Current Release Information
lsb_release -a
Kernal information
uname -a
ARM CPU Temperature
cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp
GPU Temperature
vcgencmd measure_temp
OR (if /opt/vc/bin
isn't in your path)
/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp
CPU Frequency information
(useful if pi is overclocked)
sudo apt install cpufrequtils
sudo cpufreq-info -sm
(view frequency distribution)
watch -n 1 -x sudo cpufreq-info -fm
(watch frequency, updated every 1 sec)
View all enabled/running service
sudo systemctl --type=service
Reload system processes after a service file change
systemctl daemon-reload
Start service at boot
systemctl enable <service_name>.service
Control/check service
systemctl [start|stop|restart|status] <service_name>.service
Follow logs for a service
journalctl -u <service_name>.service -f
Grep logs
journalctl -u <service_name>.service | grep -i error
Free memory
free -h
Memory configuration, maximum, and speed informatio
sudo dmidecode -t memory
CPU Frequency
cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq
CPU information
Using hwinfo
sudo apt install hwinfo
hwinfo --short
# show short version of hwinfo
hwinfo --disk
# show disk info
Size of directory
du -shc /dir
View partions
parted -l
Partion drives
parted <device>
(parted) select <device>
(parted) gpt
(options: aix, amiga, bsd, dvh, gpt, mac, ms-dos, pc98, sun, loop)
(parted) print
(to view changes)
(parted) mkpart <name> ext4 0% 100%
(to use full drive)
(to save changes)
Remove partions
parted <device>
rm <partion_num>
Format Hard Disk
mkfs -t ext4 <device>
(eg. /dev/sda1
Mount disk
Unmount Disk
View block devices with extended information
lsblk -fm
List partitions
sudo fdisk -l
Use curl over a specific interface
curl --interface eth0
curl --interface tun0
Enter shell with network namespace
ip netns exec ns1 /bin/bash --rcfile <(echo "PS1=\"namespace ns1> \"")
Running rsync in the background - and viewing output.
nohup rsync -avp [src] [dst] &
tail -f nohup.out
Name you screen sessions
screen -S <session-name>
(name for refrence when using screen -ls
List open screens
screen -ls
Reattach to screen
screen -r <pid>