Parse an XML document with lxml and build XPath expressions corresponding to its structure.
- Basic usage
- Installation
- Command line usage
- Module usage
- Method parse(...)
- Print result modes
- HTML support
- Relative expressions
- Unqualified vs. Qualified
- Initial Xpath Examples
- Performance
- Known issues
- Testing
Iterates elements in a XML document and builds XPath expression for them starting at root element by default or at an element defined by an xpath expression.
Xpath expressions returned by lxml
are converted to fully qualified ones taking into account namespaces if they exist.
Source expression could have qualified and unqualified parts with unknown element names
A qualified one is returned
Supported node types on path: elements, comments and processing instructions
//* | //processing-instruction() | //comment()
text node types can be used in predicates but not on path
Xpath | Supported |
//element[text() = "some text"] | Yes |
//element/text() | No |
It can be used as a command line utility or as a module.
A spin off of xml2xpath Bash script. Both projects rely on libxml2 implementation.
Installing from PyPi
pip3.9 install pyxml2xpath
Or building from source repo
git clone
cd pyxml2xpath
python3.9 -m build
python3.9 -m pip install dist/pyxml2xpath-0.2.0-py3-none-any.whl --upgrade
Alternative without cloning the repo yourself
pip3.9 install git+
pyxml2xpath <file path> [mode] [initial xpath expression] [with count] [max elements] [without banners]
pyxml2xpath tests/resources/soap.xml
pyxml2xpath tests/resources/HL7.xml '' '//*[local-name()= "act"]'
pyxml2xpath tests/resources/HL7.xml 'values' '//*[local-name()= "act"]'
# mode : all
# starting at xpath : none
# count elements : False
# Limit elements : 11
# Do not show banner (just xpaths): true
pyxml2xpath ~/tmp/test.html all none none 11 true
from xml2xpath import xml2xpath
tree, nsmap, xmap = xml2xpath.parse('tests/resources/wiki.xml')
xml2xpath.print_xpath(xmap, 'all')
If an element tree created with lxml
is available, use it and avoid double parsing the file.
from lxml import etree
from xml2xpath import xml2xpath
doc = etree.parse("tests/resources/wiki.xml")
tree, nsmap, xmap = xml2xpath.parse(file=None,itree=doc)
Found xpath for elements
Found xpath for attributes
Found 32 xpath expressions for elements
Found 19 xpath expressions for attributes
XPath search could start at a different element than root by passing an xpath expression
xmap = parse(file, xpath_base='//*[local-name() = "author"]')[2]
Signature: parse(file: str, *, itree: etree._ElementTree = None, xpath_base: str = '//*', with_count: bool = WITH_COUNT, max_items: int = MAX_ITEMS)
Parse given xml file or lxml
tree, find xpath expressions in it and return:
- The ElementTree for further usage
- The sanitized namespaces map (no None keys)
- A dictionary with unqualified xpath as keys and as values a tuple of qualified xpaths, count of elements found with them (optional) and a list with names of attributes of that elements.
if an error occurred.
xmap = {
"/some/xpath/*[1]": (
["id", "class"]
"/some/other/xpath/*[3]": (
["attr1", "attr2"]
Namespaces dictionary adds a prefix for default namespaces.
If there are more than 1 default namespace, prefix will be incremental:
, ns99
and so on. Try testing file tests/resources/soap.xml
file: str
file path string.itree: lxml.etree._ElementTree
ElementTree object.xpath_base: str
xpath expression To start searching xpaths for.with_count: bool
Include count of elements found with each expression. Default: Falsemax_items: int
limit the number of parsed elements. Default: 100000
Print xpath expressions and validate by count of elements found with it.
argument values (optional):
: print elements xpath expressions (default)all
: also print attribute xpath expressionsraw
: print unqualified xpath and found values (tuple)values
: print tuple of found values only
pyxml2xpath ~/tmp/soap-ws-oasis.xml 'all'
or if used as module:
xml2xpath.print_xpath(xmap, 'all')
HTML has limited support as long as the document or the HTML fragment are well formed.
Make sure the HTML fragment is surrounded by a single element.
