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File metadata and controls

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Datamon sidecar guide


The objective is to expose persistent data at rest to a consuming application running in a kubernetes pod, leveraging datamon's features:

  • data versioned and tags as whole consistent data sets
  • high throughput, with parallel I/Os
  • deduplicated storage, to further improve I/O performance

Consumed inputs are downloaded, then mounted as read-only volumes. After the application has produced its outputs, the sidecar container uploads the results to GCS as datamon bundles.

This data presentation layer is part of the "batteries" feature.


The sidecar implementation is primarily intended to be used by ARGO workflows.

  • The ARGO controller starts a pod to run a data science application in the "main container".
  • Workflow settings specify some input and output volumes
  • When the application is done, the output is persisted
  • The controller stops the pod by signaling all containers

ARGO brings native support to carry out this process for S3 and GCS storage buckets. The datamon sidecar feature is about augmenting this to support datamon-backed storage (e.g. on top of GCS), including database servers.

NOTE: the sidecar utility does make any assumption about the pod's environment and may be used with any containerized environment.

Working with data sets stored as plain files

This use case is addressed by the "datamon-fuse-sidecar" container.

  • Both inputs and outputs are specified as volume mounts with their corresponding datamon location: (context, repo, bundle or label)
  • Datamon mounts input as read-only fuse file systems, exposed to all containers in the pod
  • Outputs are plain volumes (provisioned with sufficient local disk space) which are uploaded by datamon upon completion of the main application

Working with data sets stored in a Postgres RDBMS

This use case is addressed by the "datamon-pg-sidecar" container.

  • Both inputs and outputs are specified as Postgres database servers (i.e a port)
  • Database files are first downloaded by datamon, then a Postgres server is spun up in the sidecar container
  • A staging volume has to be provisioned with sufficient local disk space to hold the database
  • When the main application completes, the sidecar takes over, shuts down the database then upload the files to the target datamon location (context, repo[, label])

Sidecars features and limitations

More on the design of datamon sidecars.

Application wrapper

The application wrapper is a small Bourne shell script that wraps around your main application to do 3 things:

  1. Wait until all declared input data is available
  2. Run the application
  3. Wait until all declared output data is persisted

The wrapper terminates when the last step is completed. This coordination is achieved thanks to "signaling files" written on a volume shared by all containers on the same pod.

How to set up a wrapper?

The wrapper script is available as a docker image The image is very small and contains just this script and a minimal alpine Linux distribution to be able to copy it.

This script is typically retrieved using an initContainer, like this:

  # The initContainer retrieves the script and makes it
  # available to other application containers.
    - name: init-application-wrap
      image: ""
      imagePullPolicy: Always
      command: ["sh", "-c", "cp -a /.scripts/* /scripts"]
        - mountPath: /scripts
          name: application-wrapper

The main application container would then use the script like this:

    - name: demo-app
      image: ""
      imagePullPolicy: Always
      command: ["/scripts/"]
        - "-c"  # specifies the location for coordination messages
        - "/tmp/coord"
        - "-b"  # specifies the coordination type used (fuse|postgres), each type following a specific coordination scheme
        - "postgres"
        - "-d"  # when postgres is used, specifies the databases to be waited for (space separated list of configured "names" for db server instances)
        - "db1 db2 db3"
        - "--"
        - ""  # the application to be wrapped and its parameters (none for this mock)
        - mountPath: /scripts
          name: application-wrapper
        - mountPath: /tmp/coord
          name: container-coord

How does it work

  1. Coordination signals are received from the sidecars and waited for by the wrapper
  2. The wrapper waits for the application to terminate then signals the sidecars to start uploading
  3. Waits for sidecars to signal all uploads are complete


Argument flag Default value Description
-c N/A (required) Mount point for signaling files
-b N/A (required) Coordination type (`fuse
-d N/A Database server names - required when -b postgres is set

All flags after -- are passed to the main application.

Fuse sidecar

  • a pod may start only one fuse sidecar, this sidecar may mount several read-only volumes
  • for every read-only mounted volume


  • a single volume specification cannot specify both datamon source and destination

Postgres sidecar

  • a pod may start several Postgres sidecars, every sidecar will spin up a single Postgres database server
  • every database server may expose several logical databases on the same port
  • every sidecar exposes a postgres port, accessible to all containers on the pod. Ports must be unique.
  • when several database servers are declared, all will be downloaded before the application actually starts
  • the application is free to access the database server as super-user (user postgres) or any predefined database user
  • a postgres sidecar without a source repo will create a new database from scratch
  • a postgres sidecar without a destination repo will skip the upload stage: any changes to data will be lost. This is useful to use read-only databases.


