diff --git a/task/server.js b/task/server.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c9ce01..0000000
--- a/task/server.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env node
-var port = process.argv[2];
- if(/^win/.test(process.platform)){
- port = 80;
- }
- else{
- port = 8080;
- }
-var ws = require('web-servo');
- "server": {
- "port": port,
- "dir": "/",
- "exitOnError": false,
- "ssl": {
- "enabled": false,
- "key": "",
- "cert": ""
- }
- },
- "page": {
- "default": "index.html"
- },
- "methods": {
- "allowed": [
- "GET",
- "POST",
- "HEAD",
- "PUT",
- "PATCH",
- //"COPY",
- //"LINK",
- //"UNLINK",
- //"TRACE",
- ]
- }
-//ws.setConfigVar('server.port', port);
-console.log("Hit CTRL-C to stop the server...");
diff --git a/test/export_import.html b/test/export_import.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 7427dd1..0000000
--- a/test/export_import.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
- Test: Export / Import
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/index.html b/test/index.html
deleted file mode 100644
index d57340a..0000000
--- a/test/index.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
- Tests
diff --git a/test/merge-coverage.js b/test/merge-coverage.js
deleted file mode 100644
index fe875de..0000000
--- a/test/merge-coverage.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-const libCoverage = require('istanbul-lib-coverage');
-const { createReporter } = require('istanbul-api');
-const coverage_1 = require('./.nyc_output/coverage.json');
-const coverage_2 = require('./.nyc_output/coverage2.json');
-const normalizeJestCoverage = (obj) => {
- const result = obj;
- Object.entries(result).forEach(([k, v]) => {
- if (v.data) result[k] = v.data;
- });
- return result;
-const map = libCoverage.createCoverageMap();
-const reporter = createReporter();
-reporter.addAll(['html', 'json', 'lcov', 'text']);
diff --git a/test/package.json b/test/package.json
deleted file mode 100644
index af71d8a..0000000
--- a/test/package.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
- "public": false,
- "preferGlobal": false,
- "scripts": {
- "test:production": "mocha --timeout=3000 test --exit",
- "test:light": "mocha --timeout=3000 test/ --exit",
- "test:develop": "mocha --timeout=3000 --exit",
- "test:browser": "nyc instrument ./dist/flexsearch.pre.js ./dist/ && nyc --reporter=html --reporter=text --cache true mocha-headless-chrome -f index.html?coverage -c .nyc_output/coverage.json && mocha-headless-chrome -f polyfill.html?coverage -c .nyc_output/coverage2.json",
- "test:polyfill": "nyc --reporter=html --reporter=text --cache true mocha-headless-chrome -f polyfill.html?coverage -c .nyc_output/coverage2.json",
- "test:es5": "mocha-phantomjs index.html",
- "test": "npm run test:es5 && npm run test:browser && node ./merge-coverage.js",
- "coverage": "nyc report --reporter=text-lcov | coveralls",
- "server": "node server.js"
- },
- "nyc": {
- "per-file": true,
- "all": true,
- "exclude-after-remap": false,
- "include": [
- "dist/flexsearch.pre.js"
- ]
- },
- "files": [
- "dist/",
- "src/",
- "task/",
- "server/",
- "README.md",
- ],
- "readme": "README.md",
- "dependencies": {},
- "devDependencies": {
- "chai": "^4.2.0",
- "codacy-coverage": "^3.4.0",
- "coveralls": "^3.0.7",
- "istanbul-api": "^2.1.6",
- "mocha": "^6.2.0",
- "mocha-headless-chrome": "^2.0.3",
- "mocha-lcov-reporter": "^1.3.0",
- "mocha-phantomjs": "^4.1.0",
- "nyc": "^14.1.1",
- "web-servo": "^0.5.1"
- }
diff --git a/test/polyfill.html b/test/polyfill.html
deleted file mode 100644
index e5475b3..0000000
--- a/test/polyfill.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
- Tests
diff --git a/test/server.js b/test/server.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c9ce01..0000000
--- a/test/server.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env node
-var port = process.argv[2];
- if(/^win/.test(process.platform)){
- port = 80;
- }
- else{
- port = 8080;
- }
-var ws = require('web-servo');
- "server": {
- "port": port,
- "dir": "/",
- "exitOnError": false,
- "ssl": {
- "enabled": false,
- "key": "",
- "cert": ""
- }
- },
- "page": {
- "default": "index.html"
- },
- "methods": {
- "allowed": [
- "GET",
- "POST",
- "HEAD",
- "PUT",
- "PATCH",
- //"COPY",
- //"LINK",
- //"UNLINK",
- //"TRACE",
- ]
- }
-//ws.setConfigVar('server.port', port);
-console.log("Hit CTRL-C to stop the server...");
diff --git a/test/test.es6.js b/test/test.es6.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b5146cc..0000000
--- a/test/test.es6.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-if(typeof module !== "undefined"){
- var env = "pre";
- var expect = require("chai").expect;
- var FlexSearch = require("../" + (env ? "dist/": "") + "flexsearch" + (env ? "." + env : "") + ".js");
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Multi-Field Documents
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-describe("Index Multi-Field Documents (ES6)", function(){
- var data = [{
- id: 2,
- data:{
- title: "Title 3",
- body: "Body 3"
- }
- },{
- id: 1,
- data:{
- title: "Title 2",
- body: "Body 2"
- }
- },{
- id: 0,
- data:{
- title: "Title 1",
- body: "Body 1"
- }
- }];
- var update = [{
- id: 0,
- data:{
- title: "Foo 1",
- body: "Bar 1"
- }
- },{
- id: 1,
- data:{
- title: "Foo 2",
- body: "Bar 2"
- }
- },{
- id: 2,
- data:{
- title: "Foo 3",
- body: "Bar 3"
- }
- }];
- it("Should have been indexed properly (Async)", async function(){
- var index = new FlexSearch({
- async: true,
- doc: {
- id: "id",
- field: [
- "data:title",
- "data:body"
- ]
- }
- });
- await index.add(data);
- if(env === ""){
- expect(index.doc.index["data:title"].length).to.equal(3);
- expect(index.doc.index["data:body"].length).to.equal(3);
- }
- expect(await index.search({field: "data:body", query: "body"})).to.have.members(data);
- expect(await index.search({field: "data:title", query: "title"})).to.have.members(data);
- expect(await index.search({field: "data:body", query: "title"})).to.have.lengthOf(0);
- expect(await index.search({field: "data:title", query: "body"})).to.have.lengthOf(0);
- expect(await index.search({field: ["data:title", "data:body"], query: "body", bool: "or"})).to.have.members(data);
- expect(await index.search({field: ["data:body", "data:title"], query: "title", bool: "or"})).to.have.members(data);
- expect(await index.search({field: ["data:body"], query: "body"})).to.have.members(data);
- expect(await index.search({field: "data:title", query: "title"})).to.have.members(data);
- expect(await index.search({query: "body", bool: "or"})).to.have.members(data);
- expect(await index.search("title", {bool: "or"})).to.have.members(data);
- expect(await index.search({field: ["data:body"], query: "body"})).to.have.members(data);
- expect(await index.search({field: "data:title", query: "title"})).to.have.members(data);
- await index.update(update);
- expect(await index.search("foo", {bool: "or"})).not.to.have.members(data);
- expect(await index.search("bar", {bool: "or"})).not.to.have.members(data);
- expect(await index.search("foo", {bool: "or"})).to.have.members(update);
- expect(await index.search("bar", {bool: "or"})).to.have.members(update);
- expect(await index.search("foo", {field: "data:title"})).not.to.have.members(data);
- expect(await index.search("bar", {field: "data:body"})).not.to.have.members(data);
- expect(await index.search("foo", {field: "data:title"})).to.have.members(update);
- expect(await index.search("bar", {field: "data:body"})).to.have.members(update);
- await index.remove(update);
- if(env === ""){
- expect(await index.doc.index["data:title"].length).to.equal(0);
- expect(await index.doc.index["data:body"].length).to.equal(0);
- }
- });
- it("Should have been indexed properly (Worker)", async function(){
- var index = new FlexSearch({
- worker: 4,
- async: true,
- doc: {
- id: "id",
- field: [
- "data:title",
- "data:body"
- ]
- }
- });
- await index.add(data);
- if(env === ""){
- expect(index.doc.index["data:title"].length).to.equal(3);
- expect(index.doc.index["data:body"].length).to.equal(3);
- }
- expect(await index.search({field: "data:body", query: "body"})).to.have.members(data);
- expect(await index.search({field: "data:title", query: "title"})).to.have.members(data);
- expect(await index.search({field: "data:body", query: "title"})).to.have.lengthOf(0);
- expect(await index.search({field: "data:title", query: "body"})).to.have.lengthOf(0);
- expect(await index.search({field: ["data:title", "data:body"], query: "body", bool: "or"})).to.have.members(data);
- expect(await index.search({field: ["data:body", "data:title"], query: "title", bool: "or"})).to.have.members(data);
- expect(await index.search({field: ["data:body"], query: "body"})).to.have.members(data);
- expect(await index.search({field: "data:title", query: "title"})).to.have.members(data);
- expect(await index.search({query: "body", bool: "or"})).to.have.members(data);
- expect(await index.search("title", {bool: "or"})).to.have.members(data);
- expect(await index.search({query: "body", field: "data:body"})).to.have.members(data);
- expect(await index.search("title", {field: "data:title"})).to.have.members(data);
- await index.update(update);
- expect(await index.search("foo", {bool: "or"})).not.to.have.members(data);
- expect(await index.search("bar", {bool: "or"})).not.to.have.members(data);
- expect(await index.search("foo", {bool: "or"})).to.have.members(update);
- expect(await index.search("bar", {bool: "or"})).to.have.members(update);
- expect(await index.search("foo", {field: "data:title"})).not.to.have.members(data);
- expect(await index.search("bar", {field: "data:body"})).not.to.have.members(data);
- expect(await index.search("foo", {field: "data:title"})).to.have.members(update);
- expect(await index.search("bar", {field: "data:body"})).to.have.members(update);
- await index.remove(update);
