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Polybar Module - News & Podcasts


This polybar module displays news and podcast titles, so you can read/listen to them in your browser/audio|video player with a simple click on the bar. You can also search/choose a specific news/podcast through a menu (via rofi) opened by a keyboard shortcut.


Animated gif of the menu with all news

The menu with all news opened above the bar


Clone (or download) this repository:

git clone

then run the following commands:

$ cd polybar-module-news  # directory where you cloned the repository or unzipped the release file
$ sh

Add links of your favorite news/podcast sites to


and/or to


Enable this module in your bar, e.g:

modules-left = news ...

(It is advisable to use a whole bar for this module only).

Configure the module (see below) and then restart polybar.


This script requires

  • python 3;
  • python module feedparser (install it with pip3 install --user feedparser or with your package manager);
  • xdg-open (to open news link);
  • rofi (optional dependency to show a menu with all news);
  • an audio/video player (optional dependency) to open podcast files.

N.B. After installing Python 3 and the other dependencies you need to wait about 10 seconds before the error message of missing requirement disappears.


Edit the file ~/.config/polybar/scripts/news/conf/news.conf and set up the right Python 3 interpreter.

All available options:

name description default value
quiet_mode no output if there are no news/podcasts titles no
show_site show the name of the site as prefix to the title yes
show_date show the news date, if available yes
date_as_prefix show the date before the title (otherwise as suffix), if show_date=yes yes
date_format see manpage strftime(3) for the conversation specs. %d %b. %R -
show_prefix show icon, date and site name yes
news_prefix the prefix to show before the title the character U+F09E
use_colors for news/podcast title and diagnostic messages yes
colors a list of colors, separated by spaces or commas, to use for the news titles #28FFBF #FFEF78 #49FF00
error_bg_color background color for error messages #F44336
error_fg_color foreground color for error messages #FFFFFF
warning_bg_color background color for warning messages #FFC107
warning_fg_color foreground color for the warning messages #212121
reverse_order reverse the order of the news in the search list yes
show_menu display a menu with all news (via rofi, right click) yes
menu_lines number of news to show in the menu, definible also in config.rasi, (height of menu) 20
media_links use link to a multimedial file if available yes
audio_player program to open audio files of podcast gmplayer
video_player program to open video files of podcast mpv
audio_prefix prefix for the audio titles  U+F2CE (audio)
video_prefix prefix for the video titles  U+F144 (video)
search_prompt string to use as search prompt "Search"
max_news max number of news per feed (a whole number or 0 for all news). It takes effect with the next download. 0
length number of characters for the output to the bar; zero means no limit 0
use_ellipsis add ... where the title length is > 0 yes
open_cmd program for opening URLs xdg-open
breaking_news enable breaking news (see below) yes
rofi_config path to the rofi configuration file ${HOME}/.config/polybar/scripts/news/conf/config.rasi
rofi_width width of the rofi menu (see rofi(1)) auto
python_cmd a python 3 interpreter python3

You can change the interval between two headlines by editing the relative option in the following file:


To configure the menu you can edit the file ~/.config/polybar/scripts/news/conf/config.rasi.

Breaking News Configuration

Add the feed URL of the breaking news sites to


then, in your terminal, run the command:

crontab -e

and add the following line:

*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/python3 $HOME/.config/polybar/scripts/news/ -c '#0cffc8,#cae970' -l 5 $HOME/.config/polybar/scripts/news/data

then save and exit the editor.

Change the list of colors after the -c option, and the number of minutes after the first slash and the option -l, if you want.

Change the value of the variable breaking_news to "yes" in the configuration file:


When the headlines are available, they take immediately precedence over other news.


Click on the news headline on the bar to open the relative web page in your browser. With a right click on the bar you can open a menu with all news. You may also show that menu by defining a key shortcut. The command to bind is:

~/.config/polybar/scripts/news/ show_menu

For example, for bspwm/sxhkd, you can add these lines to ~/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc:

super + ctrl + shift + r
    $HOME/.config/polybar/scripts/news/ show_menu

or for i3wm this line to ~/.config/i3/config:

bindsym Mod4 + Control + Shift + r exec --no-startup-id ~/.config/polybar/scripts/news/ show_menu

You can also open the current news with a keyboard shortcut by binding the following command:

$HOME/.config/polybar/scripts/news/ open

To select the feeds at runtime, you can bind the following command to a keyboard shortcut or run it from a terminal:

$HOME/.config/polybar/scripts/news/ select

You can always force a download with the command:

$HOME/.config/polybar/scripts/news/ download


  1. The feed URL of a site is generally available at /feed/ address, but you can also find it by searching for an RSS icon in the page or viewing its HTML page source. You may also use the Ukora news search engine;
  2. in the feed title the tag [BN] marks a breaking news site;
  3. see the site or for some hint of colors;
  4. to see icons you need to install a suitable font like Font Awesome;
  5. as video player you could consider the program umpv.


This software is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.