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ES Module specs preventing models from bootstrapping #8775

4 of 15 tasks
nhhockeyplayer opened this issue Dec 11, 2021 · 4 comments
4 of 15 tasks

ES Module specs preventing models from bootstrapping #8775

nhhockeyplayer opened this issue Dec 11, 2021 · 4 comments
needs triage This issue has not been looked into


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Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing issues

Current behavior

I cannot load a simple pojo model due to ES Module restraints

nx serve api-typegoose

> nx run api-typegoose:serve 
chunk (runtime: main) main.js (main) 45.5 KiB (javascript) 937 bytes (runtime) [entry] [rendered]
webpack compiled successfully (19b9838b05893a4a)
Debugger listening on ws://localhost:9229/32d4de92-9271-4ed4-8ec0-f7be78c2c19e
Debugger listening on ws://localhost:9229/32d4de92-9271-4ed4-8ec0-f7be78c2c19e
For help, see:
Issues checking in progress...

file:///Users/meanstack02/new/starter/dist/apps/api-typegoose/webpack:/starter/external commonjs "@nestjs/core":1
module.exports = require("@nestjs/core");
ReferenceError: require is not defined in ES module scope, you can use import instead
This file is being treated as an ES module because it has a '.js' file extension and '/Users/meanstack02/new/starter/package.json' contains "type": "module". To treat it as a CommonJS script, rename it to use the '.cjs' file extension.
    at Object.@nestjs/core (file:///Users/meanstack02/new/starter/dist/apps/api-typegoose/webpack:/starter/external commonjs "@nestjs/core":1:1)
    at __webpack_require__ (file:///Users/meanstack02/new/starter/dist/apps/api-typegoose/webpack:/starter/webpack/bootstrap:19:1)
    at file:///Users/meanstack02/new/starter/dist/apps/api-typegoose/main.js:1702:70
    at file:///Users/meanstack02/new/starter/dist/apps/api-typegoose/main.js:1777:3
    at file:///Users/meanstack02/new/starter/dist/apps/api-typegoose/main.js:1782:12
    at (node:internal/modules/esm/module_job:185:25)
    at async Promise.all (index 0)
    at ESMLoader.import (node:internal/modules/esm/loader:281:24)
    at loadESM (node:internal/process/esm_loader:88:5)
    at handleMainPromise (node:internal/modules/run_main:65:12)
No issues found.

Minimum reproduction code

[email protected]:nhhockeyplayer/starter.git

Steps to reproduce

using latest releases as of 12/2021
just load a simple pojo called Role with name/description

the RoleModule cannot be imported its stopped by the runtime at bootstrap

Expected behavior

RoleModule should load elegantly


  • I don't know. Or some 3rd-party package
  • @nestjs/common
  • @nestjs/core
  • @nestjs/microservices
  • @nestjs/platform-express
  • @nestjs/platform-fastify
  • @nestjs/
  • @nestjs/platform-ws
  • @nestjs/testing
  • @nestjs/websockets
  • Other (see below)

Other package

No response

NestJS version

No response

Packages versions

"type": "module",
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"affected:build": "nx affected:build",
"affected:e2e": "nx affected:e2e",
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"affected:lint": "nx affected:lint",
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"affected": "nx affected",
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"help": "nx help",
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"seed:run": "ts-node typeorm migration:run -c seed",
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Node.js version

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I tried editing the tsconfig's for my api to es2020 without luck

its in a nrwl/nx monorepo

any help is appreciated

I got my angular client side (well everything is housed in a monorepo apps and servers) to build fine using

"type": "module"

in the package.json

@nhhockeyplayer nhhockeyplayer added the needs triage This issue has not been looked into label Dec 11, 2021

This comment was marked as spam.


This comment was marked as spam.

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jmcdo29 commented Dec 11, 2021

If you'd take a moment to look at our pull requests, you'd see there is a PR to support ESM builds. I've been trying to find what the benefit of ESM on the Node + Typescript side of things is, and it's seems that it's really just because ESM is the new standard (which I agree we should try to follow) and because using CJS with ESM is a pain. We'll try to get to this as soon as we can, but I will make no guarantee on how fast that will be.

I tried navigating to your repo and got a GitHub 404, so not sure what's going on there.

@jmcdo29 jmcdo29 closed this as completed Dec 11, 2021
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I'm not familiar with Webpack but the problem here is that @nestjs/core module is being interpreted as an ESM module for whatever reason.

@nestjs nestjs locked and limited conversation to collaborators Dec 13, 2021
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needs triage This issue has not been looked into
None yet

No branches or pull requests

3 participants