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Automerge internal data structures

This document explains how Automerge stores data internally. You shouldn't need to read it in order to use Automerge in your application, but you might find it useful if you want to hack on the Automerge code itself.

Document, changes, and operations

You get an Automerge instance by calling Automerge.init() (creates a new, empty document) or Automerge.load() (loads an existing document, typically from a file on disk). By default, this document exists only in memory on a single device, and you don't need any network communication for read or write access. There may be a separate networking layer that asynchronously propagates changes from one device to another, but that networking layer is outside of the scope of Automerge itself.

The Automerge instance represents the current state of your application (or some part of it). The state is immutable and is never updated in place. Instead, whenever you want to do something that changes the state, you call a function that takes the old state as first argument, and returns a new state reflecting the change. There are two ways how the state can change:

  1. Local changes, which are generally triggered by the user changing some piece of application data in the user interface. Such editing by the user is expressed by calling Automerge.change(), which groups together a block of operations that should be applied as an atomic unit. Within the change callback you have access to a mutable version of the Automerge document, implemented as a Proxy). The proxy records any mutations you make as operations (e.g. changing the value of a particular property of a particular object). The change() function returns a new copy of the state with those operations applied.
  2. Remote changes: a user on another device has edited their copy of a document, that change was sent to you via the network, and now you want to apply it to your own copy of the document. Remote operations are applied using Automerge.applyChanges(), which again returns a new copy of the state. For testing purposes there is also Automerge.merge(), which is is a short-cut for the case where the "remote" document is actually just another instance of Automerge in the same process.

Some terminology:

  • An operation is a fine-grained description of a single modification, e.g. setting the value of a particular property of a particular object, or inserting one element into a list. Users normally never see operations — they are a low-level implementation detail.
  • A change is a collection of operations grouped into a unit that is applied atomically (a bit like a database transaction). Each call to Automerge.change() produces exactly one change, and inside the change there may be any number of operations. A change is also the smallest unit that gets transmitted over the network to other devices.
  • A document is the state of a single Automerge instance. The state of a document is determined by the set of all changes that have been applied to it. Automerge ensures that whenever any two documents have seen the same set of changes, even if the changes were applied in a different order, then those documents are in the same state. This means an Automerge document is a CRDT.

Automerge.getChanges() returns all the changes that have occurred between one document state and another, so that they can be encoded and sent over the network to other devices. On the recipient's end, Automerge.applyChanges() updates the corresponding document to incorporate those changes.

You can save a document to disk using This function really just takes all the changes that have ever happened in the document, and encodes them as a string. Conversely, Automerge.load() decodes that string and applies all of the changes to a new, blank document. This works because we can always reconstruct the document state from the set of changes. For this reason, a document preserves its entire editing history, even across saves and reloads (a bit like a Git repository).

One day, we may need to allow this history to be pruned in order to save disk space. There are also privacy implications in storing the whole history: any new collaborator who gets access to a document can see all past states of the document, including any content that is now deleted. However, for now we are choosing to preserve all history as it makes synchronisation easier (imagine a device that has been offline for a long time, and then needs to catch up on everything that has been changed by other users while it was offline). Moreover, being able to inspect edit history is itself a useful feature.

Actor IDs, vector clocks, and causality

Each Automerge instance has an actor ID — a UUID that is generated randomly whenever you do Automerge.init() or Automerge.load() (unless you explicitly pass an actor ID into those functions). Whenever you make a local edit on that Automerge instance, the operations are tagged with that actor ID as the origin. All changes made on a Automerge instance are numbered sequentially, starting with 1 and never skipping or reusing sequence numbers. We assume that nobody else is using the same actor ID, and thus each change is uniquely identified by the combination of its originating actor ID and its sequence number. That unique identifier for the change always remains fixed, even when it is applied on remote copies of the document.

An actor ID is a bit similar to a device ID. Each device can generate changes independently from every other device, and so each device needs to have its own numbering sequence. You can have several actor IDs for the same device, for example if the user might run several instances of the application on the same device (in which case, each instance needs its own actor ID). However, there is a performance cost to having lots of actor IDs, so it's a good idea to keep using the same actor ID if possible (at least for the lifetime of an application process).

