导语: VueJS 是一款友好的、多用途且高性能的渐进式 JavaScript
框架;它能帮助你创建可维护性和可测试性更强的代码库;它具有许多令人难以抗拒的优势,诸如极其易用,如果你已经会了 HTML、CSS、JavaScript?即刻阅读指南开始构建应用!非常灵活,不断繁荣的生态系统,可以在一个库和一套完整框架之间自如伸缩。十分高效,20kB min+gzip 运行大小,超快虚拟 DOM ,最省心的优化。经过几年的发展,Vue
等方面,也是大放异彩,成为时下发展最为迅猛的开放框架,堪称业界无冕之王。── 出自倾城之链 | Vue.js - The Progressive JavaScript Framework。
- Vue 官方文档
- Some of the vue-tutorial
- 从零搭建 vue2+vue-router2+webpack3 工程
- Vue.js 2.0 快速上手精华梳理
- Building a Modal Component with Vue.js
- Authentication Best Practices for Vue
- 逐行剖析 Vue.js 源码
- 如何写一手漂亮的 Vue
- Vue 2.0 源码学习
- vue2.0 源码分析之理解响应式架构
- 『翻译』深入理解 Vue.js 响应式原理
- Vue 源码解析:深入响应式原理
- Vue 中你不知道但却很实用的黑科技
- Vue 源码详解之 v-for
- 深入浅出基于 “ 依赖收集 ” 的响应式原理
- XCel 项目总结 - Electron 与 Vue 的性能优化
- 逐行级别的源码分析: 逐行级别的源码分析 http://hcysun.me/vue-design/
- Useful Vue patterns, techniques, tips and tricks and helpful curated links.
- Vue.js Authentication System with Node.js Backend: In this tutorial, ll explore different authentication types for JavaScript applications and build a Vue authentication system with a Node.js backend.
- vuejs/awesome-vue
- OverVue: Prototyping Tool For Vue Devs 适用于 Vue 的原型工具
- VueJS 开发常见问题集锦
- element-plus/element-plus: 🎉 A Vue.js 3.0 UI Library
- 11 Vue.js Component Libraries You Should Know In 2018
- element: A Vue.js 2.0 UI Toolkit for Web https://element.eleme.io/
- buefy: Lightweight UI components for Vue.js based on Bulma https://buefy.org
- vuetify: Material Component Framework for Vue.js 2 https://vuetifyjs.com
- bootstrap-vue: BootstrapVue provides one of the most comprehensive implementations of Bootstrap 4 components and grid system for Vue.js and with extensive and automated WAI-ARIA accessibility markup.
- cube-ui: 🔶 A fantastic mobile ui lib implement by Vue https://didi.github.io/cube-ui/
- mand-mobile: 💰 A mobile UI toolkit, based on Vue.js 2, designed for financial scenarios. https://didi.github.io/mand-mobile
- lusaxweb/vuesax: Frontend vue Components Framework for Vue.js 2 https://lusaxweb.github.io/vuesax/
- ant-design-vue: An enterprise-class UI components based on Ant Design and Vue. 🐜
- vue-treeselect: A multi-select component with nested options support for Vue.js https://vue-treeselect.js.org
- Vue-Cli: 🛠️ Standard Tooling for Vue.js Development
- poi: ⚡️ A zero-config bundler for JavaScript applications. https://poi.js.org
- vuetifyjs: Material Design Component Framework
- awesome-vue-cli3-example: 🍑Awesome example for rapid Vue.js development using vue-cli3 .
- vue-boilerplate-template: 🍎 Efficient development of web SPA using Vue.js(2.*) + Webpack + Element-ui + Pwa + Vuex + Vuex-router + Vue-i18n + Dayjs + Lodash.
- pikapkg/snowpack: The fastest dev environment for modern web apps. https://snowpack.dev
- vuestic-admin: Free and Beautiful Vue.js Admin Template
- vuepress-web-app: 📝 Web applications built with Vuepress https://nice.lovejade.cn/
- create-nuxt-app: Create Nuxt.js App in seconds.
- create-vue-app: Create Vue apps with no build configuration.
- Meituan-Dianping/mpvue: 基于 Vue.js 的小程序开发框架,从底层支持 Vue.js 语法和构建工具体系。 http://mpvue.com
- electron-vue: An Electron & Vue.js quick start boilerplate with vue-cli scaffolding, common Vue plugins, electron-packager/electron-builder, unit/e2e testing, vue-devtools, and webpack.
- vuido: Native desktop applications using Vue.js.
- neutrinojs/neutrino: Create and build modern JavaScript projects with zero initial configuration. https://neutrinojs.org
- vue-cli: 🛠️ CLI for rapid Vue.js development
- Vue Router: 🚦 The official router for Vue.js. http://router.vuejs.org/
- Vuex: 🗃️ Centralized State Management for Vue.js. https://vuex.vuejs.org
- Vue SSR: Vue.js Server-Side Rendering Guide
- yyx990803/vue-lit: Proof of concept custom elements "framework"
- jaredpalmer/razzle: ✨ Create server-rendered universal JavaScript applications with no configuration
- alpinejs/alpine: A rugged, minimal framework for composing JavaScript behavior in your markup.
- vue-test-utils : 🔬 Utilities for testing Vue components https://vue-test-utils.vuejs.org
- vuepress: Minimalistic Vue-powered static site generator https://vuepress.vuejs.org/
- vue-syntax-highlight : 💡 Sublime Text syntax highlighting for single-file Vue components
- Vue 论坛
- Vue 聊天室
- handsontable: Handsontable Community Edition - JavaScript/HTML5 Data Grid Component with Spreadsheet Look & Feel. Available for React, Vue and Angular.
- vue-meta: Manage page meta info in Vue 2.0 components. SSR + Streaming supported.
- vue-storefront: Vue Storefront - PWA for eCommerce. 100% offline, platform agnostic, headless, Magento 2 supported. Always Open Source, MIT license. Join us as contributor ([email protected]). http://vuestorefront.io
- vue-cli-plugin-apollo: 🚀 vue-cli 3.x plugin for Apollo and GraphQL
- vue-lazyload: A Vue.js plugin for lazyload your Image or Component in your application. http://hilongjw.github.io/vue-lazyload/
- vue-infinite-loading: An infinite scroll plugin for Vue.js.
- tiptap: A rich-text editor for Vue.js https://tiptap.scrumpy.io/
- vue-virtual-scroller: ⚡️ Blazing fast scrolling for any amount of data
- vue-faq-accordion: ❓ Simple and smooth Vue.js accordion component. Perfect for your FAQ section
- pikax/zipe: flutter docker image with full android sdk.
- antfu/vite-plugin-pwa: Zero-config PWA for Vite