  • at the moment, the fuse sidecar only works with streamed fuse read-only mounts. This means that the mount is available very quickly and that files are downloaded on demand, without any staging area to provision. Memory cache options in this mode are not configurable (default cache size: 50 MB per mounted volume).
  • we don't support fuse AND postgres coordination at the same time with a single wrapper (possible with nested wrappers)
  • we don't support running several databases in one single sidecar container
  • the staging area to download the database must be provisioned with sufficient disk to hold the data files
  • errors caught during the download or upload phases are not handled and result in the application waiting indefinitely
  • postgres databases are backed as plain files. This is way faster than carrying out a logical export but exposes us to compatibility issues whenever a new major postgres version is issued. At this moment, sidecars work with Postgres 12.2, meaning that a migration operation will have to be carried out when we want to upgrade the sidecar containers to Postgres 13.

Parameters and default values

Datamon parameters

Sidecars run datamon the way you would use it locally: defining a local configuration file is strongly advised. The process runs as non-root use developer. The default location of the datamon config file is /home/developer/.datamon2/datamon.yaml

Default settings point to the "workshop context" buckets. The sample pod specification below exhibits how to map a configuration for your datamon context.

Another way of doing this is to use environment variables DATAMON_GLOBAL_CONFIG (location of the main metadata bucket) and DATAMON_CONTEXT (which context is used).

Sample config resource for a pod:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: datamon-local-config
    app: datamon-coord-pg-demo
  # the buckets configuration (context) for datamon
  datamon.yaml: |
    config: workshop-config
    context: dev

fuse sidecar


Environment YAML key Default value Description
dm_fuse_params N/A N/A (require) Location of YAML config file for sidecar

NOTE: it is possible to configure the sidecar via environment variables: this is reserved or internal and debug usage

Sample configuration for fuse sidecar

Example: 1 input (read-only), 1 output (to be saved)

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: datamon-fuse-params
    app: datamon-coord-fuse-demo
  fuse-params.yaml: |
      coordPoint: /tmp/coord
      # The ones below are no more used (see datamon.yaml above) but kept because of sidecar_param requirements
      configBucketName: datamon-config-test-sdjfhga
      contextName: datamon-sidecar-test
      - name: src
        # mount point for the volume containing read-only data
        srcPath: /tmp/mount
        # datamon location specification: (repo, bundle|label)
        srcRepo: ransom-datamon-test-repo
        # identify the desired point in time with either label or bundleID (not both)
        srcLabel: testlabel
        srcBundle: ""
      - name: dest
        # mount point for the volume containing data to be saved
        destPath: /tmp/upload
        # datamon location specification on how to save data: (repo, bundle|label)
        destRepo: ransom-datamon-test-repo
        # the commit message for the saved bundle
        destMessage: result of container coordination demo
        destLabel: coordemo

Postgres sidecar


Environment YAML key Default value Description
SIDECAR_CONFIG N/A /config/pgparams.yaml Location of YAML config file for sidecar
SIDECAR_GLOBALOPTS_COORD_POINT globalOpts.coordPoint /tmp/coord The mount point used for signaling
SIDECAR_DATABASE_NAME db db server name used to dispatch signals
SIDECAR_DATABASE_DATADIR database.dataDir /pg_stage The mount point used to download the db
SIDECAR_DATABASE_PGPORT database.pgPort 5432 The postgres port exposed
SIDECAR_DATABASE_SRCREPO database.srcRepo The repo the db is downloaded from (if none, a new db is created)
SIDECAR_DATABASE_SRCBUNDLE database.srcBundle The bundle defining the point in time the db is downloaded from
SIDECAR_DATABASE_SRCLABEL database.srcLabel The label defining the point in time the db is downloaded from
SIDECAR_DATABASE_DESTREPO database.destRepo The repo the db is uploaded to (if none, the db is not saved)
SIDECAR_DATABASE_DESTLABEL database.destLabel The label put on the uploaded db (optional)
SIDECAR_DATABASE_DESTMESSAGE database.destMessage The commit message for the saved bundle (required)
SIDECAR_DATABASE_OWNER database.owner When a database is created from scratch, user to create (optional)


  • for source specification, either bundle or label may be used, but not both
  • for sidecar configuration as yaml, do not use inline comments (e.g. mykey: value #<-- yaml comment)
  • the keys globalOpts.sleepInsteadOfExit (default: "false") and globalOpts.sleepTimeout (default: 600 sec) are intended for internal use and debug only not for production usage (makes the sidecar sleep for a while after completion)

Sample configurations for Postgres sidecar

We strongly suggest that you use config map objects and declare parameters using this YAML config. Here are some examples. You may see these examples in action with our demo app. The full code of the working demo is available here: and here

Example 1: write only db, created from scratch, then saved after the application completes