With those sequence numbers in place, we can fairly efficiently keep track of all changes we've seen: for each actor ID, we apply the changes originating on that instance in strictly incrementing order; and then we only need to store the highest sequence number we've seen for each actor ID. This mapping from actor ID to highest sequence number is called a vector clock.

The vector clock is useful when two peers are communicating, and need to figure out which changes they need to send to each other in order to get in sync. If the peers send each other their vector clocks, each peer can see the highest sequence number for each actor that the other peer has seen; if it has any changes with higher sequence numbers, it sends those. See src/connection.js for an implementation of such a protocol.


In our documents, one change sometimes depends on another. For example, if an item is first added and then removed, it doesn't make sense to try to apply the removal if you haven't already seen the addition (since you'd be trying to remove something that doesn't yet exist). This requires causal ordering of changes, which we implement by each change declaring its dependencies.

Every change by actor X with sequence number n (with n > 1) implicitly depends on X's change with sequence number n – 1. Moreover, assume that in between X generating change number n – 1 and change number n, X received a change from actor Y with sequence number m. In that case, X's change n also declares an explicit dependency on Y's change m.

When any Automerge instance wants to apply a change that depends on another change, it ensures that the dependency is applied first. If it has not yet received the dependency, the dependent change is buffered until the prerequisite change arrives. This ordering and buffering process happens automatically, which means that you can pass changes to Automerge.applyChanges() in any order, and Automerge will take care of applying them in causal order.

Change structure and operation types

NB. This section describes the format used by the currently released version of Automerge (on the main branch). A new format is in development on the performance branch).

Every change is a JSON object with five properties:

  • actor: The actor ID on which the change originated (a UUID).
  • seq: The sequence number of the change, starting with 1 for a given actor ID and proceeding as an incrementing sequence.
  • deps: The change's dependencies, represented as an object where keys are actor IDs and values are the highest sequence number seen from that actor: {[actorId1]: seq1, [actorId2]: seq2, ...}. The implicit dependency on sequence number seq – 1 by the same actor need not be declared. Any dependency that is also a transitive dependency of another change need not be declared either.
  • message: An optional human-readable "commit message" that describes the change in a meaningful way. It is not interpreted by Automerge, only stored for introspection, debugging, and similar purposes.
  • ops: An array of operations that are grouped into this change.

Each operation acts on an object, which is identified by a UUID. There are four types of object: map (represented in the document as a JavaScript object), list (represented as a JavaScript array), text (represented as an instance of Automerge.Text), and table (represented as an instance of Automerge.Table). When processing operations, we mostly consider just map and list as object types, because table behaves almost like map, and text behaves almost like list. The root of an Automerge document has a special UUID that consists only of zeroes, and its type is always map.

Note that Automerge.Counter and Date objects are not types of object for Automerge purposes, but rather datatypes of values (see documentation of the set operation).

Each operation in the ops array of a change is a JSON object. Automerge currently uses the following types of operation:

  • { action: 'makeMap', obj: objectId }

    The user created a new empty map object, and that object will henceforth be identified by the UUID obj. The contents of the map, and its position within the document, are defined by subsequent operations. For the root object, which has a fixed UUID consisting of all zeros, a makeMap operation is not required.

  • { action: 'makeList', obj: objectId }

    The user created a new empty list object, and that list will henceforth be identified by the UUID obj.

  • { action: 'makeText', obj: objectId }

    The user created a new empty text sequence, and that sequence will henceforth be identified by the UUI obj. (A text sequence provides better performance for text editing compared with using a regular JavaScript array.)

  • { action: 'makeTable', obj: objectId }

    The user created a new empty table, and that table will henceforth be identified by the UUID obj. The table does not enforce a schema; the columns that exist in the table depend on the contents of each row. Rows are added in subsequent operations.

  • { action: 'ins', obj: listId, key: elemId, elem: uint }

    The user inserted a new item into a list or text object. obj is the UUID of the object being modified. key is the ID of an existing element after which the new element should be inserted, or the string '_head' if the new element should be inserted at the beginning of the list. elem is an integer that is strictly greater than the elem value of any other element in this list at the time of insertion.

