A tree representation of the skywire subcommands
│ ├─┬config
│ │ ├──gen
│ │ ├──gen-keys
│ │ ├──check-pk
│ │ └─┬update
│ │ ├──dmsghttp
│ │ ├──svc
│ │ ├──hv
│ │ ├──sc
│ │ ├──ss
│ │ ├──vpnc
│ │ └──vpns
│ ├─┬dmsgpty
│ │ ├──ui
│ │ ├──url
│ │ ├──list
│ │ └──start
│ ├─┬visor
│ │ ├─┬app
│ │ │ ├──ls
│ │ │ ├──start
│ │ │ ├──stop
│ │ │ ├──register
│ │ │ ├──deregister
│ │ │ ├──log
│ │ │ └─┬arg
│ │ │ ├──autostart
│ │ │ ├──killswitch
│ │ │ ├──secure
│ │ │ ├──passcode
│ │ │ └──netifc
│ │ ├─┬hv
│ │ │ ├──ui
│ │ │ ├──cpk
│ │ │ └──pk
│ │ ├──pk
│ │ ├──info
│ │ ├──ver
│ │ ├──ports
│ │ ├──ip
│ │ ├──ping
│ │ ├──test
│ │ ├──start
│ │ ├──reload
│ │ ├──halt
│ │ ├─┬route
│ │ │ ├──ls-rules
│ │ │ ├──rule
│ │ │ ├──rm-rule
│ │ │ └─┬add-rule
│ │ │ ├──app
│ │ │ ├──fwd
│ │ │ └──intfwd
│ │ └─┬tp
│ │ ├──type
│ │ ├──ls
│ │ ├──id
│ │ ├──add
│ │ ├──rm
│ │ └──disc
│ ├─┬vpn
│ │ ├──start
│ │ ├──stop
│ │ ├──status
│ │ ├──list
│ │ ├──ui
│ │ └──url
│ ├──ut
│ ├──fwd
│ ├──rev
│ ├──reward
│ ├──rewards
│ ├──survey
│ ├──rtfind
│ ├──rtree
│ ├─┬mdisc
│ │ ├──entry
│ │ └──servers
│ ├──completion
│ ├──log
│ ├─┬proxy
│ │ ├──start
│ │ ├──stop
│ │ ├──status
│ │ └──list
│ ├──tree
│ └──doc
│ ├──sn
│ ├──tpd
│ ├──tps
│ ├──ar
│ ├──rf
│ ├──cb
│ ├──kg
│ ├──lc
│ ├──nv
│ ├─┬se
│ │ ├──visor
│ │ ├──dmsg
│ │ └──setup
│ ├──sd
│ ├──nwmon
│ ├──pvm
│ ├──ssm
│ └──vpnm
│ ├─┬pty
│ │ ├─┬cli
│ │ │ ├──whitelist
│ │ │ ├──whitelist-add
│ │ │ └──whitelist-remove
│ │ ├─┬host
│ │ │ └──confgen
│ │ └──ui
│ ├──disc
│ ├─┬server
│ │ ├─┬config
│ │ │ └──gen
│ │ └──start
│ ├──http
│ ├──curl
│ ├─┬web
│ │ └──gen-keys
│ ├─┬socks
│ │ ├──server
│ │ └──client
│ └──mon
│ ├──vpn-server
│ ├──vpn-client
│ ├──skysocks-client
│ ├──skysocks
│ └──skychat
┌─┐┬┌─┬ ┬┬ ┬┬┬─┐┌─┐ ┬ ┬┬┌─┐┌─┐┬─┐
└─┐├┴┐└┬┘││││├┬┘├┤───└┐┌┘│└─┐│ │├┬┘
└─┘┴ ┴ ┴ └┴┘┴┴└─└─┘ └┘ ┴└─┘└─┘┴└─
-c, --config string config file to use (default): skywire-config.json
-C, --confarg string supply config as argument
-b, --browser open hypervisor ui in default web browser
--systray run as systray
-i, --hvui run as hypervisor �[0m*
--all show all flags
--csrf Request a CSRF token for sensitive hypervisor API requests (default true)
┌─┐┬┌─┬ ┬┬ ┬┬┬─┐┌─┐ ┌─┐┬ ┬
└─┐├┴┐└┬┘││││├┬┘├┤───│ │ │
└─┘┴ ┴ ┴ └┴┘┴┴└─└─┘ └─┘┴─┘┴
Available Commands:
config Generate or update a skywire config
dmsgpty Interact with remote visors
visor Query the Skywire Visor
vpn VPN client
ut query uptime tracker
fwd Control skyforwarding
rev reverse proxy skyfwd
reward skycoin reward address
rewards calculate rewards from uptime data & collected surveys
survey system survey
rtfind Query the Route Finder
rtree map of transports on the skywire network
mdisc Query remote DMSG Discovery
completion Generate completion script
log survey & transport log collection
proxy Skysocks client
tree subcommand tree
doc generate markdown docs
skywire command line interface
┌─┐┬┌─┬ ┬┬ ┬┬┬─┐┌─┐
└─┘┴ ┴ ┴ └┴┘┴┴└─└─┘
Available Commands:
visor Skywire Visor
cli Command Line Interface for skywire
svc Skywire services
dmsg Dmsg services & utilities
app skywire native applications
tree subcommand tree
doc generate markdown docs
The skywire-cli interacts with the running visor via rpc calls. By default the rpc server is available on localhost:3435. The rpc address and port the visor is using may be changed in the config file, once generated.
It is not recommended to expose the rpc server on the local network. Exposing the rpc allows unsecured access to the machine over the local network
Global Flags:
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
--json bool print output as json
Generate or update the config file used by skywire-visor.
Available Commands:
gen Generate a config file
gen-keys generate public / secret keypair
check-pk check a skywire public key
update Update a config file
Generate a config file
Config defaults file may also be specified with:
SKYENV=/path/to/skywire.conf skywire-cli config gen
print the SKYENV file template with:
skywire-cli config gen -q
-a, --url string services conf url
(default "http://conf.skywire.skycoin.com")
--loglvl string level of logging in config�[0m (default "info")
-b, --bestproto best protocol (dmsg | direct) based on location�[0m
-c, --noauth disable authentication for hypervisor UI�[0m
-d, --dmsghttp use dmsg connection to skywire services�[0m
-D, --dmsgconf string dmsghttp-config path�[0m (default "dmsghttp-config.json")
--minsess int number of dmsg servers to connect to (0 = unlimited)�[0m (default 2)
-e, --auth enable auth on hypervisor UI�[0m
-f, --force remove pre-existing config�[0m
-g, --disableapps string comma separated list of apps to disable�[0m
-i, --ishv local hypervisor configuration�[0m
-j, --hvpks string list of public keys to add as hypervisor
--dmsgpty string add dmsgpty whitelist PKs
--survey string add survey whitelist PKs
--routesetup string add route setup node PKs
--tpsetup string add transport setup node PKs
-k, --os string (linux / mac / win) paths�[0m (default "linux")
-l, --publicip allow display node ip in services�[0m
-m, --example-apps add example apps to the config�[0m
-n, --stdout write config to stdout�[0m
-N, --squash output config without whitespace or newlines�[0m
-q, --envs show the environmental variable settings
-o, --out string output config: skywire-config.json�[0m
-p, --pkg use path for package: /opt/skywire�[0m
-u, --user use paths for user space: /home/d0mo�[0m
-r, --regen re-generate existing config & retain keys
-s, --sk cipher.SecKey a random key is generated if unspecified
(default 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
-t, --testenv use test deployment conf.skywire.dev�[0m
-v, --servevpn enable vpn server�[0m
-w, --hide dont print the config to the terminal :: show errors with -n flag�[0m
-x, --retainhv retain existing hypervisors with regen�[0m
-y, --autoconn disable autoconnect to public visors�[0m
-z, --public publicize visor in service discovery�[0m
--stcpr int set tcp transport listening port - 0 for random�[0m
--sudph int set udp transport listening port - 0 for random�[0m
--binpath string set bin_path for visor vative apps�[0m
--proxyclientpk string set server public key for proxy client
--startproxyclient autostart proxy client
--noproxyserver disable autostart of proxy server
--proxyserverpass string set proxy server password
--proxyclientpass string password for the proxy client to access the server (if needed)
--killsw string vpn client killswitch
--addvpn string set vpn server public key for vpn client
--vpnpass string password for vpn client to access the vpn server (if needed)
--vpnserverpass string set password to the vpn server
--secure string change secure mode status of vpn server
--netifc string VPN Server network interface (detected: eno1)
--nofetch do not fetch the services from the service conf url
-S, --svcconf string fallback service configuration file�[0m (default "services-config.json")
--nodefaults do not use hardcoded defaults for production / test services
--version string custom version testing override�[0m
--all show all flags
$ skywire cli config gen -bpirxn
"version": "v1.3.18",
"sk": "eab215b4851fb14cbcb856a0b763923bb0d21dde0ede41eeb7ff176327fe760a",
"pk": "03603bdd732230acfbbeaf769a92487b469176ff84d5cce1041bf36963cbbc1d69",
"dmsg": {
"discovery": "http://dmsgd.skywire.skycoin.com",
"sessions_count": 2,
"servers": [],
"servers_type": "all"
"dmsgpty": {
"dmsg_port": 22,
"cli_network": "unix",
"cli_address": "/tmp/dmsgpty.sock",
"whitelist": []
"skywire-tcp": {
"pk_table": null,
"listening_address": ":7777"
"transport": {
"discovery": "http://tpd.skywire.skycoin.com",
"address_resolver": "http://ar.skywire.skycoin.com",
"public_autoconnect": true,
"transport_setup": [
"log_store": {
"type": "file",
"location": "/opt/skywire/local/transport_logs",
"rotation_interval": "168h0m0s"
"stcpr_port": 0,
"sudph_port": 0
"routing": {
"route_setup_nodes": [
"route_finder": "http://rf.skywire.skycoin.com",
"route_finder_timeout": "10s",
"min_hops": 0
"uptime_tracker": {
"addr": "http://ut.skywire.skycoin.com"
"launcher": {
"service_discovery": "http://sd.skycoin.com",
"apps": [
"name": "vpn-client",
"binary": "vpn-client",
"args": [
"auto_start": false,
"port": 43
"name": "skychat",
"binary": "skychat",
"args": [
"auto_start": true,
"port": 1
"name": "skysocks",
"binary": "skysocks",
"auto_start": true,
"port": 3
"name": "skysocks-client",
"binary": "skysocks-client",
"args": [
"auto_start": false,
"port": 13
"name": "vpn-server",
"binary": "vpn-server",
"auto_start": false,
"port": 44
"server_addr": "localhost:5505",
"bin_path": "/opt/skywire/apps",
"display_node_ip": false
"survey_whitelist": [
"hypervisors": [],
"cli_addr": "localhost:3435",
"log_level": "",
"local_path": "/opt/skywire/local",
"dmsghttp_server_path": "/opt/skywire/local/custom",
"stun_servers": [
"shutdown_timeout": "10s",
"is_public": false,
"persistent_transports": null,
"hypervisor": {
"db_path": "/opt/skywire/users.db",
"enable_auth": true,
"cookies": {
"hash_key": "19a47254be4a7d9ce7664d20b4271bb402434eadfbb6c94dd59922d5cbf89ce3c03f1d54c320ca624fa44e8d85ad0b1df2a84acf607ef1ef7ea63bce99a50c53",
"block_key": "09df61d626fbda1632c91604620ca94c926125a109c4cf2f3d9bb608bd24b904",
"expires_duration": 43200000000000,
"path": "/",
"domain": ""
"dmsg_port": 46,
"http_addr": ":8000",
"enable_tls": false,
"tls_cert_file": "./ssl/cert.pem",
"tls_key_file": "./ssl/key.pem"
generate public / secret keypair
check a skywire public key
Update a config file
Available Commands:
dmsghttp update dmsghttp-config.json file from config bootstrap service
svc update services-config.json file from config bootstrap service
hv update hypervisor config
sc update skysocks-client config
ss update skysocks-server config
vpnc update vpn-client config
vpns update vpn-server config
-a, --endpoints update server endpoints
--log-level string level of logging in config
-b, --url string service config URL: conf.skywire.skycoin.com
-t, --testenv use test deployment: conf.skywire.dev
--public-autoconn string change public autoconnect configuration
--set-minhop int change min hops value (default -1)
-i, --input string path of input config file.
-o, --output string config file to output
-u, --user update config at: $HOME/skywire-config.json
update dmsghttp-config.json file from config bootstrap service
-p, --path string path of dmsghttp-config file, default is for pkg installation (default "/opt/skywire/dmsghttp-config.json")
Global Flags:
-i, --input string path of input config file.
-o, --output string config file to output
-u, --user update config at: $HOME/skywire-config.json
update services-config.json file from config bootstrap service
-p, --path string path of services-config file, default is for pkg installation (default "/opt/skywire/services-config.json")
Global Flags:
-i, --input string path of input config file.
-o, --output string config file to output
-u, --user update config at: $HOME/skywire-config.json
update hypervisor config
-+, --add-pks string public keys of hypervisors that should be added to this visor
-r, --reset resets hypervisor configuration
Global Flags:
-i, --input string path of input config file.
-o, --output string config file to output
-u, --user update config at: $HOME/skywire-config.json
update skysocks-client config
-+, --add-server string add skysocks server address to skysock-client
-r, --reset reset skysocks-client configuration
Global Flags:
-i, --input string path of input config file.
-o, --output string config file to output
-u, --user update config at: $HOME/skywire-config.json
update skysocks-server config
-s, --passwd string add passcode to skysocks server
-r, --reset reset skysocks configuration
Global Flags:
-i, --input string path of input config file.
-o, --output string config file to output
-u, --user update config at: $HOME/skywire-config.json
update vpn-client config
-x, --killsw string change killswitch status of vpn-client
--add-server string add server address to vpn-client
-s, --pass string add passcode of server if needed
-r, --reset reset vpn-client configurations
Global Flags:
-i, --input string path of input config file.
-o, --output string config file to output
-u, --user update config at: $HOME/skywire-config.json
update vpn-server config
-s, --passwd string add passcode to vpn-server
--secure string change secure mode status of vpn-server
--autostart string change autostart of vpn-server
--netifc string set default network interface
-r, --reset reset vpn-server configurations
Global Flags:
-i, --input string path of input config file.
-o, --output string config file to output
-u, --user update config at: $HOME/skywire-config.json
Interact with remote visors
Available Commands:
ui Open dmsgpty UI in default browser
url Show dmsgpty UI URL
list List connected visors
start Start dmsgpty session
Open dmsgpty UI in default browser
-i, --input string read from specified config file
-p, --pkg read from /opt/skywire/skywire.json
-v, --visor string public key of visor to connect to
Show dmsgpty UI URL
-i, --input string read from specified config file
-p, --pkg read from /opt/skywire/skywire.json
-v, --visor string public key of visor to connect to
List connected visors
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
Start dmsgpty session
-p, --port string port of remote visor dmsgpty (default "22")
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
Query the Skywire Visor
Available Commands:
app App settings
hv Hypervisor
pk Public key of the visor
info Summary of visor info
ver Version and build info
ports List of Ports
ip IP information of network
ping Ping the visor with given pk
test Test the visor with public visors on network
start start visor
halt Stop a running visor
route View and set rules
tp View and set transports
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
App settings
Available Commands:
ls List apps
start Launch app
stop Halt app
register Register app
deregister Deregister app
log Logs from app
arg App args
Global Flags:
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
List apps
Global Flags:
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
Launch app
Global Flags:
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
Halt app
Global Flags:
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
Register app
-a, --appname string name of the app
-p, --localpath string path of the local folder (default "./local")
Global Flags:
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
Deregister app
-k, --procKey string proc key of the app to deregister
Global Flags:
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
Logs from app since RFC3339Nano-formatted timestamp.
"beginning" is a special timestamp to fetch all the logs
Global Flags:
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
App args
Available Commands:
autostart Set app autostart
killswitch Set app killswitch
secure Set app secure
passcode Set app passcode
netifc Set app network interface
Global Flags:
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
App args
Available Commands:
autostart Set app autostart
killswitch Set app killswitch
secure Set app secure
passcode Set app passcode
netifc Set app network interface
Global Flags:
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
App args
Available Commands:
autostart Set app autostart
killswitch Set app killswitch
secure Set app secure
passcode Set app passcode
netifc Set app network interface
Global Flags:
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
App args
Available Commands:
autostart Set app autostart
killswitch Set app killswitch
secure Set app secure
passcode Set app passcode
netifc Set app network interface
Global Flags:
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
App args
Available Commands:
autostart Set app autostart
killswitch Set app killswitch
secure Set app secure
passcode Set app passcode
netifc Set app network interface
Global Flags:
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
App args
Available Commands:
autostart Set app autostart
killswitch Set app killswitch
secure Set app secure
passcode Set app passcode
netifc Set app network interface
Global Flags:
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
Access the hypervisor UI
View remote hypervisor public key
Available Commands:
ui open Hypervisor UI in default browser
cpk Public key of remote hypervisor(s) set in config
pk Public key of remote hypervisor(s)
Global Flags:
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
open Hypervisor UI in default browser
Global Flags:
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
Public key of remote hypervisor(s) set in config
-w, --http serve public key via http
-i, --input string path of input config file.
-p, --pkg read from /opt/skywire/skywire.json
Global Flags:
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
Public key of remote hypervisor(s) which are currently connected to
Global Flags:
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
Public key of the visor
-w, --http serve public key via http
-i, --input string path of input config file.
-p, --pkg read from {/opt/skywire/apps /opt/skywire/local {/opt/skywire/users.db true}}
-x, --prt string serve public key via http (default "7998")
Global Flags:
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
Summary of visor info
Global Flags:
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
Version and build info
Global Flags:
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
List of all ports used by visor services and apps
Global Flags:
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
IP information of network
Global Flags:
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
Creates a route with the provided pk as a hop and returns latency on the conn
-s, --size int Size of packet, in KB, default is 2KB (default 2)
-t, --tries int Number of tries (default 1)
Global Flags:
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
Creates a route with public visors as a hop and returns latency on the conn
-c, --count int Count of Public Visors for using in test. (default 2)
-s, --size int Size of packet, in KB, default is 2KB (default 2)
-t, --tries int Number of tries per public visors (default 1)
Global Flags:
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
start visor
-s, --src 'go run' external commands from the skywire sources
Global Flags:
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
reload visor
Global Flags:
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
Stop a running visor
Global Flags:
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
View and set routing rules
Available Commands:
ls-rules List routing rules
rule Return routing rule by route ID key
rm-rule Remove routing rule
add-rule Add routing rule
Global Flags:
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
List routing rules
Global Flags:
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
Return routing rule by route ID key
Global Flags:
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
Remove routing rule
-a, --all remove all routing rules
Global Flags:
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
Add routing rule
Available Commands:
app Add app/consume routing rule
fwd Add forward routing rule
intfwd Add intermediary forward routing rule
--keep-alive duration timeout for rule expiration (default 30s)
Global Flags:
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
Add routing rule
Available Commands:
app Add app/consume routing rule
fwd Add forward routing rule
intfwd Add intermediary forward routing rule
--keep-alive duration timeout for rule expiration (default 30s)
Global Flags:
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
Add routing rule
Available Commands:
app Add app/consume routing rule
fwd Add forward routing rule
intfwd Add intermediary forward routing rule
--keep-alive duration timeout for rule expiration (default 30s)
Global Flags:
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
Add routing rule
Available Commands:
app Add app/consume routing rule
fwd Add forward routing rule
intfwd Add intermediary forward routing rule
--keep-alive duration timeout for rule expiration (default 30s)
Global Flags:
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
Transports are bidirectional communication protocols
used between two Skywire Visors (or Transport Edges)
Each Transport is represented as a unique 16 byte (128 bit)
UUID value called the Transport ID
and has a Transport Type that identifies
a specific implementation of the Transport.
Types: stcp stcpr sudph dmsg
Available Commands:
type Transport types used by the local visor
ls Available transports
id Transport summary by id
add Add a transport
rm Remove transport(s) by id
disc Discover remote transport(s)
Global Flags:
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
Transport types used by the local visor
Global Flags:
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
Available transports
displays transports of the local visor
-t, --types strings show transport(s) type(s) comma-separated
-p, --pks strings show transport(s) for public key(s) comma-separated
-l, --logs show transport logs (default true)
Global Flags:
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
Transport summary by id
-i, --id string transport ID
Global Flags:
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
Add a transport
If the transport type is unspecified,
the visor will attempt to establish a transport
in the following order: skywire-tcp, stcpr, sudph, dmsg
-r, --rpk string remote public key.
-o, --timeout duration if specified, sets an operation timeout
-t, --type string type of transport to add.
Global Flags:
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
Remove transport(s) by id
-a, --all remove all transports
-i, --id string remove transport of given ID
Global Flags:
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
Discover remote transport(s) by ID or public key
-i, --id string obtain transport of given ID
-p, --pk string obtain transports by public key
Global Flags:
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
VPN client
Available Commands:
start start the vpn for <public-key>
stop stop the vpnclient
status vpn client status
list List servers
ui Open VPN UI in default browser
url Show VPN UI URL
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
start the vpn for <public-key>
-k, --pk string server public key
-t, --timeout int starting timeout value in second (default 20)
Global Flags:
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
stop the vpnclient
Global Flags:
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
vpn client status
Global Flags:
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
List vpn servers from service discovery
Set cache file location to "" to avoid using cache files
-m, --cfa int update cache files if older than n minutes (default 5)
--cfs string SD cache file location (default "/tmp/vpnsd.json")
--cfu string UT cache file location. (default "/tmp/ut.json")
-c, --country string filter results by country
-l, --label label keys by country �[91m(SLOW)�[0m
-o, --noton do not filter by online status in UT
-k, --pk string check vpn service discovery for public key
-r, --raw print raw data
-a, --sdurl string service discovery url (default "http://sd.skycoin.com")
-s, --stats return only a count of the results
-u, --unfilter provide unfiltered results
-w, --uturl string uptime tracker url (default "http://ut.skywire.skycoin.com")
-v, --ver string filter results by version
Global Flags:
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
Open VPN UI in default browser
-c, --config string config path
-p, --pkg use package config path: /opt/skywire
Global Flags:
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
-c, --config string config path
-p, --pkg use package config path: /opt/skywire
Global Flags:
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
query uptime tracker
Check local visor daily uptime percent with:
skywire-cli ut -k $(skywire-cli visor pk)n
Set cache file location to "" to avoid using cache files
-m, --cfa int update cache files if older than n minutes (default 5)
--cfu string UT cache file location. (default "/tmp/ut.json")
-n, --min int list visors meeting minimum uptime (default 75)
-o, --on list currently online visors
-k, --pk string check uptime for the specified key
-s, --stats count the number of results
-u, --url string specify alternative uptime tracker url (default "http://ut.skywire.skycoin.com")
Control skyforwarding
forward local ports over skywire
-d, --deregister deregister local port of the external (http) app
-l, --ls list registered local ports
-p, --port int local port of the external (http) app
connect or disconnect from remote ports
-l, --ls list configured connections
-k, --pk string remote public key to connect to
-p, --port int local port to reverse proxy
-r, --remote int remote port to read from
-d, --stop string disconnect from specified <id>
skycoin reward address set to:
--all show all flags
Collect surveys: skywire-cli log
Fetch uptimes: skywire-cli ut > ut.txt
-d, --date string date for which to calculate reward (default "2024-03-12")
-k, --pk string check reward for pubkey
-n, --noarch string disallowed architectures, comma separated (default "amd64")
-y, --year int yearly total rewards (default 408000)
-u, --utfile string uptime tracker data file (default "ut.txt")
-p, --path string path to the surveys (default "log_collecting")
-0, --h0 hide statistical data
-1, --h1 hide survey csv data
-2, --h2 hide reward csv data
-e, --err account for non rewarded keys
print the system survey
-s, --sha generate checksum of system survey
unknown command "survey" for "skywire"
Query the Route Finder
