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#OLA to Converter

(c) by Michael Vogt 2013 /

##Main use case:

Grab DMX data from OLA and send it out via serial port using the TPM2Net protocol using a microcontroller like a Teensy 3.0.

This enables to use your custom made lightning project together with OLA. This application must run on the same machine as OLA is running.

TL;DR, needed Hardware:

  • Raspberry Pi
  • Teensy 3

Needed Software:

  • Java
  • OLA


Map DMX Universe 10 to offset 0, Universe 11 to offset 1 and Universe 12 to offset 2, send data to /dev/ttyACM0.

./ -u 10:0 -u 11:1 -u 12:2 -d /dev/ttyACM0 

The application grabs all Pixeldata from Universe 10,11 and 12 and sends it out using the TPM2Net protocol. My Arduino firmware will assign the pixeldata to the correct offset. One universe contains data up to 170 RGB pixels - so the Arduino firmware needs to add 170 for offset 1.

Antother example with debug output: Limit to 10 fps (frames per second) and log verbose data.

./ -u 10:0 -u 11:1 -u 12:2 -d /dev/ttyACM0 -f 10 -v


###Setup RPI

Make sure you're using a hard float distribution and you installed a JRE. Make sure your OLA instance is configured properly, read: the universe ID you want to map needs to exist or the application will not start.

Install Oracle JDK

Go to the JVM download site and download the Linux ARMv6/7 VFP, HardFP ABI JDK. Example:

pi@STREAMER ~ $ sudo bash
<enter pw>
root@STREAMER ~ $ wget --no-check-certificate
root@STREAMER ~ $ gunzip jdk-8-ea-b106-linux-arm-vfp-hflt-04_sep_2013.tar.gz 
root@STREAMER ~ $ tar -xf jdk-8-ea-b106-linux-arm-vfp-hflt-04_sep_2013.tar 
root@STREAMER ~ $ mkdir -p /opt/java
root@STREAMER ~ $ mv ./jdk1.8.0 /opt/java/
root@STREAMER:/home/pi# update-alternatives --install "/usr/bin/java" "java" "/opt/java/jdk1.8.0/bin/java" 1
root@STREAMER:/home/pi# sudo update-alternatives --set java /opt/java/jdk1.8.0/bin/java
root@STREAMER:/home/pi# exit
pi@STREAMER ~ $ java -version
java version "1.8.0-ea"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0-ea-b106)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 25.0-b48, mixed mode) 

Verify you can access the Microcontroller

Connect the Teensy 3 Board via USB port.

pi@STREAMER ~ $ ls /dev/ttyAC*
crw------- 1 root root      4,  9 Jan  1  1970 /dev/tty9
crw-rw---T 1 root dialout 204, 64 Jan  1  1970 /dev/ttyACM0

If the device /dev/ttyACM0 does not exist, make sure the cdc_acm module is loaded. Hint: Some OLA distributions blacklist this device, check if you have a module called /etc/modprobe.d/eurolite-dmx.conf and remove it.

Install ola-to-tpm2net Daemon on RPI (run on boot)

Copy the release to your homedirectory of your RPi and unpack it:

anotherhost-> scp [email protected]:/home/pi
[email protected]'s password:                                                                                                            100%  911KB 910.6KB/s   00:00    
[4 ~/Downloads]

Now switch to your RPi session and unzip the package:

pi@STREAMER ~ $ unzip 
   creating: ola-to-serial-1.0/
   creating: ola-to-serial-1.0/init.d/
  inflating: ola-to-serial-1.0/init.d/ola-to-tpm2net  
   creating: ola-to-serial-1.0/lib/
  inflating: ola-to-serial-1.0/lib/librxtxSerial.jnilib  
  inflating: ola-to-serial-1.0/lib/  
  inflating: ola-to-serial-1.0/lib/ola-java-client-0.0.1.jar  
  inflating: ola-to-serial-1.0/lib/ola-to-serial-1.0.jar  
  inflating: ola-to-serial-1.0/lib/protobuf-java-2.4.1.jar  
  inflating: ola-to-serial-1.0/lib/rxtx-2.2.jar  
  inflating: ola-to-serial-1.0/
pi@STREAMER ~ $ cd ola-to-serial-1.0/
pi@STREAMER ~/ola-to-serial-1.0 $

Copy the init script file and enable it:

pi@STREAMER ~/ola-to-serial-1.0 $ sudo /bin/cp /home/pi/ola-to-serial-1.0/init.d/ola-to-tpm2net /etc/init.d/
pi@STREAMER ~/ola-to-serial-1.0 $ sudo update-rc.d ola-to-tpm2net defaults
update-rc.d: using dependency based boot sequencing
update-rc.d: warning: default stop runlevel arguments (0 1 6) do not match ola-to-tpm2net Default-Stop values (none)

