diff --git a/assets/images/decorations/color-palette.ai b/assets/images/decorations/color-palette.ai new file mode 100755 index 00000000..72bffe38 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/images/decorations/color-palette.ai @@ -0,0 +1,13045 @@ +%PDF-1.5 %âãÏÓ +1 0 obj <>/OCGs[5 0 R 27 0 R 28 0 R 51 0 R 52 0 R]>>/Pages 3 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 2 0 obj <>stream + + + + + application/pdf + + + Nord Docs - Color Palette + + + + + Arctic Ice Studio + + + + + Copyright (C) 2019-present Arctic Ice Studio (https://www.arcticicestudio.com) Copyright (C) 2019-present Sven Greb (https://www.svengreb.de) + + + + + Adobe Illustrator CS6 (Windows) + 2019-03-14T20:57:23+02:00 + 2019-03-14T21:00:13+01:00 + 2019-03-14T21:00:13+01:00 + + + + 256 + 256 + JPEG + /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAgEASABIAAD/7QAsUGhvdG9zaG9wIDMuMAA4QklNA+0AAAAAABAASAAAAAEA AQBIAAAAAQAB/+4ADkFkb2JlAGTAAAAAAf/bAIQABgQEBAUEBgUFBgkGBQYJCwgGBggLDAoKCwoK DBAMDAwMDAwQDA4PEA8ODBMTFBQTExwbGxscHx8fHx8fHx8fHwEHBwcNDA0YEBAYGhURFRofHx8f 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+84838382828180807F7E7E7D7D7C7B7B7A7979787877767675 +> +< +FFFEFDFCFBFAF9F8F7F6F5F4F3F2F1F0EFEEEDECEBEAE9E8E7E6E5E4E3E2E1E0DFDDDCDBDAD9D8D7 +D6D5D4D3D2D1D0CFCECDCCCBCAC9C8C7C6C5C4C3C2C1C0BFBE +> +4 %_Br +[ +0.854643 0.468879 0 0 0 0.458824 0.745098 2 1 6 50 100 %_BS +%_0.854643 0.468879 0 0 0 0.458824 0.745098 2 1 6 50 100 Bs +0.717464 0.316075 0 0 0 0.615686 1 2 1 6 50 0 %_BS +%_0.717464 0.316075 0 0 0 0.615686 1 2 1 6 50 0 Bs +BD +%AI5_EndGradient +%AI5_BeginGradient: (Unnamed gradient 28) +(Unnamed gradient 28) 1 2 Bd +[ +< +0000010304050608090A0C0D0F10111314151617181A1B1C1D1E1F20212324262728292A2B2D2E30 +31323335363738393A3C3D3E404142434445464748494A4B4C4D4E4F5051525354565758595A +> +< +00000100010203040504060708090908090A0B0C0C0C0D0D0E0F100F101112131413141516171816 +1718191A1B1A1B1C1D1E1F1E1F20212223222324252627262728292A2B2A2B2C2D2E2F2E2F30 +> +< +0000000103040304050707080909090B0C0B0C0D0E0E0F100F10111312131415151717171818191A +1B1B1C1C1C1E1D1E1F20202122232223242425252625262829282829282A2B2C2B2D2E2F2F2F +> +< +00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 +0000000000000000000000000000000001000101010101010202020202020203030303030404 +> +< +FFFEFDFCFBFAF9F8F7F6F5F4F3F2F1F0EFEEEDECEBEAE9E8E7E6E5E4E3E2E1E0DFDEDDDCDBDAD9D7 +D6D5D4D3D2D1D0CFCECDCCCBCAC9C8C7C6C5C4C3C2C1C0BFBEBDBCBBBAB9B8B7B6B5B4B3B2B1 +> +< +FFFEFDFDFCFBFAF9F8F8F7F6F5F4F3F3F2F1F0EFEEEEEDECEBEAE9E9E8E7E6E5E4E4E3E2E1E0DFDF +DEDDDCDBDADAD9D8D7D6D5D5D4D3D2D1D0D0CFCECDCCCBCBCAC9C8C7C6C6C5C4C3C2C1C1C0BF +> +< +FFFEFEFDFCFBFBFAF9F8F8F7F6F6F5F4F3F3F2F1F0F0EFEEEEEDECEBEBEAE9E8E8E7E6E6E5E4E3E3 +E2E1E0E0DFDEDEDDDCDBDBDAD9D8D8D7D6D6D5D4D3D3D2D1D0D0CFCECECDCCCBCBCAC9C8C8C7 +> +4 %_Br +[ +0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 1 6 50 0 %_BS +%_0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 1 6 50 0 Bs +0.35288 0.187259 0.186221 0.014984 0.694118 0.74902 0.780392 2 1 6 50 100 %_BS +%_0.35288 0.187259 0.186221 0.014984 0.694118 0.74902 0.780392 2 1 6 50 100 Bs +BD +%AI5_EndGradient +%AI5_BeginGradient: (Unnamed gradient 3) +(Unnamed gradient 3) 0 2 Bd +[ +< +2C2D2E2F303132333435363738393B3C3D3E3F4142434445464748494A4B4C4D4F50505152535454 +5556575858595A5B5C5D5E5F606162636364656667686969 +> +< +00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000100000000000000010000 +010002010002010201000201020101030204040305040606 +> +0 +0 +< +DAD9D8D7D6D5D4D3D2D1D0CFCECDCCCBCAC9C8C7C6C5C4C3C2C1C0BFBEBDBCBBB9B8B7B6B5B4B3B2 +B1B0AFAEADACABAAA9A8A7A6A5A4A3A2A1A09F9E9D9C9B9A +> +< +F1F1F0F0EFEFEFEEEEEDEDEDECECEBEBEBEAEAE9E9E9E8E8E7E7E7E6E6E5E5E5E4E4E4E3E3E2E2E2 +E1E1E0E0E0DFDFDEDEDEDDDDDCDCDCDBDBDADADAD9D9D8D8 +> +1 +4 %_Br +[ +0.413245 0.021576 0 0 0.603922 0.847059 1 2 1 6 50 100 %_BS +%_0.413245 0.021576 0 0 0.603922 0.847059 1 2 1 6 50 100 Bs +0.17142 0 0 0 0.854902 0.945098 1 2 1 6 50 0 %_BS +%_0.17142 0 0 0 0.854902 0.945098 1 2 1 6 50 0 Bs +BD +%AI5_EndGradient +%AI5_BeginGradient: (Unnamed gradient 7) +(Unnamed gradient 7) 0 2 Bd +[ +< +0000010304050608090B0C0D0F1011121314151718191A1B1C1E1F21222324252728292A2B2C2D2E +2F3031323435363738393A3B3C3D3E3F404142434445464748494A4B4C4D4E4F5050515253545556 +5758595A5B5C5D5D5E5F5F6061626263646565666768696A6A6B6C6E6F7070717273747475767777 +78797A7A7B7C7D7E7E7F808181828383848585868687888889898A8B8B8C8D8D8E8F8F9090919292 +93949495959697979899999A9B9B9C9C9D9E9E9F9FA0A1A2A2A3A4A5A5A6A7A8A8A9AAAAABABACAD +ADAEAFB0B0B1B1B2B3B4B4B5B6B6B7B8B9B9BABBBCBDBDBEBFBFC0C1C1C2C3C4C5C6C7C8C9C9CACC +CED0D1D2D4D5D7D8DADCDEE0E3E5E7E9 +> +< +00000102030405060708090A0A0B0C0C0D0E0F1011111213141516171819191A1B1B1C1D1E1F2020 +2122232425262728292A2B2C2C2D2E2E2F303131323334353637373839393A3B3C3C3D3E3E3F4041 +424243444546474748494A4B4B4C4D4D4E4E4F4F505152525354555657575859595A5B5B5C5C5D5D +5E5F5F60616162636364656667676869696A6A6B6C6C6D6E6E6F6F70707172727374747576767778 +79797A7B7C7C7D7E7F7F80808182828384858586878888898A8A8B8C8C8D8E8E8F90919192939494 +959697979898999A9B9B9C9D9D9E9FA0A0A1A2A3A3A4A5A6A6A7A7A8A9AAABACADAEAFB0B1B1B2B3 +B5B6B7B8B9BABCBDBEC0C1C3C4C6C7C9 +> +< +000001020304050708090A0B0C0D0E0F10111112131415161718191A1B1C1C1D1E1F202121222323 +2425262728292A2B2C2D2D2E2F2F3031323233343536373738393A3B3B3C3D3D3E3F404041424243 +44444546464748494A4A4B4C4D4D4E4E4F505051515253535454555657575859595A5B5B5C5C5D5D +5E5F5F606161626263636465656667676869696A6A6B6C6C6D6D6E6F6F7070717272737474757676 +777778787879797A7B7B7C7D7D7E7E7F7F80808181828283838485858687878888898A8A8B8C8C8D +8D8E8E8E8F8F8F909091919293939494959596969798989999999A9A9B9B9B9B9C9C9C9C9C9D9D9D +9D9D9D9D9D9D9D9D9E9E9E9E9E9E9E9E +> +< +00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 +01010101010101020202020202030303040404050506060607070808080909090A0A0A0B0B0C0C0D +0D0E0F0F1011121213131414151616171819191A1B1B1C1D1E1E1F202122232425262728292A2B2C +2D2E2E2F3031323435363738393A3B3D3E3F40414344454647494A4B4C4E4F505253555658595B5C +5E5F6162646567686A6B6D6F7072737577787A7B7D7F8082848688898B8D8F91939496989A9C9E9F +A1A3A5A6A7A9AAACAEB0B2B3B5B7B9BBBDBFC1C3C5C7C9CACBCDCED0D1D3D5D7D9DADCDEDFE1E2E4 +E5E7E8E9E9EBECEDEEF0F1F3F4F6F7F9 +> +< +FFFEFDFCFBFAF9F8F7F6F5F4F3F2F1F0EFEEEDECEBEAE9E8E7E6E5E4E3E2E1E0DFDEDDDCDBDAD9D8 +D7D6D5D4D3D2D1D0CFCECDCCCBCAC9C8C7C6C5C4C3C2C1C0BFBEBDBCBBBAB9B8B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0 +AFAEADACABAAA9A8A7A6A5A4A3A2A1A09F9E9D9C9B9A999897969594939291908F8E8D8C8B8A8988 +87868584838281807F7E7D7C7B7A797877767574737271706F6E6D6C6B6A69686766656463626160 +5F5E5D5C5B5A595857565554535251504F4E4D4C4B4A494847464544434241403F3E3D3C3B3A3938 +37363534333231302F2E2D2C2B2A292827262524232221201F1E1D1C1B1A19181716151413121110 +0F0E0D0C0B0A09080706050403020100 +> +< +FFFEFDFCFBFAF9F8F7F6F5F4F3F2F1F0EFEEEDECEBEAE9E8E7E6E5E4E3E2E1E0DFDEDDDCDBDAD9D8 +D7D6D5D4D3D2D1D0CFCECDCCCBCAC9C8C7C6C5C4C3C2C1C0BFBEBDBCBBBAB9B8B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0 +AFAEADACABAAA9A8A7A6A5A4A3A2A1A09F9E9D9C9B9A999897969594939291908F8E8D8C8B8A8988 +87868584838281807F7E7D7C7B7A797877767574737271706F6E6D6C6B6A69686766656463626160 +5F5E5D5C5B5A595857565554535251504F4E4D4C4B4A494847464544434241403F3E3D3C3B3A3938 +37363534333231302F2E2D2C2B2A292827262524232221201F1E1D1C1B1A19181716151413121110 +0F0E0D0C0B0A09080706050403020100 +> +< +FFFEFDFCFBFAF9F8F7F6F5F4F3F2F1F0EFEEEDECEBEAE9E8E7E6E5E4E3E2E1E0DFDEDDDCDBDAD9D8 +D7D6D5D4D3D2D1D0CFCECDCCCBCAC9C8C7C6C5C4C3C2C1C0BFBEBDBCBBBAB9B8B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0 +AFAEADACABAAA9A8A7A6A5A4A3A2A1A09F9E9D9C9B9A999897969594939291908F8E8D8C8B8A8988 +87868584838281807F7E7D7C7B7A797877767574737271706F6E6D6C6B6A69686766656463626160 +5F5E5D5C5B5A595857565554535251504F4E4D4C4B4A494847464544434241403F3E3D3C3B3A3938 +37363534333231302F2E2D2C2B2A292827262524232221201F1E1D1C1B1A19181716151413121110 +0F0E0D0C0B0A09080706050403020100 +> +4 %_Br +[ +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 2 1 6 50 100 %_BS +%_0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 2 1 6 50 100 Bs +0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 1 6 50 0 %_BS +%_0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 1 6 50 0 Bs +BD +%AI5_EndGradient +%AI5_BeginGradient: (Weiß, Schwarz) +(Weiß, Schwarz) 0 2 Bd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193.207 3.55859 193.2695 3.46289 c +%_193.334 3.36523 193.4551 3.32227 193.5664 3.36133 c +%_198.3457 5.01563 203.5117 9.15039 203.5117 14.377 c +%_203.5117 19.4199 198.6992 23.7715 191.7109 23.4277 C +%_200.5293 25.9336 209.7617 23.1602 214.5918 17.1758 c +%_214.666 17.082 214.7969 17.0547 214.9023 17.1074 c +%_215.0098 17.1621 215.0645 17.2832 215.0352 17.3984 c +%_212.2441 28.1152 203.0684 32.5977 191.5957 31.1055 C +%_200.877 34.8613 214.8457 31.5859 221.0195 23.7949 c +%_221.0918 23.7031 221.2188 23.6738 221.3262 23.7227 c +%_221.4316 23.7734 221.4902 23.8906 221.4668 24.0039 c +%_220.0957 30.6191 216.6035 35.5664 210.8438 37.5215 C +%_f +%_*U +%_*u +%_1 D +%_0.41001 0 0.011078 0 0.615686 0.862745 0.976471 Xa +%_0 0.4 0 0 0 Xy +%_237.2266 56.8086 m +%_237.2051 56.6895 237.1016 56.6016 236.9805 56.6016 c +%_224.0742 56.4648 212.2266 53.334 203.0098 45.0859 C +%_211.0391 50.6445 225.9512 52.5957 234.5371 48.7051 c +%_234.6465 48.6543 234.7051 48.5332 234.6777 48.416 c +%_234.6523 48.2988 234.5449 48.2168 234.4238 48.2188 c +%_223.7441 48.5098 215.1445 45.2129 208.4395 39.2559 C +%_215.3086 38.832 221.0137 34.5156 220.9961 29.4102 c +%_220.9961 29.291 220.9121 29.1875 220.7949 29.1621 c +%_220.6797 29.1387 220.5605 29.1973 220.5117 29.3066 c +%_219.3906 31.7949 215.7637 33.0879 211.9297 32.1875 c +%_207.75 31.2051 204.9297 27.998 205.6289 25.0215 c +%_206.0996 23.0078 208.0645 21.6191 210.5801 21.2344 c +%_210.707 21.2148 210.8008 21.1055 210.7969 20.9766 c +%_210.793 20.8496 210.6953 20.7441 210.5664 20.7305 c +%_209.498 20.6289 208.3867 20.625 207.25 20.7344 c +%_200.7598 21.3516 195.7363 25.3281 195.3008 29.9121 C +%_190.5889 29.3652 186.417 26.7539 184.9229 23.1387 c +%_184.8779 23.0293 184.7646 22.9668 184.6475 22.9844 c +%_184.5322 23.002 184.4443 23.0977 184.4346 23.2148 c +%_184.0576 27.9648 185.6924 31.0527 189.4053 34.0684 C +%_184.0205 32.0098 177.959 31.9043 172.1484 34.6055 c +%_172.043 34.6563 171.9844 34.7715 172.0059 34.8867 c +%_172.0293 35.002 172.1289 35.0859 172.2461 35.0898 c +%_177.125 35.2793 180.6631 36.8457 183.9795 40.1621 C +%_165.7227 35.0273 150.8906 46.3633 156.0234 63.2129 c +%_156.0586 63.3301 156.1699 63.4043 156.291 63.3926 c +%_156.4121 63.3809 156.5078 63.2852 156.5176 63.1641 c +%_157.4355 53.4492 164.2207 47.0469 174.3789 46.0879 C +%_168.9922 48.1465 163.3789 53.0625 162.8223 61.6211 c +%_162.8145 61.7441 162.8945 61.8535 163.0137 61.8848 c +%_163.1328 61.9141 163.2559 61.8535 163.3066 61.7422 c +%_166.1055 55.5879 171.6035 52.4785 177.4668 51.9297 C +%_171.1328 54.5117 167.0703 60.5332 165.8965 68.3516 c +%_165.877 68.4746 165.9512 68.5918 166.0703 68.6309 c +%_166.1875 68.668 166.3164 68.6152 166.373 68.5039 c +%_170.2383 60.9219 178.5293 55.7109 188.8213 59.6934 c +%_199.4375 63.8027 204.0938 76.0781 205.123 84.7324 c +%_205.1387 84.8555 205.2383 84.9492 205.3613 84.957 c +%_205.4844 84.9629 205.5938 84.8809 205.623 84.7617 c +%_209.3418 69.0723 202.0391 52.8125 188.9873 45.9219 C +%_196.082 47.9238 202.4258 52.1816 206.0137 59.2754 C +%_214.3066 60.293 220.0176 63.1387 222.8711 68.5156 c +%_222.9277 68.6211 223.0508 68.6738 223.166 68.6406 c +%_223.2813 68.6055 223.3574 68.4941 223.3477 68.375 c +%_223.166 66.2656 222.4063 62.0449 219.2734 60.1035 C +%_226.2383 60.1152 231.7793 59.2109 237.0723 57.0898 c +%_237.1836 57.0449 237.25 56.9277 237.2266 56.8086 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_0 D +%_207.7402 110.2773 m +%_207.8398 110.2129 207.9688 110.2227 208.0566 110.3047 c +%_208.1426 110.3848 208.1602 110.5137 208.1016 110.6172 c +%_206.4824 113.4141 207.9609 117.4297 211.1523 117.4297 c +%_216.873 117.4297 219.623 106.6602 218.748 96.8379 C +%_216.5859 102.5918 214.7148 104.8926 211.4004 107.6328 c +%_211.3066 107.709 211.1719 107.7109 211.0781 107.6328 c +%_210.9844 107.5566 210.957 107.4238 211.0156 107.3164 c +%_215.8711 98.2383 216.9121 91.252 216.9121 83.2324 C +%_215.4492 89.1895 213.7168 92.5527 208.7852 97.6133 c +%_208.6992 97.7012 208.5625 97.7148 208.4609 97.6445 c +%_208.3594 97.5742 208.3223 97.4414 208.373 97.3301 c +%_213.6719 85.7383 213.2676 72.8828 209.3203 63.0664 c +%_209.2813 62.9688 209.3066 62.8574 209.3828 62.7852 c +%_209.4609 62.7129 209.5723 62.6973 209.668 62.7422 c +%_214.873 65.293 217.9316 66.9688 222.4199 73.1328 C +%_221.0625 80.5313 222.1914 84.1797 225.5918 90.3262 C +%_221.6543 80.4102 223.75 66.4336 233.7793 60.7363 c +%_233.8887 60.6738 234.0273 60.7012 234.1035 60.8008 c +%_234.1816 60.9004 234.1758 61.041 234.0879 61.1328 c +%_230.3066 65.0879 227.5566 71.7676 229.9316 79.0586 C +%_228.4023 68.6699 237.5273 59.9453 247.7109 59.9453 c +%_257.3105 59.9453 263.8613 67.4531 263.3203 74.8848 c +%_262.7832 82.25 257.877 85.8555 253.6484 87.3828 c +%_253.5371 87.4238 253.4121 87.3809 253.3496 87.2813 c +%_253.2852 87.1816 253.2988 87.0508 253.3828 86.9668 c +%_258.9922 81.2734 259.7598 70.4746 249.7988 67.207 C +%_255.6582 72.2637 253.4883 84.0352 244.1094 84.9316 c +%_243.9922 84.9414 243.8828 84.8711 243.8457 84.7598 c +%_243.8066 84.6504 243.8496 84.5273 243.9492 84.4648 c +%_245.957 83.1855 247.627 80.6934 247.627 77.8906 c +%_247.627 73.2168 244.2051 71.3789 241.9512 71.3789 c +%_238.5293 71.3789 235.6914 74.6348 235.6914 79.5605 c +%_235.6914 85.4023 240.9512 90.2441 247.7109 90.9941 c +%_254.3379 91.7305 260.4941 88.8398 263.4609 84.5352 c +%_263.5313 84.4336 263.6621 84.3984 263.7754 84.4492 c +%_263.8867 84.5 263.9453 84.623 263.916 84.7422 c +%_260.8965 96.4453 247.1191 101.6191 237.0273 94.25 C +%_243.6406 101.75 254.0332 101.8555 262.75 94.1641 c +%_262.8398 94.084 262.9746 94.0781 263.0723 94.1523 c +%_263.168 94.2266 263.1992 94.3574 263.1445 94.4668 c +%_260.4785 99.873 253.8926 106.2852 244.5391 105.3516 c +%_235.9824 104.4961 231.0176 96.3359 230.0156 89.6602 C +%_229.459 98.1816 231.4102 104.1953 238.7695 109.8047 c +%_238.8672 109.8789 238.8965 110.0117 238.8418 110.1211 c +%_238.7871 110.2305 238.6621 110.2852 238.5449 110.25 c +%_231.7598 108.291 226.3145 104.8262 223.4961 97.707 C +%_223.4961 103.8672 225.6348 110.0781 231.0215 114.2168 c +%_231.1191 114.291 231.1484 114.4238 231.0938 114.5332 c +%_231.0391 114.6406 230.916 114.6953 230.7988 114.6621 c +%_227.3457 113.6797 224.627 112.1738 222.6602 109.4785 C +%_221.3496 120.5781 216.1387 127.168 210.1348 127.168 c +%_206.0098 127.168 202.9297 124.1348 202.9297 119.2988 c +%_202.9297 116.4688 204.418 112.4961 207.7402 110.2773 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_108.5137 18.6602 m +%_111.6758 14.7559 118.0527 13.2676 124.9453 14.6719 C +%_124.4355 10.3691 125.2793 5.88086 126.5566 3.18555 c +%_126.6094 3.07813 126.7305 3.01953 126.8477 3.04883 c +%_126.9648 3.07813 127.0449 3.18555 127.041 3.30664 c +%_126.666 12.0723 131.6641 19.1484 140.4902 22.2148 C +%_133.584 17.459 131.5645 8.02148 134.8516 3.15039 c +%_134.9199 3.05078 135.0469 3.01172 135.1582 3.05664 c +%_135.2695 3.10156 135.334 3.21875 135.3125 3.33789 c +%_134.9395 5.39844 135.918 8.02148 138.0254 10.0625 c +%_140.9316 12.877 144.875 13.5156 146.8359 11.4922 c +%_148.7969 9.4668 148.0332 5.54492 145.1289 2.73242 c +%_144.0684 1.70508 142.8691 0.96875 141.6797 0.546875 c +%_141.5664 0.505859 141.498 0.392578 141.5137 0.275391 c +%_141.5273 0.15625 141.623 0.064453 141.7422 0.054688 c +%_148.1309 -0.5 152.5117 3.30664 155.2578 7.93164 c +%_158.0527 12.6367 162.8281 16.3438 168.4688 15.6035 c +%_168.5879 15.5879 168.7012 15.6582 168.7422 15.7715 c +%_168.7813 15.8848 168.7363 16.0098 168.6328 16.0723 c +%_165.8359 17.7559 162.7617 18.4551 158.7695 17.125 C +%_164.5645 22.0332 172.8164 24.8652 180.6104 22.3516 c +%_180.7197 22.3164 180.8389 22.3594 180.9014 22.4551 c +%_180.9639 22.5508 180.9541 22.6777 180.876 22.7637 c +%_174.9668 29.3281 163.1855 29.459 155.7656 24.1348 C +%_158.8027 28.4512 162.834 31.6211 170.0586 32.6133 c +%_170.1738 32.6289 170.2637 32.7227 170.2773 32.8379 c +%_170.2891 32.9531 170.2227 33.0625 170.1133 33.1035 c +%_161.8223 36.1797 153.5137 33.0586 146.668 24.8867 C +%_149.6602 31.2656 154.5742 36.373 161.4355 38.9004 c +%_161.5508 38.9414 161.6191 39.0586 161.5977 39.1797 c +%_161.5781 39.3008 161.4746 39.3887 161.3535 39.3906 c +%_157.4102 39.4727 153.8672 38.5332 149.0879 35.8203 C +%_152.5957 41.5117 151.8281 51.459 146.7188 58.0801 c +%_146.6484 58.1719 146.5234 58.2031 146.416 58.1582 c +%_146.3105 58.1113 146.248 57.998 146.2676 57.8828 c +%_147.4473 50.6836 144.9688 42.5547 140.6582 38.2422 C +%_142.8105 45.873 140.6641 52.8184 134.7617 57.8848 c +%_134.6914 57.9453 134.5918 57.9629 134.5059 57.9297 c +%_134.418 57.8965 134.3574 57.8184 134.3438 57.7266 c +%_133.1094 48.3086 122.5742 38.752 113.7422 37.9512 c +%_113.6172 37.9395 113.5195 37.8398 113.5117 37.7148 c +%_113.5039 37.5898 113.5859 37.4785 113.709 37.4512 c +%_117.9883 36.4824 122.4004 36.9609 126.0977 38.4805 C +%_123.4375 35.5488 120.1582 33.3711 116.543 32.2363 c +%_116.4258 32.1992 116.3535 32.0859 116.3672 31.9648 c +%_116.3809 31.8438 116.4805 31.748 116.6016 31.7402 c +%_121.1113 31.4297 125.5254 32.7461 129.332 35.2793 C +%_124.9707 28.6582 118.3516 23.7344 109.9043 21.7715 c +%_109.7832 21.7441 109.7012 21.6328 109.707 21.5098 c +%_109.7148 21.3867 109.8105 21.2871 109.9336 21.2734 c +%_121.8516 19.9707 131.6797 24.5918 138.1543 33.1914 C +%_136.5059 28.2891 131.7891 23.4355 125.209 20.5723 c +%_119.3633 18.0273 113.3594 17.625 108.7871 19.0625 c +%_108.6816 19.0957 108.5645 19.0547 108.502 18.9629 c +%_108.4395 18.8691 108.4434 18.7461 108.5137 18.6602 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_161.418 94.2324 m +%_156.6113 83.7461 156.9531 75.5469 160.8242 65.1777 c +%_160.8691 65.0605 160.9902 64.9922 161.1133 65.0176 c +%_161.2363 65.043 161.3223 65.1543 161.3164 65.2773 c +%_160.6953 77.9004 164.1426 86.9316 171.6152 93.0859 C +%_163.3652 83.2324 167.2617 63.5254 180.4385 63.5254 c +%_190.0244 63.5254 197.9531 71.502 199.8926 81.0508 c +%_199.918 81.1719 199.8516 81.293 199.7344 81.3379 c +%_199.6191 81.3828 199.4883 81.3379 199.4258 81.2305 c +%_196.584 76.4688 192.0176 73.3789 186.9697 73.3789 c +%_178.834 73.3789 176.4277 79.8457 176.4277 84.3789 c +%_176.4277 90.5645 181.3545 95.7207 185.1357 95.7207 c +%_188.5732 95.7207 190.1768 92.8984 190.1768 90.7949 c +%_190.1768 86.8965 187.1787 83.6289 183.8018 82.6309 c +%_183.6807 82.5938 183.6045 82.4766 183.6221 82.3516 c +%_183.6396 82.2266 183.7451 82.1328 183.8721 82.1328 c +%_187.9775 82.1074 191.4473 83.9863 193.5 87.7012 C +%_193.7695 84.8262 193.7715 83.0156 192.8594 79.9766 c +%_192.8242 79.8594 192.877 79.7344 192.9844 79.6777 c +%_193.0938 79.623 193.2266 79.6504 193.3008 79.748 c +%_200.6582 89.1406 197.1367 105.3711 191.3223 112.1055 C +%_196.8535 108.123 201.7383 99.4707 201.6621 87.7109 c +%_201.6602 87.5898 201.7461 87.4844 201.8672 87.4609 c +%_201.9863 87.4375 202.1055 87.502 202.1504 87.6152 c +%_206.2598 97.8691 204.0801 116.8633 192.8691 127.4668 C +%_195.7539 127.8652 198.7363 127.8145 201.9941 126.7754 c +%_202.1094 126.7383 202.2344 126.7891 202.293 126.8945 c +%_202.3516 127 202.3281 127.1328 202.2344 127.2109 c +%_198.1426 130.666 192.4199 131.752 186.9697 131.752 C +%_191.666 126.252 190.1064 115.1992 182.6162 115.1992 c +%_177.2656 115.1992 174.8379 123.498 178.9668 127.9805 c +%_179.0449 128.0664 179.0547 128.1934 178.9922 128.291 c +%_178.9277 128.3887 178.8066 128.4297 178.6953 128.3926 c +%_173.916 126.7363 168.75 122.6035 168.75 117.375 c +%_168.75 112.334 173.5625 107.9805 180.5537 108.3242 C +%_171.7324 105.8203 162.5 108.5918 157.6699 114.5781 c +%_157.5957 114.6699 157.4648 114.6992 157.3594 114.6445 c +%_157.252 114.5918 157.1973 114.4707 157.2266 114.3535 c +%_160.0176 103.6387 169.1934 99.1543 180.667 100.6484 C +%_171.3848 96.8906 157.416 100.166 151.2422 107.957 c +%_151.1699 108.0488 151.043 108.0801 150.9355 108.0293 c +%_150.8301 107.9805 150.7715 107.8633 150.7949 107.748 c +%_152.166 101.1328 155.6582 96.1875 161.418 94.2324 C +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_*U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Repeated_Art) , +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Main_Copy_of_EditGroup) , +%_; +%_ +%_9 () XW +%_u +%_*u +%_1 D +%_1 0.771237 0.226078 0.073854 0 0.258824 0.494118 Xa +%_0 1 0 0 0 Xy +%_26.6963 74.9453 m +%_26.7178 75.0645 26.8213 75.1504 26.9424 75.1523 c +%_39.8486 75.2871 51.6963 78.4199 60.9141 86.667 C +%_52.8838 81.1094 37.9717 79.1563 29.3867 83.0488 c +%_29.2764 83.0986 29.2178 83.2188 29.2451 83.3369 c +%_29.2715 83.4551 29.3779 83.5371 29.499 83.5332 c +%_40.1787 83.2441 48.7783 86.54 55.4834 92.498 C +%_48.6143 92.9199 42.9092 97.2383 42.9268 102.3428 c +%_42.9268 102.4619 43.0107 102.5645 43.1279 102.5898 c +%_43.2441 102.6152 43.3623 102.5547 43.4111 102.4463 c +%_44.5322 99.957 48.1592 98.666 51.9941 99.5664 c +%_56.1738 100.5469 58.9941 103.7559 58.2949 106.7314 c +%_57.8232 108.7461 55.8584 110.1348 53.3428 110.5186 c +%_53.2158 110.5371 53.123 110.6484 53.126 110.7764 c +%_53.1299 110.9043 53.2285 111.0098 53.3564 111.0215 c +%_54.4248 111.124 55.5361 111.1279 56.6738 111.0195 c +%_63.1641 110.4023 68.1875 106.4238 68.623 101.8418 C +%_73.3359 102.3887 77.5078 104.998 79.002 108.6152 c +%_79.0469 108.7236 79.1621 108.7871 79.2773 108.7695 c +%_79.3926 108.75 79.4805 108.6553 79.4902 108.5391 c +%_79.8672 103.7871 78.2324 100.7002 74.5195 97.6846 C +%_79.9043 99.7441 85.9648 99.8496 91.7754 97.1465 c +%_91.8809 97.0977 91.9395 96.9824 91.918 96.8672 c +%_91.8945 96.752 91.7949 96.668 91.6777 96.6641 c +%_86.7988 96.4736 83.2617 94.9082 79.9473 91.5918 C +%_98.2012 96.7256 113.0332 85.3906 107.9004 68.5391 c +%_107.8652 68.4238 107.7539 68.3486 107.6328 68.3613 c +%_107.5117 68.373 107.416 68.4688 107.4063 68.5898 c +%_106.4883 78.3037 99.7031 84.7051 89.5449 85.666 C +%_94.9316 83.6055 100.5449 78.6895 101.1016 70.1318 c +%_101.1094 70.0098 101.0293 69.8984 100.9102 69.8691 c +%_100.791 69.8398 100.668 69.8984 100.6172 70.0098 c +%_97.8184 76.1641 92.3203 79.2754 86.457 79.8223 C +%_92.791 77.2422 96.8535 71.2207 98.0273 63.4023 c +%_98.0469 63.2793 97.9727 63.1602 97.8535 63.123 c +%_97.7363 63.084 97.6074 63.1387 97.5508 63.248 c +%_93.6855 70.8311 85.3945 76.042 75.1035 72.0605 c +%_64.4863 67.9512 59.8291 55.6738 58.7998 47.0195 c +%_58.7852 46.8984 58.6846 46.8047 58.5615 46.7969 c +%_58.4395 46.7891 58.3291 46.8711 58.3008 46.9922 c +%_54.5811 62.6797 61.8838 78.9414 74.9375 85.832 C +%_67.8418 83.8291 61.498 79.5723 57.9102 72.4775 C +%_49.6162 71.459 43.9063 68.6152 41.0527 63.2383 c +%_40.9961 63.1309 40.8721 63.0781 40.7568 63.1133 c +%_40.6416 63.1465 40.5654 63.2578 40.5752 63.3789 c +%_40.7578 65.4883 41.5166 69.709 44.6494 71.6494 C +%_37.6846 71.6387 32.1436 72.543 26.8506 74.6621 c +%_26.7393 74.708 26.6738 74.8262 26.6963 74.9453 c +%_f +%_0 D +%_56.1826 21.4746 m +%_56.084 21.541 55.9541 21.5293 55.8672 21.4492 c +%_55.7813 21.3672 55.7627 21.2383 55.8213 21.1367 c +%_57.4414 18.3398 55.9619 14.3223 52.7705 14.3223 c +%_47.0498 14.3223 44.2998 25.0918 45.1748 34.916 C +%_47.3379 29.1602 49.208 26.8613 52.5225 24.1211 c +%_52.6162 24.043 52.751 24.043 52.8447 24.1191 c +%_52.9385 24.1973 52.9658 24.3281 52.9082 24.4355 c +%_48.0518 33.5156 47.0107 40.502 47.0107 48.5215 C +%_48.4736 42.5625 50.2061 39.1992 55.1377 34.1406 c +%_55.2236 34.0527 55.3604 34.0391 55.4629 34.1074 c +%_55.5645 34.1777 55.6016 34.3105 55.5498 34.4238 c +%_50.252 46.0137 50.6563 58.8711 54.6025 68.6875 c +%_54.6416 68.7852 54.6172 68.8965 54.54 68.9688 c +%_54.4629 69.0391 54.3506 69.0566 54.2549 69.0098 c +%_49.0498 66.459 45.9912 64.7832 41.5029 58.6211 C +%_42.8604 51.2227 41.7314 47.5723 38.3311 41.4258 C +%_42.2686 51.3438 40.1729 65.3203 30.1436 71.0176 c +%_30.0342 71.0791 29.8955 71.0518 29.8193 70.9531 c +%_29.7412 70.8535 29.748 70.7119 29.835 70.6211 c +%_33.6162 66.666 36.3662 59.9863 33.9912 52.6934 C +%_35.5205 63.082 26.3955 71.8086 16.2119 71.8086 c +%_6.6123 71.8086 0.061523 64.2988 0.602539 56.8672 c +%_1.13965 49.502 6.0459 45.8984 10.2744 44.3691 c +%_10.3857 44.3301 10.5107 44.3711 10.5742 44.4707 c +%_10.6377 44.5723 10.624 44.7012 10.541 44.7871 c +%_4.93066 50.4785 4.16309 61.2793 14.124 64.5469 C +%_8.26465 59.4902 10.4346 47.7168 19.8135 46.8223 c +%_19.9307 46.8105 20.04 46.8809 20.0781 46.9922 c +%_20.1162 47.1035 20.0732 47.2266 19.9746 47.2891 c +%_17.9658 48.5664 16.2959 51.0605 16.2959 53.8633 c +%_16.2959 58.5371 19.7178 60.373 21.9717 60.373 c +%_25.3936 60.373 28.2314 57.1172 28.2314 52.1934 c +%_28.2314 46.3496 22.9717 41.5098 16.2119 40.7578 c +%_9.58594 40.0234 3.42969 42.9121 0.461914 47.2168 c +%_0.392578 47.3184 0.260742 47.3555 0.148438 47.3047 c +%_0.036133 47.2539 -0.022461 47.1289 0.007813 47.0098 c +%_3.02637 35.3066 16.8037 30.1328 26.8955 37.5039 C +%_20.2822 30.002 9.88965 29.8984 1.17383 37.5898 c +%_1.08301 37.6699 0.948242 37.6738 0.851563 37.5996 c +%_0.754883 37.5273 0.724609 37.3945 0.77832 37.2871 c +%_3.44531 31.8789 10.0313 25.4668 19.3838 26.4023 c +%_27.9404 27.2578 32.9053 35.416 33.9072 42.0938 C +%_34.4639 33.5723 32.5137 27.5566 25.1533 21.9473 c +%_25.0566 21.873 25.0264 21.7402 25.0811 21.6309 c +%_25.1357 21.5234 25.2607 21.4688 25.3779 21.502 c +%_32.1631 23.4629 37.6084 26.9277 40.4268 34.0469 C +%_40.4268 27.8848 38.2881 21.6738 32.9014 17.5352 c +%_32.8037 17.4609 32.7744 17.3301 32.8291 17.2207 c +%_32.8838 17.1113 33.0078 17.0566 33.125 17.0898 c +%_36.5781 18.0742 39.2959 19.5781 41.2627 22.2754 C +%_42.5732 11.1758 47.7842 4.58398 53.7881 4.58398 c +%_57.9131 4.58398 60.9932 7.61719 60.9932 12.4551 c +%_60.9932 15.2852 59.5049 19.2578 56.1826 21.4746 c +%_f +%_155.4102 113.0938 m +%_152.248 116.998 145.8711 118.4863 138.9785 117.082 C +%_139.4883 121.3828 138.6445 125.873 137.3672 128.5664 c +%_137.3145 128.6758 137.1934 128.7334 137.0762 128.7051 c +%_136.959 128.6758 136.8789 128.5684 136.8828 128.4473 c +%_137.2578 119.6807 132.2598 112.6035 123.4336 109.5371 C +%_130.3398 114.293 132.3594 123.7305 129.0723 128.6035 c +%_129.0039 128.7021 128.877 128.7412 128.7656 128.6953 c +%_128.6543 128.6504 128.5898 128.5332 128.6113 128.416 c +%_128.9844 126.3555 128.0059 123.7314 125.8984 121.6895 c +%_122.9922 118.875 119.0488 118.2363 117.0879 120.2598 c +%_115.127 122.2852 115.8906 126.207 118.7949 129.0215 c +%_119.8555 130.0488 121.0547 130.7832 122.2441 131.2061 c +%_122.3574 131.2461 122.4258 131.3594 122.4102 131.4775 c +%_122.3965 131.5967 122.3008 131.6885 122.1816 131.6982 c +%_115.793 132.2529 111.4121 128.4463 108.666 123.8203 c +%_105.8711 119.1152 101.0957 115.4102 95.4551 116.1504 c +%_95.3359 116.166 95.2227 116.0957 95.1816 115.9824 c +%_95.1426 115.8691 95.1875 115.7422 95.291 115.6807 c +%_98.0879 113.9961 101.1621 113.2969 105.1543 114.6289 C +%_99.3594 109.7197 91.1074 106.8867 83.3145 109.4014 c +%_83.2051 109.4375 83.0859 109.3945 83.0234 109.2979 c +%_82.9609 109.2012 82.9727 109.0752 83.0488 108.9902 c +%_88.957 102.4258 100.7383 102.2949 108.1582 107.6172 C +%_105.1211 103.3008 101.0898 100.1328 93.8652 99.1387 c +%_93.75 99.123 93.6602 99.0313 93.6465 98.916 c +%_93.6348 98.7998 93.7012 98.6904 93.8105 98.6504 c +%_102.1016 95.5723 110.4102 98.6953 117.2559 106.8652 C +%_114.2637 100.4883 109.3496 95.3809 102.4883 92.8535 c +%_102.373 92.8115 102.3047 92.6934 102.3262 92.5742 c +%_102.3457 92.4531 102.4492 92.3643 102.5703 92.3613 c +%_106.5137 92.2803 110.0566 93.2188 114.8359 95.9316 C +%_111.3281 90.2422 112.0957 80.293 117.2051 73.6738 c +%_117.2754 73.582 117.4004 73.5498 117.5078 73.5957 c +%_117.6133 73.6426 117.6758 73.7549 117.6563 73.8691 c +%_116.4766 81.0703 118.9551 89.1992 123.2656 93.5117 C +%_121.1133 85.8799 123.2598 78.9355 129.1621 73.8672 c +%_129.2324 73.8066 129.332 73.79 129.418 73.8232 c +%_129.5059 73.8564 129.5664 73.9355 129.5801 74.0273 c +%_130.8145 83.4453 141.3496 93.002 150.1816 93.8027 c +%_150.3066 93.8135 150.4043 93.9141 150.4121 94.0381 c +%_150.4199 94.1621 150.3379 94.2754 150.2148 94.3027 c +%_145.9355 95.2715 141.5234 94.793 137.8262 93.2715 C +%_140.4863 96.2051 143.7656 98.3828 147.3809 99.5176 c +%_147.498 99.5537 147.5703 99.668 147.5566 99.7891 c +%_147.543 99.9102 147.4434 100.0039 147.3223 100.0127 c +%_142.8125 100.3242 138.3984 99.0068 134.5918 96.4746 C +%_138.9531 103.0957 145.5723 108.0195 154.0195 109.9805 c +%_154.1406 110.0088 154.2227 110.1191 154.2168 110.2432 c +%_154.209 110.3672 154.1133 110.4668 153.9902 110.4805 c +%_142.0723 111.7822 132.2441 107.1621 125.7695 98.5625 C +%_127.418 103.4629 132.1348 108.3184 138.7148 111.1816 c +%_144.5605 113.7266 150.5645 114.1279 155.1367 112.6914 c +%_155.2422 112.6582 155.3594 112.6982 155.4219 112.791 c +%_155.4844 112.8828 155.4805 113.0059 155.4102 113.0938 c +%_f +%_102.5059 37.5215 m +%_107.3125 48.0078 106.9707 56.207 103.0996 66.5762 c +%_103.0547 66.6934 102.9336 66.7607 102.8105 66.7363 c +%_102.6875 66.7109 102.6016 66.5996 102.6074 66.4746 c +%_103.2285 53.8535 99.7813 44.8203 92.3086 38.668 C +%_100.5586 48.5195 96.6621 68.2275 83.4863 68.2275 c +%_73.9004 68.2275 65.9697 60.252 64.0303 50.7031 c +%_64.0059 50.582 64.0723 50.459 64.1885 50.416 c +%_64.3037 50.3711 64.4346 50.416 64.4971 50.5215 c +%_67.3398 55.2832 71.9063 58.373 76.9551 58.373 c +%_85.0898 58.373 87.4961 51.9063 87.4961 47.375 c +%_87.4961 41.1875 82.5703 36.0313 78.7891 36.0313 c +%_75.3516 36.0313 73.748 38.8555 73.748 40.959 c +%_73.748 44.8574 76.7461 48.125 80.125 49.123 c +%_80.2441 49.1582 80.3223 49.2773 80.3047 49.4023 c +%_80.2852 49.5273 80.1797 49.6191 80.0547 49.6211 c +%_75.9473 49.6465 72.4766 47.7656 70.4238 44.0527 C +%_70.1543 46.9277 70.1514 48.7383 71.0645 51.7754 c +%_71.0996 51.8926 71.0459 52.0176 70.9385 52.0742 c +%_70.8291 52.1309 70.6963 52.1016 70.6221 52.0059 c +%_63.2656 42.6133 66.7861 26.3809 72.6016 19.6484 C +%_67.0693 23.6309 62.1846 32.2813 62.2617 44.041 c +%_62.2627 44.1641 62.1768 44.2676 62.0566 44.291 c +%_61.9365 44.3164 61.8174 44.25 61.7725 44.1367 c +%_57.6641 33.8848 59.8438 14.8887 71.0537 4.28516 C +%_68.1699 3.88867 65.1865 3.93945 61.9287 4.97852 c +%_61.8135 5.01367 61.6885 4.96484 61.6299 4.85938 c +%_61.5713 4.75195 61.5947 4.61914 61.6885 4.54102 c +%_65.7803 1.08594 71.5029 0 76.9551 0 C +%_72.2578 5.5 73.8184 16.5547 81.3105 16.5547 c +%_86.6582 16.5547 89.0859 8.25586 84.957 3.77344 c +%_84.8789 3.6875 84.8691 3.55859 84.9316 3.46289 c +%_84.9961 3.36523 85.1172 3.32227 85.2285 3.36133 c +%_90.0078 5.01563 95.1738 9.15039 95.1738 14.377 c +%_95.1738 19.4199 90.3613 23.7715 83.373 23.4277 C +%_92.1914 25.9336 101.4238 23.1602 106.2539 17.1758 c +%_106.3281 17.082 106.459 17.0547 106.5645 17.1074 c +%_106.6719 17.1621 106.7266 17.2832 106.6973 17.3984 c +%_103.9063 28.1152 94.7305 32.5977 83.2578 31.1055 C +%_92.5391 34.8613 106.5078 31.5859 112.6816 23.7949 c +%_112.7539 23.7031 112.8809 23.6738 112.9883 23.7227 c +%_113.0938 23.7734 113.1523 23.8906 113.1289 24.0039 c +%_111.7578 30.6191 108.2656 35.5664 102.5059 37.5215 C +%_f +%_*U +%_*u +%_1 D +%_0.41001 0 0.011078 0 0.615686 0.862745 0.976471 Xa +%_0 0.4 0 0 0 Xy +%_128.8887 56.8086 m +%_128.8672 56.6895 128.7637 56.6016 128.6426 56.6016 c +%_115.7363 56.4648 103.8887 53.334 94.6719 45.0859 C +%_102.7012 50.6445 117.6133 52.5957 126.1992 48.7051 c +%_126.3086 48.6543 126.3672 48.5332 126.3398 48.416 c +%_126.3145 48.2988 126.207 48.2168 126.0859 48.2188 c +%_115.4063 48.5098 106.8066 45.2129 100.1016 39.2559 C +%_106.9707 38.832 112.6758 34.5156 112.6582 29.4102 c +%_112.6582 29.291 112.5742 29.1875 112.457 29.1621 c +%_112.3418 29.1387 112.2227 29.1973 112.1738 29.3066 c +%_111.0527 31.7949 107.4258 33.0879 103.5918 32.1875 c +%_99.4121 31.2051 96.5918 27.998 97.291 25.0215 c +%_97.7617 23.0078 99.7266 21.6191 102.2422 21.2344 c +%_102.3691 21.2148 102.4629 21.1055 102.459 20.9766 c +%_102.4551 20.8496 102.3574 20.7441 102.2285 20.7305 c +%_101.1602 20.6289 100.0488 20.625 98.9121 20.7344 c +%_92.4219 21.3516 87.3984 25.3281 86.9629 29.9121 C +%_82.25 29.3652 78.0781 26.7539 76.584 23.1387 c +%_76.5391 23.0293 76.4258 22.9668 76.3086 22.9844 c +%_76.1934 23.002 76.1055 23.0977 76.0957 23.2148 c +%_75.7188 27.9648 77.3535 31.0527 81.0664 34.0684 C +%_75.6816 32.0098 69.6201 31.9043 63.8096 34.6055 c +%_63.7041 34.6563 63.6455 34.7715 63.667 34.8867 c +%_63.6904 35.002 63.79 35.0859 63.9072 35.0898 c +%_68.7861 35.2793 72.3242 36.8457 75.6406 40.1621 C +%_57.3838 35.0273 42.5518 46.3633 47.6846 63.2129 c +%_47.7197 63.3301 47.8311 63.4043 47.9521 63.3926 c +%_48.0732 63.3809 48.1689 63.2852 48.1787 63.1641 c +%_49.0967 53.4492 55.8818 47.0469 66.04 46.0879 C +%_60.6533 48.1465 55.04 53.0625 54.4834 61.6211 c +%_54.4756 61.7441 54.5557 61.8535 54.6748 61.8848 c +%_54.7939 61.9141 54.917 61.8535 54.9678 61.7422 c +%_57.7666 55.5879 63.2646 52.4785 69.1279 51.9297 C +%_62.7939 54.5117 58.7314 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79.0586 C +%_120.0645 68.6699 129.1895 59.9453 139.373 59.9453 c +%_148.9727 59.9453 155.5234 67.4531 154.9824 74.8848 c +%_154.4453 82.25 149.5391 85.8555 145.3105 87.3828 c +%_145.1992 87.4238 145.0742 87.3809 145.0117 87.2813 c +%_144.9473 87.1816 144.9609 87.0508 145.0449 86.9668 c +%_150.6543 81.2734 151.4219 70.4746 141.4609 67.207 C +%_147.3203 72.2637 145.1504 84.0352 135.7715 84.9316 c +%_135.6543 84.9414 135.5449 84.8711 135.5078 84.7598 c +%_135.4688 84.6504 135.5117 84.5273 135.6113 84.4648 c +%_137.6191 83.1855 139.2891 80.6934 139.2891 77.8906 c +%_139.2891 73.2168 135.8672 71.3789 133.6133 71.3789 c +%_130.1914 71.3789 127.3535 74.6348 127.3535 79.5605 c +%_127.3535 85.4023 132.6133 90.2441 139.373 90.9941 c +%_146 91.7305 152.1563 88.8398 155.123 84.5352 c +%_155.1934 84.4336 155.3242 84.3984 155.4375 84.4492 c +%_155.5488 84.5 155.6074 84.623 155.5781 84.7422 c +%_152.5586 96.4453 138.7813 101.6191 128.6895 94.25 C +%_135.3027 101.75 145.6953 101.8555 154.4121 94.1641 c +%_154.502 94.084 154.6367 94.0781 154.7344 94.1523 c +%_154.8301 94.2266 154.8613 94.3574 154.8066 94.4668 c +%_152.1406 99.873 145.5547 106.2852 136.2012 105.3516 c +%_127.6445 104.4961 122.6797 96.3359 121.6777 89.6602 C +%_121.1211 98.1816 123.0723 104.1953 130.4316 109.8047 c +%_130.5293 109.8789 130.5586 110.0117 130.5039 110.1211 c +%_130.4492 110.2305 130.3242 110.2852 130.207 110.25 c +%_123.4219 108.291 117.9766 104.8262 115.1582 97.707 C +%_115.1582 103.8672 117.2969 110.0781 122.6836 114.2168 c +%_122.7813 114.291 122.8105 114.4238 122.7559 114.5332 c +%_122.7012 114.6406 122.5781 114.6953 122.4609 114.6621 c +%_119.0078 113.6797 116.2891 112.1738 114.3223 109.4785 C +%_113.0117 120.5781 107.8008 127.168 101.7969 127.168 c +%_97.6719 127.168 94.5918 124.1348 94.5918 119.2988 c +%_94.5918 116.4688 96.0801 112.4961 99.4023 110.2773 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_0.174805 18.6602 m +%_3.33691 14.7559 9.71387 13.2676 16.6064 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22.3516 c +%_72.3809 22.3164 72.5 22.3594 72.5625 22.4551 c +%_72.625 22.5508 72.6152 22.6777 72.5371 22.7637 c +%_66.6279 29.3281 54.8467 29.459 47.4268 24.1348 C +%_50.4639 28.4512 54.4951 31.6211 61.7197 32.6133 c +%_61.835 32.6289 61.9248 32.7227 61.9385 32.8379 c +%_61.9502 32.9531 61.8838 33.0625 61.7744 33.1035 c +%_53.4834 36.1797 45.1748 33.0586 38.3291 24.8867 C +%_41.3213 31.2656 46.2354 36.373 53.0967 38.9004 c +%_53.2119 38.9414 53.2803 39.0586 53.2588 39.1797 c +%_53.2393 39.3008 53.1357 39.3887 53.0146 39.3906 c +%_49.0713 39.4727 45.5283 38.5332 40.749 35.8203 C +%_44.2568 41.5117 43.4893 51.459 38.3799 58.0801 c +%_38.3096 58.1719 38.1846 58.2031 38.0771 58.1582 c +%_37.9717 58.1113 37.9092 57.998 37.9287 57.8828 c +%_39.1084 50.6836 36.6299 42.5547 32.3193 38.2422 C +%_34.4717 45.873 32.3252 52.8184 26.4229 57.8848 c +%_26.3525 57.9453 26.2529 57.9629 26.167 57.9297 c +%_26.0791 57.8965 26.0186 57.8184 26.0049 57.7266 c +%_24.7705 48.3086 14.2354 38.752 5.40332 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+%_157.9551 181.1006 152.2451 178.2568 149.3916 172.8799 c +%_149.335 172.7725 149.2109 172.7197 149.0957 172.7549 c +%_148.9805 172.7881 148.9043 172.8994 148.9141 173.0205 c +%_149.0967 175.1299 149.8555 179.3506 152.9883 181.291 C +%_146.0234 181.2803 140.4824 182.1846 135.1895 184.3037 c +%_135.0781 184.3496 135.0127 184.4678 135.0352 184.5869 c +%_f +%_0 D +%_164.5215 131.1162 m +%_164.4229 131.1826 164.293 131.1709 164.2061 131.0908 c +%_164.1201 131.0088 164.1016 130.8799 164.1602 130.7783 c +%_165.7803 127.9814 164.3008 123.9639 161.1094 123.9639 c +%_155.3887 123.9639 152.6387 134.7334 153.5137 144.5576 C +%_155.6768 138.8018 157.5469 136.5029 160.8613 133.7627 c +%_160.9551 133.6846 161.0898 133.6846 161.1836 133.7607 c +%_161.2773 133.8389 161.3047 133.9697 161.2471 134.0771 c +%_156.3906 143.1572 155.3496 150.1436 155.3496 158.1631 C +%_156.8125 152.2041 158.5449 148.8408 163.4766 143.7822 c +%_163.5625 143.6943 163.6992 143.6807 163.8018 143.749 c +%_163.9033 143.8193 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+%_237.3223 235.9971 236.3438 233.373 234.2363 231.3311 c +%_231.3301 228.5166 227.3867 227.8779 225.4258 229.9014 c +%_223.4648 231.9268 224.2285 235.8486 227.1328 238.6631 c +%_228.1934 239.6904 229.3926 240.4248 230.582 240.8477 c +%_230.6953 240.8877 230.7637 241.001 230.748 241.1191 c +%_230.7344 241.2383 230.6387 241.3301 230.5195 241.3398 c +%_224.1309 241.8945 219.75 238.0879 217.0039 233.4619 c +%_214.209 228.7568 209.4336 225.0518 203.793 225.792 c +%_203.6738 225.8076 203.5605 225.7373 203.5195 225.624 c +%_203.4805 225.5107 203.5254 225.3838 203.6289 225.3223 c +%_206.4258 223.6377 209.5 222.9385 213.4922 224.2705 C +%_207.6973 219.3613 199.4453 216.5283 191.6523 219.043 c +%_191.543 219.0791 191.4238 219.0361 191.3613 218.9395 c +%_191.2988 218.8428 191.3105 218.7168 191.3867 218.6318 c +%_197.2949 212.0674 209.0762 211.9365 216.4961 217.2588 C +%_213.459 212.9424 209.4277 209.7744 202.2031 208.7803 c +%_202.0879 208.7646 201.998 208.6729 201.9844 208.5576 c +%_201.9727 208.4414 202.0391 208.332 202.1484 208.292 c +%_210.4395 205.2139 218.748 208.3369 225.5938 216.5068 C +%_222.6016 210.1299 217.6875 205.0225 210.8262 202.4951 c +%_210.7109 202.4531 210.6426 202.335 210.6641 202.2158 c +%_210.6836 202.0947 210.7871 202.0059 210.9082 202.0029 c +%_214.8516 201.9219 218.3945 202.8604 223.1738 205.5732 C +%_219.666 199.8838 220.4336 189.9346 225.543 183.3154 c +%_225.6133 183.2236 225.7383 183.1914 225.8457 183.2373 c +%_225.9512 183.2842 226.0137 183.3965 225.9941 183.5107 c +%_224.8145 190.7119 227.293 198.8408 231.6035 203.1533 C +%_229.4512 195.5215 231.5977 188.5771 237.5 183.5088 c +%_237.5703 183.4482 237.6699 183.4316 237.7559 183.4648 c +%_237.8438 183.498 237.9043 183.5771 237.918 183.6689 c +%_239.1523 193.0869 249.6875 202.6436 258.5195 203.4443 c +%_258.6445 203.4551 258.7422 203.5557 258.75 203.6797 c +%_258.7578 203.8037 258.6758 203.917 258.5527 203.9443 c +%_254.2734 204.9131 249.8613 204.4346 246.1641 202.9131 C +%_248.8242 205.8467 252.1035 208.0244 255.7188 209.1592 c +%_255.8359 209.1953 255.9082 209.3096 255.8945 209.4307 c +%_255.8809 209.5518 255.7813 209.6455 255.6602 209.6543 c +%_251.1504 209.9658 246.7363 208.6484 242.9297 206.1162 C +%_247.291 212.7373 253.9102 217.6611 262.3574 219.6221 c +%_262.4785 219.6504 262.5605 219.7607 262.5547 219.8848 c +%_262.5469 220.0088 262.4512 220.1084 262.3281 220.1221 c +%_250.4102 221.4238 240.582 216.8037 234.1074 208.2041 C +%_235.7559 213.1045 240.4727 217.96 247.0527 220.8232 c +%_252.8984 223.3682 258.9023 223.7695 263.4746 222.333 c +%_263.5801 222.2998 263.6973 222.3398 263.7598 222.4326 c +%_263.8223 222.5244 263.8184 222.6475 263.748 222.7354 c +%_f +%_210.8438 147.1631 m +%_215.6504 157.6494 215.3086 165.8486 211.4375 176.2178 c +%_211.3926 176.335 211.2715 176.4023 211.1484 176.3779 c +%_211.0254 176.3525 210.9395 176.2412 210.9453 176.1162 c +%_211.5664 163.4951 208.1191 154.4619 200.6465 148.3096 C +%_208.8965 158.1611 205 177.8691 191.8242 177.8691 c +%_182.2393 177.8691 174.3086 169.8936 172.3691 160.3447 c +%_172.3447 160.2236 172.4111 160.1006 172.5273 160.0576 c +%_172.6426 160.0127 172.7734 160.0576 172.8359 160.1631 c +%_175.6787 164.9248 180.2451 168.0146 185.2939 168.0146 c +%_193.4277 168.0146 195.834 161.5479 195.834 157.0166 c +%_195.834 150.8291 190.9082 145.6729 187.1279 145.6729 c +%_183.6904 145.6729 182.0869 148.4971 182.0869 150.6006 c +%_182.0869 154.499 185.085 157.7666 188.4639 158.7646 c +%_188.583 158.7998 188.6611 158.9189 188.6436 159.0439 c +%_188.624 159.1689 188.5186 159.2607 188.3936 159.2627 c +%_184.2861 159.2881 180.8154 157.4072 178.7627 153.6943 C +%_178.4932 156.5693 178.4902 158.3799 179.4033 161.417 c +%_179.4385 161.5342 179.3848 161.6592 179.2773 161.7158 c +%_179.168 161.7725 179.0352 161.7432 178.9609 161.6475 c +%_171.6045 152.2549 175.125 136.0225 180.9404 129.29 C +%_175.4082 133.2725 170.5234 141.9229 170.6006 153.6826 c +%_170.6016 153.8057 170.5156 153.9092 170.3955 153.9326 c +%_170.2754 153.958 170.1563 153.8916 170.1113 153.7783 c +%_166.0029 143.5264 168.1826 124.5303 179.3926 113.9268 C +%_176.5088 113.5303 173.5254 113.5811 170.2676 114.6201 c +%_170.1523 114.6553 170.0273 114.6064 169.9688 114.501 c +%_169.9102 114.3936 169.9336 114.2607 170.0273 114.1826 c +%_174.1191 110.7275 179.8418 109.6416 185.2939 109.6416 C +%_180.5967 115.1416 182.1572 126.1963 189.6494 126.1963 c +%_194.9961 126.1963 197.4238 117.8975 193.2949 113.415 c +%_193.2168 113.3291 193.207 113.2002 193.2695 113.1045 c +%_193.334 113.0068 193.4551 112.9639 193.5664 113.0029 c +%_198.3457 114.6572 203.5117 118.792 203.5117 124.0186 c +%_203.5117 129.0615 198.6992 133.4131 191.7109 133.0693 C +%_200.5293 135.5752 209.7617 132.8018 214.5918 126.8174 c +%_214.666 126.7236 214.7969 126.6963 214.9023 126.749 c +%_215.0098 126.8037 215.0645 126.9248 215.0352 127.04 c +%_212.2441 137.7568 203.0684 142.2393 191.5957 140.7471 C +%_200.877 144.5029 214.8457 141.2275 221.0195 133.4365 c +%_221.0918 133.3447 221.2188 133.3154 221.3262 133.3643 c +%_221.4316 133.415 221.4902 133.5322 221.4668 133.6455 c +%_220.0957 140.2607 216.6035 145.208 210.8438 147.1631 C +%_f +%_*U +%_*u +%_1 D +%_0.41001 0 0.011078 0 0.615686 0.862745 0.976471 Xa +%_0 0.4 0 0 0 Xy +%_237.2266 166.4502 m +%_237.2051 166.3311 237.1016 166.2432 236.9805 166.2432 c +%_224.0742 166.1064 212.2266 162.9756 203.0098 154.7275 C +%_211.0391 160.2861 225.9512 162.2373 234.5371 158.3467 c +%_234.6465 158.2959 234.7051 158.1748 234.6777 158.0576 c +%_234.6523 157.9404 234.5449 157.8584 234.4238 157.8604 c +%_223.7441 158.1514 215.1445 154.8545 208.4395 148.8975 C +%_215.3086 148.4736 221.0137 144.1572 220.9961 139.0518 c +%_220.9961 138.9326 220.9121 138.8291 220.7949 138.8037 c +%_220.6797 138.7803 220.5605 138.8389 220.5117 138.9482 c +%_219.3906 141.4365 215.7637 142.7295 211.9297 141.8291 c +%_207.75 140.8467 204.9297 137.6396 205.6289 134.6631 c +%_206.0996 132.6494 208.0645 131.2607 210.5801 130.876 c +%_210.707 130.8564 210.8008 130.7471 210.7969 130.6182 c +%_210.793 130.4912 210.6953 130.3857 210.5664 130.3721 c +%_209.498 130.2705 208.3867 130.2666 207.25 130.376 c +%_200.7598 130.9932 195.7363 134.9697 195.3008 139.5537 C +%_190.5889 139.0068 186.417 136.3955 184.9229 132.7803 c +%_184.8779 132.6709 184.7646 132.6084 184.6475 132.626 c +%_184.5322 132.6436 184.4443 132.7393 184.4346 132.8564 c +%_184.0576 137.6064 185.6924 140.6943 189.4053 143.71 C +%_184.0205 141.6514 177.959 141.5459 172.1484 144.2471 c +%_172.043 144.2979 171.9844 144.4131 172.0059 144.5283 c +%_172.0293 144.6436 172.1289 144.7275 172.2461 144.7314 c +%_177.125 144.9209 180.6631 146.4873 183.9795 149.8037 C +%_165.7227 144.6689 150.8906 156.0049 156.0234 172.8545 c +%_156.0586 172.9717 156.1699 173.0459 156.291 173.0342 c +%_156.4121 173.0225 156.5078 172.9268 156.5176 172.8057 c +%_157.4355 163.0908 164.2207 156.6885 174.3789 155.7295 C +%_168.9922 157.7881 163.3789 162.7041 162.8223 171.2627 c +%_162.8145 171.3857 162.8945 171.4951 163.0137 171.5264 c +%_163.1328 171.5557 163.2559 171.4951 163.3066 171.3838 c +%_166.1055 165.2295 171.6035 162.1201 177.4668 161.5713 C +%_171.1328 164.1533 167.0703 170.1748 165.8965 177.9932 c +%_165.877 178.1162 165.9512 178.2334 166.0703 178.2725 c +%_166.1875 178.3096 166.3164 178.2568 166.373 178.1455 c +%_170.2383 170.5635 178.5293 165.3525 188.8213 169.335 c +%_199.4375 173.4443 204.0938 185.7197 205.123 194.374 c +%_205.1387 194.4971 205.2383 194.5908 205.3613 194.5986 c +%_205.4844 194.6045 205.5938 194.5225 205.623 194.4033 c +%_209.3418 178.7139 202.0391 162.4541 188.9873 155.5635 C +%_196.082 157.5654 202.4258 161.8232 206.0137 168.917 C +%_214.3066 169.9346 220.0176 172.7803 222.8711 178.1572 c +%_222.9277 178.2627 223.0508 178.3154 223.166 178.2822 c +%_223.2813 178.2471 223.3574 178.1357 223.3477 178.0166 c +%_223.166 175.9072 222.4063 171.6865 219.2734 169.7451 C +%_226.2383 169.7568 231.7793 168.8525 237.0723 166.7314 c +%_237.1836 166.6865 237.25 166.5693 237.2266 166.4502 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_0 D +%_207.7402 219.9189 m +%_207.8398 219.8545 207.9688 219.8643 208.0566 219.9463 c +%_208.1426 220.0264 208.1602 220.1553 208.1016 220.2588 c +%_206.4824 223.0557 207.9609 227.0713 211.1523 227.0713 c +%_216.873 227.0713 219.623 216.3018 218.748 206.4795 C +%_216.5859 212.2334 214.7148 214.5342 211.4004 217.2744 c +%_211.3066 217.3506 211.1719 217.3525 211.0781 217.2744 c +%_210.9844 217.1982 210.957 217.0654 211.0156 216.958 c +%_215.8711 207.8799 216.9121 200.8936 216.9121 192.874 C +%_215.4492 198.8311 213.7168 202.1943 208.7852 207.2549 c +%_208.6992 207.3428 208.5625 207.3564 208.4609 207.2861 c +%_208.3594 207.2158 208.3223 207.083 208.373 206.9717 c +%_213.6719 195.3799 213.2676 182.5244 209.3203 172.708 c +%_209.2813 172.6104 209.3066 172.499 209.3828 172.4268 c +%_209.4609 172.3545 209.5723 172.3389 209.668 172.3838 c +%_214.873 174.9346 217.9316 176.6104 222.4199 182.7744 C +%_221.0625 190.1729 222.1914 193.8213 225.5918 199.9678 C +%_221.6543 190.0518 223.75 176.0752 233.7793 170.3779 c +%_233.8887 170.3154 234.0273 170.3428 234.1035 170.4424 c +%_234.1816 170.542 234.1758 170.6826 234.0879 170.7744 c +%_230.3066 174.7295 227.5566 181.4092 229.9316 188.7002 C +%_228.4023 178.3115 237.5273 169.5869 247.7109 169.5869 c +%_257.3105 169.5869 263.8613 177.0947 263.3203 184.5264 c +%_262.7832 191.8916 257.877 195.4971 253.6484 197.0244 c +%_253.5371 197.0654 253.4121 197.0225 253.3496 196.9229 c +%_253.2852 196.8232 253.2988 196.6924 253.3828 196.6084 c +%_258.9922 190.915 259.7598 180.1162 249.7988 176.8486 C +%_255.6582 181.9053 253.4883 193.6768 244.1094 194.5732 c +%_243.9922 194.583 243.8828 194.5127 243.8457 194.4014 c +%_243.8066 194.292 243.8496 194.1689 243.9492 194.1064 c +%_245.957 192.8271 247.627 190.335 247.627 187.5322 c +%_247.627 182.8584 244.2051 181.0205 241.9512 181.0205 c +%_238.5293 181.0205 235.6914 184.2764 235.6914 189.2021 c +%_235.6914 195.0439 240.9512 199.8857 247.7109 200.6357 c +%_254.3379 201.3721 260.4941 198.4814 263.4609 194.1768 c +%_263.5313 194.0752 263.6621 194.04 263.7754 194.0908 c +%_263.8867 194.1416 263.9453 194.2646 263.916 194.3838 c +%_260.8965 206.0869 247.1191 211.2607 237.0273 203.8916 C +%_243.6406 211.3916 254.0332 211.4971 262.75 203.8057 c +%_262.8398 203.7256 262.9746 203.7197 263.0723 203.7939 c +%_263.168 203.8682 263.1992 203.999 263.1445 204.1084 c +%_260.4785 209.5146 253.8926 215.9268 244.5391 214.9932 c +%_235.9824 214.1377 231.0176 205.9775 230.0156 199.3018 C +%_229.459 207.8232 231.4102 213.8369 238.7695 219.4463 c +%_238.8672 219.5205 238.8965 219.6533 238.8418 219.7627 c +%_238.7871 219.8721 238.6621 219.9268 238.5449 219.8916 c +%_231.7598 217.9326 226.3145 214.4678 223.4961 207.3486 C +%_223.4961 213.5088 225.6348 219.7197 231.0215 223.8584 c +%_231.1191 223.9326 231.1484 224.0654 231.0938 224.1748 c +%_231.0391 224.2822 230.916 224.3369 230.7988 224.3037 c +%_227.3457 223.3213 224.627 221.8154 222.6602 219.1201 C +%_221.3496 230.2197 216.1387 236.8096 210.1348 236.8096 c +%_206.0098 236.8096 202.9297 233.7764 202.9297 228.9404 c +%_202.9297 226.1104 204.418 222.1377 207.7402 219.9189 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_108.5137 128.3018 m +%_111.6758 124.3975 118.0527 122.9092 124.9453 124.3135 C +%_124.4355 120.0107 125.2793 115.5225 126.5566 112.8271 c +%_126.6094 112.7197 126.7305 112.6611 126.8477 112.6904 c +%_126.9648 112.7197 127.0449 112.8271 127.041 112.9482 c +%_126.666 121.7139 131.6641 128.79 140.4902 131.8564 C +%_133.584 127.1006 131.5645 117.6631 134.8516 112.792 c +%_134.9199 112.6924 135.0469 112.6533 135.1582 112.6982 c +%_135.2695 112.7432 135.334 112.8604 135.3125 112.9795 c +%_134.9395 115.04 135.918 117.6631 138.0254 119.7041 c +%_140.9316 122.5186 144.875 123.1572 146.8359 121.1338 c +%_148.7969 119.1084 148.0332 115.1865 145.1289 112.374 c +%_144.0684 111.3467 142.8691 110.6104 141.6797 110.1885 c +%_141.5664 110.1475 141.498 110.0342 141.5137 109.917 c +%_141.5273 109.7979 141.623 109.7061 141.7422 109.6963 c +%_148.1309 109.1416 152.5117 112.9482 155.2578 117.5732 c +%_158.0527 122.2783 162.8281 125.9854 168.4688 125.2451 c +%_168.5879 125.2295 168.7012 125.2998 168.7422 125.4131 c +%_168.7813 125.5264 168.7363 125.6514 168.6328 125.7139 c +%_165.8359 127.3975 162.7617 128.0967 158.7695 126.7666 C +%_164.5645 131.6748 172.8164 134.5068 180.6104 131.9932 c +%_180.7197 131.958 180.8389 132.001 180.9014 132.0967 c +%_180.9639 132.1924 180.9541 132.3193 180.876 132.4053 c +%_174.9668 138.9697 163.1855 139.1006 155.7656 133.7764 C +%_158.8027 138.0928 162.834 141.2627 170.0586 142.2549 c +%_170.1738 142.2705 170.2637 142.3643 170.2773 142.4795 c +%_170.2891 142.5947 170.2227 142.7041 170.1133 142.7451 c +%_161.8223 145.8213 153.5137 142.7002 146.668 134.5283 C +%_149.6602 140.9072 154.5742 146.0146 161.4355 148.542 c +%_161.5508 148.583 161.6191 148.7002 161.5977 148.8213 c +%_161.5781 148.9424 161.4746 149.0303 161.3535 149.0322 c +%_157.4102 149.1143 153.8672 148.1748 149.0879 145.4619 C +%_152.5957 151.1533 151.8281 161.1006 146.7188 167.7217 c +%_146.6484 167.8135 146.5234 167.8447 146.416 167.7998 c +%_146.3105 167.7529 146.248 167.6396 146.2676 167.5244 c +%_147.4473 160.3252 144.9688 152.1963 140.6582 147.8838 C +%_142.8105 155.5146 140.6641 162.46 134.7617 167.5264 c +%_134.6914 167.5869 134.5918 167.6045 134.5059 167.5713 c +%_134.418 167.5381 134.3574 167.46 134.3438 167.3682 c +%_133.1094 157.9502 122.5742 148.3936 113.7422 147.5928 c +%_113.6172 147.5811 113.5195 147.4814 113.5117 147.3564 c +%_113.5039 147.2314 113.5859 147.1201 113.709 147.0928 c +%_117.9883 146.124 122.4004 146.6025 126.0977 148.1221 C +%_123.4375 145.1904 120.1582 143.0127 116.543 141.8779 c +%_116.4258 141.8408 116.3535 141.7275 116.3672 141.6064 c +%_116.3809 141.4854 116.4805 141.3896 116.6016 141.3818 c +%_121.1113 141.0713 125.5254 142.3877 129.332 144.9209 C +%_124.9707 138.2998 118.3516 133.376 109.9043 131.4131 c +%_109.7832 131.3857 109.7012 131.2744 109.707 131.1514 c +%_109.7148 131.0283 109.8105 130.9287 109.9336 130.915 c +%_121.8516 129.6123 131.6797 134.2334 138.1543 142.833 C +%_136.5059 137.9307 131.7891 133.0771 125.209 130.2139 c +%_119.3633 127.6689 113.3594 127.2666 108.7871 128.7041 c +%_108.6816 128.7373 108.5645 128.6963 108.502 128.6045 c +%_108.4395 128.5107 108.4434 128.3877 108.5137 128.3018 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_161.418 203.874 m +%_156.6113 193.3877 156.9531 185.1885 160.8242 174.8193 c +%_160.8691 174.7021 160.9902 174.6338 161.1133 174.6592 c +%_161.2363 174.6846 161.3223 174.7959 161.3164 174.9189 c +%_160.6953 187.542 164.1426 196.5732 171.6152 202.7275 C +%_163.3652 192.874 167.2617 173.167 180.4385 173.167 c +%_190.0244 173.167 197.9531 181.1436 199.8926 190.6924 c +%_199.918 190.8135 199.8516 190.9346 199.7344 190.9795 c +%_199.6191 191.0244 199.4883 190.9795 199.4258 190.8721 c +%_196.584 186.1104 192.0176 183.0205 186.9697 183.0205 c +%_178.834 183.0205 176.4277 189.4873 176.4277 194.0205 c +%_176.4277 200.2061 181.3545 205.3623 185.1357 205.3623 c +%_188.5732 205.3623 190.1768 202.54 190.1768 200.4365 c +%_190.1768 196.5381 187.1787 193.2705 183.8018 192.2725 c +%_183.6807 192.2354 183.6045 192.1182 183.6221 191.9932 c +%_183.6396 191.8682 183.7451 191.7744 183.8721 191.7744 c +%_187.9775 191.749 191.4473 193.6279 193.5 197.3428 C +%_193.7695 194.4678 193.7715 192.6572 192.8594 189.6182 c +%_192.8242 189.501 192.877 189.376 192.9844 189.3193 c +%_193.0938 189.2646 193.2266 189.292 193.3008 189.3896 c +%_200.6582 198.7822 197.1367 215.0127 191.3223 221.7471 C +%_196.8535 217.7646 201.7383 209.1123 201.6621 197.3525 c +%_201.6602 197.2314 201.7461 197.126 201.8672 197.1025 c +%_201.9863 197.0791 202.1055 197.1436 202.1504 197.2568 c +%_206.2598 207.5107 204.0801 226.5049 192.8691 237.1084 C +%_195.7539 237.5068 198.7363 237.4561 201.9941 236.417 c +%_202.1094 236.3799 202.2344 236.4307 202.293 236.5361 c +%_202.3516 236.6416 202.3281 236.7744 202.2344 236.8525 c +%_198.1426 240.3076 192.4199 241.3936 186.9697 241.3936 C +%_191.666 235.8936 190.1064 224.8408 182.6162 224.8408 c +%_177.2656 224.8408 174.8379 233.1396 178.9668 237.6221 c +%_179.0449 237.708 179.0547 237.835 178.9922 237.9326 c +%_178.9277 238.0303 178.8066 238.0713 178.6953 238.0342 c +%_173.916 236.3779 168.75 232.2451 168.75 227.0166 c +%_168.75 221.9756 173.5625 217.6221 180.5537 217.9658 C +%_171.7324 215.4619 162.5 218.2334 157.6699 224.2197 c +%_157.5957 224.3115 157.4648 224.3408 157.3594 224.2861 c +%_157.252 224.2334 157.1973 224.1123 157.2266 223.9951 c +%_160.0176 213.2803 169.1934 208.7959 180.667 210.29 C +%_171.3848 206.5322 157.416 209.8076 151.2422 217.5986 c +%_151.1699 217.6904 151.043 217.7217 150.9355 217.6709 c +%_150.8301 217.6221 150.7715 217.5049 150.7949 217.3896 c +%_152.166 210.7744 155.6582 205.8291 161.418 203.874 C +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_*U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Repeated_Art) , +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Main_Copy_of_EditGroup) , +%_; +%_ +%_9 () XW +%_u +%_*u +%_1 D +%_1 0.771237 0.226078 0.073854 0 0.258824 0.494118 Xa +%_0 1 0 0 0 Xy +%_26.6963 184.5869 m +%_26.7178 184.7061 26.8213 184.792 26.9424 184.7939 c +%_39.8486 184.9287 51.6963 188.0615 60.9141 196.3086 C +%_52.8838 190.751 37.9717 188.7979 29.3867 192.6904 c +%_29.2764 192.7402 29.2178 192.8604 29.2451 192.9785 c +%_29.2715 193.0967 29.3779 193.1787 29.499 193.1748 c +%_40.1787 192.8857 48.7783 196.1816 55.4834 202.1396 C +%_48.6143 202.5615 42.9092 206.8799 42.9268 211.9844 c +%_42.9268 212.1035 43.0107 212.2061 43.1279 212.2314 c +%_43.2441 212.2568 43.3623 212.1963 43.4111 212.0879 c +%_44.5322 209.5986 48.1592 208.3076 51.9941 209.208 c +%_56.1738 210.1885 58.9941 213.3975 58.2949 216.373 c +%_57.8232 218.3877 55.8584 219.7764 53.3428 220.1602 c +%_53.2158 220.1787 53.123 220.29 53.126 220.418 c +%_53.1299 220.5459 53.2285 220.6514 53.3564 220.6631 c +%_54.4248 220.7656 55.5361 220.7695 56.6738 220.6611 c +%_63.1641 220.0439 68.1875 216.0654 68.623 211.4834 C +%_73.3359 212.0303 77.5078 214.6396 79.002 218.2568 c +%_79.0469 218.3652 79.1621 218.4287 79.2773 218.4111 c +%_79.3926 218.3916 79.4805 218.2969 79.4902 218.1807 c +%_79.8672 213.4287 78.2324 210.3418 74.5195 207.3262 C +%_79.9043 209.3857 85.9648 209.4912 91.7754 206.7881 c +%_91.8809 206.7393 91.9395 206.624 91.918 206.5088 c +%_91.8945 206.3936 91.7949 206.3096 91.6777 206.3057 c +%_86.7988 206.1152 83.2617 204.5498 79.9473 201.2334 C +%_98.2012 206.3672 113.0332 195.0322 107.9004 178.1807 c +%_107.8652 178.0654 107.7539 177.9902 107.6328 178.0029 c +%_107.5117 178.0146 107.416 178.1104 107.4063 178.2314 c +%_106.4883 187.9453 99.7031 194.3467 89.5449 195.3076 C +%_94.9316 193.2471 100.5449 188.3311 101.1016 179.7734 c +%_101.1094 179.6514 101.0293 179.54 100.9102 179.5107 c +%_100.791 179.4814 100.668 179.54 100.6172 179.6514 c +%_97.8184 185.8057 92.3203 188.917 86.457 189.4639 C +%_92.791 186.8838 96.8535 180.8623 98.0273 173.0439 c +%_98.0469 172.9209 97.9727 172.8018 97.8535 172.7646 c +%_97.7363 172.7256 97.6074 172.7803 97.5508 172.8896 c +%_93.6855 180.4727 85.3945 185.6836 75.1035 181.7021 c +%_64.4863 177.5928 59.8291 165.3154 58.7998 156.6611 c +%_58.7852 156.54 58.6846 156.4463 58.5615 156.4385 c +%_58.4395 156.4307 58.3291 156.5127 58.3008 156.6338 c +%_54.5811 172.3213 61.8838 188.583 74.9375 195.4736 C +%_67.8418 193.4707 61.498 189.2139 57.9102 182.1191 C +%_49.6162 181.1006 43.9063 178.2568 41.0527 172.8799 c +%_40.9961 172.7725 40.8721 172.7197 40.7568 172.7549 c +%_40.6416 172.7881 40.5654 172.8994 40.5752 173.0205 c +%_40.7578 175.1299 41.5166 179.3506 44.6494 181.291 C +%_37.6846 181.2803 32.1436 182.1846 26.8506 184.3037 c +%_26.7393 184.3496 26.6738 184.4678 26.6963 184.5869 c +%_f +%_0 D +%_56.1826 131.1162 m +%_56.084 131.1826 55.9541 131.1709 55.8672 131.0908 c +%_55.7813 131.0088 55.7627 130.8799 55.8213 130.7783 c +%_57.4414 127.9814 55.9619 123.9639 52.7705 123.9639 c +%_47.0498 123.9639 44.2998 134.7334 45.1748 144.5576 C +%_47.3379 138.8018 49.208 136.5029 52.5225 133.7627 c +%_52.6162 133.6846 52.751 133.6846 52.8447 133.7607 c +%_52.9385 133.8389 52.9658 133.9697 52.9082 134.0771 c +%_48.0518 143.1572 47.0107 150.1436 47.0107 158.1631 C +%_48.4736 152.2041 50.2061 148.8408 55.1377 143.7822 c +%_55.2236 143.6943 55.3604 143.6807 55.4629 143.749 c +%_55.5645 143.8193 55.6016 143.9521 55.5498 144.0654 c +%_50.252 155.6553 50.6563 168.5127 54.6025 178.3291 c +%_54.6416 178.4268 54.6172 178.5381 54.54 178.6104 c +%_54.4629 178.6807 54.3506 178.6982 54.2549 178.6514 c +%_49.0498 176.1006 45.9912 174.4248 41.5029 168.2627 C +%_42.8604 160.8643 41.7314 157.2139 38.3311 151.0674 C +%_42.2686 160.9854 40.1729 174.9619 30.1436 180.6592 c +%_30.0342 180.7207 29.8955 180.6934 29.8193 180.5947 c +%_29.7412 180.4951 29.748 180.3535 29.835 180.2627 c +%_33.6162 176.3076 36.3662 169.6279 33.9912 162.335 C +%_35.5205 172.7236 26.3955 181.4502 16.2119 181.4502 c +%_6.6123 181.4502 0.061523 173.9404 0.602539 166.5088 c +%_1.13965 159.1436 6.0459 155.54 10.2744 154.0107 c +%_10.3857 153.9717 10.5107 154.0127 10.5742 154.1123 c +%_10.6377 154.2139 10.624 154.3428 10.541 154.4287 c +%_4.93066 160.1201 4.16309 170.9209 14.124 174.1885 C +%_8.26465 169.1318 10.4346 157.3584 19.8135 156.4639 c +%_19.9307 156.4521 20.04 156.5225 20.0781 156.6338 c +%_20.1162 156.7451 20.0732 156.8682 19.9746 156.9307 c +%_17.9658 158.208 16.2959 160.7021 16.2959 163.5049 c +%_16.2959 168.1787 19.7178 170.0146 21.9717 170.0146 c +%_25.3936 170.0146 28.2314 166.7588 28.2314 161.835 c +%_28.2314 155.9912 22.9717 151.1514 16.2119 150.3994 c +%_9.58594 149.665 3.42969 152.5537 0.461914 156.8584 c +%_0.392578 156.96 0.260742 156.9971 0.148438 156.9463 c +%_0.036133 156.8955 -0.022461 156.7705 0.007813 156.6514 c +%_3.02637 144.9482 16.8037 139.7744 26.8955 147.1455 C +%_20.2822 139.6436 9.88965 139.54 1.17383 147.2314 c +%_1.08301 147.3115 0.948242 147.3154 0.851563 147.2412 c +%_0.754883 147.1689 0.724609 147.0361 0.77832 146.9287 c +%_3.44531 141.5205 10.0313 135.1084 19.3838 136.0439 c +%_27.9404 136.8994 32.9053 145.0576 33.9072 151.7354 C +%_34.4639 143.2139 32.5137 137.1982 25.1533 131.5889 c +%_25.0566 131.5146 25.0264 131.3818 25.0811 131.2725 c +%_25.1357 131.165 25.2607 131.1104 25.3779 131.1436 c +%_32.1631 133.1045 37.6084 136.5693 40.4268 143.6885 C +%_40.4268 137.5264 38.2881 131.3154 32.9014 127.1768 c +%_32.8037 127.1025 32.7744 126.9717 32.8291 126.8623 c +%_32.8838 126.7529 33.0078 126.6982 33.125 126.7314 c +%_36.5781 127.7158 39.2959 129.2197 41.2627 131.917 C +%_42.5732 120.8174 47.7842 114.2256 53.7881 114.2256 c +%_57.9131 114.2256 60.9932 117.2588 60.9932 122.0967 c +%_60.9932 124.9268 59.5049 128.8994 56.1826 131.1162 c +%_f +%_155.4102 222.7354 m +%_152.248 226.6396 145.8711 228.1279 138.9785 226.7236 C +%_139.4883 231.0244 138.6445 235.5146 137.3672 238.208 c +%_137.3145 238.3174 137.1934 238.375 137.0762 238.3467 c +%_136.959 238.3174 136.8789 238.21 136.8828 238.0889 c +%_137.2578 229.3223 132.2598 222.2451 123.4336 219.1787 C +%_130.3398 223.9346 132.3594 233.3721 129.0723 238.2451 c +%_129.0039 238.3438 128.877 238.3828 128.7656 238.3369 c +%_128.6543 238.292 128.5898 238.1748 128.6113 238.0576 c +%_128.9844 235.9971 128.0059 233.373 125.8984 231.3311 c +%_122.9922 228.5166 119.0488 227.8779 117.0879 229.9014 c +%_115.127 231.9268 115.8906 235.8486 118.7949 238.6631 c +%_119.8555 239.6904 121.0547 240.4248 122.2441 240.8477 c +%_122.3574 240.8877 122.4258 241.001 122.4102 241.1191 c +%_122.3965 241.2383 122.3008 241.3301 122.1816 241.3398 c +%_115.793 241.8945 111.4121 238.0879 108.666 233.4619 c +%_105.8711 228.7568 101.0957 225.0518 95.4551 225.792 c +%_95.3359 225.8076 95.2227 225.7373 95.1816 225.624 c +%_95.1426 225.5107 95.1875 225.3838 95.291 225.3223 c +%_98.0879 223.6377 101.1621 222.9385 105.1543 224.2705 C +%_99.3594 219.3613 91.1074 216.5283 83.3145 219.043 c +%_83.2051 219.0791 83.0859 219.0361 83.0234 218.9395 c +%_82.9609 218.8428 82.9727 218.7168 83.0488 218.6318 c +%_88.957 212.0674 100.7383 211.9365 108.1582 217.2588 C +%_105.1211 212.9424 101.0898 209.7744 93.8652 208.7803 c +%_93.75 208.7646 93.6602 208.6729 93.6465 208.5576 c +%_93.6348 208.4414 93.7012 208.332 93.8105 208.292 c +%_102.1016 205.2139 110.4102 208.3369 117.2559 216.5068 C +%_114.2637 210.1299 109.3496 205.0225 102.4883 202.4951 c +%_102.373 202.4531 102.3047 202.335 102.3262 202.2158 c +%_102.3457 202.0947 102.4492 202.0059 102.5703 202.0029 c +%_106.5137 201.9219 110.0566 202.8604 114.8359 205.5732 C +%_111.3281 199.8838 112.0957 189.9346 117.2051 183.3154 c +%_117.2754 183.2236 117.4004 183.1914 117.5078 183.2373 c +%_117.6133 183.2842 117.6758 183.3965 117.6563 183.5107 c +%_116.4766 190.7119 118.9551 198.8408 123.2656 203.1533 C +%_121.1133 195.5215 123.2598 188.5771 129.1621 183.5088 c +%_129.2324 183.4482 129.332 183.4316 129.418 183.4648 c +%_129.5059 183.498 129.5664 183.5771 129.5801 183.6689 c +%_130.8145 193.0869 141.3496 202.6436 150.1816 203.4443 c +%_150.3066 203.4551 150.4043 203.5557 150.4121 203.6797 c +%_150.4199 203.8037 150.3379 203.917 150.2148 203.9443 c +%_145.9355 204.9131 141.5234 204.4346 137.8262 202.9131 C +%_140.4863 205.8467 143.7656 208.0244 147.3809 209.1592 c +%_147.498 209.1953 147.5703 209.3096 147.5566 209.4307 c +%_147.543 209.5518 147.4434 209.6455 147.3223 209.6543 c +%_142.8125 209.9658 138.3984 208.6484 134.5918 206.1162 C +%_138.9531 212.7373 145.5723 217.6611 154.0195 219.6221 c +%_154.1406 219.6504 154.2227 219.7607 154.2168 219.8848 c +%_154.209 220.0088 154.1133 220.1084 153.9902 220.1221 c +%_142.0723 221.4238 132.2441 216.8037 125.7695 208.2041 C +%_127.418 213.1045 132.1348 217.96 138.7148 220.8232 c +%_144.5605 223.3682 150.5645 223.7695 155.1367 222.333 c +%_155.2422 222.2998 155.3594 222.3398 155.4219 222.4326 c +%_155.4844 222.5244 155.4805 222.6475 155.4102 222.7354 c +%_f +%_102.5059 147.1631 m +%_107.3125 157.6494 106.9707 165.8486 103.0996 176.2178 c +%_103.0547 176.335 102.9336 176.4023 102.8105 176.3779 c +%_102.6875 176.3525 102.6016 176.2412 102.6074 176.1162 c +%_103.2285 163.4951 99.7813 154.4619 92.3086 148.3096 C +%_100.5586 158.1611 96.6621 177.8691 83.4863 177.8691 c +%_73.9004 177.8691 65.9697 169.8936 64.0303 160.3447 c +%_64.0059 160.2236 64.0723 160.1006 64.1885 160.0576 c +%_64.3037 160.0127 64.4346 160.0576 64.4971 160.1631 c +%_67.3398 164.9248 71.9063 168.0146 76.9551 168.0146 c +%_85.0898 168.0146 87.4961 161.5479 87.4961 157.0166 c +%_87.4961 150.8291 82.5703 145.6729 78.7891 145.6729 c +%_75.3516 145.6729 73.748 148.4971 73.748 150.6006 c +%_73.748 154.499 76.7461 157.7666 80.125 158.7646 c +%_80.2441 158.7998 80.3223 158.9189 80.3047 159.0439 c +%_80.2852 159.1689 80.1797 159.2607 80.0547 159.2627 c +%_75.9473 159.2881 72.4766 157.4072 70.4238 153.6943 C +%_70.1543 156.5693 70.1514 158.3799 71.0645 161.417 c +%_71.0996 161.5342 71.0459 161.6592 70.9385 161.7158 c +%_70.8291 161.7725 70.6963 161.7432 70.6221 161.6475 c +%_63.2656 152.2549 66.7861 136.0225 72.6016 129.29 C +%_67.0693 133.2725 62.1846 141.9229 62.2617 153.6826 c +%_62.2627 153.8057 62.1768 153.9092 62.0566 153.9326 c +%_61.9365 153.958 61.8174 153.8916 61.7725 153.7783 c +%_57.6641 143.5264 59.8438 124.5303 71.0537 113.9268 C +%_68.1699 113.5303 65.1865 113.5811 61.9287 114.6201 c +%_61.8135 114.6553 61.6885 114.6064 61.6299 114.501 c +%_61.5713 114.3936 61.5947 114.2607 61.6885 114.1826 c +%_65.7803 110.7275 71.5029 109.6416 76.9551 109.6416 C +%_72.2578 115.1416 73.8184 126.1963 81.3105 126.1963 c +%_86.6582 126.1963 89.0859 117.8975 84.957 113.415 c +%_84.8789 113.3291 84.8691 113.2002 84.9316 113.1045 c +%_84.9961 113.0068 85.1172 112.9639 85.2285 113.0029 c +%_90.0078 114.6572 95.1738 118.792 95.1738 124.0186 c +%_95.1738 129.0615 90.3613 133.4131 83.373 133.0693 C +%_92.1914 135.5752 101.4238 132.8018 106.2539 126.8174 c +%_106.3281 126.7236 106.459 126.6963 106.5645 126.749 c +%_106.6719 126.8037 106.7266 126.9248 106.6973 127.04 c +%_103.9063 137.7568 94.7305 142.2393 83.2578 140.7471 C +%_92.5391 144.5029 106.5078 141.2275 112.6816 133.4365 c +%_112.7539 133.3447 112.8809 133.3154 112.9883 133.3643 c +%_113.0938 133.415 113.1523 133.5322 113.1289 133.6455 c +%_111.7578 140.2607 108.2656 145.208 102.5059 147.1631 C +%_f +%_*U +%_*u +%_1 D +%_0.41001 0 0.011078 0 0.615686 0.862745 0.976471 Xa +%_0 0.4 0 0 0 Xy +%_128.8887 166.4502 m +%_128.8672 166.3311 128.7637 166.2432 128.6426 166.2432 c +%_115.7363 166.1064 103.8887 162.9756 94.6719 154.7275 C +%_102.7012 160.2861 117.6133 162.2373 126.1992 158.3467 c +%_126.3086 158.2959 126.3672 158.1748 126.3398 158.0576 c +%_126.3145 157.9404 126.207 157.8584 126.0859 157.8604 c +%_115.4063 158.1514 106.8066 154.8545 100.1016 148.8975 C +%_106.9707 148.4736 112.6758 144.1572 112.6582 139.0518 c +%_112.6582 138.9326 112.5742 138.8291 112.457 138.8037 c +%_112.3418 138.7803 112.2227 138.8389 112.1738 138.9482 c +%_111.0527 141.4365 107.4258 142.7295 103.5918 141.8291 c +%_99.4121 140.8467 96.5918 137.6396 97.291 134.6631 c +%_97.7617 132.6494 99.7266 131.2607 102.2422 130.876 c +%_102.3691 130.8564 102.4629 130.7471 102.459 130.6182 c +%_102.4551 130.4912 102.3574 130.3857 102.2285 130.3721 c +%_101.1602 130.2705 100.0488 130.2666 98.9121 130.376 c +%_92.4219 130.9932 87.3984 134.9697 86.9629 139.5537 C +%_82.25 139.0068 78.0781 136.3955 76.584 132.7803 c +%_76.5391 132.6709 76.4258 132.6084 76.3086 132.626 c +%_76.1934 132.6436 76.1055 132.7393 76.0957 132.8564 c +%_75.7188 137.6064 77.3535 140.6943 81.0664 143.71 C +%_75.6816 141.6514 69.6201 141.5459 63.8096 144.2471 c +%_63.7041 144.2979 63.6455 144.4131 63.667 144.5283 c +%_63.6904 144.6436 63.79 144.7275 63.9072 144.7314 c +%_68.7861 144.9209 72.3242 146.4873 75.6406 149.8037 C +%_57.3838 144.6689 42.5518 156.0049 47.6846 172.8545 c +%_47.7197 172.9717 47.8311 173.0459 47.9521 173.0342 c +%_48.0732 173.0225 48.1689 172.9268 48.1787 172.8057 c +%_49.0967 163.0908 55.8818 156.6885 66.04 155.7295 C +%_60.6533 157.7881 55.04 162.7041 54.4834 171.2627 c +%_54.4756 171.3857 54.5557 171.4951 54.6748 171.5264 c +%_54.7939 171.5557 54.917 171.4951 54.9678 171.3838 c +%_57.7666 165.2295 63.2646 162.1201 69.1279 161.5713 C +%_62.7939 164.1533 58.7314 170.1748 57.5576 177.9932 c +%_57.5381 178.1162 57.6123 178.2334 57.7314 178.2725 c +%_57.8486 178.3096 57.9775 178.2568 58.0342 178.1455 c +%_61.8994 170.5635 70.1904 165.3525 80.4824 169.335 c +%_91.0996 173.4443 95.7559 185.7197 96.7852 194.374 c +%_96.8008 194.4971 96.9004 194.5908 97.0234 194.5986 c +%_97.1465 194.6045 97.2559 194.5225 97.2852 194.4033 c +%_101.0039 178.7139 93.7012 162.4541 80.6484 155.5635 C +%_87.7441 157.5654 94.0879 161.8232 97.6758 168.917 C +%_105.9688 169.9346 111.6797 172.7803 114.5332 178.1572 c +%_114.5898 178.2627 114.7129 178.3154 114.8281 178.2822 c +%_114.9434 178.2471 115.0195 178.1357 115.0098 178.0166 c +%_114.8281 175.9072 114.0684 171.6865 110.9355 169.7451 C +%_117.9004 169.7568 123.4414 168.8525 128.7344 166.7314 c +%_128.8457 166.6865 128.9121 166.5693 128.8887 166.4502 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_0 D +%_99.4023 219.9189 m +%_99.502 219.8545 99.6309 219.8643 99.7188 219.9463 c +%_99.8047 220.0264 99.8223 220.1553 99.7637 220.2588 c +%_98.1445 223.0557 99.623 227.0713 102.8145 227.0713 c +%_108.5352 227.0713 111.2852 216.3018 110.4102 206.4795 C +%_108.248 212.2334 106.377 214.5342 103.0625 217.2744 c +%_102.9688 217.3506 102.834 217.3525 102.7402 217.2744 c +%_102.6465 217.1982 102.6191 217.0654 102.6777 216.958 c +%_107.5332 207.8799 108.5742 200.8936 108.5742 192.874 C +%_107.1113 198.8311 105.3789 202.1943 100.4473 207.2549 c +%_100.3613 207.3428 100.2246 207.3564 100.123 207.2861 c +%_100.0215 207.2158 99.9844 207.083 100.0352 206.9717 c +%_105.334 195.3799 104.9297 182.5244 100.9824 172.708 c +%_100.9434 172.6104 100.9688 172.499 101.0449 172.4268 c +%_101.123 172.3545 101.2344 172.3389 101.3301 172.3838 c +%_106.5352 174.9346 109.5938 176.6104 114.082 182.7744 C +%_112.7246 190.1729 113.8535 193.8213 117.2539 199.9678 C +%_113.3164 190.0518 115.4121 176.0752 125.4414 170.3779 c +%_125.5508 170.3154 125.6895 170.3428 125.7656 170.4424 c +%_125.8438 170.542 125.8379 170.6826 125.75 170.7744 c +%_121.9688 174.7295 119.2188 181.4092 121.5938 188.7002 C +%_120.0645 178.3115 129.1895 169.5869 139.373 169.5869 c +%_148.9727 169.5869 155.5234 177.0947 154.9824 184.5264 c +%_154.4453 191.8916 149.5391 195.4971 145.3105 197.0244 c +%_145.1992 197.0654 145.0742 197.0225 145.0117 196.9229 c +%_144.9473 196.8232 144.9609 196.6924 145.0449 196.6084 c +%_150.6543 190.915 151.4219 180.1162 141.4609 176.8486 C +%_147.3203 181.9053 145.1504 193.6768 135.7715 194.5732 c +%_135.6543 194.583 135.5449 194.5127 135.5078 194.4014 c +%_135.4688 194.292 135.5117 194.1689 135.6113 194.1064 c +%_137.6191 192.8271 139.2891 190.335 139.2891 187.5322 c +%_139.2891 182.8584 135.8672 181.0205 133.6133 181.0205 c +%_130.1914 181.0205 127.3535 184.2764 127.3535 189.2021 c +%_127.3535 195.0439 132.6133 199.8857 139.373 200.6357 c +%_146 201.3721 152.1563 198.4814 155.123 194.1768 c +%_155.1934 194.0752 155.3242 194.04 155.4375 194.0908 c +%_155.5488 194.1416 155.6074 194.2646 155.5781 194.3838 c +%_152.5586 206.0869 138.7813 211.2607 128.6895 203.8916 C +%_135.3027 211.3916 145.6953 211.4971 154.4121 203.8057 c +%_154.502 203.7256 154.6367 203.7197 154.7344 203.7939 c +%_154.8301 203.8682 154.8613 203.999 154.8066 204.1084 c +%_152.1406 209.5146 145.5547 215.9268 136.2012 214.9932 c +%_127.6445 214.1377 122.6797 205.9775 121.6777 199.3018 C +%_121.1211 207.8232 123.0723 213.8369 130.4316 219.4463 c +%_130.5293 219.5205 130.5586 219.6533 130.5039 219.7627 c +%_130.4492 219.8721 130.3242 219.9268 130.207 219.8916 c +%_123.4219 217.9326 117.9766 214.4678 115.1582 207.3486 C +%_115.1582 213.5088 117.2969 219.7197 122.6836 223.8584 c +%_122.7813 223.9326 122.8105 224.0654 122.7559 224.1748 c +%_122.7012 224.2822 122.5781 224.3369 122.4609 224.3037 c +%_119.0078 223.3213 116.2891 221.8154 114.3223 219.1201 C +%_113.0117 230.2197 107.8008 236.8096 101.7969 236.8096 c +%_97.6719 236.8096 94.5918 233.7764 94.5918 228.9404 c +%_94.5918 226.1104 96.0801 222.1377 99.4023 219.9189 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_0.174805 128.3018 m +%_3.33691 124.3975 9.71387 122.9092 16.6064 124.3135 C +%_16.0967 120.0107 16.9404 115.5225 18.2178 112.8271 c +%_18.2705 112.7197 18.3916 112.6611 18.5088 112.6904 c +%_18.626 112.7197 18.7061 112.8271 18.7021 112.9482 c +%_18.3271 121.7139 23.3252 128.79 32.1514 131.8564 C +%_25.2451 127.1006 23.2256 117.6631 26.5127 112.792 c +%_26.5811 112.6924 26.708 112.6533 26.8193 112.6982 c +%_26.9307 112.7432 26.9951 112.8604 26.9736 112.9795 c +%_26.6006 115.04 27.5791 117.6631 29.6865 119.7041 c +%_32.5928 122.5186 36.5361 123.1572 38.4971 121.1338 c +%_40.458 119.1084 39.6943 115.1865 36.79 112.374 c +%_35.7295 111.3467 34.5303 110.6104 33.3408 110.1885 c +%_33.2275 110.1475 33.1592 110.0342 33.1748 109.917 c +%_33.1885 109.7979 33.2842 109.7061 33.4033 109.6963 c +%_39.792 109.1416 44.1729 112.9482 46.9189 117.5732 c +%_49.7139 122.2783 54.4893 125.9854 60.1299 125.2451 c +%_60.249 125.2295 60.3623 125.2998 60.4033 125.4131 c +%_60.4424 125.5264 60.3975 125.6514 60.2939 125.7139 c +%_57.4971 127.3975 54.4229 128.0967 50.4307 126.7666 C +%_56.2256 131.6748 64.4775 134.5068 72.2715 131.9932 c +%_72.3809 131.958 72.5 132.001 72.5625 132.0967 c +%_72.625 132.1924 72.6152 132.3193 72.5371 132.4053 c +%_66.6279 138.9697 54.8467 139.1006 47.4268 133.7764 C +%_50.4639 138.0928 54.4951 141.2627 61.7197 142.2549 c +%_61.835 142.2705 61.9248 142.3643 61.9385 142.4795 c +%_61.9502 142.5947 61.8838 142.7041 61.7744 142.7451 c +%_53.4834 145.8213 45.1748 142.7002 38.3291 134.5283 C +%_41.3213 140.9072 46.2354 146.0146 53.0967 148.542 c +%_53.2119 148.583 53.2803 148.7002 53.2588 148.8213 c +%_53.2393 148.9424 53.1357 149.0303 53.0146 149.0322 c +%_49.0713 149.1143 45.5283 148.1748 40.749 145.4619 C +%_44.2568 151.1533 43.4893 161.1006 38.3799 167.7217 c +%_38.3096 167.8135 38.1846 167.8447 38.0771 167.7998 c +%_37.9717 167.7529 37.9092 167.6396 37.9287 167.5244 c +%_39.1084 160.3252 36.6299 152.1963 32.3193 147.8838 C +%_34.4717 155.5146 32.3252 162.46 26.4229 167.5264 c +%_26.3525 167.5869 26.2529 167.6045 26.167 167.5713 c +%_26.0791 167.5381 26.0186 167.46 26.0049 167.3682 c +%_24.7705 157.9502 14.2354 148.3936 5.40332 147.5928 c +%_5.27832 147.5811 5.18066 147.4814 5.17285 147.3564 c +%_5.16504 147.2314 5.24707 147.1201 5.37012 147.0928 c +%_9.64941 146.124 14.0615 146.6025 17.7588 148.1221 C +%_15.0986 145.1904 11.8193 143.0127 8.2041 141.8779 c +%_8.08691 141.8408 8.01465 141.7275 8.02832 141.6064 c +%_8.04199 141.4854 8.1416 141.3896 8.2627 141.3818 c +%_12.7725 141.0713 17.1865 142.3877 20.9932 144.9209 C +%_16.6318 138.2998 10.0127 133.376 1.56543 131.4131 c +%_1.44434 131.3857 1.3623 131.2744 1.36816 131.1514 c +%_1.37598 131.0283 1.47168 130.9287 1.59473 130.915 c +%_13.5127 129.6123 23.3408 134.2334 29.8154 142.833 C +%_28.167 137.9307 23.4502 133.0771 16.8701 130.2139 c +%_11.0244 127.6689 5.02051 127.2666 0.448242 128.7041 c +%_0.342773 128.7373 0.225586 128.6963 0.163086 128.6045 c +%_0.100586 128.5107 0.104492 128.3877 0.174805 128.3018 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_53.0791 203.874 m +%_48.2725 193.3877 48.6143 185.1885 52.4854 174.8193 c +%_52.5303 174.7021 52.6514 174.6338 52.7744 174.6592 c +%_52.8975 174.6846 52.9834 174.7959 52.9775 174.9189 c +%_52.3564 187.542 55.8037 196.5732 63.2764 202.7275 C +%_55.0264 192.874 58.9229 173.167 72.0996 173.167 c +%_81.6855 173.167 89.6152 181.1436 91.5547 190.6924 c +%_91.5801 190.8135 91.5137 190.9346 91.3965 190.9795 c +%_91.2813 191.0244 91.1504 190.9795 91.0879 190.8721 c +%_88.2461 186.1104 83.6797 183.0205 78.6309 183.0205 c +%_70.4951 183.0205 68.0889 189.4873 68.0889 194.0205 c +%_68.0889 200.2061 73.0156 205.3623 76.7969 205.3623 c +%_80.2344 205.3623 81.8379 202.54 81.8379 200.4365 c +%_81.8379 196.5381 78.8398 193.2705 75.4629 192.2725 c +%_75.3418 192.2354 75.2656 192.1182 75.2832 191.9932 c +%_75.3008 191.8682 75.4063 191.7744 75.5332 191.7744 c +%_79.6387 191.749 83.1094 193.6279 85.1621 197.3428 C +%_85.4316 194.4678 85.4336 192.6572 84.5215 189.6182 c +%_84.4863 189.501 84.5391 189.376 84.6465 189.3193 c +%_84.7559 189.2646 84.8887 189.292 84.9629 189.3896 c +%_92.3203 198.7822 88.7988 215.0127 82.9844 221.7471 C +%_88.5156 217.7646 93.4004 209.1123 93.3242 197.3525 c +%_93.3223 197.2314 93.4082 197.126 93.5293 197.1025 c +%_93.6484 197.0791 93.7676 197.1436 93.8125 197.2568 c +%_97.9219 207.5107 95.7422 226.5049 84.5313 237.1084 C +%_87.416 237.5068 90.3984 237.4561 93.6563 236.417 c +%_93.7715 236.3799 93.8965 236.4307 93.9551 236.5361 c +%_94.0137 236.6416 93.9902 236.7744 93.8965 236.8525 c +%_89.8047 240.3076 84.082 241.3936 78.6309 241.3936 C +%_83.3281 235.8936 81.7676 224.8408 74.2773 224.8408 c +%_68.9268 224.8408 66.499 233.1396 70.6279 237.6221 c +%_70.7061 237.708 70.7158 237.835 70.6533 237.9326 c +%_70.5889 238.0303 70.4678 238.0713 70.3564 238.0342 c +%_65.5771 236.3779 60.4111 232.2451 60.4111 227.0166 c +%_60.4111 221.9756 65.2236 217.6221 72.2148 217.9658 C +%_63.3936 215.4619 54.1611 218.2334 49.3311 224.2197 c +%_49.2568 224.3115 49.126 224.3408 49.0205 224.2861 c +%_48.9131 224.2334 48.8584 224.1123 48.8877 223.9951 c +%_51.6787 213.2803 60.8545 208.7959 72.3281 210.29 C +%_63.0459 206.5322 49.0771 209.8076 42.9033 217.5986 c +%_42.8311 217.6904 42.7041 217.7217 42.5967 217.6709 c +%_42.4912 217.6221 42.4326 217.5049 42.4561 217.3896 c +%_43.8271 210.7744 47.3193 205.8291 53.0791 203.874 C +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_*U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Main_Copy_of_EditGroup) , +%_; +%_ +%_9 () XW +%_U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_108.3384 /Real (AIPattern_Editor_Tile_Width) , +%_5 /Int (AIPattern_Editor_Preview_Cols) , +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Editor_Dim_Copies_Key) , +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Editor_Left_in_Front) , +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Editor_Top_in_Front) , +%_109.6416 /Real (AIPattern_Editor_Tile_Height) , +%_5 /Int (AIPattern_Editor_Preview_Rows) , +%_50 /Real (AIPattern_Editor_Dim_Percent_Key) , +%_4 /Int (AIPattern_Editor_Editable_Copy_Loc_Key) , +%_; +%_ +%_9 () XW +E +%AI3_EndPattern +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI8_BeginBrushPattern +(Unnamed 6) 0 A +0 Xw +u +u +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +-4018.5 4018.5 m +-3917.1816 4018.5 L +-3917.1816 4010.7832 L +-4018.5 4010.7832 L +-4018.5 4018.5 L +n +u +0 O +0.720851 0.673426 0.586358 0.790768 0.137255 0.121569 0.12549 Xa +-3917.3 4012.207 m +-3917.1504 4012.2439 -3917.2041 4011.8247 -3917.1816 4011.7495 C +-3917.4319 4011.8423 -3917.2937 4012.3159 -3917.3 4012.207 C +f +-3919.7693 4013.1582 m +-3919.7256 4012.9871 L +-3920.0896 4013.4063 L +-3919.7693 4013.1582 L +f +-3922.0784 4013.1504 m +-3921.8601 4013.8643 -3921.2417 4013.0352 -3920.8303 4013.2888 C +-3920.7625 4013.4524 L +-3920.5769 4012.8772 L +-3921.0769 4012.9683 -3921.7263 4013.3499 -3922.0784 4013.1504 C +f +-3923.3096 4011.6072 m +-3923.2336 4011.8843 -3923.5759 4011.8455 -3923.0225 4011.6936 C +-3923.0503 4011.6631 -3923.0583 4011.6455 -3923.0745 4011.623 C +-3923.1243 4011.6272 -3923.1929 4011.6262 -3923.3096 4011.6072 C +f +-3923.0745 4011.623 m +-3922.8313 4011.603 -3923.2336 4011.3904 -3923.0745 4011.623 C +-3923.0745 4011.623 L +f +-3924.1975 4011.7822 m +-3923.8772 4011.5342 L +-3923.9441 4011.3704 -3924.2292 4011.333 -3924.1233 4011.2134 C +-3924.4519 4011.3496 -3924.3843 4011.5127 -3924.1975 4011.7822 C +f +-3924.5012 4012.303 m +-3924.3352 4012.1982 L +-3924.3643 4012.1294 -3924.4082 4012.105 -3924.5012 4012.303 C +f +-3923.9832 4011.9768 m +-3924.3352 4012.1982 L +-3924.2888 4012.313 -3924.2839 4012.5447 -3924.1736 4012.1184 C +-3924.2024 4012.3296 -3924.1328 4012.1262 -3923.9832 4011.9768 C +f +-3923.7839 4012.0852 m +-3923.6042 4012.24 -3923.3721 4012.3384 -3923.6936 4012.5852 C +-3923.0808 4012.4871 -3923.1711 4011.9856 -3923.7839 4012.0852 C +f +-3922.1963 4013.8887 m +-3921.9561 4014.0984 L +-3921.7483 4013.8584 L +-3921.8521 4013.9771 -3922.2112 4013.665 -3922.1963 4013.8887 C +f +-3926.1929 4011.4126 m +-3926.2129 4011.5647 -3926.0852 4011.8174 -3926.0613 4012.012 C +-3925.8247 4011.8374 L +-3925.9463 4011.7334 -3926.1768 4011.6375 -3926.1929 4011.4126 C +f +-3926.0613 4012.012 m +-3926.4153 4012.2727 L +-3926.0991 4012.303 -3926.0413 4012.1792 -3926.0613 4012.012 C +f +-3924.5583 4013.0955 m +-3923.9768 4012.5479 L +-3924.6704 4013.103 L +-3924.5583 4013.0955 L +f +-3927.5449 4011.3936 m +-3927.3442 4011.0422 L +-3927.7017 4011.5735 L +-3927.5449 4011.3936 L +f +-3928.4417 4011.4551 m +-3928.2932 4011.1638 -3928.6453 4010.9624 -3928.4883 4010.7832 C +-3928.7319 4010.8352 -3928.9399 4011.0852 -3929.1272 4011.3103 C +-3928.9282 4011.1848 -3928.7161 4011.2168 -3928.4417 4011.4551 C +f +-3929.4417 4011.6375 m +-3929.3423 4011.5679 -3929.2393 4011.4431 -3929.1272 4011.3103 C +-3929.2329 4011.3772 -3929.3369 4011.4744 -3929.4417 4011.6375 C +f +-3927.0183 4012.1975 m +-3927.0457 4012.1055 -3927.0984 4011.8655 -3927.2969 4011.7639 C +-3927.1577 4012.1912 L +-3927.1152 4012.1936 -3927.0671 4012.1951 -3927.0183 4012.1975 C +f +-3927.1528 4012.2046 m +-3927.1577 4012.1912 L +-3927.3088 4012.1814 -3927.4136 4012.1719 -3927.4585 4012.167 c +-3927.4199 4012.1707 -3927.3279 4012.1824 -3927.1528 4012.2046 C +f +-3926.9832 4012.1992 m +-3926.9961 4012.1982 -3927.0056 4012.1975 -3927.0183 4012.1975 C +-3927.0049 4012.24 -3926.9968 4012.2534 -3926.9832 4012.1992 C +f +-3925.4863 4012.709 m +-3925.6943 4012.948 -3926.1279 4013.2039 -3925.7083 4013.5686 C +-3925.5591 4013.2759 -3925.7993 4013.0686 -3925.4863 4012.709 c +f +-3926.8103 4012.7334 m +-3926.4343 4012.8311 L +-3926.4417 4012.7183 -3926.5095 4012.5535 -3926.4065 4012.4351 C +-3926.8103 4012.7334 L +f +-3926.9944 4012.8694 m +-3926.8103 4012.7334 L +-3926.9497 4012.6975 L +-3926.9944 4012.8694 L +f +-3928.7976 4012.0376 m +-3928.96 4012.2239 -3929.1377 4012.239 -3929.3384 4012.269 C +-3929.1233 4012.353 -3928.9009 4012.3992 -3928.6897 4012.3972 C +-3928.6599 4012.2632 -3928.5671 4012.0222 -3928.7976 4012.0376 C +f +-3927.9983 4012.1563 m +-3928.0095 4012.1663 -3928.0239 4012.1707 -3928.0344 4012.1807 C +-3928.0122 4012.217 -3927.9944 4012.2283 -3927.9983 4012.1563 C +f +-3931.3142 4012.2664 m +-3931.3032 4012.2896 -3931.2937 4012.3196 -3931.2825 4012.344 C +-3931.28 4012.3196 -3931.2783 4012.2952 -3931.2751 4012.27 C +-3931.3142 4012.2664 L +f +-3928.6536 4012.4771 m +-3928.4919 4012.5598 -3928.3953 4012.4551 -3928.3032 4012.324 C +-3928.4241 4012.3662 -3928.5522 4012.3943 -3928.6897 4012.3972 C +-3928.7031 4012.4583 -3928.7056 4012.4983 -3928.6536 4012.4771 C +f +-3929.9929 4011.8374 m +-3929.9087 4011.9272 -3929.8132 4012.0032 -3929.7129 4012.0723 C +-3929.7952 4011.937 -3929.9631 4011.7263 -3929.9929 4011.8374 C +f +-3928.0889 4012.0623 m +-3928.0808 4012.0559 -3928.0735 4012.0479 -3928.0647 4012.0432 C +-3928.1177 4011.9524 -3928.1111 4011.9966 -3928.0889 4012.0623 C +f +-3928.0889 4012.0623 m +-3928.1721 4012.1243 -3928.2375 4012.2295 -3928.3032 4012.324 C +-3928.2048 4012.2896 -3928.1135 4012.2439 -3928.0344 4012.1807 C +-3928.0544 4012.1504 -3928.0745 4012.104 -3928.0889 4012.0623 C +f +-3931.9128 4015.009 m +-3931.8843 4014.613 -3931.4592 4014.2471 -3931.0923 4014.6719 C +-3930.7312 4014.375 -3930.9673 4013.0723 -3931.2825 4012.344 C +-3931.2937 4012.5166 -3931.2937 4012.6763 -3931.6653 4012.9104 C +-3931.5352 4013.1262 -3930.8408 4013.4163 -3931.1543 4013.7747 C +-3931.6465 4013.9783 -3931.5576 4013.6343 -3931.7969 4013.425 C +-3931.5935 4013.9182 -3932.4231 4014.1431 -3932.3159 4014.8687 C +-3931.8843 4014.613 L +-3931.8762 4014.7263 -3932.0327 4014.9063 -3931.9128 4015.009 C +f +-3930.5745 4012.3843 m +-3930.4216 4012.3352 L +-3930.5959 4012.2664 -3930.7207 4012.1079 -3930.9504 4011.7976 C +-3931.2048 4011.9915 -3931.2576 4012.1382 -3931.2751 4012.27 C +-3930.5222 4012.3252 L +-3930.5745 4012.3843 L +f +-3929.7351 4012.3335 m +-3929.8545 4012.7644 -3930.2217 4012.948 -3929.9968 4013.4143 C +-3929.5481 4013.3843 -3929.6824 4013.0542 -3929.4143 4012.8672 C +-3930.1384 4012.9744 -3929.2063 4012.6272 -3929.7295 4012.3831 C +-3929.5872 4012.3096 -3929.4592 4012.2871 -3929.3384 4012.269 C +-3929.4688 4012.217 -3929.5945 4012.1519 -3929.7129 4012.0723 C +-3929.7063 4012.0823 -3929.7017 4012.0896 -3929.6963 4012.0984 C +-3929.6929 4012.0984 L +-3929.6929 4012.1006 -3929.6936 4012.1016 -3929.6936 4012.104 C +-3929.6624 4012.1582 -3929.6521 4012.1912 -3929.6873 4012.1604 C +-3929.6897 4012.165 -3929.6985 4012.167 -3929.7024 4012.1692 C +-3929.7073 4012.2283 -3929.7207 4012.2808 -3929.7351 4012.3311 C +-3929.9448 4012.2422 -3929.7681 4012.22 -3929.7024 4012.1692 C +-3929.7 4012.1472 -3929.6943 4012.1272 -3929.6936 4012.104 C +-3929.6943 4012.1023 -3929.6953 4012.1006 -3929.6963 4012.0984 C +-3930.4216 4012.3352 L +-3930.2681 4012.395 -3930.0759 4012.3831 -3929.7351 4012.3335 C +f +-3926.0952 4014.4951 m +-3926.1177 4014.457 -3926.1167 4014.4263 -3926.1184 4014.395 C +-3926.1653 4014.448 -3926.1831 4014.4839 -3926.0952 4014.4951 C +f +-3926.3936 4014.2351 m +-3926.3408 4014.175 -3926.2969 4014.0032 -3926.1255 4014.0471 C +-3925.9768 4014.1763 -3926.1262 4014.2534 -3926.1184 4014.395 C +-3926.0151 4014.2808 -3925.7568 4014.0862 -3926.0808 4013.8762 C +-3926.1321 4013.9351 L +-3926.4241 4013.7871 -3926.7993 4013.2495 -3926.7483 4013.1902 C +-3926.6631 4013.5784 -3926.5879 4013.8542 -3926.3936 4014.2351 C +f +-3928.0852 4013.3943 m +-3928.6892 4013.6055 L +-3928.3816 4013.9783 L +-3928.3972 4013.7544 L +-3928.0537 4013.8423 -3928.1279 4013.5667 -3928.0852 4013.3943 C +f +-3931.3833 4012.052 m +-3931.3032 4011.5967 L +-3931.6521 4012.24 L +-3931.3833 4012.052 L +f +-3932.1682 4012.1062 m +-3932.1392 4011.7112 L +-3932.3464 4011.9495 L +-3932.1682 4012.1062 L +f +-3976.4617 4017.0166 m +-3976.6392 4017.1287 L +-3976.5552 4017.0942 -3976.5012 4017.0564 -3976.4617 4017.0166 C +f +-3975.1768 4017.0435 m +-3975.1453 4016.8484 L +-3975.2048 4016.9558 -3975.2292 4017.0352 -3975.1768 4017.0435 C +f +-3951.4456 4012.1504 m +-3951.7041 4011.7815 -3951.9929 4011.2083 -3951.9617 4011.6536 C +-3951.8823 4012.0872 L +-3951.7017 4012.009 -3951.5632 4012.0576 -3951.4456 4012.1504 C +f +-3964.6479 4014.7415 m +-3964.6233 4014.7832 -3964.5977 4014.8286 -3964.5723 4014.8728 C +-3964.5095 4014.7246 -3964.4504 4014.5872 -3964.3977 4014.4583 C +-3964.4729 4014.5471 -3964.5583 4014.6416 -3964.6479 4014.7415 C +f +-3964.8303 4016.5364 m +-3965.1711 4016.2566 L +-3965.0945 4016.3542 -3964.9849 4016.448 -3964.8303 4016.5364 C +f +-3983.4792 4017.4768 m +-3983.6863 4017.9182 L +-3983.3623 4017.9163 -3983.5049 4017.6936 -3983.4792 4017.4768 C +f +-3940.2073 4012.2664 m +-3940.4304 4012.0967 -3940.6079 4012.0254 -3940.7639 4012.0044 C +-3940.4951 4012.2534 -3940.2783 4012.6272 -3940.2073 4012.2664 C +f +-3975.9561 4012.4126 m +-3976.0647 4012.4912 -3976.1111 4012.5796 -3976.1079 4012.6763 C +-3975.9961 4012.6023 -3975.9329 4012.519 -3975.9561 4012.4126 C +f +-3941.4082 4012.0059 m +-3941.3689 4012.0496 -3941.3303 4012.071 -3941.2903 4012.1079 C +-3941.1272 4012.0352 -3940.9631 4011.9768 -3940.7639 4012.0044 C +-3940.9624 4011.8196 -3941.1897 4011.7046 -3941.4082 4012.0059 C +f +-4008.9297 4017.1172 m +-4008.9482 4017.0984 -4008.9705 4017.0884 -4008.9873 4017.0652 C +-4008.9929 4017.1243 -4008.9673 4017.1272 -4008.9297 4017.1172 C +f +-4016.3442 4012.74 m +-4016.2712 4012.7124 -4016.1521 4012.7119 -4016.0398 4012.7063 C +-4016.0945 4012.6763 -4016.1863 4012.6792 -4016.3442 4012.74 c +f +-3935.3264 4011.917 m +-3935.1599 4011.8887 -3935.3 4011.8694 -3935.3264 4011.917 C +-3935.3264 4011.917 L +f +-3934.5168 4013.6331 m +-3934.5522 4013.6814 -3934.5791 4013.7439 -3934.5833 4013.844 C +-3934.5696 4013.74 -3934.5464 4013.6736 -3934.5168 4013.6331 c +f +-3943.0664 4014.7063 m +-3943.0713 4014.7063 -3943.0752 4014.7046 -3943.0808 4014.7046 C +-3943.0313 4014.7896 -3943.0398 4014.7732 -3943.0664 4014.7063 C +f +-3935.0759 4012.1143 m +-3935.1384 4012.061 -3935.2104 4012.0166 -3935.2888 4011.9856 C +-3935.2544 4012.019 -3935.1897 4012.061 -3935.0759 4012.1143 C +f +-3935.1096 4011.9092 m +-3935.0522 4011.9287 -3935.0071 4011.9395 -3934.9641 4011.9512 C +-3934.9431 4011.8792 -3934.9617 4011.8335 -3935.1096 4011.9092 C +f +-3935.5583 4011.9407 m +-3935.4631 4011.9336 -3935.3743 4011.9539 -3935.2888 4011.9856 C +-3935.3215 4011.9558 -3935.3352 4011.9319 -3935.3264 4011.917 C +-3935.3752 4011.9236 -3935.4441 4011.9326 -3935.5583 4011.9407 c +f +-3995.2932 4015.9558 m +-3995.3042 4015.9424 -3995.3169 4015.9336 -3995.3289 4015.915 C +-3995.4968 4016.0952 -3995.4231 4016.0667 -3995.2932 4015.9558 C +f +-3955.7783 4016.6563 m +-3955.7705 4016.6519 -3955.7664 4016.6404 -3955.7593 4016.636 C +-3955.7671 4016.6311 -3955.7769 4016.625 -3955.7839 4016.6199 C +-3955.7783 4016.6563 L +f +-3956.3762 4016.979 m +-3956.1216 4016.4392 -3955.9768 4016.5056 -3955.7839 4016.6199 C +-3955.9817 4015.3694 L +-3956.3762 4016.979 L +f +*u +-3979.5383 4017.1416 m +-3979.1184 4017.532 L +-3979.6252 4018.1736 -3979.9919 4017.9524 -3979.5977 4018.5 C +-3979.5383 4017.1416 -3977.9656 4018.3616 -3977.9072 4017.0039 C +-3977.6304 4017.2896 L +-3977.7097 4017.2766 -3977.7224 4017.356 -3977.8008 4017.343 C +-3977.2625 4017.9934 -3977.4009 4016.3616 -3976.7073 4016.5542 C +-3976.4656 4016.6582 -3976.2969 4016.855 -3976.4617 4017.0166 C +-3975.9231 4016.6807 L +-3975.7664 4016.707 -3975.8047 4016.9431 -3975.9607 4016.917 C +-3975.1392 4016.8086 L +-3975.1453 4016.8484 L +-3975.0281 4016.636 -3974.7625 4016.3064 -3974.6328 4016.1663 C +-3974.4241 4016.3616 -3974.7375 4016.3103 -3974.6841 4016.479 C +-3974.2292 4016.1504 L +-3974.0439 4016.5032 -3974.4209 4016.844 -3974.7351 4016.7935 C +-3974.3103 4018.1494 -3974.3577 4016.4524 -3973.4409 4017.2444 C +-3973.8704 4017.4163 L +-3973.5935 4018.1863 -3973.2583 4017.9072 -3972.7727 4018.3875 C +-3972.8879 4018.1367 -3973.7449 4017.1775 -3973.2512 4016.8391 C +-3973.1121 4016.9414 -3972.9287 4016.99 -3972.6624 4016.7168 C +-3972.6599 4017.2 -3972.3999 4017.0811 -3972.0745 4017.0535 C +-3972.0967 4017.6936 L +-3971.7449 4017.5088 -3971.7727 4017.1831 -3971.5657 4016.895 C +-3971.1736 4016.9583 -3971.0923 4017.4536 -3971 4017.8711 C +-3970.3721 4017.9727 -3971.4336 4017.0767 -3970.6904 4016.9558 C +-3970.1682 4017.2007 -3969.8015 4016.9392 -3969.1768 4016.5564 C +-3968.8113 4016.7776 -3969.2407 4016.948 -3969.1096 4017.1311 C +-3968.7856 4016.6206 L +-3968.7063 4016.6331 -3968.7319 4016.7896 -3968.7449 4016.8687 C +-3968.4719 4016.6707 -3968.7224 4016.229 -3968.2932 4016.0559 C +-3968.1775 4015.3511 -3967.4121 4017.0852 -3966.8809 4016.2854 C +-3966.75 4016.467 -3966.9441 4016.6775 -3966.9041 4016.925 C +-3966.1753 4016.3999 -3966.2793 4016.5435 -3965.6809 4015.8367 C +-3965.1711 4016.2566 L +-3965.5457 4015.7766 -3965.0671 4015.2083 -3964.6479 4014.7415 C +-3964.7808 4014.509 -3964.8943 4014.3064 -3964.9705 4014.2095 C +-3964.3015 4013.8662 L +-3964.2207 4013.9712 -3964.2881 4014.1912 -3964.3977 4014.4583 C +-3964.3521 4014.4055 -3964.3088 4014.353 -3964.2751 4014.3047 C +-3964.0359 4014.541 -3964.1599 4014.9104 -3964.3313 4015.2676 C +-3964.4128 4015.1416 -3964.4937 4015.0071 -3964.5723 4014.8728 C +-3964.7375 4015.2615 -3964.8921 4015.6919 -3964.8577 4016.0667 C +-3964.8142 4015.9927 -3964.7305 4015.9292 -3964.6384 4015.8936 C +-3964.6816 4015.999 -3964.7092 4016.0935 -3964.6892 4016.1575 c +-3964.6665 4016.2246 -3964.5967 4016.083 -3964.4873 4015.9192 C +-3964.3352 4016.6331 L +-3964.2983 4016.3499 L +-3963.4231 4016.7959 L +-3962.7969 4016.0784 -3962.2522 4015.021 -3961.2583 4014.7271 C +-3961.5049 4015.25 -3961.3113 4015.5811 -3961.3247 4016.2007 C +-3961.5959 4015.5447 -3962.0945 4016.479 -3962.6096 4016.3462 c +-3962.3408 4016.415 -3962.3999 4016.7112 -3962.4683 4016.813 C +-3961.5496 4016.2168 L +-3961.5703 4016.7239 -3961.3545 4016.5967 -3961.1145 4016.8064 C +-3961.2959 4015.8047 -3960.4297 4016.1392 -3960.0559 4015.8323 C +-3960.0327 4016.168 -3960.1223 4016.512 -3960.5784 4016.4304 C +-3960.0752 4017.1848 -3959.9282 4015.2544 -3959.4343 4015.895 C +-3959.5457 4015.9031 -3959.6057 4015.8518 -3959.6497 4016.0232 C +-3959.3896 4015.7239 -3958.7537 4015.9612 -3958.9033 4016.2534 C +-3959.0144 4016.2603 L +-3958.2751 4016.3792 -3956.7639 4016.2676 -3956.6536 4015.417 C +-3956.6462 4015.5276 -3956.7505 4016.4424 -3956.7952 4016.6143 C +-3955.4761 4013.7527 L +-3955.5923 4014.4832 -3955.1462 4016.2224 -3955.7593 4016.636 C +-3955.5833 4016.74 -3955.3655 4016.8616 -3954.9944 4016.603 C +-3955.1145 4016.499 -3955.2937 4015.5471 -3955.1296 4015.48 C +-3954.6792 4016.2932 -3954.8169 4015.915 -3954.2617 4016.6084 C +-3954.4417 4016.4524 -3954.2417 4015.3064 -3953.9573 4015.343 C +-3954.0017 4015.5144 -3953.9336 4016.4734 -3954.0376 4016.5928 C +-3953.3296 4015.4683 L +-3953.5063 4015.6707 -3953.3608 4016.4214 -3953.2024 4016.74 C +-3953.2759 4016.519 -3952.5903 4016.76 -3952.4016 4016.6487 C +-3952.7017 4016.3875 L +-3951.9023 4016.5579 -3951.9121 4014.8064 -3951.1191 4014.8655 C +-3951.2151 4015.0974 -3951.3562 4016.2952 -3950.9529 4016.4363 C +-3950.7681 4015.8606 -3950.1345 4013.6663 -3949.4329 4013.2227 C +-3949.2983 4013.552 L +-3948.76 4013.1768 L +-3949.0952 4014.0435 -3950.0359 4015.8672 -3950.5496 4016.5767 C +-3950.2505 4016.8374 -3950.4663 4016.9656 -3950.0183 4016.9351 C +-3949.8601 4017.2439 -3950.2625 4017.4031 -3950.3943 4017.4214 C +-3949.3513 4017.6206 L +-3949.3977 4016.948 -3948.5537 4016.9463 -3948.5935 4016.3862 C +-3949.7263 4017.083 L +-3949.7722 4016.4119 -3949.0713 4015.175 -3948.3323 4015.2932 C +-3948.1443 4015.561 -3948.4729 4016.49 -3948.4575 4016.7144 C +-3948.3616 4016.4832 -3947.7561 4016.272 -3947.6882 4016.4363 C +-3948.0017 4016.7959 L +-3947.5903 4017.0486 -3947.3303 4015.9048 -3946.8359 4016.5464 C +-3946.6653 4016.5896 -3946.3264 4017.4119 -3946.2969 4017.0144 C +-3946.5752 4016.2471 -3946.6296 4013.8743 -3946.4441 4013.2979 C +-3946.3843 4013.3499 -3945.5481 4014.031 -3945.3533 4014.4104 C +-3945.0723 4015.012 -3945.7751 4015.844 -3945.5359 4016.3606 C +-3945.5256 4016.1768 -3945.3704 4015.9502 -3945.3057 4015.8772 C +-3945.1265 4016.0342 -3945.3799 4016.4463 -3944.9905 4016.363 C +-3944.9255 4015.6824 -3944.1985 4016.4207 -3944.8064 4015.7871 C +-3944.4255 4015.5923 -3944.4016 4015.9282 -3943.9543 4015.8975 C +-3944.0967 4015.457 -3943.5527 4014.3992 -3943.1711 4014.2039 C +-3943.1936 4014.3772 -3943.1079 4014.603 -3943.0664 4014.7063 C +-3942.2856 4014.7676 -3941.8665 4015.0774 -3941.1384 4015.083 C +-3941.0713 4015.2483 -3940.72 4015.448 -3940.8696 4015.7415 C +-3940.7649 4015.6206 -3940.6687 4015.3894 -3940.4441 4015.373 C +-3940.0095 4015.9624 -3940.9448 4015.4646 -3940.6135 4016.1736 C +-3940.5852 4015.7776 -3940.0327 4015.6262 -3939.7129 4015.3792 C +-3939.8113 4014.7671 -3940.4519 4015.2615 -3940.7722 4015.5088 C +-3940.7737 4014.665 -3940.2161 4013.7815 -3939.4551 4013.3911 C +-3938.8503 4013.1814 -3939.1929 4013.9363 -3939.0879 4013.8167 C +-3937.9519 4013.9639 -3938.1201 4012.343 -3937.1768 4012.9524 C +-3936.8025 4013.4895 -3937.1599 4014.021 -3937.0769 4014.4092 C +-3937.5696 4014.6128 -3937.8333 4014.0679 -3938.1672 4014.0896 C +-3937.7561 4014.344 L +-3937.9128 4014.5232 -3938.2417 4014.6582 -3938.4209 4014.5032 C +-3938.1072 4014.9856 -3936.5017 4014.5952 -3935.6252 4015.041 C +-3935.4695 4014.8616 -3935.2007 4014.6743 -3935.3279 4014.4583 C +-3935.6052 4014.5332 L +-3935.8601 4014.0999 -3935.0833 4013.9336 -3935.4343 4013.7312 C +-3935.0623 4013.4263 -3934.6453 4012.947 -3934.1216 4013.1924 C +-3934.0232 4013.8054 L +-3934.0344 4013.6262 -3934.3655 4013.4407 -3934.5127 4013.6272 c +-3934.2944 4013.355 -3933.7097 4014.457 -3933.4705 4013.6543 C +-3933.8376 4013.2295 L +-3933.4641 4012.9214 -3933.0024 4012.2703 -3932.5383 4012.4639 C +-3932.7495 4011.8584 -3932.6453 4012.5332 -3932.9751 4011.8247 C +-3932.6892 4012.7063 -3934.1624 4011.7876 -3933.7031 4012.7134 C +-3934.0415 4011.8916 -3934.2888 4012.3655 -3934.7312 4011.6638 C +-3934.7175 4011.8662 -3934.5745 4012.051 -3934.9641 4011.9512 C +-3934.9817 4012.0103 -3935.0232 4012.0852 -3935.0496 4012.1294 C +-3935.0615 4012.1243 -3935.0657 4012.1206 -3935.0759 4012.1143 C +-3935.0681 4012.1223 -3935.0623 4012.1311 -3935.0544 4012.1382 C +-3935.0713 4012.1687 -3935.0728 4012.175 -3935.0464 4012.1462 C +-3934.9536 4012.2356 -3934.8784 4012.3416 -3934.8479 4012.4539 C +-3935.0413 4012.9182 -3935.6609 4012.9038 -3935.8704 4013.1443 C +-3936.1016 4013.0479 -3935.7737 4012.9119 -3935.8999 4012.6963 C +-3936.2129 4013.0559 L +-3936.2439 4012.6072 -3936.8271 4012.3096 -3936.2825 4012.0464 C +-3936.7727 4012.0264 L +-3937.0613 4011.7747 -3937.4583 4011.6743 -3937.7031 4011.863 C +-3937.9343 4011.7664 -3938.2871 4012.3606 -3938.0857 4012.0088 C +-3938.8545 4012.2871 L +-3938.8616 4012.175 L +-3939.6201 4012.1184 -3940.4231 4012.9192 -3941.2903 4012.1079 C +-3941.5457 4012.2212 -3941.8096 4012.3599 -3942.2368 4012.2327 C +-3942.3201 4011.844 L +-3942.6479 4011.979 -3943.3047 4011.4551 -3943.4456 4011.8599 C +-3943.7993 4010.8142 -3945.0369 4011.6316 -3945.6135 4011.4463 C +-3945.6353 4011.9536 L +-3946.0322 4011.925 -3946.4128 4012.0696 -3946.9055 4012.2727 C +-3946.8752 4012.7207 L +-3947.3 4013.0884 -3947.9673 4012.4019 -3948.6392 4012.448 C +-3948.5935 4012.2766 -3948.4231 4012.321 -3948.3025 4012.425 C +-3949.1052 4011.4119 -3949.9961 4013.1614 -3950.7241 4012.4236 C +-3950.9055 4012.5872 -3951.0369 4012.531 -3951.1641 4012.4192 +endstream endobj 69 0 obj <>stream +C +-3951.1472 4012.4175 -3951.1321 4012.4092 -3951.1191 4012.395 C +-3951.1377 4012.3904 -3951.1653 4012.3887 -3951.1936 4012.3894 C +-3951.2737 4012.3123 -3951.3562 4012.2227 -3951.4456 4012.1504 C +-3951.3696 4012.26 -3951.2969 4012.3496 -3951.2336 4012.3911 C +-3951.3735 4012.4004 -3951.5857 4012.4558 -3951.7937 4012.5686 C +-3951.8823 4012.0872 L +-3951.8992 4012.0935 -3951.9128 4012.0923 -3951.9304 4012.1006 C +-3952.1345 4011.9231 -3952.0945 4012.3286 -3951.9856 4012.6912 C +-3952.0903 4012.77 -3952.1863 4012.8655 -3952.2607 4012.9812 C +-3952.4265 4012.2039 -3952.8064 4013.2432 -3953.0327 4012.4143 C +-3953.1729 4012.8184 -3954.0784 4012.7183 -3954.1892 4013.5696 C +-3954.1963 4013.4583 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4013.1536 -3964.8142 4013.0598 C +-3965.0488 4013.0215 -3966.2473 4012.6775 -3966.2712 4013.3167 C +-3966.3447 4013.1543 -3966.5991 4013.269 -3966.6609 4013.343 C +-3967.1873 4013.3047 -3967.2336 4013.2471 -3967.7505 4013.3079 C +-3967.6072 4013.4119 L +-3967.8113 4014.1831 -3968.0369 4013.584 -3968.4536 4013.6768 C +-3968.4417 4013.5984 L +-3969.3972 4013.0415 -3968.8542 4013.8643 -3969.7969 4013.229 C +-3969.7456 4013.709 L +-3969.8335 4014.74 -3970.5808 4013.1006 -3971.1279 4013.4951 C +-3970.9304 4013.769 L +-3971.2292 4014.1223 -3971.7656 4012.3662 -3972.0657 4012.2371 C +-3972.1311 4012.1472 -3971.9624 4012.0935 -3971.8711 4012.0276 C +-3972.6567 4011.4182 -3971.9729 4012.655 -3972.5583 4012.8015 C +-3972.6663 4012.4624 -3972.4192 4011.9392 -3972.8132 4011.876 C +-3973.0095 4011.6023 -3973.9561 4012.9768 -3974.4937 4012.3267 C +-3974.3752 4012.5879 -3974.2576 4012.8484 -3974.5295 4013.0447 C +-3974.9463 4013.1382 -3975.6563 4012.0579 -3976.0327 4012.8816 C +-3976.0857 4012.8096 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+-3995.4624 4013.0276 -3995.5122 4012.625 -3995.1167 4012.655 C +-3995.3247 4012.24 -3995.78 4013.0032 -3995.7913 4013.1614 C +-3996.5657 4012.8655 -3995.4888 4012.3086 -3995.7263 4012.291 C +-3996.0488 4012.3455 L +-3995.9761 4012.4312 L +-3996.2375 4012.73 -3996.2607 4013.0471 -3996.7361 4013.0112 C +-3997.0369 4012.8643 -3996.8904 4012.5598 -3997.0088 4012.532 C +-3997.0081 4012.479 -3997.0481 4012.4551 -3997.1904 4012.5103 C +-3997.8889 4012.448 L +-3997.6096 4013.0254 L +-3997.9192 4013.3103 -3998.2664 4012.9951 -3997.9441 4013.6494 c +-3998.4172 4012.6404 -4000.5496 4013.2871 -4000.8401 4012.9744 C +-4001.2737 4013.395 -4001.7017 4013.3875 -4002.2319 4013.3367 C +-4002.1001 4013.457 -4002.0212 4014.1062 -4002.4785 4014.0271 C +-4002.3113 4012.687 -4003.3159 4013.4456 -4003.6855 4012.4812 C +-4003.3552 4013.1206 -4004.9856 4012.6392 -4004.4673 4013.5471 C +-4004.8489 4013.4382 -4004.4905 4013.0454 -4004.78 4012.73 C +-4005.6882 4013.249 -4006.7815 4012.3926 -4007.9041 4012.5679 C +-4007.9216 4012.7444 -4007.7336 4013.0127 -4007.9744 4013.2747 C +-4008.5671 4012.395 L +-4008.7888 4012.4812 -4008.7712 4013.4104 -4009.1763 4012.8 C +-4009.1191 4012.948 -4009.0337 4013.1707 -4009.1824 4013.2271 C +-4011.3816 4012.3704 -4013.6763 4013.9292 -4015.9097 4012.3191 C +-4015.6072 4012.6604 -4015.8088 4012.6936 -4016.0398 4012.7063 C +-4015.8896 4012.7876 -4016.0432 4013.1404 -4016.0137 4013.3792 C +-4016.9487 4012.7168 L +-4017.1191 4013.3784 -4017.9512 4012.7615 -4018.0488 4013.3943 C +-4017.7527 4013.28 L +-4018.1465 4014.0271 -4017.2017 4014.9395 -4017.2593 4015.8975 C +-4016.8184 4015.0486 -4016.0967 4017.1543 -4015.3733 4015.9395 C +-4015.2136 4016.135 -4015.5095 4016.2483 -4015.4241 4016.4702 C +-4015.2407 4016.0598 -4015.0193 4015.9744 -4014.6089 4016.1582 C +-4014.6553 4016.26 L +-4013.5024 4016.1599 -4013.0081 4016.5647 -4011.7129 4016.8342 C +-4011.8088 4016.3606 L +-4011.5305 4016.4236 -4011.4719 4016.5723 -4011.3416 4016.6912 C +-4011.0222 4015.9727 -4012.1233 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4015.561 -3998.3928 4016.7471 C +-3997.9373 4015.7207 -3999.2512 4016.1775 -3998.9961 4015.9575 C +-3999.2097 4015.6223 -3998.6201 4015.1902 -3998.3088 4015.2932 C +-3997.9919 4015.3167 -3997.77 4016.6072 -3996.9729 4016.5872 C +-3997.0522 4016.5823 -3997.0576 4016.6604 -3997.1367 4016.655 C +-3996.8384 4016.917 -3996.5522 4016.3008 -3996.1863 4016.7263 C +-3995.9812 4016.105 -3995.7112 4016.7615 -3995.6521 4015.9702 C +-3996.3833 4016.1536 L +-3995.9688 4015.9463 -3995.5801 4015.02 -3994.8972 4015.4695 C +-3994.9504 4015.6287 -3995.1536 4015.8391 -3995.2932 4015.9558 C +-3995.0935 4016.1895 -3994.9087 4015.8015 -3994.7017 4016.041 C +-3994.7607 4016.8335 -3995.5903 4016.2134 -3996.0344 4016.8174 C +-3995.8201 4017.1519 -3995.1943 4016.2439 -3995.4175 4017.1016 c +-3995.0967 4016.0112 -3994.6321 4017.24 -3994.0923 4016.4063 C +-3994.1279 4016.8806 L +-3994.0425 4016.8064 -3993.8655 4016.5823 -3993.7083 4016.5942 C +-3993.9929 4017.2095 L +-3993.5559 4016.6848 -3993.1504 4017.6692 -3992.7312 4017.3831 C +-3993.6089 4017.3975 -3992.9282 4016.811 -3993.2993 4016.4646 C +-3992.2168 4015.8296 -3992.6768 4017.7063 -3991.4648 4017.4783 C +-3991.6289 4017.5454 -3992.0808 4017.1936 -3991.8242 4016.9734 C +-3991.5935 4017.071 -3991.2888 4017.2534 -3991.1472 4017.5032 C +-3990.3442 4017.4038 -3991.2705 4017.0144 -3990.9287 4016.7224 C +-3990.6553 4017.3008 -3990.5344 4016.4871 -3990.1824 4016.3022 C +-3990.1799 4016.7847 L +-3989.2649 4017.0942 -3989.9373 4015.7791 -3989.1135 4016.1536 C +-3989.4617 4016.8223 L +-3989.0322 4016.6494 L +-3989.1208 4017.1982 L +-3988.6536 4016.791 -3988.5081 4016.896 -3988.0503 4017.0503 C +-3988.1567 4016.7112 -3987.9905 4016.175 -3987.5852 4016.1599 C +-3987.3088 4016.4463 -3987.74 4016.6184 -3987.1655 4016.5496 C +-3987.2952 4016.8511 -3987.4373 4017.23 -3987.6873 4016.7864 C +-3987.7129 4016.9436 -3987.8152 4017.0884 -3987.8416 4017.2444 C +-3987.5439 4017.5735 -3987.0935 4017.3191 -3986.8855 4017.3142 C +-3986.9656 4017.2964 -3987.0613 4017.2703 -3987.1104 4017.2024 C +-3986.2776 4016.5332 L +-3986.1465 