSaveOption { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.Credentials.UI.CredentialSaveOption;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UserConsentVerificationResult(pub i32); impl UserConsentVerificationResult { pub const Verified: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -441,17 +419,6 @@ impl UserConsentVerificationResult { pub const RetriesExhausted: Self = Self(5i32); pub const Canceled: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UserConsentVerificationResult {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UserConsentVerificationResult { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UserConsentVerificationResult { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UserConsentVerificationResult { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -464,7 +431,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for UserConsentVerificationResult { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.Credentials.UI.UserConsentVerificationResult;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UserConsentVerifierAvailability(pub i32); impl UserConsentVerifierAvailability { pub const Available: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -473,17 +440,6 @@ impl UserConsentVerifierAvailability { pub const DisabledByPolicy: Self = Self(3i32); pub const DeviceBusy: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UserConsentVerifierAvailability {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UserConsentVerifierAvailability { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UserConsentVerifierAvailability { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UserConsentVerifierAvailability { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/Credentials/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/Credentials/ index 50b9fb7f16..553472433b 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/Credentials/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/Credentials/ @@ -1068,7 +1068,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for WebAccountProvider { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for WebAccountProvider {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for WebAccountProvider {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KeyCredentialAttestationStatus(pub i32); impl KeyCredentialAttestationStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1076,17 +1076,6 @@ impl KeyCredentialAttestationStatus { pub const NotSupported: Self = Self(2i32); pub const TemporaryFailure: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KeyCredentialAttestationStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KeyCredentialAttestationStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KeyCredentialAttestationStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KeyCredentialAttestationStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1099,23 +1088,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for KeyCredentialAttestationStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.Credentials.KeyCredentialAttestationStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KeyCredentialCreationOption(pub i32); impl KeyCredentialCreationOption { pub const ReplaceExisting: Self = Self(0i32); pub const FailIfExists: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KeyCredentialCreationOption {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KeyCredentialCreationOption { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KeyCredentialCreationOption { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KeyCredentialCreationOption { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1128,7 +1106,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for KeyCredentialCreationOption { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.Credentials.KeyCredentialCreationOption;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KeyCredentialStatus(pub i32); impl KeyCredentialStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1139,17 +1117,6 @@ impl KeyCredentialStatus { pub const CredentialAlreadyExists: Self = Self(5i32); pub const SecurityDeviceLocked: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KeyCredentialStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KeyCredentialStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KeyCredentialStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KeyCredentialStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1162,7 +1129,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for KeyCredentialStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.Credentials.KeyCredentialStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WebAccountPictureSize(pub i32); impl WebAccountPictureSize { pub const Size64x64: Self = Self(64i32); @@ -1170,17 +1137,6 @@ impl WebAccountPictureSize { pub const Size424x424: Self = Self(424i32); pub const Size1080x1080: Self = Self(1080i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WebAccountPictureSize {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WebAccountPictureSize { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WebAccountPictureSize { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WebAccountPictureSize { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1193,24 +1149,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for WebAccountPictureSize { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.Credentials.WebAccountPictureSize;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WebAccountState(pub i32); impl WebAccountState { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Connected: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Error: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WebAccountState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WebAccountState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WebAccountState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WebAccountState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/Cryptography/Certificates/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/Cryptography/Certificates/ index f31f0b1fec..579c445993 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/Cryptography/Certificates/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/Cryptography/Certificates/ @@ -2886,7 +2886,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for UserCertificateStore { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for UserCertificateStore {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for UserCertificateStore {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CertificateChainPolicy(pub i32); impl CertificateChainPolicy { pub const Base: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2894,17 +2894,6 @@ impl CertificateChainPolicy { pub const NTAuthentication: Self = Self(2i32); pub const MicrosoftRoot: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CertificateChainPolicy {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CertificateChainPolicy { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CertificateChainPolicy { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CertificateChainPolicy { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2917,7 +2906,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CertificateChainPolicy { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.Cryptography.Certificates.CertificateChainPolicy;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ChainValidationResult(pub i32); impl ChainValidationResult { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2935,17 +2924,6 @@ impl ChainValidationResult { pub const RevocationFailure: Self = Self(12i32); pub const OtherErrors: Self = Self(13i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ChainValidationResult {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ChainValidationResult { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ChainValidationResult { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ChainValidationResult { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2958,7 +2936,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ChainValidationResult { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.Cryptography.Certificates.ChainValidationResult;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EnrollKeyUsages(pub u32); impl EnrollKeyUsages { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -2967,17 +2945,6 @@ impl EnrollKeyUsages { pub const KeyAgreement: Self = Self(4u32); pub const All: Self = Self(16777215u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EnrollKeyUsages {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EnrollKeyUsages { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EnrollKeyUsages { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EnrollKeyUsages { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3023,23 +2990,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for EnrollKeyUsages { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.Cryptography.Certificates.EnrollKeyUsages;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ExportOption(pub i32); impl ExportOption { pub const NotExportable: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Exportable: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ExportOption {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ExportOption { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ExportOption { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ExportOption { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3052,23 +3008,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ExportOption { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.Cryptography.Certificates.ExportOption;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InstallOptions(pub u32); impl InstallOptions { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); pub const DeleteExpired: Self = Self(1u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InstallOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InstallOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InstallOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InstallOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3114,7 +3059,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for InstallOptions { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.Cryptography.Certificates.InstallOptions;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KeyProtectionLevel(pub i32); impl KeyProtectionLevel { pub const NoConsent: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3122,17 +3067,6 @@ impl KeyProtectionLevel { pub const ConsentWithPassword: Self = Self(2i32); pub const ConsentWithFingerprint: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KeyProtectionLevel {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KeyProtectionLevel { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KeyProtectionLevel { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KeyProtectionLevel { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3145,24 +3079,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for KeyProtectionLevel { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.Cryptography.Certificates.KeyProtectionLevel;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KeySize(pub i32); impl KeySize { pub const Invalid: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Rsa2048: Self = Self(2048i32); pub const Rsa4096: Self = Self(4096i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KeySize {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KeySize { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KeySize { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KeySize { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3175,7 +3098,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for KeySize { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.Cryptography.Certificates.KeySize;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SignatureValidationResult(pub i32); impl SignatureValidationResult { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3184,17 +3107,6 @@ impl SignatureValidationResult { pub const InvalidSignature: Self = Self(3i32); pub const OtherErrors: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SignatureValidationResult {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SignatureValidationResult { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SignatureValidationResult { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SignatureValidationResult { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/Cryptography/Core/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/Cryptography/Core/ index 2014d9fed5..073544bf48 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/Cryptography/Core/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/Cryptography/Core/ @@ -2314,23 +2314,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for SymmetricKeyAlgorithmProvider { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for SymmetricKeyAlgorithmProvider {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for SymmetricKeyAlgorithmProvider {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct Capi1KdfTargetAlgorithm(pub i32); impl Capi1KdfTargetAlgorithm { pub const NotAes: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Aes: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for Capi1KdfTargetAlgorithm {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for Capi1KdfTargetAlgorithm { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for Capi1KdfTargetAlgorithm { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for Capi1KdfTargetAlgorithm { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2343,7 +2332,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for Capi1KdfTargetAlgorithm { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.Cryptography.Core.Capi1KdfTargetAlgorithm;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CryptographicPadding(pub i32); impl CryptographicPadding { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2351,17 +2340,6 @@ impl CryptographicPadding { pub const RsaPkcs1V15: Self = Self(2i32); pub const RsaPss: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CryptographicPadding {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CryptographicPadding { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CryptographicPadding { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CryptographicPadding { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2374,7 +2352,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CryptographicPadding { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.Cryptography.Core.CryptographicPadding;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CryptographicPrivateKeyBlobType(pub i32); impl CryptographicPrivateKeyBlobType { pub const Pkcs8RawPrivateKeyInfo: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2383,17 +2361,6 @@ impl CryptographicPrivateKeyBlobType { pub const Capi1PrivateKey: Self = Self(3i32); pub const BCryptEccFullPrivateKey: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CryptographicPrivateKeyBlobType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CryptographicPrivateKeyBlobType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CryptographicPrivateKeyBlobType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CryptographicPrivateKeyBlobType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2406,7 +2373,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CryptographicPrivateKeyBlobType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.Cryptography.Core.CryptographicPrivateKeyBlobType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CryptographicPublicKeyBlobType(pub i32); impl CryptographicPublicKeyBlobType { pub const X509SubjectPublicKeyInfo: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2415,17 +2382,6 @@ impl CryptographicPublicKeyBlobType { pub const Capi1PublicKey: Self = Self(3i32); pub const BCryptEccFullPublicKey: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CryptographicPublicKeyBlobType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CryptographicPublicKeyBlobType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CryptographicPublicKeyBlobType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CryptographicPublicKeyBlobType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/Cryptography/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/Cryptography/ index 50a6e8f0d2..5d532e1479 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/Cryptography/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/Cryptography/ @@ -174,24 +174,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for CryptographicBuffer { const NAME: &'static str = "Windows.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicBuffer"; } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BinaryStringEncoding(pub i32); impl BinaryStringEncoding { pub const Utf8: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Utf16LE: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Utf16BE: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BinaryStringEncoding {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BinaryStringEncoding { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BinaryStringEncoding { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BinaryStringEncoding { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/DataProtection/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/DataProtection/ index 086422e5f2..4e7df09795 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/DataProtection/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/DataProtection/ @@ -306,24 +306,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for UserDataStorageItemProtectionInfo { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for UserDataStorageItemProtectionInfo {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for UserDataStorageItemProtectionInfo {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UserDataAvailability(pub i32); impl UserDataAvailability { pub const Always: Self = Self(0i32); pub const AfterFirstUnlock: Self = Self(1i32); pub const WhileUnlocked: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UserDataAvailability {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UserDataAvailability { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UserDataAvailability { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UserDataAvailability { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -336,23 +325,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for UserDataAvailability { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.DataProtection.UserDataAvailability;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UserDataBufferUnprotectStatus(pub i32); impl UserDataBufferUnprotectStatus { pub const Succeeded: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Unavailable: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UserDataBufferUnprotectStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UserDataBufferUnprotectStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UserDataBufferUnprotectStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UserDataBufferUnprotectStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -365,24 +343,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for UserDataBufferUnprotectStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.DataProtection.UserDataBufferUnprotectStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UserDataStorageItemProtectionStatus(pub i32); impl UserDataStorageItemProtectionStatus { pub const Succeeded: Self = Self(0i32); pub const NotProtectable: Self = Self(1i32); pub const DataUnavailable: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UserDataStorageItemProtectionStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UserDataStorageItemProtectionStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UserDataStorageItemProtectionStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UserDataStorageItemProtectionStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/EnterpriseData/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/EnterpriseData/ index 28869ad0d8..e97cd0ef2a 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/EnterpriseData/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/EnterpriseData/ @@ -1732,7 +1732,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::CanTryInto for ThreadN unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for ThreadNetworkContext {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for ThreadNetworkContext {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DataProtectionStatus(pub i32); impl DataProtectionStatus { pub const ProtectedToOtherIdentity: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1742,17 +1742,6 @@ impl DataProtectionStatus { pub const LicenseExpired: Self = Self(4i32); pub const AccessSuspended: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DataProtectionStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DataProtectionStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DataProtectionStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DataProtectionStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1765,7 +1754,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DataProtectionStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.EnterpriseData.DataProtectionStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EnforcementLevel(pub i32); impl EnforcementLevel { pub const NoProtection: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1773,17 +1762,6 @@ impl EnforcementLevel { pub const Override: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Block: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EnforcementLevel {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EnforcementLevel { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EnforcementLevel { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EnforcementLevel { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1796,7 +1774,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for EnforcementLevel { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.EnterpriseData.EnforcementLevel;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FileProtectionStatus(pub i32); impl FileProtectionStatus { pub const Undetermined: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1812,17 +1790,6 @@ impl FileProtectionStatus { pub const AccessSuspended: Self = Self(9i32); pub const FileInUse: Self = Self(10i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FileProtectionStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FileProtectionStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FileProtectionStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FileProtectionStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1835,7 +1802,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for FileProtectionStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.EnterpriseData.FileProtectionStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ProtectedImportExportStatus(pub i32); impl ProtectedImportExportStatus { pub const Ok: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1847,17 +1814,6 @@ impl ProtectedImportExportStatus { pub const LicenseExpired: Self = Self(6i32); pub const AccessSuspended: Self = Self(7i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ProtectedImportExportStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ProtectedImportExportStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ProtectedImportExportStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ProtectedImportExportStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1870,7 +1826,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ProtectedImportExportStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.EnterpriseData.ProtectedImportExportStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ProtectionPolicyAuditAction(pub i32); impl ProtectionPolicyAuditAction { pub const Decrypt: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1878,17 +1834,6 @@ impl ProtectionPolicyAuditAction { pub const SendToRecipient: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Other: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ProtectionPolicyAuditAction {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ProtectionPolicyAuditAction { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ProtectionPolicyAuditAction { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ProtectionPolicyAuditAction { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1901,24 +1846,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ProtectionPolicyAuditAction { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.EnterpriseData.ProtectionPolicyAuditAction;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ProtectionPolicyEvaluationResult(pub i32); impl ProtectionPolicyEvaluationResult { pub const Allowed: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Blocked: Self = Self(1i32); pub const ConsentRequired: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ProtectionPolicyEvaluationResult {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ProtectionPolicyEvaluationResult { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ProtectionPolicyEvaluationResult { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ProtectionPolicyEvaluationResult { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1931,23 +1865,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ProtectionPolicyEvaluationResult { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.EnterpriseData.ProtectionPolicyEvaluationResult;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ProtectionPolicyRequestAccessBehavior(pub i32); impl ProtectionPolicyRequestAccessBehavior { pub const Decrypt: Self = Self(0i32); pub const TreatOverridePolicyAsBlock: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ProtectionPolicyRequestAccessBehavior {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ProtectionPolicyRequestAccessBehavior { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ProtectionPolicyRequestAccessBehavior { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ProtectionPolicyRequestAccessBehavior { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/ExchangeActiveSyncProvisioning/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/ExchangeActiveSyncProvisioning/ index c0393eb0a7..4c48dc4f54 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/ExchangeActiveSyncProvisioning/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/ExchangeActiveSyncProvisioning/ @@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for EasComplianceResults { } ::windows_core::imp::interface_hierarchy!(EasComplianceResults, ::windows_core::IUnknown, ::windows_core::IInspectable); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EasDisallowConvenienceLogonResult(pub i32); impl EasDisallowConvenienceLogonResult { pub const NotEvaluated: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -414,17 +414,6 @@ impl EasDisallowConvenienceLogonResult { pub const CanBeCompliant: Self = Self(2i32); pub const RequestedPolicyIsStricter: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EasDisallowConvenienceLogonResult {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EasDisallowConvenienceLogonResult { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EasDisallowConvenienceLogonResult { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EasDisallowConvenienceLogonResult { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -437,24 +426,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for EasDisallowConvenienceLogonResult { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.ExchangeActiveSyncProvisioning.EasDisallowConvenienceLogonResult;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EasEncryptionProviderType(pub i32); impl EasEncryptionProviderType { pub const NotEvaluated: Self = Self(0i32); pub const WindowsEncryption: Self = Self(1i32); pub const OtherEncryption: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EasEncryptionProviderType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EasEncryptionProviderType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EasEncryptionProviderType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EasEncryptionProviderType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -467,7 +445,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for EasEncryptionProviderType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.ExchangeActiveSyncProvisioning.EasEncryptionProviderType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EasMaxInactivityTimeLockResult(pub i32); impl EasMaxInactivityTimeLockResult { pub const NotEvaluated: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -476,17 +454,6 @@ impl EasMaxInactivityTimeLockResult { pub const RequestedPolicyIsStricter: Self = Self(3i32); pub const InvalidParameter: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EasMaxInactivityTimeLockResult {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EasMaxInactivityTimeLockResult { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EasMaxInactivityTimeLockResult { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EasMaxInactivityTimeLockResult { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -499,7 +466,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for EasMaxInactivityTimeLockResult { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.ExchangeActiveSyncProvisioning.EasMaxInactivityTimeLockResult;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EasMaxPasswordFailedAttemptsResult(pub i32); impl EasMaxPasswordFailedAttemptsResult { pub const NotEvaluated: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -508,17 +475,6 @@ impl EasMaxPasswordFailedAttemptsResult { pub const RequestedPolicyIsStricter: Self = Self(3i32); pub const InvalidParameter: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EasMaxPasswordFailedAttemptsResult {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EasMaxPasswordFailedAttemptsResult { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EasMaxPasswordFailedAttemptsResult { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EasMaxPasswordFailedAttemptsResult { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -531,7 +487,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for EasMaxPasswordFailedAttemptsResult { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.ExchangeActiveSyncProvisioning.EasMaxPasswordFailedAttemptsResult;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EasMinPasswordComplexCharactersResult(pub i32); impl EasMinPasswordComplexCharactersResult { pub const NotEvaluated: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -550,17 +506,6 @@ impl EasMinPasswordComplexCharactersResult { pub const ChangeConnectedAdminsPassword: Self = Self(13i32); pub const ChangeConnectedUserPassword: Self = Self(14i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EasMinPasswordComplexCharactersResult {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EasMinPasswordComplexCharactersResult { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EasMinPasswordComplexCharactersResult { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EasMinPasswordComplexCharactersResult { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -573,7 +518,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for EasMinPasswordComplexCharactersResult { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.ExchangeActiveSyncProvisioning.EasMinPasswordComplexCharactersResult;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EasMinPasswordLengthResult(pub i32); impl EasMinPasswordLengthResult { pub const NotEvaluated: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -592,17 +537,6 @@ impl EasMinPasswordLengthResult { pub const ChangeConnectedAdminsPassword: Self = Self(13i32); pub const ChangeConnectedUserPassword: Self = Self(14i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EasMinPasswordLengthResult {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EasMinPasswordLengthResult { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EasMinPasswordLengthResult { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EasMinPasswordLengthResult { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -615,7 +549,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for EasMinPasswordLengthResult { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.ExchangeActiveSyncProvisioning.EasMinPasswordLengthResult;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EasPasswordExpirationResult(pub i32); impl EasPasswordExpirationResult { pub const NotEvaluated: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -628,17 +562,6 @@ impl EasPasswordExpirationResult { pub const AdminsCannotChangePassword: Self = Self(7i32); pub const LocalControlledUsersCannotChangePassword: Self = Self(8i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EasPasswordExpirationResult {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EasPasswordExpirationResult { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EasPasswordExpirationResult { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EasPasswordExpirationResult { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -651,7 +574,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for EasPasswordExpirationResult { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.ExchangeActiveSyncProvisioning.EasPasswordExpirationResult;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EasPasswordHistoryResult(pub i32); impl EasPasswordHistoryResult { pub const NotEvaluated: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -660,17 +583,6 @@ impl EasPasswordHistoryResult { pub const RequestedPolicyIsStricter: Self = Self(3i32); pub const InvalidParameter: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EasPasswordHistoryResult {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EasPasswordHistoryResult { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EasPasswordHistoryResult { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EasPasswordHistoryResult { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -683,7 +595,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for EasPasswordHistoryResult { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.ExchangeActiveSyncProvisioning.EasPasswordHistoryResult;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EasRequireEncryptionResult(pub i32); impl EasRequireEncryptionResult { pub const NotEvaluated: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -706,17 +618,6 @@ impl EasRequireEncryptionResult { pub const OsNotProtected: Self = Self(11i32); pub const UnexpectedFailure: Self = Self(12i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EasRequireEncryptionResult {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EasRequireEncryptionResult { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EasRequireEncryptionResult { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EasRequireEncryptionResult { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/Isolation/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/Isolation/ index 7b9648d36b..82d0a5627e 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/Isolation/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Security/Isolation/ @@ -1622,23 +1622,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for IsolatedWindowsHostMessenger { const NAME: &'static str = "Windows.Security.Isolation.IsolatedWindowsHostMessenger"; } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentActivator(pub i32); impl IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentActivator { pub const System: Self = Self(0i32); pub const User: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentActivator {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentActivator { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentActivator { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentActivator { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1651,7 +1640,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentActivator { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.Isolation.IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentActivator;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentAllowedClipboardFormats(pub u32); impl IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentAllowedClipboardFormats { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -1659,17 +1648,6 @@ impl IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentAllowedClipboardFormats { pub const Image: Self = Self(2u32); pub const Rtf: Self = Self(4u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentAllowedClipboardFormats {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentAllowedClipboardFormats { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentAllowedClipboardFormats { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentAllowedClipboardFormats { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1715,7 +1693,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentAllowedClipboardF const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.Isolation.IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentAllowedClipboardFormats;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentAvailablePrinters(pub u32); impl IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentAvailablePrinters { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -1724,17 +1702,6 @@ impl IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentAvailablePrinters { pub const SystemPrintToPdf: Self = Self(4u32); pub const SystemPrintToXps: Self = Self(8u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentAvailablePrinters {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentAvailablePrinters { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentAvailablePrinters { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentAvailablePrinters { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1780,24 +1747,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentAvailablePrinters const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.Isolation.IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentAvailablePrinters;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentClipboardCopyPasteDirections(pub u32); impl IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentClipboardCopyPasteDirections { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); pub const HostToIsolatedWindowsEnvironment: Self = Self(1u32); pub const IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentToHost: Self = Self(2u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentClipboardCopyPasteDirections {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentClipboardCopyPasteDirections { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentClipboardCopyPasteDirections { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentClipboardCopyPasteDirections { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1843,24 +1799,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentClipboardCopyPast const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.Isolation.IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentClipboardCopyPasteDirections;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentCreateStatus(pub i32); impl IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentCreateStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); pub const FailureByPolicy: Self = Self(1i32); pub const UnknownFailure: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentCreateStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentCreateStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentCreateStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentCreateStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1873,23 +1818,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentCreateStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.Isolation.IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentCreateStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentCreationPriority(pub i32); impl IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentCreationPriority { pub const Low: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Normal: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentCreationPriority {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentCreationPriority { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentCreationPriority { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentCreationPriority { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1902,7 +1836,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentCreationPriority const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.Isolation.IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentCreationPriority;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentHostError(pub i32); impl IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentHostError { pub const AdminPolicyIsDisabledOrNotPresent: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1911,17 +1845,6 @@ impl IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentHostError { pub const RebootRequired: Self = Self(3i32); pub const UnknownError: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentHostError {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentHostError { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentHostError { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentHostError { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1934,7 +1857,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentHostError { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.Isolation.IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentHostError;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentLaunchFileStatus(pub i32); impl IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentLaunchFileStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1944,17 +1867,6 @@ impl IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentLaunchFileStatus { pub const TimedOut: Self = Self(4i32); pub const AlreadySharedWithConflictingOptions: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentLaunchFileStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentLaunchFileStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentLaunchFileStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentLaunchFileStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1967,7 +1879,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentLaunchFileStatus const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.Isolation.IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentLaunchFileStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentOwnerRegistrationStatus(pub i32); impl IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentOwnerRegistrationStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1976,17 +1888,6 @@ impl IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentOwnerRegistrationStatus { pub const InsufficientMemory: Self = Self(3i32); pub const UnknownFailure: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentOwnerRegistrationStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentOwnerRegistrationStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentOwnerRegistrationStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentOwnerRegistrationStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1999,24 +1900,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentOwnerRegistration const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.Isolation.IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentOwnerRegistrationStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentPostMessageStatus(pub i32); impl IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentPostMessageStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); pub const UnknownFailure: Self = Self(1i32); pub const EnvironmentUnavailable: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentPostMessageStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentPostMessageStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentPostMessageStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentPostMessageStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2029,24 +1919,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentPostMessageStatus const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.Isolation.IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentPostMessageStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentProcessState(pub i32); impl IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentProcessState { pub const Running: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Aborted: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Completed: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentProcessState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentProcessState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentProcessState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentProcessState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2059,7 +1938,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentProcessState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.Isolation.IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentProcessState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentProgressState(pub i32); impl IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentProgressState { pub const Queued: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2070,17 +1949,6 @@ impl IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentProgressState { pub const Starting: Self = Self(5i32); pub const Finalizing: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentProgressState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentProgressState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentProgressState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentProgressState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2093,7 +1961,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentProgressState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.Isolation.IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentProgressState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentShareFileStatus(pub i32); impl IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentShareFileStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2103,17 +1971,6 @@ impl IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentShareFileStatus { pub const FileNotFound: Self = Self(4i32); pub const AccessDenied: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentShareFileStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentShareFileStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentShareFileStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentShareFileStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2126,7 +1983,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentShareFileStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.Isolation.IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentShareFileStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentShareFolderStatus(pub i32); impl IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentShareFolderStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2135,17 +1992,6 @@ impl IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentShareFolderStatus { pub const FolderNotFound: Self = Self(3i32); pub const AccessDenied: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentShareFolderStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentShareFolderStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentShareFolderStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentShareFolderStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2158,7 +2004,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentShareFolderStatus const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.Isolation.IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentShareFolderStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentSignInProgress(pub i32); impl IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentSignInProgress { pub const Connecting: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2168,17 +2014,6 @@ impl IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentSignInProgress { pub const Finalizing: Self = Self(4i32); pub const Completed: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentSignInProgress {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentSignInProgress { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentSignInProgress { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentSignInProgress { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2191,7 +2026,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentSignInProgress { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Security.Isolation.IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentSignInProgress;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentStartProcessStatus(pub i32); impl IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentStartProcessStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2200,17 +2035,6 @@ impl IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentStartProcessStatus { pub const FileNotFound: Self = Self(3i32); pub const AppNotRegistered: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentStartProcessStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentStartProcessStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentStartProcessStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IsolatedWindowsEnvironmentStartProcessStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Services/Maps/Guidance/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Services/Maps/Guidance/ index ccd019dad7..0eb96df751 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Services/Maps/Guidance/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Services/Maps/Guidance/ @@ -1350,24 +1350,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for GuidanceUpdatedEventArgs { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for GuidanceUpdatedEventArgs {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for GuidanceUpdatedEventArgs {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GuidanceAudioMeasurementSystem(pub i32); impl GuidanceAudioMeasurementSystem { pub const Meters: Self = Self(0i32); pub const MilesAndYards: Self = Self(1i32); pub const MilesAndFeet: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GuidanceAudioMeasurementSystem {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GuidanceAudioMeasurementSystem { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GuidanceAudioMeasurementSystem { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GuidanceAudioMeasurementSystem { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1380,7 +1369,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for GuidanceAudioMeasurementSystem { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Services.Maps.Guidance.GuidanceAudioMeasurementSystem;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GuidanceAudioNotificationKind(pub i32); impl GuidanceAudioNotificationKind { pub const Maneuver: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1390,17 +1379,6 @@ impl GuidanceAudioNotificationKind { pub const Traffic: Self = Self(4i32); pub const TrafficCamera: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GuidanceAudioNotificationKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GuidanceAudioNotificationKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GuidanceAudioNotificationKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GuidanceAudioNotificationKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1413,7 +1391,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for GuidanceAudioNotificationKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Services.Maps.Guidance.GuidanceAudioNotificationKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GuidanceAudioNotifications(pub u32); impl GuidanceAudioNotifications { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -1424,17 +1402,6 @@ impl GuidanceAudioNotifications { pub const Traffic: Self = Self(16u32); pub const TrafficCamera: Self = Self(32u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GuidanceAudioNotifications {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GuidanceAudioNotifications { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GuidanceAudioNotifications { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GuidanceAudioNotifications { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1480,7 +1447,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for GuidanceAudioNotifications { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Services.Maps.Guidance.GuidanceAudioNotifications;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GuidanceLaneMarkers(pub u32); impl GuidanceLaneMarkers { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -1495,17 +1462,6 @@ impl GuidanceLaneMarkers { pub const UTurnRight: Self = Self(256u32); pub const Unknown: Self = Self(4294967295u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GuidanceLaneMarkers {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GuidanceLaneMarkers { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GuidanceLaneMarkers { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GuidanceLaneMarkers { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1551,7 +1507,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for GuidanceLaneMarkers { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Services.Maps.Guidance.GuidanceLaneMarkers;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GuidanceManeuverKind(pub i32); impl GuidanceManeuverKind { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1603,17 +1559,6 @@ impl GuidanceManeuverKind { pub const PassTransitStation: Self = Self(46i32); pub const LeaveTransitStation: Self = Self(47i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GuidanceManeuverKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GuidanceManeuverKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GuidanceManeuverKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GuidanceManeuverKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1626,7 +1571,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for GuidanceManeuverKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Services.Maps.Guidance.GuidanceManeuverKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GuidanceMode(pub i32); impl GuidanceMode { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1634,17 +1579,6 @@ impl GuidanceMode { pub const Navigation: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Tracking: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GuidanceMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GuidanceMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GuidanceMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GuidanceMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Services/Maps/LocalSearch/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Services/Maps/LocalSearch/ index 0cc51fa234..0bc8299996 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Services/Maps/LocalSearch/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Services/Maps/LocalSearch/ @@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for PlaceInfoHelper { const NAME: &'static str = "Windows.Services.Maps.LocalSearch.PlaceInfoHelper"; } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LocalLocationFinderStatus(pub i32); impl LocalLocationFinderStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -489,17 +489,6 @@ impl LocalLocationFinderStatus { pub const NetworkFailure: Self = Self(6i32); pub const NotSupported: Self = Self(7i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LocalLocationFinderStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LocalLocationFinderStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LocalLocationFinderStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LocalLocationFinderStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Services/Maps/OfflineMaps/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Services/Maps/OfflineMaps/ index 2187bd686b..5207c46190 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Services/Maps/OfflineMaps/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Services/Maps/OfflineMaps/ @@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for OfflineMapPackageStartDownloadResult { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for OfflineMapPackageStartDownloadResult {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for OfflineMapPackageStartDownloadResult {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OfflineMapPackageQueryStatus(pub i32); impl OfflineMapPackageQueryStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -262,17 +262,6 @@ impl OfflineMapPackageQueryStatus { pub const InvalidCredentials: Self = Self(2i32); pub const NetworkFailure: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OfflineMapPackageQueryStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OfflineMapPackageQueryStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OfflineMapPackageQueryStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OfflineMapPackageQueryStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -285,7 +274,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for OfflineMapPackageQueryStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Services.Maps.OfflineMaps.OfflineMapPackageQueryStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OfflineMapPackageStartDownloadStatus(pub i32); impl OfflineMapPackageStartDownloadStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -293,17 +282,6 @@ impl OfflineMapPackageStartDownloadStatus { pub const InvalidCredentials: Self = Self(2i32); pub const DeniedWithoutCapability: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OfflineMapPackageStartDownloadStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OfflineMapPackageStartDownloadStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OfflineMapPackageStartDownloadStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OfflineMapPackageStartDownloadStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -316,7 +294,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for OfflineMapPackageStartDownloadStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Services.Maps.OfflineMaps.OfflineMapPackageStartDownloadStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OfflineMapPackageStatus(pub i32); impl OfflineMapPackageStatus { pub const NotDownloaded: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -324,17 +302,6 @@ impl OfflineMapPackageStatus { pub const Downloaded: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Deleting: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OfflineMapPackageStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OfflineMapPackageStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OfflineMapPackageStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OfflineMapPackageStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Services/Maps/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Services/Maps/ index e7ba7e326b..934c201c46 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Services/Maps/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Services/Maps/ @@ -1933,7 +1933,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for PlaceInfoCreateOptions { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for PlaceInfoCreateOptions {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for PlaceInfoCreateOptions {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ManeuverWarningKind(pub i32); impl ManeuverWarningKind { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1973,17 +1973,6 @@ impl ManeuverWarningKind { pub const UnscheduledConstruction: Self = Self(34i32); pub const Weather: Self = Self(35i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ManeuverWarningKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ManeuverWarningKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ManeuverWarningKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ManeuverWarningKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1996,7 +1985,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ManeuverWarningKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Services.Maps.ManeuverWarningKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ManeuverWarningSeverity(pub i32); impl ManeuverWarningSeverity { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2005,17 +1994,6 @@ impl ManeuverWarningSeverity { pub const Moderate: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Serious: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ManeuverWarningSeverity {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ManeuverWarningSeverity { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ManeuverWarningSeverity { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ManeuverWarningSeverity { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2028,23 +2006,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ManeuverWarningSeverity { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Services.Maps.ManeuverWarningSeverity;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MapLocationDesiredAccuracy(pub i32); impl MapLocationDesiredAccuracy { pub const High: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Low: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MapLocationDesiredAccuracy {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MapLocationDesiredAccuracy { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MapLocationDesiredAccuracy { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MapLocationDesiredAccuracy { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2057,7 +2024,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MapLocationDesiredAccuracy { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Services.Maps.MapLocationDesiredAccuracy;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MapLocationFinderStatus(pub i32); impl MapLocationFinderStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2068,17 +2035,6 @@ impl MapLocationFinderStatus { pub const NetworkFailure: Self = Self(5i32); pub const NotSupported: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MapLocationFinderStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MapLocationFinderStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MapLocationFinderStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MapLocationFinderStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2091,24 +2047,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MapLocationFinderStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Services.Maps.MapLocationFinderStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MapManeuverNotices(pub u32); impl MapManeuverNotices { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); pub const Toll: Self = Self(1u32); pub const Unpaved: Self = Self(2u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MapManeuverNotices {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MapManeuverNotices { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MapManeuverNotices { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MapManeuverNotices { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2154,7 +2099,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MapManeuverNotices { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Services.Maps.MapManeuverNotices;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MapRouteFinderStatus(pub i32); impl MapRouteFinderStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2168,17 +2113,6 @@ impl MapRouteFinderStatus { pub const NetworkFailure: Self = Self(8i32); pub const NotSupported: Self = Self(9i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MapRouteFinderStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MapRouteFinderStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MapRouteFinderStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MapRouteFinderStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2191,7 +2125,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MapRouteFinderStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Services.Maps.MapRouteFinderStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MapRouteManeuverKind(pub i32); impl MapRouteManeuverKind { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2220,17 +2154,6 @@ impl MapRouteManeuverKind { pub const TrafficCircleRight: Self = Self(23i32); pub const TakeFerry: Self = Self(24i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MapRouteManeuverKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MapRouteManeuverKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MapRouteManeuverKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MapRouteManeuverKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2243,7 +2166,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MapRouteManeuverKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Services.Maps.MapRouteManeuverKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MapRouteOptimization(pub i32); impl MapRouteOptimization { pub const Time: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2251,17 +2174,6 @@ impl MapRouteOptimization { pub const TimeWithTraffic: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Scenic: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MapRouteOptimization {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MapRouteOptimization { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MapRouteOptimization { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MapRouteOptimization { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2274,7 +2186,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MapRouteOptimization { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Services.Maps.MapRouteOptimization;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MapRouteRestrictions(pub u32); impl MapRouteRestrictions { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -2285,17 +2197,6 @@ impl MapRouteRestrictions { pub const DirtRoads: Self = Self(16u32); pub const Motorail: Self = Self(32u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MapRouteRestrictions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MapRouteRestrictions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MapRouteRestrictions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MapRouteRestrictions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2341,23 +2242,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MapRouteRestrictions { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Services.Maps.MapRouteRestrictions;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MapServiceDataUsagePreference(pub i32); impl MapServiceDataUsagePreference { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); pub const OfflineMapDataOnly: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MapServiceDataUsagePreference {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MapServiceDataUsagePreference { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MapServiceDataUsagePreference { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MapServiceDataUsagePreference { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2370,7 +2260,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MapServiceDataUsagePreference { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Services.Maps.MapServiceDataUsagePreference;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TrafficCongestion(pub i32); impl TrafficCongestion { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2379,17 +2269,6 @@ impl TrafficCongestion { pub const Medium: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Heavy: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TrafficCongestion {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TrafficCongestion { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TrafficCongestion { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TrafficCongestion { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2402,23 +2281,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for TrafficCongestion { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Services.Maps.TrafficCongestion;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WaypointKind(pub i32); impl WaypointKind { pub const Stop: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Via: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WaypointKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WaypointKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WaypointKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WaypointKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Services/Store/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Services/Store/ index 0000a30efb..ac6a1e2c1a 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Services/Store/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Services/Store/ @@ -3140,7 +3140,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for StoreVideo { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for StoreVideo {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for StoreVideo {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct StoreCanLicenseStatus(pub i32); impl StoreCanLicenseStatus { pub const NotLicensableToUser: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3149,17 +3149,6 @@ impl StoreCanLicenseStatus { pub const NetworkError: Self = Self(3i32); pub const ServerError: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for StoreCanLicenseStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for StoreCanLicenseStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for StoreCanLicenseStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for StoreCanLicenseStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3172,7 +3161,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for StoreCanLicenseStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Services.Store.StoreCanLicenseStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct StoreConsumableStatus(pub i32); impl StoreConsumableStatus { pub const Succeeded: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3180,17 +3169,6 @@ impl StoreConsumableStatus { pub const NetworkError: Self = Self(2i32); pub const ServerError: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for StoreConsumableStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for StoreConsumableStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for StoreConsumableStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for StoreConsumableStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3203,7 +3181,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for StoreConsumableStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Services.Store.StoreConsumableStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct StoreDurationUnit(pub i32); impl StoreDurationUnit { pub const Minute: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3213,17 +3191,6 @@ impl StoreDurationUnit { pub const Month: Self = Self(4i32); pub const Year: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for StoreDurationUnit {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for StoreDurationUnit { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for StoreDurationUnit { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for StoreDurationUnit { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3236,7 +3203,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for StoreDurationUnit { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Services.Store.StoreDurationUnit;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct StorePackageUpdateState(pub i32); impl StorePackageUpdateState { pub const Pending: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3249,17 +3216,6 @@ impl StorePackageUpdateState { pub const ErrorWiFiRecommended: Self = Self(7i32); pub const ErrorWiFiRequired: Self = Self(8i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for StorePackageUpdateState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for StorePackageUpdateState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for StorePackageUpdateState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for StorePackageUpdateState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3272,7 +3228,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for StorePackageUpdateState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Services.Store.StorePackageUpdateState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct StorePurchaseStatus(pub i32); impl StorePurchaseStatus { pub const Succeeded: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3281,17 +3237,6 @@ impl StorePurchaseStatus { pub const NetworkError: Self = Self(3i32); pub const ServerError: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for StorePurchaseStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for StorePurchaseStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for StorePurchaseStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for StorePurchaseStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3304,7 +3249,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for StorePurchaseStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Services.Store.StorePurchaseStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct StoreQueueItemExtendedState(pub i32); impl StoreQueueItemExtendedState { pub const ActivePending: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3323,17 +3268,6 @@ impl StoreQueueItemExtendedState { pub const PausedWiFiRequired: Self = Self(13i32); pub const PausedReadyToInstall: Self = Self(14i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for StoreQueueItemExtendedState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for StoreQueueItemExtendedState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for StoreQueueItemExtendedState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for StoreQueueItemExtendedState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3346,24 +3280,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for StoreQueueItemExtendedState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Services.Store.StoreQueueItemExtendedState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct StoreQueueItemKind(pub i32); impl StoreQueueItemKind { pub const Install: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Update: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Repair: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for StoreQueueItemKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for StoreQueueItemKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for StoreQueueItemKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for StoreQueueItemKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3376,7 +3299,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for StoreQueueItemKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Services.Store.StoreQueueItemKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct StoreQueueItemState(pub i32); impl StoreQueueItemState { pub const Active: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3385,17 +3308,6 @@ impl StoreQueueItemState { pub const Error: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Paused: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for StoreQueueItemState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for StoreQueueItemState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for StoreQueueItemState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for StoreQueueItemState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3408,7 +3320,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for StoreQueueItemState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Services.Store.StoreQueueItemState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct StoreRateAndReviewStatus(pub i32); impl StoreRateAndReviewStatus { pub const Succeeded: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3416,17 +3328,6 @@ impl StoreRateAndReviewStatus { pub const NetworkError: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Error: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for StoreRateAndReviewStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for StoreRateAndReviewStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for StoreRateAndReviewStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for StoreRateAndReviewStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3439,7 +3340,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for StoreRateAndReviewStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Services.Store.StoreRateAndReviewStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct StoreUninstallStorePackageStatus(pub i32); impl StoreUninstallStorePackageStatus { pub const Succeeded: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3448,17 +3349,6 @@ impl StoreUninstallStorePackageStatus { pub const UninstallNotApplicable: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Error: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for StoreUninstallStorePackageStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for StoreUninstallStorePackageStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for StoreUninstallStorePackageStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for StoreUninstallStorePackageStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Services/TargetedContent/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Services/TargetedContent/ index 0e908334a9..956d1a4ce8 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Services/TargetedContent/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Services/TargetedContent/ @@ -1112,24 +1112,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for TargetedContentValue { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for TargetedContentValue {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for TargetedContentValue {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TargetedContentAppInstallationState(pub i32); impl TargetedContentAppInstallationState { pub const NotApplicable: Self = Self(0i32); pub const NotInstalled: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Installed: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TargetedContentAppInstallationState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TargetedContentAppInstallationState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TargetedContentAppInstallationState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TargetedContentAppInstallationState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1142,24 +1131,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for TargetedContentAppInstallationState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Services.TargetedContent.TargetedContentAppInstallationState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TargetedContentAvailability(pub i32); impl TargetedContentAvailability { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Partial: Self = Self(1i32); pub const All: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TargetedContentAvailability {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TargetedContentAvailability { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TargetedContentAvailability { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TargetedContentAvailability { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1172,7 +1150,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for TargetedContentAvailability { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Services.TargetedContent.TargetedContentAvailability;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TargetedContentInteraction(pub i32); impl TargetedContentInteraction { pub const Impression: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1189,17 +1167,6 @@ impl TargetedContentInteraction { pub const Conversion: Self = Self(11i32); pub const Opportunity: Self = Self(12i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TargetedContentInteraction {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TargetedContentInteraction { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TargetedContentInteraction { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TargetedContentInteraction { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1212,24 +1179,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for TargetedContentInteraction { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Services.TargetedContent.TargetedContentInteraction;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TargetedContentObjectKind(pub i32); impl TargetedContentObjectKind { pub const Collection: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Item: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Value: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TargetedContentObjectKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TargetedContentObjectKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TargetedContentObjectKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TargetedContentObjectKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1242,7 +1198,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for TargetedContentObjectKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Services.TargetedContent.TargetedContentObjectKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TargetedContentValueKind(pub i32); impl TargetedContentValueKind { pub const String: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1260,17 +1216,6 @@ impl TargetedContentValueKind { pub const ImageFiles: Self = Self(12i32); pub const Actions: Self = Self(13i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TargetedContentValueKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TargetedContentValueKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TargetedContentValueKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TargetedContentValueKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Storage/AccessCache/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Storage/AccessCache/ index 11468148b3..c9ae1a2ff7 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Storage/AccessCache/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Storage/AccessCache/ @@ -717,7 +717,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for StorageItemMostRecentlyUsedList { ::windows_core::imp::interface_hierarchy!(StorageItemMostRecentlyUsedList, ::windows_core::IUnknown, ::windows_core::IInspectable); impl ::windows_core::CanTryInto for StorageItemMostRecentlyUsedList {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AccessCacheOptions(pub u32); impl AccessCacheOptions { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -726,17 +726,6 @@ impl AccessCacheOptions { pub const UseReadOnlyCachedCopy: Self = Self(4u32); pub const SuppressAccessTimeUpdate: Self = Self(8u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AccessCacheOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AccessCacheOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AccessCacheOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AccessCacheOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -782,23 +771,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AccessCacheOptions { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Storage.AccessCache.AccessCacheOptions;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RecentStorageItemVisibility(pub i32); impl RecentStorageItemVisibility { pub const AppOnly: Self = Self(0i32); pub const AppAndSystem: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RecentStorageItemVisibility {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RecentStorageItemVisibility { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RecentStorageItemVisibility { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RecentStorageItemVisibility { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Storage/Compression/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Storage/Compression/ index 217c4f53b3..8e251e720c 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Storage/Compression/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Storage/Compression/ @@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::CanTryInto for Decompressor { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for Decompressor {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for Decompressor {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CompressAlgorithm(pub i32); impl CompressAlgorithm { pub const InvalidAlgorithm: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -245,17 +245,6 @@ impl CompressAlgorithm { pub const XpressHuff: Self = Self(4i32); pub const Lzms: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CompressAlgorithm {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CompressAlgorithm { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CompressAlgorithm { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CompressAlgorithm { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Storage/FileProperties/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Storage/FileProperties/ index c4512af49c..89aa2ec61b 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Storage/FileProperties/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Storage/FileProperties/ @@ -1338,7 +1338,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for VideoProperties { ::windows_core::imp::interface_hierarchy!(VideoProperties, ::windows_core::IUnknown, ::windows_core::IInspectable); impl ::windows_core::CanTryInto for VideoProperties {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PhotoOrientation(pub i32); impl PhotoOrientation { pub const Unspecified: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1351,17 +1351,6 @@ impl PhotoOrientation { pub const Transverse: Self = Self(7i32); pub const Rotate90: Self = Self(8i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PhotoOrientation {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PhotoOrientation { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PhotoOrientation { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PhotoOrientation { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1374,7 +1363,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PhotoOrientation { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Storage.FileProperties.PhotoOrientation;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PropertyPrefetchOptions(pub u32); impl PropertyPrefetchOptions { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -1384,17 +1373,6 @@ impl PropertyPrefetchOptions { pub const DocumentProperties: Self = Self(8u32); pub const BasicProperties: Self = Self(16u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PropertyPrefetchOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PropertyPrefetchOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PropertyPrefetchOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PropertyPrefetchOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1440,7 +1418,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PropertyPrefetchOptions { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Storage.FileProperties.PropertyPrefetchOptions;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ThumbnailMode(pub i32); impl ThumbnailMode { pub const PicturesView: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1450,17 +1428,6 @@ impl ThumbnailMode { pub const ListView: Self = Self(4i32); pub const SingleItem: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ThumbnailMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ThumbnailMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ThumbnailMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ThumbnailMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1473,7 +1440,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ThumbnailMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Storage.FileProperties.ThumbnailMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ThumbnailOptions(pub u32); impl ThumbnailOptions { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -1481,17 +1448,6 @@ impl ThumbnailOptions { pub const ResizeThumbnail: Self = Self(2u32); pub const UseCurrentScale: Self = Self(4u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ThumbnailOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ThumbnailOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ThumbnailOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ThumbnailOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1537,23 +1493,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ThumbnailOptions { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Storage.FileProperties.ThumbnailOptions;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ThumbnailType(pub i32); impl ThumbnailType { pub const Image: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Icon: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ThumbnailType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ThumbnailType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ThumbnailType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ThumbnailType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1566,7 +1511,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ThumbnailType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Storage.FileProperties.ThumbnailType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VideoOrientation(pub i32); impl VideoOrientation { pub const Normal: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1574,17 +1519,6 @@ impl VideoOrientation { pub const Rotate180: Self = Self(180i32); pub const Rotate270: Self = Self(270i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VideoOrientation {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VideoOrientation { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VideoOrientation { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VideoOrientation { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Storage/Pickers/Provider/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Storage/Pickers/Provider/ index 23b04ab19b..5cacce14f8 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Storage/Pickers/Provider/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Storage/Pickers/Provider/ @@ -596,7 +596,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for TargetFileRequestedEventArgs { } ::windows_core::imp::interface_hierarchy!(TargetFileRequestedEventArgs, ::windows_core::IUnknown, ::windows_core::IInspectable); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AddFileResult(pub i32); impl AddFileResult { pub const Added: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -604,17 +604,6 @@ impl AddFileResult { pub const NotAllowed: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Unavailable: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AddFileResult {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AddFileResult { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AddFileResult { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AddFileResult { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -627,23 +616,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AddFileResult { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Storage.Pickers.Provider.AddFileResult;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FileSelectionMode(pub i32); impl FileSelectionMode { pub const Single: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Multiple: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FileSelectionMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FileSelectionMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FileSelectionMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FileSelectionMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -656,24 +634,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for FileSelectionMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Storage.Pickers.Provider.FileSelectionMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SetFileNameResult(pub i32); impl SetFileNameResult { pub const Succeeded: Self = Self(0i32); pub const NotAllowed: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Unavailable: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SetFileNameResult {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SetFileNameResult { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SetFileNameResult { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SetFileNameResult { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Storage/Pickers/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Storage/Pickers/ index 19a6dc71f8..7db4fc4491 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Storage/Pickers/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Storage/Pickers/ @@ -1148,7 +1148,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for FolderPicker { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for FolderPicker {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for FolderPicker {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PickerLocationId(pub i32); impl PickerLocationId { pub const DocumentsLibrary: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1162,17 +1162,6 @@ impl PickerLocationId { pub const Objects3D: Self = Self(8i32); pub const Unspecified: Self = Self(9i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PickerLocationId {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PickerLocationId { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PickerLocationId { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PickerLocationId { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1185,23 +1174,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PickerLocationId { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Storage.Pickers.PickerLocationId;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PickerViewMode(pub i32); impl PickerViewMode { pub const List: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Thumbnail: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PickerViewMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PickerViewMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PickerViewMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PickerViewMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Storage/Provider/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Storage/Provider/ index f3429f28da..f4dfd0af04 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Storage/Provider/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Storage/Provider/ @@ -2036,7 +2036,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for StorageProviderSyncRootManager { const NAME: &'static str = "Windows.Storage.Provider.StorageProviderSyncRootManager"; } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CachedFileOptions(pub u32); impl CachedFileOptions { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -2044,17 +2044,6 @@ impl CachedFileOptions { pub const UseCachedFileWhenOffline: Self = Self(2u32); pub const DenyAccessWhenOffline: Self = Self(4u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CachedFileOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CachedFileOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CachedFileOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CachedFileOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2100,23 +2089,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CachedFileOptions { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Storage.Provider.CachedFileOptions;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CachedFileTarget(pub i32); impl CachedFileTarget { pub const Local: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Remote: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CachedFileTarget {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CachedFileTarget { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CachedFileTarget { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CachedFileTarget { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2129,7 +2107,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CachedFileTarget { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Storage.Provider.CachedFileTarget;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FileUpdateStatus(pub i32); impl FileUpdateStatus { pub const Incomplete: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2139,17 +2117,6 @@ impl FileUpdateStatus { pub const Failed: Self = Self(4i32); pub const CompleteAndRenamed: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FileUpdateStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FileUpdateStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FileUpdateStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FileUpdateStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2162,23 +2129,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for FileUpdateStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Storage.Provider.FileUpdateStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ReadActivationMode(pub i32); impl ReadActivationMode { pub const NotNeeded: Self = Self(0i32); pub const BeforeAccess: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ReadActivationMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ReadActivationMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ReadActivationMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ReadActivationMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2191,23 +2147,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ReadActivationMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Storage.Provider.ReadActivationMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct StorageProviderHardlinkPolicy(pub u32); impl StorageProviderHardlinkPolicy { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); pub const Allowed: Self = Self(1u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for StorageProviderHardlinkPolicy {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for StorageProviderHardlinkPolicy { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for StorageProviderHardlinkPolicy { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for StorageProviderHardlinkPolicy { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2253,7 +2198,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for StorageProviderHardlinkPolicy { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Storage.Provider.StorageProviderHardlinkPolicy;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct StorageProviderHydrationPolicy(pub i32); impl StorageProviderHydrationPolicy { pub const Partial: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2261,17 +2206,6 @@ impl StorageProviderHydrationPolicy { pub const Full: Self = Self(2i32); pub const AlwaysFull: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for StorageProviderHydrationPolicy {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for StorageProviderHydrationPolicy { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for StorageProviderHydrationPolicy { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for StorageProviderHydrationPolicy { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2284,7 +2218,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for StorageProviderHydrationPolicy { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Storage.Provider.StorageProviderHydrationPolicy;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct StorageProviderHydrationPolicyModifier(pub u32); impl StorageProviderHydrationPolicyModifier { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -2293,17 +2227,6 @@ impl StorageProviderHydrationPolicyModifier { pub const AutoDehydrationAllowed: Self = Self(4u32); pub const AllowFullRestartHydration: Self = Self(8u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for StorageProviderHydrationPolicyModifier {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for StorageProviderHydrationPolicyModifier { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for StorageProviderHydrationPolicyModifier { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for StorageProviderHydrationPolicyModifier { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2349,7 +2272,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for StorageProviderHydrationPolicyModifier { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Storage.Provider.StorageProviderHydrationPolicyModifier;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct StorageProviderInSyncPolicy(pub u32); impl StorageProviderInSyncPolicy { pub const Default: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -2365,17 +2288,6 @@ impl StorageProviderInSyncPolicy { pub const DirectoryLastWriteTime: Self = Self(512u32); pub const PreserveInsyncForSyncEngine: Self = Self(2147483648u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for StorageProviderInSyncPolicy {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for StorageProviderInSyncPolicy { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for StorageProviderInSyncPolicy { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for StorageProviderInSyncPolicy { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2421,24 +2333,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for StorageProviderInSyncPolicy { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Storage.Provider.StorageProviderInSyncPolicy;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct StorageProviderKnownFolderSyncStatus(pub i32); impl StorageProviderKnownFolderSyncStatus { pub const Available: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Enrolling: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Enrolled: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for StorageProviderKnownFolderSyncStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for StorageProviderKnownFolderSyncStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for StorageProviderKnownFolderSyncStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for StorageProviderKnownFolderSyncStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2451,23 +2352,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for StorageProviderKnownFolderSyncStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Storage.Provider.StorageProviderKnownFolderSyncStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct StorageProviderPopulationPolicy(pub i32); impl StorageProviderPopulationPolicy { pub const Full: Self = Self(1i32); pub const AlwaysFull: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for StorageProviderPopulationPolicy {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for StorageProviderPopulationPolicy { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for StorageProviderPopulationPolicy { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for StorageProviderPopulationPolicy { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2480,23 +2370,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for StorageProviderPopulationPolicy { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Storage.Provider.StorageProviderPopulationPolicy;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct StorageProviderProtectionMode(pub i32); impl StorageProviderProtectionMode { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Personal: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for StorageProviderProtectionMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for StorageProviderProtectionMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for StorageProviderProtectionMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for StorageProviderProtectionMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2509,7 +2388,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for StorageProviderProtectionMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Storage.Provider.StorageProviderProtectionMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct StorageProviderState(pub i32); impl StorageProviderState { pub const InSync: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2519,17 +2398,6 @@ impl StorageProviderState { pub const Warning: Self = Self(4i32); pub const Offline: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for StorageProviderState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for StorageProviderState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for StorageProviderState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for StorageProviderState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2542,24 +2410,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for StorageProviderState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Storage.Provider.StorageProviderState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct StorageProviderUICommandState(pub i32); impl StorageProviderUICommandState { pub const Enabled: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Disabled: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Hidden: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for StorageProviderUICommandState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for StorageProviderUICommandState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for StorageProviderUICommandState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for StorageProviderUICommandState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2572,24 +2429,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for StorageProviderUICommandState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Storage.Provider.StorageProviderUICommandState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct StorageProviderUriSourceStatus(pub i32); impl StorageProviderUriSourceStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); pub const NoSyncRoot: Self = Self(1i32); pub const FileNotFound: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for StorageProviderUriSourceStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for StorageProviderUriSourceStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for StorageProviderUriSourceStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for StorageProviderUriSourceStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2602,7 +2448,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for StorageProviderUriSourceStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Storage.Provider.StorageProviderUriSourceStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UIStatus(pub i32); impl UIStatus { pub const Unavailable: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2610,17 +2456,6 @@ impl UIStatus { pub const Visible: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Complete: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UIStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UIStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UIStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UIStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2633,24 +2468,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for UIStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Storage.Provider.UIStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WriteActivationMode(pub i32); impl WriteActivationMode { pub const ReadOnly: Self = Self(0i32); pub const NotNeeded: Self = Self(1i32); pub const AfterWrite: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WriteActivationMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WriteActivationMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WriteActivationMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WriteActivationMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Storage/Search/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Storage/Search/ index 694560cf5f..cd23283d7e 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Storage/Search/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Storage/Search/ @@ -1751,7 +1751,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for ValueAndLanguage { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for ValueAndLanguage {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for ValueAndLanguage {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CommonFileQuery(pub i32); impl CommonFileQuery { pub const DefaultQuery: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1761,17 +1761,6 @@ impl CommonFileQuery { pub const OrderBySearchRank: Self = Self(4i32); pub const OrderByDate: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CommonFileQuery {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CommonFileQuery { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CommonFileQuery { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CommonFileQuery { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1784,7 +1773,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CommonFileQuery { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Storage.Search.CommonFileQuery;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CommonFolderQuery(pub i32); impl CommonFolderQuery { pub const DefaultQuery: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1801,17 +1790,6 @@ impl CommonFolderQuery { pub const GroupByAuthor: Self = Self(110i32); pub const GroupByType: Self = Self(111i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CommonFolderQuery {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CommonFolderQuery { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CommonFolderQuery { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CommonFolderQuery { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1824,24 +1802,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CommonFolderQuery { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Storage.Search.CommonFolderQuery;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DateStackOption(pub i32); impl DateStackOption { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Year: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Month: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DateStackOption {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DateStackOption { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DateStackOption { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DateStackOption { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1854,23 +1821,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DateStackOption { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Storage.Search.DateStackOption;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FolderDepth(pub i32); impl FolderDepth { pub const Shallow: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Deep: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FolderDepth {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FolderDepth { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FolderDepth { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FolderDepth { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1883,7 +1839,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for FolderDepth { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Storage.Search.FolderDepth;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IndexedState(pub i32); impl IndexedState { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1891,17 +1847,6 @@ impl IndexedState { pub const PartiallyIndexed: Self = Self(2i32); pub const FullyIndexed: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IndexedState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IndexedState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IndexedState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IndexedState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1914,7 +1859,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for IndexedState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Storage.Search.IndexedState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IndexerOption(pub i32); impl IndexerOption { pub const UseIndexerWhenAvailable: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1922,17 +1867,6 @@ impl IndexerOption { pub const DoNotUseIndexer: Self = Self(2i32); pub const OnlyUseIndexerAndOptimizeForIndexedProperties: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IndexerOption {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IndexerOption { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IndexerOption { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IndexerOption { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Storage/Streams/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Storage/Streams/ index af358bb2d9..d72d93eac9 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Storage/Streams/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Storage/Streams/ @@ -2412,23 +2412,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::CanTryInto for RandomAccessSt unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for RandomAccessStreamReference {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for RandomAccessStreamReference {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ByteOrder(pub i32); impl ByteOrder { pub const LittleEndian: Self = Self(0i32); pub const BigEndian: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ByteOrder {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ByteOrder { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ByteOrder { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ByteOrder { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2441,7 +2430,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ByteOrder { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Storage.Streams.ByteOrder;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FileOpenDisposition(pub i32); impl FileOpenDisposition { pub const OpenExisting: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2450,17 +2439,6 @@ impl FileOpenDisposition { pub const CreateAlways: Self = Self(3i32); pub const TruncateExisting: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FileOpenDisposition {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FileOpenDisposition { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FileOpenDisposition { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FileOpenDisposition { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2473,24 +2451,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for FileOpenDisposition { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Storage.Streams.FileOpenDisposition;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InputStreamOptions(pub u32); impl InputStreamOptions { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); pub const Partial: Self = Self(1u32); pub const ReadAhead: Self = Self(2u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InputStreamOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InputStreamOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InputStreamOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InputStreamOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2536,24 +2503,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for InputStreamOptions { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Storage.Streams.InputStreamOptions;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UnicodeEncoding(pub i32); impl UnicodeEncoding { pub const Utf8: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Utf16LE: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Utf16BE: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UnicodeEncoding {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UnicodeEncoding { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UnicodeEncoding { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UnicodeEncoding { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Storage/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Storage/ index ce76465cb6..f03e73d4dc 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Storage/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Storage/ @@ -5682,23 +5682,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for UserDataPaths { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for UserDataPaths {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for UserDataPaths {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ApplicationDataCreateDisposition(pub i32); impl ApplicationDataCreateDisposition { pub const Always: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Existing: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ApplicationDataCreateDisposition {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ApplicationDataCreateDisposition { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ApplicationDataCreateDisposition { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ApplicationDataCreateDisposition { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5711,7 +5700,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ApplicationDataCreateDisposition { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Storage.ApplicationDataCreateDisposition;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ApplicationDataLocality(pub i32); impl ApplicationDataLocality { pub const Local: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -5720,17 +5709,6 @@ impl ApplicationDataLocality { pub const LocalCache: Self = Self(3i32); pub const SharedLocal: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ApplicationDataLocality {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ApplicationDataLocality { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ApplicationDataLocality { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ApplicationDataLocality { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5743,7 +5721,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ApplicationDataLocality { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Storage.ApplicationDataLocality;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CreationCollisionOption(pub i32); impl CreationCollisionOption { pub const GenerateUniqueName: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -5751,17 +5729,6 @@ impl CreationCollisionOption { pub const FailIfExists: Self = Self(2i32); pub const OpenIfExists: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CreationCollisionOption {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CreationCollisionOption { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CreationCollisionOption { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CreationCollisionOption { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5774,23 +5741,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CreationCollisionOption { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Storage.CreationCollisionOption;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FileAccessMode(pub i32); impl FileAccessMode { pub const Read: Self = Self(0i32); pub const ReadWrite: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FileAccessMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FileAccessMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FileAccessMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FileAccessMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5803,7 +5759,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for FileAccessMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Storage.FileAccessMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FileAttributes(pub u32); impl FileAttributes { pub const Normal: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -5813,17 +5769,6 @@ impl FileAttributes { pub const Temporary: Self = Self(256u32); pub const LocallyIncomplete: Self = Self(512u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FileAttributes {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FileAttributes { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FileAttributes { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FileAttributes { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5869,7 +5814,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for FileAttributes { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Storage.FileAttributes;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KnownFolderId(pub i32); impl KnownFolderId { pub const AppCaptures: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -5890,17 +5835,6 @@ impl KnownFolderId { pub const CurrentAppMods: Self = Self(15i32); pub const DownloadsFolder: Self = Self(16i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KnownFolderId {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KnownFolderId { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KnownFolderId { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KnownFolderId { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5913,7 +5847,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for KnownFolderId { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Storage.KnownFolderId;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KnownFoldersAccessStatus(pub i32); impl KnownFoldersAccessStatus { pub const DeniedBySystem: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -5923,17 +5857,6 @@ impl KnownFoldersAccessStatus { pub const Allowed: Self = Self(4i32); pub const AllowedPerAppFolder: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KnownFoldersAccessStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KnownFoldersAccessStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KnownFoldersAccessStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KnownFoldersAccessStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5946,7 +5869,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for KnownFoldersAccessStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Storage.KnownFoldersAccessStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KnownLibraryId(pub i32); impl KnownLibraryId { pub const Music: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -5954,17 +5877,6 @@ impl KnownLibraryId { pub const Videos: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Documents: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KnownLibraryId {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KnownLibraryId { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KnownLibraryId { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KnownLibraryId { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5977,24 +5889,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for KnownLibraryId { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Storage.KnownLibraryId;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NameCollisionOption(pub i32); impl NameCollisionOption { pub const GenerateUniqueName: Self = Self(0i32); pub const ReplaceExisting: Self = Self(1i32); pub const FailIfExists: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NameCollisionOption {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NameCollisionOption { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NameCollisionOption { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NameCollisionOption { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6007,23 +5908,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for NameCollisionOption { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Storage.NameCollisionOption;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct StorageDeleteOption(pub i32); impl StorageDeleteOption { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); pub const PermanentDelete: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for StorageDeleteOption {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for StorageDeleteOption { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for StorageDeleteOption { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for StorageDeleteOption { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6036,24 +5926,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for StorageDeleteOption { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Storage.StorageDeleteOption;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct StorageItemTypes(pub u32); impl StorageItemTypes { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); pub const File: Self = Self(1u32); pub const Folder: Self = Self(2u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for StorageItemTypes {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for StorageItemTypes { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for StorageItemTypes { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for StorageItemTypes { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6099,7 +5978,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for StorageItemTypes { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Storage.StorageItemTypes;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct StorageLibraryChangeType(pub i32); impl StorageLibraryChangeType { pub const Created: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -6113,17 +5992,6 @@ impl StorageLibraryChangeType { pub const EncryptionChanged: Self = Self(8i32); pub const ChangeTrackingLost: Self = Self(9i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for StorageLibraryChangeType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for StorageLibraryChangeType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for StorageLibraryChangeType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for StorageLibraryChangeType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6136,24 +6004,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for StorageLibraryChangeType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Storage.StorageLibraryChangeType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct StorageOpenOptions(pub u32); impl StorageOpenOptions { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); pub const AllowOnlyReaders: Self = Self(1u32); pub const AllowReadersAndWriters: Self = Self(2u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for StorageOpenOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for StorageOpenOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for StorageOpenOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for StorageOpenOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6199,24 +6056,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for StorageOpenOptions { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Storage.StorageOpenOptions;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct StreamedFileFailureMode(pub i32); impl StreamedFileFailureMode { pub const Failed: Self = Self(0i32); pub const CurrentlyUnavailable: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Incomplete: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for StreamedFileFailureMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for StreamedFileFailureMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for StreamedFileFailureMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for StreamedFileFailureMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/System/Diagnostics/DevicePortal/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/System/Diagnostics/DevicePortal/ index 9fcfc102e9..c69c4fd626 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/System/Diagnostics/DevicePortal/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/System/Diagnostics/DevicePortal/ @@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for DevicePortalConnectionRequestReceivedEventA unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for DevicePortalConnectionRequestReceivedEventArgs {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for DevicePortalConnectionRequestReceivedEventArgs {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DevicePortalConnectionClosedReason(pub i32); impl DevicePortalConnectionClosedReason { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -354,17 +354,6 @@ impl DevicePortalConnectionClosedReason { pub const UserNotPresent: Self = Self(4i32); pub const ServiceTerminated: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DevicePortalConnectionClosedReason {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DevicePortalConnectionClosedReason { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DevicePortalConnectionClosedReason { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DevicePortalConnectionClosedReason { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/System/Diagnostics/Telemetry/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/System/Diagnostics/Telemetry/ index 3384b47800..d3ffa5d361 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/System/Diagnostics/Telemetry/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/System/Diagnostics/Telemetry/ @@ -153,24 +153,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for PlatformTelemetryRegistrationSettings { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for PlatformTelemetryRegistrationSettings {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for PlatformTelemetryRegistrationSettings {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PlatformTelemetryRegistrationStatus(pub i32); impl PlatformTelemetryRegistrationStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); pub const SettingsOutOfRange: Self = Self(1i32); pub const UnknownFailure: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PlatformTelemetryRegistrationStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PlatformTelemetryRegistrationStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PlatformTelemetryRegistrationStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PlatformTelemetryRegistrationStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/System/Diagnostics/TraceReporting/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/System/Diagnostics/TraceReporting/ index af6e172221..4c00f5a28a 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/System/Diagnostics/TraceReporting/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/System/Diagnostics/TraceReporting/ @@ -233,24 +233,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for PlatformDiagnosticTraceRuntimeInfo { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for PlatformDiagnosticTraceRuntimeInfo {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for PlatformDiagnosticTraceRuntimeInfo {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PlatformDiagnosticActionState(pub i32); impl PlatformDiagnosticActionState { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); pub const FreeNetworkNotAvailable: Self = Self(1i32); pub const ACPowerNotAvailable: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PlatformDiagnosticActionState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PlatformDiagnosticActionState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PlatformDiagnosticActionState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PlatformDiagnosticActionState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -263,23 +252,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PlatformDiagnosticActionState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.System.Diagnostics.TraceReporting.PlatformDiagnosticActionState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PlatformDiagnosticEscalationType(pub i32); impl PlatformDiagnosticEscalationType { pub const OnCompletion: Self = Self(0i32); pub const OnFailure: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PlatformDiagnosticEscalationType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PlatformDiagnosticEscalationType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PlatformDiagnosticEscalationType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PlatformDiagnosticEscalationType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -292,24 +270,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PlatformDiagnosticEscalationType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.System.Diagnostics.TraceReporting.PlatformDiagnosticEscalationType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PlatformDiagnosticEventBufferLatencies(pub u32); impl PlatformDiagnosticEventBufferLatencies { pub const Normal: Self = Self(1u32); pub const CostDeferred: Self = Self(2u32); pub const Realtime: Self = Self(4u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PlatformDiagnosticEventBufferLatencies {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PlatformDiagnosticEventBufferLatencies { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PlatformDiagnosticEventBufferLatencies { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PlatformDiagnosticEventBufferLatencies { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -355,23 +322,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PlatformDiagnosticEventBufferLatencies { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.System.Diagnostics.TraceReporting.PlatformDiagnosticEventBufferLatencies;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PlatformDiagnosticTracePriority(pub i32); impl PlatformDiagnosticTracePriority { pub const Normal: Self = Self(0i32); pub const UserElevated: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PlatformDiagnosticTracePriority {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PlatformDiagnosticTracePriority { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PlatformDiagnosticTracePriority { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PlatformDiagnosticTracePriority { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -384,24 +340,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PlatformDiagnosticTracePriority { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.System.Diagnostics.TraceReporting.PlatformDiagnosticTracePriority;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PlatformDiagnosticTraceSlotState(pub i32); impl PlatformDiagnosticTraceSlotState { pub const NotRunning: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Running: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Throttled: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PlatformDiagnosticTraceSlotState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PlatformDiagnosticTraceSlotState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PlatformDiagnosticTraceSlotState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PlatformDiagnosticTraceSlotState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -414,24 +359,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PlatformDiagnosticTraceSlotState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.System.Diagnostics.TraceReporting.PlatformDiagnosticTraceSlotState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PlatformDiagnosticTraceSlotType(pub i32); impl PlatformDiagnosticTraceSlotType { pub const Alternative: Self = Self(0i32); pub const AlwaysOn: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Mini: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PlatformDiagnosticTraceSlotType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PlatformDiagnosticTraceSlotType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PlatformDiagnosticTraceSlotType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PlatformDiagnosticTraceSlotType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/System/Diagnostics/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/System/Diagnostics/ index 4ed6119085..619745a1f5 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/System/Diagnostics/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/System/Diagnostics/ @@ -1085,7 +1085,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for SystemMemoryUsageReport { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for SystemMemoryUsageReport {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for SystemMemoryUsageReport {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DiagnosticActionState(pub i32); impl DiagnosticActionState { pub const Initializing: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1096,17 +1096,6 @@ impl DiagnosticActionState { pub const VerifyingResolution: Self = Self(5i32); pub const Executing: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DiagnosticActionState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DiagnosticActionState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DiagnosticActionState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DiagnosticActionState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/System/Power/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/System/Power/ index f48eed00cb..184dc4e7d4 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/System/Power/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/System/Power/ @@ -464,7 +464,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for PowerManager { const NAME: &'static str = "Windows.System.Power.PowerManager"; } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BatteryStatus(pub i32); impl BatteryStatus { pub const NotPresent: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -472,17 +472,6 @@ impl BatteryStatus { pub const Idle: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Charging: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BatteryStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BatteryStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BatteryStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BatteryStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -495,24 +484,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for BatteryStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.System.Power.BatteryStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EnergySaverStatus(pub i32); impl EnergySaverStatus { pub const Disabled: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Off: Self = Self(1i32); pub const On: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EnergySaverStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EnergySaverStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EnergySaverStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EnergySaverStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -525,24 +503,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for EnergySaverStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.System.Power.EnergySaverStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PowerSupplyStatus(pub i32); impl PowerSupplyStatus { pub const NotPresent: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Inadequate: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Adequate: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PowerSupplyStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PowerSupplyStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PowerSupplyStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PowerSupplyStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/System/Profile/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/System/Profile/ index 9b48f7e5fe..59df12f503 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/System/Profile/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/System/Profile/ @@ -991,7 +991,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for WindowsIntegrityPolicy { const NAME: &'static str = "Windows.System.Profile.WindowsIntegrityPolicy"; } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PlatformDataCollectionLevel(pub i32); impl PlatformDataCollectionLevel { pub const Security: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -999,17 +999,6 @@ impl PlatformDataCollectionLevel { pub const Enhanced: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Full: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PlatformDataCollectionLevel {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PlatformDataCollectionLevel { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PlatformDataCollectionLevel { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PlatformDataCollectionLevel { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1022,7 +1011,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PlatformDataCollectionLevel { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.System.Profile.PlatformDataCollectionLevel;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SystemIdentificationSource(pub i32); impl SystemIdentificationSource { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1030,17 +1019,6 @@ impl SystemIdentificationSource { pub const Uefi: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Registry: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SystemIdentificationSource {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SystemIdentificationSource { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SystemIdentificationSource { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SystemIdentificationSource { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1053,24 +1031,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SystemIdentificationSource { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.System.Profile.SystemIdentificationSource;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SystemOutOfBoxExperienceState(pub i32); impl SystemOutOfBoxExperienceState { pub const NotStarted: Self = Self(0i32); pub const InProgress: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Completed: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SystemOutOfBoxExperienceState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SystemOutOfBoxExperienceState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SystemOutOfBoxExperienceState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SystemOutOfBoxExperienceState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1083,23 +1050,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SystemOutOfBoxExperienceState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.System.Profile.SystemOutOfBoxExperienceState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UnsupportedAppRequirementReasons(pub u32); impl UnsupportedAppRequirementReasons { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0u32); pub const DeniedBySystem: Self = Self(1u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UnsupportedAppRequirementReasons {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UnsupportedAppRequirementReasons { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UnsupportedAppRequirementReasons { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UnsupportedAppRequirementReasons { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/System/RemoteDesktop/Provider/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/System/RemoteDesktop/Provider/ index 1c8f08dabe..5d5b828ef2 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/System/RemoteDesktop/Provider/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/System/RemoteDesktop/Provider/ @@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for RemoteDesktopRegistrar { const NAME: &'static str = "Windows.System.RemoteDesktop.Provider.RemoteDesktopRegistrar"; } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RemoteDesktopConnectionStatus(pub i32); impl RemoteDesktopConnectionStatus { pub const Connecting: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -367,17 +367,6 @@ impl RemoteDesktopConnectionStatus { pub const UserInputNeeded: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Disconnected: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RemoteDesktopConnectionStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RemoteDesktopConnectionStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RemoteDesktopConnectionStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RemoteDesktopConnectionStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -390,22 +379,11 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for RemoteDesktopConnectionStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.System.RemoteDesktop.Provider.RemoteDesktopConnectionStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RemoteDesktopLocalAction(pub i32); impl RemoteDesktopLocalAction { pub const ShowBluetoothSettings: Self = Self(0i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RemoteDesktopLocalAction {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RemoteDesktopLocalAction { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RemoteDesktopLocalAction { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RemoteDesktopLocalAction { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/System/RemoteSystems/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/System/RemoteSystems/ index 3ec6ae5b11..d0f7703c87 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/System/RemoteSystems/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/System/RemoteSystems/ @@ -3169,7 +3169,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::CanTryInto for RemoteSystemWebAccountF unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for RemoteSystemWebAccountFilter {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for RemoteSystemWebAccountFilter {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RemoteSystemAccessStatus(pub i32); impl RemoteSystemAccessStatus { pub const Unspecified: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3177,17 +3177,6 @@ impl RemoteSystemAccessStatus { pub const DeniedByUser: Self = Self(2i32); pub const DeniedBySystem: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RemoteSystemAccessStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RemoteSystemAccessStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RemoteSystemAccessStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RemoteSystemAccessStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3200,23 +3189,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for RemoteSystemAccessStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.System.RemoteSystems.RemoteSystemAccessStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RemoteSystemAuthorizationKind(pub i32); impl RemoteSystemAuthorizationKind { pub const SameUser: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Anonymous: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RemoteSystemAuthorizationKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RemoteSystemAuthorizationKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RemoteSystemAuthorizationKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RemoteSystemAuthorizationKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3229,7 +3207,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for RemoteSystemAuthorizationKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.System.RemoteSystems.RemoteSystemAuthorizationKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RemoteSystemDiscoveryType(pub i32); impl RemoteSystemDiscoveryType { pub const Any: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3237,17 +3215,6 @@ impl RemoteSystemDiscoveryType { pub const Cloud: Self = Self(2i32); pub const SpatiallyProximal: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RemoteSystemDiscoveryType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RemoteSystemDiscoveryType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RemoteSystemDiscoveryType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RemoteSystemDiscoveryType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3260,7 +3227,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for RemoteSystemDiscoveryType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.System.RemoteSystems.RemoteSystemDiscoveryType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RemoteSystemPlatform(pub i32); impl RemoteSystemPlatform { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3269,17 +3236,6 @@ impl RemoteSystemPlatform { pub const Ios: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Linux: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RemoteSystemPlatform {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RemoteSystemPlatform { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RemoteSystemPlatform { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RemoteSystemPlatform { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3292,24 +3248,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for RemoteSystemPlatform { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.System.RemoteSystems.RemoteSystemPlatform;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RemoteSystemSessionCreationStatus(pub i32); impl RemoteSystemSessionCreationStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); pub const SessionLimitsExceeded: Self = Self(1i32); pub const OperationAborted: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RemoteSystemSessionCreationStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RemoteSystemSessionCreationStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RemoteSystemSessionCreationStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RemoteSystemSessionCreationStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3322,24 +3267,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for RemoteSystemSessionCreationStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.System.RemoteSystems.RemoteSystemSessionCreationStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RemoteSystemSessionDisconnectedReason(pub i32); impl RemoteSystemSessionDisconnectedReason { pub const SessionUnavailable: Self = Self(0i32); pub const RemovedByController: Self = Self(1i32); pub const SessionClosed: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RemoteSystemSessionDisconnectedReason {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RemoteSystemSessionDisconnectedReason { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RemoteSystemSessionDisconnectedReason { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RemoteSystemSessionDisconnectedReason { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3352,7 +3286,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for RemoteSystemSessionDisconnectedReason { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.System.RemoteSystems.RemoteSystemSessionDisconnectedReason;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RemoteSystemSessionJoinStatus(pub i32); impl RemoteSystemSessionJoinStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3361,17 +3295,6 @@ impl RemoteSystemSessionJoinStatus { pub const SessionUnavailable: Self = Self(3i32); pub const RejectedByController: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RemoteSystemSessionJoinStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RemoteSystemSessionJoinStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RemoteSystemSessionJoinStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RemoteSystemSessionJoinStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3384,23 +3307,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for RemoteSystemSessionJoinStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.System.RemoteSystems.RemoteSystemSessionJoinStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RemoteSystemSessionMessageChannelReliability(pub i32); impl RemoteSystemSessionMessageChannelReliability { pub const Reliable: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Unreliable: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RemoteSystemSessionMessageChannelReliability {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RemoteSystemSessionMessageChannelReliability { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RemoteSystemSessionMessageChannelReliability { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RemoteSystemSessionMessageChannelReliability { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3413,7 +3325,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for RemoteSystemSessionMessageChannelReliabilit const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.System.RemoteSystems.RemoteSystemSessionMessageChannelReliability;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RemoteSystemSessionParticipantWatcherStatus(pub i32); impl RemoteSystemSessionParticipantWatcherStatus { pub const Created: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3423,17 +3335,6 @@ impl RemoteSystemSessionParticipantWatcherStatus { pub const Stopped: Self = Self(4i32); pub const Aborted: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RemoteSystemSessionParticipantWatcherStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RemoteSystemSessionParticipantWatcherStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RemoteSystemSessionParticipantWatcherStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RemoteSystemSessionParticipantWatcherStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3446,7 +3347,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for RemoteSystemSessionParticipantWatcherStatus const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.System.RemoteSystems.RemoteSystemSessionParticipantWatcherStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RemoteSystemSessionWatcherStatus(pub i32); impl RemoteSystemSessionWatcherStatus { pub const Created: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3456,17 +3357,6 @@ impl RemoteSystemSessionWatcherStatus { pub const Stopped: Self = Self(4i32); pub const Aborted: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RemoteSystemSessionWatcherStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RemoteSystemSessionWatcherStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RemoteSystemSessionWatcherStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RemoteSystemSessionWatcherStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3479,7 +3369,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for RemoteSystemSessionWatcherStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.System.RemoteSystems.RemoteSystemSessionWatcherStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RemoteSystemStatus(pub i32); impl RemoteSystemStatus { pub const Unavailable: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3487,17 +3377,6 @@ impl RemoteSystemStatus { pub const Available: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Unknown: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RemoteSystemStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RemoteSystemStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RemoteSystemStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RemoteSystemStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3510,23 +3389,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for RemoteSystemStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.System.RemoteSystems.RemoteSystemStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RemoteSystemStatusType(pub i32); impl RemoteSystemStatusType { pub const Any: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Available: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RemoteSystemStatusType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RemoteSystemStatusType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RemoteSystemStatusType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RemoteSystemStatusType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3539,24 +3407,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for RemoteSystemStatusType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.System.RemoteSystems.RemoteSystemStatusType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RemoteSystemWatcherError(pub i32); impl RemoteSystemWatcherError { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); pub const InternetNotAvailable: Self = Self(1i32); pub const AuthenticationError: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RemoteSystemWatcherError {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RemoteSystemWatcherError { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RemoteSystemWatcherError { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RemoteSystemWatcherError { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/System/Threading/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/System/Threading/ index 1683793a2d..2704483969 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/System/Threading/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/System/Threading/ @@ -176,23 +176,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for ThreadPoolTimer { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for ThreadPoolTimer {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for ThreadPoolTimer {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WorkItemOptions(pub u32); impl WorkItemOptions { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); pub const TimeSliced: Self = Self(1u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WorkItemOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WorkItemOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WorkItemOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WorkItemOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -238,24 +227,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for WorkItemOptions { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.System.Threading.WorkItemOptions;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WorkItemPriority(pub i32); impl WorkItemPriority { pub const Low: Self = Self(-1i32); pub const Normal: Self = Self(0i32); pub const High: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WorkItemPriority {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WorkItemPriority { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WorkItemPriority { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WorkItemPriority { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/System/Update/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/System/Update/ index 840ad20eed..44e5c4c44c 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/System/Update/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/System/Update/ @@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for SystemUpdateManager { const NAME: &'static str = "Windows.System.Update.SystemUpdateManager"; } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SystemUpdateAttentionRequiredReason(pub i32); impl SystemUpdateAttentionRequiredReason { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -361,17 +361,6 @@ impl SystemUpdateAttentionRequiredReason { pub const InsufficientBattery: Self = Self(3i32); pub const UpdateBlocked: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SystemUpdateAttentionRequiredReason {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SystemUpdateAttentionRequiredReason { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SystemUpdateAttentionRequiredReason { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SystemUpdateAttentionRequiredReason { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -384,7 +373,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SystemUpdateAttentionRequiredReason { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.System.Update.SystemUpdateAttentionRequiredReason;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SystemUpdateItemState(pub i32); impl SystemUpdateItemState { pub const NotStarted: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -397,17 +386,6 @@ impl SystemUpdateItemState { pub const RebootRequired: Self = Self(7i32); pub const Error: Self = Self(8i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SystemUpdateItemState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SystemUpdateItemState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SystemUpdateItemState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SystemUpdateItemState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -420,7 +398,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SystemUpdateItemState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.System.Update.SystemUpdateItemState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SystemUpdateManagerState(pub i32); impl SystemUpdateManagerState { pub const Idle: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -436,17 +414,6 @@ impl SystemUpdateManagerState { pub const AttentionRequired: Self = Self(10i32); pub const Error: Self = Self(11i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SystemUpdateManagerState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SystemUpdateManagerState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SystemUpdateManagerState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SystemUpdateManagerState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -459,23 +426,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SystemUpdateManagerState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.System.Update.SystemUpdateManagerState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SystemUpdateStartInstallAction(pub i32); impl SystemUpdateStartInstallAction { pub const UpToReboot: Self = Self(0i32); pub const AllowReboot: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SystemUpdateStartInstallAction {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SystemUpdateStartInstallAction { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SystemUpdateStartInstallAction { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SystemUpdateStartInstallAction { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/System/UserProfile/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/System/UserProfile/ index 483d428ae0..5a084314d6 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/System/UserProfile/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/System/UserProfile/ @@ -1148,7 +1148,7 @@ unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for UserProfilePersonalizationSettings {} #[doc = "Required features: `\"deprecated\"`"] #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AccountPictureKind(pub i32); #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] impl AccountPictureKind { @@ -1157,20 +1157,6 @@ impl AccountPictureKind { pub const Video: Self = Self(2i32); } #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AccountPictureKind {} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AccountPictureKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::default::Default for AccountPictureKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AccountPictureKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1187,7 +1173,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AccountPictureKind { #[doc = "Required features: `\"deprecated\"`"] #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SetAccountPictureResult(pub i32); #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] impl SetAccountPictureResult { @@ -1199,20 +1185,6 @@ impl SetAccountPictureResult { pub const Failure: Self = Self(5i32); } #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SetAccountPictureResult {} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SetAccountPictureResult { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::default::Default for SetAccountPictureResult { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SetAccountPictureResult { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1227,24 +1199,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SetAccountPictureResult { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.System.UserProfile.SetAccountPictureResult;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SetImageFeedResult(pub i32); impl SetImageFeedResult { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); pub const ChangeDisabled: Self = Self(1i32); pub const UserCanceled: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SetImageFeedResult {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SetImageFeedResult { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SetImageFeedResult { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SetImageFeedResult { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/System/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/System/ index 4b5fa7ab49..2154eadd1c 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/System/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/System/ @@ -4641,7 +4641,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for UserWatcher { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for UserWatcher {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for UserWatcher {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppDiagnosticInfoWatcherStatus(pub i32); impl AppDiagnosticInfoWatcherStatus { pub const Created: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4651,17 +4651,6 @@ impl AppDiagnosticInfoWatcherStatus { pub const Stopped: Self = Self(4i32); pub const Aborted: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppDiagnosticInfoWatcherStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppDiagnosticInfoWatcherStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppDiagnosticInfoWatcherStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppDiagnosticInfoWatcherStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4674,7 +4663,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AppDiagnosticInfoWatcherStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.System.AppDiagnosticInfoWatcherStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppMemoryUsageLevel(pub i32); impl AppMemoryUsageLevel { pub const Low: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4682,17 +4671,6 @@ impl AppMemoryUsageLevel { pub const High: Self = Self(2i32); pub const OverLimit: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppMemoryUsageLevel {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppMemoryUsageLevel { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppMemoryUsageLevel { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppMemoryUsageLevel { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4705,24 +4683,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AppMemoryUsageLevel { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.System.AppMemoryUsageLevel;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppResourceGroupEnergyQuotaState(pub i32); impl AppResourceGroupEnergyQuotaState { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Over: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Under: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppResourceGroupEnergyQuotaState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppResourceGroupEnergyQuotaState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppResourceGroupEnergyQuotaState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppResourceGroupEnergyQuotaState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4735,7 +4702,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AppResourceGroupEnergyQuotaState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.System.AppResourceGroupEnergyQuotaState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppResourceGroupExecutionState(pub i32); impl AppResourceGroupExecutionState { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4744,17 +4711,6 @@ impl AppResourceGroupExecutionState { pub const Suspended: Self = Self(3i32); pub const NotRunning: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppResourceGroupExecutionState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppResourceGroupExecutionState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppResourceGroupExecutionState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppResourceGroupExecutionState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4767,7 +4723,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AppResourceGroupExecutionState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.System.AppResourceGroupExecutionState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppResourceGroupInfoWatcherStatus(pub i32); impl AppResourceGroupInfoWatcherStatus { pub const Created: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4777,17 +4733,6 @@ impl AppResourceGroupInfoWatcherStatus { pub const Stopped: Self = Self(4i32); pub const Aborted: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppResourceGroupInfoWatcherStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppResourceGroupInfoWatcherStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppResourceGroupInfoWatcherStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppResourceGroupInfoWatcherStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4800,24 +4745,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AppResourceGroupInfoWatcherStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.System.AppResourceGroupInfoWatcherStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AutoUpdateTimeZoneStatus(pub i32); impl AutoUpdateTimeZoneStatus { pub const Attempted: Self = Self(0i32); pub const TimedOut: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Failed: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AutoUpdateTimeZoneStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AutoUpdateTimeZoneStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AutoUpdateTimeZoneStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AutoUpdateTimeZoneStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4830,7 +4764,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AutoUpdateTimeZoneStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.System.AutoUpdateTimeZoneStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DiagnosticAccessStatus(pub i32); impl DiagnosticAccessStatus { pub const Unspecified: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4838,17 +4772,6 @@ impl DiagnosticAccessStatus { pub const Limited: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Allowed: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DiagnosticAccessStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DiagnosticAccessStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DiagnosticAccessStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DiagnosticAccessStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4861,24 +4784,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DiagnosticAccessStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.System.DiagnosticAccessStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DispatcherQueuePriority(pub i32); impl DispatcherQueuePriority { pub const Low: Self = Self(-10i32); pub const Normal: Self = Self(0i32); pub const High: Self = Self(10i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DispatcherQueuePriority {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DispatcherQueuePriority { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DispatcherQueuePriority { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DispatcherQueuePriority { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4891,7 +4803,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DispatcherQueuePriority { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.System.DispatcherQueuePriority;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LaunchFileStatus(pub i32); impl LaunchFileStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4900,17 +4812,6 @@ impl LaunchFileStatus { pub const FileTypeNotSupported: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Unknown: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LaunchFileStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LaunchFileStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LaunchFileStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LaunchFileStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4923,7 +4824,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for LaunchFileStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.System.LaunchFileStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LaunchQuerySupportStatus(pub i32); impl LaunchQuerySupportStatus { pub const Available: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4932,17 +4833,6 @@ impl LaunchQuerySupportStatus { pub const NotSupported: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Unknown: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LaunchQuerySupportStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LaunchQuerySupportStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LaunchQuerySupportStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LaunchQuerySupportStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4955,23 +4845,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for LaunchQuerySupportStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.System.LaunchQuerySupportStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LaunchQuerySupportType(pub i32); impl LaunchQuerySupportType { pub const Uri: Self = Self(0i32); pub const UriForResults: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LaunchQuerySupportType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LaunchQuerySupportType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LaunchQuerySupportType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LaunchQuerySupportType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4984,7 +4863,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for LaunchQuerySupportType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.System.LaunchQuerySupportType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LaunchUriStatus(pub i32); impl LaunchUriStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4992,17 +4871,6 @@ impl LaunchUriStatus { pub const ProtocolUnavailable: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Unknown: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LaunchUriStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LaunchUriStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LaunchUriStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LaunchUriStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5015,23 +4883,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for LaunchUriStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.System.LaunchUriStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PowerState(pub i32); impl PowerState { pub const ConnectedStandby: Self = Self(0i32); pub const SleepS3: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PowerState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PowerState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PowerState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PowerState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5044,7 +4901,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PowerState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.System.PowerState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ProcessorArchitecture(pub i32); impl ProcessorArchitecture { pub const X86: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -5055,17 +4912,6 @@ impl ProcessorArchitecture { pub const X86OnArm64: Self = Self(14i32); pub const Unknown: Self = Self(65535i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ProcessorArchitecture {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ProcessorArchitecture { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ProcessorArchitecture { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ProcessorArchitecture { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5078,7 +4924,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ProcessorArchitecture { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.System.ProcessorArchitecture;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RemoteLaunchUriStatus(pub i32); impl RemoteLaunchUriStatus { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -5090,17 +4936,6 @@ impl RemoteLaunchUriStatus { pub const DeniedByLocalSystem: Self = Self(6i32); pub const DeniedByRemoteSystem: Self = Self(7i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RemoteLaunchUriStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RemoteLaunchUriStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RemoteLaunchUriStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RemoteLaunchUriStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5113,23 +4948,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for RemoteLaunchUriStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.System.RemoteLaunchUriStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ShutdownKind(pub i32); impl ShutdownKind { pub const Shutdown: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Restart: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ShutdownKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ShutdownKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ShutdownKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ShutdownKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5142,24 +4966,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ShutdownKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.System.ShutdownKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UserAgeConsentGroup(pub i32); impl UserAgeConsentGroup { pub const Child: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Minor: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Adult: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UserAgeConsentGroup {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UserAgeConsentGroup { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UserAgeConsentGroup { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UserAgeConsentGroup { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5172,7 +4985,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for UserAgeConsentGroup { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.System.UserAgeConsentGroup;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UserAgeConsentResult(pub i32); impl UserAgeConsentResult { pub const NotEnforced: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -5181,17 +4994,6 @@ impl UserAgeConsentResult { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Ambiguous: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UserAgeConsentResult {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UserAgeConsentResult { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UserAgeConsentResult { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UserAgeConsentResult { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5204,24 +5006,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for UserAgeConsentResult { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.System.UserAgeConsentResult;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UserAuthenticationStatus(pub i32); impl UserAuthenticationStatus { pub const Unauthenticated: Self = Self(0i32); pub const LocallyAuthenticated: Self = Self(1i32); pub const RemotelyAuthenticated: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UserAuthenticationStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UserAuthenticationStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UserAuthenticationStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UserAuthenticationStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5234,7 +5025,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for UserAuthenticationStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.System.UserAuthenticationStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UserPictureSize(pub i32); impl UserPictureSize { pub const Size64x64: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -5242,17 +5033,6 @@ impl UserPictureSize { pub const Size424x424: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Size1080x1080: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UserPictureSize {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UserPictureSize { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UserPictureSize { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UserPictureSize { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5265,7 +5045,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for UserPictureSize { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.System.UserPictureSize;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UserType(pub i32); impl UserType { pub const LocalUser: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -5274,17 +5054,6 @@ impl UserType { pub const RemoteGuest: Self = Self(3i32); pub const SystemManaged: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UserType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UserType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UserType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UserType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5297,7 +5066,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for UserType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.System.UserType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UserWatcherStatus(pub i32); impl UserWatcherStatus { pub const Created: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -5307,17 +5076,6 @@ impl UserWatcherStatus { pub const Stopped: Self = Self(4i32); pub const Aborted: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UserWatcherStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UserWatcherStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UserWatcherStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UserWatcherStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5330,23 +5088,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for UserWatcherStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.System.UserWatcherStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UserWatcherUpdateKind(pub i32); impl UserWatcherUpdateKind { pub const Properties: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Picture: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UserWatcherUpdateKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UserWatcherUpdateKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UserWatcherUpdateKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UserWatcherUpdateKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5359,7 +5106,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for UserWatcherUpdateKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.System.UserWatcherUpdateKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VirtualKey(pub i32); impl VirtualKey { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -5535,17 +5282,6 @@ impl VirtualKey { pub const GamepadRightThumbstickRight: Self = Self(217i32); pub const GamepadRightThumbstickLeft: Self = Self(218i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VirtualKey {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VirtualKey { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VirtualKey { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VirtualKey { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5558,7 +5294,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for VirtualKey { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.System.VirtualKey;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VirtualKeyModifiers(pub u32); impl VirtualKeyModifiers { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -5567,17 +5303,6 @@ impl VirtualKeyModifiers { pub const Shift: Self = Self(4u32); pub const Windows: Self = Self(8u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VirtualKeyModifiers {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VirtualKeyModifiers { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VirtualKeyModifiers { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VirtualKeyModifiers { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/ApplicationSettings/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/ApplicationSettings/ index 045b65207a..861acd5b84 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/ApplicationSettings/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/ApplicationSettings/ @@ -1063,7 +1063,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for WebAccountProviderCommand { #[doc = "Required features: `\"deprecated\"`"] #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SettingsEdgeLocation(pub i32); #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] impl SettingsEdgeLocation { @@ -1071,20 +1071,6 @@ impl SettingsEdgeLocation { pub const Left: Self = Self(1i32); } #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SettingsEdgeLocation {} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SettingsEdgeLocation { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::default::Default for SettingsEdgeLocation { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SettingsEdgeLocation { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1099,7 +1085,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SettingsEdgeLocation { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.ApplicationSettings.SettingsEdgeLocation;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SupportedWebAccountActions(pub u32); impl SupportedWebAccountActions { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -1109,17 +1095,6 @@ impl SupportedWebAccountActions { pub const Manage: Self = Self(8u32); pub const More: Self = Self(16u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SupportedWebAccountActions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SupportedWebAccountActions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SupportedWebAccountActions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SupportedWebAccountActions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1165,7 +1140,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SupportedWebAccountActions { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.ApplicationSettings.SupportedWebAccountActions;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WebAccountAction(pub i32); impl WebAccountAction { pub const Reconnect: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1174,17 +1149,6 @@ impl WebAccountAction { pub const Manage: Self = Self(3i32); pub const More: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WebAccountAction {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WebAccountAction { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WebAccountAction { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WebAccountAction { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Composition/Diagnostics/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Composition/Diagnostics/ index 9b44c3ea4e..1acada7429 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Composition/Diagnostics/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Composition/Diagnostics/ @@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for CompositionDebugSettings { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for CompositionDebugSettings {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for CompositionDebugSettings {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CompositionDebugOverdrawContentKinds(pub u32); impl CompositionDebugOverdrawContentKinds { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -152,17 +152,6 @@ impl CompositionDebugOverdrawContentKinds { pub const SwapChains: Self = Self(64u32); pub const All: Self = Self(4294967295u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CompositionDebugOverdrawContentKinds {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CompositionDebugOverdrawContentKinds { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CompositionDebugOverdrawContentKinds { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CompositionDebugOverdrawContentKinds { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Composition/Effects/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Composition/Effects/ index 0ef82a8158..ee16f1b405 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Composition/Effects/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Composition/Effects/ @@ -166,23 +166,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::CanTryInto Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SceneLightingEffectReflectanceModel { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SceneLightingEffectReflectanceModel { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Composition/Interactions/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Composition/Interactions/ index f0812a9a14..5a1150e7cc 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Composition/Interactions/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Composition/Interactions/ @@ -3542,7 +3542,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::CanTryInto for VisualInteractionS unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for VisualInteractionSource {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for VisualInteractionSource {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InteractionBindingAxisModes(pub u32); impl InteractionBindingAxisModes { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -3550,17 +3550,6 @@ impl InteractionBindingAxisModes { pub const PositionY: Self = Self(2u32); pub const Scale: Self = Self(4u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InteractionBindingAxisModes {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InteractionBindingAxisModes { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InteractionBindingAxisModes { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InteractionBindingAxisModes { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3606,24 +3595,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for InteractionBindingAxisModes { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Composition.Interactions.InteractionBindingAxisModes;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InteractionChainingMode(pub i32); impl InteractionChainingMode { pub const Auto: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Always: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Never: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InteractionChainingMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InteractionChainingMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InteractionChainingMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InteractionChainingMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3636,24 +3614,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for InteractionChainingMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Composition.Interactions.InteractionChainingMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InteractionSourceMode(pub i32); impl InteractionSourceMode { pub const Disabled: Self = Self(0i32); pub const EnabledWithInertia: Self = Self(1i32); pub const EnabledWithoutInertia: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InteractionSourceMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InteractionSourceMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InteractionSourceMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InteractionSourceMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3666,23 +3633,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for InteractionSourceMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Composition.Interactions.InteractionSourceMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InteractionSourceRedirectionMode(pub i32); impl InteractionSourceRedirectionMode { pub const Disabled: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Enabled: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InteractionSourceRedirectionMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InteractionSourceRedirectionMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InteractionSourceRedirectionMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InteractionSourceRedirectionMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3695,23 +3651,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for InteractionSourceRedirectionMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Composition.Interactions.InteractionSourceRedirectionMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InteractionTrackerClampingOption(pub i32); impl InteractionTrackerClampingOption { pub const Auto: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Disabled: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InteractionTrackerClampingOption {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InteractionTrackerClampingOption { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InteractionTrackerClampingOption { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InteractionTrackerClampingOption { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3724,23 +3669,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for InteractionTrackerClampingOption { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Composition.Interactions.InteractionTrackerClampingOption;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InteractionTrackerPositionUpdateOption(pub i32); impl InteractionTrackerPositionUpdateOption { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); pub const AllowActiveCustomScaleAnimation: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InteractionTrackerPositionUpdateOption {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InteractionTrackerPositionUpdateOption { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InteractionTrackerPositionUpdateOption { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InteractionTrackerPositionUpdateOption { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3753,7 +3687,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for InteractionTrackerPositionUpdateOption { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Composition.Interactions.InteractionTrackerPositionUpdateOption;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VisualInteractionSourceRedirectionMode(pub i32); impl VisualInteractionSourceRedirectionMode { pub const Off: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3761,17 +3695,6 @@ impl VisualInteractionSourceRedirectionMode { pub const PointerWheelOnly: Self = Self(2i32); pub const CapableTouchpadAndPointerWheel: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VisualInteractionSourceRedirectionMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VisualInteractionSourceRedirectionMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VisualInteractionSourceRedirectionMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VisualInteractionSourceRedirectionMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Composition/Scenes/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Composition/Scenes/ index c72c1b1daf..38300dd1f3 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Composition/Scenes/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Composition/Scenes/ @@ -4175,24 +4175,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::CanTryInto for SceneVisual {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for SceneVisual {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for SceneVisual {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SceneAlphaMode(pub i32); impl SceneAlphaMode { pub const Opaque: Self = Self(0i32); pub const AlphaTest: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Blend: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SceneAlphaMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SceneAlphaMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SceneAlphaMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SceneAlphaMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4205,7 +4194,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SceneAlphaMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Composition.Scenes.SceneAlphaMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SceneAttributeSemantic(pub i32); impl SceneAttributeSemantic { pub const Index: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4216,17 +4205,6 @@ impl SceneAttributeSemantic { pub const Color: Self = Self(5i32); pub const Tangent: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SceneAttributeSemantic {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SceneAttributeSemantic { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SceneAttributeSemantic { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SceneAttributeSemantic { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4239,22 +4217,11 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SceneAttributeSemantic { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Composition.Scenes.SceneAttributeSemantic;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SceneComponentType(pub i32); impl SceneComponentType { pub const MeshRendererComponent: Self = Self(0i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SceneComponentType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SceneComponentType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SceneComponentType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SceneComponentType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4267,24 +4234,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SceneComponentType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Composition.Scenes.SceneComponentType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SceneWrappingMode(pub i32); impl SceneWrappingMode { pub const ClampToEdge: Self = Self(0i32); pub const MirroredRepeat: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Repeat: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SceneWrappingMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SceneWrappingMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SceneWrappingMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SceneWrappingMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Composition/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Composition/ index 123a89eeaf..de68196259 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Composition/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Composition/ @@ -28798,23 +28798,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::CanTryInto for VisualUnorderedCollection unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for VisualUnorderedCollection {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for VisualUnorderedCollection {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AnimationControllerProgressBehavior(pub i32); impl AnimationControllerProgressBehavior { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); pub const IncludesDelayTime: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AnimationControllerProgressBehavior {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AnimationControllerProgressBehavior { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AnimationControllerProgressBehavior { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AnimationControllerProgressBehavior { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -28827,23 +28816,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AnimationControllerProgressBehavior { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Composition.AnimationControllerProgressBehavior;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AnimationDelayBehavior(pub i32); impl AnimationDelayBehavior { pub const SetInitialValueAfterDelay: Self = Self(0i32); pub const SetInitialValueBeforeDelay: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AnimationDelayBehavior {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AnimationDelayBehavior { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AnimationDelayBehavior { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AnimationDelayBehavior { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -28856,7 +28834,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AnimationDelayBehavior { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Composition.AnimationDelayBehavior;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AnimationDirection(pub i32); impl AnimationDirection { pub const Normal: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -28864,17 +28842,6 @@ impl AnimationDirection { pub const Alternate: Self = Self(2i32); pub const AlternateReverse: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AnimationDirection {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AnimationDirection { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AnimationDirection { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AnimationDirection { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -28887,23 +28854,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AnimationDirection { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Composition.AnimationDirection;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AnimationIterationBehavior(pub i32); impl AnimationIterationBehavior { pub const Count: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Forever: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AnimationIterationBehavior {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AnimationIterationBehavior { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AnimationIterationBehavior { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AnimationIterationBehavior { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -28916,7 +28872,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AnimationIterationBehavior { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Composition.AnimationIterationBehavior;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AnimationPropertyAccessMode(pub i32); impl AnimationPropertyAccessMode { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -28924,17 +28880,6 @@ impl AnimationPropertyAccessMode { pub const WriteOnly: Self = Self(2i32); pub const ReadWrite: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AnimationPropertyAccessMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AnimationPropertyAccessMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AnimationPropertyAccessMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AnimationPropertyAccessMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -28947,24 +28892,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AnimationPropertyAccessMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Composition.AnimationPropertyAccessMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AnimationStopBehavior(pub i32); impl AnimationStopBehavior { pub const LeaveCurrentValue: Self = Self(0i32); pub const SetToInitialValue: Self = Self(1i32); pub const SetToFinalValue: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AnimationStopBehavior {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AnimationStopBehavior { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AnimationStopBehavior { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AnimationStopBehavior { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -28977,24 +28911,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AnimationStopBehavior { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Composition.AnimationStopBehavior;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CompositionBackfaceVisibility(pub i32); impl CompositionBackfaceVisibility { pub const Inherit: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Visible: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Hidden: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CompositionBackfaceVisibility {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CompositionBackfaceVisibility { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CompositionBackfaceVisibility { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CompositionBackfaceVisibility { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -29007,7 +28930,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CompositionBackfaceVisibility { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Composition.CompositionBackfaceVisibility;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CompositionBatchTypes(pub u32); impl CompositionBatchTypes { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -29016,17 +28939,6 @@ impl CompositionBatchTypes { pub const InfiniteAnimation: Self = Self(4u32); pub const AllAnimations: Self = Self(5u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CompositionBatchTypes {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CompositionBatchTypes { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CompositionBatchTypes { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CompositionBatchTypes { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -29072,7 +28984,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CompositionBatchTypes { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Composition.CompositionBatchTypes;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CompositionBitmapInterpolationMode(pub i32); impl CompositionBitmapInterpolationMode { pub const NearestNeighbor: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -29086,17 +28998,6 @@ impl CompositionBitmapInterpolationMode { pub const MagNearestMinNearestMipLinear: Self = Self(8i32); pub const MagNearestMinNearestMipNearest: Self = Self(9i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CompositionBitmapInterpolationMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CompositionBitmapInterpolationMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CompositionBitmapInterpolationMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CompositionBitmapInterpolationMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -29109,24 +29010,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CompositionBitmapInterpolationMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Composition.CompositionBitmapInterpolationMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CompositionBorderMode(pub i32); impl CompositionBorderMode { pub const Inherit: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Soft: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Hard: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CompositionBorderMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CompositionBorderMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CompositionBorderMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CompositionBorderMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -29139,7 +29029,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CompositionBorderMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Composition.CompositionBorderMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CompositionColorSpace(pub i32); impl CompositionColorSpace { pub const Auto: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -29148,17 +29038,6 @@ impl CompositionColorSpace { pub const HslLinear: Self = Self(3i32); pub const RgbLinear: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CompositionColorSpace {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CompositionColorSpace { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CompositionColorSpace { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CompositionColorSpace { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -29171,7 +29050,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CompositionColorSpace { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Composition.CompositionColorSpace;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CompositionCompositeMode(pub i32); impl CompositionCompositeMode { pub const Inherit: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -29179,17 +29058,6 @@ impl CompositionCompositeMode { pub const DestinationInvert: Self = Self(2i32); pub const MinBlend: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CompositionCompositeMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CompositionCompositeMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CompositionCompositeMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CompositionCompositeMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -29202,23 +29070,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CompositionCompositeMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Composition.CompositionCompositeMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CompositionDropShadowSourcePolicy(pub i32); impl CompositionDropShadowSourcePolicy { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); pub const InheritFromVisualContent: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CompositionDropShadowSourcePolicy {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CompositionDropShadowSourcePolicy { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CompositionDropShadowSourcePolicy { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CompositionDropShadowSourcePolicy { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -29231,24 +29088,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CompositionDropShadowSourcePolicy { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Composition.CompositionDropShadowSourcePolicy;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CompositionEasingFunctionMode(pub i32); impl CompositionEasingFunctionMode { pub const In: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Out: Self = Self(1i32); pub const InOut: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CompositionEasingFunctionMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CompositionEasingFunctionMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CompositionEasingFunctionMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CompositionEasingFunctionMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -29261,7 +29107,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CompositionEasingFunctionMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Composition.CompositionEasingFunctionMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CompositionEffectFactoryLoadStatus(pub i32); impl CompositionEffectFactoryLoadStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -29269,17 +29115,6 @@ impl CompositionEffectFactoryLoadStatus { pub const Pending: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Other: Self = Self(-1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CompositionEffectFactoryLoadStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CompositionEffectFactoryLoadStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CompositionEffectFactoryLoadStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CompositionEffectFactoryLoadStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -29292,24 +29127,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CompositionEffectFactoryLoadStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Composition.CompositionEffectFactoryLoadStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CompositionGetValueStatus(pub i32); impl CompositionGetValueStatus { pub const Succeeded: Self = Self(0i32); pub const TypeMismatch: Self = Self(1i32); pub const NotFound: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CompositionGetValueStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CompositionGetValueStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CompositionGetValueStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CompositionGetValueStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -29322,24 +29146,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CompositionGetValueStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Composition.CompositionGetValueStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CompositionGradientExtendMode(pub i32); impl CompositionGradientExtendMode { pub const Clamp: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Wrap: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Mirror: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CompositionGradientExtendMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CompositionGradientExtendMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CompositionGradientExtendMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CompositionGradientExtendMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -29352,23 +29165,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CompositionGradientExtendMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Composition.CompositionGradientExtendMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CompositionMappingMode(pub i32); impl CompositionMappingMode { pub const Absolute: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Relative: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CompositionMappingMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CompositionMappingMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CompositionMappingMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CompositionMappingMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -29381,7 +29183,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CompositionMappingMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Composition.CompositionMappingMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CompositionStretch(pub i32); impl CompositionStretch { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -29389,17 +29191,6 @@ impl CompositionStretch { pub const Uniform: Self = Self(2i32); pub const UniformToFill: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CompositionStretch {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CompositionStretch { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CompositionStretch { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CompositionStretch { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -29412,7 +29203,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CompositionStretch { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Composition.CompositionStretch;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CompositionStrokeCap(pub i32); impl CompositionStrokeCap { pub const Flat: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -29420,17 +29211,6 @@ impl CompositionStrokeCap { pub const Round: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Triangle: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CompositionStrokeCap {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CompositionStrokeCap { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CompositionStrokeCap { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CompositionStrokeCap { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -29443,7 +29223,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CompositionStrokeCap { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Composition.CompositionStrokeCap;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CompositionStrokeLineJoin(pub i32); impl CompositionStrokeLineJoin { pub const Miter: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -29451,17 +29231,6 @@ impl CompositionStrokeLineJoin { pub const Round: Self = Self(2i32); pub const MiterOrBevel: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CompositionStrokeLineJoin {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CompositionStrokeLineJoin { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CompositionStrokeLineJoin { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CompositionStrokeLineJoin { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Core/AnimationMetrics/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Core/AnimationMetrics/ index bc9d4e7b0d..822b874775 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Core/AnimationMetrics/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Core/AnimationMetrics/ @@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::CanTryInto for TranslationAnimation {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for TranslationAnimation {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for TranslationAnimation {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AnimationEffect(pub i32); impl AnimationEffect { pub const Expand: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -516,17 +516,6 @@ impl AnimationEffect { pub const Peek: Self = Self(34i32); pub const UpdateBadge: Self = Self(35i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AnimationEffect {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AnimationEffect { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AnimationEffect { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AnimationEffect { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -539,7 +528,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AnimationEffect { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Core.AnimationMetrics.AnimationEffect;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AnimationEffectTarget(pub i32); impl AnimationEffectTarget { pub const Primary: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -563,17 +552,6 @@ impl AnimationEffectTarget { pub const Shown: Self = Self(18i32); pub const Tapped: Self = Self(19i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AnimationEffectTarget {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AnimationEffectTarget { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AnimationEffectTarget { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AnimationEffectTarget { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -586,24 +564,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AnimationEffectTarget { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Core.AnimationMetrics.AnimationEffectTarget;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PropertyAnimationType(pub i32); impl PropertyAnimationType { pub const Scale: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Translation: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Opacity: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PropertyAnimationType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PropertyAnimationType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PropertyAnimationType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PropertyAnimationType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Core/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Core/ index 09a39c5aed..ffabb6ed5e 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Core/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Core/ @@ -4190,24 +4190,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for WindowSizeChangedEventArgs { ::windows_core::imp::interface_hierarchy!(WindowSizeChangedEventArgs, ::windows_core::IUnknown, ::windows_core::IInspectable); impl ::windows_core::CanTryInto for WindowSizeChangedEventArgs {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppViewBackButtonVisibility(pub i32); impl AppViewBackButtonVisibility { pub const Visible: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Collapsed: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Disabled: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppViewBackButtonVisibility {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppViewBackButtonVisibility { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppViewBackButtonVisibility { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppViewBackButtonVisibility { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4220,7 +4209,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AppViewBackButtonVisibility { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Core.AppViewBackButtonVisibility;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CoreAcceleratorKeyEventType(pub i32); impl CoreAcceleratorKeyEventType { pub const Character: Self = Self(2i32); @@ -4233,17 +4222,6 @@ impl CoreAcceleratorKeyEventType { pub const SystemKeyUp: Self = Self(5i32); pub const UnicodeCharacter: Self = Self(8i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CoreAcceleratorKeyEventType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CoreAcceleratorKeyEventType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CoreAcceleratorKeyEventType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CoreAcceleratorKeyEventType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4256,7 +4234,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CoreAcceleratorKeyEventType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Core.CoreAcceleratorKeyEventType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CoreCursorType(pub i32); impl CoreCursorType { pub const Arrow: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4276,17 +4254,6 @@ impl CoreCursorType { pub const Pin: Self = Self(14i32); pub const Person: Self = Self(15i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CoreCursorType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CoreCursorType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CoreCursorType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CoreCursorType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4299,7 +4266,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CoreCursorType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Core.CoreCursorType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CoreDispatcherPriority(pub i32); impl CoreDispatcherPriority { pub const Idle: Self = Self(-2i32); @@ -4307,17 +4274,6 @@ impl CoreDispatcherPriority { pub const Normal: Self = Self(0i32); pub const High: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CoreDispatcherPriority {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CoreDispatcherPriority { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CoreDispatcherPriority { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CoreDispatcherPriority { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4330,7 +4286,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CoreDispatcherPriority { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Core.CoreDispatcherPriority;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CoreIndependentInputFilters(pub u32); impl CoreIndependentInputFilters { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -4340,17 +4296,6 @@ impl CoreIndependentInputFilters { pub const PenWithBarrel: Self = Self(8u32); pub const PenInverted: Self = Self(16u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CoreIndependentInputFilters {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CoreIndependentInputFilters { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CoreIndependentInputFilters { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CoreIndependentInputFilters { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4396,7 +4341,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CoreIndependentInputFilters { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Core.CoreIndependentInputFilters;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CoreInputDeviceTypes(pub u32); impl CoreInputDeviceTypes { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -4404,17 +4349,6 @@ impl CoreInputDeviceTypes { pub const Pen: Self = Self(2u32); pub const Mouse: Self = Self(4u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CoreInputDeviceTypes {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CoreInputDeviceTypes { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CoreInputDeviceTypes { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CoreInputDeviceTypes { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4460,7 +4394,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CoreInputDeviceTypes { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Core.CoreInputDeviceTypes;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CoreProcessEventsOption(pub i32); impl CoreProcessEventsOption { pub const ProcessOneAndAllPending: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4468,17 +4402,6 @@ impl CoreProcessEventsOption { pub const ProcessUntilQuit: Self = Self(2i32); pub const ProcessAllIfPresent: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CoreProcessEventsOption {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CoreProcessEventsOption { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CoreProcessEventsOption { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CoreProcessEventsOption { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4491,23 +4414,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CoreProcessEventsOption { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Core.CoreProcessEventsOption;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CoreProximityEvaluationScore(pub i32); impl CoreProximityEvaluationScore { pub const Closest: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Farthest: Self = Self(2147483647i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CoreProximityEvaluationScore {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CoreProximityEvaluationScore { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CoreProximityEvaluationScore { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CoreProximityEvaluationScore { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4520,24 +4432,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CoreProximityEvaluationScore { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Core.CoreProximityEvaluationScore;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CoreVirtualKeyStates(pub u32); impl CoreVirtualKeyStates { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); pub const Down: Self = Self(1u32); pub const Locked: Self = Self(2u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CoreVirtualKeyStates {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CoreVirtualKeyStates { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CoreVirtualKeyStates { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CoreVirtualKeyStates { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4583,7 +4484,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CoreVirtualKeyStates { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Core.CoreVirtualKeyStates;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CoreWindowActivationMode(pub i32); impl CoreWindowActivationMode { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4591,17 +4492,6 @@ impl CoreWindowActivationMode { pub const ActivatedNotForeground: Self = Self(2i32); pub const ActivatedInForeground: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CoreWindowActivationMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CoreWindowActivationMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CoreWindowActivationMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CoreWindowActivationMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4614,24 +4504,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CoreWindowActivationMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindowActivationMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CoreWindowActivationState(pub i32); impl CoreWindowActivationState { pub const CodeActivated: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Deactivated: Self = Self(1i32); pub const PointerActivated: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CoreWindowActivationState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CoreWindowActivationState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CoreWindowActivationState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CoreWindowActivationState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4644,23 +4523,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CoreWindowActivationState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Core.CoreWindowActivationState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CoreWindowFlowDirection(pub i32); impl CoreWindowFlowDirection { pub const LeftToRight: Self = Self(0i32); pub const RightToLeft: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CoreWindowFlowDirection {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CoreWindowFlowDirection { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CoreWindowFlowDirection { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CoreWindowFlowDirection { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Input/Inking/Analysis/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Input/Inking/Analysis/ index 8c12167f9a..ad10c13a9d 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Input/Inking/Analysis/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Input/Inking/Analysis/ @@ -1207,7 +1207,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for InkAnalyzer { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for InkAnalyzer {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for InkAnalyzer {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InkAnalysisDrawingKind(pub i32); impl InkAnalysisDrawingKind { pub const Drawing: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1226,17 +1226,6 @@ impl InkAnalysisDrawingKind { pub const Pentagon: Self = Self(13i32); pub const Hexagon: Self = Self(14i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InkAnalysisDrawingKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InkAnalysisDrawingKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InkAnalysisDrawingKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InkAnalysisDrawingKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1249,7 +1238,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for InkAnalysisDrawingKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Input.Inking.Analysis.InkAnalysisDrawingKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InkAnalysisNodeKind(pub i32); impl InkAnalysisNodeKind { pub const UnclassifiedInk: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1262,17 +1251,6 @@ impl InkAnalysisNodeKind { pub const InkDrawing: Self = Self(7i32); pub const ListItem: Self = Self(8i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InkAnalysisNodeKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InkAnalysisNodeKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InkAnalysisNodeKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InkAnalysisNodeKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1285,23 +1263,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for InkAnalysisNodeKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Input.Inking.Analysis.InkAnalysisNodeKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InkAnalysisStatus(pub i32); impl InkAnalysisStatus { pub const Updated: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Unchanged: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InkAnalysisStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InkAnalysisStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InkAnalysisStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InkAnalysisStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1314,24 +1281,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for InkAnalysisStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Input.Inking.Analysis.InkAnalysisStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InkAnalysisStrokeKind(pub i32); impl InkAnalysisStrokeKind { pub const Auto: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Writing: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Drawing: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InkAnalysisStrokeKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InkAnalysisStrokeKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InkAnalysisStrokeKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InkAnalysisStrokeKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Input/Inking/Core/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Input/Inking/Core/ index 0776c402a9..3e7679a723 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Input/Inking/Core/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Input/Inking/Core/ @@ -681,24 +681,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for CoreWetStrokeUpdateSource { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for CoreWetStrokeUpdateSource {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for CoreWetStrokeUpdateSource {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CoreWetStrokeDisposition(pub i32); impl CoreWetStrokeDisposition { pub const Inking: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Completed: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Canceled: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CoreWetStrokeDisposition {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CoreWetStrokeDisposition { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CoreWetStrokeDisposition { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CoreWetStrokeDisposition { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Input/Inking/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Input/Inking/ index 0c9bf4cfa6..ab48ad280d 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Input/Inking/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Input/Inking/ @@ -3368,24 +3368,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for PenAndInkSettings { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for PenAndInkSettings {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for PenAndInkSettings {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HandwritingLineHeight(pub i32); impl HandwritingLineHeight { pub const Small: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Medium: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Large: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HandwritingLineHeight {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HandwritingLineHeight { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HandwritingLineHeight { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HandwritingLineHeight { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3398,23 +3387,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for HandwritingLineHeight { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Input.Inking.HandwritingLineHeight;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InkDrawingAttributesKind(pub i32); impl InkDrawingAttributesKind { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Pencil: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InkDrawingAttributesKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InkDrawingAttributesKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InkDrawingAttributesKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InkDrawingAttributesKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3427,24 +3405,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for InkDrawingAttributesKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Input.Inking.InkDrawingAttributesKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InkHighContrastAdjustment(pub i32); impl InkHighContrastAdjustment { pub const UseSystemColorsWhenNecessary: Self = Self(0i32); pub const UseSystemColors: Self = Self(1i32); pub const UseOriginalColors: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InkHighContrastAdjustment {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InkHighContrastAdjustment { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InkHighContrastAdjustment { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InkHighContrastAdjustment { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3457,24 +3424,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for InkHighContrastAdjustment { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Input.Inking.InkHighContrastAdjustment;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InkInputProcessingMode(pub i32); impl InkInputProcessingMode { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Inking: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Erasing: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InkInputProcessingMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InkInputProcessingMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InkInputProcessingMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InkInputProcessingMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3487,23 +3443,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for InkInputProcessingMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Input.Inking.InkInputProcessingMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InkInputRightDragAction(pub i32); impl InkInputRightDragAction { pub const LeaveUnprocessed: Self = Self(0i32); pub const AllowProcessing: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InkInputRightDragAction {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InkInputRightDragAction { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InkInputRightDragAction { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InkInputRightDragAction { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3516,24 +3461,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for InkInputRightDragAction { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Input.Inking.InkInputRightDragAction;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InkManipulationMode(pub i32); impl InkManipulationMode { pub const Inking: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Erasing: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Selecting: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InkManipulationMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InkManipulationMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InkManipulationMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InkManipulationMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3546,23 +3480,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for InkManipulationMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Input.Inking.InkManipulationMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InkPersistenceFormat(pub i32); impl InkPersistenceFormat { pub const GifWithEmbeddedIsf: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Isf: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InkPersistenceFormat {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InkPersistenceFormat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InkPersistenceFormat { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InkPersistenceFormat { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3575,23 +3498,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for InkPersistenceFormat { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Input.Inking.InkPersistenceFormat;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InkPresenterPredefinedConfiguration(pub i32); impl InkPresenterPredefinedConfiguration { pub const SimpleSinglePointer: Self = Self(0i32); pub const SimpleMultiplePointer: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InkPresenterPredefinedConfiguration {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InkPresenterPredefinedConfiguration { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InkPresenterPredefinedConfiguration { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InkPresenterPredefinedConfiguration { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3604,24 +3516,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for InkPresenterPredefinedConfiguration { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Input.Inking.InkPresenterPredefinedConfiguration;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InkPresenterStencilKind(pub i32); impl InkPresenterStencilKind { pub const Other: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Ruler: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Protractor: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InkPresenterStencilKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InkPresenterStencilKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InkPresenterStencilKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InkPresenterStencilKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3634,24 +3535,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for InkPresenterStencilKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Input.Inking.InkPresenterStencilKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InkRecognitionTarget(pub i32); impl InkRecognitionTarget { pub const All: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Selected: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Recent: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InkRecognitionTarget {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InkRecognitionTarget { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InkRecognitionTarget { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InkRecognitionTarget { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3664,23 +3554,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for InkRecognitionTarget { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Input.Inking.InkRecognitionTarget;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PenHandedness(pub i32); impl PenHandedness { pub const Right: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Left: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PenHandedness {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PenHandedness { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PenHandedness { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PenHandedness { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3693,23 +3572,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PenHandedness { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Input.Inking.PenHandedness;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PenTipShape(pub i32); impl PenTipShape { pub const Circle: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Rectangle: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PenTipShape {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PenTipShape { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PenTipShape { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PenTipShape { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Input/Preview/Injection/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Input/Preview/Injection/ index af4ddcc7de..b5722f77cf 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Input/Preview/Injection/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Input/Preview/Injection/ @@ -784,7 +784,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for InputInjector { } ::windows_core::imp::interface_hierarchy!(InputInjector, ::windows_core::IUnknown, ::windows_core::IInspectable); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InjectedInputButtonChangeKind(pub i32); impl InjectedInputButtonChangeKind { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -799,17 +799,6 @@ impl InjectedInputButtonChangeKind { pub const FifthButtonDown: Self = Self(9i32); pub const FifthButtonUp: Self = Self(10i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InjectedInputButtonChangeKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InjectedInputButtonChangeKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InjectedInputButtonChangeKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InjectedInputButtonChangeKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -822,7 +811,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for InjectedInputButtonChangeKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Input.Preview.Injection.InjectedInputButtonChangeKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InjectedInputKeyOptions(pub u32); impl InjectedInputKeyOptions { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -831,17 +820,6 @@ impl InjectedInputKeyOptions { pub const ScanCode: Self = Self(8u32); pub const Unicode: Self = Self(4u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InjectedInputKeyOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InjectedInputKeyOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InjectedInputKeyOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InjectedInputKeyOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -887,7 +865,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for InjectedInputKeyOptions { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Input.Preview.Injection.InjectedInputKeyOptions;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InjectedInputMouseOptions(pub u32); impl InjectedInputMouseOptions { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -906,17 +884,6 @@ impl InjectedInputMouseOptions { pub const VirtualDesk: Self = Self(16384u32); pub const Absolute: Self = Self(32768u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InjectedInputMouseOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InjectedInputMouseOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InjectedInputMouseOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InjectedInputMouseOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -962,7 +929,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for InjectedInputMouseOptions { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Input.Preview.Injection.InjectedInputMouseOptions;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InjectedInputPenButtons(pub u32); impl InjectedInputPenButtons { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -970,17 +937,6 @@ impl InjectedInputPenButtons { pub const Inverted: Self = Self(2u32); pub const Eraser: Self = Self(4u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InjectedInputPenButtons {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InjectedInputPenButtons { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InjectedInputPenButtons { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InjectedInputPenButtons { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1026,7 +982,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for InjectedInputPenButtons { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Input.Preview.Injection.InjectedInputPenButtons;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InjectedInputPenParameters(pub u32); impl InjectedInputPenParameters { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -1035,17 +991,6 @@ impl InjectedInputPenParameters { pub const TiltX: Self = Self(4u32); pub const TiltY: Self = Self(8u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InjectedInputPenParameters {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InjectedInputPenParameters { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InjectedInputPenParameters { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InjectedInputPenParameters { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1091,7 +1036,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for InjectedInputPenParameters { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Input.Preview.Injection.InjectedInputPenParameters;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InjectedInputPointerOptions(pub u32); impl InjectedInputPointerOptions { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -1108,17 +1053,6 @@ impl InjectedInputPointerOptions { pub const PointerUp: Self = Self(262144u32); pub const CaptureChanged: Self = Self(2097152u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InjectedInputPointerOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InjectedInputPointerOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InjectedInputPointerOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InjectedInputPointerOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1164,24 +1098,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for InjectedInputPointerOptions { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Input.Preview.Injection.InjectedInputPointerOptions;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InjectedInputShortcut(pub i32); impl InjectedInputShortcut { pub const Back: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Start: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Search: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InjectedInputShortcut {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InjectedInputShortcut { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InjectedInputShortcut { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InjectedInputShortcut { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1194,7 +1117,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for InjectedInputShortcut { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Input.Preview.Injection.InjectedInputShortcut;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InjectedInputTouchParameters(pub u32); impl InjectedInputTouchParameters { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -1202,17 +1125,6 @@ impl InjectedInputTouchParameters { pub const Orientation: Self = Self(2u32); pub const Pressure: Self = Self(4u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InjectedInputTouchParameters {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InjectedInputTouchParameters { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InjectedInputTouchParameters { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InjectedInputTouchParameters { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1258,24 +1170,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for InjectedInputTouchParameters { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Input.Preview.Injection.InjectedInputTouchParameters;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InjectedInputVisualizationMode(pub i32); impl InjectedInputVisualizationMode { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Default: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Indirect: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InjectedInputVisualizationMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InjectedInputVisualizationMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InjectedInputVisualizationMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InjectedInputVisualizationMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Input/Spatial/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Input/Spatial/ index f5a3358ffd..c84b4e3066 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Input/Spatial/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Input/Spatial/ @@ -2603,7 +2603,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for SpatialTappedEventArgs { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for SpatialTappedEventArgs {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for SpatialTappedEventArgs {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpatialGestureSettings(pub u32); impl SpatialGestureSettings { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -2618,17 +2618,6 @@ impl SpatialGestureSettings { pub const NavigationRailsY: Self = Self(256u32); pub const NavigationRailsZ: Self = Self(512u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpatialGestureSettings {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpatialGestureSettings { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpatialGestureSettings { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpatialGestureSettings { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2674,7 +2663,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SpatialGestureSettings { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Input.Spatial.SpatialGestureSettings;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpatialInteractionPressKind(pub i32); impl SpatialInteractionPressKind { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2684,17 +2673,6 @@ impl SpatialInteractionPressKind { pub const Touchpad: Self = Self(4i32); pub const Thumbstick: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpatialInteractionPressKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpatialInteractionPressKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpatialInteractionPressKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpatialInteractionPressKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2707,24 +2685,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SpatialInteractionPressKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Input.Spatial.SpatialInteractionPressKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpatialInteractionSourceHandedness(pub i32); impl SpatialInteractionSourceHandedness { pub const Unspecified: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Left: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Right: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpatialInteractionSourceHandedness {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpatialInteractionSourceHandedness { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpatialInteractionSourceHandedness { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpatialInteractionSourceHandedness { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2737,7 +2704,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SpatialInteractionSourceHandedness { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Input.Spatial.SpatialInteractionSourceHandedness;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpatialInteractionSourceKind(pub i32); impl SpatialInteractionSourceKind { pub const Other: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2745,17 +2712,6 @@ impl SpatialInteractionSourceKind { pub const Voice: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Controller: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpatialInteractionSourceKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpatialInteractionSourceKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpatialInteractionSourceKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpatialInteractionSourceKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2768,23 +2724,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SpatialInteractionSourceKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Input.Spatial.SpatialInteractionSourceKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpatialInteractionSourcePositionAccuracy(pub i32); impl SpatialInteractionSourcePositionAccuracy { pub const High: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Approximate: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpatialInteractionSourcePositionAccuracy {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpatialInteractionSourcePositionAccuracy { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpatialInteractionSourcePositionAccuracy { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpatialInteractionSourcePositionAccuracy { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Input/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Input/ index d0bb469ecb..aeced0bf8c 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Input/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Input/ @@ -4160,7 +4160,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for TappedEventArgs { } ::windows_core::imp::interface_hierarchy!(TappedEventArgs, ::windows_core::IUnknown, ::windows_core::IInspectable); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CrossSlidingState(pub i32); impl CrossSlidingState { pub const Started: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4171,17 +4171,6 @@ impl CrossSlidingState { pub const Rearranging: Self = Self(5i32); pub const Completed: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CrossSlidingState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CrossSlidingState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CrossSlidingState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CrossSlidingState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4194,24 +4183,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CrossSlidingState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Input.CrossSlidingState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DraggingState(pub i32); impl DraggingState { pub const Started: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Continuing: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Completed: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DraggingState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DraggingState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DraggingState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DraggingState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4224,24 +4202,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for DraggingState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Input.DraggingState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EdgeGestureKind(pub i32); impl EdgeGestureKind { pub const Touch: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Keyboard: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Mouse: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EdgeGestureKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EdgeGestureKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EdgeGestureKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EdgeGestureKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4254,7 +4221,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for EdgeGestureKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Input.EdgeGestureKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GazeInputAccessStatus(pub i32); impl GazeInputAccessStatus { pub const Unspecified: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4262,17 +4229,6 @@ impl GazeInputAccessStatus { pub const DeniedByUser: Self = Self(2i32); pub const DeniedBySystem: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GazeInputAccessStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GazeInputAccessStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GazeInputAccessStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GazeInputAccessStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4285,7 +4241,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for GazeInputAccessStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Input.GazeInputAccessStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GestureSettings(pub u32); impl GestureSettings { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -4307,17 +4263,6 @@ impl GestureSettings { pub const CrossSlide: Self = Self(32768u32); pub const ManipulationMultipleFingerPanning: Self = Self(65536u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GestureSettings {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GestureSettings { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GestureSettings { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GestureSettings { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4363,24 +4308,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for GestureSettings { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Input.GestureSettings;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HoldingState(pub i32); impl HoldingState { pub const Started: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Completed: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Canceled: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HoldingState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HoldingState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HoldingState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HoldingState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4393,7 +4327,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for HoldingState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Input.HoldingState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InputActivationState(pub i32); impl InputActivationState { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4401,17 +4335,6 @@ impl InputActivationState { pub const ActivatedNotForeground: Self = Self(2i32); pub const ActivatedInForeground: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InputActivationState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InputActivationState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InputActivationState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InputActivationState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4424,7 +4347,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for InputActivationState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Input.InputActivationState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PointerUpdateKind(pub i32); impl PointerUpdateKind { pub const Other: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4439,17 +4362,6 @@ impl PointerUpdateKind { pub const XButton2Pressed: Self = Self(9i32); pub const XButton2Released: Self = Self(10i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PointerUpdateKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PointerUpdateKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PointerUpdateKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PointerUpdateKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4462,7 +4374,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PointerUpdateKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Input.PointerUpdateKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RadialControllerMenuKnownIcon(pub i32); impl RadialControllerMenuKnownIcon { pub const Scroll: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4475,17 +4387,6 @@ impl RadialControllerMenuKnownIcon { pub const InkThickness: Self = Self(7i32); pub const PenType: Self = Self(8i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RadialControllerMenuKnownIcon {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RadialControllerMenuKnownIcon { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RadialControllerMenuKnownIcon { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RadialControllerMenuKnownIcon { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4498,7 +4399,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for RadialControllerMenuKnownIcon { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Input.RadialControllerMenuKnownIcon;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RadialControllerSystemMenuItemKind(pub i32); impl RadialControllerSystemMenuItemKind { pub const Scroll: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4507,17 +4408,6 @@ impl RadialControllerSystemMenuItemKind { pub const Volume: Self = Self(3i32); pub const NextPreviousTrack: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RadialControllerSystemMenuItemKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RadialControllerSystemMenuItemKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RadialControllerSystemMenuItemKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RadialControllerSystemMenuItemKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Notifications/Management/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Notifications/Management/ index 0f60cfe381..54609984e0 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Notifications/Management/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Notifications/Management/ @@ -124,24 +124,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for UserNotificationListener { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for UserNotificationListener {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for UserNotificationListener {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UserNotificationListenerAccessStatus(pub i32); impl UserNotificationListenerAccessStatus { pub const Unspecified: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Allowed: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Denied: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UserNotificationListenerAccessStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UserNotificationListenerAccessStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UserNotificationListenerAccessStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UserNotificationListenerAccessStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Notifications/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Notifications/ index 203ccc946d..08a12bb312 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Notifications/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Notifications/ @@ -3749,22 +3749,11 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for UserNotificationChangedEventArgs { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for UserNotificationChangedEventArgs {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for UserNotificationChangedEventArgs {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AdaptiveNotificationContentKind(pub i32); impl AdaptiveNotificationContentKind { pub const Text: Self = Self(0i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AdaptiveNotificationContentKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AdaptiveNotificationContentKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AdaptiveNotificationContentKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AdaptiveNotificationContentKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3777,23 +3766,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AdaptiveNotificationContentKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Notifications.AdaptiveNotificationContentKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BadgeTemplateType(pub i32); impl BadgeTemplateType { pub const BadgeGlyph: Self = Self(0i32); pub const BadgeNumber: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BadgeTemplateType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BadgeTemplateType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BadgeTemplateType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BadgeTemplateType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3806,23 +3784,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for BadgeTemplateType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Notifications.BadgeTemplateType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NotificationKinds(pub u32); impl NotificationKinds { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0u32); pub const Toast: Self = Self(1u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NotificationKinds {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NotificationKinds { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NotificationKinds { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NotificationKinds { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3868,23 +3835,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for NotificationKinds { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Notifications.NotificationKinds;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NotificationMirroring(pub i32); impl NotificationMirroring { pub const Allowed: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Disabled: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NotificationMirroring {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NotificationMirroring { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NotificationMirroring { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NotificationMirroring { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3897,7 +3853,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for NotificationMirroring { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Notifications.NotificationMirroring;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NotificationSetting(pub i32); impl NotificationSetting { pub const Enabled: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3906,17 +3862,6 @@ impl NotificationSetting { pub const DisabledByGroupPolicy: Self = Self(3i32); pub const DisabledByManifest: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NotificationSetting {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NotificationSetting { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NotificationSetting { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NotificationSetting { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3929,24 +3874,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for NotificationSetting { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Notifications.NotificationSetting;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NotificationUpdateResult(pub i32); impl NotificationUpdateResult { pub const Succeeded: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Failed: Self = Self(1i32); pub const NotificationNotFound: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NotificationUpdateResult {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NotificationUpdateResult { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NotificationUpdateResult { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NotificationUpdateResult { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3959,7 +3893,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for NotificationUpdateResult { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Notifications.NotificationUpdateResult;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PeriodicUpdateRecurrence(pub i32); impl PeriodicUpdateRecurrence { pub const HalfHour: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3968,17 +3902,6 @@ impl PeriodicUpdateRecurrence { pub const TwelveHours: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Daily: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PeriodicUpdateRecurrence {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PeriodicUpdateRecurrence { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PeriodicUpdateRecurrence { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PeriodicUpdateRecurrence { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3991,22 +3914,11 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PeriodicUpdateRecurrence { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Notifications.PeriodicUpdateRecurrence;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TileFlyoutTemplateType(pub i32); impl TileFlyoutTemplateType { pub const TileFlyoutTemplate01: Self = Self(0i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TileFlyoutTemplateType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TileFlyoutTemplateType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TileFlyoutTemplateType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TileFlyoutTemplateType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4019,7 +3931,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for TileFlyoutTemplateType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Notifications.TileFlyoutTemplateType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TileTemplateType(pub i32); impl TileTemplateType { pub const TileSquareImage: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4149,17 +4061,6 @@ impl TileTemplateType { pub const TileSquare71x71Image: Self = Self(78i32); pub const TileTall150x310Image: Self = Self(79i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TileTemplateType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TileTemplateType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TileTemplateType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TileTemplateType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4172,24 +4073,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for TileTemplateType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Notifications.TileTemplateType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ToastDismissalReason(pub i32); impl ToastDismissalReason { pub const UserCanceled: Self = Self(0i32); pub const ApplicationHidden: Self = Self(1i32); pub const TimedOut: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ToastDismissalReason {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ToastDismissalReason { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ToastDismissalReason { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ToastDismissalReason { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4202,7 +4092,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ToastDismissalReason { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Notifications.ToastDismissalReason;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ToastHistoryChangedType(pub i32); impl ToastHistoryChangedType { pub const Cleared: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4210,17 +4100,6 @@ impl ToastHistoryChangedType { pub const Expired: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Added: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ToastHistoryChangedType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ToastHistoryChangedType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ToastHistoryChangedType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ToastHistoryChangedType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4233,24 +4112,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ToastHistoryChangedType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Notifications.ToastHistoryChangedType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ToastNotificationMode(pub i32); impl ToastNotificationMode { pub const Unrestricted: Self = Self(0i32); pub const PriorityOnly: Self = Self(1i32); pub const AlarmsOnly: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ToastNotificationMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ToastNotificationMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ToastNotificationMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ToastNotificationMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4263,23 +4131,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ToastNotificationMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Notifications.ToastNotificationMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ToastNotificationPriority(pub i32); impl ToastNotificationPriority { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); pub const High: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ToastNotificationPriority {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ToastNotificationPriority { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ToastNotificationPriority { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ToastNotificationPriority { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4292,7 +4149,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ToastNotificationPriority { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Notifications.ToastNotificationPriority;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ToastTemplateType(pub i32); impl ToastTemplateType { pub const ToastImageAndText01: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -4304,17 +4161,6 @@ impl ToastTemplateType { pub const ToastText03: Self = Self(6i32); pub const ToastText04: Self = Self(7i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ToastTemplateType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ToastTemplateType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ToastTemplateType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ToastTemplateType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4327,23 +4173,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ToastTemplateType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Notifications.ToastTemplateType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UserNotificationChangedKind(pub i32); impl UserNotificationChangedKind { pub const Added: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Removed: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UserNotificationChangedKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UserNotificationChangedKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UserNotificationChangedKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UserNotificationChangedKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Popups/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Popups/ index 304148e055..c6546d4930 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Popups/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Popups/ @@ -476,23 +476,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::CanTryInto for UICommandSeparator {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for UICommandSeparator {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for UICommandSeparator {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MessageDialogOptions(pub u32); impl MessageDialogOptions { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); pub const AcceptUserInputAfterDelay: Self = Self(1u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MessageDialogOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MessageDialogOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MessageDialogOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MessageDialogOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -538,7 +527,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MessageDialogOptions { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Popups.MessageDialogOptions;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct Placement(pub i32); impl Placement { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -547,17 +536,6 @@ impl Placement { pub const Left: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Right: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for Placement {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for Placement { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for Placement { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for Placement { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Shell/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Shell/ index d3c987cf09..07a2f81e76 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Shell/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Shell/ @@ -1515,22 +1515,11 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for WindowTabThumbnailRequestedEventArgs { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for WindowTabThumbnailRequestedEventArgs {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for WindowTabThumbnailRequestedEventArgs {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SecurityAppKind(pub i32); impl SecurityAppKind { pub const WebProtection: Self = Self(0i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SecurityAppKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SecurityAppKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SecurityAppKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SecurityAppKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1543,23 +1532,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SecurityAppKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Shell.SecurityAppKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SecurityAppState(pub i32); impl SecurityAppState { pub const Disabled: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Enabled: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SecurityAppState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SecurityAppState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SecurityAppState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SecurityAppState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1572,7 +1550,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SecurityAppState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Shell.SecurityAppState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SecurityAppSubstatus(pub i32); impl SecurityAppSubstatus { pub const Undetermined: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1580,17 +1558,6 @@ impl SecurityAppSubstatus { pub const ActionRecommended: Self = Self(2i32); pub const ActionNeeded: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SecurityAppSubstatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SecurityAppSubstatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SecurityAppSubstatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SecurityAppSubstatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1603,24 +1570,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SecurityAppSubstatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Shell.SecurityAppSubstatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ShareWindowCommand(pub i32); impl ShareWindowCommand { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); pub const StartSharing: Self = Self(1i32); pub const StopSharing: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ShareWindowCommand {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ShareWindowCommand { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ShareWindowCommand { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ShareWindowCommand { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/StartScreen/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/StartScreen/ index d167c7718c..a6dc659945 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/StartScreen/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/StartScreen/ @@ -1542,23 +1542,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for VisualElementsRequestedEventArgs { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for VisualElementsRequestedEventArgs {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for VisualElementsRequestedEventArgs {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ForegroundText(pub i32); impl ForegroundText { pub const Dark: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Light: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ForegroundText {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ForegroundText { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ForegroundText { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ForegroundText { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1571,23 +1560,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ForegroundText { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.StartScreen.ForegroundText;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct JumpListItemKind(pub i32); impl JumpListItemKind { pub const Arguments: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Separator: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for JumpListItemKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for JumpListItemKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for JumpListItemKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for JumpListItemKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1600,24 +1578,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for JumpListItemKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.StartScreen.JumpListItemKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct JumpListSystemGroupKind(pub i32); impl JumpListSystemGroupKind { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Frequent: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Recent: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for JumpListSystemGroupKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for JumpListSystemGroupKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for JumpListSystemGroupKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for JumpListSystemGroupKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1630,23 +1597,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for JumpListSystemGroupKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.StartScreen.JumpListSystemGroupKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TileMixedRealityModelActivationBehavior(pub i32); impl TileMixedRealityModelActivationBehavior { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); pub const None: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TileMixedRealityModelActivationBehavior {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TileMixedRealityModelActivationBehavior { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TileMixedRealityModelActivationBehavior { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TileMixedRealityModelActivationBehavior { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1659,7 +1615,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for TileMixedRealityModelActivationBehavior { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.StartScreen.TileMixedRealityModelActivationBehavior;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TileOptions(pub u32); impl TileOptions { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -1667,17 +1623,6 @@ impl TileOptions { pub const ShowNameOnWideLogo: Self = Self(2u32); pub const CopyOnDeployment: Self = Self(4u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TileOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TileOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TileOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TileOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1723,7 +1668,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for TileOptions { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.StartScreen.TileOptions;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TileSize(pub i32); impl TileSize { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1735,17 +1680,6 @@ impl TileSize { pub const Square71x71: Self = Self(6i32); pub const Square44x44: Self = Self(7i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TileSize {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TileSize { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TileSize { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TileSize { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Text/Core/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Text/Core/ index 5ec303cd7f..c11f452d1a 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Text/Core/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Text/Core/ @@ -1300,7 +1300,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for CoreTextTextUpdatingEventArgs { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for CoreTextTextUpdatingEventArgs {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for CoreTextTextUpdatingEventArgs {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CoreTextFormatUpdatingReason(pub i32); impl CoreTextFormatUpdatingReason { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1309,17 +1309,6 @@ impl CoreTextFormatUpdatingReason { pub const CompositionTargetUnconverted: Self = Self(3i32); pub const CompositionTargetConverted: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CoreTextFormatUpdatingReason {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CoreTextFormatUpdatingReason { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CoreTextFormatUpdatingReason { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CoreTextFormatUpdatingReason { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1332,23 +1321,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CoreTextFormatUpdatingReason { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Text.Core.CoreTextFormatUpdatingReason;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CoreTextFormatUpdatingResult(pub i32); impl CoreTextFormatUpdatingResult { pub const Succeeded: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Failed: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CoreTextFormatUpdatingResult {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CoreTextFormatUpdatingResult { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CoreTextFormatUpdatingResult { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CoreTextFormatUpdatingResult { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1361,23 +1339,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CoreTextFormatUpdatingResult { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Text.Core.CoreTextFormatUpdatingResult;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CoreTextInputPaneDisplayPolicy(pub i32); impl CoreTextInputPaneDisplayPolicy { pub const Automatic: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Manual: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CoreTextInputPaneDisplayPolicy {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CoreTextInputPaneDisplayPolicy { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CoreTextInputPaneDisplayPolicy { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CoreTextInputPaneDisplayPolicy { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1390,7 +1357,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CoreTextInputPaneDisplayPolicy { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Text.Core.CoreTextInputPaneDisplayPolicy;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CoreTextInputScope(pub i32); impl CoreTextInputScope { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1461,17 +1428,6 @@ impl CoreTextInputScope { pub const PinNumeric: Self = Self(64i32); pub const PinAlphanumeric: Self = Self(65i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CoreTextInputScope {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CoreTextInputScope { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CoreTextInputScope { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CoreTextInputScope { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1484,23 +1440,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CoreTextInputScope { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Text.Core.CoreTextInputScope;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CoreTextSelectionUpdatingResult(pub i32); impl CoreTextSelectionUpdatingResult { pub const Succeeded: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Failed: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CoreTextSelectionUpdatingResult {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CoreTextSelectionUpdatingResult { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CoreTextSelectionUpdatingResult { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CoreTextSelectionUpdatingResult { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1513,23 +1458,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CoreTextSelectionUpdatingResult { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Text.Core.CoreTextSelectionUpdatingResult;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CoreTextTextUpdatingResult(pub i32); impl CoreTextTextUpdatingResult { pub const Succeeded: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Failed: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CoreTextTextUpdatingResult {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CoreTextTextUpdatingResult { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CoreTextTextUpdatingResult { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CoreTextTextUpdatingResult { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Text/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Text/ index adc16a42e0..fad478e91c 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Text/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/Text/ @@ -2691,23 +2691,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for TextConstants { const NAME: &'static str = "Windows.UI.Text.TextConstants"; } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CaretType(pub i32); impl CaretType { pub const Normal: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Null: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CaretType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CaretType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CaretType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CaretType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2720,24 +2709,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CaretType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Text.CaretType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FindOptions(pub u32); impl FindOptions { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); pub const Word: Self = Self(2u32); pub const Case: Self = Self(4u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FindOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FindOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FindOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FindOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2783,7 +2761,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for FindOptions { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Text.FindOptions;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FontStretch(pub i32); impl FontStretch { pub const Undefined: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2797,17 +2775,6 @@ impl FontStretch { pub const ExtraExpanded: Self = Self(8i32); pub const UltraExpanded: Self = Self(9i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FontStretch {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FontStretch { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FontStretch { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FontStretch { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2820,24 +2787,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for FontStretch { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Text.FontStretch;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FontStyle(pub i32); impl FontStyle { pub const Normal: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Oblique: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Italic: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FontStyle {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FontStyle { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FontStyle { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FontStyle { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2850,7 +2806,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for FontStyle { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Text.FontStyle;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FormatEffect(pub i32); impl FormatEffect { pub const Off: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2858,17 +2814,6 @@ impl FormatEffect { pub const Toggle: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Undefined: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FormatEffect {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FormatEffect { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FormatEffect { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FormatEffect { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2881,24 +2826,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for FormatEffect { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Text.FormatEffect;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HorizontalCharacterAlignment(pub i32); impl HorizontalCharacterAlignment { pub const Left: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Right: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Center: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HorizontalCharacterAlignment {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HorizontalCharacterAlignment { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HorizontalCharacterAlignment { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HorizontalCharacterAlignment { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2911,23 +2845,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for HorizontalCharacterAlignment { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Text.HorizontalCharacterAlignment;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LetterCase(pub i32); impl LetterCase { pub const Lower: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Upper: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LetterCase {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LetterCase { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LetterCase { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LetterCase { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2940,7 +2863,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for LetterCase { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Text.LetterCase;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LineSpacingRule(pub i32); impl LineSpacingRule { pub const Undefined: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2952,17 +2875,6 @@ impl LineSpacingRule { pub const Multiple: Self = Self(6i32); pub const Percent: Self = Self(7i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LineSpacingRule {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LineSpacingRule { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LineSpacingRule { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LineSpacingRule { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2975,7 +2887,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for LineSpacingRule { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Text.LineSpacingRule;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LinkType(pub i32); impl LinkType { pub const Undefined: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2988,17 +2900,6 @@ impl LinkType { pub const AutoLinkPhone: Self = Self(7i32); pub const AutoLinkPath: Self = Self(8i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LinkType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LinkType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LinkType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LinkType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3011,7 +2912,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for LinkType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Text.LinkType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MarkerAlignment(pub i32); impl MarkerAlignment { pub const Undefined: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3019,17 +2920,6 @@ impl MarkerAlignment { pub const Center: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Right: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MarkerAlignment {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MarkerAlignment { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MarkerAlignment { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MarkerAlignment { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3042,7 +2932,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MarkerAlignment { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Text.MarkerAlignment;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MarkerStyle(pub i32); impl MarkerStyle { pub const Undefined: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3053,17 +2943,6 @@ impl MarkerStyle { pub const Minus: Self = Self(5i32); pub const NoNumber: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MarkerStyle {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MarkerStyle { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MarkerStyle { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MarkerStyle { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3076,7 +2955,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MarkerStyle { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Text.MarkerStyle;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MarkerType(pub i32); impl MarkerType { pub const Undefined: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3105,17 +2984,6 @@ impl MarkerType { pub const DevanagariConsonant: Self = Self(23i32); pub const DevanagariNumeric: Self = Self(24i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MarkerType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MarkerType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MarkerType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MarkerType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3128,7 +2996,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for MarkerType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Text.MarkerType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ParagraphAlignment(pub i32); impl ParagraphAlignment { pub const Undefined: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3137,17 +3005,6 @@ impl ParagraphAlignment { pub const Right: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Justify: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ParagraphAlignment {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ParagraphAlignment { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ParagraphAlignment { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ParagraphAlignment { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3160,7 +3017,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ParagraphAlignment { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Text.ParagraphAlignment;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ParagraphStyle(pub i32); impl ParagraphStyle { pub const Undefined: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3176,17 +3033,6 @@ impl ParagraphStyle { pub const Heading8: Self = Self(10i32); pub const Heading9: Self = Self(11i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ParagraphStyle {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ParagraphStyle { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ParagraphStyle { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ParagraphStyle { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3199,7 +3045,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ParagraphStyle { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Text.ParagraphStyle;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PointOptions(pub u32); impl PointOptions { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -3211,17 +3057,6 @@ impl PointOptions { pub const NoHorizontalScroll: Self = Self(65536u32); pub const NoVerticalScroll: Self = Self(262144u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PointOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PointOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PointOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PointOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3267,7 +3102,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for PointOptions { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Text.PointOptions;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RangeGravity(pub i32); impl RangeGravity { pub const UIBehavior: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3276,17 +3111,6 @@ impl RangeGravity { pub const Inward: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Outward: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RangeGravity {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RangeGravity { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RangeGravity { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RangeGravity { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3299,23 +3123,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for RangeGravity { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Text.RangeGravity;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RichEditMathMode(pub i32); impl RichEditMathMode { pub const NoMath: Self = Self(0i32); pub const MathOnly: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RichEditMathMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RichEditMathMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RichEditMathMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RichEditMathMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3328,7 +3141,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for RichEditMathMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Text.RichEditMathMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SelectionOptions(pub u32); impl SelectionOptions { pub const StartActive: Self = Self(1u32); @@ -3337,17 +3150,6 @@ impl SelectionOptions { pub const Active: Self = Self(8u32); pub const Replace: Self = Self(16u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SelectionOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SelectionOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SelectionOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SelectionOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3393,7 +3195,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SelectionOptions { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Text.SelectionOptions;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SelectionType(pub i32); impl SelectionType { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3402,17 +3204,6 @@ impl SelectionType { pub const InlineShape: Self = Self(7i32); pub const Shape: Self = Self(8i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SelectionType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SelectionType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SelectionType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SelectionType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3425,7 +3216,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SelectionType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Text.SelectionType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TabAlignment(pub i32); impl TabAlignment { pub const Left: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3434,17 +3225,6 @@ impl TabAlignment { pub const Decimal: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Bar: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TabAlignment {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TabAlignment { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TabAlignment { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TabAlignment { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3457,7 +3237,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for TabAlignment { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Text.TabAlignment;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TabLeader(pub i32); impl TabLeader { pub const Spaces: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3467,17 +3247,6 @@ impl TabLeader { pub const ThickLines: Self = Self(4i32); pub const Equals: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TabLeader {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TabLeader { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TabLeader { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TabLeader { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3490,24 +3259,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for TabLeader { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Text.TabLeader;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TextDecorations(pub u32); impl TextDecorations { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); pub const Underline: Self = Self(1u32); pub const Strikethrough: Self = Self(2u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TextDecorations {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TextDecorations { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TextDecorations { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TextDecorations { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3553,7 +3311,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for TextDecorations { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Text.TextDecorations;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TextGetOptions(pub u32); impl TextGetOptions { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -3566,17 +3324,6 @@ impl TextGetOptions { pub const FormatRtf: Self = Self(8192u32); pub const UseLf: Self = Self(16777216u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TextGetOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TextGetOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TextGetOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TextGetOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3622,7 +3369,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for TextGetOptions { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Text.TextGetOptions;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TextRangeUnit(pub i32); impl TextRangeUnit { pub const Character: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3659,17 +3406,6 @@ impl TextRangeUnit { pub const LinkProtected: Self = Self(31i32); pub const ContentLink: Self = Self(32i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TextRangeUnit {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TextRangeUnit { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TextRangeUnit { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TextRangeUnit { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3682,7 +3418,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for TextRangeUnit { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Text.TextRangeUnit;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TextScript(pub i32); impl TextScript { pub const Undefined: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3750,17 +3486,6 @@ impl TextScript { pub const Deseret: Self = Self(62i32); pub const Tifinagh: Self = Self(63i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TextScript {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TextScript { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TextScript { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TextScript { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3773,7 +3498,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for TextScript { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Text.TextScript;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TextSetOptions(pub u32); impl TextSetOptions { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -3784,17 +3509,6 @@ impl TextSetOptions { pub const FormatRtf: Self = Self(8192u32); pub const ApplyRtfDocumentDefaults: Self = Self(16384u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TextSetOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TextSetOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TextSetOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TextSetOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3840,7 +3554,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for TextSetOptions { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Text.TextSetOptions;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UnderlineType(pub i32); impl UnderlineType { pub const Undefined: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3864,17 +3578,6 @@ impl UnderlineType { pub const ThickDotted: Self = Self(18i32); pub const ThickLongDash: Self = Self(19i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UnderlineType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UnderlineType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UnderlineType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UnderlineType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3887,24 +3590,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for UnderlineType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.Text.UnderlineType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VerticalCharacterAlignment(pub i32); impl VerticalCharacterAlignment { pub const Top: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Baseline: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Bottom: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VerticalCharacterAlignment {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VerticalCharacterAlignment { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VerticalCharacterAlignment { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VerticalCharacterAlignment { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/UIAutomation/Core/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/UIAutomation/Core/ index 769ae1092e..6b3cff69f4 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/UIAutomation/Core/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/UIAutomation/Core/ @@ -641,7 +641,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for RemoteAutomationWindow { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for RemoteAutomationWindow {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for RemoteAutomationWindow {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AutomationRemoteOperationStatus(pub i32); impl AutomationRemoteOperationStatus { pub const Success: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -650,17 +650,6 @@ impl AutomationRemoteOperationStatus { pub const UnhandledException: Self = Self(3i32); pub const ExecutionFailure: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AutomationRemoteOperationStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AutomationRemoteOperationStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AutomationRemoteOperationStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AutomationRemoteOperationStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/ViewManagement/Core/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/ViewManagement/Core/ index af0d18ecb6..48f20fe1ca 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/ViewManagement/Core/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/ViewManagement/Core/ @@ -987,7 +987,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for UISettingsController { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for UISettingsController {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for UISettingsController {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CoreInputViewKind(pub i32); impl CoreInputViewKind { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -998,17 +998,6 @@ impl CoreInputViewKind { pub const Clipboard: Self = Self(5i32); pub const Dictation: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CoreInputViewKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CoreInputViewKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CoreInputViewKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CoreInputViewKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1021,24 +1010,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CoreInputViewKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.ViewManagement.Core.CoreInputViewKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CoreInputViewOcclusionKind(pub i32); impl CoreInputViewOcclusionKind { pub const Docked: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Floating: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Overlay: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CoreInputViewOcclusionKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CoreInputViewOcclusionKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CoreInputViewOcclusionKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CoreInputViewOcclusionKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1051,7 +1029,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for CoreInputViewOcclusionKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.ViewManagement.Core.CoreInputViewOcclusionKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CoreInputViewXYFocusTransferDirection(pub i32); impl CoreInputViewXYFocusTransferDirection { pub const Up: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1059,17 +1037,6 @@ impl CoreInputViewXYFocusTransferDirection { pub const Down: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Left: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CoreInputViewXYFocusTransferDirection {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CoreInputViewXYFocusTransferDirection { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CoreInputViewXYFocusTransferDirection { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CoreInputViewXYFocusTransferDirection { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/ViewManagement/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/ViewManagement/ index 4795513ae5..445a873fa6 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/ViewManagement/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/ViewManagement/ @@ -2607,23 +2607,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for ViewModePreferences { } ::windows_core::imp::interface_hierarchy!(ViewModePreferences, ::windows_core::IUnknown, ::windows_core::IInspectable); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ApplicationViewBoundsMode(pub i32); impl ApplicationViewBoundsMode { pub const UseVisible: Self = Self(0i32); pub const UseCoreWindow: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ApplicationViewBoundsMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ApplicationViewBoundsMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ApplicationViewBoundsMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ApplicationViewBoundsMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2636,23 +2625,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ApplicationViewBoundsMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.ViewManagement.ApplicationViewBoundsMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ApplicationViewMode(pub i32); impl ApplicationViewMode { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); pub const CompactOverlay: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ApplicationViewMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ApplicationViewMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ApplicationViewMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ApplicationViewMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2665,23 +2643,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ApplicationViewMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.ViewManagement.ApplicationViewMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ApplicationViewOrientation(pub i32); impl ApplicationViewOrientation { pub const Landscape: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Portrait: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ApplicationViewOrientation {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ApplicationViewOrientation { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ApplicationViewOrientation { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ApplicationViewOrientation { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2696,7 +2663,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ApplicationViewOrientation { #[doc = "Required features: `\"deprecated\"`"] #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ApplicationViewState(pub i32); #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] impl ApplicationViewState { @@ -2706,20 +2673,6 @@ impl ApplicationViewState { pub const FullScreenPortrait: Self = Self(3i32); } #[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ApplicationViewState {} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ApplicationViewState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] -impl ::core::default::Default for ApplicationViewState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} -#[cfg(feature = "deprecated")] impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ApplicationViewState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2734,24 +2687,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ApplicationViewState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.ViewManagement.ApplicationViewState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ApplicationViewSwitchingOptions(pub u32); impl ApplicationViewSwitchingOptions { pub const Default: Self = Self(0u32); pub const SkipAnimation: Self = Self(1u32); pub const ConsolidateViews: Self = Self(2u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ApplicationViewSwitchingOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ApplicationViewSwitchingOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ApplicationViewSwitchingOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ApplicationViewSwitchingOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2797,7 +2739,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ApplicationViewSwitchingOptions { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.ViewManagement.ApplicationViewSwitchingOptions;u4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ApplicationViewWindowingMode(pub i32); impl ApplicationViewWindowingMode { pub const Auto: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2806,17 +2748,6 @@ impl ApplicationViewWindowingMode { pub const CompactOverlay: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Maximized: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ApplicationViewWindowingMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ApplicationViewWindowingMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ApplicationViewWindowingMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ApplicationViewWindowingMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2829,23 +2760,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ApplicationViewWindowingMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.ViewManagement.ApplicationViewWindowingMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FullScreenSystemOverlayMode(pub i32); impl FullScreenSystemOverlayMode { pub const Standard: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Minimal: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FullScreenSystemOverlayMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FullScreenSystemOverlayMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FullScreenSystemOverlayMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FullScreenSystemOverlayMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2858,23 +2778,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for FullScreenSystemOverlayMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.ViewManagement.FullScreenSystemOverlayMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HandPreference(pub i32); impl HandPreference { pub const LeftHanded: Self = Self(0i32); pub const RightHanded: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HandPreference {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HandPreference { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HandPreference { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HandPreference { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2887,23 +2796,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for HandPreference { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.ViewManagement.HandPreference;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ScreenCaptureDisabledBehavior(pub i32); impl ScreenCaptureDisabledBehavior { pub const DrawAsBlack: Self = Self(0i32); pub const ExcludeFromCapture: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ScreenCaptureDisabledBehavior {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ScreenCaptureDisabledBehavior { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ScreenCaptureDisabledBehavior { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ScreenCaptureDisabledBehavior { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2916,7 +2814,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for ScreenCaptureDisabledBehavior { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.ViewManagement.ScreenCaptureDisabledBehavior;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UIColorType(pub i32); impl UIColorType { pub const Background: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2930,17 +2828,6 @@ impl UIColorType { pub const AccentLight3: Self = Self(8i32); pub const Complement: Self = Self(9i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UIColorType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UIColorType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UIColorType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UIColorType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2953,7 +2840,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for UIColorType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.ViewManagement.UIColorType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UIElementType(pub i32); impl UIElementType { pub const ActiveCaption: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2983,17 +2870,6 @@ impl UIElementType { pub const PopupBackground: Self = Self(1011i32); pub const OverlayOutsidePopup: Self = Self(1012i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UIElementType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UIElementType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UIElementType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UIElementType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3006,23 +2882,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for UIElementType { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.ViewManagement.UIElementType;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UserInteractionMode(pub i32); impl UserInteractionMode { pub const Mouse: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Touch: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UserInteractionMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UserInteractionMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UserInteractionMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UserInteractionMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3035,7 +2900,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for UserInteractionMode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.ViewManagement.UserInteractionMode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ViewSizePreference(pub i32); impl ViewSizePreference { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -3046,17 +2911,6 @@ impl ViewSizePreference { pub const UseNone: Self = Self(5i32); pub const Custom: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ViewSizePreference {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ViewSizePreference { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ViewSizePreference { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ViewSizePreference { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/WebUI/Core/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/WebUI/Core/ index f4226dc631..5fc63d75b0 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/WebUI/Core/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/WebUI/Core/ @@ -716,24 +716,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::CanTryInto for WebUICommandBarSymbolI unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for WebUICommandBarSymbolIcon {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for WebUICommandBarSymbolIcon {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WebUICommandBarClosedDisplayMode(pub i32); impl WebUICommandBarClosedDisplayMode { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Minimal: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Compact: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WebUICommandBarClosedDisplayMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WebUICommandBarClosedDisplayMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WebUICommandBarClosedDisplayMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WebUICommandBarClosedDisplayMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/WebUI/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/WebUI/ index 0936ec72cf..1415fe2fee 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/WebUI/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/WebUI/ @@ -6081,7 +6081,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::CanTryInto for WebUIWebAuthenticationBrokerContinuationEventArgs {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PrintContent(pub i32); impl PrintContent { pub const AllPages: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -6089,17 +6089,6 @@ impl PrintContent { pub const CustomPageRange: Self = Self(2i32); pub const CurrentSelection: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PrintContent {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PrintContent { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PrintContent { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PrintContent { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/WindowManagement/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/WindowManagement/ index d5664d8c07..eb47bdb27e 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/WindowManagement/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/UI/WindowManagement/ @@ -1628,24 +1628,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for WindowingEnvironmentRemovedEventArgs { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for WindowingEnvironmentRemovedEventArgs {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for WindowingEnvironmentRemovedEventArgs {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppWindowClosedReason(pub i32); impl AppWindowClosedReason { pub const Other: Self = Self(0i32); pub const AppInitiated: Self = Self(1i32); pub const UserInitiated: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppWindowClosedReason {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppWindowClosedReason { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppWindowClosedReason { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppWindowClosedReason { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1658,23 +1647,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AppWindowClosedReason { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.WindowManagement.AppWindowClosedReason;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppWindowFrameStyle(pub i32); impl AppWindowFrameStyle { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); pub const NoFrame: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppWindowFrameStyle {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppWindowFrameStyle { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppWindowFrameStyle { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppWindowFrameStyle { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1687,24 +1665,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AppWindowFrameStyle { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.WindowManagement.AppWindowFrameStyle;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppWindowPresentationKind(pub i32); impl AppWindowPresentationKind { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); pub const CompactOverlay: Self = Self(1i32); pub const FullScreen: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppWindowPresentationKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppWindowPresentationKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppWindowPresentationKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppWindowPresentationKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1717,23 +1684,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AppWindowPresentationKind { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.WindowManagement.AppWindowPresentationKind;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppWindowTitleBarVisibility(pub i32); impl AppWindowTitleBarVisibility { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); pub const AlwaysHidden: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppWindowTitleBarVisibility {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppWindowTitleBarVisibility { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppWindowTitleBarVisibility { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppWindowTitleBarVisibility { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1746,24 +1702,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for AppWindowTitleBarVisibility { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.UI.WindowManagement.AppWindowTitleBarVisibility;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WindowingEnvironmentKind(pub i32); impl WindowingEnvironmentKind { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Overlapped: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Tiled: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WindowingEnvironmentKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WindowingEnvironmentKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WindowingEnvironmentKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WindowingEnvironmentKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Wdk/Foundation/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Wdk/Foundation/ index a3a30daf6e..b37937ca1b 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Wdk/Foundation/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Wdk/Foundation/ @@ -92,19 +92,8 @@ pub const __WARNING_RETURNING_BAD_RESULT: u32 = 28196u32; pub const __WARNING_RETURN_UNINIT_VAR: u32 = 6101u32; pub const __WARNING_USING_UNINIT_VAR: u32 = 6001u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IO_PRIORITY_HINT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IO_PRIORITY_HINT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IO_PRIORITY_HINT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IO_PRIORITY_HINT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IO_PRIORITY_HINT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -114,19 +103,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IO_PRIORITY_HINT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPIN_LOCK_QUEUE_NUMBER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPIN_LOCK_QUEUE_NUMBER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPIN_LOCK_QUEUE_NUMBER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPIN_LOCK_QUEUE_NUMBER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPIN_LOCK_QUEUE_NUMBER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -136,19 +114,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPIN_LOCK_QUEUE_NUMBER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OBJECT_INFORMATION_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OBJECT_INFORMATION_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OBJECT_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OBJECT_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OBJECT_INFORMATION_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -158,19 +125,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OBJECT_INFORMATION_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct POOL_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for POOL_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for POOL_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for POOL_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for POOL_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Wdk/Graphics/Direct3D/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Wdk/Graphics/Direct3D/ index 140ea7f5f0..d6ad6c7d5e 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Wdk/Graphics/Direct3D/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Wdk/Graphics/Direct3D/ @@ -2676,19 +2676,8 @@ pub const _NT_D3DVS_TEMPREG_MAX_V3_0: u32 = 32u32; pub const _NT_RTPATCHFLAG_HASINFO: i32 = 2i32; pub const _NT_RTPATCHFLAG_HASSEGS: i32 = 1i32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DDDIFORMAT(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DDDIFORMAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DDDIFORMAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DDDIFORMAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DDDIFORMAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2698,19 +2687,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DDDIFORMAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DDDIGPUVIRTUALADDRESS_RESERVATION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DDDIGPUVIRTUALADDRESS_RESERVATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DDDIGPUVIRTUALADDRESS_RESERVATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DDDIGPUVIRTUALADDRESS_RESERVATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DDDIGPUVIRTUALADDRESS_RESERVATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2720,19 +2698,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DDDIGPUVIRTUALADDRESS_RESERVATION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DDDIMULTISAMPLE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DDDIMULTISAMPLE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DDDIMULTISAMPLE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DDDIMULTISAMPLE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DDDIMULTISAMPLE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2742,19 +2709,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DDDIMULTISAMPLE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DDDI_COLOR_SPACE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DDDI_COLOR_SPACE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DDDI_COLOR_SPACE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DDDI_COLOR_SPACE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DDDI_COLOR_SPACE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2764,19 +2720,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DDDI_COLOR_SPACE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DDDI_DOORBELLSTATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DDDI_DOORBELLSTATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DDDI_DOORBELLSTATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DDDI_DOORBELLSTATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DDDI_DOORBELLSTATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2786,19 +2731,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DDDI_DOORBELLSTATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DDDI_DRIVERESCAPETYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DDDI_DRIVERESCAPETYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DDDI_DRIVERESCAPETYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DDDI_DRIVERESCAPETYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DDDI_DRIVERESCAPETYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2808,19 +2742,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DDDI_DRIVERESCAPETYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DDDI_FLIPINTERVAL_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DDDI_FLIPINTERVAL_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DDDI_FLIPINTERVAL_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DDDI_FLIPINTERVAL_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DDDI_FLIPINTERVAL_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2830,19 +2753,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DDDI_FLIPINTERVAL_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DDDI_GAMMARAMP_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DDDI_GAMMARAMP_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DDDI_GAMMARAMP_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DDDI_GAMMARAMP_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DDDI_GAMMARAMP_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2852,19 +2764,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DDDI_GAMMARAMP_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DDDI_HDR_METADATA_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DDDI_HDR_METADATA_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DDDI_HDR_METADATA_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DDDI_HDR_METADATA_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DDDI_HDR_METADATA_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2874,19 +2775,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DDDI_HDR_METADATA_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DDDI_OFFER_PRIORITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DDDI_OFFER_PRIORITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DDDI_OFFER_PRIORITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DDDI_OFFER_PRIORITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DDDI_OFFER_PRIORITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2896,19 +2786,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DDDI_OFFER_PRIORITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DDDI_OUTPUT_WIRE_COLOR_SPACE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DDDI_OUTPUT_WIRE_COLOR_SPACE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DDDI_OUTPUT_WIRE_COLOR_SPACE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DDDI_OUTPUT_WIRE_COLOR_SPACE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DDDI_OUTPUT_WIRE_COLOR_SPACE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2918,19 +2797,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DDDI_OUTPUT_WIRE_COLOR_SPACE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DDDI_PAGINGQUEUE_PRIORITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DDDI_PAGINGQUEUE_PRIORITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DDDI_PAGINGQUEUE_PRIORITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DDDI_PAGINGQUEUE_PRIORITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DDDI_PAGINGQUEUE_PRIORITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2940,19 +2808,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DDDI_PAGINGQUEUE_PRIORITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DDDI_POOL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DDDI_POOL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DDDI_POOL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DDDI_POOL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DDDI_POOL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2962,19 +2819,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DDDI_POOL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DDDI_QUERYREGISTRY_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DDDI_QUERYREGISTRY_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DDDI_QUERYREGISTRY_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DDDI_QUERYREGISTRY_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DDDI_QUERYREGISTRY_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2984,19 +2830,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DDDI_QUERYREGISTRY_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DDDI_QUERYREGISTRY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DDDI_QUERYREGISTRY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DDDI_QUERYREGISTRY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DDDI_QUERYREGISTRY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DDDI_QUERYREGISTRY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3006,19 +2841,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DDDI_QUERYREGISTRY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DDDI_RECLAIM_RESULT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DDDI_RECLAIM_RESULT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DDDI_RECLAIM_RESULT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DDDI_RECLAIM_RESULT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DDDI_RECLAIM_RESULT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3028,19 +2852,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DDDI_RECLAIM_RESULT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DDDI_ROTATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DDDI_ROTATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DDDI_ROTATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DDDI_ROTATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DDDI_ROTATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3050,19 +2863,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DDDI_ROTATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DDDI_SCANLINEORDERING(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DDDI_SCANLINEORDERING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DDDI_SCANLINEORDERING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DDDI_SCANLINEORDERING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DDDI_SCANLINEORDERING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3072,19 +2874,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DDDI_SCANLINEORDERING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DDDI_SYNCHRONIZATIONOBJECT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DDDI_SYNCHRONIZATIONOBJECT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DDDI_SYNCHRONIZATIONOBJECT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DDDI_SYNCHRONIZATIONOBJECT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DDDI_SYNCHRONIZATIONOBJECT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3094,19 +2885,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DDDI_SYNCHRONIZATIONOBJECT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DDDI_UPDATEGPUVIRTUALADDRESS_OPERATION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DDDI_UPDATEGPUVIRTUALADDRESS_OPERATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DDDI_UPDATEGPUVIRTUALADDRESS_OPERATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DDDI_UPDATEGPUVIRTUALADDRESS_OPERATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DDDI_UPDATEGPUVIRTUALADDRESS_OPERATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3116,19 +2896,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DDDI_UPDATEGPUVIRTUALADDRESS_OPERATION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DDDI_VIDEO_SIGNAL_SCANLINE_ORDERING(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DDDI_VIDEO_SIGNAL_SCANLINE_ORDERING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DDDI_VIDEO_SIGNAL_SCANLINE_ORDERING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DDDI_VIDEO_SIGNAL_SCANLINE_ORDERING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DDDI_VIDEO_SIGNAL_SCANLINE_ORDERING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3138,19 +2907,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DDDI_VIDEO_SIGNAL_SCANLINE_ORDERING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DHAL_DP2OPERATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DHAL_DP2OPERATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DHAL_DP2OPERATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DHAL_DP2OPERATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DHAL_DP2OPERATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3160,19 +2918,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DHAL_DP2OPERATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMDT_COLORSPACE_TRANSFORM_STAGE_CONTROL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMDT_COLORSPACE_TRANSFORM_STAGE_CONTROL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMDT_COLORSPACE_TRANSFORM_STAGE_CONTROL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMDT_COLORSPACE_TRANSFORM_STAGE_CONTROL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMDT_COLORSPACE_TRANSFORM_STAGE_CONTROL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3182,19 +2929,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMDT_COLORSPACE_TRANSFORM_STAGE_CONTROL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMDT_COLOR_BASIS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMDT_COLOR_BASIS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMDT_COLOR_BASIS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMDT_COLOR_BASIS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMDT_COLOR_BASIS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3204,19 +2940,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMDT_COLOR_BASIS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMDT_COMPUTE_PREEMPTION_GRANULARITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMDT_COMPUTE_PREEMPTION_GRANULARITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMDT_COMPUTE_PREEMPTION_GRANULARITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMDT_COMPUTE_PREEMPTION_GRANULARITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMDT_COMPUTE_PREEMPTION_GRANULARITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3226,19 +2951,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMDT_COMPUTE_PREEMPTION_GRANULARITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMDT_ENUMCOFUNCMODALITY_PIVOT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMDT_ENUMCOFUNCMODALITY_PIVOT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMDT_ENUMCOFUNCMODALITY_PIVOT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMDT_ENUMCOFUNCMODALITY_PIVOT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMDT_ENUMCOFUNCMODALITY_PIVOT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3248,19 +2962,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMDT_ENUMCOFUNCMODALITY_PIVOT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMDT_GDISURFACETYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMDT_GDISURFACETYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMDT_GDISURFACETYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMDT_GDISURFACETYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMDT_GDISURFACETYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3270,19 +2973,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMDT_GDISURFACETYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMDT_GRAPHICS_PREEMPTION_GRANULARITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMDT_GRAPHICS_PREEMPTION_GRANULARITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMDT_GRAPHICS_PREEMPTION_GRANULARITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMDT_GRAPHICS_PREEMPTION_GRANULARITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMDT_GRAPHICS_PREEMPTION_GRANULARITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3292,19 +2984,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMDT_GRAPHICS_PREEMPTION_GRANULARITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMDT_GTFCOMPLIANCE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMDT_GTFCOMPLIANCE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMDT_GTFCOMPLIANCE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMDT_GTFCOMPLIANCE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMDT_GTFCOMPLIANCE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3314,19 +2995,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMDT_GTFCOMPLIANCE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMDT_MODE_PREFERENCE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMDT_MODE_PREFERENCE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMDT_MODE_PREFERENCE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMDT_MODE_PREFERENCE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMDT_MODE_PREFERENCE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3336,19 +3006,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMDT_MODE_PREFERENCE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMDT_MODE_PRUNING_REASON(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMDT_MODE_PRUNING_REASON {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMDT_MODE_PRUNING_REASON { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMDT_MODE_PRUNING_REASON { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMDT_MODE_PRUNING_REASON { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3358,19 +3017,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMDT_MODE_PRUNING_REASON { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMDT_MONITOR_CAPABILITIES_ORIGIN(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMDT_MONITOR_CAPABILITIES_ORIGIN {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMDT_MONITOR_CAPABILITIES_ORIGIN { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMDT_MONITOR_CAPABILITIES_ORIGIN { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMDT_MONITOR_CAPABILITIES_ORIGIN { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3380,19 +3028,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMDT_MONITOR_CAPABILITIES_ORIGIN { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMDT_MONITOR_CONNECTIVITY_CHECKS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMDT_MONITOR_CONNECTIVITY_CHECKS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMDT_MONITOR_CONNECTIVITY_CHECKS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMDT_MONITOR_CONNECTIVITY_CHECKS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMDT_MONITOR_CONNECTIVITY_CHECKS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3402,19 +3039,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMDT_MONITOR_CONNECTIVITY_CHECKS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMDT_MONITOR_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMDT_MONITOR_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMDT_MONITOR_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMDT_MONITOR_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMDT_MONITOR_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3424,19 +3050,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMDT_MONITOR_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMDT_MONITOR_FREQUENCY_RANGE_CONSTRAINT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMDT_MONITOR_FREQUENCY_RANGE_CONSTRAINT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMDT_MONITOR_FREQUENCY_RANGE_CONSTRAINT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMDT_MONITOR_FREQUENCY_RANGE_CONSTRAINT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMDT_MONITOR_FREQUENCY_RANGE_CONSTRAINT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3446,19 +3061,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMDT_MONITOR_FREQUENCY_RANGE_CONSTRAINT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMDT_MONITOR_ORIENTATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMDT_MONITOR_ORIENTATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMDT_MONITOR_ORIENTATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMDT_MONITOR_ORIENTATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMDT_MONITOR_ORIENTATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3468,19 +3072,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMDT_MONITOR_ORIENTATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMDT_MONITOR_ORIENTATION_AWARENESS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMDT_MONITOR_ORIENTATION_AWARENESS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMDT_MONITOR_ORIENTATION_AWARENESS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMDT_MONITOR_ORIENTATION_AWARENESS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMDT_MONITOR_ORIENTATION_AWARENESS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3490,19 +3083,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMDT_MONITOR_ORIENTATION_AWARENESS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMDT_MONITOR_TIMING_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMDT_MONITOR_TIMING_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMDT_MONITOR_TIMING_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMDT_MONITOR_TIMING_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMDT_MONITOR_TIMING_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3512,19 +3094,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMDT_MONITOR_TIMING_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMDT_PIXEL_VALUE_ACCESS_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMDT_PIXEL_VALUE_ACCESS_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMDT_PIXEL_VALUE_ACCESS_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMDT_PIXEL_VALUE_ACCESS_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMDT_PIXEL_VALUE_ACCESS_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3534,19 +3105,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMDT_PIXEL_VALUE_ACCESS_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMDT_STANDARDALLOCATION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMDT_STANDARDALLOCATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMDT_STANDARDALLOCATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMDT_STANDARDALLOCATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMDT_STANDARDALLOCATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3556,19 +3116,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMDT_STANDARDALLOCATION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMDT_TEXT_RENDERING_FORMAT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMDT_TEXT_RENDERING_FORMAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMDT_TEXT_RENDERING_FORMAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMDT_TEXT_RENDERING_FORMAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMDT_TEXT_RENDERING_FORMAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3578,19 +3127,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMDT_TEXT_RENDERING_FORMAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMDT_VIDEO_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMDT_VIDEO_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMDT_VIDEO_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMDT_VIDEO_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMDT_VIDEO_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3600,19 +3138,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMDT_VIDEO_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMDT_VIDEO_SIGNAL_STANDARD(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMDT_VIDEO_SIGNAL_STANDARD {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMDT_VIDEO_SIGNAL_STANDARD { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMDT_VIDEO_SIGNAL_STANDARD { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMDT_VIDEO_SIGNAL_STANDARD { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3622,19 +3149,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMDT_VIDEO_SIGNAL_STANDARD { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMDT_VIDPN_PRESENT_PATH_CONTENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMDT_VIDPN_PRESENT_PATH_CONTENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMDT_VIDPN_PRESENT_PATH_CONTENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMDT_VIDPN_PRESENT_PATH_CONTENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMDT_VIDPN_PRESENT_PATH_CONTENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3644,19 +3160,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMDT_VIDPN_PRESENT_PATH_CONTENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMDT_VIDPN_PRESENT_PATH_COPYPROTECTION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMDT_VIDPN_PRESENT_PATH_COPYPROTECTION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMDT_VIDPN_PRESENT_PATH_COPYPROTECTION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMDT_VIDPN_PRESENT_PATH_COPYPROTECTION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMDT_VIDPN_PRESENT_PATH_COPYPROTECTION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3666,19 +3171,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMDT_VIDPN_PRESENT_PATH_COPYPROTECTION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMDT_VIDPN_PRESENT_PATH_IMPORTANCE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMDT_VIDPN_PRESENT_PATH_IMPORTANCE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMDT_VIDPN_PRESENT_PATH_IMPORTANCE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMDT_VIDPN_PRESENT_PATH_IMPORTANCE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMDT_VIDPN_PRESENT_PATH_IMPORTANCE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3688,19 +3182,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMDT_VIDPN_PRESENT_PATH_IMPORTANCE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMDT_VIDPN_PRESENT_PATH_ROTATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMDT_VIDPN_PRESENT_PATH_ROTATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMDT_VIDPN_PRESENT_PATH_ROTATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMDT_VIDPN_PRESENT_PATH_ROTATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMDT_VIDPN_PRESENT_PATH_ROTATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3710,19 +3193,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMDT_VIDPN_PRESENT_PATH_ROTATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMDT_VIDPN_PRESENT_PATH_SCALING(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMDT_VIDPN_PRESENT_PATH_SCALING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMDT_VIDPN_PRESENT_PATH_SCALING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMDT_VIDPN_PRESENT_PATH_SCALING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMDT_VIDPN_PRESENT_PATH_SCALING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3732,19 +3204,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMDT_VIDPN_PRESENT_PATH_SCALING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMDT_VIDPN_SOURCE_MODE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMDT_VIDPN_SOURCE_MODE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMDT_VIDPN_SOURCE_MODE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMDT_VIDPN_SOURCE_MODE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMDT_VIDPN_SOURCE_MODE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3754,19 +3215,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMDT_VIDPN_SOURCE_MODE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMT_ACTIVATE_SPECIFIC_DIAG_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMT_ACTIVATE_SPECIFIC_DIAG_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMT_ACTIVATE_SPECIFIC_DIAG_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMT_ACTIVATE_SPECIFIC_DIAG_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMT_ACTIVATE_SPECIFIC_DIAG_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3776,19 +3226,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMT_ACTIVATE_SPECIFIC_DIAG_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMT_ADAPTER_VERIFIER_OPTION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMT_ADAPTER_VERIFIER_OPTION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMT_ADAPTER_VERIFIER_OPTION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMT_ADAPTER_VERIFIER_OPTION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMT_ADAPTER_VERIFIER_OPTION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3798,19 +3237,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMT_ADAPTER_VERIFIER_OPTION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMT_ALLOCATIONRESIDENCYSTATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMT_ALLOCATIONRESIDENCYSTATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMT_ALLOCATIONRESIDENCYSTATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMT_ALLOCATIONRESIDENCYSTATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMT_ALLOCATIONRESIDENCYSTATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3820,19 +3248,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMT_ALLOCATIONRESIDENCYSTATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMT_AUXILIARYPRESENTINFO_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMT_AUXILIARYPRESENTINFO_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMT_AUXILIARYPRESENTINFO_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMT_AUXILIARYPRESENTINFO_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMT_AUXILIARYPRESENTINFO_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3842,19 +3259,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMT_AUXILIARYPRESENTINFO_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMT_BRIGHTNESS_INFO_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMT_BRIGHTNESS_INFO_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMT_BRIGHTNESS_INFO_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMT_BRIGHTNESS_INFO_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMT_BRIGHTNESS_INFO_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3864,19 +3270,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMT_BRIGHTNESS_INFO_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMT_CANCEL_PRESENTS_OPERATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMT_CANCEL_PRESENTS_OPERATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMT_CANCEL_PRESENTS_OPERATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMT_CANCEL_PRESENTS_OPERATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMT_CANCEL_PRESENTS_OPERATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3886,19 +3281,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMT_CANCEL_PRESENTS_OPERATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMT_CLIENTHINT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMT_CLIENTHINT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMT_CLIENTHINT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMT_CLIENTHINT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMT_CLIENTHINT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3908,19 +3292,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMT_CLIENTHINT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMT_CROSSADAPTERRESOURCE_SUPPORT_TIER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMT_CROSSADAPTERRESOURCE_SUPPORT_TIER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMT_CROSSADAPTERRESOURCE_SUPPORT_TIER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMT_CROSSADAPTERRESOURCE_SUPPORT_TIER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMT_CROSSADAPTERRESOURCE_SUPPORT_TIER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3930,19 +3303,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMT_CROSSADAPTERRESOURCE_SUPPORT_TIER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMT_DEFRAG_ESCAPE_OPERATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMT_DEFRAG_ESCAPE_OPERATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMT_DEFRAG_ESCAPE_OPERATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMT_DEFRAG_ESCAPE_OPERATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMT_DEFRAG_ESCAPE_OPERATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3952,19 +3314,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMT_DEFRAG_ESCAPE_OPERATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMT_DEVICEESCAPE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMT_DEVICEESCAPE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMT_DEVICEESCAPE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMT_DEVICEESCAPE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMT_DEVICEESCAPE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3974,19 +3325,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMT_DEVICEESCAPE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMT_DEVICEEXECUTION_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMT_DEVICEEXECUTION_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMT_DEVICEEXECUTION_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMT_DEVICEEXECUTION_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMT_DEVICEEXECUTION_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3996,19 +3336,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMT_DEVICEEXECUTION_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMT_DEVICESTATE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMT_DEVICESTATE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMT_DEVICESTATE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMT_DEVICESTATE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMT_DEVICESTATE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4018,19 +3347,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMT_DEVICESTATE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMT_DEVICE_ERROR_REASON(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMT_DEVICE_ERROR_REASON {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMT_DEVICE_ERROR_REASON { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMT_DEVICE_ERROR_REASON { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMT_DEVICE_ERROR_REASON { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4040,19 +3358,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMT_DEVICE_ERROR_REASON { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMT_DMMESCAPETYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMT_DMMESCAPETYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMT_DMMESCAPETYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMT_DMMESCAPETYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMT_DMMESCAPETYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4062,19 +3369,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMT_DMMESCAPETYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMT_DRIVERVERSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMT_DRIVERVERSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMT_DRIVERVERSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMT_DRIVERVERSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMT_DRIVERVERSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4084,19 +3380,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMT_DRIVERVERSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMT_ESCAPETYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMT_ESCAPETYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMT_ESCAPETYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMT_ESCAPETYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMT_ESCAPETYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4106,19 +3391,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMT_ESCAPETYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMT_ESCAPE_PFN_CONTROL_COMMAND(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMT_ESCAPE_PFN_CONTROL_COMMAND {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMT_ESCAPE_PFN_CONTROL_COMMAND { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMT_ESCAPE_PFN_CONTROL_COMMAND { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMT_ESCAPE_PFN_CONTROL_COMMAND { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4128,19 +3402,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMT_ESCAPE_PFN_CONTROL_COMMAND { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMT_ESCAPE_VIRTUAL_REFRESH_RATE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMT_ESCAPE_VIRTUAL_REFRESH_RATE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMT_ESCAPE_VIRTUAL_REFRESH_RATE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMT_ESCAPE_VIRTUAL_REFRESH_RATE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMT_ESCAPE_VIRTUAL_REFRESH_RATE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4150,19 +3413,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMT_ESCAPE_VIRTUAL_REFRESH_RATE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMT_FLIPMODEL_INDEPENDENT_FLIP_STAGE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMT_FLIPMODEL_INDEPENDENT_FLIP_STAGE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMT_FLIPMODEL_INDEPENDENT_FLIP_STAGE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMT_FLIPMODEL_INDEPENDENT_FLIP_STAGE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMT_FLIPMODEL_INDEPENDENT_FLIP_STAGE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4172,19 +3424,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMT_FLIPMODEL_INDEPENDENT_FLIP_STAGE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMT_GPU_PREFERENCE_QUERY_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMT_GPU_PREFERENCE_QUERY_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMT_GPU_PREFERENCE_QUERY_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMT_GPU_PREFERENCE_QUERY_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMT_GPU_PREFERENCE_QUERY_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4194,19 +3435,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMT_GPU_PREFERENCE_QUERY_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMT_GPU_PREFERENCE_QUERY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMT_GPU_PREFERENCE_QUERY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMT_GPU_PREFERENCE_QUERY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMT_GPU_PREFERENCE_QUERY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMT_GPU_PREFERENCE_QUERY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4216,19 +3446,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMT_GPU_PREFERENCE_QUERY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMT_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMT_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMT_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMT_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMT_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4238,19 +3457,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMT_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMT_MIRACAST_DEVICE_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMT_MIRACAST_DEVICE_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMT_MIRACAST_DEVICE_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMT_MIRACAST_DEVICE_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMT_MIRACAST_DEVICE_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4260,19 +3468,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMT_MIRACAST_DEVICE_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMT_MIRACAST_DISPLAY_DEVICE_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMT_MIRACAST_DISPLAY_DEVICE_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMT_MIRACAST_DISPLAY_DEVICE_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMT_MIRACAST_DISPLAY_DEVICE_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMT_MIRACAST_DISPLAY_DEVICE_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4282,19 +3479,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMT_MIRACAST_DISPLAY_DEVICE_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMT_MIRACAST_DRIVER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMT_MIRACAST_DRIVER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMT_MIRACAST_DRIVER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMT_MIRACAST_DRIVER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMT_MIRACAST_DRIVER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4304,19 +3490,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMT_MIRACAST_DRIVER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMT_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_BLEND(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMT_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_BLEND {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMT_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_BLEND { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMT_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_BLEND { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMT_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_BLEND { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4326,19 +3501,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMT_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_BLEND { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMT_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMT_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMT_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMT_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMT_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4348,19 +3512,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMT_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMT_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_STEREO_FORMAT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMT_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_STEREO_FORMAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMT_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_STEREO_FORMAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMT_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_STEREO_FORMAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMT_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_STEREO_FORMAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4370,19 +3523,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMT_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_STEREO_FORMAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMT_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_VIDEO_FRAME_FORMAT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMT_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_VIDEO_FRAME_FORMAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMT_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_VIDEO_FRAME_FORMAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMT_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_VIDEO_FRAME_FORMAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMT_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_VIDEO_FRAME_FORMAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4392,19 +3534,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMT_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_VIDEO_FRAME_FORMAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMT_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_YCbCr_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMT_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_YCbCr_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMT_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_YCbCr_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMT_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_YCbCr_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMT_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_YCbCr_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4414,19 +3545,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMT_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_YCbCr_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMT_OFFER_PRIORITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMT_OFFER_PRIORITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMT_OFFER_PRIORITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMT_OFFER_PRIORITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMT_OFFER_PRIORITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4436,19 +3556,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMT_OFFER_PRIORITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMT_OUTDUPL_POINTER_SHAPE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMT_OUTDUPL_POINTER_SHAPE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMT_OUTDUPL_POINTER_SHAPE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMT_OUTDUPL_POINTER_SHAPE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMT_OUTDUPL_POINTER_SHAPE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4458,19 +3567,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMT_OUTDUPL_POINTER_SHAPE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMT_OUTPUTDUPL_METADATATYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMT_OUTPUTDUPL_METADATATYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMT_OUTPUTDUPL_METADATATYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMT_OUTPUTDUPL_METADATATYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMT_OUTPUTDUPL_METADATATYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4480,19 +3578,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMT_OUTPUTDUPL_METADATATYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMT_PNP_KEY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMT_PNP_KEY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMT_PNP_KEY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMT_PNP_KEY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMT_PNP_KEY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4502,19 +3589,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMT_PNP_KEY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMT_PRESENT_MODEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMT_PRESENT_MODEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMT_PRESENT_MODEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMT_PRESENT_MODEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMT_PRESENT_MODEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4524,19 +3600,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMT_PRESENT_MODEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMT_PROCESS_VERIFIER_OPTION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMT_PROCESS_VERIFIER_OPTION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMT_PROCESS_VERIFIER_OPTION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMT_PROCESS_VERIFIER_OPTION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMT_PROCESS_VERIFIER_OPTION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4546,19 +3611,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMT_PROCESS_VERIFIER_OPTION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMT_PROTECTED_SESSION_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMT_PROTECTED_SESSION_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMT_PROTECTED_SESSION_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMT_PROTECTED_SESSION_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMT_PROTECTED_SESSION_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4568,19 +3622,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMT_PROTECTED_SESSION_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMT_QUERYRESULT_PREEMPTION_ATTEMPT_RESULT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMT_QUERYRESULT_PREEMPTION_ATTEMPT_RESULT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMT_QUERYRESULT_PREEMPTION_ATTEMPT_RESULT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMT_QUERYRESULT_PREEMPTION_ATTEMPT_RESULT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMT_QUERYRESULT_PREEMPTION_ATTEMPT_RESULT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4590,19 +3633,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMT_QUERYRESULT_PREEMPTION_ATTEMPT_RESULT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMT_QUERYSTATISTICS_ALLOCATION_PRIORITY_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMT_QUERYSTATISTICS_ALLOCATION_PRIORITY_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMT_QUERYSTATISTICS_ALLOCATION_PRIORITY_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMT_QUERYSTATISTICS_ALLOCATION_PRIORITY_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMT_QUERYSTATISTICS_ALLOCATION_PRIORITY_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4612,19 +3644,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMT_QUERYSTATISTICS_ALLOCATION_PRIORITY_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMT_QUERYSTATISTICS_DMA_PACKET_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMT_QUERYSTATISTICS_DMA_PACKET_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMT_QUERYSTATISTICS_DMA_PACKET_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMT_QUERYSTATISTICS_DMA_PACKET_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMT_QUERYSTATISTICS_DMA_PACKET_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4634,19 +3655,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMT_QUERYSTATISTICS_DMA_PACKET_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMT_QUERYSTATISTICS_QUEUE_PACKET_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMT_QUERYSTATISTICS_QUEUE_PACKET_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMT_QUERYSTATISTICS_QUEUE_PACKET_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMT_QUERYSTATISTICS_QUEUE_PACKET_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMT_QUERYSTATISTICS_QUEUE_PACKET_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4656,19 +3666,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMT_QUERYSTATISTICS_QUEUE_PACKET_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMT_QUERYSTATISTICS_SEGMENT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMT_QUERYSTATISTICS_SEGMENT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMT_QUERYSTATISTICS_SEGMENT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMT_QUERYSTATISTICS_SEGMENT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMT_QUERYSTATISTICS_SEGMENT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4678,19 +3677,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMT_QUERYSTATISTICS_SEGMENT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMT_QUERYSTATISTICS_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMT_QUERYSTATISTICS_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMT_QUERYSTATISTICS_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMT_QUERYSTATISTICS_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMT_QUERYSTATISTICS_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4700,19 +3688,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMT_QUERYSTATISTICS_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMT_QUEUEDLIMIT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMT_QUEUEDLIMIT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMT_QUEUEDLIMIT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMT_QUEUEDLIMIT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMT_QUEUEDLIMIT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4722,19 +3699,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMT_QUEUEDLIMIT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMT_SCHEDULINGPRIORITYCLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMT_SCHEDULINGPRIORITYCLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMT_SCHEDULINGPRIORITYCLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMT_SCHEDULINGPRIORITYCLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMT_SCHEDULINGPRIORITYCLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4744,19 +3710,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMT_SCHEDULINGPRIORITYCLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMT_STANDARDALLOCATIONTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMT_STANDARDALLOCATIONTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMT_STANDARDALLOCATIONTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMT_STANDARDALLOCATIONTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMT_STANDARDALLOCATIONTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4766,19 +3721,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMT_STANDARDALLOCATIONTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMT_TDRDBGCTRLTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMT_TDRDBGCTRLTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMT_TDRDBGCTRLTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMT_TDRDBGCTRLTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMT_TDRDBGCTRLTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4788,19 +3732,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMT_TDRDBGCTRLTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMT_VAD_ESCAPE_COMMAND(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMT_VAD_ESCAPE_COMMAND {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMT_VAD_ESCAPE_COMMAND { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMT_VAD_ESCAPE_COMMAND { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMT_VAD_ESCAPE_COMMAND { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4810,19 +3743,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMT_VAD_ESCAPE_COMMAND { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMT_VERIFIER_OPTION_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMT_VERIFIER_OPTION_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMT_VERIFIER_OPTION_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMT_VERIFIER_OPTION_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMT_VERIFIER_OPTION_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4832,19 +3754,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMT_VERIFIER_OPTION_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMT_VIDMMESCAPETYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMT_VIDMMESCAPETYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMT_VIDMMESCAPETYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMT_VIDMMESCAPETYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMT_VIDMMESCAPETYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4854,19 +3765,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMT_VIDMMESCAPETYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMT_VIDPNSOURCEOWNER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMT_VIDPNSOURCEOWNER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMT_VIDPNSOURCEOWNER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMT_VIDPNSOURCEOWNER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMT_VIDPNSOURCEOWNER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4876,19 +3776,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMT_VIDPNSOURCEOWNER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DKMT_VIDSCHESCAPETYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DKMT_VIDSCHESCAPETYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DKMT_VIDSCHESCAPETYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DKMT_VIDSCHESCAPETYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DKMT_VIDSCHESCAPETYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4898,19 +3787,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DKMT_VIDSCHESCAPETYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DNTHAL_DP2OPERATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DNTHAL_DP2OPERATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DNTHAL_DP2OPERATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DNTHAL_DP2OPERATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DNTHAL_DP2OPERATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4920,19 +3798,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DNTHAL_DP2OPERATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DVSD_TOKENTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DVSD_TOKENTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DVSD_TOKENTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DVSD_TOKENTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DVSD_TOKENTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4942,19 +3809,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DVSD_TOKENTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPLAYID_DETAILED_TIMING_TYPE_I_ASPECT_RATIO(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPLAYID_DETAILED_TIMING_TYPE_I_ASPECT_RATIO {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPLAYID_DETAILED_TIMING_TYPE_I_ASPECT_RATIO { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPLAYID_DETAILED_TIMING_TYPE_I_ASPECT_RATIO { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPLAYID_DETAILED_TIMING_TYPE_I_ASPECT_RATIO { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4964,19 +3820,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPLAYID_DETAILED_TIMING_TYPE_I_ASPECT_RATIO { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPLAYID_DETAILED_TIMING_TYPE_I_SCANNING_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPLAYID_DETAILED_TIMING_TYPE_I_SCANNING_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPLAYID_DETAILED_TIMING_TYPE_I_SCANNING_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPLAYID_DETAILED_TIMING_TYPE_I_SCANNING_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPLAYID_DETAILED_TIMING_TYPE_I_SCANNING_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4986,41 +3831,19 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPLAYID_DETAILED_TIMING_TYPE_I_SCANNING_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPLAYID_DETAILED_TIMING_TYPE_I_STEREO_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPLAYID_DETAILED_TIMING_TYPE_I_STEREO_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPLAYID_DETAILED_TIMING_TYPE_I_STEREO_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPLAYID_DETAILED_TIMING_TYPE_I_STEREO_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPLAYID_DETAILED_TIMING_TYPE_I_STEREO_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPLAYID_DETAILED_TIMING_TYPE_I_STEREO_MODE { - fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::core::fmt::Result { - f.debug_tuple("DISPLAYID_DETAILED_TIMING_TYPE_I_STEREO_MODE").field(&self.0).finish() - } -} -#[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] -pub struct DISPLAYID_DETAILED_TIMING_TYPE_I_SYNC_POLARITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPLAYID_DETAILED_TIMING_TYPE_I_SYNC_POLARITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPLAYID_DETAILED_TIMING_TYPE_I_SYNC_POLARITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPLAYID_DETAILED_TIMING_TYPE_I_SYNC_POLARITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) + fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::core::fmt::Result { + f.debug_tuple("DISPLAYID_DETAILED_TIMING_TYPE_I_STEREO_MODE").field(&self.0).finish() } } +#[repr(transparent)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] +pub struct DISPLAYID_DETAILED_TIMING_TYPE_I_SYNC_POLARITY(pub i32); impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPLAYID_DETAILED_TIMING_TYPE_I_SYNC_POLARITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5030,19 +3853,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPLAYID_DETAILED_TIMING_TYPE_I_SYNC_POLARITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGKDT_OPM_DVI_CHARACTERISTICS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGKDT_OPM_DVI_CHARACTERISTICS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGKDT_OPM_DVI_CHARACTERISTICS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGKDT_OPM_DVI_CHARACTERISTICS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGKDT_OPM_DVI_CHARACTERISTICS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5052,19 +3864,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGKDT_OPM_DVI_CHARACTERISTICS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGKMDT_CERTIFICATE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGKMDT_CERTIFICATE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGKMDT_CERTIFICATE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGKMDT_CERTIFICATE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGKMDT_CERTIFICATE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5074,19 +3875,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGKMDT_CERTIFICATE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGKMDT_OPM_ACP_PROTECTION_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGKMDT_OPM_ACP_PROTECTION_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGKMDT_OPM_ACP_PROTECTION_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGKMDT_OPM_ACP_PROTECTION_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGKMDT_OPM_ACP_PROTECTION_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5096,19 +3886,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGKMDT_OPM_ACP_PROTECTION_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGKMDT_OPM_BUS_TYPE_AND_IMPLEMENTATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGKMDT_OPM_BUS_TYPE_AND_IMPLEMENTATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGKMDT_OPM_BUS_TYPE_AND_IMPLEMENTATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGKMDT_OPM_BUS_TYPE_AND_IMPLEMENTATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGKMDT_OPM_BUS_TYPE_AND_IMPLEMENTATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5118,19 +3897,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGKMDT_OPM_BUS_TYPE_AND_IMPLEMENTATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGKMDT_OPM_CGMSA(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGKMDT_OPM_CGMSA {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGKMDT_OPM_CGMSA { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGKMDT_OPM_CGMSA { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGKMDT_OPM_CGMSA { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5140,19 +3908,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGKMDT_OPM_CGMSA { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGKMDT_OPM_CONNECTOR_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGKMDT_OPM_CONNECTOR_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGKMDT_OPM_CONNECTOR_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGKMDT_OPM_CONNECTOR_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGKMDT_OPM_CONNECTOR_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5162,19 +3919,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGKMDT_OPM_CONNECTOR_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGKMDT_OPM_DPCP_PROTECTION_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGKMDT_OPM_DPCP_PROTECTION_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGKMDT_OPM_DPCP_PROTECTION_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGKMDT_OPM_DPCP_PROTECTION_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGKMDT_OPM_DPCP_PROTECTION_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5184,19 +3930,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGKMDT_OPM_DPCP_PROTECTION_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGKMDT_OPM_HDCP_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGKMDT_OPM_HDCP_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGKMDT_OPM_HDCP_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGKMDT_OPM_HDCP_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGKMDT_OPM_HDCP_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5206,19 +3941,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGKMDT_OPM_HDCP_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGKMDT_OPM_HDCP_PROTECTION_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGKMDT_OPM_HDCP_PROTECTION_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGKMDT_OPM_HDCP_PROTECTION_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGKMDT_OPM_HDCP_PROTECTION_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGKMDT_OPM_HDCP_PROTECTION_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5228,19 +3952,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGKMDT_OPM_HDCP_PROTECTION_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGKMDT_OPM_IMAGE_ASPECT_RATIO_EN300294(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGKMDT_OPM_IMAGE_ASPECT_RATIO_EN300294 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGKMDT_OPM_IMAGE_ASPECT_RATIO_EN300294 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGKMDT_OPM_IMAGE_ASPECT_RATIO_EN300294 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGKMDT_OPM_IMAGE_ASPECT_RATIO_EN300294 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5250,19 +3963,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGKMDT_OPM_IMAGE_ASPECT_RATIO_EN300294 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGKMDT_OPM_INTERLEAVE_FORMAT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGKMDT_OPM_INTERLEAVE_FORMAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGKMDT_OPM_INTERLEAVE_FORMAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGKMDT_OPM_INTERLEAVE_FORMAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGKMDT_OPM_INTERLEAVE_FORMAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5272,19 +3974,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGKMDT_OPM_INTERLEAVE_FORMAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGKMDT_OPM_OUTPUT_HARDWARE_PROTECTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGKMDT_OPM_OUTPUT_HARDWARE_PROTECTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGKMDT_OPM_OUTPUT_HARDWARE_PROTECTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGKMDT_OPM_OUTPUT_HARDWARE_PROTECTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGKMDT_OPM_OUTPUT_HARDWARE_PROTECTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5294,19 +3985,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGKMDT_OPM_OUTPUT_HARDWARE_PROTECTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGKMDT_OPM_PROTECTION_STANDARD(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGKMDT_OPM_PROTECTION_STANDARD {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGKMDT_OPM_PROTECTION_STANDARD { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGKMDT_OPM_PROTECTION_STANDARD { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGKMDT_OPM_PROTECTION_STANDARD { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5316,19 +3996,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGKMDT_OPM_PROTECTION_STANDARD { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGKMDT_OPM_PROTECTION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGKMDT_OPM_PROTECTION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGKMDT_OPM_PROTECTION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGKMDT_OPM_PROTECTION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGKMDT_OPM_PROTECTION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5338,19 +4007,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGKMDT_OPM_PROTECTION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGKMDT_OPM_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGKMDT_OPM_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGKMDT_OPM_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGKMDT_OPM_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGKMDT_OPM_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5360,19 +4018,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGKMDT_OPM_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGKMDT_OPM_TYPE_ENFORCEMENT_HDCP_PROTECTION_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGKMDT_OPM_TYPE_ENFORCEMENT_HDCP_PROTECTION_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGKMDT_OPM_TYPE_ENFORCEMENT_HDCP_PROTECTION_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGKMDT_OPM_TYPE_ENFORCEMENT_HDCP_PROTECTION_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGKMDT_OPM_TYPE_ENFORCEMENT_HDCP_PROTECTION_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5382,19 +4029,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGKMDT_OPM_TYPE_ENFORCEMENT_HDCP_PROTECTION_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGKMDT_OPM_VIDEO_OUTPUT_SEMANTICS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGKMDT_OPM_VIDEO_OUTPUT_SEMANTICS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGKMDT_OPM_VIDEO_OUTPUT_SEMANTICS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGKMDT_OPM_VIDEO_OUTPUT_SEMANTICS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGKMDT_OPM_VIDEO_OUTPUT_SEMANTICS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5404,19 +4040,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGKMDT_OPM_VIDEO_OUTPUT_SEMANTICS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGKMT_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_STEREO_FLIP_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGKMT_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_STEREO_FLIP_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGKMT_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_STEREO_FLIP_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGKMT_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_STEREO_FLIP_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGKMT_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_STEREO_FLIP_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5426,19 +4051,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGKMT_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_STEREO_FLIP_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGKMT_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_STRETCH_QUALITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGKMT_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_STRETCH_QUALITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGKMT_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_STRETCH_QUALITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGKMT_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_STRETCH_QUALITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGKMT_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_STRETCH_QUALITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5448,19 +4062,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGKMT_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_STRETCH_QUALITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGKMT_POWER_SHARED_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGKMT_POWER_SHARED_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGKMT_POWER_SHARED_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGKMT_POWER_SHARED_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGKMT_POWER_SHARED_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5470,19 +4073,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGKMT_POWER_SHARED_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGKVGPU_ESCAPE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGKVGPU_ESCAPE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGKVGPU_ESCAPE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGKVGPU_ESCAPE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGKVGPU_ESCAPE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5492,19 +4084,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGKVGPU_ESCAPE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGK_BACKLIGHT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGK_BACKLIGHT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGK_BACKLIGHT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGK_BACKLIGHT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGK_BACKLIGHT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5514,19 +4095,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGK_BACKLIGHT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGK_CHILD_DEVICE_HPD_AWARENESS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGK_CHILD_DEVICE_HPD_AWARENESS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGK_CHILD_DEVICE_HPD_AWARENESS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGK_CHILD_DEVICE_HPD_AWARENESS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGK_CHILD_DEVICE_HPD_AWARENESS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5536,19 +4106,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGK_CHILD_DEVICE_HPD_AWARENESS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGK_DISPLAY_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE(pub u8); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGK_DISPLAY_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGK_DISPLAY_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGK_DISPLAY_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGK_DISPLAY_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5558,19 +4117,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGK_DISPLAY_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGK_DISPLAY_TECHNOLOGY(pub u8); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGK_DISPLAY_TECHNOLOGY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGK_DISPLAY_TECHNOLOGY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGK_DISPLAY_TECHNOLOGY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGK_DISPLAY_TECHNOLOGY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5580,19 +4128,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGK_DISPLAY_TECHNOLOGY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGK_DISPLAY_USAGE(pub u8); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGK_DISPLAY_USAGE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGK_DISPLAY_USAGE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGK_DISPLAY_USAGE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGK_DISPLAY_USAGE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5602,19 +4139,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGK_DISPLAY_USAGE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGK_ENGINE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGK_ENGINE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGK_ENGINE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGK_ENGINE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGK_ENGINE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5624,19 +4150,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGK_ENGINE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGK_GENERAL_ERROR_CODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGK_GENERAL_ERROR_CODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGK_GENERAL_ERROR_CODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGK_GENERAL_ERROR_CODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGK_GENERAL_ERROR_CODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5646,19 +4161,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGK_GENERAL_ERROR_CODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGK_MIRACAST_CHUNK_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGK_MIRACAST_CHUNK_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGK_MIRACAST_CHUNK_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGK_MIRACAST_CHUNK_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGK_MIRACAST_CHUNK_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5668,19 +4172,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGK_MIRACAST_CHUNK_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGK_PAGE_FAULT_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGK_PAGE_FAULT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGK_PAGE_FAULT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGK_PAGE_FAULT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGK_PAGE_FAULT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5690,19 +4183,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGK_PAGE_FAULT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGK_PTE_PAGE_SIZE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGK_PTE_PAGE_SIZE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGK_PTE_PAGE_SIZE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGK_PTE_PAGE_SIZE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGK_PTE_PAGE_SIZE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5712,19 +4194,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGK_PTE_PAGE_SIZE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGK_RENDER_PIPELINE_STAGE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGK_RENDER_PIPELINE_STAGE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGK_RENDER_PIPELINE_STAGE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGK_RENDER_PIPELINE_STAGE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGK_RENDER_PIPELINE_STAGE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5734,19 +4205,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGK_RENDER_PIPELINE_STAGE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KMTQUERYADAPTERINFOTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KMTQUERYADAPTERINFOTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KMTQUERYADAPTERINFOTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KMTQUERYADAPTERINFOTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KMTQUERYADAPTERINFOTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5756,19 +4216,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KMTQUERYADAPTERINFOTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KMTUMDVERSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KMTUMDVERSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KMTUMDVERSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KMTUMDVERSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KMTUMDVERSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5778,19 +4227,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KMTUMDVERSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KMT_DISPLAY_UMD_VERSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KMT_DISPLAY_UMD_VERSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KMT_DISPLAY_UMD_VERSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KMT_DISPLAY_UMD_VERSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KMT_DISPLAY_UMD_VERSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5800,19 +4238,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KMT_DISPLAY_UMD_VERSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OUTPUTDUPL_CONTEXT_DEBUG_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OUTPUTDUPL_CONTEXT_DEBUG_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OUTPUTDUPL_CONTEXT_DEBUG_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OUTPUTDUPL_CONTEXT_DEBUG_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OUTPUTDUPL_CONTEXT_DEBUG_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Wdk/NetworkManagement/Ndis/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Wdk/NetworkManagement/Ndis/ index c586841d17..25a6e4dd8d 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Wdk/NetworkManagement/Ndis/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Wdk/NetworkManagement/Ndis/ @@ -2882,19 +2882,8 @@ pub const fPACKET_ALLOCATED_BY_NDIS: u32 = 128u32; pub const fPACKET_CONTAINS_MEDIA_SPECIFIC_INFO: u32 = 64u32; pub const fPACKET_WRAPPER_RESERVED: u32 = 63u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_802_11_AUTHENTICATION_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_802_11_AUTHENTICATION_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_802_11_AUTHENTICATION_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_802_11_AUTHENTICATION_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_802_11_AUTHENTICATION_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2904,19 +2893,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_802_11_AUTHENTICATION_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_802_11_MEDIA_STREAM_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_802_11_MEDIA_STREAM_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_802_11_MEDIA_STREAM_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_802_11_MEDIA_STREAM_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_802_11_MEDIA_STREAM_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2926,19 +2904,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_802_11_MEDIA_STREAM_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_802_11_NETWORK_INFRASTRUCTURE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_802_11_NETWORK_INFRASTRUCTURE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_802_11_NETWORK_INFRASTRUCTURE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_802_11_NETWORK_INFRASTRUCTURE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_802_11_NETWORK_INFRASTRUCTURE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2948,19 +2915,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_802_11_NETWORK_INFRASTRUCTURE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_802_11_NETWORK_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_802_11_NETWORK_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_802_11_NETWORK_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_802_11_NETWORK_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_802_11_NETWORK_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2970,19 +2926,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_802_11_NETWORK_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_802_11_POWER_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_802_11_POWER_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_802_11_POWER_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_802_11_POWER_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_802_11_POWER_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2992,19 +2937,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_802_11_POWER_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_802_11_PRIVACY_FILTER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_802_11_PRIVACY_FILTER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_802_11_PRIVACY_FILTER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_802_11_PRIVACY_FILTER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_802_11_PRIVACY_FILTER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3014,19 +2948,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_802_11_PRIVACY_FILTER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_802_11_RADIO_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_802_11_RADIO_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_802_11_RADIO_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_802_11_RADIO_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_802_11_RADIO_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3036,19 +2959,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_802_11_RADIO_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_802_11_RELOAD_DEFAULTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_802_11_RELOAD_DEFAULTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_802_11_RELOAD_DEFAULTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_802_11_RELOAD_DEFAULTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_802_11_RELOAD_DEFAULTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3058,19 +2970,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_802_11_RELOAD_DEFAULTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_802_11_STATUS_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_802_11_STATUS_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_802_11_STATUS_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_802_11_STATUS_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_802_11_STATUS_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3080,19 +2981,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_802_11_STATUS_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_802_11_WEP_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_802_11_WEP_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_802_11_WEP_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_802_11_WEP_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_802_11_WEP_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3102,19 +2992,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_802_11_WEP_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_802_5_RING_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_802_5_RING_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_802_5_RING_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_802_5_RING_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_802_5_RING_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3124,19 +3003,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_802_5_RING_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_CLASS_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_CLASS_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_CLASS_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_CLASS_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_CLASS_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3146,19 +3014,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_CLASS_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_DEVICE_PNP_EVENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_DEVICE_PNP_EVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_DEVICE_PNP_EVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_DEVICE_PNP_EVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_DEVICE_PNP_EVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3168,19 +3025,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_DEVICE_PNP_EVENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_DEVICE_POWER_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_DEVICE_POWER_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_DEVICE_POWER_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_DEVICE_POWER_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_DEVICE_POWER_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3190,19 +3036,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_DEVICE_POWER_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3212,19 +3047,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_FDDI_ATTACHMENT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_FDDI_ATTACHMENT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_FDDI_ATTACHMENT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_FDDI_ATTACHMENT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_FDDI_ATTACHMENT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3234,19 +3058,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_FDDI_ATTACHMENT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_FDDI_LCONNECTION_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_FDDI_LCONNECTION_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_FDDI_LCONNECTION_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_FDDI_LCONNECTION_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_FDDI_LCONNECTION_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3256,19 +3069,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_FDDI_LCONNECTION_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_FDDI_RING_MGT_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_FDDI_RING_MGT_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_FDDI_RING_MGT_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_FDDI_RING_MGT_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_FDDI_RING_MGT_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3278,19 +3080,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_FDDI_RING_MGT_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_HARDWARE_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_HARDWARE_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_HARDWARE_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_HARDWARE_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_HARDWARE_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3300,19 +3091,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_HARDWARE_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_INTERFACE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_INTERFACE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_INTERFACE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_INTERFACE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_INTERFACE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3322,19 +3102,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_INTERFACE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_INTERRUPT_MODERATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_INTERRUPT_MODERATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_INTERRUPT_MODERATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_INTERRUPT_MODERATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_INTERRUPT_MODERATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3344,19 +3113,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_INTERRUPT_MODERATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_MEDIA_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_MEDIA_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_MEDIA_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_MEDIA_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_MEDIA_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3366,19 +3124,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_MEDIA_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_MEDIUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_MEDIUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_MEDIUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_MEDIUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_MEDIUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3388,19 +3135,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_MEDIUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_NETWORK_CHANGE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_NETWORK_CHANGE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_NETWORK_CHANGE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_NETWORK_CHANGE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_NETWORK_CHANGE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3410,19 +3146,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_NETWORK_CHANGE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_PARAMETER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_PARAMETER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_PARAMETER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_PARAMETER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_PARAMETER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3432,19 +3157,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_PARAMETER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_PER_PACKET_INFO(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_PER_PACKET_INFO {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_PER_PACKET_INFO { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_PER_PACKET_INFO { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_PER_PACKET_INFO { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3454,19 +3168,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_PER_PACKET_INFO { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_PHYSICAL_MEDIUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_PHYSICAL_MEDIUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_PHYSICAL_MEDIUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_PHYSICAL_MEDIUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_PHYSICAL_MEDIUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3476,19 +3179,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_PHYSICAL_MEDIUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_PORT_AUTHORIZATION_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_PORT_AUTHORIZATION_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_PORT_AUTHORIZATION_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_PORT_AUTHORIZATION_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_PORT_AUTHORIZATION_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3498,19 +3190,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_PORT_AUTHORIZATION_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_PORT_CONTROL_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_PORT_CONTROL_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_PORT_CONTROL_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_PORT_CONTROL_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_PORT_CONTROL_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3520,19 +3201,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_PORT_CONTROL_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_PORT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_PORT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_PORT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_PORT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_PORT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3542,19 +3212,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_PORT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_POWER_PROFILE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_POWER_PROFILE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_POWER_PROFILE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_POWER_PROFILE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_POWER_PROFILE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3564,19 +3223,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_POWER_PROFILE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_PROCESSOR_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_PROCESSOR_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_PROCESSOR_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_PROCESSOR_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_PROCESSOR_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3586,19 +3234,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_PROCESSOR_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_PROCESSOR_VENDOR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_PROCESSOR_VENDOR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_PROCESSOR_VENDOR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_PROCESSOR_VENDOR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_PROCESSOR_VENDOR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3608,19 +3245,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_PROCESSOR_VENDOR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_REQUEST_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_REQUEST_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_REQUEST_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_REQUEST_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_REQUEST_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3630,19 +3256,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_REQUEST_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_SUPPORTED_PAUSE_FUNCTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_SUPPORTED_PAUSE_FUNCTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_SUPPORTED_PAUSE_FUNCTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_SUPPORTED_PAUSE_FUNCTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_SUPPORTED_PAUSE_FUNCTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3652,19 +3267,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_SUPPORTED_PAUSE_FUNCTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_WAN_HEADER_FORMAT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_WAN_HEADER_FORMAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_WAN_HEADER_FORMAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_WAN_HEADER_FORMAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_WAN_HEADER_FORMAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3674,19 +3278,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_WAN_HEADER_FORMAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_WAN_MEDIUM_SUBTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_WAN_MEDIUM_SUBTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_WAN_MEDIUM_SUBTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_WAN_MEDIUM_SUBTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_WAN_MEDIUM_SUBTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3696,19 +3289,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_WAN_MEDIUM_SUBTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_WAN_QUALITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_WAN_QUALITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_WAN_QUALITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_WAN_QUALITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_WAN_QUALITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3718,19 +3300,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_WAN_QUALITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OFFLOAD_CONF_ALGO(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OFFLOAD_CONF_ALGO {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OFFLOAD_CONF_ALGO { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OFFLOAD_CONF_ALGO { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OFFLOAD_CONF_ALGO { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3740,19 +3311,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OFFLOAD_CONF_ALGO { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OFFLOAD_INTEGRITY_ALGO(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OFFLOAD_INTEGRITY_ALGO {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OFFLOAD_INTEGRITY_ALGO { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OFFLOAD_INTEGRITY_ALGO { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OFFLOAD_INTEGRITY_ALGO { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3762,19 +3322,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OFFLOAD_INTEGRITY_ALGO { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OFFLOAD_OPERATION_E(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OFFLOAD_OPERATION_E {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OFFLOAD_OPERATION_E { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OFFLOAD_OPERATION_E { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OFFLOAD_OPERATION_E { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3784,19 +3333,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OFFLOAD_OPERATION_E { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UDP_ENCAP_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UDP_ENCAP_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UDP_ENCAP_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UDP_ENCAP_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UDP_ENCAP_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Wdk/Storage/FileSystem/Minifilters/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Wdk/Storage/FileSystem/Minifilters/ index 2463181072..463770fc77 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Wdk/Storage/FileSystem/Minifilters/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Wdk/Storage/FileSystem/Minifilters/ @@ -2347,19 +2347,8 @@ pub const IRP_MJ_VOLUME_DISMOUNT: u16 = 65516u16; pub const IRP_MJ_VOLUME_MOUNT: u16 = 65517u16; pub const VOL_PROP_FL_DAX_VOLUME: u32 = 1u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FLT_CALLBACK_DATA_QUEUE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FLT_CALLBACK_DATA_QUEUE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FLT_CALLBACK_DATA_QUEUE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FLT_CALLBACK_DATA_QUEUE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FLT_CALLBACK_DATA_QUEUE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2369,19 +2358,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FLT_CALLBACK_DATA_QUEUE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FLT_POSTOP_CALLBACK_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FLT_POSTOP_CALLBACK_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FLT_POSTOP_CALLBACK_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FLT_POSTOP_CALLBACK_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FLT_POSTOP_CALLBACK_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2391,19 +2369,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FLT_POSTOP_CALLBACK_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FLT_PREOP_CALLBACK_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FLT_PREOP_CALLBACK_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FLT_PREOP_CALLBACK_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FLT_PREOP_CALLBACK_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FLT_PREOP_CALLBACK_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2413,19 +2380,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FLT_PREOP_CALLBACK_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FLT_SET_CONTEXT_OPERATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FLT_SET_CONTEXT_OPERATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FLT_SET_CONTEXT_OPERATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FLT_SET_CONTEXT_OPERATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FLT_SET_CONTEXT_OPERATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Wdk/Storage/FileSystem/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Wdk/Storage/FileSystem/ index 5113c54a27..4d7d9c537b 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Wdk/Storage/FileSystem/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Wdk/Storage/FileSystem/ @@ -5799,19 +5799,8 @@ pub const WCIFS_REDIRECTION_FLAGS_CREATE_SERVICED_FROM_REGISTERED_LAYER: u32 = 4 pub const WCIFS_REDIRECTION_FLAGS_CREATE_SERVICED_FROM_REMOTE_LAYER: u32 = 8u32; pub const WCIFS_REDIRECTION_FLAGS_CREATE_SERVICED_FROM_SCRATCH: u32 = 2u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CSV_DOWN_LEVEL_FILE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CSV_DOWN_LEVEL_FILE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CSV_DOWN_LEVEL_FILE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CSV_DOWN_LEVEL_FILE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CSV_DOWN_LEVEL_FILE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5821,19 +5810,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CSV_DOWN_LEVEL_FILE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FAST_IO_POSSIBLE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FAST_IO_POSSIBLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FAST_IO_POSSIBLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FAST_IO_POSSIBLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FAST_IO_POSSIBLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5843,19 +5821,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FAST_IO_POSSIBLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FILE_DISPOSITION_INFORMATION_EX_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FILE_DISPOSITION_INFORMATION_EX_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FILE_DISPOSITION_INFORMATION_EX_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FILE_DISPOSITION_INFORMATION_EX_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FILE_DISPOSITION_INFORMATION_EX_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5865,19 +5832,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FILE_DISPOSITION_INFORMATION_EX_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FILE_KNOWN_FOLDER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FILE_KNOWN_FOLDER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FILE_KNOWN_FOLDER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FILE_KNOWN_FOLDER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FILE_KNOWN_FOLDER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5887,19 +5843,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FILE_KNOWN_FOLDER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FSRTL_CHANGE_BACKING_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FSRTL_CHANGE_BACKING_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FSRTL_CHANGE_BACKING_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FSRTL_CHANGE_BACKING_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FSRTL_CHANGE_BACKING_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5909,19 +5854,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FSRTL_CHANGE_BACKING_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FSRTL_COMPARISON_RESULT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FSRTL_COMPARISON_RESULT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FSRTL_COMPARISON_RESULT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FSRTL_COMPARISON_RESULT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FSRTL_COMPARISON_RESULT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5931,19 +5865,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FSRTL_COMPARISON_RESULT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FS_FILTER_SECTION_SYNC_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FS_FILTER_SECTION_SYNC_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FS_FILTER_SECTION_SYNC_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FS_FILTER_SECTION_SYNC_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FS_FILTER_SECTION_SYNC_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5953,19 +5876,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FS_FILTER_SECTION_SYNC_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FS_FILTER_STREAM_FO_NOTIFICATION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FS_FILTER_STREAM_FO_NOTIFICATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FS_FILTER_STREAM_FO_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FS_FILTER_STREAM_FO_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FS_FILTER_STREAM_FO_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5975,19 +5887,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FS_FILTER_STREAM_FO_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FS_INFORMATION_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FS_INFORMATION_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FS_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FS_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FS_INFORMATION_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5997,19 +5898,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FS_INFORMATION_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HEAP_MEMORY_INFO_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HEAP_MEMORY_INFO_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HEAP_MEMORY_INFO_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HEAP_MEMORY_INFO_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HEAP_MEMORY_INFO_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6019,19 +5909,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HEAP_MEMORY_INFO_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LINK_TRACKING_INFORMATION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LINK_TRACKING_INFORMATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LINK_TRACKING_INFORMATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LINK_TRACKING_INFORMATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LINK_TRACKING_INFORMATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6041,19 +5920,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for LINK_TRACKING_INFORMATION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MEMORY_INFORMATION_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MEMORY_INFORMATION_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MEMORY_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MEMORY_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MEMORY_INFORMATION_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6063,19 +5931,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MEMORY_INFORMATION_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MMFLUSH_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MMFLUSH_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MMFLUSH_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MMFLUSH_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MMFLUSH_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6085,19 +5942,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MMFLUSH_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MSV1_0_AVID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MSV1_0_AVID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MSV1_0_AVID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MSV1_0_AVID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MSV1_0_AVID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6107,19 +5953,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MSV1_0_AVID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NETWORK_OPEN_INTEGRITY_QUALIFIER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NETWORK_OPEN_INTEGRITY_QUALIFIER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NETWORK_OPEN_INTEGRITY_QUALIFIER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NETWORK_OPEN_INTEGRITY_QUALIFIER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NETWORK_OPEN_INTEGRITY_QUALIFIER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6129,19 +5964,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NETWORK_OPEN_INTEGRITY_QUALIFIER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NETWORK_OPEN_LOCATION_QUALIFIER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NETWORK_OPEN_LOCATION_QUALIFIER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NETWORK_OPEN_LOCATION_QUALIFIER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NETWORK_OPEN_LOCATION_QUALIFIER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NETWORK_OPEN_LOCATION_QUALIFIER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6151,19 +5975,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NETWORK_OPEN_LOCATION_QUALIFIER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NTCREATEFILE_CREATE_DISPOSITION(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NTCREATEFILE_CREATE_DISPOSITION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NTCREATEFILE_CREATE_DISPOSITION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NTCREATEFILE_CREATE_DISPOSITION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NTCREATEFILE_CREATE_DISPOSITION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6173,19 +5986,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NTCREATEFILE_CREATE_DISPOSITION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NTCREATEFILE_CREATE_OPTIONS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NTCREATEFILE_CREATE_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NTCREATEFILE_CREATE_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NTCREATEFILE_CREATE_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NTCREATEFILE_CREATE_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6228,19 +6030,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for NTCREATEFILE_CREATE_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OPLOCK_NOTIFY_REASON(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OPLOCK_NOTIFY_REASON {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OPLOCK_NOTIFY_REASON { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OPLOCK_NOTIFY_REASON { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OPLOCK_NOTIFY_REASON { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6250,19 +6041,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OPLOCK_NOTIFY_REASON { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct REFS_COMPRESSION_FORMATS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for REFS_COMPRESSION_FORMATS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for REFS_COMPRESSION_FORMATS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for REFS_COMPRESSION_FORMATS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for REFS_COMPRESSION_FORMATS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6272,19 +6052,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for REFS_COMPRESSION_FORMATS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct REFS_DEALLOCATE_RANGES_ALLOCATOR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for REFS_DEALLOCATE_RANGES_ALLOCATOR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for REFS_DEALLOCATE_RANGES_ALLOCATOR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for REFS_DEALLOCATE_RANGES_ALLOCATOR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for REFS_DEALLOCATE_RANGES_ALLOCATOR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6294,19 +6063,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for REFS_DEALLOCATE_RANGES_ALLOCATOR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct REFS_SET_VOLUME_COMPRESSION_INFO_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for REFS_SET_VOLUME_COMPRESSION_INFO_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for REFS_SET_VOLUME_COMPRESSION_INFO_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for REFS_SET_VOLUME_COMPRESSION_INFO_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for REFS_SET_VOLUME_COMPRESSION_INFO_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6316,19 +6074,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for REFS_SET_VOLUME_COMPRESSION_INFO_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct REFS_STREAM_SNAPSHOT_OPERATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for REFS_STREAM_SNAPSHOT_OPERATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for REFS_STREAM_SNAPSHOT_OPERATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for REFS_STREAM_SNAPSHOT_OPERATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for REFS_STREAM_SNAPSHOT_OPERATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6338,19 +6085,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for REFS_STREAM_SNAPSHOT_OPERATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RTL_MEMORY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RTL_MEMORY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RTL_MEMORY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RTL_MEMORY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RTL_MEMORY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6360,19 +6096,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RTL_MEMORY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SE_AUDIT_OPERATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SE_AUDIT_OPERATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SE_AUDIT_OPERATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SE_AUDIT_OPERATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SE_AUDIT_OPERATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6382,19 +6107,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SE_AUDIT_OPERATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SRV_INSTANCE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SRV_INSTANCE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SRV_INSTANCE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SRV_INSTANCE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SRV_INSTANCE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6404,19 +6118,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SRV_INSTANCE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SharedVirtualDiskHandleState(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SharedVirtualDiskHandleState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SharedVirtualDiskHandleState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SharedVirtualDiskHandleState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SharedVirtualDiskHandleState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6426,19 +6129,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SharedVirtualDiskHandleState { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SharedVirtualDiskSupportType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SharedVirtualDiskSupportType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SharedVirtualDiskSupportType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SharedVirtualDiskSupportType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SharedVirtualDiskSupportType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6448,19 +6140,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SharedVirtualDiskSupportType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VIRTUAL_MEMORY_INFORMATION_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VIRTUAL_MEMORY_INFORMATION_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VIRTUAL_MEMORY_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VIRTUAL_MEMORY_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VIRTUAL_MEMORY_INFORMATION_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6470,19 +6151,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VIRTUAL_MEMORY_INFORMATION_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _LCN_WEAK_REFERENCE_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _LCN_WEAK_REFERENCE_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _LCN_WEAK_REFERENCE_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _LCN_WEAK_REFERENCE_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _LCN_WEAK_REFERENCE_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6492,19 +6162,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _LCN_WEAK_REFERENCE_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _REFS_STREAM_EXTENT_PROPERTIES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _REFS_STREAM_EXTENT_PROPERTIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _REFS_STREAM_EXTENT_PROPERTIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _REFS_STREAM_EXTENT_PROPERTIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _REFS_STREAM_EXTENT_PROPERTIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Wdk/System/Registry/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Wdk/System/Registry/ index a1fed2c73e..a80a284a4e 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Wdk/System/Registry/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Wdk/System/Registry/ @@ -65,19 +65,8 @@ pub const KeyWow64FlagsInformation: KEY_SET_INFORMATION_CLASS = KEY_SET_INFORMAT pub const KeyWriteTimeInformation: KEY_SET_INFORMATION_CLASS = KEY_SET_INFORMATION_CLASS(0i32); pub const MaxKeySetInfoClass: KEY_SET_INFORMATION_CLASS = KEY_SET_INFORMATION_CLASS(7i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KEY_SET_INFORMATION_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KEY_SET_INFORMATION_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KEY_SET_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KEY_SET_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KEY_SET_INFORMATION_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Wdk/System/SystemInformation/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Wdk/System/SystemInformation/ index 31601180c8..ce4a562cff 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Wdk/System/SystemInformation/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Wdk/System/SystemInformation/ @@ -25,19 +25,8 @@ pub const SystemProcessorPerformanceInformation: SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS = SYST pub const SystemRegistryQuotaInformation: SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS = SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS(37i32); pub const SystemTimeOfDayInformation: SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS = SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS(3i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Wdk/System/SystemServices/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Wdk/System/SystemServices/ index bb066bc4b5..930fd87eac 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Wdk/System/SystemServices/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Wdk/System/SystemServices/ @@ -10898,19 +10898,8 @@ pub const __guid_type: u32 = 8192u32; pub const __multiString_type: u32 = 16384u32; pub const __string_type: u32 = 4096u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ALTERNATIVE_ARCHITECTURE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ALTERNATIVE_ARCHITECTURE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ALTERNATIVE_ARCHITECTURE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ALTERNATIVE_ARCHITECTURE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ALTERNATIVE_ARCHITECTURE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10920,19 +10909,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ALTERNATIVE_ARCHITECTURE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ARBITER_ACTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ARBITER_ACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ARBITER_ACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ARBITER_ACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ARBITER_ACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10942,19 +10920,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ARBITER_ACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ARBITER_REQUEST_SOURCE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ARBITER_REQUEST_SOURCE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ARBITER_REQUEST_SOURCE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ARBITER_REQUEST_SOURCE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ARBITER_REQUEST_SOURCE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10964,19 +10931,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ARBITER_REQUEST_SOURCE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ARBITER_RESULT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ARBITER_RESULT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ARBITER_RESULT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ARBITER_RESULT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ARBITER_RESULT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10986,19 +10942,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ARBITER_RESULT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BDCB_CALLBACK_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BDCB_CALLBACK_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BDCB_CALLBACK_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BDCB_CALLBACK_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BDCB_CALLBACK_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11008,19 +10953,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BDCB_CALLBACK_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BDCB_CLASSIFICATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BDCB_CLASSIFICATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BDCB_CLASSIFICATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BDCB_CLASSIFICATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BDCB_CLASSIFICATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11030,19 +10964,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BDCB_CLASSIFICATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BDCB_STATUS_UPDATE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BDCB_STATUS_UPDATE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BDCB_STATUS_UPDATE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BDCB_STATUS_UPDATE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BDCB_STATUS_UPDATE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11052,19 +10975,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BDCB_STATUS_UPDATE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BOUND_CALLBACK_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BOUND_CALLBACK_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BOUND_CALLBACK_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BOUND_CALLBACK_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BOUND_CALLBACK_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11074,19 +10986,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BOUND_CALLBACK_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BUS_DATA_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BUS_DATA_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BUS_DATA_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BUS_DATA_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BUS_DATA_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11096,19 +10997,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BUS_DATA_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BUS_QUERY_ID_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BUS_QUERY_ID_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BUS_QUERY_ID_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BUS_QUERY_ID_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BUS_QUERY_ID_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11118,19 +11008,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BUS_QUERY_ID_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CM_SHARE_DISPOSITION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CM_SHARE_DISPOSITION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CM_SHARE_DISPOSITION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CM_SHARE_DISPOSITION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CM_SHARE_DISPOSITION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11140,19 +11019,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CM_SHARE_DISPOSITION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CONFIGURATION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CONFIGURATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CONFIGURATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CONFIGURATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CONFIGURATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11162,19 +11030,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CONFIGURATION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CREATE_FILE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CREATE_FILE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CREATE_FILE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CREATE_FILE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CREATE_FILE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11184,19 +11041,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CREATE_FILE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3COLD_LAST_TRANSITION_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3COLD_LAST_TRANSITION_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3COLD_LAST_TRANSITION_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3COLD_LAST_TRANSITION_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3COLD_LAST_TRANSITION_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11206,19 +11052,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3COLD_LAST_TRANSITION_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEVICE_DIRECTORY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEVICE_DIRECTORY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEVICE_DIRECTORY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEVICE_DIRECTORY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEVICE_DIRECTORY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11228,19 +11063,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEVICE_DIRECTORY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEVICE_INSTALL_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEVICE_INSTALL_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEVICE_INSTALL_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEVICE_INSTALL_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEVICE_INSTALL_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11250,19 +11074,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEVICE_INSTALL_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEVICE_REGISTRY_PROPERTY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEVICE_REGISTRY_PROPERTY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEVICE_REGISTRY_PROPERTY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEVICE_REGISTRY_PROPERTY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEVICE_REGISTRY_PROPERTY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11272,19 +11085,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEVICE_REGISTRY_PROPERTY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEVICE_RELATION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEVICE_RELATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEVICE_RELATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEVICE_RELATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEVICE_RELATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11294,19 +11096,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEVICE_RELATION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEVICE_REMOVAL_POLICY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEVICE_REMOVAL_POLICY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEVICE_REMOVAL_POLICY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEVICE_REMOVAL_POLICY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEVICE_REMOVAL_POLICY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11316,19 +11107,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEVICE_REMOVAL_POLICY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEVICE_RESET_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEVICE_RESET_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEVICE_RESET_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEVICE_RESET_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEVICE_RESET_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11338,19 +11118,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEVICE_RESET_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEVICE_TEXT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEVICE_TEXT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEVICE_TEXT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEVICE_TEXT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEVICE_TEXT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11360,19 +11129,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEVICE_TEXT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEVICE_USAGE_NOTIFICATION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEVICE_USAGE_NOTIFICATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEVICE_USAGE_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEVICE_USAGE_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEVICE_USAGE_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11382,19 +11140,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEVICE_USAGE_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEVICE_WAKE_DEPTH(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEVICE_WAKE_DEPTH {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEVICE_WAKE_DEPTH { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEVICE_WAKE_DEPTH { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEVICE_WAKE_DEPTH { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11404,19 +11151,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEVICE_WAKE_DEPTH { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DIRECTORY_NOTIFY_INFORMATION_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DIRECTORY_NOTIFY_INFORMATION_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DIRECTORY_NOTIFY_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DIRECTORY_NOTIFY_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DIRECTORY_NOTIFY_INFORMATION_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11426,19 +11162,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DIRECTORY_NOTIFY_INFORMATION_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DMA_COMMON_BUFFER_EXTENDED_CONFIGURATION_ACCESS_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DMA_COMMON_BUFFER_EXTENDED_CONFIGURATION_ACCESS_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DMA_COMMON_BUFFER_EXTENDED_CONFIGURATION_ACCESS_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DMA_COMMON_BUFFER_EXTENDED_CONFIGURATION_ACCESS_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DMA_COMMON_BUFFER_EXTENDED_CONFIGURATION_ACCESS_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11448,19 +11173,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DMA_COMMON_BUFFER_EXTENDED_CONFIGURATION_ACCESS_TYPE } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DMA_COMMON_BUFFER_EXTENDED_CONFIGURATION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DMA_COMMON_BUFFER_EXTENDED_CONFIGURATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DMA_COMMON_BUFFER_EXTENDED_CONFIGURATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DMA_COMMON_BUFFER_EXTENDED_CONFIGURATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DMA_COMMON_BUFFER_EXTENDED_CONFIGURATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11470,19 +11184,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DMA_COMMON_BUFFER_EXTENDED_CONFIGURATION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DMA_COMPLETION_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DMA_COMPLETION_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DMA_COMPLETION_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DMA_COMPLETION_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DMA_COMPLETION_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11492,19 +11195,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DMA_COMPLETION_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DMA_SPEED(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DMA_SPEED {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DMA_SPEED { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DMA_SPEED { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DMA_SPEED { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11514,19 +11206,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DMA_SPEED { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DMA_WIDTH(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DMA_WIDTH {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DMA_WIDTH { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DMA_WIDTH { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DMA_WIDTH { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11536,19 +11217,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DMA_WIDTH { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DOMAIN_CONFIGURATION_ARCH(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DOMAIN_CONFIGURATION_ARCH {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DOMAIN_CONFIGURATION_ARCH { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DOMAIN_CONFIGURATION_ARCH { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DOMAIN_CONFIGURATION_ARCH { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11558,19 +11228,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DOMAIN_CONFIGURATION_ARCH { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DRIVER_DIRECTORY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DRIVER_DIRECTORY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DRIVER_DIRECTORY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DRIVER_DIRECTORY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DRIVER_DIRECTORY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11580,19 +11239,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DRIVER_DIRECTORY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DRIVER_REGKEY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DRIVER_REGKEY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DRIVER_REGKEY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DRIVER_REGKEY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DRIVER_REGKEY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11602,19 +11250,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DRIVER_REGKEY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DRIVER_RUNTIME_INIT_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DRIVER_RUNTIME_INIT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DRIVER_RUNTIME_INIT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DRIVER_RUNTIME_INIT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DRIVER_RUNTIME_INIT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11624,19 +11261,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DRIVER_RUNTIME_INIT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EXTENDED_AGP_REGISTER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EXTENDED_AGP_REGISTER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EXTENDED_AGP_REGISTER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EXTENDED_AGP_REGISTER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EXTENDED_AGP_REGISTER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11646,19 +11272,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EXTENDED_AGP_REGISTER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EX_POOL_PRIORITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EX_POOL_PRIORITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EX_POOL_PRIORITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EX_POOL_PRIORITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EX_POOL_PRIORITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11668,19 +11283,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EX_POOL_PRIORITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FAULT_INFORMATION_ARCH(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FAULT_INFORMATION_ARCH {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FAULT_INFORMATION_ARCH { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FAULT_INFORMATION_ARCH { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FAULT_INFORMATION_ARCH { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11690,19 +11294,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FAULT_INFORMATION_ARCH { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FAULT_INFORMATION_ARM64_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FAULT_INFORMATION_ARM64_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FAULT_INFORMATION_ARM64_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FAULT_INFORMATION_ARM64_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FAULT_INFORMATION_ARM64_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11712,19 +11305,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FAULT_INFORMATION_ARM64_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HAL_APIC_DESTINATION_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HAL_APIC_DESTINATION_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HAL_APIC_DESTINATION_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HAL_APIC_DESTINATION_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HAL_APIC_DESTINATION_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11734,19 +11316,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HAL_APIC_DESTINATION_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HAL_DISPLAY_BIOS_INFORMATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HAL_DISPLAY_BIOS_INFORMATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HAL_DISPLAY_BIOS_INFORMATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HAL_DISPLAY_BIOS_INFORMATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HAL_DISPLAY_BIOS_INFORMATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11756,19 +11327,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HAL_DISPLAY_BIOS_INFORMATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HAL_DMA_CRASH_DUMP_REGISTER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HAL_DMA_CRASH_DUMP_REGISTER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HAL_DMA_CRASH_DUMP_REGISTER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HAL_DMA_CRASH_DUMP_REGISTER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HAL_DMA_CRASH_DUMP_REGISTER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11778,19 +11338,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HAL_DMA_CRASH_DUMP_REGISTER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HAL_QUERY_INFORMATION_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HAL_QUERY_INFORMATION_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HAL_QUERY_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HAL_QUERY_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HAL_QUERY_INFORMATION_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11800,19 +11349,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HAL_QUERY_INFORMATION_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HAL_SET_INFORMATION_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HAL_SET_INFORMATION_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HAL_SET_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HAL_SET_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HAL_SET_INFORMATION_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11822,19 +11360,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HAL_SET_INFORMATION_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HARDWARE_COUNTER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HARDWARE_COUNTER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HARDWARE_COUNTER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HARDWARE_COUNTER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HARDWARE_COUNTER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11844,19 +11371,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HARDWARE_COUNTER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct INTEL_CACHE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for INTEL_CACHE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for INTEL_CACHE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for INTEL_CACHE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for INTEL_CACHE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11866,19 +11382,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for INTEL_CACHE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct INTERFACE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for INTERFACE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for INTERFACE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for INTERFACE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for INTERFACE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11888,19 +11393,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for INTERFACE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct INTERLOCKED_RESULT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for INTERLOCKED_RESULT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for INTERLOCKED_RESULT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for INTERLOCKED_RESULT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for INTERLOCKED_RESULT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11910,19 +11404,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for INTERLOCKED_RESULT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IOMMU_DEVICE_CREATION_CONFIGURATION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IOMMU_DEVICE_CREATION_CONFIGURATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IOMMU_DEVICE_CREATION_CONFIGURATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IOMMU_DEVICE_CREATION_CONFIGURATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IOMMU_DEVICE_CREATION_CONFIGURATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11932,19 +11415,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IOMMU_DEVICE_CREATION_CONFIGURATION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IOMMU_DMA_DOMAIN_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IOMMU_DMA_DOMAIN_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IOMMU_DMA_DOMAIN_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IOMMU_DMA_DOMAIN_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IOMMU_DMA_DOMAIN_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11954,19 +11426,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IOMMU_DMA_DOMAIN_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IOMMU_DMA_LOGICAL_ALLOCATOR_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IOMMU_DMA_LOGICAL_ALLOCATOR_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IOMMU_DMA_LOGICAL_ALLOCATOR_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IOMMU_DMA_LOGICAL_ALLOCATOR_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IOMMU_DMA_LOGICAL_ALLOCATOR_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11976,19 +11437,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IOMMU_DMA_LOGICAL_ALLOCATOR_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IOMMU_MAP_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IOMMU_MAP_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IOMMU_MAP_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IOMMU_MAP_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IOMMU_MAP_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11998,19 +11448,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IOMMU_MAP_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IO_ACCESS_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IO_ACCESS_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IO_ACCESS_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IO_ACCESS_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IO_ACCESS_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12020,19 +11459,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IO_ACCESS_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IO_ACCESS_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IO_ACCESS_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IO_ACCESS_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IO_ACCESS_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IO_ACCESS_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12042,19 +11470,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IO_ACCESS_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IO_ALLOCATION_ACTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IO_ALLOCATION_ACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IO_ALLOCATION_ACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IO_ALLOCATION_ACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IO_ALLOCATION_ACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12064,19 +11481,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IO_ALLOCATION_ACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IO_COMPLETION_ROUTINE_RESULT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IO_COMPLETION_ROUTINE_RESULT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IO_COMPLETION_ROUTINE_RESULT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IO_COMPLETION_ROUTINE_RESULT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IO_COMPLETION_ROUTINE_RESULT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12086,19 +11492,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IO_COMPLETION_ROUTINE_RESULT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IO_CONTAINER_INFORMATION_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IO_CONTAINER_INFORMATION_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IO_CONTAINER_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IO_CONTAINER_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IO_CONTAINER_INFORMATION_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12108,19 +11503,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IO_CONTAINER_INFORMATION_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IO_CONTAINER_NOTIFICATION_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IO_CONTAINER_NOTIFICATION_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IO_CONTAINER_NOTIFICATION_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IO_CONTAINER_NOTIFICATION_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IO_CONTAINER_NOTIFICATION_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12130,19 +11514,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IO_CONTAINER_NOTIFICATION_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IO_NOTIFICATION_EVENT_CATEGORY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IO_NOTIFICATION_EVENT_CATEGORY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IO_NOTIFICATION_EVENT_CATEGORY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IO_NOTIFICATION_EVENT_CATEGORY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IO_NOTIFICATION_EVENT_CATEGORY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12152,19 +11525,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IO_NOTIFICATION_EVENT_CATEGORY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IO_PAGING_PRIORITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IO_PAGING_PRIORITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IO_PAGING_PRIORITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IO_PAGING_PRIORITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IO_PAGING_PRIORITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12174,19 +11536,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IO_PAGING_PRIORITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IO_QUERY_DEVICE_DATA_FORMAT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IO_QUERY_DEVICE_DATA_FORMAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IO_QUERY_DEVICE_DATA_FORMAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IO_QUERY_DEVICE_DATA_FORMAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IO_QUERY_DEVICE_DATA_FORMAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12196,19 +11547,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IO_QUERY_DEVICE_DATA_FORMAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IO_SESSION_EVENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IO_SESSION_EVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IO_SESSION_EVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IO_SESSION_EVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IO_SESSION_EVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12218,19 +11558,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IO_SESSION_EVENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IO_SESSION_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IO_SESSION_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IO_SESSION_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IO_SESSION_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IO_SESSION_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12240,19 +11569,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IO_SESSION_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IRQ_DEVICE_POLICY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IRQ_DEVICE_POLICY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IRQ_DEVICE_POLICY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IRQ_DEVICE_POLICY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IRQ_DEVICE_POLICY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12262,19 +11580,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IRQ_DEVICE_POLICY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IRQ_GROUP_POLICY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IRQ_GROUP_POLICY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IRQ_GROUP_POLICY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IRQ_GROUP_POLICY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IRQ_GROUP_POLICY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12284,19 +11591,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IRQ_GROUP_POLICY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IRQ_PRIORITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IRQ_PRIORITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IRQ_PRIORITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IRQ_PRIORITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IRQ_PRIORITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12306,19 +11602,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IRQ_PRIORITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KBUGCHECK_BUFFER_DUMP_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KBUGCHECK_BUFFER_DUMP_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KBUGCHECK_BUFFER_DUMP_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KBUGCHECK_BUFFER_DUMP_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KBUGCHECK_BUFFER_DUMP_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12328,19 +11613,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KBUGCHECK_BUFFER_DUMP_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KBUGCHECK_CALLBACK_REASON(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KBUGCHECK_CALLBACK_REASON {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KBUGCHECK_CALLBACK_REASON { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KBUGCHECK_CALLBACK_REASON { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KBUGCHECK_CALLBACK_REASON { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12350,19 +11624,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KBUGCHECK_CALLBACK_REASON { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KBUGCHECK_DUMP_IO_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KBUGCHECK_DUMP_IO_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KBUGCHECK_DUMP_IO_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KBUGCHECK_DUMP_IO_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KBUGCHECK_DUMP_IO_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12372,19 +11635,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KBUGCHECK_DUMP_IO_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KDPC_IMPORTANCE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KDPC_IMPORTANCE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KDPC_IMPORTANCE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KDPC_IMPORTANCE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KDPC_IMPORTANCE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12394,19 +11646,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KDPC_IMPORTANCE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KD_CALLBACK_ACTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KD_CALLBACK_ACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KD_CALLBACK_ACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KD_CALLBACK_ACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KD_CALLBACK_ACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12416,19 +11657,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KD_CALLBACK_ACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KD_NAMESPACE_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KD_NAMESPACE_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KD_NAMESPACE_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KD_NAMESPACE_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KD_NAMESPACE_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12438,19 +11668,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KD_NAMESPACE_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KD_OPTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KD_OPTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KD_OPTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KD_OPTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KD_OPTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12460,19 +11679,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KD_OPTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KEY_INFORMATION_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KEY_INFORMATION_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KEY_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KEY_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KEY_INFORMATION_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12482,19 +11690,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KEY_INFORMATION_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KEY_VALUE_INFORMATION_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KEY_VALUE_INFORMATION_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KEY_VALUE_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KEY_VALUE_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KEY_VALUE_INFORMATION_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12504,19 +11701,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KEY_VALUE_INFORMATION_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KE_PROCESSOR_CHANGE_NOTIFY_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KE_PROCESSOR_CHANGE_NOTIFY_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KE_PROCESSOR_CHANGE_NOTIFY_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KE_PROCESSOR_CHANGE_NOTIFY_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KE_PROCESSOR_CHANGE_NOTIFY_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12526,19 +11712,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KE_PROCESSOR_CHANGE_NOTIFY_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KINTERRUPT_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KINTERRUPT_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KINTERRUPT_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KINTERRUPT_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KINTERRUPT_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12548,19 +11723,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KINTERRUPT_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KINTERRUPT_POLARITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KINTERRUPT_POLARITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KINTERRUPT_POLARITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KINTERRUPT_POLARITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KINTERRUPT_POLARITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12570,19 +11734,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KINTERRUPT_POLARITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KPROFILE_SOURCE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KPROFILE_SOURCE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KPROFILE_SOURCE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KPROFILE_SOURCE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KPROFILE_SOURCE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12592,19 +11745,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KPROFILE_SOURCE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KWAIT_REASON(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KWAIT_REASON {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KWAIT_REASON { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KWAIT_REASON { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KWAIT_REASON { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12614,19 +11756,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KWAIT_REASON { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LOCK_OPERATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LOCK_OPERATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LOCK_OPERATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LOCK_OPERATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LOCK_OPERATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12636,19 +11767,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for LOCK_OPERATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MCA_EXCEPTION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MCA_EXCEPTION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MCA_EXCEPTION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MCA_EXCEPTION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MCA_EXCEPTION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12658,19 +11778,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MCA_EXCEPTION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MEMORY_CACHING_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MEMORY_CACHING_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MEMORY_CACHING_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MEMORY_CACHING_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MEMORY_CACHING_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12680,19 +11789,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MEMORY_CACHING_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MEMORY_CACHING_TYPE_ORIG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MEMORY_CACHING_TYPE_ORIG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MEMORY_CACHING_TYPE_ORIG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MEMORY_CACHING_TYPE_ORIG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MEMORY_CACHING_TYPE_ORIG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12702,19 +11800,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MEMORY_CACHING_TYPE_ORIG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MEM_DEDICATED_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MEM_DEDICATED_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MEM_DEDICATED_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MEM_DEDICATED_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MEM_DEDICATED_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12724,19 +11811,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MEM_DEDICATED_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MEM_SECTION_EXTENDED_PARAMETER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MEM_SECTION_EXTENDED_PARAMETER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MEM_SECTION_EXTENDED_PARAMETER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MEM_SECTION_EXTENDED_PARAMETER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MEM_SECTION_EXTENDED_PARAMETER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12746,19 +11822,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MEM_SECTION_EXTENDED_PARAMETER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MM_MDL_PAGE_CONTENTS_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MM_MDL_PAGE_CONTENTS_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MM_MDL_PAGE_CONTENTS_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MM_MDL_PAGE_CONTENTS_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MM_MDL_PAGE_CONTENTS_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12768,19 +11833,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MM_MDL_PAGE_CONTENTS_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MM_PAGE_PRIORITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MM_PAGE_PRIORITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MM_PAGE_PRIORITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MM_PAGE_PRIORITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MM_PAGE_PRIORITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12790,19 +11844,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MM_PAGE_PRIORITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MM_ROTATE_DIRECTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MM_ROTATE_DIRECTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MM_ROTATE_DIRECTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MM_ROTATE_DIRECTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MM_ROTATE_DIRECTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12812,19 +11855,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MM_ROTATE_DIRECTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MM_SYSTEMSIZE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MM_SYSTEMSIZE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MM_SYSTEMSIZE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MM_SYSTEMSIZE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MM_SYSTEMSIZE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12834,19 +11866,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MM_SYSTEMSIZE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12856,19 +11877,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NPEM_CONTROL_STANDARD_CONTROL_BIT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NPEM_CONTROL_STANDARD_CONTROL_BIT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NPEM_CONTROL_STANDARD_CONTROL_BIT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NPEM_CONTROL_STANDARD_CONTROL_BIT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NPEM_CONTROL_STANDARD_CONTROL_BIT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12878,19 +11888,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NPEM_CONTROL_STANDARD_CONTROL_BIT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OB_PREOP_CALLBACK_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OB_PREOP_CALLBACK_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OB_PREOP_CALLBACK_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OB_PREOP_CALLBACK_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OB_PREOP_CALLBACK_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12900,19 +11899,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OB_PREOP_CALLBACK_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PARTITION_INFORMATION_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PARTITION_INFORMATION_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PARTITION_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PARTITION_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PARTITION_INFORMATION_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12922,19 +11910,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PARTITION_INFORMATION_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PCI_ACS_BIT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PCI_ACS_BIT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PCI_ACS_BIT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PCI_ACS_BIT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PCI_ACS_BIT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12944,19 +11921,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PCI_ACS_BIT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PCI_BUS_WIDTH(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PCI_BUS_WIDTH {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PCI_BUS_WIDTH { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PCI_BUS_WIDTH { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PCI_BUS_WIDTH { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12966,19 +11932,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PCI_BUS_WIDTH { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PCI_DEVICE_D3COLD_STATE_REASON(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PCI_DEVICE_D3COLD_STATE_REASON {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PCI_DEVICE_D3COLD_STATE_REASON { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PCI_DEVICE_D3COLD_STATE_REASON { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PCI_DEVICE_D3COLD_STATE_REASON { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12988,19 +11943,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PCI_DEVICE_D3COLD_STATE_REASON { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PCI_EXPRESS_ASPM_CONTROL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PCI_EXPRESS_ASPM_CONTROL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PCI_EXPRESS_ASPM_CONTROL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PCI_EXPRESS_ASPM_CONTROL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PCI_EXPRESS_ASPM_CONTROL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13010,19 +11954,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PCI_EXPRESS_ASPM_CONTROL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PCI_EXPRESS_ASPM_SUPPORT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PCI_EXPRESS_ASPM_SUPPORT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PCI_EXPRESS_ASPM_SUPPORT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PCI_EXPRESS_ASPM_SUPPORT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PCI_EXPRESS_ASPM_SUPPORT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13032,19 +11965,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PCI_EXPRESS_ASPM_SUPPORT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PCI_EXPRESS_CARD_PRESENCE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PCI_EXPRESS_CARD_PRESENCE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PCI_EXPRESS_CARD_PRESENCE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PCI_EXPRESS_CARD_PRESENCE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PCI_EXPRESS_CARD_PRESENCE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13054,19 +11976,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PCI_EXPRESS_CARD_PRESENCE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PCI_EXPRESS_DEVICE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PCI_EXPRESS_DEVICE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PCI_EXPRESS_DEVICE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PCI_EXPRESS_DEVICE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PCI_EXPRESS_DEVICE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13076,19 +11987,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PCI_EXPRESS_DEVICE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PCI_EXPRESS_INDICATOR_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PCI_EXPRESS_INDICATOR_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PCI_EXPRESS_INDICATOR_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PCI_EXPRESS_INDICATOR_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PCI_EXPRESS_INDICATOR_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13098,19 +11998,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PCI_EXPRESS_INDICATOR_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PCI_EXPRESS_L0s_EXIT_LATENCY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PCI_EXPRESS_L0s_EXIT_LATENCY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PCI_EXPRESS_L0s_EXIT_LATENCY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PCI_EXPRESS_L0s_EXIT_LATENCY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PCI_EXPRESS_L0s_EXIT_LATENCY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13120,19 +12009,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PCI_EXPRESS_L0s_EXIT_LATENCY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PCI_EXPRESS_L1_EXIT_LATENCY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PCI_EXPRESS_L1_EXIT_LATENCY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PCI_EXPRESS_L1_EXIT_LATENCY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PCI_EXPRESS_L1_EXIT_LATENCY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PCI_EXPRESS_L1_EXIT_LATENCY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13142,19 +12020,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PCI_EXPRESS_L1_EXIT_LATENCY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PCI_EXPRESS_LINK_SUBSTATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PCI_EXPRESS_LINK_SUBSTATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PCI_EXPRESS_LINK_SUBSTATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PCI_EXPRESS_LINK_SUBSTATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PCI_EXPRESS_LINK_SUBSTATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13164,19 +12031,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PCI_EXPRESS_LINK_SUBSTATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PCI_EXPRESS_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PCI_EXPRESS_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PCI_EXPRESS_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PCI_EXPRESS_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PCI_EXPRESS_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13186,19 +12042,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PCI_EXPRESS_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PCI_EXPRESS_MRL_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PCI_EXPRESS_MRL_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PCI_EXPRESS_MRL_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PCI_EXPRESS_MRL_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PCI_EXPRESS_MRL_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13208,19 +12053,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PCI_EXPRESS_MRL_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PCI_EXPRESS_POWER_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PCI_EXPRESS_POWER_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PCI_EXPRESS_POWER_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PCI_EXPRESS_POWER_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PCI_EXPRESS_POWER_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13230,19 +12064,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PCI_EXPRESS_POWER_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PCI_EXPRESS_RCB(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PCI_EXPRESS_RCB {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PCI_EXPRESS_RCB { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PCI_EXPRESS_RCB { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PCI_EXPRESS_RCB { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13252,19 +12075,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PCI_EXPRESS_RCB { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PCI_HARDWARE_INTERFACE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PCI_HARDWARE_INTERFACE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PCI_HARDWARE_INTERFACE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PCI_HARDWARE_INTERFACE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PCI_HARDWARE_INTERFACE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13274,19 +12086,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PCI_HARDWARE_INTERFACE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PCW_CALLBACK_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PCW_CALLBACK_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PCW_CALLBACK_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PCW_CALLBACK_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PCW_CALLBACK_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13296,19 +12097,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PCW_CALLBACK_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PCW_REGISTRATION_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PCW_REGISTRATION_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PCW_REGISTRATION_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PCW_REGISTRATION_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PCW_REGISTRATION_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13318,19 +12108,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PCW_REGISTRATION_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PHYSICAL_COUNTER_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PHYSICAL_COUNTER_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PHYSICAL_COUNTER_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PHYSICAL_COUNTER_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PHYSICAL_COUNTER_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13340,19 +12119,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PHYSICAL_COUNTER_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct POOL_EXTENDED_PARAMETER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for POOL_EXTENDED_PARAMETER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for POOL_EXTENDED_PARAMETER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for POOL_EXTENDED_PARAMETER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for POOL_EXTENDED_PARAMETER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13362,19 +12130,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for POOL_EXTENDED_PARAMETER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct POWER_MONITOR_REQUEST_REASON(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for POWER_MONITOR_REQUEST_REASON {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for POWER_MONITOR_REQUEST_REASON { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for POWER_MONITOR_REQUEST_REASON { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for POWER_MONITOR_REQUEST_REASON { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13384,19 +12141,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for POWER_MONITOR_REQUEST_REASON { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct POWER_MONITOR_REQUEST_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for POWER_MONITOR_REQUEST_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for POWER_MONITOR_REQUEST_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for POWER_MONITOR_REQUEST_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for POWER_MONITOR_REQUEST_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13406,19 +12152,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for POWER_MONITOR_REQUEST_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct POWER_PLATFORM_ROLE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for POWER_PLATFORM_ROLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for POWER_PLATFORM_ROLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for POWER_PLATFORM_ROLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for POWER_PLATFORM_ROLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13428,19 +12163,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for POWER_PLATFORM_ROLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct POWER_STATE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for POWER_STATE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for POWER_STATE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for POWER_STATE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for POWER_STATE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13450,19 +12174,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for POWER_STATE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct POWER_USER_PRESENCE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for POWER_USER_PRESENCE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for POWER_USER_PRESENCE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for POWER_USER_PRESENCE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for POWER_USER_PRESENCE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13472,19 +12185,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for POWER_USER_PRESENCE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PO_FX_PERF_STATE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PO_FX_PERF_STATE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PO_FX_PERF_STATE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PO_FX_PERF_STATE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PO_FX_PERF_STATE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13494,19 +12196,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PO_FX_PERF_STATE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PO_FX_PERF_STATE_UNIT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PO_FX_PERF_STATE_UNIT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PO_FX_PERF_STATE_UNIT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PO_FX_PERF_STATE_UNIT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PO_FX_PERF_STATE_UNIT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13516,19 +12207,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PO_FX_PERF_STATE_UNIT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PO_THERMAL_REQUEST_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PO_THERMAL_REQUEST_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PO_THERMAL_REQUEST_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PO_THERMAL_REQUEST_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PO_THERMAL_REQUEST_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13538,19 +12218,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PO_THERMAL_REQUEST_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PSCREATEPROCESSNOTIFYTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PSCREATEPROCESSNOTIFYTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PSCREATEPROCESSNOTIFYTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PSCREATEPROCESSNOTIFYTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PSCREATEPROCESSNOTIFYTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13560,19 +12229,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PSCREATEPROCESSNOTIFYTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PSCREATETHREADNOTIFYTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PSCREATETHREADNOTIFYTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PSCREATETHREADNOTIFYTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PSCREATETHREADNOTIFYTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PSCREATETHREADNOTIFYTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13582,19 +12240,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PSCREATETHREADNOTIFYTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PSHED_PI_ERR_READING_PCIE_OVERRIDES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PSHED_PI_ERR_READING_PCIE_OVERRIDES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PSHED_PI_ERR_READING_PCIE_OVERRIDES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PSHED_PI_ERR_READING_PCIE_OVERRIDES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PSHED_PI_ERR_READING_PCIE_OVERRIDES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13604,19 +12251,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PSHED_PI_ERR_READING_PCIE_OVERRIDES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct REG_NOTIFY_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for REG_NOTIFY_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for REG_NOTIFY_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for REG_NOTIFY_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for REG_NOTIFY_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13626,19 +12262,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for REG_NOTIFY_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RESOURCE_TRANSLATION_DIRECTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RESOURCE_TRANSLATION_DIRECTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RESOURCE_TRANSLATION_DIRECTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RESOURCE_TRANSLATION_DIRECTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RESOURCE_TRANSLATION_DIRECTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13648,19 +12273,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RESOURCE_TRANSLATION_DIRECTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RTL_GENERIC_COMPARE_RESULTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RTL_GENERIC_COMPARE_RESULTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RTL_GENERIC_COMPARE_RESULTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RTL_GENERIC_COMPARE_RESULTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RTL_GENERIC_COMPARE_RESULTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13670,19 +12284,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RTL_GENERIC_COMPARE_RESULTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SECTION_INHERIT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SECTION_INHERIT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SECTION_INHERIT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SECTION_INHERIT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SECTION_INHERIT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13692,19 +12295,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SECTION_INHERIT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SECURITY_OPERATION_CODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SECURITY_OPERATION_CODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SECURITY_OPERATION_CODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SECURITY_OPERATION_CODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SECURITY_OPERATION_CODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13714,19 +12306,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SECURITY_OPERATION_CODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SE_IMAGE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SE_IMAGE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SE_IMAGE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SE_IMAGE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SE_IMAGE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13736,19 +12317,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SE_IMAGE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SE_IMAGE_VERIFICATION_CALLBACK_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SE_IMAGE_VERIFICATION_CALLBACK_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SE_IMAGE_VERIFICATION_CALLBACK_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SE_IMAGE_VERIFICATION_CALLBACK_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SE_IMAGE_VERIFICATION_CALLBACK_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13758,19 +12328,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SE_IMAGE_VERIFICATION_CALLBACK_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SOC_SUBSYSTEM_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SOC_SUBSYSTEM_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SOC_SUBSYSTEM_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SOC_SUBSYSTEM_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SOC_SUBSYSTEM_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13780,19 +12339,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SOC_SUBSYSTEM_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STATE_LOCATION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STATE_LOCATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STATE_LOCATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STATE_LOCATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STATE_LOCATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13802,19 +12350,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STATE_LOCATION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SUBSYSTEM_INFORMATION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SUBSYSTEM_INFORMATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SUBSYSTEM_INFORMATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SUBSYSTEM_INFORMATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SUBSYSTEM_INFORMATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13824,19 +12361,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SUBSYSTEM_INFORMATION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYSTEM_FIRMWARE_TABLE_ACTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYSTEM_FIRMWARE_TABLE_ACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYSTEM_FIRMWARE_TABLE_ACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYSTEM_FIRMWARE_TABLE_ACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYSTEM_FIRMWARE_TABLE_ACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13846,19 +12372,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYSTEM_FIRMWARE_TABLE_ACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYSTEM_POWER_CONDITION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYSTEM_POWER_CONDITION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYSTEM_POWER_CONDITION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYSTEM_POWER_CONDITION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYSTEM_POWER_CONDITION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13868,19 +12383,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYSTEM_POWER_CONDITION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TABLE_SEARCH_RESULT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TABLE_SEARCH_RESULT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TABLE_SEARCH_RESULT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TABLE_SEARCH_RESULT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TABLE_SEARCH_RESULT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13890,19 +12394,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TABLE_SEARCH_RESULT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TIMER_SET_INFORMATION_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TIMER_SET_INFORMATION_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TIMER_SET_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TIMER_SET_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TIMER_SET_INFORMATION_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13912,19 +12405,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TIMER_SET_INFORMATION_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TRACE_INFORMATION_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TRACE_INFORMATION_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TRACE_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TRACE_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TRACE_INFORMATION_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13934,19 +12416,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TRACE_INFORMATION_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHEAP_DPC_ERROR_EVENT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHEAP_DPC_ERROR_EVENT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHEAP_DPC_ERROR_EVENT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHEAP_DPC_ERROR_EVENT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHEAP_DPC_ERROR_EVENT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13956,19 +12427,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WHEAP_DPC_ERROR_EVENT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHEAP_PFA_OFFLINE_DECISION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHEAP_PFA_OFFLINE_DECISION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHEAP_PFA_OFFLINE_DECISION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHEAP_PFA_OFFLINE_DECISION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHEAP_PFA_OFFLINE_DECISION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13978,19 +12438,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WHEAP_PFA_OFFLINE_DECISION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHEA_BUGCHECK_RECOVERY_LOG_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHEA_BUGCHECK_RECOVERY_LOG_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHEA_BUGCHECK_RECOVERY_LOG_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHEA_BUGCHECK_RECOVERY_LOG_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHEA_BUGCHECK_RECOVERY_LOG_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14000,19 +12449,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WHEA_BUGCHECK_RECOVERY_LOG_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHEA_CPU_VENDOR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHEA_CPU_VENDOR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHEA_CPU_VENDOR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHEA_CPU_VENDOR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHEA_CPU_VENDOR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14022,19 +12460,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WHEA_CPU_VENDOR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHEA_ERROR_PACKET_DATA_FORMAT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHEA_ERROR_PACKET_DATA_FORMAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHEA_ERROR_PACKET_DATA_FORMAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHEA_ERROR_PACKET_DATA_FORMAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHEA_ERROR_PACKET_DATA_FORMAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14044,19 +12471,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WHEA_ERROR_PACKET_DATA_FORMAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHEA_ERROR_SEVERITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHEA_ERROR_SEVERITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHEA_ERROR_SEVERITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHEA_ERROR_SEVERITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHEA_ERROR_SEVERITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14066,19 +12482,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WHEA_ERROR_SEVERITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHEA_ERROR_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHEA_ERROR_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHEA_ERROR_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHEA_ERROR_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHEA_ERROR_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14088,19 +12493,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WHEA_ERROR_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHEA_EVENT_LOG_ENTRY_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHEA_EVENT_LOG_ENTRY_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHEA_EVENT_LOG_ENTRY_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHEA_EVENT_LOG_ENTRY_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHEA_EVENT_LOG_ENTRY_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14110,19 +12504,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WHEA_EVENT_LOG_ENTRY_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHEA_EVENT_LOG_ENTRY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHEA_EVENT_LOG_ENTRY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHEA_EVENT_LOG_ENTRY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHEA_EVENT_LOG_ENTRY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHEA_EVENT_LOG_ENTRY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14132,19 +12515,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WHEA_EVENT_LOG_ENTRY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHEA_PCIEXPRESS_DEVICE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHEA_PCIEXPRESS_DEVICE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHEA_PCIEXPRESS_DEVICE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHEA_PCIEXPRESS_DEVICE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHEA_PCIEXPRESS_DEVICE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14154,19 +12526,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WHEA_PCIEXPRESS_DEVICE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHEA_PCI_RECOVERY_SIGNAL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHEA_PCI_RECOVERY_SIGNAL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHEA_PCI_RECOVERY_SIGNAL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHEA_PCI_RECOVERY_SIGNAL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHEA_PCI_RECOVERY_SIGNAL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14176,19 +12537,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WHEA_PCI_RECOVERY_SIGNAL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHEA_PCI_RECOVERY_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHEA_PCI_RECOVERY_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHEA_PCI_RECOVERY_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHEA_PCI_RECOVERY_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHEA_PCI_RECOVERY_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14198,19 +12548,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WHEA_PCI_RECOVERY_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHEA_PFA_REMOVE_TRIGGER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHEA_PFA_REMOVE_TRIGGER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHEA_PFA_REMOVE_TRIGGER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHEA_PFA_REMOVE_TRIGGER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHEA_PFA_REMOVE_TRIGGER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14220,19 +12559,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WHEA_PFA_REMOVE_TRIGGER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHEA_PSHED_PLUGIN_ENABLE_NOTIFY_ERRORS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHEA_PSHED_PLUGIN_ENABLE_NOTIFY_ERRORS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHEA_PSHED_PLUGIN_ENABLE_NOTIFY_ERRORS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHEA_PSHED_PLUGIN_ENABLE_NOTIFY_ERRORS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHEA_PSHED_PLUGIN_ENABLE_NOTIFY_ERRORS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14242,19 +12570,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WHEA_PSHED_PLUGIN_ENABLE_NOTIFY_ERRORS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHEA_RAW_DATA_FORMAT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHEA_RAW_DATA_FORMAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHEA_RAW_DATA_FORMAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHEA_RAW_DATA_FORMAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHEA_RAW_DATA_FORMAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14264,19 +12581,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WHEA_RAW_DATA_FORMAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHEA_RECOVERY_CONTEXT_ERROR_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHEA_RECOVERY_CONTEXT_ERROR_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHEA_RECOVERY_CONTEXT_ERROR_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHEA_RECOVERY_CONTEXT_ERROR_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHEA_RECOVERY_CONTEXT_ERROR_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14286,19 +12592,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WHEA_RECOVERY_CONTEXT_ERROR_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHEA_RECOVERY_FAILURE_REASON(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHEA_RECOVERY_FAILURE_REASON {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHEA_RECOVERY_FAILURE_REASON { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHEA_RECOVERY_FAILURE_REASON { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHEA_RECOVERY_FAILURE_REASON { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14308,19 +12603,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WHEA_RECOVERY_FAILURE_REASON { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHEA_RECOVERY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHEA_RECOVERY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHEA_RECOVERY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHEA_RECOVERY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHEA_RECOVERY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14330,19 +12614,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WHEA_RECOVERY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHEA_THROTTLE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHEA_THROTTLE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHEA_THROTTLE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHEA_THROTTLE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHEA_THROTTLE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14352,19 +12625,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WHEA_THROTTLE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WORK_QUEUE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WORK_QUEUE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WORK_QUEUE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WORK_QUEUE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WORK_QUEUE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Wdk/System/Threading/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Wdk/System/Threading/ index af3acc7281..8bf25775fa 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Wdk/System/Threading/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Wdk/System/Threading/ @@ -155,19 +155,8 @@ pub const ThreadUmsInformation: THREADINFOCLASS = THREADINFOCLASS(31i32); pub const ThreadWow64Context: THREADINFOCLASS = THREADINFOCLASS(29i32); pub const ThreadZeroTlsCell: THREADINFOCLASS = THREADINFOCLASS(10i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROCESSINFOCLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROCESSINFOCLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROCESSINFOCLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROCESSINFOCLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROCESSINFOCLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -177,19 +166,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PROCESSINFOCLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct THREADINFOCLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for THREADINFOCLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for THREADINFOCLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for THREADINFOCLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for THREADINFOCLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Web/Http/Diagnostics/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Web/Http/Diagnostics/ index 862b667974..9bdf8ec3ad 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Web/Http/Diagnostics/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Web/Http/Diagnostics/ @@ -544,7 +544,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for HttpDiagnosticSourceLocation { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for HttpDiagnosticSourceLocation {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for HttpDiagnosticSourceLocation {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HttpDiagnosticRequestInitiator(pub i32); impl HttpDiagnosticRequestInitiator { pub const ParsedElement: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -561,17 +561,6 @@ impl HttpDiagnosticRequestInitiator { pub const Fetch: Self = Self(11i32); pub const Beacon: Self = Self(12i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HttpDiagnosticRequestInitiator {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HttpDiagnosticRequestInitiator { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HttpDiagnosticRequestInitiator { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HttpDiagnosticRequestInitiator { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Web/Http/Filters/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Web/Http/Filters/ index 1e3d3715f8..9843ba6731 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Web/Http/Filters/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Web/Http/Filters/ @@ -589,7 +589,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for HttpServerCustomValidationRequestedEventArg unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for HttpServerCustomValidationRequestedEventArgs {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for HttpServerCustomValidationRequestedEventArgs {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HttpCacheReadBehavior(pub i32); impl HttpCacheReadBehavior { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -597,17 +597,6 @@ impl HttpCacheReadBehavior { pub const OnlyFromCache: Self = Self(2i32); pub const NoCache: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HttpCacheReadBehavior {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HttpCacheReadBehavior { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HttpCacheReadBehavior { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HttpCacheReadBehavior { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -620,23 +609,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for HttpCacheReadBehavior { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Web.Http.Filters.HttpCacheReadBehavior;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HttpCacheWriteBehavior(pub i32); impl HttpCacheWriteBehavior { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); pub const NoCache: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HttpCacheWriteBehavior {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HttpCacheWriteBehavior { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HttpCacheWriteBehavior { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HttpCacheWriteBehavior { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -649,23 +627,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for HttpCacheWriteBehavior { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Web.Http.Filters.HttpCacheWriteBehavior;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HttpCookieUsageBehavior(pub i32); impl HttpCookieUsageBehavior { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); pub const NoCookies: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HttpCookieUsageBehavior {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HttpCookieUsageBehavior { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HttpCookieUsageBehavior { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HttpCookieUsageBehavior { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Web/Http/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Web/Http/ index 3eb4cc1507..5e0a024ebc 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Web/Http/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Web/Http/ @@ -2733,23 +2733,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::CanTryInto for HttpT unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for HttpTransportInformation {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for HttpTransportInformation {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HttpCompletionOption(pub i32); impl HttpCompletionOption { pub const ResponseContentRead: Self = Self(0i32); pub const ResponseHeadersRead: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HttpCompletionOption {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HttpCompletionOption { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HttpCompletionOption { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HttpCompletionOption { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2762,7 +2751,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for HttpCompletionOption { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Web.Http.HttpCompletionOption;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HttpProgressStage(pub i32); impl HttpProgressStage { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2776,17 +2765,6 @@ impl HttpProgressStage { pub const ReceivingHeaders: Self = Self(80i32); pub const ReceivingContent: Self = Self(90i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HttpProgressStage {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HttpProgressStage { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HttpProgressStage { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HttpProgressStage { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2799,24 +2777,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for HttpProgressStage { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Web.Http.HttpProgressStage;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HttpResponseMessageSource(pub i32); impl HttpResponseMessageSource { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Cache: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Network: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HttpResponseMessageSource {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HttpResponseMessageSource { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HttpResponseMessageSource { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HttpResponseMessageSource { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2829,7 +2796,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for HttpResponseMessageSource { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Web.Http.HttpResponseMessageSource;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HttpStatusCode(pub i32); impl HttpStatusCode { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2891,17 +2858,6 @@ impl HttpStatusCode { pub const NotExtended: Self = Self(510i32); pub const NetworkAuthenticationRequired: Self = Self(511i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HttpStatusCode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HttpStatusCode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HttpStatusCode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HttpStatusCode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2914,7 +2870,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for HttpStatusCode { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Web.Http.HttpStatusCode;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HttpVersion(pub i32); impl HttpVersion { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2922,17 +2878,6 @@ impl HttpVersion { pub const Http11: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Http20: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HttpVersion {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HttpVersion { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HttpVersion { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HttpVersion { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Web/Syndication/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Web/Syndication/ index 39c601ac40..97b9b5876a 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Web/Syndication/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Web/Syndication/ @@ -2901,7 +2901,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::CanTryInto for SyndicationText {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for SyndicationText {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for SyndicationText {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SyndicationErrorStatus(pub i32); impl SyndicationErrorStatus { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2911,17 +2911,6 @@ impl SyndicationErrorStatus { pub const UnexpectedContent: Self = Self(4i32); pub const UnsupportedFormat: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SyndicationErrorStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SyndicationErrorStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SyndicationErrorStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SyndicationErrorStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2934,7 +2923,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SyndicationErrorStatus { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Web.Syndication.SyndicationErrorStatus;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SyndicationFormat(pub i32); impl SyndicationFormat { pub const Atom10: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -2944,17 +2933,6 @@ impl SyndicationFormat { pub const Rss091: Self = Self(4i32); pub const Atom03: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SyndicationFormat {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SyndicationFormat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SyndicationFormat { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SyndicationFormat { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2967,24 +2945,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for SyndicationFormat { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Web.Syndication.SyndicationFormat;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SyndicationTextType(pub i32); impl SyndicationTextType { pub const Text: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Html: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Xhtml: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SyndicationTextType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SyndicationTextType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SyndicationTextType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SyndicationTextType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Web/UI/Interop/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Web/UI/Interop/ index 231a84d273..8033031f95 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Web/UI/Interop/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Web/UI/Interop/ @@ -909,23 +909,12 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for WebViewControlProcessOptions { } ::windows_core::imp::interface_hierarchy!