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SAD Template

Executive summary

This template can be used as reference for your own solution architecture document.

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But instead of using this static template I recommend our tool to generate 80% (or more) of the document automatic.

Steps to complete:

Define your principles for your architecture/design

Define or gather your requirements

Make use of our collection of pre-defined solution building blocks (SBB’s) and refer to the default description instead of repeating trival information in your architecture document. In this way you can keep your document clean and mean.

This is very easy:

  • Use our pre-defined


Executive summary ii

1 Introduction 4

1.1 Terms Used in This Standard 4

1.2 Scope 4

2 Goals and Context 6

2.1.1 Significant Driving Requirements 6

2.2 Solution Background 6

2.2.1 Architectural Approaches 7

2.2.2 Analysis Results 7

2.2.3 Requirements Coverage 7

2.2.4 Summary of Changes in Current Version 7

2.2.5 Product Line Reuse Considerations 7

3 Views 7

4 Relations Among Views 8

4.1 General Relations Among Views 9

4.2 View-to-View Relations 9

5 Referenced Materials 9

6 Glossary and acronyms 9

7 Appendixes 9


General introduction of the project.

Tip: Make sure this document can be read and reviewed without reading all reference documentation. E.g. Programme architecture, project plan, business case etc.

The right software architecture is essential for a software-intensive system to meet its

behavioral (functional) requirements as well as its quality requirements that govern real-time performance, security, reliability, maintainability, and a host of other quality attributes.

Software architecture is especially critical in large, complex systems because software is a major contributor to the cost and quality of such systems and to the schedule and risk of acquiring them.

Documenting the architecture effectively is as important as crafting it because the

documentation is how the architecture is communicated to its many stakeholders. An

architecture that is not communicated clearly, completely, and unambiguously to developers, downstream designers, testers, analysts, certification authorities, and other key practitioners is nearly useless and will require a multitude of architects to constantly and repeatedly explain themselves. In a very short time—let alone over a long-lived system’s expected operational lifetime—the architecture will lose all integrity

Terms Used in This Standard

Document means a collection of data regardless of its medium or the number of volumes

it consists of. Use of electronic data is encouraged.

A viewpoint is a pattern or template that specifies the conventions for constructing and

using a view. It is created after three things have been determined: (1) the view’s

purpose, (2) the view’s audience, and (3) how the view will be created and analyzed. Once created, viewpoints are used to develop multiple individual views.

A view is a representation of a whole system from the perspective of a related set of


A view is described by the types of elements and relations that it

contains, as well as any constraints on their interaction. A view conforms to a viewpoint.

A view packet specifies a portion of the system in a view. It is the smallest bundle of

useful documentation that can be given to a stakeholder [Clements 02]. View packets

usually show large areas of the system at shallow depth or small areas of the system at

great depth.


1. Documentation Roadmap and Overview

In this section, provide information that will help readers of the SAD find the information they

need quickly. Structure the information in the sections listed below.

1.1 Document Management and Configuration Control Information

Identify the version, release date, and other relevant management and

configuration control information associated with the current version of the

document. Optional: Include a change history, highlighting significant changes

from version to version.

1.2 Purpose and Scope of the SAD

Explain the SAD’s overall purpose and scope. Explain the criteria for deciding

which design decisions are architectural (and therefore documented in the SAD)

and which are non-architectural (and therefore documented elsewhere).

1.3 How the SAD Is Organized

Provide a narrative description and overall contents of the seven major sections of

the SAD (as identified by this reference standard).

1.4 Stakeholder Representation

1.4.1 Stakeholders and Their Concerns

Provide a list of the stakeholder roles considered in the development of the

architecture described by this SAD. For each role, list the stakeholder

concerns that can be addressed by the information in this SAD. A

convenient way to represent this information is as a matrix, where the rows

list stakeholder roles, the columns list concerns, and the cells indicate how

serious the concern is to a stakeholder in that role. The following

stakeholders shall be considered at a minimum:

  • application software developers

  • infrastructure software developers

  • end users

  • application and platform hardware engineers

  • security engineers and certifiers

  • safety engineers and certifiers

  • communications engineers

  • system-of-system engineers

  • chief engineer/chief scientist

  • lead system integrator (LSI) program management

  • government program management (including those concerned with

  • licensing)

  • system integration and test engineers

  • external test agencies

  • operational system managers

  • trainers

  • maintainers

  • other service representatives

  • auditors (LSI internal, the Government Accounting Office, etc.)

  • representatives of standardization activities

1.4.2 Stakeholder Scenarios for Using the SAD

For each role identified in Section 1.4.1, write a few short scenarios that

explain how stakeholders in that role would use specific sections of the SAD

to help address their concerns.

1.5 Viewpoint and View Definitions

Introduction to Viewpoints. Define the term viewpoint and describe how it’s

used in this SAD.

Describe each viewpoint used in the SAD as outlined in Section 1.5.i. The

following viewpoints must be included:

Communications viewpoint. Views conforming to this viewpoint show the communication paths used by software-initiated or software carried messages and the software elements that send and receive information along those paths. Views conforming to this viewpoint

provide the basis for analysis for determining whether necessary communication bandwidth and performance will be achieved, thus enabling the system to meet its operational requirements that depend on communication.

Data load viewpoint. Views conforming to this viewpoint show the

data required and provided by software elements and show where

that data is stored and how it is backed up and recovered in the

event of loss. Views conforming to this viewpoint provide the basis

for analysis for determining whether units will have access to the

necessary information.

Information assurance viewpoint. Views conforming to this viewpoint show the location and flow of classified or otherwise sensitive information in the system, as well as elements that provide essential

services that must be protected from denial-of-service attacks.

Views conforming to this viewpoint provide the basis for analysis for

determining whether the system’s information-assurance needs will

be met.

safety viewpoint. Views conforming to this viewpoint show elements

that provide safety-critical functionality and how they are used.

reliability viewpoint. Views conforming to this viewpoint show

elements that provide mission-critical functionality, how they are

used, and any redundancy or failover capabilities provided to

assume that functionality in the event of failure. Views conforming to

this viewpoint provide the basis for analysis for determining whether

the system’s reliability needs will be satisfied.

Goals and Context

Describe the goals and major contextual factors for the software architecture. Include

a description of the role software architecture plays in the life cycle, relevant acquisition

factors, the impact of the LSI model, the effects of incremental development, and the

relationship to system engineering results and artifacts.

Significant Driving Requirements

Describe behavioural and quality attribute requirements (original or derived) that shaped

the software architecture. Include any scenarios that express driving behavioural and

quality attribute goals, such as those crafted during an ATAM evaluation [Clements


Solution Background

In this section, provide a description of why the architecture is the way it is and why it is

appropriate for satisfying the functional and quality attribute goals levied upon it. Structure the

information in the following sections:

Architectural Approaches

Provide a rationale for the major design decisions embodied by the software

architecture. Describe any design approaches applied to the software architecture—

including the use of architectural styles or design patterns—when the scope of those

approaches transcends any single architectural view. Explain why those approaches

were chosen and specifically why they were chosen over other seriously considered

approaches. Describe any relevant issues dealing with commercial off-the-shelf

(COTS) or government off-the-shelf (GOTS) components, including any associated

trade spaces.

Analysis Results

Describe the results of any quantitative or qualitative analyses that have proven the

software architecture is fit for purpose. If an architecture evaluation has been

performed using the ATAM or a comparable method, include the analysis sections of

the final evaluation report. Refer to the results of any other relevant trade studies,

quantitative modeling, or other analysis results.

Requirements Coverage

Describe the requirements (original or derived) addressed by the software architecture.

Include those requirements or constraints that are derived from higher level SADs.

Summary of Changes in Current Version

For versions of the SAD after the original release, summarize the actions; the

decisions and decision drivers; the requirements changes and analysis and trade

study results that became decision drivers; and explain how these decisions caused

the architecture to evolve or change.

Product Line Reuse Considerations

When a product line is being developed, this section details how the software covered by this SAD is planned or expected to be reused in order to support the product line vision. In particular, this section includes a complete list of the variations that are planned to be

produced and supported. Variation refers to a variant of the software produced through the use of pre-planned variation mechanisms made available in the software architecture.

Variation may refer to a variant of a module or a collection of modules identified in this SAD, or to the entire system or subsystem covered by this SAD. For each variation, this section identifies the increment(s) of the software build in which the variation will be available and used. Finally, this section describes any additional potential that exists to reuse one or more of the modules or their identified variations, even if this reuse is not currently planned for any increment.


#1 This section should explain all naming conventions used, and draw attention to any points a maintenance programmer would not expect. A table of the file types and the permitted names or extensions for each is recommended for quick reference.

#2 Conventions for naming files, programs, modules, and possibly other structures such as variables and messages, should all be documented here.


#1 This section should define the project programming standards. Whatever languages or standards are chosen, the aim should be to create a convenient and easily usable method for writing good-quality software. If an application development tool is used there may be other conventions that need to be defined, e.g. colour schemes.

#2 When programming in any new language, a standard for its use should be written to provide guidance for programmers. This standard may be referenced or included here.

#3 Where there are external interfaces, the programming standards for the interfaces required should be referenced.

#4 In general, the programming standard should define a consistent and uniform programming style. Specific points to cover are:

a. modularity and structuring;

b. headers and commenting;

c. indenting and layout;

d. library routines to be used;

e. language constructs to use;

f. language constructs to avoid.


Describe the different view points.

Describe for each view:

  • Name the view.

  • View Description

  • Describe the view’s purpose and contents. Refer to the viewpoint description in

  • To which this view conforms.

  • View Packet Overview

  • Show the set of view packets in this view and explain why the set is complete and no duplicative.

  • Architecture Background :Provide any architecture background (including significant driving requirements, design approaches, patterns, analysis results, and requirements coverage) that applies to this view.

  • Variability Mechanisms:Describe any architectural variability mechanisms (e.g., adaptation data, compile-time parameters, and variable replication) described by this view, including a description of how and when those mechanisms can be exercised and any constraints on their use.

  • View Packets. Describe each view packet in the view using the following outline:

View Packet:Name the view packet.

Primary Presentation :Using an appropriate language, languages, notation, or tool-based representation, present the elements that populate this view packet and the relations among them.

Element: Catalog

Elements: Describe each element shown in the primary presentation, along with the values of its relevant properties, which are described in the viewpoint to which this view conforms.

Relations :Describe any additional relations among elements shown in the primary presentation and any specializations or restrictions on those relations.

Interfaces: Specify the software interfaces to any elements shown in the primary presentation that must be visible to other elements. The primary presentation that must be visible to other elements.

Behaviour: Specify any significant behaviour of elements or groups of interacting elements that are shown in the primary presentation.

Constraints: List any constraints on elements or relations not otherwise


Context Diagram: Provide a context diagram showing the context of the part of the system represented by this view packet. Designate the view packet’s scope with a distinguished symbol and show interactions with external entities in the view’s vocabulary.

Variability Mechanisms:Describe any variability’s that are available in the portion of the system shown in the view packet, along with how and when those mechanisms can be used.

Architecture Background:Provide the rationale for any significant design decisions whose scope is limited to this view packet.

Related View Packets:Provide section references for related view packets, including the parent, children, and siblings of this view packet. Related view packets might be in the same view or in different ones.

Relations Among Views

General Relations Among Views

Describe the general relationship among the views chosen to represent the architecture.

Discuss the consistencies among those views and identify any known inconsistencies.

View-to-View Relations

Show how the elements in related views are associated.

Referenced Materials

For each referenced document, provide a complete citation that enables a reader to easily locate the document.

Glossary and acronyms

Provide definitions of the special terms used in the SAD. If a term has a different meaning in this SAD than it does in a parent SAD, explain why.

Provide definitions of the acronyms used in the SAD.


Appendixes can be used to provide information published separately for convenience in

document maintenance (e.g., charts, classified data). As applicable, each appendix should be referenced in the main body of the document where the appendix data would normally have been provided. Appendixes can be bound as separate documents for ease in handling.