A construct to create a private asset S3 bucket. Cognito will be used for token validation with Lambda@Edge.
Curious how I did the diagram? Have a look here https://martinmueller.dev/cdk-dia-eng .
import { PrivateAssetBucket } from 'cdk-private-assets-bucket';
const userPool = new cognito.UserPool(stack, 'userPool', {
removalPolicy: core.RemovalPolicy.DESTROY,
const userPoolWebClient = new cognito.UserPoolClient(stack, 'userPoolWebClient', {
userPool: userPool,
generateSecret: false,
preventUserExistenceErrors: true,
authFlows: {
adminUserPassword: true,
userPassword: true,
oAuth: {
flows: {
authorizationCodeGrant: false,
implicitCodeGrant: true,
const privateAssetBucket = new PrivateAssetBucket(stack, 'privateAssetBucket', {
userPoolId: userPool.userPoolId,
userPoolClientId: userPoolWebClient.userPoolClientId,
tokenUse: 'access',
new core.CfnOutput(stack, 'AssetBucketName', {
value: privateAssetBucket.assetBucketName,
new core.CfnOutput(stack, 'AssetBucketCloudfrontUrl', {
value: privateAssetBucket.assetBucketCloudfrontUrl,
If you forged / cloned that repo you can test directly from here. Don't forget to init with:
yarn install
Create a test cdk stack with one of the following:
yarn cdk deploy
yarn cdk deploy --watch
yarn cdk deploy --require-approval never
- Upload a picture named like pic.png to the private asset bucket
- Create a user pool user and get / save the token:
aws cognito-idp admin-create-user --user-pool-id $USER_POOL_ID --username $USER_NAME --region $REGION
aws cognito-idp admin-set-user-password --user-pool-id $USER_POOL_ID --username $USER_NAME --password $USER_PASSWORD --permanent --region $REGION
ACCESS_TOKEN=$(aws cognito-idp initiate-auth --auth-flow USER_PASSWORD_AUTH --client-id $CLIENT_ID --auth-parameters USERNAME=$USER_NAME,PASSWORD=$USER_PASSWORD --region $REGION | jq -r '.AuthenticationResult.AccessToken')
echo "curl --location --request GET "https://$CFD/pic.png" --cookie "Cookie: token=$ACCESS_TOKEN""
- You can use the curl for importing in Postman. but it looks like Postman can't import the cookie. So you need to set the cookie manually in Postman!
- In Postman you should see your picture :)
- For Debugging the Lambda@Edge with Cloudwatch go to the AWS Console --> Cloudwatch --> Log groups --> switch to the region you are closest to --> figure out which log group is correct
- Support custom authorizer
- Leverage Cloudfront Function for cheaper costs
- There is currently my aws-cdk PR open for importing the Typescript Lambda@Edge interface aws/aws-cdk#18836
git tag -a v2.16.0 -m "prepare tag version" && git push --tags
- Crespo Wang for his pioneer work regarding private S3 assets https://javascript.plainenglish.io/use-lambda-edge-jwt-to-secure-s3-bucket-dcca6eec4d7e
- As always to the amazing CDK / Projen Community. Join us on Slack!
- Projen project and the community around it.
- To you for checking this out. Check me out and perhaps give me feedback https://martinmueller.dev .
I love to work on Content Management Open Source projects. A lot from my stuff you can already use on https://github.com/mmuller88. If you like my work there and my blog posts, please consider supporting me on Patreon: