javascript cannot run without script in html.
SPA - single page applications react only has a single html file(SPA) in which whole javascript is injected BTS with the help of react scripts.
function name should be capatalised and file name starting with a capital letter is a best prictise.
ReactDOM crate a new dom of itself which is also k/a virtual dom
{expression} - evaluvated expression
const reactEle = React.createElement(htmlelement,{attributes of element if any in key value pairs},children, evaluated expression) -to create a cutomReact element, it uses babble bundler
React controls the UI updation that why we need HOOKS
props help in making components reusable
copy functionality - window.navigator.clipboard.writetext()
REACT ROUTER DOM- Link{href = to} - it is used insted of anchor tag because when anchor tag is clicked it refreshed whole html doc and we dont want that in react. NavLink -