Generate neovim theme(in lua) from yaml file.
git clone
cd ez.nvim/
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Easily generate a modularized colorscheme in lua from a yaml file
- The generated colorscheme is well written lua code providing a solid base for further extending the colorscheme
- All the highlighting can be modularized into different, more managable files
- A sample template.yml is included in the repository
- The
keys in yml file are compulsory - The highlight group properties in yml file must be in the order "foreground_color background_color style". Any property can be skipped using '-'
- Styles:
- i: italic
- b: bold
- u: underline
- r: reverse
- Eg:
Normal: "fg bg"
Comment: "green - i"
- Example yml file
- To generate a colorscheme from the yaml file run:
python <your_yaml_file>.yml
vim.g.transparent_background = true -- transparent background(Default: false)
vim.g.italic_comments = true -- italic comments(Default: true)
vim.g.italic_keywords = true -- italic keywords(Default: true)
vim.g.italic_functions = true -- italic functions(Default: false)
vim.g.italic_variables = true -- italic variables(Default: false)