- if(env === ""){
- expect(await index.doc.index["data:title"].length).to.equal(0);
- expect(await index.doc.index["data:body"].length).to.equal(0);
- }
- });
diff --git a/test/test.js b/test/test.js
deleted file mode 100644
index fd517b2..0000000
--- a/test/test.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2968 +0,0 @@
-if(typeof module !== "undefined"){
- var env = (process.argv[3] === "test" ? "min" : process.argv[3] === "test/" ? "light" : process.argv[3] === "test/test.js" ? "pre" : "");
- var expect = require("chai").expect;
- var FlexSearch = require("../" + (env ? "dist/": "") + "flexsearch" + (env ? "." + env : "") + ".js");
- //require("../lang/en.min.js");
-var flexsearch_default;
-var flexsearch_sync;
-var flexsearch_async;
-var flexsearch_worker;
-var flexsearch_cache;
-var flexsearch_icase;
-var flexsearch_simple;
-var flexsearch_advanced;
-var flexsearch_extra;
-var flexsearch_custom;
-var flexsearch_strict;
-var flexsearch_forward;
-var flexsearch_reverse;
-var flexsearch_full;
-var flexsearch_ngram;
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Acceptance Tests
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-describe("Initialize", function(){
- it("Should have been initialized successfully", function(){
- flexsearch_default = new FlexSearch();
- flexsearch_sync = new FlexSearch({
- tokenize: "forward",
- //encode: false,
- async: false,
- worker: false
- });
- flexsearch_async = FlexSearch({
- tokenize: "forward",
- //encode: false,
- async: true,
- worker: false
- });
- flexsearch_icase = new FlexSearch({
- charset: "latin:default",
- async: false,
- worker: false
- });
- flexsearch_simple = FlexSearch({
- charset: "latin:simple",
- async: false,
- worker: false
- });
- flexsearch_advanced = new FlexSearch({
- charset: "latin:advanced",
- async: false,
- worker: false
- });
- flexsearch_extra = FlexSearch({
- charset: "latin:extra",
- async: false,
- worker: false
- });
- flexsearch_custom = new FlexSearch({
- encode: test_encoder,
- async: false,
- worker: false
- });
- flexsearch_strict = new FlexSearch({
- charset: "latin",
- tokenize: "strict",
- async: false,
- worker: false
- });
- flexsearch_forward = new FlexSearch({
- charset: "latin",
- tokenize: "forward",
- async: false,
- worker: false
- });
- flexsearch_reverse = new FlexSearch({
- charset: "latin",
- tokenize: "reverse",
- resolution: 10,
- async: false,
- worker: false
- });
- flexsearch_full = new FlexSearch({
- charset: "latin",
- tokenize: "full",
- async: false,
- worker: false
- });
- flexsearch_ngram = new FlexSearch({
- charset: "latin:advanced",
- tokenize: "ngram",
- async: false,
- worker: false
- });
- flexsearch_cache = new FlexSearch({
- charset: "latin",
- tokenize: "reverse",
- cache: 2
- });
- it("Should have correct constructors", function(){
- expect(flexsearch_default).to.be.an.instanceOf(FlexSearch);
- expect(flexsearch_sync).to.be.an.instanceOf(FlexSearch);
- expect(flexsearch_async).to.be.an.instanceOf(FlexSearch);
- });
- it("Should have correct uuids", function(){
- expect(flexsearch_default.id).to.equal(0);
- expect(flexsearch_sync.id).to.equal(1);
- expect(flexsearch_async.id).to.equal(2);
- expect(flexsearch_icase.id).to.equal(3);
- expect(flexsearch_simple.id).to.equal(4);
- expect(flexsearch_advanced.id).to.equal(5);
- expect(flexsearch_extra.id).to.equal(6);
- });
- });
- it("Should have all provided methods", function(){
- expect(flexsearch_default).to.respondTo("search");
- expect(flexsearch_default).to.respondTo("add");
- expect(flexsearch_default).to.respondTo("update");
- expect(flexsearch_default).to.respondTo("remove");
- expect(flexsearch_default).to.respondTo("clear");
- expect(flexsearch_default).to.respondTo("init");
- expect(flexsearch_default).to.respondTo("destroy");
- expect(flexsearch_default).to.hasOwnProperty("length");
- expect(flexsearch_default).to.hasOwnProperty("index");
- if(env !== "light"){
- expect(flexsearch_default).to.respondTo("where");
- expect(flexsearch_default).to.respondTo("find");
- }
- if(env !== "light" && env !== "min"){
- expect(flexsearch_default).to.respondTo("info");
- }
- });
- it("Should have the correct options", function(){
- if(env !== "light"){
- expect(flexsearch_default.async).to.not.equal(true);
- expect(flexsearch_sync.async).to.not.equal(true);
- expect(flexsearch_async.async).to.equal(true);
- }
- if((env !== "light") && (env !== "min") && (env !== "pre")){
- expect(flexsearch_default.tokenize).to.equal("forward");
- expect(flexsearch_strict.tokenize).to.equal("strict");
- expect(flexsearch_forward.tokenize).to.equal("forward");
- expect(flexsearch_reverse.tokenize).to.equal("reverse");
- expect(flexsearch_full.tokenize).to.equal("full");
- expect(flexsearch_ngram.tokenize).to.equal("ngram");
- }
- // not available in compiled version:
- if(typeof flexsearch_custom.encoder !== "undefined"){
- expect(flexsearch_custom.encoder).to.equal(test_encoder);
- }
- });
-describe("Add (Sync)", function(){
- it("Should have been added to the index", function(){
- flexsearch_sync.add(0, "foo");
- flexsearch_sync.add(2, "bar");
- flexsearch_sync.add(1, "foobar");
- expect(flexsearch_sync.index).to.have.members(["0", "1", "2"]);
- expect(flexsearch_sync.length).to.equal(3);
- });
- it("Should not have been added to the index", function(){
- flexsearch_sync.add("foo");
- flexsearch_sync.add(3);
- flexsearch_sync.add(null, "foobar");
- flexsearch_sync.add(void 0, "foobar");
- flexsearch_sync.add(3, null);
- flexsearch_sync.add(3, false);
- flexsearch_sync.add(3, []);
- flexsearch_sync.add(3, {});
- flexsearch_sync.add(3, function(){});
- expect(flexsearch_sync.length).to.equal(3);
- flexsearch_extra.add(3, "");
- flexsearch_extra.add(3, " ");
- flexsearch_extra.add(3, " ");
- flexsearch_extra.add(3, " - ");
- if(env !== "light"){
- expect(flexsearch_extra.length).to.equal(0);
- }
- else{
- expect(flexsearch_extra.length).to.equal(1);
- }
- });
-describe("Search (Sync)", function(){
- it("Should have been matched from index", function(){
- expect(flexsearch_sync.search("foo")).to.have.members([0, 1]);
- expect(flexsearch_sync.search("bar")).to.include(2);
- expect(flexsearch_sync.search("foobar")).to.include(1);
- expect(flexsearch_sync.search("foo foo")).to.have.members([0, 1]);
- expect(flexsearch_sync.search("foo foo")).to.have.members([0, 1]);
- if(env !== "light"){
- flexsearch_extra.add(4, "Thomas");
- flexsearch_extra.add(5, "Arithmetic");
- flexsearch_extra.add(6, "Mahagoni");
- expect(flexsearch_extra.search("tomass")).to.include(4);
- expect(flexsearch_extra.search("arytmetik")).to.include(5);
- expect(flexsearch_extra.search("mahagony")).to.include(6);
- }
- });
- it("Should have been limited", function(){
- expect(flexsearch_sync.search("foo", 1)).to.include(0);
- expect(flexsearch_sync.search({query: "foo", limit: 1})).to.include(0);
- expect(flexsearch_sync.search("foo", 1)).to.not.include(1);
- });
- it("Should not have been matched from index", function(){
- expect(flexsearch_sync.search("barfoo")).to.have.lengthOf(0);
- expect(flexsearch_sync.search("")).to.have.lengthOf(0);
- expect(flexsearch_sync.search(" ")).to.have.lengthOf(0);
- expect(flexsearch_sync.search(" - ")).to.have.lengthOf(0);
- expect(flexsearch_sync.search(" o ")).to.have.lengthOf(0);
- });
-describe("Update (Sync)", function(){
- it("Should have been updated to the index", function(){
- flexsearch_sync.update(0, "bar");
- flexsearch_sync.update(2, "foobar");
- flexsearch_sync.update(1, "foo");
- expect(flexsearch_sync.length).to.equal(3);
- expect(flexsearch_sync.search("foo")).to.have.members([2, 1]);
- expect(flexsearch_sync.search("bar")).to.include(0);
- expect(flexsearch_sync.search("bar")).to.not.include(2);
- expect(flexsearch_sync.search("foobar")).to.include(2);
- // bypass update:
- flexsearch_sync.add(2, "bar");
- flexsearch_sync.add(0, "foo");
- flexsearch_sync.add(1, "foobar");
- expect(flexsearch_sync.length).to.equal(3);
- expect(flexsearch_sync.search("foo")).to.have.members([0, 1]);
- expect(flexsearch_sync.search("bar")).to.include(2);
- expect(flexsearch_sync.search("foobar")).to.include(1);
- });
- it("Should not have been updated to the index", function(){
- flexsearch_sync.update("foo");
- flexsearch_sync.update(0);
- flexsearch_sync.update(null, "foobar");
- flexsearch_sync.update(void 0, "foobar");
- flexsearch_sync.update(1, null);
- flexsearch_sync.update(2, false);
- flexsearch_sync.update(0, []);
- flexsearch_sync.update(1, {});
- flexsearch_sync.update(2, function(){});
- expect(flexsearch_sync.length).to.equal(3);
- expect(flexsearch_sync.search("foo")).to.have.members([0, 1]);
- expect(flexsearch_sync.search("bar")).to.include(2);
- expect(flexsearch_sync.search("foobar")).to.include(1);
- });
-describe("Remove (Sync)", function(){
- it("Should have been removed from the index", function(){
- flexsearch_sync.remove(0);
- flexsearch_sync.remove(2);
- flexsearch_sync.remove(1);
- expect(flexsearch_sync.length).to.equal(0);
- expect(flexsearch_sync.search("foo")).to.have.lengthOf(0);
- expect(flexsearch_sync.search("bar")).to.have.lengthOf(0);
- expect(flexsearch_sync.search("foobar")).to.have.lengthOf(0);
- });
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Scoring
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-describe("Apply Sort by Scoring", function(){
- it("Should have been sorted properly by scoring", function(){
- flexsearch_sync.add(0, "foo bar foobar");
- flexsearch_sync.add(2, "bar foo foobar");
- flexsearch_sync.add(1, "foobar foo bar");
- expect(flexsearch_sync.length).to.equal(3);
- expect(flexsearch_sync.search("foo")[0]).to.equal(0);
- expect(flexsearch_sync.search("foo")[1]).to.equal(1);
- expect(flexsearch_sync.search("foo")[2]).to.equal(2);
- expect(flexsearch_sync.search("bar")[0]).to.equal(2);
- expect(flexsearch_sync.search("bar")[1]).to.equal(0); // partial scoring!