(WebViewControlProcessOptions, ::windows_core::IUnknown, ::windows_core::IInspectable); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WebViewControlAcceleratorKeyRoutingStage(pub i32); impl WebViewControlAcceleratorKeyRoutingStage { pub const Tunneling: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Bubbling: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WebViewControlAcceleratorKeyRoutingStage {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WebViewControlAcceleratorKeyRoutingStage { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WebViewControlAcceleratorKeyRoutingStage { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WebViewControlAcceleratorKeyRoutingStage { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -938,24 +927,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for WebViewControlAcceleratorKeyRoutingStage { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Web.UI.Interop.WebViewControlAcceleratorKeyRoutingStage;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WebViewControlMoveFocusReason(pub i32); impl WebViewControlMoveFocusReason { pub const Programmatic: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Next: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Previous: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WebViewControlMoveFocusReason {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WebViewControlMoveFocusReason { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WebViewControlMoveFocusReason { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WebViewControlMoveFocusReason { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -968,24 +946,13 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for WebViewControlMoveFocusReason { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Web.UI.Interop.WebViewControlMoveFocusReason;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WebViewControlProcessCapabilityState(pub i32); impl WebViewControlProcessCapabilityState { pub const Default: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Disabled: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Enabled: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WebViewControlProcessCapabilityState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WebViewControlProcessCapabilityState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WebViewControlProcessCapabilityState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WebViewControlProcessCapabilityState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Web/UI/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Web/UI/ index 565194b54d..64b34422aa 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Web/UI/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Web/UI/ @@ -1372,7 +1372,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for WebViewControlWebResourceRequestedEventArgs } ::windows_core::imp::interface_hierarchy!(WebViewControlWebResourceRequestedEventArgs, ::windows_core::IUnknown, ::windows_core::IInspectable); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WebViewControlPermissionState(pub i32); impl WebViewControlPermissionState { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1380,17 +1380,6 @@ impl WebViewControlPermissionState { pub const Allow: Self = Self(2i32); pub const Deny: Self = Self(3i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WebViewControlPermissionState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WebViewControlPermissionState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WebViewControlPermissionState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WebViewControlPermissionState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1403,7 +1392,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeType for WebViewControlPermissionState { const SIGNATURE: ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer = ::windows_core::imp::ConstBuffer::from_slice(b"enum(Windows.Web.UI.WebViewControlPermissionState;i4)"); } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WebViewControlPermissionType(pub i32); impl WebViewControlPermissionType { pub const Geolocation: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1414,17 +1403,6 @@ impl WebViewControlPermissionType { pub const Screen: Self = Self(5i32); pub const ImmersiveView: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WebViewControlPermissionType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WebViewControlPermissionType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WebViewControlPermissionType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WebViewControlPermissionType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Web/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Web/ index 3095e62ba7..63ea11f3e7 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Web/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Web/ @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for WebError { const NAME: &'static str = "Windows.Web.WebError"; } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WebErrorStatus(pub i32); impl WebErrorStatus { pub const Unknown: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -139,17 +139,6 @@ impl WebErrorStatus { pub const GatewayTimeout: Self = Self(504i32); pub const HttpVersionNotSupported: Self = Self(505i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WebErrorStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WebErrorStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WebErrorStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WebErrorStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/AI/MachineLearning/DirectML/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/AI/MachineLearning/DirectML/ index a1172b8efb..068faaa698 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/AI/MachineLearning/DirectML/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/AI/MachineLearning/DirectML/ @@ -916,19 +916,8 @@ pub const DML_TENSOR_FLAG_OWNED_BY_DML: DML_TENSOR_FLAGS = DML_TENSOR_FLAGS(1i32 pub const DML_TENSOR_TYPE_BUFFER: DML_TENSOR_TYPE = DML_TENSOR_TYPE(1i32); pub const DML_TENSOR_TYPE_INVALID: DML_TENSOR_TYPE = DML_TENSOR_TYPE(0i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DML_AXIS_DIRECTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DML_AXIS_DIRECTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DML_AXIS_DIRECTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DML_AXIS_DIRECTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DML_AXIS_DIRECTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -938,19 +927,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DML_AXIS_DIRECTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DML_BINDING_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DML_BINDING_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DML_BINDING_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DML_BINDING_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DML_BINDING_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -960,19 +938,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DML_BINDING_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DML_CONVOLUTION_DIRECTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DML_CONVOLUTION_DIRECTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DML_CONVOLUTION_DIRECTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DML_CONVOLUTION_DIRECTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DML_CONVOLUTION_DIRECTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -982,19 +949,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DML_CONVOLUTION_DIRECTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DML_CONVOLUTION_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DML_CONVOLUTION_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DML_CONVOLUTION_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DML_CONVOLUTION_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DML_CONVOLUTION_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1004,19 +960,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DML_CONVOLUTION_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DML_CREATE_DEVICE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DML_CREATE_DEVICE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DML_CREATE_DEVICE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DML_CREATE_DEVICE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DML_CREATE_DEVICE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1059,19 +1004,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DML_CREATE_DEVICE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DML_DEPTH_SPACE_ORDER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DML_DEPTH_SPACE_ORDER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DML_DEPTH_SPACE_ORDER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DML_DEPTH_SPACE_ORDER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DML_DEPTH_SPACE_ORDER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1081,19 +1015,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DML_DEPTH_SPACE_ORDER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DML_EXECUTION_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DML_EXECUTION_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DML_EXECUTION_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DML_EXECUTION_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DML_EXECUTION_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1136,19 +1059,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DML_EXECUTION_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DML_FEATURE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DML_FEATURE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DML_FEATURE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DML_FEATURE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DML_FEATURE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1158,19 +1070,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DML_FEATURE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DML_FEATURE_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DML_FEATURE_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DML_FEATURE_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DML_FEATURE_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DML_FEATURE_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1180,19 +1081,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DML_FEATURE_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DML_GRAPH_EDGE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DML_GRAPH_EDGE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DML_GRAPH_EDGE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DML_GRAPH_EDGE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DML_GRAPH_EDGE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1202,19 +1092,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DML_GRAPH_EDGE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DML_GRAPH_NODE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DML_GRAPH_NODE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DML_GRAPH_NODE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DML_GRAPH_NODE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DML_GRAPH_NODE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1224,19 +1103,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DML_GRAPH_NODE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DML_INTERPOLATION_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DML_INTERPOLATION_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DML_INTERPOLATION_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DML_INTERPOLATION_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DML_INTERPOLATION_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1246,19 +1114,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DML_INTERPOLATION_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DML_IS_INFINITY_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DML_IS_INFINITY_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DML_IS_INFINITY_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DML_IS_INFINITY_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DML_IS_INFINITY_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1268,19 +1125,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DML_IS_INFINITY_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DML_MATRIX_TRANSFORM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DML_MATRIX_TRANSFORM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DML_MATRIX_TRANSFORM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DML_MATRIX_TRANSFORM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DML_MATRIX_TRANSFORM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1290,19 +1136,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DML_MATRIX_TRANSFORM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DML_OPERATOR_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DML_OPERATOR_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DML_OPERATOR_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DML_OPERATOR_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DML_OPERATOR_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1312,19 +1147,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DML_OPERATOR_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DML_PADDING_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DML_PADDING_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DML_PADDING_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DML_PADDING_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DML_PADDING_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1334,19 +1158,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DML_PADDING_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DML_RANDOM_GENERATOR_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DML_RANDOM_GENERATOR_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DML_RANDOM_GENERATOR_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DML_RANDOM_GENERATOR_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DML_RANDOM_GENERATOR_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1356,19 +1169,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DML_RANDOM_GENERATOR_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DML_RECURRENT_NETWORK_DIRECTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DML_RECURRENT_NETWORK_DIRECTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DML_RECURRENT_NETWORK_DIRECTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DML_RECURRENT_NETWORK_DIRECTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DML_RECURRENT_NETWORK_DIRECTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1378,19 +1180,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DML_RECURRENT_NETWORK_DIRECTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DML_REDUCE_FUNCTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DML_REDUCE_FUNCTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DML_REDUCE_FUNCTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DML_REDUCE_FUNCTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DML_REDUCE_FUNCTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1400,19 +1191,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DML_REDUCE_FUNCTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DML_ROUNDING_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DML_ROUNDING_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DML_ROUNDING_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DML_ROUNDING_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DML_ROUNDING_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1422,19 +1202,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DML_ROUNDING_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DML_TENSOR_DATA_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DML_TENSOR_DATA_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DML_TENSOR_DATA_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DML_TENSOR_DATA_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DML_TENSOR_DATA_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1444,19 +1213,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DML_TENSOR_DATA_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DML_TENSOR_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DML_TENSOR_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DML_TENSOR_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DML_TENSOR_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DML_TENSOR_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1499,19 +1257,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DML_TENSOR_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DML_TENSOR_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DML_TENSOR_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DML_TENSOR_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DML_TENSOR_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DML_TENSOR_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/AI/MachineLearning/WinML/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/AI/MachineLearning/WinML/ index ce7c262f5a..c555501c71 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/AI/MachineLearning/WinML/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/AI/MachineLearning/WinML/ @@ -721,7 +721,7 @@ pub const WINML_TENSOR_UINT64: WINML_TENSOR_DATA_TYPE = WINML_TENSOR_DATA_TYPE(1 pub const WINML_TENSOR_UINT8: WINML_TENSOR_DATA_TYPE = WINML_TENSOR_DATA_TYPE(2i32); pub const WINML_TENSOR_UNDEFINED: WINML_TENSOR_DATA_TYPE = WINML_TENSOR_DATA_TYPE(0i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MLOperatorAttributeType(pub u32); impl MLOperatorAttributeType { pub const Undefined: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -732,17 +732,6 @@ impl MLOperatorAttributeType { pub const IntArray: Self = Self(8u32); pub const StringArray: Self = Self(9u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MLOperatorAttributeType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MLOperatorAttributeType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MLOperatorAttributeType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MLOperatorAttributeType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -752,23 +741,12 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MLOperatorAttributeType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MLOperatorEdgeType(pub u32); impl MLOperatorEdgeType { pub const Undefined: Self = Self(0u32); pub const Tensor: Self = Self(1u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MLOperatorEdgeType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MLOperatorEdgeType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MLOperatorEdgeType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MLOperatorEdgeType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -778,24 +756,13 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MLOperatorEdgeType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MLOperatorExecutionType(pub u32); impl MLOperatorExecutionType { pub const Undefined: Self = Self(0u32); pub const Cpu: Self = Self(1u32); pub const D3D12: Self = Self(2u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MLOperatorExecutionType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MLOperatorExecutionType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MLOperatorExecutionType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MLOperatorExecutionType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -805,23 +772,12 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MLOperatorExecutionType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MLOperatorKernelOptions(pub u32); impl MLOperatorKernelOptions { pub const None: Self = Self(0u32); pub const AllowDynamicInputShapes: Self = Self(1u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MLOperatorKernelOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MLOperatorKernelOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MLOperatorKernelOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MLOperatorKernelOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -864,24 +820,13 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for MLOperatorKernelOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MLOperatorParameterOptions(pub u32); impl MLOperatorParameterOptions { pub const Single: Self = Self(0u32); pub const Optional: Self = Self(1u32); pub const Variadic: Self = Self(2u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MLOperatorParameterOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MLOperatorParameterOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MLOperatorParameterOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MLOperatorParameterOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -924,23 +869,12 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for MLOperatorParameterOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MLOperatorSchemaEdgeTypeFormat(pub i32); impl MLOperatorSchemaEdgeTypeFormat { pub const EdgeDescription: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Label: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MLOperatorSchemaEdgeTypeFormat {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MLOperatorSchemaEdgeTypeFormat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MLOperatorSchemaEdgeTypeFormat { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MLOperatorSchemaEdgeTypeFormat { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -950,7 +884,7 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MLOperatorSchemaEdgeTypeFormat { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MLOperatorTensorDataType(pub u32); impl MLOperatorTensorDataType { pub const Undefined: Self = Self(0u32); @@ -970,17 +904,6 @@ impl MLOperatorTensorDataType { pub const Complex64: Self = Self(14u32); pub const Complex128: Self = Self(15u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MLOperatorTensorDataType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MLOperatorTensorDataType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MLOperatorTensorDataType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MLOperatorTensorDataType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -990,19 +913,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MLOperatorTensorDataType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WINML_BINDING_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WINML_BINDING_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WINML_BINDING_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WINML_BINDING_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WINML_BINDING_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1012,19 +924,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WINML_BINDING_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WINML_FEATURE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WINML_FEATURE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WINML_FEATURE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WINML_FEATURE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WINML_FEATURE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1034,19 +935,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WINML_FEATURE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WINML_RUNTIME_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WINML_RUNTIME_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WINML_RUNTIME_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WINML_RUNTIME_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WINML_RUNTIME_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1056,19 +946,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WINML_RUNTIME_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WINML_TENSOR_DATA_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WINML_TENSOR_DATA_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WINML_TENSOR_DATA_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WINML_TENSOR_DATA_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WINML_TENSOR_DATA_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Data/HtmlHelp/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Data/HtmlHelp/ index 154a051054..07ad198851 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Data/HtmlHelp/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Data/HtmlHelp/ @@ -805,19 +805,8 @@ pub const TYPE_POINTER: u32 = 1u32; pub const TYPE_STRING: u32 = 2u32; pub const TYPE_VALUE: u32 = 0u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HH_GPROPID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HH_GPROPID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HH_GPROPID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HH_GPROPID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HH_GPROPID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -827,19 +816,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HH_GPROPID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HTML_HELP_COMMAND(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HTML_HELP_COMMAND {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HTML_HELP_COMMAND { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HTML_HELP_COMMAND { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HTML_HELP_COMMAND { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -849,19 +827,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HTML_HELP_COMMAND { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PRIORITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PRIORITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PRIORITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PRIORITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PRIORITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Data/RightsManagement/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Data/RightsManagement/ index 19dab99f92..c1abfcadda 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Data/RightsManagement/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Data/RightsManagement/ @@ -694,19 +694,8 @@ pub const DRM_USAGEPOLICY_TYPE_OSEXCLUSION: DRM_USAGEPOLICY_TYPE = DRM_USAGEPOLI pub const MSDRM_CLIENT_ZONE: u32 = 52992u32; pub const MSDRM_POLICY_ZONE: u32 = 37632u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DRMATTESTTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DRMATTESTTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DRMATTESTTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DRMATTESTTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DRMATTESTTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -716,19 +705,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DRMATTESTTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DRMENCODINGTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DRMENCODINGTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DRMENCODINGTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DRMENCODINGTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DRMENCODINGTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -738,19 +716,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DRMENCODINGTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DRMGLOBALOPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DRMGLOBALOPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DRMGLOBALOPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DRMGLOBALOPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DRMGLOBALOPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -760,19 +727,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DRMGLOBALOPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DRMSECURITYPROVIDERTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DRMSECURITYPROVIDERTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DRMSECURITYPROVIDERTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DRMSECURITYPROVIDERTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DRMSECURITYPROVIDERTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -782,19 +738,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DRMSECURITYPROVIDERTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DRMSPECTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DRMSPECTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DRMSPECTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DRMSPECTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DRMSPECTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -804,19 +749,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DRMSPECTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DRMTIMETYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DRMTIMETYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DRMTIMETYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DRMTIMETYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DRMTIMETYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -826,19 +760,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DRMTIMETYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DRM_DISTRIBUTION_POINT_INFO(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DRM_DISTRIBUTION_POINT_INFO {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DRM_DISTRIBUTION_POINT_INFO { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DRM_DISTRIBUTION_POINT_INFO { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DRM_DISTRIBUTION_POINT_INFO { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -848,19 +771,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DRM_DISTRIBUTION_POINT_INFO { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DRM_STATUS_MSG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DRM_STATUS_MSG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DRM_STATUS_MSG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DRM_STATUS_MSG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DRM_STATUS_MSG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -870,19 +782,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DRM_STATUS_MSG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DRM_USAGEPOLICY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DRM_USAGEPOLICY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DRM_USAGEPOLICY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DRM_USAGEPOLICY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DRM_USAGEPOLICY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Data/Xml/MsXml/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Data/Xml/MsXml/ index 73a464d0b5..a251b14087 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Data/Xml/MsXml/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Data/Xml/MsXml/ @@ -12204,19 +12204,8 @@ pub const XMLHTTPRequest: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128 pub const XMLSchemaCache60: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0x88d96a07_f192_11d4_a65f_0040963251e5); pub const XSLTemplate60: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0x88d96a08_f192_11d4_a65f_0040963251e5); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DOMNodeType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DOMNodeType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DOMNodeType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DOMNodeType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DOMNodeType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12226,19 +12215,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DOMNodeType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SCHEMACONTENTTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SCHEMACONTENTTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SCHEMACONTENTTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SCHEMACONTENTTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SCHEMACONTENTTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12248,19 +12226,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SCHEMACONTENTTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SCHEMADERIVATIONMETHOD(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SCHEMADERIVATIONMETHOD {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SCHEMADERIVATIONMETHOD { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SCHEMADERIVATIONMETHOD { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SCHEMADERIVATIONMETHOD { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12270,19 +12237,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SCHEMADERIVATIONMETHOD { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SCHEMAPROCESSCONTENTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SCHEMAPROCESSCONTENTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SCHEMAPROCESSCONTENTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SCHEMAPROCESSCONTENTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SCHEMAPROCESSCONTENTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12292,19 +12248,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SCHEMAPROCESSCONTENTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SCHEMATYPEVARIETY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SCHEMATYPEVARIETY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SCHEMATYPEVARIETY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SCHEMATYPEVARIETY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SCHEMATYPEVARIETY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12314,19 +12259,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SCHEMATYPEVARIETY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SCHEMAUSE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SCHEMAUSE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SCHEMAUSE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SCHEMAUSE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SCHEMAUSE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12336,19 +12270,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SCHEMAUSE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SCHEMAWHITESPACE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SCHEMAWHITESPACE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SCHEMAWHITESPACE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SCHEMAWHITESPACE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SCHEMAWHITESPACE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12358,19 +12281,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SCHEMAWHITESPACE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SERVERXMLHTTP_OPTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SERVERXMLHTTP_OPTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SERVERXMLHTTP_OPTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SERVERXMLHTTP_OPTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SERVERXMLHTTP_OPTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12380,19 +12292,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SERVERXMLHTTP_OPTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SOMITEMTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SOMITEMTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SOMITEMTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SOMITEMTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SOMITEMTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12402,19 +12303,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SOMITEMTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SXH_PROXY_SETTING(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SXH_PROXY_SETTING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SXH_PROXY_SETTING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SXH_PROXY_SETTING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SXH_PROXY_SETTING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12424,19 +12314,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SXH_PROXY_SETTING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SXH_SERVER_CERT_OPTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SXH_SERVER_CERT_OPTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SXH_SERVER_CERT_OPTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SXH_SERVER_CERT_OPTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SXH_SERVER_CERT_OPTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12446,19 +12325,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SXH_SERVER_CERT_OPTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XHR_AUTH(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XHR_AUTH {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XHR_AUTH { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XHR_AUTH { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XHR_AUTH { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12468,19 +12336,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for XHR_AUTH { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XHR_CERT_ERROR_FLAG(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XHR_CERT_ERROR_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XHR_CERT_ERROR_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XHR_CERT_ERROR_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XHR_CERT_ERROR_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12490,19 +12347,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for XHR_CERT_ERROR_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XHR_CERT_IGNORE_FLAG(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XHR_CERT_IGNORE_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XHR_CERT_IGNORE_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XHR_CERT_IGNORE_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XHR_CERT_IGNORE_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12512,19 +12358,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for XHR_CERT_IGNORE_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XHR_COOKIE_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XHR_COOKIE_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XHR_COOKIE_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XHR_COOKIE_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XHR_COOKIE_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12534,19 +12369,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for XHR_COOKIE_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XHR_COOKIE_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XHR_COOKIE_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XHR_COOKIE_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XHR_COOKIE_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XHR_COOKIE_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12556,19 +12380,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for XHR_COOKIE_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XHR_CRED_PROMPT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XHR_CRED_PROMPT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XHR_CRED_PROMPT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XHR_CRED_PROMPT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XHR_CRED_PROMPT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12578,19 +12391,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for XHR_CRED_PROMPT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XHR_PROPERTY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XHR_PROPERTY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XHR_PROPERTY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XHR_PROPERTY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XHR_PROPERTY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12600,19 +12402,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for XHR_PROPERTY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XMLELEM_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XMLELEM_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XMLELEM_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XMLELEM_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XMLELEM_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Data/Xml/XmlLite/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Data/Xml/XmlLite/ index cda8c09982..52b1f30f6e 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Data/Xml/XmlLite/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Data/Xml/XmlLite/ @@ -737,19 +737,8 @@ pub const _XmlReaderProperty_Last: XmlReaderProperty = XmlReaderProperty(7i32); pub const _XmlStandalone_Last: XmlStandalone = XmlStandalone(2i32); pub const _XmlWriterProperty_Last: XmlWriterProperty = XmlWriterProperty(5i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DtdProcessing(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DtdProcessing {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DtdProcessing { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DtdProcessing { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DtdProcessing { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -759,19 +748,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DtdProcessing { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XmlConformanceLevel(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XmlConformanceLevel {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XmlConformanceLevel { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XmlConformanceLevel { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XmlConformanceLevel { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -781,19 +759,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for XmlConformanceLevel { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XmlError(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XmlError {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XmlError { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XmlError { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XmlError { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -803,19 +770,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for XmlError { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XmlNodeType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XmlNodeType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XmlNodeType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XmlNodeType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XmlNodeType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -825,19 +781,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for XmlNodeType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XmlReadState(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XmlReadState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XmlReadState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XmlReadState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XmlReadState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -847,19 +792,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for XmlReadState { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XmlReaderProperty(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XmlReaderProperty {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XmlReaderProperty { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XmlReaderProperty { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XmlReaderProperty { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -869,19 +803,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for XmlReaderProperty { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XmlStandalone(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XmlStandalone {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XmlStandalone { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XmlStandalone { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XmlStandalone { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -891,19 +814,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for XmlStandalone { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XmlWriterProperty(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XmlWriterProperty {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XmlWriterProperty { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XmlWriterProperty { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XmlWriterProperty { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/AllJoyn/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/AllJoyn/ index 4c10ba5c08..f780a11c0c 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/AllJoyn/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/AllJoyn/ @@ -5036,19 +5036,8 @@ pub const QCC_FALSE: u32 = 0u32; pub const QCC_TRUE: u32 = 1u32; pub const UNANNOUNCED: alljoyn_about_announceflag = alljoyn_about_announceflag(0i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct QStatus(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for QStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for QStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for QStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for QStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5058,19 +5047,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for QStatus { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct alljoyn_about_announceflag(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for alljoyn_about_announceflag {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for alljoyn_about_announceflag { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for alljoyn_about_announceflag { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for alljoyn_about_announceflag { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5080,19 +5058,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for alljoyn_about_announceflag { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct alljoyn_applicationstate(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for alljoyn_applicationstate {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for alljoyn_applicationstate { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for alljoyn_applicationstate { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for alljoyn_applicationstate { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5102,19 +5069,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for alljoyn_applicationstate { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct alljoyn_claimcapability_masks(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for alljoyn_claimcapability_masks {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for alljoyn_claimcapability_masks { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for alljoyn_claimcapability_masks { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for alljoyn_claimcapability_masks { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5124,19 +5080,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for alljoyn_claimcapability_masks { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct alljoyn_claimcapabilityadditionalinfo_masks(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for alljoyn_claimcapabilityadditionalinfo_masks {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for alljoyn_claimcapabilityadditionalinfo_masks { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for alljoyn_claimcapabilityadditionalinfo_masks { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for alljoyn_claimcapabilityadditionalinfo_masks { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5146,19 +5091,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for alljoyn_claimcapabilityadditionalinfo_masks { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct alljoyn_interfacedescription_securitypolicy(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for alljoyn_interfacedescription_securitypolicy {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for alljoyn_interfacedescription_securitypolicy { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for alljoyn_interfacedescription_securitypolicy { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for alljoyn_interfacedescription_securitypolicy { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5168,19 +5102,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for alljoyn_interfacedescription_securitypolicy { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct alljoyn_messagetype(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for alljoyn_messagetype {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for alljoyn_messagetype { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for alljoyn_messagetype { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for alljoyn_messagetype { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5190,19 +5113,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for alljoyn_messagetype { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct alljoyn_sessionlostreason(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for alljoyn_sessionlostreason {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for alljoyn_sessionlostreason { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for alljoyn_sessionlostreason { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for alljoyn_sessionlostreason { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5212,19 +5124,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for alljoyn_sessionlostreason { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct alljoyn_typeid(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for alljoyn_typeid {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for alljoyn_typeid { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for alljoyn_typeid { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for alljoyn_typeid { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/BiometricFramework/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/BiometricFramework/ index e4653aa4ae..f4fe8c6bfc 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/BiometricFramework/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/BiometricFramework/ @@ -448,19 +448,8 @@ pub const WINBIO_SETTING_SOURCE_POLICY: WINBIO_SETTING_SOURCE = WINBIO_SETTING_S pub const WINBIO_WBDI_MAJOR_VERSION: u32 = 1u32; pub const WINBIO_WBDI_MINOR_VERSION: u32 = 0u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WINBIO_ANTI_SPOOF_POLICY_ACTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WINBIO_ANTI_SPOOF_POLICY_ACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WINBIO_ANTI_SPOOF_POLICY_ACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WINBIO_ANTI_SPOOF_POLICY_ACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WINBIO_ANTI_SPOOF_POLICY_ACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -470,19 +459,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WINBIO_ANTI_SPOOF_POLICY_ACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WINBIO_ASYNC_NOTIFICATION_METHOD(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WINBIO_ASYNC_NOTIFICATION_METHOD {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WINBIO_ASYNC_NOTIFICATION_METHOD { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WINBIO_ASYNC_NOTIFICATION_METHOD { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WINBIO_ASYNC_NOTIFICATION_METHOD { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -492,19 +470,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WINBIO_ASYNC_NOTIFICATION_METHOD { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WINBIO_COMPONENT(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WINBIO_COMPONENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WINBIO_COMPONENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WINBIO_COMPONENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WINBIO_COMPONENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -514,19 +481,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WINBIO_COMPONENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WINBIO_CREDENTIAL_FORMAT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WINBIO_CREDENTIAL_FORMAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WINBIO_CREDENTIAL_FORMAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WINBIO_CREDENTIAL_FORMAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WINBIO_CREDENTIAL_FORMAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -536,19 +492,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WINBIO_CREDENTIAL_FORMAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WINBIO_CREDENTIAL_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WINBIO_CREDENTIAL_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WINBIO_CREDENTIAL_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WINBIO_CREDENTIAL_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WINBIO_CREDENTIAL_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -558,19 +503,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WINBIO_CREDENTIAL_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WINBIO_CREDENTIAL_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WINBIO_CREDENTIAL_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WINBIO_CREDENTIAL_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WINBIO_CREDENTIAL_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WINBIO_CREDENTIAL_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -580,19 +514,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WINBIO_CREDENTIAL_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WINBIO_POLICY_SOURCE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WINBIO_POLICY_SOURCE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WINBIO_POLICY_SOURCE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WINBIO_POLICY_SOURCE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WINBIO_POLICY_SOURCE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -602,19 +525,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WINBIO_POLICY_SOURCE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WINBIO_POOL(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WINBIO_POOL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WINBIO_POOL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WINBIO_POOL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WINBIO_POOL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -624,19 +536,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WINBIO_POOL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WINBIO_SETTING_SOURCE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WINBIO_SETTING_SOURCE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WINBIO_SETTING_SOURCE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WINBIO_SETTING_SOURCE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WINBIO_SETTING_SOURCE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/Bluetooth/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/Bluetooth/ index d9bb4e5b2a..f20aa335a1 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/Bluetooth/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/Bluetooth/ @@ -1228,19 +1228,8 @@ pub const WAPClientServiceClassID_UUID16: u32 = 4372u32; pub const WAPServiceClassID_UUID16: u32 = 4371u32; pub const WSP_PROTOCOL_UUID16: u32 = 14u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AUTHENTICATION_REQUIREMENTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AUTHENTICATION_REQUIREMENTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AUTHENTICATION_REQUIREMENTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AUTHENTICATION_REQUIREMENTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AUTHENTICATION_REQUIREMENTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1250,19 +1239,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AUTHENTICATION_REQUIREMENTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BLUETOOTH_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BLUETOOTH_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BLUETOOTH_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BLUETOOTH_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BLUETOOTH_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1272,19 +1250,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BLUETOOTH_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BLUETOOTH_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIREMENTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BLUETOOTH_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIREMENTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BLUETOOTH_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIREMENTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BLUETOOTH_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIREMENTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BLUETOOTH_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIREMENTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1294,19 +1261,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BLUETOOTH_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIREMENTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BLUETOOTH_IO_CAPABILITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BLUETOOTH_IO_CAPABILITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BLUETOOTH_IO_CAPABILITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BLUETOOTH_IO_CAPABILITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BLUETOOTH_IO_CAPABILITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1316,19 +1272,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BLUETOOTH_IO_CAPABILITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BTH_LE_GATT_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BTH_LE_GATT_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BTH_LE_GATT_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BTH_LE_GATT_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BTH_LE_GATT_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1338,19 +1283,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BTH_LE_GATT_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BTH_LE_GATT_EVENT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BTH_LE_GATT_EVENT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BTH_LE_GATT_EVENT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BTH_LE_GATT_EVENT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BTH_LE_GATT_EVENT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1360,19 +1294,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BTH_LE_GATT_EVENT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IO_CAPABILITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IO_CAPABILITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IO_CAPABILITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IO_CAPABILITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IO_CAPABILITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1382,19 +1305,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IO_CAPABILITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NodeContainerType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NodeContainerType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NodeContainerType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NodeContainerType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NodeContainerType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1404,19 +1316,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NodeContainerType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SDP_SPECIFICTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SDP_SPECIFICTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SDP_SPECIFICTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SDP_SPECIFICTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SDP_SPECIFICTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1426,19 +1327,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SDP_SPECIFICTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SDP_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SDP_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SDP_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SDP_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SDP_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/Communication/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/Communication/ index 4421985ed0..d793add359 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/Communication/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/Communication/ @@ -396,19 +396,8 @@ pub const STOPBITS_15: COMMPROP_STOP_PARITY = COMMPROP_STOP_PARITY(2u16); pub const STOPBITS_20: COMMPROP_STOP_PARITY = COMMPROP_STOP_PARITY(4u16); pub const TWOSTOPBITS: DCB_STOP_BITS = DCB_STOP_BITS(2u8); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLEAR_COMM_ERROR_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLEAR_COMM_ERROR_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLEAR_COMM_ERROR_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLEAR_COMM_ERROR_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLEAR_COMM_ERROR_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -451,19 +440,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CLEAR_COMM_ERROR_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COMMPROP_STOP_PARITY(pub u16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COMMPROP_STOP_PARITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COMMPROP_STOP_PARITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COMMPROP_STOP_PARITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COMMPROP_STOP_PARITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -506,19 +484,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for COMMPROP_STOP_PARITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COMM_EVENT_MASK(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COMM_EVENT_MASK {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COMM_EVENT_MASK { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COMM_EVENT_MASK { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COMM_EVENT_MASK { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -561,19 +528,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for COMM_EVENT_MASK { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DCB_PARITY(pub u8); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DCB_PARITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DCB_PARITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DCB_PARITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DCB_PARITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -583,19 +539,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DCB_PARITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DCB_STOP_BITS(pub u8); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DCB_STOP_BITS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DCB_STOP_BITS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DCB_STOP_BITS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DCB_STOP_BITS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -605,19 +550,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DCB_STOP_BITS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ESCAPE_COMM_FUNCTION(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ESCAPE_COMM_FUNCTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ESCAPE_COMM_FUNCTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ESCAPE_COMM_FUNCTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ESCAPE_COMM_FUNCTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -627,19 +561,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ESCAPE_COMM_FUNCTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MODEMDEVCAPS_DIAL_OPTIONS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MODEMDEVCAPS_DIAL_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MODEMDEVCAPS_DIAL_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MODEMDEVCAPS_DIAL_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MODEMDEVCAPS_DIAL_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -682,19 +605,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for MODEMDEVCAPS_DIAL_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MODEMDEVCAPS_SPEAKER_MODE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MODEMDEVCAPS_SPEAKER_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MODEMDEVCAPS_SPEAKER_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MODEMDEVCAPS_SPEAKER_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MODEMDEVCAPS_SPEAKER_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -737,19 +649,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for MODEMDEVCAPS_SPEAKER_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MODEMDEVCAPS_SPEAKER_VOLUME(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MODEMDEVCAPS_SPEAKER_VOLUME {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MODEMDEVCAPS_SPEAKER_VOLUME { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MODEMDEVCAPS_SPEAKER_VOLUME { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MODEMDEVCAPS_SPEAKER_VOLUME { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -792,19 +693,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for MODEMDEVCAPS_SPEAKER_VOLUME { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MODEMSETTINGS_SPEAKER_MODE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MODEMSETTINGS_SPEAKER_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MODEMSETTINGS_SPEAKER_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MODEMSETTINGS_SPEAKER_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MODEMSETTINGS_SPEAKER_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -814,19 +704,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MODEMSETTINGS_SPEAKER_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MODEM_SPEAKER_VOLUME(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MODEM_SPEAKER_VOLUME {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MODEM_SPEAKER_VOLUME { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MODEM_SPEAKER_VOLUME { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MODEM_SPEAKER_VOLUME { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -836,19 +715,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MODEM_SPEAKER_VOLUME { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MODEM_STATUS_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MODEM_STATUS_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MODEM_STATUS_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MODEM_STATUS_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MODEM_STATUS_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -891,19 +759,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for MODEM_STATUS_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PURGE_COMM_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PURGE_COMM_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PURGE_COMM_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PURGE_COMM_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PURGE_COMM_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/DeviceAndDriverInstallation/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/DeviceAndDriverInstallation/ index 41fd84b574..52d68a3a38 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/DeviceAndDriverInstallation/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/DeviceAndDriverInstallation/ @@ -5919,19 +5919,8 @@ pub const mPCD_MEM_A_C: PCD_FLAGS = PCD_FLAGS(12u32); pub const mPCD_MEM_WS: PCD_FLAGS = PCD_FLAGS(768u32); pub const mPMF_AUDIO_ENABLE: u32 = 8u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CM_CDFLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CM_CDFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CM_CDFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CM_CDFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CM_CDFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5974,19 +5963,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CM_CDFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CM_CDMASK(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CM_CDMASK {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CM_CDMASK { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CM_CDMASK { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CM_CDMASK { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6029,19 +6007,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CM_CDMASK { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CM_DEVCAP(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CM_DEVCAP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CM_DEVCAP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CM_DEVCAP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CM_DEVCAP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6084,19 +6051,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CM_DEVCAP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CM_DEVNODE_STATUS_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CM_DEVNODE_STATUS_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CM_DEVNODE_STATUS_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CM_DEVNODE_STATUS_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CM_DEVNODE_STATUS_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6139,19 +6095,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CM_DEVNODE_STATUS_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CM_ENUMERATE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CM_ENUMERATE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CM_ENUMERATE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CM_ENUMERATE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CM_ENUMERATE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6194,19 +6139,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CM_ENUMERATE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CM_GET_DEVICE_INTERFACE_LIST_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CM_GET_DEVICE_INTERFACE_LIST_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CM_GET_DEVICE_INTERFACE_LIST_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CM_GET_DEVICE_INTERFACE_LIST_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CM_GET_DEVICE_INTERFACE_LIST_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6216,19 +6150,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CM_GET_DEVICE_INTERFACE_LIST_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CM_INSTALL_STATE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CM_INSTALL_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CM_INSTALL_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CM_INSTALL_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CM_INSTALL_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6238,19 +6161,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CM_INSTALL_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CM_LOCATE_DEVNODE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CM_LOCATE_DEVNODE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CM_LOCATE_DEVNODE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CM_LOCATE_DEVNODE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CM_LOCATE_DEVNODE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6260,19 +6172,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CM_LOCATE_DEVNODE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CM_LOG_CONF(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CM_LOG_CONF {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CM_LOG_CONF { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CM_LOG_CONF { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CM_LOG_CONF { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6282,19 +6183,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CM_LOG_CONF { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CM_NOTIFY_ACTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CM_NOTIFY_ACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CM_NOTIFY_ACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CM_NOTIFY_ACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CM_NOTIFY_ACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6304,19 +6194,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CM_NOTIFY_ACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CM_NOTIFY_FILTER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CM_NOTIFY_FILTER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CM_NOTIFY_FILTER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CM_NOTIFY_FILTER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CM_NOTIFY_FILTER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6326,19 +6205,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CM_NOTIFY_FILTER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CM_PROB(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CM_PROB {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CM_PROB { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CM_PROB { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CM_PROB { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6348,19 +6216,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CM_PROB { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CM_REENUMERATE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CM_REENUMERATE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CM_REENUMERATE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CM_REENUMERATE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CM_REENUMERATE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6403,19 +6260,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CM_REENUMERATE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CM_REMOVAL_POLICY(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CM_REMOVAL_POLICY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CM_REMOVAL_POLICY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CM_REMOVAL_POLICY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CM_REMOVAL_POLICY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6425,19 +6271,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CM_REMOVAL_POLICY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CM_RESTYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CM_RESTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CM_RESTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CM_RESTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CM_RESTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6447,19 +6282,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CM_RESTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CONFIGRET(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CONFIGRET {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CONFIGRET { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CONFIGRET { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CONFIGRET { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6469,19 +6293,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CONFIGRET { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DD_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DD_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DD_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DD_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DD_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6524,19 +6337,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DD_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DIINSTALLDEVICE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DIINSTALLDEVICE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DIINSTALLDEVICE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DIINSTALLDEVICE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DIINSTALLDEVICE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6579,19 +6381,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DIINSTALLDEVICE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DIINSTALLDRIVER_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DIINSTALLDRIVER_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DIINSTALLDRIVER_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DIINSTALLDRIVER_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DIINSTALLDRIVER_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6634,19 +6425,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DIINSTALLDRIVER_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DIROLLBACKDRIVER_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DIROLLBACKDRIVER_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DIROLLBACKDRIVER_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DIROLLBACKDRIVER_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DIROLLBACKDRIVER_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6689,19 +6469,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DIROLLBACKDRIVER_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DIUNINSTALLDRIVER_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DIUNINSTALLDRIVER_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DIUNINSTALLDRIVER_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DIUNINSTALLDRIVER_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DIUNINSTALLDRIVER_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6744,19 +6513,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DIUNINSTALLDRIVER_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct INF_STYLE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for INF_STYLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for INF_STYLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for INF_STYLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for INF_STYLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6799,19 +6557,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for INF_STYLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IOD_DESFLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IOD_DESFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IOD_DESFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IOD_DESFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IOD_DESFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6854,19 +6601,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for IOD_DESFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IRQD_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IRQD_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IRQD_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IRQD_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IRQD_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6909,19 +6645,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for IRQD_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MD_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MD_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MD_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MD_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MD_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6964,19 +6689,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for MD_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OEM_SOURCE_MEDIA_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OEM_SOURCE_MEDIA_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OEM_SOURCE_MEDIA_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OEM_SOURCE_MEDIA_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OEM_SOURCE_MEDIA_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6986,19 +6700,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OEM_SOURCE_MEDIA_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PCD_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PCD_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PCD_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PCD_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PCD_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7041,19 +6744,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for PCD_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PMF_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PMF_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PMF_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PMF_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PMF_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7096,19 +6788,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for PMF_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PNP_VETO_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PNP_VETO_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PNP_VETO_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PNP_VETO_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PNP_VETO_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7118,19 +6799,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PNP_VETO_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SETUPSCANFILEQUEUE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SETUPSCANFILEQUEUE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SETUPSCANFILEQUEUE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SETUPSCANFILEQUEUE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SETUPSCANFILEQUEUE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7173,19 +6843,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SETUPSCANFILEQUEUE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SETUP_DI_BUILD_DRIVER_DRIVER_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SETUP_DI_BUILD_DRIVER_DRIVER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SETUP_DI_BUILD_DRIVER_DRIVER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SETUP_DI_BUILD_DRIVER_DRIVER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SETUP_DI_BUILD_DRIVER_DRIVER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7195,19 +6854,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SETUP_DI_BUILD_DRIVER_DRIVER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SETUP_FILE_OPERATION(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SETUP_FILE_OPERATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SETUP_FILE_OPERATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SETUP_FILE_OPERATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SETUP_FILE_OPERATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7217,19 +6865,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SETUP_FILE_OPERATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SPSVCINST_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SPSVCINST_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SPSVCINST_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SPSVCINST_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SPSVCINST_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7272,19 +6909,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SPSVCINST_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SP_COPY_STYLE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SP_COPY_STYLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SP_COPY_STYLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SP_COPY_STYLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SP_COPY_STYLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7327,19 +6953,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SP_COPY_STYLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SetupFileLogInfo(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SetupFileLogInfo {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SetupFileLogInfo { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SetupFileLogInfo { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SetupFileLogInfo { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7349,19 +6964,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SetupFileLogInfo { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UPDATEDRIVERFORPLUGANDPLAYDEVICES_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UPDATEDRIVERFORPLUGANDPLAYDEVICES_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UPDATEDRIVERFORPLUGANDPLAYDEVICES_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UPDATEDRIVERFORPLUGANDPLAYDEVICES_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UPDATEDRIVERFORPLUGANDPLAYDEVICES_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/DeviceQuery/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/DeviceQuery/ index 0cda920dc2..760033f5ed 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/DeviceQuery/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/DeviceQuery/ @@ -269,19 +269,8 @@ pub const DevQueryStateClosed: DEV_QUERY_STATE = DEV_QUERY_STATE(3i32); pub const DevQueryStateEnumCompleted: DEV_QUERY_STATE = DEV_QUERY_STATE(1i32); pub const DevQueryStateInitialized: DEV_QUERY_STATE = DEV_QUERY_STATE(0i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEVPROP_OPERATOR(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEVPROP_OPERATOR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEVPROP_OPERATOR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEVPROP_OPERATOR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEVPROP_OPERATOR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -324,19 +313,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DEVPROP_OPERATOR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEV_OBJECT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEV_OBJECT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEV_OBJECT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEV_OBJECT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEV_OBJECT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -346,19 +324,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEV_OBJECT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEV_QUERY_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEV_QUERY_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEV_QUERY_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEV_QUERY_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEV_QUERY_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -368,19 +335,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEV_QUERY_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEV_QUERY_RESULT_ACTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEV_QUERY_RESULT_ACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEV_QUERY_RESULT_ACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEV_QUERY_RESULT_ACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEV_QUERY_RESULT_ACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -390,19 +346,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEV_QUERY_RESULT_ACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEV_QUERY_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEV_QUERY_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEV_QUERY_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEV_QUERY_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEV_QUERY_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/Display/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/Display/ index 6870a962c4..714263d637 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/Display/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/Display/ @@ -1835,19 +1835,8 @@ pub const XO_TABLE: u32 = 2u32; pub const XO_TO_MONO: u32 = 4u32; pub const XO_TRIVIAL: u32 = 1u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AR_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AR_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AR_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AR_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AR_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1890,19 +1879,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for AR_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BACKLIGHT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BACKLIGHT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BACKLIGHT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BACKLIGHT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BACKLIGHT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1912,19 +1890,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BACKLIGHT_OPTIMIZATION_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BRIGHTNESS_INTERFACE_VERSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BRIGHTNESS_INTERFACE_VERSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BRIGHTNESS_INTERFACE_VERSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BRIGHTNESS_INTERFACE_VERSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BRIGHTNESS_INTERFACE_VERSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1934,19 +1901,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BRIGHTNESS_INTERFACE_VERSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BlackScreenDiagnosticsCalloutParam(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BlackScreenDiagnosticsCalloutParam {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BlackScreenDiagnosticsCalloutParam { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BlackScreenDiagnosticsCalloutParam { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BlackScreenDiagnosticsCalloutParam { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1956,19 +1912,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BlackScreenDiagnosticsCalloutParam { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COLORSPACE_TRANSFORM_DATA_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COLORSPACE_TRANSFORM_DATA_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COLORSPACE_TRANSFORM_DATA_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COLORSPACE_TRANSFORM_DATA_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COLORSPACE_TRANSFORM_DATA_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1978,19 +1923,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COLORSPACE_TRANSFORM_DATA_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COLORSPACE_TRANSFORM_STAGE_CONTROL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COLORSPACE_TRANSFORM_STAGE_CONTROL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COLORSPACE_TRANSFORM_STAGE_CONTROL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COLORSPACE_TRANSFORM_STAGE_CONTROL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COLORSPACE_TRANSFORM_STAGE_CONTROL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2000,19 +1934,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COLORSPACE_TRANSFORM_STAGE_CONTROL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COLORSPACE_TRANSFORM_TARGET_CAPS_VERSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COLORSPACE_TRANSFORM_TARGET_CAPS_VERSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COLORSPACE_TRANSFORM_TARGET_CAPS_VERSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COLORSPACE_TRANSFORM_TARGET_CAPS_VERSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COLORSPACE_TRANSFORM_TARGET_CAPS_VERSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2022,19 +1945,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COLORSPACE_TRANSFORM_TARGET_CAPS_VERSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COLORSPACE_TRANSFORM_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COLORSPACE_TRANSFORM_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COLORSPACE_TRANSFORM_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COLORSPACE_TRANSFORM_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COLORSPACE_TRANSFORM_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2044,19 +1956,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COLORSPACE_TRANSFORM_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPLAYCONFIG_DEVICE_INFO_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPLAYCONFIG_DEVICE_INFO_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPLAYCONFIG_DEVICE_INFO_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPLAYCONFIG_DEVICE_INFO_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPLAYCONFIG_DEVICE_INFO_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2066,19 +1967,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPLAYCONFIG_DEVICE_INFO_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPLAYCONFIG_MODE_INFO_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPLAYCONFIG_MODE_INFO_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPLAYCONFIG_MODE_INFO_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPLAYCONFIG_MODE_INFO_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPLAYCONFIG_MODE_INFO_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2088,19 +1978,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPLAYCONFIG_MODE_INFO_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPLAYCONFIG_PIXELFORMAT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPLAYCONFIG_PIXELFORMAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPLAYCONFIG_PIXELFORMAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPLAYCONFIG_PIXELFORMAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPLAYCONFIG_PIXELFORMAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2110,19 +1989,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPLAYCONFIG_PIXELFORMAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPLAYCONFIG_ROTATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPLAYCONFIG_ROTATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPLAYCONFIG_ROTATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPLAYCONFIG_ROTATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPLAYCONFIG_ROTATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2132,19 +2000,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPLAYCONFIG_ROTATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPLAYCONFIG_SCALING(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPLAYCONFIG_SCALING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPLAYCONFIG_SCALING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPLAYCONFIG_SCALING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPLAYCONFIG_SCALING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2154,19 +2011,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPLAYCONFIG_SCALING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPLAYCONFIG_SCANLINE_ORDERING(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPLAYCONFIG_SCANLINE_ORDERING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPLAYCONFIG_SCANLINE_ORDERING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPLAYCONFIG_SCANLINE_ORDERING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPLAYCONFIG_SCANLINE_ORDERING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2176,19 +2022,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPLAYCONFIG_SCANLINE_ORDERING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPLAYCONFIG_TOPOLOGY_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPLAYCONFIG_TOPOLOGY_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPLAYCONFIG_TOPOLOGY_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPLAYCONFIG_TOPOLOGY_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPLAYCONFIG_TOPOLOGY_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2198,19 +2033,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPLAYCONFIG_TOPOLOGY_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPLAYCONFIG_VIDEO_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPLAYCONFIG_VIDEO_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPLAYCONFIG_VIDEO_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPLAYCONFIG_VIDEO_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPLAYCONFIG_VIDEO_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2220,19 +2044,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPLAYCONFIG_VIDEO_OUTPUT_TECHNOLOGY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DSI_CONTROL_TRANSMISSION_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DSI_CONTROL_TRANSMISSION_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DSI_CONTROL_TRANSMISSION_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DSI_CONTROL_TRANSMISSION_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DSI_CONTROL_TRANSMISSION_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2242,19 +2055,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DSI_CONTROL_TRANSMISSION_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ENG_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ENG_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ENG_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ENG_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ENG_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2264,19 +2066,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ENG_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ENG_SYSTEM_ATTRIBUTE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ENG_SYSTEM_ATTRIBUTE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ENG_SYSTEM_ATTRIBUTE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ENG_SYSTEM_ATTRIBUTE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ENG_SYSTEM_ATTRIBUTE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2286,19 +2077,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ENG_SYSTEM_ATTRIBUTE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MC_COLOR_TEMPERATURE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MC_COLOR_TEMPERATURE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MC_COLOR_TEMPERATURE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MC_COLOR_TEMPERATURE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MC_COLOR_TEMPERATURE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2308,19 +2088,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MC_COLOR_TEMPERATURE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MC_DISPLAY_TECHNOLOGY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MC_DISPLAY_TECHNOLOGY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MC_DISPLAY_TECHNOLOGY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MC_DISPLAY_TECHNOLOGY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MC_DISPLAY_TECHNOLOGY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2330,19 +2099,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MC_DISPLAY_TECHNOLOGY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MC_DRIVE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MC_DRIVE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MC_DRIVE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MC_DRIVE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MC_DRIVE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2352,19 +2110,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MC_DRIVE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MC_GAIN_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MC_GAIN_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MC_GAIN_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MC_GAIN_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MC_GAIN_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2374,19 +2121,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MC_GAIN_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MC_POSITION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MC_POSITION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MC_POSITION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MC_POSITION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MC_POSITION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2396,19 +2132,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MC_POSITION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MC_SIZE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MC_SIZE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MC_SIZE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MC_SIZE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MC_SIZE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2418,19 +2143,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MC_SIZE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MC_VCP_CODE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MC_VCP_CODE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MC_VCP_CODE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MC_VCP_CODE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MC_VCP_CODE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2440,19 +2154,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MC_VCP_CODE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ORIENTATION_PREFERENCE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ORIENTATION_PREFERENCE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ORIENTATION_PREFERENCE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ORIENTATION_PREFERENCE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ORIENTATION_PREFERENCE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2495,19 +2198,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for ORIENTATION_PREFERENCE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OUTPUT_COLOR_ENCODING(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OUTPUT_COLOR_ENCODING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OUTPUT_COLOR_ENCODING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OUTPUT_COLOR_ENCODING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OUTPUT_COLOR_ENCODING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2517,19 +2209,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OUTPUT_COLOR_ENCODING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OUTPUT_WIRE_COLOR_SPACE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OUTPUT_WIRE_COLOR_SPACE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OUTPUT_WIRE_COLOR_SPACE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OUTPUT_WIRE_COLOR_SPACE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OUTPUT_WIRE_COLOR_SPACE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2539,19 +2220,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OUTPUT_WIRE_COLOR_SPACE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct QUERY_DISPLAY_CONFIG_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for QUERY_DISPLAY_CONFIG_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for QUERY_DISPLAY_CONFIG_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for QUERY_DISPLAY_CONFIG_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for QUERY_DISPLAY_CONFIG_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2594,19 +2264,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for QUERY_DISPLAY_CONFIG_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SET_DISPLAY_CONFIG_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SET_DISPLAY_CONFIG_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SET_DISPLAY_CONFIG_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SET_DISPLAY_CONFIG_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SET_DISPLAY_CONFIG_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2649,19 +2308,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SET_DISPLAY_CONFIG_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VIDEO_BANK_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VIDEO_BANK_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VIDEO_BANK_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VIDEO_BANK_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VIDEO_BANK_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2671,19 +2319,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VIDEO_BANK_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VIDEO_POWER_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VIDEO_POWER_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VIDEO_POWER_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VIDEO_POWER_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VIDEO_POWER_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2693,19 +2330,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VIDEO_POWER_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VIDEO_WIN32K_CALLBACKS_PARAMS_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VIDEO_WIN32K_CALLBACKS_PARAMS_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VIDEO_WIN32K_CALLBACKS_PARAMS_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VIDEO_WIN32K_CALLBACKS_PARAMS_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VIDEO_WIN32K_CALLBACKS_PARAMS_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/Enumeration/Pnp/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/Enumeration/Pnp/ index 1b82434290..da249cfa4e 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/Enumeration/Pnp/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/Enumeration/Pnp/ @@ -1289,19 +1289,8 @@ pub const UPnPRemoteEndpointInfo: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::f pub const UPnPService: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0xc624ba95_fbcb_4409_8c03_8cceec533ef1); pub const UPnPServices: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0xc0bc4b4a_a406_4efc_932f_b8546b8100cc); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SW_DEVICE_CAPABILITIES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SW_DEVICE_CAPABILITIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SW_DEVICE_CAPABILITIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SW_DEVICE_CAPABILITIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SW_DEVICE_CAPABILITIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1311,19 +1300,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SW_DEVICE_CAPABILITIES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SW_DEVICE_LIFETIME(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SW_DEVICE_LIFETIME {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SW_DEVICE_LIFETIME { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SW_DEVICE_LIFETIME { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SW_DEVICE_LIFETIME { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/Fax/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/Fax/ index 475114d236..0b1ff505f1 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/Fax/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/Fax/ @@ -7217,19 +7217,8 @@ pub const lDEFAULT_PREFETCH_SIZE: i32 = 100i32; pub const prv_DEFAULT_PREFETCH_SIZE: u32 = 100u32; pub const wcharREASSIGN_RECIPIENTS_DELIMITER: u16 = 59u16; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FAXROUTE_ENABLE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FAXROUTE_ENABLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FAXROUTE_ENABLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FAXROUTE_ENABLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FAXROUTE_ENABLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7239,19 +7228,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FAXROUTE_ENABLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FAX_ACCESS_RIGHTS_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FAX_ACCESS_RIGHTS_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FAX_ACCESS_RIGHTS_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FAX_ACCESS_RIGHTS_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FAX_ACCESS_RIGHTS_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7261,19 +7239,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FAX_ACCESS_RIGHTS_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FAX_ACCESS_RIGHTS_ENUM_2(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FAX_ACCESS_RIGHTS_ENUM_2 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FAX_ACCESS_RIGHTS_ENUM_2 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FAX_ACCESS_RIGHTS_ENUM_2 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FAX_ACCESS_RIGHTS_ENUM_2 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7283,19 +7250,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FAX_ACCESS_RIGHTS_ENUM_2 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FAX_ACCOUNT_EVENTS_TYPE_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FAX_ACCOUNT_EVENTS_TYPE_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FAX_ACCOUNT_EVENTS_TYPE_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FAX_ACCOUNT_EVENTS_TYPE_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FAX_ACCOUNT_EVENTS_TYPE_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7305,19 +7261,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FAX_ACCOUNT_EVENTS_TYPE_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FAX_COVERPAGE_TYPE_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FAX_COVERPAGE_TYPE_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FAX_COVERPAGE_TYPE_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FAX_COVERPAGE_TYPE_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FAX_COVERPAGE_TYPE_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7327,19 +7272,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FAX_COVERPAGE_TYPE_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FAX_DEVICE_RECEIVE_MODE_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FAX_DEVICE_RECEIVE_MODE_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FAX_DEVICE_RECEIVE_MODE_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FAX_DEVICE_RECEIVE_MODE_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FAX_DEVICE_RECEIVE_MODE_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7349,19 +7283,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FAX_DEVICE_RECEIVE_MODE_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FAX_ENUM_DELIVERY_REPORT_TYPES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FAX_ENUM_DELIVERY_REPORT_TYPES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FAX_ENUM_DELIVERY_REPORT_TYPES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FAX_ENUM_DELIVERY_REPORT_TYPES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FAX_ENUM_DELIVERY_REPORT_TYPES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7371,19 +7294,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FAX_ENUM_DELIVERY_REPORT_TYPES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FAX_ENUM_DEVICE_ID_SOURCE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FAX_ENUM_DEVICE_ID_SOURCE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FAX_ENUM_DEVICE_ID_SOURCE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FAX_ENUM_DEVICE_ID_SOURCE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FAX_ENUM_DEVICE_ID_SOURCE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7393,19 +7305,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FAX_ENUM_DEVICE_ID_SOURCE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FAX_ENUM_JOB_COMMANDS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FAX_ENUM_JOB_COMMANDS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FAX_ENUM_JOB_COMMANDS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FAX_ENUM_JOB_COMMANDS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FAX_ENUM_JOB_COMMANDS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7415,19 +7316,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FAX_ENUM_JOB_COMMANDS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FAX_ENUM_JOB_SEND_ATTRIBUTES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FAX_ENUM_JOB_SEND_ATTRIBUTES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FAX_ENUM_JOB_SEND_ATTRIBUTES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FAX_ENUM_JOB_SEND_ATTRIBUTES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FAX_ENUM_JOB_SEND_ATTRIBUTES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7437,19 +7327,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FAX_ENUM_JOB_SEND_ATTRIBUTES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FAX_ENUM_LOG_CATEGORIES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FAX_ENUM_LOG_CATEGORIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FAX_ENUM_LOG_CATEGORIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FAX_ENUM_LOG_CATEGORIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FAX_ENUM_LOG_CATEGORIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7459,19 +7338,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FAX_ENUM_LOG_CATEGORIES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FAX_ENUM_LOG_LEVELS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FAX_ENUM_LOG_LEVELS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FAX_ENUM_LOG_LEVELS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FAX_ENUM_LOG_LEVELS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FAX_ENUM_LOG_LEVELS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7481,19 +7349,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FAX_ENUM_LOG_LEVELS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FAX_ENUM_PORT_OPEN_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FAX_ENUM_PORT_OPEN_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FAX_ENUM_PORT_OPEN_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FAX_ENUM_PORT_OPEN_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FAX_ENUM_PORT_OPEN_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7503,19 +7360,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FAX_ENUM_PORT_OPEN_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FAX_GROUP_STATUS_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FAX_GROUP_STATUS_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FAX_GROUP_STATUS_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FAX_GROUP_STATUS_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FAX_GROUP_STATUS_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7525,19 +7371,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FAX_GROUP_STATUS_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FAX_JOB_EXTENDED_STATUS_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FAX_JOB_EXTENDED_STATUS_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FAX_JOB_EXTENDED_STATUS_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FAX_JOB_EXTENDED_STATUS_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FAX_JOB_EXTENDED_STATUS_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7547,19 +7382,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FAX_JOB_EXTENDED_STATUS_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FAX_JOB_OPERATIONS_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FAX_JOB_OPERATIONS_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FAX_JOB_OPERATIONS_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FAX_JOB_OPERATIONS_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FAX_JOB_OPERATIONS_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7569,19 +7393,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FAX_JOB_OPERATIONS_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FAX_JOB_STATUS_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FAX_JOB_STATUS_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FAX_JOB_STATUS_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FAX_JOB_STATUS_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FAX_JOB_STATUS_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7591,19 +7404,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FAX_JOB_STATUS_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FAX_JOB_TYPE_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FAX_JOB_TYPE_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FAX_JOB_TYPE_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FAX_JOB_TYPE_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FAX_JOB_TYPE_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7613,19 +7415,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FAX_JOB_TYPE_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FAX_LOG_LEVEL_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FAX_LOG_LEVEL_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FAX_LOG_LEVEL_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FAX_LOG_LEVEL_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FAX_LOG_LEVEL_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7635,19 +7426,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FAX_LOG_LEVEL_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FAX_PRIORITY_TYPE_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FAX_PRIORITY_TYPE_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FAX_PRIORITY_TYPE_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FAX_PRIORITY_TYPE_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FAX_PRIORITY_TYPE_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7657,19 +7437,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FAX_PRIORITY_TYPE_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FAX_PROVIDER_STATUS_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FAX_PROVIDER_STATUS_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FAX_PROVIDER_STATUS_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FAX_PROVIDER_STATUS_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FAX_PROVIDER_STATUS_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7679,19 +7448,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FAX_PROVIDER_STATUS_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FAX_RECEIPT_TYPE_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FAX_RECEIPT_TYPE_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FAX_RECEIPT_TYPE_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FAX_RECEIPT_TYPE_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FAX_RECEIPT_TYPE_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7701,19 +7459,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FAX_RECEIPT_TYPE_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FAX_ROUTING_RULE_CODE_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FAX_ROUTING_RULE_CODE_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FAX_ROUTING_RULE_CODE_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FAX_ROUTING_RULE_CODE_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FAX_ROUTING_RULE_CODE_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7723,19 +7470,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FAX_ROUTING_RULE_CODE_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FAX_RULE_STATUS_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FAX_RULE_STATUS_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FAX_RULE_STATUS_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FAX_RULE_STATUS_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FAX_RULE_STATUS_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7745,19 +7481,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FAX_RULE_STATUS_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FAX_SCHEDULE_TYPE_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FAX_SCHEDULE_TYPE_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FAX_SCHEDULE_TYPE_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FAX_SCHEDULE_TYPE_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FAX_SCHEDULE_TYPE_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7767,19 +7492,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FAX_SCHEDULE_TYPE_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FAX_SERVER_APIVERSION_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FAX_SERVER_APIVERSION_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FAX_SERVER_APIVERSION_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FAX_SERVER_APIVERSION_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FAX_SERVER_APIVERSION_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7789,19 +7503,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FAX_SERVER_APIVERSION_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FAX_SERVER_EVENTS_TYPE_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FAX_SERVER_EVENTS_TYPE_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FAX_SERVER_EVENTS_TYPE_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FAX_SERVER_EVENTS_TYPE_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FAX_SERVER_EVENTS_TYPE_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7811,19 +7514,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FAX_SERVER_EVENTS_TYPE_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FAX_SMTP_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FAX_SMTP_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FAX_SMTP_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FAX_SMTP_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FAX_SMTP_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7833,19 +7525,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FAX_SMTP_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STI_DEVICE_MJ_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STI_DEVICE_MJ_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STI_DEVICE_MJ_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STI_DEVICE_MJ_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STI_DEVICE_MJ_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7855,19 +7536,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STI_DEVICE_MJ_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SendToMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SendToMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SendToMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SendToMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SendToMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/FunctionDiscovery/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/FunctionDiscovery/ index 7b6ca4d1da..0cd1fa33b2 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/FunctionDiscovery/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/FunctionDiscovery/ @@ -1780,19 +1780,8 @@ pub const WSD_CONSTRAINTVALUE_NO_TRUST_VERIFICATION: ::windows_core::PCWSTR = :: pub const WSD_CONSTRAINTVALUE_REQUIRE_SECURECHANNEL: ::windows_core::PCWSTR = ::windows_core::w!("1"); pub const WSD_CONSTRAINTVALUE_REQUIRE_SECURECHANNEL_AND_COMPACTSIGNATURE: ::windows_core::PCWSTR = ::windows_core::w!("2"); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PropertyConstraint(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PropertyConstraint {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PropertyConstraint { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PropertyConstraint { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PropertyConstraint { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1802,19 +1791,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PropertyConstraint { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct QueryCategoryType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for QueryCategoryType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for QueryCategoryType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for QueryCategoryType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for QueryCategoryType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1824,19 +1802,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for QueryCategoryType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct QueryUpdateAction(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for QueryUpdateAction {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for QueryUpdateAction { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for QueryUpdateAction { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for QueryUpdateAction { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1846,19 +1813,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for QueryUpdateAction { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SystemVisibilityFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SystemVisibilityFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SystemVisibilityFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SystemVisibilityFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SystemVisibilityFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/Geolocation/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/Geolocation/ index 514b612b4c..a04d5937a5 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/Geolocation/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/Geolocation/ @@ -792,19 +792,8 @@ pub const REPORT_NOT_SUPPORTED: LOCATION_REPORT_STATUS = LOCATION_REPORT_STATUS( pub const REPORT_RUNNING: LOCATION_REPORT_STATUS = LOCATION_REPORT_STATUS(4i32); pub const SUPL_CONFIG_DATA: GNSS_DRIVER_REQUEST = GNSS_DRIVER_REQUEST(1i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GNSS_AGNSS_REQUEST_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GNSS_AGNSS_REQUEST_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GNSS_AGNSS_REQUEST_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GNSS_AGNSS_REQUEST_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GNSS_AGNSS_REQUEST_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -814,19 +803,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GNSS_AGNSS_REQUEST_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GNSS_DRIVERCOMMAND_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GNSS_DRIVERCOMMAND_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GNSS_DRIVERCOMMAND_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GNSS_DRIVERCOMMAND_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GNSS_DRIVERCOMMAND_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -836,19 +814,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GNSS_DRIVERCOMMAND_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GNSS_DRIVER_REQUEST(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GNSS_DRIVER_REQUEST {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GNSS_DRIVER_REQUEST { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GNSS_DRIVER_REQUEST { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GNSS_DRIVER_REQUEST { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -858,19 +825,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GNSS_DRIVER_REQUEST { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GNSS_EVENT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GNSS_EVENT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GNSS_EVENT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GNSS_EVENT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GNSS_EVENT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -880,19 +836,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GNSS_EVENT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GNSS_FIXSESSIONTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GNSS_FIXSESSIONTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GNSS_FIXSESSIONTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GNSS_FIXSESSIONTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GNSS_FIXSESSIONTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -902,19 +847,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GNSS_FIXSESSIONTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GNSS_GEOFENCE_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GNSS_GEOFENCE_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GNSS_GEOFENCE_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GNSS_GEOFENCE_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GNSS_GEOFENCE_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -924,19 +858,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GNSS_GEOFENCE_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GNSS_GEOREGIONTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GNSS_GEOREGIONTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GNSS_GEOREGIONTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GNSS_GEOREGIONTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GNSS_GEOREGIONTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -946,19 +869,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GNSS_GEOREGIONTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GNSS_NI_NOTIFICATION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GNSS_NI_NOTIFICATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GNSS_NI_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GNSS_NI_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GNSS_NI_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -968,19 +880,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GNSS_NI_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GNSS_NI_PLANE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GNSS_NI_PLANE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GNSS_NI_PLANE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GNSS_NI_PLANE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GNSS_NI_PLANE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -990,19 +891,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GNSS_NI_PLANE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GNSS_NI_REQUEST_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GNSS_NI_REQUEST_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GNSS_NI_REQUEST_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GNSS_NI_REQUEST_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GNSS_NI_REQUEST_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1012,19 +902,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GNSS_NI_REQUEST_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GNSS_NI_USER_RESPONSE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GNSS_NI_USER_RESPONSE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GNSS_NI_USER_RESPONSE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GNSS_NI_USER_RESPONSE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GNSS_NI_USER_RESPONSE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1034,19 +913,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GNSS_NI_USER_RESPONSE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GNSS_SUPL_CERT_ACTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GNSS_SUPL_CERT_ACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GNSS_SUPL_CERT_ACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GNSS_SUPL_CERT_ACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GNSS_SUPL_CERT_ACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1056,19 +924,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GNSS_SUPL_CERT_ACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LOCATION_REPORT_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LOCATION_REPORT_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LOCATION_REPORT_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LOCATION_REPORT_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LOCATION_REPORT_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/HumanInterfaceDevice/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/HumanInterfaceDevice/ index 0f9a78d8b2..75ab1892b5 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/HumanInterfaceDevice/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/HumanInterfaceDevice/ @@ -4615,19 +4615,8 @@ pub const WHEELMOUSE_HID_HARDWARE: u32 = 256u32; pub const WHEELMOUSE_I8042_HARDWARE: u32 = 32u32; pub const WHEELMOUSE_SERIAL_HARDWARE: u32 = 64u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GPIOBUTTONS_BUTTON_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GPIOBUTTONS_BUTTON_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GPIOBUTTONS_BUTTON_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GPIOBUTTONS_BUTTON_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GPIOBUTTONS_BUTTON_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4637,19 +4626,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GPIOBUTTONS_BUTTON_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HIDP_KEYBOARD_DIRECTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HIDP_KEYBOARD_DIRECTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HIDP_KEYBOARD_DIRECTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HIDP_KEYBOARD_DIRECTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HIDP_KEYBOARD_DIRECTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4659,19 +4637,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HIDP_KEYBOARD_DIRECTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HIDP_REPORT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HIDP_REPORT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HIDP_REPORT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HIDP_REPORT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HIDP_REPORT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/ImageAcquisition/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/ImageAcquisition/ index c7364ba59e..1a00b0b798 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/ImageAcquisition/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/ImageAcquisition/ @@ -2874,19 +2874,8 @@ pub const WiaLog: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0xa1e75 pub const WiaVideo: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0x3908c3cd_4478_4536_af2f_10c25d4ef89a); pub const g_dwDebugFlags: u32 = 0u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WIAVIDEO_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WIAVIDEO_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WIAVIDEO_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WIAVIDEO_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WIAVIDEO_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/PortableDevices/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/PortableDevices/ index b208da09bb..ec009648c6 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/PortableDevices/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/PortableDevices/ @@ -4618,19 +4618,8 @@ pub const WPD_WHITE_BALANCE_TUNGSTEN: WPD_WHITE_BALANCE_SETTINGS = WPD_WHITE_BAL pub const WPD_WHITE_BALANCE_UNDEFINED: WPD_WHITE_BALANCE_SETTINGS = WPD_WHITE_BALANCE_SETTINGS(0i32); pub const WpdSerializer: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0x0b91a74b_ad7c_4a9d_b563_29eef9167172); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DELETE_OBJECT_OPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DELETE_OBJECT_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DELETE_OBJECT_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DELETE_OBJECT_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DELETE_OBJECT_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4640,19 +4629,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DELETE_OBJECT_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEVICE_RADIO_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEVICE_RADIO_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEVICE_RADIO_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEVICE_RADIO_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEVICE_RADIO_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4662,19 +4640,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEVICE_RADIO_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SMS_MESSAGE_TYPES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SMS_MESSAGE_TYPES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SMS_MESSAGE_TYPES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SMS_MESSAGE_TYPES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SMS_MESSAGE_TYPES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4684,19 +4651,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SMS_MESSAGE_TYPES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYSTEM_RADIO_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYSTEM_RADIO_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYSTEM_RADIO_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYSTEM_RADIO_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYSTEM_RADIO_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4706,19 +4662,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYSTEM_RADIO_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPD_BITRATE_TYPES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPD_BITRATE_TYPES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPD_BITRATE_TYPES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPD_BITRATE_TYPES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPD_BITRATE_TYPES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4728,19 +4673,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPD_BITRATE_TYPES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPD_CAPTURE_MODES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPD_CAPTURE_MODES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPD_CAPTURE_MODES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPD_CAPTURE_MODES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPD_CAPTURE_MODES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4750,19 +4684,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPD_CAPTURE_MODES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPD_COLOR_CORRECTED_STATUS_VALUES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPD_COLOR_CORRECTED_STATUS_VALUES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPD_COLOR_CORRECTED_STATUS_VALUES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPD_COLOR_CORRECTED_STATUS_VALUES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPD_COLOR_CORRECTED_STATUS_VALUES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4772,19 +4695,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPD_COLOR_CORRECTED_STATUS_VALUES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPD_COMMAND_ACCESS_TYPES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPD_COMMAND_ACCESS_TYPES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPD_COMMAND_ACCESS_TYPES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPD_COMMAND_ACCESS_TYPES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPD_COMMAND_ACCESS_TYPES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4794,19 +4706,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPD_COMMAND_ACCESS_TYPES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPD_CROPPED_STATUS_VALUES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPD_CROPPED_STATUS_VALUES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPD_CROPPED_STATUS_VALUES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPD_CROPPED_STATUS_VALUES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPD_CROPPED_STATUS_VALUES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4816,19 +4717,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPD_CROPPED_STATUS_VALUES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPD_DEVICE_TRANSPORTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPD_DEVICE_TRANSPORTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPD_DEVICE_TRANSPORTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPD_DEVICE_TRANSPORTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPD_DEVICE_TRANSPORTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4838,19 +4728,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPD_DEVICE_TRANSPORTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPD_DEVICE_TYPES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPD_DEVICE_TYPES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPD_DEVICE_TYPES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPD_DEVICE_TYPES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPD_DEVICE_TYPES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4860,19 +4739,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPD_DEVICE_TYPES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPD_EFFECT_MODES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPD_EFFECT_MODES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPD_EFFECT_MODES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPD_EFFECT_MODES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPD_EFFECT_MODES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4882,19 +4750,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPD_EFFECT_MODES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPD_EXPOSURE_METERING_MODES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPD_EXPOSURE_METERING_MODES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPD_EXPOSURE_METERING_MODES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPD_EXPOSURE_METERING_MODES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPD_EXPOSURE_METERING_MODES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4904,19 +4761,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPD_EXPOSURE_METERING_MODES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPD_EXPOSURE_PROGRAM_MODES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPD_EXPOSURE_PROGRAM_MODES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPD_EXPOSURE_PROGRAM_MODES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPD_EXPOSURE_PROGRAM_MODES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPD_EXPOSURE_PROGRAM_MODES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4926,19 +4772,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPD_EXPOSURE_PROGRAM_MODES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPD_FLASH_MODES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPD_FLASH_MODES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPD_FLASH_MODES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPD_FLASH_MODES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPD_FLASH_MODES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4948,19 +4783,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPD_FLASH_MODES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPD_FOCUS_METERING_MODES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPD_FOCUS_METERING_MODES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPD_FOCUS_METERING_MODES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPD_FOCUS_METERING_MODES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPD_FOCUS_METERING_MODES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4970,19 +4794,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPD_FOCUS_METERING_MODES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPD_FOCUS_MODES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPD_FOCUS_MODES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPD_FOCUS_MODES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPD_FOCUS_MODES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPD_FOCUS_MODES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4992,19 +4805,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPD_FOCUS_MODES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPD_META_GENRES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPD_META_GENRES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPD_META_GENRES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPD_META_GENRES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPD_META_GENRES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5014,19 +4816,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPD_META_GENRES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPD_OPERATION_STATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPD_OPERATION_STATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPD_OPERATION_STATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPD_OPERATION_STATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPD_OPERATION_STATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5036,19 +4827,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPD_OPERATION_STATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPD_PARAMETER_USAGE_TYPES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPD_PARAMETER_USAGE_TYPES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPD_PARAMETER_USAGE_TYPES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPD_PARAMETER_USAGE_TYPES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPD_PARAMETER_USAGE_TYPES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5058,19 +4838,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPD_PARAMETER_USAGE_TYPES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPD_POWER_SOURCES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPD_POWER_SOURCES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPD_POWER_SOURCES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPD_POWER_SOURCES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPD_POWER_SOURCES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5080,19 +4849,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPD_POWER_SOURCES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPD_RENDERING_INFORMATION_PROFILE_ENTRY_TYPES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPD_RENDERING_INFORMATION_PROFILE_ENTRY_TYPES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPD_RENDERING_INFORMATION_PROFILE_ENTRY_TYPES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPD_RENDERING_INFORMATION_PROFILE_ENTRY_TYPES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPD_RENDERING_INFORMATION_PROFILE_ENTRY_TYPES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5102,19 +4860,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPD_RENDERING_INFORMATION_PROFILE_ENTRY_TYPES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPD_SECTION_DATA_UNITS_VALUES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPD_SECTION_DATA_UNITS_VALUES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPD_SECTION_DATA_UNITS_VALUES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPD_SECTION_DATA_UNITS_VALUES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPD_SECTION_DATA_UNITS_VALUES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5124,19 +4871,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPD_SECTION_DATA_UNITS_VALUES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPD_SERVICE_INHERITANCE_TYPES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPD_SERVICE_INHERITANCE_TYPES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPD_SERVICE_INHERITANCE_TYPES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPD_SERVICE_INHERITANCE_TYPES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPD_SERVICE_INHERITANCE_TYPES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5146,19 +4882,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPD_SERVICE_INHERITANCE_TYPES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPD_SMS_ENCODING_TYPES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPD_SMS_ENCODING_TYPES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPD_SMS_ENCODING_TYPES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPD_SMS_ENCODING_TYPES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPD_SMS_ENCODING_TYPES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5168,19 +4893,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPD_SMS_ENCODING_TYPES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPD_STORAGE_ACCESS_CAPABILITY_VALUES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPD_STORAGE_ACCESS_CAPABILITY_VALUES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPD_STORAGE_ACCESS_CAPABILITY_VALUES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPD_STORAGE_ACCESS_CAPABILITY_VALUES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPD_STORAGE_ACCESS_CAPABILITY_VALUES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5190,19 +4904,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPD_STORAGE_ACCESS_CAPABILITY_VALUES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPD_STORAGE_TYPE_VALUES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPD_STORAGE_TYPE_VALUES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPD_STORAGE_TYPE_VALUES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPD_STORAGE_TYPE_VALUES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPD_STORAGE_TYPE_VALUES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5212,19 +4915,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPD_STORAGE_TYPE_VALUES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPD_STREAM_UNITS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPD_STREAM_UNITS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPD_STREAM_UNITS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPD_STREAM_UNITS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPD_STREAM_UNITS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5234,19 +4926,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPD_STREAM_UNITS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPD_VIDEO_SCAN_TYPES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPD_VIDEO_SCAN_TYPES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPD_VIDEO_SCAN_TYPES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPD_VIDEO_SCAN_TYPES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPD_VIDEO_SCAN_TYPES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5256,19 +4937,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPD_VIDEO_SCAN_TYPES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPD_WHITE_BALANCE_SETTINGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPD_WHITE_BALANCE_SETTINGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPD_WHITE_BALANCE_SETTINGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPD_WHITE_BALANCE_SETTINGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPD_WHITE_BALANCE_SETTINGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5278,19 +4948,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPD_WHITE_BALANCE_SETTINGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WpdAttributeForm(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WpdAttributeForm {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WpdAttributeForm { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WpdAttributeForm { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WpdAttributeForm { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5300,19 +4959,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WpdAttributeForm { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WpdParameterAttributeForm(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WpdParameterAttributeForm {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WpdParameterAttributeForm { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WpdParameterAttributeForm { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WpdParameterAttributeForm { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/Properties/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/Properties/ index c97900313c..06a8bc2d2b 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/Properties/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/Properties/ @@ -234,19 +234,8 @@ pub const DEVPROP_TYPE_UINT64: DEVPROPTYPE = DEVPROPTYPE(9u32); pub const MAX_DEVPROP_TYPE: u32 = 25u32; pub const MAX_DEVPROP_TYPEMOD: u32 = 8192u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEVPROPSTORE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEVPROPSTORE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEVPROPSTORE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEVPROPSTORE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEVPROPSTORE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -256,19 +245,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEVPROPSTORE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEVPROPTYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEVPROPTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEVPROPTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEVPROPTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEVPROPTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/Pwm/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/Pwm/ index 9fa2efd9ed..62306738fe 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/Pwm/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/Pwm/ @@ -23,19 +23,8 @@ pub const PWM_IOCTL_ID_PIN_SET_POLARITY: i32 = 103i32; pub const PWM_IOCTL_ID_PIN_START: i32 = 104i32; pub const PWM_IOCTL_ID_PIN_STOP: i32 = 105i32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PWM_POLARITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PWM_POLARITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PWM_POLARITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PWM_POLARITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PWM_POLARITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/Sensors/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/Sensors/ index 7d1a9e01fd..354662d3a3 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/Sensors/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/Sensors/ @@ -1318,19 +1318,8 @@ pub const SimpleDeviceOrientation_Rotated180DegreesCounterclockwise: SIMPLE_DEVI pub const SimpleDeviceOrientation_Rotated270DegreesCounterclockwise: SIMPLE_DEVICE_ORIENTATION = SIMPLE_DEVICE_ORIENTATION(3i32); pub const SimpleDeviceOrientation_Rotated90DegreesCounterclockwise: SIMPLE_DEVICE_ORIENTATION = SIMPLE_DEVICE_ORIENTATION(1i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ACTIVITY_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ACTIVITY_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ACTIVITY_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ACTIVITY_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ACTIVITY_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1340,19 +1329,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ACTIVITY_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ACTIVITY_STATE_COUNT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ACTIVITY_STATE_COUNT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ACTIVITY_STATE_COUNT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ACTIVITY_STATE_COUNT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ACTIVITY_STATE_COUNT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1362,19 +1340,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ACTIVITY_STATE_COUNT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AXIS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AXIS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AXIS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AXIS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AXIS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1384,19 +1351,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AXIS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ELEVATION_CHANGE_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ELEVATION_CHANGE_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ELEVATION_CHANGE_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ELEVATION_CHANGE_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ELEVATION_CHANGE_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1406,19 +1362,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ELEVATION_CHANGE_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HUMAN_PRESENCE_DETECTION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HUMAN_PRESENCE_DETECTION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HUMAN_PRESENCE_DETECTION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HUMAN_PRESENCE_DETECTION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HUMAN_PRESENCE_DETECTION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1428,19 +1373,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HUMAN_PRESENCE_DETECTION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HUMAN_PRESENCE_DETECTION_TYPE_COUNT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HUMAN_PRESENCE_DETECTION_TYPE_COUNT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HUMAN_PRESENCE_DETECTION_TYPE_COUNT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HUMAN_PRESENCE_DETECTION_TYPE_COUNT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HUMAN_PRESENCE_DETECTION_TYPE_COUNT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1450,19 +1384,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HUMAN_PRESENCE_DETECTION_TYPE_COUNT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LOCATION_DESIRED_ACCURACY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LOCATION_DESIRED_ACCURACY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LOCATION_DESIRED_ACCURACY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LOCATION_DESIRED_ACCURACY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LOCATION_DESIRED_ACCURACY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1472,19 +1395,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for LOCATION_DESIRED_ACCURACY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LOCATION_POSITION_SOURCE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LOCATION_POSITION_SOURCE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LOCATION_POSITION_SOURCE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LOCATION_POSITION_SOURCE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LOCATION_POSITION_SOURCE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1494,19 +1406,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for LOCATION_POSITION_SOURCE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MAGNETOMETER_ACCURACY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MAGNETOMETER_ACCURACY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MAGNETOMETER_ACCURACY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MAGNETOMETER_ACCURACY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MAGNETOMETER_ACCURACY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1516,19 +1417,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MAGNETOMETER_ACCURACY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MagnetometerAccuracy(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MagnetometerAccuracy {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MagnetometerAccuracy { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MagnetometerAccuracy { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MagnetometerAccuracy { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1538,19 +1428,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MagnetometerAccuracy { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PEDOMETER_STEP_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PEDOMETER_STEP_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PEDOMETER_STEP_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PEDOMETER_STEP_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PEDOMETER_STEP_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1560,19 +1439,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PEDOMETER_STEP_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PEDOMETER_STEP_TYPE_COUNT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PEDOMETER_STEP_TYPE_COUNT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PEDOMETER_STEP_TYPE_COUNT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PEDOMETER_STEP_TYPE_COUNT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PEDOMETER_STEP_TYPE_COUNT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1582,19 +1450,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PEDOMETER_STEP_TYPE_COUNT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROXIMITY_SENSOR_CAPABILITIES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROXIMITY_SENSOR_CAPABILITIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROXIMITY_SENSOR_CAPABILITIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROXIMITY_SENSOR_CAPABILITIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROXIMITY_SENSOR_CAPABILITIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1604,19 +1461,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PROXIMITY_SENSOR_CAPABILITIES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROXIMITY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROXIMITY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROXIMITY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROXIMITY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROXIMITY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1626,19 +1472,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PROXIMITY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SENSOR_CONNECTION_TYPES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SENSOR_CONNECTION_TYPES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SENSOR_CONNECTION_TYPES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SENSOR_CONNECTION_TYPES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SENSOR_CONNECTION_TYPES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1648,19 +1483,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SENSOR_CONNECTION_TYPES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SENSOR_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SENSOR_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SENSOR_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SENSOR_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SENSOR_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1670,19 +1494,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SENSOR_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SIMPLE_DEVICE_ORIENTATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SIMPLE_DEVICE_ORIENTATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SIMPLE_DEVICE_ORIENTATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SIMPLE_DEVICE_ORIENTATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SIMPLE_DEVICE_ORIENTATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1692,19 +1505,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SIMPLE_DEVICE_ORIENTATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SensorConnectionType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SensorConnectionType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SensorConnectionType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SensorConnectionType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SensorConnectionType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1714,19 +1516,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SensorConnectionType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SensorState(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SensorState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SensorState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SensorState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SensorState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1736,19 +1527,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SensorState { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SimpleDeviceOrientation(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SimpleDeviceOrientation {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SimpleDeviceOrientation { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SimpleDeviceOrientation { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SimpleDeviceOrientation { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/SerialCommunication/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/SerialCommunication/ index 8fd746dc3a..6a32b49784 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/SerialCommunication/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/SerialCommunication/ @@ -143,19 +143,8 @@ pub const SerenumFirstHalf: SERENUM_PORTION = SERENUM_PORTION(0i32); pub const SerenumSecondHalf: SERENUM_PORTION = SERENUM_PORTION(1i32); pub const SerenumWhole: SERENUM_PORTION = SERENUM_PORTION(2i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SERENUM_PORTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SERENUM_PORTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SERENUM_PORTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SERENUM_PORTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SERENUM_PORTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/Tapi/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/Tapi/ index 3f69674328..20bde7d91e 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/Tapi/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/Tapi/ @@ -10705,19 +10705,8 @@ pub const prioHigh: u32 = 1u32; pub const prioLow: u32 = 3u32; pub const prioNorm: u32 = 2u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ACDGROUP_EVENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ACDGROUP_EVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ACDGROUP_EVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ACDGROUP_EVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ACDGROUP_EVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10727,19 +10716,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ACDGROUP_EVENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ACDQUEUE_EVENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ACDQUEUE_EVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ACDQUEUE_EVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ACDQUEUE_EVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ACDQUEUE_EVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10749,19 +10727,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ACDQUEUE_EVENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ADDRESS_CAPABILITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ADDRESS_CAPABILITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ADDRESS_CAPABILITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ADDRESS_CAPABILITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ADDRESS_CAPABILITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10771,19 +10738,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ADDRESS_CAPABILITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ADDRESS_CAPABILITY_STRING(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ADDRESS_CAPABILITY_STRING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ADDRESS_CAPABILITY_STRING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ADDRESS_CAPABILITY_STRING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ADDRESS_CAPABILITY_STRING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10793,19 +10749,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ADDRESS_CAPABILITY_STRING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ADDRESS_EVENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ADDRESS_EVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ADDRESS_EVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ADDRESS_EVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ADDRESS_EVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10815,19 +10760,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ADDRESS_EVENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ADDRESS_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ADDRESS_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ADDRESS_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ADDRESS_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ADDRESS_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10837,19 +10771,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ADDRESS_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AGENTHANDLER_EVENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AGENTHANDLER_EVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AGENTHANDLER_EVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AGENTHANDLER_EVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AGENTHANDLER_EVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10859,19 +10782,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AGENTHANDLER_EVENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AGENT_EVENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AGENT_EVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AGENT_EVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AGENT_EVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AGENT_EVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10881,19 +10793,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AGENT_EVENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AGENT_SESSION_EVENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AGENT_SESSION_EVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AGENT_SESSION_EVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AGENT_SESSION_EVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AGENT_SESSION_EVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10903,19 +10804,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AGENT_SESSION_EVENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AGENT_SESSION_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AGENT_SESSION_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AGENT_SESSION_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AGENT_SESSION_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AGENT_SESSION_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10925,19 +10815,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AGENT_SESSION_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AGENT_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AGENT_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AGENT_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AGENT_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AGENT_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10947,19 +10826,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AGENT_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CALLHUB_EVENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CALLHUB_EVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CALLHUB_EVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CALLHUB_EVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CALLHUB_EVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10969,19 +10837,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CALLHUB_EVENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CALLHUB_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CALLHUB_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CALLHUB_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CALLHUB_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CALLHUB_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10991,19 +10848,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CALLHUB_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CALLINFOCHANGE_CAUSE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CALLINFOCHANGE_CAUSE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CALLINFOCHANGE_CAUSE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CALLINFOCHANGE_CAUSE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CALLINFOCHANGE_CAUSE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11013,19 +10859,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CALLINFOCHANGE_CAUSE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CALLINFO_BUFFER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CALLINFO_BUFFER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CALLINFO_BUFFER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CALLINFO_BUFFER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CALLINFO_BUFFER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11035,19 +10870,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CALLINFO_BUFFER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CALLINFO_LONG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CALLINFO_LONG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CALLINFO_LONG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CALLINFO_LONG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CALLINFO_LONG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11057,19 +10881,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CALLINFO_LONG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CALLINFO_STRING(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CALLINFO_STRING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CALLINFO_STRING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CALLINFO_STRING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CALLINFO_STRING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11079,19 +10892,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CALLINFO_STRING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CALL_MEDIA_EVENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CALL_MEDIA_EVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CALL_MEDIA_EVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CALL_MEDIA_EVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CALL_MEDIA_EVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11101,19 +10903,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CALL_MEDIA_EVENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CALL_MEDIA_EVENT_CAUSE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CALL_MEDIA_EVENT_CAUSE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CALL_MEDIA_EVENT_CAUSE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CALL_MEDIA_EVENT_CAUSE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CALL_MEDIA_EVENT_CAUSE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11123,19 +10914,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CALL_MEDIA_EVENT_CAUSE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CALL_NOTIFICATION_EVENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CALL_NOTIFICATION_EVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CALL_NOTIFICATION_EVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CALL_NOTIFICATION_EVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CALL_NOTIFICATION_EVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11145,19 +10925,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CALL_NOTIFICATION_EVENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CALL_PRIVILEGE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CALL_PRIVILEGE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CALL_PRIVILEGE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CALL_PRIVILEGE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CALL_PRIVILEGE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11167,19 +10936,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CALL_PRIVILEGE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CALL_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CALL_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CALL_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CALL_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CALL_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11189,19 +10947,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CALL_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CALL_STATE_EVENT_CAUSE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CALL_STATE_EVENT_CAUSE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CALL_STATE_EVENT_CAUSE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CALL_STATE_EVENT_CAUSE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CALL_STATE_EVENT_CAUSE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11211,19 +10958,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CALL_STATE_EVENT_CAUSE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DIRECTORY_OBJECT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DIRECTORY_OBJECT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DIRECTORY_OBJECT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DIRECTORY_OBJECT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DIRECTORY_OBJECT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11233,19 +10969,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DIRECTORY_OBJECT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DIRECTORY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DIRECTORY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DIRECTORY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DIRECTORY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DIRECTORY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11255,19 +10980,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DIRECTORY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISCONNECT_CODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISCONNECT_CODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISCONNECT_CODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISCONNECT_CODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISCONNECT_CODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11277,19 +10991,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISCONNECT_CODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FINISH_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FINISH_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FINISH_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FINISH_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FINISH_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11299,19 +11002,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FINISH_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FT_STATE_EVENT_CAUSE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FT_STATE_EVENT_CAUSE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FT_STATE_EVENT_CAUSE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FT_STATE_EVENT_CAUSE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FT_STATE_EVENT_CAUSE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11321,19 +11013,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FT_STATE_EVENT_CAUSE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FULLDUPLEX_SUPPORT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FULLDUPLEX_SUPPORT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FULLDUPLEX_SUPPORT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FULLDUPLEX_SUPPORT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FULLDUPLEX_SUPPORT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11343,19 +11024,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FULLDUPLEX_SUPPORT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MSP_ADDRESS_EVENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MSP_ADDRESS_EVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MSP_ADDRESS_EVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MSP_ADDRESS_EVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MSP_ADDRESS_EVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11365,19 +11035,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MSP_ADDRESS_EVENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MSP_CALL_EVENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MSP_CALL_EVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MSP_CALL_EVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MSP_CALL_EVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MSP_CALL_EVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11387,19 +11046,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MSP_CALL_EVENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MSP_CALL_EVENT_CAUSE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MSP_CALL_EVENT_CAUSE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MSP_CALL_EVENT_CAUSE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MSP_CALL_EVENT_CAUSE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MSP_CALL_EVENT_CAUSE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11409,19 +11057,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MSP_CALL_EVENT_CAUSE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MSP_EVENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MSP_EVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MSP_EVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MSP_EVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MSP_EVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11431,19 +11068,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MSP_EVENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PHONECAPS_BUFFER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PHONECAPS_BUFFER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PHONECAPS_BUFFER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PHONECAPS_BUFFER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PHONECAPS_BUFFER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11453,19 +11079,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PHONECAPS_BUFFER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PHONECAPS_LONG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PHONECAPS_LONG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PHONECAPS_LONG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PHONECAPS_LONG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PHONECAPS_LONG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11475,19 +11090,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PHONECAPS_LONG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PHONECAPS_STRING(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PHONECAPS_STRING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PHONECAPS_STRING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PHONECAPS_STRING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PHONECAPS_STRING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11497,19 +11101,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PHONECAPS_STRING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PHONE_BUTTON_FUNCTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PHONE_BUTTON_FUNCTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PHONE_BUTTON_FUNCTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PHONE_BUTTON_FUNCTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PHONE_BUTTON_FUNCTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11519,19 +11112,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PHONE_BUTTON_FUNCTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PHONE_BUTTON_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PHONE_BUTTON_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PHONE_BUTTON_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PHONE_BUTTON_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PHONE_BUTTON_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11541,19 +11123,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PHONE_BUTTON_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PHONE_BUTTON_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PHONE_BUTTON_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PHONE_BUTTON_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PHONE_BUTTON_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PHONE_BUTTON_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11563,19 +11134,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PHONE_BUTTON_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PHONE_EVENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PHONE_EVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PHONE_EVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PHONE_EVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PHONE_EVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11585,19 +11145,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PHONE_EVENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PHONE_HOOK_SWITCH_DEVICE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PHONE_HOOK_SWITCH_DEVICE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PHONE_HOOK_SWITCH_DEVICE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PHONE_HOOK_SWITCH_DEVICE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PHONE_HOOK_SWITCH_DEVICE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11607,19 +11156,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PHONE_HOOK_SWITCH_DEVICE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PHONE_HOOK_SWITCH_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PHONE_HOOK_SWITCH_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PHONE_HOOK_SWITCH_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PHONE_HOOK_SWITCH_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PHONE_HOOK_SWITCH_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11629,19 +11167,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PHONE_HOOK_SWITCH_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PHONE_LAMP_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PHONE_LAMP_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PHONE_LAMP_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PHONE_LAMP_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PHONE_LAMP_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11651,19 +11178,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PHONE_LAMP_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PHONE_PRIVILEGE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PHONE_PRIVILEGE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PHONE_PRIVILEGE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PHONE_PRIVILEGE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PHONE_PRIVILEGE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11673,19 +11189,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PHONE_PRIVILEGE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PHONE_TONE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PHONE_TONE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PHONE_TONE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PHONE_TONE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PHONE_TONE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11695,19 +11200,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PHONE_TONE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct QOS_EVENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for QOS_EVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for QOS_EVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for QOS_EVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for QOS_EVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11717,19 +11211,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for QOS_EVENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct QOS_SERVICE_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for QOS_SERVICE_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for QOS_SERVICE_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for QOS_SERVICE_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for QOS_SERVICE_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11739,19 +11222,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for QOS_SERVICE_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RND_ADVERTISING_SCOPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RND_ADVERTISING_SCOPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RND_ADVERTISING_SCOPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RND_ADVERTISING_SCOPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RND_ADVERTISING_SCOPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11761,19 +11233,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RND_ADVERTISING_SCOPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TAPIOBJECT_EVENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TAPIOBJECT_EVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TAPIOBJECT_EVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TAPIOBJECT_EVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TAPIOBJECT_EVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11783,19 +11244,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TAPIOBJECT_EVENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TAPI_EVENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TAPI_EVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TAPI_EVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TAPI_EVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TAPI_EVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11805,19 +11255,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TAPI_EVENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TAPI_GATHERTERM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TAPI_GATHERTERM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TAPI_GATHERTERM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TAPI_GATHERTERM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TAPI_GATHERTERM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11827,19 +11266,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TAPI_GATHERTERM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TAPI_OBJECT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TAPI_OBJECT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TAPI_OBJECT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TAPI_OBJECT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TAPI_OBJECT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11849,19 +11277,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TAPI_OBJECT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TAPI_TONEMODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TAPI_TONEMODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TAPI_TONEMODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TAPI_TONEMODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TAPI_TONEMODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11871,19 +11288,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TAPI_TONEMODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TERMINAL_DIRECTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TERMINAL_DIRECTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TERMINAL_DIRECTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TERMINAL_DIRECTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TERMINAL_DIRECTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11893,19 +11299,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TERMINAL_DIRECTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TERMINAL_MEDIA_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TERMINAL_MEDIA_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TERMINAL_MEDIA_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TERMINAL_MEDIA_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TERMINAL_MEDIA_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11915,19 +11310,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TERMINAL_MEDIA_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TERMINAL_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TERMINAL_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TERMINAL_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TERMINAL_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TERMINAL_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11937,19 +11321,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TERMINAL_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TERMINAL_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TERMINAL_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TERMINAL_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TERMINAL_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TERMINAL_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/Usb/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/Usb/ index 30841681b6..66cd4a0d4c 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/Usb/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/Usb/ @@ -962,19 +962,8 @@ pub const WdmUsbPowerSystemUnspecified: WDMUSB_POWER_STATE = WDMUSB_POWER_STATE( pub const WdmUsbPowerSystemWorking: WDMUSB_POWER_STATE = WDMUSB_POWER_STATE(101i32); pub const WinUSB_TestGuid: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0xda812bff_12c3_46a2_8e2b_dbd3b7834c43); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PIPE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PIPE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PIPE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PIPE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PIPE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -984,19 +973,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PIPE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RAW_PIPE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RAW_PIPE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RAW_PIPE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RAW_PIPE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RAW_PIPE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1006,19 +984,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RAW_PIPE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct USBD_ENDPOINT_OFFLOAD_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for USBD_ENDPOINT_OFFLOAD_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for USBD_ENDPOINT_OFFLOAD_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for USBD_ENDPOINT_OFFLOAD_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for USBD_ENDPOINT_OFFLOAD_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1028,19 +995,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for USBD_ENDPOINT_OFFLOAD_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct USBD_PIPE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for USBD_PIPE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for USBD_PIPE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for USBD_PIPE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for USBD_PIPE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1050,19 +1006,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for USBD_PIPE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct USBFN_BUS_SPEED(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for USBFN_BUS_SPEED {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for USBFN_BUS_SPEED { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for USBFN_BUS_SPEED { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for USBFN_BUS_SPEED { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1072,19 +1017,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for USBFN_BUS_SPEED { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct USBFN_DEVICE_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for USBFN_DEVICE_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for USBFN_DEVICE_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for USBFN_DEVICE_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for USBFN_DEVICE_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1094,19 +1028,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for USBFN_DEVICE_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct USBFN_DIRECTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for USBFN_DIRECTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for USBFN_DIRECTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for USBFN_DIRECTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for USBFN_DIRECTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1116,19 +1039,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for USBFN_DIRECTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct USBFN_EVENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for USBFN_EVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for USBFN_EVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for USBFN_EVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for USBFN_EVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1138,19 +1050,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for USBFN_EVENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct USBFN_PORT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for USBFN_PORT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for USBFN_PORT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for USBFN_PORT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for USBFN_PORT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1160,19 +1061,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for USBFN_PORT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct USB_CONNECTION_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for USB_CONNECTION_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for USB_CONNECTION_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for USB_CONNECTION_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for USB_CONNECTION_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1182,19 +1072,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for USB_CONNECTION_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct USB_CONTROLLER_FLAVOR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for USB_CONTROLLER_FLAVOR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for USB_CONTROLLER_FLAVOR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for USB_CONTROLLER_FLAVOR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for USB_CONTROLLER_FLAVOR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1204,19 +1083,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for USB_CONTROLLER_FLAVOR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct USB_DEVICE_SPEED(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for USB_DEVICE_SPEED {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for USB_DEVICE_SPEED { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for USB_DEVICE_SPEED { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for USB_DEVICE_SPEED { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1226,19 +1094,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for USB_DEVICE_SPEED { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct USB_DEVICE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for USB_DEVICE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for USB_DEVICE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for USB_DEVICE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for USB_DEVICE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1248,19 +1105,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for USB_DEVICE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct USB_HUB_NODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for USB_HUB_NODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for USB_HUB_NODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for USB_HUB_NODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for USB_HUB_NODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1270,19 +1116,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for USB_HUB_NODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct USB_HUB_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for USB_HUB_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for USB_HUB_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for USB_HUB_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for USB_HUB_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1292,19 +1127,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for USB_HUB_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct USB_NOTIFICATION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for USB_NOTIFICATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for USB_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for USB_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for USB_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1314,19 +1138,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for USB_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct USB_USER_ERROR_CODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for USB_USER_ERROR_CODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for USB_USER_ERROR_CODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for USB_USER_ERROR_CODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for USB_USER_ERROR_CODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1336,19 +1149,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for USB_USER_ERROR_CODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct USB_WMI_DEVICE_NODE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for USB_WMI_DEVICE_NODE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for USB_WMI_DEVICE_NODE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for USB_WMI_DEVICE_NODE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for USB_WMI_DEVICE_NODE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1358,19 +1160,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for USB_WMI_DEVICE_NODE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WDMUSB_POWER_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WDMUSB_POWER_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WDMUSB_POWER_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WDMUSB_POWER_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WDMUSB_POWER_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1380,19 +1171,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WDMUSB_POWER_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WINUSB_PIPE_POLICY(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WINUSB_PIPE_POLICY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WINUSB_PIPE_POLICY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WINUSB_PIPE_POLICY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WINUSB_PIPE_POLICY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1402,19 +1182,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WINUSB_PIPE_POLICY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WINUSB_POWER_POLICY(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WINUSB_POWER_POLICY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WINUSB_POWER_POLICY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WINUSB_POWER_POLICY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WINUSB_POWER_POLICY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/WebServicesOnDevices/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/WebServicesOnDevices/ index d02e300bfe..152414eeb2 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/WebServicesOnDevices/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Devices/WebServicesOnDevices/ @@ -2031,19 +2031,8 @@ pub const WSD_SECURITY_SSL_NEGOTIATE_CLIENT_CERT: WSD_CONFIG_PARAM_TYPE = WSD_CO pub const WSD_SECURITY_SSL_SERVER_CERT_VALIDATION: WSD_CONFIG_PARAM_TYPE = WSD_CONFIG_PARAM_TYPE(4i32); pub const WSD_SECURITY_USE_HTTP_CLIENT_AUTH: WSD_CONFIG_PARAM_TYPE = WSD_CONFIG_PARAM_TYPE(13i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DeviceDiscoveryMechanism(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DeviceDiscoveryMechanism {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DeviceDiscoveryMechanism { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DeviceDiscoveryMechanism { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DeviceDiscoveryMechanism { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2053,19 +2042,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DeviceDiscoveryMechanism { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WSDEventType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WSDEventType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WSDEventType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WSDEventType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WSDEventType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2075,19 +2053,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WSDEventType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WSDUdpMessageType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WSDUdpMessageType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WSDUdpMessageType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WSDUdpMessageType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WSDUdpMessageType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2097,19 +2064,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WSDUdpMessageType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WSDXML_OP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WSDXML_OP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WSDXML_OP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WSDXML_OP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WSDXML_OP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2119,19 +2075,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WSDXML_OP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WSD_CONFIG_PARAM_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WSD_CONFIG_PARAM_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WSD_CONFIG_PARAM_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WSD_CONFIG_PARAM_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WSD_CONFIG_PARAM_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2141,19 +2086,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WSD_CONFIG_PARAM_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WSD_PROTOCOL_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WSD_PROTOCOL_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WSD_PROTOCOL_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WSD_PROTOCOL_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WSD_PROTOCOL_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Foundation/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Foundation/ index eaeb1f6bd7..edcbdf804e 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Foundation/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Foundation/ @@ -10298,19 +10298,8 @@ pub const _WIN32_MAXVER: u32 = 2560u32; pub const _WIN32_WINDOWS_MAXVER: u32 = 2560u32; pub const _WIN32_WINNT_MAXVER: u32 = 2560u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DUPLICATE_HANDLE_OPTIONS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DUPLICATE_HANDLE_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DUPLICATE_HANDLE_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DUPLICATE_HANDLE_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DUPLICATE_HANDLE_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10353,19 +10342,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DUPLICATE_HANDLE_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GENERIC_ACCESS_RIGHTS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GENERIC_ACCESS_RIGHTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GENERIC_ACCESS_RIGHTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GENERIC_ACCESS_RIGHTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GENERIC_ACCESS_RIGHTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10408,19 +10386,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for GENERIC_ACCESS_RIGHTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HANDLE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HANDLE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HANDLE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HANDLE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HANDLE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10463,19 +10430,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for HANDLE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NTSTATUS_FACILITY_CODE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NTSTATUS_FACILITY_CODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NTSTATUS_FACILITY_CODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NTSTATUS_FACILITY_CODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NTSTATUS_FACILITY_CODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10485,19 +10441,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NTSTATUS_FACILITY_CODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NTSTATUS_SEVERITY_CODE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NTSTATUS_SEVERITY_CODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NTSTATUS_SEVERITY_CODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NTSTATUS_SEVERITY_CODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NTSTATUS_SEVERITY_CODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10507,19 +10452,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NTSTATUS_SEVERITY_CODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WAIT_EVENT(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WAIT_EVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WAIT_EVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WAIT_EVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WAIT_EVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10529,19 +10463,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WAIT_EVENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WIN32_ERROR(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WIN32_ERROR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WIN32_ERROR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WIN32_ERROR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WIN32_ERROR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Gaming/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Gaming/ index 6fa95a2af5..d1c026e393 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Gaming/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Gaming/ @@ -683,19 +683,8 @@ pub const XPRIVILEGE_VIEW_FRIENDS_LIST: KnownGamingPrivileges = KnownGamingPrivi pub const XblIdpAuthManager: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0xce23534b_56d8_4978_86a2_7ee570640468); pub const XblIdpAuthTokenResult: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0x9f493441_744a_410c_ae2b_9a22f7c7731f); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GAMESTATS_OPEN_RESULT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GAMESTATS_OPEN_RESULT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GAMESTATS_OPEN_RESULT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GAMESTATS_OPEN_RESULT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GAMESTATS_OPEN_RESULT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -705,19 +694,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GAMESTATS_OPEN_RESULT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GAMESTATS_OPEN_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GAMESTATS_OPEN_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GAMESTATS_OPEN_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GAMESTATS_OPEN_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GAMESTATS_OPEN_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -727,19 +705,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GAMESTATS_OPEN_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GAME_INSTALL_SCOPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GAME_INSTALL_SCOPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GAME_INSTALL_SCOPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GAME_INSTALL_SCOPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GAME_INSTALL_SCOPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -749,19 +716,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GAME_INSTALL_SCOPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GAMING_DEVICE_DEVICE_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GAMING_DEVICE_DEVICE_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GAMING_DEVICE_DEVICE_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GAMING_DEVICE_DEVICE_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GAMING_DEVICE_DEVICE_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -771,19 +727,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GAMING_DEVICE_DEVICE_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GAMING_DEVICE_VENDOR_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GAMING_DEVICE_VENDOR_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GAMING_DEVICE_VENDOR_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GAMING_DEVICE_VENDOR_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GAMING_DEVICE_VENDOR_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -793,19 +738,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GAMING_DEVICE_VENDOR_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KnownGamingPrivileges(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KnownGamingPrivileges {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KnownGamingPrivileges { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KnownGamingPrivileges { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KnownGamingPrivileges { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -815,19 +749,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KnownGamingPrivileges { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XBL_IDP_AUTH_TOKEN_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XBL_IDP_AUTH_TOKEN_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XBL_IDP_AUTH_TOKEN_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XBL_IDP_AUTH_TOKEN_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XBL_IDP_AUTH_TOKEN_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Globalization/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Globalization/ index ece02e7e1e..5d079e2d06 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Globalization/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Globalization/ @@ -11767,19 +11767,8 @@ pub const sidTibetan: SCRIPTCONTF = SCRIPTCONTF(21i32); pub const sidUserDefined: SCRIPTCONTF = SCRIPTCONTF(40i32); pub const sidYi: SCRIPTCONTF = SCRIPTCONTF(30i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COMPARESTRING_RESULT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COMPARESTRING_RESULT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COMPARESTRING_RESULT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COMPARESTRING_RESULT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COMPARESTRING_RESULT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11789,19 +11778,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COMPARESTRING_RESULT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COMPARE_STRING_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COMPARE_STRING_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COMPARE_STRING_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COMPARE_STRING_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COMPARE_STRING_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11844,19 +11822,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for COMPARE_STRING_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CORRECTIVE_ACTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CORRECTIVE_ACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CORRECTIVE_ACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CORRECTIVE_ACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CORRECTIVE_ACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11866,19 +11833,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CORRECTIVE_ACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ENUM_DATE_FORMATS_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ENUM_DATE_FORMATS_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ENUM_DATE_FORMATS_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ENUM_DATE_FORMATS_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ENUM_DATE_FORMATS_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11888,19 +11844,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ENUM_DATE_FORMATS_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ENUM_SYSTEM_CODE_PAGES_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ENUM_SYSTEM_CODE_PAGES_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ENUM_SYSTEM_CODE_PAGES_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ENUM_SYSTEM_CODE_PAGES_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ENUM_SYSTEM_CODE_PAGES_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11910,19 +11855,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ENUM_SYSTEM_CODE_PAGES_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ENUM_SYSTEM_LANGUAGE_GROUPS_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ENUM_SYSTEM_LANGUAGE_GROUPS_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ENUM_SYSTEM_LANGUAGE_GROUPS_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ENUM_SYSTEM_LANGUAGE_GROUPS_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ENUM_SYSTEM_LANGUAGE_GROUPS_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11932,19 +11866,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ENUM_SYSTEM_LANGUAGE_GROUPS_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FOLD_STRING_MAP_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FOLD_STRING_MAP_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FOLD_STRING_MAP_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FOLD_STRING_MAP_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FOLD_STRING_MAP_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11987,19 +11910,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for FOLD_STRING_MAP_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IS_TEXT_UNICODE_RESULT(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IS_TEXT_UNICODE_RESULT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IS_TEXT_UNICODE_RESULT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IS_TEXT_UNICODE_RESULT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IS_TEXT_UNICODE_RESULT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12042,19 +11954,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for IS_TEXT_UNICODE_RESULT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IS_VALID_LOCALE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IS_VALID_LOCALE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IS_VALID_LOCALE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IS_VALID_LOCALE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IS_VALID_LOCALE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12064,19 +11965,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IS_VALID_LOCALE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MIMECONTF(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MIMECONTF {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MIMECONTF { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MIMECONTF { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MIMECONTF { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12086,19 +11976,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MIMECONTF { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MLCONVCHAR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MLCONVCHAR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MLCONVCHAR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MLCONVCHAR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MLCONVCHAR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12108,19 +11987,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MLCONVCHAR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MLCP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MLCP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MLCP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MLCP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MLCP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12130,19 +11998,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MLCP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MLDETECTCP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MLDETECTCP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MLDETECTCP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MLDETECTCP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MLDETECTCP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12152,19 +12009,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MLDETECTCP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MLSTR_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MLSTR_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MLSTR_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MLSTR_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MLSTR_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12174,19 +12020,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MLSTR_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MULTI_BYTE_TO_WIDE_CHAR_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MULTI_BYTE_TO_WIDE_CHAR_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MULTI_BYTE_TO_WIDE_CHAR_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MULTI_BYTE_TO_WIDE_CHAR_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MULTI_BYTE_TO_WIDE_CHAR_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12229,19 +12064,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for MULTI_BYTE_TO_WIDE_CHAR_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NORM_FORM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NORM_FORM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NORM_FORM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NORM_FORM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NORM_FORM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12251,19 +12075,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NORM_FORM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SCRIPTCONTF(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SCRIPTCONTF {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SCRIPTCONTF { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SCRIPTCONTF { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SCRIPTCONTF { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12273,19 +12086,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SCRIPTCONTF { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SCRIPTFONTCONTF(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SCRIPTFONTCONTF {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SCRIPTFONTCONTF { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SCRIPTFONTCONTF { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SCRIPTFONTCONTF { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12295,19 +12097,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SCRIPTFONTCONTF { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SCRIPT_IS_COMPLEX_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SCRIPT_IS_COMPLEX_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SCRIPT_IS_COMPLEX_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SCRIPT_IS_COMPLEX_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SCRIPT_IS_COMPLEX_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12317,19 +12108,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SCRIPT_IS_COMPLEX_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SCRIPT_JUSTIFY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SCRIPT_JUSTIFY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SCRIPT_JUSTIFY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SCRIPT_JUSTIFY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SCRIPT_JUSTIFY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12339,19 +12119,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SCRIPT_JUSTIFY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYSGEOCLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYSGEOCLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYSGEOCLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYSGEOCLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYSGEOCLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12361,19 +12130,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYSGEOCLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYSGEOTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYSGEOTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYSGEOTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYSGEOTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYSGEOTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12383,19 +12141,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYSGEOTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYSNLS_FUNCTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYSNLS_FUNCTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYSNLS_FUNCTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYSNLS_FUNCTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYSNLS_FUNCTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12405,19 +12152,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYSNLS_FUNCTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TIME_FORMAT_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TIME_FORMAT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TIME_FORMAT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TIME_FORMAT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TIME_FORMAT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12460,19 +12196,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for TIME_FORMAT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TRANSLATE_CHARSET_INFO_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TRANSLATE_CHARSET_INFO_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TRANSLATE_CHARSET_INFO_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TRANSLATE_CHARSET_INFO_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TRANSLATE_CHARSET_INFO_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12482,19 +12207,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TRANSLATE_CHARSET_INFO_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UAcceptResult(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UAcceptResult {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UAcceptResult { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UAcceptResult { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UAcceptResult { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12504,19 +12218,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UAcceptResult { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UAlphabeticIndexLabelType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UAlphabeticIndexLabelType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UAlphabeticIndexLabelType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UAlphabeticIndexLabelType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UAlphabeticIndexLabelType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12526,19 +12229,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UAlphabeticIndexLabelType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UBiDiDirection(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UBiDiDirection {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UBiDiDirection { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UBiDiDirection { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UBiDiDirection { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12548,19 +12240,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UBiDiDirection { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UBiDiMirroring(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UBiDiMirroring {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UBiDiMirroring { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UBiDiMirroring { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UBiDiMirroring { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12570,19 +12251,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UBiDiMirroring { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UBiDiOrder(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UBiDiOrder {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UBiDiOrder { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UBiDiOrder { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UBiDiOrder { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12592,19 +12262,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UBiDiOrder { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UBiDiReorderingMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UBiDiReorderingMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UBiDiReorderingMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UBiDiReorderingMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UBiDiReorderingMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12614,19 +12273,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UBiDiReorderingMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UBiDiReorderingOption(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UBiDiReorderingOption {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UBiDiReorderingOption { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UBiDiReorderingOption { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UBiDiReorderingOption { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12636,19 +12284,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UBiDiReorderingOption { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UBidiPairedBracketType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UBidiPairedBracketType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UBidiPairedBracketType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UBidiPairedBracketType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UBidiPairedBracketType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12658,19 +12295,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UBidiPairedBracketType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UBlockCode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UBlockCode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UBlockCode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UBlockCode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UBlockCode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12680,19 +12306,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UBlockCode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UBreakIteratorType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UBreakIteratorType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UBreakIteratorType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UBreakIteratorType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UBreakIteratorType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12702,19 +12317,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UBreakIteratorType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UCPMapRangeOption(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UCPMapRangeOption {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UCPMapRangeOption { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UCPMapRangeOption { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UCPMapRangeOption { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12724,19 +12328,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UCPMapRangeOption { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UCPTrieType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UCPTrieType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UCPTrieType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UCPTrieType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UCPTrieType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12746,19 +12339,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UCPTrieType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UCPTrieValueWidth(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UCPTrieValueWidth {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UCPTrieValueWidth { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UCPTrieValueWidth { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UCPTrieValueWidth { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12768,19 +12350,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UCPTrieValueWidth { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UCalendarAMPMs(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UCalendarAMPMs {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UCalendarAMPMs { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UCalendarAMPMs { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UCalendarAMPMs { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12790,19 +12361,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UCalendarAMPMs { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UCalendarAttribute(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UCalendarAttribute {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UCalendarAttribute { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UCalendarAttribute { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UCalendarAttribute { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12812,19 +12372,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UCalendarAttribute { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UCalendarDateFields(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UCalendarDateFields {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UCalendarDateFields { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UCalendarDateFields { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UCalendarDateFields { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12834,19 +12383,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UCalendarDateFields { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UCalendarDaysOfWeek(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UCalendarDaysOfWeek {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UCalendarDaysOfWeek { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UCalendarDaysOfWeek { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UCalendarDaysOfWeek { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12856,19 +12394,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UCalendarDaysOfWeek { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UCalendarDisplayNameType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UCalendarDisplayNameType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UCalendarDisplayNameType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UCalendarDisplayNameType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UCalendarDisplayNameType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12878,19 +12405,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UCalendarDisplayNameType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UCalendarLimitType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UCalendarLimitType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UCalendarLimitType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UCalendarLimitType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UCalendarLimitType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12900,19 +12416,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UCalendarLimitType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UCalendarMonths(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UCalendarMonths {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UCalendarMonths { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UCalendarMonths { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UCalendarMonths { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12922,19 +12427,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UCalendarMonths { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UCalendarType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UCalendarType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UCalendarType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UCalendarType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UCalendarType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12944,19 +12438,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UCalendarType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UCalendarWallTimeOption(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UCalendarWallTimeOption {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UCalendarWallTimeOption { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UCalendarWallTimeOption { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UCalendarWallTimeOption { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12966,19 +12449,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UCalendarWallTimeOption { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UCalendarWeekdayType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UCalendarWeekdayType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UCalendarWeekdayType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UCalendarWeekdayType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UCalendarWeekdayType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12988,19 +12460,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UCalendarWeekdayType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UCharCategory(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UCharCategory {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UCharCategory { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UCharCategory { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UCharCategory { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13010,19 +12471,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UCharCategory { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UCharDirection(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UCharDirection {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UCharDirection { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UCharDirection { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UCharDirection { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13032,19 +12482,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UCharDirection { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UCharIteratorOrigin(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UCharIteratorOrigin {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UCharIteratorOrigin { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UCharIteratorOrigin { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UCharIteratorOrigin { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13054,19 +12493,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UCharIteratorOrigin { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UCharNameChoice(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UCharNameChoice {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UCharNameChoice { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UCharNameChoice { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UCharNameChoice { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13076,19 +12504,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UCharNameChoice { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UColAttribute(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UColAttribute {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UColAttribute { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UColAttribute { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UColAttribute { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13098,19 +12515,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UColAttribute { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UColAttributeValue(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UColAttributeValue {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UColAttributeValue { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UColAttributeValue { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UColAttributeValue { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13120,19 +12526,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UColAttributeValue { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UColBoundMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UColBoundMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UColBoundMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UColBoundMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UColBoundMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13142,19 +12537,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UColBoundMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UColReorderCode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UColReorderCode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UColReorderCode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UColReorderCode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UColReorderCode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13164,19 +12548,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UColReorderCode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UColRuleOption(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UColRuleOption {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UColRuleOption { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UColRuleOption { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UColRuleOption { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13186,19 +12559,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UColRuleOption { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UCollationResult(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UCollationResult {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UCollationResult { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UCollationResult { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UCollationResult { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13208,19 +12570,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UCollationResult { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UConverterCallbackReason(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UConverterCallbackReason {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UConverterCallbackReason { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UConverterCallbackReason { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UConverterCallbackReason { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13230,19 +12581,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UConverterCallbackReason { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UConverterPlatform(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UConverterPlatform {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UConverterPlatform { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UConverterPlatform { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UConverterPlatform { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13252,19 +12592,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UConverterPlatform { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UConverterType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UConverterType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UConverterType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UConverterType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UConverterType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13274,19 +12603,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UConverterType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UConverterUnicodeSet(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UConverterUnicodeSet {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UConverterUnicodeSet { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UConverterUnicodeSet { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UConverterUnicodeSet { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13296,19 +12614,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UConverterUnicodeSet { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UCurrCurrencyType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UCurrCurrencyType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UCurrCurrencyType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UCurrCurrencyType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UCurrCurrencyType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13318,19 +12625,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UCurrCurrencyType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UCurrNameStyle(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UCurrNameStyle {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UCurrNameStyle { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UCurrNameStyle { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UCurrNameStyle { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13340,19 +12636,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UCurrNameStyle { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UCurrencySpacing(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UCurrencySpacing {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UCurrencySpacing { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UCurrencySpacing { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UCurrencySpacing { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13362,19 +12647,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UCurrencySpacing { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UCurrencyUsage(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UCurrencyUsage {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UCurrencyUsage { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UCurrencyUsage { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UCurrencyUsage { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13384,19 +12658,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UCurrencyUsage { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UDateAbsoluteUnit(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UDateAbsoluteUnit {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UDateAbsoluteUnit { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UDateAbsoluteUnit { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UDateAbsoluteUnit { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13406,19 +12669,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UDateAbsoluteUnit { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UDateDirection(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UDateDirection {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UDateDirection { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UDateDirection { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UDateDirection { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13428,19 +12680,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UDateDirection { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UDateFormatBooleanAttribute(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UDateFormatBooleanAttribute {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UDateFormatBooleanAttribute { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UDateFormatBooleanAttribute { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UDateFormatBooleanAttribute { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13450,19 +12691,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UDateFormatBooleanAttribute { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UDateFormatField(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UDateFormatField {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UDateFormatField { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UDateFormatField { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UDateFormatField { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13472,19 +12702,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UDateFormatField { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UDateFormatStyle(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UDateFormatStyle {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UDateFormatStyle { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UDateFormatStyle { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UDateFormatStyle { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13494,19 +12713,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UDateFormatStyle { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UDateFormatSymbolType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UDateFormatSymbolType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UDateFormatSymbolType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UDateFormatSymbolType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UDateFormatSymbolType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13516,19 +12724,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UDateFormatSymbolType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UDateRelativeDateTimeFormatterStyle(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UDateRelativeDateTimeFormatterStyle {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UDateRelativeDateTimeFormatterStyle { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UDateRelativeDateTimeFormatterStyle { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UDateRelativeDateTimeFormatterStyle { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13538,19 +12735,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UDateRelativeDateTimeFormatterStyle { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UDateRelativeUnit(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UDateRelativeUnit {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UDateRelativeUnit { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UDateRelativeUnit { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UDateRelativeUnit { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13560,19 +12746,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UDateRelativeUnit { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UDateTimePGDisplayWidth(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UDateTimePGDisplayWidth {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UDateTimePGDisplayWidth { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UDateTimePGDisplayWidth { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UDateTimePGDisplayWidth { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13582,19 +12757,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UDateTimePGDisplayWidth { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UDateTimePatternConflict(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UDateTimePatternConflict {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UDateTimePatternConflict { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UDateTimePatternConflict { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UDateTimePatternConflict { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13604,19 +12768,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UDateTimePatternConflict { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UDateTimePatternField(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UDateTimePatternField {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UDateTimePatternField { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UDateTimePatternField { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UDateTimePatternField { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13626,19 +12779,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UDateTimePatternField { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UDateTimePatternMatchOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UDateTimePatternMatchOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UDateTimePatternMatchOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UDateTimePatternMatchOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UDateTimePatternMatchOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13648,19 +12790,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UDateTimePatternMatchOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UDateTimeScale(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UDateTimeScale {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UDateTimeScale { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UDateTimeScale { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UDateTimeScale { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13670,19 +12801,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UDateTimeScale { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UDecompositionType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UDecompositionType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UDecompositionType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UDecompositionType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UDecompositionType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13692,19 +12812,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UDecompositionType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UDialectHandling(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UDialectHandling {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UDialectHandling { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UDialectHandling { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UDialectHandling { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13714,19 +12823,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UDialectHandling { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UDisplayContext(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UDisplayContext {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UDisplayContext { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UDisplayContext { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UDisplayContext { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13736,19 +12834,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UDisplayContext { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UDisplayContextType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UDisplayContextType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UDisplayContextType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UDisplayContextType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UDisplayContextType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13758,19 +12845,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UDisplayContextType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UEastAsianWidth(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UEastAsianWidth {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UEastAsianWidth { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UEastAsianWidth { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UEastAsianWidth { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13780,19 +12856,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UEastAsianWidth { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UErrorCode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UErrorCode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UErrorCode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UErrorCode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UErrorCode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13802,19 +12867,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UErrorCode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UFieldCategory(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UFieldCategory {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UFieldCategory { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UFieldCategory { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UFieldCategory { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13824,19 +12878,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UFieldCategory { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UFormattableType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UFormattableType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UFormattableType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UFormattableType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UFormattableType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13846,19 +12889,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UFormattableType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UGender(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UGender {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UGender { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UGender { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UGender { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13868,19 +12900,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UGender { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UGraphemeClusterBreak(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UGraphemeClusterBreak {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UGraphemeClusterBreak { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UGraphemeClusterBreak { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UGraphemeClusterBreak { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13890,19 +12911,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UGraphemeClusterBreak { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UHangulSyllableType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UHangulSyllableType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UHangulSyllableType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UHangulSyllableType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UHangulSyllableType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13912,19 +12922,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UHangulSyllableType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UIndicPositionalCategory(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UIndicPositionalCategory {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UIndicPositionalCategory { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UIndicPositionalCategory { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UIndicPositionalCategory { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13934,19 +12933,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UIndicPositionalCategory { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UIndicSyllabicCategory(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UIndicSyllabicCategory {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UIndicSyllabicCategory { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UIndicSyllabicCategory { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UIndicSyllabicCategory { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13956,19 +12944,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UIndicSyllabicCategory { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UJoiningGroup(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UJoiningGroup {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UJoiningGroup { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UJoiningGroup { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UJoiningGroup { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13978,19 +12955,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UJoiningGroup { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UJoiningType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UJoiningType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UJoiningType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UJoiningType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UJoiningType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14000,19 +12966,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UJoiningType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ULayoutType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ULayoutType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ULayoutType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ULayoutType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ULayoutType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14022,19 +12977,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ULayoutType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ULineBreak(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ULineBreak {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ULineBreak { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ULineBreak { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ULineBreak { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14044,19 +12988,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ULineBreak { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ULineBreakTag(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ULineBreakTag {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ULineBreakTag { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ULineBreakTag { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ULineBreakTag { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14066,19 +12999,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ULineBreakTag { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UListFormatterField(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UListFormatterField {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UListFormatterField { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UListFormatterField { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UListFormatterField { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14088,19 +13010,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UListFormatterField { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UListFormatterType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UListFormatterType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UListFormatterType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UListFormatterType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UListFormatterType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14110,19 +13021,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UListFormatterType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UListFormatterWidth(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UListFormatterWidth {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UListFormatterWidth { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UListFormatterWidth { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UListFormatterWidth { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14132,19 +13032,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UListFormatterWidth { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ULocAvailableType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ULocAvailableType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ULocAvailableType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ULocAvailableType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ULocAvailableType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14154,19 +13043,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ULocAvailableType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ULocDataLocaleType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ULocDataLocaleType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ULocDataLocaleType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ULocDataLocaleType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ULocDataLocaleType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14176,19 +13054,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ULocDataLocaleType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ULocaleDataDelimiterType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ULocaleDataDelimiterType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ULocaleDataDelimiterType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ULocaleDataDelimiterType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ULocaleDataDelimiterType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14198,19 +13065,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ULocaleDataDelimiterType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ULocaleDataExemplarSetType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ULocaleDataExemplarSetType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ULocaleDataExemplarSetType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ULocaleDataExemplarSetType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ULocaleDataExemplarSetType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14220,19 +13076,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ULocaleDataExemplarSetType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UMeasureFormatWidth(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UMeasureFormatWidth {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UMeasureFormatWidth { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UMeasureFormatWidth { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UMeasureFormatWidth { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14242,19 +13087,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UMeasureFormatWidth { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UMeasurementSystem(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UMeasurementSystem {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UMeasurementSystem { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UMeasurementSystem { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UMeasurementSystem { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14264,19 +13098,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UMeasurementSystem { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UMessagePatternApostropheMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UMessagePatternApostropheMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UMessagePatternApostropheMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UMessagePatternApostropheMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UMessagePatternApostropheMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14286,19 +13109,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UMessagePatternApostropheMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UMessagePatternArgType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UMessagePatternArgType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UMessagePatternArgType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UMessagePatternArgType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UMessagePatternArgType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14308,19 +13120,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UMessagePatternArgType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UMessagePatternPartType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UMessagePatternPartType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UMessagePatternPartType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UMessagePatternPartType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UMessagePatternPartType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14330,19 +13131,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UMessagePatternPartType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UNormalization2Mode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UNormalization2Mode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UNormalization2Mode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UNormalization2Mode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UNormalization2Mode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14352,19 +13142,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UNormalization2Mode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UNormalizationCheckResult(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UNormalizationCheckResult {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UNormalizationCheckResult { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UNormalizationCheckResult { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UNormalizationCheckResult { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14374,19 +13153,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UNormalizationCheckResult { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UNormalizationMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UNormalizationMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UNormalizationMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UNormalizationMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UNormalizationMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14396,19 +13164,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UNormalizationMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UNumberCompactStyle(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UNumberCompactStyle {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UNumberCompactStyle { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UNumberCompactStyle { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UNumberCompactStyle { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14418,19 +13175,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UNumberCompactStyle { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UNumberDecimalSeparatorDisplay(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UNumberDecimalSeparatorDisplay {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UNumberDecimalSeparatorDisplay { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UNumberDecimalSeparatorDisplay { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UNumberDecimalSeparatorDisplay { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14440,19 +13186,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UNumberDecimalSeparatorDisplay { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UNumberFormatAttribute(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UNumberFormatAttribute {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UNumberFormatAttribute { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UNumberFormatAttribute { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UNumberFormatAttribute { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14462,19 +13197,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UNumberFormatAttribute { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UNumberFormatAttributeValue(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UNumberFormatAttributeValue {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UNumberFormatAttributeValue { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UNumberFormatAttributeValue { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UNumberFormatAttributeValue { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14484,19 +13208,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UNumberFormatAttributeValue { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UNumberFormatFields(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UNumberFormatFields {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UNumberFormatFields { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UNumberFormatFields { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UNumberFormatFields { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14506,19 +13219,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UNumberFormatFields { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UNumberFormatPadPosition(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UNumberFormatPadPosition {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UNumberFormatPadPosition { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UNumberFormatPadPosition { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UNumberFormatPadPosition { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14528,19 +13230,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UNumberFormatPadPosition { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UNumberFormatRoundingMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UNumberFormatRoundingMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UNumberFormatRoundingMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UNumberFormatRoundingMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UNumberFormatRoundingMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14550,19 +13241,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UNumberFormatRoundingMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UNumberFormatStyle(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UNumberFormatStyle {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UNumberFormatStyle { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UNumberFormatStyle { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UNumberFormatStyle { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14572,19 +13252,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UNumberFormatStyle { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UNumberFormatSymbol(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UNumberFormatSymbol {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UNumberFormatSymbol { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UNumberFormatSymbol { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UNumberFormatSymbol { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14594,19 +13263,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UNumberFormatSymbol { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UNumberFormatTextAttribute(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UNumberFormatTextAttribute {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UNumberFormatTextAttribute { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UNumberFormatTextAttribute { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UNumberFormatTextAttribute { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14616,19 +13274,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UNumberFormatTextAttribute { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UNumberGroupingStrategy(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UNumberGroupingStrategy {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UNumberGroupingStrategy { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UNumberGroupingStrategy { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UNumberGroupingStrategy { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14638,19 +13285,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UNumberGroupingStrategy { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UNumberRangeCollapse(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UNumberRangeCollapse {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UNumberRangeCollapse { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UNumberRangeCollapse { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UNumberRangeCollapse { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14660,19 +13296,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UNumberRangeCollapse { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UNumberRangeIdentityFallback(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UNumberRangeIdentityFallback {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UNumberRangeIdentityFallback { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UNumberRangeIdentityFallback { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UNumberRangeIdentityFallback { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14682,19 +13307,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UNumberRangeIdentityFallback { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UNumberRangeIdentityResult(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UNumberRangeIdentityResult {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UNumberRangeIdentityResult { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UNumberRangeIdentityResult { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UNumberRangeIdentityResult { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14704,19 +13318,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UNumberRangeIdentityResult { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UNumberSignDisplay(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UNumberSignDisplay {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UNumberSignDisplay { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UNumberSignDisplay { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UNumberSignDisplay { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14726,19 +13329,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UNumberSignDisplay { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UNumberUnitWidth(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UNumberUnitWidth {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UNumberUnitWidth { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UNumberUnitWidth { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UNumberUnitWidth { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14748,19 +13340,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UNumberUnitWidth { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UNumericType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UNumericType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UNumericType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UNumericType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UNumericType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14770,19 +13351,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UNumericType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UPluralType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UPluralType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UPluralType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UPluralType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UPluralType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14792,19 +13362,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UPluralType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UProperty(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UProperty {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UProperty { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UProperty { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UProperty { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14814,19 +13373,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UProperty { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UPropertyNameChoice(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UPropertyNameChoice {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UPropertyNameChoice { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UPropertyNameChoice { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UPropertyNameChoice { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14836,19 +13384,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UPropertyNameChoice { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct URegexpFlag(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for URegexpFlag {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for URegexpFlag { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for URegexpFlag { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for URegexpFlag { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14858,19 +13395,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for URegexpFlag { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct URegionType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for URegionType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for URegionType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for URegionType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for URegionType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14880,19 +13406,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for URegionType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct URelativeDateTimeFormatterField(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for URelativeDateTimeFormatterField {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for URelativeDateTimeFormatterField { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for URelativeDateTimeFormatterField { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for URelativeDateTimeFormatterField { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14902,19 +13417,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for URelativeDateTimeFormatterField { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct URelativeDateTimeUnit(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for URelativeDateTimeUnit {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for URelativeDateTimeUnit { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for URelativeDateTimeUnit { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for URelativeDateTimeUnit { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14924,19 +13428,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for URelativeDateTimeUnit { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UResType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UResType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UResType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UResType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UResType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14946,19 +13439,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UResType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct URestrictionLevel(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for URestrictionLevel {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for URestrictionLevel { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for URestrictionLevel { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for URestrictionLevel { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14968,19 +13450,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for URestrictionLevel { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UScriptCode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UScriptCode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UScriptCode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UScriptCode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UScriptCode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14990,19 +13461,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UScriptCode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UScriptUsage(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UScriptUsage {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UScriptUsage { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UScriptUsage { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UScriptUsage { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15012,19 +13472,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UScriptUsage { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct USearchAttribute(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for USearchAttribute {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for USearchAttribute { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for USearchAttribute { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for USearchAttribute { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15034,19 +13483,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for USearchAttribute { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct USearchAttributeValue(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for USearchAttributeValue {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for USearchAttributeValue { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for USearchAttributeValue { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for USearchAttributeValue { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15056,19 +13494,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for USearchAttributeValue { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct USentenceBreak(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for USentenceBreak {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for USentenceBreak { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for USentenceBreak { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for USentenceBreak { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15078,19 +13505,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for USentenceBreak { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct USentenceBreakTag(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for USentenceBreakTag {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for USentenceBreakTag { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for USentenceBreakTag { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for USentenceBreakTag { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15100,19 +13516,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for USentenceBreakTag { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct USetSpanCondition(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for USetSpanCondition {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for USetSpanCondition { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for USetSpanCondition { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for USetSpanCondition { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15122,19 +13527,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for USetSpanCondition { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct USpoofChecks(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for USpoofChecks {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for USpoofChecks { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for USpoofChecks { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for USpoofChecks { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15144,19 +13538,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for USpoofChecks { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UStringPrepProfileType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UStringPrepProfileType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UStringPrepProfileType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UStringPrepProfileType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UStringPrepProfileType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15166,19 +13549,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UStringPrepProfileType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UStringTrieBuildOption(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UStringTrieBuildOption {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UStringTrieBuildOption { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UStringTrieBuildOption { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UStringTrieBuildOption { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15188,19 +13560,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UStringTrieBuildOption { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UStringTrieResult(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UStringTrieResult {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UStringTrieResult { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UStringTrieResult { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UStringTrieResult { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15210,19 +13571,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UStringTrieResult { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct USystemTimeZoneType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for USystemTimeZoneType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for USystemTimeZoneType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for USystemTimeZoneType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for USystemTimeZoneType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15232,19 +13582,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for USystemTimeZoneType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UTimeScaleValue(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UTimeScaleValue {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UTimeScaleValue { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UTimeScaleValue { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UTimeScaleValue { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15254,19 +13593,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UTimeScaleValue { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UTimeZoneFormatGMTOffsetPatternType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UTimeZoneFormatGMTOffsetPatternType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UTimeZoneFormatGMTOffsetPatternType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UTimeZoneFormatGMTOffsetPatternType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UTimeZoneFormatGMTOffsetPatternType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15276,19 +13604,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UTimeZoneFormatGMTOffsetPatternType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UTimeZoneFormatParseOption(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UTimeZoneFormatParseOption {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UTimeZoneFormatParseOption { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UTimeZoneFormatParseOption { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UTimeZoneFormatParseOption { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15298,19 +13615,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UTimeZoneFormatParseOption { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UTimeZoneFormatStyle(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UTimeZoneFormatStyle {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UTimeZoneFormatStyle { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UTimeZoneFormatStyle { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UTimeZoneFormatStyle { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15320,19 +13626,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UTimeZoneFormatStyle { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UTimeZoneFormatTimeType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UTimeZoneFormatTimeType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UTimeZoneFormatTimeType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UTimeZoneFormatTimeType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UTimeZoneFormatTimeType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15342,19 +13637,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UTimeZoneFormatTimeType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UTimeZoneNameType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UTimeZoneNameType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UTimeZoneNameType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UTimeZoneNameType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UTimeZoneNameType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15364,19 +13648,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UTimeZoneNameType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UTimeZoneTransitionType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UTimeZoneTransitionType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UTimeZoneTransitionType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UTimeZoneTransitionType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UTimeZoneTransitionType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15386,19 +13659,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UTimeZoneTransitionType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UTraceFunctionNumber(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UTraceFunctionNumber {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UTraceFunctionNumber { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UTraceFunctionNumber { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UTraceFunctionNumber { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15408,19 +13670,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UTraceFunctionNumber { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UTraceLevel(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UTraceLevel {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UTraceLevel { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UTraceLevel { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UTraceLevel { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15430,19 +13681,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UTraceLevel { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UTransDirection(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UTransDirection {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UTransDirection { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UTransDirection { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UTransDirection { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15452,19 +13692,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UTransDirection { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UVerticalOrientation(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UVerticalOrientation {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UVerticalOrientation { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UVerticalOrientation { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UVerticalOrientation { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15474,19 +13703,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UVerticalOrientation { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UWordBreak(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UWordBreak {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UWordBreak { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UWordBreak { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UWordBreak { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15496,19 +13714,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UWordBreak { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UWordBreakValues(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UWordBreakValues {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UWordBreakValues { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UWordBreakValues { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UWordBreakValues { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15518,19 +13725,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UWordBreakValues { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WORDLIST_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WORDLIST_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WORDLIST_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WORDLIST_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WORDLIST_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/CompositionSwapchain/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/CompositionSwapchain/ index 2f0eb84c82..c9611da66b 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/CompositionSwapchain/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/CompositionSwapchain/ @@ -388,19 +388,8 @@ pub const PresentStatus_Canceled: PresentStatus = PresentStatus(2i32); pub const PresentStatus_Queued: PresentStatus = PresentStatus(0i32); pub const PresentStatus_Skipped: PresentStatus = PresentStatus(1i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CompositionFrameInstanceKind(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CompositionFrameInstanceKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CompositionFrameInstanceKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CompositionFrameInstanceKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CompositionFrameInstanceKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -410,19 +399,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CompositionFrameInstanceKind { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PresentStatisticsKind(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PresentStatisticsKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PresentStatisticsKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PresentStatisticsKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PresentStatisticsKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -432,19 +410,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PresentStatisticsKind { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PresentStatus(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PresentStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PresentStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PresentStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PresentStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/DXCore/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/DXCore/ index 0a5d7a1f56..f3d3d7f959 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/DXCore/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/DXCore/ @@ -198,19 +198,8 @@ pub const NonLocal: DXCoreSegmentGroup = DXCoreSegmentGroup(1u32); pub const SharedSystemMemory: DXCoreAdapterProperty = DXCoreAdapterProperty(9u32); pub const _FACDXCORE: u32 = 2176u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXCoreAdapterPreference(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXCoreAdapterPreference {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXCoreAdapterPreference { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXCoreAdapterPreference { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXCoreAdapterPreference { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -220,19 +209,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXCoreAdapterPreference { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXCoreAdapterProperty(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXCoreAdapterProperty {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXCoreAdapterProperty { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXCoreAdapterProperty { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXCoreAdapterProperty { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -242,19 +220,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXCoreAdapterProperty { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXCoreAdapterState(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXCoreAdapterState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXCoreAdapterState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXCoreAdapterState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXCoreAdapterState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -264,19 +231,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXCoreAdapterState { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXCoreNotificationType(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXCoreNotificationType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXCoreNotificationType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXCoreNotificationType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXCoreNotificationType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -286,19 +242,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXCoreNotificationType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXCoreSegmentGroup(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXCoreSegmentGroup {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXCoreSegmentGroup { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXCoreSegmentGroup { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXCoreSegmentGroup { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Direct2D/Common/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Direct2D/Common/ index e0779ef001..0c0d5dba54 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Direct2D/Common/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Direct2D/Common/ @@ -110,19 +110,8 @@ pub const D2D1_PATH_SEGMENT_NONE: D2D1_PATH_SEGMENT = D2D1_PATH_SEGMENT(0i32); pub const D2D1_TURBULENCE_NOISE_FRACTAL_SUM: D2D1_TURBULENCE_NOISE = D2D1_TURBULENCE_NOISE(0i32); pub const D2D1_TURBULENCE_NOISE_TURBULENCE: D2D1_TURBULENCE_NOISE = D2D1_TURBULENCE_NOISE(1i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_2DAFFINETRANSFORM_INTERPOLATION_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_2DAFFINETRANSFORM_INTERPOLATION_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_2DAFFINETRANSFORM_INTERPOLATION_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_2DAFFINETRANSFORM_INTERPOLATION_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_2DAFFINETRANSFORM_INTERPOLATION_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -132,19 +121,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_2DAFFINETRANSFORM_INTERPOLATION_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_ALPHA_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_ALPHA_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_ALPHA_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_ALPHA_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_ALPHA_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -154,19 +132,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_ALPHA_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_BLEND_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_BLEND_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_BLEND_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_BLEND_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_BLEND_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -176,19 +143,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_BLEND_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_BORDER_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_BORDER_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_BORDER_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_BORDER_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_BORDER_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -198,19 +154,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_BORDER_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_COLORMATRIX_ALPHA_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_COLORMATRIX_ALPHA_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_COLORMATRIX_ALPHA_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_COLORMATRIX_ALPHA_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_COLORMATRIX_ALPHA_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -220,19 +165,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_COLORMATRIX_ALPHA_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_COMPOSITE_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_COMPOSITE_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_COMPOSITE_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_COMPOSITE_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_COMPOSITE_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -242,19 +176,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_COMPOSITE_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_FIGURE_BEGIN(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_FIGURE_BEGIN {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_FIGURE_BEGIN { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_FIGURE_BEGIN { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_FIGURE_BEGIN { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -264,19 +187,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_FIGURE_BEGIN { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_FIGURE_END(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_FIGURE_END {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_FIGURE_END { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_FIGURE_END { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_FIGURE_END { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -286,19 +198,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_FIGURE_END { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_FILL_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_FILL_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_FILL_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_FILL_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_FILL_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -308,19 +209,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_FILL_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_PATH_SEGMENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_PATH_SEGMENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_PATH_SEGMENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_PATH_SEGMENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_PATH_SEGMENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -363,19 +253,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D2D1_PATH_SEGMENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_TURBULENCE_NOISE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_TURBULENCE_NOISE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_TURBULENCE_NOISE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_TURBULENCE_NOISE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_TURBULENCE_NOISE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Direct2D/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Direct2D/ index 4b6ebeb1cc..e131e02d92 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Direct2D/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Direct2D/ @@ -15933,19 +15933,8 @@ pub const D2D1_YCBCR_PROP_INTERPOLATION_MODE: D2D1_YCBCR_PROP = D2D1_YCBCR_PROP( pub const D2D1_YCBCR_PROP_TRANSFORM_MATRIX: D2D1_YCBCR_PROP = D2D1_YCBCR_PROP(1i32); pub const FACILITY_D2D: u32 = 2201u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_2DAFFINETRANSFORM_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_2DAFFINETRANSFORM_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_2DAFFINETRANSFORM_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_2DAFFINETRANSFORM_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_2DAFFINETRANSFORM_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15955,19 +15944,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_2DAFFINETRANSFORM_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_3DPERSPECTIVETRANSFORM_INTERPOLATION_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_3DPERSPECTIVETRANSFORM_INTERPOLATION_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_3DPERSPECTIVETRANSFORM_INTERPOLATION_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_3DPERSPECTIVETRANSFORM_INTERPOLATION_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_3DPERSPECTIVETRANSFORM_INTERPOLATION_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15977,19 +15955,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_3DPERSPECTIVETRANSFORM_INTERPOLATION_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_3DPERSPECTIVETRANSFORM_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_3DPERSPECTIVETRANSFORM_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_3DPERSPECTIVETRANSFORM_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_3DPERSPECTIVETRANSFORM_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_3DPERSPECTIVETRANSFORM_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15999,19 +15966,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_3DPERSPECTIVETRANSFORM_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_3DTRANSFORM_INTERPOLATION_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_3DTRANSFORM_INTERPOLATION_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_3DTRANSFORM_INTERPOLATION_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_3DTRANSFORM_INTERPOLATION_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_3DTRANSFORM_INTERPOLATION_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16021,19 +15977,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_3DTRANSFORM_INTERPOLATION_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_3DTRANSFORM_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_3DTRANSFORM_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_3DTRANSFORM_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_3DTRANSFORM_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_3DTRANSFORM_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16043,19 +15988,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_3DTRANSFORM_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_ANTIALIAS_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_ANTIALIAS_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_ANTIALIAS_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_ANTIALIAS_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_ANTIALIAS_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16065,19 +15999,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_ANTIALIAS_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_ARC_SIZE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_ARC_SIZE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_ARC_SIZE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_ARC_SIZE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_ARC_SIZE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16087,19 +16010,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_ARC_SIZE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_ARITHMETICCOMPOSITE_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_ARITHMETICCOMPOSITE_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_ARITHMETICCOMPOSITE_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_ARITHMETICCOMPOSITE_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_ARITHMETICCOMPOSITE_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16109,19 +16021,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_ARITHMETICCOMPOSITE_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_ATLAS_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_ATLAS_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_ATLAS_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_ATLAS_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_ATLAS_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16131,19 +16032,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_ATLAS_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_BITMAPSOURCE_ALPHA_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_BITMAPSOURCE_ALPHA_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_BITMAPSOURCE_ALPHA_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_BITMAPSOURCE_ALPHA_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_BITMAPSOURCE_ALPHA_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16153,19 +16043,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_BITMAPSOURCE_ALPHA_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_BITMAPSOURCE_INTERPOLATION_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_BITMAPSOURCE_INTERPOLATION_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_BITMAPSOURCE_INTERPOLATION_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_BITMAPSOURCE_INTERPOLATION_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_BITMAPSOURCE_INTERPOLATION_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16175,19 +16054,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_BITMAPSOURCE_INTERPOLATION_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_BITMAPSOURCE_ORIENTATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_BITMAPSOURCE_ORIENTATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_BITMAPSOURCE_ORIENTATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_BITMAPSOURCE_ORIENTATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_BITMAPSOURCE_ORIENTATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16197,19 +16065,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_BITMAPSOURCE_ORIENTATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_BITMAPSOURCE_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_BITMAPSOURCE_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_BITMAPSOURCE_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_BITMAPSOURCE_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_BITMAPSOURCE_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16219,19 +16076,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_BITMAPSOURCE_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_BITMAP_INTERPOLATION_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_BITMAP_INTERPOLATION_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_BITMAP_INTERPOLATION_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_BITMAP_INTERPOLATION_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_BITMAP_INTERPOLATION_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16241,19 +16087,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_BITMAP_INTERPOLATION_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_BITMAP_OPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_BITMAP_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_BITMAP_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_BITMAP_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_BITMAP_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16296,19 +16131,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D2D1_BITMAP_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_BLEND(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_BLEND {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_BLEND { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_BLEND { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_BLEND { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16318,19 +16142,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_BLEND { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_BLEND_OPERATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_BLEND_OPERATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_BLEND_OPERATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_BLEND_OPERATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_BLEND_OPERATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16340,19 +16153,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_BLEND_OPERATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_BLEND_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_BLEND_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_BLEND_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_BLEND_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_BLEND_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16362,19 +16164,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_BLEND_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_BORDER_EDGE_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_BORDER_EDGE_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_BORDER_EDGE_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_BORDER_EDGE_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_BORDER_EDGE_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16384,19 +16175,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_BORDER_EDGE_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_BORDER_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_BORDER_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_BORDER_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_BORDER_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_BORDER_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16406,19 +16186,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_BORDER_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_BRIGHTNESS_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_BRIGHTNESS_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_BRIGHTNESS_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_BRIGHTNESS_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_BRIGHTNESS_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16428,19 +16197,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_BRIGHTNESS_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_BUFFER_PRECISION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_BUFFER_PRECISION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_BUFFER_PRECISION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_BUFFER_PRECISION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_BUFFER_PRECISION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16450,19 +16208,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_BUFFER_PRECISION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_CAP_STYLE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_CAP_STYLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_CAP_STYLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_CAP_STYLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_CAP_STYLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16472,19 +16219,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_CAP_STYLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_CHANGE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_CHANGE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_CHANGE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_CHANGE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_CHANGE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16527,19 +16263,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D2D1_CHANGE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_CHANNEL_DEPTH(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_CHANNEL_DEPTH {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_CHANNEL_DEPTH { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_CHANNEL_DEPTH { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_CHANNEL_DEPTH { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16549,19 +16274,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_CHANNEL_DEPTH { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_CHANNEL_SELECTOR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_CHANNEL_SELECTOR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_CHANNEL_SELECTOR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_CHANNEL_SELECTOR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_CHANNEL_SELECTOR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16571,19 +16285,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_CHANNEL_SELECTOR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_CHROMAKEY_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_CHROMAKEY_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_CHROMAKEY_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_CHROMAKEY_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_CHROMAKEY_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16593,19 +16296,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_CHROMAKEY_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_COLORMANAGEMENT_ALPHA_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_COLORMANAGEMENT_ALPHA_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_COLORMANAGEMENT_ALPHA_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_COLORMANAGEMENT_ALPHA_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_COLORMANAGEMENT_ALPHA_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16615,19 +16307,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_COLORMANAGEMENT_ALPHA_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_COLORMANAGEMENT_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_COLORMANAGEMENT_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_COLORMANAGEMENT_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_COLORMANAGEMENT_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_COLORMANAGEMENT_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16637,19 +16318,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_COLORMANAGEMENT_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_COLORMANAGEMENT_QUALITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_COLORMANAGEMENT_QUALITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_COLORMANAGEMENT_QUALITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_COLORMANAGEMENT_QUALITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_COLORMANAGEMENT_QUALITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16659,19 +16329,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_COLORMANAGEMENT_QUALITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_COLORMANAGEMENT_RENDERING_INTENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_COLORMANAGEMENT_RENDERING_INTENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_COLORMANAGEMENT_RENDERING_INTENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_COLORMANAGEMENT_RENDERING_INTENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_COLORMANAGEMENT_RENDERING_INTENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16681,19 +16340,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_COLORMANAGEMENT_RENDERING_INTENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_COLORMATRIX_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_COLORMATRIX_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_COLORMATRIX_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_COLORMATRIX_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_COLORMATRIX_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16703,19 +16351,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_COLORMATRIX_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_COLOR_BITMAP_GLYPH_SNAP_OPTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_COLOR_BITMAP_GLYPH_SNAP_OPTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_COLOR_BITMAP_GLYPH_SNAP_OPTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_COLOR_BITMAP_GLYPH_SNAP_OPTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_COLOR_BITMAP_GLYPH_SNAP_OPTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16725,19 +16362,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_COLOR_BITMAP_GLYPH_SNAP_OPTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_COLOR_CONTEXT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_COLOR_CONTEXT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_COLOR_CONTEXT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_COLOR_CONTEXT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_COLOR_CONTEXT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16747,19 +16373,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_COLOR_CONTEXT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_COLOR_INTERPOLATION_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_COLOR_INTERPOLATION_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_COLOR_INTERPOLATION_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_COLOR_INTERPOLATION_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_COLOR_INTERPOLATION_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16769,19 +16384,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_COLOR_INTERPOLATION_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_COLOR_SPACE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_COLOR_SPACE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_COLOR_SPACE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_COLOR_SPACE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_COLOR_SPACE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16791,19 +16395,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_COLOR_SPACE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_COMBINE_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_COMBINE_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_COMBINE_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_COMBINE_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_COMBINE_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16813,19 +16406,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_COMBINE_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_COMPATIBLE_RENDER_TARGET_OPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_COMPATIBLE_RENDER_TARGET_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_COMPATIBLE_RENDER_TARGET_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_COMPATIBLE_RENDER_TARGET_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_COMPATIBLE_RENDER_TARGET_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16868,19 +16450,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D2D1_COMPATIBLE_RENDER_TARGET_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_COMPOSITE_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_COMPOSITE_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_COMPOSITE_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_COMPOSITE_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_COMPOSITE_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16890,19 +16461,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_COMPOSITE_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_CONTRAST_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_CONTRAST_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_CONTRAST_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_CONTRAST_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_CONTRAST_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16912,19 +16472,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_CONTRAST_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_CONVOLVEMATRIX_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_CONVOLVEMATRIX_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_CONVOLVEMATRIX_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_CONVOLVEMATRIX_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_CONVOLVEMATRIX_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16934,19 +16483,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_CONVOLVEMATRIX_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_CONVOLVEMATRIX_SCALE_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_CONVOLVEMATRIX_SCALE_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_CONVOLVEMATRIX_SCALE_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_CONVOLVEMATRIX_SCALE_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_CONVOLVEMATRIX_SCALE_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16956,19 +16494,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_CONVOLVEMATRIX_SCALE_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_CROP_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_CROP_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_CROP_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_CROP_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_CROP_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16978,19 +16505,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_CROP_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_CROSSFADE_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_CROSSFADE_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_CROSSFADE_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_CROSSFADE_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_CROSSFADE_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17000,19 +16516,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_CROSSFADE_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_DASH_STYLE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_DASH_STYLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_DASH_STYLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_DASH_STYLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_DASH_STYLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17022,19 +16527,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_DASH_STYLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_DC_INITIALIZE_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_DC_INITIALIZE_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_DC_INITIALIZE_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_DC_INITIALIZE_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_DC_INITIALIZE_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17044,19 +16538,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_DC_INITIALIZE_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_DEBUG_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_DEBUG_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_DEBUG_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_DEBUG_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_DEBUG_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17066,19 +16549,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_DEBUG_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_DEVICE_CONTEXT_OPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_DEVICE_CONTEXT_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_DEVICE_CONTEXT_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_DEVICE_CONTEXT_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_DEVICE_CONTEXT_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17121,19 +16593,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D2D1_DEVICE_CONTEXT_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_DIRECTIONALBLUR_OPTIMIZATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_DIRECTIONALBLUR_OPTIMIZATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_DIRECTIONALBLUR_OPTIMIZATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_DIRECTIONALBLUR_OPTIMIZATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_DIRECTIONALBLUR_OPTIMIZATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17143,19 +16604,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_DIRECTIONALBLUR_OPTIMIZATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_DIRECTIONALBLUR_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_DIRECTIONALBLUR_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_DIRECTIONALBLUR_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_DIRECTIONALBLUR_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_DIRECTIONALBLUR_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17165,19 +16615,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_DIRECTIONALBLUR_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_DISCRETETRANSFER_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_DISCRETETRANSFER_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_DISCRETETRANSFER_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_DISCRETETRANSFER_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_DISCRETETRANSFER_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17187,19 +16626,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_DISCRETETRANSFER_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_DISPLACEMENTMAP_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_DISPLACEMENTMAP_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_DISPLACEMENTMAP_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_DISPLACEMENTMAP_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_DISPLACEMENTMAP_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17209,19 +16637,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_DISPLACEMENTMAP_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_DISTANTDIFFUSE_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_DISTANTDIFFUSE_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_DISTANTDIFFUSE_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_DISTANTDIFFUSE_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_DISTANTDIFFUSE_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17231,19 +16648,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_DISTANTDIFFUSE_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_DISTANTDIFFUSE_SCALE_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_DISTANTDIFFUSE_SCALE_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_DISTANTDIFFUSE_SCALE_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_DISTANTDIFFUSE_SCALE_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_DISTANTDIFFUSE_SCALE_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17253,19 +16659,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_DISTANTDIFFUSE_SCALE_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_DISTANTSPECULAR_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_DISTANTSPECULAR_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_DISTANTSPECULAR_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_DISTANTSPECULAR_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_DISTANTSPECULAR_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17275,41 +16670,19 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_DISTANTSPECULAR_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_DISTANTSPECULAR_SCALE_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_DISTANTSPECULAR_SCALE_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_DISTANTSPECULAR_SCALE_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_DISTANTSPECULAR_SCALE_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_DISTANTSPECULAR_SCALE_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_DISTANTSPECULAR_SCALE_MODE { - fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::core::fmt::Result { - f.debug_tuple("D2D1_DISTANTSPECULAR_SCALE_MODE").field(&self.0).finish() - } -} -#[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] -pub struct D2D1_DPICOMPENSATION_INTERPOLATION_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_DPICOMPENSATION_INTERPOLATION_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_DPICOMPENSATION_INTERPOLATION_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_DPICOMPENSATION_INTERPOLATION_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) + fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::core::fmt::Result { + f.debug_tuple("D2D1_DISTANTSPECULAR_SCALE_MODE").field(&self.0).finish() } } +#[repr(transparent)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] +pub struct D2D1_DPICOMPENSATION_INTERPOLATION_MODE(pub i32); impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_DPICOMPENSATION_INTERPOLATION_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17319,19 +16692,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_DPICOMPENSATION_INTERPOLATION_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_DPICOMPENSATION_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_DPICOMPENSATION_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_DPICOMPENSATION_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_DPICOMPENSATION_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_DPICOMPENSATION_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17341,19 +16703,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_DPICOMPENSATION_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_DRAW_TEXT_OPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_DRAW_TEXT_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_DRAW_TEXT_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_DRAW_TEXT_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_DRAW_TEXT_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17396,19 +16747,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D2D1_DRAW_TEXT_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_EDGEDETECTION_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_EDGEDETECTION_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_EDGEDETECTION_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_EDGEDETECTION_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_EDGEDETECTION_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17418,19 +16758,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_EDGEDETECTION_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_EDGEDETECTION_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_EDGEDETECTION_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_EDGEDETECTION_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_EDGEDETECTION_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_EDGEDETECTION_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17440,19 +16769,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_EDGEDETECTION_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_EMBOSS_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_EMBOSS_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_EMBOSS_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_EMBOSS_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_EMBOSS_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17462,19 +16780,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_EMBOSS_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_EXPOSURE_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_EXPOSURE_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_EXPOSURE_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_EXPOSURE_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_EXPOSURE_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17484,19 +16791,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_EXPOSURE_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_EXTEND_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_EXTEND_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_EXTEND_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_EXTEND_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_EXTEND_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17506,19 +16802,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_EXTEND_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_FACTORY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_FACTORY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_FACTORY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_FACTORY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_FACTORY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17528,19 +16813,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_FACTORY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_FEATURE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_FEATURE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_FEATURE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_FEATURE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_FEATURE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17550,19 +16824,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_FEATURE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_FEATURE_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_FEATURE_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_FEATURE_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_FEATURE_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_FEATURE_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17572,19 +16835,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_FEATURE_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_FILTER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_FILTER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_FILTER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_FILTER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_FILTER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17594,19 +16846,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_FILTER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_FLOOD_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_FLOOD_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_FLOOD_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_FLOOD_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_FLOOD_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17616,19 +16857,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_FLOOD_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_GAMMA(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_GAMMA {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_GAMMA { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_GAMMA { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_GAMMA { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17638,19 +16868,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_GAMMA { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_GAMMA1(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_GAMMA1 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_GAMMA1 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_GAMMA1 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_GAMMA1 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17660,19 +16879,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_GAMMA1 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_GAMMATRANSFER_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_GAMMATRANSFER_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_GAMMATRANSFER_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_GAMMATRANSFER_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_GAMMATRANSFER_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17682,19 +16890,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_GAMMATRANSFER_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_GAUSSIANBLUR_OPTIMIZATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_GAUSSIANBLUR_OPTIMIZATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_GAUSSIANBLUR_OPTIMIZATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_GAUSSIANBLUR_OPTIMIZATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_GAUSSIANBLUR_OPTIMIZATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17704,19 +16901,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_GAUSSIANBLUR_OPTIMIZATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_GAUSSIANBLUR_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_GAUSSIANBLUR_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_GAUSSIANBLUR_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_GAUSSIANBLUR_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_GAUSSIANBLUR_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17726,19 +16912,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_GAUSSIANBLUR_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_GEOMETRY_RELATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_GEOMETRY_RELATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_GEOMETRY_RELATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_GEOMETRY_RELATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_GEOMETRY_RELATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17748,19 +16923,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_GEOMETRY_RELATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_GEOMETRY_SIMPLIFICATION_OPTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_GEOMETRY_SIMPLIFICATION_OPTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_GEOMETRY_SIMPLIFICATION_OPTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_GEOMETRY_SIMPLIFICATION_OPTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_GEOMETRY_SIMPLIFICATION_OPTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17770,19 +16934,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_GEOMETRY_SIMPLIFICATION_OPTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_HDRTONEMAP_DISPLAY_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_HDRTONEMAP_DISPLAY_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_HDRTONEMAP_DISPLAY_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_HDRTONEMAP_DISPLAY_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_HDRTONEMAP_DISPLAY_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17792,19 +16945,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_HDRTONEMAP_DISPLAY_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_HDRTONEMAP_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_HDRTONEMAP_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_HDRTONEMAP_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_HDRTONEMAP_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_HDRTONEMAP_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17814,19 +16956,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_HDRTONEMAP_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_HIGHLIGHTSANDSHADOWS_INPUT_GAMMA(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_HIGHLIGHTSANDSHADOWS_INPUT_GAMMA {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_HIGHLIGHTSANDSHADOWS_INPUT_GAMMA { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_HIGHLIGHTSANDSHADOWS_INPUT_GAMMA { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_HIGHLIGHTSANDSHADOWS_INPUT_GAMMA { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17836,19 +16967,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_HIGHLIGHTSANDSHADOWS_INPUT_GAMMA { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_HIGHLIGHTSANDSHADOWS_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_HIGHLIGHTSANDSHADOWS_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_HIGHLIGHTSANDSHADOWS_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_HIGHLIGHTSANDSHADOWS_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_HIGHLIGHTSANDSHADOWS_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17858,19 +16978,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_HIGHLIGHTSANDSHADOWS_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_HISTOGRAM_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_HISTOGRAM_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_HISTOGRAM_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_HISTOGRAM_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_HISTOGRAM_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17880,19 +16989,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_HISTOGRAM_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_HUEROTATION_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_HUEROTATION_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_HUEROTATION_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_HUEROTATION_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_HUEROTATION_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17902,19 +17000,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_HUEROTATION_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_HUETORGB_INPUT_COLOR_SPACE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_HUETORGB_INPUT_COLOR_SPACE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_HUETORGB_INPUT_COLOR_SPACE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_HUETORGB_INPUT_COLOR_SPACE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_HUETORGB_INPUT_COLOR_SPACE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17924,19 +17011,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_HUETORGB_INPUT_COLOR_SPACE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_HUETORGB_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_HUETORGB_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_HUETORGB_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_HUETORGB_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_HUETORGB_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17946,19 +17022,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_HUETORGB_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_IMAGE_SOURCE_FROM_DXGI_OPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_IMAGE_SOURCE_FROM_DXGI_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_IMAGE_SOURCE_FROM_DXGI_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_IMAGE_SOURCE_FROM_DXGI_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_IMAGE_SOURCE_FROM_DXGI_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18001,19 +17066,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D2D1_IMAGE_SOURCE_FROM_DXGI_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_IMAGE_SOURCE_LOADING_OPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_IMAGE_SOURCE_LOADING_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_IMAGE_SOURCE_LOADING_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_IMAGE_SOURCE_LOADING_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_IMAGE_SOURCE_LOADING_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18056,19 +17110,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D2D1_IMAGE_SOURCE_LOADING_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_INK_NIB_SHAPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_INK_NIB_SHAPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_INK_NIB_SHAPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_INK_NIB_SHAPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_INK_NIB_SHAPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18078,19 +17121,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_INK_NIB_SHAPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_INTERPOLATION_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_INTERPOLATION_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_INTERPOLATION_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_INTERPOLATION_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_INTERPOLATION_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18100,19 +17132,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_INTERPOLATION_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_INTERPOLATION_MODE_DEFINITION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_INTERPOLATION_MODE_DEFINITION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_INTERPOLATION_MODE_DEFINITION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_INTERPOLATION_MODE_DEFINITION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_INTERPOLATION_MODE_DEFINITION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18122,19 +17143,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_INTERPOLATION_MODE_DEFINITION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_LAYER_OPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_LAYER_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_LAYER_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_LAYER_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_LAYER_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18177,19 +17187,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D2D1_LAYER_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_LAYER_OPTIONS1(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_LAYER_OPTIONS1 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_LAYER_OPTIONS1 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_LAYER_OPTIONS1 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_LAYER_OPTIONS1 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18232,19 +17231,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D2D1_LAYER_OPTIONS1 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_LINEARTRANSFER_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_LINEARTRANSFER_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_LINEARTRANSFER_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_LINEARTRANSFER_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_LINEARTRANSFER_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18254,19 +17242,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_LINEARTRANSFER_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_LINE_JOIN(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_LINE_JOIN {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_LINE_JOIN { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_LINE_JOIN { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_LINE_JOIN { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18276,19 +17253,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_LINE_JOIN { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_LOOKUPTABLE3D_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_LOOKUPTABLE3D_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_LOOKUPTABLE3D_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_LOOKUPTABLE3D_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_LOOKUPTABLE3D_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18298,19 +17264,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_LOOKUPTABLE3D_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_MAP_OPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_MAP_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_MAP_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_MAP_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_MAP_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18353,19 +17308,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D2D1_MAP_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_MORPHOLOGY_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_MORPHOLOGY_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_MORPHOLOGY_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_MORPHOLOGY_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_MORPHOLOGY_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18375,19 +17319,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_MORPHOLOGY_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_MORPHOLOGY_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_MORPHOLOGY_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_MORPHOLOGY_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_MORPHOLOGY_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_MORPHOLOGY_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18397,19 +17330,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_MORPHOLOGY_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_OPACITYMETADATA_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_OPACITYMETADATA_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_OPACITYMETADATA_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_OPACITYMETADATA_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_OPACITYMETADATA_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18419,19 +17341,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_OPACITYMETADATA_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_OPACITY_MASK_CONTENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_OPACITY_MASK_CONTENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_OPACITY_MASK_CONTENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_OPACITY_MASK_CONTENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_OPACITY_MASK_CONTENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18441,19 +17352,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_OPACITY_MASK_CONTENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_OPACITY_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_OPACITY_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_OPACITY_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_OPACITY_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_OPACITY_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18463,19 +17363,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_OPACITY_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_ORIENTATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_ORIENTATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_ORIENTATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_ORIENTATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_ORIENTATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18485,19 +17374,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_ORIENTATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_PATCH_EDGE_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_PATCH_EDGE_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_PATCH_EDGE_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_PATCH_EDGE_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_PATCH_EDGE_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18507,19 +17385,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_PATCH_EDGE_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_PIXEL_OPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_PIXEL_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_PIXEL_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_PIXEL_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_PIXEL_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18562,19 +17429,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D2D1_PIXEL_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_POINTDIFFUSE_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_POINTDIFFUSE_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_POINTDIFFUSE_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_POINTDIFFUSE_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_POINTDIFFUSE_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18584,19 +17440,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_POINTDIFFUSE_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_POINTDIFFUSE_SCALE_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_POINTDIFFUSE_SCALE_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_POINTDIFFUSE_SCALE_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_POINTDIFFUSE_SCALE_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_POINTDIFFUSE_SCALE_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18606,19 +17451,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_POINTDIFFUSE_SCALE_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_POINTSPECULAR_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_POINTSPECULAR_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_POINTSPECULAR_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_POINTSPECULAR_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_POINTSPECULAR_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18628,19 +17462,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_POINTSPECULAR_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_POINTSPECULAR_SCALE_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_POINTSPECULAR_SCALE_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_POINTSPECULAR_SCALE_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_POINTSPECULAR_SCALE_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_POINTSPECULAR_SCALE_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18650,19 +17473,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_POINTSPECULAR_SCALE_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_POSTERIZE_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_POSTERIZE_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_POSTERIZE_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_POSTERIZE_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_POSTERIZE_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18672,19 +17484,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_POSTERIZE_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_PRESENT_OPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_PRESENT_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_PRESENT_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_PRESENT_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_PRESENT_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18727,19 +17528,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D2D1_PRESENT_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_PRIMITIVE_BLEND(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_PRIMITIVE_BLEND {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_PRIMITIVE_BLEND { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_PRIMITIVE_BLEND { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_PRIMITIVE_BLEND { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18749,19 +17539,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_PRIMITIVE_BLEND { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_PRINT_FONT_SUBSET_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_PRINT_FONT_SUBSET_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_PRINT_FONT_SUBSET_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_PRINT_FONT_SUBSET_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_PRINT_FONT_SUBSET_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18771,19 +17550,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_PRINT_FONT_SUBSET_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_PROPERTY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_PROPERTY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_PROPERTY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_PROPERTY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_PROPERTY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18793,19 +17561,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_PROPERTY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_PROPERTY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_PROPERTY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_PROPERTY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_PROPERTY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_PROPERTY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18815,19 +17572,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_PROPERTY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_RENDERING_PRIORITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_RENDERING_PRIORITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_RENDERING_PRIORITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_RENDERING_PRIORITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_RENDERING_PRIORITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18837,19 +17583,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_RENDERING_PRIORITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_RENDER_TARGET_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_RENDER_TARGET_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_RENDER_TARGET_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_RENDER_TARGET_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_RENDER_TARGET_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18859,19 +17594,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_RENDER_TARGET_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_RENDER_TARGET_USAGE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_RENDER_TARGET_USAGE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_RENDER_TARGET_USAGE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_RENDER_TARGET_USAGE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_RENDER_TARGET_USAGE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18914,19 +17638,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D2D1_RENDER_TARGET_USAGE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_RGBTOHUE_OUTPUT_COLOR_SPACE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_RGBTOHUE_OUTPUT_COLOR_SPACE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_RGBTOHUE_OUTPUT_COLOR_SPACE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_RGBTOHUE_OUTPUT_COLOR_SPACE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_RGBTOHUE_OUTPUT_COLOR_SPACE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18936,19 +17649,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_RGBTOHUE_OUTPUT_COLOR_SPACE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_RGBTOHUE_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_RGBTOHUE_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_RGBTOHUE_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_RGBTOHUE_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_RGBTOHUE_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18958,19 +17660,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_RGBTOHUE_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_SATURATION_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_SATURATION_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_SATURATION_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_SATURATION_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_SATURATION_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18980,19 +17671,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_SATURATION_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_SCALE_INTERPOLATION_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_SCALE_INTERPOLATION_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_SCALE_INTERPOLATION_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_SCALE_INTERPOLATION_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_SCALE_INTERPOLATION_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19002,19 +17682,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_SCALE_INTERPOLATION_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_SCALE_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_SCALE_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_SCALE_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_SCALE_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_SCALE_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19024,19 +17693,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_SCALE_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_SEPIA_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_SEPIA_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_SEPIA_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_SEPIA_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_SEPIA_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19046,19 +17704,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_SEPIA_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_SHADOW_OPTIMIZATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_SHADOW_OPTIMIZATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_SHADOW_OPTIMIZATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_SHADOW_OPTIMIZATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_SHADOW_OPTIMIZATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19068,19 +17715,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_SHADOW_OPTIMIZATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_SHADOW_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_SHADOW_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_SHADOW_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_SHADOW_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_SHADOW_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19090,19 +17726,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_SHADOW_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_SHARPEN_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_SHARPEN_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_SHARPEN_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_SHARPEN_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_SHARPEN_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19112,19 +17737,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_SHARPEN_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_SPOTDIFFUSE_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_SPOTDIFFUSE_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_SPOTDIFFUSE_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_SPOTDIFFUSE_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_SPOTDIFFUSE_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19134,19 +17748,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_SPOTDIFFUSE_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_SPOTDIFFUSE_SCALE_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_SPOTDIFFUSE_SCALE_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_SPOTDIFFUSE_SCALE_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_SPOTDIFFUSE_SCALE_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_SPOTDIFFUSE_SCALE_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19156,41 +17759,19 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_SPOTDIFFUSE_SCALE_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_SPOTSPECULAR_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_SPOTSPECULAR_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_SPOTSPECULAR_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_SPOTSPECULAR_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_SPOTSPECULAR_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_SPOTSPECULAR_PROP { - fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::core::fmt::Result { - f.debug_tuple("D2D1_SPOTSPECULAR_PROP").field(&self.0).finish() - } -} -#[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] -pub struct D2D1_SPOTSPECULAR_SCALE_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_SPOTSPECULAR_SCALE_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_SPOTSPECULAR_SCALE_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_SPOTSPECULAR_SCALE_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) + fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::core::fmt::Result { + f.debug_tuple("D2D1_SPOTSPECULAR_PROP").field(&self.0).finish() } } +#[repr(transparent)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] +pub struct D2D1_SPOTSPECULAR_SCALE_MODE(pub i32); impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_SPOTSPECULAR_SCALE_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19200,19 +17781,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_SPOTSPECULAR_SCALE_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_SPRITE_OPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_SPRITE_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_SPRITE_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_SPRITE_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_SPRITE_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19255,19 +17825,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D2D1_SPRITE_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_STRAIGHTEN_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_STRAIGHTEN_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_STRAIGHTEN_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_STRAIGHTEN_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_STRAIGHTEN_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19277,19 +17836,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_STRAIGHTEN_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_STRAIGHTEN_SCALE_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_STRAIGHTEN_SCALE_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_STRAIGHTEN_SCALE_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_STRAIGHTEN_SCALE_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_STRAIGHTEN_SCALE_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19299,19 +17847,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_STRAIGHTEN_SCALE_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_STROKE_TRANSFORM_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_STROKE_TRANSFORM_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_STROKE_TRANSFORM_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_STROKE_TRANSFORM_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_STROKE_TRANSFORM_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19321,19 +17858,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_STROKE_TRANSFORM_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_SUBPROPERTY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_SUBPROPERTY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_SUBPROPERTY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_SUBPROPERTY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_SUBPROPERTY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19343,19 +17869,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_SUBPROPERTY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_SVG_ASPECT_ALIGN(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_SVG_ASPECT_ALIGN {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_SVG_ASPECT_ALIGN { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_SVG_ASPECT_ALIGN { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_SVG_ASPECT_ALIGN { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19365,19 +17880,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_SVG_ASPECT_ALIGN { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_SVG_ASPECT_SCALING(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_SVG_ASPECT_SCALING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_SVG_ASPECT_SCALING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_SVG_ASPECT_SCALING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_SVG_ASPECT_SCALING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19387,19 +17891,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_SVG_ASPECT_SCALING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_SVG_ATTRIBUTE_POD_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_SVG_ATTRIBUTE_POD_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_SVG_ATTRIBUTE_POD_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_SVG_ATTRIBUTE_POD_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_SVG_ATTRIBUTE_POD_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19409,19 +17902,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_SVG_ATTRIBUTE_POD_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_SVG_ATTRIBUTE_STRING_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_SVG_ATTRIBUTE_STRING_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_SVG_ATTRIBUTE_STRING_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_SVG_ATTRIBUTE_STRING_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_SVG_ATTRIBUTE_STRING_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19431,19 +17913,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_SVG_ATTRIBUTE_STRING_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_SVG_DISPLAY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_SVG_DISPLAY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_SVG_DISPLAY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_SVG_DISPLAY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_SVG_DISPLAY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19453,19 +17924,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_SVG_DISPLAY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_SVG_LENGTH_UNITS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_SVG_LENGTH_UNITS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_SVG_LENGTH_UNITS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_SVG_LENGTH_UNITS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_SVG_LENGTH_UNITS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19475,19 +17935,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_SVG_LENGTH_UNITS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_SVG_LINE_CAP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_SVG_LINE_CAP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_SVG_LINE_CAP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_SVG_LINE_CAP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_SVG_LINE_CAP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19497,19 +17946,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_SVG_LINE_CAP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_SVG_LINE_JOIN(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_SVG_LINE_JOIN {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_SVG_LINE_JOIN { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_SVG_LINE_JOIN { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_SVG_LINE_JOIN { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19519,19 +17957,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_SVG_LINE_JOIN { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_SVG_OVERFLOW(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_SVG_OVERFLOW {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_SVG_OVERFLOW { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_SVG_OVERFLOW { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_SVG_OVERFLOW { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19541,19 +17968,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_SVG_OVERFLOW { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_SVG_PAINT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_SVG_PAINT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_SVG_PAINT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_SVG_PAINT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_SVG_PAINT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19563,19 +17979,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_SVG_PAINT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_SVG_PATH_COMMAND(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_SVG_PATH_COMMAND {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_SVG_PATH_COMMAND { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_SVG_PATH_COMMAND { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_SVG_PATH_COMMAND { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19585,19 +17990,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_SVG_PATH_COMMAND { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_SVG_UNIT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_SVG_UNIT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_SVG_UNIT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_SVG_UNIT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_SVG_UNIT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19607,19 +18001,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_SVG_UNIT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_SVG_VISIBILITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_SVG_VISIBILITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_SVG_VISIBILITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_SVG_VISIBILITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_SVG_VISIBILITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19629,19 +18012,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_SVG_VISIBILITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_SWEEP_DIRECTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_SWEEP_DIRECTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_SWEEP_DIRECTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_SWEEP_DIRECTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_SWEEP_DIRECTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19651,19 +18023,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_SWEEP_DIRECTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_TABLETRANSFER_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_TABLETRANSFER_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_TABLETRANSFER_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_TABLETRANSFER_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_TABLETRANSFER_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19673,19 +18034,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_TABLETRANSFER_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_TEMPERATUREANDTINT_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_TEMPERATUREANDTINT_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_TEMPERATUREANDTINT_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_TEMPERATUREANDTINT_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_TEMPERATUREANDTINT_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19695,19 +18045,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_TEMPERATUREANDTINT_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19717,19 +18056,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_THREADING_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_THREADING_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_THREADING_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_THREADING_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_THREADING_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19739,19 +18067,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_THREADING_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_TILE_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_TILE_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_TILE_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_TILE_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_TILE_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19761,19 +18078,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_TILE_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_TINT_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_TINT_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_TINT_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_TINT_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_TINT_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19783,19 +18089,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_TINT_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_TRANSFORMED_IMAGE_SOURCE_OPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_TRANSFORMED_IMAGE_SOURCE_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_TRANSFORMED_IMAGE_SOURCE_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_TRANSFORMED_IMAGE_SOURCE_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_TRANSFORMED_IMAGE_SOURCE_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19838,19 +18133,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D2D1_TRANSFORMED_IMAGE_SOURCE_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_TURBULENCE_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_TURBULENCE_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_TURBULENCE_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_TURBULENCE_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_TURBULENCE_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19860,19 +18144,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_TURBULENCE_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_UNIT_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_UNIT_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_UNIT_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_UNIT_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_UNIT_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19882,19 +18155,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_UNIT_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_VERTEX_OPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_VERTEX_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_VERTEX_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_VERTEX_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_VERTEX_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19937,19 +18199,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D2D1_VERTEX_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_VERTEX_USAGE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_VERTEX_USAGE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_VERTEX_USAGE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_VERTEX_USAGE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_VERTEX_USAGE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19959,19 +18210,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_VERTEX_USAGE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_VIGNETTE_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_VIGNETTE_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_VIGNETTE_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_VIGNETTE_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_VIGNETTE_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19981,19 +18221,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_VIGNETTE_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_WHITELEVELADJUSTMENT_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_WHITELEVELADJUSTMENT_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_WHITELEVELADJUSTMENT_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_WHITELEVELADJUSTMENT_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_WHITELEVELADJUSTMENT_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20003,19 +18232,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_WHITELEVELADJUSTMENT_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_WINDOW_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_WINDOW_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_WINDOW_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_WINDOW_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_WINDOW_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20058,19 +18276,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D2D1_WINDOW_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_YCBCR_CHROMA_SUBSAMPLING(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_YCBCR_CHROMA_SUBSAMPLING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_YCBCR_CHROMA_SUBSAMPLING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_YCBCR_CHROMA_SUBSAMPLING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_YCBCR_CHROMA_SUBSAMPLING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20080,19 +18287,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_YCBCR_CHROMA_SUBSAMPLING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_YCBCR_INTERPOLATION_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_YCBCR_INTERPOLATION_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_YCBCR_INTERPOLATION_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_YCBCR_INTERPOLATION_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_YCBCR_INTERPOLATION_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20102,19 +18298,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D2D1_YCBCR_INTERPOLATION_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D2D1_YCBCR_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D2D1_YCBCR_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D2D1_YCBCR_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D2D1_YCBCR_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D2D1_YCBCR_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Direct3D/Dxc/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Direct3D/Dxc/ index 4030d9002a..0f1e785022 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Direct3D/Dxc/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Direct3D/Dxc/ @@ -1233,19 +1233,8 @@ pub const DxcVersionInfoFlags_Debug: u32 = 1u32; pub const DxcVersionInfoFlags_Internal: u32 = 2u32; pub const DxcVersionInfoFlags_None: u32 = 0u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXC_CP(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXC_CP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXC_CP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXC_CP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXC_CP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1255,19 +1244,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXC_CP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXC_OUT_KIND(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXC_OUT_KIND {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXC_OUT_KIND { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXC_OUT_KIND { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXC_OUT_KIND { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Direct3D/Fxc/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Direct3D/Fxc/ index 2e16deba3d..0dbc56b53e 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Direct3D/Fxc/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Direct3D/Fxc/ @@ -254,19 +254,8 @@ pub const D3D_DISASM_INSTRUCTION_ONLY: u32 = 64u32; pub const D3D_DISASM_PRINT_HEX_LITERALS: u32 = 128u32; pub const D3D_GET_INST_OFFSETS_INCLUDE_NON_EXECUTABLE: u32 = 1u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DCOMPILER_STRIP_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DCOMPILER_STRIP_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DCOMPILER_STRIP_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DCOMPILER_STRIP_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DCOMPILER_STRIP_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -276,19 +265,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DCOMPILER_STRIP_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D_BLOB_PART(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D_BLOB_PART {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D_BLOB_PART { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D_BLOB_PART { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D_BLOB_PART { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Direct3D/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Direct3D/ index 2d13dae910..0247e6e684 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Direct3D/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Direct3D/ @@ -722,19 +722,8 @@ pub const WKPDID_D3D12UniqueObjectId: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUI pub const WKPDID_D3DDebugObjectName: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0x429b8c22_9188_4b0c_8742_acb0bf85c200); pub const WKPDID_D3DDebugObjectNameW: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0x4cca5fd8_921f_42c8_8566_70caf2a9b741); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D_CBUFFER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D_CBUFFER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D_CBUFFER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D_CBUFFER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D_CBUFFER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -744,19 +733,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D_CBUFFER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D_DRIVER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D_DRIVER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D_DRIVER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D_DRIVER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D_DRIVER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -766,19 +744,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D_DRIVER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -788,19 +755,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D_FORMAT_COMPONENT_INTERPRETATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D_FORMAT_COMPONENT_INTERPRETATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D_FORMAT_COMPONENT_INTERPRETATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D_FORMAT_COMPONENT_INTERPRETATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D_FORMAT_COMPONENT_INTERPRETATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -810,19 +766,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D_FORMAT_COMPONENT_INTERPRETATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D_FORMAT_COMPONENT_NAME(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D_FORMAT_COMPONENT_NAME {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D_FORMAT_COMPONENT_NAME { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D_FORMAT_COMPONENT_NAME { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D_FORMAT_COMPONENT_NAME { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -832,19 +777,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D_FORMAT_COMPONENT_NAME { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D_FORMAT_LAYOUT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D_FORMAT_LAYOUT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D_FORMAT_LAYOUT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D_FORMAT_LAYOUT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D_FORMAT_LAYOUT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -854,19 +788,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D_FORMAT_LAYOUT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D_FORMAT_TYPE_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D_FORMAT_TYPE_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D_FORMAT_TYPE_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D_FORMAT_TYPE_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D_FORMAT_TYPE_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -876,19 +799,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D_FORMAT_TYPE_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D_INCLUDE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D_INCLUDE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D_INCLUDE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D_INCLUDE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D_INCLUDE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -898,19 +810,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D_INCLUDE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D_INTERPOLATION_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D_INTERPOLATION_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D_INTERPOLATION_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D_INTERPOLATION_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D_INTERPOLATION_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -920,19 +821,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D_INTERPOLATION_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D_MIN_PRECISION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D_MIN_PRECISION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D_MIN_PRECISION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D_MIN_PRECISION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D_MIN_PRECISION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -942,19 +832,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D_MIN_PRECISION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D_NAME(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D_NAME {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D_NAME { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D_NAME { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D_NAME { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -964,19 +843,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D_NAME { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D_PARAMETER_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D_PARAMETER_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D_PARAMETER_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D_PARAMETER_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D_PARAMETER_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -986,19 +854,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D_PARAMETER_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D_PRIMITIVE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D_PRIMITIVE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D_PRIMITIVE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D_PRIMITIVE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D_PRIMITIVE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1008,19 +865,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D_PRIMITIVE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1030,19 +876,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D_REGISTER_COMPONENT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D_REGISTER_COMPONENT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D_REGISTER_COMPONENT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D_REGISTER_COMPONENT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D_REGISTER_COMPONENT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1052,19 +887,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D_REGISTER_COMPONENT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D_RESOURCE_RETURN_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D_RESOURCE_RETURN_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D_RESOURCE_RETURN_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D_RESOURCE_RETURN_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D_RESOURCE_RETURN_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1074,19 +898,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D_RESOURCE_RETURN_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D_SHADER_CBUFFER_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D_SHADER_CBUFFER_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D_SHADER_CBUFFER_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D_SHADER_CBUFFER_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D_SHADER_CBUFFER_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1096,19 +909,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D_SHADER_CBUFFER_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D_SHADER_INPUT_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D_SHADER_INPUT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D_SHADER_INPUT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D_SHADER_INPUT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D_SHADER_INPUT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1118,19 +920,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D_SHADER_INPUT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D_SHADER_INPUT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D_SHADER_INPUT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D_SHADER_INPUT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D_SHADER_INPUT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D_SHADER_INPUT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1140,19 +931,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D_SHADER_INPUT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D_SHADER_VARIABLE_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D_SHADER_VARIABLE_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D_SHADER_VARIABLE_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D_SHADER_VARIABLE_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D_SHADER_VARIABLE_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1162,19 +942,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D_SHADER_VARIABLE_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D_SHADER_VARIABLE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D_SHADER_VARIABLE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D_SHADER_VARIABLE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D_SHADER_VARIABLE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D_SHADER_VARIABLE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1184,19 +953,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D_SHADER_VARIABLE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D_SHADER_VARIABLE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D_SHADER_VARIABLE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D_SHADER_VARIABLE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D_SHADER_VARIABLE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D_SHADER_VARIABLE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1206,19 +964,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D_SHADER_VARIABLE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D_SRV_DIMENSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D_SRV_DIMENSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D_SRV_DIMENSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D_SRV_DIMENSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D_SRV_DIMENSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1228,19 +975,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D_SRV_DIMENSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D_TESSELLATOR_DOMAIN(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D_TESSELLATOR_DOMAIN {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D_TESSELLATOR_DOMAIN { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D_TESSELLATOR_DOMAIN { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D_TESSELLATOR_DOMAIN { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1250,19 +986,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D_TESSELLATOR_DOMAIN { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D_TESSELLATOR_OUTPUT_PRIMITIVE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D_TESSELLATOR_OUTPUT_PRIMITIVE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D_TESSELLATOR_OUTPUT_PRIMITIVE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D_TESSELLATOR_OUTPUT_PRIMITIVE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D_TESSELLATOR_OUTPUT_PRIMITIVE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1272,19 +997,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D_TESSELLATOR_OUTPUT_PRIMITIVE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D_TESSELLATOR_PARTITIONING(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D_TESSELLATOR_PARTITIONING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D_TESSELLATOR_PARTITIONING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D_TESSELLATOR_PARTITIONING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D_TESSELLATOR_PARTITIONING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Direct3D10/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Direct3D10/ index 4c6648ad4c..8a4e3cf7aa 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Direct3D10/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Direct3D10/ @@ -6082,19 +6082,8 @@ pub const DXGI_DEBUG_D3D10: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u1 pub const GUID_DeviceType: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0xd722fb4d_7a68_437a_b20c_5804ee2494a6); pub const _FACD3D10: u32 = 2169u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D10_ASYNC_GETDATA_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D10_ASYNC_GETDATA_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D10_ASYNC_GETDATA_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D10_ASYNC_GETDATA_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D10_ASYNC_GETDATA_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6104,19 +6093,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D10_ASYNC_GETDATA_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D10_BIND_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D10_BIND_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D10_BIND_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D10_BIND_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D10_BIND_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6126,19 +6104,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D10_BIND_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D10_BLEND(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D10_BLEND {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D10_BLEND { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D10_BLEND { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D10_BLEND { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6148,19 +6115,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D10_BLEND { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D10_BLEND_OP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D10_BLEND_OP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D10_BLEND_OP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D10_BLEND_OP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D10_BLEND_OP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6170,19 +6126,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D10_BLEND_OP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D10_CLEAR_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D10_CLEAR_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D10_CLEAR_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D10_CLEAR_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D10_CLEAR_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6192,19 +6137,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D10_CLEAR_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D10_COLOR_WRITE_ENABLE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D10_COLOR_WRITE_ENABLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D10_COLOR_WRITE_ENABLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D10_COLOR_WRITE_ENABLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D10_COLOR_WRITE_ENABLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6214,19 +6148,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D10_COLOR_WRITE_ENABLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D10_COMPARISON_FUNC(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D10_COMPARISON_FUNC {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D10_COMPARISON_FUNC { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D10_COMPARISON_FUNC { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D10_COMPARISON_FUNC { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6236,19 +6159,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D10_COMPARISON_FUNC { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D10_COUNTER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D10_COUNTER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D10_COUNTER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D10_COUNTER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D10_COUNTER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6258,19 +6170,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D10_COUNTER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D10_COUNTER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D10_COUNTER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D10_COUNTER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D10_COUNTER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D10_COUNTER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6280,19 +6181,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D10_COUNTER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D10_CPU_ACCESS_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D10_CPU_ACCESS_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D10_CPU_ACCESS_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D10_CPU_ACCESS_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D10_CPU_ACCESS_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6302,19 +6192,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D10_CPU_ACCESS_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D10_CREATE_DEVICE_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D10_CREATE_DEVICE_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D10_CREATE_DEVICE_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D10_CREATE_DEVICE_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D10_CREATE_DEVICE_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6324,19 +6203,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D10_CREATE_DEVICE_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D10_CULL_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D10_CULL_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D10_CULL_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D10_CULL_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D10_CULL_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6346,19 +6214,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D10_CULL_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D10_DEPTH_WRITE_MASK(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D10_DEPTH_WRITE_MASK {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D10_DEPTH_WRITE_MASK { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D10_DEPTH_WRITE_MASK { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D10_DEPTH_WRITE_MASK { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6368,19 +6225,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D10_DEPTH_WRITE_MASK { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D10_DEVICE_STATE_TYPES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D10_DEVICE_STATE_TYPES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D10_DEVICE_STATE_TYPES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D10_DEVICE_STATE_TYPES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D10_DEVICE_STATE_TYPES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6390,19 +6236,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D10_DEVICE_STATE_TYPES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D10_DRIVER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D10_DRIVER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D10_DRIVER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D10_DRIVER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D10_DRIVER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6412,19 +6247,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D10_DRIVER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D10_DSV_DIMENSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D10_DSV_DIMENSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D10_DSV_DIMENSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D10_DSV_DIMENSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D10_DSV_DIMENSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6434,19 +6258,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D10_DSV_DIMENSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D10_FEATURE_LEVEL1(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D10_FEATURE_LEVEL1 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D10_FEATURE_LEVEL1 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D10_FEATURE_LEVEL1 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D10_FEATURE_LEVEL1 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6456,19 +6269,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D10_FEATURE_LEVEL1 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D10_FILL_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D10_FILL_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D10_FILL_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D10_FILL_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D10_FILL_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6478,19 +6280,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D10_FILL_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D10_FILTER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D10_FILTER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D10_FILTER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D10_FILTER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D10_FILTER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6500,19 +6291,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D10_FILTER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D10_FILTER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D10_FILTER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D10_FILTER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D10_FILTER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D10_FILTER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6522,19 +6302,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D10_FILTER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D10_FORMAT_SUPPORT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D10_FORMAT_SUPPORT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D10_FORMAT_SUPPORT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D10_FORMAT_SUPPORT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D10_FORMAT_SUPPORT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6544,19 +6313,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D10_FORMAT_SUPPORT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D10_INPUT_CLASSIFICATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D10_INPUT_CLASSIFICATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D10_INPUT_CLASSIFICATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D10_INPUT_CLASSIFICATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D10_INPUT_CLASSIFICATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6566,19 +6324,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D10_INPUT_CLASSIFICATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D10_MAP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D10_MAP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D10_MAP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D10_MAP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D10_MAP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6588,19 +6335,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D10_MAP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D10_MAP_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D10_MAP_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D10_MAP_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D10_MAP_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D10_MAP_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6610,19 +6346,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D10_MAP_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D10_MESSAGE_CATEGORY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D10_MESSAGE_CATEGORY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D10_MESSAGE_CATEGORY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D10_MESSAGE_CATEGORY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D10_MESSAGE_CATEGORY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6632,19 +6357,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D10_MESSAGE_CATEGORY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D10_MESSAGE_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D10_MESSAGE_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D10_MESSAGE_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D10_MESSAGE_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D10_MESSAGE_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6654,19 +6368,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D10_MESSAGE_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D10_MESSAGE_SEVERITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D10_MESSAGE_SEVERITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D10_MESSAGE_SEVERITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D10_MESSAGE_SEVERITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D10_MESSAGE_SEVERITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6676,19 +6379,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D10_MESSAGE_SEVERITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D10_QUERY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D10_QUERY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D10_QUERY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D10_QUERY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D10_QUERY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6698,19 +6390,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D10_QUERY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D10_QUERY_MISC_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D10_QUERY_MISC_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D10_QUERY_MISC_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D10_QUERY_MISC_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D10_QUERY_MISC_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6720,19 +6401,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D10_QUERY_MISC_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D10_RAISE_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D10_RAISE_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D10_RAISE_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D10_RAISE_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D10_RAISE_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6742,19 +6412,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D10_RAISE_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D10_RESOURCE_DIMENSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D10_RESOURCE_DIMENSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D10_RESOURCE_DIMENSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D10_RESOURCE_DIMENSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D10_RESOURCE_DIMENSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6764,19 +6423,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D10_RESOURCE_DIMENSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D10_RESOURCE_MISC_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D10_RESOURCE_MISC_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D10_RESOURCE_MISC_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D10_RESOURCE_MISC_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D10_RESOURCE_MISC_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6786,19 +6434,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D10_RESOURCE_MISC_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D10_RTV_DIMENSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D10_RTV_DIMENSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D10_RTV_DIMENSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D10_RTV_DIMENSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D10_RTV_DIMENSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6808,19 +6445,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D10_RTV_DIMENSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_REGTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_REGTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_REGTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_REGTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_REGTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6830,19 +6456,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_REGTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_SCOPETYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_SCOPETYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_SCOPETYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_SCOPETYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_SCOPETYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6852,19 +6467,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_SCOPETYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_VARTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_VARTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_VARTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_VARTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_VARTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6874,19 +6478,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D10_SHADER_DEBUG_VARTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D10_STANDARD_MULTISAMPLE_QUALITY_LEVELS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D10_STANDARD_MULTISAMPLE_QUALITY_LEVELS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D10_STANDARD_MULTISAMPLE_QUALITY_LEVELS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D10_STANDARD_MULTISAMPLE_QUALITY_LEVELS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D10_STANDARD_MULTISAMPLE_QUALITY_LEVELS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6896,19 +6489,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D10_STANDARD_MULTISAMPLE_QUALITY_LEVELS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D10_STENCIL_OP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D10_STENCIL_OP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D10_STENCIL_OP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D10_STENCIL_OP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D10_STENCIL_OP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6918,19 +6500,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D10_STENCIL_OP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D10_TEXTURECUBE_FACE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D10_TEXTURECUBE_FACE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D10_TEXTURECUBE_FACE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D10_TEXTURECUBE_FACE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D10_TEXTURECUBE_FACE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6940,19 +6511,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D10_TEXTURECUBE_FACE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D10_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D10_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D10_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D10_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D10_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6962,19 +6522,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D10_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D10_USAGE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D10_USAGE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D10_USAGE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D10_USAGE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D10_USAGE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Direct3D11/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Direct3D11/ index 0be787675d..9aa1e23ea2 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Direct3D11/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Direct3D11/ @@ -14026,19 +14026,8 @@ pub const D3D_SHADER_REQUIRES_UAVS_AT_EVERY_STAGE: u32 = 4u32; pub const DXGI_DEBUG_D3D11: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0x4b99317b_ac39_4aa6_bb0b_baa04784798f); pub const _FACD3D11: u32 = 2172u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_1_CREATE_DEVICE_CONTEXT_STATE_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_1_CREATE_DEVICE_CONTEXT_STATE_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_1_CREATE_DEVICE_CONTEXT_STATE_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_1_CREATE_DEVICE_CONTEXT_STATE_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_1_CREATE_DEVICE_CONTEXT_STATE_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14048,19 +14037,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_1_CREATE_DEVICE_CONTEXT_STATE_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_ASYNC_GETDATA_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_ASYNC_GETDATA_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_ASYNC_GETDATA_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_ASYNC_GETDATA_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_ASYNC_GETDATA_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14070,19 +14048,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_ASYNC_GETDATA_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_AUTHENTICATED_CHANNEL_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_AUTHENTICATED_CHANNEL_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_AUTHENTICATED_CHANNEL_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_AUTHENTICATED_CHANNEL_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_AUTHENTICATED_CHANNEL_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14092,19 +14059,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_AUTHENTICATED_CHANNEL_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_AUTHENTICATED_PROCESS_IDENTIFIER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_AUTHENTICATED_PROCESS_IDENTIFIER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_AUTHENTICATED_PROCESS_IDENTIFIER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_AUTHENTICATED_PROCESS_IDENTIFIER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_AUTHENTICATED_PROCESS_IDENTIFIER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14114,19 +14070,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_AUTHENTICATED_PROCESS_IDENTIFIER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_BIND_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_BIND_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_BIND_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_BIND_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_BIND_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14169,19 +14114,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D11_BIND_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_BLEND(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_BLEND {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_BLEND { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_BLEND { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_BLEND { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14191,19 +14125,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_BLEND { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_BLEND_OP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_BLEND_OP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_BLEND_OP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_BLEND_OP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_BLEND_OP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14213,19 +14136,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_BLEND_OP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_BUFFEREX_SRV_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_BUFFEREX_SRV_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_BUFFEREX_SRV_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_BUFFEREX_SRV_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_BUFFEREX_SRV_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14235,19 +14147,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_BUFFEREX_SRV_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_BUFFER_UAV_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_BUFFER_UAV_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_BUFFER_UAV_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_BUFFER_UAV_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_BUFFER_UAV_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14257,19 +14158,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_BUFFER_UAV_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_BUS_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_BUS_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_BUS_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_BUS_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_BUS_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14279,19 +14169,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_BUS_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_CHECK_MULTISAMPLE_QUALITY_LEVELS_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_CHECK_MULTISAMPLE_QUALITY_LEVELS_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_CHECK_MULTISAMPLE_QUALITY_LEVELS_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_CHECK_MULTISAMPLE_QUALITY_LEVELS_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_CHECK_MULTISAMPLE_QUALITY_LEVELS_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14301,19 +14180,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_CHECK_MULTISAMPLE_QUALITY_LEVELS_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_CLEAR_FLAG(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_CLEAR_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_CLEAR_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_CLEAR_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_CLEAR_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14356,19 +14224,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D11_CLEAR_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_COLOR_WRITE_ENABLE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_COLOR_WRITE_ENABLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_COLOR_WRITE_ENABLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_COLOR_WRITE_ENABLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_COLOR_WRITE_ENABLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14378,19 +14235,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_COLOR_WRITE_ENABLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_COMPARISON_FUNC(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_COMPARISON_FUNC {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_COMPARISON_FUNC { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_COMPARISON_FUNC { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_COMPARISON_FUNC { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14400,19 +14246,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_COMPARISON_FUNC { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_CONSERVATIVE_RASTERIZATION_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_CONSERVATIVE_RASTERIZATION_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_CONSERVATIVE_RASTERIZATION_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_CONSERVATIVE_RASTERIZATION_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_CONSERVATIVE_RASTERIZATION_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14422,19 +14257,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_CONSERVATIVE_RASTERIZATION_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_CONSERVATIVE_RASTERIZATION_TIER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_CONSERVATIVE_RASTERIZATION_TIER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_CONSERVATIVE_RASTERIZATION_TIER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_CONSERVATIVE_RASTERIZATION_TIER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_CONSERVATIVE_RASTERIZATION_TIER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14444,19 +14268,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_CONSERVATIVE_RASTERIZATION_TIER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_CONTENT_PROTECTION_CAPS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_CONTENT_PROTECTION_CAPS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_CONTENT_PROTECTION_CAPS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_CONTENT_PROTECTION_CAPS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_CONTENT_PROTECTION_CAPS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14466,19 +14279,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_CONTENT_PROTECTION_CAPS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_CONTEXT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_CONTEXT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_CONTEXT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_CONTEXT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_CONTEXT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14488,19 +14290,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_CONTEXT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_COPY_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_COPY_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_COPY_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_COPY_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_COPY_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14510,19 +14301,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_COPY_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_COUNTER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_COUNTER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_COUNTER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_COUNTER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_COUNTER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14532,19 +14312,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_COUNTER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_COUNTER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_COUNTER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_COUNTER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_COUNTER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_COUNTER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14554,19 +14323,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_COUNTER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14609,19 +14367,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_FLAG(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14664,19 +14411,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_CRYPTO_SESSION_KEY_EXCHANGE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_CRYPTO_SESSION_KEY_EXCHANGE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_CRYPTO_SESSION_KEY_EXCHANGE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_CRYPTO_SESSION_KEY_EXCHANGE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_CRYPTO_SESSION_KEY_EXCHANGE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14719,19 +14455,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D11_CRYPTO_SESSION_KEY_EXCHANGE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_CRYPTO_SESSION_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_CRYPTO_SESSION_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_CRYPTO_SESSION_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_CRYPTO_SESSION_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_CRYPTO_SESSION_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14741,19 +14466,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_CRYPTO_SESSION_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_CULL_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_CULL_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_CULL_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_CULL_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_CULL_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14763,19 +14477,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_CULL_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_DEPTH_WRITE_MASK(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_DEPTH_WRITE_MASK {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_DEPTH_WRITE_MASK { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_DEPTH_WRITE_MASK { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_DEPTH_WRITE_MASK { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14785,19 +14488,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_DEPTH_WRITE_MASK { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_DEVICE_CONTEXT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_DEVICE_CONTEXT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_DEVICE_CONTEXT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_DEVICE_CONTEXT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_DEVICE_CONTEXT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14807,19 +14499,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_DEVICE_CONTEXT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_DSV_DIMENSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_DSV_DIMENSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_DSV_DIMENSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_DSV_DIMENSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_DSV_DIMENSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14829,19 +14510,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_DSV_DIMENSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_DSV_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_DSV_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_DSV_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_DSV_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_DSV_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14851,19 +14521,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_DSV_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_FEATURE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_FEATURE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_FEATURE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_FEATURE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_FEATURE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14873,19 +14532,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_FEATURE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_FEATURE_VIDEO(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_FEATURE_VIDEO {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_FEATURE_VIDEO { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_FEATURE_VIDEO { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_FEATURE_VIDEO { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14895,19 +14543,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_FEATURE_VIDEO { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_FENCE_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_FENCE_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_FENCE_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_FENCE_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_FENCE_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14950,19 +14587,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D11_FENCE_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_FILL_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_FILL_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_FILL_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_FILL_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_FILL_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14972,19 +14598,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_FILL_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_FILTER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_FILTER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_FILTER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_FILTER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_FILTER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14994,19 +14609,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_FILTER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_FILTER_REDUCTION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_FILTER_REDUCTION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_FILTER_REDUCTION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_FILTER_REDUCTION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_FILTER_REDUCTION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15016,19 +14620,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_FILTER_REDUCTION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_FILTER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_FILTER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_FILTER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_FILTER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_FILTER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15038,19 +14631,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_FILTER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_FORMAT_SUPPORT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_FORMAT_SUPPORT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_FORMAT_SUPPORT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_FORMAT_SUPPORT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_FORMAT_SUPPORT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15060,19 +14642,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_FORMAT_SUPPORT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_FORMAT_SUPPORT2(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_FORMAT_SUPPORT2 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_FORMAT_SUPPORT2 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_FORMAT_SUPPORT2 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_FORMAT_SUPPORT2 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15082,19 +14653,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_FORMAT_SUPPORT2 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_INPUT_CLASSIFICATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_INPUT_CLASSIFICATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_INPUT_CLASSIFICATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_INPUT_CLASSIFICATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_INPUT_CLASSIFICATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15104,19 +14664,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_INPUT_CLASSIFICATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_LOGIC_OP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_LOGIC_OP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_LOGIC_OP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_LOGIC_OP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_LOGIC_OP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15126,19 +14675,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_LOGIC_OP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_MAP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_MAP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_MAP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_MAP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_MAP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15148,19 +14686,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_MAP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_MAP_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_MAP_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_MAP_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_MAP_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_MAP_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15170,19 +14697,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_MAP_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_MESSAGE_CATEGORY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_MESSAGE_CATEGORY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_MESSAGE_CATEGORY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_MESSAGE_CATEGORY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_MESSAGE_CATEGORY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15192,19 +14708,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_MESSAGE_CATEGORY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_MESSAGE_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_MESSAGE_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_MESSAGE_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_MESSAGE_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_MESSAGE_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15214,19 +14719,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_MESSAGE_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_MESSAGE_SEVERITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_MESSAGE_SEVERITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_MESSAGE_SEVERITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_MESSAGE_SEVERITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_MESSAGE_SEVERITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15236,19 +14730,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_MESSAGE_SEVERITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_QUERY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_QUERY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_QUERY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_QUERY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_QUERY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15258,19 +14741,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_QUERY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_QUERY_MISC_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_QUERY_MISC_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_QUERY_MISC_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_QUERY_MISC_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_QUERY_MISC_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15280,19 +14752,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_QUERY_MISC_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_RAISE_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_RAISE_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_RAISE_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_RAISE_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_RAISE_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15302,19 +14763,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_RAISE_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_RESOURCE_DIMENSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_RESOURCE_DIMENSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_RESOURCE_DIMENSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_RESOURCE_DIMENSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_RESOURCE_DIMENSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15324,19 +14774,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_RESOURCE_DIMENSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_RESOURCE_MISC_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_RESOURCE_MISC_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_RESOURCE_MISC_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_RESOURCE_MISC_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_RESOURCE_MISC_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15379,19 +14818,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D11_RESOURCE_MISC_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_RLDO_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_RLDO_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_RLDO_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_RLDO_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_RLDO_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15434,19 +14862,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D11_RLDO_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_RTV_DIMENSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_RTV_DIMENSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_RTV_DIMENSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_RTV_DIMENSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_RTV_DIMENSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15456,19 +14873,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_RTV_DIMENSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_SHADER_CACHE_SUPPORT_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_SHADER_CACHE_SUPPORT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_SHADER_CACHE_SUPPORT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_SHADER_CACHE_SUPPORT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_SHADER_CACHE_SUPPORT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15478,19 +14884,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_SHADER_CACHE_SUPPORT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_SHADER_MIN_PRECISION_SUPPORT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_SHADER_MIN_PRECISION_SUPPORT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_SHADER_MIN_PRECISION_SUPPORT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_SHADER_MIN_PRECISION_SUPPORT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_SHADER_MIN_PRECISION_SUPPORT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15500,19 +14895,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_SHADER_MIN_PRECISION_SUPPORT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_SHADER_TRACKING_OPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_SHADER_TRACKING_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_SHADER_TRACKING_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_SHADER_TRACKING_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_SHADER_TRACKING_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15522,19 +14906,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_SHADER_TRACKING_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_SHADER_TRACKING_RESOURCE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_SHADER_TRACKING_RESOURCE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_SHADER_TRACKING_RESOURCE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_SHADER_TRACKING_RESOURCE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_SHADER_TRACKING_RESOURCE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15544,19 +14917,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_SHADER_TRACKING_RESOURCE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_SHADER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_SHADER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_SHADER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_SHADER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_SHADER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15566,19 +14928,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_SHADER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_SHADER_VERSION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_SHADER_VERSION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_SHADER_VERSION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_SHADER_VERSION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_SHADER_VERSION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15588,19 +14939,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_SHADER_VERSION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_SHARED_RESOURCE_TIER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_SHARED_RESOURCE_TIER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_SHARED_RESOURCE_TIER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_SHARED_RESOURCE_TIER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_SHARED_RESOURCE_TIER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15610,19 +14950,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_SHARED_RESOURCE_TIER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_STANDARD_MULTISAMPLE_QUALITY_LEVELS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_STANDARD_MULTISAMPLE_QUALITY_LEVELS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_STANDARD_MULTISAMPLE_QUALITY_LEVELS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_STANDARD_MULTISAMPLE_QUALITY_LEVELS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_STANDARD_MULTISAMPLE_QUALITY_LEVELS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15632,19 +14961,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_STANDARD_MULTISAMPLE_QUALITY_LEVELS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_STENCIL_OP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_STENCIL_OP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_STENCIL_OP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_STENCIL_OP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_STENCIL_OP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15654,19 +14972,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_STENCIL_OP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_TEXTURECUBE_FACE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_TEXTURECUBE_FACE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_TEXTURECUBE_FACE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_TEXTURECUBE_FACE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_TEXTURECUBE_FACE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15676,19 +14983,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_TEXTURECUBE_FACE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15698,19 +14994,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_TEXTURE_LAYOUT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_TEXTURE_LAYOUT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_TEXTURE_LAYOUT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_TEXTURE_LAYOUT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_TEXTURE_LAYOUT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15720,19 +15005,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_TEXTURE_LAYOUT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_TILED_RESOURCES_TIER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_TILED_RESOURCES_TIER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_TILED_RESOURCES_TIER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_TILED_RESOURCES_TIER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_TILED_RESOURCES_TIER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15742,19 +15016,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_TILED_RESOURCES_TIER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_TILE_COPY_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_TILE_COPY_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_TILE_COPY_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_TILE_COPY_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_TILE_COPY_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15764,19 +15027,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_TILE_COPY_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_TILE_MAPPING_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_TILE_MAPPING_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_TILE_MAPPING_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_TILE_MAPPING_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_TILE_MAPPING_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15786,19 +15038,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_TILE_MAPPING_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_TILE_RANGE_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_TILE_RANGE_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_TILE_RANGE_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_TILE_RANGE_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_TILE_RANGE_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15808,19 +15049,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_TILE_RANGE_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_TRACE_GS_INPUT_PRIMITIVE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_TRACE_GS_INPUT_PRIMITIVE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_TRACE_GS_INPUT_PRIMITIVE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_TRACE_GS_INPUT_PRIMITIVE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_TRACE_GS_INPUT_PRIMITIVE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15830,19 +15060,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_TRACE_GS_INPUT_PRIMITIVE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_TRACE_REGISTER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_TRACE_REGISTER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_TRACE_REGISTER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_TRACE_REGISTER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_TRACE_REGISTER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15852,19 +15071,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_TRACE_REGISTER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_UAV_DIMENSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_UAV_DIMENSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_UAV_DIMENSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_UAV_DIMENSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_UAV_DIMENSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15874,19 +15082,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_UAV_DIMENSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_USAGE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_USAGE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_USAGE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_USAGE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_USAGE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15896,19 +15093,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_USAGE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_VDOV_DIMENSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_VDOV_DIMENSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_VDOV_DIMENSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_VDOV_DIMENSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_VDOV_DIMENSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15918,19 +15104,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_VDOV_DIMENSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_VIDEO_DECODER_BUFFER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_VIDEO_DECODER_BUFFER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_VIDEO_DECODER_BUFFER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_VIDEO_DECODER_BUFFER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_VIDEO_DECODER_BUFFER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15940,19 +15115,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_VIDEO_DECODER_BUFFER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_VIDEO_DECODER_CAPS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_VIDEO_DECODER_CAPS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_VIDEO_DECODER_CAPS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_VIDEO_DECODER_CAPS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_VIDEO_DECODER_CAPS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15962,19 +15126,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_VIDEO_DECODER_CAPS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_VIDEO_DECODER_HISTOGRAM_COMPONENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_VIDEO_DECODER_HISTOGRAM_COMPONENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_VIDEO_DECODER_HISTOGRAM_COMPONENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_VIDEO_DECODER_HISTOGRAM_COMPONENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_VIDEO_DECODER_HISTOGRAM_COMPONENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15984,19 +15137,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_VIDEO_DECODER_HISTOGRAM_COMPONENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_VIDEO_DECODER_HISTOGRAM_COMPONENT_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_VIDEO_DECODER_HISTOGRAM_COMPONENT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_VIDEO_DECODER_HISTOGRAM_COMPONENT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_VIDEO_DECODER_HISTOGRAM_COMPONENT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_VIDEO_DECODER_HISTOGRAM_COMPONENT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16039,19 +15181,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D11_VIDEO_DECODER_HISTOGRAM_COMPONENT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_VIDEO_FRAME_FORMAT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_VIDEO_FRAME_FORMAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_VIDEO_FRAME_FORMAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_VIDEO_FRAME_FORMAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_VIDEO_FRAME_FORMAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16061,19 +15192,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_VIDEO_FRAME_FORMAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_ALPHA_FILL_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_ALPHA_FILL_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_ALPHA_FILL_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_ALPHA_FILL_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_ALPHA_FILL_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16083,19 +15203,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_ALPHA_FILL_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_AUTO_STREAM_CAPS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_AUTO_STREAM_CAPS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_AUTO_STREAM_CAPS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_AUTO_STREAM_CAPS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_AUTO_STREAM_CAPS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16105,19 +15214,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_AUTO_STREAM_CAPS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_BEHAVIOR_HINTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_BEHAVIOR_HINTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_BEHAVIOR_HINTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_BEHAVIOR_HINTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_BEHAVIOR_HINTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16127,19 +15225,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_BEHAVIOR_HINTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_DEVICE_CAPS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_DEVICE_CAPS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_DEVICE_CAPS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_DEVICE_CAPS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_DEVICE_CAPS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16149,19 +15236,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_DEVICE_CAPS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_FEATURE_CAPS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_FEATURE_CAPS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_FEATURE_CAPS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_FEATURE_CAPS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_FEATURE_CAPS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16171,19 +15247,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_FEATURE_CAPS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_FILTER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_FILTER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_FILTER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_FILTER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_FILTER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16193,19 +15258,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_FILTER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_FILTER_CAPS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_FILTER_CAPS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_FILTER_CAPS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_FILTER_CAPS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_FILTER_CAPS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16215,19 +15269,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_FILTER_CAPS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_FORMAT_CAPS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_FORMAT_CAPS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_FORMAT_CAPS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_FORMAT_CAPS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_FORMAT_CAPS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16237,19 +15280,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_FORMAT_CAPS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_FORMAT_SUPPORT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_FORMAT_SUPPORT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_FORMAT_SUPPORT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_FORMAT_SUPPORT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_FORMAT_SUPPORT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16259,19 +15291,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_FORMAT_SUPPORT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_ITELECINE_CAPS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_ITELECINE_CAPS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_ITELECINE_CAPS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_ITELECINE_CAPS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_ITELECINE_CAPS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16281,19 +15302,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_ITELECINE_CAPS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_NOMINAL_RANGE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_NOMINAL_RANGE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_NOMINAL_RANGE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_NOMINAL_RANGE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_NOMINAL_RANGE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16303,19 +15313,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_NOMINAL_RANGE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_OUTPUT_RATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_OUTPUT_RATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_OUTPUT_RATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_OUTPUT_RATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_OUTPUT_RATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16325,19 +15324,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_OUTPUT_RATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_PROCESSOR_CAPS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_PROCESSOR_CAPS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_PROCESSOR_CAPS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_PROCESSOR_CAPS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_PROCESSOR_CAPS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16347,19 +15335,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_PROCESSOR_CAPS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_ROTATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_ROTATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_ROTATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_ROTATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_ROTATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16369,19 +15346,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_ROTATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_STEREO_CAPS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_STEREO_CAPS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_STEREO_CAPS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_STEREO_CAPS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_STEREO_CAPS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16391,19 +15357,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_STEREO_CAPS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_STEREO_FLIP_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_STEREO_FLIP_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_STEREO_FLIP_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_STEREO_FLIP_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_STEREO_FLIP_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16413,19 +15368,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_STEREO_FLIP_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_STEREO_FORMAT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_STEREO_FORMAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_STEREO_FORMAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_STEREO_FORMAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_STEREO_FORMAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16435,19 +15379,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_STEREO_FORMAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_VIDEO_USAGE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_VIDEO_USAGE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_VIDEO_USAGE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_VIDEO_USAGE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_VIDEO_USAGE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16457,19 +15390,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_VIDEO_USAGE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_VPIV_DIMENSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_VPIV_DIMENSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_VPIV_DIMENSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_VPIV_DIMENSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_VPIV_DIMENSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16479,19 +15401,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_VPIV_DIMENSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D11_VPOV_DIMENSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D11_VPOV_DIMENSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D11_VPOV_DIMENSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D11_VPOV_DIMENSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D11_VPOV_DIMENSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16501,19 +15412,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D11_VPOV_DIMENSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DX11_FFT_CREATE_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DX11_FFT_CREATE_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DX11_FFT_CREATE_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DX11_FFT_CREATE_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DX11_FFT_CREATE_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16523,19 +15423,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DX11_FFT_CREATE_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DX11_FFT_DATA_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DX11_FFT_DATA_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DX11_FFT_DATA_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DX11_FFT_DATA_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DX11_FFT_DATA_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16545,19 +15434,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DX11_FFT_DATA_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DX11_FFT_DIM_MASK(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DX11_FFT_DIM_MASK {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DX11_FFT_DIM_MASK { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DX11_FFT_DIM_MASK { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DX11_FFT_DIM_MASK { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16567,19 +15445,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DX11_FFT_DIM_MASK { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DX11_SCAN_DATA_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DX11_SCAN_DATA_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DX11_SCAN_DATA_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DX11_SCAN_DATA_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DX11_SCAN_DATA_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16589,19 +15456,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DX11_SCAN_DATA_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DX11_SCAN_DIRECTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DX11_SCAN_DIRECTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DX11_SCAN_DIRECTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DX11_SCAN_DIRECTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DX11_SCAN_DIRECTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16611,19 +15467,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DX11_SCAN_DIRECTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DX11_SCAN_OPCODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DX11_SCAN_OPCODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DX11_SCAN_OPCODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DX11_SCAN_OPCODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DX11_SCAN_OPCODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Direct3D12/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Direct3D12/ index 537930c50b..eb2c621e81 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Direct3D12/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Direct3D12/ @@ -15308,19 +15308,8 @@ pub const LUID_DEFINED: u32 = 1u32; pub const NUM_D3D12_GPU_BASED_VALIDATION_SHADER_PATCH_MODES: D3D12_GPU_BASED_VALIDATION_SHADER_PATCH_MODE = D3D12_GPU_BASED_VALIDATION_SHADER_PATCH_MODE(4i32); pub const WKPDID_D3DAutoDebugObjectNameW: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0xd4902e36_757a_4942_9594_b6769afa43cd); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_AUTO_BREADCRUMB_OP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_AUTO_BREADCRUMB_OP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_AUTO_BREADCRUMB_OP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_AUTO_BREADCRUMB_OP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_AUTO_BREADCRUMB_OP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15330,19 +15319,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_AUTO_BREADCRUMB_OP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_AXIS_SHADING_RATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_AXIS_SHADING_RATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_AXIS_SHADING_RATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_AXIS_SHADING_RATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_AXIS_SHADING_RATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15352,19 +15330,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_AXIS_SHADING_RATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_BACKGROUND_PROCESSING_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_BACKGROUND_PROCESSING_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_BACKGROUND_PROCESSING_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_BACKGROUND_PROCESSING_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_BACKGROUND_PROCESSING_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15374,19 +15341,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_BACKGROUND_PROCESSING_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_BARRIER_ACCESS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_BARRIER_ACCESS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_BARRIER_ACCESS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_BARRIER_ACCESS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_BARRIER_ACCESS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15429,19 +15385,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_BARRIER_ACCESS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_BARRIER_LAYOUT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_BARRIER_LAYOUT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_BARRIER_LAYOUT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_BARRIER_LAYOUT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_BARRIER_LAYOUT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15451,19 +15396,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_BARRIER_LAYOUT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_BARRIER_SYNC(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_BARRIER_SYNC {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_BARRIER_SYNC { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_BARRIER_SYNC { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_BARRIER_SYNC { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15506,19 +15440,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_BARRIER_SYNC { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_BARRIER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_BARRIER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_BARRIER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_BARRIER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_BARRIER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15528,19 +15451,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_BARRIER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_BLEND(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_BLEND {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_BLEND { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_BLEND { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_BLEND { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15550,19 +15462,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_BLEND { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_BLEND_OP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_BLEND_OP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_BLEND_OP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_BLEND_OP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_BLEND_OP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15572,19 +15473,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_BLEND_OP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_BUFFER_SRV_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_BUFFER_SRV_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_BUFFER_SRV_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_BUFFER_SRV_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_BUFFER_SRV_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15627,19 +15517,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_BUFFER_SRV_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_BUFFER_UAV_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_BUFFER_UAV_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_BUFFER_UAV_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_BUFFER_UAV_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_BUFFER_UAV_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15682,19 +15561,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_BUFFER_UAV_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_CLEAR_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_CLEAR_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_CLEAR_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_CLEAR_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_CLEAR_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15737,19 +15605,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_CLEAR_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_COLOR_WRITE_ENABLE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_COLOR_WRITE_ENABLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_COLOR_WRITE_ENABLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_COLOR_WRITE_ENABLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_COLOR_WRITE_ENABLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15759,19 +15616,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_COLOR_WRITE_ENABLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15814,19 +15660,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_SUPPORT_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_SUPPORT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_SUPPORT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_SUPPORT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_SUPPORT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15869,19 +15704,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_SUPPORT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15891,19 +15715,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_COMMAND_POOL_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_COMMAND_POOL_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_COMMAND_POOL_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_COMMAND_POOL_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_COMMAND_POOL_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15946,19 +15759,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_COMMAND_POOL_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_COMMAND_QUEUE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_COMMAND_QUEUE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_COMMAND_QUEUE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_COMMAND_QUEUE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_COMMAND_QUEUE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16001,19 +15803,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_COMMAND_QUEUE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_COMMAND_QUEUE_PRIORITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_COMMAND_QUEUE_PRIORITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_COMMAND_QUEUE_PRIORITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_COMMAND_QUEUE_PRIORITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_COMMAND_QUEUE_PRIORITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16023,19 +15814,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_COMMAND_QUEUE_PRIORITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_COMMAND_RECORDER_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_COMMAND_RECORDER_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_COMMAND_RECORDER_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_COMMAND_RECORDER_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_COMMAND_RECORDER_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16078,19 +15858,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_COMMAND_RECORDER_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_COMPARISON_FUNC(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_COMPARISON_FUNC {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_COMPARISON_FUNC { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_COMPARISON_FUNC { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_COMPARISON_FUNC { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16100,19 +15869,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_COMPARISON_FUNC { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_CONSERVATIVE_RASTERIZATION_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_CONSERVATIVE_RASTERIZATION_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_CONSERVATIVE_RASTERIZATION_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_CONSERVATIVE_RASTERIZATION_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_CONSERVATIVE_RASTERIZATION_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16122,19 +15880,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_CONSERVATIVE_RASTERIZATION_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_CONSERVATIVE_RASTERIZATION_TIER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_CONSERVATIVE_RASTERIZATION_TIER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_CONSERVATIVE_RASTERIZATION_TIER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_CONSERVATIVE_RASTERIZATION_TIER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_CONSERVATIVE_RASTERIZATION_TIER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16144,19 +15891,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_CONSERVATIVE_RASTERIZATION_TIER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_CPU_PAGE_PROPERTY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_CPU_PAGE_PROPERTY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_CPU_PAGE_PROPERTY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_CPU_PAGE_PROPERTY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_CPU_PAGE_PROPERTY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16166,19 +15902,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_CPU_PAGE_PROPERTY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_CROSS_NODE_SHARING_TIER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_CROSS_NODE_SHARING_TIER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_CROSS_NODE_SHARING_TIER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_CROSS_NODE_SHARING_TIER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_CROSS_NODE_SHARING_TIER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16188,19 +15913,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_CROSS_NODE_SHARING_TIER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_CULL_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_CULL_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_CULL_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_CULL_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_CULL_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16210,19 +15924,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_CULL_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_DEBUG_COMMAND_LIST_PARAMETER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_DEBUG_COMMAND_LIST_PARAMETER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_DEBUG_COMMAND_LIST_PARAMETER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_DEBUG_COMMAND_LIST_PARAMETER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_DEBUG_COMMAND_LIST_PARAMETER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16232,19 +15935,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_DEBUG_COMMAND_LIST_PARAMETER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_DEBUG_DEVICE_PARAMETER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_DEBUG_DEVICE_PARAMETER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_DEBUG_DEVICE_PARAMETER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_DEBUG_DEVICE_PARAMETER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_DEBUG_DEVICE_PARAMETER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16254,19 +15946,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_DEBUG_DEVICE_PARAMETER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_DEBUG_FEATURE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_DEBUG_FEATURE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_DEBUG_FEATURE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_DEBUG_FEATURE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_DEBUG_FEATURE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16309,19 +15990,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_DEBUG_FEATURE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_DEPTH_WRITE_MASK(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_DEPTH_WRITE_MASK {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_DEPTH_WRITE_MASK { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_DEPTH_WRITE_MASK { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_DEPTH_WRITE_MASK { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16331,19 +16001,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_DEPTH_WRITE_MASK { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_DESCRIPTOR_HEAP_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_DESCRIPTOR_HEAP_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_DESCRIPTOR_HEAP_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_DESCRIPTOR_HEAP_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_DESCRIPTOR_HEAP_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16386,19 +16045,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_DESCRIPTOR_HEAP_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_DESCRIPTOR_HEAP_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_DESCRIPTOR_HEAP_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_DESCRIPTOR_HEAP_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_DESCRIPTOR_HEAP_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_DESCRIPTOR_HEAP_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16408,19 +16056,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_DESCRIPTOR_HEAP_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_DESCRIPTOR_RANGE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_DESCRIPTOR_RANGE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_DESCRIPTOR_RANGE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_DESCRIPTOR_RANGE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_DESCRIPTOR_RANGE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16463,19 +16100,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_DESCRIPTOR_RANGE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_DESCRIPTOR_RANGE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_DESCRIPTOR_RANGE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_DESCRIPTOR_RANGE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_DESCRIPTOR_RANGE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_DESCRIPTOR_RANGE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16485,19 +16111,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_DESCRIPTOR_RANGE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_DEVICE_FACTORY_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_DEVICE_FACTORY_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_DEVICE_FACTORY_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_DEVICE_FACTORY_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_DEVICE_FACTORY_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16540,19 +16155,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_DEVICE_FACTORY_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_DEVICE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_DEVICE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_DEVICE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_DEVICE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_DEVICE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16595,19 +16199,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_DEVICE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_DRED_ALLOCATION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_DRED_ALLOCATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_DRED_ALLOCATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_DRED_ALLOCATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_DRED_ALLOCATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16617,19 +16210,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_DRED_ALLOCATION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_DRED_DEVICE_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_DRED_DEVICE_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_DRED_DEVICE_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_DRED_DEVICE_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_DRED_DEVICE_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16639,19 +16221,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_DRED_DEVICE_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_DRED_ENABLEMENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_DRED_ENABLEMENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_DRED_ENABLEMENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_DRED_ENABLEMENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_DRED_ENABLEMENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16661,19 +16232,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_DRED_ENABLEMENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_DRED_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_DRED_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_DRED_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_DRED_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_DRED_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16716,19 +16276,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_DRED_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_DRED_PAGE_FAULT_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_DRED_PAGE_FAULT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_DRED_PAGE_FAULT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_DRED_PAGE_FAULT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_DRED_PAGE_FAULT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16771,19 +16320,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_DRED_PAGE_FAULT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_DRED_VERSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_DRED_VERSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_DRED_VERSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_DRED_VERSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_DRED_VERSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16793,19 +16331,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_DRED_VERSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_DRIVER_MATCHING_IDENTIFIER_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_DRIVER_MATCHING_IDENTIFIER_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_DRIVER_MATCHING_IDENTIFIER_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_DRIVER_MATCHING_IDENTIFIER_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_DRIVER_MATCHING_IDENTIFIER_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16815,19 +16342,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_DRIVER_MATCHING_IDENTIFIER_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_DSV_DIMENSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_DSV_DIMENSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_DSV_DIMENSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_DSV_DIMENSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_DSV_DIMENSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16837,19 +16353,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_DSV_DIMENSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_DSV_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_DSV_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_DSV_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_DSV_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_DSV_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16892,19 +16397,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_DSV_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_ELEMENTS_LAYOUT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_ELEMENTS_LAYOUT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_ELEMENTS_LAYOUT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_ELEMENTS_LAYOUT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_ELEMENTS_LAYOUT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16914,19 +16408,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_ELEMENTS_LAYOUT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_EXPORT_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_EXPORT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_EXPORT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_EXPORT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_EXPORT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16969,19 +16452,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_EXPORT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_FEATURE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_FEATURE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_FEATURE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_FEATURE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_FEATURE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16991,19 +16463,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_FEATURE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_FENCE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_FENCE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_FENCE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_FENCE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_FENCE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17046,19 +16507,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_FENCE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_FILL_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_FILL_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_FILL_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_FILL_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_FILL_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17068,19 +16518,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_FILL_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_FILTER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_FILTER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_FILTER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_FILTER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_FILTER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17090,19 +16529,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_FILTER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_FILTER_REDUCTION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_FILTER_REDUCTION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_FILTER_REDUCTION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_FILTER_REDUCTION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_FILTER_REDUCTION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17112,19 +16540,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_FILTER_REDUCTION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_FILTER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_FILTER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_FILTER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_FILTER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_FILTER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17134,19 +16551,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_FILTER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT1(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT1 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT1 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT1 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT1 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17189,19 +16595,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT1 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT2(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT2 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT2 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT2 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT2 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17244,19 +16639,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_FORMAT_SUPPORT2 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_GPU_BASED_VALIDATION_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_GPU_BASED_VALIDATION_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_GPU_BASED_VALIDATION_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_GPU_BASED_VALIDATION_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_GPU_BASED_VALIDATION_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17299,19 +16683,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_GPU_BASED_VALIDATION_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_GPU_BASED_VALIDATION_PIPELINE_STATE_CREATE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_GPU_BASED_VALIDATION_PIPELINE_STATE_CREATE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_GPU_BASED_VALIDATION_PIPELINE_STATE_CREATE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_GPU_BASED_VALIDATION_PIPELINE_STATE_CREATE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_GPU_BASED_VALIDATION_PIPELINE_STATE_CREATE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17354,19 +16727,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_GPU_BASED_VALIDATION_PIPELINE_STATE_CREATE_FLAGS } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_GPU_BASED_VALIDATION_SHADER_PATCH_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_GPU_BASED_VALIDATION_SHADER_PATCH_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_GPU_BASED_VALIDATION_SHADER_PATCH_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_GPU_BASED_VALIDATION_SHADER_PATCH_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_GPU_BASED_VALIDATION_SHADER_PATCH_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17376,19 +16738,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_GPU_BASED_VALIDATION_SHADER_PATCH_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_GRAPHICS_STATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_GRAPHICS_STATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_GRAPHICS_STATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_GRAPHICS_STATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_GRAPHICS_STATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17431,19 +16782,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_GRAPHICS_STATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17486,19 +16826,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_HEAP_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_HEAP_SERIALIZATION_TIER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_HEAP_SERIALIZATION_TIER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_HEAP_SERIALIZATION_TIER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_HEAP_SERIALIZATION_TIER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_HEAP_SERIALIZATION_TIER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17508,19 +16837,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_HEAP_SERIALIZATION_TIER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_HEAP_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_HEAP_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_HEAP_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_HEAP_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_HEAP_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17530,19 +16848,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_HEAP_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_HIT_GROUP_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_HIT_GROUP_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_HIT_GROUP_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_HIT_GROUP_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_HIT_GROUP_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17552,19 +16859,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_HIT_GROUP_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_HIT_KIND(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_HIT_KIND {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_HIT_KIND { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_HIT_KIND { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_HIT_KIND { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17574,19 +16870,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_HIT_KIND { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_INDEX_BUFFER_STRIP_CUT_VALUE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_INDEX_BUFFER_STRIP_CUT_VALUE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_INDEX_BUFFER_STRIP_CUT_VALUE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_INDEX_BUFFER_STRIP_CUT_VALUE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_INDEX_BUFFER_STRIP_CUT_VALUE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17596,19 +16881,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_INDEX_BUFFER_STRIP_CUT_VALUE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_INDIRECT_ARGUMENT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_INDIRECT_ARGUMENT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_INDIRECT_ARGUMENT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_INDIRECT_ARGUMENT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_INDIRECT_ARGUMENT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17618,19 +16892,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_INDIRECT_ARGUMENT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_INPUT_CLASSIFICATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_INPUT_CLASSIFICATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_INPUT_CLASSIFICATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_INPUT_CLASSIFICATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_INPUT_CLASSIFICATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17640,19 +16903,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_INPUT_CLASSIFICATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_LIFETIME_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_LIFETIME_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_LIFETIME_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_LIFETIME_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_LIFETIME_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17662,19 +16914,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_LIFETIME_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_LINE_RASTERIZATION_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_LINE_RASTERIZATION_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_LINE_RASTERIZATION_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_LINE_RASTERIZATION_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_LINE_RASTERIZATION_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17684,19 +16925,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_LINE_RASTERIZATION_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_LOGIC_OP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_LOGIC_OP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_LOGIC_OP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_LOGIC_OP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_LOGIC_OP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17706,19 +16936,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_LOGIC_OP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_MEASUREMENTS_ACTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_MEASUREMENTS_ACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_MEASUREMENTS_ACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_MEASUREMENTS_ACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_MEASUREMENTS_ACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17728,19 +16947,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_MEASUREMENTS_ACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_MEMORY_POOL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_MEMORY_POOL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_MEMORY_POOL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_MEMORY_POOL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_MEMORY_POOL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17750,19 +16958,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_MEMORY_POOL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_MESH_SHADER_TIER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_MESH_SHADER_TIER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_MESH_SHADER_TIER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_MESH_SHADER_TIER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_MESH_SHADER_TIER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17772,19 +16969,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_MESH_SHADER_TIER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_MESSAGE_CALLBACK_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_MESSAGE_CALLBACK_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_MESSAGE_CALLBACK_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_MESSAGE_CALLBACK_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_MESSAGE_CALLBACK_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17827,19 +17013,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_MESSAGE_CALLBACK_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_MESSAGE_CATEGORY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_MESSAGE_CATEGORY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_MESSAGE_CATEGORY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_MESSAGE_CATEGORY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_MESSAGE_CATEGORY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17849,19 +17024,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_MESSAGE_CATEGORY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_MESSAGE_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_MESSAGE_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_MESSAGE_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_MESSAGE_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_MESSAGE_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17871,19 +17035,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_MESSAGE_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_MESSAGE_SEVERITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_MESSAGE_SEVERITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_MESSAGE_SEVERITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_MESSAGE_SEVERITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_MESSAGE_SEVERITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17893,19 +17046,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_MESSAGE_SEVERITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_META_COMMAND_PARAMETER_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_META_COMMAND_PARAMETER_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_META_COMMAND_PARAMETER_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_META_COMMAND_PARAMETER_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_META_COMMAND_PARAMETER_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17948,19 +17090,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_META_COMMAND_PARAMETER_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_META_COMMAND_PARAMETER_STAGE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_META_COMMAND_PARAMETER_STAGE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_META_COMMAND_PARAMETER_STAGE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_META_COMMAND_PARAMETER_STAGE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_META_COMMAND_PARAMETER_STAGE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17970,19 +17101,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_META_COMMAND_PARAMETER_STAGE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_META_COMMAND_PARAMETER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_META_COMMAND_PARAMETER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_META_COMMAND_PARAMETER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_META_COMMAND_PARAMETER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_META_COMMAND_PARAMETER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17992,19 +17112,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_META_COMMAND_PARAMETER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_MULTIPLE_FENCE_WAIT_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_MULTIPLE_FENCE_WAIT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_MULTIPLE_FENCE_WAIT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_MULTIPLE_FENCE_WAIT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_MULTIPLE_FENCE_WAIT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18047,19 +17156,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_MULTIPLE_FENCE_WAIT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_MULTISAMPLE_QUALITY_LEVEL_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_MULTISAMPLE_QUALITY_LEVEL_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_MULTISAMPLE_QUALITY_LEVEL_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_MULTISAMPLE_QUALITY_LEVEL_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_MULTISAMPLE_QUALITY_LEVEL_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18102,19 +17200,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_MULTISAMPLE_QUALITY_LEVEL_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_PIPELINE_STATE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_PIPELINE_STATE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_PIPELINE_STATE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_PIPELINE_STATE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_PIPELINE_STATE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18157,19 +17244,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_PIPELINE_STATE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_PIPELINE_STATE_SUBOBJECT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_PIPELINE_STATE_SUBOBJECT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_PIPELINE_STATE_SUBOBJECT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_PIPELINE_STATE_SUBOBJECT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_PIPELINE_STATE_SUBOBJECT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18179,19 +17255,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_PIPELINE_STATE_SUBOBJECT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_PREDICATION_OP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_PREDICATION_OP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_PREDICATION_OP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_PREDICATION_OP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_PREDICATION_OP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18201,19 +17266,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_PREDICATION_OP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18223,19 +17277,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_PROGRAMMABLE_SAMPLE_POSITIONS_TIER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_PROGRAMMABLE_SAMPLE_POSITIONS_TIER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_PROGRAMMABLE_SAMPLE_POSITIONS_TIER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_PROGRAMMABLE_SAMPLE_POSITIONS_TIER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_PROGRAMMABLE_SAMPLE_POSITIONS_TIER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18245,19 +17288,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_PROGRAMMABLE_SAMPLE_POSITIONS_TIER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_PROTECTED_RESOURCE_SESSION_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_PROTECTED_RESOURCE_SESSION_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_PROTECTED_RESOURCE_SESSION_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_PROTECTED_RESOURCE_SESSION_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_PROTECTED_RESOURCE_SESSION_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18300,19 +17332,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_PROTECTED_RESOURCE_SESSION_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_PROTECTED_RESOURCE_SESSION_SUPPORT_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_PROTECTED_RESOURCE_SESSION_SUPPORT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_PROTECTED_RESOURCE_SESSION_SUPPORT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_PROTECTED_RESOURCE_SESSION_SUPPORT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_PROTECTED_RESOURCE_SESSION_SUPPORT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18355,19 +17376,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_PROTECTED_RESOURCE_SESSION_SUPPORT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_PROTECTED_SESSION_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_PROTECTED_SESSION_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_PROTECTED_SESSION_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_PROTECTED_SESSION_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_PROTECTED_SESSION_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18377,19 +17387,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_PROTECTED_SESSION_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_QUERY_HEAP_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_QUERY_HEAP_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_QUERY_HEAP_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_QUERY_HEAP_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_QUERY_HEAP_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18399,19 +17398,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_QUERY_HEAP_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_QUERY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_QUERY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_QUERY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_QUERY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_QUERY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18421,19 +17409,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_QUERY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_RAYTRACING_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_BUILD_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_RAYTRACING_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_BUILD_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_RAYTRACING_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_BUILD_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_RAYTRACING_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_BUILD_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_RAYTRACING_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_BUILD_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18476,19 +17453,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_RAYTRACING_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_BUILD_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_RAYTRACING_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_COPY_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_RAYTRACING_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_COPY_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_RAYTRACING_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_COPY_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_RAYTRACING_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_COPY_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_RAYTRACING_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_COPY_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18498,19 +17464,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_RAYTRACING_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_COPY_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_RAYTRACING_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_POSTBUILD_INFO_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_RAYTRACING_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_POSTBUILD_INFO_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_RAYTRACING_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_POSTBUILD_INFO_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_RAYTRACING_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_POSTBUILD_INFO_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_RAYTRACING_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_POSTBUILD_INFO_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18520,19 +17475,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_RAYTRACING_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_POSTBUILD_IN } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_RAYTRACING_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_RAYTRACING_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_RAYTRACING_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_RAYTRACING_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_RAYTRACING_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18542,19 +17486,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_RAYTRACING_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_RAYTRACING_GEOMETRY_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_RAYTRACING_GEOMETRY_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_RAYTRACING_GEOMETRY_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_RAYTRACING_GEOMETRY_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_RAYTRACING_GEOMETRY_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18597,19 +17530,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_RAYTRACING_GEOMETRY_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_RAYTRACING_GEOMETRY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_RAYTRACING_GEOMETRY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_RAYTRACING_GEOMETRY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_RAYTRACING_GEOMETRY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_RAYTRACING_GEOMETRY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18619,19 +17541,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_RAYTRACING_GEOMETRY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_RAYTRACING_INSTANCE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_RAYTRACING_INSTANCE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_RAYTRACING_INSTANCE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_RAYTRACING_INSTANCE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_RAYTRACING_INSTANCE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18674,19 +17585,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_RAYTRACING_INSTANCE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_RAYTRACING_PIPELINE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_RAYTRACING_PIPELINE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_RAYTRACING_PIPELINE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_RAYTRACING_PIPELINE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_RAYTRACING_PIPELINE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18729,19 +17629,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_RAYTRACING_PIPELINE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_RAYTRACING_TIER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_RAYTRACING_TIER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_RAYTRACING_TIER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_RAYTRACING_TIER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_RAYTRACING_TIER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18751,19 +17640,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_RAYTRACING_TIER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_RAY_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_RAY_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_RAY_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_RAY_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_RAY_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18806,19 +17684,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_RAY_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_RECREATE_AT_TIER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_RECREATE_AT_TIER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_RECREATE_AT_TIER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_RECREATE_AT_TIER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_RECREATE_AT_TIER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18828,19 +17695,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_RECREATE_AT_TIER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_RENDER_PASS_BEGINNING_ACCESS_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_RENDER_PASS_BEGINNING_ACCESS_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_RENDER_PASS_BEGINNING_ACCESS_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_RENDER_PASS_BEGINNING_ACCESS_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_RENDER_PASS_BEGINNING_ACCESS_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18850,19 +17706,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_RENDER_PASS_BEGINNING_ACCESS_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_RENDER_PASS_ENDING_ACCESS_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_RENDER_PASS_ENDING_ACCESS_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_RENDER_PASS_ENDING_ACCESS_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_RENDER_PASS_ENDING_ACCESS_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_RENDER_PASS_ENDING_ACCESS_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18872,19 +17717,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_RENDER_PASS_ENDING_ACCESS_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_RENDER_PASS_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_RENDER_PASS_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_RENDER_PASS_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_RENDER_PASS_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_RENDER_PASS_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18927,19 +17761,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_RENDER_PASS_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_RENDER_PASS_TIER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_RENDER_PASS_TIER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_RENDER_PASS_TIER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_RENDER_PASS_TIER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_RENDER_PASS_TIER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18949,19 +17772,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_RENDER_PASS_TIER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_RESIDENCY_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_RESIDENCY_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_RESIDENCY_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_RESIDENCY_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_RESIDENCY_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19004,19 +17816,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_RESIDENCY_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_RESIDENCY_PRIORITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_RESIDENCY_PRIORITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_RESIDENCY_PRIORITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_RESIDENCY_PRIORITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_RESIDENCY_PRIORITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19026,21 +17827,10 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_RESIDENCY_PRIORITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_RESOLVE_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_RESOLVE_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_RESOLVE_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_RESOLVE_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} -impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_RESOLVE_MODE { - type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; +impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_RESOLVE_MODE { + type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_RESOLVE_MODE { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::core::fmt::Result { @@ -19048,19 +17838,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_RESOLVE_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_RESOURCE_BARRIER_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_RESOURCE_BARRIER_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_RESOURCE_BARRIER_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_RESOURCE_BARRIER_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_RESOURCE_BARRIER_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19103,19 +17882,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_RESOURCE_BARRIER_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_RESOURCE_BARRIER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_RESOURCE_BARRIER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_RESOURCE_BARRIER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_RESOURCE_BARRIER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_RESOURCE_BARRIER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19125,19 +17893,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_RESOURCE_BARRIER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_RESOURCE_BINDING_TIER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_RESOURCE_BINDING_TIER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_RESOURCE_BINDING_TIER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_RESOURCE_BINDING_TIER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_RESOURCE_BINDING_TIER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19147,19 +17904,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_RESOURCE_BINDING_TIER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_RESOURCE_DIMENSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_RESOURCE_DIMENSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_RESOURCE_DIMENSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_RESOURCE_DIMENSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_RESOURCE_DIMENSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19169,19 +17915,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_RESOURCE_DIMENSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_RESOURCE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_RESOURCE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_RESOURCE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_RESOURCE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_RESOURCE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19224,19 +17959,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_RESOURCE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_RESOURCE_HEAP_TIER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_RESOURCE_HEAP_TIER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_RESOURCE_HEAP_TIER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_RESOURCE_HEAP_TIER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_RESOURCE_HEAP_TIER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19246,19 +17970,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_RESOURCE_HEAP_TIER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_RESOURCE_STATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_RESOURCE_STATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_RESOURCE_STATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_RESOURCE_STATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_RESOURCE_STATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19301,19 +18014,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_RESOURCE_STATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_RLDO_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_RLDO_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_RLDO_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_RLDO_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_RLDO_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19356,19 +18058,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_RLDO_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_ROOT_DESCRIPTOR_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_ROOT_DESCRIPTOR_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_ROOT_DESCRIPTOR_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_ROOT_DESCRIPTOR_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_ROOT_DESCRIPTOR_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19411,19 +18102,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_ROOT_DESCRIPTOR_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_ROOT_PARAMETER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_ROOT_PARAMETER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_ROOT_PARAMETER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_ROOT_PARAMETER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_ROOT_PARAMETER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19433,19 +18113,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_ROOT_PARAMETER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_ROOT_SIGNATURE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_ROOT_SIGNATURE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_ROOT_SIGNATURE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_ROOT_SIGNATURE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_ROOT_SIGNATURE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19488,19 +18157,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_ROOT_SIGNATURE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_RTV_DIMENSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_RTV_DIMENSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_RTV_DIMENSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_RTV_DIMENSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_RTV_DIMENSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19510,19 +18168,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_RTV_DIMENSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_SAMPLER_FEEDBACK_TIER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_SAMPLER_FEEDBACK_TIER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_SAMPLER_FEEDBACK_TIER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_SAMPLER_FEEDBACK_TIER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_SAMPLER_FEEDBACK_TIER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19532,19 +18179,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_SAMPLER_FEEDBACK_TIER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_SAMPLER_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_SAMPLER_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_SAMPLER_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_SAMPLER_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_SAMPLER_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19587,19 +18223,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_SAMPLER_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_SERIALIZED_DATA_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_SERIALIZED_DATA_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_SERIALIZED_DATA_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_SERIALIZED_DATA_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_SERIALIZED_DATA_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19609,19 +18234,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_SERIALIZED_DATA_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_SHADER_CACHE_CONTROL_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_SHADER_CACHE_CONTROL_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_SHADER_CACHE_CONTROL_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_SHADER_CACHE_CONTROL_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_SHADER_CACHE_CONTROL_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19664,19 +18278,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_SHADER_CACHE_CONTROL_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_SHADER_CACHE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_SHADER_CACHE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_SHADER_CACHE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_SHADER_CACHE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_SHADER_CACHE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19719,19 +18322,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_SHADER_CACHE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_SHADER_CACHE_KIND_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_SHADER_CACHE_KIND_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_SHADER_CACHE_KIND_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_SHADER_CACHE_KIND_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_SHADER_CACHE_KIND_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19774,19 +18366,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_SHADER_CACHE_KIND_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_SHADER_CACHE_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_SHADER_CACHE_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_SHADER_CACHE_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_SHADER_CACHE_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_SHADER_CACHE_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19796,19 +18377,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_SHADER_CACHE_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_SHADER_CACHE_SUPPORT_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_SHADER_CACHE_SUPPORT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_SHADER_CACHE_SUPPORT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_SHADER_CACHE_SUPPORT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_SHADER_CACHE_SUPPORT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19851,19 +18421,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_SHADER_CACHE_SUPPORT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_SHADER_COMPONENT_MAPPING(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_SHADER_COMPONENT_MAPPING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_SHADER_COMPONENT_MAPPING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_SHADER_COMPONENT_MAPPING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_SHADER_COMPONENT_MAPPING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19873,19 +18432,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_SHADER_COMPONENT_MAPPING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_SHADER_MIN_PRECISION_SUPPORT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_SHADER_MIN_PRECISION_SUPPORT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_SHADER_MIN_PRECISION_SUPPORT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_SHADER_MIN_PRECISION_SUPPORT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_SHADER_MIN_PRECISION_SUPPORT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19928,19 +18476,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_SHADER_MIN_PRECISION_SUPPORT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_SHADER_VERSION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_SHADER_VERSION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_SHADER_VERSION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_SHADER_VERSION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_SHADER_VERSION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19950,19 +18487,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_SHADER_VERSION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_SHADER_VISIBILITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_SHADER_VISIBILITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_SHADER_VISIBILITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_SHADER_VISIBILITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_SHADER_VISIBILITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19972,19 +18498,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_SHADER_VISIBILITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_SHADING_RATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_SHADING_RATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_SHADING_RATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_SHADING_RATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_SHADING_RATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19994,19 +18509,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_SHADING_RATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_SHADING_RATE_COMBINER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_SHADING_RATE_COMBINER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_SHADING_RATE_COMBINER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_SHADING_RATE_COMBINER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_SHADING_RATE_COMBINER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20016,19 +18520,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_SHADING_RATE_COMBINER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_SHARED_RESOURCE_COMPATIBILITY_TIER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_SHARED_RESOURCE_COMPATIBILITY_TIER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_SHARED_RESOURCE_COMPATIBILITY_TIER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_SHARED_RESOURCE_COMPATIBILITY_TIER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_SHARED_RESOURCE_COMPATIBILITY_TIER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20038,19 +18531,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_SHARED_RESOURCE_COMPATIBILITY_TIER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_SRV_DIMENSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_SRV_DIMENSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_SRV_DIMENSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_SRV_DIMENSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_SRV_DIMENSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20060,19 +18542,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_SRV_DIMENSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_STATE_OBJECT_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_STATE_OBJECT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_STATE_OBJECT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_STATE_OBJECT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_STATE_OBJECT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20115,19 +18586,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_STATE_OBJECT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_STATE_OBJECT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_STATE_OBJECT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_STATE_OBJECT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_STATE_OBJECT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_STATE_OBJECT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20137,19 +18597,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_STATE_OBJECT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_STATE_SUBOBJECT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_STATE_SUBOBJECT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_STATE_SUBOBJECT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_STATE_SUBOBJECT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_STATE_SUBOBJECT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20159,19 +18608,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_STATE_SUBOBJECT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_STATIC_BORDER_COLOR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_STATIC_BORDER_COLOR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_STATIC_BORDER_COLOR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_STATIC_BORDER_COLOR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_STATIC_BORDER_COLOR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20181,19 +18619,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_STATIC_BORDER_COLOR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_STENCIL_OP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_STENCIL_OP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_STENCIL_OP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_STENCIL_OP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_STENCIL_OP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20203,19 +18630,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_STENCIL_OP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20225,19 +18641,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_TEXTURE_BARRIER_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_TEXTURE_BARRIER_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_TEXTURE_BARRIER_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_TEXTURE_BARRIER_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_TEXTURE_BARRIER_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20280,19 +18685,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_TEXTURE_BARRIER_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_TEXTURE_COPY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_TEXTURE_COPY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_TEXTURE_COPY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_TEXTURE_COPY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_TEXTURE_COPY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20302,19 +18696,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_TEXTURE_COPY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_TEXTURE_LAYOUT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_TEXTURE_LAYOUT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_TEXTURE_LAYOUT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_TEXTURE_LAYOUT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_TEXTURE_LAYOUT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20324,19 +18707,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_TEXTURE_LAYOUT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_TILED_RESOURCES_TIER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_TILED_RESOURCES_TIER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_TILED_RESOURCES_TIER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_TILED_RESOURCES_TIER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_TILED_RESOURCES_TIER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20346,19 +18718,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_TILED_RESOURCES_TIER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_TILE_COPY_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_TILE_COPY_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_TILE_COPY_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_TILE_COPY_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_TILE_COPY_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20401,19 +18762,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_TILE_COPY_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_TILE_MAPPING_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_TILE_MAPPING_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_TILE_MAPPING_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_TILE_MAPPING_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_TILE_MAPPING_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20456,19 +18806,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_TILE_MAPPING_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_TILE_RANGE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_TILE_RANGE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_TILE_RANGE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_TILE_RANGE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_TILE_RANGE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20478,19 +18817,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_TILE_RANGE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_TRI_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_TRI_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_TRI_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_TRI_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_TRI_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20500,19 +18828,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_TRI_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_UAV_DIMENSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_UAV_DIMENSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_UAV_DIMENSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_UAV_DIMENSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_UAV_DIMENSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20522,19 +18839,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_UAV_DIMENSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VARIABLE_SHADING_RATE_TIER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VARIABLE_SHADING_RATE_TIER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VARIABLE_SHADING_RATE_TIER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VARIABLE_SHADING_RATE_TIER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VARIABLE_SHADING_RATE_TIER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20544,19 +18850,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_VARIABLE_SHADING_RATE_TIER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIEW_INSTANCING_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIEW_INSTANCING_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIEW_INSTANCING_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIEW_INSTANCING_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIEW_INSTANCING_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20599,19 +18894,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_VIEW_INSTANCING_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIEW_INSTANCING_TIER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIEW_INSTANCING_TIER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIEW_INSTANCING_TIER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIEW_INSTANCING_TIER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIEW_INSTANCING_TIER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20621,19 +18905,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_VIEW_INSTANCING_TIER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_WAVE_MMA_TIER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_WAVE_MMA_TIER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_WAVE_MMA_TIER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_WAVE_MMA_TIER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_WAVE_MMA_TIER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20643,19 +18916,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_WAVE_MMA_TIER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_WRITEBUFFERIMMEDIATE_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_WRITEBUFFERIMMEDIATE_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_WRITEBUFFERIMMEDIATE_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_WRITEBUFFERIMMEDIATE_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_WRITEBUFFERIMMEDIATE_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20665,19 +18927,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_WRITEBUFFERIMMEDIATE_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D_ROOT_SIGNATURE_VERSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D_ROOT_SIGNATURE_VERSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D_ROOT_SIGNATURE_VERSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D_ROOT_SIGNATURE_VERSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D_ROOT_SIGNATURE_VERSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20687,19 +18938,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D_ROOT_SIGNATURE_VERSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D_SHADER_MODEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D_SHADER_MODEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D_SHADER_MODEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D_SHADER_MODEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D_SHADER_MODEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Direct3D9/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Direct3D9/ index f5fe59359b..33db938c0c 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Direct3D9/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Direct3D9/ @@ -3618,19 +3618,8 @@ pub const PROCESSIDTYPE_HANDLE: D3DAUTHENTICATEDCHANNEL_PROCESSIDENTIFIERTYPE = pub const PROCESSIDTYPE_UNKNOWN: D3DAUTHENTICATEDCHANNEL_PROCESSIDENTIFIERTYPE = D3DAUTHENTICATEDCHANNEL_PROCESSIDENTIFIERTYPE(0i32); pub const _FACD3D: u32 = 2166u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DANTIALIASMODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DANTIALIASMODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DANTIALIASMODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DANTIALIASMODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DANTIALIASMODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3640,19 +3629,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DANTIALIASMODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DAUTHENTICATEDCHANNELTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DAUTHENTICATEDCHANNELTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DAUTHENTICATEDCHANNELTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DAUTHENTICATEDCHANNELTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DAUTHENTICATEDCHANNELTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3662,19 +3640,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DAUTHENTICATEDCHANNELTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DAUTHENTICATEDCHANNEL_PROCESSIDENTIFIERTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DAUTHENTICATEDCHANNEL_PROCESSIDENTIFIERTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DAUTHENTICATEDCHANNEL_PROCESSIDENTIFIERTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DAUTHENTICATEDCHANNEL_PROCESSIDENTIFIERTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DAUTHENTICATEDCHANNEL_PROCESSIDENTIFIERTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3684,19 +3651,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DAUTHENTICATEDCHANNEL_PROCESSIDENTIFIERTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DBACKBUFFER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DBACKBUFFER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DBACKBUFFER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DBACKBUFFER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DBACKBUFFER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3706,19 +3662,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DBACKBUFFER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DBASISTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DBASISTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DBASISTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DBASISTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DBASISTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3728,19 +3673,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DBASISTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DBLEND(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DBLEND {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DBLEND { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DBLEND { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DBLEND { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3750,19 +3684,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DBLEND { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DBLENDOP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DBLENDOP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DBLENDOP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DBLENDOP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DBLENDOP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3772,19 +3695,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DBLENDOP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DBUSTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DBUSTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DBUSTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DBUSTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DBUSTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3794,19 +3706,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DBUSTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DCMPFUNC(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DCMPFUNC {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DCMPFUNC { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DCMPFUNC { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DCMPFUNC { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3816,19 +3717,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DCMPFUNC { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DCOMPOSERECTSOP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DCOMPOSERECTSOP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DCOMPOSERECTSOP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DCOMPOSERECTSOP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DCOMPOSERECTSOP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3838,19 +3728,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DCOMPOSERECTSOP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DCUBEMAP_FACES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DCUBEMAP_FACES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DCUBEMAP_FACES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DCUBEMAP_FACES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DCUBEMAP_FACES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3860,19 +3739,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DCUBEMAP_FACES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DCULL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DCULL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DCULL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DCULL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DCULL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3882,19 +3750,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DCULL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DDEBUGMONITORTOKENS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DDEBUGMONITORTOKENS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DDEBUGMONITORTOKENS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DDEBUGMONITORTOKENS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DDEBUGMONITORTOKENS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3904,19 +3761,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DDEBUGMONITORTOKENS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DDECLMETHOD(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DDECLMETHOD {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DDECLMETHOD { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DDECLMETHOD { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DDECLMETHOD { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3926,19 +3772,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DDECLMETHOD { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DDECLTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DDECLTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DDECLTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DDECLTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DDECLTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3948,19 +3783,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DDECLTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DDECLUSAGE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DDECLUSAGE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DDECLUSAGE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DDECLUSAGE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DDECLUSAGE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3970,19 +3794,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DDECLUSAGE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DDEGREETYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DDEGREETYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DDEGREETYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DDEGREETYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DDEGREETYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3992,19 +3805,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DDEGREETYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DDEVTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DDEVTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DDEVTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DDEVTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DDEVTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4014,19 +3816,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DDEVTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DDISPLAYROTATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DDISPLAYROTATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DDISPLAYROTATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DDISPLAYROTATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DDISPLAYROTATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4036,19 +3827,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DDISPLAYROTATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DFILLMODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DFILLMODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DFILLMODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DFILLMODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DFILLMODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4058,19 +3838,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DFILLMODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DFOGMODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DFOGMODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DFOGMODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DFOGMODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DFOGMODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4080,19 +3849,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DFOGMODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DFORMAT(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DFORMAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DFORMAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DFORMAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DFORMAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4102,19 +3860,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DFORMAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DLIGHTSTATETYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DLIGHTSTATETYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DLIGHTSTATETYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DLIGHTSTATETYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DLIGHTSTATETYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4124,19 +3871,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DLIGHTSTATETYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DLIGHTTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DLIGHTTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DLIGHTTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DLIGHTTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DLIGHTTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4146,19 +3882,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DLIGHTTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DMATERIALCOLORSOURCE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DMATERIALCOLORSOURCE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DMATERIALCOLORSOURCE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DMATERIALCOLORSOURCE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DMATERIALCOLORSOURCE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4168,19 +3893,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DMATERIALCOLORSOURCE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DMULTISAMPLE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DMULTISAMPLE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DMULTISAMPLE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DMULTISAMPLE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DMULTISAMPLE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4190,19 +3904,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DMULTISAMPLE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DOPCODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DOPCODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DOPCODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DOPCODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DOPCODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4212,19 +3915,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DOPCODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DPATCHEDGESTYLE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DPATCHEDGESTYLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DPATCHEDGESTYLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DPATCHEDGESTYLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DPATCHEDGESTYLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4234,19 +3926,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DPATCHEDGESTYLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DPOOL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DPOOL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DPOOL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DPOOL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DPOOL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4256,19 +3937,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DPOOL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DPRIMITIVETYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DPRIMITIVETYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DPRIMITIVETYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DPRIMITIVETYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DPRIMITIVETYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4278,19 +3948,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DPRIMITIVETYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DQUERYTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DQUERYTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DQUERYTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DQUERYTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DQUERYTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4300,19 +3959,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DQUERYTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DRENDERSTATETYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DRENDERSTATETYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DRENDERSTATETYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DRENDERSTATETYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DRENDERSTATETYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4322,19 +3970,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DRENDERSTATETYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DRESOURCETYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DRESOURCETYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DRESOURCETYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DRESOURCETYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DRESOURCETYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4344,19 +3981,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DRESOURCETYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DSAMPLERSTATETYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DSAMPLERSTATETYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DSAMPLERSTATETYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DSAMPLERSTATETYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DSAMPLERSTATETYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4366,19 +3992,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DSAMPLERSTATETYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DSAMPLER_TEXTURE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DSAMPLER_TEXTURE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DSAMPLER_TEXTURE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DSAMPLER_TEXTURE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DSAMPLER_TEXTURE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4388,19 +4003,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DSAMPLER_TEXTURE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DSCANLINEORDERING(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DSCANLINEORDERING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DSCANLINEORDERING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DSCANLINEORDERING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DSCANLINEORDERING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4410,19 +4014,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DSCANLINEORDERING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DSHADEMODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DSHADEMODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DSHADEMODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DSHADEMODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DSHADEMODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4432,19 +4025,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DSHADEMODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DSHADER_ADDRESSMODE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DSHADER_ADDRESSMODE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DSHADER_ADDRESSMODE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DSHADER_ADDRESSMODE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DSHADER_ADDRESSMODE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4454,19 +4036,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DSHADER_ADDRESSMODE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DSHADER_COMPARISON(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DSHADER_COMPARISON {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DSHADER_COMPARISON { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DSHADER_COMPARISON { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DSHADER_COMPARISON { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4476,19 +4047,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DSHADER_COMPARISON { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DSHADER_INSTRUCTION_OPCODE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DSHADER_INSTRUCTION_OPCODE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DSHADER_INSTRUCTION_OPCODE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DSHADER_INSTRUCTION_OPCODE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DSHADER_INSTRUCTION_OPCODE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4498,19 +4058,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DSHADER_INSTRUCTION_OPCODE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DSHADER_MIN_PRECISION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DSHADER_MIN_PRECISION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DSHADER_MIN_PRECISION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DSHADER_MIN_PRECISION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DSHADER_MIN_PRECISION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4520,19 +4069,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DSHADER_MIN_PRECISION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DSHADER_MISCTYPE_OFFSETS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DSHADER_MISCTYPE_OFFSETS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DSHADER_MISCTYPE_OFFSETS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DSHADER_MISCTYPE_OFFSETS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DSHADER_MISCTYPE_OFFSETS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4542,19 +4080,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DSHADER_MISCTYPE_OFFSETS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DSHADER_PARAM_REGISTER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DSHADER_PARAM_REGISTER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DSHADER_PARAM_REGISTER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DSHADER_PARAM_REGISTER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DSHADER_PARAM_REGISTER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4564,19 +4091,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DSHADER_PARAM_REGISTER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DSHADER_PARAM_SRCMOD_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DSHADER_PARAM_SRCMOD_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DSHADER_PARAM_SRCMOD_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DSHADER_PARAM_SRCMOD_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DSHADER_PARAM_SRCMOD_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4586,19 +4102,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DSHADER_PARAM_SRCMOD_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DSTATEBLOCKTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DSTATEBLOCKTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DSTATEBLOCKTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DSTATEBLOCKTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DSTATEBLOCKTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4608,19 +4113,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DSTATEBLOCKTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DSTENCILOP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DSTENCILOP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DSTENCILOP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DSTENCILOP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DSTENCILOP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4630,19 +4124,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DSTENCILOP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DSWAPEFFECT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DSWAPEFFECT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DSWAPEFFECT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DSWAPEFFECT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DSWAPEFFECT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4652,19 +4135,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DSWAPEFFECT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DTEXTUREADDRESS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DTEXTUREADDRESS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DTEXTUREADDRESS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DTEXTUREADDRESS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DTEXTUREADDRESS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4674,19 +4146,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DTEXTUREADDRESS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DTEXTUREBLEND(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DTEXTUREBLEND {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DTEXTUREBLEND { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DTEXTUREBLEND { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DTEXTUREBLEND { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4696,19 +4157,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DTEXTUREBLEND { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DTEXTUREFILTER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DTEXTUREFILTER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DTEXTUREFILTER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DTEXTUREFILTER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DTEXTUREFILTER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4718,19 +4168,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DTEXTUREFILTER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DTEXTUREFILTERTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DTEXTUREFILTERTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DTEXTUREFILTERTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DTEXTUREFILTERTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DTEXTUREFILTERTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4740,19 +4179,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DTEXTUREFILTERTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DTEXTUREMAGFILTER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DTEXTUREMAGFILTER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DTEXTUREMAGFILTER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DTEXTUREMAGFILTER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DTEXTUREMAGFILTER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4762,19 +4190,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DTEXTUREMAGFILTER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DTEXTUREMINFILTER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DTEXTUREMINFILTER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DTEXTUREMINFILTER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DTEXTUREMINFILTER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DTEXTUREMINFILTER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4784,19 +4201,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DTEXTUREMINFILTER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DTEXTUREMIPFILTER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DTEXTUREMIPFILTER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DTEXTUREMIPFILTER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DTEXTUREMIPFILTER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DTEXTUREMIPFILTER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4806,19 +4212,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DTEXTUREMIPFILTER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DTEXTUREOP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DTEXTUREOP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DTEXTUREOP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DTEXTUREOP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DTEXTUREOP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4828,19 +4223,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DTEXTUREOP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DTEXTURESTAGESTATETYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DTEXTURESTAGESTATETYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DTEXTURESTAGESTATETYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DTEXTURESTAGESTATETYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DTEXTURESTAGESTATETYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4850,19 +4234,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DTEXTURESTAGESTATETYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DTEXTURETRANSFORMFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DTEXTURETRANSFORMFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DTEXTURETRANSFORMFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DTEXTURETRANSFORMFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DTEXTURETRANSFORMFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4872,19 +4245,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DTEXTURETRANSFORMFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DTRANSFORMSTATETYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DTRANSFORMSTATETYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DTRANSFORMSTATETYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DTRANSFORMSTATETYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DTRANSFORMSTATETYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4894,19 +4256,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DTRANSFORMSTATETYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DVERTEXBLENDFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DVERTEXBLENDFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DVERTEXBLENDFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DVERTEXBLENDFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DVERTEXBLENDFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4916,19 +4267,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DVERTEXBLENDFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DVERTEXTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DVERTEXTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DVERTEXTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DVERTEXTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DVERTEXTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4938,19 +4278,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DVERTEXTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DVS_ADDRESSMODE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DVS_ADDRESSMODE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DVS_ADDRESSMODE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DVS_ADDRESSMODE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DVS_ADDRESSMODE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4960,19 +4289,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DVS_ADDRESSMODE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DVS_RASTOUT_OFFSETS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DVS_RASTOUT_OFFSETS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DVS_RASTOUT_OFFSETS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DVS_RASTOUT_OFFSETS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DVS_RASTOUT_OFFSETS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4982,19 +4300,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3DVS_RASTOUT_OFFSETS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3DZBUFFERTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3DZBUFFERTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3DZBUFFERTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3DZBUFFERTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3DZBUFFERTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/DirectComposition/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/DirectComposition/ index ce391aad15..c0db33aed5 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/DirectComposition/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/DirectComposition/ @@ -3211,19 +3211,8 @@ pub const DCOMPOSITION_OPACITY_MODE_INHERIT: DCOMPOSITION_OPACITY_MODE = DCOMPOS pub const DCOMPOSITION_OPACITY_MODE_LAYER: DCOMPOSITION_OPACITY_MODE = DCOMPOSITION_OPACITY_MODE(0i32); pub const DCOMPOSITION_OPACITY_MODE_MULTIPLY: DCOMPOSITION_OPACITY_MODE = DCOMPOSITION_OPACITY_MODE(1i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COMPOSITION_FRAME_ID_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COMPOSITION_FRAME_ID_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COMPOSITION_FRAME_ID_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COMPOSITION_FRAME_ID_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COMPOSITION_FRAME_ID_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3233,19 +3222,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COMPOSITION_FRAME_ID_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DCOMPOSITION_BACKFACE_VISIBILITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DCOMPOSITION_BACKFACE_VISIBILITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DCOMPOSITION_BACKFACE_VISIBILITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DCOMPOSITION_BACKFACE_VISIBILITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DCOMPOSITION_BACKFACE_VISIBILITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3255,19 +3233,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DCOMPOSITION_BACKFACE_VISIBILITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DCOMPOSITION_BITMAP_INTERPOLATION_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DCOMPOSITION_BITMAP_INTERPOLATION_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DCOMPOSITION_BITMAP_INTERPOLATION_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DCOMPOSITION_BITMAP_INTERPOLATION_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DCOMPOSITION_BITMAP_INTERPOLATION_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3277,19 +3244,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DCOMPOSITION_BITMAP_INTERPOLATION_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DCOMPOSITION_BORDER_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DCOMPOSITION_BORDER_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DCOMPOSITION_BORDER_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DCOMPOSITION_BORDER_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DCOMPOSITION_BORDER_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3299,19 +3255,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DCOMPOSITION_BORDER_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DCOMPOSITION_COMPOSITE_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DCOMPOSITION_COMPOSITE_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DCOMPOSITION_COMPOSITE_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DCOMPOSITION_COMPOSITE_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DCOMPOSITION_COMPOSITE_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3321,19 +3266,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DCOMPOSITION_COMPOSITE_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DCOMPOSITION_DEPTH_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DCOMPOSITION_DEPTH_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DCOMPOSITION_DEPTH_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DCOMPOSITION_DEPTH_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DCOMPOSITION_DEPTH_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3343,19 +3277,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DCOMPOSITION_DEPTH_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DCOMPOSITION_OPACITY_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DCOMPOSITION_OPACITY_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DCOMPOSITION_OPACITY_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DCOMPOSITION_OPACITY_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DCOMPOSITION_OPACITY_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/DirectManipulation/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/DirectManipulation/ index 25be0b1448..420b490d19 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/DirectManipulation/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/DirectManipulation/ @@ -1070,19 +1070,8 @@ pub const DirectManipulationSharedManager: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core pub const DirectManipulationUpdateManager: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0x9fc1bfd5_1835_441a_b3b1_b6cc74b727d0); pub const DirectManipulationViewport: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0x34e211b6_3650_4f75_8334_fa359598e1c5); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DIRECTMANIPULATION_AUTOSCROLL_CONFIGURATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DIRECTMANIPULATION_AUTOSCROLL_CONFIGURATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DIRECTMANIPULATION_AUTOSCROLL_CONFIGURATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DIRECTMANIPULATION_AUTOSCROLL_CONFIGURATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DIRECTMANIPULATION_AUTOSCROLL_CONFIGURATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1092,19 +1081,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DIRECTMANIPULATION_AUTOSCROLL_CONFIGURATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DIRECTMANIPULATION_CONFIGURATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DIRECTMANIPULATION_CONFIGURATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DIRECTMANIPULATION_CONFIGURATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DIRECTMANIPULATION_CONFIGURATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DIRECTMANIPULATION_CONFIGURATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1147,19 +1125,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DIRECTMANIPULATION_CONFIGURATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DIRECTMANIPULATION_DRAG_DROP_CONFIGURATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DIRECTMANIPULATION_DRAG_DROP_CONFIGURATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DIRECTMANIPULATION_DRAG_DROP_CONFIGURATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DIRECTMANIPULATION_DRAG_DROP_CONFIGURATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DIRECTMANIPULATION_DRAG_DROP_CONFIGURATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1202,19 +1169,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DIRECTMANIPULATION_DRAG_DROP_CONFIGURATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DIRECTMANIPULATION_DRAG_DROP_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DIRECTMANIPULATION_DRAG_DROP_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DIRECTMANIPULATION_DRAG_DROP_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DIRECTMANIPULATION_DRAG_DROP_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DIRECTMANIPULATION_DRAG_DROP_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1224,19 +1180,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DIRECTMANIPULATION_DRAG_DROP_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DIRECTMANIPULATION_GESTURE_CONFIGURATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DIRECTMANIPULATION_GESTURE_CONFIGURATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DIRECTMANIPULATION_GESTURE_CONFIGURATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DIRECTMANIPULATION_GESTURE_CONFIGURATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DIRECTMANIPULATION_GESTURE_CONFIGURATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1279,19 +1224,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DIRECTMANIPULATION_GESTURE_CONFIGURATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DIRECTMANIPULATION_HITTEST_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DIRECTMANIPULATION_HITTEST_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DIRECTMANIPULATION_HITTEST_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DIRECTMANIPULATION_HITTEST_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DIRECTMANIPULATION_HITTEST_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1334,19 +1268,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DIRECTMANIPULATION_HITTEST_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DIRECTMANIPULATION_HORIZONTALALIGNMENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DIRECTMANIPULATION_HORIZONTALALIGNMENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DIRECTMANIPULATION_HORIZONTALALIGNMENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DIRECTMANIPULATION_HORIZONTALALIGNMENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DIRECTMANIPULATION_HORIZONTALALIGNMENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1389,19 +1312,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DIRECTMANIPULATION_HORIZONTALALIGNMENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DIRECTMANIPULATION_INPUT_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DIRECTMANIPULATION_INPUT_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DIRECTMANIPULATION_INPUT_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DIRECTMANIPULATION_INPUT_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DIRECTMANIPULATION_INPUT_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1411,19 +1323,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DIRECTMANIPULATION_INPUT_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DIRECTMANIPULATION_INTERACTION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DIRECTMANIPULATION_INTERACTION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DIRECTMANIPULATION_INTERACTION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DIRECTMANIPULATION_INTERACTION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DIRECTMANIPULATION_INTERACTION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1433,19 +1334,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DIRECTMANIPULATION_INTERACTION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DIRECTMANIPULATION_MOTION_TYPES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DIRECTMANIPULATION_MOTION_TYPES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DIRECTMANIPULATION_MOTION_TYPES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DIRECTMANIPULATION_MOTION_TYPES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DIRECTMANIPULATION_MOTION_TYPES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1488,19 +1378,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DIRECTMANIPULATION_MOTION_TYPES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DIRECTMANIPULATION_SNAPPOINT_COORDINATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DIRECTMANIPULATION_SNAPPOINT_COORDINATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DIRECTMANIPULATION_SNAPPOINT_COORDINATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DIRECTMANIPULATION_SNAPPOINT_COORDINATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DIRECTMANIPULATION_SNAPPOINT_COORDINATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1543,19 +1422,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DIRECTMANIPULATION_SNAPPOINT_COORDINATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DIRECTMANIPULATION_SNAPPOINT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DIRECTMANIPULATION_SNAPPOINT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DIRECTMANIPULATION_SNAPPOINT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DIRECTMANIPULATION_SNAPPOINT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DIRECTMANIPULATION_SNAPPOINT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1565,19 +1433,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DIRECTMANIPULATION_SNAPPOINT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DIRECTMANIPULATION_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DIRECTMANIPULATION_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DIRECTMANIPULATION_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DIRECTMANIPULATION_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DIRECTMANIPULATION_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1587,19 +1444,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DIRECTMANIPULATION_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DIRECTMANIPULATION_VERTICALALIGNMENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DIRECTMANIPULATION_VERTICALALIGNMENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DIRECTMANIPULATION_VERTICALALIGNMENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DIRECTMANIPULATION_VERTICALALIGNMENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DIRECTMANIPULATION_VERTICALALIGNMENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1642,19 +1488,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DIRECTMANIPULATION_VERTICALALIGNMENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DIRECTMANIPULATION_VIEWPORT_OPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DIRECTMANIPULATION_VIEWPORT_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DIRECTMANIPULATION_VIEWPORT_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DIRECTMANIPULATION_VIEWPORT_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DIRECTMANIPULATION_VIEWPORT_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/DirectWrite/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/DirectWrite/ index 1c424b2a8d..9b3b51d676 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/DirectWrite/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/DirectWrite/ @@ -9958,19 +9958,8 @@ pub const DWRITE_WORD_WRAPPING_WHOLE_WORD: DWRITE_WORD_WRAPPING = DWRITE_WORD_WR pub const DWRITE_WORD_WRAPPING_WRAP: DWRITE_WORD_WRAPPING = DWRITE_WORD_WRAPPING(0i32); pub const FACILITY_DWRITE: u32 = 2200u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_AUTOMATIC_FONT_AXES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_AUTOMATIC_FONT_AXES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_AUTOMATIC_FONT_AXES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_AUTOMATIC_FONT_AXES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_AUTOMATIC_FONT_AXES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10013,19 +10002,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DWRITE_AUTOMATIC_FONT_AXES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_BASELINE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_BASELINE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_BASELINE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_BASELINE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_BASELINE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10035,19 +10013,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_BASELINE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_BREAK_CONDITION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_BREAK_CONDITION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_BREAK_CONDITION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_BREAK_CONDITION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_BREAK_CONDITION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10057,19 +10024,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_BREAK_CONDITION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_CONTAINER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_CONTAINER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_CONTAINER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_CONTAINER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_CONTAINER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10079,19 +10035,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_CONTAINER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_FACTORY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_FACTORY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_FACTORY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_FACTORY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_FACTORY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10101,19 +10046,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_FACTORY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_FLOW_DIRECTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_FLOW_DIRECTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_FLOW_DIRECTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_FLOW_DIRECTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_FLOW_DIRECTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10123,19 +10057,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_FLOW_DIRECTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_FONT_AXIS_ATTRIBUTES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_FONT_AXIS_ATTRIBUTES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_FONT_AXIS_ATTRIBUTES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_FONT_AXIS_ATTRIBUTES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_FONT_AXIS_ATTRIBUTES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10178,19 +10101,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DWRITE_FONT_AXIS_ATTRIBUTES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_FONT_AXIS_TAG(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_FONT_AXIS_TAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_FONT_AXIS_TAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_FONT_AXIS_TAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_FONT_AXIS_TAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10200,19 +10112,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_FONT_AXIS_TAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_FONT_FACE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_FONT_FACE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_FONT_FACE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_FONT_FACE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_FONT_FACE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10222,19 +10123,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_FONT_FACE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_FONT_FAMILY_MODEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_FONT_FAMILY_MODEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_FONT_FAMILY_MODEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_FONT_FAMILY_MODEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_FONT_FAMILY_MODEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10244,19 +10134,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_FONT_FAMILY_MODEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10266,19 +10145,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_FONT_FEATURE_TAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_FONT_FILE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_FONT_FILE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_FONT_FILE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_FONT_FILE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_FONT_FILE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10288,19 +10156,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_FONT_FILE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_FONT_LINE_GAP_USAGE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_FONT_LINE_GAP_USAGE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_FONT_LINE_GAP_USAGE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_FONT_LINE_GAP_USAGE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_FONT_LINE_GAP_USAGE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10310,19 +10167,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_FONT_LINE_GAP_USAGE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_FONT_PROPERTY_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_FONT_PROPERTY_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_FONT_PROPERTY_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_FONT_PROPERTY_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_FONT_PROPERTY_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10332,19 +10178,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_FONT_PROPERTY_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_FONT_SIMULATIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_FONT_SIMULATIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_FONT_SIMULATIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_FONT_SIMULATIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_FONT_SIMULATIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10387,19 +10222,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DWRITE_FONT_SIMULATIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_FONT_SOURCE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_FONT_SOURCE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_FONT_SOURCE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_FONT_SOURCE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_FONT_SOURCE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10409,19 +10233,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_FONT_SOURCE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10431,19 +10244,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_FONT_STRETCH { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_FONT_STYLE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_FONT_STYLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_FONT_STYLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_FONT_STYLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_FONT_STYLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10453,19 +10255,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_FONT_STYLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10475,19 +10266,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_FONT_WEIGHT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_GLYPH_IMAGE_FORMATS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_GLYPH_IMAGE_FORMATS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_GLYPH_IMAGE_FORMATS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_GLYPH_IMAGE_FORMATS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_GLYPH_IMAGE_FORMATS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10530,19 +10310,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DWRITE_GLYPH_IMAGE_FORMATS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_GLYPH_ORIENTATION_ANGLE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_GLYPH_ORIENTATION_ANGLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_GLYPH_ORIENTATION_ANGLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_GLYPH_ORIENTATION_ANGLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_GLYPH_ORIENTATION_ANGLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10552,19 +10321,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_GLYPH_ORIENTATION_ANGLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_GRID_FIT_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_GRID_FIT_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_GRID_FIT_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_GRID_FIT_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_GRID_FIT_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10574,19 +10332,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_GRID_FIT_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_INFORMATIONAL_STRING_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_INFORMATIONAL_STRING_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_INFORMATIONAL_STRING_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_INFORMATIONAL_STRING_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_INFORMATIONAL_STRING_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10596,19 +10343,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_INFORMATIONAL_STRING_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_LINE_SPACING_METHOD(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_LINE_SPACING_METHOD {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_LINE_SPACING_METHOD { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_LINE_SPACING_METHOD { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_LINE_SPACING_METHOD { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10618,19 +10354,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_LINE_SPACING_METHOD { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_LOCALITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_LOCALITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_LOCALITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_LOCALITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_LOCALITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10640,19 +10365,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_LOCALITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10662,19 +10376,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_MEASURING_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_NUMBER_SUBSTITUTION_METHOD(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_NUMBER_SUBSTITUTION_METHOD {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_NUMBER_SUBSTITUTION_METHOD { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_NUMBER_SUBSTITUTION_METHOD { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_NUMBER_SUBSTITUTION_METHOD { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10684,19 +10387,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_NUMBER_SUBSTITUTION_METHOD { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_OPTICAL_ALIGNMENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_OPTICAL_ALIGNMENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_OPTICAL_ALIGNMENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_OPTICAL_ALIGNMENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_OPTICAL_ALIGNMENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10706,19 +10398,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_OPTICAL_ALIGNMENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_OUTLINE_THRESHOLD(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_OUTLINE_THRESHOLD {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_OUTLINE_THRESHOLD { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_OUTLINE_THRESHOLD { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_OUTLINE_THRESHOLD { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10728,19 +10409,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_OUTLINE_THRESHOLD { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_PANOSE_ARM_STYLE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_PANOSE_ARM_STYLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_PANOSE_ARM_STYLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_PANOSE_ARM_STYLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_PANOSE_ARM_STYLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10750,19 +10420,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_PANOSE_ARM_STYLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_PANOSE_ASPECT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_PANOSE_ASPECT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_PANOSE_ASPECT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_PANOSE_ASPECT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_PANOSE_ASPECT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10772,19 +10431,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_PANOSE_ASPECT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_PANOSE_ASPECT_RATIO(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_PANOSE_ASPECT_RATIO {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_PANOSE_ASPECT_RATIO { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_PANOSE_ASPECT_RATIO { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_PANOSE_ASPECT_RATIO { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10794,19 +10442,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_PANOSE_ASPECT_RATIO { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_PANOSE_CHARACTER_RANGES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_PANOSE_CHARACTER_RANGES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_PANOSE_CHARACTER_RANGES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_PANOSE_CHARACTER_RANGES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_PANOSE_CHARACTER_RANGES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10816,19 +10453,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_PANOSE_CHARACTER_RANGES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_PANOSE_CONTRAST(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_PANOSE_CONTRAST {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_PANOSE_CONTRAST { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_PANOSE_CONTRAST { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_PANOSE_CONTRAST { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10838,19 +10464,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_PANOSE_CONTRAST { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_PANOSE_DECORATIVE_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_PANOSE_DECORATIVE_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_PANOSE_DECORATIVE_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_PANOSE_DECORATIVE_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_PANOSE_DECORATIVE_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10860,19 +10475,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_PANOSE_DECORATIVE_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_PANOSE_DECORATIVE_TOPOLOGY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_PANOSE_DECORATIVE_TOPOLOGY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_PANOSE_DECORATIVE_TOPOLOGY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_PANOSE_DECORATIVE_TOPOLOGY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_PANOSE_DECORATIVE_TOPOLOGY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10882,19 +10486,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_PANOSE_DECORATIVE_TOPOLOGY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_PANOSE_FAMILY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_PANOSE_FAMILY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_PANOSE_FAMILY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_PANOSE_FAMILY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_PANOSE_FAMILY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10904,19 +10497,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_PANOSE_FAMILY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_PANOSE_FILL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_PANOSE_FILL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_PANOSE_FILL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_PANOSE_FILL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_PANOSE_FILL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10926,19 +10508,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_PANOSE_FILL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_PANOSE_FINIALS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_PANOSE_FINIALS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_PANOSE_FINIALS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_PANOSE_FINIALS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_PANOSE_FINIALS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10948,19 +10519,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_PANOSE_FINIALS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_PANOSE_LETTERFORM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_PANOSE_LETTERFORM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_PANOSE_LETTERFORM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_PANOSE_LETTERFORM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_PANOSE_LETTERFORM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10970,19 +10530,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_PANOSE_LETTERFORM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_PANOSE_LINING(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_PANOSE_LINING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_PANOSE_LINING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_PANOSE_LINING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_PANOSE_LINING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10992,19 +10541,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_PANOSE_LINING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_PANOSE_MIDLINE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_PANOSE_MIDLINE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_PANOSE_MIDLINE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_PANOSE_MIDLINE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_PANOSE_MIDLINE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11014,19 +10552,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_PANOSE_MIDLINE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_PANOSE_PROPORTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_PANOSE_PROPORTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_PANOSE_PROPORTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_PANOSE_PROPORTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_PANOSE_PROPORTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11036,19 +10563,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_PANOSE_PROPORTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_PANOSE_SCRIPT_FORM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_PANOSE_SCRIPT_FORM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_PANOSE_SCRIPT_FORM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_PANOSE_SCRIPT_FORM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_PANOSE_SCRIPT_FORM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11058,19 +10574,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_PANOSE_SCRIPT_FORM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_PANOSE_SCRIPT_TOPOLOGY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_PANOSE_SCRIPT_TOPOLOGY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_PANOSE_SCRIPT_TOPOLOGY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_PANOSE_SCRIPT_TOPOLOGY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_PANOSE_SCRIPT_TOPOLOGY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11080,19 +10585,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_PANOSE_SCRIPT_TOPOLOGY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_PANOSE_SERIF_STYLE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_PANOSE_SERIF_STYLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_PANOSE_SERIF_STYLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_PANOSE_SERIF_STYLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_PANOSE_SERIF_STYLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11102,19 +10596,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_PANOSE_SERIF_STYLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_PANOSE_SPACING(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_PANOSE_SPACING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_PANOSE_SPACING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_PANOSE_SPACING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_PANOSE_SPACING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11124,19 +10607,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_PANOSE_SPACING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_PANOSE_STROKE_VARIATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_PANOSE_STROKE_VARIATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_PANOSE_STROKE_VARIATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_PANOSE_STROKE_VARIATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_PANOSE_STROKE_VARIATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11146,19 +10618,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_PANOSE_STROKE_VARIATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_PANOSE_SYMBOL_ASPECT_RATIO(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_PANOSE_SYMBOL_ASPECT_RATIO {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_PANOSE_SYMBOL_ASPECT_RATIO { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_PANOSE_SYMBOL_ASPECT_RATIO { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_PANOSE_SYMBOL_ASPECT_RATIO { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11168,19 +10629,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_PANOSE_SYMBOL_ASPECT_RATIO { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_PANOSE_SYMBOL_KIND(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_PANOSE_SYMBOL_KIND {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_PANOSE_SYMBOL_KIND { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_PANOSE_SYMBOL_KIND { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_PANOSE_SYMBOL_KIND { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11190,19 +10640,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_PANOSE_SYMBOL_KIND { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_PANOSE_TOOL_KIND(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_PANOSE_TOOL_KIND {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_PANOSE_TOOL_KIND { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_PANOSE_TOOL_KIND { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_PANOSE_TOOL_KIND { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11212,19 +10651,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_PANOSE_TOOL_KIND { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_PANOSE_WEIGHT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_PANOSE_WEIGHT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_PANOSE_WEIGHT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_PANOSE_WEIGHT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_PANOSE_WEIGHT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11234,19 +10662,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_PANOSE_WEIGHT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_PANOSE_XASCENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_PANOSE_XASCENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_PANOSE_XASCENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_PANOSE_XASCENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_PANOSE_XASCENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11256,19 +10673,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_PANOSE_XASCENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_PANOSE_XHEIGHT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_PANOSE_XHEIGHT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_PANOSE_XHEIGHT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_PANOSE_XHEIGHT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_PANOSE_XHEIGHT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11278,19 +10684,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_PANOSE_XHEIGHT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_PARAGRAPH_ALIGNMENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_PARAGRAPH_ALIGNMENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_PARAGRAPH_ALIGNMENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_PARAGRAPH_ALIGNMENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_PARAGRAPH_ALIGNMENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11300,19 +10695,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_PARAGRAPH_ALIGNMENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_PIXEL_GEOMETRY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_PIXEL_GEOMETRY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_PIXEL_GEOMETRY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_PIXEL_GEOMETRY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_PIXEL_GEOMETRY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11322,19 +10706,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_PIXEL_GEOMETRY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_READING_DIRECTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_READING_DIRECTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_READING_DIRECTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_READING_DIRECTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_READING_DIRECTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11344,19 +10717,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_READING_DIRECTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_RENDERING_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_RENDERING_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_RENDERING_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_RENDERING_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_RENDERING_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11366,19 +10728,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_RENDERING_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_RENDERING_MODE1(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_RENDERING_MODE1 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_RENDERING_MODE1 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_RENDERING_MODE1 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_RENDERING_MODE1 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11388,19 +10739,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_RENDERING_MODE1 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_SCRIPT_SHAPES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_SCRIPT_SHAPES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_SCRIPT_SHAPES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_SCRIPT_SHAPES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_SCRIPT_SHAPES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11443,19 +10783,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DWRITE_SCRIPT_SHAPES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_TEXTURE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_TEXTURE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_TEXTURE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_TEXTURE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_TEXTURE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11465,19 +10794,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_TEXTURE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_TEXT_ALIGNMENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_TEXT_ALIGNMENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_TEXT_ALIGNMENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_TEXT_ALIGNMENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_TEXT_ALIGNMENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11487,19 +10805,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_TEXT_ALIGNMENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11509,19 +10816,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_TRIMMING_GRANULARITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_TRIMMING_GRANULARITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_TRIMMING_GRANULARITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_TRIMMING_GRANULARITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_TRIMMING_GRANULARITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11531,19 +10827,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_TRIMMING_GRANULARITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_VERTICAL_GLYPH_ORIENTATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_VERTICAL_GLYPH_ORIENTATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_VERTICAL_GLYPH_ORIENTATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_VERTICAL_GLYPH_ORIENTATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_VERTICAL_GLYPH_ORIENTATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11553,19 +10838,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWRITE_VERTICAL_GLYPH_ORIENTATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWRITE_WORD_WRAPPING(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWRITE_WORD_WRAPPING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWRITE_WORD_WRAPPING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWRITE_WORD_WRAPPING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWRITE_WORD_WRAPPING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Dwm/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Dwm/ index ee2d0208c3..4518d2c73b 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Dwm/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Dwm/ @@ -326,19 +326,8 @@ pub const c_DwmMaxAdapters: u32 = 16u32; pub const c_DwmMaxMonitors: u32 = 16u32; pub const c_DwmMaxQueuedBuffers: u32 = 8u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWMFLIP3DWINDOWPOLICY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWMFLIP3DWINDOWPOLICY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWMFLIP3DWINDOWPOLICY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWMFLIP3DWINDOWPOLICY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWMFLIP3DWINDOWPOLICY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -348,19 +337,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWMFLIP3DWINDOWPOLICY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWMNCRENDERINGPOLICY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWMNCRENDERINGPOLICY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWMNCRENDERINGPOLICY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWMNCRENDERINGPOLICY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWMNCRENDERINGPOLICY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -370,19 +348,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWMNCRENDERINGPOLICY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWMTRANSITION_OWNEDWINDOW_TARGET(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWMTRANSITION_OWNEDWINDOW_TARGET {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWMTRANSITION_OWNEDWINDOW_TARGET { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWMTRANSITION_OWNEDWINDOW_TARGET { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWMTRANSITION_OWNEDWINDOW_TARGET { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -392,19 +359,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWMTRANSITION_OWNEDWINDOW_TARGET { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWMWINDOWATTRIBUTE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWMWINDOWATTRIBUTE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWMWINDOWATTRIBUTE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWMWINDOWATTRIBUTE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWMWINDOWATTRIBUTE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -414,19 +370,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWMWINDOWATTRIBUTE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWM_SHOWCONTACT(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWM_SHOWCONTACT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWM_SHOWCONTACT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWM_SHOWCONTACT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWM_SHOWCONTACT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -469,19 +414,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DWM_SHOWCONTACT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWM_SOURCE_FRAME_SAMPLING(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWM_SOURCE_FRAME_SAMPLING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWM_SOURCE_FRAME_SAMPLING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWM_SOURCE_FRAME_SAMPLING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWM_SOURCE_FRAME_SAMPLING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -491,19 +425,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWM_SOURCE_FRAME_SAMPLING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWM_SYSTEMBACKDROP_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWM_SYSTEMBACKDROP_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWM_SYSTEMBACKDROP_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWM_SYSTEMBACKDROP_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWM_SYSTEMBACKDROP_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -513,19 +436,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWM_SYSTEMBACKDROP_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWM_TAB_WINDOW_REQUIREMENTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWM_TAB_WINDOW_REQUIREMENTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWM_TAB_WINDOW_REQUIREMENTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWM_TAB_WINDOW_REQUIREMENTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWM_TAB_WINDOW_REQUIREMENTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -568,19 +480,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DWM_TAB_WINDOW_REQUIREMENTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DWM_WINDOW_CORNER_PREFERENCE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DWM_WINDOW_CORNER_PREFERENCE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DWM_WINDOW_CORNER_PREFERENCE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DWM_WINDOW_CORNER_PREFERENCE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DWM_WINDOW_CORNER_PREFERENCE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -590,19 +491,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DWM_WINDOW_CORNER_PREFERENCE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GESTURE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GESTURE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GESTURE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GESTURE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GESTURE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Dxgi/Common/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Dxgi/Common/ index 6486c029a6..f5cc7821e8 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Dxgi/Common/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Dxgi/Common/ @@ -172,19 +172,8 @@ pub const DXGI_MODE_SCANLINE_ORDER_UPPER_FIELD_FIRST: DXGI_MODE_SCANLINE_ORDER = pub const DXGI_STANDARD_MULTISAMPLE_QUALITY_PATTERN: u32 = 4294967295u32; pub const _FACDXGI: u32 = 2170u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGI_ALPHA_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGI_ALPHA_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGI_ALPHA_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGI_ALPHA_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGI_ALPHA_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -194,19 +183,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGI_ALPHA_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -216,19 +194,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGI_COLOR_SPACE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGI_FORMAT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGI_FORMAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGI_FORMAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGI_FORMAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGI_FORMAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -238,19 +205,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGI_FORMAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGI_MODE_ROTATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGI_MODE_ROTATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGI_MODE_ROTATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGI_MODE_ROTATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGI_MODE_ROTATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -260,19 +216,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGI_MODE_ROTATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGI_MODE_SCALING(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGI_MODE_SCALING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGI_MODE_SCALING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGI_MODE_SCALING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGI_MODE_SCALING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -282,19 +227,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGI_MODE_SCALING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGI_MODE_SCANLINE_ORDER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGI_MODE_SCANLINE_ORDER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGI_MODE_SCANLINE_ORDER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGI_MODE_SCANLINE_ORDER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGI_MODE_SCANLINE_ORDER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Dxgi/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Dxgi/ index 017a5cbd75..90de7a3ca4 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Dxgi/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Dxgi/ @@ -5278,19 +5278,8 @@ pub const DXGI_USAGE_SHADER_INPUT: DXGI_USAGE = DXGI_USAGE(16u32); pub const DXGI_USAGE_SHARED: DXGI_USAGE = DXGI_USAGE(128u32); pub const DXGI_USAGE_UNORDERED_ACCESS: DXGI_USAGE = DXGI_USAGE(1024u32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGI_ADAPTER_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGI_ADAPTER_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGI_ADAPTER_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGI_ADAPTER_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGI_ADAPTER_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5333,19 +5322,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DXGI_ADAPTER_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGI_ADAPTER_FLAG3(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGI_ADAPTER_FLAG3 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGI_ADAPTER_FLAG3 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGI_ADAPTER_FLAG3 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGI_ADAPTER_FLAG3 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5388,19 +5366,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DXGI_ADAPTER_FLAG3 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGI_COMPUTE_PREEMPTION_GRANULARITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGI_COMPUTE_PREEMPTION_GRANULARITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGI_COMPUTE_PREEMPTION_GRANULARITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGI_COMPUTE_PREEMPTION_GRANULARITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGI_COMPUTE_PREEMPTION_GRANULARITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5410,19 +5377,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGI_COMPUTE_PREEMPTION_GRANULARITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGI_DEBUG_RLO_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGI_DEBUG_RLO_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGI_DEBUG_RLO_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGI_DEBUG_RLO_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGI_DEBUG_RLO_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5465,19 +5421,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DXGI_DEBUG_RLO_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGI_FEATURE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGI_FEATURE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGI_FEATURE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGI_FEATURE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGI_FEATURE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5487,19 +5432,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGI_FEATURE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGI_FRAME_PRESENTATION_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGI_FRAME_PRESENTATION_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGI_FRAME_PRESENTATION_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGI_FRAME_PRESENTATION_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGI_FRAME_PRESENTATION_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5509,19 +5443,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGI_FRAME_PRESENTATION_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGI_GPU_PREFERENCE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGI_GPU_PREFERENCE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGI_GPU_PREFERENCE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGI_GPU_PREFERENCE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGI_GPU_PREFERENCE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5531,19 +5454,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGI_GPU_PREFERENCE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGI_GRAPHICS_PREEMPTION_GRANULARITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGI_GRAPHICS_PREEMPTION_GRANULARITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGI_GRAPHICS_PREEMPTION_GRANULARITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGI_GRAPHICS_PREEMPTION_GRANULARITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGI_GRAPHICS_PREEMPTION_GRANULARITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5553,19 +5465,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGI_GRAPHICS_PREEMPTION_GRANULARITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGI_HARDWARE_COMPOSITION_SUPPORT_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGI_HARDWARE_COMPOSITION_SUPPORT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGI_HARDWARE_COMPOSITION_SUPPORT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGI_HARDWARE_COMPOSITION_SUPPORT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGI_HARDWARE_COMPOSITION_SUPPORT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5608,19 +5509,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DXGI_HARDWARE_COMPOSITION_SUPPORT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGI_HDR_METADATA_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGI_HDR_METADATA_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGI_HDR_METADATA_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGI_HDR_METADATA_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGI_HDR_METADATA_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5630,19 +5520,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGI_HDR_METADATA_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_CATEGORY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_CATEGORY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_CATEGORY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_CATEGORY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_CATEGORY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5652,19 +5531,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_CATEGORY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_SEVERITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_SEVERITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_SEVERITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_SEVERITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_SEVERITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5674,19 +5542,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGI_INFO_QUEUE_MESSAGE_SEVERITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5696,19 +5553,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGI_MEMORY_SEGMENT_GROUP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGI_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_YCbCr_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGI_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_YCbCr_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGI_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_YCbCr_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGI_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_YCbCr_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGI_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_YCbCr_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5718,19 +5564,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGI_MULTIPLANE_OVERLAY_YCbCr_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGI_Message_Id(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGI_Message_Id {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGI_Message_Id { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGI_Message_Id { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGI_Message_Id { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5740,19 +5575,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGI_Message_Id { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGI_OFFER_RESOURCE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGI_OFFER_RESOURCE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGI_OFFER_RESOURCE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGI_OFFER_RESOURCE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGI_OFFER_RESOURCE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5762,19 +5586,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGI_OFFER_RESOURCE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGI_OFFER_RESOURCE_PRIORITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGI_OFFER_RESOURCE_PRIORITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGI_OFFER_RESOURCE_PRIORITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGI_OFFER_RESOURCE_PRIORITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGI_OFFER_RESOURCE_PRIORITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5784,19 +5597,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGI_OFFER_RESOURCE_PRIORITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGI_OUTDUPL_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGI_OUTDUPL_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGI_OUTDUPL_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGI_OUTDUPL_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGI_OUTDUPL_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5806,19 +5608,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGI_OUTDUPL_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGI_OUTDUPL_POINTER_SHAPE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGI_OUTDUPL_POINTER_SHAPE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGI_OUTDUPL_POINTER_SHAPE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGI_OUTDUPL_POINTER_SHAPE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGI_OUTDUPL_POINTER_SHAPE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5828,19 +5619,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGI_OUTDUPL_POINTER_SHAPE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGI_OVERLAY_COLOR_SPACE_SUPPORT_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGI_OVERLAY_COLOR_SPACE_SUPPORT_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGI_OVERLAY_COLOR_SPACE_SUPPORT_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGI_OVERLAY_COLOR_SPACE_SUPPORT_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGI_OVERLAY_COLOR_SPACE_SUPPORT_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5850,19 +5630,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGI_OVERLAY_COLOR_SPACE_SUPPORT_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGI_OVERLAY_SUPPORT_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGI_OVERLAY_SUPPORT_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGI_OVERLAY_SUPPORT_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGI_OVERLAY_SUPPORT_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGI_OVERLAY_SUPPORT_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5872,19 +5641,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGI_OVERLAY_SUPPORT_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGI_RECLAIM_RESOURCE_RESULTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGI_RECLAIM_RESOURCE_RESULTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGI_RECLAIM_RESOURCE_RESULTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGI_RECLAIM_RESOURCE_RESULTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGI_RECLAIM_RESOURCE_RESULTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5894,19 +5652,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGI_RECLAIM_RESOURCE_RESULTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGI_RESIDENCY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGI_RESIDENCY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGI_RESIDENCY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGI_RESIDENCY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGI_RESIDENCY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5916,19 +5663,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGI_RESIDENCY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGI_SCALING(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGI_SCALING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGI_SCALING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGI_SCALING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGI_SCALING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5938,19 +5674,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGI_SCALING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_COLOR_SPACE_SUPPORT_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_COLOR_SPACE_SUPPORT_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_COLOR_SPACE_SUPPORT_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_COLOR_SPACE_SUPPORT_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_COLOR_SPACE_SUPPORT_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5960,19 +5685,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_COLOR_SPACE_SUPPORT_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5982,19 +5696,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGI_SWAP_EFFECT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGI_SWAP_EFFECT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGI_SWAP_EFFECT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGI_SWAP_EFFECT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGI_SWAP_EFFECT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6004,19 +5707,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXGI_SWAP_EFFECT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXGI_USAGE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXGI_USAGE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXGI_USAGE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXGI_USAGE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXGI_USAGE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Gdi/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Gdi/ index ecd8029527..99ea581da8 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Gdi/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Gdi/ @@ -4822,19 +4822,8 @@ pub const WHITE_BRUSH: GET_STOCK_OBJECT_FLAGS = GET_STOCK_OBJECT_FLAGS(0i32); pub const WHITE_PEN: GET_STOCK_OBJECT_FLAGS = GET_STOCK_OBJECT_FLAGS(6i32); pub const WINDING: CREATE_POLYGON_RGN_MODE = CREATE_POLYGON_RGN_MODE(2i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ARC_DIRECTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ARC_DIRECTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ARC_DIRECTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ARC_DIRECTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ARC_DIRECTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4844,19 +4833,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ARC_DIRECTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BACKGROUND_MODE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BACKGROUND_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BACKGROUND_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BACKGROUND_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BACKGROUND_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4866,19 +4844,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BACKGROUND_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BI_COMPRESSION(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BI_COMPRESSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BI_COMPRESSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BI_COMPRESSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BI_COMPRESSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4888,19 +4855,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BI_COMPRESSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BRUSH_STYLE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BRUSH_STYLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BRUSH_STYLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BRUSH_STYLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BRUSH_STYLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4910,19 +4866,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BRUSH_STYLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CDS_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CDS_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CDS_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CDS_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CDS_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4965,19 +4910,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CDS_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CREATE_FONT_PACKAGE_SUBSET_ENCODING(pub i16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CREATE_FONT_PACKAGE_SUBSET_ENCODING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CREATE_FONT_PACKAGE_SUBSET_ENCODING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CREATE_FONT_PACKAGE_SUBSET_ENCODING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CREATE_FONT_PACKAGE_SUBSET_ENCODING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4987,19 +4921,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CREATE_FONT_PACKAGE_SUBSET_ENCODING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CREATE_FONT_PACKAGE_SUBSET_PLATFORM(pub i16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CREATE_FONT_PACKAGE_SUBSET_PLATFORM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CREATE_FONT_PACKAGE_SUBSET_PLATFORM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CREATE_FONT_PACKAGE_SUBSET_PLATFORM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CREATE_FONT_PACKAGE_SUBSET_PLATFORM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5009,19 +4932,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CREATE_FONT_PACKAGE_SUBSET_PLATFORM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CREATE_POLYGON_RGN_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CREATE_POLYGON_RGN_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CREATE_POLYGON_RGN_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CREATE_POLYGON_RGN_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CREATE_POLYGON_RGN_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5031,19 +4943,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CREATE_POLYGON_RGN_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DC_LAYOUT(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DC_LAYOUT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DC_LAYOUT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DC_LAYOUT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DC_LAYOUT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5086,19 +4987,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DC_LAYOUT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEVMODE_COLLATE(pub i16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEVMODE_COLLATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEVMODE_COLLATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEVMODE_COLLATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEVMODE_COLLATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5108,19 +4998,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEVMODE_COLLATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEVMODE_COLOR(pub i16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEVMODE_COLOR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEVMODE_COLOR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEVMODE_COLOR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEVMODE_COLOR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5130,19 +5009,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEVMODE_COLOR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEVMODE_DISPLAY_FIXED_OUTPUT(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEVMODE_DISPLAY_FIXED_OUTPUT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEVMODE_DISPLAY_FIXED_OUTPUT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEVMODE_DISPLAY_FIXED_OUTPUT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEVMODE_DISPLAY_FIXED_OUTPUT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5152,19 +5020,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEVMODE_DISPLAY_FIXED_OUTPUT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEVMODE_DISPLAY_ORIENTATION(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEVMODE_DISPLAY_ORIENTATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEVMODE_DISPLAY_ORIENTATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEVMODE_DISPLAY_ORIENTATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEVMODE_DISPLAY_ORIENTATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5174,19 +5031,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEVMODE_DISPLAY_ORIENTATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEVMODE_DUPLEX(pub i16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEVMODE_DUPLEX {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEVMODE_DUPLEX { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEVMODE_DUPLEX { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEVMODE_DUPLEX { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5196,19 +5042,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEVMODE_DUPLEX { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEVMODE_FIELD_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEVMODE_FIELD_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEVMODE_FIELD_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEVMODE_FIELD_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEVMODE_FIELD_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5251,19 +5086,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DEVMODE_FIELD_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEVMODE_TRUETYPE_OPTION(pub i16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEVMODE_TRUETYPE_OPTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEVMODE_TRUETYPE_OPTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEVMODE_TRUETYPE_OPTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEVMODE_TRUETYPE_OPTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5273,19 +5097,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEVMODE_TRUETYPE_OPTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DFCS_STATE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DFCS_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DFCS_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DFCS_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DFCS_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5328,19 +5141,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DFCS_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DFC_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DFC_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DFC_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DFC_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DFC_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5350,19 +5152,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DFC_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DIB_USAGE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DIB_USAGE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DIB_USAGE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DIB_USAGE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DIB_USAGE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5372,19 +5163,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DIB_USAGE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPLAYCONFIG_COLOR_ENCODING(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPLAYCONFIG_COLOR_ENCODING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPLAYCONFIG_COLOR_ENCODING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPLAYCONFIG_COLOR_ENCODING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPLAYCONFIG_COLOR_ENCODING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5394,19 +5174,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPLAYCONFIG_COLOR_ENCODING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISP_CHANGE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISP_CHANGE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISP_CHANGE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISP_CHANGE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISP_CHANGE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5416,19 +5185,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISP_CHANGE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DRAWEDGE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DRAWEDGE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DRAWEDGE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DRAWEDGE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DRAWEDGE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5471,19 +5229,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DRAWEDGE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DRAWSTATE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DRAWSTATE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DRAWSTATE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DRAWSTATE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DRAWSTATE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5526,19 +5273,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DRAWSTATE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DRAW_CAPTION_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DRAW_CAPTION_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DRAW_CAPTION_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DRAW_CAPTION_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DRAW_CAPTION_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5581,19 +5317,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DRAW_CAPTION_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DRAW_EDGE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DRAW_EDGE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DRAW_EDGE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DRAW_EDGE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DRAW_EDGE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5636,19 +5361,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DRAW_EDGE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DRAW_TEXT_FORMAT(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DRAW_TEXT_FORMAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DRAW_TEXT_FORMAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DRAW_TEXT_FORMAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DRAW_TEXT_FORMAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5691,19 +5405,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DRAW_TEXT_FORMAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EMBEDDED_FONT_PRIV_STATUS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EMBEDDED_FONT_PRIV_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EMBEDDED_FONT_PRIV_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EMBEDDED_FONT_PRIV_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EMBEDDED_FONT_PRIV_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5713,19 +5416,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EMBEDDED_FONT_PRIV_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EMBED_FONT_CHARSET(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EMBED_FONT_CHARSET {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EMBED_FONT_CHARSET { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EMBED_FONT_CHARSET { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EMBED_FONT_CHARSET { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5735,19 +5427,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EMBED_FONT_CHARSET { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ENHANCED_METAFILE_RECORD_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ENHANCED_METAFILE_RECORD_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ENHANCED_METAFILE_RECORD_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ENHANCED_METAFILE_RECORD_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ENHANCED_METAFILE_RECORD_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5757,19 +5438,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ENHANCED_METAFILE_RECORD_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ENUM_DISPLAY_SETTINGS_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ENUM_DISPLAY_SETTINGS_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ENUM_DISPLAY_SETTINGS_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ENUM_DISPLAY_SETTINGS_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ENUM_DISPLAY_SETTINGS_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5812,19 +5482,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for ENUM_DISPLAY_SETTINGS_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ENUM_DISPLAY_SETTINGS_MODE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ENUM_DISPLAY_SETTINGS_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ENUM_DISPLAY_SETTINGS_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ENUM_DISPLAY_SETTINGS_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ENUM_DISPLAY_SETTINGS_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5834,19 +5493,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ENUM_DISPLAY_SETTINGS_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ETO_OPTIONS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ETO_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ETO_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ETO_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ETO_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5889,19 +5537,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for ETO_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EXT_FLOOD_FILL_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EXT_FLOOD_FILL_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EXT_FLOOD_FILL_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EXT_FLOOD_FILL_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EXT_FLOOD_FILL_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5911,19 +5548,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EXT_FLOOD_FILL_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FONT_CHARSET(pub u8); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FONT_CHARSET {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FONT_CHARSET { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FONT_CHARSET { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FONT_CHARSET { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5933,19 +5559,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FONT_CHARSET { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FONT_CLIP_PRECISION(pub u8); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FONT_CLIP_PRECISION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FONT_CLIP_PRECISION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FONT_CLIP_PRECISION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FONT_CLIP_PRECISION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5988,19 +5603,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for FONT_CLIP_PRECISION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FONT_FAMILY(pub u8); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FONT_FAMILY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FONT_FAMILY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FONT_FAMILY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FONT_FAMILY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6010,19 +5614,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FONT_FAMILY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FONT_LICENSE_PRIVS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FONT_LICENSE_PRIVS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FONT_LICENSE_PRIVS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FONT_LICENSE_PRIVS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FONT_LICENSE_PRIVS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6032,19 +5625,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FONT_LICENSE_PRIVS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FONT_OUTPUT_PRECISION(pub u8); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FONT_OUTPUT_PRECISION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FONT_OUTPUT_PRECISION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FONT_OUTPUT_PRECISION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FONT_OUTPUT_PRECISION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6054,19 +5636,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FONT_OUTPUT_PRECISION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FONT_PITCH(pub u8); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FONT_PITCH {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FONT_PITCH { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FONT_PITCH { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FONT_PITCH { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6076,19 +5647,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FONT_PITCH { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FONT_QUALITY(pub u8); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FONT_QUALITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FONT_QUALITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FONT_QUALITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FONT_QUALITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6098,19 +5658,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FONT_QUALITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FONT_RESOURCE_CHARACTERISTICS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FONT_RESOURCE_CHARACTERISTICS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FONT_RESOURCE_CHARACTERISTICS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FONT_RESOURCE_CHARACTERISTICS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FONT_RESOURCE_CHARACTERISTICS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6120,19 +5669,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FONT_RESOURCE_CHARACTERISTICS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FONT_WEIGHT(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FONT_WEIGHT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FONT_WEIGHT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FONT_WEIGHT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FONT_WEIGHT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6142,19 +5680,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FONT_WEIGHT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GDI_REGION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GDI_REGION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GDI_REGION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GDI_REGION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GDI_REGION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6164,19 +5691,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GDI_REGION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GET_CHARACTER_PLACEMENT_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GET_CHARACTER_PLACEMENT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GET_CHARACTER_PLACEMENT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GET_CHARACTER_PLACEMENT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GET_CHARACTER_PLACEMENT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6219,19 +5735,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for GET_CHARACTER_PLACEMENT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GET_DCX_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GET_DCX_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GET_DCX_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GET_DCX_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GET_DCX_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6274,19 +5779,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for GET_DCX_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GET_DEVICE_CAPS_INDEX(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GET_DEVICE_CAPS_INDEX {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GET_DEVICE_CAPS_INDEX { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GET_DEVICE_CAPS_INDEX { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GET_DEVICE_CAPS_INDEX { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6296,19 +5790,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GET_DEVICE_CAPS_INDEX { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GET_GLYPH_OUTLINE_FORMAT(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GET_GLYPH_OUTLINE_FORMAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GET_GLYPH_OUTLINE_FORMAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GET_GLYPH_OUTLINE_FORMAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GET_GLYPH_OUTLINE_FORMAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6318,19 +5801,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GET_GLYPH_OUTLINE_FORMAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GET_STOCK_OBJECT_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GET_STOCK_OBJECT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GET_STOCK_OBJECT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GET_STOCK_OBJECT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GET_STOCK_OBJECT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6340,19 +5812,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GET_STOCK_OBJECT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GRADIENT_FILL(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GRADIENT_FILL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GRADIENT_FILL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GRADIENT_FILL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GRADIENT_FILL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6362,19 +5823,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GRADIENT_FILL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GRAPHICS_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GRAPHICS_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GRAPHICS_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GRAPHICS_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GRAPHICS_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6384,19 +5834,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GRAPHICS_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HATCH_BRUSH_STYLE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HATCH_BRUSH_STYLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HATCH_BRUSH_STYLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HATCH_BRUSH_STYLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HATCH_BRUSH_STYLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6406,19 +5845,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HATCH_BRUSH_STYLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HDC_MAP_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HDC_MAP_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HDC_MAP_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HDC_MAP_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HDC_MAP_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6428,19 +5856,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HDC_MAP_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MODIFY_WORLD_TRANSFORM_MODE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MODIFY_WORLD_TRANSFORM_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MODIFY_WORLD_TRANSFORM_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MODIFY_WORLD_TRANSFORM_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MODIFY_WORLD_TRANSFORM_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6450,19 +5867,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MODIFY_WORLD_TRANSFORM_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MONITOR_FROM_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MONITOR_FROM_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MONITOR_FROM_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MONITOR_FROM_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MONITOR_FROM_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6472,19 +5878,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MONITOR_FROM_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OBJ_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OBJ_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OBJ_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OBJ_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OBJ_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6494,19 +5889,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OBJ_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PAN_ARM_STYLE(pub u8); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PAN_ARM_STYLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PAN_ARM_STYLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PAN_ARM_STYLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PAN_ARM_STYLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6516,19 +5900,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PAN_ARM_STYLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PAN_CONTRAST(pub u8); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PAN_CONTRAST {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PAN_CONTRAST { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PAN_CONTRAST { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PAN_CONTRAST { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6538,19 +5911,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PAN_CONTRAST { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PAN_FAMILY_TYPE(pub u8); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PAN_FAMILY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PAN_FAMILY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PAN_FAMILY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PAN_FAMILY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6560,19 +5922,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PAN_FAMILY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PAN_LETT_FORM(pub u8); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PAN_LETT_FORM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PAN_LETT_FORM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PAN_LETT_FORM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PAN_LETT_FORM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6582,19 +5933,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PAN_LETT_FORM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PAN_MIDLINE(pub u8); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PAN_MIDLINE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PAN_MIDLINE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PAN_MIDLINE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PAN_MIDLINE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6604,19 +5944,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PAN_MIDLINE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PAN_PROPORTION(pub u8); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PAN_PROPORTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PAN_PROPORTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PAN_PROPORTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PAN_PROPORTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6626,19 +5955,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PAN_PROPORTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PAN_SERIF_STYLE(pub u8); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PAN_SERIF_STYLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PAN_SERIF_STYLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PAN_SERIF_STYLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PAN_SERIF_STYLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6648,19 +5966,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PAN_SERIF_STYLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PAN_STROKE_VARIATION(pub u8); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PAN_STROKE_VARIATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PAN_STROKE_VARIATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PAN_STROKE_VARIATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PAN_STROKE_VARIATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6670,19 +5977,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PAN_STROKE_VARIATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PAN_WEIGHT(pub u8); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PAN_WEIGHT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PAN_WEIGHT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PAN_WEIGHT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PAN_WEIGHT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6692,19 +5988,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PAN_WEIGHT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PAN_XHEIGHT(pub u8); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PAN_XHEIGHT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PAN_XHEIGHT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PAN_XHEIGHT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PAN_XHEIGHT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6714,19 +5999,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PAN_XHEIGHT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PEN_STYLE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PEN_STYLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PEN_STYLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PEN_STYLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PEN_STYLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6769,19 +6043,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for PEN_STYLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct R2_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for R2_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for R2_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for R2_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for R2_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6791,19 +6054,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for R2_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct REDRAW_WINDOW_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for REDRAW_WINDOW_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for REDRAW_WINDOW_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for REDRAW_WINDOW_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for REDRAW_WINDOW_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6846,19 +6098,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for REDRAW_WINDOW_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RGN_COMBINE_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RGN_COMBINE_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RGN_COMBINE_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RGN_COMBINE_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RGN_COMBINE_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6868,19 +6109,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RGN_COMBINE_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ROP_CODE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ROP_CODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ROP_CODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ROP_CODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ROP_CODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6923,19 +6153,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for ROP_CODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SET_BOUNDS_RECT_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SET_BOUNDS_RECT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SET_BOUNDS_RECT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SET_BOUNDS_RECT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SET_BOUNDS_RECT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6945,19 +6164,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SET_BOUNDS_RECT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STRETCH_BLT_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STRETCH_BLT_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STRETCH_BLT_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STRETCH_BLT_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STRETCH_BLT_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6967,19 +6175,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STRETCH_BLT_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYSTEM_PALETTE_USE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYSTEM_PALETTE_USE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYSTEM_PALETTE_USE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYSTEM_PALETTE_USE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYSTEM_PALETTE_USE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6989,19 +6186,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYSTEM_PALETTE_USE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYS_COLOR_INDEX(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYS_COLOR_INDEX {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYS_COLOR_INDEX { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYS_COLOR_INDEX { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYS_COLOR_INDEX { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7011,19 +6197,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYS_COLOR_INDEX { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TEXT_ALIGN_OPTIONS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TEXT_ALIGN_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TEXT_ALIGN_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TEXT_ALIGN_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TEXT_ALIGN_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7066,19 +6241,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for TEXT_ALIGN_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TMPF_FLAGS(pub u8); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TMPF_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TMPF_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TMPF_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TMPF_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7121,19 +6285,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for TMPF_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TTEMBED_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TTEMBED_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TTEMBED_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TTEMBED_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TTEMBED_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7176,19 +6329,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for TTEMBED_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TTLOAD_EMBEDDED_FONT_STATUS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TTLOAD_EMBEDDED_FONT_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TTLOAD_EMBEDDED_FONT_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TTLOAD_EMBEDDED_FONT_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TTLOAD_EMBEDDED_FONT_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/GdiPlus/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/GdiPlus/ index d34d38e255..1e95044ac5 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/GdiPlus/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/GdiPlus/ @@ -4506,19 +4506,8 @@ pub const WrapModeTileFlipXY: WrapMode = WrapMode(3i32); pub const WrapModeTileFlipY: WrapMode = WrapMode(2i32); pub const WrongState: Status = Status(8i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BrushType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BrushType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BrushType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BrushType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BrushType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4528,19 +4517,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BrushType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ColorAdjustType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ColorAdjustType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ColorAdjustType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ColorAdjustType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ColorAdjustType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4550,19 +4528,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ColorAdjustType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ColorChannelFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ColorChannelFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ColorChannelFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ColorChannelFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ColorChannelFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4572,19 +4539,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ColorChannelFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ColorMatrixFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ColorMatrixFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ColorMatrixFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ColorMatrixFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ColorMatrixFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4594,19 +4550,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ColorMatrixFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ColorMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ColorMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ColorMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ColorMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ColorMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4616,19 +4561,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ColorMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CombineMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CombineMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CombineMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CombineMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CombineMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4638,19 +4572,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CombineMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CompositingMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CompositingMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CompositingMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CompositingMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CompositingMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4660,19 +4583,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CompositingMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CompositingQuality(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CompositingQuality {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CompositingQuality { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CompositingQuality { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CompositingQuality { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4682,19 +4594,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CompositingQuality { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ConvertToEmfPlusFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ConvertToEmfPlusFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ConvertToEmfPlusFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ConvertToEmfPlusFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ConvertToEmfPlusFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4704,19 +4605,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ConvertToEmfPlusFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CoordinateSpace(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CoordinateSpace {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CoordinateSpace { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CoordinateSpace { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CoordinateSpace { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4726,19 +4616,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CoordinateSpace { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CurveAdjustments(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CurveAdjustments {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CurveAdjustments { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CurveAdjustments { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CurveAdjustments { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4748,19 +4627,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CurveAdjustments { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CurveChannel(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CurveChannel {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CurveChannel { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CurveChannel { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CurveChannel { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4770,19 +4638,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CurveChannel { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CustomLineCapType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CustomLineCapType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CustomLineCapType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CustomLineCapType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CustomLineCapType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4792,19 +4649,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CustomLineCapType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DashCap(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DashCap {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DashCap { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DashCap { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DashCap { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4814,19 +4660,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DashCap { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DashStyle(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DashStyle {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DashStyle { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DashStyle { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DashStyle { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4836,19 +4671,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DashStyle { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DebugEventLevel(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DebugEventLevel {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DebugEventLevel { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DebugEventLevel { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DebugEventLevel { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4858,19 +4682,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DebugEventLevel { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DitherType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DitherType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DitherType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DitherType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DitherType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4880,19 +4693,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DitherType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DriverStringOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DriverStringOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DriverStringOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DriverStringOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DriverStringOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4902,19 +4704,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DriverStringOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EmfPlusRecordType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EmfPlusRecordType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EmfPlusRecordType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EmfPlusRecordType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EmfPlusRecordType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4924,19 +4715,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EmfPlusRecordType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EmfToWmfBitsFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EmfToWmfBitsFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EmfToWmfBitsFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EmfToWmfBitsFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EmfToWmfBitsFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4946,19 +4726,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EmfToWmfBitsFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EmfType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EmfType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EmfType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EmfType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EmfType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4968,19 +4737,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EmfType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EncoderParameterValueType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EncoderParameterValueType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EncoderParameterValueType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EncoderParameterValueType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EncoderParameterValueType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4990,19 +4748,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EncoderParameterValueType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EncoderValue(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EncoderValue {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EncoderValue { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EncoderValue { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EncoderValue { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5012,19 +4759,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EncoderValue { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FillMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FillMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FillMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FillMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FillMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5034,19 +4770,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FillMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FlushIntention(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FlushIntention {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FlushIntention { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FlushIntention { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FlushIntention { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5056,19 +4781,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FlushIntention { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FontStyle(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FontStyle {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FontStyle { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FontStyle { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FontStyle { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5078,19 +4792,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FontStyle { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GdiplusStartupParams(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GdiplusStartupParams {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GdiplusStartupParams { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GdiplusStartupParams { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GdiplusStartupParams { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5100,19 +4803,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GdiplusStartupParams { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GenericFontFamily(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GenericFontFamily {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GenericFontFamily { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GenericFontFamily { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GenericFontFamily { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5122,19 +4814,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GenericFontFamily { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GpTestControlEnum(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GpTestControlEnum {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GpTestControlEnum { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GpTestControlEnum { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GpTestControlEnum { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5144,19 +4825,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GpTestControlEnum { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HatchStyle(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HatchStyle {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HatchStyle { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HatchStyle { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HatchStyle { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5166,19 +4836,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HatchStyle { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HistogramFormat(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HistogramFormat {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HistogramFormat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HistogramFormat { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HistogramFormat { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5188,19 +4847,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HistogramFormat { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HotkeyPrefix(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HotkeyPrefix {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HotkeyPrefix { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HotkeyPrefix { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HotkeyPrefix { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5210,19 +4858,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HotkeyPrefix { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ImageCodecFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ImageCodecFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ImageCodecFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ImageCodecFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ImageCodecFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5232,19 +4869,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ImageCodecFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ImageFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ImageFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ImageFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ImageFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ImageFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5254,19 +4880,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ImageFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ImageLockMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ImageLockMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ImageLockMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ImageLockMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ImageLockMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5276,19 +4891,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ImageLockMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ImageType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ImageType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ImageType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ImageType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ImageType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5298,19 +4902,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ImageType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InterpolationMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InterpolationMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InterpolationMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InterpolationMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InterpolationMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5320,19 +4913,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for InterpolationMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ItemDataPosition(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ItemDataPosition {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ItemDataPosition { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ItemDataPosition { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ItemDataPosition { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5342,19 +4924,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ItemDataPosition { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LineCap(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LineCap {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LineCap { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LineCap { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LineCap { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5364,19 +4935,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for LineCap { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LineJoin(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LineJoin {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LineJoin { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LineJoin { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LineJoin { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5386,19 +4946,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for LineJoin { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LinearGradientMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LinearGradientMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LinearGradientMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LinearGradientMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LinearGradientMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5408,19 +4957,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for LinearGradientMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MatrixOrder(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MatrixOrder {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MatrixOrder { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MatrixOrder { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MatrixOrder { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5430,19 +4968,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MatrixOrder { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MetafileFrameUnit(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MetafileFrameUnit {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MetafileFrameUnit { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MetafileFrameUnit { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MetafileFrameUnit { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5452,19 +4979,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MetafileFrameUnit { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MetafileType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MetafileType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MetafileType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MetafileType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MetafileType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5474,19 +4990,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MetafileType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ObjectType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ObjectType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ObjectType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ObjectType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ObjectType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5496,19 +5001,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ObjectType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PaletteFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PaletteFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PaletteFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PaletteFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PaletteFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5518,19 +5012,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PaletteFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PaletteType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PaletteType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PaletteType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PaletteType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PaletteType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5540,19 +5023,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PaletteType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PathPointType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PathPointType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PathPointType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PathPointType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PathPointType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5562,19 +5034,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PathPointType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PenAlignment(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PenAlignment {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PenAlignment { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PenAlignment { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PenAlignment { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5584,19 +5045,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PenAlignment { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PenType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PenType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PenType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PenType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PenType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5606,19 +5056,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PenType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PixelOffsetMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PixelOffsetMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PixelOffsetMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PixelOffsetMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PixelOffsetMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5628,19 +5067,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PixelOffsetMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct QualityMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for QualityMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for QualityMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for QualityMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for QualityMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5650,19 +5078,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for QualityMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RotateFlipType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RotateFlipType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RotateFlipType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RotateFlipType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RotateFlipType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5672,19 +5089,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RotateFlipType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SmoothingMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SmoothingMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SmoothingMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SmoothingMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SmoothingMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5694,19 +5100,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SmoothingMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct Status(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for Status {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for Status { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for Status { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for Status { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5716,19 +5111,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for Status { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct StringAlignment(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for StringAlignment {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for StringAlignment { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for StringAlignment { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for StringAlignment { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5738,19 +5122,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for StringAlignment { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct StringDigitSubstitute(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for StringDigitSubstitute {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for StringDigitSubstitute { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for StringDigitSubstitute { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for StringDigitSubstitute { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5760,19 +5133,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for StringDigitSubstitute { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct StringFormatFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for StringFormatFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for StringFormatFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for StringFormatFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for StringFormatFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5782,19 +5144,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for StringFormatFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct StringTrimming(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for StringTrimming {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for StringTrimming { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for StringTrimming { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for StringTrimming { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5804,19 +5155,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for StringTrimming { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TextRenderingHint(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TextRenderingHint {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TextRenderingHint { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TextRenderingHint { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TextRenderingHint { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5826,19 +5166,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TextRenderingHint { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct Unit(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for Unit {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for Unit { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for Unit { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for Unit { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5848,19 +5177,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for Unit { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WarpMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WarpMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WarpMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WarpMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WarpMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5870,19 +5188,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WarpMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WrapMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WrapMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WrapMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WrapMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WrapMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Imaging/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Imaging/ index 1e87235b3e..f9a3e4fff1 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Imaging/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Imaging/ @@ -3903,19 +3903,8 @@ pub const WINCODEC_SDK_VERSION: u32 = 567u32; pub const WINCODEC_SDK_VERSION1: u32 = 566u32; pub const WINCODEC_SDK_VERSION2: u32 = 567u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WIC8BIMIptcDigestProperties(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WIC8BIMIptcDigestProperties {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WIC8BIMIptcDigestProperties { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WIC8BIMIptcDigestProperties { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WIC8BIMIptcDigestProperties { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3925,19 +3914,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WIC8BIMIptcDigestProperties { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WIC8BIMIptcProperties(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WIC8BIMIptcProperties {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WIC8BIMIptcProperties { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WIC8BIMIptcProperties { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WIC8BIMIptcProperties { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3947,19 +3925,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WIC8BIMIptcProperties { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WIC8BIMResolutionInfoProperties(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WIC8BIMResolutionInfoProperties {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WIC8BIMResolutionInfoProperties { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WIC8BIMResolutionInfoProperties { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WIC8BIMResolutionInfoProperties { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3969,19 +3936,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WIC8BIMResolutionInfoProperties { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WICBitmapAlphaChannelOption(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WICBitmapAlphaChannelOption {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WICBitmapAlphaChannelOption { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WICBitmapAlphaChannelOption { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WICBitmapAlphaChannelOption { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3991,19 +3947,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WICBitmapAlphaChannelOption { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WICBitmapCreateCacheOption(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WICBitmapCreateCacheOption {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WICBitmapCreateCacheOption { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WICBitmapCreateCacheOption { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WICBitmapCreateCacheOption { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4013,19 +3958,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WICBitmapCreateCacheOption { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WICBitmapDecoderCapabilities(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WICBitmapDecoderCapabilities {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WICBitmapDecoderCapabilities { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WICBitmapDecoderCapabilities { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WICBitmapDecoderCapabilities { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4035,19 +3969,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WICBitmapDecoderCapabilities { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WICBitmapDitherType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WICBitmapDitherType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WICBitmapDitherType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WICBitmapDitherType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WICBitmapDitherType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4057,19 +3980,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WICBitmapDitherType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WICBitmapEncoderCacheOption(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WICBitmapEncoderCacheOption {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WICBitmapEncoderCacheOption { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WICBitmapEncoderCacheOption { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WICBitmapEncoderCacheOption { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4079,19 +3991,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WICBitmapEncoderCacheOption { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WICBitmapInterpolationMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WICBitmapInterpolationMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WICBitmapInterpolationMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WICBitmapInterpolationMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WICBitmapInterpolationMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4101,19 +4002,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WICBitmapInterpolationMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WICBitmapLockFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WICBitmapLockFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WICBitmapLockFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WICBitmapLockFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WICBitmapLockFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4123,19 +4013,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WICBitmapLockFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WICBitmapPaletteType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WICBitmapPaletteType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WICBitmapPaletteType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WICBitmapPaletteType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WICBitmapPaletteType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4145,19 +4024,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WICBitmapPaletteType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WICBitmapTransformOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WICBitmapTransformOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WICBitmapTransformOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WICBitmapTransformOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WICBitmapTransformOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4167,19 +4035,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WICBitmapTransformOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WICColorContextType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WICColorContextType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WICColorContextType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WICColorContextType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WICColorContextType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4189,19 +4046,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WICColorContextType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WICComponentEnumerateOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WICComponentEnumerateOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WICComponentEnumerateOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WICComponentEnumerateOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WICComponentEnumerateOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4211,19 +4057,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WICComponentEnumerateOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WICComponentSigning(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WICComponentSigning {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WICComponentSigning { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WICComponentSigning { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WICComponentSigning { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4233,19 +4068,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WICComponentSigning { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WICComponentType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WICComponentType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WICComponentType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WICComponentType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WICComponentType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4255,19 +4079,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WICComponentType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WICDdsAlphaMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WICDdsAlphaMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WICDdsAlphaMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WICDdsAlphaMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WICDdsAlphaMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4277,19 +4090,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WICDdsAlphaMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WICDdsDimension(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WICDdsDimension {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WICDdsDimension { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WICDdsDimension { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WICDdsDimension { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4299,19 +4101,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WICDdsDimension { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WICDecodeOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WICDecodeOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WICDecodeOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WICDecodeOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WICDecodeOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4321,19 +4112,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WICDecodeOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WICGifApplicationExtensionProperties(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WICGifApplicationExtensionProperties {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WICGifApplicationExtensionProperties { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WICGifApplicationExtensionProperties { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WICGifApplicationExtensionProperties { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4343,19 +4123,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WICGifApplicationExtensionProperties { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WICGifCommentExtensionProperties(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WICGifCommentExtensionProperties {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WICGifCommentExtensionProperties { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WICGifCommentExtensionProperties { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WICGifCommentExtensionProperties { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4365,19 +4134,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WICGifCommentExtensionProperties { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WICGifGraphicControlExtensionProperties(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WICGifGraphicControlExtensionProperties {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WICGifGraphicControlExtensionProperties { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WICGifGraphicControlExtensionProperties { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WICGifGraphicControlExtensionProperties { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4387,19 +4145,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WICGifGraphicControlExtensionProperties { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WICGifImageDescriptorProperties(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WICGifImageDescriptorProperties {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WICGifImageDescriptorProperties { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WICGifImageDescriptorProperties { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WICGifImageDescriptorProperties { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4409,19 +4156,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WICGifImageDescriptorProperties { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WICGifLogicalScreenDescriptorProperties(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WICGifLogicalScreenDescriptorProperties {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WICGifLogicalScreenDescriptorProperties { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WICGifLogicalScreenDescriptorProperties { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WICGifLogicalScreenDescriptorProperties { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4431,19 +4167,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WICGifLogicalScreenDescriptorProperties { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WICHeifHdrProperties(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WICHeifHdrProperties {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WICHeifHdrProperties { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WICHeifHdrProperties { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WICHeifHdrProperties { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4453,19 +4178,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WICHeifHdrProperties { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WICHeifProperties(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WICHeifProperties {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WICHeifProperties { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WICHeifProperties { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WICHeifProperties { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4475,19 +4189,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WICHeifProperties { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WICJpegChrominanceProperties(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WICJpegChrominanceProperties {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WICJpegChrominanceProperties { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WICJpegChrominanceProperties { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WICJpegChrominanceProperties { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4497,19 +4200,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WICJpegChrominanceProperties { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WICJpegCommentProperties(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WICJpegCommentProperties {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WICJpegCommentProperties { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WICJpegCommentProperties { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WICJpegCommentProperties { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4519,19 +4211,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WICJpegCommentProperties { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WICJpegIndexingOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WICJpegIndexingOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WICJpegIndexingOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WICJpegIndexingOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WICJpegIndexingOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4541,19 +4222,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WICJpegIndexingOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WICJpegLuminanceProperties(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WICJpegLuminanceProperties {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WICJpegLuminanceProperties { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WICJpegLuminanceProperties { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WICJpegLuminanceProperties { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4563,19 +4233,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WICJpegLuminanceProperties { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WICJpegScanType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WICJpegScanType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WICJpegScanType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WICJpegScanType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WICJpegScanType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4585,19 +4244,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WICJpegScanType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WICJpegTransferMatrix(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WICJpegTransferMatrix {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WICJpegTransferMatrix { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WICJpegTransferMatrix { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WICJpegTransferMatrix { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4607,19 +4255,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WICJpegTransferMatrix { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WICJpegYCrCbSubsamplingOption(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WICJpegYCrCbSubsamplingOption {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WICJpegYCrCbSubsamplingOption { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WICJpegYCrCbSubsamplingOption { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WICJpegYCrCbSubsamplingOption { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4629,19 +4266,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WICJpegYCrCbSubsamplingOption { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WICMetadataCreationOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WICMetadataCreationOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WICMetadataCreationOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WICMetadataCreationOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WICMetadataCreationOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4651,19 +4277,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WICMetadataCreationOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WICNamedWhitePoint(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WICNamedWhitePoint {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WICNamedWhitePoint { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WICNamedWhitePoint { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WICNamedWhitePoint { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4673,19 +4288,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WICNamedWhitePoint { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WICPersistOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WICPersistOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WICPersistOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WICPersistOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WICPersistOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4695,19 +4299,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WICPersistOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WICPixelFormatNumericRepresentation(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WICPixelFormatNumericRepresentation {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WICPixelFormatNumericRepresentation { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WICPixelFormatNumericRepresentation { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WICPixelFormatNumericRepresentation { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4717,19 +4310,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WICPixelFormatNumericRepresentation { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WICPlanarOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WICPlanarOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WICPlanarOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WICPlanarOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WICPlanarOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4739,19 +4321,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WICPlanarOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WICPngBkgdProperties(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WICPngBkgdProperties {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WICPngBkgdProperties { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WICPngBkgdProperties { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WICPngBkgdProperties { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4761,19 +4332,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WICPngBkgdProperties { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WICPngChrmProperties(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WICPngChrmProperties {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WICPngChrmProperties { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WICPngChrmProperties { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WICPngChrmProperties { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4783,19 +4343,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WICPngChrmProperties { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WICPngFilterOption(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WICPngFilterOption {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WICPngFilterOption { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WICPngFilterOption { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WICPngFilterOption { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4805,19 +4354,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WICPngFilterOption { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WICPngGamaProperties(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WICPngGamaProperties {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WICPngGamaProperties { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WICPngGamaProperties { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WICPngGamaProperties { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4827,19 +4365,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WICPngGamaProperties { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WICPngHistProperties(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WICPngHistProperties {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WICPngHistProperties { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WICPngHistProperties { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WICPngHistProperties { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4849,19 +4376,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WICPngHistProperties { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WICPngIccpProperties(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WICPngIccpProperties {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WICPngIccpProperties { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WICPngIccpProperties { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WICPngIccpProperties { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4871,19 +4387,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WICPngIccpProperties { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WICPngItxtProperties(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WICPngItxtProperties {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WICPngItxtProperties { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WICPngItxtProperties { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WICPngItxtProperties { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4893,19 +4398,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WICPngItxtProperties { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WICPngSrgbProperties(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WICPngSrgbProperties {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WICPngSrgbProperties { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WICPngSrgbProperties { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WICPngSrgbProperties { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4915,19 +4409,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WICPngSrgbProperties { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WICPngTimeProperties(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WICPngTimeProperties {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WICPngTimeProperties { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WICPngTimeProperties { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WICPngTimeProperties { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4937,19 +4420,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WICPngTimeProperties { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WICProgressNotification(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WICProgressNotification {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WICProgressNotification { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WICProgressNotification { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WICProgressNotification { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4959,19 +4431,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WICProgressNotification { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WICProgressOperation(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WICProgressOperation {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WICProgressOperation { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WICProgressOperation { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WICProgressOperation { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4981,19 +4442,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WICProgressOperation { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WICRawCapabilities(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WICRawCapabilities {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WICRawCapabilities { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WICRawCapabilities { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WICRawCapabilities { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5003,19 +4453,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WICRawCapabilities { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WICRawParameterSet(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WICRawParameterSet {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WICRawParameterSet { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WICRawParameterSet { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WICRawParameterSet { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5025,19 +4464,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WICRawParameterSet { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WICRawRenderMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WICRawRenderMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WICRawRenderMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WICRawRenderMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WICRawRenderMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5047,19 +4475,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WICRawRenderMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WICRawRotationCapabilities(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WICRawRotationCapabilities {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WICRawRotationCapabilities { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WICRawRotationCapabilities { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WICRawRotationCapabilities { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5069,19 +4486,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WICRawRotationCapabilities { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WICSectionAccessLevel(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WICSectionAccessLevel {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WICSectionAccessLevel { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WICSectionAccessLevel { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WICSectionAccessLevel { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5091,19 +4497,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WICSectionAccessLevel { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WICTiffCompressionOption(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WICTiffCompressionOption {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WICTiffCompressionOption { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WICTiffCompressionOption { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WICTiffCompressionOption { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5113,19 +4508,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WICTiffCompressionOption { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WICWebpAnimProperties(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WICWebpAnimProperties {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WICWebpAnimProperties { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WICWebpAnimProperties { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WICWebpAnimProperties { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5135,19 +4519,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WICWebpAnimProperties { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WICWebpAnmfProperties(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WICWebpAnmfProperties {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WICWebpAnmfProperties { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WICWebpAnmfProperties { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WICWebpAnmfProperties { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/OpenGL/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/OpenGL/ index 9ecd48d37b..ff8dded949 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/OpenGL/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/OpenGL/ @@ -2896,19 +2896,8 @@ pub const PFD_TYPE_COLORINDEX: PFD_PIXEL_TYPE = PFD_PIXEL_TYPE(1u8); pub const PFD_TYPE_RGBA: PFD_PIXEL_TYPE = PFD_PIXEL_TYPE(0u8); pub const PFD_UNDERLAY_PLANE: PFD_LAYER_TYPE = PFD_LAYER_TYPE(-1i8); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PFD_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PFD_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PFD_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PFD_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PFD_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2951,19 +2940,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for PFD_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PFD_LAYER_TYPE(pub i8); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PFD_LAYER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PFD_LAYER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PFD_LAYER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PFD_LAYER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2973,19 +2951,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PFD_LAYER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PFD_PIXEL_TYPE(pub u8); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PFD_PIXEL_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PFD_PIXEL_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PFD_PIXEL_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PFD_PIXEL_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Printing/PrintTicket/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Printing/PrintTicket/ index 43e721f6a1..f3295842ef 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Printing/PrintTicket/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Printing/PrintTicket/ @@ -128,19 +128,8 @@ pub const kPTPageScope: EPrintTicketScope = EPrintTicketScope(0i32); pub const kPrinterDefaultDevmode: EDefaultDevmodeType = EDefaultDevmodeType(1i32); pub const kUserDefaultDevmode: EDefaultDevmodeType = EDefaultDevmodeType(0i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EDefaultDevmodeType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EDefaultDevmodeType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EDefaultDevmodeType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EDefaultDevmodeType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EDefaultDevmodeType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -150,19 +139,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EDefaultDevmodeType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EPrintTicketScope(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EPrintTicketScope {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EPrintTicketScope { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EPrintTicketScope { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EPrintTicketScope { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Printing/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Printing/ index ace840a644..0999686a5a 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Printing/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Graphics/Printing/ @@ -8559,19 +8559,8 @@ pub const kResourceAdded: EPrintXPSJobProgress = EPrintXPSJobProgress(6i32); pub const kUniDirectional: PrintAsyncNotifyConversationStyle = PrintAsyncNotifyConversationStyle(1i32); pub const kXpsDocumentCommitted: EPrintXPSJobProgress = EPrintXPSJobProgress(9i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BIDI_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BIDI_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BIDI_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BIDI_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BIDI_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8581,19 +8570,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BIDI_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EATTRIBUTE_DATATYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EATTRIBUTE_DATATYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EATTRIBUTE_DATATYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EATTRIBUTE_DATATYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EATTRIBUTE_DATATYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8603,19 +8581,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EATTRIBUTE_DATATYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EBranchOfficeJobEventType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EBranchOfficeJobEventType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EBranchOfficeJobEventType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EBranchOfficeJobEventType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EBranchOfficeJobEventType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8625,19 +8592,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EBranchOfficeJobEventType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EPrintPropertyType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EPrintPropertyType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EPrintPropertyType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EPrintPropertyType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EPrintPropertyType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8647,19 +8603,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EPrintPropertyType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EPrintXPSJobOperation(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EPrintXPSJobOperation {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EPrintXPSJobOperation { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EPrintXPSJobOperation { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EPrintXPSJobOperation { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8669,19 +8614,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EPrintXPSJobOperation { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EPrintXPSJobProgress(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EPrintXPSJobProgress {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EPrintXPSJobProgress { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EPrintXPSJobProgress { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EPrintXPSJobProgress { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8691,19 +8625,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EPrintXPSJobProgress { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EXpsCompressionOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EXpsCompressionOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EXpsCompressionOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EXpsCompressionOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EXpsCompressionOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8713,19 +8636,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EXpsCompressionOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EXpsFontOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EXpsFontOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EXpsFontOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EXpsFontOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EXpsFontOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8735,19 +8647,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EXpsFontOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EXpsFontRestriction(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EXpsFontRestriction {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EXpsFontRestriction { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EXpsFontRestriction { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EXpsFontRestriction { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8757,19 +8658,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EXpsFontRestriction { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EXpsJobConsumption(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EXpsJobConsumption {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EXpsJobConsumption { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EXpsJobConsumption { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EXpsJobConsumption { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8779,19 +8669,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EXpsJobConsumption { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MXDC_IMAGE_TYPE_ENUMS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MXDC_IMAGE_TYPE_ENUMS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MXDC_IMAGE_TYPE_ENUMS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MXDC_IMAGE_TYPE_ENUMS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MXDC_IMAGE_TYPE_ENUMS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8801,19 +8680,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MXDC_IMAGE_TYPE_ENUMS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MXDC_LANDSCAPE_ROTATION_ENUMS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MXDC_LANDSCAPE_ROTATION_ENUMS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MXDC_LANDSCAPE_ROTATION_ENUMS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MXDC_LANDSCAPE_ROTATION_ENUMS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MXDC_LANDSCAPE_ROTATION_ENUMS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8823,19 +8691,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MXDC_LANDSCAPE_ROTATION_ENUMS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MXDC_S0_PAGE_ENUMS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MXDC_S0_PAGE_ENUMS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MXDC_S0_PAGE_ENUMS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MXDC_S0_PAGE_ENUMS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MXDC_S0_PAGE_ENUMS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8845,19 +8702,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MXDC_S0_PAGE_ENUMS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NOTIFICATION_CALLBACK_COMMANDS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NOTIFICATION_CALLBACK_COMMANDS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NOTIFICATION_CALLBACK_COMMANDS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NOTIFICATION_CALLBACK_COMMANDS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NOTIFICATION_CALLBACK_COMMANDS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8867,19 +8713,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NOTIFICATION_CALLBACK_COMMANDS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NOTIFICATION_CONFIG_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NOTIFICATION_CONFIG_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NOTIFICATION_CONFIG_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NOTIFICATION_CONFIG_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NOTIFICATION_CONFIG_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8889,19 +8724,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NOTIFICATION_CONFIG_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PRINTER_ACCESS_RIGHTS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PRINTER_ACCESS_RIGHTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PRINTER_ACCESS_RIGHTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PRINTER_ACCESS_RIGHTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PRINTER_ACCESS_RIGHTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8944,19 +8768,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for PRINTER_ACCESS_RIGHTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PRINTER_OPTION_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PRINTER_OPTION_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PRINTER_OPTION_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PRINTER_OPTION_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PRINTER_OPTION_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8966,19 +8779,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PRINTER_OPTION_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PRINT_EXECUTION_CONTEXT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PRINT_EXECUTION_CONTEXT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PRINT_EXECUTION_CONTEXT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PRINT_EXECUTION_CONTEXT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PRINT_EXECUTION_CONTEXT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8988,19 +8790,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PRINT_EXECUTION_CONTEXT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PageCountType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PageCountType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PageCountType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PageCountType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PageCountType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9010,19 +8801,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PageCountType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PrintAsyncNotifyConversationStyle(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PrintAsyncNotifyConversationStyle {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PrintAsyncNotifyConversationStyle { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PrintAsyncNotifyConversationStyle { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PrintAsyncNotifyConversationStyle { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9032,19 +8812,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PrintAsyncNotifyConversationStyle { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PrintAsyncNotifyError(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PrintAsyncNotifyError {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PrintAsyncNotifyError { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PrintAsyncNotifyError { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PrintAsyncNotifyError { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9054,19 +8823,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PrintAsyncNotifyError { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PrintAsyncNotifyUserFilter(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PrintAsyncNotifyUserFilter {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PrintAsyncNotifyUserFilter { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PrintAsyncNotifyUserFilter { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PrintAsyncNotifyUserFilter { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9076,19 +8834,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PrintAsyncNotifyUserFilter { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PrintJobStatus(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PrintJobStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PrintJobStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PrintJobStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PrintJobStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9098,19 +8845,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PrintJobStatus { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PrintSchemaConstrainedSetting(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PrintSchemaConstrainedSetting {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PrintSchemaConstrainedSetting { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PrintSchemaConstrainedSetting { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PrintSchemaConstrainedSetting { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9120,19 +8856,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PrintSchemaConstrainedSetting { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PrintSchemaParameterDataType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PrintSchemaParameterDataType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PrintSchemaParameterDataType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PrintSchemaParameterDataType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PrintSchemaParameterDataType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9142,19 +8867,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PrintSchemaParameterDataType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PrintSchemaSelectionType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PrintSchemaSelectionType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PrintSchemaSelectionType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PrintSchemaSelectionType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PrintSchemaSelectionType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9164,19 +8878,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PrintSchemaSelectionType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SHIMOPTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SHIMOPTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SHIMOPTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SHIMOPTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SHIMOPTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9186,19 +8889,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SHIMOPTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UI_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UI_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UI_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UI_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UI_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9208,19 +8900,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UI_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XPSRAS_BACKGROUND_COLOR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XPSRAS_BACKGROUND_COLOR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XPSRAS_BACKGROUND_COLOR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XPSRAS_BACKGROUND_COLOR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XPSRAS_BACKGROUND_COLOR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9230,19 +8911,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for XPSRAS_BACKGROUND_COLOR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XPSRAS_PIXEL_FORMAT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XPSRAS_PIXEL_FORMAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XPSRAS_PIXEL_FORMAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XPSRAS_PIXEL_FORMAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XPSRAS_PIXEL_FORMAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9252,19 +8922,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for XPSRAS_PIXEL_FORMAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XPSRAS_RENDERING_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XPSRAS_RENDERING_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XPSRAS_RENDERING_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XPSRAS_RENDERING_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XPSRAS_RENDERING_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Management/MobileDeviceManagementRegistration/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Management/MobileDeviceManagementRegistration/ index 977d812583..7cb730d604 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Management/MobileDeviceManagementRegistration/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Management/MobileDeviceManagementRegistration/ @@ -199,19 +199,8 @@ pub const MREGISTER_E_DISCOVERY_REDIRECTED: ::windows_core::HRESULT = ::windows_ pub const MREGISTER_E_REGISTRATION_IN_PROGRESS: ::windows_core::HRESULT = ::windows_core::HRESULT(-2145845239i32); pub const MaxDeviceInfoClass: REGISTRATION_INFORMATION_CLASS = REGISTRATION_INFORMATION_CLASS(2i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct REGISTRATION_INFORMATION_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for REGISTRATION_INFORMATION_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for REGISTRATION_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for REGISTRATION_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for REGISTRATION_INFORMATION_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/Audio/Apo/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/Audio/Apo/ index 93ddbde36a..3e4f445dda 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/Audio/Apo/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/Audio/Apo/ @@ -673,19 +673,8 @@ pub const eAudioConstriction48_16: EAudioConstriction = EAudioConstriction(1i32) pub const eAudioConstrictionMute: EAudioConstriction = EAudioConstriction(4i32); pub const eAudioConstrictionOff: EAudioConstriction = EAudioConstriction(0i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct APO_BUFFER_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for APO_BUFFER_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for APO_BUFFER_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for APO_BUFFER_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for APO_BUFFER_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -695,19 +684,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for APO_BUFFER_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct APO_CONNECTION_BUFFER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for APO_CONNECTION_BUFFER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for APO_CONNECTION_BUFFER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for APO_CONNECTION_BUFFER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for APO_CONNECTION_BUFFER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -717,19 +695,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for APO_CONNECTION_BUFFER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct APO_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for APO_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for APO_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for APO_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for APO_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -739,19 +706,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for APO_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct APO_LOG_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for APO_LOG_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for APO_LOG_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for APO_LOG_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for APO_LOG_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -761,19 +717,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for APO_LOG_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct APO_NOTIFICATION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for APO_NOTIFICATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for APO_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for APO_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for APO_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -783,19 +728,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for APO_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AUDIO_FLOW_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AUDIO_FLOW_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AUDIO_FLOW_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AUDIO_FLOW_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AUDIO_FLOW_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -805,19 +739,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AUDIO_FLOW_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AUDIO_SYSTEMEFFECT_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AUDIO_SYSTEMEFFECT_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AUDIO_SYSTEMEFFECT_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AUDIO_SYSTEMEFFECT_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AUDIO_SYSTEMEFFECT_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -827,19 +750,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AUDIO_SYSTEMEFFECT_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEVICE_ORIENTATION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEVICE_ORIENTATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEVICE_ORIENTATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEVICE_ORIENTATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEVICE_ORIENTATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -849,19 +761,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEVICE_ORIENTATION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EAudioConstriction(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EAudioConstriction {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EAudioConstriction { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EAudioConstriction { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EAudioConstriction { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/Audio/DirectMusic/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/Audio/DirectMusic/ index 6ee13a94e0..c3bdb55c3e 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/Audio/DirectMusic/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/Audio/DirectMusic/ @@ -1008,19 +1008,8 @@ pub const WAVELINK_CHANNEL_RIGHT: i32 = 2i32; pub const WLOOP_TYPE_FORWARD: u32 = 0u32; pub const WLOOP_TYPE_RELEASE: u32 = 2u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DIRECTSOUNDDEVICE_DATAFLOW(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DIRECTSOUNDDEVICE_DATAFLOW {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DIRECTSOUNDDEVICE_DATAFLOW { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DIRECTSOUNDDEVICE_DATAFLOW { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DIRECTSOUNDDEVICE_DATAFLOW { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1030,19 +1019,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DIRECTSOUNDDEVICE_DATAFLOW { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DIRECTSOUNDDEVICE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DIRECTSOUNDDEVICE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DIRECTSOUNDDEVICE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DIRECTSOUNDDEVICE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DIRECTSOUNDDEVICE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1052,19 +1030,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DIRECTSOUNDDEVICE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DMUS_CLOCKTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DMUS_CLOCKTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DMUS_CLOCKTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DMUS_CLOCKTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DMUS_CLOCKTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1074,19 +1041,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DMUS_CLOCKTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DSPROPERTY_DIRECTSOUNDDEVICE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DSPROPERTY_DIRECTSOUNDDEVICE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DSPROPERTY_DIRECTSOUNDDEVICE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DSPROPERTY_DIRECTSOUNDDEVICE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DSPROPERTY_DIRECTSOUNDDEVICE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/Audio/Endpoints/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/Audio/Endpoints/ index 76b52b51a5..5863a8dc3b 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/Audio/Endpoints/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/Audio/Endpoints/ @@ -495,19 +495,8 @@ pub const eKeywordDetectorConnector: EndpointConnectorType = EndpointConnectorTy pub const eLoopbackConnector: EndpointConnectorType = EndpointConnectorType(2i32); pub const eOffloadConnector: EndpointConnectorType = EndpointConnectorType(1i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EndpointConnectorType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EndpointConnectorType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EndpointConnectorType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EndpointConnectorType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EndpointConnectorType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/Audio/XAudio2/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/Audio/XAudio2/ index cc07f97402..e2579185c1 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/Audio/XAudio2/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/Audio/XAudio2/ @@ -995,19 +995,8 @@ pub const XAUDIO2_VOICE_NOSAMPLESPLAYED: u32 = 256u32; pub const XAUDIO2_VOICE_NOSRC: u32 = 4u32; pub const XAUDIO2_VOICE_USEFILTER: u32 = 8u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HrtfDirectivityType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HrtfDirectivityType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HrtfDirectivityType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HrtfDirectivityType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HrtfDirectivityType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1017,19 +1006,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HrtfDirectivityType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HrtfDistanceDecayType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HrtfDistanceDecayType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HrtfDistanceDecayType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HrtfDistanceDecayType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HrtfDistanceDecayType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1039,19 +1017,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HrtfDistanceDecayType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HrtfEnvironment(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HrtfEnvironment {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HrtfEnvironment { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HrtfEnvironment { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HrtfEnvironment { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1061,19 +1028,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HrtfEnvironment { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XAPO_BUFFER_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XAPO_BUFFER_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XAPO_BUFFER_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XAPO_BUFFER_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XAPO_BUFFER_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1083,19 +1039,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for XAPO_BUFFER_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XAUDIO2_FILTER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XAUDIO2_FILTER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XAUDIO2_FILTER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XAUDIO2_FILTER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XAUDIO2_FILTER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/Audio/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/Audio/ index 8b8d2b4ff5..cac4a08d1f 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/Audio/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/Audio/ @@ -4826,19 +4826,8 @@ pub const eConsole: ERole = ERole(0i32); pub const eMultimedia: ERole = ERole(1i32); pub const eRender: EDataFlow = EDataFlow(0i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AMBISONICS_CHANNEL_ORDERING(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AMBISONICS_CHANNEL_ORDERING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AMBISONICS_CHANNEL_ORDERING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AMBISONICS_CHANNEL_ORDERING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AMBISONICS_CHANNEL_ORDERING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4848,19 +4837,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AMBISONICS_CHANNEL_ORDERING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AMBISONICS_NORMALIZATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AMBISONICS_NORMALIZATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AMBISONICS_NORMALIZATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AMBISONICS_NORMALIZATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AMBISONICS_NORMALIZATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4870,19 +4848,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AMBISONICS_NORMALIZATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AMBISONICS_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AMBISONICS_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AMBISONICS_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AMBISONICS_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AMBISONICS_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4892,19 +4859,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AMBISONICS_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AUDCLNT_SHAREMODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AUDCLNT_SHAREMODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AUDCLNT_SHAREMODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AUDCLNT_SHAREMODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AUDCLNT_SHAREMODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4914,19 +4870,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AUDCLNT_SHAREMODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AUDCLNT_STREAMOPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AUDCLNT_STREAMOPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AUDCLNT_STREAMOPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AUDCLNT_STREAMOPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AUDCLNT_STREAMOPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4969,19 +4914,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for AUDCLNT_STREAMOPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AUDIOCLIENT_ACTIVATION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AUDIOCLIENT_ACTIVATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AUDIOCLIENT_ACTIVATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AUDIOCLIENT_ACTIVATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AUDIOCLIENT_ACTIVATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4991,19 +4925,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AUDIOCLIENT_ACTIVATION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AUDIO_DUCKING_OPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AUDIO_DUCKING_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AUDIO_DUCKING_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AUDIO_DUCKING_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AUDIO_DUCKING_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5046,19 +4969,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for AUDIO_DUCKING_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AUDIO_EFFECT_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AUDIO_EFFECT_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AUDIO_EFFECT_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AUDIO_EFFECT_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AUDIO_EFFECT_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5068,19 +4980,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AUDIO_EFFECT_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AUDIO_STREAM_CATEGORY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AUDIO_STREAM_CATEGORY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AUDIO_STREAM_CATEGORY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AUDIO_STREAM_CATEGORY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AUDIO_STREAM_CATEGORY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5090,19 +4991,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AUDIO_STREAM_CATEGORY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AUDIO_SYSTEMEFFECTS_PROPERTYSTORE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AUDIO_SYSTEMEFFECTS_PROPERTYSTORE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AUDIO_SYSTEMEFFECTS_PROPERTYSTORE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AUDIO_SYSTEMEFFECTS_PROPERTYSTORE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AUDIO_SYSTEMEFFECTS_PROPERTYSTORE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5112,19 +5002,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AUDIO_SYSTEMEFFECTS_PROPERTYSTORE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AudioObjectType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AudioObjectType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AudioObjectType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AudioObjectType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AudioObjectType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5167,19 +5046,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for AudioObjectType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AudioSessionDisconnectReason(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AudioSessionDisconnectReason {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AudioSessionDisconnectReason { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AudioSessionDisconnectReason { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AudioSessionDisconnectReason { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5189,19 +5057,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AudioSessionDisconnectReason { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AudioSessionState(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AudioSessionState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AudioSessionState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AudioSessionState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AudioSessionState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5211,19 +5068,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AudioSessionState { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AudioStateMonitorSoundLevel(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AudioStateMonitorSoundLevel {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AudioStateMonitorSoundLevel { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AudioStateMonitorSoundLevel { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AudioStateMonitorSoundLevel { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5233,7 +5079,7 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AudioStateMonitorSoundLevel { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ConnectorType(pub i32); impl ConnectorType { pub const Unknown_Connector: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -5243,17 +5089,6 @@ impl ConnectorType { pub const Software_Fixed: Self = Self(4i32); pub const Network: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ConnectorType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ConnectorType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ConnectorType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ConnectorType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5263,19 +5098,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ConnectorType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DataFlow(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DataFlow {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DataFlow { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DataFlow { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DataFlow { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5285,19 +5109,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DataFlow { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EDataFlow(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EDataFlow {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EDataFlow { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EDataFlow { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EDataFlow { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5307,19 +5120,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EDataFlow { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ERole(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ERole {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ERole { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ERole { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ERole { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5329,19 +5131,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ERole { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EndpointFormFactor(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EndpointFormFactor {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EndpointFormFactor { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EndpointFormFactor { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EndpointFormFactor { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5351,19 +5142,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EndpointFormFactor { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MIDI_WAVE_OPEN_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MIDI_WAVE_OPEN_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MIDI_WAVE_OPEN_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MIDI_WAVE_OPEN_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MIDI_WAVE_OPEN_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5406,19 +5186,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for MIDI_WAVE_OPEN_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5428,19 +5197,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROCESS_LOOPBACK_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROCESS_LOOPBACK_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROCESS_LOOPBACK_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROCESS_LOOPBACK_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROCESS_LOOPBACK_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5450,19 +5208,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PROCESS_LOOPBACK_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PartType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PartType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PartType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PartType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PartType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5472,19 +5219,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PartType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SND_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SND_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SND_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SND_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SND_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5527,19 +5263,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SND_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SPATIAL_AUDIO_STREAM_OPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SPATIAL_AUDIO_STREAM_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SPATIAL_AUDIO_STREAM_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SPATIAL_AUDIO_STREAM_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SPATIAL_AUDIO_STREAM_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5582,19 +5307,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SPATIAL_AUDIO_STREAM_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpatialAudioHrtfDirectivityType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpatialAudioHrtfDirectivityType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpatialAudioHrtfDirectivityType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpatialAudioHrtfDirectivityType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpatialAudioHrtfDirectivityType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5604,19 +5318,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SpatialAudioHrtfDirectivityType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpatialAudioHrtfDistanceDecayType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpatialAudioHrtfDistanceDecayType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpatialAudioHrtfDistanceDecayType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpatialAudioHrtfDistanceDecayType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpatialAudioHrtfDistanceDecayType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5626,19 +5329,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SpatialAudioHrtfDistanceDecayType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpatialAudioHrtfEnvironmentType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpatialAudioHrtfEnvironmentType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpatialAudioHrtfEnvironmentType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpatialAudioHrtfEnvironmentType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpatialAudioHrtfEnvironmentType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5648,19 +5340,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SpatialAudioHrtfEnvironmentType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpatialAudioMetadataCopyMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpatialAudioMetadataCopyMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpatialAudioMetadataCopyMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpatialAudioMetadataCopyMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpatialAudioMetadataCopyMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5670,19 +5351,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SpatialAudioMetadataCopyMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpatialAudioMetadataWriterOverflowMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpatialAudioMetadataWriterOverflowMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpatialAudioMetadataWriterOverflowMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpatialAudioMetadataWriterOverflowMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpatialAudioMetadataWriterOverflowMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5692,19 +5362,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SpatialAudioMetadataWriterOverflowMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _AUDCLNT_BUFFERFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _AUDCLNT_BUFFERFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _AUDCLNT_BUFFERFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _AUDCLNT_BUFFERFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _AUDCLNT_BUFFERFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/DeviceManager/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/DeviceManager/ index ad04e7c9c2..f34dbe7bfc 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/DeviceManager/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/DeviceManager/ @@ -3696,19 +3696,8 @@ pub const g_wszWMDMYear: ::windows_core::PCWSTR = ::windows_core::w!("WMDM/Year" pub const g_wszWMDMediaClassPrimaryID: ::windows_core::PCWSTR = ::windows_core::w!("WMDM/MediaClassPrimaryID"); pub const g_wszWPDPassthroughPropertyValues: ::windows_core::PCWSTR = ::windows_core::w!("WPD/PassthroughPropertyValues"); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMDMMessage(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMDMMessage {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMDMMessage { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMDMMessage { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMDMMessage { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3718,19 +3707,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMDMMessage { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMDM_ENUM_PROP_VALID_VALUES_FORM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMDM_ENUM_PROP_VALID_VALUES_FORM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMDM_ENUM_PROP_VALID_VALUES_FORM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMDM_ENUM_PROP_VALID_VALUES_FORM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMDM_ENUM_PROP_VALID_VALUES_FORM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3740,19 +3718,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMDM_ENUM_PROP_VALID_VALUES_FORM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMDM_FIND_SCOPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMDM_FIND_SCOPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMDM_FIND_SCOPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMDM_FIND_SCOPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMDM_FIND_SCOPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3762,19 +3729,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMDM_FIND_SCOPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMDM_FORMATCODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMDM_FORMATCODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMDM_FORMATCODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMDM_FORMATCODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMDM_FORMATCODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3784,19 +3740,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMDM_FORMATCODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMDM_SESSION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMDM_SESSION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMDM_SESSION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMDM_SESSION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMDM_SESSION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3806,19 +3751,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMDM_SESSION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMDM_STORAGE_ENUM_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMDM_STORAGE_ENUM_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMDM_STORAGE_ENUM_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMDM_STORAGE_ENUM_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMDM_STORAGE_ENUM_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3828,19 +3762,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMDM_STORAGE_ENUM_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMDM_TAG_DATATYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMDM_TAG_DATATYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMDM_TAG_DATATYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMDM_TAG_DATATYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMDM_TAG_DATATYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/DirectShow/Tv/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/DirectShow/Tv/ index 90ad2b2468..3e9c309ef9 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/DirectShow/Tv/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/DirectShow/Tv/ @@ -23387,19 +23387,8 @@ pub const sslClipByClipRect: SourceSizeList = SourceSizeList(2i32); pub const sslClipByOverScan: SourceSizeList = SourceSizeList(1i32); pub const sslFullSize: SourceSizeList = SourceSizeList(0i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BDA_DigitalSignalStandard(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BDA_DigitalSignalStandard {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BDA_DigitalSignalStandard { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BDA_DigitalSignalStandard { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BDA_DigitalSignalStandard { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -23409,19 +23398,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BDA_DigitalSignalStandard { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BDA_LockType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BDA_LockType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BDA_LockType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BDA_LockType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BDA_LockType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -23431,19 +23409,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BDA_LockType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BDA_SignalType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BDA_SignalType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BDA_SignalType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BDA_SignalType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BDA_SignalType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -23453,19 +23420,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BDA_SignalType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BfEnTvRat_Attributes_CAE_TV(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BfEnTvRat_Attributes_CAE_TV {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BfEnTvRat_Attributes_CAE_TV { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BfEnTvRat_Attributes_CAE_TV { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BfEnTvRat_Attributes_CAE_TV { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -23475,19 +23431,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BfEnTvRat_Attributes_CAE_TV { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BfEnTvRat_Attributes_CAF_TV(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BfEnTvRat_Attributes_CAF_TV {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BfEnTvRat_Attributes_CAF_TV { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BfEnTvRat_Attributes_CAF_TV { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BfEnTvRat_Attributes_CAF_TV { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -23497,19 +23442,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BfEnTvRat_Attributes_CAF_TV { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BfEnTvRat_Attributes_MPAA(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BfEnTvRat_Attributes_MPAA {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BfEnTvRat_Attributes_MPAA { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BfEnTvRat_Attributes_MPAA { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BfEnTvRat_Attributes_MPAA { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -23519,19 +23453,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BfEnTvRat_Attributes_MPAA { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BfEnTvRat_Attributes_US_TV(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BfEnTvRat_Attributes_US_TV {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BfEnTvRat_Attributes_US_TV { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BfEnTvRat_Attributes_US_TV { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BfEnTvRat_Attributes_US_TV { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -23541,19 +23464,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BfEnTvRat_Attributes_US_TV { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BfEnTvRat_GenericAttributes(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BfEnTvRat_GenericAttributes {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BfEnTvRat_GenericAttributes { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BfEnTvRat_GenericAttributes { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BfEnTvRat_GenericAttributes { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -23563,19 +23475,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BfEnTvRat_GenericAttributes { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COPPEventBlockReason(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COPPEventBlockReason {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COPPEventBlockReason { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COPPEventBlockReason { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COPPEventBlockReason { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -23585,19 +23486,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COPPEventBlockReason { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CPEventBitShift(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CPEventBitShift {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CPEventBitShift { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CPEventBitShift { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CPEventBitShift { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -23607,19 +23497,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CPEventBitShift { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CPEvents(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CPEvents {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CPEvents { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CPEvents { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CPEvents { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -23629,19 +23508,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CPEvents { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CPRecordingStatus(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CPRecordingStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CPRecordingStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CPRecordingStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CPRecordingStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -23651,19 +23519,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CPRecordingStatus { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CRID_LOCATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CRID_LOCATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CRID_LOCATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CRID_LOCATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CRID_LOCATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -23673,19 +23530,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CRID_LOCATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CROSSBAR_DEFAULT_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CROSSBAR_DEFAULT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CROSSBAR_DEFAULT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CROSSBAR_DEFAULT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CROSSBAR_DEFAULT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -23695,19 +23541,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CROSSBAR_DEFAULT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ChannelChangeSpanningEvent_State(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ChannelChangeSpanningEvent_State {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ChannelChangeSpanningEvent_State { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ChannelChangeSpanningEvent_State { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ChannelChangeSpanningEvent_State { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -23717,19 +23552,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ChannelChangeSpanningEvent_State { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ChannelType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ChannelType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ChannelType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ChannelType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ChannelType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -23739,19 +23563,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ChannelType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DESC_LINKAGE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DESC_LINKAGE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DESC_LINKAGE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DESC_LINKAGE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DESC_LINKAGE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -23761,19 +23574,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DESC_LINKAGE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_TUNER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_TUNER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_TUNER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_TUNER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_TUNER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -23783,19 +23585,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_TUNER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DVB_STRCONV_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DVB_STRCONV_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DVB_STRCONV_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DVB_STRCONV_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DVB_STRCONV_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -23805,19 +23596,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DVB_STRCONV_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DVDFilterState(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DVDFilterState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DVDFilterState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DVDFilterState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DVDFilterState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -23827,19 +23607,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DVDFilterState { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DVDMenuIDConstants(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DVDMenuIDConstants {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DVDMenuIDConstants { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DVDMenuIDConstants { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DVDMenuIDConstants { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -23849,19 +23618,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DVDMenuIDConstants { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DVDSPExt(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DVDSPExt {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DVDSPExt { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DVDSPExt { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DVDSPExt { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -23871,19 +23629,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DVDSPExt { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DVDTextStringType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DVDTextStringType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DVDTextStringType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DVDTextStringType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DVDTextStringType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -23893,19 +23640,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DVDTextStringType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DisplaySizeList(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DisplaySizeList {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DisplaySizeList { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DisplaySizeList { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DisplaySizeList { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -23915,19 +23651,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DisplaySizeList { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DownResEventParam(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DownResEventParam {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DownResEventParam { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DownResEventParam { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DownResEventParam { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -23937,19 +23662,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DownResEventParam { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EnTag_Mode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EnTag_Mode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EnTag_Mode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EnTag_Mode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EnTag_Mode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -23959,19 +23673,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EnTag_Mode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EnTvRat_CAE_TV(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EnTvRat_CAE_TV {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EnTvRat_CAE_TV { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EnTvRat_CAE_TV { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EnTvRat_CAE_TV { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -23981,19 +23684,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EnTvRat_CAE_TV { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EnTvRat_CAF_TV(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EnTvRat_CAF_TV {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EnTvRat_CAF_TV { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EnTvRat_CAF_TV { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EnTvRat_CAF_TV { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -24003,19 +23695,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EnTvRat_CAF_TV { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EnTvRat_GenericLevel(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EnTvRat_GenericLevel {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EnTvRat_GenericLevel { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EnTvRat_GenericLevel { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EnTvRat_GenericLevel { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -24025,19 +23706,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EnTvRat_GenericLevel { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EnTvRat_MPAA(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EnTvRat_MPAA {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EnTvRat_MPAA { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EnTvRat_MPAA { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EnTvRat_MPAA { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -24047,19 +23717,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EnTvRat_MPAA { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EnTvRat_System(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EnTvRat_System {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EnTvRat_System { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EnTvRat_System { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EnTvRat_System { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -24069,19 +23728,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EnTvRat_System { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EnTvRat_US_TV(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EnTvRat_US_TV {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EnTvRat_US_TV { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EnTvRat_US_TV { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EnTvRat_US_TV { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -24091,19 +23739,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EnTvRat_US_TV { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EncDecEvents(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EncDecEvents {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EncDecEvents { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EncDecEvents { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EncDecEvents { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -24113,19 +23750,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EncDecEvents { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FormatNotSupportedEvents(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FormatNotSupportedEvents {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FormatNotSupportedEvents { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FormatNotSupportedEvents { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FormatNotSupportedEvents { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -24135,19 +23761,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FormatNotSupportedEvents { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSEVENT_BDA_EVENT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSEVENT_BDA_EVENT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSEVENT_BDA_EVENT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSEVENT_BDA_EVENT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSEVENT_BDA_EVENT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -24157,19 +23772,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSEVENT_BDA_EVENT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSEVENT_BDA_TUNER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSEVENT_BDA_TUNER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSEVENT_BDA_TUNER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSEVENT_BDA_TUNER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSEVENT_BDA_TUNER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -24179,19 +23783,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSEVENT_BDA_TUNER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSMETHOD_BDA_CAS_SERVICE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSMETHOD_BDA_CAS_SERVICE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSMETHOD_BDA_CAS_SERVICE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSMETHOD_BDA_CAS_SERVICE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSMETHOD_BDA_CAS_SERVICE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -24201,19 +23794,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSMETHOD_BDA_CAS_SERVICE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSMETHOD_BDA_CHANGE_SYNC(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSMETHOD_BDA_CHANGE_SYNC {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSMETHOD_BDA_CHANGE_SYNC { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSMETHOD_BDA_CHANGE_SYNC { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSMETHOD_BDA_CHANGE_SYNC { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -24223,19 +23805,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSMETHOD_BDA_CHANGE_SYNC { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSMETHOD_BDA_DEBUG_SERVICE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSMETHOD_BDA_DEBUG_SERVICE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSMETHOD_BDA_DEBUG_SERVICE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSMETHOD_BDA_DEBUG_SERVICE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSMETHOD_BDA_DEBUG_SERVICE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -24245,19 +23816,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSMETHOD_BDA_DEBUG_SERVICE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSMETHOD_BDA_DEVICE_CONFIGURATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSMETHOD_BDA_DEVICE_CONFIGURATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSMETHOD_BDA_DEVICE_CONFIGURATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSMETHOD_BDA_DEVICE_CONFIGURATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSMETHOD_BDA_DEVICE_CONFIGURATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -24267,19 +23827,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSMETHOD_BDA_DEVICE_CONFIGURATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSMETHOD_BDA_DRM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSMETHOD_BDA_DRM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSMETHOD_BDA_DRM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSMETHOD_BDA_DRM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSMETHOD_BDA_DRM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -24289,19 +23838,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSMETHOD_BDA_DRM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSMETHOD_BDA_EVENTING_SERVICE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSMETHOD_BDA_EVENTING_SERVICE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSMETHOD_BDA_EVENTING_SERVICE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSMETHOD_BDA_EVENTING_SERVICE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSMETHOD_BDA_EVENTING_SERVICE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -24311,19 +23849,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSMETHOD_BDA_EVENTING_SERVICE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSMETHOD_BDA_GDDS_SERVICE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSMETHOD_BDA_GDDS_SERVICE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSMETHOD_BDA_GDDS_SERVICE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSMETHOD_BDA_GDDS_SERVICE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSMETHOD_BDA_GDDS_SERVICE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -24333,19 +23860,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSMETHOD_BDA_GDDS_SERVICE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSMETHOD_BDA_GPNV_SERVICE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSMETHOD_BDA_GPNV_SERVICE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSMETHOD_BDA_GPNV_SERVICE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSMETHOD_BDA_GPNV_SERVICE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSMETHOD_BDA_GPNV_SERVICE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -24355,19 +23871,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSMETHOD_BDA_GPNV_SERVICE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSMETHOD_BDA_ISDB_CAS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSMETHOD_BDA_ISDB_CAS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSMETHOD_BDA_ISDB_CAS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSMETHOD_BDA_ISDB_CAS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSMETHOD_BDA_ISDB_CAS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -24377,19 +23882,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSMETHOD_BDA_ISDB_CAS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSMETHOD_BDA_MUX_SERVICE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSMETHOD_BDA_MUX_SERVICE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSMETHOD_BDA_MUX_SERVICE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSMETHOD_BDA_MUX_SERVICE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSMETHOD_BDA_MUX_SERVICE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -24399,19 +23893,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSMETHOD_BDA_MUX_SERVICE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSMETHOD_BDA_SCAN_SERVICE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSMETHOD_BDA_SCAN_SERVICE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSMETHOD_BDA_SCAN_SERVICE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSMETHOD_BDA_SCAN_SERVICE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSMETHOD_BDA_SCAN_SERVICE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -24421,19 +23904,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSMETHOD_BDA_SCAN_SERVICE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSMETHOD_BDA_TS_SELECTOR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSMETHOD_BDA_TS_SELECTOR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSMETHOD_BDA_TS_SELECTOR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSMETHOD_BDA_TS_SELECTOR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSMETHOD_BDA_TS_SELECTOR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -24443,19 +23915,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSMETHOD_BDA_TS_SELECTOR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSMETHOD_BDA_TUNER_SERVICE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSMETHOD_BDA_TUNER_SERVICE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSMETHOD_BDA_TUNER_SERVICE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSMETHOD_BDA_TUNER_SERVICE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSMETHOD_BDA_TUNER_SERVICE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -24465,19 +23926,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSMETHOD_BDA_TUNER_SERVICE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSMETHOD_BDA_USERACTIVITY_SERVICE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSMETHOD_BDA_USERACTIVITY_SERVICE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSMETHOD_BDA_USERACTIVITY_SERVICE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSMETHOD_BDA_USERACTIVITY_SERVICE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSMETHOD_BDA_USERACTIVITY_SERVICE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -24487,19 +23937,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSMETHOD_BDA_USERACTIVITY_SERVICE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSMETHOD_BDA_WMDRM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSMETHOD_BDA_WMDRM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSMETHOD_BDA_WMDRM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSMETHOD_BDA_WMDRM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSMETHOD_BDA_WMDRM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -24509,19 +23948,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSMETHOD_BDA_WMDRM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSMETHOD_BDA_WMDRM_TUNER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSMETHOD_BDA_WMDRM_TUNER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSMETHOD_BDA_WMDRM_TUNER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSMETHOD_BDA_WMDRM_TUNER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSMETHOD_BDA_WMDRM_TUNER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -24531,19 +23959,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSMETHOD_BDA_WMDRM_TUNER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_BDA_AUTODEMODULATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_BDA_AUTODEMODULATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_BDA_AUTODEMODULATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_BDA_AUTODEMODULATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_BDA_AUTODEMODULATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -24553,19 +23970,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_BDA_AUTODEMODULATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_BDA_CA(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_BDA_CA {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_BDA_CA { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_BDA_CA { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_BDA_CA { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -24575,19 +23981,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_BDA_CA { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_BDA_CA_EVENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_BDA_CA_EVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_BDA_CA_EVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_BDA_CA_EVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_BDA_CA_EVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -24597,19 +23992,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_BDA_CA_EVENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_BDA_DIGITAL_DEMODULATOR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_BDA_DIGITAL_DEMODULATOR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_BDA_DIGITAL_DEMODULATOR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_BDA_DIGITAL_DEMODULATOR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_BDA_DIGITAL_DEMODULATOR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -24619,19 +24003,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_BDA_DIGITAL_DEMODULATOR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_BDA_DISEQC_COMMAND(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_BDA_DISEQC_COMMAND {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_BDA_DISEQC_COMMAND { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_BDA_DISEQC_COMMAND { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_BDA_DISEQC_COMMAND { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -24641,41 +24014,19 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_BDA_DISEQC_COMMAND { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_BDA_DISEQC_EVENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_BDA_DISEQC_EVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_BDA_DISEQC_EVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_BDA_DISEQC_EVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_BDA_DISEQC_EVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_BDA_DISEQC_EVENT { - fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::core::fmt::Result { - f.debug_tuple("KSPROPERTY_BDA_DISEQC_EVENT").field(&self.0).finish() - } -} -#[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] -pub struct KSPROPERTY_BDA_ETHERNET_FILTER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_BDA_ETHERNET_FILTER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_BDA_ETHERNET_FILTER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_BDA_ETHERNET_FILTER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) + fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::core::fmt::Result { + f.debug_tuple("KSPROPERTY_BDA_DISEQC_EVENT").field(&self.0).finish() } } +#[repr(transparent)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] +pub struct KSPROPERTY_BDA_ETHERNET_FILTER(pub i32); impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_BDA_ETHERNET_FILTER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -24685,19 +24036,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_BDA_ETHERNET_FILTER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_BDA_FREQUENCY_FILTER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_BDA_FREQUENCY_FILTER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_BDA_FREQUENCY_FILTER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_BDA_FREQUENCY_FILTER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_BDA_FREQUENCY_FILTER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -24707,19 +24047,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_BDA_FREQUENCY_FILTER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_BDA_IPv4_FILTER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_BDA_IPv4_FILTER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_BDA_IPv4_FILTER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_BDA_IPv4_FILTER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_BDA_IPv4_FILTER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -24729,19 +24058,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_BDA_IPv4_FILTER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_BDA_IPv6_FILTER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_BDA_IPv6_FILTER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_BDA_IPv6_FILTER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_BDA_IPv6_FILTER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_BDA_IPv6_FILTER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -24751,19 +24069,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_BDA_IPv6_FILTER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_BDA_LNB_INFO(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_BDA_LNB_INFO {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_BDA_LNB_INFO { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_BDA_LNB_INFO { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_BDA_LNB_INFO { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -24773,19 +24080,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_BDA_LNB_INFO { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_BDA_NULL_TRANSFORM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_BDA_NULL_TRANSFORM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_BDA_NULL_TRANSFORM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_BDA_NULL_TRANSFORM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_BDA_NULL_TRANSFORM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -24795,19 +24091,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_BDA_NULL_TRANSFORM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_BDA_PIDFILTER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_BDA_PIDFILTER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_BDA_PIDFILTER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_BDA_PIDFILTER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_BDA_PIDFILTER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -24817,19 +24102,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_BDA_PIDFILTER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_BDA_PIN_CONTROL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_BDA_PIN_CONTROL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_BDA_PIN_CONTROL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_BDA_PIN_CONTROL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_BDA_PIN_CONTROL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -24839,19 +24113,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_BDA_PIN_CONTROL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_BDA_PIN_EVENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_BDA_PIN_EVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_BDA_PIN_EVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_BDA_PIN_EVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_BDA_PIN_EVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -24861,19 +24124,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_BDA_PIN_EVENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_BDA_SIGNAL_STATS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_BDA_SIGNAL_STATS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_BDA_SIGNAL_STATS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_BDA_SIGNAL_STATS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_BDA_SIGNAL_STATS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -24883,19 +24135,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_BDA_SIGNAL_STATS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_BDA_TOPOLOGY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_BDA_TOPOLOGY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_BDA_TOPOLOGY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_BDA_TOPOLOGY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_BDA_TOPOLOGY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -24905,19 +24146,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_BDA_TOPOLOGY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_BDA_VOID_TRANSFORM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_BDA_VOID_TRANSFORM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_BDA_VOID_TRANSFORM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_BDA_VOID_TRANSFORM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_BDA_VOID_TRANSFORM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -24927,19 +24157,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_BDA_VOID_TRANSFORM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_IDS_BDA_TABLE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_IDS_BDA_TABLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_IDS_BDA_TABLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_IDS_BDA_TABLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_IDS_BDA_TABLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -24949,19 +24168,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_IDS_BDA_TABLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LicenseEventBlockReason(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LicenseEventBlockReason {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LicenseEventBlockReason { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LicenseEventBlockReason { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LicenseEventBlockReason { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -24971,19 +24179,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for LicenseEventBlockReason { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MPEG_CONTEXT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MPEG_CONTEXT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MPEG_CONTEXT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MPEG_CONTEXT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MPEG_CONTEXT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -24993,19 +24190,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MPEG_CONTEXT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MPEG_CURRENT_NEXT_BIT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MPEG_CURRENT_NEXT_BIT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MPEG_CURRENT_NEXT_BIT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MPEG_CURRENT_NEXT_BIT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MPEG_CURRENT_NEXT_BIT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -25015,19 +24201,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MPEG_CURRENT_NEXT_BIT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MPEG_REQUEST_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MPEG_REQUEST_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MPEG_REQUEST_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MPEG_REQUEST_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MPEG_REQUEST_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -25037,7 +24212,7 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MPEG_REQUEST_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MSVidCCService(pub i32); impl MSVidCCService { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -25047,17 +24222,6 @@ impl MSVidCCService { pub const Text2: Self = Self(4i32); pub const XDS: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MSVidCCService {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MSVidCCService { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MSVidCCService { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MSVidCCService { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -25067,19 +24231,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MSVidCCService { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MSVidCtlButtonstate(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MSVidCtlButtonstate {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MSVidCtlButtonstate { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MSVidCtlButtonstate { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MSVidCtlButtonstate { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -25089,19 +24242,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MSVidCtlButtonstate { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MSVidCtlStateList(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MSVidCtlStateList {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MSVidCtlStateList { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MSVidCtlStateList { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MSVidCtlStateList { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -25111,19 +24253,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MSVidCtlStateList { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MSVidSegmentType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MSVidSegmentType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MSVidSegmentType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MSVidSegmentType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MSVidSegmentType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -25133,19 +24264,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MSVidSegmentType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MSVidSinkStreams(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MSVidSinkStreams {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MSVidSinkStreams { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MSVidSinkStreams { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MSVidSinkStreams { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -25155,19 +24275,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MSVidSinkStreams { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MSViddispidList(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MSViddispidList {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MSViddispidList { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MSViddispidList { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MSViddispidList { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -25177,19 +24286,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MSViddispidList { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PositionModeList(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PositionModeList {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PositionModeList { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PositionModeList { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PositionModeList { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -25199,19 +24297,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PositionModeList { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ProtType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ProtType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ProtType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ProtType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ProtType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -25221,19 +24308,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ProtType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RECORDING_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RECORDING_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RECORDING_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RECORDING_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RECORDING_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -25243,19 +24319,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RECORDING_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RecordingType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RecordingType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RecordingType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RecordingType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RecordingType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -25265,19 +24330,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RecordingType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RevokedComponent(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RevokedComponent {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RevokedComponent { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RevokedComponent { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RevokedComponent { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -25287,19 +24341,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RevokedComponent { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STREAMBUFFER_ATTR_DATATYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STREAMBUFFER_ATTR_DATATYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STREAMBUFFER_ATTR_DATATYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STREAMBUFFER_ATTR_DATATYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STREAMBUFFER_ATTR_DATATYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -25309,19 +24352,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STREAMBUFFER_ATTR_DATATYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SegDispidList(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SegDispidList {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SegDispidList { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SegDispidList { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SegDispidList { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -25331,19 +24363,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SegDispidList { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SegEventidList(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SegEventidList {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SegEventidList { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SegEventidList { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SegEventidList { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -25353,19 +24374,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SegEventidList { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SignalAndServiceStatusSpanningEvent_State(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SignalAndServiceStatusSpanningEvent_State {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SignalAndServiceStatusSpanningEvent_State { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SignalAndServiceStatusSpanningEvent_State { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SignalAndServiceStatusSpanningEvent_State { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -25375,19 +24385,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SignalAndServiceStatusSpanningEvent_State { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SourceSizeList(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SourceSizeList {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SourceSizeList { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SourceSizeList { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SourceSizeList { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -25397,19 +24396,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SourceSizeList { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VA_COLOR_PRIMARIES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VA_COLOR_PRIMARIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VA_COLOR_PRIMARIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VA_COLOR_PRIMARIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VA_COLOR_PRIMARIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -25419,19 +24407,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VA_COLOR_PRIMARIES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VA_MATRIX_COEFFICIENTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VA_MATRIX_COEFFICIENTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VA_MATRIX_COEFFICIENTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VA_MATRIX_COEFFICIENTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VA_MATRIX_COEFFICIENTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -25441,19 +24418,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VA_MATRIX_COEFFICIENTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VA_TRANSFER_CHARACTERISTICS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VA_TRANSFER_CHARACTERISTICS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VA_TRANSFER_CHARACTERISTICS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VA_TRANSFER_CHARACTERISTICS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VA_TRANSFER_CHARACTERISTICS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -25463,19 +24429,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VA_TRANSFER_CHARACTERISTICS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VA_VIDEO_FORMAT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VA_VIDEO_FORMAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VA_VIDEO_FORMAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VA_VIDEO_FORMAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VA_VIDEO_FORMAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/DirectShow/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/DirectShow/ index f48f5a2608..e4a5fe9cc5 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/DirectShow/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/DirectShow/ @@ -17248,19 +17248,8 @@ pub const iPALETTE_COLORS: u32 = 256u32; pub const iRED: u32 = 0u32; pub const iTRUECOLOR: u32 = 16u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ADVISE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ADVISE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ADVISE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ADVISE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ADVISE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17303,19 +17292,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for ADVISE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AMExtendedSeekingCapabilities(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AMExtendedSeekingCapabilities {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AMExtendedSeekingCapabilities { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AMExtendedSeekingCapabilities { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AMExtendedSeekingCapabilities { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17325,19 +17303,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AMExtendedSeekingCapabilities { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AMMSF_MMS_INIT_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AMMSF_MMS_INIT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AMMSF_MMS_INIT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AMMSF_MMS_INIT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AMMSF_MMS_INIT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17380,19 +17347,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for AMMSF_MMS_INIT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AMMSF_MS_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AMMSF_MS_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AMMSF_MS_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AMMSF_MS_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AMMSF_MS_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17435,19 +17391,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for AMMSF_MS_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AMMSF_RENDER_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AMMSF_RENDER_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AMMSF_RENDER_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AMMSF_RENDER_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AMMSF_RENDER_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17490,19 +17435,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for AMMSF_RENDER_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AMOVERLAYFX(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AMOVERLAYFX {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AMOVERLAYFX { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AMOVERLAYFX { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AMOVERLAYFX { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17512,19 +17446,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AMOVERLAYFX { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AMPROPERTY_PIN(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AMPROPERTY_PIN {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AMPROPERTY_PIN { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AMPROPERTY_PIN { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AMPROPERTY_PIN { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17534,19 +17457,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AMPROPERTY_PIN { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AMPlayListEventFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AMPlayListEventFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AMPlayListEventFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AMPlayListEventFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AMPlayListEventFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17556,19 +17468,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AMPlayListEventFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AMPlayListFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AMPlayListFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AMPlayListFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AMPlayListFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AMPlayListFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17578,19 +17479,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AMPlayListFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AMPlayListItemFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AMPlayListItemFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AMPlayListItemFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AMPlayListItemFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AMPlayListItemFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17600,19 +17490,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AMPlayListItemFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AMTVAudioEventType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AMTVAudioEventType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AMTVAudioEventType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AMTVAudioEventType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AMTVAudioEventType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17622,19 +17501,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AMTVAudioEventType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AMTunerEventType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AMTunerEventType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AMTunerEventType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AMTunerEventType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AMTunerEventType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17644,19 +17512,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AMTunerEventType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AMTunerModeType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AMTunerModeType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AMTunerModeType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AMTunerModeType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AMTunerModeType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17666,19 +17523,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AMTunerModeType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AMTunerSignalStrength(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AMTunerSignalStrength {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AMTunerSignalStrength { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AMTunerSignalStrength { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AMTunerSignalStrength { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17688,19 +17534,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AMTunerSignalStrength { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AMTunerSubChannel(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AMTunerSubChannel {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AMTunerSubChannel { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AMTunerSubChannel { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AMTunerSubChannel { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17710,19 +17545,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AMTunerSubChannel { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AMVP_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AMVP_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AMVP_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AMVP_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AMVP_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17732,19 +17556,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AMVP_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AMVP_SELECT_FORMAT_BY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AMVP_SELECT_FORMAT_BY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AMVP_SELECT_FORMAT_BY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AMVP_SELECT_FORMAT_BY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AMVP_SELECT_FORMAT_BY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17754,19 +17567,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AMVP_SELECT_FORMAT_BY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AM_ASPECT_RATIO_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AM_ASPECT_RATIO_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AM_ASPECT_RATIO_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AM_ASPECT_RATIO_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AM_ASPECT_RATIO_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17776,19 +17578,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AM_ASPECT_RATIO_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AM_COPY_MACROVISION_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AM_COPY_MACROVISION_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AM_COPY_MACROVISION_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AM_COPY_MACROVISION_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AM_COPY_MACROVISION_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17798,19 +17589,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AM_COPY_MACROVISION_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AM_DIGITAL_CP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AM_DIGITAL_CP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AM_DIGITAL_CP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AM_DIGITAL_CP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AM_DIGITAL_CP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17820,19 +17600,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AM_DIGITAL_CP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AM_DVDCOPYSTATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AM_DVDCOPYSTATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AM_DVDCOPYSTATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AM_DVDCOPYSTATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AM_DVDCOPYSTATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17842,19 +17611,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AM_DVDCOPYSTATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AM_DVD_GRAPH_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AM_DVD_GRAPH_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AM_DVD_GRAPH_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AM_DVD_GRAPH_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AM_DVD_GRAPH_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17864,19 +17622,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AM_DVD_GRAPH_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AM_DVD_STREAM_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AM_DVD_STREAM_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AM_DVD_STREAM_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AM_DVD_STREAM_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AM_DVD_STREAM_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17886,19 +17633,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AM_DVD_STREAM_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AM_FILESINK_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AM_FILESINK_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AM_FILESINK_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AM_FILESINK_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AM_FILESINK_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17908,19 +17644,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AM_FILESINK_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AM_FILTER_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AM_FILTER_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AM_FILTER_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AM_FILTER_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AM_FILTER_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17930,19 +17655,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AM_FILTER_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AM_GRAPH_CONFIG_RECONNECT_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AM_GRAPH_CONFIG_RECONNECT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AM_GRAPH_CONFIG_RECONNECT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AM_GRAPH_CONFIG_RECONNECT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AM_GRAPH_CONFIG_RECONNECT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17952,19 +17666,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AM_GRAPH_CONFIG_RECONNECT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AM_LINE21_CCLEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AM_LINE21_CCLEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AM_LINE21_CCLEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AM_LINE21_CCLEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AM_LINE21_CCLEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17974,19 +17677,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AM_LINE21_CCLEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AM_LINE21_CCSERVICE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AM_LINE21_CCSERVICE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AM_LINE21_CCSERVICE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AM_LINE21_CCSERVICE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AM_LINE21_CCSERVICE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17996,19 +17688,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AM_LINE21_CCSERVICE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AM_LINE21_CCSTATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AM_LINE21_CCSTATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AM_LINE21_CCSTATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AM_LINE21_CCSTATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AM_LINE21_CCSTATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18018,19 +17699,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AM_LINE21_CCSTATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AM_LINE21_CCSTYLE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AM_LINE21_CCSTYLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AM_LINE21_CCSTYLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AM_LINE21_CCSTYLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AM_LINE21_CCSTYLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18040,19 +17710,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AM_LINE21_CCSTYLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AM_LINE21_DRAWBGMODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AM_LINE21_DRAWBGMODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AM_LINE21_DRAWBGMODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AM_LINE21_DRAWBGMODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AM_LINE21_DRAWBGMODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18062,19 +17721,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AM_LINE21_DRAWBGMODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AM_MEDIAEVENT_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AM_MEDIAEVENT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AM_MEDIAEVENT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AM_MEDIAEVENT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AM_MEDIAEVENT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18084,19 +17732,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AM_MEDIAEVENT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AM_MPEG2Level(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AM_MPEG2Level {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AM_MPEG2Level { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AM_MPEG2Level { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AM_MPEG2Level { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18106,19 +17743,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AM_MPEG2Level { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AM_MPEG2Profile(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AM_MPEG2Profile {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AM_MPEG2Profile { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AM_MPEG2Profile { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AM_MPEG2Profile { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18128,19 +17754,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AM_MPEG2Profile { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AM_PROPERTY_AC3(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AM_PROPERTY_AC3 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AM_PROPERTY_AC3 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AM_PROPERTY_AC3 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AM_PROPERTY_AC3 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18150,19 +17765,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AM_PROPERTY_AC3 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AM_PROPERTY_DVDCOPYPROT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AM_PROPERTY_DVDCOPYPROT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AM_PROPERTY_DVDCOPYPROT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AM_PROPERTY_DVDCOPYPROT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AM_PROPERTY_DVDCOPYPROT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18172,19 +17776,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AM_PROPERTY_DVDCOPYPROT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AM_PROPERTY_DVDKARAOKE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AM_PROPERTY_DVDKARAOKE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AM_PROPERTY_DVDKARAOKE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AM_PROPERTY_DVDKARAOKE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AM_PROPERTY_DVDKARAOKE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18194,19 +17787,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AM_PROPERTY_DVDKARAOKE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AM_PROPERTY_DVDSUBPIC(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AM_PROPERTY_DVDSUBPIC {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AM_PROPERTY_DVDSUBPIC { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AM_PROPERTY_DVDSUBPIC { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AM_PROPERTY_DVDSUBPIC { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18216,19 +17798,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AM_PROPERTY_DVDSUBPIC { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AM_PROPERTY_DVD_RATE_CHANGE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AM_PROPERTY_DVD_RATE_CHANGE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AM_PROPERTY_DVD_RATE_CHANGE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AM_PROPERTY_DVD_RATE_CHANGE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AM_PROPERTY_DVD_RATE_CHANGE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18238,19 +17809,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AM_PROPERTY_DVD_RATE_CHANGE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AM_PROPERTY_FRAMESTEP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AM_PROPERTY_FRAMESTEP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AM_PROPERTY_FRAMESTEP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AM_PROPERTY_FRAMESTEP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AM_PROPERTY_FRAMESTEP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18260,19 +17820,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AM_PROPERTY_FRAMESTEP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AM_PROPERTY_TS_RATE_CHANGE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AM_PROPERTY_TS_RATE_CHANGE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AM_PROPERTY_TS_RATE_CHANGE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AM_PROPERTY_TS_RATE_CHANGE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AM_PROPERTY_TS_RATE_CHANGE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18282,19 +17831,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AM_PROPERTY_TS_RATE_CHANGE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AM_SAMPLE_PROPERTY_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AM_SAMPLE_PROPERTY_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AM_SAMPLE_PROPERTY_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AM_SAMPLE_PROPERTY_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AM_SAMPLE_PROPERTY_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18304,19 +17842,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AM_SAMPLE_PROPERTY_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AM_SEEKING_SEEKING_CAPABILITIES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AM_SEEKING_SEEKING_CAPABILITIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AM_SEEKING_SEEKING_CAPABILITIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AM_SEEKING_SEEKING_CAPABILITIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AM_SEEKING_SEEKING_CAPABILITIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18326,19 +17853,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AM_SEEKING_SEEKING_CAPABILITIES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AM_SEEKING_SEEKING_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AM_SEEKING_SEEKING_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AM_SEEKING_SEEKING_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AM_SEEKING_SEEKING_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AM_SEEKING_SEEKING_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18348,19 +17864,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AM_SEEKING_SEEKING_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AM_STREAM_INFO_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AM_STREAM_INFO_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AM_STREAM_INFO_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AM_STREAM_INFO_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AM_STREAM_INFO_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18370,19 +17875,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AM_STREAM_INFO_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AM_WST_DRAWBGMODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AM_WST_DRAWBGMODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AM_WST_DRAWBGMODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AM_WST_DRAWBGMODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AM_WST_DRAWBGMODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18392,19 +17886,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AM_WST_DRAWBGMODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AM_WST_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AM_WST_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AM_WST_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AM_WST_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AM_WST_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18414,19 +17897,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AM_WST_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AM_WST_SERVICE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AM_WST_SERVICE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AM_WST_SERVICE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AM_WST_SERVICE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AM_WST_SERVICE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18436,19 +17908,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AM_WST_SERVICE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AM_WST_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AM_WST_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AM_WST_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AM_WST_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AM_WST_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18458,19 +17919,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AM_WST_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AM_WST_STYLE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AM_WST_STYLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AM_WST_STYLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AM_WST_STYLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AM_WST_STYLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18480,19 +17930,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AM_WST_STYLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ATSCComponentTypeFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ATSCComponentTypeFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ATSCComponentTypeFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ATSCComponentTypeFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ATSCComponentTypeFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18502,19 +17941,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ATSCComponentTypeFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AnalogVideoStandard(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AnalogVideoStandard {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AnalogVideoStandard { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AnalogVideoStandard { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AnalogVideoStandard { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18524,19 +17952,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AnalogVideoStandard { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ApplicationTypeType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ApplicationTypeType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ApplicationTypeType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ApplicationTypeType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ApplicationTypeType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18546,19 +17963,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ApplicationTypeType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BDA_CHANGE_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BDA_CHANGE_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BDA_CHANGE_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BDA_CHANGE_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BDA_CHANGE_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18568,19 +17974,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BDA_CHANGE_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BDA_CONDITIONALACCESS_MMICLOSEREASON(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BDA_CONDITIONALACCESS_MMICLOSEREASON {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BDA_CONDITIONALACCESS_MMICLOSEREASON { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BDA_CONDITIONALACCESS_MMICLOSEREASON { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BDA_CONDITIONALACCESS_MMICLOSEREASON { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18590,19 +17985,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BDA_CONDITIONALACCESS_MMICLOSEREASON { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BDA_CONDITIONALACCESS_REQUESTTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BDA_CONDITIONALACCESS_REQUESTTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BDA_CONDITIONALACCESS_REQUESTTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BDA_CONDITIONALACCESS_REQUESTTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BDA_CONDITIONALACCESS_REQUESTTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18612,19 +17996,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BDA_CONDITIONALACCESS_REQUESTTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BDA_CONDITIONALACCESS_SESSION_RESULT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BDA_CONDITIONALACCESS_SESSION_RESULT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BDA_CONDITIONALACCESS_SESSION_RESULT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BDA_CONDITIONALACCESS_SESSION_RESULT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BDA_CONDITIONALACCESS_SESSION_RESULT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18634,19 +18007,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BDA_CONDITIONALACCESS_SESSION_RESULT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BDA_Channel(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BDA_Channel {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BDA_Channel { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BDA_Channel { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BDA_Channel { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18656,19 +18018,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BDA_Channel { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BDA_Channel_Bandwidth(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BDA_Channel_Bandwidth {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BDA_Channel_Bandwidth { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BDA_Channel_Bandwidth { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BDA_Channel_Bandwidth { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18678,19 +18029,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BDA_Channel_Bandwidth { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BDA_Comp_Flags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BDA_Comp_Flags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BDA_Comp_Flags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BDA_Comp_Flags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BDA_Comp_Flags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18700,19 +18040,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BDA_Comp_Flags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BDA_DISCOVERY_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BDA_DISCOVERY_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BDA_DISCOVERY_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BDA_DISCOVERY_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BDA_DISCOVERY_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18722,19 +18051,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BDA_DISCOVERY_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BDA_DrmPairingError(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BDA_DrmPairingError {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BDA_DrmPairingError { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BDA_DrmPairingError { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BDA_DrmPairingError { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18744,19 +18062,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BDA_DrmPairingError { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BDA_EVENT_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BDA_EVENT_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BDA_EVENT_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BDA_EVENT_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BDA_EVENT_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18766,19 +18073,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BDA_EVENT_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BDA_Frequency(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BDA_Frequency {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BDA_Frequency { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BDA_Frequency { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BDA_Frequency { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18788,19 +18084,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BDA_Frequency { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BDA_Frequency_Multiplier(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BDA_Frequency_Multiplier {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BDA_Frequency_Multiplier { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BDA_Frequency_Multiplier { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BDA_Frequency_Multiplier { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18810,19 +18095,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BDA_Frequency_Multiplier { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BDA_MULTICAST_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BDA_MULTICAST_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BDA_MULTICAST_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BDA_MULTICAST_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BDA_MULTICAST_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18832,19 +18106,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BDA_MULTICAST_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BDA_Range(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BDA_Range {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BDA_Range { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BDA_Range { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BDA_Range { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18854,19 +18117,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BDA_Range { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BDA_SIGNAL_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BDA_SIGNAL_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BDA_SIGNAL_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BDA_SIGNAL_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BDA_SIGNAL_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18876,19 +18128,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BDA_SIGNAL_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BinaryConvolutionCodeRate(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BinaryConvolutionCodeRate {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BinaryConvolutionCodeRate { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BinaryConvolutionCodeRate { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BinaryConvolutionCodeRate { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18898,19 +18139,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BinaryConvolutionCodeRate { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COLORKEY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COLORKEY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COLORKEY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COLORKEY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COLORKEY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18920,19 +18150,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COLORKEY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COMPLETION_STATUS_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COMPLETION_STATUS_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COMPLETION_STATUS_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COMPLETION_STATUS_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COMPLETION_STATUS_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18942,19 +18161,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COMPLETION_STATUS_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COPP_ACP_Protection_Level(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COPP_ACP_Protection_Level {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COPP_ACP_Protection_Level { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COPP_ACP_Protection_Level { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COPP_ACP_Protection_Level { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18964,19 +18172,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COPP_ACP_Protection_Level { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COPP_BusType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COPP_BusType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COPP_BusType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COPP_BusType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COPP_BusType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -18986,19 +18183,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COPP_BusType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COPP_CGMSA_Protection_Level(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COPP_CGMSA_Protection_Level {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COPP_CGMSA_Protection_Level { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COPP_CGMSA_Protection_Level { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COPP_CGMSA_Protection_Level { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19008,19 +18194,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COPP_CGMSA_Protection_Level { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COPP_ConnectorType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COPP_ConnectorType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COPP_ConnectorType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COPP_ConnectorType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COPP_ConnectorType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19030,19 +18205,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COPP_ConnectorType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COPP_HDCP_Protection_Level(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COPP_HDCP_Protection_Level {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COPP_HDCP_Protection_Level { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COPP_HDCP_Protection_Level { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COPP_HDCP_Protection_Level { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19052,19 +18216,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COPP_HDCP_Protection_Level { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COPP_ImageAspectRatio_EN300294(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COPP_ImageAspectRatio_EN300294 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COPP_ImageAspectRatio_EN300294 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COPP_ImageAspectRatio_EN300294 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COPP_ImageAspectRatio_EN300294 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19074,19 +18227,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COPP_ImageAspectRatio_EN300294 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COPP_StatusFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COPP_StatusFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COPP_StatusFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COPP_StatusFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COPP_StatusFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19096,19 +18238,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COPP_StatusFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COPP_StatusHDCPFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COPP_StatusHDCPFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COPP_StatusHDCPFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COPP_StatusHDCPFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COPP_StatusHDCPFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19118,19 +18249,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COPP_StatusHDCPFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COPP_TVProtectionStandard(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COPP_TVProtectionStandard {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COPP_TVProtectionStandard { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COPP_TVProtectionStandard { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COPP_TVProtectionStandard { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19140,19 +18260,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COPP_TVProtectionStandard { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CameraControlFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CameraControlFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CameraControlFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CameraControlFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CameraControlFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19162,19 +18271,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CameraControlFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CameraControlProperty(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CameraControlProperty {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CameraControlProperty { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CameraControlProperty { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CameraControlProperty { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19184,19 +18282,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CameraControlProperty { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ComponentCategory(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ComponentCategory {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ComponentCategory { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ComponentCategory { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ComponentCategory { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19206,19 +18293,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ComponentCategory { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ComponentStatus(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ComponentStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ComponentStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ComponentStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ComponentStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19228,19 +18304,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ComponentStatus { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CompressionCaps(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CompressionCaps {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CompressionCaps { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CompressionCaps { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CompressionCaps { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19250,19 +18315,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CompressionCaps { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DDSFF_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DDSFF_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DDSFF_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DDSFF_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DDSFF_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19305,19 +18359,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DDSFF_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DECIMATION_USAGE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DECIMATION_USAGE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DECIMATION_USAGE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DECIMATION_USAGE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DECIMATION_USAGE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19327,19 +18370,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DECIMATION_USAGE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DVBSystemType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DVBSystemType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DVBSystemType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DVBSystemType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DVBSystemType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19349,19 +18381,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DVBSystemType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DVD_AUDIO_APPMODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DVD_AUDIO_APPMODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DVD_AUDIO_APPMODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DVD_AUDIO_APPMODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DVD_AUDIO_APPMODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19371,19 +18392,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DVD_AUDIO_APPMODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DVD_AUDIO_FORMAT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DVD_AUDIO_FORMAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DVD_AUDIO_FORMAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DVD_AUDIO_FORMAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DVD_AUDIO_FORMAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19393,19 +18403,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DVD_AUDIO_FORMAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DVD_AUDIO_LANG_EXT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DVD_AUDIO_LANG_EXT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DVD_AUDIO_LANG_EXT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DVD_AUDIO_LANG_EXT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DVD_AUDIO_LANG_EXT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19415,19 +18414,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DVD_AUDIO_LANG_EXT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DVD_CMD_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DVD_CMD_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DVD_CMD_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DVD_CMD_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DVD_CMD_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19437,19 +18425,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DVD_CMD_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DVD_DISC_SIDE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DVD_DISC_SIDE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DVD_DISC_SIDE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DVD_DISC_SIDE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DVD_DISC_SIDE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19459,19 +18436,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DVD_DISC_SIDE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DVD_DOMAIN(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DVD_DOMAIN {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DVD_DOMAIN { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DVD_DOMAIN { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DVD_DOMAIN { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19481,19 +18447,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DVD_DOMAIN { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DVD_ERROR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DVD_ERROR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DVD_ERROR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DVD_ERROR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DVD_ERROR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19503,19 +18458,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DVD_ERROR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DVD_FRAMERATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DVD_FRAMERATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DVD_FRAMERATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DVD_FRAMERATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DVD_FRAMERATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19525,19 +18469,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DVD_FRAMERATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DVD_KARAOKE_ASSIGNMENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DVD_KARAOKE_ASSIGNMENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DVD_KARAOKE_ASSIGNMENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DVD_KARAOKE_ASSIGNMENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DVD_KARAOKE_ASSIGNMENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19547,19 +18480,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DVD_KARAOKE_ASSIGNMENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DVD_KARAOKE_CONTENTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DVD_KARAOKE_CONTENTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DVD_KARAOKE_CONTENTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DVD_KARAOKE_CONTENTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DVD_KARAOKE_CONTENTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19569,19 +18491,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DVD_KARAOKE_CONTENTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DVD_KARAOKE_DOWNMIX(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DVD_KARAOKE_DOWNMIX {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DVD_KARAOKE_DOWNMIX { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DVD_KARAOKE_DOWNMIX { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DVD_KARAOKE_DOWNMIX { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19591,19 +18502,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DVD_KARAOKE_DOWNMIX { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DVD_MENU_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DVD_MENU_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DVD_MENU_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DVD_MENU_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DVD_MENU_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19613,19 +18513,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DVD_MENU_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DVD_NavCmdType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DVD_NavCmdType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DVD_NavCmdType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DVD_NavCmdType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DVD_NavCmdType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19635,19 +18524,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DVD_NavCmdType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DVD_OPTION_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DVD_OPTION_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DVD_OPTION_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DVD_OPTION_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DVD_OPTION_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19657,19 +18535,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DVD_OPTION_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DVD_PARENTAL_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DVD_PARENTAL_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DVD_PARENTAL_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DVD_PARENTAL_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DVD_PARENTAL_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19679,19 +18546,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DVD_PARENTAL_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DVD_PB_STOPPED(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DVD_PB_STOPPED {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DVD_PB_STOPPED { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DVD_PB_STOPPED { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DVD_PB_STOPPED { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19701,19 +18557,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DVD_PB_STOPPED { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DVD_PLAY_DIRECTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DVD_PLAY_DIRECTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DVD_PLAY_DIRECTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DVD_PLAY_DIRECTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DVD_PLAY_DIRECTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19723,19 +18568,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DVD_PLAY_DIRECTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DVD_PREFERRED_DISPLAY_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DVD_PREFERRED_DISPLAY_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DVD_PREFERRED_DISPLAY_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DVD_PREFERRED_DISPLAY_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DVD_PREFERRED_DISPLAY_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19745,19 +18579,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DVD_PREFERRED_DISPLAY_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DVD_RELATIVE_BUTTON(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DVD_RELATIVE_BUTTON {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DVD_RELATIVE_BUTTON { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DVD_RELATIVE_BUTTON { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DVD_RELATIVE_BUTTON { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19767,19 +18590,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DVD_RELATIVE_BUTTON { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DVD_SUBPICTURE_CODING(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DVD_SUBPICTURE_CODING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DVD_SUBPICTURE_CODING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DVD_SUBPICTURE_CODING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DVD_SUBPICTURE_CODING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19789,19 +18601,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DVD_SUBPICTURE_CODING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DVD_SUBPICTURE_LANG_EXT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DVD_SUBPICTURE_LANG_EXT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DVD_SUBPICTURE_LANG_EXT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DVD_SUBPICTURE_LANG_EXT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DVD_SUBPICTURE_LANG_EXT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19811,21 +18612,10 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DVD_SUBPICTURE_LANG_EXT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DVD_SUBPICTURE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DVD_SUBPICTURE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DVD_SUBPICTURE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DVD_SUBPICTURE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} -impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DVD_SUBPICTURE_TYPE { - type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; +impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DVD_SUBPICTURE_TYPE { + type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DVD_SUBPICTURE_TYPE { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::core::fmt::Result { @@ -19833,19 +18623,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DVD_SUBPICTURE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DVD_TIMECODE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DVD_TIMECODE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DVD_TIMECODE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DVD_TIMECODE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DVD_TIMECODE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19855,19 +18634,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DVD_TIMECODE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DVD_TITLE_APPMODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DVD_TITLE_APPMODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DVD_TITLE_APPMODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DVD_TITLE_APPMODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DVD_TITLE_APPMODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19877,19 +18645,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DVD_TITLE_APPMODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DVD_TextCharSet(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DVD_TextCharSet {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DVD_TextCharSet { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DVD_TextCharSet { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DVD_TextCharSet { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19899,19 +18656,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DVD_TextCharSet { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DVD_TextStringType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DVD_TextStringType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DVD_TextStringType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DVD_TextStringType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DVD_TextStringType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19921,19 +18667,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DVD_TextStringType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DVD_VIDEO_COMPRESSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DVD_VIDEO_COMPRESSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DVD_VIDEO_COMPRESSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DVD_VIDEO_COMPRESSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DVD_VIDEO_COMPRESSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19943,19 +18678,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DVD_VIDEO_COMPRESSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DVD_WARNING(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DVD_WARNING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DVD_WARNING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DVD_WARNING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DVD_WARNING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19965,19 +18689,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DVD_WARNING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXVA2_DestinationFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXVA2_DestinationFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXVA2_DestinationFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXVA2_DestinationFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXVA2_DestinationFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -19987,19 +18700,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXVA2_DestinationFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXVA2_SampleFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXVA2_SampleFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXVA2_SampleFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXVA2_SampleFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXVA2_SampleFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20009,19 +18711,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXVA2_SampleFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EntitlementType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EntitlementType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EntitlementType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EntitlementType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EntitlementType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20031,19 +18722,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EntitlementType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FECMethod(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FECMethod {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FECMethod { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FECMethod { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FECMethod { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20053,19 +18733,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FECMethod { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FILTER_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FILTER_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FILTER_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FILTER_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FILTER_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20075,19 +18744,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FILTER_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GuardInterval(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GuardInterval {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GuardInterval { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GuardInterval { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GuardInterval { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20097,19 +18755,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GuardInterval { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HierarchyAlpha(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HierarchyAlpha {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HierarchyAlpha { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HierarchyAlpha { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HierarchyAlpha { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20119,19 +18766,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HierarchyAlpha { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IFILTERMAPPER_MERIT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IFILTERMAPPER_MERIT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IFILTERMAPPER_MERIT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IFILTERMAPPER_MERIT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IFILTERMAPPER_MERIT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20141,19 +18777,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IFILTERMAPPER_MERIT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ISDBCAS_REQUEST_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ISDBCAS_REQUEST_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ISDBCAS_REQUEST_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ISDBCAS_REQUEST_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ISDBCAS_REQUEST_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20163,19 +18788,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ISDBCAS_REQUEST_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InterleavingMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InterleavingMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InterleavingMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InterleavingMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InterleavingMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20185,19 +18799,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for InterleavingMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_IPSINK(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_IPSINK {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_IPSINK { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_IPSINK { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_IPSINK { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20240,19 +18843,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for KSPROPERTY_IPSINK { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LNB_Source(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LNB_Source {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LNB_Source { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LNB_Source { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LNB_Source { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20262,19 +18854,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for LNB_Source { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LocationCodeSchemeType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LocationCodeSchemeType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LocationCodeSchemeType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LocationCodeSchemeType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LocationCodeSchemeType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20284,19 +18865,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for LocationCodeSchemeType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MEDIA_SAMPLE_CONTENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MEDIA_SAMPLE_CONTENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MEDIA_SAMPLE_CONTENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MEDIA_SAMPLE_CONTENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MEDIA_SAMPLE_CONTENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20306,19 +18876,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MEDIA_SAMPLE_CONTENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MMSSF_GET_INFORMATION_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MMSSF_GET_INFORMATION_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MMSSF_GET_INFORMATION_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MMSSF_GET_INFORMATION_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MMSSF_GET_INFORMATION_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20361,19 +18920,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for MMSSF_GET_INFORMATION_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MPEG2StreamType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MPEG2StreamType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MPEG2StreamType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MPEG2StreamType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MPEG2StreamType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20383,19 +18931,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MPEG2StreamType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MPEGLAYER3WAVEFORMAT_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MPEGLAYER3WAVEFORMAT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MPEGLAYER3WAVEFORMAT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MPEGLAYER3WAVEFORMAT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MPEGLAYER3WAVEFORMAT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20405,19 +18942,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MPEGLAYER3WAVEFORMAT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MP_CURVE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MP_CURVE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MP_CURVE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MP_CURVE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MP_CURVE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20427,19 +18953,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MP_CURVE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MP_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MP_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MP_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MP_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MP_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20449,19 +18964,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MP_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MUX_PID_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MUX_PID_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MUX_PID_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MUX_PID_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MUX_PID_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20471,19 +18975,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MUX_PID_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ModulationType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ModulationType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ModulationType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ModulationType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ModulationType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20493,19 +18986,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ModulationType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OA_BOOL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OA_BOOL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OA_BOOL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OA_BOOL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OA_BOOL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20515,19 +18997,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OA_BOOL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OUTPUT_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OUTPUT_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OUTPUT_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OUTPUT_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OUTPUT_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20570,19 +19041,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for OUTPUT_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PIN_DIRECTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PIN_DIRECTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PIN_DIRECTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PIN_DIRECTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PIN_DIRECTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20592,19 +19052,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PIN_DIRECTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PhysicalConnectorType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PhysicalConnectorType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PhysicalConnectorType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PhysicalConnectorType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PhysicalConnectorType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20614,19 +19063,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PhysicalConnectorType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct Pilot(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for Pilot {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for Pilot { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for Pilot { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for Pilot { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20636,19 +19074,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for Pilot { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct Polarisation(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for Polarisation {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for Polarisation { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for Polarisation { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for Polarisation { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20658,19 +19085,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for Polarisation { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct QualityMessageType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for QualityMessageType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for QualityMessageType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for QualityMessageType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for QualityMessageType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20680,19 +19096,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for QualityMessageType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct REG_PINFLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for REG_PINFLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for REG_PINFLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for REG_PINFLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for REG_PINFLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20735,21 +19140,10 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for REG_PINFLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RollOff(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RollOff {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RollOff { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RollOff { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} -impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RollOff { - type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; +impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RollOff { + type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RollOff { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::core::fmt::Result { @@ -20757,19 +19151,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RollOff { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SNDDEV_ERR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SNDDEV_ERR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SNDDEV_ERR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SNDDEV_ERR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SNDDEV_ERR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20779,19 +19162,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SNDDEV_ERR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SSUPDATE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SSUPDATE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SSUPDATE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SSUPDATE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SSUPDATE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20801,19 +19173,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SSUPDATE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STREAMIF_CONSTANTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STREAMIF_CONSTANTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STREAMIF_CONSTANTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STREAMIF_CONSTANTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STREAMIF_CONSTANTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20823,19 +19184,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STREAMIF_CONSTANTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STREAM_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STREAM_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STREAM_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STREAM_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STREAM_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20845,19 +19195,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STREAM_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STREAM_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STREAM_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STREAM_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STREAM_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STREAM_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20867,19 +19206,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STREAM_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ScanModulationTypes(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ScanModulationTypes {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ScanModulationTypes { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ScanModulationTypes { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ScanModulationTypes { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20889,19 +19217,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ScanModulationTypes { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SmartCardAssociationType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SmartCardAssociationType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SmartCardAssociationType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SmartCardAssociationType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SmartCardAssociationType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20911,19 +19228,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SmartCardAssociationType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SmartCardStatusType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SmartCardStatusType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SmartCardStatusType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SmartCardStatusType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SmartCardStatusType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20933,19 +19239,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SmartCardStatusType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpectralInversion(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpectralInversion {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpectralInversion { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpectralInversion { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpectralInversion { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20955,19 +19250,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SpectralInversion { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TVAudioMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TVAudioMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TVAudioMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TVAudioMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TVAudioMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20977,19 +19261,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TVAudioMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TransmissionMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TransmissionMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TransmissionMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TransmissionMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TransmissionMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20999,19 +19272,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TransmissionMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TunerInputType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TunerInputType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TunerInputType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TunerInputType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TunerInputType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21021,19 +19283,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TunerInputType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UICloseReasonType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UICloseReasonType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UICloseReasonType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UICloseReasonType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UICloseReasonType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21043,19 +19294,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UICloseReasonType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VALID_UOP_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VALID_UOP_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VALID_UOP_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VALID_UOP_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VALID_UOP_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21065,19 +19305,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VALID_UOP_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VIDEOENCODER_BITRATE_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VIDEOENCODER_BITRATE_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VIDEOENCODER_BITRATE_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VIDEOENCODER_BITRATE_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VIDEOENCODER_BITRATE_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21087,19 +19316,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VIDEOENCODER_BITRATE_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VMR9AlphaBitmapFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VMR9AlphaBitmapFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VMR9AlphaBitmapFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VMR9AlphaBitmapFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VMR9AlphaBitmapFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21109,19 +19327,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VMR9AlphaBitmapFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VMR9AspectRatioMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VMR9AspectRatioMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VMR9AspectRatioMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VMR9AspectRatioMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VMR9AspectRatioMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21131,19 +19338,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VMR9AspectRatioMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VMR9DeinterlacePrefs(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VMR9DeinterlacePrefs {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VMR9DeinterlacePrefs { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VMR9DeinterlacePrefs { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VMR9DeinterlacePrefs { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21153,19 +19349,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VMR9DeinterlacePrefs { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VMR9DeinterlaceTech(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VMR9DeinterlaceTech {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VMR9DeinterlaceTech { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VMR9DeinterlaceTech { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VMR9DeinterlaceTech { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21175,19 +19360,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VMR9DeinterlaceTech { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VMR9MixerPrefs(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VMR9MixerPrefs {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VMR9MixerPrefs { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VMR9MixerPrefs { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VMR9MixerPrefs { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21197,19 +19371,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VMR9MixerPrefs { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VMR9Mode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VMR9Mode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VMR9Mode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VMR9Mode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VMR9Mode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21219,19 +19382,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VMR9Mode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VMR9PresentationFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VMR9PresentationFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VMR9PresentationFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VMR9PresentationFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VMR9PresentationFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21241,19 +19393,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VMR9PresentationFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VMR9ProcAmpControlFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VMR9ProcAmpControlFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VMR9ProcAmpControlFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VMR9ProcAmpControlFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VMR9ProcAmpControlFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21263,19 +19404,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VMR9ProcAmpControlFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VMR9RenderPrefs(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VMR9RenderPrefs {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VMR9RenderPrefs { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VMR9RenderPrefs { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VMR9RenderPrefs { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21285,19 +19415,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VMR9RenderPrefs { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VMR9SurfaceAllocationFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VMR9SurfaceAllocationFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VMR9SurfaceAllocationFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VMR9SurfaceAllocationFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VMR9SurfaceAllocationFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21307,19 +19426,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VMR9SurfaceAllocationFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VMR9_SampleFormat(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VMR9_SampleFormat {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VMR9_SampleFormat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VMR9_SampleFormat { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VMR9_SampleFormat { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21329,19 +19437,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VMR9_SampleFormat { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VMRDeinterlacePrefs(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VMRDeinterlacePrefs {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VMRDeinterlacePrefs { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VMRDeinterlacePrefs { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VMRDeinterlacePrefs { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21351,19 +19448,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VMRDeinterlacePrefs { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VMRDeinterlaceTech(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VMRDeinterlaceTech {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VMRDeinterlaceTech { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VMRDeinterlaceTech { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VMRDeinterlaceTech { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21373,19 +19459,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VMRDeinterlaceTech { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VMRMixerPrefs(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VMRMixerPrefs {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VMRMixerPrefs { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VMRMixerPrefs { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VMRMixerPrefs { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21395,19 +19470,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VMRMixerPrefs { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VMRMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VMRMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VMRMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VMRMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VMRMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21417,19 +19481,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VMRMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VMRPresentationFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VMRPresentationFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VMRPresentationFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VMRPresentationFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VMRPresentationFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21439,19 +19492,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VMRPresentationFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VMRRenderPrefs(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VMRRenderPrefs {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VMRRenderPrefs { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VMRRenderPrefs { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VMRRenderPrefs { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21461,19 +19503,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VMRRenderPrefs { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VMRSurfaceAllocationFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VMRSurfaceAllocationFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VMRSurfaceAllocationFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VMRSurfaceAllocationFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VMRSurfaceAllocationFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21483,19 +19514,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VMRSurfaceAllocationFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VMR_ASPECT_RATIO_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VMR_ASPECT_RATIO_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VMR_ASPECT_RATIO_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VMR_ASPECT_RATIO_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VMR_ASPECT_RATIO_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21505,19 +19525,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VMR_ASPECT_RATIO_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VfwCaptureDialogs(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VfwCaptureDialogs {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VfwCaptureDialogs { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VfwCaptureDialogs { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VfwCaptureDialogs { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21527,19 +19536,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VfwCaptureDialogs { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VfwCompressDialogs(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VfwCompressDialogs {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VfwCompressDialogs { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VfwCompressDialogs { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VfwCompressDialogs { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21549,19 +19547,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VfwCompressDialogs { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VideoControlFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VideoControlFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VideoControlFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VideoControlFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VideoControlFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21571,19 +19558,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VideoControlFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VideoCopyProtectionType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VideoCopyProtectionType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VideoCopyProtectionType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VideoCopyProtectionType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VideoCopyProtectionType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21593,19 +19569,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VideoCopyProtectionType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VideoProcAmpFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VideoProcAmpFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VideoProcAmpFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VideoProcAmpFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VideoProcAmpFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21615,19 +19580,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VideoProcAmpFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VideoProcAmpProperty(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VideoProcAmpProperty {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VideoProcAmpProperty { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VideoProcAmpProperty { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VideoProcAmpProperty { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21637,19 +19591,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VideoProcAmpProperty { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _AMRESCTL_RESERVEFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _AMRESCTL_RESERVEFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _AMRESCTL_RESERVEFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _AMRESCTL_RESERVEFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _AMRESCTL_RESERVEFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21659,19 +19602,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _AMRESCTL_RESERVEFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _AMSTREAMSELECTENABLEFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _AMSTREAMSELECTENABLEFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _AMSTREAMSELECTENABLEFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _AMSTREAMSELECTENABLEFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _AMSTREAMSELECTENABLEFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21681,19 +19613,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _AMSTREAMSELECTENABLEFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _AMSTREAMSELECTINFOFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _AMSTREAMSELECTINFOFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _AMSTREAMSELECTINFOFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _AMSTREAMSELECTINFOFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _AMSTREAMSELECTINFOFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21703,19 +19624,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _AMSTREAMSELECTINFOFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _AM_AUDIO_RENDERER_STAT_PARAM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _AM_AUDIO_RENDERER_STAT_PARAM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _AM_AUDIO_RENDERER_STAT_PARAM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _AM_AUDIO_RENDERER_STAT_PARAM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _AM_AUDIO_RENDERER_STAT_PARAM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21725,19 +19635,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _AM_AUDIO_RENDERER_STAT_PARAM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _AM_FILTER_MISC_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _AM_FILTER_MISC_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _AM_FILTER_MISC_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _AM_FILTER_MISC_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _AM_FILTER_MISC_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21747,19 +19646,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _AM_FILTER_MISC_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _AM_INTF_SEARCH_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _AM_INTF_SEARCH_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _AM_INTF_SEARCH_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _AM_INTF_SEARCH_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _AM_INTF_SEARCH_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21769,19 +19657,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _AM_INTF_SEARCH_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _AM_OVERLAY_NOTIFY_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _AM_OVERLAY_NOTIFY_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _AM_OVERLAY_NOTIFY_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _AM_OVERLAY_NOTIFY_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _AM_OVERLAY_NOTIFY_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21791,19 +19668,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _AM_OVERLAY_NOTIFY_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _AM_PIN_FLOW_CONTROL_BLOCK_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _AM_PIN_FLOW_CONTROL_BLOCK_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _AM_PIN_FLOW_CONTROL_BLOCK_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _AM_PIN_FLOW_CONTROL_BLOCK_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _AM_PIN_FLOW_CONTROL_BLOCK_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21813,19 +19679,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _AM_PIN_FLOW_CONTROL_BLOCK_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _AM_PUSHSOURCE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _AM_PUSHSOURCE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _AM_PUSHSOURCE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _AM_PUSHSOURCE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _AM_PUSHSOURCE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21835,19 +19690,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _AM_PUSHSOURCE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _AM_RENSDEREXFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _AM_RENSDEREXFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _AM_RENSDEREXFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _AM_RENSDEREXFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _AM_RENSDEREXFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21857,19 +19701,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _AM_RENSDEREXFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _DVDECODERRESOLUTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _DVDECODERRESOLUTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _DVDECODERRESOLUTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _DVDECODERRESOLUTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _DVDECODERRESOLUTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21879,19 +19712,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _DVDECODERRESOLUTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _DVENCODERFORMAT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _DVENCODERFORMAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _DVENCODERFORMAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _DVENCODERFORMAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _DVENCODERFORMAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21901,19 +19723,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _DVENCODERFORMAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _DVENCODERRESOLUTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _DVENCODERRESOLUTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _DVENCODERRESOLUTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _DVENCODERRESOLUTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _DVENCODERRESOLUTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21923,19 +19734,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _DVENCODERRESOLUTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _DVENCODERVIDEOFORMAT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _DVENCODERVIDEOFORMAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _DVENCODERVIDEOFORMAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _DVENCODERVIDEOFORMAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _DVENCODERVIDEOFORMAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21945,19 +19745,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _DVENCODERVIDEOFORMAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _DVRESOLUTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _DVRESOLUTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _DVRESOLUTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _DVRESOLUTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _DVRESOLUTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21967,19 +19756,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _DVRESOLUTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _REM_FILTER_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _REM_FILTER_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _REM_FILTER_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _REM_FILTER_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _REM_FILTER_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/DxMediaObjects/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/DxMediaObjects/ index 37908e584c..0b49fc437e 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/DxMediaObjects/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/DxMediaObjects/ @@ -371,19 +371,8 @@ pub const DMO_SET_TYPEF_CLEAR: _DMO_SET_TYPE_FLAGS = _DMO_SET_TYPE_FLAGS(2i32); pub const DMO_SET_TYPEF_TEST_ONLY: _DMO_SET_TYPE_FLAGS = _DMO_SET_TYPE_FLAGS(1i32); pub const DMO_VOSF_NEEDS_PREVIOUS_SAMPLE: _DMO_VIDEO_OUTPUT_STREAM_FLAGS = _DMO_VIDEO_OUTPUT_STREAM_FLAGS(1i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DMO_ENUM_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DMO_ENUM_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DMO_ENUM_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DMO_ENUM_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DMO_ENUM_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -393,19 +382,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DMO_ENUM_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DMO_REGISTER_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DMO_REGISTER_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DMO_REGISTER_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DMO_REGISTER_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DMO_REGISTER_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -415,19 +393,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DMO_REGISTER_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _DMO_INPLACE_PROCESS_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _DMO_INPLACE_PROCESS_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _DMO_INPLACE_PROCESS_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _DMO_INPLACE_PROCESS_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _DMO_INPLACE_PROCESS_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -437,19 +404,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _DMO_INPLACE_PROCESS_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _DMO_INPUT_DATA_BUFFER_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _DMO_INPUT_DATA_BUFFER_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _DMO_INPUT_DATA_BUFFER_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _DMO_INPUT_DATA_BUFFER_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _DMO_INPUT_DATA_BUFFER_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -459,19 +415,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _DMO_INPUT_DATA_BUFFER_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _DMO_INPUT_STATUS_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _DMO_INPUT_STATUS_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _DMO_INPUT_STATUS_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _DMO_INPUT_STATUS_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _DMO_INPUT_STATUS_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -481,19 +426,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _DMO_INPUT_STATUS_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _DMO_INPUT_STREAM_INFO_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _DMO_INPUT_STREAM_INFO_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _DMO_INPUT_STREAM_INFO_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _DMO_INPUT_STREAM_INFO_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _DMO_INPUT_STREAM_INFO_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -503,19 +437,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _DMO_INPUT_STREAM_INFO_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _DMO_OUTPUT_DATA_BUFFER_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _DMO_OUTPUT_DATA_BUFFER_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _DMO_OUTPUT_DATA_BUFFER_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _DMO_OUTPUT_DATA_BUFFER_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _DMO_OUTPUT_DATA_BUFFER_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -525,19 +448,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _DMO_OUTPUT_DATA_BUFFER_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _DMO_OUTPUT_STREAM_INFO_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _DMO_OUTPUT_STREAM_INFO_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _DMO_OUTPUT_STREAM_INFO_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _DMO_OUTPUT_STREAM_INFO_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _DMO_OUTPUT_STREAM_INFO_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -547,19 +459,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _DMO_OUTPUT_STREAM_INFO_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _DMO_PROCESS_OUTPUT_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _DMO_PROCESS_OUTPUT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _DMO_PROCESS_OUTPUT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _DMO_PROCESS_OUTPUT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _DMO_PROCESS_OUTPUT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -569,19 +470,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _DMO_PROCESS_OUTPUT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _DMO_QUALITY_STATUS_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _DMO_QUALITY_STATUS_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _DMO_QUALITY_STATUS_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _DMO_QUALITY_STATUS_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _DMO_QUALITY_STATUS_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -591,19 +481,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _DMO_QUALITY_STATUS_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _DMO_SET_TYPE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _DMO_SET_TYPE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _DMO_SET_TYPE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _DMO_SET_TYPE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _DMO_SET_TYPE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -613,19 +492,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _DMO_SET_TYPE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _DMO_VIDEO_OUTPUT_STREAM_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _DMO_VIDEO_OUTPUT_STREAM_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _DMO_VIDEO_OUTPUT_STREAM_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _DMO_VIDEO_OUTPUT_STREAM_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _DMO_VIDEO_OUTPUT_STREAM_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/KernelStreaming/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/KernelStreaming/ index b19f34cbc6..a1d22f6012 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/KernelStreaming/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/KernelStreaming/ @@ -3068,19 +3068,8 @@ pub const ePortConnIntegratedDevice: EPxcPortConnection = EPxcPortConnection(1i3 pub const ePortConnJack: EPxcPortConnection = EPxcPortConnection(0i32); pub const ePortConnUnknown: EPxcPortConnection = EPxcPortConnection(3i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AUDIOPOSTURE_ORIENTATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AUDIOPOSTURE_ORIENTATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AUDIOPOSTURE_ORIENTATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AUDIOPOSTURE_ORIENTATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AUDIOPOSTURE_ORIENTATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3090,19 +3079,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AUDIOPOSTURE_ORIENTATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AUDIO_CURVE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AUDIO_CURVE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AUDIO_CURVE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AUDIO_CURVE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AUDIO_CURVE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3112,19 +3090,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AUDIO_CURVE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CAPTURE_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CAPTURE_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CAPTURE_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CAPTURE_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CAPTURE_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3134,19 +3101,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CAPTURE_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CONSTRICTOR_OPTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CONSTRICTOR_OPTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CONSTRICTOR_OPTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CONSTRICTOR_OPTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CONSTRICTOR_OPTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3156,19 +3112,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CONSTRICTOR_OPTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EDeviceControlUseType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EDeviceControlUseType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EDeviceControlUseType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EDeviceControlUseType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EDeviceControlUseType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3178,19 +3123,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EDeviceControlUseType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EPcxConnectionType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EPcxConnectionType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EPcxConnectionType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EPcxConnectionType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EPcxConnectionType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3200,19 +3134,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EPcxConnectionType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EPcxGenLocation(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EPcxGenLocation {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EPcxGenLocation { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EPcxGenLocation { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EPcxGenLocation { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3222,19 +3145,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EPcxGenLocation { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EPcxGeoLocation(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EPcxGeoLocation {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EPcxGeoLocation { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EPcxGeoLocation { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EPcxGeoLocation { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3244,19 +3156,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EPcxGeoLocation { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EPxcPortConnection(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EPxcPortConnection {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EPxcPortConnection { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EPxcPortConnection { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EPxcPortConnection { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3266,19 +3167,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EPxcPortConnection { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FRAMING_CACHE_OPS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FRAMING_CACHE_OPS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FRAMING_CACHE_OPS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FRAMING_CACHE_OPS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FRAMING_CACHE_OPS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3288,19 +3178,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FRAMING_CACHE_OPS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FRAMING_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FRAMING_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FRAMING_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FRAMING_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FRAMING_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3310,19 +3189,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FRAMING_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSALLOCATORMODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSALLOCATORMODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSALLOCATORMODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSALLOCATORMODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSALLOCATORMODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3332,19 +3200,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSALLOCATORMODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_FOCUSSTATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_FOCUSSTATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_FOCUSSTATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_FOCUSSTATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_FOCUSSTATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3354,19 +3211,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_FOCUSSTATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_MetadataAlignment(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_MetadataAlignment {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_MetadataAlignment { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_MetadataAlignment { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_MetadataAlignment { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3376,19 +3222,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_MetadataAlignment { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_ROITYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_ROITYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_ROITYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_ROITYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_ROITYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3398,19 +3233,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_ROITYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_WBPRESET(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_WBPRESET {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_WBPRESET { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_WBPRESET { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_WBPRESET { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3420,19 +3244,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_WBPRESET { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_WHITEBALANCE_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_WHITEBALANCE_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_WHITEBALANCE_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_WHITEBALANCE_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_WHITEBALANCE_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3442,19 +3255,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSCAMERA_EXTENDEDPROP_WHITEBALANCE_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSCAMERA_MetadataId(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSCAMERA_MetadataId {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSCAMERA_MetadataId { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSCAMERA_MetadataId { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSCAMERA_MetadataId { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3464,19 +3266,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSCAMERA_MetadataId { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSCAMERA_PERFRAMESETTING_ITEM_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSCAMERA_PERFRAMESETTING_ITEM_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSCAMERA_PERFRAMESETTING_ITEM_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSCAMERA_PERFRAMESETTING_ITEM_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSCAMERA_PERFRAMESETTING_ITEM_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3486,19 +3277,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSCAMERA_PERFRAMESETTING_ITEM_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSDEGRADE_STANDARD(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSDEGRADE_STANDARD {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSDEGRADE_STANDARD { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSDEGRADE_STANDARD { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSDEGRADE_STANDARD { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3508,19 +3288,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSDEGRADE_STANDARD { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSDEVICE_THERMAL_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSDEVICE_THERMAL_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSDEVICE_THERMAL_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSDEVICE_THERMAL_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSDEVICE_THERMAL_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3530,19 +3299,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSDEVICE_THERMAL_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSDS3D_HRTF_COEFF_FORMAT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSDS3D_HRTF_COEFF_FORMAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSDS3D_HRTF_COEFF_FORMAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSDS3D_HRTF_COEFF_FORMAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSDS3D_HRTF_COEFF_FORMAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3552,19 +3310,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSDS3D_HRTF_COEFF_FORMAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSDS3D_HRTF_FILTER_METHOD(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSDS3D_HRTF_FILTER_METHOD {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSDS3D_HRTF_FILTER_METHOD { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSDS3D_HRTF_FILTER_METHOD { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSDS3D_HRTF_FILTER_METHOD { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3574,19 +3321,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSDS3D_HRTF_FILTER_METHOD { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSDS3D_HRTF_FILTER_QUALITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSDS3D_HRTF_FILTER_QUALITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSDS3D_HRTF_FILTER_QUALITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSDS3D_HRTF_FILTER_QUALITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSDS3D_HRTF_FILTER_QUALITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3596,19 +3332,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSDS3D_HRTF_FILTER_QUALITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSDS3D_HRTF_FILTER_VERSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSDS3D_HRTF_FILTER_VERSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSDS3D_HRTF_FILTER_VERSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSDS3D_HRTF_FILTER_VERSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSDS3D_HRTF_FILTER_VERSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3618,19 +3343,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSDS3D_HRTF_FILTER_VERSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSEVENT_AUDIO_CONTROL_CHANGE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSEVENT_AUDIO_CONTROL_CHANGE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSEVENT_AUDIO_CONTROL_CHANGE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSEVENT_AUDIO_CONTROL_CHANGE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSEVENT_AUDIO_CONTROL_CHANGE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3640,19 +3354,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSEVENT_AUDIO_CONTROL_CHANGE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSEVENT_CAMERACONTROL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSEVENT_CAMERACONTROL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSEVENT_CAMERACONTROL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSEVENT_CAMERACONTROL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSEVENT_CAMERACONTROL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3662,19 +3365,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSEVENT_CAMERACONTROL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSEVENT_CAMERAEVENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSEVENT_CAMERAEVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSEVENT_CAMERAEVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSEVENT_CAMERAEVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSEVENT_CAMERAEVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3684,19 +3376,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSEVENT_CAMERAEVENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSEVENT_CLOCK_POSITION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSEVENT_CLOCK_POSITION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSEVENT_CLOCK_POSITION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSEVENT_CLOCK_POSITION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSEVENT_CLOCK_POSITION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3706,19 +3387,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSEVENT_CLOCK_POSITION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSEVENT_CONNECTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSEVENT_CONNECTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSEVENT_CONNECTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSEVENT_CONNECTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSEVENT_CONNECTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3728,19 +3398,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSEVENT_CONNECTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSEVENT_CROSSBAR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSEVENT_CROSSBAR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSEVENT_CROSSBAR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSEVENT_CROSSBAR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSEVENT_CROSSBAR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3750,19 +3409,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSEVENT_CROSSBAR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSEVENT_DEVCMD(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSEVENT_DEVCMD {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSEVENT_DEVCMD { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSEVENT_DEVCMD { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSEVENT_DEVCMD { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3772,19 +3420,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSEVENT_DEVCMD { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSEVENT_DEVICE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSEVENT_DEVICE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSEVENT_DEVICE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSEVENT_DEVICE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSEVENT_DEVICE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3794,19 +3431,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSEVENT_DEVICE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSEVENT_DYNAMICFORMATCHANGE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSEVENT_DYNAMICFORMATCHANGE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSEVENT_DYNAMICFORMATCHANGE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSEVENT_DYNAMICFORMATCHANGE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSEVENT_DYNAMICFORMATCHANGE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3816,19 +3442,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSEVENT_DYNAMICFORMATCHANGE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSEVENT_LOOPEDSTREAMING(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSEVENT_LOOPEDSTREAMING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSEVENT_LOOPEDSTREAMING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSEVENT_LOOPEDSTREAMING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSEVENT_LOOPEDSTREAMING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3838,19 +3453,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSEVENT_LOOPEDSTREAMING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSEVENT_PINCAPS_CHANGENOTIFICATIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSEVENT_PINCAPS_CHANGENOTIFICATIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSEVENT_PINCAPS_CHANGENOTIFICATIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSEVENT_PINCAPS_CHANGENOTIFICATIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSEVENT_PINCAPS_CHANGENOTIFICATIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3860,19 +3464,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSEVENT_PINCAPS_CHANGENOTIFICATIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSEVENT_SOUNDDETECTOR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSEVENT_SOUNDDETECTOR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSEVENT_SOUNDDETECTOR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSEVENT_SOUNDDETECTOR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSEVENT_SOUNDDETECTOR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3882,19 +3475,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSEVENT_SOUNDDETECTOR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSEVENT_STREAMALLOCATOR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSEVENT_STREAMALLOCATOR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSEVENT_STREAMALLOCATOR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSEVENT_STREAMALLOCATOR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSEVENT_STREAMALLOCATOR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3904,19 +3486,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSEVENT_STREAMALLOCATOR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSEVENT_TELEPHONY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSEVENT_TELEPHONY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSEVENT_TELEPHONY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSEVENT_TELEPHONY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSEVENT_TELEPHONY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3926,19 +3497,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSEVENT_TELEPHONY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSEVENT_TUNER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSEVENT_TUNER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSEVENT_TUNER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSEVENT_TUNER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSEVENT_TUNER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3948,19 +3508,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSEVENT_TUNER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSEVENT_TVAUDIO(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSEVENT_TVAUDIO {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSEVENT_TVAUDIO { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSEVENT_TVAUDIO { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSEVENT_TVAUDIO { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3970,19 +3519,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSEVENT_TVAUDIO { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSEVENT_VIDCAPTOSTI(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSEVENT_VIDCAPTOSTI {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSEVENT_VIDCAPTOSTI { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSEVENT_VIDCAPTOSTI { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSEVENT_VIDCAPTOSTI { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3992,19 +3530,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSEVENT_VIDCAPTOSTI { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSEVENT_VIDEODECODER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSEVENT_VIDEODECODER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSEVENT_VIDEODECODER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSEVENT_VIDEODECODER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSEVENT_VIDEODECODER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4014,19 +3541,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSEVENT_VIDEODECODER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSEVENT_VOLUMELIMIT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSEVENT_VOLUMELIMIT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSEVENT_VOLUMELIMIT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSEVENT_VOLUMELIMIT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSEVENT_VOLUMELIMIT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4036,19 +3552,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSEVENT_VOLUMELIMIT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSEVENT_VPNOTIFY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSEVENT_VPNOTIFY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSEVENT_VPNOTIFY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSEVENT_VPNOTIFY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSEVENT_VPNOTIFY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4058,19 +3563,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSEVENT_VPNOTIFY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSEVENT_VPVBINOTIFY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSEVENT_VPVBINOTIFY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSEVENT_VPVBINOTIFY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSEVENT_VPVBINOTIFY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSEVENT_VPVBINOTIFY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4080,19 +3574,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSEVENT_VPVBINOTIFY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSINTERFACE_FILEIO(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSINTERFACE_FILEIO {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSINTERFACE_FILEIO { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSINTERFACE_FILEIO { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSINTERFACE_FILEIO { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4102,19 +3585,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSINTERFACE_FILEIO { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSINTERFACE_MEDIA(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSINTERFACE_MEDIA {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSINTERFACE_MEDIA { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSINTERFACE_MEDIA { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSINTERFACE_MEDIA { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4124,19 +3596,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSINTERFACE_MEDIA { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSINTERFACE_STANDARD(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSINTERFACE_STANDARD {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSINTERFACE_STANDARD { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSINTERFACE_STANDARD { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSINTERFACE_STANDARD { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4146,19 +3607,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSINTERFACE_STANDARD { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSIOOPERATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSIOOPERATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSIOOPERATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSIOOPERATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSIOOPERATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4168,19 +3618,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSIOOPERATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSJACK_SINK_CONNECTIONTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSJACK_SINK_CONNECTIONTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSJACK_SINK_CONNECTIONTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSJACK_SINK_CONNECTIONTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSJACK_SINK_CONNECTIONTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4190,19 +3629,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSJACK_SINK_CONNECTIONTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSMETHOD_STREAMALLOCATOR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSMETHOD_STREAMALLOCATOR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSMETHOD_STREAMALLOCATOR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSMETHOD_STREAMALLOCATOR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSMETHOD_STREAMALLOCATOR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4212,19 +3640,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSMETHOD_STREAMALLOCATOR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSMETHOD_STREAMIO(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSMETHOD_STREAMIO {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSMETHOD_STREAMIO { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSMETHOD_STREAMIO { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSMETHOD_STREAMIO { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4234,19 +3651,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSMETHOD_STREAMIO { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSMETHOD_WAVETABLE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSMETHOD_WAVETABLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSMETHOD_WAVETABLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSMETHOD_WAVETABLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSMETHOD_WAVETABLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4256,19 +3662,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSMETHOD_WAVETABLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSMICARRAY_MICARRAYTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSMICARRAY_MICARRAYTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSMICARRAY_MICARRAYTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSMICARRAY_MICARRAYTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSMICARRAY_MICARRAYTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4278,19 +3673,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSMICARRAY_MICARRAYTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSMICARRAY_MICTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSMICARRAY_MICTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSMICARRAY_MICTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSMICARRAY_MICTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSMICARRAY_MICTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4300,19 +3684,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSMICARRAY_MICTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPEEKOPERATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPEEKOPERATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPEEKOPERATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPEEKOPERATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPEEKOPERATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4322,19 +3695,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPEEKOPERATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPIN_COMMUNICATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPIN_COMMUNICATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPIN_COMMUNICATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPIN_COMMUNICATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPIN_COMMUNICATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4344,19 +3706,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPIN_COMMUNICATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPIN_DATAFLOW(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPIN_DATAFLOW {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPIN_DATAFLOW { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPIN_DATAFLOW { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPIN_DATAFLOW { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4366,19 +3717,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPIN_DATAFLOW { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPIN_MDL_CACHING_EVENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPIN_MDL_CACHING_EVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPIN_MDL_CACHING_EVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPIN_MDL_CACHING_EVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPIN_MDL_CACHING_EVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4388,19 +3728,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPIN_MDL_CACHING_EVENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPPROPERTY_ALLOCATOR_MDLCACHING(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPPROPERTY_ALLOCATOR_MDLCACHING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPPROPERTY_ALLOCATOR_MDLCACHING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPPROPERTY_ALLOCATOR_MDLCACHING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPPROPERTY_ALLOCATOR_MDLCACHING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4410,19 +3739,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPPROPERTY_ALLOCATOR_MDLCACHING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_AC3(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_AC3 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_AC3 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_AC3 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_AC3 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4432,19 +3750,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_AC3 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_ALLOCATOR_CONTROL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_ALLOCATOR_CONTROL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_ALLOCATOR_CONTROL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_ALLOCATOR_CONTROL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_ALLOCATOR_CONTROL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4454,19 +3761,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_ALLOCATOR_CONTROL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_AUDDECOUT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_AUDDECOUT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_AUDDECOUT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_AUDDECOUT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_AUDDECOUT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4476,19 +3772,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_AUDDECOUT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_AUDIO(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_AUDIO {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_AUDIO { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_AUDIO { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_AUDIO { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4498,19 +3783,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_AUDIO { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_AUDIOENGINE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_AUDIOENGINE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_AUDIOENGINE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_AUDIOENGINE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_AUDIOENGINE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4520,19 +3794,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_AUDIOENGINE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_AUDIOMODULE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_AUDIOMODULE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_AUDIOMODULE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_AUDIOMODULE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_AUDIOMODULE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4542,19 +3805,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_AUDIOMODULE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_AUDIOPOSTURE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_AUDIOPOSTURE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_AUDIOPOSTURE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_AUDIOPOSTURE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_AUDIOPOSTURE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4564,19 +3816,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_AUDIOPOSTURE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_AUDIORESOURCEMANAGEMENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_AUDIORESOURCEMANAGEMENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_AUDIORESOURCEMANAGEMENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_AUDIORESOURCEMANAGEMENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_AUDIORESOURCEMANAGEMENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4586,19 +3827,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_AUDIORESOURCEMANAGEMENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_AUDIOSIGNALPROCESSING(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_AUDIOSIGNALPROCESSING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_AUDIOSIGNALPROCESSING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_AUDIOSIGNALPROCESSING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_AUDIOSIGNALPROCESSING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4608,19 +3838,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_AUDIOSIGNALPROCESSING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_BIBLIOGRAPHIC(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_BIBLIOGRAPHIC {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_BIBLIOGRAPHIC { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_BIBLIOGRAPHIC { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_BIBLIOGRAPHIC { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4630,19 +3849,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_BIBLIOGRAPHIC { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_BTAUDIO(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_BTAUDIO {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_BTAUDIO { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_BTAUDIO { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_BTAUDIO { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4652,19 +3860,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_BTAUDIO { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_CAMERACONTROL_EXTENDED_PROPERTY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_CAMERACONTROL_EXTENDED_PROPERTY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_CAMERACONTROL_EXTENDED_PROPERTY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_CAMERACONTROL_EXTENDED_PROPERTY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_CAMERACONTROL_EXTENDED_PROPERTY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4674,19 +3871,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_CAMERACONTROL_EXTENDED_PROPERTY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_CAMERACONTROL_FLASH(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_CAMERACONTROL_FLASH {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_CAMERACONTROL_FLASH { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_CAMERACONTROL_FLASH { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_CAMERACONTROL_FLASH { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4696,19 +3882,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_CAMERACONTROL_FLASH { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_CAMERACONTROL_IMAGE_PIN_CAPABILITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_CAMERACONTROL_IMAGE_PIN_CAPABILITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_CAMERACONTROL_IMAGE_PIN_CAPABILITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_CAMERACONTROL_IMAGE_PIN_CAPABILITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_CAMERACONTROL_IMAGE_PIN_CAPABILITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4718,19 +3893,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_CAMERACONTROL_IMAGE_PIN_CAPABILITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_CAMERACONTROL_PERFRAMESETTING_PROPERTY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_CAMERACONTROL_PERFRAMESETTING_PROPERTY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_CAMERACONTROL_PERFRAMESETTING_PROPERTY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_CAMERACONTROL_PERFRAMESETTING_PROPERTY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_CAMERACONTROL_PERFRAMESETTING_PROPERTY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4740,19 +3904,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_CAMERACONTROL_PERFRAMESETTING_PROPERTY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_CAMERACONTROL_REGION_OF_INTEREST(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_CAMERACONTROL_REGION_OF_INTEREST {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_CAMERACONTROL_REGION_OF_INTEREST { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_CAMERACONTROL_REGION_OF_INTEREST { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_CAMERACONTROL_REGION_OF_INTEREST { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4762,19 +3915,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_CAMERACONTROL_REGION_OF_INTEREST { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_CAMERACONTROL_VIDEO_STABILIZATION_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_CAMERACONTROL_VIDEO_STABILIZATION_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_CAMERACONTROL_VIDEO_STABILIZATION_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_CAMERACONTROL_VIDEO_STABILIZATION_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_CAMERACONTROL_VIDEO_STABILIZATION_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4784,19 +3926,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_CAMERACONTROL_VIDEO_STABILIZATION_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_CAMERA_PHOTOTRIGGERTIME_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_CAMERA_PHOTOTRIGGERTIME_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_CAMERA_PHOTOTRIGGERTIME_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_CAMERA_PHOTOTRIGGERTIME_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_CAMERA_PHOTOTRIGGERTIME_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4806,19 +3937,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_CAMERA_PHOTOTRIGGERTIME_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_CLOCK(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_CLOCK {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_CLOCK { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_CLOCK { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_CLOCK { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4828,19 +3948,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_CLOCK { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_CONNECTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_CONNECTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_CONNECTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_CONNECTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_CONNECTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4850,19 +3959,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_CONNECTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_COPYPROT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_COPYPROT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_COPYPROT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_COPYPROT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_COPYPROT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4872,19 +3970,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_COPYPROT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_CYCLIC(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_CYCLIC {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_CYCLIC { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_CYCLIC { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_CYCLIC { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4894,19 +3981,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_CYCLIC { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_DIRECTSOUND3DBUFFER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_DIRECTSOUND3DBUFFER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_DIRECTSOUND3DBUFFER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_DIRECTSOUND3DBUFFER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_DIRECTSOUND3DBUFFER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4916,19 +3992,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_DIRECTSOUND3DBUFFER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_DIRECTSOUND3DLISTENER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_DIRECTSOUND3DLISTENER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_DIRECTSOUND3DLISTENER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_DIRECTSOUND3DLISTENER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_DIRECTSOUND3DLISTENER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4938,19 +4003,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_DIRECTSOUND3DLISTENER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_DRMAUDIOSTREAM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_DRMAUDIOSTREAM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_DRMAUDIOSTREAM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_DRMAUDIOSTREAM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_DRMAUDIOSTREAM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4960,19 +4014,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_DRMAUDIOSTREAM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_DVDSUBPIC(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_DVDSUBPIC {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_DVDSUBPIC { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_DVDSUBPIC { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_DVDSUBPIC { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4982,19 +4025,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_DVDSUBPIC { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_EXTDEVICE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_EXTDEVICE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_EXTDEVICE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_EXTDEVICE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_EXTDEVICE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5004,19 +4036,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_EXTDEVICE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_EXTENSION_UNIT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_EXTENSION_UNIT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_EXTENSION_UNIT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_EXTENSION_UNIT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_EXTENSION_UNIT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5026,19 +4047,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_EXTENSION_UNIT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_EXTXPORT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_EXTXPORT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_EXTXPORT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_EXTXPORT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_EXTXPORT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5048,19 +4058,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_EXTXPORT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_FMRX_CONTROL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_FMRX_CONTROL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_FMRX_CONTROL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_FMRX_CONTROL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_FMRX_CONTROL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5070,19 +4069,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_FMRX_CONTROL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_FMRX_TOPOLOGY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_FMRX_TOPOLOGY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_FMRX_TOPOLOGY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_FMRX_TOPOLOGY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_FMRX_TOPOLOGY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5092,19 +4080,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_FMRX_TOPOLOGY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_GENERAL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_GENERAL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_GENERAL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_GENERAL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_GENERAL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5114,19 +4091,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_GENERAL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_HRTF3D(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_HRTF3D {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_HRTF3D { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_HRTF3D { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_HRTF3D { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5136,19 +4102,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_HRTF3D { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_INTERLEAVEDAUDIO(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_INTERLEAVEDAUDIO {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_INTERLEAVEDAUDIO { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_INTERLEAVEDAUDIO { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_INTERLEAVEDAUDIO { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5158,19 +4113,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_INTERLEAVEDAUDIO { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_ITD3D(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_ITD3D {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_ITD3D { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_ITD3D { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_ITD3D { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5180,19 +4124,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_ITD3D { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_JACK(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_JACK {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_JACK { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_JACK { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_JACK { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5202,19 +4135,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_JACK { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_MEDIASEEKING(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_MEDIASEEKING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_MEDIASEEKING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_MEDIASEEKING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_MEDIASEEKING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5224,19 +4146,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_MEDIASEEKING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_MPEG2VID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_MPEG2VID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_MPEG2VID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_MPEG2VID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_MPEG2VID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5246,19 +4157,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_MPEG2VID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_MPEG4_MEDIATYPE_ATTRIBUTES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_MPEG4_MEDIATYPE_ATTRIBUTES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_MPEG4_MEDIATYPE_ATTRIBUTES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_MPEG4_MEDIATYPE_ATTRIBUTES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_MPEG4_MEDIATYPE_ATTRIBUTES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5268,19 +4168,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_MPEG4_MEDIATYPE_ATTRIBUTES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_NETWORKCAMERACONTROL_METADATA_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_NETWORKCAMERACONTROL_METADATA_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_NETWORKCAMERACONTROL_METADATA_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_NETWORKCAMERACONTROL_METADATA_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_NETWORKCAMERACONTROL_METADATA_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5290,19 +4179,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_NETWORKCAMERACONTROL_METADATA_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_NETWORKCAMERACONTROL_NTPINFO_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_NETWORKCAMERACONTROL_NTPINFO_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_NETWORKCAMERACONTROL_NTPINFO_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_NETWORKCAMERACONTROL_NTPINFO_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_NETWORKCAMERACONTROL_NTPINFO_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5312,19 +4190,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_NETWORKCAMERACONTROL_NTPINFO_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_NETWORKCAMERACONTROL_PROPERTY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_NETWORKCAMERACONTROL_PROPERTY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_NETWORKCAMERACONTROL_PROPERTY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_NETWORKCAMERACONTROL_PROPERTY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_NETWORKCAMERACONTROL_PROPERTY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5334,19 +4201,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_NETWORKCAMERACONTROL_PROPERTY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_OVERLAYUPDATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_OVERLAYUPDATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_OVERLAYUPDATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_OVERLAYUPDATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_OVERLAYUPDATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5356,19 +4212,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_OVERLAYUPDATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_PIN(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_PIN {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_PIN { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_PIN { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_PIN { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5378,19 +4223,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_PIN { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_QUALITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_QUALITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_QUALITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_QUALITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_QUALITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5400,19 +4234,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_QUALITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_RTAUDIO(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_RTAUDIO {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_RTAUDIO { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_RTAUDIO { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_RTAUDIO { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5422,19 +4245,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_RTAUDIO { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_SOUNDDETECTOR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_SOUNDDETECTOR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_SOUNDDETECTOR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_SOUNDDETECTOR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_SOUNDDETECTOR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5444,19 +4256,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_SOUNDDETECTOR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_STREAM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_STREAM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_STREAM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_STREAM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_STREAM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5466,19 +4267,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_STREAM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_STREAMINTERFACE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_STREAMINTERFACE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_STREAMINTERFACE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_STREAMINTERFACE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_STREAMINTERFACE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5488,19 +4278,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_STREAMINTERFACE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_TELEPHONY_CONTROL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_TELEPHONY_CONTROL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_TELEPHONY_CONTROL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_TELEPHONY_CONTROL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_TELEPHONY_CONTROL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5510,19 +4289,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_TELEPHONY_CONTROL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_TELEPHONY_TOPOLOGY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_TELEPHONY_TOPOLOGY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_TELEPHONY_TOPOLOGY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_TELEPHONY_TOPOLOGY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_TELEPHONY_TOPOLOGY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5532,19 +4300,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_TELEPHONY_TOPOLOGY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_TIMECODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_TIMECODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_TIMECODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_TIMECODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_TIMECODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5554,19 +4311,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_TIMECODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_TOPOLOGY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_TOPOLOGY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_TOPOLOGY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_TOPOLOGY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_TOPOLOGY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5576,19 +4322,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_TOPOLOGY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_TOPOLOGYNODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_TOPOLOGYNODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_TOPOLOGYNODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_TOPOLOGYNODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_TOPOLOGYNODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5598,19 +4333,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_TOPOLOGYNODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_TUNER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_TUNER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_TUNER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_TUNER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_TUNER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5620,19 +4344,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_TUNER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_TUNER_MODES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_TUNER_MODES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_TUNER_MODES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_TUNER_MODES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_TUNER_MODES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5642,19 +4355,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_TUNER_MODES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_VBICAP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_VBICAP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_VBICAP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_VBICAP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_VBICAP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5664,19 +4366,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_VBICAP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_VBICODECFILTERING(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_VBICODECFILTERING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_VBICODECFILTERING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_VBICODECFILTERING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_VBICODECFILTERING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5686,19 +4377,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_VBICODECFILTERING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_CAMERACONTROL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_CAMERACONTROL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_CAMERACONTROL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_CAMERACONTROL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_CAMERACONTROL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5708,19 +4388,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_CAMERACONTROL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_CROSSBAR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_CROSSBAR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_CROSSBAR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_CROSSBAR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_CROSSBAR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5730,19 +4399,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_CROSSBAR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_DROPPEDFRAMES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_DROPPEDFRAMES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_DROPPEDFRAMES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_DROPPEDFRAMES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_DROPPEDFRAMES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5752,19 +4410,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_DROPPEDFRAMES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_SELECTOR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_SELECTOR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_SELECTOR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_SELECTOR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_SELECTOR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5774,41 +4421,19 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_SELECTOR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_TVAUDIO(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_TVAUDIO {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_TVAUDIO { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_TVAUDIO { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_TVAUDIO { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_TVAUDIO { - fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::core::fmt::Result { - f.debug_tuple("KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_TVAUDIO").field(&self.0).finish() - } -} -#[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] -pub struct KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_VIDEOCOMPRESSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_VIDEOCOMPRESSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_VIDEOCOMPRESSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_VIDEOCOMPRESSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) + fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::core::fmt::Result { + f.debug_tuple("KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_TVAUDIO").field(&self.0).finish() } } +#[repr(transparent)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] +pub struct KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_VIDEOCOMPRESSION(pub i32); impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_VIDEOCOMPRESSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5818,19 +4443,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_VIDEOCOMPRESSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_VIDEOCONTROL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_VIDEOCONTROL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_VIDEOCONTROL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_VIDEOCONTROL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_VIDEOCONTROL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5840,19 +4454,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_VIDEOCONTROL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_VIDEODECODER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_VIDEODECODER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_VIDEODECODER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_VIDEODECODER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_VIDEODECODER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5862,19 +4465,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_VIDEODECODER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_VIDEOENCODER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_VIDEOENCODER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_VIDEOENCODER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_VIDEOENCODER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_VIDEOENCODER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5884,19 +4476,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_VIDEOENCODER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_VIDEOPROCAMP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_VIDEOPROCAMP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_VIDEOPROCAMP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_VIDEOPROCAMP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_VIDEOPROCAMP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5906,19 +4487,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_VIDCAP_VIDEOPROCAMP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_VIDMEM_TRANSPORT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_VIDMEM_TRANSPORT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_VIDMEM_TRANSPORT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_VIDMEM_TRANSPORT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_VIDMEM_TRANSPORT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5928,19 +4498,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_VIDMEM_TRANSPORT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_VPCONFIG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_VPCONFIG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_VPCONFIG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_VPCONFIG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_VPCONFIG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5950,19 +4509,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_VPCONFIG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSPROPERTY_WAVE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSPROPERTY_WAVE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSPROPERTY_WAVE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSPROPERTY_WAVE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSPROPERTY_WAVE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5972,19 +4520,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSPROPERTY_WAVE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSRESET(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSRESET {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSRESET { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSRESET { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSRESET { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5994,19 +4531,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSRESET { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSSTATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSSTATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSSTATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSSTATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSSTATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6016,19 +4542,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSSTATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KS_AMPixAspectRatio(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KS_AMPixAspectRatio {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KS_AMPixAspectRatio { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KS_AMPixAspectRatio { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KS_AMPixAspectRatio { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6038,19 +4553,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KS_AMPixAspectRatio { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KS_AMVP_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KS_AMVP_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KS_AMVP_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KS_AMVP_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KS_AMVP_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6060,19 +4564,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KS_AMVP_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KS_AMVP_SELECTFORMATBY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KS_AMVP_SELECTFORMATBY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KS_AMVP_SELECTFORMATBY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KS_AMVP_SELECTFORMATBY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KS_AMVP_SELECTFORMATBY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6082,19 +4575,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KS_AMVP_SELECTFORMATBY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KS_AM_PROPERTY_TS_RATE_CHANGE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KS_AM_PROPERTY_TS_RATE_CHANGE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KS_AM_PROPERTY_TS_RATE_CHANGE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KS_AM_PROPERTY_TS_RATE_CHANGE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KS_AM_PROPERTY_TS_RATE_CHANGE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6104,19 +4586,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KS_AM_PROPERTY_TS_RATE_CHANGE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KS_AnalogVideoStandard(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KS_AnalogVideoStandard {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KS_AnalogVideoStandard { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KS_AnalogVideoStandard { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KS_AnalogVideoStandard { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6126,19 +4597,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KS_AnalogVideoStandard { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KS_COPY_MACROVISION_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KS_COPY_MACROVISION_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KS_COPY_MACROVISION_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KS_COPY_MACROVISION_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KS_COPY_MACROVISION_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6148,19 +4608,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KS_COPY_MACROVISION_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KS_CameraControlAsyncOperation(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KS_CameraControlAsyncOperation {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KS_CameraControlAsyncOperation { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KS_CameraControlAsyncOperation { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KS_CameraControlAsyncOperation { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6170,19 +4619,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KS_CameraControlAsyncOperation { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KS_CompressionCaps(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KS_CompressionCaps {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KS_CompressionCaps { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KS_CompressionCaps { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KS_CompressionCaps { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6192,19 +4630,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KS_CompressionCaps { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KS_DVDCOPYSTATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KS_DVDCOPYSTATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KS_DVDCOPYSTATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KS_DVDCOPYSTATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KS_DVDCOPYSTATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6214,19 +4641,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KS_DVDCOPYSTATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KS_LogicalMemoryType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KS_LogicalMemoryType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KS_LogicalMemoryType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KS_LogicalMemoryType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KS_LogicalMemoryType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6236,19 +4652,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KS_LogicalMemoryType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KS_MPEG2Level(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KS_MPEG2Level {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KS_MPEG2Level { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KS_MPEG2Level { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KS_MPEG2Level { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6258,19 +4663,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KS_MPEG2Level { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KS_MPEG2Profile(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KS_MPEG2Profile {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KS_MPEG2Profile { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KS_MPEG2Profile { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KS_MPEG2Profile { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6280,19 +4674,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KS_MPEG2Profile { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KS_PhysicalConnectorType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KS_PhysicalConnectorType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KS_PhysicalConnectorType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KS_PhysicalConnectorType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KS_PhysicalConnectorType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6302,19 +4685,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KS_PhysicalConnectorType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KS_SEEKING_CAPABILITIES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KS_SEEKING_CAPABILITIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KS_SEEKING_CAPABILITIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KS_SEEKING_CAPABILITIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KS_SEEKING_CAPABILITIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6324,19 +4696,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KS_SEEKING_CAPABILITIES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KS_SEEKING_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KS_SEEKING_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KS_SEEKING_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KS_SEEKING_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KS_SEEKING_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6346,19 +4707,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KS_SEEKING_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KS_TUNER_STRATEGY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KS_TUNER_STRATEGY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KS_TUNER_STRATEGY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KS_TUNER_STRATEGY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KS_TUNER_STRATEGY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6368,19 +4718,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KS_TUNER_STRATEGY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KS_TUNER_TUNING_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KS_TUNER_TUNING_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KS_TUNER_TUNING_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KS_TUNER_TUNING_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KS_TUNER_TUNING_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6390,19 +4729,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KS_TUNER_TUNING_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KS_VIDEODECODER_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KS_VIDEODECODER_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KS_VIDEODECODER_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KS_VIDEODECODER_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KS_VIDEODECODER_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6412,19 +4740,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KS_VIDEODECODER_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KS_VideoControlFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KS_VideoControlFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KS_VideoControlFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KS_VideoControlFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KS_VideoControlFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6434,19 +4751,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KS_VideoControlFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KS_VideoStreamingHints(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KS_VideoStreamingHints {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KS_VideoStreamingHints { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KS_VideoStreamingHints { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KS_VideoStreamingHints { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6456,19 +4762,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KS_VideoStreamingHints { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PIPE_ALLOCATOR_PLACE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PIPE_ALLOCATOR_PLACE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PIPE_ALLOCATOR_PLACE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PIPE_ALLOCATOR_PLACE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PIPE_ALLOCATOR_PLACE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6478,19 +4773,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PIPE_ALLOCATOR_PLACE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PIPE_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PIPE_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PIPE_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PIPE_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PIPE_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6500,19 +4784,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PIPE_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TELEPHONY_CALLCONTROLOP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TELEPHONY_CALLCONTROLOP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TELEPHONY_CALLCONTROLOP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TELEPHONY_CALLCONTROLOP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TELEPHONY_CALLCONTROLOP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6522,19 +4795,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TELEPHONY_CALLCONTROLOP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TELEPHONY_CALLSTATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TELEPHONY_CALLSTATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TELEPHONY_CALLSTATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TELEPHONY_CALLSTATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TELEPHONY_CALLSTATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6544,19 +4806,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TELEPHONY_CALLSTATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TELEPHONY_CALLTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TELEPHONY_CALLTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TELEPHONY_CALLTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TELEPHONY_CALLTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TELEPHONY_CALLTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6566,19 +4817,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TELEPHONY_CALLTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TELEPHONY_PROVIDERCHANGEOP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TELEPHONY_PROVIDERCHANGEOP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TELEPHONY_PROVIDERCHANGEOP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TELEPHONY_PROVIDERCHANGEOP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TELEPHONY_PROVIDERCHANGEOP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6588,19 +4828,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TELEPHONY_PROVIDERCHANGEOP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TunerLockType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TunerLockType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TunerLockType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TunerLockType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TunerLockType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/LibrarySharingServices/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/LibrarySharingServices/ index 15f68e68eb..56f25b8e14 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/LibrarySharingServices/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/LibrarySharingServices/ @@ -341,19 +341,8 @@ pub const DEVICE_AUTHORIZATION_DENIED: WindowsMediaLibrarySharingDeviceAuthoriza pub const DEVICE_AUTHORIZATION_UNKNOWN: WindowsMediaLibrarySharingDeviceAuthorizationStatus = WindowsMediaLibrarySharingDeviceAuthorizationStatus(0i32); pub const WindowsMediaLibrarySharingServices: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0xad581b00_7b64_4e59_a38d_d2c5bf51ddb3); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WindowsMediaLibrarySharingDeviceAuthorizationStatus(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WindowsMediaLibrarySharingDeviceAuthorizationStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WindowsMediaLibrarySharingDeviceAuthorizationStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WindowsMediaLibrarySharingDeviceAuthorizationStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WindowsMediaLibrarySharingDeviceAuthorizationStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/MediaFoundation/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/MediaFoundation/ index adeff7b6b2..defb818c62 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/MediaFoundation/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/MediaFoundation/ @@ -28062,19 +28062,8 @@ pub const g_wszWMCPSupportedVBRModes: ::windows_core::PCWSTR = ::windows_core::w pub const msoBegin: MFBYTESTREAM_SEEK_ORIGIN = MFBYTESTREAM_SEEK_ORIGIN(0i32); pub const msoCurrent: MFBYTESTREAM_SEEK_ORIGIN = MFBYTESTREAM_SEEK_ORIGIN(1i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AEC_INPUT_STREAM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AEC_INPUT_STREAM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AEC_INPUT_STREAM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AEC_INPUT_STREAM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AEC_INPUT_STREAM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -28084,19 +28073,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AEC_INPUT_STREAM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AEC_SYSTEM_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AEC_SYSTEM_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AEC_SYSTEM_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AEC_SYSTEM_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AEC_SYSTEM_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -28106,19 +28084,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AEC_SYSTEM_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AEC_VAD_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AEC_VAD_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AEC_VAD_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AEC_VAD_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AEC_VAD_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -28128,19 +28095,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AEC_VAD_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ASF_SELECTION_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ASF_SELECTION_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ASF_SELECTION_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ASF_SELECTION_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ASF_SELECTION_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -28150,19 +28106,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ASF_SELECTION_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ASF_STATUSFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ASF_STATUSFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ASF_STATUSFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ASF_STATUSFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ASF_STATUSFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -28172,19 +28117,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ASF_STATUSFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_BITSTREAM_ENCRYPTION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_BITSTREAM_ENCRYPTION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_BITSTREAM_ENCRYPTION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_BITSTREAM_ENCRYPTION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_BITSTREAM_ENCRYPTION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -28194,19 +28128,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_BITSTREAM_ENCRYPTION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_FEATURE_VIDEO(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_FEATURE_VIDEO {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_FEATURE_VIDEO { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_FEATURE_VIDEO { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_FEATURE_VIDEO { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -28216,19 +28139,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_FEATURE_VIDEO { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_ARGUMENT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_ARGUMENT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_ARGUMENT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_ARGUMENT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_ARGUMENT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -28238,19 +28150,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_ARGUMENT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_CONFIGURATION_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_CONFIGURATION_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_CONFIGURATION_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_CONFIGURATION_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_CONFIGURATION_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -28293,19 +28194,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_CONFIGURATION_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_CONVERSION_SUPPORT_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_CONVERSION_SUPPORT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_CONVERSION_SUPPORT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_CONVERSION_SUPPORT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_CONVERSION_SUPPORT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -28348,19 +28238,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_CONVERSION_SUPPORT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_HISTOGRAM_COMPONENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_HISTOGRAM_COMPONENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_HISTOGRAM_COMPONENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_HISTOGRAM_COMPONENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_HISTOGRAM_COMPONENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -28370,19 +28249,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_HISTOGRAM_COMPONENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_HISTOGRAM_COMPONENT_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_HISTOGRAM_COMPONENT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_HISTOGRAM_COMPONENT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_HISTOGRAM_COMPONENT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_HISTOGRAM_COMPONENT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -28425,19 +28293,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_HISTOGRAM_COMPONENT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -28447,19 +28304,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_SUPPORT_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_SUPPORT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_SUPPORT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_SUPPORT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_SUPPORT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -28502,19 +28348,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_SUPPORT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_TIER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_TIER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_TIER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_TIER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_TIER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -28524,19 +28359,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_VIDEO_DECODE_TIER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_COMP_PREDICTION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_COMP_PREDICTION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_COMP_PREDICTION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_COMP_PREDICTION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_COMP_PREDICTION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -28546,19 +28370,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_COMP_PREDICTION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_FEATURE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_FEATURE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_FEATURE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_FEATURE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_FEATURE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -28601,19 +28414,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_FEATURE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_FRAME_SUBREGION_LAYOUT_CONFIG_VALIDATION_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_FRAME_SUBREGION_LAYOUT_CONFIG_VALIDATION_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_FRAME_SUBREGION_LAYOUT_CONFIG_VALIDATION_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_FRAME_SUBREGION_LAYOUT_CONFIG_VALIDATION_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_FRAME_SUBREGION_LAYOUT_CONFIG_VALIDATION_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -28656,19 +28458,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_FRAME_SUBREGION_LAYOUT_CONFIG_ } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_FRAME_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_FRAME_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_FRAME_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_FRAME_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_FRAME_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -28678,19 +28469,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_FRAME_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_FRAME_TYPE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_FRAME_TYPE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_FRAME_TYPE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_FRAME_TYPE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_FRAME_TYPE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -28733,19 +28513,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_FRAME_TYPE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_INTERPOLATION_FILTERS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_INTERPOLATION_FILTERS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_INTERPOLATION_FILTERS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_INTERPOLATION_FILTERS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_INTERPOLATION_FILTERS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -28755,19 +28524,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_INTERPOLATION_FILTERS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_INTERPOLATION_FILTERS_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_INTERPOLATION_FILTERS_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_INTERPOLATION_FILTERS_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_INTERPOLATION_FILTERS_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_INTERPOLATION_FILTERS_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -28810,19 +28568,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_INTERPOLATION_FILTERS_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_LEVELS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_LEVELS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_LEVELS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_LEVELS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_LEVELS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -28832,19 +28579,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_LEVELS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_PICTURE_CONTROL_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_PICTURE_CONTROL_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_PICTURE_CONTROL_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_PICTURE_CONTROL_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_PICTURE_CONTROL_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -28887,19 +28623,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_PICTURE_CONTROL_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_POST_ENCODE_VALUES_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_POST_ENCODE_VALUES_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_POST_ENCODE_VALUES_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_POST_ENCODE_VALUES_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_POST_ENCODE_VALUES_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -28942,19 +28667,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_POST_ENCODE_VALUES_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_PROFILE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_PROFILE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_PROFILE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_PROFILE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_PROFILE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -28964,19 +28678,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_PROFILE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_REFERENCE_WARPED_MOTION_TRANSFORMATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_REFERENCE_WARPED_MOTION_TRANSFORMATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_REFERENCE_WARPED_MOTION_TRANSFORMATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_REFERENCE_WARPED_MOTION_TRANSFORMATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_REFERENCE_WARPED_MOTION_TRANSFORMATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -28986,19 +28689,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_REFERENCE_WARPED_MOTION_TRAN } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_REFERENCE_WARPED_MOTION_TRANSFORMATION_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_REFERENCE_WARPED_MOTION_TRANSFORMATION_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_REFERENCE_WARPED_MOTION_TRANSFORMATION_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_REFERENCE_WARPED_MOTION_TRANSFORMATION_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_REFERENCE_WARPED_MOTION_TRANSFORMATION_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -29041,19 +28733,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_REFERENCE_WARPED_MOTION_TRANSF } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_RESTORATION_SUPPORT_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_RESTORATION_SUPPORT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_RESTORATION_SUPPORT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_RESTORATION_SUPPORT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_RESTORATION_SUPPORT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -29096,19 +28777,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_RESTORATION_SUPPORT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_RESTORATION_TILESIZE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_RESTORATION_TILESIZE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_RESTORATION_TILESIZE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_RESTORATION_TILESIZE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_RESTORATION_TILESIZE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -29118,19 +28788,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_RESTORATION_TILESIZE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_RESTORATION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_RESTORATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_RESTORATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_RESTORATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_RESTORATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -29140,19 +28799,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_RESTORATION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_SEGMENTATION_BLOCK_SIZE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_SEGMENTATION_BLOCK_SIZE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_SEGMENTATION_BLOCK_SIZE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_SEGMENTATION_BLOCK_SIZE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_SEGMENTATION_BLOCK_SIZE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -29162,19 +28810,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_SEGMENTATION_BLOCK_SIZE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_SEGMENTATION_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_SEGMENTATION_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_SEGMENTATION_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_SEGMENTATION_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_SEGMENTATION_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -29184,19 +28821,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_SEGMENTATION_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_SEGMENTATION_MODE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_SEGMENTATION_MODE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_SEGMENTATION_MODE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_SEGMENTATION_MODE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_SEGMENTATION_MODE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -29239,19 +28865,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_SEGMENTATION_MODE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_TIER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_TIER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_TIER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_TIER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_TIER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -29261,19 +28876,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_TIER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_TX_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_TX_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_TX_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_TX_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_TX_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -29283,19 +28887,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_TX_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_TX_MODE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_TX_MODE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_TX_MODE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_TX_MODE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_TX_MODE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -29338,19 +28931,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_AV1_TX_MODE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -29360,19 +28942,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_H264_DIRECT_MODES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_H264_DIRECT_MODES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_H264_DIRECT_MODES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_H264_DIRECT_MODES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_H264_DIRECT_MODES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -29382,19 +28953,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_H264_DIRECT_ } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_H264_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_H264_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_H264_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_H264_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_H264_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -29437,19 +28997,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_H264_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_H264_SLICES_DEBLOCKING_MODES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_H264_SLICES_DEBLOCKING_MODES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_H264_SLICES_DEBLOCKING_MODES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_H264_SLICES_DEBLOCKING_MODES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_H264_SLICES_DEBLOCKING_MODES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -29459,19 +29008,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_H264_SLICES_ } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_H264_SLICES_DEBLOCKING_MODE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_H264_SLICES_DEBLOCKING_MODE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_H264_SLICES_DEBLOCKING_MODE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_H264_SLICES_DEBLOCKING_MODE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_H264_SLICES_DEBLOCKING_MODE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -29514,19 +29052,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_H264_SLICES_DE } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_HEVC_CUSIZE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_HEVC_CUSIZE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_HEVC_CUSIZE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_HEVC_CUSIZE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_HEVC_CUSIZE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -29536,19 +29063,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_HEVC_CUSIZE } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_HEVC_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_HEVC_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_HEVC_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_HEVC_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_HEVC_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -29591,19 +29107,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_HEVC_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_HEVC_TUSIZE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_HEVC_TUSIZE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_HEVC_TUSIZE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_HEVC_TUSIZE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_HEVC_TUSIZE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -29613,19 +29118,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_HEVC_TUSIZE } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_SUPPORT_H264_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_SUPPORT_H264_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_SUPPORT_H264_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_SUPPORT_H264_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_SUPPORT_H264_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -29668,19 +29162,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_SUPPORT_H264_F } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_SUPPORT_HEVC_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_SUPPORT_HEVC_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_SUPPORT_HEVC_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_SUPPORT_HEVC_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_SUPPORT_HEVC_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -29723,19 +29206,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_CODEC_CONFIGURATION_SUPPORT_HEVC_F } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_ENCODE_ERROR_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_ENCODE_ERROR_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_ENCODE_ERROR_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_ENCODE_ERROR_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_ENCODE_ERROR_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -29778,19 +29250,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_ENCODE_ERROR_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -29833,19 +29294,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_FRAME_SUBREGION_LAYOUT_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_FRAME_SUBREGION_LAYOUT_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_FRAME_SUBREGION_LAYOUT_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_FRAME_SUBREGION_LAYOUT_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_FRAME_SUBREGION_LAYOUT_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -29855,19 +29305,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_FRAME_SUBREGION_LAYOUT_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_FRAME_TYPE_H264(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_FRAME_TYPE_H264 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_FRAME_TYPE_H264 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_FRAME_TYPE_H264 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_FRAME_TYPE_H264 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -29877,19 +29316,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_FRAME_TYPE_H264 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_FRAME_TYPE_HEVC(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_FRAME_TYPE_HEVC {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_FRAME_TYPE_HEVC { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_FRAME_TYPE_HEVC { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_FRAME_TYPE_HEVC { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -29899,19 +29327,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_FRAME_TYPE_HEVC { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_HEAP_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_HEAP_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_HEAP_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_HEAP_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_HEAP_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -29954,19 +29371,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_HEAP_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_INTRA_REFRESH_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_INTRA_REFRESH_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_INTRA_REFRESH_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_INTRA_REFRESH_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_INTRA_REFRESH_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -29976,19 +29382,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_INTRA_REFRESH_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_LEVELS_H264(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_LEVELS_H264 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_LEVELS_H264 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_LEVELS_H264 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_LEVELS_H264 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -29998,19 +29393,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_LEVELS_H264 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_LEVELS_HEVC(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_LEVELS_HEVC {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_LEVELS_HEVC { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_LEVELS_HEVC { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_LEVELS_HEVC { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -30020,19 +29404,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_LEVELS_HEVC { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_MOTION_ESTIMATION_PRECISION_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_MOTION_ESTIMATION_PRECISION_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_MOTION_ESTIMATION_PRECISION_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_MOTION_ESTIMATION_PRECISION_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_MOTION_ESTIMATION_PRECISION_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -30042,19 +29415,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_MOTION_ESTIMATION_PRECISION_MODE } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_PICTURE_CONTROL_CODEC_DATA_H264_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_PICTURE_CONTROL_CODEC_DATA_H264_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_PICTURE_CONTROL_CODEC_DATA_H264_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_PICTURE_CONTROL_CODEC_DATA_H264_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_PICTURE_CONTROL_CODEC_DATA_H264_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -30097,19 +29459,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_PICTURE_CONTROL_CODEC_DATA_H264_FL } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_PICTURE_CONTROL_CODEC_DATA_HEVC_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_PICTURE_CONTROL_CODEC_DATA_HEVC_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_PICTURE_CONTROL_CODEC_DATA_HEVC_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_PICTURE_CONTROL_CODEC_DATA_HEVC_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_PICTURE_CONTROL_CODEC_DATA_HEVC_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -30152,19 +29503,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_PICTURE_CONTROL_CODEC_DATA_HEVC_FL } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_PICTURE_CONTROL_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_PICTURE_CONTROL_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_PICTURE_CONTROL_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_PICTURE_CONTROL_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_PICTURE_CONTROL_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -30207,19 +29547,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_PICTURE_CONTROL_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_PROFILE_H264(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_PROFILE_H264 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_PROFILE_H264 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_PROFILE_H264 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_PROFILE_H264 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -30229,19 +29558,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_PROFILE_H264 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_PROFILE_HEVC(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_PROFILE_HEVC {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_PROFILE_HEVC { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_PROFILE_HEVC { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_PROFILE_HEVC { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -30251,19 +29569,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_PROFILE_HEVC { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_RATE_CONTROL_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_RATE_CONTROL_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_RATE_CONTROL_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_RATE_CONTROL_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_RATE_CONTROL_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -30306,19 +29613,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_RATE_CONTROL_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_RATE_CONTROL_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_RATE_CONTROL_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_RATE_CONTROL_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_RATE_CONTROL_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_RATE_CONTROL_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -30328,19 +29624,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_RATE_CONTROL_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_SEQUENCE_CONTROL_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_SEQUENCE_CONTROL_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_SEQUENCE_CONTROL_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_SEQUENCE_CONTROL_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_SEQUENCE_CONTROL_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -30383,19 +29668,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_SEQUENCE_CONTROL_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_SUPPORT_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_SUPPORT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_SUPPORT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_SUPPORT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_SUPPORT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -30438,19 +29712,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_SUPPORT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_TIER_HEVC(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_TIER_HEVC {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_TIER_HEVC { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_TIER_HEVC { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_TIER_HEVC { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -30460,19 +29723,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_TIER_HEVC { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_VALIDATION_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_VALIDATION_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_VALIDATION_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_VALIDATION_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_VALIDATION_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -30515,19 +29767,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_VIDEO_ENCODER_VALIDATION_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_EXTENSION_COMMAND_PARAMETER_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_EXTENSION_COMMAND_PARAMETER_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_EXTENSION_COMMAND_PARAMETER_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_EXTENSION_COMMAND_PARAMETER_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_EXTENSION_COMMAND_PARAMETER_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -30570,19 +29811,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_VIDEO_EXTENSION_COMMAND_PARAMETER_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_EXTENSION_COMMAND_PARAMETER_STAGE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_EXTENSION_COMMAND_PARAMETER_STAGE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_EXTENSION_COMMAND_PARAMETER_STAGE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_EXTENSION_COMMAND_PARAMETER_STAGE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_EXTENSION_COMMAND_PARAMETER_STAGE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -30592,19 +29822,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_VIDEO_EXTENSION_COMMAND_PARAMETER_STAGE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_EXTENSION_COMMAND_PARAMETER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_EXTENSION_COMMAND_PARAMETER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_EXTENSION_COMMAND_PARAMETER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_EXTENSION_COMMAND_PARAMETER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_EXTENSION_COMMAND_PARAMETER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -30614,19 +29833,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_VIDEO_EXTENSION_COMMAND_PARAMETER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_FIELD_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_FIELD_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_FIELD_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_FIELD_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_FIELD_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -30636,19 +29844,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_VIDEO_FIELD_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_FRAME_CODED_INTERLACE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_FRAME_CODED_INTERLACE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_FRAME_CODED_INTERLACE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_FRAME_CODED_INTERLACE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_FRAME_CODED_INTERLACE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -30658,19 +29855,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_VIDEO_FRAME_CODED_INTERLACE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_FRAME_STEREO_FORMAT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_FRAME_STEREO_FORMAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_FRAME_STEREO_FORMAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_FRAME_STEREO_FORMAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_FRAME_STEREO_FORMAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -30680,19 +29866,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_VIDEO_FRAME_STEREO_FORMAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_MOTION_ESTIMATOR_SEARCH_BLOCK_SIZE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_MOTION_ESTIMATOR_SEARCH_BLOCK_SIZE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_MOTION_ESTIMATOR_SEARCH_BLOCK_SIZE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_MOTION_ESTIMATOR_SEARCH_BLOCK_SIZE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_MOTION_ESTIMATOR_SEARCH_BLOCK_SIZE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -30702,19 +29877,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_VIDEO_MOTION_ESTIMATOR_SEARCH_BLOCK_SIZE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_MOTION_ESTIMATOR_SEARCH_BLOCK_SIZE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_MOTION_ESTIMATOR_SEARCH_BLOCK_SIZE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_MOTION_ESTIMATOR_SEARCH_BLOCK_SIZE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_MOTION_ESTIMATOR_SEARCH_BLOCK_SIZE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_MOTION_ESTIMATOR_SEARCH_BLOCK_SIZE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -30757,19 +29921,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_VIDEO_MOTION_ESTIMATOR_SEARCH_BLOCK_SIZE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_MOTION_ESTIMATOR_VECTOR_PRECISION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_MOTION_ESTIMATOR_VECTOR_PRECISION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_MOTION_ESTIMATOR_VECTOR_PRECISION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_MOTION_ESTIMATOR_VECTOR_PRECISION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_MOTION_ESTIMATOR_VECTOR_PRECISION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -30779,19 +29932,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_VIDEO_MOTION_ESTIMATOR_VECTOR_PRECISION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_MOTION_ESTIMATOR_VECTOR_PRECISION_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_MOTION_ESTIMATOR_VECTOR_PRECISION_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_MOTION_ESTIMATOR_VECTOR_PRECISION_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_MOTION_ESTIMATOR_VECTOR_PRECISION_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_MOTION_ESTIMATOR_VECTOR_PRECISION_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -30834,19 +29976,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_VIDEO_MOTION_ESTIMATOR_VECTOR_PRECISION_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_ALPHA_FILL_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_ALPHA_FILL_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_ALPHA_FILL_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_ALPHA_FILL_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_ALPHA_FILL_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -30856,19 +29987,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_ALPHA_FILL_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_AUTO_PROCESSING_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_AUTO_PROCESSING_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_AUTO_PROCESSING_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_AUTO_PROCESSING_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_AUTO_PROCESSING_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -30911,19 +30031,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_AUTO_PROCESSING_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_DEINTERLACE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_DEINTERLACE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_DEINTERLACE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_DEINTERLACE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_DEINTERLACE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -30966,19 +30075,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_DEINTERLACE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_FEATURE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_FEATURE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_FEATURE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_FEATURE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_FEATURE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -31021,19 +30119,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_FEATURE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_FILTER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_FILTER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_FILTER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_FILTER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_FILTER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -31043,19 +30130,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_FILTER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_FILTER_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_FILTER_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_FILTER_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_FILTER_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_FILTER_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -31098,19 +30174,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_FILTER_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_INPUT_STREAM_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_INPUT_STREAM_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_INPUT_STREAM_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_INPUT_STREAM_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_INPUT_STREAM_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -31153,19 +30218,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_INPUT_STREAM_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_ORIENTATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_ORIENTATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_ORIENTATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_ORIENTATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_ORIENTATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -31175,19 +30229,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_ORIENTATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_SUPPORT_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_SUPPORT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_SUPPORT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_SUPPORT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_SUPPORT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -31230,19 +30273,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_VIDEO_PROCESS_SUPPORT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_PROTECTED_RESOURCE_SUPPORT_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_PROTECTED_RESOURCE_SUPPORT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_PROTECTED_RESOURCE_SUPPORT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_PROTECTED_RESOURCE_SUPPORT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_PROTECTED_RESOURCE_SUPPORT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -31285,19 +30317,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_VIDEO_PROTECTED_RESOURCE_SUPPORT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct D3D12_VIDEO_SCALE_SUPPORT_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for D3D12_VIDEO_SCALE_SUPPORT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for D3D12_VIDEO_SCALE_SUPPORT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for D3D12_VIDEO_SCALE_SUPPORT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for D3D12_VIDEO_SCALE_SUPPORT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -31340,19 +30361,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for D3D12_VIDEO_SCALE_SUPPORT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXVA2_BufferfType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXVA2_BufferfType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXVA2_BufferfType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXVA2_BufferfType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXVA2_BufferfType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -31362,19 +30372,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXVA2_BufferfType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXVA2_DeinterlaceTech(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXVA2_DeinterlaceTech {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXVA2_DeinterlaceTech { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXVA2_DeinterlaceTech { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXVA2_DeinterlaceTech { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -31384,19 +30383,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXVA2_DeinterlaceTech { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXVA2_DestData(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXVA2_DestData {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXVA2_DestData { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXVA2_DestData { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXVA2_DestData { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -31406,19 +30394,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXVA2_DestData { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXVA2_DetailFilterTech(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXVA2_DetailFilterTech {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXVA2_DetailFilterTech { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXVA2_DetailFilterTech { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXVA2_DetailFilterTech { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -31428,19 +30405,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXVA2_DetailFilterTech { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXVA2_FilterType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXVA2_FilterType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXVA2_FilterType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXVA2_FilterType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXVA2_FilterType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -31450,19 +30416,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXVA2_FilterType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXVA2_NoiseFilterTech(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXVA2_NoiseFilterTech {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXVA2_NoiseFilterTech { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXVA2_NoiseFilterTech { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXVA2_NoiseFilterTech { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -31472,19 +30427,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXVA2_NoiseFilterTech { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXVA2_NominalRange(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXVA2_NominalRange {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXVA2_NominalRange { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXVA2_NominalRange { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXVA2_NominalRange { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -31494,19 +30438,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXVA2_NominalRange { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXVA2_ProcAmp(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXVA2_ProcAmp {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXVA2_ProcAmp { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXVA2_ProcAmp { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXVA2_ProcAmp { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -31516,19 +30449,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXVA2_ProcAmp { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXVA2_SampleData(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXVA2_SampleData {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXVA2_SampleData { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXVA2_SampleData { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXVA2_SampleData { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -31538,19 +30460,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXVA2_SampleData { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXVA2_SampleFormat(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXVA2_SampleFormat {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXVA2_SampleFormat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXVA2_SampleFormat { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXVA2_SampleFormat { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -31560,19 +30471,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXVA2_SampleFormat { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXVA2_SurfaceType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXVA2_SurfaceType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXVA2_SurfaceType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXVA2_SurfaceType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXVA2_SurfaceType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -31582,19 +30482,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXVA2_SurfaceType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXVA2_VPDev(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXVA2_VPDev {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXVA2_VPDev { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXVA2_VPDev { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXVA2_VPDev { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -31604,19 +30493,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXVA2_VPDev { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXVA2_VideoChromaSubSampling(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXVA2_VideoChromaSubSampling {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXVA2_VideoChromaSubSampling { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXVA2_VideoChromaSubSampling { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXVA2_VideoChromaSubSampling { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -31626,19 +30504,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXVA2_VideoChromaSubSampling { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXVA2_VideoLighting(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXVA2_VideoLighting {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXVA2_VideoLighting { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXVA2_VideoLighting { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXVA2_VideoLighting { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -31648,19 +30515,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXVA2_VideoLighting { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXVA2_VideoPrimaries(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXVA2_VideoPrimaries {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXVA2_VideoPrimaries { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXVA2_VideoPrimaries { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXVA2_VideoPrimaries { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -31670,19 +30526,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXVA2_VideoPrimaries { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXVA2_VideoProcess(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXVA2_VideoProcess {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXVA2_VideoProcess { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXVA2_VideoProcess { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXVA2_VideoProcess { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -31692,19 +30537,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXVA2_VideoProcess { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXVA2_VideoRenderTargetType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXVA2_VideoRenderTargetType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXVA2_VideoRenderTargetType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXVA2_VideoRenderTargetType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXVA2_VideoRenderTargetType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -31714,19 +30548,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXVA2_VideoRenderTargetType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXVA2_VideoTransferFunction(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXVA2_VideoTransferFunction {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXVA2_VideoTransferFunction { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXVA2_VideoTransferFunction { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXVA2_VideoTransferFunction { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -31736,19 +30559,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXVA2_VideoTransferFunction { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXVA2_VideoTransferMatrix(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXVA2_VideoTransferMatrix {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXVA2_VideoTransferMatrix { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXVA2_VideoTransferMatrix { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXVA2_VideoTransferMatrix { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -31758,19 +30570,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXVA2_VideoTransferMatrix { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXVAHD_ALPHA_FILL_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXVAHD_ALPHA_FILL_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXVAHD_ALPHA_FILL_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXVAHD_ALPHA_FILL_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXVAHD_ALPHA_FILL_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -31780,21 +30581,10 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXVAHD_ALPHA_FILL_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXVAHD_BLT_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXVAHD_BLT_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXVAHD_BLT_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXVAHD_BLT_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} -impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXVAHD_BLT_STATE { - type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; +impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXVAHD_BLT_STATE { + type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXVAHD_BLT_STATE { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::core::fmt::Result { @@ -31802,19 +30592,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXVAHD_BLT_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXVAHD_DEVICE_CAPS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXVAHD_DEVICE_CAPS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXVAHD_DEVICE_CAPS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXVAHD_DEVICE_CAPS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXVAHD_DEVICE_CAPS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -31824,19 +30603,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXVAHD_DEVICE_CAPS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXVAHD_DEVICE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXVAHD_DEVICE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXVAHD_DEVICE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXVAHD_DEVICE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXVAHD_DEVICE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -31846,19 +30614,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXVAHD_DEVICE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXVAHD_DEVICE_USAGE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXVAHD_DEVICE_USAGE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXVAHD_DEVICE_USAGE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXVAHD_DEVICE_USAGE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXVAHD_DEVICE_USAGE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -31868,19 +30625,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXVAHD_DEVICE_USAGE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXVAHD_FEATURE_CAPS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXVAHD_FEATURE_CAPS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXVAHD_FEATURE_CAPS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXVAHD_FEATURE_CAPS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXVAHD_FEATURE_CAPS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -31890,19 +30636,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXVAHD_FEATURE_CAPS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXVAHD_FILTER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXVAHD_FILTER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXVAHD_FILTER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXVAHD_FILTER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXVAHD_FILTER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -31912,19 +30647,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXVAHD_FILTER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXVAHD_FILTER_CAPS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXVAHD_FILTER_CAPS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXVAHD_FILTER_CAPS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXVAHD_FILTER_CAPS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXVAHD_FILTER_CAPS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -31934,19 +30658,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXVAHD_FILTER_CAPS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXVAHD_FRAME_FORMAT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXVAHD_FRAME_FORMAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXVAHD_FRAME_FORMAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXVAHD_FRAME_FORMAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXVAHD_FRAME_FORMAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -31956,19 +30669,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXVAHD_FRAME_FORMAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXVAHD_INPUT_FORMAT_CAPS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXVAHD_INPUT_FORMAT_CAPS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXVAHD_INPUT_FORMAT_CAPS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXVAHD_INPUT_FORMAT_CAPS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXVAHD_INPUT_FORMAT_CAPS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -31978,19 +30680,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXVAHD_INPUT_FORMAT_CAPS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXVAHD_ITELECINE_CAPS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXVAHD_ITELECINE_CAPS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXVAHD_ITELECINE_CAPS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXVAHD_ITELECINE_CAPS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXVAHD_ITELECINE_CAPS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -32000,19 +30691,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXVAHD_ITELECINE_CAPS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXVAHD_OUTPUT_RATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXVAHD_OUTPUT_RATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXVAHD_OUTPUT_RATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXVAHD_OUTPUT_RATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXVAHD_OUTPUT_RATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -32022,19 +30702,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXVAHD_OUTPUT_RATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXVAHD_PROCESSOR_CAPS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXVAHD_PROCESSOR_CAPS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXVAHD_PROCESSOR_CAPS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXVAHD_PROCESSOR_CAPS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXVAHD_PROCESSOR_CAPS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -32044,19 +30713,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXVAHD_PROCESSOR_CAPS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXVAHD_STREAM_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXVAHD_STREAM_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXVAHD_STREAM_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXVAHD_STREAM_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXVAHD_STREAM_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -32066,19 +30724,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXVAHD_STREAM_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXVAHD_SURFACE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXVAHD_SURFACE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXVAHD_SURFACE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXVAHD_SURFACE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXVAHD_SURFACE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -32088,19 +30735,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXVAHD_SURFACE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXVA_DeinterlaceTech(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXVA_DeinterlaceTech {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXVA_DeinterlaceTech { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXVA_DeinterlaceTech { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXVA_DeinterlaceTech { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -32110,19 +30746,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXVA_DeinterlaceTech { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXVA_DestinationFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXVA_DestinationFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXVA_DestinationFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXVA_DestinationFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXVA_DestinationFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -32132,19 +30757,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXVA_DestinationFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXVA_NominalRange(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXVA_NominalRange {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXVA_NominalRange { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXVA_NominalRange { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXVA_NominalRange { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -32154,19 +30768,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXVA_NominalRange { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXVA_ProcAmpControlProp(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXVA_ProcAmpControlProp {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXVA_ProcAmpControlProp { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXVA_ProcAmpControlProp { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXVA_ProcAmpControlProp { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -32176,19 +30779,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXVA_ProcAmpControlProp { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXVA_SampleFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXVA_SampleFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXVA_SampleFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXVA_SampleFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXVA_SampleFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -32198,19 +30790,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXVA_SampleFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXVA_SampleFormat(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXVA_SampleFormat {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXVA_SampleFormat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXVA_SampleFormat { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXVA_SampleFormat { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -32220,19 +30801,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXVA_SampleFormat { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXVA_VideoChromaSubsampling(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXVA_VideoChromaSubsampling {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXVA_VideoChromaSubsampling { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXVA_VideoChromaSubsampling { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXVA_VideoChromaSubsampling { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -32242,19 +30812,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXVA_VideoChromaSubsampling { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXVA_VideoLighting(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXVA_VideoLighting {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXVA_VideoLighting { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXVA_VideoLighting { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXVA_VideoLighting { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -32264,19 +30823,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXVA_VideoLighting { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXVA_VideoPrimaries(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXVA_VideoPrimaries {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXVA_VideoPrimaries { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXVA_VideoPrimaries { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXVA_VideoPrimaries { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -32286,19 +30834,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXVA_VideoPrimaries { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXVA_VideoProcessCaps(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXVA_VideoProcessCaps {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXVA_VideoProcessCaps { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXVA_VideoProcessCaps { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXVA_VideoProcessCaps { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -32308,19 +30845,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXVA_VideoProcessCaps { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXVA_VideoTransferFunction(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXVA_VideoTransferFunction {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXVA_VideoTransferFunction { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXVA_VideoTransferFunction { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXVA_VideoTransferFunction { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -32330,19 +30856,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXVA_VideoTransferFunction { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DXVA_VideoTransferMatrix(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DXVA_VideoTransferMatrix {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DXVA_VideoTransferMatrix { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DXVA_VideoTransferMatrix { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DXVA_VideoTransferMatrix { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -32352,19 +30867,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DXVA_VideoTransferMatrix { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DeviceStreamState(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DeviceStreamState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DeviceStreamState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DeviceStreamState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DeviceStreamState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -32374,19 +30878,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DeviceStreamState { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EAllocationType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EAllocationType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EAllocationType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EAllocationType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EAllocationType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -32396,19 +30889,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EAllocationType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EVRFilterConfigPrefs(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EVRFilterConfigPrefs {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EVRFilterConfigPrefs { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EVRFilterConfigPrefs { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EVRFilterConfigPrefs { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -32418,19 +30900,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EVRFilterConfigPrefs { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FILE_ACCESSMODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FILE_ACCESSMODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FILE_ACCESSMODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FILE_ACCESSMODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FILE_ACCESSMODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -32440,19 +30911,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FILE_ACCESSMODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FILE_OPENMODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FILE_OPENMODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FILE_OPENMODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FILE_OPENMODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FILE_OPENMODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -32462,19 +30922,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FILE_OPENMODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSMETHOD_OPMVIDEOOUTPUT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSMETHOD_OPMVIDEOOUTPUT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSMETHOD_OPMVIDEOOUTPUT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSMETHOD_OPMVIDEOOUTPUT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSMETHOD_OPMVIDEOOUTPUT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -32484,19 +30933,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSMETHOD_OPMVIDEOOUTPUT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MEDIA_EVENT_GENERATOR_GET_EVENT_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MEDIA_EVENT_GENERATOR_GET_EVENT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MEDIA_EVENT_GENERATOR_GET_EVENT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MEDIA_EVENT_GENERATOR_GET_EVENT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MEDIA_EVENT_GENERATOR_GET_EVENT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -32506,19 +30944,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MEDIA_EVENT_GENERATOR_GET_EVENT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF2DBuffer_LockFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF2DBuffer_LockFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF2DBuffer_LockFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF2DBuffer_LockFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF2DBuffer_LockFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -32528,19 +30955,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF2DBuffer_LockFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF3DVideoOutputType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF3DVideoOutputType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF3DVideoOutputType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF3DVideoOutputType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF3DVideoOutputType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -32550,19 +30966,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF3DVideoOutputType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFASF_INDEXER_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFASF_INDEXER_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFASF_INDEXER_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFASF_INDEXER_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFASF_INDEXER_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -32572,21 +30977,10 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFASF_INDEXER_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFASF_MULTIPLEXERFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFASF_MULTIPLEXERFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFASF_MULTIPLEXERFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFASF_MULTIPLEXERFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} -impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFASF_MULTIPLEXERFLAGS { - type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; +impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFASF_MULTIPLEXERFLAGS { + type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFASF_MULTIPLEXERFLAGS { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::core::fmt::Result { @@ -32594,19 +30988,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFASF_MULTIPLEXERFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFASF_SPLITTERFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFASF_SPLITTERFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFASF_SPLITTERFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFASF_SPLITTERFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFASF_SPLITTERFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -32616,19 +30999,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFASF_SPLITTERFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFASF_STREAMSELECTOR_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFASF_STREAMSELECTOR_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFASF_STREAMSELECTOR_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFASF_STREAMSELECTOR_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFASF_STREAMSELECTOR_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -32638,19 +31010,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFASF_STREAMSELECTOR_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFASYNC_WORKQUEUE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFASYNC_WORKQUEUE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFASYNC_WORKQUEUE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFASYNC_WORKQUEUE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFASYNC_WORKQUEUE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -32660,19 +31021,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFASYNC_WORKQUEUE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFAudioConstriction(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFAudioConstriction {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFAudioConstriction { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFAudioConstriction { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFAudioConstriction { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -32682,19 +31032,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFAudioConstriction { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFBYTESTREAM_SEEK_ORIGIN(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFBYTESTREAM_SEEK_ORIGIN {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFBYTESTREAM_SEEK_ORIGIN { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFBYTESTREAM_SEEK_ORIGIN { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFBYTESTREAM_SEEK_ORIGIN { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -32704,19 +31043,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFBYTESTREAM_SEEK_ORIGIN { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFCLOCK_CHARACTERISTICS_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFCLOCK_CHARACTERISTICS_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFCLOCK_CHARACTERISTICS_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFCLOCK_CHARACTERISTICS_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFCLOCK_CHARACTERISTICS_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -32726,19 +31054,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFCLOCK_CHARACTERISTICS_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFCLOCK_RELATIONAL_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFCLOCK_RELATIONAL_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFCLOCK_RELATIONAL_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFCLOCK_RELATIONAL_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFCLOCK_RELATIONAL_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -32748,19 +31065,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFCLOCK_RELATIONAL_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFCLOCK_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFCLOCK_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFCLOCK_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFCLOCK_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFCLOCK_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -32770,19 +31076,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFCLOCK_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFCameraIntrinsic_DistortionModelType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFCameraIntrinsic_DistortionModelType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFCameraIntrinsic_DistortionModelType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFCameraIntrinsic_DistortionModelType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFCameraIntrinsic_DistortionModelType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -32792,19 +31087,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFCameraIntrinsic_DistortionModelType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFCameraOcclusionState(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFCameraOcclusionState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFCameraOcclusionState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFCameraOcclusionState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFCameraOcclusionState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -32847,19 +31131,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for MFCameraOcclusionState { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFDepthMeasurement(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFDepthMeasurement {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFDepthMeasurement { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFDepthMeasurement { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFDepthMeasurement { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -32869,19 +31142,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFDepthMeasurement { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFFrameSourceTypes(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFFrameSourceTypes {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFFrameSourceTypes { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFFrameSourceTypes { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFFrameSourceTypes { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -32891,19 +31153,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFFrameSourceTypes { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFMEDIASOURCE_CHARACTERISTICS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFMEDIASOURCE_CHARACTERISTICS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFMEDIASOURCE_CHARACTERISTICS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFMEDIASOURCE_CHARACTERISTICS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFMEDIASOURCE_CHARACTERISTICS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -32913,19 +31164,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFMEDIASOURCE_CHARACTERISTICS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFNETSOURCE_CACHE_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFNETSOURCE_CACHE_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFNETSOURCE_CACHE_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFNETSOURCE_CACHE_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFNETSOURCE_CACHE_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -32935,19 +31175,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFNETSOURCE_CACHE_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFNETSOURCE_PROTOCOL_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFNETSOURCE_PROTOCOL_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFNETSOURCE_PROTOCOL_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFNETSOURCE_PROTOCOL_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFNETSOURCE_PROTOCOL_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -32957,19 +31186,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFNETSOURCE_PROTOCOL_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFNETSOURCE_STATISTICS_IDS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFNETSOURCE_STATISTICS_IDS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFNETSOURCE_STATISTICS_IDS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFNETSOURCE_STATISTICS_IDS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFNETSOURCE_STATISTICS_IDS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -32979,19 +31197,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFNETSOURCE_STATISTICS_IDS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFNETSOURCE_TRANSPORT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFNETSOURCE_TRANSPORT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFNETSOURCE_TRANSPORT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFNETSOURCE_TRANSPORT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFNETSOURCE_TRANSPORT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -33001,19 +31208,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFNETSOURCE_TRANSPORT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFNET_PROXYSETTINGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFNET_PROXYSETTINGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFNET_PROXYSETTINGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFNET_PROXYSETTINGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFNET_PROXYSETTINGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -33023,19 +31219,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFNET_PROXYSETTINGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFNetAuthenticationFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFNetAuthenticationFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFNetAuthenticationFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFNetAuthenticationFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFNetAuthenticationFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -33045,19 +31230,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFNetAuthenticationFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFNetCredentialOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFNetCredentialOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFNetCredentialOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFNetCredentialOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFNetCredentialOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -33067,19 +31241,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFNetCredentialOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFNetCredentialRequirements(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFNetCredentialRequirements {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFNetCredentialRequirements { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFNetCredentialRequirements { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFNetCredentialRequirements { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -33089,19 +31252,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFNetCredentialRequirements { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFNominalRange(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFNominalRange {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFNominalRange { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFNominalRange { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFNominalRange { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -33111,19 +31263,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFNominalRange { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFPMPSESSION_CREATION_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFPMPSESSION_CREATION_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFPMPSESSION_CREATION_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFPMPSESSION_CREATION_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFPMPSESSION_CREATION_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -33133,19 +31274,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFPMPSESSION_CREATION_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFPOLICYMANAGER_ACTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFPOLICYMANAGER_ACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFPOLICYMANAGER_ACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFPOLICYMANAGER_ACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFPOLICYMANAGER_ACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -33155,19 +31285,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFPOLICYMANAGER_ACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFP_CREATION_OPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFP_CREATION_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFP_CREATION_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFP_CREATION_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFP_CREATION_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -33177,19 +31296,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFP_CREATION_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFP_EVENT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFP_EVENT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFP_EVENT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFP_EVENT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFP_EVENT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -33199,19 +31307,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFP_EVENT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFP_MEDIAPLAYER_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFP_MEDIAPLAYER_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFP_MEDIAPLAYER_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFP_MEDIAPLAYER_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFP_MEDIAPLAYER_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -33221,19 +31318,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFP_MEDIAPLAYER_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFRATE_DIRECTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFRATE_DIRECTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFRATE_DIRECTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFRATE_DIRECTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFRATE_DIRECTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -33243,19 +31329,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFRATE_DIRECTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFSESSION_GETFULLTOPOLOGY_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFSESSION_GETFULLTOPOLOGY_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFSESSION_GETFULLTOPOLOGY_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFSESSION_GETFULLTOPOLOGY_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFSESSION_GETFULLTOPOLOGY_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -33265,19 +31340,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFSESSION_GETFULLTOPOLOGY_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFSESSION_SETTOPOLOGY_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFSESSION_SETTOPOLOGY_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFSESSION_SETTOPOLOGY_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFSESSION_SETTOPOLOGY_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFSESSION_SETTOPOLOGY_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -33287,19 +31351,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFSESSION_SETTOPOLOGY_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFSHUTDOWN_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFSHUTDOWN_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFSHUTDOWN_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFSHUTDOWN_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFSHUTDOWN_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -33309,19 +31362,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFSHUTDOWN_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFSINK_WMDRMACTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFSINK_WMDRMACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFSINK_WMDRMACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFSINK_WMDRMACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFSINK_WMDRMACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -33331,19 +31373,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFSINK_WMDRMACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFSTREAMSINK_MARKER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFSTREAMSINK_MARKER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFSTREAMSINK_MARKER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFSTREAMSINK_MARKER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFSTREAMSINK_MARKER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -33353,19 +31384,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFSTREAMSINK_MARKER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFSampleAllocatorUsage(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFSampleAllocatorUsage {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFSampleAllocatorUsage { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFSampleAllocatorUsage { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFSampleAllocatorUsage { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -33375,19 +31395,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFSampleAllocatorUsage { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFSampleEncryptionProtectionScheme(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFSampleEncryptionProtectionScheme {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFSampleEncryptionProtectionScheme { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFSampleEncryptionProtectionScheme { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFSampleEncryptionProtectionScheme { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -33397,21 +31406,10 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFSampleEncryptionProtectionScheme { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFSensorDeviceMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFSensorDeviceMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFSensorDeviceMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFSensorDeviceMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} -impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFSensorDeviceMode { - type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; +impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFSensorDeviceMode { + type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFSensorDeviceMode { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::core::fmt::Result { @@ -33419,19 +31417,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFSensorDeviceMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFSensorDeviceType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFSensorDeviceType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFSensorDeviceType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFSensorDeviceType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFSensorDeviceType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -33441,19 +31428,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFSensorDeviceType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFSensorStreamType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFSensorStreamType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFSensorStreamType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFSensorStreamType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFSensorStreamType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -33463,19 +31439,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFSensorStreamType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFSequencerTopologyFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFSequencerTopologyFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFSequencerTopologyFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFSequencerTopologyFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFSequencerTopologyFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -33485,19 +31450,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFSequencerTopologyFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFStandardVideoFormat(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFStandardVideoFormat {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFStandardVideoFormat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFStandardVideoFormat { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFStandardVideoFormat { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -33507,19 +31461,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFStandardVideoFormat { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFTIMER_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFTIMER_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFTIMER_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFTIMER_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFTIMER_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -33529,19 +31472,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFTIMER_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFTOPOLOGY_DXVA_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFTOPOLOGY_DXVA_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFTOPOLOGY_DXVA_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFTOPOLOGY_DXVA_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFTOPOLOGY_DXVA_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -33551,19 +31483,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFTOPOLOGY_DXVA_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFTOPOLOGY_HARDWARE_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFTOPOLOGY_HARDWARE_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFTOPOLOGY_HARDWARE_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFTOPOLOGY_HARDWARE_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFTOPOLOGY_HARDWARE_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -33573,19 +31494,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFTOPOLOGY_HARDWARE_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFT_AUDIO_DECODER_DEGRADATION_REASON(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFT_AUDIO_DECODER_DEGRADATION_REASON {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFT_AUDIO_DECODER_DEGRADATION_REASON { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFT_AUDIO_DECODER_DEGRADATION_REASON { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFT_AUDIO_DECODER_DEGRADATION_REASON { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -33595,19 +31505,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFT_AUDIO_DECODER_DEGRADATION_REASON { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFT_AUDIO_DECODER_DEGRADATION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFT_AUDIO_DECODER_DEGRADATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFT_AUDIO_DECODER_DEGRADATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFT_AUDIO_DECODER_DEGRADATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFT_AUDIO_DECODER_DEGRADATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -33617,19 +31516,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFT_AUDIO_DECODER_DEGRADATION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFT_DRAIN_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFT_DRAIN_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFT_DRAIN_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFT_DRAIN_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFT_DRAIN_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -33639,19 +31527,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFT_DRAIN_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFT_ENUM_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFT_ENUM_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFT_ENUM_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFT_ENUM_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFT_ENUM_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -33694,19 +31571,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for MFT_ENUM_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFT_MESSAGE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFT_MESSAGE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFT_MESSAGE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFT_MESSAGE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFT_MESSAGE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -33716,19 +31582,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFT_MESSAGE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFVP_MESSAGE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFVP_MESSAGE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFVP_MESSAGE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFVP_MESSAGE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFVP_MESSAGE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -33738,19 +31593,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFVP_MESSAGE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFVideo3DFormat(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFVideo3DFormat {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFVideo3DFormat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFVideo3DFormat { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFVideo3DFormat { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -33760,19 +31604,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFVideo3DFormat { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFVideo3DSampleFormat(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFVideo3DSampleFormat {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFVideo3DSampleFormat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFVideo3DSampleFormat { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFVideo3DSampleFormat { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -33782,19 +31615,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFVideo3DSampleFormat { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFVideoAlphaBitmapFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFVideoAlphaBitmapFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFVideoAlphaBitmapFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFVideoAlphaBitmapFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFVideoAlphaBitmapFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -33804,19 +31626,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFVideoAlphaBitmapFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFVideoAspectRatioMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFVideoAspectRatioMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFVideoAspectRatioMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFVideoAspectRatioMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFVideoAspectRatioMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -33826,19 +31637,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFVideoAspectRatioMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFVideoChromaSubsampling(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFVideoChromaSubsampling {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFVideoChromaSubsampling { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFVideoChromaSubsampling { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFVideoChromaSubsampling { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -33848,19 +31648,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFVideoChromaSubsampling { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFVideoDRMFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFVideoDRMFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFVideoDRMFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFVideoDRMFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFVideoDRMFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -33870,19 +31659,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFVideoDRMFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFVideoDSPMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFVideoDSPMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFVideoDSPMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFVideoDSPMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFVideoDSPMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -33892,19 +31670,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFVideoDSPMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFVideoFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFVideoFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFVideoFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFVideoFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFVideoFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -33914,19 +31681,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFVideoFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFVideoInterlaceMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFVideoInterlaceMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFVideoInterlaceMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFVideoInterlaceMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFVideoInterlaceMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -33936,19 +31692,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFVideoInterlaceMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFVideoLighting(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFVideoLighting {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFVideoLighting { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFVideoLighting { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFVideoLighting { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -33958,19 +31703,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFVideoLighting { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFVideoMixPrefs(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFVideoMixPrefs {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFVideoMixPrefs { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFVideoMixPrefs { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFVideoMixPrefs { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -33980,19 +31714,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFVideoMixPrefs { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFVideoPadFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFVideoPadFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFVideoPadFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFVideoPadFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFVideoPadFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -34002,19 +31725,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFVideoPadFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFVideoPrimaries(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFVideoPrimaries {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFVideoPrimaries { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFVideoPrimaries { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFVideoPrimaries { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -34024,19 +31736,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFVideoPrimaries { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFVideoRenderPrefs(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFVideoRenderPrefs {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFVideoRenderPrefs { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFVideoRenderPrefs { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFVideoRenderPrefs { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -34046,19 +31747,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFVideoRenderPrefs { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFVideoRotationFormat(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFVideoRotationFormat {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFVideoRotationFormat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFVideoRotationFormat { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFVideoRotationFormat { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -34068,19 +31758,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFVideoRotationFormat { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFVideoSphericalFormat(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFVideoSphericalFormat {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFVideoSphericalFormat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFVideoSphericalFormat { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFVideoSphericalFormat { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -34090,19 +31769,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFVideoSphericalFormat { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFVideoSphericalProjectionMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFVideoSphericalProjectionMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFVideoSphericalProjectionMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFVideoSphericalProjectionMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFVideoSphericalProjectionMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -34112,19 +31780,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFVideoSphericalProjectionMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFVideoSrcContentHintFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFVideoSrcContentHintFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFVideoSrcContentHintFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFVideoSrcContentHintFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFVideoSrcContentHintFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -34134,19 +31791,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFVideoSrcContentHintFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFVideoTransferFunction(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFVideoTransferFunction {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFVideoTransferFunction { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFVideoTransferFunction { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFVideoTransferFunction { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -34156,19 +31802,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFVideoTransferFunction { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFVideoTransferMatrix(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFVideoTransferMatrix {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFVideoTransferMatrix { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFVideoTransferMatrix { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFVideoTransferMatrix { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -34178,19 +31813,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFVideoTransferMatrix { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFVirtualCameraAccess(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFVirtualCameraAccess {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFVirtualCameraAccess { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFVirtualCameraAccess { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFVirtualCameraAccess { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -34200,19 +31824,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFVirtualCameraAccess { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFVirtualCameraLifetime(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFVirtualCameraLifetime {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFVirtualCameraLifetime { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFVirtualCameraLifetime { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFVirtualCameraLifetime { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -34222,21 +31835,10 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFVirtualCameraLifetime { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFVirtualCameraType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFVirtualCameraType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFVirtualCameraType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFVirtualCameraType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} -impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFVirtualCameraType { - type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; +impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFVirtualCameraType { + type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFVirtualCameraType { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::core::fmt::Result { @@ -34244,19 +31846,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFVirtualCameraType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MFWaveFormatExConvertFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MFWaveFormatExConvertFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MFWaveFormatExConvertFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MFWaveFormatExConvertFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MFWaveFormatExConvertFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -34266,19 +31857,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MFWaveFormatExConvertFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_ACTIVATE_CUSTOM_MIXER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_ACTIVATE_CUSTOM_MIXER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_ACTIVATE_CUSTOM_MIXER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_ACTIVATE_CUSTOM_MIXER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_ACTIVATE_CUSTOM_MIXER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -34288,19 +31868,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_ACTIVATE_CUSTOM_MIXER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_ACTIVATE_CUSTOM_PRESENTER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_ACTIVATE_CUSTOM_PRESENTER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_ACTIVATE_CUSTOM_PRESENTER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_ACTIVATE_CUSTOM_PRESENTER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_ACTIVATE_CUSTOM_PRESENTER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -34310,19 +31879,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_ACTIVATE_CUSTOM_PRESENTER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_ATTRIBUTES_MATCH_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_ATTRIBUTES_MATCH_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_ATTRIBUTES_MATCH_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_ATTRIBUTES_MATCH_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_ATTRIBUTES_MATCH_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -34332,19 +31890,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_ATTRIBUTES_MATCH_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_ATTRIBUTE_SERIALIZE_OPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_ATTRIBUTE_SERIALIZE_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_ATTRIBUTE_SERIALIZE_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_ATTRIBUTE_SERIALIZE_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_ATTRIBUTE_SERIALIZE_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -34354,19 +31901,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_ATTRIBUTE_SERIALIZE_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -34376,19 +31912,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_AUVRHP_ROOMMODEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_AUVRHP_ROOMMODEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_AUVRHP_ROOMMODEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_AUVRHP_ROOMMODEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_AUVRHP_ROOMMODEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -34398,19 +31923,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_AUVRHP_ROOMMODEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_CAMERA_CONTROL_CONFIGURATION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_CAMERA_CONTROL_CONFIGURATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_CAMERA_CONTROL_CONFIGURATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_CAMERA_CONTROL_CONFIGURATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_CAMERA_CONTROL_CONFIGURATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -34420,19 +31934,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_CAMERA_CONTROL_CONFIGURATION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_AUDIO_PROCESSING_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_AUDIO_PROCESSING_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_AUDIO_PROCESSING_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_AUDIO_PROCESSING_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_AUDIO_PROCESSING_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -34442,19 +31945,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_AUDIO_PROCESSING_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_DEVICE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_DEVICE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_DEVICE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_DEVICE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_DEVICE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -34464,19 +31956,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_DEVICE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_MEDIA_CATEGORY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_MEDIA_CATEGORY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_MEDIA_CATEGORY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_MEDIA_CATEGORY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_MEDIA_CATEGORY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -34486,19 +31967,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_MEDIA_CATEGORY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_SINK_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_SINK_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_SINK_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_SINK_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_SINK_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -34508,19 +31978,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_SINK_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_SOURCE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_SOURCE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_SOURCE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_SOURCE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_SOURCE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -34530,19 +31989,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_SOURCE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_STREAM_CATEGORY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_STREAM_CATEGORY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_STREAM_CATEGORY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_STREAM_CATEGORY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_STREAM_CATEGORY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -34552,19 +32000,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_CAPTURE_ENGINE_STREAM_CATEGORY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_CONNECT_METHOD(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_CONNECT_METHOD {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_CONNECT_METHOD { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_CONNECT_METHOD { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_CONNECT_METHOD { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -34574,19 +32011,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_CONNECT_METHOD { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_CROSS_ORIGIN_POLICY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_CROSS_ORIGIN_POLICY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_CROSS_ORIGIN_POLICY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_CROSS_ORIGIN_POLICY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_CROSS_ORIGIN_POLICY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -34596,19 +32022,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_CROSS_ORIGIN_POLICY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_CUSTOM_DECODE_UNIT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_CUSTOM_DECODE_UNIT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_CUSTOM_DECODE_UNIT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_CUSTOM_DECODE_UNIT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_CUSTOM_DECODE_UNIT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -34618,19 +32033,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_CUSTOM_DECODE_UNIT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_EVENT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_EVENT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_EVENT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_EVENT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_EVENT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -34640,19 +32044,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_EVENT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_FILE_ACCESSMODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_FILE_ACCESSMODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_FILE_ACCESSMODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_FILE_ACCESSMODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_FILE_ACCESSMODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -34662,19 +32055,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_FILE_ACCESSMODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_FILE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_FILE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_FILE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_FILE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_FILE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -34684,19 +32066,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_FILE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_FILE_OPENMODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_FILE_OPENMODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_FILE_OPENMODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_FILE_OPENMODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_FILE_OPENMODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -34706,19 +32077,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_FILE_OPENMODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_HDCP_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_HDCP_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_HDCP_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_HDCP_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_HDCP_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -34728,19 +32088,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_HDCP_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_MEDIAKEYSESSION_MESSAGETYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_MEDIAKEYSESSION_MESSAGETYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_MEDIAKEYSESSION_MESSAGETYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_MEDIAKEYSESSION_MESSAGETYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_MEDIAKEYSESSION_MESSAGETYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -34750,19 +32099,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_MEDIAKEYSESSION_MESSAGETYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_MEDIAKEYSESSION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_MEDIAKEYSESSION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_MEDIAKEYSESSION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_MEDIAKEYSESSION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_MEDIAKEYSESSION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -34772,19 +32110,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_MEDIAKEYSESSION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_MEDIAKEYS_REQUIREMENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_MEDIAKEYS_REQUIREMENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_MEDIAKEYS_REQUIREMENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_MEDIAKEYS_REQUIREMENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_MEDIAKEYS_REQUIREMENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -34794,19 +32121,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_MEDIAKEYS_REQUIREMENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_MEDIAKEY_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_MEDIAKEY_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_MEDIAKEY_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_MEDIAKEY_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_MEDIAKEY_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -34816,19 +32132,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_MEDIAKEY_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_CANPLAY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_CANPLAY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_CANPLAY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_CANPLAY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_CANPLAY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -34838,19 +32143,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_CANPLAY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_CREATEFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_CREATEFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_CREATEFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_CREATEFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_CREATEFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -34860,19 +32154,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_CREATEFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_ERR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_ERR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_ERR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_ERR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_ERR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -34882,19 +32165,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_ERR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_EVENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_EVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_EVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_EVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_EVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -34904,19 +32176,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_EVENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_EXTENSION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_EXTENSION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_EXTENSION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_EXTENSION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_EXTENSION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -34926,19 +32187,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_EXTENSION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_FRAME_PROTECTION_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_FRAME_PROTECTION_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_FRAME_PROTECTION_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_FRAME_PROTECTION_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_FRAME_PROTECTION_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -34948,19 +32198,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_FRAME_PROTECTION_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_KEYERR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_KEYERR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_KEYERR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_KEYERR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_KEYERR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -34970,19 +32209,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_KEYERR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_NETWORK(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_NETWORK {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_NETWORK { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_NETWORK { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_NETWORK { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -34992,19 +32220,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_NETWORK { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_OPM_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_OPM_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_OPM_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_OPM_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_OPM_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -35014,21 +32231,10 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_OPM_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_PRELOAD(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_PRELOAD {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_PRELOAD { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_PRELOAD { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} -impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_PRELOAD { - type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; +impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_PRELOAD { + type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_PRELOAD { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::core::fmt::Result { @@ -35036,19 +32242,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_PRELOAD { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_PROTECTION_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_PROTECTION_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_PROTECTION_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_PROTECTION_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_PROTECTION_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -35058,19 +32253,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_PROTECTION_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_READY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_READY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_READY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_READY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_READY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -35080,19 +32264,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_READY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_S3D_PACKING_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_S3D_PACKING_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_S3D_PACKING_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_S3D_PACKING_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_S3D_PACKING_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -35102,19 +32275,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_S3D_PACKING_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_SEEK_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_SEEK_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_SEEK_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_SEEK_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_SEEK_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -35124,19 +32286,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_SEEK_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_STATISTIC(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_STATISTIC {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_STATISTIC { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_STATISTIC { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_STATISTIC { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -35146,19 +32297,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_STATISTIC { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_STREAMTYPE_FAILED(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_STREAMTYPE_FAILED {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_STREAMTYPE_FAILED { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_STREAMTYPE_FAILED { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_STREAMTYPE_FAILED { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -35168,19 +32308,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_MEDIA_ENGINE_STREAMTYPE_FAILED { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_MEDIA_SHARING_ENGINE_EVENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_MEDIA_SHARING_ENGINE_EVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_MEDIA_SHARING_ENGINE_EVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_MEDIA_SHARING_ENGINE_EVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_MEDIA_SHARING_ENGINE_EVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -35190,19 +32319,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_MEDIA_SHARING_ENGINE_EVENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_MSE_APPEND_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_MSE_APPEND_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_MSE_APPEND_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_MSE_APPEND_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_MSE_APPEND_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -35212,19 +32330,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_MSE_APPEND_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_MSE_ERROR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_MSE_ERROR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_MSE_ERROR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_MSE_ERROR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_MSE_ERROR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -35234,19 +32341,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_MSE_ERROR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_MSE_OPUS_SUPPORT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_MSE_OPUS_SUPPORT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_MSE_OPUS_SUPPORT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_MSE_OPUS_SUPPORT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_MSE_OPUS_SUPPORT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -35256,19 +32352,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_MSE_OPUS_SUPPORT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_MSE_READY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_MSE_READY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_MSE_READY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_MSE_READY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_MSE_READY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -35278,19 +32363,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_MSE_READY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_MSE_VP9_SUPPORT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_MSE_VP9_SUPPORT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_MSE_VP9_SUPPORT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_MSE_VP9_SUPPORT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_MSE_VP9_SUPPORT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -35300,19 +32374,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_MSE_VP9_SUPPORT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_MT_D3D_RESOURCE_VERSION_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_MT_D3D_RESOURCE_VERSION_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_MT_D3D_RESOURCE_VERSION_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_MT_D3D_RESOURCE_VERSION_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_MT_D3D_RESOURCE_VERSION_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -35322,19 +32385,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_MT_D3D_RESOURCE_VERSION_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_OBJECT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_OBJECT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_OBJECT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_OBJECT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_OBJECT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -35344,19 +32396,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_OBJECT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_OPM_ACP_PROTECTION_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_OPM_ACP_PROTECTION_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_OPM_ACP_PROTECTION_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_OPM_ACP_PROTECTION_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_OPM_ACP_PROTECTION_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -35366,19 +32407,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_OPM_ACP_PROTECTION_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_OPM_CGMSA_PROTECTION_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_OPM_CGMSA_PROTECTION_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_OPM_CGMSA_PROTECTION_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_OPM_CGMSA_PROTECTION_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_OPM_CGMSA_PROTECTION_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -35388,19 +32418,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_OPM_CGMSA_PROTECTION_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_PLUGIN_CONTROL_POLICY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_PLUGIN_CONTROL_POLICY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_PLUGIN_CONTROL_POLICY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_PLUGIN_CONTROL_POLICY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_PLUGIN_CONTROL_POLICY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -35410,19 +32429,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_PLUGIN_CONTROL_POLICY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_Plugin_Type(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_Plugin_Type {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_Plugin_Type { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_Plugin_Type { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_Plugin_Type { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -35432,19 +32440,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_Plugin_Type { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_QUALITY_ADVISE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_QUALITY_ADVISE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_QUALITY_ADVISE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_QUALITY_ADVISE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_QUALITY_ADVISE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -35454,19 +32451,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_QUALITY_ADVISE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_QUALITY_DROP_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_QUALITY_DROP_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_QUALITY_DROP_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_QUALITY_DROP_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_QUALITY_DROP_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -35476,19 +32462,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_QUALITY_DROP_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_QUALITY_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_QUALITY_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_QUALITY_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_QUALITY_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_QUALITY_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -35498,19 +32473,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_QUALITY_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_RESOLUTION_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_RESOLUTION_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_RESOLUTION_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_RESOLUTION_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_RESOLUTION_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -35553,19 +32517,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for MF_RESOLUTION_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_SERVICE_LOOKUP_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_SERVICE_LOOKUP_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_SERVICE_LOOKUP_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_SERVICE_LOOKUP_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_SERVICE_LOOKUP_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -35575,19 +32528,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_SERVICE_LOOKUP_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_SHARING_ENGINE_EVENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_SHARING_ENGINE_EVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_SHARING_ENGINE_EVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_SHARING_ENGINE_EVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_SHARING_ENGINE_EVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -35597,19 +32539,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_SHARING_ENGINE_EVENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_SINK_WRITER_CONSTANTS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_SINK_WRITER_CONSTANTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_SINK_WRITER_CONSTANTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_SINK_WRITER_CONSTANTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_SINK_WRITER_CONSTANTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -35619,19 +32550,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_SINK_WRITER_CONSTANTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_SOURCE_READER_CONSTANTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_SOURCE_READER_CONSTANTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_SOURCE_READER_CONSTANTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_SOURCE_READER_CONSTANTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_SOURCE_READER_CONSTANTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -35641,19 +32561,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_SOURCE_READER_CONSTANTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_SOURCE_READER_CONTROL_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_SOURCE_READER_CONTROL_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_SOURCE_READER_CONTROL_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_SOURCE_READER_CONTROL_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_SOURCE_READER_CONTROL_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -35696,19 +32605,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for MF_SOURCE_READER_CONTROL_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_SOURCE_READER_CURRENT_TYPE_CONSTANTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_SOURCE_READER_CURRENT_TYPE_CONSTANTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_SOURCE_READER_CURRENT_TYPE_CONSTANTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_SOURCE_READER_CURRENT_TYPE_CONSTANTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_SOURCE_READER_CURRENT_TYPE_CONSTANTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -35718,19 +32616,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_SOURCE_READER_CURRENT_TYPE_CONSTANTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_SOURCE_READER_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_SOURCE_READER_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_SOURCE_READER_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_SOURCE_READER_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_SOURCE_READER_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -35773,19 +32660,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for MF_SOURCE_READER_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_STREAM_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_STREAM_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_STREAM_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_STREAM_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_STREAM_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -35795,19 +32671,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_STREAM_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_TIMED_TEXT_ALIGNMENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_TIMED_TEXT_ALIGNMENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_TIMED_TEXT_ALIGNMENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_TIMED_TEXT_ALIGNMENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_TIMED_TEXT_ALIGNMENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -35817,19 +32682,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_TIMED_TEXT_ALIGNMENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_TIMED_TEXT_BOUTEN_POSITION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_TIMED_TEXT_BOUTEN_POSITION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_TIMED_TEXT_BOUTEN_POSITION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_TIMED_TEXT_BOUTEN_POSITION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_TIMED_TEXT_BOUTEN_POSITION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -35839,19 +32693,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_TIMED_TEXT_BOUTEN_POSITION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_TIMED_TEXT_BOUTEN_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_TIMED_TEXT_BOUTEN_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_TIMED_TEXT_BOUTEN_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_TIMED_TEXT_BOUTEN_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_TIMED_TEXT_BOUTEN_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -35861,19 +32704,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_TIMED_TEXT_BOUTEN_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_TIMED_TEXT_CUE_EVENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_TIMED_TEXT_CUE_EVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_TIMED_TEXT_CUE_EVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_TIMED_TEXT_CUE_EVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_TIMED_TEXT_CUE_EVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -35883,19 +32715,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_TIMED_TEXT_CUE_EVENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_TIMED_TEXT_DECORATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_TIMED_TEXT_DECORATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_TIMED_TEXT_DECORATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_TIMED_TEXT_DECORATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_TIMED_TEXT_DECORATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -35905,21 +32726,10 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_TIMED_TEXT_DECORATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_TIMED_TEXT_DISPLAY_ALIGNMENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_TIMED_TEXT_DISPLAY_ALIGNMENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_TIMED_TEXT_DISPLAY_ALIGNMENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_TIMED_TEXT_DISPLAY_ALIGNMENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} -impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_TIMED_TEXT_DISPLAY_ALIGNMENT { - type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; +impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_TIMED_TEXT_DISPLAY_ALIGNMENT { + type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_TIMED_TEXT_DISPLAY_ALIGNMENT { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::core::fmt::Result { @@ -35927,19 +32737,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_TIMED_TEXT_DISPLAY_ALIGNMENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_TIMED_TEXT_ERROR_CODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_TIMED_TEXT_ERROR_CODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_TIMED_TEXT_ERROR_CODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_TIMED_TEXT_ERROR_CODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_TIMED_TEXT_ERROR_CODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -35949,19 +32748,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_TIMED_TEXT_ERROR_CODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_TIMED_TEXT_FONT_STYLE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_TIMED_TEXT_FONT_STYLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_TIMED_TEXT_FONT_STYLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_TIMED_TEXT_FONT_STYLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_TIMED_TEXT_FONT_STYLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -35971,19 +32759,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_TIMED_TEXT_FONT_STYLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_TIMED_TEXT_RUBY_ALIGN(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_TIMED_TEXT_RUBY_ALIGN {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_TIMED_TEXT_RUBY_ALIGN { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_TIMED_TEXT_RUBY_ALIGN { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_TIMED_TEXT_RUBY_ALIGN { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -35993,19 +32770,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_TIMED_TEXT_RUBY_ALIGN { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_TIMED_TEXT_RUBY_POSITION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_TIMED_TEXT_RUBY_POSITION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_TIMED_TEXT_RUBY_POSITION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_TIMED_TEXT_RUBY_POSITION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_TIMED_TEXT_RUBY_POSITION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -36015,19 +32781,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_TIMED_TEXT_RUBY_POSITION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_TIMED_TEXT_RUBY_RESERVE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_TIMED_TEXT_RUBY_RESERVE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_TIMED_TEXT_RUBY_RESERVE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_TIMED_TEXT_RUBY_RESERVE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_TIMED_TEXT_RUBY_RESERVE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -36037,19 +32792,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_TIMED_TEXT_RUBY_RESERVE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_TIMED_TEXT_SCROLL_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_TIMED_TEXT_SCROLL_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_TIMED_TEXT_SCROLL_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_TIMED_TEXT_SCROLL_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_TIMED_TEXT_SCROLL_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -36059,19 +32803,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_TIMED_TEXT_SCROLL_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_TIMED_TEXT_TRACK_KIND(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_TIMED_TEXT_TRACK_KIND {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_TIMED_TEXT_TRACK_KIND { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_TIMED_TEXT_TRACK_KIND { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_TIMED_TEXT_TRACK_KIND { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -36081,19 +32814,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_TIMED_TEXT_TRACK_KIND { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_TIMED_TEXT_TRACK_READY_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_TIMED_TEXT_TRACK_READY_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_TIMED_TEXT_TRACK_READY_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_TIMED_TEXT_TRACK_READY_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_TIMED_TEXT_TRACK_READY_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -36103,19 +32825,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_TIMED_TEXT_TRACK_READY_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_TIMED_TEXT_UNIT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_TIMED_TEXT_UNIT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_TIMED_TEXT_UNIT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_TIMED_TEXT_UNIT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_TIMED_TEXT_UNIT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -36125,19 +32836,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_TIMED_TEXT_UNIT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_TIMED_TEXT_WRITING_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_TIMED_TEXT_WRITING_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_TIMED_TEXT_WRITING_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_TIMED_TEXT_WRITING_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_TIMED_TEXT_WRITING_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -36147,19 +32847,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_TIMED_TEXT_WRITING_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_TOPOLOGY_RESOLUTION_STATUS_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_TOPOLOGY_RESOLUTION_STATUS_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_TOPOLOGY_RESOLUTION_STATUS_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_TOPOLOGY_RESOLUTION_STATUS_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_TOPOLOGY_RESOLUTION_STATUS_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -36169,19 +32858,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_TOPOLOGY_RESOLUTION_STATUS_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_TOPOLOGY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_TOPOLOGY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_TOPOLOGY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_TOPOLOGY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_TOPOLOGY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -36191,19 +32869,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_TOPOLOGY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_TOPONODE_DRAIN_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_TOPONODE_DRAIN_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_TOPONODE_DRAIN_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_TOPONODE_DRAIN_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_TOPONODE_DRAIN_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -36213,19 +32880,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_TOPONODE_DRAIN_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_TOPONODE_FLUSH_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_TOPONODE_FLUSH_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_TOPONODE_FLUSH_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_TOPONODE_FLUSH_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_TOPONODE_FLUSH_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -36235,19 +32891,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_TOPONODE_FLUSH_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_TOPOSTATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_TOPOSTATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_TOPOSTATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_TOPOSTATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_TOPOSTATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -36257,19 +32902,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_TOPOSTATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_TRANSCODE_ADJUST_PROFILE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_TRANSCODE_ADJUST_PROFILE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_TRANSCODE_ADJUST_PROFILE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_TRANSCODE_ADJUST_PROFILE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_TRANSCODE_ADJUST_PROFILE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -36279,19 +32913,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_TRANSCODE_ADJUST_PROFILE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_TRANSCODE_TOPOLOGYMODE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_TRANSCODE_TOPOLOGYMODE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_TRANSCODE_TOPOLOGYMODE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_TRANSCODE_TOPOLOGYMODE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_TRANSCODE_TOPOLOGYMODE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -36301,19 +32924,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_TRANSCODE_TOPOLOGYMODE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_URL_TRUST_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_URL_TRUST_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_URL_TRUST_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_URL_TRUST_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_URL_TRUST_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -36323,19 +32935,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_URL_TRUST_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_ALGORITHM_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_ALGORITHM_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_ALGORITHM_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_ALGORITHM_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_ALGORITHM_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -36345,19 +32946,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_ALGORITHM_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_MIRROR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_MIRROR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_MIRROR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_MIRROR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_MIRROR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -36367,19 +32957,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_MIRROR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_ROTATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_ROTATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_ROTATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_ROTATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_ROTATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -36389,19 +32968,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_VIDEO_PROCESSOR_ROTATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MIC_ARRAY_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MIC_ARRAY_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MIC_ARRAY_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MIC_ARRAY_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MIC_ARRAY_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -36411,19 +32979,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MIC_ARRAY_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MPEG2VIDEOINFO_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MPEG2VIDEOINFO_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MPEG2VIDEOINFO_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MPEG2VIDEOINFO_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MPEG2VIDEOINFO_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -36466,19 +33023,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for MPEG2VIDEOINFO_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OPM_ACP_PROTECTION_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OPM_ACP_PROTECTION_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OPM_ACP_PROTECTION_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OPM_ACP_PROTECTION_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OPM_ACP_PROTECTION_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -36488,19 +33034,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OPM_ACP_PROTECTION_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OPM_BUS_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OPM_BUS_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OPM_BUS_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OPM_BUS_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OPM_BUS_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -36510,19 +33045,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OPM_BUS_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OPM_CGMSA(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OPM_CGMSA {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OPM_CGMSA { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OPM_CGMSA { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OPM_CGMSA { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -36532,19 +33056,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OPM_CGMSA { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OPM_CONNECTOR_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OPM_CONNECTOR_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OPM_CONNECTOR_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OPM_CONNECTOR_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OPM_CONNECTOR_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -36554,19 +33067,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OPM_CONNECTOR_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OPM_DPCP_PROTECTION_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OPM_DPCP_PROTECTION_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OPM_DPCP_PROTECTION_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OPM_DPCP_PROTECTION_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OPM_DPCP_PROTECTION_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -36576,19 +33078,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OPM_DPCP_PROTECTION_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OPM_DVI_CHARACTERISTIC(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OPM_DVI_CHARACTERISTIC {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OPM_DVI_CHARACTERISTIC { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OPM_DVI_CHARACTERISTIC { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OPM_DVI_CHARACTERISTIC { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -36598,19 +33089,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OPM_DVI_CHARACTERISTIC { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OPM_HDCP_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OPM_HDCP_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OPM_HDCP_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OPM_HDCP_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OPM_HDCP_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -36653,19 +33133,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for OPM_HDCP_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OPM_HDCP_PROTECTION_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OPM_HDCP_PROTECTION_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OPM_HDCP_PROTECTION_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OPM_HDCP_PROTECTION_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OPM_HDCP_PROTECTION_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -36675,19 +33144,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OPM_HDCP_PROTECTION_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OPM_HDCP_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OPM_HDCP_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OPM_HDCP_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OPM_HDCP_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OPM_HDCP_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -36697,19 +33155,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OPM_HDCP_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OPM_HDCP_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OPM_HDCP_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OPM_HDCP_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OPM_HDCP_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OPM_HDCP_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -36719,19 +33166,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OPM_HDCP_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OPM_IMAGE_ASPECT_RATIO_EN300294(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OPM_IMAGE_ASPECT_RATIO_EN300294 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OPM_IMAGE_ASPECT_RATIO_EN300294 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OPM_IMAGE_ASPECT_RATIO_EN300294 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OPM_IMAGE_ASPECT_RATIO_EN300294 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -36741,19 +33177,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OPM_IMAGE_ASPECT_RATIO_EN300294 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OPM_OUTPUT_HARDWARE_PROTECTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OPM_OUTPUT_HARDWARE_PROTECTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OPM_OUTPUT_HARDWARE_PROTECTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OPM_OUTPUT_HARDWARE_PROTECTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OPM_OUTPUT_HARDWARE_PROTECTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -36763,21 +33188,10 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OPM_OUTPUT_HARDWARE_PROTECTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OPM_PROTECTION_STANDARD_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OPM_PROTECTION_STANDARD_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OPM_PROTECTION_STANDARD_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OPM_PROTECTION_STANDARD_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} -impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OPM_PROTECTION_STANDARD_TYPE { - type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; +impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OPM_PROTECTION_STANDARD_TYPE { + type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OPM_PROTECTION_STANDARD_TYPE { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::core::fmt::Result { @@ -36785,19 +33199,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OPM_PROTECTION_STANDARD_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OPM_PROTECTION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OPM_PROTECTION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OPM_PROTECTION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OPM_PROTECTION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OPM_PROTECTION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -36807,19 +33210,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OPM_PROTECTION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OPM_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OPM_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OPM_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OPM_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OPM_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -36829,19 +33221,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OPM_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OPM_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OPM_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OPM_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OPM_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OPM_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -36851,19 +33232,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OPM_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OPM_TYPE_ENFORCEMENT_HDCP_PROTECTION_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OPM_TYPE_ENFORCEMENT_HDCP_PROTECTION_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OPM_TYPE_ENFORCEMENT_HDCP_PROTECTION_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OPM_TYPE_ENFORCEMENT_HDCP_PROTECTION_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OPM_TYPE_ENFORCEMENT_HDCP_PROTECTION_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -36873,19 +33243,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OPM_TYPE_ENFORCEMENT_HDCP_PROTECTION_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OPM_VIDEO_OUTPUT_SEMANTICS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OPM_VIDEO_OUTPUT_SEMANTICS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OPM_VIDEO_OUTPUT_SEMANTICS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OPM_VIDEO_OUTPUT_SEMANTICS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OPM_VIDEO_OUTPUT_SEMANTICS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -36895,19 +33254,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OPM_VIDEO_OUTPUT_SEMANTICS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PLAYTO_SOURCE_CREATEFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PLAYTO_SOURCE_CREATEFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PLAYTO_SOURCE_CREATEFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PLAYTO_SOURCE_CREATEFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PLAYTO_SOURCE_CREATEFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -36950,19 +33298,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for PLAYTO_SOURCE_CREATEFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SAMPLE_PROTECTION_VERSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SAMPLE_PROTECTION_VERSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SAMPLE_PROTECTION_VERSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SAMPLE_PROTECTION_VERSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SAMPLE_PROTECTION_VERSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -36972,19 +33309,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SAMPLE_PROTECTION_VERSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SEEK_ORIGIN(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SEEK_ORIGIN {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SEEK_ORIGIN { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SEEK_ORIGIN { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SEEK_ORIGIN { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -36994,19 +33320,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SEEK_ORIGIN { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TOC_POS_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TOC_POS_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TOC_POS_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TOC_POS_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TOC_POS_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -37016,19 +33331,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TOC_POS_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMT_PROP_DATATYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMT_PROP_DATATYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMT_PROP_DATATYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMT_PROP_DATATYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMT_PROP_DATATYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -37038,19 +33342,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMT_PROP_DATATYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMV_DYNAMIC_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMV_DYNAMIC_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMV_DYNAMIC_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMV_DYNAMIC_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMV_DYNAMIC_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -37060,19 +33353,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMV_DYNAMIC_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _MFP_CREDENTIAL_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _MFP_CREDENTIAL_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _MFP_CREDENTIAL_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _MFP_CREDENTIAL_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _MFP_CREDENTIAL_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -37082,19 +33364,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _MFP_CREDENTIAL_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _MFP_MEDIAITEM_CHARACTERISTICS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _MFP_MEDIAITEM_CHARACTERISTICS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _MFP_MEDIAITEM_CHARACTERISTICS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _MFP_MEDIAITEM_CHARACTERISTICS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _MFP_MEDIAITEM_CHARACTERISTICS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -37104,19 +33375,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _MFP_MEDIAITEM_CHARACTERISTICS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _MFT_INPUT_DATA_BUFFER_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _MFT_INPUT_DATA_BUFFER_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _MFT_INPUT_DATA_BUFFER_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _MFT_INPUT_DATA_BUFFER_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _MFT_INPUT_DATA_BUFFER_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -37126,19 +33386,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _MFT_INPUT_DATA_BUFFER_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _MFT_INPUT_STATUS_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _MFT_INPUT_STATUS_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _MFT_INPUT_STATUS_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _MFT_INPUT_STATUS_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _MFT_INPUT_STATUS_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -37148,19 +33397,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _MFT_INPUT_STATUS_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _MFT_INPUT_STREAM_INFO_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _MFT_INPUT_STREAM_INFO_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _MFT_INPUT_STREAM_INFO_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _MFT_INPUT_STREAM_INFO_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _MFT_INPUT_STREAM_INFO_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -37170,19 +33408,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _MFT_INPUT_STREAM_INFO_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _MFT_OUTPUT_DATA_BUFFER_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _MFT_OUTPUT_DATA_BUFFER_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _MFT_OUTPUT_DATA_BUFFER_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _MFT_OUTPUT_DATA_BUFFER_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _MFT_OUTPUT_DATA_BUFFER_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -37192,19 +33419,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _MFT_OUTPUT_DATA_BUFFER_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _MFT_OUTPUT_STATUS_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _MFT_OUTPUT_STATUS_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _MFT_OUTPUT_STATUS_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _MFT_OUTPUT_STATUS_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _MFT_OUTPUT_STATUS_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -37214,19 +33430,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _MFT_OUTPUT_STATUS_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _MFT_OUTPUT_STREAM_INFO_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _MFT_OUTPUT_STREAM_INFO_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _MFT_OUTPUT_STREAM_INFO_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _MFT_OUTPUT_STREAM_INFO_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _MFT_OUTPUT_STREAM_INFO_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -37236,19 +33441,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _MFT_OUTPUT_STREAM_INFO_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _MFT_PROCESS_OUTPUT_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _MFT_PROCESS_OUTPUT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _MFT_PROCESS_OUTPUT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _MFT_PROCESS_OUTPUT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _MFT_PROCESS_OUTPUT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -37258,19 +33452,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _MFT_PROCESS_OUTPUT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _MFT_PROCESS_OUTPUT_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _MFT_PROCESS_OUTPUT_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _MFT_PROCESS_OUTPUT_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _MFT_PROCESS_OUTPUT_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _MFT_PROCESS_OUTPUT_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -37280,19 +33463,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _MFT_PROCESS_OUTPUT_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _MFT_SET_TYPE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _MFT_SET_TYPE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _MFT_SET_TYPE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _MFT_SET_TYPE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _MFT_SET_TYPE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -37302,19 +33474,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _MFT_SET_TYPE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVAudioChannelConfig(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVAudioChannelConfig {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVAudioChannelConfig { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVAudioChannelConfig { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVAudioChannelConfig { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -37324,19 +33485,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVAudioChannelConfig { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVDDSurroundMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVDDSurroundMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVDDSurroundMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVDDSurroundMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVDDSurroundMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -37346,19 +33496,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVDDSurroundMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVDSPLoudnessEqualization(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVDSPLoudnessEqualization {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVDSPLoudnessEqualization { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVDSPLoudnessEqualization { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVDSPLoudnessEqualization { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -37368,19 +33507,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVDSPLoudnessEqualization { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVDSPSpeakerFill(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVDSPSpeakerFill {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVDSPSpeakerFill { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVDSPSpeakerFill { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVDSPSpeakerFill { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -37390,19 +33518,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVDSPSpeakerFill { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVDecAACDownmixMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVDecAACDownmixMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVDecAACDownmixMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVDecAACDownmixMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVDecAACDownmixMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -37412,19 +33529,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVDecAACDownmixMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVDecAudioDualMono(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVDecAudioDualMono {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVDecAudioDualMono { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVDecAudioDualMono { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVDecAudioDualMono { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -37434,19 +33540,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVDecAudioDualMono { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVDecAudioDualMonoReproMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVDecAudioDualMonoReproMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVDecAudioDualMonoReproMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVDecAudioDualMonoReproMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVDecAudioDualMonoReproMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -37456,19 +33551,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVDecAudioDualMonoReproMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVDecDDMatrixDecodingMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVDecDDMatrixDecodingMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVDecDDMatrixDecodingMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVDecDDMatrixDecodingMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVDecDDMatrixDecodingMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -37478,19 +33562,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVDecDDMatrixDecodingMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVDecDDOperationalMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVDecDDOperationalMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVDecDDOperationalMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVDecDDOperationalMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVDecDDOperationalMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -37500,19 +33573,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVDecDDOperationalMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVDecDDStereoDownMixMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVDecDDStereoDownMixMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVDecDDStereoDownMixMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVDecDDStereoDownMixMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVDecDDStereoDownMixMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -37522,19 +33584,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVDecDDStereoDownMixMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVDecHEAACDynamicRangeControl(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVDecHEAACDynamicRangeControl {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVDecHEAACDynamicRangeControl { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVDecHEAACDynamicRangeControl { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVDecHEAACDynamicRangeControl { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -37544,19 +33595,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVDecHEAACDynamicRangeControl { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVDecVideoCodecType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVDecVideoCodecType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVDecVideoCodecType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVDecVideoCodecType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVDecVideoCodecType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -37566,19 +33606,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVDecVideoCodecType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVDecVideoDXVABusEncryption(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVDecVideoDXVABusEncryption {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVDecVideoDXVABusEncryption { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVDecVideoDXVABusEncryption { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVDecVideoDXVABusEncryption { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -37588,19 +33617,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVDecVideoDXVABusEncryption { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVDecVideoDXVAMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVDecVideoDXVAMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVDecVideoDXVAMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVDecVideoDXVAMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVDecVideoDXVAMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -37610,19 +33628,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVDecVideoDXVAMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVDecVideoH264ErrorConcealment(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVDecVideoH264ErrorConcealment {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVDecVideoH264ErrorConcealment { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVDecVideoH264ErrorConcealment { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVDecVideoH264ErrorConcealment { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -37632,19 +33639,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVDecVideoH264ErrorConcealment { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVDecVideoInputScanType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVDecVideoInputScanType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVDecVideoInputScanType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVDecVideoInputScanType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVDecVideoInputScanType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -37654,19 +33650,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVDecVideoInputScanType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVDecVideoMPEG2ErrorConcealment(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVDecVideoMPEG2ErrorConcealment {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVDecVideoMPEG2ErrorConcealment { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVDecVideoMPEG2ErrorConcealment { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVDecVideoMPEG2ErrorConcealment { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -37676,19 +33661,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVDecVideoMPEG2ErrorConcealment { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVDecVideoSWPowerLevel(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVDecVideoSWPowerLevel {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVDecVideoSWPowerLevel { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVDecVideoSWPowerLevel { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVDecVideoSWPowerLevel { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -37698,19 +33672,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVDecVideoSWPowerLevel { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVDecVideoSoftwareDeinterlaceMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVDecVideoSoftwareDeinterlaceMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVDecVideoSoftwareDeinterlaceMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVDecVideoSoftwareDeinterlaceMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVDecVideoSoftwareDeinterlaceMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -37720,19 +33683,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVDecVideoSoftwareDeinterlaceMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVEncAV1PictureType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVEncAV1PictureType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVEncAV1PictureType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVEncAV1PictureType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVEncAV1PictureType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -37742,19 +33694,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVEncAV1PictureType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVEncAV1VLevel(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVEncAV1VLevel {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVEncAV1VLevel { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVEncAV1VLevel { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVEncAV1VLevel { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -37764,19 +33705,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVEncAV1VLevel { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVEncAV1VProfile(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVEncAV1VProfile {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVEncAV1VProfile { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVEncAV1VProfile { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVEncAV1VProfile { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -37786,19 +33716,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVEncAV1VProfile { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVEncAdaptiveMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVEncAdaptiveMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVEncAdaptiveMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVEncAdaptiveMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVEncAdaptiveMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -37808,19 +33727,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVEncAdaptiveMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVEncAudioDualMono(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVEncAudioDualMono {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVEncAudioDualMono { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVEncAudioDualMono { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVEncAudioDualMono { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -37830,19 +33738,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVEncAudioDualMono { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVEncAudioInputContent(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVEncAudioInputContent {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVEncAudioInputContent { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVEncAudioInputContent { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVEncAudioInputContent { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -37852,19 +33749,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVEncAudioInputContent { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVEncChromaEncodeMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVEncChromaEncodeMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVEncChromaEncodeMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVEncChromaEncodeMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVEncChromaEncodeMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -37874,19 +33760,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVEncChromaEncodeMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVEncCommonRateControlMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVEncCommonRateControlMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVEncCommonRateControlMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVEncCommonRateControlMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVEncCommonRateControlMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -37896,19 +33771,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVEncCommonRateControlMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVEncCommonStreamEndHandling(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVEncCommonStreamEndHandling {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVEncCommonStreamEndHandling { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVEncCommonStreamEndHandling { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVEncCommonStreamEndHandling { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -37918,19 +33782,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVEncCommonStreamEndHandling { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVEncDDAtoDConverterType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVEncDDAtoDConverterType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVEncDDAtoDConverterType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVEncDDAtoDConverterType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVEncDDAtoDConverterType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -37940,19 +33793,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVEncDDAtoDConverterType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVEncDDDynamicRangeCompressionControl(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVEncDDDynamicRangeCompressionControl {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVEncDDDynamicRangeCompressionControl { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVEncDDDynamicRangeCompressionControl { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVEncDDDynamicRangeCompressionControl { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -37962,19 +33804,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVEncDDDynamicRangeCompressionControl { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVEncDDHeadphoneMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVEncDDHeadphoneMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVEncDDHeadphoneMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVEncDDHeadphoneMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVEncDDHeadphoneMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -37984,19 +33815,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVEncDDHeadphoneMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVEncDDPreferredStereoDownMixMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVEncDDPreferredStereoDownMixMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVEncDDPreferredStereoDownMixMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVEncDDPreferredStereoDownMixMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVEncDDPreferredStereoDownMixMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38006,19 +33826,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVEncDDPreferredStereoDownMixMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVEncDDProductionRoomType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVEncDDProductionRoomType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVEncDDProductionRoomType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVEncDDProductionRoomType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVEncDDProductionRoomType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38028,41 +33837,19 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVEncDDProductionRoomType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVEncDDService(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVEncDDService {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVEncDDService { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVEncDDService { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVEncDDService { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVEncDDService { - fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::core::fmt::Result { - f.debug_tuple("eAVEncDDService").field(&self.0).finish() - } -} -#[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] -pub struct eAVEncDDSurroundExMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVEncDDSurroundExMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVEncDDSurroundExMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVEncDDSurroundExMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) + fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::core::fmt::Result { + f.debug_tuple("eAVEncDDService").field(&self.0).finish() } } +#[repr(transparent)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] +pub struct eAVEncDDSurroundExMode(pub i32); impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVEncDDSurroundExMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38072,19 +33859,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVEncDDSurroundExMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVEncH263PictureType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVEncH263PictureType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVEncH263PictureType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVEncH263PictureType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVEncH263PictureType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38094,19 +33870,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVEncH263PictureType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVEncH263VLevel(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVEncH263VLevel {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVEncH263VLevel { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVEncH263VLevel { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVEncH263VLevel { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38116,19 +33881,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVEncH263VLevel { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVEncH263VProfile(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVEncH263VProfile {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVEncH263VProfile { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVEncH263VProfile { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVEncH263VProfile { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38138,19 +33892,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVEncH263VProfile { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVEncH264PictureType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVEncH264PictureType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVEncH264PictureType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVEncH264PictureType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVEncH264PictureType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38160,19 +33903,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVEncH264PictureType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVEncH264VLevel(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVEncH264VLevel {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVEncH264VLevel { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVEncH264VLevel { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVEncH264VLevel { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38182,19 +33914,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVEncH264VLevel { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVEncH264VProfile(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVEncH264VProfile {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVEncH264VProfile { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVEncH264VProfile { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVEncH264VProfile { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38204,19 +33925,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVEncH264VProfile { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVEncH265VLevel(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVEncH265VLevel {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVEncH265VLevel { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVEncH265VLevel { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVEncH265VLevel { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38226,19 +33936,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVEncH265VLevel { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVEncH265VProfile(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVEncH265VProfile {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVEncH265VProfile { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVEncH265VProfile { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVEncH265VProfile { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38248,19 +33947,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVEncH265VProfile { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVEncInputVideoSystem(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVEncInputVideoSystem {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVEncInputVideoSystem { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVEncInputVideoSystem { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVEncInputVideoSystem { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38270,19 +33958,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVEncInputVideoSystem { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVEncMPACodingMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVEncMPACodingMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVEncMPACodingMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVEncMPACodingMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVEncMPACodingMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38292,19 +33969,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVEncMPACodingMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVEncMPAEmphasisType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVEncMPAEmphasisType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVEncMPAEmphasisType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVEncMPAEmphasisType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVEncMPAEmphasisType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38314,19 +33980,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVEncMPAEmphasisType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVEncMPALayer(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVEncMPALayer {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVEncMPALayer { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVEncMPALayer { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVEncMPALayer { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38336,19 +33991,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVEncMPALayer { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVEncMPVFrameFieldMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVEncMPVFrameFieldMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVEncMPVFrameFieldMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVEncMPVFrameFieldMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVEncMPVFrameFieldMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38358,19 +34002,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVEncMPVFrameFieldMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVEncMPVIntraVLCTable(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVEncMPVIntraVLCTable {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVEncMPVIntraVLCTable { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVEncMPVIntraVLCTable { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVEncMPVIntraVLCTable { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38380,19 +34013,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVEncMPVIntraVLCTable { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVEncMPVLevel(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVEncMPVLevel {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVEncMPVLevel { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVEncMPVLevel { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVEncMPVLevel { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38402,19 +34024,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVEncMPVLevel { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVEncMPVProfile(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVEncMPVProfile {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVEncMPVProfile { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVEncMPVProfile { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVEncMPVProfile { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38424,19 +34035,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVEncMPVProfile { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVEncMPVQScaleType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVEncMPVQScaleType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVEncMPVQScaleType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVEncMPVQScaleType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVEncMPVQScaleType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38446,19 +34046,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVEncMPVQScaleType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVEncMPVScanPattern(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVEncMPVScanPattern {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVEncMPVScanPattern { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVEncMPVScanPattern { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVEncMPVScanPattern { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38468,19 +34057,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVEncMPVScanPattern { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVEncMPVSceneDetection(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVEncMPVSceneDetection {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVEncMPVSceneDetection { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVEncMPVSceneDetection { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVEncMPVSceneDetection { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38490,19 +34068,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVEncMPVSceneDetection { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVEncMuxOutput(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVEncMuxOutput {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVEncMuxOutput { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVEncMuxOutput { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVEncMuxOutput { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38512,19 +34079,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVEncMuxOutput { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVEncVP9VProfile(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVEncVP9VProfile {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVEncVP9VProfile { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVEncVP9VProfile { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVEncVP9VProfile { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38534,19 +34090,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVEncVP9VProfile { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVEncVideoChromaResolution(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVEncVideoChromaResolution {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVEncVideoChromaResolution { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVEncVideoChromaResolution { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVEncVideoChromaResolution { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38556,19 +34101,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVEncVideoChromaResolution { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVEncVideoChromaSubsampling(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVEncVideoChromaSubsampling {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVEncVideoChromaSubsampling { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVEncVideoChromaSubsampling { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVEncVideoChromaSubsampling { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38578,19 +34112,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVEncVideoChromaSubsampling { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVEncVideoColorLighting(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVEncVideoColorLighting {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVEncVideoColorLighting { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVEncVideoColorLighting { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVEncVideoColorLighting { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38600,19 +34123,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVEncVideoColorLighting { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVEncVideoColorNominalRange(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVEncVideoColorNominalRange {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVEncVideoColorNominalRange { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVEncVideoColorNominalRange { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVEncVideoColorNominalRange { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38622,19 +34134,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVEncVideoColorNominalRange { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVEncVideoColorPrimaries(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVEncVideoColorPrimaries {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVEncVideoColorPrimaries { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVEncVideoColorPrimaries { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVEncVideoColorPrimaries { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38644,19 +34145,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVEncVideoColorPrimaries { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVEncVideoColorTransferFunction(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVEncVideoColorTransferFunction {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVEncVideoColorTransferFunction { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVEncVideoColorTransferFunction { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVEncVideoColorTransferFunction { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38666,19 +34156,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVEncVideoColorTransferFunction { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVEncVideoColorTransferMatrix(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVEncVideoColorTransferMatrix {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVEncVideoColorTransferMatrix { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVEncVideoColorTransferMatrix { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVEncVideoColorTransferMatrix { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38688,19 +34167,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVEncVideoColorTransferMatrix { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVEncVideoContentType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVEncVideoContentType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVEncVideoContentType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVEncVideoContentType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVEncVideoContentType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38710,19 +34178,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVEncVideoContentType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVEncVideoFilmContent(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVEncVideoFilmContent {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVEncVideoFilmContent { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVEncVideoFilmContent { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVEncVideoFilmContent { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38732,19 +34189,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVEncVideoFilmContent { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVEncVideoOutputFrameRateConversion(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVEncVideoOutputFrameRateConversion {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVEncVideoOutputFrameRateConversion { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVEncVideoOutputFrameRateConversion { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVEncVideoOutputFrameRateConversion { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38754,19 +34200,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVEncVideoOutputFrameRateConversion { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVEncVideoOutputScanType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVEncVideoOutputScanType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVEncVideoOutputScanType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVEncVideoOutputScanType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVEncVideoOutputScanType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38776,19 +34211,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVEncVideoOutputScanType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVEncVideoSourceScanType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVEncVideoSourceScanType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVEncVideoSourceScanType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVEncVideoSourceScanType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVEncVideoSourceScanType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38798,19 +34222,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVEncVideoSourceScanType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVFastDecodeMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVFastDecodeMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVFastDecodeMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVFastDecodeMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVFastDecodeMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38820,19 +34233,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVFastDecodeMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAVScenarioInfo(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAVScenarioInfo {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAVScenarioInfo { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAVScenarioInfo { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAVScenarioInfo { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38842,19 +34244,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAVScenarioInfo { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eVideoEncoderDisplayContentType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eVideoEncoderDisplayContentType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eVideoEncoderDisplayContentType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eVideoEncoderDisplayContentType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eVideoEncoderDisplayContentType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/MediaPlayer/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/MediaPlayer/ index 79e5b7da92..3bd0a0088f 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/MediaPlayer/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/MediaPlayer/ @@ -11075,19 +11075,8 @@ pub const wmpttDownload: WMPTransactionType = WMPTransactionType(1i32); pub const wmpttNoTransaction: WMPTransactionType = WMPTransactionType(0i32); pub const wmpttSync: WMPTaskType = WMPTaskType(2i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FEEDS_BACKGROUNDSYNC_ACTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FEEDS_BACKGROUNDSYNC_ACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FEEDS_BACKGROUNDSYNC_ACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FEEDS_BACKGROUNDSYNC_ACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FEEDS_BACKGROUNDSYNC_ACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11097,19 +11086,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FEEDS_BACKGROUNDSYNC_ACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FEEDS_BACKGROUNDSYNC_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FEEDS_BACKGROUNDSYNC_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FEEDS_BACKGROUNDSYNC_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FEEDS_BACKGROUNDSYNC_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FEEDS_BACKGROUNDSYNC_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11119,19 +11097,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FEEDS_BACKGROUNDSYNC_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FEEDS_DOWNLOAD_ERROR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FEEDS_DOWNLOAD_ERROR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FEEDS_DOWNLOAD_ERROR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FEEDS_DOWNLOAD_ERROR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FEEDS_DOWNLOAD_ERROR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11141,19 +11108,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FEEDS_DOWNLOAD_ERROR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FEEDS_DOWNLOAD_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FEEDS_DOWNLOAD_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FEEDS_DOWNLOAD_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FEEDS_DOWNLOAD_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FEEDS_DOWNLOAD_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11163,19 +11119,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FEEDS_DOWNLOAD_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FEEDS_ERROR_CODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FEEDS_ERROR_CODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FEEDS_ERROR_CODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FEEDS_ERROR_CODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FEEDS_ERROR_CODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11185,19 +11130,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FEEDS_ERROR_CODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FEEDS_EVENTS_ITEM_COUNT_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FEEDS_EVENTS_ITEM_COUNT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FEEDS_EVENTS_ITEM_COUNT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FEEDS_EVENTS_ITEM_COUNT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FEEDS_EVENTS_ITEM_COUNT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11207,19 +11141,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FEEDS_EVENTS_ITEM_COUNT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FEEDS_EVENTS_MASK(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FEEDS_EVENTS_MASK {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FEEDS_EVENTS_MASK { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FEEDS_EVENTS_MASK { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FEEDS_EVENTS_MASK { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11229,19 +11152,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FEEDS_EVENTS_MASK { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FEEDS_EVENTS_SCOPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FEEDS_EVENTS_SCOPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FEEDS_EVENTS_SCOPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FEEDS_EVENTS_SCOPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FEEDS_EVENTS_SCOPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11251,19 +11163,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FEEDS_EVENTS_SCOPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FEEDS_SYNC_SETTING(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FEEDS_SYNC_SETTING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FEEDS_SYNC_SETTING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FEEDS_SYNC_SETTING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FEEDS_SYNC_SETTING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11273,19 +11174,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FEEDS_SYNC_SETTING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FEEDS_XML_FILTER_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FEEDS_XML_FILTER_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FEEDS_XML_FILTER_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FEEDS_XML_FILTER_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FEEDS_XML_FILTER_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11295,19 +11185,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FEEDS_XML_FILTER_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FEEDS_XML_INCLUDE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FEEDS_XML_INCLUDE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FEEDS_XML_INCLUDE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FEEDS_XML_INCLUDE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FEEDS_XML_INCLUDE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11317,19 +11196,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FEEDS_XML_INCLUDE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FEEDS_XML_SORT_ORDER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FEEDS_XML_SORT_ORDER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FEEDS_XML_SORT_ORDER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FEEDS_XML_SORT_ORDER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FEEDS_XML_SORT_ORDER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11339,19 +11207,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FEEDS_XML_SORT_ORDER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FEEDS_XML_SORT_PROPERTY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FEEDS_XML_SORT_PROPERTY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FEEDS_XML_SORT_PROPERTY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FEEDS_XML_SORT_PROPERTY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FEEDS_XML_SORT_PROPERTY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11361,19 +11218,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FEEDS_XML_SORT_PROPERTY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PlayerState(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PlayerState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PlayerState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PlayerState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PlayerState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11383,19 +11229,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PlayerState { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMPAccountType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMPAccountType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMPAccountType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMPAccountType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMPAccountType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11405,19 +11240,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMPAccountType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMPBurnFormat(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMPBurnFormat {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMPBurnFormat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMPBurnFormat { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMPBurnFormat { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11427,19 +11251,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMPBurnFormat { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMPBurnState(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMPBurnState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMPBurnState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMPBurnState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMPBurnState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11449,19 +11262,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMPBurnState { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMPCallbackNotification(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMPCallbackNotification {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMPCallbackNotification { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMPCallbackNotification { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMPCallbackNotification { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11471,19 +11273,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMPCallbackNotification { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMPDeviceStatus(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMPDeviceStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMPDeviceStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMPDeviceStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMPDeviceStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11493,19 +11284,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMPDeviceStatus { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMPFolderScanState(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMPFolderScanState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMPFolderScanState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMPFolderScanState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMPFolderScanState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11515,19 +11295,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMPFolderScanState { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMPLibraryType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMPLibraryType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMPLibraryType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMPLibraryType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMPLibraryType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11537,19 +11306,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMPLibraryType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMPOpenState(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMPOpenState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMPOpenState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMPOpenState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMPOpenState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11559,19 +11317,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMPOpenState { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMPPartnerNotification(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMPPartnerNotification {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMPPartnerNotification { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMPPartnerNotification { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMPPartnerNotification { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11581,19 +11328,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMPPartnerNotification { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMPPlayState(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMPPlayState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMPPlayState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMPPlayState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMPPlayState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11603,19 +11339,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMPPlayState { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMPPlaylistChangeEventType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMPPlaylistChangeEventType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMPPlaylistChangeEventType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMPPlaylistChangeEventType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMPPlaylistChangeEventType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11625,19 +11350,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMPPlaylistChangeEventType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMPPlugin_Caps(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMPPlugin_Caps {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMPPlugin_Caps { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMPPlugin_Caps { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMPPlugin_Caps { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11647,19 +11361,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMPPlugin_Caps { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMPRipState(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMPRipState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMPRipState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMPRipState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMPRipState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11669,19 +11372,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMPRipState { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMPServices_StreamState(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMPServices_StreamState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMPServices_StreamState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMPServices_StreamState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMPServices_StreamState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11691,19 +11383,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMPServices_StreamState { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMPStreamingType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMPStreamingType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMPStreamingType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMPStreamingType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMPStreamingType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11713,19 +11394,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMPStreamingType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMPStringCollectionChangeEventType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMPStringCollectionChangeEventType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMPStringCollectionChangeEventType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMPStringCollectionChangeEventType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMPStringCollectionChangeEventType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11735,19 +11405,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMPStringCollectionChangeEventType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMPSubscriptionDownloadState(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMPSubscriptionDownloadState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMPSubscriptionDownloadState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMPSubscriptionDownloadState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMPSubscriptionDownloadState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11757,19 +11416,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMPSubscriptionDownloadState { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMPSubscriptionServiceEvent(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMPSubscriptionServiceEvent {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMPSubscriptionServiceEvent { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMPSubscriptionServiceEvent { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMPSubscriptionServiceEvent { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11779,19 +11427,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMPSubscriptionServiceEvent { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMPSyncState(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMPSyncState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMPSyncState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMPSyncState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMPSyncState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11801,19 +11438,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMPSyncState { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMPTaskType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMPTaskType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMPTaskType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMPTaskType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMPTaskType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11823,19 +11449,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMPTaskType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMPTemplateSize(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMPTemplateSize {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMPTemplateSize { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMPTemplateSize { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMPTemplateSize { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11845,19 +11460,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMPTemplateSize { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMPTransactionType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMPTransactionType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMPTransactionType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMPTransactionType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMPTransactionType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/PictureAcquisition/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/PictureAcquisition/ index daf237d831..ad193737c8 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/PictureAcquisition/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/PictureAcquisition/ @@ -872,19 +872,8 @@ pub const PhotoProgressDialog: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from pub const USER_INPUT_DEFAULT: USER_INPUT_STRING_TYPE = USER_INPUT_STRING_TYPE(0i32); pub const USER_INPUT_PATH_ELEMENT: USER_INPUT_STRING_TYPE = USER_INPUT_STRING_TYPE(1i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEVICE_SELECTION_DEVICE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEVICE_SELECTION_DEVICE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEVICE_SELECTION_DEVICE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEVICE_SELECTION_DEVICE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEVICE_SELECTION_DEVICE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -894,19 +883,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEVICE_SELECTION_DEVICE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ERROR_ADVISE_MESSAGE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ERROR_ADVISE_MESSAGE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ERROR_ADVISE_MESSAGE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ERROR_ADVISE_MESSAGE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ERROR_ADVISE_MESSAGE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -916,19 +894,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ERROR_ADVISE_MESSAGE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ERROR_ADVISE_RESULT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ERROR_ADVISE_RESULT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ERROR_ADVISE_RESULT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ERROR_ADVISE_RESULT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ERROR_ADVISE_RESULT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -938,19 +905,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ERROR_ADVISE_RESULT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROGRESS_DIALOG_CHECKBOX_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROGRESS_DIALOG_CHECKBOX_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROGRESS_DIALOG_CHECKBOX_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROGRESS_DIALOG_CHECKBOX_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROGRESS_DIALOG_CHECKBOX_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -960,19 +916,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PROGRESS_DIALOG_CHECKBOX_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROGRESS_DIALOG_IMAGE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROGRESS_DIALOG_IMAGE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROGRESS_DIALOG_IMAGE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROGRESS_DIALOG_IMAGE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROGRESS_DIALOG_IMAGE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -982,19 +927,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PROGRESS_DIALOG_IMAGE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct USER_INPUT_STRING_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for USER_INPUT_STRING_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for USER_INPUT_STRING_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for USER_INPUT_STRING_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for USER_INPUT_STRING_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/Speech/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/Speech/ index 304c79164f..1ce2d2a9d2 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/Speech/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/Speech/ @@ -8891,19 +8891,8 @@ pub const ePRONFLAG_USED: SPPRONUNCIATIONFLAGS = SPPRONUNCIATIONFLAGS(1i32); pub const eWORDTYPE_ADDED: SPWORDTYPE = SPWORDTYPE(1i32); pub const eWORDTYPE_DELETED: SPWORDTYPE = SPWORDTYPE(2i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPIDSPRG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPIDSPRG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPIDSPRG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPIDSPRG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPIDSPRG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8913,19 +8902,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPIDSPRG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPIDSPTSI(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPIDSPTSI {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPIDSPTSI { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPIDSPTSI { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPIDSPTSI { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8935,19 +8913,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPIDSPTSI { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_SpeechAudio(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_SpeechAudio {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_SpeechAudio { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_SpeechAudio { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_SpeechAudio { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8957,19 +8924,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_SpeechAudio { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_SpeechAudioBufferInfo(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_SpeechAudioBufferInfo {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_SpeechAudioBufferInfo { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_SpeechAudioBufferInfo { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_SpeechAudioBufferInfo { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8979,19 +8935,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_SpeechAudioBufferInfo { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_SpeechAudioFormat(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_SpeechAudioFormat {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_SpeechAudioFormat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_SpeechAudioFormat { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_SpeechAudioFormat { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9001,19 +8946,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_SpeechAudioFormat { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_SpeechAudioStatus(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_SpeechAudioStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_SpeechAudioStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_SpeechAudioStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_SpeechAudioStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9023,19 +8957,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_SpeechAudioStatus { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_SpeechBaseStream(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_SpeechBaseStream {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_SpeechBaseStream { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_SpeechBaseStream { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_SpeechBaseStream { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9045,19 +8968,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_SpeechBaseStream { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_SpeechCustomStream(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_SpeechCustomStream {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_SpeechCustomStream { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_SpeechCustomStream { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_SpeechCustomStream { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9067,19 +8979,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_SpeechCustomStream { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_SpeechDataKey(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_SpeechDataKey {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_SpeechDataKey { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_SpeechDataKey { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_SpeechDataKey { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9089,19 +8990,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_SpeechDataKey { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_SpeechFileStream(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_SpeechFileStream {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_SpeechFileStream { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_SpeechFileStream { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_SpeechFileStream { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9111,19 +9001,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_SpeechFileStream { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_SpeechGrammarRule(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_SpeechGrammarRule {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_SpeechGrammarRule { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_SpeechGrammarRule { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_SpeechGrammarRule { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9133,19 +9012,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_SpeechGrammarRule { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_SpeechGrammarRuleState(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_SpeechGrammarRuleState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_SpeechGrammarRuleState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_SpeechGrammarRuleState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_SpeechGrammarRuleState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9155,19 +9023,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_SpeechGrammarRuleState { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_SpeechGrammarRuleStateTransition(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_SpeechGrammarRuleStateTransition {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_SpeechGrammarRuleStateTransition { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_SpeechGrammarRuleStateTransition { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_SpeechGrammarRuleStateTransition { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9177,19 +9034,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_SpeechGrammarRuleStateTransition { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_SpeechGrammarRuleStateTransitions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_SpeechGrammarRuleStateTransitions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_SpeechGrammarRuleStateTransitions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_SpeechGrammarRuleStateTransitions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_SpeechGrammarRuleStateTransitions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9199,19 +9045,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_SpeechGrammarRuleStateTransitions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_SpeechGrammarRules(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_SpeechGrammarRules {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_SpeechGrammarRules { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_SpeechGrammarRules { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_SpeechGrammarRules { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9221,19 +9056,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_SpeechGrammarRules { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_SpeechLexicon(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_SpeechLexicon {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_SpeechLexicon { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_SpeechLexicon { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_SpeechLexicon { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9243,19 +9067,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_SpeechLexicon { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_SpeechLexiconProns(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_SpeechLexiconProns {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_SpeechLexiconProns { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_SpeechLexiconProns { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_SpeechLexiconProns { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9265,19 +9078,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_SpeechLexiconProns { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_SpeechLexiconPronunciation(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_SpeechLexiconPronunciation {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_SpeechLexiconPronunciation { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_SpeechLexiconPronunciation { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_SpeechLexiconPronunciation { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9287,19 +9089,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_SpeechLexiconPronunciation { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_SpeechLexiconWord(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_SpeechLexiconWord {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_SpeechLexiconWord { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_SpeechLexiconWord { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_SpeechLexiconWord { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9309,19 +9100,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_SpeechLexiconWord { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_SpeechLexiconWords(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_SpeechLexiconWords {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_SpeechLexiconWords { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_SpeechLexiconWords { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_SpeechLexiconWords { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9331,19 +9111,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_SpeechLexiconWords { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_SpeechMMSysAudio(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_SpeechMMSysAudio {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_SpeechMMSysAudio { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_SpeechMMSysAudio { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_SpeechMMSysAudio { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9353,19 +9122,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_SpeechMMSysAudio { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_SpeechMemoryStream(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_SpeechMemoryStream {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_SpeechMemoryStream { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_SpeechMemoryStream { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_SpeechMemoryStream { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9375,19 +9133,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_SpeechMemoryStream { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_SpeechObjectToken(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_SpeechObjectToken {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_SpeechObjectToken { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_SpeechObjectToken { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_SpeechObjectToken { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9397,19 +9144,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_SpeechObjectToken { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_SpeechObjectTokenCategory(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_SpeechObjectTokenCategory {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_SpeechObjectTokenCategory { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_SpeechObjectTokenCategory { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_SpeechObjectTokenCategory { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9419,19 +9155,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_SpeechObjectTokenCategory { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_SpeechObjectTokens(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_SpeechObjectTokens {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_SpeechObjectTokens { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_SpeechObjectTokens { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_SpeechObjectTokens { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9441,19 +9166,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_SpeechObjectTokens { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_SpeechPhoneConverter(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_SpeechPhoneConverter {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_SpeechPhoneConverter { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_SpeechPhoneConverter { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_SpeechPhoneConverter { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9463,19 +9177,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_SpeechPhoneConverter { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_SpeechPhraseAlternate(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_SpeechPhraseAlternate {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_SpeechPhraseAlternate { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_SpeechPhraseAlternate { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_SpeechPhraseAlternate { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9485,19 +9188,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_SpeechPhraseAlternate { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_SpeechPhraseAlternates(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_SpeechPhraseAlternates {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_SpeechPhraseAlternates { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_SpeechPhraseAlternates { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_SpeechPhraseAlternates { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9507,19 +9199,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_SpeechPhraseAlternates { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_SpeechPhraseBuilder(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_SpeechPhraseBuilder {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_SpeechPhraseBuilder { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_SpeechPhraseBuilder { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_SpeechPhraseBuilder { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9529,19 +9210,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_SpeechPhraseBuilder { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_SpeechPhraseElement(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_SpeechPhraseElement {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_SpeechPhraseElement { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_SpeechPhraseElement { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_SpeechPhraseElement { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9551,19 +9221,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_SpeechPhraseElement { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_SpeechPhraseElements(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_SpeechPhraseElements {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_SpeechPhraseElements { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_SpeechPhraseElements { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_SpeechPhraseElements { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9573,19 +9232,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_SpeechPhraseElements { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_SpeechPhraseInfo(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_SpeechPhraseInfo {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_SpeechPhraseInfo { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_SpeechPhraseInfo { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_SpeechPhraseInfo { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9595,19 +9243,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_SpeechPhraseInfo { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_SpeechPhraseProperties(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_SpeechPhraseProperties {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_SpeechPhraseProperties { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_SpeechPhraseProperties { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_SpeechPhraseProperties { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9617,19 +9254,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_SpeechPhraseProperties { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_SpeechPhraseProperty(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_SpeechPhraseProperty {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_SpeechPhraseProperty { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_SpeechPhraseProperty { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_SpeechPhraseProperty { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9639,19 +9265,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_SpeechPhraseProperty { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_SpeechPhraseReplacement(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_SpeechPhraseReplacement {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_SpeechPhraseReplacement { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_SpeechPhraseReplacement { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_SpeechPhraseReplacement { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9661,19 +9276,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_SpeechPhraseReplacement { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_SpeechPhraseReplacements(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_SpeechPhraseReplacements {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_SpeechPhraseReplacements { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_SpeechPhraseReplacements { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_SpeechPhraseReplacements { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9683,19 +9287,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_SpeechPhraseReplacements { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_SpeechPhraseRule(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_SpeechPhraseRule {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_SpeechPhraseRule { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_SpeechPhraseRule { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_SpeechPhraseRule { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9705,19 +9298,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_SpeechPhraseRule { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_SpeechPhraseRules(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_SpeechPhraseRules {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_SpeechPhraseRules { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_SpeechPhraseRules { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_SpeechPhraseRules { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9727,19 +9309,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_SpeechPhraseRules { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_SpeechRecoContext(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_SpeechRecoContext {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_SpeechRecoContext { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_SpeechRecoContext { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_SpeechRecoContext { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9749,19 +9320,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_SpeechRecoContext { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_SpeechRecoContextEvents(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_SpeechRecoContextEvents {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_SpeechRecoContextEvents { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_SpeechRecoContextEvents { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_SpeechRecoContextEvents { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9771,19 +9331,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_SpeechRecoContextEvents { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_SpeechRecoResult(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_SpeechRecoResult {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_SpeechRecoResult { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_SpeechRecoResult { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_SpeechRecoResult { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9793,19 +9342,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_SpeechRecoResult { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_SpeechRecoResult2(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_SpeechRecoResult2 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_SpeechRecoResult2 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_SpeechRecoResult2 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_SpeechRecoResult2 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9815,19 +9353,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_SpeechRecoResult2 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_SpeechRecoResultTimes(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_SpeechRecoResultTimes {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_SpeechRecoResultTimes { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_SpeechRecoResultTimes { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_SpeechRecoResultTimes { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9837,19 +9364,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_SpeechRecoResultTimes { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_SpeechRecognizer(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_SpeechRecognizer {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_SpeechRecognizer { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_SpeechRecognizer { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_SpeechRecognizer { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9859,19 +9375,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_SpeechRecognizer { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_SpeechRecognizerStatus(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_SpeechRecognizerStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_SpeechRecognizerStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_SpeechRecognizerStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_SpeechRecognizerStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9881,19 +9386,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_SpeechRecognizerStatus { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_SpeechVoice(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_SpeechVoice {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_SpeechVoice { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_SpeechVoice { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_SpeechVoice { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9903,19 +9397,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_SpeechVoice { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_SpeechVoiceEvent(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_SpeechVoiceEvent {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_SpeechVoiceEvent { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_SpeechVoiceEvent { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_SpeechVoiceEvent { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9925,19 +9408,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_SpeechVoiceEvent { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_SpeechVoiceStatus(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_SpeechVoiceStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_SpeechVoiceStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_SpeechVoiceStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_SpeechVoiceStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9947,19 +9419,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_SpeechVoiceStatus { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_SpeechWaveFormatEx(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_SpeechWaveFormatEx {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_SpeechWaveFormatEx { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_SpeechWaveFormatEx { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_SpeechWaveFormatEx { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9969,19 +9430,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_SpeechWaveFormatEx { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_SpeechXMLRecoResult(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_SpeechXMLRecoResult {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_SpeechXMLRecoResult { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_SpeechXMLRecoResult { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_SpeechXMLRecoResult { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9991,19 +9441,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_SpeechXMLRecoResult { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PHONETICALPHABET(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PHONETICALPHABET {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PHONETICALPHABET { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PHONETICALPHABET { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PHONETICALPHABET { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10013,19 +9452,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PHONETICALPHABET { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SPADAPTATIONRELEVANCE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SPADAPTATIONRELEVANCE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SPADAPTATIONRELEVANCE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SPADAPTATIONRELEVANCE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SPADAPTATIONRELEVANCE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10035,19 +9463,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SPADAPTATIONRELEVANCE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SPADAPTATIONSETTINGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SPADAPTATIONSETTINGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SPADAPTATIONSETTINGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SPADAPTATIONSETTINGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SPADAPTATIONSETTINGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10057,19 +9474,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SPADAPTATIONSETTINGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SPAUDIOOPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SPAUDIOOPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SPAUDIOOPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SPAUDIOOPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SPAUDIOOPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10079,19 +9485,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SPAUDIOOPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SPAUDIOSTATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SPAUDIOSTATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SPAUDIOSTATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SPAUDIOSTATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SPAUDIOSTATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10101,19 +9496,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SPAUDIOSTATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SPBOOKMARKOPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SPBOOKMARKOPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SPBOOKMARKOPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SPBOOKMARKOPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SPBOOKMARKOPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10123,19 +9507,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SPBOOKMARKOPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SPCFGRULEATTRIBUTES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SPCFGRULEATTRIBUTES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SPCFGRULEATTRIBUTES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SPCFGRULEATTRIBUTES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SPCFGRULEATTRIBUTES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10145,19 +9518,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SPCFGRULEATTRIBUTES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SPCOMMITFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SPCOMMITFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SPCOMMITFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SPCOMMITFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SPCOMMITFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10167,19 +9529,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SPCOMMITFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SPCONTEXTSTATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SPCONTEXTSTATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SPCONTEXTSTATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SPCONTEXTSTATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SPCONTEXTSTATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10189,19 +9540,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SPCONTEXTSTATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SPDATAKEYLOCATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SPDATAKEYLOCATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SPDATAKEYLOCATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SPDATAKEYLOCATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SPDATAKEYLOCATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10211,19 +9551,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SPDATAKEYLOCATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SPDISPLAYATTRIBUTES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SPDISPLAYATTRIBUTES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SPDISPLAYATTRIBUTES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SPDISPLAYATTRIBUTES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SPDISPLAYATTRIBUTES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10233,19 +9562,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SPDISPLAYATTRIBUTES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SPEAKFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SPEAKFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SPEAKFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SPEAKFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SPEAKFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10255,19 +9573,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SPEAKFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SPENDSRSTREAMFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SPENDSRSTREAMFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SPENDSRSTREAMFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SPENDSRSTREAMFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SPENDSRSTREAMFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10277,19 +9584,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SPENDSRSTREAMFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SPEVENTENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SPEVENTENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SPEVENTENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SPEVENTENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SPEVENTENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10299,19 +9595,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SPEVENTENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SPEVENTLPARAMTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SPEVENTLPARAMTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SPEVENTLPARAMTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SPEVENTLPARAMTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SPEVENTLPARAMTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10321,19 +9606,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SPEVENTLPARAMTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SPFILEMODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SPFILEMODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SPFILEMODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SPFILEMODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SPFILEMODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10343,19 +9617,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SPFILEMODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SPGRAMMAROPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SPGRAMMAROPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SPGRAMMAROPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SPGRAMMAROPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SPGRAMMAROPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10365,19 +9628,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SPGRAMMAROPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SPGRAMMARSTATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SPGRAMMARSTATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SPGRAMMARSTATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SPGRAMMARSTATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SPGRAMMARSTATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10387,19 +9639,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SPGRAMMARSTATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SPGRAMMARWORDTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SPGRAMMARWORDTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SPGRAMMARWORDTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SPGRAMMARWORDTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SPGRAMMARWORDTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10409,19 +9650,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SPGRAMMARWORDTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SPINTERFERENCE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SPINTERFERENCE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SPINTERFERENCE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SPINTERFERENCE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SPINTERFERENCE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10431,19 +9661,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SPINTERFERENCE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SPLEXICONTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SPLEXICONTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SPLEXICONTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SPLEXICONTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SPLEXICONTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10453,19 +9672,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SPLEXICONTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SPLOADOPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SPLOADOPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SPLOADOPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SPLOADOPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SPLOADOPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10475,19 +9683,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SPLOADOPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SPMATCHINGMODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SPMATCHINGMODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SPMATCHINGMODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SPMATCHINGMODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SPMATCHINGMODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10497,19 +9694,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SPMATCHINGMODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SPPARTOFSPEECH(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SPPARTOFSPEECH {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SPPARTOFSPEECH { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SPPARTOFSPEECH { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SPPARTOFSPEECH { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10519,19 +9705,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SPPARTOFSPEECH { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SPPHRASEPROPERTYUNIONTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SPPHRASEPROPERTYUNIONTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SPPHRASEPROPERTYUNIONTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SPPHRASEPROPERTYUNIONTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SPPHRASEPROPERTYUNIONTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10541,19 +9716,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SPPHRASEPROPERTYUNIONTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SPPHRASERNG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SPPHRASERNG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SPPHRASERNG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SPPHRASERNG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SPPHRASERNG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10563,19 +9727,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SPPHRASERNG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SPPRONUNCIATIONFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SPPRONUNCIATIONFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SPPRONUNCIATIONFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SPPRONUNCIATIONFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SPPRONUNCIATIONFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10585,19 +9738,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SPPRONUNCIATIONFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SPRECOEVENTFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SPRECOEVENTFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SPRECOEVENTFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SPRECOEVENTFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SPRECOEVENTFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10607,19 +9749,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SPRECOEVENTFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SPRECOSTATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SPRECOSTATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SPRECOSTATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SPRECOSTATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SPRECOSTATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10629,19 +9760,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SPRECOSTATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SPRULESTATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SPRULESTATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SPRULESTATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SPRULESTATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SPRULESTATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10651,19 +9771,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SPRULESTATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SPRUNSTATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SPRUNSTATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SPRUNSTATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SPRUNSTATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SPRUNSTATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10673,19 +9782,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SPRUNSTATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SPSEMANTICFORMAT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SPSEMANTICFORMAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SPSEMANTICFORMAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SPSEMANTICFORMAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SPSEMANTICFORMAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10695,19 +9793,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SPSEMANTICFORMAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SPSHORTCUTTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SPSHORTCUTTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SPSHORTCUTTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SPSHORTCUTTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SPSHORTCUTTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10717,19 +9804,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SPSHORTCUTTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SPSTREAMFORMAT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SPSTREAMFORMAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SPSTREAMFORMAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SPSTREAMFORMAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SPSTREAMFORMAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10739,19 +9815,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SPSTREAMFORMAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SPSTREAMFORMATTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SPSTREAMFORMATTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SPSTREAMFORMATTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SPSTREAMFORMATTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SPSTREAMFORMATTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10761,19 +9826,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SPSTREAMFORMATTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SPVACTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SPVACTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SPVACTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SPVACTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SPVACTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10783,19 +9837,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SPVACTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SPVALUETYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SPVALUETYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SPVALUETYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SPVALUETYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SPVALUETYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10805,19 +9848,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SPVALUETYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SPVFEATURE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SPVFEATURE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SPVFEATURE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SPVFEATURE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SPVFEATURE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10827,19 +9859,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SPVFEATURE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SPVISEMES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SPVISEMES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SPVISEMES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SPVISEMES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SPVISEMES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10849,19 +9870,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SPVISEMES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SPVLIMITS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SPVLIMITS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SPVLIMITS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SPVLIMITS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SPVLIMITS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10871,19 +9881,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SPVLIMITS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SPVPRIORITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SPVPRIORITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SPVPRIORITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SPVPRIORITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SPVPRIORITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10893,19 +9892,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SPVPRIORITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SPWORDPRONOUNCEABLE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SPWORDPRONOUNCEABLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SPWORDPRONOUNCEABLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SPWORDPRONOUNCEABLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SPWORDPRONOUNCEABLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10915,19 +9903,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SPWORDPRONOUNCEABLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SPWORDTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SPWORDTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SPWORDTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SPWORDTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SPWORDTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10937,19 +9914,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SPWORDTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SPXMLRESULTOPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SPXMLRESULTOPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SPXMLRESULTOPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SPXMLRESULTOPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SPXMLRESULTOPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10959,19 +9925,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SPXMLRESULTOPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpeechAudioFormatType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpeechAudioFormatType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpeechAudioFormatType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpeechAudioFormatType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpeechAudioFormatType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10981,19 +9936,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SpeechAudioFormatType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpeechAudioState(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpeechAudioState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpeechAudioState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpeechAudioState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpeechAudioState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11003,19 +9947,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SpeechAudioState { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpeechBookmarkOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpeechBookmarkOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpeechBookmarkOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpeechBookmarkOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpeechBookmarkOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11025,19 +9958,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SpeechBookmarkOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpeechDataKeyLocation(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpeechDataKeyLocation {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpeechDataKeyLocation { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpeechDataKeyLocation { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpeechDataKeyLocation { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11047,19 +9969,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SpeechDataKeyLocation { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpeechDiscardType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpeechDiscardType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpeechDiscardType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpeechDiscardType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpeechDiscardType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11069,19 +9980,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SpeechDiscardType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpeechDisplayAttributes(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpeechDisplayAttributes {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpeechDisplayAttributes { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpeechDisplayAttributes { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpeechDisplayAttributes { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11091,19 +9991,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SpeechDisplayAttributes { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpeechEmulationCompareFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpeechEmulationCompareFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpeechEmulationCompareFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpeechEmulationCompareFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpeechEmulationCompareFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11113,19 +10002,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SpeechEmulationCompareFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpeechEngineConfidence(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpeechEngineConfidence {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpeechEngineConfidence { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpeechEngineConfidence { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpeechEngineConfidence { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11135,19 +10013,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SpeechEngineConfidence { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpeechFormatType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpeechFormatType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpeechFormatType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpeechFormatType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpeechFormatType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11157,19 +10024,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SpeechFormatType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpeechGrammarRuleStateTransitionType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpeechGrammarRuleStateTransitionType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpeechGrammarRuleStateTransitionType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpeechGrammarRuleStateTransitionType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpeechGrammarRuleStateTransitionType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11179,19 +10035,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SpeechGrammarRuleStateTransitionType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpeechGrammarState(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpeechGrammarState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpeechGrammarState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpeechGrammarState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpeechGrammarState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11201,19 +10046,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SpeechGrammarState { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpeechGrammarWordType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpeechGrammarWordType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpeechGrammarWordType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpeechGrammarWordType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpeechGrammarWordType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11223,19 +10057,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SpeechGrammarWordType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpeechInterference(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpeechInterference {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpeechInterference { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpeechInterference { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpeechInterference { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11245,19 +10068,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SpeechInterference { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpeechLexiconType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpeechLexiconType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpeechLexiconType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpeechLexiconType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpeechLexiconType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11267,19 +10079,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SpeechLexiconType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpeechLoadOption(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpeechLoadOption {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpeechLoadOption { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpeechLoadOption { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpeechLoadOption { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11289,19 +10090,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SpeechLoadOption { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpeechPartOfSpeech(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpeechPartOfSpeech {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpeechPartOfSpeech { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpeechPartOfSpeech { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpeechPartOfSpeech { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11311,19 +10101,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SpeechPartOfSpeech { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpeechRecoContextState(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpeechRecoContextState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpeechRecoContextState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpeechRecoContextState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpeechRecoContextState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11333,19 +10112,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SpeechRecoContextState { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpeechRecoEvents(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpeechRecoEvents {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpeechRecoEvents { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpeechRecoEvents { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpeechRecoEvents { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11355,19 +10123,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SpeechRecoEvents { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpeechRecognitionType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpeechRecognitionType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpeechRecognitionType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpeechRecognitionType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpeechRecognitionType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11377,19 +10134,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SpeechRecognitionType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpeechRecognizerState(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpeechRecognizerState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpeechRecognizerState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpeechRecognizerState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpeechRecognizerState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11399,19 +10145,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SpeechRecognizerState { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpeechRetainedAudioOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpeechRetainedAudioOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpeechRetainedAudioOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpeechRetainedAudioOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpeechRetainedAudioOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11421,19 +10156,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SpeechRetainedAudioOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpeechRuleAttributes(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpeechRuleAttributes {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpeechRuleAttributes { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpeechRuleAttributes { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpeechRuleAttributes { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11443,19 +10167,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SpeechRuleAttributes { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpeechRuleState(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpeechRuleState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpeechRuleState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpeechRuleState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpeechRuleState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11465,19 +10178,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SpeechRuleState { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpeechRunState(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpeechRunState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpeechRunState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpeechRunState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpeechRunState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11487,19 +10189,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SpeechRunState { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpeechSpecialTransitionType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpeechSpecialTransitionType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpeechSpecialTransitionType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpeechSpecialTransitionType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpeechSpecialTransitionType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11509,19 +10200,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SpeechSpecialTransitionType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpeechStreamFileMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpeechStreamFileMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpeechStreamFileMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpeechStreamFileMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpeechStreamFileMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11531,19 +10211,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SpeechStreamFileMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpeechStreamSeekPositionType(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpeechStreamSeekPositionType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpeechStreamSeekPositionType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpeechStreamSeekPositionType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpeechStreamSeekPositionType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11553,19 +10222,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SpeechStreamSeekPositionType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpeechTokenContext(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpeechTokenContext {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpeechTokenContext { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpeechTokenContext { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpeechTokenContext { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11575,19 +10233,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SpeechTokenContext { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpeechTokenShellFolder(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpeechTokenShellFolder {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpeechTokenShellFolder { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpeechTokenShellFolder { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpeechTokenShellFolder { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11597,19 +10244,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SpeechTokenShellFolder { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpeechVisemeFeature(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpeechVisemeFeature {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpeechVisemeFeature { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpeechVisemeFeature { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpeechVisemeFeature { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11619,19 +10255,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SpeechVisemeFeature { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpeechVisemeType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpeechVisemeType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpeechVisemeType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpeechVisemeType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpeechVisemeType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11641,19 +10266,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SpeechVisemeType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpeechVoiceEvents(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpeechVoiceEvents {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpeechVoiceEvents { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpeechVoiceEvents { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpeechVoiceEvents { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11663,19 +10277,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SpeechVoiceEvents { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpeechVoicePriority(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpeechVoicePriority {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpeechVoicePriority { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpeechVoicePriority { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpeechVoicePriority { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11685,19 +10288,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SpeechVoicePriority { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpeechVoiceSpeakFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpeechVoiceSpeakFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpeechVoiceSpeakFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpeechVoiceSpeakFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpeechVoiceSpeakFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11707,19 +10299,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SpeechVoiceSpeakFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpeechWordPronounceable(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpeechWordPronounceable {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpeechWordPronounceable { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpeechWordPronounceable { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpeechWordPronounceable { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11729,19 +10310,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SpeechWordPronounceable { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SpeechWordType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SpeechWordType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SpeechWordType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SpeechWordType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SpeechWordType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/Streaming/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/Streaming/ index 455168b0c3..2a5168f627 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/Streaming/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/Streaming/ @@ -46,19 +46,8 @@ pub const MF_TRANSFER_VIDEO_FRAME_DEFAULT: MF_TRANSFER_VIDEO_FRAME_FLAGS = MF_TR pub const MF_TRANSFER_VIDEO_FRAME_IGNORE_PAR: MF_TRANSFER_VIDEO_FRAME_FLAGS = MF_TRANSFER_VIDEO_FRAME_FLAGS(2i32); pub const MF_TRANSFER_VIDEO_FRAME_STRETCH: MF_TRANSFER_VIDEO_FRAME_FLAGS = MF_TRANSFER_VIDEO_FRAME_FLAGS(1i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_MEDIASOURCE_STATUS_INFO(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_MEDIASOURCE_STATUS_INFO {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_MEDIASOURCE_STATUS_INFO { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_MEDIASOURCE_STATUS_INFO { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_MEDIASOURCE_STATUS_INFO { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -68,19 +57,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MF_MEDIASOURCE_STATUS_INFO { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MF_TRANSFER_VIDEO_FRAME_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MF_TRANSFER_VIDEO_FRAME_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MF_TRANSFER_VIDEO_FRAME_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MF_TRANSFER_VIDEO_FRAME_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MF_TRANSFER_VIDEO_FRAME_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/WindowsMediaFormat/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/WindowsMediaFormat/ index 218f107fcf..cccb8f780b 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/WindowsMediaFormat/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/WindowsMediaFormat/ @@ -7249,19 +7249,8 @@ pub const g_wszWMYear: ::windows_core::PCWSTR = ::windows_core::w!("WM/Year"); pub const g_wszWatermarkCLSID: ::windows_core::PCWSTR = ::windows_core::w!("WatermarkCLSID"); pub const g_wszWatermarkConfig: ::windows_core::PCWSTR = ::windows_core::w!("WatermarkConfig"); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NETSOURCE_URLCREDPOLICY_SETTINGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NETSOURCE_URLCREDPOLICY_SETTINGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NETSOURCE_URLCREDPOLICY_SETTINGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NETSOURCE_URLCREDPOLICY_SETTINGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NETSOURCE_URLCREDPOLICY_SETTINGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7271,19 +7260,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NETSOURCE_URLCREDPOLICY_SETTINGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WEBSTREAM_SAMPLE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WEBSTREAM_SAMPLE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WEBSTREAM_SAMPLE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WEBSTREAM_SAMPLE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WEBSTREAM_SAMPLE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7293,19 +7271,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WEBSTREAM_SAMPLE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMT_ATTR_DATATYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMT_ATTR_DATATYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMT_ATTR_DATATYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMT_ATTR_DATATYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMT_ATTR_DATATYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7315,19 +7282,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMT_ATTR_DATATYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMT_ATTR_IMAGETYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMT_ATTR_IMAGETYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMT_ATTR_IMAGETYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMT_ATTR_IMAGETYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMT_ATTR_IMAGETYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7337,19 +7293,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMT_ATTR_IMAGETYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMT_CODEC_INFO_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMT_CODEC_INFO_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMT_CODEC_INFO_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMT_CODEC_INFO_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMT_CODEC_INFO_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7359,19 +7304,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMT_CODEC_INFO_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMT_CREDENTIAL_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMT_CREDENTIAL_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMT_CREDENTIAL_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMT_CREDENTIAL_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMT_CREDENTIAL_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7381,19 +7315,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMT_CREDENTIAL_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMT_DRMLA_TRUST(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMT_DRMLA_TRUST {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMT_DRMLA_TRUST { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMT_DRMLA_TRUST { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMT_DRMLA_TRUST { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7403,19 +7326,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMT_DRMLA_TRUST { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMT_FILESINK_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMT_FILESINK_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMT_FILESINK_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMT_FILESINK_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMT_FILESINK_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7425,19 +7337,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMT_FILESINK_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMT_IMAGE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMT_IMAGE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMT_IMAGE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMT_IMAGE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMT_IMAGE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7447,19 +7348,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMT_IMAGE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMT_INDEXER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMT_INDEXER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMT_INDEXER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMT_INDEXER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMT_INDEXER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7469,19 +7359,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMT_INDEXER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMT_INDEX_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMT_INDEX_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMT_INDEX_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMT_INDEX_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMT_INDEX_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7491,19 +7370,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMT_INDEX_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMT_MUSICSPEECH_CLASS_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMT_MUSICSPEECH_CLASS_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMT_MUSICSPEECH_CLASS_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMT_MUSICSPEECH_CLASS_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMT_MUSICSPEECH_CLASS_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7513,19 +7381,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMT_MUSICSPEECH_CLASS_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMT_NET_PROTOCOL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMT_NET_PROTOCOL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMT_NET_PROTOCOL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMT_NET_PROTOCOL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMT_NET_PROTOCOL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7535,19 +7392,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMT_NET_PROTOCOL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMT_OFFSET_FORMAT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMT_OFFSET_FORMAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMT_OFFSET_FORMAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMT_OFFSET_FORMAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMT_OFFSET_FORMAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7557,19 +7403,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMT_OFFSET_FORMAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMT_PLAY_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMT_PLAY_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMT_PLAY_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMT_PLAY_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMT_PLAY_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7579,19 +7414,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMT_PLAY_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMT_PROXY_SETTINGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMT_PROXY_SETTINGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMT_PROXY_SETTINGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMT_PROXY_SETTINGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMT_PROXY_SETTINGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7601,19 +7425,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMT_PROXY_SETTINGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMT_RIGHTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMT_RIGHTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMT_RIGHTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMT_RIGHTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMT_RIGHTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7623,19 +7436,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMT_RIGHTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMT_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMT_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMT_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMT_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMT_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7645,19 +7447,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMT_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMT_STORAGE_FORMAT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMT_STORAGE_FORMAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMT_STORAGE_FORMAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMT_STORAGE_FORMAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMT_STORAGE_FORMAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7667,19 +7458,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMT_STORAGE_FORMAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMT_STREAM_SELECTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMT_STREAM_SELECTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMT_STREAM_SELECTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMT_STREAM_SELECTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMT_STREAM_SELECTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7689,19 +7469,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMT_STREAM_SELECTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMT_TIMECODE_FRAMERATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMT_TIMECODE_FRAMERATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMT_TIMECODE_FRAMERATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMT_TIMECODE_FRAMERATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMT_TIMECODE_FRAMERATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7711,19 +7480,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMT_TIMECODE_FRAMERATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMT_TRANSPORT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMT_TRANSPORT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMT_TRANSPORT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMT_TRANSPORT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMT_TRANSPORT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7733,19 +7491,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMT_TRANSPORT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMT_VERSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMT_VERSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMT_VERSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMT_VERSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMT_VERSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7755,19 +7502,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMT_VERSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMT_WATERMARK_ENTRY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMT_WATERMARK_ENTRY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMT_WATERMARK_ENTRY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMT_WATERMARK_ENTRY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMT_WATERMARK_ENTRY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7777,19 +7513,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMT_WATERMARK_ENTRY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WM_AETYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WM_AETYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WM_AETYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WM_AETYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WM_AETYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7799,19 +7524,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WM_AETYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WM_DM_INTERLACED_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WM_DM_INTERLACED_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WM_DM_INTERLACED_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WM_DM_INTERLACED_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WM_DM_INTERLACED_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7821,19 +7535,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WM_DM_INTERLACED_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WM_DM_IT_FIRST_FRAME_COHERENCY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WM_DM_IT_FIRST_FRAME_COHERENCY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WM_DM_IT_FIRST_FRAME_COHERENCY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WM_DM_IT_FIRST_FRAME_COHERENCY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WM_DM_IT_FIRST_FRAME_COHERENCY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7843,19 +7546,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WM_DM_IT_FIRST_FRAME_COHERENCY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WM_PLAYBACK_DRC_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WM_PLAYBACK_DRC_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WM_PLAYBACK_DRC_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WM_PLAYBACK_DRC_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WM_PLAYBACK_DRC_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7865,19 +7557,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WM_PLAYBACK_DRC_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WM_SFEX_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WM_SFEX_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WM_SFEX_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WM_SFEX_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WM_SFEX_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7887,19 +7568,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WM_SFEX_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WM_SF_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WM_SF_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WM_SF_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WM_SF_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WM_SF_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7909,19 +7579,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WM_SF_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _AM_ASFWRITERCONFIG_PARAM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _AM_ASFWRITERCONFIG_PARAM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _AM_ASFWRITERCONFIG_PARAM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _AM_ASFWRITERCONFIG_PARAM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _AM_ASFWRITERCONFIG_PARAM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/ index 1589400b0f..f035b88d4d 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Media/ @@ -283,19 +283,8 @@ pub const TIME_SMPTE: u32 = 8u32; pub const TIME_TICKS: u32 = 32u32; pub const WAVERR_BASE: u32 = 32u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TIMECODE_SAMPLE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TIMECODE_SAMPLE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TIMECODE_SAMPLE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TIMECODE_SAMPLE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TIMECODE_SAMPLE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/Dhcp/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/Dhcp/ index fc1b4b92d7..23198e3b36 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/Dhcp/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/Dhcp/ @@ -2114,19 +2114,8 @@ pub const V5_ADDRESS_STATE_DOOM: u32 = 3u32; pub const V5_ADDRESS_STATE_OFFERED: u32 = 0u32; pub const WARNING_EXTENDED_LESS: i32 = 20026i32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DHCPV6_STATELESS_PARAM_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DHCPV6_STATELESS_PARAM_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DHCPV6_STATELESS_PARAM_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DHCPV6_STATELESS_PARAM_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DHCPV6_STATELESS_PARAM_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2136,19 +2125,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DHCPV6_STATELESS_PARAM_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DHCP_FAILOVER_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DHCP_FAILOVER_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DHCP_FAILOVER_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DHCP_FAILOVER_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DHCP_FAILOVER_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2158,19 +2136,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DHCP_FAILOVER_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DHCP_FAILOVER_SERVER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DHCP_FAILOVER_SERVER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DHCP_FAILOVER_SERVER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DHCP_FAILOVER_SERVER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DHCP_FAILOVER_SERVER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2180,19 +2147,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DHCP_FAILOVER_SERVER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DHCP_FILTER_LIST_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DHCP_FILTER_LIST_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DHCP_FILTER_LIST_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DHCP_FILTER_LIST_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DHCP_FILTER_LIST_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2202,19 +2158,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DHCP_FILTER_LIST_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DHCP_FORCE_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DHCP_FORCE_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DHCP_FORCE_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DHCP_FORCE_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DHCP_FORCE_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2224,19 +2169,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DHCP_FORCE_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DHCP_OPTION_DATA_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DHCP_OPTION_DATA_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DHCP_OPTION_DATA_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DHCP_OPTION_DATA_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DHCP_OPTION_DATA_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2246,19 +2180,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DHCP_OPTION_DATA_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DHCP_OPTION_SCOPE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DHCP_OPTION_SCOPE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DHCP_OPTION_SCOPE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DHCP_OPTION_SCOPE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DHCP_OPTION_SCOPE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2268,19 +2191,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DHCP_OPTION_SCOPE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DHCP_OPTION_SCOPE_TYPE6(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DHCP_OPTION_SCOPE_TYPE6 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DHCP_OPTION_SCOPE_TYPE6 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DHCP_OPTION_SCOPE_TYPE6 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DHCP_OPTION_SCOPE_TYPE6 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2290,19 +2202,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DHCP_OPTION_SCOPE_TYPE6 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DHCP_OPTION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DHCP_OPTION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DHCP_OPTION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DHCP_OPTION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DHCP_OPTION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2312,19 +2213,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DHCP_OPTION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DHCP_POLICY_FIELDS_TO_UPDATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DHCP_POLICY_FIELDS_TO_UPDATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DHCP_POLICY_FIELDS_TO_UPDATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DHCP_POLICY_FIELDS_TO_UPDATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DHCP_POLICY_FIELDS_TO_UPDATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2334,19 +2224,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DHCP_POLICY_FIELDS_TO_UPDATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DHCP_POL_ATTR_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DHCP_POL_ATTR_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DHCP_POL_ATTR_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DHCP_POL_ATTR_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DHCP_POL_ATTR_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2356,19 +2235,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DHCP_POL_ATTR_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DHCP_POL_COMPARATOR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DHCP_POL_COMPARATOR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DHCP_POL_COMPARATOR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DHCP_POL_COMPARATOR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DHCP_POL_COMPARATOR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2378,19 +2246,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DHCP_POL_COMPARATOR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DHCP_POL_LOGIC_OPER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DHCP_POL_LOGIC_OPER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DHCP_POL_LOGIC_OPER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DHCP_POL_LOGIC_OPER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DHCP_POL_LOGIC_OPER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2400,19 +2257,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DHCP_POL_LOGIC_OPER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DHCP_PROPERTY_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DHCP_PROPERTY_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DHCP_PROPERTY_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DHCP_PROPERTY_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DHCP_PROPERTY_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2422,19 +2268,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DHCP_PROPERTY_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DHCP_PROPERTY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DHCP_PROPERTY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DHCP_PROPERTY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DHCP_PROPERTY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DHCP_PROPERTY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2444,19 +2279,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DHCP_PROPERTY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DHCP_SCAN_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DHCP_SCAN_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DHCP_SCAN_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DHCP_SCAN_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DHCP_SCAN_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2466,19 +2290,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DHCP_SCAN_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DHCP_SEARCH_INFO_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DHCP_SEARCH_INFO_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DHCP_SEARCH_INFO_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DHCP_SEARCH_INFO_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DHCP_SEARCH_INFO_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2488,19 +2301,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DHCP_SEARCH_INFO_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DHCP_SEARCH_INFO_TYPE_V6(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DHCP_SEARCH_INFO_TYPE_V6 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DHCP_SEARCH_INFO_TYPE_V6 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DHCP_SEARCH_INFO_TYPE_V6 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DHCP_SEARCH_INFO_TYPE_V6 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2510,19 +2312,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DHCP_SEARCH_INFO_TYPE_V6 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DHCP_SUBNET_ELEMENT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DHCP_SUBNET_ELEMENT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DHCP_SUBNET_ELEMENT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DHCP_SUBNET_ELEMENT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DHCP_SUBNET_ELEMENT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2532,19 +2323,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DHCP_SUBNET_ELEMENT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DHCP_SUBNET_ELEMENT_TYPE_V6(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DHCP_SUBNET_ELEMENT_TYPE_V6 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DHCP_SUBNET_ELEMENT_TYPE_V6 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DHCP_SUBNET_ELEMENT_TYPE_V6 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DHCP_SUBNET_ELEMENT_TYPE_V6 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2554,19 +2334,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DHCP_SUBNET_ELEMENT_TYPE_V6 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DHCP_SUBNET_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DHCP_SUBNET_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DHCP_SUBNET_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DHCP_SUBNET_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DHCP_SUBNET_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2576,19 +2345,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DHCP_SUBNET_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FSM_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FSM_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FSM_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FSM_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FSM_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2598,19 +2356,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FSM_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct QuarantineStatus(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for QuarantineStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for QuarantineStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for QuarantineStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for QuarantineStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2620,19 +2367,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for QuarantineStatus { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct StatusCode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for StatusCode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for StatusCode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for StatusCode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for StatusCode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/Dns/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/Dns/ index 28bae39e9e..068de403bf 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/Dns/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/Dns/ @@ -782,19 +782,8 @@ pub const TAG_DNS_CONNECTION_POLICY_TAG_CONNECTION_MANAGER: DNS_CONNECTION_POLIC pub const TAG_DNS_CONNECTION_POLICY_TAG_DEFAULT: DNS_CONNECTION_POLICY_TAG = DNS_CONNECTION_POLICY_TAG(0i32); pub const TAG_DNS_CONNECTION_POLICY_TAG_WWWPT: DNS_CONNECTION_POLICY_TAG = DNS_CONNECTION_POLICY_TAG(2i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DNS_CHARSET(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DNS_CHARSET {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DNS_CHARSET { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DNS_CHARSET { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DNS_CHARSET { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -804,19 +793,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DNS_CHARSET { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DNS_CONFIG_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DNS_CONFIG_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DNS_CONFIG_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DNS_CONFIG_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DNS_CONFIG_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -826,19 +804,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DNS_CONFIG_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DNS_CONNECTION_POLICY_TAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DNS_CONNECTION_POLICY_TAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DNS_CONNECTION_POLICY_TAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DNS_CONNECTION_POLICY_TAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DNS_CONNECTION_POLICY_TAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -848,19 +815,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DNS_CONNECTION_POLICY_TAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DNS_CONNECTION_PROXY_INFO_SWITCH(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DNS_CONNECTION_PROXY_INFO_SWITCH {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DNS_CONNECTION_PROXY_INFO_SWITCH { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DNS_CONNECTION_PROXY_INFO_SWITCH { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DNS_CONNECTION_PROXY_INFO_SWITCH { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -870,19 +826,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DNS_CONNECTION_PROXY_INFO_SWITCH { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DNS_CONNECTION_PROXY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DNS_CONNECTION_PROXY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DNS_CONNECTION_PROXY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DNS_CONNECTION_PROXY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DNS_CONNECTION_PROXY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -892,19 +837,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DNS_CONNECTION_PROXY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DNS_FREE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DNS_FREE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DNS_FREE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DNS_FREE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DNS_FREE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -914,19 +848,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DNS_FREE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DNS_NAME_FORMAT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DNS_NAME_FORMAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DNS_NAME_FORMAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DNS_NAME_FORMAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DNS_NAME_FORMAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -936,19 +859,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DNS_NAME_FORMAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DNS_PROXY_INFORMATION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DNS_PROXY_INFORMATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DNS_PROXY_INFORMATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DNS_PROXY_INFORMATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DNS_PROXY_INFORMATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -958,19 +870,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DNS_PROXY_INFORMATION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DNS_QUERY_OPTIONS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DNS_QUERY_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DNS_QUERY_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DNS_QUERY_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DNS_QUERY_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1013,19 +914,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DNS_QUERY_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DNS_SECTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DNS_SECTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DNS_SECTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DNS_SECTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DNS_SECTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1035,19 +925,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DNS_SECTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DNS_SVCB_PARAM_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DNS_SVCB_PARAM_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DNS_SVCB_PARAM_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DNS_SVCB_PARAM_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DNS_SVCB_PARAM_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1057,19 +936,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DNS_SVCB_PARAM_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DNS_TYPE(pub u16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DNS_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DNS_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DNS_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DNS_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/IpHelper/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/IpHelper/ index bd00ba2545..20fb1200db 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/IpHelper/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/IpHelper/ @@ -1923,19 +1923,8 @@ pub const UDP_TABLE_BASIC: UDP_TABLE_CLASS = UDP_TABLE_CLASS(0i32); pub const UDP_TABLE_OWNER_MODULE: UDP_TABLE_CLASS = UDP_TABLE_CLASS(2i32); pub const UDP_TABLE_OWNER_PID: UDP_TABLE_CLASS = UDP_TABLE_CLASS(1i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DNS_SERVER_PROPERTY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DNS_SERVER_PROPERTY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DNS_SERVER_PROPERTY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DNS_SERVER_PROPERTY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DNS_SERVER_PROPERTY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1945,19 +1934,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DNS_SERVER_PROPERTY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GET_ADAPTERS_ADDRESSES_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GET_ADAPTERS_ADDRESSES_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GET_ADAPTERS_ADDRESSES_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GET_ADAPTERS_ADDRESSES_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GET_ADAPTERS_ADDRESSES_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2000,19 +1978,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for GET_ADAPTERS_ADDRESSES_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GLOBAL_FILTER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GLOBAL_FILTER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GLOBAL_FILTER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GLOBAL_FILTER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GLOBAL_FILTER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2022,19 +1989,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GLOBAL_FILTER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ICMP4_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ICMP4_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ICMP4_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ICMP4_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ICMP4_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2044,19 +2000,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ICMP4_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ICMP6_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ICMP6_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ICMP6_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ICMP6_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ICMP6_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2066,19 +2011,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ICMP6_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IF_ACCESS_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IF_ACCESS_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IF_ACCESS_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IF_ACCESS_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IF_ACCESS_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2088,19 +2022,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IF_ACCESS_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct INTERNAL_IF_OPER_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for INTERNAL_IF_OPER_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for INTERNAL_IF_OPER_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for INTERNAL_IF_OPER_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for INTERNAL_IF_OPER_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2110,19 +2033,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for INTERNAL_IF_OPER_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MIB_IF_ENTRY_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MIB_IF_ENTRY_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MIB_IF_ENTRY_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MIB_IF_ENTRY_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MIB_IF_ENTRY_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2132,19 +2044,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MIB_IF_ENTRY_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MIB_IF_TABLE_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MIB_IF_TABLE_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MIB_IF_TABLE_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MIB_IF_TABLE_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MIB_IF_TABLE_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2154,19 +2055,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MIB_IF_TABLE_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MIB_IPFORWARD_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MIB_IPFORWARD_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MIB_IPFORWARD_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MIB_IPFORWARD_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MIB_IPFORWARD_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2176,19 +2066,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MIB_IPFORWARD_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MIB_IPNET_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MIB_IPNET_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MIB_IPNET_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MIB_IPNET_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MIB_IPNET_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2198,19 +2077,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MIB_IPNET_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MIB_IPSTATS_FORWARDING(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MIB_IPSTATS_FORWARDING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MIB_IPSTATS_FORWARDING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MIB_IPSTATS_FORWARDING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MIB_IPSTATS_FORWARDING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2220,19 +2088,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MIB_IPSTATS_FORWARDING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MIB_NOTIFICATION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MIB_NOTIFICATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MIB_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MIB_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MIB_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2242,19 +2099,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MIB_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MIB_TCP_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MIB_TCP_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MIB_TCP_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MIB_TCP_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MIB_TCP_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2264,19 +2110,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MIB_TCP_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NET_ADDRESS_FORMAT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NET_ADDRESS_FORMAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NET_ADDRESS_FORMAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NET_ADDRESS_FORMAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NET_ADDRESS_FORMAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2286,19 +2121,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NET_ADDRESS_FORMAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PFADDRESSTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PFADDRESSTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PFADDRESSTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PFADDRESSTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PFADDRESSTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2308,19 +2132,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PFADDRESSTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PFFORWARD_ACTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PFFORWARD_ACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PFFORWARD_ACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PFFORWARD_ACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PFFORWARD_ACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2330,19 +2143,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PFFORWARD_ACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PFFRAMETYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PFFRAMETYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PFFRAMETYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PFFRAMETYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PFFRAMETYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2352,19 +2154,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PFFRAMETYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TCPIP_OWNER_MODULE_INFO_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TCPIP_OWNER_MODULE_INFO_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TCPIP_OWNER_MODULE_INFO_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TCPIP_OWNER_MODULE_INFO_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TCPIP_OWNER_MODULE_INFO_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2374,19 +2165,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TCPIP_OWNER_MODULE_INFO_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TCP_BOOLEAN_OPTIONAL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TCP_BOOLEAN_OPTIONAL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TCP_BOOLEAN_OPTIONAL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TCP_BOOLEAN_OPTIONAL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TCP_BOOLEAN_OPTIONAL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2396,19 +2176,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TCP_BOOLEAN_OPTIONAL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TCP_CONNECTION_OFFLOAD_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TCP_CONNECTION_OFFLOAD_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TCP_CONNECTION_OFFLOAD_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TCP_CONNECTION_OFFLOAD_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TCP_CONNECTION_OFFLOAD_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2418,19 +2187,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TCP_CONNECTION_OFFLOAD_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TCP_ESTATS_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TCP_ESTATS_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TCP_ESTATS_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TCP_ESTATS_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TCP_ESTATS_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2440,19 +2198,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TCP_ESTATS_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TCP_RTO_ALGORITHM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TCP_RTO_ALGORITHM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TCP_RTO_ALGORITHM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TCP_RTO_ALGORITHM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TCP_RTO_ALGORITHM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2462,19 +2209,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TCP_RTO_ALGORITHM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TCP_SOFT_ERROR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TCP_SOFT_ERROR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TCP_SOFT_ERROR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TCP_SOFT_ERROR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TCP_SOFT_ERROR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2484,19 +2220,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TCP_SOFT_ERROR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TCP_TABLE_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TCP_TABLE_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TCP_TABLE_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TCP_TABLE_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TCP_TABLE_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2506,19 +2231,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TCP_TABLE_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UDP_TABLE_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UDP_TABLE_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UDP_TABLE_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UDP_TABLE_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UDP_TABLE_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/MobileBroadband/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/MobileBroadband/ index 0daa61a19b..302ed20e57 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/MobileBroadband/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/MobileBroadband/ @@ -2123,19 +2123,8 @@ pub const MbnConnectionProfileManager: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GU pub const MbnDeviceServicesManager: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0x2269daa3_2a9f_4165_a501_ce00a6f7a75b); pub const MbnInterfaceManager: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0xbdfee05b_4418_11dd_90ed_001c257ccff1); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MBN_ACTIVATION_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MBN_ACTIVATION_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MBN_ACTIVATION_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MBN_ACTIVATION_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MBN_ACTIVATION_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2145,19 +2134,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MBN_ACTIVATION_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MBN_AUTH_PROTOCOL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MBN_AUTH_PROTOCOL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MBN_AUTH_PROTOCOL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MBN_AUTH_PROTOCOL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MBN_AUTH_PROTOCOL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2167,19 +2145,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MBN_AUTH_PROTOCOL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MBN_BAND_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MBN_BAND_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MBN_BAND_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MBN_BAND_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MBN_BAND_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2189,19 +2156,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MBN_BAND_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MBN_CELLULAR_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MBN_CELLULAR_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MBN_CELLULAR_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MBN_CELLULAR_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MBN_CELLULAR_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2211,19 +2167,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MBN_CELLULAR_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MBN_COMPRESSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MBN_COMPRESSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MBN_COMPRESSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MBN_COMPRESSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MBN_COMPRESSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2233,19 +2178,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MBN_COMPRESSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MBN_CONNECTION_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MBN_CONNECTION_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MBN_CONNECTION_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MBN_CONNECTION_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MBN_CONNECTION_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2255,19 +2189,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MBN_CONNECTION_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MBN_CONTEXT_CONSTANTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MBN_CONTEXT_CONSTANTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MBN_CONTEXT_CONSTANTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MBN_CONTEXT_CONSTANTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MBN_CONTEXT_CONSTANTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2277,19 +2200,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MBN_CONTEXT_CONSTANTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MBN_CONTEXT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MBN_CONTEXT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MBN_CONTEXT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MBN_CONTEXT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MBN_CONTEXT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2299,19 +2211,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MBN_CONTEXT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MBN_CTRL_CAPS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MBN_CTRL_CAPS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MBN_CTRL_CAPS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MBN_CTRL_CAPS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MBN_CTRL_CAPS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2321,19 +2222,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MBN_CTRL_CAPS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MBN_DATA_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MBN_DATA_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MBN_DATA_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MBN_DATA_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MBN_DATA_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2343,19 +2233,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MBN_DATA_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MBN_DEVICE_SERVICES_INTERFACE_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MBN_DEVICE_SERVICES_INTERFACE_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MBN_DEVICE_SERVICES_INTERFACE_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MBN_DEVICE_SERVICES_INTERFACE_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MBN_DEVICE_SERVICES_INTERFACE_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2365,19 +2244,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MBN_DEVICE_SERVICES_INTERFACE_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MBN_DEVICE_SERVICE_SESSIONS_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MBN_DEVICE_SERVICE_SESSIONS_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MBN_DEVICE_SERVICE_SESSIONS_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MBN_DEVICE_SERVICE_SESSIONS_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MBN_DEVICE_SERVICE_SESSIONS_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2387,19 +2255,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MBN_DEVICE_SERVICE_SESSIONS_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MBN_INTERFACE_CAPS_CONSTANTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MBN_INTERFACE_CAPS_CONSTANTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MBN_INTERFACE_CAPS_CONSTANTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MBN_INTERFACE_CAPS_CONSTANTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MBN_INTERFACE_CAPS_CONSTANTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2409,19 +2266,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MBN_INTERFACE_CAPS_CONSTANTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MBN_MSG_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MBN_MSG_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MBN_MSG_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MBN_MSG_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MBN_MSG_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2431,19 +2277,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MBN_MSG_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MBN_PIN_CONSTANTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MBN_PIN_CONSTANTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MBN_PIN_CONSTANTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MBN_PIN_CONSTANTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MBN_PIN_CONSTANTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2453,19 +2288,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MBN_PIN_CONSTANTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MBN_PIN_FORMAT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MBN_PIN_FORMAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MBN_PIN_FORMAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MBN_PIN_FORMAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MBN_PIN_FORMAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2475,19 +2299,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MBN_PIN_FORMAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MBN_PIN_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MBN_PIN_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MBN_PIN_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MBN_PIN_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MBN_PIN_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2497,19 +2310,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MBN_PIN_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MBN_PIN_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MBN_PIN_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MBN_PIN_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MBN_PIN_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MBN_PIN_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2519,19 +2321,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MBN_PIN_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MBN_PIN_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MBN_PIN_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MBN_PIN_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MBN_PIN_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MBN_PIN_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2541,19 +2332,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MBN_PIN_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MBN_PROVIDER_CONSTANTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MBN_PROVIDER_CONSTANTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MBN_PROVIDER_CONSTANTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MBN_PROVIDER_CONSTANTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MBN_PROVIDER_CONSTANTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2563,19 +2343,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MBN_PROVIDER_CONSTANTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MBN_PROVIDER_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MBN_PROVIDER_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MBN_PROVIDER_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MBN_PROVIDER_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MBN_PROVIDER_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2585,19 +2354,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MBN_PROVIDER_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MBN_RADIO(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MBN_RADIO {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MBN_RADIO { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MBN_RADIO { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MBN_RADIO { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2607,19 +2365,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MBN_RADIO { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MBN_READY_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MBN_READY_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MBN_READY_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MBN_READY_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MBN_READY_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2629,19 +2376,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MBN_READY_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MBN_REGISTER_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MBN_REGISTER_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MBN_REGISTER_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MBN_REGISTER_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MBN_REGISTER_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2651,19 +2387,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MBN_REGISTER_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MBN_REGISTER_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MBN_REGISTER_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MBN_REGISTER_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MBN_REGISTER_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MBN_REGISTER_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2673,19 +2398,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MBN_REGISTER_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MBN_REGISTRATION_CONSTANTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MBN_REGISTRATION_CONSTANTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MBN_REGISTRATION_CONSTANTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MBN_REGISTRATION_CONSTANTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MBN_REGISTRATION_CONSTANTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2695,19 +2409,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MBN_REGISTRATION_CONSTANTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MBN_SIGNAL_CONSTANTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MBN_SIGNAL_CONSTANTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MBN_SIGNAL_CONSTANTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MBN_SIGNAL_CONSTANTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MBN_SIGNAL_CONSTANTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2717,19 +2420,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MBN_SIGNAL_CONSTANTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MBN_SMS_CAPS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MBN_SMS_CAPS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MBN_SMS_CAPS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MBN_SMS_CAPS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MBN_SMS_CAPS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2739,19 +2431,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MBN_SMS_CAPS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MBN_SMS_CDMA_ENCODING(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MBN_SMS_CDMA_ENCODING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MBN_SMS_CDMA_ENCODING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MBN_SMS_CDMA_ENCODING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MBN_SMS_CDMA_ENCODING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2761,19 +2442,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MBN_SMS_CDMA_ENCODING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MBN_SMS_CDMA_LANG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MBN_SMS_CDMA_LANG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MBN_SMS_CDMA_LANG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MBN_SMS_CDMA_LANG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MBN_SMS_CDMA_LANG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2783,19 +2453,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MBN_SMS_CDMA_LANG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MBN_SMS_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MBN_SMS_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MBN_SMS_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MBN_SMS_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MBN_SMS_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2805,19 +2464,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MBN_SMS_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MBN_SMS_FORMAT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MBN_SMS_FORMAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MBN_SMS_FORMAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MBN_SMS_FORMAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MBN_SMS_FORMAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2827,19 +2475,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MBN_SMS_FORMAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MBN_SMS_STATUS_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MBN_SMS_STATUS_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MBN_SMS_STATUS_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MBN_SMS_STATUS_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MBN_SMS_STATUS_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2849,19 +2486,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MBN_SMS_STATUS_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MBN_VOICE_CALL_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MBN_VOICE_CALL_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MBN_VOICE_CALL_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MBN_VOICE_CALL_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MBN_VOICE_CALL_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2871,19 +2497,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MBN_VOICE_CALL_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MBN_VOICE_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MBN_VOICE_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MBN_VOICE_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MBN_VOICE_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MBN_VOICE_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2893,19 +2508,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MBN_VOICE_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WWAEXT_SMS_CONSTANTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WWAEXT_SMS_CONSTANTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WWAEXT_SMS_CONSTANTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WWAEXT_SMS_CONSTANTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WWAEXT_SMS_CONSTANTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/Ndis/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/Ndis/ index adda81118a..b41024f363 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/Ndis/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/Ndis/ @@ -2136,19 +2136,8 @@ pub const fNDIS_GUID_TO_OID: u32 = 1u32; pub const fNDIS_GUID_TO_STATUS: u32 = 2u32; pub const fNDIS_GUID_UNICODE_STRING: u32 = 8u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IF_ADMINISTRATIVE_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IF_ADMINISTRATIVE_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IF_ADMINISTRATIVE_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IF_ADMINISTRATIVE_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IF_ADMINISTRATIVE_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2158,19 +2147,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IF_ADMINISTRATIVE_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IF_OPER_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IF_OPER_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IF_OPER_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IF_OPER_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IF_OPER_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2180,19 +2158,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IF_OPER_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_802_11_AUTHENTICATION_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_802_11_AUTHENTICATION_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_802_11_AUTHENTICATION_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_802_11_AUTHENTICATION_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_802_11_AUTHENTICATION_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2202,19 +2169,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_802_11_AUTHENTICATION_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_802_11_MEDIA_STREAM_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_802_11_MEDIA_STREAM_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_802_11_MEDIA_STREAM_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_802_11_MEDIA_STREAM_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_802_11_MEDIA_STREAM_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2224,19 +2180,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_802_11_MEDIA_STREAM_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_802_11_NETWORK_INFRASTRUCTURE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_802_11_NETWORK_INFRASTRUCTURE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_802_11_NETWORK_INFRASTRUCTURE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_802_11_NETWORK_INFRASTRUCTURE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_802_11_NETWORK_INFRASTRUCTURE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2246,19 +2191,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_802_11_NETWORK_INFRASTRUCTURE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_802_11_NETWORK_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_802_11_NETWORK_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_802_11_NETWORK_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_802_11_NETWORK_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_802_11_NETWORK_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2268,19 +2202,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_802_11_NETWORK_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_802_11_POWER_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_802_11_POWER_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_802_11_POWER_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_802_11_POWER_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_802_11_POWER_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2290,19 +2213,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_802_11_POWER_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_802_11_PRIVACY_FILTER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_802_11_PRIVACY_FILTER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_802_11_PRIVACY_FILTER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_802_11_PRIVACY_FILTER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_802_11_PRIVACY_FILTER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2312,19 +2224,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_802_11_PRIVACY_FILTER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_802_11_RADIO_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_802_11_RADIO_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_802_11_RADIO_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_802_11_RADIO_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_802_11_RADIO_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2334,19 +2235,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_802_11_RADIO_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_802_11_RELOAD_DEFAULTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_802_11_RELOAD_DEFAULTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_802_11_RELOAD_DEFAULTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_802_11_RELOAD_DEFAULTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_802_11_RELOAD_DEFAULTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2356,19 +2246,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_802_11_RELOAD_DEFAULTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_802_11_STATUS_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_802_11_STATUS_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_802_11_STATUS_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_802_11_STATUS_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_802_11_STATUS_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2378,19 +2257,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_802_11_STATUS_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_802_11_WEP_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_802_11_WEP_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_802_11_WEP_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_802_11_WEP_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_802_11_WEP_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2400,19 +2268,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_802_11_WEP_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_802_5_RING_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_802_5_RING_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_802_5_RING_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_802_5_RING_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_802_5_RING_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2422,19 +2279,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_802_5_RING_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_DEVICE_POWER_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_DEVICE_POWER_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_DEVICE_POWER_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_DEVICE_POWER_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_DEVICE_POWER_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2444,19 +2290,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_DEVICE_POWER_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_FDDI_ATTACHMENT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_FDDI_ATTACHMENT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_FDDI_ATTACHMENT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_FDDI_ATTACHMENT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_FDDI_ATTACHMENT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2466,19 +2301,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_FDDI_ATTACHMENT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_FDDI_LCONNECTION_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_FDDI_LCONNECTION_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_FDDI_LCONNECTION_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_FDDI_LCONNECTION_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_FDDI_LCONNECTION_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2488,19 +2312,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_FDDI_LCONNECTION_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_FDDI_RING_MGT_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_FDDI_RING_MGT_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_FDDI_RING_MGT_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_FDDI_RING_MGT_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_FDDI_RING_MGT_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2510,19 +2323,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_FDDI_RING_MGT_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_HARDWARE_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_HARDWARE_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_HARDWARE_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_HARDWARE_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_HARDWARE_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2532,19 +2334,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_HARDWARE_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_INTERRUPT_MODERATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_INTERRUPT_MODERATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_INTERRUPT_MODERATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_INTERRUPT_MODERATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_INTERRUPT_MODERATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2554,19 +2345,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_INTERRUPT_MODERATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_MEDIA_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_MEDIA_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_MEDIA_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_MEDIA_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_MEDIA_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2576,19 +2356,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_MEDIA_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_MEDIUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_MEDIUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_MEDIUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_MEDIUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_MEDIUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2598,19 +2367,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_MEDIUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_NETWORK_CHANGE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_NETWORK_CHANGE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_NETWORK_CHANGE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_NETWORK_CHANGE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_NETWORK_CHANGE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2620,19 +2378,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_NETWORK_CHANGE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_PHYSICAL_MEDIUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_PHYSICAL_MEDIUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_PHYSICAL_MEDIUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_PHYSICAL_MEDIUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_PHYSICAL_MEDIUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2642,19 +2389,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_PHYSICAL_MEDIUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_PORT_AUTHORIZATION_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_PORT_AUTHORIZATION_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_PORT_AUTHORIZATION_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_PORT_AUTHORIZATION_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_PORT_AUTHORIZATION_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2664,19 +2400,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_PORT_AUTHORIZATION_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_PORT_CONTROL_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_PORT_CONTROL_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_PORT_CONTROL_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_PORT_CONTROL_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_PORT_CONTROL_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2686,19 +2411,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_PORT_CONTROL_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_PORT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_PORT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_PORT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_PORT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_PORT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2708,19 +2422,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_PORT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_PROCESSOR_VENDOR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_PROCESSOR_VENDOR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_PROCESSOR_VENDOR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_PROCESSOR_VENDOR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_PROCESSOR_VENDOR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2730,19 +2433,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_PROCESSOR_VENDOR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_REQUEST_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_REQUEST_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_REQUEST_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_REQUEST_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_REQUEST_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2752,19 +2444,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_REQUEST_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_SUPPORTED_PAUSE_FUNCTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_SUPPORTED_PAUSE_FUNCTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_SUPPORTED_PAUSE_FUNCTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_SUPPORTED_PAUSE_FUNCTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_SUPPORTED_PAUSE_FUNCTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2774,19 +2455,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_SUPPORTED_PAUSE_FUNCTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_WAN_HEADER_FORMAT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_WAN_HEADER_FORMAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_WAN_HEADER_FORMAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_WAN_HEADER_FORMAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_WAN_HEADER_FORMAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2796,19 +2466,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_WAN_HEADER_FORMAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_WAN_MEDIUM_SUBTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_WAN_MEDIUM_SUBTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_WAN_MEDIUM_SUBTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_WAN_MEDIUM_SUBTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_WAN_MEDIUM_SUBTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2818,19 +2477,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_WAN_MEDIUM_SUBTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDIS_WAN_QUALITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDIS_WAN_QUALITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDIS_WAN_QUALITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDIS_WAN_QUALITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDIS_WAN_QUALITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2840,19 +2488,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDIS_WAN_QUALITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NDK_RDMA_TECHNOLOGY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NDK_RDMA_TECHNOLOGY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NDK_RDMA_TECHNOLOGY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NDK_RDMA_TECHNOLOGY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NDK_RDMA_TECHNOLOGY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2862,19 +2499,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NDK_RDMA_TECHNOLOGY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NET_IF_ACCESS_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NET_IF_ACCESS_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NET_IF_ACCESS_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NET_IF_ACCESS_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NET_IF_ACCESS_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2884,19 +2510,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NET_IF_ACCESS_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NET_IF_ADMIN_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NET_IF_ADMIN_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NET_IF_ADMIN_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NET_IF_ADMIN_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NET_IF_ADMIN_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2906,19 +2521,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NET_IF_ADMIN_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NET_IF_CONNECTION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NET_IF_CONNECTION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NET_IF_CONNECTION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NET_IF_CONNECTION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NET_IF_CONNECTION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2928,19 +2532,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NET_IF_CONNECTION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NET_IF_DIRECTION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NET_IF_DIRECTION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NET_IF_DIRECTION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NET_IF_DIRECTION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NET_IF_DIRECTION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2950,19 +2543,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NET_IF_DIRECTION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NET_IF_MEDIA_CONNECT_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NET_IF_MEDIA_CONNECT_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NET_IF_MEDIA_CONNECT_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NET_IF_MEDIA_CONNECT_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NET_IF_MEDIA_CONNECT_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2972,19 +2554,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NET_IF_MEDIA_CONNECT_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NET_IF_MEDIA_DUPLEX_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NET_IF_MEDIA_DUPLEX_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NET_IF_MEDIA_DUPLEX_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NET_IF_MEDIA_DUPLEX_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NET_IF_MEDIA_DUPLEX_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2994,19 +2565,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NET_IF_MEDIA_DUPLEX_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NET_IF_OPER_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NET_IF_OPER_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NET_IF_OPER_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NET_IF_OPER_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NET_IF_OPER_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3016,19 +2576,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NET_IF_OPER_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NET_IF_RCV_ADDRESS_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NET_IF_RCV_ADDRESS_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NET_IF_RCV_ADDRESS_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NET_IF_RCV_ADDRESS_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NET_IF_RCV_ADDRESS_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3038,19 +2587,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NET_IF_RCV_ADDRESS_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OFFLOAD_CONF_ALGO(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OFFLOAD_CONF_ALGO {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OFFLOAD_CONF_ALGO { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OFFLOAD_CONF_ALGO { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OFFLOAD_CONF_ALGO { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3060,19 +2598,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OFFLOAD_CONF_ALGO { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OFFLOAD_INTEGRITY_ALGO(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OFFLOAD_INTEGRITY_ALGO {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OFFLOAD_INTEGRITY_ALGO { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OFFLOAD_INTEGRITY_ALGO { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OFFLOAD_INTEGRITY_ALGO { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3082,19 +2609,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OFFLOAD_INTEGRITY_ALGO { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OFFLOAD_OPERATION_E(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OFFLOAD_OPERATION_E {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OFFLOAD_OPERATION_E { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OFFLOAD_OPERATION_E { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OFFLOAD_OPERATION_E { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3104,19 +2620,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OFFLOAD_OPERATION_E { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TUNNEL_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TUNNEL_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TUNNEL_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TUNNEL_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TUNNEL_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3126,19 +2631,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TUNNEL_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UDP_ENCAP_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UDP_ENCAP_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UDP_ENCAP_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UDP_ENCAP_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UDP_ENCAP_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/NetManagement/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/NetManagement/ index 065a606627..4a672affe5 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/NetManagement/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/NetManagement/ @@ -4714,19 +4714,8 @@ pub const WZC_PROFILE_XML_ERROR_NO_VERSION: u32 = 1u32; pub const WZC_PROFILE_XML_ERROR_SSID_NOT_FOUND: u32 = 4u32; pub const WZC_PROFILE_XML_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION: u32 = 3u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AF_OP(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AF_OP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AF_OP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AF_OP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AF_OP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4769,19 +4758,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for AF_OP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BIND_FLAGS1(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BIND_FLAGS1 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BIND_FLAGS1 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BIND_FLAGS1 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BIND_FLAGS1 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4791,19 +4769,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BIND_FLAGS1 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COMPONENT_CHARACTERISTICS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COMPONENT_CHARACTERISTICS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COMPONENT_CHARACTERISTICS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COMPONENT_CHARACTERISTICS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COMPONENT_CHARACTERISTICS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4813,19 +4780,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COMPONENT_CHARACTERISTICS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEFAULT_PAGES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEFAULT_PAGES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEFAULT_PAGES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEFAULT_PAGES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEFAULT_PAGES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4835,19 +4791,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEFAULT_PAGES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DSREG_JOIN_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DSREG_JOIN_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DSREG_JOIN_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DSREG_JOIN_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DSREG_JOIN_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4857,19 +4802,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DSREG_JOIN_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ENUM_BINDING_PATHS_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ENUM_BINDING_PATHS_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ENUM_BINDING_PATHS_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ENUM_BINDING_PATHS_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ENUM_BINDING_PATHS_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4879,19 +4813,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ENUM_BINDING_PATHS_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FORCE_LEVEL_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FORCE_LEVEL_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FORCE_LEVEL_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FORCE_LEVEL_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FORCE_LEVEL_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4901,19 +4824,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FORCE_LEVEL_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MSA_INFO_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MSA_INFO_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MSA_INFO_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MSA_INFO_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MSA_INFO_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4923,19 +4835,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MSA_INFO_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MSA_INFO_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MSA_INFO_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MSA_INFO_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MSA_INFO_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MSA_INFO_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4945,19 +4846,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MSA_INFO_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NCPNP_RECONFIG_LAYER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NCPNP_RECONFIG_LAYER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NCPNP_RECONFIG_LAYER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NCPNP_RECONFIG_LAYER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NCPNP_RECONFIG_LAYER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4967,19 +4857,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NCPNP_RECONFIG_LAYER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NCRP_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NCRP_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NCRP_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NCRP_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NCRP_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4989,19 +4868,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NCRP_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NETSETUP_JOIN_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NETSETUP_JOIN_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NETSETUP_JOIN_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NETSETUP_JOIN_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NETSETUP_JOIN_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5011,19 +4879,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NETSETUP_JOIN_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NETSETUP_NAME_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NETSETUP_NAME_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NETSETUP_NAME_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NETSETUP_NAME_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NETSETUP_NAME_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5033,19 +4890,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NETSETUP_NAME_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NETSETUP_PROVISION(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NETSETUP_PROVISION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NETSETUP_PROVISION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NETSETUP_PROVISION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NETSETUP_PROVISION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5088,19 +4934,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for NETSETUP_PROVISION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NETWORK_INSTALL_TIME(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NETWORK_INSTALL_TIME {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NETWORK_INSTALL_TIME { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NETWORK_INSTALL_TIME { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NETWORK_INSTALL_TIME { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5110,19 +4945,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NETWORK_INSTALL_TIME { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NETWORK_UPGRADE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NETWORK_UPGRADE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NETWORK_UPGRADE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NETWORK_UPGRADE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NETWORK_UPGRADE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5132,19 +4956,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NETWORK_UPGRADE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NET_COMPUTER_NAME_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NET_COMPUTER_NAME_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NET_COMPUTER_NAME_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NET_COMPUTER_NAME_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NET_COMPUTER_NAME_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5154,19 +4967,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NET_COMPUTER_NAME_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NET_JOIN_DOMAIN_JOIN_OPTIONS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NET_JOIN_DOMAIN_JOIN_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NET_JOIN_DOMAIN_JOIN_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NET_JOIN_DOMAIN_JOIN_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NET_JOIN_DOMAIN_JOIN_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5209,19 +5011,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for NET_JOIN_DOMAIN_JOIN_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NET_REMOTE_COMPUTER_SUPPORTS_OPTIONS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NET_REMOTE_COMPUTER_SUPPORTS_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NET_REMOTE_COMPUTER_SUPPORTS_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NET_REMOTE_COMPUTER_SUPPORTS_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NET_REMOTE_COMPUTER_SUPPORTS_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5231,19 +5022,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NET_REMOTE_COMPUTER_SUPPORTS_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NET_REQUEST_PROVISION_OPTIONS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NET_REQUEST_PROVISION_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NET_REQUEST_PROVISION_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NET_REQUEST_PROVISION_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NET_REQUEST_PROVISION_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5286,19 +5066,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for NET_REQUEST_PROVISION_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NET_SERVER_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NET_SERVER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NET_SERVER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NET_SERVER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NET_SERVER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5341,19 +5110,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for NET_SERVER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NET_USER_ENUM_FILTER_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NET_USER_ENUM_FILTER_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NET_USER_ENUM_FILTER_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NET_USER_ENUM_FILTER_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NET_USER_ENUM_FILTER_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5396,19 +5154,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for NET_USER_ENUM_FILTER_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NET_VALIDATE_PASSWORD_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NET_VALIDATE_PASSWORD_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NET_VALIDATE_PASSWORD_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NET_VALIDATE_PASSWORD_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NET_VALIDATE_PASSWORD_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5418,19 +5165,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NET_VALIDATE_PASSWORD_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OBO_TOKEN_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OBO_TOKEN_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OBO_TOKEN_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OBO_TOKEN_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OBO_TOKEN_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5440,19 +5176,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OBO_TOKEN_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RASCON_UIINFO_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RASCON_UIINFO_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RASCON_UIINFO_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RASCON_UIINFO_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RASCON_UIINFO_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5462,19 +5187,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RASCON_UIINFO_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SERVER_INFO_HIDDEN(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SERVER_INFO_HIDDEN {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SERVER_INFO_HIDDEN { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SERVER_INFO_HIDDEN { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SERVER_INFO_HIDDEN { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5484,19 +5198,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SERVER_INFO_HIDDEN { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SERVER_INFO_SECURITY(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SERVER_INFO_SECURITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SERVER_INFO_SECURITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SERVER_INFO_SECURITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SERVER_INFO_SECURITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5506,19 +5209,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SERVER_INFO_SECURITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SUPPORTS_BINDING_INTERFACE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SUPPORTS_BINDING_INTERFACE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SUPPORTS_BINDING_INTERFACE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SUPPORTS_BINDING_INTERFACE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SUPPORTS_BINDING_INTERFACE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5528,19 +5220,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SUPPORTS_BINDING_INTERFACE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TRANSPORT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TRANSPORT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TRANSPORT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TRANSPORT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TRANSPORT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5550,19 +5231,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TRANSPORT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct USER_ACCOUNT_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for USER_ACCOUNT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for USER_ACCOUNT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for USER_ACCOUNT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for USER_ACCOUNT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5605,19 +5275,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for USER_ACCOUNT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct USER_MODALS_ROLES(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for USER_MODALS_ROLES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for USER_MODALS_ROLES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for USER_MODALS_ROLES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for USER_MODALS_ROLES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5627,19 +5286,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for USER_MODALS_ROLES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct USER_PRIV(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for USER_PRIV {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for USER_PRIV { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for USER_PRIV { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for USER_PRIV { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5649,19 +5297,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for USER_PRIV { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct USE_INFO_ASG_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for USE_INFO_ASG_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for USE_INFO_ASG_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for USE_INFO_ASG_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for USE_INFO_ASG_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/NetShell/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/NetShell/ index 1fb8878234..d44017ae51 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/NetShell/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/NetShell/ @@ -112,19 +112,8 @@ pub const NS_REQ_ONE_OR_MORE: NS_REQS = NS_REQS(3i32); pub const NS_REQ_PRESENT: NS_REQS = NS_REQS(1i32); pub const NS_REQ_ZERO: NS_REQS = NS_REQS(0i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NS_CMD_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NS_CMD_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NS_CMD_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NS_CMD_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NS_CMD_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -134,19 +123,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NS_CMD_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NS_EVENTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NS_EVENTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NS_EVENTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NS_EVENTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NS_EVENTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -156,19 +134,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NS_EVENTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NS_MODE_CHANGE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NS_MODE_CHANGE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NS_MODE_CHANGE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NS_MODE_CHANGE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NS_MODE_CHANGE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -178,19 +145,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NS_MODE_CHANGE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NS_REQS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NS_REQS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NS_REQS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NS_REQS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NS_REQS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/NetworkDiagnosticsFramework/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/NetworkDiagnosticsFramework/ index 67b7b5615f..22bf59b6c5 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/NetworkDiagnosticsFramework/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/NetworkDiagnosticsFramework/ @@ -394,19 +394,8 @@ pub const UIT_INVALID: UI_INFO_TYPE = UI_INFO_TYPE(0i32); pub const UIT_NONE: UI_INFO_TYPE = UI_INFO_TYPE(1i32); pub const UIT_SHELL_COMMAND: UI_INFO_TYPE = UI_INFO_TYPE(2i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ATTRIBUTE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ATTRIBUTE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ATTRIBUTE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ATTRIBUTE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ATTRIBUTE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -416,19 +405,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ATTRIBUTE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DIAGNOSIS_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DIAGNOSIS_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DIAGNOSIS_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DIAGNOSIS_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DIAGNOSIS_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -438,19 +416,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DIAGNOSIS_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROBLEM_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROBLEM_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROBLEM_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROBLEM_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROBLEM_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -460,19 +427,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PROBLEM_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct REPAIR_RISK(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for REPAIR_RISK {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for REPAIR_RISK { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for REPAIR_RISK { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for REPAIR_RISK { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -482,19 +438,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for REPAIR_RISK { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct REPAIR_SCOPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for REPAIR_SCOPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for REPAIR_SCOPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for REPAIR_SCOPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for REPAIR_SCOPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -504,19 +449,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for REPAIR_SCOPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct REPAIR_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for REPAIR_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for REPAIR_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for REPAIR_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for REPAIR_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -526,19 +460,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for REPAIR_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UI_INFO_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UI_INFO_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UI_INFO_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UI_INFO_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UI_INFO_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/NetworkPolicyServer/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/NetworkPolicyServer/ index 92c7fea203..5d815d39e7 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/NetworkPolicyServer/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/NetworkPolicyServer/ @@ -1111,19 +1111,8 @@ pub const rrrcAccountUnknown: RADIUS_REJECT_REASON_CODE = RADIUS_REJECT_REASON_C pub const rrrcAuthenticationFailure: RADIUS_REJECT_REASON_CODE = RADIUS_REJECT_REASON_CODE(4i32); pub const rrrcUndefined: RADIUS_REJECT_REASON_CODE = RADIUS_REJECT_REASON_CODE(0i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ACCOUNTINGPROPERTIES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ACCOUNTINGPROPERTIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ACCOUNTINGPROPERTIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ACCOUNTINGPROPERTIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ACCOUNTINGPROPERTIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1133,19 +1122,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ACCOUNTINGPROPERTIES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ATTRIBUTEFILTER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ATTRIBUTEFILTER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ATTRIBUTEFILTER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ATTRIBUTEFILTER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ATTRIBUTEFILTER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1155,19 +1133,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ATTRIBUTEFILTER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ATTRIBUTEID(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ATTRIBUTEID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ATTRIBUTEID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ATTRIBUTEID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ATTRIBUTEID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1177,19 +1144,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ATTRIBUTEID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ATTRIBUTEINFO(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ATTRIBUTEINFO {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ATTRIBUTEINFO { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ATTRIBUTEINFO { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ATTRIBUTEINFO { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1199,19 +1155,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ATTRIBUTEINFO { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ATTRIBUTEPROPERTIES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ATTRIBUTEPROPERTIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ATTRIBUTEPROPERTIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ATTRIBUTEPROPERTIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ATTRIBUTEPROPERTIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1221,19 +1166,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ATTRIBUTEPROPERTIES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ATTRIBUTERESTRICTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ATTRIBUTERESTRICTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ATTRIBUTERESTRICTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ATTRIBUTERESTRICTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ATTRIBUTERESTRICTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1243,19 +1177,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ATTRIBUTERESTRICTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ATTRIBUTESYNTAX(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ATTRIBUTESYNTAX {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ATTRIBUTESYNTAX { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ATTRIBUTESYNTAX { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ATTRIBUTESYNTAX { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1265,19 +1188,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ATTRIBUTESYNTAX { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AUTHENTICATION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AUTHENTICATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AUTHENTICATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AUTHENTICATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AUTHENTICATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1287,19 +1199,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AUTHENTICATION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLIENTPROPERTIES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLIENTPROPERTIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLIENTPROPERTIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLIENTPROPERTIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLIENTPROPERTIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1309,19 +1210,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLIENTPROPERTIES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CONDITIONPROPERTIES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CONDITIONPROPERTIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CONDITIONPROPERTIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CONDITIONPROPERTIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CONDITIONPROPERTIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1331,19 +1221,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CONDITIONPROPERTIES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DICTIONARYPROPERTIES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DICTIONARYPROPERTIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DICTIONARYPROPERTIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DICTIONARYPROPERTIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DICTIONARYPROPERTIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1353,19 +1232,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DICTIONARYPROPERTIES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IASCOMMONPROPERTIES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IASCOMMONPROPERTIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IASCOMMONPROPERTIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IASCOMMONPROPERTIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IASCOMMONPROPERTIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1375,19 +1243,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IASCOMMONPROPERTIES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IASCOMPONENTPROPERTIES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IASCOMPONENTPROPERTIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IASCOMPONENTPROPERTIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IASCOMPONENTPROPERTIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IASCOMPONENTPROPERTIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1397,19 +1254,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IASCOMPONENTPROPERTIES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IASDATASTORE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IASDATASTORE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IASDATASTORE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IASDATASTORE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IASDATASTORE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1419,19 +1265,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IASDATASTORE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IASDOMAINTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IASDOMAINTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IASDOMAINTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IASDOMAINTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IASDOMAINTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1441,19 +1276,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IASDOMAINTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IASOSTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IASOSTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IASOSTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IASOSTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IASOSTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1463,19 +1287,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IASOSTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IASPROPERTIES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IASPROPERTIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IASPROPERTIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IASPROPERTIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IASPROPERTIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1485,19 +1298,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IASPROPERTIES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IDENTITY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IDENTITY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IDENTITY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IDENTITY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IDENTITY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1507,19 +1309,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IDENTITY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IPFILTERPROPERTIES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IPFILTERPROPERTIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IPFILTERPROPERTIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IPFILTERPROPERTIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IPFILTERPROPERTIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1529,19 +1320,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IPFILTERPROPERTIES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NAMESPROPERTIES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NAMESPROPERTIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NAMESPROPERTIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NAMESPROPERTIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NAMESPROPERTIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1551,19 +1331,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NAMESPROPERTIES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NAPPROPERTIES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NAPPROPERTIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NAPPROPERTIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NAPPROPERTIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NAPPROPERTIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1573,19 +1342,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NAPPROPERTIES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NEW_LOG_FILE_FREQUENCY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NEW_LOG_FILE_FREQUENCY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NEW_LOG_FILE_FREQUENCY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NEW_LOG_FILE_FREQUENCY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NEW_LOG_FILE_FREQUENCY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1595,19 +1353,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NEW_LOG_FILE_FREQUENCY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NTEVENTLOGPROPERTIES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NTEVENTLOGPROPERTIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NTEVENTLOGPROPERTIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NTEVENTLOGPROPERTIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NTEVENTLOGPROPERTIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1617,19 +1364,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NTEVENTLOGPROPERTIES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NTSAMPROPERTIES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NTSAMPROPERTIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NTSAMPROPERTIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NTSAMPROPERTIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NTSAMPROPERTIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1639,19 +1375,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NTSAMPROPERTIES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct POLICYPROPERTIES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for POLICYPROPERTIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for POLICYPROPERTIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for POLICYPROPERTIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for POLICYPROPERTIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1661,19 +1386,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for POLICYPROPERTIES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROFILEPROPERTIES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROFILEPROPERTIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROFILEPROPERTIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROFILEPROPERTIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROFILEPROPERTIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1683,19 +1397,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PROFILEPROPERTIES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROTOCOLPROPERTIES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROTOCOLPROPERTIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROTOCOLPROPERTIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROTOCOLPROPERTIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROTOCOLPROPERTIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1705,19 +1408,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PROTOCOLPROPERTIES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RADIUSPROPERTIES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RADIUSPROPERTIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RADIUSPROPERTIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RADIUSPROPERTIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RADIUSPROPERTIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1727,19 +1419,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RADIUSPROPERTIES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RADIUSPROXYPROPERTIES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RADIUSPROXYPROPERTIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RADIUSPROXYPROPERTIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RADIUSPROXYPROPERTIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RADIUSPROXYPROPERTIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1749,19 +1430,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RADIUSPROXYPROPERTIES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RADIUSSERVERGROUPPROPERTIES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RADIUSSERVERGROUPPROPERTIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RADIUSSERVERGROUPPROPERTIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RADIUSSERVERGROUPPROPERTIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RADIUSSERVERGROUPPROPERTIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1771,19 +1441,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RADIUSSERVERGROUPPROPERTIES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RADIUSSERVERPROPERTIES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RADIUSSERVERPROPERTIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RADIUSSERVERPROPERTIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RADIUSSERVERPROPERTIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RADIUSSERVERPROPERTIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1793,19 +1452,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RADIUSSERVERPROPERTIES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RADIUS_ACTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RADIUS_ACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RADIUS_ACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RADIUS_ACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RADIUS_ACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1815,19 +1463,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RADIUS_ACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RADIUS_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RADIUS_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RADIUS_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RADIUS_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RADIUS_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1837,19 +1474,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RADIUS_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RADIUS_AUTHENTICATION_PROVIDER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RADIUS_AUTHENTICATION_PROVIDER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RADIUS_AUTHENTICATION_PROVIDER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RADIUS_AUTHENTICATION_PROVIDER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RADIUS_AUTHENTICATION_PROVIDER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1859,19 +1485,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RADIUS_AUTHENTICATION_PROVIDER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RADIUS_CODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RADIUS_CODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RADIUS_CODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RADIUS_CODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RADIUS_CODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1881,19 +1496,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RADIUS_CODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RADIUS_DATA_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RADIUS_DATA_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RADIUS_DATA_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RADIUS_DATA_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RADIUS_DATA_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1903,19 +1507,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RADIUS_DATA_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RADIUS_EXTENSION_POINT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RADIUS_EXTENSION_POINT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RADIUS_EXTENSION_POINT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RADIUS_EXTENSION_POINT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RADIUS_EXTENSION_POINT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1925,19 +1518,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RADIUS_EXTENSION_POINT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RADIUS_REJECT_REASON_CODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RADIUS_REJECT_REASON_CODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RADIUS_REJECT_REASON_CODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RADIUS_REJECT_REASON_CODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RADIUS_REJECT_REASON_CODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1947,19 +1529,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RADIUS_REJECT_REASON_CODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct REMEDIATIONSERVERGROUPPROPERTIES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for REMEDIATIONSERVERGROUPPROPERTIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for REMEDIATIONSERVERGROUPPROPERTIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for REMEDIATIONSERVERGROUPPROPERTIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for REMEDIATIONSERVERGROUPPROPERTIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1969,19 +1540,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for REMEDIATIONSERVERGROUPPROPERTIES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct REMEDIATIONSERVERPROPERTIES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for REMEDIATIONSERVERPROPERTIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for REMEDIATIONSERVERPROPERTIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for REMEDIATIONSERVERPROPERTIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for REMEDIATIONSERVERPROPERTIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1991,19 +1551,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for REMEDIATIONSERVERPROPERTIES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct REMEDIATIONSERVERSPROPERTIES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for REMEDIATIONSERVERSPROPERTIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for REMEDIATIONSERVERSPROPERTIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for REMEDIATIONSERVERSPROPERTIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for REMEDIATIONSERVERSPROPERTIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2013,19 +1562,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for REMEDIATIONSERVERSPROPERTIES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SERVICE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SERVICE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SERVICE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SERVICE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SERVICE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2035,19 +1573,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SERVICE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SHAREDSECRETPROPERTIES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SHAREDSECRETPROPERTIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SHAREDSECRETPROPERTIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SHAREDSECRETPROPERTIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SHAREDSECRETPROPERTIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2057,19 +1584,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SHAREDSECRETPROPERTIES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SHVTEMPLATEPROPERTIES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SHVTEMPLATEPROPERTIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SHVTEMPLATEPROPERTIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SHVTEMPLATEPROPERTIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SHVTEMPLATEPROPERTIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2079,19 +1595,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SHVTEMPLATEPROPERTIES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SHV_COMBINATION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SHV_COMBINATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SHV_COMBINATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SHV_COMBINATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SHV_COMBINATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2101,19 +1606,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SHV_COMBINATION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TEMPLATESPROPERTIES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TEMPLATESPROPERTIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TEMPLATESPROPERTIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TEMPLATESPROPERTIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TEMPLATESPROPERTIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2123,19 +1617,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TEMPLATESPROPERTIES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct USERPROPERTIES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for USERPROPERTIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for USERPROPERTIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for USERPROPERTIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for USERPROPERTIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2145,19 +1628,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for USERPROPERTIES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VENDORPROPERTIES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VENDORPROPERTIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VENDORPROPERTIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VENDORPROPERTIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VENDORPROPERTIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/P2P/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/P2P/ index 53e9ce3e6e..3f1f7f4149 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/P2P/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/P2P/ @@ -1624,19 +1624,8 @@ pub const WSZ_SCOPE_GLOBAL: ::windows_core::PCWSTR = ::windows_core::w!("GLOBAL" pub const WSZ_SCOPE_LINKLOCAL: ::windows_core::PCWSTR = ::windows_core::w!("LINKLOCAL"); pub const WSZ_SCOPE_SITELOCAL: ::windows_core::PCWSTR = ::windows_core::w!("SITELOCAL"); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DRT_ADDRESS_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DRT_ADDRESS_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DRT_ADDRESS_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DRT_ADDRESS_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DRT_ADDRESS_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1646,19 +1635,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DRT_ADDRESS_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DRT_EVENT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DRT_EVENT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DRT_EVENT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DRT_EVENT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DRT_EVENT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1668,19 +1646,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DRT_EVENT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DRT_LEAFSET_KEY_CHANGE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DRT_LEAFSET_KEY_CHANGE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DRT_LEAFSET_KEY_CHANGE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DRT_LEAFSET_KEY_CHANGE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DRT_LEAFSET_KEY_CHANGE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1690,19 +1657,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DRT_LEAFSET_KEY_CHANGE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DRT_MATCH_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DRT_MATCH_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DRT_MATCH_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DRT_MATCH_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DRT_MATCH_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1712,19 +1668,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DRT_MATCH_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DRT_REGISTRATION_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DRT_REGISTRATION_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DRT_REGISTRATION_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DRT_REGISTRATION_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DRT_REGISTRATION_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1734,19 +1679,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DRT_REGISTRATION_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DRT_SCOPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DRT_SCOPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DRT_SCOPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DRT_SCOPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DRT_SCOPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1756,19 +1690,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DRT_SCOPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DRT_SECURITY_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DRT_SECURITY_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DRT_SECURITY_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DRT_SECURITY_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DRT_SECURITY_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1778,19 +1701,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DRT_SECURITY_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DRT_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DRT_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DRT_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DRT_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DRT_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1800,19 +1712,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DRT_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PEERDIST_CLIENT_INFO_BY_HANDLE_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PEERDIST_CLIENT_INFO_BY_HANDLE_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PEERDIST_CLIENT_INFO_BY_HANDLE_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PEERDIST_CLIENT_INFO_BY_HANDLE_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PEERDIST_CLIENT_INFO_BY_HANDLE_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1822,19 +1723,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PEERDIST_CLIENT_INFO_BY_HANDLE_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PEERDIST_RETRIEVAL_OPTIONS_CONTENTINFO_VERSION_VALUE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PEERDIST_RETRIEVAL_OPTIONS_CONTENTINFO_VERSION_VALUE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PEERDIST_RETRIEVAL_OPTIONS_CONTENTINFO_VERSION_VALUE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PEERDIST_RETRIEVAL_OPTIONS_CONTENTINFO_VERSION_VALUE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PEERDIST_RETRIEVAL_OPTIONS_CONTENTINFO_VERSION_VALUE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1844,19 +1734,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PEERDIST_RETRIEVAL_OPTIONS_CONTENTINFO_VERSION_VALUE } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PEERDIST_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PEERDIST_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PEERDIST_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PEERDIST_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PEERDIST_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1866,19 +1745,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PEERDIST_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PEER_APPLICATION_REGISTRATION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PEER_APPLICATION_REGISTRATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PEER_APPLICATION_REGISTRATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PEER_APPLICATION_REGISTRATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PEER_APPLICATION_REGISTRATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1888,19 +1756,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PEER_APPLICATION_REGISTRATION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PEER_CHANGE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PEER_CHANGE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PEER_CHANGE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PEER_CHANGE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PEER_CHANGE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1910,19 +1767,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PEER_CHANGE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PEER_COLLAB_EVENT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PEER_COLLAB_EVENT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PEER_COLLAB_EVENT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PEER_COLLAB_EVENT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PEER_COLLAB_EVENT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1932,19 +1778,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PEER_COLLAB_EVENT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PEER_CONNECTION_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PEER_CONNECTION_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PEER_CONNECTION_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PEER_CONNECTION_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PEER_CONNECTION_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1954,19 +1789,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PEER_CONNECTION_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PEER_CONNECTION_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PEER_CONNECTION_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PEER_CONNECTION_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PEER_CONNECTION_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PEER_CONNECTION_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1976,19 +1800,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PEER_CONNECTION_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PEER_GRAPH_EVENT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PEER_GRAPH_EVENT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PEER_GRAPH_EVENT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PEER_GRAPH_EVENT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PEER_GRAPH_EVENT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1998,19 +1811,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PEER_GRAPH_EVENT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PEER_GRAPH_PROPERTY_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PEER_GRAPH_PROPERTY_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PEER_GRAPH_PROPERTY_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PEER_GRAPH_PROPERTY_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PEER_GRAPH_PROPERTY_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2020,19 +1822,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PEER_GRAPH_PROPERTY_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PEER_GRAPH_SCOPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PEER_GRAPH_SCOPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PEER_GRAPH_SCOPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PEER_GRAPH_SCOPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PEER_GRAPH_SCOPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2042,19 +1833,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PEER_GRAPH_SCOPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PEER_GRAPH_STATUS_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PEER_GRAPH_STATUS_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PEER_GRAPH_STATUS_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PEER_GRAPH_STATUS_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PEER_GRAPH_STATUS_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2064,19 +1844,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PEER_GRAPH_STATUS_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PEER_GROUP_AUTHENTICATION_SCHEME(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PEER_GROUP_AUTHENTICATION_SCHEME {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PEER_GROUP_AUTHENTICATION_SCHEME { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PEER_GROUP_AUTHENTICATION_SCHEME { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PEER_GROUP_AUTHENTICATION_SCHEME { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2086,19 +1855,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PEER_GROUP_AUTHENTICATION_SCHEME { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PEER_GROUP_EVENT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PEER_GROUP_EVENT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PEER_GROUP_EVENT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PEER_GROUP_EVENT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PEER_GROUP_EVENT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2108,19 +1866,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PEER_GROUP_EVENT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PEER_GROUP_ISSUE_CREDENTIAL_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PEER_GROUP_ISSUE_CREDENTIAL_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PEER_GROUP_ISSUE_CREDENTIAL_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PEER_GROUP_ISSUE_CREDENTIAL_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PEER_GROUP_ISSUE_CREDENTIAL_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2130,19 +1877,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PEER_GROUP_ISSUE_CREDENTIAL_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PEER_GROUP_PROPERTY_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PEER_GROUP_PROPERTY_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PEER_GROUP_PROPERTY_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PEER_GROUP_PROPERTY_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PEER_GROUP_PROPERTY_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2152,19 +1888,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PEER_GROUP_PROPERTY_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PEER_GROUP_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PEER_GROUP_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PEER_GROUP_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PEER_GROUP_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PEER_GROUP_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2174,19 +1899,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PEER_GROUP_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PEER_INVITATION_RESPONSE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PEER_INVITATION_RESPONSE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PEER_INVITATION_RESPONSE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PEER_INVITATION_RESPONSE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PEER_INVITATION_RESPONSE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2196,19 +1910,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PEER_INVITATION_RESPONSE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PEER_MEMBER_CHANGE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PEER_MEMBER_CHANGE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PEER_MEMBER_CHANGE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PEER_MEMBER_CHANGE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PEER_MEMBER_CHANGE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2218,19 +1921,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PEER_MEMBER_CHANGE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PEER_MEMBER_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PEER_MEMBER_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PEER_MEMBER_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PEER_MEMBER_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PEER_MEMBER_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2240,19 +1932,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PEER_MEMBER_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PEER_NODE_CHANGE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PEER_NODE_CHANGE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PEER_NODE_CHANGE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PEER_NODE_CHANGE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PEER_NODE_CHANGE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2262,19 +1943,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PEER_NODE_CHANGE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PEER_PRESENCE_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PEER_PRESENCE_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PEER_PRESENCE_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PEER_PRESENCE_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PEER_PRESENCE_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2284,19 +1954,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PEER_PRESENCE_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PEER_PUBLICATION_SCOPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PEER_PUBLICATION_SCOPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PEER_PUBLICATION_SCOPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PEER_PUBLICATION_SCOPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PEER_PUBLICATION_SCOPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2306,19 +1965,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PEER_PUBLICATION_SCOPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PEER_RECORD_CHANGE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PEER_RECORD_CHANGE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PEER_RECORD_CHANGE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PEER_RECORD_CHANGE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PEER_RECORD_CHANGE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2328,19 +1976,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PEER_RECORD_CHANGE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PEER_RECORD_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PEER_RECORD_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PEER_RECORD_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PEER_RECORD_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PEER_RECORD_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2350,19 +1987,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PEER_RECORD_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PEER_SIGNIN_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PEER_SIGNIN_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PEER_SIGNIN_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PEER_SIGNIN_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PEER_SIGNIN_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2372,19 +1998,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PEER_SIGNIN_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PEER_WATCH_PERMISSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PEER_WATCH_PERMISSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PEER_WATCH_PERMISSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PEER_WATCH_PERMISSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PEER_WATCH_PERMISSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2394,19 +2009,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PEER_WATCH_PERMISSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PNRP_CLOUD_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PNRP_CLOUD_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PNRP_CLOUD_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PNRP_CLOUD_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PNRP_CLOUD_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2416,19 +2020,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PNRP_CLOUD_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PNRP_CLOUD_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PNRP_CLOUD_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PNRP_CLOUD_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PNRP_CLOUD_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PNRP_CLOUD_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2438,19 +2031,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PNRP_CLOUD_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PNRP_EXTENDED_PAYLOAD_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PNRP_EXTENDED_PAYLOAD_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PNRP_EXTENDED_PAYLOAD_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PNRP_EXTENDED_PAYLOAD_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PNRP_EXTENDED_PAYLOAD_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2460,19 +2042,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PNRP_EXTENDED_PAYLOAD_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PNRP_REGISTERED_ID_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PNRP_REGISTERED_ID_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PNRP_REGISTERED_ID_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PNRP_REGISTERED_ID_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PNRP_REGISTERED_ID_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2482,19 +2053,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PNRP_REGISTERED_ID_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PNRP_RESOLVE_CRITERIA(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PNRP_RESOLVE_CRITERIA {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PNRP_RESOLVE_CRITERIA { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PNRP_RESOLVE_CRITERIA { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PNRP_RESOLVE_CRITERIA { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2504,19 +2064,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PNRP_RESOLVE_CRITERIA { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PNRP_SCOPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PNRP_SCOPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PNRP_SCOPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PNRP_SCOPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PNRP_SCOPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/QoS/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/QoS/ index e9ae4f77b6..c4e7684a50 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/QoS/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/QoS/ @@ -839,19 +839,8 @@ pub const mIOC_IN: u32 = 2147483648u32; pub const mIOC_OUT: u32 = 1073741824u32; pub const mIOC_VENDOR: u32 = 67108864u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FilterType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FilterType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FilterType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FilterType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FilterType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -861,19 +850,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FilterType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct QOS_FLOWRATE_REASON(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for QOS_FLOWRATE_REASON {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for QOS_FLOWRATE_REASON { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for QOS_FLOWRATE_REASON { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for QOS_FLOWRATE_REASON { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -883,19 +861,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for QOS_FLOWRATE_REASON { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct QOS_NOTIFY_FLOW(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for QOS_NOTIFY_FLOW {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for QOS_NOTIFY_FLOW { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for QOS_NOTIFY_FLOW { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for QOS_NOTIFY_FLOW { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -905,19 +872,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for QOS_NOTIFY_FLOW { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct QOS_QUERY_FLOW(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for QOS_QUERY_FLOW {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for QOS_QUERY_FLOW { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for QOS_QUERY_FLOW { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for QOS_QUERY_FLOW { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -927,19 +883,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for QOS_QUERY_FLOW { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct QOS_SET_FLOW(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for QOS_SET_FLOW {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for QOS_SET_FLOW { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for QOS_SET_FLOW { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for QOS_SET_FLOW { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -949,19 +894,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for QOS_SET_FLOW { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct QOS_SHAPING(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for QOS_SHAPING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for QOS_SHAPING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for QOS_SHAPING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for QOS_SHAPING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -971,19 +905,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for QOS_SHAPING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct QOS_TRAFFIC_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for QOS_TRAFFIC_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for QOS_TRAFFIC_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for QOS_TRAFFIC_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for QOS_TRAFFIC_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -993,19 +916,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for QOS_TRAFFIC_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct int_serv_wkp(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for int_serv_wkp {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for int_serv_wkp { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for int_serv_wkp { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for int_serv_wkp { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/Rras/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/Rras/ index f170a70ef1..c0272a41d2 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/Rras/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/Rras/ @@ -2882,19 +2882,8 @@ pub const VS_SstpOnly: u32 = 5u32; pub const WARNING_MSG_ALIAS_NOT_ADDED: u32 = 644u32; pub const WM_RASDIALEVENT: u32 = 52429u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IKEV2_ID_PAYLOAD_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IKEV2_ID_PAYLOAD_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IKEV2_ID_PAYLOAD_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IKEV2_ID_PAYLOAD_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IKEV2_ID_PAYLOAD_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2904,19 +2893,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IKEV2_ID_PAYLOAD_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MGM_ENUM_TYPES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MGM_ENUM_TYPES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MGM_ENUM_TYPES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MGM_ENUM_TYPES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MGM_ENUM_TYPES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2926,19 +2904,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MGM_ENUM_TYPES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MPRAPI_OBJECT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MPRAPI_OBJECT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MPRAPI_OBJECT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MPRAPI_OBJECT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MPRAPI_OBJECT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2948,19 +2915,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MPRAPI_OBJECT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MPR_ET(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MPR_ET {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MPR_ET { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MPR_ET { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MPR_ET { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2970,19 +2926,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MPR_ET { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MPR_INTERFACE_DIAL_MODE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MPR_INTERFACE_DIAL_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MPR_INTERFACE_DIAL_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MPR_INTERFACE_DIAL_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MPR_INTERFACE_DIAL_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2992,19 +2937,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MPR_INTERFACE_DIAL_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MPR_VPN_TS_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MPR_VPN_TS_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MPR_VPN_TS_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MPR_VPN_TS_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MPR_VPN_TS_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3014,19 +2948,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MPR_VPN_TS_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MPR_VS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MPR_VS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MPR_VS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MPR_VS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MPR_VS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3036,19 +2959,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MPR_VS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PPP_LCP(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PPP_LCP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PPP_LCP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PPP_LCP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PPP_LCP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3058,19 +2970,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PPP_LCP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PPP_LCP_INFO_AUTH_DATA(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PPP_LCP_INFO_AUTH_DATA {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PPP_LCP_INFO_AUTH_DATA { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PPP_LCP_INFO_AUTH_DATA { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PPP_LCP_INFO_AUTH_DATA { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3080,19 +2981,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PPP_LCP_INFO_AUTH_DATA { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RASAPIVERSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RASAPIVERSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RASAPIVERSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RASAPIVERSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RASAPIVERSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3102,19 +2992,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RASAPIVERSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RASCONNSTATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RASCONNSTATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RASCONNSTATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RASCONNSTATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RASCONNSTATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3124,19 +3003,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RASCONNSTATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RASCONNSUBSTATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RASCONNSUBSTATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RASCONNSUBSTATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RASCONNSUBSTATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RASCONNSUBSTATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3146,19 +3014,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RASCONNSUBSTATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RASENTRY_DIAL_MODE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RASENTRY_DIAL_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RASENTRY_DIAL_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RASENTRY_DIAL_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RASENTRY_DIAL_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3168,19 +3025,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RASENTRY_DIAL_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RASIKEV_PROJECTION_INFO_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RASIKEV_PROJECTION_INFO_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RASIKEV_PROJECTION_INFO_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RASIKEV_PROJECTION_INFO_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RASIKEV_PROJECTION_INFO_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3223,19 +3069,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for RASIKEV_PROJECTION_INFO_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RASPPP_PROJECTION_INFO_SERVER_AUTH_DATA(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RASPPP_PROJECTION_INFO_SERVER_AUTH_DATA {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RASPPP_PROJECTION_INFO_SERVER_AUTH_DATA { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RASPPP_PROJECTION_INFO_SERVER_AUTH_DATA { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RASPPP_PROJECTION_INFO_SERVER_AUTH_DATA { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3245,19 +3080,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RASPPP_PROJECTION_INFO_SERVER_AUTH_DATA { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RASPPP_PROJECTION_INFO_SERVER_AUTH_PROTOCOL(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RASPPP_PROJECTION_INFO_SERVER_AUTH_PROTOCOL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RASPPP_PROJECTION_INFO_SERVER_AUTH_PROTOCOL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RASPPP_PROJECTION_INFO_SERVER_AUTH_PROTOCOL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RASPPP_PROJECTION_INFO_SERVER_AUTH_PROTOCOL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3267,19 +3091,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RASPPP_PROJECTION_INFO_SERVER_AUTH_PROTOCOL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RASPROJECTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RASPROJECTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RASPROJECTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RASPROJECTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RASPROJECTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3289,19 +3102,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RASPROJECTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RASPROJECTION_INFO_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RASPROJECTION_INFO_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RASPROJECTION_INFO_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RASPROJECTION_INFO_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RASPROJECTION_INFO_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3311,19 +3113,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RASPROJECTION_INFO_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RAS_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RAS_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RAS_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RAS_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RAS_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3333,19 +3124,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RAS_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RAS_HARDWARE_CONDITION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RAS_HARDWARE_CONDITION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RAS_HARDWARE_CONDITION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RAS_HARDWARE_CONDITION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RAS_HARDWARE_CONDITION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3355,19 +3135,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RAS_HARDWARE_CONDITION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RAS_PORT_CONDITION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RAS_PORT_CONDITION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RAS_PORT_CONDITION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RAS_PORT_CONDITION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RAS_PORT_CONDITION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3377,19 +3146,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RAS_PORT_CONDITION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RAS_QUARANTINE_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RAS_QUARANTINE_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RAS_QUARANTINE_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RAS_QUARANTINE_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RAS_QUARANTINE_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3399,19 +3157,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RAS_QUARANTINE_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ROUTER_CONNECTION_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ROUTER_CONNECTION_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ROUTER_CONNECTION_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ROUTER_CONNECTION_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ROUTER_CONNECTION_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3421,19 +3168,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ROUTER_CONNECTION_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ROUTER_INTERFACE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ROUTER_INTERFACE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ROUTER_INTERFACE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ROUTER_INTERFACE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ROUTER_INTERFACE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3443,19 +3179,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ROUTER_INTERFACE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RTM_EVENT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RTM_EVENT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RTM_EVENT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RTM_EVENT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RTM_EVENT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3465,19 +3190,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RTM_EVENT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SECURITY_MESSAGE_MSG_ID(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SECURITY_MESSAGE_MSG_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SECURITY_MESSAGE_MSG_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SECURITY_MESSAGE_MSG_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SECURITY_MESSAGE_MSG_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/Snmp/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/Snmp/ index eafca890f0..a1be00e06a 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/Snmp/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/Snmp/ @@ -604,19 +604,8 @@ pub const SNMP_TRAP_LINKDOWN: u32 = 2u32; pub const SNMP_TRAP_LINKUP: u32 = 3u32; pub const SNMP_TRAP_WARMSTART: u32 = 1u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SNMP_API_TRANSLATE_MODE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SNMP_API_TRANSLATE_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SNMP_API_TRANSLATE_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SNMP_API_TRANSLATE_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SNMP_API_TRANSLATE_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -626,19 +615,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SNMP_API_TRANSLATE_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SNMP_ERROR(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SNMP_ERROR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SNMP_ERROR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SNMP_ERROR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SNMP_ERROR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -648,19 +626,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SNMP_ERROR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SNMP_ERROR_STATUS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SNMP_ERROR_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SNMP_ERROR_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SNMP_ERROR_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SNMP_ERROR_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -670,19 +637,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SNMP_ERROR_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SNMP_EXTENSION_REQUEST_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SNMP_EXTENSION_REQUEST_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SNMP_EXTENSION_REQUEST_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SNMP_EXTENSION_REQUEST_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SNMP_EXTENSION_REQUEST_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -692,19 +648,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SNMP_EXTENSION_REQUEST_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SNMP_GENERICTRAP(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SNMP_GENERICTRAP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SNMP_GENERICTRAP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SNMP_GENERICTRAP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SNMP_GENERICTRAP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -714,19 +659,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SNMP_GENERICTRAP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SNMP_LOG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SNMP_LOG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SNMP_LOG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SNMP_LOG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SNMP_LOG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -736,19 +670,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SNMP_LOG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SNMP_OUTPUT_LOG_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SNMP_OUTPUT_LOG_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SNMP_OUTPUT_LOG_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SNMP_OUTPUT_LOG_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SNMP_OUTPUT_LOG_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -758,19 +681,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SNMP_OUTPUT_LOG_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SNMP_PDU_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SNMP_PDU_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SNMP_PDU_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SNMP_PDU_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SNMP_PDU_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -780,19 +692,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SNMP_PDU_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SNMP_STATUS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SNMP_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SNMP_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SNMP_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SNMP_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/WNet/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/WNet/ index 0025917e3e..f8f24ea5f5 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/WNet/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/WNet/ @@ -636,19 +636,8 @@ pub const WN_PRIMARY_AUTHENT_CLASS: u32 = 4u32; pub const WN_SERVICE_CLASS: u32 = 8u32; pub const WN_VALID_LOGON_ACCOUNT: u32 = 1u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CONNECTDLGSTRUCT_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CONNECTDLGSTRUCT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CONNECTDLGSTRUCT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CONNECTDLGSTRUCT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CONNECTDLGSTRUCT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -691,19 +680,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CONNECTDLGSTRUCT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISCDLGSTRUCT_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISCDLGSTRUCT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISCDLGSTRUCT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISCDLGSTRUCT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISCDLGSTRUCT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -746,19 +724,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DISCDLGSTRUCT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NETINFOSTRUCT_CHARACTERISTICS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NETINFOSTRUCT_CHARACTERISTICS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NETINFOSTRUCT_CHARACTERISTICS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NETINFOSTRUCT_CHARACTERISTICS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NETINFOSTRUCT_CHARACTERISTICS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -801,19 +768,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for NETINFOSTRUCT_CHARACTERISTICS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NETWORK_NAME_FORMAT_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NETWORK_NAME_FORMAT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NETWORK_NAME_FORMAT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NETWORK_NAME_FORMAT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NETWORK_NAME_FORMAT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -823,19 +779,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NETWORK_NAME_FORMAT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NET_RESOURCE_SCOPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NET_RESOURCE_SCOPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NET_RESOURCE_SCOPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NET_RESOURCE_SCOPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NET_RESOURCE_SCOPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -845,19 +790,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NET_RESOURCE_SCOPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NET_RESOURCE_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NET_RESOURCE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NET_RESOURCE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NET_RESOURCE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NET_RESOURCE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -900,19 +834,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for NET_RESOURCE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NET_USE_CONNECT_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NET_USE_CONNECT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NET_USE_CONNECT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NET_USE_CONNECT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NET_USE_CONNECT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -955,19 +878,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for NET_USE_CONNECT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NPDIRECTORY_NOTIFY_OPERATION(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NPDIRECTORY_NOTIFY_OPERATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NPDIRECTORY_NOTIFY_OPERATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NPDIRECTORY_NOTIFY_OPERATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NPDIRECTORY_NOTIFY_OPERATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -977,19 +889,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NPDIRECTORY_NOTIFY_OPERATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NP_PROPERTY_DIALOG_SELECTION(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NP_PROPERTY_DIALOG_SELECTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NP_PROPERTY_DIALOG_SELECTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NP_PROPERTY_DIALOG_SELECTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NP_PROPERTY_DIALOG_SELECTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -999,19 +900,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NP_PROPERTY_DIALOG_SELECTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UNC_INFO_LEVEL(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UNC_INFO_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UNC_INFO_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UNC_INFO_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UNC_INFO_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1021,19 +911,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UNC_INFO_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WNET_OPEN_ENUM_USAGE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WNET_OPEN_ENUM_USAGE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WNET_OPEN_ENUM_USAGE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WNET_OPEN_ENUM_USAGE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WNET_OPEN_ENUM_USAGE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1076,19 +955,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for WNET_OPEN_ENUM_USAGE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WNPERM_DLG(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WNPERM_DLG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WNPERM_DLG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WNPERM_DLG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WNPERM_DLG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/WebDav/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/WebDav/ index 7ae6a9d2b1..04dfb56487 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/WebDav/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/WebDav/ @@ -94,19 +94,8 @@ pub const DAV_AUTHN_SCHEME_PASSPORT: u32 = 4u32; pub const DefaultBehavior: AUTHNEXTSTEP = AUTHNEXTSTEP(0i32); pub const RetryRequest: AUTHNEXTSTEP = AUTHNEXTSTEP(1i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AUTHNEXTSTEP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AUTHNEXTSTEP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AUTHNEXTSTEP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AUTHNEXTSTEP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AUTHNEXTSTEP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/WiFi/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/WiFi/ index 211725ede1..cde91372de 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/WiFi/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/WiFi/ @@ -2262,19 +2262,8 @@ pub const wlan_secure_show_denied: WLAN_SECURABLE_OBJECT = WLAN_SECURABLE_OBJECT pub const wlan_secure_virtual_station_extensibility: WLAN_SECURABLE_OBJECT = WLAN_SECURABLE_OBJECT(15i32); pub const wlan_secure_wfd_elevated_access: WLAN_SECURABLE_OBJECT = WLAN_SECURABLE_OBJECT(16i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CH_DESCRIPTION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CH_DESCRIPTION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CH_DESCRIPTION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CH_DESCRIPTION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CH_DESCRIPTION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2284,19 +2273,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CH_DESCRIPTION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEVPROP_PCIDEVICE_ACSCOMPATIBLEUPHIERARCHY(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEVPROP_PCIDEVICE_ACSCOMPATIBLEUPHIERARCHY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEVPROP_PCIDEVICE_ACSCOMPATIBLEUPHIERARCHY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEVPROP_PCIDEVICE_ACSCOMPATIBLEUPHIERARCHY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEVPROP_PCIDEVICE_ACSCOMPATIBLEUPHIERARCHY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2306,19 +2284,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEVPROP_PCIDEVICE_ACSCOMPATIBLEUPHIERARCHY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEVPROP_PCIDEVICE_ACSSUPPORT(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEVPROP_PCIDEVICE_ACSSUPPORT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEVPROP_PCIDEVICE_ACSSUPPORT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEVPROP_PCIDEVICE_ACSSUPPORT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEVPROP_PCIDEVICE_ACSSUPPORT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2328,19 +2295,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEVPROP_PCIDEVICE_ACSSUPPORT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEVPROP_PCIDEVICE_CURRENTSPEEDANDMODE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEVPROP_PCIDEVICE_CURRENTSPEEDANDMODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEVPROP_PCIDEVICE_CURRENTSPEEDANDMODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEVPROP_PCIDEVICE_CURRENTSPEEDANDMODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEVPROP_PCIDEVICE_CURRENTSPEEDANDMODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2350,19 +2306,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEVPROP_PCIDEVICE_CURRENTSPEEDANDMODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEVPROP_PCIDEVICE_DEVICEBRIDGETYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEVPROP_PCIDEVICE_DEVICEBRIDGETYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEVPROP_PCIDEVICE_DEVICEBRIDGETYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEVPROP_PCIDEVICE_DEVICEBRIDGETYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEVPROP_PCIDEVICE_DEVICEBRIDGETYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2372,19 +2317,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEVPROP_PCIDEVICE_DEVICEBRIDGETYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEVPROP_PCIDEVICE_INTERRUPTTYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEVPROP_PCIDEVICE_INTERRUPTTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEVPROP_PCIDEVICE_INTERRUPTTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEVPROP_PCIDEVICE_INTERRUPTTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEVPROP_PCIDEVICE_INTERRUPTTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2394,19 +2328,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEVPROP_PCIDEVICE_INTERRUPTTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEVPROP_PCIDEVICE_SRIOVSUPPORT(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEVPROP_PCIDEVICE_SRIOVSUPPORT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEVPROP_PCIDEVICE_SRIOVSUPPORT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEVPROP_PCIDEVICE_SRIOVSUPPORT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEVPROP_PCIDEVICE_SRIOVSUPPORT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2416,19 +2339,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEVPROP_PCIDEVICE_SRIOVSUPPORT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEVPROP_PCIEXPRESSDEVICE_LINKSPEED(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEVPROP_PCIEXPRESSDEVICE_LINKSPEED {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEVPROP_PCIEXPRESSDEVICE_LINKSPEED { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEVPROP_PCIEXPRESSDEVICE_LINKSPEED { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEVPROP_PCIEXPRESSDEVICE_LINKSPEED { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2438,19 +2350,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEVPROP_PCIEXPRESSDEVICE_LINKSPEED { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEVPROP_PCIEXPRESSDEVICE_LINKWIDTH(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEVPROP_PCIEXPRESSDEVICE_LINKWIDTH {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEVPROP_PCIEXPRESSDEVICE_LINKWIDTH { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEVPROP_PCIEXPRESSDEVICE_LINKWIDTH { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEVPROP_PCIEXPRESSDEVICE_LINKWIDTH { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2460,19 +2361,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEVPROP_PCIEXPRESSDEVICE_LINKWIDTH { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEVPROP_PCIEXPRESSDEVICE_PAYLOADORREQUESTSIZE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEVPROP_PCIEXPRESSDEVICE_PAYLOADORREQUESTSIZE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEVPROP_PCIEXPRESSDEVICE_PAYLOADORREQUESTSIZE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEVPROP_PCIEXPRESSDEVICE_PAYLOADORREQUESTSIZE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEVPROP_PCIEXPRESSDEVICE_PAYLOADORREQUESTSIZE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2482,19 +2372,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEVPROP_PCIEXPRESSDEVICE_PAYLOADORREQUESTSIZE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEVPROP_PCIEXPRESSDEVICE_SPEC_VERSION(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEVPROP_PCIEXPRESSDEVICE_SPEC_VERSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEVPROP_PCIEXPRESSDEVICE_SPEC_VERSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEVPROP_PCIEXPRESSDEVICE_SPEC_VERSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEVPROP_PCIEXPRESSDEVICE_SPEC_VERSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2504,19 +2383,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEVPROP_PCIEXPRESSDEVICE_SPEC_VERSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEVPROP_PCIROOTBUS_BUSWIDTH(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEVPROP_PCIROOTBUS_BUSWIDTH {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEVPROP_PCIROOTBUS_BUSWIDTH { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEVPROP_PCIROOTBUS_BUSWIDTH { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEVPROP_PCIROOTBUS_BUSWIDTH { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2526,19 +2394,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEVPROP_PCIROOTBUS_BUSWIDTH { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEVPROP_PCIROOTBUS_CURRENTSPEEDANDMODE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEVPROP_PCIROOTBUS_CURRENTSPEEDANDMODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEVPROP_PCIROOTBUS_CURRENTSPEEDANDMODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEVPROP_PCIROOTBUS_CURRENTSPEEDANDMODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEVPROP_PCIROOTBUS_CURRENTSPEEDANDMODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2548,19 +2405,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEVPROP_PCIROOTBUS_CURRENTSPEEDANDMODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEVPROP_PCIROOTBUS_SECONDARYINTERFACE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEVPROP_PCIROOTBUS_SECONDARYINTERFACE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEVPROP_PCIROOTBUS_SECONDARYINTERFACE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEVPROP_PCIROOTBUS_SECONDARYINTERFACE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEVPROP_PCIROOTBUS_SECONDARYINTERFACE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2570,19 +2416,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEVPROP_PCIROOTBUS_SECONDARYINTERFACE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEVPROP_PCIROOTBUS_SUPPORTEDSPEEDSANDMODES(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEVPROP_PCIROOTBUS_SUPPORTEDSPEEDSANDMODES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEVPROP_PCIROOTBUS_SUPPORTEDSPEEDSANDMODES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEVPROP_PCIROOTBUS_SUPPORTEDSPEEDSANDMODES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEVPROP_PCIROOTBUS_SUPPORTEDSPEEDSANDMODES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2592,19 +2427,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEVPROP_PCIROOTBUS_SUPPORTEDSPEEDSANDMODES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DOT11EXT_IHV_CONNECTION_PHASE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DOT11EXT_IHV_CONNECTION_PHASE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DOT11EXT_IHV_CONNECTION_PHASE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DOT11EXT_IHV_CONNECTION_PHASE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DOT11EXT_IHV_CONNECTION_PHASE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2614,19 +2438,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DOT11EXT_IHV_CONNECTION_PHASE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DOT11EXT_IHV_INDICATION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DOT11EXT_IHV_INDICATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DOT11EXT_IHV_INDICATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DOT11EXT_IHV_INDICATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DOT11EXT_IHV_INDICATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2636,19 +2449,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DOT11EXT_IHV_INDICATION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DOT11_AC_PARAM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DOT11_AC_PARAM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DOT11_AC_PARAM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DOT11_AC_PARAM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DOT11_AC_PARAM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2658,19 +2460,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DOT11_AC_PARAM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DOT11_ADHOC_AUTH_ALGORITHM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DOT11_ADHOC_AUTH_ALGORITHM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DOT11_ADHOC_AUTH_ALGORITHM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DOT11_ADHOC_AUTH_ALGORITHM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DOT11_ADHOC_AUTH_ALGORITHM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2680,19 +2471,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DOT11_ADHOC_AUTH_ALGORITHM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DOT11_ADHOC_CIPHER_ALGORITHM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DOT11_ADHOC_CIPHER_ALGORITHM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DOT11_ADHOC_CIPHER_ALGORITHM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DOT11_ADHOC_CIPHER_ALGORITHM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DOT11_ADHOC_CIPHER_ALGORITHM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2702,19 +2482,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DOT11_ADHOC_CIPHER_ALGORITHM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DOT11_ADHOC_CONNECT_FAIL_REASON(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DOT11_ADHOC_CONNECT_FAIL_REASON {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DOT11_ADHOC_CONNECT_FAIL_REASON { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DOT11_ADHOC_CONNECT_FAIL_REASON { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DOT11_ADHOC_CONNECT_FAIL_REASON { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2724,19 +2493,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DOT11_ADHOC_CONNECT_FAIL_REASON { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DOT11_ADHOC_NETWORK_CONNECTION_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DOT11_ADHOC_NETWORK_CONNECTION_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DOT11_ADHOC_NETWORK_CONNECTION_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DOT11_ADHOC_NETWORK_CONNECTION_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DOT11_ADHOC_NETWORK_CONNECTION_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2746,19 +2504,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DOT11_ADHOC_NETWORK_CONNECTION_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DOT11_ANQP_QUERY_RESULT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DOT11_ANQP_QUERY_RESULT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DOT11_ANQP_QUERY_RESULT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DOT11_ANQP_QUERY_RESULT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DOT11_ANQP_QUERY_RESULT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2768,19 +2515,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DOT11_ANQP_QUERY_RESULT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DOT11_ASSOCIATION_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DOT11_ASSOCIATION_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DOT11_ASSOCIATION_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DOT11_ASSOCIATION_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DOT11_ASSOCIATION_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2790,19 +2526,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DOT11_ASSOCIATION_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DOT11_AUTH_ALGORITHM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DOT11_AUTH_ALGORITHM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DOT11_AUTH_ALGORITHM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DOT11_AUTH_ALGORITHM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DOT11_AUTH_ALGORITHM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2812,19 +2537,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DOT11_AUTH_ALGORITHM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DOT11_BAND(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DOT11_BAND {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DOT11_BAND { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DOT11_BAND { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DOT11_BAND { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2834,19 +2548,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DOT11_BAND { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DOT11_BSS_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DOT11_BSS_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DOT11_BSS_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DOT11_BSS_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DOT11_BSS_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2856,19 +2559,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DOT11_BSS_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DOT11_CIPHER_ALGORITHM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DOT11_CIPHER_ALGORITHM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DOT11_CIPHER_ALGORITHM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DOT11_CIPHER_ALGORITHM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DOT11_CIPHER_ALGORITHM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2878,19 +2570,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DOT11_CIPHER_ALGORITHM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DOT11_DIRECTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DOT11_DIRECTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DOT11_DIRECTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DOT11_DIRECTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DOT11_DIRECTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2900,19 +2581,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DOT11_DIRECTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DOT11_DIVERSITY_SUPPORT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DOT11_DIVERSITY_SUPPORT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DOT11_DIVERSITY_SUPPORT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DOT11_DIVERSITY_SUPPORT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DOT11_DIVERSITY_SUPPORT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2922,19 +2592,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DOT11_DIVERSITY_SUPPORT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DOT11_DS_INFO(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DOT11_DS_INFO {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DOT11_DS_INFO { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DOT11_DS_INFO { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DOT11_DS_INFO { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2944,19 +2603,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DOT11_DS_INFO { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DOT11_HOP_ALGO_ADOPTED(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DOT11_HOP_ALGO_ADOPTED {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DOT11_HOP_ALGO_ADOPTED { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DOT11_HOP_ALGO_ADOPTED { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DOT11_HOP_ALGO_ADOPTED { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2966,19 +2614,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DOT11_HOP_ALGO_ADOPTED { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DOT11_KEY_DIRECTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DOT11_KEY_DIRECTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DOT11_KEY_DIRECTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DOT11_KEY_DIRECTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DOT11_KEY_DIRECTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2988,19 +2625,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DOT11_KEY_DIRECTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DOT11_MANUFACTURING_CALLBACK_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DOT11_MANUFACTURING_CALLBACK_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DOT11_MANUFACTURING_CALLBACK_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DOT11_MANUFACTURING_CALLBACK_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DOT11_MANUFACTURING_CALLBACK_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3010,19 +2636,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DOT11_MANUFACTURING_CALLBACK_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DOT11_MANUFACTURING_SELF_TEST_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DOT11_MANUFACTURING_SELF_TEST_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DOT11_MANUFACTURING_SELF_TEST_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DOT11_MANUFACTURING_SELF_TEST_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DOT11_MANUFACTURING_SELF_TEST_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3032,19 +2647,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DOT11_MANUFACTURING_SELF_TEST_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DOT11_MANUFACTURING_TEST_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DOT11_MANUFACTURING_TEST_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DOT11_MANUFACTURING_TEST_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DOT11_MANUFACTURING_TEST_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DOT11_MANUFACTURING_TEST_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3054,19 +2658,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DOT11_MANUFACTURING_TEST_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DOT11_MSONEX_RESULT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DOT11_MSONEX_RESULT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DOT11_MSONEX_RESULT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DOT11_MSONEX_RESULT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DOT11_MSONEX_RESULT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3076,19 +2669,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DOT11_MSONEX_RESULT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DOT11_OFFLOAD_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DOT11_OFFLOAD_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DOT11_OFFLOAD_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DOT11_OFFLOAD_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DOT11_OFFLOAD_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3098,19 +2680,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DOT11_OFFLOAD_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DOT11_PHY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DOT11_PHY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DOT11_PHY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DOT11_PHY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DOT11_PHY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3120,19 +2691,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DOT11_PHY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DOT11_POWER_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DOT11_POWER_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DOT11_POWER_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DOT11_POWER_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DOT11_POWER_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3142,19 +2702,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DOT11_POWER_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DOT11_POWER_MODE_REASON(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DOT11_POWER_MODE_REASON {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DOT11_POWER_MODE_REASON { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DOT11_POWER_MODE_REASON { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DOT11_POWER_MODE_REASON { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3164,19 +2713,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DOT11_POWER_MODE_REASON { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DOT11_RADIO_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DOT11_RADIO_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DOT11_RADIO_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DOT11_RADIO_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DOT11_RADIO_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3186,19 +2724,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DOT11_RADIO_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DOT11_RESET_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DOT11_RESET_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DOT11_RESET_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DOT11_RESET_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DOT11_RESET_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3208,41 +2735,19 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DOT11_RESET_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DOT11_SCAN_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DOT11_SCAN_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DOT11_SCAN_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DOT11_SCAN_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DOT11_SCAN_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DOT11_SCAN_TYPE { - fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::core::fmt::Result { - f.debug_tuple("DOT11_SCAN_TYPE").field(&self.0).finish() - } -} -#[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] -pub struct DOT11_TEMP_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DOT11_TEMP_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DOT11_TEMP_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DOT11_TEMP_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) + fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::core::fmt::Result { + f.debug_tuple("DOT11_SCAN_TYPE").field(&self.0).finish() } } +#[repr(transparent)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] +pub struct DOT11_TEMP_TYPE(pub i32); impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DOT11_TEMP_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3252,19 +2757,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DOT11_TEMP_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DOT11_UPDATE_IE_OP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DOT11_UPDATE_IE_OP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DOT11_UPDATE_IE_OP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DOT11_UPDATE_IE_OP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DOT11_UPDATE_IE_OP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3274,19 +2768,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DOT11_UPDATE_IE_OP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DOT11_WFD_DISCOVER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DOT11_WFD_DISCOVER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DOT11_WFD_DISCOVER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DOT11_WFD_DISCOVER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DOT11_WFD_DISCOVER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3296,19 +2779,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DOT11_WFD_DISCOVER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DOT11_WFD_SCAN_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DOT11_WFD_SCAN_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DOT11_WFD_SCAN_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DOT11_WFD_SCAN_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DOT11_WFD_SCAN_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3318,19 +2790,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DOT11_WFD_SCAN_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DOT11_WPS_CONFIG_METHOD(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DOT11_WPS_CONFIG_METHOD {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DOT11_WPS_CONFIG_METHOD { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DOT11_WPS_CONFIG_METHOD { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DOT11_WPS_CONFIG_METHOD { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3340,19 +2801,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DOT11_WPS_CONFIG_METHOD { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DOT11_WPS_DEVICE_PASSWORD_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DOT11_WPS_DEVICE_PASSWORD_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DOT11_WPS_DEVICE_PASSWORD_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DOT11_WPS_DEVICE_PASSWORD_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DOT11_WPS_DEVICE_PASSWORD_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3362,19 +2812,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DOT11_WPS_DEVICE_PASSWORD_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ONEX_AUTH_IDENTITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ONEX_AUTH_IDENTITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ONEX_AUTH_IDENTITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ONEX_AUTH_IDENTITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ONEX_AUTH_IDENTITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3384,19 +2823,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ONEX_AUTH_IDENTITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ONEX_AUTH_RESTART_REASON(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ONEX_AUTH_RESTART_REASON {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ONEX_AUTH_RESTART_REASON { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ONEX_AUTH_RESTART_REASON { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ONEX_AUTH_RESTART_REASON { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3406,19 +2834,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ONEX_AUTH_RESTART_REASON { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ONEX_AUTH_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ONEX_AUTH_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ONEX_AUTH_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ONEX_AUTH_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ONEX_AUTH_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3428,19 +2845,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ONEX_AUTH_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ONEX_EAP_METHOD_BACKEND_SUPPORT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ONEX_EAP_METHOD_BACKEND_SUPPORT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ONEX_EAP_METHOD_BACKEND_SUPPORT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ONEX_EAP_METHOD_BACKEND_SUPPORT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ONEX_EAP_METHOD_BACKEND_SUPPORT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3450,19 +2856,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ONEX_EAP_METHOD_BACKEND_SUPPORT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ONEX_NOTIFICATION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ONEX_NOTIFICATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ONEX_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ONEX_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ONEX_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3472,19 +2867,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ONEX_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ONEX_REASON_CODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ONEX_REASON_CODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ONEX_REASON_CODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ONEX_REASON_CODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ONEX_REASON_CODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3494,19 +2878,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ONEX_REASON_CODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WFD_ROLE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WFD_ROLE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WFD_ROLE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WFD_ROLE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WFD_ROLE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3516,19 +2889,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WFD_ROLE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WLAN_ADHOC_NETWORK_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WLAN_ADHOC_NETWORK_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WLAN_ADHOC_NETWORK_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WLAN_ADHOC_NETWORK_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WLAN_ADHOC_NETWORK_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3538,19 +2900,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WLAN_ADHOC_NETWORK_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WLAN_AUTOCONF_OPCODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WLAN_AUTOCONF_OPCODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WLAN_AUTOCONF_OPCODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WLAN_AUTOCONF_OPCODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WLAN_AUTOCONF_OPCODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3560,19 +2911,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WLAN_AUTOCONF_OPCODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WLAN_CONNECTION_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WLAN_CONNECTION_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WLAN_CONNECTION_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WLAN_CONNECTION_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WLAN_CONNECTION_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3582,19 +2922,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WLAN_CONNECTION_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WLAN_CONNECTION_NOTIFICATION_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WLAN_CONNECTION_NOTIFICATION_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WLAN_CONNECTION_NOTIFICATION_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WLAN_CONNECTION_NOTIFICATION_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WLAN_CONNECTION_NOTIFICATION_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3604,19 +2933,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WLAN_CONNECTION_NOTIFICATION_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WLAN_FILTER_LIST_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WLAN_FILTER_LIST_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WLAN_FILTER_LIST_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WLAN_FILTER_LIST_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WLAN_FILTER_LIST_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3626,19 +2944,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WLAN_FILTER_LIST_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WLAN_HOSTED_NETWORK_NOTIFICATION_CODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WLAN_HOSTED_NETWORK_NOTIFICATION_CODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WLAN_HOSTED_NETWORK_NOTIFICATION_CODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WLAN_HOSTED_NETWORK_NOTIFICATION_CODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WLAN_HOSTED_NETWORK_NOTIFICATION_CODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3648,19 +2955,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WLAN_HOSTED_NETWORK_NOTIFICATION_CODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WLAN_HOSTED_NETWORK_OPCODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WLAN_HOSTED_NETWORK_OPCODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WLAN_HOSTED_NETWORK_OPCODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WLAN_HOSTED_NETWORK_OPCODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WLAN_HOSTED_NETWORK_OPCODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3670,19 +2966,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WLAN_HOSTED_NETWORK_OPCODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WLAN_HOSTED_NETWORK_PEER_AUTH_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WLAN_HOSTED_NETWORK_PEER_AUTH_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WLAN_HOSTED_NETWORK_PEER_AUTH_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WLAN_HOSTED_NETWORK_PEER_AUTH_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WLAN_HOSTED_NETWORK_PEER_AUTH_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3692,19 +2977,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WLAN_HOSTED_NETWORK_PEER_AUTH_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WLAN_HOSTED_NETWORK_REASON(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WLAN_HOSTED_NETWORK_REASON {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WLAN_HOSTED_NETWORK_REASON { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WLAN_HOSTED_NETWORK_REASON { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WLAN_HOSTED_NETWORK_REASON { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3714,19 +2988,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WLAN_HOSTED_NETWORK_REASON { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WLAN_HOSTED_NETWORK_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WLAN_HOSTED_NETWORK_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WLAN_HOSTED_NETWORK_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WLAN_HOSTED_NETWORK_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WLAN_HOSTED_NETWORK_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3736,19 +2999,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WLAN_HOSTED_NETWORK_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WLAN_IHV_CONTROL_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WLAN_IHV_CONTROL_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WLAN_IHV_CONTROL_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WLAN_IHV_CONTROL_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WLAN_IHV_CONTROL_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3758,19 +3010,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WLAN_IHV_CONTROL_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WLAN_INTERFACE_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WLAN_INTERFACE_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WLAN_INTERFACE_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WLAN_INTERFACE_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WLAN_INTERFACE_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3780,19 +3021,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WLAN_INTERFACE_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WLAN_INTERFACE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WLAN_INTERFACE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WLAN_INTERFACE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WLAN_INTERFACE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WLAN_INTERFACE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3802,19 +3032,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WLAN_INTERFACE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WLAN_INTF_OPCODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WLAN_INTF_OPCODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WLAN_INTF_OPCODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WLAN_INTF_OPCODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WLAN_INTF_OPCODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3824,19 +3043,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WLAN_INTF_OPCODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WLAN_NOTIFICATION_ACM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WLAN_NOTIFICATION_ACM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WLAN_NOTIFICATION_ACM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WLAN_NOTIFICATION_ACM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WLAN_NOTIFICATION_ACM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3846,19 +3054,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WLAN_NOTIFICATION_ACM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WLAN_NOTIFICATION_MSM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WLAN_NOTIFICATION_MSM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WLAN_NOTIFICATION_MSM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WLAN_NOTIFICATION_MSM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WLAN_NOTIFICATION_MSM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3868,19 +3065,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WLAN_NOTIFICATION_MSM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WLAN_NOTIFICATION_SECURITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WLAN_NOTIFICATION_SECURITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WLAN_NOTIFICATION_SECURITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WLAN_NOTIFICATION_SECURITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WLAN_NOTIFICATION_SECURITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3890,19 +3076,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WLAN_NOTIFICATION_SECURITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WLAN_NOTIFICATION_SOURCES(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WLAN_NOTIFICATION_SOURCES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WLAN_NOTIFICATION_SOURCES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WLAN_NOTIFICATION_SOURCES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WLAN_NOTIFICATION_SOURCES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3945,19 +3120,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for WLAN_NOTIFICATION_SOURCES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WLAN_OPCODE_VALUE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WLAN_OPCODE_VALUE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WLAN_OPCODE_VALUE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WLAN_OPCODE_VALUE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WLAN_OPCODE_VALUE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3967,19 +3131,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WLAN_OPCODE_VALUE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WLAN_OPERATIONAL_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WLAN_OPERATIONAL_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WLAN_OPERATIONAL_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WLAN_OPERATIONAL_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WLAN_OPERATIONAL_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3989,19 +3142,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WLAN_OPERATIONAL_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WLAN_POWER_SETTING(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WLAN_POWER_SETTING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WLAN_POWER_SETTING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WLAN_POWER_SETTING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WLAN_POWER_SETTING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4011,19 +3153,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WLAN_POWER_SETTING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WLAN_SECURABLE_OBJECT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WLAN_SECURABLE_OBJECT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WLAN_SECURABLE_OBJECT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WLAN_SECURABLE_OBJECT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WLAN_SECURABLE_OBJECT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4033,19 +3164,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WLAN_SECURABLE_OBJECT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WLAN_SET_EAPHOST_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WLAN_SET_EAPHOST_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WLAN_SET_EAPHOST_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WLAN_SET_EAPHOST_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WLAN_SET_EAPHOST_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4055,19 +3175,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WLAN_SET_EAPHOST_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WL_DISPLAY_PAGES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WL_DISPLAY_PAGES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WL_DISPLAY_PAGES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WL_DISPLAY_PAGES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WL_DISPLAY_PAGES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/WindowsConnectNow/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/WindowsConnectNow/ index 27fd20e763..a557c31ba8 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/WindowsConnectNow/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/WindowsConnectNow/ @@ -403,19 +403,8 @@ pub const WCN_VALUE_TRUE: WCN_VALUE_TYPE_BOOLEAN = WCN_VALUE_TYPE_BOOLEAN(1i32); pub const WCN_VALUE_VERSION_1_0: WCN_VALUE_TYPE_VERSION = WCN_VALUE_TYPE_VERSION(16i32); pub const WCN_VALUE_VERSION_2_0: WCN_VALUE_TYPE_VERSION = WCN_VALUE_TYPE_VERSION(32i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WCN_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WCN_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WCN_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WCN_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WCN_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -425,19 +414,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WCN_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WCN_PASSWORD_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WCN_PASSWORD_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WCN_PASSWORD_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WCN_PASSWORD_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WCN_PASSWORD_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -447,19 +425,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WCN_PASSWORD_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WCN_SESSION_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WCN_SESSION_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WCN_SESSION_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WCN_SESSION_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WCN_SESSION_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -469,19 +436,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WCN_SESSION_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WCN_VALUE_TYPE_ASSOCIATION_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_ASSOCIATION_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_ASSOCIATION_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_ASSOCIATION_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_ASSOCIATION_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -491,19 +447,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_ASSOCIATION_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WCN_VALUE_TYPE_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -513,19 +458,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WCN_VALUE_TYPE_BOOLEAN(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_BOOLEAN {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_BOOLEAN { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_BOOLEAN { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_BOOLEAN { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -535,19 +469,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_BOOLEAN { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WCN_VALUE_TYPE_CONFIGURATION_ERROR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_CONFIGURATION_ERROR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_CONFIGURATION_ERROR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_CONFIGURATION_ERROR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_CONFIGURATION_ERROR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -557,19 +480,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_CONFIGURATION_ERROR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WCN_VALUE_TYPE_CONFIG_METHODS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_CONFIG_METHODS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_CONFIG_METHODS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_CONFIG_METHODS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_CONFIG_METHODS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -579,19 +491,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_CONFIG_METHODS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WCN_VALUE_TYPE_CONNECTION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_CONNECTION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_CONNECTION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_CONNECTION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_CONNECTION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -601,19 +502,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_CONNECTION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WCN_VALUE_TYPE_DEVICE_PASSWORD_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_DEVICE_PASSWORD_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_DEVICE_PASSWORD_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_DEVICE_PASSWORD_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_DEVICE_PASSWORD_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -623,19 +513,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_DEVICE_PASSWORD_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WCN_VALUE_TYPE_ENCRYPTION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_ENCRYPTION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_ENCRYPTION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_ENCRYPTION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_ENCRYPTION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -645,19 +524,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_ENCRYPTION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WCN_VALUE_TYPE_MESSAGE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_MESSAGE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_MESSAGE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_MESSAGE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_MESSAGE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -667,19 +535,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_MESSAGE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WCN_VALUE_TYPE_REQUEST_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_REQUEST_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_REQUEST_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_REQUEST_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_REQUEST_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -689,19 +546,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_REQUEST_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WCN_VALUE_TYPE_RESPONSE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_RESPONSE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_RESPONSE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_RESPONSE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_RESPONSE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -711,19 +557,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_RESPONSE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WCN_VALUE_TYPE_RF_BANDS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_RF_BANDS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_RF_BANDS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_RF_BANDS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_RF_BANDS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -733,19 +568,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_RF_BANDS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WCN_VALUE_TYPE_VERSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_VERSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_VERSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_VERSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_VERSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -755,19 +579,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_VERSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WCN_VALUE_TYPE_WI_FI_PROTECTED_SETUP_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_WI_FI_PROTECTED_SETUP_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_WI_FI_PROTECTED_SETUP_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_WI_FI_PROTECTED_SETUP_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WCN_VALUE_TYPE_WI_FI_PROTECTED_SETUP_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/WindowsConnectionManager/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/WindowsConnectionManager/ index cf16ea171b..48cd79d747 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/WindowsConnectionManager/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/WindowsConnectionManager/ @@ -102,19 +102,8 @@ pub const wcm_media_mbn: WCM_MEDIA_TYPE = WCM_MEDIA_TYPE(3i32); pub const wcm_media_unknown: WCM_MEDIA_TYPE = WCM_MEDIA_TYPE(0i32); pub const wcm_media_wlan: WCM_MEDIA_TYPE = WCM_MEDIA_TYPE(2i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WCM_CONNECTION_COST(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WCM_CONNECTION_COST {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WCM_CONNECTION_COST { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WCM_CONNECTION_COST { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WCM_CONNECTION_COST { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -124,19 +113,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WCM_CONNECTION_COST { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WCM_CONNECTION_COST_SOURCE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WCM_CONNECTION_COST_SOURCE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WCM_CONNECTION_COST_SOURCE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WCM_CONNECTION_COST_SOURCE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WCM_CONNECTION_COST_SOURCE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -146,19 +124,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WCM_CONNECTION_COST_SOURCE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WCM_MEDIA_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WCM_MEDIA_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WCM_MEDIA_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WCM_MEDIA_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WCM_MEDIA_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -168,19 +135,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WCM_MEDIA_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WCM_PROPERTY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WCM_PROPERTY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WCM_PROPERTY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WCM_PROPERTY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WCM_PROPERTY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/WindowsFilteringPlatform/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/WindowsFilteringPlatform/ index 99fa563afb..9e3841b654 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/WindowsFilteringPlatform/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/WindowsFilteringPlatform/ @@ -2634,19 +2634,8 @@ pub const IPSEC_TRANSFORM_ESP_AUTH_FW: IPSEC_TRANSFORM_TYPE = IPSEC_TRANSFORM_TY pub const IPSEC_TRANSFORM_ESP_CIPHER: IPSEC_TRANSFORM_TYPE = IPSEC_TRANSFORM_TYPE(3i32); pub const IPSEC_TRANSFORM_TYPE_MAX: IPSEC_TRANSFORM_TYPE = IPSEC_TRANSFORM_TYPE(6i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DL_ADDRESS_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DL_ADDRESS_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DL_ADDRESS_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DL_ADDRESS_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DL_ADDRESS_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2656,19 +2645,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DL_ADDRESS_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FWPM_APPC_NETWORK_CAPABILITY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FWPM_APPC_NETWORK_CAPABILITY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FWPM_APPC_NETWORK_CAPABILITY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FWPM_APPC_NETWORK_CAPABILITY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FWPM_APPC_NETWORK_CAPABILITY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2678,19 +2656,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FWPM_APPC_NETWORK_CAPABILITY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FWPM_CHANGE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FWPM_CHANGE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FWPM_CHANGE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FWPM_CHANGE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FWPM_CHANGE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2700,19 +2667,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FWPM_CHANGE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FWPM_CONNECTION_EVENT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FWPM_CONNECTION_EVENT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FWPM_CONNECTION_EVENT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FWPM_CONNECTION_EVENT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FWPM_CONNECTION_EVENT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2722,19 +2678,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FWPM_CONNECTION_EVENT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FWPM_ENGINE_OPTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FWPM_ENGINE_OPTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FWPM_ENGINE_OPTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FWPM_ENGINE_OPTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FWPM_ENGINE_OPTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2744,19 +2689,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FWPM_ENGINE_OPTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FWPM_FIELD_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FWPM_FIELD_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FWPM_FIELD_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FWPM_FIELD_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FWPM_FIELD_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2766,19 +2700,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FWPM_FIELD_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FWPM_FILTER_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FWPM_FILTER_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FWPM_FILTER_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FWPM_FILTER_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FWPM_FILTER_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2821,19 +2744,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for FWPM_FILTER_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FWPM_NET_EVENT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FWPM_NET_EVENT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FWPM_NET_EVENT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FWPM_NET_EVENT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FWPM_NET_EVENT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2843,19 +2755,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FWPM_NET_EVENT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FWPM_PROVIDER_CONTEXT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FWPM_PROVIDER_CONTEXT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FWPM_PROVIDER_CONTEXT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FWPM_PROVIDER_CONTEXT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FWPM_PROVIDER_CONTEXT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2865,19 +2766,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FWPM_PROVIDER_CONTEXT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FWPM_SERVICE_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FWPM_SERVICE_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FWPM_SERVICE_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FWPM_SERVICE_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FWPM_SERVICE_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2887,19 +2777,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FWPM_SERVICE_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FWPM_SUBSCRIPTION_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FWPM_SUBSCRIPTION_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FWPM_SUBSCRIPTION_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FWPM_SUBSCRIPTION_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FWPM_SUBSCRIPTION_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2909,19 +2788,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FWPM_SUBSCRIPTION_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FWPM_SYSTEM_PORT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FWPM_SYSTEM_PORT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FWPM_SYSTEM_PORT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FWPM_SYSTEM_PORT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FWPM_SYSTEM_PORT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2931,19 +2799,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FWPM_SYSTEM_PORT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FWPM_VSWITCH_EVENT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FWPM_VSWITCH_EVENT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FWPM_VSWITCH_EVENT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FWPM_VSWITCH_EVENT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FWPM_VSWITCH_EVENT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2953,19 +2810,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FWPM_VSWITCH_EVENT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FWP_ACTION_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FWP_ACTION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FWP_ACTION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FWP_ACTION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FWP_ACTION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2975,19 +2821,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FWP_ACTION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FWP_AF(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FWP_AF {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FWP_AF { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FWP_AF { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FWP_AF { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2997,19 +2832,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FWP_AF { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FWP_CLASSIFY_OPTION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FWP_CLASSIFY_OPTION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FWP_CLASSIFY_OPTION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FWP_CLASSIFY_OPTION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FWP_CLASSIFY_OPTION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3019,19 +2843,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FWP_CLASSIFY_OPTION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FWP_DATA_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FWP_DATA_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FWP_DATA_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FWP_DATA_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FWP_DATA_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3041,19 +2854,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FWP_DATA_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FWP_DIRECTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FWP_DIRECTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FWP_DIRECTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FWP_DIRECTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FWP_DIRECTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3063,19 +2865,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FWP_DIRECTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FWP_ETHER_ENCAP_METHOD(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FWP_ETHER_ENCAP_METHOD {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FWP_ETHER_ENCAP_METHOD { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FWP_ETHER_ENCAP_METHOD { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FWP_ETHER_ENCAP_METHOD { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3085,19 +2876,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FWP_ETHER_ENCAP_METHOD { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FWP_FILTER_ENUM_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FWP_FILTER_ENUM_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FWP_FILTER_ENUM_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FWP_FILTER_ENUM_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FWP_FILTER_ENUM_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3107,19 +2887,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FWP_FILTER_ENUM_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FWP_IP_VERSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FWP_IP_VERSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FWP_IP_VERSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FWP_IP_VERSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FWP_IP_VERSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3129,19 +2898,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FWP_IP_VERSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FWP_MATCH_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FWP_MATCH_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FWP_MATCH_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FWP_MATCH_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FWP_MATCH_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3151,19 +2909,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FWP_MATCH_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FWP_NETWORK_CONNECTION_POLICY_SETTING_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FWP_NETWORK_CONNECTION_POLICY_SETTING_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FWP_NETWORK_CONNECTION_POLICY_SETTING_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FWP_NETWORK_CONNECTION_POLICY_SETTING_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FWP_NETWORK_CONNECTION_POLICY_SETTING_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3173,19 +2920,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FWP_NETWORK_CONNECTION_POLICY_SETTING_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FWP_VSWITCH_NETWORK_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FWP_VSWITCH_NETWORK_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FWP_VSWITCH_NETWORK_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FWP_VSWITCH_NETWORK_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FWP_VSWITCH_NETWORK_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3195,19 +2931,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FWP_VSWITCH_NETWORK_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IKEEXT_AUTHENTICATION_IMPERSONATION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IKEEXT_AUTHENTICATION_IMPERSONATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IKEEXT_AUTHENTICATION_IMPERSONATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IKEEXT_AUTHENTICATION_IMPERSONATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IKEEXT_AUTHENTICATION_IMPERSONATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3217,19 +2942,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IKEEXT_AUTHENTICATION_IMPERSONATION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IKEEXT_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IKEEXT_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IKEEXT_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IKEEXT_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IKEEXT_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3239,19 +2953,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IKEEXT_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IKEEXT_CERT_AUTH(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IKEEXT_CERT_AUTH {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IKEEXT_CERT_AUTH { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IKEEXT_CERT_AUTH { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IKEEXT_CERT_AUTH { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3294,19 +2997,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for IKEEXT_CERT_AUTH { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IKEEXT_CERT_CONFIG_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IKEEXT_CERT_CONFIG_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IKEEXT_CERT_CONFIG_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IKEEXT_CERT_CONFIG_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IKEEXT_CERT_CONFIG_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3316,19 +3008,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IKEEXT_CERT_CONFIG_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IKEEXT_CERT_CRITERIA_NAME_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IKEEXT_CERT_CRITERIA_NAME_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IKEEXT_CERT_CRITERIA_NAME_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IKEEXT_CERT_CRITERIA_NAME_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IKEEXT_CERT_CRITERIA_NAME_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3338,19 +3019,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IKEEXT_CERT_CRITERIA_NAME_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IKEEXT_CERT_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IKEEXT_CERT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IKEEXT_CERT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IKEEXT_CERT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IKEEXT_CERT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3393,19 +3063,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for IKEEXT_CERT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IKEEXT_CIPHER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IKEEXT_CIPHER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IKEEXT_CIPHER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IKEEXT_CIPHER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IKEEXT_CIPHER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3415,19 +3074,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IKEEXT_CIPHER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IKEEXT_DH_GROUP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IKEEXT_DH_GROUP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IKEEXT_DH_GROUP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IKEEXT_DH_GROUP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IKEEXT_DH_GROUP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3437,19 +3085,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IKEEXT_DH_GROUP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IKEEXT_EAP_AUTHENTICATION_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IKEEXT_EAP_AUTHENTICATION_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IKEEXT_EAP_AUTHENTICATION_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IKEEXT_EAP_AUTHENTICATION_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IKEEXT_EAP_AUTHENTICATION_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3492,19 +3129,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for IKEEXT_EAP_AUTHENTICATION_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IKEEXT_EM_SA_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IKEEXT_EM_SA_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IKEEXT_EM_SA_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IKEEXT_EM_SA_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IKEEXT_EM_SA_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3514,19 +3140,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IKEEXT_EM_SA_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IKEEXT_INTEGRITY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IKEEXT_INTEGRITY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IKEEXT_INTEGRITY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IKEEXT_INTEGRITY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IKEEXT_INTEGRITY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3536,19 +3151,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IKEEXT_INTEGRITY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IKEEXT_KERBEROS_AUTHENTICATION_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IKEEXT_KERBEROS_AUTHENTICATION_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IKEEXT_KERBEROS_AUTHENTICATION_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IKEEXT_KERBEROS_AUTHENTICATION_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IKEEXT_KERBEROS_AUTHENTICATION_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3591,19 +3195,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for IKEEXT_KERBEROS_AUTHENTICATION_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IKEEXT_KEY_MODULE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IKEEXT_KEY_MODULE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IKEEXT_KEY_MODULE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IKEEXT_KEY_MODULE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IKEEXT_KEY_MODULE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3613,19 +3206,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IKEEXT_KEY_MODULE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IKEEXT_MM_SA_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IKEEXT_MM_SA_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IKEEXT_MM_SA_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IKEEXT_MM_SA_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IKEEXT_MM_SA_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3635,19 +3217,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IKEEXT_MM_SA_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IKEEXT_POLICY_FLAG(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IKEEXT_POLICY_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IKEEXT_POLICY_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IKEEXT_POLICY_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IKEEXT_POLICY_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3690,19 +3261,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for IKEEXT_POLICY_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IKEEXT_PRESHARED_KEY_AUTHENTICATION_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IKEEXT_PRESHARED_KEY_AUTHENTICATION_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IKEEXT_PRESHARED_KEY_AUTHENTICATION_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IKEEXT_PRESHARED_KEY_AUTHENTICATION_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IKEEXT_PRESHARED_KEY_AUTHENTICATION_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3745,19 +3305,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for IKEEXT_PRESHARED_KEY_AUTHENTICATION_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IKEEXT_QM_SA_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IKEEXT_QM_SA_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IKEEXT_QM_SA_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IKEEXT_QM_SA_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IKEEXT_QM_SA_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3767,19 +3316,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IKEEXT_QM_SA_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IKEEXT_RESERVED_AUTHENTICATION_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IKEEXT_RESERVED_AUTHENTICATION_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IKEEXT_RESERVED_AUTHENTICATION_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IKEEXT_RESERVED_AUTHENTICATION_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IKEEXT_RESERVED_AUTHENTICATION_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3822,19 +3360,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for IKEEXT_RESERVED_AUTHENTICATION_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IKEEXT_SA_ROLE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IKEEXT_SA_ROLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IKEEXT_SA_ROLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IKEEXT_SA_ROLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IKEEXT_SA_ROLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3844,19 +3371,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IKEEXT_SA_ROLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IPSEC_AUTH_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IPSEC_AUTH_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IPSEC_AUTH_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IPSEC_AUTH_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IPSEC_AUTH_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3866,19 +3382,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IPSEC_AUTH_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IPSEC_CIPHER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IPSEC_CIPHER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IPSEC_CIPHER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IPSEC_CIPHER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IPSEC_CIPHER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3888,19 +3393,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IPSEC_CIPHER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IPSEC_DOSP_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IPSEC_DOSP_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IPSEC_DOSP_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IPSEC_DOSP_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IPSEC_DOSP_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3943,19 +3437,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for IPSEC_DOSP_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IPSEC_FAILURE_POINT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IPSEC_FAILURE_POINT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IPSEC_FAILURE_POINT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IPSEC_FAILURE_POINT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IPSEC_FAILURE_POINT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3965,19 +3448,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IPSEC_FAILURE_POINT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IPSEC_PFS_GROUP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IPSEC_PFS_GROUP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IPSEC_PFS_GROUP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IPSEC_PFS_GROUP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IPSEC_PFS_GROUP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3987,19 +3459,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IPSEC_PFS_GROUP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IPSEC_POLICY_FLAG(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IPSEC_POLICY_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IPSEC_POLICY_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IPSEC_POLICY_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IPSEC_POLICY_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4042,19 +3503,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for IPSEC_POLICY_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IPSEC_SA_BUNDLE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IPSEC_SA_BUNDLE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IPSEC_SA_BUNDLE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IPSEC_SA_BUNDLE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IPSEC_SA_BUNDLE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4097,19 +3547,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for IPSEC_SA_BUNDLE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IPSEC_SA_CONTEXT_EVENT_TYPE0(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IPSEC_SA_CONTEXT_EVENT_TYPE0 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IPSEC_SA_CONTEXT_EVENT_TYPE0 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IPSEC_SA_CONTEXT_EVENT_TYPE0 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IPSEC_SA_CONTEXT_EVENT_TYPE0 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4119,19 +3558,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IPSEC_SA_CONTEXT_EVENT_TYPE0 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IPSEC_TOKEN_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IPSEC_TOKEN_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IPSEC_TOKEN_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IPSEC_TOKEN_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IPSEC_TOKEN_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4141,19 +3569,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IPSEC_TOKEN_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IPSEC_TOKEN_PRINCIPAL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IPSEC_TOKEN_PRINCIPAL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IPSEC_TOKEN_PRINCIPAL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IPSEC_TOKEN_PRINCIPAL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IPSEC_TOKEN_PRINCIPAL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4163,19 +3580,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IPSEC_TOKEN_PRINCIPAL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IPSEC_TOKEN_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IPSEC_TOKEN_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IPSEC_TOKEN_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IPSEC_TOKEN_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IPSEC_TOKEN_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4185,19 +3591,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IPSEC_TOKEN_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IPSEC_TRAFFIC_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IPSEC_TRAFFIC_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IPSEC_TRAFFIC_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IPSEC_TRAFFIC_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IPSEC_TRAFFIC_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4207,19 +3602,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IPSEC_TRAFFIC_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IPSEC_TRANSFORM_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IPSEC_TRANSFORM_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IPSEC_TRANSFORM_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IPSEC_TRANSFORM_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IPSEC_TRANSFORM_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/WindowsFirewall/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/WindowsFirewall/ index 04184c8c94..e706d68965 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/WindowsFirewall/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/WindowsFirewall/ @@ -3504,19 +3504,8 @@ pub const NetSharingManager: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u pub const S_OBJECT_NO_LONGER_VALID: ::windows_core::HRESULT = ::windows_core::HRESULT(2i32); pub const UPnPNAT: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0xae1e00aa_3fd5_403c_8a27_2bbdc30cd0e1); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FW_DYNAMIC_KEYWORD_ADDRESS_ENUM_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FW_DYNAMIC_KEYWORD_ADDRESS_ENUM_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FW_DYNAMIC_KEYWORD_ADDRESS_ENUM_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FW_DYNAMIC_KEYWORD_ADDRESS_ENUM_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FW_DYNAMIC_KEYWORD_ADDRESS_ENUM_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3559,19 +3548,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for FW_DYNAMIC_KEYWORD_ADDRESS_ENUM_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FW_DYNAMIC_KEYWORD_ADDRESS_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FW_DYNAMIC_KEYWORD_ADDRESS_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FW_DYNAMIC_KEYWORD_ADDRESS_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FW_DYNAMIC_KEYWORD_ADDRESS_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FW_DYNAMIC_KEYWORD_ADDRESS_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3614,19 +3592,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for FW_DYNAMIC_KEYWORD_ADDRESS_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FW_DYNAMIC_KEYWORD_ORIGIN_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FW_DYNAMIC_KEYWORD_ORIGIN_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FW_DYNAMIC_KEYWORD_ORIGIN_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FW_DYNAMIC_KEYWORD_ORIGIN_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FW_DYNAMIC_KEYWORD_ORIGIN_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3636,19 +3603,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FW_DYNAMIC_KEYWORD_ORIGIN_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ICS_TARGETTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ICS_TARGETTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ICS_TARGETTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ICS_TARGETTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ICS_TARGETTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3658,19 +3614,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ICS_TARGETTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct INET_FIREWALL_AC_CHANGE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for INET_FIREWALL_AC_CHANGE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for INET_FIREWALL_AC_CHANGE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for INET_FIREWALL_AC_CHANGE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for INET_FIREWALL_AC_CHANGE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3680,19 +3625,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for INET_FIREWALL_AC_CHANGE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct INET_FIREWALL_AC_CREATION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for INET_FIREWALL_AC_CREATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for INET_FIREWALL_AC_CREATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for INET_FIREWALL_AC_CREATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for INET_FIREWALL_AC_CREATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3702,19 +3636,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for INET_FIREWALL_AC_CREATION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NETCONMGR_ENUM_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NETCONMGR_ENUM_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NETCONMGR_ENUM_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NETCONMGR_ENUM_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NETCONMGR_ENUM_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3724,19 +3647,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NETCONMGR_ENUM_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NETCONUI_CONNECT_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NETCONUI_CONNECT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NETCONUI_CONNECT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NETCONUI_CONNECT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NETCONUI_CONNECT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3746,19 +3658,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NETCONUI_CONNECT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NETCON_CHARACTERISTIC_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NETCON_CHARACTERISTIC_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NETCON_CHARACTERISTIC_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NETCON_CHARACTERISTIC_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NETCON_CHARACTERISTIC_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3768,19 +3669,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NETCON_CHARACTERISTIC_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NETCON_MEDIATYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NETCON_MEDIATYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NETCON_MEDIATYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NETCON_MEDIATYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NETCON_MEDIATYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3790,19 +3680,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NETCON_MEDIATYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NETCON_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NETCON_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NETCON_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NETCON_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NETCON_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3812,19 +3691,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NETCON_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NETCON_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NETCON_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NETCON_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NETCON_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NETCON_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3834,19 +3702,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NETCON_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NETISO_ERROR_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NETISO_ERROR_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NETISO_ERROR_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NETISO_ERROR_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NETISO_ERROR_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3856,19 +3713,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NETISO_ERROR_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NETISO_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NETISO_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NETISO_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NETISO_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NETISO_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3878,19 +3724,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NETISO_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NET_FW_ACTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NET_FW_ACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NET_FW_ACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NET_FW_ACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NET_FW_ACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3900,19 +3735,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NET_FW_ACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NET_FW_AUTHENTICATE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NET_FW_AUTHENTICATE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NET_FW_AUTHENTICATE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NET_FW_AUTHENTICATE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NET_FW_AUTHENTICATE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3922,19 +3746,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NET_FW_AUTHENTICATE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NET_FW_EDGE_TRAVERSAL_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NET_FW_EDGE_TRAVERSAL_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NET_FW_EDGE_TRAVERSAL_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NET_FW_EDGE_TRAVERSAL_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NET_FW_EDGE_TRAVERSAL_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3944,19 +3757,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NET_FW_EDGE_TRAVERSAL_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NET_FW_IP_PROTOCOL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NET_FW_IP_PROTOCOL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NET_FW_IP_PROTOCOL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NET_FW_IP_PROTOCOL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NET_FW_IP_PROTOCOL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3966,19 +3768,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NET_FW_IP_PROTOCOL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NET_FW_IP_VERSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NET_FW_IP_VERSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NET_FW_IP_VERSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NET_FW_IP_VERSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NET_FW_IP_VERSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3988,19 +3779,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NET_FW_IP_VERSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NET_FW_MODIFY_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NET_FW_MODIFY_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NET_FW_MODIFY_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NET_FW_MODIFY_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NET_FW_MODIFY_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4010,19 +3790,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NET_FW_MODIFY_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NET_FW_POLICY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NET_FW_POLICY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NET_FW_POLICY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NET_FW_POLICY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NET_FW_POLICY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4032,19 +3801,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NET_FW_POLICY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4054,19 +3812,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE2(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE2 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE2 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE2 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE2 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4076,19 +3823,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NET_FW_PROFILE_TYPE2 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NET_FW_RULE_CATEGORY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NET_FW_RULE_CATEGORY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NET_FW_RULE_CATEGORY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NET_FW_RULE_CATEGORY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NET_FW_RULE_CATEGORY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4098,19 +3834,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NET_FW_RULE_CATEGORY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NET_FW_RULE_DIRECTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NET_FW_RULE_DIRECTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NET_FW_RULE_DIRECTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NET_FW_RULE_DIRECTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NET_FW_RULE_DIRECTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4120,19 +3845,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NET_FW_RULE_DIRECTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NET_FW_SCOPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NET_FW_SCOPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NET_FW_SCOPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NET_FW_SCOPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NET_FW_SCOPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4142,19 +3856,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NET_FW_SCOPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NET_FW_SERVICE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NET_FW_SERVICE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NET_FW_SERVICE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NET_FW_SERVICE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NET_FW_SERVICE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4164,19 +3867,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NET_FW_SERVICE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SHARINGCONNECTIONTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SHARINGCONNECTIONTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SHARINGCONNECTIONTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SHARINGCONNECTIONTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SHARINGCONNECTIONTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4186,19 +3878,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SHARINGCONNECTIONTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SHARINGCONNECTION_ENUM_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SHARINGCONNECTION_ENUM_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SHARINGCONNECTION_ENUM_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SHARINGCONNECTION_ENUM_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SHARINGCONNECTION_ENUM_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/WindowsNetworkVirtualization/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/WindowsNetworkVirtualization/ index 43690ffbd7..bdbee89698 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/WindowsNetworkVirtualization/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/NetworkManagement/WindowsNetworkVirtualization/ @@ -27,19 +27,8 @@ pub const WnvPolicyMismatchType: WNV_NOTIFICATION_TYPE = WNV_NOTIFICATION_TYPE(0 pub const WnvProviderAddressType: WNV_OBJECT_TYPE = WNV_OBJECT_TYPE(0i32); pub const WnvRedirectType: WNV_NOTIFICATION_TYPE = WNV_NOTIFICATION_TYPE(1i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WNV_CA_NOTIFICATION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WNV_CA_NOTIFICATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WNV_CA_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WNV_CA_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WNV_CA_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -49,19 +38,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WNV_CA_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WNV_NOTIFICATION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WNV_NOTIFICATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WNV_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WNV_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WNV_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -71,19 +49,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WNV_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WNV_OBJECT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WNV_OBJECT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WNV_OBJECT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WNV_OBJECT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WNV_OBJECT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Networking/ActiveDirectory/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Networking/ActiveDirectory/ index 64a2ff3d18..3aae625a16 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Networking/ActiveDirectory/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Networking/ActiveDirectory/ @@ -10151,19 +10151,8 @@ pub const hrWriteConflict: ::windows_core::HRESULT = ::windows_core::HRESULT(-93 pub const hrerrDataHasChanged: ::windows_core::HRESULT = ::windows_core::HRESULT(-939522485i32); pub const hrwrnDataHasChanged: ::windows_core::HRESULT = ::windows_core::HRESULT(-2013264310i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ADSI_DIALECT_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ADSI_DIALECT_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ADSI_DIALECT_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ADSI_DIALECT_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ADSI_DIALECT_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10173,19 +10162,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ADSI_DIALECT_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ADSTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ADSTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ADSTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ADSTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ADSTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10195,19 +10173,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ADSTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ADS_ACEFLAG_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ADS_ACEFLAG_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ADS_ACEFLAG_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ADS_ACEFLAG_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ADS_ACEFLAG_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10217,19 +10184,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ADS_ACEFLAG_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ADS_ACETYPE_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ADS_ACETYPE_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ADS_ACETYPE_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ADS_ACETYPE_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ADS_ACETYPE_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10239,19 +10195,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ADS_ACETYPE_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ADS_AUTHENTICATION_ENUM(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ADS_AUTHENTICATION_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ADS_AUTHENTICATION_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ADS_AUTHENTICATION_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ADS_AUTHENTICATION_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10261,19 +10206,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ADS_AUTHENTICATION_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ADS_CHASE_REFERRALS_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ADS_CHASE_REFERRALS_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ADS_CHASE_REFERRALS_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ADS_CHASE_REFERRALS_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ADS_CHASE_REFERRALS_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10283,19 +10217,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ADS_CHASE_REFERRALS_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ADS_DEREFENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ADS_DEREFENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ADS_DEREFENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ADS_DEREFENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ADS_DEREFENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10305,19 +10228,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ADS_DEREFENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ADS_DISPLAY_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ADS_DISPLAY_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ADS_DISPLAY_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ADS_DISPLAY_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ADS_DISPLAY_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10327,19 +10239,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ADS_DISPLAY_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ADS_ESCAPE_MODE_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ADS_ESCAPE_MODE_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ADS_ESCAPE_MODE_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ADS_ESCAPE_MODE_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ADS_ESCAPE_MODE_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10349,19 +10250,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ADS_ESCAPE_MODE_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ADS_FLAGTYPE_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ADS_FLAGTYPE_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ADS_FLAGTYPE_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ADS_FLAGTYPE_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ADS_FLAGTYPE_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10371,19 +10261,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ADS_FLAGTYPE_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ADS_FORMAT_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ADS_FORMAT_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ADS_FORMAT_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ADS_FORMAT_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ADS_FORMAT_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10393,19 +10272,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ADS_FORMAT_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ADS_GROUP_TYPE_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ADS_GROUP_TYPE_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ADS_GROUP_TYPE_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ADS_GROUP_TYPE_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ADS_GROUP_TYPE_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10415,19 +10283,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ADS_GROUP_TYPE_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ADS_NAME_INITTYPE_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ADS_NAME_INITTYPE_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ADS_NAME_INITTYPE_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ADS_NAME_INITTYPE_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ADS_NAME_INITTYPE_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10437,19 +10294,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ADS_NAME_INITTYPE_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ADS_NAME_TYPE_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ADS_NAME_TYPE_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ADS_NAME_TYPE_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ADS_NAME_TYPE_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ADS_NAME_TYPE_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10459,19 +10305,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ADS_NAME_TYPE_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ADS_OPTION_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ADS_OPTION_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ADS_OPTION_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ADS_OPTION_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ADS_OPTION_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10481,19 +10316,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ADS_OPTION_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ADS_PASSWORD_ENCODING_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ADS_PASSWORD_ENCODING_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ADS_PASSWORD_ENCODING_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ADS_PASSWORD_ENCODING_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ADS_PASSWORD_ENCODING_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10503,19 +10327,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ADS_PASSWORD_ENCODING_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ADS_PATHTYPE_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ADS_PATHTYPE_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ADS_PATHTYPE_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ADS_PATHTYPE_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ADS_PATHTYPE_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10525,19 +10338,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ADS_PATHTYPE_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ADS_PREFERENCES_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ADS_PREFERENCES_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ADS_PREFERENCES_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ADS_PREFERENCES_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ADS_PREFERENCES_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10547,19 +10349,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ADS_PREFERENCES_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ADS_PROPERTY_OPERATION_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ADS_PROPERTY_OPERATION_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ADS_PROPERTY_OPERATION_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ADS_PROPERTY_OPERATION_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ADS_PROPERTY_OPERATION_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10569,19 +10360,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ADS_PROPERTY_OPERATION_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ADS_RIGHTS_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ADS_RIGHTS_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ADS_RIGHTS_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ADS_RIGHTS_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ADS_RIGHTS_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10591,19 +10371,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ADS_RIGHTS_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ADS_SCOPEENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ADS_SCOPEENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ADS_SCOPEENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ADS_SCOPEENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ADS_SCOPEENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10613,19 +10382,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ADS_SCOPEENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ADS_SD_CONTROL_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ADS_SD_CONTROL_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ADS_SD_CONTROL_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ADS_SD_CONTROL_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ADS_SD_CONTROL_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10635,19 +10393,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ADS_SD_CONTROL_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ADS_SD_FORMAT_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ADS_SD_FORMAT_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ADS_SD_FORMAT_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ADS_SD_FORMAT_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ADS_SD_FORMAT_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10657,19 +10404,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ADS_SD_FORMAT_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ADS_SD_REVISION_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ADS_SD_REVISION_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ADS_SD_REVISION_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ADS_SD_REVISION_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ADS_SD_REVISION_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10679,19 +10415,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ADS_SD_REVISION_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ADS_SEARCHPREF_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ADS_SEARCHPREF_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ADS_SEARCHPREF_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ADS_SEARCHPREF_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ADS_SEARCHPREF_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10701,19 +10426,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ADS_SEARCHPREF_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ADS_SECURITY_INFO_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ADS_SECURITY_INFO_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ADS_SECURITY_INFO_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ADS_SECURITY_INFO_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ADS_SECURITY_INFO_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10723,19 +10437,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ADS_SECURITY_INFO_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ADS_SETTYPE_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ADS_SETTYPE_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ADS_SETTYPE_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ADS_SETTYPE_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ADS_SETTYPE_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10745,19 +10448,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ADS_SETTYPE_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ADS_STATUSENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ADS_STATUSENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ADS_STATUSENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ADS_STATUSENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ADS_STATUSENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10767,19 +10459,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ADS_STATUSENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ADS_SYSTEMFLAG_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ADS_SYSTEMFLAG_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ADS_SYSTEMFLAG_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ADS_SYSTEMFLAG_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ADS_SYSTEMFLAG_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10789,19 +10470,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ADS_SYSTEMFLAG_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ADS_USER_FLAG_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ADS_USER_FLAG_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ADS_USER_FLAG_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ADS_USER_FLAG_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ADS_USER_FLAG_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10811,19 +10481,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ADS_USER_FLAG_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DSROLE_MACHINE_ROLE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DSROLE_MACHINE_ROLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DSROLE_MACHINE_ROLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DSROLE_MACHINE_ROLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DSROLE_MACHINE_ROLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10833,19 +10492,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DSROLE_MACHINE_ROLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DSROLE_OPERATION_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DSROLE_OPERATION_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DSROLE_OPERATION_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DSROLE_OPERATION_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DSROLE_OPERATION_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10855,19 +10503,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DSROLE_OPERATION_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DSROLE_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFO_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DSROLE_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFO_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DSROLE_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFO_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DSROLE_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFO_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DSROLE_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFO_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10877,19 +10514,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DSROLE_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFO_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DSROLE_SERVER_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DSROLE_SERVER_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DSROLE_SERVER_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DSROLE_SERVER_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DSROLE_SERVER_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10899,19 +10525,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DSROLE_SERVER_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DS_KCC_TASKID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DS_KCC_TASKID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DS_KCC_TASKID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DS_KCC_TASKID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DS_KCC_TASKID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10921,19 +10536,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DS_KCC_TASKID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DS_MANGLE_FOR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DS_MANGLE_FOR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DS_MANGLE_FOR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DS_MANGLE_FOR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DS_MANGLE_FOR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10943,19 +10547,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DS_MANGLE_FOR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DS_NAME_ERROR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DS_NAME_ERROR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DS_NAME_ERROR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DS_NAME_ERROR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DS_NAME_ERROR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10965,19 +10558,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DS_NAME_ERROR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DS_NAME_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DS_NAME_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DS_NAME_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DS_NAME_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DS_NAME_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10987,19 +10569,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DS_NAME_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DS_NAME_FORMAT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DS_NAME_FORMAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DS_NAME_FORMAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DS_NAME_FORMAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DS_NAME_FORMAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11009,19 +10580,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DS_NAME_FORMAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DS_REPL_INFO_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DS_REPL_INFO_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DS_REPL_INFO_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DS_REPL_INFO_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DS_REPL_INFO_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11031,19 +10591,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DS_REPL_INFO_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DS_REPL_OP_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DS_REPL_OP_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DS_REPL_OP_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DS_REPL_OP_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DS_REPL_OP_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11053,19 +10602,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DS_REPL_OP_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DS_REPSYNCALL_ERROR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DS_REPSYNCALL_ERROR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DS_REPSYNCALL_ERROR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DS_REPSYNCALL_ERROR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DS_REPSYNCALL_ERROR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11075,19 +10613,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DS_REPSYNCALL_ERROR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DS_REPSYNCALL_EVENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DS_REPSYNCALL_EVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DS_REPSYNCALL_EVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DS_REPSYNCALL_EVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DS_REPSYNCALL_EVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11097,19 +10624,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DS_REPSYNCALL_EVENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DS_SPN_NAME_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DS_SPN_NAME_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DS_SPN_NAME_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DS_SPN_NAME_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DS_SPN_NAME_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11119,19 +10635,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DS_SPN_NAME_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DS_SPN_WRITE_OP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DS_SPN_WRITE_OP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DS_SPN_WRITE_OP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DS_SPN_WRITE_OP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DS_SPN_WRITE_OP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Networking/BackgroundIntelligentTransferService/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Networking/BackgroundIntelligentTransferService/ index 1797bd90d3..378228690f 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Networking/BackgroundIntelligentTransferService/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Networking/BackgroundIntelligentTransferService/ @@ -2869,19 +2869,8 @@ pub const QM_STATUS_JOB_ERROR: u32 = 16u32; pub const QM_STATUS_JOB_FOREGROUND: u32 = 32u32; pub const QM_STATUS_JOB_INCOMPLETE: u32 = 8u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BG_AUTH_SCHEME(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BG_AUTH_SCHEME {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BG_AUTH_SCHEME { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BG_AUTH_SCHEME { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BG_AUTH_SCHEME { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2891,19 +2880,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BG_AUTH_SCHEME { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BG_AUTH_TARGET(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BG_AUTH_TARGET {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BG_AUTH_TARGET { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BG_AUTH_TARGET { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BG_AUTH_TARGET { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2913,19 +2891,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BG_AUTH_TARGET { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BG_CERT_STORE_LOCATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BG_CERT_STORE_LOCATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BG_CERT_STORE_LOCATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BG_CERT_STORE_LOCATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BG_CERT_STORE_LOCATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2935,19 +2902,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BG_CERT_STORE_LOCATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BG_ERROR_CONTEXT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BG_ERROR_CONTEXT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BG_ERROR_CONTEXT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BG_ERROR_CONTEXT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BG_ERROR_CONTEXT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2957,19 +2913,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BG_ERROR_CONTEXT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BG_JOB_PRIORITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BG_JOB_PRIORITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BG_JOB_PRIORITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BG_JOB_PRIORITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BG_JOB_PRIORITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2979,19 +2924,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BG_JOB_PRIORITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BG_JOB_PROXY_USAGE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BG_JOB_PROXY_USAGE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BG_JOB_PROXY_USAGE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BG_JOB_PROXY_USAGE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BG_JOB_PROXY_USAGE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3001,19 +2935,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BG_JOB_PROXY_USAGE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BG_JOB_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BG_JOB_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BG_JOB_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BG_JOB_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BG_JOB_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3023,19 +2946,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BG_JOB_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BG_JOB_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BG_JOB_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BG_JOB_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BG_JOB_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BG_JOB_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3045,19 +2957,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BG_JOB_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BG_TOKEN(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BG_TOKEN {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BG_TOKEN { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BG_TOKEN { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BG_TOKEN { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3067,19 +2968,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BG_TOKEN { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BITS_FILE_PROPERTY_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BITS_FILE_PROPERTY_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BITS_FILE_PROPERTY_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BITS_FILE_PROPERTY_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BITS_FILE_PROPERTY_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3089,19 +2979,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BITS_FILE_PROPERTY_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BITS_JOB_PROPERTY_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BITS_JOB_PROPERTY_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BITS_JOB_PROPERTY_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BITS_JOB_PROPERTY_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BITS_JOB_PROPERTY_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3111,19 +2990,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BITS_JOB_PROPERTY_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BITS_JOB_TRANSFER_POLICY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BITS_JOB_TRANSFER_POLICY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BITS_JOB_TRANSFER_POLICY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BITS_JOB_TRANSFER_POLICY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BITS_JOB_TRANSFER_POLICY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3133,19 +3001,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BITS_JOB_TRANSFER_POLICY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GROUPPROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GROUPPROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GROUPPROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GROUPPROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GROUPPROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Networking/Clustering/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Networking/Clustering/ index b0b87cd674..6752191030 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Networking/Clustering/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Networking/Clustering/ @@ -9098,19 +9098,8 @@ pub const eResourceStateChangeReasonRundown: CLUSTER_RESOURCE_STATE_CHANGE_REASO pub const eResourceStateChangeReasonShutdown: CLUSTER_RESOURCE_STATE_CHANGE_REASON = CLUSTER_RESOURCE_STATE_CHANGE_REASON(4i32); pub const eResourceStateChangeReasonUnknown: CLUSTER_RESOURCE_STATE_CHANGE_REASON = CLUSTER_RESOURCE_STATE_CHANGE_REASON(0i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLCTL_CODES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLCTL_CODES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLCTL_CODES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLCTL_CODES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLCTL_CODES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9120,19 +9109,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLCTL_CODES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUADMEX_OBJECT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUADMEX_OBJECT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUADMEX_OBJECT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUADMEX_OBJECT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUADMEX_OBJECT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9142,19 +9120,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUADMEX_OBJECT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSCTL_AFFINITYRULE_CODES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSCTL_AFFINITYRULE_CODES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSCTL_AFFINITYRULE_CODES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSCTL_AFFINITYRULE_CODES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSCTL_AFFINITYRULE_CODES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9164,19 +9131,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSCTL_AFFINITYRULE_CODES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSCTL_CLUSTER_CODES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSCTL_CLUSTER_CODES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSCTL_CLUSTER_CODES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSCTL_CLUSTER_CODES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSCTL_CLUSTER_CODES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9186,19 +9142,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSCTL_CLUSTER_CODES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSCTL_GROUPSET_CODES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSCTL_GROUPSET_CODES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSCTL_GROUPSET_CODES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSCTL_GROUPSET_CODES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSCTL_GROUPSET_CODES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9208,19 +9153,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSCTL_GROUPSET_CODES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSCTL_GROUP_CODES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSCTL_GROUP_CODES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSCTL_GROUP_CODES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSCTL_GROUP_CODES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSCTL_GROUP_CODES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9230,19 +9164,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSCTL_GROUP_CODES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSCTL_NETINTERFACE_CODES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSCTL_NETINTERFACE_CODES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSCTL_NETINTERFACE_CODES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSCTL_NETINTERFACE_CODES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSCTL_NETINTERFACE_CODES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9252,19 +9175,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSCTL_NETINTERFACE_CODES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSCTL_NETWORK_CODES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSCTL_NETWORK_CODES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSCTL_NETWORK_CODES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSCTL_NETWORK_CODES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSCTL_NETWORK_CODES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9274,19 +9186,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSCTL_NETWORK_CODES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSCTL_NODE_CODES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSCTL_NODE_CODES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSCTL_NODE_CODES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSCTL_NODE_CODES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSCTL_NODE_CODES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9296,19 +9197,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSCTL_NODE_CODES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSCTL_RESOURCE_CODES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSCTL_RESOURCE_CODES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSCTL_RESOURCE_CODES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSCTL_RESOURCE_CODES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSCTL_RESOURCE_CODES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9318,19 +9208,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSCTL_RESOURCE_CODES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSCTL_RESOURCE_TYPE_CODES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSCTL_RESOURCE_TYPE_CODES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSCTL_RESOURCE_TYPE_CODES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSCTL_RESOURCE_TYPE_CODES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSCTL_RESOURCE_TYPE_CODES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9340,19 +9219,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSCTL_RESOURCE_TYPE_CODES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSGROUP_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSGROUP_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSGROUP_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSGROUP_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSGROUP_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9362,19 +9230,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSGROUP_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSPROP_IPADDR_ENABLENETBIOS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSPROP_IPADDR_ENABLENETBIOS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSPROP_IPADDR_ENABLENETBIOS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSPROP_IPADDR_ENABLENETBIOS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSPROP_IPADDR_ENABLENETBIOS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9384,19 +9241,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSPROP_IPADDR_ENABLENETBIOS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSPROP_PIFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSPROP_PIFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSPROP_PIFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSPROP_PIFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSPROP_PIFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9406,19 +9252,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSPROP_PIFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTERSET_OBJECT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTERSET_OBJECT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTERSET_OBJECT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTERSET_OBJECT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTERSET_OBJECT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9428,19 +9263,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTERSET_OBJECT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_CHANGE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_CHANGE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_CHANGE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_CHANGE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_CHANGE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9450,19 +9274,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_CHANGE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_CHANGE_CLUSTER_V2(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_CHANGE_CLUSTER_V2 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_CHANGE_CLUSTER_V2 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_CHANGE_CLUSTER_V2 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_CHANGE_CLUSTER_V2 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9472,19 +9285,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_CHANGE_CLUSTER_V2 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_CHANGE_GROUPSET_V2(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_CHANGE_GROUPSET_V2 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_CHANGE_GROUPSET_V2 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_CHANGE_GROUPSET_V2 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_CHANGE_GROUPSET_V2 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9494,19 +9296,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_CHANGE_GROUPSET_V2 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_CHANGE_GROUP_V2(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_CHANGE_GROUP_V2 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_CHANGE_GROUP_V2 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_CHANGE_GROUP_V2 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_CHANGE_GROUP_V2 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9516,19 +9307,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_CHANGE_GROUP_V2 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_CHANGE_NETINTERFACE_V2(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_CHANGE_NETINTERFACE_V2 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_CHANGE_NETINTERFACE_V2 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_CHANGE_NETINTERFACE_V2 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_CHANGE_NETINTERFACE_V2 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9538,19 +9318,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_CHANGE_NETINTERFACE_V2 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_CHANGE_NETWORK_V2(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_CHANGE_NETWORK_V2 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_CHANGE_NETWORK_V2 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_CHANGE_NETWORK_V2 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_CHANGE_NETWORK_V2 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9560,19 +9329,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_CHANGE_NETWORK_V2 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_CHANGE_NODE_UPGRADE_PHASE_V2(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_CHANGE_NODE_UPGRADE_PHASE_V2 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_CHANGE_NODE_UPGRADE_PHASE_V2 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_CHANGE_NODE_UPGRADE_PHASE_V2 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_CHANGE_NODE_UPGRADE_PHASE_V2 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9582,19 +9340,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_CHANGE_NODE_UPGRADE_PHASE_V2 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_CHANGE_NODE_V2(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_CHANGE_NODE_V2 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_CHANGE_NODE_V2 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_CHANGE_NODE_V2 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_CHANGE_NODE_V2 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9604,19 +9351,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_CHANGE_NODE_V2 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_CHANGE_QUORUM_V2(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_CHANGE_QUORUM_V2 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_CHANGE_QUORUM_V2 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_CHANGE_QUORUM_V2 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_CHANGE_QUORUM_V2 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9626,19 +9362,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_CHANGE_QUORUM_V2 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_CHANGE_REGISTRY_V2(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_CHANGE_REGISTRY_V2 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_CHANGE_REGISTRY_V2 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_CHANGE_REGISTRY_V2 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_CHANGE_REGISTRY_V2 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9648,19 +9373,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_CHANGE_REGISTRY_V2 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_CHANGE_RESOURCE_TYPE_V2(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_CHANGE_RESOURCE_TYPE_V2 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_CHANGE_RESOURCE_TYPE_V2 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_CHANGE_RESOURCE_TYPE_V2 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_CHANGE_RESOURCE_TYPE_V2 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9670,19 +9384,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_CHANGE_RESOURCE_TYPE_V2 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_CHANGE_RESOURCE_V2(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_CHANGE_RESOURCE_V2 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_CHANGE_RESOURCE_V2 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_CHANGE_RESOURCE_V2 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_CHANGE_RESOURCE_V2 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9692,19 +9395,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_CHANGE_RESOURCE_V2 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_CHANGE_SHARED_VOLUME_V2(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_CHANGE_SHARED_VOLUME_V2 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_CHANGE_SHARED_VOLUME_V2 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_CHANGE_SHARED_VOLUME_V2 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_CHANGE_SHARED_VOLUME_V2 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9714,19 +9406,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_CHANGE_SHARED_VOLUME_V2 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_CHANGE_SPACEPORT_V2(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_CHANGE_SPACEPORT_V2 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_CHANGE_SPACEPORT_V2 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_CHANGE_SPACEPORT_V2 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_CHANGE_SPACEPORT_V2 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9736,19 +9417,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_CHANGE_SPACEPORT_V2 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_CLOUD_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_CLOUD_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_CLOUD_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_CLOUD_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_CLOUD_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9758,19 +9428,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_CLOUD_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_CONTROL_OBJECT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_CONTROL_OBJECT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_CONTROL_OBJECT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_CONTROL_OBJECT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_CONTROL_OBJECT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9780,19 +9439,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_CONTROL_OBJECT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_CSV_VOLUME_FAULT_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_CSV_VOLUME_FAULT_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_CSV_VOLUME_FAULT_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_CSV_VOLUME_FAULT_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_CSV_VOLUME_FAULT_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9802,19 +9450,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_CSV_VOLUME_FAULT_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9824,19 +9461,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_GROUP_AUTOFAILBACK_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_GROUP_AUTOFAILBACK_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_GROUP_AUTOFAILBACK_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_GROUP_AUTOFAILBACK_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_GROUP_AUTOFAILBACK_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9846,19 +9472,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_GROUP_AUTOFAILBACK_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_GROUP_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_GROUP_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_GROUP_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_GROUP_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_GROUP_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9868,19 +9483,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_GROUP_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_GROUP_PRIORITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_GROUP_PRIORITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_GROUP_PRIORITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_GROUP_PRIORITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_GROUP_PRIORITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9890,19 +9494,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_GROUP_PRIORITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_GROUP_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_GROUP_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_GROUP_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_GROUP_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_GROUP_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9912,19 +9505,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_GROUP_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_MGMT_POINT_RESTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_MGMT_POINT_RESTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_MGMT_POINT_RESTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_MGMT_POINT_RESTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_MGMT_POINT_RESTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9934,19 +9516,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_MGMT_POINT_RESTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_MGMT_POINT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_MGMT_POINT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_MGMT_POINT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_MGMT_POINT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_MGMT_POINT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9956,19 +9527,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_MGMT_POINT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_NETINTERFACE_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_NETINTERFACE_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_NETINTERFACE_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_NETINTERFACE_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_NETINTERFACE_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9978,19 +9538,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_NETINTERFACE_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_NETWORK_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_NETWORK_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_NETWORK_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_NETWORK_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_NETWORK_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10000,19 +9549,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_NETWORK_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_NETWORK_ROLE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_NETWORK_ROLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_NETWORK_ROLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_NETWORK_ROLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_NETWORK_ROLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10022,19 +9560,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_NETWORK_ROLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_NETWORK_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_NETWORK_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_NETWORK_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_NETWORK_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_NETWORK_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10044,19 +9571,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_NETWORK_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_NODE_DRAIN_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_NODE_DRAIN_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_NODE_DRAIN_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_NODE_DRAIN_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_NODE_DRAIN_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10066,19 +9582,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_NODE_DRAIN_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_NODE_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_NODE_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_NODE_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_NODE_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_NODE_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10088,19 +9593,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_NODE_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_NODE_RESUME_FAILBACK_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_NODE_RESUME_FAILBACK_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_NODE_RESUME_FAILBACK_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_NODE_RESUME_FAILBACK_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_NODE_RESUME_FAILBACK_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10110,19 +9604,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_NODE_RESUME_FAILBACK_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_NODE_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_NODE_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_NODE_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_NODE_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_NODE_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10132,19 +9615,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_NODE_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_NODE_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_NODE_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_NODE_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_NODE_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_NODE_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10154,19 +9626,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_NODE_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_NOTIFICATIONS_VERSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_NOTIFICATIONS_VERSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_NOTIFICATIONS_VERSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_NOTIFICATIONS_VERSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_NOTIFICATIONS_VERSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10176,19 +9637,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_NOTIFICATIONS_VERSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_OBJECT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_OBJECT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_OBJECT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_OBJECT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_OBJECT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10198,19 +9648,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_OBJECT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_PROPERTY_FORMAT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_PROPERTY_FORMAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_PROPERTY_FORMAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_PROPERTY_FORMAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_PROPERTY_FORMAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10220,19 +9659,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_PROPERTY_FORMAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_PROPERTY_SYNTAX(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_PROPERTY_SYNTAX {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_PROPERTY_SYNTAX { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_PROPERTY_SYNTAX { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_PROPERTY_SYNTAX { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10242,19 +9670,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_PROPERTY_SYNTAX { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_PROPERTY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_PROPERTY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_PROPERTY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_PROPERTY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_PROPERTY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10264,19 +9681,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_PROPERTY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_QUORUM_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_QUORUM_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_QUORUM_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_QUORUM_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_QUORUM_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10286,19 +9692,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_QUORUM_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_QUORUM_VALUE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_QUORUM_VALUE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_QUORUM_VALUE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_QUORUM_VALUE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_QUORUM_VALUE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10308,19 +9703,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_QUORUM_VALUE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_REG_COMMAND(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_REG_COMMAND {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_REG_COMMAND { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_REG_COMMAND { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_REG_COMMAND { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10330,19 +9714,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_REG_COMMAND { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_RESOURCE_APPLICATION_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_RESOURCE_APPLICATION_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_RESOURCE_APPLICATION_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_RESOURCE_APPLICATION_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_RESOURCE_APPLICATION_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10352,19 +9725,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_RESOURCE_APPLICATION_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_RESOURCE_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_RESOURCE_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_RESOURCE_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_RESOURCE_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_RESOURCE_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10374,19 +9736,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_RESOURCE_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_RESOURCE_CREATE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_RESOURCE_CREATE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_RESOURCE_CREATE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_RESOURCE_CREATE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_RESOURCE_CREATE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10396,19 +9747,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_RESOURCE_CREATE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_RESOURCE_EMBEDDED_FAILURE_ACTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_RESOURCE_EMBEDDED_FAILURE_ACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_RESOURCE_EMBEDDED_FAILURE_ACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_RESOURCE_EMBEDDED_FAILURE_ACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_RESOURCE_EMBEDDED_FAILURE_ACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10418,19 +9758,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_RESOURCE_EMBEDDED_FAILURE_ACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_RESOURCE_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_RESOURCE_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_RESOURCE_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_RESOURCE_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_RESOURCE_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10440,19 +9769,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_RESOURCE_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_RESOURCE_RESTART_ACTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_RESOURCE_RESTART_ACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_RESOURCE_RESTART_ACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_RESOURCE_RESTART_ACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_RESOURCE_RESTART_ACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10462,19 +9780,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_RESOURCE_RESTART_ACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_RESOURCE_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_RESOURCE_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_RESOURCE_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_RESOURCE_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_RESOURCE_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10484,19 +9791,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_RESOURCE_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_RESOURCE_STATE_CHANGE_REASON(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_RESOURCE_STATE_CHANGE_REASON {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_RESOURCE_STATE_CHANGE_REASON { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_RESOURCE_STATE_CHANGE_REASON { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_RESOURCE_STATE_CHANGE_REASON { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10506,19 +9802,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_RESOURCE_STATE_CHANGE_REASON { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_RESOURCE_TYPE_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_RESOURCE_TYPE_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_RESOURCE_TYPE_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_RESOURCE_TYPE_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_RESOURCE_TYPE_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10528,19 +9813,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_RESOURCE_TYPE_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_ROLE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_ROLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_ROLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_ROLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_ROLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10550,19 +9824,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_ROLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_ROLE_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_ROLE_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_ROLE_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_ROLE_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_ROLE_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10572,19 +9835,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_ROLE_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_SETUP_PHASE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_SETUP_PHASE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_SETUP_PHASE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_SETUP_PHASE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_SETUP_PHASE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10594,19 +9846,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_SETUP_PHASE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_SETUP_PHASE_SEVERITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_SETUP_PHASE_SEVERITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_SETUP_PHASE_SEVERITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_SETUP_PHASE_SEVERITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_SETUP_PHASE_SEVERITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10616,19 +9857,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_SETUP_PHASE_SEVERITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_SETUP_PHASE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_SETUP_PHASE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_SETUP_PHASE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_SETUP_PHASE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_SETUP_PHASE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10638,19 +9868,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_SETUP_PHASE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_SHARED_VOLUME_BACKUP_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_SHARED_VOLUME_BACKUP_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_SHARED_VOLUME_BACKUP_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_SHARED_VOLUME_BACKUP_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_SHARED_VOLUME_BACKUP_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10660,19 +9879,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_SHARED_VOLUME_BACKUP_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_SHARED_VOLUME_RENAME_INPUT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_SHARED_VOLUME_RENAME_INPUT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_SHARED_VOLUME_RENAME_INPUT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_SHARED_VOLUME_RENAME_INPUT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_SHARED_VOLUME_RENAME_INPUT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10682,19 +9890,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_SHARED_VOLUME_RENAME_INPUT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_SHARED_VOLUME_SNAPSHOT_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_SHARED_VOLUME_SNAPSHOT_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_SHARED_VOLUME_SNAPSHOT_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_SHARED_VOLUME_SNAPSHOT_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_SHARED_VOLUME_SNAPSHOT_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10704,19 +9901,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_SHARED_VOLUME_SNAPSHOT_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_SHARED_VOLUME_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_SHARED_VOLUME_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_SHARED_VOLUME_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_SHARED_VOLUME_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_SHARED_VOLUME_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10726,19 +9912,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_SHARED_VOLUME_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_STORAGENODE_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_STORAGENODE_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_STORAGENODE_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_STORAGENODE_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_STORAGENODE_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10748,19 +9923,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_STORAGENODE_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSTER_UPGRADE_PHASE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSTER_UPGRADE_PHASE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSTER_UPGRADE_PHASE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSTER_UPGRADE_PHASE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSTER_UPGRADE_PHASE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10770,19 +9934,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSTER_UPGRADE_PHASE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUS_AFFINITY_RULE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUS_AFFINITY_RULE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUS_AFFINITY_RULE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUS_AFFINITY_RULE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUS_AFFINITY_RULE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10792,19 +9945,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUS_AFFINITY_RULE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUS_CHARACTERISTICS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUS_CHARACTERISTICS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUS_CHARACTERISTICS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUS_CHARACTERISTICS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUS_CHARACTERISTICS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10814,19 +9956,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUS_CHARACTERISTICS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUS_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUS_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUS_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUS_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUS_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10836,19 +9967,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUS_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUS_GROUP_START_SETTING(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUS_GROUP_START_SETTING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUS_GROUP_START_SETTING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUS_GROUP_START_SETTING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUS_GROUP_START_SETTING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10858,19 +9978,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUS_GROUP_START_SETTING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUS_RESSUBCLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUS_RESSUBCLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUS_RESSUBCLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUS_RESSUBCLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUS_RESSUBCLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10880,19 +9989,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUS_RESSUBCLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUS_RESSUBCLASS_NETWORK(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUS_RESSUBCLASS_NETWORK {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUS_RESSUBCLASS_NETWORK { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUS_RESSUBCLASS_NETWORK { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUS_RESSUBCLASS_NETWORK { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10902,19 +10000,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUS_RESSUBCLASS_NETWORK { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUS_RESSUBCLASS_STORAGE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUS_RESSUBCLASS_STORAGE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUS_RESSUBCLASS_STORAGE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUS_RESSUBCLASS_STORAGE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUS_RESSUBCLASS_STORAGE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10924,19 +10011,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUS_RESSUBCLASS_STORAGE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FAILURE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FAILURE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FAILURE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FAILURE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FAILURE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10946,19 +10022,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FAILURE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FILESHARE_CHANGE_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FILESHARE_CHANGE_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FILESHARE_CHANGE_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FILESHARE_CHANGE_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FILESHARE_CHANGE_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10968,19 +10033,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FILESHARE_CHANGE_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GRP_PLACEMENT_OPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GRP_PLACEMENT_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GRP_PLACEMENT_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GRP_PLACEMENT_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GRP_PLACEMENT_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10990,19 +10044,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GRP_PLACEMENT_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LOG_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LOG_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LOG_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LOG_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LOG_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11012,19 +10055,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for LOG_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MAINTENANCE_MODE_TYPE_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MAINTENANCE_MODE_TYPE_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MAINTENANCE_MODE_TYPE_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MAINTENANCE_MODE_TYPE_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MAINTENANCE_MODE_TYPE_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11034,19 +10066,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MAINTENANCE_MODE_TYPE_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NODE_CLUSTER_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NODE_CLUSTER_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NODE_CLUSTER_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NODE_CLUSTER_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NODE_CLUSTER_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11056,19 +10077,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NODE_CLUSTER_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PLACEMENT_OPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PLACEMENT_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PLACEMENT_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PLACEMENT_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PLACEMENT_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11078,19 +10088,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PLACEMENT_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RESDLL_CONTEXT_OPERATION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RESDLL_CONTEXT_OPERATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RESDLL_CONTEXT_OPERATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RESDLL_CONTEXT_OPERATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RESDLL_CONTEXT_OPERATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11100,19 +10099,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RESDLL_CONTEXT_OPERATION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RESOURCE_EXIT_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RESOURCE_EXIT_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RESOURCE_EXIT_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RESOURCE_EXIT_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RESOURCE_EXIT_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11122,19 +10110,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RESOURCE_EXIT_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RESOURCE_MONITOR_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RESOURCE_MONITOR_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RESOURCE_MONITOR_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RESOURCE_MONITOR_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RESOURCE_MONITOR_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11144,19 +10121,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RESOURCE_MONITOR_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SR_DISK_REPLICATION_ELIGIBLE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SR_DISK_REPLICATION_ELIGIBLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SR_DISK_REPLICATION_ELIGIBLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SR_DISK_REPLICATION_ELIGIBLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SR_DISK_REPLICATION_ELIGIBLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11166,19 +10132,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SR_DISK_REPLICATION_ELIGIBLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SR_REPLICATED_DISK_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SR_REPLICATED_DISK_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SR_REPLICATED_DISK_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SR_REPLICATED_DISK_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SR_REPLICATED_DISK_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11188,19 +10143,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SR_REPLICATED_DISK_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VM_RESDLL_CONTEXT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VM_RESDLL_CONTEXT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VM_RESDLL_CONTEXT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VM_RESDLL_CONTEXT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VM_RESDLL_CONTEXT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Networking/HttpServer/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Networking/HttpServer/ index fac87d709f..f4353dd7c9 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Networking/HttpServer/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Networking/HttpServer/ @@ -706,19 +706,8 @@ pub const PerformanceParamMaxReceiveBufferSize: HTTP_PERFORMANCE_PARAM_TYPE = HT pub const PerformanceParamMaxSendBufferSize: HTTP_PERFORMANCE_PARAM_TYPE = HTTP_PERFORMANCE_PARAM_TYPE(2i32); pub const PerformanceParamSendBufferingFlags: HTTP_PERFORMANCE_PARAM_TYPE = HTTP_PERFORMANCE_PARAM_TYPE(0i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HTTP_503_RESPONSE_VERBOSITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HTTP_503_RESPONSE_VERBOSITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HTTP_503_RESPONSE_VERBOSITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HTTP_503_RESPONSE_VERBOSITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HTTP_503_RESPONSE_VERBOSITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -728,19 +717,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HTTP_503_RESPONSE_VERBOSITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HTTP_AUTHENTICATION_HARDENING_LEVELS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HTTP_AUTHENTICATION_HARDENING_LEVELS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HTTP_AUTHENTICATION_HARDENING_LEVELS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HTTP_AUTHENTICATION_HARDENING_LEVELS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HTTP_AUTHENTICATION_HARDENING_LEVELS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -750,19 +728,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HTTP_AUTHENTICATION_HARDENING_LEVELS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HTTP_AUTH_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HTTP_AUTH_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HTTP_AUTH_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HTTP_AUTH_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HTTP_AUTH_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -772,19 +739,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HTTP_AUTH_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HTTP_CACHE_POLICY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HTTP_CACHE_POLICY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HTTP_CACHE_POLICY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HTTP_CACHE_POLICY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HTTP_CACHE_POLICY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -794,19 +750,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HTTP_CACHE_POLICY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HTTP_CREATE_REQUEST_QUEUE_PROPERTY_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HTTP_CREATE_REQUEST_QUEUE_PROPERTY_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HTTP_CREATE_REQUEST_QUEUE_PROPERTY_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HTTP_CREATE_REQUEST_QUEUE_PROPERTY_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HTTP_CREATE_REQUEST_QUEUE_PROPERTY_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -816,19 +761,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HTTP_CREATE_REQUEST_QUEUE_PROPERTY_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HTTP_DATA_CHUNK_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HTTP_DATA_CHUNK_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HTTP_DATA_CHUNK_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HTTP_DATA_CHUNK_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HTTP_DATA_CHUNK_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -838,19 +772,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HTTP_DATA_CHUNK_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HTTP_DELEGATE_REQUEST_PROPERTY_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HTTP_DELEGATE_REQUEST_PROPERTY_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HTTP_DELEGATE_REQUEST_PROPERTY_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HTTP_DELEGATE_REQUEST_PROPERTY_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HTTP_DELEGATE_REQUEST_PROPERTY_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -860,19 +783,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HTTP_DELEGATE_REQUEST_PROPERTY_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HTTP_ENABLED_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HTTP_ENABLED_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HTTP_ENABLED_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HTTP_ENABLED_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HTTP_ENABLED_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -882,19 +794,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HTTP_ENABLED_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HTTP_FEATURE_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HTTP_FEATURE_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HTTP_FEATURE_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HTTP_FEATURE_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HTTP_FEATURE_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -904,19 +805,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HTTP_FEATURE_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HTTP_HEADER_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HTTP_HEADER_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HTTP_HEADER_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HTTP_HEADER_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HTTP_HEADER_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -926,19 +816,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HTTP_HEADER_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HTTP_INITIALIZE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HTTP_INITIALIZE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HTTP_INITIALIZE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HTTP_INITIALIZE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HTTP_INITIALIZE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -981,19 +860,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for HTTP_INITIALIZE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HTTP_LOGGING_ROLLOVER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HTTP_LOGGING_ROLLOVER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HTTP_LOGGING_ROLLOVER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HTTP_LOGGING_ROLLOVER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HTTP_LOGGING_ROLLOVER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1003,19 +871,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HTTP_LOGGING_ROLLOVER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HTTP_LOGGING_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HTTP_LOGGING_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HTTP_LOGGING_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HTTP_LOGGING_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HTTP_LOGGING_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1025,19 +882,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HTTP_LOGGING_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HTTP_LOG_DATA_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HTTP_LOG_DATA_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HTTP_LOG_DATA_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HTTP_LOG_DATA_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HTTP_LOG_DATA_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1047,19 +893,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HTTP_LOG_DATA_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HTTP_PERFORMANCE_PARAM_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HTTP_PERFORMANCE_PARAM_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HTTP_PERFORMANCE_PARAM_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HTTP_PERFORMANCE_PARAM_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HTTP_PERFORMANCE_PARAM_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1069,19 +904,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HTTP_PERFORMANCE_PARAM_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HTTP_PROTECTION_LEVEL_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HTTP_PROTECTION_LEVEL_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HTTP_PROTECTION_LEVEL_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HTTP_PROTECTION_LEVEL_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HTTP_PROTECTION_LEVEL_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1091,19 +915,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HTTP_PROTECTION_LEVEL_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HTTP_QOS_SETTING_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HTTP_QOS_SETTING_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HTTP_QOS_SETTING_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HTTP_QOS_SETTING_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HTTP_QOS_SETTING_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1113,19 +926,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HTTP_QOS_SETTING_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HTTP_RECEIVE_HTTP_REQUEST_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HTTP_RECEIVE_HTTP_REQUEST_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HTTP_RECEIVE_HTTP_REQUEST_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HTTP_RECEIVE_HTTP_REQUEST_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HTTP_RECEIVE_HTTP_REQUEST_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1135,19 +937,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HTTP_RECEIVE_HTTP_REQUEST_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HTTP_REQUEST_AUTH_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HTTP_REQUEST_AUTH_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HTTP_REQUEST_AUTH_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HTTP_REQUEST_AUTH_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HTTP_REQUEST_AUTH_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1157,19 +948,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HTTP_REQUEST_AUTH_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HTTP_REQUEST_INFO_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HTTP_REQUEST_INFO_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HTTP_REQUEST_INFO_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HTTP_REQUEST_INFO_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HTTP_REQUEST_INFO_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1179,19 +959,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HTTP_REQUEST_INFO_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HTTP_REQUEST_PROPERTY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HTTP_REQUEST_PROPERTY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HTTP_REQUEST_PROPERTY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HTTP_REQUEST_PROPERTY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HTTP_REQUEST_PROPERTY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1201,19 +970,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HTTP_REQUEST_PROPERTY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HTTP_REQUEST_SIZING_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HTTP_REQUEST_SIZING_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HTTP_REQUEST_SIZING_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HTTP_REQUEST_SIZING_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HTTP_REQUEST_SIZING_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1223,19 +981,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HTTP_REQUEST_SIZING_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HTTP_REQUEST_TIMING_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HTTP_REQUEST_TIMING_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HTTP_REQUEST_TIMING_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HTTP_REQUEST_TIMING_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HTTP_REQUEST_TIMING_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1245,19 +992,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HTTP_REQUEST_TIMING_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HTTP_RESPONSE_INFO_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HTTP_RESPONSE_INFO_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HTTP_RESPONSE_INFO_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HTTP_RESPONSE_INFO_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HTTP_RESPONSE_INFO_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1267,19 +1003,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HTTP_RESPONSE_INFO_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HTTP_SCHEME(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HTTP_SCHEME {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HTTP_SCHEME { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HTTP_SCHEME { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HTTP_SCHEME { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1289,19 +1014,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HTTP_SCHEME { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HTTP_SERVER_PROPERTY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HTTP_SERVER_PROPERTY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HTTP_SERVER_PROPERTY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HTTP_SERVER_PROPERTY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HTTP_SERVER_PROPERTY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1311,19 +1025,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HTTP_SERVER_PROPERTY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HTTP_SERVICE_BINDING_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HTTP_SERVICE_BINDING_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HTTP_SERVICE_BINDING_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HTTP_SERVICE_BINDING_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HTTP_SERVICE_BINDING_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1333,19 +1036,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HTTP_SERVICE_BINDING_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HTTP_SERVICE_CONFIG_CACHE_KEY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HTTP_SERVICE_CONFIG_CACHE_KEY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HTTP_SERVICE_CONFIG_CACHE_KEY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HTTP_SERVICE_CONFIG_CACHE_KEY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HTTP_SERVICE_CONFIG_CACHE_KEY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1355,19 +1047,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HTTP_SERVICE_CONFIG_CACHE_KEY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HTTP_SERVICE_CONFIG_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HTTP_SERVICE_CONFIG_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HTTP_SERVICE_CONFIG_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HTTP_SERVICE_CONFIG_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HTTP_SERVICE_CONFIG_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1377,19 +1058,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HTTP_SERVICE_CONFIG_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HTTP_SERVICE_CONFIG_QUERY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HTTP_SERVICE_CONFIG_QUERY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HTTP_SERVICE_CONFIG_QUERY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HTTP_SERVICE_CONFIG_QUERY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HTTP_SERVICE_CONFIG_QUERY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1399,19 +1069,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HTTP_SERVICE_CONFIG_QUERY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HTTP_SERVICE_CONFIG_SETTING_KEY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HTTP_SERVICE_CONFIG_SETTING_KEY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HTTP_SERVICE_CONFIG_SETTING_KEY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HTTP_SERVICE_CONFIG_SETTING_KEY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HTTP_SERVICE_CONFIG_SETTING_KEY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1421,19 +1080,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HTTP_SERVICE_CONFIG_SETTING_KEY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HTTP_SERVICE_CONFIG_TIMEOUT_KEY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HTTP_SERVICE_CONFIG_TIMEOUT_KEY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HTTP_SERVICE_CONFIG_TIMEOUT_KEY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HTTP_SERVICE_CONFIG_TIMEOUT_KEY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HTTP_SERVICE_CONFIG_TIMEOUT_KEY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1443,19 +1091,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HTTP_SERVICE_CONFIG_TIMEOUT_KEY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HTTP_SSL_SERVICE_CONFIG_EX_PARAM_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HTTP_SSL_SERVICE_CONFIG_EX_PARAM_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HTTP_SSL_SERVICE_CONFIG_EX_PARAM_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HTTP_SSL_SERVICE_CONFIG_EX_PARAM_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HTTP_SSL_SERVICE_CONFIG_EX_PARAM_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1465,19 +1102,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HTTP_SSL_SERVICE_CONFIG_EX_PARAM_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HTTP_VERB(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HTTP_VERB {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HTTP_VERB { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HTTP_VERB { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HTTP_VERB { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Networking/Ldap/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Networking/Ldap/ index 8faab22fbc..aa7a7a20b2 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Networking/Ldap/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Networking/Ldap/ @@ -2140,19 +2140,8 @@ pub const LDAP_VLVINFO_VERSION: u32 = 1u32; pub const SERVER_SEARCH_FLAG_DOMAIN_SCOPE: u32 = 1u32; pub const SERVER_SEARCH_FLAG_PHANTOM_ROOT: u32 = 2u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LDAP_RETCODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LDAP_RETCODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LDAP_RETCODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LDAP_RETCODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LDAP_RETCODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Networking/NetworkListManager/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Networking/NetworkListManager/ index f047026a36..ff2b2dac4f 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Networking/NetworkListManager/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Networking/NetworkListManager/ @@ -756,19 +756,8 @@ pub const NLM_NETWORK_UNIDENTIFIED: NLM_NETWORK_CLASS = NLM_NETWORK_CLASS(3i32); pub const NLM_UNKNOWN_DATAPLAN_STATUS: u32 = 4294967295u32; pub const NetworkListManager: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0xdcb00c01_570f_4a9b_8d69_199fdba5723b); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NLM_CONNECTION_COST(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NLM_CONNECTION_COST {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NLM_CONNECTION_COST { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NLM_CONNECTION_COST { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NLM_CONNECTION_COST { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -778,19 +767,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NLM_CONNECTION_COST { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NLM_CONNECTION_PROPERTY_CHANGE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NLM_CONNECTION_PROPERTY_CHANGE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NLM_CONNECTION_PROPERTY_CHANGE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NLM_CONNECTION_PROPERTY_CHANGE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NLM_CONNECTION_PROPERTY_CHANGE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -800,19 +778,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NLM_CONNECTION_PROPERTY_CHANGE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NLM_CONNECTIVITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NLM_CONNECTIVITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NLM_CONNECTIVITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NLM_CONNECTIVITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NLM_CONNECTIVITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -822,19 +789,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NLM_CONNECTIVITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NLM_DOMAIN_AUTHENTICATION_KIND(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NLM_DOMAIN_AUTHENTICATION_KIND {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NLM_DOMAIN_AUTHENTICATION_KIND { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NLM_DOMAIN_AUTHENTICATION_KIND { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NLM_DOMAIN_AUTHENTICATION_KIND { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -844,19 +800,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NLM_DOMAIN_AUTHENTICATION_KIND { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NLM_DOMAIN_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NLM_DOMAIN_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NLM_DOMAIN_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NLM_DOMAIN_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NLM_DOMAIN_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -866,19 +811,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NLM_DOMAIN_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NLM_ENUM_NETWORK(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NLM_ENUM_NETWORK {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NLM_ENUM_NETWORK { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NLM_ENUM_NETWORK { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NLM_ENUM_NETWORK { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -888,19 +822,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NLM_ENUM_NETWORK { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NLM_INTERNET_CONNECTIVITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NLM_INTERNET_CONNECTIVITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NLM_INTERNET_CONNECTIVITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NLM_INTERNET_CONNECTIVITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NLM_INTERNET_CONNECTIVITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -910,19 +833,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NLM_INTERNET_CONNECTIVITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NLM_NETWORK_CATEGORY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NLM_NETWORK_CATEGORY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NLM_NETWORK_CATEGORY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NLM_NETWORK_CATEGORY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NLM_NETWORK_CATEGORY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -932,19 +844,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NLM_NETWORK_CATEGORY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NLM_NETWORK_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NLM_NETWORK_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NLM_NETWORK_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NLM_NETWORK_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NLM_NETWORK_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -954,19 +855,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NLM_NETWORK_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NLM_NETWORK_PROPERTY_CHANGE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NLM_NETWORK_PROPERTY_CHANGE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NLM_NETWORK_PROPERTY_CHANGE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NLM_NETWORK_PROPERTY_CHANGE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NLM_NETWORK_PROPERTY_CHANGE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Networking/RemoteDifferentialCompression/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Networking/RemoteDifferentialCompression/ index f7a72a91b4..41f64c3e1a 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Networking/RemoteDifferentialCompression/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Networking/RemoteDifferentialCompression/ @@ -707,19 +707,8 @@ pub const SimilarityTraitsMappedView: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUI pub const SimilarityTraitsMapping: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0x96236a94_9dbc_11da_9e3f_0011114ae311); pub const SimilarityTraitsTable: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0x96236a8f_9dbc_11da_9e3f_0011114ae311); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GeneratorParametersType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GeneratorParametersType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GeneratorParametersType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GeneratorParametersType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GeneratorParametersType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -729,19 +718,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GeneratorParametersType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RDC_ErrorCode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RDC_ErrorCode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RDC_ErrorCode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RDC_ErrorCode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RDC_ErrorCode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -751,19 +729,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RDC_ErrorCode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RdcCreatedTables(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RdcCreatedTables {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RdcCreatedTables { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RdcCreatedTables { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RdcCreatedTables { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -773,19 +740,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RdcCreatedTables { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RdcMappingAccessMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RdcMappingAccessMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RdcMappingAccessMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RdcMappingAccessMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RdcMappingAccessMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -795,19 +751,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RdcMappingAccessMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RdcNeedType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RdcNeedType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RdcNeedType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RdcNeedType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RdcNeedType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Networking/WebSocket/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Networking/WebSocket/ index 2bd153221f..a14305e0fd 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Networking/WebSocket/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Networking/WebSocket/ @@ -143,19 +143,8 @@ pub const WEB_SOCKET_UNSUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS_CLOSE_STATUS: WEB_SOCKET_CLOSE_STATU pub const WEB_SOCKET_UTF8_FRAGMENT_BUFFER_TYPE: WEB_SOCKET_BUFFER_TYPE = WEB_SOCKET_BUFFER_TYPE(-2147483647i32); pub const WEB_SOCKET_UTF8_MESSAGE_BUFFER_TYPE: WEB_SOCKET_BUFFER_TYPE = WEB_SOCKET_BUFFER_TYPE(-2147483648i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WEB_SOCKET_ACTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WEB_SOCKET_ACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WEB_SOCKET_ACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WEB_SOCKET_ACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WEB_SOCKET_ACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -165,19 +154,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WEB_SOCKET_ACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WEB_SOCKET_ACTION_QUEUE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WEB_SOCKET_ACTION_QUEUE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WEB_SOCKET_ACTION_QUEUE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WEB_SOCKET_ACTION_QUEUE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WEB_SOCKET_ACTION_QUEUE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -187,19 +165,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WEB_SOCKET_ACTION_QUEUE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WEB_SOCKET_BUFFER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WEB_SOCKET_BUFFER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WEB_SOCKET_BUFFER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WEB_SOCKET_BUFFER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WEB_SOCKET_BUFFER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -209,19 +176,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WEB_SOCKET_BUFFER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WEB_SOCKET_CLOSE_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WEB_SOCKET_CLOSE_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WEB_SOCKET_CLOSE_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WEB_SOCKET_CLOSE_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WEB_SOCKET_CLOSE_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -231,19 +187,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WEB_SOCKET_CLOSE_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WEB_SOCKET_PROPERTY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WEB_SOCKET_PROPERTY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WEB_SOCKET_PROPERTY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WEB_SOCKET_PROPERTY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WEB_SOCKET_PROPERTY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Networking/WinHttp/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Networking/WinHttp/ index a96a95d35c..d73187f3ba 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Networking/WinHttp/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Networking/WinHttp/ @@ -1235,19 +1235,8 @@ pub const WinHttpTlsHandshakeClientLeg3Start: WINHTTP_REQUEST_TIME_ENTRY = WINHT pub const WinHttpTlsHandshakeServerLeg1Size: WINHTTP_REQUEST_STAT_ENTRY = WINHTTP_REQUEST_STAT_ENTRY(3i32); pub const WinHttpTlsHandshakeServerLeg2Size: WINHTTP_REQUEST_STAT_ENTRY = WINHTTP_REQUEST_STAT_ENTRY(5i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WINHTTP_ACCESS_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WINHTTP_ACCESS_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WINHTTP_ACCESS_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WINHTTP_ACCESS_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WINHTTP_ACCESS_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1257,19 +1246,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WINHTTP_ACCESS_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WINHTTP_CREDS_AUTHSCHEME(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WINHTTP_CREDS_AUTHSCHEME {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WINHTTP_CREDS_AUTHSCHEME { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WINHTTP_CREDS_AUTHSCHEME { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WINHTTP_CREDS_AUTHSCHEME { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1279,19 +1257,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WINHTTP_CREDS_AUTHSCHEME { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WINHTTP_INTERNET_SCHEME(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WINHTTP_INTERNET_SCHEME {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WINHTTP_INTERNET_SCHEME { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WINHTTP_INTERNET_SCHEME { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WINHTTP_INTERNET_SCHEME { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1301,19 +1268,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WINHTTP_INTERNET_SCHEME { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WINHTTP_OPEN_REQUEST_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WINHTTP_OPEN_REQUEST_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WINHTTP_OPEN_REQUEST_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WINHTTP_OPEN_REQUEST_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WINHTTP_OPEN_REQUEST_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1356,19 +1312,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for WINHTTP_OPEN_REQUEST_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WINHTTP_PROXY_SETTINGS_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WINHTTP_PROXY_SETTINGS_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WINHTTP_PROXY_SETTINGS_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WINHTTP_PROXY_SETTINGS_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WINHTTP_PROXY_SETTINGS_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1378,19 +1323,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WINHTTP_PROXY_SETTINGS_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WINHTTP_REQUEST_STAT_ENTRY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WINHTTP_REQUEST_STAT_ENTRY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WINHTTP_REQUEST_STAT_ENTRY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WINHTTP_REQUEST_STAT_ENTRY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WINHTTP_REQUEST_STAT_ENTRY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1400,19 +1334,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WINHTTP_REQUEST_STAT_ENTRY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WINHTTP_REQUEST_TIME_ENTRY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WINHTTP_REQUEST_TIME_ENTRY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WINHTTP_REQUEST_TIME_ENTRY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WINHTTP_REQUEST_TIME_ENTRY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WINHTTP_REQUEST_TIME_ENTRY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1422,19 +1345,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WINHTTP_REQUEST_TIME_ENTRY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WINHTTP_SECURE_DNS_SETTING(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WINHTTP_SECURE_DNS_SETTING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WINHTTP_SECURE_DNS_SETTING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WINHTTP_SECURE_DNS_SETTING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WINHTTP_SECURE_DNS_SETTING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1444,19 +1356,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WINHTTP_SECURE_DNS_SETTING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WINHTTP_WEB_SOCKET_BUFFER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WINHTTP_WEB_SOCKET_BUFFER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WINHTTP_WEB_SOCKET_BUFFER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WINHTTP_WEB_SOCKET_BUFFER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WINHTTP_WEB_SOCKET_BUFFER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1466,19 +1367,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WINHTTP_WEB_SOCKET_BUFFER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WINHTTP_WEB_SOCKET_CLOSE_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WINHTTP_WEB_SOCKET_CLOSE_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WINHTTP_WEB_SOCKET_CLOSE_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WINHTTP_WEB_SOCKET_CLOSE_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WINHTTP_WEB_SOCKET_CLOSE_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1488,19 +1378,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WINHTTP_WEB_SOCKET_CLOSE_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WINHTTP_WEB_SOCKET_OPERATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WINHTTP_WEB_SOCKET_OPERATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WINHTTP_WEB_SOCKET_OPERATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WINHTTP_WEB_SOCKET_OPERATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WINHTTP_WEB_SOCKET_OPERATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1510,19 +1389,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WINHTTP_WEB_SOCKET_OPERATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WIN_HTTP_CREATE_URL_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WIN_HTTP_CREATE_URL_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WIN_HTTP_CREATE_URL_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WIN_HTTP_CREATE_URL_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WIN_HTTP_CREATE_URL_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1532,19 +1400,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WIN_HTTP_CREATE_URL_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WinHttpRequestAutoLogonPolicy(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WinHttpRequestAutoLogonPolicy {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WinHttpRequestAutoLogonPolicy { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WinHttpRequestAutoLogonPolicy { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WinHttpRequestAutoLogonPolicy { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1554,19 +1411,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WinHttpRequestAutoLogonPolicy { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WinHttpRequestOption(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WinHttpRequestOption {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WinHttpRequestOption { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WinHttpRequestOption { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WinHttpRequestOption { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1576,19 +1422,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WinHttpRequestOption { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WinHttpRequestSecureProtocols(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WinHttpRequestSecureProtocols {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WinHttpRequestSecureProtocols { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WinHttpRequestSecureProtocols { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WinHttpRequestSecureProtocols { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1598,19 +1433,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WinHttpRequestSecureProtocols { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WinHttpRequestSslErrorFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WinHttpRequestSslErrorFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WinHttpRequestSslErrorFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WinHttpRequestSslErrorFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WinHttpRequestSslErrorFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Networking/WinInet/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Networking/WinInet/ index 0061599d2d..8533643f82 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Networking/WinInet/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Networking/WinInet/ @@ -3394,19 +3394,8 @@ pub const WPAD_CACHE_DELETE_ALL: WPAD_CACHE_DELETE = WPAD_CACHE_DELETE(1i32); pub const WPAD_CACHE_DELETE_CURRENT: WPAD_CACHE_DELETE = WPAD_CACHE_DELETE(0i32); pub const XDR_CACHE_ENTRY: u32 = 262144u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct APP_CACHE_FINALIZE_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for APP_CACHE_FINALIZE_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for APP_CACHE_FINALIZE_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for APP_CACHE_FINALIZE_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for APP_CACHE_FINALIZE_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3416,19 +3405,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for APP_CACHE_FINALIZE_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct APP_CACHE_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for APP_CACHE_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for APP_CACHE_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for APP_CACHE_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for APP_CACHE_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3438,19 +3416,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for APP_CACHE_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CACHE_CONFIG(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CACHE_CONFIG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CACHE_CONFIG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CACHE_CONFIG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CACHE_CONFIG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3460,19 +3427,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CACHE_CONFIG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FORTCMD(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FORTCMD {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FORTCMD { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FORTCMD { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FORTCMD { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3482,19 +3438,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FORTCMD { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FORTSTAT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FORTSTAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FORTSTAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FORTSTAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FORTSTAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3504,19 +3449,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FORTSTAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FTP_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FTP_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FTP_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FTP_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FTP_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3526,19 +3460,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FTP_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GOPHER_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GOPHER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GOPHER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GOPHER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GOPHER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3548,19 +3471,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GOPHER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3603,19 +3515,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HTTP_POLICY_EXTENSION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HTTP_POLICY_EXTENSION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HTTP_POLICY_EXTENSION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HTTP_POLICY_EXTENSION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HTTP_POLICY_EXTENSION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3625,19 +3526,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HTTP_POLICY_EXTENSION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HTTP_POLICY_EXTENSION_VERSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HTTP_POLICY_EXTENSION_VERSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HTTP_POLICY_EXTENSION_VERSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HTTP_POLICY_EXTENSION_VERSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HTTP_POLICY_EXTENSION_VERSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3647,19 +3537,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HTTP_POLICY_EXTENSION_VERSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HTTP_PUSH_WAIT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HTTP_PUSH_WAIT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HTTP_PUSH_WAIT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HTTP_PUSH_WAIT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HTTP_PUSH_WAIT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3669,19 +3548,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HTTP_PUSH_WAIT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HTTP_WEB_SOCKET_BUFFER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HTTP_WEB_SOCKET_BUFFER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HTTP_WEB_SOCKET_BUFFER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HTTP_WEB_SOCKET_BUFFER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HTTP_WEB_SOCKET_BUFFER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3691,19 +3559,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HTTP_WEB_SOCKET_BUFFER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HTTP_WEB_SOCKET_CLOSE_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HTTP_WEB_SOCKET_CLOSE_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HTTP_WEB_SOCKET_CLOSE_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HTTP_WEB_SOCKET_CLOSE_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HTTP_WEB_SOCKET_CLOSE_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3713,19 +3570,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HTTP_WEB_SOCKET_CLOSE_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HTTP_WEB_SOCKET_OPERATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HTTP_WEB_SOCKET_OPERATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HTTP_WEB_SOCKET_OPERATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HTTP_WEB_SOCKET_OPERATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HTTP_WEB_SOCKET_OPERATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3735,19 +3581,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HTTP_WEB_SOCKET_OPERATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct INTERNET_ACCESS_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for INTERNET_ACCESS_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for INTERNET_ACCESS_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for INTERNET_ACCESS_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for INTERNET_ACCESS_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3757,19 +3592,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for INTERNET_ACCESS_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct INTERNET_AUTODIAL(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for INTERNET_AUTODIAL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for INTERNET_AUTODIAL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for INTERNET_AUTODIAL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for INTERNET_AUTODIAL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3779,19 +3603,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for INTERNET_AUTODIAL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct INTERNET_CONNECTION(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for INTERNET_CONNECTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for INTERNET_CONNECTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for INTERNET_CONNECTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for INTERNET_CONNECTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3834,19 +3647,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for INTERNET_CONNECTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct INTERNET_COOKIE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for INTERNET_COOKIE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for INTERNET_COOKIE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for INTERNET_COOKIE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for INTERNET_COOKIE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3856,19 +3658,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for INTERNET_COOKIE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct INTERNET_PER_CONN(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for INTERNET_PER_CONN {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for INTERNET_PER_CONN { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for INTERNET_PER_CONN { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for INTERNET_PER_CONN { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3878,19 +3669,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for INTERNET_PER_CONN { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct INTERNET_SCHEME(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for INTERNET_SCHEME {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for INTERNET_SCHEME { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for INTERNET_SCHEME { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for INTERNET_SCHEME { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3900,19 +3680,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for INTERNET_SCHEME { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct INTERNET_STATE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for INTERNET_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for INTERNET_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for INTERNET_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for INTERNET_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3922,19 +3691,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for INTERNET_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InternetCookieState(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InternetCookieState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InternetCookieState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InternetCookieState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InternetCookieState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3944,19 +3702,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for InternetCookieState { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROXY_AUTO_DETECT_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROXY_AUTO_DETECT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROXY_AUTO_DETECT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROXY_AUTO_DETECT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROXY_AUTO_DETECT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3999,19 +3746,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for PROXY_AUTO_DETECT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct REQUEST_TIMES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for REQUEST_TIMES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for REQUEST_TIMES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for REQUEST_TIMES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for REQUEST_TIMES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4021,19 +3757,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for REQUEST_TIMES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct URL_CACHE_LIMIT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for URL_CACHE_LIMIT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for URL_CACHE_LIMIT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for URL_CACHE_LIMIT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for URL_CACHE_LIMIT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4043,19 +3768,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for URL_CACHE_LIMIT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WININET_SYNC_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WININET_SYNC_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WININET_SYNC_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WININET_SYNC_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WININET_SYNC_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4065,19 +3779,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WININET_SYNC_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPAD_CACHE_DELETE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPAD_CACHE_DELETE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPAD_CACHE_DELETE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPAD_CACHE_DELETE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPAD_CACHE_DELETE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Networking/WinSock/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Networking/WinSock/ index b3cfe0983d..b02e46e7ce 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Networking/WinSock/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Networking/WinSock/ @@ -3148,19 +3148,8 @@ pub const _LITTLE_ENDIAN: u32 = 1234u32; pub const _PDP_ENDIAN: u32 = 3412u32; pub const _SS_MAXSIZE: u32 = 128u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AAL_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AAL_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AAL_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AAL_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AAL_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3170,19 +3159,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AAL_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ADDRESS_FAMILY(pub u16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ADDRESS_FAMILY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ADDRESS_FAMILY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ADDRESS_FAMILY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ADDRESS_FAMILY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3192,19 +3170,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ADDRESS_FAMILY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ARP_HARDWARE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ARP_HARDWARE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ARP_HARDWARE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ARP_HARDWARE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ARP_HARDWARE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3214,19 +3181,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ARP_HARDWARE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ARP_OPCODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ARP_OPCODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ARP_OPCODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ARP_OPCODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ARP_OPCODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3236,19 +3192,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ARP_OPCODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CONTROL_CHANNEL_TRIGGER_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CONTROL_CHANNEL_TRIGGER_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CONTROL_CHANNEL_TRIGGER_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CONTROL_CHANNEL_TRIGGER_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CONTROL_CHANNEL_TRIGGER_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3258,19 +3203,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CONTROL_CHANNEL_TRIGGER_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FALLBACK_INDEX(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FALLBACK_INDEX {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FALLBACK_INDEX { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FALLBACK_INDEX { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FALLBACK_INDEX { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3280,19 +3214,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FALLBACK_INDEX { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ICMP4_TIME_EXCEED_CODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ICMP4_TIME_EXCEED_CODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ICMP4_TIME_EXCEED_CODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ICMP4_TIME_EXCEED_CODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ICMP4_TIME_EXCEED_CODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3302,19 +3225,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ICMP4_TIME_EXCEED_CODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ICMP4_UNREACH_CODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ICMP4_UNREACH_CODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ICMP4_UNREACH_CODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ICMP4_UNREACH_CODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ICMP4_UNREACH_CODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3324,19 +3236,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ICMP4_UNREACH_CODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IGMP_MAX_RESP_CODE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IGMP_MAX_RESP_CODE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IGMP_MAX_RESP_CODE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IGMP_MAX_RESP_CODE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IGMP_MAX_RESP_CODE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3346,19 +3247,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IGMP_MAX_RESP_CODE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IPPROTO(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IPPROTO {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IPPROTO { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IPPROTO { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IPPROTO { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3368,19 +3258,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IPPROTO { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IPV4_OPTION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IPV4_OPTION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IPV4_OPTION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IPV4_OPTION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IPV4_OPTION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3390,19 +3269,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IPV4_OPTION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IPV6_OPTION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IPV6_OPTION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IPV6_OPTION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IPV6_OPTION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IPV6_OPTION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3412,19 +3280,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IPV6_OPTION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IP_OPTION_TIMESTAMP_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IP_OPTION_TIMESTAMP_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IP_OPTION_TIMESTAMP_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IP_OPTION_TIMESTAMP_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IP_OPTION_TIMESTAMP_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3434,19 +3291,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IP_OPTION_TIMESTAMP_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MLD_MAX_RESP_CODE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MLD_MAX_RESP_CODE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MLD_MAX_RESP_CODE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MLD_MAX_RESP_CODE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MLD_MAX_RESP_CODE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3456,19 +3302,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MLD_MAX_RESP_CODE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MULTICAST_MODE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MULTICAST_MODE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MULTICAST_MODE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MULTICAST_MODE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MULTICAST_MODE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3478,19 +3313,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MULTICAST_MODE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NAPI_PROVIDER_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NAPI_PROVIDER_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NAPI_PROVIDER_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NAPI_PROVIDER_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NAPI_PROVIDER_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3500,19 +3324,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NAPI_PROVIDER_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NAPI_PROVIDER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NAPI_PROVIDER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NAPI_PROVIDER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NAPI_PROVIDER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NAPI_PROVIDER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3522,19 +3335,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NAPI_PROVIDER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ND_OPTION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ND_OPTION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ND_OPTION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ND_OPTION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ND_OPTION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3544,19 +3346,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ND_OPTION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NLA_BLOB_DATA_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NLA_BLOB_DATA_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NLA_BLOB_DATA_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NLA_BLOB_DATA_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NLA_BLOB_DATA_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3566,19 +3357,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NLA_BLOB_DATA_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NLA_CONNECTIVITY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NLA_CONNECTIVITY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NLA_CONNECTIVITY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NLA_CONNECTIVITY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NLA_CONNECTIVITY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3588,19 +3368,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NLA_CONNECTIVITY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NLA_INTERNET(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NLA_INTERNET {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NLA_INTERNET { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NLA_INTERNET { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NLA_INTERNET { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3610,19 +3379,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NLA_INTERNET { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NL_ADDRESS_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NL_ADDRESS_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NL_ADDRESS_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NL_ADDRESS_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NL_ADDRESS_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3632,19 +3390,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NL_ADDRESS_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NL_BANDWIDTH_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NL_BANDWIDTH_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NL_BANDWIDTH_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NL_BANDWIDTH_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NL_BANDWIDTH_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3654,19 +3401,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NL_BANDWIDTH_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NL_DAD_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NL_DAD_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NL_DAD_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NL_DAD_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NL_DAD_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3676,19 +3412,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NL_DAD_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NL_INTERFACE_NETWORK_CATEGORY_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NL_INTERFACE_NETWORK_CATEGORY_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NL_INTERFACE_NETWORK_CATEGORY_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NL_INTERFACE_NETWORK_CATEGORY_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NL_INTERFACE_NETWORK_CATEGORY_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3698,19 +3423,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NL_INTERFACE_NETWORK_CATEGORY_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NL_LINK_LOCAL_ADDRESS_BEHAVIOR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NL_LINK_LOCAL_ADDRESS_BEHAVIOR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NL_LINK_LOCAL_ADDRESS_BEHAVIOR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NL_LINK_LOCAL_ADDRESS_BEHAVIOR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NL_LINK_LOCAL_ADDRESS_BEHAVIOR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3720,19 +3434,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NL_LINK_LOCAL_ADDRESS_BEHAVIOR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NL_NEIGHBOR_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NL_NEIGHBOR_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NL_NEIGHBOR_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NL_NEIGHBOR_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NL_NEIGHBOR_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3742,19 +3445,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NL_NEIGHBOR_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NL_NETWORK_CATEGORY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NL_NETWORK_CATEGORY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NL_NETWORK_CATEGORY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NL_NETWORK_CATEGORY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NL_NETWORK_CATEGORY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3764,19 +3456,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NL_NETWORK_CATEGORY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NL_NETWORK_CONNECTIVITY_COST_HINT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NL_NETWORK_CONNECTIVITY_COST_HINT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NL_NETWORK_CONNECTIVITY_COST_HINT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NL_NETWORK_CONNECTIVITY_COST_HINT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NL_NETWORK_CONNECTIVITY_COST_HINT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3786,19 +3467,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NL_NETWORK_CONNECTIVITY_COST_HINT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NL_NETWORK_CONNECTIVITY_LEVEL_HINT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NL_NETWORK_CONNECTIVITY_LEVEL_HINT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NL_NETWORK_CONNECTIVITY_LEVEL_HINT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NL_NETWORK_CONNECTIVITY_LEVEL_HINT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NL_NETWORK_CONNECTIVITY_LEVEL_HINT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3808,19 +3478,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NL_NETWORK_CONNECTIVITY_LEVEL_HINT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NL_PREFIX_ORIGIN(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NL_PREFIX_ORIGIN {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NL_PREFIX_ORIGIN { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NL_PREFIX_ORIGIN { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NL_PREFIX_ORIGIN { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3830,19 +3489,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NL_PREFIX_ORIGIN { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NL_ROUTER_DISCOVERY_BEHAVIOR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NL_ROUTER_DISCOVERY_BEHAVIOR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NL_ROUTER_DISCOVERY_BEHAVIOR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NL_ROUTER_DISCOVERY_BEHAVIOR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NL_ROUTER_DISCOVERY_BEHAVIOR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3852,19 +3500,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NL_ROUTER_DISCOVERY_BEHAVIOR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NL_ROUTE_ORIGIN(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NL_ROUTE_ORIGIN {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NL_ROUTE_ORIGIN { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NL_ROUTE_ORIGIN { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NL_ROUTE_ORIGIN { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3874,19 +3511,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NL_ROUTE_ORIGIN { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NL_ROUTE_PROTOCOL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NL_ROUTE_PROTOCOL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NL_ROUTE_PROTOCOL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NL_ROUTE_PROTOCOL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NL_ROUTE_PROTOCOL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3896,19 +3522,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NL_ROUTE_PROTOCOL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NL_SUFFIX_ORIGIN(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NL_SUFFIX_ORIGIN {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NL_SUFFIX_ORIGIN { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NL_SUFFIX_ORIGIN { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NL_SUFFIX_ORIGIN { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3918,19 +3533,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NL_SUFFIX_ORIGIN { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NPI_MODULEID_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NPI_MODULEID_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NPI_MODULEID_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NPI_MODULEID_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NPI_MODULEID_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3940,19 +3544,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NPI_MODULEID_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PMTUD_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PMTUD_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PMTUD_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PMTUD_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PMTUD_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3962,19 +3555,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PMTUD_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct Q2931_IE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for Q2931_IE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for Q2931_IE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for Q2931_IE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for Q2931_IE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3984,19 +3566,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for Q2931_IE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RCVALL_VALUE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RCVALL_VALUE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RCVALL_VALUE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RCVALL_VALUE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RCVALL_VALUE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4006,19 +3577,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RCVALL_VALUE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RESOURCE_DISPLAY_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RESOURCE_DISPLAY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RESOURCE_DISPLAY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RESOURCE_DISPLAY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RESOURCE_DISPLAY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4028,19 +3588,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RESOURCE_DISPLAY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RIO_NOTIFICATION_COMPLETION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RIO_NOTIFICATION_COMPLETION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RIO_NOTIFICATION_COMPLETION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RIO_NOTIFICATION_COMPLETION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RIO_NOTIFICATION_COMPLETION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4050,19 +3599,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RIO_NOTIFICATION_COMPLETION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SCOPE_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SCOPE_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SCOPE_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SCOPE_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SCOPE_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4072,19 +3610,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SCOPE_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SEND_RECV_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SEND_RECV_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SEND_RECV_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SEND_RECV_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SEND_RECV_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4127,19 +3654,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SEND_RECV_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SET_SERVICE_OPERATION(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SET_SERVICE_OPERATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SET_SERVICE_OPERATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SET_SERVICE_OPERATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SET_SERVICE_OPERATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4149,19 +3665,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SET_SERVICE_OPERATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SOCKET_PRIORITY_HINT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SOCKET_PRIORITY_HINT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SOCKET_PRIORITY_HINT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SOCKET_PRIORITY_HINT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SOCKET_PRIORITY_HINT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4171,19 +3676,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SOCKET_PRIORITY_HINT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SOCKET_SECURITY_PROTOCOL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SOCKET_SECURITY_PROTOCOL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SOCKET_SECURITY_PROTOCOL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SOCKET_SECURITY_PROTOCOL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SOCKET_SECURITY_PROTOCOL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4193,19 +3687,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SOCKET_SECURITY_PROTOCOL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SOCKET_USAGE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SOCKET_USAGE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SOCKET_USAGE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SOCKET_USAGE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SOCKET_USAGE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4215,19 +3698,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SOCKET_USAGE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TCPSTATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TCPSTATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TCPSTATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TCPSTATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TCPSTATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4237,19 +3709,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TCPSTATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TCP_ICW_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TCP_ICW_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TCP_ICW_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TCP_ICW_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TCP_ICW_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4259,19 +3720,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TCP_ICW_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TUNNEL_SUB_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TUNNEL_SUB_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TUNNEL_SUB_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TUNNEL_SUB_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TUNNEL_SUB_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4281,19 +3731,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TUNNEL_SUB_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WINSOCK_SHUTDOWN_HOW(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WINSOCK_SHUTDOWN_HOW {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WINSOCK_SHUTDOWN_HOW { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WINSOCK_SHUTDOWN_HOW { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WINSOCK_SHUTDOWN_HOW { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4303,19 +3742,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WINSOCK_SHUTDOWN_HOW { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WINSOCK_SOCKET_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WINSOCK_SOCKET_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WINSOCK_SOCKET_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WINSOCK_SOCKET_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WINSOCK_SOCKET_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4325,19 +3753,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WINSOCK_SOCKET_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WSACOMPLETIONTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WSACOMPLETIONTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WSACOMPLETIONTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WSACOMPLETIONTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WSACOMPLETIONTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4347,19 +3764,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WSACOMPLETIONTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WSAECOMPARATOR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WSAECOMPARATOR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WSAECOMPARATOR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WSAECOMPARATOR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WSAECOMPARATOR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4369,19 +3775,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WSAECOMPARATOR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WSAESETSERVICEOP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WSAESETSERVICEOP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WSAESETSERVICEOP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WSAESETSERVICEOP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WSAESETSERVICEOP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4391,19 +3786,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WSAESETSERVICEOP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WSAPOLL_EVENT_FLAGS(pub i16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WSAPOLL_EVENT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WSAPOLL_EVENT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WSAPOLL_EVENT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WSAPOLL_EVENT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4446,19 +3830,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for WSAPOLL_EVENT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WSA_COMPATIBILITY_BEHAVIOR_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WSA_COMPATIBILITY_BEHAVIOR_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WSA_COMPATIBILITY_BEHAVIOR_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WSA_COMPATIBILITY_BEHAVIOR_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WSA_COMPATIBILITY_BEHAVIOR_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4468,19 +3841,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WSA_COMPATIBILITY_BEHAVIOR_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WSA_ERROR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WSA_ERROR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WSA_ERROR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WSA_ERROR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WSA_ERROR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4490,19 +3852,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WSA_ERROR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WSC_PROVIDER_INFO_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WSC_PROVIDER_INFO_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WSC_PROVIDER_INFO_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WSC_PROVIDER_INFO_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WSC_PROVIDER_INFO_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4512,19 +3863,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WSC_PROVIDER_INFO_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eWINDOW_ADVANCE_METHOD(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eWINDOW_ADVANCE_METHOD {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eWINDOW_ADVANCE_METHOD { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eWINDOW_ADVANCE_METHOD { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eWINDOW_ADVANCE_METHOD { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Networking/WindowsWebServices/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Networking/WindowsWebServices/ index b3bcf6345b..cd4b357d97 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Networking/WindowsWebServices/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Networking/WindowsWebServices/ @@ -2096,19 +2096,8 @@ pub const WS_XML_WRITER_PROPERTY_MAX_MIME_PARTS_BUFFER_SIZE: WS_XML_WRITER_PROPE pub const WS_XML_WRITER_PROPERTY_MAX_NAMESPACES: WS_XML_WRITER_PROPERTY_ID = WS_XML_WRITER_PROPERTY_ID(14i32); pub const WS_XML_WRITER_PROPERTY_WRITE_DECLARATION: WS_XML_WRITER_PROPERTY_ID = WS_XML_WRITER_PROPERTY_ID(3i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_ADDRESSING_VERSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_ADDRESSING_VERSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_ADDRESSING_VERSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_ADDRESSING_VERSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_ADDRESSING_VERSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2118,19 +2107,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_ADDRESSING_VERSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_BINDING_TEMPLATE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_BINDING_TEMPLATE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_BINDING_TEMPLATE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_BINDING_TEMPLATE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_BINDING_TEMPLATE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2140,19 +2118,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_BINDING_TEMPLATE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_CALLBACK_MODEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_CALLBACK_MODEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_CALLBACK_MODEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_CALLBACK_MODEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_CALLBACK_MODEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2162,19 +2129,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_CALLBACK_MODEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_CALL_PROPERTY_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_CALL_PROPERTY_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_CALL_PROPERTY_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_CALL_PROPERTY_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_CALL_PROPERTY_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2184,19 +2140,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_CALL_PROPERTY_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_CERT_CREDENTIAL_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_CERT_CREDENTIAL_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_CERT_CREDENTIAL_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_CERT_CREDENTIAL_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_CERT_CREDENTIAL_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2206,19 +2151,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_CERT_CREDENTIAL_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_CHANNEL_BINDING(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_CHANNEL_BINDING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_CHANNEL_BINDING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_CHANNEL_BINDING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_CHANNEL_BINDING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2228,19 +2162,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_CHANNEL_BINDING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_CHANNEL_PROPERTY_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_CHANNEL_PROPERTY_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_CHANNEL_PROPERTY_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_CHANNEL_PROPERTY_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_CHANNEL_PROPERTY_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2250,19 +2173,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_CHANNEL_PROPERTY_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_CHANNEL_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_CHANNEL_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_CHANNEL_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_CHANNEL_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_CHANNEL_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2272,19 +2184,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_CHANNEL_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_CHANNEL_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_CHANNEL_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_CHANNEL_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_CHANNEL_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_CHANNEL_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2294,19 +2195,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_CHANNEL_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_CHARSET(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_CHARSET {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_CHARSET { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_CHARSET { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_CHARSET { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2316,19 +2206,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_CHARSET { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_COOKIE_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_COOKIE_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_COOKIE_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_COOKIE_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_COOKIE_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2338,19 +2217,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_COOKIE_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_DATETIME_FORMAT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_DATETIME_FORMAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_DATETIME_FORMAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_DATETIME_FORMAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_DATETIME_FORMAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2360,19 +2228,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_DATETIME_FORMAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_ENCODING(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_ENCODING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_ENCODING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_ENCODING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_ENCODING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2382,19 +2239,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_ENCODING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_EXTENSION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_EXTENSION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_EXTENSION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_EXTENSION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_EXTENSION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2404,19 +2250,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_EXTENSION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_ENDPOINT_IDENTITY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_ENDPOINT_IDENTITY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_ENDPOINT_IDENTITY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_ENDPOINT_IDENTITY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_ENDPOINT_IDENTITY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2426,19 +2261,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_ENDPOINT_IDENTITY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_ENVELOPE_VERSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_ENVELOPE_VERSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_ENVELOPE_VERSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_ENVELOPE_VERSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_ENVELOPE_VERSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2448,19 +2272,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_ENVELOPE_VERSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_ERROR_PROPERTY_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_ERROR_PROPERTY_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_ERROR_PROPERTY_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_ERROR_PROPERTY_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_ERROR_PROPERTY_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2470,19 +2283,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_ERROR_PROPERTY_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_EXCEPTION_CODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_EXCEPTION_CODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_EXCEPTION_CODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_EXCEPTION_CODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_EXCEPTION_CODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2492,19 +2294,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_EXCEPTION_CODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_EXTENDED_PROTECTION_POLICY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_EXTENDED_PROTECTION_POLICY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_EXTENDED_PROTECTION_POLICY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_EXTENDED_PROTECTION_POLICY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_EXTENDED_PROTECTION_POLICY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2514,19 +2305,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_EXTENDED_PROTECTION_POLICY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_EXTENDED_PROTECTION_SCENARIO(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_EXTENDED_PROTECTION_SCENARIO {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_EXTENDED_PROTECTION_SCENARIO { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_EXTENDED_PROTECTION_SCENARIO { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_EXTENDED_PROTECTION_SCENARIO { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2536,19 +2316,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_EXTENDED_PROTECTION_SCENARIO { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_FAULT_DISCLOSURE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_FAULT_DISCLOSURE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_FAULT_DISCLOSURE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_FAULT_DISCLOSURE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_FAULT_DISCLOSURE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2558,19 +2327,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_FAULT_DISCLOSURE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_FAULT_ERROR_PROPERTY_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_FAULT_ERROR_PROPERTY_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_FAULT_ERROR_PROPERTY_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_FAULT_ERROR_PROPERTY_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_FAULT_ERROR_PROPERTY_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2580,19 +2338,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_FAULT_ERROR_PROPERTY_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_FIELD_MAPPING(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_FIELD_MAPPING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_FIELD_MAPPING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_FIELD_MAPPING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_FIELD_MAPPING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2602,19 +2349,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_FIELD_MAPPING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_HEADER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_HEADER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_HEADER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_HEADER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_HEADER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2624,19 +2360,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_HEADER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_HEAP_PROPERTY_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_HEAP_PROPERTY_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_HEAP_PROPERTY_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_HEAP_PROPERTY_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_HEAP_PROPERTY_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2646,19 +2371,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_HEAP_PROPERTY_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_HTTP_HEADER_AUTH_TARGET(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_HTTP_HEADER_AUTH_TARGET {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_HTTP_HEADER_AUTH_TARGET { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_HTTP_HEADER_AUTH_TARGET { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_HTTP_HEADER_AUTH_TARGET { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2668,19 +2382,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_HTTP_HEADER_AUTH_TARGET { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_HTTP_PROXY_SETTING_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_HTTP_PROXY_SETTING_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_HTTP_PROXY_SETTING_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_HTTP_PROXY_SETTING_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_HTTP_PROXY_SETTING_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2690,19 +2393,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_HTTP_PROXY_SETTING_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_IP_VERSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_IP_VERSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_IP_VERSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_IP_VERSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_IP_VERSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2712,19 +2404,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_IP_VERSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_LISTENER_PROPERTY_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_LISTENER_PROPERTY_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_LISTENER_PROPERTY_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_LISTENER_PROPERTY_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_LISTENER_PROPERTY_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2734,19 +2415,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_LISTENER_PROPERTY_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_LISTENER_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_LISTENER_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_LISTENER_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_LISTENER_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_LISTENER_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2756,19 +2426,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_LISTENER_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_MESSAGE_INITIALIZATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_MESSAGE_INITIALIZATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_MESSAGE_INITIALIZATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_MESSAGE_INITIALIZATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_MESSAGE_INITIALIZATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2778,19 +2437,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_MESSAGE_INITIALIZATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_MESSAGE_PROPERTY_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_MESSAGE_PROPERTY_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_MESSAGE_PROPERTY_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_MESSAGE_PROPERTY_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_MESSAGE_PROPERTY_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2800,19 +2448,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_MESSAGE_PROPERTY_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_MESSAGE_SECURITY_USAGE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_MESSAGE_SECURITY_USAGE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_MESSAGE_SECURITY_USAGE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_MESSAGE_SECURITY_USAGE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_MESSAGE_SECURITY_USAGE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2822,19 +2459,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_MESSAGE_SECURITY_USAGE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_MESSAGE_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_MESSAGE_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_MESSAGE_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_MESSAGE_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_MESSAGE_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2844,19 +2470,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_MESSAGE_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_METADATA_EXCHANGE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_METADATA_EXCHANGE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_METADATA_EXCHANGE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_METADATA_EXCHANGE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_METADATA_EXCHANGE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2866,19 +2481,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_METADATA_EXCHANGE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_METADATA_PROPERTY_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_METADATA_PROPERTY_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_METADATA_PROPERTY_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_METADATA_PROPERTY_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_METADATA_PROPERTY_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2888,19 +2492,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_METADATA_PROPERTY_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_METADATA_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_METADATA_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_METADATA_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_METADATA_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_METADATA_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2910,19 +2503,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_METADATA_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_MOVE_TO(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_MOVE_TO {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_MOVE_TO { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_MOVE_TO { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_MOVE_TO { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2932,19 +2514,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_MOVE_TO { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_OPERATION_CONTEXT_PROPERTY_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_OPERATION_CONTEXT_PROPERTY_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_OPERATION_CONTEXT_PROPERTY_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_OPERATION_CONTEXT_PROPERTY_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_OPERATION_CONTEXT_PROPERTY_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2954,19 +2525,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_OPERATION_CONTEXT_PROPERTY_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_OPERATION_STYLE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_OPERATION_STYLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_OPERATION_STYLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_OPERATION_STYLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_OPERATION_STYLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2976,19 +2536,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_OPERATION_STYLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_PARAMETER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_PARAMETER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_PARAMETER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_PARAMETER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_PARAMETER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2998,19 +2547,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_PARAMETER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_POLICY_EXTENSION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_POLICY_EXTENSION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_POLICY_EXTENSION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_POLICY_EXTENSION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_POLICY_EXTENSION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3020,19 +2558,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_POLICY_EXTENSION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_POLICY_PROPERTY_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_POLICY_PROPERTY_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_POLICY_PROPERTY_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_POLICY_PROPERTY_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_POLICY_PROPERTY_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3042,19 +2569,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_POLICY_PROPERTY_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_POLICY_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_POLICY_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_POLICY_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_POLICY_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_POLICY_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3064,19 +2580,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_POLICY_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_PROTECTION_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_PROTECTION_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_PROTECTION_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_PROTECTION_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_PROTECTION_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3086,19 +2591,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_PROTECTION_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_PROXY_PROPERTY_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_PROXY_PROPERTY_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_PROXY_PROPERTY_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_PROXY_PROPERTY_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_PROXY_PROPERTY_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3108,19 +2602,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_PROXY_PROPERTY_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_READ_OPTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_READ_OPTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_READ_OPTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_READ_OPTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_READ_OPTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3130,19 +2613,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_READ_OPTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_RECEIVE_OPTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_RECEIVE_OPTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_RECEIVE_OPTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_RECEIVE_OPTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_RECEIVE_OPTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3152,19 +2624,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_RECEIVE_OPTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_REPEATING_HEADER_OPTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_REPEATING_HEADER_OPTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_REPEATING_HEADER_OPTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_REPEATING_HEADER_OPTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_REPEATING_HEADER_OPTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3174,19 +2635,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_REPEATING_HEADER_OPTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_REQUEST_SECURITY_TOKEN_ACTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_REQUEST_SECURITY_TOKEN_ACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_REQUEST_SECURITY_TOKEN_ACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_REQUEST_SECURITY_TOKEN_ACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_REQUEST_SECURITY_TOKEN_ACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3196,19 +2646,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_REQUEST_SECURITY_TOKEN_ACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_REQUEST_SECURITY_TOKEN_PROPERTY_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_REQUEST_SECURITY_TOKEN_PROPERTY_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_REQUEST_SECURITY_TOKEN_PROPERTY_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_REQUEST_SECURITY_TOKEN_PROPERTY_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_REQUEST_SECURITY_TOKEN_PROPERTY_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3218,19 +2657,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_REQUEST_SECURITY_TOKEN_PROPERTY_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_SAML_AUTHENTICATOR_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_SAML_AUTHENTICATOR_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_SAML_AUTHENTICATOR_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_SAML_AUTHENTICATOR_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_SAML_AUTHENTICATOR_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3240,19 +2668,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_SAML_AUTHENTICATOR_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_SECURE_CONVERSATION_VERSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_SECURE_CONVERSATION_VERSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_SECURE_CONVERSATION_VERSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_SECURE_CONVERSATION_VERSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_SECURE_CONVERSATION_VERSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3262,19 +2679,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_SECURE_CONVERSATION_VERSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_SECURE_PROTOCOL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_SECURE_PROTOCOL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_SECURE_PROTOCOL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_SECURE_PROTOCOL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_SECURE_PROTOCOL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3284,19 +2690,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_SECURE_PROTOCOL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_SECURITY_ALGORITHM_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_SECURITY_ALGORITHM_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_SECURITY_ALGORITHM_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_SECURITY_ALGORITHM_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_SECURITY_ALGORITHM_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3306,19 +2701,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_SECURITY_ALGORITHM_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_SECURITY_ALGORITHM_PROPERTY_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_SECURITY_ALGORITHM_PROPERTY_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_SECURITY_ALGORITHM_PROPERTY_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_SECURITY_ALGORITHM_PROPERTY_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_SECURITY_ALGORITHM_PROPERTY_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3328,19 +2712,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_SECURITY_ALGORITHM_PROPERTY_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_SECURITY_ALGORITHM_SUITE_NAME(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_SECURITY_ALGORITHM_SUITE_NAME {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_SECURITY_ALGORITHM_SUITE_NAME { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_SECURITY_ALGORITHM_SUITE_NAME { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_SECURITY_ALGORITHM_SUITE_NAME { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3350,19 +2723,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_SECURITY_ALGORITHM_SUITE_NAME { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_SECURITY_BEARER_KEY_TYPE_VERSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_SECURITY_BEARER_KEY_TYPE_VERSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_SECURITY_BEARER_KEY_TYPE_VERSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_SECURITY_BEARER_KEY_TYPE_VERSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_SECURITY_BEARER_KEY_TYPE_VERSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3372,19 +2734,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_SECURITY_BEARER_KEY_TYPE_VERSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_SECURITY_BINDING_CONSTRAINT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_SECURITY_BINDING_CONSTRAINT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_SECURITY_BINDING_CONSTRAINT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_SECURITY_BINDING_CONSTRAINT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_SECURITY_BINDING_CONSTRAINT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3394,19 +2745,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_SECURITY_BINDING_CONSTRAINT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_SECURITY_BINDING_PROPERTY_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_SECURITY_BINDING_PROPERTY_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_SECURITY_BINDING_PROPERTY_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_SECURITY_BINDING_PROPERTY_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_SECURITY_BINDING_PROPERTY_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3416,19 +2756,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_SECURITY_BINDING_PROPERTY_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_SECURITY_BINDING_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_SECURITY_BINDING_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_SECURITY_BINDING_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_SECURITY_BINDING_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_SECURITY_BINDING_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3438,19 +2767,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_SECURITY_BINDING_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_SECURITY_CONTEXT_PROPERTY_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_SECURITY_CONTEXT_PROPERTY_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_SECURITY_CONTEXT_PROPERTY_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_SECURITY_CONTEXT_PROPERTY_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_SECURITY_CONTEXT_PROPERTY_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3460,19 +2778,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_SECURITY_CONTEXT_PROPERTY_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_SECURITY_HEADER_LAYOUT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_SECURITY_HEADER_LAYOUT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_SECURITY_HEADER_LAYOUT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_SECURITY_HEADER_LAYOUT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_SECURITY_HEADER_LAYOUT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3482,19 +2789,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_SECURITY_HEADER_LAYOUT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_SECURITY_HEADER_VERSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_SECURITY_HEADER_VERSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_SECURITY_HEADER_VERSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_SECURITY_HEADER_VERSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_SECURITY_HEADER_VERSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3504,19 +2800,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_SECURITY_HEADER_VERSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_SECURITY_KEY_ENTROPY_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_SECURITY_KEY_ENTROPY_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_SECURITY_KEY_ENTROPY_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_SECURITY_KEY_ENTROPY_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_SECURITY_KEY_ENTROPY_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3526,19 +2811,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_SECURITY_KEY_ENTROPY_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_SECURITY_KEY_HANDLE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_SECURITY_KEY_HANDLE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_SECURITY_KEY_HANDLE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_SECURITY_KEY_HANDLE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_SECURITY_KEY_HANDLE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3548,19 +2822,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_SECURITY_KEY_HANDLE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_SECURITY_KEY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_SECURITY_KEY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_SECURITY_KEY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_SECURITY_KEY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_SECURITY_KEY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3570,19 +2833,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_SECURITY_KEY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_SECURITY_PROPERTY_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_SECURITY_PROPERTY_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_SECURITY_PROPERTY_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_SECURITY_PROPERTY_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_SECURITY_PROPERTY_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3592,19 +2844,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_SECURITY_PROPERTY_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_SECURITY_TIMESTAMP_USAGE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_SECURITY_TIMESTAMP_USAGE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_SECURITY_TIMESTAMP_USAGE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_SECURITY_TIMESTAMP_USAGE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_SECURITY_TIMESTAMP_USAGE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3614,19 +2855,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_SECURITY_TIMESTAMP_USAGE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_SECURITY_TOKEN_PROPERTY_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_SECURITY_TOKEN_PROPERTY_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_SECURITY_TOKEN_PROPERTY_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_SECURITY_TOKEN_PROPERTY_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_SECURITY_TOKEN_PROPERTY_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3636,19 +2866,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_SECURITY_TOKEN_PROPERTY_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_SECURITY_TOKEN_REFERENCE_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_SECURITY_TOKEN_REFERENCE_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_SECURITY_TOKEN_REFERENCE_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_SECURITY_TOKEN_REFERENCE_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_SECURITY_TOKEN_REFERENCE_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3658,19 +2877,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_SECURITY_TOKEN_REFERENCE_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_SERVICE_CANCEL_REASON(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_SERVICE_CANCEL_REASON {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_SERVICE_CANCEL_REASON { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_SERVICE_CANCEL_REASON { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_SERVICE_CANCEL_REASON { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3680,19 +2888,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_SERVICE_CANCEL_REASON { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT_PROPERTY_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT_PROPERTY_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT_PROPERTY_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT_PROPERTY_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT_PROPERTY_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3702,19 +2899,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT_PROPERTY_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_SERVICE_HOST_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_SERVICE_HOST_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_SERVICE_HOST_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_SERVICE_HOST_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_SERVICE_HOST_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3724,19 +2910,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_SERVICE_HOST_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_SERVICE_PROPERTY_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_SERVICE_PROPERTY_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_SERVICE_PROPERTY_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_SERVICE_PROPERTY_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_SERVICE_PROPERTY_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3746,19 +2921,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_SERVICE_PROPERTY_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_SERVICE_PROXY_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_SERVICE_PROXY_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_SERVICE_PROXY_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_SERVICE_PROXY_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_SERVICE_PROXY_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3768,19 +2932,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_SERVICE_PROXY_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_TRACE_API(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_TRACE_API {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_TRACE_API { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_TRACE_API { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_TRACE_API { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3790,19 +2943,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_TRACE_API { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_TRANSFER_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_TRANSFER_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_TRANSFER_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_TRANSFER_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_TRANSFER_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3812,19 +2954,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_TRANSFER_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_TRUST_VERSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_TRUST_VERSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_TRUST_VERSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_TRUST_VERSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_TRUST_VERSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3834,19 +2965,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_TRUST_VERSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3856,19 +2976,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_TYPE_MAPPING(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_TYPE_MAPPING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_TYPE_MAPPING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_TYPE_MAPPING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_TYPE_MAPPING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3878,19 +2987,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_TYPE_MAPPING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_URL_SCHEME_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_URL_SCHEME_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_URL_SCHEME_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_URL_SCHEME_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_URL_SCHEME_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3900,19 +2998,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_URL_SCHEME_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_USERNAME_CREDENTIAL_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_USERNAME_CREDENTIAL_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_USERNAME_CREDENTIAL_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_USERNAME_CREDENTIAL_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_USERNAME_CREDENTIAL_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3922,19 +3009,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_USERNAME_CREDENTIAL_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_VALUE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_VALUE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_VALUE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_VALUE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_VALUE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3944,19 +3020,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_VALUE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_WINDOWS_INTEGRATED_AUTH_CREDENTIAL_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_WINDOWS_INTEGRATED_AUTH_CREDENTIAL_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_WINDOWS_INTEGRATED_AUTH_CREDENTIAL_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_WINDOWS_INTEGRATED_AUTH_CREDENTIAL_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_WINDOWS_INTEGRATED_AUTH_CREDENTIAL_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3966,19 +3031,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_WINDOWS_INTEGRATED_AUTH_CREDENTIAL_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_WINDOWS_INTEGRATED_AUTH_PACKAGE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_WINDOWS_INTEGRATED_AUTH_PACKAGE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_WINDOWS_INTEGRATED_AUTH_PACKAGE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_WINDOWS_INTEGRATED_AUTH_PACKAGE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_WINDOWS_INTEGRATED_AUTH_PACKAGE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3988,19 +3042,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_WINDOWS_INTEGRATED_AUTH_PACKAGE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_WRITE_OPTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_WRITE_OPTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_WRITE_OPTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_WRITE_OPTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_WRITE_OPTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4010,19 +3053,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_WRITE_OPTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_XML_BUFFER_PROPERTY_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_XML_BUFFER_PROPERTY_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_XML_BUFFER_PROPERTY_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_XML_BUFFER_PROPERTY_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_XML_BUFFER_PROPERTY_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4032,19 +3064,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_XML_BUFFER_PROPERTY_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_XML_CANONICALIZATION_ALGORITHM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_XML_CANONICALIZATION_ALGORITHM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_XML_CANONICALIZATION_ALGORITHM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_XML_CANONICALIZATION_ALGORITHM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_XML_CANONICALIZATION_ALGORITHM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4054,19 +3075,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_XML_CANONICALIZATION_ALGORITHM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_XML_CANONICALIZATION_PROPERTY_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_XML_CANONICALIZATION_PROPERTY_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_XML_CANONICALIZATION_PROPERTY_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_XML_CANONICALIZATION_PROPERTY_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_XML_CANONICALIZATION_PROPERTY_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4076,19 +3086,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_XML_CANONICALIZATION_PROPERTY_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_XML_NODE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_XML_NODE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_XML_NODE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_XML_NODE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_XML_NODE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4098,19 +3097,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_XML_NODE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_XML_READER_ENCODING_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_XML_READER_ENCODING_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_XML_READER_ENCODING_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_XML_READER_ENCODING_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_XML_READER_ENCODING_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4120,19 +3108,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_XML_READER_ENCODING_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_XML_READER_INPUT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_XML_READER_INPUT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_XML_READER_INPUT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_XML_READER_INPUT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_XML_READER_INPUT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4142,19 +3119,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_XML_READER_INPUT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_XML_READER_PROPERTY_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_XML_READER_PROPERTY_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_XML_READER_PROPERTY_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_XML_READER_PROPERTY_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_XML_READER_PROPERTY_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4164,19 +3130,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_XML_READER_PROPERTY_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_XML_SECURITY_TOKEN_PROPERTY_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_XML_SECURITY_TOKEN_PROPERTY_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_XML_SECURITY_TOKEN_PROPERTY_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_XML_SECURITY_TOKEN_PROPERTY_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_XML_SECURITY_TOKEN_PROPERTY_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4186,19 +3141,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_XML_SECURITY_TOKEN_PROPERTY_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_XML_TEXT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_XML_TEXT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_XML_TEXT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_XML_TEXT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_XML_TEXT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4208,19 +3152,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_XML_TEXT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_XML_WRITER_ENCODING_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_XML_WRITER_ENCODING_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_XML_WRITER_ENCODING_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_XML_WRITER_ENCODING_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_XML_WRITER_ENCODING_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4230,19 +3163,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_XML_WRITER_ENCODING_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_XML_WRITER_OUTPUT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_XML_WRITER_OUTPUT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_XML_WRITER_OUTPUT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_XML_WRITER_OUTPUT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_XML_WRITER_OUTPUT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4252,19 +3174,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WS_XML_WRITER_OUTPUT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WS_XML_WRITER_PROPERTY_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WS_XML_WRITER_PROPERTY_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WS_XML_WRITER_PROPERTY_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WS_XML_WRITER_PROPERTY_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WS_XML_WRITER_PROPERTY_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/AppLocker/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/AppLocker/ index 8e9fe9137c..53d19f3e53 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/AppLocker/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/AppLocker/ @@ -145,19 +145,8 @@ pub const SaferPolicyEvaluateUserScope: SAFER_POLICY_INFO_CLASS = SAFER_POLICY_I pub const SaferPolicyLevelList: SAFER_POLICY_INFO_CLASS = SAFER_POLICY_INFO_CLASS(1i32); pub const SaferPolicyScopeFlags: SAFER_POLICY_INFO_CLASS = SAFER_POLICY_INFO_CLASS(5i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SAFER_COMPUTE_TOKEN_FROM_LEVEL_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SAFER_COMPUTE_TOKEN_FROM_LEVEL_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SAFER_COMPUTE_TOKEN_FROM_LEVEL_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SAFER_COMPUTE_TOKEN_FROM_LEVEL_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SAFER_COMPUTE_TOKEN_FROM_LEVEL_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -200,19 +189,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SAFER_COMPUTE_TOKEN_FROM_LEVEL_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SAFER_IDENTIFICATION_TYPES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SAFER_IDENTIFICATION_TYPES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SAFER_IDENTIFICATION_TYPES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SAFER_IDENTIFICATION_TYPES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SAFER_IDENTIFICATION_TYPES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -222,19 +200,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SAFER_IDENTIFICATION_TYPES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SAFER_OBJECT_INFO_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SAFER_OBJECT_INFO_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SAFER_OBJECT_INFO_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SAFER_OBJECT_INFO_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SAFER_OBJECT_INFO_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -244,19 +211,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SAFER_OBJECT_INFO_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SAFER_POLICY_INFO_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SAFER_POLICY_INFO_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SAFER_POLICY_INFO_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SAFER_POLICY_INFO_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SAFER_POLICY_INFO_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/Authentication/Identity/Provider/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/Authentication/Identity/Provider/ index 9307ddef4e..e794e65b85 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/Authentication/Identity/Provider/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/Authentication/Identity/Provider/ @@ -829,19 +829,8 @@ pub const STR_OUT_OF_BOX_UPGRADE_EXPERIENCE: ::windows_core::PCWSTR = ::windows_ pub const STR_PROPERTY_STORE: ::windows_core::PCWSTR = ::windows_core::w!("PropertyStore"); pub const STR_USER_NAME: ::windows_core::PCWSTR = ::windows_core::w!("Username"); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ACCOUNT_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ACCOUNT_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ACCOUNT_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ACCOUNT_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ACCOUNT_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -851,19 +840,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ACCOUNT_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IDENTITY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IDENTITY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IDENTITY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IDENTITY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IDENTITY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -873,19 +851,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IDENTITY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IDENTITY_URL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IDENTITY_URL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IDENTITY_URL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IDENTITY_URL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IDENTITY_URL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -895,19 +862,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IDENTITY_URL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IdentityUpdateEvent(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IdentityUpdateEvent {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IdentityUpdateEvent { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IdentityUpdateEvent { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IdentityUpdateEvent { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/Authentication/Identity/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/Authentication/Identity/ index fc0f6ad582..f099ad67d2 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/Authentication/Identity/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/Authentication/Identity/ @@ -3554,19 +3554,8 @@ pub const WDIGEST_SP_NAME_W: ::windows_core::PCWSTR = ::windows_core::w!("WDiges pub const WINDOWS_SLID: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0x55c92734_d682_4d71_983e_d6ec3f16059f); pub const _FACILITY_WINDOWS_STORE: u32 = 63u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ASC_REQ_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ASC_REQ_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ASC_REQ_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ASC_REQ_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ASC_REQ_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3609,19 +3598,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for ASC_REQ_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ASC_REQ_HIGH_FLAGS(pub u64); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ASC_REQ_HIGH_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ASC_REQ_HIGH_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ASC_REQ_HIGH_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ASC_REQ_HIGH_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3664,19 +3642,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for ASC_REQ_HIGH_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CRED_FETCH(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CRED_FETCH {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CRED_FETCH { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CRED_FETCH { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CRED_FETCH { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3686,19 +3653,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CRED_FETCH { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DOMAIN_PASSWORD_PROPERTIES(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DOMAIN_PASSWORD_PROPERTIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DOMAIN_PASSWORD_PROPERTIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DOMAIN_PASSWORD_PROPERTIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DOMAIN_PASSWORD_PROPERTIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3741,19 +3697,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DOMAIN_PASSWORD_PROPERTIES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EXPORT_SECURITY_CONTEXT_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EXPORT_SECURITY_CONTEXT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EXPORT_SECURITY_CONTEXT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EXPORT_SECURITY_CONTEXT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EXPORT_SECURITY_CONTEXT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3796,19 +3741,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for EXPORT_SECURITY_CONTEXT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EXTENDED_NAME_FORMAT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EXTENDED_NAME_FORMAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EXTENDED_NAME_FORMAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EXTENDED_NAME_FORMAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EXTENDED_NAME_FORMAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3818,19 +3752,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EXTENDED_NAME_FORMAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ISC_REQ_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ISC_REQ_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ISC_REQ_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ISC_REQ_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ISC_REQ_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3873,19 +3796,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for ISC_REQ_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ISC_REQ_HIGH_FLAGS(pub u64); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ISC_REQ_HIGH_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ISC_REQ_HIGH_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ISC_REQ_HIGH_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ISC_REQ_HIGH_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3928,19 +3840,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for ISC_REQ_HIGH_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KERB_ADDRESS_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KERB_ADDRESS_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KERB_ADDRESS_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KERB_ADDRESS_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KERB_ADDRESS_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3950,19 +3851,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KERB_ADDRESS_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KERB_CERTIFICATE_INFO_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KERB_CERTIFICATE_INFO_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KERB_CERTIFICATE_INFO_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KERB_CERTIFICATE_INFO_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KERB_CERTIFICATE_INFO_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3972,19 +3862,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KERB_CERTIFICATE_INFO_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KERB_CRYPTO_KEY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KERB_CRYPTO_KEY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KERB_CRYPTO_KEY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KERB_CRYPTO_KEY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KERB_CRYPTO_KEY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3994,19 +3873,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KERB_CRYPTO_KEY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KERB_LOGON_SUBMIT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KERB_LOGON_SUBMIT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KERB_LOGON_SUBMIT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KERB_LOGON_SUBMIT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KERB_LOGON_SUBMIT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4016,19 +3884,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KERB_LOGON_SUBMIT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KERB_PROFILE_BUFFER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KERB_PROFILE_BUFFER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KERB_PROFILE_BUFFER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KERB_PROFILE_BUFFER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KERB_PROFILE_BUFFER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4038,19 +3895,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KERB_PROFILE_BUFFER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KERB_PROTOCOL_MESSAGE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KERB_PROTOCOL_MESSAGE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KERB_PROTOCOL_MESSAGE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KERB_PROTOCOL_MESSAGE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KERB_PROTOCOL_MESSAGE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4060,19 +3906,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KERB_PROTOCOL_MESSAGE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KERB_REQUEST_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KERB_REQUEST_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KERB_REQUEST_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KERB_REQUEST_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KERB_REQUEST_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4082,19 +3917,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KERB_REQUEST_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KERB_TICKET_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KERB_TICKET_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KERB_TICKET_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KERB_TICKET_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KERB_TICKET_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4137,19 +3961,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for KERB_TICKET_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KSEC_CONTEXT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KSEC_CONTEXT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KSEC_CONTEXT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KSEC_CONTEXT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KSEC_CONTEXT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4159,19 +3972,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KSEC_CONTEXT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LSA_AUTH_INFORMATION_AUTH_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LSA_AUTH_INFORMATION_AUTH_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LSA_AUTH_INFORMATION_AUTH_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LSA_AUTH_INFORMATION_AUTH_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LSA_AUTH_INFORMATION_AUTH_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4181,19 +3983,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for LSA_AUTH_INFORMATION_AUTH_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LSA_FOREST_TRUST_COLLISION_RECORD_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LSA_FOREST_TRUST_COLLISION_RECORD_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LSA_FOREST_TRUST_COLLISION_RECORD_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LSA_FOREST_TRUST_COLLISION_RECORD_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LSA_FOREST_TRUST_COLLISION_RECORD_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4203,19 +3994,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for LSA_FOREST_TRUST_COLLISION_RECORD_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LSA_FOREST_TRUST_RECORD_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LSA_FOREST_TRUST_RECORD_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LSA_FOREST_TRUST_RECORD_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LSA_FOREST_TRUST_RECORD_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LSA_FOREST_TRUST_RECORD_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4225,19 +4005,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for LSA_FOREST_TRUST_RECORD_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LSA_LOOKUP_DOMAIN_INFO_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LSA_LOOKUP_DOMAIN_INFO_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LSA_LOOKUP_DOMAIN_INFO_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LSA_LOOKUP_DOMAIN_INFO_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LSA_LOOKUP_DOMAIN_INFO_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4247,19 +4016,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for LSA_LOOKUP_DOMAIN_INFO_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LSA_TOKEN_INFORMATION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LSA_TOKEN_INFORMATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LSA_TOKEN_INFORMATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LSA_TOKEN_INFORMATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LSA_TOKEN_INFORMATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4269,19 +4027,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for LSA_TOKEN_INFORMATION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MSV1_0(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MSV1_0 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MSV1_0 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MSV1_0 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MSV1_0 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4291,19 +4038,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MSV1_0 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MSV1_0_AVID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MSV1_0_AVID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MSV1_0_AVID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MSV1_0_AVID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MSV1_0_AVID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4313,19 +4049,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MSV1_0_AVID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MSV1_0_CREDENTIAL_KEY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MSV1_0_CREDENTIAL_KEY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MSV1_0_CREDENTIAL_KEY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MSV1_0_CREDENTIAL_KEY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MSV1_0_CREDENTIAL_KEY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4335,19 +4060,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MSV1_0_CREDENTIAL_KEY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MSV1_0_LOGON_SUBMIT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MSV1_0_LOGON_SUBMIT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MSV1_0_LOGON_SUBMIT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MSV1_0_LOGON_SUBMIT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MSV1_0_LOGON_SUBMIT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4357,19 +4071,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MSV1_0_LOGON_SUBMIT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MSV1_0_PROFILE_BUFFER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MSV1_0_PROFILE_BUFFER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MSV1_0_PROFILE_BUFFER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MSV1_0_PROFILE_BUFFER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MSV1_0_PROFILE_BUFFER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4379,19 +4082,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MSV1_0_PROFILE_BUFFER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MSV1_0_PROTOCOL_MESSAGE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MSV1_0_PROTOCOL_MESSAGE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MSV1_0_PROTOCOL_MESSAGE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MSV1_0_PROTOCOL_MESSAGE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MSV1_0_PROTOCOL_MESSAGE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4401,19 +4093,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MSV1_0_PROTOCOL_MESSAGE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MSV_SUBAUTH_LOGON_PARAMETER_CONTROL(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MSV_SUBAUTH_LOGON_PARAMETER_CONTROL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MSV_SUBAUTH_LOGON_PARAMETER_CONTROL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MSV_SUBAUTH_LOGON_PARAMETER_CONTROL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MSV_SUBAUTH_LOGON_PARAMETER_CONTROL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4456,19 +4137,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for MSV_SUBAUTH_LOGON_PARAMETER_CONTROL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MSV_SUB_AUTHENTICATION_FILTER(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MSV_SUB_AUTHENTICATION_FILTER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MSV_SUB_AUTHENTICATION_FILTER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MSV_SUB_AUTHENTICATION_FILTER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MSV_SUB_AUTHENTICATION_FILTER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4478,19 +4148,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MSV_SUB_AUTHENTICATION_FILTER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MSV_SUPPLEMENTAL_CREDENTIAL_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MSV_SUPPLEMENTAL_CREDENTIAL_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MSV_SUPPLEMENTAL_CREDENTIAL_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MSV_SUPPLEMENTAL_CREDENTIAL_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MSV_SUPPLEMENTAL_CREDENTIAL_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4533,19 +4192,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for MSV_SUPPLEMENTAL_CREDENTIAL_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NEGOTIATE_MESSAGES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NEGOTIATE_MESSAGES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NEGOTIATE_MESSAGES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NEGOTIATE_MESSAGES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NEGOTIATE_MESSAGES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4555,19 +4203,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NEGOTIATE_MESSAGES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NETLOGON_LOGON_INFO_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NETLOGON_LOGON_INFO_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NETLOGON_LOGON_INFO_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NETLOGON_LOGON_INFO_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NETLOGON_LOGON_INFO_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4577,19 +4214,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NETLOGON_LOGON_INFO_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PKU2U_LOGON_SUBMIT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PKU2U_LOGON_SUBMIT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PKU2U_LOGON_SUBMIT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PKU2U_LOGON_SUBMIT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PKU2U_LOGON_SUBMIT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4599,19 +4225,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PKU2U_LOGON_SUBMIT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct POLICY_AUDIT_EVENT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for POLICY_AUDIT_EVENT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for POLICY_AUDIT_EVENT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for POLICY_AUDIT_EVENT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for POLICY_AUDIT_EVENT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4621,19 +4236,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for POLICY_AUDIT_EVENT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct POLICY_DOMAIN_INFORMATION_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for POLICY_DOMAIN_INFORMATION_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for POLICY_DOMAIN_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for POLICY_DOMAIN_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for POLICY_DOMAIN_INFORMATION_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4643,19 +4247,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for POLICY_DOMAIN_INFORMATION_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct POLICY_INFORMATION_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for POLICY_INFORMATION_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for POLICY_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for POLICY_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for POLICY_INFORMATION_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4665,19 +4258,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for POLICY_INFORMATION_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct POLICY_LSA_SERVER_ROLE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for POLICY_LSA_SERVER_ROLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for POLICY_LSA_SERVER_ROLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for POLICY_LSA_SERVER_ROLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for POLICY_LSA_SERVER_ROLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4687,19 +4269,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for POLICY_LSA_SERVER_ROLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct POLICY_NOTIFICATION_INFORMATION_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for POLICY_NOTIFICATION_INFORMATION_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for POLICY_NOTIFICATION_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for POLICY_NOTIFICATION_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for POLICY_NOTIFICATION_INFORMATION_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4709,19 +4280,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for POLICY_NOTIFICATION_INFORMATION_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SASL_AUTHZID_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SASL_AUTHZID_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SASL_AUTHZID_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SASL_AUTHZID_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SASL_AUTHZID_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4731,19 +4291,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SASL_AUTHZID_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SCHANNEL_ALERT_TOKEN_ALERT_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SCHANNEL_ALERT_TOKEN_ALERT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SCHANNEL_ALERT_TOKEN_ALERT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SCHANNEL_ALERT_TOKEN_ALERT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SCHANNEL_ALERT_TOKEN_ALERT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4753,19 +4302,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SCHANNEL_ALERT_TOKEN_ALERT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SCHANNEL_CRED_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SCHANNEL_CRED_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SCHANNEL_CRED_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SCHANNEL_CRED_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SCHANNEL_CRED_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4808,19 +4346,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SCHANNEL_CRED_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SCHANNEL_SESSION_TOKEN_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SCHANNEL_SESSION_TOKEN_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SCHANNEL_SESSION_TOKEN_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SCHANNEL_SESSION_TOKEN_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SCHANNEL_SESSION_TOKEN_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4830,19 +4357,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SCHANNEL_SESSION_TOKEN_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SECPKG_ATTR(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SECPKG_ATTR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SECPKG_ATTR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SECPKG_ATTR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SECPKG_ATTR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4852,19 +4368,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SECPKG_ATTR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SECPKG_ATTR_LCT_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SECPKG_ATTR_LCT_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SECPKG_ATTR_LCT_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SECPKG_ATTR_LCT_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SECPKG_ATTR_LCT_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4874,19 +4379,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SECPKG_ATTR_LCT_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SECPKG_CALL_PACKAGE_MESSAGE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SECPKG_CALL_PACKAGE_MESSAGE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SECPKG_CALL_PACKAGE_MESSAGE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SECPKG_CALL_PACKAGE_MESSAGE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SECPKG_CALL_PACKAGE_MESSAGE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4896,19 +4390,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SECPKG_CALL_PACKAGE_MESSAGE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SECPKG_CRED(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SECPKG_CRED {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SECPKG_CRED { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SECPKG_CRED { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SECPKG_CRED { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4918,19 +4401,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SECPKG_CRED { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SECPKG_CRED_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SECPKG_CRED_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SECPKG_CRED_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SECPKG_CRED_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SECPKG_CRED_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4940,19 +4412,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SECPKG_CRED_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SECPKG_EXTENDED_INFORMATION_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SECPKG_EXTENDED_INFORMATION_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SECPKG_EXTENDED_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SECPKG_EXTENDED_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SECPKG_EXTENDED_INFORMATION_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4962,19 +4423,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SECPKG_EXTENDED_INFORMATION_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SECPKG_NAME_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SECPKG_NAME_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SECPKG_NAME_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SECPKG_NAME_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SECPKG_NAME_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4984,19 +4434,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SECPKG_NAME_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SECPKG_PACKAGE_CHANGE_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SECPKG_PACKAGE_CHANGE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SECPKG_PACKAGE_CHANGE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SECPKG_PACKAGE_CHANGE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SECPKG_PACKAGE_CHANGE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5006,19 +4445,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SECPKG_PACKAGE_CHANGE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SECPKG_SESSIONINFO_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SECPKG_SESSIONINFO_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SECPKG_SESSIONINFO_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SECPKG_SESSIONINFO_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SECPKG_SESSIONINFO_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5028,7 +4456,7 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SECPKG_SESSIONINFO_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SECURITY_LOGON_TYPE(pub i32); impl SECURITY_LOGON_TYPE { pub const UndefinedLogonType: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -5045,17 +4473,6 @@ impl SECURITY_LOGON_TYPE { pub const CachedRemoteInteractive: Self = Self(12i32); pub const CachedUnlock: Self = Self(13i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SECURITY_LOGON_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SECURITY_LOGON_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SECURITY_LOGON_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SECURITY_LOGON_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5065,19 +4482,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SECURITY_LOGON_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SECURITY_PACKAGE_OPTIONS_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SECURITY_PACKAGE_OPTIONS_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SECURITY_PACKAGE_OPTIONS_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SECURITY_PACKAGE_OPTIONS_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SECURITY_PACKAGE_OPTIONS_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5087,19 +4493,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SECURITY_PACKAGE_OPTIONS_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SEC_APPLICATION_PROTOCOL_NEGOTIATION_EXT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SEC_APPLICATION_PROTOCOL_NEGOTIATION_EXT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SEC_APPLICATION_PROTOCOL_NEGOTIATION_EXT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SEC_APPLICATION_PROTOCOL_NEGOTIATION_EXT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SEC_APPLICATION_PROTOCOL_NEGOTIATION_EXT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5109,19 +4504,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SEC_APPLICATION_PROTOCOL_NEGOTIATION_EXT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SEC_APPLICATION_PROTOCOL_NEGOTIATION_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SEC_APPLICATION_PROTOCOL_NEGOTIATION_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SEC_APPLICATION_PROTOCOL_NEGOTIATION_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SEC_APPLICATION_PROTOCOL_NEGOTIATION_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SEC_APPLICATION_PROTOCOL_NEGOTIATION_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5131,19 +4515,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SEC_APPLICATION_PROTOCOL_NEGOTIATION_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SEC_TRAFFIC_SECRET_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SEC_TRAFFIC_SECRET_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SEC_TRAFFIC_SECRET_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SEC_TRAFFIC_SECRET_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SEC_TRAFFIC_SECRET_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5153,19 +4526,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SEC_TRAFFIC_SECRET_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SE_ADT_PARAMETER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SE_ADT_PARAMETER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SE_ADT_PARAMETER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SE_ADT_PARAMETER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SE_ADT_PARAMETER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5175,19 +4537,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SE_ADT_PARAMETER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SLDATATYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SLDATATYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SLDATATYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SLDATATYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SLDATATYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5197,19 +4548,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SLDATATYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SLIDTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SLIDTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SLIDTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SLIDTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SLIDTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5219,19 +4559,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SLIDTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SLLICENSINGSTATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SLLICENSINGSTATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SLLICENSINGSTATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SLLICENSINGSTATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SLLICENSINGSTATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5241,19 +4570,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SLLICENSINGSTATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SLREFERRALTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SLREFERRALTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SLREFERRALTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SLREFERRALTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SLREFERRALTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5263,19 +4581,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SLREFERRALTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SL_ACTIVATION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SL_ACTIVATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SL_ACTIVATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SL_ACTIVATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SL_ACTIVATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5285,19 +4592,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SL_ACTIVATION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SL_GENUINE_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SL_GENUINE_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SL_GENUINE_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SL_GENUINE_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SL_GENUINE_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5307,19 +4603,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SL_GENUINE_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SchGetExtensionsOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SchGetExtensionsOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SchGetExtensionsOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SchGetExtensionsOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SchGetExtensionsOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5362,19 +4647,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SchGetExtensionsOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SecDelegationType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SecDelegationType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SecDelegationType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SecDelegationType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SecDelegationType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5384,19 +4658,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SecDelegationType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TOKENBINDING_EXTENSION_FORMAT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TOKENBINDING_EXTENSION_FORMAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TOKENBINDING_EXTENSION_FORMAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TOKENBINDING_EXTENSION_FORMAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TOKENBINDING_EXTENSION_FORMAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5406,19 +4669,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TOKENBINDING_EXTENSION_FORMAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TOKENBINDING_KEY_PARAMETERS_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TOKENBINDING_KEY_PARAMETERS_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TOKENBINDING_KEY_PARAMETERS_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TOKENBINDING_KEY_PARAMETERS_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TOKENBINDING_KEY_PARAMETERS_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5428,19 +4680,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TOKENBINDING_KEY_PARAMETERS_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TOKENBINDING_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TOKENBINDING_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TOKENBINDING_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TOKENBINDING_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TOKENBINDING_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5450,19 +4691,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TOKENBINDING_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TRUSTED_DOMAIN_TRUST_ATTRIBUTES(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TRUSTED_DOMAIN_TRUST_ATTRIBUTES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TRUSTED_DOMAIN_TRUST_ATTRIBUTES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TRUSTED_DOMAIN_TRUST_ATTRIBUTES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TRUSTED_DOMAIN_TRUST_ATTRIBUTES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5472,19 +4702,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TRUSTED_DOMAIN_TRUST_ATTRIBUTES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TRUSTED_DOMAIN_TRUST_DIRECTION(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TRUSTED_DOMAIN_TRUST_DIRECTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TRUSTED_DOMAIN_TRUST_DIRECTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TRUSTED_DOMAIN_TRUST_DIRECTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TRUSTED_DOMAIN_TRUST_DIRECTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5494,19 +4713,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TRUSTED_DOMAIN_TRUST_DIRECTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TRUSTED_DOMAIN_TRUST_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TRUSTED_DOMAIN_TRUST_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TRUSTED_DOMAIN_TRUST_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TRUSTED_DOMAIN_TRUST_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TRUSTED_DOMAIN_TRUST_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5516,19 +4724,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TRUSTED_DOMAIN_TRUST_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TRUSTED_INFORMATION_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TRUSTED_INFORMATION_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TRUSTED_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TRUSTED_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TRUSTED_INFORMATION_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5538,19 +4735,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TRUSTED_INFORMATION_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eTlsAlgorithmUsage(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eTlsAlgorithmUsage {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eTlsAlgorithmUsage { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eTlsAlgorithmUsage { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eTlsAlgorithmUsage { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5560,19 +4746,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eTlsAlgorithmUsage { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eTlsHashAlgorithm(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eTlsHashAlgorithm {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eTlsHashAlgorithm { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eTlsHashAlgorithm { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eTlsHashAlgorithm { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5582,19 +4757,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eTlsHashAlgorithm { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eTlsSignatureAlgorithm(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eTlsSignatureAlgorithm {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eTlsSignatureAlgorithm { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eTlsSignatureAlgorithm { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eTlsSignatureAlgorithm { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/Authorization/UI/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/Authorization/UI/ index 34c39f54e0..67ef389eea 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/Authorization/UI/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/Authorization/UI/ @@ -349,19 +349,8 @@ pub const SI_SHOW_PERM_ACTIVATED: SI_PAGE_ACTIVATED = SI_PAGE_ACTIVATED(1i32); pub const SI_SHOW_SHARE_ACTIVATED: SI_PAGE_ACTIVATED = SI_PAGE_ACTIVATED(5i32); pub const SI_VIEW_ONLY: SI_OBJECT_INFO_FLAGS = SI_OBJECT_INFO_FLAGS(4194304u32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SECURITY_INFO_PAGE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SECURITY_INFO_PAGE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SECURITY_INFO_PAGE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SECURITY_INFO_PAGE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SECURITY_INFO_PAGE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -404,19 +393,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SECURITY_INFO_PAGE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SI_OBJECT_INFO_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SI_OBJECT_INFO_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SI_OBJECT_INFO_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SI_OBJECT_INFO_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SI_OBJECT_INFO_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -459,19 +437,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SI_OBJECT_INFO_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SI_PAGE_ACTIVATED(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SI_PAGE_ACTIVATED {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SI_PAGE_ACTIVATED { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SI_PAGE_ACTIVATED { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SI_PAGE_ACTIVATED { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -481,19 +448,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SI_PAGE_ACTIVATED { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SI_PAGE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SI_PAGE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SI_PAGE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SI_PAGE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SI_PAGE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/Authorization/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/Authorization/ index 659e7df7af..67362e2555 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/Authorization/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/Authorization/ @@ -7954,19 +7954,8 @@ pub const TRUSTEE_IS_USER: TRUSTEE_TYPE = TRUSTEE_TYPE(1i32); pub const TRUSTEE_IS_WELL_KNOWN_GROUP: TRUSTEE_TYPE = TRUSTEE_TYPE(5i32); pub const _AUTHZ_SS_MAXSIZE: u32 = 128u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ACCESS_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ACCESS_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ACCESS_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ACCESS_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ACCESS_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7976,19 +7965,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ACCESS_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ACTRL_ACCESS_ENTRY_ACCESS_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ACTRL_ACCESS_ENTRY_ACCESS_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ACTRL_ACCESS_ENTRY_ACCESS_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ACTRL_ACCESS_ENTRY_ACCESS_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ACTRL_ACCESS_ENTRY_ACCESS_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7998,19 +7976,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ACTRL_ACCESS_ENTRY_ACCESS_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AUDIT_PARAM_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AUDIT_PARAM_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AUDIT_PARAM_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AUDIT_PARAM_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AUDIT_PARAM_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8020,19 +7987,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AUDIT_PARAM_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AUTHZ_ACCESS_CHECK_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AUTHZ_ACCESS_CHECK_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AUTHZ_ACCESS_CHECK_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AUTHZ_ACCESS_CHECK_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AUTHZ_ACCESS_CHECK_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8042,19 +7998,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AUTHZ_ACCESS_CHECK_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AUTHZ_AUDIT_EVENT_INFORMATION_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AUTHZ_AUDIT_EVENT_INFORMATION_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AUTHZ_AUDIT_EVENT_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AUTHZ_AUDIT_EVENT_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AUTHZ_AUDIT_EVENT_INFORMATION_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8064,19 +8009,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AUTHZ_AUDIT_EVENT_INFORMATION_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AUTHZ_CONTEXT_INFORMATION_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AUTHZ_CONTEXT_INFORMATION_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AUTHZ_CONTEXT_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AUTHZ_CONTEXT_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AUTHZ_CONTEXT_INFORMATION_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8086,19 +8020,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AUTHZ_CONTEXT_INFORMATION_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AUTHZ_GENERATE_RESULTS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AUTHZ_GENERATE_RESULTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AUTHZ_GENERATE_RESULTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AUTHZ_GENERATE_RESULTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AUTHZ_GENERATE_RESULTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8108,19 +8031,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AUTHZ_GENERATE_RESULTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AUTHZ_INITIALIZE_OBJECT_ACCESS_AUDIT_EVENT_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AUTHZ_INITIALIZE_OBJECT_ACCESS_AUDIT_EVENT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AUTHZ_INITIALIZE_OBJECT_ACCESS_AUDIT_EVENT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AUTHZ_INITIALIZE_OBJECT_ACCESS_AUDIT_EVENT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AUTHZ_INITIALIZE_OBJECT_ACCESS_AUDIT_EVENT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8130,19 +8042,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AUTHZ_INITIALIZE_OBJECT_ACCESS_AUDIT_EVENT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AUTHZ_RESOURCE_MANAGER_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AUTHZ_RESOURCE_MANAGER_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AUTHZ_RESOURCE_MANAGER_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AUTHZ_RESOURCE_MANAGER_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AUTHZ_RESOURCE_MANAGER_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8185,19 +8086,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for AUTHZ_RESOURCE_MANAGER_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AUTHZ_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AUTHZ_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AUTHZ_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AUTHZ_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AUTHZ_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8240,19 +8130,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for AUTHZ_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AUTHZ_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_OPERATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AUTHZ_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_OPERATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AUTHZ_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_OPERATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AUTHZ_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_OPERATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AUTHZ_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_OPERATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8262,19 +8141,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AUTHZ_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_OPERATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AUTHZ_SID_OPERATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AUTHZ_SID_OPERATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AUTHZ_SID_OPERATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AUTHZ_SID_OPERATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AUTHZ_SID_OPERATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8284,19 +8152,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AUTHZ_SID_OPERATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AZ_PROP_CONSTANTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AZ_PROP_CONSTANTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AZ_PROP_CONSTANTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AZ_PROP_CONSTANTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AZ_PROP_CONSTANTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8306,19 +8163,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AZ_PROP_CONSTANTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MULTIPLE_TRUSTEE_OPERATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MULTIPLE_TRUSTEE_OPERATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MULTIPLE_TRUSTEE_OPERATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MULTIPLE_TRUSTEE_OPERATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MULTIPLE_TRUSTEE_OPERATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8328,19 +8174,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MULTIPLE_TRUSTEE_OPERATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROG_INVOKE_SETTING(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROG_INVOKE_SETTING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROG_INVOKE_SETTING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROG_INVOKE_SETTING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROG_INVOKE_SETTING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8350,19 +8185,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PROG_INVOKE_SETTING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SE_OBJECT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SE_OBJECT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SE_OBJECT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SE_OBJECT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SE_OBJECT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8372,19 +8196,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SE_OBJECT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TREE_SEC_INFO(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TREE_SEC_INFO {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TREE_SEC_INFO { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TREE_SEC_INFO { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TREE_SEC_INFO { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8394,19 +8207,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TREE_SEC_INFO { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TRUSTEE_FORM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TRUSTEE_FORM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TRUSTEE_FORM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TRUSTEE_FORM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TRUSTEE_FORM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8416,19 +8218,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TRUSTEE_FORM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TRUSTEE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TRUSTEE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TRUSTEE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TRUSTEE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TRUSTEE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/ConfigurationSnapin/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/ConfigurationSnapin/ index 93043cc82b..4d41a20763 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/ConfigurationSnapin/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/ConfigurationSnapin/ @@ -105,19 +105,8 @@ pub const struuidNodetypeSceAnalysisServices: ::windows_core::PCSTR = ::windows_ pub const struuidNodetypeSceEventLog: ::windows_core::PCSTR = ::windows_core::s!("{2ce06698-4bf3-11d1-8c30-00c04fb984f9}"); pub const struuidNodetypeSceTemplateServices: ::windows_core::PCSTR = ::windows_core::s!("{24a7f717-1f0c-11d1-affb-00c04fb984f9}"); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SCESVC_INFO_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SCESVC_INFO_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SCESVC_INFO_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SCESVC_INFO_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SCESVC_INFO_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -127,19 +116,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SCESVC_INFO_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SCE_LOG_ERR_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SCE_LOG_ERR_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SCE_LOG_ERR_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SCE_LOG_ERR_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SCE_LOG_ERR_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/Credentials/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/Credentials/ index 5e09bf4aaa..eab0be38e4 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/Credentials/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/Credentials/ @@ -1161,19 +1161,8 @@ pub const UsernameForPackedCredentials: CRED_MARSHAL_TYPE = CRED_MARSHAL_TYPE(4i pub const UsernameTargetCredential: CRED_MARSHAL_TYPE = CRED_MARSHAL_TYPE(2i32); pub const szOID_TS_KP_TS_SERVER_AUTH: ::windows_core::PCSTR = ::windows_core::s!(""); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CREDSPP_SUBMIT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CREDSPP_SUBMIT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CREDSPP_SUBMIT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CREDSPP_SUBMIT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CREDSPP_SUBMIT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1183,19 +1172,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CREDSPP_SUBMIT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CREDUIWIN_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CREDUIWIN_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CREDUIWIN_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CREDUIWIN_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CREDUIWIN_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1238,19 +1216,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CREDUIWIN_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CREDUI_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CREDUI_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CREDUI_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CREDUI_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CREDUI_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1293,19 +1260,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CREDUI_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CRED_ENUMERATE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CRED_ENUMERATE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CRED_ENUMERATE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CRED_ENUMERATE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CRED_ENUMERATE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1348,19 +1304,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CRED_ENUMERATE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CRED_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CRED_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CRED_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CRED_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CRED_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1403,19 +1348,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CRED_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CRED_MARSHAL_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CRED_MARSHAL_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CRED_MARSHAL_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CRED_MARSHAL_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CRED_MARSHAL_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1425,19 +1359,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CRED_MARSHAL_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CRED_PACK_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CRED_PACK_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CRED_PACK_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CRED_PACK_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CRED_PACK_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1480,19 +1403,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CRED_PACK_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CRED_PERSIST(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CRED_PERSIST {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CRED_PERSIST { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CRED_PERSIST { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CRED_PERSIST { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1502,19 +1414,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CRED_PERSIST { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CRED_PROTECTION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CRED_PROTECTION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CRED_PROTECTION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CRED_PROTECTION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CRED_PROTECTION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1524,19 +1425,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CRED_PROTECTION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CRED_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CRED_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CRED_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CRED_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CRED_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1546,19 +1436,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CRED_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KeyCredentialManagerOperationErrorStates(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KeyCredentialManagerOperationErrorStates {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KeyCredentialManagerOperationErrorStates { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KeyCredentialManagerOperationErrorStates { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KeyCredentialManagerOperationErrorStates { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1601,19 +1480,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for KeyCredentialManagerOperationErrorStates { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KeyCredentialManagerOperationType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KeyCredentialManagerOperationType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KeyCredentialManagerOperationType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KeyCredentialManagerOperationType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KeyCredentialManagerOperationType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1623,19 +1491,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KeyCredentialManagerOperationType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct READER_SEL_REQUEST_MATCH_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for READER_SEL_REQUEST_MATCH_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for READER_SEL_REQUEST_MATCH_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for READER_SEL_REQUEST_MATCH_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for READER_SEL_REQUEST_MATCH_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1645,19 +1502,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for READER_SEL_REQUEST_MATCH_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SCARD_SCOPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SCARD_SCOPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SCARD_SCOPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SCARD_SCOPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SCARD_SCOPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1667,19 +1513,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SCARD_SCOPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SCARD_STATE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SCARD_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SCARD_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SCARD_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SCARD_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/Cryptography/Catalog/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/Cryptography/Catalog/ index c35f0e8690..49dfa5799c 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/Cryptography/Catalog/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/Cryptography/Catalog/ @@ -310,19 +310,8 @@ pub const szOID_CATALOG_LIST: ::windows_core::PCSTR = ::windows_core::s!("1.3.6. pub const szOID_CATALOG_LIST_MEMBER: ::windows_core::PCSTR = ::windows_core::s!(""); pub const szOID_CATALOG_LIST_MEMBER2: ::windows_core::PCSTR = ::windows_core::s!(""); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CRYPTCAT_OPEN_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CRYPTCAT_OPEN_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CRYPTCAT_OPEN_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CRYPTCAT_OPEN_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CRYPTCAT_OPEN_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -365,19 +354,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CRYPTCAT_OPEN_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CRYPTCAT_VERSION(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CRYPTCAT_VERSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CRYPTCAT_VERSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CRYPTCAT_VERSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CRYPTCAT_VERSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/Cryptography/Certificates/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/Cryptography/Certificates/ index 5ff2bd4e2c..6cda99142d 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/Cryptography/Certificates/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/Cryptography/Certificates/ @@ -20005,19 +20005,8 @@ pub const wszSECUREDATTRIBUTES: ::windows_core::PCWSTR = ::windows_core::w!("Sig pub const wszSERVICE_NAME: ::windows_core::PCWSTR = ::windows_core::w!("CertSvc"); pub const wszzDEFAULTSIGNEDATTRIBUTES: ::windows_core::PCWSTR = ::windows_core::w!("RequesterName\u{0}"); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ADDED_CERT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ADDED_CERT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ADDED_CERT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ADDED_CERT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ADDED_CERT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20027,19 +20016,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ADDED_CERT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AlgorithmFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AlgorithmFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AlgorithmFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AlgorithmFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AlgorithmFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20049,19 +20027,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AlgorithmFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AlgorithmOperationFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AlgorithmOperationFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AlgorithmOperationFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AlgorithmOperationFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AlgorithmOperationFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20071,19 +20038,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AlgorithmOperationFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AlgorithmType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AlgorithmType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AlgorithmType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AlgorithmType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AlgorithmType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20093,19 +20049,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AlgorithmType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AlternativeNameType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AlternativeNameType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AlternativeNameType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AlternativeNameType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AlternativeNameType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20115,19 +20060,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AlternativeNameType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CERTADMIN_GET_ROLES_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CERTADMIN_GET_ROLES_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CERTADMIN_GET_ROLES_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CERTADMIN_GET_ROLES_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CERTADMIN_GET_ROLES_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20170,19 +20104,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CERTADMIN_GET_ROLES_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CERTENROLL_OBJECTID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CERTENROLL_OBJECTID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CERTENROLL_OBJECTID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CERTENROLL_OBJECTID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CERTENROLL_OBJECTID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20192,19 +20115,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CERTENROLL_OBJECTID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CERTENROLL_PROPERTYID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CERTENROLL_PROPERTYID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CERTENROLL_PROPERTYID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CERTENROLL_PROPERTYID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CERTENROLL_PROPERTYID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20214,19 +20126,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CERTENROLL_PROPERTYID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CERT_ALT_NAME(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CERT_ALT_NAME {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CERT_ALT_NAME { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CERT_ALT_NAME { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CERT_ALT_NAME { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20236,19 +20137,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CERT_ALT_NAME { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CERT_CREATE_REQUEST_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CERT_CREATE_REQUEST_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CERT_CREATE_REQUEST_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CERT_CREATE_REQUEST_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CERT_CREATE_REQUEST_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20258,19 +20148,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CERT_CREATE_REQUEST_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CERT_DELETE_ROW_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CERT_DELETE_ROW_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CERT_DELETE_ROW_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CERT_DELETE_ROW_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CERT_DELETE_ROW_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20280,19 +20159,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CERT_DELETE_ROW_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CERT_EXIT_EVENT_MASK(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CERT_EXIT_EVENT_MASK {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CERT_EXIT_EVENT_MASK { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CERT_EXIT_EVENT_MASK { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CERT_EXIT_EVENT_MASK { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20335,19 +20203,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CERT_EXIT_EVENT_MASK { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CERT_GET_CONFIG_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CERT_GET_CONFIG_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CERT_GET_CONFIG_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CERT_GET_CONFIG_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CERT_GET_CONFIG_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20357,19 +20214,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CERT_GET_CONFIG_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CERT_IMPORT_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CERT_IMPORT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CERT_IMPORT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CERT_IMPORT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CERT_IMPORT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20379,19 +20225,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CERT_IMPORT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CERT_PROPERTY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CERT_PROPERTY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CERT_PROPERTY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CERT_PROPERTY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CERT_PROPERTY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20401,19 +20236,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CERT_PROPERTY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CERT_REQUEST_OUT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CERT_REQUEST_OUT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CERT_REQUEST_OUT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CERT_REQUEST_OUT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CERT_REQUEST_OUT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20423,19 +20247,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CERT_REQUEST_OUT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CERT_VIEW_COLUMN_INDEX(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CERT_VIEW_COLUMN_INDEX {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CERT_VIEW_COLUMN_INDEX { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CERT_VIEW_COLUMN_INDEX { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CERT_VIEW_COLUMN_INDEX { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20445,19 +20258,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CERT_VIEW_COLUMN_INDEX { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CERT_VIEW_SEEK_OPERATOR_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CERT_VIEW_SEEK_OPERATOR_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CERT_VIEW_SEEK_OPERATOR_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CERT_VIEW_SEEK_OPERATOR_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CERT_VIEW_SEEK_OPERATOR_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20467,19 +20269,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CERT_VIEW_SEEK_OPERATOR_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CRLRevocationReason(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CRLRevocationReason {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CRLRevocationReason { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CRLRevocationReason { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CRLRevocationReason { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20489,19 +20280,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CRLRevocationReason { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CR_DISP(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CR_DISP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CR_DISP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CR_DISP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CR_DISP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20511,19 +20291,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CR_DISP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CSBACKUP_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CSBACKUP_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CSBACKUP_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CSBACKUP_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CSBACKUP_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20533,19 +20302,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CSBACKUP_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CVRC_COLUMN(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CVRC_COLUMN {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CVRC_COLUMN { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CVRC_COLUMN { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CVRC_COLUMN { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20555,19 +20313,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CVRC_COLUMN { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CVRC_TABLE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CVRC_TABLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CVRC_TABLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CVRC_TABLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CVRC_TABLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20577,19 +20324,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CVRC_TABLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CommitTemplateFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CommitTemplateFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CommitTemplateFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CommitTemplateFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CommitTemplateFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20599,19 +20335,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CommitTemplateFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DelayRetryAction(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DelayRetryAction {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DelayRetryAction { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DelayRetryAction { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DelayRetryAction { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20621,19 +20346,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DelayRetryAction { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ENUM_CATYPES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ENUM_CATYPES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ENUM_CATYPES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ENUM_CATYPES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ENUM_CATYPES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20643,19 +20357,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ENUM_CATYPES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ENUM_CERT_COLUMN_VALUE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ENUM_CERT_COLUMN_VALUE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ENUM_CERT_COLUMN_VALUE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ENUM_CERT_COLUMN_VALUE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ENUM_CERT_COLUMN_VALUE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20665,19 +20368,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ENUM_CERT_COLUMN_VALUE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EncodingType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EncodingType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EncodingType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EncodingType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EncodingType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20687,19 +20379,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EncodingType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EnrollmentCAProperty(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EnrollmentCAProperty {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EnrollmentCAProperty { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EnrollmentCAProperty { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EnrollmentCAProperty { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20709,19 +20390,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EnrollmentCAProperty { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EnrollmentDisplayStatus(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EnrollmentDisplayStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EnrollmentDisplayStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EnrollmentDisplayStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EnrollmentDisplayStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20731,19 +20401,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EnrollmentDisplayStatus { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EnrollmentEnrollStatus(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EnrollmentEnrollStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EnrollmentEnrollStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EnrollmentEnrollStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EnrollmentEnrollStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20753,19 +20412,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EnrollmentEnrollStatus { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EnrollmentPolicyFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EnrollmentPolicyFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EnrollmentPolicyFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EnrollmentPolicyFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EnrollmentPolicyFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20775,19 +20423,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EnrollmentPolicyFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EnrollmentPolicyServerPropertyFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EnrollmentPolicyServerPropertyFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EnrollmentPolicyServerPropertyFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EnrollmentPolicyServerPropertyFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EnrollmentPolicyServerPropertyFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20797,19 +20434,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EnrollmentPolicyServerPropertyFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EnrollmentSelectionStatus(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EnrollmentSelectionStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EnrollmentSelectionStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EnrollmentSelectionStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EnrollmentSelectionStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20819,19 +20445,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EnrollmentSelectionStatus { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EnrollmentTemplateProperty(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EnrollmentTemplateProperty {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EnrollmentTemplateProperty { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EnrollmentTemplateProperty { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EnrollmentTemplateProperty { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20841,19 +20456,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EnrollmentTemplateProperty { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FULL_RESPONSE_PROPERTY_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FULL_RESPONSE_PROPERTY_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FULL_RESPONSE_PROPERTY_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FULL_RESPONSE_PROPERTY_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FULL_RESPONSE_PROPERTY_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20863,19 +20467,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FULL_RESPONSE_PROPERTY_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ImportPFXFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ImportPFXFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ImportPFXFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ImportPFXFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ImportPFXFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20885,19 +20478,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ImportPFXFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InnerRequestLevel(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InnerRequestLevel {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InnerRequestLevel { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InnerRequestLevel { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InnerRequestLevel { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20907,19 +20489,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for InnerRequestLevel { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InstallResponseRestrictionFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InstallResponseRestrictionFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InstallResponseRestrictionFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InstallResponseRestrictionFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InstallResponseRestrictionFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20929,19 +20500,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for InstallResponseRestrictionFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KeyAttestationClaimType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KeyAttestationClaimType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KeyAttestationClaimType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KeyAttestationClaimType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KeyAttestationClaimType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20951,19 +20511,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KeyAttestationClaimType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KeyIdentifierHashAlgorithm(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KeyIdentifierHashAlgorithm {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KeyIdentifierHashAlgorithm { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KeyIdentifierHashAlgorithm { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KeyIdentifierHashAlgorithm { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20973,19 +20522,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KeyIdentifierHashAlgorithm { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OCSPRequestFlag(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OCSPRequestFlag {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OCSPRequestFlag { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OCSPRequestFlag { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OCSPRequestFlag { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -20995,19 +20533,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OCSPRequestFlag { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OCSPSigningFlag(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OCSPSigningFlag {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OCSPSigningFlag { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OCSPSigningFlag { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OCSPSigningFlag { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21017,19 +20544,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OCSPSigningFlag { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ObjectIdGroupId(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ObjectIdGroupId {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ObjectIdGroupId { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ObjectIdGroupId { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ObjectIdGroupId { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21039,19 +20555,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ObjectIdGroupId { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ObjectIdPublicKeyFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ObjectIdPublicKeyFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ObjectIdPublicKeyFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ObjectIdPublicKeyFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ObjectIdPublicKeyFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21061,19 +20566,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ObjectIdPublicKeyFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PENDING_REQUEST_DESIRED_PROPERTY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PENDING_REQUEST_DESIRED_PROPERTY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PENDING_REQUEST_DESIRED_PROPERTY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PENDING_REQUEST_DESIRED_PROPERTY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PENDING_REQUEST_DESIRED_PROPERTY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21083,19 +20577,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PENDING_REQUEST_DESIRED_PROPERTY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PFXExportOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PFXExportOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PFXExportOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PFXExportOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PFXExportOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21105,19 +20588,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PFXExportOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct Pkcs10AllowedSignatureTypes(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for Pkcs10AllowedSignatureTypes {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for Pkcs10AllowedSignatureTypes { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for Pkcs10AllowedSignatureTypes { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for Pkcs10AllowedSignatureTypes { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21127,19 +20599,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for Pkcs10AllowedSignatureTypes { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PolicyQualifierType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PolicyQualifierType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PolicyQualifierType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PolicyQualifierType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PolicyQualifierType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21149,19 +20610,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PolicyQualifierType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PolicyServerUrlFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PolicyServerUrlFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PolicyServerUrlFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PolicyServerUrlFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PolicyServerUrlFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21171,19 +20621,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PolicyServerUrlFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PolicyServerUrlPropertyID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PolicyServerUrlPropertyID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PolicyServerUrlPropertyID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PolicyServerUrlPropertyID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PolicyServerUrlPropertyID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21193,19 +20632,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PolicyServerUrlPropertyID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RequestClientInfoClientId(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RequestClientInfoClientId {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RequestClientInfoClientId { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RequestClientInfoClientId { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RequestClientInfoClientId { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21215,19 +20643,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RequestClientInfoClientId { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WebEnrollmentFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WebEnrollmentFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WebEnrollmentFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WebEnrollmentFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WebEnrollmentFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21237,19 +20654,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WebEnrollmentFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WebSecurityLevel(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WebSecurityLevel {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WebSecurityLevel { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WebSecurityLevel { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WebSecurityLevel { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21259,19 +20665,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WebSecurityLevel { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct X500NameFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for X500NameFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for X500NameFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for X500NameFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for X500NameFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21281,19 +20676,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for X500NameFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct X509CertificateEnrollmentContext(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for X509CertificateEnrollmentContext {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for X509CertificateEnrollmentContext { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for X509CertificateEnrollmentContext { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for X509CertificateEnrollmentContext { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21303,19 +20687,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for X509CertificateEnrollmentContext { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct X509CertificateTemplateEnrollmentFlag(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for X509CertificateTemplateEnrollmentFlag {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for X509CertificateTemplateEnrollmentFlag { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for X509CertificateTemplateEnrollmentFlag { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for X509CertificateTemplateEnrollmentFlag { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21325,19 +20698,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for X509CertificateTemplateEnrollmentFlag { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct X509CertificateTemplateGeneralFlag(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for X509CertificateTemplateGeneralFlag {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for X509CertificateTemplateGeneralFlag { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for X509CertificateTemplateGeneralFlag { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for X509CertificateTemplateGeneralFlag { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21347,19 +20709,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for X509CertificateTemplateGeneralFlag { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct X509CertificateTemplatePrivateKeyFlag(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for X509CertificateTemplatePrivateKeyFlag {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for X509CertificateTemplatePrivateKeyFlag { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for X509CertificateTemplatePrivateKeyFlag { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for X509CertificateTemplatePrivateKeyFlag { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21369,19 +20720,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for X509CertificateTemplatePrivateKeyFlag { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct X509CertificateTemplateSubjectNameFlag(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for X509CertificateTemplateSubjectNameFlag {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for X509CertificateTemplateSubjectNameFlag { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for X509CertificateTemplateSubjectNameFlag { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for X509CertificateTemplateSubjectNameFlag { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21391,19 +20731,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for X509CertificateTemplateSubjectNameFlag { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct X509EnrollmentAuthFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for X509EnrollmentAuthFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for X509EnrollmentAuthFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for X509EnrollmentAuthFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for X509EnrollmentAuthFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21413,19 +20742,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for X509EnrollmentAuthFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct X509EnrollmentPolicyExportFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for X509EnrollmentPolicyExportFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for X509EnrollmentPolicyExportFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for X509EnrollmentPolicyExportFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for X509EnrollmentPolicyExportFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21435,19 +20753,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for X509EnrollmentPolicyExportFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct X509EnrollmentPolicyLoadOption(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for X509EnrollmentPolicyLoadOption {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for X509EnrollmentPolicyLoadOption { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for X509EnrollmentPolicyLoadOption { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for X509EnrollmentPolicyLoadOption { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21457,19 +20764,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for X509EnrollmentPolicyLoadOption { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct X509HardwareKeyUsageFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for X509HardwareKeyUsageFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for X509HardwareKeyUsageFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for X509HardwareKeyUsageFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for X509HardwareKeyUsageFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21479,19 +20775,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for X509HardwareKeyUsageFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct X509KeyParametersExportType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for X509KeyParametersExportType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for X509KeyParametersExportType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for X509KeyParametersExportType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for X509KeyParametersExportType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21501,19 +20786,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for X509KeyParametersExportType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct X509KeySpec(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for X509KeySpec {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for X509KeySpec { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for X509KeySpec { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for X509KeySpec { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21523,19 +20797,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for X509KeySpec { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct X509KeyUsageFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for X509KeyUsageFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for X509KeyUsageFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for X509KeyUsageFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for X509KeyUsageFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21545,19 +20808,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for X509KeyUsageFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct X509PrivateKeyExportFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for X509PrivateKeyExportFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for X509PrivateKeyExportFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for X509PrivateKeyExportFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for X509PrivateKeyExportFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21567,19 +20819,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for X509PrivateKeyExportFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct X509PrivateKeyProtection(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for X509PrivateKeyProtection {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for X509PrivateKeyProtection { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for X509PrivateKeyProtection { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for X509PrivateKeyProtection { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21589,19 +20830,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for X509PrivateKeyProtection { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct X509PrivateKeyUsageFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for X509PrivateKeyUsageFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for X509PrivateKeyUsageFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for X509PrivateKeyUsageFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for X509PrivateKeyUsageFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21611,19 +20841,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for X509PrivateKeyUsageFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct X509PrivateKeyVerify(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for X509PrivateKeyVerify {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for X509PrivateKeyVerify { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for X509PrivateKeyVerify { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for X509PrivateKeyVerify { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21633,19 +20852,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for X509PrivateKeyVerify { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct X509ProviderType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for X509ProviderType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for X509ProviderType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for X509ProviderType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for X509ProviderType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21655,19 +20863,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for X509ProviderType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct X509RequestInheritOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for X509RequestInheritOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for X509RequestInheritOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for X509RequestInheritOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for X509RequestInheritOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21677,19 +20874,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for X509RequestInheritOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct X509RequestType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for X509RequestType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for X509RequestType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for X509RequestType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for X509RequestType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21699,19 +20885,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for X509RequestType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct X509SCEPDisposition(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for X509SCEPDisposition {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for X509SCEPDisposition { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for X509SCEPDisposition { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for X509SCEPDisposition { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21721,19 +20896,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for X509SCEPDisposition { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct X509SCEPFailInfo(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for X509SCEPFailInfo {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for X509SCEPFailInfo { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for X509SCEPFailInfo { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for X509SCEPFailInfo { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21743,19 +20907,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for X509SCEPFailInfo { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct X509SCEPMessageType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for X509SCEPMessageType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for X509SCEPMessageType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for X509SCEPMessageType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for X509SCEPMessageType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21765,19 +20918,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for X509SCEPMessageType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct X509SCEPProcessMessageFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for X509SCEPProcessMessageFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for X509SCEPProcessMessageFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for X509SCEPProcessMessageFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for X509SCEPProcessMessageFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21787,19 +20929,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for X509SCEPProcessMessageFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XEKL_KEYSIZE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XEKL_KEYSIZE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XEKL_KEYSIZE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XEKL_KEYSIZE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XEKL_KEYSIZE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21809,19 +20940,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for XEKL_KEYSIZE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XEKL_KEYSPEC(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XEKL_KEYSPEC {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XEKL_KEYSPEC { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XEKL_KEYSPEC { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XEKL_KEYSPEC { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/Cryptography/UI/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/Cryptography/UI/ index 73cab187b1..6e6b74f3ca 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/Cryptography/UI/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/Cryptography/UI/ @@ -236,19 +236,8 @@ pub const SELCERT_THUMBPRINT: u32 = 107u32; pub const SELCERT_VALIDITY: u32 = 104u32; pub const szCERT_CERTIFICATE_ACTION_VERIFY: ::windows_core::PCSTR = ::windows_core::s!("{7801ebd0-cf4b-11d0-851f-0060979387ea}"); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CERT_SELECT_STRUCT_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CERT_SELECT_STRUCT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CERT_SELECT_STRUCT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CERT_SELECT_STRUCT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CERT_SELECT_STRUCT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -291,19 +280,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CERT_SELECT_STRUCT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CERT_VIEWPROPERTIES_STRUCT_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CERT_VIEWPROPERTIES_STRUCT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CERT_VIEWPROPERTIES_STRUCT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CERT_VIEWPROPERTIES_STRUCT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CERT_VIEWPROPERTIES_STRUCT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -346,19 +324,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CERT_VIEWPROPERTIES_STRUCT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CRYPTUI_VIEWCERTIFICATE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CRYPTUI_VIEWCERTIFICATE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CRYPTUI_VIEWCERTIFICATE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CRYPTUI_VIEWCERTIFICATE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CRYPTUI_VIEWCERTIFICATE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -401,19 +368,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CRYPTUI_VIEWCERTIFICATE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CRYPTUI_WIZ_DIGITAL_ADDITIONAL_CERT_CHOICE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CRYPTUI_WIZ_DIGITAL_ADDITIONAL_CERT_CHOICE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CRYPTUI_WIZ_DIGITAL_ADDITIONAL_CERT_CHOICE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CRYPTUI_WIZ_DIGITAL_ADDITIONAL_CERT_CHOICE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CRYPTUI_WIZ_DIGITAL_ADDITIONAL_CERT_CHOICE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -423,19 +379,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CRYPTUI_WIZ_DIGITAL_ADDITIONAL_CERT_CHOICE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CRYPTUI_WIZ_DIGITAL_SIGN(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CRYPTUI_WIZ_DIGITAL_SIGN {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CRYPTUI_WIZ_DIGITAL_SIGN { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CRYPTUI_WIZ_DIGITAL_SIGN { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CRYPTUI_WIZ_DIGITAL_SIGN { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -445,19 +390,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CRYPTUI_WIZ_DIGITAL_SIGN { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CRYPTUI_WIZ_DIGITAL_SIGN_PVK_OPTION(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CRYPTUI_WIZ_DIGITAL_SIGN_PVK_OPTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CRYPTUI_WIZ_DIGITAL_SIGN_PVK_OPTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CRYPTUI_WIZ_DIGITAL_SIGN_PVK_OPTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CRYPTUI_WIZ_DIGITAL_SIGN_PVK_OPTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -467,19 +401,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CRYPTUI_WIZ_DIGITAL_SIGN_PVK_OPTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CRYPTUI_WIZ_DIGITAL_SIGN_SIG_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CRYPTUI_WIZ_DIGITAL_SIGN_SIG_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CRYPTUI_WIZ_DIGITAL_SIGN_SIG_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CRYPTUI_WIZ_DIGITAL_SIGN_SIG_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CRYPTUI_WIZ_DIGITAL_SIGN_SIG_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -489,19 +412,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CRYPTUI_WIZ_DIGITAL_SIGN_SIG_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CRYPTUI_WIZ_DIGITAL_SIGN_SUBJECT(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CRYPTUI_WIZ_DIGITAL_SIGN_SUBJECT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CRYPTUI_WIZ_DIGITAL_SIGN_SUBJECT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CRYPTUI_WIZ_DIGITAL_SIGN_SUBJECT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CRYPTUI_WIZ_DIGITAL_SIGN_SUBJECT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -511,19 +423,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CRYPTUI_WIZ_DIGITAL_SIGN_SUBJECT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CRYPTUI_WIZ_EXPORT_FORMAT(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CRYPTUI_WIZ_EXPORT_FORMAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CRYPTUI_WIZ_EXPORT_FORMAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CRYPTUI_WIZ_EXPORT_FORMAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CRYPTUI_WIZ_EXPORT_FORMAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -533,19 +434,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CRYPTUI_WIZ_EXPORT_FORMAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CRYPTUI_WIZ_EXPORT_SUBJECT(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CRYPTUI_WIZ_EXPORT_SUBJECT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CRYPTUI_WIZ_EXPORT_SUBJECT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CRYPTUI_WIZ_EXPORT_SUBJECT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CRYPTUI_WIZ_EXPORT_SUBJECT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -555,19 +445,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CRYPTUI_WIZ_EXPORT_SUBJECT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CRYPTUI_WIZ_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CRYPTUI_WIZ_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CRYPTUI_WIZ_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CRYPTUI_WIZ_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CRYPTUI_WIZ_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -610,19 +489,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CRYPTUI_WIZ_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CRYPTUI_WIZ_IMPORT_SUBJECT_OPTION(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CRYPTUI_WIZ_IMPORT_SUBJECT_OPTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CRYPTUI_WIZ_IMPORT_SUBJECT_OPTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CRYPTUI_WIZ_IMPORT_SUBJECT_OPTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CRYPTUI_WIZ_IMPORT_SUBJECT_OPTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -632,19 +500,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CRYPTUI_WIZ_IMPORT_SUBJECT_OPTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CTL_MODIFY_REQUEST_OPERATION(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CTL_MODIFY_REQUEST_OPERATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CTL_MODIFY_REQUEST_OPERATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CTL_MODIFY_REQUEST_OPERATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CTL_MODIFY_REQUEST_OPERATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/Cryptography/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/Cryptography/ index 9ac2001cdf..121cca0878 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/Cryptography/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/Cryptography/ @@ -6906,19 +6906,8 @@ pub const wszXMLNS_DIGSIG: ::windows_core::PCWSTR = ::windows_core::w!("http://w pub const wszXMLNS_DIGSIG_Id: ::windows_core::PCWSTR = ::windows_core::w!("Id"); pub const wszXMLNS_DIGSIG_SignatureProperties: ::windows_core::PCWSTR = ::windows_core::w!(""); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ALG_ID(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ALG_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ALG_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ALG_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ALG_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6928,19 +6917,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ALG_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BCRYPTGENRANDOM_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BCRYPTGENRANDOM_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BCRYPTGENRANDOM_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BCRYPTGENRANDOM_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BCRYPTGENRANDOM_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6950,19 +6928,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BCRYPTGENRANDOM_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BCRYPT_DH_KEY_BLOB_MAGIC(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BCRYPT_DH_KEY_BLOB_MAGIC {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BCRYPT_DH_KEY_BLOB_MAGIC { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BCRYPT_DH_KEY_BLOB_MAGIC { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BCRYPT_DH_KEY_BLOB_MAGIC { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6972,19 +6939,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BCRYPT_DH_KEY_BLOB_MAGIC { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BCRYPT_DSA_MAGIC(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BCRYPT_DSA_MAGIC {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BCRYPT_DSA_MAGIC { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BCRYPT_DSA_MAGIC { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BCRYPT_DSA_MAGIC { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6994,19 +6950,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BCRYPT_DSA_MAGIC { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BCRYPT_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BCRYPT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BCRYPT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BCRYPT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BCRYPT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7049,19 +6994,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for BCRYPT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BCRYPT_HASH_OPERATION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BCRYPT_HASH_OPERATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BCRYPT_HASH_OPERATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BCRYPT_HASH_OPERATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BCRYPT_HASH_OPERATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7071,19 +7005,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BCRYPT_HASH_OPERATION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BCRYPT_INTERFACE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BCRYPT_INTERFACE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BCRYPT_INTERFACE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BCRYPT_INTERFACE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BCRYPT_INTERFACE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7093,19 +7016,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BCRYPT_INTERFACE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BCRYPT_MULTI_OPERATION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BCRYPT_MULTI_OPERATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BCRYPT_MULTI_OPERATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BCRYPT_MULTI_OPERATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BCRYPT_MULTI_OPERATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7115,19 +7027,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BCRYPT_MULTI_OPERATION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BCRYPT_OPEN_ALGORITHM_PROVIDER_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BCRYPT_OPEN_ALGORITHM_PROVIDER_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BCRYPT_OPEN_ALGORITHM_PROVIDER_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BCRYPT_OPEN_ALGORITHM_PROVIDER_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BCRYPT_OPEN_ALGORITHM_PROVIDER_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7170,19 +7071,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for BCRYPT_OPEN_ALGORITHM_PROVIDER_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BCRYPT_OPERATION(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BCRYPT_OPERATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BCRYPT_OPERATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BCRYPT_OPERATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BCRYPT_OPERATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7225,19 +7115,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for BCRYPT_OPERATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BCRYPT_QUERY_PROVIDER_MODE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BCRYPT_QUERY_PROVIDER_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BCRYPT_QUERY_PROVIDER_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BCRYPT_QUERY_PROVIDER_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BCRYPT_QUERY_PROVIDER_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7247,19 +7126,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BCRYPT_QUERY_PROVIDER_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BCRYPT_RESOLVE_PROVIDERS_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BCRYPT_RESOLVE_PROVIDERS_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BCRYPT_RESOLVE_PROVIDERS_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BCRYPT_RESOLVE_PROVIDERS_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BCRYPT_RESOLVE_PROVIDERS_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7302,19 +7170,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for BCRYPT_RESOLVE_PROVIDERS_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BCRYPT_RSAKEY_BLOB_MAGIC(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BCRYPT_RSAKEY_BLOB_MAGIC {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BCRYPT_RSAKEY_BLOB_MAGIC { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BCRYPT_RSAKEY_BLOB_MAGIC { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BCRYPT_RSAKEY_BLOB_MAGIC { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7324,19 +7181,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BCRYPT_RSAKEY_BLOB_MAGIC { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BCRYPT_TABLE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BCRYPT_TABLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BCRYPT_TABLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BCRYPT_TABLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BCRYPT_TABLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7346,19 +7192,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BCRYPT_TABLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CASetupProperty(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CASetupProperty {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CASetupProperty { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CASetupProperty { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CASetupProperty { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7368,19 +7203,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CASetupProperty { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CEPSetupProperty(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CEPSetupProperty {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CEPSetupProperty { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CEPSetupProperty { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CEPSetupProperty { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7390,19 +7214,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CEPSetupProperty { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CERT_BIOMETRIC_DATA_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CERT_BIOMETRIC_DATA_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CERT_BIOMETRIC_DATA_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CERT_BIOMETRIC_DATA_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CERT_BIOMETRIC_DATA_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7412,19 +7225,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CERT_BIOMETRIC_DATA_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7434,19 +7236,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CERT_CHAIN_POLICY_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CERT_CONTROL_STORE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CERT_CONTROL_STORE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CERT_CONTROL_STORE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CERT_CONTROL_STORE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CERT_CONTROL_STORE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7456,19 +7247,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CERT_CONTROL_STORE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CERT_CREATE_SELFSIGN_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CERT_CREATE_SELFSIGN_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CERT_CREATE_SELFSIGN_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CERT_CREATE_SELFSIGN_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CERT_CREATE_SELFSIGN_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7511,19 +7291,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CERT_CREATE_SELFSIGN_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CERT_FIND_CHAIN_IN_STORE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CERT_FIND_CHAIN_IN_STORE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CERT_FIND_CHAIN_IN_STORE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CERT_FIND_CHAIN_IN_STORE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CERT_FIND_CHAIN_IN_STORE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7566,19 +7335,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CERT_FIND_CHAIN_IN_STORE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CERT_FIND_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CERT_FIND_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CERT_FIND_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CERT_FIND_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CERT_FIND_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7621,19 +7379,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CERT_FIND_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CERT_FIND_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CERT_FIND_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CERT_FIND_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CERT_FIND_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CERT_FIND_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7643,19 +7390,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CERT_FIND_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CERT_ID_OPTION(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CERT_ID_OPTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CERT_ID_OPTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CERT_ID_OPTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CERT_ID_OPTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7665,19 +7401,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CERT_ID_OPTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CERT_KEY_SPEC(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CERT_KEY_SPEC {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CERT_KEY_SPEC { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CERT_KEY_SPEC { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CERT_KEY_SPEC { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7687,19 +7412,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CERT_KEY_SPEC { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CERT_LOGOTYPE_CHOICE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CERT_LOGOTYPE_CHOICE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CERT_LOGOTYPE_CHOICE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CERT_LOGOTYPE_CHOICE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CERT_LOGOTYPE_CHOICE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7709,19 +7423,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CERT_LOGOTYPE_CHOICE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CERT_LOGOTYPE_IMAGE_INFO_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CERT_LOGOTYPE_IMAGE_INFO_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CERT_LOGOTYPE_IMAGE_INFO_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CERT_LOGOTYPE_IMAGE_INFO_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CERT_LOGOTYPE_IMAGE_INFO_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7731,19 +7434,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CERT_LOGOTYPE_IMAGE_INFO_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CERT_LOGOTYPE_OPTION(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CERT_LOGOTYPE_OPTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CERT_LOGOTYPE_OPTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CERT_LOGOTYPE_OPTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CERT_LOGOTYPE_OPTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7753,19 +7445,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CERT_LOGOTYPE_OPTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CERT_OPEN_STORE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CERT_OPEN_STORE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CERT_OPEN_STORE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CERT_OPEN_STORE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CERT_OPEN_STORE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7808,19 +7489,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CERT_OPEN_STORE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7830,19 +7500,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_TYPE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_TYPE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_TYPE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_TYPE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_TYPE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7852,19 +7511,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CERT_QUERY_CONTENT_TYPE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CERT_QUERY_ENCODING_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CERT_QUERY_ENCODING_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CERT_QUERY_ENCODING_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CERT_QUERY_ENCODING_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CERT_QUERY_ENCODING_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7907,19 +7555,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CERT_QUERY_ENCODING_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CERT_QUERY_FORMAT_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CERT_QUERY_FORMAT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CERT_QUERY_FORMAT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CERT_QUERY_FORMAT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CERT_QUERY_FORMAT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7929,19 +7566,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CERT_QUERY_FORMAT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CERT_QUERY_FORMAT_TYPE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CERT_QUERY_FORMAT_TYPE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CERT_QUERY_FORMAT_TYPE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CERT_QUERY_FORMAT_TYPE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CERT_QUERY_FORMAT_TYPE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7951,19 +7577,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CERT_QUERY_FORMAT_TYPE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CERT_QUERY_OBJECT_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CERT_QUERY_OBJECT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CERT_QUERY_OBJECT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CERT_QUERY_OBJECT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CERT_QUERY_OBJECT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7973,19 +7588,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CERT_QUERY_OBJECT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CERT_RDN_ATTR_VALUE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CERT_RDN_ATTR_VALUE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CERT_RDN_ATTR_VALUE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CERT_RDN_ATTR_VALUE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CERT_RDN_ATTR_VALUE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7995,19 +7599,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CERT_RDN_ATTR_VALUE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CERT_REVOCATION_STATUS_REASON(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CERT_REVOCATION_STATUS_REASON {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CERT_REVOCATION_STATUS_REASON { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CERT_REVOCATION_STATUS_REASON { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CERT_REVOCATION_STATUS_REASON { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8017,19 +7610,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CERT_REVOCATION_STATUS_REASON { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CERT_ROOT_PROGRAM_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CERT_ROOT_PROGRAM_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CERT_ROOT_PROGRAM_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CERT_ROOT_PROGRAM_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CERT_ROOT_PROGRAM_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8072,19 +7654,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CERT_ROOT_PROGRAM_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CERT_SELECT_CRITERIA_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CERT_SELECT_CRITERIA_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CERT_SELECT_CRITERIA_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CERT_SELECT_CRITERIA_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CERT_SELECT_CRITERIA_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8094,19 +7665,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CERT_SELECT_CRITERIA_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CERT_STORE_PROV_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CERT_STORE_PROV_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CERT_STORE_PROV_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CERT_STORE_PROV_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CERT_STORE_PROV_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8149,19 +7709,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CERT_STORE_PROV_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CERT_STORE_SAVE_AS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CERT_STORE_SAVE_AS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CERT_STORE_SAVE_AS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CERT_STORE_SAVE_AS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CERT_STORE_SAVE_AS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8171,19 +7720,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CERT_STORE_SAVE_AS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CERT_STORE_SAVE_TO(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CERT_STORE_SAVE_TO {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CERT_STORE_SAVE_TO { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CERT_STORE_SAVE_TO { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CERT_STORE_SAVE_TO { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8193,19 +7731,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CERT_STORE_SAVE_TO { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CERT_STRING_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CERT_STRING_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CERT_STRING_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CERT_STRING_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CERT_STRING_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8215,19 +7742,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CERT_STRING_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CERT_STRONG_SIGN_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CERT_STRONG_SIGN_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CERT_STRONG_SIGN_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CERT_STRONG_SIGN_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CERT_STRONG_SIGN_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8270,19 +7786,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CERT_STRONG_SIGN_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8292,19 +7797,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CERT_SYSTEM_STORE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CESSetupProperty(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CESSetupProperty {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CESSetupProperty { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CESSetupProperty { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CESSetupProperty { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8314,19 +7808,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CESSetupProperty { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CMSG_KEY_AGREE_OPTION(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CMSG_KEY_AGREE_OPTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CMSG_KEY_AGREE_OPTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CMSG_KEY_AGREE_OPTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CMSG_KEY_AGREE_OPTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8336,19 +7819,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CMSG_KEY_AGREE_OPTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CMSG_KEY_AGREE_ORIGINATOR(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CMSG_KEY_AGREE_ORIGINATOR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CMSG_KEY_AGREE_ORIGINATOR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CMSG_KEY_AGREE_ORIGINATOR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CMSG_KEY_AGREE_ORIGINATOR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8358,19 +7830,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CMSG_KEY_AGREE_ORIGINATOR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CRYPT_ACQUIRE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CRYPT_ACQUIRE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CRYPT_ACQUIRE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CRYPT_ACQUIRE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CRYPT_ACQUIRE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8413,19 +7874,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CRYPT_ACQUIRE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CRYPT_CONTEXT_CONFIG_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CRYPT_CONTEXT_CONFIG_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CRYPT_CONTEXT_CONFIG_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CRYPT_CONTEXT_CONFIG_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CRYPT_CONTEXT_CONFIG_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8468,19 +7918,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CRYPT_CONTEXT_CONFIG_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CRYPT_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CRYPT_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CRYPT_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CRYPT_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CRYPT_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8523,19 +7962,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CRYPT_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CRYPT_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CRYPT_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CRYPT_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CRYPT_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CRYPT_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8545,19 +7973,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CRYPT_DEFAULT_CONTEXT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CRYPT_ENCODE_OBJECT_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CRYPT_ENCODE_OBJECT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CRYPT_ENCODE_OBJECT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CRYPT_ENCODE_OBJECT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CRYPT_ENCODE_OBJECT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8600,19 +8017,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CRYPT_ENCODE_OBJECT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CRYPT_FIND_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CRYPT_FIND_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CRYPT_FIND_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CRYPT_FIND_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CRYPT_FIND_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8622,19 +8028,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CRYPT_FIND_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CRYPT_GET_URL_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CRYPT_GET_URL_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CRYPT_GET_URL_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CRYPT_GET_URL_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CRYPT_GET_URL_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8677,19 +8072,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CRYPT_GET_URL_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CRYPT_IMAGE_REF_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CRYPT_IMAGE_REF_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CRYPT_IMAGE_REF_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CRYPT_IMAGE_REF_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CRYPT_IMAGE_REF_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8732,19 +8116,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CRYPT_IMAGE_REF_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CRYPT_IMPORT_PUBLIC_KEY_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CRYPT_IMPORT_PUBLIC_KEY_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CRYPT_IMPORT_PUBLIC_KEY_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CRYPT_IMPORT_PUBLIC_KEY_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CRYPT_IMPORT_PUBLIC_KEY_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8787,19 +8160,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CRYPT_IMPORT_PUBLIC_KEY_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CRYPT_KEY_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CRYPT_KEY_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CRYPT_KEY_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CRYPT_KEY_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CRYPT_KEY_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8842,19 +8204,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CRYPT_KEY_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CRYPT_KEY_PARAM_ID(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CRYPT_KEY_PARAM_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CRYPT_KEY_PARAM_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CRYPT_KEY_PARAM_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CRYPT_KEY_PARAM_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8864,19 +8215,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CRYPT_KEY_PARAM_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CRYPT_MSG_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CRYPT_MSG_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CRYPT_MSG_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CRYPT_MSG_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CRYPT_MSG_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8886,19 +8226,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CRYPT_MSG_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CRYPT_OBJECT_LOCATOR_RELEASE_REASON(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CRYPT_OBJECT_LOCATOR_RELEASE_REASON {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CRYPT_OBJECT_LOCATOR_RELEASE_REASON { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CRYPT_OBJECT_LOCATOR_RELEASE_REASON { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CRYPT_OBJECT_LOCATOR_RELEASE_REASON { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8908,19 +8237,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CRYPT_OBJECT_LOCATOR_RELEASE_REASON { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CRYPT_SET_HASH_PARAM(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CRYPT_SET_HASH_PARAM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CRYPT_SET_HASH_PARAM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CRYPT_SET_HASH_PARAM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CRYPT_SET_HASH_PARAM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8930,19 +8248,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CRYPT_SET_HASH_PARAM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CRYPT_SET_PROV_PARAM_ID(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CRYPT_SET_PROV_PARAM_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CRYPT_SET_PROV_PARAM_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CRYPT_SET_PROV_PARAM_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CRYPT_SET_PROV_PARAM_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8952,19 +8259,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CRYPT_SET_PROV_PARAM_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CRYPT_STRING(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CRYPT_STRING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CRYPT_STRING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CRYPT_STRING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CRYPT_STRING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8974,19 +8270,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CRYPT_STRING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CRYPT_TIMESTAMP_RESPONSE_STATUS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CRYPT_TIMESTAMP_RESPONSE_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CRYPT_TIMESTAMP_RESPONSE_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CRYPT_TIMESTAMP_RESPONSE_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CRYPT_TIMESTAMP_RESPONSE_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8996,19 +8281,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CRYPT_TIMESTAMP_RESPONSE_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CRYPT_TIMESTAMP_VERSION(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CRYPT_TIMESTAMP_VERSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CRYPT_TIMESTAMP_VERSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CRYPT_TIMESTAMP_VERSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CRYPT_TIMESTAMP_VERSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9018,19 +8292,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CRYPT_TIMESTAMP_VERSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CRYPT_VERIFY_CERT_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CRYPT_VERIFY_CERT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CRYPT_VERIFY_CERT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CRYPT_VERIFY_CERT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CRYPT_VERIFY_CERT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9040,19 +8303,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CRYPT_VERIFY_CERT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CRYPT_XML_CHARSET(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CRYPT_XML_CHARSET {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CRYPT_XML_CHARSET { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CRYPT_XML_CHARSET { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CRYPT_XML_CHARSET { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9062,19 +8314,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CRYPT_XML_CHARSET { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CRYPT_XML_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CRYPT_XML_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CRYPT_XML_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CRYPT_XML_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CRYPT_XML_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9084,19 +8325,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CRYPT_XML_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CRYPT_XML_GROUP_ID(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CRYPT_XML_GROUP_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CRYPT_XML_GROUP_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CRYPT_XML_GROUP_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CRYPT_XML_GROUP_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9106,19 +8336,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CRYPT_XML_GROUP_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CRYPT_XML_KEYINFO_SPEC(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CRYPT_XML_KEYINFO_SPEC {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CRYPT_XML_KEYINFO_SPEC { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CRYPT_XML_KEYINFO_SPEC { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CRYPT_XML_KEYINFO_SPEC { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9128,19 +8347,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CRYPT_XML_KEYINFO_SPEC { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CRYPT_XML_KEYINFO_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CRYPT_XML_KEYINFO_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CRYPT_XML_KEYINFO_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CRYPT_XML_KEYINFO_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CRYPT_XML_KEYINFO_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9150,19 +8358,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CRYPT_XML_KEYINFO_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CRYPT_XML_KEY_VALUE_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CRYPT_XML_KEY_VALUE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CRYPT_XML_KEY_VALUE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CRYPT_XML_KEY_VALUE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CRYPT_XML_KEY_VALUE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9172,19 +8369,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CRYPT_XML_KEY_VALUE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CRYPT_XML_PROPERTY_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CRYPT_XML_PROPERTY_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CRYPT_XML_PROPERTY_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CRYPT_XML_PROPERTY_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CRYPT_XML_PROPERTY_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9194,19 +8380,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CRYPT_XML_PROPERTY_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CRYPT_XML_STATUS_ERROR_STATUS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CRYPT_XML_STATUS_ERROR_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CRYPT_XML_STATUS_ERROR_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CRYPT_XML_STATUS_ERROR_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CRYPT_XML_STATUS_ERROR_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9216,19 +8391,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CRYPT_XML_STATUS_ERROR_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CRYPT_XML_STATUS_INFO_STATUS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CRYPT_XML_STATUS_INFO_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CRYPT_XML_STATUS_INFO_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CRYPT_XML_STATUS_INFO_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CRYPT_XML_STATUS_INFO_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9238,19 +8402,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CRYPT_XML_STATUS_INFO_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CRYPT_XML_TRANSFORM_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CRYPT_XML_TRANSFORM_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CRYPT_XML_TRANSFORM_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CRYPT_XML_TRANSFORM_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CRYPT_XML_TRANSFORM_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9293,19 +8446,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CRYPT_XML_TRANSFORM_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CRYPT_XML_X509DATA_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CRYPT_XML_X509DATA_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CRYPT_XML_X509DATA_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CRYPT_XML_X509DATA_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CRYPT_XML_X509DATA_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9315,19 +8457,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CRYPT_XML_X509DATA_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CertKeyType(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CertKeyType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CertKeyType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CertKeyType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CertKeyType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9337,19 +8468,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CertKeyType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DSAFIPSVERSION_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DSAFIPSVERSION_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DSAFIPSVERSION_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DSAFIPSVERSION_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DSAFIPSVERSION_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9359,19 +8479,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DSAFIPSVERSION_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct Direction(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for Direction {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for Direction { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for Direction { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for Direction { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9381,19 +8490,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for Direction { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ECC_CURVE_ALG_ID_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ECC_CURVE_ALG_ID_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ECC_CURVE_ALG_ID_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ECC_CURVE_ALG_ID_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ECC_CURVE_ALG_ID_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9403,19 +8501,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ECC_CURVE_ALG_ID_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ECC_CURVE_TYPE_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ECC_CURVE_TYPE_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ECC_CURVE_TYPE_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ECC_CURVE_TYPE_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ECC_CURVE_TYPE_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9425,19 +8512,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ECC_CURVE_TYPE_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HASHALGORITHM_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HASHALGORITHM_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HASHALGORITHM_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HASHALGORITHM_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HASHALGORITHM_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9447,19 +8523,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HASHALGORITHM_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HTTPSPOLICY_CALLBACK_DATA_AUTH_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HTTPSPOLICY_CALLBACK_DATA_AUTH_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HTTPSPOLICY_CALLBACK_DATA_AUTH_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HTTPSPOLICY_CALLBACK_DATA_AUTH_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HTTPSPOLICY_CALLBACK_DATA_AUTH_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9469,7 +8534,7 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HTTPSPOLICY_CALLBACK_DATA_AUTH_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HandleType(pub i32); impl HandleType { pub const Asymmetric: Self = Self(1i32); @@ -9477,17 +8542,6 @@ impl HandleType { pub const Transform: Self = Self(3i32); pub const Hash: Self = Self(4i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HandleType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HandleType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HandleType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HandleType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9497,19 +8551,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HandleType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MSCEPSetupProperty(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MSCEPSetupProperty {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MSCEPSetupProperty { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MSCEPSetupProperty { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MSCEPSetupProperty { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9519,19 +8562,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MSCEPSetupProperty { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NCRYPT_ALGORITHM_NAME_CLASS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NCRYPT_ALGORITHM_NAME_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NCRYPT_ALGORITHM_NAME_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NCRYPT_ALGORITHM_NAME_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NCRYPT_ALGORITHM_NAME_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9541,19 +8573,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NCRYPT_ALGORITHM_NAME_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NCRYPT_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NCRYPT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NCRYPT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NCRYPT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NCRYPT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9596,19 +8617,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for NCRYPT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NCRYPT_OPERATION(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NCRYPT_OPERATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NCRYPT_OPERATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NCRYPT_OPERATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NCRYPT_OPERATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9651,7 +8661,7 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for NCRYPT_OPERATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PaddingMode(pub i32); impl PaddingMode { pub const None: Self = Self(1i32); @@ -9660,17 +8670,6 @@ impl PaddingMode { pub const ANSIX923: Self = Self(4i32); pub const ISO10126: Self = Self(5i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PaddingMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PaddingMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PaddingMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PaddingMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9680,19 +8679,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PaddingMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SIGNER_CERT_CHOICE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SIGNER_CERT_CHOICE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SIGNER_CERT_CHOICE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SIGNER_CERT_CHOICE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SIGNER_CERT_CHOICE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9702,19 +8690,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SIGNER_CERT_CHOICE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SIGNER_CERT_POLICY(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SIGNER_CERT_POLICY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SIGNER_CERT_POLICY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SIGNER_CERT_POLICY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SIGNER_CERT_POLICY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9757,19 +8734,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SIGNER_CERT_POLICY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SIGNER_PRIVATE_KEY_CHOICE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SIGNER_PRIVATE_KEY_CHOICE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SIGNER_PRIVATE_KEY_CHOICE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SIGNER_PRIVATE_KEY_CHOICE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SIGNER_PRIVATE_KEY_CHOICE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9779,19 +8745,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SIGNER_PRIVATE_KEY_CHOICE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SIGNER_SIGNATURE_ATTRIBUTE_CHOICE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SIGNER_SIGNATURE_ATTRIBUTE_CHOICE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SIGNER_SIGNATURE_ATTRIBUTE_CHOICE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SIGNER_SIGNATURE_ATTRIBUTE_CHOICE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SIGNER_SIGNATURE_ATTRIBUTE_CHOICE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9801,19 +8756,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SIGNER_SIGNATURE_ATTRIBUTE_CHOICE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SIGNER_SIGN_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SIGNER_SIGN_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SIGNER_SIGN_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SIGNER_SIGN_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SIGNER_SIGN_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9856,19 +8800,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SIGNER_SIGN_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SIGNER_SUBJECT_CHOICE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SIGNER_SUBJECT_CHOICE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SIGNER_SUBJECT_CHOICE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SIGNER_SUBJECT_CHOICE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SIGNER_SUBJECT_CHOICE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9878,19 +8811,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SIGNER_SUBJECT_CHOICE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SIGNER_TIMESTAMP_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SIGNER_TIMESTAMP_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SIGNER_TIMESTAMP_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SIGNER_TIMESTAMP_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SIGNER_TIMESTAMP_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/DiagnosticDataQuery/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/DiagnosticDataQuery/ index 1940e753c9..9b20187b20 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/DiagnosticDataQuery/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/DiagnosticDataQuery/ @@ -302,19 +302,8 @@ pub const AllUserData: DdqAccessLevel = DdqAccessLevel(2i32); pub const CurrentUserData: DdqAccessLevel = DdqAccessLevel(1i32); pub const NoData: DdqAccessLevel = DdqAccessLevel(0i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DdqAccessLevel(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DdqAccessLevel {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DdqAccessLevel { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DdqAccessLevel { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DdqAccessLevel { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/EnterpriseData/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/EnterpriseData/ index 95863affc3..70e5670acc 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/EnterpriseData/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/EnterpriseData/ @@ -285,19 +285,8 @@ pub const SRPHOSTING_TYPE_WINHTTP: SRPHOSTING_TYPE = SRPHOSTING_TYPE(1i32); pub const SRPHOSTING_TYPE_WININET: SRPHOSTING_TYPE = SRPHOSTING_TYPE(2i32); pub const SRPHOSTING_VERSION1: SRPHOSTING_VERSION = SRPHOSTING_VERSION(1i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ENTERPRISE_DATA_POLICIES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ENTERPRISE_DATA_POLICIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ENTERPRISE_DATA_POLICIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ENTERPRISE_DATA_POLICIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ENTERPRISE_DATA_POLICIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -340,19 +329,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for ENTERPRISE_DATA_POLICIES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SRPHOSTING_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SRPHOSTING_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SRPHOSTING_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SRPHOSTING_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SRPHOSTING_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -362,19 +340,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SRPHOSTING_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SRPHOSTING_VERSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SRPHOSTING_VERSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SRPHOSTING_VERSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SRPHOSTING_VERSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SRPHOSTING_VERSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/ExtensibleAuthenticationProtocol/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/ExtensibleAuthenticationProtocol/ index e23aa5de88..de7f2da5db 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/ExtensibleAuthenticationProtocol/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/ExtensibleAuthenticationProtocol/ @@ -1036,19 +1036,8 @@ pub const raatUserName: RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE = RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE(1i32); pub const raatUserPassword: RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE = RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE(2i32); pub const raatVendorSpecific: RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE = RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE(26i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EAPHOST_AUTH_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EAPHOST_AUTH_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EAPHOST_AUTH_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EAPHOST_AUTH_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EAPHOST_AUTH_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1058,19 +1047,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EAPHOST_AUTH_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EAP_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EAP_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EAP_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EAP_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EAP_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1080,19 +1058,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EAP_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EAP_AUTHENTICATOR_SEND_TIMEOUT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EAP_AUTHENTICATOR_SEND_TIMEOUT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EAP_AUTHENTICATOR_SEND_TIMEOUT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EAP_AUTHENTICATOR_SEND_TIMEOUT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EAP_AUTHENTICATOR_SEND_TIMEOUT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1102,19 +1069,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EAP_AUTHENTICATOR_SEND_TIMEOUT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EAP_CONFIG_INPUT_FIELD_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EAP_CONFIG_INPUT_FIELD_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EAP_CONFIG_INPUT_FIELD_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EAP_CONFIG_INPUT_FIELD_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EAP_CONFIG_INPUT_FIELD_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1124,19 +1080,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EAP_CONFIG_INPUT_FIELD_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EAP_INTERACTIVE_UI_DATA_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EAP_INTERACTIVE_UI_DATA_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EAP_INTERACTIVE_UI_DATA_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EAP_INTERACTIVE_UI_DATA_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EAP_INTERACTIVE_UI_DATA_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1146,19 +1091,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EAP_INTERACTIVE_UI_DATA_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EAP_METHOD_AUTHENTICATOR_RESPONSE_ACTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EAP_METHOD_AUTHENTICATOR_RESPONSE_ACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EAP_METHOD_AUTHENTICATOR_RESPONSE_ACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EAP_METHOD_AUTHENTICATOR_RESPONSE_ACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EAP_METHOD_AUTHENTICATOR_RESPONSE_ACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1168,19 +1102,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EAP_METHOD_AUTHENTICATOR_RESPONSE_ACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EAP_METHOD_PROPERTY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EAP_METHOD_PROPERTY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EAP_METHOD_PROPERTY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EAP_METHOD_PROPERTY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EAP_METHOD_PROPERTY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1190,19 +1113,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EAP_METHOD_PROPERTY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EAP_METHOD_PROPERTY_VALUE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EAP_METHOD_PROPERTY_VALUE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EAP_METHOD_PROPERTY_VALUE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EAP_METHOD_PROPERTY_VALUE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EAP_METHOD_PROPERTY_VALUE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1212,19 +1124,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EAP_METHOD_PROPERTY_VALUE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EapCode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EapCode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EapCode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EapCode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EapCode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1234,19 +1135,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EapCode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EapCredentialType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EapCredentialType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EapCredentialType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EapCredentialType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EapCredentialType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1256,19 +1146,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EapCredentialType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EapHostPeerAuthParams(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EapHostPeerAuthParams {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EapHostPeerAuthParams { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EapHostPeerAuthParams { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EapHostPeerAuthParams { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1278,19 +1157,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EapHostPeerAuthParams { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EapHostPeerMethodResultReason(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EapHostPeerMethodResultReason {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EapHostPeerMethodResultReason { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EapHostPeerMethodResultReason { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EapHostPeerMethodResultReason { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1300,19 +1168,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EapHostPeerMethodResultReason { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EapHostPeerResponseAction(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EapHostPeerResponseAction {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EapHostPeerResponseAction { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EapHostPeerResponseAction { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EapHostPeerResponseAction { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1322,19 +1179,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EapHostPeerResponseAction { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EapPeerMethodResponseAction(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EapPeerMethodResponseAction {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EapPeerMethodResponseAction { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EapPeerMethodResponseAction { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EapPeerMethodResponseAction { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1344,19 +1190,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EapPeerMethodResponseAction { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EapPeerMethodResultReason(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EapPeerMethodResultReason {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EapPeerMethodResultReason { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EapPeerMethodResultReason { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EapPeerMethodResultReason { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1366,19 +1201,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EapPeerMethodResultReason { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ISOLATION_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ISOLATION_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ISOLATION_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ISOLATION_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ISOLATION_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1388,19 +1212,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ISOLATION_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PPP_EAP_ACTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PPP_EAP_ACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PPP_EAP_ACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PPP_EAP_ACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PPP_EAP_ACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1410,19 +1223,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PPP_EAP_ACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RAS_AUTH_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/LicenseProtection/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/LicenseProtection/ index 46712914e2..31c601052f 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/LicenseProtection/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/LicenseProtection/ @@ -21,19 +21,8 @@ pub const LicenseKeyNotFound: LicenseProtectionStatus = LicenseProtectionStatus( pub const LicenseKeyUnprotected: LicenseProtectionStatus = LicenseProtectionStatus(2i32); pub const Success: LicenseProtectionStatus = LicenseProtectionStatus(0i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LicenseProtectionStatus(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LicenseProtectionStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LicenseProtectionStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LicenseProtectionStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LicenseProtectionStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/NetworkAccessProtection/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/NetworkAccessProtection/ index c68fa88915..1d97c0e468 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/NetworkAccessProtection/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/NetworkAccessProtection/ @@ -39,19 +39,8 @@ pub const tracingLevelBasic: NapTracingLevel = NapTracingLevel(1i32); pub const tracingLevelDebug: NapTracingLevel = NapTracingLevel(3i32); pub const tracingLevelUndefined: NapTracingLevel = NapTracingLevel(0i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ExtendedIsolationState(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ExtendedIsolationState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ExtendedIsolationState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ExtendedIsolationState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ExtendedIsolationState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -61,19 +50,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ExtendedIsolationState { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FailureCategory(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FailureCategory {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FailureCategory { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FailureCategory { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FailureCategory { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -83,19 +61,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FailureCategory { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FixupState(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FixupState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FixupState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FixupState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FixupState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -105,19 +72,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FixupState { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IsolationState(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IsolationState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IsolationState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IsolationState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IsolationState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -127,19 +83,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IsolationState { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NapNotifyType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NapNotifyType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NapNotifyType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NapNotifyType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NapNotifyType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -149,19 +94,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NapNotifyType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NapTracingLevel(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NapTracingLevel {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NapTracingLevel { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NapTracingLevel { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NapTracingLevel { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -171,19 +105,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NapTracingLevel { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RemoteConfigurationType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RemoteConfigurationType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RemoteConfigurationType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RemoteConfigurationType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RemoteConfigurationType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/Tpm/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/Tpm/ index 37c2b829cd..ab9be1994b 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/Tpm/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/Tpm/ @@ -299,19 +299,8 @@ pub const TPMVSC_ATTESTATION_NONE: TPMVSC_ATTESTATION_TYPE = TPMVSC_ATTESTATION_ pub const TPMVSC_DEFAULT_ADMIN_ALGORITHM_ID: u32 = 130u32; pub const TpmVirtualSmartCardManager: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0x16a18e86_7f6e_4c20_ad89_4ffc0db7a96a); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TPMVSCMGR_ERROR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TPMVSCMGR_ERROR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TPMVSCMGR_ERROR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TPMVSCMGR_ERROR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TPMVSCMGR_ERROR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -321,19 +310,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TPMVSCMGR_ERROR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TPMVSCMGR_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TPMVSCMGR_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TPMVSCMGR_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TPMVSCMGR_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TPMVSCMGR_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -343,19 +321,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TPMVSCMGR_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TPMVSC_ATTESTATION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TPMVSC_ATTESTATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TPMVSC_ATTESTATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TPMVSC_ATTESTATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TPMVSC_ATTESTATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/WinTrust/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/WinTrust/ index 8772546729..7286d32751 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/WinTrust/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/WinTrust/ @@ -359,19 +359,8 @@ pub const szOID_TRUSTED_CLIENT_AUTH_CA_LIST: ::windows_core::PCSTR = ::windows_c pub const szOID_TRUSTED_CODESIGNING_CA_LIST: ::windows_core::PCSTR = ::windows_core::s!(""); pub const szOID_TRUSTED_SERVER_AUTH_CA_LIST: ::windows_core::PCSTR = ::windows_core::s!(""); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WINTRUST_DATA_PROVIDER_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WINTRUST_DATA_PROVIDER_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WINTRUST_DATA_PROVIDER_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WINTRUST_DATA_PROVIDER_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WINTRUST_DATA_PROVIDER_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -414,19 +403,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for WINTRUST_DATA_PROVIDER_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WINTRUST_DATA_REVOCATION_CHECKS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WINTRUST_DATA_REVOCATION_CHECKS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WINTRUST_DATA_REVOCATION_CHECKS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WINTRUST_DATA_REVOCATION_CHECKS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WINTRUST_DATA_REVOCATION_CHECKS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -436,19 +414,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WINTRUST_DATA_REVOCATION_CHECKS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WINTRUST_DATA_STATE_ACTION(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WINTRUST_DATA_STATE_ACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WINTRUST_DATA_STATE_ACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WINTRUST_DATA_STATE_ACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WINTRUST_DATA_STATE_ACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -458,19 +425,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WINTRUST_DATA_STATE_ACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WINTRUST_DATA_UICHOICE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WINTRUST_DATA_UICHOICE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WINTRUST_DATA_UICHOICE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WINTRUST_DATA_UICHOICE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WINTRUST_DATA_UICHOICE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -480,19 +436,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WINTRUST_DATA_UICHOICE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WINTRUST_DATA_UICONTEXT(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WINTRUST_DATA_UICONTEXT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WINTRUST_DATA_UICONTEXT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WINTRUST_DATA_UICONTEXT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WINTRUST_DATA_UICONTEXT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -502,19 +447,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WINTRUST_DATA_UICONTEXT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WINTRUST_DATA_UNION_CHOICE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WINTRUST_DATA_UNION_CHOICE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WINTRUST_DATA_UNION_CHOICE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WINTRUST_DATA_UNION_CHOICE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WINTRUST_DATA_UNION_CHOICE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -524,19 +458,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WINTRUST_DATA_UNION_CHOICE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WINTRUST_GET_DEFAULT_FOR_USAGE_ACTION(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WINTRUST_GET_DEFAULT_FOR_USAGE_ACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WINTRUST_GET_DEFAULT_FOR_USAGE_ACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WINTRUST_GET_DEFAULT_FOR_USAGE_ACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WINTRUST_GET_DEFAULT_FOR_USAGE_ACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -546,19 +469,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WINTRUST_GET_DEFAULT_FOR_USAGE_ACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WINTRUST_POLICY_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WINTRUST_POLICY_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WINTRUST_POLICY_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WINTRUST_POLICY_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WINTRUST_POLICY_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -601,19 +513,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for WINTRUST_POLICY_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WINTRUST_SIGNATURE_SETTINGS_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WINTRUST_SIGNATURE_SETTINGS_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WINTRUST_SIGNATURE_SETTINGS_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WINTRUST_SIGNATURE_SETTINGS_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WINTRUST_SIGNATURE_SETTINGS_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/WinWlx/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/WinWlx/ index 59f7a5d9fd..01d0023514 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/WinWlx/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/WinWlx/ @@ -61,19 +61,8 @@ pub const WLX_VERSION_1_3: u32 = 65539u32; pub const WLX_VERSION_1_4: u32 = 65540u32; pub const WLX_WM_SAS: u32 = 1625u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WLX_SHUTDOWN_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WLX_SHUTDOWN_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WLX_SHUTDOWN_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WLX_SHUTDOWN_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WLX_SHUTDOWN_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/ index 2142caebac..502ff1f6a5 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Security/ @@ -1631,19 +1631,8 @@ pub const wszLPAREN: ::windows_core::PCWSTR = ::windows_core::w!("("); pub const wszRBRACE: ::windows_core::PCWSTR = ::windows_core::w!("}"); pub const wszRPAREN: ::windows_core::PCWSTR = ::windows_core::w!(")"); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ACE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ACE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ACE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ACE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ACE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1686,19 +1675,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for ACE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ACE_REVISION(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ACE_REVISION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ACE_REVISION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ACE_REVISION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ACE_REVISION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1708,19 +1686,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ACE_REVISION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ACL_INFORMATION_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ACL_INFORMATION_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ACL_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ACL_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ACL_INFORMATION_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1730,19 +1697,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ACL_INFORMATION_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AUDIT_EVENT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AUDIT_EVENT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AUDIT_EVENT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AUDIT_EVENT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AUDIT_EVENT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1752,19 +1708,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AUDIT_EVENT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLAIM_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLAIM_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLAIM_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLAIM_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLAIM_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1807,19 +1752,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CLAIM_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLAIM_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_TYPE(pub u16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLAIM_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLAIM_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLAIM_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLAIM_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1829,19 +1763,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLAIM_SECURITY_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CREATE_RESTRICTED_TOKEN_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CREATE_RESTRICTED_TOKEN_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CREATE_RESTRICTED_TOKEN_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CREATE_RESTRICTED_TOKEN_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CREATE_RESTRICTED_TOKEN_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1884,19 +1807,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CREATE_RESTRICTED_TOKEN_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ENUM_PERIOD(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ENUM_PERIOD {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ENUM_PERIOD { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ENUM_PERIOD { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ENUM_PERIOD { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1906,19 +1818,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ENUM_PERIOD { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LOGON32_LOGON(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LOGON32_LOGON {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LOGON32_LOGON { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LOGON32_LOGON { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LOGON32_LOGON { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1928,19 +1829,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for LOGON32_LOGON { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LOGON32_PROVIDER(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LOGON32_PROVIDER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LOGON32_PROVIDER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LOGON32_PROVIDER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LOGON32_PROVIDER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1950,19 +1840,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for LOGON32_PROVIDER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MANDATORY_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MANDATORY_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MANDATORY_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MANDATORY_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MANDATORY_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1972,19 +1851,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MANDATORY_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OBJECT_SECURITY_INFORMATION(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OBJECT_SECURITY_INFORMATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OBJECT_SECURITY_INFORMATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OBJECT_SECURITY_INFORMATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OBJECT_SECURITY_INFORMATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2027,19 +1895,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for OBJECT_SECURITY_INFORMATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SECURITY_AUTO_INHERIT_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SECURITY_AUTO_INHERIT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SECURITY_AUTO_INHERIT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SECURITY_AUTO_INHERIT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SECURITY_AUTO_INHERIT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2082,19 +1939,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SECURITY_AUTO_INHERIT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_CONTROL(pub u16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_CONTROL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_CONTROL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_CONTROL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_CONTROL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2137,19 +1983,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_CONTROL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2159,19 +1994,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SID_NAME_USE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SID_NAME_USE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SID_NAME_USE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SID_NAME_USE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SID_NAME_USE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2181,19 +2005,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SID_NAME_USE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYSTEM_AUDIT_OBJECT_ACE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYSTEM_AUDIT_OBJECT_ACE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYSTEM_AUDIT_OBJECT_ACE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYSTEM_AUDIT_OBJECT_ACE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYSTEM_AUDIT_OBJECT_ACE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2236,19 +2049,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SYSTEM_AUDIT_OBJECT_ACE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TOKEN_ACCESS_MASK(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TOKEN_ACCESS_MASK {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TOKEN_ACCESS_MASK { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TOKEN_ACCESS_MASK { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TOKEN_ACCESS_MASK { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2291,19 +2093,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for TOKEN_ACCESS_MASK { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TOKEN_ELEVATION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TOKEN_ELEVATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TOKEN_ELEVATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TOKEN_ELEVATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TOKEN_ELEVATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2313,19 +2104,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TOKEN_ELEVATION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2335,19 +2115,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TOKEN_MANDATORY_POLICY_ID(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TOKEN_MANDATORY_POLICY_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TOKEN_MANDATORY_POLICY_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TOKEN_MANDATORY_POLICY_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TOKEN_MANDATORY_POLICY_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2357,19 +2126,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TOKEN_MANDATORY_POLICY_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TOKEN_PRIVILEGES_ATTRIBUTES(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TOKEN_PRIVILEGES_ATTRIBUTES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TOKEN_PRIVILEGES_ATTRIBUTES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TOKEN_PRIVILEGES_ATTRIBUTES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TOKEN_PRIVILEGES_ATTRIBUTES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2412,19 +2170,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for TOKEN_PRIVILEGES_ATTRIBUTES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TOKEN_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TOKEN_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TOKEN_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TOKEN_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TOKEN_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2434,19 +2181,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TOKEN_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WELL_KNOWN_SID_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WELL_KNOWN_SID_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WELL_KNOWN_SID_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WELL_KNOWN_SID_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WELL_KNOWN_SID_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/Cabinets/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/Cabinets/ index 33acf4d068..151c66145c 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/Cabinets/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/Cabinets/ @@ -131,19 +131,8 @@ pub const tcompTYPE_MSZIP: u32 = 1u32; pub const tcompTYPE_NONE: u32 = 0u32; pub const tcompTYPE_QUANTUM: u32 = 2u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FCIERROR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FCIERROR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FCIERROR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FCIERROR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FCIERROR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -153,19 +142,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FCIERROR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FDICREATE_CPU_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FDICREATE_CPU_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FDICREATE_CPU_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FDICREATE_CPU_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FDICREATE_CPU_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -175,19 +153,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FDICREATE_CPU_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FDIDECRYPTTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FDIDECRYPTTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FDIDECRYPTTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FDIDECRYPTTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FDIDECRYPTTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -197,19 +164,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FDIDECRYPTTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FDIERROR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FDIERROR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FDIERROR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FDIERROR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FDIERROR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -219,19 +175,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FDIERROR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FDINOTIFICATIONTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FDINOTIFICATIONTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FDINOTIFICATIONTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FDINOTIFICATIONTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FDINOTIFICATIONTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/CloudFilters/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/CloudFilters/ index 3963037871..1e2d7ed17e 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/CloudFilters/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/CloudFilters/ @@ -500,19 +500,8 @@ pub const CF_UPDATE_FLAG_REMOVE_FILE_IDENTITY: CF_UPDATE_FLAGS = CF_UPDATE_FLAGS pub const CF_UPDATE_FLAG_REMOVE_PROPERTY: CF_UPDATE_FLAGS = CF_UPDATE_FLAGS(128i32); pub const CF_UPDATE_FLAG_VERIFY_IN_SYNC: CF_UPDATE_FLAGS = CF_UPDATE_FLAGS(1i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CF_CALLBACK_CANCEL_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CF_CALLBACK_CANCEL_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CF_CALLBACK_CANCEL_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CF_CALLBACK_CANCEL_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CF_CALLBACK_CANCEL_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -555,19 +544,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CF_CALLBACK_CANCEL_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CF_CALLBACK_CLOSE_COMPLETION_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CF_CALLBACK_CLOSE_COMPLETION_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CF_CALLBACK_CLOSE_COMPLETION_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CF_CALLBACK_CLOSE_COMPLETION_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CF_CALLBACK_CLOSE_COMPLETION_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -610,19 +588,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CF_CALLBACK_CLOSE_COMPLETION_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CF_CALLBACK_DEHYDRATE_COMPLETION_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CF_CALLBACK_DEHYDRATE_COMPLETION_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CF_CALLBACK_DEHYDRATE_COMPLETION_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CF_CALLBACK_DEHYDRATE_COMPLETION_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CF_CALLBACK_DEHYDRATE_COMPLETION_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -665,19 +632,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CF_CALLBACK_DEHYDRATE_COMPLETION_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CF_CALLBACK_DEHYDRATE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CF_CALLBACK_DEHYDRATE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CF_CALLBACK_DEHYDRATE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CF_CALLBACK_DEHYDRATE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CF_CALLBACK_DEHYDRATE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -720,19 +676,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CF_CALLBACK_DEHYDRATE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CF_CALLBACK_DEHYDRATION_REASON(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CF_CALLBACK_DEHYDRATION_REASON {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CF_CALLBACK_DEHYDRATION_REASON { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CF_CALLBACK_DEHYDRATION_REASON { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CF_CALLBACK_DEHYDRATION_REASON { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -742,19 +687,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CF_CALLBACK_DEHYDRATION_REASON { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CF_CALLBACK_DELETE_COMPLETION_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CF_CALLBACK_DELETE_COMPLETION_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CF_CALLBACK_DELETE_COMPLETION_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CF_CALLBACK_DELETE_COMPLETION_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CF_CALLBACK_DELETE_COMPLETION_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -797,19 +731,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CF_CALLBACK_DELETE_COMPLETION_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CF_CALLBACK_DELETE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CF_CALLBACK_DELETE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CF_CALLBACK_DELETE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CF_CALLBACK_DELETE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CF_CALLBACK_DELETE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -852,19 +775,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CF_CALLBACK_DELETE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CF_CALLBACK_FETCH_DATA_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CF_CALLBACK_FETCH_DATA_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CF_CALLBACK_FETCH_DATA_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CF_CALLBACK_FETCH_DATA_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CF_CALLBACK_FETCH_DATA_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -907,19 +819,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CF_CALLBACK_FETCH_DATA_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CF_CALLBACK_FETCH_PLACEHOLDERS_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CF_CALLBACK_FETCH_PLACEHOLDERS_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CF_CALLBACK_FETCH_PLACEHOLDERS_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CF_CALLBACK_FETCH_PLACEHOLDERS_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CF_CALLBACK_FETCH_PLACEHOLDERS_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -962,19 +863,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CF_CALLBACK_FETCH_PLACEHOLDERS_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CF_CALLBACK_OPEN_COMPLETION_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CF_CALLBACK_OPEN_COMPLETION_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CF_CALLBACK_OPEN_COMPLETION_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CF_CALLBACK_OPEN_COMPLETION_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CF_CALLBACK_OPEN_COMPLETION_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1017,19 +907,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CF_CALLBACK_OPEN_COMPLETION_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CF_CALLBACK_RENAME_COMPLETION_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CF_CALLBACK_RENAME_COMPLETION_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CF_CALLBACK_RENAME_COMPLETION_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CF_CALLBACK_RENAME_COMPLETION_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CF_CALLBACK_RENAME_COMPLETION_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1072,19 +951,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CF_CALLBACK_RENAME_COMPLETION_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CF_CALLBACK_RENAME_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CF_CALLBACK_RENAME_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CF_CALLBACK_RENAME_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CF_CALLBACK_RENAME_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CF_CALLBACK_RENAME_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1127,19 +995,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CF_CALLBACK_RENAME_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CF_CALLBACK_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CF_CALLBACK_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CF_CALLBACK_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CF_CALLBACK_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CF_CALLBACK_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1149,19 +1006,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CF_CALLBACK_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CF_CALLBACK_VALIDATE_DATA_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CF_CALLBACK_VALIDATE_DATA_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CF_CALLBACK_VALIDATE_DATA_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CF_CALLBACK_VALIDATE_DATA_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CF_CALLBACK_VALIDATE_DATA_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1204,19 +1050,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CF_CALLBACK_VALIDATE_DATA_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CF_CONNECT_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CF_CONNECT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CF_CONNECT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CF_CONNECT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CF_CONNECT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1259,19 +1094,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CF_CONNECT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CF_CONVERT_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CF_CONVERT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CF_CONVERT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CF_CONVERT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CF_CONVERT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1314,19 +1138,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CF_CONVERT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CF_CREATE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CF_CREATE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CF_CREATE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CF_CREATE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CF_CREATE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1369,19 +1182,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CF_CREATE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CF_DEHYDRATE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CF_DEHYDRATE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CF_DEHYDRATE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CF_DEHYDRATE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CF_DEHYDRATE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1424,19 +1226,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CF_DEHYDRATE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CF_HARDLINK_POLICY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CF_HARDLINK_POLICY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CF_HARDLINK_POLICY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CF_HARDLINK_POLICY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CF_HARDLINK_POLICY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1479,19 +1270,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CF_HARDLINK_POLICY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CF_HYDRATE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CF_HYDRATE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CF_HYDRATE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CF_HYDRATE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CF_HYDRATE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1534,19 +1314,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CF_HYDRATE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CF_HYDRATION_POLICY_MODIFIER(pub u16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CF_HYDRATION_POLICY_MODIFIER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CF_HYDRATION_POLICY_MODIFIER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CF_HYDRATION_POLICY_MODIFIER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CF_HYDRATION_POLICY_MODIFIER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1589,19 +1358,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CF_HYDRATION_POLICY_MODIFIER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CF_HYDRATION_POLICY_PRIMARY(pub u16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CF_HYDRATION_POLICY_PRIMARY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CF_HYDRATION_POLICY_PRIMARY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CF_HYDRATION_POLICY_PRIMARY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CF_HYDRATION_POLICY_PRIMARY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1611,19 +1369,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CF_HYDRATION_POLICY_PRIMARY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CF_INSYNC_POLICY(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CF_INSYNC_POLICY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CF_INSYNC_POLICY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CF_INSYNC_POLICY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CF_INSYNC_POLICY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1666,19 +1413,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CF_INSYNC_POLICY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CF_IN_SYNC_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CF_IN_SYNC_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CF_IN_SYNC_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CF_IN_SYNC_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CF_IN_SYNC_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1688,19 +1424,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CF_IN_SYNC_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CF_OPEN_FILE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CF_OPEN_FILE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CF_OPEN_FILE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CF_OPEN_FILE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CF_OPEN_FILE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1743,19 +1468,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CF_OPEN_FILE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CF_OPERATION_ACK_DATA_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CF_OPERATION_ACK_DATA_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CF_OPERATION_ACK_DATA_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CF_OPERATION_ACK_DATA_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CF_OPERATION_ACK_DATA_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1798,19 +1512,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CF_OPERATION_ACK_DATA_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CF_OPERATION_ACK_DEHYDRATE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CF_OPERATION_ACK_DEHYDRATE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CF_OPERATION_ACK_DEHYDRATE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CF_OPERATION_ACK_DEHYDRATE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CF_OPERATION_ACK_DEHYDRATE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1853,19 +1556,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CF_OPERATION_ACK_DEHYDRATE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CF_OPERATION_ACK_DELETE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CF_OPERATION_ACK_DELETE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CF_OPERATION_ACK_DELETE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CF_OPERATION_ACK_DELETE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CF_OPERATION_ACK_DELETE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1908,19 +1600,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CF_OPERATION_ACK_DELETE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CF_OPERATION_ACK_RENAME_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CF_OPERATION_ACK_RENAME_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CF_OPERATION_ACK_RENAME_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CF_OPERATION_ACK_RENAME_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CF_OPERATION_ACK_RENAME_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1963,19 +1644,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CF_OPERATION_ACK_RENAME_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CF_OPERATION_RESTART_HYDRATION_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CF_OPERATION_RESTART_HYDRATION_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CF_OPERATION_RESTART_HYDRATION_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CF_OPERATION_RESTART_HYDRATION_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CF_OPERATION_RESTART_HYDRATION_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2018,19 +1688,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CF_OPERATION_RESTART_HYDRATION_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CF_OPERATION_RETRIEVE_DATA_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CF_OPERATION_RETRIEVE_DATA_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CF_OPERATION_RETRIEVE_DATA_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CF_OPERATION_RETRIEVE_DATA_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CF_OPERATION_RETRIEVE_DATA_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2073,19 +1732,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CF_OPERATION_RETRIEVE_DATA_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CF_OPERATION_TRANSFER_DATA_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CF_OPERATION_TRANSFER_DATA_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CF_OPERATION_TRANSFER_DATA_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CF_OPERATION_TRANSFER_DATA_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CF_OPERATION_TRANSFER_DATA_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2128,19 +1776,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CF_OPERATION_TRANSFER_DATA_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CF_OPERATION_TRANSFER_PLACEHOLDERS_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CF_OPERATION_TRANSFER_PLACEHOLDERS_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CF_OPERATION_TRANSFER_PLACEHOLDERS_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CF_OPERATION_TRANSFER_PLACEHOLDERS_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CF_OPERATION_TRANSFER_PLACEHOLDERS_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2183,19 +1820,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CF_OPERATION_TRANSFER_PLACEHOLDERS_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CF_OPERATION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CF_OPERATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CF_OPERATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CF_OPERATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CF_OPERATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2205,19 +1831,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CF_OPERATION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CF_PIN_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CF_PIN_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CF_PIN_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CF_PIN_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CF_PIN_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2227,19 +1842,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CF_PIN_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CF_PLACEHOLDER_CREATE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CF_PLACEHOLDER_CREATE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CF_PLACEHOLDER_CREATE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CF_PLACEHOLDER_CREATE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CF_PLACEHOLDER_CREATE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2282,19 +1886,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CF_PLACEHOLDER_CREATE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CF_PLACEHOLDER_INFO_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CF_PLACEHOLDER_INFO_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CF_PLACEHOLDER_INFO_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CF_PLACEHOLDER_INFO_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CF_PLACEHOLDER_INFO_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2304,19 +1897,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CF_PLACEHOLDER_INFO_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CF_PLACEHOLDER_MANAGEMENT_POLICY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CF_PLACEHOLDER_MANAGEMENT_POLICY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CF_PLACEHOLDER_MANAGEMENT_POLICY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CF_PLACEHOLDER_MANAGEMENT_POLICY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CF_PLACEHOLDER_MANAGEMENT_POLICY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2326,19 +1908,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CF_PLACEHOLDER_MANAGEMENT_POLICY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CF_PLACEHOLDER_RANGE_INFO_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CF_PLACEHOLDER_RANGE_INFO_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CF_PLACEHOLDER_RANGE_INFO_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CF_PLACEHOLDER_RANGE_INFO_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CF_PLACEHOLDER_RANGE_INFO_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2348,19 +1919,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CF_PLACEHOLDER_RANGE_INFO_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CF_PLACEHOLDER_STATE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CF_PLACEHOLDER_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CF_PLACEHOLDER_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CF_PLACEHOLDER_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CF_PLACEHOLDER_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2403,19 +1963,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CF_PLACEHOLDER_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CF_POPULATION_POLICY_MODIFIER(pub u16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CF_POPULATION_POLICY_MODIFIER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CF_POPULATION_POLICY_MODIFIER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CF_POPULATION_POLICY_MODIFIER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CF_POPULATION_POLICY_MODIFIER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2458,19 +2007,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CF_POPULATION_POLICY_MODIFIER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CF_POPULATION_POLICY_PRIMARY(pub u16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CF_POPULATION_POLICY_PRIMARY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CF_POPULATION_POLICY_PRIMARY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CF_POPULATION_POLICY_PRIMARY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CF_POPULATION_POLICY_PRIMARY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2480,19 +2018,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CF_POPULATION_POLICY_PRIMARY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CF_REGISTER_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CF_REGISTER_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CF_REGISTER_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CF_REGISTER_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CF_REGISTER_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2535,19 +2062,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CF_REGISTER_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CF_REVERT_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CF_REVERT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CF_REVERT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CF_REVERT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CF_REVERT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2590,19 +2106,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CF_REVERT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CF_SET_IN_SYNC_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CF_SET_IN_SYNC_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CF_SET_IN_SYNC_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CF_SET_IN_SYNC_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CF_SET_IN_SYNC_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2645,19 +2150,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CF_SET_IN_SYNC_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CF_SET_PIN_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CF_SET_PIN_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CF_SET_PIN_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CF_SET_PIN_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CF_SET_PIN_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2700,19 +2194,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CF_SET_PIN_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CF_SYNC_PROVIDER_STATUS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CF_SYNC_PROVIDER_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CF_SYNC_PROVIDER_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CF_SYNC_PROVIDER_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CF_SYNC_PROVIDER_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2755,19 +2238,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CF_SYNC_PROVIDER_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CF_SYNC_ROOT_INFO_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CF_SYNC_ROOT_INFO_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CF_SYNC_ROOT_INFO_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CF_SYNC_ROOT_INFO_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CF_SYNC_ROOT_INFO_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2777,19 +2249,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CF_SYNC_ROOT_INFO_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CF_UPDATE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CF_UPDATE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CF_UPDATE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CF_UPDATE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CF_UPDATE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/Compression/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/Compression/ index a3d92d16c2..9140e429af 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/Compression/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/Compression/ @@ -85,19 +85,8 @@ pub const COMPRESS_INFORMATION_CLASS_INVALID: COMPRESS_INFORMATION_CLASS = COMPR pub const COMPRESS_INFORMATION_CLASS_LEVEL: COMPRESS_INFORMATION_CLASS = COMPRESS_INFORMATION_CLASS(2i32); pub const COMPRESS_RAW: u32 = 536870912u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COMPRESS_ALGORITHM(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COMPRESS_ALGORITHM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COMPRESS_ALGORITHM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COMPRESS_ALGORITHM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COMPRESS_ALGORITHM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -107,19 +96,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COMPRESS_ALGORITHM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COMPRESS_INFORMATION_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COMPRESS_INFORMATION_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COMPRESS_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COMPRESS_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COMPRESS_INFORMATION_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/DataDeduplication/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/DataDeduplication/ index c1ef314f51..4f2679ff8a 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/DataDeduplication/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/DataDeduplication/ @@ -290,19 +290,8 @@ pub const DedupDataPortVolumeStatus_Unknown: DedupDataPortVolumeStatus = DedupDa pub const DedupHashingAlgorithm_Unknonwn: DedupHashingAlgorithm = DedupHashingAlgorithm(0i32); pub const DedupHashingAlgorithm_V1: DedupHashingAlgorithm = DedupHashingAlgorithm(1i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEDUP_BACKUP_SUPPORT_PARAM_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEDUP_BACKUP_SUPPORT_PARAM_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEDUP_BACKUP_SUPPORT_PARAM_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEDUP_BACKUP_SUPPORT_PARAM_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEDUP_BACKUP_SUPPORT_PARAM_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -312,19 +301,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEDUP_BACKUP_SUPPORT_PARAM_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEDUP_SET_PARAM_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEDUP_SET_PARAM_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEDUP_SET_PARAM_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEDUP_SET_PARAM_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEDUP_SET_PARAM_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -334,19 +312,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEDUP_SET_PARAM_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DedupChunkFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DedupChunkFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DedupChunkFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DedupChunkFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DedupChunkFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -356,19 +323,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DedupChunkFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DedupChunkingAlgorithm(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DedupChunkingAlgorithm {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DedupChunkingAlgorithm { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DedupChunkingAlgorithm { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DedupChunkingAlgorithm { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -378,19 +334,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DedupChunkingAlgorithm { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DedupCompressionAlgorithm(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DedupCompressionAlgorithm {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DedupCompressionAlgorithm { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DedupCompressionAlgorithm { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DedupCompressionAlgorithm { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -400,19 +345,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DedupCompressionAlgorithm { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DedupDataPortManagerOption(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DedupDataPortManagerOption {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DedupDataPortManagerOption { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DedupDataPortManagerOption { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DedupDataPortManagerOption { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -422,19 +356,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DedupDataPortManagerOption { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DedupDataPortRequestStatus(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DedupDataPortRequestStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DedupDataPortRequestStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DedupDataPortRequestStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DedupDataPortRequestStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -444,19 +367,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DedupDataPortRequestStatus { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DedupDataPortVolumeStatus(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DedupDataPortVolumeStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DedupDataPortVolumeStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DedupDataPortVolumeStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DedupDataPortVolumeStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -466,19 +378,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DedupDataPortVolumeStatus { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DedupHashingAlgorithm(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DedupHashingAlgorithm {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DedupHashingAlgorithm { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DedupHashingAlgorithm { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DedupHashingAlgorithm { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/DistributedFileSystem/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/DistributedFileSystem/ index 1c727fa093..eee3551989 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/DistributedFileSystem/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/DistributedFileSystem/ @@ -260,19 +260,8 @@ pub const NET_DFS_SETDC_FLAGS: u32 = 0u32; pub const NET_DFS_SETDC_INITPKT: u32 = 2u32; pub const NET_DFS_SETDC_TIMEOUT: u32 = 1u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DFS_NAMESPACE_VERSION_ORIGIN(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DFS_NAMESPACE_VERSION_ORIGIN {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DFS_NAMESPACE_VERSION_ORIGIN { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DFS_NAMESPACE_VERSION_ORIGIN { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DFS_NAMESPACE_VERSION_ORIGIN { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -282,19 +271,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DFS_NAMESPACE_VERSION_ORIGIN { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DFS_TARGET_PRIORITY_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DFS_TARGET_PRIORITY_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DFS_TARGET_PRIORITY_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DFS_TARGET_PRIORITY_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DFS_TARGET_PRIORITY_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/EnhancedStorage/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/EnhancedStorage/ index fd335f3859..2cbdd842a9 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/EnhancedStorage/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/EnhancedStorage/ @@ -3850,19 +3850,8 @@ pub const SYNC_STATE_SYNCING: u32 = 5u32; pub const SYNC_STATE_SYNCNOTRUN: u32 = 1u32; pub const WPD_CATEGORY_ENHANCED_STORAGE: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0x91248166_b832_4ad4_baa4_7ca0b6b2798c); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ACT_AUTHORIZATION_STATE_VALUE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ACT_AUTHORIZATION_STATE_VALUE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ACT_AUTHORIZATION_STATE_VALUE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ACT_AUTHORIZATION_STATE_VALUE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ACT_AUTHORIZATION_STATE_VALUE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/FileHistory/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/FileHistory/ index aa388d293b..67c6eb802f 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/FileHistory/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/FileHistory/ @@ -351,19 +351,8 @@ pub const MAX_RETENTION_TYPE: FH_RETENTION_TYPES = FH_RETENTION_TYPES(3i32); pub const MAX_TARGET_PROPERTY: FH_TARGET_PROPERTY_TYPE = FH_TARGET_PROPERTY_TYPE(3i32); pub const MAX_VALIDATION_RESULT: FH_DEVICE_VALIDATION_RESULT = FH_DEVICE_VALIDATION_RESULT(7i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FH_BACKUP_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FH_BACKUP_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FH_BACKUP_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FH_BACKUP_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FH_BACKUP_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -373,19 +362,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FH_BACKUP_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FH_DEVICE_VALIDATION_RESULT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FH_DEVICE_VALIDATION_RESULT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FH_DEVICE_VALIDATION_RESULT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FH_DEVICE_VALIDATION_RESULT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FH_DEVICE_VALIDATION_RESULT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -395,19 +373,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FH_DEVICE_VALIDATION_RESULT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FH_LOCAL_POLICY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FH_LOCAL_POLICY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FH_LOCAL_POLICY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FH_LOCAL_POLICY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FH_LOCAL_POLICY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -417,19 +384,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FH_LOCAL_POLICY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FH_PROTECTED_ITEM_CATEGORY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FH_PROTECTED_ITEM_CATEGORY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FH_PROTECTED_ITEM_CATEGORY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FH_PROTECTED_ITEM_CATEGORY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FH_PROTECTED_ITEM_CATEGORY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -439,19 +395,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FH_PROTECTED_ITEM_CATEGORY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FH_RETENTION_TYPES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FH_RETENTION_TYPES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FH_RETENTION_TYPES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FH_RETENTION_TYPES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FH_RETENTION_TYPES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -461,19 +406,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FH_RETENTION_TYPES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FH_TARGET_DRIVE_TYPES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FH_TARGET_DRIVE_TYPES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FH_TARGET_DRIVE_TYPES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FH_TARGET_DRIVE_TYPES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FH_TARGET_DRIVE_TYPES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -483,19 +417,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FH_TARGET_DRIVE_TYPES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FH_TARGET_PROPERTY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FH_TARGET_PROPERTY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FH_TARGET_PROPERTY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FH_TARGET_PROPERTY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FH_TARGET_PROPERTY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -505,19 +428,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FH_TARGET_PROPERTY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FhBackupStopReason(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FhBackupStopReason {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FhBackupStopReason { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FhBackupStopReason { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FhBackupStopReason { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/FileServerResourceManager/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/FileServerResourceManager/ index 917c5c1b00..658c317dfc 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/FileServerResourceManager/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/FileServerResourceManager/ @@ -6891,19 +6891,8 @@ pub const FsrmTemplateApplyOptions_ApplyToDerivedAll: FsrmTemplateApplyOptions = pub const FsrmTemplateApplyOptions_ApplyToDerivedMatching: FsrmTemplateApplyOptions = FsrmTemplateApplyOptions(1i32); pub const MessageSizeLimit: u32 = 4096u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AdrClientDisplayFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AdrClientDisplayFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AdrClientDisplayFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AdrClientDisplayFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AdrClientDisplayFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6913,19 +6902,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AdrClientDisplayFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AdrClientErrorType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AdrClientErrorType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AdrClientErrorType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AdrClientErrorType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AdrClientErrorType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6935,19 +6913,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AdrClientErrorType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AdrClientFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AdrClientFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AdrClientFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AdrClientFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AdrClientFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6957,19 +6924,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AdrClientFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AdrEmailFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AdrEmailFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AdrEmailFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AdrEmailFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AdrEmailFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6979,19 +6935,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AdrEmailFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FsrmAccountType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FsrmAccountType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FsrmAccountType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FsrmAccountType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FsrmAccountType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7001,19 +6946,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FsrmAccountType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FsrmActionType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FsrmActionType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FsrmActionType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FsrmActionType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FsrmActionType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7023,19 +6957,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FsrmActionType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FsrmClassificationLoggingFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FsrmClassificationLoggingFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FsrmClassificationLoggingFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FsrmClassificationLoggingFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FsrmClassificationLoggingFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7045,19 +6968,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FsrmClassificationLoggingFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FsrmCollectionState(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FsrmCollectionState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FsrmCollectionState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FsrmCollectionState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FsrmCollectionState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7067,19 +6979,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FsrmCollectionState { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FsrmCommitOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FsrmCommitOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FsrmCommitOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FsrmCommitOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FsrmCommitOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7089,19 +6990,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FsrmCommitOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FsrmEnumOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FsrmEnumOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FsrmEnumOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FsrmEnumOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FsrmEnumOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7111,19 +7001,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FsrmEnumOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FsrmEventType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FsrmEventType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FsrmEventType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FsrmEventType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FsrmEventType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7133,19 +7012,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FsrmEventType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FsrmExecutionOption(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FsrmExecutionOption {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FsrmExecutionOption { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FsrmExecutionOption { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FsrmExecutionOption { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7155,19 +7023,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FsrmExecutionOption { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FsrmFileConditionType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FsrmFileConditionType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FsrmFileConditionType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FsrmFileConditionType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FsrmFileConditionType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7177,19 +7034,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FsrmFileConditionType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FsrmFileManagementLoggingFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FsrmFileManagementLoggingFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FsrmFileManagementLoggingFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FsrmFileManagementLoggingFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FsrmFileManagementLoggingFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7199,19 +7045,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FsrmFileManagementLoggingFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FsrmFileManagementType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FsrmFileManagementType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FsrmFileManagementType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FsrmFileManagementType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FsrmFileManagementType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7221,19 +7056,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FsrmFileManagementType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FsrmFileScreenFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FsrmFileScreenFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FsrmFileScreenFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FsrmFileScreenFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FsrmFileScreenFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7243,19 +7067,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FsrmFileScreenFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FsrmFileStreamingInterfaceType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FsrmFileStreamingInterfaceType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FsrmFileStreamingInterfaceType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FsrmFileStreamingInterfaceType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FsrmFileStreamingInterfaceType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7265,19 +7078,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FsrmFileStreamingInterfaceType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FsrmFileStreamingMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FsrmFileStreamingMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FsrmFileStreamingMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FsrmFileStreamingMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FsrmFileStreamingMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7287,19 +7089,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FsrmFileStreamingMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FsrmFileSystemPropertyId(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FsrmFileSystemPropertyId {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FsrmFileSystemPropertyId { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FsrmFileSystemPropertyId { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FsrmFileSystemPropertyId { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7309,19 +7100,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FsrmFileSystemPropertyId { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FsrmGetFilePropertyOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FsrmGetFilePropertyOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FsrmGetFilePropertyOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FsrmGetFilePropertyOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FsrmGetFilePropertyOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7331,19 +7111,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FsrmGetFilePropertyOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FsrmPipelineModuleType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FsrmPipelineModuleType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FsrmPipelineModuleType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FsrmPipelineModuleType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FsrmPipelineModuleType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7353,19 +7122,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FsrmPipelineModuleType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FsrmPropertyBagField(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FsrmPropertyBagField {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FsrmPropertyBagField { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FsrmPropertyBagField { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FsrmPropertyBagField { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7375,19 +7133,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FsrmPropertyBagField { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FsrmPropertyBagFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FsrmPropertyBagFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FsrmPropertyBagFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FsrmPropertyBagFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FsrmPropertyBagFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7397,19 +7144,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FsrmPropertyBagFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FsrmPropertyConditionType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FsrmPropertyConditionType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FsrmPropertyConditionType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FsrmPropertyConditionType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FsrmPropertyConditionType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7419,19 +7155,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FsrmPropertyConditionType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FsrmPropertyDefinitionAppliesTo(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FsrmPropertyDefinitionAppliesTo {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FsrmPropertyDefinitionAppliesTo { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FsrmPropertyDefinitionAppliesTo { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FsrmPropertyDefinitionAppliesTo { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7441,19 +7166,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FsrmPropertyDefinitionAppliesTo { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FsrmPropertyDefinitionFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FsrmPropertyDefinitionFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FsrmPropertyDefinitionFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FsrmPropertyDefinitionFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FsrmPropertyDefinitionFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7463,19 +7177,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FsrmPropertyDefinitionFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FsrmPropertyDefinitionType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FsrmPropertyDefinitionType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FsrmPropertyDefinitionType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FsrmPropertyDefinitionType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FsrmPropertyDefinitionType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7485,19 +7188,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FsrmPropertyDefinitionType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FsrmPropertyFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FsrmPropertyFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FsrmPropertyFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FsrmPropertyFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FsrmPropertyFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7507,19 +7199,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FsrmPropertyFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FsrmPropertyValueType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FsrmPropertyValueType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FsrmPropertyValueType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FsrmPropertyValueType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FsrmPropertyValueType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7529,19 +7210,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FsrmPropertyValueType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FsrmQuotaFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FsrmQuotaFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FsrmQuotaFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FsrmQuotaFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FsrmQuotaFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7551,19 +7221,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FsrmQuotaFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FsrmReportFilter(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FsrmReportFilter {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FsrmReportFilter { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FsrmReportFilter { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FsrmReportFilter { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7573,19 +7232,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FsrmReportFilter { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FsrmReportFormat(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FsrmReportFormat {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FsrmReportFormat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FsrmReportFormat { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FsrmReportFormat { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7595,19 +7243,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FsrmReportFormat { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FsrmReportGenerationContext(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FsrmReportGenerationContext {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FsrmReportGenerationContext { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FsrmReportGenerationContext { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FsrmReportGenerationContext { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7617,19 +7254,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FsrmReportGenerationContext { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FsrmReportLimit(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FsrmReportLimit {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FsrmReportLimit { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FsrmReportLimit { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FsrmReportLimit { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7639,19 +7265,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FsrmReportLimit { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FsrmReportRunningStatus(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FsrmReportRunningStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FsrmReportRunningStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FsrmReportRunningStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FsrmReportRunningStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7661,19 +7276,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FsrmReportRunningStatus { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FsrmReportType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FsrmReportType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FsrmReportType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FsrmReportType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FsrmReportType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7683,19 +7287,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FsrmReportType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FsrmRuleFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FsrmRuleFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FsrmRuleFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FsrmRuleFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FsrmRuleFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7705,19 +7298,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FsrmRuleFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FsrmRuleType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FsrmRuleType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FsrmRuleType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FsrmRuleType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FsrmRuleType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7727,19 +7309,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FsrmRuleType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FsrmStorageModuleCaps(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FsrmStorageModuleCaps {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FsrmStorageModuleCaps { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FsrmStorageModuleCaps { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FsrmStorageModuleCaps { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7749,19 +7320,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FsrmStorageModuleCaps { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FsrmStorageModuleType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FsrmStorageModuleType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FsrmStorageModuleType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FsrmStorageModuleType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FsrmStorageModuleType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7771,19 +7331,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FsrmStorageModuleType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FsrmTemplateApplyOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FsrmTemplateApplyOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FsrmTemplateApplyOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FsrmTemplateApplyOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FsrmTemplateApplyOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/FileSystem/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/FileSystem/ index edc50d6887..1c9b13079f 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/FileSystem/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/FileSystem/ @@ -4704,19 +4704,8 @@ pub const WRITE_DAC: FILE_ACCESS_RIGHTS = FILE_ACCESS_RIGHTS(262144u32); pub const WRITE_OWNER: FILE_ACCESS_RIGHTS = FILE_ACCESS_RIGHTS(524288u32); pub const _FT_TYPES_DEFINITION_: u32 = 1u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLFS_CONTEXT_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLFS_CONTEXT_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLFS_CONTEXT_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLFS_CONTEXT_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLFS_CONTEXT_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4726,19 +4715,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLFS_CONTEXT_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLFS_FLAG(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLFS_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLFS_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLFS_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLFS_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4781,19 +4759,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CLFS_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLFS_IOSTATS_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLFS_IOSTATS_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLFS_IOSTATS_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLFS_IOSTATS_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLFS_IOSTATS_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4803,19 +4770,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLFS_IOSTATS_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLFS_LOG_ARCHIVE_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLFS_LOG_ARCHIVE_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLFS_LOG_ARCHIVE_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLFS_LOG_ARCHIVE_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLFS_LOG_ARCHIVE_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4825,19 +4781,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLFS_LOG_ARCHIVE_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLFS_MGMT_NOTIFICATION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLFS_MGMT_NOTIFICATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLFS_MGMT_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLFS_MGMT_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLFS_MGMT_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4847,19 +4792,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLFS_MGMT_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLFS_MGMT_POLICY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLFS_MGMT_POLICY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLFS_MGMT_POLICY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLFS_MGMT_POLICY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLFS_MGMT_POLICY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4869,19 +4803,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLFS_MGMT_POLICY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLS_CONTEXT_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLS_CONTEXT_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLS_CONTEXT_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLS_CONTEXT_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLS_CONTEXT_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4891,19 +4814,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLS_CONTEXT_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLS_IOSTATS_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLS_IOSTATS_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLS_IOSTATS_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLS_IOSTATS_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLS_IOSTATS_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4913,19 +4825,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLS_IOSTATS_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLS_LOG_INFORMATION_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLS_LOG_INFORMATION_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLS_LOG_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLS_LOG_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLS_LOG_INFORMATION_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4935,19 +4836,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLS_LOG_INFORMATION_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COMPRESSION_FORMAT(pub u16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COMPRESSION_FORMAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COMPRESSION_FORMAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COMPRESSION_FORMAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COMPRESSION_FORMAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4957,19 +4847,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COMPRESSION_FORMAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COPYFILE2_COPY_PHASE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COPYFILE2_COPY_PHASE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COPYFILE2_COPY_PHASE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COPYFILE2_COPY_PHASE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COPYFILE2_COPY_PHASE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4979,19 +4858,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COPYFILE2_COPY_PHASE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COPYFILE2_MESSAGE_ACTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COPYFILE2_MESSAGE_ACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COPYFILE2_MESSAGE_ACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COPYFILE2_MESSAGE_ACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COPYFILE2_MESSAGE_ACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5001,19 +4869,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COPYFILE2_MESSAGE_ACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COPYFILE2_MESSAGE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COPYFILE2_MESSAGE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COPYFILE2_MESSAGE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COPYFILE2_MESSAGE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COPYFILE2_MESSAGE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5023,19 +4880,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COPYFILE2_MESSAGE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CREATE_TAPE_PARTITION_METHOD(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CREATE_TAPE_PARTITION_METHOD {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CREATE_TAPE_PARTITION_METHOD { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CREATE_TAPE_PARTITION_METHOD { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CREATE_TAPE_PARTITION_METHOD { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5045,19 +4891,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CREATE_TAPE_PARTITION_METHOD { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEFINE_DOS_DEVICE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEFINE_DOS_DEVICE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEFINE_DOS_DEVICE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEFINE_DOS_DEVICE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEFINE_DOS_DEVICE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5100,19 +4935,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DEFINE_DOS_DEVICE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISKQUOTA_USERNAME_RESOLVE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISKQUOTA_USERNAME_RESOLVE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISKQUOTA_USERNAME_RESOLVE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISKQUOTA_USERNAME_RESOLVE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISKQUOTA_USERNAME_RESOLVE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5122,19 +4946,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISKQUOTA_USERNAME_RESOLVE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ERASE_TAPE_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ERASE_TAPE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ERASE_TAPE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ERASE_TAPE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ERASE_TAPE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5144,19 +4957,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ERASE_TAPE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FILE_ACCESS_RIGHTS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FILE_ACCESS_RIGHTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FILE_ACCESS_RIGHTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FILE_ACCESS_RIGHTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FILE_ACCESS_RIGHTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5199,19 +5001,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for FILE_ACCESS_RIGHTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FILE_ACTION(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FILE_ACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FILE_ACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FILE_ACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FILE_ACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5221,19 +5012,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FILE_ACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FILE_CREATION_DISPOSITION(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FILE_CREATION_DISPOSITION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FILE_CREATION_DISPOSITION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FILE_CREATION_DISPOSITION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FILE_CREATION_DISPOSITION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5243,19 +5023,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FILE_CREATION_DISPOSITION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FILE_DEVICE_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FILE_DEVICE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FILE_DEVICE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FILE_DEVICE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FILE_DEVICE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5265,19 +5034,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FILE_DEVICE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FILE_DISPOSITION_INFO_EX_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FILE_DISPOSITION_INFO_EX_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FILE_DISPOSITION_INFO_EX_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FILE_DISPOSITION_INFO_EX_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FILE_DISPOSITION_INFO_EX_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5287,19 +5045,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FILE_DISPOSITION_INFO_EX_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FILE_FLAGS_AND_ATTRIBUTES(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FILE_FLAGS_AND_ATTRIBUTES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FILE_FLAGS_AND_ATTRIBUTES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FILE_FLAGS_AND_ATTRIBUTES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FILE_FLAGS_AND_ATTRIBUTES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5342,19 +5089,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for FILE_FLAGS_AND_ATTRIBUTES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FILE_FLUSH_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FILE_FLUSH_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FILE_FLUSH_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FILE_FLUSH_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FILE_FLUSH_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5364,19 +5100,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FILE_FLUSH_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FILE_ID_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FILE_ID_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FILE_ID_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FILE_ID_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FILE_ID_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5386,19 +5111,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FILE_ID_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FILE_INFO_BY_HANDLE_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FILE_INFO_BY_HANDLE_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FILE_INFO_BY_HANDLE_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FILE_INFO_BY_HANDLE_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FILE_INFO_BY_HANDLE_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5408,19 +5122,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FILE_INFO_BY_HANDLE_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FILE_INFO_FLAGS_PERMISSIONS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FILE_INFO_FLAGS_PERMISSIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FILE_INFO_FLAGS_PERMISSIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FILE_INFO_FLAGS_PERMISSIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FILE_INFO_FLAGS_PERMISSIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5463,19 +5166,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for FILE_INFO_FLAGS_PERMISSIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5518,19 +5210,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FILE_SHARE_MODE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FILE_SHARE_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FILE_SHARE_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FILE_SHARE_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FILE_SHARE_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5573,19 +5254,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for FILE_SHARE_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FILE_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FILE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FILE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FILE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FILE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5595,19 +5265,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FILE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FILE_WRITE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FILE_WRITE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FILE_WRITE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FILE_WRITE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FILE_WRITE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5650,19 +5309,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for FILE_WRITE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FINDEX_INFO_LEVELS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FINDEX_INFO_LEVELS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FINDEX_INFO_LEVELS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FINDEX_INFO_LEVELS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FINDEX_INFO_LEVELS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5672,19 +5320,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FINDEX_INFO_LEVELS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FINDEX_SEARCH_OPS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FINDEX_SEARCH_OPS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FINDEX_SEARCH_OPS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FINDEX_SEARCH_OPS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FINDEX_SEARCH_OPS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5694,19 +5331,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FINDEX_SEARCH_OPS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FIND_FIRST_EX_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FIND_FIRST_EX_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FIND_FIRST_EX_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FIND_FIRST_EX_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FIND_FIRST_EX_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5749,19 +5375,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for FIND_FIRST_EX_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GETFINALPATHNAMEBYHANDLE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GETFINALPATHNAMEBYHANDLE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GETFINALPATHNAMEBYHANDLE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GETFINALPATHNAMEBYHANDLE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GETFINALPATHNAMEBYHANDLE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5771,19 +5386,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GETFINALPATHNAMEBYHANDLE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GET_FILEEX_INFO_LEVELS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GET_FILEEX_INFO_LEVELS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GET_FILEEX_INFO_LEVELS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GET_FILEEX_INFO_LEVELS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GET_FILEEX_INFO_LEVELS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5793,19 +5397,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GET_FILEEX_INFO_LEVELS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GET_FILE_VERSION_INFO_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GET_FILE_VERSION_INFO_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GET_FILE_VERSION_INFO_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GET_FILE_VERSION_INFO_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GET_FILE_VERSION_INFO_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5848,19 +5441,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for GET_FILE_VERSION_INFO_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GET_TAPE_DRIVE_PARAMETERS_OPERATION(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GET_TAPE_DRIVE_PARAMETERS_OPERATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GET_TAPE_DRIVE_PARAMETERS_OPERATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GET_TAPE_DRIVE_PARAMETERS_OPERATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GET_TAPE_DRIVE_PARAMETERS_OPERATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5870,19 +5452,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GET_TAPE_DRIVE_PARAMETERS_OPERATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IORING_CREATE_ADVISORY_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IORING_CREATE_ADVISORY_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IORING_CREATE_ADVISORY_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IORING_CREATE_ADVISORY_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IORING_CREATE_ADVISORY_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5925,19 +5496,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for IORING_CREATE_ADVISORY_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IORING_CREATE_REQUIRED_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IORING_CREATE_REQUIRED_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IORING_CREATE_REQUIRED_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IORING_CREATE_REQUIRED_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IORING_CREATE_REQUIRED_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5980,19 +5540,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for IORING_CREATE_REQUIRED_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IORING_FEATURE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IORING_FEATURE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IORING_FEATURE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IORING_FEATURE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IORING_FEATURE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6035,19 +5584,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for IORING_FEATURE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IORING_OP_CODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IORING_OP_CODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IORING_OP_CODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IORING_OP_CODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IORING_OP_CODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6057,19 +5595,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IORING_OP_CODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IORING_REF_KIND(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IORING_REF_KIND {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IORING_REF_KIND { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IORING_REF_KIND { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IORING_REF_KIND { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6079,19 +5606,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IORING_REF_KIND { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IORING_SQE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IORING_SQE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IORING_SQE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IORING_SQE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IORING_SQE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6134,19 +5650,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for IORING_SQE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IORING_VERSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IORING_VERSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IORING_VERSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IORING_VERSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IORING_VERSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6156,19 +5661,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IORING_VERSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LOCK_FILE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LOCK_FILE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LOCK_FILE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LOCK_FILE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LOCK_FILE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6211,19 +5705,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for LOCK_FILE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LPPROGRESS_ROUTINE_CALLBACK_REASON(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LPPROGRESS_ROUTINE_CALLBACK_REASON {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LPPROGRESS_ROUTINE_CALLBACK_REASON { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LPPROGRESS_ROUTINE_CALLBACK_REASON { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LPPROGRESS_ROUTINE_CALLBACK_REASON { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6233,19 +5716,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for LPPROGRESS_ROUTINE_CALLBACK_REASON { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LZOPENFILE_STYLE(pub u16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LZOPENFILE_STYLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LZOPENFILE_STYLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LZOPENFILE_STYLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LZOPENFILE_STYLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6288,19 +5760,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for LZOPENFILE_STYLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MOVE_FILE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MOVE_FILE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MOVE_FILE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MOVE_FILE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MOVE_FILE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6343,19 +5804,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for MOVE_FILE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NTMS_OMID_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NTMS_OMID_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NTMS_OMID_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NTMS_OMID_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NTMS_OMID_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6365,19 +5815,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NTMS_OMID_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NtmsAccessMask(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NtmsAccessMask {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NtmsAccessMask { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NtmsAccessMask { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NtmsAccessMask { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6387,19 +5826,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NtmsAccessMask { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NtmsAllocateOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NtmsAllocateOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NtmsAllocateOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NtmsAllocateOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NtmsAllocateOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6409,19 +5837,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NtmsAllocateOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NtmsAllocationPolicy(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NtmsAllocationPolicy {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NtmsAllocationPolicy { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NtmsAllocationPolicy { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NtmsAllocationPolicy { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6431,19 +5848,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NtmsAllocationPolicy { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NtmsAsyncOperations(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NtmsAsyncOperations {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NtmsAsyncOperations { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NtmsAsyncOperations { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NtmsAsyncOperations { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6453,19 +5859,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NtmsAsyncOperations { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NtmsAsyncStatus(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NtmsAsyncStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NtmsAsyncStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NtmsAsyncStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NtmsAsyncStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6475,19 +5870,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NtmsAsyncStatus { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NtmsBarCodeState(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NtmsBarCodeState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NtmsBarCodeState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NtmsBarCodeState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NtmsBarCodeState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6497,19 +5881,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NtmsBarCodeState { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NtmsCreateNtmsMediaOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NtmsCreateNtmsMediaOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NtmsCreateNtmsMediaOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NtmsCreateNtmsMediaOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NtmsCreateNtmsMediaOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6519,19 +5892,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NtmsCreateNtmsMediaOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NtmsCreateOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NtmsCreateOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NtmsCreateOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NtmsCreateOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NtmsCreateOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6541,19 +5903,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NtmsCreateOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NtmsDeallocationPolicy(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NtmsDeallocationPolicy {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NtmsDeallocationPolicy { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NtmsDeallocationPolicy { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NtmsDeallocationPolicy { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6563,19 +5914,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NtmsDeallocationPolicy { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NtmsDismountOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NtmsDismountOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NtmsDismountOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NtmsDismountOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NtmsDismountOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6585,19 +5925,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NtmsDismountOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NtmsDoorState(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NtmsDoorState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NtmsDoorState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NtmsDoorState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NtmsDoorState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6607,19 +5936,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NtmsDoorState { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NtmsDriveState(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NtmsDriveState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NtmsDriveState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NtmsDriveState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NtmsDriveState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6629,19 +5947,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NtmsDriveState { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NtmsDriveType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NtmsDriveType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NtmsDriveType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NtmsDriveType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NtmsDriveType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6651,19 +5958,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NtmsDriveType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NtmsEjectOperation(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NtmsEjectOperation {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NtmsEjectOperation { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NtmsEjectOperation { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NtmsEjectOperation { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6673,19 +5969,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NtmsEjectOperation { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NtmsEnumerateOption(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NtmsEnumerateOption {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NtmsEnumerateOption { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NtmsEnumerateOption { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NtmsEnumerateOption { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6695,19 +5980,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NtmsEnumerateOption { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NtmsInjectOperation(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NtmsInjectOperation {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NtmsInjectOperation { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NtmsInjectOperation { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NtmsInjectOperation { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6717,19 +5991,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NtmsInjectOperation { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NtmsInventoryMethod(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NtmsInventoryMethod {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NtmsInventoryMethod { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NtmsInventoryMethod { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NtmsInventoryMethod { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6739,19 +6002,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NtmsInventoryMethod { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NtmsLibRequestFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NtmsLibRequestFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NtmsLibRequestFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NtmsLibRequestFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NtmsLibRequestFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6761,19 +6013,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NtmsLibRequestFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NtmsLibraryFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NtmsLibraryFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NtmsLibraryFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NtmsLibraryFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NtmsLibraryFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6783,19 +6024,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NtmsLibraryFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NtmsLibraryType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NtmsLibraryType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NtmsLibraryType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NtmsLibraryType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NtmsLibraryType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6805,19 +6035,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NtmsLibraryType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NtmsLmOperation(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NtmsLmOperation {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NtmsLmOperation { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NtmsLmOperation { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NtmsLmOperation { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6827,19 +6046,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NtmsLmOperation { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NtmsLmState(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NtmsLmState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NtmsLmState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NtmsLmState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NtmsLmState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6849,19 +6057,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NtmsLmState { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NtmsMediaPoolPolicy(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NtmsMediaPoolPolicy {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NtmsMediaPoolPolicy { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NtmsMediaPoolPolicy { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NtmsMediaPoolPolicy { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6871,19 +6068,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NtmsMediaPoolPolicy { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NtmsMediaState(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NtmsMediaState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NtmsMediaState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NtmsMediaState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NtmsMediaState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6893,19 +6079,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NtmsMediaState { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NtmsMountOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NtmsMountOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NtmsMountOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NtmsMountOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NtmsMountOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6915,19 +6090,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NtmsMountOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NtmsMountPriority(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NtmsMountPriority {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NtmsMountPriority { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NtmsMountPriority { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NtmsMountPriority { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6937,19 +6101,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NtmsMountPriority { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NtmsNotificationOperations(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NtmsNotificationOperations {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NtmsNotificationOperations { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NtmsNotificationOperations { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NtmsNotificationOperations { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6959,19 +6112,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NtmsNotificationOperations { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NtmsObjectsTypes(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NtmsObjectsTypes {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NtmsObjectsTypes { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NtmsObjectsTypes { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NtmsObjectsTypes { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6981,19 +6123,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NtmsObjectsTypes { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NtmsOpRequestFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NtmsOpRequestFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NtmsOpRequestFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NtmsOpRequestFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NtmsOpRequestFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7003,19 +6134,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NtmsOpRequestFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NtmsOperationalState(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NtmsOperationalState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NtmsOperationalState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NtmsOperationalState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NtmsOperationalState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7025,19 +6145,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NtmsOperationalState { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NtmsOpreqCommand(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NtmsOpreqCommand {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NtmsOpreqCommand { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NtmsOpreqCommand { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NtmsOpreqCommand { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7047,19 +6156,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NtmsOpreqCommand { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NtmsOpreqState(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NtmsOpreqState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NtmsOpreqState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NtmsOpreqState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NtmsOpreqState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7069,19 +6167,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NtmsOpreqState { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NtmsPartitionState(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NtmsPartitionState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NtmsPartitionState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NtmsPartitionState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NtmsPartitionState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7091,19 +6178,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NtmsPartitionState { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NtmsPoolType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NtmsPoolType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NtmsPoolType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NtmsPoolType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NtmsPoolType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7113,19 +6189,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NtmsPoolType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NtmsPortContent(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NtmsPortContent {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NtmsPortContent { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NtmsPortContent { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NtmsPortContent { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7135,19 +6200,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NtmsPortContent { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NtmsPortPosition(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NtmsPortPosition {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NtmsPortPosition { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NtmsPortPosition { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NtmsPortPosition { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7157,19 +6211,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NtmsPortPosition { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NtmsReadWriteCharacteristics(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NtmsReadWriteCharacteristics {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NtmsReadWriteCharacteristics { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NtmsReadWriteCharacteristics { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NtmsReadWriteCharacteristics { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7179,19 +6222,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NtmsReadWriteCharacteristics { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NtmsSessionOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NtmsSessionOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NtmsSessionOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NtmsSessionOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NtmsSessionOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7201,19 +6233,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NtmsSessionOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NtmsSlotState(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NtmsSlotState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NtmsSlotState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NtmsSlotState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NtmsSlotState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7223,19 +6244,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NtmsSlotState { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NtmsUIOperations(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NtmsUIOperations {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NtmsUIOperations { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NtmsUIOperations { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NtmsUIOperations { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7245,19 +6255,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NtmsUIOperations { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NtmsUITypes(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NtmsUITypes {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NtmsUITypes { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NtmsUITypes { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NtmsUITypes { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7267,19 +6266,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NtmsUITypes { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PREPARE_TAPE_OPERATION(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PREPARE_TAPE_OPERATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PREPARE_TAPE_OPERATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PREPARE_TAPE_OPERATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PREPARE_TAPE_OPERATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7289,19 +6277,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PREPARE_TAPE_OPERATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PRIORITY_HINT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PRIORITY_HINT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PRIORITY_HINT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PRIORITY_HINT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PRIORITY_HINT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7311,19 +6288,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PRIORITY_HINT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct READ_DIRECTORY_NOTIFY_INFORMATION_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for READ_DIRECTORY_NOTIFY_INFORMATION_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for READ_DIRECTORY_NOTIFY_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for READ_DIRECTORY_NOTIFY_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for READ_DIRECTORY_NOTIFY_INFORMATION_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7333,19 +6299,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for READ_DIRECTORY_NOTIFY_INFORMATION_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct REPLACE_FILE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for REPLACE_FILE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for REPLACE_FILE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for REPLACE_FILE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for REPLACE_FILE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7388,19 +6343,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for REPLACE_FILE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SERVER_CERTIFICATE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SERVER_CERTIFICATE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SERVER_CERTIFICATE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SERVER_CERTIFICATE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SERVER_CERTIFICATE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7410,19 +6354,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SERVER_CERTIFICATE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SESSION_INFO_USER_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SESSION_INFO_USER_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SESSION_INFO_USER_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SESSION_INFO_USER_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SESSION_INFO_USER_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7432,19 +6365,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SESSION_INFO_USER_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SET_FILE_POINTER_MOVE_METHOD(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SET_FILE_POINTER_MOVE_METHOD {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SET_FILE_POINTER_MOVE_METHOD { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SET_FILE_POINTER_MOVE_METHOD { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SET_FILE_POINTER_MOVE_METHOD { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7454,19 +6376,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SET_FILE_POINTER_MOVE_METHOD { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SHARE_INFO_PERMISSIONS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SHARE_INFO_PERMISSIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SHARE_INFO_PERMISSIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SHARE_INFO_PERMISSIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SHARE_INFO_PERMISSIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7476,19 +6387,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SHARE_INFO_PERMISSIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SHARE_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SHARE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SHARE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SHARE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SHARE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7531,19 +6431,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SHARE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STORAGE_BUS_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STORAGE_BUS_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STORAGE_BUS_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STORAGE_BUS_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STORAGE_BUS_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7553,19 +6442,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STORAGE_BUS_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STREAM_INFO_LEVELS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STREAM_INFO_LEVELS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STREAM_INFO_LEVELS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STREAM_INFO_LEVELS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STREAM_INFO_LEVELS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7575,19 +6453,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STREAM_INFO_LEVELS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYMBOLIC_LINK_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYMBOLIC_LINK_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYMBOLIC_LINK_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYMBOLIC_LINK_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYMBOLIC_LINK_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7630,19 +6497,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SYMBOLIC_LINK_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TAPEMARK_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TAPEMARK_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TAPEMARK_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TAPEMARK_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TAPEMARK_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7652,19 +6508,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TAPEMARK_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TAPE_INFORMATION_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TAPE_INFORMATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TAPE_INFORMATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TAPE_INFORMATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TAPE_INFORMATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7674,19 +6519,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TAPE_INFORMATION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TAPE_POSITION_METHOD(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TAPE_POSITION_METHOD {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TAPE_POSITION_METHOD { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TAPE_POSITION_METHOD { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TAPE_POSITION_METHOD { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7696,19 +6530,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TAPE_POSITION_METHOD { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TAPE_POSITION_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TAPE_POSITION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TAPE_POSITION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TAPE_POSITION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TAPE_POSITION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7718,19 +6541,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TAPE_POSITION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TRANSACTION_OUTCOME(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TRANSACTION_OUTCOME {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TRANSACTION_OUTCOME { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TRANSACTION_OUTCOME { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TRANSACTION_OUTCOME { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7740,19 +6552,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TRANSACTION_OUTCOME { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TXFS_MINIVERSION(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TXFS_MINIVERSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TXFS_MINIVERSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TXFS_MINIVERSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TXFS_MINIVERSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7762,19 +6563,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TXFS_MINIVERSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TXF_LOG_RECORD_TYPE(pub u16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TXF_LOG_RECORD_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TXF_LOG_RECORD_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TXF_LOG_RECORD_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TXF_LOG_RECORD_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7784,19 +6574,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TXF_LOG_RECORD_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VER_FIND_FILE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VER_FIND_FILE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VER_FIND_FILE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VER_FIND_FILE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VER_FIND_FILE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7806,19 +6585,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VER_FIND_FILE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VER_FIND_FILE_STATUS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VER_FIND_FILE_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VER_FIND_FILE_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VER_FIND_FILE_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VER_FIND_FILE_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7861,19 +6629,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for VER_FIND_FILE_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VER_INSTALL_FILE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VER_INSTALL_FILE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VER_INSTALL_FILE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VER_INSTALL_FILE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VER_INSTALL_FILE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7883,19 +6640,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VER_INSTALL_FILE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VER_INSTALL_FILE_STATUS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VER_INSTALL_FILE_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VER_INSTALL_FILE_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VER_INSTALL_FILE_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VER_INSTALL_FILE_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7938,19 +6684,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for VER_INSTALL_FILE_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VS_FIXEDFILEINFO_FILE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VS_FIXEDFILEINFO_FILE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VS_FIXEDFILEINFO_FILE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VS_FIXEDFILEINFO_FILE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VS_FIXEDFILEINFO_FILE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7993,19 +6728,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for VS_FIXEDFILEINFO_FILE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VS_FIXEDFILEINFO_FILE_OS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VS_FIXEDFILEINFO_FILE_OS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VS_FIXEDFILEINFO_FILE_OS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VS_FIXEDFILEINFO_FILE_OS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VS_FIXEDFILEINFO_FILE_OS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8015,19 +6739,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VS_FIXEDFILEINFO_FILE_OS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VS_FIXEDFILEINFO_FILE_SUBTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VS_FIXEDFILEINFO_FILE_SUBTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VS_FIXEDFILEINFO_FILE_SUBTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VS_FIXEDFILEINFO_FILE_SUBTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VS_FIXEDFILEINFO_FILE_SUBTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8037,19 +6750,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VS_FIXEDFILEINFO_FILE_SUBTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VS_FIXEDFILEINFO_FILE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VS_FIXEDFILEINFO_FILE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VS_FIXEDFILEINFO_FILE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VS_FIXEDFILEINFO_FILE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VS_FIXEDFILEINFO_FILE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8059,19 +6761,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VS_FIXEDFILEINFO_FILE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WIN_STREAM_ID(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WIN_STREAM_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WIN_STREAM_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WIN_STREAM_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WIN_STREAM_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/Imapi/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/Imapi/ index 83dff4c192..f808c8d42a 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/Imapi/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/Imapi/ @@ -6007,19 +6007,8 @@ pub const tagIMMPID_NMP_STRUCT: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::fro pub const tagIMMPID_RPV_STRUCT: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0x79e82049_d320_11d1_9ff4_00c04fa37348); pub const tagIMMPID_RP_STRUCT: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0x79e82048_d320_11d1_9ff4_00c04fa37348); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISC_RECORDER_STATE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISC_RECORDER_STATE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISC_RECORDER_STATE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISC_RECORDER_STATE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISC_RECORDER_STATE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6029,19 +6018,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISC_RECORDER_STATE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EmulationType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EmulationType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EmulationType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EmulationType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EmulationType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6051,19 +6029,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EmulationType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FsiFileSystems(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FsiFileSystems {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FsiFileSystems { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FsiFileSystems { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FsiFileSystems { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6073,19 +6040,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FsiFileSystems { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FsiItemType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FsiItemType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FsiItemType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FsiItemType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FsiItemType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6095,19 +6051,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FsiItemType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMAPI_BURN_VERIFICATION_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMAPI_BURN_VERIFICATION_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMAPI_BURN_VERIFICATION_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMAPI_BURN_VERIFICATION_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMAPI_BURN_VERIFICATION_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6117,19 +6062,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IMAPI_BURN_VERIFICATION_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMAPI_CD_SECTOR_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMAPI_CD_SECTOR_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMAPI_CD_SECTOR_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMAPI_CD_SECTOR_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMAPI_CD_SECTOR_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6139,19 +6073,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IMAPI_CD_SECTOR_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMAPI_CD_TRACK_DIGITAL_COPY_SETTING(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMAPI_CD_TRACK_DIGITAL_COPY_SETTING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMAPI_CD_TRACK_DIGITAL_COPY_SETTING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMAPI_CD_TRACK_DIGITAL_COPY_SETTING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMAPI_CD_TRACK_DIGITAL_COPY_SETTING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6161,19 +6084,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IMAPI_CD_TRACK_DIGITAL_COPY_SETTING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMAPI_FEATURE_PAGE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMAPI_FEATURE_PAGE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMAPI_FEATURE_PAGE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMAPI_FEATURE_PAGE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMAPI_FEATURE_PAGE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6183,19 +6095,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IMAPI_FEATURE_PAGE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMAPI_FORMAT2_DATA_MEDIA_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMAPI_FORMAT2_DATA_MEDIA_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMAPI_FORMAT2_DATA_MEDIA_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMAPI_FORMAT2_DATA_MEDIA_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMAPI_FORMAT2_DATA_MEDIA_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6205,19 +6106,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IMAPI_FORMAT2_DATA_MEDIA_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMAPI_FORMAT2_DATA_WRITE_ACTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMAPI_FORMAT2_DATA_WRITE_ACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMAPI_FORMAT2_DATA_WRITE_ACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMAPI_FORMAT2_DATA_WRITE_ACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMAPI_FORMAT2_DATA_WRITE_ACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6227,19 +6117,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IMAPI_FORMAT2_DATA_WRITE_ACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMAPI_FORMAT2_RAW_CD_DATA_SECTOR_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMAPI_FORMAT2_RAW_CD_DATA_SECTOR_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMAPI_FORMAT2_RAW_CD_DATA_SECTOR_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMAPI_FORMAT2_RAW_CD_DATA_SECTOR_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMAPI_FORMAT2_RAW_CD_DATA_SECTOR_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6249,19 +6128,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IMAPI_FORMAT2_RAW_CD_DATA_SECTOR_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMAPI_FORMAT2_RAW_CD_WRITE_ACTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMAPI_FORMAT2_RAW_CD_WRITE_ACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMAPI_FORMAT2_RAW_CD_WRITE_ACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMAPI_FORMAT2_RAW_CD_WRITE_ACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMAPI_FORMAT2_RAW_CD_WRITE_ACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6271,19 +6139,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IMAPI_FORMAT2_RAW_CD_WRITE_ACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMAPI_FORMAT2_TAO_WRITE_ACTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMAPI_FORMAT2_TAO_WRITE_ACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMAPI_FORMAT2_TAO_WRITE_ACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMAPI_FORMAT2_TAO_WRITE_ACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMAPI_FORMAT2_TAO_WRITE_ACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6293,19 +6150,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IMAPI_FORMAT2_TAO_WRITE_ACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMAPI_MEDIA_PHYSICAL_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMAPI_MEDIA_PHYSICAL_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMAPI_MEDIA_PHYSICAL_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMAPI_MEDIA_PHYSICAL_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMAPI_MEDIA_PHYSICAL_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6315,19 +6161,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IMAPI_MEDIA_PHYSICAL_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMAPI_MEDIA_WRITE_PROTECT_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMAPI_MEDIA_WRITE_PROTECT_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMAPI_MEDIA_WRITE_PROTECT_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMAPI_MEDIA_WRITE_PROTECT_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMAPI_MEDIA_WRITE_PROTECT_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6337,19 +6172,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IMAPI_MEDIA_WRITE_PROTECT_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMAPI_MODE_PAGE_REQUEST_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMAPI_MODE_PAGE_REQUEST_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMAPI_MODE_PAGE_REQUEST_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMAPI_MODE_PAGE_REQUEST_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMAPI_MODE_PAGE_REQUEST_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6359,19 +6183,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IMAPI_MODE_PAGE_REQUEST_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMAPI_MODE_PAGE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMAPI_MODE_PAGE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMAPI_MODE_PAGE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMAPI_MODE_PAGE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMAPI_MODE_PAGE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6381,19 +6194,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IMAPI_MODE_PAGE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMAPI_PROFILE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMAPI_PROFILE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMAPI_PROFILE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMAPI_PROFILE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMAPI_PROFILE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6403,19 +6205,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IMAPI_PROFILE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMAPI_READ_TRACK_ADDRESS_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMAPI_READ_TRACK_ADDRESS_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMAPI_READ_TRACK_ADDRESS_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMAPI_READ_TRACK_ADDRESS_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMAPI_READ_TRACK_ADDRESS_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6425,19 +6216,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IMAPI_READ_TRACK_ADDRESS_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMMPID_CPV_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMMPID_CPV_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMMPID_CPV_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMMPID_CPV_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMMPID_CPV_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6447,19 +6227,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IMMPID_CPV_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMMPID_MPV_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMMPID_MPV_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMMPID_MPV_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMMPID_MPV_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMMPID_MPV_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6469,19 +6238,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IMMPID_MPV_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMMPID_MP_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMMPID_MP_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMMPID_MP_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMMPID_MP_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMMPID_MP_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6491,19 +6249,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IMMPID_MP_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMMPID_NMP_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMMPID_NMP_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMMPID_NMP_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMMPID_NMP_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMMPID_NMP_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6513,19 +6260,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IMMPID_NMP_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMMPID_RPV_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMMPID_RPV_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMMPID_RPV_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMMPID_RPV_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMMPID_RPV_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6535,19 +6271,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IMMPID_RPV_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMMPID_RP_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMMPID_RP_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMMPID_RP_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMMPID_RP_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMMPID_RP_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6557,19 +6282,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IMMPID_RP_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MEDIA_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MEDIA_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MEDIA_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MEDIA_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MEDIA_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6579,19 +6293,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MEDIA_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MEDIA_TYPES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MEDIA_TYPES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MEDIA_TYPES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MEDIA_TYPES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MEDIA_TYPES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6601,19 +6304,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MEDIA_TYPES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PlatformId(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PlatformId {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PlatformId { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PlatformId { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PlatformId { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6623,19 +6315,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PlatformId { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RECORDER_TYPES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RECORDER_TYPES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RECORDER_TYPES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RECORDER_TYPES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RECORDER_TYPES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/IndexServer/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/IndexServer/ index f24b996054..1376a30855 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/IndexServer/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/IndexServer/ @@ -301,19 +301,8 @@ pub const WORDREP_BREAK_EOP: WORDREP_BREAK_TYPE = WORDREP_BREAK_TYPE(2i32); pub const WORDREP_BREAK_EOS: WORDREP_BREAK_TYPE = WORDREP_BREAK_TYPE(1i32); pub const WORDREP_BREAK_EOW: WORDREP_BREAK_TYPE = WORDREP_BREAK_TYPE(0i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CHUNKSTATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CHUNKSTATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CHUNKSTATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CHUNKSTATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CHUNKSTATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -323,19 +312,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CHUNKSTATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CHUNK_BREAKTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CHUNK_BREAKTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CHUNK_BREAKTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CHUNK_BREAKTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CHUNK_BREAKTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -345,19 +323,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CHUNK_BREAKTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBKINDENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBKINDENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBKINDENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBKINDENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBKINDENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -367,19 +334,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBKINDENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IFILTER_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IFILTER_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IFILTER_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IFILTER_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IFILTER_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -389,19 +345,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IFILTER_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IFILTER_INIT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IFILTER_INIT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IFILTER_INIT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IFILTER_INIT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IFILTER_INIT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -411,19 +356,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IFILTER_INIT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WORDREP_BREAK_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WORDREP_BREAK_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WORDREP_BREAK_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WORDREP_BREAK_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WORDREP_BREAK_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/InstallableFileSystems/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/InstallableFileSystems/ index ddc9c1faa6..17fb87af83 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/InstallableFileSystems/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/InstallableFileSystems/ @@ -359,19 +359,8 @@ pub const WNNC_NET_VMWARE: u32 = 4128768u32; pub const WNNC_NET_YAHOO: u32 = 2883584u32; pub const WNNC_NET_ZENWORKS: u32 = 3997696u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FILTER_INFORMATION_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FILTER_INFORMATION_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FILTER_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FILTER_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FILTER_INFORMATION_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -381,19 +370,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FILTER_INFORMATION_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FILTER_VOLUME_INFORMATION_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FILTER_VOLUME_INFORMATION_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FILTER_VOLUME_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FILTER_VOLUME_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FILTER_VOLUME_INFORMATION_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -403,19 +381,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FILTER_VOLUME_INFORMATION_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FLT_FILESYSTEM_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FLT_FILESYSTEM_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FLT_FILESYSTEM_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FLT_FILESYSTEM_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FLT_FILESYSTEM_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -425,19 +392,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FLT_FILESYSTEM_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct INSTANCE_INFORMATION_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for INSTANCE_INFORMATION_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for INSTANCE_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for INSTANCE_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for INSTANCE_INFORMATION_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/IscsiDisc/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/IscsiDisc/ index f88e5c036a..6e8c66285d 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/IscsiDisc/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/IscsiDisc/ @@ -766,19 +766,8 @@ pub const TargetAlias: TARGET_INFORMATION_CLASS = TARGET_INFORMATION_CLASS(1i32) pub const TargetFlags: TARGET_INFORMATION_CLASS = TARGET_INFORMATION_CLASS(6i32); pub const WmiScsiAddressGuid: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0x53f5630f_b6bf_11d0_94f2_00a0c91efb8b); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IKE_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IKE_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IKE_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IKE_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IKE_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -788,19 +777,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IKE_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ISCSI_AUTH_TYPES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ISCSI_AUTH_TYPES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ISCSI_AUTH_TYPES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ISCSI_AUTH_TYPES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ISCSI_AUTH_TYPES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -810,19 +788,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ISCSI_AUTH_TYPES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ISCSI_DIGEST_TYPES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ISCSI_DIGEST_TYPES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ISCSI_DIGEST_TYPES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ISCSI_DIGEST_TYPES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ISCSI_DIGEST_TYPES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -832,19 +799,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ISCSI_DIGEST_TYPES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MP_STORAGE_DIAGNOSTIC_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MP_STORAGE_DIAGNOSTIC_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MP_STORAGE_DIAGNOSTIC_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MP_STORAGE_DIAGNOSTIC_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MP_STORAGE_DIAGNOSTIC_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -854,19 +810,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MP_STORAGE_DIAGNOSTIC_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MP_STORAGE_DIAGNOSTIC_TARGET_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MP_STORAGE_DIAGNOSTIC_TARGET_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MP_STORAGE_DIAGNOSTIC_TARGET_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MP_STORAGE_DIAGNOSTIC_TARGET_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MP_STORAGE_DIAGNOSTIC_TARGET_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -876,19 +821,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MP_STORAGE_DIAGNOSTIC_TARGET_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVCACHE_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVCACHE_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVCACHE_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVCACHE_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVCACHE_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -898,19 +832,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVCACHE_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVCACHE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVCACHE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVCACHE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVCACHE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVCACHE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -920,19 +843,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVCACHE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NV_SEP_WRITE_CACHE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NV_SEP_WRITE_CACHE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NV_SEP_WRITE_CACHE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NV_SEP_WRITE_CACHE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NV_SEP_WRITE_CACHE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -942,19 +854,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NV_SEP_WRITE_CACHE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TARGETPROTOCOLTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TARGETPROTOCOLTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TARGETPROTOCOLTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TARGETPROTOCOLTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TARGETPROTOCOLTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -964,19 +865,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TARGETPROTOCOLTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TARGET_INFORMATION_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TARGET_INFORMATION_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TARGET_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TARGET_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TARGET_INFORMATION_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/Jet/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/Jet/ index 0e21689b11..43216abe48 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/Jet/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/Jet/ @@ -3194,19 +3194,8 @@ pub const cObjectInfoCols: u32 = 9u32; pub const wrnBTNotVisibleAccumulated: u32 = 353u32; pub const wrnBTNotVisibleRejected: u32 = 352u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct JET_ERRCAT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for JET_ERRCAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for JET_ERRCAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for JET_ERRCAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for JET_ERRCAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3216,19 +3205,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for JET_ERRCAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct JET_INDEXCHECKING(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for JET_INDEXCHECKING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for JET_INDEXCHECKING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for JET_INDEXCHECKING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for JET_INDEXCHECKING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3238,19 +3216,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for JET_INDEXCHECKING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct JET_RELOP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for JET_RELOP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for JET_RELOP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for JET_RELOP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for JET_RELOP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/Nvme/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/Nvme/ index 9f78404770..2fd4b0aef0 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/Nvme/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/Nvme/ @@ -515,19 +515,8 @@ pub const NVMeDeviceRecoveryVendorAnalysis: NVME_WCS_DEVICE_RECOVERY_ACTION1 = N pub const NVMeDeviceRecoveryVendorSpecificCommand: NVME_WCS_DEVICE_RECOVERY_ACTION1 = NVME_WCS_DEVICE_RECOVERY_ACTION1(2i32); pub const TCG_HISTORY_ENTRY_VERSION_1: u32 = 1u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_ACCESS_FREQUENCIES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_ACCESS_FREQUENCIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_ACCESS_FREQUENCIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_ACCESS_FREQUENCIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_ACCESS_FREQUENCIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -537,19 +526,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_ACCESS_FREQUENCIES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_ACCESS_LATENCIES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_ACCESS_LATENCIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_ACCESS_LATENCIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_ACCESS_LATENCIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_ACCESS_LATENCIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -559,19 +537,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_ACCESS_LATENCIES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_ADMIN_COMMANDS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_ADMIN_COMMANDS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_ADMIN_COMMANDS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_ADMIN_COMMANDS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_ADMIN_COMMANDS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -581,19 +548,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_ADMIN_COMMANDS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_AMS_OPTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_AMS_OPTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_AMS_OPTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_AMS_OPTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_AMS_OPTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -603,19 +559,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_AMS_OPTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_ASYNC_EVENT_ERROR_STATUS_CODES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_ASYNC_EVENT_ERROR_STATUS_CODES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_ASYNC_EVENT_ERROR_STATUS_CODES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_ASYNC_EVENT_ERROR_STATUS_CODES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_ASYNC_EVENT_ERROR_STATUS_CODES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -625,19 +570,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_ASYNC_EVENT_ERROR_STATUS_CODES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_ASYNC_EVENT_HEALTH_STATUS_CODES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_ASYNC_EVENT_HEALTH_STATUS_CODES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_ASYNC_EVENT_HEALTH_STATUS_CODES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_ASYNC_EVENT_HEALTH_STATUS_CODES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_ASYNC_EVENT_HEALTH_STATUS_CODES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -647,19 +581,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_ASYNC_EVENT_HEALTH_STATUS_CODES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_ASYNC_EVENT_IO_COMMAND_SET_STATUS_CODES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_ASYNC_EVENT_IO_COMMAND_SET_STATUS_CODES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_ASYNC_EVENT_IO_COMMAND_SET_STATUS_CODES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_ASYNC_EVENT_IO_COMMAND_SET_STATUS_CODES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_ASYNC_EVENT_IO_COMMAND_SET_STATUS_CODES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -669,19 +592,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_ASYNC_EVENT_IO_COMMAND_SET_STATUS_CODES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_ASYNC_EVENT_NOTICE_CODES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_ASYNC_EVENT_NOTICE_CODES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_ASYNC_EVENT_NOTICE_CODES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_ASYNC_EVENT_NOTICE_CODES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_ASYNC_EVENT_NOTICE_CODES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -691,19 +603,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_ASYNC_EVENT_NOTICE_CODES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_ASYNC_EVENT_TYPES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_ASYNC_EVENT_TYPES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_ASYNC_EVENT_TYPES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_ASYNC_EVENT_TYPES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_ASYNC_EVENT_TYPES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -713,19 +614,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_ASYNC_EVENT_TYPES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_ASYNC_EVENT_TYPE_VENDOR_SPECIFIC_CODES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_ASYNC_EVENT_TYPE_VENDOR_SPECIFIC_CODES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_ASYNC_EVENT_TYPE_VENDOR_SPECIFIC_CODES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_ASYNC_EVENT_TYPE_VENDOR_SPECIFIC_CODES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_ASYNC_EVENT_TYPE_VENDOR_SPECIFIC_CODES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -735,19 +625,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_ASYNC_EVENT_TYPE_VENDOR_SPECIFIC_CODES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_CC_SHN_SHUTDOWN_NOTIFICATIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_CC_SHN_SHUTDOWN_NOTIFICATIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_CC_SHN_SHUTDOWN_NOTIFICATIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_CC_SHN_SHUTDOWN_NOTIFICATIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_CC_SHN_SHUTDOWN_NOTIFICATIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -757,19 +636,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_CC_SHN_SHUTDOWN_NOTIFICATIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_CMBSZ_SIZE_UNITS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_CMBSZ_SIZE_UNITS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_CMBSZ_SIZE_UNITS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_CMBSZ_SIZE_UNITS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_CMBSZ_SIZE_UNITS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -779,19 +647,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_CMBSZ_SIZE_UNITS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_COMMAND_EFFECT_SBUMISSION_EXECUTION_LIMITS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_COMMAND_EFFECT_SBUMISSION_EXECUTION_LIMITS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_COMMAND_EFFECT_SBUMISSION_EXECUTION_LIMITS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_COMMAND_EFFECT_SBUMISSION_EXECUTION_LIMITS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_COMMAND_EFFECT_SBUMISSION_EXECUTION_LIMITS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -801,19 +658,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_COMMAND_EFFECT_SBUMISSION_EXECUTION_LIMITS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_COMMAND_SET_IDENTIFIERS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_COMMAND_SET_IDENTIFIERS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_COMMAND_SET_IDENTIFIERS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_COMMAND_SET_IDENTIFIERS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_COMMAND_SET_IDENTIFIERS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -823,19 +669,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_COMMAND_SET_IDENTIFIERS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_CONTROLLER_METADATA_ELEMENT_TYPES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_CONTROLLER_METADATA_ELEMENT_TYPES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_CONTROLLER_METADATA_ELEMENT_TYPES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_CONTROLLER_METADATA_ELEMENT_TYPES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_CONTROLLER_METADATA_ELEMENT_TYPES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -845,19 +680,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_CONTROLLER_METADATA_ELEMENT_TYPES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_CSS_COMMAND_SETS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_CSS_COMMAND_SETS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_CSS_COMMAND_SETS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_CSS_COMMAND_SETS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_CSS_COMMAND_SETS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -867,19 +691,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_CSS_COMMAND_SETS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_CSTS_SHST_SHUTDOWN_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_CSTS_SHST_SHUTDOWN_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_CSTS_SHST_SHUTDOWN_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_CSTS_SHST_SHUTDOWN_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_CSTS_SHST_SHUTDOWN_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -889,19 +702,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_CSTS_SHST_SHUTDOWN_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_DIRECTIVE_RECEIVE_IDENTIFY_OPERATIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_DIRECTIVE_RECEIVE_IDENTIFY_OPERATIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_DIRECTIVE_RECEIVE_IDENTIFY_OPERATIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_DIRECTIVE_RECEIVE_IDENTIFY_OPERATIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_DIRECTIVE_RECEIVE_IDENTIFY_OPERATIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -911,19 +713,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_DIRECTIVE_RECEIVE_IDENTIFY_OPERATIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_DIRECTIVE_RECEIVE_STREAMS_OPERATIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_DIRECTIVE_RECEIVE_STREAMS_OPERATIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_DIRECTIVE_RECEIVE_STREAMS_OPERATIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_DIRECTIVE_RECEIVE_STREAMS_OPERATIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_DIRECTIVE_RECEIVE_STREAMS_OPERATIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -933,19 +724,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_DIRECTIVE_RECEIVE_STREAMS_OPERATIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_DIRECTIVE_SEND_IDENTIFY_OPERATIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_DIRECTIVE_SEND_IDENTIFY_OPERATIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_DIRECTIVE_SEND_IDENTIFY_OPERATIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_DIRECTIVE_SEND_IDENTIFY_OPERATIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_DIRECTIVE_SEND_IDENTIFY_OPERATIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -955,19 +735,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_DIRECTIVE_SEND_IDENTIFY_OPERATIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_DIRECTIVE_SEND_STREAMS_OPERATIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_DIRECTIVE_SEND_STREAMS_OPERATIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_DIRECTIVE_SEND_STREAMS_OPERATIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_DIRECTIVE_SEND_STREAMS_OPERATIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_DIRECTIVE_SEND_STREAMS_OPERATIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -977,19 +746,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_DIRECTIVE_SEND_STREAMS_OPERATIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_DIRECTIVE_TYPES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_DIRECTIVE_TYPES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_DIRECTIVE_TYPES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_DIRECTIVE_TYPES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_DIRECTIVE_TYPES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -999,19 +757,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_DIRECTIVE_TYPES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_ERROR_INJECTION_TYPES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_ERROR_INJECTION_TYPES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_ERROR_INJECTION_TYPES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_ERROR_INJECTION_TYPES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_ERROR_INJECTION_TYPES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1021,19 +768,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_ERROR_INJECTION_TYPES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_FEATURES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_FEATURES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_FEATURES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_FEATURES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_FEATURES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1043,19 +779,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_FEATURES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_FEATURE_VALUE_CODES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_FEATURE_VALUE_CODES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_FEATURE_VALUE_CODES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_FEATURE_VALUE_CODES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_FEATURE_VALUE_CODES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1065,19 +790,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_FEATURE_VALUE_CODES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_FIRMWARE_ACTIVATE_ACTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_FIRMWARE_ACTIVATE_ACTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_FIRMWARE_ACTIVATE_ACTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_FIRMWARE_ACTIVATE_ACTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_FIRMWARE_ACTIVATE_ACTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1087,19 +801,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_FIRMWARE_ACTIVATE_ACTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_FUSED_OPERATION_CODES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_FUSED_OPERATION_CODES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_FUSED_OPERATION_CODES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_FUSED_OPERATION_CODES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_FUSED_OPERATION_CODES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1109,19 +812,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_FUSED_OPERATION_CODES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_HOST_METADATA_ELEMENT_ACTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_HOST_METADATA_ELEMENT_ACTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_HOST_METADATA_ELEMENT_ACTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_HOST_METADATA_ELEMENT_ACTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_HOST_METADATA_ELEMENT_ACTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1131,19 +823,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_HOST_METADATA_ELEMENT_ACTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_IDENTIFIER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_IDENTIFIER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_IDENTIFIER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_IDENTIFIER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_IDENTIFIER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1153,19 +834,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_IDENTIFIER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_IDENTIFIER_TYPE_LENGTH(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_IDENTIFIER_TYPE_LENGTH {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_IDENTIFIER_TYPE_LENGTH { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_IDENTIFIER_TYPE_LENGTH { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_IDENTIFIER_TYPE_LENGTH { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1175,19 +845,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_IDENTIFIER_TYPE_LENGTH { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_IDENTIFY_CNS_CODES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_IDENTIFY_CNS_CODES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_IDENTIFY_CNS_CODES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_IDENTIFY_CNS_CODES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_IDENTIFY_CNS_CODES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1197,19 +856,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_IDENTIFY_CNS_CODES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_LBA_RANGE_TYPES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_LBA_RANGE_TYPES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_LBA_RANGE_TYPES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_LBA_RANGE_TYPES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_LBA_RANGE_TYPES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1219,19 +867,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_LBA_RANGE_TYPES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_LOG_PAGES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_LOG_PAGES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_LOG_PAGES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_LOG_PAGES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_LOG_PAGES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1241,19 +878,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_LOG_PAGES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_NAMESPACE_METADATA_ELEMENT_TYPES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_NAMESPACE_METADATA_ELEMENT_TYPES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_NAMESPACE_METADATA_ELEMENT_TYPES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_NAMESPACE_METADATA_ELEMENT_TYPES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_NAMESPACE_METADATA_ELEMENT_TYPES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1263,19 +889,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_NAMESPACE_METADATA_ELEMENT_TYPES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_NO_DEALLOCATE_MODIFIES_MEDIA_AFTER_SANITIZE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_NO_DEALLOCATE_MODIFIES_MEDIA_AFTER_SANITIZE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_NO_DEALLOCATE_MODIFIES_MEDIA_AFTER_SANITIZE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_NO_DEALLOCATE_MODIFIES_MEDIA_AFTER_SANITIZE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_NO_DEALLOCATE_MODIFIES_MEDIA_AFTER_SANITIZE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1285,19 +900,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_NO_DEALLOCATE_MODIFIES_MEDIA_AFTER_SANITIZE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_NVM_COMMANDS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_NVM_COMMANDS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_NVM_COMMANDS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_NVM_COMMANDS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_NVM_COMMANDS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1307,19 +911,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_NVM_COMMANDS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_NVM_QUEUE_PRIORITIES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_NVM_QUEUE_PRIORITIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_NVM_QUEUE_PRIORITIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_NVM_QUEUE_PRIORITIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_NVM_QUEUE_PRIORITIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1329,19 +922,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_NVM_QUEUE_PRIORITIES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_PERSISTENT_EVENT_LOG_EVENT_TYPES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_PERSISTENT_EVENT_LOG_EVENT_TYPES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_PERSISTENT_EVENT_LOG_EVENT_TYPES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_PERSISTENT_EVENT_LOG_EVENT_TYPES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_PERSISTENT_EVENT_LOG_EVENT_TYPES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1351,19 +933,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_PERSISTENT_EVENT_LOG_EVENT_TYPES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_PROTECTION_INFORMATION_TYPES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_PROTECTION_INFORMATION_TYPES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_PROTECTION_INFORMATION_TYPES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_PROTECTION_INFORMATION_TYPES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_PROTECTION_INFORMATION_TYPES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1373,19 +944,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_PROTECTION_INFORMATION_TYPES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_RESERVATION_ACQUIRE_ACTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_RESERVATION_ACQUIRE_ACTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_RESERVATION_ACQUIRE_ACTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_RESERVATION_ACQUIRE_ACTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_RESERVATION_ACQUIRE_ACTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1395,19 +955,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_RESERVATION_ACQUIRE_ACTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_RESERVATION_NOTIFICATION_TYPES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_RESERVATION_NOTIFICATION_TYPES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_RESERVATION_NOTIFICATION_TYPES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_RESERVATION_NOTIFICATION_TYPES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_RESERVATION_NOTIFICATION_TYPES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1417,19 +966,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_RESERVATION_NOTIFICATION_TYPES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_RESERVATION_REGISTER_ACTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_RESERVATION_REGISTER_ACTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_RESERVATION_REGISTER_ACTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_RESERVATION_REGISTER_ACTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_RESERVATION_REGISTER_ACTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1439,19 +977,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_RESERVATION_REGISTER_ACTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_RESERVATION_REGISTER_PTPL_STATE_CHANGES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_RESERVATION_REGISTER_PTPL_STATE_CHANGES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_RESERVATION_REGISTER_PTPL_STATE_CHANGES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_RESERVATION_REGISTER_PTPL_STATE_CHANGES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_RESERVATION_REGISTER_PTPL_STATE_CHANGES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1461,19 +988,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_RESERVATION_REGISTER_PTPL_STATE_CHANGES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_RESERVATION_RELEASE_ACTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_RESERVATION_RELEASE_ACTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_RESERVATION_RELEASE_ACTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_RESERVATION_RELEASE_ACTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_RESERVATION_RELEASE_ACTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1483,19 +999,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_RESERVATION_RELEASE_ACTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_RESERVATION_TYPES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_RESERVATION_TYPES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_RESERVATION_TYPES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_RESERVATION_TYPES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_RESERVATION_TYPES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1505,19 +1010,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_RESERVATION_TYPES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_SANITIZE_ACTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_SANITIZE_ACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_SANITIZE_ACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_SANITIZE_ACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_SANITIZE_ACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1527,19 +1021,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_SANITIZE_ACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_SANITIZE_OPERATION_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_SANITIZE_OPERATION_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_SANITIZE_OPERATION_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_SANITIZE_OPERATION_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_SANITIZE_OPERATION_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1549,19 +1032,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_SANITIZE_OPERATION_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_SECURE_ERASE_SETTINGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_SECURE_ERASE_SETTINGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_SECURE_ERASE_SETTINGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_SECURE_ERASE_SETTINGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_SECURE_ERASE_SETTINGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1571,19 +1043,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_SECURE_ERASE_SETTINGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_STATUS_COMMAND_SPECIFIC_CODES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_STATUS_COMMAND_SPECIFIC_CODES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_STATUS_COMMAND_SPECIFIC_CODES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_STATUS_COMMAND_SPECIFIC_CODES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_STATUS_COMMAND_SPECIFIC_CODES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1593,19 +1054,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_STATUS_COMMAND_SPECIFIC_CODES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_STATUS_GENERIC_COMMAND_CODES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_STATUS_GENERIC_COMMAND_CODES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_STATUS_GENERIC_COMMAND_CODES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_STATUS_GENERIC_COMMAND_CODES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_STATUS_GENERIC_COMMAND_CODES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1615,19 +1065,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_STATUS_GENERIC_COMMAND_CODES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_STATUS_MEDIA_ERROR_CODES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_STATUS_MEDIA_ERROR_CODES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_STATUS_MEDIA_ERROR_CODES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_STATUS_MEDIA_ERROR_CODES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_STATUS_MEDIA_ERROR_CODES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1637,19 +1076,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_STATUS_MEDIA_ERROR_CODES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_STATUS_TYPES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_STATUS_TYPES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_STATUS_TYPES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_STATUS_TYPES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_STATUS_TYPES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1659,19 +1087,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_STATUS_TYPES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_TEMPERATURE_THRESHOLD_TYPES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_TEMPERATURE_THRESHOLD_TYPES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_TEMPERATURE_THRESHOLD_TYPES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_TEMPERATURE_THRESHOLD_TYPES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_TEMPERATURE_THRESHOLD_TYPES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1681,19 +1098,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_TEMPERATURE_THRESHOLD_TYPES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_VENDOR_LOG_PAGES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_VENDOR_LOG_PAGES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_VENDOR_LOG_PAGES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_VENDOR_LOG_PAGES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_VENDOR_LOG_PAGES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1703,19 +1109,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_VENDOR_LOG_PAGES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_WCS_DEVICE_RECOVERY_ACTION1(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_WCS_DEVICE_RECOVERY_ACTION1 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_WCS_DEVICE_RECOVERY_ACTION1 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_WCS_DEVICE_RECOVERY_ACTION1 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_WCS_DEVICE_RECOVERY_ACTION1 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1725,19 +1120,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_WCS_DEVICE_RECOVERY_ACTION1 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_WCS_DEVICE_RECOVERY_ACTION2(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_WCS_DEVICE_RECOVERY_ACTION2 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_WCS_DEVICE_RECOVERY_ACTION2 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_WCS_DEVICE_RECOVERY_ACTION2 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_WCS_DEVICE_RECOVERY_ACTION2 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1747,19 +1131,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_WCS_DEVICE_RECOVERY_ACTION2 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_ZONE_RECEIVE_ACTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_ZONE_RECEIVE_ACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_ZONE_RECEIVE_ACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_ZONE_RECEIVE_ACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_ZONE_RECEIVE_ACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1769,19 +1142,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_ZONE_RECEIVE_ACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_ZONE_RECEIVE_ACTION_SPECIFIC(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_ZONE_RECEIVE_ACTION_SPECIFIC {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_ZONE_RECEIVE_ACTION_SPECIFIC { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_ZONE_RECEIVE_ACTION_SPECIFIC { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_ZONE_RECEIVE_ACTION_SPECIFIC { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1791,19 +1153,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_ZONE_RECEIVE_ACTION_SPECIFIC { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NVME_ZONE_SEND_ACTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NVME_ZONE_SEND_ACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NVME_ZONE_SEND_ACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NVME_ZONE_SEND_ACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NVME_ZONE_SEND_ACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1813,19 +1164,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NVME_ZONE_SEND_ACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ZONE_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ZONE_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ZONE_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ZONE_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ZONE_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/OfflineFiles/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/OfflineFiles/ index 613f669cc4..9e29197160 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/OfflineFiles/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/OfflineFiles/ @@ -2379,19 +2379,8 @@ pub const OFFLINEFILES_TRANSITION_FLAG_INTERACTIVE: u32 = 1u32; pub const OfflineFilesCache: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0x48c6be7c_3871_43cc_b46f_1449a1bb2ff3); pub const OfflineFilesSetting: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0xfd3659e9_a920_4123_ad64_7fc76c7aacdf); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OFFLINEFILES_CACHING_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OFFLINEFILES_CACHING_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OFFLINEFILES_CACHING_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OFFLINEFILES_CACHING_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OFFLINEFILES_CACHING_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2401,19 +2390,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OFFLINEFILES_CACHING_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OFFLINEFILES_COMPARE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OFFLINEFILES_COMPARE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OFFLINEFILES_COMPARE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OFFLINEFILES_COMPARE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OFFLINEFILES_COMPARE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2423,19 +2401,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OFFLINEFILES_COMPARE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OFFLINEFILES_CONNECT_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OFFLINEFILES_CONNECT_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OFFLINEFILES_CONNECT_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OFFLINEFILES_CONNECT_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OFFLINEFILES_CONNECT_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2445,19 +2412,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OFFLINEFILES_CONNECT_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OFFLINEFILES_EVENTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OFFLINEFILES_EVENTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OFFLINEFILES_EVENTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OFFLINEFILES_EVENTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OFFLINEFILES_EVENTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2467,19 +2423,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OFFLINEFILES_EVENTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OFFLINEFILES_ITEM_COPY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OFFLINEFILES_ITEM_COPY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OFFLINEFILES_ITEM_COPY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OFFLINEFILES_ITEM_COPY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OFFLINEFILES_ITEM_COPY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2489,19 +2434,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OFFLINEFILES_ITEM_COPY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OFFLINEFILES_ITEM_TIME(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OFFLINEFILES_ITEM_TIME {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OFFLINEFILES_ITEM_TIME { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OFFLINEFILES_ITEM_TIME { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OFFLINEFILES_ITEM_TIME { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2511,19 +2445,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OFFLINEFILES_ITEM_TIME { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OFFLINEFILES_ITEM_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OFFLINEFILES_ITEM_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OFFLINEFILES_ITEM_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OFFLINEFILES_ITEM_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OFFLINEFILES_ITEM_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2533,19 +2456,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OFFLINEFILES_ITEM_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OFFLINEFILES_OFFLINE_REASON(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OFFLINEFILES_OFFLINE_REASON {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OFFLINEFILES_OFFLINE_REASON { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OFFLINEFILES_OFFLINE_REASON { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OFFLINEFILES_OFFLINE_REASON { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2555,19 +2467,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OFFLINEFILES_OFFLINE_REASON { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OFFLINEFILES_OP_RESPONSE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OFFLINEFILES_OP_RESPONSE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OFFLINEFILES_OP_RESPONSE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OFFLINEFILES_OP_RESPONSE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OFFLINEFILES_OP_RESPONSE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2577,19 +2478,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OFFLINEFILES_OP_RESPONSE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OFFLINEFILES_PATHFILTER_MATCH(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OFFLINEFILES_PATHFILTER_MATCH {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OFFLINEFILES_PATHFILTER_MATCH { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OFFLINEFILES_PATHFILTER_MATCH { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OFFLINEFILES_PATHFILTER_MATCH { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2599,19 +2489,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OFFLINEFILES_PATHFILTER_MATCH { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OFFLINEFILES_SETTING_VALUE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OFFLINEFILES_SETTING_VALUE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OFFLINEFILES_SETTING_VALUE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OFFLINEFILES_SETTING_VALUE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OFFLINEFILES_SETTING_VALUE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2621,19 +2500,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OFFLINEFILES_SETTING_VALUE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OFFLINEFILES_SYNC_CONFLICT_RESOLVE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OFFLINEFILES_SYNC_CONFLICT_RESOLVE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OFFLINEFILES_SYNC_CONFLICT_RESOLVE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OFFLINEFILES_SYNC_CONFLICT_RESOLVE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OFFLINEFILES_SYNC_CONFLICT_RESOLVE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2643,19 +2511,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OFFLINEFILES_SYNC_CONFLICT_RESOLVE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OFFLINEFILES_SYNC_OPERATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OFFLINEFILES_SYNC_OPERATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OFFLINEFILES_SYNC_OPERATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OFFLINEFILES_SYNC_OPERATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OFFLINEFILES_SYNC_OPERATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2665,19 +2522,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OFFLINEFILES_SYNC_OPERATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OFFLINEFILES_SYNC_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OFFLINEFILES_SYNC_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OFFLINEFILES_SYNC_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OFFLINEFILES_SYNC_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OFFLINEFILES_SYNC_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/OperationRecorder/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/OperationRecorder/ index d45925879c..d19754ed29 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/OperationRecorder/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/OperationRecorder/ @@ -11,19 +11,8 @@ pub unsafe fn OperationStart(operationstartparams: *const OPERATION_START_PARAME pub const OPERATION_END_DISCARD: OPERATION_END_PARAMETERS_FLAGS = OPERATION_END_PARAMETERS_FLAGS(1u32); pub const OPERATION_START_TRACE_CURRENT_THREAD: OPERATION_START_FLAGS = OPERATION_START_FLAGS(1u32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OPERATION_END_PARAMETERS_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OPERATION_END_PARAMETERS_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OPERATION_END_PARAMETERS_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OPERATION_END_PARAMETERS_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OPERATION_END_PARAMETERS_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -66,19 +55,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for OPERATION_END_PARAMETERS_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OPERATION_START_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OPERATION_START_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OPERATION_START_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OPERATION_START_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OPERATION_START_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/Packaging/Appx/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/Packaging/Appx/ index 2a82a937b1..6a222c0e28 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/Packaging/Appx/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/Packaging/Appx/ @@ -3897,19 +3897,8 @@ pub const PackagePathType_MachineExternal: PackagePathType = PackagePathType(3i3 pub const PackagePathType_Mutable: PackagePathType = PackagePathType(1i32); pub const PackagePathType_UserExternal: PackagePathType = PackagePathType(4i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct APPX_BUNDLE_FOOTPRINT_FILE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for APPX_BUNDLE_FOOTPRINT_FILE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for APPX_BUNDLE_FOOTPRINT_FILE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for APPX_BUNDLE_FOOTPRINT_FILE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for APPX_BUNDLE_FOOTPRINT_FILE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3919,19 +3908,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for APPX_BUNDLE_FOOTPRINT_FILE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct APPX_BUNDLE_PAYLOAD_PACKAGE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for APPX_BUNDLE_PAYLOAD_PACKAGE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for APPX_BUNDLE_PAYLOAD_PACKAGE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for APPX_BUNDLE_PAYLOAD_PACKAGE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for APPX_BUNDLE_PAYLOAD_PACKAGE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3941,19 +3919,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for APPX_BUNDLE_PAYLOAD_PACKAGE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct APPX_CAPABILITIES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for APPX_CAPABILITIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for APPX_CAPABILITIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for APPX_CAPABILITIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for APPX_CAPABILITIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3996,19 +3963,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for APPX_CAPABILITIES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct APPX_CAPABILITY_CLASS_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for APPX_CAPABILITY_CLASS_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for APPX_CAPABILITY_CLASS_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for APPX_CAPABILITY_CLASS_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for APPX_CAPABILITY_CLASS_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4018,19 +3974,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for APPX_CAPABILITY_CLASS_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct APPX_COMPRESSION_OPTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for APPX_COMPRESSION_OPTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for APPX_COMPRESSION_OPTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for APPX_COMPRESSION_OPTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for APPX_COMPRESSION_OPTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4040,19 +3985,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for APPX_COMPRESSION_OPTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct APPX_ENCRYPTED_PACKAGE_OPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for APPX_ENCRYPTED_PACKAGE_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for APPX_ENCRYPTED_PACKAGE_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for APPX_ENCRYPTED_PACKAGE_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for APPX_ENCRYPTED_PACKAGE_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4095,19 +4029,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for APPX_ENCRYPTED_PACKAGE_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct APPX_FOOTPRINT_FILE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for APPX_FOOTPRINT_FILE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for APPX_FOOTPRINT_FILE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for APPX_FOOTPRINT_FILE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for APPX_FOOTPRINT_FILE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4117,19 +4040,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for APPX_FOOTPRINT_FILE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct APPX_PACKAGE_ARCHITECTURE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for APPX_PACKAGE_ARCHITECTURE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for APPX_PACKAGE_ARCHITECTURE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for APPX_PACKAGE_ARCHITECTURE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for APPX_PACKAGE_ARCHITECTURE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4139,19 +4051,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for APPX_PACKAGE_ARCHITECTURE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct APPX_PACKAGE_ARCHITECTURE2(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for APPX_PACKAGE_ARCHITECTURE2 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for APPX_PACKAGE_ARCHITECTURE2 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for APPX_PACKAGE_ARCHITECTURE2 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for APPX_PACKAGE_ARCHITECTURE2 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4161,19 +4062,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for APPX_PACKAGE_ARCHITECTURE2 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct APPX_PACKAGE_EDITOR_UPDATE_PACKAGE_MANIFEST_OPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for APPX_PACKAGE_EDITOR_UPDATE_PACKAGE_MANIFEST_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for APPX_PACKAGE_EDITOR_UPDATE_PACKAGE_MANIFEST_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for APPX_PACKAGE_EDITOR_UPDATE_PACKAGE_MANIFEST_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for APPX_PACKAGE_EDITOR_UPDATE_PACKAGE_MANIFEST_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4216,19 +4106,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for APPX_PACKAGE_EDITOR_UPDATE_PACKAGE_MANIFEST_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct APPX_PACKAGE_EDITOR_UPDATE_PACKAGE_OPTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for APPX_PACKAGE_EDITOR_UPDATE_PACKAGE_OPTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for APPX_PACKAGE_EDITOR_UPDATE_PACKAGE_OPTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for APPX_PACKAGE_EDITOR_UPDATE_PACKAGE_OPTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for APPX_PACKAGE_EDITOR_UPDATE_PACKAGE_OPTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4238,19 +4117,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for APPX_PACKAGE_EDITOR_UPDATE_PACKAGE_OPTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct APPX_PACKAGING_CONTEXT_CHANGE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for APPX_PACKAGING_CONTEXT_CHANGE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for APPX_PACKAGING_CONTEXT_CHANGE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for APPX_PACKAGING_CONTEXT_CHANGE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for APPX_PACKAGING_CONTEXT_CHANGE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4260,19 +4128,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for APPX_PACKAGING_CONTEXT_CHANGE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AddPackageDependencyOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AddPackageDependencyOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AddPackageDependencyOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AddPackageDependencyOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AddPackageDependencyOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4315,19 +4172,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for AddPackageDependencyOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppPolicyClrCompat(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppPolicyClrCompat {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppPolicyClrCompat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppPolicyClrCompat { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppPolicyClrCompat { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4337,19 +4183,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AppPolicyClrCompat { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppPolicyCreateFileAccess(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppPolicyCreateFileAccess {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppPolicyCreateFileAccess { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppPolicyCreateFileAccess { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppPolicyCreateFileAccess { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4359,19 +4194,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AppPolicyCreateFileAccess { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppPolicyLifecycleManagement(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppPolicyLifecycleManagement {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppPolicyLifecycleManagement { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppPolicyLifecycleManagement { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppPolicyLifecycleManagement { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4381,19 +4205,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AppPolicyLifecycleManagement { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppPolicyMediaFoundationCodecLoading(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppPolicyMediaFoundationCodecLoading {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppPolicyMediaFoundationCodecLoading { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppPolicyMediaFoundationCodecLoading { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppPolicyMediaFoundationCodecLoading { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4403,19 +4216,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AppPolicyMediaFoundationCodecLoading { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppPolicyProcessTerminationMethod(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppPolicyProcessTerminationMethod {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppPolicyProcessTerminationMethod { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppPolicyProcessTerminationMethod { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppPolicyProcessTerminationMethod { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4425,19 +4227,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AppPolicyProcessTerminationMethod { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppPolicyShowDeveloperDiagnostic(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppPolicyShowDeveloperDiagnostic {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppPolicyShowDeveloperDiagnostic { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppPolicyShowDeveloperDiagnostic { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppPolicyShowDeveloperDiagnostic { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4447,19 +4238,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AppPolicyShowDeveloperDiagnostic { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppPolicyThreadInitializationType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppPolicyThreadInitializationType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppPolicyThreadInitializationType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppPolicyThreadInitializationType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppPolicyThreadInitializationType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4469,19 +4249,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AppPolicyThreadInitializationType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppPolicyWindowingModel(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppPolicyWindowingModel {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppPolicyWindowingModel { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppPolicyWindowingModel { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppPolicyWindowingModel { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4491,19 +4260,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AppPolicyWindowingModel { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CreatePackageDependencyOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CreatePackageDependencyOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CreatePackageDependencyOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CreatePackageDependencyOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CreatePackageDependencyOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4546,19 +4304,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CreatePackageDependencyOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DX_FEATURE_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DX_FEATURE_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DX_FEATURE_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DX_FEATURE_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DX_FEATURE_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4568,19 +4315,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DX_FEATURE_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PackageDependencyLifetimeKind(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PackageDependencyLifetimeKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PackageDependencyLifetimeKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PackageDependencyLifetimeKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PackageDependencyLifetimeKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4590,19 +4326,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PackageDependencyLifetimeKind { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PackageDependencyProcessorArchitectures(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PackageDependencyProcessorArchitectures {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PackageDependencyProcessorArchitectures { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PackageDependencyProcessorArchitectures { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PackageDependencyProcessorArchitectures { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4645,19 +4370,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for PackageDependencyProcessorArchitectures { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PackageOrigin(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PackageOrigin {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PackageOrigin { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PackageOrigin { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PackageOrigin { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4667,19 +4381,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PackageOrigin { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PackagePathType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PackagePathType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PackagePathType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PackagePathType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PackagePathType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/Packaging/Opc/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/Packaging/Opc/ index 4e3ae2b391..39af57a43c 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/Packaging/Opc/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/Packaging/Opc/ @@ -2039,19 +2039,8 @@ pub const OPC_WRITE_DEFAULT: OPC_WRITE_FLAGS = OPC_WRITE_FLAGS(0i32); pub const OPC_WRITE_FORCE_ZIP32: OPC_WRITE_FLAGS = OPC_WRITE_FLAGS(1i32); pub const OpcFactory: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0x6b2d6ba0_9f3e_4f27_920b_313cc426a39e); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OPC_CANONICALIZATION_METHOD(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OPC_CANONICALIZATION_METHOD {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OPC_CANONICALIZATION_METHOD { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OPC_CANONICALIZATION_METHOD { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OPC_CANONICALIZATION_METHOD { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2061,19 +2050,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OPC_CANONICALIZATION_METHOD { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OPC_CERTIFICATE_EMBEDDING_OPTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OPC_CERTIFICATE_EMBEDDING_OPTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OPC_CERTIFICATE_EMBEDDING_OPTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OPC_CERTIFICATE_EMBEDDING_OPTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OPC_CERTIFICATE_EMBEDDING_OPTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2083,19 +2061,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OPC_CERTIFICATE_EMBEDDING_OPTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OPC_COMPRESSION_OPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OPC_COMPRESSION_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OPC_COMPRESSION_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OPC_COMPRESSION_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OPC_COMPRESSION_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2105,19 +2072,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OPC_COMPRESSION_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OPC_READ_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OPC_READ_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OPC_READ_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OPC_READ_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OPC_READ_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2160,19 +2116,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for OPC_READ_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OPC_RELATIONSHIPS_SIGNING_OPTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OPC_RELATIONSHIPS_SIGNING_OPTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OPC_RELATIONSHIPS_SIGNING_OPTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OPC_RELATIONSHIPS_SIGNING_OPTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OPC_RELATIONSHIPS_SIGNING_OPTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2182,19 +2127,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OPC_RELATIONSHIPS_SIGNING_OPTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OPC_RELATIONSHIP_SELECTOR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OPC_RELATIONSHIP_SELECTOR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OPC_RELATIONSHIP_SELECTOR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OPC_RELATIONSHIP_SELECTOR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OPC_RELATIONSHIP_SELECTOR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2204,19 +2138,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OPC_RELATIONSHIP_SELECTOR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OPC_SIGNATURE_TIME_FORMAT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OPC_SIGNATURE_TIME_FORMAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OPC_SIGNATURE_TIME_FORMAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OPC_SIGNATURE_TIME_FORMAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OPC_SIGNATURE_TIME_FORMAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2226,19 +2149,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OPC_SIGNATURE_TIME_FORMAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OPC_SIGNATURE_VALIDATION_RESULT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OPC_SIGNATURE_VALIDATION_RESULT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OPC_SIGNATURE_VALIDATION_RESULT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OPC_SIGNATURE_VALIDATION_RESULT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OPC_SIGNATURE_VALIDATION_RESULT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2248,19 +2160,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OPC_SIGNATURE_VALIDATION_RESULT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OPC_STREAM_IO_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OPC_STREAM_IO_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OPC_STREAM_IO_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OPC_STREAM_IO_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OPC_STREAM_IO_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2270,19 +2171,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OPC_STREAM_IO_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OPC_URI_TARGET_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OPC_URI_TARGET_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OPC_URI_TARGET_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OPC_URI_TARGET_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OPC_URI_TARGET_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2292,19 +2182,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OPC_URI_TARGET_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OPC_WRITE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OPC_WRITE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OPC_WRITE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OPC_WRITE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OPC_WRITE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/ProjectedFileSystem/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/ProjectedFileSystem/ index bbaad115aa..c2de625c02 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/ProjectedFileSystem/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/ProjectedFileSystem/ @@ -212,19 +212,8 @@ pub const PRJ_UPDATE_NONE: PRJ_UPDATE_TYPES = PRJ_UPDATE_TYPES(0i32); pub const PRJ_UPDATE_RESERVED1: PRJ_UPDATE_TYPES = PRJ_UPDATE_TYPES(8i32); pub const PRJ_UPDATE_RESERVED2: PRJ_UPDATE_TYPES = PRJ_UPDATE_TYPES(16i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PRJ_CALLBACK_DATA_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PRJ_CALLBACK_DATA_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PRJ_CALLBACK_DATA_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PRJ_CALLBACK_DATA_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PRJ_CALLBACK_DATA_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -234,19 +223,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PRJ_CALLBACK_DATA_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PRJ_COMPLETE_COMMAND_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PRJ_COMPLETE_COMMAND_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PRJ_COMPLETE_COMMAND_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PRJ_COMPLETE_COMMAND_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PRJ_COMPLETE_COMMAND_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -256,19 +234,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PRJ_COMPLETE_COMMAND_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PRJ_EXT_INFO_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PRJ_EXT_INFO_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PRJ_EXT_INFO_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PRJ_EXT_INFO_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PRJ_EXT_INFO_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -278,19 +245,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PRJ_EXT_INFO_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PRJ_FILE_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PRJ_FILE_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PRJ_FILE_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PRJ_FILE_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PRJ_FILE_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -333,19 +289,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for PRJ_FILE_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PRJ_NOTIFICATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PRJ_NOTIFICATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PRJ_NOTIFICATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PRJ_NOTIFICATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PRJ_NOTIFICATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -355,19 +300,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PRJ_NOTIFICATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PRJ_NOTIFY_TYPES(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PRJ_NOTIFY_TYPES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PRJ_NOTIFY_TYPES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PRJ_NOTIFY_TYPES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PRJ_NOTIFY_TYPES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -410,19 +344,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for PRJ_NOTIFY_TYPES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PRJ_PLACEHOLDER_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PRJ_PLACEHOLDER_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PRJ_PLACEHOLDER_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PRJ_PLACEHOLDER_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PRJ_PLACEHOLDER_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -432,19 +355,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PRJ_PLACEHOLDER_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PRJ_STARTVIRTUALIZING_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PRJ_STARTVIRTUALIZING_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PRJ_STARTVIRTUALIZING_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PRJ_STARTVIRTUALIZING_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PRJ_STARTVIRTUALIZING_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -487,19 +399,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for PRJ_STARTVIRTUALIZING_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PRJ_UPDATE_FAILURE_CAUSES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PRJ_UPDATE_FAILURE_CAUSES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PRJ_UPDATE_FAILURE_CAUSES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PRJ_UPDATE_FAILURE_CAUSES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PRJ_UPDATE_FAILURE_CAUSES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -542,19 +443,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for PRJ_UPDATE_FAILURE_CAUSES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PRJ_UPDATE_TYPES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PRJ_UPDATE_TYPES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PRJ_UPDATE_TYPES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PRJ_UPDATE_TYPES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PRJ_UPDATE_TYPES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/Vhd/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/Vhd/ index 23e95197e2..768bb2f8fa 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/Vhd/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/Vhd/ @@ -417,19 +417,8 @@ pub const VIRTUAL_STORAGE_TYPE_DEVICE_VHDX: u32 = 3u32; pub const VIRTUAL_STORAGE_TYPE_VENDOR_MICROSOFT: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0xec984aec_a0f9_47e9_901f_71415a66345b); pub const VIRTUAL_STORAGE_TYPE_VENDOR_UNKNOWN: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0x00000000_0000_0000_0000_000000000000); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct APPLY_SNAPSHOT_VHDSET_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for APPLY_SNAPSHOT_VHDSET_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for APPLY_SNAPSHOT_VHDSET_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for APPLY_SNAPSHOT_VHDSET_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for APPLY_SNAPSHOT_VHDSET_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -472,19 +461,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for APPLY_SNAPSHOT_VHDSET_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct APPLY_SNAPSHOT_VHDSET_VERSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for APPLY_SNAPSHOT_VHDSET_VERSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for APPLY_SNAPSHOT_VHDSET_VERSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for APPLY_SNAPSHOT_VHDSET_VERSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for APPLY_SNAPSHOT_VHDSET_VERSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -494,19 +472,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for APPLY_SNAPSHOT_VHDSET_VERSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ATTACH_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ATTACH_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ATTACH_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ATTACH_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ATTACH_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -549,19 +516,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for ATTACH_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ATTACH_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ATTACH_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ATTACH_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ATTACH_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ATTACH_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -571,19 +527,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ATTACH_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COMPACT_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COMPACT_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COMPACT_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COMPACT_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COMPACT_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -626,19 +571,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for COMPACT_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COMPACT_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COMPACT_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COMPACT_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COMPACT_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COMPACT_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -648,19 +582,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COMPACT_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CREATE_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CREATE_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CREATE_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CREATE_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CREATE_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -703,19 +626,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CREATE_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CREATE_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CREATE_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CREATE_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CREATE_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CREATE_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -725,19 +637,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CREATE_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DELETE_SNAPSHOT_VHDSET_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DELETE_SNAPSHOT_VHDSET_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DELETE_SNAPSHOT_VHDSET_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DELETE_SNAPSHOT_VHDSET_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DELETE_SNAPSHOT_VHDSET_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -780,19 +681,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DELETE_SNAPSHOT_VHDSET_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DELETE_SNAPSHOT_VHDSET_VERSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DELETE_SNAPSHOT_VHDSET_VERSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DELETE_SNAPSHOT_VHDSET_VERSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DELETE_SNAPSHOT_VHDSET_VERSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DELETE_SNAPSHOT_VHDSET_VERSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -802,19 +692,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DELETE_SNAPSHOT_VHDSET_VERSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEPENDENT_DISK_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEPENDENT_DISK_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEPENDENT_DISK_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEPENDENT_DISK_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEPENDENT_DISK_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -857,19 +736,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DEPENDENT_DISK_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DETACH_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DETACH_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DETACH_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DETACH_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DETACH_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -912,19 +780,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DETACH_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EXPAND_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EXPAND_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EXPAND_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EXPAND_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EXPAND_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -967,19 +824,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for EXPAND_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EXPAND_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EXPAND_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EXPAND_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EXPAND_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EXPAND_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -989,19 +835,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EXPAND_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FORK_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FORK_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FORK_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FORK_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FORK_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1044,19 +879,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for FORK_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FORK_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FORK_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FORK_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FORK_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FORK_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1066,19 +890,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FORK_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GET_STORAGE_DEPENDENCY_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GET_STORAGE_DEPENDENCY_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GET_STORAGE_DEPENDENCY_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GET_STORAGE_DEPENDENCY_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GET_STORAGE_DEPENDENCY_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1121,19 +934,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for GET_STORAGE_DEPENDENCY_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GET_VIRTUAL_DISK_INFO_VERSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GET_VIRTUAL_DISK_INFO_VERSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GET_VIRTUAL_DISK_INFO_VERSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GET_VIRTUAL_DISK_INFO_VERSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GET_VIRTUAL_DISK_INFO_VERSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1143,19 +945,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GET_VIRTUAL_DISK_INFO_VERSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MERGE_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MERGE_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MERGE_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MERGE_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MERGE_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1198,19 +989,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for MERGE_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MERGE_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MERGE_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MERGE_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MERGE_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MERGE_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1220,19 +1000,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MERGE_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MIRROR_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MIRROR_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MIRROR_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MIRROR_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MIRROR_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1275,19 +1044,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for MIRROR_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MIRROR_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MIRROR_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MIRROR_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MIRROR_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MIRROR_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1297,19 +1055,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MIRROR_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MODIFY_VHDSET_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MODIFY_VHDSET_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MODIFY_VHDSET_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MODIFY_VHDSET_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MODIFY_VHDSET_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1352,19 +1099,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for MODIFY_VHDSET_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MODIFY_VHDSET_VERSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MODIFY_VHDSET_VERSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MODIFY_VHDSET_VERSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MODIFY_VHDSET_VERSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MODIFY_VHDSET_VERSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1374,19 +1110,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MODIFY_VHDSET_VERSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OPEN_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OPEN_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OPEN_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OPEN_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OPEN_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1429,19 +1154,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for OPEN_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OPEN_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OPEN_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OPEN_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OPEN_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OPEN_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1451,19 +1165,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OPEN_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct QUERY_CHANGES_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for QUERY_CHANGES_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for QUERY_CHANGES_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for QUERY_CHANGES_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for QUERY_CHANGES_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1506,19 +1209,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for QUERY_CHANGES_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RAW_SCSI_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RAW_SCSI_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RAW_SCSI_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RAW_SCSI_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RAW_SCSI_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1561,19 +1253,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for RAW_SCSI_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RAW_SCSI_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RAW_SCSI_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RAW_SCSI_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RAW_SCSI_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RAW_SCSI_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1583,19 +1264,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RAW_SCSI_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RESIZE_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RESIZE_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RESIZE_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RESIZE_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RESIZE_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1638,19 +1308,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for RESIZE_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RESIZE_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RESIZE_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RESIZE_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RESIZE_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RESIZE_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1660,19 +1319,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RESIZE_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SET_VIRTUAL_DISK_INFO_VERSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SET_VIRTUAL_DISK_INFO_VERSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SET_VIRTUAL_DISK_INFO_VERSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SET_VIRTUAL_DISK_INFO_VERSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SET_VIRTUAL_DISK_INFO_VERSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1682,19 +1330,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SET_VIRTUAL_DISK_INFO_VERSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STORAGE_DEPENDENCY_INFO_VERSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STORAGE_DEPENDENCY_INFO_VERSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STORAGE_DEPENDENCY_INFO_VERSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STORAGE_DEPENDENCY_INFO_VERSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STORAGE_DEPENDENCY_INFO_VERSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1704,19 +1341,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STORAGE_DEPENDENCY_INFO_VERSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TAKE_SNAPSHOT_VHDSET_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TAKE_SNAPSHOT_VHDSET_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TAKE_SNAPSHOT_VHDSET_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TAKE_SNAPSHOT_VHDSET_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TAKE_SNAPSHOT_VHDSET_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1759,19 +1385,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for TAKE_SNAPSHOT_VHDSET_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TAKE_SNAPSHOT_VHDSET_VERSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TAKE_SNAPSHOT_VHDSET_VERSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TAKE_SNAPSHOT_VHDSET_VERSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TAKE_SNAPSHOT_VHDSET_VERSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TAKE_SNAPSHOT_VHDSET_VERSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1781,19 +1396,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TAKE_SNAPSHOT_VHDSET_VERSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VIRTUAL_DISK_ACCESS_MASK(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VIRTUAL_DISK_ACCESS_MASK {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VIRTUAL_DISK_ACCESS_MASK { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VIRTUAL_DISK_ACCESS_MASK { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VIRTUAL_DISK_ACCESS_MASK { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/VirtualDiskService/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/VirtualDiskService/ index 614757ec0e..f997db291a 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/VirtualDiskService/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/VirtualDiskService/ @@ -3746,19 +3746,8 @@ pub const VDS_VT_STRIPE: VDS_VOLUME_TYPE = VDS_VOLUME_TYPE(12i32); pub const VDS_VT_UNKNOWN: VDS_VOLUME_TYPE = VDS_VOLUME_TYPE(0i32); pub const VER_VDS_LUN_INFORMATION: u32 = 1u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_ASYNC_OUTPUT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_ASYNC_OUTPUT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_ASYNC_OUTPUT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_ASYNC_OUTPUT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_ASYNC_OUTPUT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3768,19 +3757,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_ASYNC_OUTPUT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_CONTROLLER_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_CONTROLLER_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_CONTROLLER_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_CONTROLLER_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_CONTROLLER_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3790,19 +3768,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_CONTROLLER_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_DISK_EXTENT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_DISK_EXTENT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_DISK_EXTENT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_DISK_EXTENT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_DISK_EXTENT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3812,19 +3779,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_DISK_EXTENT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_DISK_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_DISK_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_DISK_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_DISK_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_DISK_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3834,19 +3790,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_DISK_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_DISK_OFFLINE_REASON(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_DISK_OFFLINE_REASON {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_DISK_OFFLINE_REASON { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_DISK_OFFLINE_REASON { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_DISK_OFFLINE_REASON { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3856,19 +3801,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_DISK_OFFLINE_REASON { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_DISK_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_DISK_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_DISK_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_DISK_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_DISK_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3878,19 +3812,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_DISK_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_DRIVE_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_DRIVE_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_DRIVE_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_DRIVE_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_DRIVE_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3900,19 +3823,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_DRIVE_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_DRIVE_LETTER_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_DRIVE_LETTER_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_DRIVE_LETTER_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_DRIVE_LETTER_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_DRIVE_LETTER_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3922,19 +3834,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_DRIVE_LETTER_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_DRIVE_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_DRIVE_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_DRIVE_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_DRIVE_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_DRIVE_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3944,19 +3845,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_DRIVE_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_FILE_SYSTEM_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_FILE_SYSTEM_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_FILE_SYSTEM_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_FILE_SYSTEM_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_FILE_SYSTEM_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3966,19 +3856,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_FILE_SYSTEM_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_FILE_SYSTEM_FORMAT_SUPPORT_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_FILE_SYSTEM_FORMAT_SUPPORT_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_FILE_SYSTEM_FORMAT_SUPPORT_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_FILE_SYSTEM_FORMAT_SUPPORT_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_FILE_SYSTEM_FORMAT_SUPPORT_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3988,19 +3867,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_FILE_SYSTEM_FORMAT_SUPPORT_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_FILE_SYSTEM_PROP_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_FILE_SYSTEM_PROP_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_FILE_SYSTEM_PROP_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_FILE_SYSTEM_PROP_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_FILE_SYSTEM_PROP_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4010,19 +3878,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_FILE_SYSTEM_PROP_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_FILE_SYSTEM_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_FILE_SYSTEM_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_FILE_SYSTEM_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_FILE_SYSTEM_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_FILE_SYSTEM_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4032,19 +3889,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_FILE_SYSTEM_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_FORMAT_OPTION_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_FORMAT_OPTION_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_FORMAT_OPTION_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_FORMAT_OPTION_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_FORMAT_OPTION_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4054,19 +3900,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_FORMAT_OPTION_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_HBAPORT_SPEED_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_HBAPORT_SPEED_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_HBAPORT_SPEED_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_HBAPORT_SPEED_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_HBAPORT_SPEED_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4076,19 +3911,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_HBAPORT_SPEED_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_HBAPORT_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_HBAPORT_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_HBAPORT_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_HBAPORT_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_HBAPORT_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4098,19 +3922,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_HBAPORT_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_HBAPORT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_HBAPORT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_HBAPORT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_HBAPORT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_HBAPORT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4120,19 +3933,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_HBAPORT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_HEALTH(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_HEALTH {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_HEALTH { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_HEALTH { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_HEALTH { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4142,19 +3944,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_HEALTH { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_HWPROVIDER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_HWPROVIDER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_HWPROVIDER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_HWPROVIDER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_HWPROVIDER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4164,19 +3955,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_HWPROVIDER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_INTERCONNECT_ADDRESS_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_INTERCONNECT_ADDRESS_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_INTERCONNECT_ADDRESS_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_INTERCONNECT_ADDRESS_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_INTERCONNECT_ADDRESS_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4186,19 +3966,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_INTERCONNECT_ADDRESS_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_INTERCONNECT_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_INTERCONNECT_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_INTERCONNECT_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_INTERCONNECT_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_INTERCONNECT_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4208,19 +3977,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_INTERCONNECT_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_IPADDRESS_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_IPADDRESS_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_IPADDRESS_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_IPADDRESS_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_IPADDRESS_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4230,19 +3988,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_IPADDRESS_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_ISCSI_AUTH_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_ISCSI_AUTH_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_ISCSI_AUTH_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_ISCSI_AUTH_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_ISCSI_AUTH_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4252,19 +3999,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_ISCSI_AUTH_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_ISCSI_IPSEC_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_ISCSI_IPSEC_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_ISCSI_IPSEC_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_ISCSI_IPSEC_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_ISCSI_IPSEC_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4274,19 +4010,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_ISCSI_IPSEC_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_ISCSI_LOGIN_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_ISCSI_LOGIN_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_ISCSI_LOGIN_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_ISCSI_LOGIN_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_ISCSI_LOGIN_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4296,19 +4021,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_ISCSI_LOGIN_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_ISCSI_LOGIN_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_ISCSI_LOGIN_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_ISCSI_LOGIN_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_ISCSI_LOGIN_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_ISCSI_LOGIN_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4318,19 +4032,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_ISCSI_LOGIN_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_ISCSI_PORTAL_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_ISCSI_PORTAL_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_ISCSI_PORTAL_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_ISCSI_PORTAL_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_ISCSI_PORTAL_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4340,19 +4043,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_ISCSI_PORTAL_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_LOADBALANCE_POLICY_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_LOADBALANCE_POLICY_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_LOADBALANCE_POLICY_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_LOADBALANCE_POLICY_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_LOADBALANCE_POLICY_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4362,19 +4054,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_LOADBALANCE_POLICY_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_LUN_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_LUN_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_LUN_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_LUN_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_LUN_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4384,19 +4065,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_LUN_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_LUN_PLEX_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_LUN_PLEX_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_LUN_PLEX_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_LUN_PLEX_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_LUN_PLEX_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4406,19 +4076,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_LUN_PLEX_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_LUN_PLEX_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_LUN_PLEX_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_LUN_PLEX_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_LUN_PLEX_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_LUN_PLEX_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4428,19 +4087,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_LUN_PLEX_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_LUN_PLEX_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_LUN_PLEX_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_LUN_PLEX_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_LUN_PLEX_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_LUN_PLEX_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4450,19 +4098,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_LUN_PLEX_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_LUN_RESERVE_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_LUN_RESERVE_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_LUN_RESERVE_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_LUN_RESERVE_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_LUN_RESERVE_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4472,19 +4109,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_LUN_RESERVE_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_LUN_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_LUN_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_LUN_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_LUN_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_LUN_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4494,19 +4120,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_LUN_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_LUN_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_LUN_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_LUN_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_LUN_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_LUN_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4516,19 +4131,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_LUN_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_MAINTENANCE_OPERATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_MAINTENANCE_OPERATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_MAINTENANCE_OPERATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_MAINTENANCE_OPERATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_MAINTENANCE_OPERATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4538,19 +4142,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_MAINTENANCE_OPERATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_NF_CONTROLLER(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_NF_CONTROLLER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_NF_CONTROLLER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_NF_CONTROLLER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_NF_CONTROLLER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4560,19 +4153,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_NF_CONTROLLER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_NF_DISK(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_NF_DISK {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_NF_DISK { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_NF_DISK { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_NF_DISK { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4582,41 +4164,19 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_NF_DISK { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_NF_DRIVE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_NF_DRIVE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_NF_DRIVE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_NF_DRIVE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_NF_DRIVE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_NF_DRIVE { - fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::core::fmt::Result { - f.debug_tuple("VDS_NF_DRIVE").field(&self.0).finish() - } -} -#[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] -pub struct VDS_NF_FILE_SYSTEM(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_NF_FILE_SYSTEM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_NF_FILE_SYSTEM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_NF_FILE_SYSTEM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) + fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::core::fmt::Result { + f.debug_tuple("VDS_NF_DRIVE").field(&self.0).finish() } } +#[repr(transparent)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] +pub struct VDS_NF_FILE_SYSTEM(pub u32); impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_NF_FILE_SYSTEM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4626,19 +4186,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_NF_FILE_SYSTEM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_NF_LUN(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_NF_LUN {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_NF_LUN { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_NF_LUN { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_NF_LUN { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4648,19 +4197,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_NF_LUN { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_NF_PACK(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_NF_PACK {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_NF_PACK { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_NF_PACK { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_NF_PACK { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4670,19 +4208,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_NF_PACK { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_NF_PORT(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_NF_PORT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_NF_PORT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_NF_PORT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_NF_PORT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4692,19 +4219,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_NF_PORT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_NOTIFICATION_TARGET_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_NOTIFICATION_TARGET_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_NOTIFICATION_TARGET_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_NOTIFICATION_TARGET_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_NOTIFICATION_TARGET_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4714,19 +4230,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_NOTIFICATION_TARGET_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_OBJECT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_OBJECT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_OBJECT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_OBJECT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_OBJECT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4736,19 +4241,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_OBJECT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_PACK_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_PACK_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_PACK_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_PACK_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_PACK_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4758,19 +4252,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_PACK_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_PACK_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_PACK_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_PACK_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_PACK_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_PACK_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4780,19 +4263,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_PACK_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_PARTITION_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_PARTITION_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_PARTITION_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_PARTITION_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_PARTITION_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4802,19 +4274,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_PARTITION_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_PARTITION_STYLE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_PARTITION_STYLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_PARTITION_STYLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_PARTITION_STYLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_PARTITION_STYLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4824,19 +4285,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_PARTITION_STYLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_PATH_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_PATH_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_PATH_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_PATH_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_PATH_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4846,19 +4296,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_PATH_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_PORT_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_PORT_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_PORT_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_PORT_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_PORT_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4868,19 +4307,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_PORT_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_PROVIDER_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_PROVIDER_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_PROVIDER_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_PROVIDER_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_PROVIDER_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4890,19 +4318,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_PROVIDER_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_PROVIDER_LBSUPPORT_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_PROVIDER_LBSUPPORT_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_PROVIDER_LBSUPPORT_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_PROVIDER_LBSUPPORT_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_PROVIDER_LBSUPPORT_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4912,19 +4329,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_PROVIDER_LBSUPPORT_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_PROVIDER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_PROVIDER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_PROVIDER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_PROVIDER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_PROVIDER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4934,19 +4340,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_PROVIDER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_QUERY_PROVIDER_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_QUERY_PROVIDER_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_QUERY_PROVIDER_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_QUERY_PROVIDER_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_QUERY_PROVIDER_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4956,19 +4351,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_QUERY_PROVIDER_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_RAID_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_RAID_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_RAID_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_RAID_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_RAID_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4978,19 +4362,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_RAID_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_RECOVER_ACTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_RECOVER_ACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_RECOVER_ACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_RECOVER_ACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_RECOVER_ACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5000,19 +4373,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_RECOVER_ACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_SAN_POLICY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_SAN_POLICY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_SAN_POLICY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_SAN_POLICY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_SAN_POLICY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5022,19 +4384,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_SAN_POLICY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_SERVICE_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_SERVICE_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_SERVICE_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_SERVICE_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_SERVICE_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5044,19 +4395,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_SERVICE_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_STORAGE_BUS_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_STORAGE_BUS_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_STORAGE_BUS_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_STORAGE_BUS_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_STORAGE_BUS_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5066,19 +4406,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_STORAGE_BUS_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_STORAGE_IDENTIFIER_CODE_SET(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_STORAGE_IDENTIFIER_CODE_SET {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_STORAGE_IDENTIFIER_CODE_SET { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_STORAGE_IDENTIFIER_CODE_SET { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_STORAGE_IDENTIFIER_CODE_SET { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5088,19 +4417,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_STORAGE_IDENTIFIER_CODE_SET { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_STORAGE_IDENTIFIER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_STORAGE_IDENTIFIER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_STORAGE_IDENTIFIER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_STORAGE_IDENTIFIER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_STORAGE_IDENTIFIER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5110,19 +4428,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_STORAGE_IDENTIFIER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_STORAGE_POOL_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_STORAGE_POOL_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_STORAGE_POOL_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_STORAGE_POOL_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_STORAGE_POOL_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5132,19 +4439,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_STORAGE_POOL_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_STORAGE_POOL_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_STORAGE_POOL_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_STORAGE_POOL_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_STORAGE_POOL_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_STORAGE_POOL_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5154,19 +4450,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_STORAGE_POOL_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_SUB_SYSTEM_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_SUB_SYSTEM_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_SUB_SYSTEM_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_SUB_SYSTEM_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_SUB_SYSTEM_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5176,19 +4461,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_SUB_SYSTEM_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_SUB_SYSTEM_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_SUB_SYSTEM_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_SUB_SYSTEM_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_SUB_SYSTEM_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_SUB_SYSTEM_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5198,19 +4472,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_SUB_SYSTEM_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_SUB_SYSTEM_SUPPORTED_RAID_TYPE_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_SUB_SYSTEM_SUPPORTED_RAID_TYPE_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_SUB_SYSTEM_SUPPORTED_RAID_TYPE_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_SUB_SYSTEM_SUPPORTED_RAID_TYPE_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_SUB_SYSTEM_SUPPORTED_RAID_TYPE_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5220,19 +4483,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_SUB_SYSTEM_SUPPORTED_RAID_TYPE_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_TRANSITION_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_TRANSITION_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_TRANSITION_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_TRANSITION_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_TRANSITION_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5242,19 +4494,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_TRANSITION_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_VDISK_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_VDISK_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_VDISK_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_VDISK_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_VDISK_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5264,19 +4505,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_VDISK_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_VERSION_SUPPORT_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_VERSION_SUPPORT_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_VERSION_SUPPORT_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_VERSION_SUPPORT_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_VERSION_SUPPORT_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5286,19 +4516,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_VERSION_SUPPORT_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_VOLUME_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_VOLUME_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_VOLUME_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_VOLUME_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_VOLUME_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5308,19 +4527,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_VOLUME_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_VOLUME_PLEX_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_VOLUME_PLEX_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_VOLUME_PLEX_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_VOLUME_PLEX_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_VOLUME_PLEX_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5330,19 +4538,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_VOLUME_PLEX_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_VOLUME_PLEX_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_VOLUME_PLEX_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_VOLUME_PLEX_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_VOLUME_PLEX_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_VOLUME_PLEX_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5352,19 +4549,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_VOLUME_PLEX_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_VOLUME_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_VOLUME_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_VOLUME_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_VOLUME_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_VOLUME_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5374,19 +4560,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_VOLUME_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VDS_VOLUME_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VDS_VOLUME_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VDS_VOLUME_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VDS_VOLUME_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VDS_VOLUME_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5396,19 +4571,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VDS_VOLUME_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct __VDS_PARTITION_STYLE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for __VDS_PARTITION_STYLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for __VDS_PARTITION_STYLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for __VDS_PARTITION_STYLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for __VDS_PARTITION_STYLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/Vss/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/Vss/ index 8773ead1c5..59f1ca29e4 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/Vss/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/Vss/ @@ -2033,19 +2033,8 @@ pub const VSS_WS_WAITING_FOR_POST_SNAPSHOT: VSS_WRITER_STATE = VSS_WRITER_STATE( pub const VSS_WS_WAITING_FOR_THAW: VSS_WRITER_STATE = VSS_WRITER_STATE(3i32); pub const VssSnapshotMgmt: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0x0b5a2c52_3eb9_470a_96e2_6c6d4570e40f); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VSS_ALTERNATE_WRITER_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VSS_ALTERNATE_WRITER_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VSS_ALTERNATE_WRITER_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VSS_ALTERNATE_WRITER_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VSS_ALTERNATE_WRITER_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2055,19 +2044,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VSS_ALTERNATE_WRITER_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VSS_APPLICATION_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VSS_APPLICATION_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VSS_APPLICATION_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VSS_APPLICATION_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VSS_APPLICATION_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2077,19 +2055,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VSS_APPLICATION_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VSS_BACKUP_SCHEMA(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VSS_BACKUP_SCHEMA {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VSS_BACKUP_SCHEMA { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VSS_BACKUP_SCHEMA { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VSS_BACKUP_SCHEMA { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2099,19 +2066,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VSS_BACKUP_SCHEMA { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VSS_BACKUP_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VSS_BACKUP_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VSS_BACKUP_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VSS_BACKUP_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VSS_BACKUP_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2121,19 +2077,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VSS_BACKUP_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VSS_COMPONENT_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VSS_COMPONENT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VSS_COMPONENT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VSS_COMPONENT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VSS_COMPONENT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2143,19 +2088,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VSS_COMPONENT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2165,19 +2099,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VSS_COMPONENT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VSS_FILE_RESTORE_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VSS_FILE_RESTORE_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VSS_FILE_RESTORE_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VSS_FILE_RESTORE_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VSS_FILE_RESTORE_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2187,19 +2110,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VSS_FILE_RESTORE_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VSS_FILE_SPEC_BACKUP_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VSS_FILE_SPEC_BACKUP_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VSS_FILE_SPEC_BACKUP_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VSS_FILE_SPEC_BACKUP_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VSS_FILE_SPEC_BACKUP_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2209,19 +2121,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VSS_FILE_SPEC_BACKUP_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VSS_HARDWARE_OPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VSS_HARDWARE_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VSS_HARDWARE_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VSS_HARDWARE_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VSS_HARDWARE_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2231,19 +2132,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VSS_HARDWARE_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VSS_MGMT_OBJECT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VSS_MGMT_OBJECT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VSS_MGMT_OBJECT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VSS_MGMT_OBJECT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VSS_MGMT_OBJECT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2253,19 +2143,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VSS_MGMT_OBJECT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VSS_OBJECT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VSS_OBJECT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VSS_OBJECT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VSS_OBJECT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VSS_OBJECT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2275,19 +2154,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VSS_OBJECT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VSS_PROTECTION_FAULT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VSS_PROTECTION_FAULT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VSS_PROTECTION_FAULT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VSS_PROTECTION_FAULT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VSS_PROTECTION_FAULT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2297,19 +2165,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VSS_PROTECTION_FAULT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VSS_PROTECTION_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VSS_PROTECTION_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VSS_PROTECTION_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VSS_PROTECTION_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VSS_PROTECTION_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2319,19 +2176,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VSS_PROTECTION_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VSS_PROVIDER_CAPABILITIES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VSS_PROVIDER_CAPABILITIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VSS_PROVIDER_CAPABILITIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VSS_PROVIDER_CAPABILITIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VSS_PROVIDER_CAPABILITIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2341,19 +2187,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VSS_PROVIDER_CAPABILITIES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VSS_PROVIDER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VSS_PROVIDER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VSS_PROVIDER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VSS_PROVIDER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VSS_PROVIDER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2363,19 +2198,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VSS_PROVIDER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VSS_RECOVERY_OPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VSS_RECOVERY_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VSS_RECOVERY_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VSS_RECOVERY_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VSS_RECOVERY_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2385,19 +2209,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VSS_RECOVERY_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VSS_RESTOREMETHOD_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VSS_RESTOREMETHOD_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VSS_RESTOREMETHOD_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VSS_RESTOREMETHOD_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VSS_RESTOREMETHOD_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2407,19 +2220,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VSS_RESTOREMETHOD_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VSS_RESTORE_TARGET(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VSS_RESTORE_TARGET {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VSS_RESTORE_TARGET { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VSS_RESTORE_TARGET { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VSS_RESTORE_TARGET { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2429,19 +2231,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VSS_RESTORE_TARGET { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VSS_RESTORE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VSS_RESTORE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VSS_RESTORE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VSS_RESTORE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VSS_RESTORE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2451,19 +2242,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VSS_RESTORE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VSS_ROLLFORWARD_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VSS_ROLLFORWARD_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VSS_ROLLFORWARD_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VSS_ROLLFORWARD_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VSS_ROLLFORWARD_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2473,19 +2253,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VSS_ROLLFORWARD_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VSS_SNAPSHOT_COMPATIBILITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VSS_SNAPSHOT_COMPATIBILITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VSS_SNAPSHOT_COMPATIBILITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VSS_SNAPSHOT_COMPATIBILITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VSS_SNAPSHOT_COMPATIBILITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2495,19 +2264,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VSS_SNAPSHOT_COMPATIBILITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VSS_SNAPSHOT_CONTEXT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VSS_SNAPSHOT_CONTEXT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VSS_SNAPSHOT_CONTEXT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VSS_SNAPSHOT_CONTEXT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VSS_SNAPSHOT_CONTEXT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2517,19 +2275,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VSS_SNAPSHOT_CONTEXT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VSS_SNAPSHOT_PROPERTY_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VSS_SNAPSHOT_PROPERTY_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VSS_SNAPSHOT_PROPERTY_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VSS_SNAPSHOT_PROPERTY_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VSS_SNAPSHOT_PROPERTY_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2539,19 +2286,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VSS_SNAPSHOT_PROPERTY_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VSS_SNAPSHOT_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VSS_SNAPSHOT_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VSS_SNAPSHOT_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VSS_SNAPSHOT_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VSS_SNAPSHOT_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2561,19 +2297,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VSS_SNAPSHOT_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VSS_SOURCE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VSS_SOURCE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VSS_SOURCE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VSS_SOURCE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VSS_SOURCE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2583,19 +2308,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VSS_SOURCE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VSS_SUBSCRIBE_MASK(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VSS_SUBSCRIBE_MASK {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VSS_SUBSCRIBE_MASK { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VSS_SUBSCRIBE_MASK { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VSS_SUBSCRIBE_MASK { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2605,19 +2319,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VSS_SUBSCRIBE_MASK { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VSS_USAGE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VSS_USAGE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VSS_USAGE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VSS_USAGE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VSS_USAGE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2627,19 +2330,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VSS_USAGE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VSS_VOLUME_SNAPSHOT_ATTRIBUTES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VSS_VOLUME_SNAPSHOT_ATTRIBUTES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VSS_VOLUME_SNAPSHOT_ATTRIBUTES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VSS_VOLUME_SNAPSHOT_ATTRIBUTES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VSS_VOLUME_SNAPSHOT_ATTRIBUTES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2649,19 +2341,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VSS_VOLUME_SNAPSHOT_ATTRIBUTES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VSS_WRITERRESTORE_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VSS_WRITERRESTORE_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VSS_WRITERRESTORE_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VSS_WRITERRESTORE_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VSS_WRITERRESTORE_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2671,19 +2352,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VSS_WRITERRESTORE_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VSS_WRITER_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VSS_WRITER_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VSS_WRITER_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VSS_WRITER_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VSS_WRITER_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/Xps/Printing/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/Xps/Printing/ index 6bcd2e2dd9..0ef42f51cf 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/Xps/Printing/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/Xps/Printing/ @@ -225,19 +225,8 @@ pub const XPS_JOB_COMPLETED: XPS_JOB_COMPLETION = XPS_JOB_COMPLETION(1i32); pub const XPS_JOB_FAILED: XPS_JOB_COMPLETION = XPS_JOB_COMPLETION(3i32); pub const XPS_JOB_IN_PROGRESS: XPS_JOB_COMPLETION = XPS_JOB_COMPLETION(0i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PrintDocumentPackageCompletion(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PrintDocumentPackageCompletion {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PrintDocumentPackageCompletion { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PrintDocumentPackageCompletion { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PrintDocumentPackageCompletion { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -247,19 +236,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PrintDocumentPackageCompletion { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XPS_JOB_COMPLETION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XPS_JOB_COMPLETION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XPS_JOB_COMPLETION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XPS_JOB_COMPLETION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XPS_JOB_COMPLETION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/Xps/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/Xps/ index ed097062e9..d876addcd7 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/Xps/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Storage/Xps/ @@ -6584,19 +6584,8 @@ pub const XpsOMObjectFactory: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_ pub const XpsOMThumbnailGenerator: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0x7e4a23e2_b969_4761_be35_1a8ced58e323); pub const XpsSignatureManager: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0xb0c43320_2315_44a2_b70a_0943a140a8ee); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PRINTER_DEVICE_CAPABILITIES(pub u16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PRINTER_DEVICE_CAPABILITIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PRINTER_DEVICE_CAPABILITIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PRINTER_DEVICE_CAPABILITIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PRINTER_DEVICE_CAPABILITIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6606,19 +6595,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PRINTER_DEVICE_CAPABILITIES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PRINT_WINDOW_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PRINT_WINDOW_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PRINT_WINDOW_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PRINT_WINDOW_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PRINT_WINDOW_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6628,19 +6606,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PRINT_WINDOW_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PSINJECT_POINT(pub u16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PSINJECT_POINT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PSINJECT_POINT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PSINJECT_POINT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PSINJECT_POINT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6683,19 +6650,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for PSINJECT_POINT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XPS_COLOR_INTERPOLATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XPS_COLOR_INTERPOLATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XPS_COLOR_INTERPOLATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XPS_COLOR_INTERPOLATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XPS_COLOR_INTERPOLATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6705,19 +6661,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for XPS_COLOR_INTERPOLATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XPS_COLOR_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XPS_COLOR_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XPS_COLOR_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XPS_COLOR_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XPS_COLOR_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6727,19 +6672,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for XPS_COLOR_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XPS_DASH_CAP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XPS_DASH_CAP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XPS_DASH_CAP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XPS_DASH_CAP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XPS_DASH_CAP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6749,19 +6683,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for XPS_DASH_CAP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XPS_DOCUMENT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XPS_DOCUMENT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XPS_DOCUMENT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XPS_DOCUMENT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XPS_DOCUMENT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6771,19 +6694,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for XPS_DOCUMENT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XPS_FILL_RULE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XPS_FILL_RULE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XPS_FILL_RULE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XPS_FILL_RULE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XPS_FILL_RULE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6793,19 +6705,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for XPS_FILL_RULE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XPS_FONT_EMBEDDING(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XPS_FONT_EMBEDDING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XPS_FONT_EMBEDDING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XPS_FONT_EMBEDDING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XPS_FONT_EMBEDDING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6815,19 +6716,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for XPS_FONT_EMBEDDING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XPS_IMAGE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XPS_IMAGE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XPS_IMAGE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XPS_IMAGE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XPS_IMAGE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6837,19 +6727,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for XPS_IMAGE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XPS_INTERLEAVING(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XPS_INTERLEAVING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XPS_INTERLEAVING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XPS_INTERLEAVING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XPS_INTERLEAVING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6859,19 +6738,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for XPS_INTERLEAVING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XPS_LINE_CAP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XPS_LINE_CAP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XPS_LINE_CAP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XPS_LINE_CAP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XPS_LINE_CAP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6881,19 +6749,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for XPS_LINE_CAP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XPS_LINE_JOIN(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XPS_LINE_JOIN {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XPS_LINE_JOIN { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XPS_LINE_JOIN { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XPS_LINE_JOIN { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6903,19 +6760,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for XPS_LINE_JOIN { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XPS_OBJECT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XPS_OBJECT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XPS_OBJECT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XPS_OBJECT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XPS_OBJECT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6925,19 +6771,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for XPS_OBJECT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XPS_SEGMENT_STROKE_PATTERN(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XPS_SEGMENT_STROKE_PATTERN {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XPS_SEGMENT_STROKE_PATTERN { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XPS_SEGMENT_STROKE_PATTERN { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XPS_SEGMENT_STROKE_PATTERN { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6947,19 +6782,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for XPS_SEGMENT_STROKE_PATTERN { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XPS_SEGMENT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XPS_SEGMENT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XPS_SEGMENT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XPS_SEGMENT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XPS_SEGMENT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6969,19 +6793,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for XPS_SEGMENT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XPS_SIGNATURE_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XPS_SIGNATURE_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XPS_SIGNATURE_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XPS_SIGNATURE_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XPS_SIGNATURE_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6991,19 +6804,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for XPS_SIGNATURE_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XPS_SIGN_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XPS_SIGN_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XPS_SIGN_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XPS_SIGN_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XPS_SIGN_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7046,19 +6848,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for XPS_SIGN_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XPS_SIGN_POLICY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XPS_SIGN_POLICY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XPS_SIGN_POLICY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XPS_SIGN_POLICY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XPS_SIGN_POLICY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7101,19 +6892,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for XPS_SIGN_POLICY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XPS_SPREAD_METHOD(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XPS_SPREAD_METHOD {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XPS_SPREAD_METHOD { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XPS_SPREAD_METHOD { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XPS_SPREAD_METHOD { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7123,19 +6903,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for XPS_SPREAD_METHOD { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XPS_STYLE_SIMULATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XPS_STYLE_SIMULATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XPS_STYLE_SIMULATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XPS_STYLE_SIMULATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XPS_STYLE_SIMULATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7145,19 +6914,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for XPS_STYLE_SIMULATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XPS_THUMBNAIL_SIZE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XPS_THUMBNAIL_SIZE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XPS_THUMBNAIL_SIZE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XPS_THUMBNAIL_SIZE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XPS_THUMBNAIL_SIZE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7167,19 +6925,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for XPS_THUMBNAIL_SIZE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XPS_TILE_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XPS_TILE_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XPS_TILE_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XPS_TILE_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XPS_TILE_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/AddressBook/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/AddressBook/ index 8a03435712..5fd0091258 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/AddressBook/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/AddressBook/ @@ -2355,19 +2355,8 @@ pub const szHrDispatchNotifications: ::windows_core::PCSTR = ::windows_core::s!( pub const szMAPINotificationMsg: ::windows_core::PCSTR = ::windows_core::s!("MAPI Notify window message"); pub const szScCreateConversationIndex: ::windows_core::PCSTR = ::windows_core::s!("ScCreateConversationIndex"); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct Gender(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for Gender {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for Gender { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for Gender { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for Gender { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Antimalware/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Antimalware/ index 5601a2300b..b8988a7e28 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Antimalware/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Antimalware/ @@ -295,19 +295,8 @@ pub const AMSI_UAC_TRUST_STATE_TRUSTED: AMSI_UAC_TRUST_STATE = AMSI_UAC_TRUST_ST pub const AMSI_UAC_TRUST_STATE_UNTRUSTED: AMSI_UAC_TRUST_STATE = AMSI_UAC_TRUST_STATE(1i32); pub const CAntimalware: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0xfdb00e52_a214_4aa1_8fba_4357bb0072ec); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AMSI_ATTRIBUTE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AMSI_ATTRIBUTE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AMSI_ATTRIBUTE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AMSI_ATTRIBUTE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AMSI_ATTRIBUTE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -317,19 +306,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AMSI_ATTRIBUTE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AMSI_RESULT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AMSI_RESULT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AMSI_RESULT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AMSI_RESULT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AMSI_RESULT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -339,19 +317,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AMSI_RESULT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AMSI_UAC_MSI_ACTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AMSI_UAC_MSI_ACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AMSI_UAC_MSI_ACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AMSI_UAC_MSI_ACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AMSI_UAC_MSI_ACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -361,19 +328,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AMSI_UAC_MSI_ACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AMSI_UAC_REQUEST_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AMSI_UAC_REQUEST_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AMSI_UAC_REQUEST_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AMSI_UAC_REQUEST_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AMSI_UAC_REQUEST_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -383,19 +339,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AMSI_UAC_REQUEST_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AMSI_UAC_TRUST_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AMSI_UAC_TRUST_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AMSI_UAC_TRUST_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AMSI_UAC_TRUST_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AMSI_UAC_TRUST_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/ApplicationInstallationAndServicing/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/ApplicationInstallationAndServicing/ index ed9928372c..f5cbb667ea 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/ApplicationInstallationAndServicing/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/ApplicationInstallationAndServicing/ @@ -6461,19 +6461,8 @@ pub const msmErrorLanguageUnsupported: msmErrorType = msmErrorType(1i32); pub const msmErrorResequenceMerge: msmErrorType = msmErrorType(5i32); pub const msmErrorTableMerge: msmErrorType = msmErrorType(4i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ACTCTX_COMPATIBILITY_ELEMENT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ACTCTX_COMPATIBILITY_ELEMENT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ACTCTX_COMPATIBILITY_ELEMENT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ACTCTX_COMPATIBILITY_ELEMENT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ACTCTX_COMPATIBILITY_ELEMENT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6483,19 +6472,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ACTCTX_COMPATIBILITY_ELEMENT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ACTCTX_REQUESTED_RUN_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ACTCTX_REQUESTED_RUN_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ACTCTX_REQUESTED_RUN_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ACTCTX_REQUESTED_RUN_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ACTCTX_REQUESTED_RUN_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6505,19 +6483,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ACTCTX_REQUESTED_RUN_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ADVERTISEFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ADVERTISEFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ADVERTISEFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ADVERTISEFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ADVERTISEFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6527,19 +6494,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ADVERTISEFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ASM_BIND_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ASM_BIND_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ASM_BIND_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ASM_BIND_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ASM_BIND_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6582,19 +6538,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for ASM_BIND_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ASM_CMP_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ASM_CMP_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ASM_CMP_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ASM_CMP_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ASM_CMP_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6604,19 +6549,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ASM_CMP_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ASM_DISPLAY_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ASM_DISPLAY_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ASM_DISPLAY_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ASM_DISPLAY_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ASM_DISPLAY_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6626,19 +6560,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ASM_DISPLAY_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ASM_NAME(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ASM_NAME {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ASM_NAME { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ASM_NAME { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ASM_NAME { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6648,19 +6571,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ASM_NAME { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CREATE_ASM_NAME_OBJ_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CREATE_ASM_NAME_OBJ_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CREATE_ASM_NAME_OBJ_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CREATE_ASM_NAME_OBJ_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CREATE_ASM_NAME_OBJ_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6670,19 +6582,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CREATE_ASM_NAME_OBJ_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IASSEMBLYCACHE_UNINSTALL_DISPOSITION(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IASSEMBLYCACHE_UNINSTALL_DISPOSITION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IASSEMBLYCACHE_UNINSTALL_DISPOSITION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IASSEMBLYCACHE_UNINSTALL_DISPOSITION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IASSEMBLYCACHE_UNINSTALL_DISPOSITION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6692,19 +6593,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IASSEMBLYCACHE_UNINSTALL_DISPOSITION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct INSTALLFEATUREATTRIBUTE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for INSTALLFEATUREATTRIBUTE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for INSTALLFEATUREATTRIBUTE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for INSTALLFEATUREATTRIBUTE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for INSTALLFEATUREATTRIBUTE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6714,19 +6604,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for INSTALLFEATUREATTRIBUTE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct INSTALLLEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for INSTALLLEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for INSTALLLEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for INSTALLLEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for INSTALLLEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6736,19 +6615,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for INSTALLLEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct INSTALLLOGATTRIBUTES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for INSTALLLOGATTRIBUTES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for INSTALLLOGATTRIBUTES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for INSTALLLOGATTRIBUTES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for INSTALLLOGATTRIBUTES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6758,19 +6626,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for INSTALLLOGATTRIBUTES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct INSTALLLOGMODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for INSTALLLOGMODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for INSTALLLOGMODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for INSTALLLOGMODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for INSTALLLOGMODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6780,19 +6637,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for INSTALLLOGMODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct INSTALLMESSAGE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for INSTALLMESSAGE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for INSTALLMESSAGE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for INSTALLMESSAGE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for INSTALLMESSAGE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6802,19 +6648,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for INSTALLMESSAGE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct INSTALLMODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for INSTALLMODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for INSTALLMODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for INSTALLMODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for INSTALLMODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6824,19 +6659,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for INSTALLMODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct INSTALLSTATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for INSTALLSTATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for INSTALLSTATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for INSTALLSTATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for INSTALLSTATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6846,19 +6670,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for INSTALLSTATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct INSTALLTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for INSTALLTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for INSTALLTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for INSTALLTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for INSTALLTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6868,19 +6681,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for INSTALLTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct INSTALLUILEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for INSTALLUILEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for INSTALLUILEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for INSTALLUILEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for INSTALLUILEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6890,19 +6692,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for INSTALLUILEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MSIADVERTISEOPTIONFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MSIADVERTISEOPTIONFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MSIADVERTISEOPTIONFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MSIADVERTISEOPTIONFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MSIADVERTISEOPTIONFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6912,19 +6703,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MSIADVERTISEOPTIONFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MSIARCHITECTUREFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MSIARCHITECTUREFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MSIARCHITECTUREFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MSIARCHITECTUREFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MSIARCHITECTUREFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6934,19 +6714,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MSIARCHITECTUREFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MSIASSEMBLYINFO(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MSIASSEMBLYINFO {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MSIASSEMBLYINFO { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MSIASSEMBLYINFO { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MSIASSEMBLYINFO { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6956,19 +6725,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MSIASSEMBLYINFO { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MSICODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MSICODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MSICODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MSICODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MSICODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6978,19 +6736,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MSICODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MSICOLINFO(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MSICOLINFO {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MSICOLINFO { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MSICOLINFO { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MSICOLINFO { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7000,19 +6747,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MSICOLINFO { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MSICONDITION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MSICONDITION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MSICONDITION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MSICONDITION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MSICONDITION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7022,19 +6758,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MSICONDITION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MSICOSTTREE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MSICOSTTREE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MSICOSTTREE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MSICOSTTREE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MSICOSTTREE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7044,19 +6769,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MSICOSTTREE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MSIDBERROR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MSIDBERROR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MSIDBERROR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MSIDBERROR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MSIDBERROR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7066,19 +6780,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MSIDBERROR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MSIDBSTATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MSIDBSTATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MSIDBSTATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MSIDBSTATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MSIDBSTATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7088,19 +6791,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MSIDBSTATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MSIINSTALLCONTEXT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MSIINSTALLCONTEXT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MSIINSTALLCONTEXT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MSIINSTALLCONTEXT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MSIINSTALLCONTEXT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7110,19 +6802,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MSIINSTALLCONTEXT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MSIMODIFY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MSIMODIFY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MSIMODIFY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MSIMODIFY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MSIMODIFY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7132,19 +6813,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MSIMODIFY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MSIOPENPACKAGEFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MSIOPENPACKAGEFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MSIOPENPACKAGEFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MSIOPENPACKAGEFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MSIOPENPACKAGEFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7154,19 +6824,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MSIOPENPACKAGEFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MSIPATCHDATATYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MSIPATCHDATATYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MSIPATCHDATATYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MSIPATCHDATATYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MSIPATCHDATATYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7176,19 +6835,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MSIPATCHDATATYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MSIPATCHSTATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MSIPATCHSTATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MSIPATCHSTATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MSIPATCHSTATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MSIPATCHSTATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7198,19 +6846,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MSIPATCHSTATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MSIRUNMODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MSIRUNMODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MSIRUNMODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MSIRUNMODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MSIRUNMODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7220,19 +6857,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MSIRUNMODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MSISOURCETYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MSISOURCETYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MSISOURCETYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MSISOURCETYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MSISOURCETYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7242,19 +6868,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MSISOURCETYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MSITRANSACTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MSITRANSACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MSITRANSACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MSITRANSACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MSITRANSACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7264,19 +6879,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MSITRANSACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MSITRANSACTIONSTATE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MSITRANSACTIONSTATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MSITRANSACTIONSTATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MSITRANSACTIONSTATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MSITRANSACTIONSTATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7286,19 +6890,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MSITRANSACTIONSTATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MSITRANSFORM_ERROR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MSITRANSFORM_ERROR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MSITRANSFORM_ERROR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MSITRANSFORM_ERROR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MSITRANSFORM_ERROR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7308,19 +6901,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MSITRANSFORM_ERROR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MSITRANSFORM_VALIDATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MSITRANSFORM_VALIDATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MSITRANSFORM_VALIDATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MSITRANSFORM_VALIDATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MSITRANSFORM_VALIDATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7330,19 +6912,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MSITRANSFORM_VALIDATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PACKMAN_RUNTIME(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PACKMAN_RUNTIME {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PACKMAN_RUNTIME { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PACKMAN_RUNTIME { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PACKMAN_RUNTIME { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7352,19 +6923,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PACKMAN_RUNTIME { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PM_ACTIVATION_POLICY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PM_ACTIVATION_POLICY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PM_ACTIVATION_POLICY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PM_ACTIVATION_POLICY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PM_ACTIVATION_POLICY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7374,19 +6934,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PM_ACTIVATION_POLICY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PM_APPLICATION_HUBTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PM_APPLICATION_HUBTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PM_APPLICATION_HUBTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PM_APPLICATION_HUBTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PM_APPLICATION_HUBTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7396,19 +6945,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PM_APPLICATION_HUBTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PM_APPLICATION_INSTALL_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PM_APPLICATION_INSTALL_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PM_APPLICATION_INSTALL_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PM_APPLICATION_INSTALL_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PM_APPLICATION_INSTALL_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7418,19 +6956,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PM_APPLICATION_INSTALL_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PM_APPLICATION_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PM_APPLICATION_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PM_APPLICATION_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PM_APPLICATION_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PM_APPLICATION_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7440,19 +6967,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PM_APPLICATION_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PM_APP_GENRE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PM_APP_GENRE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PM_APP_GENRE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PM_APP_GENRE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PM_APP_GENRE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7462,19 +6978,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PM_APP_GENRE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PM_ENUM_APP_FILTER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PM_ENUM_APP_FILTER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PM_ENUM_APP_FILTER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PM_ENUM_APP_FILTER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PM_ENUM_APP_FILTER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7484,19 +6989,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PM_ENUM_APP_FILTER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PM_ENUM_BSA_FILTER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PM_ENUM_BSA_FILTER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PM_ENUM_BSA_FILTER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PM_ENUM_BSA_FILTER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PM_ENUM_BSA_FILTER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7506,19 +7000,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PM_ENUM_BSA_FILTER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PM_ENUM_BW_FILTER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PM_ENUM_BW_FILTER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PM_ENUM_BW_FILTER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PM_ENUM_BW_FILTER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PM_ENUM_BW_FILTER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7528,19 +7011,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PM_ENUM_BW_FILTER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PM_ENUM_EXTENSION_FILTER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PM_ENUM_EXTENSION_FILTER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PM_ENUM_EXTENSION_FILTER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PM_ENUM_EXTENSION_FILTER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PM_ENUM_EXTENSION_FILTER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7550,19 +7022,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PM_ENUM_EXTENSION_FILTER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PM_ENUM_TASK_FILTER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PM_ENUM_TASK_FILTER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PM_ENUM_TASK_FILTER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PM_ENUM_TASK_FILTER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PM_ENUM_TASK_FILTER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7572,19 +7033,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PM_ENUM_TASK_FILTER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PM_ENUM_TILE_FILTER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PM_ENUM_TILE_FILTER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PM_ENUM_TILE_FILTER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PM_ENUM_TILE_FILTER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PM_ENUM_TILE_FILTER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7594,19 +7044,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PM_ENUM_TILE_FILTER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PM_LIVETILE_RECURRENCE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PM_LIVETILE_RECURRENCE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PM_LIVETILE_RECURRENCE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PM_LIVETILE_RECURRENCE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PM_LIVETILE_RECURRENCE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7616,19 +7055,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PM_LIVETILE_RECURRENCE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PM_LOGO_SIZE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PM_LOGO_SIZE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PM_LOGO_SIZE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PM_LOGO_SIZE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PM_LOGO_SIZE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7638,19 +7066,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PM_LOGO_SIZE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PM_STARTTILE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PM_STARTTILE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PM_STARTTILE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PM_STARTTILE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PM_STARTTILE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7660,19 +7077,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PM_STARTTILE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PM_TASK_TRANSITION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PM_TASK_TRANSITION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PM_TASK_TRANSITION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PM_TASK_TRANSITION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PM_TASK_TRANSITION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7682,19 +7088,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PM_TASK_TRANSITION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PM_TASK_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PM_TASK_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PM_TASK_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PM_TASK_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PM_TASK_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7704,19 +7099,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PM_TASK_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PM_TILE_HUBTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PM_TILE_HUBTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PM_TILE_HUBTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PM_TILE_HUBTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PM_TILE_HUBTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7726,19 +7110,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PM_TILE_HUBTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PM_TILE_SIZE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PM_TILE_SIZE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PM_TILE_SIZE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PM_TILE_SIZE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PM_TILE_SIZE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7748,19 +7121,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PM_TILE_SIZE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct QUERYASMINFO_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for QUERYASMINFO_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for QUERYASMINFO_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for QUERYASMINFO_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for QUERYASMINFO_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7803,19 +7165,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for QUERYASMINFO_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct REINSTALLMODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for REINSTALLMODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for REINSTALLMODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for REINSTALLMODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for REINSTALLMODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7825,19 +7176,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for REINSTALLMODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RESULTTYPES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RESULTTYPES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RESULTTYPES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RESULTTYPES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RESULTTYPES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7847,19 +7187,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RESULTTYPES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SCRIPTFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SCRIPTFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SCRIPTFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SCRIPTFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SCRIPTFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7869,19 +7198,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SCRIPTFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STATUSTYPES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STATUSTYPES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STATUSTYPES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STATUSTYPES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STATUSTYPES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7891,19 +7209,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STATUSTYPES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TILE_TEMPLATE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TILE_TEMPLATE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TILE_TEMPLATE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TILE_TEMPLATE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TILE_TEMPLATE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7913,19 +7220,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TILE_TEMPLATE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct USERINFOSTATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for USERINFOSTATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for USERINFOSTATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for USERINFOSTATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for USERINFOSTATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7935,19 +7231,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for USERINFOSTATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct msidbAssemblyAttributes(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for msidbAssemblyAttributes {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for msidbAssemblyAttributes { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for msidbAssemblyAttributes { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for msidbAssemblyAttributes { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7957,19 +7242,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for msidbAssemblyAttributes { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct msidbClassAttributes(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for msidbClassAttributes {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for msidbClassAttributes { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for msidbClassAttributes { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for msidbClassAttributes { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7979,19 +7253,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for msidbClassAttributes { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct msidbComponentAttributes(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for msidbComponentAttributes {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for msidbComponentAttributes { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for msidbComponentAttributes { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for msidbComponentAttributes { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8001,19 +7264,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for msidbComponentAttributes { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct msidbControlAttributes(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for msidbControlAttributes {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for msidbControlAttributes { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for msidbControlAttributes { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for msidbControlAttributes { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8023,19 +7275,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for msidbControlAttributes { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct msidbCustomActionType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for msidbCustomActionType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for msidbCustomActionType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for msidbCustomActionType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for msidbCustomActionType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8045,19 +7286,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for msidbCustomActionType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct msidbDialogAttributes(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for msidbDialogAttributes {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for msidbDialogAttributes { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for msidbDialogAttributes { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for msidbDialogAttributes { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8067,19 +7297,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for msidbDialogAttributes { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct msidbEmbeddedUIAttributes(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for msidbEmbeddedUIAttributes {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for msidbEmbeddedUIAttributes { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for msidbEmbeddedUIAttributes { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for msidbEmbeddedUIAttributes { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8089,19 +7308,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for msidbEmbeddedUIAttributes { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct msidbFeatureAttributes(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for msidbFeatureAttributes {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for msidbFeatureAttributes { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for msidbFeatureAttributes { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for msidbFeatureAttributes { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8111,19 +7319,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for msidbFeatureAttributes { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct msidbFileAttributes(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for msidbFileAttributes {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for msidbFileAttributes { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for msidbFileAttributes { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for msidbFileAttributes { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8133,19 +7330,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for msidbFileAttributes { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct msidbIniFileAction(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for msidbIniFileAction {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for msidbIniFileAction { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for msidbIniFileAction { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for msidbIniFileAction { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8155,19 +7341,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for msidbIniFileAction { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct msidbLocatorType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for msidbLocatorType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for msidbLocatorType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for msidbLocatorType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for msidbLocatorType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8177,19 +7352,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for msidbLocatorType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct msidbMoveFileOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for msidbMoveFileOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for msidbMoveFileOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for msidbMoveFileOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for msidbMoveFileOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8199,19 +7363,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for msidbMoveFileOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct msidbODBCDataSourceRegistration(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for msidbODBCDataSourceRegistration {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for msidbODBCDataSourceRegistration { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for msidbODBCDataSourceRegistration { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for msidbODBCDataSourceRegistration { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8221,19 +7374,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for msidbODBCDataSourceRegistration { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct msidbPatchAttributes(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for msidbPatchAttributes {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for msidbPatchAttributes { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for msidbPatchAttributes { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for msidbPatchAttributes { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8243,19 +7385,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for msidbPatchAttributes { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct msidbRegistryRoot(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for msidbRegistryRoot {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for msidbRegistryRoot { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for msidbRegistryRoot { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for msidbRegistryRoot { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8265,19 +7396,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for msidbRegistryRoot { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct msidbRemoveFileInstallMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for msidbRemoveFileInstallMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for msidbRemoveFileInstallMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for msidbRemoveFileInstallMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for msidbRemoveFileInstallMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8287,19 +7407,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for msidbRemoveFileInstallMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct msidbServiceConfigEvent(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for msidbServiceConfigEvent {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for msidbServiceConfigEvent { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for msidbServiceConfigEvent { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for msidbServiceConfigEvent { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8309,19 +7418,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for msidbServiceConfigEvent { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct msidbServiceControlEvent(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for msidbServiceControlEvent {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for msidbServiceControlEvent { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for msidbServiceControlEvent { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for msidbServiceControlEvent { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8331,19 +7429,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for msidbServiceControlEvent { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct msidbServiceInstallErrorControl(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for msidbServiceInstallErrorControl {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for msidbServiceInstallErrorControl { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for msidbServiceInstallErrorControl { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for msidbServiceInstallErrorControl { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8353,19 +7440,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for msidbServiceInstallErrorControl { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct msidbSumInfoSourceType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for msidbSumInfoSourceType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for msidbSumInfoSourceType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for msidbSumInfoSourceType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for msidbSumInfoSourceType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8375,19 +7451,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for msidbSumInfoSourceType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct msidbTextStyleStyleBits(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for msidbTextStyleStyleBits {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for msidbTextStyleStyleBits { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for msidbTextStyleStyleBits { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for msidbTextStyleStyleBits { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8397,19 +7462,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for msidbTextStyleStyleBits { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct msidbUpgradeAttributes(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for msidbUpgradeAttributes {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for msidbUpgradeAttributes { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for msidbUpgradeAttributes { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for msidbUpgradeAttributes { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8419,19 +7473,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for msidbUpgradeAttributes { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct msifiFastInstallBits(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for msifiFastInstallBits {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for msifiFastInstallBits { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for msifiFastInstallBits { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for msifiFastInstallBits { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8441,19 +7484,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for msifiFastInstallBits { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct msirbRebootReason(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for msirbRebootReason {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for msirbRebootReason { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for msirbRebootReason { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for msirbRebootReason { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8463,19 +7495,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for msirbRebootReason { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct msirbRebootType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for msirbRebootType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for msirbRebootType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for msirbRebootType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for msirbRebootType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8485,19 +7506,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for msirbRebootType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct msmErrorType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for msmErrorType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for msmErrorType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for msmErrorType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for msmErrorType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/ApplicationVerifier/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/ApplicationVerifier/ index 8f96b60593..23390dbcbf 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/ApplicationVerifier/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/ApplicationVerifier/ @@ -25,19 +25,8 @@ pub const OperationDbCLOSE: eHANDLE_TRACE_OPERATIONS = eHANDLE_TRACE_OPERATIONS( pub const OperationDbOPEN: eHANDLE_TRACE_OPERATIONS = eHANDLE_TRACE_OPERATIONS(1i32); pub const OperationDbUnused: eHANDLE_TRACE_OPERATIONS = eHANDLE_TRACE_OPERATIONS(0i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VERIFIER_ENUM_RESOURCE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VERIFIER_ENUM_RESOURCE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VERIFIER_ENUM_RESOURCE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VERIFIER_ENUM_RESOURCE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VERIFIER_ENUM_RESOURCE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -80,19 +69,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for VERIFIER_ENUM_RESOURCE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eAvrfResourceTypes(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eAvrfResourceTypes {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eAvrfResourceTypes { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eAvrfResourceTypes { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eAvrfResourceTypes { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -102,19 +80,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eAvrfResourceTypes { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eHANDLE_TRACE_OPERATIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eHANDLE_TRACE_OPERATIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eHANDLE_TRACE_OPERATIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eHANDLE_TRACE_OPERATIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eHANDLE_TRACE_OPERATIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -124,19 +91,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eHANDLE_TRACE_OPERATIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eHeapAllocationState(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eHeapAllocationState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eHeapAllocationState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eHeapAllocationState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eHeapAllocationState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -146,19 +102,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eHeapAllocationState { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eHeapEnumerationLevel(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eHeapEnumerationLevel {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eHeapEnumerationLevel { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eHeapEnumerationLevel { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eHeapEnumerationLevel { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -168,19 +113,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for eHeapEnumerationLevel { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct eUserAllocationState(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for eUserAllocationState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for eUserAllocationState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for eUserAllocationState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for eUserAllocationState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/AssessmentTool/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/AssessmentTool/ index f102cb0387..3cc08b17a9 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/AssessmentTool/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/AssessmentTool/ @@ -484,19 +484,8 @@ pub const WINSAT_OEM_DATA_NON_SYS_CONFIG_MATCH: WINSAT_OEM_CUSTOMIZATION_STATE = pub const WINSAT_OEM_DATA_VALID: WINSAT_OEM_CUSTOMIZATION_STATE = WINSAT_OEM_CUSTOMIZATION_STATE(0i32); pub const WINSAT_OEM_NO_DATA_SUPPLIED: WINSAT_OEM_CUSTOMIZATION_STATE = WINSAT_OEM_CUSTOMIZATION_STATE(3i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WINSAT_ASSESSMENT_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WINSAT_ASSESSMENT_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WINSAT_ASSESSMENT_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WINSAT_ASSESSMENT_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WINSAT_ASSESSMENT_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -506,19 +495,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WINSAT_ASSESSMENT_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WINSAT_ASSESSMENT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WINSAT_ASSESSMENT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WINSAT_ASSESSMENT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WINSAT_ASSESSMENT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WINSAT_ASSESSMENT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -528,19 +506,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WINSAT_ASSESSMENT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WINSAT_BITMAP_SIZE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WINSAT_BITMAP_SIZE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WINSAT_BITMAP_SIZE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WINSAT_BITMAP_SIZE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WINSAT_BITMAP_SIZE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -550,19 +517,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WINSAT_BITMAP_SIZE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WINSAT_OEM_CUSTOMIZATION_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WINSAT_OEM_CUSTOMIZATION_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WINSAT_OEM_CUSTOMIZATION_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WINSAT_OEM_CUSTOMIZATION_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WINSAT_OEM_CUSTOMIZATION_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/ClrHosting/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/ClrHosting/ index c3d87cc2cc..da9efa4637 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/ClrHosting/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/ClrHosting/ @@ -3272,19 +3272,8 @@ pub const eThrowException: EPolicyAction = EPolicyAction(1i32); pub const eUI: EApiCategories = EApiCategories(128i32); pub const eUnloadAppDomain: EPolicyAction = EPolicyAction(4i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct APPDOMAIN_SECURITY_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for APPDOMAIN_SECURITY_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for APPDOMAIN_SECURITY_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for APPDOMAIN_SECURITY_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for APPDOMAIN_SECURITY_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3294,19 +3283,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for APPDOMAIN_SECURITY_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BucketParameterIndex(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BucketParameterIndex {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BucketParameterIndex { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BucketParameterIndex { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BucketParameterIndex { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3316,19 +3294,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BucketParameterIndex { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLR_DEBUGGING_PROCESS_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLR_DEBUGGING_PROCESS_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLR_DEBUGGING_PROCESS_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLR_DEBUGGING_PROCESS_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLR_DEBUGGING_PROCESS_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3338,19 +3305,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLR_DEBUGGING_PROCESS_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLSID_RESOLUTION_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLSID_RESOLUTION_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLSID_RESOLUTION_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLSID_RESOLUTION_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLSID_RESOLUTION_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3360,19 +3316,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLSID_RESOLUTION_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COR_GC_STAT_TYPES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COR_GC_STAT_TYPES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COR_GC_STAT_TYPES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COR_GC_STAT_TYPES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COR_GC_STAT_TYPES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3382,19 +3327,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COR_GC_STAT_TYPES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COR_GC_THREAD_STATS_TYPES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COR_GC_THREAD_STATS_TYPES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COR_GC_THREAD_STATS_TYPES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COR_GC_THREAD_STATS_TYPES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COR_GC_THREAD_STATS_TYPES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3404,19 +3338,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COR_GC_THREAD_STATS_TYPES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EApiCategories(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EApiCategories {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EApiCategories { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EApiCategories { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EApiCategories { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3426,19 +3349,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EApiCategories { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EBindPolicyLevels(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EBindPolicyLevels {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EBindPolicyLevels { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EBindPolicyLevels { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EBindPolicyLevels { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3448,19 +3360,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EBindPolicyLevels { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ECLRAssemblyIdentityFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ECLRAssemblyIdentityFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ECLRAssemblyIdentityFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ECLRAssemblyIdentityFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ECLRAssemblyIdentityFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3470,19 +3371,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ECLRAssemblyIdentityFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EClrEvent(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EClrEvent {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EClrEvent { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EClrEvent { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EClrEvent { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3492,19 +3382,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EClrEvent { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EClrFailure(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EClrFailure {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EClrFailure { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EClrFailure { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EClrFailure { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3514,19 +3393,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EClrFailure { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EClrOperation(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EClrOperation {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EClrOperation { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EClrOperation { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EClrOperation { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3536,19 +3404,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EClrOperation { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EClrUnhandledException(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EClrUnhandledException {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EClrUnhandledException { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EClrUnhandledException { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EClrUnhandledException { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3558,19 +3415,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EClrUnhandledException { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EContextType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EContextType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EContextType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EContextType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EContextType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3580,19 +3426,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EContextType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ECustomDumpFlavor(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ECustomDumpFlavor {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ECustomDumpFlavor { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ECustomDumpFlavor { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ECustomDumpFlavor { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3602,19 +3437,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ECustomDumpFlavor { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ECustomDumpItemKind(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ECustomDumpItemKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ECustomDumpItemKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ECustomDumpItemKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ECustomDumpItemKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3624,19 +3448,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ECustomDumpItemKind { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EHostApplicationPolicy(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EHostApplicationPolicy {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EHostApplicationPolicy { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EHostApplicationPolicy { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EHostApplicationPolicy { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3646,19 +3459,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EHostApplicationPolicy { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EHostBindingPolicyModifyFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EHostBindingPolicyModifyFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EHostBindingPolicyModifyFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EHostBindingPolicyModifyFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EHostBindingPolicyModifyFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3668,19 +3470,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EHostBindingPolicyModifyFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EInitializeNewDomainFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EInitializeNewDomainFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EInitializeNewDomainFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EInitializeNewDomainFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EInitializeNewDomainFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3690,19 +3481,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EInitializeNewDomainFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EMemoryAvailable(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EMemoryAvailable {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EMemoryAvailable { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EMemoryAvailable { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EMemoryAvailable { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3712,19 +3492,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EMemoryAvailable { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EMemoryCriticalLevel(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EMemoryCriticalLevel {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EMemoryCriticalLevel { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EMemoryCriticalLevel { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EMemoryCriticalLevel { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3734,19 +3503,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EMemoryCriticalLevel { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EPolicyAction(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EPolicyAction {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EPolicyAction { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EPolicyAction { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EPolicyAction { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3756,19 +3514,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EPolicyAction { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ESymbolReadingPolicy(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ESymbolReadingPolicy {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ESymbolReadingPolicy { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ESymbolReadingPolicy { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ESymbolReadingPolicy { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3778,19 +3525,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ESymbolReadingPolicy { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ETaskType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ETaskType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ETaskType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ETaskType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ETaskType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3800,19 +3536,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ETaskType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HOST_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HOST_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HOST_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HOST_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HOST_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3822,19 +3547,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HOST_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MALLOC_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MALLOC_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MALLOC_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MALLOC_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MALLOC_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3844,19 +3558,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MALLOC_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct METAHOST_CONFIG_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for METAHOST_CONFIG_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for METAHOST_CONFIG_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for METAHOST_CONFIG_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for METAHOST_CONFIG_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3866,19 +3569,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for METAHOST_CONFIG_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct METAHOST_POLICY_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for METAHOST_POLICY_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for METAHOST_POLICY_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for METAHOST_POLICY_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for METAHOST_POLICY_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3888,19 +3580,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for METAHOST_POLICY_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RUNTIME_INFO_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RUNTIME_INFO_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RUNTIME_INFO_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RUNTIME_INFO_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RUNTIME_INFO_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3910,19 +3591,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RUNTIME_INFO_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STARTUP_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STARTUP_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STARTUP_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STARTUP_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STARTUP_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3932,19 +3602,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STARTUP_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct StackOverflowType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for StackOverflowType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for StackOverflowType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for StackOverflowType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for StackOverflowType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3954,19 +3613,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for StackOverflowType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WAIT_OPTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WAIT_OPTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WAIT_OPTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WAIT_OPTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WAIT_OPTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Com/CallObj/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Com/CallObj/ index 35b560a558..163e11bc22 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Com/CallObj/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Com/CallObj/ @@ -334,19 +334,8 @@ pub const CALLFRAME_WALK_IN: CALLFRAME_WALK = CALLFRAME_WALK(1i32); pub const CALLFRAME_WALK_INOUT: CALLFRAME_WALK = CALLFRAME_WALK(2i32); pub const CALLFRAME_WALK_OUT: CALLFRAME_WALK = CALLFRAME_WALK(4i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CALLFRAME_COPY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CALLFRAME_COPY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CALLFRAME_COPY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CALLFRAME_COPY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CALLFRAME_COPY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -356,19 +345,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CALLFRAME_COPY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CALLFRAME_FREE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CALLFRAME_FREE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CALLFRAME_FREE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CALLFRAME_FREE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CALLFRAME_FREE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -378,19 +356,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CALLFRAME_FREE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CALLFRAME_NULL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CALLFRAME_NULL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CALLFRAME_NULL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CALLFRAME_NULL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CALLFRAME_NULL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -400,19 +367,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CALLFRAME_NULL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CALLFRAME_WALK(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CALLFRAME_WALK {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CALLFRAME_WALK { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CALLFRAME_WALK { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CALLFRAME_WALK { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Com/Events/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Com/Events/ index 99f6cc8a03..b036f559a9 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Com/Events/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Com/Events/ @@ -1104,19 +1104,8 @@ pub const EOC_NewObject: EOC_ChangeType = EOC_ChangeType(0i32); pub const EventObjectChange: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0xd0565000_9df4_11d1_a281_00c04fca0aa7); pub const EventObjectChange2: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0xbb07bacd_cd56_4e63_a8ff_cbf0355fb9f4); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EOC_ChangeType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EOC_ChangeType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EOC_ChangeType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EOC_ChangeType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EOC_ChangeType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Com/Marshal/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Com/Marshal/ index 21855c69a9..ea761ae4cc 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Com/Marshal/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Com/Marshal/ @@ -869,19 +869,8 @@ pub struct IMarshalingStream_Vtbl { pub const SMEXF_HANDLER: STDMSHLFLAGS = STDMSHLFLAGS(2i32); pub const SMEXF_SERVER: STDMSHLFLAGS = STDMSHLFLAGS(1i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STDMSHLFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STDMSHLFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STDMSHLFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STDMSHLFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STDMSHLFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Com/StructuredStorage/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Com/StructuredStorage/ index d3166bdc72..133485a030 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Com/StructuredStorage/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Com/StructuredStorage/ @@ -1777,19 +1777,8 @@ pub const STGMOVE_MOVE: STGMOVE = STGMOVE(0i32); pub const STGMOVE_SHALLOWCOPY: STGMOVE = STGMOVE(2i32); pub const STGOPTIONS_VERSION: u32 = 1u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PIDMSI_STATUS_VALUE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PIDMSI_STATUS_VALUE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PIDMSI_STATUS_VALUE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PIDMSI_STATUS_VALUE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PIDMSI_STATUS_VALUE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1799,19 +1788,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PIDMSI_STATUS_VALUE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROPSPEC_KIND(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROPSPEC_KIND {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROPSPEC_KIND { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROPSPEC_KIND { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROPSPEC_KIND { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1821,19 +1799,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PROPSPEC_KIND { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROPVAR_CHANGE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROPVAR_CHANGE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROPVAR_CHANGE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROPVAR_CHANGE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROPVAR_CHANGE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1876,19 +1843,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for PROPVAR_CHANGE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROPVAR_COMPARE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROPVAR_COMPARE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROPVAR_COMPARE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROPVAR_COMPARE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROPVAR_COMPARE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1931,19 +1887,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for PROPVAR_COMPARE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROPVAR_COMPARE_UNIT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROPVAR_COMPARE_UNIT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROPVAR_COMPARE_UNIT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROPVAR_COMPARE_UNIT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROPVAR_COMPARE_UNIT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1953,19 +1898,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PROPVAR_COMPARE_UNIT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STGFMT(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STGFMT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STGFMT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STGFMT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STGFMT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1975,19 +1909,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STGFMT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STGMOVE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STGMOVE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STGMOVE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STGMOVE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STGMOVE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Com/Urlmon/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Com/Urlmon/ index faf13df157..2b3d60cce6 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Com/Urlmon/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Com/Urlmon/ @@ -3096,19 +3096,8 @@ pub const ZAFLAGS_UNC_AS_INTRANET: ZAFLAGS = ZAFLAGS(128i32); pub const ZAFLAGS_USE_LOCKED_ZONES: ZAFLAGS = ZAFLAGS(65536i32); pub const ZAFLAGS_VERIFY_TEMPLATE_SETTINGS: ZAFLAGS = ZAFLAGS(131072i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AUTHENTICATEF(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AUTHENTICATEF {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AUTHENTICATEF { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AUTHENTICATEF { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AUTHENTICATEF { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3118,19 +3107,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AUTHENTICATEF { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BINDF(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BINDF {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BINDF { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BINDF { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BINDF { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3140,19 +3118,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BINDF { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BINDF2(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BINDF2 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BINDF2 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BINDF2 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BINDF2 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3162,19 +3129,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BINDF2 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BINDHANDLETYPES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BINDHANDLETYPES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BINDHANDLETYPES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BINDHANDLETYPES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BINDHANDLETYPES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3184,19 +3140,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BINDHANDLETYPES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BINDINFO_OPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BINDINFO_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BINDINFO_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BINDINFO_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BINDINFO_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3206,19 +3151,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BINDINFO_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BINDSTATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BINDSTATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BINDSTATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BINDSTATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BINDSTATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3228,19 +3162,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BINDSTATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BINDSTRING(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BINDSTRING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BINDSTRING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BINDSTRING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BINDSTRING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3250,19 +3173,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BINDSTRING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BINDVERB(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BINDVERB {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BINDVERB { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BINDVERB { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BINDVERB { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3272,19 +3184,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BINDVERB { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BSCF(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BSCF {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BSCF { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BSCF { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BSCF { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3294,19 +3195,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BSCF { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CIP_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CIP_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CIP_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CIP_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CIP_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3316,19 +3206,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CIP_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IEObjectType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IEObjectType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IEObjectType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IEObjectType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IEObjectType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3338,19 +3217,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IEObjectType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct INET_ZONE_MANAGER_CONSTANTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for INET_ZONE_MANAGER_CONSTANTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for INET_ZONE_MANAGER_CONSTANTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for INET_ZONE_MANAGER_CONSTANTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for INET_ZONE_MANAGER_CONSTANTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3360,19 +3228,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for INET_ZONE_MANAGER_CONSTANTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct INTERNETFEATURELIST(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for INTERNETFEATURELIST {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for INTERNETFEATURELIST { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for INTERNETFEATURELIST { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for INTERNETFEATURELIST { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3382,19 +3239,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for INTERNETFEATURELIST { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MONIKERPROPERTY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MONIKERPROPERTY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MONIKERPROPERTY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MONIKERPROPERTY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MONIKERPROPERTY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3404,19 +3250,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MONIKERPROPERTY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OIBDG_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OIBDG_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OIBDG_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OIBDG_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OIBDG_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3426,19 +3261,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OIBDG_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PARSEACTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PARSEACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PARSEACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PARSEACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PARSEACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3448,19 +3272,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PARSEACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PI_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PI_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PI_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PI_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PI_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3470,19 +3283,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PI_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PSUACTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PSUACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PSUACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PSUACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PSUACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3492,19 +3294,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PSUACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PUAF(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PUAF {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PUAF { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PUAF { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PUAF { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3514,19 +3305,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PUAF { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PUAFOUT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PUAFOUT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PUAFOUT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PUAFOUT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PUAFOUT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3536,19 +3316,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PUAFOUT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct QUERYOPTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for QUERYOPTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for QUERYOPTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for QUERYOPTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for QUERYOPTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3558,19 +3327,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for QUERYOPTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SZM_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SZM_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SZM_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SZM_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SZM_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3580,19 +3338,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SZM_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct URLTEMPLATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for URLTEMPLATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for URLTEMPLATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for URLTEMPLATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for URLTEMPLATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3602,19 +3349,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for URLTEMPLATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct URLZONE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for URLZONE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for URLZONE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for URLZONE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for URLZONE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3624,19 +3360,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for URLZONE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct URLZONEREG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for URLZONEREG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for URLZONEREG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for URLZONEREG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for URLZONEREG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3646,19 +3371,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for URLZONEREG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct URL_ENCODING(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for URL_ENCODING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for URL_ENCODING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for URL_ENCODING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for URL_ENCODING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3668,19 +3382,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for URL_ENCODING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct Uri_HOST_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for Uri_HOST_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for Uri_HOST_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for Uri_HOST_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for Uri_HOST_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3690,19 +3393,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for Uri_HOST_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ZAFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ZAFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ZAFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ZAFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ZAFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Com/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Com/ index 1a48a645fb..fcc10fd6b4 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Com/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Com/ @@ -6033,19 +6033,8 @@ pub const VAR_DISPATCH: VARKIND = VARKIND(3i32); pub const VAR_PERINSTANCE: VARKIND = VARKIND(0i32); pub const VAR_STATIC: VARKIND = VARKIND(1i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ADVANCED_FEATURE_FLAGS(pub u16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ADVANCED_FEATURE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ADVANCED_FEATURE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ADVANCED_FEATURE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ADVANCED_FEATURE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6088,19 +6077,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for ADVANCED_FEATURE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ADVF(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ADVF {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ADVF { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ADVF { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ADVF { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6110,19 +6088,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ADVF { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct APTTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for APTTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for APTTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for APTTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for APTTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6132,19 +6099,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for APTTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct APTTYPEQUALIFIER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for APTTYPEQUALIFIER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for APTTYPEQUALIFIER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for APTTYPEQUALIFIER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for APTTYPEQUALIFIER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6154,19 +6110,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for APTTYPEQUALIFIER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ApplicationType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ApplicationType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ApplicationType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ApplicationType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ApplicationType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6176,19 +6121,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ApplicationType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BINDINFOF(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BINDINFOF {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BINDINFOF { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BINDINFOF { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BINDINFOF { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6198,19 +6132,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BINDINFOF { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BIND_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BIND_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BIND_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BIND_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BIND_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6220,19 +6143,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BIND_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CALLCONV(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CALLCONV {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CALLCONV { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CALLCONV { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CALLCONV { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6242,19 +6154,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CALLCONV { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CALLTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CALLTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CALLTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CALLTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CALLTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6264,19 +6165,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CALLTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLSCTX(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLSCTX {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLSCTX { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLSCTX { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLSCTX { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6319,19 +6209,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CLSCTX { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COINIT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COINIT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COINIT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COINIT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COINIT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6374,19 +6253,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for COINIT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COINITBASE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COINITBASE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COINITBASE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COINITBASE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COINITBASE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6396,19 +6264,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COINITBASE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COMSD(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COMSD {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COMSD { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COMSD { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COMSD { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6418,19 +6275,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COMSD { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COWAIT_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COWAIT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COWAIT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COWAIT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COWAIT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6473,19 +6319,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for COWAIT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CO_MARSHALING_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CO_MARSHALING_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CO_MARSHALING_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CO_MARSHALING_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CO_MARSHALING_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6495,19 +6330,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CO_MARSHALING_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CWMO_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CWMO_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CWMO_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CWMO_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CWMO_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6550,19 +6374,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CWMO_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DATADIR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DATADIR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DATADIR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DATADIR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DATADIR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6572,19 +6385,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DATADIR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DCOM_CALL_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DCOM_CALL_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DCOM_CALL_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DCOM_CALL_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DCOM_CALL_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6594,19 +6396,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DCOM_CALL_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DESCKIND(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DESCKIND {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DESCKIND { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DESCKIND { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DESCKIND { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6616,19 +6407,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DESCKIND { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPATCH_FLAGS(pub u16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPATCH_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPATCH_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPATCH_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPATCH_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6671,19 +6451,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DISPATCH_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DVASPECT(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DVASPECT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DVASPECT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DVASPECT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DVASPECT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6693,19 +6462,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DVASPECT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EOLE_AUTHENTICATION_CAPABILITIES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EOLE_AUTHENTICATION_CAPABILITIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EOLE_AUTHENTICATION_CAPABILITIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EOLE_AUTHENTICATION_CAPABILITIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EOLE_AUTHENTICATION_CAPABILITIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6715,19 +6473,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EOLE_AUTHENTICATION_CAPABILITIES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EXTCONN(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EXTCONN {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EXTCONN { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EXTCONN { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EXTCONN { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6737,19 +6484,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EXTCONN { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FUNCFLAGS(pub u16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FUNCFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FUNCFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FUNCFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FUNCFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6759,19 +6495,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FUNCFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FUNCKIND(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FUNCKIND {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FUNCKIND { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FUNCKIND { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FUNCKIND { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6781,19 +6506,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FUNCKIND { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GLOBALOPT_EH_VALUES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GLOBALOPT_EH_VALUES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GLOBALOPT_EH_VALUES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GLOBALOPT_EH_VALUES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GLOBALOPT_EH_VALUES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6803,19 +6517,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GLOBALOPT_EH_VALUES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GLOBALOPT_PROPERTIES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GLOBALOPT_PROPERTIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GLOBALOPT_PROPERTIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GLOBALOPT_PROPERTIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GLOBALOPT_PROPERTIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6825,19 +6528,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GLOBALOPT_PROPERTIES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GLOBALOPT_RO_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GLOBALOPT_RO_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GLOBALOPT_RO_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GLOBALOPT_RO_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GLOBALOPT_RO_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6847,19 +6539,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GLOBALOPT_RO_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GLOBALOPT_RPCTP_VALUES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GLOBALOPT_RPCTP_VALUES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GLOBALOPT_RPCTP_VALUES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GLOBALOPT_RPCTP_VALUES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GLOBALOPT_RPCTP_VALUES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6869,19 +6550,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GLOBALOPT_RPCTP_VALUES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GLOBALOPT_UNMARSHALING_POLICY_VALUES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GLOBALOPT_UNMARSHALING_POLICY_VALUES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GLOBALOPT_UNMARSHALING_POLICY_VALUES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GLOBALOPT_UNMARSHALING_POLICY_VALUES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GLOBALOPT_UNMARSHALING_POLICY_VALUES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6891,19 +6561,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GLOBALOPT_UNMARSHALING_POLICY_VALUES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IDLFLAGS(pub u16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IDLFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IDLFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IDLFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IDLFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6946,19 +6605,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for IDLFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMPLTYPEFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMPLTYPEFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMPLTYPEFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMPLTYPEFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMPLTYPEFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7001,19 +6649,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for IMPLTYPEFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct INVOKEKIND(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for INVOKEKIND {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for INVOKEKIND { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for INVOKEKIND { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for INVOKEKIND { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7023,19 +6660,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for INVOKEKIND { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LOCKTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LOCKTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LOCKTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LOCKTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LOCKTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7045,19 +6671,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for LOCKTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MEMCTX(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MEMCTX {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MEMCTX { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MEMCTX { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MEMCTX { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7067,19 +6682,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MEMCTX { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MKRREDUCE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MKRREDUCE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MKRREDUCE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MKRREDUCE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MKRREDUCE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7089,19 +6693,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MKRREDUCE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MKSYS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MKSYS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MKSYS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MKSYS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MKSYS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7111,19 +6704,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MKSYS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MSHCTX(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MSHCTX {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MSHCTX { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MSHCTX { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MSHCTX { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7133,19 +6715,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MSHCTX { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MSHLFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MSHLFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MSHLFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MSHLFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MSHLFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7155,19 +6726,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MSHLFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PENDINGMSG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PENDINGMSG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PENDINGMSG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PENDINGMSG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PENDINGMSG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7177,19 +6737,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PENDINGMSG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PENDINGTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PENDINGTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PENDINGTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PENDINGTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PENDINGTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7199,19 +6748,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PENDINGTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct REGCLS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for REGCLS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for REGCLS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for REGCLS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for REGCLS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7254,19 +6792,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for REGCLS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ROT_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ROT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ROT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ROT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ROT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7309,19 +6836,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for ROT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RPCOPT_PROPERTIES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RPCOPT_PROPERTIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RPCOPT_PROPERTIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RPCOPT_PROPERTIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RPCOPT_PROPERTIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7331,19 +6847,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RPCOPT_PROPERTIES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RPCOPT_SERVER_LOCALITY_VALUES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RPCOPT_SERVER_LOCALITY_VALUES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RPCOPT_SERVER_LOCALITY_VALUES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RPCOPT_SERVER_LOCALITY_VALUES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RPCOPT_SERVER_LOCALITY_VALUES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7353,19 +6858,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RPCOPT_SERVER_LOCALITY_VALUES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7375,19 +6869,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7397,19 +6880,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RPC_C_IMP_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SERVERCALL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SERVERCALL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SERVERCALL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SERVERCALL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SERVERCALL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7419,19 +6891,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SERVERCALL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STATFLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STATFLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STATFLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STATFLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STATFLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7441,19 +6902,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STATFLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STGC(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STGC {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STGC { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STGC { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STGC { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7496,19 +6946,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for STGC { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STGM(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STGM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STGM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STGM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STGM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7551,19 +6990,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for STGM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STGTY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STGTY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STGTY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STGTY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STGTY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7573,19 +7001,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STGTY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STREAM_SEEK(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STREAM_SEEK {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STREAM_SEEK { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STREAM_SEEK { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STREAM_SEEK { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7595,19 +7012,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STREAM_SEEK { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYSKIND(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYSKIND {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYSKIND { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYSKIND { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYSKIND { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7617,19 +7023,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYSKIND { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ShutdownType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ShutdownType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ShutdownType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ShutdownType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ShutdownType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7639,19 +7034,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ShutdownType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct THDTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for THDTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for THDTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for THDTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for THDTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7661,19 +7045,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for THDTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TYMED(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TYMED {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TYMED { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TYMED { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TYMED { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7683,19 +7056,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TYMED { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TYPEKIND(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TYPEKIND {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TYPEKIND { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TYPEKIND { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TYPEKIND { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7705,19 +7067,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TYPEKIND { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TYSPEC(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TYSPEC {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TYSPEC { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TYSPEC { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TYSPEC { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7727,19 +7078,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TYSPEC { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct URI_CREATE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for URI_CREATE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for URI_CREATE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for URI_CREATE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for URI_CREATE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7782,19 +7122,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for URI_CREATE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct Uri_PROPERTY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for Uri_PROPERTY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for Uri_PROPERTY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for Uri_PROPERTY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for Uri_PROPERTY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7804,19 +7133,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for Uri_PROPERTY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VARFLAGS(pub u16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VARFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VARFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VARFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VARFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7826,19 +7144,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VARFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VARKIND(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VARKIND {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VARKIND { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VARKIND { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VARKIND { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/ComponentServices/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/ComponentServices/ index b15af1a8c9..f2a01d2d4c 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/ComponentServices/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/ComponentServices/ @@ -6165,19 +6165,8 @@ pub const mtsErrCtxSynchTimeout: AutoSvcs_Error_Constants = AutoSvcs_Error_Const pub const mtsErrCtxTMNotAvailable: AutoSvcs_Error_Constants = AutoSvcs_Error_Constants(2147803151u32); pub const mtsErrCtxWrongThread: AutoSvcs_Error_Constants = AutoSvcs_Error_Constants(2147803150u32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AutoSvcs_Error_Constants(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AutoSvcs_Error_Constants {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AutoSvcs_Error_Constants { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AutoSvcs_Error_Constants { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AutoSvcs_Error_Constants { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6187,19 +6176,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AutoSvcs_Error_Constants { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COMAdminAccessChecksLevelOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COMAdminAccessChecksLevelOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COMAdminAccessChecksLevelOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COMAdminAccessChecksLevelOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COMAdminAccessChecksLevelOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6209,19 +6187,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COMAdminAccessChecksLevelOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COMAdminActivationOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COMAdminActivationOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COMAdminActivationOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COMAdminActivationOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COMAdminActivationOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6231,19 +6198,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COMAdminActivationOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COMAdminApplicationExportOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COMAdminApplicationExportOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COMAdminApplicationExportOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COMAdminApplicationExportOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COMAdminApplicationExportOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6253,19 +6209,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COMAdminApplicationExportOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COMAdminApplicationInstallOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COMAdminApplicationInstallOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COMAdminApplicationInstallOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COMAdminApplicationInstallOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COMAdminApplicationInstallOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6275,19 +6220,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COMAdminApplicationInstallOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COMAdminAuthenticationCapabilitiesOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COMAdminAuthenticationCapabilitiesOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COMAdminAuthenticationCapabilitiesOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COMAdminAuthenticationCapabilitiesOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COMAdminAuthenticationCapabilitiesOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6297,19 +6231,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COMAdminAuthenticationCapabilitiesOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COMAdminAuthenticationLevelOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COMAdminAuthenticationLevelOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COMAdminAuthenticationLevelOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COMAdminAuthenticationLevelOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COMAdminAuthenticationLevelOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6319,19 +6242,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COMAdminAuthenticationLevelOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COMAdminComponentFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COMAdminComponentFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COMAdminComponentFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COMAdminComponentFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COMAdminComponentFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6341,19 +6253,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COMAdminComponentFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COMAdminComponentType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COMAdminComponentType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COMAdminComponentType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COMAdminComponentType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COMAdminComponentType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6363,19 +6264,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COMAdminComponentType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COMAdminErrorCodes(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COMAdminErrorCodes {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COMAdminErrorCodes { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COMAdminErrorCodes { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COMAdminErrorCodes { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6385,19 +6275,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COMAdminErrorCodes { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COMAdminFileFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COMAdminFileFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COMAdminFileFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COMAdminFileFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COMAdminFileFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6407,19 +6286,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COMAdminFileFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COMAdminImpersonationLevelOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COMAdminImpersonationLevelOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COMAdminImpersonationLevelOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COMAdminImpersonationLevelOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COMAdminImpersonationLevelOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6429,19 +6297,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COMAdminImpersonationLevelOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COMAdminInUse(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COMAdminInUse {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COMAdminInUse { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COMAdminInUse { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COMAdminInUse { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6451,19 +6308,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COMAdminInUse { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COMAdminOS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COMAdminOS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COMAdminOS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COMAdminOS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COMAdminOS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6473,19 +6319,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COMAdminOS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COMAdminQCMessageAuthenticateOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COMAdminQCMessageAuthenticateOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COMAdminQCMessageAuthenticateOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COMAdminQCMessageAuthenticateOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COMAdminQCMessageAuthenticateOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6495,19 +6330,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COMAdminQCMessageAuthenticateOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COMAdminServiceOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COMAdminServiceOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COMAdminServiceOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COMAdminServiceOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COMAdminServiceOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6517,19 +6341,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COMAdminServiceOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COMAdminServiceStatusOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COMAdminServiceStatusOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COMAdminServiceStatusOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COMAdminServiceStatusOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COMAdminServiceStatusOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6539,19 +6352,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COMAdminServiceStatusOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COMAdminSynchronizationOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COMAdminSynchronizationOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COMAdminSynchronizationOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COMAdminSynchronizationOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COMAdminSynchronizationOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6561,19 +6363,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COMAdminSynchronizationOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COMAdminThreadingModels(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COMAdminThreadingModels {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COMAdminThreadingModels { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COMAdminThreadingModels { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COMAdminThreadingModels { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6583,19 +6374,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COMAdminThreadingModels { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COMAdminTransactionOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COMAdminTransactionOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COMAdminTransactionOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COMAdminTransactionOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COMAdminTransactionOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6605,19 +6385,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COMAdminTransactionOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COMAdminTxIsolationLevelOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COMAdminTxIsolationLevelOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COMAdminTxIsolationLevelOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COMAdminTxIsolationLevelOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COMAdminTxIsolationLevelOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6627,19 +6396,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COMAdminTxIsolationLevelOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COMPLUS_APPTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COMPLUS_APPTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COMPLUS_APPTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COMPLUS_APPTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COMPLUS_APPTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6649,19 +6407,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COMPLUS_APPTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CRMFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CRMFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CRMFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CRMFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CRMFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6671,19 +6418,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CRMFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CRMREGFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CRMREGFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CRMREGFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CRMREGFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CRMREGFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6693,19 +6429,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CRMREGFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CSC_Binding(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CSC_Binding {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CSC_Binding { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CSC_Binding { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CSC_Binding { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6715,19 +6440,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CSC_Binding { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CSC_COMTIIntrinsicsConfig(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CSC_COMTIIntrinsicsConfig {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CSC_COMTIIntrinsicsConfig { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CSC_COMTIIntrinsicsConfig { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CSC_COMTIIntrinsicsConfig { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6737,19 +6451,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CSC_COMTIIntrinsicsConfig { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CSC_IISIntrinsicsConfig(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CSC_IISIntrinsicsConfig {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CSC_IISIntrinsicsConfig { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CSC_IISIntrinsicsConfig { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CSC_IISIntrinsicsConfig { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6759,19 +6462,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CSC_IISIntrinsicsConfig { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CSC_InheritanceConfig(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CSC_InheritanceConfig {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CSC_InheritanceConfig { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CSC_InheritanceConfig { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CSC_InheritanceConfig { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6781,19 +6473,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CSC_InheritanceConfig { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CSC_PartitionConfig(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CSC_PartitionConfig {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CSC_PartitionConfig { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CSC_PartitionConfig { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CSC_PartitionConfig { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6803,19 +6484,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CSC_PartitionConfig { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CSC_SxsConfig(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CSC_SxsConfig {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CSC_SxsConfig { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CSC_SxsConfig { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CSC_SxsConfig { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6825,19 +6495,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CSC_SxsConfig { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CSC_SynchronizationConfig(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CSC_SynchronizationConfig {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CSC_SynchronizationConfig { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CSC_SynchronizationConfig { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CSC_SynchronizationConfig { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6847,19 +6506,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CSC_SynchronizationConfig { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CSC_ThreadPool(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CSC_ThreadPool {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CSC_ThreadPool { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CSC_ThreadPool { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CSC_ThreadPool { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6869,19 +6517,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CSC_ThreadPool { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CSC_TrackerConfig(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CSC_TrackerConfig {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CSC_TrackerConfig { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CSC_TrackerConfig { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CSC_TrackerConfig { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6891,19 +6528,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CSC_TrackerConfig { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CSC_TransactionConfig(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CSC_TransactionConfig {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CSC_TransactionConfig { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CSC_TransactionConfig { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CSC_TransactionConfig { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6913,19 +6539,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CSC_TransactionConfig { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CrmTransactionState(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CrmTransactionState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CrmTransactionState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CrmTransactionState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CrmTransactionState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6935,19 +6550,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CrmTransactionState { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DUMPTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DUMPTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DUMPTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DUMPTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DUMPTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6957,19 +6561,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DUMPTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GetAppTrackerDataFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GetAppTrackerDataFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GetAppTrackerDataFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GetAppTrackerDataFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GetAppTrackerDataFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6979,19 +6572,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GetAppTrackerDataFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LockModes(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LockModes {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LockModes { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LockModes { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LockModes { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7001,19 +6583,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for LockModes { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ReleaseModes(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ReleaseModes {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ReleaseModes { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ReleaseModes { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ReleaseModes { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7023,19 +6594,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ReleaseModes { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TRACKING_COLL_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TRACKING_COLL_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TRACKING_COLL_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TRACKING_COLL_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TRACKING_COLL_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7045,19 +6605,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TRACKING_COLL_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TransactionVote(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TransactionVote {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TransactionVote { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TransactionVote { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TransactionVote { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Console/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Console/ index 918866cccf..db40181021 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Console/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Console/ @@ -775,19 +775,8 @@ pub const STD_INPUT_HANDLE: STD_HANDLE = STD_HANDLE(4294967286u32); pub const STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE: STD_HANDLE = STD_HANDLE(4294967285u32); pub const WINDOW_BUFFER_SIZE_EVENT: u32 = 4u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CONSOLE_CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTES(pub u16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CONSOLE_CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CONSOLE_CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CONSOLE_CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CONSOLE_CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -830,19 +819,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CONSOLE_CHARACTER_ATTRIBUTES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CONSOLE_MODE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CONSOLE_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CONSOLE_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CONSOLE_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CONSOLE_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -885,19 +863,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CONSOLE_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STD_HANDLE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STD_HANDLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STD_HANDLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STD_HANDLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STD_HANDLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Contacts/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Contacts/ index 4a216226c0..4c733b8b30 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Contacts/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Contacts/ @@ -1214,19 +1214,8 @@ pub const CONTACTPROP_PUB_PROGID: ::windows_core::PCWSTR = ::windows_core::w!("P pub const Contact: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0x61b68808_8eee_4fd1_acb8_3d804c8db056); pub const ContactManager: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0x7165c8ab_af88_42bd_86fd_5310b4285a02); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CONTACT_AGGREGATION_COLLECTION_OPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CONTACT_AGGREGATION_COLLECTION_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CONTACT_AGGREGATION_COLLECTION_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CONTACT_AGGREGATION_COLLECTION_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CONTACT_AGGREGATION_COLLECTION_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1236,19 +1225,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CONTACT_AGGREGATION_COLLECTION_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CONTACT_AGGREGATION_CREATE_OR_OPEN_OPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CONTACT_AGGREGATION_CREATE_OR_OPEN_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CONTACT_AGGREGATION_CREATE_OR_OPEN_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CONTACT_AGGREGATION_CREATE_OR_OPEN_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CONTACT_AGGREGATION_CREATE_OR_OPEN_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/DataExchange/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/DataExchange/ index 7a97f9ba5f..0d642fffe3 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/DataExchange/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/DataExchange/ @@ -705,19 +705,8 @@ pub const XTYP_UNREGISTER: DDE_CLIENT_TRANSACTION_TYPE = DDE_CLIENT_TRANSACTION_ pub const XTYP_WILDCONNECT: DDE_CLIENT_TRANSACTION_TYPE = DDE_CLIENT_TRANSACTION_TYPE(8418u32); pub const XTYP_XACT_COMPLETE: DDE_CLIENT_TRANSACTION_TYPE = DDE_CLIENT_TRANSACTION_TYPE(32896u32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CONVINFO_CONVERSATION_STATE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CONVINFO_CONVERSATION_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CONVINFO_CONVERSATION_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CONVINFO_CONVERSATION_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CONVINFO_CONVERSATION_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -727,19 +716,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CONVINFO_CONVERSATION_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CONVINFO_STATUS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CONVINFO_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CONVINFO_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CONVINFO_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CONVINFO_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -782,19 +760,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CONVINFO_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DDE_CLIENT_TRANSACTION_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DDE_CLIENT_TRANSACTION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DDE_CLIENT_TRANSACTION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DDE_CLIENT_TRANSACTION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DDE_CLIENT_TRANSACTION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -804,19 +771,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DDE_CLIENT_TRANSACTION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DDE_ENABLE_CALLBACK_CMD(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DDE_ENABLE_CALLBACK_CMD {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DDE_ENABLE_CALLBACK_CMD { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DDE_ENABLE_CALLBACK_CMD { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DDE_ENABLE_CALLBACK_CMD { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -826,19 +782,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DDE_ENABLE_CALLBACK_CMD { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DDE_INITIALIZE_COMMAND(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DDE_INITIALIZE_COMMAND {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DDE_INITIALIZE_COMMAND { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DDE_INITIALIZE_COMMAND { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DDE_INITIALIZE_COMMAND { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -881,19 +826,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DDE_INITIALIZE_COMMAND { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DDE_NAME_SERVICE_CMD(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DDE_NAME_SERVICE_CMD {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DDE_NAME_SERVICE_CMD { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DDE_NAME_SERVICE_CMD { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DDE_NAME_SERVICE_CMD { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/DeploymentServices/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/DeploymentServices/ index 2fe5918761..9dc5ae8b0e 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/DeploymentServices/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/DeploymentServices/ @@ -2950,19 +2950,8 @@ pub const WdsTransportSetupManager: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID: pub const WdsTransportTftpClient: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0x50343925_7c5c_4c8c_96c4_ad9fa5005fba); pub const WdsTransportTftpManager: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0xc8e9dca2_3241_4e4d_b806_bc74019dfeda); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CPU_ARCHITECTURE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CPU_ARCHITECTURE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CPU_ARCHITECTURE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CPU_ARCHITECTURE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CPU_ARCHITECTURE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2972,19 +2961,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CPU_ARCHITECTURE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PFN_WDS_CLI_CALLBACK_MESSAGE_ID(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PFN_WDS_CLI_CALLBACK_MESSAGE_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PFN_WDS_CLI_CALLBACK_MESSAGE_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PFN_WDS_CLI_CALLBACK_MESSAGE_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PFN_WDS_CLI_CALLBACK_MESSAGE_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2994,19 +2972,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PFN_WDS_CLI_CALLBACK_MESSAGE_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TRANSPORTCLIENT_CALLBACK_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TRANSPORTCLIENT_CALLBACK_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TRANSPORTCLIENT_CALLBACK_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TRANSPORTCLIENT_CALLBACK_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TRANSPORTCLIENT_CALLBACK_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3016,19 +2983,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TRANSPORTCLIENT_CALLBACK_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TRANSPORTPROVIDER_CALLBACK_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TRANSPORTPROVIDER_CALLBACK_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TRANSPORTPROVIDER_CALLBACK_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TRANSPORTPROVIDER_CALLBACK_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TRANSPORTPROVIDER_CALLBACK_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3038,19 +2994,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TRANSPORTPROVIDER_CALLBACK_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WDSTRANSPORT_DIAGNOSTICS_COMPONENT_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WDSTRANSPORT_DIAGNOSTICS_COMPONENT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WDSTRANSPORT_DIAGNOSTICS_COMPONENT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WDSTRANSPORT_DIAGNOSTICS_COMPONENT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WDSTRANSPORT_DIAGNOSTICS_COMPONENT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3060,19 +3005,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WDSTRANSPORT_DIAGNOSTICS_COMPONENT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WDSTRANSPORT_DISCONNECT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WDSTRANSPORT_DISCONNECT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WDSTRANSPORT_DISCONNECT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WDSTRANSPORT_DISCONNECT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WDSTRANSPORT_DISCONNECT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3082,19 +3016,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WDSTRANSPORT_DISCONNECT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WDSTRANSPORT_FEATURE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WDSTRANSPORT_FEATURE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WDSTRANSPORT_FEATURE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WDSTRANSPORT_FEATURE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WDSTRANSPORT_FEATURE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3104,19 +3027,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WDSTRANSPORT_FEATURE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WDSTRANSPORT_IP_ADDRESS_SOURCE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WDSTRANSPORT_IP_ADDRESS_SOURCE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WDSTRANSPORT_IP_ADDRESS_SOURCE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WDSTRANSPORT_IP_ADDRESS_SOURCE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WDSTRANSPORT_IP_ADDRESS_SOURCE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3126,19 +3038,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WDSTRANSPORT_IP_ADDRESS_SOURCE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WDSTRANSPORT_IP_ADDRESS_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WDSTRANSPORT_IP_ADDRESS_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WDSTRANSPORT_IP_ADDRESS_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WDSTRANSPORT_IP_ADDRESS_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WDSTRANSPORT_IP_ADDRESS_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3148,19 +3049,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WDSTRANSPORT_IP_ADDRESS_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WDSTRANSPORT_NAMESPACE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WDSTRANSPORT_NAMESPACE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WDSTRANSPORT_NAMESPACE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WDSTRANSPORT_NAMESPACE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WDSTRANSPORT_NAMESPACE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3170,19 +3060,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WDSTRANSPORT_NAMESPACE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WDSTRANSPORT_NETWORK_PROFILE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WDSTRANSPORT_NETWORK_PROFILE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WDSTRANSPORT_NETWORK_PROFILE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WDSTRANSPORT_NETWORK_PROFILE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WDSTRANSPORT_NETWORK_PROFILE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3192,19 +3071,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WDSTRANSPORT_NETWORK_PROFILE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WDSTRANSPORT_PROTOCOL_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WDSTRANSPORT_PROTOCOL_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WDSTRANSPORT_PROTOCOL_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WDSTRANSPORT_PROTOCOL_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WDSTRANSPORT_PROTOCOL_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3214,19 +3082,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WDSTRANSPORT_PROTOCOL_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WDSTRANSPORT_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WDSTRANSPORT_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WDSTRANSPORT_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WDSTRANSPORT_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WDSTRANSPORT_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3236,19 +3093,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WDSTRANSPORT_SERVICE_NOTIFICATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WDSTRANSPORT_SLOW_CLIENT_HANDLING_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WDSTRANSPORT_SLOW_CLIENT_HANDLING_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WDSTRANSPORT_SLOW_CLIENT_HANDLING_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WDSTRANSPORT_SLOW_CLIENT_HANDLING_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WDSTRANSPORT_SLOW_CLIENT_HANDLING_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3258,19 +3104,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WDSTRANSPORT_SLOW_CLIENT_HANDLING_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WDSTRANSPORT_TFTP_CAPABILITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WDSTRANSPORT_TFTP_CAPABILITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WDSTRANSPORT_TFTP_CAPABILITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WDSTRANSPORT_TFTP_CAPABILITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WDSTRANSPORT_TFTP_CAPABILITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3280,19 +3115,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WDSTRANSPORT_TFTP_CAPABILITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WDSTRANSPORT_UDP_PORT_POLICY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WDSTRANSPORT_UDP_PORT_POLICY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WDSTRANSPORT_UDP_PORT_POLICY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WDSTRANSPORT_UDP_PORT_POLICY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WDSTRANSPORT_UDP_PORT_POLICY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3302,19 +3126,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WDSTRANSPORT_UDP_PORT_POLICY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WDS_CLI_FIRMWARE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WDS_CLI_FIRMWARE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WDS_CLI_FIRMWARE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WDS_CLI_FIRMWARE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WDS_CLI_FIRMWARE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3324,19 +3137,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WDS_CLI_FIRMWARE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WDS_CLI_IMAGE_PARAM_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WDS_CLI_IMAGE_PARAM_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WDS_CLI_IMAGE_PARAM_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WDS_CLI_IMAGE_PARAM_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WDS_CLI_IMAGE_PARAM_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3346,19 +3148,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WDS_CLI_IMAGE_PARAM_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WDS_CLI_IMAGE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WDS_CLI_IMAGE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WDS_CLI_IMAGE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WDS_CLI_IMAGE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WDS_CLI_IMAGE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3368,19 +3159,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WDS_CLI_IMAGE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WDS_TRANSPORTCLIENT_REQUEST_AUTH_LEVEL(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WDS_TRANSPORTCLIENT_REQUEST_AUTH_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WDS_TRANSPORTCLIENT_REQUEST_AUTH_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WDS_TRANSPORTCLIENT_REQUEST_AUTH_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WDS_TRANSPORTCLIENT_REQUEST_AUTH_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/DesktopSharing/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/DesktopSharing/ index 6e4868db4d..2ee76383c4 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/DesktopSharing/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/DesktopSharing/ @@ -1698,19 +1698,8 @@ pub const RDPTransportStreamEvents: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID: pub const RDPViewer: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0x32be5ed2_5c86_480f_a914_0ff8885a1b3f); pub const WND_FLAG_PRIVILEGED: RDPSRAPI_WND_FLAGS = RDPSRAPI_WND_FLAGS(1i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ATTENDEE_DISCONNECT_REASON(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ATTENDEE_DISCONNECT_REASON {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ATTENDEE_DISCONNECT_REASON { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ATTENDEE_DISCONNECT_REASON { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ATTENDEE_DISCONNECT_REASON { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1720,19 +1709,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ATTENDEE_DISCONNECT_REASON { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CHANNEL_ACCESS_ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CHANNEL_ACCESS_ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CHANNEL_ACCESS_ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CHANNEL_ACCESS_ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CHANNEL_ACCESS_ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1742,19 +1720,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CHANNEL_ACCESS_ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CHANNEL_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CHANNEL_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CHANNEL_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CHANNEL_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CHANNEL_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1764,19 +1731,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CHANNEL_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CHANNEL_PRIORITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CHANNEL_PRIORITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CHANNEL_PRIORITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CHANNEL_PRIORITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CHANNEL_PRIORITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1786,19 +1742,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CHANNEL_PRIORITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CTRL_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CTRL_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CTRL_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CTRL_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CTRL_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1808,19 +1753,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CTRL_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RDPENCOMAPI_ATTENDEE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RDPENCOMAPI_ATTENDEE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RDPENCOMAPI_ATTENDEE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RDPENCOMAPI_ATTENDEE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RDPENCOMAPI_ATTENDEE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1830,19 +1764,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RDPENCOMAPI_ATTENDEE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RDPENCOMAPI_CONSTANTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RDPENCOMAPI_CONSTANTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RDPENCOMAPI_CONSTANTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RDPENCOMAPI_CONSTANTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RDPENCOMAPI_CONSTANTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1852,19 +1775,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RDPENCOMAPI_CONSTANTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RDPSRAPI_APP_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RDPSRAPI_APP_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RDPSRAPI_APP_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RDPSRAPI_APP_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RDPSRAPI_APP_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1874,19 +1786,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RDPSRAPI_APP_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RDPSRAPI_KBD_CODE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RDPSRAPI_KBD_CODE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RDPSRAPI_KBD_CODE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RDPSRAPI_KBD_CODE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RDPSRAPI_KBD_CODE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1896,19 +1797,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RDPSRAPI_KBD_CODE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RDPSRAPI_KBD_SYNC_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RDPSRAPI_KBD_SYNC_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RDPSRAPI_KBD_SYNC_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RDPSRAPI_KBD_SYNC_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RDPSRAPI_KBD_SYNC_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1918,19 +1808,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RDPSRAPI_KBD_SYNC_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RDPSRAPI_MOUSE_BUTTON_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RDPSRAPI_MOUSE_BUTTON_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RDPSRAPI_MOUSE_BUTTON_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RDPSRAPI_MOUSE_BUTTON_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RDPSRAPI_MOUSE_BUTTON_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1940,19 +1819,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RDPSRAPI_MOUSE_BUTTON_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RDPSRAPI_WND_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RDPSRAPI_WND_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RDPSRAPI_WND_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RDPSRAPI_WND_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RDPSRAPI_WND_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Diagnostics/ClrProfiling/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Diagnostics/ClrProfiling/ index 2b409526a3..e41aeec7a3 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Diagnostics/ClrProfiling/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Diagnostics/ClrProfiling/ @@ -8420,19 +8420,8 @@ pub const PROFILER_GLOBAL_MODULE: COR_PRF_MISC = COR_PRF_MISC(-1i32); pub const PROFILER_PARENT_UNKNOWN: COR_PRF_MISC = COR_PRF_MISC(-3i32); pub const PROLOG: CorDebugIlToNativeMappingTypes = CorDebugIlToNativeMappingTypes(-2i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COR_PRF_CLAUSE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COR_PRF_CLAUSE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COR_PRF_CLAUSE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COR_PRF_CLAUSE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COR_PRF_CLAUSE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8442,19 +8431,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COR_PRF_CLAUSE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COR_PRF_CODEGEN_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COR_PRF_CODEGEN_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COR_PRF_CODEGEN_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COR_PRF_CODEGEN_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COR_PRF_CODEGEN_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8464,19 +8442,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COR_PRF_CODEGEN_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COR_PRF_EVENTPIPE_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COR_PRF_EVENTPIPE_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COR_PRF_EVENTPIPE_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COR_PRF_EVENTPIPE_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COR_PRF_EVENTPIPE_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8486,19 +8453,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COR_PRF_EVENTPIPE_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COR_PRF_EVENTPIPE_PARAM_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COR_PRF_EVENTPIPE_PARAM_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COR_PRF_EVENTPIPE_PARAM_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COR_PRF_EVENTPIPE_PARAM_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COR_PRF_EVENTPIPE_PARAM_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8508,19 +8464,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COR_PRF_EVENTPIPE_PARAM_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COR_PRF_FINALIZER_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COR_PRF_FINALIZER_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COR_PRF_FINALIZER_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COR_PRF_FINALIZER_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COR_PRF_FINALIZER_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8530,19 +8475,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COR_PRF_FINALIZER_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COR_PRF_GC_GENERATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COR_PRF_GC_GENERATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COR_PRF_GC_GENERATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COR_PRF_GC_GENERATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COR_PRF_GC_GENERATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8552,19 +8486,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COR_PRF_GC_GENERATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COR_PRF_GC_REASON(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COR_PRF_GC_REASON {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COR_PRF_GC_REASON { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COR_PRF_GC_REASON { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COR_PRF_GC_REASON { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8574,19 +8497,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COR_PRF_GC_REASON { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COR_PRF_GC_ROOT_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COR_PRF_GC_ROOT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COR_PRF_GC_ROOT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COR_PRF_GC_ROOT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COR_PRF_GC_ROOT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8596,19 +8508,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COR_PRF_GC_ROOT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COR_PRF_GC_ROOT_KIND(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COR_PRF_GC_ROOT_KIND {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COR_PRF_GC_ROOT_KIND { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COR_PRF_GC_ROOT_KIND { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COR_PRF_GC_ROOT_KIND { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8618,19 +8519,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COR_PRF_GC_ROOT_KIND { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COR_PRF_HANDLE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COR_PRF_HANDLE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COR_PRF_HANDLE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COR_PRF_HANDLE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COR_PRF_HANDLE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8640,19 +8530,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COR_PRF_HANDLE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COR_PRF_HIGH_MONITOR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COR_PRF_HIGH_MONITOR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COR_PRF_HIGH_MONITOR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COR_PRF_HIGH_MONITOR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COR_PRF_HIGH_MONITOR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8662,19 +8541,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COR_PRF_HIGH_MONITOR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COR_PRF_JIT_CACHE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COR_PRF_JIT_CACHE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COR_PRF_JIT_CACHE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COR_PRF_JIT_CACHE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COR_PRF_JIT_CACHE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8684,19 +8552,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COR_PRF_JIT_CACHE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COR_PRF_MISC(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COR_PRF_MISC {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COR_PRF_MISC { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COR_PRF_MISC { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COR_PRF_MISC { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8706,19 +8563,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COR_PRF_MISC { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COR_PRF_MODULE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COR_PRF_MODULE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COR_PRF_MODULE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COR_PRF_MODULE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COR_PRF_MODULE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8728,19 +8574,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COR_PRF_MODULE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COR_PRF_MONITOR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COR_PRF_MONITOR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COR_PRF_MONITOR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COR_PRF_MONITOR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COR_PRF_MONITOR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8750,19 +8585,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COR_PRF_MONITOR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COR_PRF_REJIT_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COR_PRF_REJIT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COR_PRF_REJIT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COR_PRF_REJIT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COR_PRF_REJIT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8772,19 +8596,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COR_PRF_REJIT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COR_PRF_RUNTIME_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COR_PRF_RUNTIME_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COR_PRF_RUNTIME_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COR_PRF_RUNTIME_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COR_PRF_RUNTIME_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8794,19 +8607,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COR_PRF_RUNTIME_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COR_PRF_SNAPSHOT_INFO(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COR_PRF_SNAPSHOT_INFO {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COR_PRF_SNAPSHOT_INFO { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COR_PRF_SNAPSHOT_INFO { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COR_PRF_SNAPSHOT_INFO { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8816,19 +8618,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COR_PRF_SNAPSHOT_INFO { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COR_PRF_STATIC_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COR_PRF_STATIC_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COR_PRF_STATIC_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COR_PRF_STATIC_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COR_PRF_STATIC_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8838,19 +8629,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COR_PRF_STATIC_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COR_PRF_SUSPEND_REASON(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COR_PRF_SUSPEND_REASON {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COR_PRF_SUSPEND_REASON { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COR_PRF_SUSPEND_REASON { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COR_PRF_SUSPEND_REASON { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8860,19 +8640,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COR_PRF_SUSPEND_REASON { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COR_PRF_TRANSITION_REASON(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COR_PRF_TRANSITION_REASON {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COR_PRF_TRANSITION_REASON { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COR_PRF_TRANSITION_REASON { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COR_PRF_TRANSITION_REASON { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8882,19 +8651,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COR_PRF_TRANSITION_REASON { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CorDebugIlToNativeMappingTypes(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CorDebugIlToNativeMappingTypes {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CorDebugIlToNativeMappingTypes { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CorDebugIlToNativeMappingTypes { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CorDebugIlToNativeMappingTypes { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Diagnostics/Debug/ActiveScript/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Diagnostics/Debug/ActiveScript/ index d85d8ce625..494a4cc8fe 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Diagnostics/Debug/ActiveScript/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Diagnostics/Debug/ActiveScript/ @@ -5751,19 +5751,8 @@ pub const fasaCaseSensitive: u32 = 4u32; pub const fasaPreferInternalHandler: u32 = 1u32; pub const fasaSupportInternalHandler: u32 = 2u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct APPLICATION_NODE_EVENT_FILTER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for APPLICATION_NODE_EVENT_FILTER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for APPLICATION_NODE_EVENT_FILTER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for APPLICATION_NODE_EVENT_FILTER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for APPLICATION_NODE_EVENT_FILTER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5773,19 +5762,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for APPLICATION_NODE_EVENT_FILTER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BREAKPOINT_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BREAKPOINT_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BREAKPOINT_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BREAKPOINT_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BREAKPOINT_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5795,19 +5773,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BREAKPOINT_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BREAKREASON(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BREAKREASON {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BREAKREASON { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BREAKREASON { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BREAKREASON { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5817,19 +5784,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BREAKREASON { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BREAKRESUMEACTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BREAKRESUMEACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BREAKRESUMEACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BREAKRESUMEACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BREAKRESUMEACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5839,19 +5795,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BREAKRESUMEACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEBUG_EVENT_INFO_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEBUG_EVENT_INFO_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEBUG_EVENT_INFO_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEBUG_EVENT_INFO_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEBUG_EVENT_INFO_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5861,19 +5806,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEBUG_EVENT_INFO_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEBUG_STACKFRAME_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEBUG_STACKFRAME_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEBUG_STACKFRAME_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEBUG_STACKFRAME_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEBUG_STACKFRAME_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5883,19 +5817,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEBUG_STACKFRAME_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DOCUMENTNAMETYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DOCUMENTNAMETYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DOCUMENTNAMETYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DOCUMENTNAMETYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DOCUMENTNAMETYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5905,19 +5828,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DOCUMENTNAMETYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ERRORRESUMEACTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ERRORRESUMEACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ERRORRESUMEACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ERRORRESUMEACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ERRORRESUMEACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5927,19 +5839,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ERRORRESUMEACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct JS_PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for JS_PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for JS_PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for JS_PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for JS_PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5949,19 +5850,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for JS_PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct JS_PROPERTY_MEMBERS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for JS_PROPERTY_MEMBERS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for JS_PROPERTY_MEMBERS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for JS_PROPERTY_MEMBERS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for JS_PROPERTY_MEMBERS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5971,23 +5861,12 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for JS_PROPERTY_MEMBERS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct JsDebugReadMemoryFlags(pub i32); impl JsDebugReadMemoryFlags { pub const None: Self = Self(0i32); pub const JsDebugAllowPartialRead: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for JsDebugReadMemoryFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for JsDebugReadMemoryFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for JsDebugReadMemoryFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for JsDebugReadMemoryFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5997,19 +5876,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for JsDebugReadMemoryFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROFILER_EVENT_MASK(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROFILER_EVENT_MASK {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROFILER_EVENT_MASK { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROFILER_EVENT_MASK { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROFILER_EVENT_MASK { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6052,19 +5920,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for PROFILER_EVENT_MASK { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROFILER_HEAP_ENUM_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROFILER_HEAP_ENUM_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROFILER_HEAP_ENUM_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROFILER_HEAP_ENUM_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROFILER_HEAP_ENUM_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6107,19 +5964,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for PROFILER_HEAP_ENUM_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROFILER_HEAP_OBJECT_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROFILER_HEAP_OBJECT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROFILER_HEAP_OBJECT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROFILER_HEAP_OBJECT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROFILER_HEAP_OBJECT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6162,19 +6008,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for PROFILER_HEAP_OBJECT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROFILER_HEAP_OBJECT_OPTIONAL_INFO_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROFILER_HEAP_OBJECT_OPTIONAL_INFO_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROFILER_HEAP_OBJECT_OPTIONAL_INFO_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROFILER_HEAP_OBJECT_OPTIONAL_INFO_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROFILER_HEAP_OBJECT_OPTIONAL_INFO_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6184,19 +6019,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PROFILER_HEAP_OBJECT_OPTIONAL_INFO_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROFILER_HEAP_OBJECT_RELATIONSHIP_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROFILER_HEAP_OBJECT_RELATIONSHIP_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROFILER_HEAP_OBJECT_RELATIONSHIP_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROFILER_HEAP_OBJECT_RELATIONSHIP_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROFILER_HEAP_OBJECT_RELATIONSHIP_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6239,19 +6063,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for PROFILER_HEAP_OBJECT_RELATIONSHIP_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROFILER_HEAP_SUMMARY_VERSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROFILER_HEAP_SUMMARY_VERSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROFILER_HEAP_SUMMARY_VERSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROFILER_HEAP_SUMMARY_VERSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROFILER_HEAP_SUMMARY_VERSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6261,19 +6074,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PROFILER_HEAP_SUMMARY_VERSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROFILER_RELATIONSHIP_INFO(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROFILER_RELATIONSHIP_INFO {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROFILER_RELATIONSHIP_INFO { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROFILER_RELATIONSHIP_INFO { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROFILER_RELATIONSHIP_INFO { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6283,19 +6085,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PROFILER_RELATIONSHIP_INFO { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROFILER_SCRIPT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROFILER_SCRIPT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROFILER_SCRIPT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROFILER_SCRIPT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROFILER_SCRIPT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6305,19 +6096,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PROFILER_SCRIPT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SCRIPTGCTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SCRIPTGCTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SCRIPTGCTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SCRIPTGCTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SCRIPTGCTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6327,19 +6107,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SCRIPTGCTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SCRIPTLANGUAGEVERSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SCRIPTLANGUAGEVERSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SCRIPTLANGUAGEVERSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SCRIPTLANGUAGEVERSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SCRIPTLANGUAGEVERSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6349,19 +6118,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SCRIPTLANGUAGEVERSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SCRIPTSTATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SCRIPTSTATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SCRIPTSTATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SCRIPTSTATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SCRIPTSTATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6371,19 +6129,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SCRIPTSTATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SCRIPTTHREADSTATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SCRIPTTHREADSTATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SCRIPTTHREADSTATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SCRIPTTHREADSTATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SCRIPTTHREADSTATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6393,19 +6140,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SCRIPTTHREADSTATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SCRIPTTRACEINFO(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SCRIPTTRACEINFO {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SCRIPTTRACEINFO { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SCRIPTTRACEINFO { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SCRIPTTRACEINFO { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6415,19 +6151,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SCRIPTTRACEINFO { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SCRIPTUICHANDLING(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SCRIPTUICHANDLING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SCRIPTUICHANDLING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SCRIPTUICHANDLING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SCRIPTUICHANDLING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6437,19 +6162,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SCRIPTUICHANDLING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SCRIPTUICITEM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SCRIPTUICITEM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SCRIPTUICITEM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SCRIPTUICITEM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SCRIPTUICITEM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6459,19 +6173,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SCRIPTUICITEM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SCRIPT_DEBUGGER_OPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SCRIPT_DEBUGGER_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SCRIPT_DEBUGGER_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SCRIPT_DEBUGGER_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SCRIPT_DEBUGGER_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6514,19 +6217,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SCRIPT_DEBUGGER_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SCRIPT_ERROR_DEBUG_EXCEPTION_THROWN_KIND(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SCRIPT_ERROR_DEBUG_EXCEPTION_THROWN_KIND {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SCRIPT_ERROR_DEBUG_EXCEPTION_THROWN_KIND { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SCRIPT_ERROR_DEBUG_EXCEPTION_THROWN_KIND { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SCRIPT_ERROR_DEBUG_EXCEPTION_THROWN_KIND { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6536,19 +6228,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SCRIPT_ERROR_DEBUG_EXCEPTION_THROWN_KIND { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SCRIPT_INVOCATION_CONTEXT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SCRIPT_INVOCATION_CONTEXT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SCRIPT_INVOCATION_CONTEXT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SCRIPT_INVOCATION_CONTEXT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SCRIPT_INVOCATION_CONTEXT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Diagnostics/Debug/Extensions/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Diagnostics/Debug/Extensions/ index 6652b77ab0..9fd02e7261 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Diagnostics/Debug/Extensions/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Diagnostics/Debug/Extensions/ @@ -21099,19 +21099,8 @@ pub const WIN_NT6_1: OS_TYPE = OS_TYPE(8i32); pub const WIN_UNDEFINED: OS_TYPE = OS_TYPE(255i32); pub const _EXTSAPI_VER_: u32 = 10u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CallingConventionKind(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CallingConventionKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CallingConventionKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CallingConventionKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CallingConventionKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21121,19 +21110,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CallingConventionKind { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBGKD_MAJOR_TYPES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBGKD_MAJOR_TYPES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBGKD_MAJOR_TYPES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBGKD_MAJOR_TYPES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBGKD_MAJOR_TYPES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21143,19 +21121,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBGKD_MAJOR_TYPES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEBUG_FAILURE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEBUG_FAILURE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEBUG_FAILURE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEBUG_FAILURE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEBUG_FAILURE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21165,19 +21132,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEBUG_FAILURE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEBUG_FLR_PARAM_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEBUG_FLR_PARAM_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEBUG_FLR_PARAM_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEBUG_FLR_PARAM_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEBUG_FLR_PARAM_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21187,19 +21143,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEBUG_FLR_PARAM_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEBUG_POOL_REGION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEBUG_POOL_REGION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEBUG_POOL_REGION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEBUG_POOL_REGION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEBUG_POOL_REGION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21209,19 +21154,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEBUG_POOL_REGION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EXT_TDOP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EXT_TDOP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EXT_TDOP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EXT_TDOP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EXT_TDOP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21231,19 +21165,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EXT_TDOP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ErrorClass(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ErrorClass {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ErrorClass { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ErrorClass { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ErrorClass { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21253,19 +21176,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ErrorClass { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FA_ENTRY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FA_ENTRY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FA_ENTRY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FA_ENTRY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FA_ENTRY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21275,19 +21187,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FA_ENTRY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FA_EXTENSION_PLUGIN_PHASE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FA_EXTENSION_PLUGIN_PHASE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FA_EXTENSION_PLUGIN_PHASE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FA_EXTENSION_PLUGIN_PHASE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FA_EXTENSION_PLUGIN_PHASE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21297,19 +21198,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FA_EXTENSION_PLUGIN_PHASE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IntrinsicKind(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IntrinsicKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IntrinsicKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IntrinsicKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IntrinsicKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21319,19 +21209,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IntrinsicKind { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LanguageKind(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LanguageKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LanguageKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LanguageKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LanguageKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21341,19 +21220,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for LanguageKind { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LocationKind(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LocationKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LocationKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LocationKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LocationKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21363,19 +21231,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for LocationKind { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ModelObjectKind(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ModelObjectKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ModelObjectKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ModelObjectKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ModelObjectKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21385,19 +21242,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ModelObjectKind { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OS_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OS_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OS_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OS_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OS_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21407,19 +21253,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OS_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PointerKind(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PointerKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PointerKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PointerKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PointerKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21429,19 +21264,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PointerKind { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PreferredFormat(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PreferredFormat {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PreferredFormat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PreferredFormat { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PreferredFormat { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21451,19 +21275,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PreferredFormat { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RawSearchFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RawSearchFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RawSearchFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RawSearchFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RawSearchFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21473,19 +21286,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RawSearchFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ScriptChangeKind(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ScriptChangeKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ScriptChangeKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ScriptChangeKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ScriptChangeKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21495,19 +21297,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ScriptChangeKind { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ScriptDebugEvent(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ScriptDebugEvent {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ScriptDebugEvent { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ScriptDebugEvent { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ScriptDebugEvent { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21517,19 +21308,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ScriptDebugEvent { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ScriptDebugEventFilter(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ScriptDebugEventFilter {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ScriptDebugEventFilter { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ScriptDebugEventFilter { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ScriptDebugEventFilter { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21539,19 +21319,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ScriptDebugEventFilter { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ScriptDebugState(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ScriptDebugState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ScriptDebugState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ScriptDebugState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ScriptDebugState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21561,19 +21330,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ScriptDebugState { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ScriptExecutionKind(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ScriptExecutionKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ScriptExecutionKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ScriptExecutionKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ScriptExecutionKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21583,19 +21341,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ScriptExecutionKind { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SignatureComparison(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SignatureComparison {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SignatureComparison { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SignatureComparison { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SignatureComparison { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21605,19 +21352,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SignatureComparison { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SymbolKind(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SymbolKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SymbolKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SymbolKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SymbolKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21627,19 +21363,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SymbolKind { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SymbolSearchOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SymbolSearchOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SymbolSearchOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SymbolSearchOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SymbolSearchOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21649,19 +21374,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SymbolSearchOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TANALYZE_RETURN(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TANALYZE_RETURN {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TANALYZE_RETURN { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TANALYZE_RETURN { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TANALYZE_RETURN { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21671,19 +21385,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TANALYZE_RETURN { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TypeKind(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TypeKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TypeKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TypeKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TypeKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -21693,19 +21396,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TypeKind { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VarArgsKind(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VarArgsKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VarArgsKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VarArgsKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VarArgsKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Diagnostics/Debug/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Diagnostics/Debug/ index dcebd5bd5c..67eff24a1d 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Diagnostics/Debug/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Diagnostics/Debug/ @@ -4646,19 +4646,8 @@ pub const sfMax: IMAGEHLP_SF_TYPE = IMAGEHLP_SF_TYPE(4i32); pub const sfMpd: IMAGEHLP_SF_TYPE = IMAGEHLP_SF_TYPE(3i32); pub const sfPdb: IMAGEHLP_SF_TYPE = IMAGEHLP_SF_TYPE(2i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ADDRESS_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ADDRESS_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ADDRESS_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ADDRESS_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ADDRESS_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4668,19 +4657,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ADDRESS_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BUGCHECK_ERROR(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BUGCHECK_ERROR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BUGCHECK_ERROR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BUGCHECK_ERROR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BUGCHECK_ERROR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4690,19 +4668,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BUGCHECK_ERROR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CONTEXT_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CONTEXT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CONTEXT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CONTEXT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CONTEXT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4745,19 +4712,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CONTEXT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBGPROP_ATTRIB_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBGPROP_ATTRIB_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBGPROP_ATTRIB_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBGPROP_ATTRIB_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBGPROP_ATTRIB_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4800,19 +4756,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DBGPROP_ATTRIB_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBGPROP_INFO(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBGPROP_INFO {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBGPROP_INFO { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBGPROP_INFO { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBGPROP_INFO { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4855,19 +4800,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DBGPROP_INFO { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEBUG_EVENT_CODE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEBUG_EVENT_CODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEBUG_EVENT_CODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEBUG_EVENT_CODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEBUG_EVENT_CODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4877,19 +4811,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEBUG_EVENT_CODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DUMP_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DUMP_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DUMP_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DUMP_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DUMP_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4899,19 +4822,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DUMP_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EX_PROP_INFO_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EX_PROP_INFO_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EX_PROP_INFO_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EX_PROP_INFO_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EX_PROP_INFO_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4921,19 +4833,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EX_PROP_INFO_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FACILITY_CODE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FACILITY_CODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FACILITY_CODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FACILITY_CODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FACILITY_CODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4943,19 +4844,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FACILITY_CODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FORMAT_MESSAGE_OPTIONS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FORMAT_MESSAGE_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FORMAT_MESSAGE_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FORMAT_MESSAGE_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FORMAT_MESSAGE_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4998,19 +4888,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for FORMAT_MESSAGE_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMAGEHLP_CBA_EVENT_SEVERITY(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMAGEHLP_CBA_EVENT_SEVERITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMAGEHLP_CBA_EVENT_SEVERITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMAGEHLP_CBA_EVENT_SEVERITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMAGEHLP_CBA_EVENT_SEVERITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5020,19 +4899,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IMAGEHLP_CBA_EVENT_SEVERITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMAGEHLP_EXTENDED_OPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMAGEHLP_EXTENDED_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMAGEHLP_EXTENDED_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMAGEHLP_EXTENDED_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMAGEHLP_EXTENDED_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5042,19 +4910,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IMAGEHLP_EXTENDED_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMAGEHLP_GET_TYPE_INFO_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMAGEHLP_GET_TYPE_INFO_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMAGEHLP_GET_TYPE_INFO_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMAGEHLP_GET_TYPE_INFO_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMAGEHLP_GET_TYPE_INFO_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5064,19 +4921,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IMAGEHLP_GET_TYPE_INFO_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMAGEHLP_HD_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMAGEHLP_HD_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMAGEHLP_HD_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMAGEHLP_HD_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMAGEHLP_HD_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5086,19 +4932,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IMAGEHLP_HD_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMAGEHLP_SF_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMAGEHLP_SF_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMAGEHLP_SF_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMAGEHLP_SF_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMAGEHLP_SF_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5108,19 +4943,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IMAGEHLP_SF_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMAGEHLP_STATUS_REASON(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMAGEHLP_STATUS_REASON {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMAGEHLP_STATUS_REASON { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMAGEHLP_STATUS_REASON { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMAGEHLP_STATUS_REASON { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5130,19 +4954,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IMAGEHLP_STATUS_REASON { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL_TYPE_INFO(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL_TYPE_INFO {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL_TYPE_INFO { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL_TYPE_INFO { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL_TYPE_INFO { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5152,19 +4965,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL_TYPE_INFO { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5174,19 +4976,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY(pub u16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5196,19 +4987,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMAGE_DLL_CHARACTERISTICS(pub u16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMAGE_DLL_CHARACTERISTICS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMAGE_DLL_CHARACTERISTICS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMAGE_DLL_CHARACTERISTICS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMAGE_DLL_CHARACTERISTICS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5251,19 +5031,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for IMAGE_DLL_CHARACTERISTICS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMAGE_FILE_CHARACTERISTICS(pub u16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMAGE_FILE_CHARACTERISTICS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMAGE_FILE_CHARACTERISTICS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMAGE_FILE_CHARACTERISTICS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMAGE_FILE_CHARACTERISTICS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5306,19 +5075,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for IMAGE_FILE_CHARACTERISTICS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMAGE_FILE_CHARACTERISTICS2(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMAGE_FILE_CHARACTERISTICS2 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMAGE_FILE_CHARACTERISTICS2 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMAGE_FILE_CHARACTERISTICS2 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMAGE_FILE_CHARACTERISTICS2 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5361,19 +5119,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for IMAGE_FILE_CHARACTERISTICS2 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_MAGIC(pub u16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_MAGIC {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_MAGIC { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_MAGIC { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_MAGIC { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5383,19 +5130,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER_MAGIC { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMAGE_SECTION_CHARACTERISTICS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMAGE_SECTION_CHARACTERISTICS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMAGE_SECTION_CHARACTERISTICS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMAGE_SECTION_CHARACTERISTICS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMAGE_SECTION_CHARACTERISTICS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5438,19 +5174,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for IMAGE_SECTION_CHARACTERISTICS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM(pub u16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5460,19 +5185,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IPMI_OS_SEL_RECORD_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IPMI_OS_SEL_RECORD_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IPMI_OS_SEL_RECORD_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IPMI_OS_SEL_RECORD_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IPMI_OS_SEL_RECORD_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5482,19 +5196,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IPMI_OS_SEL_RECORD_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MINIDUMP_CALLBACK_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MINIDUMP_CALLBACK_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MINIDUMP_CALLBACK_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MINIDUMP_CALLBACK_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MINIDUMP_CALLBACK_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5504,19 +5207,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MINIDUMP_CALLBACK_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MINIDUMP_HANDLE_OBJECT_INFORMATION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MINIDUMP_HANDLE_OBJECT_INFORMATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MINIDUMP_HANDLE_OBJECT_INFORMATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MINIDUMP_HANDLE_OBJECT_INFORMATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MINIDUMP_HANDLE_OBJECT_INFORMATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5526,19 +5218,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MINIDUMP_HANDLE_OBJECT_INFORMATION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MINIDUMP_MISC_INFO_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MINIDUMP_MISC_INFO_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MINIDUMP_MISC_INFO_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MINIDUMP_MISC_INFO_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MINIDUMP_MISC_INFO_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5581,19 +5262,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for MINIDUMP_MISC_INFO_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MINIDUMP_SECONDARY_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MINIDUMP_SECONDARY_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MINIDUMP_SECONDARY_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MINIDUMP_SECONDARY_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MINIDUMP_SECONDARY_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5603,19 +5273,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MINIDUMP_SECONDARY_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MINIDUMP_STREAM_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MINIDUMP_STREAM_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MINIDUMP_STREAM_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MINIDUMP_STREAM_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MINIDUMP_STREAM_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5625,19 +5284,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MINIDUMP_STREAM_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MINIDUMP_THREAD_INFO_DUMP_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MINIDUMP_THREAD_INFO_DUMP_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MINIDUMP_THREAD_INFO_DUMP_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MINIDUMP_THREAD_INFO_DUMP_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MINIDUMP_THREAD_INFO_DUMP_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5647,19 +5295,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MINIDUMP_THREAD_INFO_DUMP_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MINIDUMP_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MINIDUMP_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MINIDUMP_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MINIDUMP_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MINIDUMP_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5702,19 +5339,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for MINIDUMP_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MODLOAD_DATA_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MODLOAD_DATA_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MODLOAD_DATA_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MODLOAD_DATA_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MODLOAD_DATA_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5724,19 +5350,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MODLOAD_DATA_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MODULE_WRITE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MODULE_WRITE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MODULE_WRITE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MODULE_WRITE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MODULE_WRITE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5746,19 +5361,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MODULE_WRITE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OBJECT_ATTRIB_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OBJECT_ATTRIB_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OBJECT_ATTRIB_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OBJECT_ATTRIB_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OBJECT_ATTRIB_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5768,19 +5372,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OBJECT_ATTRIB_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OPEN_THREAD_WAIT_CHAIN_SESSION_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OPEN_THREAD_WAIT_CHAIN_SESSION_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OPEN_THREAD_WAIT_CHAIN_SESSION_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OPEN_THREAD_WAIT_CHAIN_SESSION_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OPEN_THREAD_WAIT_CHAIN_SESSION_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5790,19 +5383,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OPEN_THREAD_WAIT_CHAIN_SESSION_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROP_INFO_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROP_INFO_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROP_INFO_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROP_INFO_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROP_INFO_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5812,19 +5394,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PROP_INFO_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RIP_INFO_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RIP_INFO_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RIP_INFO_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RIP_INFO_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RIP_INFO_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5834,19 +5405,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RIP_INFO_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RTL_VIRTUAL_UNWIND_HANDLER_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RTL_VIRTUAL_UNWIND_HANDLER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RTL_VIRTUAL_UNWIND_HANDLER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RTL_VIRTUAL_UNWIND_HANDLER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RTL_VIRTUAL_UNWIND_HANDLER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5856,19 +5416,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RTL_VIRTUAL_UNWIND_HANDLER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYMBOL_INFO_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYMBOL_INFO_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYMBOL_INFO_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYMBOL_INFO_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYMBOL_INFO_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5911,19 +5460,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SYMBOL_INFO_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYM_FIND_ID_OPTION(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYM_FIND_ID_OPTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYM_FIND_ID_OPTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYM_FIND_ID_OPTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYM_FIND_ID_OPTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5933,19 +5471,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYM_FIND_ID_OPTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYM_LOAD_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYM_LOAD_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYM_LOAD_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYM_LOAD_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYM_LOAD_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5988,19 +5515,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SYM_LOAD_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYM_SRV_STORE_FILE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYM_SRV_STORE_FILE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYM_SRV_STORE_FILE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYM_SRV_STORE_FILE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYM_SRV_STORE_FILE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6010,19 +5526,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYM_SRV_STORE_FILE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYM_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYM_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYM_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYM_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYM_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6032,19 +5537,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYM_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct THREAD_ERROR_MODE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for THREAD_ERROR_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for THREAD_ERROR_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for THREAD_ERROR_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for THREAD_ERROR_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6087,19 +5581,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for THREAD_ERROR_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct THREAD_WRITE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for THREAD_WRITE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for THREAD_WRITE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for THREAD_WRITE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for THREAD_WRITE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6109,19 +5592,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for THREAD_WRITE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VER_PLATFORM(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VER_PLATFORM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VER_PLATFORM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VER_PLATFORM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VER_PLATFORM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6131,19 +5603,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VER_PLATFORM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WAIT_CHAIN_THREAD_OPTIONS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WAIT_CHAIN_THREAD_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WAIT_CHAIN_THREAD_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WAIT_CHAIN_THREAD_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WAIT_CHAIN_THREAD_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6153,19 +5614,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WAIT_CHAIN_THREAD_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WCT_OBJECT_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WCT_OBJECT_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WCT_OBJECT_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WCT_OBJECT_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WCT_OBJECT_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6175,19 +5625,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WCT_OBJECT_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WCT_OBJECT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WCT_OBJECT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WCT_OBJECT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WCT_OBJECT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WCT_OBJECT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6197,19 +5636,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WCT_OBJECT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHEA_ERROR_SOURCE_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHEA_ERROR_SOURCE_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHEA_ERROR_SOURCE_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHEA_ERROR_SOURCE_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHEA_ERROR_SOURCE_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6219,19 +5647,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WHEA_ERROR_SOURCE_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHEA_ERROR_SOURCE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHEA_ERROR_SOURCE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHEA_ERROR_SOURCE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHEA_ERROR_SOURCE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHEA_ERROR_SOURCE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6241,19 +5658,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WHEA_ERROR_SOURCE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WOW64_CONTEXT_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WOW64_CONTEXT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WOW64_CONTEXT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WOW64_CONTEXT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WOW64_CONTEXT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Diagnostics/Etw/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Diagnostics/Etw/ index c25f6658ca..64b4485695 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Diagnostics/Etw/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Diagnostics/Etw/ @@ -1448,19 +1448,8 @@ pub const WNODE_FLAG_USE_MOF_PTR: u32 = 1048576u32; pub const WNODE_FLAG_USE_TIMESTAMP: u32 = 512u32; pub const WNODE_FLAG_VERSIONED_PROPERTIES: u32 = 8388608u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DECODING_SOURCE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DECODING_SOURCE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DECODING_SOURCE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DECODING_SOURCE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DECODING_SOURCE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1470,19 +1459,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DECODING_SOURCE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ENABLECALLBACK_ENABLED_STATE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ENABLECALLBACK_ENABLED_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ENABLECALLBACK_ENABLED_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ENABLECALLBACK_ENABLED_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ENABLECALLBACK_ENABLED_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1492,19 +1470,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ENABLECALLBACK_ENABLED_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ETW_COMPRESSION_RESUMPTION_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ETW_COMPRESSION_RESUMPTION_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ETW_COMPRESSION_RESUMPTION_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ETW_COMPRESSION_RESUMPTION_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ETW_COMPRESSION_RESUMPTION_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1514,19 +1481,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ETW_COMPRESSION_RESUMPTION_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ETW_PMC_COUNTER_OWNER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ETW_PMC_COUNTER_OWNER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ETW_PMC_COUNTER_OWNER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ETW_PMC_COUNTER_OWNER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ETW_PMC_COUNTER_OWNER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1536,19 +1492,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ETW_PMC_COUNTER_OWNER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ETW_PROCESS_HANDLE_INFO_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ETW_PROCESS_HANDLE_INFO_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ETW_PROCESS_HANDLE_INFO_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ETW_PROCESS_HANDLE_INFO_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ETW_PROCESS_HANDLE_INFO_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1558,19 +1503,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ETW_PROCESS_HANDLE_INFO_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ETW_PROCESS_TRACE_MODES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ETW_PROCESS_TRACE_MODES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ETW_PROCESS_TRACE_MODES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ETW_PROCESS_TRACE_MODES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ETW_PROCESS_TRACE_MODES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1580,19 +1514,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ETW_PROCESS_TRACE_MODES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ETW_PROVIDER_TRAIT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ETW_PROVIDER_TRAIT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ETW_PROVIDER_TRAIT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ETW_PROVIDER_TRAIT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ETW_PROVIDER_TRAIT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1602,19 +1525,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ETW_PROVIDER_TRAIT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EVENTSECURITYOPERATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EVENTSECURITYOPERATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EVENTSECURITYOPERATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EVENTSECURITYOPERATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EVENTSECURITYOPERATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1624,19 +1536,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EVENTSECURITYOPERATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EVENT_FIELD_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EVENT_FIELD_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EVENT_FIELD_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EVENT_FIELD_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EVENT_FIELD_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1646,19 +1547,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EVENT_FIELD_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EVENT_INFO_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EVENT_INFO_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EVENT_INFO_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EVENT_INFO_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EVENT_INFO_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1668,19 +1558,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EVENT_INFO_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EVENT_TRACE_CONTROL(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EVENT_TRACE_CONTROL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EVENT_TRACE_CONTROL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EVENT_TRACE_CONTROL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EVENT_TRACE_CONTROL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1690,19 +1569,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EVENT_TRACE_CONTROL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EVENT_TRACE_FLAG(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EVENT_TRACE_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EVENT_TRACE_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EVENT_TRACE_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EVENT_TRACE_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1745,19 +1613,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for EVENT_TRACE_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MAP_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MAP_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MAP_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MAP_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MAP_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1767,19 +1624,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MAP_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MAP_VALUETYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MAP_VALUETYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MAP_VALUETYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MAP_VALUETYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MAP_VALUETYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1789,19 +1635,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MAP_VALUETYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PAYLOAD_OPERATOR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PAYLOAD_OPERATOR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PAYLOAD_OPERATOR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PAYLOAD_OPERATOR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PAYLOAD_OPERATOR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1811,19 +1646,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PAYLOAD_OPERATOR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROPERTY_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROPERTY_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROPERTY_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROPERTY_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROPERTY_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1833,19 +1657,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PROPERTY_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TDH_CONTEXT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TDH_CONTEXT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TDH_CONTEXT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TDH_CONTEXT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TDH_CONTEXT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1855,19 +1668,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TDH_CONTEXT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TEMPLATE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TEMPLATE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TEMPLATE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TEMPLATE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TEMPLATE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1877,19 +1679,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TEMPLATE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TRACE_MESSAGE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TRACE_MESSAGE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TRACE_MESSAGE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TRACE_MESSAGE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TRACE_MESSAGE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1932,19 +1723,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for TRACE_MESSAGE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TRACE_QUERY_INFO_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TRACE_QUERY_INFO_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TRACE_QUERY_INFO_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TRACE_QUERY_INFO_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TRACE_QUERY_INFO_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1954,19 +1734,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TRACE_QUERY_INFO_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMIDPREQUESTCODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMIDPREQUESTCODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMIDPREQUESTCODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMIDPREQUESTCODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMIDPREQUESTCODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1976,19 +1745,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMIDPREQUESTCODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _TDH_IN_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _TDH_IN_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _TDH_IN_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _TDH_IN_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _TDH_IN_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1998,19 +1756,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _TDH_IN_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _TDH_OUT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _TDH_OUT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _TDH_OUT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _TDH_OUT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _TDH_OUT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Diagnostics/ProcessSnapshotting/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Diagnostics/ProcessSnapshotting/ index 4aba300a89..221da2077e 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Diagnostics/ProcessSnapshotting/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Diagnostics/ProcessSnapshotting/ @@ -137,19 +137,8 @@ pub const PSS_WALK_HANDLES: PSS_WALK_INFORMATION_CLASS = PSS_WALK_INFORMATION_CL pub const PSS_WALK_THREADS: PSS_WALK_INFORMATION_CLASS = PSS_WALK_INFORMATION_CLASS(3i32); pub const PSS_WALK_VA_SPACE: PSS_WALK_INFORMATION_CLASS = PSS_WALK_INFORMATION_CLASS(1i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PSS_CAPTURE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PSS_CAPTURE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PSS_CAPTURE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PSS_CAPTURE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PSS_CAPTURE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -192,19 +181,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for PSS_CAPTURE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PSS_DUPLICATE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PSS_DUPLICATE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PSS_DUPLICATE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PSS_DUPLICATE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PSS_DUPLICATE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -247,19 +225,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for PSS_DUPLICATE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PSS_HANDLE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PSS_HANDLE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PSS_HANDLE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PSS_HANDLE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PSS_HANDLE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -302,19 +269,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for PSS_HANDLE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PSS_OBJECT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PSS_OBJECT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PSS_OBJECT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PSS_OBJECT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PSS_OBJECT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -324,19 +280,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PSS_OBJECT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PSS_PROCESS_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PSS_PROCESS_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PSS_PROCESS_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PSS_PROCESS_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PSS_PROCESS_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -379,19 +324,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for PSS_PROCESS_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PSS_QUERY_INFORMATION_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PSS_QUERY_INFORMATION_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PSS_QUERY_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PSS_QUERY_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PSS_QUERY_INFORMATION_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -401,19 +335,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PSS_QUERY_INFORMATION_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PSS_THREAD_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PSS_THREAD_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PSS_THREAD_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PSS_THREAD_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PSS_THREAD_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -456,19 +379,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for PSS_THREAD_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PSS_WALK_INFORMATION_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PSS_WALK_INFORMATION_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PSS_WALK_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PSS_WALK_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PSS_WALK_INFORMATION_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Diagnostics/ToolHelp/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Diagnostics/ToolHelp/ index 5f6b2ad320..03a6d0e5b7 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Diagnostics/ToolHelp/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Diagnostics/ToolHelp/ @@ -129,19 +129,8 @@ pub const TH32CS_SNAPMODULE32: CREATE_TOOLHELP_SNAPSHOT_FLAGS = CREATE_TOOLHELP_ pub const TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS: CREATE_TOOLHELP_SNAPSHOT_FLAGS = CREATE_TOOLHELP_SNAPSHOT_FLAGS(2u32); pub const TH32CS_SNAPTHREAD: CREATE_TOOLHELP_SNAPSHOT_FLAGS = CREATE_TOOLHELP_SNAPSHOT_FLAGS(4u32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CREATE_TOOLHELP_SNAPSHOT_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CREATE_TOOLHELP_SNAPSHOT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CREATE_TOOLHELP_SNAPSHOT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CREATE_TOOLHELP_SNAPSHOT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CREATE_TOOLHELP_SNAPSHOT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -184,19 +173,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CREATE_TOOLHELP_SNAPSHOT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HEAPENTRY32_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HEAPENTRY32_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HEAPENTRY32_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HEAPENTRY32_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HEAPENTRY32_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/DistributedTransactionCoordinator/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/DistributedTransactionCoordinator/ index 5e4509b315..7c7c7c5d1b 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/DistributedTransactionCoordinator/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/DistributedTransactionCoordinator/ @@ -2527,19 +2527,8 @@ pub const XA_SWITCH_F_DTC: u32 = 1u32; pub const XIDDATASIZE: u32 = 128u32; pub const dwUSER_MS_SQLSERVER: XACT_DTC_CONSTANTS = XACT_DTC_CONSTANTS(65535i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct APPLICATIONTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for APPLICATIONTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for APPLICATIONTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for APPLICATIONTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for APPLICATIONTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2549,19 +2538,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for APPLICATIONTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AUTHENTICATION_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AUTHENTICATION_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AUTHENTICATION_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AUTHENTICATION_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AUTHENTICATION_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2571,19 +2549,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AUTHENTICATION_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DTCINITIATEDRECOVERYWORK(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DTCINITIATEDRECOVERYWORK {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DTCINITIATEDRECOVERYWORK { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DTCINITIATEDRECOVERYWORK { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DTCINITIATEDRECOVERYWORK { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2593,19 +2560,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DTCINITIATEDRECOVERYWORK { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DTCLUCOMPARESTATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DTCLUCOMPARESTATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DTCLUCOMPARESTATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DTCLUCOMPARESTATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DTCLUCOMPARESTATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2615,19 +2571,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DTCLUCOMPARESTATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DTCLUCOMPARESTATESCONFIRMATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DTCLUCOMPARESTATESCONFIRMATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DTCLUCOMPARESTATESCONFIRMATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DTCLUCOMPARESTATESCONFIRMATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DTCLUCOMPARESTATESCONFIRMATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2637,19 +2582,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DTCLUCOMPARESTATESCONFIRMATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DTCLUCOMPARESTATESERROR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DTCLUCOMPARESTATESERROR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DTCLUCOMPARESTATESERROR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DTCLUCOMPARESTATESERROR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DTCLUCOMPARESTATESERROR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2659,19 +2593,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DTCLUCOMPARESTATESERROR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DTCLUCOMPARESTATESRESPONSE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DTCLUCOMPARESTATESRESPONSE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DTCLUCOMPARESTATESRESPONSE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DTCLUCOMPARESTATESRESPONSE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DTCLUCOMPARESTATESRESPONSE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2681,19 +2604,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DTCLUCOMPARESTATESRESPONSE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DTCLUXLN(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DTCLUXLN {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DTCLUXLN { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DTCLUXLN { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DTCLUXLN { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2703,19 +2615,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DTCLUXLN { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DTCLUXLNCONFIRMATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DTCLUXLNCONFIRMATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DTCLUXLNCONFIRMATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DTCLUXLNCONFIRMATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DTCLUXLNCONFIRMATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2725,19 +2626,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DTCLUXLNCONFIRMATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DTCLUXLNERROR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DTCLUXLNERROR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DTCLUXLNERROR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DTCLUXLNERROR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DTCLUXLNERROR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2747,19 +2637,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DTCLUXLNERROR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DTCLUXLNRESPONSE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DTCLUXLNRESPONSE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DTCLUXLNRESPONSE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DTCLUXLNRESPONSE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DTCLUXLNRESPONSE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2769,19 +2648,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DTCLUXLNRESPONSE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DTC_STATUS_(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DTC_STATUS_ {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DTC_STATUS_ { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DTC_STATUS_ { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DTC_STATUS_ { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2791,19 +2659,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DTC_STATUS_ { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ISOFLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ISOFLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ISOFLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ISOFLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ISOFLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2813,19 +2670,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ISOFLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ISOLATIONLEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ISOLATIONLEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ISOLATIONLEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ISOLATIONLEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ISOLATIONLEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2835,19 +2681,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ISOLATIONLEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TX_MISC_CONSTANTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TX_MISC_CONSTANTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TX_MISC_CONSTANTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TX_MISC_CONSTANTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TX_MISC_CONSTANTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2857,19 +2692,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TX_MISC_CONSTANTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XACTCONST(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XACTCONST {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XACTCONST { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XACTCONST { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XACTCONST { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2879,19 +2703,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for XACTCONST { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XACTHEURISTIC(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XACTHEURISTIC {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XACTHEURISTIC { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XACTHEURISTIC { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XACTHEURISTIC { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2901,19 +2714,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for XACTHEURISTIC { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XACTRM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XACTRM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XACTRM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XACTRM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XACTRM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2923,19 +2725,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for XACTRM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XACTSTAT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XACTSTAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XACTSTAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XACTSTAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XACTSTAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2945,19 +2736,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for XACTSTAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XACTTC(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XACTTC {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XACTTC { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XACTTC { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XACTTC { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2967,19 +2747,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for XACTTC { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XACT_DTC_CONSTANTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XACT_DTC_CONSTANTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XACT_DTC_CONSTANTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XACT_DTC_CONSTANTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XACT_DTC_CONSTANTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Environment/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Environment/ index ae133a3b52..c3c8421335 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Environment/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Environment/ @@ -280,19 +280,8 @@ pub const VBS_ENCLAVE_REPORT_VERSION_CURRENT: u32 = 1u32; pub const VBS_ENCLAVE_VARDATA_INVALID: u32 = 0u32; pub const VBS_ENCLAVE_VARDATA_MODULE: u32 = 1u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ENCLAVE_SEALING_IDENTITY_POLICY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ENCLAVE_SEALING_IDENTITY_POLICY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ENCLAVE_SEALING_IDENTITY_POLICY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ENCLAVE_SEALING_IDENTITY_POLICY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ENCLAVE_SEALING_IDENTITY_POLICY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/ErrorReporting/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/ErrorReporting/ index 386be55bd2..2adc6f90a3 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/ErrorReporting/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/ErrorReporting/ @@ -453,19 +453,8 @@ pub const frrvOkHeadless: EFaultRepRetVal = EFaultRepRetVal(7i32); pub const frrvOkManifest: EFaultRepRetVal = EFaultRepRetVal(1i32); pub const frrvOkQueued: EFaultRepRetVal = EFaultRepRetVal(2i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EFaultRepRetVal(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EFaultRepRetVal {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EFaultRepRetVal { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EFaultRepRetVal { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EFaultRepRetVal { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -475,19 +464,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EFaultRepRetVal { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct REPORT_STORE_TYPES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for REPORT_STORE_TYPES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for REPORT_STORE_TYPES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for REPORT_STORE_TYPES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for REPORT_STORE_TYPES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -497,19 +475,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for REPORT_STORE_TYPES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WER_CONSENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WER_CONSENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WER_CONSENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WER_CONSENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WER_CONSENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -519,19 +486,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WER_CONSENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WER_DUMP_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WER_DUMP_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WER_DUMP_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WER_DUMP_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WER_DUMP_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -541,19 +497,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WER_DUMP_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WER_FAULT_REPORTING(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WER_FAULT_REPORTING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WER_FAULT_REPORTING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WER_FAULT_REPORTING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WER_FAULT_REPORTING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -596,19 +541,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for WER_FAULT_REPORTING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WER_FILE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WER_FILE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WER_FILE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WER_FILE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WER_FILE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -651,19 +585,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for WER_FILE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WER_FILE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WER_FILE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WER_FILE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WER_FILE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WER_FILE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -673,19 +596,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WER_FILE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WER_REGISTER_FILE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WER_REGISTER_FILE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WER_REGISTER_FILE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WER_REGISTER_FILE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WER_REGISTER_FILE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -695,19 +607,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WER_REGISTER_FILE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WER_REPORT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WER_REPORT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WER_REPORT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WER_REPORT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WER_REPORT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -717,19 +618,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WER_REPORT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WER_REPORT_UI(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WER_REPORT_UI {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WER_REPORT_UI { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WER_REPORT_UI { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WER_REPORT_UI { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -739,19 +629,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WER_REPORT_UI { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WER_SUBMIT_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WER_SUBMIT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WER_SUBMIT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WER_SUBMIT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WER_SUBMIT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -794,19 +673,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for WER_SUBMIT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WER_SUBMIT_RESULT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WER_SUBMIT_RESULT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WER_SUBMIT_RESULT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WER_SUBMIT_RESULT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WER_SUBMIT_RESULT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/EventCollector/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/EventCollector/ index 290a34be25..5d60600db8 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/EventCollector/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/EventCollector/ @@ -161,19 +161,8 @@ pub const EcVarTypeNull: EC_VARIANT_TYPE = EC_VARIANT_TYPE(0i32); pub const EcVarTypeString: EC_VARIANT_TYPE = EC_VARIANT_TYPE(4i32); pub const EcVarTypeUInt32: EC_VARIANT_TYPE = EC_VARIANT_TYPE(2i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EC_SUBSCRIPTION_CONFIGURATION_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EC_SUBSCRIPTION_CONFIGURATION_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EC_SUBSCRIPTION_CONFIGURATION_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EC_SUBSCRIPTION_CONFIGURATION_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EC_SUBSCRIPTION_CONFIGURATION_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -183,19 +172,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EC_SUBSCRIPTION_CONFIGURATION_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EC_SUBSCRIPTION_CONTENT_FORMAT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EC_SUBSCRIPTION_CONTENT_FORMAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EC_SUBSCRIPTION_CONTENT_FORMAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EC_SUBSCRIPTION_CONTENT_FORMAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EC_SUBSCRIPTION_CONTENT_FORMAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -205,19 +183,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EC_SUBSCRIPTION_CONTENT_FORMAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EC_SUBSCRIPTION_CREDENTIALS_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EC_SUBSCRIPTION_CREDENTIALS_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EC_SUBSCRIPTION_CREDENTIALS_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EC_SUBSCRIPTION_CREDENTIALS_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EC_SUBSCRIPTION_CREDENTIALS_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -227,19 +194,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EC_SUBSCRIPTION_CREDENTIALS_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EC_SUBSCRIPTION_DELIVERY_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EC_SUBSCRIPTION_DELIVERY_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EC_SUBSCRIPTION_DELIVERY_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EC_SUBSCRIPTION_DELIVERY_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EC_SUBSCRIPTION_DELIVERY_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -249,19 +205,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EC_SUBSCRIPTION_DELIVERY_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EC_SUBSCRIPTION_PROPERTY_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EC_SUBSCRIPTION_PROPERTY_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EC_SUBSCRIPTION_PROPERTY_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EC_SUBSCRIPTION_PROPERTY_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EC_SUBSCRIPTION_PROPERTY_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -271,19 +216,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EC_SUBSCRIPTION_PROPERTY_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EC_SUBSCRIPTION_RUNTIME_STATUS_ACTIVE_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EC_SUBSCRIPTION_RUNTIME_STATUS_ACTIVE_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EC_SUBSCRIPTION_RUNTIME_STATUS_ACTIVE_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EC_SUBSCRIPTION_RUNTIME_STATUS_ACTIVE_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EC_SUBSCRIPTION_RUNTIME_STATUS_ACTIVE_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -293,19 +227,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EC_SUBSCRIPTION_RUNTIME_STATUS_ACTIVE_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EC_SUBSCRIPTION_RUNTIME_STATUS_INFO_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EC_SUBSCRIPTION_RUNTIME_STATUS_INFO_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EC_SUBSCRIPTION_RUNTIME_STATUS_INFO_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EC_SUBSCRIPTION_RUNTIME_STATUS_INFO_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EC_SUBSCRIPTION_RUNTIME_STATUS_INFO_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -315,19 +238,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EC_SUBSCRIPTION_RUNTIME_STATUS_INFO_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EC_SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EC_SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EC_SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EC_SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EC_SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -337,19 +249,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EC_SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EC_VARIANT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EC_VARIANT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EC_VARIANT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EC_VARIANT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EC_VARIANT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/EventLog/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/EventLog/ index ab2d0c5888..fb027deec1 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/EventLog/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/EventLog/ @@ -665,19 +665,8 @@ pub const EvtVarTypeUInt16: EVT_VARIANT_TYPE = EVT_VARIANT_TYPE(6i32); pub const EvtVarTypeUInt32: EVT_VARIANT_TYPE = EVT_VARIANT_TYPE(8i32); pub const EvtVarTypeUInt64: EVT_VARIANT_TYPE = EVT_VARIANT_TYPE(10i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EVT_CHANNEL_CLOCK_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EVT_CHANNEL_CLOCK_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EVT_CHANNEL_CLOCK_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EVT_CHANNEL_CLOCK_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EVT_CHANNEL_CLOCK_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -687,19 +676,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EVT_CHANNEL_CLOCK_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EVT_CHANNEL_CONFIG_PROPERTY_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EVT_CHANNEL_CONFIG_PROPERTY_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EVT_CHANNEL_CONFIG_PROPERTY_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EVT_CHANNEL_CONFIG_PROPERTY_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EVT_CHANNEL_CONFIG_PROPERTY_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -709,19 +687,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EVT_CHANNEL_CONFIG_PROPERTY_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EVT_CHANNEL_ISOLATION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EVT_CHANNEL_ISOLATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EVT_CHANNEL_ISOLATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EVT_CHANNEL_ISOLATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EVT_CHANNEL_ISOLATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -731,19 +698,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EVT_CHANNEL_ISOLATION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EVT_CHANNEL_REFERENCE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EVT_CHANNEL_REFERENCE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EVT_CHANNEL_REFERENCE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EVT_CHANNEL_REFERENCE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EVT_CHANNEL_REFERENCE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -753,19 +709,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EVT_CHANNEL_REFERENCE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EVT_CHANNEL_SID_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EVT_CHANNEL_SID_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EVT_CHANNEL_SID_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EVT_CHANNEL_SID_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EVT_CHANNEL_SID_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -775,19 +720,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EVT_CHANNEL_SID_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EVT_CHANNEL_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EVT_CHANNEL_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EVT_CHANNEL_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EVT_CHANNEL_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EVT_CHANNEL_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -797,19 +731,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EVT_CHANNEL_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EVT_EVENT_METADATA_PROPERTY_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EVT_EVENT_METADATA_PROPERTY_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EVT_EVENT_METADATA_PROPERTY_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EVT_EVENT_METADATA_PROPERTY_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EVT_EVENT_METADATA_PROPERTY_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -819,19 +742,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EVT_EVENT_METADATA_PROPERTY_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EVT_EVENT_PROPERTY_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EVT_EVENT_PROPERTY_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EVT_EVENT_PROPERTY_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EVT_EVENT_PROPERTY_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EVT_EVENT_PROPERTY_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -841,19 +753,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EVT_EVENT_PROPERTY_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EVT_EXPORTLOG_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EVT_EXPORTLOG_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EVT_EXPORTLOG_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EVT_EXPORTLOG_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EVT_EXPORTLOG_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -863,19 +764,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EVT_EXPORTLOG_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EVT_FORMAT_MESSAGE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EVT_FORMAT_MESSAGE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EVT_FORMAT_MESSAGE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EVT_FORMAT_MESSAGE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EVT_FORMAT_MESSAGE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -885,19 +775,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EVT_FORMAT_MESSAGE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EVT_LOGIN_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EVT_LOGIN_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EVT_LOGIN_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EVT_LOGIN_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EVT_LOGIN_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -907,19 +786,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EVT_LOGIN_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EVT_LOG_PROPERTY_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EVT_LOG_PROPERTY_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EVT_LOG_PROPERTY_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EVT_LOG_PROPERTY_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EVT_LOG_PROPERTY_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -929,19 +797,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EVT_LOG_PROPERTY_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EVT_OPEN_LOG_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EVT_OPEN_LOG_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EVT_OPEN_LOG_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EVT_OPEN_LOG_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EVT_OPEN_LOG_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -951,19 +808,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EVT_OPEN_LOG_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EVT_PUBLISHER_METADATA_PROPERTY_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EVT_PUBLISHER_METADATA_PROPERTY_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EVT_PUBLISHER_METADATA_PROPERTY_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EVT_PUBLISHER_METADATA_PROPERTY_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EVT_PUBLISHER_METADATA_PROPERTY_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -973,19 +819,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EVT_PUBLISHER_METADATA_PROPERTY_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EVT_QUERY_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EVT_QUERY_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EVT_QUERY_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EVT_QUERY_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EVT_QUERY_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -995,19 +830,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EVT_QUERY_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EVT_QUERY_PROPERTY_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EVT_QUERY_PROPERTY_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EVT_QUERY_PROPERTY_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EVT_QUERY_PROPERTY_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EVT_QUERY_PROPERTY_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1017,19 +841,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EVT_QUERY_PROPERTY_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EVT_RENDER_CONTEXT_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EVT_RENDER_CONTEXT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EVT_RENDER_CONTEXT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EVT_RENDER_CONTEXT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EVT_RENDER_CONTEXT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1039,19 +852,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EVT_RENDER_CONTEXT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EVT_RENDER_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EVT_RENDER_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EVT_RENDER_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EVT_RENDER_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EVT_RENDER_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1061,19 +863,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EVT_RENDER_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EVT_RPC_LOGIN_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EVT_RPC_LOGIN_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EVT_RPC_LOGIN_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EVT_RPC_LOGIN_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EVT_RPC_LOGIN_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1083,19 +874,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EVT_RPC_LOGIN_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EVT_SEEK_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EVT_SEEK_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EVT_SEEK_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EVT_SEEK_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EVT_SEEK_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1105,19 +885,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EVT_SEEK_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EVT_SUBSCRIBE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EVT_SUBSCRIBE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EVT_SUBSCRIBE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EVT_SUBSCRIBE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EVT_SUBSCRIBE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1127,19 +896,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EVT_SUBSCRIBE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EVT_SUBSCRIBE_NOTIFY_ACTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EVT_SUBSCRIBE_NOTIFY_ACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EVT_SUBSCRIBE_NOTIFY_ACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EVT_SUBSCRIBE_NOTIFY_ACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EVT_SUBSCRIBE_NOTIFY_ACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1149,19 +907,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EVT_SUBSCRIBE_NOTIFY_ACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EVT_SYSTEM_PROPERTY_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EVT_SYSTEM_PROPERTY_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EVT_SYSTEM_PROPERTY_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EVT_SYSTEM_PROPERTY_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EVT_SYSTEM_PROPERTY_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1171,19 +918,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EVT_SYSTEM_PROPERTY_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EVT_VARIANT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EVT_VARIANT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EVT_VARIANT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EVT_VARIANT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EVT_VARIANT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1193,19 +929,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EVT_VARIANT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct READ_EVENT_LOG_READ_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for READ_EVENT_LOG_READ_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for READ_EVENT_LOG_READ_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for READ_EVENT_LOG_READ_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for READ_EVENT_LOG_READ_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1215,19 +940,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for READ_EVENT_LOG_READ_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct REPORT_EVENT_TYPE(pub u16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for REPORT_EVENT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for REPORT_EVENT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for REPORT_EVENT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for REPORT_EVENT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/EventNotificationService/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/EventNotificationService/ index bc5b91e79d..ba7cd39e74 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/EventNotificationService/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/EventNotificationService/ @@ -264,19 +264,8 @@ pub const SENSGUID_PUBLISHER: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_ pub const SENSGUID_SUBSCRIBER_LCE: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0xd3938ab0_5b9d_11d1_8dd2_00aa004abd5e); pub const SENSGUID_SUBSCRIBER_WININET: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0xd3938ab5_5b9d_11d1_8dd2_00aa004abd5e); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SENS_CONNECTION_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SENS_CONNECTION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SENS_CONNECTION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SENS_CONNECTION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SENS_CONNECTION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/GroupPolicy/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/GroupPolicy/ index f509c70d5f..e4b881f109 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/GroupPolicy/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/GroupPolicy/ @@ -4964,19 +4964,8 @@ pub const typeUniversalGroup: GPMEntryType = GPMEntryType(4i32); pub const typeUnknown: GPMEntryType = GPMEntryType(6i32); pub const typeUser: GPMEntryType = GPMEntryType(0i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct APPSTATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for APPSTATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for APPSTATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for APPSTATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for APPSTATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4986,19 +4975,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for APPSTATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GPMBackupType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GPMBackupType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GPMBackupType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GPMBackupType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GPMBackupType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5008,19 +4986,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GPMBackupType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GPMDestinationOption(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GPMDestinationOption {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GPMDestinationOption { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GPMDestinationOption { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GPMDestinationOption { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5030,19 +4997,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GPMDestinationOption { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GPMEntryType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GPMEntryType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GPMEntryType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GPMEntryType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GPMEntryType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5052,19 +5008,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GPMEntryType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GPMPermissionType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GPMPermissionType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GPMPermissionType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GPMPermissionType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GPMPermissionType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5074,19 +5019,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GPMPermissionType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GPMRSOPMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GPMRSOPMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GPMRSOPMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GPMRSOPMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GPMRSOPMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5096,19 +5030,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GPMRSOPMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GPMReportType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GPMReportType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GPMReportType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GPMReportType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GPMReportType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5118,19 +5041,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GPMReportType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GPMReportingOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GPMReportingOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GPMReportingOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GPMReportingOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GPMReportingOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5140,19 +5052,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GPMReportingOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GPMSOMType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GPMSOMType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GPMSOMType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GPMSOMType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GPMSOMType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5162,19 +5063,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GPMSOMType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GPMSearchOperation(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GPMSearchOperation {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GPMSearchOperation { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GPMSearchOperation { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GPMSearchOperation { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5184,19 +5074,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GPMSearchOperation { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GPMSearchProperty(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GPMSearchProperty {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GPMSearchProperty { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GPMSearchProperty { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GPMSearchProperty { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5206,19 +5085,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GPMSearchProperty { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GPMStarterGPOType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GPMStarterGPOType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GPMStarterGPOType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GPMStarterGPOType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GPMStarterGPOType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5228,19 +5096,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GPMStarterGPOType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GPO_LINK(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GPO_LINK {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GPO_LINK { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GPO_LINK { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GPO_LINK { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5250,19 +5107,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GPO_LINK { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GPO_OPEN_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GPO_OPEN_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GPO_OPEN_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GPO_OPEN_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GPO_OPEN_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5272,19 +5118,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GPO_OPEN_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GPO_OPTIONS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GPO_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GPO_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GPO_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GPO_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5327,19 +5162,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for GPO_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GPO_SECTION(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GPO_SECTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GPO_SECTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GPO_SECTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GPO_SECTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5349,19 +5173,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GPO_SECTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GROUP_POLICY_HINT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GROUP_POLICY_HINT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GROUP_POLICY_HINT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GROUP_POLICY_HINT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GROUP_POLICY_HINT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5371,19 +5184,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GROUP_POLICY_HINT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GROUP_POLICY_OBJECT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GROUP_POLICY_OBJECT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GROUP_POLICY_OBJECT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GROUP_POLICY_OBJECT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GROUP_POLICY_OBJECT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5393,19 +5195,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GROUP_POLICY_OBJECT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct INSTALLSPECTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for INSTALLSPECTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for INSTALLSPECTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for INSTALLSPECTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for INSTALLSPECTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5415,19 +5206,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for INSTALLSPECTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SETTINGSTATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SETTINGSTATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SETTINGSTATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SETTINGSTATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SETTINGSTATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/HostComputeNetwork/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/HostComputeNetwork/ index d32474d1db..a51bda6326 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/HostComputeNetwork/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/HostComputeNetwork/ @@ -298,19 +298,8 @@ pub const HcnNotificationNetworkPreCreate: HCN_NOTIFICATIONS = HCN_NOTIFICATIONS pub const HcnNotificationNetworkPreDelete: HCN_NOTIFICATIONS = HCN_NOTIFICATIONS(3i32); pub const HcnNotificationServiceDisconnect: HCN_NOTIFICATIONS = HCN_NOTIFICATIONS(16777216i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HCN_NOTIFICATIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HCN_NOTIFICATIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HCN_NOTIFICATIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HCN_NOTIFICATIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HCN_NOTIFICATIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -320,19 +309,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HCN_NOTIFICATIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HCN_PORT_ACCESS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HCN_PORT_ACCESS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HCN_PORT_ACCESS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HCN_PORT_ACCESS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HCN_PORT_ACCESS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -342,19 +320,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HCN_PORT_ACCESS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HCN_PORT_PROTOCOL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HCN_PORT_PROTOCOL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HCN_PORT_PROTOCOL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HCN_PORT_PROTOCOL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HCN_PORT_PROTOCOL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/HostComputeSystem/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/HostComputeSystem/ index dd7c30c508..02a0388fd0 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/HostComputeSystem/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/HostComputeSystem/ @@ -656,19 +656,8 @@ pub const HcsResourceTypeFile: HCS_RESOURCE_TYPE = HCS_RESOURCE_TYPE(1i32); pub const HcsResourceTypeJob: HCS_RESOURCE_TYPE = HCS_RESOURCE_TYPE(2i32); pub const HcsResourceTypeNone: HCS_RESOURCE_TYPE = HCS_RESOURCE_TYPE(0i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HCS_CREATE_OPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HCS_CREATE_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HCS_CREATE_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HCS_CREATE_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HCS_CREATE_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -678,19 +667,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HCS_CREATE_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HCS_EVENT_OPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HCS_EVENT_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HCS_EVENT_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HCS_EVENT_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HCS_EVENT_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -733,19 +711,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for HCS_EVENT_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HCS_EVENT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HCS_EVENT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HCS_EVENT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HCS_EVENT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HCS_EVENT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -755,19 +722,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HCS_EVENT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HCS_NOTIFICATIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HCS_NOTIFICATIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HCS_NOTIFICATIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HCS_NOTIFICATIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HCS_NOTIFICATIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -777,19 +733,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HCS_NOTIFICATIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HCS_NOTIFICATION_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HCS_NOTIFICATION_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HCS_NOTIFICATION_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HCS_NOTIFICATION_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HCS_NOTIFICATION_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -799,19 +744,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HCS_NOTIFICATION_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HCS_OPERATION_OPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HCS_OPERATION_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HCS_OPERATION_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HCS_OPERATION_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HCS_OPERATION_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -854,19 +788,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for HCS_OPERATION_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HCS_OPERATION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HCS_OPERATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HCS_OPERATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HCS_OPERATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HCS_OPERATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -876,19 +799,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HCS_OPERATION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HCS_RESOURCE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HCS_RESOURCE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HCS_RESOURCE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HCS_RESOURCE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HCS_RESOURCE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Hypervisor/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Hypervisor/ index 18545fcc63..a2654c2c5b 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Hypervisor/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Hypervisor/ @@ -1547,19 +1547,8 @@ pub const X64_RegisterXmm8: REGISTER_ID = REGISTER_ID(26i32); pub const X64_RegisterXmm9: REGISTER_ID = REGISTER_ID(27i32); pub const X64_RegisterXmmControlStatus: REGISTER_ID = REGISTER_ID(43i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GUEST_OS_MICROSOFT_IDS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GUEST_OS_MICROSOFT_IDS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GUEST_OS_MICROSOFT_IDS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GUEST_OS_MICROSOFT_IDS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GUEST_OS_MICROSOFT_IDS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1569,19 +1558,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GUEST_OS_MICROSOFT_IDS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GUEST_OS_OPENSOURCE_IDS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GUEST_OS_OPENSOURCE_IDS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GUEST_OS_OPENSOURCE_IDS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GUEST_OS_OPENSOURCE_IDS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GUEST_OS_OPENSOURCE_IDS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1591,19 +1569,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GUEST_OS_OPENSOURCE_IDS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GUEST_OS_VENDOR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GUEST_OS_VENDOR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GUEST_OS_VENDOR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GUEST_OS_VENDOR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GUEST_OS_VENDOR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1613,19 +1580,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GUEST_OS_VENDOR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HDV_DEVICE_HOST_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HDV_DEVICE_HOST_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HDV_DEVICE_HOST_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HDV_DEVICE_HOST_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HDV_DEVICE_HOST_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1668,19 +1624,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for HDV_DEVICE_HOST_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HDV_DEVICE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HDV_DEVICE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HDV_DEVICE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HDV_DEVICE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HDV_DEVICE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1690,19 +1635,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HDV_DEVICE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HDV_DOORBELL_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HDV_DOORBELL_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HDV_DOORBELL_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HDV_DOORBELL_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HDV_DOORBELL_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1712,19 +1646,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HDV_DOORBELL_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HDV_MMIO_MAPPING_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HDV_MMIO_MAPPING_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HDV_MMIO_MAPPING_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HDV_MMIO_MAPPING_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HDV_MMIO_MAPPING_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1767,19 +1690,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for HDV_MMIO_MAPPING_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HDV_PCI_BAR_SELECTOR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HDV_PCI_BAR_SELECTOR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HDV_PCI_BAR_SELECTOR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HDV_PCI_BAR_SELECTOR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HDV_PCI_BAR_SELECTOR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1789,19 +1701,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HDV_PCI_BAR_SELECTOR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HDV_PCI_INTERFACE_VERSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HDV_PCI_INTERFACE_VERSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HDV_PCI_INTERFACE_VERSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HDV_PCI_INTERFACE_VERSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HDV_PCI_INTERFACE_VERSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1811,19 +1712,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HDV_PCI_INTERFACE_VERSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PAGING_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PAGING_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PAGING_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PAGING_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PAGING_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1833,19 +1723,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PAGING_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct REGISTER_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for REGISTER_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for REGISTER_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for REGISTER_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for REGISTER_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1855,19 +1734,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for REGISTER_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VIRTUAL_PROCESSOR_ARCH(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VIRTUAL_PROCESSOR_ARCH {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VIRTUAL_PROCESSOR_ARCH { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VIRTUAL_PROCESSOR_ARCH { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VIRTUAL_PROCESSOR_ARCH { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1877,19 +1745,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VIRTUAL_PROCESSOR_ARCH { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VIRTUAL_PROCESSOR_VENDOR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VIRTUAL_PROCESSOR_VENDOR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VIRTUAL_PROCESSOR_VENDOR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VIRTUAL_PROCESSOR_VENDOR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VIRTUAL_PROCESSOR_VENDOR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1899,19 +1756,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VIRTUAL_PROCESSOR_VENDOR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHV_ADVISE_GPA_RANGE_CODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHV_ADVISE_GPA_RANGE_CODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHV_ADVISE_GPA_RANGE_CODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHV_ADVISE_GPA_RANGE_CODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHV_ADVISE_GPA_RANGE_CODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1921,19 +1767,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WHV_ADVISE_GPA_RANGE_CODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHV_ALLOCATE_VPCI_RESOURCE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHV_ALLOCATE_VPCI_RESOURCE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHV_ALLOCATE_VPCI_RESOURCE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHV_ALLOCATE_VPCI_RESOURCE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHV_ALLOCATE_VPCI_RESOURCE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1976,19 +1811,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for WHV_ALLOCATE_VPCI_RESOURCE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHV_CACHE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHV_CACHE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHV_CACHE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHV_CACHE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHV_CACHE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1998,19 +1822,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WHV_CACHE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHV_CAPABILITY_CODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHV_CAPABILITY_CODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHV_CAPABILITY_CODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHV_CAPABILITY_CODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHV_CAPABILITY_CODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2020,19 +1833,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WHV_CAPABILITY_CODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHV_CREATE_VPCI_DEVICE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHV_CREATE_VPCI_DEVICE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHV_CREATE_VPCI_DEVICE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHV_CREATE_VPCI_DEVICE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHV_CREATE_VPCI_DEVICE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2075,19 +1877,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for WHV_CREATE_VPCI_DEVICE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHV_EXCEPTION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHV_EXCEPTION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHV_EXCEPTION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHV_EXCEPTION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHV_EXCEPTION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2097,19 +1888,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WHV_EXCEPTION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHV_INTERRUPT_DESTINATION_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHV_INTERRUPT_DESTINATION_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHV_INTERRUPT_DESTINATION_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHV_INTERRUPT_DESTINATION_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHV_INTERRUPT_DESTINATION_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2119,19 +1899,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WHV_INTERRUPT_DESTINATION_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHV_INTERRUPT_TRIGGER_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHV_INTERRUPT_TRIGGER_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHV_INTERRUPT_TRIGGER_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHV_INTERRUPT_TRIGGER_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHV_INTERRUPT_TRIGGER_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2141,19 +1910,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WHV_INTERRUPT_TRIGGER_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHV_INTERRUPT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHV_INTERRUPT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHV_INTERRUPT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHV_INTERRUPT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHV_INTERRUPT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2163,19 +1921,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WHV_INTERRUPT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHV_MAP_GPA_RANGE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHV_MAP_GPA_RANGE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHV_MAP_GPA_RANGE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHV_MAP_GPA_RANGE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHV_MAP_GPA_RANGE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2218,19 +1965,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for WHV_MAP_GPA_RANGE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHV_MEMORY_ACCESS_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHV_MEMORY_ACCESS_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHV_MEMORY_ACCESS_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHV_MEMORY_ACCESS_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHV_MEMORY_ACCESS_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2240,19 +1976,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WHV_MEMORY_ACCESS_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHV_MSR_ACTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHV_MSR_ACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHV_MSR_ACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHV_MSR_ACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHV_MSR_ACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2262,19 +1987,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WHV_MSR_ACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHV_NOTIFICATION_PORT_PROPERTY_CODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHV_NOTIFICATION_PORT_PROPERTY_CODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHV_NOTIFICATION_PORT_PROPERTY_CODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHV_NOTIFICATION_PORT_PROPERTY_CODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHV_NOTIFICATION_PORT_PROPERTY_CODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2284,19 +1998,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WHV_NOTIFICATION_PORT_PROPERTY_CODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHV_NOTIFICATION_PORT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHV_NOTIFICATION_PORT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHV_NOTIFICATION_PORT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHV_NOTIFICATION_PORT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHV_NOTIFICATION_PORT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2306,19 +2009,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WHV_NOTIFICATION_PORT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHV_PARTITION_COUNTER_SET(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHV_PARTITION_COUNTER_SET {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHV_PARTITION_COUNTER_SET { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHV_PARTITION_COUNTER_SET { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHV_PARTITION_COUNTER_SET { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2328,19 +2020,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WHV_PARTITION_COUNTER_SET { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHV_PARTITION_PROPERTY_CODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHV_PARTITION_PROPERTY_CODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHV_PARTITION_PROPERTY_CODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHV_PARTITION_PROPERTY_CODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHV_PARTITION_PROPERTY_CODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2350,19 +2031,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WHV_PARTITION_PROPERTY_CODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHV_PROCESSOR_COUNTER_SET(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHV_PROCESSOR_COUNTER_SET {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHV_PROCESSOR_COUNTER_SET { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHV_PROCESSOR_COUNTER_SET { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHV_PROCESSOR_COUNTER_SET { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2372,19 +2042,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WHV_PROCESSOR_COUNTER_SET { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHV_PROCESSOR_VENDOR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHV_PROCESSOR_VENDOR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHV_PROCESSOR_VENDOR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHV_PROCESSOR_VENDOR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHV_PROCESSOR_VENDOR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2394,19 +2053,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WHV_PROCESSOR_VENDOR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHV_REGISTER_NAME(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHV_REGISTER_NAME {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHV_REGISTER_NAME { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHV_REGISTER_NAME { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHV_REGISTER_NAME { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2416,19 +2064,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WHV_REGISTER_NAME { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHV_RUN_VP_CANCEL_REASON(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHV_RUN_VP_CANCEL_REASON {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHV_RUN_VP_CANCEL_REASON { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHV_RUN_VP_CANCEL_REASON { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHV_RUN_VP_CANCEL_REASON { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2438,19 +2075,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WHV_RUN_VP_CANCEL_REASON { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHV_RUN_VP_EXIT_REASON(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHV_RUN_VP_EXIT_REASON {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHV_RUN_VP_EXIT_REASON { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHV_RUN_VP_EXIT_REASON { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHV_RUN_VP_EXIT_REASON { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2460,19 +2086,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WHV_RUN_VP_EXIT_REASON { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHV_TRANSLATE_GVA_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHV_TRANSLATE_GVA_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHV_TRANSLATE_GVA_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHV_TRANSLATE_GVA_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHV_TRANSLATE_GVA_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2515,19 +2130,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for WHV_TRANSLATE_GVA_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHV_TRANSLATE_GVA_RESULT_CODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHV_TRANSLATE_GVA_RESULT_CODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHV_TRANSLATE_GVA_RESULT_CODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHV_TRANSLATE_GVA_RESULT_CODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHV_TRANSLATE_GVA_RESULT_CODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2537,19 +2141,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WHV_TRANSLATE_GVA_RESULT_CODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHV_TRIGGER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHV_TRIGGER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHV_TRIGGER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHV_TRIGGER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHV_TRIGGER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2559,19 +2152,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WHV_TRIGGER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHV_VIRTUAL_PROCESSOR_PROPERTY_CODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHV_VIRTUAL_PROCESSOR_PROPERTY_CODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHV_VIRTUAL_PROCESSOR_PROPERTY_CODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHV_VIRTUAL_PROCESSOR_PROPERTY_CODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHV_VIRTUAL_PROCESSOR_PROPERTY_CODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2581,19 +2163,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WHV_VIRTUAL_PROCESSOR_PROPERTY_CODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHV_VIRTUAL_PROCESSOR_STATE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHV_VIRTUAL_PROCESSOR_STATE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHV_VIRTUAL_PROCESSOR_STATE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHV_VIRTUAL_PROCESSOR_STATE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHV_VIRTUAL_PROCESSOR_STATE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2603,19 +2174,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WHV_VIRTUAL_PROCESSOR_STATE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHV_VPCI_DEVICE_NOTIFICATION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHV_VPCI_DEVICE_NOTIFICATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHV_VPCI_DEVICE_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHV_VPCI_DEVICE_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHV_VPCI_DEVICE_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2625,19 +2185,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WHV_VPCI_DEVICE_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHV_VPCI_DEVICE_PROPERTY_CODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHV_VPCI_DEVICE_PROPERTY_CODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHV_VPCI_DEVICE_PROPERTY_CODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHV_VPCI_DEVICE_PROPERTY_CODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHV_VPCI_DEVICE_PROPERTY_CODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2647,19 +2196,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WHV_VPCI_DEVICE_PROPERTY_CODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHV_VPCI_DEVICE_REGISTER_SPACE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHV_VPCI_DEVICE_REGISTER_SPACE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHV_VPCI_DEVICE_REGISTER_SPACE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHV_VPCI_DEVICE_REGISTER_SPACE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHV_VPCI_DEVICE_REGISTER_SPACE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2669,19 +2207,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WHV_VPCI_DEVICE_REGISTER_SPACE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHV_VPCI_INTERRUPT_TARGET_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHV_VPCI_INTERRUPT_TARGET_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHV_VPCI_INTERRUPT_TARGET_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHV_VPCI_INTERRUPT_TARGET_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHV_VPCI_INTERRUPT_TARGET_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2724,19 +2251,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for WHV_VPCI_INTERRUPT_TARGET_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHV_VPCI_MMIO_RANGE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHV_VPCI_MMIO_RANGE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHV_VPCI_MMIO_RANGE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHV_VPCI_MMIO_RANGE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHV_VPCI_MMIO_RANGE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2779,19 +2295,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for WHV_VPCI_MMIO_RANGE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHV_X64_APIC_WRITE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHV_X64_APIC_WRITE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHV_X64_APIC_WRITE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHV_X64_APIC_WRITE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHV_X64_APIC_WRITE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2801,19 +2306,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WHV_X64_APIC_WRITE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHV_X64_CPUID_RESULT2_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHV_X64_CPUID_RESULT2_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHV_X64_CPUID_RESULT2_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHV_X64_CPUID_RESULT2_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHV_X64_CPUID_RESULT2_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2856,19 +2350,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for WHV_X64_CPUID_RESULT2_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHV_X64_LOCAL_APIC_EMULATION_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHV_X64_LOCAL_APIC_EMULATION_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHV_X64_LOCAL_APIC_EMULATION_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHV_X64_LOCAL_APIC_EMULATION_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHV_X64_LOCAL_APIC_EMULATION_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2878,19 +2361,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WHV_X64_LOCAL_APIC_EMULATION_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHV_X64_PENDING_EVENT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHV_X64_PENDING_EVENT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHV_X64_PENDING_EVENT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHV_X64_PENDING_EVENT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHV_X64_PENDING_EVENT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2900,19 +2372,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WHV_X64_PENDING_EVENT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHV_X64_PENDING_INTERRUPTION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHV_X64_PENDING_INTERRUPTION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHV_X64_PENDING_INTERRUPTION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHV_X64_PENDING_INTERRUPTION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHV_X64_PENDING_INTERRUPTION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2922,19 +2383,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WHV_X64_PENDING_INTERRUPTION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WHV_X64_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE_CODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WHV_X64_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE_CODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WHV_X64_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE_CODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WHV_X64_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE_CODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WHV_X64_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE_CODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Iis/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Iis/ index 11e334841f..fceb7b2ee0 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Iis/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Iis/ @@ -2192,19 +2192,8 @@ pub const WEB_CORE_DLL_NAME: ::windows_core::PCWSTR = ::windows_core::w!