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Using workspaceFolders

Qiming zhao edited this page Apr 2, 2019 · 18 revisions

Unlike VSCode,vim doesn't have workspace support. The solution is resolve workspace folder from opened files.

Resolve workspace folder

A list of file/folder names is used for resolve workspace folder, b:coc_root_patterns can be used for specify root patterns of current buffer, for example:

autocmd FileType python let b:coc_root_patterns = ['.git', '.env']

When b:coc_root_patterns not exists, "coc.preferences.rootPatterns" is used, it's default to [".vim", ".git", ".hg", ".projections.json"].

Workspace folder is resolved from up to down, the resolved folder would never be user's home directory.

Note when the file is inside current cwd, cwd is checked first.

Note since it works by resolve from files, to enable multiple workspace folders, you have to open at least one file of each folders.

List current workspace folders

Use command :CocCommand workspace.workspaceFolders to get the list of current workspace folders.

Use command :echo coc#util#root_patterns() to get patterns used for resolve workspace folder of current buffer.

Disable workspace folders support

You can add "disableWorkspaceFolders": true to the configuration section of the language server when you don't want the language server make use of workspaceFolders feature.


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