- expect(flexsearch_sync.search("bar")[2]).to.equal(1);
- expect(flexsearch_sync.search("foobar")[0]).to.equal(1);
- expect(flexsearch_sync.search("foobar")[1]).to.equal(0);
- expect(flexsearch_sync.search("foobar")[2]).to.equal(2);
- });
- it("Should have been sorted properly by threshold", function(){
- flexsearch_reverse.add(0, "foobarxxx foobarfoobarfoobarxxx foobarfoobarfoobaryyy foobarfoobarfoobarzzz");
- expect(flexsearch_reverse.search("xxx").length).to.equal(1);
- expect(flexsearch_reverse.search("yyy").length).to.equal(1);
- expect(flexsearch_reverse.search("zzz").length).to.equal(1);
- expect(flexsearch_reverse.search({query: "xxx", threshold: 2}).length).to.equal(1);
- expect(flexsearch_reverse.search({query: "xxx", threshold: 3}).length).to.equal(1);
- expect(flexsearch_reverse.search({query: "xxx", threshold: 5}).length).to.equal(1);
- expect(flexsearch_reverse.search({query: "xxx", threshold: 7}).length).to.equal(0); // <-- stop
- expect(flexsearch_reverse.search({query: "yyy", threshold: 0}).length).to.equal(1);
- expect(flexsearch_reverse.search({query: "yyy", threshold: 2}).length).to.equal(1);
- expect(flexsearch_reverse.search({query: "yyy", threshold: 5}).length).to.equal(0); // <-- stop
- expect(flexsearch_reverse.search({query: "zzz", threshold: 0}).length).to.equal(1);
- expect(flexsearch_reverse.search({query: "zzz", threshold: 1}).length).to.equal(1);
- expect(flexsearch_reverse.search({query: "zzz", threshold: 3}).length).to.equal(0); // <-- stop
- });
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Async Tests
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-if(env !== "light"){
- describe("Add (Async)", function(){
- it("Should have been added to the index", function(done){
- var index = new FlexSearch();
- expect(index.length).to.equal(0);
- index.add(0, "foo", function(){
- expect(index.length).to.equal(1);
- done();
- });
- expect(index.length).to.equal(0);
- });
- it("Should have been added to the index", function(done){
- expect(flexsearch_async.length).to.equal(0);
- flexsearch_async.add(0, "foo", function(){
- done();
- });
- expect(flexsearch_async.length).to.equal(0);
- });
- it("Should have been added to the index", function(done){
- expect(flexsearch_async.length).to.equal(1);
- flexsearch_async.add(2, "bar");
- flexsearch_async.add(1, "foobar");
- expect(flexsearch_async.length).to.equal(1);
- setTimeout(function(){
- expect(flexsearch_async.length).to.equal(3);
- expect(flexsearch_async.index).to.have.members(["0", "1", "2"]);
- done();
- }, 25);
- });
- it("Should not have been added to the index", function(done){
- flexsearch_async.add("foo");
- flexsearch_async.add(3);
- flexsearch_async.add(null, "foobar");
- flexsearch_async.add(void 0, "foobar");
- flexsearch_async.add(3, null);
- flexsearch_async.add(3, false);
- flexsearch_async.add(3, []);
- flexsearch_async.add(3, {});
- flexsearch_async.add(3, function(){});
- setTimeout(function(){
- expect(flexsearch_async.length).to.equal(3);
- expect(flexsearch_async.index).to.have.members(["0", "1", "2"]);
- done();
- }, 25);
- });
- });
- describe("Search (Async)", function(){
- it("Should have been matched from index", function(done){
- var index = new FlexSearch({doc: {id: "id", field: "title"}});
- var data = {id: 0, title: "foo"};
- index.add(data);
- index.search("foo", function(result){
- expect(result).to.have.members([data]);
- done();
- });
- });
- it("Should have been matched from index", function(done){
- flexsearch_async.search("foo", function(result){
- expect(result).to.have.members([0, 1]);
- });
- flexsearch_async.search("bar", function(result){
- expect(result).to.include(2);
- });
- flexsearch_async.search("foobar", function(result){
- expect(result).to.include(1);
- done();
- });
- });
- it("Should have been limited", function(done){
- flexsearch_async.search("foo", 1, function(result){
- expect(result).to.include(0);
- expect(result).to.not.include(1);
- done();
- });
- });
- it("Should not have been matched from index", function(done){
- flexsearch_async.search("barfoo", function(result){
- expect(result).to.have.lengthOf(0);
- });
- flexsearch_async.search("", function(result){
- expect(result).to.have.lengthOf(0);
- });
- flexsearch_async.search(" ", function(result){
- expect(result).to.have.lengthOf(0);
- });
- flexsearch_async.search(" o ", function(result){
- expect(result).to.have.lengthOf(0);
- done();
- });
- });
- });
- describe("Update (Async)", function(){
- it("Should have been updated to the index", function(done){
- flexsearch_async.update(0, "bar");
- flexsearch_async.update(2, "foobar");
- flexsearch_async.update(1, "foo");
- setTimeout(function(){
- expect(flexsearch_async.length).to.equal(3);
- flexsearch_async.search("foo", function(result){
- expect(result).to.have.members([2, 1]);
- });
- flexsearch_async.search("bar", function(result){
- expect(result).to.include(0);
- });
- flexsearch_async.search("bar", function(result){
- expect(result).to.not.include(2);
- });
- flexsearch_async.search("foobar", function(result){
- expect(result).to.include(2);
- done();
- });
- }, 25);
- });
- it("Should not have been updated to the index", function(done){
- flexsearch_async.update("foo");
- flexsearch_async.update(0);
- flexsearch_async.update(null, "foobar");
- flexsearch_async.update(void 0, "foobar");
- flexsearch_async.update(1, null);
- flexsearch_async.update(2, false);
- flexsearch_async.update(0, []);
- flexsearch_async.update(1, {});
- flexsearch_async.update(2, function(){});
- setTimeout(function(){
- expect(flexsearch_async.length).to.equal(3);
- flexsearch_async.search("foo").then(function(result){
- expect(result).to.have.members([2, 1]);
- });
- flexsearch_async.search("bar").then(function(result){
- expect(result).to.include(0);
- });
- flexsearch_async.search("bar").then(function(result){
- expect(result).to.not.include(2);
- });
- flexsearch_async.search("foobar").then(function(result){
- expect(result).to.include(2);
- done();
- });
- }, 25);
- });
- });
- describe("Remove (Async)", function(){
- it("Should have been removed from the index", function(done){
- var index = new FlexSearch();
- index.add(0, "foo");
- expect(index.length).to.equal(1);
- index.remove(0, function(){
- expect(index.length).to.equal(0);
- done();
- });
- expect(index.length).to.equal(1);
- });
- it("Should have been removed from the index", function(done){
- expect(flexsearch_async.length).to.equal(3);
- flexsearch_async.remove(0, function(){
- expect(flexsearch_async.length).to.equal(2);
- done();
- });
- expect(flexsearch_async.length).to.equal(3);
- });
- it("Should have been removed from the index", function(done){
- flexsearch_async.remove(2);
- flexsearch_async.remove(1).then(function(){
- expect(flexsearch_async.length).to.equal(0);
- });
- expect(flexsearch_async.length).to.equal(2);
- flexsearch_async.search("foo", function(result){
- expect(result).to.have.lengthOf(0);
- });
- flexsearch_async.search("bar", function(result){
- expect(result).to.have.lengthOf(0);
- });
- flexsearch_async.search("foobar", function(result){
- expect(result).to.have.lengthOf(0);
- done();
- });
- });
- });
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Worker Tests
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if(typeof Worker !== "undefined" && !this._phantom){
- describe("Add (Worker)", function(){
- it("Should support worker", function(){
- flexsearch_worker = new FlexSearch({
- charset: "latin:default",
- tokenize: "reverse",
- async: false,
- worker: 4
- });
- });
- it("Should have been added to the index", function(done){
- flexsearch_worker.add(0, "foo");
- flexsearch_worker.add(2, "bar");
- flexsearch_worker.add(1, "foobar");
- setTimeout(function(){
- expect(flexsearch_worker.length).to.equal(3);
- expect(flexsearch_worker.index).to.have.members(["0", "1", "2"]);
- flexsearch_worker.search("foo", function(result){
- expect(result).to.have.length(2);
- expect(result).to.have.members([0, 1]);
- done();
- });
- }, 25);
- });
- it("Should not have been added to the index", function(done){
- flexsearch_worker.add("foo");
- flexsearch_worker.add(3);
- flexsearch_worker.add(null, "foobar");
- flexsearch_worker.add(void 0, "foobar");
- flexsearch_worker.add(4, null);
- flexsearch_worker.add(5, false);
- flexsearch_worker.add(6, []);
- flexsearch_worker.add(7, {});
- flexsearch_worker.add(8, function(){
- });
- setTimeout(function(){
- expect(flexsearch_worker.length).to.equal(3);
- expect(flexsearch_worker.index).to.have.members(["0", "1", "2"]);
- done();
- }, 25);
- });
- });
- describe("Search (Worker)", function(){
- it("Should have been matched from index", function(done){
- flexsearch_worker.search("foo", function(result){
- expect(result).to.have.lengthOf(2);
- flexsearch_worker.search("bar", function(result){
- expect(result).to.have.lengthOf(2);
- flexsearch_worker.search("foobar", function(result){
- expect(result).to.have.lengthOf(1);
- done();
- });
- });
- });
- });
- it("Should have been limited", function(done){
- flexsearch_worker.search("foo", 1, function(result){
- expect(result).to.have.lengthOf(1);
- done();
- });
- });
- it("Should not have been matched from index", function(done){
- flexsearch_worker.search("barfoo", function(result){
- expect(result).to.have.lengthOf(0);
- flexsearch_worker.search("", function(result){
- expect(result).to.have.lengthOf(0);
- flexsearch_worker.search(" ", function(result){
- expect(result).to.have.lengthOf(0);
- flexsearch_worker.search(" o ", function(result){
- expect(result).to.have.lengthOf(1);
- flexsearch_worker.search(" fob ", function(result){
- expect(result).to.have.lengthOf(0);
- done();
- });
- });
- });
- });
- });
- });
- });
- describe("Update (Worker)", function(){
- it("Should have been updated to the index", function(done){
- flexsearch_worker.update(0, "bar");
- flexsearch_worker.update(2, "foobar");
- flexsearch_worker.update(1, "foo", function(){
- expect(flexsearch_worker.length).to.equal(3);
- flexsearch_worker.search("foo", function(results){
- expect(results).to.have.members([2, 1]);
- flexsearch_worker.search("bar", function(results){
- expect(results).to.have.members([0, 2]);
- flexsearch_worker.search("foobar", function(results){
- expect(results).to.have.members([2]);
- done();
- });
- });
- });
- });
- });
- });
- describe("Remove (Worker)", function(){
- it("Should have been removed from the index", function(done){
- expect(flexsearch_worker.length).to.equal(3);
- flexsearch_worker.remove(0);
- flexsearch_worker.remove(2);
- flexsearch_worker.remove(1);
- expect(flexsearch_worker.length).to.equal(0);
- flexsearch_worker.search("foo", function(results){
- expect(results).to.not.include(1);
- expect(results).to.not.include(2);
- flexsearch_worker.search("bar", function(results){
- expect(results).to.not.include(0);
- expect(results).to.not.include(2);
- flexsearch_worker.search("foobar", function(results){
- expect(results).to.not.include(2);
- done();
- });
- });
- });
- });
- if((env !== "light") && (env !== "min")){
- it("Should have been debug mode activated", function(){
- flexsearch_worker.info();
- });
- }
- });
- }
- describe("Worker Not Supported", function(){
- it("Should not support worker", function(){
- if(typeof Worker !== "undefined"){
- Worker = void 0;
- }
- flexsearch_worker = new FlexSearch({
- encode: false,
- async: false,
- worker: 4
- });
- if((env !== "min") && (env !== "pre")){
- expect(flexsearch_worker.info().worker).to.equal(false);
- }
- });
- });
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Phonetic Tests
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-describe("Encoding", function(){
- it("Should have been encoded properly: iCase", function(){
- expect(flexsearch_icase.encode("Björn-Phillipp Mayer")).to.eql(flexsearch_icase.encode("björn-phillipp mayer"));
- });
- if(env !== "light"){
- it("Should have been encoded properly: Simple", function(){
- expect(flexsearch_simple.encode("Björn-Phillipp Mayer")).to.eql(flexsearch_simple.encode("bjorn/phillipp mayer"));
- });
- it("Should have been encoded properly: Advanced", function(){
- expect(flexsearch_advanced.encode("Björn-Phillipp Mayer")).to.eql(flexsearch_advanced.encode("bjoern filip mair"));
- });
- it("Should have been encoded properly: Extra", function(){
- expect(flexsearch_extra.encode("Björn-Phillipp Mayer")).to.eql(flexsearch_extra.encode("bjorm filib mayr"));
- });
- }
- it("Should have been encoded properly: Custom Encoder", function(){
- expect(flexsearch_custom.encode("Björn-Phillipp Mayer")).to.eql("-[BJÖRN-PHILLIPP MAYER]-");
- });
- // it("Should have been encoded properly: Custom Encoder", function(){
- //
- // FlexSearch.registerEncoder("custom", test_encoder);
- //
- // expect(FlexSearch.encode("custom", "Björn-Phillipp Mayer")).to.eql(flexsearch_custom.encode("Björn-Phillipp Mayer"));
- // });
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Word Break
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-describe("CJK Word Break", function(){
- it("Should have been tokenized properly", function(){
- var index = FlexSearch({
- charset: "cjk"
- });
- index.add(0, "서울시가 잠이 든 시간에 아무 말, 미뤄, 미뤄");
- expect(index.search("든")).to.include(0);
- expect(index.search("시간에")).to.include(0);
- index.add(1, "一个单词");
- expect(index.search("单词")).to.include(1);
- });
-describe("Cyrillic Word Break", function(){
- it("Should have been tokenized properly", function(){
- var index = FlexSearch({
- charset: "cyrillic",
- tokenize: "reverse"
- });
- index.add(0, "Фообар");
- expect(index.search("Фообар")).to.include(0);
- expect(index.search("бар")).to.include(0);
- });
-describe("Arabic Word Break", function(){
- it("Should have been tokenized properly", function(){
- var index = FlexSearch({
- charset: "arabic"
- });
- index.add(0, "لكن لا بد أن أوضح لك أن كل");
- expect(index.search("بد أن")).to.include(0);
- });
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Right-To-Left
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-describe("RTL Support", function(){
- it("Should have been scored properly", function(){
- var index = new FlexSearch({
- tokenize: "reverse",
- rtl: true
- });
- index.add(0, "54321 4 3 2 1 0");
- index.add(1, "0 1 2 3 4 54321");
- index.add(2, "0 1 2 3 4 12345");
- expect(index.search("5")[0]).to.equal(2);
- expect(index.search("5")[1]).to.equal(1);
- expect(index.search("5")[2]).to.equal(0);
- });
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Contextual Indexing
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-describe("Context", function(){
- it("Should have been added properly to the context", function(){
- var flexsearch_depth = new FlexSearch({
- tokenize: "strict",
- depth: 2,
- async: false,
- worker: false
- });
- flexsearch_depth.add(0, "zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten");
- expect(flexsearch_depth.length).to.equal(1);
- expect(flexsearch_depth.search("zero one")).to.include(0);
- expect(flexsearch_depth.search("zero two")).to.include(0);
- expect(flexsearch_depth.search("zero three").length).to.equal(0);
- expect(flexsearch_depth.search("three seven").length).to.equal(0);
- expect(flexsearch_depth.search("three five seven")).to.include(0);
- expect(flexsearch_depth.search("eight six four")).to.include(0);
- // TODO
- // expect(flexsearch_depth.search("three seven five")).to.include(0);
- expect(flexsearch_depth.search("three foobar seven").length).to.equal(0);
- expect(flexsearch_depth.search("eight ten")).to.include(0);
- expect(flexsearch_depth.search("seven ten").length).to.equal(0);
- flexsearch_depth.add(1, "1 2 3 1 4 2 5 1");
- expect(flexsearch_depth.search("1")).to.include(1);
- expect(flexsearch_depth.search("1 5")).to.include(1);
- expect(flexsearch_depth.search("2 4 1")).to.include(1);
- });
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Tokenizer Tests
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-describe("Options", function(){
- it("Should have been added properly to the index: Strict", function(){
- flexsearch_strict.add(0, "björn phillipp mayer");
- expect(flexsearch_strict.length).to.equal(1);
- expect(flexsearch_strict.search("björn phillipp")).to.include(0);
- expect(flexsearch_strict.search("björn mayer")).to.include(0);
- });
- it("Should have been added properly to the index: Forward", function(){
- flexsearch_forward.add(0, "björn phillipp mayer");
- expect(flexsearch_forward.length).to.equal(1);
- expect(flexsearch_forward.search("bjö phil may")).to.have.lengthOf(1);
- expect(flexsearch_forward.search("bjö phil may")).to.include(0);
- });
- it("Should have been added properly to the index: Inverse", function(){
- flexsearch_reverse.add(0, "björn phillipp mayer");
- expect(flexsearch_reverse.length).to.equal(1);
- expect(flexsearch_reverse.search("jörn phil er")).to.have.lengthOf(1);
- expect(flexsearch_reverse.search("jörn lipp er")).to.have.lengthOf(1);
- expect(flexsearch_reverse.search("jörn lipp er")).to.include(0);
- });
- it("Should have been added properly to the index: Full", function(){
- flexsearch_full.add(0, "björn phillipp mayer");
- expect(flexsearch_full.length).to.equal(1);
- expect(flexsearch_full.search("jör illi may")).to.have.lengthOf(1);
- expect(flexsearch_full.search("jör illi may")).to.include(0);
- });
- if(env !== "light"){
- it("Should have been added properly to the index: Full", function(){
- flexsearch_ngram.add(0, "björn-phillipp mayer");
- expect(flexsearch_ngram.length).to.equal(1);
- expect(flexsearch_ngram.search("mayer")).to.have.lengthOf(1);
- expect(flexsearch_ngram.search("philip meier")).to.have.lengthOf(1);
- expect(flexsearch_ngram.search("philip meier")).to.include(0);
- expect(flexsearch_ngram.search("björn meier")).to.have.lengthOf(1);
- expect(flexsearch_ngram.search("björn meier")).to.include(0);
- expect(flexsearch_ngram.search("björn-peter mayer")).to.have.lengthOf(0);
- });
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Filter Tests
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-describe("Filter", function(){
- it("Should have been filtered properly", function(){
- var index = new FlexSearch({
- tokenize: "strict",
- filter: ["in", "the"]
- });
- index.add(0, "Today in the morning.");
- expect(index.length).to.equal(1);
- expect(index.search("today in the morning.")).to.include(0);
- expect(index.search("today morning")).to.include(0);
- expect(index.search("in the")).to.have.length(0);
- });
- // it("Should have been filtered properly (custom function)", function(){
- //
- // var index = new FlexSearch({
- //
- // tokenize: "strict",
- // filter: function(word){
- // return word.length > 3;
- // }
- // });
- //
- // index.add(0, "Today in the morning.");
- //
- // expect(index.length).to.equal(1);
- // expect(index.search("today in the morning.")).to.include(0);
- // expect(index.search("today morning")).to.include(0);
- // expect(index.search("in the")).to.have.length(0);
- // });
-describe("Stemmer", function(){
- it("Should have been stemmed properly", function(){
- var index = new FlexSearch({
- tokenize: "reverse",
- stemmer: {
- "ization": "ize",
- "tional": "tion"
- }
- });
- index.add(0, "Just a multinational colonization.");
- expect(index.length).to.equal(1);
- expect(index.search("Just a multinational colonization.")).to.include(0);
- expect(index.search("multinational colonization")).to.include(0);
