导语:Kubernetes是 Google 团队发起的开源项目,用于跨多个主机管理集装箱化应用程序 ; 为应用程序的部署,维护和扩展提供基本的机制,主要实现语言为Go
就是希望解决这一序列问题的,该项目目前在GitHub进行维护 ── 来自 Production-Grade Container Orchestration - Kubernetes | 倾城之链。
- Kubernetes 官网
- Kubernetes Github
- Kubernetes 中文社区
- Kubernetes 教程简介(英)
- kubernetes-basicLearning: Understand kubernetes step by step. A simple repo for beginners 🔥
- 为什么 Kubernetes 是新的应用服务器(英)
- helm: The Kubernetes Package Manager https://helm.sh/
- minikube: Run Kubernetes locally
- charts: Curated applications for Kubernetes
- ingress-nginx: NGINX Ingress Controller for Kubernetes
- kubeflow: Machine Learning Toolkit for Kubernetes
- Tilt: Local Kubernetes development with no stress https://tilt.build/
- fluentd-kubernetes-daemonset: Fluentd daemonset for Kubernetes and it Docker image
- kubernetes-up-and-running/kuard: Demo app for Kubernetes Up and Running book
- openshift/origin: The self-managing, auto-upgrading, Kubernetes distribution for everyone http://www.openshift.org
- tektoncd/pipeline: A K8s-native Pipeline resource. https://tekton.dev
- fission/fission: Fast and Simple Serverless Functions for Kubernetes
- cloudnativelabs/kube-shell: Kubernetes shell: An integrated shell for working with the Kubernetes
- pingcap/chaos-mesh: A Chaos Engineering Platform for Kubernetes
- kubesail/deploy-node-app: Deploy your node.js app to Kubernetes with a single command. No config required.