Assumes the local visor public key as an argument if only one argument is given
-n, --min uint16 minimum hops (default 1)
-x, --max uint16 maximum hops (default 1000)
-t, --timeout duration request timeout (default 10s)
-a, --addr string route finder service address
display a tree representation of transports from TPD
Set cache file location to "" to avoid using cache files
-m, --cfa int update cache files if older than n minutes (default 5)
--cft string TPD cache file location (default "/tmp/tpd.json")
--cfu string UT cache file location. (default "/tmp/ut.json")
-o, --noton do not filter by online status in UT
-P, --pad int padding between tree and tpid (default 15)
-p, --pretty print pretty json data
-r, --raw print raw json data
-s, --stats return only statistics
-a, --tpdurl string transport discovery url (default "http://tpd.skywire.skycoin.com")
-w, --uturl string uptime tracker url (default "http://ut.skywire.skycoin.com")
Query remote DMSG Discovery
Available Commands:
entry Fetch an entry
servers Fetch available servers
Fetch an entry
-a, --addr string DMSG discovery server address
Fetch available servers
--addr string address of DMSG discovery server
(default "http://dmsgd.skywire.skycoin.com")
Generate completion script
Fetch health, survey, and transport logging from visors which are online in the uptime tracker
-e, --env string deployment to get uptimes from (default "prod")
-l, --log fetch only transport logs
-v, --survey fetch only surveys
-f, --file string fetch only a specific file from all online visors
-k, --pks string fetch only from specific public keys ; semicolon separated
-d, --dir string save files to specified dir (default "log_collecting")
-c, --clean delete files and folders on errors
--minv string minimum visor version to fetch from (default "v1.3.15")
--include-versions string list of version that not satisfy our minimum version condition, but we want include them
-n, --duration int number of days before today to fetch transport logs for
--all consider all visors ; no version filtering
--batchSize int number of visor in each batch (default 50)
--maxfilesize int maximum file size allowed to download during collecting logs, in KB (default 1024)
-D, --dmsg-disc string dmsg discovery url
(default "http://dmsgd.skywire.skycoin.com")
-u, --ut string custom uptime tracker url
-s, --sk cipher.SecKey a random key is generated if unspecified
(default 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
Skysocks client
Available Commands:
start start the proxy client
stop stop the proxy client
status proxy client status
list List servers
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
start the proxy client
-a, --addr string address of proxy for use
-n, --name string name of skysocks client
-k, --pk string server public key
Global Flags:
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
stop the proxy client
--all stop all skysocks client
--name string specific skysocks client that want stop
Global Flags:
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
proxy client status
Global Flags:
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
List proxy servers from service discovery
Set cache file location to "" to avoid using cache files
-m, --cfa int update cache files if older than n minutes (default 5)
--cfs string SD cache file location (default "/tmp/proxysd.json")
--cfu string UT cache file location. (default "/tmp/ut.json")
-c, --country string filter results by country
-l, --label label keys by country �[91m(SLOW)�[0m
-o, --noton do not filter by online status in UT
-k, --pk string check proxy service discovery for public key
-r, --raw print raw data
-a, --sdurl string service discovery url (default "http://sd.skycoin.com")
-s, --stats return only a count of the results
-u, --unfilter provide unfiltered results
-w, --uturl string uptime tracker url (default "http://ut.skywire.skycoin.com")
-v, --ver string filter results by version
Global Flags:
--rpc string RPC server address (default "localhost:3435")
subcommand tree
generate markdown docs
UNHIDEFLAGS=1 go run cmd/skywire-cli/skywire-cli.go doc
UNHIDEFLAGS=1 go run cmd/skywire-cli/skywire-cli.go doc > cmd/skywire-cli/README1.md
generate toc:
cat cmd/skywire-cli/README1.md | gh-md-toc
┌─┐┬┌─┬ ┬┬ ┬┬┬─┐┌─┐ ┌─┐┌─┐┬─┐┬ ┬┬┌─┐┌─┐┌─┐
└─┐├┴┐└┬┘││││├┬┘├┤───└─┐├┤ ├┬┘└┐┌┘││ ├┤ └─┐
└─┘┴ ┴ ┴ └┴┘┴┴└─└─┘ └─┘└─┘┴└─ └┘ ┴└─┘└─┘└─┘
Available Commands:
sn Route Setup Node for skywire
tpd Transport Discovery Server for skywire
tps Transport setup server for skywire
ar Address Resolver Server for skywire
rf Route Finder Server for skywire
cb Config Bootstrap Server for skywire
kg skywire keys generator, prints pub-key and sec-key
lc Liveness checker of the deployment.
nv Node Visualizer Server for skywire
se skywire environment generator
sd Service discovery server
nwmon Network monitor for skywire VPN and Visor.
pvm Public Visor monitor.
ssm Skysocks monitor.
vpnm VPN monitor.
┌─┐┌─┐┌┬┐┬ ┬┌─┐ ┌┐┌┌─┐┌┬┐┌─┐
└─┐├┤ │ │ │├─┘───││││ │ ││├┤
└─┘└─┘ ┴ └─┘┴ ┘└┘└─┘─┴┘└─┘
-m, --metrics string address to bind metrics API to
-i, --stdin read config from STDIN
--syslog string syslog server address. E.g. localhost:514
--tag string logging tag (default "setup_node")
┌┬┐┬─┐┌─┐┌┐┌┌─┐┌─┐┌─┐┬─┐┌┬┐ ┌┬┐┬┌─┐┌─┐┌─┐┬ ┬┌─┐┬─┐┬ ┬
│ ├┬┘├─┤│││└─┐├─┘│ │├┬┘ │───│││└─┐│ │ │└┐┌┘├┤ ├┬┘└┬┘
┴ ┴└─┴ ┴┘└┘└─┘┴ └─┘┴└─ ┴ ─┴┘┴└─┘└─┘└─┘ └┘ └─┘┴└─ ┴
----- depends: redis, postgresql and initial DB setup -----
sudo -iu postgres createdb tpd
keys-gen | tee tpd-config.json
PG_USER="postgres" PG_DATABASE="tpd" PG_PASSWORD="" transport-discovery --sk $(tail -n1 tpd-config.json)
-a, --addr string address to bind to�[0m (default ":9091")
--dmsg-disc string url of dmsg-discovery�[0m (default "http://dmsgd.skywire.skycoin.com")
--dmsgPort uint16 dmsg port value
(default 80)
-l, --loglvl string set log level one of: info, error, warn, debug, trace, panic (default "info")
-m, --metrics string address to bind metrics API to�[0m
--pg-host string host of postgres�[0m (default "localhost")
--pg-port string port of postgres�[0m (default "5432")
--redis string connections string for a redis store�[0m (default "redis://localhost:6379")
--redis-pool-size int redis connection pool size�[0m (default 10)
--sk cipher.SecKey dmsg secret key
(default 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
--syslog string syslog server address. E.g. localhost:514�[0m
--tag string logging tag�[0m (default "transport_discovery")
--test-environment distinguished between prod and test environment�[0m
-t, --testing enable testing to start without redis�[0m
--whitelist-keys string list of whitelisted keys of network monitor used for deregistration�[0m
┌┬┐┬─┐┌─┐┌┐┌┌─┐┌─┐┌─┐┬─┐┌┬┐ ┌─┐┌─┐┌┬┐┬ ┬┌─┐
│ ├┬┘├─┤│││└─┐├─┘│ │├┬┘ │───└─┐├┤ │ │ │├─┘
┴ ┴└─┴ ┴┘└┘└─┘┴ └─┘┴└─ ┴ └─┘└─┘ ┴ └─┘┴
-c, --config string path to config file�[0m
-l, --loglvl string set log level one of: info, error, warn, debug, trace, panic (default "info")
┌─┐┌┬┐┌┬┐┬─┐┌─┐┌─┐┌─┐ ┬─┐┌─┐┌─┐┌─┐┬ ┬ ┬┌─┐┬─┐
├─┤ ││ ││├┬┘├┤ └─┐└─┐───├┬┘├┤ └─┐│ ││ └┐┌┘├┤ ├┬┘
┴ ┴─┴┘─┴┘┴└─└─┘└─┘└─┘ ┴└─└─┘└─┘└─┘┴─┘└┘ └─┘┴└─
depends: redis
Note: the specified port must be accessible from the internet ip address or port forwarded for udp
skywire cli config gen-keys > ar-config.json
skywire svc ar --addr ":9093" --redis "redis://localhost:6379" --sk $(tail -n1 ar-config.json)
skywire svc ar
-a, --addr string address to bind to�[0m (default ":9093")
--dmsg-disc string url of dmsg-discovery�[0m (default "http://dmsgd.skywire.skycoin.com")
--dmsgPort uint16 dmsg port value
(default 80)
-l, --loglvl string set log level one of: info, error, warn, debug, trace, panic (default "info")
-m, --metrics string address to bind metrics API to�[0m
--redis string connections string for a redis store�[0m (default "redis://localhost:6379")
--redis-pool-size int redis connection pool size�[0m (default 10)
--sk cipher.SecKey dmsg secret key
(default 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
--syslog string syslog server address. E.g. localhost:514�[0m
--tag string logging tag�[0m (default "address_resolver")
--test-environment distinguished between prod and test environment�[0m
-t, --testing enable testing to start without redis�[0m
--whitelist-keys string list of whitelisted keys of network monitor used for deregistration�[0m
┬─┐┌─┐┬ ┬┌┬┐┌─┐ ┌─┐┬┌┐┌┌┬┐┌─┐┬─┐
├┬┘│ ││ │ │ ├┤───├┤ ││││ ││├┤ ├┬┘
┴└─└─┘└─┘ ┴ └─┘ └ ┴┘└┘─┴┘└─┘┴└─
----- depends: postgres and initial db setup -----
sudo -iu postgres createdb rf
skywire cli config gen-keys | tee rf-config.json
PG_USER="postgres" PG_DATABASE="rf" PG_PASSWORD="" route-finder --addr ":9092" --sk $(tail -n1 rf-config.json)
-a, --addr string address to bind to�[0m (default ":9092")
--dmsg-disc string url of dmsg-discovery�[0m (default "http://dmsgd.skywire.skycoin.com")
--dmsgPort uint16 dmsg port value
(default 80)
-l, --loglvl string set log level one of: info, error, warn, debug, trace, panic (default "info")
-m, --metrics string address to bind metrics API to�[0m
--pg-host string host of postgres�[0m (default "localhost")
--pg-port string port of postgres�[0m (default "5432")
--sk cipher.SecKey dmsg secret key
(default 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
--syslog string syslog server address. E.g. localhost:514�[0m
--tag string logging tag�[0m (default "route_finder")
-t, --testing enable testing to start without redis�[0m
┌─┐┌─┐┌┐┌┌─┐┬┌─┐ ┌┐ ┌─┐┌─┐┌┬┐┌─┐┌┬┐┬─┐┌─┐┌─┐┌─┐┌─┐┬─┐
│ │ ││││├┤ ││ ┬───├┴┐│ ││ │ │ └─┐ │ ├┬┘├─┤├─┘├─┘├┤ ├┬┘
└─┘└─┘┘└┘└ ┴└─┘ └─┘└─┘└─┘ ┴ └─┘ ┴ ┴└─┴ ┴┴ ┴ └─┘┴└─
-a, --addr string address to bind to�[0m (default ":9082")
-c, --config string stun server list file location�[0m (default "./config.json")
--dmsg-disc string url of dmsg-discovery�[0m (default "http://dmsgd.skywire.skycoin.com")
--dmsgPort uint16 dmsg port value
(default 80)
-d, --domain string the domain of the endpoints�[0m (default "skywire.skycoin.com")
--sk cipher.SecKey dmsg secret key
(default 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
--tag string logging tag�[0m (default "address_resolver")
┬┌─┌─┐┬ ┬┌─┐ ┌─┐┌─┐┌┐┌
├┴┐├┤ └┬┘└─┐───│ ┬├┤ │││
┴ ┴└─┘ ┴ └─┘ └─┘└─┘┘└┘
┬ ┬┬ ┬┌─┐┌┐┌┌─┐┌─┐┌─┐ ┌─┐┬ ┬┌─┐┌─┐┬┌─┌─┐┬─┐
│ │└┐┌┘├┤ │││├┤ └─┐└─┐───│ ├─┤├┤ │ ├┴┐├┤ ├┬┘
┴─┘┴ └┘ └─┘┘└┘└─┘└─┘└─┘ └─┘┴ ┴└─┘└─┘┴ ┴└─┘┴└─
-a, --addr string address to bind to.�[0m (default ":9081")
-c, --config string config file location.�[0m (default "liveness-checker.json")