- expect(index.search("tional tion")).to.have.length(0);
- });
- it("Should have been stemmed properly (custom function)", function(){
- var stems = {
- "ization": "ize",
- "tional": "tion"
- };
- var index = new FlexSearch({
- tokenize: "strict",
- stemmer: function(word){
- return stems[word] || word;
- }
- });
- index.add(0, "Just a multinational colonization.");
- expect(index.length).to.equal(1);
- expect(index.search("Just a multinational colonization.")).to.include(0);
- expect(index.search("multinational colonization")).to.include(0);
- expect(index.search("tional tion")).to.have.length(0);
- });
-describe("Custom Language", function(){
- it("Should have been applied properly", function(){
- var index = new FlexSearch({
- tokenize: "reverse",
- filter: ["a", "an"],
- stemmer: {
- "ization": "ize",
- "tional": "tion"
- }
- });
- index.add(0, "Just a multinational colonization.");
- expect(index.length).to.equal(1);
- expect(index.search("Just a multinational colonization.")).to.include(0);
- expect(index.search("Just an multinational colonization.")).to.include(0);
- expect(index.search("multinational colonization")).to.include(0);
- expect(index.search("tional tion")).to.have.length(0);
- FlexSearch.registerLanguage("custom", {
- filter: ["a", "an"],
- stemmer: {
- "ization": "ize",
- "tional": "tion"
- }
- });
- index = new FlexSearch({
- tokenize: "reverse",
- lang: "custom"
- });
- index.add(0, "Just a multinational colonization.");
- expect(index.length).to.equal(1);
- expect(index.search("Just a multinational colonization.")).to.include(0);
- expect(index.search("Just an multinational colonization.")).to.include(0);
- expect(index.search("multinational colonization")).to.include(0);
- expect(index.search("tional tion")).to.have.length(0);
- });
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Relevance Tests
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-describe("Relevance", function(){
- it("Should have been sorted by relevance properly", function(){
- var index = new FlexSearch({
- charset: "latin:advanced",
- tokenize: "strict"
- });
- index.add(0, "1 2 3 2 4 1 5 3");
- index.add(1, "zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten");
- index.add(2, "four two zero one three ten five seven eight six nine");
- expect(index.search("1")).to.have.members([0]);
- expect(index.search("one")).to.have.members([1, 2]);
- expect(index.search("one two")).to.have.members([1, 2]);
- expect(index.search("four one")).to.have.members([1, 2]);
- index = new FlexSearch({
- charset: "latin:advanced",
- tokenize: "strict",
- threshold: 5,
- depth: 3
- });
- index.add(0, "1 2 3 2 4 1 5 3");
- index.add(1, "zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten");
- index.add(2, "four two zero one three ten five seven eight six nine");
- expect(index.search("1")).to.have.members([0]);
- expect(index.search("one")).to.have.members([1, 2]);
- expect(index.search("one two")).to.have.members([1, 2]);
- expect(index.search("four one")).to.have.members([1, 2]);
- index = new FlexSearch({
- charset: "latin:extra",
- tokenize: "strict",
- threshold: 5,
- depth: 3
- });
- index.add(0, "1 2 3 2 4 1 5 3");
- index.add(1, "zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten");
- index.add(2, "five two zero one three four ten seven eight six nine");
- expect(index.search("1 3 4")).to.have.members([0]);
- expect(index.search("1 5 3 4")).to.have.members([0]);
- expect(index.search("1 3 4 7")).to.have.lengthOf(0);
- expect(index.search("one")).to.have.members([1, 2]);
- expect(index.search("one three")).to.have.members([1, 2]);
- expect(index.search("three one")).to.have.members([1, 2]);
- expect(index.search("zero five one ten")).to.have.members([2]);
- });
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Suggestion Tests
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-if(env !== "light") describe("Suggestions", function(){
- it("Should have been suggested properly by relevance", function(){
- var index = new FlexSearch({
- charset: "latin:advanced",
- tokenize: "strict"
- });
- index.add(0, "1 2 3 2 4 1 5 3");
- index.add(1, "zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten");
- index.add(2, "four two zero one three ten five seven eight six nine");
- expect(index.search("1 3 4 7", { suggest: false })).to.have.lengthOf(0);
- expect(index.search("1 3 4 7", { suggest: true })).to.have.members([0]);
- expect(index.search("1 3 9 7", { suggest: true })).to.have.members([0]);
- expect(index.search("foobar one two", { suggest: true })).to.have.members([1, 2]);
- expect(index.search("one foobar two", { suggest: true })).to.have.members([1, 2]);
- expect(index.search("one two foobar", { suggest: true })).to.have.members([1, 2]);
- expect(index.search("zero one foobar two foobar", { suggest: true })).to.have.members([1, 2]);
- });
- it("Should have been suggested properly by context", function(){
- var index = new FlexSearch({
- charset: "latin:advanced",
- tokenize: "strict",
- depth: 3
- });
- index.add(1, "zero one two three four five six seven eight nine ten");
- index.add(2, "four two zero one three ten five seven eight six nine");
- expect(index.search("foobar one", { suggest: true })).to.have.members([1, 2]);
- expect(index.search("foobar foobar foobar one foobar foobar foobar", { suggest: true })).to.have.members([1, 2]);
- expect(index.search("foobar one two", { suggest: true })).to.have.members([1, 2]);
- expect(index.search("one foobar two", { suggest: true })).to.have.members([1, 2]);
- expect(index.search("one two foobar", { suggest: true })).to.have.members([1, 2]);
- expect(index.search("foobar one foobar two foobar", { suggest: true })).to.have.members([1, 2]);
- expect(index.search("zero one foobar two foobar", { suggest: true })).to.have.members([1, 2]);
- });
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Where Clause
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-if((env === "") || (env === "min") || (env === "pre")) describe("Where/Find", function(){
- var data = [{
- id: 0,
- title: "Title 1",
- cat: "1",
- flag: false
- },{
- id: 1,
- title: "Title 2",
- cat: "2",
- flag: false
- },{
- id: 2,
- title: "Title 3",
- cat: "1",
- flag: true
- }];
- it("Should have been found properly", function(){
- var index = new FlexSearch({
- doc: {
- id: "id",
- field: "title"
- }
- });
- index.add(data);
- expect(index.length).to.equal(3);
- expect(index.index).to.have.members(["0", "1", "2"]);
- expect(index.find(0)).to.equal(data[0]);
- expect(index.find("id", 0)).to.equal(data[0]);
- expect(index.where("id", 0)).to.have.members([data[0]]);
- expect(index.find(function(val){return val.id === 0;})).to.equal(data[0]);
- expect(index.find({id: 1})).to.equal(data[1]);
- expect(index.where({id: 1})).to.have.members([data[1]]);
- expect(index.where(function(val){return val.id === 1;})).to.have.members([data[1]]);
- expect(index.find({cat: "1"})).to.equal(data[0]);
- expect(index.find({cat: "2"})).to.equal(data[1]);
- expect(index.find({cat: "2", flag: true})).to.equal(null);
- expect(index.find(data[2])).to.equal(data[2]);
- expect(index.where(data[2])).to.have.members([data[2]]);
- expect(index.where({cat: "1"})).to.have.members([data[0], data[2]]);
- expect(index.search("title", {sort: "cat"})[1]).to.equal(data[2]);
- expect(index.search("title")).to.have.members(data);
- expect(index.search("title", {
- where: {
- cat: "1"
- }
- })).to.have.members([data[0], data[2]]);
- expect(index.search("title", {
- where: {
- cat: "1",
- flag: true
- }
- })).to.have.members([data[2]]);
- });
- it("Should have been tagged properly", function(){
- var index = new FlexSearch({
- doc: {
- id: "id",
- field: "title",
- tag : "cat"
- }
- });
- index.add(data);
- expect(index.length).to.equal(3);
- expect(index.index).to.have.members(["0", "1", "2"]);
- expect(index.where({cat: "1"})).to.have.members([data[0], data[2]]);
- expect(index.where("cat", "1")).to.have.members([data[0], data[2]]);
- expect(index.where("cat", "1", 1)).to.have.members([data[0]]);
- expect(index.where({
- cat: "1",
- flag: true
- })).to.have.members([data[2]]);
- expect(index.where({
- flag: true,
- cat: "1"
- })).to.have.members([data[2]]);
- expect(index.search("title", {
- where: {
- cat: "1"
- }
- })).to.have.members([data[0], data[2]]);
- expect(index.search("title", {
- where: {
- cat: "1"
- },
- limit: 1
- })).to.have.members([data[0]]);
- expect(index.search("title", {
- where: {
- cat: "3"
- }
- })).to.have.lengthOf(0);
- expect(index.search("foobar", {
- where: {
- cat: "1"
- }
- })).to.have.lengthOf(0);
- // -----------------------------------------
- index = new FlexSearch({
- doc: {
- id: "id",
- field: ["title"],
- tag : ["cat"]
- }
- });
- index.add(data);
- expect(index.length).to.equal(3);
- expect(index.index).to.have.members(["0", "1", "2"]);
- expect(index.where({cat: "1"})).to.have.members([data[0], data[2]]);
- expect(index.search("title", {
- where: {
- cat: "1"
- }
- })).to.have.members([data[0], data[2]]);
- expect(index.search("title", {
- where: {
- cat: "3"
- }
- })).to.have.lengthOf(0);
- expect(index.search("foobar", {
- where: {
- cat: "1"
- }
- })).to.have.lengthOf(0);
- // ------------------------------------
- index = new FlexSearch({
- doc: {
- id: "id",
- field: "data:title",
- tag : "data:cat"
- }
- });
- data = [{
- id: 0,
- data: {
- title: "Title 1",
- cat: "1",
- flag: false
- }
- },{
- id: 1,
- data: {
- title: "Title 2",
- cat: "2",
- flag: false
- }
- },{
- id: 2,
- data: {
- title: "Title 3",
- cat: "1",
- flag: true
- }
- }];
- index.add(data);
- expect(index.where({"data:cat": "1"})).to.have.members([data[0], data[2]]);
- expect(index.where("data:cat", "1")).to.have.members([data[0], data[2]]);