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: datamon-pg-sidecar-config-1
    app: datamon-coord-pg-demo
  pgparams.yaml: |
      coordPoint: /tmp/coord
      name: db1
      pgPort: "5430"
      # sidecar will create dbuser with super-user privileges (alternative to user "postgres")
      owner: dbuser
      # no src: means we want to create this from scratch
      # dest: means we want to save after our work is done
      destRepo: example-repo
      destMessage: postgres sidecar coordination example (write only)
      destLabel: write only example

Example 2: retrieve db from an existing bundle then save changes as another bundle

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: datamon-pg-sidecar-config
    app: datamon-coord-pg-demo
  pgparams.yaml: |
      coordPoint: /tmp/coord
      name: db2
      pgPort: "5429"
      srcRepo: example-repo
      srcLabel: my-desired-point-in-time
      destRepo: example-repo
      destMessage: postgres sidecar coordination example (read-write)
      destLabel: read-write example

Example 3: retrieve db from an existing bundle to use for reading only (no changes saved)

Notice that the database is not really read-only: the application may indeed modify the db content. Changes will just not be saved after the app exits.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: datamon-pg-sidecar-config
    app: datamon-coord-pg-demo
  # - a read only instance created from existing bundle, then ditched
  pgparams.yaml: |
      coordPoint: /tmp/coord
      name: db3
      pgPort: "5428"
      srcRepo: example-repo
      srcLabel: another-desired-point-in-time
      # no dest: means the upload signal just shuts down the db, and no upload is actually carried out

Walking through a full example

The full example is based on the demo. For fuse: k8s spec. For Postgres: k8s spec.

Notice that the demo templates introduce some variability to properly run on CI.

Our demo uses a kubernetes Deployment to deploy a pod. This not a requirement, though, and you may use ARGO resources or kubernetes standard resources such as jobs or statefulSets.

Init container

We need to retrieve the wrapper script into some shared volume. This step remains the same, whether you plan to use the fuse or postgres flavor of the sidecar.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: my-deployment
  namespace: datamon-ci
      app: datamon-coord-fuse-demo
      instance: v0.0.0
  replicas: 1
        app: datamon-coord-fuse-demo
        instance: v0.0.0
      - name: init-application-wrap
        imagePullPolicy: Always
        command: ["sh", "-c", "cp -a /.scripts/* /scripts"]
        - mountPath: /scripts
          name: application-wrapper


      - name: application-wrapper
        emptyDir: {}

Config maps

Using config maps is the recommended way to setup datamon sidecars. We need:

  1. a config map to configure datamon (config bucket, context)
  2. plain files: a single config map to configure a datamon-fuse sidecar
  3. postgres: a config map for each datamon-pg sidecar

See the examples provided above for these configs.

Config maps are declared as volumes on the pod, like this.

Fuse example (one single config):

      - name: application-wrapper
        emptyDir: {}
      - name: fuse-params
          name: datamon-fuse-params
          defaultMode: 0555
      - name: datamon-config
          name: datamon-local-config
          defaultMode: 0555

Postgres example (deploys 3 different configs for this demo):

      - name: application-wrapper
        emptyDir: {}
      - name: pg-config-1
          name: datamon-pg-sidecar-config-1
          defaultMode: 0555
      - name: pg-config-2
          name: datamon-pg-sidecar-config-2
          defaultMode: 0555
      - name: pg-config-3
          defaultMode: 0555
      - name: datamon-config
          name: datamon-local-config
          defaultMode: 0555

Planning for storage requirements

NOTE: this part is not included with the demo files, which use pod local storage only.

Plain files: fuse sidecar

We need to provision the storage needed before upload

Database: Postgres sidecar

We need to provision the storage needed before download (upload is carried out from the same volume)

We do that with a PersistentVolumeClaim and a PersistentVolume. The volume will be relinquished by kubernetes when the pod exits.

Declare as many claims and volumes as you need.

Persistent volume claims

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: my-app-staging-claim
  storageClassName: ssd
  persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Delete
  finalizers: []
    - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 10Gi
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
  name: my-app-staging-volume
  type: pd-ssd
  storageClassName: ssd
  persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Delete
    storage: 10Gi
    - ReadWriteOnce

Wrapping the main application

Plain files: fuse sidecar

Let's assume your app is containerized. The upload staging volume is attached to the main application.

Running the container with the wrapper looks something like this.

      - name: demo-app
        image: ""
        imagePullPolicy: Always
        command: ["/scripts/"]
        - "-c"  # specifies the location for coordination messages
        - "/tmp/coord"
        - "-b"  # specifies the coordination type used (fuse|postgres), each type following a specific coordination scheme
        - "fuse"
        - "--"
        - ""
        - "/tmp/mount"   # volume where the files are mounted (read-only)
        - "/tmp/upload"  # staging area to upload
        - mountPath: /scripts
          name: application-wrapper
        - mountPath: /tmp/coord
          name: container-coord
        - mountPath: /tmp/upload
          name: upload-source
        - mountPath: /tmp/mount
          name: fuse-mountpoint


      - name: application-wrapper
        emptyDir: {}
      - name: container-coord
        emptyDir: {}
      - name: upload-source
          claimName: my-app-staging-claim

Database: Postgres sidecar

The app container does not need to mount the staging volume: only a pg sidecar needs it.