4016.7144 -3986.2505 4016.8599 -3986.3535 4017.0032 C +-3986.1848 4016.9502 -3986.0681 4016.7283 -3985.8201 4016.687 C +-3985.8843 4017.0791 -3985.8689 4017.4839 -3986.22 4017.6687 C +-3985.4265 4017.2334 L +-3985.3735 4017.4038 -3985.0193 4017.7024 -3985.1223 4017.8462 C +-3984.6824 4018.0767 -3984.0432 4017.0852 -3983.46 4017.3894 C +-3983.4297 4017.3135 -3983.3689 4017.24 -3983.2449 4017.1848 C +-3982.6968 4017.2732 -3982.2112 4017.7544 -3981.5615 4017.217 C +-3981.1929 4017.9192 L +-3980.6841 4017.7603 -3981.6919 4017.0342 -3980.8447 4016.769 C +-3980.2449 4016.5447 -3980.6208 4017.3687 -3980.4104 4017.564 C +-3980.1121 4017.2102 -3979.5935 4016.4888 -3979.0425 4017.061 C +-3979.2249 4017.1936 -3979.3679 4017.0896 -3979.5383 4017.1416 C +f +1 D +-3973.2632 4016.8296 m +-3973.3848 4016.9312 -3973.6272 4017.2439 -3973.7161 4016.959 C +-3973.5776 4016.4063 -3973.4705 4016.6707 -3973.2632 4016.8296 C +f +-3963.7241 4015.6692 m +-3963.8145 4015.8279 -3963.9543 4015.749 -3964.1121 4015.5667 C +-3963.9976 4015.5271 -3963.8679 4015.5447 -3963.7241 4015.6692 C +f +-3937.1511 4012.3096 m +-3937.1563 4012.3174 -3937.1599 4012.3232 -3937.1641 4012.333 C +-3937.4353 4012.145 -3937.3391 4012.22 -3937.1511 4012.3096 C +f +0 D +-3936.5879 4012.519 m +-3936.5313 4012.4524 -3936.5352 4012.3848 -3936.5591 4012.3174 C +-3936.5984 4012.4392 -3936.7249 4012.448 -3936.8689 4012.4136 C +-3936.8289 4012.5398 -3936.7561 4012.6272 -3936.5879 4012.519 C +f +1 D +-3997.0713 4012.709 m +-3996.9617 4012.8352 L +-3997.2092 4012.9744 -3997.1399 4012.8484 -3997.0713 4012.709 C +f +*U +0 D +-3964.8057 4016.3286 m +-3964.8401 4016.2471 -3964.8496 4016.1575 -3964.8577 4016.0667 C +-3964.9055 4016.1475 -3964.9065 4016.2415 -3964.8057 4016.3286 C +f +-3983.4409 4017.395 m +-3983.4473 4017.3911 -3983.4536 4017.3926 -3983.46 4017.3894 C +-3983.4705 4017.4182 -3983.4761 4017.448 -3983.4792 4017.4768 C +-3983.4409 4017.395 L +f +-3945.3123 4016.6096 m +-3945.4282 4016.5398 -3945.4929 4016.4524 -3945.5359 4016.3606 C +-3945.5422 4016.4783 -3945.4895 4016.5784 -3945.3123 4016.6096 C +f +-3933.6033 4011.6992 m +-3933.9641 4011.8247 L +-3933.7896 4011.8008 -3933.7273 4011.9063 -3933.6392 4011.9832 C +-3933.6472 4011.8704 -3933.7161 4011.707 -3933.6033 4011.6992 C +f +-3930.4719 4014.6848 m +-3930.4192 4014.6255 -3930.3601 4014.6782 -3930.3081 4014.6184 C +-3930.3225 4014.3943 L +-3930.5471 4014.4087 -3930.7041 4014.5896 -3930.4719 4014.6848 C +f +-3933.2693 4013.3022 m +-3933.2407 4013.7083 -3933.0144 4013.5703 -3932.7617 4013.4951 C +-3932.7769 4013.4966 -3932.7913 4013.5 -3932.8064 4013.4951 C +-3932.7319 4012.9282 -3933.0012 4013.1152 -3933.2693 4013.3022 C +f +-3932.7031 4013.4812 m +-3932.6252 4013.4624 -3932.5457 4013.4524 -3932.4695 4013.4712 C +-3932.4399 4013.2439 -3932.5642 4013.4236 -3932.7031 4013.4812 C +f +-3935.8735 4012.25 m +-3935.7537 4012.3542 -3935.7983 4011.7312 -3935.7305 4011.896 C +-3935.5967 4011.3799 -3936.5295 4012.521 -3935.8735 4012.25 C +f +-3933.0647 4014.6392 m +-3933.1553 4014.1382 L +-3933.2969 4014.5422 L +-3933.0647 4014.6392 L +f +-3935.0601 4014.271 m +-3934.6563 4014.4104 L +-3934.6624 4014.3264 -3934.6111 4014.2776 -3934.5481 4014.24 C +-3934.7969 4014.2224 -3935.0696 4014.123 -3935.0601 4014.271 C +f +-3934.5481 4014.24 m +-3934.4185 4014.249 -3934.2952 4014.2383 -3934.2231 4014.1563 C +-3934.2932 4014.1614 -3934.4441 4014.1782 -3934.5481 4014.24 C +f +-3933.6167 4014.7896 m +-3933.7361 4014.6851 L +-3934.0212 4014.6487 L +-3933.6167 4014.7896 L +f +-3939.4009 4014.175 m +-3939.8416 4014.3184 L +-3939.8865 4014.49 -3939.7664 4014.5952 -3939.6023 4014.5271 C +-3939.4968 4014.4072 -3939.3333 4014.3408 -3939.4009 4014.175 C +f +-3938.0681 4015.5471 m +-3938.1873 4015.4431 -3938.1953 4015.3311 -3938.2625 4015.1663 C +-3938.2759 4015.7871 L +-3938.0681 4015.5471 L +f +-3939.3533 4015.6919 m +-3939.3972 4015.8643 -3939.9929 4016.1863 -3939.4343 4016.1475 C +-3939.3896 4015.9768 -3938.9482 4015.8335 -3939.3533 4015.6919 C +f +-3945.9937 4014.9063 m +-3945.8816 4014.8982 L +-3945.8977 4013.8799 L +-3945.9937 4014.9063 L +f +-3951.8464 4017.343 m +-3951.3242 4017.5872 -3951.7224 4016.7144 -3951.2505 4017.019 C +-3951.1279 4016.7783 -3951.6362 4016.7703 -3951.5105 4016.5623 C +-3951.8257 4016.8167 -3951.9912 4016.6736 -3951.8464 4017.343 C +f +-3951.5105 4016.5623 m +-3951.46 4016.5222 -3951.4065 4016.4734 -3951.3496 4016.408 C +-3951.4409 4016.4712 -3951.4839 4016.52 -3951.5105 4016.5623 C +f +-4017.5745 4012.1924 m +-4017.9104 4011.98 L +-4017.6936 4012.3223 L +-4017.5745 4012.1924 L +f +-4018.2192 4012.948 m +-4018.2983 4012.2991 L +-4018.5 4012.8862 L +-4018.4241 4012.8572 -4018.2769 4012.8015 -4018.2192 4012.948 C +f +-3972.3303 4018.1375 m +-3972.3047 4017.9812 L +-3972.3567 4017.8123 -3972.4353 4017.8 -3972.5928 4017.7732 C +-3972.3303 4018.1375 L +f +-3976.8848 4017.6519 m +-3976.8064 4017.665 L +-3976.9529 4017.0784 L +-3976.8848 4017.6519 L +f +-3980.7073 4018.4004 m +-3980.5513 4018.425 -3980.3679 4018.2942 -3980.2112 4018.3196 C +-3980.5513 4018.425 -3980.7495 4017.6692 -3980.7073 4018.4004 C +f +U +9 () XW +U +9 () XW +U +%AI8_EndBrushPattern +%AI8_BeginBrushPattern +(Unnamed Brush Pattern 45) 0 A +0 Xw +u +u +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +-7890 7890 m +-7890 7859.3877 L +-7865.1748 7859.3877 L +-7865.1748 7890 L +-7890 7890 L +n +0 O +0.258488 0.130922 0.134035 0.001434 0.784314 0.823529 0.847059 Xa +-7890 7881.498 m +-7865.1738 7881.498 L +-7865.1738 7880.5142 L +-7890 7880.5142 L +-7890 7881.498 L +f +0.531884 0.324193 0.203311 0.042145 0.513726 0.6 0.694118 Xa +-7890 7880.5176 m +-7865.1738 7880.5176 L +-7865.1738 7873.7935 L +-7890 7873.7935 L +-7890 7880.5176 L +f +0.258488 0.130922 0.134035 0.001434 0.784314 0.823529 0.847059 Xa +-7890 7873.7959 m +-7865.1738 7873.7959 L +-7865.1738 7872.6367 L +-7890 7872.6367 L +-7890 7873.7959 L +f +0.420172 0.234684 0.133211 0.010101 0.627451 0.701961 0.792157 Xa +-7865.1738 7872.6367 m +-7865.1738 7860.5278 L +-7890 7860.5278 L +-7890 7872.6367 L +-7865.1738 7872.6367 L +f +U +9 () XW +U +%AI8_EndBrushPattern +%AI8_BeginBrushPattern +(Unnamed Brush Pattern 47) 0 A +0 Xw +u +u +u +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +-7890 7890 m +-7890 7859.3877 L +-7859.3848 7859.3877 L +-7859.3848 7890 L +-7890 7890 L +n +0 O +0.258488 0.130922 0.134035 0.001434 0.784314 0.823529 0.847059 Xa +-7859.3848 7880.5142 m +-7868.8672 7880.5142 L +-7868.8711 7889.998 L +-7867.8896 7889.998 L +-7867.8896 7881.4951 L +-7859.3848 7881.4951 L +-7859.3848 7880.5142 L +f +0.531884 0.324193 0.203311 0.042145 0.513726 0.6 0.694118 Xa +-7859.3848 7873.7935 m +-7875.5928 7873.791 L +-7875.5928 7890 L +-7868.8672 7890 L +-7868.8672 7880.5132 L +-7859.3848 7880.5132 L +-7859.3848 7873.7935 L +f +0.258488 0.130922 0.134035 0.001434 0.784314 0.823529 0.847059 Xa +-7859.3848 7872.6357 m +-7876.7485 7872.6357 L +-7876.7485 7889.999 L +-7875.5957 7889.999 L +-7875.5957 7873.791 L +-7859.3848 7873.791 L +-7859.3848 7872.6357 L +f +0.420172 0.234684 0.133211 0.010101 0.627451 0.701961 0.792157 Xa +-7859.3848 7860.5244 m +-7888.8594 7860.5244 L +-7888.8594 7889.998 L +-7876.7495 7890 L +-7876.7495 7872.6357 L +-7859.3848 7872.6357 L +-7859.3848 7860.5244 L +f +0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Xa +-7875.5918 7874.1533 m +-7876.7207 7872.6733 l +-7875.5918 7873.7959 l +-7875.5918 7874.1533 l +f +-7867.8896 7881.8096 m +-7868.8232 7880.5615 l +-7867.8896 7881.4951 l +-7867.8896 7881.8096 l +f +U +9 () XW +U +9 () XW +U +%AI8_EndBrushPattern +%AI8_BeginBrushPattern +(Unnamed Brush Pattern 49) 0 A +0 Xw +u +u +u +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +-7890 7890 m +-7859.3335 7890 L +-7859.3335 7859.334 L +-7890 7859.334 L +-7890 7890 L +n +u +u +u +0 O +0.258488 0.130922 0.134035 0.001434 0.784314 0.823529 0.847059 Xa +1 XR +-7881.4219 7889.9688 m +-7880.5039 7889.9688 L +-7880.5039 7868.8013 L +-7859.3389 7868.8013 L +-7859.3389 7867.8853 L +-7881.4219 7867.8853 L +-7881.4219 7889.9688 L +f +0.531884 0.324193 0.203311 0.042145 0.513726 0.6 0.694118 Xa +0 XR +-7880.5039 7889.9688 m +-7873.7539 7889.9688 L +-7873.7539 7875.5527 L +-7859.3389 7875.5527 L +-7859.3389 7876.7173 L +-7859.3389 7876.7173 L +-7859.3389 7868.8013 L +-7880.5039 7868.8013 L +-7880.5039 7889.9688 L +f +0.258488 0.130922 0.134035 0.001434 0.784314 0.823529 0.847059 Xa +1 XR +-7859.3389 7876.7173 m +-7859.3389 7875.5527 L +-7873.7539 7875.5527 L +-7873.7539 7889.9688 L +-7872.5889 7889.9688 L +-7872.5889 7876.7173 L +-7859.3389 7876.7173 L +f +0.420172 0.234684 0.133211 0.010101 0.627451 0.701961 0.792157 Xa +0 XR +-7872.5889 7876.7173 m +-7872.5889 7889.9688 L +-7860.5039 7889.9688 L +-7860.5352 7888.8135 L +-7859.3389 7888.8135 L +-7859.3389 7876.7173 L +-7872.5889 7876.7173 L +f +U +9 () XW +1 Ap +1 XR +-7890 7890 m +-7890 7859.334 L +-7859.3335 7859.334 L +-7859.3335 7890 L +-7890 7890 L +n +U +9 () XW +0 Ap +0 O +0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Xa +0 XR +-7872.5986 7877.0796 m +-7873.7285 7875.6016 l +-7872.5986 7876.7212 L +-7872.5986 7877.0796 l +f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(12.566368) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +-7880.5 7869.1255 m +-7881.3848 7867.9287 l +-7880.5 7868.8101 L +-7880.5 7869.1255 l +f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(12.566368) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +U +9 () XW +U +9 () XW +U +9 () XW +U +%AI8_EndBrushPattern +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI10_BeginSVGFilter +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(140%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (width) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(140%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (height) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : 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(xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k3) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(arithmetic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMerge) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (width) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (height) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Alpha_1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stitchTiles) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.05) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (baseFrequency) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (numOctaves) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feTurbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (width) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (height) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Alpha_4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(fractalNoise) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stitchTiles) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (baseFrequency) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (numOctaves) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feTurbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Dehnen_3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(radius) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (radius) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(dilate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMorphology) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Dehnen_6) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(6) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(radius) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (radius) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(dilate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMorphology) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Erodieren_3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(radius) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (radius) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(erode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMorphology) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Erodieren_6) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(6) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(radius) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (radius) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(erode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMorphology) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_GaußscherWeichzeichner_4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_GaußscherWeichzeichner_7) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(7) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(150%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (width) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(150%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (height) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-10%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-10%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Holzmaserung) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dx) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dx) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dy) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dy) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offset) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feOffset) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(flood-color:black; flood-opacity:0.4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(style) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (style) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feFlood) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(shadowColor) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(diffuseConstant) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (diffuseConstant) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(resultScale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (resultScale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(white) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(lighting-color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (lighting-color) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(surfaceScale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (surfaceScale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(diffuse) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(diffuse) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(135) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(azimuth) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (azimuth) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(60) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(elevation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (elevation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(light2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feDistantLight) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feDiffuseLighting) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(white) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(lighting-color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (lighting-color) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(surfaceScale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (surfaceScale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(10) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(specularExponent) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (specularExponent) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(specularConstant) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (specularConstant) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(135) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(azimuth) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (azimuth) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(60) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(elevation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (elevation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(light) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feDistantLight) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feSpecularLighting) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k1) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k4) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k3) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(diffuse) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(arithmetic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k1) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k4) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k3) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(arithmetic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMerge) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(fractalNoise) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stitchTiles) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(.05) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (baseFrequency) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(10) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (numOctaves) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(Turbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feTurbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(matrix) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(values) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (values) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(Turbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(Grayscale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feColorMatrix) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(BlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dx) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dx) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dy) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dy) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(BlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(OffsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feOffset) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(OffsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(Grayscale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(CompBlurTurb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(CompBlurTurb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attribut +endstream endobj 70 0 obj <>stream +es) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(CompBlurTurb2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1.5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(Grayscale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(CompXferFire) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(table) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(2 0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(tableValues) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (tableValues) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feFuncR) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(table) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(.7 0 ) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(tableValues) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (tableValues) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feFuncG) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(table) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(.1 0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(tableValues) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (tableValues) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feFuncB) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComponentTransfer) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(CompXferFire) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(CompSourceFire) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(MergeAll) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(CompSourceFire) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMerge) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(110%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (width) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(140%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (height) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-5%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-40%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_KühleBrise) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1.2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(radius) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (radius) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(dilate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(a) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(a) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMorphology) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1.2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(radius) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (radius) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(dilate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(a) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMorphology) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dy) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dy) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feOffset) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(fractalNoise) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stitchTiles) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (baseFrequency) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (numOctaves) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feTurbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(scale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (scale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(R) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(xChannelSelector) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (xChannelSelector) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(A) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(yChannelSelector) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (yChannelSelector) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feDisplacementMap) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(matrix) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(values) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (values) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feColorMatrix) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(freeze) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(fill) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (fill) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(from) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (from) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(to) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (to) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(begin) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (begin) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(always) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(restart) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (restart) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(5s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(attributeName) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (attributeName) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(linear) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(calcMode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (calcMode) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(replace) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(additive) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (additive) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(none) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(accumulate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (accumulate) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(animate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-8) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dy) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dy) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feOffset) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(fractalNoise) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stitchTiles) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.05) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (baseFrequency) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(10) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (numOctaves) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feTurbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(8) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(scale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (scale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(R) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(xChannelSelector) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (xChannelSelector) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(A) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(yChannelSelector) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (yChannelSelector) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feDisplacementMap) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(matrix) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(values) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (values) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feColorMatrix) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(a) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMerge) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(50 50) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterRes) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterRes) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Pixelspiel_1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(remove) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(fill) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (fill) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(indefinite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(repeatDur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (repeatDur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(begin) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (begin) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(always) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(restart) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (restart) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(10s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(filterRes) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(attributeName) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (attributeName) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(spline) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(calcMode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (calcMode) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(replace) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(additive) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (additive) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(none) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(accumulate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (accumulate) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1 1;20 15;200 200; 15 20;1 1 ) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(values) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (values) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(animate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(7) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(compositeOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k1) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k4) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k3) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(arithmetic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(compositeOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(compositeOut1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(compositeOut1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMerge) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(50 50) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterRes) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterRes) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Pixelspiel_2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(remove) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(fill) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (fill) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(indefinite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(repeatDur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (repeatDur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(begin) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (begin) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(always) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(restart) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (restart) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(10s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(filterRes) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(attributeName) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (attributeName) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(linear) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(calcMode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (calcMode) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(replace) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(additive) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (additive) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(none) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(accumulate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (accumulate) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(50 50;20 20;50 50) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(values) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (values) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(animate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(7) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(diffuseConstant) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (diffuseConstant) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(resultScale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (resultScale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(yellow) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(lighting-color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (lighting-color) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(surfaceScale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (surfaceScale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(diffuse) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(diffuse) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(remove) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(fill) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (fill) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(indefinite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(repeatDur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (repeatDur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(begin) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (begin) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(always) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(restart) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (restart) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(15s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(lighting-color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(attributeName) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (attributeName) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(linear) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(calcMode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (calcMode) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(replace) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(additive) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (additive) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(none) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(accumulate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (accumulate) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(yellow;green;blue;indigo;violet;red;orange) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(values) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (values) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(animate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(180) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(azimuth) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (azimuth) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(60) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(elevation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (elevation) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feDistantLight) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feDiffuseLighting) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(red) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(lighting-color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (lighting-color) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(15) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(surfaceScale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (surfaceScale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(15) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(specularExponent) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (specularExponent) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(10) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(specularConstant) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (specularConstant) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(remove) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(fill) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (fill) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(indefinite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(repeatDur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (repeatDur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(begin) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (begin) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(always) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(restart) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (restart) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(15s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(lighting-color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(attributeName) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (attributeName) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(linear) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(calcMode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (calcMode) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(replace) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(additive) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (additive) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(none) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(accumulate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (accumulate) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(indigo;green;yellow;blue;violet;red;orange) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(values) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (values) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(animate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(180) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(azimuth) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (azimuth) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(60) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(elevation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (elevation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(light) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feDistantLight) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feSpecularLighting) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k1) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k4) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k3) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(diffuse) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(arithmetic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k1) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k4) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k3) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(arithmetic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMerge) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Schatten_1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dx) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dx) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dy) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dy) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feOffset) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMerge) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(140%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (width) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(130%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (height) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-15%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-15%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Schatten_2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(6) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(8) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dx) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dx) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(8) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dy) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dy) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feOffset) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMerge) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Statisch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(fractalNoise) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stitchTiles) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (baseFrequency) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(10) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (numOctaves) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlno +endstream endobj 71 0 obj <>stream +de-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(remove) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(fill) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (fill) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(indefinite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(repeatDur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (repeatDur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(from) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (from) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.7) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(to) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (to) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(always) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(restart) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (restart) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(5s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(attributeName) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (attributeName) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(linear) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(calcMode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (calcMode) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(replace) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(additive) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (additive) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(none) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(accumulate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (accumulate) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(animate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feTurbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (width) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (height) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Verwirbelung_3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stitchTiles) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.05) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (baseFrequency) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(8) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (numOctaves) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feTurbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (width) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (height) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Verwirbelung_5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(fractalNoise) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stitchTiles) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (baseFrequency) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (numOctaves) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feTurbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +%AI10_EndSVGFilter +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI14_BeginSymbol +(Kombinationsfeld) 0 A +0 Xw +u +u +0 O +9 0.7 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +6.5 -10 m +6.5 -10 L +-10.5 -10 L +-10.5 10 L +6.5 10 L +6.5 10 L +8.15625 10 9.5 8.6582 9.5 7 C +9.5 -7 L +9.5 -8.65625 8.15625 -10 6.5 -10 C +Bb +1 (Unnamed gradient 1) 0 0 -90 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +-0.000001 -20 -24 0.000001 -7879.5 7901 Xm +-0.000001 -23.5 -24 0.000001 -7879.5 7924.5 Bc +-0.000001 -20 -24 0.000001 -7879.5 7901 Bm +-0.000001 -23.5 -24 0.000001 -7879.5 7881 Bc +f +0 BB +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +6.5 -11 m +6.5 -11 L +-10.5 -11 L +-10.5 -10 L +6.5 -10 L +6.5 -10 L +8.15625 -10 9.5 -8.65625 9.5 -7 C +9.5 7 L +9.5 8.6582 8.15625 10 6.5 10 C +6.5 10 L +-9.5 10 L +-10.5 10 L +-10.5 11 L +6.5 11 L +6.5 11 L +8.70898 11 10.5 9.20898 10.5 7 C +10.5 -7 L +10.5 -9.20898 8.70898 -11 6.5 -11 C +Bb +1 (Unnamed gradient 2) 0 0 -90 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +-0.000001 -22 -25 0.000001 -7878.5 7902 Xm +-0.000001 -25 -25 0.000001 -7878.5 7927 Bc +-0.000001 -22 -25 0.000001 -7878.5 7902 Bm +-0.000001 -25 -25 0.000001 -7878.5 7880 Bc +f +0 BB +U +9 () XW +0.690608 0.595209 0.559747 0.655817 0.2 0.2 0.2 Xa +-3.5 -2 m +2.5 -2 L +-0.5 2 l +-3.5 -2 L +f +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_2 /Int (AI13PatternExportType) , +%_1 /Bool (AI13PatternEnableGuides) , +%_0 /Bool (AI15PixelPerfectSymbolEnablekey) , +%_5 /Int (AI13PatternRegistrationType) , +%_0 17 18 4 0 0 /RealMatrix +%_ (AI13Pattern9SliceScalingGridKey) , +%_; +%_ +9 () XW +%AI10_EndSymbol +%AI14_BeginSymbol +(Schaltfläche) 0 A +0 Xw +u +*u +1 D +0 O +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +0 g +28.0005 -11 m +28 -11 L +-28 -11 L +-30.21 -11 -32 -9.20898 -32 -7 C +-32 7 L +-32 9.20801 -30.21 10.999 -28 11 C +28 11 L +28.0005 11 L +30.2085 11 32 9.20898 32 7 C +32 -7 L +32 -9.20898 30.2085 -11 28.0005 -11 C +f +0 D +31 7 m +31 8.6582 29.6563 10 28.0005 10 C +28 10 L +-28 10 L +-29.6572 9.99902 -31 8.65625 -31 7 C +-31 -7 L +-31 -8.65527 -29.6572 -10 -28 -10 C +28 -10 L +28.0005 -10 L +29.6563 -10 31 -8.65625 31 -7 C +31 7 L +Bb +1 (Unnamed gradient 2) 0 0 -90 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +-0.000001 -22 -68 0.000003 -7857 7902 Xm +-0.000001 -25 -68 0.000003 -7857 7927 Bc +-0.000001 -22 -68 0.000003 -7857 7902 Bm +-0.000001 -25 -68 0.000003 -7857 7880 Bc +f +0 BB +*U +9 0.85 0 0 0 Xy +28.0005 -10 m +28 -10 L +28 -10 L +-28 -10 L +-28 -10 L +-29.6572 -10 -31 -8.65527 -31 -7 C +-31 7 L +-31 8.65625 -29.6572 9.99902 -28 10 C +-28 10 L +28 10 L +28 10 L +28.0005 10 l +29.6563 10 31 8.6582 31 7 C +31 -7 L +31 -8.65625 29.6563 -10 28.0005 -10 c +Bb +1 (Unnamed gradient 3) 0 0 -90 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +-0.000001 -20 -66 0.000003 -7858 7901 Xm +-0.000001 -23 -66 0.000003 -7858 7924 Bc +-0.000001 -20 -66 0.000003 -7858 7901 Bm +-0.000001 -23 -66 0.000003 -7858 7881 Bc +f +0 BB +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_2 /Int (AI13PatternExportType) , +%_1 /Bool (AI13PatternEnableGuides) , +%_0 /Bool (AI15PixelPerfectSymbolEnablekey) , +%_5 /Int (AI13PatternRegistrationType) , +%_4 60 18 4 0 0 /RealMatrix +%_ (AI13Pattern9SliceScalingGridKey) , +%_; +%_ +9 () XW +%AI10_EndSymbol +%AI14_BeginSymbol +(Suchen) 0 A +0 Xw +u +1 Ap +0 O +1 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +31 21.5322 m +31 24.0166 17.1211 26.0303 0 26.0303 c +-17.1191 26.0303 -31 24.0166 -31 21.5322 c +-31 19.0459 -17.1191 17.0303 0 17.0303 c +17.1211 17.0303 31 19.0459 31 21.5322 c +Bb +0 0 0 0 Bh +1 (Unnamed gradient 17) 0 0 0 1 1.4762 0 0 0.2143 -3789.1475 6144.7451 1 Bg +30.9986 0 0 -4.50006 -7891 7869.4692 Bm +f +0 BB +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +%_1.4762 0 0 0.2143 -3789.1475 6144.7451 /RealMatrix +%_ (CAIGradientTformMatrix) , +%_; (Adobe_AI9_ArtStyle_Dictionary) , +%_; +%_ +0 1 Xd +Bb +0 0 0 0 Bh +2 (Unnamed gradient 17) 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +0 BB +6 () XW +u +0 Ap +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +10 M -18.4502 21.9706 m +-18.7514 21.9706 -19.0387 21.8438 -19.2384 21.6228 C +-23.965 16.396 L +-24.1564 16.1854 -24.2537 15.9123 -24.2398 15.6264 c +-24.2259 15.3403 -24.1025 15.0776 -23.8923 14.8867 C +-10.655 2.8613 L +-10.4594 2.68388 -10.205 2.58601 -9.93892 2.58601 c +-9.63749 2.58601 -9.35004 2.7128 -9.15027 2.93386 C +-4.42351 8.15868 L +-4.23263 8.36885 -4.13573 8.64198 -4.15001 8.92848 c +-4.16429 9.21497 -4.28761 9.47757 -4.49724 9.66792 C +-17.7366 21.6953 L +-17.9317 21.873 -18.1849 21.9706 -18.4502 21.9706 C +Bb +0 0 0 0 Bh +1 (Unnamed gradient 28) -0.15047 0.64736 0 1.9211 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +18.1731 0 0 -18.1731 -7908.2183 7866.1729 Bm +f +0 BB +u +*u +0.478614 0.312474 0.290532 0.089723 0.54902 0.596078 0.627451 Xa +-9.93896 3.08594 m +-9.84473 3.08594 -9.66504 3.10986 -9.521 3.26953 C +-4.79297 8.49561 L +-4.65771 8.64453 -4.64502 8.81494 -4.64941 8.90381 C +-4.65723 9.05713 -4.72217 9.19678 -4.8335 9.29785 C +-18.0737 21.3262 L +-18.1763 21.4194 -18.3096 21.4707 -18.4502 21.4707 C +-18.5444 21.4707 -18.7236 21.4468 -18.8677 21.2871 C +-23.5957 16.0591 L +-23.8022 15.8315 -23.7842 15.4639 -23.5562 15.2568 C +-10.3193 3.23193 L +-10.2158 3.1377 -10.0806 3.08594 -9.93896 3.08594 C +F +1 D +-9.93896 2.08594 m +-10.3145 2.08594 -10.6919 2.21973 -10.9912 2.49121 C +-24.2285 14.5166 L +-24.8672 15.0967 -24.916 16.0928 -24.3359 16.7314 C +-19.6094 21.958 L +-19.3022 22.2979 -18.877 22.4707 -18.4502 22.4707 C +-18.0747 22.4707 -17.6982 22.3369 -17.4004 22.0654 C +-4.16113 10.0381 L +-3.52441 9.45996 -3.47266 8.46191 -4.05273 7.82324 C +-8.7793 2.59863 L +-9.08643 2.25879 -9.51172 2.08594 -9.93896 2.08594 C +-9.93896 2.08594 L +f +*U +U +0 0 Xd +6 () XW +U +0 0 Xd +6 () XW +%_0 D +%_-24.3359 16.7314 m +%_-24.916 16.0928 -24.8672 15.0967 -24.2285 14.5166 c +%_-10.9912 2.49121 l +%_-10.3516 1.91113 -9.35645 1.95996 -8.7793 2.59863 c +%_-4.05273 7.82324 l +%_-3.47266 8.46191 -3.52441 9.45996 -4.16113 10.0381 c +%_-17.4004 22.0654 l +%_-18.0371 22.6455 -19.0322 22.5967 -19.6094 21.958 c +%_-24.3359 16.7314 l +%_n +1 (Anon) XW +*u +0 O +0 R +0.478614 0.312474 0.290532 0.089723 0.54902 0.596078 0.627451 XA +4 M 0 g +7.40234 -25.5303 m +9.28125 -25.5303 11.1943 -25.2197 13.0703 -24.5713 C +22.1172 -21.4404 26.9102 -11.5713 23.7832 -2.52441 C +21.3018 4.64551 14.5879 9.14551 7.40234 9.14551 C +5.52344 9.14551 3.61328 8.83496 1.73438 8.18652 C +-7.3125 5.05762 -12.1084 -4.81348 -8.97852 -13.8584 C +-6.49707 -21.0283 0.219727 -25.5303 7.40234 -25.5303 C +B +1 D +7.40234 -20.374 m +2.21582 -20.374 -2.40918 -17.0791 -4.1084 -12.1729 C +-5.1709 -9.09863 -4.97363 -5.7959 -3.55176 -2.86816 C +-2.12988 0.055664 0.34668 2.25293 3.42188 3.31738 C +4.71191 3.76465 6.05176 3.99121 7.40234 3.99121 C +12.5889 3.99121 17.2139 0.696289 18.9131 -4.20801 C +19.9756 -7.28223 19.7783 -10.5869 18.3564 -13.5127 C +16.9346 -16.4404 14.458 -18.6377 11.3857 -19.7002 C +11.3857 -19.7002 L +10.0898 -20.1475 8.75 -20.374 7.40234 -20.374 C +7.40234 -20.374 L +Bb +0 0 0 0 Bh +1 (Unnamed gradient 28) 0.007548 0.433959 0 1.40083 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +17.0658 0 0 -17.0658 -7883.3364 7884.1445 Bm +b +2 BB +*U +u +0 D +10 M -8.90137 7.71973 m +-8.35059 7.21973 -7.53711 7.19043 -6.95215 7.59863 C +-9.96973 4.26465 L +-22.5664 15.708 L +-20.3691 18.1377 L +-8.90137 7.71973 L +Bb +1 (Unnamed gradient 7) -3.81729 0 -49.4846 6.03541 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +17.6244 -20.6243 -16.0703 -13.7328 -7910.499 7901.1626 Xm +33.9039 -39.6748 -16.0703 -13.7328 -7944.4028 7940.8374 Bc +17.6244 -20.6243 -16.0703 -13.7328 -7910.499 7901.1626 Bm +33.9039 -39.6748 -16.0703 -13.7328 -7892.8745 7880.5381 Bc +f +0 BB +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_0 /Int (AI10 compound shape mode) , +%_; +%_ +2 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 0 Xd +6 () XW +%_-8.90137 7.71973 m +%_-8.35059 7.21973 -7.53711 7.19043 -6.95215 7.59863 C +%_-9.96973 4.26465 L +%_-22.5664 15.708 L +%_-20.3691 18.1377 L +%_-8.90137 7.71973 L +%_n +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_0 /Int (AI10 compound shape mode) , +%_; +%_ +1 (Anon 437) XW +0 O +4 M 12.5801 -23.1553 m +10.9014 -23.7354 9.16016 -24.0283 7.40234 -24.0283 c +0.65918 -24.0283 -5.35449 -19.7451 -7.56152 -13.3682 c +-9.3125 -8.30762 -8.32813 -2.95605 -5.40723 1.08691 C +-5.00293 -0.069336 -4.43066 -1.18066 -3.72559 -2.23926 C +-3.80273 -2.38379 -3.88965 -2.52051 -3.96191 -2.66895 c +-5.43652 -5.70605 -5.6416 -9.13379 -4.53906 -12.3232 c +-2.77637 -17.4111 2.02148 -20.8291 7.40234 -20.8291 c +8.80078 -20.8291 10.1904 -20.5947 11.5352 -20.1299 c +14.7217 -19.0283 17.291 -16.749 18.7666 -13.7119 c +19.0146 -13.2021 19.2129 -12.6787 19.3887 -12.1494 C +19.7041 -12.1279 20.0215 -12.1143 20.3359 -12.0811 c +21.1885 -11.9932 22.0146 -11.8623 22.8184 -11.7021 C +21.6367 -16.8506 17.9277 -21.3037 12.5801 -23.1553 c +Bb +1 (Unnamed gradient 7) -0.837511 0 -63.554 2.1927 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +19.0977 -38.3947 -33.1435 -16.4857 -7881.2896 7936.3179 Xm +20.434 -41.0812 -33.1435 -16.4857 -7901.7231 7977.3994 Bc +19.0977 -38.3947 -33.1435 -16.4857 -7881.2896 7936.3179 Bm +20.434 -41.0812 -33.1435 -16.4857 -7862.1919 7897.9233 Bc +f +0 BB +-6.4707 -11.915 m +-4.26367 -18.292 1.75 -22.5752 8.49316 -22.5752 c +10.251 -22.5752 11.9922 -22.2822 13.6709 -21.7021 c +16.4521 -20.7393 18.7813 -19.0635 20.5557 -16.9619 C +18.7041 -19.7471 15.9766 -21.9795 12.5801 -23.1553 c +10.9014 -23.7354 9.16016 -24.0283 7.40234 -24.0283 c +0.65918 -24.0283 -5.35449 -19.7451 -7.56152 -13.3682 c +-9.45313 -7.90137 -8.14941 -2.10254 -4.66309 2.02637 C +-7.30762 -1.9502 -8.14941 -7.06348 -6.4707 -11.915 c +Bb +1 (Unnamed gradient 7) -0.284451 0 -62.8867 1.31311 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +11.6282 -22.7105 -32.3312 -16.5542 -7877.5737 7926.2744 Xm +13.8263 -27.0035 -32.3312 -16.5542 -7891.3999 7953.2778 Bc +11.6282 -22.7105 -32.3312 -16.5542 -7877.5737 7926.2744 Bm +13.8263 -27.0035 -32.3312 -16.5542 -7865.9453 7903.564 Bc +f +0 BB +u +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +10 M -9.12402 5.19824 m +-9.96973 4.26465 L +-22.5664 15.708 L +-21.7207 16.6436 L +-9.12402 5.19824 L +Bb +1 (Unnamed gradient 7) -0.125225 0 -65.913 1.33255 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +3.53784 -7.91375 -18.7709 -8.3915 -7899.1191 7888.4551 Xm +11.3559 -25.4018 -18.7709 -8.3915 -7910.4751 7913.8569 Bc +3.53784 -7.91375 -18.7709 -8.3915 -7899.1191 7888.4551 Bm +11.3559 -25.4018 -18.7709 -8.3915 -7895.5815 7880.541 Bc +f +0 BB +U +2 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 0 Xd +6 () XW +%_-9.12402 5.19824 m +%_-9.96973 4.26465 L +%_-22.5664 15.708 L +%_-21.7207 16.6436 L +%_-9.12402 5.19824 L +%_n +1 (Anon 438) XW +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_2 /Int (AI13PatternExportType) , +%_0 /Bool (AI13PatternEnableGuides) , +%_0 /Bool (AI15PixelPerfectSymbolEnablekey) , +%_5 /Int (AI13PatternRegistrationType) , +%_15.5 46.5 39.0454 13.0151 0 0 /RealMatrix +%_ (AI13Pattern9SliceScalingGridKey) , +%_; +%_ +9 () XW +%AI10_EndSymbol +%AI14_BeginSymbol +(Textbereich) 0 A +0 Xw +u +1 Ap +0 R +0.702296 0.157443 0 0 0.2 0.662745 0.882353 XA +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 0.991358 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +77.5 45.5 m +-77.5 45.5 L +-77.5 -45.5 L +77.5 -45.5 L +77.5 45.5 L +s +0 0.6 0 0 0 Xy +1.00864 w 78.5 46.5 m +-78.5 46.5 L +-78.5 -46.5 L +78.5 -46.5 L +78.5 46.5 L +s +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_2 /Int (AI13PatternExportType) , +%_1 /Bool (AI13PatternEnableGuides) , +%_0 /Bool (AI15PixelPerfectSymbolEnablekey) , +%_5 /Int (AI13PatternRegistrationType) , +%_2.0811 156.0811 91.4609 2.4609 0 0 /RealMatrix +%_ (AI13Pattern9SliceScalingGridKey) , +%_; +%_ +9 () XW +%AI10_EndSymbol +%AI14_BeginSymbol +(Texteingabe) 0 A +0 Xw +u +0 Ap +0 R +0.702296 0.157443 0 0 0.2 0.662745 0.882353 XA +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +77.5 11.5 m +-77.5 11.5 L +-77.5 -11.5 L +77.5 -11.5 L +77.5 11.5 L +s +0 0.6 0 0 0 Xy +78.5 12.5 m +-78.5 12.5 L +-78.5 -12.5 L +78.5 -12.5 L +78.5 12.5 L +s +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_2 /Int (AI13PatternExportType) , +%_1 /Bool (AI13PatternEnableGuides) , +%_0 /Bool (AI15PixelPerfectSymbolEnablekey) , +%_5 /Int (AI13PatternRegistrationType) , +%_1.7002 155.7002 24 2 0 0 /RealMatrix +%_ (AI13Pattern9SliceScalingGridKey) , +%_; +%_ +9 () XW +%AI10_EndSymbol +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI8_BeginPluginObject +(Adobe Brush Manager Order) +(Adobe Brush Manager Order) +( Adobe Calligraphic Brush Tool/ Rund - 3 Pt./ Adobe Calligraph) - +(ic Brush Tool/ Rund - 10 Pt./ Adobe Calligraphic Brush Tool/ O) - +(val - 3 Pt./ Adobe ArtOnPath Brush Tool/ Kohle - Feder/ Adobe ) - +(dBrush Brush Tool/ Stupfpinsel/ Adobe PatternOnPath Brush Tool) - +(/ Silber/) . +%AI8_EndPluginObject +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI8_BeginPluginObject +(Adobe dBrush Brush Tool) +(Stupfpinsel) +(0 4 0.75 0.75 0.33 0.75 1 3 AI_BristleBrushLibary_CS5 02_Round) - +(_Blunt) . +%AI8_EndPluginObject +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI8_BeginPluginObject +(Adobe Calligraphic Brush Tool) +(Oval - 3 Pt.) +(1 3 3 26 74 15 15 0 1 0 0) . +%AI8_EndPluginObject +%AI8_BeginPluginObject +(Adobe Calligraphic Brush Tool) +(Rund - 10 Pt.) +(1 10 10 100 100 0 0 1 0 0 0) . +%AI8_EndPluginObject +%AI8_BeginPluginObject +(Adobe Calligraphic Brush Tool) +(Rund - 3 Pt.) +(1 3 3 100 100 0 0 0 0 0 0) . +%AI8_EndPluginObject +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI8_BeginPluginObject +(Adobe ArtOnPath Brush Tool) +(Kohle - Feder) +(2 / Unnamed 6/ / / / / 0 1 / 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1) . +%AI8_EndPluginObject +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI8_BeginPluginObject +(Adobe PatternOnPath Brush Tool) +(Silber) +(2 / Unnamed Brush Pattern 45/ Unnamed Brush Pattern 49/ Unname) - +(d Brush Pattern 47/ / / 5 0.623529 0.67451 0.737255 / 1 0 1 0) - +( 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0) . +%AI8_EndPluginObject +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI9_BeginArtStyles +/KnownStyle : +(Anon) /Name , +/ActiveStyle : +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Adobe Stroke Offset) 1 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +(Illustrator.exe) /PluginFileName , +(Konturverschiebung: Live-Effekt) /Title , +2 /FillOrStroke , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +(Inside) /String (DisplayString) , +/StrokeStyle : 0 R +0.478614 0.312474 0.290532 0.089723 0.54902 0.596078 0.627451 XA +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +1 0 Xd +/Def ; + (StrokeStyle) , +1 /Bool (StrokeOffsetInside) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +; + /Part , +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +/FillStyle : 0 O +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +Bb +0 0 0 0 Bh +2 (Unnamed gradient 28) -0.15047 0.64736 0 1.9211 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +0 BB +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + +/Execution ; + /Def ; +/KnownStyle : +(Anon 437) /Name , +/ActiveStyle : +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , 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(Unnamed gradient 7) -3.81729 0 -49.4846 6.03541 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +0 BB +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 2 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + +/Execution ; + /Def ; +/KnownStyle : +(Anon 438) /Name , +/ActiveStyle : +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Adobe Stroke Offset) 1 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +(Illustrator.exe) /PluginFileName , +(Konturverschiebung: Live-Effekt) /Title , +2 /FillOrStroke , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +(Inside) /String (DisplayString) , +/StrokeStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 0 Xd +/Def ; + (StrokeStyle) , +1 /Bool (StrokeOffsetInside) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +; + /Part , +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +/FillStyle : 0 O +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +Bb +2 (Unnamed gradient 7) -0.125225 0 -65.913 1.33255 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +0 BB +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 2 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + +/Execution ; + /Def ; +/KnownStyle : +(Jive_GS) /Name , +/ActiveStyle : +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +2 /FillOrStroke , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/StrokeStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 0 Xd +/Def ; + (StrokeStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +/FillStyle : 0 O +(Jive) 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 [0 1.47 -1.47 0 3405.7441 19244.7109] p +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +/FillStyle : 0 O +0.389013 0.068635 0.08426 0 0.65098 0.815686 0.894118 Xa +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + +/Execution ; + /Def ; +/KnownStyle : +(Schein nach außen - 5 Pt.) /Name , +/ActiveStyle : +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +2 /FillOrStroke , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/StrokeStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 0 Xd +/Def ; + (StrokeStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +/FillStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 0 Xd +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Adobe Outer Glow) 1 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +(Drop Shadow.aip) /PluginFileName , +(Schein nach au\337en) /Title , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +2 /Int (blnd) , +5 /Real (blur) , +0.75 /Real (opac) , +/FillStyle : 0 O +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 Xa +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +/Def ; + (sclr) , +1 /Bool (usePSLBlur) , +16 /Int (Adobe Effect Expand Before Version) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + +/Execution ; + /Def ; +/KnownStyle : +(Schlagschatten) /Name , +/ActiveStyle : +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +2 /FillOrStroke , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/StrokeStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 0 Xd +/Def ; + (StrokeStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +/FillStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 0 Xd +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Adobe Drop Shadow) 1 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +(Drop Shadow.aip) /PluginFileName , +(Schlagschatten) /Title , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +1 /Int (csrc) , +7 /Real (horz) , +50 /Real (dark) , +7 /Real (vert) , +1 /Bool (pair) , +1 /Int (blnd) , +5 /Real (blur) , +0.75 /Real (opac) , +/FillStyle : 0 O +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 Xa +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +/Def ; + (sclr) , +1 /Bool (usePSLBlur) , +16 /Int (Adobe Effect Expand Before Version) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + +/Execution ; + /Def ; +/KnownStyle : +([Standard]) /Name , +/SimpleStyle : +0 O +0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Xa +0 R +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 XA +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +1 1 Xd +/Paint ; + /Def ; +%AI9_EndArtStyles +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_BeginPalette +0 0 Pb +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 ([Passermarken]) 0 1 Xz +([Passermarken]) +Pc +0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Xa +(Weiß) +Pc +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 Xa +(Schwarz) +Pc +0 0.94641 0.916289 0 1 0 0 Xa +(RGB Rot) +Pc +0.096254 0 0.951965 0 1 1 0 Xa +(RGB Gelb) +Pc +0.647547 0 1 0 0 1 0 Xa +(RGB Grün) +Pc +0.570733 0 0.153567 0 0 1 1 Xa +(RGB Cyan) +Pc +0.934081 0.745846 0 0 0 0 1 Xa +(RGB Blau) +Pc +0.409979 0.77676 0 0 1 0 1 Xa +(RGB Magenta) +Pc +0.168978 0.950286 0.823636 0.068666 0.756863 0.152941 0.176471 Xa +(R=193 G=39 B=45) +Pc +0 0.946624 0.85211 0 0.929412 0.109804 0.141176 Xa +(R=237 G=28 B=36) +Pc +0 0.752956 0.887388 0 0.945098 0.352941 0.141176 Xa +(R=241 G=90 B=36) +Pc +0 0.501823 0.907988 0 0.968627 0.576471 0.117647 Xa +(R=247 G=147 B=30) +Pc +0 0.365637 0.819852 0 0.984314 0.690196 0.231373 Xa +(R=251 G=176 B=59) +Pc +0.065736 0 0.852628 0 0.988235 0.933333 0.129412 Xa +(R=252 G=238 B=33) +Pc +0.231907 0 0.892332 0 0.85098 0.878431 0.129412 Xa +(R=217 G=224 B=33) +Pc +0.524254 0 0.880919 0 0.54902 0.776471 0.247059 Xa +(R=140 G=198 B=63) +Pc +0.718288 0 0.876951 0 0.223529 0.709804 0.290196 Xa +(R=57 G=181 B=74) +Pc +0.842954 0.14374 0.926757 0.021576 0 0.572549 0.270588 Xa +(R=0 G=146 B=69) +Pc +0.899077 0.322972 0.925994 0.247654 0 0.407843 0.215686 Xa +(R=0 G=104 B=55) +Pc +0.735958 0 0.689784 0 0.133333 0.709804 0.45098 Xa +(R=34 G=181 B=115) +Pc +0.766171 0.045533 0.450782 0 0 0.662745 0.615686 Xa +(R=0 G=169 B=157) +Pc +0.709987 0.132143 0.001953 0 0.160784 0.670588 0.886275 Xa +(R=41 G=171 B=226) +Pc +0.866178 0.492958 0 0 0 0.443137 0.737255 Xa +(R=0 G=113 B=188) +Pc +0.975586 0.89572 0 0.000824 0.180392 0.192157 0.572549 Xa +(R=46 G=49 B=146) +Pc +1 0.970001 0.322484 0.218753 0.105882 0.078431 0.392157 Xa +(R=27 G=20 B=100) +Pc +0.755703 0.923125 0 0.000031 0.4 0.176471 0.568627 Xa +(R=102 G=45 B=145) +Pc +0.5393 0.930297 0 0 0.576471 0.152941 0.560784 Xa +(R=147 G=39 B=143) +Pc +0.323583 1 0.236301 0.1673 0.619608 0 0.364706 Xa +(R=158 G=0 B=93) +Pc +0.097993 0.983551 0.407263 0.020691 0.831373 0.078431 0.352941 Xa +(R=212 G=20 B=90) +Pc +0 0.935058 0.142763 0 0.929412 0.117647 0.47451 Xa +(R=237 G=30 B=121) +Pc +0.220859 0.272648 0.389227 0.061189 0.780392 0.698039 0.6 Xa +(R=199 G=178 B=153) +Pc +0.354864 0.386694 0.466072 0.211734 0.6 0.52549 0.458824 Xa +(R=153 G=134 B=117) +Pc +0.446387 0.47068 0.52636 0.380346 0.45098 0.388235 0.341176 Xa +(R=115 G=99 B=87) +Pc +0.535302 0.542443 0.552728 0.542199 0.32549 0.278431 0.254902 Xa +(R=83 G=71 B=65) +Pc +0.204685 0.376715 0.593042 0.084871 0.776471 0.611765 0.427451 Xa +(R=198 G=156 B=109) +Pc +0.280308 0.462287 0.671046 0.207126 0.65098 0.486275 0.321569 Xa +(R=166 G=124 B=82) +Pc +0.324376 0.536675 0.760494 0.329229 0.54902 0.384314 0.223529 Xa +(R=140 G=98 B=57) +Pc +0.359228 0.605188 0.857359 0.451545 0.458824 0.298039 0.141176 Xa +(R=117 G=76 B=36) +Pc +0.391424 0.683131 0.943023 0.57116 0.376471 0.219608 0.07451 Xa +(R=96 G=56 B=19) +Pc +0.474617 0.7467 0.825315 0.730831 0.258824 0.129412 0.043137 Xa +(R=66 G=33 B=11) +Pc +Bb +2 (Weiß, Schwarz) 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +0 BB +(Weiß, Schwarz) +Pc +Bb +2 (Goldstaub) 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +0 BB +(Goldstaub) +Pc +Bb +2 (Blauer Himmel) 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +0 BB +(Blauer Himmel) +Pc +(Jive) 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 [1 0 0 1 0 0] p +(Jive) +Pc +1 (Kalt) 1 Pg +0.584497 0 0.222965 0 0.396078 0.784314 0.815686 Xa +(C=56 M=0 Y=20 K=0) +Pc +0.55404 0.445533 0 0 0.513726 0.545098 0.772549 Xa +(C=51 M=43 Y=0 K=0) +Pc +0.313512 0.439063 0.001465 0 0.729412 0.607843 0.788235 Xa +(C=26 M=41 Y=0 K=0) +Pc +1 (Graustufen) 1 Pg +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 Xa +(R=0 G=0 B=0) +Pc +0.762295 0.667414 0.60705 0.828763 0.101961 0.101961 0.101961 Xa +(R=26 G=26 B=26) +Pc +0.690608 0.595209 0.559747 0.655817 0.2 0.2 0.2 Xa +(R=51 G=51 B=51) +Pc +0.620386 0.5234 0.503532 0.47776 0.301961 0.301961 0.301961 Xa +(R=77 G=77 B=77) +Pc +0.559442 0.453803 0.448554 0.326848 0.4 0.4 0.4 Xa +(R=102 G=102 B=102) +Pc +0.492378 0.386633 0.38529 0.202182 0.501961 0.501961 0.501961 Xa +(R=128 G=128 B=128) +Pc +0.410864 0.319738 0.323857 0.110109 0.6 0.6 0.6 Xa 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InDesign bearbeiten möchten oder der endgültige Verwendungszweck der Datei unbekannt ist.) /UnicodeString (/attributes/AI12PDF_Description) , +%_0 /Real (/attributes/AI11PDF_BleedRight) , +%_1 /Int (/attributes/AI11PDF_CompressArt) , +%_0 /Int (/attributes/AI11PDF_RegMarks) , +%_0 /Real (/attributes/AI11PDF_BleedBottom) , +%_0 /Real (/attributes/AI11PDF_BleedTop) , +%_0 /Int (/attributes/AI11PDF_PageInfo) , +%_0 /Int (/attributes/AI11PDF_TrimMarks) , +%_1 /Int (/attributes/AI12PDF_Standard) , +%_0 /Real (/attributes/AI11PDF_BleedLeft) , +%_1 /Int (/attributes/AI12PDF_ProfileInclusionPolicy) , +%_1 /Int (/attributes/AI10 flattener outline strokes) , +%_6 /Real (/attributes/AI11PDF_OffsetFromArtworkBottom) , +%_1 /Int (/attributes/AI11PDF_GrayCompressionQuality) , +%_300 /Real (/attributes/AI9 Output Rasterization Resolution) , +%_150 /Int (/attributes/AI11PDF_ColorDownsampleResolution) , +%_1 /Int (/attributes/AI11PDF_MonochromeDownsampleKind) , +%_1 /Int 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316.7803 -512.2861 C +317.7656 -504.4102 316.3662 -496.417 312.7637 -489.3457 C +311.0059 -485.8359 309.0928 -482.2803 307.0244 -478.6816 C +257.7139 -392.3682 326.0645 -349.2656 410.9473 -403.748 C +480.0225 -448.083 550.0576 -372.2012 550.0576 -306.0605 C +550.0576 -306.0605 L +550.04 -171.8076 441.2158 -62.9897 306.9922 -63.0073 C +172.7676 -63.0264 63.9741 -171.8735 63.9917 -306.126 C +64.0083 -426.8906 152.6611 -529.333 272.1514 -546.6631 C +272.5034 -546.7031 L +f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_7 /Int (SVG_ShapeType) , +%_/XMLUID : (body_1_) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +0 D +0.682673 0.433692 0.160067 0.020752 0.368627 0.505882 0.67451 Xa +439.9482 -227.2378 m +467.5801 -227.2378 489.9805 -249.6431 489.9805 -277.2822 c +489.9805 -304.9219 467.5801 -327.3271 439.9482 -327.3271 c +412.3164 -327.3271 389.916 -304.9219 389.916 -277.2822 c +389.916 -249.6431 412.3164 -227.2378 439.9482 -227.2378 c +f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_1 /Int (SVG_ShapeType) , +%_/XMLUID : (nord-10_1_) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +0.543694 0.290898 0.137392 0.013519 0.505882 0.631373 0.756863 Xa +339.4365 -115.3574 m +363.915 -115.3574 383.7598 -135.2061 383.7598 -159.6904 c +383.7598 -184.1772 363.915 -204.0254 339.4365 -204.0254 c +314.9551 -204.0254 295.1123 -184.1772 295.1123 -159.6904 c +295.1123 -135.2061 314.9551 -115.3574 339.4365 -115.3574 c +f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_1 /Int (SVG_ShapeType) , +%_/XMLUID : (nord-9_1_) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +0.505455 0.098695 0.171084 0.001251 0.533333 0.752941 0.815686 Xa +205.8296 -162.7632 m +228.5054 -162.7632 246.8877 -181.1494 246.8877 -203.8301 c +246.8877 -226.5093 228.5054 -244.8955 205.8296 -244.8955 c +183.1553 -244.8955 164.7729 -226.5093 164.7729 -203.8301 c +164.7729 -181.1494 183.1553 -162.7632 205.8296 -162.7632 c +f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_1 /Int (SVG_ShapeType) , +%_/XMLUID : (nord-8_1_) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +0.488228 0.123659 0.279637 0.003723 0.560784 0.737255 0.733333 Xa +161.1016 -285.4326 m +181.7549 -285.4326 198.4976 -302.1807 198.4976 -322.8389 c +198.4976 -343.4961 181.7549 -360.2402 161.1016 -360.2402 c +140.4482 -360.2402 123.7061 -343.4961 123.7061 -322.8389 c +123.7061 -302.1807 140.4482 -285.4326 161.1016 -285.4326 c +f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_1 /Int (SVG_ShapeType) , +%_/XMLUID : (nord-7_1_) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +0.179263 0.104372 0.058747 0 0.847059 0.870588 0.913725 Xa +209.9248 -401.9492 m +227.3452 -401.9492 241.4678 -416.0742 241.4678 -433.4971 c +241.4678 -450.9219 227.3452 -465.0469 209.9248 -465.0469 c +192.5049 -465.0469 178.3833 -450.9219 178.3833 -433.4971 c +178.3833 -416.0742 192.5049 -401.9492 209.9248 -401.9492 c +f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_1 /Int (SVG_ShapeType) , +%_/XMLUID : (nord-4_1_) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +1 D +0.723293 0.577508 0.383032 0.274357 0.298039 0.337255 0.415686 Xa +439.9385 -240.1777 m +447.0781 -240.1777 452.8652 -234.3896 452.8652 -227.2476 c +452.8652 -220.1074 447.0781 -214.3174 439.9385 -214.3174 c +405.166 -214.3174 376.9785 -242.5127 376.9785 -277.2925 C +376.9785 -312.0713 405.166 -340.2676 439.9385 -340.2676 c +474.7109 -340.2676 502.8984 -312.0713 502.8984 -277.2925 C +502.8984 -277.2925 L +502.8984 -270.1519 497.1113 -264.3623 489.9707 -264.3623 c +482.8301 -264.3623 477.043 -270.1519 477.043 -277.2925 c +477.043 -297.7896 460.4297 -314.4063 439.9385 -314.4063 c +419.4443 -314.4063 402.833 -297.7896 402.833 -277.2925 c +402.833 -256.7949 419.4443 -240.1777 439.9385 -240.1777 C +439.9385 -240.1777 L +f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_7 /Int (SVG_ShapeType) , +%_/XMLUID : (ring-5_1_) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +*u +339.4463 -102.4272 m +307.8271 -102.4209 282.189 -128.0552 282.1836 -159.6807 C +282.1777 -191.3076 307.8076 -216.9502 339.4258 -216.9551 C +371.0449 -216.9619 396.6826 -191.3276 396.6875 -159.7021 c +396.6875 -159.6982 396.6875 -159.6943 396.6875 -159.6904 C +396.6543 -128.083 371.0479 -102.4663 339.4463 -102.4272 C +f +0 D +339.4463 -191.0952 m +322.1055 -191.1016 308.0449 -177.0454 308.04 -159.7021 C +308.0322 -142.3579 322.085 -128.293 339.4258 -128.2876 C +356.7646 -128.2813 370.8281 -142.3364 370.833 -159.6807 c +370.833 -159.6846 370.833 -159.6885 370.833 -159.6904 C +370.8105 -177.0225 356.7744 -191.0674 339.4463 -191.0952 C +f +*U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_7 /Int (SVG_ShapeType) , +%_/XMLUID : (ring-4_1_) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +*u +1 D +205.8296 -149.8643 m +176.0146 -149.8643 151.8457 -174.0391 151.8457 -203.8604 c +151.8457 -233.6812 176.0146 -257.8555 205.8296 -257.8555 c +235.6445 -257.8555 259.8149 -233.6812 259.8149 -203.8604 C +259.7793 -174.0542 235.6304 -149.8984 205.8296 -149.8643 C +f +0 D +205.8296 -231.9956 m +190.2939 -231.9956 177.7002 -219.3989 177.7002 -203.8604 C +177.7002 -188.3213 190.2939 -175.7246 205.8296 -175.7246 C +221.3652 -175.7246 233.9604 -188.3213 233.9604 -203.8604 C +233.9312 -219.3838 221.3496 -231.959 205.8296 -231.9751 C +205.8296 -231.9956 L +f +*U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_7 /Int (SVG_ShapeType) , +%_/XMLUID : (ring-3_1_) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +*u +1 D +110.7788 -322.8389 m +110.7788 -350.6357 133.3096 -373.1699 161.1016 -373.1699 c +188.894 -373.1699 211.4248 -350.6357 211.4248 -322.8389 c +211.4248 -295.0396 188.894 -272.5029 161.1016 -272.5029 C +133.3208 -272.5322 110.8066 -295.0498 110.7788 -322.8389 C +f +0 D +161.1016 -298.3628 m +174.6147 -298.3628 185.5703 -309.3203 185.5703 -322.8389 c +185.5703 -336.3555 174.6147 -347.3096 161.1016 -347.3096 c +147.5874 -347.3096 136.6333 -336.3555 136.6333 -322.8389 C +136.6445 -309.3232 147.5986 -298.3682 161.1118 -298.3628 C +161.1016 -298.3628 L +f +*U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_7 /Int (SVG_ShapeType) , +%_/XMLUID : (ring-2_1_) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +*u +1 D +209.9365 -389.0195 m +185.376 -389.0195 165.4658 -408.9326 165.4658 -433.4971 c +165.4658 -458.0635 185.376 -477.9766 209.9365 -477.9766 c +234.4956 -477.9766 254.4053 -458.0635 254.4053 -433.4971 C +254.3765 -408.9453 234.4844 -389.0469 209.9365 -389.0195 C +f +0 D +209.9365 -452.1162 m +199.6553 -452.1162 191.3203 -443.7803 191.3203 -433.4971 c +191.3203 -423.2139 199.6553 -414.8799 209.9365 -414.8799 c +220.2163 -414.8799 228.5508 -423.2139 228.5508 -433.4971 c +228.5508 -443.7803 220.2163 -452.1162 209.9365 -452.1162 C +209.9365 -452.1162 L +f +*U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_7 /Int (SVG_ShapeType) , +%_/XMLUID : (ring-1_1_) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +1 D +481.6465 -118.8325 m +391.7461 -34.8101 254.7485 -26.7891 155.6621 -99.748 C +149.9458 -104.0259 148.7803 -112.1304 153.0586 -117.8477 C +157.2852 -123.4956 165.2603 -124.7129 170.9775 -120.5801 C +260.0444 -54.9893 383.1992 -62.2017 464.0029 -137.7417 C +510.5732 -181.3384 537.042 -242.2603 537.1299 -306.0605 C +535.875 -342.916 516.083 -376.6406 484.5225 -395.7021 C +463.6592 -407.7549 437.709 -406.6543 417.9414 -392.8779 C +369.54 -361.8457 321.1514 -357.998 294.6782 -383.1631 C +271.4897 -405.1875 271.9238 -443.293 295.8042 -485.1035 C +297.748 -488.5176 299.5688 -491.8789 301.2422 -495.1797 C +305.8779 -504.1426 305.0449 -514.959 299.0913 -523.1084 C +293.4712 -531.1885 283.7466 -535.376 274.0132 -533.9063 C +151.6323 -516.2891 65.1016 -405.0078 78.1602 -282.0298 C +82.416 -240.4004 98.0713 -200.7524 123.4058 -167.4487 C +127.7207 -161.7588 126.6069 -153.6475 120.9185 -149.3315 C +115.23 -145.0156 107.1201 -146.1299 102.8052 -151.8193 C +17.5674 -264.5024 39.7964 -424.9639 152.4551 -510.2207 C +187.0737 -536.416 227.7881 -553.3721 270.7666 -559.4893 C +273.1865 -559.8174 275.6255 -559.9844 278.0669 -559.9844 C +294.8369 -560.0039 310.5518 -551.8047 320.1289 -538.0332 C +331.5713 -522.0371 333.167 -501.001 324.2646 -483.459 C +322.3906 -479.7666 320.376 -476.0117 318.2051 -472.2373 C +300.6216 -441.4521 298.4604 -415.1475 312.4326 -401.8965 C +326.8096 -388.2314 360.708 -386.8779 403.9385 -414.6191 C +431.6494 -433.542 467.7217 -434.999 496.8691 -418.375 C +536.7412 -394.791 561.709 -352.376 562.9844 -306.0605 C +562.8838 -235.0938 533.4434 -167.3301 481.6465 -118.8325 C +f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_7 /Int (SVG_ShapeType) , +%_/XMLUID : (outline_1_) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +LB +%AI5_EndLayer-- +%AI5_BeginLayer +1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 79 128 255 0 50 0 Lb +(color-palette) Ln +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/XMLUID : (color-palette) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +1 A +0 Xw +0 A +0 O +0.089845 0.04889 0.032593 0 0.92549 0.937255 0.956863 Xa +0 1 0 2 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +278.7715 -560.749 m +300.9521 -563.5371 321.1924 -547.8105 323.9785 -525.624 C +324.9912 -517.5771 323.5615 -509.4121 319.8779 -502.1855 C +318.0596 -498.6221 316.1055 -494.9912 314.0107 -491.2979 C +263.6704 -403.1797 333.4844 -359.1729 420.1182 -414.8027 C +490.627 -460.04 562.1299 -382.5898 562.1299 -315.0596 C +562.1299 -315.0596 L +562.0986 -177.9951 450.9893 -66.9063 313.9561 -66.9365 c +176.9243 -66.9663 65.8618 -178.1035 65.8916 -315.168 C +65.9185 -438.458 156.4272 -543.0361 278.4136 -560.7246 C +278.7715 -560.749 L +f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_7 /Int (SVG_ShapeType) , +%_/XMLUID : (body) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +0 D +0.682673 0.433692 0.160067 0.020752 0.368627 0.505882 0.67451 Xa +449.7158 -234.5869 m +477.9277 -234.5869 500.7959 -257.4624 500.7959 -285.6802 c +500.7959 -313.8984 477.9277 -336.7744 449.7158 -336.7744 c +421.5049 -336.7744 398.6357 -313.8984 398.6357 -285.6802 c +398.6357 -257.4624 421.5049 -234.5869 449.7158 -234.5869 c +f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_1 /Int (SVG_ShapeType) , +%_/XMLUID : (nord-10) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +0.543694 0.290898 0.137392 0.013519 0.505882 0.631373 0.756863 Xa +347.1084 -120.3633 m +372.0986 -120.3633 392.3604 -140.6274 392.3604 -165.6255 c +392.3604 -190.623 372.0986 -210.8882 347.1084 -210.8882 c +322.1152 -210.8882 301.8555 -190.623 301.8555 -165.6255 c +301.8555 -140.6274 322.1152 -120.3633 347.1084 -120.3633 c +f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_1 /Int (SVG_ShapeType) , +%_/XMLUID : (nord-9) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +0.505455 0.098695 0.171084 0.001251 0.533333 0.752941 0.815686 Xa +210.6987 -168.7607 m +233.8486 -168.7607 252.6152 -187.5313 252.6152 -210.687 c +252.6152 -233.8423 233.8486 -252.6133 210.6987 -252.6133 c +187.5488 -252.6133 168.7827 -233.8423 168.7827 -210.687 c +168.7827 -187.5313 187.5488 -168.7607 210.6987 -168.7607 c +f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_1 /Int (SVG_ShapeType) , +%_/XMLUID : (nord-8) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +0.488228 0.123659 0.279637 0.003723 0.560784 0.737255 0.733333 Xa +165.0386 -293.9995 m +186.124 -293.9995 203.2183 -311.0967 203.2183 -332.1875 c +203.2183 -353.2783 186.124 -370.377 165.0386 -370.377 c +143.9536 -370.377 126.8604 -353.2783 126.8604 -332.1875 c +126.8604 -311.0967 143.9536 -293.9995 165.0386 -293.9995 c +f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_1 /Int (SVG_ShapeType) , +%_/XMLUID : (nord-7) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +0.179263 0.104372 0.058747 0 0.847059 0.870588 0.913725 Xa +214.8823 -412.9609 m +232.6655 -412.9609 247.0811 -427.3809 247.0811 -445.168 c +247.0811 -462.9551 232.6655 -477.374 214.8823 -477.374 c +197.0991 -477.374 182.6836 -462.9551 182.6836 -445.168 c +182.6836 -427.3809 197.0991 -412.9609 214.8823 -412.9609 c +f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_1 /Int (SVG_ShapeType) , +%_/XMLUID : (nord-4) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +1 A +1 Xw +1 D +0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Xa +100.3018 -301.708 m +114.6333 -165.3672 236.7505 -66.4614 373.0596 -80.7959 C +388.335 -82.4019 403.4287 -85.4238 418.1455 -89.8208 C +293.7061 -32.4258 146.3105 -86.7988 88.9282 -211.2676 C +31.5469 -335.7363 85.9072 -483.168 210.3467 -540.5625 C +220.8374 -545.4023 231.6533 -549.501 242.7158 -552.833 C +146.4609 -508.1768 89.2305 -407.2598 100.3018 -301.708 C +f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_7 /Int (SVG_ShapeType) , +%_/XMLUID : (overlay) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +0 A +0 Xw +0.723293 0.577508 0.383032 0.274357 0.298039 0.337255 0.415686 Xa +487.8691 -320.5391 m +491.4707 -322.9502 496.3428 -321.9834 498.7529 -318.3818 C +498.7568 -318.3789 498.7598 -318.376 498.7627 -318.3701 c +516.8125 -291.2808 509.4883 -254.6831 482.4043 -236.6289 C +455.3193 -218.5747 418.7314 -225.8999 400.6816 -252.9902 C +382.6318 -280.0811 389.9561 -316.6787 417.0391 -334.7324 C +426.709 -341.1797 438.0703 -344.6211 449.6914 -344.627 C +454.0264 -344.627 457.543 -341.1123 457.543 -336.7744 c +457.543 -332.4355 454.0264 -328.9209 449.6914 -328.9209 C +425.8203 -328.918 406.4697 -309.5586 406.4727 -285.6826 c +406.4756 -261.8057 425.8291 -242.4507 449.7002 -242.4541 c +473.5723 -242.4561 492.9209 -261.8149 492.918 -285.6914 C +492.917 -294.2178 490.3955 -302.5527 485.6719 -309.6504 C +483.2754 -313.2656 484.2598 -318.1367 487.8691 -320.5391 C +f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_7 /Int (SVG_ShapeType) , +%_/XMLUID : (ring-5) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +*u +347.1084 -112.5156 m +317.7803 -112.5156 294.0039 -136.2959 294.0039 -165.6318 c +294.0039 -194.9668 317.7803 -218.748 347.1084 -218.748 c +376.4355 -218.748 400.2129 -194.9668 400.2129 -165.6318 C +400.1807 -136.3086 376.4238 -112.5464 347.1084 -112.5156 C +f +0 D +347.1084 -203.0342 m +326.4521 -203.0342 309.707 -186.2861 309.707 -165.6255 c +309.707 -144.9653 326.4521 -128.2158 347.1084 -128.2158 C +367.7637 -128.2163 384.5088 -144.9653 384.5088 -165.6255 C +384.4844 -186.2754 367.7529 -203.0098 347.1084 -203.0342 C +f +*U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_7 /Int (SVG_ShapeType) , +%_/XMLUID : (ring-4) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +*u +1 D +210.6987 -160.9067 m +183.2129 -160.9067 160.9307 -183.1943 160.9307 -210.687 c +160.9307 -238.1797 183.2129 -260.4668 210.6987 -260.4668 c +238.1851 -260.4668 260.4668 -238.1797 260.4668 -210.687 C +260.436 -183.2065 238.1729 -160.9375 210.6987 -160.9067 C +f +0 D +210.6987 -244.7656 m +191.8857 -244.7656 176.6348 -229.5107 176.6348 -210.6934 c +176.6348 -191.876 191.8857 -176.6206 210.6987 -176.6206 c +229.5127 -176.6206 244.7632 -191.876 244.7632 -210.6934 C +244.7393 -229.501 229.502 -244.7417 210.6987 -244.7656 C +f +*U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_7 /Int (SVG_ShapeType) , +%_/XMLUID : (ring-3) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +*u +1 D +211.0698 -332.1875 m +211.0698 -306.7588 190.4609 -286.1455 165.0386 -286.1455 C +139.6167 -286.1455 119.0083 -306.7588 119.0083 -332.1875 C +119.0083 -357.6162 139.6167 -378.2305 165.0386 -378.2305 C +190.4497 -378.2012 211.0415 -357.6055 211.0698 -332.1875 C +f +0 D +165.0386 -362.5225 m +148.2896 -362.5225 134.7119 -348.9414 134.7119 -332.1875 C +134.7119 -315.4336 148.2896 -301.8535 165.0386 -301.8535 C +181.7881 -301.8535 195.3662 -315.4336 195.3662 -332.1875 C +195.3486 -348.9336 181.7813 -362.5039 165.0386 -362.5225 C +f +*U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_7 /Int (SVG_ShapeType) , +%_/XMLUID : (ring-2) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +*u +1 D +214.8887 -485.2285 m +237.0117 -485.2285 254.9463 -467.29 254.9463 -445.1611 c +254.9463 -423.0332 237.0117 -405.0947 214.8887 -405.0947 c +192.7661 -405.0947 174.832 -423.0332 174.832 -445.1611 c +174.832 -445.1631 174.832 -445.166 174.832 -445.168 C +174.8594 -467.2832 192.7783 -485.2031 214.8887 -485.2285 C +f +0 D +214.8887 -420.8145 m +228.3389 -420.8145 239.2422 -431.7217 239.2422 -445.1738 c +239.2422 -458.6279 228.3389 -469.5332 214.8887 -469.5332 c +201.439 -469.5332 190.5356 -458.6279 190.5356 -445.1738 C +190.5356 -445.1738 L +190.5493 -431.7275 201.4443 -420.8291 214.8887 -420.8145 C +f +*U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_7 /Int (SVG_ShapeType) , +%_/XMLUID : (ring-1) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +1 D +488.6367 -127.8516 m +401.5742 -46.4692 269.834 -36.0767 171.0947 -102.8018 C +167.4722 -105.186 166.4678 -110.0566 168.8516 -113.6797 C +171.2354 -117.3027 176.1045 -118.3076 179.7271 -115.9229 C +179.7813 -115.8867 179.835 -115.8506 179.8882 -115.814 C +272.5645 -53.1904 396.2109 -62.9497 477.9199 -139.3369 C +526.5381 -184.8535 554.1729 -248.4526 554.2773 -315.0596 C +553.2256 -354.709 531.8936 -391.04 497.7871 -411.2715 C +474.7871 -424.5762 446.166 -423.377 424.3564 -408.1924 C +377.0957 -377.8594 330.2725 -373.7236 305.0781 -397.6553 C +283.3193 -418.3262 284.1108 -454.793 307.1953 -495.2002 C +309.2266 -498.7559 311.1113 -502.2686 312.8477 -505.7363 C +318.4736 -516.6455 317.458 -529.7969 310.2285 -539.7148 C +303.3242 -549.5908 291.4214 -554.7041 279.5063 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+LB +%AI5_EndLayer-- +%%PageTrailer +gsave annotatepage grestore showpage +%%Trailer +%%EOF + +endstream endobj 5 0 obj <> endobj 27 0 obj <> endobj 28 0 obj <> endobj 38 0 obj [/View/Design] endobj 39 0 obj <>>> endobj 36 0 obj [/View/Design] endobj 37 0 obj <>>> endobj 14 0 obj [/View/Design] endobj 15 0 obj <>>> endobj 53 0 obj [52 0 R 51 0 R] endobj 74 0 obj <> endobj xref +0 75 +0000000004 65535 f +0000000016 00000 n +0000000206 00000 n +0000051528 00000 n +0000000006 00000 f +0000516781 00000 n +0000000008 00000 f +0000051579 00000 n +0000000009 00000 f +0000000010 00000 f +0000000011 00000 f +0000000012 00000 f +0000000013 00000 f +0000000016 00000 f +0000517257 00000 n +0000517288 00000 n +0000000017 00000 f +0000000018 00000 f +0000000019 00000 f +0000000020 00000 f +0000000021 00000 f +0000000022 00000 f +0000000023 00000 f +0000000024 00000 f +0000000025 00000 f +0000000026 00000 f +0000000000 00000 f +0000516857 00000 n +0000516948 00000 n +0000000000 00000 f +0000000000 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+ 255 + 255 + + + Schwarz + RGB + PROCESS + 29 + 29 + 27 + + + CMYK Rot + RGB + PROCESS + 227 + 6 + 19 + + + CMYK Gelb + RGB + PROCESS + 255 + 237 + 0 + + + CMYK Grün + RGB + PROCESS + 0 + 150 + 64 + + + CMYK Cyan + RGB + PROCESS + 0 + 159 + 227 + + + CMYK Blau + RGB + PROCESS + 49 + 39 + 131 + + + CMYK Magenta + RGB + PROCESS + 230 + 0 + 126 + + + C=15 M=100 Y=90 K=10 + RGB + PROCESS + 190 + 22 + 34 + + + C=0 M=90 Y=85 K=0 + RGB + PROCESS + 230 + 51 + 42 + + + C=0 M=80 Y=95 K=0 + RGB + PROCESS + 233 + 78 + 27 + + + C=0 M=50 Y=100 K=0 + RGB + PROCESS + 243 + 146 + 0 + + + C=0 M=35 Y=85 K=0 + RGB + PROCESS + 249 + 178 + 51 + + + C=5 M=0 Y=90 K=0 + RGB + PROCESS + 252 + 234 + 16 + + + C=20 M=0 Y=100 K=0 + RGB + PROCESS + 222 + 220 + 0 + + + C=50 M=0 Y=100 K=0 + RGB + PROCESS + 149 + 193 + 31 + + + C=75 M=0 Y=100 K=0 + RGB + PROCESS + 58 + 170 + 53 + + + C=85 M=10 Y=100 K=10 + RGB + PROCESS + 0 + 141 + 54 + + + C=90 M=30 Y=95 K=30 + RGB + PROCESS + 0 + 102 + 51 + + + C=75 M=0 Y=75 K=0 + 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(xmlnode-nodetype) , +(filterRes) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(attributeName) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (attributeName) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(spline) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(calcMode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (calcMode) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(replace) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(additive) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (additive) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(none) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(accumulate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (accumulate) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1 1;20 15;200 200; 15 20;1 1 ) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(values) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (values) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(animate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(7) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(compositeOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k1) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k4) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k3) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(arithmetic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(compositeOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(compositeOut1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(compositeOut1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMerge) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(50 50) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterRes) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterRes) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Pixelspiel_2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(remove) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(fill) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (fill) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(indefinite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(repeatDur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (repeatDur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(begin) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (begin) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(always) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(restart) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (restart) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(10s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(filterRes) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(attributeName) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (attributeName) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(linear) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(calcMode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (calcMode) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(replace) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(additive) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (additive) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(none) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(accumulate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (accumulate) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(50 50;20 20;50 50) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(values) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (values) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(animate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(7) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(diffuseConstant) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (diffuseConstant) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(resultScale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (resultScale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(yellow) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(lighting-color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (lighting-color) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(surfaceScale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (surfaceScale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(diffuse) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(diffuse) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(remove) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(fill) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (fill) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(indefinite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(repeatDur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (repeatDur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(begin) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (begin) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(always) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(restart) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (restart) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(15s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(lighting-color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(attributeName) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (attributeName) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(linear) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(calcMode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (calcMode) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(replace) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(additive) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (additive) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(none) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(accumulate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (accumulate) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(yellow;green;blue;indigo;violet;red;orange) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(values) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (values) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(animate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(180) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(azimuth) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (azimuth) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(60) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(elevation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (elevation) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feDistantLight) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feDiffuseLighting) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(red) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(lighting-color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (lighting-color) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(15) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(surfaceScale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (surfaceScale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(15) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(specularExponent) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (specularExponent) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(10) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(specularConstant) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (specularConstant) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(remove) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(fill) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (fill) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(indefinite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(repeatDur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (repeatDur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(begin) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (begin) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(always) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(restart) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (restart) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(15s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(lighting-color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(attributeName) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (attributeName) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(linear) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(calcMode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (calcMode) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(replace) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(additive) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (additive) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(none) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(accumulate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (accumulate) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(indigo;green;yellow;blue;violet;red;orange) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(values) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (values) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(animate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(180) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(azimuth) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (azimuth) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(60) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(elevation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (elevation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(light) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feDistantLight) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feSpecularLighting) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k1) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k4) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k3) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(diffuse) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(arithmetic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k1) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k4) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k3) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(arithmetic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMerge) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Schatten_1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dx) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dx) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dy) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dy) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feOffset) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMerge) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(140%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (width) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(130%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (height) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-15%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-15%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Schatten_2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(6) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(8) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dx) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dx) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(8) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dy) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dy) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feOffset) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMerge) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Statisch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(fractalNoise) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stitchTiles) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (baseFrequency) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(10) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (numOctaves) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(remove) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(fill) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (fill) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(indefinite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(repeatDur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (repeatDur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(from) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (from) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.7) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(to) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (to) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(always) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(restart) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (restart) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(5s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(attributeName) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (attributeName) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(linear) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(calcMode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (calcMode) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(replace) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(additive) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (additive) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(none) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(accumulate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (accumulate) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(animate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feTurbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (width) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (height) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Verwirbelung_3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stitchTiles) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.05) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (baseFrequency) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(8) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (numOctaves) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feTurbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (width) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (height) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : 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: +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (baseFrequency) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (numOctaves) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feTurbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +%AI10_EndSVGFilter +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI14_BeginSymbol +(Band) 0 A +0 Xw +u +u +0 R +0.743221 0.648188 0.629023 0.813504 0.113725 0.113725 0.105882 XA +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 0.25 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +-0.42334 -31.8975 m +4.87061 -31.9658 5.97314 -18.1826 8.73291 -16.7441 c +11.8765 -15.1064 24.7114 -21.1904 27.8599 -15.5557 c +30.6411 -10.5781 18.8638 -3.11133 18.8462 0.030273 c +18.8286 3.30273 30.4067 11.1465 27.645 15.9443 c +24.8657 20.7705 12.2778 14.6582 9.19971 16.3799 c +6.23877 18.0342 5.10596 31.9492 -0.256348 31.8984 c +-5.50293 31.8496 -6.28662 17.9482 -9.00049 16.4707 c +-12.0151 14.8291 -24.7808 21.0078 -27.8267 15.5566 c +-30.7314 10.3574 -18.8931 2.71582 -18.8027 -0.560547 c +-18.7183 -3.60156 -30.3389 -11.0625 -27.8315 -15.5605 c +-25.0493 -20.5498 -12.3228 -14.7246 -9.16309 -16.4902 c +-6.33252 -18.0723 -5.55518 -31.832 -0.42334 -31.8975 c +s +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(0.509492) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_(B) /String (ShapeBlendPathID) , +%_(K) /String (ShapeBlendPathType) , +%_(ALL) /String (ShapeBlendMatchToBefore) , +%_; +%_ +1.39502 -31.4248 m +6.63721 -31.1768 6.93018 -17.5137 9.58252 -15.9063 c +12.5522 -14.1064 25.5288 -19.4097 28.3091 -13.7988 c +30.7876 -8.79736 18.7622 -2.06738 18.5825 1.02686 c +18.3843 4.27148 29.3618 12.6611 26.3013 17.2646 c +23.2534 21.8779 11.2153 15.1289 8.11475 16.6494 c +5.14502 18.1104 3.30811 31.7861 -1.95654 31.4463 c +-7.17627 31.1094 -7.21436 17.3076 -9.83301 15.6592 c +-12.6782 13.8682 -25.5645 19.291 -28.2793 13.875 c +-30.8687 8.66504 -18.8301 1.74902 -18.5742 -1.46826 c +-18.3315 -4.52197 -29.2939 -12.5601 -26.4678 -16.9272 c +-23.4106 -21.6514 -11.3047 -15.1958 -8.14209 -16.752 c +-5.26709 -18.1665 -3.69971 -31.6733 1.39502 -31.4248 c +s +3.21338 -30.9521 m +8.40381 -30.3882 7.88721 -16.8481 10.4321 -15.0674 c +13.228 -13.1113 26.3433 -17.6265 28.7573 -12.0415 c +30.9312 -7.01367 18.6675 -1.02197 18.3179 2.02344 c +17.9487 5.24023 28.3062 14.168 24.9585 18.585 c +21.6304 22.9756 10.1528 15.5996 7.03076 16.9189 c +4.05225 18.1865 1.51025 31.6201 -3.65771 30.9951 c +-8.8501 30.3672 -8.14209 16.6709 -10.6646 14.8467 c +-13.3403 12.9111 -26.3638 17.5811 -28.731 12.1934 c +-31.021 6.98047 -18.7612 0.781738 -18.3452 -2.37695 c +-17.9414 -5.44385 -28.2573 -14.0591 -25.1035 -18.2935 c +-21.7817 -22.7539 -10.2847 -15.6641 -7.12012 -17.0137 c +-4.19971 -18.2588 -1.84375 -31.5156 3.21338 -30.9521 c +s +5.03271 -30.4795 m +10.1704 -29.5991 8.84619 -16.187 11.2817 -14.2295 c +13.9048 -12.1211 27.1548 -15.8408 29.2056 -10.2847 c +31.0718 -5.22754 18.5688 0.023438 18.0542 3.02051 c +17.5063 6.20996 27.2593 15.6787 23.6147 19.9053 c +20.0151 24.0791 9.08838 16.0635 5.9458 17.1875 c +2.95654 18.2568 -0.290039 31.4492 -5.35791 30.543 c +-10.5259 29.6191 -9.07178 16.04 -11.4976 14.0352 c +-14.0063 11.9619 -27.1538 15.8662 - +endstream endobj 20 0 obj <>stream +29.1841 10.5127 c +-31.165 5.29004 -18.6895 -0.186523 -18.1167 -3.28418 c +-17.5469 -6.3667 -27.2295 -15.5605 -23.7397 -19.6602 c +-20.1641 -23.8608 -9.26221 -16.1313 -6.09912 -17.2754 c +-3.12939 -18.3496 0.01123 -31.3564 5.03271 -30.4795 c +s +6.85107 -30.0073 m +11.937 -28.8105 9.80615 -15.5293 12.1313 -13.3911 c +14.5854 -11.1348 27.9644 -14.0532 29.6548 -8.52734 c +31.2114 -3.44043 18.4683 1.06836 17.7905 4.01758 c +17.064 7.17871 26.2144 17.1914 22.272 21.2256 c +18.4028 25.1846 8.02588 16.5322 4.86182 17.4561 c +1.86279 18.332 -2.08984 31.2734 -7.05908 30.0908 c +-12.2002 28.8672 -10.0034 15.4131 -12.3296 13.2236 c +-14.6738 11.0176 -27.9399 14.1484 -29.6362 8.83105 c +-31.3057 3.59766 -18.6128 -1.1543 -17.8877 -4.19238 c +-17.1489 -7.28809 -26.2095 -17.0659 -22.3755 -21.0264 c +-18.5542 -24.9736 -8.23828 -16.5942 -5.07764 -17.5371 c +-2.05908 -18.4375 1.8667 -31.1982 6.85107 -30.0073 c +s +8.66943 -29.5347 m +13.7036 -28.0215 10.769 -14.875 12.981 -12.5527 c +15.2681 -10.1519 28.77 -12.2632 30.104 -6.77051 c +31.3472 -1.65186 18.3657 2.11328 17.5259 5.01465 c +16.6187 8.14746 25.1704 18.7061 20.9282 22.5459 c +16.7915 26.29 6.9624 17.0029 3.77686 17.7256 c +0.770508 18.4072 -3.88867 31.0938 -8.75928 29.6396 c +-13.875 28.1123 -10.938 14.79 -13.1616 12.4111 c +-15.3447 10.0762 -28.7241 12.4307 -30.0884 7.14941 c +-31.4434 1.9043 -18.5332 -2.12158 -17.6597 -5.10059 c +-16.7476 -8.20996 -25.1978 -18.5791 -21.0122 -22.3931 c +-16.9517 -26.0933 -7.21289 -17.0547 -4.05615 -17.7988 c +-0.986816 -18.5225 3.72217 -31.04 8.66943 -29.5347 c +s +10.4878 -29.0625 m +15.4702 -27.2324 11.7349 -14.2236 13.8306 -11.7144 c +15.9536 -9.17139 29.5708 -10.4731 30.5522 -5.01367 c +31.479 0.137695 18.2622 3.1582 17.2622 6.01074 c +16.1733 9.11621 24.1294 20.2217 19.5854 23.8662 c +15.1812 27.3984 5.90186 17.4746 2.69189 17.9951 c +-0.322754 18.4844 -5.68555 30.9092 -10.4595 29.1875 c +-15.5479 27.3516 -11.8779 14.1699 -13.9941 11.5996 c +-16.021 9.1377 -29.5059 10.7119 -30.541 5.46777 c +-31.5786 0.210938 -18.4487 -3.08643 -17.4302 -6.0083 c +-16.3418 -9.12988 -24.1909 -20.0991 -19.6479 -23.7598 c +-15.355 -27.2188 -6.18701 -17.5117 -3.03467 -18.0605 c +0.085449 -18.604 5.57861 -30.8813 10.4878 -29.0625 c +s +12.3071 -28.5894 m +17.2368 -26.4429 12.7056 -13.5732 14.6792 -10.876 c +16.6421 -8.19287 30.3667 -8.68262 31.0005 -3.25732 c +31.606 1.92676 18.1587 4.20117 16.9985 7.00781 c +15.7261 10.084 23.0874 21.7393 18.2417 25.1865 c +13.5737 28.5078 4.83936 17.9521 1.60791 18.2646 c +-1.41504 18.5664 -7.48047 30.7217 -12.1602 28.7354 c +-17.2178 26.5879 -12.8223 13.5527 -14.8262 10.7881 c +-16.7007 8.20215 -30.2842 8.99316 -30.9932 3.78613 c +-31.7109 -1.48389 -18.3633 -4.05078 -17.2021 -6.9165 c +-15.9336 -10.0474 -23.1885 -21.6284 -18.2842 -25.1265 c +-13.7612 -28.3525 -5.16113 -17.9653 -2.01318 -18.3223 c +1.15967 -18.6821 7.43408 -30.7231 12.3071 -28.5894 c +s +14.1255 -28.1172 m +19.0034 -25.6543 13.6792 -12.9253 15.5288 -10.0376 c +17.3364 -7.21533 31.1597 -6.89355 31.4497 -1.5 c +31.73 3.71582 18.0493 5.24219 16.7339 8.00391 c +15.2729 11.0488 22.0513 23.2666 16.8989 26.5068 c +11.9692 29.627 3.77686 18.4229 0.522949 18.5332 c +-2.5083 18.6426 -9.27344 30.5322 -13.8608 28.2842 c +-18.8862 25.8213 -13.7705 12.9375 -15.6582 9.97559 c +-17.3838 7.26758 -31.0591 7.27441 -31.4453 2.10547 c +-31.8398 -3.17725 -18.2739 -5.0127 -16.9731 -7.82471 c +-15.5215 -10.9634 -22.1895 -23.165 -16.9204 -26.4927 c +-12.1699 -29.4927 -4.13574 -18.4155 -0.991699 -18.584 c +2.23096 -18.7568 9.28955 -30.5649 14.1255 -28.1172 c +s +-31.8979 0.423828 m +-31.9663 -4.87012 -18.1831 -5.97266 -16.7446 -8.73242 c +-15.1069 -11.877 -21.1909 -24.7109 -15.5562 -27.8594 c +-10.5786 -30.6406 -3.11182 -18.8633 0.029785 -18.8457 c +3.30225 -18.8281 11.145 -30.4063 15.9438 -27.6445 c +20.77 -24.8652 14.6577 -12.2773 16.3784 -9.19922 c +18.0327 -6.23828 31.9487 -5.10547 31.8979 0.256836 c +31.8491 5.50391 17.9478 6.28711 16.4702 9.00098 c +14.8286 12.0166 21.0073 24.7813 15.5552 27.8271 c +10.3569 30.7334 2.71436 18.8936 -0.561523 18.8027 c +-3.60205 18.7188 -11.0635 30.3398 -15.5615 27.832 c +-20.5503 25.0498 -14.7251 12.3232 -16.4907 9.16406 c +-18.0728 6.33301 -31.8325 5.55664 -31.8979 0.423828 c +s +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(2.080288) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_(ALL) /String (ShapeBlendMatchToAfter) , +%_(A) /String (ShapeBlendPathID) , +%_(K) /String (ShapeBlendPathType) , +%_; +%_ +U +0 1 0 1 0 Xy +1 w 0 0 Xd +6 () XW +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_; +%_ +9 () XW +%AI10_EndSymbol +%AI14_BeginSymbol +(Gerbera) 0 A +0 Xw +u +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +-22.9814 23.0918 m +23.0869 23.0918 L +23.0869 -23.1484 L +-22.9814 -23.1484 L +-22.9814 23.0918 L +n +u +0 O +0.01529 0.77731 0.613703 0.000793 0.909804 0.337255 0.32549 Xa +-15.7139 -6.50977 m +-20.2578 -7.62598 -21.2402 -6.50195 Y +-20.6367 -5.49707 -19.6787 -4.70801 -18.5508 -4.08789 C +-16.125 -3.96582 -13.3047 -3.6377 -11.4512 -3.39355 C +-12.916 -4.33398 -14.4395 -5.4873 -15.7139 -6.50977 C +f +23.0869 -1.17676 m +20.4414 -1.67383 17.75 -1.7959 V +16.7598 -0.983398 13.0898 -0.301758 10.1641 0.126953 C +12.6641 0.158203 15.6621 1.24707 17.4707 2.01953 C +19.6484 1.40039 24.2246 -0.06543 23.0869 -1.17676 C +f +0.010529 0.592309 0.518242 0.000092 0.933333 0.517647 0.439216 Xa +7.04102 0.587891 m +7.05469 0.69043 7.06641 0.793945 7.07324 0.897461 C +7.1582 0.959961 L +7.46484 0.717773 7.80859 0.525391 8.19922 0.397461 C +7.86621 0.438477 7.56445 0.476563 7.30371 0.505859 C +7.04102 0.587891 L +f +0.01529 0.77731 0.613703 0.000793 0.909804 0.337255 0.32549 Xa +17.7891 -2.07129 m +18.9648 -2.31348 21.1777 -2.93848 19.3105 -3.99121 C +16.6006 -5.44824 14.0205 -5.25293 V +12.1582 -3.99316 10.4531 -2.97266 10.2578 -2.85449 C +13.4219 -2.97363 16.9766 -2.25 17.7891 -2.07129 C +f +8.00684 -6.40723 m +7.21973 -5.61133 L +10.3213 -7.62012 15.0313 -9.30078 17.1914 -10.0146 C +18.041 -10.9932 19.7852 -13.2559 17.29 -12.7529 C +15.2676 -12.2578 13.8457 -11.7061 V +13.5645 -11.3193 13.3691 -11.0625 Y +8.00684 -6.40723 L +f +0.014282 0.702541 0.579614 0.00119 0.917647 0.415686 0.368627 Xa +-0.451172 -19.1201 m +0.838867 -15.8408 0.922852 -12.1455 0.746094 -9.50586 C +0.922852 -10.4248 L +1.47461 -11.957 1.95703 -13.2256 2.37891 -14.2842 C +1.8418 -17.6172 -0.050781 -28.1025 -1.44531 -20.3643 C +-0.87793 -20.085 -0.451172 -19.1201 Y +f +0.01529 0.77731 0.613703 0.000793 0.909804 0.337255 0.32549 Xa +-3.27344 -14.1943 m +-3.25781 -15.1602 -3.19629 -16.0225 -3.11914 -16.7676 C +-3.46875 -17.665 -4.04688 -18.4482 -4.99023 -18.4639 C +-4.70313 -17.8193 -4.42188 -17.0713 -4.16406 -16.3057 C +-3.27344 -14.1943 L +f +0.014282 0.702541 0.579614 0.00119 0.917647 0.415686 0.368627 Xa +-7.0957 -17.874 m +-6.66211 -17.5527 -5.06348 -13.4971 -3.77734 -10.0986 C +-2.69141 -7.91797 L +-3.09961 -9.87598 -3.25391 -11.7314 -3.27148 -13.3682 C +-3.51172 -14.2393 -3.82031 -15.2881 -4.16406 -16.3057 c +-4.42188 -17.0713 -4.70313 -17.8193 -4.99023 -18.4639 c +-5.86133 -20.417 -6.80273 -21.418 -7.46289 -19.041 C +-7.5957 -17.7646 L +-7.50586 -17.585 L +-7.29395 -17.8193 -7.0957 -17.874 Y +f +0.01529 0.77731 0.613703 0.000793 0.909804 0.337255 0.32549 Xa +-9.00781 -5.44336 m +-9.72461 -6.16895 -10.3086 -6.91211 -10.8008 -7.64551 C +-13.8926 -10.6865 -18.5605 -14.9951 -17.3164 -12.0049 C +-16.9219 -10.7217 -16.1123 -9.56738 V +-14.21 -8.58105 -11.8115 -7.10742 -9.80664 -5.82715 C +-9.00781 -5.44336 L +f +0.014282 0.702541 0.579614 0.00119 0.917647 0.415686 0.368627 Xa +-16.8711 -1.46973 m +-17.7715 -1.83984 -18.3477 -2.10742 Y +-22.2119 -4.05273 -13.6797 -2.78809 -8.87109 -1.97852 C +-9.66113 -2.31348 -10.543 -2.81055 -11.4512 -3.39355 C +-13.3047 -3.6377 -16.125 -3.96582 -18.5508 -4.08789 c +-22.543 -4.28809 -25.4375 -3.91211 -21.125 -1.6416 C +-19.9023 -1.68652 -18.2852 -1.58887 -16.8711 -1.46973 C +f +0.010529 0.592309 0.518242 0.000092 0.933333 0.517647 0.439216 Xa +-10.2598 0.666016 m +-9.97266 0.658203 -9.70117 0.648438 -9.44727 0.644531 C +-9.81836 0.611328 -10.2051 0.558594 -10.5977 0.490234 C +-10.2598 0.666016 L +f +0.01529 0.77731 0.613703 0.000793 0.909804 0.337255 0.32549 Xa +-10.2598 0.666016 m +-10.5977 0.490234 L +-12.8291 0.09375 -15.3291 -0.836914 -16.8711 -1.46973 C +-18.2852 -1.58887 -19.9023 -1.68652 -21.125 -1.6416 c +-23.0957 -1.57129 -24.0293 -1.1377 -21.3535 0.15918 C +-19.0176 0.761719 -16.4473 1.18945 V +-14.3574 0.859375 -12.0176 0.72168 -10.2598 0.666016 C +f +-11.0742 5.49121 m +-11.0703 5.45508 -11.0645 5.41895 -11.0645 5.37988 C +-12.7461 5.75781 -14.6699 5.9873 -16.3691 6.12598 C +-20.71 7.70996 -25.6426 9.85645 -21.0781 10.0303 C +-20.8164 9.98535 -20.3867 9.9043 V +-19.084 9.24316 -17.3867 8.77344 -16.2539 8.50293 C +-14.6387 7.44336 -12.71 6.3623 -11.0742 5.49121 C +f +0.014282 0.702541 0.579614 0.00119 0.917647 0.415686 0.368627 Xa +-16.2539 8.50293 m +-17.3867 8.77344 -19.084 9.24316 -20.3867 9.9043 c +-21.3574 10.3975 -22.1055 10.9912 -22.2285 11.6836 C +-20.9023 12.0576 -19.6094 11.7773 V +-19.6309 10.9854 -18.1738 9.76465 -16.2539 8.50293 C +f +0.01529 0.77731 0.613703 0.000793 0.909804 0.337255 0.32549 Xa +-15.1787 14.3545 m +-18.3906 14.6943 -16.4688 12.6445 -13.4902 10.3525 C +-13.5352 10.3447 -13.5723 10.3311 -13.6172 10.3232 C +-22.3291 17.3193 -16.9551 15.7822 V +-15.7813 15.292 -14.5107 14.5928 V +-14.0508 14.1357 -13.5645 13.6807 -13.0996 13.2568 C +-14.3203 13.9346 -15.1787 14.3545 Y +f +0.014282 0.702541 0.579614 0.00119 0.917647 0.415686 0.368627 Xa +-6.62988 8.85645 m +-8.45313 10.5479 -11.2109 12.21 -13.0996 13.2568 C +-13.5645 13.6807 -14.0508 14.1357 -14.5107 14.5928 c +-16.5859 16.6592 -18.0527 18.7119 -13.8496 17.2354 C +-11.7578 15.6807 -9.82422 13.751 V +-8.73828 12.0361 -7.56836 10.2822 -6.63867 8.91211 C +-6.63672 8.89453 -6.62988 8.87402 -6.62988 8.85645 C +f +0.01529 0.77731 0.613703 0.000793 0.909804 0.337255 0.32549 Xa +-0.939453 9.01855 m +-1.24219 8.9873 -1.53711 8.92871 -1.82422 8.8623 C +-2.51953 12.1738 -3.60938 14.6729 -4.6543 16.4463 C +-5.64453 19.8721 -6.08203 22.9033 -4.27539 22.2646 C +-3.95898 21.5615 -3.51172 20.4736 V +-3.50781 17.1719 -1.78711 11.5791 -0.9375 9.01855 C +-0.939453 9.01855 l +f +2.5332 8.50195 m +4.48828 14.5791 4.71094 17.874 4.49219 19.623 C +5.43164 21.1934 8.29688 25.6357 8.20215 21.3076 C +7.93359 18.0361 7.16406 15.2324 V +5.10156 12.6943 3.21289 9.5127 2.61133 8.47266 C +2.58594 8.48145 2.55859 8.49121 2.5332 8.50195 C +f +0.014282 0.702541 0.579614 0.00119 0.917647 0.415686 0.368627 Xa +9.19336 11.3242 m +11.5527 14.7021 12.7754 18.0752 Y +12.7549 18.0996 12.7324 18.1152 12.7129 18.1396 C +14.5234 19.5459 17.9258 21.7617 15.3027 16.207 C +13.666 15.1846 11.4648 13.2559 9.48828 11.3857 C +9.19336 11.3242 L +f +0.01529 0.77731 0.613703 0.000793 0.909804 0.337255 0.32549 Xa +17.9961 13.2959 m +15.6357 10.5537 13.3594 9.40625 V +15.2129 11.5254 16.5977 13.7021 17.2754 14.8545 C +18.3672 15.2686 19.7227 15.5215 17.9961 13.2959 C +f +0.010529 0.592309 0.518242 0.000092 0.933333 0.517647 0.439216 Xa +8.19922 0.397461 m +7.80859 0.525391 7.46484 0.717773 7.1582 0.959961 c +7.13184 0.981445 7.10449 0.995117 7.08008 1.0166 C +7.10742 1.44336 7.10742 1.87598 7.06055 2.31348 c +7.03711 2.54785 6.99805 2.78125 6.95313 3.00879 C +16.1221 4.71094 L +16.75 4.91797 17.3242 5.13574 17.8457 5.3623 C +18.8652 5.35742 19.9453 5.32227 21.1172 5.22949 C +22.6172 4.90332 19.0938 2.76172 V +18.4541 2.43848 17.4707 2.01953 v +15.6621 1.24707 12.6641 0.158203 10.1641 0.126953 C +9.44531 0.232422 8.77539 0.322266 8.19922 0.397461 C +f +10.2578 -2.85449 m +10.2441 -2.84766 10.2324 -2.83984 Y +6.41406 -1.64746 L +6.72461 -0.96582 6.93652 -0.231445 7.03418 0.539063 C +7.11914 0.530273 7.20898 0.516602 7.30371 0.505859 c +7.56445 0.476563 7.86621 0.438477 8.19922 0.397461 c +8.77539 0.322266 9.44531 0.232422 10.1641 0.126953 c +13.0898 -0.301758 16.7598 -0.983398 17.75 -1.7959 c +17.8457 -1.87402 17.9229 -1.95215 17.9648 -2.03613 C +17.9004 -2.0498 17.7891 -2.07129 v +16.9766 -2.25 13.4219 -2.97363 10.2578 -2.85449 C +f +0.00885 0.504875 0.439429 0.000671 0.945098 0.596078 0.517647 Xa +6.64648 -5.22266 m +5.11133 -3.88965 L +5.06934 -3.84473 5.02734 -3.80078 4.98926 -3.75293 C +5.57813 -3.14551 6.05859 -2.43066 6.41406 -1.64746 C +10.2324 -2.83984 L +10.2441 -2.84766 10.2578 -2.85449 v +10.4531 -2.97266 12.1582 -3.99316 14.0205 -5.25293 c +17.0996 -7.33008 20.5918 -10.0508 18.3477 -10.3818 C +17.9102 -10.2529 17.1914 -10.0146 v +15.0313 -9.30078 10.3213 -7.62012 7.21973 -5.61133 c +7.02344 -5.48438 6.83008 -5.35449 6.64648 -5.22266 C +f +0.010529 0.592309 0.518242 0.000092 0.933333 0.517647 0.439216 Xa +4.97168 -3.77051 m +5.11133 -3.88965 L +6.64648 -5.22266 L +8.00684 -6.40723 L +13.3691 -11.0625 L +13.5645 -11.3193 13.8457 -11.7061 v +14.9102 -13.1689 17.2852 -16.6162 15.6914 -16.1445 C +10.8838 -15.3545 7.77148 -10.5186 V +4.18164 -4.46582 L +4.46094 -4.25293 4.72852 -4.02246 4.97168 -3.77051 C +f +0.014282 0.702541 0.579614 0.00119 0.917647 0.415686 0.368627 Xa +2.92188 -5.23926 m +3.36914 -5.02539 3.79004 -4.76465 4.18164 -4.46582 C +7.77148 -10.5186 L +11.9043 -22.0254 8.44531 -18.5127 V +6.65039 -17.2959 5.87305 -15.5918 V +6.03711 -14.0361 3.9668 -8.10938 2.92188 -5.23926 C +f +0.010529 0.592309 0.518242 0.000092 0.933333 0.517647 0.439216 Xa +0.746094 -9.50586 m +0.604492 -7.40332 0.296875 -5.97266 Y +0.089844 -5.9209 L +0.263672 -5.91797 0.436523 -5.91406 0.615234 -5.89453 c +1.32813 -5.82227 2.00586 -5.6377 2.63574 -5.37109 C +2.74219 -5.75293 2.88281 -6.27441 3.04883 -6.89453 c +3.75391 -9.9209 4.66602 -13.5625 5.04688 -15.0713 C +5.47852 -17.1543 5.69922 -18.7441 5.38281 -18.833 C +5.13477 -21.1543 2.37891 -14.2842 v +1.95703 -13.2256 1.47461 -11.957 0.922852 -10.4248 C +0.746094 -9.50586 L +f +0.00885 0.504875 0.439429 0.000671 0.945098 0.596078 0.517647 Xa +-3.27148 -13.3682 m +-3.25391 -11.7314 -3.09961 -9.87598 -2.69141 -7.91797 c +-2.53711 -7.16895 -2.34375 -6.41016 -2.10938 -5.6416 C +-1.4082 -5.84863 -0.669922 -5.94531 0.089844 -5.9209 C +0.296875 -5.97266 L +0.604492 -7.40332 0.746094 -9.50586 v +0.922852 -12.1455 0.838867 -15.8408 -0.451172 -19.1201 C +-0.87793 -20.085 -1.44531 -20.3643 v +-1.82617 -20.5527 -2.26758 -20.4385 -2.68945 -19.5127 C +-2.94531 -18.4668 -3.11914 -16.7676 v +-3.19629 -16.0225 -3.25781 -15.1602 -3.27344 -14.1943 c +-3.27734 -13.9277 -3.27344 -13.6475 -3.27148 -13.3682 c +f +0.010529 0.592309 0.518242 0.000092 0.933333 0.517647 0.439216 Xa +-3.51367 -5.0625 m +-3.07422 -5.30176 -2.60938 -5.49414 -2.125 -5.6377 C +-2.34766 -6.25 -3.00391 -8.05273 -3.77734 -10.0986 c +-5.06348 -13.4971 -6.66211 -17.5527 -7.0957 -17.874 C +-7.29395 -17.8193 -7.50586 -17.585 v +-8.00195 -17.041 -8.57715 -15.5225 -6.95508 -11.4072 C +-6.69336 -10.6318 -6.27539 -9.61621 V +-5.20117 -7.82813 -4.30078 -6.20117 -3.81641 -5.30566 C +-3.71484 -5.21094 -3.61523 -5.13184 -3.51367 -5.0625 C +f +-5.14063 -3.93457 m +-5.12305 -3.9248 -5.10547 -3.91699 -5.08789 -3.90332 C +-4.65039 -4.32422 -4.16797 -4.69043 -3.64453 -4.99023 C +-3.69336 -5.08105 -3.75195 -5.18652 -3.81641 -5.30566 c +-4.30078 -6.20117 -5.20117 -7.82813 -6.27539 -9.61621 c +-8.60938 -13.4951 -11.752 -18.0879 -13.1738 -17.377 C +-14.1445 -15.8682 -11.9453 -13.54 V +-11.9336 -13.5186 -11.918 -13.4873 V +-9.70313 -11.5059 -6.16602 -5.66602 -5.14063 -3.93457 C +f +0.00885 0.504875 0.439429 0.000671 0.945098 0.596078 0.517647 Xa +-8.55664 -5.01855 m +-6.96875 -3.9873 -5.85352 -3.22559 Y +-5.85156 -3.1582 -5.86035 -3.10254 -5.86035 -3.04004 C +-5.63086 -3.34082 -5.38184 -3.62402 -5.1123 -3.88477 C +-5.12109 -3.90332 -5.13086 -3.91797 -5.14063 -3.93457 c +-6.16602 -5.66602 -9.70313 -11.5059 -11.918 -13.4873 c +-12.4238 -13.9434 -12.8613 -14.1982 -13.1836 -14.1543 C +-13.0664 -11.0186 -10.8008 -7.64551 v +-10.3086 -6.91211 -9.72461 -6.16895 -9.00781 -5.44336 c +-8.86523 -5.30176 -8.70996 -5.16211 -8.55664 -5.01855 C +f +0.010529 0.592309 0.518242 0.000092 0.933333 0.517647 0.439216 Xa +-8.87109 -1.97852 m +-7.99805 -1.83301 -7.25 -1.7041 -6.7207 -1.60645 C +-6.48438 -2.12012 -6.19629 -2.59961 -5.86035 -3.04004 C +-5.86035 -3.10254 -5.85156 -3.1582 -5.85352 -3.22559 C +-6.96875 -3.9873 -8.55664 -5.01855 v +-8.94824 -5.27441 -9.36719 -5.54492 -9.80664 -5.82715 c +-11.8115 -7.10742 -14.21 -8.58105 -16.1123 -9.56738 c +-18.7207 -10.9209 -20.3867 -11.3555 -18.7598 -9.08887 C +-17.4746 -7.9248 -15.7139 -6.50977 v +-14.4395 -5.4873 -12.916 -4.33398 -11.4512 -3.39355 c +-10.543 -2.81055 -9.66113 -2.31348 -8.87109 -1.97852 C +f +-6.7207 -1.60645 m +-7.25 -1.7041 -7.99805 -1.83301 -8.87109 -1.97852 c +-13.6797 -2.78809 -22.2119 -4.05273 -18.3477 -2.10742 C +-17.7715 -1.83984 -16.8711 -1.46973 v +-15.3291 -0.836914 -12.8291 0.09375 -10.5977 0.490234 c +-10.2051 0.558594 -9.81836 0.611328 -9.44727 0.644531 C +-8.77734 0.628906 -8.24609 0.62793 -7.91992 0.62793 C +-7.71387 0.600586 -7.52148 0.557617 -7.33984 0.50293 C +-7.23145 -0.244141 -7.01953 -0.952148 -6.7207 -1.60645 C +f +0.014282 0.702541 0.579614 0.00119 0.917647 0.415686 0.368627 Xa +-7.39941 2.29004 m +-7.43945 1.80566 -7.43945 1.31055 -7.38672 0.808594 c +-7.38477 0.795898 -7.38281 0.786133 -7.38184 0.777344 C +-7.43945 0.726563 -7.48828 0.680664 -7.55859 0.628906 C +-7.68945 0.62793 -7.91992 0.62793 v +-8.24609 0.62793 -8.77734 0.628906 -9.44727 0.644531 c +-9.70117 0.648438 -9.97266 0.658203 -10.2598 0.666016 c +-12.0176 0.72168 -14.3574 0.859375 -16.4473 1.18945 c +-18.8242 1.56543 -20.873 2.18945 -21.3477 3.22559 C +-24.4268 5.11426 -20.5215 4.92188 V +-17.5635 3.96387 -10.7656 3.00684 -7.99023 2.6416 C +-7.75977 2.53027 -7.56055 2.41113 -7.39941 2.29004 C +f +0.010529 0.592309 0.518242 0.000092 0.933333 0.517647 0.439216 Xa +-10.7148 5.2998 m +-8.91016 4.34863 -7.55078 3.69434 Y +-7.44434 3.72168 -7.35742 3.75098 -7.26367 3.78125 C +-7.22266 3.74023 -7.18555 3.69824 -7.14844 3.65527 C +-7.24609 3.2998 -7.31836 2.93262 -7.36426 2.55859 C +-7.53906 2.58301 -7.74609 2.61035 -7.99023 2.6416 c +-10.7656 3.00684 -17.5635 3.96387 -20.5215 4.92188 c +-22.0771 5.4248 -22.5771 5.92871 -20.8574 6.3418 C +-18.8604 6.32813 -16.3691 6.12598 v +-14.6699 5.9873 -12.7461 5.75781 -11.0645 5.37988 c +-10.9453 5.35742 -10.8301 5.32813 -10.7148 5.2998 C +f +-6.43066 5.37988 m +-6.70703 4.89258 -6.93555 4.37598 -7.10156 3.83105 C +-7.15137 3.81348 -7.20996 3.7959 -7.26367 3.78125 c +-7.35742 3.75098 -7.44434 3.72168 -7.55078 3.69434 C +-8.91016 4.34863 -10.7148 5.2998 v +-10.834 5.3623 -10.9512 5.42578 -11.0742 5.49121 c +-12.71 6.3623 -14.6387 7.44336 -16.2539 8.50293 c +-18.1738 9.76465 -19.6309 10.9854 -19.6094 11.7773 c +-19.5996 12.1357 -19.2949 12.4072 -18.5723 12.5479 C +-15.6387 11.2861 -12.6299 9.7041 V +-10.5059 8.1377 -8.08203 6.55469 -6.59961 5.61133 C +-6.53906 5.5332 -6.47949 5.45508 -6.43066 5.37988 C +f +0.00885 0.504875 0.439429 0.000671 0.945098 0.596078 0.517647 Xa +-15.1787 14.3545 m +-14.3203 13.9346 -13.0996 13.2568 v +-11.2109 12.21 -8.45313 10.5479 -6.62988 8.85645 c +-6.60352 8.83105 -6.57715 8.80957 -6.55078 8.78613 C +-6.01172 7.99219 -5.56348 7.3418 -5.26953 6.9209 C +-5.69727 6.4873 -6.06641 5.99902 -6.37793 5.4707 C +-6.44727 5.51563 -6.52344 5.56152 -6.59961 5.61133 c +-8.08203 6.55469 -10.5059 8.1377 -12.6299 9.7041 c +-12.9219 9.9209 -13.2109 10.1377 -13.4902 10.3525 c +-16.4688 12.6445 -18.3906 14.6943 -15.1787 14.3545 C +f +0.010529 0.592309 0.518242 0.000092 0.933333 0.517647 0.439216 Xa +-4.01367 7.93555 m +-4.46875 7.64453 -4.89063 7.30469 -5.26953 6.9209 C +-5.56348 7.3418 -6.01172 7.99219 -6.55078 8.78613 c +-6.58008 8.82715 -6.60938 8.87109 -6.63867 8.91211 c +-7.56836 10.2822 -8.73828 12.0361 -9.82422 13.751 c +-12.5723 18.0918 -14.7461 22.1445 -10.9219 18.8311 C +-8.57715 16.3887 -6.61719 13.6357 V +-5.59473 11.3779 -4.52539 9.22559 -4.02344 8.22949 C +-4.01758 8.12793 -4.01074 8.03027 -4.01367 7.93555 C +f +-3.91016 8.00098 m +-3.94434 8.06543 -3.9834 8.14258 -4.02344 8.22949 c +-4.52539 9.22559 -5.59473 11.3779 -6.61719 13.6357 c +-8.61914 18.0449 -10.4375 22.8203 -7.45898 19.999 C +-6.10938 18.915 -4.6543 16.4463 v +-3.60938 14.6729 -2.51953 12.1738 -1.82422 8.8623 C +-2.57715 8.6875 -3.27539 8.39258 -3.91016 8.00098 C +f +0.014282 0.702541 0.579614 0.00119 0.917647 0.415686 0.368627 Xa +0.370117 9.45996 m +0.328125 9.31348 0.28125 9.17383 0.230469 9.03418 C +-0.154297 9.05859 -0.542969 9.06055 -0.9375 9.01855 C +-1.78711 11.5791 -3.50781 17.1719 -3.51172 20.4736 c +-3.51367 22.1982 -3.04883 23.2959 -1.74609 23.0127 C +0.099609 18.8721 0.626953 14.585 V +0.333984 12.5459 0.333984 10.6064 0.370117 9.45996 C +f +0.010529 0.592309 0.518242 0.000092 0.933333 0.517647 0.439216 Xa +2.5332 8.50195 m +1.85547 8.78613 1.13672 8.96387 0.387695 9.02637 C +0.382813 9.1543 0.376953 9.2998 0.370117 9.45996 c +0.333984 10.6064 0.333984 12.5459 0.626953 14.585 c +1.00586 17.2383 1.87305 20.0537 3.78613 21.4941 C +4.30273 21.1357 4.49219 19.623 v +4.71094 17.874 4.48828 14.5791 2.5332 8.50195 C +f +0.00885 0.504875 0.439429 0.000671 0.945098 0.596078 0.517647 Xa +9.19336 11.3242 m +9.02344 11.082 8.84863 10.8418 8.66992 10.6006 C +6.94141 8.93164 5.50293 7.44043 4.94531 6.85449 C +4.27734 7.54004 3.48438 8.09277 2.61133 8.47266 C +3.21289 9.5127 5.10156 12.6943 7.16406 15.2324 c +9.21094 17.7559 11.4229 19.6318 12.7129 18.1396 c +12.7324 18.1152 12.7549 18.0996 12.7754 18.0752 C +11.5527 14.7021 9.19336 11.3242 v +f +0.010529 0.592309 0.518242 0.000092 0.933333 0.517647 0.439216 Xa +6.4043 4.70996 m +6.03711 5.5127 5.54492 6.24023 4.94531 6.85449 C +5.50293 7.44043 6.94141 8.93164 8.66992 10.6006 c +8.93652 10.8594 9.20898 11.1211 9.48828 11.3857 c +11.4648 13.2559 13.666 15.1846 15.3027 16.207 c +16.8984 17.2021 17.9609 17.335 17.7461 15.6895 C +17.582 15.376 17.2754 14.8545 v +16.5977 13.7021 15.2129 11.5254 13.3594 9.40625 c +12.3691 8.27539 11.2539 7.16309 10.0273 6.23828 C +8.5332 5.62305 7.25 5.06348 6.41992 4.69141 C +6.4043 4.70996 L +f +0.014282 0.702541 0.579614 0.00119 0.917647 0.415686 0.368627 Xa +6.95313 3.00879 m +6.83789 3.60059 6.65234 4.16016 6.41406 4.68945 C +6.41406 4.69043 6.41797 4.69141 6.41992 4.69141 c +7.25 5.06348 8.5332 5.62305 10.0273 6.23828 c +15.0898 8.32227 22.5234 10.999 22.541 8.76855 C +21.4844 6.92871 17.8457 5.3623 v +17.3242 5.13574 16.75 4.91797 16.1221 4.71094 C +6.95313 3.00879 L +f +0.01529 0.77731 0.613703 0.000793 0.909804 0.337255 0.32549 Xa +2.69531 -5.34863 m +2.77148 -5.31543 2.8457 -5.27637 2.92188 -5.23926 C +3.9668 -8.10938 6.03711 -14.0361 5.87305 -15.5918 c +5.83008 -15.999 5.63574 -16.1113 5.22852 -15.7842 C +5.16016 -15.5127 5.04688 -15.0713 v +4.66602 -13.5625 3.75391 -9.9209 3.04883 -6.89453 c +2.92285 -6.35449 2.80371 -5.83398 2.69531 -5.34863 C +f +*u +1 D +0.743221 0.648188 0.629023 0.813504 0.113725 0.113725 0.105882 Xa +7.04102 0.587891 m +7.03809 0.571289 7.03711 0.554688 7.03418 0.539063 c +6.93652 -0.231445 6.72461 -0.96582 6.41406 -1.64746 c +6.05859 -2.43066 5.57813 -3.14551 4.98926 -3.75293 c +4.98438 -3.75977 4.97852 -3.76465 4.97168 -3.77051 c +4.72852 -4.02246 4.46094 -4.25293 4.18164 -4.46582 c +3.79004 -4.76465 3.36914 -5.02539 2.92188 -5.23926 c +2.8457 -5.27637 2.77148 -5.31543 2.69531 -5.34863 c +2.67773 -5.35547 2.65625 -5.3623 2.63574 -5.37109 c +2.00586 -5.6377 1.32813 -5.82227 0.615234 -5.89453 c +0.436523 -5.91406 0.263672 -5.91797 0.089844 -5.9209 c +-0.669922 -5.94531 -1.4082 -5.84863 -2.10938 -5.6416 c +-2.11328 -5.6416 -2.11914 -5.6377 -2.125 -5.6377 c +-2.60938 -5.49414 -3.07422 -5.30176 -3.51367 -5.0625 c +-3.55859 -5.04004 -3.60156 -5.01465 -3.64453 -4.99023 c +-4.16797 -4.69043 -4.65039 -4.32422 -5.08789 -3.90332 c +-5.0957 -3.89941 -5.10352 -3.89063 -5.1123 -3.88477 c +-5.38184 -3.62402 -5.63086 -3.34082 -5.86035 -3.04004 c +-6.19629 -2.59961 -6.48438 -2.12012 -6.7207 -1.60645 c +-7.01953 -0.952148 -7.23145 -0.244141 -7.33984 0.50293 c +-7.35156 0.59375 -7.37109 0.683594 -7.38184 0.777344 c +-7.38281 0.786133 -7.38477 0.795898 -7.38672 0.808594 c +-7.43945 1.31055 -7.43945 1.80566 -7.39941 2.29004 c +-7.39063 2.37988 -7.375 2.46973 -7.36426 2.55859 c +-7.31836 2.93262 -7.24609 3.2998 -7.14844 3.65527 c +-7.13379 3.71191 -7.11719 3.77344 -7.10156 3.83105 c +-6.93555 4.37598 -6.70703 4.89258 -6.43066 5.37988 c +-6.41406 5.4082 -6.39648 5.44043 -6.37793 5.4707 c +-6.06641 5.99902 -5.69727 6.4873 -5.26953 6.9209 c +-4.89063 7.30469 -4.46875 7.64453 -4.01367 7.93555 c +-3.97949 7.95898 -3.94531 7.98145 -3.91016 8.00098 c +-3.27539 8.39258 -2.57715 8.6875 -1.82422 8.8623 c +-1.53711 8.92871 -1.24219 8.9873 -0.939453 9.01855 c +-0.9375 9.01855 l +-0.542969 9.06055 -0.154297 9.05859 0.230469 9.03418 c +0.282227 9.03125 0.333984 9.03125 0.387695 9.02637 c +1.13672 8.96387 1.85547 8.78613 2.5332 8.50195 c +2.55859 8.49121 2.58594 8.48145 2.61133 8.47266 c +3.48438 8.09277 4.27734 7.54004 4.94531 6.85449 c +5.54492 6.24023 6.03711 5.5127 6.4043 4.70996 c +6.40527 4.70215 6.41016 4.69824 6.41406 4.68945 c +6.65234 4.16016 6.83789 3.60059 6.95313 3.00879 c +6.99805 2.78125 7.03711 2.54785 7.06055 2.31348 c +7.10742 1.87598 7.10742 1.44336 7.08008 1.0166 c +7.07813 0.977539 7.07813 0.9375 7.07324 0.897461 c +7.06641 0.793945 7.05469 0.69043 7.04102 0.587891 c +f +*U +u +1 Ap +0 D +0.191653 0.388464 0.961883 0.078523 0.788235 0.588235 0.101961 Xa +6.82813 1.34082 m +5.91602 2.53223 L +6.3877 3.97656 L +5.6875 5.0752 L +4.51953 5.72266 L +3.50586 6.32031 L +2.97266 7.81348 L +1.68262 8.0918 L +0.611328 7.85254 L +-0.129883 7.53125 L +-1.4248 7.91504 L +-2.49609 7.19336 L +-4.00977 7.38184 L +-4.74121 6.23242 L +-5.58691 5.32617 L +-6.20117 4.24707 L +-6.93555 3.16309 L +-6.81836 2.09863 L +-6.66895 1.34082 L +-6.89063 0.008789 L +-6.30176 -1.15527 L +-5.60547 -2.17773 L +-5.17773 -3.4209 L +-4.06152 -4.04688 L +-2.8457 -4.33301 L +-1.80078 -4.89648 L +-0.852539 -5.06152 L +-0.129883 -4.84277 L +1.11621 -4.98535 L +2.35938 -4.8125 L +3.74023 -4.68262 L +4.36914 -3.42871 L +5.28125 -2.60742 L +6.30371 -1.73926 L +6.63477 -0.469727 L +6.23633 0.621094 L +6.82813 1.34082 L +f +U +0 0 Xd +6 () XW +0 O +0.148074 0.268009 0.638117 0.028626 0.862745 0.721569 0.427451 Xa +4.53906 1.3418 m +4.53906 3.91895 2.44922 6.00977 -0.129883 6.00977 c +-2.70898 6.00977 -4.79883 3.91895 -4.79883 1.3418 c +-4.79883 -1.2373 -2.70898 -3.32813 -0.129883 -3.32813 c +2.44922 -3.32813 4.53906 -1.2373 4.53906 1.3418 c +f +0.095918 0.167697 0.394507 0.005707 0.917647 0.827451 0.654902 Xa +2.97266 1.3418 m +2.97266 3.05469 1.58398 4.44336 -0.129883 4.44336 c +-1.84375 4.44336 -3.23242 3.05469 -3.23242 1.3418 c +-3.23242 -0.37207 -1.84375 -1.76172 -0.129883 -1.76172 c +1.58398 -1.76172 2.97266 -0.37207 2.97266 1.3418 c +f +0 Ap +0.148074 0.268009 0.638117 0.028626 0.862745 0.721569 0.427451 Xa +4.91992 -0.042969 m +4.47656 -0.80957 L +4.91992 -1.57617 L +5.80469 -1.57617 L +6.24609 -0.80957 L +5.80469 -0.042969 L +4.91992 -0.042969 L +f +3.73242 4.50586 m +3.29102 3.74023 L +3.73242 2.97461 L +4.61719 2.97461 L +5.06055 3.74023 L +4.61719 4.50586 L +3.73242 4.50586 L +f +0.171875 4.11035 m +-0.269531 3.34473 L +0.171875 2.5791 L +1.05664 2.5791 L +1.5 3.34473 L +1.05664 4.11035 L +0.171875 4.11035 L +f +-0.619141 -0.834961 m +-1.06152 -1.60254 L +-0.619141 -2.36816 L +0.265625 -2.36816 L +0.707031 -1.60254 L +0.265625 -0.834961 L +-0.619141 -0.834961 L +f +-2.53906 -3.18359 m +-2.98242 -3.94824 L +-2.53906 -4.71582 L +-1.6543 -4.71582 L +-1.21289 -3.94824 L +-1.6543 -3.18359 L +-2.53906 -3.18359 L +f +-5.50684 -1.2041 m +-5.94922 -1.97168 L +-5.50684 -2.73828 L +-4.62207 -2.73828 L +-4.17969 -1.97168 L +-4.62207 -1.2041 L +-5.50684 -1.2041 L +f +-5.30859 2.94824 m +-5.75195 2.18066 L +-5.30859 1.41504 L +-4.42383 1.41504 L +-3.98242 2.18066 L +-4.42383 2.94824 L +-5.30859 2.94824 L +f +-5.93848 3.36914 m +-6.38086 2.60254 L +-5.93848 1.83496 L +-5.05371 1.83496 L +-4.61133 2.60254 L +-5.05371 3.36914 L +-5.93848 3.36914 L +f +-4.48242 5.09961 m +-4.92383 4.33398 L +-4.48242 3.56738 L +-3.59766 3.56738 L +-3.1543 4.33398 L +-3.59766 5.09961 L +-4.48242 5.09961 L +f +-1.31641 3.91211 m +-1.75977 3.14551 L +-1.31641 2.37988 L +-0.431641 2.37988 L +0.009766 3.14551 L +-0.431641 3.91211 L +-1.31641 3.91211 L +f +0.462891 0.946289 m +0.021484 0.180664 L +0.462891 -0.584961 L +1.34766 -0.584961 L +1.79102 0.180664 L +1.34766 0.946289 L +0.462891 0.946289 L +f +2.44141 3.71582 m +1.99805 2.94922 L +2.44141 2.18262 L +3.32617 2.18262 L +3.76855 2.94922 L +3.32617 3.71582 L +2.44141 3.71582 L +f +2.24414 -0.637695 m +1.80078 -1.40332 L +2.24414 -2.16895 L +3.12891 -2.16895 L +3.57031 -1.40332 L +3.12891 -0.637695 L +2.24414 -0.637695 L +f +U +9 () XW +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_; +%_ +9 () XW +%AI10_EndSymbol +%AI14_BeginSymbol +(Leuchtendes Orange) 0 A +0 Xw +u +u +1 Ap +0 O +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +12.1064 -0.000977 m +12.1064 6.68408 6.68555 12.106 0 12.106 c +-6.68652 12.106 -12.1064 6.68408 -12.1064 -0.000977 c +-12.1064 -6.68652 -6.68652 -12.1064 0 -12.1064 c +6.68555 -12.1064 12.1064 -6.68652 12.1064 -0.000977 c +Bb +1 (Unnamed gradient 42) 0 0 90 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +-0.000001 24.2124 28.2128 0.000001 -7905.1064 7878.894 Xm +-0.000001 27.2124 28.2128 0.000001 -7905.1064 7851.6816 Bc +-0.000001 14.9627 28.2128 0.000001 -7905.1064 7878.894 Bm +0 0.272051 28.2128 0.000001 -7905.1064 7893.8569 Bm +0 8.56957 28.2128 0.000001 -7905.1064 7894.1289 Bm +-0.000001 27.2124 28.2128 0.000001 -7905.1064 7902.6982 Bc +f +0 BB +12.1064 -0.000977 m +12.1064 6.68408 6.68555 12.106 0 12.106 c +-6.68652 12.106 -12.1064 6.68408 -12.1064 -0.000977 c +-12.1064 -6.68652 -6.68652 -12.1064 0 -12.1064 c +6.68555 -12.1064 12.1064 -6.68652 12.1064 -0.000977 c +Bb +1 (Unnamed gradient 10) 0 0 90 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +-0.000001 24.2124 28.2128 0.000001 -7905.1064 7878.894 Xm +-0.000001 27.2124 28.2128 0.000001 -7905.1064 7851.6816 Bc +-0.000001 14.9627 28.2128 0.000001 -7905.1064 7878.894 Bm +0 5.07979 28.2128 0.000001 -7905.1064 7893.8569 Bm +0 3.76183 28.2128 0.000001 -7905.1064 7898.9365 Bm +-0.000001 27.2124 28.2128 0.000001 -7905.1064 7902.6982 Bc +f +0 BB +2 0.7 0 0 0 Xy +12.1064 -0.000977 m +12.1064 6.68408 6.68555 12.106 0 12.106 c +-6.68652 12.106 -12.1064 6.68408 -12.1064 -0.000977 c +-12.1064 -6.68652 -6.68652 -12.1064 0 -12.1064 c +6.68555 -12.1064 12.1064 -6.68652 12.1064 -0.000977 c +Bb +1 (Unnamed gradient 8) 0 0 -90 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +-0.000001 -24.2124 -28.2128 0.000001 -7876.8936 7903.1064 Xm +-0.000001 -27.2124 -28.2128 0.000001 -7876.8936 7930.3188 Bc +0 -4.92231 -28.2128 0.000001 -7876.8936 7903.1064 Bm +0 -3.45891 -28.2128 0.000001 -7876.8936 7898.1841 Bm +0 -3.99105 -28.2128 0.000001 -7876.8936 7894.7251 Bm +-0.000001 -11.8401 -28.2128 0.000001 -7876.8936 7890.7339 Bm +-0.000001 -27.2124 -28.2128 0.000001 -7876.8936 7878.894 Bc +f +0 BB +u +*u +0 Ap +0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Xa +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 -10.3066 m +5.68311 -10.3066 10.3066 -5.68359 10.3066 -0.000977 C +10.3066 5.68213 5.68311 10.3062 0 10.3062 C +-5.68311 10.3062 -10.3066 5.68213 -10.3066 -0.000977 C +-10.3066 -5.68359 -5.68311 -10.3066 0 -10.3066 C +F +1 D +0 -12.1064 m +-6.68652 -12.1064 -12.1064 -6.68652 -12.1064 -0.000977 C +-12.1064 6.68408 -6.68652 12.106 0 12.106 C +6.68555 12.106 12.1064 6.68408 12.1064 -0.000977 C +12.1064 -6.68652 6.68555 -12.1064 0 -12.1064 C +0 -12.1064 L +f +*U +U +0 0.6 0 0 0 Xy +0 0 Xd +6 () XW +1 Ap +0 D +0 R +0.0065 0.4589 0.819943 0.000244 0.952941 0.611765 0.231373 XA +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +2 w 1 M 12.1064 -0.000977 m +12.1064 6.68408 6.68555 12.106 0 12.106 c +-6.68652 12.106 -12.1064 6.68408 -12.1064 -0.000977 c +-12.1064 -6.68652 -6.68652 -12.1064 0 -12.1064 c +6.68555 -12.1064 12.1064 -6.68652 12.1064 -0.000977 c +s +U +1 w 10 M 0 0 Xd +6 () XW +%_12.1064 -0.000977 m +%_12.1064 6.68408 6.68555 12.106 0 12.106 c +%_-6.68652 12.106 -12.1064 6.68408 -12.1064 -0.000977 c +%_-12.1064 -6.68652 -6.68652 -12.1064 0 -12.1064 c +%_6.68555 -12.1064 12.1064 -6.68652 12.1064 -0.000977 c +%_n +1 (Anon) XW +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_2 /Int (AI13PatternExportType) , +%_0 /Bool (AI13PatternEnableGuides) , +%_; +%_ +9 () XW +%AI10_EndSymbol +%AI14_BeginSymbol +(Prozessrechteck) 0 A +0 Xw +u +u +0 Ap +0 O +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +-20.7314 10.4146 m +-20.8004 10.4146 -20.8564 10.3586 -20.8564 10.2896 C +-20.8564 -10.29 L +-20.8564 -10.359 -20.8004 -10.415 -20.7314 -10.415 C +20.7295 -10.415 L +20.7985 -10.415 20.8545 -10.359 20.8545 -10.29 C +20.8545 10.2896 L +20.8545 10.3586 20.7985 10.4146 20.7295 10.4146 C +-20.7314 10.4146 L +Bb +1 (Unnamed gradient 1) 0 0 90 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +-0.000001 20.8296 45.7109 0.000002 -7913.8564 7880.5854 Xm +-0.000001 23.8306 45.7109 0.000002 -7913.8564 7856.7549 Bc +-0.000001 12.8722 45.7109 0.000002 -7913.8564 7880.5854 Bm +0 0.234042 45.7109 0.000002 -7913.8564 7893.4575 Bm +0 7.37228 45.7109 0.000002 -7913.8564 7893.6919 Bm +-0.000001 23.8306 45.7109 0.000002 -7913.8564 7901.064 Bc +f +0 BB +-20.7314 10.4146 m +-20.8004 10.4146 -20.8564 10.3586 -20.8564 10.2896 C +-20.8564 -10.29 L +-20.8564 -10.359 -20.8004 -10.415 -20.7314 -10.415 C +20.7295 -10.415 L +20.7985 -10.415 20.8545 -10.359 20.8545 -10.29 C +20.8545 10.2896 L +20.8545 10.3586 20.7985 10.4146 20.7295 10.4146 C +-20.7314 10.4146 L +Bb +1 (Unnamed gradient 21) 0 0 90 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +-0.000001 20.8296 45.7109 0.000002 -7913.8564 7880.5854 Xm +-0.000001 23.8306 45.7109 0.000002 -7913.8564 7856.7549 Bc +0 10.4148 45.7109 0.000002 -7913.8564 7880.5854 Bm +0 10.4148 45.7109 0.000002 -7913.8564 7891 Bm +-0.000001 23.8306 45.7109 0.000002 -7913.8564 7901.415 Bc +f +0 BB +2 0.51 0 0 0 Xy +-20.7314 10.4146 m +-20.8004 10.4146 -20.8564 10.3586 -20.8564 10.2896 C +-20.8564 -10.29 L +-20.8564 -10.359 -20.8004 -10.415 -20.7314 -10.415 C +20.7295 -10.415 L +20.7985 -10.415 20.8545 -10.359 20.8545 -10.29 C +20.8545 10.2896 L +20.8545 10.3586 20.7985 10.4146 20.7295 10.4146 C +-20.7314 10.4146 L +Bb +0 0 0 0 Bh +1 (Unnamed gradient 19) 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0.5 Bg +16.4836 0 0 -8.2418 -7891.001 7891 Bm +f +0 BB +2 0.7 0 0 0 Xy +-20.7314 10.4146 m +-20.8004 10.4146 -20.8564 10.3586 -20.8564 10.2896 C +-20.8564 -10.29 L +-20.8564 -10.359 -20.8004 -10.415 -20.7314 -10.415 C +20.7295 -10.415 L +20.7985 -10.415 20.8545 -10.359 20.8545 -10.29 C +20.8545 10.2896 L +20.8545 10.3586 20.7985 10.4146 20.7295 10.4146 C +-20.7314 10.4146 L +Bb +1 (Unnamed gradient 16) 0 0 -90 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +-0.000001 -20.8296 -45.7109 0.000002 -7868.1455 7901.415 Xm +-0.000001 -23.8306 -45.7109 0.000002 -7868.1455 7925.2456 Bc +0 -9.37332 -45.7109 0.000002 -7868.1455 7901.415 Bm +-0.000001 -11.4563 -45.7109 0.000002 -7868.1455 7892.0415 Bm +-0.000001 -23.8306 -45.7109 0.000002 -7868.1455 7880.5854 Bc +f +0 BB +u +*u +0.749172 0.600427 0 0 0.333333 0.403922 0.682353 Xa +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +20.7295 -10.29 m +20.7295 10.2896 L +-20.7314 10.2896 L +-20.7314 -10.29 L +20.7295 -10.29 L +F +1 D +20.7295 -10.54 m +-20.7314 -10.54 L +-20.8696 -10.54 -20.9814 -10.4282 -20.9814 -10.29 C +-20.9814 10.2896 L +-20.9814 10.4277 -20.8696 10.5396 -20.7314 10.5396 C +20.7295 10.5396 L +20.8677 10.5396 20.9795 10.4277 20.9795 10.2896 C +20.9795 -10.29 L +20.9795 -10.4282 20.8677 -10.54 20.7295 -10.54 C +20.7295 -10.54 L +f +*U +U +0 1 1 0 0 Xy +0 0 Xd +6 () XW +U +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 0 Xd +6 () XW +%_1 Ap +%_0 D +%_20.7295 10.2896 m +%_-20.7314 10.2896 L +%_-20.7314 -10.29 L +%_20.7295 -10.29 L +%_20.7295 10.2896 L +%_n +1 (Anon 195) XW +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_2 /Int (AI13PatternExportType) , +%_0 /Bool (AI13PatternEnableGuides) , +%_; +%_ +9 () XW +%AI10_EndSymbol +%AI14_BeginSymbol +(Schnittmarken \(9-Slice\)) 0 A +0 Xw +u +0 Ap +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +100 99.9995 m +-100 99.9995 L +-100 -100 L +100 -100 L +100 99.9995 L +n +0 O +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 ([Passermarken]) 0 1 Xz +-79 -118 m +-91 -118 l +-91 -130 l +-79 -130 l +-79 -118 L +f +0.764004 0.669215 0.607538 0.832273 0 0 0 ([Passermarken]) 0.1 1 Xz +-67 -118 m +-79 -118 l +-79 -130 l +-67 -130 l +-67 -118 L +f +0.690608 0.595209 0.559747 0.655817 0 0 0 ([Passermarken]) 0.2 1 Xz +-55 -118 m +-67 -118 l +-67 -130 l +-55 -130 l +-55 -118 L +f +0.621576 0.524865 0.504448 0.480934 0 0 0 ([Passermarken]) 0.3 1 Xz +-43 -118 m +-55 -118 l +-55 -130 l +-43 -130 l +-43 -118 L +f +0.559442 0.453803 0.448554 0.326848 0 0 0 ([Passermarken]) 0.4 1 Xz +-31 -118 m +-43 -118 l +-43 -130 l +-31 -130 l +-31 -118 L +f +0.493935 0.388128 0.386419 0.204318 0 0 0 ([Passermarken]) 0.5 1 Xz +-19 -118 m +-31 -118 l +-31 -130 l +-19 -130 l +-19 -118 L +f +0.410864 0.319738 0.323857 0.110109 0 0 0 ([Passermarken]) 0.6 1 Xz +-7 -118 m +-19 -118 l +-19 -130 l +-7 -130 l +-7 -118 L +f +0.327337 0.246494 0.256504 0.044678 0 0 0 ([Passermarken]) 0.7 1 Xz +5 -118 m +-7 -118 l +-7 -130 l +5 -130 l +5 -118 L +f +0.231479 0.170962 0.180972 0.008301 0 0 0 ([Passermarken]) 0.8 1 Xz +17 -118 m +5 -118 l +5 -130 l +17 -130 l +17 -118 L +f +0.119753 0.084596 0.094972 0 0 0 0 ([Passermarken]) 0.9 1 Xz +29 -118 m +17 -118 l +17 -130 l +29 -130 l +29 -118 L +f +0.75079 0.216068 0 0 0 0.623529 0.890196 Xa +-130 -91 m +-118 -91 l +-118 -79 l +-130 -79 l +-130 -91 L +f +0 R +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 ([Passermarken]) 0 1 XZ +0.5 w -130 -91 m +-118 -91 l +-118 -79 l +-130 -79 l +-130 -91 L +s +*u +0 O +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 ([Passermarken]) 0 1 Xz +1 w -123.7041 -85.6074 m +-123.6943 -85.6318 -123.6816 -85.6475 -123.6631 -85.6582 c +-123.6484 -85.668 -123.624 -85.6719 -123.5928 -85.6719 c +-123.5586 -85.6719 -123.5342 -85.666 -123.5215 -85.6475 c +-123.5078 -85.6328 -123.5 -85.5986 -123.5 -85.5488 c +-123.5 -85.458 -123.499 -85.375 -123.498 -85.2969 c +-123.4971 -85.2217 -123.4961 -85.1875 -123.4961 -85.1982 c +-123.4961 -85.1543 -123.5049 -85.127 -123.5186 -85.1094 c +-123.5322 -85.0947 -123.5576 -85.0898 -123.5977 -85.0898 c +-123.6572 -85.0898 -123.6953 -85.1309 -123.7148 -85.2148 c +-123.7197 -85.2432 -123.7266 -85.2607 -123.7285 -85.2773 c +-123.7451 -85.3428 -123.7881 -85.3994 -123.8516 -85.4434 c +-123.918 -85.4844 -123.9971 -85.5068 -124.083 -85.5068 c +-124.2451 -85.5068 -124.375 -85.4482 -124.4717 -85.3301 c +-124.5713 -85.2119 -124.6191 -85.0557 -124.6191 -84.8564 c +-124.6191 -84.6582 -124.5703 -84.498 -124.4697 -84.3799 c +-124.3721 -84.2627 -124.2422 -84.2031 -124.0791 -84.2031 c +-124.0254 -84.2031 -123.9727 -84.2119 -123.917 -84.2266 c +-123.8613 -84.2402 -123.8096 -84.2637 -123.7549 -84.2949 c +-123.7314 -84.3066 -123.6973 -84.3291 -123.6563 -84.3584 c +-123.6123 -84.3896 -123.5801 -84.4043 -123.5635 -84.4043 c +-123.5342 -84.4043 -123.5098 -84.3945 -123.4922 -84.377 c +-123.4717 -84.3574 -123.4619 -84.334 -123.4619 -84.3076 c +-123.4619 -84.2813 -123.4727 -84.2529 -123.4941 -84.2285 c +-123.5166 -84.2041 -123.5547 -84.1719 -123.6133 -84.1357 c +-123.6914 -84.0859 -123.7666 -84.0498 -123.8457 -84.0264 c +-123.9209 -84.0029 -124.0029 -83.9912 -124.0908 -83.9912 c +-124.3154 -83.9912 -124.501 -84.0713 -124.6465 -84.2285 c +-124.7949 -84.3887 -124.8672 -84.5908 -124.8672 -84.8389 c +-124.8672 -85.084 -124.7939 -85.2891 -124.6445 -85.4492 c +-124.4951 -85.6123 -124.3076 -85.6934 -124.083 -85.6934 c +-124.0234 -85.6934 -123.9629 -85.6875 -123.8984 -85.6709 c +-123.8369 -85.6572 -123.7734 -85.6348 -123.7041 -85.6074 c +f +*U +0.008942 0.971435 0.039033 0 0.901961 0 0.494118 Xa +-130 -79 m +-118 -79 l +-118 -67 l +-130 -67 l +-130 -79 L +f +0 R +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 ([Passermarken]) 0 1 XZ +0.5 w -130 -79 m +-118 -79 l +-118 -67 l +-130 -67 l +-130 -79 L +s +*u +0 O +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 ([Passermarken]) 0 1 Xz +1 w -124.1309 -72.7041 m +-123.8369 -73.5596 l +-123.8252 -73.5898 -123.8086 -73.6133 -123.7861 -73.6299 c +-123.7637 -73.6445 -123.7305 -73.6523 -123.6875 -73.6523 c +-123.4639 -73.6523 l +-123.4355 -73.6523 -123.4131 -73.6436 -123.3994 -73.6289 c +-123.3818 -73.6113 -123.377 -73.5879 -123.377 -73.5596 c +-123.377 -73.5244 -123.3867 -73.501 -123.4033 -73.4883 c +-123.4229 -73.4727 -123.458 -73.4678 -123.5068 -73.4678 c +-123.5293 -73.4678 l +-123.4922 -72.2236 l +-123.46 -72.2236 l +-123.4004 -72.2236 -123.3594 -72.2158 -123.3408 -72.2031 c +-123.3203 -72.1904 -123.3096 -72.166 -123.3096 -72.1299 c +-123.3096 -72.0967 -123.3184 -72.0723 -123.334 -72.0537 c +-123.3525 -72.0381 -123.376 -72.0293 -123.4053 -72.0293 c +-123.79 -72.0293 l +-123.8438 -72.0293 -123.8799 -72.0381 -123.8975 -72.0518 c +-123.917 -72.0654 -123.9277 -72.0938 -123.9277 -72.1299 c +-123.9277 -72.165 -123.916 -72.1895 -123.8926 -72.2021 c +-123.8701 -72.2158 -123.8252 -72.2236 -123.7627 -72.2236 c +-123.7041 -72.2236 l +-123.7314 -73.3984 l +-124.001 -72.6123 l +-124.0146 -72.5752 -124.0332 -72.5469 -124.0508 -72.5322 c +-124.0723 -72.5186 -124.1035 -72.5107 -124.1426 -72.5107 c +-124.1797 -72.5107 -124.21 -72.5186 -124.2314 -72.5332 c +-124.249 -72.5469 -124.2676 -72.5762 -124.2803 -72.6123 c +-124.5537 -73.3984 l +-124.5781 -72.2236 l +-124.4883 -72.2236 l +-124.4336 -72.2236 -124.3965 -72.2148 -124.374 -72.2012 c +-124.3516 -72.1875 -124.3408 -72.1602 -124.3408 -72.1299 c +-124.3408 -72.0938 -124.3506 -72.0654 -124.3711 -72.0518 c +-124.3887 -72.0381 -124.4248 -72.0293 -124.4795 -72.0293 c +-124.8633 -72.0293 l +-124.8926 -72.0293 -124.917 -72.0381 -124.9346 -72.0537 c +-124.9492 -72.0713 -124.958 -72.0957 -124.958 -72.1299 c +-124.958 -72.166 -124.9482 -72.1904 -124.9268 -72.2031 c +-124.9063 -72.2158 -124.8672 -72.2236 -124.8086 -72.2236 c +-124.7773 -72.2236 l +-124.7383 -73.4678 l +-124.7607 -73.4678 l +-124.8105 -73.4678 -124.8447 -73.4727 -124.8652 -73.4883 c +-124.8828 -73.501 -124.8926 -73.5244 -124.8926 -73.5596 c +-124.8926 -73.5879 -124.8867 -73.6113 -124.8691 -73.6289 c +-124.8545 -73.6436 -124.832 -73.6523 -124.8047 -73.6523 c +-124.5781 -73.6523 l +-124.5371 -73.6523 -124.5049 -73.6445 -124.4824 -73.6299 c +-124.459 -73.6133 -124.4434 -73.5898 -124.4316 -73.5596 c +-124.1309 -72.7041 L +f +*U +0.045655 0 0.888395 0 1 0.929412 0 Xa +-130 -67 m +-118 -67 l +-118 -55 l +-130 -55 l +-130 -67 L +f +0 R +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 ([Passermarken]) 0 1 XZ +0.5 w -130 -67 m +-118 -67 l +-118 -55 l +-130 -55 l +-130 -67 L +s +*u +0 O +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 ([Passermarken]) 0 1 Xz +1 w -123.834 -60.2227 m +-123.7637 -60.2227 -123.7188 -60.2148 -123.6982 -60.2021 c +-123.6807 -60.1895 -123.6699 -60.165 -123.6699 -60.1289 c +-123.6699 -60.0889 -123.6807 -60.0635 -123.6982 -60.0498 c +-123.7188 -60.0361 -123.7568 -60.0283 -123.8164 -60.0283 c +-124.4668 -60.0283 l +-124.5264 -60.0283 -124.5645 -60.0361 -124.585 -60.0498 c +-124.6016 -60.0635 -124.6123 -60.0889 -124.6123 -60.1289 c +-124.6123 -60.165 -124.6016 -60.1895 -124.582 -60.2021 c +-124.5605 -60.2148 -124.5156 -60.2227 -124.4473 -60.2227 c +-124.249 -60.2227 l +-124.249 -60.6748 l +-124.7041 -61.4541 l +-124.7275 -61.4541 l +-124.7832 -61.4541 -124.8203 -61.46 -124.8408 -61.4766 c +-124.8594 -61.4902 -124.8691 -61.5156 -124.8691 -61.5518 c +-124.8691 -61.5859 -124.8633 -61.6104 -124.8447 -61.625 c +-124.8291 -61.6426 -124.8008 -61.6484 -124.7646 -61.6484 c +-124.7041 -61.6484 l +-124.3906 -61.6484 l +-124.3379 -61.6484 -124.3027 -61.6436 -124.2822 -61.6289 c +-124.2656 -61.6123 -124.2559 -61.5879 -124.2559 -61.5518 c +-124.2559 -61.5156 -124.2666 -61.4902 -124.2891 -61.4766 c +-124.3125 -61.46 -124.3516 -61.4541 -124.4102 -61.4541 c +-124.4561 -61.4541 l +-124.126 -60.8594 l +-123.7803 -61.4541 l +-123.8369 -61.4541 l +-123.8857 -61.4541 -123.9209 -61.46 -123.9404 -61.4766 c +-123.9609 -61.4902 -123.9678 -61.5156 -123.9678 -61.5518 c +-123.9678 -61.5889 -123.9619 -61.6172 -123.9434 -61.6309 c +-123.9287 -61.6436 -123.8857 -61.6484 -123.8213 -61.6484 c +-123.7861 -61.6484 l +-123.5684 -61.6484 l +-123.498 -61.6484 -123.4531 -61.6436 -123.4355 -61.6299 c +-123.415 -61.6133 -123.4053 -61.5879 -123.4053 -61.5518 c +-123.4053 -61.5156 -123.415 -61.4902 -123.4355 -61.4766 c +-123.4531 -61.46 -123.4932 -61.4541 -123.5459 -61.4541 c +-123.5684 -61.4541 l +-124.0342 -60.6572 l +-124.0342 -60.2227 l +-123.834 -60.2227 L +f +*U +0.996765 0.965789 0.0878 0.011505 0.192157 0.152941 0.513726 Xa +-130 -55 m +-118 -55 l +-118 -43 l +-130 -43 l +-130 -55 L +f +0 R +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 ([Passermarken]) 0 1 XZ +0.5 w -130 -55 m +-118 -55 l +-118 -43 l +-130 -43 l +-130 -55 L +s +*u +0 O +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 ([Passermarken]) 0 1 Xz +1 w -124.6768 -49.6074 m +-124.667 -49.6318 -124.6543 -49.6475 -124.6357 -49.6582 c +-124.6211 -49.668 -124.5967 -49.6719 -124.5654 -49.6719 c +-124.5313 -49.6719 -124.5068 -49.666 -124.4941 -49.6475 c +-124.4805 -49.6328 -124.4727 -49.5986 -124.4727 -49.5488 c +-124.4727 -49.458 -124.4717 -49.375 -124.4707 -49.2969 c +-124.4697 -49.2217 -124.4688 -49.1875 -124.4688 -49.1982 c +-124.4688 -49.1543 -124.4775 -49.127 -124.4912 -49.1094 c +-124.5049 -49.0947 -124.5303 -49.0898 -124.5703 -49.0898 c +-124.6299 -49.0898 -124.668 -49.1309 -124.6875 -49.2148 c +-124.6924 -49.2432 -124.6992 -49.2607 -124.7012 -49.2773 c +-124.7178 -49.3428 -124.7607 -49.3994 -124.8242 -49.4434 c +-124.8906 -49.4844 -124.9697 -49.5068 -125.0557 -49.5068 c +-125.2178 -49.5068 -125.3477 -49.4482 -125.4443 -49.3301 c +-125.5439 -49.2119 -125.5918 -49.0557 -125.5918 -48.8564 c +-125.5918 -48.6582 -125.543 -48.498 -125.4424 -48.3799 c +-125.3447 -48.2627 -125.2148 -48.2031 -125.0518 -48.2031 c +-124.998 -48.2031 -124.9453 -48.2119 -124.8896 -48.2266 c +-124.834 -48.2402 -124.7822 -48.2637 -124.7275 -48.2949 c +-124.7041 -48.3066 -124.6699 -48.3291 -124.6289 -48.3584 c +-124.585 -48.3896 -124.5527 -48.4043 -124.5361 -48.4043 c +-124.5068 -48.4043 -124.4824 -48.3945 -124.4648 -48.377 c +-124.4443 -48.3574 -124.4346 -48.334 -124.4346 -48.3076 c +-124.4346 -48.2813 -124.4453 -48.2529 -124.4668 -48.2285 c +-124.4893 -48.2041 -124.5273 -48.1719 -124.5859 -48.1357 c +-124.6641 -48.0859 -124.7393 -48.0498 -124.8184 -48.0264 c +-124.8936 -48.0029 -124.9756 -47.9912 -125.0635 -47.9912 c +-125.2881 -47.9912 -125.4736 -48.0713 -125.6191 -48.2285 c +-125.7676 -48.3887 -125.8398 -48.5908 -125.8398 -48.8389 c +-125.8398 -49.084 -125.7666 -49.2891 -125.6172 -49.4492 c +-125.4678 -49.6123 -125.2803 -49.6934 -125.0557 -49.6934 c +-124.9961 -49.6934 -124.9355 -49.6875 -124.8711 -49.6709 c +-124.8096 -49.6572 -124.7461 -49.6348 -124.6768 -49.6074 c +f +*U +*u +-123.4248 -48.7041 m +-123.1309 -49.5596 l +-123.1191 -49.5898 -123.0996 -49.6133 -123.0771 -49.6299 c +-123.0547 -49.6445 -123.0244 -49.6523 -122.9814 -49.6523 c +-122.7578 -49.6523 l +-122.7266 -49.6523 -122.707 -49.6436 -122.6904 -49.6289 c +-122.6758 -49.6113 -122.668 -49.5879 -122.668 -49.5596 c +-122.668 -49.5244 -122.6777 -49.501 -122.6973 -49.4883 c +-122.7139 -49.4727 -122.749 -49.4678 -122.8008 -49.4678 c +-122.8203 -49.4678 l +-122.7832 -48.2236 l +-122.7539 -48.2236 l +-122.6914 -48.2236 -122.6533 -48.2158 -122.6318 -48.2031 c +-122.6143 -48.1904 -122.6035 -48.166 -122.6035 -48.1299 c +-122.6035 -48.0967 -122.6094 -48.0723 -122.6279 -48.0537 c +-122.6436 -48.0381 -122.667 -48.0293 -122.6992 -48.0293 c +-123.084 -48.0293 l +-123.1348 -48.0293 -123.1709 -48.0381 -123.1914 -48.0518 c +-123.2109 -48.0654 -123.2188 -48.0938 -123.2188 -48.1299 c +-123.2188 -48.165 -123.207 -48.1895 -123.1836 -48.2021 c +-123.1641 -48.2158 -123.1191 -48.2236 -123.0537 -48.2236 c +-122.9951 -48.2236 l +-123.0254 -49.3984 l +-123.2949 -48.6123 l +-123.3086 -48.5752 -123.3242 -48.5469 -123.3447 -48.5322 c +-123.3662 -48.5186 -123.3945 -48.5107 -123.4365 -48.5107 c +-123.4736 -48.5107 -123.5039 -48.5186 -123.5225 -48.5332 c +-123.543 -48.5469 -123.5586 -48.5762 -123.5742 -48.6123 c +-123.8477 -49.3984 l +-123.8721 -48.2236 l +-123.7793 -48.2236 l +-123.7275 -48.2236 -123.6875 -48.2148 -123.668 -48.2012 c +-123.6455 -48.1875 -123.6348 -48.1602 -123.6348 -48.1299 c +-123.6348 -48.0938 -123.6445 -48.0654 -123.6621 -48.0518 c +-123.6826 -48.0381 -123.7188 -48.0293 -123.7734 -48.0293 c +-124.1543 -48.0293 l +-124.1865 -48.0293 -124.2109 -48.0381 -124.2256 -48.0537 c +-124.2432 -48.0713 -124.249 -48.0957 -124.249 -48.1299 c +-124.249 -48.166 -124.2422 -48.1904 -124.2207 -48.2031 c +-124.2002 -48.2158 -124.1611 -48.2236 -124.1025 -48.2236 c +-124.0713 -48.2236 l +-124.0322 -49.4678 l +-124.0547 -49.4678 l +-124.1045 -49.4678 -124.1387 -49.4727 -124.1563 -49.4883 c +-124.1768 -49.501 -124.1865 -49.5244 -124.1865 -49.5596 c +-124.1865 -49.5879 -124.1777 -49.6113 -124.1631 -49.6289 c +-124.1484 -49.6436 -124.126 -49.6523 -124.0957 -49.6523 c +-123.8721 -49.6523 l +-123.8281 -49.6523 -123.7988 -49.6445 -123.7764 -49.6299 c +-123.7529 -49.6133 -123.7344 -49.5898 -123.7227 -49.5596 c +-123.4248 -48.7041 L +f +*U +0.001648 0.996399 0.976776 0.001984 0.890196 0.023529 0.07451 Xa +-130 -43 m +-118 -43 l +-118 -31 l +-130 -31 l +-130 -43 L +f +0 R +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 ([Passermarken]) 0 1 XZ +0.5 w -130 -43 m +-118 -43 l +-118 -31 l +-130 -31 l +-130 -43 L +s +*u +0 O +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 ([Passermarken]) 0 1 Xz +1 w -125.1035 -36.7041 m +-124.8096 -37.5596 l +-124.7979 -37.5898 -124.7813 -37.6133 -124.7588 -37.6299 c +-124.7363 -37.6445 -124.7031 -37.6523 -124.6602 -37.6523 c +-124.4365 -37.6523 l +-124.4082 -37.6523 -124.3857 -37.6436 -124.3721 -37.6289 c +-124.3545 -37.6113 -124.3496 -37.5879 -124.3496 -37.5596 c +-124.3496 -37.5244 -124.3594 -37.501 -124.376 -37.4883 c +-124.3955 -37.4727 -124.4307 -37.4678 -124.4795 -37.4678 c +-124.502 -37.4678 l +-124.4648 -36.2236 l +-124.4326 -36.2236 l +-124.373 -36.2236 -124.332 -36.2158 -124.3135 -36.2031 c +-124.293 -36.1904 -124.2822 -36.166 -124.2822 -36.1299 c +-124.2822 -36.0967 -124.291 -36.0723 -124.3066 -36.0537 c +-124.3252 -36.0381 -124.3486 -36.0293 -124.3779 -36.0293 c +-124.7627 -36.0293 l +-124.8164 -36.0293 -124.8525 -36.0381 -124.8701 -36.0518 c +-124.8896 -36.0654 -124.9004 -36.0938 -124.9004 -36.1299 c +-124.9004 -36.165 -124.8887 -36.1895 -124.8652 -36.2021 c +-124.8428 -36.2158 -124.7979 -36.2236 -124.7354 -36.2236 c +-124.6768 -36.2236 l +-124.7041 -37.3984 l +-124.9736 -36.6123 l +-124.9873 -36.5752 -125.0059 -36.5469 -125.0234 -36.5322 c +-125.0449 -36.5186 -125.0762 -36.5107 -125.1152 -36.5107 c +-125.1523 -36.5107 -125.1826 -36.5186 -125.2041 -36.5332 c +-125.2217 -36.5469 -125.2402 -36.5762 -125.2529 -36.6123 c +-125.5264 -37.3984 l +-125.5508 -36.2236 l +-125.4609 -36.2236 l +-125.4063 -36.2236 -125.3691 -36.2148 -125.3467 -36.2012 c +-125.3242 -36.1875 -125.3135 -36.1602 -125.3135 -36.1299 c +-125.3135 -36.0938 -125.3232 -36.0654 -125.3438 -36.0518 c +-125.3613 -36.0381 -125.3975 -36.0293 -125.4521 -36.0293 c +-125.8359 -36.0293 l +-125.8652 -36.0293 -125.8896 -36.0381 -125.9072 -36.0537 c +-125.9219 -36.0713 -125.9307 -36.0957 -125.9307 -36.1299 c +-125.9307 -36.166 -125.9209 -36.1904 -125.8994 -36.2031 c +-125.8789 -36.2158 -125.8398 -36.2236 -125.7813 -36.2236 c +-125.75 -36.2236 l +-125.7109 -37.4678 l +-125.7334 -37.4678 l +-125.7832 -37.4678 -125.8174 -37.4727 -125.8379 -37.4883 c +-125.8555 -37.501 -125.8652 -37.5244 -125.8652 -37.5596 c +-125.8652 -37.5879 -125.8594 -37.6113 -125.8418 -37.6289 c +-125.8271 -37.6436 -125.8047 -37.6523 -125.7773 -37.6523 c +-125.5508 -37.6523 l +-125.5098 -37.6523 -125.4775 -37.6445 -125.4551 -37.6299 c +-125.4316 -37.6133 -125.416 -37.5898 -125.4043 -37.5596 c +-125.1035 -36.7041 L +f +*U +*u +-123.125 -36.2236 m +-123.0547 -36.2236 -123.0127 -36.2158 -122.9922 -36.2031 c +-122.9717 -36.1904 -122.9609 -36.166 -122.9609 -36.1299 c +-122.9609 -36.0898 -122.9717 -36.0645 -122.9922 -36.0508 c +-123.0127 -36.0371 -123.0508 -36.0293 -123.1104 -36.0293 c +-123.7578 -36.0293 l +-123.8203 -36.0293 -123.8584 -36.0371 -123.8789 -36.0508 c +-123.8955 -36.0645 -123.9063 -36.0898 -123.9063 -36.1299 c +-123.9063 -36.166 -123.8955 -36.1904 -123.873 -36.2031 c +-123.8516 -36.2158 -123.8096 -36.2236 -123.7412 -36.2236 c +-123.543 -36.2236 l +-123.543 -36.6758 l +-123.998 -37.4551 l +-124.0215 -37.4551 l +-124.0742 -37.4551 -124.1143 -37.4609 -124.1318 -37.4775 c +-124.1533 -37.4912 -124.1631 -37.5166 -124.1631 -37.5527 c +-124.1631 -37.5869 -124.1543 -37.6113 -124.1387 -37.6289 c +-124.1201 -37.6436 -124.0947 -37.6523 -124.0586 -37.6523 c +-123.998 -37.6523 l +-123.6846 -37.6523 l +-123.6289 -37.6523 -123.5938 -37.6445 -123.5762 -37.6299 c +-123.5566 -37.6133 -123.5469 -37.5889 -123.5469 -37.5527 c +-123.5469 -37.5166 -123.5576 -37.4912 -123.5801 -37.4775 c +-123.6035 -37.4609 -123.6455 -37.4551 -123.7041 -37.4551 c +-123.75 -37.4551 l +-123.417 -36.8604 l +-123.0742 -37.4551 l +-123.1309 -37.4551 l +-123.1797 -37.4551 -123.2148 -37.4609 -123.2344 -37.4775 c +-123.252 -37.4912 -123.2617 -37.5166 -123.2617 -37.5527 c +-123.2617 -37.5898 -123.2529 -37.6182 -123.2373 -37.6318 c +-123.2227 -37.6445 -123.1797 -37.6523 -123.1123 -37.6523 c +-123.0771 -37.6523 l +-122.8623 -37.6523 l +-122.792 -37.6523 -122.7471 -37.6445 -122.7266 -37.6309 c +-122.709 -37.6172 -122.6992 -37.5889 -122.6992 -37.5527 c +-122.6992 -37.5166 -122.709 -37.4912 -122.7266 -37.4775 c +-122.7471 -37.4609 -122.7842 -37.4551 -122.8398 -37.4551 c +-122.8623 -37.4551 l +-123.3281 -36.6582 l +-123.3281 -36.2236 l +-123.125 -36.2236 L +f +*U +0.838651 0.115511 0.962341 0.010986 0 0.588235 0.25098 Xa +-130 -31 m +-118 -31 l +-118 -19 l +-130 -19 l +-130 -31 L +f +0 R +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 ([Passermarken]) 0 1 XZ +0.5 w -130 -31 m +-118 -31 l +-118 -19 l +-130 -19 l +-130 -31 L +s +*u +0 O +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 ([Passermarken]) 0 1 Xz +1 w -124.6768 -25.6074 m +-124.667 -25.6318 -124.6543 -25.6475 -124.6357 -25.6582 c +-124.6211 -25.668 -124.5967 -25.6719 -124.5654 -25.6719 c +-124.5313 -25.6719 -124.5068 -25.666 -124.4941 -25.6475 c +-124.4805 -25.6328 -124.4727 -25.5986 -124.4727 -25.5488 c +-124.4727 -25.458 -124.4717 -25.375 -124.4707 -25.2998 c +-124.4697 -25.2217 -124.4688 -25.1875 -124.4688 -25.1982 c +-124.4688 -25.1543 -124.4775 -25.127 -124.4912 -25.1123 c +-124.5049 -25.0947 -124.5303 -25.0898 -124.5703 -25.0898 c +-124.6299 -25.0898 -124.668 -25.1309 -124.6875 -25.2158 c +-124.6924 -25.2432 -124.6992 -25.2607 -124.7012 -25.2773 c +-124.7178 -25.3428 -124.7607 -25.3994 -124.8242 -25.4434 c +-124.8906 -25.4844 -124.9697 -25.5068 -125.0557 -25.5068 c +-125.2178 -25.5068 -125.3477 -25.4482 -125.4443 -25.3301 c +-125.5439 -25.2119 -125.5918 -25.0557 -125.5918 -24.8564 c +-125.5918 -24.6582 -125.543 -24.498 -125.4424 -24.3799 c +-125.3447 -24.2627 -125.2148 -24.2031 -125.0518 -24.2031 c +-124.998 -24.2031 -124.9453 -24.2119 -124.8896 -24.2266 c +-124.834 -24.2402 -124.7822 -24.2637 -124.7275 -24.2949 c +-124.7041 -24.3066 -124.6699 -24.3291 -124.6289 -24.3584 c +-124.585 -24.3896 -124.5527 -24.4043 -124.5361 -24.4043 c +-124.5068 -24.4043 -124.4824 -24.3955 -124.4648 -24.377 c +-124.4443 -24.3574 -124.4346 -24.334 -124.4346 -24.3076 c +-124.4346 -24.2813 -124.4453 -24.2529 -124.4668 -24.2285 c +-124.4893 -24.2041 -124.5273 -24.1748 -124.5859 -24.1357 c +-124.6641 -24.0859 -124.7393 -24.0498 -124.8184 -24.0264 c +-124.8936 -24.0029 -124.9756 -23.9912 -125.0635 -23.9912 c +-125.2881 -23.9912 -125.4736 -24.0713 -125.6191 -24.2285 c +-125.7676 -24.3887 -125.8398 -24.5908 -125.8398 -24.8389 c +-125.8398 -25.084 -125.7666 -25.2891 -125.6172 -25.4492 c +-125.4678 -25.6123 -125.2803 -25.6934 -125.0557 -25.6934 c +-124.9961 -25.6934 -124.9355 -25.6875 -124.8711 -25.6709 c +-124.8096 -25.6572 -124.7461 -25.6348 -124.6768 -25.6074 c +f +*U +*u +-123.125 -24.2236 m +-123.0547 -24.2236 -123.0127 -24.2158 -122.9922 -24.2031 c +-122.9717 -24.1904 -122.9609 -24.166 -122.9609 -24.1299 c +-122.9609 -24.0908 -122.9717 -24.0645 -122.9922 -24.0508 c +-123.0127 -24.0371 -123.0508 -24.0293 -123.1104 -24.0293 c +-123.7578 -24.0293 l +-123.8203 -24.0293 -123.8584 -24.0371 -123.8789 -24.0508 c +-123.8955 -24.0645 -123.9063 -24.0908 -123.9063 -24.1299 c +-123.9063 -24.166 -123.8955 -24.1904 -123.873 -24.2031 c +-123.8516 -24.2158 -123.8096 -24.2236 -123.7412 -24.2236 c +-123.543 -24.2236 l +-123.543 -24.6768 l +-123.998 -25.4551 l +-124.0215 -25.4551 l +-124.0742 -25.4551 -124.1143 -25.4609 -124.1318 -25.4775 c +-124.1533 -25.4912 -124.1631 -25.5166 -124.1631 -25.5527 c +-124.1631 -25.5869 -124.1543 -25.6113 -124.1387 -25.6289 c +-124.1201 -25.6436 -124.0947 -25.6523 -124.0586 -25.6523 c +-123.998 -25.6523 l +-123.6846 -25.6523 l +-123.6289 -25.6523 -123.5938 -25.6445 -123.5762 -25.6299 c +-123.5566 -25.6133 -123.5469 -25.5889 -123.5469 -25.5527 c +-123.5469 -25.5166 -123.5576 -25.4912 -123.5801 -25.4775 c +-123.6035 -25.4609 -123.6455 -25.4551 -123.7041 -25.4551 c +-123.75 -25.4551 l +-123.417 -24.8604 l +-123.0742 -25.4551 l +-123.1309 -25.4551 l +-123.1797 -25.4551 -123.2148 -25.4609 -123.2344 -25.4775 c +-123.252 -25.4912 -123.2617 -25.5166 -123.2617 -25.5527 c +-123.2617 -25.5898 -123.2529 -25.6182 -123.2373 -25.6318 c +-123.2227 -25.6445 -123.1797 -25.6523 -123.1123 -25.6523 c +-123.0771 -25.6523 l +-122.8623 -25.6523 l +-122.792 -25.6523 -122.7471 -25.6445 -122.7266 -25.6309 c +-122.709 -25.6172 -122.6992 -25.5889 -122.6992 -25.5527 c +-122.6992 -25.5166 -122.709 -25.4912 -122.7266 -25.4775 c +-122.7471 -25.4609 -122.7842 -25.4551 -122.8398 -25.4551 c +-122.8623 -25.4551 l +-123.3281 -24.6582 l +-123.3281 -24.2236 l +-123.125 -24.2236 L +f +*U +0.682979 0.586877 0.579919 0.66952 0.196078 0.196078 0.188235 Xa +-130 -19 m +-118 -19 l +-118 -7 l +-130 -7 l +-130 -19 L +f +0 R +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 ([Passermarken]) 0 1 XZ +0.5 w -130 -19 m +-118 -19 l +-118 -7 l +-130 -7 l +-130 -19 L +s +*u +0 O +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 ([Passermarken]) 0 1 Xz +1 w -125.6494 -13.6074 m +-125.6396 -13.6318 -125.627 -13.6475 -125.6084 -13.6582 c +-125.5938 -13.668 -125.5693 -13.6748 -125.5381 -13.6748 c +-125.5039 -13.6748 -125.4795 -13.666 -125.4668 -13.6475 c +-125.4531 -13.6328 -125.4453 -13.5986 -125.4453 -13.5488 c +-125.4453 -13.458 -125.4443 -13.375 -125.4434 -13.2998 c +-125.4424 -13.2217 -125.4414 -13.1875 -125.4414 -13.1982 c +-125.4414 -13.1543 -125.4502 -13.127 -125.4639 -13.1123 c +-125.4775 -13.0947 -125.5029 -13.0898 -125.543 -13.0898 c +-125.6025 -13.0898 -125.6406 -13.1309 -125.6602 -13.2158 c +-125.665 -13.2432 -125.6719 -13.2607 -125.6738 -13.2773 c +-125.6904 -13.3428 -125.7334 -13.3994 -125.7969 -13.4434 c +-125.8633 -13.4873 -125.9424 -13.5068 -126.0283 -13.5068 c +-126.1904 -13.5068 -126.3203 -13.4482 -126.417 -13.3301 c +-126.5166 -13.2119 -126.5645 -13.0557 -126.5645 -12.8564 c +-126.5645 -12.6582 -126.5156 -12.498 -126.415 -12.3799 c +-126.3174 -12.2627 -126.1875 -12.2031 -126.0244 -12.2031 c +-125.9707 -12.2031 -125.918 -12.2119 -125.8623 -12.2266 c +-125.8066 -12.2402 -125.7549 -12.2637 -125.7002 -12.2949 c +-125.6768 -12.3066 -125.6426 -12.3291 -125.6016 -12.3584 c +-125.5576 -12.3896 -125.5254 -12.4043 -125.5088 -12.4043 c +-125.4795 -12.4043 -125.4551 -12.3955 -125.4375 -12.377 c +-125.417 -12.3574 -125.4072 -12.334 -125.4072 -12.3076 c +-125.4072 -12.2813 -125.418 -12.2529 -125.4395 -12.2285 c +-125.4619 -12.2041 -125.5 -12.1748 -125.5586 -12.1357 c +-125.6367 -12.0859 -125.7119 -12.0498 -125.791 -12.0264 c +-125.8662 -12.0029 -125.9482 -11.9912 -126.0361 -11.9912 c +-126.2607 -11.9912 -126.4463 -12.0713 -126.5918 -12.2285 c +-126.7402 -12.3887 -126.8125 -12.5908 -126.8125 -12.8389 c +-126.8125 -13.084 -126.7393 -13.2891 -126.5898 -13.4502 c +-126.4404 -13.6123 -126.2529 -13.6934 -126.0283 -13.6934 c +-125.9688 -13.6934 -125.9082 -13.6875 -125.8438 -13.6709 c +-125.7822 -13.6572 -125.7188 -13.6348 -125.6494 -13.6074 c +f +*U +*u +-124.3975 -12.7041 m +-124.1035 -13.5596 l +-124.0918 -13.5908 -124.0723 -13.6143 -124.0498 -13.6299 c +-124.0273 -13.6445 -123.9971 -13.6523 -123.9541 -13.6523 c +-123.7305 -13.6523 l +-123.6992 -13.6523 -123.6797 -13.6436 -123.6631 -13.6289 c +-123.6484 -13.6113 -123.6406 -13.5879 -123.6406 -13.5596 c +-123.6406 -13.5244 -123.6504 -13.501 -123.6699 -13.4883 c +-123.6865 -13.4736 -123.7217 -13.4678 -123.7734 -13.4678 c +-123.793 -13.4678 l +-123.7559 -12.2236 l +-123.7266 -12.2236 l +-123.6641 -12.2236 -123.626 -12.2158 -123.6045 -12.2031 c +-123.5869 -12.1904 -123.5762 -12.166 -123.5762 -12.1299 c +-123.5762 -12.0967 -123.582 -12.0723 -123.6006 -12.0537 c +-123.6162 -12.0381 -123.6396 -12.0293 -123.6719 -12.0293 c +-124.0566 -12.0293 l +-124.1074 -12.0293 -124.1436 -12.0381 -124.1641 -12.0518 c +-124.1836 -12.0654 -124.1914 -12.0938 -124.1914 -12.1299 c +-124.1914 -12.165 -124.1797 -12.1895 -124.1563 -12.2021 c +-124.1367 -12.2158 -124.0918 -12.2236 -124.0264 -12.2236 c +-123.9678 -12.2236 l +-123.998 -13.3984 l +-124.2676 -12.6123 l +-124.2813 -12.5752 -124.2969 -12.5498 -124.3174 -12.5322 c +-124.3389 -12.5186 -124.3672 -12.5107 -124.4092 -12.5107 c +-124.4463 -12.5107 -124.4766 -12.5186 -124.4951 -12.5332 c +-124.5156 -12.5498 -124.5313 -12.5762 -124.5469 -12.6123 c +-124.8203 -13.3984 l +-124.8447 -12.2236 l +-124.752 -12.2236 l +-124.7002 -12.2236 -124.6602 -12.2148 -124.6406 -12.2012 c +-124.6182 -12.1875 -124.6074 -12.1611 -124.6074 -12.1299 c +-124.6074 -12.0938 -124.6172 -12.0654 -124.6348 -12.0518 c +-124.6553 -12.0381 -124.6914 -12.0293 -124.7461 -12.0293 c +-125.127 -12.0293 l +-125.1592 -12.0293 -125.1836 -12.0381 -125.1982 -12.0537 c +-125.2158 -12.0713 -125.2217 -12.0957 -125.2217 -12.1299 c +-125.2217 -12.166 -125.2148 -12.1904 -125.1934 -12.2031 c +-125.1729 -12.2158 -125.1338 -12.2236 -125.0752 -12.2236 c +-125.0439 -12.2236 l +-125.0049 -13.4678 l +-125.0273 -13.4678 l +-125.0771 -13.4678 -125.1113 -13.4736 -125.1289 -13.4883 c +-125.1494 -13.501 -125.1592 -13.5244 -125.1592 -13.5596 c +-125.1592 -13.5879 -125.1504 -13.6113 -125.1357 -13.6289 c +-125.1211 -13.6436 -125.0986 -13.6523 -125.0684 -13.6523 c +-124.8447 -13.6523 l +-124.8008 -13.6523 -124.7715 -13.6445 -124.749 -13.6299 c +-124.7256 -13.6143 -124.707 -13.5908 -124.6953 -13.5596 c +-124.3975 -12.7041 L +f +*U +*u +-122.418 -12.2236 m +-122.3477 -12.2236 -122.3027 -12.2158 -122.2852 -12.2031 c +-122.2646 -12.1904 -122.2539 -12.166 -122.2539 -12.1299 c +-122.2539 -12.0908 -122.2646 -12.0645 -122.2852 -12.0508 c +-122.3027 -12.0371 -122.3438 -12.0293 -122.4033 -12.0293 c +-123.0508 -12.0293 l +-123.1104 -12.0293 -123.1484 -12.0371 -123.1689 -12.0508 c +-123.1885 -12.0645 -123.1992 -12.0908 -123.1992 -12.1299 c +-123.1992 -12.166 -123.1885 -12.1904 -123.166 -12.2031 c +-123.1445 -12.2158 -123.0996 -12.2236 -123.0313 -12.2236 c +-122.8359 -12.2236 l +-122.8359 -12.6768 l +-123.2881 -13.4551 l +-123.3115 -13.4551 l +-123.3672 -13.4551 -123.4043 -13.4639 -123.4248 -13.4775 c +-123.4463 -13.4912 -123.4531 -13.5166 -123.4531 -13.5527 c +-123.4531 -13.5869 -123.4473 -13.6113 -123.4287 -13.6289 c +-123.4131 -13.6436 -123.3877 -13.6523 -123.3516 -13.6523 c +-123.2881 -13.6523 l +-122.9775 -13.6523 l +-122.9219 -13.6523 -122.8867 -13.6445 -122.8662 -13.6299 c +-122.8496 -13.6143 -122.8398 -13.5889 -122.8398 -13.5527 c +-122.8398 -13.5166 -122.8506 -13.4912 -122.873 -13.4775 c +-122.8965 -13.4639 -122.9355 -13.4551 -122.9941 -13.4551 c +-123.04 -13.4551 l +-122.71 -12.8604 l +-122.3672 -13.4551 l +-122.4209 -13.4551 l +-122.4727 -13.4551 -122.5078 -13.4639 -122.5244 -13.4775 c +-122.5449 -13.4912 -122.5547 -13.5166 -122.5547 -13.5527 c +-122.5547 -13.5908 -122.5459 -13.6182 -122.5273 -13.6318 c +-122.5127 -13.6445 -122.4727 -13.6523 -122.4053 -13.6523 c +-122.3701 -13.6523 l +-122.1523 -13.6523 l +-122.082 -13.6523 -122.04 -13.6445 -122.0195 -13.6309 c +-121.999 -13.6172 -121.9922 -13.5889 -121.9922 -13.5527 c +-121.9922 -13.5166 -121.999 -13.4912 -122.0195 -13.4775 c +-122.04 -13.4639 -122.0771 -13.4551 -122.1328 -13.4551 c +-122.1523 -13.4551 l +-122.6182 -12.6582 l +-122.6182 -12.2236 l +-122.418 -12.2236 L +f +*U +0.743221 0.648188 0.629023 0.813504 0.113725 0.113725 0.105882 Xa +-130 -7 m +-118 -7 l +-118 4.99902 l +-130 4.99902 l +-130 -7 L +f +0 R +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 ([Passermarken]) 0 1 XZ +0.5 w -130 -7 m +-118 -7 l +-118 4.99902 l +-130 4.99902 l +-130 -7 L +s +*u +0 O +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 ([Passermarken]) 0 1 Xz +1 w -124.4131 -0.223633 m +-124.3203 -0.223633 l +-124.2686 -0.223633 -124.2314 -0.214844 -124.209 -0.201172 c +-124.1865 -0.1875 -124.1758 -0.161133 -124.1758 -0.129883 c +-124.1758 -0.09375 -124.1855 -0.06543 -124.2031 -0.051758 c +-124.2236 -0.038086 -124.2598 -0.029297 -124.3145 -0.029297 c +-124.7822 -0.029297 l +-124.8115 -0.029297 -124.835 -0.038086 -124.8525 -0.053711 c +-124.8672 -0.072266 -124.876 -0.09668 -124.876 -0.129883 c +-124.876 -0.161133 -124.8672 -0.1875 -124.8477 -0.201172 c +-124.8311 -0.214844 -124.7998 -0.223633 -124.7588 -0.223633 c +-124.7148 -0.223633 l +-124.625 -0.223633 l +-124.625 -1.45508 l +-124.7148 -1.45508 l +-124.7842 -1.45508 -124.8291 -1.46387 -124.8457 -1.47656 c +-124.8662 -1.49023 -124.876 -1.51563 -124.876 -1.55273 c +-124.876 -1.58496 -124.8672 -1.60938 -124.8525 -1.62793 c +-124.835 -1.64355 -124.8115 -1.65234 -124.7822 -1.65234 c +-124.3145 -1.65234 l +-124.2598 -1.65234 -124.2236 -1.64453 -124.2031 -1.62988 c +-124.1855 -1.61426 -124.1758 -1.58887 -124.1758 -1.55273 c +-124.1758 -1.5166 -124.1875 -1.49121 -124.2119 -1.47754 c +-124.2363 -1.46387 -124.2832 -1.45508 -124.3516 -1.45508 c +-124.4131 -1.45508 l +-124.4131 -0.897461 l +-123.8447 -1.45508 l +-123.8594 -1.45508 l +-123.8906 -1.45508 l +-123.9336 -1.45508 -123.9668 -1.46387 -123.9873 -1.47852 c +-124.0078 -1.49316 -124.0156 -1.51758 -124.0156 -1.55273 c +-124.0156 -1.58789 -124.0098 -1.6123 -123.9922 -1.62988 c +-123.9775 -1.64453 -123.9531 -1.65234 -123.918 -1.65234 c +-123.5166 -1.65234 l +-123.4844 -1.65234 -123.4609 -1.64355 -123.4453 -1.62793 c +-123.4268 -1.60938 -123 +endstream endobj 21 0 obj <>stream +.418 -1.58496 -123.418 -1.55273 c +-123.418 -1.5166 -123.4287 -1.49219 -123.4512 -1.47754 c +-123.4727 -1.46387 -123.5098 -1.45508 -123.5654 -1.45508 c +-123.5859 -1.45508 l +-124.1152 -0.942383 l +-124.0352 -0.927734 -123.957 -0.87793 -123.8838 -0.790039 c +-123.8105 -0.705078 -123.6953 -0.516602 -123.541 -0.223633 c +-123.5166 -0.223633 l +-123.459 -0.223633 -123.4219 -0.21582 -123.4014 -0.202148 c +-123.3818 -0.189453 -123.3711 -0.165039 -123.3711 -0.129883 c +-123.3711 -0.09668 -123.3809 -0.072266 -123.3984 -0.053711 c +-123.4131 -0.038086 -123.4365 -0.029297 -123.4688 -0.029297 c +-123.5996 -0.029297 l +-123.627 -0.029297 -123.6484 -0.03418 -123.6621 -0.039063 c +-123.6748 -0.046875 -123.6875 -0.060547 -123.7041 -0.083984 c +-123.71 -0.09668 -123.7627 -0.189453 -123.8555 -0.362305 c +-123.9072 -0.460938 l +-123.9648 -0.567383 -124.0225 -0.647461 -124.0801 -0.700195 c +-124.1377 -0.753906 -124.1982 -0.786133 -124.2617 -0.793945 c +-124.4131 -0.651367 l +-124.4131 -0.223633 L +f +*U +0 R +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 ([Passermarken]) 0 1 XZ +0.3 w 4 M -100 -154 m +-100 -118 L +S +-154 -100 m +-118 -100 L +S +-154 99.9995 m +-118 99.9995 L +S +-100 153.9995 m +-100 117.9995 L +S +100 -154 m +100 -118 L +S +154 -100 m +118 -100 L +S +154 99.9995 m +118 99.9995 L +S +100 153.9995 m +100 117.9995 L +S +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ([Passermarken]) 1 1 XZ +1.25 w 10 M -121 -127 m +-121 -123.6855 -123.6855 -121 -127 -121 c +-130.3145 -121 -133 -123.6855 -133 -127 c +-133 -130.3145 -130.3145 -133 -127 -133 c +-123.6855 -133 -121 -130.3145 -121 -127 C +s +-136 -127 m +-118 -127 L +S +-127 -136 m +-127 -118 L +S +-124 -127 m +-124 -125.3428 -125.3428 -124 -127 -124 c +-128.6572 -124 -130 -125.3428 -130 -127 c +-130 -128.6572 -128.6572 -130 -127 -130 c +-125.3428 -130 -124 -128.6572 -124 -127 C +s +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 ([Passermarken]) 0 1 XZ +0.25 w -121 -127 m +-121 -123.6855 -123.6855 -121 -127 -121 c +-130.3145 -121 -133 -123.6855 -133 -127 c +-133 -130.3145 -130.3145 -133 -127 -133 c +-123.6855 -133 -121 -130.3145 -121 -127 C +s +-136 -127 m +-118 -127 L +S +-127 -136 m +-127 -118 L +S +0 O +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 ([Passermarken]) 0 1 Xz +1 w -124 -127 m +-124 -125.3428 -125.3428 -124 -127 -124 c +-128.6572 -124 -130 -125.3428 -130 -127 c +-130 -128.6572 -128.6572 -130 -127 -130 c +-125.3428 -130 -124 -128.6572 -124 -127 C +F +0 R +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ([Passermarken]) 1 1 XZ +0.25 w -130 -127 m +-124 -127 L +S +-127 -130 m +-127 -124 L +S +1.25 w 133 -127 m +133 -123.6855 130.3145 -121 127 -121 c +123.6855 -121 121 -123.6855 121 -127 c +121 -130.3145 123.6855 -133 127 -133 c +130.3145 -133 133 -130.3145 133 -127 C +s +118 -127 m +136 -127 L +S +127 -136 m +127 -118 L +S +130 -127 m +130 -125.3428 128.6572 -124 127 -124 c +125.3428 -124 124 -125.3428 124 -127 c +124 -128.6572 125.3428 -130 127 -130 c +128.6572 -130 130 -128.6572 130 -127 C +s +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 ([Passermarken]) 0 1 XZ +0.25 w 133 -127 m +133 -123.6855 130.3145 -121 127 -121 c +123.6855 -121 121 -123.6855 121 -127 c +121 -130.3145 123.6855 -133 127 -133 c +130.3145 -133 133 -130.3145 133 -127 C +s +118 -127 m +136 -127 L +S +127 -136 m +127 -118 L +S +0 O +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 ([Passermarken]) 0 1 Xz +1 w 130 -127 m +130 -125.3428 128.6572 -124 127 -124 c +125.3428 -124 124 -125.3428 124 -127 c +124 -128.6572 125.3428 -130 127 -130 c +128.6572 -130 130 -128.6572 130 -127 C +F +0 R +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ([Passermarken]) 1 1 XZ +0.25 w 124 -127 m +130 -127 L +S +127 -130 m +127 -124 L +S +1.25 w -121 126.9995 m +-121 130.314 -123.6855 132.9995 -127 132.9995 c +-130.3145 132.9995 -133 130.314 -133 126.9995 c +-133 123.6851 -130.3145 120.9995 -127 120.9995 c +-123.6855 120.9995 -121 123.6851 -121 126.9995 C +s +-136 126.9995 m +-118 126.9995 L +S +-127 117.9995 m +-127 135.9995 L +S +-124 126.9995 m +-124 128.6577 -125.3428 129.9995 -127 129.9995 c +-128.6572 129.9995 -130 128.6577 -130 126.9995 c +-130 125.3433 -128.6572 123.9995 -127 123.9995 c +-125.3428 123.9995 -124 125.3433 -124 126.9995 C +s +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 ([Passermarken]) 0 1 XZ +0.25 w -121 126.9995 m +-121 130.314 -123.6855 132.9995 -127 132.9995 c +-130.3145 132.9995 -133 130.314 -133 126.9995 c +-133 123.6851 -130.3145 120.9995 -127 120.9995 c +-123.6855 120.9995 -121 123.6851 -121 126.9995 C +s +-136 126.9995 m +-118 126.9995 L +S +-127 117.9995 m +-127 135.9995 L +S +0 O +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 ([Passermarken]) 0 1 Xz +1 w -124 126.9995 m +-124 128.6577 -125.3428 129.9995 -127 129.9995 c +-128.6572 129.9995 -130 128.6577 -130 126.9995 c +-130 125.3433 -128.6572 123.9995 -127 123.9995 c +-125.3428 123.9995 -124 125.3433 -124 126.9995 C +F +0 R +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ([Passermarken]) 1 1 XZ +0.25 w -130 126.9995 m +-124 126.9995 L +S +-127 123.9995 m +-127 129.9995 L +S +1.25 w 133 126.9995 m +133 130.314 130.3145 132.9995 127 132.9995 c +123.6855 132.9995 121 130.314 121 126.9995 c +121 123.6851 123.6855 120.9995 127 120.9995 c +130.3145 120.9995 133 123.6851 133 126.9995 C +s +118 126.9995 m +136 126.9995 L +S +127 117.9995 m +127 135.9995 L +S +130 126.9995 m +130 128.6577 128.6572 129.9995 127 129.9995 c +125.3428 129.9995 124 128.6577 124 126.9995 c +124 125.3433 125.3428 123.9995 127 123.9995 c +128.6572 123.9995 130 125.3433 130 126.9995 C +s +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 ([Passermarken]) 0 1 XZ +0.25 w 133 126.9995 m +133 130.314 130.3145 132.9995 127 132.9995 c +123.6855 132.9995 121 130.314 121 126.9995 c +121 123.6851 123.6855 120.9995 127 120.9995 c +130.3145 120.9995 133 123.6851 133 126.9995 C +s +118 126.9995 m +136 126.9995 L +S +127 117.9995 m +127 135.9995 L +S +0 O +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 ([Passermarken]) 0 1 Xz +1 w 130 126.9995 m +130 128.6577 128.6572 129.9995 127 129.9995 c +125.3428 129.9995 124 128.6577 124 126.9995 c +124 125.3433 125.3428 123.9995 127 123.9995 c +128.6572 123.9995 130 125.3433 130 126.9995 C +F +0 R +0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ([Passermarken]) 1 1 XZ +0.25 w 124 126.9995 m +130 126.9995 L +S +127 123.9995 m +127 129.9995 L +S +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_5 /Int (AI13PatternRegistrationType) , +%_197.8555 231 110.5449 77 0 0 /RealMatrix +%_ (AI13Pattern9SliceScalingGridKey) , +%_1 /Int (AI13PatternExportType) , +%_1 /Bool (AI13PatternEnableGuides) , +%_0 /Bool (AI15PixelPerfectSymbolEnablekey) , +%_; +%_ +9 () XW +%AI10_EndSymbol +%AI14_BeginSymbol +(Vektorschmutz) 0 A +0 Xw +u +*u +0 O +0 g +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 1 XR +-11.3574 -86.7866 m +-10.793 -89.4727 -15.4346 -89.1089 -13.957 -86.7866 C +-12.5186 -86.9419 -12.3418 -86.3398 -11.3574 -86.7866 C +f +1 D +-12.6572 -68.2666 m +-11.2783 -67.8735 -9.88281 -67.8027 -10.707 -65.9917 C +-9.05078 -66.3726 -7.44141 -65.2837 -6.1582 -64.3677 C +-3.79492 -64.9385 -2.38281 -64.4775 -0.634766 -63.7188 C +0.092773 -66.4565 2.7998 -67.2148 4.8877 -68.5928 C +4.33496 -70.1587 4.71777 -71.4795 6.18848 -71.8408 C +6.63086 -75.0127 4.25098 -76.2808 5.53906 -79.3145 C +2.26563 -80.0469 1.27246 -83.0615 -1.28516 -84.5127 C +-1.54395 -83.7969 -1.93652 -83.2158 -2.90918 -83.2129 C +-3.79004 -83.4155 -3.71875 -84.5708 -4.85938 -84.5127 C +-5.29688 -82.9834 -7.01074 -82.5635 -8.75781 -83.2129 C +-9.75781 -80.9639 -11.4736 -79.4307 -13.6309 -78.3398 C +-11.9395 -76.8096 -13.7754 -74.4907 -14.6064 -73.4658 C +-13.9512 -71.3237 -12.3818 -70.8555 -12.6572 -68.2666 C +f +42.5791 -77.6885 m +45.6094 -76.7646 48.2686 -78.8965 48.4277 -81.9136 C +45.8135 -82.4434 42.8291 -80.8945 42.2539 -78.3398 C +42.5068 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+76.6953 -2.95801 m +77.5898 -1.7959 80.2607 -2.29883 80.2695 -3.93311 C +79.5303 -5.62207 76.6504 -4.80811 76.6953 -2.95801 C +f +-34.751 51.9531 m +-36.1426 51.752 -36.0762 53.0103 -37.3516 52.9272 C +-38.8779 52.397 -39.0049 50.4663 -39.624 49.0283 C +-40.9492 48.7871 -40.7441 50.0752 -42.2246 49.6792 C +-43.1924 49.2373 -43.5732 48.2109 -44.1738 47.4043 C +-47.1523 47.998 -47.8145 46.2793 -49.373 45.4541 C +-49.9424 45.9673 -50.0459 46.9463 -50.9971 47.0791 C +-54.1035 45.7832 -54.4688 49.8662 -57.8203 48.3779 C +-58.8926 52.085 -61.7568 54.1812 -65.9434 53.9023 C +-66.0586 55.8594 -63.748 55.3882 -63.3438 56.8271 C +-62.7783 59.666 -64.377 60.3423 -64.6445 62.3501 C +-63.5605 64.1689 -62.7607 66.8403 -62.3691 70.1484 C +-60.6885 70.0923 -60.3916 71.4199 -59.7695 72.4224 C +-58.0381 72.207 -56.9258 72.6113 -56.5215 73.7222 C +-56.166 75.4854 -57.1768 75.8823 -57.1709 77.2959 C +-55.6338 76.5581 -54.4297 75.4873 -52.2959 75.3472 C +-50.8623 76.4023 -49.9131 77.9463 -46.7734 77.2959 C +-46.5967 76.2822 -45.999 75.687 -45.1484 75.3472 C +-44.1582 75.7632 -44.2793 77.293 -42.874 77.2959 C +-41.7959 76.6504 -43.4063 73.6094 -41.25 73.397 C +-39.8867 73.335 -40.2451 74.9922 -38.6504 74.6973 C +-38.2949 73.209 -38.2949 72.6113 -38.6504 71.123 C +-36.5146 69.8042 -36.041 72.7261 -34.751 72.0981 C +-34.7578 70.6953 -36.3701 70.9004 -36.376 69.498 C +-34.8945 67.4961 -36.8584 63.6709 -34.751 62.0254 C +-33.3076 61.3022 -28.6191 63.0171 -26.6279 61.375 C +-33.1543 63.166 -38.3291 57.3921 -34.751 51.9531 C +f +39.0059 51.3032 m +40.627 53.6611 43.1963 52.0361 46.8027 52.6021 C +45.8857 50.502 41.5166 50.8052 39.0059 51.3032 C +f +-26.6279 64.2993 m +-24.3379 64.7163 -21.9385 65.0254 -19.4805 65.2744 C +-20.459 63.7573 -24.7148 63.8013 -26.6279 64.2993 C +f +-75.6914 73.397 m +-76.9385 70.96 -79.9707 72.8701 -80.2393 74.6968 c +-80.5762 76.981 -78.0098 77.583 -77.9648 79.5708 C +-73.6738 80.9727 -74.0176 75.71 -72.1162 73.7217 C +-72.2852 73.2417 -72.5977 72.9028 -72.7676 72.4219 C +-74.3037 72.186 -74.9023 72.8857 -75.6914 73.397 C +f +36.7305 78.271 m +36.8066 80.1182 40.0166 80.2891 40.9541 80.2212 C +40.3887 78.729 38.416 78.6431 36.7305 78.271 C +f +25.6836 88.6675 m +25.0264 85.8594 24.0225 83.3965 22.4346 81.5195 C +23.0615 84.3584 24.1738 86.7104 25.6836 88.6675 C +f +u +58.1748 -40.6484 m +58.1748 -41.9492 L +56.3633 -42.5352 56.6504 -42.3032 54.9258 -41.2993 C +53.708 -42.2144 52.8369 -41.5161 51.6768 -42.2744 C +51.1289 -40.8721 50.2041 -39.8481 47.7783 -40.3242 C +46.6455 -37.6333 43.5371 -35.6572 43.5537 -32.2012 c +43.5625 -30.3833 45.4561 -28.582 44.2041 -27.0029 C +38.8252 -32.6563 26.0928 -26.6914 19.5098 -28.627 C +20.3438 -31.1504 21.5869 -33.2661 22.4336 -35.7754 C +23.6406 -36.0972 25.0879 -37.5039 24.0586 -39.0244 C +19.6953 -37.54 19.8066 -31.5791 15.2861 -30.251 C +13.5273 -32.2202 11.5596 -32.7754 9.43652 -34.8003 C +9.2002 -39.5703 6.9248 -41.9111 5.21289 -44.873 c +4.50586 -46.0972 4.77344 -47.8184 2.93945 -47.7974 C +2.75684 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-19.7432 -52.5693 -19.8013 -52.6211 -20.8281 C +-54.0566 -21.9072 -55.1797 -23.4492 -54.8945 -25.377 C +-57.1963 -26.4351 -59.1523 -27.8359 -59.4453 -30.9014 C +-61.0361 -31.1924 -60.3223 -29.1792 -62.0439 -29.6021 C +-62.9199 -32.3042 -64.5283 -30.4912 -66.918 -31.5522 C +-67.2988 -31.0654 -67.3223 -30.2222 -67.8916 -29.9263 C +-71.4014 -30.7261 -71.4199 -28.0391 -73.416 -27.3271 C +-75.623 -28.1514 -76.6699 -29.9351 -79.2646 -28.9512 C +-79.1748 -27.2012 -76.2041 -28.3291 -75.6914 -27.0029 C +-76.8789 -23.9673 -77.7354 -20.5981 -79.2646 -17.9053 C +-77.918 -17.0522 -77.1309 -15.1401 -77.9648 -13.0313 C +-75.9502 -11.1763 -73.9092 -9.01416 -73.0908 -6.85742 C +-71.9033 -6.64307 -71.8447 -7.56104 -70.8174 -7.50732 C +-69.7979 -6.79199 -68.8008 -6.05713 -68.542 -4.58203 C +-65.3779 -6.28516 -61.8545 -6.12012 -58.4707 -6.85742 C +-57.9297 -7.29102 -58.3613 -8.69824 -57.8203 -9.13232 C +-56.8174 -9.21191 -55.9834 -9.46094 -55.2207 -9.78223 C +-54.3906 -10.1953 -55.5225 -11.373 -54.8945 -11.4063 C +-50.4414 -10.8032 -43.4395 -11.4561 -39.9502 -8.48242 C +-38.9336 -4.98633 -38.1934 -1.521 -39.9502 1.91504 C +-40.5146 2.31787 -42.1074 1.66699 -43.5244 1.91504 C +-44.3545 1.66211 -44.0752 0.299805 -45.1484 0.291016 C +-50.8291 1.32471 -54.7422 4.12793 -56.5215 9.06396 C +-56.1826 10.7837 -55.8857 12.5459 -55.8701 14.5869 C +-54.3213 17.8018 -50.8535 19.1006 -48.7227 21.7349 C +-48.0625 20.4199 -45.6143 20.6299 -44.499 21.4106 C +-40.8447 19.541 -37.2588 17.603 -36.0508 13.2881 C +-31.1826 13.293 -31.0244 18.0078 -27.9277 19.7856 C +-28.8125 24.6406 -30.2988 28.895 -31.502 33.4326 C +-29.1084 31.5107 -28.2148 27.5337 -27.6035 23.0347 C +-26.2539 22.6519 -25.3271 21.8447 -24.0293 21.4106 C +-23.209 22.2148 -21.8311 22.4609 -21.7539 24.0098 c +-21.7266 25.229 -22.9443 25.2017 -23.0547 26.2837 C +-19.2773 25.8677 -13.2021 25.5137 -13.6309 31.4829 C +-11.7676 32.0469 -12.4063 30.1079 -11.0322 30.1826 C +-7.94727 32.4316 -7.26758 41.6729 -9.08203 44.8037 C +-11.0283 42.3828 -10.7676 38.5488 -14.6064 38.9561 c +-18.4111 39.3599 -19.1299 44.8418 -16.5557 48.0527 C +-13.2314 49.1567 -10.2676 51.2749 -8.43262 47.4038 C +-4.99609 50.4307 -7.16309 57.7808 -10.3828 59.75 C +-11.7129 60.0449 -13.0117 60.3711 -13.3057 61.6997 C +-13.0527 61.772 -12.9287 61.9717 -12.9824 62.3496 C +-11.8154 63.0249 -9.46777 62.519 -7.78418 62.6748 C +-6.89746 64.2798 -5.62598 65.5 -5.50879 67.873 C +-6.41504 68.9229 -9.17188 69.833 -8.43262 71.4468 C +-7.57813 69.79 -4.04004 69.3086 -2.25977 70.4727 C +-2.13184 71.645 -1.83887 72.6519 -1.60938 73.7217 C +0.733398 74.5928 2.58984 76.6929 5.53906 75.9961 C +6.37891 76.998 5.97852 79.2388 7.16309 79.896 C +9.04395 80.0439 8.46875 77.7358 10.4121 77.9458 C +11.1719 78.9199 10.083 81.7417 12.0371 81.52 C +13.3477 81.0986 12.7578 78.7759 13.6621 77.9458 C +16.3779 77.231 17.9609 78.0029 20.4844 77.9458 C +20.8652 78.4316 20.8877 79.2749 21.46 79.5708 C +21.6533 78.9917 20.5068 78.2217 21.46 77.9458 C +22.8213 77.9917 22.9092 79.312 24.708 78.9209 C +24.6787 77.5308 24.0576 76.541 24.708 75.3467 C +30.9482 74.98 31.5498 68.9736 34.7813 65.5986 C +38.7578 64.875 41.4102 67.1978 43.8789 66.8999 C +42.7266 66.21 40.8789 66.2168 40.3047 64.9497 C +40.9883 64.084 42.6816 63.7266 41.9287 62.3496 C +39.8594 62.23 39.2168 63.5371 38.0303 64.2988 C +36.9971 63.6006 34.9238 63.9409 34.457 62.6748 C +34.084 60.2446 35.5498 59.6528 36.4063 58.4507 C +36.1523 56.8638 35.0557 56.1187 35.1055 54.228 C +35.3291 52.9336 37.4805 53.5688 37.3809 51.9526 c +37.2949 50.6309 35.2578 51.2588 34.457 50.6528 C +34.0459 48.2759 34.626 48.0308 34.7813 45.7788 C +32.5859 45.1577 30.6357 44.293 30.8818 41.231 C +28.3301 40.8589 26.0967 40.168 26.334 37.0068 C +25.7441 36.188 24.1992 36.3247 23.7344 35.3818 C +24.1084 35.2769 24.8525 33.9648 24.0586 33.7568 C +23.334 35.7266 19.5908 34.269 18.5352 33.4326 C +17.2656 33.6797 17.2715 35.2017 15.6104 35.0566 C +15.4707 34.439 14.9111 34.2407 14.9609 33.4326 C +17.2178 31.8979 21.668 32.5576 24.0586 31.1577 C +24.0361 27.6748 22.3955 24.2329 24.3838 20.7607 C +24.71 20.7617 24.7695 20.498 25.0332 20.436 C +25.5586 20.9937 26.3926 21.2427 27.6328 21.0859 C +30.4756 25.1279 35.4619 25.2188 39.3301 27.9087 C +37.251 24.1279 28.3848 24.3486 29.583 16.2119 C +27.458 15.7129 27.9014 19.146 26.334 18.1606 C +27.0645 15.5337 29.9111 15.0249 31.207 12.9629 C +39.0576 10.688 44.1572 17.8477 51.6768 15.2368 C +53.8691 6.26563 37.6543 8.11963 37.0557 1.58984 c +36.6855 -2.45117 40.3271 -1.20703 42.9043 -2.30811 C +42.1152 -4.88721 38.2607 -2.88916 37.0557 -4.58203 C +36.9111 -7.43506 39.6836 -7.37012 41.2793 -8.48242 C +40.7529 -11.6504 43.29 -11.8813 44.5293 -14.0063 C +43.7422 -15.71 40.7344 -15.1934 40.3047 -17.2539 C +42.0732 -19.8262 44.6143 -25.3242 48.7529 -22.4541 C +50.6123 -23.9512 51.8916 -22.4053 53.3018 -21.1543 C +54.4609 -22.6011 55.7393 -21.8452 57.5264 -21.479 C +59.6865 -24.2852 64.9189 -26.4292 63.0488 -31.2261 C +63.1572 -32.5254 64.3936 -32.6973 64.3486 -34.1514 C 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+%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI8_BeginPluginObject +(Adobe Brush Manager Order) +(Adobe Brush Manager Order) +( Adobe Calligraphic Brush Tool/ Rund - 5 Pt./ Adobe Calligraph) - +(ic Brush Tool/ Rund - 15 Pt./ Adobe Calligraphic Brush Tool/ O) - +(val - 3 Pt./ Adobe Calligraphic Brush Tool/ Oval - 5 Pt./ Adob) - +(e Calligraphic Brush Tool/ Flach - 5 Pt./ Adobe ArtOnPath Brus) - +(h Tool/ Kohle - Feder/ Adobe ArtOnPath Brush Tool/ Trennlinie/) - +( Adobe dBrush Brush Tool/ Verwischt/ Adobe PatternOnPath Brush) - +( Tool/ Hier schneiden/) . +%AI8_EndPluginObject +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI8_BeginPluginObject +(Adobe dBrush Brush Tool) +(Verwischt) +(0 4 0.5 0.75 0.33 0.75 1.5 6 AI_BristleBrushLibary_CS5 05_Roun) - +(d_Fan) . +%AI8_EndPluginObject +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI8_BeginPluginObject +(Adobe Calligraphic Brush Tool) +(Flach - 5 Pt.) +(1 5 5 0 0 90 90 0 0 0 0) . +%AI8_EndPluginObject +%AI8_BeginPluginObject +(Adobe Calligraphic Brush Tool) +(Oval - 3 Pt.) +(1 3 3 26 74 15 15 0 1 0 0) . +%AI8_EndPluginObject +%AI8_BeginPluginObject +(Adobe Calligraphic Brush Tool) +(Oval - 5 Pt.) +(1 5 5 10 90 -65 35 0 1 1 0) . +%AI8_EndPluginObject +%AI8_BeginPluginObject +(Adobe Calligraphic Brush Tool) +(Rund - 15 Pt.) +(1 15 15 100 100 0 0 1 0 1 0) . +%AI8_EndPluginObject +%AI8_BeginPluginObject +(Adobe Calligraphic Brush Tool) +(Rund - 5 Pt.) +(1 5 5 100 100 0 0 0 0 0 0) . +%AI8_EndPluginObject +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI8_BeginPluginObject +(Adobe ArtOnPath Brush Tool) +(Kohle - Feder) +(2 / Unnamed 6/ / / / / 0 1 / 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1) . +%AI8_EndPluginObject +%AI8_BeginPluginObject +(Adobe ArtOnPath Brush Tool) +(Trennlinie) +(2 / Unnamed Brush Pat 1/ / / / / 5 0.85098 0.396078 0.168627 /) - +( 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 25 25 1) . +%AI8_EndPluginObject +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI8_BeginPluginObject +(Adobe PatternOnPath Brush Tool) +(Hier schneiden) +(2 / New Pattern 4/ New Pattern 11/ New Pattern 11/ / / 0 0 / ) - +(1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0) . +%AI8_EndPluginObject +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI9_BeginArtStyles +/KnownStyle : +(Abenddämmerung) /Name , +/ActiveStyle : +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +2 /FillOrStroke , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/StrokeStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 0 Xd +/Def ; + (StrokeStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +; + /Part , +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/FillStyle : 0 O +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +Bb +0 0 0 0 Bh +2 (Unnamed gradient 4) 0.0109 0.2935 0 1.2449 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +0 BB +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Adobe Transform) 1 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +(Transform Each.aip) /PluginFileName , +(Transformieren) /Title , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +0 /Bool (transformPatterns) , +0 /Int (numCopies) , +0 /Bool (randomize) , +0 /Real (rotate_Degrees) , +1 /Real (scaleV_Factor) , +4 /Int (pinPoint) , +0 /Real (rotate_Radians) , +0 /Real (moveH_Pts) , +0 /Bool (scaleLines) , +100 /Real (scaleH_Percent) , +0 /Bool (reflectX) , +0 /Bool (reflectY) , +0 /Real (moveV_Pts) , +1 /Real (scaleH_Factor) , +100 /Real (scaleV_Percent) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Adobe Transform) 1 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +(Transform Each.aip) /PluginFileName , +(Transformieren) /Title , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +0 /Bool (transformPatterns) , +0 /Int (numCopies) , +0 /Bool (randomize) , +0 /Real (rotate_Degrees) , +1 /Real (scaleV_Factor) , +4 /Int (pinPoint) , +0 /Real (rotate_Radians) , +0 /Real (moveH_Pts) , +0 /Bool (scaleLines) , +100 /Real (scaleH_Percent) , +0 /Bool (reflectX) , +0 /Bool (reflectY) , +0 /Real (moveV_Pts) , +1 /Real (scaleH_Factor) , +100 /Real (scaleV_Percent) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Adobe Fuzzy Mask) 1 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +(Illustrator.exe) /PluginFileName , +(Weiche Kante) /Title , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +20 /Real (Radius) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 0.74 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/FillStyle : 0 O +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +Bb +0 0 0 0 Bh +2 (Unnamed gradient 41) -0.0109 -0.3587 0 0.695 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +0 BB +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Adobe Transform) 1 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +(Transform Each.aip) /PluginFileName , +(Transformieren) /Title , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +0 /Bool (transformPatterns) , +0 /Int (numCopies) , +0 /Bool (randomize) , +0 /Real (rotate_Degrees) , +1 /Real (scaleV_Factor) , +4 /Int (pinPoint) , +0 /Real (rotate_Radians) , +0 /Real (moveH_Pts) , +0 /Bool (scaleLines) , +100 /Real (scaleH_Percent) , +0 /Bool (reflectX) , +0 /Bool (reflectY) , +0 /Real (moveV_Pts) , +1 /Real (scaleH_Factor) , +100 /Real (scaleV_Percent) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Adobe Transform) 1 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +(Transform Each.aip) /PluginFileName , +(Transformieren) /Title , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +0 /Bool (transformPatterns) , +0 /Int (numCopies) , +0 /Bool (randomize) , +0 /Real (rotate_Degrees) , +1 /Real (scaleV_Factor) , +4 /Int (pinPoint) , +0 /Real (rotate_Radians) , +0 /Real (moveH_Pts) , +0 /Bool (scaleLines) , +100 /Real (scaleH_Percent) , +0 /Bool (reflectX) , +0 /Bool (reflectY) , +0 /Real (moveV_Pts) , +1 /Real (scaleH_Factor) , +100 /Real (scaleV_Percent) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Adobe Fuzzy Mask) 1 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +(Illustrator.exe) /PluginFileName , +(Weiche Kante) /Title , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +2 /Real (Radius) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 3 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/FillStyle : 0 O +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +Bb +0 0 178.8818 1 Bh +2 (Unnamed gradient 5) -0.0035 -0.2872 0 1.2987 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +0 BB +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Adobe Transform) 1 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +(Transform Each.aip) /PluginFileName , +(Transformieren) /Title , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +0 /Bool (transformPatterns) , +0 /Int (numCopies) , +0 /Bool (randomize) , +0 /Real (rotate_Degrees) , +1 /Real (scaleV_Factor) , +4 /Int (pinPoint) , +0 /Real (rotate_Radians) , +0 /Real (moveH_Pts) , +0 /Bool (scaleLines) , +100 /Real (scaleH_Percent) , +0 /Bool (reflectX) , +0 /Bool (reflectY) , +0 /Real (moveV_Pts) , +1 /Real (scaleH_Factor) , +100 /Real (scaleV_Percent) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 1 0.45 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/FillStyle : 0 O +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +Bb +0 0 0 0 Bh +2 (Unnamed gradient 18) -0.0177 -0.3511 0 1.1983 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +0 BB +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Adobe Transform) 1 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +(Transform Each.aip) /PluginFileName , +(Transformieren) /Title , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +0 /Bool (transformPatterns) , +0 /Int (numCopies) , +0 /Bool (randomize) , +0 /Real (rotate_Degrees) , +1 /Real (scaleV_Factor) , +4 /Int (pinPoint) , +0 /Real (rotate_Radians) , +0 /Real (moveH_Pts) , +0 /Bool (scaleLines) , +100 /Real (scaleH_Percent) , +0 /Bool (reflectX) , +0 /Bool (reflectY) , +0 /Real (moveV_Pts) , +1 /Real (scaleH_Factor) , +100 /Real (scaleV_Percent) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 1 0.47 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/FillStyle : 0 O +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +Bb +0 0 0 0 Bh +2 (Unnamed gradient 14) -0.0035 -0.3723 0 1.3543 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +0 BB +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 0.52 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/FillStyle : 0 O +0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Xa +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + +/Execution ; + /Def ; +/KnownStyle : +(Abgerundete Ecken 2 Pt.) /Name , +/ActiveStyle : +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Adobe Round Corners) 1 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +(Illustrator.exe) /PluginFileName , +(Ecken abrunden) /Title , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +2 /Real (radius) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/CompoundFilter : +(Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +2 /FillOrStroke , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/StrokeStyle : 0 R +0.743221 0.648188 0.629023 0.813504 0.113725 0.113725 0.105882 XA +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +1 0 Xd +/Def ; + (StrokeStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/FillStyle : 0 O +0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Xa +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + +/Execution ; + /Def ; +/KnownStyle : +(Anon) /Name , +/ActiveStyle : +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +2 /FillOrStroke , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/StrokeStyle : 0 R +0.0065 0.4589 0.819943 0.000244 0.952941 0.611765 0.231373 XA +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 2 w 1 M []0 d 0 XR +1 0 Xd +/Def ; + (StrokeStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Adobe Stroke Offset) 1 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +(Illustrator.exe) /PluginFileName , +(Konturverschiebung: Live-Effekt) /Title , +2 /FillOrStroke , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +(Inside) /String (DisplayString) , +/StrokeStyle : 0 R +0 0 0 0 1 1 1 XA +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1.8 w 1 M []0 d 0 XR +1 0 Xd +/Def ; + (StrokeStyle) , +1 /Bool (StrokeOffsetInside) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 0.6 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/FillStyle : 0 O +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +Bb +2 (Unnamed gradient 8) 0 0 -90 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +0 BB +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 2 0.7 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/FillStyle : 0 O +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +Bb +2 (Unnamed gradient 10) 0 0 90 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +0 BB +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/FillStyle : 0 O +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +Bb +2 (Unnamed gradient 42) 0 0 90 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +0 BB +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + +/Execution ; + /Def ; +/KnownStyle : +(Anon 195) /Name , +/ActiveStyle : +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +; + /Part , +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Adobe Stroke Offset) 1 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +(Illustrator.exe) /PluginFileName , +(Konturverschiebung: Live-Effekt) /Title , +2 /FillOrStroke , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +(Outside) /String (DisplayString) , +/StrokeStyle : 0 R +0.749172 0.600427 0 0 0.333333 0.403922 0.682353 XA +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 1 j 0.25 w 5 M []0 d 0 XR +1 0 Xd +/Def ; + (StrokeStyle) , +0 /Bool (StrokeOffsetInside) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 1 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/FillStyle : 0 O +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +Bb +2 (Unnamed gradient 16) 0 0 -90 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +0 BB +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 2 0.7 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/FillStyle : 0 O +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +Bb +0 0 0 0 Bh +2 (Unnamed gradient 19) 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0.5 Bg +0 BB +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 2 0.51 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/FillStyle : 0 O +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +Bb +2 (Unnamed gradient 21) 0 0 90 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +0 BB +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/FillStyle : 0 O +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +Bb +2 (Unnamed gradient 1) 0 0 90 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +0 BB +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + +/Execution ; + /Def ; +/KnownStyle : +(Interaktiv X spiegeln) /Name , +/ActiveStyle : +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +2 /FillOrStroke , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/StrokeStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 0 Xd +/Def ; + (StrokeStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/FillStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 0 Xd +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Adobe Transform) 1 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +(Transform Each.aip) /PluginFileName , +(Transformieren) /Title , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +0 /Bool (transformPatterns) , +1 /Int (numCopies) , +0 /Bool (randomize) , +0 /Real (rotate_Degrees) , +1 /Real (scaleV_Factor) , +3 /Int (pinPoint) , +0 /Real (rotate_Radians) , +0 /Real (moveH_Pts) , +0 /Bool (scaleLines) , +100 /Real (scaleH_Percent) , +1 /Bool (reflectX) , +0 /Bool (reflectY) , +0 /Real (moveV_Pts) , +1 /Real (scaleH_Factor) , +100 /Real (scaleV_Percent) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + +/Execution ; + /Def ; +/KnownStyle : +(Laub_GS) /Name , +/ActiveStyle : +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +2 /FillOrStroke , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/StrokeStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 0 Xd +/Def ; + (StrokeStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/FillStyle : 0 O +(Laub) 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 [0 0.7 -0.7 0 -2484.8872 13253.9648] p +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/FillStyle : 0 O +0.021942 0.098024 0.918059 0 1 0.866667 0 Xa +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + +/Execution ; + /Def ; +/KnownStyle : +(Pompadour_GS) /Name , +/ActiveStyle : +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +2 /FillOrStroke , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/StrokeStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 0 Xd +/Def ; + (StrokeStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +; + /Part , +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/FillStyle : 0 O +(Pompadour) 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 [1 0 0 1 0 0] p +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +1 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 1 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/FillStyle : 0 O +0.651484 0.148959 0.001282 0 0.317647 0.682353 0.886275 Xa +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +1 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + +/Execution ; + /Def ; +/KnownStyle : +(Schlagschatten) /Name , +/ActiveStyle : +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +2 /FillOrStroke , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/StrokeStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 0 Xd +/Def ; + (StrokeStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/FillStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 0 Xd +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Adobe Drop Shadow) 1 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +(Drop Shadow.aip) /PluginFileName , +(Schlagschatten) /Title , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +1 /Int (blnd) , +3 /Real (blur) , +0.75 /Real (opac) , +/FillStyle : 0 O +0.743221 0.648188 0.629023 0.813504 0.113725 0.113725 0.105882 Xa +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +/Def ; + (sclr) , +1 /Bool (usePSLBlur) , +1 /Int (csrc) , +2 /Real (horz) , +50 /Real (dark) , +2 /Real (vert) , +1 /Bool (pair) , +16 /Int (Adobe Effect Expand Before Version) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + +/Execution ; + /Def ; +/KnownStyle : +(Weich abgeflachte Kante) /Name , +/ActiveStyle : +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +2 /FillOrStroke , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/StrokeStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 0 Xd +/Def ; + (StrokeStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/FillStyle : 0 O +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +Bb +2 (Unnamed gradient 51) 0.0226 0 135.0003 1.2757 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +0 BB +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Adobe Fuzzy Mask) 1 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +(Illustrator.exe) /PluginFileName , +(Weiche Kante) /Title , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +10 /Real (Radius) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Adobe Offset Path) 1 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +(Illustrator.exe) /PluginFileName , +(Pfad verschieben) /Title , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +2 /Int (jntp) , +4 /Real (mlim) , +7 /Real (ofst) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/FillStyle : 0 O +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +Bb +2 (Unnamed gradient 54) 0 0 -45.0002 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +0 BB +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + +/Execution ; + /Def ; +/KnownStyle : +([Standard]) /Name , +/SimpleStyle : +0 O +0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Xa +0 R +0.743221 0.648188 0.629023 0.813504 0.113725 0.113725 0.105882 XA +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +1 1 Xd +/Paint ; + /Def ; +%AI9_EndArtStyles +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_BeginPalette +0 0 Pb +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 ([Passermarken]) 0 1 Xz +([Passermarken]) +Pc +0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Xa +(Weiß) +Pc +0.743221 0.648188 0.629023 0.813504 0.113725 0.113725 0.105882 Xa +(Schwarz) +Pc +0.001648 0.996399 0.976776 0.001984 0.890196 0.023529 0.07451 Xa +(CMYK Rot) +Pc +0.045655 0 0.888395 0 1 0.929412 0 Xa +(CMYK Gelb) +Pc +0.838651 0.115511 0.962341 0.010986 0 0.588235 0.25098 Xa +(CMYK Grün) +Pc +0.75079 0.216068 0 0 0 0.623529 0.890196 Xa +(CMYK Cyan) +Pc +0.996765 0.965789 0.0878 0.011505 0.192157 0.152941 0.513726 Xa +(CMYK Blau) +Pc +0.008942 0.971435 0.039033 0 0.901961 0 0.494118 Xa +(CMYK Magenta) +Pc +0.17554 1 0.904204 0.07599 0.745098 0.086275 