("hwebco pub const WEB_CORE_SET_METADATA_DLL_ENTRY: ::windows_core::PCSTR = ::windows_core::s!("WebCoreSetMetadata"); pub const WEB_CORE_SHUTDOWN_DLL_ENTRY: ::windows_core::PCSTR = ::windows_core::s!("WebCoreShutdown"); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FTP_ACCESS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FTP_ACCESS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FTP_ACCESS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FTP_ACCESS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FTP_ACCESS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2214,19 +2203,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FTP_ACCESS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FTP_PROCESS_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FTP_PROCESS_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FTP_PROCESS_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FTP_PROCESS_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FTP_PROCESS_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2236,19 +2214,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FTP_PROCESS_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HTTP_TRACE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HTTP_TRACE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HTTP_TRACE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HTTP_TRACE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HTTP_TRACE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2258,19 +2225,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HTTP_TRACE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct METADATATYPES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for METADATATYPES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for METADATATYPES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for METADATATYPES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for METADATATYPES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2280,19 +2236,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for METADATATYPES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SF_PROPERTY_IIS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SF_PROPERTY_IIS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SF_PROPERTY_IIS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SF_PROPERTY_IIS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SF_PROPERTY_IIS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2302,19 +2247,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SF_PROPERTY_IIS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SF_REQ_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SF_REQ_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SF_REQ_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SF_REQ_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SF_REQ_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2324,19 +2258,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SF_REQ_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SF_STATUS_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SF_STATUS_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SF_STATUS_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SF_STATUS_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SF_STATUS_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Ioctl/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Ioctl/ index cea03d3ed0..09d6633fab 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Ioctl/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Ioctl/ @@ -1693,19 +1693,8 @@ pub const ZonesAttributeTypeMayDifferentLengthSame: STORAGE_ZONES_ATTRIBUTES = S pub const ZonesAttributeTypeSameLastZoneLengthDifferent: STORAGE_ZONES_ATTRIBUTES = STORAGE_ZONES_ATTRIBUTES(2i32); pub const ZonesAttributeTypeSameLengthSame: STORAGE_ZONES_ATTRIBUTES = STORAGE_ZONES_ATTRIBUTES(1i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BIN_TYPES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BIN_TYPES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BIN_TYPES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BIN_TYPES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BIN_TYPES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1715,19 +1704,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BIN_TYPES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CHANGER_DEVICE_PROBLEM_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CHANGER_DEVICE_PROBLEM_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CHANGER_DEVICE_PROBLEM_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CHANGER_DEVICE_PROBLEM_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CHANGER_DEVICE_PROBLEM_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1737,19 +1715,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CHANGER_DEVICE_PROBLEM_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CHANGER_ELEMENT_STATUS_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CHANGER_ELEMENT_STATUS_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CHANGER_ELEMENT_STATUS_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CHANGER_ELEMENT_STATUS_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CHANGER_ELEMENT_STATUS_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1792,19 +1759,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CHANGER_ELEMENT_STATUS_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CHANGER_FEATURES(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CHANGER_FEATURES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CHANGER_FEATURES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CHANGER_FEATURES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CHANGER_FEATURES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1847,19 +1803,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CHANGER_FEATURES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CSVFS_DISK_CONNECTIVITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CSVFS_DISK_CONNECTIVITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CSVFS_DISK_CONNECTIVITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CSVFS_DISK_CONNECTIVITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CSVFS_DISK_CONNECTIVITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1869,19 +1814,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CSVFS_DISK_CONNECTIVITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CSV_CONTROL_OP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CSV_CONTROL_OP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CSV_CONTROL_OP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CSV_CONTROL_OP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CSV_CONTROL_OP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1891,19 +1825,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CSV_CONTROL_OP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DETECTION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DETECTION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DETECTION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DETECTION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DETECTION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1913,19 +1836,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DETECTION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEVICEDUMP_COLLECTION_TYPEIDE_NOTIFICATION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEVICEDUMP_COLLECTION_TYPEIDE_NOTIFICATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEVICEDUMP_COLLECTION_TYPEIDE_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEVICEDUMP_COLLECTION_TYPEIDE_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEVICEDUMP_COLLECTION_TYPEIDE_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1935,19 +1847,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEVICEDUMP_COLLECTION_TYPEIDE_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEVICE_INTERNAL_STATUS_DATA_REQUEST_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEVICE_INTERNAL_STATUS_DATA_REQUEST_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEVICE_INTERNAL_STATUS_DATA_REQUEST_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEVICE_INTERNAL_STATUS_DATA_REQUEST_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEVICE_INTERNAL_STATUS_DATA_REQUEST_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1957,19 +1858,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEVICE_INTERNAL_STATUS_DATA_REQUEST_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEVICE_INTERNAL_STATUS_DATA_SET(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEVICE_INTERNAL_STATUS_DATA_SET {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEVICE_INTERNAL_STATUS_DATA_SET { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEVICE_INTERNAL_STATUS_DATA_SET { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEVICE_INTERNAL_STATUS_DATA_SET { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1979,19 +1869,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEVICE_INTERNAL_STATUS_DATA_SET { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISK_CACHE_RETENTION_PRIORITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISK_CACHE_RETENTION_PRIORITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISK_CACHE_RETENTION_PRIORITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISK_CACHE_RETENTION_PRIORITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISK_CACHE_RETENTION_PRIORITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2001,19 +1880,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISK_CACHE_RETENTION_PRIORITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DUPLICATE_EXTENTS_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DUPLICATE_EXTENTS_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DUPLICATE_EXTENTS_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DUPLICATE_EXTENTS_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DUPLICATE_EXTENTS_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2023,19 +1891,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DUPLICATE_EXTENTS_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ELEMENT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ELEMENT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ELEMENT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ELEMENT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ELEMENT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2045,19 +1902,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ELEMENT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FILESYSTEM_STATISTICS_TYPE(pub u16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FILESYSTEM_STATISTICS_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FILESYSTEM_STATISTICS_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FILESYSTEM_STATISTICS_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FILESYSTEM_STATISTICS_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2067,19 +1913,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FILESYSTEM_STATISTICS_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FILE_STORAGE_TIER_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FILE_STORAGE_TIER_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FILE_STORAGE_TIER_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FILE_STORAGE_TIER_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FILE_STORAGE_TIER_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2089,19 +1924,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FILE_STORAGE_TIER_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FILE_STORAGE_TIER_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FILE_STORAGE_TIER_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FILE_STORAGE_TIER_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FILE_STORAGE_TIER_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FILE_STORAGE_TIER_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2144,19 +1968,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for FILE_STORAGE_TIER_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FILE_STORAGE_TIER_MEDIA_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FILE_STORAGE_TIER_MEDIA_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FILE_STORAGE_TIER_MEDIA_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FILE_STORAGE_TIER_MEDIA_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FILE_STORAGE_TIER_MEDIA_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2166,19 +1979,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FILE_STORAGE_TIER_MEDIA_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FS_BPIO_INFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FS_BPIO_INFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FS_BPIO_INFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FS_BPIO_INFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FS_BPIO_INFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2221,19 +2023,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for FS_BPIO_INFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FS_BPIO_OPERATIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FS_BPIO_OPERATIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FS_BPIO_OPERATIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FS_BPIO_OPERATIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FS_BPIO_OPERATIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2243,19 +2034,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FS_BPIO_OPERATIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FS_BPIO_OUTFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FS_BPIO_OUTFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FS_BPIO_OUTFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FS_BPIO_OUTFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FS_BPIO_OUTFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2298,19 +2078,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for FS_BPIO_OUTFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GET_CHANGER_PARAMETERS_FEATURES1(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GET_CHANGER_PARAMETERS_FEATURES1 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GET_CHANGER_PARAMETERS_FEATURES1 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GET_CHANGER_PARAMETERS_FEATURES1 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GET_CHANGER_PARAMETERS_FEATURES1 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2353,19 +2122,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for GET_CHANGER_PARAMETERS_FEATURES1 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GPT_ATTRIBUTES(pub u64); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GPT_ATTRIBUTES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GPT_ATTRIBUTES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GPT_ATTRIBUTES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GPT_ATTRIBUTES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2408,19 +2166,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for GPT_ATTRIBUTES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LMR_QUERY_INFO_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LMR_QUERY_INFO_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LMR_QUERY_INFO_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LMR_QUERY_INFO_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LMR_QUERY_INFO_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2430,19 +2177,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for LMR_QUERY_INFO_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MEDIA_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MEDIA_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MEDIA_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MEDIA_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MEDIA_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2452,19 +2188,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MEDIA_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PARTITION_STYLE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PARTITION_STYLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PARTITION_STYLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PARTITION_STYLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PARTITION_STYLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2474,19 +2199,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PARTITION_STYLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct QUERY_FILE_LAYOUT_FILTER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for QUERY_FILE_LAYOUT_FILTER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for QUERY_FILE_LAYOUT_FILTER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for QUERY_FILE_LAYOUT_FILTER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for QUERY_FILE_LAYOUT_FILTER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2496,19 +2210,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for QUERY_FILE_LAYOUT_FILTER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct REFS_SMR_VOLUME_GC_ACTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for REFS_SMR_VOLUME_GC_ACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for REFS_SMR_VOLUME_GC_ACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for REFS_SMR_VOLUME_GC_ACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for REFS_SMR_VOLUME_GC_ACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2518,19 +2221,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for REFS_SMR_VOLUME_GC_ACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct REFS_SMR_VOLUME_GC_METHOD(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for REFS_SMR_VOLUME_GC_METHOD {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for REFS_SMR_VOLUME_GC_METHOD { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for REFS_SMR_VOLUME_GC_METHOD { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for REFS_SMR_VOLUME_GC_METHOD { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2540,19 +2232,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for REFS_SMR_VOLUME_GC_METHOD { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct REFS_SMR_VOLUME_GC_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for REFS_SMR_VOLUME_GC_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for REFS_SMR_VOLUME_GC_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for REFS_SMR_VOLUME_GC_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for REFS_SMR_VOLUME_GC_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2562,19 +2243,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for REFS_SMR_VOLUME_GC_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SCM_BUS_FIRMWARE_ACTIVATION_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SCM_BUS_FIRMWARE_ACTIVATION_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SCM_BUS_FIRMWARE_ACTIVATION_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SCM_BUS_FIRMWARE_ACTIVATION_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SCM_BUS_FIRMWARE_ACTIVATION_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2584,19 +2254,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SCM_BUS_FIRMWARE_ACTIVATION_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SCM_BUS_PROPERTY_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SCM_BUS_PROPERTY_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SCM_BUS_PROPERTY_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SCM_BUS_PROPERTY_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SCM_BUS_PROPERTY_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2606,19 +2265,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SCM_BUS_PROPERTY_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SCM_BUS_QUERY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SCM_BUS_QUERY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SCM_BUS_QUERY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SCM_BUS_QUERY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SCM_BUS_QUERY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2628,19 +2276,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SCM_BUS_QUERY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SCM_BUS_SET_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SCM_BUS_SET_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SCM_BUS_SET_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SCM_BUS_SET_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SCM_BUS_SET_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2650,19 +2287,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SCM_BUS_SET_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SCM_PD_FIRMWARE_ACTIVATION_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SCM_PD_FIRMWARE_ACTIVATION_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SCM_PD_FIRMWARE_ACTIVATION_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SCM_PD_FIRMWARE_ACTIVATION_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SCM_PD_FIRMWARE_ACTIVATION_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2672,19 +2298,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SCM_PD_FIRMWARE_ACTIVATION_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SCM_PD_HEALTH_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SCM_PD_HEALTH_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SCM_PD_HEALTH_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SCM_PD_HEALTH_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SCM_PD_HEALTH_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2694,19 +2309,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SCM_PD_HEALTH_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SCM_PD_LAST_FW_ACTIVATION_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SCM_PD_LAST_FW_ACTIVATION_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SCM_PD_LAST_FW_ACTIVATION_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SCM_PD_LAST_FW_ACTIVATION_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SCM_PD_LAST_FW_ACTIVATION_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2716,19 +2320,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SCM_PD_LAST_FW_ACTIVATION_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SCM_PD_MEDIA_REINITIALIZATION_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SCM_PD_MEDIA_REINITIALIZATION_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SCM_PD_MEDIA_REINITIALIZATION_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SCM_PD_MEDIA_REINITIALIZATION_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SCM_PD_MEDIA_REINITIALIZATION_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2738,19 +2331,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SCM_PD_MEDIA_REINITIALIZATION_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SCM_PD_OPERATIONAL_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SCM_PD_OPERATIONAL_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SCM_PD_OPERATIONAL_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SCM_PD_OPERATIONAL_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SCM_PD_OPERATIONAL_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2760,19 +2342,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SCM_PD_OPERATIONAL_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SCM_PD_OPERATIONAL_STATUS_REASON(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SCM_PD_OPERATIONAL_STATUS_REASON {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SCM_PD_OPERATIONAL_STATUS_REASON { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SCM_PD_OPERATIONAL_STATUS_REASON { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SCM_PD_OPERATIONAL_STATUS_REASON { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2782,19 +2353,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SCM_PD_OPERATIONAL_STATUS_REASON { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SCM_PD_PROPERTY_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SCM_PD_PROPERTY_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SCM_PD_PROPERTY_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SCM_PD_PROPERTY_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SCM_PD_PROPERTY_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2804,19 +2364,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SCM_PD_PROPERTY_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SCM_PD_QUERY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SCM_PD_QUERY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SCM_PD_QUERY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SCM_PD_QUERY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SCM_PD_QUERY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2826,19 +2375,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SCM_PD_QUERY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SCM_PD_SET_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SCM_PD_SET_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SCM_PD_SET_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SCM_PD_SET_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SCM_PD_SET_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2848,19 +2386,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SCM_PD_SET_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SCM_REGION_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SCM_REGION_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SCM_REGION_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SCM_REGION_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SCM_REGION_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2870,19 +2397,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SCM_REGION_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SHRINK_VOLUME_REQUEST_TYPES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SHRINK_VOLUME_REQUEST_TYPES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SHRINK_VOLUME_REQUEST_TYPES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SHRINK_VOLUME_REQUEST_TYPES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SHRINK_VOLUME_REQUEST_TYPES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2892,19 +2408,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SHRINK_VOLUME_REQUEST_TYPES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STORAGE_ASSOCIATION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STORAGE_ASSOCIATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STORAGE_ASSOCIATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STORAGE_ASSOCIATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STORAGE_ASSOCIATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2914,19 +2419,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STORAGE_ASSOCIATION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STORAGE_ATTRIBUTE_MGMT_ACTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STORAGE_ATTRIBUTE_MGMT_ACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STORAGE_ATTRIBUTE_MGMT_ACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STORAGE_ATTRIBUTE_MGMT_ACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STORAGE_ATTRIBUTE_MGMT_ACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2936,19 +2430,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STORAGE_ATTRIBUTE_MGMT_ACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STORAGE_COMPONENT_HEALTH_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STORAGE_COMPONENT_HEALTH_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STORAGE_COMPONENT_HEALTH_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STORAGE_COMPONENT_HEALTH_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STORAGE_COMPONENT_HEALTH_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2958,19 +2441,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STORAGE_COMPONENT_HEALTH_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STORAGE_COUNTER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STORAGE_COUNTER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STORAGE_COUNTER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STORAGE_COUNTER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STORAGE_COUNTER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2980,19 +2452,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STORAGE_COUNTER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STORAGE_CRYPTO_ALGORITHM_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STORAGE_CRYPTO_ALGORITHM_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STORAGE_CRYPTO_ALGORITHM_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STORAGE_CRYPTO_ALGORITHM_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STORAGE_CRYPTO_ALGORITHM_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3002,19 +2463,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STORAGE_CRYPTO_ALGORITHM_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STORAGE_CRYPTO_KEY_SIZE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STORAGE_CRYPTO_KEY_SIZE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STORAGE_CRYPTO_KEY_SIZE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STORAGE_CRYPTO_KEY_SIZE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STORAGE_CRYPTO_KEY_SIZE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3024,19 +2474,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STORAGE_CRYPTO_KEY_SIZE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STORAGE_DEVICE_FORM_FACTOR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STORAGE_DEVICE_FORM_FACTOR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STORAGE_DEVICE_FORM_FACTOR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STORAGE_DEVICE_FORM_FACTOR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STORAGE_DEVICE_FORM_FACTOR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3046,19 +2485,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STORAGE_DEVICE_FORM_FACTOR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STORAGE_DEVICE_POWER_CAP_UNITS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STORAGE_DEVICE_POWER_CAP_UNITS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STORAGE_DEVICE_POWER_CAP_UNITS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STORAGE_DEVICE_POWER_CAP_UNITS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STORAGE_DEVICE_POWER_CAP_UNITS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3068,19 +2496,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STORAGE_DEVICE_POWER_CAP_UNITS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STORAGE_DIAGNOSTIC_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STORAGE_DIAGNOSTIC_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STORAGE_DIAGNOSTIC_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STORAGE_DIAGNOSTIC_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STORAGE_DIAGNOSTIC_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3090,19 +2507,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STORAGE_DIAGNOSTIC_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STORAGE_DIAGNOSTIC_TARGET_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STORAGE_DIAGNOSTIC_TARGET_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STORAGE_DIAGNOSTIC_TARGET_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STORAGE_DIAGNOSTIC_TARGET_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STORAGE_DIAGNOSTIC_TARGET_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3112,19 +2518,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STORAGE_DIAGNOSTIC_TARGET_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STORAGE_DISK_HEALTH_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STORAGE_DISK_HEALTH_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STORAGE_DISK_HEALTH_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STORAGE_DISK_HEALTH_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STORAGE_DISK_HEALTH_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3134,19 +2529,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STORAGE_DISK_HEALTH_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STORAGE_DISK_OPERATIONAL_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STORAGE_DISK_OPERATIONAL_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STORAGE_DISK_OPERATIONAL_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STORAGE_DISK_OPERATIONAL_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STORAGE_DISK_OPERATIONAL_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3156,19 +2540,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STORAGE_DISK_OPERATIONAL_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STORAGE_ENCRYPTION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STORAGE_ENCRYPTION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STORAGE_ENCRYPTION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STORAGE_ENCRYPTION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STORAGE_ENCRYPTION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3178,19 +2551,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STORAGE_ENCRYPTION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STORAGE_IDENTIFIER_CODE_SET(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STORAGE_IDENTIFIER_CODE_SET {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STORAGE_IDENTIFIER_CODE_SET { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STORAGE_IDENTIFIER_CODE_SET { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STORAGE_IDENTIFIER_CODE_SET { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3200,19 +2562,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STORAGE_IDENTIFIER_CODE_SET { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STORAGE_IDENTIFIER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STORAGE_IDENTIFIER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STORAGE_IDENTIFIER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STORAGE_IDENTIFIER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STORAGE_IDENTIFIER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3222,19 +2573,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STORAGE_IDENTIFIER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STORAGE_ID_NAA_FORMAT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STORAGE_ID_NAA_FORMAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STORAGE_ID_NAA_FORMAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STORAGE_ID_NAA_FORMAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STORAGE_ID_NAA_FORMAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3244,19 +2584,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STORAGE_ID_NAA_FORMAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STORAGE_MEDIA_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STORAGE_MEDIA_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STORAGE_MEDIA_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STORAGE_MEDIA_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STORAGE_MEDIA_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3266,19 +2595,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STORAGE_MEDIA_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STORAGE_OPERATIONAL_STATUS_REASON(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STORAGE_OPERATIONAL_STATUS_REASON {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STORAGE_OPERATIONAL_STATUS_REASON { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STORAGE_OPERATIONAL_STATUS_REASON { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STORAGE_OPERATIONAL_STATUS_REASON { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3288,19 +2606,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STORAGE_OPERATIONAL_STATUS_REASON { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STORAGE_PORT_CODE_SET(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STORAGE_PORT_CODE_SET {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STORAGE_PORT_CODE_SET { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STORAGE_PORT_CODE_SET { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STORAGE_PORT_CODE_SET { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3310,19 +2617,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STORAGE_PORT_CODE_SET { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STORAGE_POWERUP_REASON_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STORAGE_POWERUP_REASON_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STORAGE_POWERUP_REASON_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STORAGE_POWERUP_REASON_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STORAGE_POWERUP_REASON_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3332,19 +2628,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STORAGE_POWERUP_REASON_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STORAGE_PROPERTY_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STORAGE_PROPERTY_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STORAGE_PROPERTY_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STORAGE_PROPERTY_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STORAGE_PROPERTY_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3354,19 +2639,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STORAGE_PROPERTY_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STORAGE_PROTOCOL_ATA_DATA_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STORAGE_PROTOCOL_ATA_DATA_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STORAGE_PROTOCOL_ATA_DATA_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STORAGE_PROTOCOL_ATA_DATA_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STORAGE_PROTOCOL_ATA_DATA_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3376,19 +2650,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STORAGE_PROTOCOL_ATA_DATA_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STORAGE_PROTOCOL_NVME_DATA_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STORAGE_PROTOCOL_NVME_DATA_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STORAGE_PROTOCOL_NVME_DATA_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STORAGE_PROTOCOL_NVME_DATA_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STORAGE_PROTOCOL_NVME_DATA_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3398,19 +2661,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STORAGE_PROTOCOL_NVME_DATA_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STORAGE_PROTOCOL_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STORAGE_PROTOCOL_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STORAGE_PROTOCOL_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STORAGE_PROTOCOL_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STORAGE_PROTOCOL_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3420,19 +2672,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STORAGE_PROTOCOL_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STORAGE_PROTOCOL_UFS_DATA_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STORAGE_PROTOCOL_UFS_DATA_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STORAGE_PROTOCOL_UFS_DATA_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STORAGE_PROTOCOL_UFS_DATA_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STORAGE_PROTOCOL_UFS_DATA_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3442,19 +2683,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STORAGE_PROTOCOL_UFS_DATA_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STORAGE_QUERY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STORAGE_QUERY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STORAGE_QUERY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STORAGE_QUERY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STORAGE_QUERY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3464,19 +2694,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STORAGE_QUERY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STORAGE_RESERVE_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STORAGE_RESERVE_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STORAGE_RESERVE_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STORAGE_RESERVE_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STORAGE_RESERVE_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3486,19 +2705,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STORAGE_RESERVE_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STORAGE_RPMB_COMMAND_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STORAGE_RPMB_COMMAND_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STORAGE_RPMB_COMMAND_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STORAGE_RPMB_COMMAND_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STORAGE_RPMB_COMMAND_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3508,19 +2716,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STORAGE_RPMB_COMMAND_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STORAGE_RPMB_FRAME_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STORAGE_RPMB_FRAME_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STORAGE_RPMB_FRAME_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STORAGE_RPMB_FRAME_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STORAGE_RPMB_FRAME_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3530,19 +2727,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STORAGE_RPMB_FRAME_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STORAGE_SANITIZE_METHOD(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STORAGE_SANITIZE_METHOD {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STORAGE_SANITIZE_METHOD { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STORAGE_SANITIZE_METHOD { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STORAGE_SANITIZE_METHOD { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3552,19 +2738,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STORAGE_SANITIZE_METHOD { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STORAGE_SET_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STORAGE_SET_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STORAGE_SET_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STORAGE_SET_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STORAGE_SET_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3574,19 +2749,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STORAGE_SET_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STORAGE_TIER_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STORAGE_TIER_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STORAGE_TIER_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STORAGE_TIER_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STORAGE_TIER_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3596,19 +2760,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STORAGE_TIER_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STORAGE_TIER_MEDIA_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STORAGE_TIER_MEDIA_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STORAGE_TIER_MEDIA_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STORAGE_TIER_MEDIA_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STORAGE_TIER_MEDIA_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3618,19 +2771,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STORAGE_TIER_MEDIA_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STORAGE_ZONED_DEVICE_TYPES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STORAGE_ZONED_DEVICE_TYPES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STORAGE_ZONED_DEVICE_TYPES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STORAGE_ZONED_DEVICE_TYPES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STORAGE_ZONED_DEVICE_TYPES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3640,19 +2782,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STORAGE_ZONED_DEVICE_TYPES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STORAGE_ZONES_ATTRIBUTES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STORAGE_ZONES_ATTRIBUTES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STORAGE_ZONES_ATTRIBUTES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STORAGE_ZONES_ATTRIBUTES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STORAGE_ZONES_ATTRIBUTES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3662,19 +2793,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STORAGE_ZONES_ATTRIBUTES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STORAGE_ZONE_CONDITION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STORAGE_ZONE_CONDITION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STORAGE_ZONE_CONDITION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STORAGE_ZONE_CONDITION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STORAGE_ZONE_CONDITION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3684,19 +2804,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STORAGE_ZONE_CONDITION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STORAGE_ZONE_TYPES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STORAGE_ZONE_TYPES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STORAGE_ZONE_TYPES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STORAGE_ZONE_TYPES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STORAGE_ZONE_TYPES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3706,19 +2815,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STORAGE_ZONE_TYPES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TXFS_RMF_LAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TXFS_RMF_LAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TXFS_RMF_LAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TXFS_RMF_LAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TXFS_RMF_LAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3761,19 +2859,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for TXFS_RMF_LAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct USN_DELETE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for USN_DELETE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for USN_DELETE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for USN_DELETE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for USN_DELETE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3816,19 +2903,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for USN_DELETE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct USN_SOURCE_INFO_ID(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for USN_SOURCE_INFO_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for USN_SOURCE_INFO_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for USN_SOURCE_INFO_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for USN_SOURCE_INFO_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3838,19 +2914,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for USN_SOURCE_INFO_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VIRTUAL_STORAGE_BEHAVIOR_CODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VIRTUAL_STORAGE_BEHAVIOR_CODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VIRTUAL_STORAGE_BEHAVIOR_CODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VIRTUAL_STORAGE_BEHAVIOR_CODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VIRTUAL_STORAGE_BEHAVIOR_CODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3860,19 +2925,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VIRTUAL_STORAGE_BEHAVIOR_CODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WRITE_CACHE_CHANGE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WRITE_CACHE_CHANGE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WRITE_CACHE_CHANGE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WRITE_CACHE_CHANGE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WRITE_CACHE_CHANGE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3882,19 +2936,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WRITE_CACHE_CHANGE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WRITE_CACHE_ENABLE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WRITE_CACHE_ENABLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WRITE_CACHE_ENABLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WRITE_CACHE_ENABLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WRITE_CACHE_ENABLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3904,19 +2947,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WRITE_CACHE_ENABLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WRITE_CACHE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WRITE_CACHE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WRITE_CACHE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WRITE_CACHE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WRITE_CACHE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3926,19 +2958,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WRITE_CACHE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WRITE_THROUGH(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WRITE_THROUGH {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WRITE_THROUGH { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WRITE_THROUGH { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WRITE_THROUGH { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/JobObjects/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/JobObjects/ index f8415efd75..e2ea2ee148 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/JobObjects/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/JobObjects/ @@ -237,19 +237,8 @@ pub const ToleranceIntervalShort: JOBOBJECT_RATE_CONTROL_TOLERANCE_INTERVAL = JO pub const ToleranceLow: JOBOBJECT_RATE_CONTROL_TOLERANCE = JOBOBJECT_RATE_CONTROL_TOLERANCE(1i32); pub const ToleranceMedium: JOBOBJECT_RATE_CONTROL_TOLERANCE = JOBOBJECT_RATE_CONTROL_TOLERANCE(2i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct JOBOBJECTINFOCLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for JOBOBJECTINFOCLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for JOBOBJECTINFOCLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for JOBOBJECTINFOCLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for JOBOBJECTINFOCLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -259,19 +248,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for JOBOBJECTINFOCLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct JOBOBJECT_IO_ATTRIBUTION_CONTROL_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for JOBOBJECT_IO_ATTRIBUTION_CONTROL_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for JOBOBJECT_IO_ATTRIBUTION_CONTROL_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for JOBOBJECT_IO_ATTRIBUTION_CONTROL_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for JOBOBJECT_IO_ATTRIBUTION_CONTROL_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -281,19 +259,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for JOBOBJECT_IO_ATTRIBUTION_CONTROL_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct JOBOBJECT_RATE_CONTROL_TOLERANCE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for JOBOBJECT_RATE_CONTROL_TOLERANCE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for JOBOBJECT_RATE_CONTROL_TOLERANCE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for JOBOBJECT_RATE_CONTROL_TOLERANCE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for JOBOBJECT_RATE_CONTROL_TOLERANCE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -303,19 +270,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for JOBOBJECT_RATE_CONTROL_TOLERANCE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct JOBOBJECT_RATE_CONTROL_TOLERANCE_INTERVAL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for JOBOBJECT_RATE_CONTROL_TOLERANCE_INTERVAL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for JOBOBJECT_RATE_CONTROL_TOLERANCE_INTERVAL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for JOBOBJECT_RATE_CONTROL_TOLERANCE_INTERVAL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for JOBOBJECT_RATE_CONTROL_TOLERANCE_INTERVAL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -325,19 +281,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for JOBOBJECT_RATE_CONTROL_TOLERANCE_INTERVAL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct JOB_OBJECT_CPU_RATE_CONTROL(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for JOB_OBJECT_CPU_RATE_CONTROL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for JOB_OBJECT_CPU_RATE_CONTROL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for JOB_OBJECT_CPU_RATE_CONTROL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for JOB_OBJECT_CPU_RATE_CONTROL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -380,19 +325,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for JOB_OBJECT_CPU_RATE_CONTROL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct JOB_OBJECT_IO_RATE_CONTROL_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for JOB_OBJECT_IO_RATE_CONTROL_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for JOB_OBJECT_IO_RATE_CONTROL_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for JOB_OBJECT_IO_RATE_CONTROL_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for JOB_OBJECT_IO_RATE_CONTROL_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -435,19 +369,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for JOB_OBJECT_IO_RATE_CONTROL_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct JOB_OBJECT_LIMIT(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for JOB_OBJECT_LIMIT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for JOB_OBJECT_LIMIT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for JOB_OBJECT_LIMIT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for JOB_OBJECT_LIMIT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -490,19 +413,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for JOB_OBJECT_LIMIT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct JOB_OBJECT_NET_RATE_CONTROL_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for JOB_OBJECT_NET_RATE_CONTROL_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for JOB_OBJECT_NET_RATE_CONTROL_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for JOB_OBJECT_NET_RATE_CONTROL_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for JOB_OBJECT_NET_RATE_CONTROL_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -545,19 +457,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for JOB_OBJECT_NET_RATE_CONTROL_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct JOB_OBJECT_SECURITY(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for JOB_OBJECT_SECURITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for JOB_OBJECT_SECURITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for JOB_OBJECT_SECURITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for JOB_OBJECT_SECURITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -600,19 +501,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for JOB_OBJECT_SECURITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct JOB_OBJECT_TERMINATE_AT_END_ACTION(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for JOB_OBJECT_TERMINATE_AT_END_ACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for JOB_OBJECT_TERMINATE_AT_END_ACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for JOB_OBJECT_TERMINATE_AT_END_ACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for JOB_OBJECT_TERMINATE_AT_END_ACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -622,19 +512,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for JOB_OBJECT_TERMINATE_AT_END_ACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct JOB_OBJECT_UILIMIT(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for JOB_OBJECT_UILIMIT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for JOB_OBJECT_UILIMIT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for JOB_OBJECT_UILIMIT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for JOB_OBJECT_UILIMIT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Js/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Js/ index e989fdd5da..74fa960f1d 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Js/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Js/ @@ -542,19 +542,8 @@ pub const JsRuntimeVersionEdge: JsRuntimeVersion = JsRuntimeVersion(-1i32); pub const JsString: JsValueType = JsValueType(3i32); pub const JsUndefined: JsValueType = JsValueType(0i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct JsErrorCode(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for JsErrorCode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for JsErrorCode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for JsErrorCode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for JsErrorCode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -564,19 +553,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for JsErrorCode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct JsMemoryEventType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for JsMemoryEventType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for JsMemoryEventType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for JsMemoryEventType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for JsMemoryEventType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -586,19 +564,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for JsMemoryEventType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct JsRuntimeAttributes(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for JsRuntimeAttributes {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for JsRuntimeAttributes { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for JsRuntimeAttributes { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for JsRuntimeAttributes { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -608,19 +575,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for JsRuntimeAttributes { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct JsRuntimeVersion(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for JsRuntimeVersion {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for JsRuntimeVersion { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for JsRuntimeVersion { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for JsRuntimeVersion { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -630,19 +586,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for JsRuntimeVersion { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct JsValueType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for JsValueType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for JsValueType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for JsValueType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for JsValueType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Kernel/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Kernel/ index 1fa525ce63..bc6068068c 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Kernel/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Kernel/ @@ -90,19 +90,8 @@ pub const WaitDequeue: WAIT_TYPE = WAIT_TYPE(3i32); pub const WaitDpc: WAIT_TYPE = WAIT_TYPE(4i32); pub const WaitNotification: WAIT_TYPE = WAIT_TYPE(2i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COMPARTMENT_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COMPARTMENT_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COMPARTMENT_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COMPARTMENT_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COMPARTMENT_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -112,19 +101,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COMPARTMENT_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EVENT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EVENT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EVENT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EVENT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EVENT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -134,19 +112,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EVENT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EXCEPTION_DISPOSITION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EXCEPTION_DISPOSITION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EXCEPTION_DISPOSITION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EXCEPTION_DISPOSITION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EXCEPTION_DISPOSITION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -156,19 +123,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EXCEPTION_DISPOSITION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NT_PRODUCT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NT_PRODUCT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NT_PRODUCT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NT_PRODUCT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NT_PRODUCT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -178,19 +134,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NT_PRODUCT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SUITE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SUITE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SUITE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SUITE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SUITE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -200,19 +145,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SUITE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TIMER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TIMER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TIMER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TIMER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TIMER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -222,19 +156,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TIMER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WAIT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WAIT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WAIT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WAIT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WAIT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/LibraryLoader/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/LibraryLoader/ index e51781e36c..6ec30ccb26 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/LibraryLoader/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/LibraryLoader/ @@ -444,19 +444,8 @@ pub const RESOURCE_ENUM_MUI_SYSTEM: u32 = 4u32; pub const RESOURCE_ENUM_VALIDATE: u32 = 8u32; pub const SUPPORT_LANG_NUMBER: u32 = 32u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LOAD_LIBRARY_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LOAD_LIBRARY_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LOAD_LIBRARY_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LOAD_LIBRARY_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LOAD_LIBRARY_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Memory/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Memory/ index 8620730cd9..949410dff1 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Memory/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Memory/ @@ -894,19 +894,8 @@ pub const VmOfferPriorityLow: OFFER_PRIORITY = OFFER_PRIORITY(2i32); pub const VmOfferPriorityNormal: OFFER_PRIORITY = OFFER_PRIORITY(4i32); pub const VmOfferPriorityVeryLow: OFFER_PRIORITY = OFFER_PRIORITY(1i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FILE_MAP(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FILE_MAP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FILE_MAP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FILE_MAP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FILE_MAP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -949,19 +938,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for FILE_MAP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GLOBAL_ALLOC_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GLOBAL_ALLOC_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GLOBAL_ALLOC_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GLOBAL_ALLOC_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GLOBAL_ALLOC_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1004,19 +982,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for GLOBAL_ALLOC_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HEAP_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HEAP_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HEAP_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HEAP_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HEAP_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1059,19 +1026,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for HEAP_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HEAP_INFORMATION_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HEAP_INFORMATION_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HEAP_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HEAP_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HEAP_INFORMATION_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1081,19 +1037,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HEAP_INFORMATION_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LOCAL_ALLOC_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LOCAL_ALLOC_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LOCAL_ALLOC_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LOCAL_ALLOC_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LOCAL_ALLOC_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1136,19 +1081,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for LOCAL_ALLOC_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MEMORY_RESOURCE_NOTIFICATION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MEMORY_RESOURCE_NOTIFICATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MEMORY_RESOURCE_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MEMORY_RESOURCE_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MEMORY_RESOURCE_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1158,19 +1092,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MEMORY_RESOURCE_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MEM_DEDICATED_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MEM_DEDICATED_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MEM_DEDICATED_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MEM_DEDICATED_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MEM_DEDICATED_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1180,19 +1103,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MEM_DEDICATED_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MEM_EXTENDED_PARAMETER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MEM_EXTENDED_PARAMETER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MEM_EXTENDED_PARAMETER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MEM_EXTENDED_PARAMETER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MEM_EXTENDED_PARAMETER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1202,19 +1114,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MEM_EXTENDED_PARAMETER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MEM_SECTION_EXTENDED_PARAMETER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MEM_SECTION_EXTENDED_PARAMETER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MEM_SECTION_EXTENDED_PARAMETER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MEM_SECTION_EXTENDED_PARAMETER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MEM_SECTION_EXTENDED_PARAMETER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1224,19 +1125,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MEM_SECTION_EXTENDED_PARAMETER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OFFER_PRIORITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OFFER_PRIORITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OFFER_PRIORITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OFFER_PRIORITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OFFER_PRIORITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1246,19 +1136,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OFFER_PRIORITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PAGE_PROTECTION_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PAGE_PROTECTION_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PAGE_PROTECTION_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PAGE_PROTECTION_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PAGE_PROTECTION_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1301,19 +1180,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for PAGE_PROTECTION_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PAGE_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PAGE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PAGE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PAGE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PAGE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1356,19 +1224,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for PAGE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SECTION_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SECTION_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SECTION_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SECTION_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SECTION_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1411,19 +1268,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SECTION_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SETPROCESSWORKINGSETSIZEEX_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SETPROCESSWORKINGSETSIZEEX_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SETPROCESSWORKINGSETSIZEEX_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SETPROCESSWORKINGSETSIZEEX_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SETPROCESSWORKINGSETSIZEEX_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1466,19 +1312,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SETPROCESSWORKINGSETSIZEEX_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UNMAP_VIEW_OF_FILE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UNMAP_VIEW_OF_FILE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UNMAP_VIEW_OF_FILE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UNMAP_VIEW_OF_FILE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UNMAP_VIEW_OF_FILE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1488,19 +1323,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UNMAP_VIEW_OF_FILE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VIRTUAL_ALLOCATION_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VIRTUAL_ALLOCATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VIRTUAL_ALLOCATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VIRTUAL_ALLOCATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VIRTUAL_ALLOCATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1543,19 +1367,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for VIRTUAL_ALLOCATION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VIRTUAL_FREE_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VIRTUAL_FREE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VIRTUAL_FREE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VIRTUAL_FREE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VIRTUAL_FREE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1565,19 +1378,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VIRTUAL_FREE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WIN32_MEMORY_INFORMATION_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WIN32_MEMORY_INFORMATION_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WIN32_MEMORY_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WIN32_MEMORY_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WIN32_MEMORY_INFORMATION_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1587,19 +1389,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WIN32_MEMORY_INFORMATION_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WIN32_MEMORY_PARTITION_INFORMATION_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WIN32_MEMORY_PARTITION_INFORMATION_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WIN32_MEMORY_PARTITION_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WIN32_MEMORY_PARTITION_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WIN32_MEMORY_PARTITION_INFORMATION_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/MessageQueuing/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/MessageQueuing/ index cec5984efe..3dfb72bf0d 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/MessageQueuing/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/MessageQueuing/ @@ -6564,19 +6564,8 @@ pub const REL_LT: RELOPS = RELOPS(3i32); pub const REL_NEQ: RELOPS = RELOPS(2i32); pub const REL_NOP: RELOPS = RELOPS(0i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FOREIGN_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FOREIGN_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FOREIGN_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FOREIGN_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FOREIGN_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6586,19 +6575,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FOREIGN_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MQACCESS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MQACCESS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MQACCESS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MQACCESS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MQACCESS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6608,19 +6586,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MQACCESS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MQAUTHENTICATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MQAUTHENTICATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MQAUTHENTICATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MQAUTHENTICATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MQAUTHENTICATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6630,19 +6597,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MQAUTHENTICATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MQCALG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MQCALG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MQCALG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MQCALG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MQCALG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6652,19 +6608,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MQCALG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MQCERT_REGISTER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MQCERT_REGISTER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MQCERT_REGISTER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MQCERT_REGISTER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MQCERT_REGISTER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6674,19 +6619,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MQCERT_REGISTER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MQConnectionState(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MQConnectionState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MQConnectionState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MQConnectionState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MQConnectionState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6696,19 +6630,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MQConnectionState { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MQDEFAULT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MQDEFAULT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MQDEFAULT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MQDEFAULT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MQDEFAULT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6718,19 +6641,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MQDEFAULT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MQERROR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MQERROR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MQERROR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MQERROR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MQERROR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6740,19 +6652,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MQERROR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MQJOURNAL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MQJOURNAL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MQJOURNAL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MQJOURNAL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MQJOURNAL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6762,19 +6663,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MQJOURNAL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MQMAX(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MQMAX {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MQMAX { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MQMAX { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MQMAX { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6784,19 +6674,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MQMAX { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MQMSGACKNOWLEDGEMENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MQMSGACKNOWLEDGEMENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MQMSGACKNOWLEDGEMENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MQMSGACKNOWLEDGEMENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MQMSGACKNOWLEDGEMENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6806,19 +6685,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MQMSGACKNOWLEDGEMENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MQMSGAUTHENTICATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MQMSGAUTHENTICATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MQMSGAUTHENTICATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MQMSGAUTHENTICATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MQMSGAUTHENTICATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6828,19 +6696,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MQMSGAUTHENTICATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MQMSGAUTHLEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MQMSGAUTHLEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MQMSGAUTHLEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MQMSGAUTHLEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MQMSGAUTHLEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6850,19 +6707,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MQMSGAUTHLEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MQMSGCLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MQMSGCLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MQMSGCLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MQMSGCLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MQMSGCLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6872,19 +6718,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MQMSGCLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MQMSGCURSOR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MQMSGCURSOR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MQMSGCURSOR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MQMSGCURSOR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MQMSGCURSOR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6894,19 +6729,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MQMSGCURSOR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MQMSGDELIVERY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MQMSGDELIVERY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MQMSGDELIVERY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MQMSGDELIVERY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MQMSGDELIVERY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6916,19 +6740,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MQMSGDELIVERY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MQMSGIDSIZE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MQMSGIDSIZE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MQMSGIDSIZE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MQMSGIDSIZE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MQMSGIDSIZE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6938,19 +6751,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MQMSGIDSIZE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MQMSGJOURNAL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MQMSGJOURNAL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MQMSGJOURNAL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MQMSGJOURNAL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MQMSGJOURNAL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6960,19 +6762,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MQMSGJOURNAL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MQMSGMAX(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MQMSGMAX {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MQMSGMAX { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MQMSGMAX { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MQMSGMAX { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6982,19 +6773,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MQMSGMAX { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MQMSGPRIVLEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MQMSGPRIVLEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MQMSGPRIVLEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MQMSGPRIVLEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MQMSGPRIVLEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7004,19 +6784,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MQMSGPRIVLEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MQMSGSENDERIDTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MQMSGSENDERIDTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MQMSGSENDERIDTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MQMSGSENDERIDTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MQMSGSENDERIDTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7026,19 +6795,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MQMSGSENDERIDTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MQMSGTRACE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MQMSGTRACE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MQMSGTRACE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MQMSGTRACE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MQMSGTRACE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7048,19 +6806,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MQMSGTRACE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MQPRIORITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MQPRIORITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MQPRIORITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MQPRIORITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MQPRIORITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7070,19 +6817,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MQPRIORITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MQPRIVLEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MQPRIVLEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MQPRIVLEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MQPRIVLEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MQPRIVLEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7092,19 +6828,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MQPRIVLEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MQQUEUEACCESSMASK(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MQQUEUEACCESSMASK {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MQQUEUEACCESSMASK { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MQQUEUEACCESSMASK { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MQQUEUEACCESSMASK { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7147,19 +6872,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for MQQUEUEACCESSMASK { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MQSHARE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MQSHARE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MQSHARE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MQSHARE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MQSHARE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7169,19 +6883,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MQSHARE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MQTRANSACTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MQTRANSACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MQTRANSACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MQTRANSACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MQTRANSACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7191,19 +6894,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MQTRANSACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MQTRANSACTIONAL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MQTRANSACTIONAL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MQTRANSACTIONAL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MQTRANSACTIONAL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MQTRANSACTIONAL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7213,19 +6905,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MQTRANSACTIONAL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MQWARNING(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MQWARNING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MQWARNING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MQWARNING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MQWARNING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7235,19 +6916,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MQWARNING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct QUEUE_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for QUEUE_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for QUEUE_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for QUEUE_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for QUEUE_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7257,19 +6927,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for QUEUE_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct QUEUE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for QUEUE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for QUEUE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for QUEUE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for QUEUE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7279,19 +6938,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for QUEUE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RELOPS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RELOPS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RELOPS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RELOPS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RELOPS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7301,19 +6949,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RELOPS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XACT_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XACT_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XACT_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XACT_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XACT_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Mmc/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Mmc/ index 3def01625f..1f58e8edaf 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Mmc/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Mmc/ @@ -4118,19 +4118,8 @@ pub const ViewOption_NoToolBars: _ViewOptions = _ViewOptions(2i32); pub const ViewOption_NotPersistable: _ViewOptions = _ViewOptions(4i32); pub const ViewOption_ScopeTreeHidden: _ViewOptions = _ViewOptions(1i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CCM_COMMANDID_MASK_CONSTANTS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CCM_COMMANDID_MASK_CONSTANTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CCM_COMMANDID_MASK_CONSTANTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CCM_COMMANDID_MASK_CONSTANTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CCM_COMMANDID_MASK_CONSTANTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4140,19 +4129,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CCM_COMMANDID_MASK_CONSTANTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CCM_INSERTIONALLOWED(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CCM_INSERTIONALLOWED {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CCM_INSERTIONALLOWED { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CCM_INSERTIONALLOWED { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CCM_INSERTIONALLOWED { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4162,19 +4140,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CCM_INSERTIONALLOWED { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4184,19 +4151,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CCM_INSERTIONPOINTID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CCM_SPECIAL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CCM_SPECIAL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CCM_SPECIAL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CCM_SPECIAL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CCM_SPECIAL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4206,19 +4162,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CCM_SPECIAL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DATA_OBJECT_TYPES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DATA_OBJECT_TYPES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DATA_OBJECT_TYPES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DATA_OBJECT_TYPES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DATA_OBJECT_TYPES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4228,19 +4173,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DATA_OBJECT_TYPES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IconIdentifier(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IconIdentifier {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IconIdentifier { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IconIdentifier { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IconIdentifier { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4250,19 +4184,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IconIdentifier { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MMC_ACTION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MMC_ACTION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MMC_ACTION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MMC_ACTION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MMC_ACTION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4272,19 +4195,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MMC_ACTION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MMC_BUTTON_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MMC_BUTTON_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MMC_BUTTON_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MMC_BUTTON_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MMC_BUTTON_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4294,19 +4206,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MMC_BUTTON_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MMC_CONSOLE_VERB(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MMC_CONSOLE_VERB {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MMC_CONSOLE_VERB { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MMC_CONSOLE_VERB { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MMC_CONSOLE_VERB { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4316,19 +4217,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MMC_CONSOLE_VERB { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MMC_CONTROL_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MMC_CONTROL_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MMC_CONTROL_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MMC_CONTROL_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MMC_CONTROL_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4338,19 +4228,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MMC_CONTROL_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MMC_FILTER_CHANGE_CODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MMC_FILTER_CHANGE_CODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MMC_FILTER_CHANGE_CODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MMC_FILTER_CHANGE_CODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MMC_FILTER_CHANGE_CODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4360,19 +4239,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MMC_FILTER_CHANGE_CODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MMC_FILTER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MMC_FILTER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MMC_FILTER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MMC_FILTER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MMC_FILTER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4382,19 +4250,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MMC_FILTER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MMC_MENU_COMMAND_IDS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MMC_MENU_COMMAND_IDS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MMC_MENU_COMMAND_IDS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MMC_MENU_COMMAND_IDS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MMC_MENU_COMMAND_IDS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4404,19 +4261,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MMC_MENU_COMMAND_IDS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MMC_NOTIFY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MMC_NOTIFY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MMC_NOTIFY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MMC_NOTIFY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MMC_NOTIFY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4426,19 +4272,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MMC_NOTIFY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MMC_PROPERTY_ACTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MMC_PROPERTY_ACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MMC_PROPERTY_ACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MMC_PROPERTY_ACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MMC_PROPERTY_ACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4448,19 +4283,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MMC_PROPERTY_ACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MMC_RESULT_VIEW_STYLE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MMC_RESULT_VIEW_STYLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MMC_RESULT_VIEW_STYLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MMC_RESULT_VIEW_STYLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MMC_RESULT_VIEW_STYLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4470,19 +4294,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MMC_RESULT_VIEW_STYLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MMC_SCOPE_ITEM_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MMC_SCOPE_ITEM_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MMC_SCOPE_ITEM_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MMC_SCOPE_ITEM_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MMC_SCOPE_ITEM_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4492,19 +4305,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MMC_SCOPE_ITEM_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MMC_TASK_DISPLAY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MMC_TASK_DISPLAY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MMC_TASK_DISPLAY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MMC_TASK_DISPLAY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MMC_TASK_DISPLAY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4514,19 +4316,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MMC_TASK_DISPLAY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MMC_VIEW_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MMC_VIEW_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MMC_VIEW_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MMC_VIEW_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MMC_VIEW_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4536,19 +4327,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MMC_VIEW_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _ColumnSortOrder(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _ColumnSortOrder {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _ColumnSortOrder { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _ColumnSortOrder { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _ColumnSortOrder { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4558,19 +4338,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _ColumnSortOrder { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _DocumentMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _DocumentMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _DocumentMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _DocumentMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _DocumentMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4580,19 +4349,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _DocumentMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _ExportListOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _ExportListOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _ExportListOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _ExportListOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _ExportListOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4602,19 +4360,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _ExportListOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _ListViewMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _ListViewMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _ListViewMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _ListViewMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _ListViewMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4624,19 +4371,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _ListViewMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _ViewOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _ViewOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _ViewOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _ViewOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _ViewOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Ole/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Ole/ index 5f1780bb29..a1ecbecb1b 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Ole/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Ole/ @@ -9633,19 +9633,8 @@ pub const triChecked: OLE_TRISTATE = OLE_TRISTATE(1i32); pub const triGray: OLE_TRISTATE = OLE_TRISTATE(2i32); pub const triUnchecked: OLE_TRISTATE = OLE_TRISTATE(0i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ACTIVATEFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ACTIVATEFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ACTIVATEFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ACTIVATEFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ACTIVATEFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9655,19 +9644,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ACTIVATEFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ACTIVEOBJECT_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ACTIVEOBJECT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ACTIVEOBJECT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ACTIVEOBJECT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ACTIVEOBJECT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9710,19 +9688,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for ACTIVEOBJECT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BINDSPEED(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BINDSPEED {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BINDSPEED { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BINDSPEED { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BINDSPEED { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9732,19 +9699,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BINDSPEED { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BUSY_DIALOG_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BUSY_DIALOG_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BUSY_DIALOG_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BUSY_DIALOG_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BUSY_DIALOG_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9787,19 +9743,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for BUSY_DIALOG_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CHANGEKIND(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CHANGEKIND {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CHANGEKIND { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CHANGEKIND { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CHANGEKIND { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9809,19 +9754,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CHANGEKIND { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CHANGE_ICON_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CHANGE_ICON_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CHANGE_ICON_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CHANGE_ICON_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CHANGE_ICON_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9864,19 +9798,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CHANGE_ICON_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CHANGE_SOURCE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CHANGE_SOURCE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CHANGE_SOURCE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CHANGE_SOURCE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CHANGE_SOURCE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9919,19 +9842,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CHANGE_SOURCE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLIPBOARD_FORMAT(pub u16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLIPBOARD_FORMAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLIPBOARD_FORMAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLIPBOARD_FORMAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLIPBOARD_FORMAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9941,19 +9853,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLIPBOARD_FORMAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CTRLINFO(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CTRLINFO {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CTRLINFO { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CTRLINFO { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CTRLINFO { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9963,19 +9864,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CTRLINFO { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISCARDCACHE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISCARDCACHE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISCARDCACHE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISCARDCACHE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISCARDCACHE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9985,19 +9875,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISCARDCACHE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DOCMISC(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DOCMISC {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DOCMISC { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DOCMISC { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DOCMISC { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10007,19 +9886,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DOCMISC { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DROPEFFECT(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DROPEFFECT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DROPEFFECT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DROPEFFECT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DROPEFFECT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10062,19 +9930,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DROPEFFECT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DVASPECTINFOFLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DVASPECTINFOFLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DVASPECTINFOFLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DVASPECTINFOFLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DVASPECTINFOFLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10084,19 +9941,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DVASPECTINFOFLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DVEXTENTMODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DVEXTENTMODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DVEXTENTMODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DVEXTENTMODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DVEXTENTMODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10106,19 +9952,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DVEXTENTMODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EDIT_LINKS_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EDIT_LINKS_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EDIT_LINKS_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EDIT_LINKS_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EDIT_LINKS_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10161,19 +9996,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for EDIT_LINKS_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EMBDHLP_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EMBDHLP_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EMBDHLP_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EMBDHLP_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EMBDHLP_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10216,19 +10040,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for EMBDHLP_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ENUM_CONTROLS_WHICH_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ENUM_CONTROLS_WHICH_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ENUM_CONTROLS_WHICH_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ENUM_CONTROLS_WHICH_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ENUM_CONTROLS_WHICH_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10238,19 +10051,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ENUM_CONTROLS_WHICH_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FDEX_PROP_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FDEX_PROP_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FDEX_PROP_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FDEX_PROP_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FDEX_PROP_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10293,19 +10095,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for FDEX_PROP_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GUIDKIND(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GUIDKIND {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GUIDKIND { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GUIDKIND { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GUIDKIND { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10315,19 +10106,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GUIDKIND { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HITRESULT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HITRESULT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HITRESULT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HITRESULT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HITRESULT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10337,19 +10117,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HITRESULT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IGNOREMIME(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IGNOREMIME {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IGNOREMIME { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IGNOREMIME { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IGNOREMIME { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10359,19 +10128,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IGNOREMIME { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct INSERT_OBJECT_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for INSERT_OBJECT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for INSERT_OBJECT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for INSERT_OBJECT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for INSERT_OBJECT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10414,19 +10172,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for INSERT_OBJECT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KEYMODIFIERS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KEYMODIFIERS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KEYMODIFIERS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KEYMODIFIERS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KEYMODIFIERS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10469,19 +10216,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for KEYMODIFIERS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LIBFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LIBFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LIBFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LIBFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LIBFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10491,19 +10227,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for LIBFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LOAD_PICTURE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LOAD_PICTURE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LOAD_PICTURE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LOAD_PICTURE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LOAD_PICTURE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10546,19 +10271,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for LOAD_PICTURE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MEDIAPLAYBACK_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MEDIAPLAYBACK_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MEDIAPLAYBACK_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MEDIAPLAYBACK_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MEDIAPLAYBACK_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10568,19 +10282,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MEDIAPLAYBACK_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MULTICLASSINFO_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MULTICLASSINFO_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MULTICLASSINFO_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MULTICLASSINFO_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MULTICLASSINFO_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10590,19 +10293,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MULTICLASSINFO_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NUMPARSE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NUMPARSE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NUMPARSE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NUMPARSE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NUMPARSE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10645,19 +10337,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for NUMPARSE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OBJECT_PROPERTIES_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OBJECT_PROPERTIES_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OBJECT_PROPERTIES_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OBJECT_PROPERTIES_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OBJECT_PROPERTIES_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10700,19 +10381,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for OBJECT_PROPERTIES_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OLECLOSE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OLECLOSE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OLECLOSE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OLECLOSE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OLECLOSE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10722,19 +10392,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OLECLOSE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OLECMDEXECOPT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OLECMDEXECOPT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OLECMDEXECOPT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OLECMDEXECOPT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OLECMDEXECOPT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10744,19 +10403,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OLECMDEXECOPT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OLECMDF(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OLECMDF {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OLECMDF { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OLECMDF { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OLECMDF { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10766,19 +10414,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OLECMDF { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OLECMDID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OLECMDID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OLECMDID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OLECMDID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OLECMDID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10788,19 +10425,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OLECMDID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OLECMDID_BROWSERSTATEFLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OLECMDID_BROWSERSTATEFLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OLECMDID_BROWSERSTATEFLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OLECMDID_BROWSERSTATEFLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OLECMDID_BROWSERSTATEFLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10810,19 +10436,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OLECMDID_BROWSERSTATEFLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OLECMDID_OPTICAL_ZOOMFLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OLECMDID_OPTICAL_ZOOMFLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OLECMDID_OPTICAL_ZOOMFLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OLECMDID_OPTICAL_ZOOMFLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OLECMDID_OPTICAL_ZOOMFLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10832,19 +10447,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OLECMDID_OPTICAL_ZOOMFLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OLECMDID_PAGEACTIONFLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OLECMDID_PAGEACTIONFLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OLECMDID_PAGEACTIONFLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OLECMDID_PAGEACTIONFLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OLECMDID_PAGEACTIONFLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10854,19 +10458,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OLECMDID_PAGEACTIONFLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OLECMDID_REFRESHFLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OLECMDID_REFRESHFLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OLECMDID_REFRESHFLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OLECMDID_REFRESHFLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OLECMDID_REFRESHFLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10876,19 +10469,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OLECMDID_REFRESHFLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OLECMDID_VIEWPORT_MODE_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OLECMDID_VIEWPORT_MODE_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OLECMDID_VIEWPORT_MODE_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OLECMDID_VIEWPORT_MODE_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OLECMDID_VIEWPORT_MODE_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10898,19 +10480,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OLECMDID_VIEWPORT_MODE_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OLECMDID_WINDOWSTATE_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OLECMDID_WINDOWSTATE_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OLECMDID_WINDOWSTATE_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OLECMDID_WINDOWSTATE_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OLECMDID_WINDOWSTATE_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10920,19 +10491,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OLECMDID_WINDOWSTATE_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OLECMDTEXTF(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OLECMDTEXTF {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OLECMDTEXTF { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OLECMDTEXTF { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OLECMDTEXTF { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10942,19 +10502,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OLECMDTEXTF { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OLECONTF(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OLECONTF {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OLECONTF { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OLECONTF { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OLECONTF { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10964,19 +10513,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OLECONTF { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OLECREATE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OLECREATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OLECREATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OLECREATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OLECREATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10986,19 +10524,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OLECREATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OLEDCFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OLEDCFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OLEDCFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OLEDCFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OLEDCFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11008,19 +10535,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OLEDCFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OLEGETMONIKER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OLEGETMONIKER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OLEGETMONIKER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OLEGETMONIKER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OLEGETMONIKER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11030,19 +10546,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OLEGETMONIKER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OLEIVERB(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OLEIVERB {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OLEIVERB { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OLEIVERB { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OLEIVERB { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11052,19 +10557,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OLEIVERB { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OLELINKBIND(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OLELINKBIND {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OLELINKBIND { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OLELINKBIND { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OLELINKBIND { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11074,19 +10568,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OLELINKBIND { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OLEMISC(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OLEMISC {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OLEMISC { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OLEMISC { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OLEMISC { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11096,19 +10579,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OLEMISC { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OLERENDER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OLERENDER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OLERENDER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OLERENDER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OLERENDER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11118,19 +10590,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OLERENDER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OLEUIPASTEFLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OLEUIPASTEFLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OLEUIPASTEFLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OLEUIPASTEFLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OLEUIPASTEFLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11140,19 +10601,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OLEUIPASTEFLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OLEUPDATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OLEUPDATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OLEUPDATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OLEUPDATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OLEUPDATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11162,19 +10612,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OLEUPDATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OLEVERBATTRIB(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OLEVERBATTRIB {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OLEVERBATTRIB { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OLEVERBATTRIB { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OLEVERBATTRIB { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11184,19 +10623,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OLEVERBATTRIB { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OLEWHICHMK(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OLEWHICHMK {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OLEWHICHMK { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OLEWHICHMK { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OLEWHICHMK { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11206,19 +10634,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OLEWHICHMK { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OLE_TRISTATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OLE_TRISTATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OLE_TRISTATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OLE_TRISTATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OLE_TRISTATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11228,19 +10645,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OLE_TRISTATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PAGEACTION_UI(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PAGEACTION_UI {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PAGEACTION_UI { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PAGEACTION_UI { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PAGEACTION_UI { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11250,19 +10656,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PAGEACTION_UI { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PARAMFLAGS(pub u16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PARAMFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PARAMFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PARAMFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PARAMFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11305,19 +10700,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for PARAMFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PASTE_SPECIAL_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PASTE_SPECIAL_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PASTE_SPECIAL_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PASTE_SPECIAL_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PASTE_SPECIAL_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11360,19 +10744,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for PASTE_SPECIAL_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PICTUREATTRIBUTES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PICTUREATTRIBUTES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PICTUREATTRIBUTES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PICTUREATTRIBUTES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PICTUREATTRIBUTES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11382,19 +10755,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PICTUREATTRIBUTES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PICTYPE(pub i16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PICTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PICTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PICTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PICTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11404,19 +10766,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PICTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct POINTERINACTIVE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for POINTERINACTIVE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for POINTERINACTIVE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for POINTERINACTIVE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for POINTERINACTIVE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11426,19 +10777,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for POINTERINACTIVE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PRINTFLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PRINTFLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PRINTFLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PRINTFLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PRINTFLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11481,19 +10821,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for PRINTFLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROPBAG2_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROPBAG2_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROPBAG2_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROPBAG2_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROPBAG2_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11503,19 +10832,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PROPBAG2_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROPPAGESTATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROPPAGESTATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROPPAGESTATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROPPAGESTATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROPPAGESTATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11525,19 +10843,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PROPPAGESTATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct QACONTAINERFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for QACONTAINERFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for QACONTAINERFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for QACONTAINERFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for QACONTAINERFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11547,19 +10854,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for QACONTAINERFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct READYSTATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for READYSTATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for READYSTATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for READYSTATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for READYSTATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11569,19 +10865,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for READYSTATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct REGKIND(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for REGKIND {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for REGKIND { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for REGKIND { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for REGKIND { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11591,19 +10876,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for REGKIND { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SF_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SF_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SF_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SF_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SF_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11613,19 +10887,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SF_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TYPEFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TYPEFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TYPEFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TYPEFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TYPEFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11635,19 +10898,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TYPEFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UASFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UASFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UASFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UASFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UASFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11657,19 +10909,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UASFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UI_CONVERT_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UI_CONVERT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UI_CONVERT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UI_CONVERT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UI_CONVERT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11712,19 +10953,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for UI_CONVERT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UPDFCACHE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UPDFCACHE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UPDFCACHE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UPDFCACHE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UPDFCACHE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11767,19 +10997,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for UPDFCACHE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct USERCLASSTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for USERCLASSTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for USERCLASSTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for USERCLASSTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for USERCLASSTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11789,19 +11008,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for USERCLASSTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VARCMP(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VARCMP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VARCMP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VARCMP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VARCMP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11811,19 +11019,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VARCMP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VARFORMAT_FIRST_DAY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VARFORMAT_FIRST_DAY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VARFORMAT_FIRST_DAY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VARFORMAT_FIRST_DAY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VARFORMAT_FIRST_DAY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11833,19 +11030,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VARFORMAT_FIRST_DAY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VARFORMAT_FIRST_WEEK(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VARFORMAT_FIRST_WEEK {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VARFORMAT_FIRST_WEEK { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VARFORMAT_FIRST_WEEK { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VARFORMAT_FIRST_WEEK { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11855,19 +11041,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VARFORMAT_FIRST_WEEK { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VARFORMAT_GROUP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VARFORMAT_GROUP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VARFORMAT_GROUP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VARFORMAT_GROUP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VARFORMAT_GROUP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11877,19 +11052,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VARFORMAT_GROUP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VARFORMAT_LEADING_DIGIT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VARFORMAT_LEADING_DIGIT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VARFORMAT_LEADING_DIGIT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VARFORMAT_LEADING_DIGIT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VARFORMAT_LEADING_DIGIT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11899,19 +11063,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VARFORMAT_LEADING_DIGIT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VARFORMAT_NAMED_FORMAT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VARFORMAT_NAMED_FORMAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VARFORMAT_NAMED_FORMAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VARFORMAT_NAMED_FORMAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VARFORMAT_NAMED_FORMAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11921,19 +11074,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VARFORMAT_NAMED_FORMAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VARFORMAT_PARENTHESES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VARFORMAT_PARENTHESES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VARFORMAT_PARENTHESES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VARFORMAT_PARENTHESES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VARFORMAT_PARENTHESES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11943,19 +11085,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VARFORMAT_PARENTHESES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VIEWSTATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VIEWSTATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VIEWSTATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VIEWSTATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VIEWSTATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11965,19 +11096,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VIEWSTATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VIEW_OBJECT_PROPERTIES_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VIEW_OBJECT_PROPERTIES_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VIEW_OBJECT_PROPERTIES_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VIEW_OBJECT_PROPERTIES_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VIEW_OBJECT_PROPERTIES_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12020,19 +11140,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for VIEW_OBJECT_PROPERTIES_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPCSETTING(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPCSETTING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPCSETTING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPCSETTING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPCSETTING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12042,19 +11151,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPCSETTING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XFORMCOORDS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XFORMCOORDS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XFORMCOORDS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XFORMCOORDS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XFORMCOORDS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/ParentalControls/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/ParentalControls/ index 10499451ee..d98c06567d 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/ParentalControls/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/ParentalControls/ @@ -684,19 +684,8 @@ pub const WindowsParentalControls: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID:: pub const WpcProviderSupport: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0xbb18c7a0_2186_4be0_97d8_04847b628e02); pub const WpcSettingsProvider: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0x355dffaa_3b9f_435c_b428_5d44290bc5f2); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPCFLAG_IM_FEATURE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPCFLAG_IM_FEATURE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPCFLAG_IM_FEATURE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPCFLAG_IM_FEATURE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPCFLAG_IM_FEATURE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -706,19 +695,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPCFLAG_IM_FEATURE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPCFLAG_IM_LEAVE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPCFLAG_IM_LEAVE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPCFLAG_IM_LEAVE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPCFLAG_IM_LEAVE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPCFLAG_IM_LEAVE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -728,19 +706,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPCFLAG_IM_LEAVE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPCFLAG_ISBLOCKED(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPCFLAG_ISBLOCKED {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPCFLAG_ISBLOCKED { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPCFLAG_ISBLOCKED { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPCFLAG_ISBLOCKED { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -750,19 +717,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPCFLAG_ISBLOCKED { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPCFLAG_LOGOFF_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPCFLAG_LOGOFF_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPCFLAG_LOGOFF_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPCFLAG_LOGOFF_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPCFLAG_LOGOFF_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -772,19 +728,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPCFLAG_LOGOFF_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPCFLAG_OVERRIDE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPCFLAG_OVERRIDE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPCFLAG_OVERRIDE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPCFLAG_OVERRIDE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPCFLAG_OVERRIDE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -794,19 +739,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPCFLAG_OVERRIDE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPCFLAG_RESTRICTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPCFLAG_RESTRICTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPCFLAG_RESTRICTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPCFLAG_RESTRICTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPCFLAG_RESTRICTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -816,19 +750,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPCFLAG_RESTRICTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPCFLAG_VISIBILITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPCFLAG_VISIBILITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPCFLAG_VISIBILITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPCFLAG_VISIBILITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPCFLAG_VISIBILITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -838,19 +761,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPCFLAG_VISIBILITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPCFLAG_WEB_SETTING(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPCFLAG_WEB_SETTING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPCFLAG_WEB_SETTING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPCFLAG_WEB_SETTING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPCFLAG_WEB_SETTING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -860,19 +772,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPCFLAG_WEB_SETTING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPC_ARGS_APPLICATIONEVENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPC_ARGS_APPLICATIONEVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPC_ARGS_APPLICATIONEVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPC_ARGS_APPLICATIONEVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPC_ARGS_APPLICATIONEVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -882,19 +783,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPC_ARGS_APPLICATIONEVENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPC_ARGS_APPOVERRIDEEVENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPC_ARGS_APPOVERRIDEEVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPC_ARGS_APPOVERRIDEEVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPC_ARGS_APPOVERRIDEEVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPC_ARGS_APPOVERRIDEEVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -904,19 +794,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPC_ARGS_APPOVERRIDEEVENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPC_ARGS_COMPUTERUSAGEEVENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPC_ARGS_COMPUTERUSAGEEVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPC_ARGS_COMPUTERUSAGEEVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPC_ARGS_COMPUTERUSAGEEVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPC_ARGS_COMPUTERUSAGEEVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -926,19 +805,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPC_ARGS_COMPUTERUSAGEEVENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPC_ARGS_CONTENTUSAGEEVENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPC_ARGS_CONTENTUSAGEEVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPC_ARGS_CONTENTUSAGEEVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPC_ARGS_CONTENTUSAGEEVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPC_ARGS_CONTENTUSAGEEVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -948,19 +816,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPC_ARGS_CONTENTUSAGEEVENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPC_ARGS_CONVERSATIONINITEVENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPC_ARGS_CONVERSATIONINITEVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPC_ARGS_CONVERSATIONINITEVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPC_ARGS_CONVERSATIONINITEVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPC_ARGS_CONVERSATIONINITEVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -970,19 +827,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPC_ARGS_CONVERSATIONINITEVENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPC_ARGS_CONVERSATIONJOINEVENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPC_ARGS_CONVERSATIONJOINEVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPC_ARGS_CONVERSATIONJOINEVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPC_ARGS_CONVERSATIONJOINEVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPC_ARGS_CONVERSATIONJOINEVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -992,19 +838,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPC_ARGS_CONVERSATIONJOINEVENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPC_ARGS_CONVERSATIONLEAVEEVENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPC_ARGS_CONVERSATIONLEAVEEVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPC_ARGS_CONVERSATIONLEAVEEVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPC_ARGS_CONVERSATIONLEAVEEVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPC_ARGS_CONVERSATIONLEAVEEVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1014,19 +849,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPC_ARGS_CONVERSATIONLEAVEEVENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPC_ARGS_CUSTOMEVENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPC_ARGS_CUSTOMEVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPC_ARGS_CUSTOMEVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPC_ARGS_CUSTOMEVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPC_ARGS_CUSTOMEVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1036,19 +860,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPC_ARGS_CUSTOMEVENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPC_ARGS_EMAILCONTACTEVENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPC_ARGS_EMAILCONTACTEVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPC_ARGS_EMAILCONTACTEVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPC_ARGS_EMAILCONTACTEVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPC_ARGS_EMAILCONTACTEVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1058,19 +871,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPC_ARGS_EMAILCONTACTEVENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPC_ARGS_EMAILRECEIEVEDEVENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPC_ARGS_EMAILRECEIEVEDEVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPC_ARGS_EMAILRECEIEVEDEVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPC_ARGS_EMAILRECEIEVEDEVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPC_ARGS_EMAILRECEIEVEDEVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1080,19 +882,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPC_ARGS_EMAILRECEIEVEDEVENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPC_ARGS_EMAILSENTEVENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPC_ARGS_EMAILSENTEVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPC_ARGS_EMAILSENTEVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPC_ARGS_EMAILSENTEVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPC_ARGS_EMAILSENTEVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1102,19 +893,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPC_ARGS_EMAILSENTEVENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPC_ARGS_FILEDOWNLOADEVENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPC_ARGS_FILEDOWNLOADEVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPC_ARGS_FILEDOWNLOADEVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPC_ARGS_FILEDOWNLOADEVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPC_ARGS_FILEDOWNLOADEVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1124,19 +904,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPC_ARGS_FILEDOWNLOADEVENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPC_ARGS_GAMESTARTEVENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPC_ARGS_GAMESTARTEVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPC_ARGS_GAMESTARTEVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPC_ARGS_GAMESTARTEVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPC_ARGS_GAMESTARTEVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1146,19 +915,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPC_ARGS_GAMESTARTEVENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPC_ARGS_IMCONTACTEVENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPC_ARGS_IMCONTACTEVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPC_ARGS_IMCONTACTEVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPC_ARGS_IMCONTACTEVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPC_ARGS_IMCONTACTEVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1168,19 +926,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPC_ARGS_IMCONTACTEVENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPC_ARGS_IMFEATUREEVENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPC_ARGS_IMFEATUREEVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPC_ARGS_IMFEATUREEVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPC_ARGS_IMFEATUREEVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPC_ARGS_IMFEATUREEVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1190,19 +937,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPC_ARGS_IMFEATUREEVENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPC_ARGS_MEDIADOWNLOADEVENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPC_ARGS_MEDIADOWNLOADEVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPC_ARGS_MEDIADOWNLOADEVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPC_ARGS_MEDIADOWNLOADEVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPC_ARGS_MEDIADOWNLOADEVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1212,19 +948,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPC_ARGS_MEDIADOWNLOADEVENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPC_ARGS_MEDIAPLAYBACKEVENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPC_ARGS_MEDIAPLAYBACKEVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPC_ARGS_MEDIAPLAYBACKEVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPC_ARGS_MEDIAPLAYBACKEVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPC_ARGS_MEDIAPLAYBACKEVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1234,19 +959,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPC_ARGS_MEDIAPLAYBACKEVENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPC_ARGS_SAFERAPPBLOCKED(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPC_ARGS_SAFERAPPBLOCKED {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPC_ARGS_SAFERAPPBLOCKED { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPC_ARGS_SAFERAPPBLOCKED { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPC_ARGS_SAFERAPPBLOCKED { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1256,19 +970,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPC_ARGS_SAFERAPPBLOCKED { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPC_ARGS_SETTINGSCHANGEEVENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPC_ARGS_SETTINGSCHANGEEVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPC_ARGS_SETTINGSCHANGEEVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPC_ARGS_SETTINGSCHANGEEVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPC_ARGS_SETTINGSCHANGEEVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1278,19 +981,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPC_ARGS_SETTINGSCHANGEEVENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPC_ARGS_URLVISITEVENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPC_ARGS_URLVISITEVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPC_ARGS_URLVISITEVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPC_ARGS_URLVISITEVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPC_ARGS_URLVISITEVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1300,19 +992,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPC_ARGS_URLVISITEVENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPC_ARGS_WEBOVERRIDEEVENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPC_ARGS_WEBOVERRIDEEVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPC_ARGS_WEBOVERRIDEEVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPC_ARGS_WEBOVERRIDEEVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPC_ARGS_WEBOVERRIDEEVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1322,19 +1003,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPC_ARGS_WEBOVERRIDEEVENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPC_ARGS_WEBSITEVISITEVENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPC_ARGS_WEBSITEVISITEVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPC_ARGS_WEBSITEVISITEVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPC_ARGS_WEBSITEVISITEVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPC_ARGS_WEBSITEVISITEVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1344,19 +1014,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPC_ARGS_WEBSITEVISITEVENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPC_MEDIA_EXPLICIT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPC_MEDIA_EXPLICIT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPC_MEDIA_EXPLICIT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPC_MEDIA_EXPLICIT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPC_MEDIA_EXPLICIT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1366,19 +1025,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPC_MEDIA_EXPLICIT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPC_MEDIA_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPC_MEDIA_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPC_MEDIA_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPC_MEDIA_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPC_MEDIA_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1388,19 +1036,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WPC_MEDIA_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WPC_SETTINGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WPC_SETTINGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WPC_SETTINGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WPC_SETTINGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WPC_SETTINGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Performance/HardwareCounterProfiling/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Performance/HardwareCounterProfiling/ index 2447fd93e6..1b76b69ab7 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Performance/HardwareCounterProfiling/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Performance/HardwareCounterProfiling/ @@ -33,19 +33,8 @@ where pub const MaxHardwareCounterType: HARDWARE_COUNTER_TYPE = HARDWARE_COUNTER_TYPE(1i32); pub const PMCCounter: HARDWARE_COUNTER_TYPE = HARDWARE_COUNTER_TYPE(0i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HARDWARE_COUNTER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HARDWARE_COUNTER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HARDWARE_COUNTER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HARDWARE_COUNTER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HARDWARE_COUNTER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Performance/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Performance/ index 7573fe9c2a..18d1ed5fde 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Performance/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Performance/ @@ -6475,19 +6475,8 @@ pub const sysmonNullDataSource: DataSourceTypeConstants = DataSourceTypeConstant pub const sysmonReport: DisplayTypeConstants = DisplayTypeConstants(3i32); pub const sysmonSqlLog: DataSourceTypeConstants = DataSourceTypeConstants(3i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AutoPathFormat(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AutoPathFormat {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AutoPathFormat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AutoPathFormat { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AutoPathFormat { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6497,19 +6486,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AutoPathFormat { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ClockType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ClockType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ClockType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ClockType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ClockType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6519,19 +6497,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ClockType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CommitMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CommitMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CommitMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CommitMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CommitMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6541,19 +6508,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CommitMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DataCollectorSetStatus(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DataCollectorSetStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DataCollectorSetStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DataCollectorSetStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DataCollectorSetStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6563,19 +6519,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DataCollectorSetStatus { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DataCollectorType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DataCollectorType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DataCollectorType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DataCollectorType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DataCollectorType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6585,19 +6530,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DataCollectorType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DataManagerSteps(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DataManagerSteps {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DataManagerSteps { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DataManagerSteps { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DataManagerSteps { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6607,19 +6541,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DataManagerSteps { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DataSourceTypeConstants(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DataSourceTypeConstants {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DataSourceTypeConstants { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DataSourceTypeConstants { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DataSourceTypeConstants { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6629,19 +6552,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DataSourceTypeConstants { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DisplayTypeConstants(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DisplayTypeConstants {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DisplayTypeConstants { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DisplayTypeConstants { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DisplayTypeConstants { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6651,19 +6563,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DisplayTypeConstants { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FileFormat(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FileFormat {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FileFormat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FileFormat { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FileFormat { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6673,19 +6574,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FileFormat { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FolderActionSteps(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FolderActionSteps {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FolderActionSteps { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FolderActionSteps { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FolderActionSteps { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6695,19 +6585,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FolderActionSteps { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PDH_DLL_VERSION(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PDH_DLL_VERSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PDH_DLL_VERSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PDH_DLL_VERSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PDH_DLL_VERSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6717,19 +6596,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PDH_DLL_VERSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PDH_FMT(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PDH_FMT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PDH_FMT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PDH_FMT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PDH_FMT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6739,19 +6607,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PDH_FMT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PDH_LOG(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PDH_LOG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PDH_LOG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PDH_LOG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PDH_LOG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6761,19 +6618,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PDH_LOG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PDH_LOG_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PDH_LOG_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PDH_LOG_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PDH_LOG_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PDH_LOG_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6783,19 +6629,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PDH_LOG_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PDH_PATH_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PDH_PATH_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PDH_PATH_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PDH_PATH_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PDH_PATH_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6805,19 +6640,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PDH_PATH_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PDH_SELECT_DATA_SOURCE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PDH_SELECT_DATA_SOURCE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PDH_SELECT_DATA_SOURCE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PDH_SELECT_DATA_SOURCE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PDH_SELECT_DATA_SOURCE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6827,19 +6651,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PDH_SELECT_DATA_SOURCE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PERF_COUNTER_AGGREGATE_FUNC(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PERF_COUNTER_AGGREGATE_FUNC {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PERF_COUNTER_AGGREGATE_FUNC { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PERF_COUNTER_AGGREGATE_FUNC { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PERF_COUNTER_AGGREGATE_FUNC { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6849,19 +6662,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PERF_COUNTER_AGGREGATE_FUNC { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PERF_DETAIL(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PERF_DETAIL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PERF_DETAIL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PERF_DETAIL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PERF_DETAIL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6871,19 +6673,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PERF_DETAIL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PerfCounterDataType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PerfCounterDataType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PerfCounterDataType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PerfCounterDataType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PerfCounterDataType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6893,19 +6684,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PerfCounterDataType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PerfRegInfoType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PerfRegInfoType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PerfRegInfoType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PerfRegInfoType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PerfRegInfoType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6915,19 +6695,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PerfRegInfoType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct REAL_TIME_DATA_SOURCE_ID_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for REAL_TIME_DATA_SOURCE_ID_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for REAL_TIME_DATA_SOURCE_ID_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for REAL_TIME_DATA_SOURCE_ID_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for REAL_TIME_DATA_SOURCE_ID_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6937,19 +6706,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for REAL_TIME_DATA_SOURCE_ID_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ReportValueTypeConstants(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ReportValueTypeConstants {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ReportValueTypeConstants { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ReportValueTypeConstants { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ReportValueTypeConstants { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6959,19 +6717,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ReportValueTypeConstants { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ResourcePolicy(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ResourcePolicy {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ResourcePolicy { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ResourcePolicy { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ResourcePolicy { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6981,19 +6728,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ResourcePolicy { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct StreamMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for StreamMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for StreamMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for StreamMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for StreamMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7003,19 +6739,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for StreamMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SysmonBatchReason(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SysmonBatchReason {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SysmonBatchReason { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SysmonBatchReason { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SysmonBatchReason { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7025,19 +6750,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SysmonBatchReason { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SysmonDataType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SysmonDataType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SysmonDataType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SysmonDataType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SysmonDataType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7047,19 +6761,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SysmonDataType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SysmonFileType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SysmonFileType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SysmonFileType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SysmonFileType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SysmonFileType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7069,19 +6772,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SysmonFileType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ValueMapType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ValueMapType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ValueMapType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ValueMapType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ValueMapType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7091,19 +6783,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ValueMapType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WeekDays(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WeekDays {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WeekDays { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WeekDays { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WeekDays { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Pipes/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Pipes/ index 61998a9452..e525224d61 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Pipes/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Pipes/ @@ -214,19 +214,8 @@ pub const PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE: NAMED_PIPE_MODE = NAMED_PIPE_MODE(4u32); pub const PIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES: u32 = 255u32; pub const PIPE_WAIT: NAMED_PIPE_MODE = NAMED_PIPE_MODE(0u32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NAMED_PIPE_MODE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NAMED_PIPE_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NAMED_PIPE_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NAMED_PIPE_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NAMED_PIPE_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Power/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Power/ index 5a117abbb7..e08942723c 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Power/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Power/ @@ -1220,19 +1220,8 @@ pub const VerifySystemPolicyAc: POWER_INFORMATION_LEVEL = POWER_INFORMATION_LEVE pub const VerifySystemPolicyDc: POWER_INFORMATION_LEVEL = POWER_INFORMATION_LEVEL(3i32); pub const WakeTimerList: POWER_INFORMATION_LEVEL = POWER_INFORMATION_LEVEL(50i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ACPI_TIME_RESOLUTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ACPI_TIME_RESOLUTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ACPI_TIME_RESOLUTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ACPI_TIME_RESOLUTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ACPI_TIME_RESOLUTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1242,19 +1231,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ACPI_TIME_RESOLUTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BATTERY_CHARGING_SOURCE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BATTERY_CHARGING_SOURCE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BATTERY_CHARGING_SOURCE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BATTERY_CHARGING_SOURCE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BATTERY_CHARGING_SOURCE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1264,19 +1242,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BATTERY_CHARGING_SOURCE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BATTERY_QUERY_INFORMATION_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BATTERY_QUERY_INFORMATION_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BATTERY_QUERY_INFORMATION_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BATTERY_QUERY_INFORMATION_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BATTERY_QUERY_INFORMATION_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1286,19 +1253,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BATTERY_QUERY_INFORMATION_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BATTERY_SET_INFORMATION_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BATTERY_SET_INFORMATION_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BATTERY_SET_INFORMATION_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BATTERY_SET_INFORMATION_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BATTERY_SET_INFORMATION_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1308,19 +1264,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BATTERY_SET_INFORMATION_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEVICE_POWER_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEVICE_POWER_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEVICE_POWER_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEVICE_POWER_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEVICE_POWER_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1330,19 +1275,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEVICE_POWER_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EFFECTIVE_POWER_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EFFECTIVE_POWER_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EFFECTIVE_POWER_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EFFECTIVE_POWER_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EFFECTIVE_POWER_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1352,19 +1286,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EFFECTIVE_POWER_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EMI_MEASUREMENT_UNIT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EMI_MEASUREMENT_UNIT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EMI_MEASUREMENT_UNIT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EMI_MEASUREMENT_UNIT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EMI_MEASUREMENT_UNIT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1374,19 +1297,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EMI_MEASUREMENT_UNIT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EXECUTION_STATE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EXECUTION_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EXECUTION_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EXECUTION_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EXECUTION_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1429,19 +1341,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for EXECUTION_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LATENCY_TIME(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LATENCY_TIME {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LATENCY_TIME { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LATENCY_TIME { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LATENCY_TIME { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1451,19 +1352,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for LATENCY_TIME { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct POWER_ACTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for POWER_ACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for POWER_ACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for POWER_ACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for POWER_ACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1473,19 +1363,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for POWER_ACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct POWER_ACTION_POLICY_EVENT_CODE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for POWER_ACTION_POLICY_EVENT_CODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for POWER_ACTION_POLICY_EVENT_CODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for POWER_ACTION_POLICY_EVENT_CODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for POWER_ACTION_POLICY_EVENT_CODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1528,19 +1407,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for POWER_ACTION_POLICY_EVENT_CODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct POWER_COOLING_MODE(pub u16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for POWER_COOLING_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for POWER_COOLING_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for POWER_COOLING_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for POWER_COOLING_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1550,19 +1418,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for POWER_COOLING_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct POWER_DATA_ACCESSOR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for POWER_DATA_ACCESSOR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for POWER_DATA_ACCESSOR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for POWER_DATA_ACCESSOR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for POWER_DATA_ACCESSOR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1572,19 +1429,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for POWER_DATA_ACCESSOR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct POWER_INFORMATION_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for POWER_INFORMATION_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for POWER_INFORMATION_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for POWER_INFORMATION_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for POWER_INFORMATION_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1594,19 +1440,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for POWER_INFORMATION_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct POWER_MONITOR_REQUEST_REASON(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for POWER_MONITOR_REQUEST_REASON {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for POWER_MONITOR_REQUEST_REASON { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for POWER_MONITOR_REQUEST_REASON { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for POWER_MONITOR_REQUEST_REASON { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1616,19 +1451,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for POWER_MONITOR_REQUEST_REASON { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct POWER_MONITOR_REQUEST_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for POWER_MONITOR_REQUEST_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for POWER_MONITOR_REQUEST_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for POWER_MONITOR_REQUEST_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for POWER_MONITOR_REQUEST_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1638,19 +1462,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for POWER_MONITOR_REQUEST_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct POWER_PLATFORM_ROLE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for POWER_PLATFORM_ROLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for POWER_PLATFORM_ROLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for POWER_PLATFORM_ROLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for POWER_PLATFORM_ROLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1660,19 +1473,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for POWER_PLATFORM_ROLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct POWER_PLATFORM_ROLE_VERSION(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for POWER_PLATFORM_ROLE_VERSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for POWER_PLATFORM_ROLE_VERSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for POWER_PLATFORM_ROLE_VERSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for POWER_PLATFORM_ROLE_VERSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1682,19 +1484,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for POWER_PLATFORM_ROLE_VERSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct POWER_REQUEST_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for POWER_REQUEST_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for POWER_REQUEST_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for POWER_REQUEST_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for POWER_REQUEST_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1704,19 +1495,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for POWER_REQUEST_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct POWER_SETTING_ALTITUDE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for POWER_SETTING_ALTITUDE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for POWER_SETTING_ALTITUDE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for POWER_SETTING_ALTITUDE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for POWER_SETTING_ALTITUDE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1726,19 +1506,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for POWER_SETTING_ALTITUDE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct POWER_USER_PRESENCE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for POWER_USER_PRESENCE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for POWER_USER_PRESENCE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for POWER_USER_PRESENCE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for POWER_USER_PRESENCE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1748,19 +1517,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for POWER_USER_PRESENCE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYSTEM_POWER_CONDITION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYSTEM_POWER_CONDITION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYSTEM_POWER_CONDITION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYSTEM_POWER_CONDITION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYSTEM_POWER_CONDITION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1770,19 +1528,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYSTEM_POWER_CONDITION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYSTEM_POWER_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYSTEM_POWER_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYSTEM_POWER_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYSTEM_POWER_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYSTEM_POWER_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1792,19 +1539,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYSTEM_POWER_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct USB_CHARGER_PORT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for USB_CHARGER_PORT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for USB_CHARGER_PORT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for USB_CHARGER_PORT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for USB_CHARGER_PORT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1814,19 +1550,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for USB_CHARGER_PORT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct USER_ACTIVITY_PRESENCE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for USER_ACTIVITY_PRESENCE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for USER_ACTIVITY_PRESENCE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for USER_ACTIVITY_PRESENCE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for USER_ACTIVITY_PRESENCE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/ProcessStatus/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/ProcessStatus/ index b994eeba02..7202b27115 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/ProcessStatus/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/ProcessStatus/ @@ -392,19 +392,8 @@ pub const LIST_MODULES_ALL: ENUM_PROCESS_MODULES_EX_FLAGS = ENUM_PROCESS_MODULES pub const LIST_MODULES_DEFAULT: ENUM_PROCESS_MODULES_EX_FLAGS = ENUM_PROCESS_MODULES_EX_FLAGS(0u32); pub const PSAPI_VERSION: u32 = 2u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ENUM_PROCESS_MODULES_EX_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ENUM_PROCESS_MODULES_EX_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ENUM_PROCESS_MODULES_EX_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ENUM_PROCESS_MODULES_EX_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ENUM_PROCESS_MODULES_EX_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/RealTimeCommunications/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/RealTimeCommunications/ index 58e89af092..a733a65d19 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/RealTimeCommunications/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/RealTimeCommunications/ @@ -4481,19 +4481,8 @@ pub const RTC_E_UDP_NOT_SUPPORTED: ::windows_core::HRESULT = ::windows_core::HRE pub const RTC_S_ROAMING_NOT_SUPPORTED: ::windows_core::HRESULT = ::windows_core::HRESULT(15597633i32); pub const STATUS_SEVERITY_RTC_ERROR: u32 = 2u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RTC_ACE_SCOPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RTC_ACE_SCOPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RTC_ACE_SCOPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RTC_ACE_SCOPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RTC_ACE_SCOPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4503,19 +4492,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RTC_ACE_SCOPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RTC_ANSWER_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RTC_ANSWER_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RTC_ANSWER_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RTC_ANSWER_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RTC_ANSWER_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4525,19 +4503,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RTC_ANSWER_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RTC_AUDIO_DEVICE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RTC_AUDIO_DEVICE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RTC_AUDIO_DEVICE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RTC_AUDIO_DEVICE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RTC_AUDIO_DEVICE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4547,19 +4514,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RTC_AUDIO_DEVICE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RTC_BUDDY_EVENT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RTC_BUDDY_EVENT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RTC_BUDDY_EVENT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RTC_BUDDY_EVENT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RTC_BUDDY_EVENT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4569,19 +4525,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RTC_BUDDY_EVENT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RTC_BUDDY_SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RTC_BUDDY_SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RTC_BUDDY_SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RTC_BUDDY_SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RTC_BUDDY_SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4591,19 +4536,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RTC_BUDDY_SUBSCRIPTION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RTC_CLIENT_EVENT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RTC_CLIENT_EVENT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RTC_CLIENT_EVENT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RTC_CLIENT_EVENT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RTC_CLIENT_EVENT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4613,19 +4547,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RTC_CLIENT_EVENT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RTC_DTMF(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RTC_DTMF {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RTC_DTMF { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RTC_DTMF { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RTC_DTMF { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4635,19 +4558,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RTC_DTMF { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RTC_EVENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RTC_EVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RTC_EVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RTC_EVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RTC_EVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4657,19 +4569,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RTC_EVENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RTC_GROUP_EVENT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RTC_GROUP_EVENT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RTC_GROUP_EVENT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RTC_GROUP_EVENT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RTC_GROUP_EVENT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4679,19 +4580,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RTC_GROUP_EVENT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RTC_LISTEN_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RTC_LISTEN_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RTC_LISTEN_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RTC_LISTEN_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RTC_LISTEN_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4701,19 +4591,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RTC_LISTEN_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RTC_MEDIA_EVENT_REASON(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RTC_MEDIA_EVENT_REASON {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RTC_MEDIA_EVENT_REASON { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RTC_MEDIA_EVENT_REASON { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RTC_MEDIA_EVENT_REASON { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4723,19 +4602,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RTC_MEDIA_EVENT_REASON { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RTC_MEDIA_EVENT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RTC_MEDIA_EVENT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RTC_MEDIA_EVENT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RTC_MEDIA_EVENT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RTC_MEDIA_EVENT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4745,19 +4613,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RTC_MEDIA_EVENT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RTC_MESSAGING_EVENT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RTC_MESSAGING_EVENT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RTC_MESSAGING_EVENT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RTC_MESSAGING_EVENT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RTC_MESSAGING_EVENT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4767,19 +4624,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RTC_MESSAGING_EVENT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RTC_MESSAGING_USER_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RTC_MESSAGING_USER_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RTC_MESSAGING_USER_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RTC_MESSAGING_USER_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RTC_MESSAGING_USER_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4789,19 +4635,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RTC_MESSAGING_USER_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RTC_OFFER_WATCHER_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RTC_OFFER_WATCHER_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RTC_OFFER_WATCHER_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RTC_OFFER_WATCHER_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RTC_OFFER_WATCHER_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4811,19 +4646,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RTC_OFFER_WATCHER_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RTC_PARTICIPANT_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RTC_PARTICIPANT_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RTC_PARTICIPANT_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RTC_PARTICIPANT_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RTC_PARTICIPANT_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4833,19 +4657,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RTC_PARTICIPANT_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RTC_PORT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RTC_PORT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RTC_PORT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RTC_PORT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RTC_PORT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4855,19 +4668,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RTC_PORT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RTC_PRESENCE_PROPERTY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RTC_PRESENCE_PROPERTY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RTC_PRESENCE_PROPERTY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RTC_PRESENCE_PROPERTY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RTC_PRESENCE_PROPERTY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4877,19 +4679,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RTC_PRESENCE_PROPERTY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RTC_PRESENCE_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RTC_PRESENCE_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RTC_PRESENCE_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RTC_PRESENCE_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RTC_PRESENCE_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4899,19 +4690,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RTC_PRESENCE_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RTC_PRIVACY_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RTC_PRIVACY_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RTC_PRIVACY_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RTC_PRIVACY_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RTC_PRIVACY_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4921,19 +4701,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RTC_PRIVACY_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RTC_PROFILE_EVENT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RTC_PROFILE_EVENT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RTC_PROFILE_EVENT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RTC_PROFILE_EVENT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RTC_PROFILE_EVENT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4943,19 +4712,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RTC_PROFILE_EVENT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RTC_PROVIDER_URI(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RTC_PROVIDER_URI {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RTC_PROVIDER_URI { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RTC_PROVIDER_URI { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RTC_PROVIDER_URI { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4965,19 +4723,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RTC_PROVIDER_URI { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RTC_REGISTRATION_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RTC_REGISTRATION_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RTC_REGISTRATION_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RTC_REGISTRATION_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RTC_REGISTRATION_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4987,19 +4734,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RTC_REGISTRATION_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RTC_REINVITE_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RTC_REINVITE_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RTC_REINVITE_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RTC_REINVITE_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RTC_REINVITE_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5009,19 +4745,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RTC_REINVITE_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RTC_RING_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RTC_RING_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RTC_RING_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RTC_RING_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RTC_RING_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5031,19 +4756,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RTC_RING_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RTC_ROAMING_EVENT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RTC_ROAMING_EVENT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RTC_ROAMING_EVENT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RTC_ROAMING_EVENT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RTC_ROAMING_EVENT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5053,19 +4767,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RTC_ROAMING_EVENT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RTC_SECURITY_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RTC_SECURITY_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RTC_SECURITY_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RTC_SECURITY_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RTC_SECURITY_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5075,19 +4778,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RTC_SECURITY_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RTC_SECURITY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RTC_SECURITY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RTC_SECURITY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RTC_SECURITY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RTC_SECURITY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5097,19 +4789,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RTC_SECURITY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RTC_SESSION_REFER_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RTC_SESSION_REFER_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RTC_SESSION_REFER_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RTC_SESSION_REFER_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RTC_SESSION_REFER_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5119,19 +4800,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RTC_SESSION_REFER_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RTC_SESSION_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RTC_SESSION_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RTC_SESSION_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RTC_SESSION_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RTC_SESSION_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5141,19 +4811,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RTC_SESSION_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RTC_SESSION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RTC_SESSION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RTC_SESSION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RTC_SESSION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RTC_SESSION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5163,19 +4822,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RTC_SESSION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RTC_T120_APPLET(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RTC_T120_APPLET {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RTC_T120_APPLET { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RTC_T120_APPLET { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RTC_T120_APPLET { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5185,19 +4833,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RTC_T120_APPLET { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RTC_TERMINATE_REASON(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RTC_TERMINATE_REASON {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RTC_TERMINATE_REASON { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RTC_TERMINATE_REASON { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RTC_TERMINATE_REASON { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5207,19 +4844,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RTC_TERMINATE_REASON { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RTC_USER_SEARCH_COLUMN(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RTC_USER_SEARCH_COLUMN {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RTC_USER_SEARCH_COLUMN { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RTC_USER_SEARCH_COLUMN { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RTC_USER_SEARCH_COLUMN { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5229,19 +4855,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RTC_USER_SEARCH_COLUMN { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RTC_USER_SEARCH_PREFERENCE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RTC_USER_SEARCH_PREFERENCE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RTC_USER_SEARCH_PREFERENCE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RTC_USER_SEARCH_PREFERENCE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RTC_USER_SEARCH_PREFERENCE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5251,19 +4866,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RTC_USER_SEARCH_PREFERENCE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RTC_VIDEO_DEVICE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RTC_VIDEO_DEVICE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RTC_VIDEO_DEVICE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RTC_VIDEO_DEVICE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RTC_VIDEO_DEVICE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5273,19 +4877,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RTC_VIDEO_DEVICE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RTC_WATCHER_EVENT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RTC_WATCHER_EVENT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RTC_WATCHER_EVENT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RTC_WATCHER_EVENT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RTC_WATCHER_EVENT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5295,19 +4888,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RTC_WATCHER_EVENT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RTC_WATCHER_MATCH_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RTC_WATCHER_MATCH_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RTC_WATCHER_MATCH_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RTC_WATCHER_MATCH_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RTC_WATCHER_MATCH_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5317,19 +4899,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RTC_WATCHER_MATCH_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RTC_WATCHER_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RTC_WATCHER_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RTC_WATCHER_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RTC_WATCHER_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RTC_WATCHER_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Recovery/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Recovery/ index 2c307677b0..88272c6141 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Recovery/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Recovery/ @@ -60,19 +60,8 @@ pub const RESTART_NO_HANG: REGISTER_APPLICATION_RESTART_FLAGS = REGISTER_APPLICA pub const RESTART_NO_PATCH: REGISTER_APPLICATION_RESTART_FLAGS = REGISTER_APPLICATION_RESTART_FLAGS(4u32); pub const RESTART_NO_REBOOT: REGISTER_APPLICATION_RESTART_FLAGS = REGISTER_APPLICATION_RESTART_FLAGS(8u32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct REGISTER_APPLICATION_RESTART_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for REGISTER_APPLICATION_RESTART_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for REGISTER_APPLICATION_RESTART_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for REGISTER_APPLICATION_RESTART_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for REGISTER_APPLICATION_RESTART_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Registry/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Registry/ index f87a2d45ac..98d137e16f 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Registry/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Registry/ @@ -1765,19 +1765,8 @@ pub const VPDF_FORCEAPM10MODE: u32 = 2u32; pub const VPDF_SHOWMULTIBATT: u32 = 32u32; pub const VPDF_SKIPINTELSLCHECK: u32 = 4u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct REG_CREATE_KEY_DISPOSITION(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for REG_CREATE_KEY_DISPOSITION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for REG_CREATE_KEY_DISPOSITION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for REG_CREATE_KEY_DISPOSITION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for REG_CREATE_KEY_DISPOSITION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1787,19 +1776,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for REG_CREATE_KEY_DISPOSITION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct REG_NOTIFY_FILTER(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for REG_NOTIFY_FILTER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for REG_NOTIFY_FILTER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for REG_NOTIFY_FILTER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for REG_NOTIFY_FILTER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1842,19 +1820,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for REG_NOTIFY_FILTER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct REG_OPEN_CREATE_OPTIONS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for REG_OPEN_CREATE_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for REG_OPEN_CREATE_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for REG_OPEN_CREATE_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for REG_OPEN_CREATE_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1897,19 +1864,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for REG_OPEN_CREATE_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct REG_RESTORE_KEY_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for REG_RESTORE_KEY_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for REG_RESTORE_KEY_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for REG_RESTORE_KEY_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for REG_RESTORE_KEY_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1919,19 +1875,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for REG_RESTORE_KEY_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct REG_ROUTINE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for REG_ROUTINE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for REG_ROUTINE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for REG_ROUTINE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for REG_ROUTINE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1974,19 +1919,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for REG_ROUTINE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct REG_SAM_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for REG_SAM_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for REG_SAM_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for REG_SAM_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for REG_SAM_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2029,19 +1963,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for REG_SAM_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct REG_SAVE_FORMAT(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for REG_SAVE_FORMAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for REG_SAVE_FORMAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for REG_SAVE_FORMAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for REG_SAVE_FORMAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2051,19 +1974,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for REG_SAVE_FORMAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct REG_VALUE_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for REG_VALUE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for REG_VALUE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for REG_VALUE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for REG_VALUE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/RemoteAssistance/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/RemoteAssistance/ index 83fd0759b5..b957054eff 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/RemoteAssistance/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/RemoteAssistance/ @@ -111,19 +111,8 @@ pub const RSS_TERMINATED: RENDEZVOUS_SESSION_STATE = RENDEZVOUS_SESSION_STATE(7i pub const RSS_UNKNOWN: RENDEZVOUS_SESSION_STATE = RENDEZVOUS_SESSION_STATE(0i32); pub const RendezvousApplication: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0x0b7e019a_b5de_47fa_8966_9082f82fb192); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RENDEZVOUS_SESSION_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RENDEZVOUS_SESSION_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RENDEZVOUS_SESSION_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RENDEZVOUS_SESSION_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RENDEZVOUS_SESSION_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -133,19 +122,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RENDEZVOUS_SESSION_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RENDEZVOUS_SESSION_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RENDEZVOUS_SESSION_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RENDEZVOUS_SESSION_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RENDEZVOUS_SESSION_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RENDEZVOUS_SESSION_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/RemoteDesktop/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/RemoteDesktop/ index 8a19331712..80d744a76d 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/RemoteDesktop/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/RemoteDesktop/ @@ -5973,19 +5973,8 @@ pub const WTS_WSD_REBOOT: u32 = 4u32; pub const WTS_WSD_SHUTDOWN: u32 = 2u32; pub const Workspace: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0x4f1dfca6_3aad_48e1_8406_4bc21a501d7c); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AAAccountingDataType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AAAccountingDataType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AAAccountingDataType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AAAccountingDataType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AAAccountingDataType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5995,19 +5984,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AAAccountingDataType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AAAuthSchemes(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AAAuthSchemes {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AAAuthSchemes { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AAAuthSchemes { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AAAuthSchemes { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6017,19 +5995,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AAAuthSchemes { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AATrustClassID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AATrustClassID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AATrustClassID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AATrustClassID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AATrustClassID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6039,19 +6006,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AATrustClassID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AE_POSITION_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AE_POSITION_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AE_POSITION_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AE_POSITION_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AE_POSITION_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6061,19 +6017,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AE_POSITION_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLIENT_MESSAGE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLIENT_MESSAGE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLIENT_MESSAGE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLIENT_MESSAGE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLIENT_MESSAGE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6083,19 +6028,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLIENT_MESSAGE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CONNECTION_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CONNECTION_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CONNECTION_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CONNECTION_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CONNECTION_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6105,19 +6039,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CONNECTION_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KeyCombinationType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KeyCombinationType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KeyCombinationType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KeyCombinationType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KeyCombinationType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6127,19 +6050,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KeyCombinationType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PLUGIN_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PLUGIN_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PLUGIN_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PLUGIN_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PLUGIN_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6149,19 +6061,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PLUGIN_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PasswordEncodingType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PasswordEncodingType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PasswordEncodingType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PasswordEncodingType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PasswordEncodingType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6171,19 +6072,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PasswordEncodingType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PolicyAttributeType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PolicyAttributeType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PolicyAttributeType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PolicyAttributeType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PolicyAttributeType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6193,19 +6083,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PolicyAttributeType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RDV_TASK_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RDV_TASK_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RDV_TASK_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RDV_TASK_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RDV_TASK_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6215,19 +6094,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RDV_TASK_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RD_FARM_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RD_FARM_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RD_FARM_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RD_FARM_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RD_FARM_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6237,19 +6105,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RD_FARM_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RemoteActionType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RemoteActionType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RemoteActionType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RemoteActionType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RemoteActionType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6259,19 +6116,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RemoteActionType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SESSION_TIMEOUT_ACTION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SESSION_TIMEOUT_ACTION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SESSION_TIMEOUT_ACTION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SESSION_TIMEOUT_ACTION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SESSION_TIMEOUT_ACTION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6281,19 +6127,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SESSION_TIMEOUT_ACTION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SnapshotEncodingType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SnapshotEncodingType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SnapshotEncodingType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SnapshotEncodingType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SnapshotEncodingType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6303,19 +6138,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SnapshotEncodingType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SnapshotFormatType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SnapshotFormatType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SnapshotFormatType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SnapshotFormatType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SnapshotFormatType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6325,19 +6149,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SnapshotFormatType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TARGET_CHANGE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TARGET_CHANGE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TARGET_CHANGE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TARGET_CHANGE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TARGET_CHANGE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6347,19 +6160,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TARGET_CHANGE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TARGET_OWNER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TARGET_OWNER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TARGET_OWNER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TARGET_OWNER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TARGET_OWNER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6369,19 +6171,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TARGET_OWNER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TARGET_PATCH_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TARGET_PATCH_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TARGET_PATCH_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TARGET_PATCH_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TARGET_PATCH_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6391,19 +6182,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TARGET_PATCH_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TARGET_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TARGET_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TARGET_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TARGET_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TARGET_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6413,19 +6193,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TARGET_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TARGET_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TARGET_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TARGET_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TARGET_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TARGET_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6435,19 +6204,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TARGET_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TSPUB_PLUGIN_PD_ASSIGNMENT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TSPUB_PLUGIN_PD_ASSIGNMENT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TSPUB_PLUGIN_PD_ASSIGNMENT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TSPUB_PLUGIN_PD_ASSIGNMENT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TSPUB_PLUGIN_PD_ASSIGNMENT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6457,19 +6215,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TSPUB_PLUGIN_PD_ASSIGNMENT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TSPUB_PLUGIN_PD_RESOLUTION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TSPUB_PLUGIN_PD_RESOLUTION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TSPUB_PLUGIN_PD_RESOLUTION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TSPUB_PLUGIN_PD_RESOLUTION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TSPUB_PLUGIN_PD_RESOLUTION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6479,19 +6226,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TSPUB_PLUGIN_PD_RESOLUTION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TSSB_NOTIFICATION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TSSB_NOTIFICATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TSSB_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TSSB_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TSSB_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6501,19 +6237,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TSSB_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TSSD_AddrV46Type(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TSSD_AddrV46Type {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TSSD_AddrV46Type { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TSSD_AddrV46Type { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TSSD_AddrV46Type { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6523,19 +6248,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TSSD_AddrV46Type { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TSSESSION_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TSSESSION_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TSSESSION_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TSSESSION_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TSSESSION_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6545,19 +6259,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TSSESSION_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TS_SB_SORT_BY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TS_SB_SORT_BY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TS_SB_SORT_BY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TS_SB_SORT_BY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TS_SB_SORT_BY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6567,19 +6270,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TS_SB_SORT_BY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VM_HOST_NOTIFY_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VM_HOST_NOTIFY_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VM_HOST_NOTIFY_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VM_HOST_NOTIFY_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VM_HOST_NOTIFY_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6589,19 +6281,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VM_HOST_NOTIFY_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VM_NOTIFY_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VM_NOTIFY_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VM_NOTIFY_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VM_NOTIFY_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VM_NOTIFY_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6611,19 +6292,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VM_NOTIFY_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WRDS_CONNECTION_SETTING_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WRDS_CONNECTION_SETTING_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WRDS_CONNECTION_SETTING_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WRDS_CONNECTION_SETTING_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WRDS_CONNECTION_SETTING_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6633,19 +6303,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WRDS_CONNECTION_SETTING_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WRDS_LISTENER_SETTING_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WRDS_LISTENER_SETTING_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WRDS_LISTENER_SETTING_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WRDS_LISTENER_SETTING_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WRDS_LISTENER_SETTING_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6655,19 +6314,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WRDS_LISTENER_SETTING_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WRDS_SETTING_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WRDS_SETTING_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WRDS_SETTING_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WRDS_SETTING_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WRDS_SETTING_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6677,19 +6325,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WRDS_SETTING_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WRDS_SETTING_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WRDS_SETTING_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WRDS_SETTING_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WRDS_SETTING_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WRDS_SETTING_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6699,19 +6336,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WRDS_SETTING_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WRDS_SETTING_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WRDS_SETTING_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WRDS_SETTING_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WRDS_SETTING_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WRDS_SETTING_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6721,19 +6347,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WRDS_SETTING_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WRdsGraphicsChannelType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WRdsGraphicsChannelType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WRdsGraphicsChannelType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WRdsGraphicsChannelType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WRdsGraphicsChannelType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6743,19 +6358,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WRdsGraphicsChannelType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WTSSBX_ADDRESS_FAMILY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WTSSBX_ADDRESS_FAMILY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WTSSBX_ADDRESS_FAMILY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WTSSBX_ADDRESS_FAMILY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WTSSBX_ADDRESS_FAMILY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6765,19 +6369,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WTSSBX_ADDRESS_FAMILY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WTSSBX_MACHINE_DRAIN(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WTSSBX_MACHINE_DRAIN {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WTSSBX_MACHINE_DRAIN { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WTSSBX_MACHINE_DRAIN { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WTSSBX_MACHINE_DRAIN { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6787,19 +6380,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WTSSBX_MACHINE_DRAIN { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WTSSBX_MACHINE_SESSION_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WTSSBX_MACHINE_SESSION_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WTSSBX_MACHINE_SESSION_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WTSSBX_MACHINE_SESSION_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WTSSBX_MACHINE_SESSION_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6809,19 +6391,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WTSSBX_MACHINE_SESSION_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WTSSBX_MACHINE_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WTSSBX_MACHINE_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WTSSBX_MACHINE_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WTSSBX_MACHINE_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WTSSBX_MACHINE_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6831,19 +6402,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WTSSBX_MACHINE_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WTSSBX_NOTIFICATION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WTSSBX_NOTIFICATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WTSSBX_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WTSSBX_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WTSSBX_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6853,19 +6413,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WTSSBX_NOTIFICATION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WTSSBX_SESSION_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WTSSBX_SESSION_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WTSSBX_SESSION_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WTSSBX_SESSION_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WTSSBX_SESSION_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6875,19 +6424,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WTSSBX_SESSION_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WTS_CERT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WTS_CERT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WTS_CERT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WTS_CERT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WTS_CERT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6897,19 +6435,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WTS_CERT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WTS_CONFIG_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WTS_CONFIG_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WTS_CONFIG_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WTS_CONFIG_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WTS_CONFIG_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6919,19 +6446,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WTS_CONFIG_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WTS_CONFIG_SOURCE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WTS_CONFIG_SOURCE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WTS_CONFIG_SOURCE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WTS_CONFIG_SOURCE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WTS_CONFIG_SOURCE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6941,19 +6457,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WTS_CONFIG_SOURCE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WTS_CONNECTSTATE_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WTS_CONNECTSTATE_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WTS_CONNECTSTATE_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WTS_CONNECTSTATE_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WTS_CONNECTSTATE_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6963,19 +6468,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WTS_CONNECTSTATE_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WTS_INFO_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WTS_INFO_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WTS_INFO_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WTS_INFO_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WTS_INFO_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6985,19 +6479,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WTS_INFO_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WTS_LOGON_ERROR_REDIRECTOR_RESPONSE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WTS_LOGON_ERROR_REDIRECTOR_RESPONSE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WTS_LOGON_ERROR_REDIRECTOR_RESPONSE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WTS_LOGON_ERROR_REDIRECTOR_RESPONSE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WTS_LOGON_ERROR_REDIRECTOR_RESPONSE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7007,19 +6490,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WTS_LOGON_ERROR_REDIRECTOR_RESPONSE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WTS_RCM_DRAIN_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WTS_RCM_DRAIN_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WTS_RCM_DRAIN_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WTS_RCM_DRAIN_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WTS_RCM_DRAIN_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7029,19 +6501,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WTS_RCM_DRAIN_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WTS_RCM_SERVICE_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WTS_RCM_SERVICE_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WTS_RCM_SERVICE_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WTS_RCM_SERVICE_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WTS_RCM_SERVICE_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7051,19 +6512,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WTS_RCM_SERVICE_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WTS_SECURITY_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WTS_SECURITY_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WTS_SECURITY_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WTS_SECURITY_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WTS_SECURITY_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7106,19 +6556,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for WTS_SECURITY_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WTS_TYPE_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WTS_TYPE_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WTS_TYPE_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WTS_TYPE_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WTS_TYPE_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7128,19 +6567,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WTS_TYPE_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WTS_VIRTUAL_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WTS_VIRTUAL_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WTS_VIRTUAL_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WTS_VIRTUAL_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WTS_VIRTUAL_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/RemoteManagement/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/RemoteManagement/ index d075c18dbf..4d02ffd55a 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/RemoteManagement/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/RemoteManagement/ @@ -1958,19 +1958,8 @@ pub const WSManProxyIEConfig: WSManProxyAccessTypeFlags = WSManProxyAccessTypeFl pub const WSManProxyNoProxyServer: WSManProxyAccessTypeFlags = WSManProxyAccessTypeFlags(8i32); pub const WSManProxyWinHttpConfig: WSManProxyAccessTypeFlags = WSManProxyAccessTypeFlags(2i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WSManAuthenticationFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WSManAuthenticationFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WSManAuthenticationFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WSManAuthenticationFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WSManAuthenticationFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1980,19 +1969,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WSManAuthenticationFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WSManCallbackFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WSManCallbackFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WSManCallbackFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WSManCallbackFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WSManCallbackFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2002,19 +1980,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WSManCallbackFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WSManDataType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WSManDataType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WSManDataType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WSManDataType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WSManDataType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2024,19 +1991,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WSManDataType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WSManEnumFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WSManEnumFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WSManEnumFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WSManEnumFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WSManEnumFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2046,19 +2002,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WSManEnumFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WSManProxyAccessType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WSManProxyAccessType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WSManProxyAccessType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WSManProxyAccessType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WSManProxyAccessType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2068,19 +2013,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WSManProxyAccessType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WSManProxyAccessTypeFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WSManProxyAccessTypeFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WSManProxyAccessTypeFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WSManProxyAccessTypeFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WSManProxyAccessTypeFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2090,19 +2024,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WSManProxyAccessTypeFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WSManProxyAuthenticationFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WSManProxyAuthenticationFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WSManProxyAuthenticationFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WSManProxyAuthenticationFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WSManProxyAuthenticationFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2112,19 +2035,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WSManProxyAuthenticationFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WSManSessionFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WSManSessionFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WSManSessionFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WSManSessionFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WSManSessionFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2134,19 +2046,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WSManSessionFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WSManSessionOption(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WSManSessionOption {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WSManSessionOption { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WSManSessionOption { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WSManSessionOption { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2156,19 +2057,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WSManSessionOption { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WSManShellFlag(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WSManShellFlag {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WSManShellFlag { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WSManShellFlag { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WSManShellFlag { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/RestartManager/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/RestartManager/ index ca5fd77bb6..465d6fddf8 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/RestartManager/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/RestartManager/ @@ -110,19 +110,8 @@ pub const RmStatusStoppedOther: RM_APP_STATUS = RM_APP_STATUS(4i32); pub const RmStatusUnknown: RM_APP_STATUS = RM_APP_STATUS(0i32); pub const RmUnknownApp: RM_APP_TYPE = RM_APP_TYPE(0i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RM_APP_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RM_APP_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RM_APP_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RM_APP_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RM_APP_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -132,19 +121,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RM_APP_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RM_APP_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RM_APP_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RM_APP_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RM_APP_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RM_APP_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -154,19 +132,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RM_APP_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RM_FILTER_ACTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RM_FILTER_ACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RM_FILTER_ACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RM_FILTER_ACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RM_FILTER_ACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -176,19 +143,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RM_FILTER_ACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RM_FILTER_TRIGGER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RM_FILTER_TRIGGER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RM_FILTER_TRIGGER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RM_FILTER_TRIGGER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RM_FILTER_TRIGGER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -198,19 +154,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RM_FILTER_TRIGGER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RM_REBOOT_REASON(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RM_REBOOT_REASON {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RM_REBOOT_REASON { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RM_REBOOT_REASON { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RM_REBOOT_REASON { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -220,19 +165,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RM_REBOOT_REASON { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RM_SHUTDOWN_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RM_SHUTDOWN_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RM_SHUTDOWN_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RM_SHUTDOWN_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RM_SHUTDOWN_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Restore/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Restore/ index a432ee9242..15ab9f32fe 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Restore/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Restore/ @@ -44,19 +44,8 @@ pub const WINDOWS_BOOT: u32 = 9u32; pub const WINDOWS_SHUTDOWN: u32 = 8u32; pub const WINDOWS_UPDATE: u32 = 17u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RESTOREPOINTINFO_EVENT_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RESTOREPOINTINFO_EVENT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RESTOREPOINTINFO_EVENT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RESTOREPOINTINFO_EVENT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RESTOREPOINTINFO_EVENT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -66,19 +55,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RESTOREPOINTINFO_EVENT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RESTOREPOINTINFO_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RESTOREPOINTINFO_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RESTOREPOINTINFO_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RESTOREPOINTINFO_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RESTOREPOINTINFO_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Rpc/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Rpc/ index 8a7637947a..9034222065 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Rpc/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Rpc/ @@ -3642,19 +3642,8 @@ pub const rlafIPv4: RpcLocalAddressFormat = RpcLocalAddressFormat(1i32); pub const rlafIPv6: RpcLocalAddressFormat = RpcLocalAddressFormat(2i32); pub const rlafInvalid: RpcLocalAddressFormat = RpcLocalAddressFormat(0i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EXPR_TOKEN(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EXPR_TOKEN {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EXPR_TOKEN { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EXPR_TOKEN { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EXPR_TOKEN { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3664,19 +3653,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EXPR_TOKEN { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ExtendedErrorParamTypes(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ExtendedErrorParamTypes {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ExtendedErrorParamTypes { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ExtendedErrorParamTypes { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ExtendedErrorParamTypes { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3686,19 +3664,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ExtendedErrorParamTypes { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GROUP_NAME_SYNTAX(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GROUP_NAME_SYNTAX {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GROUP_NAME_SYNTAX { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GROUP_NAME_SYNTAX { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GROUP_NAME_SYNTAX { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3708,19 +3675,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GROUP_NAME_SYNTAX { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IDL_CS_CONVERT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IDL_CS_CONVERT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IDL_CS_CONVERT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IDL_CS_CONVERT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IDL_CS_CONVERT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3730,19 +3686,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IDL_CS_CONVERT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LRPC_SYSTEM_HANDLE_MARSHAL_DIRECTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LRPC_SYSTEM_HANDLE_MARSHAL_DIRECTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LRPC_SYSTEM_HANDLE_MARSHAL_DIRECTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LRPC_SYSTEM_HANDLE_MARSHAL_DIRECTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LRPC_SYSTEM_HANDLE_MARSHAL_DIRECTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3752,19 +3697,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for LRPC_SYSTEM_HANDLE_MARSHAL_DIRECTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MIDL_ES_CODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MIDL_ES_CODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MIDL_ES_CODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MIDL_ES_CODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MIDL_ES_CODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3774,19 +3708,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MIDL_ES_CODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MIDL_ES_HANDLE_STYLE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MIDL_ES_HANDLE_STYLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MIDL_ES_HANDLE_STYLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MIDL_ES_HANDLE_STYLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MIDL_ES_HANDLE_STYLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3796,19 +3719,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MIDL_ES_HANDLE_STYLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROXY_PHASE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROXY_PHASE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROXY_PHASE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROXY_PHASE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROXY_PHASE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3818,19 +3730,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PROXY_PHASE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RPC_ADDRESS_CHANGE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RPC_ADDRESS_CHANGE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RPC_ADDRESS_CHANGE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RPC_ADDRESS_CHANGE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RPC_ADDRESS_CHANGE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3840,19 +3741,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RPC_ADDRESS_CHANGE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RPC_ASYNC_EVENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RPC_ASYNC_EVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RPC_ASYNC_EVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RPC_ASYNC_EVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RPC_ASYNC_EVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3862,19 +3752,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RPC_ASYNC_EVENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RPC_BINDING_HANDLE_OPTIONS_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RPC_BINDING_HANDLE_OPTIONS_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RPC_BINDING_HANDLE_OPTIONS_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RPC_BINDING_HANDLE_OPTIONS_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RPC_BINDING_HANDLE_OPTIONS_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3917,19 +3796,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for RPC_BINDING_HANDLE_OPTIONS_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RPC_C_AUTHN_INFO_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RPC_C_AUTHN_INFO_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RPC_C_AUTHN_INFO_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RPC_C_AUTHN_INFO_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RPC_C_AUTHN_INFO_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3939,19 +3807,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RPC_C_AUTHN_INFO_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RPC_C_HTTP_AUTHN_TARGET(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RPC_C_HTTP_AUTHN_TARGET {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RPC_C_HTTP_AUTHN_TARGET { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RPC_C_HTTP_AUTHN_TARGET { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RPC_C_HTTP_AUTHN_TARGET { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3994,19 +3851,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for RPC_C_HTTP_AUTHN_TARGET { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RPC_C_HTTP_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RPC_C_HTTP_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RPC_C_HTTP_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RPC_C_HTTP_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RPC_C_HTTP_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4049,19 +3895,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for RPC_C_HTTP_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RPC_C_QOS_CAPABILITIES(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RPC_C_QOS_CAPABILITIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RPC_C_QOS_CAPABILITIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RPC_C_QOS_CAPABILITIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RPC_C_QOS_CAPABILITIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4104,19 +3939,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for RPC_C_QOS_CAPABILITIES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RPC_C_QOS_IDENTITY(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RPC_C_QOS_IDENTITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RPC_C_QOS_IDENTITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RPC_C_QOS_IDENTITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RPC_C_QOS_IDENTITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4126,19 +3950,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RPC_C_QOS_IDENTITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RPC_HTTP_REDIRECTOR_STAGE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RPC_HTTP_REDIRECTOR_STAGE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RPC_HTTP_REDIRECTOR_STAGE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RPC_HTTP_REDIRECTOR_STAGE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RPC_HTTP_REDIRECTOR_STAGE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4148,19 +3961,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RPC_HTTP_REDIRECTOR_STAGE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RPC_NOTIFICATIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RPC_NOTIFICATIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RPC_NOTIFICATIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RPC_NOTIFICATIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RPC_NOTIFICATIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4170,19 +3972,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RPC_NOTIFICATIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RPC_NOTIFICATION_TYPES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RPC_NOTIFICATION_TYPES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RPC_NOTIFICATION_TYPES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RPC_NOTIFICATION_TYPES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RPC_NOTIFICATION_TYPES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4192,19 +3983,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RPC_NOTIFICATION_TYPES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RPC_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RPC_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RPC_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RPC_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RPC_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4214,19 +3994,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RPC_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RpcCallClientLocality(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RpcCallClientLocality {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RpcCallClientLocality { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RpcCallClientLocality { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RpcCallClientLocality { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4236,19 +4005,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RpcCallClientLocality { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RpcCallType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RpcCallType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RpcCallType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RpcCallType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RpcCallType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4258,19 +4016,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RpcCallType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RpcLocalAddressFormat(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RpcLocalAddressFormat {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RpcLocalAddressFormat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RpcLocalAddressFormat { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RpcLocalAddressFormat { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4280,19 +4027,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RpcLocalAddressFormat { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RpcPerfCounters(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RpcPerfCounters {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RpcPerfCounters { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RpcPerfCounters { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RpcPerfCounters { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4302,19 +4038,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RpcPerfCounters { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4324,19 +4049,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SEC_WINNT_AUTH_IDENTITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STUB_PHASE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STUB_PHASE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STUB_PHASE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STUB_PHASE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STUB_PHASE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4346,19 +4060,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STUB_PHASE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct USER_MARSHAL_CB_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for USER_MARSHAL_CB_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for USER_MARSHAL_CB_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for USER_MARSHAL_CB_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for USER_MARSHAL_CB_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4368,19 +4071,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for USER_MARSHAL_CB_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XLAT_SIDE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XLAT_SIDE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XLAT_SIDE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XLAT_SIDE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XLAT_SIDE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4390,19 +4082,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for XLAT_SIDE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct system_handle_t(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for system_handle_t {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for system_handle_t { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for system_handle_t { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for system_handle_t { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Search/Common/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Search/Common/ index 7e901d212d..4955f50111 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Search/Common/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Search/Common/ @@ -18,19 +18,8 @@ pub const CT_LEAF_CONDITION: CONDITION_TYPE = CONDITION_TYPE(3i32); pub const CT_NOT_CONDITION: CONDITION_TYPE = CONDITION_TYPE(2i32); pub const CT_OR_CONDITION: CONDITION_TYPE = CONDITION_TYPE(1i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CONDITION_OPERATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CONDITION_OPERATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CONDITION_OPERATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CONDITION_OPERATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CONDITION_OPERATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -40,19 +29,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CONDITION_OPERATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CONDITION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CONDITION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CONDITION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CONDITION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CONDITION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Search/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Search/ index 74defcb275..5708330e46 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Search/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Search/ @@ -14161,19 +14161,8 @@ pub const eAUTH_TYPE_ANONYMOUS: AUTH_TYPE = AUTH_TYPE(0i32); pub const eAUTH_TYPE_BASIC: AUTH_TYPE = AUTH_TYPE(2i32); pub const eAUTH_TYPE_NTLM: AUTH_TYPE = AUTH_TYPE(1i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ACCESS_MASKENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ACCESS_MASKENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ACCESS_MASKENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ACCESS_MASKENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ACCESS_MASKENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14183,19 +14172,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ACCESS_MASKENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AUTH_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AUTH_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AUTH_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AUTH_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AUTH_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14205,19 +14183,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AUTH_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CASE_REQUIREMENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CASE_REQUIREMENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CASE_REQUIREMENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CASE_REQUIREMENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CASE_REQUIREMENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14227,19 +14194,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CASE_REQUIREMENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CHANNEL_AGENT_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CHANNEL_AGENT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CHANNEL_AGENT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CHANNEL_AGENT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CHANNEL_AGENT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14249,19 +14205,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CHANNEL_AGENT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLUSION_REASON(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLUSION_REASON {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLUSION_REASON { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLUSION_REASON { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLUSION_REASON { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14271,19 +14216,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLUSION_REASON { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CONDITION_CREATION_OPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CONDITION_CREATION_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CONDITION_CREATION_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CONDITION_CREATION_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CONDITION_CREATION_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14326,19 +14260,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CONDITION_CREATION_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CREATESUBSCRIPTIONFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CREATESUBSCRIPTIONFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CREATESUBSCRIPTIONFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CREATESUBSCRIPTIONFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CREATESUBSCRIPTIONFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14348,19 +14271,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CREATESUBSCRIPTIONFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CatalogPausedReason(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CatalogPausedReason {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CatalogPausedReason { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CatalogPausedReason { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CatalogPausedReason { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14370,19 +14282,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CatalogPausedReason { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CatalogStatus(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CatalogStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CatalogStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CatalogStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CatalogStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14392,19 +14293,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CatalogStatus { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBACCESSORFLAGSENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBACCESSORFLAGSENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBACCESSORFLAGSENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBACCESSORFLAGSENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBACCESSORFLAGSENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14414,19 +14304,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBACCESSORFLAGSENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBASYNCHOPENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBASYNCHOPENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBASYNCHOPENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBASYNCHOPENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBASYNCHOPENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14436,19 +14315,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBASYNCHOPENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBASYNCHPHASEENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBASYNCHPHASEENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBASYNCHPHASEENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBASYNCHPHASEENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBASYNCHPHASEENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14458,19 +14326,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBASYNCHPHASEENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBBINDFLAGENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBBINDFLAGENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBBINDFLAGENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBBINDFLAGENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBBINDFLAGENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14480,19 +14337,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBBINDFLAGENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBBINDSTATUSENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBBINDSTATUSENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBBINDSTATUSENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBBINDSTATUSENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBBINDSTATUSENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14502,19 +14348,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBBINDSTATUSENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBBINDURLFLAGENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBBINDURLFLAGENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBBINDURLFLAGENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBBINDURLFLAGENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBBINDURLFLAGENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14524,19 +14359,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBBINDURLFLAGENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBBINDURLSTATUSENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBBINDURLSTATUSENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBBINDURLSTATUSENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBBINDURLSTATUSENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBBINDURLSTATUSENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14546,19 +14370,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBBINDURLSTATUSENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBBOOKMARK(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBBOOKMARK {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBBOOKMARK { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBBOOKMARK { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBBOOKMARK { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14568,19 +14381,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBBOOKMARK { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBCOLUMNDESCFLAGSENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBCOLUMNDESCFLAGSENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBCOLUMNDESCFLAGSENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBCOLUMNDESCFLAGSENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBCOLUMNDESCFLAGSENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14590,19 +14392,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBCOLUMNDESCFLAGSENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBCOLUMNFLAGS15ENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBCOLUMNFLAGS15ENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBCOLUMNFLAGS15ENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBCOLUMNFLAGS15ENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBCOLUMNFLAGS15ENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14612,19 +14403,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBCOLUMNFLAGS15ENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBCOLUMNFLAGSDEPRECATED(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBCOLUMNFLAGSDEPRECATED {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBCOLUMNFLAGSDEPRECATED { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBCOLUMNFLAGSDEPRECATED { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBCOLUMNFLAGSDEPRECATED { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14634,19 +14414,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBCOLUMNFLAGSDEPRECATED { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBCOLUMNFLAGSENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBCOLUMNFLAGSENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBCOLUMNFLAGSENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBCOLUMNFLAGSENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBCOLUMNFLAGSENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14656,19 +14425,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBCOLUMNFLAGSENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBCOLUMNFLAGSENUM20(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBCOLUMNFLAGSENUM20 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBCOLUMNFLAGSENUM20 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBCOLUMNFLAGSENUM20 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBCOLUMNFLAGSENUM20 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14678,19 +14436,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBCOLUMNFLAGSENUM20 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBCOLUMNFLAGSENUM21(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBCOLUMNFLAGSENUM21 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBCOLUMNFLAGSENUM21 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBCOLUMNFLAGSENUM21 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBCOLUMNFLAGSENUM21 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14700,19 +14447,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBCOLUMNFLAGSENUM21 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBCOLUMNFLAGSENUM26(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBCOLUMNFLAGSENUM26 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBCOLUMNFLAGSENUM26 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBCOLUMNFLAGSENUM26 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBCOLUMNFLAGSENUM26 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14722,19 +14458,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBCOLUMNFLAGSENUM26 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBCOMMANDPERSISTFLAGENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBCOMMANDPERSISTFLAGENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBCOMMANDPERSISTFLAGENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBCOMMANDPERSISTFLAGENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBCOMMANDPERSISTFLAGENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14744,19 +14469,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBCOMMANDPERSISTFLAGENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBCOMMANDPERSISTFLAGENUM21(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBCOMMANDPERSISTFLAGENUM21 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBCOMMANDPERSISTFLAGENUM21 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBCOMMANDPERSISTFLAGENUM21 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBCOMMANDPERSISTFLAGENUM21 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14766,19 +14480,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBCOMMANDPERSISTFLAGENUM21 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBCOMPAREENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBCOMPAREENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBCOMPAREENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBCOMPAREENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBCOMPAREENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14788,19 +14491,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBCOMPAREENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBCOMPAREOPSENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBCOMPAREOPSENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBCOMPAREOPSENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBCOMPAREOPSENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBCOMPAREOPSENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14810,19 +14502,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBCOMPAREOPSENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBCOMPAREOPSENUM20(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBCOMPAREOPSENUM20 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBCOMPAREOPSENUM20 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBCOMPAREOPSENUM20 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBCOMPAREOPSENUM20 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14832,19 +14513,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBCOMPAREOPSENUM20 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBCONSTRAINTTYPEENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBCONSTRAINTTYPEENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBCONSTRAINTTYPEENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBCONSTRAINTTYPEENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBCONSTRAINTTYPEENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14854,19 +14524,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBCONSTRAINTTYPEENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBCONVERTFLAGSENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBCONVERTFLAGSENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBCONVERTFLAGSENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBCONVERTFLAGSENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBCONVERTFLAGSENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14876,19 +14535,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBCONVERTFLAGSENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBCONVERTFLAGSENUM20(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBCONVERTFLAGSENUM20 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBCONVERTFLAGSENUM20 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBCONVERTFLAGSENUM20 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBCONVERTFLAGSENUM20 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14898,19 +14546,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBCONVERTFLAGSENUM20 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBCOPYFLAGSENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBCOPYFLAGSENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBCOPYFLAGSENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBCOPYFLAGSENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBCOPYFLAGSENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14920,19 +14557,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBCOPYFLAGSENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBCOSTUNITENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBCOSTUNITENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBCOSTUNITENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBCOSTUNITENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBCOSTUNITENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14942,19 +14568,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBCOSTUNITENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBDATACONVERTENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBDATACONVERTENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBDATACONVERTENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBDATACONVERTENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBDATACONVERTENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14964,19 +14579,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBDATACONVERTENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBDEFERRABILITYENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBDEFERRABILITYENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBDEFERRABILITYENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBDEFERRABILITYENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBDEFERRABILITYENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14986,19 +14590,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBDEFERRABILITYENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBDELETEFLAGSENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBDELETEFLAGSENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBDELETEFLAGSENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBDELETEFLAGSENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBDELETEFLAGSENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15008,19 +14601,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBDELETEFLAGSENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBEVENTPHASEENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBEVENTPHASEENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBEVENTPHASEENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBEVENTPHASEENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBEVENTPHASEENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15030,19 +14612,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBEVENTPHASEENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBEXECLIMITSENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBEXECLIMITSENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBEXECLIMITSENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBEXECLIMITSENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBEXECLIMITSENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15052,19 +14623,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBEXECLIMITSENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBINDEX_COL_ORDERENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBINDEX_COL_ORDERENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBINDEX_COL_ORDERENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBINDEX_COL_ORDERENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBINDEX_COL_ORDERENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15074,19 +14634,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBINDEX_COL_ORDERENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBLITERALENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBLITERALENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBLITERALENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBLITERALENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBLITERALENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15096,19 +14645,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBLITERALENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBLITERALENUM20(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBLITERALENUM20 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBLITERALENUM20 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBLITERALENUM20 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBLITERALENUM20 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15118,19 +14656,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBLITERALENUM20 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBLITERALENUM21(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBLITERALENUM21 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBLITERALENUM21 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBLITERALENUM21 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBLITERALENUM21 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15140,19 +14667,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBLITERALENUM21 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBMATCHTYPEENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBMATCHTYPEENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBMATCHTYPEENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBMATCHTYPEENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBMATCHTYPEENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15162,19 +14678,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBMATCHTYPEENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBMEMOWNERENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBMEMOWNERENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBMEMOWNERENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBMEMOWNERENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBMEMOWNERENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15184,19 +14689,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBMEMOWNERENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBMOVEFLAGSENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBMOVEFLAGSENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBMOVEFLAGSENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBMOVEFLAGSENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBMOVEFLAGSENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15206,19 +14700,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBMOVEFLAGSENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBPARAMFLAGSENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBPARAMFLAGSENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBPARAMFLAGSENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBPARAMFLAGSENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBPARAMFLAGSENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15228,19 +14711,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBPARAMFLAGSENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBPARAMFLAGSENUM20(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBPARAMFLAGSENUM20 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBPARAMFLAGSENUM20 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBPARAMFLAGSENUM20 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBPARAMFLAGSENUM20 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15250,19 +14722,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBPARAMFLAGSENUM20 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBPARAMIOENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBPARAMIOENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBPARAMIOENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBPARAMIOENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBPARAMIOENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15272,19 +14733,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBPARAMIOENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBPARTENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBPARTENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBPARTENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBPARTENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBPARTENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15294,19 +14744,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBPARTENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBPENDINGSTATUSENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBPENDINGSTATUSENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBPENDINGSTATUSENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBPENDINGSTATUSENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBPENDINGSTATUSENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15316,19 +14755,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBPENDINGSTATUSENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBPOSITIONFLAGSENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBPOSITIONFLAGSENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBPOSITIONFLAGSENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBPOSITIONFLAGSENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBPOSITIONFLAGSENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15338,19 +14766,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBPOSITIONFLAGSENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBPROMPTOPTIONSENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBPROMPTOPTIONSENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBPROMPTOPTIONSENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBPROMPTOPTIONSENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBPROMPTOPTIONSENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15360,19 +14777,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBPROMPTOPTIONSENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBPROPENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBPROPENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBPROPENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBPROPENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBPROPENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15382,19 +14788,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBPROPENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBPROPENUM15(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBPROPENUM15 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBPROPENUM15 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBPROPENUM15 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBPROPENUM15 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15404,19 +14799,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBPROPENUM15 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBPROPENUM20(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBPROPENUM20 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBPROPENUM20 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBPROPENUM20 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBPROPENUM20 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15426,19 +14810,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBPROPENUM20 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBPROPENUM21(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBPROPENUM21 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBPROPENUM21 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBPROPENUM21 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBPROPENUM21 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15448,19 +14821,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBPROPENUM21 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBPROPENUM25(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBPROPENUM25 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBPROPENUM25 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBPROPENUM25 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBPROPENUM25 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15470,19 +14832,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBPROPENUM25 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBPROPENUM25_DEPRECATED(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBPROPENUM25_DEPRECATED {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBPROPENUM25_DEPRECATED { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBPROPENUM25_DEPRECATED { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBPROPENUM25_DEPRECATED { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15492,19 +14843,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBPROPENUM25_DEPRECATED { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBPROPENUM26(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBPROPENUM26 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBPROPENUM26 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBPROPENUM26 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBPROPENUM26 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15514,19 +14854,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBPROPENUM26 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBPROPENUMDEPRECATED(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBPROPENUMDEPRECATED {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBPROPENUMDEPRECATED { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBPROPENUMDEPRECATED { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBPROPENUMDEPRECATED { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15536,19 +14865,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBPROPENUMDEPRECATED { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBPROPFLAGSENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBPROPFLAGSENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBPROPFLAGSENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBPROPFLAGSENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBPROPFLAGSENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15558,19 +14876,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBPROPFLAGSENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBPROPFLAGSENUM21(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBPROPFLAGSENUM21 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBPROPFLAGSENUM21 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBPROPFLAGSENUM21 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBPROPFLAGSENUM21 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15580,19 +14887,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBPROPFLAGSENUM21 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBPROPFLAGSENUM25(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBPROPFLAGSENUM25 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBPROPFLAGSENUM25 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBPROPFLAGSENUM25 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBPROPFLAGSENUM25 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15602,19 +14898,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBPROPFLAGSENUM25 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBPROPFLAGSENUM26(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBPROPFLAGSENUM26 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBPROPFLAGSENUM26 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBPROPFLAGSENUM26 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBPROPFLAGSENUM26 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15624,19 +14909,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBPROPFLAGSENUM26 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBPROPOPTIONSENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBPROPOPTIONSENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBPROPOPTIONSENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBPROPOPTIONSENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBPROPOPTIONSENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15646,19 +14920,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBPROPOPTIONSENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBPROPSTATUSENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBPROPSTATUSENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBPROPSTATUSENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBPROPSTATUSENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBPROPSTATUSENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15668,19 +14931,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBPROPSTATUSENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBPROPSTATUSENUM21(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBPROPSTATUSENUM21 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBPROPSTATUSENUM21 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBPROPSTATUSENUM21 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBPROPSTATUSENUM21 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15690,19 +14942,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBPROPSTATUSENUM21 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBRANGEENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBRANGEENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBRANGEENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBRANGEENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBRANGEENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15712,19 +14953,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBRANGEENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBRANGEENUM20(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBRANGEENUM20 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBRANGEENUM20 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBRANGEENUM20 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBRANGEENUM20 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15734,19 +14964,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBRANGEENUM20 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBREASONENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBREASONENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBREASONENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBREASONENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBREASONENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15756,19 +14975,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBREASONENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBREASONENUM15(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBREASONENUM15 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBREASONENUM15 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBREASONENUM15 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBREASONENUM15 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15778,19 +14986,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBREASONENUM15 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBREASONENUM25(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBREASONENUM25 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBREASONENUM25 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBREASONENUM25 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBREASONENUM25 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15800,19 +14997,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBREASONENUM25 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBRESOURCEKINDENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBRESOURCEKINDENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBRESOURCEKINDENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBRESOURCEKINDENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBRESOURCEKINDENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15822,19 +15008,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBRESOURCEKINDENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBRESULTFLAGENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBRESULTFLAGENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBRESULTFLAGENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBRESULTFLAGENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBRESULTFLAGENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15844,19 +15019,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBRESULTFLAGENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBROWCHANGEKINDENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBROWCHANGEKINDENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBROWCHANGEKINDENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBROWCHANGEKINDENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBROWCHANGEKINDENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15866,19 +15030,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBROWCHANGEKINDENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBROWSTATUSENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBROWSTATUSENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBROWSTATUSENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBROWSTATUSENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBROWSTATUSENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15888,19 +15041,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBROWSTATUSENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBROWSTATUSENUM20(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBROWSTATUSENUM20 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBROWSTATUSENUM20 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBROWSTATUSENUM20 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBROWSTATUSENUM20 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15910,19 +15052,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBROWSTATUSENUM20 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBSEEKENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBSEEKENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBSEEKENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBSEEKENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBSEEKENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15932,19 +15063,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBSEEKENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBSORTENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBSORTENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBSORTENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBSORTENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBSORTENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15954,19 +15074,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBSORTENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBSOURCETYPEENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBSOURCETYPEENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBSOURCETYPEENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBSOURCETYPEENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBSOURCETYPEENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15976,19 +15085,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBSOURCETYPEENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBSOURCETYPEENUM20(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBSOURCETYPEENUM20 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBSOURCETYPEENUM20 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBSOURCETYPEENUM20 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBSOURCETYPEENUM20 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15998,19 +15096,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBSOURCETYPEENUM20 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBSOURCETYPEENUM25(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBSOURCETYPEENUM25 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBSOURCETYPEENUM25 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBSOURCETYPEENUM25 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBSOURCETYPEENUM25 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16020,19 +15107,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBSOURCETYPEENUM25 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBSTATUSENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBSTATUSENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBSTATUSENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBSTATUSENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBSTATUSENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16042,19 +15118,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBSTATUSENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBSTATUSENUM20(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBSTATUSENUM20 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBSTATUSENUM20 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBSTATUSENUM20 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBSTATUSENUM20 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16064,19 +15129,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBSTATUSENUM20 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBSTATUSENUM21(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBSTATUSENUM21 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBSTATUSENUM21 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBSTATUSENUM21 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBSTATUSENUM21 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16086,19 +15140,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBSTATUSENUM21 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBSTATUSENUM25(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBSTATUSENUM25 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBSTATUSENUM25 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBSTATUSENUM25 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBSTATUSENUM25 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16108,19 +15151,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBSTATUSENUM25 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBSTATUSENUM26(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBSTATUSENUM26 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBSTATUSENUM26 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBSTATUSENUM26 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBSTATUSENUM26 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16130,19 +15162,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBSTATUSENUM26 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBTABLESTATISTICSTYPE26(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBTABLESTATISTICSTYPE26 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBTABLESTATISTICSTYPE26 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBTABLESTATISTICSTYPE26 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBTABLESTATISTICSTYPE26 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16152,19 +15173,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBTABLESTATISTICSTYPE26 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBTYPEENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBTYPEENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBTYPEENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBTYPEENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBTYPEENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16174,19 +15184,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBTYPEENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBTYPEENUM15(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBTYPEENUM15 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBTYPEENUM15 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBTYPEENUM15 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBTYPEENUM15 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16196,19 +15195,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBTYPEENUM15 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBTYPEENUM20(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBTYPEENUM20 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBTYPEENUM20 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBTYPEENUM20 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBTYPEENUM20 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16218,19 +15206,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBTYPEENUM20 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBUPDELRULEENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBUPDELRULEENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBUPDELRULEENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBUPDELRULEENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBUPDELRULEENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16240,19 +15217,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBUPDELRULEENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBWATCHMODEENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBWATCHMODEENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBWATCHMODEENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBWATCHMODEENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBWATCHMODEENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16262,19 +15228,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBWATCHMODEENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DBWATCHNOTIFYENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DBWATCHNOTIFYENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DBWATCHNOTIFYENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DBWATCHNOTIFYENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DBWATCHNOTIFYENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16284,19 +15239,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DBWATCHNOTIFYENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DCINFOTYPEENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DCINFOTYPEENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DCINFOTYPEENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DCINFOTYPEENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DCINFOTYPEENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16306,19 +15250,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DCINFOTYPEENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DELIVERY_AGENT_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DELIVERY_AGENT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DELIVERY_AGENT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DELIVERY_AGENT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DELIVERY_AGENT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16328,19 +15261,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DELIVERY_AGENT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EBindInfoOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EBindInfoOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EBindInfoOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EBindInfoOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EBindInfoOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16350,19 +15272,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EBindInfoOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FOLLOW_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FOLLOW_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FOLLOW_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FOLLOW_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FOLLOW_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16372,19 +15283,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FOLLOW_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct INTERVAL_LIMIT_KIND(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for INTERVAL_LIMIT_KIND {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for INTERVAL_LIMIT_KIND { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for INTERVAL_LIMIT_KIND { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for INTERVAL_LIMIT_KIND { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16394,19 +15294,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for INTERVAL_LIMIT_KIND { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KAGREQDIAGFLAGSENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KAGREQDIAGFLAGSENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KAGREQDIAGFLAGSENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KAGREQDIAGFLAGSENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KAGREQDIAGFLAGSENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16416,19 +15305,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KAGREQDIAGFLAGSENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LOCKMODEENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LOCKMODEENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LOCKMODEENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LOCKMODEENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LOCKMODEENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16438,19 +15316,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for LOCKMODEENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MSDSDBINITPROPENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MSDSDBINITPROPENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MSDSDBINITPROPENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MSDSDBINITPROPENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MSDSDBINITPROPENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16460,19 +15327,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MSDSDBINITPROPENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MSDSSESSIONPROPENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MSDSSESSIONPROPENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MSDSSESSIONPROPENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MSDSSESSIONPROPENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MSDSSESSIONPROPENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16482,19 +15338,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MSDSSESSIONPROPENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NAMED_ENTITY_CERTAINTY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NAMED_ENTITY_CERTAINTY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NAMED_ENTITY_CERTAINTY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NAMED_ENTITY_CERTAINTY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NAMED_ENTITY_CERTAINTY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16504,19 +15349,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NAMED_ENTITY_CERTAINTY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OSPCOMP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OSPCOMP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OSPCOMP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OSPCOMP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OSPCOMP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16526,19 +15360,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OSPCOMP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OSPFIND(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OSPFIND {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OSPFIND { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OSPFIND { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OSPFIND { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16548,19 +15371,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OSPFIND { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OSPFORMAT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OSPFORMAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OSPFORMAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OSPFORMAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OSPFORMAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16570,19 +15382,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OSPFORMAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OSPRW(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OSPRW {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OSPRW { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OSPRW { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OSPRW { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16592,19 +15393,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OSPRW { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OSPXFER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OSPXFER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OSPXFER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OSPXFER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OSPXFER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16614,19 +15404,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OSPXFER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PRIORITIZE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PRIORITIZE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PRIORITIZE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PRIORITIZE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PRIORITIZE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16636,19 +15415,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PRIORITIZE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PRIORITY_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PRIORITY_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PRIORITY_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PRIORITY_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PRIORITY_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16658,19 +15426,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PRIORITY_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROXY_ACCESS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROXY_ACCESS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROXY_ACCESS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROXY_ACCESS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROXY_ACCESS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16680,19 +15437,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PROXY_ACCESS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct QUERY_PARSER_MANAGER_OPTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for QUERY_PARSER_MANAGER_OPTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for QUERY_PARSER_MANAGER_OPTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for QUERY_PARSER_MANAGER_OPTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for QUERY_PARSER_MANAGER_OPTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16702,19 +15448,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for QUERY_PARSER_MANAGER_OPTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ROWSETEVENT_ITEMSTATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ROWSETEVENT_ITEMSTATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ROWSETEVENT_ITEMSTATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ROWSETEVENT_ITEMSTATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ROWSETEVENT_ITEMSTATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16724,19 +15459,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ROWSETEVENT_ITEMSTATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ROWSETEVENT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ROWSETEVENT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ROWSETEVENT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ROWSETEVENT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ROWSETEVENT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16746,19 +15470,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ROWSETEVENT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SEARCH_INDEXING_PHASE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SEARCH_INDEXING_PHASE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SEARCH_INDEXING_PHASE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SEARCH_INDEXING_PHASE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SEARCH_INDEXING_PHASE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16768,19 +15481,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SEARCH_INDEXING_PHASE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SEARCH_KIND_OF_CHANGE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SEARCH_KIND_OF_CHANGE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SEARCH_KIND_OF_CHANGE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SEARCH_KIND_OF_CHANGE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SEARCH_KIND_OF_CHANGE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16790,19 +15492,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SEARCH_KIND_OF_CHANGE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SEARCH_NOTIFICATION_PRIORITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SEARCH_NOTIFICATION_PRIORITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SEARCH_NOTIFICATION_PRIORITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SEARCH_NOTIFICATION_PRIORITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SEARCH_NOTIFICATION_PRIORITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16812,19 +15503,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SEARCH_NOTIFICATION_PRIORITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SEARCH_QUERY_SYNTAX(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SEARCH_QUERY_SYNTAX {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SEARCH_QUERY_SYNTAX { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SEARCH_QUERY_SYNTAX { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SEARCH_QUERY_SYNTAX { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16834,19 +15514,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SEARCH_QUERY_SYNTAX { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SEARCH_TERM_EXPANSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SEARCH_TERM_EXPANSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SEARCH_TERM_EXPANSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SEARCH_TERM_EXPANSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SEARCH_TERM_EXPANSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16856,19 +15525,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SEARCH_TERM_EXPANSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SQLINTERVAL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SQLINTERVAL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SQLINTERVAL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SQLINTERVAL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SQLINTERVAL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16878,19 +15536,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SQLINTERVAL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SQLVARENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SQLVARENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SQLVARENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SQLVARENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SQLVARENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16900,19 +15547,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SQLVARENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STRUCTURED_QUERY_MULTIOPTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STRUCTURED_QUERY_MULTIOPTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STRUCTURED_QUERY_MULTIOPTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STRUCTURED_QUERY_MULTIOPTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STRUCTURED_QUERY_MULTIOPTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16922,19 +15558,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STRUCTURED_QUERY_MULTIOPTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STRUCTURED_QUERY_PARSE_ERROR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STRUCTURED_QUERY_PARSE_ERROR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STRUCTURED_QUERY_PARSE_ERROR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STRUCTURED_QUERY_PARSE_ERROR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STRUCTURED_QUERY_PARSE_ERROR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16944,19 +15569,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STRUCTURED_QUERY_PARSE_ERROR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STRUCTURED_QUERY_RESOLVE_OPTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STRUCTURED_QUERY_RESOLVE_OPTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STRUCTURED_QUERY_RESOLVE_OPTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STRUCTURED_QUERY_RESOLVE_OPTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STRUCTURED_QUERY_RESOLVE_OPTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16999,19 +15613,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for STRUCTURED_QUERY_RESOLVE_OPTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STRUCTURED_QUERY_SINGLE_OPTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STRUCTURED_QUERY_SINGLE_OPTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STRUCTURED_QUERY_SINGLE_OPTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STRUCTURED_QUERY_SINGLE_OPTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STRUCTURED_QUERY_SINGLE_OPTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17021,19 +15624,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STRUCTURED_QUERY_SINGLE_OPTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STRUCTURED_QUERY_SYNTAX(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STRUCTURED_QUERY_SYNTAX {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STRUCTURED_QUERY_SYNTAX { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STRUCTURED_QUERY_SYNTAX { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STRUCTURED_QUERY_SYNTAX { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17043,19 +15635,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STRUCTURED_QUERY_SYNTAX { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SUBSCRIPTIONINFOFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SUBSCRIPTIONINFOFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SUBSCRIPTIONINFOFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SUBSCRIPTIONINFOFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SUBSCRIPTIONINFOFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17065,19 +15646,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SUBSCRIPTIONINFOFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SUBSCRIPTIONSCHEDULE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SUBSCRIPTIONSCHEDULE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SUBSCRIPTIONSCHEDULE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SUBSCRIPTIONSCHEDULE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SUBSCRIPTIONSCHEDULE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17087,19 +15657,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SUBSCRIPTIONSCHEDULE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SUBSCRIPTIONTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SUBSCRIPTIONTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SUBSCRIPTIONTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SUBSCRIPTIONTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SUBSCRIPTIONTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -17109,19 +15668,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SUBSCRIPTIONTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WEBCRAWL_RECURSEFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WEBCRAWL_RECURSEFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WEBCRAWL_RECURSEFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WEBCRAWL_RECURSEFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WEBCRAWL_RECURSEFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/SecurityCenter/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/SecurityCenter/ index 04569db94d..dd7e5225d7 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/SecurityCenter/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/SecurityCenter/ @@ -359,19 +359,8 @@ pub const WSC_SECURITY_PROVIDER_NONE: WSC_SECURITY_PROVIDER = WSC_SECURITY_PROVI pub const WSC_SECURITY_PROVIDER_SERVICE: WSC_SECURITY_PROVIDER = WSC_SECURITY_PROVIDER(64i32); pub const WSC_SECURITY_PROVIDER_USER_ACCOUNT_CONTROL: WSC_SECURITY_PROVIDER = WSC_SECURITY_PROVIDER(32i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SECURITY_PRODUCT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SECURITY_PRODUCT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SECURITY_PRODUCT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SECURITY_PRODUCT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SECURITY_PRODUCT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -381,19 +370,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SECURITY_PRODUCT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WSC_SECURITY_PRODUCT_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WSC_SECURITY_PRODUCT_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WSC_SECURITY_PRODUCT_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WSC_SECURITY_PRODUCT_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WSC_SECURITY_PRODUCT_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -403,19 +381,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WSC_SECURITY_PRODUCT_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WSC_SECURITY_PRODUCT_SUBSTATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WSC_SECURITY_PRODUCT_SUBSTATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WSC_SECURITY_PRODUCT_SUBSTATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WSC_SECURITY_PRODUCT_SUBSTATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WSC_SECURITY_PRODUCT_SUBSTATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -425,19 +392,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WSC_SECURITY_PRODUCT_SUBSTATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WSC_SECURITY_PROVIDER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WSC_SECURITY_PROVIDER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WSC_SECURITY_PROVIDER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WSC_SECURITY_PROVIDER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WSC_SECURITY_PROVIDER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -447,19 +403,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WSC_SECURITY_PROVIDER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WSC_SECURITY_PROVIDER_HEALTH(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WSC_SECURITY_PROVIDER_HEALTH {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WSC_SECURITY_PROVIDER_HEALTH { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WSC_SECURITY_PROVIDER_HEALTH { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WSC_SECURITY_PROVIDER_HEALTH { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -469,19 +414,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WSC_SECURITY_PROVIDER_HEALTH { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WSC_SECURITY_SIGNATURE_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WSC_SECURITY_SIGNATURE_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WSC_SECURITY_SIGNATURE_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WSC_SECURITY_SIGNATURE_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WSC_SECURITY_SIGNATURE_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/ServerBackup/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/ServerBackup/ index 9494a14b2d..157b3687f7 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/ServerBackup/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/ServerBackup/ @@ -108,19 +108,8 @@ pub const WSB_OB_ET_STRING: WSB_OB_STATUS_ENTRY_PAIR_TYPE = WSB_OB_STATUS_ENTRY_ pub const WSB_OB_ET_TIME: WSB_OB_STATUS_ENTRY_PAIR_TYPE = WSB_OB_STATUS_ENTRY_PAIR_TYPE(4i32); pub const WSB_OB_ET_UNDEFINED: WSB_OB_STATUS_ENTRY_PAIR_TYPE = WSB_OB_STATUS_ENTRY_PAIR_TYPE(0i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WSB_OB_STATUS_ENTRY_PAIR_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WSB_OB_STATUS_ENTRY_PAIR_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WSB_OB_STATUS_ENTRY_PAIR_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WSB_OB_STATUS_ENTRY_PAIR_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WSB_OB_STATUS_ENTRY_PAIR_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Services/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Services/ index 134356c485..2cded8c5dd 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Services/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Services/ @@ -807,19 +807,8 @@ pub const ServiceSharedDirectoryPersistentState: SERVICE_SHARED_DIRECTORY_TYPE = pub const ServiceSharedRegistryPersistentState: SERVICE_SHARED_REGISTRY_STATE_TYPE = SERVICE_SHARED_REGISTRY_STATE_TYPE(0i32); pub const USER_POLICY_PRESENT_GUID: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0x54fb46c8_f089_464c_b1fd_59d1b62c3b50); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ENUM_SERVICE_STATE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ENUM_SERVICE_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ENUM_SERVICE_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ENUM_SERVICE_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ENUM_SERVICE_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -829,19 +818,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ENUM_SERVICE_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ENUM_SERVICE_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ENUM_SERVICE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ENUM_SERVICE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ENUM_SERVICE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ENUM_SERVICE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -884,19 +862,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for ENUM_SERVICE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SC_ACTION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SC_ACTION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SC_ACTION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SC_ACTION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SC_ACTION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -906,19 +873,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SC_ACTION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SC_ENUM_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SC_ENUM_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SC_ENUM_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SC_ENUM_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SC_ENUM_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -928,19 +884,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SC_ENUM_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SC_EVENT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SC_EVENT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SC_EVENT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SC_EVENT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SC_EVENT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -950,19 +895,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SC_EVENT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SC_STATUS_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SC_STATUS_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SC_STATUS_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SC_STATUS_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SC_STATUS_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -972,19 +906,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SC_STATUS_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SERVICE_CONFIG(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SERVICE_CONFIG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SERVICE_CONFIG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SERVICE_CONFIG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SERVICE_CONFIG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -994,19 +917,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SERVICE_CONFIG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SERVICE_DIRECTORY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SERVICE_DIRECTORY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SERVICE_DIRECTORY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SERVICE_DIRECTORY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SERVICE_DIRECTORY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1016,19 +928,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SERVICE_DIRECTORY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SERVICE_ERROR(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SERVICE_ERROR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SERVICE_ERROR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SERVICE_ERROR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SERVICE_ERROR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1038,19 +939,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SERVICE_ERROR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SERVICE_NOTIFY(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SERVICE_NOTIFY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SERVICE_NOTIFY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SERVICE_NOTIFY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SERVICE_NOTIFY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1093,19 +983,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SERVICE_NOTIFY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SERVICE_REGISTRY_STATE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SERVICE_REGISTRY_STATE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SERVICE_REGISTRY_STATE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SERVICE_REGISTRY_STATE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SERVICE_REGISTRY_STATE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1115,19 +994,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SERVICE_REGISTRY_STATE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SERVICE_RUNS_IN_PROCESS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SERVICE_RUNS_IN_PROCESS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SERVICE_RUNS_IN_PROCESS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SERVICE_RUNS_IN_PROCESS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SERVICE_RUNS_IN_PROCESS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1137,19 +1005,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SERVICE_RUNS_IN_PROCESS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SERVICE_SHARED_DIRECTORY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SERVICE_SHARED_DIRECTORY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SERVICE_SHARED_DIRECTORY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SERVICE_SHARED_DIRECTORY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SERVICE_SHARED_DIRECTORY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1159,19 +1016,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SERVICE_SHARED_DIRECTORY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SERVICE_SHARED_REGISTRY_STATE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SERVICE_SHARED_REGISTRY_STATE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SERVICE_SHARED_REGISTRY_STATE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SERVICE_SHARED_REGISTRY_STATE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SERVICE_SHARED_REGISTRY_STATE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1181,19 +1027,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SERVICE_SHARED_REGISTRY_STATE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SERVICE_START_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SERVICE_START_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SERVICE_START_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SERVICE_START_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SERVICE_START_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1203,19 +1038,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SERVICE_START_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SERVICE_STATUS_CURRENT_STATE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SERVICE_STATUS_CURRENT_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SERVICE_STATUS_CURRENT_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SERVICE_STATUS_CURRENT_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SERVICE_STATUS_CURRENT_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1225,19 +1049,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SERVICE_STATUS_CURRENT_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SERVICE_TRIGGER_ACTION(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SERVICE_TRIGGER_ACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SERVICE_TRIGGER_ACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SERVICE_TRIGGER_ACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SERVICE_TRIGGER_ACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1247,19 +1060,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SERVICE_TRIGGER_ACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SERVICE_TRIGGER_SPECIFIC_DATA_ITEM_DATA_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SERVICE_TRIGGER_SPECIFIC_DATA_ITEM_DATA_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SERVICE_TRIGGER_SPECIFIC_DATA_ITEM_DATA_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SERVICE_TRIGGER_SPECIFIC_DATA_ITEM_DATA_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SERVICE_TRIGGER_SPECIFIC_DATA_ITEM_DATA_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1269,19 +1071,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SERVICE_TRIGGER_SPECIFIC_DATA_ITEM_DATA_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SERVICE_TRIGGER_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SERVICE_TRIGGER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SERVICE_TRIGGER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SERVICE_TRIGGER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SERVICE_TRIGGER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/SettingsManagementInfrastructure/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/SettingsManagementInfrastructure/ index ccc28aa53a..b84df7faa9 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/SettingsManagementInfrastructure/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/SettingsManagementInfrastructure/ @@ -802,19 +802,8 @@ pub const settingTypeComplex: WcmSettingType = WcmSettingType(2i32); pub const settingTypeList: WcmSettingType = WcmSettingType(3i32); pub const settingTypeScalar: WcmSettingType = WcmSettingType(1i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WcmDataType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WcmDataType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WcmDataType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WcmDataType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WcmDataType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -824,19 +813,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WcmDataType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WcmNamespaceAccess(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WcmNamespaceAccess {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WcmNamespaceAccess { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WcmNamespaceAccess { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WcmNamespaceAccess { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -846,19 +824,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WcmNamespaceAccess { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WcmNamespaceEnumerationFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WcmNamespaceEnumerationFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WcmNamespaceEnumerationFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WcmNamespaceEnumerationFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WcmNamespaceEnumerationFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -868,19 +835,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WcmNamespaceEnumerationFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WcmRestrictionFacets(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WcmRestrictionFacets {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WcmRestrictionFacets { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WcmRestrictionFacets { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WcmRestrictionFacets { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -890,19 +846,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WcmRestrictionFacets { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WcmSettingType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WcmSettingType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WcmSettingType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WcmSettingType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WcmSettingType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -912,19 +857,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WcmSettingType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WcmTargetMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WcmTargetMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WcmTargetMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WcmTargetMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WcmTargetMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -934,19 +868,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WcmTargetMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WcmUserStatus(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WcmUserStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WcmUserStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WcmUserStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WcmUserStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Shutdown/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Shutdown/ index c43f234428..cccf546186 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Shutdown/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Shutdown/ @@ -214,19 +214,8 @@ pub const SNAPSHOT_POLICY_ALWAYS: u32 = 1u32; pub const SNAPSHOT_POLICY_NEVER: u32 = 0u32; pub const SNAPSHOT_POLICY_UNPLANNED: u32 = 2u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EXIT_WINDOWS_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EXIT_WINDOWS_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EXIT_WINDOWS_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EXIT_WINDOWS_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EXIT_WINDOWS_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -269,19 +258,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for EXIT_WINDOWS_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SHUTDOWN_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SHUTDOWN_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SHUTDOWN_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SHUTDOWN_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SHUTDOWN_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -324,19 +302,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SHUTDOWN_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SHUTDOWN_REASON(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SHUTDOWN_REASON {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SHUTDOWN_REASON { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SHUTDOWN_REASON { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SHUTDOWN_REASON { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/SideShow/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/SideShow/ index 36ccc17679..b8f40af6c0 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/SideShow/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/SideShow/ @@ -512,19 +512,8 @@ pub const SideShowPropVariantCollection: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core:: pub const SideShowSession: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0xe20543b9_f785_4ea2_981e_c4ffa76bbc7c); pub const VERSION_1_WINDOWS_7: u32 = 0u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SCF_BUTTON_IDS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SCF_BUTTON_IDS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SCF_BUTTON_IDS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SCF_BUTTON_IDS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SCF_BUTTON_IDS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -534,19 +523,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SCF_BUTTON_IDS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SCF_EVENT_IDS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SCF_EVENT_IDS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SCF_EVENT_IDS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SCF_EVENT_IDS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SCF_EVENT_IDS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -556,19 +534,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SCF_EVENT_IDS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SIDESHOW_COLOR_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SIDESHOW_COLOR_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SIDESHOW_COLOR_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SIDESHOW_COLOR_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SIDESHOW_COLOR_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -578,19 +545,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SIDESHOW_COLOR_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SIDESHOW_SCREEN_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SIDESHOW_SCREEN_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SIDESHOW_SCREEN_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SIDESHOW_SCREEN_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SIDESHOW_SCREEN_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/StationsAndDesktops/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/StationsAndDesktops/ index b19aceead8..d8274cc0f2 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/StationsAndDesktops/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/StationsAndDesktops/ @@ -318,19 +318,8 @@ pub const UOI_NAME: USER_OBJECT_INFORMATION_INDEX = USER_OBJECT_INFORMATION_INDE pub const UOI_TYPE: USER_OBJECT_INFORMATION_INDEX = USER_OBJECT_INFORMATION_INDEX(3i32); pub const UOI_USER_SID: USER_OBJECT_INFORMATION_INDEX = USER_OBJECT_INFORMATION_INDEX(4i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BROADCAST_SYSTEM_MESSAGE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BROADCAST_SYSTEM_MESSAGE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BROADCAST_SYSTEM_MESSAGE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BROADCAST_SYSTEM_MESSAGE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BROADCAST_SYSTEM_MESSAGE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -373,19 +362,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for BROADCAST_SYSTEM_MESSAGE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BROADCAST_SYSTEM_MESSAGE_INFO(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BROADCAST_SYSTEM_MESSAGE_INFO {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BROADCAST_SYSTEM_MESSAGE_INFO { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BROADCAST_SYSTEM_MESSAGE_INFO { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BROADCAST_SYSTEM_MESSAGE_INFO { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -428,19 +406,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for BROADCAST_SYSTEM_MESSAGE_INFO { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DESKTOP_ACCESS_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DESKTOP_ACCESS_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DESKTOP_ACCESS_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DESKTOP_ACCESS_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DESKTOP_ACCESS_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -450,19 +417,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DESKTOP_ACCESS_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DESKTOP_CONTROL_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DESKTOP_CONTROL_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DESKTOP_CONTROL_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DESKTOP_CONTROL_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DESKTOP_CONTROL_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -472,19 +428,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DESKTOP_CONTROL_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct USER_OBJECT_INFORMATION_INDEX(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for USER_OBJECT_INFORMATION_INDEX {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for USER_OBJECT_INFORMATION_INDEX { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for USER_OBJECT_INFORMATION_INDEX { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for USER_OBJECT_INFORMATION_INDEX { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/SubsystemForLinux/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/SubsystemForLinux/ index ffbd99f99c..6dc2bfed6b 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/SubsystemForLinux/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/SubsystemForLinux/ @@ -69,19 +69,8 @@ pub const WSL_DISTRIBUTION_FLAGS_ENABLE_DRIVE_MOUNTING: WSL_DISTRIBUTION_FLAGS = pub const WSL_DISTRIBUTION_FLAGS_ENABLE_INTEROP: WSL_DISTRIBUTION_FLAGS = WSL_DISTRIBUTION_FLAGS(1i32); pub const WSL_DISTRIBUTION_FLAGS_NONE: WSL_DISTRIBUTION_FLAGS = WSL_DISTRIBUTION_FLAGS(0i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WSL_DISTRIBUTION_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WSL_DISTRIBUTION_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WSL_DISTRIBUTION_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WSL_DISTRIBUTION_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WSL_DISTRIBUTION_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/SystemInformation/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/SystemInformation/ index 799e01183d..6127d53890 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/SystemInformation/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/SystemInformation/ @@ -739,19 +739,8 @@ pub const _WIN32_WINNT_WINXP: u32 = 1281u32; pub const _WIN32_WINNT_WS03: u32 = 1282u32; pub const _WIN32_WINNT_WS08: u32 = 1536u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COMPUTER_NAME_FORMAT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COMPUTER_NAME_FORMAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COMPUTER_NAME_FORMAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COMPUTER_NAME_FORMAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COMPUTER_NAME_FORMAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -761,19 +750,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COMPUTER_NAME_FORMAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CPU_SET_INFORMATION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CPU_SET_INFORMATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CPU_SET_INFORMATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CPU_SET_INFORMATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CPU_SET_INFORMATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -783,19 +761,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CPU_SET_INFORMATION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEP_SYSTEM_POLICY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEP_SYSTEM_POLICY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEP_SYSTEM_POLICY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEP_SYSTEM_POLICY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEP_SYSTEM_POLICY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -805,19 +772,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEP_SYSTEM_POLICY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEVICEFAMILYDEVICEFORM(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEVICEFAMILYDEVICEFORM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEVICEFAMILYDEVICEFORM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEVICEFAMILYDEVICEFORM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEVICEFAMILYDEVICEFORM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -827,19 +783,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEVICEFAMILYDEVICEFORM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEVICEFAMILYINFOENUM(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEVICEFAMILYINFOENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEVICEFAMILYINFOENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEVICEFAMILYINFOENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEVICEFAMILYINFOENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -849,19 +794,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEVICEFAMILYINFOENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FIRMWARE_TABLE_PROVIDER(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FIRMWARE_TABLE_PROVIDER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FIRMWARE_TABLE_PROVIDER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FIRMWARE_TABLE_PROVIDER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FIRMWARE_TABLE_PROVIDER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -871,19 +805,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FIRMWARE_TABLE_PROVIDER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FIRMWARE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FIRMWARE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FIRMWARE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FIRMWARE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FIRMWARE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -893,19 +816,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FIRMWARE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE(pub u16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -915,19 +827,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_RELATIONSHIP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_RELATIONSHIP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_RELATIONSHIP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_RELATIONSHIP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_RELATIONSHIP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -937,19 +838,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for LOGICAL_PROCESSOR_RELATIONSHIP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OS_DEPLOYEMENT_STATE_VALUES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OS_DEPLOYEMENT_STATE_VALUES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OS_DEPLOYEMENT_STATE_VALUES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OS_DEPLOYEMENT_STATE_VALUES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OS_DEPLOYEMENT_STATE_VALUES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -959,19 +849,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OS_DEPLOYEMENT_STATE_VALUES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OS_PRODUCT_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OS_PRODUCT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OS_PRODUCT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OS_PRODUCT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OS_PRODUCT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -981,19 +860,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OS_PRODUCT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE(pub u16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1003,19 +871,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROCESSOR_CACHE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROCESSOR_CACHE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROCESSOR_CACHE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROCESSOR_CACHE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROCESSOR_CACHE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1025,19 +882,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PROCESSOR_CACHE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RTL_SYSTEM_GLOBAL_DATA_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RTL_SYSTEM_GLOBAL_DATA_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RTL_SYSTEM_GLOBAL_DATA_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RTL_SYSTEM_GLOBAL_DATA_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RTL_SYSTEM_GLOBAL_DATA_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1047,19 +893,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RTL_SYSTEM_GLOBAL_DATA_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct USER_CET_ENVIRONMENT(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for USER_CET_ENVIRONMENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for USER_CET_ENVIRONMENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for USER_CET_ENVIRONMENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for USER_CET_ENVIRONMENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1069,19 +904,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for USER_CET_ENVIRONMENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VER_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VER_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VER_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VER_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VER_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/SystemServices/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/SystemServices/ index 7b36b76e14..43a1d60686 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/SystemServices/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/SystemServices/ @@ -2626,19 +2626,8 @@ pub const _MM_HINT_T0: u32 = 1u32; pub const _MM_HINT_T1: u32 = 2u32; pub const _MM_HINT_T2: u32 = 3u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ACCESS_REASON_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ACCESS_REASON_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ACCESS_REASON_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ACCESS_REASON_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ACCESS_REASON_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2648,19 +2637,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ACCESS_REASON_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_INFO_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_INFO_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_INFO_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_INFO_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_INFO_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2670,19 +2648,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ACTIVATION_CONTEXT_INFO_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ALERT_SYSTEM_SEV(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ALERT_SYSTEM_SEV {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ALERT_SYSTEM_SEV { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ALERT_SYSTEM_SEV { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ALERT_SYSTEM_SEV { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2692,19 +2659,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ALERT_SYSTEM_SEV { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct APPCOMMAND_ID(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for APPCOMMAND_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for APPCOMMAND_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for APPCOMMAND_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for APPCOMMAND_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2714,19 +2670,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for APPCOMMAND_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ARM64_FNPDATA_CR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ARM64_FNPDATA_CR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ARM64_FNPDATA_CR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ARM64_FNPDATA_CR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ARM64_FNPDATA_CR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2736,19 +2681,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ARM64_FNPDATA_CR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ARM64_FNPDATA_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ARM64_FNPDATA_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ARM64_FNPDATA_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ARM64_FNPDATA_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ARM64_FNPDATA_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2758,19 +2692,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ARM64_FNPDATA_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ATF_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ATF_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ATF_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ATF_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ATF_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2813,19 +2736,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for ATF_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CFE_UNDERLINE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CFE_UNDERLINE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CFE_UNDERLINE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CFE_UNDERLINE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CFE_UNDERLINE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2868,19 +2780,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CFE_UNDERLINE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ENLISTMENT_INFORMATION_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ENLISTMENT_INFORMATION_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ENLISTMENT_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ENLISTMENT_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ENLISTMENT_INFORMATION_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2890,19 +2791,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ENLISTMENT_INFORMATION_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GESTURECONFIG_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GESTURECONFIG_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GESTURECONFIG_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GESTURECONFIG_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GESTURECONFIG_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2945,19 +2835,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for GESTURECONFIG_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HIBERFILE_BUCKET_SIZE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HIBERFILE_BUCKET_SIZE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HIBERFILE_BUCKET_SIZE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HIBERFILE_BUCKET_SIZE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HIBERFILE_BUCKET_SIZE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2967,19 +2846,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HIBERFILE_BUCKET_SIZE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IGP_ID(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IGP_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IGP_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IGP_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IGP_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2989,19 +2857,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IGP_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3011,19 +2868,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IMAGE_AUX_SYMBOL_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMAGE_POLICY_ENTRY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMAGE_POLICY_ENTRY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMAGE_POLICY_ENTRY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMAGE_POLICY_ENTRY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMAGE_POLICY_ENTRY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3033,19 +2879,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IMAGE_POLICY_ENTRY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMAGE_POLICY_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMAGE_POLICY_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMAGE_POLICY_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMAGE_POLICY_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMAGE_POLICY_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3055,19 +2890,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IMAGE_POLICY_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMPORT_OBJECT_NAME_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMPORT_OBJECT_NAME_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMPORT_OBJECT_NAME_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMPORT_OBJECT_NAME_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMPORT_OBJECT_NAME_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3077,19 +2901,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IMPORT_OBJECT_NAME_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMPORT_OBJECT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMPORT_OBJECT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMPORT_OBJECT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMPORT_OBJECT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMPORT_OBJECT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3099,19 +2912,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IMPORT_OBJECT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KTMOBJECT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KTMOBJECT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KTMOBJECT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KTMOBJECT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KTMOBJECT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3121,19 +2923,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KTMOBJECT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MODIFIERKEYS_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MODIFIERKEYS_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MODIFIERKEYS_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MODIFIERKEYS_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MODIFIERKEYS_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3176,19 +2967,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for MODIFIERKEYS_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MONITOR_DISPLAY_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MONITOR_DISPLAY_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MONITOR_DISPLAY_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MONITOR_DISPLAY_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MONITOR_DISPLAY_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3198,19 +2978,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MONITOR_DISPLAY_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RECO_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RECO_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RECO_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RECO_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RECO_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3253,19 +3022,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for RECO_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RESOURCEMANAGER_INFORMATION_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RESOURCEMANAGER_INFORMATION_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RESOURCEMANAGER_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RESOURCEMANAGER_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RESOURCEMANAGER_INFORMATION_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3275,19 +3033,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RESOURCEMANAGER_INFORMATION_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RTL_UMS_SCHEDULER_REASON(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RTL_UMS_SCHEDULER_REASON {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RTL_UMS_SCHEDULER_REASON { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RTL_UMS_SCHEDULER_REASON { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RTL_UMS_SCHEDULER_REASON { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3297,19 +3044,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RTL_UMS_SCHEDULER_REASON { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ReplacesCorHdrNumericDefines(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ReplacesCorHdrNumericDefines {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ReplacesCorHdrNumericDefines { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ReplacesCorHdrNumericDefines { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ReplacesCorHdrNumericDefines { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3319,19 +3055,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ReplacesCorHdrNumericDefines { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SERVERSILO_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SERVERSILO_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SERVERSILO_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SERVERSILO_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SERVERSILO_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3341,19 +3066,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SERVERSILO_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SERVICE_ERROR_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SERVICE_ERROR_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SERVICE_ERROR_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SERVICE_ERROR_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SERVICE_ERROR_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3363,19 +3077,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SERVICE_ERROR_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SERVICE_LOAD_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SERVICE_LOAD_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SERVICE_LOAD_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SERVICE_LOAD_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SERVICE_LOAD_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3385,19 +3088,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SERVICE_LOAD_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SERVICE_NODE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SERVICE_NODE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SERVICE_NODE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SERVICE_NODE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SERVICE_NODE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3407,19 +3099,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SERVICE_NODE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SE_IMAGE_SIGNATURE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SE_IMAGE_SIGNATURE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SE_IMAGE_SIGNATURE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SE_IMAGE_SIGNATURE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SE_IMAGE_SIGNATURE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3429,19 +3110,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SE_IMAGE_SIGNATURE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SFGAO_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SFGAO_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SFGAO_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SFGAO_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SFGAO_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3484,19 +3154,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SFGAO_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STATIC_STYLES(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STATIC_STYLES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STATIC_STYLES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STATIC_STYLES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STATIC_STYLES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3506,19 +3165,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STATIC_STYLES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SharedVirtualDiskHandleState(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SharedVirtualDiskHandleState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SharedVirtualDiskHandleState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SharedVirtualDiskHandleState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SharedVirtualDiskHandleState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3528,19 +3176,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SharedVirtualDiskHandleState { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SharedVirtualDiskSupportType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SharedVirtualDiskSupportType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SharedVirtualDiskSupportType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SharedVirtualDiskSupportType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SharedVirtualDiskSupportType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3550,19 +3187,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SharedVirtualDiskSupportType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TAPE_DRIVE_PROBLEM_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TAPE_DRIVE_PROBLEM_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TAPE_DRIVE_PROBLEM_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TAPE_DRIVE_PROBLEM_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TAPE_DRIVE_PROBLEM_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3572,19 +3198,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TAPE_DRIVE_PROBLEM_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TAPE_GET_DRIVE_PARAMETERS_FEATURES_HIGH(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TAPE_GET_DRIVE_PARAMETERS_FEATURES_HIGH {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TAPE_GET_DRIVE_PARAMETERS_FEATURES_HIGH { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TAPE_GET_DRIVE_PARAMETERS_FEATURES_HIGH { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TAPE_GET_DRIVE_PARAMETERS_FEATURES_HIGH { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3627,19 +3242,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for TAPE_GET_DRIVE_PARAMETERS_FEATURES_HIGH { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TRANSACTIONMANAGER_INFORMATION_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TRANSACTIONMANAGER_INFORMATION_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TRANSACTIONMANAGER_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TRANSACTIONMANAGER_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TRANSACTIONMANAGER_INFORMATION_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3649,19 +3253,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TRANSACTIONMANAGER_INFORMATION_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TRANSACTION_INFORMATION_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TRANSACTION_INFORMATION_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TRANSACTION_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TRANSACTION_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TRANSACTION_INFORMATION_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3671,19 +3264,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TRANSACTION_INFORMATION_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TRANSACTION_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TRANSACTION_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TRANSACTION_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TRANSACTION_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TRANSACTION_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3693,19 +3275,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TRANSACTION_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WORD_WHEEL_OPEN_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WORD_WHEEL_OPEN_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WORD_WHEEL_OPEN_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WORD_WHEEL_OPEN_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WORD_WHEEL_OPEN_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/TaskScheduler/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/TaskScheduler/ index 8860f64dbb..586b8bf40b 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/TaskScheduler/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/TaskScheduler/ @@ -4555,19 +4555,8 @@ pub const TaskHandlerPS: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128( pub const TaskHandlerStatusPS: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0x9f15266d_d7ba_48f0_93c1_e6895f6fe5ac); pub const TaskScheduler: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0x0f87369f_a4e5_4cfc_bd3e_73e6154572dd); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TASKPAGE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TASKPAGE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TASKPAGE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TASKPAGE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TASKPAGE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4577,19 +4566,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TASKPAGE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TASK_ACTION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TASK_ACTION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TASK_ACTION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TASK_ACTION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TASK_ACTION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4599,19 +4577,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TASK_ACTION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TASK_COMPATIBILITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TASK_COMPATIBILITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TASK_COMPATIBILITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TASK_COMPATIBILITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TASK_COMPATIBILITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4621,19 +4588,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TASK_COMPATIBILITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TASK_CREATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TASK_CREATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TASK_CREATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TASK_CREATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TASK_CREATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4643,19 +4599,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TASK_CREATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TASK_ENUM_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TASK_ENUM_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TASK_ENUM_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TASK_ENUM_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TASK_ENUM_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4665,19 +4610,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TASK_ENUM_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TASK_INSTANCES_POLICY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TASK_INSTANCES_POLICY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TASK_INSTANCES_POLICY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TASK_INSTANCES_POLICY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TASK_INSTANCES_POLICY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4687,19 +4621,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TASK_INSTANCES_POLICY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TASK_LOGON_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TASK_LOGON_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TASK_LOGON_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TASK_LOGON_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TASK_LOGON_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4709,19 +4632,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TASK_LOGON_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TASK_PROCESSTOKENSID_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TASK_PROCESSTOKENSID_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TASK_PROCESSTOKENSID_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TASK_PROCESSTOKENSID_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TASK_PROCESSTOKENSID_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4731,19 +4643,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TASK_PROCESSTOKENSID_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TASK_RUNLEVEL_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TASK_RUNLEVEL_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TASK_RUNLEVEL_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TASK_RUNLEVEL_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TASK_RUNLEVEL_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4753,19 +4654,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TASK_RUNLEVEL_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TASK_RUN_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TASK_RUN_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TASK_RUN_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TASK_RUN_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TASK_RUN_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4775,19 +4665,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TASK_RUN_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TASK_SESSION_STATE_CHANGE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TASK_SESSION_STATE_CHANGE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TASK_SESSION_STATE_CHANGE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TASK_SESSION_STATE_CHANGE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TASK_SESSION_STATE_CHANGE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4797,19 +4676,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TASK_SESSION_STATE_CHANGE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TASK_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TASK_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TASK_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TASK_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TASK_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4819,19 +4687,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TASK_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TASK_TRIGGER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TASK_TRIGGER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TASK_TRIGGER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TASK_TRIGGER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TASK_TRIGGER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4841,19 +4698,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TASK_TRIGGER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TASK_TRIGGER_TYPE2(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TASK_TRIGGER_TYPE2 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TASK_TRIGGER_TYPE2 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TASK_TRIGGER_TYPE2 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TASK_TRIGGER_TYPE2 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Threading/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Threading/ index fb21cd54da..de77d6921c 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Threading/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Threading/ @@ -2958,19 +2958,8 @@ pub const WT_EXECUTEONLYONCE: WORKER_THREAD_FLAGS = WORKER_THREAD_FLAGS(8u32); pub const WT_TRANSFER_IMPERSONATION: WORKER_THREAD_FLAGS = WORKER_THREAD_FLAGS(256u32); pub const Wow64Container: MACHINE_ATTRIBUTES = MACHINE_ATTRIBUTES(4i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AVRT_PRIORITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AVRT_PRIORITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AVRT_PRIORITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AVRT_PRIORITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AVRT_PRIORITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2980,19 +2969,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AVRT_PRIORITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CREATE_EVENT(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CREATE_EVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CREATE_EVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CREATE_EVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CREATE_EVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3035,19 +3013,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CREATE_EVENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CREATE_PROCESS_LOGON_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CREATE_PROCESS_LOGON_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CREATE_PROCESS_LOGON_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CREATE_PROCESS_LOGON_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CREATE_PROCESS_LOGON_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3057,19 +3024,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CREATE_PROCESS_LOGON_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GET_GUI_RESOURCES_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GET_GUI_RESOURCES_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GET_GUI_RESOURCES_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GET_GUI_RESOURCES_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GET_GUI_RESOURCES_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3079,19 +3035,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GET_GUI_RESOURCES_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MACHINE_ATTRIBUTES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MACHINE_ATTRIBUTES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MACHINE_ATTRIBUTES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MACHINE_ATTRIBUTES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MACHINE_ATTRIBUTES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3134,19 +3079,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for MACHINE_ATTRIBUTES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MEMORY_PRIORITY(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MEMORY_PRIORITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MEMORY_PRIORITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MEMORY_PRIORITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MEMORY_PRIORITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3156,19 +3090,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MEMORY_PRIORITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct POWER_REQUEST_CONTEXT_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for POWER_REQUEST_CONTEXT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for POWER_REQUEST_CONTEXT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for POWER_REQUEST_CONTEXT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for POWER_REQUEST_CONTEXT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3178,19 +3101,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for POWER_REQUEST_CONTEXT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROCESSOR_FEATURE_ID(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROCESSOR_FEATURE_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROCESSOR_FEATURE_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROCESSOR_FEATURE_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROCESSOR_FEATURE_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3200,19 +3112,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PROCESSOR_FEATURE_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROCESS_ACCESS_RIGHTS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROCESS_ACCESS_RIGHTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROCESS_ACCESS_RIGHTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROCESS_ACCESS_RIGHTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROCESS_ACCESS_RIGHTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3255,19 +3156,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for PROCESS_ACCESS_RIGHTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROCESS_AFFINITY_AUTO_UPDATE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROCESS_AFFINITY_AUTO_UPDATE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROCESS_AFFINITY_AUTO_UPDATE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROCESS_AFFINITY_AUTO_UPDATE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROCESS_AFFINITY_AUTO_UPDATE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3277,19 +3167,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PROCESS_AFFINITY_AUTO_UPDATE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROCESS_CREATION_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROCESS_CREATION_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROCESS_CREATION_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROCESS_CREATION_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROCESS_CREATION_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3332,19 +3211,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for PROCESS_CREATION_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROCESS_DEP_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROCESS_DEP_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROCESS_DEP_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROCESS_DEP_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROCESS_DEP_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3387,19 +3255,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for PROCESS_DEP_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROCESS_INFORMATION_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROCESS_INFORMATION_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROCESS_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROCESS_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROCESS_INFORMATION_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3409,19 +3266,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PROCESS_INFORMATION_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROCESS_MEMORY_EXHAUSTION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROCESS_MEMORY_EXHAUSTION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROCESS_MEMORY_EXHAUSTION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROCESS_MEMORY_EXHAUSTION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROCESS_MEMORY_EXHAUSTION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3431,19 +3277,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PROCESS_MEMORY_EXHAUSTION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROCESS_MITIGATION_POLICY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROCESS_MITIGATION_POLICY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROCESS_MITIGATION_POLICY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROCESS_MITIGATION_POLICY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROCESS_MITIGATION_POLICY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3453,19 +3288,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PROCESS_MITIGATION_POLICY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROCESS_NAME_FORMAT(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROCESS_NAME_FORMAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROCESS_NAME_FORMAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROCESS_NAME_FORMAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROCESS_NAME_FORMAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3475,19 +3299,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PROCESS_NAME_FORMAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROCESS_PROTECTION_LEVEL(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROCESS_PROTECTION_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROCESS_PROTECTION_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROCESS_PROTECTION_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROCESS_PROTECTION_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3497,19 +3310,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PROCESS_PROTECTION_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_NUM(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_NUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_NUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_NUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_NUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3519,19 +3321,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_NUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct QUEUE_USER_APC_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for QUEUE_USER_APC_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for QUEUE_USER_APC_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for QUEUE_USER_APC_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for QUEUE_USER_APC_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3541,19 +3332,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for QUEUE_USER_APC_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RTWQ_WORKQUEUE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RTWQ_WORKQUEUE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RTWQ_WORKQUEUE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RTWQ_WORKQUEUE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RTWQ_WORKQUEUE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3563,19 +3343,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RTWQ_WORKQUEUE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STARTUPINFOW_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STARTUPINFOW_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STARTUPINFOW_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STARTUPINFOW_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STARTUPINFOW_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3618,19 +3387,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for STARTUPINFOW_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYNCHRONIZATION_ACCESS_RIGHTS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYNCHRONIZATION_ACCESS_RIGHTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYNCHRONIZATION_ACCESS_RIGHTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYNCHRONIZATION_ACCESS_RIGHTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYNCHRONIZATION_ACCESS_RIGHTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3673,19 +3431,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SYNCHRONIZATION_ACCESS_RIGHTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct THREAD_ACCESS_RIGHTS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for THREAD_ACCESS_RIGHTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for THREAD_ACCESS_RIGHTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for THREAD_ACCESS_RIGHTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for THREAD_ACCESS_RIGHTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3728,19 +3475,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for THREAD_ACCESS_RIGHTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct THREAD_CREATION_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for THREAD_CREATION_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for THREAD_CREATION_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for THREAD_CREATION_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for THREAD_CREATION_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3783,19 +3519,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for THREAD_CREATION_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct THREAD_INFORMATION_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for THREAD_INFORMATION_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for THREAD_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for THREAD_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for THREAD_INFORMATION_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3805,19 +3530,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for THREAD_INFORMATION_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct THREAD_PRIORITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for THREAD_PRIORITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for THREAD_PRIORITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for THREAD_PRIORITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for THREAD_PRIORITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3827,19 +3541,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for THREAD_PRIORITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TP_CALLBACK_PRIORITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TP_CALLBACK_PRIORITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TP_CALLBACK_PRIORITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TP_CALLBACK_PRIORITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TP_CALLBACK_PRIORITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3849,19 +3552,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TP_CALLBACK_PRIORITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UMS_THREAD_INFO_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UMS_THREAD_INFO_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UMS_THREAD_INFO_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UMS_THREAD_INFO_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UMS_THREAD_INFO_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3871,19 +3563,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UMS_THREAD_INFO_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WORKER_THREAD_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WORKER_THREAD_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WORKER_THREAD_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WORKER_THREAD_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WORKER_THREAD_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/TpmBaseServices/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/TpmBaseServices/ index f4b55f39c6..8cd89babd7 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/TpmBaseServices/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/TpmBaseServices/ @@ -106,19 +106,8 @@ pub const TPM_WNF_INFO_CLEAR_SUCCESSFUL: u32 = 1u32; pub const TPM_WNF_INFO_NO_REBOOT_REQUIRED: u32 = 1u32; pub const TPM_WNF_INFO_OWNERSHIP_SUCCESSFUL: u32 = 2u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TBS_COMMAND_LOCALITY(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TBS_COMMAND_LOCALITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TBS_COMMAND_LOCALITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TBS_COMMAND_LOCALITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TBS_COMMAND_LOCALITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -128,19 +117,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TBS_COMMAND_LOCALITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TBS_COMMAND_PRIORITY(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TBS_COMMAND_PRIORITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TBS_COMMAND_PRIORITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TBS_COMMAND_PRIORITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TBS_COMMAND_PRIORITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/TransactionServer/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/TransactionServer/ index c49fe19960..33684b2490 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/TransactionServer/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/TransactionServer/ @@ -298,19 +298,8 @@ pub const mtsErrUserPasswdNotValid: MTSAdminErrorCodes = MTSAdminErrorCodes(-214 pub const mtsExportUsers: MTSPackageExportOptions = MTSPackageExportOptions(1i32); pub const mtsInstallUsers: MTSPackageInstallOptions = MTSPackageInstallOptions(1i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MTSAdminErrorCodes(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MTSAdminErrorCodes {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MTSAdminErrorCodes { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MTSAdminErrorCodes { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MTSAdminErrorCodes { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -320,19 +309,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MTSAdminErrorCodes { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MTSPackageExportOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MTSPackageExportOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MTSPackageExportOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MTSPackageExportOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MTSPackageExportOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -342,19 +320,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MTSPackageExportOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MTSPackageInstallOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MTSPackageInstallOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MTSPackageInstallOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MTSPackageInstallOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MTSPackageInstallOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/UpdateAgent/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/UpdateAgent/ index f23112ee62..bb8f803361 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/UpdateAgent/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/UpdateAgent/ @@ -7977,19 +7977,8 @@ pub const usrsRegistrationPending: UpdateServiceRegistrationState = UpdateServic pub const utDriver: UpdateType = UpdateType(2i32); pub const utSoftware: UpdateType = UpdateType(1i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AddServiceFlag(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AddServiceFlag {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AddServiceFlag { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AddServiceFlag { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AddServiceFlag { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7999,19 +7988,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AddServiceFlag { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AutoDownloadMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AutoDownloadMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AutoDownloadMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AutoDownloadMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AutoDownloadMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8021,19 +7999,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AutoDownloadMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AutoSelectionMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AutoSelectionMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AutoSelectionMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AutoSelectionMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AutoSelectionMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8043,19 +8010,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AutoSelectionMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AutomaticUpdatesNotificationLevel(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AutomaticUpdatesNotificationLevel {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AutomaticUpdatesNotificationLevel { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AutomaticUpdatesNotificationLevel { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AutomaticUpdatesNotificationLevel { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8065,19 +8021,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AutomaticUpdatesNotificationLevel { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AutomaticUpdatesPermissionType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AutomaticUpdatesPermissionType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AutomaticUpdatesPermissionType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AutomaticUpdatesPermissionType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AutomaticUpdatesPermissionType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8087,19 +8032,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AutomaticUpdatesPermissionType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AutomaticUpdatesScheduledInstallationDay(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AutomaticUpdatesScheduledInstallationDay {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AutomaticUpdatesScheduledInstallationDay { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AutomaticUpdatesScheduledInstallationDay { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AutomaticUpdatesScheduledInstallationDay { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8109,19 +8043,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AutomaticUpdatesScheduledInstallationDay { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AutomaticUpdatesUserType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AutomaticUpdatesUserType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AutomaticUpdatesUserType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AutomaticUpdatesUserType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AutomaticUpdatesUserType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8131,19 +8054,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AutomaticUpdatesUserType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DeploymentAction(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DeploymentAction {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DeploymentAction { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DeploymentAction { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DeploymentAction { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8153,19 +8065,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DeploymentAction { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DownloadPhase(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DownloadPhase {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DownloadPhase { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DownloadPhase { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DownloadPhase { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8175,19 +8076,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DownloadPhase { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DownloadPriority(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DownloadPriority {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DownloadPriority { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DownloadPriority { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DownloadPriority { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8197,19 +8087,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DownloadPriority { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InstallationImpact(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InstallationImpact {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InstallationImpact { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InstallationImpact { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InstallationImpact { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8219,19 +8098,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for InstallationImpact { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InstallationRebootBehavior(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InstallationRebootBehavior {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InstallationRebootBehavior { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InstallationRebootBehavior { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InstallationRebootBehavior { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8241,19 +8109,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for InstallationRebootBehavior { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OperationResultCode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OperationResultCode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OperationResultCode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OperationResultCode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OperationResultCode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8263,19 +8120,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OperationResultCode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SearchScope(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SearchScope {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SearchScope { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SearchScope { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SearchScope { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8285,19 +8131,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SearchScope { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ServerSelection(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ServerSelection {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ServerSelection { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ServerSelection { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ServerSelection { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8307,19 +8142,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ServerSelection { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UpdateExceptionContext(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UpdateExceptionContext {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UpdateExceptionContext { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UpdateExceptionContext { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UpdateExceptionContext { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8329,19 +8153,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UpdateExceptionContext { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UpdateLockdownOption(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UpdateLockdownOption {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UpdateLockdownOption { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UpdateLockdownOption { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UpdateLockdownOption { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8351,19 +8164,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UpdateLockdownOption { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UpdateOperation(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UpdateOperation {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UpdateOperation { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UpdateOperation { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UpdateOperation { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8373,19 +8175,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UpdateOperation { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UpdateServiceOption(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UpdateServiceOption {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UpdateServiceOption { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UpdateServiceOption { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UpdateServiceOption { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8395,19 +8186,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UpdateServiceOption { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UpdateServiceRegistrationState(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UpdateServiceRegistrationState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UpdateServiceRegistrationState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UpdateServiceRegistrationState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UpdateServiceRegistrationState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8417,19 +8197,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UpdateServiceRegistrationState { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UpdateType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UpdateType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UpdateType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UpdateType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UpdateType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/UpdateAssessment/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/UpdateAssessment/ index 92fd5e4734..7406168c8a 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/UpdateAssessment/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/UpdateAssessment/ @@ -38,19 +38,8 @@ pub const UpdateImpactLevel_Medium: UpdateImpactLevel = UpdateImpactLevel(2i32); pub const UpdateImpactLevel_None: UpdateImpactLevel = UpdateImpactLevel(0i32); pub const WaaSAssessor: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0x098ef871_fa9f_46af_8958_c083515d7c9c); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UpdateAssessmentStatus(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UpdateAssessmentStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UpdateAssessmentStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UpdateAssessmentStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UpdateAssessmentStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -60,19 +49,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UpdateAssessmentStatus { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UpdateImpactLevel(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UpdateImpactLevel {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UpdateImpactLevel { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UpdateImpactLevel { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UpdateImpactLevel { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Variant/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Variant/ index 2f0249c193..304001b484 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Variant/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Variant/ @@ -707,19 +707,8 @@ pub const VT_VECTOR: VARENUM = VARENUM(4096u16); pub const VT_VERSIONED_STREAM: VARENUM = VARENUM(73u16); pub const VT_VOID: VARENUM = VARENUM(24u16); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DRAWPROGRESSFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DRAWPROGRESSFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DRAWPROGRESSFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DRAWPROGRESSFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DRAWPROGRESSFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -762,19 +751,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DRAWPROGRESSFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PSTIME_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PSTIME_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PSTIME_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PSTIME_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PSTIME_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -817,19 +795,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for PSTIME_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VARENUM(pub u16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VARENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VARENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VARENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VARENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -839,19 +806,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VARENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VAR_CHANGE_FLAGS(pub u16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VAR_CHANGE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VAR_CHANGE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VAR_CHANGE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VAR_CHANGE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/WinRT/Graphics/Direct2D/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/WinRT/Graphics/Direct2D/ index 4b8862897c..bbf309ba0d 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/WinRT/Graphics/Direct2D/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/WinRT/Graphics/Direct2D/ @@ -109,19 +109,8 @@ pub const GRAPHICS_EFFECT_PROPERTY_MAPPING_VECTORX: GRAPHICS_EFFECT_PROPERTY_MAP pub const GRAPHICS_EFFECT_PROPERTY_MAPPING_VECTORY: GRAPHICS_EFFECT_PROPERTY_MAPPING = GRAPHICS_EFFECT_PROPERTY_MAPPING(3i32); pub const GRAPHICS_EFFECT_PROPERTY_MAPPING_VECTORZ: GRAPHICS_EFFECT_PROPERTY_MAPPING = GRAPHICS_EFFECT_PROPERTY_MAPPING(4i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GRAPHICS_EFFECT_PROPERTY_MAPPING(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GRAPHICS_EFFECT_PROPERTY_MAPPING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GRAPHICS_EFFECT_PROPERTY_MAPPING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GRAPHICS_EFFECT_PROPERTY_MAPPING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GRAPHICS_EFFECT_PROPERTY_MAPPING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/WinRT/Metadata/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/WinRT/Metadata/ index e59e2f5945..e2f4294080 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/WinRT/Metadata/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/WinRT/Metadata/ @@ -2810,19 +2810,8 @@ pub const tdUnicodeClass: CorTypeAttr = CorTypeAttr(65536i32); pub const tdVisibilityMask: CorTypeAttr = CorTypeAttr(7i32); pub const tdWindowsRuntime: CorTypeAttr = CorTypeAttr(16384i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COINITICOR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COINITICOR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COINITICOR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COINITICOR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COINITICOR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2832,19 +2821,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COINITICOR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COINITIEE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COINITIEE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COINITIEE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COINITIEE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COINITIEE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2854,19 +2832,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COINITIEE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COUNINITIEE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COUNINITIEE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COUNINITIEE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COUNINITIEE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COUNINITIEE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2876,19 +2843,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COUNINITIEE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CeeSectionAttr(pub i64); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CeeSectionAttr {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CeeSectionAttr { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CeeSectionAttr { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CeeSectionAttr { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2898,19 +2854,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CeeSectionAttr { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CeeSectionRelocType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CeeSectionRelocType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CeeSectionRelocType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CeeSectionRelocType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CeeSectionRelocType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2920,19 +2865,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CeeSectionRelocType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CompilationRelaxationsEnum(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CompilationRelaxationsEnum {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CompilationRelaxationsEnum { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CompilationRelaxationsEnum { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CompilationRelaxationsEnum { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2942,19 +2876,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CompilationRelaxationsEnum { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CorArgType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CorArgType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CorArgType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CorArgType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CorArgType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2964,19 +2887,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CorArgType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CorAssemblyFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CorAssemblyFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CorAssemblyFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CorAssemblyFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CorAssemblyFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2986,19 +2898,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CorAssemblyFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CorAttributeTargets(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CorAttributeTargets {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CorAttributeTargets { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CorAttributeTargets { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CorAttributeTargets { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3008,19 +2909,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CorAttributeTargets { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CorCallingConvention(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CorCallingConvention {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CorCallingConvention { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CorCallingConvention { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CorCallingConvention { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3030,19 +2920,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CorCallingConvention { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CorCheckDuplicatesFor(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CorCheckDuplicatesFor {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CorCheckDuplicatesFor { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CorCheckDuplicatesFor { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CorCheckDuplicatesFor { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3052,19 +2931,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CorCheckDuplicatesFor { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CorDeclSecurity(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CorDeclSecurity {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CorDeclSecurity { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CorDeclSecurity { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CorDeclSecurity { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3074,19 +2942,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CorDeclSecurity { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CorElementType(pub u8); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CorElementType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CorElementType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CorElementType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CorElementType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3096,19 +2953,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CorElementType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CorErrorIfEmitOutOfOrder(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CorErrorIfEmitOutOfOrder {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CorErrorIfEmitOutOfOrder { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CorErrorIfEmitOutOfOrder { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CorErrorIfEmitOutOfOrder { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3118,19 +2964,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CorErrorIfEmitOutOfOrder { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CorEventAttr(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CorEventAttr {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CorEventAttr { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CorEventAttr { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CorEventAttr { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3140,19 +2975,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CorEventAttr { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CorExceptionFlag(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CorExceptionFlag {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CorExceptionFlag { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CorExceptionFlag { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CorExceptionFlag { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3162,19 +2986,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CorExceptionFlag { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CorFieldAttr(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CorFieldAttr {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CorFieldAttr { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CorFieldAttr { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CorFieldAttr { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3184,19 +2997,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CorFieldAttr { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CorFileFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CorFileFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CorFileFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CorFileFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CorFileFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3206,19 +3008,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CorFileFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CorFileMapping(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CorFileMapping {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CorFileMapping { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CorFileMapping { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CorFileMapping { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3228,19 +3019,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CorFileMapping { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CorGenericParamAttr(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CorGenericParamAttr {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CorGenericParamAttr { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CorGenericParamAttr { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CorGenericParamAttr { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3250,19 +3030,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CorGenericParamAttr { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CorILMethodFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CorILMethodFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CorILMethodFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CorILMethodFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CorILMethodFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3272,19 +3041,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CorILMethodFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CorILMethodSect(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CorILMethodSect {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CorILMethodSect { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CorILMethodSect { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CorILMethodSect { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3294,19 +3052,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CorILMethodSect { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CorImportOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CorImportOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CorImportOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CorImportOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CorImportOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3316,19 +3063,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CorImportOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CorLinkerOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CorLinkerOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CorLinkerOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CorLinkerOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CorLinkerOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3338,19 +3074,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CorLinkerOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CorLocalRefPreservation(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CorLocalRefPreservation {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CorLocalRefPreservation { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CorLocalRefPreservation { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CorLocalRefPreservation { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3360,19 +3085,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CorLocalRefPreservation { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CorManifestResourceFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CorManifestResourceFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CorManifestResourceFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CorManifestResourceFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CorManifestResourceFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3382,19 +3096,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CorManifestResourceFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CorMethodAttr(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CorMethodAttr {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CorMethodAttr { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CorMethodAttr { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CorMethodAttr { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3404,19 +3107,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CorMethodAttr { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CorMethodImpl(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CorMethodImpl {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CorMethodImpl { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CorMethodImpl { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CorMethodImpl { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3426,19 +3118,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CorMethodImpl { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CorMethodSemanticsAttr(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CorMethodSemanticsAttr {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CorMethodSemanticsAttr { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CorMethodSemanticsAttr { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CorMethodSemanticsAttr { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3448,19 +3129,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CorMethodSemanticsAttr { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CorNativeLinkFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CorNativeLinkFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CorNativeLinkFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CorNativeLinkFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CorNativeLinkFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3470,19 +3140,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CorNativeLinkFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CorNativeLinkType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CorNativeLinkType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CorNativeLinkType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CorNativeLinkType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CorNativeLinkType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3492,19 +3151,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CorNativeLinkType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CorNativeType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CorNativeType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CorNativeType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CorNativeType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CorNativeType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3514,19 +3162,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CorNativeType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CorNotificationForTokenMovement(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CorNotificationForTokenMovement {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CorNotificationForTokenMovement { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CorNotificationForTokenMovement { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CorNotificationForTokenMovement { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3536,19 +3173,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CorNotificationForTokenMovement { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CorOpenFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CorOpenFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CorOpenFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CorOpenFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CorOpenFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3558,19 +3184,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CorOpenFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CorPEKind(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CorPEKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CorPEKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CorPEKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CorPEKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3580,19 +3195,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CorPEKind { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CorParamAttr(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CorParamAttr {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CorParamAttr { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CorParamAttr { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CorParamAttr { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3602,19 +3206,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CorParamAttr { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CorPinvokeMap(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CorPinvokeMap {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CorPinvokeMap { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CorPinvokeMap { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CorPinvokeMap { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3624,19 +3217,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CorPinvokeMap { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CorPropertyAttr(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CorPropertyAttr {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CorPropertyAttr { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CorPropertyAttr { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CorPropertyAttr { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3646,19 +3228,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CorPropertyAttr { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CorRefToDefCheck(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CorRefToDefCheck {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CorRefToDefCheck { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CorRefToDefCheck { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CorRefToDefCheck { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3668,19 +3239,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CorRefToDefCheck { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CorRegFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CorRegFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CorRegFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CorRegFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CorRegFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3690,19 +3250,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CorRegFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CorSaveSize(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CorSaveSize {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CorSaveSize { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CorSaveSize { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CorSaveSize { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3712,19 +3261,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CorSaveSize { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CorSerializationType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CorSerializationType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CorSerializationType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CorSerializationType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CorSerializationType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3734,19 +3272,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CorSerializationType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CorSetENC(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CorSetENC {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CorSetENC { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CorSetENC { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CorSetENC { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3756,19 +3283,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CorSetENC { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CorThreadSafetyOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CorThreadSafetyOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CorThreadSafetyOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CorThreadSafetyOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CorThreadSafetyOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3778,19 +3294,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CorThreadSafetyOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CorTokenType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CorTokenType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CorTokenType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CorTokenType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CorTokenType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3800,19 +3305,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CorTokenType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CorTypeAttr(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CorTypeAttr {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CorTypeAttr { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CorTypeAttr { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CorTypeAttr { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3822,19 +3316,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CorTypeAttr { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CorUnmanagedCallingConvention(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CorUnmanagedCallingConvention {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CorUnmanagedCallingConvention { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CorUnmanagedCallingConvention { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CorUnmanagedCallingConvention { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3844,19 +3327,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CorUnmanagedCallingConvention { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CorValidatorModuleType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CorValidatorModuleType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CorValidatorModuleType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CorValidatorModuleType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CorValidatorModuleType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3866,19 +3338,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CorValidatorModuleType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LoadHintEnum(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LoadHintEnum {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LoadHintEnum { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LoadHintEnum { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LoadHintEnum { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3888,19 +3349,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for LoadHintEnum { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MergeFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MergeFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MergeFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MergeFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MergeFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3910,19 +3360,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MergeFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NGenHintEnum(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NGenHintEnum {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NGenHintEnum { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NGenHintEnum { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NGenHintEnum { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3932,19 +3371,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NGenHintEnum { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NativeTypeArrayFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NativeTypeArrayFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NativeTypeArrayFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NativeTypeArrayFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NativeTypeArrayFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3954,19 +3382,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NativeTypeArrayFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ReplacesGeneralNumericDefines(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ReplacesGeneralNumericDefines {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ReplacesGeneralNumericDefines { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ReplacesGeneralNumericDefines { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ReplacesGeneralNumericDefines { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/WinRT/Shell/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/WinRT/Shell/ index 0d5b0132b3..a78aca6c34 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/WinRT/Shell/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/WinRT/Shell/ @@ -38,19 +38,8 @@ pub const CpAicLaunchAdminProcess: CreateProcessMethod = CreateProcessMethod(2i3 pub const CpCreateProcess: CreateProcessMethod = CreateProcessMethod(0i32); pub const CpCreateProcessAsUser: CreateProcessMethod = CreateProcessMethod(1i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CreateProcessMethod(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CreateProcessMethod {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CreateProcessMethod { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CreateProcessMethod { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CreateProcessMethod { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/WinRT/Storage/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/WinRT/Storage/ index 4c529bd0dd..9c8a47ca22 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/WinRT/Storage/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/WinRT/Storage/ @@ -165,19 +165,8 @@ pub const HSO_SHARE_NONE: HANDLE_SHARING_OPTIONS = HANDLE_SHARING_OPTIONS(0i32); pub const HSO_SHARE_READ: HANDLE_SHARING_OPTIONS = HANDLE_SHARING_OPTIONS(1i32); pub const HSO_SHARE_WRITE: HANDLE_SHARING_OPTIONS = HANDLE_SHARING_OPTIONS(2i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HANDLE_ACCESS_OPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HANDLE_ACCESS_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HANDLE_ACCESS_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HANDLE_ACCESS_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HANDLE_ACCESS_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -220,19 +209,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for HANDLE_ACCESS_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HANDLE_CREATION_OPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HANDLE_CREATION_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HANDLE_CREATION_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HANDLE_CREATION_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HANDLE_CREATION_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -242,19 +220,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HANDLE_CREATION_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HANDLE_OPTIONS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HANDLE_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HANDLE_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HANDLE_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HANDLE_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -297,19 +264,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for HANDLE_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HANDLE_SHARING_OPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HANDLE_SHARING_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HANDLE_SHARING_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HANDLE_SHARING_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HANDLE_SHARING_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/WinRT/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/WinRT/ index 76509f481f..4672826aeb 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/WinRT/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/WinRT/ @@ -1563,19 +1563,8 @@ pub const RO_ERROR_REPORTING_USESETERRORINFO: RO_ERROR_REPORTING_FLAGS = RO_ERRO pub const RO_INIT_MULTITHREADED: RO_INIT_TYPE = RO_INIT_TYPE(1i32); pub const RO_INIT_SINGLETHREADED: RO_INIT_TYPE = RO_INIT_TYPE(0i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ACTIVATIONTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ACTIVATIONTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ACTIVATIONTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ACTIVATIONTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ACTIVATIONTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1585,19 +1574,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ACTIVATIONTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AgileReferenceOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AgileReferenceOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AgileReferenceOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AgileReferenceOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AgileReferenceOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1607,19 +1585,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AgileReferenceOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BSOS_OPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BSOS_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BSOS_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BSOS_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BSOS_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1629,19 +1596,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BSOS_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CASTING_CONNECTION_ERROR_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CASTING_CONNECTION_ERROR_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CASTING_CONNECTION_ERROR_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CASTING_CONNECTION_ERROR_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CASTING_CONNECTION_ERROR_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1651,19 +1607,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CASTING_CONNECTION_ERROR_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CASTING_CONNECTION_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CASTING_CONNECTION_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CASTING_CONNECTION_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CASTING_CONNECTION_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CASTING_CONNECTION_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1673,19 +1618,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CASTING_CONNECTION_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPATCHERQUEUE_THREAD_APARTMENTTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPATCHERQUEUE_THREAD_APARTMENTTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPATCHERQUEUE_THREAD_APARTMENTTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPATCHERQUEUE_THREAD_APARTMENTTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPATCHERQUEUE_THREAD_APARTMENTTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1695,19 +1629,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPATCHERQUEUE_THREAD_APARTMENTTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPATCHERQUEUE_THREAD_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPATCHERQUEUE_THREAD_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPATCHERQUEUE_THREAD_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPATCHERQUEUE_THREAD_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPATCHERQUEUE_THREAD_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1717,19 +1640,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPATCHERQUEUE_THREAD_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RO_ERROR_REPORTING_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RO_ERROR_REPORTING_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RO_ERROR_REPORTING_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RO_ERROR_REPORTING_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RO_ERROR_REPORTING_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1772,19 +1684,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for RO_ERROR_REPORTING_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RO_INIT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RO_INIT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RO_INIT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RO_INIT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RO_INIT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1794,19 +1695,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RO_INIT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TrustLevel(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TrustLevel {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TrustLevel { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TrustLevel { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TrustLevel { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/WindowsProgramming/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/WindowsProgramming/ index c7ad22d2a5..a14ac77306 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/WindowsProgramming/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/WindowsProgramming/ @@ -2710,24 +2710,13 @@ pub const WM_INTERIM: u32 = 268u32; pub const WM_WNT_CONVERTREQUESTEX: u32 = 265u32; pub const WinStationInformation: WINSTATIONINFOCLASS = WINSTATIONINFOCLASS(8i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CameraUIControlCaptureMode(pub i32); impl CameraUIControlCaptureMode { pub const PhotoOrVideo: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Photo: Self = Self(1i32); pub const Video: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CameraUIControlCaptureMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CameraUIControlCaptureMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CameraUIControlCaptureMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CameraUIControlCaptureMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2737,23 +2726,12 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CameraUIControlCaptureMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CameraUIControlLinearSelectionMode(pub i32); impl CameraUIControlLinearSelectionMode { pub const Single: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Multiple: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CameraUIControlLinearSelectionMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CameraUIControlLinearSelectionMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CameraUIControlLinearSelectionMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CameraUIControlLinearSelectionMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2763,23 +2741,12 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CameraUIControlLinearSelectionMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CameraUIControlMode(pub i32); impl CameraUIControlMode { pub const Browse: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Linear: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CameraUIControlMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CameraUIControlMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CameraUIControlMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CameraUIControlMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2789,24 +2756,13 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CameraUIControlMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CameraUIControlPhotoFormat(pub i32); impl CameraUIControlPhotoFormat { pub const Jpeg: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Png: Self = Self(1i32); pub const JpegXR: Self = Self(2i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CameraUIControlPhotoFormat {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CameraUIControlPhotoFormat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CameraUIControlPhotoFormat { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CameraUIControlPhotoFormat { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2816,23 +2772,12 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CameraUIControlPhotoFormat { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CameraUIControlVideoFormat(pub i32); impl CameraUIControlVideoFormat { pub const Mp4: Self = Self(0i32); pub const Wmv: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CameraUIControlVideoFormat {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CameraUIControlVideoFormat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CameraUIControlVideoFormat { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CameraUIControlVideoFormat { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2842,23 +2787,12 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CameraUIControlVideoFormat { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CameraUIControlViewType(pub i32); impl CameraUIControlViewType { pub const SingleItem: Self = Self(0i32); pub const ItemList: Self = Self(1i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CameraUIControlViewType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CameraUIControlViewType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CameraUIControlViewType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CameraUIControlViewType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2868,19 +2802,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CameraUIControlViewType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DECISION_LOCATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DECISION_LOCATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DECISION_LOCATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DECISION_LOCATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DECISION_LOCATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2890,19 +2813,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DECISION_LOCATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FEATURE_CHANGE_TIME(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FEATURE_CHANGE_TIME {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FEATURE_CHANGE_TIME { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FEATURE_CHANGE_TIME { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FEATURE_CHANGE_TIME { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2912,19 +2824,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FEATURE_CHANGE_TIME { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FEATURE_ENABLED_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FEATURE_ENABLED_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FEATURE_ENABLED_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FEATURE_ENABLED_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FEATURE_ENABLED_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2934,19 +2835,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FEATURE_ENABLED_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FILE_INFORMATION_CLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FILE_INFORMATION_CLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FILE_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FILE_INFORMATION_CLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FILE_INFORMATION_CLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2956,19 +2846,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FILE_INFORMATION_CLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TDIENTITY_ENTITY_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TDIENTITY_ENTITY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TDIENTITY_ENTITY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TDIENTITY_ENTITY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TDIENTITY_ENTITY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2978,19 +2857,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TDIENTITY_ENTITY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TDI_TL_IO_CONTROL_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TDI_TL_IO_CONTROL_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TDI_TL_IO_CONTROL_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TDI_TL_IO_CONTROL_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TDI_TL_IO_CONTROL_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3000,19 +2868,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TDI_TL_IO_CONTROL_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VALUENAME(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VALUENAME {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VALUENAME { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VALUENAME { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VALUENAME { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3022,19 +2879,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VALUENAME { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WINSTATIONINFOCLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WINSTATIONINFOCLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WINSTATIONINFOCLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WINSTATIONINFOCLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WINSTATIONINFOCLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3044,19 +2890,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WINSTATIONINFOCLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WLDP_EXECUTION_EVALUATION_OPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WLDP_EXECUTION_EVALUATION_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WLDP_EXECUTION_EVALUATION_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WLDP_EXECUTION_EVALUATION_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WLDP_EXECUTION_EVALUATION_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3099,19 +2934,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for WLDP_EXECUTION_EVALUATION_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WLDP_EXECUTION_POLICY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WLDP_EXECUTION_POLICY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WLDP_EXECUTION_POLICY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WLDP_EXECUTION_POLICY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WLDP_EXECUTION_POLICY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3121,19 +2945,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WLDP_EXECUTION_POLICY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WLDP_HOST(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WLDP_HOST {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WLDP_HOST { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WLDP_HOST { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WLDP_HOST { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3143,19 +2956,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WLDP_HOST { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WLDP_HOST_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WLDP_HOST_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WLDP_HOST_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WLDP_HOST_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WLDP_HOST_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3165,19 +2967,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WLDP_HOST_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WLDP_KEY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WLDP_KEY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WLDP_KEY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WLDP_KEY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WLDP_KEY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3187,19 +2978,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WLDP_KEY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WLDP_POLICY_SETTING(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WLDP_POLICY_SETTING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WLDP_POLICY_SETTING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WLDP_POLICY_SETTING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WLDP_POLICY_SETTING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3209,19 +2989,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WLDP_POLICY_SETTING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WLDP_WINDOWS_LOCKDOWN_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WLDP_WINDOWS_LOCKDOWN_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WLDP_WINDOWS_LOCKDOWN_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WLDP_WINDOWS_LOCKDOWN_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WLDP_WINDOWS_LOCKDOWN_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3231,19 +3000,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WLDP_WINDOWS_LOCKDOWN_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WLDP_WINDOWS_LOCKDOWN_RESTRICTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WLDP_WINDOWS_LOCKDOWN_RESTRICTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WLDP_WINDOWS_LOCKDOWN_RESTRICTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WLDP_WINDOWS_LOCKDOWN_RESTRICTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WLDP_WINDOWS_LOCKDOWN_RESTRICTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/WindowsSync/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/WindowsSync/ index 7d15a45cac..0850b6d13b 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/WindowsSync/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/WindowsSync/ @@ -3712,19 +3712,8 @@ pub const SYNC_VERSION_FLAG_FROM_FEED: u32 = 1u32; pub const SYNC_VERSION_FLAG_HAS_BY: u32 = 2u32; pub const SyncProviderRegistration: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0xf82b4ef1_93a9_4dde_8015_f7950a1a6e31); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CONFLICT_RESOLUTION_POLICY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CONFLICT_RESOLUTION_POLICY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CONFLICT_RESOLUTION_POLICY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CONFLICT_RESOLUTION_POLICY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CONFLICT_RESOLUTION_POLICY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3734,19 +3723,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CONFLICT_RESOLUTION_POLICY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CONSTRAINT_CONFLICT_REASON(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CONSTRAINT_CONFLICT_REASON {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CONSTRAINT_CONFLICT_REASON { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CONSTRAINT_CONFLICT_REASON { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CONSTRAINT_CONFLICT_REASON { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3756,19 +3734,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CONSTRAINT_CONFLICT_REASON { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FILTERING_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FILTERING_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FILTERING_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FILTERING_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FILTERING_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3778,19 +3745,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FILTERING_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FILTER_COMBINATION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FILTER_COMBINATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FILTER_COMBINATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FILTER_COMBINATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FILTER_COMBINATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3800,19 +3756,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FILTER_COMBINATION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KNOWLEDGE_COOKIE_COMPARISON_RESULT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KNOWLEDGE_COOKIE_COMPARISON_RESULT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KNOWLEDGE_COOKIE_COMPARISON_RESULT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KNOWLEDGE_COOKIE_COMPARISON_RESULT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KNOWLEDGE_COOKIE_COMPARISON_RESULT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3822,19 +3767,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KNOWLEDGE_COOKIE_COMPARISON_RESULT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYNC_CONSTRAINT_RESOLVE_ACTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYNC_CONSTRAINT_RESOLVE_ACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYNC_CONSTRAINT_RESOLVE_ACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYNC_CONSTRAINT_RESOLVE_ACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYNC_CONSTRAINT_RESOLVE_ACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3844,19 +3778,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYNC_CONSTRAINT_RESOLVE_ACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYNC_FULL_ENUMERATION_ACTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYNC_FULL_ENUMERATION_ACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYNC_FULL_ENUMERATION_ACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYNC_FULL_ENUMERATION_ACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYNC_FULL_ENUMERATION_ACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3866,19 +3789,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYNC_FULL_ENUMERATION_ACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYNC_PROGRESS_STAGE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYNC_PROGRESS_STAGE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYNC_PROGRESS_STAGE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYNC_PROGRESS_STAGE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYNC_PROGRESS_STAGE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3888,19 +3800,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYNC_PROGRESS_STAGE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYNC_PROVIDER_ROLE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYNC_PROVIDER_ROLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYNC_PROVIDER_ROLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYNC_PROVIDER_ROLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYNC_PROVIDER_ROLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3910,19 +3811,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYNC_PROVIDER_ROLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYNC_REGISTRATION_EVENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYNC_REGISTRATION_EVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYNC_REGISTRATION_EVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYNC_REGISTRATION_EVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYNC_REGISTRATION_EVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3932,19 +3822,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYNC_REGISTRATION_EVENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYNC_RESOLVE_ACTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYNC_RESOLVE_ACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYNC_RESOLVE_ACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYNC_RESOLVE_ACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYNC_RESOLVE_ACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3954,19 +3833,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYNC_RESOLVE_ACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYNC_SERIALIZATION_VERSION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYNC_SERIALIZATION_VERSION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYNC_SERIALIZATION_VERSION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYNC_SERIALIZATION_VERSION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYNC_SERIALIZATION_VERSION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3976,19 +3844,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYNC_SERIALIZATION_VERSION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYNC_STATISTICS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYNC_STATISTICS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYNC_STATISTICS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYNC_STATISTICS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYNC_STATISTICS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Wmi/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Wmi/ index 8efaf4d031..bc290bd152 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Wmi/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/System/Wmi/ @@ -6341,19 +6341,8 @@ pub const wbemQueryFlagShallow: WbemQueryFlagEnum = WbemQueryFlagEnum(1i32); pub const wbemTextFlagNoFlavors: WbemTextFlagEnum = WbemTextFlagEnum(1i32); pub const wbemTimeoutInfinite: WbemTimeout = WbemTimeout(-1i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CIMTYPE_ENUMERATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CIMTYPE_ENUMERATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CIMTYPE_ENUMERATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CIMTYPE_ENUMERATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CIMTYPE_ENUMERATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6363,19 +6352,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CIMTYPE_ENUMERATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MI_CallbackMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MI_CallbackMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MI_CallbackMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MI_CallbackMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MI_CallbackMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6385,19 +6363,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MI_CallbackMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MI_CancellationReason(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MI_CancellationReason {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MI_CancellationReason { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MI_CancellationReason { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MI_CancellationReason { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6407,19 +6374,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MI_CancellationReason { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MI_DestinationOptions_ImpersonationType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MI_DestinationOptions_ImpersonationType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MI_DestinationOptions_ImpersonationType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MI_DestinationOptions_ImpersonationType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MI_DestinationOptions_ImpersonationType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6429,19 +6385,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MI_DestinationOptions_ImpersonationType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MI_ErrorCategory(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MI_ErrorCategory {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MI_ErrorCategory { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MI_ErrorCategory { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MI_ErrorCategory { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6451,19 +6396,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MI_ErrorCategory { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MI_LocaleType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MI_LocaleType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MI_LocaleType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MI_LocaleType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MI_LocaleType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6473,19 +6407,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MI_LocaleType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MI_OperationCallback_ResponseType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MI_OperationCallback_ResponseType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MI_OperationCallback_ResponseType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MI_OperationCallback_ResponseType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MI_OperationCallback_ResponseType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6495,19 +6418,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MI_OperationCallback_ResponseType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MI_PromptType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MI_PromptType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MI_PromptType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MI_PromptType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MI_PromptType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6517,19 +6429,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MI_PromptType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MI_ProviderArchitecture(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MI_ProviderArchitecture {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MI_ProviderArchitecture { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MI_ProviderArchitecture { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MI_ProviderArchitecture { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6539,19 +6440,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MI_ProviderArchitecture { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MI_Result(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MI_Result {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MI_Result { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MI_Result { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MI_Result { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6561,19 +6451,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MI_Result { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MI_SubscriptionDeliveryType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MI_SubscriptionDeliveryType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MI_SubscriptionDeliveryType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MI_SubscriptionDeliveryType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MI_SubscriptionDeliveryType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6583,19 +6462,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MI_SubscriptionDeliveryType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MI_Type(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MI_Type {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MI_Type { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MI_Type { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MI_Type { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6605,19 +6473,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MI_Type { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WBEMSTATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WBEMSTATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WBEMSTATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WBEMSTATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WBEMSTATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6627,19 +6484,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WBEMSTATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WBEMSTATUS_FORMAT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WBEMSTATUS_FORMAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WBEMSTATUS_FORMAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WBEMSTATUS_FORMAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WBEMSTATUS_FORMAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6649,19 +6495,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WBEMSTATUS_FORMAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WBEM_BACKUP_RESTORE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WBEM_BACKUP_RESTORE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WBEM_BACKUP_RESTORE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WBEM_BACKUP_RESTORE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WBEM_BACKUP_RESTORE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6671,19 +6506,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WBEM_BACKUP_RESTORE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WBEM_BATCH_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WBEM_BATCH_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WBEM_BATCH_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WBEM_BATCH_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WBEM_BATCH_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6693,19 +6517,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WBEM_BATCH_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WBEM_CHANGE_FLAG_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WBEM_CHANGE_FLAG_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WBEM_CHANGE_FLAG_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WBEM_CHANGE_FLAG_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WBEM_CHANGE_FLAG_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6715,19 +6528,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WBEM_CHANGE_FLAG_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WBEM_COMPARISON_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WBEM_COMPARISON_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WBEM_COMPARISON_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WBEM_COMPARISON_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WBEM_COMPARISON_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6737,19 +6539,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WBEM_COMPARISON_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WBEM_COMPILER_OPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WBEM_COMPILER_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WBEM_COMPILER_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WBEM_COMPILER_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WBEM_COMPILER_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6759,19 +6550,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WBEM_COMPILER_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WBEM_CONDITION_FLAG_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WBEM_CONDITION_FLAG_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WBEM_CONDITION_FLAG_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WBEM_CONDITION_FLAG_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WBEM_CONDITION_FLAG_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6781,19 +6561,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WBEM_CONDITION_FLAG_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WBEM_CONNECT_OPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WBEM_CONNECT_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WBEM_CONNECT_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WBEM_CONNECT_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WBEM_CONNECT_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6803,19 +6572,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WBEM_CONNECT_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WBEM_EXTRA_RETURN_CODES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WBEM_EXTRA_RETURN_CODES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WBEM_EXTRA_RETURN_CODES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WBEM_EXTRA_RETURN_CODES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WBEM_EXTRA_RETURN_CODES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6825,19 +6583,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WBEM_EXTRA_RETURN_CODES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WBEM_FLAVOR_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WBEM_FLAVOR_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WBEM_FLAVOR_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WBEM_FLAVOR_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WBEM_FLAVOR_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6847,19 +6594,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WBEM_FLAVOR_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WBEM_GENERIC_FLAG_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WBEM_GENERIC_FLAG_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WBEM_GENERIC_FLAG_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WBEM_GENERIC_FLAG_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WBEM_GENERIC_FLAG_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6902,19 +6638,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for WBEM_GENERIC_FLAG_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WBEM_GENUS_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WBEM_GENUS_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WBEM_GENUS_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WBEM_GENUS_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WBEM_GENUS_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6924,19 +6649,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WBEM_GENUS_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WBEM_GET_KEY_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WBEM_GET_KEY_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WBEM_GET_KEY_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WBEM_GET_KEY_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WBEM_GET_KEY_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6946,19 +6660,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WBEM_GET_KEY_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WBEM_GET_TEXT_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WBEM_GET_TEXT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WBEM_GET_TEXT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WBEM_GET_TEXT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WBEM_GET_TEXT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6968,19 +6671,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WBEM_GET_TEXT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WBEM_INFORMATION_FLAG_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WBEM_INFORMATION_FLAG_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WBEM_INFORMATION_FLAG_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WBEM_INFORMATION_FLAG_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WBEM_INFORMATION_FLAG_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6990,19 +6682,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WBEM_INFORMATION_FLAG_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WBEM_LIMITATION_FLAG_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WBEM_LIMITATION_FLAG_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WBEM_LIMITATION_FLAG_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WBEM_LIMITATION_FLAG_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WBEM_LIMITATION_FLAG_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7012,19 +6693,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WBEM_LIMITATION_FLAG_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WBEM_LIMITS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WBEM_LIMITS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WBEM_LIMITS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WBEM_LIMITS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WBEM_LIMITS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7034,19 +6704,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WBEM_LIMITS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WBEM_LOCKING_FLAG_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WBEM_LOCKING_FLAG_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WBEM_LOCKING_FLAG_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WBEM_LOCKING_FLAG_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WBEM_LOCKING_FLAG_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7056,19 +6715,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WBEM_LOCKING_FLAG_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WBEM_LOGIN_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WBEM_LOGIN_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WBEM_LOGIN_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WBEM_LOGIN_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WBEM_LOGIN_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7078,19 +6726,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WBEM_LOGIN_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WBEM_PATH_CREATE_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WBEM_PATH_CREATE_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WBEM_PATH_CREATE_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WBEM_PATH_CREATE_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WBEM_PATH_CREATE_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7100,19 +6737,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WBEM_PATH_CREATE_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WBEM_PATH_STATUS_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WBEM_PATH_STATUS_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WBEM_PATH_STATUS_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WBEM_PATH_STATUS_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WBEM_PATH_STATUS_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7122,19 +6748,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WBEM_PATH_STATUS_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WBEM_PROVIDER_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WBEM_PROVIDER_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WBEM_PROVIDER_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WBEM_PROVIDER_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WBEM_PROVIDER_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7144,19 +6759,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WBEM_PROVIDER_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WBEM_PROVIDER_REQUIREMENTS_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WBEM_PROVIDER_REQUIREMENTS_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WBEM_PROVIDER_REQUIREMENTS_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WBEM_PROVIDER_REQUIREMENTS_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WBEM_PROVIDER_REQUIREMENTS_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7166,19 +6770,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WBEM_PROVIDER_REQUIREMENTS_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WBEM_QUERY_FLAG_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WBEM_QUERY_FLAG_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WBEM_QUERY_FLAG_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WBEM_QUERY_FLAG_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WBEM_QUERY_FLAG_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7188,19 +6781,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WBEM_QUERY_FLAG_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WBEM_REFRESHER_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WBEM_REFRESHER_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WBEM_REFRESHER_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WBEM_REFRESHER_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WBEM_REFRESHER_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7210,19 +6792,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WBEM_REFRESHER_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WBEM_SECURITY_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WBEM_SECURITY_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WBEM_SECURITY_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WBEM_SECURITY_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WBEM_SECURITY_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7232,19 +6803,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WBEM_SECURITY_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WBEM_SHUTDOWN_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WBEM_SHUTDOWN_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WBEM_SHUTDOWN_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WBEM_SHUTDOWN_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WBEM_SHUTDOWN_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7254,19 +6814,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WBEM_SHUTDOWN_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WBEM_STATUS_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WBEM_STATUS_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WBEM_STATUS_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WBEM_STATUS_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WBEM_STATUS_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7276,19 +6825,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WBEM_STATUS_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WBEM_TEXT_FLAG_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WBEM_TEXT_FLAG_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WBEM_TEXT_FLAG_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WBEM_TEXT_FLAG_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WBEM_TEXT_FLAG_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7298,19 +6836,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WBEM_TEXT_FLAG_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WBEM_UNSECAPP_FLAG_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WBEM_UNSECAPP_FLAG_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WBEM_UNSECAPP_FLAG_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WBEM_UNSECAPP_FLAG_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WBEM_UNSECAPP_FLAG_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7320,19 +6847,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WBEM_UNSECAPP_FLAG_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMIQ_ANALYSIS_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMIQ_ANALYSIS_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMIQ_ANALYSIS_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMIQ_ANALYSIS_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMIQ_ANALYSIS_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7342,19 +6858,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMIQ_ANALYSIS_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMIQ_ASSOCQ_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMIQ_ASSOCQ_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMIQ_ASSOCQ_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMIQ_ASSOCQ_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMIQ_ASSOCQ_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7364,19 +6869,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMIQ_ASSOCQ_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMIQ_LANGUAGE_FEATURES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMIQ_LANGUAGE_FEATURES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMIQ_LANGUAGE_FEATURES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMIQ_LANGUAGE_FEATURES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMIQ_LANGUAGE_FEATURES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7386,19 +6880,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMIQ_LANGUAGE_FEATURES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMIQ_RPNF_FEATURE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMIQ_RPNF_FEATURE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMIQ_RPNF_FEATURE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMIQ_RPNF_FEATURE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMIQ_RPNF_FEATURE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7408,19 +6891,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMIQ_RPNF_FEATURE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMIQ_RPN_TOKEN_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMIQ_RPN_TOKEN_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMIQ_RPN_TOKEN_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMIQ_RPN_TOKEN_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMIQ_RPN_TOKEN_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7430,19 +6902,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMIQ_RPN_TOKEN_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WMI_OBJ_TEXT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WMI_OBJ_TEXT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WMI_OBJ_TEXT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WMI_OBJ_TEXT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WMI_OBJ_TEXT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7452,19 +6913,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WMI_OBJ_TEXT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WbemAuthenticationLevelEnum(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WbemAuthenticationLevelEnum {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WbemAuthenticationLevelEnum { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WbemAuthenticationLevelEnum { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WbemAuthenticationLevelEnum { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7474,19 +6924,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WbemAuthenticationLevelEnum { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WbemChangeFlagEnum(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WbemChangeFlagEnum {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WbemChangeFlagEnum { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WbemChangeFlagEnum { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WbemChangeFlagEnum { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7496,19 +6935,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WbemChangeFlagEnum { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WbemCimtypeEnum(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WbemCimtypeEnum {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WbemCimtypeEnum { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WbemCimtypeEnum { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WbemCimtypeEnum { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7518,19 +6946,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WbemCimtypeEnum { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WbemComparisonFlagEnum(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WbemComparisonFlagEnum {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WbemComparisonFlagEnum { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WbemComparisonFlagEnum { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WbemComparisonFlagEnum { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7540,19 +6957,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WbemComparisonFlagEnum { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WbemConnectOptionsEnum(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WbemConnectOptionsEnum {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WbemConnectOptionsEnum { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WbemConnectOptionsEnum { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WbemConnectOptionsEnum { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7562,19 +6968,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WbemConnectOptionsEnum { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WbemErrorEnum(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WbemErrorEnum {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WbemErrorEnum { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WbemErrorEnum { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WbemErrorEnum { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7584,19 +6979,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WbemErrorEnum { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WbemFlagEnum(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WbemFlagEnum {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WbemFlagEnum { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WbemFlagEnum { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WbemFlagEnum { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7606,19 +6990,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WbemFlagEnum { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WbemImpersonationLevelEnum(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WbemImpersonationLevelEnum {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WbemImpersonationLevelEnum { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WbemImpersonationLevelEnum { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WbemImpersonationLevelEnum { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7628,19 +7001,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WbemImpersonationLevelEnum { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WbemObjectTextFormatEnum(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WbemObjectTextFormatEnum {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WbemObjectTextFormatEnum { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WbemObjectTextFormatEnum { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WbemObjectTextFormatEnum { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7650,19 +7012,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WbemObjectTextFormatEnum { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WbemPrivilegeEnum(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WbemPrivilegeEnum {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WbemPrivilegeEnum { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WbemPrivilegeEnum { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WbemPrivilegeEnum { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7672,19 +7023,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WbemPrivilegeEnum { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WbemQueryFlagEnum(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WbemQueryFlagEnum {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WbemQueryFlagEnum { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WbemQueryFlagEnum { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WbemQueryFlagEnum { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7694,19 +7034,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WbemQueryFlagEnum { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WbemTextFlagEnum(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WbemTextFlagEnum {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WbemTextFlagEnum { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WbemTextFlagEnum { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WbemTextFlagEnum { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7716,19 +7045,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WbemTextFlagEnum { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WbemTimeout(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WbemTimeout {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WbemTimeout { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WbemTimeout { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WbemTimeout { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Accessibility/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Accessibility/ index eae6b7a5f4..04170a73f1 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Accessibility/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Accessibility/ @@ -15067,19 +15067,8 @@ pub const ZoomUnit_NoAmount: ZoomUnit = ZoomUnit(0i32); pub const ZoomUnit_SmallDecrement: ZoomUnit = ZoomUnit(2i32); pub const ZoomUnit_SmallIncrement: ZoomUnit = ZoomUnit(4i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ACC_UTILITY_STATE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ACC_UTILITY_STATE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ACC_UTILITY_STATE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ACC_UTILITY_STATE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ACC_UTILITY_STATE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15122,19 +15111,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for ACC_UTILITY_STATE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ActiveEnd(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ActiveEnd {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ActiveEnd { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ActiveEnd { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ActiveEnd { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15144,19 +15122,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ActiveEnd { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AnimationStyle(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AnimationStyle {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AnimationStyle { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AnimationStyle { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AnimationStyle { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15166,19 +15133,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AnimationStyle { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AnnoScope(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AnnoScope {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AnnoScope { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AnnoScope { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AnnoScope { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15188,19 +15144,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AnnoScope { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AsyncContentLoadedState(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AsyncContentLoadedState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AsyncContentLoadedState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AsyncContentLoadedState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AsyncContentLoadedState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15210,19 +15155,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AsyncContentLoadedState { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AutomationElementMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AutomationElementMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AutomationElementMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AutomationElementMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AutomationElementMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15232,19 +15166,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AutomationElementMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AutomationIdentifierType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AutomationIdentifierType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AutomationIdentifierType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AutomationIdentifierType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AutomationIdentifierType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15254,19 +15177,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AutomationIdentifierType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BulletStyle(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BulletStyle {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BulletStyle { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BulletStyle { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BulletStyle { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15276,19 +15188,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BulletStyle { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CapStyle(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CapStyle {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CapStyle { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CapStyle { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CapStyle { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15298,19 +15199,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CapStyle { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CaretBidiMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CaretBidiMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CaretBidiMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CaretBidiMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CaretBidiMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15320,19 +15210,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CaretBidiMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CaretPosition(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CaretPosition {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CaretPosition { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CaretPosition { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CaretPosition { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15342,19 +15221,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CaretPosition { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CoalesceEventsOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CoalesceEventsOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CoalesceEventsOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CoalesceEventsOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CoalesceEventsOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15364,19 +15232,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CoalesceEventsOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ConditionType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ConditionType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ConditionType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ConditionType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ConditionType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15386,19 +15243,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ConditionType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ConnectionRecoveryBehaviorOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ConnectionRecoveryBehaviorOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ConnectionRecoveryBehaviorOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ConnectionRecoveryBehaviorOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ConnectionRecoveryBehaviorOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15408,19 +15254,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ConnectionRecoveryBehaviorOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DockPosition(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DockPosition {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DockPosition { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DockPosition { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DockPosition { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15430,19 +15265,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DockPosition { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EventArgsType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EventArgsType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EventArgsType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EventArgsType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EventArgsType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15452,19 +15276,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EventArgsType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ExpandCollapseState(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ExpandCollapseState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ExpandCollapseState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ExpandCollapseState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ExpandCollapseState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15474,19 +15287,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ExpandCollapseState { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FillType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FillType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FillType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FillType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FillType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15496,19 +15298,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FillType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FlowDirections(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FlowDirections {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FlowDirections { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FlowDirections { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FlowDirections { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15518,19 +15309,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FlowDirections { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HIGHCONTRASTW_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HIGHCONTRASTW_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HIGHCONTRASTW_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HIGHCONTRASTW_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HIGHCONTRASTW_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15573,19 +15353,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for HIGHCONTRASTW_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HorizontalTextAlignment(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HorizontalTextAlignment {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HorizontalTextAlignment { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HorizontalTextAlignment { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HorizontalTextAlignment { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15595,19 +15364,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HorizontalTextAlignment { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LiveSetting(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LiveSetting {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LiveSetting { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LiveSetting { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LiveSetting { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15617,19 +15375,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for LiveSetting { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NavigateDirection(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NavigateDirection {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NavigateDirection { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NavigateDirection { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NavigateDirection { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15639,19 +15386,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NavigateDirection { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NormalizeState(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NormalizeState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NormalizeState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NormalizeState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NormalizeState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15661,19 +15397,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NormalizeState { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NotificationKind(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NotificationKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NotificationKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NotificationKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NotificationKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15683,19 +15408,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NotificationKind { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NotificationProcessing(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NotificationProcessing {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NotificationProcessing { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NotificationProcessing { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NotificationProcessing { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15705,19 +15419,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NotificationProcessing { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OrientationType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OrientationType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OrientationType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OrientationType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OrientationType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15727,19 +15430,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OrientationType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OutlineStyles(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OutlineStyles {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OutlineStyles { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OutlineStyles { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OutlineStyles { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15749,19 +15441,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OutlineStyles { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PropertyConditionFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PropertyConditionFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PropertyConditionFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PropertyConditionFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PropertyConditionFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15771,19 +15452,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PropertyConditionFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ProviderOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ProviderOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ProviderOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ProviderOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ProviderOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15826,19 +15496,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for ProviderOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ProviderType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ProviderType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ProviderType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ProviderType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ProviderType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15848,19 +15507,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ProviderType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RowOrColumnMajor(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RowOrColumnMajor {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RowOrColumnMajor { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RowOrColumnMajor { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RowOrColumnMajor { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15870,19 +15518,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RowOrColumnMajor { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SERIALKEYS_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SERIALKEYS_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SERIALKEYS_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SERIALKEYS_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SERIALKEYS_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15925,19 +15562,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SERIALKEYS_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SOUNDSENTRY_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SOUNDSENTRY_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SOUNDSENTRY_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SOUNDSENTRY_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SOUNDSENTRY_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15980,19 +15606,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SOUNDSENTRY_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SOUNDSENTRY_TEXT_EFFECT(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SOUNDSENTRY_TEXT_EFFECT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SOUNDSENTRY_TEXT_EFFECT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SOUNDSENTRY_TEXT_EFFECT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SOUNDSENTRY_TEXT_EFFECT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16002,19 +15617,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SOUNDSENTRY_TEXT_EFFECT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SOUNDSENTRY_WINDOWS_EFFECT(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SOUNDSENTRY_WINDOWS_EFFECT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SOUNDSENTRY_WINDOWS_EFFECT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SOUNDSENTRY_WINDOWS_EFFECT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SOUNDSENTRY_WINDOWS_EFFECT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16024,19 +15628,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SOUNDSENTRY_WINDOWS_EFFECT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SOUND_SENTRY_GRAPHICS_EFFECT(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SOUND_SENTRY_GRAPHICS_EFFECT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SOUND_SENTRY_GRAPHICS_EFFECT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SOUND_SENTRY_GRAPHICS_EFFECT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SOUND_SENTRY_GRAPHICS_EFFECT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16046,19 +15639,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SOUND_SENTRY_GRAPHICS_EFFECT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STICKYKEYS_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STICKYKEYS_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STICKYKEYS_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STICKYKEYS_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STICKYKEYS_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16101,19 +15683,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for STICKYKEYS_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SayAsInterpretAs(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SayAsInterpretAs {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SayAsInterpretAs { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SayAsInterpretAs { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SayAsInterpretAs { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16123,19 +15694,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SayAsInterpretAs { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ScrollAmount(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ScrollAmount {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ScrollAmount { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ScrollAmount { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ScrollAmount { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16145,19 +15705,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ScrollAmount { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct StructureChangeType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for StructureChangeType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for StructureChangeType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for StructureChangeType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for StructureChangeType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16167,19 +15716,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for StructureChangeType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SupportedTextSelection(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SupportedTextSelection {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SupportedTextSelection { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SupportedTextSelection { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SupportedTextSelection { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16189,19 +15727,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SupportedTextSelection { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SynchronizedInputType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SynchronizedInputType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SynchronizedInputType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SynchronizedInputType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SynchronizedInputType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16244,19 +15771,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SynchronizedInputType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TextDecorationLineStyle(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TextDecorationLineStyle {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TextDecorationLineStyle { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TextDecorationLineStyle { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TextDecorationLineStyle { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16266,19 +15782,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TextDecorationLineStyle { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TextEditChangeType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TextEditChangeType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TextEditChangeType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TextEditChangeType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TextEditChangeType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16288,19 +15793,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TextEditChangeType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TextPatternRangeEndpoint(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TextPatternRangeEndpoint {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TextPatternRangeEndpoint { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TextPatternRangeEndpoint { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TextPatternRangeEndpoint { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16310,19 +15804,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TextPatternRangeEndpoint { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TextUnit(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TextUnit {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TextUnit { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TextUnit { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TextUnit { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16332,19 +15815,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TextUnit { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ToggleState(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ToggleState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ToggleState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ToggleState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ToggleState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16354,19 +15826,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ToggleState { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TreeScope(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TreeScope {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TreeScope { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TreeScope { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TreeScope { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16376,19 +15837,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TreeScope { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TreeTraversalOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TreeTraversalOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TreeTraversalOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TreeTraversalOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TreeTraversalOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16398,19 +15848,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TreeTraversalOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UIA_ANNOTATIONTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UIA_ANNOTATIONTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UIA_ANNOTATIONTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UIA_ANNOTATIONTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UIA_ANNOTATIONTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16420,19 +15859,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UIA_ANNOTATIONTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UIA_CHANGE_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UIA_CHANGE_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UIA_CHANGE_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UIA_CHANGE_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UIA_CHANGE_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16442,19 +15870,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UIA_CHANGE_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UIA_CONTROLTYPE_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UIA_CONTROLTYPE_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UIA_CONTROLTYPE_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UIA_CONTROLTYPE_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UIA_CONTROLTYPE_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16464,19 +15881,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UIA_CONTROLTYPE_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UIA_EVENT_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UIA_EVENT_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UIA_EVENT_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UIA_EVENT_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UIA_EVENT_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16486,19 +15892,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UIA_EVENT_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UIA_HEADINGLEVEL_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UIA_HEADINGLEVEL_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UIA_HEADINGLEVEL_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UIA_HEADINGLEVEL_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UIA_HEADINGLEVEL_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16508,19 +15903,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UIA_HEADINGLEVEL_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UIA_LANDMARKTYPE_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UIA_LANDMARKTYPE_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UIA_LANDMARKTYPE_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UIA_LANDMARKTYPE_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UIA_LANDMARKTYPE_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16530,19 +15914,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UIA_LANDMARKTYPE_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UIA_METADATA_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UIA_METADATA_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UIA_METADATA_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UIA_METADATA_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UIA_METADATA_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16552,19 +15925,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UIA_METADATA_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UIA_PATTERN_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UIA_PATTERN_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UIA_PATTERN_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UIA_PATTERN_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UIA_PATTERN_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16574,19 +15936,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UIA_PATTERN_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UIA_PROPERTY_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UIA_PROPERTY_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UIA_PROPERTY_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UIA_PROPERTY_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UIA_PROPERTY_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16596,19 +15947,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UIA_PROPERTY_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UIA_STYLE_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UIA_STYLE_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UIA_STYLE_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UIA_STYLE_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UIA_STYLE_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16618,19 +15958,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UIA_STYLE_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UIA_TEXTATTRIBUTE_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UIA_TEXTATTRIBUTE_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UIA_TEXTATTRIBUTE_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UIA_TEXTATTRIBUTE_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UIA_TEXTATTRIBUTE_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16640,19 +15969,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UIA_TEXTATTRIBUTE_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UIAutomationType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UIAutomationType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UIAutomationType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UIAutomationType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UIAutomationType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16695,19 +16013,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for UIAutomationType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VisualEffects(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VisualEffects {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VisualEffects { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VisualEffects { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VisualEffects { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16717,19 +16024,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VisualEffects { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WindowInteractionState(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WindowInteractionState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WindowInteractionState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WindowInteractionState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WindowInteractionState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16739,19 +16035,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WindowInteractionState { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WindowVisualState(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WindowVisualState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WindowVisualState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WindowVisualState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WindowVisualState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -16761,19 +16046,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WindowVisualState { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ZoomUnit(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ZoomUnit {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ZoomUnit { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ZoomUnit { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ZoomUnit { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Animation/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Animation/ index e7dbde1288..9e5b3898e1 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Animation/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Animation/ @@ -1694,19 +1694,8 @@ pub const UI_ANIMATION_TIMER_CLIENT_IDLE: UI_ANIMATION_TIMER_CLIENT_STATUS = UI_ pub const UI_ANIMATION_UPDATE_NO_CHANGE: UI_ANIMATION_UPDATE_RESULT = UI_ANIMATION_UPDATE_RESULT(0i32); pub const UI_ANIMATION_UPDATE_VARIABLES_CHANGED: UI_ANIMATION_UPDATE_RESULT = UI_ANIMATION_UPDATE_RESULT(1i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UI_ANIMATION_DEPENDENCIES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UI_ANIMATION_DEPENDENCIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UI_ANIMATION_DEPENDENCIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UI_ANIMATION_DEPENDENCIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UI_ANIMATION_DEPENDENCIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1749,19 +1738,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for UI_ANIMATION_DEPENDENCIES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UI_ANIMATION_IDLE_BEHAVIOR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UI_ANIMATION_IDLE_BEHAVIOR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UI_ANIMATION_IDLE_BEHAVIOR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UI_ANIMATION_IDLE_BEHAVIOR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UI_ANIMATION_IDLE_BEHAVIOR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1771,19 +1749,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UI_ANIMATION_IDLE_BEHAVIOR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UI_ANIMATION_MANAGER_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UI_ANIMATION_MANAGER_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UI_ANIMATION_MANAGER_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UI_ANIMATION_MANAGER_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UI_ANIMATION_MANAGER_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1793,19 +1760,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UI_ANIMATION_MANAGER_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UI_ANIMATION_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UI_ANIMATION_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UI_ANIMATION_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UI_ANIMATION_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UI_ANIMATION_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1815,19 +1771,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UI_ANIMATION_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UI_ANIMATION_PRIORITY_EFFECT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UI_ANIMATION_PRIORITY_EFFECT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UI_ANIMATION_PRIORITY_EFFECT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UI_ANIMATION_PRIORITY_EFFECT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UI_ANIMATION_PRIORITY_EFFECT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1837,19 +1782,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UI_ANIMATION_PRIORITY_EFFECT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UI_ANIMATION_REPEAT_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UI_ANIMATION_REPEAT_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UI_ANIMATION_REPEAT_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UI_ANIMATION_REPEAT_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UI_ANIMATION_REPEAT_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1859,19 +1793,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UI_ANIMATION_REPEAT_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UI_ANIMATION_ROUNDING_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UI_ANIMATION_ROUNDING_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UI_ANIMATION_ROUNDING_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UI_ANIMATION_ROUNDING_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UI_ANIMATION_ROUNDING_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1881,19 +1804,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UI_ANIMATION_ROUNDING_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UI_ANIMATION_SCHEDULING_RESULT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UI_ANIMATION_SCHEDULING_RESULT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UI_ANIMATION_SCHEDULING_RESULT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UI_ANIMATION_SCHEDULING_RESULT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UI_ANIMATION_SCHEDULING_RESULT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1903,19 +1815,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UI_ANIMATION_SCHEDULING_RESULT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UI_ANIMATION_SLOPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UI_ANIMATION_SLOPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UI_ANIMATION_SLOPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UI_ANIMATION_SLOPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UI_ANIMATION_SLOPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1925,19 +1826,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UI_ANIMATION_SLOPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UI_ANIMATION_STORYBOARD_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UI_ANIMATION_STORYBOARD_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UI_ANIMATION_STORYBOARD_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UI_ANIMATION_STORYBOARD_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UI_ANIMATION_STORYBOARD_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1947,19 +1837,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UI_ANIMATION_STORYBOARD_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UI_ANIMATION_TIMER_CLIENT_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UI_ANIMATION_TIMER_CLIENT_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UI_ANIMATION_TIMER_CLIENT_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UI_ANIMATION_TIMER_CLIENT_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UI_ANIMATION_TIMER_CLIENT_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1969,19 +1848,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UI_ANIMATION_TIMER_CLIENT_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UI_ANIMATION_UPDATE_RESULT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UI_ANIMATION_UPDATE_RESULT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UI_ANIMATION_UPDATE_RESULT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UI_ANIMATION_UPDATE_RESULT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UI_ANIMATION_UPDATE_RESULT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/ColorSystem/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/ColorSystem/ index 26a96a7808..5f27ab8c20 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/ColorSystem/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/ColorSystem/ @@ -1146,19 +1146,8 @@ pub const WCS_ICCONLY: i32 = 65536i32; pub const WCS_PROFILE_MANAGEMENT_SCOPE_CURRENT_USER: WCS_PROFILE_MANAGEMENT_SCOPE = WCS_PROFILE_MANAGEMENT_SCOPE(1i32); pub const WCS_PROFILE_MANAGEMENT_SCOPE_SYSTEM_WIDE: WCS_PROFILE_MANAGEMENT_SCOPE = WCS_PROFILE_MANAGEMENT_SCOPE(0i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BMFORMAT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BMFORMAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BMFORMAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BMFORMAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BMFORMAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1168,19 +1157,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BMFORMAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COLORDATATYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COLORDATATYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COLORDATATYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COLORDATATYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COLORDATATYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1190,19 +1168,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COLORDATATYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COLORPROFILESUBTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COLORPROFILESUBTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COLORPROFILESUBTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COLORPROFILESUBTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COLORPROFILESUBTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1212,19 +1179,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COLORPROFILESUBTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COLORPROFILETYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COLORPROFILETYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COLORPROFILETYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COLORPROFILETYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COLORPROFILETYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1234,19 +1190,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COLORPROFILETYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COLORTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COLORTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COLORTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COLORTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COLORTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1256,19 +1201,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COLORTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COLOR_MATCH_TO_TARGET_ACTION(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COLOR_MATCH_TO_TARGET_ACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COLOR_MATCH_TO_TARGET_ACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COLOR_MATCH_TO_TARGET_ACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COLOR_MATCH_TO_TARGET_ACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1278,19 +1212,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COLOR_MATCH_TO_TARGET_ACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ICM_COMMAND(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ICM_COMMAND {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ICM_COMMAND { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ICM_COMMAND { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ICM_COMMAND { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1300,19 +1223,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ICM_COMMAND { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ICM_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ICM_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ICM_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ICM_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ICM_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1322,19 +1234,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ICM_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WCS_DEVICE_CAPABILITIES_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WCS_DEVICE_CAPABILITIES_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WCS_DEVICE_CAPABILITIES_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WCS_DEVICE_CAPABILITIES_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WCS_DEVICE_CAPABILITIES_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1344,19 +1245,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WCS_DEVICE_CAPABILITIES_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WCS_PROFILE_MANAGEMENT_SCOPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WCS_PROFILE_MANAGEMENT_SCOPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WCS_PROFILE_MANAGEMENT_SCOPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WCS_PROFILE_MANAGEMENT_SCOPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WCS_PROFILE_MANAGEMENT_SCOPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Controls/Dialogs/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Controls/Dialogs/ index bc6d13b8ec..59ba193db6 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Controls/Dialogs/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Controls/Dialogs/ @@ -470,19 +470,8 @@ pub const WM_PSD_MARGINRECT: u32 = 1027u32; pub const WM_PSD_MINMARGINRECT: u32 = 1026u32; pub const WM_PSD_YAFULLPAGERECT: u32 = 1030u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CHOOSECOLOR_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CHOOSECOLOR_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CHOOSECOLOR_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CHOOSECOLOR_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CHOOSECOLOR_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -525,19 +514,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CHOOSECOLOR_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CHOOSEFONT_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CHOOSEFONT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CHOOSEFONT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CHOOSEFONT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CHOOSEFONT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -580,19 +558,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CHOOSEFONT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CHOOSEFONT_FONT_TYPE(pub u16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CHOOSEFONT_FONT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CHOOSEFONT_FONT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CHOOSEFONT_FONT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CHOOSEFONT_FONT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -635,19 +602,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CHOOSEFONT_FONT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COMMON_DLG_ERRORS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COMMON_DLG_ERRORS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COMMON_DLG_ERRORS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COMMON_DLG_ERRORS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COMMON_DLG_ERRORS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -657,19 +613,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COMMON_DLG_ERRORS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FINDREPLACE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FINDREPLACE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FINDREPLACE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FINDREPLACE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FINDREPLACE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -712,19 +657,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for FINDREPLACE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OPEN_FILENAME_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OPEN_FILENAME_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OPEN_FILENAME_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OPEN_FILENAME_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OPEN_FILENAME_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -767,19 +701,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for OPEN_FILENAME_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OPEN_FILENAME_FLAGS_EX(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OPEN_FILENAME_FLAGS_EX {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OPEN_FILENAME_FLAGS_EX { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OPEN_FILENAME_FLAGS_EX { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OPEN_FILENAME_FLAGS_EX { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -822,19 +745,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for OPEN_FILENAME_FLAGS_EX { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PAGESETUPDLG_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PAGESETUPDLG_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PAGESETUPDLG_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PAGESETUPDLG_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PAGESETUPDLG_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -877,19 +789,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for PAGESETUPDLG_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PRINTDLGEX_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PRINTDLGEX_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PRINTDLGEX_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PRINTDLGEX_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PRINTDLGEX_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Controls/RichEdit/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Controls/RichEdit/ index f17a27b307..d84ab220e4 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Controls/RichEdit/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Controls/RichEdit/ @@ -6811,19 +6811,8 @@ pub const tomWords: tomConstants = tomConstants(2i32); pub const tomYi: tomConstants = tomConstants(45i32); pub const yHeightCharPtsMost: u32 = 1638u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CARET_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CARET_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CARET_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CARET_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CARET_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6833,19 +6822,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CARET_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CFE_EFFECTS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CFE_EFFECTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CFE_EFFECTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CFE_EFFECTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CFE_EFFECTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6888,19 +6866,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CFE_EFFECTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CFM_MASK(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CFM_MASK {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CFM_MASK { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CFM_MASK { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CFM_MASK { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6943,19 +6910,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CFM_MASK { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CHANGETYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CHANGETYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CHANGETYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CHANGETYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CHANGETYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6965,19 +6921,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CHANGETYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ENDCOMPOSITIONNOTIFY_CODE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ENDCOMPOSITIONNOTIFY_CODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ENDCOMPOSITIONNOTIFY_CODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ENDCOMPOSITIONNOTIFY_CODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ENDCOMPOSITIONNOTIFY_CODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6987,19 +6932,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ENDCOMPOSITIONNOTIFY_CODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GETTEXTEX_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GETTEXTEX_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GETTEXTEX_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GETTEXTEX_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GETTEXTEX_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7009,19 +6943,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GETTEXTEX_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GETTEXTLENGTHEX_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GETTEXTLENGTHEX_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GETTEXTLENGTHEX_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GETTEXTLENGTHEX_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GETTEXTLENGTHEX_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7064,19 +6987,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for GETTEXTLENGTHEX_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMECOMPTEXT_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMECOMPTEXT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMECOMPTEXT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMECOMPTEXT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMECOMPTEXT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7086,19 +6998,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IMECOMPTEXT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KHYPH(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KHYPH {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KHYPH { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KHYPH { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KHYPH { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7108,19 +7009,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KHYPH { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MANCODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MANCODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MANCODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MANCODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MANCODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7130,19 +7020,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MANCODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OBJECTTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OBJECTTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OBJECTTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OBJECTTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OBJECTTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7152,19 +7031,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OBJECTTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PARAFORMAT_ALIGNMENT(pub u16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PARAFORMAT_ALIGNMENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PARAFORMAT_ALIGNMENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PARAFORMAT_ALIGNMENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PARAFORMAT_ALIGNMENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7174,19 +7042,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PARAFORMAT_ALIGNMENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PARAFORMAT_BORDERS(pub u16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PARAFORMAT_BORDERS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PARAFORMAT_BORDERS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PARAFORMAT_BORDERS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PARAFORMAT_BORDERS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7229,19 +7086,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for PARAFORMAT_BORDERS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PARAFORMAT_MASK(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PARAFORMAT_MASK {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PARAFORMAT_MASK { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PARAFORMAT_MASK { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PARAFORMAT_MASK { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7284,19 +7130,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for PARAFORMAT_MASK { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PARAFORMAT_NUMBERING(pub u16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PARAFORMAT_NUMBERING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PARAFORMAT_NUMBERING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PARAFORMAT_NUMBERING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PARAFORMAT_NUMBERING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7339,19 +7174,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for PARAFORMAT_NUMBERING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PARAFORMAT_NUMBERING_STYLE(pub u16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PARAFORMAT_NUMBERING_STYLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PARAFORMAT_NUMBERING_STYLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PARAFORMAT_NUMBERING_STYLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PARAFORMAT_NUMBERING_STYLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7361,19 +7185,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PARAFORMAT_NUMBERING_STYLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PARAFORMAT_SHADING_STYLE(pub u16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PARAFORMAT_SHADING_STYLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PARAFORMAT_SHADING_STYLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PARAFORMAT_SHADING_STYLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PARAFORMAT_SHADING_STYLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7383,19 +7196,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PARAFORMAT_SHADING_STYLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct REOBJECT_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for REOBJECT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for REOBJECT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for REOBJECT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for REOBJECT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7438,19 +7240,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for REOBJECT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RICH_EDIT_GET_CONTEXT_MENU_SEL_TYPE(pub u16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RICH_EDIT_GET_CONTEXT_MENU_SEL_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RICH_EDIT_GET_CONTEXT_MENU_SEL_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RICH_EDIT_GET_CONTEXT_MENU_SEL_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RICH_EDIT_GET_CONTEXT_MENU_SEL_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7493,19 +7284,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for RICH_EDIT_GET_CONTEXT_MENU_SEL_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RICH_EDIT_GET_OBJECT_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RICH_EDIT_GET_OBJECT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RICH_EDIT_GET_OBJECT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RICH_EDIT_GET_OBJECT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RICH_EDIT_GET_OBJECT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7548,19 +7328,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for RICH_EDIT_GET_OBJECT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TEXTMODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TEXTMODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TEXTMODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TEXTMODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TEXTMODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7570,19 +7339,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TEXTMODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TXTBACKSTYLE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TXTBACKSTYLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TXTBACKSTYLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TXTBACKSTYLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TXTBACKSTYLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7592,19 +7350,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TXTBACKSTYLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TXTHITRESULT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TXTHITRESULT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TXTHITRESULT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TXTHITRESULT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TXTHITRESULT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7614,19 +7361,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TXTHITRESULT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TXTNATURALSIZE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TXTNATURALSIZE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TXTNATURALSIZE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TXTNATURALSIZE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TXTNATURALSIZE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7636,19 +7372,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TXTNATURALSIZE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TXTVIEW(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TXTVIEW {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TXTVIEW { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TXTVIEW { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TXTVIEW { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7658,19 +7383,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TXTVIEW { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UNDONAMEID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UNDONAMEID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UNDONAMEID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UNDONAMEID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UNDONAMEID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7680,19 +7394,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UNDONAMEID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct tomConstants(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for tomConstants {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for tomConstants { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for tomConstants { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for tomConstants { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Controls/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Controls/ index a36c8d83e8..d76b837e57 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Controls/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Controls/ @@ -6484,19 +6484,8 @@ pub const stc7: u32 = 1094u32; pub const stc8: u32 = 1095u32; pub const stc9: u32 = 1096u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AEROWIZARDPARTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AEROWIZARDPARTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AEROWIZARDPARTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AEROWIZARDPARTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AEROWIZARDPARTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6506,19 +6495,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AEROWIZARDPARTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ARROWBTNSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ARROWBTNSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ARROWBTNSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ARROWBTNSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ARROWBTNSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6528,19 +6506,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ARROWBTNSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BACKGROUNDSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BACKGROUNDSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BACKGROUNDSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BACKGROUNDSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BACKGROUNDSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6550,19 +6517,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BACKGROUNDSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BACKGROUNDWITHBORDERSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BACKGROUNDWITHBORDERSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BACKGROUNDWITHBORDERSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BACKGROUNDWITHBORDERSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BACKGROUNDWITHBORDERSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6572,19 +6528,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BACKGROUNDWITHBORDERSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BALLOONSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BALLOONSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BALLOONSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BALLOONSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BALLOONSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6594,19 +6539,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BALLOONSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BALLOONSTEMSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BALLOONSTEMSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BALLOONSTEMSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BALLOONSTEMSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BALLOONSTEMSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6616,19 +6550,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BALLOONSTEMSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BARBACKGROUNDSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BARBACKGROUNDSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BARBACKGROUNDSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BARBACKGROUNDSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BARBACKGROUNDSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6638,19 +6561,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BARBACKGROUNDSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BARITEMSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BARITEMSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BARITEMSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BARITEMSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BARITEMSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6660,19 +6572,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BARITEMSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BGTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BGTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BGTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BGTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BGTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6682,19 +6583,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BGTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BODYSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BODYSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BODYSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BODYSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BODYSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6704,19 +6594,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BODYSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BORDERSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BORDERSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BORDERSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BORDERSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BORDERSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6726,19 +6605,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BORDERSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BORDERTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BORDERTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BORDERTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BORDERTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BORDERTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6748,19 +6616,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BORDERTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BORDER_HSCROLLSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BORDER_HSCROLLSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BORDER_HSCROLLSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BORDER_HSCROLLSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BORDER_HSCROLLSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6770,19 +6627,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BORDER_HSCROLLSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BORDER_HVSCROLLSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BORDER_HVSCROLLSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BORDER_HVSCROLLSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BORDER_HVSCROLLSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BORDER_HVSCROLLSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6792,19 +6638,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BORDER_HVSCROLLSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BORDER_NOSCROLLSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BORDER_NOSCROLLSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BORDER_NOSCROLLSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BORDER_NOSCROLLSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BORDER_NOSCROLLSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6814,19 +6649,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BORDER_NOSCROLLSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BORDER_VSCROLLSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BORDER_VSCROLLSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BORDER_VSCROLLSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BORDER_VSCROLLSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BORDER_VSCROLLSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6836,19 +6660,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BORDER_VSCROLLSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BP_ANIMATIONSTYLE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BP_ANIMATIONSTYLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BP_ANIMATIONSTYLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BP_ANIMATIONSTYLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BP_ANIMATIONSTYLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6858,19 +6671,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BP_ANIMATIONSTYLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BP_BUFFERFORMAT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BP_BUFFERFORMAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BP_BUFFERFORMAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BP_BUFFERFORMAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BP_BUFFERFORMAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6880,19 +6682,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BP_BUFFERFORMAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BP_PAINTPARAMS_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BP_PAINTPARAMS_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BP_PAINTPARAMS_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BP_PAINTPARAMS_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BP_PAINTPARAMS_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6935,19 +6726,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for BP_PAINTPARAMS_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BUTTONPARTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BUTTONPARTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BUTTONPARTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BUTTONPARTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BUTTONPARTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6957,19 +6737,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BUTTONPARTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BUTTON_IMAGELIST_ALIGN(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BUTTON_IMAGELIST_ALIGN {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BUTTON_IMAGELIST_ALIGN { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BUTTON_IMAGELIST_ALIGN { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BUTTON_IMAGELIST_ALIGN { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6979,19 +6748,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BUTTON_IMAGELIST_ALIGN { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CAPTIONSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CAPTIONSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CAPTIONSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CAPTIONSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CAPTIONSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7001,19 +6759,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CAPTIONSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CHECKBOXSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CHECKBOXSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CHECKBOXSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CHECKBOXSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CHECKBOXSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7023,19 +6770,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CHECKBOXSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CHEVRONSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CHEVRONSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CHEVRONSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CHEVRONSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CHEVRONSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7045,19 +6781,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CHEVRONSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CHEVRONVERTSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CHEVRONVERTSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CHEVRONVERTSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CHEVRONVERTSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CHEVRONVERTSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7067,19 +6792,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CHEVRONVERTSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLOCKPARTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLOCKPARTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLOCKPARTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLOCKPARTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLOCKPARTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7089,19 +6803,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLOCKPARTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLOCKSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLOCKSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLOCKSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLOCKSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLOCKSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7111,19 +6814,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLOCKSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLOSEBUTTONSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLOSEBUTTONSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLOSEBUTTONSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLOSEBUTTONSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLOSEBUTTONSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7133,19 +6825,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLOSEBUTTONSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CLOSESTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CLOSESTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CLOSESTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CLOSESTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CLOSESTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7155,19 +6836,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CLOSESTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COLLAPSEBUTTONSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COLLAPSEBUTTONSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COLLAPSEBUTTONSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COLLAPSEBUTTONSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COLLAPSEBUTTONSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7177,19 +6847,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COLLAPSEBUTTONSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COMBOBOXINFO_BUTTON_STATE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COMBOBOXINFO_BUTTON_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COMBOBOXINFO_BUTTON_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COMBOBOXINFO_BUTTON_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COMBOBOXINFO_BUTTON_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7199,19 +6858,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COMBOBOXINFO_BUTTON_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COMBOBOXPARTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COMBOBOXPARTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COMBOBOXPARTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COMBOBOXPARTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COMBOBOXPARTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7221,19 +6869,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COMBOBOXPARTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COMBOBOXSTYLESTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COMBOBOXSTYLESTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COMBOBOXSTYLESTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COMBOBOXSTYLESTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COMBOBOXSTYLESTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7243,19 +6880,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COMBOBOXSTYLESTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COMBOBOX_EX_ITEM_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COMBOBOX_EX_ITEM_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COMBOBOX_EX_ITEM_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COMBOBOX_EX_ITEM_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COMBOBOX_EX_ITEM_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7298,19 +6924,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for COMBOBOX_EX_ITEM_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COMMANDLINKGLYPHSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COMMANDLINKGLYPHSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COMMANDLINKGLYPHSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COMMANDLINKGLYPHSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COMMANDLINKGLYPHSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7320,19 +6935,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COMMANDLINKGLYPHSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COMMANDLINKSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COMMANDLINKSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COMMANDLINKSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COMMANDLINKSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COMMANDLINKSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7342,19 +6946,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COMMANDLINKSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COMMUNICATIONSPARTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COMMUNICATIONSPARTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COMMUNICATIONSPARTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COMMUNICATIONSPARTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COMMUNICATIONSPARTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7364,19 +6957,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COMMUNICATIONSPARTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CONTENTALIGNMENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CONTENTALIGNMENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CONTENTALIGNMENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CONTENTALIGNMENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CONTENTALIGNMENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7386,19 +6968,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CONTENTALIGNMENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CONTENTAREASTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CONTENTAREASTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CONTENTAREASTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CONTENTAREASTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CONTENTAREASTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7408,19 +6979,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CONTENTAREASTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CONTENTLINKSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CONTENTLINKSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CONTENTLINKSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CONTENTLINKSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CONTENTLINKSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7430,19 +6990,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CONTENTLINKSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CONTENTPANESTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CONTENTPANESTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CONTENTPANESTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CONTENTPANESTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CONTENTPANESTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7452,19 +7001,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CONTENTPANESTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CONTROLLABELSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CONTROLLABELSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CONTROLLABELSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CONTROLLABELSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CONTROLLABELSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7474,19 +7012,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CONTROLLABELSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CONTROLPANELPARTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CONTROLPANELPARTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CONTROLPANELPARTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CONTROLPANELPARTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CONTROLPANELPARTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7496,19 +7023,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CONTROLPANELPARTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct COPYSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for COPYSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for COPYSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for COPYSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for COPYSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7518,19 +7034,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for COPYSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CREATELINKSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CREATELINKSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CREATELINKSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CREATELINKSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CREATELINKSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7540,19 +7045,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CREATELINKSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CUEBANNERSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CUEBANNERSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CUEBANNERSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CUEBANNERSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CUEBANNERSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7562,19 +7056,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CUEBANNERSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DATEBORDERSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DATEBORDERSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DATEBORDERSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DATEBORDERSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DATEBORDERSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7584,19 +7067,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DATEBORDERSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DATEPICKERPARTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DATEPICKERPARTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DATEPICKERPARTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DATEPICKERPARTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DATEPICKERPARTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7606,19 +7078,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DATEPICKERPARTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DATETEXTSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DATETEXTSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DATETEXTSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DATETEXTSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DATETEXTSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7628,19 +7089,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DATETEXTSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DLG_BUTTON_CHECK_STATE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DLG_BUTTON_CHECK_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DLG_BUTTON_CHECK_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DLG_BUTTON_CHECK_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DLG_BUTTON_CHECK_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7650,19 +7100,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DLG_BUTTON_CHECK_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DLG_DIR_LIST_FILE_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DLG_DIR_LIST_FILE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DLG_DIR_LIST_FILE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DLG_DIR_LIST_FILE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DLG_DIR_LIST_FILE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7705,19 +7144,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DLG_DIR_LIST_FILE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DOWNHORZSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DOWNHORZSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DOWNHORZSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DOWNHORZSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DOWNHORZSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7727,19 +7155,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DOWNHORZSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DOWNSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DOWNSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DOWNSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DOWNSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DOWNSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7749,19 +7166,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DOWNSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DPAMM_MESSAGE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DPAMM_MESSAGE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DPAMM_MESSAGE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DPAMM_MESSAGE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DPAMM_MESSAGE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7771,19 +7177,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DPAMM_MESSAGE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DRAGDROPPARTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DRAGDROPPARTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DRAGDROPPARTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DRAGDROPPARTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DRAGDROPPARTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7793,19 +7188,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DRAGDROPPARTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DRAGLISTINFO_NOTIFICATION_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DRAGLISTINFO_NOTIFICATION_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DRAGLISTINFO_NOTIFICATION_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DRAGLISTINFO_NOTIFICATION_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DRAGLISTINFO_NOTIFICATION_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7815,19 +7199,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DRAGLISTINFO_NOTIFICATION_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DRAWITEMSTRUCT_CTL_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DRAWITEMSTRUCT_CTL_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DRAWITEMSTRUCT_CTL_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DRAWITEMSTRUCT_CTL_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DRAWITEMSTRUCT_CTL_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7837,19 +7210,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DRAWITEMSTRUCT_CTL_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DRAW_THEME_PARENT_BACKGROUND_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DRAW_THEME_PARENT_BACKGROUND_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DRAW_THEME_PARENT_BACKGROUND_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DRAW_THEME_PARENT_BACKGROUND_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DRAW_THEME_PARENT_BACKGROUND_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7892,19 +7254,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DRAW_THEME_PARENT_BACKGROUND_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DROPDOWNBUTTONLEFTSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DROPDOWNBUTTONLEFTSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DROPDOWNBUTTONLEFTSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DROPDOWNBUTTONLEFTSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DROPDOWNBUTTONLEFTSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7914,19 +7265,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DROPDOWNBUTTONLEFTSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DROPDOWNBUTTONRIGHTSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DROPDOWNBUTTONRIGHTSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DROPDOWNBUTTONRIGHTSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DROPDOWNBUTTONRIGHTSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DROPDOWNBUTTONRIGHTSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7936,19 +7276,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DROPDOWNBUTTONRIGHTSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DROPDOWNITEMSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DROPDOWNITEMSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DROPDOWNITEMSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DROPDOWNITEMSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DROPDOWNITEMSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7958,19 +7287,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DROPDOWNITEMSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DTTOPTS_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DTTOPTS_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DTTOPTS_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DTTOPTS_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DTTOPTS_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8013,19 +7331,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DTTOPTS_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EC_ENDOFLINE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EC_ENDOFLINE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EC_ENDOFLINE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EC_ENDOFLINE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EC_ENDOFLINE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8035,19 +7342,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EC_ENDOFLINE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EC_SEARCHWEB_ENTRYPOINT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EC_SEARCHWEB_ENTRYPOINT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EC_SEARCHWEB_ENTRYPOINT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EC_SEARCHWEB_ENTRYPOINT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EC_SEARCHWEB_ENTRYPOINT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8057,19 +7353,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EC_SEARCHWEB_ENTRYPOINT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EDITBALLOONTIP_ICON(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EDITBALLOONTIP_ICON {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EDITBALLOONTIP_ICON { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EDITBALLOONTIP_ICON { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EDITBALLOONTIP_ICON { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8079,19 +7364,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EDITBALLOONTIP_ICON { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EDITBORDER_HSCROLLSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EDITBORDER_HSCROLLSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EDITBORDER_HSCROLLSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EDITBORDER_HSCROLLSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EDITBORDER_HSCROLLSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8101,19 +7375,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EDITBORDER_HSCROLLSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EDITBORDER_HVSCROLLSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EDITBORDER_HVSCROLLSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EDITBORDER_HVSCROLLSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EDITBORDER_HVSCROLLSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EDITBORDER_HVSCROLLSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8123,19 +7386,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EDITBORDER_HVSCROLLSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EDITBORDER_NOSCROLLSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EDITBORDER_NOSCROLLSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EDITBORDER_NOSCROLLSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EDITBORDER_NOSCROLLSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EDITBORDER_NOSCROLLSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8145,19 +7397,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EDITBORDER_NOSCROLLSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EDITBORDER_VSCROLLSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EDITBORDER_VSCROLLSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EDITBORDER_VSCROLLSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EDITBORDER_VSCROLLSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EDITBORDER_VSCROLLSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8167,19 +7408,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EDITBORDER_VSCROLLSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EDITPARTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EDITPARTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EDITPARTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EDITPARTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EDITPARTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8189,19 +7419,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EDITPARTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EDITTEXTSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EDITTEXTSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EDITTEXTSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EDITTEXTSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EDITTEXTSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8211,19 +7430,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EDITTEXTSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EMPTYMARKUPPARTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EMPTYMARKUPPARTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EMPTYMARKUPPARTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EMPTYMARKUPPARTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EMPTYMARKUPPARTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8233,19 +7441,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EMPTYMARKUPPARTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ENABLE_SCROLL_BAR_ARROWS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ENABLE_SCROLL_BAR_ARROWS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ENABLE_SCROLL_BAR_ARROWS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ENABLE_SCROLL_BAR_ARROWS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ENABLE_SCROLL_BAR_ARROWS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8255,19 +7452,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ENABLE_SCROLL_BAR_ARROWS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EXPANDBUTTONSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EXPANDBUTTONSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EXPANDBUTTONSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EXPANDBUTTONSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EXPANDBUTTONSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8277,19 +7463,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EXPANDBUTTONSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EXPANDOBUTTONSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EXPANDOBUTTONSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EXPANDOBUTTONSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EXPANDOBUTTONSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EXPANDOBUTTONSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8299,19 +7474,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EXPANDOBUTTONSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EXPLORERBARPARTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EXPLORERBARPARTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EXPLORERBARPARTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EXPLORERBARPARTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EXPLORERBARPARTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8321,19 +7485,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EXPLORERBARPARTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FEEDBACK_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FEEDBACK_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FEEDBACK_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FEEDBACK_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FEEDBACK_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8343,19 +7496,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FEEDBACK_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FILLSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FILLSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FILLSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FILLSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FILLSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8365,19 +7507,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FILLSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FILLTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FILLTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FILLTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FILLTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FILLTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8387,19 +7518,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FILLTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FILLVERTSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FILLVERTSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FILLVERTSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FILLVERTSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FILLVERTSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8409,19 +7529,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FILLVERTSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FLYOUTPARTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FLYOUTPARTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FLYOUTPARTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FLYOUTPARTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FLYOUTPARTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8431,19 +7540,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FLYOUTPARTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FRAMEBOTTOMSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FRAMEBOTTOMSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FRAMEBOTTOMSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FRAMEBOTTOMSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FRAMEBOTTOMSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8453,19 +7551,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FRAMEBOTTOMSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FRAMELEFTSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FRAMELEFTSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FRAMELEFTSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FRAMELEFTSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FRAMELEFTSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8475,19 +7562,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FRAMELEFTSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FRAMERIGHTSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FRAMERIGHTSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FRAMERIGHTSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FRAMERIGHTSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FRAMERIGHTSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8497,19 +7573,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FRAMERIGHTSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FRAMESTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FRAMESTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FRAMESTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FRAMESTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FRAMESTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8519,19 +7584,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FRAMESTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GET_THEME_BITMAP_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GET_THEME_BITMAP_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GET_THEME_BITMAP_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GET_THEME_BITMAP_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GET_THEME_BITMAP_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8541,19 +7595,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GET_THEME_BITMAP_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GLYPHFONTSIZINGTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GLYPHFONTSIZINGTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GLYPHFONTSIZINGTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GLYPHFONTSIZINGTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GLYPHFONTSIZINGTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8563,19 +7606,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GLYPHFONTSIZINGTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GLYPHSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GLYPHSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GLYPHSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GLYPHSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GLYPHSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8585,19 +7617,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GLYPHSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GLYPHTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GLYPHTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GLYPHTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GLYPHTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GLYPHTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8607,19 +7628,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GLYPHTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GRIDCELLBACKGROUNDSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GRIDCELLBACKGROUNDSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GRIDCELLBACKGROUNDSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GRIDCELLBACKGROUNDSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GRIDCELLBACKGROUNDSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8629,19 +7639,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GRIDCELLBACKGROUNDSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GRIDCELLSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GRIDCELLSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GRIDCELLSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GRIDCELLSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GRIDCELLSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8651,19 +7650,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GRIDCELLSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GRIDCELLUPPERSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GRIDCELLUPPERSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GRIDCELLUPPERSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GRIDCELLUPPERSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GRIDCELLUPPERSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8673,19 +7661,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GRIDCELLUPPERSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GRIPPERSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GRIPPERSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GRIPPERSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GRIPPERSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GRIPPERSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8695,19 +7672,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GRIPPERSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GROUPBOXSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GROUPBOXSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GROUPBOXSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GROUPBOXSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GROUPBOXSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8717,19 +7683,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GROUPBOXSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GROUPHEADERLINESTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GROUPHEADERLINESTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GROUPHEADERLINESTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GROUPHEADERLINESTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GROUPHEADERLINESTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8739,19 +7694,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GROUPHEADERLINESTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GROUPHEADERSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GROUPHEADERSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GROUPHEADERSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GROUPHEADERSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GROUPHEADERSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8761,19 +7705,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GROUPHEADERSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HALIGN(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HALIGN {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HALIGN { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HALIGN { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HALIGN { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8783,19 +7716,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HALIGN { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HDI_MASK(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HDI_MASK {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HDI_MASK { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HDI_MASK { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HDI_MASK { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8838,19 +7760,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for HDI_MASK { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HEADERAREASTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HEADERAREASTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HEADERAREASTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HEADERAREASTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HEADERAREASTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8860,19 +7771,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HEADERAREASTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HEADERCLOSESTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HEADERCLOSESTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HEADERCLOSESTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HEADERCLOSESTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HEADERCLOSESTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8882,19 +7782,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HEADERCLOSESTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HEADERDROPDOWNFILTERSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HEADERDROPDOWNFILTERSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HEADERDROPDOWNFILTERSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HEADERDROPDOWNFILTERSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HEADERDROPDOWNFILTERSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8904,19 +7793,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HEADERDROPDOWNFILTERSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HEADERDROPDOWNSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HEADERDROPDOWNSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HEADERDROPDOWNSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HEADERDROPDOWNSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HEADERDROPDOWNSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8926,19 +7804,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HEADERDROPDOWNSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HEADERITEMLEFTSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HEADERITEMLEFTSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HEADERITEMLEFTSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HEADERITEMLEFTSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HEADERITEMLEFTSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8948,19 +7815,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HEADERITEMLEFTSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HEADERITEMRIGHTSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HEADERITEMRIGHTSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HEADERITEMRIGHTSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HEADERITEMRIGHTSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HEADERITEMRIGHTSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8970,19 +7826,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HEADERITEMRIGHTSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HEADERITEMSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HEADERITEMSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HEADERITEMSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HEADERITEMSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HEADERITEMSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8992,19 +7837,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HEADERITEMSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HEADEROVERFLOWSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HEADEROVERFLOWSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HEADEROVERFLOWSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HEADEROVERFLOWSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HEADEROVERFLOWSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9014,19 +7848,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HEADEROVERFLOWSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HEADERPARTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HEADERPARTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HEADERPARTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HEADERPARTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HEADERPARTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9036,19 +7859,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HEADERPARTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HEADERPINSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HEADERPINSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HEADERPINSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HEADERPINSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HEADERPINSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9058,19 +7870,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HEADERPINSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HEADERSORTARROWSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HEADERSORTARROWSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HEADERSORTARROWSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HEADERSORTARROWSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HEADERSORTARROWSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9080,19 +7881,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HEADERSORTARROWSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HEADERSTYLESTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HEADERSTYLESTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HEADERSTYLESTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HEADERSTYLESTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HEADERSTYLESTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9102,19 +7892,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HEADERSTYLESTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HEADER_CONTROL_FORMAT_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HEADER_CONTROL_FORMAT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HEADER_CONTROL_FORMAT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HEADER_CONTROL_FORMAT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HEADER_CONTROL_FORMAT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9124,19 +7903,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HEADER_CONTROL_FORMAT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HEADER_CONTROL_FORMAT_STATE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HEADER_CONTROL_FORMAT_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HEADER_CONTROL_FORMAT_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HEADER_CONTROL_FORMAT_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HEADER_CONTROL_FORMAT_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9146,19 +7914,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HEADER_CONTROL_FORMAT_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HEADER_CONTROL_FORMAT_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HEADER_CONTROL_FORMAT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HEADER_CONTROL_FORMAT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HEADER_CONTROL_FORMAT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HEADER_CONTROL_FORMAT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9168,19 +7925,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HEADER_CONTROL_FORMAT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HEADER_CONTROL_NOTIFICATION_BUTTON(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HEADER_CONTROL_NOTIFICATION_BUTTON {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HEADER_CONTROL_NOTIFICATION_BUTTON { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HEADER_CONTROL_NOTIFICATION_BUTTON { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HEADER_CONTROL_NOTIFICATION_BUTTON { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9190,19 +7936,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HEADER_CONTROL_NOTIFICATION_BUTTON { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HEADER_HITTEST_INFO_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HEADER_HITTEST_INFO_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HEADER_HITTEST_INFO_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HEADER_HITTEST_INFO_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HEADER_HITTEST_INFO_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9245,19 +7980,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for HEADER_HITTEST_INFO_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HELPBUTTONSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HELPBUTTONSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HELPBUTTONSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HELPBUTTONSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HELPBUTTONSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9267,19 +7991,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HELPBUTTONSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HELPLINKSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HELPLINKSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HELPLINKSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HELPLINKSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HELPLINKSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9289,19 +8002,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HELPLINKSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HIT_TEST_BACKGROUND_OPTIONS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HIT_TEST_BACKGROUND_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HIT_TEST_BACKGROUND_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HIT_TEST_BACKGROUND_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HIT_TEST_BACKGROUND_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9311,19 +8013,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HIT_TEST_BACKGROUND_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HORZSCROLLSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HORZSCROLLSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HORZSCROLLSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HORZSCROLLSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HORZSCROLLSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9333,19 +8024,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HORZSCROLLSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HORZTHUMBSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HORZTHUMBSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HORZTHUMBSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HORZTHUMBSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HORZTHUMBSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9355,19 +8035,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HORZTHUMBSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HOTGLYPHSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HOTGLYPHSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HOTGLYPHSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HOTGLYPHSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HOTGLYPHSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9377,19 +8046,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HOTGLYPHSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HOVERBACKGROUNDSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HOVERBACKGROUNDSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HOVERBACKGROUNDSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HOVERBACKGROUNDSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HOVERBACKGROUNDSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9399,19 +8057,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HOVERBACKGROUNDSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HYPERLINKSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HYPERLINKSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HYPERLINKSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HYPERLINKSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HYPERLINKSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9421,19 +8068,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HYPERLINKSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HYPERLINKTEXTSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HYPERLINKTEXTSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HYPERLINKTEXTSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HYPERLINKTEXTSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HYPERLINKTEXTSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9443,19 +8079,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HYPERLINKTEXTSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ICONEFFECT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ICONEFFECT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ICONEFFECT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ICONEFFECT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ICONEFFECT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9465,19 +8090,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ICONEFFECT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IEBARMENUSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IEBARMENUSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IEBARMENUSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IEBARMENUSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IEBARMENUSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9487,19 +8101,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IEBARMENUSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMAGELAYOUT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMAGELAYOUT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMAGELAYOUT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMAGELAYOUT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMAGELAYOUT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9509,19 +8112,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IMAGELAYOUT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMAGELIST_CREATION_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMAGELIST_CREATION_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMAGELIST_CREATION_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMAGELIST_CREATION_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMAGELIST_CREATION_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9564,19 +8156,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for IMAGELIST_CREATION_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMAGESELECTTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMAGESELECTTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMAGESELECTTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMAGESELECTTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMAGESELECTTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9586,19 +8167,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IMAGESELECTTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMAGE_LIST_COPY_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMAGE_LIST_COPY_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMAGE_LIST_COPY_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMAGE_LIST_COPY_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMAGE_LIST_COPY_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9608,19 +8178,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IMAGE_LIST_COPY_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMAGE_LIST_DRAW_STYLE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMAGE_LIST_DRAW_STYLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMAGE_LIST_DRAW_STYLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMAGE_LIST_DRAW_STYLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMAGE_LIST_DRAW_STYLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9663,19 +8222,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for IMAGE_LIST_DRAW_STYLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMAGE_LIST_ITEM_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMAGE_LIST_ITEM_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMAGE_LIST_ITEM_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMAGE_LIST_ITEM_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMAGE_LIST_ITEM_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9685,19 +8233,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IMAGE_LIST_ITEM_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMAGE_LIST_WRITE_STREAM_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMAGE_LIST_WRITE_STREAM_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMAGE_LIST_WRITE_STREAM_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMAGE_LIST_WRITE_STREAM_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMAGE_LIST_WRITE_STREAM_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9740,19 +8277,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for IMAGE_LIST_WRITE_STREAM_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX_ICC(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX_ICC {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX_ICC { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX_ICC { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX_ICC { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9795,19 +8321,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX_ICC { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ITEMSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ITEMSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ITEMSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ITEMSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ITEMSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9817,19 +8332,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ITEMSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LABELSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LABELSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LABELSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LABELSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LABELSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9839,19 +8343,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for LABELSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LINKHEADERSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LINKHEADERSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LINKHEADERSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LINKHEADERSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LINKHEADERSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9861,19 +8354,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for LINKHEADERSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LINKPARTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LINKPARTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LINKPARTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LINKPARTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LINKPARTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9883,19 +8365,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for LINKPARTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LINKSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LINKSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LINKSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LINKSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LINKSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9905,19 +8376,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for LINKSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LISTBOXPARTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LISTBOXPARTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LISTBOXPARTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LISTBOXPARTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LISTBOXPARTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9927,19 +8387,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for LISTBOXPARTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LISTITEMSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LISTITEMSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LISTITEMSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LISTITEMSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LISTITEMSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9949,19 +8398,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for LISTITEMSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LISTVIEWPARTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LISTVIEWPARTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LISTVIEWPARTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LISTVIEWPARTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LISTVIEWPARTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9971,19 +8409,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for LISTVIEWPARTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LIST_ITEM_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LIST_ITEM_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LIST_ITEM_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LIST_ITEM_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LIST_ITEM_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10026,19 +8453,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for LIST_ITEM_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LIST_ITEM_STATE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LIST_ITEM_STATE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LIST_ITEM_STATE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LIST_ITEM_STATE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LIST_ITEM_STATE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10081,19 +8497,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for LIST_ITEM_STATE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LIST_VIEW_BACKGROUND_IMAGE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LIST_VIEW_BACKGROUND_IMAGE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LIST_VIEW_BACKGROUND_IMAGE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LIST_VIEW_BACKGROUND_IMAGE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LIST_VIEW_BACKGROUND_IMAGE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10136,19 +8541,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for LIST_VIEW_BACKGROUND_IMAGE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LIST_VIEW_GROUP_ALIGN_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LIST_VIEW_GROUP_ALIGN_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LIST_VIEW_GROUP_ALIGN_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LIST_VIEW_GROUP_ALIGN_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LIST_VIEW_GROUP_ALIGN_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10191,19 +8585,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for LIST_VIEW_GROUP_ALIGN_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LIST_VIEW_GROUP_STATE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LIST_VIEW_GROUP_STATE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LIST_VIEW_GROUP_STATE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LIST_VIEW_GROUP_STATE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LIST_VIEW_GROUP_STATE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10246,19 +8629,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for LIST_VIEW_GROUP_STATE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LIST_VIEW_ITEM_COLUMN_FORMAT_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LIST_VIEW_ITEM_COLUMN_FORMAT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LIST_VIEW_ITEM_COLUMN_FORMAT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LIST_VIEW_ITEM_COLUMN_FORMAT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LIST_VIEW_ITEM_COLUMN_FORMAT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10301,19 +8673,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for LIST_VIEW_ITEM_COLUMN_FORMAT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LIST_VIEW_ITEM_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LIST_VIEW_ITEM_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LIST_VIEW_ITEM_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LIST_VIEW_ITEM_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LIST_VIEW_ITEM_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10356,19 +8717,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for LIST_VIEW_ITEM_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LIST_VIEW_ITEM_STATE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LIST_VIEW_ITEM_STATE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LIST_VIEW_ITEM_STATE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LIST_VIEW_ITEM_STATE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LIST_VIEW_ITEM_STATE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10378,19 +8728,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for LIST_VIEW_ITEM_STATE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LOGOFFBUTTONSSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LOGOFFBUTTONSSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LOGOFFBUTTONSSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LOGOFFBUTTONSSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LOGOFFBUTTONSSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10400,19 +8739,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for LOGOFFBUTTONSSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LVCOLUMNW_FORMAT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LVCOLUMNW_FORMAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LVCOLUMNW_FORMAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LVCOLUMNW_FORMAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LVCOLUMNW_FORMAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10455,19 +8783,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for LVCOLUMNW_FORMAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LVCOLUMNW_MASK(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LVCOLUMNW_MASK {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LVCOLUMNW_MASK { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LVCOLUMNW_MASK { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LVCOLUMNW_MASK { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10510,19 +8827,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for LVCOLUMNW_MASK { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LVFINDINFOW_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LVFINDINFOW_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LVFINDINFOW_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LVFINDINFOW_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LVFINDINFOW_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10565,19 +8871,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for LVFINDINFOW_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LVFOOTERITEM_MASK(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LVFOOTERITEM_MASK {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LVFOOTERITEM_MASK { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LVFOOTERITEM_MASK { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LVFOOTERITEM_MASK { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10587,19 +8882,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for LVFOOTERITEM_MASK { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LVGROUP_MASK(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LVGROUP_MASK {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LVGROUP_MASK { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LVGROUP_MASK { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LVGROUP_MASK { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10642,19 +8926,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for LVGROUP_MASK { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LVHITTESTINFO_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LVHITTESTINFO_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LVHITTESTINFO_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LVHITTESTINFO_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LVHITTESTINFO_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10697,19 +8970,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for LVHITTESTINFO_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LVITEMA_GROUP_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LVITEMA_GROUP_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LVITEMA_GROUP_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LVITEMA_GROUP_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LVITEMA_GROUP_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10719,19 +8981,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for LVITEMA_GROUP_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LVTILEVIEWINFO_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LVTILEVIEWINFO_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LVTILEVIEWINFO_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LVTILEVIEWINFO_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LVTILEVIEWINFO_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10774,19 +9025,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for LVTILEVIEWINFO_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LVTILEVIEWINFO_MASK(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LVTILEVIEWINFO_MASK {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LVTILEVIEWINFO_MASK { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LVTILEVIEWINFO_MASK { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LVTILEVIEWINFO_MASK { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10829,19 +9069,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for LVTILEVIEWINFO_MASK { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MARKUPTEXTSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MARKUPTEXTSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MARKUPTEXTSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MARKUPTEXTSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MARKUPTEXTSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10851,19 +9080,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MARKUPTEXTSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MAXBUTTONSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MAXBUTTONSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MAXBUTTONSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MAXBUTTONSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MAXBUTTONSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10873,19 +9091,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MAXBUTTONSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MAXCAPTIONSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MAXCAPTIONSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MAXCAPTIONSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MAXCAPTIONSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MAXCAPTIONSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10895,19 +9102,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MAXCAPTIONSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MCGRIDINFO_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MCGRIDINFO_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MCGRIDINFO_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MCGRIDINFO_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MCGRIDINFO_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10950,19 +9146,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for MCGRIDINFO_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MCGRIDINFO_PART(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MCGRIDINFO_PART {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MCGRIDINFO_PART { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MCGRIDINFO_PART { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MCGRIDINFO_PART { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10972,19 +9157,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MCGRIDINFO_PART { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MCHITTESTINFO_HIT_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MCHITTESTINFO_HIT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MCHITTESTINFO_HIT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MCHITTESTINFO_HIT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MCHITTESTINFO_HIT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11027,19 +9201,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for MCHITTESTINFO_HIT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MDICLOSEBUTTONSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MDICLOSEBUTTONSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MDICLOSEBUTTONSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MDICLOSEBUTTONSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MDICLOSEBUTTONSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11049,19 +9212,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MDICLOSEBUTTONSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MDIMINBUTTONSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MDIMINBUTTONSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MDIMINBUTTONSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MDIMINBUTTONSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MDIMINBUTTONSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11071,19 +9223,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MDIMINBUTTONSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MDIRESTOREBUTTONSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MDIRESTOREBUTTONSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MDIRESTOREBUTTONSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MDIRESTOREBUTTONSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MDIRESTOREBUTTONSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11093,19 +9234,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MDIRESTOREBUTTONSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MENUBANDPARTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MENUBANDPARTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MENUBANDPARTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MENUBANDPARTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MENUBANDPARTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11115,19 +9245,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MENUBANDPARTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MENUBANDSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MENUBANDSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MENUBANDSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MENUBANDSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MENUBANDSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11137,19 +9256,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MENUBANDSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MENUPARTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MENUPARTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MENUPARTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MENUPARTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MENUPARTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11159,19 +9267,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MENUPARTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MINBUTTONSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MINBUTTONSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MINBUTTONSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MINBUTTONSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MINBUTTONSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11181,19 +9278,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MINBUTTONSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MINCAPTIONSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MINCAPTIONSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MINCAPTIONSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MINCAPTIONSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MINCAPTIONSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11203,19 +9289,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MINCAPTIONSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MONTHCALPARTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MONTHCALPARTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MONTHCALPARTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MONTHCALPARTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MONTHCALPARTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11225,19 +9300,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MONTHCALPARTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MONTH_CALDENDAR_MESSAGES_VIEW(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MONTH_CALDENDAR_MESSAGES_VIEW {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MONTH_CALDENDAR_MESSAGES_VIEW { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MONTH_CALDENDAR_MESSAGES_VIEW { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MONTH_CALDENDAR_MESSAGES_VIEW { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11247,19 +9311,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MONTH_CALDENDAR_MESSAGES_VIEW { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MOREPROGRAMSARROWBACKSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MOREPROGRAMSARROWBACKSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MOREPROGRAMSARROWBACKSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MOREPROGRAMSARROWBACKSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MOREPROGRAMSARROWBACKSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11269,19 +9322,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MOREPROGRAMSARROWBACKSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MOREPROGRAMSARROWSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MOREPROGRAMSARROWSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MOREPROGRAMSARROWSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MOREPROGRAMSARROWSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MOREPROGRAMSARROWSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11291,19 +9333,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MOREPROGRAMSARROWSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MOREPROGRAMSTABSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MOREPROGRAMSTABSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MOREPROGRAMSTABSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MOREPROGRAMSTABSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MOREPROGRAMSTABSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11313,19 +9344,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MOREPROGRAMSTABSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MOVESTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MOVESTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MOVESTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MOVESTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MOVESTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11335,19 +9355,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MOVESTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NAVIGATIONPARTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NAVIGATIONPARTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NAVIGATIONPARTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NAVIGATIONPARTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NAVIGATIONPARTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11357,19 +9366,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NAVIGATIONPARTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NAVNEXTSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NAVNEXTSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NAVNEXTSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NAVNEXTSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NAVNEXTSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11379,19 +9377,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NAVNEXTSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NAVPREVSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NAVPREVSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NAVPREVSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NAVPREVSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NAVPREVSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11401,19 +9388,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NAVPREVSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NAV_BACKBUTTONSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NAV_BACKBUTTONSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NAV_BACKBUTTONSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NAV_BACKBUTTONSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NAV_BACKBUTTONSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11423,19 +9399,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NAV_BACKBUTTONSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NAV_FORWARDBUTTONSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NAV_FORWARDBUTTONSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NAV_FORWARDBUTTONSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NAV_FORWARDBUTTONSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NAV_FORWARDBUTTONSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11445,19 +9410,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NAV_FORWARDBUTTONSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NAV_MENUBUTTONSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NAV_MENUBUTTONSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NAV_MENUBUTTONSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NAV_MENUBUTTONSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NAV_MENUBUTTONSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11467,19 +9421,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NAV_MENUBUTTONSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NMCUSTOMDRAW_DRAW_STAGE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NMCUSTOMDRAW_DRAW_STAGE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NMCUSTOMDRAW_DRAW_STAGE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NMCUSTOMDRAW_DRAW_STAGE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NMCUSTOMDRAW_DRAW_STAGE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11489,19 +9432,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NMCUSTOMDRAW_DRAW_STAGE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NMCUSTOMDRAW_DRAW_STATE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NMCUSTOMDRAW_DRAW_STATE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NMCUSTOMDRAW_DRAW_STATE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NMCUSTOMDRAW_DRAW_STATE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NMCUSTOMDRAW_DRAW_STATE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11544,19 +9476,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for NMCUSTOMDRAW_DRAW_STATE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NMDATETIMECHANGE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NMDATETIMECHANGE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NMDATETIMECHANGE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NMDATETIMECHANGE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NMDATETIMECHANGE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11566,19 +9487,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NMDATETIMECHANGE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NMLVCUSTOMDRAW_ITEM_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NMLVCUSTOMDRAW_ITEM_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NMLVCUSTOMDRAW_ITEM_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NMLVCUSTOMDRAW_ITEM_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NMLVCUSTOMDRAW_ITEM_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11588,19 +9498,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NMLVCUSTOMDRAW_ITEM_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NMLVEMPTYMARKUP_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NMLVEMPTYMARKUP_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NMLVEMPTYMARKUP_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NMLVEMPTYMARKUP_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NMLVEMPTYMARKUP_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11610,19 +9509,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NMLVEMPTYMARKUP_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NMLVGETINFOTIP_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NMLVGETINFOTIP_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NMLVGETINFOTIP_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NMLVGETINFOTIP_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NMLVGETINFOTIP_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11632,19 +9520,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NMLVGETINFOTIP_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NMPGCALCSIZE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NMPGCALCSIZE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NMPGCALCSIZE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NMPGCALCSIZE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NMPGCALCSIZE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11654,19 +9531,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NMPGCALCSIZE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NMPGSCROLL_DIR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NMPGSCROLL_DIR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NMPGSCROLL_DIR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NMPGSCROLL_DIR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NMPGSCROLL_DIR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11676,19 +9542,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NMPGSCROLL_DIR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NMPGSCROLL_KEYS(pub u16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NMPGSCROLL_KEYS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NMPGSCROLL_KEYS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NMPGSCROLL_KEYS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NMPGSCROLL_KEYS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11731,19 +9586,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for NMPGSCROLL_KEYS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NMREBAR_MASK_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NMREBAR_MASK_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NMREBAR_MASK_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NMREBAR_MASK_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NMREBAR_MASK_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11786,19 +9630,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for NMREBAR_MASK_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NMTBDISPINFOW_MASK(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NMTBDISPINFOW_MASK {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NMTBDISPINFOW_MASK { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NMTBDISPINFOW_MASK { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NMTBDISPINFOW_MASK { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11841,19 +9674,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for NMTBDISPINFOW_MASK { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NMTBHOTITEM_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NMTBHOTITEM_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NMTBHOTITEM_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NMTBHOTITEM_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NMTBHOTITEM_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11896,19 +9718,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for NMTBHOTITEM_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NM_TREEVIEW_ACTION(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NM_TREEVIEW_ACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NM_TREEVIEW_ACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NM_TREEVIEW_ACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NM_TREEVIEW_ACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11951,19 +9762,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for NM_TREEVIEW_ACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NONESTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NONESTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NONESTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NONESTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NONESTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11973,19 +9773,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NONESTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NORMALGROUPCOLLAPSESTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NORMALGROUPCOLLAPSESTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NORMALGROUPCOLLAPSESTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NORMALGROUPCOLLAPSESTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NORMALGROUPCOLLAPSESTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -11995,19 +9784,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NORMALGROUPCOLLAPSESTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NORMALGROUPEXPANDSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NORMALGROUPEXPANDSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NORMALGROUPEXPANDSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NORMALGROUPEXPANDSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NORMALGROUPEXPANDSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12017,19 +9795,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NORMALGROUPEXPANDSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ODA_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ODA_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ODA_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ODA_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ODA_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12039,19 +9806,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ODA_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ODS_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ODS_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ODS_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ODS_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ODS_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12061,19 +9817,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ODS_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OFFSETTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OFFSETTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OFFSETTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OFFSETTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OFFSETTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12083,19 +9828,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OFFSETTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OPENBOXSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OPENBOXSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OPENBOXSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OPENBOXSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OPENBOXSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12105,19 +9839,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OPENBOXSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OPEN_THEME_DATA_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OPEN_THEME_DATA_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OPEN_THEME_DATA_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OPEN_THEME_DATA_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OPEN_THEME_DATA_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12160,19 +9883,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for OPEN_THEME_DATA_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PAGEPARTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PAGEPARTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PAGEPARTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PAGEPARTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PAGEPARTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12182,19 +9894,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PAGEPARTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct POINTER_DEVICE_CURSOR_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for POINTER_DEVICE_CURSOR_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for POINTER_DEVICE_CURSOR_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for POINTER_DEVICE_CURSOR_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for POINTER_DEVICE_CURSOR_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12204,19 +9905,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for POINTER_DEVICE_CURSOR_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct POINTER_DEVICE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for POINTER_DEVICE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for POINTER_DEVICE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for POINTER_DEVICE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for POINTER_DEVICE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12226,19 +9916,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for POINTER_DEVICE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct POINTER_FEEDBACK_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for POINTER_FEEDBACK_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for POINTER_FEEDBACK_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for POINTER_FEEDBACK_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for POINTER_FEEDBACK_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12248,19 +9927,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for POINTER_FEEDBACK_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct POPUPCHECKBACKGROUNDSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for POPUPCHECKBACKGROUNDSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for POPUPCHECKBACKGROUNDSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for POPUPCHECKBACKGROUNDSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for POPUPCHECKBACKGROUNDSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12270,19 +9938,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for POPUPCHECKBACKGROUNDSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct POPUPCHECKSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for POPUPCHECKSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for POPUPCHECKSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for POPUPCHECKSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for POPUPCHECKSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12292,19 +9949,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for POPUPCHECKSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct POPUPITEMFOCUSABLESTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for POPUPITEMFOCUSABLESTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for POPUPITEMFOCUSABLESTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for POPUPITEMFOCUSABLESTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for POPUPITEMFOCUSABLESTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12314,19 +9960,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for POPUPITEMFOCUSABLESTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct POPUPITEMKBFOCUSSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for POPUPITEMKBFOCUSSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for POPUPITEMKBFOCUSSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for POPUPITEMKBFOCUSSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for POPUPITEMKBFOCUSSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12336,19 +9971,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for POPUPITEMKBFOCUSSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct POPUPITEMSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for POPUPITEMSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for POPUPITEMSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for POPUPITEMSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for POPUPITEMSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12358,19 +9982,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for POPUPITEMSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct POPUPSUBMENUHCHOTSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for POPUPSUBMENUHCHOTSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for POPUPSUBMENUHCHOTSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for POPUPSUBMENUHCHOTSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for POPUPSUBMENUHCHOTSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12380,19 +9993,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for POPUPSUBMENUHCHOTSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct POPUPSUBMENUSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for POPUPSUBMENUSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for POPUPSUBMENUSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for POPUPSUBMENUSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for POPUPSUBMENUSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12402,19 +10004,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for POPUPSUBMENUSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROGRESSPARTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROGRESSPARTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROGRESSPARTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROGRESSPARTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROGRESSPARTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12424,19 +10015,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PROGRESSPARTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROPERTYORIGIN(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROPERTYORIGIN {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROPERTYORIGIN { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROPERTYORIGIN { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROPERTYORIGIN { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12446,19 +10026,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PROPERTYORIGIN { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PSPCB_MESSAGE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PSPCB_MESSAGE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PSPCB_MESSAGE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PSPCB_MESSAGE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PSPCB_MESSAGE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12468,19 +10037,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PSPCB_MESSAGE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PUSHBUTTONDROPDOWNSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PUSHBUTTONDROPDOWNSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PUSHBUTTONDROPDOWNSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PUSHBUTTONDROPDOWNSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PUSHBUTTONDROPDOWNSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12490,19 +10048,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PUSHBUTTONDROPDOWNSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PUSHBUTTONSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PUSHBUTTONSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PUSHBUTTONSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PUSHBUTTONSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PUSHBUTTONSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12512,19 +10059,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PUSHBUTTONSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RADIOBUTTONSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RADIOBUTTONSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RADIOBUTTONSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RADIOBUTTONSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RADIOBUTTONSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12534,19 +10070,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RADIOBUTTONSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct READONLYSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for READONLYSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for READONLYSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for READONLYSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for READONLYSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12556,19 +10081,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for READONLYSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct REBARPARTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for REBARPARTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for REBARPARTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for REBARPARTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for REBARPARTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12578,19 +10092,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for REBARPARTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RESTOREBUTTONSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RESTOREBUTTONSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RESTOREBUTTONSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RESTOREBUTTONSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RESTOREBUTTONSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12600,19 +10103,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RESTOREBUTTONSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SCROLLBARPARTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SCROLLBARPARTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SCROLLBARPARTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SCROLLBARPARTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SCROLLBARPARTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12622,19 +10114,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SCROLLBARPARTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SCROLLBARSTYLESTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SCROLLBARSTYLESTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SCROLLBARSTYLESTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SCROLLBARSTYLESTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SCROLLBARSTYLESTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12644,19 +10125,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SCROLLBARSTYLESTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SECTIONTITLELINKSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SECTIONTITLELINKSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SECTIONTITLELINKSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SECTIONTITLELINKSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SECTIONTITLELINKSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12666,19 +10136,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SECTIONTITLELINKSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SET_THEME_APP_PROPERTIES_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SET_THEME_APP_PROPERTIES_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SET_THEME_APP_PROPERTIES_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SET_THEME_APP_PROPERTIES_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SET_THEME_APP_PROPERTIES_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12721,19 +10180,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SET_THEME_APP_PROPERTIES_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SHOWCALENDARBUTTONRIGHTSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SHOWCALENDARBUTTONRIGHTSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SHOWCALENDARBUTTONRIGHTSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SHOWCALENDARBUTTONRIGHTSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SHOWCALENDARBUTTONRIGHTSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12743,19 +10191,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SHOWCALENDARBUTTONRIGHTSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SIZEBOXSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SIZEBOXSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SIZEBOXSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SIZEBOXSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SIZEBOXSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12765,19 +10202,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SIZEBOXSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SIZINGTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SIZINGTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SIZINGTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SIZINGTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SIZINGTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12787,19 +10213,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SIZINGTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SMALLCAPTIONSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SMALLCAPTIONSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SMALLCAPTIONSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SMALLCAPTIONSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SMALLCAPTIONSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12809,19 +10224,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SMALLCAPTIONSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SMALLCLOSEBUTTONSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SMALLCLOSEBUTTONSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SMALLCLOSEBUTTONSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SMALLCLOSEBUTTONSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SMALLCLOSEBUTTONSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12831,19 +10235,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SMALLCLOSEBUTTONSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SMALLFRAMEBOTTOMSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SMALLFRAMEBOTTOMSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SMALLFRAMEBOTTOMSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SMALLFRAMEBOTTOMSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SMALLFRAMEBOTTOMSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12853,19 +10246,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SMALLFRAMEBOTTOMSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SMALLFRAMELEFTSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SMALLFRAMELEFTSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SMALLFRAMELEFTSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SMALLFRAMELEFTSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SMALLFRAMELEFTSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12875,19 +10257,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SMALLFRAMELEFTSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SMALLFRAMERIGHTSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SMALLFRAMERIGHTSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SMALLFRAMERIGHTSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SMALLFRAMERIGHTSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SMALLFRAMERIGHTSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12897,19 +10268,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SMALLFRAMERIGHTSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SOFTWAREEXPLORERSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SOFTWAREEXPLORERSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SOFTWAREEXPLORERSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SOFTWAREEXPLORERSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SOFTWAREEXPLORERSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12919,19 +10279,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SOFTWAREEXPLORERSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SPECIALGROUPCOLLAPSESTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SPECIALGROUPCOLLAPSESTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SPECIALGROUPCOLLAPSESTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SPECIALGROUPCOLLAPSESTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SPECIALGROUPCOLLAPSESTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12941,19 +10290,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SPECIALGROUPCOLLAPSESTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SPECIALGROUPEXPANDSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SPECIALGROUPEXPANDSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SPECIALGROUPEXPANDSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SPECIALGROUPEXPANDSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SPECIALGROUPEXPANDSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12963,19 +10301,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SPECIALGROUPEXPANDSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SPINPARTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SPINPARTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SPINPARTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SPINPARTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SPINPARTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -12985,19 +10312,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SPINPARTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SPLITTERSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SPLITTERSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SPLITTERSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SPLITTERSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SPLITTERSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13007,19 +10323,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SPLITTERSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SPLITTERVERTSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SPLITTERVERTSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SPLITTERVERTSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SPLITTERVERTSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SPLITTERVERTSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13029,19 +10334,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SPLITTERVERTSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STANDARDSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STANDARDSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STANDARDSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STANDARDSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STANDARDSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13051,19 +10345,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STANDARDSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STARTPANELPARTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STARTPANELPARTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STARTPANELPARTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STARTPANELPARTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STARTPANELPARTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13073,19 +10356,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STARTPANELPARTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STATICPARTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STATICPARTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STATICPARTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STATICPARTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STATICPARTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13095,19 +10367,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STATICPARTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STATUSPARTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STATUSPARTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STATUSPARTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STATUSPARTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STATUSPARTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13117,19 +10378,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STATUSPARTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYSBUTTONSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYSBUTTONSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYSBUTTONSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYSBUTTONSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYSBUTTONSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13139,19 +10389,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYSBUTTONSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYSTEMCLOSEHCHOTSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYSTEMCLOSEHCHOTSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYSTEMCLOSEHCHOTSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYSTEMCLOSEHCHOTSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYSTEMCLOSEHCHOTSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13161,19 +10400,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYSTEMCLOSEHCHOTSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYSTEMCLOSESTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYSTEMCLOSESTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYSTEMCLOSESTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYSTEMCLOSESTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYSTEMCLOSESTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13183,19 +10411,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYSTEMCLOSESTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYSTEMMAXIMIZEHCHOTSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYSTEMMAXIMIZEHCHOTSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYSTEMMAXIMIZEHCHOTSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYSTEMMAXIMIZEHCHOTSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYSTEMMAXIMIZEHCHOTSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13205,19 +10422,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYSTEMMAXIMIZEHCHOTSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYSTEMMAXIMIZESTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYSTEMMAXIMIZESTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYSTEMMAXIMIZESTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYSTEMMAXIMIZESTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYSTEMMAXIMIZESTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13227,19 +10433,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYSTEMMAXIMIZESTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYSTEMMINIMIZEHCHOTSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYSTEMMINIMIZEHCHOTSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYSTEMMINIMIZEHCHOTSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYSTEMMINIMIZEHCHOTSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYSTEMMINIMIZEHCHOTSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13249,19 +10444,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYSTEMMINIMIZEHCHOTSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYSTEMMINIMIZESTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYSTEMMINIMIZESTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYSTEMMINIMIZESTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYSTEMMINIMIZESTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYSTEMMINIMIZESTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13271,19 +10455,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYSTEMMINIMIZESTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYSTEMRESTOREHCHOTSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYSTEMRESTOREHCHOTSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYSTEMRESTOREHCHOTSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYSTEMRESTOREHCHOTSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYSTEMRESTOREHCHOTSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13293,19 +10466,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYSTEMRESTOREHCHOTSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYSTEMRESTORESTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYSTEMRESTORESTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYSTEMRESTORESTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYSTEMRESTORESTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYSTEMRESTORESTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13315,19 +10477,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYSTEMRESTORESTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TABITEMBOTHEDGESTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TABITEMBOTHEDGESTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TABITEMBOTHEDGESTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TABITEMBOTHEDGESTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TABITEMBOTHEDGESTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13337,19 +10488,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TABITEMBOTHEDGESTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TABITEMLEFTEDGESTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TABITEMLEFTEDGESTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TABITEMLEFTEDGESTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TABITEMLEFTEDGESTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TABITEMLEFTEDGESTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13359,19 +10499,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TABITEMLEFTEDGESTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TABITEMRIGHTEDGESTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TABITEMRIGHTEDGESTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TABITEMRIGHTEDGESTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TABITEMRIGHTEDGESTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TABITEMRIGHTEDGESTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13381,19 +10510,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TABITEMRIGHTEDGESTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TABITEMSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TABITEMSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TABITEMSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TABITEMSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TABITEMSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13403,19 +10521,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TABITEMSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TABPARTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TABPARTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TABPARTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TABPARTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TABPARTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13425,19 +10532,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TABPARTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TABSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TABSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TABSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TABSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TABSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13447,19 +10543,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TABSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TAB_CONTROL_ITEM_STATE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TAB_CONTROL_ITEM_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TAB_CONTROL_ITEM_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TAB_CONTROL_ITEM_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TAB_CONTROL_ITEM_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13469,19 +10554,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TAB_CONTROL_ITEM_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TASKBANDPARTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TASKBANDPARTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TASKBANDPARTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TASKBANDPARTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TASKBANDPARTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13491,19 +10565,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TASKBANDPARTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TASKBARPARTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TASKBARPARTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TASKBARPARTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TASKBARPARTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TASKBARPARTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13513,19 +10576,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TASKBARPARTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TASKDIALOGPARTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TASKDIALOGPARTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TASKDIALOGPARTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TASKDIALOGPARTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TASKDIALOGPARTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13535,19 +10587,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TASKDIALOGPARTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TASKDIALOG_COMMON_BUTTON_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TASKDIALOG_COMMON_BUTTON_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TASKDIALOG_COMMON_BUTTON_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TASKDIALOG_COMMON_BUTTON_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TASKDIALOG_COMMON_BUTTON_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13590,19 +10631,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for TASKDIALOG_COMMON_BUTTON_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TASKDIALOG_ELEMENTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TASKDIALOG_ELEMENTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TASKDIALOG_ELEMENTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TASKDIALOG_ELEMENTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TASKDIALOG_ELEMENTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13612,19 +10642,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TASKDIALOG_ELEMENTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TASKDIALOG_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TASKDIALOG_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TASKDIALOG_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TASKDIALOG_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TASKDIALOG_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13634,19 +10653,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TASKDIALOG_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TASKDIALOG_ICON_ELEMENTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TASKDIALOG_ICON_ELEMENTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TASKDIALOG_ICON_ELEMENTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TASKDIALOG_ICON_ELEMENTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TASKDIALOG_ICON_ELEMENTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13656,19 +10664,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TASKDIALOG_ICON_ELEMENTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TASKDIALOG_MESSAGES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TASKDIALOG_MESSAGES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TASKDIALOG_MESSAGES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TASKDIALOG_MESSAGES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TASKDIALOG_MESSAGES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13678,19 +10675,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TASKDIALOG_MESSAGES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TASKDIALOG_NOTIFICATIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TASKDIALOG_NOTIFICATIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TASKDIALOG_NOTIFICATIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TASKDIALOG_NOTIFICATIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TASKDIALOG_NOTIFICATIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13700,19 +10686,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TASKDIALOG_NOTIFICATIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TASKLINKSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TASKLINKSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TASKLINKSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TASKLINKSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TASKLINKSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13722,19 +10697,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TASKLINKSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TA_PROPERTY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TA_PROPERTY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TA_PROPERTY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TA_PROPERTY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TA_PROPERTY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13744,19 +10708,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TA_PROPERTY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TA_PROPERTY_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TA_PROPERTY_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TA_PROPERTY_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TA_PROPERTY_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TA_PROPERTY_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13799,19 +10752,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for TA_PROPERTY_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TA_TIMINGFUNCTION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TA_TIMINGFUNCTION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TA_TIMINGFUNCTION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TA_TIMINGFUNCTION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TA_TIMINGFUNCTION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13821,19 +10763,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TA_TIMINGFUNCTION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TA_TRANSFORM_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TA_TRANSFORM_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TA_TRANSFORM_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TA_TRANSFORM_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TA_TRANSFORM_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13876,19 +10807,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for TA_TRANSFORM_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TA_TRANSFORM_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TA_TRANSFORM_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TA_TRANSFORM_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TA_TRANSFORM_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TA_TRANSFORM_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13898,19 +10818,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TA_TRANSFORM_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TBBUTTONINFOW_MASK(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TBBUTTONINFOW_MASK {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TBBUTTONINFOW_MASK { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TBBUTTONINFOW_MASK { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TBBUTTONINFOW_MASK { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13953,19 +10862,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for TBBUTTONINFOW_MASK { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TBINSERTMARK_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TBINSERTMARK_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TBINSERTMARK_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TBINSERTMARK_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TBINSERTMARK_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13975,19 +10873,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TBINSERTMARK_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TCHITTESTINFO_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TCHITTESTINFO_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TCHITTESTINFO_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TCHITTESTINFO_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TCHITTESTINFO_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -13997,19 +10884,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TCHITTESTINFO_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TCITEMHEADERA_MASK(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TCITEMHEADERA_MASK {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TCITEMHEADERA_MASK { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TCITEMHEADERA_MASK { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TCITEMHEADERA_MASK { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14052,19 +10928,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for TCITEMHEADERA_MASK { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TEXTSELECTIONGRIPPERPARTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TEXTSELECTIONGRIPPERPARTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TEXTSELECTIONGRIPPERPARTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TEXTSELECTIONGRIPPERPARTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TEXTSELECTIONGRIPPERPARTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14074,19 +10939,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TEXTSELECTIONGRIPPERPARTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TEXTSHADOWTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TEXTSHADOWTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TEXTSHADOWTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TEXTSHADOWTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TEXTSHADOWTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14096,19 +10950,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TEXTSHADOWTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TEXTSTYLEPARTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TEXTSTYLEPARTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TEXTSTYLEPARTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TEXTSTYLEPARTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TEXTSTYLEPARTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14118,19 +10961,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TEXTSTYLEPARTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct THEMESIZE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for THEMESIZE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for THEMESIZE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for THEMESIZE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for THEMESIZE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14140,19 +10972,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for THEMESIZE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct THEME_PROPERTY_SYMBOL_ID(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for THEME_PROPERTY_SYMBOL_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for THEME_PROPERTY_SYMBOL_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for THEME_PROPERTY_SYMBOL_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for THEME_PROPERTY_SYMBOL_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14162,19 +10983,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for THEME_PROPERTY_SYMBOL_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct THUMBBOTTOMSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for THUMBBOTTOMSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for THUMBBOTTOMSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for THUMBBOTTOMSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for THUMBBOTTOMSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14184,19 +10994,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for THUMBBOTTOMSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct THUMBLEFTSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for THUMBLEFTSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for THUMBLEFTSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for THUMBLEFTSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for THUMBLEFTSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14206,19 +11005,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for THUMBLEFTSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct THUMBRIGHTSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for THUMBRIGHTSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for THUMBRIGHTSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for THUMBRIGHTSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for THUMBRIGHTSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14228,19 +11016,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for THUMBRIGHTSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct THUMBSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for THUMBSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for THUMBSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for THUMBSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for THUMBSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14250,19 +11027,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for THUMBSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct THUMBTOPSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for THUMBTOPSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for THUMBTOPSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for THUMBTOPSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for THUMBTOPSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14272,19 +11038,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for THUMBTOPSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct THUMBVERTSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for THUMBVERTSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for THUMBVERTSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for THUMBVERTSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for THUMBVERTSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14294,19 +11049,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for THUMBVERTSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TICSSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TICSSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TICSSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TICSSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TICSSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14316,19 +11060,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TICSSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TICSVERTSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TICSVERTSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TICSVERTSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TICSVERTSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TICSVERTSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14338,19 +11071,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TICSVERTSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TITLEBARSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TITLEBARSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TITLEBARSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TITLEBARSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TITLEBARSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14360,19 +11082,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TITLEBARSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TOOLBARPARTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TOOLBARPARTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TOOLBARPARTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TOOLBARPARTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TOOLBARPARTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14382,19 +11093,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TOOLBARPARTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TOOLBARSTYLESTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TOOLBARSTYLESTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TOOLBARSTYLESTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TOOLBARSTYLESTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TOOLBARSTYLESTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14404,19 +11104,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TOOLBARSTYLESTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TOOLTIPPARTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TOOLTIPPARTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TOOLTIPPARTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TOOLTIPPARTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TOOLTIPPARTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14426,19 +11115,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TOOLTIPPARTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TOOLTIP_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TOOLTIP_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TOOLTIP_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TOOLTIP_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TOOLTIP_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14481,19 +11159,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for TOOLTIP_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TOPTABITEMBOTHEDGESTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TOPTABITEMBOTHEDGESTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TOPTABITEMBOTHEDGESTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TOPTABITEMBOTHEDGESTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TOPTABITEMBOTHEDGESTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14503,19 +11170,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TOPTABITEMBOTHEDGESTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TOPTABITEMLEFTEDGESTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TOPTABITEMLEFTEDGESTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TOPTABITEMLEFTEDGESTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TOPTABITEMLEFTEDGESTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TOPTABITEMLEFTEDGESTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14525,19 +11181,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TOPTABITEMLEFTEDGESTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TOPTABITEMRIGHTEDGESTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TOPTABITEMRIGHTEDGESTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TOPTABITEMRIGHTEDGESTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TOPTABITEMRIGHTEDGESTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TOPTABITEMRIGHTEDGESTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14547,19 +11192,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TOPTABITEMRIGHTEDGESTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TOPTABITEMSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TOPTABITEMSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TOPTABITEMSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TOPTABITEMSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TOPTABITEMSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14569,19 +11203,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TOPTABITEMSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TRACKBARPARTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TRACKBARPARTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TRACKBARPARTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TRACKBARPARTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TRACKBARPARTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14591,19 +11214,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TRACKBARPARTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TRACKBARSTYLESTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TRACKBARSTYLESTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TRACKBARSTYLESTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TRACKBARSTYLESTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TRACKBARSTYLESTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14613,19 +11225,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TRACKBARSTYLESTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TRACKSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TRACKSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TRACKSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TRACKSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TRACKSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14635,19 +11236,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TRACKSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TRACKVERTSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TRACKVERTSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TRACKVERTSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TRACKVERTSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TRACKVERTSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14657,19 +11247,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TRACKVERTSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TRAILINGGRIDCELLSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TRAILINGGRIDCELLSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TRAILINGGRIDCELLSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TRAILINGGRIDCELLSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TRAILINGGRIDCELLSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14679,19 +11258,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TRAILINGGRIDCELLSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TRAILINGGRIDCELLUPPERSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TRAILINGGRIDCELLUPPERSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TRAILINGGRIDCELLUPPERSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TRAILINGGRIDCELLUPPERSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TRAILINGGRIDCELLUPPERSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14701,19 +11269,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TRAILINGGRIDCELLUPPERSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TRANSPARENTBACKGROUNDSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TRANSPARENTBACKGROUNDSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TRANSPARENTBACKGROUNDSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TRANSPARENTBACKGROUNDSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TRANSPARENTBACKGROUNDSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14723,19 +11280,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TRANSPARENTBACKGROUNDSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TRANSPARENTBARSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TRANSPARENTBARSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TRANSPARENTBARSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TRANSPARENTBARSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TRANSPARENTBARSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14745,19 +11291,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TRANSPARENTBARSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TRANSPARENTBARVERTSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TRANSPARENTBARVERTSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TRANSPARENTBARVERTSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TRANSPARENTBARVERTSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TRANSPARENTBARVERTSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14767,19 +11302,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TRANSPARENTBARVERTSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TRAYNOTIFYPARTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TRAYNOTIFYPARTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TRAYNOTIFYPARTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TRAYNOTIFYPARTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TRAYNOTIFYPARTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14789,19 +11313,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TRAYNOTIFYPARTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TREEITEMSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TREEITEMSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TREEITEMSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TREEITEMSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TREEITEMSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14811,19 +11324,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TREEITEMSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TREEVIEWPARTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TREEVIEWPARTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TREEVIEWPARTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TREEVIEWPARTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TREEVIEWPARTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14833,19 +11335,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TREEVIEWPARTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TREE_VIEW_ITEM_STATE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TREE_VIEW_ITEM_STATE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TREE_VIEW_ITEM_STATE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TREE_VIEW_ITEM_STATE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TREE_VIEW_ITEM_STATE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14855,19 +11346,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TREE_VIEW_ITEM_STATE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TRUESIZESCALINGTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TRUESIZESCALINGTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TRUESIZESCALINGTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TRUESIZESCALINGTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TRUESIZESCALINGTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14877,19 +11357,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TRUESIZESCALINGTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TVHITTESTINFO_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TVHITTESTINFO_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TVHITTESTINFO_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TVHITTESTINFO_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TVHITTESTINFO_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14932,19 +11401,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for TVHITTESTINFO_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TVITEMEXW_CHILDREN(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TVITEMEXW_CHILDREN {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TVITEMEXW_CHILDREN { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TVITEMEXW_CHILDREN { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TVITEMEXW_CHILDREN { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14954,19 +11412,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TVITEMEXW_CHILDREN { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TVITEMPART(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TVITEMPART {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TVITEMPART { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TVITEMPART { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TVITEMPART { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -14976,19 +11423,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TVITEMPART { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TVITEM_MASK(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TVITEM_MASK {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TVITEM_MASK { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TVITEM_MASK { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TVITEM_MASK { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15031,19 +11467,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for TVITEM_MASK { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UPDATEMETADATASTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UPDATEMETADATASTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UPDATEMETADATASTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UPDATEMETADATASTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UPDATEMETADATASTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15053,19 +11478,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UPDATEMETADATASTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UPHORZSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UPHORZSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UPHORZSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UPHORZSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UPHORZSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15075,19 +11489,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UPHORZSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UPSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UPSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UPSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UPSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UPSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15097,19 +11500,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UPSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct USERTILEPARTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for USERTILEPARTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for USERTILEPARTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for USERTILEPARTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for USERTILEPARTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15119,19 +11511,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for USERTILEPARTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VALIGN(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VALIGN {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VALIGN { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VALIGN { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VALIGN { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15141,19 +11522,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VALIGN { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VERTSCROLLSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VERTSCROLLSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VERTSCROLLSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VERTSCROLLSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VERTSCROLLSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15163,19 +11533,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VERTSCROLLSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VERTTHUMBSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VERTTHUMBSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VERTTHUMBSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VERTTHUMBSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VERTTHUMBSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15185,19 +11544,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VERTTHUMBSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WARNINGSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WARNINGSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WARNINGSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WARNINGSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WARNINGSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15207,19 +11555,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WARNINGSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WINDOWPARTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WINDOWPARTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WINDOWPARTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WINDOWPARTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WINDOWPARTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15229,19 +11566,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WINDOWPARTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WINDOWTHEMEATTRIBUTETYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WINDOWTHEMEATTRIBUTETYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WINDOWTHEMEATTRIBUTETYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WINDOWTHEMEATTRIBUTETYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WINDOWTHEMEATTRIBUTETYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15251,19 +11577,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WINDOWTHEMEATTRIBUTETYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WORD_BREAK_ACTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WORD_BREAK_ACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WORD_BREAK_ACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WORD_BREAK_ACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WORD_BREAK_ACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15273,19 +11588,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WORD_BREAK_ACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WRENCHSTATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WRENCHSTATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WRENCHSTATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WRENCHSTATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WRENCHSTATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15295,19 +11599,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WRENCHSTATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WSB_PROP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WSB_PROP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WSB_PROP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WSB_PROP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WSB_PROP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -15317,19 +11610,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WSB_PROP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _LI_METRIC(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _LI_METRIC {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _LI_METRIC { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _LI_METRIC { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _LI_METRIC { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/HiDpi/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/HiDpi/ index fd9170337f..817c8289e1 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/HiDpi/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/HiDpi/ @@ -247,19 +247,8 @@ pub const PROCESS_DPI_UNAWARE: PROCESS_DPI_AWARENESS = PROCESS_DPI_AWARENESS(0i3 pub const PROCESS_PER_MONITOR_DPI_AWARE: PROCESS_DPI_AWARENESS = PROCESS_DPI_AWARENESS(2i32); pub const PROCESS_SYSTEM_DPI_AWARE: PROCESS_DPI_AWARENESS = PROCESS_DPI_AWARENESS(1i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DIALOG_CONTROL_DPI_CHANGE_BEHAVIORS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DIALOG_CONTROL_DPI_CHANGE_BEHAVIORS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DIALOG_CONTROL_DPI_CHANGE_BEHAVIORS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DIALOG_CONTROL_DPI_CHANGE_BEHAVIORS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DIALOG_CONTROL_DPI_CHANGE_BEHAVIORS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -302,19 +291,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DIALOG_CONTROL_DPI_CHANGE_BEHAVIORS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DIALOG_DPI_CHANGE_BEHAVIORS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DIALOG_DPI_CHANGE_BEHAVIORS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DIALOG_DPI_CHANGE_BEHAVIORS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DIALOG_DPI_CHANGE_BEHAVIORS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DIALOG_DPI_CHANGE_BEHAVIORS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -357,19 +335,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DIALOG_DPI_CHANGE_BEHAVIORS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DPI_AWARENESS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DPI_AWARENESS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DPI_AWARENESS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DPI_AWARENESS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DPI_AWARENESS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -379,19 +346,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DPI_AWARENESS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DPI_HOSTING_BEHAVIOR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DPI_HOSTING_BEHAVIOR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DPI_HOSTING_BEHAVIOR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DPI_HOSTING_BEHAVIOR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DPI_HOSTING_BEHAVIOR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -401,19 +357,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DPI_HOSTING_BEHAVIOR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MONITOR_DPI_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MONITOR_DPI_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MONITOR_DPI_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MONITOR_DPI_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MONITOR_DPI_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -423,19 +368,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MONITOR_DPI_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROCESS_DPI_AWARENESS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROCESS_DPI_AWARENESS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROCESS_DPI_AWARENESS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROCESS_DPI_AWARENESS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROCESS_DPI_AWARENESS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Input/Ime/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Input/Ime/ index fe6f51221f..8f618c7d0b 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Input/Ime/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Input/Ime/ @@ -4283,19 +4283,8 @@ pub const szImeKorea: ::windows_core::PCWSTR = ::windows_core::w!("MSIME.Korea") pub const szImeTaiwan: ::windows_core::PCWSTR = ::windows_core::w!("MSIME.Taiwan"); pub const wchPrivate1: u32 = 57344u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GET_CONVERSION_LIST_FLAG(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GET_CONVERSION_LIST_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GET_CONVERSION_LIST_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GET_CONVERSION_LIST_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GET_CONVERSION_LIST_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4305,19 +4294,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GET_CONVERSION_LIST_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GET_GUIDE_LINE_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GET_GUIDE_LINE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GET_GUIDE_LINE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GET_GUIDE_LINE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GET_GUIDE_LINE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4327,19 +4305,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GET_GUIDE_LINE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMEFMT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMEFMT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMEFMT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMEFMT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMEFMT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4349,19 +4316,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IMEFMT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMEREG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMEREG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMEREG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMEREG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMEREG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4371,19 +4327,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IMEREG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMEREL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMEREL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMEREL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMEREL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMEREL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4393,19 +4338,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IMEREL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMEUCT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMEUCT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMEUCT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMEUCT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMEUCT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4415,19 +4349,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IMEUCT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IME_COMPOSITION_STRING(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IME_COMPOSITION_STRING {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IME_COMPOSITION_STRING { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IME_COMPOSITION_STRING { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IME_COMPOSITION_STRING { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4470,19 +4393,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for IME_COMPOSITION_STRING { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IME_CONVERSION_MODE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IME_CONVERSION_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IME_CONVERSION_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IME_CONVERSION_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IME_CONVERSION_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4525,19 +4437,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for IME_CONVERSION_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IME_ESCAPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IME_ESCAPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IME_ESCAPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IME_ESCAPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IME_ESCAPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4547,19 +4448,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IME_ESCAPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IME_HOTKEY_IDENTIFIER(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IME_HOTKEY_IDENTIFIER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IME_HOTKEY_IDENTIFIER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IME_HOTKEY_IDENTIFIER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IME_HOTKEY_IDENTIFIER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4569,19 +4459,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IME_HOTKEY_IDENTIFIER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IME_PAD_REQUEST_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IME_PAD_REQUEST_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IME_PAD_REQUEST_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IME_PAD_REQUEST_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IME_PAD_REQUEST_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4591,19 +4470,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IME_PAD_REQUEST_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IME_SENTENCE_MODE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IME_SENTENCE_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IME_SENTENCE_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IME_SENTENCE_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IME_SENTENCE_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4646,19 +4514,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for IME_SENTENCE_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NOTIFY_IME_ACTION(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NOTIFY_IME_ACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NOTIFY_IME_ACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NOTIFY_IME_ACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NOTIFY_IME_ACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4668,19 +4525,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NOTIFY_IME_ACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NOTIFY_IME_INDEX(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NOTIFY_IME_INDEX {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NOTIFY_IME_INDEX { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NOTIFY_IME_INDEX { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NOTIFY_IME_INDEX { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4690,19 +4536,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NOTIFY_IME_INDEX { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SET_COMPOSITION_STRING_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SET_COMPOSITION_STRING_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SET_COMPOSITION_STRING_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SET_COMPOSITION_STRING_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SET_COMPOSITION_STRING_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Input/Ink/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Input/Ink/ index 0cc4bd0e8d..d9d9fa67ca 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Input/Ink/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Input/Ink/ @@ -182,19 +182,8 @@ pub const USE_ORIGINAL_COLORS: INK_HIGH_CONTRAST_ADJUSTMENT = INK_HIGH_CONTRAST_ pub const USE_SYSTEM_COLORS: INK_HIGH_CONTRAST_ADJUSTMENT = INK_HIGH_CONTRAST_ADJUSTMENT(1i32); pub const USE_SYSTEM_COLORS_WHEN_NECESSARY: INK_HIGH_CONTRAST_ADJUSTMENT = INK_HIGH_CONTRAST_ADJUSTMENT(0i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct INK_HIGH_CONTRAST_ADJUSTMENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for INK_HIGH_CONTRAST_ADJUSTMENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for INK_HIGH_CONTRAST_ADJUSTMENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for INK_HIGH_CONTRAST_ADJUSTMENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for INK_HIGH_CONTRAST_ADJUSTMENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Input/KeyboardAndMouse/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Input/KeyboardAndMouse/ index 2e893d9a6a..0db57f7e36 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Input/KeyboardAndMouse/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Input/KeyboardAndMouse/ @@ -773,19 +773,8 @@ pub const wszTILDE: ::windows_core::PCWSTR = ::windows_core::w!("\u{303}"); pub const wszTONOS: ::windows_core::PCWSTR = ::windows_core::w!("\u{384}"); pub const wszUMLAUT: ::windows_core::PCWSTR = ::windows_core::w!("\u{308}"); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ACTIVATE_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ACTIVATE_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ACTIVATE_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ACTIVATE_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ACTIVATE_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -795,19 +784,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ACTIVATE_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GET_MOUSE_MOVE_POINTS_EX_RESOLUTION(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GET_MOUSE_MOVE_POINTS_EX_RESOLUTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GET_MOUSE_MOVE_POINTS_EX_RESOLUTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GET_MOUSE_MOVE_POINTS_EX_RESOLUTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GET_MOUSE_MOVE_POINTS_EX_RESOLUTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -817,19 +795,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GET_MOUSE_MOVE_POINTS_EX_RESOLUTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HOT_KEY_MODIFIERS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HOT_KEY_MODIFIERS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HOT_KEY_MODIFIERS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HOT_KEY_MODIFIERS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HOT_KEY_MODIFIERS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -872,19 +839,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for HOT_KEY_MODIFIERS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct INPUT_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for INPUT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for INPUT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for INPUT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for INPUT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -894,19 +850,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for INPUT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KEYBD_EVENT_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KEYBD_EVENT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KEYBD_EVENT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KEYBD_EVENT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KEYBD_EVENT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -949,19 +894,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for KEYBD_EVENT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MAP_VIRTUAL_KEY_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MAP_VIRTUAL_KEY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MAP_VIRTUAL_KEY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MAP_VIRTUAL_KEY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MAP_VIRTUAL_KEY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -971,19 +905,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MAP_VIRTUAL_KEY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MOUSE_EVENT_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MOUSE_EVENT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MOUSE_EVENT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MOUSE_EVENT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MOUSE_EVENT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1026,19 +949,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for MOUSE_EVENT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TRACKMOUSEEVENT_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TRACKMOUSEEVENT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TRACKMOUSEEVENT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TRACKMOUSEEVENT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TRACKMOUSEEVENT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -1081,19 +993,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for TRACKMOUSEEVENT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VIRTUAL_KEY(pub u16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VIRTUAL_KEY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VIRTUAL_KEY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VIRTUAL_KEY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VIRTUAL_KEY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Input/Pointer/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Input/Pointer/ index 0998cdff65..6c7bfbf186 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Input/Pointer/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Input/Pointer/ @@ -230,19 +230,8 @@ pub const TOUCH_FEEDBACK_DEFAULT: TOUCH_FEEDBACK_MODE = TOUCH_FEEDBACK_MODE(1u32 pub const TOUCH_FEEDBACK_INDIRECT: TOUCH_FEEDBACK_MODE = TOUCH_FEEDBACK_MODE(2u32); pub const TOUCH_FEEDBACK_NONE: TOUCH_FEEDBACK_MODE = TOUCH_FEEDBACK_MODE(3u32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct POINTER_BUTTON_CHANGE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for POINTER_BUTTON_CHANGE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for POINTER_BUTTON_CHANGE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for POINTER_BUTTON_CHANGE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for POINTER_BUTTON_CHANGE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -252,19 +241,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for POINTER_BUTTON_CHANGE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct POINTER_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for POINTER_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for POINTER_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for POINTER_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for POINTER_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -307,19 +285,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for POINTER_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TOUCH_FEEDBACK_MODE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TOUCH_FEEDBACK_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TOUCH_FEEDBACK_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TOUCH_FEEDBACK_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TOUCH_FEEDBACK_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Input/Touch/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Input/Touch/ index ff0aab96bc..d6c17b04c2 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Input/Touch/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Input/Touch/ @@ -484,19 +484,8 @@ pub const TOUCHINPUTMASKF_TIMEFROMSYSTEM: TOUCHINPUTMASKF_MASK = TOUCHINPUTMASKF pub const TWF_FINETOUCH: REGISTER_TOUCH_WINDOW_FLAGS = REGISTER_TOUCH_WINDOW_FLAGS(1u32); pub const TWF_WANTPALM: REGISTER_TOUCH_WINDOW_FLAGS = REGISTER_TOUCH_WINDOW_FLAGS(2u32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GESTURECONFIG_ID(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GESTURECONFIG_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GESTURECONFIG_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GESTURECONFIG_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GESTURECONFIG_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -539,19 +528,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for GESTURECONFIG_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MANIPULATION_PROCESSOR_MANIPULATIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MANIPULATION_PROCESSOR_MANIPULATIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MANIPULATION_PROCESSOR_MANIPULATIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MANIPULATION_PROCESSOR_MANIPULATIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MANIPULATION_PROCESSOR_MANIPULATIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -594,19 +572,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for MANIPULATION_PROCESSOR_MANIPULATIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct REGISTER_TOUCH_WINDOW_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for REGISTER_TOUCH_WINDOW_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for REGISTER_TOUCH_WINDOW_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for REGISTER_TOUCH_WINDOW_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for REGISTER_TOUCH_WINDOW_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -616,19 +583,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for REGISTER_TOUCH_WINDOW_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TOUCHEVENTF_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TOUCHEVENTF_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TOUCHEVENTF_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TOUCHEVENTF_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TOUCHEVENTF_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -671,19 +627,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for TOUCHEVENTF_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TOUCHINPUTMASKF_MASK(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TOUCHINPUTMASKF_MASK {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TOUCHINPUTMASKF_MASK { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TOUCHINPUTMASKF_MASK { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TOUCHINPUTMASKF_MASK { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Input/XboxController/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Input/XboxController/ index 8104615fa5..67e99ae5b1 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Input/XboxController/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Input/XboxController/ @@ -124,19 +124,8 @@ pub const XINPUT_KEYSTROKE_REPEAT: XINPUT_KEYSTROKE_FLAGS = XINPUT_KEYSTROKE_FLA pub const XUSER_INDEX_ANY: u32 = 255u32; pub const XUSER_MAX_COUNT: u32 = 4u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BATTERY_DEVTYPE(pub u8); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BATTERY_DEVTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BATTERY_DEVTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BATTERY_DEVTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BATTERY_DEVTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -146,19 +135,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BATTERY_DEVTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BATTERY_LEVEL(pub u8); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BATTERY_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BATTERY_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BATTERY_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BATTERY_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -168,19 +146,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BATTERY_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BATTERY_TYPE(pub u8); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BATTERY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BATTERY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BATTERY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BATTERY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -190,19 +157,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BATTERY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XINPUT_CAPABILITIES_FLAGS(pub u16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XINPUT_CAPABILITIES_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XINPUT_CAPABILITIES_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XINPUT_CAPABILITIES_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XINPUT_CAPABILITIES_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -245,19 +201,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for XINPUT_CAPABILITIES_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XINPUT_DEVSUBTYPE(pub u8); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XINPUT_DEVSUBTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XINPUT_DEVSUBTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XINPUT_DEVSUBTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XINPUT_DEVSUBTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -267,19 +212,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for XINPUT_DEVSUBTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XINPUT_DEVTYPE(pub u8); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XINPUT_DEVTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XINPUT_DEVTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XINPUT_DEVTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XINPUT_DEVTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -289,19 +223,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for XINPUT_DEVTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XINPUT_FLAG(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XINPUT_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XINPUT_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XINPUT_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XINPUT_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -344,19 +267,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for XINPUT_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XINPUT_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_FLAGS(pub u16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XINPUT_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XINPUT_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XINPUT_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XINPUT_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -399,19 +311,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for XINPUT_GAMEPAD_BUTTON_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XINPUT_KEYSTROKE_FLAGS(pub u16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XINPUT_KEYSTROKE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XINPUT_KEYSTROKE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XINPUT_KEYSTROKE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XINPUT_KEYSTROKE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -454,19 +355,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for XINPUT_KEYSTROKE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct XINPUT_VIRTUAL_KEY(pub u16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for XINPUT_VIRTUAL_KEY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for XINPUT_VIRTUAL_KEY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for XINPUT_VIRTUAL_KEY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for XINPUT_VIRTUAL_KEY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Input/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Input/ index bb657af5a6..d8004badac 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Input/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Input/ @@ -107,19 +107,8 @@ pub const RIM_TYPEHID: RID_DEVICE_INFO_TYPE = RID_DEVICE_INFO_TYPE(2u32); pub const RIM_TYPEKEYBOARD: RID_DEVICE_INFO_TYPE = RID_DEVICE_INFO_TYPE(1u32); pub const RIM_TYPEMOUSE: RID_DEVICE_INFO_TYPE = RID_DEVICE_INFO_TYPE(0u32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct INPUT_MESSAGE_DEVICE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for INPUT_MESSAGE_DEVICE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for INPUT_MESSAGE_DEVICE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for INPUT_MESSAGE_DEVICE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for INPUT_MESSAGE_DEVICE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -129,19 +118,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for INPUT_MESSAGE_DEVICE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct INPUT_MESSAGE_ORIGIN_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for INPUT_MESSAGE_ORIGIN_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for INPUT_MESSAGE_ORIGIN_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for INPUT_MESSAGE_ORIGIN_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for INPUT_MESSAGE_ORIGIN_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -151,19 +129,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for INPUT_MESSAGE_ORIGIN_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RAWINPUTDEVICE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RAWINPUTDEVICE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RAWINPUTDEVICE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RAWINPUTDEVICE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RAWINPUTDEVICE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -206,19 +173,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for RAWINPUTDEVICE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RAW_INPUT_DATA_COMMAND_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RAW_INPUT_DATA_COMMAND_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RAW_INPUT_DATA_COMMAND_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RAW_INPUT_DATA_COMMAND_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RAW_INPUT_DATA_COMMAND_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -228,19 +184,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RAW_INPUT_DATA_COMMAND_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RAW_INPUT_DEVICE_INFO_COMMAND(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RAW_INPUT_DEVICE_INFO_COMMAND {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RAW_INPUT_DEVICE_INFO_COMMAND { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RAW_INPUT_DEVICE_INFO_COMMAND { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RAW_INPUT_DEVICE_INFO_COMMAND { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -250,19 +195,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RAW_INPUT_DEVICE_INFO_COMMAND { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RID_DEVICE_INFO_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RID_DEVICE_INFO_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RID_DEVICE_INFO_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RID_DEVICE_INFO_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RID_DEVICE_INFO_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/InteractionContext/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/InteractionContext/ index 9490ff4e3d..7543f3922b 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/InteractionContext/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/InteractionContext/ @@ -345,19 +345,8 @@ pub const TRANSLATION_PARAMETER_MAX: TRANSLATION_PARAMETER = TRANSLATION_PARAMET pub const TRANSLATION_PARAMETER_MAX_CONTACT_COUNT: TRANSLATION_PARAMETER = TRANSLATION_PARAMETER(1i32); pub const TRANSLATION_PARAMETER_MIN_CONTACT_COUNT: TRANSLATION_PARAMETER = TRANSLATION_PARAMETER(0i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CROSS_SLIDE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CROSS_SLIDE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CROSS_SLIDE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CROSS_SLIDE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CROSS_SLIDE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -400,19 +389,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CROSS_SLIDE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CROSS_SLIDE_THRESHOLD(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CROSS_SLIDE_THRESHOLD {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CROSS_SLIDE_THRESHOLD { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CROSS_SLIDE_THRESHOLD { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CROSS_SLIDE_THRESHOLD { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -422,19 +400,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CROSS_SLIDE_THRESHOLD { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HOLD_PARAMETER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HOLD_PARAMETER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HOLD_PARAMETER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HOLD_PARAMETER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HOLD_PARAMETER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -444,19 +411,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HOLD_PARAMETER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct INERTIA_PARAMETER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for INERTIA_PARAMETER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for INERTIA_PARAMETER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for INERTIA_PARAMETER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for INERTIA_PARAMETER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -466,19 +422,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for INERTIA_PARAMETER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct INTERACTION_CONFIGURATION_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for INTERACTION_CONFIGURATION_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for INTERACTION_CONFIGURATION_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for INTERACTION_CONFIGURATION_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for INTERACTION_CONFIGURATION_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -521,19 +466,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for INTERACTION_CONFIGURATION_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct INTERACTION_CONTEXT_PROPERTY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for INTERACTION_CONTEXT_PROPERTY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for INTERACTION_CONTEXT_PROPERTY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for INTERACTION_CONTEXT_PROPERTY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for INTERACTION_CONTEXT_PROPERTY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -543,19 +477,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for INTERACTION_CONTEXT_PROPERTY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct INTERACTION_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for INTERACTION_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for INTERACTION_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for INTERACTION_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for INTERACTION_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -598,19 +521,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for INTERACTION_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct INTERACTION_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for INTERACTION_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for INTERACTION_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for INTERACTION_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for INTERACTION_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -620,19 +532,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for INTERACTION_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct INTERACTION_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for INTERACTION_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for INTERACTION_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for INTERACTION_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for INTERACTION_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -642,19 +543,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for INTERACTION_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MANIPULATION_RAILS_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MANIPULATION_RAILS_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MANIPULATION_RAILS_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MANIPULATION_RAILS_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MANIPULATION_RAILS_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -664,19 +554,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MANIPULATION_RAILS_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MOUSE_WHEEL_PARAMETER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MOUSE_WHEEL_PARAMETER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MOUSE_WHEEL_PARAMETER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MOUSE_WHEEL_PARAMETER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MOUSE_WHEEL_PARAMETER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -686,19 +565,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MOUSE_WHEEL_PARAMETER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TAP_PARAMETER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TAP_PARAMETER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TAP_PARAMETER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TAP_PARAMETER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TAP_PARAMETER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -708,19 +576,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TAP_PARAMETER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TRANSLATION_PARAMETER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TRANSLATION_PARAMETER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TRANSLATION_PARAMETER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TRANSLATION_PARAMETER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TRANSLATION_PARAMETER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/LegacyWindowsEnvironmentFeatures/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/LegacyWindowsEnvironmentFeatures/ index cf44d59e34..025e99ddb2 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/LegacyWindowsEnvironmentFeatures/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/LegacyWindowsEnvironmentFeatures/ @@ -346,19 +346,8 @@ pub const REC_S_NOTCOMPLETE: ::windows_core::HRESULT = ::windows_core::HRESULT(2 pub const REC_S_NOTCOMPLETEBUTPROPAGATE: ::windows_core::HRESULT = ::windows_core::HRESULT(266242i32); pub const STATEBITS_FLAT: u32 = 1u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EMPTY_VOLUME_CACHE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EMPTY_VOLUME_CACHE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EMPTY_VOLUME_CACHE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EMPTY_VOLUME_CACHE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EMPTY_VOLUME_CACHE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -368,19 +357,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EMPTY_VOLUME_CACHE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RECONCILEF(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RECONCILEF {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RECONCILEF { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RECONCILEF { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RECONCILEF { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Magnification/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Magnification/ index 1994fe39bb..c40d382560 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Magnification/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Magnification/ @@ -142,19 +142,8 @@ pub const WC_MAGNIFIER: ::windows_core::PCWSTR = ::windows_core::w!("Magnifier") pub const WC_MAGNIFIERA: ::windows_core::PCSTR = ::windows_core::s!("Magnifier"); pub const WC_MAGNIFIERW: ::windows_core::PCWSTR = ::windows_core::w!("Magnifier"); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MW_FILTERMODE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MW_FILTERMODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MW_FILTERMODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MW_FILTERMODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MW_FILTERMODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Ribbon/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Ribbon/ index 68f3314f3a..4b3b012054 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Ribbon/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Ribbon/ @@ -498,19 +498,8 @@ pub const UI_VIEWVERB_DESTROY: UI_VIEWVERB = UI_VIEWVERB(1i32); pub const UI_VIEWVERB_ERROR: UI_VIEWVERB = UI_VIEWVERB(3i32); pub const UI_VIEWVERB_SIZE: UI_VIEWVERB = UI_VIEWVERB(2i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UI_COLLECTIONCHANGE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UI_COLLECTIONCHANGE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UI_COLLECTIONCHANGE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UI_COLLECTIONCHANGE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UI_COLLECTIONCHANGE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -520,19 +509,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UI_COLLECTIONCHANGE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UI_COMMANDTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UI_COMMANDTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UI_COMMANDTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UI_COMMANDTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UI_COMMANDTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -542,19 +520,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UI_COMMANDTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UI_CONTEXTAVAILABILITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UI_CONTEXTAVAILABILITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UI_CONTEXTAVAILABILITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UI_CONTEXTAVAILABILITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UI_CONTEXTAVAILABILITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -564,19 +531,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UI_CONTEXTAVAILABILITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UI_CONTROLDOCK(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UI_CONTROLDOCK {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UI_CONTROLDOCK { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UI_CONTROLDOCK { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UI_CONTROLDOCK { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -586,19 +542,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UI_CONTROLDOCK { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UI_EVENTLOCATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UI_EVENTLOCATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UI_EVENTLOCATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UI_EVENTLOCATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UI_EVENTLOCATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -608,19 +553,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UI_EVENTLOCATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UI_EVENTTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UI_EVENTTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UI_EVENTTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UI_EVENTTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UI_EVENTTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -630,19 +564,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UI_EVENTTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UI_EXECUTIONVERB(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UI_EXECUTIONVERB {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UI_EXECUTIONVERB { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UI_EXECUTIONVERB { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UI_EXECUTIONVERB { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -652,19 +575,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UI_EXECUTIONVERB { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UI_FONTDELTASIZE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UI_FONTDELTASIZE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UI_FONTDELTASIZE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UI_FONTDELTASIZE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UI_FONTDELTASIZE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -674,19 +586,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UI_FONTDELTASIZE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UI_FONTPROPERTIES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UI_FONTPROPERTIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UI_FONTPROPERTIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UI_FONTPROPERTIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UI_FONTPROPERTIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -696,19 +597,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UI_FONTPROPERTIES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UI_FONTUNDERLINE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UI_FONTUNDERLINE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UI_FONTUNDERLINE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UI_FONTUNDERLINE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UI_FONTUNDERLINE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -718,19 +608,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UI_FONTUNDERLINE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UI_FONTVERTICALPOSITION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UI_FONTVERTICALPOSITION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UI_FONTVERTICALPOSITION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UI_FONTVERTICALPOSITION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UI_FONTVERTICALPOSITION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -740,19 +619,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UI_FONTVERTICALPOSITION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UI_INVALIDATIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UI_INVALIDATIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UI_INVALIDATIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UI_INVALIDATIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UI_INVALIDATIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -795,19 +663,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for UI_INVALIDATIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UI_OWNERSHIP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UI_OWNERSHIP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UI_OWNERSHIP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UI_OWNERSHIP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UI_OWNERSHIP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -817,19 +674,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UI_OWNERSHIP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UI_SWATCHCOLORMODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UI_SWATCHCOLORMODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UI_SWATCHCOLORMODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UI_SWATCHCOLORMODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UI_SWATCHCOLORMODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -839,19 +685,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UI_SWATCHCOLORMODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UI_SWATCHCOLORTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UI_SWATCHCOLORTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UI_SWATCHCOLORTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UI_SWATCHCOLORTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UI_SWATCHCOLORTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -861,19 +696,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UI_SWATCHCOLORTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UI_VIEWTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UI_VIEWTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UI_VIEWTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UI_VIEWTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UI_VIEWTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -883,19 +707,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UI_VIEWTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UI_VIEWVERB(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UI_VIEWVERB {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UI_VIEWVERB { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UI_VIEWVERB { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UI_VIEWVERB { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Shell/Common/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Shell/Common/ index f272e33074..44cb2fc61e 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Shell/Common/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Shell/Common/ @@ -142,19 +142,8 @@ pub const STRRET_CSTR: STRRET_TYPE = STRRET_TYPE(2i32); pub const STRRET_OFFSET: STRRET_TYPE = STRRET_TYPE(1i32); pub const STRRET_WSTR: STRRET_TYPE = STRRET_TYPE(0i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEVICE_SCALE_FACTOR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEVICE_SCALE_FACTOR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEVICE_SCALE_FACTOR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEVICE_SCALE_FACTOR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEVICE_SCALE_FACTOR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -164,19 +153,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEVICE_SCALE_FACTOR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PERCEIVED(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PERCEIVED {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PERCEIVED { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PERCEIVED { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PERCEIVED { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -186,19 +164,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PERCEIVED { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SHCOLSTATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SHCOLSTATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SHCOLSTATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SHCOLSTATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SHCOLSTATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -208,19 +175,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SHCOLSTATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STRRET_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STRRET_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STRRET_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STRRET_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STRRET_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Shell/PropertiesSystem/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Shell/PropertiesSystem/ index 62d04b0771..2282c7fc45 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Shell/PropertiesSystem/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Shell/PropertiesSystem/ @@ -2448,19 +2448,8 @@ pub const STS_PLACEHOLDER_IFEMPTY: SYNC_TRANSFER_STATUS = SYNC_TRANSFER_STATUS(1 pub const STS_TRANSFERRING: SYNC_TRANSFER_STATUS = SYNC_TRANSFER_STATUS(4i32); pub const STS_USER_REQUESTED_REFRESH: SYNC_TRANSFER_STATUS = SYNC_TRANSFER_STATUS(64i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GETPROPERTYSTOREFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GETPROPERTYSTOREFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GETPROPERTYSTOREFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GETPROPERTYSTOREFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GETPROPERTYSTOREFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2503,19 +2492,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for GETPROPERTYSTOREFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PDOPSTATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PDOPSTATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PDOPSTATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PDOPSTATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PDOPSTATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2525,19 +2503,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PDOPSTATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PKA_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PKA_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PKA_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PKA_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PKA_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2580,19 +2547,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for PKA_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PLACEHOLDER_STATES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PLACEHOLDER_STATES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PLACEHOLDER_STATES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PLACEHOLDER_STATES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PLACEHOLDER_STATES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2635,19 +2591,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for PLACEHOLDER_STATES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROPDESC_AGGREGATION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROPDESC_AGGREGATION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROPDESC_AGGREGATION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROPDESC_AGGREGATION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROPDESC_AGGREGATION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2657,19 +2602,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PROPDESC_AGGREGATION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROPDESC_COLUMNINDEX_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROPDESC_COLUMNINDEX_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROPDESC_COLUMNINDEX_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROPDESC_COLUMNINDEX_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROPDESC_COLUMNINDEX_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2679,19 +2613,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PROPDESC_COLUMNINDEX_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROPDESC_CONDITION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROPDESC_CONDITION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROPDESC_CONDITION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROPDESC_CONDITION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROPDESC_CONDITION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2701,19 +2624,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PROPDESC_CONDITION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROPDESC_DISPLAYTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROPDESC_DISPLAYTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROPDESC_DISPLAYTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROPDESC_DISPLAYTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROPDESC_DISPLAYTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2723,19 +2635,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PROPDESC_DISPLAYTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROPDESC_ENUMFILTER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROPDESC_ENUMFILTER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROPDESC_ENUMFILTER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROPDESC_ENUMFILTER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROPDESC_ENUMFILTER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2745,19 +2646,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PROPDESC_ENUMFILTER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROPDESC_FORMAT_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROPDESC_FORMAT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROPDESC_FORMAT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROPDESC_FORMAT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROPDESC_FORMAT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2800,19 +2690,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for PROPDESC_FORMAT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROPDESC_GROUPING_RANGE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROPDESC_GROUPING_RANGE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROPDESC_GROUPING_RANGE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROPDESC_GROUPING_RANGE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROPDESC_GROUPING_RANGE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2822,19 +2701,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PROPDESC_GROUPING_RANGE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROPDESC_RELATIVEDESCRIPTION_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROPDESC_RELATIVEDESCRIPTION_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROPDESC_RELATIVEDESCRIPTION_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROPDESC_RELATIVEDESCRIPTION_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROPDESC_RELATIVEDESCRIPTION_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2844,19 +2712,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PROPDESC_RELATIVEDESCRIPTION_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROPDESC_SEARCHINFO_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROPDESC_SEARCHINFO_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROPDESC_SEARCHINFO_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROPDESC_SEARCHINFO_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROPDESC_SEARCHINFO_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2899,19 +2756,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for PROPDESC_SEARCHINFO_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROPDESC_SORTDESCRIPTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROPDESC_SORTDESCRIPTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROPDESC_SORTDESCRIPTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROPDESC_SORTDESCRIPTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROPDESC_SORTDESCRIPTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2921,19 +2767,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PROPDESC_SORTDESCRIPTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROPDESC_TYPE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROPDESC_TYPE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROPDESC_TYPE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROPDESC_TYPE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROPDESC_TYPE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -2976,19 +2811,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for PROPDESC_TYPE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROPDESC_VIEW_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROPDESC_VIEW_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROPDESC_VIEW_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROPDESC_VIEW_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROPDESC_VIEW_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3031,19 +2855,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for PROPDESC_VIEW_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROPENUMTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROPENUMTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROPENUMTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROPENUMTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROPENUMTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3053,19 +2866,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PROPENUMTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROPERTYUI_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROPERTYUI_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROPERTYUI_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROPERTYUI_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROPERTYUI_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3108,19 +2910,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for PROPERTYUI_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROPERTYUI_FORMAT_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROPERTYUI_FORMAT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROPERTYUI_FORMAT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROPERTYUI_FORMAT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROPERTYUI_FORMAT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3163,19 +2954,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for PROPERTYUI_FORMAT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROPERTYUI_NAME_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROPERTYUI_NAME_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROPERTYUI_NAME_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROPERTYUI_NAME_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROPERTYUI_NAME_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3218,19 +2998,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for PROPERTYUI_NAME_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PSC_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PSC_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PSC_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PSC_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PSC_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3240,19 +3009,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PSC_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYNC_ENGINE_STATE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYNC_ENGINE_STATE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYNC_ENGINE_STATE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYNC_ENGINE_STATE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYNC_ENGINE_STATE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3295,19 +3053,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SYNC_ENGINE_STATE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYNC_TRANSFER_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYNC_TRANSFER_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYNC_TRANSFER_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYNC_TRANSFER_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYNC_TRANSFER_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -3350,19 +3097,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SYNC_TRANSFER_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _PERSIST_SPROPSTORE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _PERSIST_SPROPSTORE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _PERSIST_SPROPSTORE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _PERSIST_SPROPSTORE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _PERSIST_SPROPSTORE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Shell/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Shell/ index 70cddae359..ecf91bb34c 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Shell/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/Shell/ @@ -38233,19 +38233,8 @@ pub const ssfSYSTEMx86: ShellSpecialFolderConstants = ShellSpecialFolderConstant pub const ssfTEMPLATES: ShellSpecialFolderConstants = ShellSpecialFolderConstants(21i32); pub const ssfWINDOWS: ShellSpecialFolderConstants = ShellSpecialFolderConstants(36i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ACENUMOPTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ACENUMOPTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ACENUMOPTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ACENUMOPTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ACENUMOPTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38255,19 +38244,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ACENUMOPTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ACTIVATEOPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ACTIVATEOPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ACTIVATEOPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ACTIVATEOPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ACTIVATEOPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38310,19 +38288,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for ACTIVATEOPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ADJACENT_DISPLAY_EDGES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ADJACENT_DISPLAY_EDGES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ADJACENT_DISPLAY_EDGES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ADJACENT_DISPLAY_EDGES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ADJACENT_DISPLAY_EDGES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38365,19 +38332,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for ADJACENT_DISPLAY_EDGES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AHE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AHE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AHE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AHE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AHE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38387,19 +38343,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AHE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AHTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AHTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AHTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AHTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AHTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38442,19 +38387,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for AHTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct APPACTIONFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for APPACTIONFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for APPACTIONFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for APPACTIONFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for APPACTIONFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38464,19 +38398,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for APPACTIONFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct APPDOCLISTTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for APPDOCLISTTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for APPDOCLISTTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for APPDOCLISTTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for APPDOCLISTTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38486,19 +38409,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for APPDOCLISTTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct APPINFODATAFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for APPINFODATAFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for APPINFODATAFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for APPINFODATAFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for APPINFODATAFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38508,19 +38420,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for APPINFODATAFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct APPLICATION_VIEW_MIN_WIDTH(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for APPLICATION_VIEW_MIN_WIDTH {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for APPLICATION_VIEW_MIN_WIDTH { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for APPLICATION_VIEW_MIN_WIDTH { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for APPLICATION_VIEW_MIN_WIDTH { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38530,19 +38431,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for APPLICATION_VIEW_MIN_WIDTH { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct APPLICATION_VIEW_ORIENTATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for APPLICATION_VIEW_ORIENTATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for APPLICATION_VIEW_ORIENTATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for APPLICATION_VIEW_ORIENTATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for APPLICATION_VIEW_ORIENTATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38552,19 +38442,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for APPLICATION_VIEW_ORIENTATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct APPLICATION_VIEW_SIZE_PREFERENCE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for APPLICATION_VIEW_SIZE_PREFERENCE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for APPLICATION_VIEW_SIZE_PREFERENCE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for APPLICATION_VIEW_SIZE_PREFERENCE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for APPLICATION_VIEW_SIZE_PREFERENCE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38574,19 +38453,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for APPLICATION_VIEW_SIZE_PREFERENCE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct APPLICATION_VIEW_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for APPLICATION_VIEW_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for APPLICATION_VIEW_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for APPLICATION_VIEW_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for APPLICATION_VIEW_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38596,19 +38464,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for APPLICATION_VIEW_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ASSOCCLASS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ASSOCCLASS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ASSOCCLASS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ASSOCCLASS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ASSOCCLASS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38618,19 +38475,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ASSOCCLASS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ASSOCDATA(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ASSOCDATA {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ASSOCDATA { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ASSOCDATA { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ASSOCDATA { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38640,19 +38486,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ASSOCDATA { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ASSOCENUM(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ASSOCENUM {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ASSOCENUM { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ASSOCENUM { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ASSOCENUM { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38662,19 +38497,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ASSOCENUM { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ASSOCF(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ASSOCF {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ASSOCF { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ASSOCF { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ASSOCF { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38717,19 +38541,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for ASSOCF { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ASSOCIATIONLEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ASSOCIATIONLEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ASSOCIATIONLEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ASSOCIATIONLEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ASSOCIATIONLEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38739,19 +38552,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ASSOCIATIONLEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ASSOCIATIONTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ASSOCIATIONTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ASSOCIATIONTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ASSOCIATIONTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ASSOCIATIONTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38761,19 +38563,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ASSOCIATIONTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ASSOCKEY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ASSOCKEY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ASSOCKEY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ASSOCKEY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ASSOCKEY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38783,19 +38574,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ASSOCKEY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ASSOCSTR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ASSOCSTR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ASSOCSTR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ASSOCSTR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ASSOCSTR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38805,19 +38585,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ASSOCSTR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ASSOC_FILTER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ASSOC_FILTER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ASSOC_FILTER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ASSOC_FILTER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ASSOC_FILTER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38860,19 +38629,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for ASSOC_FILTER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ATTACHMENT_ACTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ATTACHMENT_ACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ATTACHMENT_ACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ATTACHMENT_ACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ATTACHMENT_ACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38882,19 +38640,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ATTACHMENT_ACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ATTACHMENT_PROMPT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ATTACHMENT_PROMPT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ATTACHMENT_PROMPT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ATTACHMENT_PROMPT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ATTACHMENT_PROMPT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38904,19 +38651,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ATTACHMENT_PROMPT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AUTOCOMPLETELISTOPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AUTOCOMPLETELISTOPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AUTOCOMPLETELISTOPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AUTOCOMPLETELISTOPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AUTOCOMPLETELISTOPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38926,19 +38662,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AUTOCOMPLETELISTOPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AUTOCOMPLETEOPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AUTOCOMPLETEOPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AUTOCOMPLETEOPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AUTOCOMPLETEOPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AUTOCOMPLETEOPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38948,19 +38673,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AUTOCOMPLETEOPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BANDSITECID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BANDSITECID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BANDSITECID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BANDSITECID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BANDSITECID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38970,19 +38684,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BANDSITECID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BANNER_NOTIFICATION_EVENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BANNER_NOTIFICATION_EVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BANNER_NOTIFICATION_EVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BANNER_NOTIFICATION_EVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BANNER_NOTIFICATION_EVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -38992,19 +38695,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BANNER_NOTIFICATION_EVENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BNSTATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BNSTATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BNSTATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BNSTATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BNSTATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -39014,19 +38706,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BNSTATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BrowserNavConstants(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BrowserNavConstants {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BrowserNavConstants { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BrowserNavConstants { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BrowserNavConstants { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -39036,19 +38717,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BrowserNavConstants { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CATEGORYINFO_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CATEGORYINFO_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CATEGORYINFO_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CATEGORYINFO_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CATEGORYINFO_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -39091,19 +38761,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CATEGORYINFO_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CATSORT_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CATSORT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CATSORT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CATSORT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CATSORT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -39146,19 +38805,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CATSORT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CDBURNINGEXTENSIONRET(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CDBURNINGEXTENSIONRET {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CDBURNINGEXTENSIONRET { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CDBURNINGEXTENSIONRET { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CDBURNINGEXTENSIONRET { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -39168,19 +38816,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CDBURNINGEXTENSIONRET { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CDCONTROLSTATEF(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CDCONTROLSTATEF {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CDCONTROLSTATEF { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CDCONTROLSTATEF { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CDCONTROLSTATEF { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -39223,19 +38860,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CDCONTROLSTATEF { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CM_ENUM_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CM_ENUM_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CM_ENUM_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CM_ENUM_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CM_ENUM_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -39278,19 +38904,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CM_ENUM_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CM_MASK(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CM_MASK {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CM_MASK { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CM_MASK { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CM_MASK { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -39333,19 +38948,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CM_MASK { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CM_SET_WIDTH_VALUE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CM_SET_WIDTH_VALUE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CM_SET_WIDTH_VALUE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CM_SET_WIDTH_VALUE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CM_SET_WIDTH_VALUE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -39355,19 +38959,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CM_SET_WIDTH_VALUE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CM_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CM_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CM_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CM_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CM_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -39410,19 +39003,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CM_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CPVIEW(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CPVIEW {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CPVIEW { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CPVIEW { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CPVIEW { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -39432,19 +39014,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CPVIEW { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_ACCOUNT_OPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_ACCOUNT_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_ACCOUNT_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_ACCOUNT_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_ACCOUNT_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -39487,19 +39058,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_ACCOUNT_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_CREDENTIAL_FIELD_OPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_CREDENTIAL_FIELD_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_CREDENTIAL_FIELD_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_CREDENTIAL_FIELD_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_CREDENTIAL_FIELD_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -39542,19 +39102,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_CREDENTIAL_FIELD_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_FIELD_INTERACTIVE_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_FIELD_INTERACTIVE_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_FIELD_INTERACTIVE_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_FIELD_INTERACTIVE_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_FIELD_INTERACTIVE_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -39564,19 +39113,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_FIELD_INTERACTIVE_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_FIELD_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_FIELD_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_FIELD_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_FIELD_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_FIELD_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -39586,19 +39124,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_FIELD_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_FIELD_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_FIELD_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_FIELD_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_FIELD_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_FIELD_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -39608,19 +39135,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_FIELD_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_GET_SERIALIZATION_RESPONSE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_GET_SERIALIZATION_RESPONSE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_GET_SERIALIZATION_RESPONSE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_GET_SERIALIZATION_RESPONSE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_GET_SERIALIZATION_RESPONSE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -39630,19 +39146,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_GET_SERIALIZATION_RESPONSE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_STATUS_ICON(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_STATUS_ICON {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_STATUS_ICON { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_STATUS_ICON { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_STATUS_ICON { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -39652,19 +39157,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_STATUS_ICON { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_USAGE_SCENARIO(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_USAGE_SCENARIO {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_USAGE_SCENARIO { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_USAGE_SCENARIO { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_USAGE_SCENARIO { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -39674,19 +39168,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CREDENTIAL_PROVIDER_USAGE_SCENARIO { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CommandStateChangeConstants(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CommandStateChangeConstants {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CommandStateChangeConstants { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CommandStateChangeConstants { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CommandStateChangeConstants { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -39696,19 +39179,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CommandStateChangeConstants { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DATAOBJ_GET_ITEM_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DATAOBJ_GET_ITEM_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DATAOBJ_GET_ITEM_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DATAOBJ_GET_ITEM_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DATAOBJ_GET_ITEM_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -39751,19 +39223,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DATAOBJ_GET_ITEM_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEFAULTSAVEFOLDERTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEFAULTSAVEFOLDERTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEFAULTSAVEFOLDERTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEFAULTSAVEFOLDERTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEFAULTSAVEFOLDERTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -39773,19 +39234,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEFAULTSAVEFOLDERTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEFAULT_FOLDER_MENU_RESTRICTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEFAULT_FOLDER_MENU_RESTRICTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEFAULT_FOLDER_MENU_RESTRICTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEFAULT_FOLDER_MENU_RESTRICTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEFAULT_FOLDER_MENU_RESTRICTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -39828,19 +39278,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DEFAULT_FOLDER_MENU_RESTRICTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEF_SHARE_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEF_SHARE_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEF_SHARE_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEF_SHARE_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEF_SHARE_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -39850,19 +39289,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEF_SHARE_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DESKBANDCID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DESKBANDCID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DESKBANDCID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DESKBANDCID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DESKBANDCID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -39872,19 +39300,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DESKBANDCID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DESKTOP_SLIDESHOW_DIRECTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DESKTOP_SLIDESHOW_DIRECTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DESKTOP_SLIDESHOW_DIRECTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DESKTOP_SLIDESHOW_DIRECTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DESKTOP_SLIDESHOW_DIRECTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -39894,19 +39311,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DESKTOP_SLIDESHOW_DIRECTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DESKTOP_SLIDESHOW_OPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DESKTOP_SLIDESHOW_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DESKTOP_SLIDESHOW_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DESKTOP_SLIDESHOW_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DESKTOP_SLIDESHOW_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -39949,19 +39355,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DESKTOP_SLIDESHOW_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DESKTOP_SLIDESHOW_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DESKTOP_SLIDESHOW_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DESKTOP_SLIDESHOW_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DESKTOP_SLIDESHOW_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DESKTOP_SLIDESHOW_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -40004,19 +39399,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DESKTOP_SLIDESHOW_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DESKTOP_WALLPAPER_POSITION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DESKTOP_WALLPAPER_POSITION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DESKTOP_WALLPAPER_POSITION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DESKTOP_WALLPAPER_POSITION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DESKTOP_WALLPAPER_POSITION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -40026,19 +39410,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DESKTOP_WALLPAPER_POSITION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DFM_CMD(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DFM_CMD {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DFM_CMD { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DFM_CMD { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DFM_CMD { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -40048,19 +39421,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DFM_CMD { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DFM_MESSAGE_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DFM_MESSAGE_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DFM_MESSAGE_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DFM_MESSAGE_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DFM_MESSAGE_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -40070,19 +39432,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DFM_MESSAGE_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPLAY_DEVICE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPLAY_DEVICE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPLAY_DEVICE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPLAY_DEVICE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPLAY_DEVICE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -40092,19 +39443,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPLAY_DEVICE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DROPIMAGETYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DROPIMAGETYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DROPIMAGETYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DROPIMAGETYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DROPIMAGETYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -40114,19 +39454,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DROPIMAGETYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DSH_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DSH_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DSH_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DSH_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DSH_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -40169,19 +39498,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DSH_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EC_HOST_UI_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EC_HOST_UI_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EC_HOST_UI_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EC_HOST_UI_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EC_HOST_UI_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -40191,19 +39509,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EC_HOST_UI_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EDGE_GESTURE_KIND(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EDGE_GESTURE_KIND {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EDGE_GESTURE_KIND { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EDGE_GESTURE_KIND { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EDGE_GESTURE_KIND { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -40213,19 +39520,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EDGE_GESTURE_KIND { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EXPLORER_BROWSER_FILL_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EXPLORER_BROWSER_FILL_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EXPLORER_BROWSER_FILL_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EXPLORER_BROWSER_FILL_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EXPLORER_BROWSER_FILL_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -40268,19 +39564,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for EXPLORER_BROWSER_FILL_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EXPLORER_BROWSER_OPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EXPLORER_BROWSER_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EXPLORER_BROWSER_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EXPLORER_BROWSER_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EXPLORER_BROWSER_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -40323,19 +39608,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for EXPLORER_BROWSER_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FDAP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FDAP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FDAP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FDAP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FDAP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -40345,19 +39619,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FDAP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FDE_OVERWRITE_RESPONSE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FDE_OVERWRITE_RESPONSE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FDE_OVERWRITE_RESPONSE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FDE_OVERWRITE_RESPONSE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FDE_OVERWRITE_RESPONSE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -40367,19 +39630,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FDE_OVERWRITE_RESPONSE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FDE_SHAREVIOLATION_RESPONSE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FDE_SHAREVIOLATION_RESPONSE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FDE_SHAREVIOLATION_RESPONSE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FDE_SHAREVIOLATION_RESPONSE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FDE_SHAREVIOLATION_RESPONSE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -40389,19 +39641,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FDE_SHAREVIOLATION_RESPONSE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FD_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FD_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FD_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FD_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FD_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -40411,19 +39652,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FD_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FFFP_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FFFP_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FFFP_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FFFP_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FFFP_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -40433,19 +39663,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FFFP_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FILEOPENDIALOGOPTIONS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FILEOPENDIALOGOPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FILEOPENDIALOGOPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FILEOPENDIALOGOPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FILEOPENDIALOGOPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -40488,19 +39707,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for FILEOPENDIALOGOPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FILEOPERATION_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FILEOPERATION_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FILEOPERATION_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FILEOPERATION_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FILEOPERATION_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -40543,19 +39751,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for FILEOPERATION_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FILETYPEATTRIBUTEFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FILETYPEATTRIBUTEFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FILETYPEATTRIBUTEFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FILETYPEATTRIBUTEFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FILETYPEATTRIBUTEFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -40598,19 +39795,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for FILETYPEATTRIBUTEFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FILE_OPERATION_FLAGS2(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FILE_OPERATION_FLAGS2 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FILE_OPERATION_FLAGS2 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FILE_OPERATION_FLAGS2 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FILE_OPERATION_FLAGS2 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -40653,19 +39839,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for FILE_OPERATION_FLAGS2 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FILE_USAGE_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FILE_USAGE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FILE_USAGE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FILE_USAGE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FILE_USAGE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -40675,19 +39850,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FILE_USAGE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FLYOUT_PLACEMENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FLYOUT_PLACEMENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FLYOUT_PLACEMENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FLYOUT_PLACEMENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FLYOUT_PLACEMENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -40697,19 +39861,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FLYOUT_PLACEMENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FOLDERFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FOLDERFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FOLDERFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FOLDERFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FOLDERFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -40752,19 +39905,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for FOLDERFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FOLDERLOGICALVIEWMODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FOLDERLOGICALVIEWMODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FOLDERLOGICALVIEWMODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FOLDERLOGICALVIEWMODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FOLDERLOGICALVIEWMODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -40774,19 +39916,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FOLDERLOGICALVIEWMODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FOLDERVIEWMODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FOLDERVIEWMODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FOLDERVIEWMODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FOLDERVIEWMODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FOLDERVIEWMODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -40796,19 +39927,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FOLDERVIEWMODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FOLDERVIEWOPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FOLDERVIEWOPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FOLDERVIEWOPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FOLDERVIEWOPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FOLDERVIEWOPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -40851,19 +39971,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for FOLDERVIEWOPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FOLDER_ENUM_MODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FOLDER_ENUM_MODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FOLDER_ENUM_MODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FOLDER_ENUM_MODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FOLDER_ENUM_MODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -40873,19 +39982,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FOLDER_ENUM_MODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FVTEXTTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FVTEXTTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FVTEXTTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FVTEXTTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FVTEXTTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -40895,19 +39993,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FVTEXTTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GPFIDL_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GPFIDL_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GPFIDL_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GPFIDL_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GPFIDL_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -40917,19 +40004,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GPFIDL_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HELP_INFO_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HELP_INFO_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HELP_INFO_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HELP_INFO_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HELP_INFO_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -40939,19 +40015,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HELP_INFO_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HLBWIF_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HLBWIF_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HLBWIF_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HLBWIF_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HLBWIF_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -40994,19 +40059,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for HLBWIF_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HLFNAMEF(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HLFNAMEF {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HLFNAMEF { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HLFNAMEF { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HLFNAMEF { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -41049,19 +40103,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for HLFNAMEF { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HLID_INFO(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HLID_INFO {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HLID_INFO { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HLID_INFO { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HLID_INFO { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -41071,19 +40114,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HLID_INFO { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HLINKGETREF(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HLINKGETREF {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HLINKGETREF { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HLINKGETREF { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HLINKGETREF { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -41093,19 +40125,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HLINKGETREF { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HLINKMISC(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HLINKMISC {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HLINKMISC { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HLINKMISC { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HLINKMISC { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -41115,19 +40136,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HLINKMISC { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HLINKSETF(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HLINKSETF {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HLINKSETF { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HLINKSETF { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HLINKSETF { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -41137,19 +40147,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HLINKSETF { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HLINKWHICHMK(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HLINKWHICHMK {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HLINKWHICHMK { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HLINKWHICHMK { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HLINKWHICHMK { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -41159,19 +40158,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HLINKWHICHMK { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HLNF(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HLNF {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HLNF { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HLNF { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HLNF { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -41214,19 +40202,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for HLNF { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HLQF_INFO(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HLQF_INFO {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HLQF_INFO { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HLQF_INFO { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HLQF_INFO { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -41236,19 +40213,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HLQF_INFO { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HLSHORTCUTF(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HLSHORTCUTF {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HLSHORTCUTF { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HLSHORTCUTF { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HLSHORTCUTF { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -41258,19 +40224,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HLSHORTCUTF { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HLSR(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HLSR {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HLSR { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HLSR { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HLSR { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -41280,19 +40235,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HLSR { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HLTB_INFO(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HLTB_INFO {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HLTB_INFO { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HLTB_INFO { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HLTB_INFO { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -41302,19 +40246,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HLTB_INFO { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HLTRANSLATEF(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HLTRANSLATEF {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HLTRANSLATEF { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HLTRANSLATEF { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HLTRANSLATEF { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -41324,19 +40257,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HLTRANSLATEF { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HOMEGROUPSHARINGCHOICES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HOMEGROUPSHARINGCHOICES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HOMEGROUPSHARINGCHOICES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HOMEGROUPSHARINGCHOICES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HOMEGROUPSHARINGCHOICES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -41379,19 +40301,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for HOMEGROUPSHARINGCHOICES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IEPDNFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IEPDNFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IEPDNFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IEPDNFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IEPDNFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -41401,19 +40312,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IEPDNFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IESHORTCUTFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IESHORTCUTFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IESHORTCUTFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IESHORTCUTFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IESHORTCUTFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -41423,19 +40323,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IESHORTCUTFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IURL_INVOKECOMMAND_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IURL_INVOKECOMMAND_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IURL_INVOKECOMMAND_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IURL_INVOKECOMMAND_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IURL_INVOKECOMMAND_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -41445,19 +40334,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IURL_INVOKECOMMAND_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IURL_SETURL_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IURL_SETURL_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IURL_SETURL_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IURL_SETURL_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IURL_SETURL_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -41467,19 +40345,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IURL_SETURL_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KF_CATEGORY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KF_CATEGORY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KF_CATEGORY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KF_CATEGORY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KF_CATEGORY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -41489,19 +40356,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KF_CATEGORY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KNOWNDESTCATEGORY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KNOWNDESTCATEGORY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KNOWNDESTCATEGORY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KNOWNDESTCATEGORY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KNOWNDESTCATEGORY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -41511,19 +40367,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KNOWNDESTCATEGORY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KNOWN_FOLDER_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KNOWN_FOLDER_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KNOWN_FOLDER_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KNOWN_FOLDER_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KNOWN_FOLDER_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -41566,19 +40411,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for KNOWN_FOLDER_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LIBRARYFOLDERFILTER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LIBRARYFOLDERFILTER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LIBRARYFOLDERFILTER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LIBRARYFOLDERFILTER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LIBRARYFOLDERFILTER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -41588,19 +40422,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for LIBRARYFOLDERFILTER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LIBRARYMANAGEDIALOGOPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LIBRARYMANAGEDIALOGOPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LIBRARYMANAGEDIALOGOPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LIBRARYMANAGEDIALOGOPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LIBRARYMANAGEDIALOGOPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -41643,19 +40466,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for LIBRARYMANAGEDIALOGOPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LIBRARYOPTIONFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LIBRARYOPTIONFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LIBRARYOPTIONFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LIBRARYOPTIONFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LIBRARYOPTIONFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -41698,19 +40510,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for LIBRARYOPTIONFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LIBRARYSAVEFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LIBRARYSAVEFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LIBRARYSAVEFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LIBRARYSAVEFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LIBRARYSAVEFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -41753,19 +40554,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for LIBRARYSAVEFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MENUBANDHANDLERCID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MENUBANDHANDLERCID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MENUBANDHANDLERCID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MENUBANDHANDLERCID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MENUBANDHANDLERCID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -41775,19 +40565,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MENUBANDHANDLERCID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MENUPOPUPPOPUPFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MENUPOPUPPOPUPFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MENUPOPUPPOPUPFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MENUPOPUPPOPUPFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MENUPOPUPPOPUPFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -41797,19 +40576,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MENUPOPUPPOPUPFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MENUPOPUPSELECT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MENUPOPUPSELECT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MENUPOPUPSELECT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MENUPOPUPSELECT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MENUPOPUPSELECT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -41819,19 +40587,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MENUPOPUPSELECT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MERGE_UPDATE_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MERGE_UPDATE_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MERGE_UPDATE_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MERGE_UPDATE_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MERGE_UPDATE_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -41841,19 +40598,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MERGE_UPDATE_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MIMEASSOCIATIONDIALOG_IN_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MIMEASSOCIATIONDIALOG_IN_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MIMEASSOCIATIONDIALOG_IN_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MIMEASSOCIATIONDIALOG_IN_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MIMEASSOCIATIONDIALOG_IN_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -41863,19 +40609,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MIMEASSOCIATIONDIALOG_IN_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MM_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MM_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MM_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MM_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MM_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -41918,19 +40653,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for MM_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MONITOR_APP_VISIBILITY(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MONITOR_APP_VISIBILITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MONITOR_APP_VISIBILITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MONITOR_APP_VISIBILITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MONITOR_APP_VISIBILITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -41940,19 +40664,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MONITOR_APP_VISIBILITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NAMESPACEWALKFLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NAMESPACEWALKFLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NAMESPACEWALKFLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NAMESPACEWALKFLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NAMESPACEWALKFLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -41995,19 +40708,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for NAMESPACEWALKFLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NATIVE_DISPLAY_ORIENTATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NATIVE_DISPLAY_ORIENTATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NATIVE_DISPLAY_ORIENTATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NATIVE_DISPLAY_ORIENTATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NATIVE_DISPLAY_ORIENTATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -42017,19 +40719,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NATIVE_DISPLAY_ORIENTATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NOTIFY_ICON_DATA_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NOTIFY_ICON_DATA_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NOTIFY_ICON_DATA_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NOTIFY_ICON_DATA_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NOTIFY_ICON_DATA_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -42072,19 +40763,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for NOTIFY_ICON_DATA_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NOTIFY_ICON_INFOTIP_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NOTIFY_ICON_INFOTIP_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NOTIFY_ICON_INFOTIP_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NOTIFY_ICON_INFOTIP_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NOTIFY_ICON_INFOTIP_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -42094,19 +40774,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NOTIFY_ICON_INFOTIP_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NOTIFY_ICON_MESSAGE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NOTIFY_ICON_MESSAGE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NOTIFY_ICON_MESSAGE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NOTIFY_ICON_MESSAGE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NOTIFY_ICON_MESSAGE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -42116,19 +40785,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NOTIFY_ICON_MESSAGE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NOTIFY_ICON_STATE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NOTIFY_ICON_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NOTIFY_ICON_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NOTIFY_ICON_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NOTIFY_ICON_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -42138,19 +40796,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NOTIFY_ICON_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NSTCFOLDERCAPABILITIES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NSTCFOLDERCAPABILITIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NSTCFOLDERCAPABILITIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NSTCFOLDERCAPABILITIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NSTCFOLDERCAPABILITIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -42193,19 +40840,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for NSTCFOLDERCAPABILITIES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NSTCGNI(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NSTCGNI {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NSTCGNI { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NSTCGNI { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NSTCGNI { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -42215,19 +40851,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NSTCGNI { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NSTCSTYLE2(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NSTCSTYLE2 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NSTCSTYLE2 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NSTCSTYLE2 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NSTCSTYLE2 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -42270,19 +40895,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for NSTCSTYLE2 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NWMF(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NWMF {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NWMF { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NWMF { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NWMF { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -42325,19 +40939,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for NWMF { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NewProcessCauseConstants(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NewProcessCauseConstants {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NewProcessCauseConstants { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NewProcessCauseConstants { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NewProcessCauseConstants { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -42347,19 +40950,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NewProcessCauseConstants { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OPEN_AS_INFO_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OPEN_AS_INFO_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OPEN_AS_INFO_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OPEN_AS_INFO_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OPEN_AS_INFO_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -42402,19 +40994,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for OPEN_AS_INFO_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -42424,19 +41005,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OfflineFolderStatus(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OfflineFolderStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OfflineFolderStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OfflineFolderStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OfflineFolderStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -42446,19 +41016,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OfflineFolderStatus { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PACKAGE_EXECUTION_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PACKAGE_EXECUTION_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PACKAGE_EXECUTION_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PACKAGE_EXECUTION_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PACKAGE_EXECUTION_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -42468,19 +41027,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PACKAGE_EXECUTION_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PATHCCH_OPTIONS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PATHCCH_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PATHCCH_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PATHCCH_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PATHCCH_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -42523,19 +41071,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for PATHCCH_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PCS_RET(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PCS_RET {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PCS_RET { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PCS_RET { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PCS_RET { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -42578,19 +41115,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for PCS_RET { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PIDISF_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PIDISF_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PIDISF_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PIDISF_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PIDISF_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -42633,19 +41159,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for PIDISF_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PIDISM_OPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PIDISM_OPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PIDISM_OPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PIDISM_OPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PIDISM_OPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -42655,19 +41170,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PIDISM_OPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PIDISR_INFO(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PIDISR_INFO {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PIDISR_INFO { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PIDISR_INFO { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PIDISR_INFO { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -42677,19 +41181,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PIDISR_INFO { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PID_INTSITE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PID_INTSITE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PID_INTSITE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PID_INTSITE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PID_INTSITE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -42699,19 +41192,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PID_INTSITE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PID_IS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PID_IS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PID_IS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PID_IS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PID_IS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -42721,19 +41203,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PID_IS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PRF_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PRF_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PRF_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PRF_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PRF_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -42776,19 +41247,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for PRF_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PUBAPPINFOFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PUBAPPINFOFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PUBAPPINFOFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PUBAPPINFOFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PUBAPPINFOFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -42798,19 +41258,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PUBAPPINFOFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct QITIPF_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for QITIPF_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for QITIPF_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for QITIPF_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for QITIPF_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -42853,19 +41302,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for QITIPF_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct QUERY_USER_NOTIFICATION_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for QUERY_USER_NOTIFICATION_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for QUERY_USER_NOTIFICATION_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for QUERY_USER_NOTIFICATION_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for QUERY_USER_NOTIFICATION_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -42875,19 +41313,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for QUERY_USER_NOTIFICATION_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RESTRICTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RESTRICTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RESTRICTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RESTRICTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RESTRICTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -42897,19 +41324,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RESTRICTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RefreshConstants(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RefreshConstants {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RefreshConstants { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RefreshConstants { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RefreshConstants { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -42919,19 +41335,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RefreshConstants { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SCALE_CHANGE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SCALE_CHANGE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SCALE_CHANGE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SCALE_CHANGE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SCALE_CHANGE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -42974,19 +41379,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SCALE_CHANGE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SCNRT_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SCNRT_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SCNRT_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SCNRT_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SCNRT_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -42996,19 +41390,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SCNRT_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SECURELOCKCODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SECURELOCKCODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SECURELOCKCODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SECURELOCKCODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SECURELOCKCODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -43018,19 +41401,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SECURELOCKCODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SFBS_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SFBS_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SFBS_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SFBS_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SFBS_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -43040,19 +41412,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SFBS_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SFVM_MESSAGE_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SFVM_MESSAGE_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SFVM_MESSAGE_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SFVM_MESSAGE_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SFVM_MESSAGE_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -43062,19 +41423,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SFVM_MESSAGE_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SFVS_SELECT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SFVS_SELECT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SFVS_SELECT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SFVS_SELECT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SFVS_SELECT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -43084,19 +41434,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SFVS_SELECT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SHARD(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SHARD {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SHARD { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SHARD { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SHARD { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -43106,19 +41445,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SHARD { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SHARE_ROLE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SHARE_ROLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SHARE_ROLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SHARE_ROLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SHARE_ROLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -43128,19 +41456,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SHARE_ROLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SHCNE_ID(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SHCNE_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SHCNE_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SHCNE_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SHCNE_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -43183,19 +41500,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SHCNE_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SHCNF_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SHCNF_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SHCNF_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SHCNF_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SHCNF_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -43238,19 +41544,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SHCNF_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SHCNRF_SOURCE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SHCNRF_SOURCE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SHCNRF_SOURCE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SHCNRF_SOURCE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SHCNRF_SOURCE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -43293,19 +41588,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SHCNRF_SOURCE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SHDID_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SHDID_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SHDID_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SHDID_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SHDID_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -43315,19 +41599,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SHDID_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SHELLBROWSERSHOWCONTROL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SHELLBROWSERSHOWCONTROL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SHELLBROWSERSHOWCONTROL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SHELLBROWSERSHOWCONTROL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SHELLBROWSERSHOWCONTROL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -43337,19 +41610,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SHELLBROWSERSHOWCONTROL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SHELL_AUTOCOMPLETE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SHELL_AUTOCOMPLETE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SHELL_AUTOCOMPLETE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SHELL_AUTOCOMPLETE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SHELL_AUTOCOMPLETE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -43392,19 +41654,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SHELL_AUTOCOMPLETE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SHELL_LINK_DATA_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SHELL_LINK_DATA_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SHELL_LINK_DATA_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SHELL_LINK_DATA_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SHELL_LINK_DATA_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -43447,19 +41698,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SHELL_LINK_DATA_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SHELL_UI_COMPONENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SHELL_UI_COMPONENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SHELL_UI_COMPONENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SHELL_UI_COMPONENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SHELL_UI_COMPONENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -43469,19 +41709,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SHELL_UI_COMPONENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SHFMT_ID(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SHFMT_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SHFMT_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SHFMT_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SHFMT_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -43491,19 +41720,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SHFMT_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SHFMT_OPT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SHFMT_OPT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SHFMT_OPT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SHFMT_OPT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SHFMT_OPT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -43546,19 +41764,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SHFMT_OPT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SHFMT_RET(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SHFMT_RET {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SHFMT_RET { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SHFMT_RET { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SHFMT_RET { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -43568,19 +41775,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SHFMT_RET { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SHGDFIL_FORMAT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SHGDFIL_FORMAT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SHGDFIL_FORMAT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SHGDFIL_FORMAT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SHGDFIL_FORMAT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -43590,19 +41786,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SHGDFIL_FORMAT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SHGDNF(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SHGDNF {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SHGDNF { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SHGDNF { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SHGDNF { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -43612,19 +41797,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SHGDNF { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SHGFI_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SHGFI_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SHGFI_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SHGFI_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SHGFI_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -43667,19 +41841,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SHGFI_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SHGFP_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SHGFP_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SHGFP_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SHGFP_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SHGFP_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -43689,19 +41852,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SHGFP_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SHGLOBALCOUNTER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SHGLOBALCOUNTER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SHGLOBALCOUNTER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SHGLOBALCOUNTER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SHGLOBALCOUNTER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -43711,19 +41863,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SHGLOBALCOUNTER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SHGSI_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SHGSI_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SHGSI_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SHGSI_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SHGSI_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -43766,19 +41907,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SHGSI_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SHOP_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SHOP_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SHOP_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SHOP_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SHOP_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -43821,19 +41951,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SHOP_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SHREGDEL_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SHREGDEL_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SHREGDEL_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SHREGDEL_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SHREGDEL_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -43843,19 +41962,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SHREGDEL_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SHREGENUM_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SHREGENUM_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SHREGENUM_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SHREGENUM_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SHREGENUM_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -43865,19 +41973,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SHREGENUM_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SHSTOCKICONID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SHSTOCKICONID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SHSTOCKICONID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SHSTOCKICONID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SHSTOCKICONID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -43887,19 +41984,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SHSTOCKICONID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SIATTRIBFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SIATTRIBFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SIATTRIBFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SIATTRIBFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SIATTRIBFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -43942,19 +42028,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SIATTRIBFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SIGDN(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SIGDN {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SIGDN { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SIGDN { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SIGDN { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -43964,19 +42039,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SIGDN { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SIIGBF(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SIIGBF {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SIIGBF { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SIIGBF { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SIIGBF { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -44019,19 +42083,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SIIGBF { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SLGP_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SLGP_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SLGP_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SLGP_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SLGP_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -44074,19 +42127,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SLGP_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SLR_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SLR_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SLR_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SLR_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SLR_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -44129,19 +42171,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SLR_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SMINFOFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SMINFOFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SMINFOFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SMINFOFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SMINFOFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -44151,19 +42182,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SMINFOFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SMINFOMASK(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SMINFOMASK {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SMINFOMASK { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SMINFOMASK { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SMINFOMASK { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -44173,19 +42193,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SMINFOMASK { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SMINFOTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SMINFOTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SMINFOTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SMINFOTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SMINFOTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -44195,19 +42204,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SMINFOTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SORTDIRECTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SORTDIRECTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SORTDIRECTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SORTDIRECTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SORTDIRECTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -44217,19 +42215,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SORTDIRECTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SORT_ORDER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SORT_ORDER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SORT_ORDER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SORT_ORDER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SORT_ORDER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -44239,19 +42226,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SORT_ORDER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SPACTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SPACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SPACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SPACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SPACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -44261,19 +42237,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SPACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SPTEXT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SPTEXT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SPTEXT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SPTEXT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SPTEXT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -44283,19 +42248,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SPTEXT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SSF_MASK(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SSF_MASK {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SSF_MASK { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SSF_MASK { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SSF_MASK { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -44338,19 +42292,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SSF_MASK { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STGOP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STGOP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STGOP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STGOP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STGOP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -44360,19 +42303,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for STGOP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STORAGE_PROVIDER_FILE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STORAGE_PROVIDER_FILE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STORAGE_PROVIDER_FILE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STORAGE_PROVIDER_FILE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STORAGE_PROVIDER_FILE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -44415,19 +42347,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for STORAGE_PROVIDER_FILE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct STPFLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for STPFLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for STPFLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for STPFLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for STPFLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -44470,19 +42391,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for STPFLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SVUIA_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SVUIA_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SVUIA_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SVUIA_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SVUIA_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -44492,19 +42402,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SVUIA_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYNCMGRERRORFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYNCMGRERRORFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYNCMGRERRORFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYNCMGRERRORFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYNCMGRERRORFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -44514,19 +42413,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYNCMGRERRORFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYNCMGRFLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYNCMGRFLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYNCMGRFLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYNCMGRFLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYNCMGRFLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -44536,19 +42424,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYNCMGRFLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYNCMGRHANDLERFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYNCMGRHANDLERFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYNCMGRHANDLERFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYNCMGRHANDLERFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYNCMGRHANDLERFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -44558,19 +42435,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYNCMGRHANDLERFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYNCMGRINVOKEFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYNCMGRINVOKEFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYNCMGRINVOKEFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYNCMGRINVOKEFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYNCMGRINVOKEFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -44580,19 +42446,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYNCMGRINVOKEFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYNCMGRITEMFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYNCMGRITEMFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYNCMGRITEMFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYNCMGRITEMFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYNCMGRITEMFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -44602,19 +42457,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYNCMGRITEMFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYNCMGRITEMSTATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYNCMGRITEMSTATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYNCMGRITEMSTATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYNCMGRITEMSTATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYNCMGRITEMSTATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -44624,19 +42468,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYNCMGRITEMSTATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYNCMGRLOGLEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYNCMGRLOGLEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYNCMGRLOGLEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYNCMGRLOGLEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYNCMGRLOGLEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -44646,19 +42479,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYNCMGRLOGLEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYNCMGRREGISTERFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYNCMGRREGISTERFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYNCMGRREGISTERFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYNCMGRREGISTERFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYNCMGRREGISTERFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -44668,19 +42490,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYNCMGRREGISTERFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYNCMGRSTATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYNCMGRSTATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYNCMGRSTATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYNCMGRSTATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYNCMGRSTATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -44690,19 +42501,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYNCMGRSTATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYNCMGR_CANCEL_REQUEST(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYNCMGR_CANCEL_REQUEST {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYNCMGR_CANCEL_REQUEST { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYNCMGR_CANCEL_REQUEST { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYNCMGR_CANCEL_REQUEST { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -44712,19 +42512,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYNCMGR_CANCEL_REQUEST { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYNCMGR_CONFLICT_ITEM_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYNCMGR_CONFLICT_ITEM_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYNCMGR_CONFLICT_ITEM_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYNCMGR_CONFLICT_ITEM_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYNCMGR_CONFLICT_ITEM_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -44734,19 +42523,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYNCMGR_CONFLICT_ITEM_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYNCMGR_CONTROL_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYNCMGR_CONTROL_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYNCMGR_CONTROL_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYNCMGR_CONTROL_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYNCMGR_CONTROL_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -44756,19 +42534,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYNCMGR_CONTROL_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYNCMGR_EVENT_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYNCMGR_EVENT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYNCMGR_EVENT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYNCMGR_EVENT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYNCMGR_EVENT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -44778,19 +42545,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYNCMGR_EVENT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYNCMGR_EVENT_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYNCMGR_EVENT_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYNCMGR_EVENT_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYNCMGR_EVENT_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYNCMGR_EVENT_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -44800,19 +42556,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYNCMGR_EVENT_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYNCMGR_HANDLER_CAPABILITIES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYNCMGR_HANDLER_CAPABILITIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYNCMGR_HANDLER_CAPABILITIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYNCMGR_HANDLER_CAPABILITIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYNCMGR_HANDLER_CAPABILITIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -44822,19 +42567,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYNCMGR_HANDLER_CAPABILITIES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYNCMGR_HANDLER_POLICIES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYNCMGR_HANDLER_POLICIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYNCMGR_HANDLER_POLICIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYNCMGR_HANDLER_POLICIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYNCMGR_HANDLER_POLICIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -44844,19 +42578,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYNCMGR_HANDLER_POLICIES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYNCMGR_HANDLER_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYNCMGR_HANDLER_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYNCMGR_HANDLER_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYNCMGR_HANDLER_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYNCMGR_HANDLER_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -44866,19 +42589,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYNCMGR_HANDLER_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYNCMGR_ITEM_CAPABILITIES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYNCMGR_ITEM_CAPABILITIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYNCMGR_ITEM_CAPABILITIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYNCMGR_ITEM_CAPABILITIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYNCMGR_ITEM_CAPABILITIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -44888,19 +42600,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYNCMGR_ITEM_CAPABILITIES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYNCMGR_ITEM_POLICIES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYNCMGR_ITEM_POLICIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYNCMGR_ITEM_POLICIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYNCMGR_ITEM_POLICIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYNCMGR_ITEM_POLICIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -44910,19 +42611,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYNCMGR_ITEM_POLICIES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYNCMGR_PRESENTER_CHOICE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYNCMGR_PRESENTER_CHOICE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYNCMGR_PRESENTER_CHOICE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYNCMGR_PRESENTER_CHOICE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYNCMGR_PRESENTER_CHOICE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -44932,19 +42622,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYNCMGR_PRESENTER_CHOICE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYNCMGR_PRESENTER_NEXT_STEP(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYNCMGR_PRESENTER_NEXT_STEP {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYNCMGR_PRESENTER_NEXT_STEP { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYNCMGR_PRESENTER_NEXT_STEP { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYNCMGR_PRESENTER_NEXT_STEP { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -44954,19 +42633,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYNCMGR_PRESENTER_NEXT_STEP { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYNCMGR_PROGRESS_STATUS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYNCMGR_PROGRESS_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYNCMGR_PROGRESS_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYNCMGR_PROGRESS_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYNCMGR_PROGRESS_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -44976,19 +42644,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYNCMGR_PROGRESS_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYNCMGR_RESOLUTION_ABILITIES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYNCMGR_RESOLUTION_ABILITIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYNCMGR_RESOLUTION_ABILITIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYNCMGR_RESOLUTION_ABILITIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYNCMGR_RESOLUTION_ABILITIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -44998,19 +42655,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYNCMGR_RESOLUTION_ABILITIES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYNCMGR_RESOLUTION_FEEDBACK(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYNCMGR_RESOLUTION_FEEDBACK {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYNCMGR_RESOLUTION_FEEDBACK { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYNCMGR_RESOLUTION_FEEDBACK { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYNCMGR_RESOLUTION_FEEDBACK { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -45020,19 +42666,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYNCMGR_RESOLUTION_FEEDBACK { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYNCMGR_SYNC_CONTROL_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYNCMGR_SYNC_CONTROL_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYNCMGR_SYNC_CONTROL_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYNCMGR_SYNC_CONTROL_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYNCMGR_SYNC_CONTROL_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -45042,19 +42677,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYNCMGR_SYNC_CONTROL_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYNCMGR_UPDATE_REASON(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYNCMGR_UPDATE_REASON {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYNCMGR_UPDATE_REASON { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYNCMGR_UPDATE_REASON { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYNCMGR_UPDATE_REASON { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -45064,19 +42688,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYNCMGR_UPDATE_REASON { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SecureLockIconConstants(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SecureLockIconConstants {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SecureLockIconConstants { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SecureLockIconConstants { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SecureLockIconConstants { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -45086,19 +42699,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SecureLockIconConstants { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ShellFolderViewOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ShellFolderViewOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ShellFolderViewOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ShellFolderViewOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ShellFolderViewOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -45108,19 +42710,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ShellFolderViewOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ShellSpecialFolderConstants(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ShellSpecialFolderConstants {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ShellSpecialFolderConstants { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ShellSpecialFolderConstants { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ShellSpecialFolderConstants { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -45130,19 +42721,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ShellSpecialFolderConstants { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ShellWindowFindWindowOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ShellWindowFindWindowOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ShellWindowFindWindowOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ShellWindowFindWindowOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ShellWindowFindWindowOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -45152,19 +42732,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ShellWindowFindWindowOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ShellWindowTypeConstants(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ShellWindowTypeConstants {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ShellWindowTypeConstants { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ShellWindowTypeConstants { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ShellWindowTypeConstants { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -45174,19 +42743,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ShellWindowTypeConstants { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TBPFLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TBPFLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TBPFLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TBPFLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TBPFLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -45229,19 +42787,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for TBPFLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct THUMBBUTTONFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for THUMBBUTTONFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for THUMBBUTTONFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for THUMBBUTTONFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for THUMBBUTTONFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -45284,19 +42831,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for THUMBBUTTONFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct THUMBBUTTONMASK(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for THUMBBUTTONMASK {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for THUMBBUTTONMASK { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for THUMBBUTTONMASK { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for THUMBBUTTONMASK { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -45339,19 +42875,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for THUMBBUTTONMASK { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TI_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TI_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TI_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TI_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TI_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -45361,19 +42886,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TI_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TLENUMF(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TLENUMF {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TLENUMF { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TLENUMF { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TLENUMF { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -45383,19 +42897,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TLENUMF { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TRANSLATEURL_IN_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TRANSLATEURL_IN_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TRANSLATEURL_IN_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TRANSLATEURL_IN_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TRANSLATEURL_IN_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -45405,19 +42908,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TRANSLATEURL_IN_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ThumbnailStreamCacheOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ThumbnailStreamCacheOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ThumbnailStreamCacheOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ThumbnailStreamCacheOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ThumbnailStreamCacheOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -45460,19 +42952,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for ThumbnailStreamCacheOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UNDOCK_REASON(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UNDOCK_REASON {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UNDOCK_REASON { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UNDOCK_REASON { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UNDOCK_REASON { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -45482,19 +42963,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UNDOCK_REASON { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct URLASSOCIATIONDIALOG_IN_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for URLASSOCIATIONDIALOG_IN_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for URLASSOCIATIONDIALOG_IN_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for URLASSOCIATIONDIALOG_IN_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for URLASSOCIATIONDIALOG_IN_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -45504,19 +42974,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for URLASSOCIATIONDIALOG_IN_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct URLIS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for URLIS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for URLIS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for URLIS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for URLIS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -45526,19 +42985,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for URLIS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct URL_PART(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for URL_PART {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for URL_PART { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for URL_PART { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for URL_PART { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -45548,19 +42996,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for URL_PART { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct URL_SCHEME(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for URL_SCHEME {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for URL_SCHEME { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for URL_SCHEME { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for URL_SCHEME { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -45570,19 +43007,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for URL_SCHEME { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VALIDATEUNC_OPTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VALIDATEUNC_OPTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VALIDATEUNC_OPTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VALIDATEUNC_OPTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VALIDATEUNC_OPTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -45625,19 +43051,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for VALIDATEUNC_OPTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VPCOLORFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VPCOLORFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VPCOLORFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VPCOLORFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VPCOLORFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -45647,19 +43062,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for VPCOLORFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VPWATERMARKFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VPWATERMARKFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VPWATERMARKFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VPWATERMARKFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VPWATERMARKFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -45702,19 +43106,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for VPWATERMARKFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WTS_ALPHATYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WTS_ALPHATYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WTS_ALPHATYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WTS_ALPHATYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WTS_ALPHATYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -45724,19 +43117,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WTS_ALPHATYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WTS_CACHEFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WTS_CACHEFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WTS_CACHEFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WTS_CACHEFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WTS_CACHEFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -45779,19 +43161,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for WTS_CACHEFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WTS_CONTEXTFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WTS_CONTEXTFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WTS_CONTEXTFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WTS_CONTEXTFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WTS_CONTEXTFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -45834,19 +43205,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for WTS_CONTEXTFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WTS_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WTS_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WTS_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WTS_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WTS_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -45889,19 +43249,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for WTS_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _BROWSERFRAMEOPTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _BROWSERFRAMEOPTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _BROWSERFRAMEOPTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _BROWSERFRAMEOPTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _BROWSERFRAMEOPTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -45911,19 +43260,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _BROWSERFRAMEOPTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _CDBE_ACTIONS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _CDBE_ACTIONS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _CDBE_ACTIONS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _CDBE_ACTIONS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _CDBE_ACTIONS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -45933,19 +43271,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _CDBE_ACTIONS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _EXPCMDFLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _EXPCMDFLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _EXPCMDFLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _EXPCMDFLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _EXPCMDFLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -45955,19 +43282,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _EXPCMDFLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _EXPCMDSTATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _EXPCMDSTATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _EXPCMDSTATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _EXPCMDSTATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _EXPCMDSTATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -45977,19 +43293,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _EXPCMDSTATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _EXPLORERPANESTATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _EXPLORERPANESTATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _EXPLORERPANESTATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _EXPLORERPANESTATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _EXPLORERPANESTATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -45999,19 +43304,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _EXPLORERPANESTATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _EXPPS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _EXPPS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _EXPPS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _EXPPS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _EXPPS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -46021,19 +43315,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _EXPPS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _KF_DEFINITION_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _KF_DEFINITION_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _KF_DEFINITION_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _KF_DEFINITION_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _KF_DEFINITION_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -46043,19 +43326,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _KF_DEFINITION_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _KF_REDIRECTION_CAPABILITIES(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _KF_REDIRECTION_CAPABILITIES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _KF_REDIRECTION_CAPABILITIES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _KF_REDIRECTION_CAPABILITIES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _KF_REDIRECTION_CAPABILITIES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -46065,19 +43337,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _KF_REDIRECTION_CAPABILITIES { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _KF_REDIRECT_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _KF_REDIRECT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _KF_REDIRECT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _KF_REDIRECT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _KF_REDIRECT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -46087,19 +43348,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _KF_REDIRECT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _NMCII_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _NMCII_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _NMCII_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _NMCII_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _NMCII_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -46109,19 +43359,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _NMCII_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _NMCSAEI_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _NMCSAEI_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _NMCSAEI_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _NMCSAEI_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _NMCSAEI_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -46131,19 +43370,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _NMCSAEI_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _NSTCECLICKTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _NSTCECLICKTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _NSTCECLICKTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _NSTCECLICKTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _NSTCECLICKTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -46153,19 +43381,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _NSTCECLICKTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _NSTCEHITTEST(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _NSTCEHITTEST {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _NSTCEHITTEST { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _NSTCEHITTEST { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _NSTCEHITTEST { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -46175,19 +43392,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _NSTCEHITTEST { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _NSTCITEMSTATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _NSTCITEMSTATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _NSTCITEMSTATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _NSTCITEMSTATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _NSTCITEMSTATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -46197,19 +43403,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _NSTCITEMSTATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _NSTCROOTSTYLE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _NSTCROOTSTYLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _NSTCROOTSTYLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _NSTCROOTSTYLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _NSTCROOTSTYLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -46219,19 +43414,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _NSTCROOTSTYLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _NSTCSTYLE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _NSTCSTYLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _NSTCSTYLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _NSTCSTYLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _NSTCSTYLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -46241,19 +43425,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _NSTCSTYLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _OPPROGDLGF(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _OPPROGDLGF {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _OPPROGDLGF { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _OPPROGDLGF { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _OPPROGDLGF { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -46263,19 +43436,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _OPPROGDLGF { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _PDMODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _PDMODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _PDMODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _PDMODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _PDMODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -46285,19 +43447,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _PDMODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _SHCONTF(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _SHCONTF {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _SHCONTF { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _SHCONTF { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _SHCONTF { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -46307,19 +43458,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _SHCONTF { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _SICHINTF(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _SICHINTF {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _SICHINTF { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _SICHINTF { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _SICHINTF { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -46329,19 +43469,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _SICHINTF { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _SPBEGINF(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _SPBEGINF {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _SPBEGINF { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _SPBEGINF { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _SPBEGINF { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -46351,19 +43480,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _SPBEGINF { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _SPINITF(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _SPINITF {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _SPINITF { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _SPINITF { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _SPINITF { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -46373,19 +43491,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _SPINITF { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _SV3CVW3_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _SV3CVW3_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _SV3CVW3_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _SV3CVW3_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _SV3CVW3_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -46395,19 +43502,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _SV3CVW3_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _SVGIO(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _SVGIO {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _SVGIO { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _SVGIO { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _SVGIO { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -46450,19 +43546,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for _SVGIO { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _SVSIF(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _SVSIF {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _SVSIF { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _SVSIF { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _SVSIF { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -46472,19 +43557,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _SVSIF { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _TRANSFER_ADVISE_STATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _TRANSFER_ADVISE_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _TRANSFER_ADVISE_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _TRANSFER_ADVISE_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _TRANSFER_ADVISE_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -46494,19 +43568,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for _TRANSFER_ADVISE_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct _TRANSFER_SOURCE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for _TRANSFER_SOURCE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for _TRANSFER_SOURCE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for _TRANSFER_SOURCE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for _TRANSFER_SOURCE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/TabletPC/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/TabletPC/ index 3e721a6e3c..c6774321f5 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/TabletPC/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/TabletPC/ @@ -8121,19 +8121,8 @@ pub const rtfRight: SelAlignmentConstants = SelAlignmentConstants(1i32); pub const rtfThreeD: AppearanceConstants = AppearanceConstants(1i32); pub const rtfVertical: ScrollBarsConstants = ScrollBarsConstants(2i32); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ALT_BREAKS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ALT_BREAKS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ALT_BREAKS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ALT_BREAKS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ALT_BREAKS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8143,19 +8132,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ALT_BREAKS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct AppearanceConstants(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for AppearanceConstants {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for AppearanceConstants { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for AppearanceConstants { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for AppearanceConstants { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8165,19 +8143,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for AppearanceConstants { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct BorderStyleConstants(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for BorderStyleConstants {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for BorderStyleConstants { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for BorderStyleConstants { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for BorderStyleConstants { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8187,19 +8154,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for BorderStyleConstants { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CONFIDENCE_LEVEL(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CONFIDENCE_LEVEL {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CONFIDENCE_LEVEL { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CONFIDENCE_LEVEL { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CONFIDENCE_LEVEL { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8209,19 +8165,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CONFIDENCE_LEVEL { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CorrectionMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CorrectionMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CorrectionMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CorrectionMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CorrectionMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8231,19 +8176,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CorrectionMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CorrectionPosition(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CorrectionPosition {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CorrectionPosition { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CorrectionPosition { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CorrectionPosition { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8253,19 +8187,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CorrectionPosition { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_Ink(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_Ink {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_Ink { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_Ink { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_Ink { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8275,19 +8198,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_Ink { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_InkCollector(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_InkCollector {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_InkCollector { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_InkCollector { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_InkCollector { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8297,19 +8209,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_InkCollector { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_InkCollectorEvent(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_InkCollectorEvent {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_InkCollectorEvent { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_InkCollectorEvent { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_InkCollectorEvent { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8319,19 +8220,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_InkCollectorEvent { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_InkCursor(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_InkCursor {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_InkCursor { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_InkCursor { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_InkCursor { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8341,19 +8231,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_InkCursor { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_InkCursorButton(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_InkCursorButton {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_InkCursorButton { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_InkCursorButton { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_InkCursorButton { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8363,19 +8242,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_InkCursorButton { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_InkCursorButtons(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_InkCursorButtons {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_InkCursorButtons { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_InkCursorButtons { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_InkCursorButtons { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8385,19 +8253,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_InkCursorButtons { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_InkCursors(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_InkCursors {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_InkCursors { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_InkCursors { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_InkCursors { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8407,19 +8264,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_InkCursors { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_InkCustomStrokes(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_InkCustomStrokes {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_InkCustomStrokes { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_InkCustomStrokes { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_InkCustomStrokes { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8429,19 +8275,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_InkCustomStrokes { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_InkDivider(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_InkDivider {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_InkDivider { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_InkDivider { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_InkDivider { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8451,19 +8286,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_InkDivider { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_InkDivisionResult(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_InkDivisionResult {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_InkDivisionResult { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_InkDivisionResult { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_InkDivisionResult { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8473,19 +8297,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_InkDivisionResult { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_InkDivisionUnit(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_InkDivisionUnit {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_InkDivisionUnit { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_InkDivisionUnit { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_InkDivisionUnit { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8495,19 +8308,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_InkDivisionUnit { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_InkDivisionUnits(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_InkDivisionUnits {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_InkDivisionUnits { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_InkDivisionUnits { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_InkDivisionUnits { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8517,19 +8319,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_InkDivisionUnits { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_InkDrawingAttributes(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_InkDrawingAttributes {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_InkDrawingAttributes { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_InkDrawingAttributes { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_InkDrawingAttributes { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8539,19 +8330,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_InkDrawingAttributes { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_InkEdit(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_InkEdit {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_InkEdit { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_InkEdit { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_InkEdit { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8561,19 +8341,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_InkEdit { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_InkEditEvents(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_InkEditEvents {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_InkEditEvents { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_InkEditEvents { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_InkEditEvents { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8583,19 +8352,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_InkEditEvents { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_InkEvent(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_InkEvent {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_InkEvent { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_InkEvent { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_InkEvent { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8605,19 +8363,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_InkEvent { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_InkExtendedProperties(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_InkExtendedProperties {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_InkExtendedProperties { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_InkExtendedProperties { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_InkExtendedProperties { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8627,19 +8374,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_InkExtendedProperties { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_InkExtendedProperty(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_InkExtendedProperty {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_InkExtendedProperty { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_InkExtendedProperty { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_InkExtendedProperty { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8649,19 +8385,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_InkExtendedProperty { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_InkGesture(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_InkGesture {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_InkGesture { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_InkGesture { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_InkGesture { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8671,19 +8396,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_InkGesture { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_InkRecoAlternate(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_InkRecoAlternate {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_InkRecoAlternate { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_InkRecoAlternate { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_InkRecoAlternate { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8693,19 +8407,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_InkRecoAlternate { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_InkRecoContext(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_InkRecoContext {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_InkRecoContext { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_InkRecoContext { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_InkRecoContext { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8715,19 +8418,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_InkRecoContext { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_InkRecoContext2(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_InkRecoContext2 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_InkRecoContext2 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_InkRecoContext2 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_InkRecoContext2 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8737,19 +8429,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_InkRecoContext2 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_InkRecognitionAlternates(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_InkRecognitionAlternates {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_InkRecognitionAlternates { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_InkRecognitionAlternates { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_InkRecognitionAlternates { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8759,19 +8440,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_InkRecognitionAlternates { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_InkRecognitionEvent(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_InkRecognitionEvent {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_InkRecognitionEvent { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_InkRecognitionEvent { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_InkRecognitionEvent { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8781,19 +8451,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_InkRecognitionEvent { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_InkRecognitionResult(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_InkRecognitionResult {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_InkRecognitionResult { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_InkRecognitionResult { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_InkRecognitionResult { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8803,19 +8462,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_InkRecognitionResult { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_InkRecognizer(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_InkRecognizer {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_InkRecognizer { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_InkRecognizer { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_InkRecognizer { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8825,19 +8473,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_InkRecognizer { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_InkRecognizer2(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_InkRecognizer2 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_InkRecognizer2 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_InkRecognizer2 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_InkRecognizer2 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8847,19 +8484,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_InkRecognizer2 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_InkRecognizerGuide(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_InkRecognizerGuide {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_InkRecognizerGuide { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_InkRecognizerGuide { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_InkRecognizerGuide { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8869,19 +8495,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_InkRecognizerGuide { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_InkRecognizers(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_InkRecognizers {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_InkRecognizers { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_InkRecognizers { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_InkRecognizers { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8891,19 +8506,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_InkRecognizers { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_InkRectangle(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_InkRectangle {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_InkRectangle { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_InkRectangle { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_InkRectangle { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8913,19 +8517,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_InkRectangle { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_InkRenderer(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_InkRenderer {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_InkRenderer { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_InkRenderer { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_InkRenderer { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8935,19 +8528,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_InkRenderer { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_InkStrokeDisp(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_InkStrokeDisp {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_InkStrokeDisp { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_InkStrokeDisp { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_InkStrokeDisp { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8957,19 +8539,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_InkStrokeDisp { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_InkStrokes(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_InkStrokes {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_InkStrokes { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_InkStrokes { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_InkStrokes { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8979,19 +8550,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_InkStrokes { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_InkTablet(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_InkTablet {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_InkTablet { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_InkTablet { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_InkTablet { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9001,19 +8561,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_InkTablet { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_InkTablet2(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_InkTablet2 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_InkTablet2 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_InkTablet2 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_InkTablet2 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9023,19 +8572,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_InkTablet2 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_InkTablet3(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_InkTablet3 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_InkTablet3 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_InkTablet3 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_InkTablet3 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9045,19 +8583,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_InkTablet3 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_InkTablets(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_InkTablets {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_InkTablets { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_InkTablets { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_InkTablets { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9067,19 +8594,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_InkTablets { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_InkTransform(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_InkTransform {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_InkTransform { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_InkTransform { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_InkTransform { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9089,19 +8605,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_InkTransform { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_InkWordList(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_InkWordList {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_InkWordList { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_InkWordList { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_InkWordList { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9111,19 +8616,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_InkWordList { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_InkWordList2(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_InkWordList2 {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_InkWordList2 { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_InkWordList2 { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_InkWordList2 { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9133,19 +8627,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_InkWordList2 { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_MathInputControlEvents(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_MathInputControlEvents {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_MathInputControlEvents { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_MathInputControlEvents { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_MathInputControlEvents { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9155,19 +8638,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_MathInputControlEvents { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_PenInputPanel(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_PenInputPanel {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_PenInputPanel { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_PenInputPanel { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_PenInputPanel { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9177,19 +8649,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_PenInputPanel { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_PenInputPanelEvents(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_PenInputPanelEvents {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_PenInputPanelEvents { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_PenInputPanelEvents { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_PenInputPanelEvents { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9199,19 +8660,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_PenInputPanelEvents { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DISPID_StrokeEvent(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DISPID_StrokeEvent {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DISPID_StrokeEvent { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DISPID_StrokeEvent { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DISPID_StrokeEvent { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9221,19 +8671,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DISPID_StrokeEvent { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EventMask(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EventMask {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EventMask { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EventMask { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EventMask { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9243,19 +8682,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EventMask { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FLICKACTION_COMMANDCODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FLICKACTION_COMMANDCODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FLICKACTION_COMMANDCODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FLICKACTION_COMMANDCODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FLICKACTION_COMMANDCODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9265,19 +8693,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FLICKACTION_COMMANDCODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FLICKDIRECTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FLICKDIRECTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FLICKDIRECTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FLICKDIRECTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FLICKDIRECTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9287,19 +8704,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FLICKDIRECTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FLICKMODE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FLICKMODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FLICKMODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FLICKMODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FLICKMODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9309,19 +8715,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FLICKMODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GET_DANDIDATE_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GET_DANDIDATE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GET_DANDIDATE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GET_DANDIDATE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GET_DANDIDATE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9331,19 +8726,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GET_DANDIDATE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct INK_METRIC_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for INK_METRIC_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for INK_METRIC_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for INK_METRIC_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for INK_METRIC_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9353,19 +8737,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for INK_METRIC_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InPlaceDirection(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InPlaceDirection {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InPlaceDirection { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InPlaceDirection { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InPlaceDirection { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9375,19 +8748,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for InPlaceDirection { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InPlaceState(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InPlaceState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InPlaceState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InPlaceState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InPlaceState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9397,19 +8759,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for InPlaceState { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InkApplicationGesture(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InkApplicationGesture {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InkApplicationGesture { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InkApplicationGesture { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InkApplicationGesture { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9419,19 +8770,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for InkApplicationGesture { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InkBoundingBoxMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InkBoundingBoxMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InkBoundingBoxMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InkBoundingBoxMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InkBoundingBoxMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9441,19 +8781,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for InkBoundingBoxMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InkClipboardFormats(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InkClipboardFormats {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InkClipboardFormats { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InkClipboardFormats { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InkClipboardFormats { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9463,19 +8792,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for InkClipboardFormats { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InkClipboardModes(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InkClipboardModes {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InkClipboardModes { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InkClipboardModes { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InkClipboardModes { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9485,19 +8803,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for InkClipboardModes { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InkCollectionMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InkCollectionMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InkCollectionMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InkCollectionMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InkCollectionMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9507,19 +8814,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for InkCollectionMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InkCollectorEventInterest(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InkCollectorEventInterest {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InkCollectorEventInterest { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InkCollectorEventInterest { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InkCollectorEventInterest { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9529,19 +8825,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for InkCollectorEventInterest { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InkCursorButtonState(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InkCursorButtonState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InkCursorButtonState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InkCursorButtonState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InkCursorButtonState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9551,19 +8836,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for InkCursorButtonState { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InkDisplayMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InkDisplayMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InkDisplayMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InkDisplayMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InkDisplayMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9573,19 +8847,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for InkDisplayMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InkDivisionType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InkDivisionType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InkDivisionType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InkDivisionType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InkDivisionType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9595,19 +8858,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for InkDivisionType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InkEditStatus(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InkEditStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InkEditStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InkEditStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InkEditStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9617,19 +8869,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for InkEditStatus { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InkExtractFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InkExtractFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InkExtractFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InkExtractFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InkExtractFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9639,19 +8880,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for InkExtractFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InkInsertMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InkInsertMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InkInsertMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InkInsertMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InkInsertMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9661,19 +8891,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for InkInsertMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InkMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InkMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InkMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InkMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InkMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9683,19 +8902,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for InkMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InkMouseButton(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InkMouseButton {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InkMouseButton { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InkMouseButton { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InkMouseButton { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9705,19 +8913,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for InkMouseButton { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InkMousePointer(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InkMousePointer {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InkMousePointer { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InkMousePointer { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InkMousePointer { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9727,19 +8924,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for InkMousePointer { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InkOverlayAttachMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InkOverlayAttachMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InkOverlayAttachMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InkOverlayAttachMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InkOverlayAttachMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9749,19 +8935,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for InkOverlayAttachMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InkOverlayEditingMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InkOverlayEditingMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InkOverlayEditingMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InkOverlayEditingMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InkOverlayEditingMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9771,19 +8946,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for InkOverlayEditingMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InkOverlayEraserMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InkOverlayEraserMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InkOverlayEraserMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InkOverlayEraserMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InkOverlayEraserMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9793,19 +8957,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for InkOverlayEraserMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InkPenTip(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InkPenTip {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InkPenTip { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InkPenTip { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InkPenTip { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9815,19 +8968,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for InkPenTip { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InkPersistenceCompressionMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InkPersistenceCompressionMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InkPersistenceCompressionMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InkPersistenceCompressionMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InkPersistenceCompressionMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9837,19 +8979,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for InkPersistenceCompressionMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InkPersistenceFormat(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InkPersistenceFormat {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InkPersistenceFormat { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InkPersistenceFormat { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InkPersistenceFormat { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9859,19 +8990,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for InkPersistenceFormat { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InkPictureSizeMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InkPictureSizeMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InkPictureSizeMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InkPictureSizeMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InkPictureSizeMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9881,19 +9001,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for InkPictureSizeMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InkRasterOperation(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InkRasterOperation {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InkRasterOperation { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InkRasterOperation { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InkRasterOperation { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9903,19 +9012,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for InkRasterOperation { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InkRecognitionAlternatesSelection(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InkRecognitionAlternatesSelection {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InkRecognitionAlternatesSelection { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InkRecognitionAlternatesSelection { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InkRecognitionAlternatesSelection { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9925,19 +9023,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for InkRecognitionAlternatesSelection { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InkRecognitionConfidence(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InkRecognitionConfidence {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InkRecognitionConfidence { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InkRecognitionConfidence { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InkRecognitionConfidence { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9947,19 +9034,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for InkRecognitionConfidence { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InkRecognitionModes(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InkRecognitionModes {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InkRecognitionModes { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InkRecognitionModes { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InkRecognitionModes { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9969,19 +9045,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for InkRecognitionModes { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InkRecognitionStatus(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InkRecognitionStatus {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InkRecognitionStatus { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InkRecognitionStatus { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InkRecognitionStatus { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -9991,19 +9056,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for InkRecognitionStatus { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InkRecognizerCapabilities(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InkRecognizerCapabilities {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InkRecognizerCapabilities { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InkRecognizerCapabilities { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InkRecognizerCapabilities { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10013,19 +9067,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for InkRecognizerCapabilities { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InkRecognizerCharacterAutoCompletionMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InkRecognizerCharacterAutoCompletionMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InkRecognizerCharacterAutoCompletionMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InkRecognizerCharacterAutoCompletionMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InkRecognizerCharacterAutoCompletionMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10035,19 +9078,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for InkRecognizerCharacterAutoCompletionMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InkSelectionConstants(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InkSelectionConstants {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InkSelectionConstants { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InkSelectionConstants { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InkSelectionConstants { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10057,19 +9089,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for InkSelectionConstants { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InkShiftKeyModifierFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InkShiftKeyModifierFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InkShiftKeyModifierFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InkShiftKeyModifierFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InkShiftKeyModifierFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10079,19 +9100,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for InkShiftKeyModifierFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InkSystemGesture(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InkSystemGesture {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InkSystemGesture { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InkSystemGesture { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InkSystemGesture { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10101,19 +9111,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for InkSystemGesture { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InteractionMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InteractionMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InteractionMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InteractionMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InteractionMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10123,19 +9122,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for InteractionMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KEYMODIFIER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KEYMODIFIER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KEYMODIFIER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KEYMODIFIER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KEYMODIFIER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10145,19 +9133,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for KEYMODIFIER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LINE_METRICS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LINE_METRICS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LINE_METRICS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LINE_METRICS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LINE_METRICS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10167,19 +9144,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for LINE_METRICS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MICUIELEMENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MICUIELEMENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MICUIELEMENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MICUIELEMENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MICUIELEMENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10189,19 +9155,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MICUIELEMENT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MICUIELEMENTSTATE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MICUIELEMENTSTATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MICUIELEMENTSTATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MICUIELEMENTSTATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MICUIELEMENTSTATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10211,19 +9166,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MICUIELEMENTSTATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MouseButton(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MouseButton {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MouseButton { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MouseButton { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MouseButton { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10233,19 +9177,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MouseButton { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PROPERTY_UNITS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PROPERTY_UNITS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PROPERTY_UNITS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PROPERTY_UNITS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PROPERTY_UNITS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10255,19 +9188,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PROPERTY_UNITS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PanelInputArea(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PanelInputArea {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PanelInputArea { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PanelInputArea { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PanelInputArea { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10277,19 +9199,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PanelInputArea { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PanelType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PanelType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PanelType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PanelType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PanelType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10299,19 +9210,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for PanelType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RECO_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RECO_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RECO_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RECO_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RECO_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10321,19 +9221,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RECO_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RealTimeStylusDataInterest(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RealTimeStylusDataInterest {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RealTimeStylusDataInterest { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RealTimeStylusDataInterest { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RealTimeStylusDataInterest { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10343,19 +9232,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RealTimeStylusDataInterest { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct RealTimeStylusLockType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for RealTimeStylusLockType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for RealTimeStylusLockType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for RealTimeStylusLockType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for RealTimeStylusLockType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10365,19 +9243,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for RealTimeStylusLockType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SCROLLDIRECTION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SCROLLDIRECTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SCROLLDIRECTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SCROLLDIRECTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SCROLLDIRECTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10387,19 +9254,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SCROLLDIRECTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ScrollBarsConstants(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ScrollBarsConstants {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ScrollBarsConstants { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ScrollBarsConstants { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ScrollBarsConstants { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10409,19 +9265,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ScrollBarsConstants { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SelAlignmentConstants(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SelAlignmentConstants {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SelAlignmentConstants { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SelAlignmentConstants { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SelAlignmentConstants { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10431,19 +9276,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SelAlignmentConstants { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SelectionHitResult(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SelectionHitResult {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SelectionHitResult { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SelectionHitResult { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SelectionHitResult { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10453,19 +9287,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SelectionHitResult { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct StylusQueue(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for StylusQueue {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for StylusQueue { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for StylusQueue { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for StylusQueue { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10475,19 +9298,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for StylusQueue { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TabletDeviceKind(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TabletDeviceKind {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TabletDeviceKind { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TabletDeviceKind { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TabletDeviceKind { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10497,19 +9309,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TabletDeviceKind { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TabletHardwareCapabilities(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TabletHardwareCapabilities {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TabletHardwareCapabilities { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TabletHardwareCapabilities { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TabletHardwareCapabilities { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10519,19 +9320,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TabletHardwareCapabilities { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TabletPropertyMetricUnit(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TabletPropertyMetricUnit {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TabletPropertyMetricUnit { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TabletPropertyMetricUnit { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TabletPropertyMetricUnit { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -10541,19 +9331,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TabletPropertyMetricUnit { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct VisualState(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for VisualState {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for VisualState { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for VisualState { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for VisualState { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/TextServices/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/TextServices/ index 0b2edeca1c..92bb4a6e29 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/TextServices/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/TextServices/ @@ -7542,19 +7542,8 @@ pub const TS_TC_CORRECTION: TEXT_STORE_CHANGE_FLAGS = TEXT_STORE_CHANGE_FLAGS(1u pub const TS_TC_NONE: TEXT_STORE_CHANGE_FLAGS = TEXT_STORE_CHANGE_FLAGS(0u32); pub const TS_VCOOKIE_NUL: u32 = 4294967295u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ANCHOR_CHANGE_HISTORY_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ANCHOR_CHANGE_HISTORY_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ANCHOR_CHANGE_HISTORY_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ANCHOR_CHANGE_HISTORY_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ANCHOR_CHANGE_HISTORY_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7597,19 +7586,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for ANCHOR_CHANGE_HISTORY_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GET_TEXT_AND_PROPERTY_UPDATES_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GET_TEXT_AND_PROPERTY_UPDATES_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GET_TEXT_AND_PROPERTY_UPDATES_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GET_TEXT_AND_PROPERTY_UPDATES_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GET_TEXT_AND_PROPERTY_UPDATES_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7652,19 +7630,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for GET_TEXT_AND_PROPERTY_UPDATES_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct INSERT_TEXT_AT_SELECTION_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for INSERT_TEXT_AT_SELECTION_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for INSERT_TEXT_AT_SELECTION_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for INSERT_TEXT_AT_SELECTION_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for INSERT_TEXT_AT_SELECTION_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7674,19 +7641,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for INSERT_TEXT_AT_SELECTION_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct InputScope(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for InputScope {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for InputScope { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for InputScope { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for InputScope { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7696,19 +7652,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for InputScope { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LANG_BAR_ITEM_ICON_MODE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LANG_BAR_ITEM_ICON_MODE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LANG_BAR_ITEM_ICON_MODE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LANG_BAR_ITEM_ICON_MODE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LANG_BAR_ITEM_ICON_MODE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7718,19 +7663,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for LANG_BAR_ITEM_ICON_MODE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TEXT_STORE_CHANGE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TEXT_STORE_CHANGE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TEXT_STORE_CHANGE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TEXT_STORE_CHANGE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TEXT_STORE_CHANGE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7773,19 +7707,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for TEXT_STORE_CHANGE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TEXT_STORE_LOCK_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TEXT_STORE_LOCK_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TEXT_STORE_LOCK_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TEXT_STORE_LOCK_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TEXT_STORE_LOCK_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7795,19 +7718,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TEXT_STORE_LOCK_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TEXT_STORE_TEXT_CHANGE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TEXT_STORE_TEXT_CHANGE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TEXT_STORE_TEXT_CHANGE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TEXT_STORE_TEXT_CHANGE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TEXT_STORE_TEXT_CHANGE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7850,19 +7762,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for TEXT_STORE_TEXT_CHANGE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TF_CONTEXT_EDIT_CONTEXT_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TF_CONTEXT_EDIT_CONTEXT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TF_CONTEXT_EDIT_CONTEXT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TF_CONTEXT_EDIT_CONTEXT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TF_CONTEXT_EDIT_CONTEXT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7905,19 +7806,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for TF_CONTEXT_EDIT_CONTEXT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TF_DA_ATTR_INFO(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TF_DA_ATTR_INFO {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TF_DA_ATTR_INFO { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TF_DA_ATTR_INFO { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TF_DA_ATTR_INFO { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7927,19 +7817,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TF_DA_ATTR_INFO { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TF_DA_COLORTYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TF_DA_COLORTYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TF_DA_COLORTYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TF_DA_COLORTYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TF_DA_COLORTYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7949,19 +7828,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TF_DA_COLORTYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TF_DA_LINESTYLE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TF_DA_LINESTYLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TF_DA_LINESTYLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TF_DA_LINESTYLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TF_DA_LINESTYLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7971,19 +7839,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TF_DA_LINESTYLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TKBLayoutType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TKBLayoutType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TKBLayoutType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TKBLayoutType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TKBLayoutType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7993,19 +7850,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TKBLayoutType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TfActiveSelEnd(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TfActiveSelEnd {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TfActiveSelEnd { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TfActiveSelEnd { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TfActiveSelEnd { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8015,19 +7861,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TfActiveSelEnd { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TfAnchor(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TfAnchor {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TfAnchor { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TfAnchor { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TfAnchor { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8037,19 +7872,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TfAnchor { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TfCandidateResult(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TfCandidateResult {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TfCandidateResult { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TfCandidateResult { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TfCandidateResult { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8059,19 +7883,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TfCandidateResult { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TfGravity(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TfGravity {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TfGravity { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TfGravity { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TfGravity { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8081,19 +7894,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TfGravity { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TfIntegratableCandidateListSelectionStyle(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TfIntegratableCandidateListSelectionStyle {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TfIntegratableCandidateListSelectionStyle { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TfIntegratableCandidateListSelectionStyle { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TfIntegratableCandidateListSelectionStyle { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8103,19 +7905,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TfIntegratableCandidateListSelectionStyle { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TfLBBalloonStyle(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TfLBBalloonStyle {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TfLBBalloonStyle { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TfLBBalloonStyle { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TfLBBalloonStyle { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8125,19 +7916,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TfLBBalloonStyle { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TfLBIClick(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TfLBIClick {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TfLBIClick { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TfLBIClick { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TfLBIClick { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8147,19 +7927,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TfLBIClick { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TfLayoutCode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TfLayoutCode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TfLayoutCode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TfLayoutCode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TfLayoutCode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8169,19 +7938,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TfLayoutCode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TfSapiObject(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TfSapiObject {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TfSapiObject { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TfSapiObject { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TfSapiObject { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8191,19 +7949,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TfSapiObject { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TfShiftDir(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TfShiftDir {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TfShiftDir { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TfShiftDir { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TfShiftDir { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8213,19 +7960,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TfShiftDir { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TsActiveSelEnd(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TsActiveSelEnd {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TsActiveSelEnd { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TsActiveSelEnd { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TsActiveSelEnd { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8235,19 +7971,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TsActiveSelEnd { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TsGravity(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TsGravity {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TsGravity { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TsGravity { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TsGravity { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8257,19 +7982,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TsGravity { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TsLayoutCode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TsLayoutCode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TsLayoutCode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TsLayoutCode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TsLayoutCode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8279,19 +7993,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TsLayoutCode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TsRunType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TsRunType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TsRunType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TsRunType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TsRunType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8301,19 +8004,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TsRunType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TsShiftDir(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TsShiftDir {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TsShiftDir { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TsShiftDir { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TsShiftDir { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/WindowsAndMessaging/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/WindowsAndMessaging/ index f84cbbd779..adf5af305d 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/WindowsAndMessaging/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/UI/WindowsAndMessaging/ @@ -5600,19 +5600,8 @@ pub const __WARNING_RETURNING_BAD_RESULT: u32 = 28196u32; pub const __WARNING_RETURN_UNINIT_VAR: u32 = 6101u32; pub const __WARNING_USING_UNINIT_VAR: u32 = 6001u32; #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ACCEL_VIRT_FLAGS(pub u8); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ACCEL_VIRT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ACCEL_VIRT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ACCEL_VIRT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ACCEL_VIRT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5655,19 +5644,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for ACCEL_VIRT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ANIMATE_WINDOW_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ANIMATE_WINDOW_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ANIMATE_WINDOW_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ANIMATE_WINDOW_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ANIMATE_WINDOW_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5710,19 +5688,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for ANIMATE_WINDOW_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CASCADE_WINDOWS_HOW(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CASCADE_WINDOWS_HOW {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CASCADE_WINDOWS_HOW { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CASCADE_WINDOWS_HOW { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CASCADE_WINDOWS_HOW { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5765,19 +5732,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CASCADE_WINDOWS_HOW { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CHANGE_WINDOW_MESSAGE_FILTER_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CHANGE_WINDOW_MESSAGE_FILTER_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CHANGE_WINDOW_MESSAGE_FILTER_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CHANGE_WINDOW_MESSAGE_FILTER_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CHANGE_WINDOW_MESSAGE_FILTER_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5787,19 +5743,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CHANGE_WINDOW_MESSAGE_FILTER_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CURSORINFO_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CURSORINFO_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CURSORINFO_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CURSORINFO_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CURSORINFO_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5809,19 +5754,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for CURSORINFO_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct CWP_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for CWP_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for CWP_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for CWP_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for CWP_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5864,19 +5798,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for CWP_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEV_BROADCAST_HDR_DEVICE_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEV_BROADCAST_HDR_DEVICE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEV_BROADCAST_HDR_DEVICE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEV_BROADCAST_HDR_DEVICE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEV_BROADCAST_HDR_DEVICE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5886,19 +5809,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEV_BROADCAST_HDR_DEVICE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME_FLAGS(pub u16); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5908,19 +5820,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for DEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct DI_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DI_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DI_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DI_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DI_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5963,19 +5864,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for DI_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct EDIT_CONTROL_FEATURE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for EDIT_CONTROL_FEATURE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for EDIT_CONTROL_FEATURE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for EDIT_CONTROL_FEATURE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for EDIT_CONTROL_FEATURE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -5985,19 +5875,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for EDIT_CONTROL_FEATURE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FLASHWINFO_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FLASHWINFO_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FLASHWINFO_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FLASHWINFO_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FLASHWINFO_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6040,19 +5919,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for FLASHWINFO_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FOREGROUND_WINDOW_LOCK_CODE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FOREGROUND_WINDOW_LOCK_CODE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FOREGROUND_WINDOW_LOCK_CODE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FOREGROUND_WINDOW_LOCK_CODE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FOREGROUND_WINDOW_LOCK_CODE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6062,19 +5930,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FOREGROUND_WINDOW_LOCK_CODE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GDI_IMAGE_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GDI_IMAGE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GDI_IMAGE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GDI_IMAGE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GDI_IMAGE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6084,19 +5941,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GDI_IMAGE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GET_ANCESTOR_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GET_ANCESTOR_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GET_ANCESTOR_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GET_ANCESTOR_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GET_ANCESTOR_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6106,19 +5952,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GET_ANCESTOR_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GET_CLASS_LONG_INDEX(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GET_CLASS_LONG_INDEX {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GET_CLASS_LONG_INDEX { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GET_CLASS_LONG_INDEX { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GET_CLASS_LONG_INDEX { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6128,19 +5963,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GET_CLASS_LONG_INDEX { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GET_MENU_DEFAULT_ITEM_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GET_MENU_DEFAULT_ITEM_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GET_MENU_DEFAULT_ITEM_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GET_MENU_DEFAULT_ITEM_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GET_MENU_DEFAULT_ITEM_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6183,19 +6007,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for GET_MENU_DEFAULT_ITEM_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GET_WINDOW_CMD(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GET_WINDOW_CMD {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GET_WINDOW_CMD { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GET_WINDOW_CMD { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GET_WINDOW_CMD { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6205,19 +6018,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for GET_WINDOW_CMD { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct GUITHREADINFO_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for GUITHREADINFO_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for GUITHREADINFO_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for GUITHREADINFO_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for GUITHREADINFO_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6260,19 +6062,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for GUITHREADINFO_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct HANDEDNESS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for HANDEDNESS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for HANDEDNESS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for HANDEDNESS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for HANDEDNESS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6282,19 +6073,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for HANDEDNESS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IMAGE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IMAGE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IMAGE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IMAGE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IMAGE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6337,19 +6117,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for IMAGE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6392,19 +6161,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct LAYERED_WINDOW_ATTRIBUTES_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for LAYERED_WINDOW_ATTRIBUTES_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for LAYERED_WINDOW_ATTRIBUTES_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for LAYERED_WINDOW_ATTRIBUTES_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for LAYERED_WINDOW_ATTRIBUTES_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6447,19 +6205,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for LAYERED_WINDOW_ATTRIBUTES_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MENUGETOBJECTINFO_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MENUGETOBJECTINFO_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MENUGETOBJECTINFO_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MENUGETOBJECTINFO_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MENUGETOBJECTINFO_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6469,19 +6216,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MENUGETOBJECTINFO_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MENUINFO_MASK(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MENUINFO_MASK {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MENUINFO_MASK { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MENUINFO_MASK { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MENUINFO_MASK { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6524,19 +6260,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for MENUINFO_MASK { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MENUINFO_STYLE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MENUINFO_STYLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MENUINFO_STYLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MENUINFO_STYLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MENUINFO_STYLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6579,19 +6304,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for MENUINFO_STYLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MENU_ITEM_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MENU_ITEM_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MENU_ITEM_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MENU_ITEM_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MENU_ITEM_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6634,19 +6348,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for MENU_ITEM_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MENU_ITEM_MASK(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MENU_ITEM_MASK {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MENU_ITEM_MASK { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MENU_ITEM_MASK { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MENU_ITEM_MASK { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6689,19 +6392,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for MENU_ITEM_MASK { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MENU_ITEM_STATE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MENU_ITEM_STATE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MENU_ITEM_STATE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MENU_ITEM_STATE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MENU_ITEM_STATE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6744,19 +6436,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for MENU_ITEM_STATE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MENU_ITEM_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MENU_ITEM_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MENU_ITEM_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MENU_ITEM_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MENU_ITEM_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6799,19 +6480,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for MENU_ITEM_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MESSAGEBOX_RESULT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MESSAGEBOX_RESULT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MESSAGEBOX_RESULT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MESSAGEBOX_RESULT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MESSAGEBOX_RESULT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6821,19 +6491,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MESSAGEBOX_RESULT { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MESSAGEBOX_STYLE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MESSAGEBOX_STYLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MESSAGEBOX_STYLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MESSAGEBOX_STYLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MESSAGEBOX_STYLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6876,19 +6535,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for MESSAGEBOX_STYLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MINIMIZEDMETRICS_ARRANGE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MINIMIZEDMETRICS_ARRANGE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MINIMIZEDMETRICS_ARRANGE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MINIMIZEDMETRICS_ARRANGE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MINIMIZEDMETRICS_ARRANGE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6898,19 +6546,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MINIMIZEDMETRICS_ARRANGE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MSGFLTINFO_STATUS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MSGFLTINFO_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MSGFLTINFO_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MSGFLTINFO_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MSGFLTINFO_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6920,19 +6557,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MSGFLTINFO_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MSG_WAIT_FOR_MULTIPLE_OBJECTS_EX_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MSG_WAIT_FOR_MULTIPLE_OBJECTS_EX_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MSG_WAIT_FOR_MULTIPLE_OBJECTS_EX_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MSG_WAIT_FOR_MULTIPLE_OBJECTS_EX_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MSG_WAIT_FOR_MULTIPLE_OBJECTS_EX_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6975,19 +6601,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for MSG_WAIT_FOR_MULTIPLE_OBJECTS_EX_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MrmDumpType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MrmDumpType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MrmDumpType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MrmDumpType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MrmDumpType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -6997,19 +6612,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MrmDumpType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MrmIndexerFlags(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MrmIndexerFlags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MrmIndexerFlags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MrmIndexerFlags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MrmIndexerFlags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7019,19 +6623,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MrmIndexerFlags { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MrmPackagingMode(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MrmPackagingMode {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MrmPackagingMode { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MrmPackagingMode { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MrmPackagingMode { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7041,19 +6634,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MrmPackagingMode { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MrmPackagingOptions(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MrmPackagingOptions {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MrmPackagingOptions { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MrmPackagingOptions { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MrmPackagingOptions { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7063,19 +6645,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MrmPackagingOptions { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MrmPlatformVersion(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MrmPlatformVersion {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MrmPlatformVersion { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MrmPlatformVersion { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MrmPlatformVersion { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7085,19 +6656,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MrmPlatformVersion { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MrmResourceIndexerMessageSeverity(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MrmResourceIndexerMessageSeverity {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MrmResourceIndexerMessageSeverity { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MrmResourceIndexerMessageSeverity { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MrmResourceIndexerMessageSeverity { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7107,19 +6667,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MrmResourceIndexerMessageSeverity { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OBJECT_IDENTIFIER(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OBJECT_IDENTIFIER {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OBJECT_IDENTIFIER { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OBJECT_IDENTIFIER { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OBJECT_IDENTIFIER { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7129,19 +6678,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OBJECT_IDENTIFIER { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct PEEK_MESSAGE_REMOVE_TYPE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for PEEK_MESSAGE_REMOVE_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for PEEK_MESSAGE_REMOVE_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for PEEK_MESSAGE_REMOVE_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for PEEK_MESSAGE_REMOVE_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7184,19 +6722,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for PEEK_MESSAGE_REMOVE_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct POINTER_INPUT_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for POINTER_INPUT_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for POINTER_INPUT_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for POINTER_INPUT_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for POINTER_INPUT_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7206,19 +6733,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for POINTER_INPUT_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct QUEUE_STATUS_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for QUEUE_STATUS_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for QUEUE_STATUS_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for QUEUE_STATUS_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for QUEUE_STATUS_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7261,19 +6777,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for QUEUE_STATUS_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct REGISTER_NOTIFICATION_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for REGISTER_NOTIFICATION_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for REGISTER_NOTIFICATION_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for REGISTER_NOTIFICATION_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for REGISTER_NOTIFICATION_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7316,19 +6821,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for REGISTER_NOTIFICATION_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SCROLLBAR_COMMAND(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SCROLLBAR_COMMAND {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SCROLLBAR_COMMAND { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SCROLLBAR_COMMAND { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SCROLLBAR_COMMAND { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7338,19 +6832,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SCROLLBAR_COMMAND { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SCROLLBAR_CONSTANTS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SCROLLBAR_CONSTANTS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SCROLLBAR_CONSTANTS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SCROLLBAR_CONSTANTS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SCROLLBAR_CONSTANTS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7393,19 +6876,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SCROLLBAR_CONSTANTS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SCROLLINFO_MASK(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SCROLLINFO_MASK {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SCROLLINFO_MASK { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SCROLLINFO_MASK { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SCROLLINFO_MASK { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7448,19 +6920,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SCROLLINFO_MASK { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SCROLL_WINDOW_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SCROLL_WINDOW_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SCROLL_WINDOW_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SCROLL_WINDOW_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SCROLL_WINDOW_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7503,19 +6964,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SCROLL_WINDOW_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SEND_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SEND_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SEND_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SEND_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SEND_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7558,19 +7008,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SEND_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SET_WINDOW_POS_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SET_WINDOW_POS_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SET_WINDOW_POS_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SET_WINDOW_POS_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SET_WINDOW_POS_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7613,19 +7052,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SET_WINDOW_POS_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SHOW_WINDOW_CMD(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SHOW_WINDOW_CMD {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SHOW_WINDOW_CMD { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SHOW_WINDOW_CMD { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SHOW_WINDOW_CMD { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7635,19 +7063,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SHOW_WINDOW_CMD { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SHOW_WINDOW_STATUS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SHOW_WINDOW_STATUS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SHOW_WINDOW_STATUS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SHOW_WINDOW_STATUS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SHOW_WINDOW_STATUS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7657,19 +7074,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SHOW_WINDOW_STATUS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYSTEM_CURSOR_ID(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYSTEM_CURSOR_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYSTEM_CURSOR_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYSTEM_CURSOR_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYSTEM_CURSOR_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7679,19 +7085,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYSTEM_CURSOR_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYSTEM_METRICS_INDEX(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYSTEM_METRICS_INDEX {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYSTEM_METRICS_INDEX { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYSTEM_METRICS_INDEX { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYSTEM_METRICS_INDEX { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7701,19 +7096,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for SYSTEM_METRICS_INDEX { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_INFO_ACTION(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_INFO_ACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_INFO_ACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_INFO_ACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_INFO_ACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7756,19 +7140,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_INFO_ACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_INFO_UPDATE_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_INFO_UPDATE_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_INFO_UPDATE_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_INFO_UPDATE_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_INFO_UPDATE_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7811,19 +7184,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_INFO_UPDATE_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TILE_WINDOWS_HOW(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TILE_WINDOWS_HOW {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TILE_WINDOWS_HOW { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TILE_WINDOWS_HOW { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TILE_WINDOWS_HOW { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7833,19 +7195,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TILE_WINDOWS_HOW { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TOOLTIP_DISMISS_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TOOLTIP_DISMISS_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TOOLTIP_DISMISS_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TOOLTIP_DISMISS_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TOOLTIP_DISMISS_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7855,19 +7206,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for TOOLTIP_DISMISS_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct TRACK_POPUP_MENU_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for TRACK_POPUP_MENU_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for TRACK_POPUP_MENU_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for TRACK_POPUP_MENU_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for TRACK_POPUP_MENU_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7910,19 +7250,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for TRACK_POPUP_MENU_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct UPDATE_LAYERED_WINDOW_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for UPDATE_LAYERED_WINDOW_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for UPDATE_LAYERED_WINDOW_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for UPDATE_LAYERED_WINDOW_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for UPDATE_LAYERED_WINDOW_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7932,19 +7261,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for UPDATE_LAYERED_WINDOW_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WINDOWPLACEMENT_FLAGS(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WINDOWPLACEMENT_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WINDOWPLACEMENT_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WINDOWPLACEMENT_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WINDOWPLACEMENT_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -7987,19 +7305,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for WINDOWPLACEMENT_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WINDOWS_HOOK_ID(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WINDOWS_HOOK_ID {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WINDOWS_HOOK_ID { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WINDOWS_HOOK_ID { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WINDOWS_HOOK_ID { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8009,19 +7316,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WINDOWS_HOOK_ID { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WINDOW_DISPLAY_AFFINITY(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WINDOW_DISPLAY_AFFINITY {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WINDOW_DISPLAY_AFFINITY { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WINDOW_DISPLAY_AFFINITY { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WINDOW_DISPLAY_AFFINITY { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8031,19 +7327,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WINDOW_DISPLAY_AFFINITY { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WINDOW_EX_STYLE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WINDOW_EX_STYLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WINDOW_EX_STYLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WINDOW_EX_STYLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WINDOW_EX_STYLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8086,19 +7371,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for WINDOW_EX_STYLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WINDOW_LONG_PTR_INDEX(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WINDOW_LONG_PTR_INDEX {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WINDOW_LONG_PTR_INDEX { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WINDOW_LONG_PTR_INDEX { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WINDOW_LONG_PTR_INDEX { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8108,19 +7382,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WINDOW_LONG_PTR_INDEX { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WINDOW_MESSAGE_FILTER_ACTION(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WINDOW_MESSAGE_FILTER_ACTION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WINDOW_MESSAGE_FILTER_ACTION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WINDOW_MESSAGE_FILTER_ACTION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WINDOW_MESSAGE_FILTER_ACTION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8130,19 +7393,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for WINDOW_MESSAGE_FILTER_ACTION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WINDOW_STYLE(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WINDOW_STYLE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WINDOW_STYLE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WINDOW_STYLE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WINDOW_STYLE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -8185,19 +7437,8 @@ impl ::core::ops::Not for WINDOW_STYLE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct WNDCLASS_STYLES(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WNDCLASS_STYLES {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WNDCLASS_STYLES { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WNDCLASS_STYLES { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WNDCLASS_STYLES { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Web/InternetExplorer/ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Web/InternetExplorer/ index c5fd074426..b8a6aa4281 100644 --- a/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Web/InternetExplorer/ +++ b/crates/libs/windows/src/Windows/Win32/Web/InternetExplorer/ @@ -4405,19 +4405,8 @@ pub const msoslNone: u32 = 1u32; pub const msoslUndefined: u32 = 0u32; pub const wfolders: ::windows_core::GUID = ::windows_core::GUID::from_u128(0xbae31f9a_1b81_11d2_a97a_00c04f8ecb02); #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ADDURL_FLAG(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ADDURL_FLAG {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ADDURL_FLAG { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ADDURL_FLAG { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ADDURL_FLAG { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4427,19 +4416,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ADDURL_FLAG { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ExtensionValidationContexts(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ExtensionValidationContexts {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ExtensionValidationContexts { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ExtensionValidationContexts { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ExtensionValidationContexts { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4449,19 +4427,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ExtensionValidationContexts { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct ExtensionValidationResults(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for ExtensionValidationResults {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for ExtensionValidationResults { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for ExtensionValidationResults { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for ExtensionValidationResults { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4471,19 +4438,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for ExtensionValidationResults { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FINDFRAME_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FINDFRAME_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FINDFRAME_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FINDFRAME_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FINDFRAME_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4493,19 +4449,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FINDFRAME_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct FRAMEOPTIONS_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for FRAMEOPTIONS_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for FRAMEOPTIONS_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for FRAMEOPTIONS_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for FRAMEOPTIONS_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4515,19 +4460,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for FRAMEOPTIONS_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct IELAUNCHOPTION_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for IELAUNCHOPTION_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for IELAUNCHOPTION_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for IELAUNCHOPTION_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for IELAUNCHOPTION_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4537,19 +4471,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for IELAUNCHOPTION_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct INTERNETEXPLORERCONFIGURATION(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for INTERNETEXPLORERCONFIGURATION {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for INTERNETEXPLORERCONFIGURATION { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for INTERNETEXPLORERCONFIGURATION { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for INTERNETEXPLORERCONFIGURATION { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4559,19 +4482,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for INTERNETEXPLORERCONFIGURATION { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct MEDIA_ACTIVITY_NOTIFY_TYPE(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for MEDIA_ACTIVITY_NOTIFY_TYPE {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for MEDIA_ACTIVITY_NOTIFY_TYPE { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for MEDIA_ACTIVITY_NOTIFY_TYPE { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for MEDIA_ACTIVITY_NOTIFY_TYPE { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4581,19 +4493,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for MEDIA_ACTIVITY_NOTIFY_TYPE { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct NAVIGATEFRAME_FLAGS(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for NAVIGATEFRAME_FLAGS {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for NAVIGATEFRAME_FLAGS { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for NAVIGATEFRAME_FLAGS { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for NAVIGATEFRAME_FLAGS { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4603,19 +4504,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for NAVIGATEFRAME_FLAGS { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OpenServiceActivityContentType(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OpenServiceActivityContentType {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OpenServiceActivityContentType { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OpenServiceActivityContentType { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OpenServiceActivityContentType { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4625,19 +4515,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OpenServiceActivityContentType { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct OpenServiceErrors(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for OpenServiceErrors {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for OpenServiceErrors { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for OpenServiceErrors { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for OpenServiceErrors { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } @@ -4647,19 +4526,8 @@ impl ::core::fmt::Debug for OpenServiceErrors { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq, ::core::marker::Copy, ::core::clone::Clone, ::core::default::Default)] pub struct SCROLLABLECONTEXTMENU_PLACEMENT(pub i32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for SCROLLABLECONTEXTMENU_PLACEMENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for SCROLLABLECONTEXTMENU_PLACEMENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for SCROLLABLECONTEXTMENU_PLACEMENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for SCROLLABLECONTEXTMENU_PLACEMENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/tests/component/src/ b/crates/tests/component/src/ index 9406515091..23d0d5c8f7 100644 --- a/crates/tests/component/src/ +++ b/crates/tests/component/src/ @@ -275,22 +275,17 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for Class { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for Class {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for Class {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive( + ::core::cmp::PartialEq, + ::core::cmp::Eq, + ::core::marker::Copy, + ::core::clone::Clone, + ::core::default::Default, +)] pub struct Flags(pub u32); impl Flags { pub const Ok: Self = Self(0u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for Flags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for Flags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for Flags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for Flags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/tests/component_client/src/ b/crates/tests/component_client/src/ index 84ab6f89bb..b3a0e03596 100644 --- a/crates/tests/component_client/src/ +++ b/crates/tests/component_client/src/ @@ -243,22 +243,17 @@ impl ::windows_core::RuntimeName for Class { unsafe impl ::core::marker::Send for Class {} unsafe impl ::core::marker::Sync for Class {} #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive( + ::core::cmp::PartialEq, + ::core::cmp::Eq, + ::core::marker::Copy, + ::core::clone::Clone, + ::core::default::Default, +)] pub struct Flags(pub u32); impl Flags { pub const Ok: Self = Self(0u32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for Flags {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for Flags { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for Flags { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for Flags { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/tests/standalone/src/ b/crates/tests/standalone/src/ index af0cc562eb..5e25216d2a 100644 --- a/crates/tests/standalone/src/ +++ b/crates/tests/standalone/src/ @@ -1319,7 +1319,13 @@ impl ::core::default::Default for DateTime { } } #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive( + ::core::cmp::PartialEq, + ::core::cmp::Eq, + ::core::marker::Copy, + ::core::clone::Clone, + ::core::default::Default, +)] pub struct DayOfWeek(pub i32); impl DayOfWeek { pub const Sunday: Self = Self(0i32); @@ -1330,17 +1336,6 @@ impl DayOfWeek { pub const Friday: Self = Self(5i32); pub const Saturday: Self = Self(6i32); } -impl ::core::marker::Copy for DayOfWeek {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for DayOfWeek { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for DayOfWeek { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for DayOfWeek { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; } diff --git a/crates/tests/standalone/src/ b/crates/tests/standalone/src/ index e7688d7116..09ddd5d9e8 100644 --- a/crates/tests/standalone/src/ +++ b/crates/tests/standalone/src/ @@ -8,19 +8,14 @@ clippy::all )] #[repr(transparent)] -#[derive(::core::cmp::PartialEq, ::core::cmp::Eq)] +#[derive( + ::core::cmp::PartialEq, + ::core::cmp::Eq, + ::core::marker::Copy, + ::core::clone::Clone, + ::core::default::Default, +)] pub struct WAIT_EVENT(pub u32); -impl ::core::marker::Copy for WAIT_EVENT {} -impl ::core::clone::Clone for WAIT_EVENT { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - *self - } -} -impl ::core::default::Default for WAIT_EVENT { - fn default() -> Self { - Self(0) - } -} impl ::windows_core::TypeKind for WAIT_EVENT { type TypeKind = ::windows_core::CopyType; }