    The ID of the newly inserted list element is constructed by concatenating the actor ID on which the operation originated, a colon character ':', and the elem value (as a decimal string). This ID is unique per list: although different actors may generate insertions with the same elem value, the same actor never reuses elems. This element ID is then used by subsequent set and link operations to assign a value to the list element, by del operations to delete the list element, and by ins operations to insert new list elements after this one.

    Note that the operation does not use list indexes, which are not safe under concurrent use, but instead uses unique identifiers for list elements. Note also that this operation does not specify what value should be inserted into the list; it only creates a placeholder at a particular position. A subsequent set or link operation is used to assign the actual value.

    The elem value looks a bit similar to a sequence number in the vector clock, but it is different due to the requirement that it must be greater than any other elem in that list (regardless of originating actor). This fact is required to ensure the list elements are ordered correctly. Technically, this construction is known as a Lamport timestamp.

  • { action: 'set', obj: objectId, key: key, value: value, datatype: datatype }

    The user assigned a value to a key in a map, added a row to a table, or assigned a value to an index in a list. obj is the UUID of the object being modified. If the object is a map, key is the name of the field being assigned. If the object is a list or text, key is the unique ID of the list element to be updated, as created by a prior ins operation. value is always a primitive value (string, number, boolean, or null); use a link operation for assigning objects.

    The datatype property is usually absent, in which case the property value is just the primitive value as given. If the value of the datatype property is 'counter', the value must be an integer, and it is turned into an Automerge.Counter object in the document. If the datatype property is 'timestamp', the value is interpreted as the number of milliseconds since the 1970 Unix epoch, and turned into a JavaScript Date object in the document.

  • { action: 'link', obj: objectId, key: key, value: objectId }

    The user took a previously created object (created with makeMap, makeList, makeText, or makeTable), and made it a nested object within another object. Put another way, this operation creates a reference or pointer from one object to another. Multiple references to the same element are not allowed. Moreover, reference cycles are not allowed; the code currently doesn't check for them, so if you create a cycle, you'll get infinite loops.

    obj is the UUID of the object being modified (i.e. the parent object in the nesting). If the object is a map, key is the name of the property in the parent object being updated. If the object is a table, key is the primary key of the row (= the object ID of the row). If the object is a list or text, key is the ID of the list element, as created by a prior ins operation. value is the UUID of the object being referenced (i.e. the child object).

  • { action: 'del', obj: objectId, key: key }

    The user deleted a key from a map, a row from a table, or an element from a list or text object. obj is the UUID of the object being modified. key is the key being removed from the map, the primary key of the row being removed from the table, or the ID of the list/text element being removed, as appropriate.

  • { action: 'inc', obj: objectId, key: key, value: number }

    The user incremented or decremented the value of an Automerge.Counter. obj is the UUID of the parent object being modified, and key is the name of the property or the list element ID where the counter is located within that object. value is the amount by which the counter is incremented, with a negative value representing a decrement.

For example, the following code:

Automerge.change(Automerge.init(), 'Create document', doc => = [ { title: 'hello world' } ])

generates the following JSON object describing the change:

{ actor: 'be3a9238-66c1-4215-9694-8688f1162cea',        // actorId where this change originated
  seq: 1,                                               // sequence number 1
  deps: {},                                             // no dependencies on other changes
  message: 'Create document',                           // human-readable description
   [ { action: 'makeList',                              // Make a list object to hold the cards
       obj: '3a64c13f-c270-4af4-a733-abaadc5e7c46' },   // New UUID for the list
     { action: 'ins',                                   // Insert a new element into the list we created
       obj: '3a64c13f-c270-4af4-a733-abaadc5e7c46',     // UUID of the list object
       key: '_head',                                    // Insert at the beginning of the list
       elem: 1 },
     { action: 'makeMap',                               // Make a map object to reprsent a card
       obj: '4f1cd0ee-3855-4b56-9b8d-85f88cd614e3' },   // New UUID for the card
     { action: 'set',                                   // Set the title of the card
       obj: '4f1cd0ee-3855-4b56-9b8d-85f88cd614e3',     // UUID of the card object
       key: 'title',
       value: 'hello world' },
     { action: 'link',                                  // Make the card the first element of the list
       obj: '3a64c13f-c270-4af4-a733-abaadc5e7c46',     // UUID of the list object
       key: 'be3a9238-66c1-4215-9694-8688f1162cea:1',   // Assign to the list element with elem:1
       value: '4f1cd0ee-3855-4b56-9b8d-85f88cd614e3' }, // UUID of the card object
     { action: 'link',                                  // Place the list of cards in the root object
       obj: '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000',     // UUID of the root object (hard-coded)
       key: 'cards',
       value: '3a64c13f-c270-4af4-a733-abaadc5e7c46' } ] }