0.133333 Xa +(C=15 M=100 Y=90 K=10) +Pc +0.003632 0.899077 0.849912 0 0.901961 0.2 0.164706 Xa +(C=0 M=90 Y=85 K=0) +Pc +0 0.797818 0.941039 0.001312 0.913725 0.305882 0.105882 Xa +(C=0 M=80 Y=95 K=0) +Pc +0.001892 0.501549 0.97351 0.000214 0.952941 0.572549 0 Xa +(C=0 M=50 Y=100 K=0) +Pc +0 0.348089 0.850645 0 0.976471 0.698039 0.2 Xa +(C=0 M=35 Y=85 K=0) +Pc +0.054566 0 0.886961 0 0.988235 0.917647 0.062745 Xa +(C=5 M=0 Y=90 K=0) +Pc +0.198093 0.004028 0.946899 0 0.870588 0.862745 0 Xa +(C=20 M=0 Y=100 K=0) +Pc +0.49955 0 0.994995 0 0.584314 0.756863 0.121569 Xa +(C=50 M=0 Y=100 K=0) +Pc +0.746487 0 0.995239 0 0.227451 0.666667 0.207843 Xa +(C=75 M=0 Y=100 K=0) +Pc +0.852354 0.169528 1 0.034516 0 0.552941 0.211765 Xa +(C=85 M=10 Y=100 K=10) +Pc +0.902007 0.328862 0.959106 0.261204 0 0.4 0.2 Xa +(C=90 M=30 Y=95 K=30) +Pc +0.748501 0 0.747158 0 0.184314 0.67451 0.4 Xa +(C=75 M=0 Y=75 K=0) +Pc +0.783505 0.110475 0.44947 0.004547 0 0.631373 0.603922 Xa +(C=80 M=10 Y=45 K=0) +Pc +0.698512 0.160403 0 0 0.211765 0.662745 0.882353 Xa +(C=70 M=15 Y=0 K=0) +Pc +0.84799 0.496101 0.001801 0 0.113725 0.443137 0.721569 Xa +(C=85 M=50 Y=0 K=0) +Pc +1 0.932494 0.097414 0.010742 0.176471 0.180392 0.513726 Xa +(C=100 M=95 Y=5 K=0) +Pc +1 0.984619 0.300084 0.228214 0.160784 0.137255 0.360784 Xa +(C=100 M=100 Y=25 K=25) +Pc +0.754849 0.993286 0.022736 0.003998 0.4 0.141176 0.513726 Xa +(C=75 M=100 Y=0 K=0) +Pc +0.504448 0.995972 0.008453 0.00296 0.584314 0.105882 0.505882 Xa +(C=50 M=100 Y=0 K=0) +Pc +0.277195 0.983795 0.289403 0.177462 0.639216 0.098039 0.356863 Xa +(C=35 M=100 Y=35 K=10) +Pc +0.087526 0.996979 0.47953 0.017273 0.839216 0.043137 0.321569 Xa +(C=10 M=100 Y=50 K=0) +Pc +0 0.945342 0.193301 0.00058 0.905882 0.113725 0.45098 Xa +(C=0 M=95 Y=20 K=0) +Pc +0.216587 0.233188 0.379309 0.044099 0.796078 0.733333 0.627451 Xa +(C=25 M=25 Y=40 K=0) +Pc +0.312474 0.397589 0.43888 0.187289 0.643137 0.541176 0.482353 Xa +(C=40 M=45 Y=50 K=5) +Pc +0.424475 0.449012 0.55465 0.344823 0.482353 0.415686 0.345098 Xa +(C=50 M=50 Y=60 K=25) +Pc +0.444495 0.53402 0.578546 0.504479 0.388235 0.305882 0.258824 Xa +(C=55 M=60 Y=65 K=40) +Pc +0.193301 0.373053 0.629145 0.074159 0.792157 0.619608 0.403922 Xa +(C=25 M=40 Y=65 K=0) +Pc +0.24979 0.475837 0.732998 0.162539 0.694118 0.498039 0.290196 Xa +(C=30 M=50 Y=75 K=10) +Pc +0.306889 0.577478 0.779446 0.294591 0.576471 0.376471 0.215686 Xa +(C=35 M=60 Y=80 K=25) +Pc +0.340551 0.624384 0.865385 0.409461 0.490196 0.305882 0.141176 Xa +(C=40 M=65 Y=90 K=35) +Pc +0.375372 0.678492 0.965057 0.525902 0.407843 0.235294 0.066667 Xa +(C=40 M=70 Y=100 K=50) +Pc +0.468452 0.683467 0.780606 0.716243 0.262745 0.160784 0.094118 Xa +(C=50 M=70 Y=80 K=70) +Pc +Bb +2 (Weiß, Schwarz) 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +0 BB +(Weiß, Schwarz) +Pc +Bb +2 (Orange, Gelb) 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +0 BB +(Orange, Gelb) +Pc +Bb +2 (Verblassender Himmel) 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +0 BB +(Verblassender Himmel) +Pc +Bb +0 0 0 0 Bh +2 (Sehr weiche schwarze Vignette) 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +0 BB +(Sehr weiche schwarze Vignette) +Pc +(Laub) 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 [1 0 0 1 0 0] p +(Laub) +Pc +(Pompadour) 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 [1 0 0 1 0 0] p +(Pompadour) +Pc +1 (Graustufen) 1 Pg +0.743221 0.648188 0.629023 0.813504 0.113725 0.113725 0.105882 Xa +(C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=100) +Pc +0.66363 0.566125 0.55111 0.600732 0.235294 0.235294 0.231373 Xa +(C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=90) +Pc +0.593744 0.492622 0.488838 0.418311 0.341176 0.341176 0.337255 Xa +(C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=80) +Pc +0.531518 0.433936 0.42591 0.279881 0.439216 0.435294 0.435294 Xa +(C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=70) +Pc +0.47129 0.36878 0.36878 0.174716 0.529412 0.529412 0.529412 Xa +(C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=60) +Pc +0.397436 0.307927 0.320073 0.100069 0.615686 0.615686 0.611765 Xa +(C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=50) +Pc +0.328893 0.24802 0.257694 0.045808 0.698039 0.698039 0.698039 Xa +(C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=40) +Pc +0.2551 0.187503 0.19794 0.016297 0.776471 0.776471 0.776471 Xa +(C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=30) +Pc +0.171847 0.120424 0.133059 0.001312 0.854902 0.854902 0.854902 Xa +(C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=20) +Pc +0.083955 0.058015 0.068391 0 0.929412 0.929412 0.929412 Xa +(C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=10) +Pc +0.041901 0.031647 0.036683 0 0.964706 0.964706 0.964706 Xa +(C=0 M=0 Y=0 K=5) +Pc +1 (Strahlende Farben) 1 Pg +0.001648 0.996399 0.976776 0.001984 0.890196 0.023529 0.07451 Xa +(C=0 M=100 Y=100 K=0) +Pc +0.008301 0.746029 1 0 0.917647 0.356863 0.047059 Xa +(C=0 M=75 Y=100 K=0) +Pc +0.022705 0.091249 0.917052 0 1 0.870588 0 Xa +(C=0 M=10 Y=95 K=0) +Pc +0.834714 0.101381 1 0.007813 0 0.596078 0.227451 Xa +(C=85 M=10 Y=100 K=0) +Pc +1 0.87863 0.075715 0.005524 0.152941 0.203922 0.545098 Xa +(C=100 M=90 Y=0 K=0) +Pc +0.602258 0.894011 0 0.000824 0.509804 0.211765 0.54902 Xa +(C=60 M=90 Y=0 K=0) +Pc +PB +%AI5_EndPalette +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI9_BeginArtStyleList +([Standard]) +(Schlagschatten) +(Abgerundete Ecken 2 Pt.) +(Interaktiv X spiegeln) +(Weich abgeflachte Kante) +(Abenddämmerung) +(Laub_GS) +(Pompadour_GS) +%AI9_EndArtStyleList +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI10_BeginSymbolList +(Prozessrechteck) +(Vektorschmutz) +(Leuchtendes Orange) +(Schnittmarken \(9-Slice\)) +(Band) +(Gerbera) +%AI10_EndSymbolList +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI9_BeginDocumentData +%_/Document : +%_/Dictionary : +%_/XMLNode : +%_/Dictionary : +%_; (xmlnode-attributes) , +%_/Array : +%_/XMLNode : +%_/Dictionary : +%_; (xmlnode-attributes) , +%_/Array : +%_/XMLNode : +%_/Dictionary : +%_/XMLNode : +%_/Dictionary : +%_; (xmlnode-attributes) , +%_/Array : +%_; (xmlnode-children) , +%_2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +%_(&ns_vars;) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +%_(xmlns) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +%_; (xmlns) , +%_; (xmlnode-attributes) , +%_/Array : +%_/XMLNode : +%_/Dictionary : +%_/XMLNode : +%_/Dictionary : +%_; (xmlnode-attributes) , +%_/Array : +%_; (xmlnode-children) , +%_2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +%_(none) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +%_(locked) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +%_; (locked) , +%_/XMLNode : +%_/Dictionary : +%_; (xmlnode-attributes) , +%_/Array : +%_; (xmlnode-children) , +%_2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +%_(binding1) /String 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(xmlnode-nodename) , +%_; , +%_; (xmlnode-children) , +%_1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +%_ /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +%_(variableSet) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +%_; , +%_; (xmlnode-children) , +%_1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +%_ /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +%_(variableSets) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +%_; , +%_/XMLNode : +%_/Dictionary : +%_/XMLNode : +%_/Dictionary : +%_; (xmlnode-attributes) , +%_/Array : +%_; (xmlnode-children) , +%_2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +%_(&ns_sfw;) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +%_(xmlns) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +%_; (xmlns) , +%_; (xmlnode-attributes) , +%_/Array : +%_/XMLNode : +%_/Dictionary : +%_; (xmlnode-attributes) , +%_/Array : +%_; (xmlnode-children) , +%_1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +%_ /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +%_(slices) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +%_; , +%_/XMLNode : +%_/Dictionary : +%_/XMLNode : +%_/Dictionary : +%_; (xmlnode-attributes) , +%_/Array : +%_; (xmlnode-children) , +%_2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +%_474.0004 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-204.7334 m +348.7139 -309.9756 L +333.8496 -295.124 L +439.2002 -189.8818 L +444.1475 -184.9326 444.1934 -176.96 439.3496 -171.9521 C +454.0557 -186.6396 L +459.0596 -191.6318 459.0596 -199.7334 454.0557 -204.7334 C +f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_7 /Int (SVG_ShapeType) , +%_/XMLUID : (bristles-1) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +0.179263 0.104372 0.058747 0 0.847059 0.870588 0.913725 Xa +298.7114 -355.7695 m +153.248 -210.4404 L +148.2471 -205.4443 148.2471 -197.3467 153.248 -192.3506 C +193.0781 -152.5576 L +198.0786 -147.5615 206.1836 -147.5615 211.1846 -152.5576 C +356.6484 -297.8857 L +361.6484 -302.8818 361.6484 -310.9795 356.6484 -315.9756 C +316.8184 -355.7695 L +311.8174 -360.7656 303.7119 -360.7656 298.7114 -355.7695 C +f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_7 /Int (SVG_ShapeType) , +%_/XMLUID : (holder) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +1 D +0.723293 0.577508 0.383032 0.274357 0.298039 0.337255 0.415686 Xa +519.4795 -67.7998 m +461.0498 -67.7998 L +456.9014 -67.7998 453.543 -71.1553 453.543 -75.2998 c +453.543 -79.4404 456.9014 -82.7998 461.0498 -82.7998 C +519.4795 -82.7998 L +520.8584 -82.7998 521.9814 -83.9209 521.9814 -85.2998 C +521.9814 -379.1592 L +521.9814 -383.3008 525.3428 -386.6592 529.4883 -386.6592 c +533.6367 -386.6592 536.9961 -383.3008 536.9961 -379.1592 C +536.9961 -85.2998 L +536.9961 -75.6475 529.1406 -67.7998 519.4795 -67.7998 C +f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_7 /Int (SVG_ShapeType) , +%_/XMLUID : (outline-2) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +*u +529.4883 -404.3203 m +525.3428 -404.3203 521.9814 -407.6748 521.9814 -411.8203 C +521.9814 -512.9883 L +521.9814 -528.4336 509.4063 -541 493.9482 -541 c +478.4883 -541 465.9141 -528.4336 465.9141 -512.9883 C +465.9141 -346.1631 L +465.9141 -322.4492 446.5996 -303.1553 422.8613 -303.1553 c +399.124 -303.1553 379.8135 -322.4492 379.8135 -346.1631 C +379.8135 -396.8936 L +379.8135 -412.3398 367.2354 -424.9014 351.7793 -424.9014 c +336.3213 -424.9014 323.7422 -412.3398 323.7422 -396.8936 C +323.7422 -359.457 L +361.9541 -321.2773 L 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149.2085 -419.7021 146.73 -416.3867 C +144.2476 -413.0654 139.5439 -412.3828 136.2241 -414.8623 C +114.7627 -430.8623 92.3081 -435.6006 82.8228 -426.1279 C +77.6538 -420.96 76.6255 -411.3633 80 -399.7852 C +83.8784 -386.4805 92.8281 -372.3477 105.1992 -359.9873 C +112.1309 -353.0615 119.5996 -347.2217 127.395 -342.6396 C +159.0659 -324.0107 187.291 -302.6514 211.376 -279.1279 C +229.96 -297.6904 L +206.4106 -321.7568 185.0352 -349.9561 166.3892 -381.5967 C +164.0586 -385.5498 161.3179 -389.5303 158.2363 -393.4258 C +155.6675 -396.6748 156.2227 -401.3945 159.4761 -403.96 C +160.8525 -405.0459 162.4946 -405.5732 164.125 -405.5732 c +166.3423 -405.5732 168.5396 -404.5967 170.0215 -402.7217 C +173.5244 -398.293 176.6563 -393.7451 179.3267 -389.2061 C +197.3281 -358.6592 217.9253 -331.4688 240.5791 -308.2969 C +293.4014 -361.0693 L +297.2373 -364.9053 302.3359 -367.0146 307.7627 -367.0146 c +308.0869 -367.0146 308.4082 -366.9834 308.7275 -366.9678 C +308.7275 -396.8936 L +308.7275 -420.6084 328.043 -439.9014 351.7793 -439.9014 c +375.5176 -439.9014 394.8271 -420.6084 394.8271 -396.8936 C +394.8271 -346.1631 L +394.8271 -330.7217 407.4063 -318.1553 422.8662 -318.1553 c +438.3213 -318.1553 450.9004 -330.7178 450.9004 -346.1631 C +450.9004 -512.9883 L +450.9004 -536.7061 470.21 -556 493.9482 -556 c +517.6885 -556 537 -536.7061 537 -512.9883 C +537 -411.8203 L +536.9961 -407.6748 533.6367 -404.3203 529.4883 -404.3203 c +f +0 D +309.7363 -60.5381 m +311.8018 -58.4756 315.1592 -58.4756 317.2236 -60.5381 C +448.749 -191.9443 L +450.8135 -194.0029 450.8135 -197.3623 448.749 -199.4209 C +358.7275 -289.3584 L +323.6123 -254.2764 L +338.8232 -239.0811 L +341.7549 -236.1475 341.7549 -231.4014 338.8232 -228.4717 C +335.8906 -225.5459 331.1357 -225.5459 328.207 -228.4717 C +312.9932 -243.667 L +259.8271 -190.5498 L +275.041 -175.3545 L +277.9731 -172.4287 277.9731 -167.6787 275.041 -164.749 C +272.1084 -161.8232 267.354 -161.8193 264.4253 -164.749 C +249.2119 -179.9443 L +241.1226 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+2B2B2D2D2E2E2E3030313131333333333535353737373737383838383838383A3A3A3A3A3A3A3A3A +3A3A +> +< +D7D8DADBDDDEDFE0E0E2E2E3E4E5E5E5E5E6E6E6E7E7E7E8E8E9E9E9E9EAEAEAEAEAEAEAEAEBEBEB +EBEBECECECECECEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEFEFEFEFEFEFEFEFEFEFEFEFEFEFEFEF +EFEF +> +0 +< +FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEFEFEFEFEFEFEFEFEFEFEFEFEFEFEFEFEFEFEFEFEFEFEFEFEFEFEFEFE +FDFDFDFDFDFDFDFDFDFDFDFDFDFDFDFDFDFDFDFDFDFDFDFDFDFDFDFDFDFDFDFDFDFDFDFDFDFDFDFD +FDFD +> +< +EFEEEDECEBEAE9E8E7E6E6E5E4E3E2E1E1E0DFDEDDDDDCDBDBDAD9D9D8D7D7D6D6D5D4D4D3D3D2D2 +D1D1D0D0CFCFCFCECECDCDCDCCCCCCCCCBCBCBCACACACACAC9C9C9C9C9C9C9C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8 +C8C8 +> +< +262524232221201F1F1E1D1C1B1A1919181716161514131312111110100F0E0E0D0D0C0C0B0A0A0A +09090808070706060605050504040403030303020202020201010101010101000000000000000000 +0000 +> +4 %_Br +[ +0.019867 0.908171 0.827268 0.000092 0.890196 0.192157 0.176471 2 1 6 50 100 %_BS +%_0.019867 0.908171 0.827268 0.000092 0.890196 0.192157 0.176471 2 1 6 50 100 Bs +0.018158 0.73431 0.838254 0.000549 0.913725 0.372549 0.196078 2 1 6 50 88.764 %_BS +%_0.018158 0.73431 0.838254 0.000549 0.913725 0.372549 0.196078 2 1 6 50 88.764 Bs +0.009644 0.520867 0.847471 0.000549 0.945098 0.560784 0.203922 2 1 6 50 66.8539 %_BS +%_0.009644 0.520867 0.847471 0.000549 0.945098 0.560784 0.203922 2 1 6 50 66.8539 Bs +0.006928 0.22623 0.937102 0 0.992157 0.784314 0 2 1 6 50 28.0899 %_BS +%_0.006928 0.22623 0.937102 0 0.992157 0.784314 0 2 1 6 50 28.0899 Bs +0.048554 0 0.843168 0 1 0.937255 0.14902 2 1 6 28 0 %_BS +%_0.048554 0 0.843168 0 1 0.937255 0.14902 2 1 6 28 0 Bs +BD +%AI5_EndGradient +%AI5_BeginGradient: (Sehr weiche schwarze Vignette) +(Sehr weiche schwarze Vignette) 1 3 Bd +[ +0.760098 +0.688655 +0.631525 +0.871 +0.086275 +0.078431 +0.070588 +4 %_Br +0.760098 +0.688655 +0.631525 +0.871 +0.086275 +0.078431 +0.070588 +4 %_Br +[ +0.760098 0.688655 0.631525 0.871 0.086275 0.078431 0.070588 2 0 6 56.0729 57.4443 %_BS +%_0.760098 0.688655 0.631525 0.871 0.086275 0.078431 0.070588 2 0 6 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0.555016 0.961486 0.006836 0.894118 0.517647 0.094118 2 1 6 50 0 %_BS +%_0.072602 0.555016 0.961486 0.006836 0.894118 0.517647 0.094118 2 1 6 50 0 Bs +BD +%AI5_EndGradient +%AI5_BeginGradient: (Unnamed gradient 14) +(Unnamed gradient 14) 1 4 Bd +[ +< +0000010304050608090A0B0D0E1011131415151618191A1B1C1D1F202122222324252628282A292A +2C2D2E30313132333536373738393A3B3B3D3D3F3F404142434344454646474849494A4B4C4C4D4E +4F50515252535454555656575858595A5A5B5C5C5D5D5E5F5F606061626262626363646565666667 +6769696A6A6B6B6C6C6D6D6E6E6F6F70707171727273737374747575757676777777777778787879 +79797A7A7A7B7B7B7C7C7C7C7D7D7D7E7E7E7E7E7F7F7F7F80808080808081818181818181818181 +818181818181 +> +< +00000000000102010201020203040304040505060506070607060706070708080908090809080A0B +0A0B0A0C0B0D0C0D0C0B0C0C0D0C0E0D0F0E0F0E100F101011111011111212121213131213131514 +1615151616171616171618181718181919181A19191B1A191B1A1C1C1B1D1C1C1D1D1D1E1E1D1F1E 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+545657585A5B5D5E6061626466676A6B6C6E6F707273757677797A7B7C7E8081828385868788898B +8C8D8E8F9191929394959698999A9B9C9D9E9F9FA0A1A2A3A4A5A6A7A8A9A9AAACACADAEAFAFB0B2 +B3B3B4B5B5B6B7B8B9B9BABBBCBDBDBEBFBFC1C1C2C2C3C3C4C5C5C6C7C8C8C9C9C9CACACBCCCDCD +CECECECFD0D1D1D2D2D2D3D3D4D5D5D6D6D6D7D7D7D8D8D8DADADADBDBDBDBDDDDDDDDDEDEDEDFDF +DFDFE0E0E1E1E1E2E2E2E3E3E3E3E3E4E4E5E5E5E5E6E6E6E6E7E7E7E7E7E7E8E8E8E9E9E9E9E9E9 +E9EAEAEAEBEBEBEBEBECECECECECECECECECECEDEDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEFEFEFEFEFEFEFEF +EFEFEFEFF0F0F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F1F2F2F2F2F2F2F2F2F2F2F2F2F2F2 +F2F2F2F3F3F3F3F3F3F3F3F3F3F3F3F3F3F3F3F3F3F3F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4 +F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4 +F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4 +F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4F4 +F4F4F4F4F4F4F4 +> +< 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+AAA9A9A8A7A6A5A4A4A3A2A1A09F9E9D9D9C9B9A99989796959494939291908F8E8D8C8B8A898988 +87868584838281807F7E7D7C7B7A79787877767574737271706F6E6D6C6B6A696867666564636261 +605F5E5D5C5C5B5A595857565554535251504F4E4D4C4B4A494847464544434241403F3E3D3C3B3A +393837363534333231 +> +4 %_Br +[ +0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 1 6 33.3333 0 %_BS +%_0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 1 6 33.3333 0 Bs +0.507195 0.169009 0.033326 0 0.529412 0.721569 0.87451 2 1 6 50 35.955 %_BS +%_0.507195 0.169009 0.033326 0 0.529412 0.721569 0.87451 2 1 6 50 35.955 Bs +0.915404 0.587396 0.023102 0 0 0.380392 0.666667 2 1 6 51.9231 85.3932 %_BS +%_0.915404 0.587396 0.023102 0 0 0.380392 0.666667 2 1 6 51.9231 85.3932 Bs +0.957732 0.810636 0.494942 0.643946 0.090196 0.12549 0.192157 2 1 6 51.9231 100 %_BS +%_0.957732 0.810636 0.494942 0.643946 0.090196 0.12549 0.192157 2 1 6 51.9231 100 Bs +BD +%AI5_EndGradient +%AI5_BeginGradient: (Unnamed gradient 19) +(Unnamed gradient 19) 1 2 Bd +[ +< 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r +[ +0.547051 0 0.618921 0 0.509804 0.756863 0.501961 2 0 6 57.3034 0 %_BS +%_0.547051 0 0.618921 0 0.509804 0.756863 0.501961 2 0 6 57.3034 0 Bs +0.607843 0.145632 0 0 0.384314 0.701961 0.898039 2 0.7 6 50 100 %_BS +%_0.607843 0.145632 0 0 0.384314 0.701961 0.898039 2 0.7 6 50 100 Bs +BD +%AI5_EndGradient +%AI5_BeginGradient: (Unnamed gradient 21) +(Unnamed gradient 21) 0 3 Bd +[ +< +E6E5E5E4E2E2E0DEDEDDDCDBD9D9D8D7D5D4D3D1D1D0CFCECDCCCBCAC9C8C7C5C5C3C3C1C0C0BFBD +BCBBB9B9B7B7B6B5B3B3B2B1B0AFAEADADACABAAAAA9A9A8A8A7A7A7A6A6A5A5A4A4A4A3A3A3A3A3 +A2A2A2A2A2A2A2A1A2A2A1A1A2A1A1A1A0A0A09F9F9F9F9F9F9E9E9E9D9E9E9D9D9D9C9C9C9B9B9B +9B9A9A9A9B9A9A9A9999999999999999989898989797979797969696969696969696959595959594 +94949494949494949494949393939393939292929292929191919190909090908F8F8F8F8F8F8F8F +8F8E8E8E8E8E8E8E8E8E8E8E8D8D8D8D8D8D8D8D8D8D8D8D8D8D8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C +8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8B8B8B8B8B8B8B8B8B8B8B8B8B8B8B8B8B8B8B8B8B8B8B8B8B +8B8B8B8B8B8B8B8B8B +> +< +C6C5C3C2C1BFBEBBB9B8B6B4B3B1B0AEADABA9A7A5A3A19F9D9B9C9A98969392908E8C8A87878583 +82807D7A797977747270706E6C6A68676563615F5F5E5B5A5A59575556545353525151504F4E4E4C +4B4B4A4A49474746454544444342424141403E3F3D3D3C3C3B3B3A39393838373735353333323231 +313030302E2E2D2D2C2C2A2A2B2929282828262625252523232422222021211F1F1F1E1E1E1C1C1C +1A1A1A1A18191917171717151515141414141212121212101111110F0F0F0F0F0D0D0D0D0D0A0A0A +0A0B0B09090909090907070707070707070505050505050505050404040404040404040404010101 +01010101010101010202020202020200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 +000000000000000000 +> +< +02030508090B0D10141618191B1F20222425292A2B2C2D2E31323233343538393A3B3C3D3F3F4041 +42434546464647484A4B4B4C4D4E4E50515253545455575858595B5C5C5E60606162626364686869 +6B6B6C6C6D7070717373747475787879797A7B7B7C7C7D7F80808182828282838386858686878787 +878888888A8A8B8B8C8C8C8C8C8D8D8E8F8F8F8F9090909191919191929292949494959595959595 +96969696969696969898989898989999999999999999999A9999999A9A9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B +9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9C9C9C9B9B9B9B9B9C9C9C9C9C9C9C9D9D9D9D9D9D9D9D9D9D9D9D9D9E9E9E +9E9E9E9E9E9E9E9E9E9E9E9E9E9E9E9E9E9E9E9E9E9E9E9E9E9E9E9E9E9E9E9E9E9E9E9E9E9E9E9E +9E9E9E9E9E9E9E9E9E +> +0 +< +3839393A3B3B3C3D3D3E3E3F40404141424343444445464647474848494A4A4B4B4C4C4D4D4E4E4F +5050515152525353545455555656575757585859595A5A5B5B5C5C5C5D5D5E5E5F5F5F6060616161 +626263636364646565656666666767676868686969696A6A6A6B6B6B6C6C6C6D6D6D6E6E6E6F6F6F +6F707070707171717272727273737373747474747575757575767676767777777777787878787879 +79797979797A7A7A7A7A7A7B7B7B7B7B7B7C7C7C7C7C7C7C7D7D7D7D7D7D7D7D7E7E7E7E7E7E7E7E +7E7F7F7F7F7F7F7F7F7F7F7F80808080808080808080808080808181818181818181818181818181 +81818181818181818282828282828282828282828282828282828282828282828282828282828282 +828282828282828282 +> +< +464748494A4B4C4E4F505152535455565758595A5B5C5D5E5F60606162636465666768696A6A6B6C +6D6E6F707171727374757576777879797A7B7C7D7D7E7F80808182838384858586878788898A8A8B +8C8C8D8D8E8F8F90919192929394949595969797989899999A9A9B9C9C9D9D9E9E9F9FA0A0A1A1A2 +A2A3A3A3A4A4A5A5A6A6A7A7A7A8A8A9A9A9AAAAABABABACACACADADAEAEAEAFAFAFB0B0B0B1B1B1 +B2B2B2B2B3B3B3B4B4B4B4B5B5B5B6B6B6B6B7B7B7B7B7B8B8B8B8B9B9B9B9B9BABABABABABBBBBB 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+000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 +> +< +4C4B4A4949484746454443424241403F3E3D3C3B3B3A3938 +> +< +5E5D5C5B5A5958575655545351504F4E4D4C4B4A49484746 +> +< +A8A7A7A6A5A4A4A3A2A1A1A09F9E9E9D9C9B9B9A99989897 +> +4 %_Br +[ +0.547051 0 0.618921 0 0.509804 0.756863 0.501961 2 0.13 6 50 100 %_BS +%_0.547051 0 0.618921 0 0.509804 0.756863 0.501961 2 0.13 6 50 100 Bs +0.903716 0.77612 0.009003 0 0.219608 0.27451 0.592157 2 1 6 23.7288 50 %_BS +%_0.903716 0.77612 0.009003 0 0.219608 0.27451 0.592157 2 1 6 23.7288 50 Bs +0.790463 0.643061 0 0.000031 0.298039 0.368627 0.658824 2 0.22 6 50 0 %_BS +%_0.790463 0.643061 0 0.000031 0.298039 0.368627 0.658824 2 0.22 6 50 0 Bs +BD +%AI5_EndGradient +%AI5_BeginGradient: (Unnamed gradient 35) +(Unnamed gradient 35) 0 2 Bd +[ +< +0000000000000000000000010000000000000000010000000101000001 +> +< +6765646362615F5E5D5C5A585756535250504E4D4B4A49474645444241 +> +< +F4F4F4F3F3F3F3F2F2F2F2F2F1F1F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0EFEFEF +> +0 +< +F7F7F7F8F8F8F8F9F9F9F9F9FAFAFAFAFAFBFBFBFBFCFCFCFCFCFDFDFD +> +< +A6A7A8A9AAABACADAEAFB0B1B2B3B5B6B7B8B9BABBBCBDBEBFC0C1C2C3 +> +0 +4 %_Br +[ +0.001984 0.254643 0.938994 0 0.992157 0.764706 0 2 1 6 50 76.0736 %_BS +%_0.001984 0.254643 0.938994 0 0.992157 0.764706 0 2 1 6 50 76.0736 Bs +0 0.40238 0.956725 0 0.968627 0.65098 0 2 1 6 50 23.3129 %_BS +%_0 0.40238 0.956725 0 0.968627 0.65098 0 2 1 6 50 23.3129 Bs +BD +%AI5_EndGradient +%AI5_BeginGradient: (Unnamed gradient 4) +(Unnamed gradient 4) 1 2 Bd +[ +< +0000010304050608090A0B0D0E10111314151618191A1B1C1D1F202122232425262728292B2C2D2E +3031323335363738393A3B3D3D3E4041424344454748494A4B4C4D4E505152535455565758595A5B +5C5D5E5F606162626364656667686A6B6C6D6E6F70717273747576777778797A7B7C7D7E7F808181 +> +< +0000000000010201020102030304030405050605060706070607080708080908090A090A090A0B0A +0C0B0C0D0C0D0C0D0E0E0F0E0F100F10101112111211121312141314151516151617161817181918 +19191A1B1A1C1B1C1D1D1E1D1E1E1F20202120212322232223252425252627272828292A292B2A2B +> +< +00000000010001010101020102010303020403040304040304040404050505050605050406050505 +06060607070607070707060807060808080708080808090909080A0A090B090A09090A0909090909 +0A0A09080A09090909090809090A090A0A09090A090A090B0A090B0A0A090A0A09090A0909080A08 +> +0 +< +FFFEFDFCFBFAF9F8F7F6F5F4F3F2F1F0EFEEEDECEBEAE9E8E7E6E5E4E3E2E1E0DFDEDDDCDBDAD9D8 +D7D6D5D4D3D2D1D0CFCECDCCCBCAC9C8C7C6C5C4C2C1C0BFBEBDBCBBBAB9B8B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0AF +AEADACABAAA9A8A7A6A5A4A3A2A1A09F9E9D9C9B9A999897969594939291908F8E8D8C8B8A898887 +> +< +FFFEFEFDFDFCFBFBFAFAF9F8F8F7F7F6F5F5F4F4F3F2F2F1F1F0EFEFEEEEEDEDECEBEBEAEAE9E8E8 +E7E7E6E5E5E4E4E3E2E2E1E1E0DFDFDEDEDDDCDCDBDBDAD9D9D8D8D7D6D6D5D5D4D3D3D2D2D1D0D0 +CFCFCECDCDCCCCCBCACAC9C9C8C8C7C6C6C5C5C4C3C3C2C2C1C0C0BFBFBEBDBDBCBCBBBABAB9B9B8 +> +< +FFFFFEFEFEFEFDFDFDFDFCFCFCFCFBFBFBFAFAFAFAF9F9F9F9F8F8F8F7F7F7F7F6F6F6F6F5F5F5F5 +F4F4F4F3F3F3F3F2F2F2F2F1F1F1F0F0F0F0EFEFEFEFEEEEEEEEEDEDEDECECECECEBEBEBEBEAEAEA +E9E9E9E9E8E8E8E8E7E7E7E7E6E6E6E5E5E5E5E4E4E4E4E3E3E3E2E2E2E2E1E1E1E1E0E0E0E0DFDF +> +4 %_Br +[ +0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 1 6 50 0 %_BS +%_0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 1 6 50 0 Bs +0.507195 0.169009 0.033326 0 0.529412 0.721569 0.87451 2 1 6 50 100 %_BS +%_0.507195 0.169009 0.033326 0 0.529412 0.721569 0.87451 2 1 6 50 100 Bs +BD +%AI5_EndGradient +%AI5_BeginGradient: (Unnamed gradient 41) +(Unnamed gradient 41) 1 2 Bd +[ +< +0000010304050608090A0C0D0F1011121314161718191A1B1C1D2021222425262829292A2B2C2E2E +2F31323334353637393A3C +> +< +0000010203020304050608090A090A0B0B0D0D0E0F0E0F1011121213141515161718191A1B1C1B1C +1C1D1E1F20212021222325 +> +< +00000001000202030203030403050605060506050607070707070809090A0A0B0A0B0A0B0B0B0D0D +0D0D0D0D0D0D0F0E0F0E0F +> +0 +< +FFFEFDFCFBFAF9F8F7F6F5F4F3F2F1F0EFEEEDECEBEAE9E8E7E6E4E3E2E1E0DFDEDDDCDBDAD9D8D7 +D6D5D4D3D2D1D0CFCECDCC +> +< +FFFEFDFCFBFBFAF9F8F7F6F5F4F4F3F2F1F0EFEEEDEDECEBEAE9E8E7E6E5E5E4E3E2E1E0DFDEDEDD +DCDBDAD9D8D7D7D6D5D4D3 +> +< +FFFEFEFDFDFCFCFBFBFAFAF9F9F8F7F7F6F6F5F5F4F4F3F3F2F2F1F0F0EFEFEEEEEDEDECECEBEAEA +E9E9E8E8E7E7E6E6E5E5E4 +> +4 %_Br +[ +0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 1 6 50 0 %_BS +%_0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 1 6 50 0 Bs +0.233982 0.143648 0.059754 0 0.8 0.827451 0.894118 2 1 6 50 100 %_BS +%_0.233982 0.143648 0.059754 0 0.8 0.827451 0.894118 2 1 6 50 100 Bs +BD +%AI5_EndGradient +%AI5_BeginGradient: (Unnamed gradient 42) +(Unnamed gradient 42) 0 4 Bd +[ +< +0202010102020202 +> +< +757677797B7C7D7F +> +< +D4D4D5D5D6D6D6D6 +> +< +0000000000000000 +> +< +F3F3F3F3F2F2F2F2 +> +< +9C9B9A9997969594 +> +< +3838373736363535 +> +4 %_Br +< +010202 +> +< +797675 +> +< +D5D4D4 +> +< +000000 +> +0.952941 +< +999B9C +> +< +373838 +> +4 %_Br +< +03030303020202020202010101010102000001010101000000000101000000010101000001010202 +01010102020301010202020200010101 +> +< +B8B6B6B5B4B3B2B1B0AFAEADABAAA9A8A7A6A5A3A2A1A09F9E9D9C9B9897969594939291908F8D8C +8B8A88878684848281807F7D7C7B7A79 +> +< +FFFFFEFDFCFBFAFAF9F9F7F6F6F5F5F4F2F1F1F0F0EFEEEDECECEBEAE9E8E7E7E7E6E5E4E4E3E3E2 +E0DFDFDFDEDDDCDBDAD9D8D7D6D6D5D5 +> +< +00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 +00000000000000000000000000000000 +> +< +EAEAEAEAEBEBEBEBEBEBECECECECECECEDEDEDEDEDEDEEEEEEEEEEEEEFEFEFEFEFEFF0F0F0F0F0F0 +F1F1F1F1F1F1F2F2F2F2F2F2F3F3F3F3 +> +< +6162636465666768696A6B6C6D6E6F707172737475767778797A7B7C7E7F80818283848586878889 +8A8B8C8D8E8F90919293949596979899 +> +< +0A0B0C0C0D0E0F1011111213141515161718191A1A1B1C1D1E1E1F2021222323242526272728292A +2B2C2C2D2E2F30303132333435353637 +> +4 %_Br +[ +0.006683 0.497566 0.841093 0 0.94902 0.580392 0.207843 2 1 6 50 98.3146 %_BS +%_0.006683 0.497566 0.841093 0 0.94902 0.580392 0.207843 2 1 6 50 98.3146 Bs +0.00705 0.458015 0.830503 0.000244 0.952941 0.611765 0.219608 2 1 6 50 62.9213 %_BS +%_0.00705 0.458015 0.830503 0.000244 0.952941 0.611765 0.219608 2 1 6 50 62.9213 Bs +0.004822 0.472908 0.833829 0 0.952941 0.6 0.215686 2 1 6 50 61.7977 %_BS +%_0.004822 0.472908 0.833829 0 0.952941 0.6 0.215686 2 1 6 50 61.7977 Bs +0.013214 0.719631 1 0.000916 0.917647 0.380392 0.039216 2 1 6 50 0 %_BS +%_0.013214 0.719631 1 0.000916 0.917647 0.380392 0.039216 2 1 6 50 0 Bs +BD +%AI5_EndGradient +%AI5_BeginGradient: (Unnamed gradient 5) +(Unnamed gradient 5) 1 4 Bd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+67686A6A6B6B6C6C6D6F7071707172737475757777787878797A7B7C7D7D7E7F8081 +> +< +15151515151515151515151515151515151515151516161616161616161616161616161818181818 +18181817191919191919181919191919191A1A1A1A1A1B1B1B1B1B1C1C1C1C1B1D1D1D1C1D1D1D1D +1E1E1E1D1F1F1E202020212121202221212222222323222423252525272626272729282829292A2A +2B2A2A2C2B2D2C2D2D2E2D2F2E2F2F302F313032313231333233333434353736373737393839393A +3B3A3B3B3C3C3C3D3E3E3F3F3F40414142434243444445464746484849484A4B4C4B4C4D4E4D4D4F +4F504F505152535353545556575858575859595B5B5C5D5D5E5D5E5E5F6060616262 +> +< +0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F11111111111111111111111111121212121212 +1212121413131313131314141414141415141414141615151515171616161618171717191818181A +19191A1B1A1A1B1A1A1C1B1B1D1D1C1E1E1D1E1F1E1F1F2020202121202222232322242425252526 +26262627272828292929292A2A2B2B2B2B2C2C2D2D2E2F2E302F3130323332343335353436353737 +363839393A3A3A3B3C3C3C3D3D3E3E3E3F404141414342434446454646484848484A4B4B4A4C4D4D +4E4E4E4F5050505153525354545555575858595859595A5A5B5D5D5E5E5F60606161 +> +< +00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 +00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 +00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000101010101010101010101 +01010101010101020202020202020203030303030304040404040505050505060606070607070708 +08080808090909090A0A0A0B0B0B0C0C0C0D0D0D0E0E0F0F10101111121213131314151515161617 +181918191A1B1B1C1C1D1E1F2021212223242525262728292A2A2B2C2D2E2F303132 +> +< +E6E6E6E6E6E6E6E6E6E6E6E6E6E6E6E6E6E6E6E6E6E5E5E5E5E5E5E5E5E5E5E5E5E5E5E4E4E4E4E4 +E4E4E4E3E3E3E3E3E3E3E3E2E2E2E2E2E2E1E1E1E1E1E0E0E0E0E0DFDFDFDFDEDEDEDEDDDDDDDDDC +DCDCDCDBDBDBDADADADAD9D9D9D8D8D8D7D7D7D6D6D6D5D5D4D4D4D3D3D3D2D2D1D1D1D0D0CFCFCE +CECDCDCDCCCCCBCBCACAC9C9C8C8C7C7C6C6C5C5C4C4C3C3C2C1C1C0C0BFBFBEBDBDBCBCBBBABAB9 +B9B8B7B7B6B5B5B4B3B3B2B1B1B0AFAFAEADADACABAAAAA9A8A7A7A6A5A4A4A3A2A1A1A09F9E9D9D +9C9B9A9998989796959493929291908F8E8D8C8B8A89898887868584838281807F7E +> +< +E6E6E6E6E6E6E6E6E6E6E6E6E6E6E6E6E6E6E6E6E6E5E5E5E5E5E5E5E5E5E5E5E5E5E5E4E4E4E4E4 +E4E4E4E4E3E3E3E3E3E3E3E2E2E2E2E2E2E1E1E1E1E1E0E0E0E0E0DFDFDFDFDFDEDEDEDEDDDDDDDD +DCDCDCDCDBDBDBDADADAD9D9D9D9D8D8D8D7D7D7D6D6D6D5D5D4D4D4D3D3D3D2D2D1D1D1D0D0CFCF +CECECECDCDCCCCCBCBCACAC9C9C8C8C7C7C6C6C5C5C4C4C3C3C2C2C1C1C0BFBFBEBEBDBCBCBBBBBA +B9B9B8B8B7B6B6B5B4B4B3B2B2B1B0B0AFAEAEADACACABAAA9A9A8A7A6A6A5A4A3A3A2A1A0A09F9E +9D9C9C9B9A9998979796959493929191908F8E8D8C8B8A8988888786858483828180 +> +< +EBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEBEAEAEAEAEAEAEAEAEAEAEAEAEAE9E9E9E9E9E9 +E9E9E9E8E8E8E8E8E8E8E7E7E7E7E7E7E6E6E6E6E6E5E5E5E5E5E4E4E4E4E4E3E3E3E3E2E2E2E2E1 +E1E1E0E0E0E0DFDFDFDEDEDEDDDDDDDCDCDCDBDBDBDADAD9D9D9D8D8D8D7D7D6D6D6D5D5D4D4D3D3 +D2D2D2D1D1D0D0CFCFCECECDCDCCCCCBCBCACAC9C9C8C7C7C6C6C5C5C4C3C3C2C2C1C0C0BFBFBEBD +BDBCBBBBBAB9B9B8B7B7B6B5B5B4B3B3B2B1B0B0AFAEAEADACABABAAA9A8A7A7A6A5A4A3A3A2A1A0 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+16141413131212110F100E0F0D0E0D0D0C0A0B0A0B090A0907080707060605060403040203010200 +> +< +FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE +> +< +01010101010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 +> +< +5E5F606162636465666768696A6B6C6D6E6F7071737475767778797A7B7C7D7E7F80818283848586 +> +< +A6A7A7A8A8A9A9AAABABACACADADAEAEAFB0B0B1B1B2B2B3B4B4B5B5B6B6B7B7B8B9B9BABABBBBBC +> +< +2B2B2B2B2A2A2A2A2A2A292929292929292828282828282727272727272726262626262625252525 +> +4 %_Br +[ +0.680323 0.085298 1 0.003143 0.368627 0.65098 0.168627 2 1 6 50 34.7917 %_BS +%_0.680323 0.085298 1 0.003143 0.368627 0.65098 0.168627 2 1 6 50 34.7917 Bs +0.550256 0 0.995056 0 0.52549 0.737255 0.145098 2 1 6 50 76.0736 %_BS +%_0.550256 0 0.995056 0 0.52549 0.737255 0.145098 2 1 6 50 76.0736 Bs +BD +%AI5_EndGradient +%AI5_BeginGradient: (Verblassender Himmel) +(Verblassender Himmel) 0 2 Bd +[ +0.800259 +0.401739 +0 +0.000275 +0.145098 +0.505882 +0.768627 +4 %_Br +[ +0.800259 0.40174 0 0.000275 0.145098 0.505882 0.768627 2 0 6 50 100 %_BS +%_0.800259 0.40174 0 0.000275 0.145098 0.505882 0.768627 2 0 6 50 100 Bs +0.800259 0.40174 0 0.000275 0.145098 0.505882 0.768627 2 1 6 50 0 %_BS +%_0.800259 0.40174 0 0.000275 0.145098 0.505882 0.768627 2 1 6 50 0 Bs +BD +%AI5_EndGradient +%AI5_BeginGradient: (Weiß, Schwarz) +(Weiß, Schwarz) 0 2 Bd +[ +< +0000010304050608090B0C0D0F1011121314151718191A1B1C1E1F21222324252728292A2B2C2D2E +2F3031323435363738393A3B3C3D3E3F40404142434445464748494A4B4C4D4E4F4F505152535455 +565657585A5B5C5C5D5E5E5F6061616263646565666768696A6A6B6C6E6F6F707172727374757676 +777879797A7B7C7C7D7E7F808081828283848485858687878888898A8A8B8C8C8D8E8E8F8F909191 +9293939494959696979798989899999A9B9B9C9D9D9E9E9FA0A0A1A2A2A3A4A4A5A6A6A7A8A8A9AA +AAABABACADADAEAEAFAFB0B1B2B3B3B4B5B5B6B7B8B9B9BABBBCBCBDBE +> +< +00000102030405060708090A0A0B0C0C0D0E0F1011111213141516171819191A1B1B1C1D1E1F2020 +2122232425262728292A2B2C2C2D2E2E2F2F303031323334353636373838393A3B3B3C3D3D3E3F40 +4041424344454646474849494A4B4C4C4D4D4E4F4F50505152535354555657585859595A5B5B5C5D +5D5E5E5F6060616162636464656667676869696A6A6B6C6C6D6E6E6F6F7070717272737474757676 +777879797A7B7C7C7D7E7E7D7E7F7F80818182838384858686878888898A8A8B8C8D8D8E8F8F9091 +919293949495959696979898999A9B9B9C9D9D9E9FA0A1A2A3A3A4A5A5 +> +< +000001020304050708090A0B0C0D0E0F10111112131415161718191A1B1C1C1D1E1F202121222323 +2425262728292A2B2C2D2D2E2F2F30313233343535363738393A3B3B3C3D3D3E3F40404142434344 +444546464748494A4A4B4C4D4D4E4F4F5050515252535354545556575758595A5A5B5C5C5D5D5E5E +5F606061626263636465656667676869696A6A6B6B6C6D6D6E6F6F70707172727374747575767777 +787879797A7A7B7B7C7D7D7F80818182828383848585868687878888898A8A8B8C8C8D8E8E8F8F90 +91919292939394949495959697979899999A9B9B9C9D9D9E9F9FA0A0A0 +> +< +00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 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r +[ +0.743221 0.648188 0.629023 0.813504 0.113725 0.113725 0.105882 2 1 6 50 100 %_BS +%_0.743221 0.648188 0.629023 0.813504 0.113725 0.113725 0.105882 2 1 6 50 100 Bs +0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 1 6 50 0 %_BS +%_0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 1 6 50 0 Bs +BD +%AI5_EndGradient +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI3_BeginPattern: (Laub) +(Laub) 146.5576 118.877 593.1973 378.0615 +%_0 A +%_0 Xw +%_u +%_0 1 0 0 0 Xy +%_0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d %_0 XR +%_146.5576 378.0615 m +%_593.1973 378.0615 L +%_593.1973 118.877 L +%_146.5576 118.877 L +%_146.5576 378.0615 L +%_n +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Editor_Backing_Tile_Rect) , +%_; +%_ +%_u +%_0 O +%_0.791623 0.163851 1 0.031525 0.2 0.572549 0.180392 Xa +%_525.3965 187.373 m +%_530.916 182.7959 536.0586 174.9121 536.8398 164.623 C +%_537.916 174.8535 540.0371 182.7559 545.0508 188.584 C +%_538.7227 185.4883 536.4355 179.4307 V +%_533.4746 184.6807 525.3965 187.373 Y +%_f +%_511.3965 238.2559 m +%_512.6152 232.2871 517.7031 227.0801 524.3203 224.5254 C +%_521.6094 231.5176 522.6172 238.3232 526.4746 244.3145 C +%_525.5762 236.5488 527.9434 231.1035 532.2617 226.2754 C +%_530.9023 231.1035 531.0195 235.543 533.3398 240.1406 C +%_532.3965 231.6602 539.5078 227.3535 548.9551 221.6982 c +%_561.6152 214.1191 566.2324 205.6563 568.2031 194.4717 C +%_564.752 201.3389 558.3008 207.6094 540.3438 211.7637 c +%_518.0459 216.9238 509.9521 224.1797 511.3965 238.2559 C +%_f +%_511.666 146.0469 m +%_506.9785 150.6426 504.7559 158.2314 504.3965 167.7676 c +%_503.9258 180.2949 498.9873 185.4248 491.0703 186.2959 C +%_502.8721 181.7168 495.5146 169.1787 499.0127 160.4502 C +%_492.5713 165.2354 494.6309 181.1279 481.3779 181.8535 C +%_491.1582 178.6572 484.2129 165.1768 490.666 157.3545 C +%_482.8584 157.4619 479.2695 151.2275 469.1279 154.123 C +%_473.8428 150.4873 479.0928 148.2002 487.9736 148.2002 C +%_481.7197 144.3389 478.9746 139.5723 476.666 132.8545 C +%_486.7939 143.4473 501.5186 147.5186 511.666 146.0469 C +%_Bb +%_1 (Unnamed gradient 35) -0.041802 0 161.1868 0.574118 1 0 0 -1 39406.5586 53548.4453 1 Bg +%_-23.2971 -7.93696 19.6586 -57.7032 -7385.9507 7769.9282 Xm +%_-36859.207 -12557.377 19.6586 -57.7032 29467.8242 20325.4551 Bc +%_-12.2917 -4.18759 19.6586 -57.7032 -7391.3818 7768.0776 Bm +%_-36859.207 -12557.377 19.6586 -57.7032 -7403.6733 7763.8901 Bc +%_f +%_0 BB +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +%_1 0 0 -1 39406.5586 53548.4453 /RealMatrix +%_ (CAIGradientTformMatrix) , +%_; (Adobe_AI9_ArtStyle_Dictionary) , +%_; +%_ +%_0 1 Xd +%_Bb +%_2 (Unnamed gradient 35) -0.041802 0 161.1868 0.574118 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +%_0 BB +%_6 () XW +%_*u +%_1 D +%_0 g +%_629.0391 111.6025 m +%_658.4766 107.5791 675.2715 90.8115 678.1875 75.0508 C +%_674.2637 84.3018 665.2031 90.2744 654.5879 93.6826 C +%_665.2031 79.6699 661.7813 61.8164 675.7031 51.9854 C +%_665.3379 63.0244 668.4922 76.4473 660.7988 88.7139 C +%_673.0566 81.8174 674.9219 72.043 677.8223 61.5664 c +%_682.207 45.7217 689.3672 41.4775 695.043 39.3887 C +%_683.3438 38.9385 666.3828 43.9199 658.2617 59.4902 c +%_649.6504 75.999 656.8125 93.8984 635.7813 103.2627 C +%_645.3828 95.207 650.5078 83.7461 644.4746 68.8418 C +%_646.7305 90.7646 623.8477 94.3467 620.166 109.2949 C +%_619.5371 97.7646 627.3457 88.0723 634.7148 83.3906 C +%_624.4258 86.7627 615.5 92.3799 611.2949 105.2148 C +%_604.3711 83.8223 616.6094 66.7598 624.1953 66.7598 c +%_626.8223 66.7598 628.7305 68.4316 628.7305 70.9238 c +%_628.7305 77.373 617.0898 77.373 614.1348 89.7783 C +%_619.457 78.9551 639.6836 80.9063 639.6836 69.0186 c +%_639.6836 59.2803 626.0449 54.9814 617.3281 61.0342 C +%_623.7148 52.6943 638.5859 52.415 642.8789 62.4541 C +%_643.541 58.1465 641.5703 51.6973 635.4258 49.3252 c +%_628.4395 46.626 621.9414 51.8096 Y +%_629.582 40.7959 642.8809 48.1367 656.0078 47.9053 c +%_666.8751 47.7119 674.1133 42.085 677.2988 36.7266 C +%_674.332 38.2129 672.6602 38.6123 669.6699 38.6777 C +%_675.9629 34.7998 680.5176 25.8818 678.7188 17.209 C +%_677.4219 23.458 670.1465 27.8877 656.3633 28.8428 c +%_640.8066 29.9199 632.5547 32.4121 627.2637 38.1455 C +%_638.4648 33.1885 656.1992 40.0537 668.25 32.1133 C +%_660.7969 40.6514 644.3164 38.2021 632.5352 40.0938 c +%_611.8281 43.417 599.2109 78.3809 600.8281 93.7266 C +%_595.1719 70.3037 610.2891 57.5264 613.6152 44.5928 c +%_617.25 30.458 610.25 20.7666 603.666 15.79 C +%_613.9473 31.1885 596.25 40.4199 599.0527 60.1465 C +%_593.8262 40.958 603.4883 35.4854 603.4883 25.5488 c +%_603.4883 15.79 594.9043 12.5547 593.1973 0 C +%_591.4922 12.5547 582.9063 15.79 582.9063 25.5488 c +%_582.9063 35.4854 592.5684 40.958 587.3418 60.1465 C +%_590.1465 40.4199 572.4492 31.1885 582.7285 15.79 C +%_576.1465 20.7666 569.1465 30.458 572.7813 44.5928 c +%_576.1055 57.5264 591.2227 70.3037 585.5684 93.7266 C +%_587.1836 78.3809 574.5684 43.417 553.8613 40.0938 c +%_542.0781 38.2021 525.5996 40.6514 518.1455 32.1133 C +%_530.1953 40.0537 547.9297 33.1885 559.1309 38.1455 C +%_553.8418 32.4121 545.5898 29.9199 530.0332 28.8428 c +%_516.248 27.8877 508.9736 23.458 507.6768 17.209 C +%_505.8779 25.8818 510.4316 34.7998 516.7256 38.6777 C +%_513.7344 38.6123 512.0645 38.2129 509.0967 36.7266 C +%_512.2822 42.085 519.5195 47.7119 530.3887 47.9053 c +%_543.5156 48.1367 556.8125 40.7959 564.4551 51.8096 C +%_557.9551 46.626 550.9707 49.3252 v +%_544.8242 51.6973 542.8555 58.1465 543.5176 62.4541 C +%_547.8105 52.415 562.6797 52.6943 569.0664 61.0342 C +%_560.3496 54.9814 546.7109 59.2803 546.7109 69.0186 c +%_546.7109 80.9063 566.9395 78.9551 572.2617 89.7783 C +%_569.3066 77.373 557.666 77.373 557.666 70.9238 c +%_557.666 68.4316 559.5742 66.7598 562.2012 66.7598 c +%_569.7852 66.7598 582.0254 83.8223 575.0996 105.2148 C +%_570.8965 92.3799 561.9707 86.7627 551.6797 83.3906 C +%_559.0508 88.0723 566.8574 97.7646 566.2285 109.2949 C +%_562.5469 94.3467 539.666 90.7646 541.9199 68.8418 C +%_535.8887 83.7461 541.0117 95.207 550.6152 103.2627 C +%_529.582 93.8984 536.7441 75.999 528.1328 59.4902 c +%_520.0117 43.9199 503.0508 38.9385 491.3525 39.3887 C +%_497.0273 41.4775 504.1885 45.7217 508.5732 61.5664 c +%_511.4717 72.043 513.3389 81.8174 525.5977 88.7139 C +%_517.9033 76.4473 521.0586 63.0244 510.6934 51.9854 C +%_524.6152 61.8164 521.1914 79.6699 531.8066 93.6826 C +%_521.1914 90.2744 512.1299 84.3018 508.209 75.0508 C +%_511.123 90.8115 527.9199 107.5791 557.3574 111.6025 C +%_527.0313 112.8916 521.1836 96.0488 505.9014 95.4404 c +%_496.2197 95.0557 487.7656 103.8311 477.8682 109.1182 C +%_489.9814 106.0459 508.9756 97.79 519.0322 111.2471 C +%_512.8379 105.9863 500.7568 107.5195 v +%_488.4844 109.0781 477.2949 116.9199 446.6406 118.876 C +%_477.2949 120.834 488.4844 128.6729 500.7568 130.2314 c +%_512.8379 131.7676 519.0322 126.5068 Y +%_508.9756 139.9639 489.9814 131.7061 477.8682 128.6357 C +%_487.7656 133.9229 496.2197 142.6963 505.9014 142.3115 c +%_521.1836 141.7051 527.0313 124.8604 557.3574 126.1514 C +%_527.9199 130.1729 511.123 146.9424 508.209 162.7012 C +%_512.1299 153.4521 521.1914 147.4795 531.8066 144.0713 C +%_521.1914 158.084 524.6152 175.9375 510.6934 185.7666 C +%_521.0586 174.7295 517.9033 161.3047 525.5977 149.04 C +%_513.3389 155.9346 511.4717 165.709 508.5732 176.1855 c +%_504.1885 192.0322 497.0273 196.2744 491.3525 198.3652 C +%_503.0508 198.8145 520.0117 193.834 528.1328 178.2637 c +%_536.7441 161.752 529.582 143.8525 550.6152 134.4912 C +%_541.0117 142.5469 535.8887 154.0078 541.9199 168.9121 C +%_539.666 146.9893 562.5469 143.4072 566.2285 128.459 C +%_566.8574 139.9893 559.0508 149.6816 551.6797 154.3633 C +%_561.9707 150.9912 570.8965 145.374 575.0996 132.5391 C +%_582.0254 153.9297 569.7852 170.9941 562.2012 170.9941 c +%_559.5742 170.9941 557.666 169.3213 557.666 166.8301 c +%_557.666 160.3789 569.3066 160.3789 572.2617 147.9756 C +%_566.9395 158.7969 546.7109 156.8447 546.7109 168.7334 c +%_546.7109 178.4717 560.3496 182.7705 569.0664 176.7188 C +%_562.6797 185.0576 547.8105 185.3389 543.5176 175.2988 C +%_542.8555 179.6064 544.8242 186.0557 550.9707 188.4287 c +%_557.9551 191.127 564.4551 185.9443 Y +%_556.8125 196.958 543.5156 189.6152 530.3887 189.8486 c +%_519.5195 190.04 512.2822 195.6689 509.0967 201.0254 C +%_512.0645 199.541 513.7344 199.1406 516.7256 199.0742 C +%_510.4316 202.9531 505.8779 211.8721 507.6768 220.543 C +%_508.9736 214.2949 516.248 209.8652 530.0332 208.9102 c +%_545.5898 207.834 553.8418 205.3418 559.1309 199.6055 C +%_547.9297 204.5654 530.1953 197.6982 518.1455 205.6387 C +%_525.5996 197.1016 542.0781 199.5488 553.8613 197.6582 c +%_574.5684 194.3359 587.1836 159.373 585.5684 144.0273 C +%_591.2227 167.4502 576.1055 180.2275 572.7813 193.1611 c +%_569.1465 207.2949 576.1465 216.9873 582.7285 221.9629 C +%_572.4492 206.5645 590.1465 197.334 587.3418 177.6055 C +%_592.5684 196.7959 582.9063 202.2676 582.9063 212.2041 c +%_582.9063 221.9629 591.4922 225.1992 593.1973 237.7539 C +%_594.9043 225.1992 603.4883 221.9629 603.4883 212.2041 c +%_603.4883 202.2676 593.8262 196.7959 599.0527 177.6055 C +%_596.25 197.334 613.9473 206.5645 603.666 221.9629 C +%_610.25 216.9873 617.25 207.2949 613.6152 193.1611 c +%_610.2891 180.2275 595.1719 167.4502 600.8281 144.0273 C +%_599.2109 159.373 611.8281 194.3359 632.5352 197.6582 c +%_644.3164 199.5488 660.7969 197.1016 668.25 205.6387 C +%_656.1992 197.6982 638.4648 204.5654 627.2637 199.6055 C +%_632.5547 205.3418 640.8066 207.834 656.3633 208.9102 c +%_670.1465 209.8652 677.4219 214.2949 678.7188 220.543 C +%_680.5176 211.8721 675.9629 202.9531 669.6699 199.0742 C +%_672.6602 199.1406 674.332 199.541 677.2988 201.0254 C +%_674.1133 195.6689 666.8751 190.04 656.0078 189.8486 c +%_642.8809 189.6152 629.582 196.958 621.9414 185.9443 C +%_628.4395 191.127 635.4258 188.4287 v +%_641.5703 186.0557 643.541 179.6064 642.8789 175.2988 C +%_638.5859 185.3389 623.7148 185.0576 617.3281 176.7188 C +%_626.0449 182.7705 639.6836 178.4717 639.6836 168.7334 c +%_639.6836 156.8447 619.457 158.7969 614.1348 147.9756 C +%_617.0898 160.3789 628.7305 160.3789 628.7305 166.8301 c +%_628.7305 169.3213 626.8223 170.9941 624.1953 170.9941 c +%_616.6094 170.9941 604.3711 153.9297 611.2949 132.5391 C +%_615.5 145.374 624.4258 150.9912 634.7148 154.3633 C +%_627.3457 149.6816 619.5371 139.9893 620.166 128.459 C +%_623.8477 143.4072 646.7305 146.9893 644.4746 168.9121 C +%_650.5078 154.0078 645.3828 142.5469 635.7813 134.4912 C +%_656.8125 143.8525 649.6504 161.752 658.2617 178.2637 c +%_666.3828 193.834 683.3438 198.8145 695.043 198.3652 C +%_689.3672 196.2744 682.207 192.0322 677.8223 176.1855 c +%_674.9219 165.709 673.0566 155.9346 660.7988 149.04 C +%_668.4922 161.3047 665.3379 174.7295 675.7031 185.7666 C +%_661.7813 175.9375 665.2031 158.084 654.5879 144.0713 C +%_665.2031 147.4795 674.2637 153.4521 678.1875 162.7012 C +%_675.2715 146.9424 658.4766 130.1729 629.0391 126.1514 C +%_659.3652 124.8604 665.2109 141.7051 680.4922 142.3115 c +%_690.1758 142.6963 698.6289 133.9229 708.5273 128.6357 C +%_696.4141 131.7061 677.4199 139.9639 667.3633 126.5068 C +%_673.5566 131.7676 685.6387 130.2314 v +%_697.9102 128.6729 709.0996 120.834 739.7539 118.876 C +%_709.0996 116.9199 697.9102 109.0781 685.6387 107.5195 c +%_673.5566 105.9863 667.3633 111.2471 Y +%_677.4199 97.79 696.4141 106.0459 708.5273 109.1182 C +%_698.6289 103.8311 690.1758 95.0557 680.4922 95.4404 c +%_665.2109 96.0488 659.3652 112.8916 629.0391 111.6025 C +%_f +%_0 D +%_0 g +%_662.3945 118.876 m +%_667.0078 117.6348 671.0273 115.1064 676.8828 115.1064 c +%_683.9961 115.1064 687.957 117.8574 693.623 118.876 C +%_687.957 119.8936 683.9961 122.6455 676.8828 122.6455 c +%_671.0273 122.6455 667.0078 120.1191 662.3945 118.876 C +%_f +%_0 g +%_590.1816 209.1875 m +%_590.1816 204.0645 593.1973 200.79 593.1973 197.0645 c +%_593.1973 200.79 596.2148 204.0645 596.2148 209.1875 c +%_596.2148 213.7559 593.9648 215.8398 593.1973 220.6221 C +%_592.4297 215.8398 590.1816 213.7559 590.1816 209.1875 c +%_f +%_0 g +%_524 118.876 m +%_519.3867 120.1191 515.3662 122.6455 509.5117 122.6455 c +%_502.3984 122.6455 498.4385 119.8936 492.7725 118.876 C +%_498.4385 117.8574 502.3984 115.1064 509.5117 115.1064 c +%_515.3662 115.1064 519.3867 117.6348 524 118.876 C +%_f +%_0 g +%_596.2148 28.5654 m +%_596.2148 33.6885 593.1973 36.9639 593.1973 40.6885 c +%_593.1973 36.9639 590.1816 33.6885 590.1816 28.5654 c +%_590.1816 23.9971 592.4297 21.9121 593.1973 17.1318 C +%_593.9648 21.9121 596.2148 23.9971 596.2148 28.5654 c +%_f +%_638.2656 118.876 m +%_628.3281 118.876 614.1777 123.8584 603.3125 121.8916 C +%_606.7617 123.9912 608.2949 125.5645 610.7637 128.6357 C +%_606.3574 128.2021 604.0059 127.8398 600.6504 126.3281 C +%_603.3125 132.3457 603.8438 135.7275 604.375 141.7646 C +%_601.3066 138.1992 599.7363 136.0244 597.8105 131.1191 C +%_598.5195 143.5391 593.5527 146.3662 593.1973 162.8799 C +%_592.8418 146.3662 587.875 143.5391 588.584 131.1191 C +%_586.6602 136.0244 585.0898 138.1992 582.0195 141.7646 C +%_582.5508 135.7275 583.084 132.3457 585.7461 126.3281 C +%_582.3906 127.8398 580.0371 128.2021 575.6309 128.6357 C +%_578.1016 125.5645 579.6348 123.9912 583.084 121.8916 C +%_572.2188 123.8584 558.0664 118.876 548.1309 118.876 c +%_558.0664 118.876 572.2188 113.8955 583.084 115.8594 C +%_579.6348 113.7627 578.1016 112.1895 575.6309 109.1182 C +%_580.0371 109.5498 582.3906 109.9141 585.7461 111.4238 C +%_583.084 105.4082 582.5508 102.0264 582.0195 95.9873 C +%_585.0898 99.5527 586.6602 101.7295 588.584 106.6348 C +%_587.875 94.2139 592.8418 91.3877 593.1973 74.874 C +%_593.5527 91.3877 598.5195 94.2139 597.8105 106.6348 C +%_599.7363 101.7295 601.3066 99.5527 604.375 95.9873 C +%_603.8438 102.0264 603.3125 105.4082 600.6504 111.4238 C +%_604.0059 109.9141 606.3574 109.5498 610.7637 109.1182 C +%_608.2949 112.1895 606.7617 113.7627 603.3125 115.8594 C +%_614.1777 113.8955 628.3281 118.876 638.2656 118.876 c +%_Bb +%_0 0 0 0 Bh +%_1 (Unnamed gradient 83) 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 -1 39406.5586 53548.4453 1 Bg +%_133.4345 0 0 133.4345 -7297.8008 7772.125 Bm +%_f +%_0 BB +%_*U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +%_1 0 0 -1 39406.5586 53548.4453 /RealMatrix +%_ (CAIGradientTformMatrix) , +%_; (Adobe_AI9_ArtStyle_Dictionary) , +%_; +%_ +%_0 1 Xd +%_Bb +%_0 0 0 0 Bh +%_2 (Unnamed gradient 83) 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +%_0 BB +%_6 () XW +%_538.3203 240.1406 m +%_540.9609 226.3105 563.6855 223.8848 568.6074 206.084 C +%_572.377 225.1992 589.9023 225.9551 590.1465 239.1982 C +%_586.9668 231.3965 579.3086 233.4121 574.2617 227.083 C +%_575.1074 233.2344 578.8965 238.9746 586.6465 242.1602 C +%_578.9727 243.2363 571.0195 240.3281 567.5313 232.6025 C +%_564.9727 236.7754 564.7188 241.0518 566.8574 246.4678 C +%_562.1465 242.833 559.3652 237.168 561.2031 229.9102 C +%_553.9355 237.1797 543.3008 233.1406 538.3203 240.1406 C +%_Bb +%_1 (Unnamed gradient 35) -0.023633 0 90 0.695993 -1 0 0 -1 55830.9844 53548.4453 1 Bg +%_0.000001 -28.1062 -55.8262 -0.000002 -7298.8535 7685.8672 Xm +%_0.002416 -55268.8008 -55.8262 -0.000002 -7298.856 62948.1172 Bc +%_0.000001 -14.829 -55.8262 -0.000002 -7298.8535 7679.3149 Bm +%_0.002416 -55268.8008 -55.8262 -0.000002 -7298.8535 7664.4858 Bc +%_f +%_0 BB +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +%_-1 0 0 -1 55830.9844 53548.4453 /RealMatrix +%_ (CAIGradientTformMatrix) , +%_; (Adobe_AI9_ArtStyle_Dictionary) , +%_; +%_ +%_0 1 Xd +%_Bb +%_2 (Unnamed gradient 35) -0.023633 0 90 0.695993 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +%_0 BB +%_6 () XW +%_0.001984 0.254643 0.938994 0 0.992157 0.764706 0 Xa +%_611.418 118.876 m +%_607.1602 119.54 602.0293 122.0771 597.2871 120.0957 C +%_599.6094 121.9004 598.4316 123.6104 599.8164 125.293 C +%_597.9004 123.9053 596.3066 124.79 594.8301 122.5479 C +%_596.3652 127.8574 594.3008 130.6904 593.1973 136.666 C +%_592.0938 130.6904 590.0293 127.8574 591.5645 122.5479 C +%_590.0898 124.79 588.4961 123.9053 586.5801 125.293 C +%_587.9648 123.6104 586.7852 121.9004 589.1094 120.0957 C +%_584.3672 122.0771 579.2344 119.54 574.9785 118.876 C +%_579.2344 118.2109 584.3672 115.6768 589.1094 117.6582 C +%_586.7852 115.8535 587.9648 114.1416 586.5801 112.4609 C +%_588.4961 113.8467 590.0898 112.9609 591.5645 115.2031 C +%_590.0293 109.8945 592.0938 107.0635 593.1973 101.0859 C +%_594.3008 107.0635 596.3652 109.8945 594.8301 115.2031 C +%_596.3066 112.9609 597.9004 113.8467 599.8164 112.4609 C +%_598.4316 114.1416 599.6094 115.8535 597.2871 117.6582 C +%_602.0293 115.6768 607.1602 118.2109 611.418 118.876 C +%_f +%_U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Repeated_Art) , +%_; +%_ +%_9 () XW +%_u +%_228.0879 146.0469 m +%_232.7754 150.6426 235 158.2314 235.3574 167.7676 c +%_235.8281 180.2949 240.7676 185.4248 248.6836 186.2959 C +%_236.8828 181.7168 244.2402 169.1787 240.7422 160.4502 C +%_247.1816 165.2354 245.123 181.1279 258.377 181.8535 C +%_248.5957 178.6572 255.541 165.1768 249.0879 157.3545 C +%_256.8965 157.4619 260.4863 151.2275 270.627 154.123 C +%_265.9102 150.4873 260.6621 148.2002 251.7813 148.2002 C +%_258.0352 144.3389 260.7813 139.5723 263.0879 132.8545 C +%_252.9609 143.4473 238.2363 147.5186 228.0879 146.0469 C +%_Bb +%_1 (Unnamed gradient 35) -0.041802 0 161.1868 0.574118 -1 0 0 -1 55830.9844 53548.4453 1 Bg +%_23.296 -7.93659 -19.6585 -57.7029 -7656.3013 7769.9302 Xm +%_52636.293 -17932.3945 -19.6585 -57.7029 -60287.1641 25700.4746 Bc +%_12.2911 -4.1874 -19.6585 -57.7029 -7650.8706 7768.0801 Bm +%_52636.293 -17932.3945 -19.6585 -57.7029 -7638.5791 7763.8926 Bc +%_f +%_0 BB +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +%_-1 0 0 -1 55830.9844 53548.4453 /RealMatrix +%_ (CAIGradientTformMatrix) , +%_; (Adobe_AI9_ArtStyle_Dictionary) , +%_; +%_ +%_0 1 Xd +%_Bb +%_2 (Unnamed gradient 35) -0.041802 0 161.1868 0.574118 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +%_0 BB +%_6 () XW +%_0.791623 0.163851 1 0.031525 0.2 0.572549 0.180392 Xa +%_214.3574 187.373 m +%_208.8379 182.7959 203.6973 174.9121 202.916 164.623 C +%_201.8398 174.8535 199.7168 182.7559 194.7051 188.584 C +%_201.0313 185.4883 203.3203 179.4307 V +%_206.2813 184.6807 214.3574 187.373 Y +%_f +%_228.3574 238.2559 m +%_227.1406 232.2871 222.0508 227.0801 215.4355 224.5254 C +%_218.1445 231.5176 217.1387 238.3232 213.2813 244.3145 C +%_214.1797 236.5488 211.8125 231.1035 207.4922 226.2754 C +%_208.8535 231.1035 208.7344 235.543 206.416 240.1406 C +%_207.3574 231.6602 200.248 227.3535 190.8008 221.6982 c +%_178.1406 214.1191 173.5234 205.6563 171.5508 194.4717 C +%_175.002 201.3389 181.4531 207.6094 199.4102 211.7637 c +%_221.709 216.9238 229.8027 224.1797 228.3574 238.2559 C +%_f +%_201.4355 240.1406 m +%_198.793 226.3105 176.0684 223.8848 171.1465 206.084 C +%_167.3789 225.1992 149.8516 225.9551 149.6094 239.1982 C +%_152.7871 231.3965 160.4453 233.4121 165.4941 227.083 C +%_164.6465 233.2344 160.8594 238.9746 153.1094 242.1602 C +%_160.7813 243.2363 168.7344 240.3281 172.2246 232.6025 C +%_174.7813 236.7754 175.0371 241.0518 172.8965 246.4678 C +%_177.6094 242.833 180.3887 237.168 178.5508 229.9102 C +%_185.8203 237.1797 196.4551 233.1406 201.4355 240.1406 C +%_Bb +%_1 (Unnamed gradient 35) -0.023633 0 90 0.695993 1 0 0 -1 39406.5586 53548.4453 1 Bg +%_-0.000001 -28.1062 55.8261 -0.000002 -7743.3906 7685.8672 Xm +%_-0.001717 -39275.3711 55.8261 -0.000002 -7743.3887 46954.6875 Bc +%_-0.000001 -14.829 55.8261 -0.000002 -7743.3906 7679.3149 Bm +%_-0.001717 -39275.3711 55.8261 -0.000002 -7743.3906 7664.4858 Bc +%_f +%_0 BB +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +%_1 0 0 -1 39406.5586 53548.4453 /RealMatrix +%_ (CAIGradientTformMatrix) , +%_; (Adobe_AI9_ArtStyle_Dictionary) , +%_; +%_ +%_0 1 Xd +%_Bb +%_2 (Unnamed gradient 35) -0.023633 0 90 0.695993 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +%_0 BB +%_6 () XW +%_*u +%_1 D +%_0 g +%_182.3984 111.6025 m +%_211.8359 107.5791 228.6309 90.8115 231.5469 75.0508 C +%_227.623 84.3018 218.5625 90.2744 207.9473 93.6826 C +%_218.5625 79.6699 215.1406 61.8164 229.0625 51.9854 C +%_218.6973 63.0244 221.8516 76.4473 214.1582 88.7139 C +%_226.416 81.8174 228.2813 72.043 231.1816 61.5664 c +%_235.5664 45.7217 242.7266 41.4775 248.4023 39.3887 C +%_236.7031 38.9385 219.7422 43.9199 211.6211 59.4902 c +%_203.0098 75.999 210.1719 93.8984 189.1406 103.2627 C +%_198.7422 95.207 203.8672 83.7461 197.834 68.8418 C +%_200.0898 90.7646 177.207 94.3467 173.5254 109.2949 C +%_172.8965 97.7646 180.7051 88.0723 188.0742 83.3906 C +%_177.7852 86.7627 168.8594 92.3799 164.6543 105.2148 C +%_157.7305 83.8223 169.9688 66.7598 177.5547 66.7598 c +%_180.1816 66.7598 182.0898 68.4316 182.0898 70.9238 c +%_182.0898 77.373 170.4492 77.373 167.4941 89.7783 C +%_172.8164 78.9551 193.043 80.9063 193.043 69.0186 c +%_193.043 59.2803 179.4043 54.9814 170.6875 61.0342 C +%_177.0742 52.6943 191.9453 52.415 196.2383 62.4541 C +%_196.9004 58.1465 194.9297 51.6973 188.7852 49.3252 c +%_181.7988 46.626 175.3008 51.8096 Y +%_182.9414 40.7959 196.2402 48.1367 209.3672 47.9053 c +%_220.2344 47.7119 227.4727 42.085 230.6582 36.7266 C +%_227.6914 38.2129 226.0195 38.6123 223.0293 38.6777 C +%_229.3223 34.7998 233.877 25.8818 232.0781 17.209 C +%_230.7813 23.458 223.5059 27.8877 209.7227 28.8428 c +%_194.166 29.9199 185.9141 32.4121 180.623 38.1455 C +%_191.8242 33.1885 209.5586 40.0537 221.6094 32.1133 C +%_214.1563 40.6514 197.6758 38.2021 185.8945 40.0938 c +%_165.1875 43.417 152.5703 78.3809 154.1875 93.7266 C +%_148.5313 70.3037 163.6484 57.5264 166.9746 44.5928 c +%_170.6094 30.458 163.6094 20.7666 157.0254 15.79 C +%_167.3066 31.1885 149.6094 40.4199 152.4121 60.1465 C +%_147.1855 40.958 156.8477 35.4854 156.8477 25.5488 c +%_156.8477 15.79 148.2637 12.5547 146.5566 0 C +%_144.8516 12.5547 136.2656 15.79 136.2656 25.5488 c +%_136.2656 35.4854 145.9277 40.958 140.7012 60.1465 C +%_143.5059 40.4199 125.8086 31.1885 136.0879 15.79 C +%_129.5059 20.7666 122.5059 30.458 126.1406 44.5928 c +%_129.4648 57.5264 144.582 70.3037 138.9277 93.7266 C +%_140.543 78.3809 127.9277 43.417 107.2207 40.0938 c +%_95.4375 38.2021 78.959 40.6514 71.5049 32.1133 C +%_83.5547 40.0537 101.2891 33.1885 112.4902 38.1455 C +%_107.2012 32.4121 98.9492 29.9199 83.3926 28.8428 c +%_69.6074 27.8877 62.333 23.458 61.0361 17.209 C +%_59.2373 25.8818 63.791 34.7998 70.085 38.6777 C +%_67.0938 38.6123 65.4238 38.2129 62.4561 36.7266 C +%_65.6416 42.085 72.8789 47.7119 83.748 47.9053 c +%_96.875 48.1367 110.1719 40.7959 117.8145 51.8096 C +%_111.3145 46.626 104.3301 49.3252 v +%_98.1836 51.6973 96.2148 58.1465 96.877 62.4541 C +%_101.1699 52.415 116.0391 52.6943 122.4258 61.0342 C +%_113.709 54.9814 100.0703 59.2803 100.0703 69.0186 c +%_100.0703 80.9063 120.2988 78.9551 125.6211 89.7783 C +%_122.666 77.373 111.0254 77.373 111.0254 70.9238 c +%_111.0254 68.4316 112.9336 66.7598 115.5605 66.7598 c +%_123.1445 66.7598 135.3848 83.8223 128.459 105.2148 C +%_124.2559 92.3799 115.3301 86.7627 105.0391 83.3906 C +%_112.4102 88.0723 120.2168 97.7646 119.5879 109.2949 C +%_115.9063 94.3467 93.0254 90.7646 95.2793 68.8418 C +%_89.248 83.7461 94.3711 95.207 103.9746 103.2627 C +%_82.9414 93.8984 90.1035 75.999 81.4922 59.4902 c +%_73.3711 43.9199 56.4102 38.9385 44.7119 39.3887 C +%_50.3867 41.4775 57.5479 45.7217 61.9326 61.5664 c +%_64.8311 72.043 66.6982 81.8174 78.957 88.7139 C +%_71.2627 76.4473 74.418 63.0244 64.0527 51.9854 C +%_77.9746 61.8164 74.5508 79.6699 85.166 93.6826 C +%_74.5508 90.2744 65.4893 84.3018 61.5684 75.0508 C +%_64.4824 90.8115 81.2793 107.5791 110.7168 111.6025 C +%_80.3906 112.8916 74.543 96.0488 59.2607 95.4404 c +%_49.5791 95.0557 41.125 103.8311 31.2275 109.1182 C +%_43.3408 106.0459 62.335 97.79 72.3916 111.2471 C +%_66.1973 105.9863 54.1162 107.5195 v +%_41.8438 109.0781 30.6543 116.9199 0 118.876 C +%_30.6543 120.834 41.8438 128.6729 54.1162 130.2314 c +%_66.1973 131.7676 72.3916 126.5068 Y +%_62.335 139.9639 43.3408 131.7061 31.2275 128.6357 C +%_41.125 133.9229 49.5791 142.6963 59.2607 142.3115 c +%_74.543 141.7051 80.3906 124.8604 110.7168 126.1514 C +%_81.2793 130.1729 64.4824 146.9424 61.5684 162.7012 C +%_65.4893 153.4521 74.5508 147.4795 85.166 144.0713 C +%_74.5508 158.084 77.9746 175.9375 64.0527 185.7666 C +%_74.418 174.7295 71.2627 161.3047 78.957 149.04 C +%_66.6982 155.9346 64.8311 165.709 61.9326 176.1855 c +%_57.5479 192.0322 50.3867 196.2744 44.7119 198.3652 C +%_56.4102 198.8145 73.3711 193.834 81.4922 178.2637 c +%_90.1035 161.752 82.9414 143.8525 103.9746 134.4912 C +%_94.3711 142.5469 89.248 154.0078 95.2793 168.9121 C +%_93.0254 146.9893 115.9063 143.4072 119.5879 128.459 C +%_120.2168 139.9893 112.4102 149.6816 105.0391 154.3633 C +%_115.3301 150.9912 124.2559 145.374 128.459 132.5391 C +%_135.3848 153.9297 123.1445 170.9941 115.5605 170.9941 c +%_112.9336 170.9941 111.0254 169.3213 111.0254 166.8301 c +%_111.0254 160.3789 122.666 160.3789 125.6211 147.9756 C +%_120.2988 158.7969 100.0703 156.8447 100.0703 168.7334 c +%_100.0703 178.4717 113.709 182.7705 122.4258 176.7188 C +%_116.0391 185.0576 101.1699 185.3389 96.877 175.2988 C +%_96.2148 179.6064 98.1836 186.0557 104.3301 188.4287 c +%_111.3145 191.127 117.8145 185.9443 Y +%_110.1719 196.958 96.875 189.6152 83.748 189.8486 c +%_72.8789 190.04 65.6416 195.6689 62.4561 201.0254 C +%_65.4238 199.541 67.0938 199.1406 70.085 199.0742 C +%_63.791 202.9531 59.2373 211.8721 61.0361 220.543 C +%_62.333 214.2949 69.6074 209.8652 83.3926 208.9102 c +%_98.9492 207.834 107.2012 205.3418 112.4902 199.6055 C +%_101.2891 204.5654 83.5547 197.6982 71.5049 205.6387 C +%_78.959 197.1016 95.4375 199.5488 107.2207 197.6582 c +%_127.9277 194.3359 140.543 159.373 138.9277 144.0273 C +%_144.582 167.4502 129.4648 180.2275 126.1406 193.1611 c +%_122.5059 207.2949 129.5059 216.9873 136.0879 221.9629 C +%_125.8086 206.5645 143.5059 197.334 140.7012 177.6055 C +%_145.9277 196.7959 136.2656 202.2676 136.2656 212.2041 c +%_136.2656 221.9629 144.8516 225.1992 146.5566 237.7539 C +%_148.2637 225.1992 156.8477 221.9629 156.8477 212.2041 c +%_156.8477 202.2676 147.1855 196.7959 152.4121 177.6055 C +%_149.6094 197.334 167.3066 206.5645 157.0254 221.9629 C +%_163.6094 216.9873 170.6094 207.2949 166.9746 193.1611 c +%_163.6484 180.2275 148.5313 167.4502 154.1875 144.0273 C +%_152.5703 159.373 165.1875 194.3359 185.8945 197.6582 c +%_197.6758 199.5488 214.1563 197.1016 221.6094 205.6387 C +%_209.5586 197.6982 191.8242 204.5654 180.623 199.6055 C +%_185.9141 205.3418 194.166 207.834 209.7227 208.9102 c +%_223.5059 209.8652 230.7813 214.2949 232.0781 220.543 C +%_233.877 211.8721 229.3223 202.9531 223.0293 199.0742 C +%_226.0195 199.1406 227.6914 199.541 230.6582 201.0254 C +%_227.4727 195.6689 220.2344 190.04 209.3672 189.8486 c +%_196.2402 189.6152 182.9414 196.958 175.3008 185.9443 C +%_181.7988 191.127 188.7852 188.4287 v +%_194.9297 186.0557 196.9004 179.6064 196.2383 175.2988 C +%_191.9453 185.3389 177.0742 185.0576 170.6875 176.7188 C +%_179.4043 182.7705 193.043 178.4717 193.043 168.7334 c +%_193.043 156.8447 172.8164 158.7969 167.4941 147.9756 C +%_170.4492 160.3789 182.0898 160.3789 182.0898 166.8301 c +%_182.0898 169.3213 180.1816 170.9941 177.5547 170.9941 c +%_169.9688 170.9941 157.7305 153.9297 164.6543 132.5391 C +%_168.8594 145.374 177.7852 150.9912 188.0742 154.3633 C +%_180.7051 149.6816 172.8965 139.9893 173.5254 128.459 C +%_177.207 143.4072 200.0898 146.9893 197.834 168.9121 C +%_203.8672 154.0078 198.7422 142.5469 189.1406 134.4912 C +%_210.1719 143.8525 203.0098 161.752 211.6211 178.2637 c +%_219.7422 193.834 236.7031 198.8145 248.4023 198.3652 C +%_242.7266 196.2744 235.5664 192.0322 231.1816 176.1855 c +%_228.2813 165.709 226.416 155.9346 214.1582 149.04 C +%_221.8516 161.3047 218.6973 174.7295 229.0625 185.7666 C +%_215.1406 175.9375 218.5625 158.084 207.9473 144.0713 C +%_218.5625 147.4795 227.623 153.4521 231.5469 162.7012 C +%_228.6309 146.9424 211.8359 130.1729 182.3984 126.1514 C +%_212.7246 124.8604 218.5703 141.7051 233.8516 142.3115 c +%_243.5352 142.6963 251.9883 133.9229 261.8867 128.6357 C +%_249.7734 131.7061 230.7793 139.9639 220.7227 126.5068 C +%_226.916 131.7676 238.998 130.2314 v +%_251.2695 128.6729 262.459 120.834 293.1133 118.876 C +%_262.459 116.9199 251.2695 109.0781 238.998 107.5195 c +%_226.916 105.9863 220.7227 111.2471 Y +%_230.7793 97.79 249.7734 106.0459 261.8867 109.1182 C +%_251.9883 103.8311 243.5352 95.0557 233.8516 95.4404 c +%_218.5703 96.0488 212.7246 112.8916 182.3984 111.6025 C +%_f +%_0 D +%_0 g +%_215.7539 118.876 m +%_220.3672 117.6348 224.3867 115.1064 230.2422 115.1064 c +%_237.3555 115.1064 241.3164 117.8574 246.9824 118.876 C +%_241.3164 119.8936 237.3555 122.6455 230.2422 122.6455 c +%_224.3867 122.6455 220.3672 120.1191 215.7539 118.876 C +%_f +%_0 g +%_143.541 209.1875 m +%_143.541 204.0645 146.5566 200.79 146.5566 197.0645 c +%_146.5566 200.79 149.5742 204.0645 149.5742 209.1875 c +%_149.5742 213.7559 147.3242 215.8398 146.5566 220.6221 C +%_145.7891 215.8398 143.541 213.7559 143.541 209.1875 c +%_f +%_0 g +%_77.3594 118.876 m +%_72.7461 120.1191 68.7256 122.6455 62.8711 122.6455 c +%_55.7578 122.6455 51.7979 119.8936 46.1318 118.876 C +%_51.7979 117.8574 55.7578 115.1064 62.8711 115.1064 c +%_68.7256 115.1064 72.7461 117.6348 77.3594 118.876 C +%_f +%_0 g +%_149.5742 28.5654 m +%_149.5742 33.6885 146.5566 36.9639 146.5566 40.6885 c +%_146.5566 36.9639 143.541 33.6885 143.541 28.5654 c +%_143.541 23.9971 145.7891 21.9121 146.5566 17.1318 C +%_147.3242 21.9121 149.5742 23.9971 149.5742 28.5654 c +%_f +%_191.625 118.876 m +%_181.6875 118.876 167.5371 123.8584 156.6719 121.8916 C +%_160.1211 123.9912 161.6543 125.5645 164.123 128.6357 C +%_159.7168 128.2021 157.3652 127.8398 154.0098 126.3281 C +%_156.6719 132.3457 157.2031 135.7275 157.7344 141.7646 C +%_154.666 138.1992 153.0957 136.0244 151.1699 131.1191 C +%_151.8789 143.5391 146.9121 146.3662 146.5566 162.8799 C +%_146.2012 146.3662 141.2344 143.5391 141.9434 131.1191 C +%_140.0195 136.0244 138.4492 138.1992 135.3789 141.7646 C +%_135.9102 135.7275 136.4434 132.3457 139.1055 126.3281 C +%_135.75 127.8398 133.3965 128.2021 128.9902 128.6357 C +%_131.4609 125.5645 132.9941 123.9912 136.4434 121.8916 C +%_125.5781 123.8584 111.4258 118.876 101.4902 118.876 c +%_111.4258 118.876 125.5781 113.8955 136.4434 115.8594 C +%_132.9941 113.7627 131.4609 112.1895 128.9902 109.1182 C +%_133.3965 109.5498 135.75 109.9141 139.1055 111.4238 C +%_136.4434 105.4082 135.9102 102.0264 135.3789 95.9873 C +%_138.4492 99.5527 140.0195 101.7295 141.9434 106.6348 C +%_141.2344 94.2139 146.2012 91.3877 146.5566 74.874 C +%_146.9121 91.3877 151.8789 94.2139 151.1699 106.6348 C +%_153.0957 101.7295 154.666 99.5527 157.7344 95.9873 C +%_157.2031 102.0264 156.6719 105.4082 154.0098 111.4238 C +%_157.3652 109.9141 159.7168 109.5498 164.123 109.1182 C +%_161.6543 112.1895 160.1211 113.7627 156.6719 115.8594 C +%_167.5371 113.8955 181.6875 118.876 191.625 118.876 c +%_Bb +%_0 0 0 0 Bh +%_1 (Unnamed gradient 83) 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 -1 39406.5586 53548.4453 1 Bg +%_133.4345 0 0 133.4345 -7744.4414 7772.125 Bm +%_f +%_0 BB +%_*U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +%_1 0 0 -1 39406.5586 53548.4453 /RealMatrix +%_ (CAIGradientTformMatrix) , +%_; (Adobe_AI9_ArtStyle_Dictionary) , +%_; +%_ +%_0 1 Xd +%_Bb +%_0 0 0 0 Bh +%_2 (Unnamed gradient 83) 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +%_0 BB +%_6 () XW +%_0.001984 0.254643 0.938994 0 0.992157 0.764706 0 Xa +%_164.7773 118.876 m +%_160.5195 119.54 155.3887 122.0771 150.6465 120.0957 C +%_152.9688 121.9004 151.791 123.6104 153.1758 125.293 C +%_151.2598 123.9053 149.666 124.79 148.1895 122.5479 C +%_149.7246 127.8574 147.6602 130.6904 146.5566 136.666 C +%_145.4531 130.6904 143.3887 127.8574 144.9238 122.5479 C +%_143.4492 124.79 141.8555 123.9053 139.9395 125.293 C +%_141.3242 123.6104 140.1445 121.9004 142.4688 120.0957 C +%_137.7266 122.0771 132.5938 119.54 128.3379 118.876 C +%_132.5938 118.2109 137.7266 115.6768 142.4688 117.6582 C +%_140.1445 115.8535 141.3242 114.1416 139.9395 112.4609 C +%_141.8555 113.8467 143.4492 112.9609 144.9238 115.2031 C +%_143.3887 109.8945 145.4531 107.0635 146.5566 101.0859 C +%_147.6602 107.0635 149.7246 109.8945 148.1895 115.2031 C +%_149.666 112.9609 151.2598 113.8467 153.1758 112.4609 C +%_151.791 114.1416 152.9688 115.8535 150.6465 117.6582 C +%_155.3887 115.6768 160.5195 118.2109 164.7773 118.876 C +%_f +%_U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Repeated_Art) , +%_; +%_ +%_9 () XW +%_u +%_538.3203 256.7979 m +%_540.9609 270.6279 563.6855 273.0537 568.6074 290.8545 C +%_572.377 271.7393 589.9023 270.9834 590.1465 257.7393 C +%_586.9668 265.542 579.3086 263.5264 574.2617 269.8545 C +%_575.1074 263.7021 578.8965 257.9639 586.6465 254.7783 C +%_578.9727 253.7021 571.0195 256.6104 567.5313 264.3369 C +%_564.9727 260.1631 564.7188 255.8877 566.8574 250.4717 C +%_562.1465 254.1064 559.3652 259.7705 561.2031 267.0283 C +%_553.9355 259.7588 543.3008 263.7979 538.3203 256.7979 C +%_Bb +%_1 (Unnamed gradient 35) -0.023633 0 90 0.695993 -1 0 0 1 55766.9844 37062.6875 1 Bg +%_0.000001 28.1062 -55.8262 0.000002 -7298.8535 7599.1914 Xm +%_0.002413 55204.7969 -55.8262 0.000002 -7298.856 -47599.0547 Bc +%_0.000001 14.829 -55.8262 0.000002 -7298.8535 7605.7437 Bm +%_0.002413 55204.7969 -55.8262 0.000002 -7298.8535 7620.5728 Bc +%_f +%_0 BB +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +%_-1 0 0 1 55766.9844 37062.6875 /RealMatrix +%_ (CAIGradientTformMatrix) , +%_; (Adobe_AI9_ArtStyle_Dictionary) , +%_; +%_ +%_0 1 Xd +%_Bb +%_2 (Unnamed gradient 35) -0.023633 0 90 0.695993 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +%_0 BB +%_6 () XW +%_0.791623 0.163851 1 0.031525 0.2 0.572549 0.180392 Xa +%_525.3965 309.5654 m +%_530.916 314.1436 536.0586 322.0264 536.8398 332.3154 C +%_537.916 322.085 540.0371 314.1807 545.0508 308.3545 C +%_538.7227 311.4502 536.4355 317.5088 V +%_533.4746 312.2588 525.3965 309.5654 Y +%_f +%_511.3965 258.6826 m +%_512.6152 264.6514 517.7031 269.8604 524.3203 272.4131 C +%_521.6094 265.4189 522.6172 258.6143 526.4746 252.624 C +%_525.5762 260.3896 527.9434 265.833 532.2617 270.6631 C +%_530.9023 265.833 531.0195 261.3955 533.3398 256.7979 C +%_532.3965 265.2783 539.5078 269.583 548.9551 275.2393 c +%_561.6152 282.8174 566.2324 291.2822 568.2031 302.4658 C +%_564.752 295.6006 558.3008 289.3271 540.3438 285.1729 c +%_518.0459 280.0146 509.9521 272.7568 511.3965 258.6826 C +%_f +%_*u +%_1 D +%_0 g +%_629.0391 370.7881 m +%_658.4766 366.7646 675.2715 349.9971 678.1875 334.2354 C +%_674.2637 343.4873 665.2031 349.46 654.5879 352.8682 C +%_665.2031 338.8545 661.7813 321.001 675.7031 311.1709 C +%_665.3379 322.21 668.4922 335.6318 660.7988 347.8994 C +%_673.0566 341.0029 674.9219 331.2275 677.8223 320.751 c +%_682.207 304.9072 689.3672 300.6631 695.043 298.5732 C +%_683.3438 298.124 666.3828 303.1045 658.2617 318.6748 c +%_649.6504 335.1846 656.8125 353.083 635.7813 362.4482 C +%_645.3828 354.3916 650.5078 342.9307 644.4746 328.0264 C +%_646.7305 349.9502 623.8477 353.5322 620.166 368.4795 C +%_619.5371 356.9502 627.3457 347.2568 634.7148 342.5752 C +%_624.4258 345.9482 615.5 351.5654 611.2949 364.3994 C +%_604.3711 343.0068 616.6094 325.9443 624.1953 325.9443 c +%_626.8223 325.9443 628.7305 327.6162 628.7305 330.1084 c +%_628.7305 336.5576 617.0898 336.5576 614.1348 348.9639 C +%_619.457 338.1396 639.6836 340.0908 639.6836 328.2041 c +%_639.6836 318.4658 626.0449 314.167 617.3281 320.2197 C +%_623.7148 311.8799 638.5859 311.6006 642.8789 321.6396 C +%_643.541 317.3311 641.5703 310.8818 635.4258 308.5107 c +%_628.4395 305.8115 621.9414 310.9951 Y +%_629.582 299.9814 642.8809 307.3213 656.0078 307.0908 c +%_666.8751 306.8975 674.1133 301.2705 677.2988 295.9111 C +%_674.332 297.3975 672.6602 297.7979 669.6699 297.8623 C +%_675.9629 293.9854 680.5176 285.0674 678.7188 276.3936 C +%_677.4219 282.6436 670.1465 287.0732 656.3633 288.0283 c +%_640.8066 289.1045 632.5547 291.5967 627.2637 297.3311 C +%_638.4648 292.374 656.1992 299.2393 668.25 291.2979 C +%_660.7969 299.8369 644.3164 297.3877 632.5352 299.2783 c +%_611.8281 302.6025 599.2109 337.5654 600.8281 352.9111 C +%_595.1719 329.4893 610.2891 316.7119 613.6152 303.7783 c +%_617.25 289.6436 610.25 279.9521 603.666 274.9756 C +%_613.9473 290.374 596.25 299.6045 599.0527 319.3311 C +%_593.8262 300.1436 603.4883 294.6709 603.4883 284.7334 c +%_603.4883 274.9756 594.9043 271.7393 593.1973 259.1846 C +%_591.4922 271.7393 582.9063 274.9756 582.9063 284.7334 c +%_582.9063 294.6709 592.5684 300.1436 587.3418 319.3311 C +%_590.1465 299.6045 572.4492 290.374 582.7285 274.9756 C +%_576.1465 279.9521 569.1465 289.6436 572.7813 303.7783 c +%_576.1055 316.7119 591.2227 329.4893 585.5684 352.9111 C +%_587.1836 337.5654 574.5684 302.6025 553.8613 299.2783 c +%_542.0781 297.3877 525.5996 299.8369 518.1455 291.2979 C +%_530.1953 299.2393 547.9297 292.374 559.1309 297.3311 C +%_553.8418 291.5967 545.5898 289.1045 530.0332 288.0283 c +%_516.248 287.0732 508.9736 282.6436 507.6768 276.3936 C +%_505.8779 285.0674 510.4316 293.9854 516.7256 297.8623 C +%_513.7344 297.7979 512.0645 297.3975 509.0967 295.9111 C +%_512.2822 301.2705 519.5195 306.8975 530.3887 307.0908 c +%_543.5156 307.3213 556.8125 299.9814 564.4551 310.9951 C +%_557.9551 305.8115 550.9707 308.5107 v +%_544.8242 310.8818 542.8555 317.3311 543.5176 321.6396 C +%_547.8105 311.6006 562.6797 311.8799 569.0664 320.2197 C +%_560.3496 314.167 546.7109 318.4658 546.7109 328.2041 c +%_546.7109 340.0908 566.9395 338.1396 572.2617 348.9639 C +%_569.3066 336.5576 557.666 336.5576 557.666 330.1084 c +%_557.666 327.6162 559.5742 325.9443 562.2012 325.9443 c +%_569.7852 325.9443 582.0254 343.0068 575.0996 364.3994 C +%_570.8965 351.5654 561.9707 345.9482 551.6797 342.5752 C +%_559.0508 347.2568 566.8574 356.9502 566.2285 368.4795 C +%_562.5469 353.5322 539.666 349.9502 541.9199 328.0264 C +%_535.8887 342.9307 541.0117 354.3916 550.6152 362.4482 C +%_529.582 353.083 536.7441 335.1846 528.1328 318.6748 c +%_520.0117 303.1045 503.0508 298.124 491.3525 298.5732 C +%_497.0273 300.6631 504.1885 304.9072 508.5732 320.751 c +%_511.4717 331.2275 513.3389 341.0029 525.5977 347.8994 C +%_517.9033 335.6318 521.0586 322.21 510.6934 311.1709 C +%_524.6152 321.001 521.1914 338.8545 531.8066 352.8682 C +%_521.1914 349.46 512.1299 343.4873 508.209 334.2354 C +%_511.123 349.9971 527.9199 366.7646 557.3574 370.7881 C +%_527.0313 372.0771 521.1836 355.2334 505.9014 354.626 c +%_496.2197 354.2412 487.7656 363.0166 477.8682 368.3037 C +%_489.9814 365.2314 508.9756 356.9756 519.0322 370.4326 C +%_512.8379 365.1709 500.7568 366.7041 v +%_488.4844 368.2627 477.2949 376.1045 446.6406 378.0615 C +%_477.2949 380.0186 488.4844 387.8584 500.7568 389.417 c +%_512.8379 390.9521 519.0322 385.6924 Y +%_508.9756 399.1494 489.9814 390.8916 477.8682 387.8213 C +%_487.7656 393.1084 496.2197 401.8818 505.9014 401.4971 c +%_521.1836 400.8896 527.0313 384.0459 557.3574 385.3369 C +%_527.9199 389.3584 511.123 406.1279 508.209 421.8857 C +%_512.1299 412.6377 521.1914 406.665 531.8066 403.2568 C +%_521.1914 417.2686 524.6152 435.1221 510.6934 444.9521 C +%_521.0586 433.915 517.9033 420.4893 525.5977 408.2256 C +%_513.3389 415.1201 511.4717 424.8936 508.5732 435.3701 c +%_504.1885 451.2178 497.0273 455.46 491.3525 457.5498 C +%_503.0508 457.999 520.0117 453.0186 528.1328 437.4482 c +%_536.7441 420.9365 529.582 403.0381 550.6152 393.6768 C +%_541.0117 401.7314 535.8887 413.1924 541.9199 428.0967 C +%_539.666 406.1748 562.5469 402.5928 566.2285 387.6436 C +%_566.8574 399.1748 559.0508 408.8662 551.6797 413.5479 C +%_561.9707 410.1768 570.8965 404.5596 575.0996 391.7236 C +%_582.0254 413.1143 569.7852 430.1787 562.2012 430.1787 c +%_559.5742 430.1787 557.666 428.5068 557.666 426.0146 c +%_557.666 419.5635 569.3066 419.5635 572.2617 407.1611 C +%_566.9395 417.9814 546.7109 416.0303 546.7109 427.9189 c +%_546.7109 437.6572 560.3496 441.9561 569.0664 435.9033 C +%_562.6797 444.2432 547.8105 444.5244 543.5176 434.4834 C +%_542.8555 438.792 544.8242 445.2412 550.9707 447.6143 c +%_557.9551 450.3115 564.4551 445.1299 Y +%_556.8125 456.1436 543.5156 448.7998 530.3887 449.0342 c +%_519.5195 449.2256 512.2822 454.8545 509.0967 460.21 C +%_512.0645 458.7256 513.7344 458.3252 516.7256 458.2588 C +%_510.4316 462.1377 505.8779 471.0576 507.6768 479.7275 C +%_508.9736 473.4795 516.248 469.0498 530.0332 468.0947 c +%_545.5898 467.0186 553.8418 464.5264 559.1309 458.79 C +%_547.9297 463.751 530.1953 456.8838 518.1455 464.8232 C +%_525.5996 456.2861 542.0781 458.7334 553.8613 456.8428 c +%_574.5684 453.5205 587.1836 418.5576 585.5684 403.2119 C +%_591.2227 426.6357 576.1055 439.4131 572.7813 452.3467 c +%_569.1465 466.4795 576.1465 476.1729 582.7285 481.1475 C +%_572.4492 465.749 590.1465 456.5186 587.3418 436.79 C +%_592.5684 455.9814 582.9063 461.4521 582.9063 471.3896 c +%_582.9063 481.1475 591.4922 484.3838 593.1973 496.9385 C +%_594.9043 484.3838 603.4883 481.1475 603.4883 471.3896 c +%_603.4883 461.4521 593.8262 455.9814 599.0527 436.79 C +%_596.25 456.5186 613.9473 465.749 603.666 481.1475 C +%_610.25 476.1729 617.25 466.4795 613.6152 452.3467 c +%_610.2891 439.4131 595.1719 426.6357 600.8281 403.2119 C +%_599.2109 418.5576 611.8281 453.5205 632.5352 456.8428 c +%_644.3164 458.7334 660.7969 456.2861 668.25 464.8232 C +%_656.1992 456.8838 638.4648 463.751 627.2637 458.79 C +%_632.5547 464.5264 640.8066 467.0186 656.3633 468.0947 c +%_670.1465 469.0498 677.4219 473.4795 678.7188 479.7275 C +%_680.5176 471.0576 675.9629 462.1377 669.6699 458.2588 C +%_672.6602 458.3252 674.332 458.7256 677.2988 460.21 C +%_674.1133 454.8545 666.8751 449.2256 656.0078 449.0342 c +%_642.8809 448.7998 629.582 456.1436 621.9414 445.1299 C +%_628.4395 450.3115 635.4258 447.6143 v +%_641.5703 445.2412 643.541 438.792 642.8789 434.4834 C +%_638.5859 444.5244 623.7148 444.2432 617.3281 435.9033 C +%_626.0449 441.9561 639.6836 437.6572 639.6836 427.9189 c +%_639.6836 416.0303 619.457 417.9814 614.1348 407.1611 C +%_617.0898 419.5635 628.7305 419.5635 628.7305 426.0146 c +%_628.7305 428.5068 626.8223 430.1787 624.1953 430.1787 c +%_616.6094 430.1787 604.3711 413.1143 611.2949 391.7236 C +%_615.5 404.5596 624.4258 410.1768 634.7148 413.5479 C +%_627.3457 408.8662 619.5371 399.1748 620.166 387.6436 C +%_623.8477 402.5928 646.7305 406.1748 644.4746 428.0967 C +%_650.5078 413.1924 645.3828 401.7314 635.7813 393.6768 C +%_656.8125 403.0381 649.6504 420.9365 658.2617 437.4482 c +%_666.3828 453.0186 683.3438 457.999 695.043 457.5498 C +%_689.3672 455.46 682.207 451.2178 677.8223 435.3701 c +%_674.9219 424.8936 673.0566 415.1201 660.7988 408.2256 C +%_668.4922 420.4893 665.3379 433.915 675.7031 444.9521 C +%_661.7813 435.1221 665.2031 417.2686 654.5879 403.2568 C +%_665.2031 406.665 674.2637 412.6377 678.1875 421.8857 C +%_675.2715 406.1279 658.4766 389.3584 629.0391 385.3369 C +%_659.3652 384.0459 665.2109 400.8896 680.4922 401.4971 c +%_690.1758 401.8818 698.6289 393.1084 708.5273 387.8213 C +%_696.4141 390.8916 677.4199 399.1494 667.3633 385.6924 C +%_673.5566 390.9521 685.6387 389.417 v +%_697.9102 387.8584 709.0996 380.0186 739.7539 378.0615 C +%_709.0996 376.1045 697.9102 368.2627 685.6387 366.7041 c +%_673.5566 365.1709 667.3633 370.4326 Y +%_677.4199 356.9756 696.4141 365.2314 708.5273 368.3037 C +%_698.6289 363.0166 690.1758 354.2412 680.4922 354.626 c +%_665.2109 355.2334 659.3652 372.0771 629.0391 370.7881 C +%_f +%_0 D +%_0 g +%_662.3945 378.0615 m +%_667.0078 376.8193 671.0273 374.292 676.8828 374.292 c +%_683.9961 374.292 687.957 377.042 693.623 378.0615 C +%_687.957 379.0791 683.9961 381.8311 676.8828 381.8311 c +%_671.0273 381.8311 667.0078 379.3037 662.3945 378.0615 C +%_f +%_0 g +%_590.1816 468.3721 m +%_590.1816 463.249 593.1973 459.9756 593.1973 456.249 c +%_593.1973 459.9756 596.2148 463.249 596.2148 468.3721 c +%_596.2148 472.9404 593.9648 475.0244 593.1973 479.8076 C +%_592.4297 475.0244 590.1816 472.9404 590.1816 468.3721 c +%_f +%_0 g +%_524 378.0615 m +%_519.3867 379.3037 515.3662 381.8311 509.5117 381.8311 c +%_502.3984 381.8311 498.4385 379.0791 492.7725 378.0615 C +%_498.4385 377.042 502.3984 374.292 509.5117 374.292 c +%_515.3662 374.292 519.3867 376.8193 524 378.0615 C +%_f +%_0 g +%_596.2148 287.751 m +%_596.2148 292.874 593.1973 296.1494 593.1973 299.874 c +%_593.1973 296.1494 590.1816 292.874 590.1816 287.751 c +%_590.1816 283.1826 592.4297 281.0967 593.1973 276.3174 C +%_593.9648 281.0967 596.2148 283.1826 596.2148 287.751 c +%_f +%_638.2656 378.0615 m +%_628.3281 378.0615 614.1777 383.0439 603.3125 381.0771 C +%_606.7617 383.1768 608.2949 384.749 610.7637 387.8213 C +%_606.3574 387.3877 604.0059 387.0244 600.6504 385.5127 C +%_603.3125 391.5303 603.8438 394.9131 604.375 400.9502 C +%_601.3066 397.3838 599.7363 395.21 597.8105 390.3037 C +%_598.5195 402.7236 593.5527 405.5518 593.1973 422.0654 C +%_592.8418 405.5518 587.875 402.7236 588.584 390.3037 C +%_586.6602 395.21 585.0898 397.3838 582.0195 400.9502 C +%_582.5508 394.9131 583.084 391.5303 585.7461 385.5127 C +%_582.3906 387.0244 580.0371 387.3877 575.6309 387.8213 C +%_578.1016 384.749 579.6348 383.1768 583.084 381.0771 C +%_572.2188 383.0439 558.0664 378.0615 548.1309 378.0615 c +%_558.0664 378.0615 572.2188 373.0811 583.084 375.0439 C +%_579.6348 372.9482 578.1016 371.374 575.6309 368.3037 C +%_580.0371 368.7354 582.3906 369.0986 585.7461 370.6084 C +%_583.084 364.5928 582.5508 361.2119 582.0195 355.1729 C +%_585.0898 358.7373 586.6602 360.915 588.584 365.8193 C +%_587.875 353.3994 592.8418 350.5732 593.1973 334.0596 C +%_593.5527 350.5732 598.5195 353.3994 597.8105 365.8193 C +%_599.7363 360.915 601.3066 358.7373 604.375 355.1729 C +%_603.8438 361.2119 603.3125 364.5928 600.6504 370.6084 C +%_604.0059 369.0986 606.3574 368.7354 610.7637 368.3037 C +%_608.2949 371.374 606.7617 372.9482 603.3125 375.0439 C +%_614.1777 373.0811 628.3281 378.0615 638.2656 378.0615 c +%_Bb +%_0 0 0 0 Bh +%_1 (Unnamed gradient 83) 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 -1 39406.5586 53548.4453 1 Bg +%_133.4363 0 0 133.4363 -7297.8008 7512.9375 Bm +%_f +%_0 BB +%_*U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +%_1 0 0 -1 39406.5586 53548.4453 /RealMatrix +%_ (CAIGradientTformMatrix) , +%_; (Adobe_AI9_ArtStyle_Dictionary) , +%_; +%_ +%_0 1 Xd +%_Bb +%_0 0 0 0 Bh +%_2 (Unnamed gradient 83) 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +%_0 BB +%_6 () XW +%_511.666 350.8916 m +%_506.9785 346.2959 504.7559 338.7061 504.3965 329.1709 c +%_503.9258 316.6436 498.9873 311.5146 491.0703 310.6436 C +%_502.8721 315.2217 495.5146 327.7568 499.0127 336.4893 C +%_492.5713 331.7021 494.6309 315.8115 481.3779 315.085 C +%_491.1582 318.2822 484.2129 331.7607 490.666 339.585 C +%_482.8584 339.4775 479.2695 345.71 469.1279 342.8154 C +%_473.8428 346.4502 479.0928 348.7393 487.9736 348.7393 C +%_481.7197 352.5986 478.9746 357.3643 476.666 364.085 C +%_486.7939 353.4912 501.5186 349.417 511.666 350.8916 C +%_Bb +%_1 (Unnamed gradient 35) -0.041802 0 161.1868 0.574118 1 0 0 1 39406.5586 37077.2266 1 Bg +%_-23.2981 7.93732 19.6587 57.7033 -7385.9487 7515.1318 Xm +%_-36859.207 12557.377 19.6587 57.7033 29467.8281 -5040.3945 Bc +%_-12.2922 4.18778 19.6587 57.7033 -7391.3804 7516.9819 Bm +%_-36859.207 12557.377 19.6587 57.7033 -7403.6724 7521.1699 Bc +%_f +%_0 BB +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +%_1 0 0 1 39406.5586 37077.2266 /RealMatrix +%_ (CAIGradientTformMatrix) , +%_; (Adobe_AI9_ArtStyle_Dictionary) , +%_; +%_ +%_0 1 Xd +%_Bb +%_2 (Unnamed gradient 35) -0.041802 0 161.1868 0.574118 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +%_0 BB +%_6 () XW +%_0.001984 0.254643 0.938994 0 0.992157 0.764706 0 Xa +%_611.418 378.0615 m +%_607.1602 378.7256 602.0293 381.2627 597.2871 379.2803 C +%_599.6094 381.085 598.4316 382.7959 599.8164 384.4775 C +%_597.9004 383.0908 596.3066 383.9756 594.8301 381.7334 C +%_596.3652 387.042 594.3008 389.876 593.1973 395.8506 C +%_592.0938 389.876 590.0293 387.042 591.5645 381.7334 C +%_590.0898 383.9756 588.4961 383.0908 586.5801 384.4775 C +%_587.9648 382.7959 586.7852 381.085 589.1094 379.2803 C +%_584.3672 381.2627 579.2344 378.7256 574.9785 378.0615 C +%_579.2344 377.3955 584.3672 374.8623 589.1094 376.8428 C +%_586.7852 375.0381 587.9648 373.3271 586.5801 371.6455 C +%_588.4961 373.0322 590.0898 372.1455 591.5645 374.3877 C +%_590.0293 369.0791 592.0938 366.249 593.1973 360.2705 C +%_594.3008 366.249 596.3652 369.0791 594.8301 374.3877 C +%_596.3066 372.1455 597.9004 373.0322 599.8164 371.6455 C +%_598.4316 373.3271 599.6094 375.0381 597.2871 376.8428 C +%_602.0293 374.8623 607.1602 377.3955 611.418 378.0615 C +%_f +%_U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Repeated_Art) , +%_; +%_ +%_9 () XW +%_u +%_315 127.2051 m +%_317.6406 141.0352 340.3652 143.4619 345.2871 161.2627 C +%_349.0566 142.1475 366.582 141.3906 366.8262 128.1475 C +%_363.6465 135.9492 355.9883 133.9336 350.9414 140.2627 C +%_351.7871 134.1104 355.5762 128.3711 363.3262 125.1865 C +%_355.6523 124.1094 347.6992 127.0186 344.2109 134.7441 C +%_341.6523 130.5703 341.3984 126.2949 343.5371 120.8789 C +%_338.8262 124.5137 336.0449 130.1777 337.8828 137.4355 C +%_330.6152 130.167 319.9805 134.2051 315 127.2051 C +%_Bb +%_1 (Unnamed gradient 35) -0.023633 0 90 0.695993 -1 0 0 1 55766.9844 37062.6875 1 Bg +%_0.000001 28.1062 -55.8262 0.000002 -7522.1738 7728.7852 Xm +%_0.002423 55428.1172 -55.8262 0.000002 -7522.1763 -47692.7813 Bc +%_0.000001 14.829 -55.8262 0.000002 -7522.1738 7735.3374 Bm +%_0.002423 55428.1172 -55.8262 0.000002 -7522.1738 7750.1665 Bc +%_f +%_0 BB +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +%_-1 0 0 1 55766.9844 37062.6875 /RealMatrix +%_ (CAIGradientTformMatrix) , +%_; (Adobe_AI9_ArtStyle_Dictionary) , +%_; +%_ +%_0 1 Xd +%_Bb +%_2 (Unnamed gradient 35) -0.023633 0 90 0.695993 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +%_0 BB +%_6 () XW +%_424.7559 127.2051 m +%_422.1133 141.0352 399.3887 143.4619 394.4668 161.2627 C +%_390.6992 142.1475 373.1719 141.3906 372.9297 128.1475 C +%_376.1074 135.9492 383.7656 133.9336 388.8145 140.2627 C +%_387.9668 134.1104 384.1797 128.3711 376.4297 125.1865 C +%_384.1016 124.1094 392.0547 127.0186 395.5449 134.7441 C +%_398.1016 130.5703 398.3574 126.2949 396.2168 120.8789 C +%_400.9297 124.5137 403.709 130.1777 401.8711 137.4355 C +%_409.1406 130.167 419.7754 134.2051 424.7559 127.2051 C +%_Bb +%_1 (Unnamed gradient 35) -0.023633 0 90 0.695993 1 0 0 1 39342.5586 37062.6875 1 Bg +%_-0.000001 28.1062 55.8262 0.000002 -7520.0703 7728.7852 Xm +%_-0.001704 38988.0508 55.8262 0.000002 -7520.0684 -31252.7148 Bc +%_-0.000001 14.829 55.8262 0.000002 -7520.0703 7735.3374 Bm +%_-0.001704 38988.0508 55.8262 0.000002 -7520.0703 7750.1665 Bc +%_f +%_0 BB +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +%_1 0 0 1 39342.5586 37062.6875 /RealMatrix +%_ (CAIGradientTformMatrix) , +%_; (Adobe_AI9_ArtStyle_Dictionary) , +%_; +%_ +%_0 1 Xd +%_Bb +%_2 (Unnamed gradient 35) -0.023633 0 90 0.695993 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +%_0 BB +%_6 () XW +%_451.4082 275.6396 m +%_456.0957 280.2354 458.3203 287.8242 458.6777 297.3604 c +%_459.1484 309.8877 464.0879 315.0176 472.0039 315.8887 C +%_460.2031 311.3096 467.5605 298.7715 464.0625 290.043 C +%_470.502 294.8281 468.4434 310.7207 481.6973 311.4463 C +%_471.916 308.25 478.8613 294.7695 472.4082 286.9473 C +%_480.2168 287.0547 483.8066 280.8203 493.9473 283.7158 C +%_489.2305 280.0801 483.9824 277.793 475.1016 277.793 C +%_481.3555 273.9316 484.1016 269.165 486.4082 262.4473 C +%_476.2813 273.04 461.5566 277.1113 451.4082 275.6396 C +%_Bb +%_1 (Unnamed gradient 35) -0.041802 0 161.1868 0.574118 -1 0 0 -1 55830.9844 53548.4453 1 Bg +%_23.3002 -7.93804 -19.6585 -57.7029 -7432.981 7640.3374 Xm +%_52424.9102 -17860.3789 -19.6585 -57.7029 -59852.457 25498.8652 Bc +%_12.2934 -4.18817 -19.6585 -57.7029 -7427.5488 7638.4868 Bm +%_52424.9102 -17860.3789 -19.6585 -57.7029 -7415.2554 7634.2983 Bc +%_f +%_0 BB +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +%_-1 0 0 -1 55830.9844 53548.4453 /RealMatrix +%_ (CAIGradientTformMatrix) , +%_; (Adobe_AI9_ArtStyle_Dictionary) , +%_; +%_ +%_0 1 Xd +%_Bb +%_2 (Unnamed gradient 35) -0.041802 0 161.1868 0.574118 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +%_0 BB +%_6 () XW +%_0.791623 0.163851 1 0.031525 0.2 0.572549 0.180392 Xa +%_302.0762 316.9658 m +%_307.5957 312.3887 312.7383 304.5049 313.5195 294.2158 C +%_314.5957 304.4463 316.7168 312.3486 321.7305 318.1768 C +%_315.4023 315.0811 313.1152 309.0234 V +%_310.1543 314.2734 302.0762 316.9658 Y +%_f +%_288.0762 367.8486 m +%_289.2949 361.8799 294.3828 356.6729 301 354.1182 C +%_298.2891 361.1104 299.2969 367.916 303.1543 373.9072 C +%_302.2559 366.1416 304.623 360.6963 308.9414 355.8682 C +%_307.582 360.6963 307.6992 365.1357 310.0195 369.7334 C +%_309.0762 361.2529 316.1875 356.9463 325.6348 351.291 c +%_338.2949 343.7119 342.9121 335.249 344.8828 324.0645 C +%_341.4316 330.9316 334.9805 337.2021 317.0234 341.3564 c +%_294.7256 346.5166 286.6318 353.7725 288.0762 367.8486 C +%_f +%_288.3457 275.6396 m +%_283.6582 280.2354 281.4355 287.8242 281.0762 297.3604 c +%_280.6055 309.8877 275.667 315.0176 267.75 315.8887 C +%_279.5518 311.3096 272.1943 298.7715 275.6924 290.043 C +%_269.251 294.8281 271.3105 310.7207 258.0576 311.4463 C +%_267.8379 308.25 260.8926 294.7695 267.3457 286.9473 C +%_259.5381 287.0547 255.9492 280.8203 245.8076 283.7158 C +%_250.5225 280.0801 255.7725 277.793 264.6533 277.793 C +%_258.3994 273.9316 255.6543 269.165 253.3457 262.4473 C +%_263.4736 273.04 278.1982 277.1113 288.3457 275.6396 C +%_Bb +%_1 (Unnamed gradient 35) -0.041802 0 161.1868 0.574118 1 0 0 -1 39406.5586 53548.4453 1 Bg +%_-23.2971 -7.93696 19.6586 -57.7032 -7609.271 7640.3354 Xm +%_-37070.5977 -12629.3945 19.6586 -57.7032 29455.8945 20267.8789 Bc +%_-12.2917 -4.18759 19.6586 -57.7032 -7614.7021 7638.4849 Bm +%_-37070.5977 -12629.3945 19.6586 -57.7032 -7626.9941 7634.2974 Bc +%_f +%_0 BB +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +%_1 0 0 -1 39406.5586 53548.4453 /RealMatrix +%_ (CAIGradientTformMatrix) , +%_; (Adobe_AI9_ArtStyle_Dictionary) , +%_; +%_ +%_0 1 Xd +%_Bb +%_2 (Unnamed gradient 35) -0.041802 0 161.1868 0.574118 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +%_0 BB +%_6 () XW +%_0.791623 0.163851 1 0.031525 0.2 0.572549 0.180392 Xa +%_437.6777 316.9658 m +%_432.1582 312.3887 427.0176 304.5049 426.2363 294.2158 C +%_425.1602 304.4463 423.0371 312.3486 418.0254 318.1768 C +%_424.3516 315.0811 426.6406 309.0234 V +%_429.6016 314.2734 437.6777 316.9658 Y +%_f +%_451.6777 367.8486 m +%_450.4609 361.8799 445.3711 356.6729 438.7559 354.1182 C +%_441.4648 361.1104 440.459 367.916 436.6016 373.9072 C +%_437.5 366.1416 435.1328 360.6963 430.8125 355.8682 C +%_432.1738 360.6963 432.0547 365.1357 429.7363 369.7334 C +%_430.6777 361.2529 423.5684 356.9463 414.1211 351.291 c +%_401.4609 343.7119 396.8438 335.249 394.8711 324.0645 C +%_398.3223 330.9316 404.7734 337.2021 422.7305 341.3564 c +%_445.0293 346.5166 453.123 353.7725 451.6777 367.8486 C +%_f +%_424.7559 369.7334 m +%_422.1133 355.9033 399.3887 353.4775 394.4668 335.6768 C +%_390.6992 354.792 373.1719 355.5479 372.9297 368.791 C +%_376.1074 360.9893 383.7656 363.0049 388.8145 356.6758 C +%_387.9668 362.8271 384.1797 368.5674 376.4297 371.7529 C +%_384.1016 372.8291 392.0547 369.9209 395.5449 362.1953 C +%_398.1016 366.3682 398.3574 370.6445 396.2168 376.0605 C +%_400.9297 372.4258 403.709 366.7607 401.8711 359.5029 C +%_409.1406 366.7725 419.7754 362.7334 424.7559 369.7334 C +%_Bb +%_1 (Unnamed gradient 35) -0.023633 0 90 0.695993 1 0 0 -1 39406.5586 53548.4453 1 Bg +%_-0.000001 -28.1062 55.8262 -0.000002 -7520.0703 7556.2773 Xm +%_-0.001707 -39052.0508 55.8262 -0.000002 -7520.0684 46601.7773 Bc +%_-0.000001 -14.829 55.8262 -0.000002 -7520.0703 7549.7251 Bm +%_-0.001707 -39052.0508 55.8262 -0.000002 -7520.0703 7534.896 Bc +%_f +%_0 BB +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +%_1 0 0 -1 39406.5586 53548.4453 /RealMatrix +%_ (CAIGradientTformMatrix) , +%_; (Adobe_AI9_ArtStyle_Dictionary) , +%_; +%_ +%_0 1 Xd +%_Bb +%_2 (Unnamed gradient 35) -0.023633 0 90 0.695993 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +%_0 BB +%_6 () XW +%_0.791623 0.163851 1 0.031525 0.2 0.572549 0.180392 Xa +%_302.0762 179.9736 m +%_307.5957 184.5508 312.7383 192.4336 313.5195 202.7236 C +%_314.5957 192.4932 316.7168 184.5879 321.7305 178.7617 C +%_315.4023 181.8584 313.1152 187.916 V +%_310.1543 182.666 302.0762 179.9736 Y +%_f +%_288.0762 129.0898 m +%_289.2949 135.0596 294.3828 140.2676 301 142.8203 C +%_298.2891 135.8271 299.2969 129.0225 303.1543 123.0322 C +%_302.2559 130.7979 304.623 136.2412 308.9414 141.0703 C +%_307.582 136.2412 307.6992 131.8027 310.0195 127.2051 C +%_309.0762 135.6855 316.1875 139.9912 325.6348 145.6475 c +%_338.2949 153.2256 342.9121 161.6895 344.8828 172.873 C +%_341.4316 166.0078 334.9805 159.7354 317.0234 155.5811 c +%_294.7256 150.4219 286.6318 143.165 288.0762 129.0898 C +%_f +%_*u +%_1 D +%_0 g +%_405.7188 241.1953 m +%_435.1563 237.1719 451.9512 220.4043 454.8672 204.6436 C +%_450.9434 213.8945 441.8828 219.8672 431.2676 223.2754 C +%_441.8828 209.2627 438.4609 191.4092 452.3828 181.5781 C +%_442.0176 192.6172 445.1719 206.04 437.4785 218.3066 C +%_449.7363 211.4102 451.6016 201.6357 454.502 191.1592 c +%_458.8867 175.3145 466.0469 171.0703 471.7227 168.9814 +endstream endobj 26 0 obj <>stream + C +%_460.0234 168.5313 443.0625 173.5127 434.9414 189.083 c +%_426.3301 205.5918 433.4922 223.4912 412.4609 232.8555 C +%_422.0625 224.7998 427.1875 213.3389 421.1543 198.4346 C +%_423.4102 220.3574 400.5273 223.9395 396.8457 238.8877 C +%_396.2168 227.3574 404.0254 217.665 411.3945 212.9834 C +%_401.1055 216.3555 392.1797 221.9727 387.9746 234.8076 C +%_381.0508 213.415 393.2891 196.3525 400.875 196.3525 c +%_403.502 196.3525 405.4102 198.0244 405.4102 200.5166 c +%_405.4102 206.9658 393.7695 206.9658 390.8145 219.3711 C +%_396.1367 208.5479 416.3633 210.499 416.3633 198.6113 c +%_416.3633 188.873 402.7246 184.5742 394.0078 190.627 C +%_400.3945 182.2871 415.2656 182.0078 419.5586 192.0469 C +%_420.2207 187.7393 418.25 181.29 412.1055 178.918 c +%_405.1191 176.2188 398.6211 181.4023 Y +%_406.2617 170.3887 419.5605 177.7295 432.6875 177.498 c +%_443.5547 177.3047 450.793 171.6777 453.9785 166.3193 C +%_451.0117 167.8057 449.3398 168.2051 446.3496 168.2705 C +%_452.6426 164.3926 457.1973 155.4746 455.3984 146.8018 C +%_454.1016 153.0508 446.8262 157.4805 433.043 158.4355 c +%_417.4863 159.5127 409.2344 162.0049 403.9434 167.7383 C +%_415.1445 162.7813 432.8789 169.6465 444.9297 161.7061 C +%_437.4766 170.2441 420.9961 167.7949 409.2148 169.6865 c +%_388.5078 173.0098 375.8906 207.9736 377.5078 223.3193 C +%_371.8516 199.8965 386.9688 187.1191 390.2949 174.1855 c +%_393.9297 160.0508 386.9297 150.3594 380.3457 145.3828 C +%_390.627 160.7813 372.9297 170.0127 375.7324 189.7393 C +%_370.5059 170.5508 380.168 165.0781 380.168 155.1416 c +%_380.168 145.3828 371.584 142.1475 369.877 129.5928 C +%_368.1719 142.1475 359.5859 145.3828 359.5859 155.1416 c +%_359.5859 165.0781 369.248 170.5508 364.0215 189.7393 C +%_366.8262 170.0127 349.1289 160.7813 359.4082 145.3828 C +%_352.8262 150.3594 345.8262 160.0508 349.4609 174.1855 c +%_352.7852 187.1191 367.9023 199.8965 362.248 223.3193 C +%_363.8633 207.9736 351.248 173.0098 330.541 169.6865 c +%_318.7578 167.7949 302.2793 170.2441 294.8252 161.7061 C +%_306.875 169.6465 324.6094 162.7813 335.8105 167.7383 C +%_330.5215 162.0049 322.2695 159.5127 306.7129 158.4355 c +%_292.9277 157.4805 285.6533 153.0508 284.3564 146.8018 C +%_282.5576 155.4746 287.1113 164.3926 293.4053 168.2705 C +%_290.4141 168.2051 288.7441 167.8057 285.7764 166.3193 C +%_288.9619 171.6777 296.1992 177.3047 307.0684 177.498 c +%_320.1953 177.7295 333.4922 170.3887 341.1348 181.4023 C +%_334.6348 176.2188 327.6504 178.918 v +%_321.5039 181.29 319.5352 187.7393 320.1973 192.0469 C +%_324.4902 182.0078 339.3594 182.2871 345.7461 190.627 C +%_337.0293 184.5742 323.3906 188.873 323.3906 198.6113 c +%_323.3906 210.499 343.6191 208.5479 348.9414 219.3711 C +%_345.9863 206.9658 334.3457 206.9658 334.3457 200.5166 c +%_334.3457 198.0244 336.2539 196.3525 338.8809 196.3525 c +%_346.4648 196.3525 358.7051 213.415 351.7793 234.8076 C +%_347.5762 221.9727 338.6504 216.3555 328.3594 212.9834 C +%_335.7305 217.665 343.5371 227.3574 342.9082 238.8877 C +%_339.2266 223.9395 316.3457 220.3574 318.5996 198.4346 C +%_312.5684 213.3389 317.6914 224.7998 327.2949 232.8555 C +%_306.2617 223.4912 313.4238 205.5918 304.8125 189.083 c +%_296.6914 173.5127 279.7305 168.5313 268.0322 168.9814 C +%_273.707 171.0703 280.8682 175.3145 285.2529 191.1592 c +%_288.1514 201.6357 290.0186 211.4102 302.2773 218.3066 C +%_294.583 206.04 297.7383 192.6172 287.373 181.5781 C +%_301.2949 191.4092 297.8711 209.2627 308.4863 223.2754 C +%_297.8711 219.8672 288.8096 213.8945 284.8887 204.6436 C +%_287.8027 220.4043 304.5996 237.1719 334.0371 241.1953 C +%_303.7109 242.4844 297.8633 225.6416 282.5811 225.0332 c +%_272.8994 224.6484 264.4453 233.4238 254.5479 238.7109 C +%_266.6611 235.6387 285.6553 227.3828 295.7119 240.8398 C +%_289.5176 235.5791 277.4365 237.1123 v +%_265.1641 238.6709 253.9746 246.5127 223.3203 248.4688 C +%_253.9746 250.4268 265.1641 258.2656 277.4365 259.8242 c +%_289.5176 261.3604 295.7119 256.0996 Y +%_285.6553 269.5566 266.6611 261.2988 254.5479 258.2285 C +%_264.4453 263.5156 272.8994 272.2891 282.5811 271.9043 c +%_297.8633 271.2979 303.7109 254.4531 334.0371 255.7441 C +%_304.5996 259.7656 287.8027 276.5352 284.8887 292.2939 C +%_288.8096 283.0449 297.8711 277.0723 308.4863 273.6641 C +%_297.8711 287.6768 301.2949 305.5303 287.373 315.3594 C +%_297.7383 304.3223 294.583 290.8975 302.2773 278.6328 C +%_290.0186 285.5273 288.1514 295.3018 285.2529 305.7783 c +%_280.8682 321.625 273.707 325.8672 268.0322 327.958 C +%_279.7305 328.4072 296.6914 323.4268 304.8125 307.8564 c +%_313.4238 291.3447 306.2617 273.4453 327.2949 264.084 C +%_317.6914 272.1396 312.5684 283.6006 318.5996 298.5049 C +%_316.3457 276.582 339.2266 273 342.9082 258.0518 C +%_343.5371 269.582 335.7305 279.2744 328.3594 283.9561 C +%_338.6504 280.584 347.5762 274.9668 351.7793 262.1318 C +%_358.7051 283.5225 346.4648 300.5869 338.8809 300.5869 c +%_336.2539 300.5869 334.3457 298.9141 334.3457 296.4229 c +%_334.3457 289.9717 345.9863 289.9717 348.9414 277.5684 C +%_343.6191 288.3896 323.3906 286.4375 323.3906 298.3262 c +%_323.3906 308.0645 337.0293 312.3633 345.7461 306.3115 C +%_339.3594 314.6504 324.4902 314.9316 320.1973 304.8916 C +%_319.5352 309.1992 321.5039 315.6484 327.6504 318.0215 c +%_334.6348 320.7197 341.1348 315.5371 Y +%_333.4922 326.5508 320.1953 319.208 307.0684 319.4414 c +%_296.1992 319.6328 288.9619 325.2617 285.7764 330.6182 C +%_288.7441 329.1338 290.4141 328.7334 293.4053 328.667 C +%_287.1113 332.5459 282.5576 341.4648 284.3564 350.1357 C +%_285.6533 343.8877 292.9277 339.458 306.7129 338.5029 c +%_322.2695 337.4268 330.5215 334.9346 335.8105 329.1982 C +%_324.6094 334.1582 306.875 327.291 294.8252 335.2314 C +%_302.2793 326.6943 318.7578 329.1416 330.541 327.251 c +%_351.248 323.9287 363.8633 288.9658 362.248 273.6201 C +%_367.9023 297.043 352.7852 309.8203 349.4609 322.7539 c +%_345.8262 336.8877 352.8262 346.5801 359.4082 351.5557 C +%_349.1289 336.1572 366.8262 326.9268 364.0215 307.1982 C +%_369.248 326.3887 359.5859 331.8604 359.5859 341.7969 c +%_359.5859 351.5557 368.1719 354.792 369.877 367.3467 C +%_371.584 354.792 380.168 351.5557 380.168 341.7969 c +%_380.168 331.8604 370.5059 326.3887 375.7324 307.1982 C +%_372.9297 326.9268 390.627 336.1572 380.3457 351.5557 C +%_386.9297 346.5801 393.9297 336.8877 390.2949 322.7539 c +%_386.9688 309.8203 371.8516 297.043 377.5078 273.6201 C +%_375.8906 288.9658 388.5078 323.9287 409.2148 327.251 c +%_420.9961 329.1416 437.4766 326.6943 444.9297 335.2314 C +%_432.8789 327.291 415.1445 334.1582 403.9434 329.1982 C +%_409.2344 334.9346 417.4863 337.4268 433.043 338.5029 c +%_446.8262 339.458 454.1016 343.8877 455.3984 350.1357 C +%_457.1973 341.4648 452.6426 332.5459 446.3496 328.667 C +%_449.3398 328.7334 451.0117 329.1338 453.9785 330.6182 C +%_450.793 325.2617 443.5547 319.6328 432.6875 319.4414 c +%_419.5605 319.208 406.2617 326.5508 398.6211 315.5371 C +%_405.1191 320.7197 412.1055 318.0215 v +%_418.25 315.6484 420.2207 309.1992 419.5586 304.8916 C +%_415.2656 314.9316 400.3945 314.6504 394.0078 306.3115 C +%_402.7246 312.3633 416.3633 308.0645 416.3633 298.3262 c +%_416.3633 286.4375 396.1367 288.3896 390.8145 277.5684 C +%_393.7695 289.9717 405.4102 289.9717 405.4102 296.4229 c +%_405.4102 298.9141 403.502 300.5869 400.875 300.5869 c +%_393.2891 300.5869 381.0508 283.5225 387.9746 262.1318 C +%_392.1797 274.9668 401.1055 280.584 411.3945 283.9561 C +%_404.0254 279.2744 396.2168 269.582 396.8457 258.0518 C +%_400.5273 273 423.4102 276.582 421.1543 298.5049 C +%_427.1875 283.6006 422.0625 272.1396 412.4609 264.084 C +%_433.4922 273.4453 426.3301 291.3447 434.9414 307.8564 c +%_443.0625 323.4268 460.0234 328.4072 471.7227 327.958 C +%_466.0469 325.8672 458.8867 321.625 454.502 305.7783 c +%_451.6016 295.3018 449.7363 285.5273 437.4785 278.6328 C +%_445.1719 290.8975 442.0176 304.3223 452.3828 315.3594 C +%_438.4609 305.5303 441.8828 287.6768 431.2676 273.6641 C +%_441.8828 277.0723 450.9434 283.0449 454.8672 292.2939 C +%_451.9512 276.5352 435.1563 259.7656 405.7188 255.7441 C +%_436.0449 254.4531 441.8906 271.2979 457.1719 271.9043 c +%_466.8555 272.2891 475.3086 263.5156 485.207 258.2285 C +%_473.0938 261.2988 454.0996 269.5566 444.043 256.0996 C +%_450.2363 261.3604 462.3184 259.8242 v +%_474.5898 258.2656 485.7793 250.4268 516.4336 248.4688 C +%_485.7793 246.5127 474.5898 238.6709 462.3184 237.1123 c +%_450.2363 235.5791 444.043 240.8398 Y +%_454.0996 227.3828 473.0938 235.6387 485.207 238.7109 C +%_475.3086 233.4238 466.8555 224.6484 457.1719 225.0332 c +%_441.8906 225.6416 436.0449 242.4844 405.7188 241.1953 C +%_f +%_0 D +%_0 g +%_439.0742 248.4688 m +%_443.6875 247.2275 447.707 244.6992 453.5625 244.6992 c +%_460.6758 244.6992 464.6367 247.4502 470.3027 248.4688 C +%_464.6367 249.4863 460.6758 252.2383 453.5625 252.2383 c +%_447.707 252.2383 443.6875 249.7119 439.0742 248.4688 C +%_f +%_0 g +%_366.8613 338.7803 m +%_366.8613 333.6572 369.877 330.3828 369.877 326.6572 c +%_369.877 330.3828 372.8945 333.6572 372.8945 338.7803 c +%_372.8945 343.3486 370.6445 345.4326 369.877 350.2148 C +%_369.1094 345.4326 366.8613 343.3486 366.8613 338.7803 c +%_f +%_0 g +%_300.6797 248.4688 m +%_296.0664 249.7119 292.0459 252.2383 286.1914 252.2383 c +%_279.0781 252.2383 275.1182 249.4863 269.4521 248.4688 C +%_275.1182 247.4502 279.0781 244.6992 286.1914 244.6992 c +%_292.0459 244.6992 296.0664 247.2275 300.6797 248.4688 C +%_f +%_0 g +%_372.8945 158.1582 m +%_372.8945 163.2813 369.877 166.5566 369.877 170.2813 c +%_369.877 166.5566 366.8613 163.2813 366.8613 158.1582 c +%_366.8613 153.5898 369.1094 151.5049 369.877 146.7246 C +%_370.6445 151.5049 372.8945 153.5898 372.8945 158.1582 c +%_f +%_414.9453 248.4688 m +%_405.0078 248.4688 390.8574 253.4512 379.9922 251.4844 C +%_383.4414 253.584 384.9746 255.1572 387.4434 258.2285 C +%_383.0371 257.7949 380.6855 257.4326 377.3301 255.9209 C +%_379.9922 261.9385 380.5234 265.3203 381.0547 271.3574 C +%_377.9863 267.792 376.416 265.6172 374.4902 260.7119 C +%_375.1992 273.1318 370.2324 275.959 369.877 292.4727 C +%_369.5215 275.959 364.5547 273.1318 365.2637 260.7119 C +%_363.3398 265.6172 361.7695 267.792 358.6992 271.3574 C +%_359.2305 265.3203 359.7637 261.9385 362.4258 255.9209 C +%_359.0703 257.4326 356.7168 257.7949 352.3105 258.2285 C +%_354.7813 255.1572 356.3145 253.584 359.7637 251.4844 C +%_348.8984 253.4512 334.7461 248.4688 324.8105 248.4688 c +%_334.7461 248.4688 348.8984 243.4883 359.7637 245.4521 C +%_356.3145 243.3555 354.7813 241.7822 352.3105 238.7109 C +%_356.7168 239.1426 359.0703 239.5068 362.4258 241.0166 C +%_359.7637 235.001 359.2305 231.6191 358.6992 225.5801 C +%_361.7695 229.1455 363.3398 231.3223 365.2637 236.2275 C +%_364.5547 223.8066 369.5215 220.9805 369.877 204.4668 C +%_370.2324 220.9805 375.1992 223.8066 374.4902 236.2275 C +%_376.416 231.3223 377.9863 229.1455 381.0547 225.5801 C +%_380.5234 231.6191 379.9922 235.001 377.3301 241.0166 C +%_380.6855 239.5068 383.0371 239.1426 387.4434 238.7109 C +%_384.9746 241.7822 383.4414 243.3555 379.9922 245.4521 C +%_390.8574 243.4883 405.0078 248.4688 414.9453 248.4688 c +%_Bb +%_0 0 0 0 Bh +%_1 (Unnamed gradient 83) 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 -1 39406.5586 53548.4453 1 Bg +%_133.4345 0 0 133.4345 -7521.1211 7642.5313 Bm +%_f +%_0 BB +%_*U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +%_1 0 0 -1 39406.5586 53548.4453 /RealMatrix +%_ (CAIGradientTformMatrix) , +%_; (Adobe_AI9_ArtStyle_Dictionary) , +%_; +%_ +%_0 1 Xd +%_Bb +%_0 0 0 0 Bh +%_2 (Unnamed gradient 83) 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +%_0 BB +%_6 () XW +%_0.791623 0.163851 1 0.031525 0.2 0.572549 0.180392 Xa +%_437.6777 179.9736 m +%_432.1582 184.5508 427.0176 192.4336 426.2363 202.7236 C +%_425.1602 192.4932 423.0371 184.5879 418.0254 178.7617 C +%_424.3516 181.8584 426.6406 187.916 V +%_429.6016 182.666 437.6777 179.9736 Y +%_f +%_451.6777 129.0898 m +%_450.4609 135.0596 445.3711 140.2676 438.7559 142.8203 C +%_441.4648 135.8271 