- expect(index.where("data:cat", "1", 1)).to.have.members([data[0]]);
- expect(index.where({
- "data:cat": "1",
- "data:flag": true
- })).to.have.members([data[2]]);
- expect(index.where({
- "data:flag": true,
- "data:cat": "1"
- })).to.have.members([data[2]]);
- });
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Multi-Field Documents
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-if(env !== "light") describe("Index Multi-Field Documents", function(){
- var data = [{
- id: 2,
- data:{
- title: "Title 3",
- body: "Body 3"
- }
- },{
- id: 1,
- data:{
- title: "Title 2",
- body: "Body 2"
- }
- },{
- id: 0,
- data:{
- title: "Title 1",
- body: "Body 1"
- }
- }];
- var update = [{
- id: 0,
- data:{
- title: "Foo 1",
- body: "Bar 1"
- }
- },{
- id: 1,
- data:{
- title: "Foo 2",
- body: "Bar 2"
- }
- },{
- id: 2,
- data:{
- title: "Foo 3",
- body: "Bar 3"
- }
- }];
- it("Should have been indexed properly", function(){
- var index = new FlexSearch({
- doc: {
- id: "id",
- field: [
- "data:title",
- "data:body"
- ]
- }
- });
- index.add(data);
- if(env === ""){
- expect(index.doc.index["data:title"].length).to.equal(3);
- expect(index.doc.index["data:body"].length).to.equal(3);
- }
- expect(index.search({field: "data:body", query: "body"})).to.have.members(data);
- expect(index.search({field: "data:title", query: "title"})).to.have.members(data);
- expect(index.search({field: "data:body", query: "title"})).to.have.lengthOf(0);
- expect(index.search({field: "data:title", query: "body"})).to.have.lengthOf(0);
- expect(index.search({field: "data:body", query: "body"})).to.have.members(data);
- expect(index.search({field: ["data:title"], query: "title"})).to.have.members(data);
- expect(index.search({field: ["data:title", "data:body"], query: "body"})).to.have.lengthOf(3);
- expect(index.search({field: ["data:body", "data:title"], query: "title"})).to.have.lengthOf(3);
- expect(index.search({field: ["data:title", "data:body"], query: "body"})).to.have.members(data);
- expect(index.search({field: ["data:body", "data:title"], query: "title"})).to.have.members(data);
- expect(index.search({field: ["data:title", "data:body"], query: "body", bool: "and"})).to.have.lengthOf(0);
- expect(index.search({field: ["data:body", "data:title"], query: "title", bool: "and"})).to.have.lengthOf(0);
- expect(index.search({field: ["data:title", "data:body"], query: "body", bool: "or"})).to.have.members(data);
- expect(index.search({field: ["data:body", "data:title"], query: "title", bool: "or"})).to.have.members(data);
- expect(index.search("body", {field: "data:body"})).to.have.members(data);
- expect(index.search("title", {field: ["data:title"]})).to.have.members(data);
- expect(index.search({query: "body", bool: "or"})).to.have.members(data);
- expect(index.search("title", {bool: "or"})).to.have.members(data);
- expect(index.search({
- field: "data:title",
- query: "title"
- })).to.have.members(data);
- expect(index.search([{
- field: "data:title",
- query: "body",
- bool: "or"
- },{
- field: "data:body",
- query: "body",
- bool: "or"
- }])).to.have.members(data);
- expect(index.search("title", {
- field: "data:title"
- })).to.have.members(data);
- expect(index.search("title", {
- field: "data:body"
- })).to.have.lengthOf(0);
- expect(index.search("body", [{
- field: "data:title",
- bool: "or"
- },{
- field: "data:body",
- bool: "or"
- }])).to.have.members(data);
- index.update(update);
- expect(index.search("foo", {bool: "or"})).not.to.have.members(data);
- expect(index.search("bar", {bool: "or"})).not.to.have.members(data);
- expect(index.search("foo", {bool: "or"})).to.have.members(update);
- expect(index.search("bar", {bool: "or"})).to.have.members(update);
- expect(index.search("foo", {field: "data:title"})).not.to.have.members(data);
- expect(index.search("bar", {field: "data:body"})).not.to.have.members(data);
- expect(index.search("foo", {field: "data:title"})).to.have.members(update);
- expect(index.search("bar", {field: "data:body"})).to.have.members(update);
- index.remove(update);
- if(env === ""){
- expect(index.doc.index["data:title"].length).to.equal(0);
- expect(index.doc.index["data:body"].length).to.equal(0);
- }
- });
- it("Should have been indexed properly (custom fields)", function(){
- var index = new FlexSearch({
- doc: {
- id: "id",
- field: {
- "data:title": {
- charset: "latin:advanced",
- tokenize: "reverse"
- },
- "data:body": {
- charset: "latin:default",
- tokenize: "strict"
- }
- }
- }
- });
- index.add(data);
- if(env === ""){
- expect(index.doc.index["data:title"].length).to.equal(3);
- expect(index.doc.index["data:body"].length).to.equal(3);
- }
- expect(index.search({field: "data:body", query: "body"})).to.have.members(data);
- expect(index.search({field: "data:title", query: "tle"})).to.have.members(data);
- expect(index.search({field: "data:body", query: "title"})).to.have.lengthOf(0);
- expect(index.search({field: "data:title", query: "body"})).to.have.lengthOf(0);
- expect(index.search({field: ["data:title", "data:body"], query: "body", bool: "or"})).to.have.members(data);
- expect(index.search({field: ["data:body", "data:title"], query: "tle", bool: "or"})).to.have.members(data);
- expect(index.search({field: ["data:body"], query: "body", bool: "or"})).to.have.members(data);
- expect(index.search({field: "data:title", query: "tle", bool: "or"})).to.have.members(data);
- expect(index.search({query: "body", bool: "or"})).to.have.members(data);
- expect(index.search("tle", {bool: "or"})).to.have.members(data);
- expect(index.search({query: "body", field: "data:body"})).to.have.members(data);
- expect(index.search("tle", {field: "data:title"})).to.have.members(data);
- expect(index.search({
- field: "data:title",
- query: "tle"
- })).to.have.members(data);
- expect(index.search([{
- field: "data:title",
- query: "body",
- bool: "or"
- },{
- field: "data:body",
- query: "body",
- bool: "or"
- }])).to.have.members(data);
- expect(index.search("tle", {
- field: "data:title"
- })).to.have.members(data);
- expect(index.search("tle", {
- field: "data:body"
- })).to.have.lengthOf(0);
- expect(index.search("body", [{
- field: "data:title",
- bool: "or"
- },{
- field: "data:body",
- bool: "or"
- }])).to.have.members(data);
- index.update(update);
- expect(index.search("foo", {bool: "or"})).not.to.have.members(data);
- expect(index.search("bar", {bool: "or"})).not.to.have.members(data);
- expect(index.search("foo", {bool: "or"})).to.have.members(update);
- expect(index.search("bar", {bool: "or"})).to.have.members(update);
- expect(index.search("foo", {field: "data:title"})).not.to.have.members(data);
- expect(index.search("bar", {field: "data:body"})).not.to.have.members(data);
- expect(index.search("foo", {field: "data:title"})).to.have.members(update);
- expect(index.search("bar", {field: "data:body"})).to.have.members(update);
- index.remove(update);
- if(env === ""){
- expect(index.doc.index["data:title"].length).to.equal(0);
- expect(index.doc.index["data:body"].length).to.equal(0);
- }
- });
- it("Should have been unique results", function(){
- var index = new FlexSearch({
- doc: {
- id: "id",
- field: ["field1", "field2"]
- }
- });
- var docs = [{
- id: 1,
- field1: "phrase",
- field2: "phrase"
- }];
- index.add(docs);
- expect(index.search("phrase")).to.have.lengthOf(1);
- expect(index.search("phrase")).to.have.members(docs);
- });
- /*
- it("Should have been indexed properly (tag)", function(){
- var index = new FlexSearch({
- doc: {
- id: "id",
- field: "data:body",
- tag: "data:title"
- }
- });
- index.add(data);
- expect(index.doc.index[0].length).to.equal(3);
- expect(index.doc.index[1].length).to.equal(3);
- expect(index.search({field: "data:body", query: "body"})).to.have.members(data);
- expect(index.search({field: "data:title", query: "title"})).to.have.lengthOf(0);
- expect(index.search({field: "data:title", query: "Title 1"})).to.have.members(data[0]);
- expect(index.search({field: "data:body", query: "title"})).to.have.lengthOf(0);
- expect(index.search({field: "data:title", query: "body"})).to.have.lengthOf(0);
- expect(index.search({field: ["data:title", "data:body"], query: "body"})).to.have.members(data);
- expect(index.search({field: ["data:body", "data:title"], query: "title"})).to.have.members(data);
- expect(index.search({query: "body"})).to.have.members(data);
- expect(index.search("title")).to.have.members(data);
- expect(index.search({
- field: "data:title",
- query: "title",
- boost: 2
- })).to.have.members(data);
- expect(index.search([{
- field: "data:title",
- query: "body",
- boost: 2
- },{
- field: "data:body",
- query: "body",
- boost: 2
- }])).to.have.members(data);
- expect(index.search("title", {
- field: "data:title",
- boost: 2
- })).to.have.members(data);
- expect(index.search("title", {
- field: "data:body",
- boost: 2
- })).to.have.lengthOf(0);
- expect(index.search("body", [{
- field: "data:title",
- boost: 2
- },{
- field: "data:body",
- boost: 2
- }])).to.have.members(data);
- index.update(update);
- expect(index.search("foo")).not.to.have.members(data);
- expect(index.search("bar")).not.to.have.members(data);
- expect(index.search("foo")).to.have.members(update);
- expect(index.search("bar")).to.have.members(update);
- index.remove(update);
- expect(index.doc.index[0].length).to.equal(0);
- expect(index.doc.index[1].length).to.equal(0);
- });
- */
- /*
- it("Should have been boosted properly", function(){
- var index = new FlexSearch({
- tokenize: "strict",
- depth: 3,
- doc: {
- id: "id",
- field: ["title", "body"]
- }
- });
- index.add([{
- id: 0,
- title: "1 2 3 4 5",
- body: "1 2 3 4 5"
- },{
- id: 1,
- title: "1 2 3 4 5",
- body: "1 2 5 4 3" // <-- body
- },{
