- Introduces ZoomSurfaceView, a zoomable and pannable Surface container. Please read docs for usage (#94).
- Fix: fix a context leak in ZoomLayout thanks to @dmazzoni (#92).
- Fix: fix a bug in vertical Alignment thanks to leak in ZoomLayout thanks to @asclepix (#90).
- Enhancement: cancel active fling animations thanks to @markusressel (#85).
- Fix: fix Kotlin nullability crashes thanks to @Sly112 (#83).
- Fix: sources not present in published repo (#81).
- New: Project source code was fully translated to Kotlin thanks to @markusressel (#38).
- New: New APIs to disable fling and flings started when overscrolling:
, thanks to @markusressel (#70). - New: Ability to pan while zooming, thanks to @markusressel (#68).
- Enhancement: Prevent entering the scrolling/flinging state if pan is disabled, thanks to @nil2l (#79).
- New: New
APIs control the alignment of the content with respect to the container. Please read the documentation about them. Thanks to @LRP-sgravel (#71 and #76)