440.459 129.0225 436.6016 123.0322 C +%_437.5 130.7979 435.1328 136.2412 430.8125 141.0703 C +%_432.1738 136.2412 432.0547 131.8027 429.7363 127.2051 C +%_430.6777 135.6855 423.5684 139.9912 414.1211 145.6475 c +%_401.4609 153.2256 396.8438 161.6895 394.8711 172.873 C +%_398.3223 166.0078 404.7734 159.7354 422.7305 155.5811 c +%_445.0293 150.4219 453.123 143.165 451.6777 129.0898 C +%_f +%_451.4082 221.2998 m +%_456.0957 216.7041 458.3203 209.1133 458.6777 199.5791 c +%_459.1484 187.0518 464.0879 181.9219 472.0039 181.0508 C +%_460.2031 185.6299 467.5605 198.165 464.0625 206.8965 C +%_470.502 202.1094 468.4434 186.2188 481.6973 185.4932 C +%_471.916 188.6895 478.8613 202.168 472.4082 209.9922 C +%_480.2168 209.8848 483.8066 216.1172 493.9473 213.2236 C +%_489.2305 216.8574 483.9824 219.1465 475.1016 219.1465 C +%_481.3555 223.0059 484.1016 227.7715 486.4082 234.4922 C +%_476.2813 223.8994 461.5566 219.8252 451.4082 221.2998 C +%_Bb +%_1 (Unnamed gradient 35) -0.041802 0 161.1868 0.574118 -1 0 0 1 55830.9844 37077.2266 1 Bg +%_23.2981 7.93732 -19.6585 57.7029 -7432.98 7644.7236 Xm +%_52424.9102 17860.3789 -19.6585 57.7029 -59852.457 -10213.8047 Bc +%_12.2922 4.18778 -19.6585 57.7029 -7427.5488 7646.5737 Bm +%_52424.9102 17860.3789 -19.6585 57.7029 -7415.2563 7650.7617 Bc +%_f +%_0 BB +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +%_-1 0 0 1 55830.9844 37077.2266 /RealMatrix +%_ (CAIGradientTformMatrix) , +%_; (Adobe_AI9_ArtStyle_Dictionary) , +%_; +%_ +%_0 1 Xd +%_Bb +%_2 (Unnamed gradient 35) -0.041802 0 161.1868 0.574118 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +%_0 BB +%_6 () XW +%_288.3457 221.2998 m +%_283.6582 216.7041 281.4355 209.1133 281.0762 199.5791 c +%_280.6055 187.0518 275.667 181.9219 267.75 181.0508 C +%_279.5518 185.6299 272.1943 198.165 275.6924 206.8965 C +%_269.251 202.1094 271.3105 186.2188 258.0576 185.4932 C +%_267.8379 188.6895 260.8926 202.168 267.3457 209.9922 C +%_259.5381 209.8848 255.9492 216.1172 245.8076 213.2236 C +%_250.5225 216.8574 255.7725 219.1465 264.6533 219.1465 C +%_258.3994 223.0059 255.6543 227.7715 253.3457 234.4922 C +%_263.4736 223.8994 278.1982 219.8252 288.3457 221.2998 C +%_Bb +%_1 (Unnamed gradient 35) -0.041802 0 161.1868 0.574118 1 0 0 1 39406.5586 37077.2266 1 Bg +%_-23.296 7.93659 19.6586 57.7032 -7609.2754 7644.7266 Xm +%_-37070.5898 12629.3936 19.6586 57.7032 29455.8828 -4982.8164 Bc +%_-12.2911 4.1874 19.6586 57.7032 -7614.7061 7646.5767 Bm +%_-37070.5898 12629.3936 19.6586 57.7032 -7626.9976 7650.7642 Bc +%_f +%_0 BB +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +%_1 0 0 1 39406.5586 37077.2266 /RealMatrix +%_ (CAIGradientTformMatrix) , +%_; (Adobe_AI9_ArtStyle_Dictionary) , +%_; +%_ +%_0 1 Xd +%_Bb +%_2 (Unnamed gradient 35) -0.041802 0 161.1868 0.574118 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +%_0 BB +%_6 () XW +%_315 369.7334 m +%_317.6406 355.9033 340.3652 353.4775 345.2871 335.6768 C +%_349.0566 354.792 366.582 355.5479 366.8262 368.791 C +%_363.6465 360.9893 355.9883 363.0049 350.9414 356.6758 C +%_351.7871 362.8271 355.5762 368.5674 363.3262 371.7529 C +%_355.6523 372.8291 347.6992 369.9209 344.2109 362.1953 C +%_341.6523 366.3682 341.3984 370.6445 343.5371 376.0605 C +%_338.8262 372.4258 336.0449 366.7607 337.8828 359.5029 C +%_330.6152 366.7725 319.9805 362.7334 315 369.7334 C +%_Bb +%_1 (Unnamed gradient 35) -0.023633 0 90 0.695993 -1 0 0 -1 55830.9844 53548.4453 1 Bg +%_0.000001 -28.1062 -55.8262 -0.000002 -7522.1738 7556.2773 Xm +%_0.002426 -55492.1211 -55.8262 -0.000002 -7522.1763 63041.8477 Bc +%_0.000001 -14.829 -55.8262 -0.000002 -7522.1738 7549.7251 Bm +%_0.002426 -55492.1211 -55.8262 -0.000002 -7522.1738 7534.896 Bc +%_f +%_0 BB +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +%_-1 0 0 -1 55830.9844 53548.4453 /RealMatrix +%_ (CAIGradientTformMatrix) , +%_; (Adobe_AI9_ArtStyle_Dictionary) , +%_; +%_ +%_0 1 Xd +%_Bb +%_2 (Unnamed gradient 35) -0.023633 0 90 0.695993 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +%_0 BB +%_6 () XW +%_0.001984 0.254643 0.938994 0 0.992157 0.764706 0 Xa +%_388.0977 248.4688 m +%_383.8398 249.1328 378.709 251.6699 373.9668 249.6885 C +%_376.2891 251.4932 375.1113 253.2031 376.4961 254.8857 C +%_374.5801 253.498 372.9863 254.3828 371.5098 252.1406 C +%_373.0449 257.4502 370.9805 260.2832 369.877 266.2588 C +%_368.7734 260.2832 366.709 257.4502 368.2441 252.1406 C +%_366.7695 254.3828 365.1758 253.498 363.2598 254.8857 C +%_364.6445 253.2031 363.4648 251.4932 365.7891 249.6885 C +%_361.0469 251.6699 355.9141 249.1328 351.6582 248.4688 C +%_355.9141 247.8037 361.0469 245.2695 365.7891 247.251 C +%_363.4648 245.4463 364.6445 243.7344 363.2598 242.0537 C +%_365.1758 243.4395 366.7695 242.5537 368.2441 244.7959 C +%_366.709 239.4873 368.7734 236.6563 369.877 230.6787 C +%_370.9805 236.6563 373.0449 239.4873 371.5098 244.7959 C +%_372.9863 242.5537 374.5801 243.4395 376.4961 242.0537 C +%_375.1113 243.7344 376.2891 245.4463 373.9668 247.251 C +%_378.709 245.2695 383.8398 247.8037 388.0977 248.4688 C +%_f +%_U +%_9 () XW +%_u +%_201.4355 256.7979 m +%_198.793 270.6279 176.0684 273.0537 171.1465 290.8545 C +%_167.3789 271.7393 149.8516 270.9834 149.6094 257.7393 C +%_152.7871 265.542 160.4453 263.5264 165.4941 269.8545 C +%_164.6465 263.7021 160.8594 257.9639 153.1094 254.7783 C +%_160.7813 253.7021 168.7344 256.6104 172.2246 264.3369 C +%_174.7813 260.1631 175.0371 255.8877 172.8965 250.4717 C +%_177.6094 254.1064 180.3887 259.7705 178.5508 267.0283 C +%_185.8203 259.7588 196.4551 263.7979 201.4355 256.7979 C +%_Bb +%_1 (Unnamed gradient 35) -0.023633 0 90 0.695993 1 0 0 1 39342.5586 37062.6875 1 Bg +%_-0.000001 28.1062 55.8261 0.000002 -7743.3906 7599.1914 Xm +%_-0.001714 39211.375 55.8261 0.000002 -7743.3887 -31605.6328 Bc +%_-0.000001 14.829 55.8261 0.000002 -7743.3906 7605.7437 Bm +%_-0.001714 39211.375 55.8261 0.000002 -7743.3906 7620.5728 Bc +%_f +%_0 BB +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +%_1 0 0 1 39342.5586 37062.6875 /RealMatrix +%_ (CAIGradientTformMatrix) , +%_; (Adobe_AI9_ArtStyle_Dictionary) , +%_; +%_ +%_0 1 Xd +%_Bb +%_2 (Unnamed gradient 35) -0.023633 0 90 0.695993 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +%_0 BB +%_6 () XW +%_*u +%_1 D +%_0 g +%_182.3984 370.7881 m +%_211.8359 366.7646 228.6309 349.9971 231.5469 334.2354 C +%_227.623 343.4873 218.5625 349.46 207.9473 352.8682 C +%_218.5625 338.8545 215.1406 321.001 229.0625 311.1709 C +%_218.6973 322.21 221.8516 335.6318 214.1582 347.8994 C +%_226.416 341.0029 228.2813 331.2275 231.1816 320.751 c +%_235.5664 304.9072 242.7266 300.6631 248.4023 298.5732 C +%_236.7031 298.124 219.7422 303.1045 211.6211 318.6748 c +%_203.0098 335.1846 210.1719 353.083 189.1406 362.4482 C +%_198.7422 354.3916 203.8672 342.9307 197.834 328.0264 C +%_200.0898 349.9502 177.207 353.5322 173.5254 368.4795 C +%_172.8965 356.9502 180.7051 347.2568 188.0742 342.5752 C +%_177.7852 345.9482 168.8594 351.5654 164.6543 364.3994 C +%_157.7305 343.0068 169.9688 325.9443 177.5547 325.9443 c +%_180.1816 325.9443 182.0898 327.6162 182.0898 330.1084 c +%_182.0898 336.5576 170.4492 336.5576 167.4941 348.9639 C +%_172.8164 338.1396 193.043 340.0908 193.043 328.2041 c +%_193.043 318.4658 179.4043 314.167 170.6875 320.2197 C +%_177.0742 311.8799 191.9453 311.6006 196.2383 321.6396 C +%_196.9004 317.3311 194.9297 310.8818 188.7852 308.5107 c +%_181.7988 305.8115 175.3008 310.9951 Y +%_182.9414 299.9814 196.2402 307.3213 209.3672 307.0908 c +%_220.2344 306.8975 227.4727 301.2705 230.6582 295.9111 C +%_227.6914 297.3975 226.0195 297.7979 223.0293 297.8623 C +%_229.3223 293.9854 233.877 285.0674 232.0781 276.3936 C +%_230.7813 282.6436 223.5059 287.0732 209.7227 288.0283 c +%_194.166 289.1045 185.9141 291.5967 180.623 297.3311 C +%_191.8242 292.374 209.5586 299.2393 221.6094 291.2979 C +%_214.1563 299.8369 197.6758 297.3877 185.8945 299.2783 c +%_165.1875 302.6025 152.5703 337.5654 154.1875 352.9111 C +%_148.5313 329.4893 163.6484 316.7119 166.9746 303.7783 c +%_170.6094 289.6436 163.6094 279.9521 157.0254 274.9756 C +%_167.3066 290.374 149.6094 299.6045 152.4121 319.3311 C +%_147.1855 300.1436 156.8477 294.6709 156.8477 284.7334 c +%_156.8477 274.9756 148.2637 271.7393 146.5566 259.1846 C +%_144.8516 271.7393 136.2656 274.9756 136.2656 284.7334 c +%_136.2656 294.6709 145.9277 300.1436 140.7012 319.3311 C +%_143.5059 299.6045 125.8086 290.374 136.0879 274.9756 C +%_129.5059 279.9521 122.5059 289.6436 126.1406 303.7783 c +%_129.4648 316.7119 144.582 329.4893 138.9277 352.9111 C +%_140.543 337.5654 127.9277 302.6025 107.2207 299.2783 c +%_95.4375 297.3877 78.959 299.8369 71.5049 291.2979 C +%_83.5547 299.2393 101.2891 292.374 112.4902 297.3311 C +%_107.2012 291.5967 98.9492 289.1045 83.3926 288.0283 c +%_69.6074 287.0732 62.333 282.6436 61.0361 276.3936 C +%_59.2373 285.0674 63.791 293.9854 70.085 297.8623 C +%_67.0938 297.7979 65.4238 297.3975 62.4561 295.9111 C +%_65.6416 301.2705 72.8789 306.8975 83.748 307.0908 c +%_96.875 307.3213 110.1719 299.9814 117.8145 310.9951 C +%_111.3145 305.8115 104.3301 308.5107 v +%_98.1836 310.8818 96.2148 317.3311 96.877 321.6396 C +%_101.1699 311.6006 116.0391 311.8799 122.4258 320.2197 C +%_113.709 314.167 100.0703 318.4658 100.0703 328.2041 c +%_100.0703 340.0908 120.2988 338.1396 125.6211 348.9639 C +%_122.666 336.5576 111.0254 336.5576 111.0254 330.1084 c +%_111.0254 327.6162 112.9336 325.9443 115.5605 325.9443 c +%_123.1445 325.9443 135.3848 343.0068 128.459 364.3994 C +%_124.2559 351.5654 115.3301 345.9482 105.0391 342.5752 C +%_112.4102 347.2568 120.2168 356.9502 119.5879 368.4795 C +%_115.9063 353.5322 93.0254 349.9502 95.2793 328.0264 C +%_89.248 342.9307 94.3711 354.3916 103.9746 362.4482 C +%_82.9414 353.083 90.1035 335.1846 81.4922 318.6748 c +%_73.3711 303.1045 56.4102 298.124 44.7119 298.5732 C +%_50.3867 300.6631 57.5479 304.9072 61.9326 320.751 c +%_64.8311 331.2275 66.6982 341.0029 78.957 347.8994 C +%_71.2627 335.6318 74.418 322.21 64.0527 311.1709 C +%_77.9746 321.001 74.5508 338.8545 85.166 352.8682 C +%_74.5508 349.46 65.4893 343.4873 61.5684 334.2354 C +%_64.4824 349.9971 81.2793 366.7646 110.7168 370.7881 C +%_80.3906 372.0771 74.543 355.2334 59.2607 354.626 c +%_49.5791 354.2412 41.125 363.0166 31.2275 368.3037 C +%_43.3408 365.2314 62.335 356.9756 72.3916 370.4326 C +%_66.1973 365.1709 54.1162 366.7041 v +%_41.8438 368.2627 30.6543 376.1045 0 378.0615 C +%_30.6543 380.0186 41.8438 387.8584 54.1162 389.417 c +%_66.1973 390.9521 72.3916 385.6924 Y +%_62.335 399.1494 43.3408 390.8916 31.2275 387.8213 C +%_41.125 393.1084 49.5791 401.8818 59.2607 401.4971 c +%_74.543 400.8896 80.3906 384.0459 110.7168 385.3369 C +%_81.2793 389.3584 64.4824 406.1279 61.5684 421.8857 C +%_65.4893 412.6377 74.5508 406.665 85.166 403.2568 C +%_74.5508 417.2686 77.9746 435.1221 64.0527 444.9521 C +%_74.418 433.915 71.2627 420.4893 78.957 408.2256 C +%_66.6982 415.1201 64.8311 424.8936 61.9326 435.3701 c +%_57.5479 451.2178 50.3867 455.46 44.7119 457.5498 C +%_56.4102 457.999 73.3711 453.0186 81.4922 437.4482 c +%_90.1035 420.9365 82.9414 403.0381 103.9746 393.6768 C +%_94.3711 401.7314 89.248 413.1924 95.2793 428.0967 C +%_93.0254 406.1748 115.9063 402.5928 119.5879 387.6436 C +%_120.2168 399.1748 112.4102 408.8662 105.0391 413.5479 C +%_115.3301 410.1768 124.2559 404.5596 128.459 391.7236 C +%_135.3848 413.1143 123.1445 430.1787 115.5605 430.1787 c +%_112.9336 430.1787 111.0254 428.5068 111.0254 426.0146 c +%_111.0254 419.5635 122.666 419.5635 125.6211 407.1611 C +%_120.2988 417.9814 100.0703 416.0303 100.0703 427.9189 c +%_100.0703 437.6572 113.709 441.9561 122.4258 435.9033 C +%_116.0391 444.2432 101.1699 444.5244 96.877 434.4834 C +%_96.2148 438.792 98.1836 445.2412 104.3301 447.6143 c +%_111.3145 450.3115 117.8145 445.1299 Y +%_110.1719 456.1436 96.875 448.7998 83.748 449.0342 c +%_72.8789 449.2256 65.6416 454.8545 62.4561 460.21 C +%_65.4238 458.7256 67.0938 458.3252 70.085 458.2588 C +%_63.791 462.1377 59.2373 471.0576 61.0361 479.7275 C +%_62.333 473.4795 69.6074 469.0498 83.3926 468.0947 c +%_98.9492 467.0186 107.2012 464.5264 112.4902 458.79 C +%_101.2891 463.751 83.5547 456.8838 71.5049 464.8232 C +%_78.959 456.2861 95.4375 458.7334 107.2207 456.8428 c +%_127.9277 453.5205 140.543 418.5576 138.9277 403.2119 C +%_144.582 426.6357 129.4648 439.4131 126.1406 452.3467 c +%_122.5059 466.4795 129.5059 476.1729 136.0879 481.1475 C +%_125.8086 465.749 143.5059 456.5186 140.7012 436.79 C +%_145.9277 455.9814 136.2656 461.4521 136.2656 471.3896 c +%_136.2656 481.1475 144.8516 484.3838 146.5566 496.9385 C +%_148.2637 484.3838 156.8477 481.1475 156.8477 471.3896 c +%_156.8477 461.4521 147.1855 455.9814 152.4121 436.79 C +%_149.6094 456.5186 167.3066 465.749 157.0254 481.1475 C +%_163.6094 476.1729 170.6094 466.4795 166.9746 452.3467 c +%_163.6484 439.4131 148.5313 426.6357 154.1875 403.2119 C +%_152.5703 418.5576 165.1875 453.5205 185.8945 456.8428 c +%_197.6758 458.7334 214.1563 456.2861 221.6094 464.8232 C +%_209.5586 456.8838 191.8242 463.751 180.623 458.79 C +%_185.9141 464.5264 194.166 467.0186 209.7227 468.0947 c +%_223.5059 469.0498 230.7813 473.4795 232.0781 479.7275 C +%_233.877 471.0576 229.3223 462.1377 223.0293 458.2588 C +%_226.0195 458.3252 227.6914 458.7256 230.6582 460.21 C +%_227.4727 454.8545 220.2344 449.2256 209.3672 449.0342 c +%_196.2402 448.7998 182.9414 456.1436 175.3008 445.1299 C +%_181.7988 450.3115 188.7852 447.6143 v +%_194.9297 445.2412 196.9004 438.792 196.2383 434.4834 C +%_191.9453 444.5244 177.0742 444.2432 170.6875 435.9033 C +%_179.4043 441.9561 193.043 437.6572 193.043 427.9189 c +%_193.043 416.0303 172.8164 417.9814 167.4941 407.1611 C +%_170.4492 419.5635 182.0898 419.5635 182.0898 426.0146 c +%_182.0898 428.5068 180.1816 430.1787 177.5547 430.1787 c +%_169.9688 430.1787 157.7305 413.1143 164.6543 391.7236 C +%_168.8594 404.5596 177.7852 410.1768 188.0742 413.5479 C +%_180.7051 408.8662 172.8965 399.1748 173.5254 387.6436 C +%_177.207 402.5928 200.0898 406.1748 197.834 428.0967 C +%_203.8672 413.1924 198.7422 401.7314 189.1406 393.6768 C +%_210.1719 403.0381 203.0098 420.9365 211.6211 437.4482 c +%_219.7422 453.0186 236.7031 457.999 248.4023 457.5498 C +%_242.7266 455.46 235.5664 451.2178 231.1816 435.3701 c +%_228.2813 424.8936 226.416 415.1201 214.1582 408.2256 C +%_221.8516 420.4893 218.6973 433.915 229.0625 444.9521 C +%_215.1406 435.1221 218.5625 417.2686 207.9473 403.2568 C +%_218.5625 406.665 227.623 412.6377 231.5469 421.8857 C +%_228.6309 406.1279 211.8359 389.3584 182.3984 385.3369 C +%_212.7246 384.0459 218.5703 400.8896 233.8516 401.4971 c +%_243.5352 401.8818 251.9883 393.1084 261.8867 387.8213 C +%_249.7734 390.8916 230.7793 399.1494 220.7227 385.6924 C +%_226.916 390.9521 238.998 389.417 v +%_251.2695 387.8584 262.459 380.0186 293.1133 378.0615 C +%_262.459 376.1045 251.2695 368.2627 238.998 366.7041 c +%_226.916 365.1709 220.7227 370.4326 Y +%_230.7793 356.9756 249.7734 365.2314 261.8867 368.3037 C +%_251.9883 363.0166 243.5352 354.2412 233.8516 354.626 c +%_218.5703 355.2334 212.7246 372.0771 182.3984 370.7881 C +%_f +%_0 D +%_0 g +%_215.7539 378.0615 m +%_220.3672 376.8193 224.3867 374.292 230.2422 374.292 c +%_237.3555 374.292 241.3164 377.042 246.9824 378.0615 C +%_241.3164 379.0791 237.3555 381.8311 230.2422 381.8311 c +%_224.3867 381.8311 220.3672 379.3037 215.7539 378.0615 C +%_f +%_0 g +%_143.541 468.3721 m +%_143.541 463.249 146.5566 459.9756 146.5566 456.249 c +%_146.5566 459.9756 149.5742 463.249 149.5742 468.3721 c +%_149.5742 472.9404 147.3242 475.0244 146.5566 479.8076 C +%_145.7891 475.0244 143.541 472.9404 143.541 468.3721 c +%_f +%_0 g +%_77.3594 378.0615 m +%_72.7461 379.3037 68.7256 381.8311 62.8711 381.8311 c +%_55.7578 381.8311 51.7979 379.0791 46.1318 378.0615 C +%_51.7979 377.042 55.7578 374.292 62.8711 374.292 c +%_68.7256 374.292 72.7461 376.8193 77.3594 378.0615 C +%_f +%_0 g +%_149.5742 287.751 m +%_149.5742 292.874 146.5566 296.1494 146.5566 299.874 c +%_146.5566 296.1494 143.541 292.874 143.541 287.751 c +%_143.541 283.1826 145.7891 281.0967 146.5566 276.3174 C +%_147.3242 281.0967 149.5742 283.1826 149.5742 287.751 c +%_f +%_191.625 378.0615 m +%_181.6875 378.0615 167.5371 383.0439 156.6719 381.0771 C +%_160.1211 383.1768 161.6543 384.749 164.123 387.8213 C +%_159.7168 387.3877 157.3652 387.0244 154.0098 385.5127 C +%_156.6719 391.5303 157.2031 394.9131 157.7344 400.9502 C +%_154.666 397.3838 153.0957 395.21 151.1699 390.3037 C +%_151.8789 402.7236 146.9121 405.5518 146.5566 422.0654 C +%_146.2012 405.5518 141.2344 402.7236 141.9434 390.3037 C +%_140.0195 395.21 138.4492 397.3838 135.3789 400.9502 C +%_135.9102 394.9131 136.4434 391.5303 139.1055 385.5127 C +%_135.75 387.0244 133.3965 387.3877 128.9902 387.8213 C +%_131.4609 384.749 132.9941 383.1768 136.4434 381.0771 C +%_125.5781 383.0439 111.4258 378.0615 101.4902 378.0615 c +%_111.4258 378.0615 125.5781 373.0811 136.4434 375.0439 C +%_132.9941 372.9482 131.4609 371.374 128.9902 368.3037 C +%_133.3965 368.7354 135.75 369.0986 139.1055 370.6084 C +%_136.4434 364.5928 135.9102 361.2119 135.3789 355.1729 C +%_138.4492 358.7373 140.0195 360.915 141.9434 365.8193 C +%_141.2344 353.3994 146.2012 350.5732 146.5566 334.0596 C +%_146.9121 350.5732 151.8789 353.3994 151.1699 365.8193 C +%_153.0957 360.915 154.666 358.7373 157.7344 355.1729 C +%_157.2031 361.2119 156.6719 364.5928 154.0098 370.6084 C +%_157.3652 369.0986 159.7168 368.7354 164.123 368.3037 C +%_161.6543 371.374 160.1211 372.9482 156.6719 375.0439 C +%_167.5371 373.0811 181.6875 378.0615 191.625 378.0615 c +%_Bb +%_0 0 0 0 Bh +%_1 (Unnamed gradient 83) 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 -1 39406.5586 53548.4453 1 Bg +%_133.4363 0 0 133.4363 -7744.4414 7512.9375 Bm +%_f +%_0 BB +%_*U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +%_1 0 0 -1 39406.5586 53548.4453 /RealMatrix +%_ (CAIGradientTformMatrix) , +%_; (Adobe_AI9_ArtStyle_Dictionary) , +%_; +%_ +%_0 1 Xd +%_Bb +%_0 0 0 0 Bh +%_2 (Unnamed gradient 83) 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +%_0 BB +%_6 () XW +%_0.791623 0.163851 1 0.031525 0.2 0.572549 0.180392 Xa +%_214.3574 309.5654 m +%_208.8379 314.1436 203.6973 322.0264 202.916 332.3154 C +%_201.8398 322.085 199.7168 314.1807 194.7051 308.3545 C +%_201.0313 311.4502 203.3203 317.5088 V +%_206.2813 312.2588 214.3574 309.5654 Y +%_f +%_228.3574 258.6826 m +%_227.1406 264.6514 222.0508 269.8604 215.4355 272.4131 C +%_218.1445 265.4189 217.1387 258.6143 213.2813 252.624 C +%_214.1797 260.3896 211.8125 265.833 207.4922 270.6631 C +%_208.8535 265.833 208.7344 261.3955 206.416 256.7979 C +%_207.3574 265.2783 200.248 269.583 190.8008 275.2393 c +%_178.1406 282.8174 173.5234 291.2822 171.5508 302.4658 C +%_175.002 295.6006 181.4531 289.3271 199.4102 285.1729 c +%_221.709 280.0146 229.8027 272.7568 228.3574 258.6826 C +%_f +%_228.0879 350.8916 m +%_232.7754 346.2959 235 338.7061 235.3574 329.1709 c +%_235.8281 316.6436 240.7676 311.5146 248.6836 310.6436 C +%_236.8828 315.2217 244.2402 327.7568 240.7422 336.4893 C +%_247.1816 331.7021 245.123 315.8115 258.377 315.085 C +%_248.5957 318.2822 255.541 331.7607 249.0879 339.585 C +%_256.8965 339.4775 260.4863 345.71 270.627 342.8154 C +%_265.9102 346.4502 260.6621 348.7393 251.7813 348.7393 C +%_258.0352 352.5986 260.7813 357.3643 263.0879 364.085 C +%_252.9609 353.4912 238.2363 349.417 228.0879 350.8916 C +%_Bb +%_1 (Unnamed gradient 35) -0.041802 0 161.1868 0.574118 -1 0 0 1 55830.9844 37077.2266 1 Bg +%_23.2981 7.93732 -19.6586 57.7031 -7656.2983 7515.1313 Xm +%_52636.3047 17932.3965 -19.6586 57.7031 -60287.1719 -10415.4141 Bc +%_12.2922 4.18778 -19.6586 57.7031 -7650.8667 7516.9819 Bm +%_52636.3047 17932.3965 -19.6586 57.7031 -7638.5747 7521.1694 Bc +%_f +%_0 BB +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +%_-1 0 0 1 55830.9844 37077.2266 /RealMatrix +%_ (CAIGradientTformMatrix) , +%_; (Adobe_AI9_ArtStyle_Dictionary) , +%_; +%_ +%_0 1 Xd +%_Bb +%_2 (Unnamed gradient 35) -0.041802 0 161.1868 0.574118 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +%_0 BB +%_6 () XW +%_0.001984 0.254643 0.938994 0 0.992157 0.764706 0 Xa +%_164.7773 378.0615 m +%_160.5195 378.7256 155.3887 381.2627 150.6465 379.2803 C +%_152.9688 381.085 151.791 382.7959 153.1758 384.4775 C +%_151.2598 383.0908 149.666 383.9756 148.1895 381.7334 C +%_149.7246 387.042 147.6602 389.876 146.5566 395.8506 C +%_145.4531 389.876 143.3887 387.042 144.9238 381.7334 C +%_143.4492 383.9756 141.8555 383.0908 139.9395 384.4775 C +%_141.3242 382.7959 140.1445 381.085 142.4688 379.2803 C +%_137.7266 381.2627 132.5938 378.7256 128.3379 378.0615 C +%_132.5938 377.3955 137.7266 374.8623 142.4688 376.8428 C +%_140.1445 375.0381 141.3242 373.3271 139.9395 371.6455 C +%_141.8555 373.0322 143.4492 372.1455 144.9238 374.3877 C +%_143.3887 369.0791 145.4531 366.249 146.5566 360.2705 C +%_147.6602 366.249 149.7246 369.0791 148.1895 374.3877 C +%_149.666 372.1455 151.2598 373.0322 153.1758 371.6455 C +%_151.791 373.3271 152.9688 375.0381 150.6465 376.8428 C +%_155.3887 374.8623 160.5195 377.3955 164.7773 378.0615 C +%_f +%_U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Repeated_Art) , +%_; +%_ +%_9 () XW +%_U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_4 /Int (AIPattern_Editor_Repetition_Type) , +%_50 /Real (AIPattern_Editor_Dim_Percent_Key) , +%_4 /Int (AIPattern_Editor_Editable_Copy_Loc_Key) , +%_4.0032 /Real (AIPattern_Editor_AutoSpacing_V) , +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Editor_AutoGrow) , +%_4.0032 /Real (AIPattern_Editor_AutoSpacing_H) , +%_297.1165 /Real (AIPattern_Editor_Tile_Width) , +%_5 /Int (AIPattern_Editor_Preview_Cols) , +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Editor_Dim_Copies_Key) , +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Editor_Left_in_Front) , +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Editor_Top_in_Front) , +%_259.1848 /Real (AIPattern_Editor_Tile_Height) , +%_5 /Int (AIPattern_Editor_Preview_Rows) , +%_; +%_ +%_9 () XW +E +%AI3_EndPattern +%AI3_BeginPattern: (Pompadour) +(Pompadour) 218.1958 183.1699 385.1958 350.1699 +%_0 A +%_0 Xw +%_u +%_0 1 0 0 0 Xy +%_0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d %_0 XR +%_218.1958 350.1699 m +%_385.1958 350.1699 L +%_385.1958 183.1699 L +%_218.1958 183.1699 L +%_218.1958 350.1699 L +%_n +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Editor_Backing_Tile_Rect) , +%_; +%_ +%_u +%_*u +%_0 O +%_0.306889 0.577478 0.779446 0.294591 0.576471 0.376471 0.215686 Xa +%_407.2622 96.3711 m +%_407.3872 96.3711 407.4927 96.4629 407.5103 96.585 c +%_409.8911 112.5996 419.1646 125.9746 431.9028 133.9814 c +%_432.0063 134.0449 432.0493 134.1758 432.0044 134.29 c +%_431.9575 134.4023 431.8384 134.4688 431.7173 134.4443 c +%_421.2466 132.3398 411.9243 126.5811 405.27 118.4141 C +%_400.645 131.7891 390.0337 140.418 376.9692 144.0654 C +%_381.7778 149.6582 379.2622 157.5986 371.8501 158.9023 c +%_371.7368 158.9229 371.6255 158.8643 371.5767 158.7607 c +%_371.5278 158.6563 371.5552 158.5322 371.6431 158.46 c +%_375.6157 155.1143 374.1626 147.04 362.3052 147.04 c +%_354.5103 147.04 349.4849 150.2188 349.4849 154.5254 c +%_349.4849 157.9102 352.5474 159.7559 355.1255 159.7559 c +%_359.5415 159.7559 362.0649 155.7949 360.1685 152.2129 c +%_360.1138 152.1104 360.1353 151.9814 360.2231 151.9033 c +%_360.311 151.8271 360.4399 151.8184 360.5376 151.8857 c +%_362.7856 153.4492 364.356 155.5059 364.356 158.6768 c +%_364.356 164.0635 359.3306 169.8066 351.0239 169.8066 c +%_342.1021 169.8066 334.0005 162.9355 334.0005 154.5254 c +%_334.0005 142.71 344.0493 137.0918 354.6138 136.0918 C +%_350.2485 134.4189 346.981 129.5664 v +%_346.9146 129.4697 346.9243 129.3418 347.0024 129.2559 c +%_347.0806 129.1689 347.2056 129.1475 347.3091 129.2012 c +%_353.1392 132.2822 359.7954 133.9453 366.811 133.9453 c +%_386.4321 133.9453 403.3579 117.541 407.0103 96.5801 c +%_407.0317 96.4561 407.1392 96.3691 407.2622 96.3711 c +%_f +%_1 D +%_483.9399 148.7773 m +%_488.5493 156.4551 490.1919 169.627 485.897 179.46 c +%_485.8481 179.5703 485.8833 179.6992 485.9829 179.7686 c +%_486.0806 179.8379 486.2153 179.8281 486.3032 179.7461 c +%_491.1099 175.1914 495.2427 164.5684 493.0083 152.2871 C +%_496.106 149.8936 498.0532 147.5176 499.522 144.335 c +%_499.5688 144.2314 499.5415 144.1104 499.4556 144.0352 c +%_499.3696 143.9629 499.2446 143.9551 499.1489 144.0186 c +%_494.1528 147.3809 489.686 148.5283 483.9399 148.7773 C +%_f +%_473.3306 28.9707 m +%_473.4009 28.8672 473.3833 28.7266 473.2915 28.6426 c +%_473.1978 28.5586 473.0571 28.5547 472.9595 28.6348 c +%_466.145 34.1621 457.0845 37.6895 445.9243 37.6895 c +%_418.3521 37.6895 400.9517 21.1719 398.2173 3.76367 c +%_398.1997 3.65234 398.1099 3.56641 397.9985 3.55078 c +%_397.8872 3.53711 397.7778 3.59766 397.7329 3.70117 c +%_395.0083 9.95898 393.3657 19.0352 401.7817 31.209 c +%_406.8169 38.4941 412.9106 43.5098 412.9106 50.0273 c +%_412.9106 54.2852 410.6509 57.1797 407.2231 57.1797 c +%_403.6177 57.1797 401.2876 54.0918 401.2876 50.625 c +%_401.2876 48.877 401.7915 47.1465 402.6958 45.5801 c +%_402.7544 45.4766 402.7368 45.3496 402.6509 45.2676 c +%_402.5649 45.1875 402.436 45.1758 402.3384 45.2402 c +%_399.3657 47.1777 396.7114 50.6367 396.7114 55.5117 c +%_396.7114 62.6836 402.8442 68.6816 411.1802 68.6816 c +%_420.1548 68.6816 427.5044 61.6328 427.5044 51.4922 c +%_427.5044 48.0156 426.5142 43.8242 424.0415 40.3613 C +%_427.4263 43.1875 429.2329 45.1875 430.7192 49.5117 C +%_441.1196 51.3223 452.2251 49.6602 461.0493 43.8691 C +%_461.3052 49.9707 463.3013 55.0605 467.3931 59.1875 c +%_467.4771 59.2715 467.6079 59.2852 467.7075 59.2227 c +%_467.8091 59.1582 467.8521 59.0332 467.811 58.9219 c +%_464.9341 50.9199 466.8657 38.7246 473.3306 28.9707 c +%_f +%_560.6978 35.6055 m +%_558.4517 30.8066 553.2388 28.1211 547.2368 28.0117 c +%_547.1118 28.0098 547.0044 28.0977 546.9829 28.2188 c +%_546.9595 28.3418 547.0278 28.4609 547.1431 28.5039 c +%_549.1899 29.2578 550.8052 30.5762 551.6646 32.4141 c +%_553.8774 37.1426 550.2974 43.5098 543.6509 46.7832 c +%_543.5728 46.8223 543.52 46.8965 543.5103 46.9824 c +%_543.5005 47.0684 543.5337 47.1523 543.6001 47.207 c +%_547.8911 50.7266 553.0122 57.2617 553.0122 70.627 c +%_553.0122 89.3086 540.8579 107.0898 524.7368 107.0898 c +%_515.5239 107.0898 508.104 100.6934 504.2661 91.0977 C +%_508.4868 96.8564 514.2446 101.2051 522.1782 101.2051 c +%_533.8208 101.2051 543.0337 88.7969 543.0337 70.8828 c +%_543.0337 53.9941 531.1333 34.2891 515.2681 34.2891 c +%_506.5669 34.2891 500.0435 41.3281 500.0435 50.4121 c +%_500.0435 58.4746 505.2896 63.0781 511.1763 63.0781 c +%_515.6099 63.0781 518.6685 59.9473 519.6196 56.5527 c +%_519.6509 56.4375 519.6001 56.3164 519.4927 56.2598 c +%_519.3872 56.2051 519.2583 56.2305 519.1802 56.3223 c +%_518.4282 57.2168 517.2837 57.9609 515.5259 57.9609 c +%_512.5825 57.9609 511.0474 55.4316 511.0474 53.6113 c +%_511.0474 50.1563 513.606 47.7246 517.4458 47.7246 c +%_522.6899 47.7246 526.7856 53.4824 526.7856 60.9023 c +%_526.7856 70.1152 517.9556 78.5586 509.1274 78.5586 c +%_500.106 78.5586 490.4478 70.5 490.4478 55.5293 c +%_490.4478 40.8164 500.4282 23.9258 516.2935 23.9258 c +%_525.5435 23.9258 533.4048 28.0957 539.436 35.002 c +%_539.5161 35.0918 539.6489 35.1152 539.7544 35.0547 c +%_539.8599 34.9941 539.9067 34.8672 539.8677 34.752 c +%_535.4341 21.8164 537.9126 9.60742 544.688 9.60742 c +%_548.0024 9.60742 549.6899 11.9863 549.6899 14.5234 c +%_549.6899 17.1309 547.7915 19.2852 544.7212 19.6777 c +%_544.6001 19.6934 544.5063 19.793 544.4985 19.9141 c +%_544.4927 20.0352 544.5708 20.1465 544.6899 20.1758 c +%_551.5044 21.9395 558.5142 18.2285 558.5142 11.1328 c +%_558.5142 4.85547 553.1372 0.001953 546.1021 0.001953 c +%_535.4653 0.001953 530.3774 11.2715 532.6431 21.5371 C +%_527.1841 14.4922 519.0903 8.70117 507.4653 8.70117 c +%_483.9224 8.70117 472.0239 35.5703 472.0239 53.6113 c +%_472.0239 69.9883 475.3501 80.4785 482.2603 88.5391 C +%_474.1978 82.3984 470.8716 75.6172 469.3384 66.2773 C +%_463.1958 57.832 447.2036 57.832 v +%_440.5161 57.832 434.2739 60.3086 429.4302 64.998 C +%_429.4282 64.9961 429.4263 64.9941 429.4243 64.9902 C +%_429.3892 65.0313 429.3501 65.0703 429.3149 65.1094 C +%_428.9946 65.4238 428.6802 65.748 428.3716 66.082 C +%_423.3091 70.9316 413.1802 75.4785 403.9399 71.6797 c +%_403.8345 71.6367 403.7134 71.6699 403.6431 71.7578 c +%_403.5728 71.8477 403.5708 71.9727 403.6392 72.0645 c +%_408.0454 78.0898 415.6626 80.0059 421.3169 79.1309 C +%_420.272 82.8457 419.6938 87.0117 419.6938 91.6094 c +%_419.6938 108.0137 428.4927 119.5801 438.106 125.2109 C +%_434.9517 129.0137 435.5962 134.9883 439.1372 139.0449 c +%_439.2173 139.1357 439.3481 139.1582 439.4536 139.0996 c +%_439.5571 139.041 439.606 138.918 439.5708 138.8018 c +%_437.8403 133.2695 442.9634 128.6523 449.7524 128.9004 c +%_449.8755 128.9033 449.9829 128.8193 450.0103 128.6992 c +%_450.0356 128.5801 449.9712 128.457 449.8579 128.4111 c +%_439.7212 124.248 433.0005 115.4316 433.0005 104.4033 c +%_433.0005 92.8906 439.9087 83.5488 451.0415 83.5488 c +%_460.1255 83.5488 469.2095 91.8672 469.2095 102.2285 c +%_469.2095 110.2891 464.731 115.0225 458.9731 115.0225 c +%_453.9849 115.0225 450.0181 111.5684 450.0181 107.4736 c +%_450.0181 101.6211 456.6001 99.499 460.1118 104.1309 c +%_460.1821 104.2227 460.3032 104.2559 460.4087 104.2129 c +%_460.5161 104.1699 460.5806 104.0625 460.5669 103.9482 c +%_460.0435 99.5586 456.8149 95.4482 451.8091 95.4482 c +%_447.2036 95.4482 442.4692 99.2861 442.4692 107.4746 c +%_442.4692 117.1982 451.8071 127.0508 467.1606 127.0508 c +%_488.1431 127.0508 499.5317 103.3809 489.2974 84.4453 C +%_494.5415 90.459 499.2759 96.8555 499.2759 108.2432 c +%_499.2759 129.75 478.0122 144.291 452.9224 135.7441 c +%_452.8032 135.7021 452.6724 135.7559 452.6157 135.8672 c +%_452.5571 135.9785 452.5884 136.1143 452.6899 136.1895 c +%_459.6958 141.2979 467.0337 148.8262 467.0337 161.4668 c +%_467.0337 174.6475 458.3345 183.9854 444.772 183.9854 c +%_434.2798 183.9854 427.6274 177.5879 427.6274 170.04 c +%_427.6274 164.2822 431.3462 159.6768 437.7349 159.6768 c +%_447.2466 159.6768 450.481 170.0195 445.5591 174.6445 c +%_445.4751 174.7236 445.4556 174.8516 445.5103 174.9521 c +%_445.5669 175.0547 445.6841 175.1055 445.7974 175.0762 c +%_450.5669 173.8398 455.1353 169.0068 455.1353 161.7236 c +%_455.1353 149.1855 443.4927 140.8682 430.6978 140.8682 c +%_424.7017 140.8682 418.8989 142.623 414.2271 145.9102 C +%_414.7778 150.0635 413.3579 154.6602 411.2603 157.752 C +%_413.2095 150.8848 411.1021 139.5732 400.5864 139.5732 c +%_394.6958 139.5732 390.8013 144.1025 390.8013 149.4551 c +%_390.8013 155.7793 396.147 158.7314 400.4966 158.125 c +%_400.6118 158.1104 400.7017 158.0186 400.7134 157.9023 c +%_400.7271 157.7891 400.6606 157.6797 400.5532 157.6367 c +%_398.9673 157.0293 397.6118 155.3691 397.6118 153.373 c +%_397.6118 150.873 399.52 149.3906 401.52 149.3906 c +%_404.8149 149.3906 406.645 153.0605 405.4927 157.1104 C +%_405.5044 157.1104 L +%_404.4321 159.9473 403.8286 163.1152 403.8286 166.6055 c +%_403.8286 183.3672 422.0103 199.3398 444.9497 199.3398 c +%_469.1626 199.3398 482.0044 182.0664 482.0044 164.2822 c +%_482.0044 154.7461 478.4224 147.5225 473.8149 142.915 C +%_493.7368 145.0332 506.313 136.5176 513.0942 124.2354 C +%_508.6157 120.3975 506.9536 114.7676 Y +%_512.3267 121.8057 521.5376 127.9453 534.4595 127.9453 c +%_554.0356 127.9453 569.3911 108.7539 569.3911 88.1563 c +%_569.3911 75.084 564.5884 62.375 554.8267 53.9102 C +%_560.8638 48.8809 563.4731 41.5391 560.6978 35.6055 c +%_f +%_*U +%_*u +%_0 D +%_1 0.2 0 0 0 Xy +%_482.2114 160.9053 m +%_482.1782 160.7852 482.2388 160.6582 482.3521 160.6094 c +%_497.1763 154.0957 507.6372 141.6289 512.0063 127.2324 c +%_512.0415 127.1152 512.1548 127.0391 512.2778 127.0527 c +%_512.3989 127.0664 512.4946 127.166 512.5024 127.2871 c +%_513.229 137.9434 510.1274 148.4531 504.0005 157.0234 C +%_518.1216 157.9648 529.2407 165.9297 536.1997 177.5723 C +%_540.3286 171.46 548.6509 171.7969 551.8599 178.6035 c +%_551.9106 178.708 551.8833 178.832 551.7954 178.9063 c +%_551.7075 178.9805 551.5806 178.9873 551.4868 178.9219 c +%_547.2134 175.9688 539.8071 179.498 542.9282 190.9355 c +%_544.981 198.4561 549.3716 202.4668 553.5259 201.333 c +%_556.7915 200.4414 557.7661 197.002 557.0864 194.5146 c +%_555.9243 190.2539 551.438 188.8623 548.481 191.6357 c +%_548.397 191.7158 548.2681 191.7285 548.1704 191.6641 c +%_548.0728 191.5986 548.0298 191.4775 548.0688 191.3662 c +%_548.9868 188.7852 550.5571 186.7285 553.6157 185.8936 c +%_558.811 184.4756 565.6743 187.8115 567.8618 195.8252 c +%_570.2114 204.4316 565.7153 214.0566 557.604 216.2715 c +%_546.2036 219.3818 538.1392 211.166 534.3931 201.2383 C +%_533.9263 205.8896 530.1079 210.3203 v +%_530.0317 210.4092 529.9048 210.4336 529.8013 210.3818 c +%_529.6978 210.3291 529.6431 210.2129 529.6665 210.0996 c +%_531.106 203.6641 530.9575 196.8047 529.1099 190.0361 c +%_523.9438 171.1074 503.6626 159.0977 482.479 161.0938 c +%_482.354 161.1055 482.2407 161.0254 482.2114 160.9053 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_1 D +%_512.5806 73.1348 m +%_518.7739 66.666 531.0493 61.6133 541.6646 63.168 c +%_541.7856 63.1855 541.9009 63.1172 541.9399 63.0039 c +%_541.981 62.8906 541.936 62.7637 541.8345 62.7012 c +%_536.1743 59.2617 524.8384 58.0723 513.5786 63.4609 C +%_510.4536 61.1035 507.6489 59.8496 504.1919 59.2715 c +%_504.0806 59.2539 503.9692 59.3125 503.9204 59.4141 c +%_503.8735 59.5156 503.8989 59.6387 503.9849 59.7148 c +%_508.5454 63.6484 510.8286 67.6563 512.5806 73.1348 C +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_399.7935 114.9121 m +%_399.6763 114.8711 399.5454 114.9258 399.4888 115.0371 c +%_399.4321 115.1484 399.4653 115.2852 399.5688 115.3594 c +%_406.6938 120.4785 412.4829 128.291 415.4204 139.0566 c +%_422.6802 165.6563 411.3267 186.792 395.2544 194.0146 c +%_395.1509 194.0605 395.0903 194.1689 395.106 194.2803 c +%_395.1216 194.3926 395.2095 194.4814 395.3208 194.4971 c +%_402.0747 195.4785 411.2622 194.6729 420.7915 183.3486 c +%_426.4927 176.5732 429.7271 169.373 436.0142 167.6563 c +%_440.1216 166.5352 443.5103 167.9551 444.4126 171.2617 c +%_445.3618 174.7393 442.9966 177.8018 439.6528 178.7148 c +%_437.9653 179.1738 436.1626 179.1436 434.4146 178.6836 c +%_434.2993 178.6533 434.1821 178.7051 434.1255 178.8086 c +%_434.0708 178.9121 434.0923 179.04 434.1802 179.1172 c +%_436.8325 181.4746 440.8677 183.125 445.5708 181.8408 c +%_452.4907 179.9531 456.6606 172.457 454.4673 164.415 c +%_452.104 155.7578 443.3696 150.5234 433.5864 153.1934 c +%_430.2329 154.1084 426.4497 156.168 423.7603 159.4648 C +%_425.5942 155.4551 427.0493 153.1855 430.8286 150.6133 C +%_429.8364 140.1035 425.3091 129.8271 417.4009 122.8389 C +%_423.2192 120.9863 427.604 117.7207 430.5083 112.6855 c +%_430.5669 112.582 430.5454 112.4531 430.4595 112.373 c +%_430.3696 112.293 430.2388 112.2832 430.1411 112.3535 c +%_423.1802 117.2344 410.9048 118.582 399.7935 114.9121 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_383.1919 28.8809 m +%_379.1548 32.3105 377.936 38.0469 379.4106 43.8672 c +%_379.4419 43.9883 379.5552 44.0684 379.6782 44.0566 c +%_379.8032 44.0469 379.8989 43.9492 379.9106 43.8281 c +%_380.0981 41.6543 380.9458 39.748 382.4927 38.4355 c +%_386.4712 35.0566 393.5571 36.834 398.4634 42.3828 c +%_398.522 42.4492 398.6079 42.4805 398.6938 42.4668 c +%_398.7798 42.4531 398.8521 42.3984 398.8872 42.3203 c +%_401.1528 37.2539 406.1079 30.5938 419.0005 27.0742 c +%_437.0239 22.1563 457.3794 29.1992 461.6235 44.752 c +%_464.0493 53.6406 459.8306 62.4824 451.5845 68.7109 C +%_456.0298 63.123 458.7075 56.4238 456.6177 48.7695 c +%_453.5532 37.5391 439.1567 31.918 421.8755 36.6348 c +%_405.5825 41.0801 389.7075 57.748 393.8833 73.0547 c +%_396.1743 81.4492 404.6821 85.8887 413.4458 83.4961 c +%_421.2231 81.375 424.2837 75.1016 422.7329 69.4219 c +%_421.5669 65.1445 417.7407 63.0195 414.2153 62.9941 c +%_414.0962 62.9941 413.9927 63.0762 413.9653 63.1934 c +%_413.9419 63.3105 413.9985 63.4277 414.1079 63.4785 c +%_415.1704 63.9688 416.188 64.877 416.6509 66.5742 c +%_417.4263 69.4121 415.3911 71.5605 413.6353 72.0391 c +%_410.3032 72.9492 407.2837 71.1211 406.272 67.416 c +%_404.8911 62.3574 409.3677 56.8906 416.5239 54.9355 c +%_425.4126 52.5117 435.8833 58.8066 438.2075 67.3223 c +%_440.5825 76.0254 435.3501 87.4648 420.9087 91.4063 c +%_406.7153 95.2813 387.7935 90.0996 383.6157 74.793 c +%_381.1802 65.8691 383.1333 57.1875 388.2075 49.5508 c +%_388.2739 49.4512 388.2622 49.3164 388.1763 49.2305 c +%_388.0884 49.1445 387.9536 49.1328 387.854 49.2012 c +%_376.5415 56.8828 364.1118 57.707 362.3267 51.1699 c +%_361.4536 47.9727 363.3052 45.7188 365.7524 45.0508 c +%_368.2681 44.3652 370.8462 45.6289 372.0337 48.4883 c +%_372.0806 48.5996 372.2017 48.6641 372.3208 48.6406 c +%_372.438 48.6133 372.5259 48.5098 372.522 48.3867 c +%_372.4302 41.3477 367.0044 35.5625 360.1587 37.4316 c +%_354.1021 39.084 350.8364 45.5488 352.688 52.3359 c +%_355.4888 62.5977 367.6997 64.5391 377.0063 59.6504 C +%_371.647 66.7715 368.1919 76.1035 371.2524 87.3184 c +%_377.4517 110.0313 406.5044 114.4355 423.9087 109.6855 c +%_439.7075 105.373 448.9517 99.4023 454.9087 90.6152 C +%_451.1079 100.0098 445.4419 105.0039 436.8345 108.9434 C +%_430.3052 117.0918 434.5161 132.5195 v +%_436.2759 138.9707 440.3091 144.3418 446.1079 147.7793 C +%_446.1079 147.7813 446.106 147.7842 446.1021 147.7871 C +%_446.1509 147.8105 446.1997 147.8379 446.2466 147.8613 C +%_446.6333 148.0879 447.0298 148.3057 447.4321 148.5146 C +%_453.4438 152.1211 460.4966 160.6973 459.2661 170.6113 c +%_459.2524 170.7236 459.3149 170.832 459.4185 170.877 c +%_459.5239 170.9219 459.645 170.8896 459.7153 170.8018 c +%_464.3677 164.9629 464.2114 157.1104 461.8794 151.8857 C +%_465.7368 151.915 469.9087 151.375 474.3442 150.165 c +%_490.1685 145.8457 499.0122 134.3135 501.9126 123.5566 C +%_506.4106 125.5977 512.0063 123.4043 514.9888 118.9199 c +%_515.0532 118.8184 515.0415 118.6855 514.9575 118.5996 c +%_514.8735 118.5156 514.7407 118.5 514.6392 118.5645 c +%_509.7583 121.6914 503.9556 117.9648 502.4048 111.3496 c +%_502.3774 111.2305 502.2681 111.1484 502.145 111.1543 c +%_502.022 111.1602 501.9204 111.2539 501.9067 111.377 c +%_500.5591 122.251 493.8228 131.0566 483.1841 133.96 c +%_472.0767 136.9922 461.2446 132.7852 458.3149 122.0469 c +%_455.9224 113.2832 461.5571 102.3301 471.5513 99.6016 c +%_479.3286 97.4785 485.0747 100.5527 486.5903 106.1074 c +%_487.9048 110.9199 485.6157 115.6563 481.6665 116.7344 c +%_476.0181 118.2754 472.2388 112.4844 475.7837 107.877 c +%_475.8521 107.7852 475.854 107.6602 475.7837 107.5684 c +%_475.7153 107.4766 475.5923 107.4434 475.4868 107.4863 c +%_471.3892 109.1465 468.2739 113.3418 469.5923 118.1729 c +%_470.8052 122.6152 475.7544 126.1729 483.6548 124.0166 c +%_493.0356 121.457 500.0806 109.8555 496.0376 95.043 c +%_490.5142 74.7988 464.6802 70.0449 449.1079 84.9043 C +%_453.5278 78.2617 458.4517 72.0098 469.438 69.0117 c +%_490.188 63.3496 509.813 80.0332 508.1724 106.4902 c +%_508.1646 106.6152 508.2505 106.7285 508.3735 106.7539 c +%_508.4946 106.7813 508.6196 106.7129 508.6646 106.5977 c +%_511.7466 98.4922 517.0786 89.4316 529.2739 86.1035 c +%_541.9888 82.6328 553.2876 88.5664 556.8599 101.6504 c +%_559.6216 111.7734 555.2017 119.875 547.9204 121.8623 c +%_542.3657 123.3789 536.9419 121.0039 535.2603 114.8398 c +%_532.7563 105.6641 541.8833 99.8203 547.6411 103.3516 c +%_547.7388 103.4121 547.8677 103.3965 547.9497 103.3164 c +%_548.0337 103.2363 548.0513 103.1094 547.9927 103.0078 c +%_545.5454 98.7324 539.6802 95.5977 532.6548 97.5156 c +%_520.5571 100.8164 515.6001 114.2383 518.9673 126.5811 c +%_520.5454 132.3652 523.7681 137.502 528.1685 141.1426 C +%_532.0298 139.5186 536.8384 139.6777 540.3735 140.8867 C +%_533.2349 140.8154 522.8794 145.8262 525.647 155.9707 c +%_527.1978 161.6533 532.5923 164.2188 537.7563 162.8086 c +%_543.8579 161.1436 545.2974 155.21 543.5688 151.1729 c +%_543.522 151.0654 543.4106 151.0039 543.2974 151.0225 c +%_543.1821 151.04 543.0942 151.1318 543.0825 151.2471 c +%_542.9146 152.9375 541.6685 154.6836 539.7446 155.208 c +%_537.3325 155.8662 535.3989 154.415 534.8735 152.4854 c +%_534.0044 149.3066 537.063 146.5752 541.2739 146.6211 C +%_541.27 146.6094 L +%_544.2896 146.8984 547.5044 146.6445 550.8716 145.7266 c +%_567.0415 141.3125 577.6646 119.5674 571.6235 97.4375 c +%_565.2485 74.0781 545.2056 66.2363 528.0474 70.9199 c +%_518.8481 73.4297 512.8228 78.7871 509.5903 84.4453 C +%_506.3892 64.668 494.8618 54.7793 481.229 51.4707 C +%_478.7056 56.8008 473.7114 59.8867 Y +%_479.0864 52.8496 482.5845 42.3477 479.1821 29.8809 c +%_474.0278 10.9961 451.4712 1.23438 431.6001 6.6582 c +%_418.9888 10.0996 407.9927 18.0801 402.397 29.7266 C +%_395.9556 25.2266 388.186 24.6406 383.1919 28.8809 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_*U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_u +%_*u +%_0 D +%_0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Xa +%_0 1 0 0 0 Xy +%_530.1294 102.9688 m +%_530.0044 102.9688 529.8989 102.877 529.8794 102.7539 c +%_527.5005 86.7402 518.2271 73.3652 505.4888 65.3594 c +%_505.3853 65.2949 505.3403 65.1641 505.3872 65.0508 c +%_505.4321 64.9375 505.5532 64.8711 505.6724 64.8965 c +%_516.145 67 525.4653 72.7598 532.1216 80.9277 C +%_536.7466 67.5508 547.3579 58.9219 560.4224 55.2734 C +%_555.6138 49.6816 558.1294 41.7402 565.5415 40.4375 c +%_565.6548 40.416 565.7661 40.4746 565.8149 40.5781 c +%_565.8638 40.6816 565.8364 40.8066 565.7485 40.8809 c +%_561.7759 44.2266 563.229 52.3008 575.0864 52.3008 c +%_582.8804 52.3008 587.9077 49.1211 587.9077 44.8145 c +%_587.9077 41.4297 584.8452 39.584 582.2651 39.584 c +%_577.8511 39.584 575.3267 43.5449 577.2231 47.127 c +%_577.2778 47.2305 577.2563 47.3574 577.1685 47.4355 c +%_577.0806 47.5137 576.9517 47.5215 576.854 47.4551 c +%_574.606 45.8906 573.0356 43.834 573.0356 40.6641 c +%_573.0356 35.2773 578.062 29.5352 586.3687 29.5332 c +%_595.2905 29.5332 603.3921 36.4043 603.3921 44.8145 c +%_603.3921 56.6309 593.3433 62.248 582.7788 63.248 C +%_587.144 64.9219 590.4116 69.7734 v +%_590.478 69.8691 590.4683 69.998 590.3901 70.084 c +%_590.312 70.1719 590.1851 70.1934 590.0835 70.1387 c +%_584.2534 67.0566 577.5942 65.3945 570.5806 65.3945 c +%_550.9575 65.3945 534.0337 81.7988 530.3813 102.7607 c +%_530.3599 102.8818 530.2524 102.9727 530.1294 102.9688 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_1 D +%_453.4517 50.5625 m +%_448.8442 42.8867 447.1997 29.7129 451.4946 19.8809 c +%_451.5435 19.7695 451.5083 19.6406 451.4087 19.5703 c +%_451.3091 19.502 451.1763 19.5117 451.0884 19.5957 c +%_446.2817 24.1484 442.1489 34.7715 444.3833 47.0527 C +%_441.2876 49.4473 439.3384 51.8223 437.8696 55.0059 c +%_437.8228 55.1074 437.8501 55.2305 437.936 55.3047 c +%_438.022 55.377 438.147 55.3848 438.2427 55.3203 c +%_443.2388 51.959 447.7056 50.8125 453.4517 50.5625 C +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_464.0591 170.3691 m +%_463.9907 170.4727 464.0083 170.6133 464.1001 170.6973 c +%_464.1938 170.7813 464.3345 170.7852 464.4321 170.7061 c +%_471.2466 165.1797 480.3071 161.6504 491.4673 161.6504 c +%_519.0376 161.6504 536.4399 178.1689 539.1743 195.5771 c +%_539.1919 195.6885 539.2817 195.7734 539.3931 195.7891 c +%_539.5044 195.8047 539.6138 195.7422 539.6587 195.6396 c +%_542.3833 189.3818 544.0259 180.3057 535.6099 168.1309 c +%_530.5747 160.8457 524.479 155.8311 524.479 149.3145 c +%_524.479 145.0566 526.7407 142.1602 530.1685 142.1602 c +%_533.7739 142.1602 536.106 145.248 536.104 148.7148 c +%_536.104 150.4629 535.6001 152.1934 534.6958 153.7607 c +%_534.6372 153.8633 534.6548 153.9902 534.7407 154.0723 c +%_534.8247 154.1523 534.9556 154.165 535.0532 154.1016 c +%_538.0259 152.1641 540.6802 148.7021 540.6802 143.8281 c +%_540.6802 136.6563 534.5474 130.6602 526.2095 130.6602 c +%_517.2368 130.6602 509.8872 137.709 509.8872 147.8477 c +%_509.8872 151.3262 510.8755 155.5156 513.3501 158.9805 C +%_509.9653 156.1523 508.1587 154.1523 506.6724 149.8271 C +%_496.272 148.0186 485.1665 149.6797 476.3403 155.4727 C +%_476.0864 149.3711 474.0903 144.2793 469.9985 140.1533 c +%_469.9146 140.0684 469.7837 140.0547 469.6841 140.1182 c +%_469.5825 140.1816 469.5415 140.3066 469.5806 140.4189 c +%_472.4575 148.4199 470.5239 160.6152 464.0591 170.3691 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_376.6938 163.7344 m +%_378.938 168.5352 384.1528 171.2188 390.1548 171.3271 c +%_390.2798 171.3311 390.3872 171.2432 390.4087 171.1211 c +%_390.4321 170.998 390.3638 170.8779 390.2485 170.8359 c +%_388.2017 170.082 386.5864 168.7637 385.7271 166.9258 c +%_383.5142 162.1973 387.0942 155.8301 393.7407 152.5566 c +%_393.8188 152.5186 393.8716 152.4434 393.8813 152.3594 c +%_393.8911 152.2725 393.856 152.1885 393.7915 152.1318 c +%_389.5005 148.6143 384.3794 142.0781 384.3794 128.7148 c +%_384.3774 110.0322 396.5337 92.25 412.6548 92.25 c +%_421.8677 92.25 429.2876 98.6465 433.1255 108.2422 C +%_428.9028 102.4844 423.145 98.1348 415.2114 98.1348 c +%_403.5708 98.1348 394.3579 110.5439 394.356 128.459 c +%_394.356 145.3457 406.2583 165.0518 422.1216 165.0508 c +%_430.8247 165.0488 437.3481 158.0117 437.3481 148.9277 c +%_437.3481 140.8672 432.1021 136.2637 426.2173 136.2637 c +%_421.7798 136.2637 418.7231 139.3936 417.772 142.7871 c +%_417.7388 142.9023 417.7915 143.0254 417.897 143.0811 c +%_418.0044 143.1357 418.1333 143.1104 418.2114 143.0186 c +%_418.9634 142.124 420.1079 141.3809 421.8657 141.3809 c +%_424.8091 141.3789 426.3442 143.9082 426.3442 145.7285 c +%_426.3442 149.1836 423.7856 151.6152 419.9458 151.6152 c +%_414.7036 151.6152 410.606 145.8564 410.606 138.4385 c +%_410.606 129.2236 419.436 120.7813 428.2642 120.7813 c +%_437.2856 120.7813 446.9438 128.8408 446.9438 143.8125 c +%_446.9419 158.5234 436.9653 175.4141 421.0981 175.4141 c +%_411.8481 175.4141 403.9849 171.2441 397.9556 164.3398 c +%_397.8755 164.248 397.7427 164.2246 397.6392 164.2852 c +%_397.5317 164.3477 397.4849 164.4727 397.5239 164.5879 c +%_401.9575 177.5234 399.4771 189.7344 392.7036 189.7324 c +%_389.3892 189.7324 387.7017 187.3535 387.7017 184.8154 c +%_387.7017 182.21 389.6001 180.0566 392.6704 179.6611 c +%_392.7915 179.6475 392.8833 179.5479 392.8931 179.4268 c +%_392.8989 179.3047 392.8188 179.1943 392.7017 179.1641 c +%_385.8872 177.4004 378.8774 181.1133 378.8774 188.2061 c +%_378.8774 194.4854 384.2544 199.3398 391.2896 199.3398 c +%_401.9263 199.3379 407.0142 188.0684 404.7485 177.8047 C +%_410.2075 184.8486 418.3013 190.6396 429.9263 190.6396 c +%_453.4692 190.6396 465.3677 163.7715 465.3677 145.7285 c +%_465.3677 129.3525 462.0415 118.8604 455.1313 110.8018 C +%_463.1938 116.9404 466.52 123.7227 468.0552 133.0645 C +%_474.1958 141.5078 490.188 141.5078 v +%_496.8755 141.5078 503.1177 139.0322 507.9614 134.3438 C +%_507.9634 134.3447 507.9653 134.3477 507.9673 134.3486 C +%_508.0024 134.3105 508.0396 134.2695 508.0767 134.2314 C +%_508.397 133.915 508.7114 133.5918 509.02 133.2578 C +%_514.0806 128.4102 524.2114 123.8633 533.4517 127.6602 c +%_533.5571 127.7031 533.6782 127.6699 533.7485 127.582 c +%_533.8188 127.4932 533.8188 127.3672 533.7524 127.2754 c +%_529.3462 121.252 521.729 119.335 516.0747 120.21 C +%_517.1177 116.4941 517.6958 112.3281 517.6958 107.7305 c +%_517.6978 91.3262 508.8989 79.7598 499.2856 74.1289 C +%_502.438 70.3281 501.7954 64.3535 498.2544 60.2949 c +%_498.1743 60.2051 498.0435 60.1816 497.938 60.2402 c +%_497.8345 60.2988 497.7837 60.4238 497.8188 60.5391 c +%_499.5513 66.0703 494.4282 70.6875 487.6392 70.4395 c +%_487.5161 70.4355 487.4067 70.5195 487.3813 70.6406 c +%_487.356 70.7617 487.4185 70.8828 487.5337 70.9277 c +%_497.6685 75.0918 504.3911 83.9102 504.3892 94.9355 c +%_504.3911 106.4492 497.481 115.79 486.3501 115.79 c +%_477.2661 115.79 468.1821 107.4727 468.1821 97.1133 c +%_468.1821 89.0508 472.6587 84.3184 478.4165 84.3164 c +%_483.4067 84.3184 487.3735 87.7715 487.3735 91.8672 c +%_487.3735 97.7188 480.7896 99.8408 477.2778 95.209 c +%_477.2095 95.1172 477.0864 95.084 476.981 95.127 c +%_476.8755 95.1689 476.811 95.2773 476.8228 95.3926 c +%_477.3462 99.7813 480.5767 103.8926 485.5825 103.8926 c +%_490.188 103.8926 494.9224 100.0518 494.9224 91.8652 c +%_494.9224 82.1406 485.5845 72.291 470.231 72.2891 c +%_449.2466 72.2891 437.8599 95.959 448.0942 114.8945 C +%_442.8501 108.8809 438.1157 102.4844 438.1157 91.0977 c +%_438.1138 69.5898 459.3794 55.0488 484.4692 63.5977 c +%_484.5884 63.6367 484.7192 63.584 484.7759 63.4746 c +%_484.8345 63.3633 484.8013 63.2266 484.6997 63.1523 c +%_477.6938 58.043 470.356 50.5137 470.356 37.873 c +%_470.356 24.6934 479.0552 15.3535 492.6196 15.3535 c +%_503.1099 15.3535 509.7642 21.752 509.7642 29.2988 c +%_509.7642 35.0566 506.0454 39.6641 499.6567 39.6641 c +%_490.1431 39.6641 486.9087 29.3203 491.8325 24.6953 c +%_491.9165 24.6152 491.936 24.4902 491.8813 24.3887 c +%_491.8247 24.2871 491.7056 24.2344 491.5942 24.2637 c +%_486.8247 25.5 482.2563 30.332 482.2563 37.6152 c +%_482.2544 50.1563 493.897 58.4727 506.6919 58.4727 c +%_512.688 58.4727 518.4907 56.7188 523.1646 53.4297 C +%_522.6118 49.2773 524.0317 44.6816 526.1313 41.5879 C +%_524.1821 48.457 526.2915 59.7656 536.8032 59.7676 c +%_542.6958 59.7656 546.5903 55.2383 546.5903 49.8867 c +%_546.5903 43.5605 541.2446 40.6094 536.895 41.2148 c +%_536.7798 41.2305 536.6899 41.3223 536.6763 41.4375 c +%_536.6646 41.5527 536.731 41.6602 536.8384 41.7031 c +%_538.4243 42.3105 539.7817 43.9727 539.7817 45.9668 c +%_539.7817 48.4668 537.8696 49.9492 535.8696 49.9492 c +%_532.5767 49.9492 530.7466 46.2793 531.8989 42.2305 C +%_531.8872 42.2285 L +%_532.9595 39.3926 533.561 36.2246 533.561 32.7363 c +%_533.561 15.9746 515.3813 0.001953 492.4399 0 c +%_468.229 0 455.3872 17.2734 455.3892 35.0566 c +%_455.3892 44.5938 458.9692 51.8184 463.5767 56.4258 C +%_443.6548 54.3066 431.0786 62.8223 424.2974 75.1035 C +%_428.7759 78.9414 430.438 84.5723 Y +%_425.0649 77.5352 415.854 71.3945 402.9321 71.3945 c +%_383.356 71.3945 368.0005 90.5859 368.0005 111.1836 c +%_368.0005 124.2568 372.8032 136.9648 382.5649 145.4307 C +%_376.5278 150.459 373.9185 157.8018 376.6938 163.7344 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_*U +%_U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_0 0.25 0 0 0 Xy +%_0 0 Xd +%_6 () XW +%_U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Main_Copy_of_EditGroup) , +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Repeated_Art) , +%_; +%_ +%_9 () XW +%_u +%_*u +%_0 D +%_0 O +%_0.306889 0.577478 0.779446 0.294591 0.576471 0.376471 0.215686 Xa +%_0 1 0 0 0 Xy +%_240.2622 96.3711 m +%_240.3872 96.3711 240.4927 96.4629 240.5103 96.585 c +%_242.8911 112.5996 252.1646 125.9746 264.9028 133.9814 c +%_265.0063 134.0449 265.0493 134.1758 265.0044 134.29 c +%_264.9575 134.4023 264.8384 134.4688 264.7173 134.4443 c +%_254.2466 132.3398 244.9243 126.5811 238.27 118.4141 C +%_233.644 131.7891 223.0337 140.418 209.9692 144.0654 C +%_214.7778 149.6582 212.2622 157.5986 204.8501 158.9023 c +%_204.7368 158.9229 204.6245 158.8643 204.5757 158.7607 c +%_204.5278 158.6563 204.5542 158.5322 204.6421 158.46 c +%_208.6157 155.1143 207.1616 147.04 195.3052 147.04 c +%_187.5103 147.04 182.4849 150.2188 182.4849 154.5254 c +%_182.4849 157.9102 185.5464 159.7559 188.1255 159.7559 c +%_192.5415 159.7559 195.0649 155.7949 193.1675 152.2129 c +%_193.1128 152.1104 193.1353 151.9814 193.2231 151.9033 c +%_193.311 151.8271 193.4399 151.8184 193.5366 151.8857 c +%_195.7856 153.4492 197.356 155.5059 197.356 158.6768 c +%_197.356 164.0635 192.3306 169.8066 184.0239 169.8066 c +%_175.1021 169.8066 167.0005 162.9355 167.0005 154.5254 c +%_167.0005 142.71 177.0493 137.0918 187.6138 136.0918 C +%_183.2485 134.4189 179.98 129.5664 v +%_179.9146 129.4697 179.9243 129.3418 180.0015 129.2559 c +%_180.0796 129.1689 180.2056 129.1475 180.3091 129.2012 c +%_186.1392 132.2822 192.7954 133.9453 199.811 133.9453 c +%_219.4321 133.9453 236.3579 117.541 240.0103 96.5801 c +%_240.0317 96.4561 240.1382 96.3691 240.2622 96.3711 c +%_f +%_1 D +%_316.9399 148.7773 m +%_321.5493 156.4551 323.1919 169.627 318.897 179.46 c +%_318.8481 179.5703 318.8833 179.6992 318.9829 179.7686 c +%_319.0806 179.8379 319.2153 179.8281 319.3032 179.7461 c +%_324.1099 175.1914 328.2427 164.5684 326.0083 152.2871 C +%_329.106 149.8936 331.0532 147.5176 332.522 144.335 c +%_332.5688 144.2314 332.5415 144.1104 332.4556 144.0352 c +%_332.3696 143.9629 332.2446 143.9551 332.1489 144.0186 c +%_327.1528 147.3809 322.686 148.5283 316.9399 148.7773 C +%_f +%_306.3306 28.9707 m +%_306.4009 28.8672 306.3833 28.7266 306.2915 28.6426 c +%_306.1978 28.5586 306.0571 28.5547 305.9595 28.6348 c +%_299.145 34.1621 290.0845 37.6895 278.9243 37.6895 c +%_251.3521 37.6895 233.9517 21.1719 231.2163 3.76367 c +%_231.1987 3.65234 231.1099 3.56641 230.9985 3.55078 c +%_230.8862 3.53711 230.7778 3.59766 230.7329 3.70117 c +%_228.0073 9.95898 226.3657 19.0352 234.7817 31.209 c +%_239.8159 38.4941 245.9106 43.5098 245.9106 50.0273 c +%_245.9106 54.2852 243.6509 57.1797 240.2231 57.1797 c +%_236.6177 57.1797 234.2866 54.0918 234.2866 50.625 c +%_234.2866 48.877 234.7915 47.1465 235.6958 45.5801 c +%_235.7544 45.4766 235.7358 45.3496 235.6509 45.2676 c +%_235.5649 45.1875 235.436 45.1758 235.3384 45.2402 c +%_232.3657 47.1777 229.7114 50.6367 229.7114 55.5117 c +%_229.7114 62.6836 235.8442 68.6816 244.1802 68.6816 c +%_253.1548 68.6816 260.5044 61.6328 260.5044 51.4922 c +%_260.5044 48.0156 259.5142 43.8242 257.0415 40.3613 C +%_260.4263 43.1875 262.2329 45.1875 263.7192 49.5117 C +%_274.1196 51.3223 285.2251 49.6602 294.0493 43.8691 C +%_294.3052 49.9707 296.3013 55.0605 300.3931 59.1875 c +%_300.4771 59.2715 300.6079 59.2852 300.7075 59.2227 c +%_3 +endstream endobj 27 0 obj <>stream +00.8091 59.1582 300.8521 59.0332 300.811 58.9219 c +%_297.9341 50.9199 299.8657 38.7246 306.3306 28.9707 c +%_f +%_393.6978 35.6055 m +%_391.4517 30.8066 386.2388 28.1211 380.2368 28.0117 c +%_380.1118 28.0098 380.0044 28.0977 379.9829 28.2188 c +%_379.9595 28.3418 380.0278 28.4609 380.1431 28.5039 c +%_382.1899 29.2578 383.8052 30.5762 384.6646 32.4141 c +%_386.8774 37.1426 383.2974 43.5098 376.6509 46.7832 c +%_376.5728 46.8223 376.52 46.8965 376.5103 46.9824 c +%_376.5005 47.0684 376.5337 47.1523 376.6001 47.207 c +%_380.8911 50.7266 386.0122 57.2617 386.0122 70.627 c +%_386.0122 89.3086 373.8579 107.0898 357.7368 107.0898 c +%_348.5239 107.0898 341.104 100.6934 337.2661 91.0977 C +%_341.4868 96.8564 347.2446 101.2051 355.1782 101.2051 c +%_366.8208 101.2051 376.0337 88.7969 376.0337 70.8828 c +%_376.0337 53.9941 364.1333 34.2891 348.2681 34.2891 c +%_339.5669 34.2891 333.0435 41.3281 333.0435 50.4121 c +%_333.0435 58.4746 338.2896 63.0781 344.1763 63.0781 c +%_348.6099 63.0781 351.6685 59.9473 352.6196 56.5527 c +%_352.6509 56.4375 352.6001 56.3164 352.4927 56.2598 c +%_352.3872 56.2051 352.2583 56.2305 352.1802 56.3223 c +%_351.4282 57.2168 350.2837 57.9609 348.5259 57.9609 c +%_345.5825 57.9609 344.0474 55.4316 344.0474 53.6113 c +%_344.0474 50.1563 346.606 47.7246 350.4458 47.7246 c +%_355.6899 47.7246 359.7856 53.4824 359.7856 60.9023 c +%_359.7856 70.1152 350.9556 78.5586 342.1274 78.5586 c +%_333.106 78.5586 323.4478 70.5 323.4478 55.5293 c +%_323.4478 40.8164 333.4282 23.9258 349.2935 23.9258 c +%_358.5435 23.9258 366.4048 28.0957 372.436 35.002 c +%_372.5161 35.0918 372.6489 35.1152 372.7544 35.0547 c +%_372.8599 34.9941 372.9067 34.8672 372.8677 34.752 c +%_368.4341 21.8164 370.9126 9.60742 377.688 9.60742 c +%_381.0024 9.60742 382.6899 11.9863 382.6899 14.5234 c +%_382.6899 17.1309 380.7915 19.2852 377.7212 19.6777 c +%_377.6001 19.6934 377.5063 19.793 377.4985 19.9141 c +%_377.4927 20.0352 377.5708 20.1465 377.6899 20.1758 c +%_384.5044 21.9395 391.5142 18.2285 391.5142 11.1328 c +%_391.5142 4.85547 386.1372 0.001953 379.1021 0.001953 c +%_368.4653 0.001953 363.3774 11.2715 365.6431 21.5371 C +%_360.1841 14.4922 352.0903 8.70117 340.4653 8.70117 c +%_316.9224 8.70117 305.0239 35.5703 305.0239 53.6113 c +%_305.0239 69.9883 308.3501 80.4785 315.2603 88.5391 C +%_307.1978 82.3984 303.8716 75.6172 302.3384 66.2773 C +%_296.1958 57.832 280.2036 57.832 v +%_273.5161 57.832 267.2739 60.3086 262.4302 64.998 C +%_262.4282 64.9961 262.4263 64.9941 262.4243 64.9902 C +%_262.3892 65.0313 262.3501 65.0703 262.3149 65.1094 C +%_261.9946 65.4238 261.6802 65.748 261.3716 66.082 C +%_256.3091 70.9316 246.1802 75.4785 236.9399 71.6797 c +%_236.8345 71.6367 236.7134 71.6699 236.6431 71.7578 c +%_236.5728 71.8477 236.5708 71.9727 236.6382 72.0645 c +%_241.0454 78.0898 248.6626 80.0059 254.3169 79.1309 C +%_253.272 82.8457 252.6938 87.0117 252.6938 91.6094 c +%_252.6938 108.0137 261.4927 119.5801 271.106 125.2109 C +%_267.9517 129.0137 268.5962 134.9883 272.1372 139.0449 c +%_272.2173 139.1357 272.3481 139.1582 272.4536 139.0996 c +%_272.5571 139.041 272.606 138.918 272.5708 138.8018 c +%_270.8403 133.2695 275.9634 128.6523 282.7524 128.9004 c +%_282.8755 128.9033 282.9829 128.8193 283.0103 128.6992 c +%_283.0356 128.5801 282.9712 128.457 282.8579 128.4111 c +%_272.7212 124.248 266.0005 115.4316 266.0005 104.4033 c +%_266.0005 92.8906 272.9087 83.5488 284.0415 83.5488 c +%_293.1255 83.5488 302.2095 91.8672 302.2095 102.2285 c +%_302.2095 110.2891 297.731 115.0225 291.9731 115.0225 c +%_286.9849 115.0225 283.0181 111.5684 283.0181 107.4736 c +%_283.0181 101.6211 289.6001 99.499 293.1118 104.1309 c +%_293.1821 104.2227 293.3032 104.2559 293.4087 104.2129 c +%_293.5161 104.1699 293.5806 104.0625 293.5669 103.9482 c +%_293.0435 99.5586 289.8149 95.4482 284.8091 95.4482 c +%_280.2036 95.4482 275.4692 99.2861 275.4692 107.4746 c +%_275.4692 117.1982 284.8071 127.0508 300.1606 127.0508 c +%_321.1431 127.0508 332.5317 103.3809 322.2974 84.4453 C +%_327.5415 90.459 332.2759 96.8555 332.2759 108.2432 c +%_332.2759 129.75 311.0122 144.291 285.9224 135.7441 c +%_285.8032 135.7021 285.6724 135.7559 285.6157 135.8672 c +%_285.5571 135.9785 285.5884 136.1143 285.6899 136.1895 c +%_292.6958 141.2979 300.0337 148.8262 300.0337 161.4668 c +%_300.0337 174.6475 291.3345 183.9854 277.772 183.9854 c +%_267.2798 183.9854 260.6274 177.5879 260.6274 170.04 c +%_260.6274 164.2822 264.3462 159.6768 270.7349 159.6768 c +%_280.2466 159.6768 283.481 170.0195 278.5591 174.6445 c +%_278.4751 174.7236 278.4556 174.8516 278.5103 174.9521 c +%_278.5669 175.0547 278.6841 175.1055 278.7974 175.0762 c +%_283.5669 173.8398 288.1353 169.0068 288.1353 161.7236 c +%_288.1353 149.1855 276.4927 140.8682 263.6978 140.8682 c +%_257.7017 140.8682 251.8989 142.623 247.2271 145.9102 C +%_247.7778 150.0635 246.3579 154.6602 244.2603 157.752 C +%_246.2095 150.8848 244.1021 139.5732 233.5864 139.5732 c +%_227.6958 139.5732 223.8013 144.1025 223.8013 149.4551 c +%_223.8013 155.7793 229.147 158.7314 233.4966 158.125 c +%_233.6118 158.1104 233.7007 158.0186 233.7134 157.9023 c +%_233.7271 157.7891 233.6606 157.6797 233.5532 157.6367 c +%_231.9673 157.0293 230.6108 155.3691 230.6108 153.373 c +%_230.6108 150.873 232.52 149.3906 234.52 149.3906 c +%_237.8149 149.3906 239.645 153.0605 238.4927 157.1104 C +%_238.5044 157.1104 L +%_237.4312 159.9473 236.8286 163.1152 236.8286 166.6055 c +%_236.8286 183.3672 255.0103 199.3398 277.9497 199.3398 c +%_302.1626 199.3398 315.0044 182.0664 315.0044 164.2822 c +%_315.0044 154.7461 311.4224 147.5225 306.8149 142.915 C +%_326.7368 145.0332 339.313 136.5176 346.0942 124.2354 C +%_341.6157 120.3975 339.9536 114.7676 Y +%_345.3267 121.8057 354.5376 127.9453 367.4595 127.9453 c +%_387.0356 127.9453 402.3911 108.7539 402.3911 88.1563 c +%_402.3911 75.084 397.5884 62.375 387.8267 53.9102 C +%_393.8638 48.8809 396.4731 41.5391 393.6978 35.6055 c +%_f +%_*U +%_*u +%_0 D +%_1 0.2 0 0 0 Xy +%_315.2114 160.9053 m +%_315.1782 160.7852 315.2388 160.6582 315.3521 160.6094 c +%_330.1763 154.0957 340.6372 141.6289 345.0063 127.2324 c +%_345.0415 127.1152 345.1548 127.0391 345.2778 127.0527 c +%_345.3989 127.0664 345.4946 127.166 345.5024 127.2871 c +%_346.229 137.9434 343.1274 148.4531 337.0005 157.0234 C +%_351.1216 157.9648 362.2407 165.9297 369.1997 177.5723 C +%_373.3286 171.46 381.6509 171.7969 384.8599 178.6035 c +%_384.9106 178.708 384.8833 178.832 384.7954 178.9063 c +%_384.7075 178.9805 384.5806 178.9873 384.4868 178.9219 c +%_380.2134 175.9688 372.8071 179.498 375.9282 190.9355 c +%_377.981 198.4561 382.3716 202.4668 386.5259 201.333 c +%_389.7915 200.4414 390.7661 197.002 390.0864 194.5146 c +%_388.9243 190.2539 384.438 188.8623 381.481 191.6357 c +%_381.397 191.7158 381.2681 191.7285 381.1704 191.6641 c +%_381.0728 191.5986 381.0298 191.4775 381.0688 191.3662 c +%_381.9868 188.7852 383.5571 186.7285 386.6157 185.8936 c +%_391.811 184.4756 398.6743 187.8115 400.8618 195.8252 c +%_403.2114 204.4316 398.7153 214.0566 390.604 216.2715 c +%_379.2036 219.3818 371.1392 211.166 367.3931 201.2383 C +%_366.9263 205.8896 363.1079 210.3203 v +%_363.0317 210.4092 362.9048 210.4336 362.8013 210.3818 c +%_362.6978 210.3291 362.6431 210.2129 362.6665 210.0996 c +%_364.106 203.6641 363.9575 196.8047 362.1099 190.0361 c +%_356.9438 171.1074 336.6626 159.0977 315.479 161.0938 c +%_315.354 161.1055 315.2407 161.0254 315.2114 160.9053 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_1 D +%_345.5806 73.1348 m +%_351.7739 66.666 364.0493 61.6133 374.6646 63.168 c +%_374.7856 63.1855 374.9009 63.1172 374.9399 63.0039 c +%_374.981 62.8906 374.936 62.7637 374.8345 62.7012 c +%_369.1743 59.2617 357.8384 58.0723 346.5786 63.4609 C +%_343.4536 61.1035 340.6489 59.8496 337.1919 59.2715 c +%_337.0806 59.2539 336.9692 59.3125 336.9204 59.4141 c +%_336.8735 59.5156 336.8989 59.6387 336.9849 59.7148 c +%_341.5454 63.6484 343.8286 67.6563 345.5806 73.1348 C +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_232.7935 114.9121 m +%_232.6753 114.8711 232.5444 114.9258 232.4878 115.0371 c +%_232.4312 115.1484 232.4644 115.2852 232.5679 115.3594 c +%_239.6938 120.4785 245.4829 128.291 248.4204 139.0566 c +%_255.6802 165.6563 244.3267 186.792 228.2534 194.0146 c +%_228.1499 194.0605 228.0903 194.1689 228.105 194.2803 c +%_228.1216 194.3926 228.2085 194.4814 228.3198 194.4971 c +%_235.0747 195.4785 244.2622 194.6729 253.7915 183.3486 c +%_259.4927 176.5732 262.7271 169.373 269.0142 167.6563 c +%_273.1216 166.5352 276.5103 167.9551 277.4126 171.2617 c +%_278.3618 174.7393 275.9966 177.8018 272.6528 178.7148 c +%_270.9653 179.1738 269.1626 179.1436 267.4146 178.6836 c +%_267.2993 178.6533 267.1821 178.7051 267.1255 178.8086 c +%_267.0708 178.9121 267.0923 179.04 267.1802 179.1172 c +%_269.8325 181.4746 273.8677 183.125 278.5708 181.8408 c +%_285.4907 179.9531 289.6606 172.457 287.4673 164.415 c +%_285.104 155.7578 276.3696 150.5234 266.5864 153.1934 c +%_263.2329 154.1084 259.4497 156.168 256.7603 159.4648 C +%_258.5942 155.4551 260.0493 153.1855 263.8286 150.6133 C +%_262.8364 140.1035 258.3091 129.8271 250.4009 122.8389 C +%_256.2192 120.9863 260.604 117.7207 263.5083 112.6855 c +%_263.5669 112.582 263.5454 112.4531 263.4595 112.373 c +%_263.3696 112.293 263.2388 112.2832 263.1411 112.3535 c +%_256.1802 117.2344 243.9048 118.582 232.7935 114.9121 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_216.1919 28.8809 m +%_212.1538 32.3105 210.936 38.0469 212.4106 43.8672 c +%_212.4419 43.9883 212.5542 44.0684 212.6772 44.0566 c +%_212.8022 44.0469 212.8989 43.9492 212.9097 43.8281 c +%_213.0981 41.6543 213.9448 39.748 215.4917 38.4355 c +%_219.4712 35.0566 226.5562 36.834 231.4634 42.3828 c +%_231.522 42.4492 231.6079 42.4805 231.6929 42.4668 c +%_231.7788 42.4531 231.8511 42.3984 231.8862 42.3203 c +%_234.1519 37.2539 239.1079 30.5938 252.0005 27.0742 c +%_270.0239 22.1563 290.3794 29.1992 294.6235 44.752 c +%_297.0493 53.6406 292.8306 62.4824 284.5845 68.7109 C +%_289.0298 63.123 291.7075 56.4238 289.6177 48.7695 c +%_286.5532 37.5391 272.1567 31.918 254.8755 36.6348 c +%_238.5825 41.0801 222.7065 57.748 226.8833 73.0547 c +%_229.1743 81.4492 237.6821 85.8887 246.4458 83.4961 c +%_254.2231 81.375 257.2837 75.1016 255.7329 69.4219 c +%_254.5669 65.1445 250.7407 63.0195 247.2153 62.9941 c +%_247.0962 62.9941 246.9927 63.0762 246.9653 63.1934 c +%_246.9419 63.3105 246.9985 63.4277 247.1079 63.4785 c +%_248.1704 63.9688 249.188 64.877 249.6509 66.5742 c +%_250.4263 69.4121 248.3911 71.5605 246.6353 72.0391 c +%_243.3022 72.9492 240.2827 71.1211 239.271 67.416 c +%_237.8911 62.3574 242.3667 56.8906 249.5239 54.9355 c +%_258.4126 52.5117 268.8833 58.8066 271.2075 67.3223 c +%_273.5825 76.0254 268.3501 87.4648 253.9087 91.4063 c +%_239.7153 95.2813 220.7925 90.0996 216.6157 74.793 c +%_214.1802 65.8691 216.1333 57.1875 221.2075 49.5508 c +%_221.2739 49.4512 221.2612 49.3164 221.1753 49.2305 c +%_221.0884 49.1445 220.9536 49.1328 220.853 49.2012 c +%_209.5415 56.8828 197.1108 57.707 195.3267 51.1699 c +%_194.4536 47.9727 196.3042 45.7188 198.7524 45.0508 c +%_201.2681 44.3652 203.8462 45.6289 205.0327 48.4883 c +%_205.0796 48.5996 205.2007 48.6641 205.3198 48.6406 c +%_205.438 48.6133 205.5249 48.5098 205.522 48.3867 c +%_205.4292 41.3477 200.0034 35.5625 193.1577 37.4316 c +%_187.1021 39.084 183.8354 45.5488 185.688 52.3359 c +%_188.4888 62.5977 200.6997 64.5391 210.0063 59.6504 C +%_204.647 66.7715 201.1919 76.1035 204.2524 87.3184 c +%_210.4507 110.0313 239.5044 114.4355 256.9087 109.6855 c +%_272.7075 105.373 281.9517 99.4023 287.9087 90.6152 C +%_284.1079 100.0098 278.4419 105.0039 269.8345 108.9434 C +%_263.3052 117.0918 267.5161 132.5195 v +%_269.2759 138.9707 273.3091 144.3418 279.1079 147.7793 C +%_279.1079 147.7813 279.106 147.7842 279.1021 147.7871 C +%_279.1509 147.8105 279.1997 147.8379 279.2466 147.8613 C +%_279.6333 148.0879 280.0298 148.3057 280.4321 148.5146 C +%_286.4438 152.1211 293.4966 160.6973 292.2661 170.6113 c +%_292.2524 170.7236 292.3149 170.832 292.4185 170.877 c +%_292.5239 170.9219 292.645 170.8896 292.7153 170.8018 c +%_297.3677 164.9629 297.2114 157.1104 294.8794 151.8857 C +%_298.7368 151.915 302.9087 151.375 307.3442 150.165 c +%_323.1685 145.8457 332.0122 134.3135 334.9126 123.5566 C +%_339.4106 125.5977 345.0063 123.4043 347.9888 118.9199 c +%_348.0532 118.8184 348.0415 118.6855 347.9575 118.5996 c +%_347.8735 118.5156 347.7407 118.5 347.6392 118.5645 c +%_342.7583 121.6914 336.9556 117.9648 335.4048 111.3496 c +%_335.3774 111.2305 335.2681 111.1484 335.145 111.1543 c +%_335.022 111.1602 334.9204 111.2539 334.9067 111.377 c +%_333.5591 122.251 326.8228 131.0566 316.1841 133.96 c +%_305.0767 136.9922 294.2446 132.7852 291.3149 122.0469 c +%_288.9224 113.2832 294.5571 102.3301 304.5513 99.6016 c +%_312.3286 97.4785 318.0747 100.5527 319.5903 106.1074 c +%_320.9048 110.9199 318.6157 115.6563 314.6665 116.7344 c +%_309.0181 118.2754 305.2388 112.4844 308.7837 107.877 c +%_308.8521 107.7852 308.854 107.6602 308.7837 107.5684 c +%_308.7153 107.4766 308.5923 107.4434 308.4868 107.4863 c +%_304.3892 109.1465 301.2739 113.3418 302.5923 118.1729 c +%_303.8052 122.6152 308.7544 126.1729 316.6548 124.0166 c +%_326.0356 121.457 333.0806 109.8555 329.0376 95.043 c +%_323.5142 74.7988 297.6802 70.0449 282.1079 84.9043 C +%_286.5278 78.2617 291.4517 72.0098 302.438 69.0117 c +%_323.188 63.3496 342.813 80.0332 341.1724 106.4902 c +%_341.1646 106.6152 341.2505 106.7285 341.3735 106.7539 c +%_341.4946 106.7813 341.6196 106.7129 341.6646 106.5977 c +%_344.7466 98.4922 350.0786 89.4316 362.2739 86.1035 c +%_374.9888 82.6328 386.2876 88.5664 389.8599 101.6504 c +%_392.6216 111.7734 388.2017 119.875 380.9204 121.8623 c +%_375.3657 123.3789 369.9419 121.0039 368.2603 114.8398 c +%_365.7563 105.6641 374.8833 99.8203 380.6411 103.3516 c +%_380.7388 103.4121 380.8677 103.3965 380.9497 103.3164 c +%_381.0337 103.2363 381.0513 103.1094 380.9927 103.0078 c +%_378.5454 98.7324 372.6802 95.5977 365.6548 97.5156 c +%_353.5571 100.8164 348.6001 114.2383 351.9673 126.5811 c +%_353.5454 132.3652 356.7681 137.502 361.1685 141.1426 C +%_365.0298 139.5186 369.8384 139.6777 373.3735 140.8867 C +%_366.2349 140.8154 355.8794 145.8262 358.647 155.9707 c +%_360.1978 161.6533 365.5923 164.2188 370.7563 162.8086 c +%_376.8579 161.1436 378.2974 155.21 376.5688 151.1729 c +%_376.522 151.0654 376.4106 151.0039 376.2974 151.0225 c +%_376.1821 151.04 376.0942 151.1318 376.0825 151.2471 c +%_375.9146 152.9375 374.6685 154.6836 372.7446 155.208 c +%_370.3325 155.8662 368.3989 154.415 367.8735 152.4854 c +%_367.0044 149.3066 370.063 146.5752 374.2739 146.6211 C +%_374.27 146.6094 L +%_377.2896 146.8984 380.5044 146.6445 383.8716 145.7266 c +%_400.0415 141.3125 410.6646 119.5674 404.6235 97.4375 c +%_398.2485 74.0781 378.2056 66.2363 361.0474 70.9199 c +%_351.8481 73.4297 345.8228 78.7871 342.5903 84.4453 C +%_339.3892 64.668 327.8618 54.7793 314.229 51.4707 C +%_311.7056 56.8008 306.7114 59.8867 Y +%_312.0864 52.8496 315.5845 42.3477 312.1821 29.8809 c +%_307.0278 10.9961 284.4712 1.23438 264.6001 6.6582 c +%_251.9888 10.0996 240.9927 18.0801 235.397 29.7266 C +%_228.9556 25.2266 221.186 24.6406 216.1919 28.8809 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_*U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_u +%_*u +%_0 D +%_0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Xa +%_0 1 0 0 0 Xy +%_363.1294 102.9688 m +%_363.0044 102.9688 362.8989 102.877 362.8794 102.7539 c +%_360.5005 86.7402 351.2271 73.3652 338.4888 65.3594 c +%_338.3853 65.2949 338.3403 65.1641 338.3872 65.0508 c +%_338.4321 64.9375 338.5532 64.8711 338.6724 64.8965 c +%_349.145 67 358.4653 72.7598 365.1216 80.9277 C +%_369.7466 67.5508 380.3579 58.9219 393.4224 55.2734 C +%_388.6138 49.6816 391.1294 41.7402 398.5415 40.4375 c +%_398.6548 40.416 398.7661 40.4746 398.8149 40.5781 c +%_398.8638 40.6816 398.8364 40.8066 398.7485 40.8809 c +%_394.7759 44.2266 396.229 52.3008 408.0864 52.3008 c +%_415.8794 52.3008 420.9067 49.1211 420.9067 44.8145 c +%_420.9067 41.4297 417.8442 39.584 415.2642 39.584 c +%_410.8501 39.584 408.3267 43.5449 410.2231 47.127 c +%_410.2778 47.2305 410.2563 47.3574 410.1685 47.4355 c +%_410.0806 47.5137 409.9517 47.5215 409.854 47.4551 c +%_407.606 45.8906 406.0356 43.834 406.0356 40.6641 c +%_406.0356 35.2773 411.061 29.5352 419.3677 29.5332 c +%_428.2896 29.5332 436.3911 36.4043 436.3911 44.8145 c +%_436.3911 56.6309 426.3423 62.248 415.7778 63.248 C +%_420.1431 64.9219 423.4106 69.7734 v +%_423.4771 69.8691 423.4673 69.998 423.3892 70.084 c +%_423.311 70.1719 423.1841 70.1934 423.0825 70.1387 c +%_417.2524 67.0566 410.5942 65.3945 403.5806 65.3945 c +%_383.9575 65.3945 367.0337 81.7988 363.3813 102.7607 c +%_363.3599 102.8818 363.2524 102.9727 363.1294 102.9688 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_1 D +%_286.4517 50.5625 m +%_281.8442 42.8867 280.1997 29.7129 284.4946 19.8809 c +%_284.5435 19.7695 284.5083 19.6406 284.4087 19.5703 c +%_284.3091 19.502 284.1763 19.5117 284.0884 19.5957 c +%_279.2817 24.1484 275.1489 34.7715 277.3833 47.0527 C +%_274.2876 49.4473 272.3384 51.8223 270.8696 55.0059 c +%_270.8228 55.1074 270.8501 55.2305 270.936 55.3047 c +%_271.022 55.377 271.147 55.3848 271.2427 55.3203 c +%_276.2388 51.959 280.7056 50.8125 286.4517 50.5625 C +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_297.0591 170.3691 m +%_296.9907 170.4727 297.0083 170.6133 297.1001 170.6973 c +%_297.1938 170.7813 297.3345 170.7852 297.4321 170.7061 c +%_304.2466 165.1797 313.3071 161.6504 324.4673 161.6504 c +%_352.0376 161.6504 369.4399 178.1689 372.1743 195.5771 c +%_372.1919 195.6885 372.2817 195.7734 372.3931 195.7891 c +%_372.5044 195.8047 372.6138 195.7422 372.6587 195.6396 c +%_375.3833 189.3818 377.0259 180.3057 368.6099 168.1309 c +%_363.5747 160.8457 357.479 155.8311 357.479 149.3145 c +%_357.479 145.0566 359.7407 142.1602 363.1685 142.1602 c +%_366.7739 142.1602 369.106 145.248 369.104 148.7148 c +%_369.104 150.4629 368.6001 152.1934 367.6958 153.7607 c +%_367.6372 153.8633 367.6548 153.9902 367.7407 154.0723 c +%_367.8247 154.1523 367.9556 154.165 368.0532 154.1016 c +%_371.0259 152.1641 373.6802 148.7021 373.6802 143.8281 c +%_373.6802 136.6563 367.5474 130.6602 359.2095 130.6602 c +%_350.2368 130.6602 342.8872 137.709 342.8872 147.8477 c +%_342.8872 151.3262 343.8755 155.5156 346.3501 158.9805 C +%_342.9653 156.1523 341.1587 154.1523 339.6724 149.8271 C +%_329.272 148.0186 318.1665 149.6797 309.3403 155.4727 C +%_309.0864 149.3711 307.0903 144.2793 302.9985 140.1533 c +%_302.9146 140.0684 302.7837 140.0547 302.6841 140.1182 c +%_302.5825 140.1816 302.5415 140.3066 302.5806 140.4189 c +%_305.4575 148.4199 303.5239 160.6152 297.0591 170.3691 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_209.6938 163.7344 m +%_211.938 168.5352 217.1528 171.2188 223.1548 171.3271 c +%_223.2798 171.3311 223.3872 171.2432 223.4087 171.1211 c +%_223.4321 170.998 223.3638 170.8779 223.2485 170.8359 c +%_221.2017 170.082 219.5864 168.7637 218.7271 166.9258 c +%_216.5142 162.1973 220.0942 155.8301 226.7407 152.5566 c +%_226.8188 152.5186 226.8716 152.4434 226.8813 152.3594 c +%_226.8911 152.2725 226.856 152.1885 226.7915 152.1318 c +%_222.5005 148.6143 217.3794 142.0781 217.3794 128.7148 c +%_217.3774 110.0322 229.5337 92.25 245.6548 92.25 c +%_254.8677 92.25 262.2876 98.6465 266.1255 108.2422 C +%_261.9028 102.4844 256.145 98.1348 248.2114 98.1348 c +%_236.5708 98.1348 227.3579 110.5439 227.356 128.459 c +%_227.356 145.3457 239.2583 165.0518 255.1216 165.0508 c +%_263.8247 165.0488 270.3481 158.0117 270.3481 148.9277 c +%_270.3481 140.8672 265.1021 136.2637 259.2173 136.2637 c +%_254.7798 136.2637 251.7231 139.3936 250.772 142.7871 c +%_250.7388 142.9023 250.7915 143.0254 250.897 143.0811 c +%_251.0044 143.1357 251.1333 143.1104 251.2114 143.0186 c +%_251.9634 142.124 253.1079 141.3809 254.8657 141.3809 c +%_257.8091 141.3789 259.3442 143.9082 259.3442 145.7285 c +%_259.3442 149.1836 256.7856 151.6152 252.9458 151.6152 c +%_247.7036 151.6152 243.606 145.8564 243.606 138.4385 c +%_243.606 129.2236 252.436 120.7813 261.2642 120.7813 c +%_270.2856 120.7813 279.9438 128.8408 279.9438 143.8125 c +%_279.9419 158.5234 269.9653 175.4141 254.0981 175.4141 c +%_244.8481 175.4141 236.9849 171.2441 230.9556 164.3398 c +%_230.8755 164.248 230.7427 164.2246 230.6392 164.2852 c +%_230.5317 164.3477 230.4849 164.4727 230.5239 164.5879 c +%_234.9575 177.5234 232.4771 189.7344 225.7036 189.7324 c +%_222.3892 189.7324 220.7017 187.3535 220.7017 184.8154 c +%_220.7017 182.21 222.6001 180.0566 225.6704 179.6611 c +%_225.7915 179.6475 225.8833 179.5479 225.8931 179.4268 c +%_225.8989 179.3047 225.8188 179.1943 225.7017 179.1641 c +%_218.8872 177.4004 211.8774 181.1133 211.8774 188.2061 c +%_211.8774 194.4854 217.2544 199.3398 224.2896 199.3398 c +%_234.9263 199.3379 240.0142 188.0684 237.7485 177.8047 C +%_243.2075 184.8486 251.3013 190.6396 262.9263 190.6396 c +%_286.4692 190.6396 298.3677 163.7715 298.3677 145.7285 c +%_298.3677 129.3525 295.0415 118.8604 288.1313 110.8018 C +%_296.1938 116.9404 299.52 123.7227 301.0552 133.0645 C +%_307.1958 141.5078 323.188 141.5078 v +%_329.8755 141.5078 336.1177 139.0322 340.9614 134.3438 C +%_340.9634 134.3447 340.9653 134.3477 340.9673 134.3486 C +%_341.0024 134.3105 341.0396 134.2695 341.0767 134.2314 C +%_341.397 133.915 341.7114 133.5918 342.02 133.2578 C +%_347.0806 128.4102 357.2114 123.8633 366.4517 127.6602 c +%_366.5571 127.7031 366.6782 127.6699 366.7485 127.582 c +%_366.8188 127.4932 366.8188 127.3672 366.7524 127.2754 c +%_362.3462 121.252 354.729 119.335 349.0747 120.21 C +%_350.1177 116.4941 350.6958 112.3281 350.6958 107.7305 c +%_350.6978 91.3262 341.8989 79.7598 332.2856 74.1289 C +%_335.438 70.3281 334.7954 64.3535 331.2544 60.2949 c +%_331.1743 60.2051 331.0435 60.1816 330.938 60.2402 c +%_330.8345 60.2988 330.7837 60.4238 330.8188 60.5391 c +%_332.5513 66.0703 327.4282 70.6875 320.6392 70.4395 c +%_320.5161 70.4355 320.4067 70.5195 320.3813 70.6406 c +%_320.356 70.7617 320.4185 70.8828 320.5337 70.9277 c +%_330.6685 75.0918 337.3911 83.9102 337.3892 94.9355 c +%_337.3911 106.4492 330.481 115.79 319.3501 115.79 c +%_310.2661 115.79 301.1821 107.4727 301.1821 97.1133 c +%_301.1821 89.0508 305.6587 84.3184 311.4165 84.3164 c +%_316.4067 84.3184 320.3735 87.7715 320.3735 91.8672 c +%_320.3735 97.7188 313.7896 99.8408 310.2778 95.209 c +%_310.2095 95.1172 310.0864 95.084 309.981 95.127 c +%_309.8755 95.1689 309.811 95.2773 309.8228 95.3926 c +%_310.3462 99.7813 313.5767 103.8926 318.5825 103.8926 c +%_323.188 103.8926 327.9224 100.0518 327.9224 91.8652 c +%_327.9224 82.1406 318.5845 72.291 303.231 72.2891 c +%_282.2466 72.2891 270.8599 95.959 281.0942 114.8945 C +%_275.8501 108.8809 271.1157 102.4844 271.1157 91.0977 c +%_271.1138 69.5898 292.3794 55.0488 317.4692 63.5977 c +%_317.5884 63.6367 317.7192 63.584 317.7759 63.4746 c +%_317.8345 63.3633 317.8013 63.2266 317.6997 63.1523 c +%_310.6938 58.043 303.356 50.5137 303.356 37.873 c +%_303.356 24.6934 312.0552 15.3535 325.6196 15.3535 c +%_336.1099 15.3535 342.7642 21.752 342.7642 29.2988 c +%_342.7642 35.0566 339.0454 39.6641 332.6567 39.6641 c +%_323.1431 39.6641 319.9087 29.3203 324.8325 24.6953 c +%_324.9165 24.6152 324.936 24.4902 324.8813 24.3887 c +%_324.8247 24.2871 324.7056 24.2344 324.5942 24.2637 c +%_319.8247 25.5 315.2563 30.332 315.2563 37.6152 c +%_315.2544 50.1563 326.897 58.4727 339.6919 58.4727 c +%_345.688 58.4727 351.4907 56.7188 356.1646 53.4297 C +%_355.6118 49.2773 357.0317 44.6816 359.1313 41.5879 C +%_357.1821 48.457 359.2915 59.7656 369.8032 59.7676 c +%_375.6958 59.7656 379.5903 55.2383 379.5903 49.8867 c +%_379.5903 43.5605 374.2446 40.6094 369.895 41.2148 c +%_369.7798 41.2305 369.6899 41.3223 369.6763 41.4375 c +%_369.6646 41.5527 369.731 41.6602 369.8384 41.7031 c +%_371.4243 42.3105 372.7817 43.9727 372.7817 45.9668 c +%_372.7817 48.4668 370.8696 49.9492 368.8696 49.9492 c +%_365.5767 49.9492 363.7466 46.2793 364.8989 42.2305 C +%_364.8872 42.2285 L +%_365.9595 39.3926 366.561 36.2246 366.561 32.7363 c +%_366.561 15.9746 348.3813 0.001953 325.4399 0 c +%_301.229 0 288.3872 17.2734 288.3892 35.0566 c +%_288.3892 44.5938 291.9692 51.8184 296.5767 56.4258 C +%_276.6548 54.3066 264.0786 62.8223 257.2974 75.1035 C +%_261.7759 78.9414 263.438 84.5723 Y +%_258.0649 77.5352 248.854 71.3945 235.9321 71.3945 c +%_216.356 71.3945 201.0005 90.5859 201.0005 111.1836 c +%_201.0005 124.2568 205.8032 136.9648 215.5649 145.4307 C +%_209.5278 150.459 206.9185 157.8018 209.6938 163.7344 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_*U +%_U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_0 0.25 0 0 0 Xy +%_0 0 Xd +%_6 () XW +%_U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Main_Copy_of_EditGroup) , +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Repeated_Art) , +%_; +%_ +%_9 () XW +%_u +%_*u +%_0 D +%_0 O +%_0.306889 0.577478 0.779446 0.294591 0.576471 0.376471 0.215686 Xa +%_0 1 0 0 0 Xy +%_73.2617 96.3711 m +%_73.3867 96.3711 73.4922 96.4629 73.5098 96.585 c +%_75.8906 112.5996 85.1641 125.9746 97.9023 133.9814 c +%_98.0059 134.0449 98.0488 134.1758 98.0039 134.29 c +%_97.957 134.4023 97.8379 134.4688 97.7168 134.4443 c +%_87.2461 132.3398 77.9238 126.5811 71.2695 118.4141 C +%_66.6436 131.7891 56.0332 140.418 42.9688 144.0654 C +%_47.7773 149.6582 45.2617 157.5986 37.8496 158.9023 c +%_37.7363 158.9229 37.624 158.8643 37.5752 158.7607 c +%_37.5273 158.6563 37.5537 158.5322 37.6416 158.46 c +%_41.6152 155.1143 40.1611 147.04 28.3047 147.04 c +%_20.5098 147.04 15.4844 150.2188 15.4844 154.5254 c +%_15.4844 157.9102 18.5459 159.7559 21.125 159.7559 c +%_25.541 159.7559 28.0645 155.7949 26.167 152.2129 c +%_26.1123 152.1104 26.1348 151.9814 26.2227 151.9033 c +%_26.3105 151.8271 26.4395 151.8184 26.5361 151.8857 c +%_28.7852 153.4492 30.3555 155.5059 30.3555 158.6768 c +%_30.3555 164.0635 25.3301 169.8066 17.0234 169.8066 c +%_8.10156 169.8066 0 162.9355 0 154.5254 c +%_0 142.71 10.0488 137.0918 20.6133 136.0918 C +%_16.248 134.4189 12.9795 129.5664 v +%_12.9141 129.4697 12.9238 129.3418 13.001 129.2559 c +%_13.0791 129.1689 13.2051 129.1475 13.3086 129.2012 c +%_19.1387 132.2822 25.7949 133.9453 32.8105 133.9453 c +%_52.4316 133.9453 69.3574 117.541 73.0098 96.5801 c +%_73.0313 96.4561 73.1377 96.3691 73.2617 96.3711 c +%_f +%_1 D +%_149.9395 148.7773 m +%_154.5488 156.4551 156.1914 169.627 151.8965 179.46 c +%_151.8477 179.5703 151.8828 179.6992 151.9824 179.7686 c +%_152.0801 179.8379 152.2148 179.8281 152.3027 179.7461 c +%_157.1094 175.1914 161.2422 164.5684 159.0078 152.2871 C +%_162.1055 149.8936 164.0527 147.5176 165.5215 144.335 c +%_165.5684 144.2314 165.541 144.1104 165.4551 144.0352 c +%_165.3691 143.9629 165.2441 143.9551 165.1484 144.0186 c +%_160.1523 147.3809 155.6855 148.5283 149.9395 148.7773 C +%_f +%_139.3301 28.9707 m +%_139.4004 28.8672 139.3828 28.7266 139.291 28.6426 c +%_139.1973 28.5586 139.0566 28.5547 138.959 28.6348 c +%_132.1445 34.1621 123.084 37.6895 111.9238 37.6895 c +%_84.3516 37.6895 66.9512 21.1719 64.2158 3.76367 c +%_64.1982 3.65234 64.1094 3.56641 63.998 3.55078 c +%_63.8857 3.53711 63.7773 3.59766 63.7324 3.70117 c +%_61.0068 9.95898 59.3652 19.0352 67.7813 31.209 c +%_72.8154 38.4941 78.9102 43.5098 78.9102 50.0273 c +%_78.9102 54.2852 76.6504 57.1797 73.2227 57.1797 c +%_69.6172 57.1797 67.2861 54.0918 67.2861 50.625 c +%_67.2861 48.877 67.791 47.1465 68.6953 45.5801 c +%_68.7539 45.4766 68.7354 45.3496 68.6504 45.2676 c +%_68.5645 45.1875 68.4355 45.1758 68.3379 45.2402 c +%_65.3652 47.1777 62.7109 50.6367 62.7109 55.5117 c +%_62.7109 62.6836 68.8438 68.6816 77.1797 68.6816 c +%_86.1543 68.6816 93.5039 61.6328 93.5039 51.4922 c +%_93.5039 48.0156 92.5137 43.8242 90.041 40.3613 C +%_93.4258 43.1875 95.2324 45.1875 96.7188 49.5117 C +%_107.1191 51.3223 118.2246 49.6602 127.0488 43.8691 C +%_127.3047 49.9707 129.3008 55.0605 133.3926 59.1875 c +%_133.4766 59.2715 133.6074 59.2852 133.707 59.2227 c +%_133.8086 59.1582 133.8516 59.0332 133.8105 58.9219 c +%_130.9336 50.9199 132.8652 38.7246 139.3301 28.9707 c +%_f +%_226.6973 35.6055 m +%_224.4512 30.8066 219.2383 28.1211 213.2363 28.0117 c +%_213.1113 28.0098 213.0039 28.0977 212.9824 28.2188 c +%_212.959 28.3418 213.0273 28.4609 213.1426 28.5039 c +%_215.1895 29.2578 216.8047 30.5762 217.6641 32.4141 c +%_219.877 37.1426 216.2969 43.5098 209.6504 46.7832 c +%_209.5723 46.8223 209.5195 46.8965 209.5098 46.9824 c +%_209.5 47.0684 209.5332 47.1523 209.5996 47.207 c +%_213.8906 50.7266 219.0117 57.2617 219.0117 70.627 c +%_219.0117 89.3086 206.8574 107.0898 190.7363 107.0898 c +%_181.5234 107.0898 174.1035 100.6934 170.2656 91.0977 C +%_174.4863 96.8564 180.2441 101.2051 188.1777 101.2051 c +%_199.8203 101.2051 209.0332 88.7969 209.0332 70.8828 c +%_209.0332 53.9941 197.1328 34.2891 181.2676 34.2891 c +%_172.5664 34.2891 166.043 41.3281 166.043 50.4121 c +%_166.043 58.4746 171.2891 63.0781 177.1758 63.0781 c +%_181.6094 63.0781 184.668 59.9473 185.6191 56.5527 c +%_185.6504 56.4375 185.5996 56.3164 185.4922 56.2598 c +%_185.3867 56.2051 185.2578 56.2305 185.1797 56.3223 c +%_184.4277 57.2168 183.2832 57.9609 181.5254 57.9609 c +%_178.582 57.9609 177.0469 55.4316 177.0469 53.6113 c +%_177.0469 50.1563 179.6055 47.7246 183.4453 47.7246 c +%_188.6895 47.7246 192.7852 53.4824 192.7852 60.9023 c +%_192.7852 70.1152 183.9551 78.5586 175.127 78.5586 c +%_166.1055 78.5586 156.4473 70.5 156.4473 55.5293 c +%_156.4473 40.8164 166.4277 23.9258 182.293 23.9258 c +%_191.543 23.9258 199.4043 28.0957 205.4355 35.002 c +%_205.5156 35.0918 205.6484 35.1152 205.7539 35.0547 c +%_205.8594 34.9941 205.9063 34.8672 205.8672 34.752 c +%_201.4336 21.8164 203.9121 9.60742 210.6875 9.60742 c +%_214.002 9.60742 215.6895 11.9863 215.6895 14.5234 c +%_215.6895 17.1309 213.791 19.2852 210.7207 19.6777 c +%_210.5996 19.6934 210.5059 19.793 210.498 19.9141 c +%_210.4922 20.0352 210.5703 20.1465 210.6895 20.1758 c +%_217.5039 21.9395 224.5137 18.2285 224.5137 11.1328 c +%_224.5137 4.85547 219.1367 0.001953 212.1016 0.001953 c +%_201.4648 0.001953 196.377 11.2715 198.6426 21.5371 C +%_193.1836 14.4922 185.0898 8.70117 173.4648 8.70117 c +%_149.9219 8.70117 138.0234 35.5703 138.0234 53.6113 c +%_138.0234 69.9883 141.3496 80.4785 148.2598 88.5391 C +%_140.1973 82.3984 136.8711 75.6172 135.3379 66.2773 C +%_129.1953 57.832 113.2031 57.832 v +%_106.5156 57.832 100.2734 60.3086 95.4297 64.998 C +%_95.4277 64.9961 95.4258 64.9941 95.4238 64.9902 C +%_95.3887 65.0313 95.3496 65.0703 95.3145 65.1094 C +%_94.9941 65.4238 94.6797 65.748 94.3711 66.082 C +%_89.3086 70.9316 79.1797 75.4785 69.9395 71.6797 c +%_69.834 71.6367 69.7129 71.6699 69.6426 71.7578 c +%_69.5723 71.8477 69.5703 71.9727 69.6377 72.0645 c +%_74.0449 78.0898 81.6621 80.0059 87.3164 79.1309 C +%_86.2715 82.8457 85.6934 87.0117 85.6934 91.6094 c +%_85.6934 108.0137 94.4922 119.5801 104.1055 125.2109 C +%_100.9512 129.0137 101.5957 134.9883 105.1367 139.0449 c +%_105.2168 139.1357 105.3477 139.1582 105.4531 139.0996 c +%_105.5566 139.041 105.6055 138.918 105.5703 138.8018 c +%_103.8398 133.2695 108.9629 128.6523 115.752 128.9004 c +%_115.875 128.9033 115.9824 128.8193 116.0098 128.6992 c +%_116.0352 128.5801 115.9707 128.457 115.8574 128.4111 c +%_105.7207 124.248 99 115.4316 99 104.4033 c +%_99 92.8906 105.9082 83.5488 117.041 83.5488 c +%_126.125 83.5488 135.209 91.8672 135.209 102.2285 c +%_135.209 110.2891 130.7305 115.0225 124.9727 115.0225 c +%_119.9844 115.0225 116.0176 111.5684 116.0176 107.4736 c +%_116.0176 101.6211 122.5996 99.499 126.1113 104.1309 c +%_126.1816 104.2227 126.3027 104.2559 126.4082 104.2129 c +%_126.5156 104.1699 126.5801 104.0625 126.5664 103.9482 c +%_126.043 99.5586 122.8145 95.4482 117.8086 95.4482 c +%_113.2031 95.4482 108.4688 99.2861 108.4688 107.4746 c +%_108.4688 117.1982 117.8066 127.0508 133.1602 127.0508 c +%_154.1426 127.0508 165.5313 103.3809 155.2969 84.4453 C +%_160.541 90.459 165.2754 96.8555 165.2754 108.2432 c +%_165.2754 129.75 144.0117 144.291 118.9219 135.7441 c +%_118.8027 135.7021 118.6719 135.7559 118.6152 135.8672 c +%_118.5566 135.9785 118.5879 136.1143 118.6895 136.1895 c +%_125.6953 141.2979 133.0332 148.8262 133.0332 161.4668 c +%_133.0332 174.6475 124.334 183.9854 110.7715 183.9854 c +%_100.2793 183.9854 93.627 177.5879 93.627 170.04 c +%_93.627 164.2822 97.3457 159.6768 103.7344 159.6768 c +%_113.2461 159.6768 116.4805 170.0195 111.5586 174.6445 c +%_111.4746 174.7236 111.4551 174.8516 111.5098 174.9521 c +%_111.5664 175.0547 111.6836 175.1055 111.7969 175.0762 c +%_116.5664 173.8398 121.1348 169.0068 121.1348 161.7236 c +%_121.1348 149.1855 109.4922 140.8682 96.6973 140.8682 c +%_90.7012 140.8682 84.8984 142.623 80.2266 145.9102 C +%_80.7773 150.0635 79.3574 154.6602 77.2598 157.752 C +%_79.209 150.8848 77.1016 139.5732 66.5859 139.5732 c +%_60.6953 139.5732 56.8008 144.1025 56.8008 149.4551 c +%_56.8008 155.7793 62.1465 158.7314 66.4961 158.125 c +%_66.6113 158.1104 66.7002 158.0186 66.7129 157.9023 c +%_66.7266 157.7891 66.6602 157.6797 66.5527 157.6367 c +%_64.9668 157.0293 63.6104 155.3691 63.6104 153.373 c +%_63.6104 150.873 65.5195 149.3906 67.5195 149.3906 c +%_70.8145 149.3906 72.6445 153.0605 71.4922 157.1104 C +%_71.5039 157.1104 L +%_70.4307 159.9473 69.8281 163.1152 69.8281 166.6055 c +%_69.8281 183.3672 88.0098 199.3398 110.9492 199.3398 c +%_135.1621 199.3398 148.0039 182.0664 148.0039 164.2822 c +%_148.0039 154.7461 144.4219 147.5225 139.8145 142.915 C +%_159.7363 145.0332 172.3125 136.5176 179.0938 124.2354 C +%_174.6152 120.3975 172.9531 114.7676 Y +%_178.3262 121.8057 187.5371 127.9453 200.459 127.9453 c +%_220.0352 127.9453 235.3906 108.7539 235.3906 88.1563 c +%_235.3906 75.084 230.5879 62.375 220.8262 53.9102 C +%_226.8633 48.8809 229.4727 41.5391 226.6973 35.6055 c +%_f +%_*U +%_*u +%_0 D +%_1 0.2 0 0 0 Xy +%_148.2109 160.9053 m +%_148.1777 160.7852 148.2383 160.6582 148.3516 160.6094 c +%_163.1758 154.0957 173.6367 141.6289 178.0059 127.2324 c +%_178.041 127.1152 178.1543 127.0391 178.2773 127.0527 c +%_178.3984 127.0664 178.4941 127.166 178.502 127.2871 c +%_179.2285 137.9434 176.127 148.4531 170 157.0234 C +%_184.1211 157.9648 195.2402 165.9297 202.1992 177.5723 C +%_206.3281 171.46 214.6504 171.7969 217.8594 178.6035 c +%_217.9102 178.708 217.8828 178.832 217.7949 178.9063 c +%_217.707 178.9805 217.5801 178.9873 217.4863 178.9219 c +%_213.2129 175.9688 205.8066 179.498 208.9277 190.9355 c +%_210.9805 198.4561 215.3711 202.4668 219.5254 201.333 c +%_222.791 200.4414 223.7656 197.002 223.0859 194.5146 c +%_221.9238 190.2539 217.4375 188.8623 214.4805 191.6357 c +%_214.3965 191.7158 214.2676 191.7285 214.1699 191.6641 c +%_214.0723 191.5986 214.0293 191.4775 214.0684 191.3662 c +%_214.9863 188.7852 216.5566 186.7285 219.6152 185.8936 c +%_224.8105 184.4756 231.6738 187.8115 233.8613 195.8252 c +%_236.2109 204.4316 231.7148 214.0566 223.6035 216.2715 c +%_212.2031 219.3818 204.1387 211.166 200.3926 201.2383 C +%_199.9258 205.8896 196.1074 210.3203 v +%_196.0313 210.4092 195.9043 210.4336 195.8008 210.3818 c +%_195.6973 210.3291 195.6426 210.2129 195.666 210.0996 c +%_197.1055 203.6641 196.957 196.8047 195.1094 190.0361 c +%_189.9434 171.1074 169.6621 159.0977 148.4785 161.0938 c +%_148.3535 161.1055 148.2402 161.0254 148.2109 160.9053 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_1 D +%_178.5801 73.1348 m +%_184.7734 66.666 197.0488 61.6133 207.6641 63.168 c +%_207.7852 63.1855 207.9004 63.1172 207.9395 63.0039 c +%_207.9805 62.8906 207.9355 62.7637 207.834 62.7012 c +%_202.1738 59.2617 190.8379 58.0723 179.5781 63.4609 C +%_176.4531 61.1035 173.6484 59.8496 170.1914 59.2715 c +%_170.0801 59.2539 169.9688 59.3125 169.9199 59.4141 c +%_169.873 59.5156 169.8984 59.6387 169.9844 59.7148 c +%_174.5449 63.6484 176.8281 67.6563 178.5801 73.1348 C +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_65.793 114.9121 m +%_65.6748 114.8711 65.5439 114.9258 65.4873 115.0371 c +%_65.4307 115.1484 65.4639 115.2852 65.5674 115.3594 c +%_72.6934 120.4785 78.4824 128.291 81.4199 139.0566 c +%_88.6797 165.6563 77.3262 186.792 61.2529 194.0146 c +%_61.1494 194.0605 61.0898 194.1689 61.1045 194.2803 c +%_61.1211 194.3926 61.208 194.4814 61.3193 194.4971 c +%_68.0742 195.4785 77.2617 194.6729 86.791 183.3486 c +%_92.4922 176.5732 95.7266 169.373 102.0137 167.6563 c +%_106.1211 166.5352 109.5098 167.9551 110.4121 171.2617 c +%_111.3613 174.7393 108.9961 177.8018 105.6523 178.7148 c +%_103.9648 179.1738 102.1621 179.1436 100.4141 178.6836 c +%_100.2988 178.6533 100.1816 178.7051 100.125 178.8086 c +%_100.0703 178.9121 100.0918 179.04 100.1797 179.1172 c +%_102.832 181.4746 106.8672 183.125 111.5703 181.8408 c +%_118.4902 179.9531 122.6602 172.457 120.4668 164.415 c +%_118.1035 155.7578 109.3691 150.5234 99.5859 153.1934 c +%_96.2324 154.1084 92.4492 156.168 89.7598 159.4648 C +%_91.5938 155.4551 93.0488 153.1855 96.8281 150.6133 C +%_95.8359 140.1035 91.3086 129.8271 83.4004 122.8389 C +%_89.2188 120.9863 93.6035 117.7207 96.5078 112.6855 c +%_96.5664 112.582 96.5449 112.4531 96.459 112.373 c +%_96.3691 112.293 96.2383 112.2832 96.1406 112.3535 c +%_89.1797 117.2344 76.9043 118.582 65.793 114.9121 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_49.1914 28.8809 m +%_45.1533 32.3105 43.9355 38.0469 45.4102 43.8672 c +%_45.4414 43.9883 45.5537 44.0684 45.6768 44.0566 c +%_45.8018 44.0469 45.8984 43.9492 45.9092 43.8281 c +%_46.0977 41.6543 46.9443 39.748 48.4912 38.4355 c +%_52.4707 35.0566 59.5557 36.834 64.4629 42.3828 c +%_64.5215 42.4492 64.6074 42.4805 64.6924 42.4668 c +%_64.7783 42.4531 64.8506 42.3984 64.8857 42.3203 c +%_67.1514 37.2539 72.1074 30.5938 85 27.0742 c +%_103.0234 22.1563 123.3789 29.1992 127.623 44.752 c +%_130.0488 53.6406 125.8301 62.4824 117.584 68.7109 C +%_122.0293 63.123 124.707 56.4238 122.6172 48.7695 c +%_119.5527 37.5391 105.1563 31.918 87.875 36.6348 c +%_71.582 41.0801 55.7061 57.748 59.8828 73.0547 c +%_62.1738 81.4492 70.6816 85.8887 79.4453 83.4961 c +%_87.2227 81.375 90.2832 75.1016 88.7324 69.4219 c +%_87.5664 65.1445 83.7402 63.0195 80.2148 62.9941 c +%_80.0957 62.9941 79.9922 63.0762 79.9648 63.1934 c +%_79.9414 63.3105 79.998 63.4277 80.1074 63.4785 c +%_81.1699 63.9688 82.1875 64.877 82.6504 66.5742 c +%_83.4258 69.4121 81.3906 71.5605 79.6348 72.0391 c +%_76.3018 72.9492 73.2822 71.1211 72.2705 67.416 c +%_70.8906 62.3574 75.3662 56.8906 82.5234 54.9355 c +%_91.4121 52.5117 101.8828 58.8066 104.207 67.3223 c +%_106.582 76.0254 101.3496 87.4648 86.9082 91.4063 c +%_72.7148 95.2813 53.792 90.0996 49.6152 74.793 c +%_47.1797 65.8691 49.1328 57.1875 54.207 49.5508 c +%_54.2734 49.4512 54.2607 49.3164 54.1748 49.2305 c +%_54.0879 49.1445 53.9531 49.1328 53.8525 49.2012 c +%_42.541 56.8828 30.1104 57.707 28.3262 51.1699 c +%_27.4531 47.9727 29.3037 45.7188 31.752 45.0508 c +%_34.2676 44.3652 36.8457 45.6289 38.0322 48.4883 c +%_38.0791 48.5996 38.2002 48.6641 38.3193 48.6406 c +%_38.4375 48.6133 38.5244 48.5098 38.5215 48.3867 c +%_38.4287 41.3477 33.0029 35.5625 26.1572 37.4316 c +%_20.1016 39.084 16.835 45.5488 18.6875 52.3359 c +%_21.4883 62.5977 33.6992 64.5391 43.0059 59.6504 C +%_37.6465 66.7715 34.1914 76.1035 37.252 87.3184 c +%_43.4502 110.0313 72.5039 114.4355 89.9082 109.6855 c +%_105.707 105.373 114.9512 99.4023 120.9082 90.6152 C +%_117.1074 100.0098 111.4414 105.0039 102.834 108.9434 C +%_96.3047 117.0918 100.5156 132.5195 v +%_102.2754 138.9707 106.3086 144.3418 112.1074 147.7793 C +%_112.1074 147.7813 112.1055 147.7842 112.1016 147.7871 C +%_112.1504 147.8105 112.1992 147.8379 112.2461 147.8613 C +%_112.6328 148.0879 113.0293 148.3057 113.4316 148.5146 C +%_119.4434 152.1211 126.4961 160.6973 125.2656 170.6113 c +%_125.252 170.7236 125.3145 170.832 125.418 170.877 c +%_125.5234 170.9219 125.6445 170.8896 125.7148 170.8018 c +%_130.3672 164.9629 130.2109 157.1104 127.8789 151.8857 C +%_131.7363 151.915 135.9082 151.375 140.3438 150.165 c +%_156.168 145.8457 165.0117 134.3135 167.9121 123.5566 C +%_172.4102 125.5977 178.0059 123.4043 180.9883 118.9199 c +%_181.0527 118.8184 181.041 118.6855 180.957 118.5996 c +%_180.873 118.5156 180.7402 118.5 180.6387 118.5645 c +%_175.7578 121.6914 169.9551 117.9648 168.4043 111.3496 c +%_168.377 111.2305 168.2676 111.1484 168.1445 111.1543 c +%_168.0215 111.1602 167.9199 111.2539 167.9063 111.377 c +%_166.5586 122.251 159.8223 131.0566 149.1836 133.96 c +%_138.0762 136.9922 127.2441 132.7852 124.3145 122.0469 c +%_121.9219 113.2832 127.5566 102.3301 137.5508 99.6016 c +%_145.3281 97.4785 151.0742 100.5527 152.5898 106.1074 c +%_153.9043 110.9199 151.6152 115.6563 147.666 116.7344 c +%_142.0176 118.2754 138.2383 112.4844 141.7832 107.877 c +%_141.8516 107.7852 141.8535 107.6602 141.7832 107.5684 c +%_141.7148 107.4766 141.5918 107.4434 141.4863 107.4863 c +%_137.3887 109.1465 134.2734 113.3418 135.5918 118.1729 c +%_136.8047 122.6152 141.7539 126.1729 149.6543 124.0166 c +%_159.0352 121.457 166.0801 109.8555 162.0371 95.043 c +%_156.5137 74.7988 130.6797 70.0449 115.1074 84.9043 C +%_119.5273 78.2617 124.4512 72.0098 135.4375 69.0117 c +%_156.1875 63.3496 175.8125 80.0332 174.1719 106.4902 c +%_174.1641 106.6152 174.25 106.7285 174.373 106.7539 c +%_174.4941 106.7813 174.6191 106.7129 174.6641 106.5977 c +%_177.7461 98.4922 183.0781 89.4316 195.2734 86.1035 c +%_207.9883 82.6328 219.2871 88.5664 222.8594 101.6504 c +%_225.6211 111.7734 221.2012 119.875 213.9199 121.8623 c +%_208.3652 123.3789 202.9414 121.0039 201.2598 114.8398 c +%_198.7559 105.6641 207.8828 99.8203 213.6406 103.3516 c +%_213.7383 103.4121 213.8672 103.3965 213.9492 103.3164 c +%_214.0332 103.2363 214.0508 103.1094 213.9922 103.0078 c +%_211.5449 98.7324 205.6797 95.5977 198.6543 97.5156 c +%_186.5566 100.8164 181.5996 114.2383 184.9668 126.5811 c +%_186.5449 132.3652 189.7676 137.502 194.168 141.1426 C +%_198.0293 139.5186 202.8379 139.6777 206.373 140.8867 C +%_199.2344 140.8154 188.8789 145.8262 191.6465 155.9707 c +%_193.1973 161.6533 198.5918 164.2188 203.7559 162.8086 c +%_209.8574 161.1436 211.2969 155.21 209.5684 151.1729 c +%_209.5215 151.0654 209.4102 151.0039 209.2969 151.0225 c +%_209.1816 151.04 209.0938 151.1318 209.082 151.2471 c +%_208.9141 152.9375 207.668 154.6836 205.7441 155.208 c +%_203.332 155.8662 201.3984 154.415 200.873 152.4854 c +%_200.0039 149.3066 203.0625 146.5752 207.2734 146.6211 C +%_207.2695 146.6094 L +%_210.2891 146.8984 213.5039 146.6445 216.8711 145.7266 c +%_233.041 141.3125 243.6641 119.5674 237.623 97.4375 c +%_231.248 74.0781 211.2051 66.2363 194.0469 70.9199 c +%_184.8477 73.4297 178.8223 78.7871 175.5898 84.4453 C +%_172.3887 64.668 160.8613 54.7793 147.2285 51.4707 C +%_144.7051 56.8008 139.7109 59.8867 Y +%_145.0859 52.8496 148.584 42.3477 145.1816 29.8809 c +%_140.0273 10.9961 117.4707 1.23438 97.5996 6.6582 c +%_84.9883 10.0996 73.9922 18.0801 68.3965 29.7266 C +%_61.9551 25.2266 54.1855 24.6406 49.1914 28.8809 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_*U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_u +%_*u +%_0 D +%_0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Xa +%_0 1 0 0 0 Xy +%_196.1289 102.9688 m +%_196.0039 102.9688 195.8984 102.877 195.8789 102.7539 c +%_193.5 86.7402 184.2266 73.3652 171.4883 65.3594 c +%_171.3848 65.2949 171.3398 65.1641 171.3867 65.0508 c +%_171.4316 64.9375 171.5527 64.8711 171.6719 64.8965 c +%_182.1445 67 191.4648 72.7598 198.1211 80.9277 C +%_202.7461 67.5508 213.3574 58.9219 226.4219 55.2734 C +%_221.6133 49.6816 224.1289 41.7402 231.541 40.4375 c +%_231.6543 40.416 231.7656 40.4746 231.8145 40.5781 c +%_231.8633 40.6816 231.8359 40.8066 231.748 40.8809 c +%_227.7754 44.2266 229.2285 52.3008 241.0859 52.3008 c +%_248.8794 52.3008 253.9067 49.1211 253.9067 44.8145 c +%_253.9067 41.4297 250.8442 39.584 248.2642 39.584 c +%_243.8501 39.584 241.3262 43.5449 243.2227 47.127 c +%_243.2773 47.2305 243.2559 47.3574 243.168 47.4355 c +%_243.0801 47.5137 242.9512 47.5215 242.8535 47.4551 c +%_240.6055 45.8906 239.0352 43.834 239.0352 40.6641 c +%_239.0352 35.2773 244.061 29.5352 252.3677 29.5332 c +%_261.2896 29.5332 269.3911 36.4043 269.3911 44.8145 c +%_269.3911 56.6309 259.3423 62.248 248.7778 63.248 C +%_253.1431 64.9219 256.4106 69.7734 v +%_256.4771 69.8691 256.4673 69.998 256.3892 70.084 c +%_256.311 70.1719 256.1841 70.1934 256.0825 70.1387 c +%_250.2524 67.0566 243.5938 65.3945 236.5801 65.3945 c +%_216.957 65.3945 200.0332 81.7988 196.3809 102.7607 c +%_196.3594 102.8818 196.252 102.9727 196.1289 102.9688 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_1 D +%_119.4512 50.5625 m +%_114.8438 42.8867 113.1992 29.7129 117.4941 19.8809 c +%_117.543 19.7695 117.5078 19.6406 117.4082 19.5703 c +%_117.3086 19.502 117.1758 19.5117 117.0879 19.5957 c +%_112.2813 24.1484 108.1484 34.7715 110.3828 47.0527 C +%_107.2871 49.4473 105.3379 51.8223 103.8691 55.0059 c +%_103.8223 55.1074 103.8496 55.2305 103.9355 55.3047 c +%_104.0215 55.377 104.1465 55.3848 104.2422 55.3203 c +%_109.2383 51.959 113.7051 50.8125 119.4512 50.5625 C +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_130.0586 170.3691 m +%_129.9902 170.4727 130.0078 170.6133 130.0996 170.6973 c +%_130.1934 170.7813 130.334 170.7852 130.4316 170.7061 c +%_137.2461 165.1797 146.3066 161.6504 157.4668 161.6504 c +%_185.0371 161.6504 202.4395 178.1689 205.1738 195.5771 c +%_205.1914 195.6885 205.2813 195.7734 205.3926 195.7891 c +%_205.5039 195.8047 205.6133 195.7422 205.6582 195.6396 c +%_208.3828 189.3818 210.0254 180.3057 201.6094 168.1309 c +%_196.5742 160.8457 190.4785 155.8311 190.4785 149.3145 c +%_190.4785 145.0566 192.7402 142.1602 196.168 142.1602 c +%_199.7734 142.1602 202.1055 145.248 202.1035 148.7148 c +%_202.1035 150.4629 201.5996 152.1934 200.6953 153.7607 c +%_200.6367 153.8633 200.6543 153.9902 200.7402 154.0723 c +%_200.8242 154.1523 200.9551 154.165 201.0527 154.1016 c +%_204.0254 152.1641 206.6797 148.7021 206.6797 143.8281 c +%_206.6797 136.6563 200.5469 130.6602 192.209 130.6602 c +%_183.2363 130.6602 175.8867 137.709 175.8867 147.8477 c +%_175.8867 151.3262 176.875 155.5156 179.3496 158.9805 C +%_175.9648 156.1523 174.1582 154.1523 172.6719 149.8271 C +%_162.2715 148.0186 151.166 149.6797 142.3398 155.4727 C +%_142.0859 149.3711 140.0898 144.2793 135.998 140.1533 c +%_135.9141 140.0684 135.7832 140.0547 135.6836 140.1182 c +%_135.582 140.1816 135.541 140.3066 135.5801 140.4189 c +%_138.457 148.4199 136.5234 160.6152 130.0586 170.3691 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_42.6934 163.7344 m +%_44.9375 168.5352 50.1523 171.2188 56.1543 171.3271 c +%_56.2793 171.3311 56.3867 171.2432 56.4082 171.1211 c +%_56.4316 170.998 56.3633 170.8779 56.248 170.8359 c +%_54.2012 170.082 52.5859 168.7637 51.7266 166.9258 c +%_49.5137 162.1973 53.0938 155.8301 59.7402 152.5566 c +%_59.8184 152.5186 59.8711 152.4434 59.8809 152.3594 c +%_59.8906 152.2725 59.8555 152.1885 59.791 152.1318 c +%_55.5 148.6143 50.3789 142.0781 50.3789 128.7148 c +%_50.377 110.0322 62.5332 92.25 78.6543 92.25 c +%_87.8672 92.25 95.2871 98.6465 99.125 108.2422 C +%_94.9023 102.4844 89.1445 98.1348 81.2109 98.1348 c +%_69.5703 98.1348 60.3574 110.5439 60.3555 128.459 c +%_60.3555 145.3457 72.2578 165.0518 88.1211 165.0508 c +%_96.8242 165.0488 103.3477 158.0117 103.3477 148.9277 c +%_103.3477 140.8672 98.1016 136.2637 92.2168 136.2637 c +%_87.7793 136.2637 84.7227 139.3936 83.7715 142.7871 c +%_83.7383 142.9023 83.791 143.0254 83.8965 143.0811 c +%_84.0039 143.1357 84.1328 143.1104 84.2109 143.0186 c +%_84.9629 142.124 86.1074 141.3809 87.8652 141.3809 c +%_90.8086 141.3789 92.3438 143.9082 92.3438 145.7285 c +%_92.3438 149.1836 89.7852 151.6152 85.9453 151.6152 c +%_80.7031 151.6152 76.6055 145.8564 76.6055 138.4385 c +%_76.6055 129.2236 85.4355 120.7813 94.2637 120.7813 c +%_103.2852 120.7813 112.9434 128.8408 112.9434 143.8125 c +%_112.9414 158.5234 102.9648 175.4141 87.0977 175.4141 c +%_77.8477 175.4141 69.9844 171.2441 63.9551 164.3398 c +%_63.875 164.248 63.7422 164.2246 63.6387 164.2852 c +%_63.5313 164.3477 63.4844 164.4727 63.5234 164.5879 c +%_67.957 177.5234 65.4766 189.7344 58.7031 189.7324 c +%_55.3887 189.7324 53.7012 187.3535 53.7012 184.8154 c +%_53.7012 182.21 55.5996 180.0566 58.6699 179.6611 c +%_58.791 179.6475 58.8828 179.5479 58.8926 179.4268 c +%_58.8984 179.3047 58.8184 179.1943 58.7012 179.1641 c +%_51.8867 177.4004 44.877 181.1133 44.877 188.2061 c +%_44.877 194.4854 50.2539 199.3398 57.2891 199.3398 c +%_67.9258 199.3379 73.0137 188.0684 70.748 177.8047 C +%_76.207 184.8486 84.3008 190.6396 95.9258 190.6396 c +%_119.4688 190.6396 131.3672 163.7715 131.3672 145.7285 c +%_131.3672 129.3525 128.041 118.8604 121.1309 110.8018 C +%_129.1934 116.9404 132.5195 123.7227 134.0547 133.0645 C +%_140.1953 141.5078 156.1875 141.5078 v +%_162.875 141.5078 169.1172 139.0322 173.9609 134.3438 C +%_173.9629 134.3447 173.9648 134.3477 173.9668 134.3486 C +%_174.002 134.3105 174.0391 134.2695 174.0762 134.2314 C +%_174.3965 133.915 174.7109 133.5918 175.0195 133.2578 C +%_180.0801 128.4102 190.2109 123.8633 199.4512 127.6602 c +%_199.5566 127.7031 199.6777 127.6699 199.748 127.582 c +%_199.8184 127.4932 199.8184 127.3672 199.752 