- id: 2,
- title: "1 2 5 4 3", // <-- title
- body: "1 2 3 4 5"
- }]);
- expect(index.search([{
- field: "title",
- query: "5",
- boost: 0.1
- },{
- field: "body",
- query: "5",
- boost: 9
- }])[0].id).to.equal(1);
- expect(index.search([{
- field: "title",
- query: "5",
- boost: 9
- },{
- field: "body",
- query: "5",
- boost: 0.1
- }])[0].id).to.equal(2);
- });
- */
- it("Should have been sorted properly", function(){
- var index = new FlexSearch({
- doc: {
- id: "id",
- field: "data:title"
- }
- });
- index.add(data);
- var results = index.search({
- field: "data:title",
- query: "title"
- });
- expect(results[0]).to.equal(data[0]);
- expect(results[1]).to.equal(data[1]);
- expect(results[2]).to.equal(data[2]);
- results = index.search({
- query: "title",
- field: "data:title",
- sort: function(a, b){
- const diff = a.id - b.id;
- return (diff < 0 ? -1 : (diff ? 1 : 0));
- }
- });
- expect(results[0]).to.equal(data[2]);
- expect(results[1]).to.equal(data[1]);
- expect(results[2]).to.equal(data[0]);
- results = index.search({
- query: "title",
- field: "data:title",
- sort: "id"
- });
- expect(results[0]).to.equal(data[2]);
- expect(results[1]).to.equal(data[1]);
- expect(results[2]).to.equal(data[0]);
- results = index.search({
- query: "title",
- field: "data:title",
- sort: "data:title"
- });
- expect(results[0]).to.eql(data[2]);
- expect(results[1]).to.eql(data[1]);
- expect(results[2]).to.eql(data[0]);
- });
- it("Should have been sorted suggested and paged", function(){
- var index = new FlexSearch({
- doc: {
- id: "id",
- field: ["data:title", "data:body"]
- }
- });
- index.add(data);
- var results = index.search({
- field: "data:title",
- query: "title",
- suggest: true,
- page: true,
- limit: 2
- });
- expect(results.result).to.have.members([data[0], data[1]]);
- results = index.search({
- field: "data:title",
- query: "title",
- suggest: true,
- page: results.next,
- limit: 2
- });
- expect(results.result).to.have.members([data[2]]);
- results = index.search({
- field: "data:title",
- query: "foobar title foobar title foobar",
- suggest: true,
- page: true,
- limit: 2
- });
- expect(results.result).to.have.members([data[0], data[1]]);
- results = index.search({
- field: "data:title",
- query: "foobar title foobar title foobar",
- suggest: true,
- page: results.next,
- limit: 2
- });
- expect(results.result).to.have.members([data[2]]);
- results = index.search([{
- field: "data:title",
- query: "title undefined",
- bool: "and",
- suggest: true,
- limit: 2
- },{
- field: "data:body",
- query: "undefined",
- bool: "not"
- }]);
- expect(results).to.have.members([data[0], data[1]]);
- });
- if((!env || (env === "pre")) && (typeof require !== "undefined") && !this._phantom){
- require("./test.es6.js");
- }
-if(env !== "light") describe("Pagination", function(){
- it("Should have been properly paged", function(){
- var index = new FlexSearch();
- index.add(0, "test").add(1, "test").add(2, "test").add(3, "test").add(4, "test");
- expect(index.index).to.have.members(["0", "1", "2", "3", "4"]);
- expect(index.search("test")).to.have.lengthOf(5);
- expect(index.search("test", 2)).to.have.lengthOf(2);
- expect(index.search("test", {
- page: true,
- limit: 2
- })).to.have.keys(["page", "next", "result"]);
- var result = index.search("test", {
- page: true,
- limit: 2
- });
- expect(result.result).to.have.members([0, 1]);
- result = index.search("test", {
- page: result.next,
- limit: 2
- });
- expect(result.result).to.have.members([2, 3]);
- result = index.search("test", {
- page: result.page,
- limit: 2
- });
- expect(result.result).to.have.members([2, 3]);
- result = index.search("test", {
- page: result.next,
- limit: 2
- });
- expect(result.result).to.have.members([4]);
- });
- it("Should have been properly paged (suggestion)", function(){
- var index = new FlexSearch();
- index.add(0, "foo bar").add(1, "foo bar").add(2, "foo bar test").add(3, "foo bar").add(4, "foo bar");
- expect(index.index).to.have.members(["0", "1", "2", "3", "4"]);
- expect(index.search("foo")).to.have.lengthOf(5);
- expect(index.search("foo", 2)).to.have.lengthOf(2);
- var result = index.search("foo undefined bar", {
- suggest: true,
- page: true,
- limit: 2
- });
- expect(result).to.have.keys(["page", "next", "result"]);
- expect(result.result).to.have.members([0, 1]);
- result = index.search("foo bar test", {
- suggest: true,
- page: true,
- limit: 2
- });
- expect(result.result).to.have.members([2, 0]);
- result = index.search("foo undefined bar", {
- suggest: true,
- page: true,
- limit: 2
- });
- expect(result.result).to.have.members([0, 1]);
- result = index.search("foo undefined bar", {
- suggest: true,
- page: result.next,
- limit: 2
- });
- expect(result.result).to.have.members([2, 3]);
- result = index.search("foo undefined bar", {
- suggest: true,
- page: result.page,
- limit: 2
- });
- expect(result.result).to.have.members([2, 3]);
- result = index.search("foo undefined bar", {
- suggest: true,
- page: result.next,
- limit: 2
- });
- expect(result.result).to.have.members([4]);
- });
- it("Should have been properly paged (documents)", function(){
- var data = [{
- id: 0,
- title: "Title 1",
- body: "Body 1"
- },{
- id: 1,
- title: "Title 2",
- body: "Body 2"
- },{
- id: 2,
- title: "Title 3",
- body: "Body 3"
- },{
- id: 3,
- title: "Title 4",
- body: "Body 4"
- },{
- id: 4,
- title: "Title 5",
- body: "Body 5"
- }];
- var index = new FlexSearch({
- doc: {
- id: "id",
- field: ["title", "body"]
- }
- });
- index.add(data);
- if(env === ""){
- expect(index.doc.index["title"].index).to.have.members(["0", "1", "2", "3", "4"]);
- expect(index.doc.index["body"].index).to.have.members(["0", "1", "2", "3", "4"]);
- }
- expect(index.search("title")).to.have.lengthOf(5);
- expect(index.search("title", 2)).to.have.lengthOf(2);
- expect(index.search("title", {
- page: true,
- limit: 2
- })).to.have.keys(["page", "next", "result"]);
- var result = index.search("title", {
- page: true,
- limit: 2
- });
- expect(result.result).to.have.members([data[0], data[1]]);
- result = index.search("title", {
- page: result.next,
- limit: 2
- });
- expect(result.result).to.have.members([data[2], data[3]]);
- result = index.search("title", {
- page: result.page,
- limit: 2
- });
- expect(result.result).to.have.members([data[2], data[3]]);
- result = index.search("title", {
- page: result.next,
- limit: 2
- });
- expect(result.result).to.have.members([data[4]]);
- });
-// describe("Custom Split", function(){
-// it("Should have been split properly", function(){
-// var index = FlexSearch({
-// encode: false,
-// split: /\s+/,
-// tokenize: "reverse"
-// });
-// index.add(0, "Фообар");
-// expect(index.search("Фообар")).to.include(0);
-// expect(index.search("бар")).to.include(0);
-// expect(index.search("Фоо")).to.include(0);
-// });
-// });
-describe("Github Issues", function(){
- if(env !== "light") it("#48", function(){
- const fs = new FlexSearch({
- charset: "latin:extra",
- tokenize: "full",
- threshold: 1,
- depth: 4,
- resolution: 9,
- async: false,
- worker: 1,
- cache: true,
- suggest: true,
- doc: {
- id: "id",
- field: [ "intent", "text" ]
- }
- });
- const doc = [{
- id: 0,
- intent: "intent",
- text: "text"
- },{
- id: 1,
- intent: "intent",
- text: "howdy - how are you doing"
- }];
- fs.add(doc);
- expect(fs.search("howdy", { bool: "or" })).to.have.members([doc[1]]);
- expect(fs.search("howdy -", { bool: "or" })).to.have.members([doc[1]]);
- });
- if(env !== "light") it("#54", function(){
- var docs = [{
- id: 1,
- title: "Roaming Inquiry",
- content: "Some content"
- }, {
- id: 2,
- title: "New Service",
- content: "This is not roaming-inquiry"
- }];
- var index = new FlexSearch({
- doc: {
- id: "id",
- field: ["title", "content"]
- }
- });
- index.add(docs);
- expect(index.search("roaming")).to.have.members([docs[0], docs[1]]);
- });
-if(env !== "light") describe("Operators", function(){
- var data = [{
- id: 2,
- title: "Title 3",
- body: "Body 3",
- blacklist: "x1"
- },{
- id: 1,
- title: "Title 2",
- body: "Body 2",
- blacklist: "x2"
- },{
- id: 0,
- title: "Title 1",
- body: "Body 1",
- blacklist: "x3"
- }];
- var index = new FlexSearch({
- tokenize: "forward",
- doc: {
- id: "id",
- field: ["title", "body", "blacklist"]
- }
- });
- it("Should have been properly applied logic", function(){
- index.add(data);
- expect(index.search([{
- field: "title",
- query: "title",
- bool: "and"
- },{
- field: "body",
- query: "body",
- bool: "and"
- },{
- field: "blacklist",
- query: "xxx",
- bool: "not"
- }])).to.have.members(data);
- expect(index.search([{
- field: "title",
- query: "title",
- bool: "and"
- },{
- field: "body",
- query: "title",
- bool: "and"
- },{
- field: "blacklist",
- query: "xxx",
- bool: "not"
- }])).to.have.length(0);
- expect(index.search([{
- field: "title",
- query: "title",
- bool: "and"
- },{
- field: "body",
- query: "title",
- bool: "or"
- },{
- field: "blacklist",
- query: "xxx",
- bool: "not"
- }])).to.have.members(data);
- expect(index.search([{
- field: "title",
- query: "title",
- bool: "and"
- },{
- field: "body",
- query: "title",
- bool: "or"
- }])).to.have.members(data);
- expect(index.search([{
- field: "title",
- query: "title",
- bool: "and"
- },{
- field: "body",
- query: "title",
- bool: "or"
- },{
- field: "blacklist",
- query: "x1",
- bool: "not"
- }])).to.have.members([data[1], data[2]]);
- expect(index.search([{
- field: "title",
- query: "body",
- bool: "or"
- },{
- field: "body",
- query: "title",
- bool: "or"
- },{
- field: "blacklist",
- query: "x1",
- bool: "not"
- }])).to.have.length(0);
- expect(index.search([{
- field: "blacklist",
- query: "x1",
- bool: "not"
- },{
- field: "title",
- query: "title",
