- toArray(nodes) ⇒
Converts NodeList to array
- $(Element, [selector]) ⇒
Select nodes
- attr(key, [value], [element]) ⇒
Get/set element attribute
- addClass(className, [element]) ⇒
Add a class to the element
- removeClass(className, [element]) ⇒
Remove a class from the element
- toggleClass(className, [element]) ⇒
Toggle a class at the element
- hasClass(className, element) ⇒
Check if the element has a class
- append(parent, [element]) ⇒
appends one HTML Element to another HTML Element
- prepend(parent, [element]) ⇒
prepends one HTML Element to another HTML Element
- walkDOM(node, filter, skipNode) ⇒
Traverse DOM node
- fireEvent(eventName, target, [eventData])
Fires an event on element
- html(target, [content]) ⇒
Set the HTML content of element, or generate DocumentFragment
- isNode(element) ⇒
Check if element is HTMLElement or DocumentFragment
- empty(element) ⇒
Empty element
- getRefs(element) ⇒
Find refs
- createElement(name, [attributes], [content]) ⇒
creates HTML Element
Converts NodeList to array
Kind: global function
Returns: Array
- Collection of nodes
Param | Type | Description |
nodes | NodeList |
Elements collection |
toArray(document.querySelectorAll('body')) //=> [document.body]
Select nodes
Kind: global function
Returns: function
| Array
- Curried function (if selector is not provided) or collection of nodes
Param | Type | Description |
Element | HTMLElement |
[selector] | String |
Selector |
Get/set element attribute
Kind: global function
Returns: function
| String
| HTMLElement
- Curried function (if element is not provided) or attribute value
Param | Type | Description |
key | String |
Attribute name |
[value] | String |
Attribute value |
[element] | HTMLElement |
Element |
Add a class to the element
Kind: global function
Returns: function
| HTMLElement
- Curried function (if element is not provided) or element
Param | Type | Description |
className | String |
Class name |
[element] | HTMLElement |
Element |
Remove a class from the element
Kind: global function
Returns: function
| HTMLElement
- Curried function (if element is not provided) or element
Param | Type | Description |
className | String |
Class name |
[element] | HTMLElement |
Element |
Toggle a class at the element
Kind: global function
Returns: function
| HTMLElement
- Curried function (if element is not provided) or element
Param | Type | Description |
className | String |
Class name |
[element] | HTMLElement |
Element |
Check if the element has a class
Kind: global function
Returns: function
| Boolean
- Curried function (if element is not provided) or boolean
Param | Type | Description |
className | String |
Class name |
element | HTMLElement |
Element |
appends one HTML Element to another HTML Element
Kind: global function
Returns: HTMLElement
| function
- parent
Param | Type | Description |
parent | HTMLElement |
element to attach to |
[element] | HTMLElement |
new node |
prepends one HTML Element to another HTML Element
Kind: global function
Returns: HTMLElement
| function
- parent
Param | Type | Description |
parent | HTMLElement |
element to attach to |
[element] | HTMLElement |
new node |
Traverse DOM node
Kind: global function
Returns: Array
- Collection of nodes
Param | Type | Description |
node | HTMLElement |
Element |
filter | function |
Filter child nodes function |
skipNode | function |
Skip child nodes function |
Fires an event on element
Kind: global function
Param | Type | Description |
eventName | String |
Event name |
target | HTMLElement |
Element to trigger event on |
[eventData] | * |
Data to attach to event |
Set the HTML content of element, or generate DocumentFragment
Kind: global function
Returns: Array
| function
- tuple [target || DocumentFragment, refs object] or render function
Param | Type | Description |
target | HTMLElement | String |
Element to set content or html string |
[content] | String | HTMLElement | DocumentFragment |
HTML content string |
// set content of element
const $el = document.createElement('div');
const result = html($el, `<div></div>`); //=> [$el, {}];
// create element renderer
const $el = document.createElement('div');
const render = html($el);
const result = render(`<div></div>`); //=> [$el, {}];
// generate document fragment from string
const result = html(`<div id="some_id"></div>`) //=> [<HTMLElement#some_id>, {}]
// get refs
const refs = html(`
<div id="some_id" ref="some_ref">
<span refs="span_elements" id="span_1"></span>
<span refs="span_elements" id="span_2"></span>
`)[1] //=> { some_ref: <HTMLElement#some_id>, span_elements: [<HTMLElement#span_1>, <HTMLElement#span_2>] }
Check if element is HTMLElement or DocumentFragment
Kind: global function
Param | Type | Description |
element | HTMLElement |
Element to check |
Empty element
Kind: global function
Returns: HTMLElement
- element
Param | Type | Description |
element | HTMLElement |
Element to empty |
Find refs
Kind: global function
Returns: Object
- refs object
Param | Type | Description |
element | HTMLElement |
Element to find refs on |
creates HTML Element
Kind: global function
Returns: HTMLElement
- created element
Param | Type | Description |
name | String |
tag name |
[attributes] | Object |
element attributes |
[content] | String |
element content |