- Kubernetes: v1.25.3
- kustomize: v4.2.0 (released on 2021-07-02)
- Helm: v3.11.2
- Traefik: v2.9.0
- ArgoCD: v2.8.4
- Prometheus-Operator: v0.43.1
- Prometheus: latest
- Grafana: latest
- Strimzi: 0.24.0
- Kind: v0.17.0
- Ingress Nginx Controller: controller-v1.7.0
- Conftest: v0.25.0
- Istio: 1.19.0
- PostgresOperator: v1.7.1 (released on 2021-11-04)
- Cert Manager: v1.7.1 (released on 2022-02-05)
Contents are organized based on Cloud Native Trail Map:
- https://github.com/cncf/trailmap
- https://www.cncf.io/blog/2018/03/08/introducing-the-cloud-native-landscape-2-0-interactive-edition/
- ArgoCD
- Conftest
- Kyverno: https://kyverno.io/
- Polaris: https://www.fairwinds.com/polaris
- Kubernetes
Useful Commands
kubectl apply -f https://k8s.io/examples/admin/dns/dnsutils.yaml kubectl exec -i -t dnsutils -- nslookup kubernetes.default
- Debug with ephemeral containers (alpha in 1.22, beta in 1.23)
kubectl run ephemeral-demo --image=k8s.gcr.io/pause:3.1 --restart=Never kubectl debug -it ephemeral-demo --image=busybox --target=ephemeral-demo
- Create pod with busyboxy-curl
kubectl run -it --rm=true busybox --image=yauritux/busybox-curl --restart=Never
Kubernetes Cluster
- local cluster: kind, minikube, Docker Desktop
- kubeadm-local: Set up Kubernetes Cluster with kubeadm (local)
- Kubernetes The Hard Way: Set up Kubernetes Cluster on GCP (kubernetes-the-hard-way)
Kubernetes Components
Kubernetes Extensions
Deloyment Managemet
- Knative
- Skaffold: https://skaffold.dev/ (ToDo)
Middleware (Operator)
Machine Learning
- Helm
- Prometheus
- Jaeger: https://www.jaegertracing.io/
- Opentelemetry (ToDo)
- fluentd (ToDo)
- [Thanos (todo)] https://thanos.io/
- Grafana
- Grafana Operator
- Grafana Loki
- Grafana Tempo
- Open Policy Agent
- CNI (ToDo)
- falco (ToDo)
- Kubernetes Gateway API
- Envoy Gateway
- Istio
- Kong
- NGINX Kubernetes Gateway
- traefik
- Ingress
- etcd
- Vitess: https://github.com/vitessio/vitess (ToDo)
- Rook: https://rook.io/ (ToDo)
- TiDB: https://github.com/pingcap/tidb (ToDo)
- TimescaleDB: https://github.com/timescale/timescaledb-kubernetes (ToDo)
- Others: Databases
- gRPC: https://grpc.io/ (ToDo)
- NATS: https://nats.io/ (ToDo)
- cloudevents: https://cloudevents.io/ (ToDo)
- containerd: https://containerd.io/ (ToDo)
- harbor: https://goharbor.io/ (ToDo)
- cri-o: https://cri-o.io/ (ToDo)
- The Update Framework: https://theupdateframework.io/ (ToDo)
- Notary: https://notaryproject.dev/ (ToDo)