To embed a Flense editor component in your own project, you'll need to do a little bit of setup.
(:require [flense.editor :as flense]
[flense.model :refer [forms->document]]
[om.core :as om]))
(defonce app-state
(atom (forms->document ["Hello, world!"])))
should be an atom containing a document: that is, an xyzzy zipper over a Clojure parse tree. Flense provides a helper function (flense.model/forms->document
) that takes a seq of Clojure forms and returns an appropriately structured zipper, which you can then use as a document.
(om/root flense/editor app-state
{:target (js/document.getElementById "flense")
:opts {:line-length 72}})
Any :opts
you pass in are used to perform additional, optional configuration. :line-length
controls the suggested maximum number of characters per line: Flense will try to split up forms that serialize to this many characters or more across multiple lines. The default :line-length
is 72.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/resources/stylesheets/base.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/resources/stylesheets/theme.css">
Remember to include the Flense stylesheets (located in the resources/stylesheets
directory of this repo) in your HTML. base.css
defines bare-minimum ground rules for code layout within Flense editor views, and should always be included. theme.css
adds syntax highlighting and some typography improvements, and can be left out or replaced with your own theme if you want.
This example setup uses om.core/root
to mount a Flense editor component directly onto the page, but you're free to use om.core/build
to construct an editor component as the child of another component if you want.
Want to see a more fully-featured example? Take a look at flense-nw, specifically the