      - name: application-wrapper
        emptyDir: {}
      - name: container-coord
        emptyDir: {}
      - name: staging-area-1         # database volume: provision sufficient disk for this operation
          claimName: my-app-staging-claim-1
      - name: staging-area-2         # database volume: provision sufficient disk for this operation
          claimName: my-app-staging-claim-2
      - name: staging-area-3         # database volume: provision sufficient disk for this operation
          claimName: my-app-staging-claim-3

Configuring sidecars

Plain files: fuse sidecar

The sidecar needs access to both the coordination mount point (read and written by the wrapper) and the upload volume (written by the app).

      - name: datamon-sidecar
        image: ""
        imagePullPolicy: Always
        command: [""]
        args: []
          privileged: true
        - mountPath: /tmp/upload
          name: upload-source
        - mountPath: /tmp/coord
          name: container-coord
        - mountPath: /tmp/mount
          name: fuse-mountpoint
          mountPropagation: "Bidirectional"
        - mountPath: /tmp/gac
          name: google-application-credentials
        - mountPath: /config
          name: fuse-params
        - mountPath: /home/developer/.datamon2
          name: datamon-config
        - name: dm_fuse_params
          value: /config/fuse-params.yaml

      - name: fuse-mountpoint
        emptyDir: {}
      - name: application-wrapper
        emptyDir: {}
      - name: container-coord
        emptyDir: {}
      - name: upload-source
          claimName: my-app-staging-claim
      - name: fuse-params
          name: datamon-fuse-params
          defaultMode: 0555
      - name: datamon-config
          name: datamon-local-config
          defaultMode: 0555

Database: Postgres sidecar

The sidecar needs access to the staging volume.

In this example, with spin up 3 sidecars, each illustrating a different use-case.

      # A datamon-pg-sidecar container spins up a postgres database retrieved from a datamon bundle
      - name: datamon-sidecar-1
        image: ""
        imagePullPolicy: Always
        command: [""]
        args: []
          privileged: true
        - mountPath: /pg_stage
          name: staging-area-1        # volume where the database is mounted
        - mountPath: /tmp/coord
          name: container-coord       # shared volume for coordination beetwen application and sidecar
        - mountPath: /config          # sidecar parameters
          name: pg-config-1
        - mountPath: /home/developer/.datamon2
          name: datamon-config

      # Another database is spun, with a different use case
      - name: datamon-sidecar-2
        image: ""
        imagePullPolicy: Always
        command: [""]
        args: []
          privileged: true            # the container runs as non-root but needs to perform some sudo operations
        - mountPath: /pg_stage
          name: staging-area-2        # volume where the database is mounted
        - mountPath: /tmp/coord
          name: container-coord       # shared volume for coordination beetwen application and sidecar
        - mountPath: /config          # sidecar parameters
          name: pg-config-2
        - mountPath: /home/developer/.datamon2
          name: datamon-config

      # Another database is spun, with again a different use case
      - name: datamon-sidecar-3
        image: "$SIDECAR_TAG"
        imagePullPolicy: Always
        command: [""]
        args: []
          privileged: true
        - mountPath: /pg_stage
          name: staging-area-3        # volume where the database is mounted
        - mountPath: /tmp/coord
          name: container-coord       # shared volume for coordination beetwen application and sidecar
        - mountPath: /config          # sidecar parameters
          name: pg-config-3
        - mountPath: /home/developer/.datamon2
          name: datamon-config


      - name: application-wrapper
        emptyDir: {}
      - name: container-coord
        emptyDir: {}
      - name: staging-area-1         # database volume: provision sufficient disk for this operation
          claimName: my-app-staging-claim-1
      - name: staging-area-2         # database volume: provision sufficient disk for this operation
          claimName: my-app-staging-claim-2
      - name: staging-area-3         # database volume: provision sufficient disk for this operation
          claimName: my-app-staging-claim-3

Sidecar releases

Sidecar containers follow the same release cycle as datamon.

There are currently two sidecar images:

  • provides hierarchical filesystem access
  • provides PostgreSQL database access

At this moment, these images remain part of our private repository. You may look at them from here:

Sidecars are versioned along with github releases of the desktop binary.

Docker image tags follow the github releases.

See the latest release here.

You embed a datamon sidecar in your kubernetes pod specification like this:

    - name: datamon-sidecar
    - image: