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Multipple Extensions

Extensions are pieces of codes purposely design to add and execute custom and independent functionalities in Multipple platform.

There are two ways to extend Multipple:

  • Frontend extensions using UI rendering engines
  • Backend extensions using edge functions

Frontend extensions

Frontend extensions are UI components capable to execute and renderer a subset of application within Multipple’s platform. We aim to support every UI rendering engine (ReactJS, VueJS, AngularJS, MarkoJS, …) out there so that every frontend developer could easily build extensions using the UI engine they are comfortable with.

Note: Currently, because Multipple’s frontend application is build using MarkoJS engine, default available boilerplate to implement an extension is in MarkoJS.

The strategy is to keep all required features, syntax and structure as stated in their documentation, then inject a set of meta functions into the component that will make it perform as extension.

Here is a simple sample code of markoJS extension:

// index.marko
class {
  onCreate({ Declare }){

<h1>Hello world!</h1>

Extension meta functions & properties are injected as imputs to the component at creation. Hence, they are available as object argument of the component's onCreate() lifecycle method.

List of extension input/props


type: object
value: Refer to meta options

Contain extension information. These info are defined during implementation of the extension in the .metadata file.

Declare(this, […resources])

type: function

It's a runtime function when called transform a regular component into extension by adding super features to the main component's this. These features allow the component to access and perform direct or indirect operations on Multipple platform as extension plugin or application.

  • this.App: Object Provide application features to the extension
  • this.Plugin: Object Provide plugin features to the extension

Extension features

  • .use():
  • .extends():
  • .getConfig():
  • .setConfig():
  • .emit():
  • .quit():
  • .refresh():
  • .debug():
  • .signal():
  • .features:
  • .deps:
  • .data:

Extesion resources

  • Share State

Enable a shared state between main and all subcomponents of the extension

  /* index.marko */

  // Initialize a state
  this.App.State.init({ name: 'Bob' })

  // Set new state
  this.App.State.set('username', 'dupont')

  // Get state value

  // Set state value and force component to re-render

  // Define a new state API
  .action('profile', async () => { /* Retrieve user profile data */ })
  .action('update', async () => { /* Update user data */ })

  // Listen to event anytime a state key change
  this.App.State.on('name', value => { /* Do something */ })
  // Listen to event once a state key change
  this.App.State.once('name', value => { /* Do something */ })
  // Remove existing event listener'name', value => { /* Do something */ })

Accessing the State from a sub-component

  /* sub-component.marko */

  // Share state keys with a sub-component
  this.App.State.share( this, ['name', 'username'])
  // Unshare state keys with a sub-component
  this.App.State.unshare( this, ['username'])
  • UI Store

Enable access browser/webview local storage

  // Store a new value
  this.App.UIStore.set('username', 'dupont')
  // Temporaty store a new value: Get automatically cleared when stored value is read
  this.App.UIStore.flash('name', 'Bob')
  // Update stored dataset: Array
  this.App.UIStore.set('roles', ['USER', 'ADMIN'])
  this.App.UIStore.update('roles', 'MANAGER', 'push') // Push update to array
  this.App.UIStore.update('roles', 'MANAGER', 'pop') // Remove stored array's last item

  // Get stored value
  console.log( this.App.UIStore.get('username') ) // dupont
  console.log( this.App.UIStore.get('roles') ) // USER, ADMIN

  // Delete a stored value
  this.App.UIStore.clear(['name', 'roles'])
  • Request

Enable extension to consume multipple API and send request to external services or API providers.

  const options = {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json'
    body: {
      name: 'dupont'

  // Send request
  try {
    const courses = await this.Plugin.Request('/courses', options )

    // Do something ...
  catch( error ){ /* Handle request error here ...*/ }
  • Permissions:

Request permission to access a resourse on multipple platform

  // Return the list of permissions listed in `.metadata.resource.permissions`
  await this.App.Permission.getScope()

  // Set/Update a new permissions scope to `.metadata.resource.permissions`
  await this.App.Permission.setScope('user:*')
  // Manually ask permission scope and wait for granted list
  await this.App.Permission.ask('permission', ['tenant:name']) // Return true or false

  await this.App.Permission.mandatory(['tenant.apps'])
  • Notifications:
  • Database:
  • String:


type: object

It's the input data provided to the extension during usage


type: string
value: light | dark

This tells which is the current theme mode of multipple UI. Usefull for extension to adapt to user's theme mode.

Note: For frontend extension only


type: string
value: xs | sm | md | lg | xl

This tells the currenty device screen size being use by the workspace. Usefull for UI responsiveness

  • xs: Extra-small screen size
  • sm: Small screen size
  • md: Medium screen size
  • lg: Lage screen size
  • xl: Extra-large screen size

Note: For frontend extension only


type: string
value: qs | hs | fs

This tells what screen size is allocated to the extension display in the workspace

  • qs: Quarter screen mode
  • hs: Half screen mode
  • fs: Full screen mode

Note: For frontend extension only


type: string

Given execution context to run the extension with. On the frontend, it represent the main page on which the user is on. If user is browsing courses page, then context is course. This help an extension to operate responsively to different pages of the app.

Use case: SmartSearch extension use context to auto apply determine query target from one page to another. When user is on courses page, SmartSearch direct search to courses and when user browse to programs, it automatically switch search queries to programs.

Context application for backend extension are yet to be defined.


type: object
value: Refer to user data

Provide the current session's user data. For privacy policies, It's only available when extension request user.* permission. This permission can be define in .metadata.resource.permissions and is granted or denied by the user during installation of an extension.


type: object
value: Refer to tenant data

Provide the current tenant/institution data. For privacy policies, It's only available when extension request tenant.* permission. This permission can be define in .metadata.resource.permissions and is granted or denied only by admistrator user during installation of an extension.