complex argument and return value mapping
Message timestamps
json validation on sub and pub
Pagination for divergent/split messages
acknowledgments and requeues
fatal error queue after retries and delays (TTL and deadletter)
transactions and correlation id
sub systems (not on the main bus)
improved exception handling
- elegant handling of ergo (vs component) application errors
robust rabbit connection management
kafka log stream source of truth
request response pattern
http gateway
- lint
- version increase verification
- security scan
Make master branch readonly
Add instructions to README
introduce .ergo configuration
- segment by function reference (main.py:get_mileage)
separate invoker/invocable into input/output combination (think http gateway)
introduce unit tests pattern for components
introduce unit tests for ergo codebase itself
define input and output datastructure (instead of list)
make sure variable definitions are typed
BUG: use of absolute folder for reference doesn't work
restructure project to avoid repetition of ergo.
add a test to verify ergo run product 4.3 3.2 is working
improved automation around versioning
combine ergo dependencies into single ergo package
[!] dynamic routing in cli and shell invocation
Transaction management
- signaling end of stream
- stream ordering
Topic wildcarding, sorting, parameterized carryover
Structured logging around low level execution and messages
Augment topics with lowlevel metadata (to:serviceX, from:serviceY, ip_address, etc.)
Support providing a readable name in configuration for rabbit queue
Dynamic routing
signature binding
sample component for ergo lib
verification of http interface
switch to .ergo for ergo graph
other executors: stdio, call stack, http (revisited)
node.js support
instrumentation/monitoring/datadog/new relic
metadata/data protocol
unit tests (ergo)
component unit testing framework
data protocol version management
one-click deployment
convergence pattern
error retries/handling
stack trace
http gateway
event streams
deployment scheme into ergo library
payload validation (input and output)
payload serialization (adapters)
config callbacks as values
payload, topic, class clean up
elimination of pure helper functions
asyncio clean up (done the way it was done in node.js at sstk - [ ] single entry point async)
topic parameterization
topic parameterizationpass-through
topic parameterizationexpansion
topic parameterizationcompression
topic parameterizationinbound boolean (and/or) (array of topics inbound)
topic outbound multiple
specific consumers in clusters (web-socket example)
return value mapping/binding
message timestamps (and other metadata)
acknowledgments and requeues and long running operations
reintroduction of git hooks
linting, typing mechanics
overcome strong typing oversights (tech debt) - re-type everything