- bool: "or"
- },{
- field: "body",
- query: "body",
- bool: "or"
- }])).to.have.members([data[1], data[2]]);
- expect(index.search([{
- field: "title",
- query: "body",
- bool: "or"
- },{
- field: "body",
- query: "body",
- bool: "and"
- },{
- field: "blacklist",
- query: "x2",
- bool: "not"
- }])).to.have.members([data[0], data[2]]);
- expect(index.search([{
- field: "blacklist",
- query: "x2",
- bool: "not"
- },{
- field: "title",
- query: "body",
- bool: "or"
- },{
- field: "body",
- query: "body",
- bool: "and"
- }])).to.have.members([data[0], data[2]]);
- expect(index.search([{
- field: "title",
- query: "body",
- bool: "or"
- },{
- field: "blacklist",
- query: "x2",
- bool: "not"
- },{
- field: "body",
- query: "body",
- bool: "and"
- }])).to.have.members([data[0], data[2]]);
- expect(index.search([{
- field: "title",
- query: "title",
- bool: "and"
- },{
- field: "body",
- query: "body",
- bool: "and"
- },{
- field: "blacklist",
- query: "x",
- bool: "not"
- }])).to.have.length(0);
- expect(index.search([{
- field: "title",
- query: "title",
- bool: "not"
- },{
- field: "body",
- query: "body",
- bool: "not"
- },{
- field: "blacklist",
- query: "x",
- bool: "not"
- }])).to.have.length(0);
- });
-describe("Reserved Words", function(){
- it("Should have been indexed properly", function(){
- var index = new FlexSearch({
- encode: function(str){ return [str]; },
- tokenize: "strict",
- threshold: 0,
- depth: 3
- });
- var array = Object.getOwnPropertyNames({}.__proto__);
- array = array.concat(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(index));
- array.push("prototype");
- array.push("constructor");
- array.push("__proto__");
- if(env !== "min"){
- array.push("concat");
- array.push("hasOwnProperty");
- array.push("length");
- }
- for(var i = 0; i < array.length; i++){
- index.add(array[i], array[i]);
- }
- for(var i = 0; i < array.length; i++){
- // TODO: this word is reserved and can't be indexed
- if(array[i] === "_ctx"){
- continue;
- }
- expect(index.search(array[i])).to.have.members([array[i]]);
- }
- });
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Export / Import
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-if(env !== "light") describe("Export / Import", function(){
- var data;
- it("Should have been exported properly", function(){
- var index = new FlexSearch("match");
- index.add(0, "foo");
- index.add(1, "bar");
- index.add(2, "foobar");
- data = index.export();
- if(env === ""){
- expect(data).to.equal(JSON.stringify(
- [
- index._map,
- index._ctx,
- Object.keys(index._ids)
- ]
- ));
- }
- });
- it("Should have been imported properly", function(){
- var index = new FlexSearch("match");
- index.import(data);
- expect(index.length).to.equal(3);
- expect(index.search("foo")).to.have.lengthOf(2);
- expect(index.search("bar")).to.have.lengthOf(2);
- expect(index.search("foobar")).to.have.lengthOf(1);
- expect(index.search("foobar")[0]).to.equal(2);
- });
- it("Should have been exported properly (documents)", function(){
- var index = new FlexSearch({
- tokenize: "strict",
- threshold: 1,
- resolution: 3,
- depth: 1,
- doc: {
- id: "id",
- field: ["title", "content"]
- }
- });
- var docs = [{
- id: 1,
- title: "Title 2",
- content: "foobar"
- },{
- id: 0,
- title: "Title 1",
- content: "foo"
- },{
- id: 2,
- title: "Title 3",
- content: "bar"
- }];
- index.add(docs);
- data = index.export();
- if(env === ""){
- expect(index.doc.index["title"].length).to.equal(3);
- expect(data).to.equal(JSON.stringify([
- [
- index.doc.index["title"]._map,
- index.doc.index["title"]._ctx,
- Object.keys(index.doc.index["title"]._ids)
- ],
- [
- index.doc.index["content"]._map,
- index.doc.index["content"]._ctx,
- Object.keys(index.doc.index["content"]._ids)
- ],
- index._doc
- ]));
- }
- });
- it("Should have been imported properly (documents)", function(){
- var index = new FlexSearch({
- tokenize: "strict",
- threshold: 1,
- resolution: 3,
- depth: 1,
- doc: {
- id: "id",
- field: ["title", "content"]
- }
- });
- index.import(data);
- if(env === ""){
- expect(index.doc.index["title"].length).to.equal(3);
- expect(index.doc.index["content"].length).to.equal(3);
- }
- expect(index.search("foo")).to.have.lengthOf(1);
- expect(index.search("bar")).to.have.lengthOf(1);
- expect(index.search("foobar")).to.have.lengthOf(1);
- expect(index.search("foobar")[0].id).to.equal(1);
- });
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Presets
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-describe("Presets", function(){
- it("Should have been properly initialized", function(){
- expect(FlexSearch("memory").length).to.equal(0);
- expect(FlexSearch("speed").length).to.equal(0);
- expect(FlexSearch("match").length).to.equal(0);
- expect(FlexSearch("score").length).to.equal(0);
- expect(FlexSearch("balance").length).to.equal(0);
- expect(FlexSearch("fast").length).to.equal(0);
- });
- it("Should have been properly extended", function(){
- var index = FlexSearch("fast");
- index.add(0, "foobar");
- expect(index.search("bar")).to.have.lengthOf(0);
- index = FlexSearch({preset: "speed", id: "test", tokenize: "reverse"});
- expect(index.id).to.equal("test");
- index.add(0, "foobar");
- expect(index.search("bar")).to.have.lengthOf(1);
- expect(index.search("bar")).to.have.members([0])
- });
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Feature Tests
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-describe("Add Matchers", function(){
- it("Should have been added properly", function(){
- flexsearch_forward.init({
- tokenize: "forward",
- matcher: {
- "1": "a",
- "2": "b",
- "3": "c",
- "7": "e",
- "8": "f",
- "[456]": "d"
- }
- }).add(0, "12345678");
- expect(flexsearch_forward.search("12345678")).to.include(0);
- expect(flexsearch_forward.search("abcd")).to.include(0);
- expect(flexsearch_forward.encode("12345678")).to.eql(["abcdddef"]);
- });
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Caching
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-if(env !== "light"){
- describe("Caching", function(){
- it("Should have been cached properly", function(){
- flexsearch_cache.add(0, "foo")
- .add(1, "bar")
- .add(2, "foobar");
- // fetch:
- expect(flexsearch_cache.search("foo")).to.have.members([0, 2]);
- expect(flexsearch_cache.search("bar")).to.have.members([1, 2]);
- expect(flexsearch_cache.search("foobar")).to.include(2);
- // cache:
- expect(flexsearch_cache.search("foo")).to.have.members([0, 2]);
- expect(flexsearch_cache.search("bar")).to.have.members([1, 2]);
- expect(flexsearch_cache.search("foobar")).to.include(2);
- // update:
- flexsearch_cache.remove(2).update(1, "foo").add(3, "foobar");
- // fetch:
- expect(flexsearch_cache.search("foo")).to.have.members([0, 1, 3]);
- expect(flexsearch_cache.search("bar")).to.include(3);
- expect(flexsearch_cache.search("foobar")).to.include(3);
- // cache:
- expect(flexsearch_cache.search("foo")).to.have.members([0, 1, 3]);
- expect(flexsearch_cache.search("bar")).to.include(3);
- expect(flexsearch_cache.search("foobar")).to.include(3);
- });
- });
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Debug Information
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-if(env !== "light" && env !== "min"){
- describe("Debug", function(){
- it("Should have been debug mode activated", function(){
- var info = flexsearch_cache.info();
- expect(info).to.have.keys([
- "id",
- //"chars",
- "cache",
- "items",
- "matcher",
- //"memory",
- //"sequences",
- "resolution",
- "worker",
- "contextual",
- "depth",
- "threshold"
- ]);
- });
- });
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Destroy
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-describe("Destroy", function(){
- it("Should have been destroyed properly", function(){
- var index = FlexSearch()
- .add(0, "foo")
- .add(1, "bar");
- expect(index.search("foo")).to.include(0);
- expect(index.search("bar")).to.include(1);
- index.destroy();
- expect(index.search("foo")).to.have.lengthOf(0);
- expect(index.search("bar")).to.have.lengthOf(0);
- });
- if(env !== "light") it("Should have been destroyed properly (documents)", function(){
- var data = [{id: 0, title: "foo"}, {id: 1, title: "bar"}];
- var index = FlexSearch({doc: {id: "id", field: "title"}})
- .add(data)
- .add(data);
- expect(index.search("foo")).to.have.members([data[0]]);
- expect(index.search("bar")).to.have.members([data[1]]);
- index.destroy();
- expect(index.search("foo")).to.have.lengthOf(0);
- expect(index.search("bar")).to.have.lengthOf(0);
- });
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Chaining
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-describe("Chaining", function(){
- it("Should have been chained properly", function(){
- var index = FlexSearch({tokenize: "forward", matcher: {"â": "a"}})
- .add(0, "foo")
- .add(1, "bar");
- expect(index.search("foo")).to.include(0);
- expect(index.search("bar")).to.include(1);
- expect(index.encode("bâr")).to.eql(["bar"]);
- index.remove(0).update(1, "foo").add(2, "foobâr");
- expect(index.search("foo")).to.have.members([1, 2]);
- expect(index.search("bar")).to.have.lengthOf(0);
- expect(index.search("foobar")).to.include(2);
- index.clear().add(0, "foo").add(1, "bar");
- expect(index.search("foo")).to.include(0);
- expect(index.search("bar")).to.include(1);
- expect(index.search("foobar")).to.have.lengthOf(0);
- flexsearch_cache.destroy().init().add(0, "foo").add(1, "bar");
- expect(flexsearch_cache.search("foo")).to.include(0);
- expect(flexsearch_cache.search("bar")).to.include(1);
- expect(flexsearch_cache.search("foobar")).to.have.lengthOf(0);
- });
-/* Test Helpers */
-function test_encoder(str){
- return "-[" + str.toUpperCase() + "]-";