If not, add some fake root element <root>some_html_fragment</root>
See examples on tests:
from lxml import html
from xml2xpath import xml2xpath
filepath = 'tests/resources/html5-small.html.xml'
hdoc = html.parse(filepath)
xpath_base = '//*[@id="math"]'
xmap = xml2xpath.parse(None, itree=hdoc, xpath_base=xpath_base)[2]
or on command line
pyxml2xpath tests/resources/html5-small.html.xml 'all' '//*[@id="math"]'
Build relative expressions when passing xpath_base
kword argument. The xpath of the parent should be removed so base_xpath
should be like:
xpath_base = '//*[@id="math"]/parent::* | //*[@id="math"]/descendant-or-self::*'
from lxml import html
from xml2xpath import xml2xpath
filepath = 'tests/resources/html5-small.html.xml'
hdoc = html.parse(filepath)
needle = 'math'
xpath_base = f'//*[@id="{needle}"]/parent::* | //*[@id="{needle}"]/descendant-or-self::*'
xmap = xml2xpath.parse(None, itree=hdoc, xpath_base=xpath_base)[2]
rel_xpath = []
xiter = iter(xmap)
# parent xpath
x0 = next(xiter)
# base element xpath
x1 = next(xiter)
# get base element attributes and build a predicate with first
x1a = ''
if len(xmap[x1][2]) > 0:
x1a = f'[@{xmap[x1][2][0]}="{needle}"]'
# base element relative xpath (/html/body/math -> //math)
x1f = x1.replace(x0, '/')
# remove numeric indexes if any (div[1] -> div)
x1f = x1f.split('[', 1)[0]
# add first attribute as predicate
x1f += x1a
# children relative xpath
for xs in list(xmap.keys())[2:]:
rel_xpath.append(xs.replace(x1, x1f))
for x in rel_xpath:
Symbolic element tree of tests/resources/wiki.xml
showing position of unqualified elements.
entry <- 9th child of 'feed'
author <- 6th child of 'entry'
could return a fully qualified expression, a fully unqualified expression or a mix of both /soap:Envelope/soap:Body/*[2]
Unqualified parts are converted to qualified ones.
/* # root element
/*[9] # 9th child of root element. Tag name unknown.
/*[6] # 6th child of previous element. Tag name unknown.
qualified expression using appropriate namespace prefix
/*/*[9]/*[6] /ns98:feed/ns98:entry/ns98:author
/* # /ns98:feed
/*[9] # /ns98:entry
/*[6] # /ns98:author
To use with 3rd command line argument or xpath_base
named parameter.
# Elements, comments and PIs
//* | //processing-instruction() | //comment()
# A processing instruction with a comment preceding sibling
# Comment following a ns98:typeId element
# A comment containing specified text.
//comment()[contains(., "before root")]
Performance degrades quickly for documents that produce more than 500k xpath expressions.
Measuring timings with timeit
for main steps in parsed_mixed_ns()
method it can be seen that most consuming task is initializing the result dictionary while the time taken by lxml.parse()
method and processing unqualified expressions remains stable.
An effort was made to remove unnecessary iterations and to optimize dictionary keys preloading so the major penalty remains on the dictionary performance itself.
With times in seconds:
tree.xpath: 1.08
dict preloaded with: 750000 keys; 204.20
parse finished: 2.10
tree.xpath: 1.10
dict preloaded with: 1000000 keys; 399.05
parse finished: 2.60
Testing file: Treebank dataset - 82MB uncompressed, 2.4M xpath expressions.
- Count of elements fails with documents with long element names. See issue pxx-13
To get some result messages run as
pytest --capture=no --verbose
Verifying found keys
Compare xmllint
and pyxml2xpath
found keys
printf "%s\n" "setrootns" "whereis //*" "bye" | xmllint --shell resources/HL7.xml | grep -v '^[/] >' > /tmp/HL7-whereis-xmllint.txt
pyxml2xpath resources/HL7.xml 'raw' none none none True | cut -d ' ' -f1 > /tmp/HL7-raw-keys.txt
diff -u /tmp/HL7-raw-keys.txt /tmp/HL7-whereis-xmllint.txt
No result returned.
Verifying found qualified expressions
Test found xpath qualified expressions with a different tool by counting elements found with them
cmds=( "setrootns" "setns ns98=urn:hl7-org:v3" )
for xpath in $(pyxml2xpath $xfile none none none none True | sort | uniq); do
cmds+=( "xpath count($xpath) > 0" )
printf "%s\n" "${cmds[@]}" | xmllint --shell "$xfile" | grep -v '^[/] >' | grep -v 'Object is a Boolean : true'
if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Success. Counts returned > 0"