127.2754 c +%_195.3457 121.252 187.7285 119.335 182.0742 120.21 C +%_183.1172 116.4941 183.6953 112.3281 183.6953 107.7305 c +%_183.6973 91.3262 174.8984 79.7598 165.2852 74.1289 C +%_168.4375 70.3281 167.7949 64.3535 164.2539 60.2949 c +%_164.1738 60.2051 164.043 60.1816 163.9375 60.2402 c +%_163.834 60.2988 163.7832 60.4238 163.8184 60.5391 c +%_165.5508 66.0703 160.4277 70.6875 153.6387 70.4395 c +%_153.5156 70.4355 153.4063 70.5195 153.3809 70.6406 c +%_153.3555 70.7617 153.418 70.8828 153.5332 70.9277 c +%_163.668 75.0918 170.3906 83.9102 170.3887 94.9355 c +%_170.3906 106.4492 163.4805 115.79 152.3496 115.79 c +%_143.2656 115.79 134.1816 107.4727 134.1816 97.1133 c +%_134.1816 89.0508 138.6582 84.3184 144.416 84.3164 c +%_149.4063 84.3184 153.373 87.7715 153.373 91.8672 c +%_153.373 97.7188 146.7891 99.8408 143.2773 95.209 c +%_143.209 95.1172 143.0859 95.084 142.9805 95.127 c +%_142.875 95.1689 142.8105 95.2773 142.8223 95.3926 c +%_143.3457 99.7813 146.5762 103.8926 151.582 103.8926 c +%_156.1875 103.8926 160.9219 100.0518 160.9219 91.8652 c +%_160.9219 82.1406 151.584 72.291 136.2305 72.2891 c +%_115.2461 72.2891 103.8594 95.959 114.0938 114.8945 C +%_108.8496 108.8809 104.1152 102.4844 104.1152 91.0977 c +%_104.1133 69.5898 125.3789 55.0488 150.4688 63.5977 c +%_150.5879 63.6367 150.7188 63.584 150.7754 63.4746 c +%_150.834 63.3633 150.8008 63.2266 150.6992 63.1523 c +%_143.6934 58.043 136.3555 50.5137 136.3555 37.873 c +%_136.3555 24.6934 145.0547 15.3535 158.6191 15.3535 c +%_169.1094 15.3535 175.7637 21.752 175.7637 29.2988 c +%_175.7637 35.0566 172.0449 39.6641 165.6563 39.6641 c +%_156.1426 39.6641 152.9082 29.3203 157.832 24.6953 c +%_157.916 24.6152 157.9355 24.4902 157.8809 24.3887 c +%_157.8242 24.2871 157.7051 24.2344 157.5938 24.2637 c +%_152.8242 25.5 148.2559 30.332 148.2559 37.6152 c +%_148.2539 50.1563 159.8965 58.4727 172.6914 58.4727 c +%_178.6875 58.4727 184.4902 56.7188 189.1641 53.4297 C +%_188.6113 49.2773 190.0313 44.6816 192.1309 41.5879 C +%_190.1816 48.457 192.291 59.7656 202.8027 59.7676 c +%_208.6953 59.7656 212.5898 55.2383 212.5898 49.8867 c +%_212.5898 43.5605 207.2441 40.6094 202.8945 41.2148 c +%_202.7793 41.2305 202.6895 41.3223 202.6758 41.4375 c +%_202.6641 41.5527 202.7305 41.6602 202.8379 41.7031 c +%_204.4238 42.3105 205.7813 43.9727 205.7813 45.9668 c +%_205.7813 48.4668 203.8691 49.9492 201.8691 49.9492 c +%_198.5762 49.9492 196.7461 46.2793 197.8984 42.2305 C +%_197.8867 42.2285 L +%_198.959 39.3926 199.5605 36.2246 199.5605 32.7363 c +%_199.5605 15.9746 181.3809 0.001953 158.4395 0 c +%_134.2285 0 121.3867 17.2734 121.3887 35.0566 c +%_121.3887 44.5938 124.9688 51.8184 129.5762 56.4258 C +%_109.6543 54.3066 97.0781 62.8223 90.2969 75.1035 C +%_94.7754 78.9414 96.4375 84.5723 Y +%_91.0645 77.5352 81.8535 71.3945 68.9316 71.3945 c +%_49.3555 71.3945 34 90.5859 34 111.1836 c +%_34 124.2568 38.8027 136.9648 48.5645 145.4307 C +%_42.5273 150.459 39.918 157.8018 42.6934 163.7344 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_*U +%_U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_0 0.25 0 0 0 Xy +%_0 0 Xd +%_6 () XW +%_U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Main_Copy_of_EditGroup) , +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Repeated_Art) , +%_; +%_ +%_9 () XW +%_u +%_*u +%_0 D +%_0 O +%_0.306889 0.577478 0.779446 0.294591 0.576471 0.376471 0.215686 Xa +%_0 1 0 0 0 Xy +%_407.2622 263.3711 m +%_407.3872 263.3711 407.4927 263.4629 407.5103 263.585 c +%_409.8911 279.5996 419.1646 292.9746 431.9028 300.9814 c +%_432.0063 301.0449 432.0493 301.1758 432.0044 301.29 c +%_431.9575 301.4023 431.8384 301.4688 431.7173 301.4443 c +%_421.2466 299.3398 411.9243 293.5811 405.27 285.4141 C +%_400.645 298.7891 390.0337 307.418 376.9692 311.0654 C +%_381.7778 316.6582 379.2622 324.5986 371.8501 325.9023 c +%_371.7368 325.9229 371.6255 325.8643 371.5767 325.7607 c +%_371.5278 325.6563 371.5552 325.5322 371.6431 325.46 c +%_375.6157 322.1143 374.1626 314.04 362.3052 314.04 c +%_354.5103 314.04 349.4849 317.2188 349.4849 321.5254 c +%_349.4849 324.9102 352.5474 326.7559 355.1255 326.7559 c +%_359.5415 326.7559 362.0649 322.7949 360.1685 319.2129 c +%_360.1138 319.1104 360.1353 318.9814 360.2231 318.9033 c +%_360.311 318.8271 360.4399 318.8184 360.5376 318.8857 c +%_362.7856 320.4492 364.356 322.5059 364.356 325.6768 c +%_364.356 331.0635 359.3306 336.8066 351.0239 336.8066 c +%_342.1021 336.8066 334.0005 329.9355 334.0005 321.5254 c +%_334.0005 309.71 344.0493 304.0918 354.6138 303.0918 C +%_350.2485 301.4189 346.981 296.5664 v +%_346.9146 296.4697 346.9243 296.3418 347.0024 296.2559 c +%_347.0806 296.1689 347.2056 296.1475 347.3091 296.2012 c +%_353.1392 299.2822 359.7954 300.9453 366.811 300.9453 c +%_386.4321 300.9453 403.3579 284.541 407.0103 263.5801 c +%_407.0317 263.4561 407.1392 263.3691 407.2622 263.3711 c +%_f +%_1 D +%_483.9399 315.7773 m +%_488.5493 323.4551 490.1919 336.627 485.897 346.46 c +%_485.8481 346.5703 485.8833 346.6992 485.9829 346.7686 c +%_486.0806 346.8379 486.2153 346.8281 486.3032 346.7461 c +%_491.1099 342.1914 495.2427 331.5684 493.0083 319.2871 C +%_496.106 316.8936 498.0532 314.5176 499.522 311.335 c +%_499.5688 311.2314 499.5415 311.1104 499.4556 311.0352 c +%_499.3696 310.9629 499.2446 310.9551 499.1489 311.0186 c +%_494.1528 314.3809 489.686 315.5283 483.9399 315.7773 C +%_f +%_473.3306 195.9707 m +%_473.4009 195.8672 473.3833 195.7266 473.2915 195.6426 c +%_473.1978 195.5586 473.0571 195.5547 472.9595 195.6348 c +%_466.145 201.1621 457.0845 204.6895 445.9243 204.6895 c +%_418.3521 204.6895 400.9517 188.1719 398.2173 170.7637 c +%_398.1997 170.6523 398.1099 170.5664 397.9985 170.5508 c +%_397.8872 170.5371 397.7778 170.5977 397.7329 170.7012 c +%_395.0083 176.959 393.3657 186.0352 401.7817 198.209 c +%_406.8169 205.4941 412.9106 210.5098 412.9106 217.0273 c +%_412.9106 221.2852 410.6509 224.1797 407.2231 224.1797 c +%_403.6177 224.1797 401.2876 221.0918 401.2876 217.625 c +%_401.2876 215.877 401.7915 214.1465 402.6958 212.5801 c +%_402.7544 212.4766 402.7368 212.3496 402.6509 212.2676 c +%_402.5649 212.1875 402.436 212.1758 402.3384 212.2402 c +%_399.3657 214.1777 396.7114 217.6367 396.7114 222.5117 c +%_396.7114 229.6836 402.8442 235.6816 411.1802 235.6816 c +%_420.1548 235.6816 427.5044 228.6328 427.5044 218.4922 c +%_427.5044 215.0156 426.5142 210.8242 424.0415 207.3613 C +%_427.4263 210.1875 429.2329 212.1875 430.7192 216.5117 C +%_441.1196 218.3223 452.2251 216.6602 461.0493 210.8691 C +%_461.3052 216.9707 463.3013 222.0605 467.3931 226.1875 c +%_467.4771 226.2715 467.6079 226.2852 467.7075 226.2227 c +%_467.8091 226.1582 467.8521 226.0332 467.811 225.9219 c +%_464.9341 217.9199 466.8657 205.7246 473.3306 195.9707 c +%_f +%_560.6978 202.6055 m +%_558.4517 197.8066 553.2388 195.1211 547.2368 195.0117 c +%_547.1118 195.0098 547.0044 195.0977 546.9829 195.2188 c +%_546.9595 195.3418 547.0278 195.4609 547.1431 195.5039 c +%_549.1899 196.2578 550.8052 197.5762 551.6646 199.4141 c +%_553.8774 204.1426 550.2974 210.5098 543.6509 213.7832 c +%_543.5728 213.8223 543.52 213.8965 543.5103 213.9824 c +%_543.5005 214.0684 543.5337 214.1523 543.6001 214.207 c +%_547.8911 217.7266 553.0122 224.2617 553.0122 237.627 c +%_553.0122 256.3086 540.8579 274.0898 524.7368 274.0898 c +%_515.5239 274.0898 508.104 267.6934 504.2661 258.0977 C +%_508.4868 263.8564 514.2446 268.2051 522.1782 268.2051 c +%_533.8208 268.2051 543.0337 255.7969 543.0337 237.8828 c +%_543.0337 220.9941 531.1333 201.2891 515.2681 201.2891 c +%_506.5669 201.2891 500.0435 208.3281 500.0435 217.4121 c +%_500.0435 225.4746 505.2896 230.0781 511.1763 230.0781 c +%_515.6099 230.0781 518.6685 226.9473 519.6196 223.5527 c +%_519.6509 223.4375 519.6001 223.3164 519.4927 223.2598 c +%_519.3872 223.2051 519.2583 223.2305 519.1802 223.3223 c +%_518.4282 224.2168 517.2837 224.9609 515.5259 224.9609 c +%_512.5825 224.9609 511.0474 222.4316 511.0474 220.6113 c +%_511.0474 217.1563 513.606 214.7246 517.4458 214.7246 c +%_522.6899 214.7246 526.7856 220.4824 526.7856 227.9023 c +%_526.7856 237.1152 517.9556 245.5586 509.1274 245.5586 c +%_500.106 245.5586 490.4478 237.5 490.4478 222.5293 c +%_490.4478 207.8164 500.4282 190.9258 516.2935 190.9258 c +%_525.5435 190.9258 533.4048 195.0957 539.436 202.002 c +%_539.5161 202.0918 539.6489 202.1152 539.7544 202.0547 c +%_539.8599 201.9941 539.9067 201.8672 539.8677 201.752 c +%_535.4341 188.8164 537.9126 176.6074 544.688 176.6074 c +%_548.0024 176.6074 549.6899 178.9863 549.6899 181.5234 c +%_549.6899 184.1309 547.7915 186.2852 544.7212 186.6777 c +%_544.6001 186.6934 544.5063 186.793 544.4985 186.9141 c +%_544.4927 187.0352 544.5708 187.1465 544.6899 187.1758 c +%_551.5044 188.9395 558.5142 185.2285 558.5142 178.1328 c +%_558.5142 171.8555 553.1372 167.002 546.1021 167.002 c +%_535.4653 167.002 530.3774 178.2715 532.6431 188.5371 C +%_527.1841 181.4922 519.0903 175.7012 507.4653 175.7012 c +%_483.9224 175.7012 472.0239 202.5703 472.0239 220.6113 c +%_472.0239 236.9883 475.3501 247.4785 482.2603 255.5391 C +%_474.1978 249.3984 470.8716 242.6172 469.3384 233.2773 C +%_463.1958 224.832 447.2036 224.832 v +%_440.5161 224.832 434.2739 227.3086 429.4302 231.998 C +%_429.4282 231.9961 429.4263 231.9941 429.4243 231.9902 C +%_429.3892 232.0313 429.3501 232.0703 429.3149 232.1094 C +%_428.9946 232.4238 428.6802 232.748 428.3716 233.082 C +%_423.3091 237.9316 413.1802 242.4785 403.9399 238.6797 c +%_403.8345 238.6367 403.7134 238.6699 403.6431 238.7578 c +%_403.5728 238.8477 403.5708 238.9727 403.6392 239.0645 c +%_408.0454 245.0898 415.6626 247.0059 421.3169 246.1309 C +%_420.272 249.8457 419.6938 254.0117 419.6938 258.6094 c +%_419.6938 275.0137 428.4927 286.5801 438.106 292.2109 C +%_434.9517 296.0137 435.5962 301.9883 439.1372 306.0449 c +%_439.2173 306.1357 439.3481 306.1582 439.4536 306.0996 c +%_439.5571 306.041 439.606 305.918 439.5708 305.8018 c +%_437.8403 300.2695 442.9634 295.6523 449.7524 295.9004 c +%_449.8755 295.9033 449.9829 295.8193 450.0103 295.6992 c +%_450.0356 295.5801 449.9712 295.457 449.8579 295.4111 c +%_439.7212 291.248 433.0005 282.4316 433.0005 271.4033 c +%_433.0005 259.8906 439.9087 250.5488 451.0415 250.5488 c +%_460.1255 250.5488 469.2095 258.8672 469.2095 269.2285 c +%_469.2095 277.2891 464.731 282.0225 458.9731 282.0225 c +%_453.9849 282.0225 450.0181 278.5684 450.0181 274.4736 c +%_450.0181 268.6211 456.6001 266.499 460.1118 271.1309 c +%_460.1821 271.2227 460.3032 271.2559 460.4087 271.2129 c +%_460.5161 271.1699 460.5806 271.0625 460.5669 270.9482 c +%_460.0435 266.5586 456.8149 262.4482 451.8091 262.4482 c +%_447.2036 262.4482 442.4692 266.2861 442.4692 274.4746 c +%_442.4692 284.1982 451.8071 294.0508 467.1606 294.0508 c +%_488.1431 294.0508 499.5317 270.3809 489.2974 251.4453 C +%_494.5415 257.459 499.2759 263.8555 499.2759 275.2432 c +%_499.2759 296.75 478.0122 311.291 452.9224 302.7441 c +%_452.8032 302.7021 452.6724 302.7559 452.6157 302.8672 c +%_452.5571 302.9785 452.5884 303.1143 452.6899 303.1895 c +%_459.6958 308.2979 467.0337 315.8262 467.0337 328.4668 c +%_467.0337 341.6475 458.3345 350.9854 444.772 350.9854 c +%_434.2798 350.9854 427.6274 344.5879 427.6274 337.04 c +%_427.6274 331.2822 431.3462 326.6768 437.7349 326.6768 c +%_447.2466 326.6768 450.481 337.0195 445.5591 341.6445 c +%_445.4751 341.7236 445.4556 341.8516 445.5103 341.9521 c +%_445.5669 342.0547 445.6841 342.1055 445.7974 342.0762 c +%_450.5669 340.8398 455.1353 336.0068 455.1353 328.7236 c +%_455.1353 316.1855 443.4927 307.8682 430.6978 307.8682 c +%_424.7017 307.8682 418.8989 309.623 414.2271 312.9102 C +%_414.7778 317.0635 413.3579 321.6602 411.2603 324.752 C +%_413.2095 317.8848 411.1021 306.5732 400.5864 306.5732 c +%_394.6958 306.5732 390.8013 311.1025 390.8013 316.4551 c +%_390.8013 322.7793 396.147 325.7314 400.4966 325.125 c +%_400.6118 325.1104 400.7017 325.0186 400.7134 324.9023 c +%_400.7271 324.7891 400.6606 324.6797 400.5532 324.6367 c +%_398.9673 324.0293 397.6118 322.3691 397.6118 320.373 c +%_397.6118 317.873 399.52 316.3906 401.52 316.3906 c +%_404.8149 316.3906 406.645 320.0605 405.4927 324.1104 C +%_405.5044 324.1104 L +%_404.4321 326.9473 403.8286 330.1152 403.8286 333.6055 c +%_403.8286 350.3672 422.0103 366.3398 444.9497 366.3398 c +%_469.1626 366.3398 482.0044 349.0664 482.0044 331.2822 c +%_482.0044 321.7461 478.4224 314.5225 473.8149 309.915 C +%_493.7368 312.0332 506.313 303.5176 513.0942 291.2354 C +%_508.6157 287.3975 506.9536 281.7676 Y +%_512.3267 288.8057 521.5376 294.9453 534.4595 294.9453 c +%_554.0356 294.9453 569.3911 275.7539 569.3911 255.1563 c +%_569.3911 242.084 564.5884 229.375 554.8267 220.9102 C +%_560.8638 215.8809 563.4731 208.5391 560.6978 202.6055 c +%_f +%_*U +%_*u +%_0 D +%_1 0.2 0 0 0 Xy +%_482.2114 327.9053 m +%_482.1782 327.7852 482.2388 327.6582 482.3521 327.6094 c +%_497.1763 321.0957 507.6372 308.6289 512.0063 294.2324 c +%_512.0415 294.1152 512.1548 294.0391 512.2778 294.0527 c +%_512.3989 294.0664 512.4946 294.166 512.5024 294.2871 c +%_513.229 304.9434 510.1274 315.4531 504.0005 324.0234 C +%_518.1216 324.9648 529.2407 332.9297 536.1997 344.5723 C +%_540.3286 338.46 548.6509 338.7969 551.8599 345.6035 c +%_551.9106 345.708 551.8833 345.832 551.7954 345.9063 c +%_551.7075 345.9805 551.5806 345.9873 551.4868 345.9219 c +%_547.2134 342.9688 539.8071 346.498 542.9282 357.9355 c +%_544.981 365.4561 549.3716 369.4668 553.5259 368.333 c +%_556.7915 367.4414 557.7661 364.002 557.0864 361.5146 c +%_555.9243 357.2539 551.438 355.8623 548.481 358.6357 c +%_548.397 358.7158 548.2681 358.7285 548.1704 358.6641 c +%_548.0728 358.5986 548.0298 358.4775 548.0688 358.3662 c +%_548.9868 355.7852 550.5571 353.7285 553.6157 352.8936 c +%_558.811 351.4756 565.6743 354.8115 567.8618 362.8252 c +%_570.2114 371.4316 565.7153 381.0566 557.604 383.2715 c +%_546.2036 386.3818 538.1392 378.166 534.3931 368.2383 C +%_533.9263 372.8896 530.1079 377.3203 v +%_530.0317 377.4092 529.9048 377.4336 529.8013 377.3818 c +%_529.6978 377.3291 529.6431 377.2129 529.6665 377.0996 c +%_531.106 370.6641 530.9575 363.8047 529.1099 357.0361 c +%_523.9438 338.1074 503.6626 326.0977 482.479 328.0938 c +%_482.354 328.1055 482.2407 328.0254 482.2114 327.9053 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_1 D +%_512.5806 240.1348 m +%_518.7739 233.666 531.0493 228.6133 541.6646 230.168 c +%_541.7856 230.1855 541.9009 230.1172 541.9399 230.0039 c +%_541.981 229.8906 541.936 229.7637 541.8345 229.7012 c +%_536.1743 226.2617 524.8384 225.0723 513.5786 230.4609 C +%_510.4536 228.1035 507.6489 226.8496 504.1919 226.2715 c +%_504.0806 226.2539 503.9692 226.3125 503.9204 226.4141 c +%_503.8735 226.5156 503.8989 226.6387 503.9849 226.7148 c +%_508.5454 230.6484 510.8286 234.6563 512.5806 240.1348 C +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_399.7935 281.9121 m +%_399.6763 281.8711 399.5454 281.9258 399.4888 282.0371 c +%_399.4321 282.1484 399.4653 282.2852 399.5688 282.3594 c +%_406.6938 287.4785 412.4829 295.291 415.4204 306.0566 c +%_422.6802 332.6563 411.3267 353.792 395.2544 361.0146 c +%_395.1509 361.0605 395.0903 361.1689 395.106 361.2803 c +%_395.1216 361.3926 395.2095 361.4814 395.3208 361.4971 c +%_402.0747 362.4785 411.2622 361.6729 420.7915 350.3486 c +%_426.4927 343.5732 429.7271 336.373 436.0142 334.6563 c +%_440.1216 333.5352 443.5103 334.9551 444.4126 338.2617 c +%_445.3618 341.7393 442.9966 344.8018 439.6528 345.7148 c +%_437.9653 346.1738 436.1626 346.1436 434.4146 345.6836 c +%_434.2993 345.6533 434.1821 345.7051 434.1255 345.8086 c +%_434.0708 345.9121 434.0923 346.04 434.1802 346.1172 c +%_436.8325 348.4746 440.8677 350.125 445.5708 348.8408 c +%_452.4907 346.9531 456.6606 339.457 454.4673 331.415 c +%_452.104 322.7578 443.3696 317.5234 433.5864 320.1934 c +%_430.2329 321.1084 426.4497 323.168 423.7603 326.4648 C +%_425.5942 322.4551 427.04 +endstream endobj 28 0 obj <>stream +93 320.1855 430.8286 317.6133 C +%_429.8364 307.1035 425.3091 296.8271 417.4009 289.8389 C +%_423.2192 287.9863 427.604 284.7207 430.5083 279.6855 c +%_430.5669 279.582 430.5454 279.4531 430.4595 279.373 c +%_430.3696 279.293 430.2388 279.2832 430.1411 279.3535 c +%_423.1802 284.2344 410.9048 285.582 399.7935 281.9121 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_383.1919 195.8809 m +%_379.1548 199.3105 377.936 205.0469 379.4106 210.8672 c +%_379.4419 210.9883 379.5552 211.0684 379.6782 211.0566 c +%_379.8032 211.0469 379.8989 210.9492 379.9106 210.8281 c +%_380.0981 208.6543 380.9458 206.748 382.4927 205.4355 c +%_386.4712 202.0566 393.5571 203.834 398.4634 209.3828 c +%_398.522 209.4492 398.6079 209.4805 398.6938 209.4668 c +%_398.7798 209.4531 398.8521 209.3984 398.8872 209.3203 c +%_401.1528 204.2539 406.1079 197.5938 419.0005 194.0742 c +%_437.0239 189.1563 457.3794 196.1992 461.6235 211.752 c +%_464.0493 220.6406 459.8306 229.4824 451.5845 235.7109 C +%_456.0298 230.123 458.7075 223.4238 456.6177 215.7695 c +%_453.5532 204.5391 439.1567 198.918 421.8755 203.6348 c +%_405.5825 208.0801 389.7075 224.748 393.8833 240.0547 c +%_396.1743 248.4492 404.6821 252.8887 413.4458 250.4961 c +%_421.2231 248.375 424.2837 242.1016 422.7329 236.4219 c +%_421.5669 232.1445 417.7407 230.0195 414.2153 229.9941 c +%_414.0962 229.9941 413.9927 230.0762 413.9653 230.1934 c +%_413.9419 230.3105 413.9985 230.4277 414.1079 230.4785 c +%_415.1704 230.9688 416.188 231.877 416.6509 233.5742 c +%_417.4263 236.4121 415.3911 238.5605 413.6353 239.0391 c +%_410.3032 239.9492 407.2837 238.1211 406.272 234.416 c +%_404.8911 229.3574 409.3677 223.8906 416.5239 221.9355 c +%_425.4126 219.5117 435.8833 225.8066 438.2075 234.3223 c +%_440.5825 243.0254 435.3501 254.4648 420.9087 258.4063 c +%_406.7153 262.2813 387.7935 257.0996 383.6157 241.793 c +%_381.1802 232.8691 383.1333 224.1875 388.2075 216.5508 c +%_388.2739 216.4512 388.2622 216.3164 388.1763 216.2305 c +%_388.0884 216.1445 387.9536 216.1328 387.854 216.2012 c +%_376.5415 223.8828 364.1118 224.707 362.3267 218.1699 c +%_361.4536 214.9727 363.3052 212.7188 365.7524 212.0508 c +%_368.2681 211.3652 370.8462 212.6289 372.0337 215.4883 c +%_372.0806 215.5996 372.2017 215.6641 372.3208 215.6406 c +%_372.438 215.6133 372.5259 215.5098 372.522 215.3867 c +%_372.4302 208.3477 367.0044 202.5625 360.1587 204.4316 c +%_354.1021 206.084 350.8364 212.5488 352.688 219.3359 c +%_355.4888 229.5977 367.6997 231.5391 377.0063 226.6504 C +%_371.647 233.7715 368.1919 243.1035 371.2524 254.3184 c +%_377.4517 277.0313 406.5044 281.4355 423.9087 276.6855 c +%_439.7075 272.373 448.9517 266.4023 454.9087 257.6152 C +%_451.1079 267.0098 445.4419 272.0039 436.8345 275.9434 C +%_430.3052 284.0918 434.5161 299.5195 v +%_436.2759 305.9707 440.3091 311.3418 446.1079 314.7793 C +%_446.1079 314.7813 446.106 314.7842 446.1021 314.7871 C +%_446.1509 314.8105 446.1997 314.8379 446.2466 314.8613 C +%_446.6333 315.0879 447.0298 315.3057 447.4321 315.5146 C +%_453.4438 319.1211 460.4966 327.6973 459.2661 337.6113 c +%_459.2524 337.7236 459.3149 337.832 459.4185 337.877 c +%_459.5239 337.9219 459.645 337.8896 459.7153 337.8018 c +%_464.3677 331.9629 464.2114 324.1104 461.8794 318.8857 C +%_465.7368 318.915 469.9087 318.375 474.3442 317.165 c +%_490.1685 312.8457 499.0122 301.3135 501.9126 290.5566 C +%_506.4106 292.5977 512.0063 290.4043 514.9888 285.9199 c +%_515.0532 285.8184 515.0415 285.6855 514.9575 285.5996 c +%_514.8735 285.5156 514.7407 285.5 514.6392 285.5645 c +%_509.7583 288.6914 503.9556 284.9648 502.4048 278.3496 c +%_502.3774 278.2305 502.2681 278.1484 502.145 278.1543 c +%_502.022 278.1602 501.9204 278.2539 501.9067 278.377 c +%_500.5591 289.251 493.8228 298.0566 483.1841 300.96 c +%_472.0767 303.9922 461.2446 299.7852 458.3149 289.0469 c +%_455.9224 280.2832 461.5571 269.3301 471.5513 266.6016 c +%_479.3286 264.4785 485.0747 267.5527 486.5903 273.1074 c +%_487.9048 277.9199 485.6157 282.6563 481.6665 283.7344 c +%_476.0181 285.2754 472.2388 279.4844 475.7837 274.877 c +%_475.8521 274.7852 475.854 274.6602 475.7837 274.5684 c +%_475.7153 274.4766 475.5923 274.4434 475.4868 274.4863 c +%_471.3892 276.1465 468.2739 280.3418 469.5923 285.1729 c +%_470.8052 289.6152 475.7544 293.1729 483.6548 291.0166 c +%_493.0356 288.457 500.0806 276.8555 496.0376 262.043 c +%_490.5142 241.7988 464.6802 237.0449 449.1079 251.9043 C +%_453.5278 245.2617 458.4517 239.0098 469.438 236.0117 c +%_490.188 230.3496 509.813 247.0332 508.1724 273.4902 c +%_508.1646 273.6152 508.2505 273.7285 508.3735 273.7539 c +%_508.4946 273.7813 508.6196 273.7129 508.6646 273.5977 c +%_511.7466 265.4922 517.0786 256.4316 529.2739 253.1035 c +%_541.9888 249.6328 553.2876 255.5664 556.8599 268.6504 c +%_559.6216 278.7734 555.2017 286.875 547.9204 288.8623 c +%_542.3657 290.3789 536.9419 288.0039 535.2603 281.8398 c +%_532.7563 272.6641 541.8833 266.8203 547.6411 270.3516 c +%_547.7388 270.4121 547.8677 270.3965 547.9497 270.3164 c +%_548.0337 270.2363 548.0513 270.1094 547.9927 270.0078 c +%_545.5454 265.7324 539.6802 262.5977 532.6548 264.5156 c +%_520.5571 267.8164 515.6001 281.2383 518.9673 293.5811 c +%_520.5454 299.3652 523.7681 304.502 528.1685 308.1426 C +%_532.0298 306.5186 536.8384 306.6777 540.3735 307.8867 C +%_533.2349 307.8154 522.8794 312.8262 525.647 322.9707 c +%_527.1978 328.6533 532.5923 331.2188 537.7563 329.8086 c +%_543.8579 328.1436 545.2974 322.21 543.5688 318.1729 c +%_543.522 318.0654 543.4106 318.0039 543.2974 318.0225 c +%_543.1821 318.04 543.0942 318.1318 543.0825 318.2471 c +%_542.9146 319.9375 541.6685 321.6836 539.7446 322.208 c +%_537.3325 322.8662 535.3989 321.415 534.8735 319.4854 c +%_534.0044 316.3066 537.063 313.5752 541.2739 313.6211 C +%_541.27 313.6094 L +%_544.2896 313.8984 547.5044 313.6445 550.8716 312.7266 c +%_567.0415 308.3125 577.6646 286.5674 571.6235 264.4375 c +%_565.2485 241.0781 545.2056 233.2363 528.0474 237.9199 c +%_518.8481 240.4297 512.8228 245.7871 509.5903 251.4453 C +%_506.3892 231.668 494.8618 221.7793 481.229 218.4707 C +%_478.7056 223.8008 473.7114 226.8867 Y +%_479.0864 219.8496 482.5845 209.3477 479.1821 196.8809 c +%_474.0278 177.9961 451.4712 168.2344 431.6001 173.6582 c +%_418.9888 177.0996 407.9927 185.0801 402.397 196.7266 C +%_395.9556 192.2266 388.186 191.6406 383.1919 195.8809 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_*U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_u +%_*u +%_0 D +%_0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Xa +%_0 1 0 0 0 Xy +%_530.1294 269.9688 m +%_530.0044 269.9688 529.8989 269.877 529.8794 269.7539 c +%_527.5005 253.7402 518.2271 240.3652 505.4888 232.3594 c +%_505.3853 232.2949 505.3403 232.1641 505.3872 232.0508 c +%_505.4321 231.9375 505.5532 231.8711 505.6724 231.8965 c +%_516.145 234 525.4653 239.7598 532.1216 247.9277 C +%_536.7466 234.5508 547.3579 225.9219 560.4224 222.2734 C +%_555.6138 216.6816 558.1294 208.7402 565.5415 207.4375 c +%_565.6548 207.416 565.7661 207.4746 565.8149 207.5781 c +%_565.8638 207.6816 565.8364 207.8066 565.7485 207.8809 c +%_561.7759 211.2266 563.229 219.3008 575.0864 219.3008 c +%_582.8804 219.3008 587.9077 216.1211 587.9077 211.8145 c +%_587.9077 208.4297 584.8452 206.584 582.2651 206.584 c +%_577.8511 206.584 575.3267 210.5449 577.2231 214.127 c +%_577.2778 214.2305 577.2563 214.3574 577.1685 214.4355 c +%_577.0806 214.5137 576.9517 214.5215 576.854 214.4551 c +%_574.606 212.8906 573.0356 210.834 573.0356 207.6641 c +%_573.0356 202.2773 578.062 196.5352 586.3687 196.5332 c +%_595.2905 196.5332 603.3921 203.4043 603.3921 211.8145 c +%_603.3921 223.6309 593.3433 229.248 582.7788 230.248 C +%_587.144 231.9219 590.4116 236.7734 v +%_590.478 236.8691 590.4683 236.998 590.3901 237.084 c +%_590.312 237.1719 590.1851 237.1934 590.0835 237.1387 c +%_584.2534 234.0566 577.5942 232.3945 570.5806 232.3945 c +%_550.9575 232.3945 534.0337 248.7988 530.3813 269.7607 c +%_530.3599 269.8818 530.2524 269.9727 530.1294 269.9688 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_1 D +%_453.4517 217.5625 m +%_448.8442 209.8867 447.1997 196.7129 451.4946 186.8809 c +%_451.5435 186.7695 451.5083 186.6406 451.4087 186.5703 c +%_451.3091 186.502 451.1763 186.5117 451.0884 186.5957 c +%_446.2817 191.1484 442.1489 201.7715 444.3833 214.0527 C +%_441.2876 216.4473 439.3384 218.8223 437.8696 222.0059 c +%_437.8228 222.1074 437.8501 222.2305 437.936 222.3047 c +%_438.022 222.377 438.147 222.3848 438.2427 222.3203 c +%_443.2388 218.959 447.7056 217.8125 453.4517 217.5625 C +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_464.0591 337.3691 m +%_463.9907 337.4727 464.0083 337.6133 464.1001 337.6973 c +%_464.1938 337.7813 464.3345 337.7852 464.4321 337.7061 c +%_471.2466 332.1797 480.3071 328.6504 491.4673 328.6504 c +%_519.0376 328.6504 536.4399 345.1689 539.1743 362.5771 c +%_539.1919 362.6885 539.2817 362.7734 539.3931 362.7891 c +%_539.5044 362.8047 539.6138 362.7422 539.6587 362.6396 c +%_542.3833 356.3818 544.0259 347.3057 535.6099 335.1309 c +%_530.5747 327.8457 524.479 322.8311 524.479 316.3145 c +%_524.479 312.0566 526.7407 309.1602 530.1685 309.1602 c +%_533.7739 309.1602 536.106 312.248 536.104 315.7148 c +%_536.104 317.4629 535.6001 319.1934 534.6958 320.7607 c +%_534.6372 320.8633 534.6548 320.9902 534.7407 321.0723 c +%_534.8247 321.1523 534.9556 321.165 535.0532 321.1016 c +%_538.0259 319.1641 540.6802 315.7021 540.6802 310.8281 c +%_540.6802 303.6563 534.5474 297.6602 526.2095 297.6602 c +%_517.2368 297.6602 509.8872 304.709 509.8872 314.8477 c +%_509.8872 318.3262 510.8755 322.5156 513.3501 325.9805 C +%_509.9653 323.1523 508.1587 321.1523 506.6724 316.8271 C +%_496.272 315.0186 485.1665 316.6797 476.3403 322.4727 C +%_476.0864 316.3711 474.0903 311.2793 469.9985 307.1533 c +%_469.9146 307.0684 469.7837 307.0547 469.6841 307.1182 c +%_469.5825 307.1816 469.5415 307.3066 469.5806 307.4189 c +%_472.4575 315.4199 470.5239 327.6152 464.0591 337.3691 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_376.6938 330.7344 m +%_378.938 335.5352 384.1528 338.2188 390.1548 338.3271 c +%_390.2798 338.3311 390.3872 338.2432 390.4087 338.1211 c +%_390.4321 337.998 390.3638 337.8779 390.2485 337.8359 c +%_388.2017 337.082 386.5864 335.7637 385.7271 333.9258 c +%_383.5142 329.1973 387.0942 322.8301 393.7407 319.5566 c +%_393.8188 319.5186 393.8716 319.4434 393.8813 319.3594 c +%_393.8911 319.2725 393.856 319.1885 393.7915 319.1318 c +%_389.5005 315.6143 384.3794 309.0781 384.3794 295.7148 c +%_384.3774 277.0322 396.5337 259.25 412.6548 259.25 c +%_421.8677 259.25 429.2876 265.6465 433.1255 275.2422 C +%_428.9028 269.4844 423.145 265.1348 415.2114 265.1348 c +%_403.5708 265.1348 394.3579 277.5439 394.356 295.459 c +%_394.356 312.3457 406.2583 332.0518 422.1216 332.0508 c +%_430.8247 332.0488 437.3481 325.0117 437.3481 315.9277 c +%_437.3481 307.8672 432.1021 303.2637 426.2173 303.2637 c +%_421.7798 303.2637 418.7231 306.3936 417.772 309.7871 c +%_417.7388 309.9023 417.7915 310.0254 417.897 310.0811 c +%_418.0044 310.1357 418.1333 310.1104 418.2114 310.0186 c +%_418.9634 309.124 420.1079 308.3809 421.8657 308.3809 c +%_424.8091 308.3789 426.3442 310.9082 426.3442 312.7285 c +%_426.3442 316.1836 423.7856 318.6152 419.9458 318.6152 c +%_414.7036 318.6152 410.606 312.8564 410.606 305.4385 c +%_410.606 296.2236 419.436 287.7813 428.2642 287.7813 c +%_437.2856 287.7813 446.9438 295.8408 446.9438 310.8125 c +%_446.9419 325.5234 436.9653 342.4141 421.0981 342.4141 c +%_411.8481 342.4141 403.9849 338.2441 397.9556 331.3398 c +%_397.8755 331.248 397.7427 331.2246 397.6392 331.2852 c +%_397.5317 331.3477 397.4849 331.4727 397.5239 331.5879 c +%_401.9575 344.5234 399.4771 356.7344 392.7036 356.7324 c +%_389.3892 356.7324 387.7017 354.3535 387.7017 351.8154 c +%_387.7017 349.21 389.6001 347.0566 392.6704 346.6611 c +%_392.7915 346.6475 392.8833 346.5479 392.8931 346.4268 c +%_392.8989 346.3047 392.8188 346.1943 392.7017 346.1641 c +%_385.8872 344.4004 378.8774 348.1133 378.8774 355.2061 c +%_378.8774 361.4854 384.2544 366.3398 391.2896 366.3398 c +%_401.9263 366.3379 407.0142 355.0684 404.7485 344.8047 C +%_410.2075 351.8486 418.3013 357.6396 429.9263 357.6396 c +%_453.4692 357.6396 465.3677 330.7715 465.3677 312.7285 c +%_465.3677 296.3525 462.0415 285.8604 455.1313 277.8018 C +%_463.1938 283.9404 466.52 290.7227 468.0552 300.0645 C +%_474.1958 308.5078 490.188 308.5078 v +%_496.8755 308.5078 503.1177 306.0322 507.9614 301.3438 C +%_507.9634 301.3447 507.9653 301.3477 507.9673 301.3486 C +%_508.0024 301.3105 508.0396 301.2695 508.0767 301.2314 C +%_508.397 300.915 508.7114 300.5918 509.02 300.2578 C +%_514.0806 295.4102 524.2114 290.8633 533.4517 294.6602 c +%_533.5571 294.7031 533.6782 294.6699 533.7485 294.582 c +%_533.8188 294.4932 533.8188 294.3672 533.7524 294.2754 c +%_529.3462 288.252 521.729 286.335 516.0747 287.21 C +%_517.1177 283.4941 517.6958 279.3281 517.6958 274.7305 c +%_517.6978 258.3262 508.8989 246.7598 499.2856 241.1289 C +%_502.438 237.3281 501.7954 231.3535 498.2544 227.2949 c +%_498.1743 227.2051 498.0435 227.1816 497.938 227.2402 c +%_497.8345 227.2988 497.7837 227.4238 497.8188 227.5391 c +%_499.5513 233.0703 494.4282 237.6875 487.6392 237.4395 c +%_487.5161 237.4355 487.4067 237.5195 487.3813 237.6406 c +%_487.356 237.7617 487.4185 237.8828 487.5337 237.9277 c +%_497.6685 242.0918 504.3911 250.9102 504.3892 261.9355 c +%_504.3911 273.4492 497.481 282.79 486.3501 282.79 c +%_477.2661 282.79 468.1821 274.4727 468.1821 264.1133 c +%_468.1821 256.0508 472.6587 251.3184 478.4165 251.3164 c +%_483.4067 251.3184 487.3735 254.7715 487.3735 258.8672 c +%_487.3735 264.7188 480.7896 266.8408 477.2778 262.209 c +%_477.2095 262.1172 477.0864 262.084 476.981 262.127 c +%_476.8755 262.1689 476.811 262.2773 476.8228 262.3926 c +%_477.3462 266.7813 480.5767 270.8926 485.5825 270.8926 c +%_490.188 270.8926 494.9224 267.0518 494.9224 258.8652 c +%_494.9224 249.1406 485.5845 239.291 470.231 239.2891 c +%_449.2466 239.2891 437.8599 262.959 448.0942 281.8945 C +%_442.8501 275.8809 438.1157 269.4844 438.1157 258.0977 c +%_438.1138 236.5898 459.3794 222.0488 484.4692 230.5977 c +%_484.5884 230.6367 484.7192 230.584 484.7759 230.4746 c +%_484.8345 230.3633 484.8013 230.2266 484.6997 230.1523 c +%_477.6938 225.043 470.356 217.5137 470.356 204.873 c +%_470.356 191.6934 479.0552 182.3535 492.6196 182.3535 c +%_503.1099 182.3535 509.7642 188.752 509.7642 196.2988 c +%_509.7642 202.0566 506.0454 206.6641 499.6567 206.6641 c +%_490.1431 206.6641 486.9087 196.3203 491.8325 191.6953 c +%_491.9165 191.6152 491.936 191.4902 491.8813 191.3887 c +%_491.8247 191.2871 491.7056 191.2344 491.5942 191.2637 c +%_486.8247 192.5 482.2563 197.332 482.2563 204.6152 c +%_482.2544 217.1563 493.897 225.4727 506.6919 225.4727 c +%_512.688 225.4727 518.4907 223.7188 523.1646 220.4297 C +%_522.6118 216.2773 524.0317 211.6816 526.1313 208.5879 C +%_524.1821 215.457 526.2915 226.7656 536.8032 226.7676 c +%_542.6958 226.7656 546.5903 222.2383 546.5903 216.8867 c +%_546.5903 210.5605 541.2446 207.6094 536.895 208.2148 c +%_536.7798 208.2305 536.6899 208.3223 536.6763 208.4375 c +%_536.6646 208.5527 536.731 208.6602 536.8384 208.7031 c +%_538.4243 209.3105 539.7817 210.9727 539.7817 212.9668 c +%_539.7817 215.4668 537.8696 216.9492 535.8696 216.9492 c +%_532.5767 216.9492 530.7466 213.2793 531.8989 209.2305 C +%_531.8872 209.2285 L +%_532.9595 206.3926 533.561 203.2246 533.561 199.7363 c +%_533.561 182.9746 515.3813 167.002 492.4399 167 c +%_468.229 167 455.3872 184.2734 455.3892 202.0566 c +%_455.3892 211.5938 458.9692 218.8184 463.5767 223.4258 C +%_443.6548 221.3066 431.0786 229.8223 424.2974 242.1035 C +%_428.7759 245.9414 430.438 251.5723 Y +%_425.0649 244.5352 415.854 238.3945 402.9321 238.3945 c +%_383.356 238.3945 368.0005 257.5859 368.0005 278.1836 c +%_368.0005 291.2568 372.8032 303.9648 382.5649 312.4307 C +%_376.5278 317.459 373.9185 324.8018 376.6938 330.7344 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_*U +%_U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_0 0.25 0 0 0 Xy +%_0 0 Xd +%_6 () XW +%_U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Main_Copy_of_EditGroup) , +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Repeated_Art) , +%_; +%_ +%_9 () XW +%_u +%_*u +%_0 D +%_0 O +%_0.306889 0.577478 0.779446 0.294591 0.576471 0.376471 0.215686 Xa +%_0 1 0 0 0 Xy +%_240.2622 263.3711 m +%_240.3872 263.3711 240.4927 263.4629 240.5103 263.585 c +%_242.8911 279.5996 252.1646 292.9746 264.9028 300.9814 c +%_265.0063 301.0449 265.0493 301.1758 265.0044 301.29 c +%_264.9575 301.4023 264.8384 301.4688 264.7173 301.4443 c +%_254.2466 299.3398 244.9243 293.5811 238.27 285.4141 C +%_233.644 298.7891 223.0337 307.418 209.9692 311.0654 C +%_214.7778 316.6582 212.2622 324.5986 204.8501 325.9023 c +%_204.7368 325.9229 204.6245 325.8643 204.5757 325.7607 c +%_204.5278 325.6563 204.5542 325.5322 204.6421 325.46 c +%_208.6157 322.1143 207.1616 314.04 195.3052 314.04 c +%_187.5103 314.04 182.4849 317.2188 182.4849 321.5254 c +%_182.4849 324.9102 185.5464 326.7559 188.1255 326.7559 c +%_192.5415 326.7559 195.0649 322.7949 193.1675 319.2129 c +%_193.1128 319.1104 193.1353 318.9814 193.2231 318.9033 c +%_193.311 318.8271 193.4399 318.8184 193.5366 318.8857 c +%_195.7856 320.4492 197.356 322.5059 197.356 325.6768 c +%_197.356 331.0635 192.3306 336.8066 184.0239 336.8066 c +%_175.1021 336.8066 167.0005 329.9355 167.0005 321.5254 c +%_167.0005 309.71 177.0493 304.0918 187.6138 303.0918 C +%_183.2485 301.4189 179.98 296.5664 v +%_179.9146 296.4697 179.9243 296.3418 180.0015 296.2559 c +%_180.0796 296.1689 180.2056 296.1475 180.3091 296.2012 c +%_186.1392 299.2822 192.7954 300.9453 199.811 300.9453 c +%_219.4321 300.9453 236.3579 284.541 240.0103 263.5801 c +%_240.0317 263.4561 240.1382 263.3691 240.2622 263.3711 c +%_f +%_1 D +%_316.9399 315.7773 m +%_321.5493 323.4551 323.1919 336.627 318.897 346.46 c +%_318.8481 346.5703 318.8833 346.6992 318.9829 346.7686 c +%_319.0806 346.8379 319.2153 346.8281 319.3032 346.7461 c +%_324.1099 342.1914 328.2427 331.5684 326.0083 319.2871 C +%_329.106 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+%_267.2798 350.9854 260.6274 344.5879 260.6274 337.04 c +%_260.6274 331.2822 264.3462 326.6768 270.7349 326.6768 c +%_280.2466 326.6768 283.481 337.0195 278.5591 341.6445 c +%_278.4751 341.7236 278.4556 341.8516 278.5103 341.9521 c +%_278.5669 342.0547 278.6841 342.1055 278.7974 342.0762 c +%_283.5669 340.8398 288.1353 336.0068 288.1353 328.7236 c +%_288.1353 316.1855 276.4927 307.8682 263.6978 307.8682 c +%_257.7017 307.8682 251.8989 309.623 247.2271 312.9102 C +%_247.7778 317.0635 246.3579 321.6602 244.2603 324.752 C +%_246.2095 317.8848 244.1021 306.5732 233.5864 306.5732 c +%_227.6958 306.5732 223.8013 311.1025 223.8013 316.4551 c +%_223.8013 322.7793 229.147 325.7314 233.4966 325.125 c +%_233.6118 325.1104 233.7007 325.0186 233.7134 324.9023 c +%_233.7271 324.7891 233.6606 324.6797 233.5532 324.6367 c +%_231.9673 324.0293 230.6108 322.3691 230.6108 320.373 c +%_230.6108 317.873 232.52 316.3906 234.52 316.3906 c +%_237.8149 316.3906 239.645 320.0605 238.4927 324.1104 C +%_238.5044 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+%_373.3286 338.46 381.6509 338.7969 384.8599 345.6035 c +%_384.9106 345.708 384.8833 345.832 384.7954 345.9063 c +%_384.7075 345.9805 384.5806 345.9873 384.4868 345.9219 c +%_380.2134 342.9688 372.8071 346.498 375.9282 357.9355 c +%_377.981 365.4561 382.3716 369.4668 386.5259 368.333 c +%_389.7915 367.4414 390.7661 364.002 390.0864 361.5146 c +%_388.9243 357.2539 384.438 355.8623 381.481 358.6357 c +%_381.397 358.7158 381.2681 358.7285 381.1704 358.6641 c +%_381.0728 358.5986 381.0298 358.4775 381.0688 358.3662 c +%_381.9868 355.7852 383.5571 353.7285 386.6157 352.8936 c +%_391.811 351.4756 398.6743 354.8115 400.8618 362.8252 c +%_403.2114 371.4316 398.7153 381.0566 390.604 383.2715 c +%_379.2036 386.3818 371.1392 378.166 367.3931 368.2383 C +%_366.9263 372.8896 363.1079 377.3203 v +%_363.0317 377.4092 362.9048 377.4336 362.8013 377.3818 c +%_362.6978 377.3291 362.6431 377.2129 362.6665 377.0996 c +%_364.106 370.6641 363.9575 363.8047 362.1099 357.0361 c +%_356.9438 338.1074 336.6626 326.0977 315.479 328.0938 c +%_315.354 328.1055 315.2407 328.0254 315.2114 327.9053 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_1 D +%_345.5806 240.1348 m +%_351.7739 233.666 364.0493 228.6133 374.6646 230.168 c +%_374.7856 230.1855 374.9009 230.1172 374.9399 230.0039 c +%_374.981 229.8906 374.936 229.7637 374.8345 229.7012 c +%_369.1743 226.2617 357.8384 225.0723 346.5786 230.4609 C +%_343.4536 228.1035 340.6489 226.8496 337.1919 226.2715 c +%_337.0806 226.2539 336.9692 226.3125 336.9204 226.4141 c +%_336.8735 226.5156 336.8989 226.6387 336.9849 226.7148 c +%_341.5454 230.6484 343.8286 234.6563 345.5806 240.1348 C +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_232.7935 281.9121 m +%_232.6753 281.8711 232.5444 281.9258 232.4878 282.0371 c +%_232.4312 282.1484 232.4644 282.2852 232.5679 282.3594 c +%_239.6938 287.4785 245.4829 295.291 248.4204 306.0566 c +%_255.6802 332.6563 244.3267 353.792 228.2534 361.0146 c +%_228.1499 361.0605 228.0903 361.1689 228.105 361.2803 c +%_228.1216 361.3926 228.2085 361.4814 228.3198 361.4971 c +%_235.0747 362.4785 244.2622 361.6729 253.7915 350.3486 c +%_259.4927 343.5732 262.7271 336.373 269.0142 334.6563 c +%_273.1216 333.5352 276.5103 334.9551 277.4126 338.2617 c +%_278.3618 341.7393 275.9966 344.8018 272.6528 345.7148 c +%_270.9653 346.1738 269.1626 346.1436 267.4146 345.6836 c +%_267.2993 345.6533 267.1821 345.7051 267.1255 345.8086 c +%_267.0708 345.9121 267.0923 346.04 267.1802 346.1172 c +%_269.8325 348.4746 273.8677 350.125 278.5708 348.8408 c +%_285.4907 346.9531 289.6606 339.457 287.4673 331.415 c +%_285.104 322.7578 276.3696 317.5234 266.5864 320.1934 c +%_263.2329 321.1084 259.4497 323.168 256.7603 326.4648 C +%_258.5942 322.4551 260.0493 320.1855 263.8286 317.6133 C +%_262.8364 307.1035 258.3091 296.8271 250.4009 289.8389 C +%_256.2192 287.9863 260.604 284.7207 263.5083 279.6855 c +%_263.5669 279.582 263.5454 279.4531 263.4595 279.373 c +%_263.3696 279.293 263.2388 279.2832 263.1411 279.3535 c +%_256.1802 284.2344 243.9048 285.582 232.7935 281.9121 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_216.1919 195.8809 m +%_212.1538 199.3105 210.936 205.0469 212.4106 210.8672 c +%_212.4419 210.9883 212.5542 211.0684 212.6772 211.0566 c +%_212.8022 211.0469 212.8989 210.9492 212.9097 210.8281 c +%_213.0981 208.6543 213.9448 206.748 215.4917 205.4355 c +%_219.4712 202.0566 226.5562 203.834 231.4634 209.3828 c +%_231.522 209.4492 231.6079 209.4805 231.6929 209.4668 c +%_231.7788 209.4531 231.8511 209.3984 231.8862 209.3203 c +%_234.1519 204.2539 239.1079 197.5938 252.0005 194.0742 c +%_270.0239 189.1563 290.3794 196.1992 294.6235 211.752 c +%_297.0493 220.6406 292.8306 229.4824 284.5845 235.7109 C +%_289.0298 230.123 291.7075 223.4238 289.6177 215.7695 c +%_286.5532 204.5391 272.1567 198.918 254.8755 203.6348 c +%_238.5825 208.0801 222.7065 224.748 226.8833 240.0547 c +%_229.1743 248.4492 237.6821 252.8887 246.4458 250.4961 c +%_254.2231 248.375 257.2837 242.1016 255.7329 236.4219 c +%_254.5669 232.1445 250.7407 230.0195 247.2153 229.9941 c +%_247.0962 229.9941 246.9927 230.0762 246.9653 230.1934 c +%_246.9419 230.3105 246.9985 230.4277 247.1079 230.4785 c +%_248.1704 230.9688 249.188 231.877 249.6509 233.5742 c +%_250.4263 236.4121 248.3911 238.5605 246.6353 239.0391 c +%_243.3022 239.9492 240.2827 238.1211 239.271 234.416 c +%_237.8911 229.3574 242.3667 223.8906 249.5239 221.9355 c +%_258.4126 219.5117 268.8833 225.8066 271.2075 234.3223 c +%_273.5825 243.0254 268.3501 254.4648 253.9087 258.4063 c +%_239.7153 262.2813 220.7925 257.0996 216.6157 241.793 c +%_214.1802 232.8691 216.1333 224.1875 221.2075 216.5508 c +%_221.2739 216.4512 221.2612 216.3164 221.1753 216.2305 c +%_221.0884 216.1445 220.9536 216.1328 220.853 216.2012 c +%_209.5415 223.8828 197.1108 224.707 195.3267 218.1699 c +%_194.4536 214.9727 196.3042 212.7188 198.7524 212.0508 c +%_201.2681 211.3652 203.8462 212.6289 205.0327 215.4883 c +%_205.0796 215.5996 205.2007 215.6641 205.3198 215.6406 c +%_205.438 215.6133 205.5249 215.5098 205.522 215.3867 c +%_205.4292 208.3477 200.0034 202.5625 193.1577 204.4316 c +%_187.1021 206.084 183.8354 212.5488 185.688 219.3359 c +%_188.4888 229.5977 200.6997 231.5391 210.0063 226.6504 C +%_204.647 233.7715 201.1919 243.1035 204.2524 254.3184 c +%_210.4507 277.0313 239.5044 281.4355 256.9087 276.6855 c +%_272.7075 272.373 281.9517 266.4023 287.9087 257.6152 C +%_284.1079 267.0098 278.4419 272.0039 269.8345 275.9434 C +%_263.3052 284.0918 267.5161 299.5195 v +%_269.2759 305.9707 273.3091 311.3418 279.1079 314.7793 C +%_279.1079 314.7813 279.106 314.7842 279.1021 314.7871 C +%_279.1509 314.8105 279.1997 314.8379 279.2466 314.8613 C +%_279.6333 315.0879 280.0298 315.3057 280.4321 315.5146 C +%_286.4438 319.1211 293.4966 327.6973 292.2661 337.6113 c +%_292.2524 337.7236 292.3149 337.832 292.4185 337.877 c +%_292.5239 337.9219 292.645 337.8896 292.7153 337.8018 c +%_297.3677 331.9629 297.2114 324.1104 294.8794 318.8857 C +%_298.7368 318.915 302.9087 318.375 307.3442 317.165 c +%_323.1685 312.8457 332.0122 301.3135 334.9126 290.5566 C +%_339.4106 292.5977 345.0063 290.4043 347.9888 285.9199 c +%_348.0532 285.8184 348.0415 285.6855 347.9575 285.5996 c +%_347.8735 285.5156 347.7407 285.5 347.6392 285.5645 c +%_342.7583 288.6914 336.9556 284.9648 335.4048 278.3496 c +%_335.3774 278.2305 335.2681 278.1484 335.145 278.1543 c +%_335.022 278.1602 334.9204 278.2539 334.9067 278.377 c +%_333.5591 289.251 326.8228 298.0566 316.1841 300.96 c +%_305.0767 303.9922 294.2446 299.7852 291.3149 289.0469 c +%_288.9224 280.2832 294.5571 269.3301 304.5513 266.6016 c +%_312.3286 264.4785 318.0747 267.5527 319.5903 273.1074 c +%_320.9048 277.9199 318.6157 282.6563 314.6665 283.7344 c +%_309.0181 285.2754 305.2388 279.4844 308.7837 274.877 c +%_308.8521 274.7852 308.854 274.6602 308.7837 274.5684 c +%_308.7153 274.4766 308.5923 274.4434 308.4868 274.4863 c +%_304.3892 276.1465 301.2739 280.3418 302.5923 285.1729 c +%_303.8052 289.6152 308.7544 293.1729 316.6548 291.0166 c +%_326.0356 288.457 333.0806 276.8555 329.0376 262.043 c +%_323.5142 241.7988 297.6802 237.0449 282.1079 251.9043 C +%_286.5278 245.2617 291.4517 239.0098 302.438 236.0117 c +%_323.188 230.3496 342.813 247.0332 341.1724 273.4902 c +%_341.1646 273.6152 341.2505 273.7285 341.3735 273.7539 c +%_341.4946 273.7813 341.6196 273.7129 341.6646 273.5977 c +%_344.7466 265.4922 350.0786 256.4316 362.2739 253.1035 c +%_374.9888 249.6328 386.2876 255.5664 389.8599 268.6504 c +%_392.6216 278.7734 388.2017 286.875 380.9204 288.8623 c +%_375.3657 290.3789 369.9419 288.0039 368.2603 281.8398 c +%_365.7563 272.6641 374.8833 266.8203 380.6411 270.3516 c +%_380.7388 270.4121 380.8677 270.3965 380.9497 270.3164 c +%_381.0337 270.2363 381.0513 270.1094 380.9927 270.0078 c +%_378.5454 265.7324 372.6802 262.5977 365.6548 264.5156 c +%_353.5571 267.8164 348.6001 281.2383 351.9673 293.5811 c +%_353.5454 299.3652 356.7681 304.502 361.1685 308.1426 C +%_365.0298 306.5186 369.8384 306.6777 373.3735 307.8867 C +%_366.2349 307.8154 355.8794 312.8262 358.647 322.9707 c +%_360.1978 328.6533 365.5923 331.2188 370.7563 329.8086 c +%_376.8579 328.1436 378.2974 322.21 376.5688 318.1729 c +%_376.522 318.0654 376.4106 318.0039 376.2974 318.0225 c +%_376.1821 318.04 376.0942 318.1318 376.0825 318.2471 c +%_375.9146 319.9375 374.6685 321.6836 372.7446 322.208 c +%_370.3325 322.8662 368.3989 321.415 367.8735 319.4854 c +%_367.0044 316.3066 370.063 313.5752 374.2739 313.6211 C +%_374.27 313.6094 L +%_377.2896 313.8984 380.5044 313.6445 383.8716 312.7266 c +%_400.0415 308.3125 410.6646 286.5674 404.6235 264.4375 c +%_398.2485 241.0781 378.2056 233.2363 361.0474 237.9199 c +%_351.8481 240.4297 345.8228 245.7871 342.5903 251.4453 C +%_339.3892 231.668 327.8618 221.7793 314.229 218.4707 C +%_311.7056 223.8008 306.7114 226.8867 Y +%_312.0864 219.8496 315.5845 209.3477 312.1821 196.8809 c +%_307.0278 177.9961 284.4712 168.2344 264.6001 173.6582 c +%_251.9888 177.0996 240.9927 185.0801 235.397 196.7266 C +%_228.9556 192.2266 221.186 191.6406 216.1919 195.8809 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_*U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_u +%_*u +%_0 D +%_0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Xa +%_0 1 0 0 0 Xy +%_363.1294 269.9688 m +%_363.0044 269.9688 362.8989 269.877 362.8794 269.7539 c +%_360.5005 253.7402 351.2271 240.3652 338.4888 232.3594 c +%_338.3853 232.2949 338.3403 232.1641 338.3872 232.0508 c +%_338.4321 231.9375 338.5532 231.8711 338.6724 231.8965 c +%_349.145 234 358.4653 239.7598 365.1216 247.9277 C +%_369.7466 234.5508 380.3579 225.9219 393.4224 222.2734 C +%_388.6138 216.6816 391.1294 208.7402 398.5415 207.4375 c +%_398.6548 207.416 398.7661 207.4746 398.8149 207.5781 c +%_398.8638 207.6816 398.8364 207.8066 398.7485 207.8809 c +%_394.7759 211.2266 396.229 219.3008 408.0864 219.3008 c +%_415.8794 219.3008 420.9067 216.1211 420.9067 211.8145 c +%_420.9067 208.4297 417.8442 206.584 415.2642 206.584 c +%_410.8501 206.584 408.3267 210.5449 410.2231 214.127 c +%_410.2778 214.2305 410.2563 214.3574 410.1685 214.4355 c +%_410.0806 214.5137 409.9517 214.5215 409.854 214.4551 c +%_407.606 212.8906 406.0356 210.834 406.0356 207.6641 c +%_406.0356 202.2773 411.061 196.5352 419.3677 196.5332 c +%_428.2896 196.5332 436.3911 203.4043 436.3911 211.8145 c +%_436.3911 223.6309 426.3423 229.248 415.7778 230.248 C +%_420.1431 231.9219 423.4106 236.7734 v +%_423.4771 236.8691 423.4673 236.998 423.3892 237.084 c +%_423.311 237.1719 423.1841 237.1934 423.0825 237.1387 c +%_417.2524 234.0566 410.5942 232.3945 403.5806 232.3945 c +%_383.9575 232.3945 367.0337 248.7988 363.3813 269.7607 c +%_363.3599 269.8818 363.2524 269.9727 363.1294 269.9688 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_1 D +%_286.4517 217.5625 m +%_281.8442 209.8867 280.1997 196.7129 284.4946 186.8809 c +%_284.5435 186.7695 284.5083 186.6406 284.4087 186.5703 c +%_284.3091 186.502 284.1763 186.5117 284.0884 186.5957 c +%_279.2817 191.1484 275.1489 201.7715 277.3833 214.0527 C +%_274.2876 216.4473 272.3384 218.8223 270.8696 222.0059 c +%_270.8228 222.1074 270.8501 222.2305 270.936 222.3047 c +%_271.022 222.377 271.147 222.3848 271.2427 222.3203 c +%_276.2388 218.959 280.7056 217.8125 286.4517 217.5625 C +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_297.0591 337.3691 m +%_296.9907 337.4727 297.0083 337.6133 297.1001 337.6973 c +%_297.1938 337.7813 297.3345 337.7852 297.4321 337.7061 c +%_304.2466 332.1797 313.3071 328.6504 324.4673 328.6504 c +%_352.0376 328.6504 369.4399 345.1689 372.1743 362.5771 c +%_372.1919 362.6885 372.2817 362.7734 372.3931 362.7891 c +%_372.5044 362.8047 372.6138 362.7422 372.6587 362.6396 c +%_375.3833 356.3818 377.0259 347.3057 368.6099 335.1309 c +%_363.5747 327.8457 357.479 322.8311 357.479 316.3145 c +%_357.479 312.0566 359.7407 309.1602 363.1685 309.1602 c +%_366.7739 309.1602 369.106 312.248 369.104 315.7148 c +%_369.104 317.4629 368.6001 319.1934 367.6958 320.7607 c +%_367.6372 320.8633 367.6548 320.9902 367.7407 321.0723 c +%_367.8247 321.1523 367.9556 321.165 368.0532 321.1016 c +%_371.0259 319.1641 373.6802 315.7021 373.6802 310.8281 c +%_373.6802 303.6563 367.5474 297.6602 359.2095 297.6602 c +%_350.2368 297.6602 342.8872 304.709 342.8872 314.8477 c +%_342.8872 318.3262 343.8755 322.5156 346.3501 325.9805 C +%_342.9653 323.1523 341.1587 321.1523 339.6724 316.8271 C +%_329.272 315.0186 318.1665 316.6797 309.3403 322.4727 C +%_309.0864 316.3711 307.0903 311.2793 302.9985 307.1533 c +%_302.9146 307.0684 302.7837 307.0547 302.6841 307.1182 c +%_302.5825 307.1816 302.5415 307.3066 302.5806 307.4189 c +%_305.4575 315.4199 303.5239 327.6152 297.0591 337.3691 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_209.6938 330.7344 m +%_211.938 335.5352 217.1528 338.2188 223.1548 338.3271 c +%_223.2798 338.3311 223.3872 338.2432 223.4087 338.1211 c +%_223.4321 337.998 223.3638 337.8779 223.2485 337.8359 c +%_221.2017 337.082 219.5864 335.7637 218.7271 333.9258 c +%_216.5142 329.1973 220.0942 322.8301 226.7407 319.5566 c +%_226.8188 319.5186 226.8716 319.4434 226.8813 319.3594 c +%_226.8911 319.2725 226.856 319.1885 226.7915 319.1318 c +%_222.5005 315.6143 217.3794 309.0781 217.3794 295.7148 c +%_217.3774 277.0322 229.5337 259.25 245.6548 259.25 c +%_254.8677 259.25 262.2876 265.6465 266.1255 275.2422 C +%_261.9028 269.4844 256.145 265.1348 248.2114 265.1348 c +%_236.5708 265.1348 227.3579 277.5439 227.356 295.459 c +%_227.356 312.3457 239.2583 332.0518 255.1216 332.0508 c +%_263.8247 332.0488 270.3481 325.0117 270.3481 315.9277 c +%_270.3481 307.8672 265.1021 303.2637 259.2173 303.2637 c +%_254.7798 303.2637 251.7231 306.3936 250.772 309.7871 c +%_250.7388 309.9023 250.7915 310.0254 250.897 310.0811 c +%_251.0044 310.1357 251.1333 310.1104 251.2114 310.0186 c +%_251.9634 309.124 253.1079 308.3809 254.8657 308.3809 c +%_257.8091 308.3789 259.3442 310.9082 259.3442 312.7285 c +%_259.3442 316.1836 256.7856 318.6152 252.9458 318.6152 c +%_247.7036 318.6152 243.606 312.8564 243.606 305.4385 c +%_243.606 296.2236 252.436 287.7813 261.2642 287.7813 c +%_270.2856 287.7813 279.9438 295.8408 279.9438 310.8125 c +%_279.9419 325.5234 269.9653 342.4141 254.0981 342.4141 c +%_244.8481 342.4141 236.9849 338.2441 230.9556 331.3398 c +%_230.8755 331.248 230.7427 331.2246 230.6392 331.2852 c +%_230.5317 331.3477 230.4849 331.4727 230.5239 331.5879 c +%_234.9575 344.5234 232.4771 356.7344 225.7036 356.7324 c +%_222.3892 356.7324 220.7017 354.3535 220.7017 351.8154 c +%_220.7017 349.21 222.6001 347.0566 225.6704 346.6611 c +%_225.7915 346.6475 225.8833 346.5479 225.8931 346.4268 c +%_225.8989 346.3047 225.8188 346.1943 225.7017 346.1641 c +%_218.8872 344.4004 211.8774 348.1133 211.8774 355.2061 c +%_211.8774 361.4854 217.2544 366.3398 224.2896 366.3398 c +%_234.9263 366.3379 240.0142 355.0684 237.7485 344.8047 C +%_243.2075 351.8486 251.3013 357.6396 262.9263 357.6396 c +%_286.4692 357.6396 298.3677 330.7715 298.3677 312.7285 c +%_298.3677 296.3525 295.0415 285.8604 288.1313 277.8018 C +%_296.1938 283.9404 299.52 290.7227 301.0552 300.0645 C +%_307.1958 308.5078 323.188 308.5078 v +%_329.8755 308.5078 336.1177 306.0322 340.9614 301.3438 C +%_340.9634 301.3447 340.9653 301.3477 340.9673 301.3486 C +%_341.0024 301.3105 341.0396 301.2695 341.0767 301.2314 C +%_341.397 300.915 341.7114 300.5918 342.02 300.2578 C +%_347.0806 295.4102 357.2114 290.8633 366.4517 294.6602 c +%_366.5571 294.7031 366.6782 294.6699 366.7485 294.582 c +%_366.8188 294.4932 366.8188 294.3672 366.7524 294.2754 c +%_362.3462 288.252 354.729 286.335 349.0747 287.21 C +%_350.1177 283.4941 350.6958 279.3281 350.6958 274.7305 c +%_350.6978 258.3262 341.8989 246.7598 332.2856 241.1289 C +%_335.438 237.3281 334.7954 231.3535 331.2544 227.2949 c +%_331.1743 227.2051 331.0435 227.1816 330.938 227.2402 c +%_330.8345 227.2988 330.7837 227.4238 330.8188 227.5391 c +%_332.5513 233.0703 327.4282 237.6875 320.6392 237.4395 c +%_320.5161 237.4355 320.4067 237.5195 320.3813 237.6406 c +%_320.356 237.7617 320.4185 237.8828 320.5337 237.9277 c +%_330.6685 242.0918 337.3911 250.9102 337.3892 261.9355 c +%_337.3911 273.4492 330.481 282.79 319.3501 282.79 c +%_310.2661 282.79 301.1821 274.4727 301.1821 264.1133 c +%_301.1821 256.0508 305.6587 251.3184 311.4165 251.3164 c +%_316.4067 251.3184 320.3735 254.7715 320.3735 258.8672 c +%_320.3735 264.7188 313.7896 266.8408 310.2778 262.209 c +%_310.2095 262.1172 310.0864 262.084 309.981 262.127 c +%_309.8755 262.1689 309.811 262.2773 309.8228 262.3926 c +%_310.3462 266.7813 313.5767 270.8926 318.5825 270.8926 c +%_323.188 270.8926 327.9224 267.0518 327.9224 258.8652 c +%_327.9224 249.1406 318.5845 239.291 303.231 239.2891 c +%_282.2466 239.2891 270.8599 262.959 281.0942 281.8945 C +%_275.8501 275.8809 271.1157 269.4844 271.1157 258.0977 c +%_271.1138 236.5898 292.3794 222.0488 317.4692 230.5977 c +%_317.5884 230.6367 317.7192 230.584 317.7759 230.4746 c +%_317.8345 230.3633 317.8013 230.2266 317.6997 230.1523 c +%_310.6938 225.043 303.356 217.5137 303.356 204.873 c +%_303.356 191.6934 312.0552 182.3535 325.6196 182.3535 c +%_336.1099 182.3535 342.7642 188.752 342.7642 196.2988 c +%_342.7642 202.0566 339.0454 206.6641 332.6567 206.6641 c +%_323.1431 206.6641 319.9087 196.3203 324.8325 191.6953 c +%_324.9165 191.6152 324.936 191.4902 324.8813 191.3887 c +%_324.8247 191.2871 324.7056 191.2344 324.5942 191.2637 c +%_319.8247 192.5 315.2563 197.332 315.2563 204.6152 c +%_315.2544 217.1563 326.897 225.4727 339.6919 225.4727 c +%_345.688 225.4727 351.4907 223.7188 356.1646 220.4297 C +%_355.6118 216.2773 357.0317 211.6816 359.1313 208.5879 C +%_357.1821 215.457 359.2915 226.7656 369.8032 226.7676 c +%_375.6958 226.7656 379.5903 222.2383 379.5903 216.8867 c +%_379.5903 210.5605 374.2446 207.6094 369.895 208.2148 c +%_369.7798 208.2305 369.6899 208.3223 369.6763 208.4375 c +%_369.6646 208.5527 369.731 208.6602 369.8384 208.7031 c +%_371.4243 209.3105 372.7817 210.9727 372.7817 212.9668 c +%_372.7817 215.4668 370.8696 216.9492 368.8696 216.9492 c +%_365.5767 216.9492 363.7466 213.2793 364.8989 209.2305 C +%_364.8872 209.2285 L +%_365.9595 206.3926 366.561 203.2246 366.561 199.7363 c +%_366.561 182.9746 348.3813 167.002 325.4399 167 c +%_301.229 167 288.3872 184.2734 288.3892 202.0566 c +%_288.3892 211.5938 291.9692 218.8184 296.5767 223.4258 C +%_276.6548 221.3066 264.0786 229.8223 257.2974 242.1035 C +%_261.7759 245.9414 263.438 251.5723 Y +%_258.0649 244.5352 248.854 238.3945 235.9321 238.3945 c +%_216.356 238.3945 201.0005 257.5859 201.0005 278.1836 c +%_201.0005 291.2568 205.8032 303.9648 215.5649 312.4307 C +%_209.5278 317.459 206.9185 324.8018 209.6938 330.7344 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_*U +%_U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_0 0.25 0 0 0 Xy +%_0 0 Xd +%_6 () XW +%_U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Main_Copy_of_EditGroup) , +%_; +%_ +%_9 () XW +%_u +%_*u +%_0 D +%_0 O +%_0.306889 0.577478 0.779446 0.294591 0.576471 0.376471 0.215686 Xa +%_0 1 0 0 0 Xy +%_73.2617 263.3711 m +%_73.3867 263.3711 73.4922 263.4629 73.5098 263.585 c +%_75.8906 279.5996 85.1641 292.9746 97.9023 300.9814 c +%_98.0059 301.0449 98.0488 301.1758 98.0039 301.29 c +%_97.957 301.4023 97.8379 301.4688 97.7168 301.4443 c +%_87.2461 299.3398 77.9238 293.5811 71.2695 285.4141 C +%_66.6436 298.7891 56.0332 307.418 42.9688 311.0654 C +%_47.7773 316.6582 45.2617 324.5986 37.8496 325.9023 c +%_37.7363 325.9229 37.624 325.8643 37.5752 325.7607 c +%_37.5273 325.6563 37.5537 325.5322 37.6416 325.46 c +%_41.6152 322.1143 40.1611 314.04 28.3047 314.04 c +%_20.5098 314.04 15.4844 317.2188 15.4844 321.5254 c +%_15.4844 324.9102 18.5459 326.7559 21.125 326.7559 c +%_25.541 326.7559 28.0645 322.7949 26.167 319.2129 c +%_26.1123 319.1104 26.1348 318.9814 26.2227 318.9033 c +%_26.3105 318.8271 26.4395 318.8184 26.5361 318.8857 c +%_28.7852 320.4492 30.3555 322.5059 30.3555 325.6768 c +%_30.3555 331.0635 25.3301 336.8066 17.0234 336.8066 c +%_8.10156 336.8066 0 329.9355 0 321.5254 c +%_0 309.71 10.0488 304.0918 20.6133 303.0918 C +%_16.248 301.4189 12.9795 296.5664 v +%_12.9141 296.4697 12.9238 296.3418 13.001 296.2559 c +%_13.0791 296.1689 13.2051 296.1475 13.3086 296.2012 c +%_19.1387 299.2822 25.7949 300.9453 32.8105 300.9453 c +%_52.4316 300.9453 69.3574 284.541 73.0098 263.5801 c +%_73.0313 263.4561 73.1377 263.3691 73.2617 263.3711 c +%_f +%_1 D +%_149.9395 315.7773 m +%_154.5488 323.4551 156.1914 336.627 151.8965 346.46 c +%_151.8477 346.5703 151.8828 346.6992 151.9824 346.7686 c +%_152.0801 346.8379 152.2148 346.8281 152.3027 346.7461 c +%_157.1094 342.1914 161.2422 331.5684 159.0078 319.2871 C +%_162.1055 316.8936 164.0527 314.5176 165.5215 311.335 c +%_165.5684 311.2314 165.541 311.1104 165.4551 311.0352 c +%_165.3691 310.9629 165.2441 310.9551 165.1484 311.0186 c +%_160.1523 314.3809 155.6855 315.5283 149.9395 315.7773 C +%_f +%_139.3301 195.9707 m +%_139.4004 195.8672 139.3828 195.7266 139.291 195.6426 c +%_139.1973 195.5586 139.0566 195.5547 138.959 195.6348 c +%_132.1445 201.1621 123.084 204.6895 111.9238 204.6895 c +%_84.3516 204.6895 66.9512 188.1719 64.2158 170.7637 c +%_64.1982 170.6523 64.1094 170.5664 63.998 170.5508 c +%_63.8857 170.5371 63.7773 170.5977 63.7324 170.7012 c +%_61.0068 176.959 59.3652 186.0352 67.7813 198.209 c +%_72.8154 205.4941 78.9102 210.5098 78.9102 217.0273 c +%_78.9102 221.2852 76.6504 224.1797 73.2227 224.1797 c +%_69.6172 224.1797 67.2861 221.0918 67.2861 217.625 c +%_67.2861 215.877 67.791 214.1465 68.6953 212.5801 c +%_68.7539 212.4766 68.7354 212.3496 68.6504 212.2676 c +%_68.5645 212.1875 68.4355 212.1758 68.3379 212.2402 c +%_65.3652 214.1777 62.7109 217.6367 62.7109 222.5117 c +%_62.7109 229.6836 68.8438 235.6816 77.1797 235.6816 c +%_86.1543 235.6816 93.5039 228.6328 93.5039 218.4922 c +%_93.5039 215.0156 92.5137 210.8242 90.041 207.3613 C +%_93.4258 210.1875 95.2324 212.1875 96.7188 216.5117 C +%_107.1191 218.3223 118.2246 216.6602 127.0488 210.8691 C +%_127.3047 216.9707 129.3008 222.0605 133.3926 226.1875 c +%_133.4766 226.2715 133.6074 226.2852 133.707 226.2227 c +%_133.8086 226.1582 133.8516 226.0332 133.8105 225.9219 c +%_130.9336 217.9199 132.8652 205.7246 139.3301 195.9707 c +%_f +%_226.6973 202.6055 m +%_224.4512 197.8066 219.2383 195.1211 213.2363 195.0117 c +%_213.1113 195.0098 213.0039 195.0977 212.9824 195.2188 c +%_212.959 195.3418 213.0273 195.4609 213.1426 195.5039 c +%_215.1895 196.2578 216.8047 197.5762 217.6641 199.4141 c +%_219.877 204.1426 216.2969 210.5098 209.6504 213.7832 c +%_209.5723 213.8223 209.5195 213.8965 209.5098 213.9824 c +%_209.5 214.0684 209.5332 214.1523 209.5996 214.207 c +%_213.8906 217.7266 219.0117 224.2617 219.0117 237.627 c +%_219.0117 256.3086 206.8574 274.0898 190.7363 274.0898 c +%_181.5234 274.0898 174.1035 267.6934 170.2656 258.0977 C +%_174.4863 263.8564 180.2441 268.2051 188.1777 268.2051 c +%_199.8203 268.2051 209.0332 255.7969 209.0332 237.8828 c +%_209.0332 220.9941 197.1328 201.2891 181.2676 201.2891 c +%_172.5664 201.2891 166.043 208.3281 166.043 217.4121 c +%_166.043 225.4746 171.2891 230.0781 177.1758 230.0781 c +%_181.6094 230.0781 184.668 226.9473 185.6191 223.5527 c +%_185.6504 223.4375 185.5996 223.3164 185.4922 223.2598 c +%_185.3867 223.2051 185.2578 223.2305 185.1797 223.3223 c +%_184.4277 224.2168 183.2832 224.9609 181.5254 224.9609 c +%_178.582 224.9609 177.0469 222.4316 177.0469 220.6113 c +%_177.0469 217.1563 179.6055 214.7246 183.4453 214.7246 c +%_188.6895 214.7246 192.7852 220.4824 192.7852 227.9023 c +%_192.7852 237.1152 183.9551 245.5586 175.127 245.5586 c +%_166.1055 245.5586 156.4473 237.5 156.4473 222.5293 c +%_156.4473 207.8164 166.4277 190.9258 182.293 190.9258 c +%_191.543 190.9258 199.4043 195.0957 205.4355 202.002 c +%_205.5156 202.0918 205.6484 202.1152 205.7539 202.0547 c +%_205.8594 201.9941 205.9063 201.8672 205.8672 201.752 c +%_201.4336 188.8164 203.9121 176.6074 210.6875 176.6074 c +%_214.002 176.6074 215.6895 178.9863 215.6895 181.5234 c +%_215.6895 184.1309 213.791 186.2852 210.7207 186.6777 c +%_210.5996 186.6934 210.5059 186.793 210.498 186.9141 c +%_210.4922 187.0352 210.5703 187.1465 210.6895 187.1758 c +%_217.5039 188.9395 224.5137 185.2285 224.5137 178.1328 c +%_224.5137 171.8555 219.1367 167.002 212.1016 167.002 c +%_201.4648 167.002 196.377 178.2715 198.6426 188.5371 C +%_193.1836 181.4922 185.0898 175.7012 173.4648 175.7012 c +%_149.9219 175.7012 138.0234 202.5703 138.0234 220.6113 c +%_138.0234 236.9883 141.3496 247.4785 148.2598 255.5391 C +%_140.1973 249.3984 136.8711 242.6172 135.3379 233.2773 C +%_129.1953 224.832 113.2031 224.832 v +%_106.5156 224.832 100.2734 227.3086 95.4297 231.998 C +%_95.4277 231.9961 95.4258 231.9941 95.4238 231.9902 C +%_95.3887 232.0313 95.3496 232.0703 95.3145 232.1094 C +%_94.9941 232.4238 94.6797 232.748 94.3711 233.082 C +%_89.3086 237.9316 79.1797 242.4785 69.9395 238.6797 c +%_69.834 238.6367 69.7129 238.6699 69.6426 238.7578 c +%_69.5723 238.8477 69.5703 238.9727 69.6377 239.0645 c +%_74.0449 245.0898 81.6621 247.0059 87.3164 246.1309 C +%_86.2715 249.8457 85.6934 254.0117 85.6934 258.6094 c +%_85.6934 275.0137 94.4922 286.5801 104.1055 292.2109 C +%_100.9512 296.0137 101.5957 301.9883 105.1367 306.0449 c +%_105.2168 306.1357 105.3477 306.1582 105.4531 306.0996 c +%_105.5566 306.041 105.6055 305.918 105.5703 305.8018 c +%_103.8398 300.2695 108.9629 295.6523 115.752 295.9004 c +%_115.875 295.9033 115.9824 295.8193 116.0098 295.6992 c +%_116.0352 295.5801 115.9707 295.457 115.8574 295.4111 c +%_105.7207 291.248 99 282.4316 99 271.4033 c +%_99 259.8906 105.9082 250.5488 117.041 250.5488 c +%_126.125 250.5488 135.209 258.8672 135.209 269.2285 c +%_135.209 277.2891 130.7305 282.0225 124.9727 282.0225 c +%_119.9844 282.0225 116.0176 278.5684 116.0176 274.4736 c +%_116.0176 268.6211 122.5996 266.499 126.1113 271.1309 c +%_126.1816 271.2227 126.3027 271.2559 126.4082 271.2129 c +%_126.5156 271.1699 126.5801 271.0625 126.5664 270.9482 c +%_126.043 266.5586 122.8145 262.4482 117.8086 262.4482 c +%_113.2031 262.4482 108.4688 266.2861 108.4688 274.4746 c +%_108.4688 284.1982 117.8066 294.0508 133.1602 294.0508 c +%_154.1426 294.0508 165.5313 270.3809 155.2969 251.4453 C +%_160.541 257.459 165.2754 263.8555 165.2754 275.2432 c +%_165.2754 296.75 144.0117 311.291 118.9219 302.7441 c +%_118.8027 302.7021 118.6719 302.7559 118.6152 302.8672 c +%_118.5566 302.9785 118.5879 303.1143 118.6895 303.1895 c +%_125.6953 308.2979 133.0332 315.8262 133.0332 328.4668 c +%_133.0332 341.6475 124.334 350.9854 110.7715 350.9854 c +%_100.2793 350.9854 93.627 344.5879 93.627 337.04 c +%_93.627 331.2822 97.3457 326.6768 103.7344 326.6768 c +%_113.2461 326.6768 116.4805 337.0195 111.5586 341.6445 c +%_111.4746 341.7236 111.4551 341.8516 111.5098 341.9521 c +%_111.5664 342.0547 111.6836 342.1055 111.7969 342.0762 c +%_116.5664 340.8398 121.1348 336.0068 121.1348 328.7236 c +%_121.1348 316.1855 109.4922 307.8682 96.6973 307.8682 c +%_90.7012 307.8682 84.8984 309.623 80.2266 312.9102 C +%_80.7773 317.0635 79.3574 321.6602 77.2598 324.752 C +%_79.209 317.8848 77.1016 306.5732 66.5859 306.5732 c +%_60.6953 306.5732 56.8008 311.1025 56.8008 316.4551 c +%_56.8008 322.7793 62.1465 325.7314 66.4961 325.125 c +%_66.6113 325.1104 66.7002 325.0186 66.7129 324.9023 c +%_66.7266 324.7891 66.6602 324.6797 66.5527 324.6367 c +%_64.9668 324.0293 63.6104 322.3691 63.6104 320.373 c +%_63.6104 317.873 65.5195 316.3906 67.5195 316.3906 c +%_70.8145 316.3906 72.6445 320.0605 71.4922 324.1104 C +%_71.5039 324.1104 L +%_70.4307 326.9473 69.8281 330.1152 69.8281 333.6055 c +%_69.8281 350.3672 88.0098 366.3398 110.9492 366.3398 c +%_135.1621 366.3398 148.0039 349.0664 148.0039 331.2822 c +%_148.0039 321.7461 144.4219 314.5225 139.8145 309.915 C +%_159.7363 312.0332 172.3125 303.5176 179.0938 291.2354 C +%_174.6152 287.3975 172.9531 281.7676 Y +%_178.3262 288.8057 187.5371 294.9453 200.459 294.9453 c +%_220.0352 294.9453 235.3906 275.7539 235.3906 255.1563 c +%_235.3906 242.084 230.5879 229.375 220.8262 220.9102 C +%_226.8633 215.8809 229.4727 208.5391 226.6973 202.6055 c +%_f +%_*U +%_*u +%_0 D +%_1 0.2 0 0 0 Xy +%_148.2109 327.9053 m +%_148.1777 327.7852 148.2383 327.6582 148.3516 327.6094 c +%_163.1758 321.0957 173.6367 308.6289 178.0059 294.2324 c +%_178.041 294.1152 178.1543 294.0391 178.2773 294.0527 c +%_178.3984 294.0664 178.4941 294.166 178.502 294.2871 c +%_179.2285 304.9434 176.127 315.4531 170 324.0234 C +%_184.1211 324.9648 195.2402 332.9297 202.1992 344.5723 C +%_206.3281 338.46 214.6504 338.7969 217.8594 345.6035 c +%_217.9102 345.708 217.8828 345.832 217.7949 345.9063 c +%_217.707 345.9805 217.5801 345.9873 217.4863 345.9219 c +%_213.2129 342.9688 205.8066 346.498 208.9277 357.9355 c +%_210.9805 365.4561 215.3711 369.4668 219.5254 368.333 c +%_222.791 367.4414 223.7656 364.002 223.0859 361.5146 c +%_221.9238 357.2539 217.4375 355.8623 214.4805 358.6357 c +%_214.3965 358.7158 214.2676 358.7285 214.1699 358.6641 c +%_214.0723 358.5986 214.0293 358.4775 214.0684 358.3662 c +%_214.9863 355.7852 216.5566 353.7285 219.6152 352.8936 c +%_224.8105 351.4756 231.6738 354.8115 233.8613 362.8252 c +%_236.2109 371.4316 231.7148 381.0566 223.6035 383.2715 c +%_212.2031 386.3818 204.1387 378.166 200.3926 368.2383 C +%_199.9258 372.8896 196.1074 377.3203 v +%_196.0313 377.4092 195.9043 377.4336 195.8008 377.3818 c +%_195.6973 377.3291 195.6426 377.2129 195.666 377.0996 c +%_197.1055 370.6641 196.957 363.8047 195.1094 357.0361 c +%_189.9434 338.1074 169.6621 326.0977 148.4785 328.0938 c +%_148.3535 328.1055 148.2402 328.0254 148.2109 327.9053 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_1 D +%_178.5801 240.1348 m +%_184.7734 233.666 197.0488 228.6133 207.6641 230.168 c +%_207.7852 230.1855 207.9004 230.1172 207.9395 230.0039 c +%_207.9805 229.8906 207.9355 229.7637 207.834 229.7012 c +%_202.1738 226.2617 190.8379 225.0723 179.5781 230.4609 C +%_176.4531 228.1035 173.6484 226.8496 170.1914 226.2715 c +%_170.0801 226.2539 169.9688 226.3125 169.9199 226.4141 c +%_169.873 226.5156 169.8984 226.6387 169.9844 226.7148 c +%_174.5449 230.6484 176.8281 234.6563 178.5801 240.1348 C +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_65.793 281.9121 m +%_65.6748 281.8711 65.5439 281.9258 65.4873 282.0371 c +%_65.4307 282.1484 65.4639 282.2852 65.5674 282.3594 c +%_72.6934 287.4785 78.4824 295.291 81.4199 306.0566 c +%_88.6797 332.6563 77.3262 353.792 61.2529 361.0146 c +%_61.1494 361.0605 61.0898 361.1689 61.1045 361.2803 c +%_61.1211 361.3926 61.208 361.4814 61.3193 361.4971 c +%_68.0742 362.4785 77.2617 361.6729 86.791 350.3486 c +%_92.4922 343.5732 95.7266 336.373 102.0137 334.6563 c +%_106.1211 333.5352 109.5098 334.9551 110.4121 338.2617 c +%_111.3613 341.7393 108.9961 344.8018 105.6523 345.7148 c +%_103.9648 346.1738 102.1621 346.1436 100.4141 345.6836 c +%_100.2988 345.6533 100.1816 345.7051 100.125 345.8086 c +%_100.0703 345.9121 100.0918 346.04 100.1797 346.1172 c +%_102.832 348.4746 106.8672 350.125 111.5703 348.8408 c +%_118.4902 346.9531 122.6602 339.457 120.4668 331.415 c +%_118.1035 322.7578 109.3691 317.5234 99.5859 320.1934 c +%_96.2324 321.1084 92.4492 323.168 89.7598 326.4648 C +%_91.5938 322.4551 93.0488 320.1855 96.8281 317.6133 C +%_95.8359 307.1035 91.3086 296.8271 83.4004 289.8389 C +%_89.2188 287.9863 93.6035 284.7207 96.5078 279.6855 c +%_96.5664 279.582 96.5449 279.4531 96.459 279.373 c +%_96.3691 279.293 96.2383 279.2832 96.1406 279.3535 c +%_89.1797 284.2344 76.9043 285.582 65.793 281.9121 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_49.1914 195.8809 m +%_45.1533 199.3105 43.9355 205.0469 45.4102 210.8672 c +%_45.4414 210.9883 45.5537 211.0684 45.6768 211.0566 c +%_45.8018 211.0469 45.8984 210.9492 45.9092 210.8281 c +%_46.0977 208.6543 46.9443 206.748 48.4912 205.4355 c +%_52.4707 202.0566 59.5557 203.834 64.4629 209.3828 c +%_64.5215 209.4492 64.6074 209.4805 64.6924 209.4668 c +%_64.7783 209.4531 64.8506 209.3984 64.8857 209.3203 c +%_67.1514 204.2539 72.1074 197.5938 85 194.0742 c +%_103.0234 189.1563 123.3789 196.1992 127.623 211.752 c +%_130.0488 220.6406 125.8301 229.4824 117.584 235.7109 C +%_122.0293 230.123 124.707 223.4238 122.6172 215.7695 c +%_119.5527 204.5391 105.1563 198.918 87.875 203.6348 c +%_71.582 208.0801 55.7061 224.748 59.8828 240.0547 c +%_62.1738 248.4492 70.6816 252.8887 79.4453 250.4961 c +%_87.2227 248.375 90.2832 242.1016 88.7324 236.4219 c +%_87.5664 232.1445 83.7402 230.0195 80.2148 229.9941 c +%_80.0957 229.9941 79.9922 230.0762 79.9648 230.1934 c +%_79.9414 230.3105 79.998 230.4277 80.1074 230.4785 c +%_81.1699 230.9688 82.1875 231.877 82.6504 233.5742 c +%_83.4258 236.4121 81.3906 238.5605 79.6348 239.0391 c +%_76.3018 239.9492 73.2822 238.1211 72.2705 234.416 c +%_70.8906 229.3574 75.3662 223.8906 82.5234 221.9355 c +%_91.4121 219.5117 101.8828 225.8066 104.207 234.3223 c +%_106.582 243.0254 101.3496 254.4648 86.9082 258.4063 c +%_72.7148 262.2813 53.792 257.0996 49.6152 241.793 c +%_47.1797 232.8691 49.1328 224.1875 54.207 216.5508 c +%_54.2734 216.4512 54.2607 216.3164 54.1748 216.2305 c +%_54.0879 216.1445 53.9531 216.1328 53.8525 216.2012 c +%_42.541 223.8828 30.1104 224.707 28.3262 218.1699 c +%_27.4531 214.9727 29.3037 212.7188 31.752 212.0508 c +%_34.2676 211.3652 36.8457 212.6289 38.0322 215.4883 c +%_38.0791 215.5996 38.2002 215.6641 38.3193 215.6406 c +%_38.4375 215.6133 38.5244 215.5098 38.5215 215.3867 c +%_38.4287 208.3477 33.0029 202.5625 26.1572 204.4316 c +%_20.1016 206.084 16.835 212.5488 18.6875 219.3359 c +%_21.4883 229.5977 33.6992 231.5391 43.0059 226.6504 C +%_37.6465 233.7715 34.1914 243.1035 37.252 254.3184 c +%_43.4502 277.0313 72.5039 281.4355 89.9082 276.6855 c +%_105.707 272.373 114.9512 266.4023 120.9082 257.6152 C +%_117.1074 267.0098 111.4414 272.0039 102.834 275.9434 C +%_96.3047 284.0918 100.5156 299.5195 v +%_102.2754 305.9707 106.3086 311.3418 112.1074 314.7793 C +%_112.1074 314.7813 112.1055 314.7842 112.1016 314.7871 C +%_112.1504 314.8105 112.1992 314.8379 112.2461 314.8613 C +%_112.6328 315.0879 113.0293 315.3057 113.4316 315.5146 C +%_119.4434 319.1211 126.4961 327.6973 125.2656 337.6113 c +%_125.252 337.7236 125.3145 337.832 125.418 337.877 c +%_125.5234 337.9219 125.6445 337.8896 125.7148 337.8018 c +%_130.3672 331.9629 130.2109 324.1104 127.8789 318.8857 C +%_131.7363 318.915 135.9082 318.375 140.3438 317.165 c +%_156.168 312.8457 165.0117 301.3135 167.9121 290.5566 C +%_172.4102 292.5977 178.0059 290.4043 180.9883 285.9199 c +%_181.0527 285.8184 181.041 285.6855 180.957 285.5996 c +%_180.873 285.5156 180.7402 285.5 180.6387 285.5645 c +%_175.7578 288.6914 169.9551 284.9648 168.4043 278.3496 c +%_168.377 278.2305 168.2676 278.1484 168.1445 278.1543 c +%_168.0215 278.1602 167.9199 278.2539 167.9063 278.377 c +%_166.5586 289.251 159.8223 298.0566 149.1836 300.96 c +%_138.0762 303.9922 127.2441 299.7852 124.3145 289.0469 c +%_121.9219 280.2832 127.5566 269.3301 137.5508 266.6016 c +%_145.3281 264.4785 151.0742 267.5527 152.5898 273.1074 c +%_153.9043 277.9199 151.6152 282.6563 147.666 283.7344 c +%_142.0176 285.2754 138.2383 279.4844 141.7832 274.877 c +%_141.8516 274.7852 141.8535 274.6602 141.7832 274.5684 c +%_141.7148 274.4766 141.5918 274.4434 141.4863 274.4863 c +%_137.3887 276.1465 134.2734 280.3418 135.5918 285.1729 c +%_136.8047 289.6152 141.7539 293.1729 149.6543 291.0166 c +%_159.0352 288.457 166.0801 276.8555 162.0371 262.043 c +%_156.5137 241.7988 130.6797 237.0449 115.1074 251.9043 C +%_119.5273 245.2617 124.4512 239.0098 135.4375 236.0117 c +%_156.1875 230.3496 175.8125 247.0332 174.1719 273.4902 c +%_174.1641 273.6152 174.25 273.7285 174.373 273.7539 c +%_174.4941 273.7813 174.6191 273.7129 174.6641 273.5977 c +%_177.7461 265.4922 183.0781 256.4316 195.2734 253.1035 c +%_207.9883 249.6328 219.2871 255.5664 222.8594 268.6504 c +%_225.6211 278.7734 221.2012 286.875 213.9199 288.8623 c +%_208.3652 290.3789 202.9414 288.0039 201.2598 281.8398 c +%_198.7559 272.6641 207.8828 266.8203 213.6406 270.3516 c +%_213.7383 270.4121 213.8672 270.3965 213.9492 270.3164 c +%_214.0332 270.2363 214.0508 270.1094 213.9922 270.0078 c +%_211.5449 265.7324 205.6797 262.5977 198.6543 264.5156 c +%_186.5566 267.8164 181.5996 281.2383 184.9668 293.5811 c +%_186.5449 299.3652 189.7676 304.502 194.168 308.1426 C +%_198.0293 306.5186 202.8379 306.6777 206.373 307.8867 C +%_199.2344 307.8154 188.8789 312.8262 191.6465 322.9707 c +%_193.1973 328.6533 198.5918 331.2188 203.7559 329.8086 c +%_209.8574 328.1436 211.2969 322.21 209.5684 318.1729 c +%_209.5215 318.0654 209.4102 318.0039 209.2969 318.0225 c +%_209.1816 318.04 209.0938 318.1318 209.082 318.2471 c +%_208.9141 319.9375 207.668 321.6836 205.7441 322.208 c +%_203.332 322.8662 201.3984 321.415 200.873 319.4854 c +%_200.0039 316.3066 203.0625 313.5752 207.2734 313.6211 C +%_207.2695 313.6094 L +%_210.2891 313.8984 213.5039 313.6445 216.8711 312.7266 c +%_233.041 308.3125 243.6641 286.5674 237.623 264.4375 c +%_231.248 241.0781 211.2051 233.2363 194.0469 237.9199 c +%_184.8477 240.4297 178.8223 245.7871 175.5898 251.4453 C +%_172.3887 231.668 160.8613 221.7793 147.2285 218.4707 C +%_144.7051 223.8008 139.7109 226.8867 Y +%_145.0859 219.8496 148.584 209.3477 145.1816 196.8809 c +%_140.0273 177.9961 117.4707 168.2344 97.5996 173.6582 c +%_84.9883 177.0996 73.9922 185.0801 68.3965 196.7266 C +%_61.9551 192.2266 54.1855 191.6406 49.1914 195.8809 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_*U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_u +%_*u +%_0 D +%_0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Xa +%_0 1 0 0 0 Xy +%_196.1289 269.9688 m +%_196.0039 269.9688 195.8984 269.877 195.8789 269.7539 c +%_193.5 253.7402 184.2266 240.3652 171.4883 232.3594 c +%_171.3848 232.2949 171.3398 232.1641 171.3867 232.0508 c +%_171.4316 231.9375 171.5527 231.8711 171.6719 231.8965 c +%_182.1445 234 191.4648 239.7598 198.1211 247.9277 C +%_202.7461 234.5508 213.3574 225.9219 226.4219 222.2734 C +%_221.6133 216.6816 224.1289 208.7402 231.541 207.4375 c +%_231.6543 207.416 231.7656 207.4746 231.8145 207.5781 c +%_231.8633 207.6816 231.8359 207.8066 231.748 207.8809 c +%_227.7754 211.2266 229.2285 219.3008 241.0859 219.3008 c +%_248.8794 219.3008 253.9067 216.1211 253.9067 211.8145 c +%_253.9067 208.4297 250.8442 206.584 248.2642 206.584 c +%_243.8501 206.584 241.3262 210.5449 243.2227 214.127 c +%_243.2773 214.2305 243.2559 214.3574 243.168 214.4355 c +%_243.0801 214.5137 242.9512 214.5215 242.8535 214.4551 c +%_240.6055 212.8906 239.0352 210.834 239.0352 207.6641 c +%_239.0352 202.2773 244.061 196.5352 252.3677 196.5332 c +%_261.2896 196.5332 269.3911 203.4043 269.3911 211.8145 c +%_269.3911 223.6309 259.3423 229.248 248.7778 230.248 C +%_253.1431 231.9219 256.4106 236.7734 v +%_256.4771 236.8691 256.4673 236.998 256.3892 237.084 c +%_256.311 237.1719 256.1841 237.1934 256.0825 237.1387 c +%_250.2524 234.0566 243.5938 232.3945 236.5801 232.3945 c +%_216.957 232.3945 200.0332 248.7988 196.3 +endstream endobj 29 0 obj <>stream +809 269.7607 c +%_196.3594 269.8818 196.252 269.9727 196.1289 269.9688 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_1 D +%_119.4512 217.5625 m +%_114.8438 209.8867 113.1992 196.7129 117.4941 186.8809 c +%_117.543 186.7695 117.5078 186.6406 117.4082 186.5703 c +%_117.3086 186.502 117.1758 186.5117 117.0879 186.5957 c +%_112.2813 191.1484 108.1484 201.7715 110.3828 214.0527 C +%_107.2871 216.4473 105.3379 218.8223 103.8691 222.0059 c +%_103.8223 222.1074 103.8496 222.2305 103.9355 222.3047 c +%_104.0215 222.377 104.1465 222.3848 104.2422 222.3203 c +%_109.2383 218.959 113.7051 217.8125 119.4512 217.5625 C +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_130.0586 337.3691 m +%_129.9902 337.4727 130.0078 337.6133 130.0996 337.6973 c +%_130.1934 337.7813 130.334 337.7852 130.4316 337.7061 c +%_137.2461 332.1797 146.3066 328.6504 157.4668 328.6504 c +%_185.0371 328.6504 202.4395 345.1689 205.1738 362.5771 c +%_205.1914 362.6885 205.2813 362.7734 205.3926 362.7891 c +%_205.5039 362.8047 205.6133 362.7422 205.6582 362.6396 c +%_208.3828 356.3818 210.0254 347.3057 201.6094 335.1309 c +%_196.5742 327.8457 190.4785 322.8311 190.4785 316.3145 c +%_190.4785 312.0566 192.7402 309.1602 196.168 309.1602 c +%_199.7734 309.1602 202.1055 312.248 202.1035 315.7148 c +%_202.1035 317.4629 201.5996 319.1934 200.6953 320.7607 c +%_200.6367 320.8633 200.6543 320.9902 200.7402 321.0723 c +%_200.8242 321.1523 200.9551 321.165 201.0527 321.1016 c +%_204.0254 319.1641 206.6797 315.7021 206.6797 310.8281 c +%_206.6797 303.6563 200.5469 297.6602 192.209 297.6602 c +%_183.2363 297.6602 175.8867 304.709 175.8867 314.8477 c +%_175.8867 318.3262 176.875 322.5156 179.3496 325.9805 C +%_175.9648 323.1523 174.1582 321.1523 172.6719 316.8271 C +%_162.2715 315.0186 151.166 316.6797 142.3398 322.4727 C +%_142.0859 316.3711 140.0898 311.2793 135.998 307.1533 c +%_135.9141 307.0684 135.7832 307.0547 135.6836 307.1182 c +%_135.582 307.1816 135.541 307.3066 135.5801 307.4189 c +%_138.457 315.4199 136.5234 327.6152 130.0586 337.3691 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_42.6934 330.7344 m +%_44.9375 335.5352 50.1523 338.2188 56.1543 338.3271 c +%_56.2793 338.3311 56.3867 338.2432 56.4082 338.1211 c +%_56.4316 337.998 56.3633 337.8779 56.248 337.8359 c +%_54.2012 337.082 52.5859 335.7637 51.7266 333.9258 c +%_49.5137 329.1973 53.0938 322.8301 59.7402 319.5566 c +%_59.8184 319.5186 59.8711 319.4434 59.8809 319.3594 c +%_59.8906 319.2725 59.8555 319.1885 59.791 319.1318 c +%_55.5 315.6143 50.3789 309.0781 50.3789 295.7148 c +%_50.377 277.0322 62.5332 259.25 78.6543 259.25 c +%_87.8672 259.25 95.2871 265.6465 99.125 275.2422 C +%_94.9023 269.4844 89.1445 265.1348 81.2109 265.1348 c +%_69.5703 265.1348 60.3574 277.5439 60.3555 295.459 c +%_60.3555 312.3457 72.2578 332.0518 88.1211 332.0508 c +%_96.8242 332.0488 103.3477 325.0117 103.3477 315.9277 c +%_103.3477 307.8672 98.1016 303.2637 92.2168 303.2637 c +%_87.7793 303.2637 84.7227 306.3936 83.7715 309.7871 c +%_83.7383 309.9023 83.791 310.0254 83.8965 310.0811 c +%_84.0039 310.1357 84.1328 310.1104 84.2109 310.0186 c +%_84.9629 309.124 86.1074 308.3809 87.8652 308.3809 c +%_90.8086 308.3789 92.3438 310.9082 92.3438 312.7285 c +%_92.3438 316.1836 89.7852 318.6152 85.9453 318.6152 c +%_80.7031 318.6152 76.6055 312.8564 76.6055 305.4385 c +%_76.6055 296.2236 85.4355 287.7813 94.2637 287.7813 c +%_103.2852 287.7813 112.9434 295.8408 112.9434 310.8125 c +%_112.9414 325.5234 102.9648 342.4141 87.0977 342.4141 c +%_77.8477 342.4141 69.9844 338.2441 63.9551 331.3398 c +%_63.875 331.248 63.7422 331.2246 63.6387 331.2852 c +%_63.5313 331.3477 63.4844 331.4727 63.5234 331.5879 c +%_67.957 344.5234 65.4766 356.7344 58.7031 356.7324 c +%_55.3887 356.7324 53.7012 354.3535 53.7012 351.8154 c +%_53.7012 349.21 55.5996 347.0566 58.6699 346.6611 c +%_58.791 346.6475 58.8828 346.5479 58.8926 346.4268 c +%_58.8984 346.3047 58.8184 346.1943 58.7012 346.1641 c +%_51.8867 344.4004 44.877 348.1133 44.877 355.2061 c +%_44.877 361.4854 50.2539 366.3398 57.2891 366.3398 c +%_67.9258 366.3379 73.0137 355.0684 70.748 344.8047 C +%_76.207 351.8486 84.3008 357.6396 95.9258 357.6396 c +%_119.4688 357.6396 131.3672 330.7715 131.3672 312.7285 c +%_131.3672 296.3525 128.041 285.8604 121.1309 277.8018 C +%_129.1934 283.9404 132.5195 290.7227 134.0547 300.0645 C +%_140.1953 308.5078 156.1875 308.5078 v +%_162.875 308.5078 169.1172 306.0322 173.9609 301.3438 C +%_173.9629 301.3447 173.9648 301.3477 173.9668 301.3486 C +%_174.002 301.3105 174.0391 301.2695 174.0762 301.2314 C +%_174.3965 300.915 174.7109 300.5918 175.0195 300.2578 C +%_180.0801 295.4102 190.2109 290.8633 199.4512 294.6602 c +%_199.5566 294.7031 199.6777 294.6699 199.748 294.582 c +%_199.8184 294.4932 199.8184 294.3672 199.752 294.2754 c +%_195.3457 288.252 187.7285 286.335 182.0742 287.21 C +%_183.1172 283.4941 183.6953 279.3281 183.6953 274.7305 c +%_183.6973 258.3262 174.8984 246.7598 165.2852 241.1289 C +%_168.4375 237.3281 167.7949 231.3535 164.2539 227.2949 c +%_164.1738 227.2051 164.043 227.1816 163.9375 227.2402 c +%_163.834 227.2988 163.7832 227.4238 163.8184 227.5391 c +%_165.5508 233.0703 160.4277 237.6875 153.6387 237.4395 c +%_153.5156 237.4355 153.4063 237.5195 153.3809 237.6406 c +%_153.3555 237.7617 153.418 237.8828 153.5332 237.9277 c +%_163.668 242.0918 170.3906 250.9102 170.3887 261.9355 c +%_170.3906 273.4492 163.4805 282.79 152.3496 282.79 c +%_143.2656 282.79 134.1816 274.4727 134.1816 264.1133 c +%_134.1816 256.0508 138.6582 251.3184 144.416 251.3164 c +%_149.4063 251.3184 153.373 254.7715 153.373 258.8672 c +%_153.373 264.7188 146.7891 266.8408 143.2773 262.209 c +%_143.209 262.1172 143.0859 262.084 142.9805 262.127 c +%_142.875 262.1689 142.8105 262.2773 142.8223 262.3926 c +%_143.3457 266.7813 146.5762 270.8926 151.582 270.8926 c +%_156.1875 270.8926 160.9219 267.0518 160.9219 258.8652 c +%_160.9219 249.1406 151.584 239.291 136.2305 239.2891 c +%_115.2461 239.2891 103.8594 262.959 114.0938 281.8945 C +%_108.8496 275.8809 104.1152 269.4844 104.1152 258.0977 c +%_104.1133 236.5898 125.3789 222.0488 150.4688 230.5977 c +%_150.5879 230.6367 150.7188 230.584 150.7754 230.4746 c +%_150.834 230.3633 150.8008 230.2266 150.6992 230.1523 c +%_143.6934 225.043 136.3555 217.5137 136.3555 204.873 c +%_136.3555 191.6934 145.0547 182.3535 158.6191 182.3535 c +%_169.1094 182.3535 175.7637 188.752 175.7637 196.2988 c +%_175.7637 202.0566 172.0449 206.6641 165.6563 206.6641 c +%_156.1426 206.6641 152.9082 196.3203 157.832 191.6953 c +%_157.916 191.6152 157.9355 191.4902 157.8809 191.3887 c +%_157.8242 191.2871 157.7051 191.2344 157.5938 191.2637 c +%_152.8242 192.5 148.2559 197.332 148.2559 204.6152 c +%_148.2539 217.1563 159.8965 225.4727 172.6914 225.4727 c +%_178.6875 225.4727 184.4902 223.7188 189.1641 220.4297 C +%_188.6113 216.2773 190.0313 211.6816 192.1309 208.5879 C +%_190.1816 215.457 192.291 226.7656 202.8027 226.7676 c +%_208.6953 226.7656 212.5898 222.2383 212.5898 216.8867 c +%_212.5898 210.5605 207.2441 207.6094 202.8945 208.2148 c +%_202.7793 208.2305 202.6895 208.3223 202.6758 208.4375 c +%_202.6641 208.5527 202.7305 208.6602 202.8379 208.7031 c +%_204.4238 209.3105 205.7813 210.9727 205.7813 212.9668 c +%_205.7813 215.4668 203.8691 216.9492 201.8691 216.9492 c +%_198.5762 216.9492 196.7461 213.2793 197.8984 209.2305 C +%_197.8867 209.2285 L +%_198.959 206.3926 199.5605 203.2246 199.5605 199.7363 c +%_199.5605 182.9746 181.3809 167.002 158.4395 167 c +%_134.2285 167 121.3867 184.2734 121.3887 202.0566 c +%_121.3887 211.5938 124.9688 218.8184 129.5762 223.4258 C +%_109.6543 221.3066 97.0781 229.8223 90.2969 242.1035 C +%_94.7754 245.9414 96.4375 251.5723 Y +%_91.0645 244.5352 81.8535 238.3945 68.9316 238.3945 c +%_49.3555 238.3945 34 257.5859 34 278.1836 c +%_34 291.2568 38.8027 303.9648 48.5645 312.4307 C +%_42.5273 317.459 39.918 324.8018 42.6934 330.7344 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_*U +%_U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_0 0.25 0 0 0 Xy +%_0 0 Xd +%_6 () XW +%_U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Main_Copy_of_EditGroup) , +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Repeated_Art) , +%_; +%_ +%_9 () XW +%_u +%_*u +%_0 D +%_0 O +%_0.306889 0.577478 0.779446 0.294591 0.576471 0.376471 0.215686 Xa +%_0 1 0 0 0 Xy +%_407.2622 430.3711 m +%_407.3872 430.3711 407.4927 430.4629 407.5103 430.585 c +%_409.8911 446.5996 419.1646 459.9746 431.9028 467.9814 c +%_432.0063 468.0449 432.0493 468.1758 432.0044 468.29 c +%_431.9575 468.4023 431.8384 468.4688 431.7173 468.4443 c +%_421.2466 466.3398 411.9243 460.5811 405.27 452.4141 C +%_400.645 465.7891 390.0337 474.418 376.9692 478.0654 C +%_381.7778 483.6582 379.2622 491.5986 371.8501 492.9023 c +%_371.7368 492.9229 371.6255 492.8643 371.5767 492.7607 c +%_371.5278 492.6563 371.5552 492.5322 371.6431 492.46 c +%_375.6157 489.1143 374.1626 481.04 362.3052 481.04 c +%_354.5103 481.04 349.4849 484.2188 349.4849 488.5254 c +%_349.4849 491.9102 352.5474 493.7559 355.1255 493.7559 c +%_359.5415 493.7559 362.0649 489.7949 360.1685 486.2129 c +%_360.1138 486.1104 360.1353 485.9814 360.2231 485.9033 c +%_360.311 485.8271 360.4399 485.8184 360.5376 485.8857 c +%_362.7856 487.4492 364.356 489.5059 364.356 492.6768 c +%_364.356 498.0635 359.3306 503.8066 351.0239 503.8066 c +%_342.1021 503.8066 334.0005 496.9355 334.0005 488.5254 c +%_334.0005 476.71 344.0493 471.0918 354.6138 470.0918 C +%_350.2485 468.4189 346.981 463.5664 v +%_346.9146 463.4697 346.9243 463.3418 347.0024 463.2559 c +%_347.0806 463.1689 347.2056 463.1475 347.3091 463.2012 c +%_353.1392 466.2822 359.7954 467.9453 366.811 467.9453 c +%_386.4321 467.9453 403.3579 451.541 407.0103 430.5801 c +%_407.0317 430.4561 407.1392 430.3691 407.2622 430.3711 c +%_f +%_1 D +%_483.9399 482.7773 m +%_488.5493 490.4551 490.1919 503.627 485.897 513.46 c +%_485.8481 513.5703 485.8833 513.6992 485.9829 513.7686 c +%_486.0806 513.8379 486.2153 513.8281 486.3032 513.7461 c +%_491.1099 509.1914 495.2427 498.5684 493.0083 486.2871 C +%_496.106 483.8936 498.0532 481.5176 499.522 478.335 c +%_499.5688 478.2314 499.5415 478.1104 499.4556 478.0352 c +%_499.3696 477.9629 499.2446 477.9551 499.1489 478.0186 c +%_494.1528 481.3809 489.686 482.5283 483.9399 482.7773 C +%_f +%_473.3306 362.9707 m +%_473.4009 362.8672 473.3833 362.7266 473.2915 362.6426 c +%_473.1978 362.5586 473.0571 362.5547 472.9595 362.6348 c +%_466.145 368.1621 457.0845 371.6895 445.9243 371.6895 c +%_418.3521 371.6895 400.9517 355.1719 398.2173 337.7637 c +%_398.1997 337.6523 398.1099 337.5664 397.9985 337.5508 c +%_397.8872 337.5371 397.7778 337.5977 397.7329 337.7012 c +%_395.0083 343.959 393.3657 353.0352 401.7817 365.209 c +%_406.8169 372.4941 412.9106 377.5098 412.9106 384.0273 c +%_412.9106 388.2852 410.6509 391.1797 407.2231 391.1797 c +%_403.6177 391.1797 401.2876 388.0918 401.2876 384.625 c +%_401.2876 382.877 401.7915 381.1465 402.6958 379.5801 c +%_402.7544 379.4766 402.7368 379.3496 402.6509 379.2676 c +%_402.5649 379.1875 402.436 379.1758 402.3384 379.2402 c +%_399.3657 381.1777 396.7114 384.6367 396.7114 389.5117 c +%_396.7114 396.6836 402.8442 402.6816 411.1802 402.6816 c +%_420.1548 402.6816 427.5044 395.6328 427.5044 385.4922 c +%_427.5044 382.0156 426.5142 377.8242 424.0415 374.3613 C +%_427.4263 377.1875 429.2329 379.1875 430.7192 383.5117 C +%_441.1196 385.3223 452.2251 383.6602 461.0493 377.8691 C +%_461.3052 383.9707 463.3013 389.0605 467.3931 393.1875 c +%_467.4771 393.2715 467.6079 393.2852 467.7075 393.2227 c +%_467.8091 393.1582 467.8521 393.0332 467.811 392.9219 c +%_464.9341 384.9199 466.8657 372.7246 473.3306 362.9707 c +%_f +%_560.6978 369.6055 m +%_558.4517 364.8066 553.2388 362.1211 547.2368 362.0117 c +%_547.1118 362.0098 547.0044 362.0977 546.9829 362.2188 c +%_546.9595 362.3418 547.0278 362.4609 547.1431 362.5039 c +%_549.1899 363.2578 550.8052 364.5762 551.6646 366.4141 c +%_553.8774 371.1426 550.2974 377.5098 543.6509 380.7832 c +%_543.5728 380.8223 543.52 380.8965 543.5103 380.9824 c +%_543.5005 381.0684 543.5337 381.1523 543.6001 381.207 c +%_547.8911 384.7266 553.0122 391.2617 553.0122 404.627 c +%_553.0122 423.3086 540.8579 441.0898 524.7368 441.0898 c +%_515.5239 441.0898 508.104 434.6934 504.2661 425.0977 C +%_508.4868 430.8564 514.2446 435.2051 522.1782 435.2051 c +%_533.8208 435.2051 543.0337 422.7969 543.0337 404.8828 c +%_543.0337 387.9941 531.1333 368.2891 515.2681 368.2891 c +%_506.5669 368.2891 500.0435 375.3281 500.0435 384.4121 c +%_500.0435 392.4746 505.2896 397.0781 511.1763 397.0781 c +%_515.6099 397.0781 518.6685 393.9473 519.6196 390.5527 c +%_519.6509 390.4375 519.6001 390.3164 519.4927 390.2598 c +%_519.3872 390.2051 519.2583 390.2305 519.1802 390.3223 c +%_518.4282 391.2168 517.2837 391.9609 515.5259 391.9609 c +%_512.5825 391.9609 511.0474 389.4316 511.0474 387.6113 c +%_511.0474 384.1563 513.606 381.7246 517.4458 381.7246 c +%_522.6899 381.7246 526.7856 387.4824 526.7856 394.9023 c +%_526.7856 404.1152 517.9556 412.5586 509.1274 412.5586 c +%_500.106 412.5586 490.4478 404.5 490.4478 389.5293 c +%_490.4478 374.8164 500.4282 357.9258 516.2935 357.9258 c +%_525.5435 357.9258 533.4048 362.0957 539.436 369.002 c +%_539.5161 369.0918 539.6489 369.1152 539.7544 369.0547 c +%_539.8599 368.9941 539.9067 368.8672 539.8677 368.752 c +%_535.4341 355.8164 537.9126 343.6074 544.688 343.6074 c +%_548.0024 343.6074 549.6899 345.9863 549.6899 348.5234 c +%_549.6899 351.1309 547.7915 353.2852 544.7212 353.6777 c +%_544.6001 353.6934 544.5063 353.793 544.4985 353.9141 c +%_544.4927 354.0352 544.5708 354.1465 544.6899 354.1758 c +%_551.5044 355.9395 558.5142 352.2285 558.5142 345.1328 c +%_558.5142 338.8555 553.1372 334.002 546.1021 334.002 c +%_535.4653 334.002 530.3774 345.2715 532.6431 355.5371 C +%_527.1841 348.4922 519.0903 342.7012 507.4653 342.7012 c +%_483.9224 342.7012 472.0239 369.5703 472.0239 387.6113 c +%_472.0239 403.9883 475.3501 414.4785 482.2603 422.5391 C +%_474.1978 416.3984 470.8716 409.6172 469.3384 400.2773 C +%_463.1958 391.832 447.2036 391.832 v +%_440.5161 391.832 434.2739 394.3086 429.4302 398.998 C +%_429.4282 398.9961 429.4263 398.9941 429.4243 398.9902 C +%_429.3892 399.0313 429.3501 399.0703 429.3149 399.1094 C +%_428.9946 399.4238 428.6802 399.748 428.3716 400.082 C +%_423.3091 404.9316 413.1802 409.4785 403.9399 405.6797 c +%_403.8345 405.6367 403.7134 405.6699 403.6431 405.7578 c +%_403.5728 405.8477 403.5708 405.9727 403.6392 406.0645 c +%_408.0454 412.0898 415.6626 414.0059 421.3169 413.1309 C +%_420.272 416.8457 419.6938 421.0117 419.6938 425.6094 c +%_419.6938 442.0137 428.4927 453.5801 438.106 459.2109 C +%_434.9517 463.0137 435.5962 468.9883 439.1372 473.0449 c +%_439.2173 473.1357 439.3481 473.1582 439.4536 473.0996 c +%_439.5571 473.041 439.606 472.918 439.5708 472.8018 c +%_437.8403 467.2695 442.9634 462.6523 449.7524 462.9004 c +%_449.8755 462.9033 449.9829 462.8193 450.0103 462.6992 c +%_450.0356 462.5801 449.9712 462.457 449.8579 462.4111 c +%_439.7212 458.248 433.0005 449.4316 433.0005 438.4033 c +%_433.0005 426.8906 439.9087 417.5488 451.0415 417.5488 c +%_460.1255 417.5488 469.2095 425.8672 469.2095 436.2285 c +%_469.2095 444.2891 464.731 449.0225 458.9731 449.0225 c +%_453.9849 449.0225 450.0181 445.5684 450.0181 441.4736 c +%_450.0181 435.6211 456.6001 433.499 460.1118 438.1309 c +%_460.1821 438.2227 460.3032 438.2559 460.4087 438.2129 c +%_460.5161 438.1699 460.5806 438.0625 460.5669 437.9482 c +%_460.0435 433.5586 456.8149 429.4482 451.8091 429.4482 c +%_447.2036 429.4482 442.4692 433.2861 442.4692 441.4746 c +%_442.4692 451.1982 451.8071 461.0508 467.1606 461.0508 c +%_488.1431 461.0508 499.5317 437.3809 489.2974 418.4453 C +%_494.5415 424.459 499.2759 430.8555 499.2759 442.2432 c +%_499.2759 463.75 478.0122 478.291 452.9224 469.7441 c +%_452.8032 469.7021 452.6724 469.7559 452.6157 469.8672 c +%_452.5571 469.9785 452.5884 470.1143 452.6899 470.1895 c +%_459.6958 475.2979 467.0337 482.8262 467.0337 495.4668 c +%_467.0337 508.6475 458.3345 517.9854 444.772 517.9854 c +%_434.2798 517.9854 427.6274 511.5879 427.6274 504.04 c +%_427.6274 498.2822 431.3462 493.6768 437.7349 493.6768 c +%_447.2466 493.6768 450.481 504.0195 445.5591 508.6445 c +%_445.4751 508.7236 445.4556 508.8516 445.5103 508.9521 c +%_445.5669 509.0547 445.6841 509.1055 445.7974 509.0762 c +%_450.5669 507.8398 455.1353 503.0068 455.1353 495.7236 c +%_455.1353 483.1855 443.4927 474.8682 430.6978 474.8682 c +%_424.7017 474.8682 418.8989 476.623 414.2271 479.9102 C +%_414.7778 484.0635 413.3579 488.6602 411.2603 491.752 C +%_413.2095 484.8848 411.1021 473.5732 400.5864 473.5732 c +%_394.6958 473.5732 390.8013 478.1025 390.8013 483.4551 c +%_390.8013 489.7793 396.147 492.7314 400.4966 492.125 c +%_400.6118 492.1104 400.7017 492.0186 400.7134 491.9023 c +%_400.7271 491.7891 400.6606 491.6797 400.5532 491.6367 c +%_398.9673 491.0293 397.6118 489.3691 397.6118 487.373 c +%_397.6118 484.873 399.52 483.3906 401.52 483.3906 c +%_404.8149 483.3906 406.645 487.0605 405.4927 491.1104 C +%_405.5044 491.1104 L +%_404.4321 493.9473 403.8286 497.1152 403.8286 500.6055 c +%_403.8286 517.3672 422.0103 533.3398 444.9497 533.3398 c +%_469.1626 533.3398 482.0044 516.0664 482.0044 498.2822 c +%_482.0044 488.7461 478.4224 481.5225 473.8149 476.915 C +%_493.7368 479.0332 506.313 470.5176 513.0942 458.2354 C +%_508.6157 454.3975 506.9536 448.7676 Y +%_512.3267 455.8057 521.5376 461.9453 534.4595 461.9453 c +%_554.0356 461.9453 569.3911 442.7539 569.3911 422.1563 c +%_569.3911 409.084 564.5884 396.375 554.8267 387.9102 C +%_560.8638 382.8809 563.4731 375.5391 560.6978 369.6055 c +%_f +%_*U +%_*u +%_0 D +%_1 0.2 0 0 0 Xy +%_482.2114 494.9053 m +%_482.1782 494.7852 482.2388 494.6582 482.3521 494.6094 c +%_497.1763 488.0957 507.6372 475.6289 512.0063 461.2324 c +%_512.0415 461.1152 512.1548 461.0391 512.2778 461.0527 c +%_512.3989 461.0664 512.4946 461.166 512.5024 461.2871 c +%_513.229 471.9434 510.1274 482.4531 504.0005 491.0234 C +%_518.1216 491.9648 529.2407 499.9297 536.1997 511.5723 C +%_540.3286 505.46 548.6509 505.7969 551.8599 512.6035 c +%_551.9106 512.708 551.8833 512.832 551.7954 512.9063 c +%_551.7075 512.9805 551.5806 512.9873 551.4868 512.9219 c +%_547.2134 509.9688 539.8071 513.498 542.9282 524.9355 c +%_544.981 532.4561 549.3716 536.4668 553.5259 535.333 c +%_556.7915 534.4414 557.7661 531.002 557.0864 528.5146 c +%_555.9243 524.2539 551.438 522.8623 548.481 525.6357 c +%_548.397 525.7158 548.2681 525.7285 548.1704 525.6641 c +%_548.0728 525.5986 548.0298 525.4775 548.0688 525.3662 c +%_548.9868 522.7852 550.5571 520.7285 553.6157 519.8936 c +%_558.811 518.4756 565.6743 521.8115 567.8618 529.8252 c +%_570.2114 538.4316 565.7153 548.0566 557.604 550.2715 c +%_546.2036 553.3818 538.1392 545.166 534.3931 535.2383 C +%_533.9263 539.8896 530.1079 544.3203 v +%_530.0317 544.4092 529.9048 544.4336 529.8013 544.3818 c +%_529.6978 544.3291 529.6431 544.2129 529.6665 544.0996 c +%_531.106 537.6641 530.9575 530.8047 529.1099 524.0361 c +%_523.9438 505.1074 503.6626 493.0977 482.479 495.0938 c +%_482.354 495.1055 482.2407 495.0254 482.2114 494.9053 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_1 D +%_512.5806 407.1348 m +%_518.7739 400.666 531.0493 395.6133 541.6646 397.168 c +%_541.7856 397.1855 541.9009 397.1172 541.9399 397.0039 c +%_541.981 396.8906 541.936 396.7637 541.8345 396.7012 c +%_536.1743 393.2617 524.8384 392.0723 513.5786 397.4609 C +%_510.4536 395.1035 507.6489 393.8496 504.1919 393.2715 c +%_504.0806 393.2539 503.9692 393.3125 503.9204 393.4141 c +%_503.8735 393.5156 503.8989 393.6387 503.9849 393.7148 c +%_508.5454 397.6484 510.8286 401.6563 512.5806 407.1348 C +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_399.7935 448.9121 m +%_399.6763 448.8711 399.5454 448.9258 399.4888 449.0371 c +%_399.4321 449.1484 399.4653 449.2852 399.5688 449.3594 c +%_406.6938 454.4785 412.4829 462.291 415.4204 473.0566 c +%_422.6802 499.6563 411.3267 520.7921 395.2544 528.0146 c +%_395.1509 528.0605 395.0903 528.1689 395.106 528.2803 c +%_395.1216 528.3926 395.2095 528.4814 395.3208 528.4971 c +%_402.0747 529.4785 411.2622 528.6729 420.7915 517.3486 c +%_426.4927 510.5732 429.7271 503.373 436.0142 501.6563 c +%_440.1216 500.5352 443.5103 501.9551 444.4126 505.2617 c +%_445.3618 508.7393 442.9966 511.8018 439.6528 512.7148 c +%_437.9653 513.1738 436.1626 513.1436 434.4146 512.6836 c +%_434.2993 512.6533 434.1821 512.7051 434.1255 512.8086 c +%_434.0708 512.9121 434.0923 513.04 434.1802 513.1172 c +%_436.8325 515.4746 440.8677 517.125 445.5708 515.8408 c +%_452.4907 513.9531 456.6606 506.457 454.4673 498.415 c +%_452.104 489.7578 443.3696 484.5234 433.5864 487.1934 c +%_430.2329 488.1084 426.4497 490.168 423.7603 493.4648 C +%_425.5942 489.4551 427.0493 487.1855 430.8286 484.6133 C +%_429.8364 474.1035 425.3091 463.8271 417.4009 456.8389 C +%_423.2192 454.9863 427.604 451.7207 430.5083 446.6855 c +%_430.5669 446.582 430.5454 446.4531 430.4595 446.373 c +%_430.3696 446.293 430.2388 446.2832 430.1411 446.3535 c +%_423.1802 451.2344 410.9048 452.582 399.7935 448.9121 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_383.1919 362.8809 m +%_379.1548 366.3105 377.936 372.0469 379.4106 377.8672 c +%_379.4419 377.9883 379.5552 378.0684 379.6782 378.0566 c +%_379.8032 378.0469 379.8989 377.9492 379.9106 377.8281 c +%_380.0981 375.6543 380.9458 373.748 382.4927 372.4355 c +%_386.4712 369.0566 393.5571 370.834 398.4634 376.3828 c +%_398.522 376.4492 398.6079 376.4805 398.6938 376.4668 c +%_398.7798 376.4531 398.8521 376.3984 398.8872 376.3203 c +%_401.1528 371.2539 406.1079 364.5938 419.0005 361.0742 c +%_437.0239 356.1563 457.3794 363.1992 461.6235 378.752 c +%_464.0493 387.6406 459.8306 396.4824 451.5845 402.7109 C +%_456.0298 397.123 458.7075 390.4238 456.6177 382.7695 c +%_453.5532 371.5391 439.1567 365.918 421.8755 370.6348 c +%_405.5825 375.0801 389.7075 391.748 393.8833 407.0547 c +%_396.1743 415.4492 404.6821 419.8887 413.4458 417.4961 c +%_421.2231 415.375 424.2837 409.1016 422.7329 403.4219 c +%_421.5669 399.1445 417.7407 397.0195 414.2153 396.9941 c +%_414.0962 396.9941 413.9927 397.0762 413.9653 397.1934 c +%_413.9419 397.3105 413.9985 397.4277 414.1079 397.4785 c +%_415.1704 397.9688 416.188 398.877 416.6509 400.5742 c +%_417.4263 403.4121 415.3911 405.5605 413.6353 406.0391 c +%_410.3032 406.9492 407.2837 405.1211 406.272 401.416 c +%_404.8911 396.3574 409.3677 390.8906 416.5239 388.9355 c +%_425.4126 386.5117 435.8833 392.8066 438.2075 401.3223 c +%_440.5825 410.0254 435.3501 421.4648 420.9087 425.4063 c +%_406.7153 429.2813 387.7935 424.0996 383.6157 408.793 c +%_381.1802 399.8691 383.1333 391.1875 388.2075 383.5508 c +%_388.2739 383.4512 388.2622 383.3164 388.1763 383.2305 c +%_388.0884 383.1445 387.9536 383.1328 387.854 383.2012 c +%_376.5415 390.8828 364.1118 391.707 362.3267 385.1699 c +%_361.4536 381.9727 363.3052 379.7188 365.7524 379.0508 c +%_368.2681 378.3652 370.8462 379.6289 372.0337 382.4883 c +%_372.0806 382.5996 372.2017 382.6641 372.3208 382.6406 c +%_372.438 382.6133 372.5259 382.5098 372.522 382.3867 c +%_372.4302 375.3477 367.0044 369.5625 360.1587 371.4316 c +%_354.1021 373.084 350.8364 379.5488 352.688 386.3359 c +%_355.4888 396.5977 367.6997 398.5391 377.0063 393.6504 C +%_371.647 400.7715 368.1919 410.1035 371.2524 421.3184 c +%_377.4517 444.0313 406.5044 448.4355 423.9087 443.6855 c +%_439.7075 439.373 448.9517 433.4023 454.9087 424.6152 C +%_451.1079 434.0098 445.4419 439.0039 436.8345 442.9434 C +%_430.3052 451.0918 434.5161 466.5195 v +%_436.2759 472.9707 440.3091 478.3418 446.1079 481.7793 C +%_446.1079 481.7813 446.106 481.7842 446.1021 481.7871 C +%_446.1509 481.8105 446.1997 481.8379 446.2466 481.8613 C +%_446.6333 482.0879 447.0298 482.3057 447.4321 482.5146 C +%_453.4438 486.1211 460.4966 494.6973 459.2661 504.6113 c +%_459.2524 504.7236 459.3149 504.832 459.4185 504.877 c +%_459.5239 504.9219 459.645 504.8896 459.7153 504.8018 c +%_464.3677 498.9629 464.2114 491.1104 461.8794 485.8857 C +%_465.7368 485.915 469.9087 485.375 474.3442 484.165 c +%_490.1685 479.8457 499.0122 468.3135 501.9126 457.5566 C +%_506.4106 459.5977 512.0063 457.4043 514.9888 452.9199 c +%_515.0532 452.8184 515.0415 452.6855 514.9575 452.5996 c +%_514.8735 452.5156 514.7407 452.5 514.6392 452.5645 c +%_509.7583 455.6914 503.9556 451.9648 502.4048 445.3496 c +%_502.3774 445.2305 502.2681 445.1484 502.145 445.1543 c +%_502.022 445.1602 501.9204 445.2539 501.9067 445.377 c +%_500.5591 456.251 493.8228 465.0566 483.1841 467.96 c +%_472.0767 470.9922 461.2446 466.7852 458.3149 456.0469 c +%_455.9224 447.2832 461.5571 436.3301 471.5513 433.6016 c +%_479.3286 431.4785 485.0747 434.5527 486.5903 440.1074 c +%_487.9048 444.9199 485.6157 449.6563 481.6665 450.7344 c +%_476.0181 452.2754 472.2388 446.4844 475.7837 441.877 c +%_475.8521 441.7852 475.854 441.6602 475.7837 441.5684 c +%_475.7153 441.4766 475.5923 441.4434 475.4868 441.4863 c +%_471.3892 443.1465 468.2739 447.3418 469.5923 452.1729 c +%_470.8052 456.6152 475.7544 460.1729 483.6548 458.0166 c +%_493.0356 455.457 500.0806 443.8555 496.0376 429.043 c +%_490.5142 408.7988 464.6802 404.0449 449.1079 418.9043 C +%_453.5278 412.2617 458.4517 406.0098 469.438 403.0117 c +%_490.188 397.3496 509.813 414.0332 508.1724 440.4902 c +%_508.1646 440.6152 508.2505 440.7285 508.3735 440.7539 c +%_508.4946 440.7813 508.6196 440.7129 508.6646 440.5977 c +%_511.7466 432.4922 517.0786 423.4316 529.2739 420.1035 c +%_541.9888 416.6328 553.2876 422.5664 556.8599 435.6504 c +%_559.6216 445.7734 555.2017 453.875 547.9204 455.8623 c +%_542.3657 457.3789 536.9419 455.0039 535.2603 448.8398 c +%_532.7563 439.6641 541.8833 433.8203 547.6411 437.3516 c +%_547.7388 437.4121 547.8677 437.3965 547.9497 437.3164 c +%_548.0337 437.2363 548.0513 437.1094 547.9927 437.0078 c +%_545.5454 432.7324 539.6802 429.5977 532.6548 431.5156 c +%_520.5571 434.8164 515.6001 448.2383 518.9673 460.5811 c +%_520.5454 466.3652 523.7681 471.502 528.1685 475.1426 C +%_532.0298 473.5186 536.8384 473.6777 540.3735 474.8867 C +%_533.2349 474.8154 522.8794 479.8262 525.647 489.9707 c +%_527.1978 495.6533 532.5923 498.2188 537.7563 496.8086 c +%_543.8579 495.1436 545.2974 489.21 543.5688 485.1729 c +%_543.522 485.0654 543.4106 485.0039 543.2974 485.0225 c +%_543.1821 485.04 543.0942 485.1318 543.0825 485.2471 c +%_542.9146 486.9375 541.6685 488.6836 539.7446 489.208 c +%_537.3325 489.8662 535.3989 488.415 534.8735 486.4854 c +%_534.0044 483.3066 537.063 480.5752 541.2739 480.6211 C +%_541.27 480.6094 L +%_544.2896 480.8984 547.5044 480.6445 550.8716 479.7266 c +%_567.0415 475.3125 577.6646 453.5674 571.6235 431.4375 c +%_565.2485 408.0781 545.2056 400.2363 528.0474 404.9199 c +%_518.8481 407.4297 512.8228 412.7871 509.5903 418.4453 C +%_506.3892 398.668 494.8618 388.7793 481.229 385.4707 C +%_478.7056 390.8008 473.7114 393.8867 Y +%_479.0864 386.8496 482.5845 376.3477 479.1821 363.8809 c +%_474.0278 344.9961 451.4712 335.2344 431.6001 340.6582 c +%_418.9888 344.0996 407.9927 352.0801 402.397 363.7266 C +%_395.9556 359.2266 388.186 358.6406 383.1919 362.8809 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_*U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_u +%_*u +%_0 D +%_0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Xa +%_0 1 0 0 0 Xy +%_530.1294 436.9688 m +%_530.0044 436.9688 529.8989 436.877 529.8794 436.7539 c +%_527.5005 420.7402 518.2271 407.3652 505.4888 399.3594 c +%_505.3853 399.2949 505.3403 399.1641 505.3872 399.0508 c +%_505.4321 398.9375 505.5532 398.8711 505.6724 398.8965 c +%_516.145 401 525.4653 406.7598 532.1216 414.9277 C +%_536.7466 401.5508 547.3579 392.9219 560.4224 389.2734 C +%_555.6138 383.6816 558.1294 375.7402 565.5415 374.4375 c +%_565.6548 374.416 565.7661 374.4746 565.8149 374.5781 c +%_565.8638 374.6816 565.8364 374.8066 565.7485 374.8809 c +%_561.7759 378.2266 563.229 386.3008 575.0864 386.3008 c +%_582.8804 386.3008 587.9077 383.1211 587.9077 378.8145 c +%_587.9077 375.4297 584.8452 373.584 582.2651 373.584 c +%_577.8511 373.584 575.3267 377.5449 577.2231 381.127 c +%_577.2778 381.2305 577.2563 381.3574 577.1685 381.4355 c +%_577.0806 381.5137 576.9517 381.5215 576.854 381.4551 c +%_574.606 379.8906 573.0356 377.834 573.0356 374.6641 c +%_573.0356 369.2773 578.062 363.5352 586.3687 363.5332 c +%_595.2905 363.5332 603.3921 370.4043 603.3921 378.8145 c +%_603.3921 390.6309 593.3433 396.248 582.7788 397.248 C +%_587.144 398.9219 590.4116 403.7734 v +%_590.478 403.8691 590.4683 403.998 590.3901 404.084 c +%_590.312 404.1719 590.1851 404.1934 590.0835 404.1387 c +%_584.2534 401.0566 577.5942 399.3945 570.5806 399.3945 c +%_550.9575 399.3945 534.0337 415.7988 530.3813 436.7607 c +%_530.3599 436.8818 530.2524 436.9727 530.1294 436.9688 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_1 D +%_453.4517 384.5625 m +%_448.8442 376.8867 447.1997 363.7129 451.4946 353.8809 c +%_451.5435 353.7695 451.5083 353.6406 451.4087 