Test if the daemon can be started:

pi@STREAMER ~/ola-to-serial-1.0 $ sudo /etc/init.d/ola-to-tpm2net start
pi@STREAMER ~/ola-to-serial-1.0 $ ps aux | grep ola-to-serial
root     10756  0.0  0.2   1748   528 pts/2    S    00:04   0:00 /bin/sh /home/pi/ola-to-serial-1.0// -u 10:0 -u 11:1 -u 12:2 -d /dev/ttyACM0
pi       10774  0.0  0.3   4080   852 pts/2    S+   00:05   0:00 grep --color=auto ola-to-serial

Now reboot the RPi and verify the daemon is running after the reboot.


pi@raspberrypi ~/ola-to-serial-1.0 $ ./ Daemon v0.1 by Michael Vogt /
Read DMX universe from OLA and send the as TPM2 packet to the serial port
Usage:  Runner -u 0:0 -u 1:1 -d /dev/tty.usbmodem.1234 [-f 20]

         -u define DMX Universe to offset mapping (can be used multiple times)
         -d usb device that recieve the data using the protocol
         -f desired framerate (fps)
         -v enable verbose output
         -vv enable very verbose output
         -w enable workarround mode, only set all channels to black if the packet was send 3 times
Make sure OLAD is running on

###Setup Teensy 3

Tested on a Teensy 3, might work on other hardware too, but untested. Keep an eye on the memory usage!

You need to have the FastSPI LED2 Library installed (I used RC2). Grab the TPM2Net Arduino firmware from the arduino directory. Start the Arduino IDE and upload the firmware. The firmware supports up to 512 RGB pixels out of the box - if you need more, adjust the #define NUM_LEDS 512 definition.

###Setup OLA You do not need to configure an output device, all you need are some input plugins. I used two E1.31/sACN input devices and assigned them Universe 11 and 12.

Example, start OLA:

pi@raspberrypi ~ $ olad -l3
Olad.cpp:86: OLA Daemon version 0.8.31
OlaDaemon.cpp:103: Using configs in /home/pi/.ola
OlaServer.cpp:466: Updated PID definitions.
OlaServer.cpp:199: Server UID is 7a70:166fa8c0
PluginManager.cpp:77: Skipping ArtNet because it was disabled
PluginManager.cpp:77: Skipping Dummy because it was disabled
PluginManager.cpp:77: Skipping ESP Net because it was disabled
PluginManager.cpp:77: Skipping KarateLight because it was disabled
PluginManager.cpp:77: Skipping KiNET because it was disabled
PluginManager.cpp:77: Skipping Milford Instruments because it was disabled
PluginManager.cpp:77: Skipping Enttec Open DMX because it was disabled
PluginManager.cpp:77: Skipping SandNet because it was disabled
PluginManager.cpp:77: Skipping ShowNet because it was disabled
PluginManager.cpp:77: Skipping SPI because it was disabled
PluginManager.cpp:77: Skipping StageProfi because it was disabled
PluginManager.cpp:77: Skipping Serial USB because it was disabled
PluginManager.cpp:77: Skipping Pathport because it was disabled
PluginManager.cpp:108: Trying to start E1.31 (sACN)
DeviceManager.cpp:111: Installed device: E1.31 (DMX over ACN) []:11-1
PluginManager.cpp:112: Started E1.31 (sACN)

Patch Universe 11 and 12 to the E1.31/sACN device:

pi@raspberrypi ~ $ ola_dev_info                                                                                                                                    
Device 1: E1.31 (DMX over ACN) []
  port 0, IN, priority inherited
  port 1, IN, priority inherited
pi@raspberrypi ~ $ ola_patch -d 1 -p 0 -u 11 -i
pi@raspberrypi ~ $ ola_patch -d 1 -p 1 -u 12 -i
pi@raspberrypi ~ $ ola_dev_info 
Device 1: E1.31 (DMX over ACN) []
  port 0, IN E1.31 Universe 11, priority inherited, patched to universe 11
  port 1, IN E1.31 Universe 12, priority inherited, patched to universe 12
pi@raspberrypi ~ $ 


See OLA ticket 251.

I tested it on a RPi Model B using 20fps and 256 RGB Pixels. This application used 30-40% of the CPU.

Compile OLA-TO-TPM2NET yourself

Make sure you have maven and a JDK setup correctly. Enter

# mvn initialize

to install all nessesary libraries, then

# mvn package