- @trevnorris - Trevor Norris
- @thlorenz - Thorsten Lorenz
- @watson - Thomas Watson Steen
- @pmuellr - Patrick Mueller
- @bripkens - Ben Ripkens
- @AndreasMadsen - Andreas Madsen
trace-event is now in V8 4.9; #30 - next steps
need more meat / structure in the #31 - use cases issue
- node #3504 - async_wrap: make native API public is unlikely to land. What are the alternatives for integrating native addons with AsyncWrap?
- Follow up on http fix and making MakeCallback reentrant:
1:30 - agenda, previous minutes
5:36 - trace events
node branch now available to play with - issue comment
What work can we do in parallel to work Google is doing?
- what will Google folks be providing?
What does a trace event look like in the code, including passing data?
How do we expose the trace buffer to whoever wants to read the trace events?
- only via special build?
- provided in existing node build, via native add-on?
What trace events do we actually provide?
- very low overhead, and configurable, so we probably want to add a bunch
- grouped via categories - a grouping mechanism provided by the tracing infrastructure
Probably don't want to have events themselves surface back through JavaScript, kills the overhead.
But probably want to think about configuring the tracing via some kind of API; start/stop tracing, configuring what trace categories are enabled, where does tracing output go. This API might be only exposed via native add-ons first, and then later higher in JS if we find a nice set.
What are the constraints on the data we can add to a trace event. Eg, presumably won't be pointers to things that can move / be freed, since trace events are "read" long after events occur.
Can we allow users to emit events from JavaScript?
Pat wants to create a couple of issues to focus on some of the particular questions.
- how do expose trace events to the user
- apis to start/stop/configure tracing
- what are we going to put trace events around
31:07 - async wrap status
native addons integrated with AsyncWrap
- node #3504- async_wrap: make native API public
- Can we do this? Currently seems impossible | hard; because this exposes some internal stuff that we wouldn't want to. Trevor will look into some techniques to do this.
http fix / MakeCallback being re-entrant
- node #4509 - Fix async wrap http
- node #4507 - src: fix MakeCallback error handling
- note that this PR has been merged