Tell our clients that we are managing our projects professionally.
Free PMO (Project Management Office), management project software for freelancer and agency, built with Laravel 5 Framework.
- About Free PMO
- Goals
- Getting Started
- Maintainers and Contributors
- Ingredients
- License
- Contributing
- Screenshots
Free PMO is a project management and project monitoring software. This software is suitable for Freelancer or Agencies, or any company that has project based services for thier customers.
Free PMO consists of two words, Free and PMO.
- Free can be stands for Freelancer, or Free Software, and off course Free (of charge).
- PMO stands for Project Management Office, like office of project management activities.
Main features on Free PMO are project management and project payment trasanctions. Other features are explaied on this concept file.
Free PMO was built for easy and professional project management.
This application can be installed on local server and online server with these specifications :
- PHP >= 7.3.0 (and meet Laravel 8.x server requirements),
- MySQL or MariaDB database,
- SQlite (for automated testing).
- Clone the repo :
git clone
$ cd free-pmo
$ composer install
$ cp .env.example .env
$ php artisan key:generate
- Create new MySQL database for this application
- Set database credentials on
file $ php artisan migrate
$ php artisan storage:link
$ php artisan serve
- Visit
via web browser - Fill out the forms
- Done, you are logged in as Administrator.
This project maintained by Nafies Luthfi and developed by contributors.
Free PMO built with TDD metode with these ingredients support :
- Framework Laravel (version 5.2 to 8.x).
- luthfi/formfield, Bootstrap 3 Form Wrapper for laravelcollective/html.
- riskihajar/terbilang, create indonesian in-word number (for payment receipt) and roman numeral.
- PHPUnit, PHP testing framework.
- laravel/browser-kit-testing, browserkit testing package for Laravel ^5.4.
- luthfi/simple-crud-generator, CRUD generator artisan command for faster TDD Workflow.
- johnkary/phpunit-speedtrap, checks for slow testing (because of ineffective query or proccess).
- Start Bootstrap - SB Admin 2, Admin template.
- Bootstrap v3.3.6
- Font Awesome 4.6.3
- select2
- rangeslider.js
- FullCalendar
- morris.js, yearly and monthly earning report graph.
Free PMO Project is a free and open-source under MIT license.
If you want to contribute to this project, by creating Issue, new feature proposal, Pull Request, or donation, please see this contributing guidelines.
$ php artisan test --parallel