Started with this question:
Which leads to this guide:
First thing was to get the latest version of fscrypt installed (0.2.5) because the permission bug has been fixed.
sudo apt install golang-go libpam0g-dev build-essential git libpam-fscrypt fscrypt
go get -d
cd ~/go/src/ git checkout v0.2.5 make
Notes for the tlbdk guide:
export DEVICE=/dev/nvme0p1 (this shoudl be the home partition)
After running pam-auth-update I had to reboot, not just logout/login. Also make sure that all the things have * in the menu (use spacebar to add/remove the *). Then make sure to hit Ok with <Alt>-O (I think).
sudo ~/go/src/ setup /home
for the home partiion (don't need to to root partition)
After the test encryption of the directory you select 1 for using your login password and that is the only time you have to do this for this user. Skip on subsequent times.
Use <Alt>-F2 or something to get a TTY screen for the next stuff. sudo su - puts you in the root account. That all worked fine.
You can log into a test admin user the files in the encrypted directory should be all gobbly gooked named and you can open them!