This document is for GrumPHP extension or task developers. Regular users of GrumPHP are not impacted by this version change: the upgrade should go smoothly.
There are 2 big breaking changes:
- The introduction of AMPHP v3 forced us to rewrite the internal API of GrumPHP in a breaking way.
- As a user, you now benifit of a more stable, fiber based parallel task execution system.
- The grumphp-shim PHAR distribution had some issues with scoped dependencies.
- We reworked the
to make sure that there are no external dependencies in the interface's API anymore. - We reworked the
to make sure that there are no external dependencies in the interface's API anymore.
- We reworked the
See phpro#1090
The GrumPHP TaskInterface
now only has a dependency to the GrumPHP\\
The Symfony OptionsResolver will not be a part of the task interface anymore.
New task interface:
namespace GrumPHP\Task;
use GrumPHP\Runner\TaskResultInterface;
use GrumPHP\Task\Config\ConfigOptionsResolver;
use GrumPHP\Task\Config\TaskConfigInterface;
use GrumPHP\Task\Context\ContextInterface;
interface TaskInterface
public static function getConfigurableOptions(): ConfigOptionsResolver;
public function canRunInContext(ContextInterface $context): bool;
public function run(ContextInterface $context): TaskResultInterface;
public function getConfig(): TaskConfigInterface;
public function withConfig(TaskConfigInterface $config): TaskInterface;
This makes it possible for extensions to provide tasks that are compatible with the grumphp-shim
In order to make the task compatible, you'll need to wrap the symfony options-resolver with GrumPHP's own options-resolver:
public static function getConfigurableOptions(): ConfigOptionsResolver
$resolver = new OptionsResolver();
// ..... your config
return ConfigOptionsResolver::fromClosure(
static fn (array $options): array => $resolver->resolve($options)
❗ In extensions, you do not want to use \GrumPHP\Task\Config\ConfigOptionsResolver::fromOptionsResolver()
- since Symfony's options resolver will be scoped (prefixed) in
's phar distrubition.
See phpro#1091
In v2, you will find a new GrumPHP extension system.
Since the new implementation does not leak the dependency with symfony/dependency-injection
to the PHP API of an extension,
we can make any extension work in grumphp-shim (PHAR distribution) with scoped dependencies as well.
A well calculated downside of this, is that an extension maintainer is now forced to configure the service declarations in a separate YAML (or xml, ...) file where previously this could be done directly from PHP.
Breaking change:
class MyExtension implements ExtensionInterface
- public function load(ContainerBuilder $container): void { /* ... */ }
+ public function imports(): iterable {
+ yield '/path/to/my/config.yaml';
+ }
And make sure all services are registered through a symfony/dependency-injection
compatible configuration file.
(YAML, XML, INI, ...) - PHP is not supported because of the scoped vendor in the PHAR.
# /path/to/my/config.yaml
xxxxxx: xxxx