Frontend-backend protocol

Internally, most of Automerge is split into two major parts: a frontend and a backend. The source code is organised into two directories with these names. The idea behind this split is that the two parts can run on two separate threads: the frontend runs as part of the user application on the render thread, while the backend can run in a background thread, e.g. as a web worker. This allows the backend to perform computationally expensive tasks without affecting the responsiveness of the user interface.

If you use the Automerge.{init,load,change,...} APIs, you don't see the frontend/backend distinction, and both just run on the same thread (the frontend communicates with the backend by just calling its functions directly). If you want to run them on separate threads, you need to use the Automerge.Frontend.* and Automerge.Backend.* APIs instead, and you will have to wire up the inter-thread communication yourself.

The communication between frontend and backend is by asynchronous message-passing, and the messages consist only of regular JavaScript objects and arrays (no instances of any other classes), so they can be serialized to JSON if necessary. This design also opens up the possibility of frontend and backend being implemented in different languages. The only requirement is that messages between frontend and backend must be received in the order they were sent — reordering is not allowed.

Changes that are made by the local user are first made to the frontend, and then sent to the backend; the backend processes the change, and then sends a confirmation back to the frontend. When changes arrive over the network from remote users, they are first processed by the backend, and then sent to the frontend to update its state.

Messages from the frontend to the backend are called change requests (as they always represent a change made by the local user, via Automerge.change). Messages from the backend to the frontend are called patches (because they describe a modification that needs to be made to the frontend state).

NB. This section describes the frontend/backend communication protocol used by the currently released version of Automerge (on the main branch). An updated protocol has been implemented on the performance branch).

Change requests

Change requests (sent from frontend to backend) are generated by Frontend.from(), Frontend.change(), or Frontend.emptyChange(). Change requests look very similar to changes: they have properties actor, seq, deps, message, and ops as documented above. The difference is that there is one additional property requestType, whose value must be either 'change' ('undo' and 'redo' are no longer supported as of 1.x). In the case of 'change', the other properties describe the change by the local user that should be applied to the backend state.

A change request from the frontend is applied to the backend using Backend.applyLocalChange(), and the backend responds with a patch describing the change.

Patch format

Three backend functions generate patches: Backend.applyLocalChange() takes a change request from the frontend, applies it, and returns a patch confirming the change; Backend.applyChanges() applies a set of existing changes (which may be loaded from disk or received over the network) and returns a patch describing the modifications made by those changes; and Backend.getPatch() returns a patch that creates a new document from scratch, reflecting the current backend state.

On the frontend, Frontend.applyPatch() applies a patch to an Automerge document, returning an updated document.

A patch is a JSON object with the following properties:

  • actor and seq: If the patch is a response to a change request, these properties are set to match the actor and seq in the change request. Not set on patches generated by applyChanges() or getPatch().
  • clock and deps: Objects in which the keys are actor IDs, and the values are the highest sequence number that the backend has processed from that actor. The difference between clock and deps is that clock contains all actor IDs ever seen by the backend, while deps contains only direct dependencies that cannot be reached transitively via one of the other dependencies. The frontend should include deps in the next change request it sends to the backend.
  • diffs: An array of diffs, where each diff describes a modification to the document. A diff is similar in purpose to an operation, but they differ in the details, as shown below. (Terminology: a diff is contained in a patch, while an operation is contained in a change.) Diffs must be applied to the document in the order in which they appear in this array.

A diff is a JSON object with the following properties:

  • obj: The UUID of the object being updated.

  • type: The type of object being updated, which must be one of 'map', 'table', 'list', or 'text'.

  • path: The path from the root of the document to the object being updated, given as an array. The empty array refers to the root object. Otherwise, read the array from left to right to traverse from the root object to obj. When the object is a map, the path element is the name of the property to navigate to. When the object is a table, the path element is the primary key of the row. When the object is a list or text, the path element is the integer index of the list element. The entire path may be null if the object is not reachable from the document root.

  • action: If the object is a map or table, the action is either 'create', 'set', or 'remove'. If the object is a list or text, the action is one of 'create', 'insert', 'set', 'remove', or 'maxElem'. The action types are explained below.

  • key: Used when the object is a map or table, and when the action is set or remove. Indicates the name of the property (in the case of a map) or the primary key of the row (in the case of a table) that should be updated or removed.

  • index: Used when the object is a list or text, and when the action is one of insert, set, or remove. Indicates the integer list index where a new element should be inserted, or where the value should be updated, or that should be removed, respectively.

  • elemId: Used when the object is a list or text, and when the action is insert. This property contains the element ID of the newly inserted element, as a string of the form 'actorId:integer'.

  • value or link: Used when the action is set or insert. Which property is used depends on whether the value assigned or inserted in this action is a primitive value (number, string, boolean, or null, in which case the value property is used), or another object (in which case the link property contains the object ID of the object assigned in this action).

    The value property is also used when the action is maxElem. In this case, the value property contains the highest elem integer that has appeared in any ins operation (see documentation of the ins operation). This action ensures that the same element ID is not reused in certain edge cases.

  • datatype: Used when the action is set or insert, and the value property is set. The value of the datatype property is either 'timestamp', 'counter', or the property is absent. The meaning is as documented for the set operation.

  • conflicts: Used when the action is set or insert. If present, the value is an array of objects, where each object represents a conflicting value that was concurrently assigned to this property or list index. Each object in the conflicts array has a property actor containing the ID of the actor that assigned this value. In addition, the object has either a link property (containing the object ID of the nested object that was assigned), or value and datatype properties (containing the primitive value, and optionally the datatype interpretation, that was assigned).

Applying operations to the backend

The local state in the backend is comprised of a few different pieces:

  • queue: A list of pending changes that have not yet been applied because some of their dependencies are missing.
  • history: A list of all applied changes.

The two pieces of state above represent the single source-of-truth for every change that the system has observed. When saving and loading an Automerge CRDT, only the history is used. The pieces described below contain cached information that would otherwise have to be computed by iterating over the entire history.

  • states: A map keyed by actor IDs. The values are lists of the form [{change: change1, allDeps: allDeps1}, {change: ..., allDeps: ...}, ...], where the n-th object in the list contains the change with sequence number n+1 by that actor, and allDeps is the full vector clock of dependencies (and transitive dependencies) of that change.
  • byObject: A map keyed by object ID, where each value is a map containing the following keys:
    • _init: The operation that created this object (an object whose action property is one of makeMap, makeList, makeTable, or makeText).
    • _keys: A map where the keys are property names (in the case of a map object), row primary keys (in the case of a table object), or element IDs (in the case of a list or text object). The value for each key is a list of operations that assign a value to this key. In the common case, there is either no operation (indicating the absence of a value, e.g. a tombstone in a list), or one operation (containing the current value of this property). Multiple operations appear in this list if there were conflicting, concurrent assignments to the same element.
    • _inbound: The set of link operations whose value is this object ID; in other words, the set of operations that establish a link between this object and its parents. Normally an object may appear only once in the tree, in which case it has exactly one parent, and this set contains exactly one operation. The set is empty if the object is the root object, or if it is removed from the tree.
    • _insertion: Used in list and text objects only. A map whose keys are the list element IDs, and the value for each key is the ins operation that inserted the element with that ID.
    • _following: Used in list and text objects only. A map whose keys are list element IDs, or the string '_head', and the value for each key is a list of ins operations that reference that key in their key property. There may be multiple such operations if there have been multiple insertions at the same place in the list.
    • _elemIds: Used in list and text objects only. An instance of the SkipList class, containing the sequence of element IDs of visible elements in the list (i.e. element IDs that have at least one associated value). This skip list is used to efficiently translate between element IDs and list indexes.
  • clock: A map where keys are actor IDs, and the value is the highest change sequence number that we have applied from that actor. This represents the current vector clock of the local state, containing all actor IDs ever seen.
  • deps: A map of the same form as clock, but excluding transitive dependencies — that is, containing only actorID/seqNo pairs that cannot be reached through the indirect dependencies of another of the dependencies.