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App Setup: GitHub Connection

Eldenroot edited this page Jan 26, 2021 · 2 revisions

Site owners need to create a 'web application' at GitHub developer portal first: then continue to "oAuth Apps"

On the Create App page:

  • Application name: Add a name for your new app.
  • Homepage URL:
  • Application description (optional): Add a simple description for your app.
  • Authorization callback URL:
  • In the next step you can upload your logo image (optional).

Sample app screen should be like:

GitHub App Screen

Now grab the provided Client ID and Client Secret (also available on this page: and add it to your MyBB Isango plugin settings, hit "Save" button and you are done!

Note: GitHub requires for login/registration public email address. Please do not forget to change it in your profile settings and also add the email in your profile page on the left side under your avatar image!