-l, --loglvl string set log level one of: info, error, warn, debug, trace, panic (default "info")
--redis string connections string for a redis store�[0m (default "redis://localhost:6379")
--syslog string syslog server address. E.g. localhost:514�[0m
--tag string logging tag�[0m (default "liveness_checker")
-t, --testing enable testing to start without redis�[0m
┌┐┌┌─┐┌┬┐┌─┐ ┬ ┬┬┌─┐┬ ┬┌─┐┬ ┬┌─┐┌─┐┬─┐
││││ │ ││├┤───└┐┌┘│└─┐│ │├─┤│ │┌─┘├┤ ├┬┘
┘└┘└─┘─┴┘└─┘ └┘ ┴└─┘└─┘┴ ┴┴─┘┴└─┘└─┘┴└─
-a, --addr string address to bind to�[0m (default ":9081")
-l, --log enable request logging�[0m (default true)
-m, --metrics string address to bind metrics API to�[0m
--syslog string syslog server address. E.g. localhost:514�[0m
--tag string logging tag�[0m (default "node-visualizer")
-t, --testing enable testing to start without redis�[0m
┌─┐┬ ┬ ┌─┐┌┐┌┬ ┬
└─┐│││───├┤ │││└┐┌┘
└─┘└┴┘ └─┘┘└┘ └┘
Available Commands:
visor Generate config for skywire-visor
dmsg Generate config for dmsg-server
setup Generate config for setup node
-d, --docker Environment with dockerized skywire-services�[0m
-l, --local Environment with skywire-services on localhost�[0m
-n, --network string Docker network to use�[0m (default "SKYNET")
-p, --public Environment with public skywire-services�[0m
Generate config for skywire-visor
Generate config for dmsg-server
Generate config for setup node
┌─┐┌─┐┬─┐┬ ┬┬┌─┐┌─┐ ┌┬┐┬┌─┐┌─┐┌─┐┬ ┬┌─┐┬─┐┬ ┬
└─┐├┤ ├┬┘└┐┌┘││ ├┤───│││└─┐│ │ │└┐┌┘├┤ ├┬┘└┬┘
└─┘└─┘┴└─ └┘ ┴└─┘└─┘ ─┴┘┴└─┘└─┘└─┘ └┘ └─┘┴└─ ┴
----- depends: redis, postgresql and initial DB setup -----
sudo -iu postgres createdb sd
keys-gen | tee sd-config.json
PG_USER="postgres" PG_DATABASE="sd" PG_PASSWORD="" service-discovery --sk $(tail -n1 sd-config.json)
-a, --addr string address to bind to (default ":9098")
-g, --api-key string geo API key
-d, --dmsg-disc string url of dmsg-discovery (default "http://dmsgd.skywire.skycoin.com")
--dmsgPort uint16 dmsg port value (default 80)
-m, --metrics string address to bind metrics API to
-o, --pg-host string host of postgres (default "localhost")
-p, --pg-port string port of postgres (default "5432")
-r, --redis string connections string for a redis store (default "redis://localhost:6379")
-s, --sk cipher.SecKey dmsg secret key
(default 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
-t, --test run in test mode and disable auth
-n, --test-environment distinguished between prod and test environment
-w, --whitelist-keys string list of whitelisted keys of network monitor used for deregistration
┌┐┌┌─┐┌┬┐┬ ┬┌─┐┬─┐┬┌─ ┌┬┐┌─┐┌┐┌┬┌┬┐┌─┐┬─┐
│││├┤ │ ││││ │├┬┘├┴┐───││││ │││││ │ │ │├┬┘
┘└┘└─┘ ┴ └┴┘└─┘┴└─┴ ┴ ┴ ┴└─┘┘└┘┴ ┴ └─┘┴└─
-a, --addr string address to bind to.�[0m (default ":9080")
-v, --ar-url string url to address resolver.�[0m
-b, --batchsize int Batch size of deregistration�[0m (default 30)
-c, --config string config file location.�[0m (default "network-monitor.json")
-l, --loglvl string set log level one of: info, error, warn, debug, trace, panic (default "info")
-m, --metrics string address to bind metrics API to�[0m
--redis string connections string for a redis store�[0m (default "redis://localhost:6379")
--redis-pool-size int redis connection pool size�[0m (default 10)
-n, --sd-url string url to service discovery.�[0m
--sleep-deregistration duration Sleep time for derigstration process in minutes�[0m (default 10ns)
--syslog string syslog server address. E.g. localhost:514�[0m
--tag string logging tag�[0m (default "network_monitor")
-t, --testing enable testing to start without redis�[0m
-u, --ut-url string url to uptime tracker visor data.�[0m
┌─┐┬ ┬┌┐ ┬ ┬┌─┐ ┬ ┬┬┌─┐┌─┐┬─┐ ┌┬┐┌─┐┌┐┌┬┌┬┐┌─┐┬─┐
├─┘│ │├┴┐│ ││───└┐┌┘│└─┐│ │├┬┘───││││ │││││ │ │ │├┬┘
┴ └─┘└─┘┴─┘┴└─┘ └┘ ┴└─┘└─┘┴└─ ┴ ┴└─┘┘└┘┴ ┴ └─┘┴└─
-a, --addr string address to bind to.�[0m (default ":9082")
-c, --config string config file location.�[0m (default "public-visor-monitor.json")
-l, --loglvl string set log level one of: info, error, warn, debug, trace, panic (default "info")
-s, --sleep-deregistration duration Sleep time for derigstration process in minutes�[0m (default 10ns)
--tag string logging tag�[0m (default "public_visor_monitor")
┌─┐┬┌─┬ ┬┌─┐┌─┐┌─┐┬┌─┌─┐ ┌┬┐┌─┐┌┐┌┬┌┬┐┌─┐┬─┐
└─┐├┴┐└┬┘└─┐│ ││ ├┴┐└─┐───││││ │││││ │ │ │├┬┘
└─┘┴ ┴ ┴ └─┘└─┘└─┘┴ ┴└─┘ ┴ ┴└─┘┘└┘┴ ┴ └─┘┴└─
-a, --addr string address to bind to.�[0m (default ":9081")
-c, --config string config file location.�[0m (default "skysocks-monitor.json")
-s, --sleep-deregistration duration Sleep time for derigstration process in minutes�[0m (default 10ns)
--tag string logging tag�[0m (default "skysocks_monitor")
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-a, --addr string address to bind to.�[0m (default ":9081")
-c, --config string config file location.�[0m (default "vpn-monitor.json")
-s, --sleep-deregistration duration Sleep time for derigstration process in minutes�[0m (default 10ns)
--tag string logging tag�[0m (default "vpn_monitor")
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Available Commands:
pty Dmsg pseudoterminal (pty)
disc DMSG Discovery Server
server DMSG Server
http DMSG http file server
curl DMSG curl utility
web DMSG resolving proxy & browser client
socks DMSG socks5 proxy server & client
mon DMSG monitor of DMSG discovery entries.
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Available Commands:
cli DMSG pseudoterminal command line interface
host DMSG host for pseudoterminal command line interface
ui DMSG pseudoterminal GUI
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DMSG pseudoterminal command line interface
Available Commands:
whitelist lists all whitelisted public keys
whitelist-add adds public key(s) to the whitelist
whitelist-remove removes public key(s) from the whitelist
--addr dmsg.Addr remote dmsg address of format 'pk:port'
If unspecified, the pty will start locally
(default 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000:~)
-a, --args strings command arguments
-r, --cliaddr string address to use for dialing to dmsgpty-host (default "/tmp/dmsgpty.sock")
-n, --clinet string network to use for dialing to dmsgpty-host (default "unix")
-c, --cmd string name of command to run
(default "/bin/bash")
-p, --confpath string config path (default "config.json")
lists all whitelisted public keys
adds public key(s) to the whitelist
removes public key(s) from the whitelist
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DMSG host for pseudoterminal command line interface
Available Commands:
confgen generates config file
--cliaddr string address used for listening for cli connections (default "/tmp/dmsgpty.sock")
--clinet string network used for listening for cli connections (default "unix")
-c, --confpath string config path (default "./config.json")
--confstdin config will be read from stdin if set
--dmsgdisc string dmsg discovery address (default "http://dmsgd.skywire.skycoin.com")
--dmsgport uint16 dmsg port for listening for remote hosts (default 22)
--dmsgsessions int minimum number of dmsg sessions to ensure (default 1)
--envprefix string env prefix (default "DMSGPTY")
--wl cipher.PubKeys whitelist of the dmsgpty-host (default public keys:
generates config file
--unsafe will unsafely write config if set
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DMSG pseudoterminal GUI
--addr string network address to serve UI on (default ":8080")
--arg stringArray command arguments to include when initiating pty
--cmd string command to run when initiating pty (default "/bin/bash")
--haddr string dmsgpty host network address (default "/tmp/dmsgpty.sock")
--hnet string dmsgpty host network name (default "unix")
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DMSG Discovery Server
----- depends: redis -----
skywire cli config gen-keys > dmsgd-config.json
skywire dmsg disc --sk $(tail -n1 dmsgd-config.json)
-a, --addr string address to bind to (default ":9090")
--auth string auth passphrase as simple auth for official dmsg servers registration
--dmsgPort uint16 dmsg port value (default 80)
--enable-load-testing enable load testing
--entry-timeout duration discovery entry timeout (default 3m0s)
-m, --metrics string address to serve metrics API from
--official-servers string list of official dmsg servers keys separated by comma
--redis string connections string for a redis store (default "redis://localhost:6379")
--sk cipher.SecKey dmsg secret key
(default 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
--syslog string address in which to dial to syslog server
--syslog-lvl string minimum log level to report (default "debug")
--syslog-net string network in which to dial to syslog server (default "udp")
--tag string tag used for logging and metrics (default "dmsg_disc")
--test-environment distinguished between prod and test environment
-t, --test-mode in testing mode
--whitelist-keys string list of whitelisted keys of network monitor used for deregistration
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DMSG Server
skywire dmsg server config gen -o dmsg-config.json
skywire dmsg server start dmsg-config.json
Available Commands:
config Generate a dmsg-server config
start Start Dmsg Server
Generate a dmsg-server config
Available Commands:
gen Generate a config file
Generate a config file
-o, --output string config output path/name
-t, --testenv use test deployment
Start Dmsg Server
--auth string auth passphrase as simple auth for official dmsg servers registration
-c, --config string location of config file (STDIN to read from standard input) (default "config.json")
--limit-ip int set limitation of IPs want connect to specific dmsg-server, default value is 15 (default 15)
-m, --metrics string address to serve metrics API from
--stdin whether to read config via stdin
--syslog string address in which to dial to syslog server
--syslog-lvl string minimum log level to report (default "debug")
--syslog-net string network in which to dial to syslog server (default "udp")
--tag string tag used for logging and metrics (default "dmsg_srv")
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DMSG http file server
-d, --dir string local dir to serve via dmsghttp (default ".")
-D, --dmsg-disc string dmsg discovery url default:
-p, --port uint dmsg port to serve from (default 80)
-s, --sk cipher.SecKey a random key is generated if unspecified
(default 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
-w, --wl string whitelist keys, comma separated
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DMSG curl utility
-a, --agent AGENT identify as AGENT (default "dmsgcurl/unknown")
-d, --data string dmsghttp POST data
-c, --dmsg-disc string dmsg discovery url default:
-l, --loglvl string [ debug | warn | error | fatal | panic | trace | info ]�[0m (default "fatal")
-o, --out string output filepath
-r, --replace replace exist file with new downloaded
-e, --sess int number of dmsg servers to connect to (default 1)
-s, --sk cipher.SecKey a random key is generated if unspecified
(default 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
-t, --try int download attempts (0 unlimits) (default 1)
-w, --wait int time to wait between fetches
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DMSG resolving proxy & browser client - access websites over dmsg
Available Commands:
gen-keys generate public / secret keypair
-d, --dmsg-disc string dmsg discovery url default:
-f, --filter string domain suffix to filter (default ".dmsg")
-l, --loglvl string [ debug | warn | error | fatal | panic | trace | info ]�[0m
-p, --port string port to serve the web application (default "8080")
-r, --proxy string configure additional socks5 proxy for dmsgweb (i.e.
-t, --resolve string resolve the specified dmsg address:port on the local port & disable proxy
-e, --sess int number of dmsg servers to connect to (default 1)
-s, --sk cipher.SecKey a random key is generated if unspecified
(default 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
-q, --socks string port to serve the socks5 proxy (default "4445")
generate public / secret keypair
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DMSG socks5 proxy server & client
Available Commands:
server dmsg socks5 proxy server
client socks5 proxy client for dmsg socks5 proxy server
dmsg socks5 proxy server
-D, --dmsg-disc string dmsg discovery url (default "http://dmsgd.skywire.skycoin.com")
-q, --dport uint16 dmsg port to serve socks5 (default 1081)
-s, --sk cipher.SecKey a random key is generated if unspecified
(default 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
-w, --wl string whitelist keys, comma separated
socks5 proxy client for dmsg socks5 proxy server
-D, --dmsg-disc string dmsg discovery url (default "http://dmsgd.skywire.skycoin.com")
-q, --dport uint16 dmsg port to connect to socks5 server (default 1081)
-k, --pk string dmsg socks5 proxy server public key to connect to
-p, --port int TCP port to serve SOCKS5 proxy locally (default 1081)
-s, --sk cipher.SecKey a random key is generated if unspecified
(default 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)
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-a, --addr string address to bind to.�[0m (default ":9080")
-b, --batchsize int Batch size of deregistration�[0m (default 20)
-c, --config string config file location.�[0m (default "dmsg-monitor.json")
-d, --dmsg-url string url to dmsg data.�[0m
-l, --loglvl string set log level one of: info, error, warn, debug, trace, panic (default "info")
-s, --sleep-deregistration duration Sleep time for derigstration process in minutes�[0m (default 60ns)
--syslog string syslog server address. E.g. localhost:514�[0m
--tag string logging tag�[0m (default "dmsg_monitor")
-u, --ut-url string url to uptime tracker visor data.�[0m
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Available Commands:
vpn-server skywire vpn server application
vpn-client skywire vpn client application
skysocks-client skywire socks5 proxy client application
skysocks skywire socks5 proxy server application
skychat skywire chat application
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--netifc string Default network interface for multiple available interfaces
--passcode string passcode to authenticate connecting users
--pk string local pubkey
--secure Forbid connections from clients to server local network (default true)
--sk string local seckey
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--dns string address of DNS want set to tun
--killswitch If set, the Internet won't be restored during reconnection attempts
--passcode string passcode to authenticate connection
--pk string local pubkey
--sk string local seckey
--srv string PubKey of the server to connect to
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--addr string Client address to listen on (default ":1080")
--http string http proxy mode
--srv string PubKey of the server to connect to
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--passcode string passcode to authenticate connecting users
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--addr string address to bind, put an * before the port if you want to be able to access outside localhost (default ":8001")
subcommand tree
generate markdown docs
UNHIDEFLAGS=1 go run cmd/skywire/skywire.go doc
UNHIDEFLAGS=1 go run cmd/skywire/skywire.go doc > cmd/skywire/README1.md
generate toc:
cat cmd/skywire/README1.md | gh-md-toc