353.5703 c +%_451.3091 353.502 451.1763 353.5117 451.0884 353.5957 c +%_446.2817 358.1484 442.1489 368.7715 444.3833 381.0527 C +%_441.2876 383.4473 439.3384 385.8223 437.8696 389.0059 c +%_437.8228 389.1074 437.8501 389.2305 437.936 389.3047 c +%_438.022 389.377 438.147 389.3848 438.2427 389.3203 c +%_443.2388 385.959 447.7056 384.8125 453.4517 384.5625 C +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_464.0591 504.3691 m +%_463.9907 504.4727 464.0083 504.6133 464.1001 504.6973 c +%_464.1938 504.7813 464.3345 504.7852 464.4321 504.7061 c +%_471.2466 499.1797 480.3071 495.6504 491.4673 495.6504 c +%_519.0376 495.6504 536.4399 512.1689 539.1743 529.5771 c +%_539.1919 529.6885 539.2817 529.7734 539.3931 529.7891 c +%_539.5044 529.8047 539.6138 529.7422 539.6587 529.6396 c +%_542.3833 523.3818 544.0259 514.3057 535.6099 502.1309 c +%_530.5747 494.8457 524.479 489.8311 524.479 483.3145 c +%_524.479 479.0566 526.7407 476.1602 530.1685 476.1602 c +%_533.7739 476.1602 536.106 479.248 536.104 482.7148 c +%_536.104 484.4629 535.6001 486.1934 534.6958 487.7607 c +%_534.6372 487.8633 534.6548 487.9902 534.7407 488.0723 c +%_534.8247 488.1523 534.9556 488.165 535.0532 488.1016 c +%_538.0259 486.1641 540.6802 482.7021 540.6802 477.8281 c +%_540.6802 470.6563 534.5474 464.6602 526.2095 464.6602 c +%_517.2368 464.6602 509.8872 471.709 509.8872 481.8477 c +%_509.8872 485.3262 510.8755 489.5156 513.3501 492.9805 C +%_509.9653 490.1523 508.1587 488.1523 506.6724 483.8271 C +%_496.272 482.0186 485.1665 483.6797 476.3403 489.4727 C +%_476.0864 483.3711 474.0903 478.2793 469.9985 474.1533 c +%_469.9146 474.0684 469.7837 474.0547 469.6841 474.1182 c +%_469.5825 474.1816 469.5415 474.3066 469.5806 474.4189 c +%_472.4575 482.4199 470.5239 494.6152 464.0591 504.3691 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_376.6938 497.7344 m +%_378.938 502.5352 384.1528 505.2188 390.1548 505.3271 c +%_390.2798 505.3311 390.3872 505.2432 390.4087 505.1211 c +%_390.4321 504.998 390.3638 504.8779 390.2485 504.8359 c +%_388.2017 504.082 386.5864 502.7637 385.7271 500.9258 c +%_383.5142 496.1973 387.0942 489.8301 393.7407 486.5566 c +%_393.8188 486.5186 393.8716 486.4434 393.8813 486.3594 c +%_393.8911 486.2725 393.856 486.1885 393.7915 486.1318 c +%_389.5005 482.6143 384.3794 476.0781 384.3794 462.7148 c +%_384.3774 444.0322 396.5337 426.25 412.6548 426.25 c +%_421.8677 426.25 429.2876 432.6465 433.1255 442.2422 C +%_428.9028 436.4844 423.145 432.1348 415.2114 432.1348 c +%_403.5708 432.1348 394.3579 444.5439 394.356 462.459 c +%_394.356 479.3457 406.2583 499.0518 422.1216 499.0508 c +%_430.8247 499.0488 437.3481 492.0117 437.3481 482.9277 c +%_437.3481 474.8672 432.1021 470.2637 426.2173 470.2637 c +%_421.7798 470.2637 418.7231 473.3936 417.772 476.7871 c +%_417.7388 476.9023 417.7915 477.0254 417.897 477.0811 c +%_418.0044 477.1357 418.1333 477.1104 418.2114 477.0186 c +%_418.9634 476.124 420.1079 475.3809 421.8657 475.3809 c +%_424.8091 475.3789 426.3442 477.9082 426.3442 479.7285 c +%_426.3442 483.1836 423.7856 485.6152 419.9458 485.6152 c +%_414.7036 485.6152 410.606 479.8564 410.606 472.4385 c +%_410.606 463.2236 419.436 454.7813 428.2642 454.7813 c +%_437.2856 454.7813 446.9438 462.8408 446.9438 477.8125 c +%_446.9419 492.5234 436.9653 509.4141 421.0981 509.4141 c +%_411.8481 509.4141 403.9849 505.2441 397.9556 498.3398 c +%_397.8755 498.248 397.7427 498.2246 397.6392 498.2852 c +%_397.5317 498.3477 397.4849 498.4727 397.5239 498.5879 c +%_401.9575 511.5234 399.4771 523.7344 392.7036 523.7324 c +%_389.3892 523.7324 387.7017 521.3535 387.7017 518.8154 c +%_387.7017 516.21 389.6001 514.0566 392.6704 513.6611 c +%_392.7915 513.6475 392.8833 513.5479 392.8931 513.4268 c +%_392.8989 513.3047 392.8188 513.1943 392.7017 513.1641 c +%_385.8872 511.4004 378.8774 515.1133 378.8774 522.2061 c +%_378.8774 528.4854 384.2544 533.3398 391.2896 533.3398 c +%_401.9263 533.3379 407.0142 522.0684 404.7485 511.8047 C +%_410.2075 518.8486 418.3013 524.6396 429.9263 524.6396 c +%_453.4692 524.6396 465.3677 497.7715 465.3677 479.7285 c +%_465.3677 463.3525 462.0415 452.8604 455.1313 444.8018 C +%_463.1938 450.9404 466.52 457.7227 468.0552 467.0645 C +%_474.1958 475.5078 490.188 475.5078 v +%_496.8755 475.5078 503.1177 473.0322 507.9614 468.3438 C +%_507.9634 468.3447 507.9653 468.3477 507.9673 468.3486 C +%_508.0024 468.3105 508.0396 468.2695 508.0767 468.2314 C +%_508.397 467.915 508.7114 467.5918 509.02 467.2578 C +%_514.0806 462.4102 524.2114 457.8633 533.4517 461.6602 c +%_533.5571 461.7031 533.6782 461.6699 533.7485 461.582 c +%_533.8188 461.4932 533.8188 461.3672 533.7524 461.2754 c +%_529.3462 455.252 521.729 453.335 516.0747 454.21 C +%_517.1177 450.4941 517.6958 446.3281 517.6958 441.7305 c +%_517.6978 425.3262 508.8989 413.7598 499.2856 408.1289 C +%_502.438 404.3281 501.7954 398.3535 498.2544 394.2949 c +%_498.1743 394.2051 498.0435 394.1816 497.938 394.2402 c +%_497.8345 394.2988 497.7837 394.4238 497.8188 394.5391 c +%_499.5513 400.0703 494.4282 404.6875 487.6392 404.4395 c +%_487.5161 404.4355 487.4067 404.5195 487.3813 404.6406 c +%_487.356 404.7617 487.4185 404.8828 487.5337 404.9277 c +%_497.6685 409.0918 504.3911 417.9102 504.3892 428.9355 c +%_504.3911 440.4492 497.481 449.79 486.3501 449.79 c +%_477.2661 449.79 468.1821 441.4727 468.1821 431.1133 c +%_468.1821 423.0508 472.6587 418.3184 478.4165 418.3164 c +%_483.4067 418.3184 487.3735 421.7715 487.3735 425.8672 c +%_487.3735 431.7188 480.7896 433.8408 477.2778 429.209 c +%_477.2095 429.1172 477.0864 429.084 476.981 429.127 c +%_476.8755 429.1689 476.811 429.2773 476.8228 429.3926 c +%_477.3462 433.7813 480.5767 437.8926 485.5825 437.8926 c +%_490.188 437.8926 494.9224 434.0518 494.9224 425.8652 c +%_494.9224 416.1406 485.5845 406.291 470.231 406.2891 c +%_449.2466 406.2891 437.8599 429.959 448.0942 448.8945 C +%_442.8501 442.8809 438.1157 436.4844 438.1157 425.0977 c +%_438.1138 403.5898 459.3794 389.0488 484.4692 397.5977 c +%_484.5884 397.6367 484.7192 397.584 484.7759 397.4746 c +%_484.8345 397.3633 484.8013 397.2266 484.6997 397.1523 c +%_477.6938 392.043 470.356 384.5137 470.356 371.873 c +%_470.356 358.6934 479.0552 349.3535 492.6196 349.3535 c +%_503.1099 349.3535 509.7642 355.752 509.7642 363.2988 c +%_509.7642 369.0566 506.0454 373.6641 499.6567 373.6641 c +%_490.1431 373.6641 486.9087 363.3203 491.8325 358.6953 c +%_491.9165 358.6152 491.936 358.4902 491.8813 358.3887 c +%_491.8247 358.2871 491.7056 358.2344 491.5942 358.2637 c +%_486.8247 359.5 482.2563 364.332 482.2563 371.6152 c +%_482.2544 384.1563 493.897 392.4727 506.6919 392.4727 c +%_512.688 392.4727 518.4907 390.7188 523.1646 387.4297 C +%_522.6118 383.2773 524.0317 378.6816 526.1313 375.5879 C +%_524.1821 382.457 526.2915 393.7656 536.8032 393.7676 c +%_542.6958 393.7656 546.5903 389.2383 546.5903 383.8867 c +%_546.5903 377.5605 541.2446 374.6094 536.895 375.2148 c +%_536.7798 375.2305 536.6899 375.3223 536.6763 375.4375 c +%_536.6646 375.5527 536.731 375.6602 536.8384 375.7031 c +%_538.4243 376.3105 539.7817 377.9727 539.7817 379.9668 c +%_539.7817 382.4668 537.8696 383.9492 535.8696 383.9492 c +%_532.5767 383.9492 530.7466 380.2793 531.8989 376.2305 C +%_531.8872 376.2285 L +%_532.9595 373.3926 533.561 370.2246 533.561 366.7363 c +%_533.561 349.9746 515.3813 334.002 492.4399 334 c +%_468.229 334 455.3872 351.2734 455.3892 369.0566 c +%_455.3892 378.5938 458.9692 385.8184 463.5767 390.4258 C +%_443.6548 388.3066 431.0786 396.8223 424.2974 409.1035 C +%_428.7759 412.9414 430.438 418.5723 Y +%_425.0649 411.5352 415.854 405.3945 402.9321 405.3945 c +%_383.356 405.3945 368.0005 424.5859 368.0005 445.1836 c +%_368.0005 458.2568 372.8032 470.9648 382.5649 479.4307 C +%_376.5278 484.459 373.9185 491.8018 376.6938 497.7344 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_*U +%_U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_0 0.25 0 0 0 Xy +%_0 0 Xd +%_6 () XW +%_U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Main_Copy_of_EditGroup) , +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Repeated_Art) , +%_; +%_ +%_9 () XW +%_u +%_*u +%_0 D +%_0 O +%_0.306889 0.577478 0.779446 0.294591 0.576471 0.376471 0.215686 Xa +%_0 1 0 0 0 Xy +%_240.2622 430.3711 m +%_240.3872 430.3711 240.4927 430.4629 240.5103 430.585 c +%_242.8911 446.5996 252.1646 459.9746 264.9028 467.9814 c +%_265.0063 468.0449 265.0493 468.1758 265.0044 468.29 c +%_264.9575 468.4023 264.8384 468.4688 264.7173 468.4443 c +%_254.2466 466.3398 244.9243 460.5811 238.27 452.4141 C +%_233.644 465.7891 223.0337 474.418 209.9692 478.0654 C +%_214.7778 483.6582 212.2622 491.5986 204.8501 492.9023 c +%_204.7368 492.9229 204.6245 492.8643 204.5757 492.7607 c +%_204.5278 492.6563 204.5542 492.5322 204.6421 492.46 c +%_208.6157 489.1143 207.1616 481.04 195.3052 481.04 c +%_187.5103 481.04 182.4849 484.2188 182.4849 488.5254 c +%_182.4849 491.9102 185.5464 493.7559 188.1255 493.7559 c +%_192.5415 493.7559 195.0649 489.7949 193.1675 486.2129 c +%_193.1128 486.1104 193.1353 485.9814 193.2231 485.9033 c +%_193.311 485.8271 193.4399 485.8184 193.5366 485.8857 c +%_195.7856 487.4492 197.356 489.5059 197.356 492.6768 c +%_197.356 498.0635 192.3306 503.8066 184.0239 503.8066 c +%_175.1021 503.8066 167.0005 496.9355 167.0005 488.5254 c +%_167.0005 476.71 177.0493 471.0918 187.6138 470.0918 C +%_183.2485 468.4189 179.98 463.5664 v +%_179.9146 463.4697 179.9243 463.3418 180.0015 463.2559 c +%_180.0796 463.1689 180.2056 463.1475 180.3091 463.2012 c +%_186.1392 466.2822 192.7954 467.9453 199.811 467.9453 c +%_219.4321 467.9453 236.3579 451.541 240.0103 430.5801 c +%_240.0317 430.4561 240.1382 430.3691 240.2622 430.3711 c +%_f +%_1 D +%_316.9399 482.7773 m +%_321.5493 490.4551 323.1919 503.627 318.897 513.46 c +%_318.8481 513.5703 318.8833 513.6992 318.9829 513.7686 c +%_319.0806 513.8379 319.2153 513.8281 319.3032 513.7461 c +%_324.1099 509.1914 328.2427 498.5684 326.0083 486.2871 C +%_329.106 483.8936 331.0532 481.5176 332.522 478.335 c +%_332.5688 478.2314 332.5415 478.1104 332.4556 478.0352 c +%_332.3696 477.9629 332.2446 477.9551 332.1489 478.0186 c +%_327.1528 481.3809 322.686 482.5283 316.9399 482.7773 C +%_f +%_306.3306 362.9707 m +%_306.4009 362.8672 306.3833 362.7266 306.2915 362.6426 c +%_306.1978 362.5586 306.0571 362.5547 305.9595 362.6348 c +%_299.145 368.1621 290.0845 371.6895 278.9243 371.6895 c +%_251.3521 371.6895 233.9517 355.1719 231.2163 337.7637 c +%_231.1987 337.6523 231.1099 337.5664 230.9985 337.5508 c +%_230.8862 337.5371 230.7778 337.5977 230.7329 337.7012 c +%_228.0073 343.959 226.3657 353.0352 234.7817 365.209 c +%_239.8159 372.4941 245.9106 377.5098 245.9106 384.0273 c +%_245.9106 388.2852 243.6509 391.1797 240.2231 391.1797 c +%_236.6177 391.1797 234.2866 388.0918 234.2866 384.625 c +%_234.2866 382.877 234.7915 381.1465 235.6958 379.5801 c +%_235.7544 379.4766 235.7358 379.3496 235.6509 379.2676 c +%_235.5649 379.1875 235.436 379.1758 235.3384 379.2402 c +%_232.3657 381.1777 229.7114 384.6367 229.7114 389.5117 c +%_229.7114 396.6836 235.8442 402.6816 244.1802 402.6816 c +%_253.1548 402.6816 260.5044 395.6328 260.5044 385.4922 c +%_260.5044 382.0156 259.5142 377.8242 257.0415 374.3613 C +%_260.4263 377.1875 262.2329 379.1875 263.7192 383.5117 C +%_274.1196 385.3223 285.2251 383.6602 294.0493 377.8691 C +%_294.3052 383.9707 296.3013 389.0605 300.3931 393.1875 c +%_300.4771 393.2715 300.6079 393.2852 300.7075 393.2227 c +%_300.8091 393.1582 300.8521 393.0332 300.811 392.9219 c +%_297.9341 384.9199 299.8657 372.7246 306.3306 362.9707 c +%_f +%_393.6978 369.6055 m +%_391.4517 364.8066 386.2388 362.1211 380.2368 362.0117 c +%_380.1118 362.0098 380.0044 362.0977 379.9829 362.2188 c +%_379.9595 362.3418 380.0278 362.4609 380.1431 362.5039 c +%_382.1899 363.2578 383.8052 364.5762 384.6646 366.4141 c +%_386.8774 371.1426 383.2974 377.5098 376.6509 380.7832 c +%_376.5728 380.8223 376.52 380.8965 376.5103 380.9824 c +%_376.5005 381.0684 376.5337 381.1523 376.6001 381.207 c +%_380.8911 384.7266 386.0122 391.2617 386.0122 404.627 c +%_386.0122 423.3086 373.8579 441.0898 357.7368 441.0898 c +%_348.5239 441.0898 341.104 434.6934 337.2661 425.0977 C +%_341.4868 430.8564 347.2446 435.2051 355.1782 435.2051 c +%_366.8208 435.2051 376.0337 422.7969 376.0337 404.8828 c +%_376.0337 387.9941 364.1333 368.2891 348.2681 368.2891 c +%_339.5669 368.2891 333.0435 375.3281 333.0435 384.4121 c +%_333.0435 392.4746 338.2896 397.0781 344.1763 397.0781 c +%_348.6099 397.0781 351.6685 393.9473 352.6196 390.5527 c +%_352.6509 390.4375 352.6001 390.3164 352.4927 390.2598 c +%_352.3872 390.2051 352.2583 390.2305 352.1802 390.3223 c +%_351.4282 391.2168 350.2837 391.9609 348.5259 391.9609 c +%_345.5825 391.9609 344.0474 389.4316 344.0474 387.6113 c +%_344.0474 384.1563 346.606 381.7246 350.4458 381.7246 c +%_355.6899 381.7246 359.7856 387.4824 359.7856 394.9023 c +%_359.7856 404.1152 350.9556 412.5586 342.1274 412.5586 c +%_333.106 412.5586 323.4478 404.5 323.4478 389.5293 c +%_323.4478 374.8164 333.4282 357.9258 349.2935 357.9258 c +%_358.5435 357.9258 366.4048 362.0957 372.436 369.002 c +%_372.5161 369.0918 372.6489 369.1152 372.7544 369.0547 c +%_372.8599 368.9941 372.9067 368.8672 372.8677 368.752 c +%_368.4341 355.8164 370.9126 343.6074 377.688 343.6074 c +%_381.0024 343.6074 382.6899 345.9863 382.6899 348.5234 c +%_382.6899 351.1309 380.7915 353.2852 377.7212 353.6777 c +%_377.6001 353.6934 377.5063 353.793 377.4985 353.9141 c +%_377.4927 354.0352 377.5708 354.1465 377.6899 354.1758 c +%_384.5044 355.9395 391.5142 352.2285 391.5142 345.1328 c +%_391.5142 338.8555 386.1372 334.002 379.1021 334.002 c +%_368.4653 334.002 363.3774 345.2715 365.6431 355.5371 C +%_360.1841 348.4922 352.0903 342.7012 340.4653 342.7012 c +%_316.9224 342.7012 305.0239 369.5703 305.0239 387.6113 c +%_305.0239 403.9883 308.3501 414.4785 315.2603 422.5391 C +%_307.1978 416.3984 303.8716 409.6172 302.3384 400.2773 C +%_296.1958 391.832 280.2036 391.832 v +%_273.5161 391.832 267.2739 394.3086 262.4302 398.998 C +%_262.4282 398.9961 262.4263 398.9941 262.4243 398.9902 C +%_262.3892 399.0313 262.3501 399.0703 262.3149 399.1094 C +%_261.9946 399.4238 261.6802 399.748 261.3716 400.082 C +%_256.3091 404.9316 246.1802 409.4785 236.9399 405.6797 c +%_236.8345 405.6367 236.7134 405.6699 236.6431 405.7578 c +%_236.5728 405.8477 236.5708 405.9727 236.6382 406.0645 c +%_241.0454 412.0898 248.6626 414.0059 254.3169 413.1309 C +%_253.272 416.8457 252.6938 421.0117 252.6938 425.6094 c +%_252.6938 442.0137 261.4927 453.5801 271.106 459.2109 C +%_267.9517 463.0137 268.5962 468.9883 272.1372 473.0449 c +%_272.2173 473.1357 272.3481 473.1582 272.4536 473.0996 c +%_272.5571 473.041 272.606 472.918 272.5708 472.8018 c +%_270.8403 467.2695 275.9634 462.6523 282.7524 462.9004 c +%_282.8755 462.9033 282.9829 462.8193 283.0103 462.6992 c +%_283.0356 462.5801 282.9712 462.457 282.8579 462.4111 c +%_272.7212 458.248 266.0005 449.4316 266.0005 438.4033 c +%_266.0005 426.8906 272.9087 417.5488 284.0415 417.5488 c +%_293.1255 417.5488 302.2095 425.8672 302.2095 436.2285 c +%_302.2095 444.2891 297.731 449.0225 291.9731 449.0225 c +%_286.9849 449.0225 283.0181 445.5684 283.0181 441.4736 c +%_283.0181 435.6211 289.6001 433.499 293.1118 438.1309 c +%_293.1821 438.2227 293.3032 438.2559 293.4087 438.2129 c +%_293.5161 438.1699 293.5806 438.0625 293.5669 437.9482 c +%_293.0435 433.5586 289.8149 429.4482 284.8091 429.4482 c +%_280.2036 429.4482 275.4692 433.2861 275.4692 441.4746 c +%_275.4692 451.1982 284.8071 461.0508 300.1606 461.0508 c +%_321.1431 461.0508 332.5317 437.3809 322.2974 418.4453 C +%_327.5415 424.459 332.2759 430.8555 332.2759 442.2432 c +%_332.2759 463.75 311.0122 478.291 285.9224 469.7441 c +%_285.8032 469.7021 285.6724 469.7559 285.6157 469.8672 c +%_285.5571 469.9785 285.5884 470.1143 285.6899 470.1895 c +%_292.6958 475.2979 300.0337 482.8262 300.0337 495.4668 c +%_300.0337 508.6475 291.3345 517.9854 277.772 517.9854 c +%_267.2798 517.9854 260.6274 511.5879 260.6274 504.04 c +%_260.6274 498.2822 264.3462 493.6768 270.7349 493.6768 c +%_280.2466 493.6768 283.481 504.0195 278.5591 508.6445 c +%_278.4751 508.7236 278.4556 508.8516 278.5103 508.9521 c +%_278.5669 509.0547 278.6841 509.1055 278.7974 509.0762 c +%_283.5669 507.8398 288.1353 503.0068 288.1353 495.7236 c +%_288.1353 483.1855 276.4927 474.8682 263.6978 474.8682 c +%_257.7017 474.8682 251.8989 476.623 247.2271 479.9102 C +%_247.7778 484.0635 246.3579 488.6602 244.2603 491.752 C +%_246.2095 484.8848 244.1021 473.5732 233.5864 473.5732 c +%_227.6958 473.5732 223.8013 478.1025 223.8013 483.4551 c +%_223.8013 489.7793 229.147 492.7314 233.4966 492.125 c +%_233.6118 492.1104 233.7007 492.0186 233.7134 491.9023 c +%_233.7271 491.7891 233.6606 491.6797 233.5532 491.6367 c +%_231.9673 491.0293 230.6108 489.3691 230.6108 487.373 c +%_230.6108 484.873 232.52 483.3906 234.52 483.3906 c +%_237.8149 483.3906 239.645 487.0605 238.4927 491.1104 C +%_238.5044 491.1104 L +%_237.4312 493.9473 236.8286 497.1152 236.8286 500.6055 c +%_236.8286 517.3672 255.0103 533.3398 277.9497 533.3398 c +%_302.1626 533.3398 315.0044 516.0664 315.0044 498.2822 c +%_315.0044 488.7461 311.4224 481.5225 306.8149 476.915 C +%_326.7368 479.0332 339.313 470.5176 346.0942 458.2354 C +%_341.6157 454.3975 339.9536 448.7676 Y +%_345.3267 455.8057 354.5376 461.9453 367.4595 461.9453 c +%_387.0356 461.9453 402.3911 442.7539 402.3911 422.1563 c +%_402.3911 409.084 397.5884 396.375 387.8267 387.9102 C +%_393.8638 382.8809 396.4731 375.5391 393.6978 369.6055 c +%_f +%_*U +%_*u +%_0 D +%_1 0.2 0 0 0 Xy +%_315.2114 494.9053 m +%_315.1782 494.7852 315.2388 494.6582 315.3521 494.6094 c +%_330.1763 488.0957 340.6372 475.6289 345.0063 461.2324 c +%_345.0415 461.1152 345.1548 461.0391 345.2778 461.0527 c +%_345.3989 461.0664 345.4946 461.166 345.5024 461.2871 c +%_346.229 471.9434 343.1274 482.4531 337.0005 491.0234 C +%_351.1216 491.9648 362.2407 499.9297 369.1997 511.5723 C +%_373.3286 505.46 381.6509 505.7969 384.8599 512.6035 c +%_384.9106 512.708 384.8833 512.832 384.7954 512.9063 c +%_384.7075 512.9805 384.5806 512.9873 384.4868 512.9219 c +%_380.2134 509.9688 372.8071 513.498 375.9282 524.9355 c +%_377.981 532.4561 382.3716 536.4668 386.5259 535.333 c +%_389.7915 534.4414 390.7661 531.002 390.0864 528.5146 c +%_388.9243 524.2539 384.438 522.8623 381.481 525.6357 c +%_381.397 525.7158 381.2681 525.7285 381.1704 525.6641 c +%_381.0728 525.5986 381.0298 525.4775 381.0688 525.3662 c +%_381.9868 522.7852 383.5571 520.7285 386.6157 519.8936 c +%_391.811 518.4756 398.6743 521.8115 400.8618 529.8252 c +%_403.2114 538.4316 398.7153 548.0566 390.604 550.2715 c +%_379.2036 553.3818 371.1392 545.166 367.3931 535.2383 C +%_366.9263 539.8896 363.1079 544.3203 v +%_363.0317 544.4092 362.9048 544.4336 362.8013 544.3818 c +%_362.6978 544.3291 362.6431 544.2129 362.6665 544.0996 c +%_364.106 537.6641 363.9575 530.8047 362.1099 524.0361 c +%_356.9438 505.1074 336.6626 493.0977 315.479 495.0938 c +%_315.354 495.1055 315.2407 495.0254 315.2114 494.9053 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_1 D +%_345.5806 407.1348 m +%_351.7739 400.666 364.0493 395.6133 374.6646 397.168 c +%_374.7856 397.1855 374.9009 397.1172 374.9399 397.0039 c +%_374.981 396.8906 374.936 396.7637 374.8345 396.7012 c +%_369.1743 393.2617 357.8384 392.0723 346.5786 397.4609 C +%_343.4536 395.1035 340.6489 393.8496 337.1919 393.2715 c +%_337.0806 393.2539 336.9692 393.3125 336.9204 393.4141 c +%_336.8735 393.5156 336.8989 393.6387 336.9849 393.7148 c +%_341.5454 397.6484 343.8286 401.6563 345.5806 407.1348 C +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_232.7935 448.9121 m +%_232.6753 448.8711 232.5444 448.9258 232.4878 449.0371 c +%_232.4312 449.1484 232.4644 449.2852 232.5679 449.3594 c +%_239.6938 454.4785 245.4829 462.291 248.4204 473.0566 c +%_255.6802 499.6563 244.3267 520.7921 228.2534 528.0146 c +%_228.1499 528.0605 228.0903 528.1689 228.105 528.2803 c +%_228.1216 528.3926 228.2085 528.4814 228.3198 528.4971 c +%_235.0747 529.4785 244.2622 528.6729 253.7915 517.3486 c +%_259.4927 510.5732 262.7271 503.373 269.0142 501.6563 c +%_273.1216 500.5352 276.5103 501.9551 277.4126 505.2617 c +%_278.3618 508.7393 275.9966 511.8018 272.6528 512.7148 c +%_270.9653 513.1738 269.1626 513.1436 267.4146 512.6836 c +%_267.2993 512.6533 267.1821 512.7051 267.1255 512.8086 c +%_267.0708 512.9121 267.0923 513.04 267.1802 513.1172 c +%_269.8325 515.4746 273.8677 517.125 278.5708 515.8408 c +%_285.4907 513.9531 289.6606 506.457 287.4673 498.415 c +%_285.104 489.7578 276.3696 484.5234 266.5864 487.1934 c +%_263.2329 488.1084 259.4497 490.168 256.7603 493.4648 C +%_258.5942 489.4551 260.0493 487.1855 263.8286 484.6133 C +%_262.8364 474.1035 258.3091 463.8271 250.4009 456.8389 C +%_256.2192 454.9863 260.604 451.7207 263.5083 446.6855 c +%_263.5669 446.582 263.5454 446.4531 263.4595 446.373 c +%_263.3696 446.293 263.2388 446.2832 263.1411 446.3535 c +%_256.1802 451.2344 243.9048 452.582 232.7935 448.9121 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_216.1919 362.8809 m +%_212.1538 366.3105 210.936 372.0469 212.4106 377.8672 c +%_212.4419 377.9883 212.5542 378.0684 212.6772 378.0566 c +%_212.8022 378.0469 212.8989 377.9492 212.9097 377.8281 c +%_213.0981 375.6543 213.9448 373.748 215.4917 372.4355 c +%_219.4712 369.0566 226.5562 370.834 231.4634 376.3828 c +%_231.522 376.4492 231.6079 376.4805 231.6929 376.4668 c +%_231.7788 376.4531 231.8511 376.3984 231.8862 376.3203 c +%_234.1519 371.2539 239.1079 364.5938 252.0005 361.0742 c +%_270.0239 356.1563 290.3794 363.1992 294.6235 378.752 c +%_297.0493 387.6406 292.8306 396.4824 284.5845 402.7109 C +%_289.0298 397.123 291.7075 390.4238 289.6177 382.7695 c +%_286.5532 371.5391 272.1567 365.918 254.8755 370.6348 c +%_238.5825 375.0801 222.7065 391.748 226.8833 407.0547 c +%_229.1743 415.4492 237.6821 419.8887 246.4458 417.4961 c +%_254.2231 415.375 257.2837 409.1016 255.7329 403.4219 c +%_254.5669 399.1445 250.7407 397.0195 247.2153 396.9941 c +%_247.0962 396.9941 246.9927 397.0762 246.9653 397.1934 c +%_246.9419 397.3105 246.9985 397.4277 247.1079 397.4785 c +%_248.1704 397.9688 249.188 398.877 249.6509 400.5742 c +%_250.4263 403.4121 248.3911 405.5605 246.6353 406.0391 c +%_243.3022 406.9492 240.2827 405.1211 239.271 401.416 c +%_237.8911 396.3574 242.3667 390.8906 249.5239 388.9355 c +%_258.4126 386.5117 268.8833 392.8066 271.2075 401.3223 c +%_273.5825 410.0254 268.3501 421.4648 253.9087 425.4063 c +%_239.7153 429.2813 220.7925 424.0996 216.6157 408.793 c +%_214.1802 399.8691 216.1333 391.1875 221.2075 383.5508 c +%_221.2739 383.4512 221.2612 383.3164 221.1753 383.2305 c +%_221.0884 383.1445 220.9536 383.1328 220.853 383.2012 c +%_209.5415 390.8828 197.1108 391.707 195.3267 385.1699 c +%_194.4536 381.9727 196.3042 379.7188 198.7524 379.0508 c +%_201.2681 378.3652 203.8462 379.6289 205.0327 382.4883 c +%_205.0796 382.5996 205.2007 382.6641 205.3198 382.6406 c +%_205.438 382.6133 205.5249 382.5098 205.522 382.3867 c +%_205.4292 375.3477 200.0034 369.5625 193.1577 371.4316 c +%_187.1021 373.084 183.8354 379.5488 185.688 386.3359 c +%_188.4888 396.5977 200.6997 398.5391 210.0063 393.6504 C +%_204.647 400.7715 201.1919 410.1035 204.2524 421.3184 c +%_210.4507 444.0313 239.5044 448.4355 256.9087 443.6855 c +%_272.7075 439.373 281.9517 433.4023 287.9087 424.6152 C +%_284.1079 434.0098 278.4419 439.0039 269.8345 442.9434 C +%_263.3052 451.0918 267.5161 466.5195 v +%_269.2759 472.9707 273.3091 478.3418 279.1079 481.7793 C +%_279.1079 481.7813 279.106 481.7842 279.1021 481.7871 C +%_279.1509 481.8105 279.1997 481.8379 279.2466 481.8613 C +%_279.6333 482.0879 280.0298 482.3057 280.4321 482.5146 C +%_286.4438 486.1211 293.4966 494.6973 292.2661 504.6113 c +%_292.2524 504.7236 292.3149 504.832 292.4185 504.877 c +%_292.5239 504.9219 292.645 504.8896 292.7153 504.8018 c +%_297.3677 498.9629 297.2114 491.1104 294.8794 485.8857 C +%_298.7368 485.915 302.9087 485.375 307.3442 484.165 c +%_323.1685 479.8457 332.0122 468.3135 334.9126 457.5566 C +%_339.4106 459.5977 345.0063 457.4043 347.9888 452.9199 c +%_348.0532 452.8184 348.0415 452.6855 347.9575 452.5996 c +%_347.8735 452.5156 347.7407 452.5 347.6392 452.5645 c +%_342.7583 455.6914 336.9556 451.9648 335.4048 445.3496 c +%_335.3774 445.2305 335.2681 445.1484 335.145 445.1543 c +%_335.022 445.1602 334.9204 445.2539 334.9067 445.377 c +%_333.5591 456.251 326.8228 465.0566 316.1841 467.96 c +%_305.0767 470.9922 294.2446 466.7852 291.3149 456.0469 c +%_288.9224 447.2832 294.5571 436.3301 304.5513 433.6016 c +%_312.3286 431.4785 318.0747 434.5527 319.5903 440.1074 c +%_320.9048 444.9199 318.6157 449.6563 314.6665 450.7344 c +%_309.0181 452.2754 305.2388 446.4844 308.7837 441.877 c +%_308.8521 441.7852 308.854 441.6602 308.7837 441.5684 c +%_308.7153 441.4766 308.5923 441.4434 308.4868 441.4863 c +%_304.3892 443.1465 301.2739 447.3418 302.5923 452.1729 c +%_303.8052 456.6152 308.7544 460.1729 316.6548 458.0166 c +%_326.0356 455.457 333.0806 443.8555 329.0376 429.043 c +%_323.5142 408.7988 297.6802 404.0449 282.1079 418.9043 C +%_286.5278 412.2617 291.4517 406.0098 302.438 403.0117 c +%_323.188 397.3496 342.813 414.0332 341.1724 440.4902 c +%_341.1646 440.6152 341.2505 440.7285 341.3735 440.7539 c +%_341.4946 440.7813 341.6196 440.7129 341.6646 440.5977 c +%_344.7466 432.4922 350.0786 423.4316 362.2739 420.1035 c +%_374.9888 416.6328 386.2876 422.5664 389.8599 435.6504 c +%_392.6216 445.7734 388.2017 453.875 380.9204 455.8623 c +%_375.3657 457.3789 369.9419 455.0039 368.2603 448.8398 c +%_365.7563 439.6641 374.8833 433.8203 380.6411 437.3516 c +%_380.7388 437.4121 380.8677 437.3965 380.9497 437.3164 c +%_381.0337 437.2363 381.0513 437.1094 380.9927 437.0078 c +%_378.5454 432.7324 372.6802 429.5977 365.6548 431.5156 c +%_353.5571 434.8164 348.6001 448.2383 351.9673 460.5811 c +%_353.5454 466.3652 356.7681 471.502 361.1685 475.1426 C +%_365.0298 473.5186 369.8384 473.6777 373.3735 474.8867 C +%_366.2349 474.8154 355.8794 479.8262 358.647 489.9707 c +%_360.1978 495.6533 365.5923 498.2188 370.7563 496.8086 c +%_376.8579 495.1436 378.2974 489.21 376.5688 485.1729 c +%_376.522 485.0654 376.4106 485.0039 376.2974 485.0225 c +%_376.1821 485.04 376.0942 485.1318 376.0825 485.2471 c +%_375.9146 486.9375 374.6685 488.6836 372.7446 489.208 c +%_370.3325 489.8662 368.3989 488.415 367.8735 486.4854 c +%_367.0044 483.3066 370.063 480.5752 374.2739 480.6211 C +%_374.27 480.6094 L +%_377.2896 480.8984 380.5044 480.6445 383.8716 479.7266 c +%_400.0415 475.3125 410.6646 453.5674 404.6235 431.4375 c +%_398.2485 408.0781 378.2056 400.2363 361.0474 404.9199 c +%_351.8481 407.4297 345.8228 412.7871 342.5903 418.4453 C +%_339.3892 398.668 327.8618 388.7793 314.229 385.4707 C +%_311.7056 390.8008 306.7114 393.8867 Y +%_312.0864 386.8496 315.5845 376.3477 312.1821 363.8809 c +%_307.0278 344.9961 284.4712 335.2344 264.6001 340.6582 c +%_251.9888 344.0996 240.9927 352.0801 235.397 363.7266 C +%_228.9556 359.2266 221.186 358.6406 216.1919 362.8809 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_*U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_u +%_*u +%_0 D +%_0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Xa +%_0 1 0 0 0 Xy +%_363.1294 436.9688 m +%_363.0044 436.9688 362.8989 436.877 362.8794 436.7539 c +%_360.5005 420.7402 351.2271 407.3652 338.4888 399.3594 c +%_338.3853 399.2949 338.3403 399.1641 338.3872 399.0508 c +%_338.4321 398.9375 338.5532 398.8711 338.6724 398.8965 c +%_349.145 401 358.4653 406.7598 365.1216 414.9277 C +%_369.7466 401.5508 380.3579 392.9219 393.4224 389.2734 C +%_388.6138 383.6816 391.1294 375.7402 398.5415 374.4375 c +%_398.6548 374.416 398.7661 374.4746 398.8149 374.5781 c +%_398.8638 374.6816 398.8364 374.8066 398.7485 374.8809 c +%_394.7759 378.2266 396.229 386.3008 408.0864 386.3008 c +%_415.8794 386.3008 420.9067 383.1211 420.9067 378.8145 c +%_420.9067 375.4297 417.8442 373.584 415.2642 373.584 c +%_410.8501 373.584 408.3267 377.5449 410.2231 381.127 c +%_410.2778 381.2305 410.2563 381.3574 410.1685 381.4355 c +%_410.0806 381.5137 409.9517 381.5215 409.854 381.4551 c +%_407.606 379.8906 406.0356 377.834 406.0356 374.6641 c +%_406.0356 369.2773 411.061 363.5352 419.3677 363.5332 c +%_428.2896 363.5332 436.3911 370.4043 436.3911 378.8145 c +%_436.3911 390.6309 426.3423 396.248 415.7778 397.248 C +%_420.1431 398.9219 423.4106 403.7734 v +%_423.4771 403.8691 423.4673 403.998 423.3892 404.084 c +%_423.311 404.1719 423.1841 404.1934 423.0825 404.1387 c +%_417.2524 401.0566 410.5942 399.3945 403.5806 399.3945 c +%_383.9575 399.3945 367.0337 415.7988 363.3813 436.7607 c +%_363.3599 436.8818 363.2524 436.9727 363.1294 436.9688 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_1 D +%_286.4517 384.5625 m +%_281.8442 376.8867 280.1997 363.7129 284.4946 353.8809 c +%_284.5435 353.7695 284.5083 353.6406 284.4087 353.5703 c +%_284.3091 353.502 284.1763 353.5117 284.0884 353.5957 c +%_279.2817 358.1484 275.1489 368.7715 277.3833 381.0527 C +%_274.2876 383.4473 272.3384 385.8223 270.8696 389.0059 c +%_270.8228 389.1074 270.8501 389.2305 270.936 389.3047 c +%_271.022 389.377 271.147 389.3848 271.2427 389.3203 c +%_276.2388 385.959 280.7056 384.8125 286.4517 384.5625 C +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_297.0591 504.3691 m +%_296.9907 504.4727 297.0083 504.6133 297.1001 504.6973 c +%_297.1938 504.7813 297.3345 504.7852 297.4321 504.7061 c +%_304.2466 499.1797 313.3071 495.6504 324.4673 495.6504 c +%_352.0376 495.6504 369.4399 512.1689 372.1743 529.5771 c +%_372.1919 529.6885 372.2817 529.7734 372.3931 529.7891 c +%_372.5044 529.8047 372.6138 529.7422 372.6587 529.6396 c +%_375.3833 523.3818 377.0259 514.3057 368.6099 502.1309 c +%_363.5747 494.8457 357.479 489.8311 357.479 483.3145 c +%_357.479 479.0566 359.7407 476.1602 363.1685 476.1602 c +%_366.7739 476.1602 369.106 479.248 369.104 482.7148 c +%_369.104 484.4629 368.6001 486.1934 367.6958 487.7607 c +%_367.6372 487.8633 367.6548 487.9902 367.7407 488.0723 c +%_367.8247 488.1523 367.9556 488.165 368.0532 488.1016 c +%_371.0259 486.1641 373.6802 482.7021 373.6802 477.8281 c +%_373.6802 470.6563 367.5474 464.6602 359.2095 464.6602 c +%_350.2368 464.6602 342.8872 471.709 342.8872 481.8477 c +%_342.8872 485.3262 343.8755 489.5156 346.3501 492.9805 C +%_342.9653 490.1523 341.1587 488.1523 339.6724 483.8271 C +%_329.272 482.0186 318.1665 483.6797 309.3403 489.4727 C +%_309.0864 483.3711 307.0903 478.2793 302.9985 474.1533 c +%_302.9146 474.0684 302.7837 474.0547 302.6841 474.1182 c +%_302.5825 474.1816 302.5415 474.3066 302.5806 474.4189 c +%_305.4575 482.4199 303.5239 494.6152 297.0591 504.3691 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_209.6938 497.7344 m +%_211.938 502.5352 217.1528 505.2188 223.1548 505.3271 c +%_223.2798 505.3311 223.3872 505.2432 223.4087 505.1211 c +%_223.4321 504.998 223.3638 504.8779 223.2485 504.8359 c +%_221.2017 504.082 219.5864 502.7637 218.7271 500.9258 c +%_216.5142 496.1973 220.0942 489.8301 226.7407 486.5566 c +%_226.8188 486.5186 226.8716 486.4434 226.8813 486.3594 c +%_226.8911 486.2725 226.856 486.1885 226.7915 486.1318 c +%_222.5005 482.6143 217.3794 476.0781 217.3794 462.7148 c +%_217.3774 444.0322 229.5337 426.25 245.6548 426.25 c +%_254.8677 426.25 262.2876 432.6465 266.1255 442.2422 C +%_261.9028 436.4844 256.145 432.1348 248.2114 432.1348 c +%_236.5708 432.1348 227.3579 444.5439 227.356 462.459 c +%_227.356 479.3457 239.2583 499.0518 255.1216 499.0508 c +%_263.8247 499.0488 270.3481 492.0117 270.3481 482.9277 c +%_270.3481 474.8672 265.1021 470.2637 259.2173 470.2637 c +%_254.7798 470.2637 251.7231 473.3936 250.772 476.7871 c +%_250.7388 476.9023 250.7915 477.0254 250.897 477.0811 c +%_251.0044 477.1357 251.1333 477.1104 251.2114 477.0186 c +%_251.9634 476.124 253.1079 475.3809 254.8657 475.3809 c +%_257.8091 475.3789 259.3442 477.9082 259.3442 479.7285 c +%_259.3442 483.1836 256.7856 485.6152 252.9458 485.6152 c +%_247.7036 485.6152 243.606 479.8564 243.606 472.4385 c +%_243.606 463.2236 252.436 454.7813 261.2642 454.7813 c +%_270.2856 454.7813 279.9438 462.8408 279.9438 477.8125 c +%_279.9419 492.5234 269.9653 509.4141 254.0981 509.4141 c +%_244.8481 509.4141 236.9849 505.2441 230.9556 498.3398 c +%_230.8755 498.248 230.7427 498.2246 230.6392 498.2852 c +%_230.5317 498.3477 230.4849 498.4727 230.5239 498.5879 c +%_234.9575 511.5234 232.4771 523.7344 225.7036 523.7324 c +%_222.3892 523.7324 220.7017 521.3535 220.7017 518.8154 c +%_220.7017 516.21 222.6001 514.0566 225.6704 513.6611 c +%_225.7915 513.6475 225.8833 513.5479 225.8931 513.4268 c +%_225.8989 513.3047 225.8188 513.1943 225.7017 513.1641 c +%_218.8872 511.4004 211.8774 515.1133 211.8774 522.2061 c +%_211.8774 528.4854 217.2544 533.3398 224.2896 533.3398 c +%_234.9263 533.3379 240.0142 522.0684 237.7485 511.8047 C +%_243.2075 518.8486 251.3013 524.6396 262.9263 524.6396 c +%_286.4692 524.6396 298.3677 497.7715 298.3677 479.7285 c +%_298.3677 463.3525 295.0415 452.8604 288.1313 444.8018 C +%_296.1938 450.9404 299.52 457.7227 301.0552 467.0645 C +%_307.1958 475.5078 323.188 475.5078 v +%_329.8755 475.5078 336.1177 473.0322 340.9614 468.3438 C +%_340.9634 468.3447 340.9653 468.3477 340.9673 468.3486 C +%_341.0024 468.3105 341.0396 468.2695 341.0767 468.2314 C +%_341.397 467.915 341.7114 467.5918 342.02 467.2578 C +%_347.0806 462.4102 357.2114 457.8633 366.4517 461.6602 c +%_366.5571 461.7031 366.6782 461.6699 366.7485 461.582 c +%_366.8188 461.4932 366.8188 461.3672 366.7524 461.2754 c +%_362.3462 455.252 354.729 453.335 349.0747 454.21 C +%_350.1177 450.4941 350.6958 446.3281 350.6958 441.7305 c +%_350.6978 425.3262 341.8989 413.7598 332.2856 408.1289 C +%_335.438 404.3281 334.7954 398.3535 331.2544 394.2949 c +%_331.1743 394.2051 331.0435 394.1816 330.938 394.2402 c +%_330.8345 394.2988 330.7837 394.4238 330.8188 394.5391 c +%_332.5513 400.0703 327.4282 404.6875 320.6392 404.4395 c +%_320.5161 404.4355 320.4067 404.5195 320.3813 404.6406 c +%_320.356 404.7617 320.4185 404.8828 320.5337 404.9277 c +%_330.6685 409.0918 337.3911 417.9102 337.3892 428.9355 c +%_337.3911 440.4492 330.481 449.79 319.3501 449.79 c +%_310.2661 449.79 301.1821 441.4727 301.1821 431.1133 c +%_301.1821 423.0508 305.6587 418.3184 311.4165 418.3164 c +%_316.4067 418.3184 320.3735 421.7715 320.3735 425.8672 c +%_320.3735 431.7188 313.7896 433.8408 310.2778 429.209 c +%_310.2095 429.1172 310.0864 429.084 309.981 429.127 c +%_309.8755 429.1689 309.811 429.2773 309.8228 429.3926 c +%_310.3462 433.7813 313.5767 437.8926 318.5825 437.8926 c +%_323.188 437.8926 327.9224 434.0518 327.9224 425.8652 c +%_327.9224 416.1406 318.5845 406.291 303.231 406.2891 c +%_282.2466 406.2891 270.8599 429.959 281.0942 448.8945 C +%_275.8501 442.8809 271.1157 436.4844 271.1157 425.0977 c +%_271.1138 403.5898 292.3794 389.0488 317.4692 397.5977 c +%_317.5884 397.6367 317.7192 397.584 317.7759 397.4746 c +%_317.8345 397.3633 317.8013 397.2266 317.6997 397.1523 c +%_310.6938 392.043 303.356 384.5137 303.356 371.873 c +%_303.356 358.6934 312.0552 349.3535 325.6196 349.3535 c +%_336.1099 349.3535 342.7642 355.752 342.7642 363.2988 c +%_342.7642 369.0566 339.0454 373.6641 332.6567 373.6641 c +%_323.1431 373.6641 319.9087 363.3203 324.8325 358.6953 c +%_324.9165 358.6152 324.936 358.4902 324.8813 358.3887 c +%_324.8247 358.2871 324.7056 358.2344 324.5942 358.2637 c +%_319.8247 359.5 315.2563 364.332 315.2563 371.6152 c +%_315.2544 384.1563 326.897 392.4727 339.6919 392.4727 c +%_345.688 392.4727 351.4907 390.7188 356.1646 387.4297 C +%_355.6118 383.2773 357.0317 378.6816 359.1313 375.5879 C +%_357.1821 382.457 359.2915 393.7656 369.8032 393.7676 c +%_375.6958 393.7656 379.5903 389.2383 379.5903 383.8867 c +%_379.5903 377.5605 374.2446 374.6094 369.895 375.2148 c +%_369.7798 375.2305 369.6899 375.3223 369.6763 375.4375 c +%_369.6646 375.5527 369.731 375.6602 369.8384 375.7031 c +%_371.4243 376.3105 372.7817 377.9727 372.7817 379.9668 c +%_372.7817 382.4668 370.8696 383.9492 368.8696 383.9492 c +%_365.5767 383.9492 363.7466 380.2793 364.8989 376.2305 C +%_364.8872 376.2285 L +%_365.9595 373.3926 366.561 370.2246 366.561 366.7363 c +%_366.561 349.9746 34 +endstream endobj 30 0 obj <>stream +8.3813 334.002 325.4399 334 c +%_301.229 334 288.3872 351.2734 288.3892 369.0566 c +%_288.3892 378.5938 291.9692 385.8184 296.5767 390.4258 C +%_276.6548 388.3066 264.0786 396.8223 257.2974 409.1035 C +%_261.7759 412.9414 263.438 418.5723 Y +%_258.0649 411.5352 248.854 405.3945 235.9321 405.3945 c +%_216.356 405.3945 201.0005 424.5859 201.0005 445.1836 c +%_201.0005 458.2568 205.8032 470.9648 215.5649 479.4307 C +%_209.5278 484.459 206.9185 491.8018 209.6938 497.7344 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_*U +%_U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_0 0.25 0 0 0 Xy +%_0 0 Xd +%_6 () XW +%_U 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26.1348 485.9814 26.2227 485.9033 c +%_26.3105 485.8271 26.4395 485.8184 26.5361 485.8857 c +%_28.7852 487.4492 30.3555 489.5059 30.3555 492.6768 c +%_30.3555 498.0635 25.3301 503.8066 17.0234 503.8066 c +%_8.10156 503.8066 0 496.9355 0 488.5254 c +%_0 476.71 10.0488 471.0918 20.6133 470.0918 C +%_16.248 468.4189 12.9795 463.5664 v +%_12.9141 463.4697 12.9238 463.3418 13.001 463.2559 c +%_13.0791 463.1689 13.2051 463.1475 13.3086 463.2012 c +%_19.1387 466.2822 25.7949 467.9453 32.8105 467.9453 c +%_52.4316 467.9453 69.3574 451.541 73.0098 430.5801 c +%_73.0313 430.4561 73.1377 430.3691 73.2617 430.3711 c +%_f +%_1 D +%_149.9395 482.7773 m +%_154.5488 490.4551 156.1914 503.627 151.8965 513.46 c +%_151.8477 513.5703 151.8828 513.6992 151.9824 513.7686 c +%_152.0801 513.8379 152.2148 513.8281 152.3027 513.7461 c +%_157.1094 509.1914 161.2422 498.5684 159.0078 486.2871 C +%_162.1055 483.8936 164.0527 481.5176 165.5215 478.335 c +%_165.5684 478.2314 165.541 478.1104 165.4551 478.0352 c +%_165.3691 477.9629 165.2441 477.9551 165.1484 478.0186 c +%_160.1523 481.3809 155.6855 482.5283 149.9395 482.7773 C +%_f +%_139.3301 362.9707 m +%_139.4004 362.8672 139.3828 362.7266 139.291 362.6426 c +%_139.1973 362.5586 139.0566 362.5547 138.959 362.6348 c +%_132.1445 368.1621 123.084 371.6895 111.9238 371.6895 c +%_84.3516 371.6895 66.9512 355.1719 64.2158 337.7637 c +%_64.1982 337.6523 64.1094 337.5664 63.998 337.5508 c +%_63.8857 337.5371 63.7773 337.5977 63.7324 337.7012 c +%_61.0068 343.959 59.3652 353.0352 67.7813 365.209 c +%_72.8154 372.4941 78.9102 377.5098 78.9102 384.0273 c +%_78.9102 388.2852 76.6504 391.1797 73.2227 391.1797 c +%_69.6172 391.1797 67.2861 388.0918 67.2861 384.625 c +%_67.2861 382.877 67.791 381.1465 68.6953 379.5801 c +%_68.7539 379.4766 68.7354 379.3496 68.6504 379.2676 c +%_68.5645 379.1875 68.4355 379.1758 68.3379 379.2402 c +%_65.3652 381.1777 62.7109 384.6367 62.7109 389.5117 c +%_62.7109 396.6836 68.8438 402.6816 77.1797 402.6816 c +%_86.1543 402.6816 93.5039 395.6328 93.5039 385.4922 c +%_93.5039 382.0156 92.5137 377.8242 90.041 374.3613 C +%_93.4258 377.1875 95.2324 379.1875 96.7188 383.5117 C +%_107.1191 385.3223 118.2246 383.6602 127.0488 377.8691 C +%_127.3047 383.9707 129.3008 389.0605 133.3926 393.1875 c +%_133.4766 393.2715 133.6074 393.2852 133.707 393.2227 c +%_133.8086 393.1582 133.8516 393.0332 133.8105 392.9219 c +%_130.9336 384.9199 132.8652 372.7246 139.3301 362.9707 c +%_f +%_226.6973 369.6055 m +%_224.4512 364.8066 219.2383 362.1211 213.2363 362.0117 c +%_213.1113 362.0098 213.0039 362.0977 212.9824 362.2188 c +%_212.959 362.3418 213.0273 362.4609 213.1426 362.5039 c +%_215.1895 363.2578 216.8047 364.5762 217.6641 366.4141 c +%_219.877 371.1426 216.2969 377.5098 209.6504 380.7832 c +%_209.5723 380.8223 209.5195 380.8965 209.5098 380.9824 c +%_209.5 381.0684 209.5332 381.1523 209.5996 381.207 c +%_213.8906 384.7266 219.0117 391.2617 219.0117 404.627 c +%_219.0117 423.3086 206.8574 441.0898 190.7363 441.0898 c +%_181.5234 441.0898 174.1035 434.6934 170.2656 425.0977 C +%_174.4863 430.8564 180.2441 435.2051 188.1777 435.2051 c +%_199.8203 435.2051 209.0332 422.7969 209.0332 404.8828 c +%_209.0332 387.9941 197.1328 368.2891 181.2676 368.2891 c +%_172.5664 368.2891 166.043 375.3281 166.043 384.4121 c +%_166.043 392.4746 171.2891 397.0781 177.1758 397.0781 c +%_181.6094 397.0781 184.668 393.9473 185.6191 390.5527 c +%_185.6504 390.4375 185.5996 390.3164 185.4922 390.2598 c +%_185.3867 390.2051 185.2578 390.2305 185.1797 390.3223 c +%_184.4277 391.2168 183.2832 391.9609 181.5254 391.9609 c +%_178.582 391.9609 177.0469 389.4316 177.0469 387.6113 c +%_177.0469 384.1563 179.6055 381.7246 183.4453 381.7246 c +%_188.6895 381.7246 192.7852 387.4824 192.7852 394.9023 c +%_192.7852 404.1152 183.9551 412.5586 175.127 412.5586 c +%_166.1055 412.5586 156.4473 404.5 156.4473 389.5293 c +%_156.4473 374.8164 166.4277 357.9258 182.293 357.9258 c +%_191.543 357.9258 199.4043 362.0957 205.4355 369.002 c +%_205.5156 369.0918 205.6484 369.1152 205.7539 369.0547 c +%_205.8594 368.9941 205.9063 368.8672 205.8672 368.752 c +%_201.4336 355.8164 203.9121 343.6074 210.6875 343.6074 c +%_214.002 343.6074 215.6895 345.9863 215.6895 348.5234 c +%_215.6895 351.1309 213.791 353.2852 210.7207 353.6777 c +%_210.5996 353.6934 210.5059 353.793 210.498 353.9141 c +%_210.4922 354.0352 210.5703 354.1465 210.6895 354.1758 c +%_217.5039 355.9395 224.5137 352.2285 224.5137 345.1328 c +%_224.5137 338.8555 219.1367 334.002 212.1016 334.002 c +%_201.4648 334.002 196.377 345.2715 198.6426 355.5371 C +%_193.1836 348.4922 185.0898 342.7012 173.4648 342.7012 c +%_149.9219 342.7012 138.0234 369.5703 138.0234 387.6113 c +%_138.0234 403.9883 141.3496 414.4785 148.2598 422.5391 C +%_140.1973 416.3984 136.8711 409.6172 135.3379 400.2773 C +%_129.1953 391.832 113.2031 391.832 v +%_106.5156 391.832 100.2734 394.3086 95.4297 398.998 C +%_95.4277 398.9961 95.4258 398.9941 95.4238 398.9902 C +%_95.3887 399.0313 95.3496 399.0703 95.3145 399.1094 C +%_94.9941 399.4238 94.6797 399.748 94.3711 400.082 C +%_89.3086 404.9316 79.1797 409.4785 69.9395 405.6797 c +%_69.834 405.6367 69.7129 405.6699 69.6426 405.7578 c +%_69.5723 405.8477 69.5703 405.9727 69.6377 406.0645 c +%_74.0449 412.0898 81.6621 414.0059 87.3164 413.1309 C +%_86.2715 416.8457 85.6934 421.0117 85.6934 425.6094 c +%_85.6934 442.0137 94.4922 453.5801 104.1055 459.2109 C +%_100.9512 463.0137 101.5957 468.9883 105.1367 473.0449 c +%_105.2168 473.1357 105.3477 473.1582 105.4531 473.0996 c +%_105.5566 473.041 105.6055 472.918 105.5703 472.8018 c +%_103.8398 467.2695 108.9629 462.6523 115.752 462.9004 c +%_115.875 462.9033 115.9824 462.8193 116.0098 462.6992 c +%_116.0352 462.5801 115.9707 462.457 115.8574 462.4111 c +%_105.7207 458.248 99 449.4316 99 438.4033 c +%_99 426.8906 105.9082 417.5488 117.041 417.5488 c +%_126.125 417.5488 135.209 425.8672 135.209 436.2285 c +%_135.209 444.2891 130.7305 449.0225 124.9727 449.0225 c +%_119.9844 449.0225 116.0176 445.5684 116.0176 441.4736 c +%_116.0176 435.6211 122.5996 433.499 126.1113 438.1309 c +%_126.1816 438.2227 126.3027 438.2559 126.4082 438.2129 c +%_126.5156 438.1699 126.5801 438.0625 126.5664 437.9482 c +%_126.043 433.5586 122.8145 429.4482 117.8086 429.4482 c +%_113.2031 429.4482 108.4688 433.2861 108.4688 441.4746 c +%_108.4688 451.1982 117.8066 461.0508 133.1602 461.0508 c +%_154.1426 461.0508 165.5313 437.3809 155.2969 418.4453 C +%_160.541 424.459 165.2754 430.8555 165.2754 442.2432 c +%_165.2754 463.75 144.0117 478.291 118.9219 469.7441 c +%_118.8027 469.7021 118.6719 469.7559 118.6152 469.8672 c +%_118.5566 469.9785 118.5879 470.1143 118.6895 470.1895 c +%_125.6953 475.2979 133.0332 482.8262 133.0332 495.4668 c +%_133.0332 508.6475 124.334 517.9854 110.7715 517.9854 c +%_100.2793 517.9854 93.627 511.5879 93.627 504.04 c +%_93.627 498.2822 97.3457 493.6768 103.7344 493.6768 c +%_113.2461 493.6768 116.4805 504.0195 111.5586 508.6445 c +%_111.4746 508.7236 111.4551 508.8516 111.5098 508.9521 c +%_111.5664 509.0547 111.6836 509.1055 111.7969 509.0762 c +%_116.5664 507.8398 121.1348 503.0068 121.1348 495.7236 c +%_121.1348 483.1855 109.4922 474.8682 96.6973 474.8682 c +%_90.7012 474.8682 84.8984 476.623 80.2266 479.9102 C +%_80.7773 484.0635 79.3574 488.6602 77.2598 491.752 C +%_79.209 484.8848 77.1016 473.5732 66.5859 473.5732 c +%_60.6953 473.5732 56.8008 478.1025 56.8008 483.4551 c +%_56.8008 489.7793 62.1465 492.7314 66.4961 492.125 c +%_66.6113 492.1104 66.7002 492.0186 66.7129 491.9023 c +%_66.7266 491.7891 66.6602 491.6797 66.5527 491.6367 c +%_64.9668 491.0293 63.6104 489.3691 63.6104 487.373 c +%_63.6104 484.873 65.5195 483.3906 67.5195 483.3906 c +%_70.8145 483.3906 72.6445 487.0605 71.4922 491.1104 C +%_71.5039 491.1104 L +%_70.4307 493.9473 69.8281 497.1152 69.8281 500.6055 c +%_69.8281 517.3672 88.0098 533.3398 110.9492 533.3398 c +%_135.1621 533.3398 148.0039 516.0664 148.0039 498.2822 c +%_148.0039 488.7461 144.4219 481.5225 139.8145 476.915 C +%_159.7363 479.0332 172.3125 470.5176 179.0938 458.2354 C +%_174.6152 454.3975 172.9531 448.7676 Y +%_178.3262 455.8057 187.5371 461.9453 200.459 461.9453 c +%_220.0352 461.9453 235.3906 442.7539 235.3906 422.1563 c +%_235.3906 409.084 230.5879 396.375 220.8262 387.9102 C +%_226.8633 382.8809 229.4727 375.5391 226.6973 369.6055 c +%_f +%_*U +%_*u +%_0 D +%_1 0.2 0 0 0 Xy +%_148.2109 494.9053 m +%_148.1777 494.7852 148.2383 494.6582 148.3516 494.6094 c +%_163.1758 488.0957 173.6367 475.6289 178.0059 461.2324 c +%_178.041 461.1152 178.1543 461.0391 178.2773 461.0527 c +%_178.3984 461.0664 178.4941 461.166 178.502 461.2871 c +%_179.2285 471.9434 176.127 482.4531 170 491.0234 C +%_184.1211 491.9648 195.2402 499.9297 202.1992 511.5723 C +%_206.3281 505.46 214.6504 505.7969 217.8594 512.6035 c +%_217.9102 512.708 217.8828 512.832 217.7949 512.9063 c +%_217.707 512.9805 217.5801 512.9873 217.4863 512.9219 c +%_213.2129 509.9688 205.8066 513.498 208.9277 524.9355 c +%_210.9805 532.4561 215.3711 536.4668 219.5254 535.333 c +%_222.791 534.4414 223.7656 531.002 223.0859 528.5146 c +%_221.9238 524.2539 217.4375 522.8623 214.4805 525.6357 c +%_214.3965 525.7158 214.2676 525.7285 214.1699 525.6641 c +%_214.0723 525.5986 214.0293 525.4775 214.0684 525.3662 c +%_214.9863 522.7852 216.5566 520.7285 219.6152 519.8936 c +%_224.8105 518.4756 231.6738 521.8115 233.8613 529.8252 c +%_236.2109 538.4316 231.7148 548.0566 223.6035 550.2715 c +%_212.2031 553.3818 204.1387 545.166 200.3926 535.2383 C +%_199.9258 539.8896 196.1074 544.3203 v +%_196.0313 544.4092 195.9043 544.4336 195.8008 544.3818 c +%_195.6973 544.3291 195.6426 544.2129 195.666 544.0996 c +%_197.1055 537.6641 196.957 530.8047 195.1094 524.0361 c +%_189.9434 505.1074 169.6621 493.0977 148.4785 495.0938 c +%_148.3535 495.1055 148.2402 495.0254 148.2109 494.9053 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_1 D +%_178.5801 407.1348 m +%_184.7734 400.666 197.0488 395.6133 207.6641 397.168 c +%_207.7852 397.1855 207.9004 397.1172 207.9395 397.0039 c +%_207.9805 396.8906 207.9355 396.7637 207.834 396.7012 c +%_202.1738 393.2617 190.8379 392.0723 179.5781 397.4609 C +%_176.4531 395.1035 173.6484 393.8496 170.1914 393.2715 c +%_170.0801 393.2539 169.9688 393.3125 169.9199 393.4141 c +%_169.873 393.5156 169.8984 393.6387 169.9844 393.7148 c +%_174.5449 397.6484 176.8281 401.6563 178.5801 407.1348 C +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_65.793 448.9121 m +%_65.6748 448.8711 65.5439 448.9258 65.4873 449.0371 c +%_65.4307 449.1484 65.4639 449.2852 65.5674 449.3594 c +%_72.6934 454.4785 78.4824 462.291 81.4199 473.0566 c +%_88.6797 499.6563 77.3262 520.7921 61.2529 528.0146 c +%_61.1494 528.0605 61.0898 528.1689 61.1045 528.2803 c +%_61.1211 528.3926 61.208 528.4814 61.3193 528.4971 c +%_68.0742 529.4785 77.2617 528.6729 86.791 517.3486 c +%_92.4922 510.5732 95.7266 503.373 102.0137 501.6563 c +%_106.1211 500.5352 109.5098 501.9551 110.4121 505.2617 c +%_111.3613 508.7393 108.9961 511.8018 105.6523 512.7148 c +%_103.9648 513.1738 102.1621 513.1436 100.4141 512.6836 c +%_100.2988 512.6533 100.1816 512.7051 100.125 512.8086 c +%_100.0703 512.9121 100.0918 513.04 100.1797 513.1172 c +%_102.832 515.4746 106.8672 517.125 111.5703 515.8408 c +%_118.4902 513.9531 122.6602 506.457 120.4668 498.415 c +%_118.1035 489.7578 109.3691 484.5234 99.5859 487.1934 c +%_96.2324 488.1084 92.4492 490.168 89.7598 493.4648 C +%_91.5938 489.4551 93.0488 487.1855 96.8281 484.6133 C +%_95.8359 474.1035 91.3086 463.8271 83.4004 456.8389 C +%_89.2188 454.9863 93.6035 451.7207 96.5078 446.6855 c +%_96.5664 446.582 96.5449 446.4531 96.459 446.373 c +%_96.3691 446.293 96.2383 446.2832 96.1406 446.3535 c +%_89.1797 451.2344 76.9043 452.582 65.793 448.9121 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_49.1914 362.8809 m +%_45.1533 366.3105 43.9355 372.0469 45.4102 377.8672 c +%_45.4414 377.9883 45.5537 378.0684 45.6768 378.0566 c +%_45.8018 378.0469 45.8984 377.9492 45.9092 377.8281 c +%_46.0977 375.6543 46.9443 373.748 48.4912 372.4355 c +%_52.4707 369.0566 59.5557 370.834 64.4629 376.3828 c +%_64.5215 376.4492 64.6074 376.4805 64.6924 376.4668 c +%_64.7783 376.4531 64.8506 376.3984 64.8857 376.3203 c +%_67.1514 371.2539 72.1074 364.5938 85 361.0742 c +%_103.0234 356.1563 123.3789 363.1992 127.623 378.752 c +%_130.0488 387.6406 125.8301 396.4824 117.584 402.7109 C +%_122.0293 397.123 124.707 390.4238 122.6172 382.7695 c +%_119.5527 371.5391 105.1563 365.918 87.875 370.6348 c +%_71.582 375.0801 55.7061 391.748 59.8828 407.0547 c +%_62.1738 415.4492 70.6816 419.8887 79.4453 417.4961 c +%_87.2227 415.375 90.2832 409.1016 88.7324 403.4219 c +%_87.5664 399.1445 83.7402 397.0195 80.2148 396.9941 c +%_80.0957 396.9941 79.9922 397.0762 79.9648 397.1934 c +%_79.9414 397.3105 79.998 397.4277 80.1074 397.4785 c +%_81.1699 397.9688 82.1875 398.877 82.6504 400.5742 c +%_83.4258 403.4121 81.3906 405.5605 79.6348 406.0391 c +%_76.3018 406.9492 73.2822 405.1211 72.2705 401.416 c +%_70.8906 396.3574 75.3662 390.8906 82.5234 388.9355 c +%_91.4121 386.5117 101.8828 392.8066 104.207 401.3223 c +%_106.582 410.0254 101.3496 421.4648 86.9082 425.4063 c +%_72.7148 429.2813 53.792 424.0996 49.6152 408.793 c +%_47.1797 399.8691 49.1328 391.1875 54.207 383.5508 c +%_54.2734 383.4512 54.2607 383.3164 54.1748 383.2305 c +%_54.0879 383.1445 53.9531 383.1328 53.8525 383.2012 c +%_42.541 390.8828 30.1104 391.707 28.3262 385.1699 c +%_27.4531 381.9727 29.3037 379.7188 31.752 379.0508 c +%_34.2676 378.3652 36.8457 379.6289 38.0322 382.4883 c +%_38.0791 382.5996 38.2002 382.6641 38.3193 382.6406 c +%_38.4375 382.6133 38.5244 382.5098 38.5215 382.3867 c +%_38.4287 375.3477 33.0029 369.5625 26.1572 371.4316 c +%_20.1016 373.084 16.835 379.5488 18.6875 386.3359 c +%_21.4883 396.5977 33.6992 398.5391 43.0059 393.6504 C +%_37.6465 400.7715 34.1914 410.1035 37.252 421.3184 c +%_43.4502 444.0313 72.5039 448.4355 89.9082 443.6855 c +%_105.707 439.373 114.9512 433.4023 120.9082 424.6152 C +%_117.1074 434.0098 111.4414 439.0039 102.834 442.9434 C +%_96.3047 451.0918 100.5156 466.5195 v +%_102.2754 472.9707 106.3086 478.3418 112.1074 481.7793 C +%_112.1074 481.7813 112.1055 481.7842 112.1016 481.7871 C +%_112.1504 481.8105 112.1992 481.8379 112.2461 481.8613 C +%_112.6328 482.0879 113.0293 482.3057 113.4316 482.5146 C +%_119.4434 486.1211 126.4961 494.6973 125.2656 504.6113 c +%_125.252 504.7236 125.3145 504.832 125.418 504.877 c +%_125.5234 504.9219 125.6445 504.8896 125.7148 504.8018 c +%_130.3672 498.9629 130.2109 491.1104 127.8789 485.8857 C +%_131.7363 485.915 135.9082 485.375 140.3438 484.165 c +%_156.168 479.8457 165.0117 468.3135 167.9121 457.5566 C +%_172.4102 459.5977 178.0059 457.4043 180.9883 452.9199 c +%_181.0527 452.8184 181.041 452.6855 180.957 452.5996 c +%_180.873 452.5156 180.7402 452.5 180.6387 452.5645 c +%_175.7578 455.6914 169.9551 451.9648 168.4043 445.3496 c +%_168.377 445.2305 168.2676 445.1484 168.1445 445.1543 c +%_168.0215 445.1602 167.9199 445.2539 167.9063 445.377 c +%_166.5586 456.251 159.8223 465.0566 149.1836 467.96 c +%_138.0762 470.9922 127.2441 466.7852 124.3145 456.0469 c +%_121.9219 447.2832 127.5566 436.3301 137.5508 433.6016 c +%_145.3281 431.4785 151.0742 434.5527 152.5898 440.1074 c +%_153.9043 444.9199 151.6152 449.6563 147.666 450.7344 c +%_142.0176 452.2754 138.2383 446.4844 141.7832 441.877 c +%_141.8516 441.7852 141.8535 441.6602 141.7832 441.5684 c +%_141.7148 441.4766 141.5918 441.4434 141.4863 441.4863 c +%_137.3887 443.1465 134.2734 447.3418 135.5918 452.1729 c +%_136.8047 456.6152 141.7539 460.1729 149.6543 458.0166 c +%_159.0352 455.457 166.0801 443.8555 162.0371 429.043 c +%_156.5137 408.7988 130.6797 404.0449 115.1074 418.9043 C +%_119.5273 412.2617 124.4512 406.0098 135.4375 403.0117 c +%_156.1875 397.3496 175.8125 414.0332 174.1719 440.4902 c +%_174.1641 440.6152 174.25 440.7285 174.373 440.7539 c +%_174.4941 440.7813 174.6191 440.7129 174.6641 440.5977 c +%_177.7461 432.4922 183.0781 423.4316 195.2734 420.1035 c +%_207.9883 416.6328 219.2871 422.5664 222.8594 435.6504 c +%_225.6211 445.7734 221.2012 453.875 213.9199 455.8623 c +%_208.3652 457.3789 202.9414 455.0039 201.2598 448.8398 c +%_198.7559 439.6641 207.8828 433.8203 213.6406 437.3516 c +%_213.7383 437.4121 213.8672 437.3965 213.9492 437.3164 c +%_214.0332 437.2363 214.0508 437.1094 213.9922 437.0078 c +%_211.5449 432.7324 205.6797 429.5977 198.6543 431.5156 c +%_186.5566 434.8164 181.5996 448.2383 184.9668 460.5811 c +%_186.5449 466.3652 189.7676 471.502 194.168 475.1426 C +%_198.0293 473.5186 202.8379 473.6777 206.373 474.8867 C +%_199.2344 474.8154 188.8789 479.8262 191.6465 489.9707 c +%_193.1973 495.6533 198.5918 498.2188 203.7559 496.8086 c +%_209.8574 495.1436 211.2969 489.21 209.5684 485.1729 c +%_209.5215 485.0654 209.4102 485.0039 209.2969 485.0225 c +%_209.1816 485.04 209.0938 485.1318 209.082 485.2471 c +%_208.9141 486.9375 207.668 488.6836 205.7441 489.208 c +%_203.332 489.8662 201.3984 488.415 200.873 486.4854 c +%_200.0039 483.3066 203.0625 480.5752 207.2734 480.6211 C +%_207.2695 480.6094 L +%_210.2891 480.8984 213.5039 480.6445 216.8711 479.7266 c +%_233.041 475.3125 243.6641 453.5674 237.623 431.4375 c +%_231.248 408.0781 211.2051 400.2363 194.0469 404.9199 c +%_184.8477 407.4297 178.8223 412.7871 175.5898 418.4453 C +%_172.3887 398.668 160.8613 388.7793 147.2285 385.4707 C +%_144.7051 390.8008 139.7109 393.8867 Y +%_145.0859 386.8496 148.584 376.3477 145.1816 363.8809 c +%_140.0273 344.9961 117.4707 335.2344 97.5996 340.6582 c +%_84.9883 344.0996 73.9922 352.0801 68.3965 363.7266 C +%_61.9551 359.2266 54.1855 358.6406 49.1914 362.8809 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_*U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-1.837222) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_u +%_*u +%_0 D +%_0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Xa +%_0 1 0 0 0 Xy +%_196.1289 436.9688 m +%_196.0039 436.9688 195.8984 436.877 195.8789 436.7539 c +%_193.5 420.7402 184.2266 407.3652 171.4883 399.3594 c +%_171.3848 399.2949 171.3398 399.1641 171.3867 399.0508 c +%_171.4316 398.9375 171.5527 398.8711 171.6719 398.8965 c +%_182.1445 401 191.4648 406.7598 198.1211 414.9277 C +%_202.7461 401.5508 213.3574 392.9219 226.4219 389.2734 C +%_221.6133 383.6816 224.1289 375.7402 231.541 374.4375 c +%_231.6543 374.416 231.7656 374.4746 231.8145 374.5781 c +%_231.8633 374.6816 231.8359 374.8066 231.748 374.8809 c +%_227.7754 378.2266 229.2285 386.3008 241.0859 386.3008 c +%_248.8794 386.3008 253.9067 383.1211 253.9067 378.8145 c +%_253.9067 375.4297 250.8442 373.584 248.2642 373.584 c +%_243.8501 373.584 241.3262 377.5449 243.2227 381.127 c +%_243.2773 381.2305 243.2559 381.3574 243.168 381.4355 c +%_243.0801 381.5137 242.9512 381.5215 242.8535 381.4551 c +%_240.6055 379.8906 239.0352 377.834 239.0352 374.6641 c +%_239.0352 369.2773 244.061 363.5352 252.3677 363.5332 c +%_261.2896 363.5332 269.3911 370.4043 269.3911 378.8145 c +%_269.3911 390.6309 259.3423 396.248 248.7778 397.248 C +%_253.1431 398.9219 256.4106 403.7734 v +%_256.4771 403.8691 256.4673 403.998 256.3892 404.084 c +%_256.311 404.1719 256.1841 404.1934 256.0825 404.1387 c +%_250.2524 401.0566 243.5938 399.3945 236.5801 399.3945 c +%_216.957 399.3945 200.0332 415.7988 196.3809 436.7607 c +%_196.3594 436.8818 196.252 436.9727 196.1289 436.9688 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_1 D +%_119.4512 384.5625 m +%_114.8438 376.8867 113.1992 363.7129 117.4941 353.8809 c +%_117.543 353.7695 117.5078 353.6406 117.4082 353.5703 c +%_117.3086 353.502 117.1758 353.5117 117.0879 353.5957 c +%_112.2813 358.1484 108.1484 368.7715 110.3828 381.0527 C +%_107.2871 383.4473 105.3379 385.8223 103.8691 389.0059 c +%_103.8223 389.1074 103.8496 389.2305 103.9355 389.3047 c +%_104.0215 389.377 104.1465 389.3848 104.2422 389.3203 c +%_109.2383 385.959 113.7051 384.8125 119.4512 384.5625 C +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_130.0586 504.3691 m +%_129.9902 504.4727 130.0078 504.6133 130.0996 504.6973 c +%_130.1934 504.7813 130.334 504.7852 130.4316 504.7061 c +%_137.2461 499.1797 146.3066 495.6504 157.4668 495.6504 c +%_185.0371 495.6504 202.4395 512.1689 205.1738 529.5771 c +%_205.1914 529.6885 205.2813 529.7734 205.3926 529.7891 c +%_205.5039 529.8047 205.6133 529.7422 205.6582 529.6396 c +%_208.3828 523.3818 210.0254 514.3057 201.6094 502.1309 c +%_196.5742 494.8457 190.4785 489.8311 190.4785 483.3145 c +%_190.4785 479.0566 192.7402 476.1602 196.168 476.1602 c +%_199.7734 476.1602 202.1055 479.248 202.1035 482.7148 c +%_202.1035 484.4629 201.5996 486.1934 200.6953 487.7607 c +%_200.6367 487.8633 200.6543 487.9902 200.7402 488.0723 c +%_200.8242 488.1523 200.9551 488.165 201.0527 488.1016 c +%_204.0254 486.1641 206.6797 482.7021 206.6797 477.8281 c +%_206.6797 470.6563 200.5469 464.6602 192.209 464.6602 c +%_183.2363 464.6602 175.8867 471.709 175.8867 481.8477 c +%_175.8867 485.3262 176.875 489.5156 179.3496 492.9805 C +%_175.9648 490.1523 174.1582 488.1523 172.6719 483.8271 C +%_162.2715 482.0186 151.166 483.6797 142.3398 489.4727 C +%_142.0859 483.3711 140.0898 478.2793 135.998 474.1533 c +%_135.9141 474.0684 135.7832 474.0547 135.6836 474.1182 c +%_135.582 474.1816 135.541 474.3066 135.5801 474.4189 c +%_138.457 482.4199 136.5234 494.6152 130.0586 504.3691 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_42.6934 497.7344 m +%_44.9375 502.5352 50.1523 505.2188 56.1543 505.3271 c +%_56.2793 505.3311 56.3867 505.2432 56.4082 505.1211 c +%_56.4316 504.998 56.3633 504.8779 56.248 504.8359 c +%_54.2012 504.082 52.5859 502.7637 51.7266 500.9258 c +%_49.5137 496.1973 53.0938 489.8301 59.7402 486.5566 c +%_59.8184 486.5186 59.8711 486.4434 59.8809 486.3594 c +%_59.8906 486.2725 59.8555 486.1885 59.791 486.1318 c +%_55.5 482.6143 50.3789 476.0781 50.3789 462.7148 c +%_50.377 444.0322 62.5332 426.25 78.6543 426.25 c +%_87.8672 426.25 95.2871 432.6465 99.125 442.2422 C +%_94.9023 436.4844 89.1445 432.1348 81.2109 432.1348 c +%_69.5703 432.1348 60.3574 444.5439 60.3555 462.459 c +%_60.3555 479.3457 72.2578 499.0518 88.1211 499.0508 c +%_96.8242 499.0488 103.3477 492.0117 103.3477 482.9277 c +%_103.3477 474.8672 98.1016 470.2637 92.2168 470.2637 c +%_87.7793 470.2637 84.7227 473.3936 83.7715 476.7871 c +%_83.7383 476.9023 83.791 477.0254 83.8965 477.0811 c +%_84.0039 477.1357 84.1328 477.1104 84.2109 477.0186 c +%_84.9629 476.124 86.1074 475.3809 87.8652 475.3809 c +%_90.8086 475.3789 92.3438 477.9082 92.3438 479.7285 c +%_92.3438 483.1836 89.7852 485.6152 85.9453 485.6152 c +%_80.7031 485.6152 76.6055 479.8564 76.6055 472.4385 c +%_76.6055 463.2236 85.4355 454.7813 94.2637 454.7813 c +%_103.2852 454.7813 112.9434 462.8408 112.9434 477.8125 c +%_112.9414 492.5234 102.9648 509.4141 87.0977 509.4141 c +%_77.8477 509.4141 69.9844 505.2441 63.9551 498.3398 c +%_63.875 498.248 63.7422 498.2246 63.6387 498.2852 c +%_63.5313 498.3477 63.4844 498.4727 63.5234 498.5879 c +%_67.957 511.5234 65.4766 523.7344 58.7031 523.7324 c +%_55.3887 523.7324 53.7012 521.3535 53.7012 518.8154 c +%_53.7012 516.21 55.5996 514.0566 58.6699 513.6611 c +%_58.791 513.6475 58.8828 513.5479 58.8926 513.4268 c +%_58.8984 513.3047 58.8184 513.1943 58.7012 513.1641 c +%_51.8867 511.4004 44.877 515.1133 44.877 522.2061 c +%_44.877 528.4854 50.2539 533.3398 57.2891 533.3398 c +%_67.9258 533.3379 73.0137 522.0684 70.748 511.8047 C +%_76.207 518.8486 84.3008 524.6396 95.9258 524.6396 c +%_119.4688 524.6396 131.3672 497.7715 131.3672 479.7285 c +%_131.3672 463.3525 128.041 452.8604 121.1309 444.8018 C +%_129.1934 450.9404 132.5195 457.7227 134.0547 467.0645 C +%_140.1953 475.5078 156.1875 475.5078 v +%_162.875 475.5078 169.1172 473.0322 173.9609 468.3438 C +%_173.9629 468.3447 173.9648 468.3477 173.9668 468.3486 C +%_174.002 468.3105 174.0391 468.2695 174.0762 468.2314 C +%_174.3965 467.915 174.7109 467.5918 175.0195 467.2578 C +%_180.0801 462.4102 190.2109 457.8633 199.4512 461.6602 c +%_199.5566 461.7031 199.6777 461.6699 199.748 461.582 c +%_199.8184 461.4932 199.8184 461.3672 199.752 461.2754 c +%_195.3457 455.252 187.7285 453.335 182.0742 454.21 C +%_183.1172 450.4941 183.6953 446.3281 183.6953 441.7305 c +%_183.6973 425.3262 174.8984 413.7598 165.2852 408.1289 C +%_168.4375 404.3281 167.7949 398.3535 164.2539 394.2949 c +%_164.1738 394.2051 164.043 394.1816 163.9375 394.2402 c +%_163.834 394.2988 163.7832 394.4238 163.8184 394.5391 c +%_165.5508 400.0703 160.4277 404.6875 153.6387 404.4395 c +%_153.5156 404.4355 153.4063 404.5195 153.3809 404.6406 c +%_153.3555 404.7617 153.418 404.8828 153.5332 404.9277 c +%_163.668 409.0918 170.3906 417.9102 170.3887 428.9355 c +%_170.3906 440.4492 163.4805 449.79 152.3496 449.79 c +%_143.2656 449.79 134.1816 441.4727 134.1816 431.1133 c +%_134.1816 423.0508 138.6582 418.3184 144.416 418.3164 c +%_149.4063 418.3184 153.373 421.7715 153.373 425.8672 c +%_153.373 431.7188 146.7891 433.8408 143.2773 429.209 c +%_143.209 429.1172 143.0859 429.084 142.9805 429.127 c +%_142.875 429.1689 142.8105 429.2773 142.8223 429.3926 c +%_143.3457 433.7813 146.5762 437.8926 151.582 437.8926 c +%_156.1875 437.8926 160.9219 434.0518 160.9219 425.8652 c +%_160.9219 416.1406 151.584 406.291 136.2305 406.2891 c +%_115.2461 406.2891 103.8594 429.959 114.0938 448.8945 C +%_108.8496 442.8809 104.1152 436.4844 104.1152 425.0977 c +%_104.1133 403.5898 125.3789 389.0488 150.4688 397.5977 c +%_150.5879 397.6367 150.7188 397.584 150.7754 397.4746 c +%_150.834 397.3633 150.8008 397.2266 150.6992 397.1523 c +%_143.6934 392.043 136.3555 384.5137 136.3555 371.873 c +%_136.3555 358.6934 145.0547 349.3535 158.6191 349.3535 c +%_169.1094 349.3535 175.7637 355.752 175.7637 363.2988 c +%_175.7637 369.0566 172.0449 373.6641 165.6563 373.6641 c +%_156.1426 373.6641 152.9082 363.3203 157.832 358.6953 c +%_157.916 358.6152 157.9355 358.4902 157.8809 358.3887 c +%_157.8242 358.2871 157.7051 358.2344 157.5938 358.2637 c +%_152.8242 359.5 148.2559 364.332 148.2559 371.6152 c +%_148.2539 384.1563 159.8965 392.4727 172.6914 392.4727 c +%_178.6875 392.4727 184.4902 390.7188 189.1641 387.4297 C +%_188.6113 383.2773 190.0313 378.6816 192.1309 375.5879 C +%_190.1816 382.457 192.291 393.7656 202.8027 393.7676 c +%_208.6953 393.7656 212.5898 389.2383 212.5898 383.8867 c +%_212.5898 377.5605 207.2441 374.6094 202.8945 375.2148 c +%_202.7793 375.2305 202.6895 375.3223 202.6758 375.4375 c +%_202.6641 375.5527 202.7305 375.6602 202.8379 375.7031 c +%_204.4238 376.3105 205.7813 377.9727 205.7813 379.9668 c +%_205.7813 382.4668 203.8691 383.9492 201.8691 383.9492 c +%_198.5762 383.9492 196.7461 380.2793 197.8984 376.2305 C +%_197.8867 376.2285 L +%_198.959 373.3926 199.5605 370.2246 199.5605 366.7363 c +%_199.5605 349.9746 181.3809 334.002 158.4395 334 c +%_134.2285 334 121.3867 351.2734 121.3887 369.0566 c +%_121.3887 378.5938 124.9688 385.8184 129.5762 390.4258 C +%_109.6543 388.3066 97.0781 396.8223 90.2969 409.1035 C +%_94.7754 412.9414 96.4375 418.5723 Y +%_91.0645 411.5352 81.8535 405.3945 68.9316 405.3945 c +%_49.3555 405.3945 34 424.5859 34 445.1836 c +%_34 458.2568 38.8027 470.9648 48.5645 479.4307 C +%_42.5273 484.459 39.918 491.8018 42.6934 497.7344 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_*U +%_U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141592) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_0 0.25 0 0 0 Xy +%_0 0 Xd +%_6 () XW +%_U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Main_Copy_of_EditGroup) , +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Repeated_Art) , +%_; +%_ +%_9 () XW +%_U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_10 /Real (AIPattern_Editor_Dim_Percent_Key) , +%_4 /Int (AIPattern_Editor_Editable_Copy_Loc_Key) , +%_167.0005 /Real (AIPattern_Editor_Tile_Width) , +%_5 /Int (AIPattern_Editor_Preview_Cols) , +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Editor_Dim_Copies_Key) , +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Editor_Left_in_Front) , +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Editor_Top_in_Front) , +%_167 /Real (AIPattern_Editor_Tile_Height) , +%_5 /Int (AIPattern_Editor_Preview_Rows) , +%_; +%_ +%_9 () XW +E +%AI3_EndPattern +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI8_BeginBrushPattern +(New Pattern 11) 0 A +0 Xw +u +0 D +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +-7842.6191 7889.7002 m +-7842.6191 7842.3193 L +-7890 7842.3193 L +-7890 7889.7002 L +-7842.6191 7889.7002 L +n +u +0 O +0.743221 0.648188 0.629023 0.813504 0.113725 0.113725 0.105882 Xa +-7865.4058 7885.4551 m +-7867.1816 7885.4551 L +-7867.1816 7890 L +-7865.4058 7890 L +-7865.4058 7885.4551 L +f +-7865.4058 7878.6855 m +-7867.1816 7878.6855 L +-7867.1816 7883.2305 L +-7865.4058 7883.2305 L +-7865.4058 7878.6855 L +f +-7865.4058 7871.918 m +-7867.1816 7871.918 L +-7867.1816 7876.4629 L +-7865.4058 7876.4629 L +-7865.4058 7871.918 L +f +-7865.4058 7865.1494 m +-7867.1816 7865.1494 L +-7867.1816 7869.6934 L +-7865.4058 7869.6934 L +-7865.4058 7865.1494 L +f +U +9 () XW +u +-7858.3809 7866.9238 m +-7858.3809 7865.1465 L +-7862.9258 7865.1465 L +-7862.9258 7866.9238 L +-7858.3809 7866.9238 L +f +-7844.8442 7866.9238 m +-7844.8442 7865.1465 L +-7849.3882 7865.1465 L +-7849.3882 7866.9238 L +-7844.8442 7866.9238 L +f +U +9 () XW +*u +1 D +-7853.4922 7865.1465 m +-7851.6118 7865.1465 L +-7851.6118 7866.9238 L +-7856.1558 7866.9238 L +-7856.1558 7865.1465 L +-7855.3306 7865.1465 L +-7856.4585 7862.2109 L +-7859.8838 7861.1738 L +-7860.3145 7861.0127 -7860.3818 7861.2061 -7860.4609 7861.584 c +-7860.7915 7863.1582 -7862.0337 7863.582 -7863.0703 7863.1934 c +-7864.1855 7862.7754 -7864.9023 7861.4141 -7864.4785 7860.2793 c +-7864.0825 7859.2236 -7863.0215 7858.9512 -7862.0439 7859.3184 c +-7861.2817 7859.6025 -7860.6255 7860.2949 -7859.8623 7860.5791 c +-7858.9824 7860.9102 -7857.7529 7860.7227 -7856.9312 7860.3164 C +-7856.9658 7859.8135 -7857.1592 7859.3164 -7857.3945 7858.873 c +-7857.9458 7857.8408 -7858.4375 7857.3672 -7859.3984 7856.7168 c +-7859.7842 7856.4395 -7860.2246 7856.1855 -7860.5625 7855.8359 c +-7861.1738 7855.2041 -7861.5186 7854.3398 -7861.1978 7853.4785 c +-7860.8374 7852.5215 -7859.8345 7852.1602 -7858.9146 7852.5039 c +-7857.8184 7852.916 -7857.0513 7854.3184 -7857.4746 7855.4512 c +-7857.7007 7856.0586 -7858.2271 7856.3301 -7858.3008 7856.5254 c +-7858.4395 7856.8984 -7857.4858 7857.5664 -7857.2671 7857.7598 c +-7856.6074 7858.3184 -7856.0845 7859.3633 -7855.6978 7860.1768 C +-7849.4033 7862.1309 L +-7848.0137 7862.6504 -7846.8535 7863.5967 -7846.0103 7864.8047 C +-7854.5176 7862.8037 L +-7853.4922 7865.1465 L +f +0 D +-7858.0366 7855.1074 m +-7857.7524 7854.3457 -7858.3882 7853.3047 -7859.1113 7853.0332 c +-7859.8359 7852.7617 -7860.4214 7853.0781 -7860.6934 7853.8008 c +-7860.9863 7854.584 -7860.1455 7855.6133 -7859.4199 7855.8838 c +-7858.7954 7856.1182 -7858.25 7855.6758 -7858.0366 7855.1074 c +f +-7862.2695 7859.8584 m +-7862.9146 7859.6172 -7863.6689 7859.8457 -7863.9185 7860.5117 c +-7864.2319 7861.3535 -7863.6685 7862.3457 -7862.8657 7862.6455 c +-7862.2002 7862.8945 -7861.4302 7862.625 -7861.1675 7861.9199 c +-7860.8232 7861.002 -7861.4082 7860.1797 -7862.2695 7859.8584 c +f +*U +U +%AI8_EndBrushPattern +%AI8_BeginBrushPattern +(New Pattern 4) 0 A +0 Xw +u +1 Ap +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +-7843.6191 7891 m +-7843.6191 7843.6191 L +-7891 7843.6191 L +-7891 7891 L +-7843.6191 7891 L +n +u +0 O +0.743221 0.648188 0.629023 0.813504 0.113725 0.113725 0.105882 Xa +-7886.4551 7868.2227 m +-7886.4551 7866.4453 L +-7891 7866.4453 L +-7891 7868.2227 L +-7886.4551 7868.2227 L +f +-7879.6865 7868.2227 m +-7879.6865 7866.4453 L +-7884.2314 7866.4453 L +-7884.2314 7868.2227 L +-7879.6865 7868.2227 L +f +-7872.9185 7868.2227 m +-7872.9185 7866.4453 L +-7877.4634 7866.4453 L +-7877.4634 7868.2227 L +-7872.9185 7868.2227 L +f +-7866.1494 7868.2227 m +-7866.1494 7866.4453 L +-7870.6934 7866.4453 L +-7870.6934 7868.2227 L +-7866.1494 7868.2227 L +f +-7859.3809 7868.2227 m +-7859.3809 7866.4453 L +-7863.9258 7866.4453 L +-7863.9258 7868.2227 L +-7859.3809 7868.2227 L +f +-7852.6113 7868.2227 m +-7852.6113 7866.4453 L +-7857.1558 7866.4453 L +-7857.1558 7868.2227 L +-7852.6113 7868.2227 L +f +-7845.8442 7868.2227 m +-7845.8442 7866.4453 L +-7850.3882 7866.4453 L +-7850.3882 7868.2227 L +-7845.8442 7868.2227 L +f +U +9 () XW +U +%AI8_EndBrushPattern +%AI8_BeginBrushPattern +(Unnamed 6) 0 A +0 Xw +u +u +0 Ap +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +-4018.5 4018.5 m +-3917.1816 4018.5 L +-3917.1816 4010.7832 L +-4018.5 4010.7832 L +-4018.5 4018.5 L +n +u +0 O +0.743221 0.648188 0.629023 0.813504 0.113725 0.113725 0.105882 Xa +-3917.3 4012.207 m +-3917.1504 4012.2437 -3917.2041 4011.8247 -3917.1816 4011.7495 C +-3917.4319 4011.8423 -3917.2937 4012.3159 -3917.3 4012.207 C +f +-3919.7693 4013.1582 m +-3919.7256 4012.9873 L +-3920.0896 4013.4063 L +-3919.7693 4013.1582 L +f +-3922.0784 4013.1504 m +-3921.8601 4013.8643 -3921.2417 4013.0352 -3920.8303 4013.2891 C +-3920.7625 4013.4517 L +-3920.5769 4012.8774 L +-3921.0769 4012.9683 -3921.7263 4013.3496 -3922.0784 4013.1504 C +f +-3923.3096 4011.6064 m +-3923.2336 4011.8843 -3923.5759 4011.8457 -3923.0225 4011.6934 C +-3923.0503 4011.6631 -3923.0583 4011.6455 -3923.0745 4011.623 C +-3923.1243 4011.6274 -3923.1929 4011.6265 -3923.3096 4011.6064 C +f +-3923.0745 4011.623 m +-3922.8313 4011.603 -3923.2336 4011.3896 -3923.0745 4011.623 C +-3923.0745 4011.623 L +f +-3924.1975 4011.7822 m +-3923.8772 4011.5342 L +-3923.9441 4011.3701 -3924.2292 4011.333 -3924.1233 4011.2139 C +-3924.4519 4011.3496 -3924.3843 4011.5127 -3924.1975 4011.7822 C +f +-3924.5012 4012.3032 m +-3924.3352 4012.1982 L +-3924.3643 4012.1294 -3924.4082 4012.1055 -3924.5012 4012.3032 C +f +-3923.9832 4011.9766 m +-3924.3352 4012.1982 L +-3924.2888 4012.3135 -3924.2839 4012.5449 -3924.1736 4012.1182 C +-3924.2024 4012.3296 -3924.1328 4012.1265 -3923.9832 4011.9766 C +f +-3923.7839 4012.0854 m +-3923.6042 4012.2407 -3923.3721 4012.3384 -3923.6936 4012.5854 C +-3923.0808 4012.4873 -3923.1711 4011.9854 -3923.7839 4012.0854 C +f +-3922.1963 4013.8887 m +-3921.9561 4014.0977 L +-3921.7483 4013.8584 L +-3921.8521 4013.9771 -3922.2112 4013.665 -3922.1963 4013.8887 C +f +-3926.1929 4011.4126 m +-3926.2129 4011.5645 -3926.0852 4011.8174 -3926.0613 4012.0117 C +-3925.8247 4011.8374 L +-3925.9463 4011.7334 -3926.1768 4011.6377 -3926.1929 4011.4126 C +f +-3926.0613 4012.0117 m +-3926.4153 4012.2725 L +-3926.0991 4012.3032 -3926.0413 4012.1792 -3926.0613 4012.0117 C +f +-3924.5583 4013.0957 m +-3923.9768 4012.5479 L +-3924.6704 4013.103 L +-3924.5583 4013.0957 L +f +-3927.5449 4011.3936 m +-3927.3442 4011.042 L +-3927.7017 4011.5732 L +-3927.5449 4011.3936 L +f +-3928.4417 4011.4551 m +-3928.2932 4011.1641 -3928.6453 4010.9624 -3928.4883 4010.7832 C +-3928.7319 4010.8354 -3928.9399 4011.0854 -3929.1272 4011.3101 C +-3928.9282 4011.1846 -3928.7161 4011.2168 -3928.4417 4011.4551 C +f +-3929.4417 4011.6377 m +-3929.3423 4011.5679 -3929.2393 4011.4429 -3929.1272 4011.3101 C +-3929.2329 4011.3774 -3929.3369 4011.4741 -3929.4417 4011.6377 C +f +-3927.0183 4012.1973 m +-3927.0457 4012.1055 -3927.0984 4011.8652 -3927.2969 4011.7637 C +-3927.1577 4012.1909 L +-3927.1152 4012.1934 -3927.0671 4012.1953 -3927.0183 4012.1973 C +f +-3927.1528 4012.2046 m +-3927.1577 4012.1909 L +-3927.3088 4012.1816 -3927.4136 4012.1719 -3927.4585 4012.167 c +-3927.4199 4012.1709 -3927.3279 4012.1816 -3927.1528 4012.2046 C +f +-3926.9832 4012.1992 m +-3926.9961 4012.1982 -3927.0056 4012.1973 -3927.0183 4012.1973 C +-3927.0049 4012.2393 -3926.9968 4012.2534 -3926.9832 4012.1992 C +f +-3925.4863 4012.709 m +-3925.6943 4012.9478 -3926.1279 4013.2041 -3925.7083 4013.5684 C +-3925.5591 4013.2759 -3925.7993 4013.0684 -3925.4863 4012.709 c +f +-3926.8103 4012.7334 m +-3926.4343 4012.8311 L +-3926.4417 4012.7183 -3926.5095 4012.5537 -3926.4065 4012.4351 C +-3926.8103 4012.7334 L +f +-3926.9944 4012.8691 m +-3926.8103 4012.7334 L +-3926.9497 4012.6973 L +-3926.9944 4012.8691 L +f +-3928.7976 4012.0376 m +-3928.96 4012.2236 -3929.1377 4012.2393 -3929.3384 4012.269 C +-3929.1233 4012.353 -3928.9009 4012.3984 -3928.6897 4012.3975 C +-3928.6599 4012.2632 -3928.5671 4012.0225 -3928.7976 4012.0376 C +f +-3927.9983 4012.1563 m +-3928.0095 4012.166 -3928.0239 4012.1709 -3928.0344 4012.1807 C +-3928.0122 4012.2168 -3927.9944 4012.2285 -3927.9983 4012.1563 C +f +-3931.3142 4012.2661 m +-3931.3032 4012.2896 -3931.2937 4012.3188 -3931.2825 4012.3438 C +-3931.28 4012.3188 -3931.2783 4012.2949 -3931.2751 4012.27 C +-3931.3142 4012.2661 L +f +-3928.6536 4012.4771 m +-3928.4919 4012.5596 -3928.3953 4012.4551 -3928.3032 4012.3232 C +-3928.4241 4012.3662 -3928.5522 4012.394 -3928.6897 4012.3975 C +-3928.7031 4012.458 -3928.7056 4012.498 -3928.6536 4012.4771 C +f +-3929.9929 4011.8374 m +-3929.9087 4011.9268 -3929.8132 4012.0024 -3929.7129 4012.0723 C +-3929.7952 4011.937 -3929.9631 4011.7261 -3929.9929 4011.8374 C +f +-3928.0889 4012.0625 m +-3928.0808 4012.0557 -3928.0735 4012.0479 -3928.0647 4012.0435 C +-3928.1177 4011.9517 -3928.1111 4011.9966 -3928.0889 4012.0625 C +f +-3928.0889 4012.0625 m +-3928.1721 4012.124 -3928.2375 4012.2295 -3928.3032 4012.3232 C +-3928.2048 4012.2896 -3928.1135 4012.2437 -3928.0344 4012.1807 C +-3928.0544 4012.1504 -3928.0745 4012.1045 -3928.0889 4012.0625 C +f +-3931.9128 4015.0093 m +-3931.8843 4014.6133 -3931.4592 4014.2471 -3931.0923 4014.6719 C +-3930.7312 4014.375 -3930.9673 4013.0723 -3931.2825 4012.3438 C +-3931.2937 4012.5166 -3931.2937 4012.6763 -3931.6653 4012.9102 C +-3931.5352 4013.1265 -3930.8408 4013.416 -3931.1543 4013.7744 C +-3931.6465 4013.9785 -3931.5576 4013.6343 -3931.7969 4013.4248 C +-3931.5935 4013.9185 -3932.4231 4014.1431 -3932.3159 4014.8687 C +-3931.8843 4014.6133 L +-3931.8762 4014.7261 -3932.0327 4014.9063 -3931.9128 4015.0093 C +f +-3930.5745 4012.3843 m +-3930.4216 4012.3354 L +-3930.5959 4012.2661 -3930.7207 4012.1079 -3930.9504 4011.7979 C +-3931.2048 4011.9912 -3931.2576 4012.1382 -3931.2751 4012.27 C +-3930.5222 4012.3252 L +-3930.5745 4012.3843 L +f +-3929.7351 4012.3335 m +-3929.8545 4012.7646 -3930.2217 4012.9478 -3929.9968 4013.4141 C +-3929.5481 4013.3843 -3929.6824 4013.0542 -3929.4143 4012.8672 C +-3930.1384 4012.9741 -3929.2063 4012.6274 -3929.7295 4012.3828 C +-3929.5872 4012.3096 -3929.4592 4012.2871 -3929.3384 4012.269 C +-3929.4688 4012.2168 -3929.5945 4012.1519 -3929.7129 4012.0723 C +-3929.7063 4012.082 -3929.7017 4012.0894 -3929.6963 4012.0991 C +-3929.6929 4012.0977 L +-3929.6929 4012.1006 -3929.6936 4012.1016 -3929.6936 4012.1045 C +-3929.6624 4012.1582 -3929.6521 4012.1909 -3929.6873 4012.1597 C +-3929.6897 4012.165 -3929.6985 4012.167 -3929.7024 4012.1685 C +-3929.7073 4012.2285 -3929.7207 4012.2808 -3929.7351 4012.3311 C +-3929.9448 4012.2422 -3929.7681 4012.2192 -3929.7024 4012.1685 C +-3929.7 4012.1475 -3929.6943 4012.1274 -3929.6936 4012.1045 C +-3929.6943 4012.1021 -3929.6953 4012.1006 -3929.6963 4012.0991 C +-3930.4216 4012.3354 L +-3930.2681 4012.395 -3930.0759 4012.3828 -3929.7351 4012.3335 C +f +-3926.0952 4014.4951 m +-3926.1177 4014.457 -3926.1167 4014.4263 -3926.1184 4014.395 C +-3926.1653 4014.4478 -3926.1831 4014.4839 -3926.0952 4014.4951 C +f +-3926.3936 4014.2349 m +-3926.3408 4014.1748 -3926.2969 4014.0024 -3926.1255 4014.0469 C +-3925.9768 4014.1763 -3926.1262 4014.2534 -3926.1184 4014.395 C +-3926.0151 4014.2808 -3925.7568 4014.0859 -3926.0808 4013.8765 C +-3926.1321 4013.9351 L +-3926.4241 4013.7871 -3926.7993 4013.2495 -3926.7483 4013.1904 C +-3926.6631 4013.5781 -3926.5879 4013.8545 -3926.3936 4014.2349 C +f +-3928.0852 4013.394 m +-3928.6892 4013.6055 L +-3928.3816 4013.9785 L +-3928.3972 4013.7544 L +-3928.0537 4013.8423 -3928.1279 4013.5664 -3928.0852 4013.394 C +f +-3931.3833 4012.0518 m +-3931.3032 4011.5967 L +-3931.6521 4012.2393 L +-3931.3833 4012.0518 L +f +-3932.1682 4012.1064 m +-3932.1392 4011.7104 L +-3932.3464 4011.9492 L +-3932.1682 4012.1064 L +f +-3976.4617 4017.0166 m +-3976.6392 4017.1289 L +-3976.5552 4017.0942 -3976.5012 4017.0566 -3976.4617 4017.0166 C +f +-3975.1768 4017.0435 m +-3975.1453 4016.8486 L +-3975.2048 4016.9561 -3975.2292 4017.0352 -3975.1768 4017.0435 C +f +-3951.4456 4012.1509 m +-3951.7041 4011.7813 -3951.9929 4011.208 -3951.9617 4011.6533 C +-3951.8823 4012.0869 L +-3951.7017 4012.0093 -3951.5632 4012.0576 -3951.4456 4012.1509 C +f +-3964.6479 4014.7412 m +-3964.6233 4014.7832 -3964.5977 4014.8286 -3964.5723 4014.873 C +-3964.5095 4014.7246 -3964.4504 4014.5869 -3964.3977 4014.458 C +-3964.4729 4014.5469 -3964.5583 4014.6416 -3964.6479 4014.7412 C +f +-3964.8303 4016.5366 m +-3965.1711 4016.2568 L +-3965.0945 4016.3545 -3964.9849 4016.4478 -3964.8303 4016.5366 C +f +-3983.4792 4017.4766 m +-3983.6863 4017.9185 L +-3983.3623 4017.916 -3983.5049 4017.6934 -3983.4792 4017.4766 C +f +-3940.2073 4012.2661 m +-3940.4304 4012.0967 -3940.6079 4012.0254 -3940.7639 4012.0044 C +-3940.4951 4012.2534 -3940.2783 4012.6274 -3940.2073 4012.2661 C +f +-3975.9561 4012.4126 m +-3976.0647 4012.4912 -3976.1111 4012.5796 -3976.1079 4012.6763 C +-3975.9961 4012.6021 -3975.9329 4012.519 -3975.9561 4012.4126 C +f +-3941.4082 4012.0059 m +-3941.3689 4012.0493 -3941.3303 4012.0713 -3941.2903 4012.1079 C +-3941.1272 4012.0352 -3940.9631 4011.9766 -3940.7639 4012.0044 C +-3940.9624 4011.8188 -3941.1897 4011.7046 -3941.4082 4012.0059 C +f +-4008.9297 4017.1172 m +-4008.9482 4017.0977 -4008.9705 4017.0884 -4008.9873 4017.0654 C +-4008.9929 4017.124 -4008.9673 4017.1274 -4008.9297 4017.1172 C +f +-4016.3442 4012.7393 m +-4016.2712 4012.7124 -4016.1521 4012.7119 -4016.0398 4012.7061 C +-4016.0945 4012.6763 -4016.1863 4012.6792 -4016.3442 4012.7393 c +f +-3935.3264 4011.917 m +-3935.1599 4011.8887 -3935.3 4011.8691 -3935.3264 4011.917 C +-3935.3264 4011.917 L +f +-3934.5168 4013.6328 m +-3934.5522 4013.6816 -3934.5791 4013.7437 -3934.5833 4013.8438 C +-3934.5696 4013.7393 -3934.5464 4013.6729 -3934.5168 4013.6328 c +f +-3943.0664 4014.7061 m +-3943.0713 4014.7061 -3943.0752 4014.7046 -3943.0808 4014.7046 C +-3943.0313 4014.7896 -3943.0398 4014.7734 -3943.0664 4014.7061 C +f +-3935.0759 4012.1143 m +-3935.1384 4012.061 -3935.2104 4012.0166 -3935.2888 4011.9854 C +-3935.2544 4012.019 -3935.1897 4012.061 -3935.0759 4012.1143 C +f +-3935.1096 4011.9092 m +-3935.0522 4011.9287 -3935.0071 4011.9395 -3934.9641 4011.9512 C +-3934.9431 4011.8789 -3934.9617 4011.8335 -3935.1096 4011.9092 C +f +-3935.5583 4011.9404 m +-3935.4631 4011.9336 -3935.3743 4011.9541 -3935.2888 4011.9854 C +-3935.3215 4011.9561 -3935.3352 4011.9316 -3935.3264 4011.917 C +-3935.3752 4011.9238 -3935.4441 4011.9326 -3935.5583 4011.9404 c +f +-3995.2932 4015.9561 m +-3995.3042 4015.9424 -3995.3169 4015.9336 -3995.3289 4015.915 C +-3995.4968 4016.0952 -3995.4231 4016.0664 -3995.2932 4015.9561 C +f +-3955.7783 4016.6563 m +-3955.7705 4016.6519 -3955.7664 4016.6406 -3955.7593 4016.6353 C +-3955.7671 4016.6309 -3955.7769 4016.625 -3955.7839 4016.6201 C +-3955.7783 4016.6563 L +f +-3956.3762 4016.9795 m +-3956.1216 4016.4395 -3955.9768 4016.5059 -3955.7839 4016.6201 C +-3955.9817 4015.3691 L +-3956.3762 4016.9795 L +f +*u +-3979.5383 4017.1416 m +-3979.1184 4017.5313 L +-3979.6252 4018.1729 -3979.9919 4017.9517 -3979.5977 4018.5 C +-3979.5383 4017.1416 -3977.9656 4018.3608 -3977.9072 4017.0039 C +-3977.6304 4017.2896 L +-3977.7097 4017.2764 -3977.7224 4017.3564 -3977.8008 4017.3428 C +-3977.2625 4017.9932 -3977.4009 4016.3608 -3976.7073 4016.5542 C +-3976.4656 4016.6582 -3976.2969 4016.8555 -3976.4617 4017.0166 C +-3975.9231 4016.6807 L +-3975.7664 4016.707 -3975.8047 4016.9429 -3975.9607 4016.917 C +-3975.1392 4016.8086 L +-3975.1453 4016.8486 L +-3975.0281 4016.6353 -3974.7625 4016.3062 -3974.6328 4016.166 C +-3974.4241 4016.3608 -3974.7375 4016.3101 -3974.6841 4016.4795 C +-3974.2292 4016.1504 L +-3974.0439 4016.5024 -3974.4209 4016.8438 -3974.7351 4016.7935 C +-3974.3103 4018.1494 -3974.3577 4016.4517 -3973.4409 4017.2437 C +-3973.8704 4017.416 L +-3973.5935 4018.1865 -3973.2583 4017.9072 -3972.7727 4018.3877 C +-3972.8879 4018.1367 -3973.7449 4017.1772 -3973.2512 4016.8389 C +-3973.1121 4016.9414 -3972.9287 4016.9902 -3972.6624 4016.7168 C +-3972.6599 4017.1997 -3972.3999 4017.0811 -3972.0745 4017.0537 C +-3972.0967 4017.6934 L +-3971.7449 4017.5088 -3971.7727 4017.1831 -3971.5657 4016.895 C +-3971.1736 4016.958 -3971.0923 4017.4536 -3971 4017.8711 C +-3970.3721 4017.9727 -3971.4336 4017.0767 -3970.6904 4016.9561 C +-3970.1682 4017.2007 -3969.8015 4016.9395 -3969.1768 4016.5566 C +-3968.8113 4016.7769 -3969.2407 4016.9478 -3969.1096 4017.1309 C +-3968.7856 4016.6206 L +-3968.7063 4016.6328 -3968.7319 4016.7896 -3968.7449 4016.8687 C +-3968.4719 4016.6709 -3968.7224 4016.2295 -3968.2932 4016.0557 C +-3968.1775 4015.3511 -3967.4121 4017.0854 -3966.8809 4016.2852 C +-3966.75 4016.4668 -3966.9441 4016.6772 -3966.9041 4016.9248 C +-3966.1753 4016.3999 -3966.2793 4016.5435 -3965.6809 4015.8369 C +-3965.1711 4016.2568 L +-3965.5457 4015.7764 -3965.0671 4015.208 -3964.6479 4014.7412 C +-3964.7808 4014.5093 -3964.8943 4014.3062 -3964.9705 4014.2095 C +-3964.3015 4013.8662 L +-3964.2207 4013.9712 -3964.2881 4014.1909 -3964.3977 4014.458 C +-3964.3521 4014.4053 -3964.3088 4014.353 -3964.2751 4014.3047 C +-3964.0359 4014.541 -3964.1599 4014.9102 -3964.3313 4015.2676 C +-3964.4128 4015.1416 -3964.4937 4015.0068 -3964.5723 4014.873 C +-3964.7375 4015.2617 -3964.8921 4015.6919 -3964.8577 4016.0664 C +-3964.8142 4015.9927 -3964.7305 4015.9292 -3964.6384 4015.8936 C +-3964.6816 4015.999 -3964.7092 4016.0933 -3964.6892 4016.1572 c +-3964.6665 4016.2246 -3964.5967 4016.083 -3964.4873 4015.9199 C +-3964.3352 4016.6328 L +-3964.2983 4016.3496 L +-3963.4231 4016.7959 L +-3962.7969 4016.0781 -3962.2522 4015.0215 -3961.2583 4014.7271 C +-3961.5049 4015.25 -3961.3113 4015.5811 -3961.3247 4016.2007 C +-3961.5959 4015.5449 -3962.0945 4016.4795 -3962.6096 4016.3462 c +-3962.3408 4016.415 -3962.3999 4016.7104 -3962.4683 4016.8135 C +-3961.5496 4016.2168 L +-3961.5703 4016.7236 -3961.3545 4016.5967 -3961.1145 4016.8062 C +-3961.2959 4015.8047 -3960.4297 4016.1392 -3960.0559 4015.832 C +-3960.0327 4016.1685 -3960.1223 4016.5117 -3960.5784 4016.4307 C +-3960.0752 4017.1846 -3959.9282 4015.2544 -3959.4343 4015.895 C +-3959.5457 4015.9033 -3959.6057 4015.8516 -3959.6497 4016.0225 C +-3959.3896 4015.7236 -3958.7537 4015.9604 -3958.9033 4016.2534 C +-3959.0144 4016.2603 L +-3958.2751 4016.3789 -3956.7639 4016.2676 -3956.6536 4015.417 C +-3956.6462 4015.5269 -3956.7505 4016.4424 -3956.7952 4016.6143 C +-3955.4761 4013.7524 L +-3955.5923 4014.4829 -3955.1462 4016.2227 -3955.7593 4016.6353 C +-3955.5833 4016.7393 -3955.3655 4016.8608 -3954.9944 4016.603 C +-3955.1145 4016.499 -3955.2937 4015.5469 -3955.1296 4015.48 C +-3954.6792 4016.2935 -3954.8169 4015.915 -3954.2617 4016.6084 C +-3954.4417 4016.4517 -3954.2417 4015.3062 -3953.9573 4015.3428 C +-3954.0017 4015.5142 -3953.9336 4016.4736 -3954.0376 4016.5928 C +-3953.3296 4015.4683 L +-3953.5063 4015.6709 -3953.3608 4016.4214 -3953.2024 4016.7393 C +-3953.2759 4016.519 -3952.5903 4016.7598 -3952.4016 4016.6484 C +-3952.7017 4016.3877 L +-3951.9023 4016.5576 -3951.9121 4014.8062 -3951.1191 4014.8652 C +-3951.2151 4015.0977 -3951.3562 4016.2949 -3950.9529 4016.4365 C +-3950.7681 4015.8604 -3950.1345 4013.666 -3949.4329 4013.2227 C +-3949.2983 4013.5518 L +-3948.76 4013.1768 L +-3949.0952 4014.0435 -3950.0359 4015.8672 -3950.5496 4016.5767 C +-3950.2505 4016.8374 -3950.4663 4016.9648 -3950.0183 4016.9351 C +-3949.8601 4017.2437 -3950.2625 4017.4033 -3950.3943 4017.4214 C +-3949.3513 4017.6206 L +-3949.3977 4016.9478 -3948.5537 4016.9463 -3948.5935 4016.3862 C +-3949.7263 4017.083 L +-3949.7722 4016.4121 -3949.0713 4015.1748 -3948.3323 4015.2935 C +-3948.1443 4015.561 -3948.4729 4016.4902 -3948.4575 4016.7144 C +-3948.3616 4016.4829 -3947.7561 4016.2725 -3947.6882 4016.4365 C +-3948.0017 4016.7959 L +-3947.5903 4017.0488 -3947.3303 4015.9048 -3946.8359 4016.5464 C +-3946.6653 4016.5894 -3946.3264 4017.4121 -3946.2969 4017.0142 C +-3946.5752 4016.2471 -3946.6296 4013.874 -3946.4441 4013.2979 C +-3946.3843 4013.3496 -3945.5481 4014.0313 -3945.3533 4014.4102 C +-3945.0723 4015.0117 -3945.7751 4015.8438 -3945.5359 4016.3604 C +-3945.5256 4016.1768 -3945.3704 4015.9502 -3945.3057 4015.8774 C +-3945.1265 4016.0342 -3945.3799 4016.4463 -3944.9905 4016.3633 C +-3944.9255 4015.6816 -3944.1985 4016.4209 -3944.8064 4015.7871 C +-3944.4255 4015.5923 -3944.4016 4015.9272 -3943.9543 4015.8975 C +-3944.0967 4015.457 -3943.5527 4014.3984 -3943.1711 4014.2041 C +-3943.1936 4014.3774 -3943.1079 4014.603 -3943.0664 4014.7061 C +-3942.2856 4014.7676 -3941.8665 4015.0771 -3941.1384 4015.083 C +-3941.0713 4015.248 -3940.72 4015.4478 -3940.8696 4015.7412 C +-3940.7649 4015.6206 -3940.6687 4015.3896 -3940.4441 4015.373 C +-3940.0095 4015.9624 -3940.9448 4015.4648 -3940.6135 4016.1729 C +-3940.5852 4015.7769 -3940.0327 4015.6265 -3939.7129 4015.3789 C +-3939.8113 4014.7671 -3940.4519 4015.2617 -3940.7722 4015.5088 C +-3940.7737 4014.665 -3940.2161 4013.7813 -3939.4551 4013.3911 C +-3938.8503 4013.1816 -3939.1929 4013.9365 -3939.0879 4013.8164 C +-3937.9519 4013.9639 -3938.1201 4012.3428 -3937.1768 4012.9517 C +-3936.8025 4013.4893 -3937.1599 4014.0215 -3937.0769 4014.4092 C +-3937.5696 4014.6128 -3937.8333 4014.0679 -3938.1672 4014.0894 C +-3937.7561 4014.3438 L +-3937.9128 4014.5225 -3938.2417 4014.6582 -3938.4209 4014.5024 C +-3938.1072 4014.9854 -3936.5017 4014.5952 -3935.6252 4015.041 C +-3935.4695 4014.8608 -3935.2007 4014.6743 -3935.3279 4014.458 C +-3935.6052 4014.5332 L +-3935.8601 4014.0996 -3935.0833 4013.9336 -3935.4343 4013.7314 C +-3935.0623 4013.4263 -3934.6453 4012.9473 -3934.1216 4013.1924 C +-3934.0232 4013.8057 L +-3934.0344 4013.6265 -3934.3655 4013.4404 -3934.5127 4013.6274 c +-3934.2944 4013.3555 -3933.7097 4014.457 -3933.4705 4013.6543 C +-3933.8376 4013.2295 L +-3933.4641 4012.9214 -3933.0024 4012.2705 -3932.5383 4012.4639 C +-3932.7495 4011.8584 -3932.6453 4012.5332 -3932.9751 4011.8247 C +-3932.6892 4012.7061 -3934.1624 4011.7876 -3933.7031 4012.7139 C +-3934.0415 4011.8916 -3934.2888 4012.3652 -3934.7312 4011.6641 C +-3934.7175 4011.8662 -3934.5745 4012.0508 -3934.9641 4011.9512 C +-3934.9817 4012.0103 -3935.0232 4012.0854 -3935.0496 4012.1294 C +-3935.0615 4012.124 -3935.0657 4012.1206 -3935.0759 4012.1143 C +-3935.0681 4012.1221 -3935.0623 4012.1309 -3935.0544 4012.1382 C +-3935.0713 4012.1685 -3935.0728 4012.1748 -3935.0464 4012.1465 C +-3934.9536 4012.2349 -3934.8784 4012.3413 -3934.8479 4012.4541 C +-3935.0413 4012.9185 -3935.6609 4012.9038 -3935.8704 4013.144 C +-3936.1016 4013.0479 -3935.7737 4012.9121 -3935.8999 4012.6963 C +-3936.2129 4013.0557 L +-3936.2439 4012.6064 -3936.8271 4012.3096 -3936.2825 4012.0464 C +-3936.7727 4012.0264 L +-3937.0613 4011.7744 -3937.4583 4011.6743 -3937.7031 4011.8633 C +-3937.9343 4011.7661 -3938.2871 4012.3604 -3938.0857 4012.0088 C +-3938.8545 4012.2871 L +-3938.8616 4012.1748 L +-3939.6201 4012.1182 -3940.4231 4012.9185 -3941.2903 4012.1079 C +-3941.5457 4012.2212 -3941.8096 4012.3599 -3942.2368 4012.2324 C +-3942.3201 4011.8438 L +-3942.6479 4011.9795 -3943.3047 4011.4551 -3943.4456 4011.8599 C +-3943.7993 4010.8145 -3945.0369 4011.6318 -3945.6135 4011.4463 C +-3945.6353 4011.9536 L +-3946.0322 4011.9248 -3946.4128 4012.0688 -3946.9055 4012.2725 C +-3946.8752 4012.7207 L +-3947.3 4013.0889 -3947.9673 4012.4019 -3948.6392 4012.4478 C +-3948.5935 4012.2764 -3948.4231 4012.3213 -3948.3025 4012.4248 C +-3949.1052 4011.4121 -3949.9961 4013.1616 -3950.7241 4012.4238 C +-3950.9055 4012.5869 -3951.0369 4012.5313 -3951.1641 4012.4185 C +-3951.1472 4012.4175 -3951.1321 4012.4092 -3951.1191 4012.395 C +-3951.1377 4012.3896 -3951.1653 4012.3887 -3951.1936 4012.3896 C +-3951.2737 4012.3125 -3951.3562 4012.2227 -3951.4456 4012.1509 C +-3951.3696 4012.2598 -3951.2969 4012.3496 -3951.2336 4012.3911 C +-3951.3735 4012.4004 -3951.5857 4012.4561 -3951.7937 4012.5684 C +-3951.8823 4012.0869 L +-3951.8992 4012.0933 -3951.9128 4012.0923 -3951.9304 4012.1006 C +-3952.1345 4011.9229 -3952.0945 4012.3286 -3951.9856 4012.6909 C +-3952.0903 4012.77 -3952.1863 4012.8652 -3952.2607 4012.9814 C +-3952.4265 4012.2041 -3952.8064 4013.2432 -3953.0327 4012.4141 C +-3953.1729 4012.8184 -3954.0784 4012.7183 -3954.1892 4013.5688 C +-3954.1963 4013.458 -3954.2576 4013.4053 -3954.1453 4013.3984 C +-3954.3772 4013.3013 -3954.6089 4013.2046 -3954.8169 4013.4443 C +-3954.9153 4012.832 L +-3955.4216 4013.6553 L +-3955.7292 4013.2822 -3955.8567 4013.0654 -3955.5513 4012.5942 C +-3956.2888 4013.3188 -3956.1497 4012.8672 -3956.7769 4013.5854 C +-3956.7463 4013.1895 L +-3956.9705 4013.2046 -3957.3289 4013.7349 -3957.4641 4013.4077 C +-3957.9656 4012.6553 -3959.9456 4013.3037 -3961.2329 4012.6045 C +-3960.9832 4013.77 -3961.8313 4012.082 -3961.8823 4012.9854 C +-3961.9573 4012.71 -3962.1367 4012.5542 -3961.9282 4012.3145 C +-3962.5852 4012.5854 -3962.9153 4011.8774 -3963.3689 4012.6392 C +-3963.4441 4012.3623 -3963.2283 4012.2349 -3963.2952 4012.0713 C +-3963.3479 4012.1309 -3963.5039 4012.311 -3963.5723 4012.1465 c +-3963.6392 4011.9824 -3963.4761 4011.915 -3963.3721 4011.7949 C +-3964.0432 4011.8413 -3964.1111 4012.6909 -3964.1599 4013.4883 C +-3964.5 4013.1108 -3964.6697 4013.1641 -3964.9153 4013.687 C +-3965.0337 4013.4263 -3965.2312 4013.1533 -3964.8142 4013.0596 C +-3965.0488 4013.0215 -3966.2473 4012.6772 -3966.2712 4013.3164 C +-3966.3447 4013.1543 -3966.5991 4013.269 -3966.6609 4013.3428 C +-3967.1873 4013.3047 -3967.2336 4013.2471 -3967.7505 4013.3076 C +-3967.6072 4013.4121 L +-3967.8113 4014.1831 -3968.0369 4013.584 -3968.4536 4013.6768 C +-3968.4417 4013.5977 L +-3969.3972 4013.0415 -3968.8542 4013.8643 -3969.7969 4013.2295 C +-3969.7456 4013.709 L +-3969.8335 4014.7407 -3970.5808 4013.1006 -3971.1279 4013.4951 C +-3970.9304 4013.769 L +-3971.2292 4014.1221 -3971.7656 4012.3662 -3972.0657 4012.2373 C +-3972.1311 4012.1475 -3971.9624 4012.0933 -3971.8711 4012.0269 C +-3972.6567 4011.4185 -3971.9729 4012.6553 -3972.5583 4012.8013 C +-3972.6663 4012.4624 -3972.4192 4011.9395 -3972.8132 4011.8765 C +-3973.0095 4011.6021 -3973.9561 4012.9766 -3974.4937 4012.3267 C +-3974.3752 4012.5879 -3974.2576 4012.8486 -3974.5295 4013.0449 C +-3974.9463 4013.1382 -3975.6563 4012.0576 -3976.0327 4012.8809 C +-3976.0857 4012.8096 -3976.1057 4012.7412 -3976.1079 4012.6763 C +-3976.4265 4012.8887 -3977.1433 4013.0293 -3977.3352 4013.4756 C +-3977.6296 4011.8188 -3979.3159 4014.2813 -3979.3088 4012.7534 C +-3980.2888 4012.8354 L +-3980.2632 4012.6792 L +-3980.8896 4012.5781 -3981.1111 4012.9443 -3981.3313 4013.311 C +-3981.4761 4013.207 -3981.3704 4013.0645 -3981.3584 4012.9844 C +-3982.2737 4012.6763 -3982.3647 4012.7412 -3983.1321 4013.5024 C +-3983.2119 4013.0068 L +-3983.4199 4013.2949 -3984.5352 4012.2295 -3985.4329 4012.8076 C +-3985.4241 4012.7515 -3985.4055 4012.6553 -3985.3342 4012.5854 C +-3986.3442 4013.167 -3987.7522 4011.2104 -3988.1223 4013.0156 C +-3988.7888 4013.4604 L +-3987.9265 4013.6006 -3988.9172 4014.2437 -3988.5625 4014.5435 C +-3988.9016 4014.6494 -3989.4392 4013.999 -3989.0225 4013.9063 C +-3988.9573 4013.9966 L +-3988.8042 4013.0557 -3990.0288 4013.6631 -3990.0056 4013.0225 C +-3991.7024 4013.0688 -3993.3562 4012.5479 -3994.9456 4012.5078 C +-3994.7625 4013.2393 L +-3995.3169 4013.1973 L +-3995.4624 4013.0269 -3995.5122 4012.625 -3995.1167 4012.6553 C +-3995.3247 4012.2407 -3995.78 4013.0024 -3995.7913 4013.1616 C +-3996.5657 4012.8652 -3995.4888 4012.3086 -3995.7263 4012.291 C +-3996.0488 4012.3457 L +-3995.9761 4012.4312 L +-3996.2375 4012.73 -3996.2607 4013.0469 -3996.7361 4013.0107 C +-3997.0369 4012.8643 -3996.8904 4012.5596 -3997.0088 4012.5313 C +-3997.0081 4012.4795 -3997.0481 4012.4551 -3997.1904 4012.5103 C +-3997.8889 4012.4478 L +-3997.6096 4013.0254 L +-3997.9192 4013.3101 -3998.2664 4012.9951 -3997.9441 4013.6494 c +-3998.4172 4012.6406 -4000.5496 4013.2871 -4000.8401 4012.9741 C +-4001.2737 4013.395 -4001.7017 4013.3877 -4002.2319 4013.3369 C +-4002.1001 4013.457 -4002.0212 4014.1064 -4002.4785 4014.0269 C +-4002.3113 4012.687 -4003.3159 4013.4453 -4003.6855 4012.4814 C +-4003.3552 4013.1206 -4004.9856 4012.6392 -4004.4673 4013.5469 C +-4004.8489 4013.4385 -4004.4905 4013.0454 -4004.78 4012.73 C +-4005.6882 4013.249 -4006.7815 4012.3926 -4007.9041 4012.5679 C +-4007.9216 4012.7437 -4007.7336 4013.0127 -4007.9744 4013.2744 C +-4008.5671 4012.395 L +-4008.7888 4012.4814 -4008.7712 4013.4102 -4009.1763 4012.7998 C +-4009.1191 4012.9478 -4009.0337 4013.1709 -4009.1824 4013.2271 C +-4011.3816 4012.3701 -4013.6763 4013.9292 -4015.9097 4012.3188 C +-4015.6072 4012.6597 -4015.8088 4012.6934 -4016.0398 4012.7061 C +-4015.8896 4012.7876 -4016.0432 4013.1406 -4016.0137 4013.3789 C +-4016.9487 4012.7168 L +-4017.1191 4013.3784 -4017.9512 4012.7617 -4018.0488 4013.394 C +-4017.7527 4013.2803 L +-4018.1465 4014.0269 -4017.2017 4014.9395 -4017.2593 4015.8975 C +-4016.8184 4015.0488 -4016.0967 4017.1543 -4015.3733 4015.9395 C +-4015.2136 4016.1348 -4015.5095 4016.248 -4015.4241 4016.4702 C +-4015.2407 4016.0596 -4015.0193 4015.9741 -4014.6089 4016.1582 C +-4014.6553 4016.2598 L +-4013.5024 4016.1597 -4013.0081 4016.5645 -4011.7129 4016.834 C +-4011.8088 4016.3604 L +-4011.5305 4016.4238 -4011.4719 4016.5723 -4011.3416 4016.6909 C +-4011.0222 4015.9727 -4012.1233 4016.6504 -4011.8323 4015.8584 C +-4011.4631 4016.8223 -4009.8696 4015.873 -4009.6201 4016.9683 C +-4009.1919 4016.9741 -4009.7456 4016.4199 -4009.3176 4016.4263 C +-4009.2041 4016.7227 L +-4009.0959 4016.3408 L +-4008.8152 4016.4038 -4008.6736 4016.7744 -4008.6631 4017.0254 C +-4008.7312 4016.9956 -4008.8567 4017.0957 -4008.9297 4017.1172 C +-4008.5657 4017.4663 -4007.9033 4016.998 -4007.7783 4017.1118 C +-4008.1897 4016.9292 L +-4007.0212 4016.6519 -4005.5945 4017.041 -4004.4656 4016.4385 C +-4004.5513 4016.2148 L +-4003.6892 4015.8013 -4003.8608 4016.4604 -4002.9143 4016.269 C +-4002.9487 4016.3223 L +-4002.7593 4016.0996 -4002.5063 4015.9873 -4002.2473 4016.0127 C +-4002.4863 4016.2744 -4001.7976 4016.5215 -4002.1111 4016.811 C +-4001.1763 4016.3672 -4001.6487 4016.4624 -4001.0313 4015.6318 C +-4000.8889 4016.0024 L +-4000.6785 4015.667 -4000.6609 4015.4902 -4000.1882 4015.394 C +-4000.5759 4015.7124 -3999.8865 4015.959 -4000.3208 4016.3799 C +-3999.3289 4017.1909 -3998.8479 4015.561 -3998.3928 4016.7471 C +-3997.9373 4015.7207 -3999.2512 4016.1772 -3998.9961 4015.9575 C +-3999.2097 4015.6221 -3998.6201 4015.1904 -3998.3088 4015.2935 C +-3997.9919 4015.3164 -3997.77 4016.6064 -3996.9729 4016.5869 C +-3997.0522 4016.582 -3997.0576 4016.6597 -3997.1367 4016.6553 C +-3996.8384 4016.917 -3996.5522 4016.3008 -3996.1863 4016.7261 C +-3995.9812 4016.1055 -3995.7112 4016.7617 -3995.6521 4015.9702 C +-3996.3833 4016.1533 L +-3995.9688 4015.9463 -3995.5801 4015.02 -3994.8972 4015.4692 C +-3994.9504 4015.6289 -3995.1536 4015.8389 -3995.2932 4015.9561 C +-3995.0935 4016.1895 -3994.9087 4015.8013 -3994.7017 4016.041 C +-3994.7607 4016.8335 -3995.5903 4016.2134 -3996.0344 4016.8174 C +-3995.8201 4017.1519 -3995.1943 4016.2437 -3995.4175 4017.1016 c +-3995.0967 4016.0107 -3994.6321 4017.2393 -3994.0923 4016.4063 C +-3994.1279 4016.8809 L +-3994.0425 4016.8062 -3993.8655 4016.582 -3993.7083 4016.5942 C +-3993.9929 4017.2095 L +-3993.5559 4016.6846 -3993.1504 4017.6685 -3992.7312 4017.3828 C +-3993.6089 4017.3975 -3992.9282 4016.811 -3993.2993 4016.4648 C +-3992.2168 4015.8296 -3992.6768 4017.7061 -3991.4648 4017.4785 C +-3991.6289 4017.5454 -3992.0808 4017.1934 -3991.8242 4016.9736 C +-3991.5935 4017.0713 -3991.2888 4017.2534 -3991.1472 4017.5024 C +-3990.3442 4017.4038 -3991.2705 4017.0142 -3990.9287 4016.7227 C +-3990.6553 4017.3008 -3990.5344 4016.4873 -3990.1824 4016.3022 C +-3990.1799 4016.7847 L +-3989.2649 4017.0942 -3989.9373 4015.7793 -3989.1135 4016.1533 C +-3989.4617 4016.8223 L +-3989.0322 4016.6494 L +-3989.1208 4017.1982 L +-3988.6536 4016.791 -3988.5081 4016.8965 -3988.0503 4017.0503 C +-3988.1567 4016.7104 -3987.9905 4016.1748 -3987.5852 4016.1597 C +-3987.3088 4016.4463 -3987.74 4016.6182 -3987.1655 4016.5493 C +-3987.2952 4016.8511 -3987.4373 4017.23 -3987.6873 4016.7856 C +-3987.7129 4016.9429 -3987.8152 4017.0884 -3987.8416 4017.2437 C +-3987.5439 4017.5732 -3987.0935 4017.3188 -3986.8855 4017.3145 C +-3986.9656 4017.2964 -3987.0613 4017.2705 -3987.1104 4017.2017 C +-3986.2776 4016.5332 L +-3986.1465 4016.7144 -3986.2505 4016.8599 -3986.3535 4017.0024 C +-3986.1848 4016.9502 -3986.0681 4016.7285 -3985.8201 4016.687 C +-3985.8843 4017.0791 -3985.8689 4017.4839 -3986.22 4017.6685 C +-3985.4265 4017.2334 L +-3985.3735 4017.4038 -3985.0193 4017.7017 -3985.1223 4017.8462 C +-3984.6824 4018.0767 -3984.0432 4017.0854 -3983.46 4017.3896 C +-3983.4297 4017.3135 -3983.3689 4017.2407 -3983.2449 4017.1846 C +-3982.6968 4017.2734 -3982.2112 4017.7544 -3981.5615 4017.2168 C +-3981.1929 4017.9199 L +-3980.6841 4017.7603 -3981.6919 4017.0342 -3980.8447 4016.769 C +-3980.2449 4016.5449 -3980.6208 4017.3687 -3980.4104 4017.5645 C +-3980.1121 4017.21 -3979.5935 4016.4888 -3979.0425 4017.061 C +-3979.2249 4017.1934 -3979.3679 4017.0894 -3979.5383 4017.1416 C +f +1 D +-3973.2632 4016.8301 m +-3973.3848 4016.9312 -3973.6272 4017.2437 -3973.7161 4016.959 C +-3973.5776 4016.4063 -3973.4705 4016.6709 -3973.2632 4016.8301 C +f +-3963.7241 4015.6685 m +-3963.8145 4015.8281 -3963.9543 4015.749 -3964.1121 4015.5664 C +-3963.9976 4015.5269 -3963.8679 4015.5449 -3963.7241 4015.6685 C +f +-3937.1511 4012.3096 m +-3937.1563 4012.3174 -3937.1599 4012.3232 -3937.1641 4012.333 C +-3937.4353 4012.145 -3937.3391 4012.2192 -3937.1511 4012.3096 C +f +0 D +-3936.5879 4012.519 m +-3936.5313 4012.4517 -3936.5352 4012.3848 -3936.5591 4012.3174 C +-3936.5984 4012.4395 -3936.7249 4012.4478 -3936.8689 4012.4136 C +-3936.8289 4012.54 -3936.7561 4012.6274 -3936.5879 4012.519 C +f +1 D +-3997.0713 4012.709 m +-3996.9617 4012.8354 L +-3997.2092 4012.9741 -3997.1399 4012.8486 -3997.0713 4012.709 C +f +*U +0 D +-3964.8057 4016.3286 m +-3964.8401 4016.2471 -3964.8496 4016.1572 -3964.8577 4016.0664 C +-3964.9055 4016.1475 -3964.9065 4016.2412 -3964.8057 4016.3286 C +f +-3983.4409 4017.395 m +-3983.4473 4017.3911 -3983.4536 4017.3926 -3983.46 4017.3896 C +-3983.4705 4017.4185 -3983.4761 4017.4478 -3983.4792 4017.4766 C +-3983.4409 4017.395 L +f +-3945.3123 4016.6094 m +-3945.4282 4016.54 -3945.4929 4016.4517 -3945.5359 4016.3604 C +-3945.5422 4016.4785 -3945.4895 4016.5781 -3945.3123 4016.6094 C +f +-3933.6033 4011.6992 m +-3933.9641 4011.8247 L +-3933.7896 4011.8008 -3933.7273 4011.9063 -3933.6392 4011.9829 C +-3933.6472 4011.8701 -3933.7161 4011.707 -3933.6033 4011.6992 C +f +-3930.4719 4014.6846 m +-3930.4192 4014.6255 -3930.3601 4014.6782 -3930.3081 4014.6182 C +-3930.3225 4014.394 L +-3930.5471 4014.4087 -3930.7041 4014.5894 -3930.4719 4014.6846 C +f +-3933.2693 4013.3022 m +-3933.2407 4013.708 -3933.0144 4013.5703 -3932.7617 4013.4951 C +-3932.7769 4013.4966 -3932.7913 4013.5 -3932.8064 4013.4951 C +-3932.7319 4012.9272 -3933.0012 4013.1152 -3933.2693 4013.3022 C +f +-3932.7031 4013.4814 m +-3932.6252 4013.4624 -3932.5457 4013.4517 -3932.4695 4013.4712 C +-3932.4399 4013.2437 -3932.5642 4013.4238 -3932.7031 4013.4814 C +f +-3935.8735 4012.25 m +-3935.7537 4012.3545 -3935.7983 4011.7314 -3935.7305 4011.8965 C +-3935.5967 4011.3799 -3936.5295 4012.5215 -3935.8735 4012.25 C +f +-3933.0647 4014.6392 m +-3933.1553 4014.1382 L +-3933.2969 4014.542 L +-3933.0647 4014.6392 L +f +-3935.0601 4014.2715 m +-3934.6563 4014.4102 L +-3934.6624 4014.3262 -3934.6111 4014.2769 -3934.5481 4014.2393 C +-3934.7969 4014.2227 -3935.0696 4014.123 -3935.0601 4014.2715 C +f +-3934.5481 4014.2393 m +-3934.4185 4014.249 -3934.2952 4014.2383 -3934.2231 4014.1563 C +-3934.2932 4014.1616 -3934.4441 4014.1782 -3934.5481 4014.2393 C +f +-3933.6167 4014.7896 m +-3933.7361 4014.6851 L +- +endstream endobj 31 0 obj <>stream +3934.0212 4014.6484 L +-3933.6167 4014.7896 L +f +-3939.4009 4014.1748 m +-3939.8416 4014.3184 L +-3939.8865 4014.4902 -3939.7664 4014.5952 -3939.6023 4014.5269 C +-3939.4968 4014.4072 -3939.3333 4014.3408 -3939.4009 4014.1748 C +f +-3938.0681 4015.5469 m +-3938.1873 4015.4429 -3938.1953 4015.3311 -3938.2625 4015.166 C +-3938.2759 4015.7871 L +-3938.0681 4015.5469 L +f +-3939.3533 4015.6919 m +-3939.3972 4015.8643 -3939.9929 4016.1865 -3939.4343 4016.1475 C +-3939.3896 4015.9766 -3938.9482 4015.8335 -3939.3533 4015.6919 C +f +-3945.9937 4014.9063 m +-3945.8816 4014.8984 L +-3945.8977 4013.8799 L +-3945.9937 4014.9063 L +f +-3951.8464 4017.3428 m +-3951.3242 4017.5869 -3951.7224 4016.7144 -3951.2505 4017.019 C +-3951.1279 4016.7783 -3951.6362 4016.7705 -3951.5105 4016.5625 C +-3951.8257 4016.8164 -3951.9912 4016.6729 -3951.8464 4017.3428 C +f +-3951.5105 4016.5625 m +-3951.46 4016.5225 -3951.4065 4016.4736 -3951.3496 4016.4077 C +-3951.4409 4016.4712 -3951.4839 4016.52 -3951.5105 4016.5625 C +f +-4017.5745 4012.1924 m +-4017.9104 4011.98 L +-4017.6936 4012.3223 L +-4017.5745 4012.1924 L +f +-4018.2192 4012.9478 m +-4018.2983 4012.2988 L +-4018.5 4012.8862 L +-4018.4241 4012.8574 -4018.2769 4012.8013 -4018.2192 4012.9478 C +f +-3972.3303 4018.1377 m +-3972.3047 4017.9814 L +-3972.3567 4017.8125 -3972.4353 4017.7998 -3972.5928 4017.7734 C +-3972.3303 4018.1377 L +f +-3976.8848 4017.6519 m +-3976.8064 4017.665 L +-3976.9529 4017.0781 L +-3976.8848 4017.6519 L +f +-3980.7073 4018.4004 m +-3980.5513 4018.4248 -3980.3679 4018.2939 -3980.2112 4018.3188 C +-3980.5513 4018.4248 -3980.7495 4017.6685 -3980.7073 4018.4004 C +f +U +9 () XW +U +9 () XW +U +%AI8_EndBrushPattern +%AI8_BeginBrushPattern +(Unnamed Brush Pat 1) 0 A +0 Xw +u +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +-7890.75 7885.8213 m +-7811.1685 7885.8213 L +-7811.1685 7868.2422 L +-7890.75 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/Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-5000) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-10000) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(fePointLight) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feSpecularLighting) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 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+/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k1) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k4) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k3) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(arithmetic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMerge) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (width) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (height) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Alpha_1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stitchTiles) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.05) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (baseFrequency) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (numOctaves) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feTurbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (width) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (height) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Alpha_4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(fractalNoise) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stitchTiles) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (baseFrequency) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (numOctaves) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feTurbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Dehnen_3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(radius) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (radius) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(dilate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMorphology) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Dehnen_6) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(6) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(radius) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (radius) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(dilate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMorphology) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Erodieren_3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(radius) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (radius) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(erode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMorphology) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Erodieren_6) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(6) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(radius) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (radius) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(erode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMorphology) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_GaußscherWeichzeichner_4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_GaußscherWeichzeichner_7) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(7) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(150%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (width) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(150%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (height) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-10%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-10%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Holzmaserung) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dx) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dx) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dy) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dy) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offset) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feOffset) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(flood-color:black; flood-opacity:0.4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(style) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (style) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feFlood) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(shadowColor) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(diffuseConstant) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (diffuseConstant) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(resultScale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (resultScale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(white) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(lighting-color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (lighting-color) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(surfaceScale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (surfaceScale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(diffuse) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(diffuse) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(135) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(azimuth) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (azimuth) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(60) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(elevation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (elevation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(light2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feDistantLight) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feDiffuseLighting) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(white) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(lighting-color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (lighting-color) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(surfaceScale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (surfaceScale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(10) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(specularExponent) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (specularExponent) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(specularConstant) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (specularConstant) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(135) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(azimuth) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (azimuth) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(60) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(elevation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (elevation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(light) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feDistantLight) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feSpecularLighting) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k1) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k4) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k3) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(diffuse) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(arithmetic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k1) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k4) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k3) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(arithmetic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMerge) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(fractalNoise) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stitchTiles) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(.05) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (baseFrequency) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(10) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (numOctaves) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(Turbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feTurbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(matrix) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(values) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (values) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(Turbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(Grayscale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feColorMatrix) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(BlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dx) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dx) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dy) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dy) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(BlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(OffsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feOffset) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(OffsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(Grayscale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(CompBlurTurb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(CompBlurTurb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(CompBlurTurb2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1.5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(Grayscale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(CompXferFire) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(table) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(2 0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(tableValues) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (tableValues) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feFuncR) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(table) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(.7 0 ) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(tableValues) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (tableValues) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feFuncG) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(table) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(.1 0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(tableValues) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (tableValues) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feFuncB) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComponentTransfer) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(CompXferFire) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(CompSourceFire) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(MergeAll) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(CompSourceFire) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMerge) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(110%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (width) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(140%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (height) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-5%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-40%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_KühleBrise) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1.2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(radius) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (radius) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(dilate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(a) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(a) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMorphology) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1.2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(radius) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (radius) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(dilate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(a) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMorphology) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dy) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dy) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feOffset) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(fractalNoise) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stitchTiles) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (baseFrequency) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (numOctaves) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feTurbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(scale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (scale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(R) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(xChannelSelector) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (xChannelSelector) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(A) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(yChannelSelector) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (yChannelSelector) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feDisplacementMap) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(matrix) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : 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L -3795.9761 3812.4312 L --3796.2375 3812.73 -3796.2607 3813.0471 -3796.7361 3813.011 C --3797.0369 3812.8643 -3796.8904 3812.5598 -3797.0088 3812.5322 C --3797.0081 3812.4792 -3797.0481 3812.4551 -3797.1904 3812.5103 C --3797.8889 3812.4482 L +-3796.2375 3812.73 -3796.2607 3813.0471 -3796.7361 3813.0112 C +-3797.0369 3812.8643 -3796.8904 3812.5598 -3797.0088 3812.532 C +-3797.0081 3812.479 -3797.0481 3812.4551 -3797.1904 3812.5103 C +-3797.8889 3812.448 L -3797.6096 3813.0254 L -3797.9192 3813.3103 -3798.2664 3812.9951 -3797.9441 3813.6494 c -3798.4172 3812.6404 -3800.5496 3813.2871 -3800.8401 3812.9744 C --3801.2737 3813.3953 -3801.7017 3813.3875 -3802.2319 3813.3367 C --3802.1001 3813.4573 -3802.0212 3814.1062 -3802.4785 3814.0271 C --3802.3113 3812.6873 -3803.3159 3813.4456 -3803.6855 3812.4812 C +-3801.2737 3813.395 -3801.7017 3813.3875 -3802.2319 3813.3367 C +-3802.1001 3813.457 -3802.0212 3814.1062 -3802.4785 3814.0271 C +-3802.3113 3812.687 -3803.3159 3813.4456 -3803.6855 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-3745.4282 3816.5398 -3745.4929 3816.4524 -3745.5359 3816.3606 C @@ -5280,7 +5655,7 @@ f -3733.6033 3811.6992 m -3733.9641 3811.8247 L -3733.7896 3811.8008 -3733.7273 3811.9063 -3733.6392 3811.9832 C --3733.6472 3811.8704 -3733.7161 3811.7073 -3733.6033 3811.6992 C +-3733.6472 3811.8704 -3733.7161 3811.707 -3733.6033 3811.6992 C f -3730.4719 3814.6848 m -3730.4192 3814.6255 -3730.3601 3814.6782 -3730.3081 3814.6184 C @@ -5290,39 +5665,39 @@ f -3733.2693 3813.3022 m -3733.2407 3813.7083 -3733.0144 3813.5703 -3732.7617 3813.4951 C -3732.7769 3813.4966 -3732.7913 3813.5 -3732.8064 3813.4951 C --3732.7319 3812.928 -3733.0012 3813.115 -3733.2693 3813.3022 C +-3732.7319 3812.9282 -3733.0012 3813.1152 -3733.2693 3813.3022 C f -3732.7031 3813.4812 m -3732.6252 3813.4624 -3732.5457 3813.4524 -3732.4695 3813.4712 C -3732.4399 3813.2439 -3732.5642 3813.4236 -3732.7031 3813.4812 C f -3735.8735 3812.25 m --3735.7537 3812.3542 -3735.7983 3811.7312 -3735.7305 3811.8962 C --3735.5967 3811.3799 -3736.5295 3812.5212 -3735.8735 3812.25 C +-3735.7537 3812.3542 -3735.7983 3811.7312 -3735.7305 3811.896 C +-3735.5967 3811.3799 -3736.5295 3812.521 -3735.8735 3812.25 C f -3733.0647 3814.6392 m -3733.1553 3814.1382 L -3733.2969 3814.5422 L -3733.0647 3814.6392 L f --3735.0601 3814.2712 m +-3735.0601 3814.271 m -3734.6563 3814.4104 L -3734.6624 3814.3264 -3734.6111 3814.2776 -3734.5481 3814.24 C --3734.7969 3814.2224 -3735.0696 3814.1233 -3735.0601 3814.2712 C +-3734.7969 3814.2224 -3735.0696 3814.123 -3735.0601 3814.271 C f -3734.5481 3814.24 m --3734.4185 3814.2493 -3734.2952 3814.2383 -3734.2231 3814.1563 C --3734.2932 3814.1614 -3734.4441 3814.1782 -3734.5481 3814.24 C +-3734.4185 3814.249 -3734.2952 3814.2383 -3734.2231 3814.1563 C +-3734.2932 3814.1616 -3734.4441 3814.1782 -3734.5481 3814.24 C f -3733.6167 3814.7896 m -3733.7361 3814.6851 L -3734.0212 3814.6487 L -3733.6167 3814.7896 L f --3739.4009 3814.1753 m +-3739.4009 3814.175 m -3739.8416 3814.3184 L -3739.8865 3814.49 -3739.7664 3814.5952 -3739.6023 3814.5271 C --3739.4968 3814.407 -3739.3333 3814.3408 -3739.4009 3814.1753 C +-3739.4968 3814.4072 -3739.3333 3814.3408 -3739.4009 3814.175 C f -3738.0681 3815.5471 m -3738.1873 3815.4431 -3738.1953 3815.3311 -3738.2625 3815.1663 C @@ -5338,13 +5713,13 @@ f -3745.8977 3813.8799 L -3745.9937 3814.9063 L f --3751.8464 3817.3433 m --3751.3242 3817.5872 -3751.7224 3816.7144 -3751.2505 3817.0193 C +-3751.8464 3817.343 m +-3751.3242 3817.5872 -3751.7224 3816.7144 -3751.2505 3817.019 C -3751.1279 3816.7783 -3751.6362 3816.7703 -3751.5105 3816.5623 C --3751.8257 3816.8167 -3751.9912 3816.6736 -3751.8464 3817.3433 C +-3751.8257 3816.8167 -3751.9912 3816.6736 -3751.8464 3817.343 C f -3751.5105 3816.5623 m --3751.46 3816.5222 -3751.4065 3816.4734 -3751.3496 3816.4082 C +-3751.46 3816.5222 -3751.4065 3816.4734 -3751.3496 3816.408 C -3751.4409 3816.4712 -3751.4839 3816.52 -3751.5105 3816.5623 C f -3817.5745 3812.1924 m @@ -5352,10 +5727,10 @@ f -3817.6936 3812.3223 L -3817.5745 3812.1924 L f --3818.2192 3812.9482 m +-3818.2192 3812.948 m -3818.2983 3812.2991 L -3818.5 3812.8862 L --3818.4241 3812.8572 -3818.2769 3812.8015 -3818.2192 3812.9482 C +-3818.4241 3812.8572 -3818.2769 3812.8015 -3818.2192 3812.948 C f -3772.3303 3818.1375 m -3772.3047 3817.9812 L @@ -5363,13 +5738,13 @@ f -3772.3303 3818.1375 L f -3776.8848 3817.6519 m --3776.8064 3817.6653 L +-3776.8064 3817.665 L -3776.9529 3817.0784 L -3776.8848 3817.6519 L f -3780.7073 3818.4004 m --3780.5513 3818.4253 -3780.3679 3818.2942 -3780.2112 3818.3196 C --3780.5513 3818.4253 -3780.7495 3817.6692 -3780.7073 3818.4004 C +-3780.5513 3818.425 -3780.3679 3818.2942 -3780.2112 3818.3196 C +-3780.5513 3818.425 -3780.7495 3817.6692 -3780.7073 3818.4004 C f U 9 () XW @@ -5392,11 +5767,11 @@ u n 0 O 0.258488 0.130922 0.134035 0.001434 0.784314 0.823529 0.847059 Xa --7690 7681.4985 m --7665.1738 7681.4985 L +-7690 7681.498 m +-7665.1738 7681.498 L -7665.1738 7680.5142 L -7690 7680.5142 L --7690 7681.4985 L +-7690 7681.498 L f 0.531884 0.324193 0.203311 0.042145 0.513726 0.6 0.694118 Xa -7690 7680.5176 m @@ -5441,15 +5816,15 @@ n 0.258488 0.130922 0.134035 0.001434 0.784314 0.823529 0.847059 Xa -7659.3848 7680.5142 m -7668.8672 7680.5142 L --7668.8711 7689.9985 L --7667.8896 7689.9985 L +-7668.8711 7689.998 L +-7667.8896 7689.998 L -7667.8896 7681.4951 L -7659.3848 7681.4951 L -7659.3848 7680.5142 L f 0.531884 0.324193 0.203311 0.042145 0.513726 0.6 0.694118 Xa -7659.3848 7673.7935 m --7675.5928 7673.7915 L +-7675.5928 7673.791 L -7675.5928 7690 L -7668.8672 7690 L -7668.8672 7680.5132 L @@ -5459,16 +5834,16 @@ f 0.258488 0.130922 0.134035 0.001434 0.784314 0.823529 0.847059 Xa -7659.3848 7672.6357 m -7676.7485 7672.6357 L --7676.7485 7689.9995 L --7675.5957 7689.9995 L --7675.5957 7673.7915 L --7659.3848 7673.7915 L +-7676.7485 7689.999 L +-7675.5957 7689.999 L +-7675.5957 7673.791 L +-7659.3848 7673.791 L -7659.3848 7672.6357 L f 0.420172 0.234684 0.133211 0.010101 0.627451 0.701961 0.792157 Xa -7659.3848 7660.5244 m -7688.8594 7660.5244 L --7688.8594 7689.9985 L +-7688.8594 7689.998 L -7676.7495 7690 L -7676.7495 7672.6357 L -7659.3848 7672.6357 L @@ -5501,8 +5876,8 @@ u 0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR -7690 7690 m -7659.3335 7690 L --7659.3335 7659.3345 L --7690 7659.3345 L +-7659.3335 7659.334 L +-7690 7659.334 L -7690 7690 L n u @@ -5556,8 +5931,8 @@ U 1 Ap 1 XR -7690 7690 m --7690 7659.3345 L --7659.3335 7659.3345 L +-7690 7659.334 L +-7659.3335 7659.334 L -7659.3335 7690 L -7690 7690 L n @@ -5624,9 +5999,9 @@ Np /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , -(AI_AbgeflachteKanteMitSchatten_1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , -(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , -; (id) , +(-20%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , @@ -5634,17 +6009,17 @@ Np ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (-20%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , -(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , -; (x) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , -(-20%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , -(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , -; (y) , +(AI_AbgeflachteKanteMitSchatten_1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : /XMLNode : @@ -5745,45 +6120,45 @@ Np /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , -(10) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , -(specularExponent) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , -; (specularExponent) , +(5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(surfaceScale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (surfaceScale) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , -(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , -(specularConstant) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , -; (specularConstant) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , -(5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , -(surfaceScale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , -; (surfaceScale) , +(specOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , -(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , -(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , -; (in) , +(10) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(specularExponent) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (specularExponent) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , -(specOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , -(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , -; (result) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(specularConstant) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (specularConstant) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : /XMLNode : @@ -6039,9 +6414,9 @@ Np /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , -(AI_Alpha_1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , -(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , -; (id) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , @@ -6049,17 +6424,17 @@ Np ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , -(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , -; (x) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , -(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , -(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , -; (y) , +(AI_Alpha_1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : /XMLNode : @@ -6193,9 +6568,9 @@ Np /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , -(AI_Alpha_4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , -(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , -; (id) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , @@ -6203,17 +6578,17 @@ Np ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , -(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , -; (x) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , -(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , -(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , -; (y) , +(AI_Alpha_4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : /XMLNode : @@ -6641,9 +7016,9 @@ Np /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , -(AI_Holzmaserung) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , -(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , -; (id) , +(-10%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , @@ -6651,17 +7026,17 @@ Np ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (-10%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , -(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , -; (x) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , -(-10%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , -(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , -; (y) , +(AI_Holzmaserung) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : /XMLNode : @@ -6969,24 +7344,6 @@ Np /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , -(10) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , -(specularExponent) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , -; (specularExponent) , -/XMLNode : -/Dictionary : -; (xmlnode-attributes) , -/Array : -; (xmlnode-children) , -2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , -(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , -(specularConstant) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , -; (specularConstant) , -/XMLNode : -/Dictionary : -; (xmlnode-attributes) , -/Array : -; (xmlnode-children) , -2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (white) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (lighting-color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (lighting-color) , @@ -7017,6 +7374,24 @@ Np (specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(10) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(specularExponent) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (specularExponent) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(specularConstant) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (specularConstant) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : /XMLNode : @@ -7494,9 +7869,7 @@ Np (OffsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (result) , -; (xml -endstream endobj 22 0 obj <>stream -node-attributes) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , @@ -7507,7 +7880,9 @@ node-attributes) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : -; (xmlnode-attributes) , +; (x +endstream endobj 72 0 obj <>stream +mlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , @@ -7814,15 +8189,6 @@ node-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , -(AI_KühleBrise) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , -(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , -; (id) , -/XMLNode : -/Dictionary : -; (xmlnode-attributes) , -/Array : -; (xmlnode-children) , -2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (-5%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (x) , @@ -7835,6 +8201,15 @@ node-attributes) , (-40%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (y) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_KühleBrise) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : /XMLNode : @@ -9404,24 +9779,6 @@ node-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , -(15) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , -(specularExponent) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , -; (specularExponent) , -/XMLNode : -/Dictionary : -; (xmlnode-attributes) , -/Array : -; (xmlnode-children) , -2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , -(10) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , -(specularConstant) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , -; (specularConstant) , -/XMLNode : -/Dictionary : -; (xmlnode-attributes) , -/Array : -; (xmlnode-children) , -2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (red) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (lighting-color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (lighting-color) , @@ -9452,7 +9809,25 @@ node-attributes) , (specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (result) , -; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(15) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(specularExponent) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (specularExponent) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(10) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(specularConstant) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (specularConstant) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : @@ -10023,9 +10398,9 @@ node-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , -(AI_Schatten_2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , -(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , -; (id) , +(-15%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , @@ -10033,17 +10408,17 @@ node-attributes) , ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (-15%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , -(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , -; (x) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , -(-15%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , -(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , -; (y) , +(AI_Schatten_2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : /XMLNode : @@ -10194,9 +10569,7 @@ node-attributes) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , -2 /Int (xm -endstream endobj 23 0 obj <>stream -lnode-nodetype) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (AI_Statisch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , (id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , ; (id) , @@ -10206,7 +10579,9 @@ lnode-nodetype) , /Dictionary : /XMLNode : /Dictionary : -; (xmlnode-attributes) , +; (xmlnode-attribute +endstream endobj 73 0 obj <>stream +s) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , @@ -10450,9 +10825,9 @@ lnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , -(AI_Verwirbelung_3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , -(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , -; (id) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , @@ -10460,17 +10835,17 @@ lnode-nodetype) , ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , -(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , -; (x) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , -(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , -(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , -; (y) , +(AI_Verwirbelung_3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : /XMLNode : @@ -10604,9 +10979,9 @@ lnode-nodetype) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , -(AI_Verwirbelung_5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , -(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , -; (id) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , @@ -10614,17 +10989,17 @@ lnode-nodetype) , ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , (0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , -(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , -; (x) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , /XMLNode : /Dictionary : ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : ; (xmlnode-children) , 2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , -(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , -(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , -; (y) , +(AI_Verwirbelung_5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , ; (xmlnode-attributes) , /Array : /XMLNode : @@ -11274,6 +11649,7 @@ Np (Konturverschiebung: Live-Effekt) /Title , 2 /FillOrStroke , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +(Inside) /String (DisplayString) , /StrokeStyle : 0 R 0.478614 0.312474 0.290532 0.089723 0.54902 0.596078 0.627451 XA 0 1 0 0 0 Xy @@ -11281,7 +11657,6 @@ Np 1 0 Xd /Def ; (StrokeStyle) , -(Inside) /String (DisplayString) , 1 /Bool (StrokeOffsetInside) , ; /Dict ; /Part , @@ -11369,12 +11744,12 @@ Bb (Konturverschiebung: Live-Effekt) /Title , 2 /FillOrStroke , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +(Inside) /String (DisplayString) , /StrokeStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 0 Xd /Def ; (StrokeStyle) , -(Inside) /String (DisplayString) , 1 /Bool (StrokeOffsetInside) , ; /Dict ; /Part , @@ -11461,12 +11836,12 @@ Bb (Konturverschiebung: Live-Effekt) /Title , 2 /FillOrStroke , /Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +(Inside) /String (DisplayString) , /StrokeStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy 0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR 0 0 Xd /Def ; (StrokeStyle) , -(Inside) /String (DisplayString) , 1 /Bool (StrokeOffsetInside) , ; /Dict ; /Part , @@ -12021,18 +12396,18 @@ Np %_/Array : %_; (xmlnode-children) , %_2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , -%_(binding1) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , -%_(varSetName) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , -%_; (varSetName) , +%_(none) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +%_(locked) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +%_; (locked) , %_/XMLNode : %_/Dictionary : %_; (xmlnode-attributes) , %_/Array : %_; (xmlnode-children) , %_2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , -%_(none) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , -%_(locked) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , -%_; (locked) , +%_(binding1) /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +%_(varSetName) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +%_; (varSetName) , %_; (xmlnode-attributes) , %_/Array : %_/XMLNode : @@ -12120,7 +12495,7 @@ Np %_/Array : %_; (xmlnode-children) , %_2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , -%_747.4639 /Real (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +%_747.4648 /Real (xmlnode-nodevalue) , %_(height) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , %_; (height) , %_/XMLNode : @@ -12138,7 +12513,7 @@ Np %_/Array : %_; (xmlnode-children) , %_2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , -%_-873.7319 /Real (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +%_-873.7324 /Real (xmlnode-nodevalue) , %_(y) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , %_; (y) , %_/XMLNode : @@ -12188,24 +12563,11 @@ Np %_1 /Bool (IsArtboardDefaultName) , %_; , %_; (ArtboardArray) , -%_/Dictionary : -%_36 /Real (padd) , -%_0 /Bool (mask) , -%_1 /Bool (spot) , -%_0 /Bool (alis) , -%_72 /Int (dpi.) , -%_4 /Int (colr) , -%_; (AI Auto Rasterize) , -%_1 /Int (AI12_SpotColorMode) , -%_4 /Int (AI9 Flattening Quality Level) , %_0 /Bool (AI11 document knockout group) , %_0 /Bool (AI11 document isolate blending) , %_0 /Bool (AI9 paper simulation) , -%_0 /Bool (AI16 flattener anti alias) , -%_0 /Bool (AI10 flattener outline text) , %_2 /Int (AI9 transparency grid size) , %_1 /Int (AI9 artboard color) , -%_1 /Bool (AI10 flattener outline strokes) , %_52428 /Int (AI9 artboard color 2 blue) , %_52428 /Int (AI9 artboard color 2 green) , %_52428 /Int (AI9 artboard color 2 red) , @@ -12214,6 +12576,29 @@ Np %_65535 /Int (AI9 artboard color 1 red) , %_16383 /Int (AIDocumentCanvasSize) , %_1 /Bool (AI11 Preserve Text Editability) , +%_0 -500 /RealPoint +%_ (PerspectiveGrid_RelativeFloorVanishingPoint) , +%_8431 8316 /RealPoint +%_ (PerspectiveGrid_RightPlaneCellExtent) , +%_0 /Int (PerspectiveGrid_RightPlaneVisibilityState) , +%_8191 7941 /RealPoint +%_ (PerspectiveGrid_RightPlaneTopPoint) , +%_8191 8441 /RealPoint +%_ (PerspectiveGrid_RightPlaneBottomPoint) , +%_8671 8191 /RealPoint +%_ (PerspectiveGrid_RightVanishingPoint) , +%_7951 8316 /RealPoint +%_ (PerspectiveGrid_LeftPlaneCellExtent) , +%_0 /Int (PerspectiveGrid_RulerOriginIndexSecond) , +%_0 /Int (PerspectiveGrid_RulerOriginIndexFirst) , +%_0 /Int (PerspectiveGrid_FloorPlaneVisibilityState) , +%_0 /Int (PerspectiveGrid_LeftPlaneVisibilityState) , +%_8191 7941 /RealPoint +%_ (PerspectiveGrid_LeftPlaneTopPoint) , +%_8191 8441 /RealPoint +%_ (PerspectiveGrid_LeftPlaneBottomPoint) , +%_7711 8191 /RealPoint +%_ (PerspectiveGrid_LeftVanishingPoint) , %_1 /Bool (AI10 flattener preserve overprints) , %_1 /Bool (AI10 flattener clip complex regions) , %_75 /Int (AI10 flattener raster-vector balance) , @@ -12221,6 +12606,53 @@ Np %_150 /Real (AI9 Mesh Rasterization Resolution) , %_300 /Real (AI9 Output Rasterization Resolution) , %_42 /Int (AI11 Document Setup Language Popup) , +%_/Dictionary : +%_36 /Real (padd) , +%_0 /Bool (mask) , +%_1 /Bool (spot) , +%_0 /Bool (alis) , +%_72 /Int (dpi.) , +%_4 /Int (colr) , +%_; (AI Auto Rasterize) , +%_/Dictionary : +%_/Array : +%_; (SelHatDocLocalNamesArray) , +%_/Array : +%_; (SelHatDocInterIDsArray) , +%_; (SelHatDocTableDict) , +%_(14.0.0) /String (kAIFullDocumentVersionStr) , +%_32767 /Int (PerspectiveGrid_RightGreen) , +%_0 /Int (PerspectiveGrid_RightBlue) , +%_65535 /Int (PerspectiveGrid_RightRed) , +%_50 /Real (PerspectiveGrid_RightOpacity) , +%_45 /Real (PerspectiveGrid_RightFaceAngle) , +%_45 /Real (PerspectiveGrid_LeftFaceAngle) , +%_480 /Real (PerspectiveGrid_ViewingDistance) , +%_8191 8441 /RealPoint +%_ (PerspectiveGrid_StationPoint) , +%_1 1 /RealPoint +%_ (PerspectiveGrid_Scale) , +%_0 /Int (PerspectiveGrid_Unit) , +%_580 /Real (PerspectiveGrid_RightExtent) , +%_580 /Real (PerspectiveGrid_LeftExtent) , +%_45874 /Int (PerspectiveGrid_FloorGreen) , +%_250 /Real (PerspectiveGrid_HorizonHeight) , +%_2 /Int (PerspectiveGrid_Type) , +%_32767 /Int (PerspectiveGrid_FloorRed) , +%_50 /Real (PerspectiveGrid_FloorOpacity) , +%_26214 /Int (PerspectiveGrid_LeftGreen) , +%_58981 /Int (PerspectiveGrid_LeftBlue) , +%_0 /Bool (AI16 flattener anti alias) , +%_32767 /Int (PerspectiveGrid_FloorBlue) , +%_6553 /Int (PerspectiveGrid_LeftRed) , +%_50 /Real (PerspectiveGrid_LeftOpacity) , +%_1 /Bool (AI10 flattener outline strokes) , +%_0 /Real (PerspectiveGrid_FloorOffset) , +%_0 /Bool (AI10 flattener outline text) , +%_15 /Real (PerspectiveGrid_CellCount) , +%_30 /Real (PerspectiveGrid_CellSize) , +%_4 /Int (AI9 Flattening Quality Level) , +%_1 /Int (AI12_SpotColorMode) , %_0 /Real (BleedTopValue) , %_0 /Real (BleedRightValue) , %_5 /Real (GlobalRepulsion) , @@ -12229,81 +12661,19 @@ Np %_0 /Bool (kAIParametersCompression) , %_2 /Int (kAIParametersWhichProfileKey) , %_0 /Real (BleedBottomValue) , -%_50 /Real (PerspectiveGrid_LeftOpacity) , -%_6553 /Int (PerspectiveGrid_LeftRed) , -%_58981 /Int (PerspectiveGrid_LeftBlue) , -%_26214 /Int (PerspectiveGrid_LeftGreen) , -%_50 /Real (PerspectiveGrid_FloorOpacity) , -%_8191 8441 /RealPoint -%_ (PerspectiveGrid_StationPoint) , -%_480 /Real (PerspectiveGrid_ViewingDistance) , -%_32767 /Int (PerspectiveGrid_FloorRed) , -%_32767 /Int (PerspectiveGrid_FloorBlue) , -%_50 /Real (PerspectiveGrid_RightOpacity) , -%_45874 /Int (PerspectiveGrid_FloorGreen) , -%_2 /Int (PerspectiveGrid_Type) , -%_45 /Real (PerspectiveGrid_LeftFaceAngle) , -%_580 /Real (PerspectiveGrid_LeftExtent) , -%_45 /Real (PerspectiveGrid_RightFaceAngle) , -%_250 /Real (PerspectiveGrid_HorizonHeight) , -%_30 /Real (PerspectiveGrid_CellSize) , -%_15 /Real (PerspectiveGrid_CellCount) , -%_0 /Real (PerspectiveGrid_FloorOffset) , -%_580 /Real (PerspectiveGrid_RightExtent) , -%_0 /Int (PerspectiveGrid_Unit) , -%_1 1 /RealPoint -%_ (PerspectiveGrid_Scale) , -%_65535 /Int (PerspectiveGrid_RightRed) , -%_0 /Int (PerspectiveGrid_RightBlue) , -%_32767 /Int (PerspectiveGrid_RightGreen) , -%_(14.0.0) /String (kAIFullDocumentVersionStr) , -%_/Dictionary : -%_/Array : -%_; (SelHatDocLocalNamesArray) , -%_/Array : -%_; (SelHatDocInterIDsArray) , -%_; (SelHatDocTableDict) , %_100 /Real (kAIParametersSubsetFontsRatioKey) , -%_7711 8191 /RealPoint -%_ (PerspectiveGrid_LeftVanishingPoint) , -%_8191 8441 /RealPoint -%_ (PerspectiveGrid_LeftPlaneBottomPoint) , -%_8191 7941 /RealPoint -%_ (PerspectiveGrid_LeftPlaneTopPoint) , -%_0 /Int (PerspectiveGrid_LeftPlaneVisibilityState) , -%_0 /Int (PerspectiveGrid_FloorPlaneVisibilityState) , -%_0 /Int (PerspectiveGrid_RulerOriginIndexFirst) , -%_0 /Int (PerspectiveGrid_RulerOriginIndexSecond) , -%_7951 8316 /RealPoint -%_ (PerspectiveGrid_LeftPlaneCellExtent) , -%_8671 8191 /RealPoint -%_ (PerspectiveGrid_RightVanishingPoint) , -%_8191 8441 /RealPoint -%_ (PerspectiveGrid_RightPlaneBottomPoint) , -%_8191 7941 /RealPoint -%_ (PerspectiveGrid_RightPlaneTopPoint) , -%_0 /Int (PerspectiveGrid_RightPlaneVisibilityState) , -%_8431 8316 /RealPoint -%_ (PerspectiveGrid_RightPlaneCellExtent) , -%_0 -500 /RealPoint -%_ (PerspectiveGrid_RelativeFloorVanishingPoint) , %_; /Recorded , %_/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , -%_1 /Int (LastArtboardID) , -%_([Medium Resolution]) /String (AI12 AI Flattener Preset Name) , %_0 /Bool (AI16 AI Anti Aliasing) , -%_1 /Bool (AI12 AI Clip Complex Regions) , -%_1 /Bool (AI12 AI Outline Strokes) , -%_0 /Bool (AI12 AI Outline Text) , -%_75 /Int (AI12 AI Raster/Vector Balance) , -%_1 /Int (AI12 AI Overprints) , -%_([Medium Resolution]) /String (AI11 EPS Flattener Preset Name) , -%_0 /Bool (AI16 EPS Anti Aliasing) , +%_1 /Int (LastArtboardID) , +%_1 /Int (AI11 EPS Overprints) , %_1 /Bool (AI11 EPS Clip Complex Regions) , %_1 /Bool (AI11 EPS Outline Strokes) , +%_1 /Int (AI12 AI Overprints) , %_0 /Bool (AI11 EPS Outline Text) , %_75 /Int (AI11 EPS Raster/Vector Balance) , -%_1 /Int (AI11 EPS Overprints) , +%_1 /Bool (AI12 AI Clip Complex Regions) , +%_([Medium Resolution]) /String (AI11 EPS Flattener Preset Name) , %_/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , %_ /String (/attributes/job.pagerange) , %_1 /Int (/attributes/job.printall) , @@ -12313,13 +12683,11 @@ Np %_() /UnicodeString (/attributes/job.artboardrange) , %_1 /Int (/attributes/job.printallartboards) , %_; (AI11 Print JobInfo Dict) , -%_1 /Bool (AI9 no overprint in composite) , +%_0 /Bool (AI12 AI Outline Text) , +%_75 /Int (AI12 AI Raster/Vector Balance) , +%_0 /Bool (AI16 EPS Anti Aliasing) , +%_1 /Bool (AI12 AI Outline Strokes) , %_/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , -%_1 /Int (/attributes/cm.mode) , -%_(Coated FOGRA39 \(ISO 12647-2:2004\)) /UnicodeString (/attributes/cm.profile) , -%_2 /Int (/attributes/cm.inteint) , -%_1 /Int (/attributes/cm.preservecmyk) , -%_0 /Int (/attributes/cm.preserveother) , %_0 /Int (/attributes/job.bitmapresolution) , %_0 /Real (/attributes/pgmk.bleedoff.bottom) , %_6 /Real (/attributes/pgmk.marksoff.bottom) , @@ -12408,15 +12776,29 @@ Np %_1 /Real (/attributes/rdrs.flatteness) , %_() /UnicodeString (/attributes/rdrs.annot) , %_ /String (/attributes/rdrs.custom) , -%_; (AI11 Print Attribute Dict) , -%_0 /Bool (AI15 Document PixelPerfect) , -%_150 /Real (AI12 AI Gradient and Mesh Resolution) , -%_300 /Real (AI12 AI Line Art and Text Resolution) , +%_1 /Int (/attributes/cm.mode) , +%_(Coated FOGRA39 \(ISO 12647-2:2004\)) /UnicodeString (/attributes/cm.profile) , +%_2 /Int (/attributes/cm.inteint) , +%_1 /Int (/attributes/cm.preservecmyk) , +%_0 /Int (/attributes/cm.preserveother) , +%_; (AI11 Print Attribute Dict) , +%_0 /Bool (AI15 Document PixelPerfect) , +%_150 /Real (AI12 AI Gradient and Mesh Resolution) , +%_300 /Real (AI12 AI Line Art and Text Resolution) , %_150 /Real (AI11 EPS Gradient and Mesh Resolution) , %_300 /Real (AI11 EPS Line Art and Text Resolution) , %_42 /Int (AI11 Document Setup Language Popup) , +%_1 /Bool (AI9 no overprint in composite) , +%_([Medium Resolution]) /String (AI12 AI Flattener Preset Name) , +%_1 /Bool (PerspectiveGrid_Snap) , +%_0 /Bool (PerspectiveGrid_ShowHide) , +%_1 /Int (AI9 Document Setup panel) , %_/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , %_([Illustrator-Standard]) /UnicodeString (/attributes/collectionName) , +%_75 /Int (/attributes/AI10 flattener raster-vector balance) , +%_1 /Int (/attributes/AI12PDF_OutputIntentProfileNamePolicy) , +%_300 /Int (/attributes/AI11PDF_MonochromeDownsampleResolution) , +%_1 /Int (/attributes/AI11PDF_PreserveIllustratorEditingCapabilities) , %_1 /Int (/attributes/AI14PDF_DocBleed) , %_0 /Int (/attributes/AI12PDF_Trapped) , %_0 /Int (/attributes/AI11PDF_ColorBars) , @@ -12433,10 +12815,6 @@ Np %_0 /Int (/attributes/AI11PDF_TrimMarks) , %_1 /Int (/attributes/AI12PDF_Standard) , %_0 /Real (/attributes/AI11PDF_BleedLeft) , -%_75 /Int (/attributes/AI10 flattener raster-vector balance) , -%_1 /Int (/attributes/AI12PDF_OutputIntentProfileNamePolicy) , -%_300 /Int (/attributes/AI11PDF_MonochromeDownsampleResolution) , -%_1 /Int (/attributes/AI11PDF_PreserveIllustratorEditingCapabilities) , %_1 /Int (/attributes/AI12PDF_ProfileInclusionPolicy) , %_1 /Int (/attributes/AI10 flattener outline strokes) , %_6 /Real (/attributes/AI11PDF_OffsetFromArtworkBottom) , @@ -12496,101 +12874,98 @@ Np %6Z6dZE_1+VB4XJLGA_J1D/a<&<+p;`F(fK.A06*#Ci=>cD..'g6uR9eF(&p)Ch6RkE+L.F:2b#]%144#010Yo %DfSEd@:s.@Bl%m&EZd#)CghEs7;cURA7Z2W+6*#Ci=>cD..'g9keKC %ATMd+F`_>9DBLYk0F\@3+>6*#Ci=>cD..'g9keKCATMd+F`_>9DGY7fBk)E202G4M$6UHE6Z6dZE_1+VB4XtPF)Pl;FD5Z2+>G`- -%%144#010YoDfScfFED57B6-OVCh4_;.1HV,+>6*#D/`p*BjtdmBlnVoAThX$+>GK+%144#010YpE,oN2F&-7[ARfh'+>6]&B6+Lh -%+6*#DK]T3F@g=XB4Z-`Db4hWAU%cs+EVXHAISth+>6*&ART[l8jl-6*&ART[l8oJ06/Y0K1a@0K(dB0JY=90K1gB0K(mE -%0K(dB0JY=90K(aA0K(dB0K(gC0K(X>0K1jC0K)9P0K1gB0JY=90K1dA0K(dB0K1gB0K1gB0K(pF0K)?R0K(jD0K1dA0JY=90K1pE -%0K(mE0K(dB0K)?R0JY=90K1dA0K(X>0K1mD0K(pF0K)?R0K(jD0JY=90K(X>0K)?R0JY=90JkdD0K)9P0K)9P0K1jC0K1dA0K1gB -%0K1a@0K(X>0K1gB0K)BS0K1a@0JY=90K(gC0K(pF0K)9P0K(dB0JY=90K(X>0K1dA0JY=90K(X>0K)?R0JY=90JkL<0K(aA0K)BS -%0K([?0K(dB0JY=90JtO<0JkU?0Jk[A0JY=90K(aA0K)BS0K(^@0K1jC0K)0K)9P0K(X>0K)?R0JY=90K)BS0K)?R0JY=90K(dB0K(aA0K(pF0K1gB0K(pF0K)?R0K(jD -%0JY=90K1gB0K(mE0K(dB0JY=90K(gC0K(pF0K)9P0K(dB0JY=90K(X>0K(jD0K(X>0K(pF0K)?R0JY=90K(pF0K)?R0JY=90JkdD 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+8E8F90909192939495969798999A9B9C9D9E +> +< +00000000000000000000000000000001010101010101010101010101010101010101020202020202 +020202020202020202020303030303030303 +> +4 %_Br +[ +0.202823 0.594781 1 0.099977 0.74902 0.435294 0 2 1 6 50 99.4382 %_BS +%_0.202823 0.594781 1 0.099977 0.74902 0.435294 0 2 1 6 50 99.4382 Bs +0.12842 0.177859 0.957183 0.013581 0.898039 0.772549 0 2 1 6 50 86.5168 %_BS +%_0.12842 0.177859 0.957183 0.013581 0.898039 0.772549 0 2 1 6 50 86.5168 Bs +0.090089 0.413703 0.981842 0.01062 0.898039 0.619608 0.011765 2 1 6 50 55.211 %_BS +%_0.090089 0.413703 0.981842 0.01062 0.898039 0.619608 0.011765 2 1 6 50 55.211 Bs +0 0.648035 0.942992 0 1 0.45098 0 2 1 6 59.5506 0 %_BS +%_0 0.648035 0.942992 0 1 0.45098 0 2 1 6 59.5506 0 Bs +BD +%AI5_EndGradient +%AI5_BeginGradient: (Unnamed gradient 1) +(Unnamed gradient 1) 0 2 Bd +[ +< +0000010304050608090B0C0D0F10111213141718191A1B1C1E1F21222324252728292A +> +< 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+84838382828180807F7E7E7D7D7C7B7B7A7979787877767675 +> +< +FFFEFDFCFBFAF9F8F7F6F5F4F3F2F1F0EFEEEDECEBEAE9E8E7E6E5E4E3E2E1E0DFDDDCDBDAD9D8D7 +D6D5D4D3D2D1D0CFCECDCCCBCAC9C8C7C6C5C4C3C2C1C0BFBE +> +4 %_Br +[ +0.854643 0.468879 0 0 0 0.458824 0.745098 2 1 6 50 100 %_BS +%_0.854643 0.468879 0 0 0 0.458824 0.745098 2 1 6 50 100 Bs +0.717464 0.316075 0 0 0 0.615686 1 2 1 6 50 0 %_BS +%_0.717464 0.316075 0 0 0 0.615686 1 2 1 6 50 0 Bs +BD +%AI5_EndGradient +%AI5_BeginGradient: (Unnamed gradient 28) +(Unnamed gradient 28) 1 2 Bd +[ +< +0000010304050608090A0C0D0F10111314151617181A1B1C1D1E1F20212324262728292A2B2D2E30 +31323335363738393A3C3D3E404142434445464748494A4B4C4D4E4F5051525354565758595A +> +< +00000100010203040504060708090908090A0B0C0C0C0D0D0E0F100F101112131413141516171816 +1718191A1B1A1B1C1D1E1F1E1F20212223222324252627262728292A2B2A2B2C2D2E2F2E2F30 +> +< +0000000103040304050707080909090B0C0B0C0D0E0E0F100F10111312131415151717171818191A +1B1B1C1C1C1E1D1E1F20202122232223242425252625262829282829282A2B2C2B2D2E2F2F2F +> +< +00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 +0000000000000000000000000000000001000101010101010202020202020203030303030404 +> +< +FFFEFDFCFBFAF9F8F7F6F5F4F3F2F1F0EFEEEDECEBEAE9E8E7E6E5E4E3E2E1E0DFDEDDDCDBDAD9D7 +D6D5D4D3D2D1D0CFCECDCCCBCAC9C8C7C6C5C4C3C2C1C0BFBEBDBCBBBAB9B8B7B6B5B4B3B2B1 +> +< +FFFEFDFDFCFBFAF9F8F8F7F6F5F4F3F3F2F1F0EFEEEEEDECEBEAE9E9E8E7E6E5E4E4E3E2E1E0DFDF +DEDDDCDBDADAD9D8D7D6D5D5D4D3D2D1D0D0CFCECDCCCBCBCAC9C8C7C6C6C5C4C3C2C1C1C0BF +> +< +FFFEFEFDFCFBFBFAF9F8F8F7F6F6F5F4F3F3F2F1F0F0EFEEEEEDECEBEBEAE9E8E8E7E6E6E5E4E3E3 +E2E1E0E0DFDEDEDDDCDBDBDAD9D8D8D7D6D6D5D4D3D3D2D1D0D0CFCECECDCCCBCBCAC9C8C8C7 +> +4 %_Br +[ +0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 1 6 50 0 %_BS +%_0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 1 6 50 0 Bs +0.35288 0.187259 0.186221 0.014984 0.694118 0.74902 0.780392 2 1 6 50 100 %_BS +%_0.35288 0.187259 0.186221 0.014984 0.694118 0.74902 0.780392 2 1 6 50 100 Bs +BD +%AI5_EndGradient +%AI5_BeginGradient: (Unnamed gradient 3) +(Unnamed gradient 3) 0 2 Bd +[ +< +2C2D2E2F303132333435363738393B3C3D3E3F4142434445464748494A4B4C4D4F50505152535454 +5556575858595A5B5C5D5E5F606162636364656667686969 +> +< +00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000100000000000000010000 +010002010002010201000201020101030204040305040606 +> +0 +0 +< +DAD9D8D7D6D5D4D3D2D1D0CFCECDCCCBCAC9C8C7C6C5C4C3C2C1C0BFBEBDBCBBB9B8B7B6B5B4B3B2 +B1B0AFAEADACABAAA9A8A7A6A5A4A3A2A1A09F9E9D9C9B9A +> +< +F1F1F0F0EFEFEFEEEEEDEDEDECECEBEBEBEAEAE9E9E9E8E8E7E7E7E6E6E5E5E5E4E4E4E3E3E2E2E2 +E1E1E0E0E0DFDFDEDEDEDDDDDCDCDCDBDBDADADAD9D9D8D8 +> +1 +4 %_Br +[ +0.413245 0.021576 0 0 0.603922 0.847059 1 2 1 6 50 100 %_BS +%_0.413245 0.021576 0 0 0.603922 0.847059 1 2 1 6 50 100 Bs +0.17142 0 0 0 0.854902 0.945098 1 2 1 6 50 0 %_BS +%_0.17142 0 0 0 0.854902 0.945098 1 2 1 6 50 0 Bs +BD +%AI5_EndGradient +%AI5_BeginGradient: (Unnamed gradient 7) +(Unnamed gradient 7) 0 2 Bd +[ +< +0000010304050608090B0C0D0F1011121314151718191A1B1C1E1F21222324252728292A2B2C2D2E +2F3031323435363738393A3B3C3D3E3F404142434445464748494A4B4C4D4E4F5050515253545556 +5758595A5B5C5D5D5E5F5F6061626263646565666768696A6A6B6C6E6F7070717273747475767777 +78797A7A7B7C7D7E7E7F808181828383848585868687888889898A8B8B8C8D8D8E8F8F9090919292 +93949495959697979899999A9B9B9C9C9D9E9E9F9FA0A1A2A2A3A4A5A5A6A7A8A8A9AAAAABABACAD +ADAEAFB0B0B1B1B2B3B4B4B5B6B6B7B8B9B9BABBBCBDBDBEBFBFC0C1C1C2C3C4C5C6C7C8C9C9CACC +CED0D1D2D4D5D7D8DADCDEE0E3E5E7E9 +> +< +00000102030405060708090A0A0B0C0C0D0E0F1011111213141516171819191A1B1B1C1D1E1F2020 +2122232425262728292A2B2C2C2D2E2E2F303131323334353637373839393A3B3C3C3D3E3E3F4041 +424243444546474748494A4B4B4C4D4D4E4E4F4F505152525354555657575859595A5B5B5C5C5D5D +5E5F5F60616162636364656667676869696A6A6B6C6C6D6E6E6F6F70707172727374747576767778 +79797A7B7C7C7D7E7F7F80808182828384858586878888898A8A8B8C8C8D8E8E8F90919192939494 +959697979898999A9B9B9C9D9D9E9FA0A0A1A2A3A3A4A5A6A6A7A7A8A9AAABACADAEAFB0B1B1B2B3 +B5B6B7B8B9BABCBDBEC0C1C3C4C6C7C9 +> +< +000001020304050708090A0B0C0D0E0F10111112131415161718191A1B1C1C1D1E1F202121222323 +2425262728292A2B2C2D2D2E2F2F3031323233343536373738393A3B3B3C3D3D3E3F404041424243 +44444546464748494A4A4B4C4D4D4E4E4F505051515253535454555657575859595A5B5B5C5C5D5D +5E5F5F606161626263636465656667676869696A6A6B6C6C6D6D6E6F6F7070717272737474757676 +777778787879797A7B7B7C7D7D7E7E7F7F80808181828283838485858687878888898A8A8B8C8C8D +8D8E8E8E8F8F8F909091919293939494959596969798989999999A9A9B9B9B9B9C9C9C9C9C9D9D9D +9D9D9D9D9D9D9D9D9E9E9E9E9E9E9E9E +> +< +00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 +01010101010101020202020202030303040404050506060607070808080909090A0A0A0B0B0C0C0D +0D0E0F0F1011121213131414151616171819191A1B1B1C1D1E1E1F202122232425262728292A2B2C +2D2E2E2F3031323435363738393A3B3D3E3F40414344454647494A4B4C4E4F505253555658595B5C +5E5F6162646567686A6B6D6F7072737577787A7B7D7F8082848688898B8D8F91939496989A9C9E9F +A1A3A5A6A7A9AAACAEB0B2B3B5B7B9BBBDBFC1C3C5C7C9CACBCDCED0D1D3D5D7D9DADCDEDFE1E2E4 +E5E7E8E9E9EBECEDEEF0F1F3F4F6F7F9 +> +< +FFFEFDFCFBFAF9F8F7F6F5F4F3F2F1F0EFEEEDECEBEAE9E8E7E6E5E4E3E2E1E0DFDEDDDCDBDAD9D8 +D7D6D5D4D3D2D1D0CFCECDCCCBCAC9C8C7C6C5C4C3C2C1C0BFBEBDBCBBBAB9B8B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0 +AFAEADACABAAA9A8A7A6A5A4A3A2A1A09F9E9D9C9B9A999897969594939291908F8E8D8C8B8A8988 +87868584838281807F7E7D7C7B7A797877767574737271706F6E6D6C6B6A69686766656463626160 +5F5E5D5C5B5A595857565554535251504F4E4D4C4B4A494847464544434241403F3E3D3C3B3A3938 +37363534333231302F2E2D2C2B2A292827262524232221201F1E1D1C1B1A19181716151413121110 +0F0E0D0C0B0A09080706050403020100 +> +< +FFFEFDFCFBFAF9F8F7F6F5F4F3F2F1F0EFEEEDECEBEAE9E8E7E6E5E4E3E2E1E0DFDEDDDCDBDAD9D8 +D7D6D5D4D3D2D1D0CFCECDCCCBCAC9C8C7C6C5C4C3C2C1C0BFBEBDBCBBBAB9B8B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0 +AFAEADACABAAA9A8A7A6A5A4A3A2A1A09F9E9D9C9B9A999897969594939291908F8E8D8C8B8A8988 +87868584838281807F7E7D7C7B7A797877767574737271706F6E6D6C6B6A69686766656463626160 +5F5E5D5C5B5A595857565554535251504F4E4D4C4B4A494847464544434241403F3E3D3C3B3A3938 +37363534333231302F2E2D2C2B2A292827262524232221201F1E1D1C1B1A19181716151413121110 +0F0E0D0C0B0A09080706050403020100 +> +< +FFFEFDFCFBFAF9F8F7F6F5F4F3F2F1F0EFEEEDECEBEAE9E8E7E6E5E4E3E2E1E0DFDEDDDCDBDAD9D8 +D7D6D5D4D3D2D1D0CFCECDCCCBCAC9C8C7C6C5C4C3C2C1C0BFBEBDBCBBBAB9B8B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0 +AFAEADACABAAA9A8A7A6A5A4A3A2A1A09F9E9D9C9B9A999897969594939291908F8E8D8C8B8A8988 +87868584838281807F7E7D7C7B7A797877767574737271706F6E6D6C6B6A69686766656463626160 +5F5E5D5C5B5A595857565554535251504F4E4D4C4B4A494847464544434241403F3E3D3C3B3A3938 +37363534333231302F2E2D2C2B2A292827262524232221201F1E1D1C1B1A19181716151413121110 +0F0E0D0C0B0A09080706050403020100 +> +4 %_Br +[ +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 2 1 6 50 100 %_BS +%_0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 2 1 6 50 100 Bs +0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 1 6 50 0 %_BS +%_0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 1 6 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+%_151.2656 102.4619 151.3496 102.5645 151.4668 102.5898 c +%_151.583 102.6152 151.7012 102.5547 151.75 102.4463 c +%_152.8711 99.957 156.498 98.666 160.333 99.5664 c +%_164.5127 100.5469 167.333 103.7559 166.6338 106.7314 c +%_166.1621 108.7461 164.1973 110.1348 161.6816 110.5186 c +%_161.5547 110.5371 161.4619 110.6484 161.4648 110.7764 c +%_161.4688 110.9043 161.5674 111.0098 161.6953 111.0215 c +%_162.7637 111.124 163.875 111.1279 165.0127 111.0195 c +%_171.5029 110.4023 176.5264 106.4238 176.9619 101.8418 C +%_181.6748 102.3887 185.8467 104.998 187.3408 108.6152 c +%_187.3857 108.7236 187.501 108.7871 187.6162 108.7695 c +%_187.7314 108.75 187.8193 108.6553 187.8291 108.5391 c +%_188.2061 103.7871 186.5713 100.7002 182.8584 97.6846 C +%_188.2432 99.7441 194.3027 99.8496 200.1133 97.1465 c +%_200.2188 97.0977 200.2773 96.9824 200.2559 96.8672 c +%_200.2324 96.752 200.1328 96.668 200.0156 96.6641 c +%_195.1367 96.4736 191.5996 94.9082 188.2861 91.5918 C +%_206.5391 96.7256 221.3711 85.3906 216.2383 68.5391 c +%_216.2031 68.4238 216.0918 68.3486 215.9707 68.3613 c +%_215.8496 68.373 215.7539 68.4688 215.7441 68.5898 c +%_214.8262 78.3037 208.041 84.7051 197.8828 85.666 C +%_203.2695 83.6055 208.8828 78.6895 209.4395 70.1318 c +%_209.4473 70.0098 209.3672 69.8984 209.248 69.8691 c +%_209.1289 69.8398 209.0059 69.8984 208.9551 70.0098 c +%_206.1563 76.1641 200.6582 79.2754 194.7949 79.8223 C +%_201.1289 77.2422 205.1914 71.2207 206.3652 63.4023 c +%_206.3848 63.2793 206.3105 63.1602 206.1914 63.123 c +%_206.0742 63.084 205.9453 63.1387 205.8887 63.248 c +%_202.0234 70.8311 193.7324 76.042 183.4424 72.0605 c +%_172.8252 67.9512 168.168 55.6738 167.1387 47.0195 c +%_167.124 46.8984 167.0234 46.8047 166.9004 46.7969 c +%_166.7783 46.7891 166.668 46.8711 166.6396 46.9922 c +%_162.9199 62.6797 170.2227 78.9414 183.2764 85.832 C +%_176.1807 83.8291 169.8369 79.5723 166.249 72.4775 C +%_157.9551 71.459 152.2451 68.6152 149.3916 63.2383 c +%_149.335 63.1309 149.2109 63.0781 149.0957 63.1133 c +%_148.9805 63.1465 148.9043 63.2578 148.9141 63.3789 c +%_149.0967 65.4883 149.8555 69.709 152.9883 71.6494 C +%_146.0234 71.6387 140.4824 72.543 135.1895 74.6621 c +%_135.0781 74.708 135.0127 74.8262 135.0352 74.9453 c +%_f +%_0 D +%_164.5215 21.4746 m +%_164.4229 21.541 164.293 21.5293 164.2061 21.4492 c +%_164.1201 21.3672 164.1016 21.2383 164.1602 21.1367 c +%_165.7803 18.3398 164.3008 14.3223 161.1094 14.3223 c +%_155.3887 14.3223 152.6387 25.0918 153.5137 34.916 C +%_155.6768 29.1602 157.5469 26.8613 160.8613 24.1211 c +%_160.9551 24.043 161.0898 24.043 161.1836 24.1191 c +%_161.2773 24.1973 161.3047 24.3281 161.2471 24.4355 c +%_156.3906 33.5156 155.3496 40.502 155.3496 48.5215 C +%_156.8125 42.5625 158.5449 39.1992 163.4766 34.1406 c +%_163.5625 34.0527 163.6992 34.0391 163.8018 34.1074 c +%_163.9033 34.1777 163.9404 34.3105 163.8887 34.4238 c +%_158.5908 46.0137 158.9951 58.8711 162.9414 68.6875 c +%_162.9805 68.7852 162.9561 68.8965 162.8789 68.9688 c +%_162.8018 69.0391 162.6895 69.0566 162.5938 69.0098 c +%_157.3887 66.459 154.3301 64.7832 149.8418 58.6211 C +%_151.1992 51.2227 150.0703 47.5723 146.6699 41.4258 C +%_150.6074 51.3438 148.5117 65.3203 138.4824 71.0176 c +%_138.373 71.0791 138.2344 71.0518 138.1582 70.9531 c +%_138.0801 70.8535 138.0869 70.7119 138.1738 70.6211 c +%_141.9551 66.666 144.7051 59.9863 142.3301 52.6934 C +%_143.8594 63.082 134.7344 71.8086 124.5508 71.8086 c +%_114.9512 71.8086 108.4004 64.2988 108.9414 56.8672 c +%_109.4785 49.502 114.3848 45.8984 118.6133 44.3691 c +%_118.7246 44.3301 118.8496 44.3711 118.9131 44.4707 c +%_118.9766 44.5723 118.9629 44.7012 118.8799 44.7871 c +%_113.2695 50.4785 112.502 61.2793 122.4629 64.5469 C +%_116.6035 59.4902 118.7734 47.7168 128.1523 46.8223 c +%_128.2695 46.8105 128.3789 46.8809 128.417 46.9922 c +%_128.4551 47.1035 128.4121 47.2266 128.3135 47.2891 c +%_126.3047 48.5664 124.6348 51.0605 124.6348 53.8633 c +%_124.6348 58.5371 128.0566 60.373 130.3105 60.373 c 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+%_230.7344 131.5967 230.6387 131.6885 230.5195 131.6982 c +%_224.1309 132.2529 219.75 128.4463 217.0039 123.8203 c +%_214.209 119.1152 209.4336 115.4102 203.793 116.1504 c +%_203.6738 116.166 203.5605 116.0957 203.5195 115.9824 c +%_203.4805 115.8691 203.5254 115.7422 203.6289 115.6807 c +%_206.4258 113.9961 209.5 113.2969 213.4922 114.6289 C +%_207.6973 109.7197 199.4453 106.8867 191.6523 109.4014 c +%_191.543 109.4375 191.4238 109.3945 191.3613 109.2979 c +%_191.2988 109.2012 191.3105 109.0752 191.3867 108.9902 c +%_197.2949 102.4258 209.0762 102.2949 216.4961 107.6172 C +%_213.459 103.3008 209.4277 100.1328 202.2031 99.1387 c +%_202.0879 99.123 201.998 99.0313 201.9844 98.916 c +%_201.9727 98.7998 202.0391 98.6904 202.1484 98.6504 c +%_210.4395 95.5723 218.748 98.6953 225.5938 106.8652 C +%_222.6016 100.4883 217.6875 95.3809 210.8262 92.8535 c +%_210.7109 92.8115 210.6426 92.6934 210.6641 92.5742 c +%_210.6836 92.4531 210.7871 92.3643 210.9082 92.3613 c +%_214.8516 92.2803 218.3945 93.2188 223.1738 95.9316 C +%_219.666 90.2422 220.4336 80.293 225.543 73.6738 c +%_225.6133 73.582 225.7383 73.5498 225.8457 73.5957 c +%_225.9512 73.6426 226.0137 73.7549 225.9941 73.8691 c +%_224.8145 81.0703 227.293 89.1992 231.6035 93.5117 C +%_229.4512 85.8799 231.5977 78.9355 237.5 73.8672 c +%_237.5703 73.8066 237.6699 73.79 237.7559 73.8232 c +%_237.8438 73.8564 237.9043 73.9355 237.918 74.0273 c +%_239.1523 83.4453 249.6875 93.002 258.5195 93.8027 c +%_258.6445 93.8135 258.7422 93.9141 258.75 94.0381 c +%_258.7578 94.1621 258.6758 94.2754 258.5527 94.3027 c +%_254.2734 95.2715 249.8613 94.793 246.1641 93.2715 C +%_248.8242 96.2051 252.1035 98.3828 255.7188 99.5176 c +%_255.8359 99.5537 255.9082 99.668 255.8945 99.7891 c +%_255.8809 99.9102 255.7813 100.0039 255.6602 100.0127 c +%_251.1504 100.3242 246.7363 99.0068 242.9297 96.4746 C +%_247.291 103.0957 253.9102 108.0195 262.3574 109.9805 c +%_262.4785 110.0088 262.5605 110.1191 262.5547 110.2432 c +%_262.5469 110.3672 262.4512 110.4668 262.3281 110.4805 c +%_250.4102 111.7822 240.582 107.1621 234.1074 98.5625 C +%_235.7559 103.4629 240.4727 108.3184 247.0527 111.1816 c +%_252.8984 113.7266 258.9023 114.1279 263.4746 112.6914 c +%_263.5801 112.6582 263.6973 112.6982 263.7598 112.791 c +%_263.8223 112.8828 263.8184 113.0059 263.748 113.0938 c +%_f +%_210.8438 37.5215 m +%_215.6504 48.0078 215.3086 56.207 211.4375 66.5762 c +%_211.3926 66.6934 211.2715 66.7607 211.1484 66.7363 c +%_211.0254 66.7109 210.9395 66.5996 210.9453 66.4746 c +%_211.5664 53.8535 208.1191 44.8203 200.6465 38.668 C +%_208.8965 48.5195 205 68.2275 191.8242 68.2275 c +%_182.2393 68.2275 174.3086 60.252 172.3691 50.7031 c +%_172.3447 50.582 172.4111 50.459 172.5273 50.416 c +%_172.6426 50.3711 172.7734 50.416 172.8359 50.5215 c +%_175.6787 55.2832 180.2451 58.373 185.2939 58.373 c +%_193.4277 58.373 195.834 51.9063 195.834 47.375 c +%_195.834 41.1875 190.9082 36.0313 187.1279 36.0313 c +%_183.6904 36.0313 182.0869 38.8555 182.0869 40.959 c +%_182.0869 44.8574 185.085 48.125 188.4639 49.123 c +%_188.583 49.1582 188.6611 49.2773 188.6436 49.4023 c +%_188.624 49.5273 188.5186 49.6191 188.3936 49.6211 c +%_184.2861 49.6465 180.8154 47.7656 178.7627 44.0527 C +%_178.4932 46.9277 178.4902 48.7383 179.4033 51.7754 c +%_179.4385 51.8926 179.3848 52.0176 179.2773 52.0742 c +%_179.168 52.1309 179.0352 52.1016 178.9609 52.0059 c +%_171.6045 42.6133 175.125 26.3809 180.9404 19.6484 C +%_175.4082 23.6309 170.5234 32.2813 170.6006 44.041 c +%_170.6016 44.1641 170.5156 44.2676 170.3955 44.291 c +%_170.2754 44.3164 170.1563 44.25 170.1113 44.1367 c +%_166.0029 33.8848 168.1826 14.8887 179.3926 4.28516 C +%_176.5088 3.88867 173.5254 3.93945 170.2676 4.97852 c +%_170.1523 5.01367 170.0273 4.96484 169.9688 4.85938 c +%_169.9102 4.75195 169.9336 4.61914 170.0273 4.54102 c +%_174.1191 1.08594 179.8418 0 185.2939 0 C +%_180.5967 5.5 182.1572 16.5547 189.6494 16.5547 c +%_194.9961 16.5547 197.4238 8.25586 193.2949 3.77344 c +%_193.2168 3.6875 193.207 3.55859 193.2695 3.46289 c +%_193.334 3.36523 193.4551 3.32227 193.5664 3.36133 c +%_198.3457 5.01563 203.5117 9.15039 203.5117 14.377 c +%_203.5117 19.4199 198.6992 23.7715 191.7109 23.4277 C +%_200.5293 25.9336 209.7617 23.1602 214.5918 17.1758 c +%_214.666 17.082 214.7969 17.0547 214.9023 17.1074 c +%_215.0098 17.1621 215.0645 17.2832 215.0352 17.3984 c +%_212.2441 28.1152 203.0684 32.5977 191.5957 31.1055 C +%_200.877 34.8613 214.8457 31.5859 221.0195 23.7949 c +%_221.0918 23.7031 221.2188 23.6738 221.3262 23.7227 c +%_221.4316 23.7734 221.4902 23.8906 221.4668 24.0039 c +%_220.0957 30.6191 216.6035 35.5664 210.8438 37.5215 C +%_f +%_*U +%_*u +%_1 D +%_0.41001 0 0.011078 0 0.615686 0.862745 0.976471 Xa +%_0 0.4 0 0 0 Xy +%_237.2266 56.8086 m +%_237.2051 56.6895 237.1016 56.6016 236.9805 56.6016 c +%_224.0742 56.4648 212.2266 53.334 203.0098 45.0859 C +%_211.0391 50.6445 225.9512 52.5957 234.5371 48.7051 c +%_234.6465 48.6543 234.7051 48.5332 234.6777 48.416 c +%_234.6523 48.2988 234.5449 48.2168 234.4238 48.2188 c +%_223.7441 48.5098 215.1445 45.2129 208.4395 39.2559 C +%_215.3086 38.832 221.0137 34.5156 220.9961 29.4102 c +%_220.9961 29.291 220.9121 29.1875 220.7949 29.1621 c +%_220.6797 29.1387 220.5605 29.1973 220.5117 29.3066 c +%_219.3906 31.7949 215.7637 33.0879 211.9297 32.1875 c +%_207.75 31.2051 204.9297 27.998 205.6289 25.0215 c +%_206.0996 23.0078 208.0645 21.6191 210.5801 21.2344 c +%_210.707 21.2148 210.8008 21.1055 210.7969 20.9766 c +%_210.793 20.8496 210.6953 20.7441 210.5664 20.7305 c +%_209.498 20.6289 208.3867 20.625 207.25 20.7344 c +%_200.7598 21.3516 195.7363 25.3281 195.3008 29.9121 C +%_190.5889 29.3652 186.417 26.7539 184.9229 23.1387 c +%_184.8779 23.0293 184.7646 22.9668 184.6475 22.9844 c +%_184.5322 23.002 184.4443 23.0977 184.4346 23.2148 c +%_184.0576 27.9648 185.6924 31.0527 189.4053 34.0684 C +%_184.0205 32.0098 177.959 31.9043 172.1484 34.6055 c +%_172.043 34.6563 171.9844 34.7715 172.0059 34.8867 c +%_172.0293 35.002 172.1289 35.0859 172.2461 35.0898 c +%_177.125 35.2793 180.6631 36.8457 183.9795 40.1621 C +%_165.7227 35.0273 150.8906 46.3633 156.0234 63.2129 c +%_156.0586 63.3301 156.1699 63.4043 156.291 63.3926 c +%_156.4121 63.3809 156.5078 63.2852 156.5176 63.1641 c +%_157.4355 53.4492 164.2207 47.0469 174.3789 46.0879 C +%_168.9922 48.1465 163.3789 53.0625 162.8223 61.6211 c +%_162.8145 61.7441 162.8945 61.8535 163.0137 61.8848 c +%_163.1328 61.9141 163.2559 61.8535 163.3066 61.7422 c +%_166.1055 55.5879 171.6035 52.4785 177.4668 51.9297 C +%_171.1328 54.5117 167.0703 60.5332 165.8965 68.3516 c +%_165.877 68.4746 165.9512 68.5918 166.0703 68.6309 c +%_166.1875 68.668 166.3164 68.6152 166.373 68.5039 c +%_170.2383 60.9219 178.5293 55.7109 188.8213 59.6934 c +%_199.4375 63.8027 204.0938 76.0781 205.123 84.7324 c +%_205.1387 84.8555 205.2383 84.9492 205.3613 84.957 c +%_205.4844 84.9629 205.5938 84.8809 205.623 84.7617 c +%_209.3418 69.0723 202.0391 52.8125 188.9873 45.9219 C +%_196.082 47.9238 202.4258 52.1816 206.0137 59.2754 C +%_214.3066 60.293 220.0176 63.1387 222.8711 68.5156 c +%_222.9277 68.6211 223.0508 68.6738 223.166 68.6406 c +%_223.2813 68.6055 223.3574 68.4941 223.3477 68.375 c +%_223.166 66.2656 222.4063 62.0449 219.2734 60.1035 C +%_226.2383 60.1152 231.7793 59.2109 237.0723 57.0898 c +%_237.1836 57.0449 237.25 56.9277 237.2266 56.8086 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_0 D +%_207.7402 110.2773 m +%_207.8398 110.2129 207.9688 110.2227 208.0566 110.3047 c +%_208.1426 110.3848 208.1602 110.5137 208.1016 110.6172 c +%_206.4824 113.4141 207.9609 117.4297 211.1523 117.4297 c +%_216.873 117.4297 219.623 106.6602 218.748 96.8379 C +%_216.5859 102.5918 214.7148 104.8926 211.4004 107.6328 c +%_211.3066 107.709 211.1719 107.7109 211.0781 107.6328 c +%_210.9844 107.5566 210.957 107.4238 211.0156 107.3164 c +%_215.8711 98.2383 216.9121 91.252 216.9121 83.2324 C +%_215.4492 89.1895 213.7168 92.5527 208.7852 97.6133 c +%_208.6992 97.7012 208.5625 97.7148 208.4609 97.6445 c +%_208.3594 97.5742 208.3223 97.4414 208.373 97.3301 c +%_213.6719 85.7383 213.2676 72.8828 209.3203 63.0664 c +%_209.2813 62.9688 209.3066 62.8574 209.3828 62.7852 c +%_209.4609 62.7129 209.5723 62.6973 209.668 62.7422 c +%_214.873 65.293 217.9316 66.9688 222.4199 73.1328 C +%_221.0625 80.5313 222.1914 84.1797 225.5918 90.3262 C +%_221.6543 80.4102 223.75 66.4336 233.7793 60.7363 c +%_233.8887 60.6738 234.0273 60.7012 234.1035 60.8008 c +%_234.1816 60.9004 234.1758 61.041 234.0879 61.1328 c +%_230.3066 65.0879 227.5566 71.7676 229.9316 79.0586 C +%_228.4023 68.6699 237.5273 59.9453 247.7109 59.9453 c +%_257.3105 59.9453 263.8613 67.4531 263.3203 74.8848 c +%_262.7832 82.25 257.877 85.8555 253.6484 87.3828 c +%_253.5371 87.4238 253.4121 87.3809 253.3496 87.2813 c +%_253.2852 87.1816 253.2988 87.0508 253.3828 86.9668 c +%_258.9922 81.2734 259.7598 70.4746 249.7988 67.207 C +%_255.6582 72.2637 253.4883 84.0352 244.1094 84.9316 c +%_243.9922 84.9414 243.8828 84.8711 243.8457 84.7598 c +%_243.8066 84.6504 243.8496 84.5273 243.9492 84.4648 c +%_245.957 83.1855 247.627 80.6934 247.627 77.8906 c +%_247.627 73.2168 244.2051 71.3789 241.9512 71.3789 c +%_238.5293 71.3789 235.6914 74.6348 235.6914 79.5605 c +%_235.6914 85.4023 240.9512 90.2441 247.7109 90.9941 c +%_254.3379 91.7305 260.4941 88.8398 263.4609 84.5352 c +%_263.5313 84.4336 263.6621 84.3984 263.7754 84.4492 c +%_263.8867 84.5 263.9453 84.623 263.916 84.7422 c +%_260.8965 96.4453 247.1191 101.6191 237.0273 94.25 C +%_243.6406 101.75 254.0332 101.8555 262.75 94.1641 c +%_262.8398 94.084 262.9746 94.0781 263.0723 94.1523 c +%_263.168 94.2266 263.1992 94.3574 263.1445 94.4668 c +%_260.4785 99.873 253.8926 106.2852 244.5391 105.3516 c +%_235.9824 104.4961 231.0176 96.3359 230.0156 89.6602 C +%_229.459 98.1816 231.4102 104.1953 238.7695 109.8047 c +%_238.8672 109.8789 238.8965 110.0117 238.8418 110.1211 c +%_238.7871 110.2305 238.6621 110.2852 238.5449 110.25 c +%_231.7598 108.291 226.3145 104.8262 223.4961 97.707 C +%_223.4961 103.8672 225.6348 110.0781 231.0215 114.2168 c +%_231.1191 114.291 231.1484 114.4238 231.0938 114.5332 c +%_231.0391 114.6406 230.916 114.6953 230.7988 114.6621 c +%_227.3457 113.6797 224.627 112.1738 222.6602 109.4785 C +%_221.3496 120.5781 216.1387 127.168 210.1348 127.168 c +%_206.0098 127.168 202.9297 124.1348 202.9297 119.2988 c +%_202.9297 116.4688 204.418 112.4961 207.7402 110.2773 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_108.5137 18.6602 m +%_111.6758 14.7559 118.0527 13.2676 124.9453 14.6719 C +%_124.4355 10.3691 125.2793 5.88086 126.5566 3.18555 c +%_126.6094 3.07813 126.7305 3.01953 126.8477 3.04883 c +%_126.9648 3.07813 127.0449 3.18555 127.041 3.30664 c +%_126.666 12.0723 131.6641 19.1484 140.4902 22.2148 C +%_133.584 17.459 131.5645 8.02148 134.8516 3.15039 c +%_134.9199 3.05078 135.0469 3.01172 135.1582 3.05664 c +%_135.2695 3.10156 135.334 3.21875 135.3125 3.33789 c +%_134.9395 5.39844 135.918 8.02148 138.0254 10.0625 c +%_140.9316 12.877 144.875 13.5156 146.8359 11.4922 c +%_148.7969 9.4668 148.0332 5.54492 145.1289 2.73242 c +%_144.0684 1.70508 142.8691 0.96875 141.6797 0.546875 c +%_141.5664 0.505859 141.498 0.392578 141.5137 0.275391 c +%_141.5273 0.15625 141.623 0.064453 141.7422 0.054688 c +%_148.1309 -0.5 152.5117 3.30664 155.2578 7.93164 c +%_158.0527 12.6367 162.8281 16.3438 168.4688 15.6035 c +%_168.5879 15.5879 168.7012 15.6582 168.7422 15.7715 c +%_168.7813 15.8848 168.7363 16.0098 168.6328 16.0723 c +%_165.8359 17.7559 162.7617 18.4551 158.7695 17.125 C +%_164.5645 22.0332 172.8164 24.8652 180.6104 22.3516 c +%_180.7197 22.3164 180.8389 22.3594 180.9014 22.4551 c +%_180.9639 22.5508 180.9541 22.6777 180.876 22.7637 c +%_174.9668 29.3281 163.1855 29.459 155.7656 24.1348 C +%_158.8027 28.4512 162.834 31.6211 170.0586 32.6133 c +%_170.1738 32.6289 170.2637 32.7227 170.2773 32.8379 c +%_170.2891 32.9531 170.2227 33.0625 170.1133 33.1035 c +%_161.8223 36.1797 153.5137 33.0586 146.668 24.8867 C +%_149.6602 31.2656 154.5742 36.373 161.4355 38.9004 c +%_161.5508 38.9414 161.6191 39.0586 161.5977 39.1797 c +%_161.5781 39.3008 161.4746 39.3887 161.3535 39.3906 c +%_157.4102 39.4727 153.8672 38.5332 149.0879 35.8203 C +%_152.5957 41.5117 151.8281 51.459 146.7188 58.0801 c +%_146.6484 58.1719 146.5234 58.2031 146.416 58.1582 c +%_146.3105 58.1113 146.248 57.998 146.2676 57.8828 c +%_147.4473 50.6836 144.9688 42.5547 140.6582 38.2422 C +%_142.8105 45.873 140.6641 52.8184 134.7617 57.8848 c +%_134.6914 57.9453 134.5918 57.9629 134.5059 57.9297 c +%_134.418 57.8965 134.3574 57.8184 134.3438 57.7266 c +%_133.1094 48.3086 122.5742 38.752 113.7422 37.9512 c +%_113.6172 37.9395 113.5195 37.8398 113.5117 37.7148 c +%_113.5039 37.5898 113.5859 37.4785 113.709 37.4512 c +%_117.9883 36.4824 122.4004 36.9609 126.0977 38.4805 C +%_123.4375 35.5488 120.1582 33.3711 116.543 32.2363 c +%_116.4258 32.1992 116.3535 32.0859 116.3672 31.9648 c +%_116.3809 31.8438 116.4805 31.748 116.6016 31.7402 c +%_121.1113 31.4297 125.5254 32.7461 129.332 35.2793 C +%_124.9707 28.6582 118.3516 23.7344 109.9043 21.7715 c +%_109.7832 21.7441 109.7012 21.6328 109.707 21.5098 c +%_109.7148 21.3867 109.8105 21.2871 109.9336 21.2734 c +%_121.8516 19.9707 131.6797 24.5918 138.1543 33.1914 C +%_136.5059 28.2891 131.7891 23.4355 125.209 20.5723 c +%_119.3633 18.0273 113.3594 17.625 108.7871 19.0625 c +%_108.6816 19.0957 108.5645 19.0547 108.502 18.9629 c +%_108.4395 18.8691 108.4434 18.7461 108.5137 18.6602 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_161.418 94.2324 m +%_156.6113 83.7461 156.9531 75.5469 160.8242 65.1777 c +%_160.8691 65.0605 160.9902 64.9922 161.1133 65.0176 c +%_161.2363 65.043 161.3223 65.1543 161.3164 65.2773 c +%_160.6953 77.9004 164.1426 86.9316 171.6152 93.0859 C +%_163.3652 83.2324 167.2617 63.5254 180.4385 63.5254 c +%_190.0244 63.5254 197.9531 71.502 199.8926 81.0508 c +%_199.918 81.1719 199.8516 81.293 199.7344 81.3379 c +%_199.6191 81.3828 199.4883 81.3379 199.4258 81.2305 c +%_196.584 76.4688 192.0176 73.3789 186.9697 73.3789 c +%_178.834 73.3789 176.4277 79.8457 176.4277 84.3789 c +%_176.4277 90.5645 181.3545 95.7207 185.1357 95.7207 c +%_188.5732 95.7207 190.1768 92.8984 190.1768 90.7949 c +%_190.1768 86.8965 187.1787 83.6289 183.8018 82.6309 c +%_183.6807 82.5938 183.6045 82.4766 183.6221 82.3516 c +%_183.6396 82.2266 183.7451 82.1328 183.8721 82.1328 c +%_187.9775 82.1074 191.4473 83.9863 193.5 87.7012 C +%_193.7695 84.8262 193.7715 83.0156 192.8594 79.9766 c +%_192.8242 79.8594 192.877 79.7344 192.9844 79.6777 c +%_193.0938 79.623 193.2266 79.6504 193.3008 79.748 c +%_200.6582 89.1406 197.1367 105.3711 191.3223 112.1055 C +%_196.8535 108.123 201.7383 99.4707 201.6621 87.7109 c +%_201.6602 87.5898 201.7461 87.4844 201.8672 87.4609 c +%_201.9863 87.4375 202.1055 87.502 202.1504 87.6152 c +%_206.2598 97.8691 204.0801 116.8633 192.8691 127.4668 C +%_195.7539 127.8652 198.7363 127.8145 201.9941 126.7754 c +%_202.1094 126.7383 202.2344 126.7891 202.293 126.8945 c +%_202.3516 127 202.3281 127.1328 202.2344 127.2109 c +%_198.1426 130.666 192.4199 131.752 186.9697 131.752 C +%_191.666 126.252 190.1064 115.1992 182.6162 115.1992 c +%_177.2656 115.1992 174.8379 123.498 178.9668 127.9805 c +%_179.0449 128.0664 179.0547 128.1934 178.9922 128.291 c +%_178.9277 128.3887 178.8066 128.4297 178.6953 128.3926 c +%_173.916 126.7363 168.75 122.6035 168.75 117.375 c +%_168.75 112.334 173.5625 107.9805 180.5537 108.3242 C +%_171.7324 105.8203 162.5 108.5918 157.6699 114.5781 c +%_157.5957 114.6699 157.4648 114.6992 157.3594 114.6445 c +%_157.252 114.5918 157.1973 114.4707 157.2266 114.3535 c +%_160.0176 103.6387 169.1934 99.1543 180.667 100.6484 C +%_171.3848 96.8906 157.416 100.166 151.2422 107.957 c +%_151.1699 108.0488 151.043 108.0801 150.9355 108.0293 c +%_150.8301 107.9805 150.7715 107.8633 150.7949 107.748 c +%_152.166 101.1328 155.6582 96.1875 161.418 94.2324 C +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_*U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Repeated_Art) , +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Main_Copy_of_EditGroup) , +%_; +%_ +%_9 () XW +%_u +%_*u +%_1 D +%_1 0.771237 0.226078 0.073854 0 0.258824 0.494118 Xa +%_0 1 0 0 0 Xy +%_26.6963 74.9453 m +%_26.7178 75.0645 26.8213 75.1504 26.9424 75.1523 c +%_39.8486 75.2871 51.6963 78.4199 60.9141 86.667 C +%_52.8838 81.1094 37.9717 79.1563 29.3867 83.0488 c +%_29.2764 83.0986 29.2178 83.2188 29.2451 83.3369 c +%_29.2715 83.4551 29.3779 83.5371 29.499 83.5332 c +%_40.1787 83.2441 48.7783 86.54 55.4834 92.498 C +%_48.6143 92.9199 42.9092 97.2383 42.9268 102.3428 c +%_42.9268 102.4619 43.0107 102.5645 43.1279 102.5898 c +%_43.2441 102.6152 43.3623 102.5547 43.4111 102.4463 c +%_44.5322 99.957 48.1592 98.666 51.9941 99.5664 c +%_56.1738 100.5469 58.9941 103.7559 58.2949 106.7314 c +%_57.8232 108.7461 55.8584 110.1348 53.3428 110.5186 c +%_53.2158 110.5371 53.123 110.6484 53.126 110.7764 c +%_53.1299 110.9043 53.2285 111.0098 53.3564 111.0215 c +%_54.4248 111.124 55.5361 111.1279 56.6738 111.0195 c +%_63.1641 110.4023 68.1875 106.4238 68.623 101.8418 C +%_73.3359 102.3887 77.5078 104.998 79.002 108.6152 c +%_79.0469 108.7236 79.1621 108.7871 79.2773 108.7695 c +%_79.3926 108.75 79.4805 108.6553 79.4902 108.5391 c +%_79.8672 103.7871 78.2324 100.7002 74.5195 97.6846 C +%_79.9043 99.7441 85.9648 99.8496 91.7754 97.1465 c +%_91.8809 97.0977 91.9395 96.9824 91.918 96.8672 c +%_91.8945 96.752 91.7949 96.668 91.6777 96.6641 c +%_86.7988 96.4736 83.2617 94.9082 79.9473 91.5918 C +%_98.2012 96.7256 113.0332 85.3906 107.9004 68.5391 c +%_107.8652 68.4238 107.7539 68.3486 107.6328 68.3613 c +%_107.5117 68.373 107.416 68.4688 107.4063 68.5898 c +%_106.4883 78.3037 99.7031 84.7051 89.5449 85.666 C +%_94.9316 83.6055 100.5449 78.6895 101.1016 70.1318 c +%_101.1094 70.0098 101.0293 69.8984 100.9102 69.8691 c +%_100.791 69.8398 100.668 69.8984 100.6172 70.0098 c +%_97.8184 76.1641 92.3203 79.2754 86.457 79.8223 C +%_92.791 77.2422 96.8535 71.2207 98.0273 63.4023 c +%_98.0469 63.2793 97.9727 63.1602 97.8535 63.123 c +%_97.7363 63.084 97.6074 63.1387 97.5508 63.248 c +%_93.6855 70.8311 85.3945 76.042 75.1035 72.0605 c +%_64.4863 67.9512 59.8291 55.6738 58.7998 47.0195 c +%_58.7852 46.8984 58.6846 46.8047 58.5615 46.7969 c +%_58.4395 46.7891 58.3291 46.8711 58.3008 46.9922 c +%_54.5811 62.6797 61.8838 78.9414 74.9375 85.832 C +%_67.8418 83.8291 61.498 79.5723 57.9102 72.4775 C +%_49.6162 71.459 43.9063 68.6152 41.0527 63.2383 c +%_40.9961 63.1309 40.8721 63.0781 40.7568 63.1133 c +%_40.6416 63.1465 40.5654 63.2578 40.5752 63.3789 c +%_40.7578 65.4883 41.5166 69.709 44.6494 71.6494 C +%_37.6846 71.6387 32.1436 72.543 26.8506 74.6621 c +%_26.7393 74.708 26.6738 74.8262 26.6963 74.9453 c +%_f +%_0 D +%_56.1826 21.4746 m +%_56.084 21.541 55.9541 21.5293 55.8672 21.4492 c +%_55.7813 21.3672 55.7627 21.2383 55.8213 21.1367 c +%_57.4414 18.3398 55.9619 14.3223 52.7705 14.3223 c +%_47.0498 14.3223 44.2998 25.0918 45.1748 34.916 C +%_47.3379 29.1602 49.208 26.8613 52.5225 24.1211 c +%_52.6162 24.043 52.751 24.043 52.8447 24.1191 c +%_52.9385 24.1973 52.9658 24.3281 52.9082 24.4355 c +%_48.0518 33.5156 47.0107 40.502 47.0107 48.5215 C +%_48.4736 42.5625 50.2061 39.1992 55.1377 34.1406 c +%_55.2236 34.0527 55.3604 34.0391 55.4629 34.1074 c +%_55.5645 34.1777 55.6016 34.3105 55.5498 34.4238 c +%_50.252 46.0137 50.6563 58.8711 54.6025 68.6875 c +%_54.6416 68.7852 54.6172 68.8965 54.54 68.9688 c +%_54.4629 69.0391 54.3506 69.0566 54.2549 69.0098 c +%_49.0498 66.459 45.9912 64.7832 41.5029 58.6211 C +%_42.8604 51.2227 41.7314 47.5723 38.3311 41.4258 C +%_42.2686 51.3438 40.1729 65.3203 30.1436 71.0176 c +%_30.0342 71.0791 29.8955 71.0518 29.8193 70.9531 c +%_29.7412 70.8535 29.748 70.7119 29.835 70.6211 c +%_33.6162 66.666 36.3662 59.9863 33.9912 52.6934 C +%_35.5205 63.082 26.3955 71.8086 16.2119 71.8086 c +%_6.6123 71.8086 0.061523 64.2988 0.602539 56.8672 c +%_1.13965 49.502 6.0459 45.8984 10.2744 44.3691 c +%_10.3857 44.3301 10.5107 44.3711 10.5742 44.4707 c +%_10.6377 44.5723 10.624 44.7012 10.541 44.7871 c +%_4.93066 50.4785 4.16309 61.2793 14.124 64.5469 C +%_8.26465 59.4902 10.4346 47.7168 19.8135 46.8223 c +%_19.9307 46.8105 20.04 46.8809 20.0781 46.9922 c +%_20.1162 47.1035 20.0732 47.2266 19.9746 47.2891 c +%_17.9658 48.5664 16.2959 51.0605 16.2959 53.8633 c +%_16.2959 58.5371 19.7178 60.373 21.9717 60.373 c +%_25.3936 60.373 28.2314 57.1172 28.2314 52.1934 c +%_28.2314 46.3496 22.9717 41.5098 16.2119 40.7578 c +%_9.58594 40.0234 3.42969 42.9121 0.461914 47.2168 c +%_0.392578 47.3184 0.260742 47.3555 0.148438 47.3047 c +%_0.036133 47.2539 -0.022461 47.1289 0.007813 47.0098 c +%_3.02637 35.3066 16.8037 30.1328 26.8955 37.5039 C +%_20.2822 30.002 9.88965 29.8984 1.17383 37.5898 c +%_1.08301 37.6699 0.948242 37.6738 0.851563 37.5996 c +%_0.754883 37.5273 0.724609 37.3945 0.77832 37.2871 c +%_3.44531 31.8789 10.0313 25.4668 19.3838 26.4023 c +%_27.9404 27.2578 32.9053 35.416 33.9072 42.0938 C +%_34.4639 33.5723 32.5137 27.5566 25.1533 21.9473 c +%_25.0566 21.873 25.0264 21.7402 25.0811 21.6309 c +%_25.1357 21.5234 25.2607 21.4688 25.3779 21.502 c +%_32.1631 23.4629 37.6084 26.9277 40.4268 34.0469 C +%_40.4268 27.8848 38.2881 21.6738 32.9014 17.5352 c +%_32.8037 17.4609 32.7744 17.3301 32.8291 17.2207 c +%_32.8838 17.1113 33.0078 17.0566 33.125 17.0898 c +%_36.5781 18.0742 39.2959 19.5781 41.2627 22.2754 C +%_42.5732 11.1758 47.7842 4.58398 53.7881 4.58398 c +%_57.9131 4.58398 60.9932 7.61719 60.9932 12.4551 c +%_60.9932 15.2852 59.5049 19.2578 56.1826 21.4746 c +%_f +%_155.4102 113.0938 m +%_152.248 116.998 145.8711 118.4863 138.9785 117.082 C +%_139.4883 121.3828 138.6445 125.873 137.3672 128.5664 c +%_137.3145 128.6758 137.1934 128.7334 137.0762 128.7051 c +%_136.959 128.6758 136.8789 128.5684 136.8828 128.4473 c +%_137.2578 119.6807 132.2598 112.6035 123.4336 109.5371 C +%_130.3398 114.293 132.3594 123.7305 129.0723 128.6035 c +%_129.0039 128.7021 128.877 128.7412 128.7656 128.6953 c +%_128.6543 128.6504 128.5898 128.5332 128.6113 128.416 c +%_128.9844 126.3555 128.0059 123.7314 125.8984 121.6895 c +%_122.9922 118.875 119.0488 118.2363 117.0879 120.2598 c +%_115.127 122.2852 115.8906 126.207 118.7949 129.0215 c +%_119.8555 130.0488 121.0547 130.7832 122.2441 131.2061 c +%_122.3574 131.2461 122.4258 131.3594 122.4102 131.4775 c +%_122.3965 131.5967 122.3008 131.6885 122.1816 131.6982 c +%_115.793 132.2529 111.4121 128.4463 108.666 123.8203 c +%_105.8711 119.1152 101.0957 115.4102 95.4551 116.1504 c +%_95.3359 116.166 95.2227 116.0957 95.1816 115.9824 c +%_95.1426 115.8691 95.1875 115.7422 95.291 115.6807 c +%_98.0879 113.9961 101.1621 113.2969 105.1543 114.6289 C +%_99.3594 109.7197 91.1074 106.8867 83.3145 109.4014 c +%_83.2051 109.4375 83.0859 109.3945 83.0234 109.2979 c +%_82.9609 109.2012 82.9727 109.0752 83.0488 108.9902 c +%_88.957 102.4258 100.7383 102.2949 108.1582 107.6172 C +%_105.1211 103.3008 101.0898 100.1328 93.8652 99.1387 c +%_93.75 99.123 93.6602 99.0313 93.6465 98.916 c +%_93.6348 98.7998 93.7012 98.6904 93.8105 98.6504 c +%_102.1016 95.5723 110.4102 98.6953 117.2559 106.8652 C +%_114.2637 100.4883 109.3496 95.3809 102.4883 92.8535 c +%_102.373 92.8115 102.3047 92.6934 102.3262 92.5742 c +%_102.3457 92.4531 102.4492 92.3643 102.5703 92.3613 c +%_106.5137 92.2803 110.0566 93.2188 114.8359 95.9316 C +%_111.3281 90.2422 112.0957 80.293 117.2051 73.6738 c +%_117.2754 73.582 117.4004 73.5498 117.5078 73.5957 c +%_117.6133 73.6426 117.6758 73.7549 117.6563 73.8691 c +%_116.4766 81.0703 118.9551 89.1992 123.2656 93.5117 C +%_121.1133 85.8799 123.2598 78.9355 129.1621 73.8672 c +%_129.2324 73.8066 129.332 73.79 129.418 73.8232 c +%_129.5059 73.8564 129.5664 73.9355 129.5801 74.0273 c +%_130.8145 83.4453 141.3496 93.002 150.1816 93.8027 c +%_150.3066 93.8135 150.4043 93.9141 150.4121 94.0381 c +%_150.4199 94.1621 150.3379 94.2754 150.2148 94.3027 c +%_145.9355 95.2715 141.5234 94.793 137.8262 93.2715 C +%_140.4863 96.2051 143.7656 98.3828 147.3809 99.5176 c +%_147.498 99.5537 147.5703 99.668 147.5566 99.7891 c +%_147.543 99.9102 147.4434 100.0039 147.3223 100.0127 c +%_142.8125 100.3242 138.3984 99.0068 134.5918 96.4746 C +%_138.9531 103.0957 145.5723 108.0195 154.0195 109.9805 c +%_154.1406 110.0088 154.2227 110.1191 154.2168 110.2432 c +%_154.209 110.3672 154.1133 110.4668 153.9902 110.4805 c +%_142.0723 111.7822 132.2441 107.1621 125.7695 98.5625 C +%_127.418 103.4629 132.1348 108.3184 138.7148 111.1816 c +%_144.5605 113.7266 150.5645 114.1279 155.1367 112.6914 c +%_155.2422 112.6582 155.3594 112.6982 155.4219 112.791 c +%_155.4844 112.8828 155.4805 113.0059 155.4102 113.0938 c +%_f +%_102.5059 37.5215 m +%_107.3125 48.0078 106.9707 56.207 103.0996 66.5762 c +%_103.0547 66.6934 102.9336 66.7607 102.8105 66.7363 c +%_102.6875 66.7109 102.6016 66.5996 102.6074 66.4746 c +%_103.2285 53.8535 99.7813 44.8203 92.3086 38.668 C +%_100.5586 48.5195 96.6621 68.2275 83.4863 68.2275 c +%_73.9004 68.2275 65.9697 60.252 64.0303 50.7031 c +%_64.0059 50.582 64.0723 50.459 64.1885 50.416 c +%_64.3037 50.3711 64.4346 50.416 64.4971 50.5215 c +%_67.3398 55.2832 71.9063 58.373 76.9551 58.373 c +%_85.0898 58.373 87.4961 51.9063 87.4961 47.375 c +%_87.4961 41.1875 82.5703 36.0313 78.7891 36.0313 c +%_75.3516 36.0313 73.748 38.8555 73.748 40.959 c +%_73.748 44.8574 76.7461 48.125 80.125 49.123 c +%_80.2441 49.1582 80.3223 49.2773 80.3047 49.4023 c +%_80.2852 49.5273 80.1797 49.6191 80.0547 49.6211 c +%_75.9473 49.6465 72.4766 47.7656 70.4238 44.0527 C +%_70.1543 46.9277 70.1514 48.7383 71.0645 51.7754 c +%_71.0996 51.8926 71.0459 52.0176 70.9385 52.0742 c +%_70.8291 52.1309 70.6963 52.1016 70.6221 52.0059 c +%_63.2656 42.6133 66.7861 26.3809 72.6016 19.6484 C +%_67.0693 23.6309 62.1846 32.2813 62.2617 44.041 c +%_62.2627 44.1641 62.1768 44.2676 62.0566 44.291 c +%_61.9365 44.3164 61.8174 44.25 61.7725 44.1367 c +%_57.6641 33.8848 59.8438 14.8887 71.0537 4.28516 C +%_68.1699 3.88867 65.1865 3.93945 61.9287 4.97852 c +%_61.8135 5.01367 61.6885 4.96484 61.6299 4.85938 c +%_61.5713 4.75195 61.5947 4.61914 61.6885 4.54102 c +%_65.7803 1.08594 71.5029 0 76.9551 0 C +%_72.2578 5.5 73.8184 16.5547 81.3105 16.5547 c +%_86.6582 16.5547 89.0859 8.25586 84.957 3.77344 c +%_84.8789 3.6875 84.8691 3.55859 84.9316 3.46289 c +%_84.9961 3.36523 85.1172 3.32227 85.2285 3.36133 c +%_90.0078 5.01563 95.1738 9.15039 95.1738 14.377 c +%_95.1738 19.4199 90.3613 23.7715 83.373 23.4277 C +%_92.1914 25.9336 101.4238 23.1602 106.2539 17.1758 c +%_106.3281 17.082 106.459 17.0547 106.5645 17.1074 c +%_106.6719 17.1621 106.7266 17.2832 106.6973 17.3984 c +%_103.9063 28.1152 94.7305 32.5977 83.2578 31.1055 C +%_92.5391 34.8613 106.5078 31.5859 112.6816 23.7949 c +%_112.7539 23.7031 112.8809 23.6738 112.9883 23.7227 c +%_113.0938 23.7734 113.1523 23.8906 113.1289 24.0039 c +%_111.7578 30.6191 108.2656 35.5664 102.5059 37.5215 C +%_f +%_*U +%_*u +%_1 D +%_0.41001 0 0.011078 0 0.615686 0.862745 0.976471 Xa +%_0 0.4 0 0 0 Xy +%_128.8887 56.8086 m +%_128.8672 56.6895 128.7637 56.6016 128.6426 56.6016 c +%_115.7363 56.4648 103.8887 53.334 94.6719 45.0859 C +%_102.7012 50.6445 117.6133 52.5957 126.1992 48.7051 c +%_126.3086 48.6543 126.3672 48.5332 126.3398 48.416 c +%_126.3145 48.2988 126.207 48.2168 126.0859 48.2188 c +%_115.4063 48.5098 106.8066 45.2129 100.1016 39.2559 C +%_106.9707 38.832 112.6758 34.5156 112.6582 29.4102 c +%_112.6582 29.291 112.5742 29.1875 112.457 29.1621 c +%_112.3418 29.1387 112.2227 29.1973 112.1738 29.3066 c +%_111.0527 31.7949 107.4258 33.0879 103.5918 32.1875 c +%_99.4121 31.2051 96.5918 27.998 97.291 25.0215 c +%_97.7617 23.0078 99.7266 21.6191 102.2422 21.2344 c +%_102.3691 21.2148 102.4629 21.1055 102.459 20.9766 c +%_102.4551 20.8496 102.3574 20.7441 102.2285 20.7305 c +%_101.1602 20.6289 100.0488 20.625 98.9121 20.7344 c +%_92.4219 21.3516 87.3984 25.3281 86.9629 29.9121 C +%_82.25 29.3652 78.0781 26.7539 76.584 23.1387 c +%_76.5391 23.0293 76.4258 22.9668 76.3086 22.9844 c +%_76.1934 23.002 76.1055 23.0977 76.0957 23.2148 c +%_75.7188 27.9648 77.3535 31.0527 81.0664 34.0684 C +%_75.6816 32.0098 69.6201 31.9043 63.8096 34.6055 c +%_63.7041 34.6563 63.6455 34.7715 63.667 34.8867 c +%_63.6904 35.002 63.79 35.0859 63.9072 35.0898 c +%_68.7861 35.2793 72.3242 36.8457 75.6406 40.1621 C +%_57.3838 35.0273 42.5518 46.3633 47.6846 63.2129 c +%_47.7197 63.3301 47.8311 63.4043 47.9521 63.3926 c +%_48.0732 63.3809 48.1689 63.2852 48.1787 63.1641 c +%_49.0967 53.4492 55.8818 47.0469 66.04 46.0879 C +%_60.6533 48.1465 55.04 53.0625 54.4834 61.6211 c +%_54.4756 61.7441 54.5557 61.8535 54.6748 61.8848 c +%_54.7939 61.9141 54.917 61.8535 54.9678 61.7422 c +%_57.7666 55.5879 63.2646 52.4785 69.1279 51.9297 C +%_62.7939 54.5117 58.7314 60.5332 57.5576 68.3516 c +%_57.5381 68.4746 57.6123 68.5918 57.7314 68.6309 c +%_57.8486 68.668 57.9775 68.6152 58.0342 68.5039 c +%_61.8994 60.9219 70.1904 55.7109 80.4824 59.6934 c +%_91.0996 63.8027 95.7559 76.0781 96.7852 84.7324 c +%_96.8008 84.8555 96.9004 84.9492 97.0234 84.957 c +%_97.1465 84.9629 97.2559 84.8809 97.2852 84.7617 c +%_101.0039 69.0723 93.7012 52.8125 80.6484 45.9219 C +%_87.7441 47.9238 94.0879 52.1816 97.6758 59.2754 C +%_105.9688 60.293 111.6797 63.1387 114.5332 68.5156 c +%_114.5898 68.6211 114.7129 68.6738 114.8281 68.6406 c +%_114.9434 68.6055 115.0195 68.4941 115.0098 68.375 c +%_114.8281 66.2656 114.0684 62.0449 110.9355 60.1035 C +%_117.9004 60.1152 123.4414 59.2109 128.7344 57.0898 c +%_128.8457 57.0449 128.9121 56.9277 128.8887 56.8086 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_0 D +%_99.4023 110.2773 m +%_99.502 110.2129 99.6309 110.2227 99.7188 110.3047 c +%_99.8047 110.3848 99.8223 110.5137 99.7637 110.6172 c +%_98.1445 113.4141 99.623 117.4297 102.8145 117.4297 c +%_108.5352 117.4297 111.2852 106.6602 110.4102 96.8379 C +%_108.248 102.5918 106.377 104.8926 103.0625 107.6328 c +%_102.9688 107.709 102.834 107.7109 102.7402 107.6328 c +%_102.6465 107.5566 102.6191 107.4238 102.6777 107.3164 c +%_107.5332 98.2383 108.5742 91.252 108.5742 83.2324 C +%_107.1113 89.1895 105.3789 92.5527 100.4473 97.6133 c +%_100.3613 97.7012 100.2246 97.7148 100.123 97.6445 c +%_100.0215 97.5742 99.9844 97.4414 100.0352 97.3301 c +%_105.334 85.7383 104.9297 72.8828 100.9824 63.0664 c +%_100.9434 62.9688 100.9688 62.8574 101.0449 62.7852 c +%_101.123 62.7129 101.2344 62.6973 101.3301 62.7422 c +%_106.5352 65.293 109.5938 66.9688 114.082 73.1328 C +%_112.7246 80.5313 113.8535 84.1797 117.2539 90.3262 C +%_113.3164 80.4102 115.4121 66.4336 125.4414 60.7363 c +%_125.5508 60.6738 125.6895 60.7012 125.7656 60.8008 c +%_125.8438 60.9004 125.8379 61.041 125.75 61.1328 c +%_121.9688 65.0879 119.2188 71.7676 121.5938 79.0586 C +%_120.0645 68.6699 129.1895 59.9453 139.373 59.9453 c +%_148.9727 59.9453 155.5234 67.4531 154.9824 74.8848 c +%_154.4453 82.25 149.5391 85.8555 145.3105 87.3828 c +%_145.1992 87.4238 145.0742 87.3809 145.0117 87.2813 c +%_144.9473 87.1816 144.9609 87.0508 145.0449 86.9668 c +%_150.6543 81.2734 151.4219 70.4746 141.4609 67.207 C +%_147.3203 72.2637 145.1504 84.0352 135.7715 84.9316 c +%_135.6543 84.9414 135.5449 84.8711 135.5078 84.7598 c +%_135.4688 84.6504 135.5117 84.5273 135.6113 84.4648 c +%_137.6191 83.1855 139.2891 80.6934 139.2891 77.8906 c +%_139.2891 73.2168 135.8672 71.3789 133.6133 71.3789 c +%_130.1914 71.3789 127.3535 74.6348 127.3535 79.5605 c +%_127.3535 85.4023 132.6133 90.2441 139.373 90.9941 c +%_146 91.7305 152.1563 88.8398 155.123 84.5352 c +%_155.1934 84.4336 155.3242 84.3984 155.4375 84.4492 c +%_155.5488 84.5 155.6074 84.623 155.5781 84.7422 c +%_152.5586 96.4453 138.7813 101.6191 128.6895 94.25 C +%_135.3027 101.75 145.6953 101.8555 154.4121 94.1641 c +%_154.502 94.084 154.6367 94.0781 154.7344 94.1523 c +%_154.8301 94.2266 154.8613 94.3574 154.8066 94.4668 c +%_152.1406 99.873 145.5547 106.2852 136.2012 105.3516 c +%_127.6445 104.4961 122.6797 96.3359 121.6777 89.6602 C +%_121.1211 98.1816 123.0723 104.1953 130.4316 109.8047 c +%_130.5293 109.8789 130.5586 110.0117 130.5039 110.1211 c +%_130.4492 110.2305 130.3242 110.2852 130.207 110.25 c +%_123.4219 108.291 117.9766 104.8262 115.1582 97.707 C +%_115.1582 103.8672 117.2969 110.0781 122.6836 114.2168 c +%_122.7813 114.291 122.8105 114.4238 122.7559 114.5332 c +%_122.7012 114.6406 122.5781 114.6953 122.4609 114.6621 c +%_119.0078 113.6797 116.2891 112.1738 114.3223 109.4785 C +%_113.0117 120.5781 107.8008 127.168 101.7969 127.168 c +%_97.6719 127.168 94.5918 124.1348 94.5918 119.2988 c +%_94.5918 116.4688 96.0801 112.4961 99.4023 110.2773 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_0.174805 18.6602 m +%_3.33691 14.7559 9.71387 13.2676 16.6064 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22.3516 c +%_72.3809 22.3164 72.5 22.3594 72.5625 22.4551 c +%_72.625 22.5508 72.6152 22.6777 72.5371 22.7637 c +%_66.6279 29.3281 54.8467 29.459 47.4268 24.1348 C +%_50.4639 28.4512 54.4951 31.6211 61.7197 32.6133 c +%_61.835 32.6289 61.9248 32.7227 61.9385 32.8379 c +%_61.9502 32.9531 61.8838 33.0625 61.7744 33.1035 c +%_53.4834 36.1797 45.1748 33.0586 38.3291 24.8867 C +%_41.3213 31.2656 46.2354 36.373 53.0967 38.9004 c +%_53.2119 38.9414 53.2803 39.0586 53.2588 39.1797 c +%_53.2393 39.3008 53.1357 39.3887 53.0146 39.3906 c +%_49.0713 39.4727 45.5283 38.5332 40.749 35.8203 C +%_44.2568 41.5117 43.4893 51.459 38.3799 58.0801 c +%_38.3096 58.1719 38.1846 58.2031 38.0771 58.1582 c +%_37.9717 58.1113 37.9092 57.998 37.9287 57.8828 c +%_39.1084 50.6836 36.6299 42.5547 32.3193 38.2422 C +%_34.4717 45.873 32.3252 52.8184 26.4229 57.8848 c +%_26.3525 57.9453 26.2529 57.9629 26.167 57.9297 c +%_26.0791 57.8965 26.0186 57.8184 26.0049 57.7266 c +%_24.7705 48.3086 14.2354 38.752 5.40332 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+%_157.9551 181.1006 152.2451 178.2568 149.3916 172.8799 c +%_149.335 172.7725 149.2109 172.7197 149.0957 172.7549 c +%_148.9805 172.7881 148.9043 172.8994 148.9141 173.0205 c +%_149.0967 175.1299 149.8555 179.3506 152.9883 181.291 C +%_146.0234 181.2803 140.4824 182.1846 135.1895 184.3037 c +%_135.0781 184.3496 135.0127 184.4678 135.0352 184.5869 c +%_f +%_0 D +%_164.5215 131.1162 m +%_164.4229 131.1826 164.293 131.1709 164.2061 131.0908 c +%_164.1201 131.0088 164.1016 130.8799 164.1602 130.7783 c +%_165.7803 127.9814 164.3008 123.9639 161.1094 123.9639 c +%_155.3887 123.9639 152.6387 134.7334 153.5137 144.5576 C +%_155.6768 138.8018 157.5469 136.5029 160.8613 133.7627 c +%_160.9551 133.6846 161.0898 133.6846 161.1836 133.7607 c +%_161.2773 133.8389 161.3047 133.9697 161.2471 134.0771 c +%_156.3906 143.1572 155.3496 150.1436 155.3496 158.1631 C +%_156.8125 152.2041 158.5449 148.8408 163.4766 143.7822 c +%_163.5625 143.6943 163.6992 143.6807 163.8018 143.749 c +%_163.9033 143.8193 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128.3789 156.5225 128.417 156.6338 c +%_128.4551 156.7451 128.4121 156.8682 128.3135 156.9307 c +%_126.3047 158.208 124.6348 160.7021 124.6348 163.5049 c +%_124.6348 168.1787 128.0566 170.0146 130.3105 170.0146 c +%_133.7324 170.0146 136.5703 166.7588 136.5703 161.835 c +%_136.5703 155.9912 131.3105 151.1514 124.5508 150.3994 c +%_117.9248 149.665 111.7686 152.5537 108.8008 156.8584 c +%_108.7314 156.96 108.5996 156.9971 108.4873 156.9463 c +%_108.375 156.8955 108.3164 156.7705 108.3467 156.6514 c +%_111.3652 144.9482 125.1426 139.7744 135.2344 147.1455 C +%_128.6211 139.6436 118.2285 139.54 109.5127 147.2314 c +%_109.4219 147.3115 109.2871 147.3154 109.1904 147.2412 c +%_109.0938 147.1689 109.0635 147.0361 109.1172 146.9287 c +%_111.7842 141.5205 118.3701 135.1084 127.7227 136.0439 c +%_136.2793 136.8994 141.2441 145.0576 142.2461 151.7354 C +%_142.8027 143.2139 140.8525 137.1982 133.4922 131.5889 c +%_133.3955 131.5146 133.3652 131.3818 133.4199 131.2725 c +%_133.4746 131.165 133.5996 131.1104 133.7168 131.1436 c +%_140.502 133.1045 145.9473 136.5693 148.7656 143.6885 C +%_148.7656 137.5264 146.627 131.3154 141.2402 127.1768 c +%_141.1426 127.1025 141.1133 126.9717 141.168 126.8623 c +%_141.2227 126.7529 141.3467 126.6982 141.4639 126.7314 c +%_144.917 127.7158 147.6348 129.2197 149.6016 131.917 C +%_150.9121 120.8174 156.123 114.2256 162.127 114.2256 c +%_166.252 114.2256 169.332 117.2588 169.332 122.0967 c +%_169.332 124.9268 167.8438 128.8994 164.5215 131.1162 c +%_f +%_263.748 222.7354 m +%_260.5859 226.6396 254.209 228.1279 247.3164 226.7236 C +%_247.8262 231.0244 246.9824 235.5146 245.7051 238.208 c +%_245.6523 238.3174 245.5313 238.375 245.4141 238.3467 c +%_245.2969 238.3174 245.2168 238.21 245.2207 238.0889 c +%_245.5957 229.3223 240.5977 222.2451 231.7715 219.1787 C +%_238.6777 223.9346 240.6973 233.3721 237.4102 238.2451 c +%_237.3418 238.3438 237.2148 238.3828 237.1035 238.3369 c +%_236.9922 238.292 236.9277 238.1748 236.9492 238.0576 c +%_237.3223 235.9971 236.3438 233.373 234.2363 231.3311 c +%_231.3301 228.5166 227.3867 227.8779 225.4258 229.9014 c +%_223.4648 231.9268 224.2285 235.8486 227.1328 238.6631 c +%_228.1934 239.6904 229.3926 240.4248 230.582 240.8477 c +%_230.6953 240.8877 230.7637 241.001 230.748 241.1191 c +%_230.7344 241.2383 230.6387 241.3301 230.5195 241.3398 c +%_224.1309 241.8945 219.75 238.0879 217.0039 233.4619 c +%_214.209 228.7568 209.4336 225.0518 203.793 225.792 c +%_203.6738 225.8076 203.5605 225.7373 203.5195 225.624 c +%_203.4805 225.5107 203.5254 225.3838 203.6289 225.3223 c +%_206.4258 223.6377 209.5 222.9385 213.4922 224.2705 C +%_207.6973 219.3613 199.4453 216.5283 191.6523 219.043 c +%_191.543 219.0791 191.4238 219.0361 191.3613 218.9395 c +%_191.2988 218.8428 191.3105 218.7168 191.3867 218.6318 c +%_197.2949 212.0674 209.0762 211.9365 216.4961 217.2588 C +%_213.459 212.9424 209.4277 209.7744 202.2031 208.7803 c +%_202.0879 208.7646 201.998 208.6729 201.9844 208.5576 c +%_201.9727 208.4414 202.0391 208.332 202.1484 208.292 c +%_210.4395 205.2139 218.748 208.3369 225.5938 216.5068 C +%_222.6016 210.1299 217.6875 205.0225 210.8262 202.4951 c +%_210.7109 202.4531 210.6426 202.335 210.6641 202.2158 c +%_210.6836 202.0947 210.7871 202.0059 210.9082 202.0029 c +%_214.8516 201.9219 218.3945 202.8604 223.1738 205.5732 C +%_219.666 199.8838 220.4336 189.9346 225.543 183.3154 c +%_225.6133 183.2236 225.7383 183.1914 225.8457 183.2373 c +%_225.9512 183.2842 226.0137 183.3965 225.9941 183.5107 c +%_224.8145 190.7119 227.293 198.8408 231.6035 203.1533 C +%_229.4512 195.5215 231.5977 188.5771 237.5 183.5088 c +%_237.5703 183.4482 237.6699 183.4316 237.7559 183.4648 c +%_237.8438 183.498 237.9043 183.5771 237.918 183.6689 c +%_239.1523 193.0869 249.6875 202.6436 258.5195 203.4443 c +%_258.6445 203.4551 258.7422 203.5557 258.75 203.6797 c +%_258.7578 203.8037 258.6758 203.917 258.5527 203.9443 c +%_254.2734 204.9131 249.8613 204.4346 246.1641 202.9131 C +%_248.8242 205.8467 252.1035 208.0244 255.7188 209.1592 c +%_255.8359 209.1953 255.9082 209.3096 255.8945 209.4307 c +%_255.8809 209.5518 255.7813 209.6455 255.6602 209.6543 c +%_251.1504 209.9658 246.7363 208.6484 242.9297 206.1162 C +%_247.291 212.7373 253.9102 217.6611 262.3574 219.6221 c +%_262.4785 219.6504 262.5605 219.7607 262.5547 219.8848 c +%_262.5469 220.0088 262.4512 220.1084 262.3281 220.1221 c +%_250.4102 221.4238 240.582 216.8037 234.1074 208.2041 C +%_235.7559 213.1045 240.4727 217.96 247.0527 220.8232 c +%_252.8984 223.3682 258.9023 223.7695 263.4746 222.333 c +%_263.5801 222.2998 263.6973 222.3398 263.7598 222.4326 c +%_263.8223 222.5244 263.8184 222.6475 263.748 222.7354 c +%_f +%_210.8438 147.1631 m +%_215.6504 157.6494 215.3086 165.8486 211.4375 176.2178 c +%_211.3926 176.335 211.2715 176.4023 211.1484 176.3779 c +%_211.0254 176.3525 210.9395 176.2412 210.9453 176.1162 c +%_211.5664 163.4951 208.1191 154.4619 200.6465 148.3096 C +%_208.8965 158.1611 205 177.8691 191.8242 177.8691 c +%_182.2393 177.8691 174.3086 169.8936 172.3691 160.3447 c +%_172.3447 160.2236 172.4111 160.1006 172.5273 160.0576 c +%_172.6426 160.0127 172.7734 160.0576 172.8359 160.1631 c +%_175.6787 164.9248 180.2451 168.0146 185.2939 168.0146 c +%_193.4277 168.0146 195.834 161.5479 195.834 157.0166 c +%_195.834 150.8291 190.9082 145.6729 187.1279 145.6729 c +%_183.6904 145.6729 182.0869 148.4971 182.0869 150.6006 c +%_182.0869 154.499 185.085 157.7666 188.4639 158.7646 c +%_188.583 158.7998 188.6611 158.9189 188.6436 159.0439 c +%_188.624 159.1689 188.5186 159.2607 188.3936 159.2627 c +%_184.2861 159.2881 180.8154 157.4072 178.7627 153.6943 C +%_178.4932 156.5693 178.4902 158.3799 179.4033 161.417 c +%_179.4385 161.5342 179.3848 161.6592 179.2773 161.7158 c +%_179.168 161.7725 179.0352 161.7432 178.9609 161.6475 c +%_171.6045 152.2549 175.125 136.0225 180.9404 129.29 C +%_175.4082 133.2725 170.5234 141.9229 170.6006 153.6826 c +%_170.6016 153.8057 170.5156 153.9092 170.3955 153.9326 c +%_170.2754 153.958 170.1563 153.8916 170.1113 153.7783 c +%_166.0029 143.5264 168.1826 124.5303 179.3926 113.9268 C +%_176.5088 113.5303 173.5254 113.5811 170.2676 114.6201 c +%_170.1523 114.6553 170.0273 114.6064 169.9688 114.501 c +%_169.9102 114.3936 169.9336 114.2607 170.0273 114.1826 c +%_174.1191 110.7275 179.8418 109.6416 185.2939 109.6416 C +%_180.5967 115.1416 182.1572 126.1963 189.6494 126.1963 c +%_194.9961 126.1963 197.4238 117.8975 193.2949 113.415 c +%_193.2168 113.3291 193.207 113.2002 193.2695 113.1045 c +%_193.334 113.0068 193.4551 112.9639 193.5664 113.0029 c +%_198.3457 114.6572 203.5117 118.792 203.5117 124.0186 c +%_203.5117 129.0615 198.6992 133.4131 191.7109 133.0693 C +%_200.5293 135.5752 209.7617 132.8018 214.5918 126.8174 c +%_214.666 126.7236 214.7969 126.6963 214.9023 126.749 c +%_215.0098 126.8037 215.0645 126.9248 215.0352 127.04 c +%_212.2441 137.7568 203.0684 142.2393 191.5957 140.7471 C +%_200.877 144.5029 214.8457 141.2275 221.0195 133.4365 c +%_221.0918 133.3447 221.2188 133.3154 221.3262 133.3643 c +%_221.4316 133.415 221.4902 133.5322 221.4668 133.6455 c +%_220.0957 140.2607 216.6035 145.208 210.8438 147.1631 C +%_f +%_*U +%_*u +%_1 D +%_0.41001 0 0.011078 0 0.615686 0.862745 0.976471 Xa +%_0 0.4 0 0 0 Xy +%_237.2266 166.4502 m +%_237.2051 166.3311 237.1016 166.2432 236.9805 166.2432 c +%_224.0742 166.1064 212.2266 162.9756 203.0098 154.7275 C +%_211.0391 160.2861 225.9512 162.2373 234.5371 158.3467 c +%_234.6465 158.2959 234.7051 158.1748 234.6777 158.0576 c +%_234.6523 157.9404 234.5449 157.8584 234.4238 157.8604 c +%_223.7441 158.1514 215.1445 154.8545 208.4395 148.8975 C +%_215.3086 148.4736 221.0137 144.1572 220.9961 139.0518 c +%_220.9961 138.9326 220.9121 138.8291 220.7949 138.8037 c +%_220.6797 138.7803 220.5605 138.8389 220.5117 138.9482 c +%_219.3906 141.4365 215.7637 142.7295 211.9297 141.8291 c +%_207.75 140.8467 204.9297 137.6396 205.6289 134.6631 c +%_206.0996 132.6494 208.0645 131.2607 210.5801 130.876 c +%_210.707 130.8564 210.8008 130.7471 210.7969 130.6182 c +%_210.793 130.4912 210.6953 130.3857 210.5664 130.3721 c +%_209.498 130.2705 208.3867 130.2666 207.25 130.376 c +%_200.7598 130.9932 195.7363 134.9697 195.3008 139.5537 C +%_190.5889 139.0068 186.417 136.3955 184.9229 132.7803 c +%_184.8779 132.6709 184.7646 132.6084 184.6475 132.626 c +%_184.5322 132.6436 184.4443 132.7393 184.4346 132.8564 c +%_184.0576 137.6064 185.6924 140.6943 189.4053 143.71 C +%_184.0205 141.6514 177.959 141.5459 172.1484 144.2471 c +%_172.043 144.2979 171.9844 144.4131 172.0059 144.5283 c +%_172.0293 144.6436 172.1289 144.7275 172.2461 144.7314 c +%_177.125 144.9209 180.6631 146.4873 183.9795 149.8037 C +%_165.7227 144.6689 150.8906 156.0049 156.0234 172.8545 c +%_156.0586 172.9717 156.1699 173.0459 156.291 173.0342 c +%_156.4121 173.0225 156.5078 172.9268 156.5176 172.8057 c +%_157.4355 163.0908 164.2207 156.6885 174.3789 155.7295 C +%_168.9922 157.7881 163.3789 162.7041 162.8223 171.2627 c +%_162.8145 171.3857 162.8945 171.4951 163.0137 171.5264 c +%_163.1328 171.5557 163.2559 171.4951 163.3066 171.3838 c +%_166.1055 165.2295 171.6035 162.1201 177.4668 161.5713 C +%_171.1328 164.1533 167.0703 170.1748 165.8965 177.9932 c +%_165.877 178.1162 165.9512 178.2334 166.0703 178.2725 c +%_166.1875 178.3096 166.3164 178.2568 166.373 178.1455 c +%_170.2383 170.5635 178.5293 165.3525 188.8213 169.335 c +%_199.4375 173.4443 204.0938 185.7197 205.123 194.374 c +%_205.1387 194.4971 205.2383 194.5908 205.3613 194.5986 c +%_205.4844 194.6045 205.5938 194.5225 205.623 194.4033 c +%_209.3418 178.7139 202.0391 162.4541 188.9873 155.5635 C +%_196.082 157.5654 202.4258 161.8232 206.0137 168.917 C +%_214.3066 169.9346 220.0176 172.7803 222.8711 178.1572 c +%_222.9277 178.2627 223.0508 178.3154 223.166 178.2822 c +%_223.2813 178.2471 223.3574 178.1357 223.3477 178.0166 c +%_223.166 175.9072 222.4063 171.6865 219.2734 169.7451 C +%_226.2383 169.7568 231.7793 168.8525 237.0723 166.7314 c +%_237.1836 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176.6104 222.4199 182.7744 C +%_221.0625 190.1729 222.1914 193.8213 225.5918 199.9678 C +%_221.6543 190.0518 223.75 176.0752 233.7793 170.3779 c +%_233.8887 170.3154 234.0273 170.3428 234.1035 170.4424 c +%_234.1816 170.542 234.1758 170.6826 234.0879 170.7744 c +%_230.3066 174.7295 227.5566 181.4092 229.9316 188.7002 C +%_228.4023 178.3115 237.5273 169.5869 247.7109 169.5869 c +%_257.3105 169.5869 263.8613 177.0947 263.3203 184.5264 c +%_262.7832 191.8916 257.877 195.4971 253.6484 197.0244 c +%_253.5371 197.0654 253.4121 197.0225 253.3496 196.9229 c +%_253.2852 196.8232 253.2988 196.6924 253.3828 196.6084 c +%_258.9922 190.915 259.7598 180.1162 249.7988 176.8486 C +%_255.6582 181.9053 253.4883 193.6768 244.1094 194.5732 c +%_243.9922 194.583 243.8828 194.5127 243.8457 194.4014 c +%_243.8066 194.292 243.8496 194.1689 243.9492 194.1064 c +%_245.957 192.8271 247.627 190.335 247.627 187.5322 c +%_247.627 182.8584 244.2051 181.0205 241.9512 181.0205 c +%_238.5293 181.0205 235.6914 184.2764 235.6914 189.2021 c +%_235.6914 195.0439 240.9512 199.8857 247.7109 200.6357 c +%_254.3379 201.3721 260.4941 198.4814 263.4609 194.1768 c +%_263.5313 194.0752 263.6621 194.04 263.7754 194.0908 c +%_263.8867 194.1416 263.9453 194.2646 263.916 194.3838 c +%_260.8965 206.0869 247.1191 211.2607 237.0273 203.8916 C +%_243.6406 211.3916 254.0332 211.4971 262.75 203.8057 c +%_262.8398 203.7256 262.9746 203.7197 263.0723 203.7939 c +%_263.168 203.8682 263.1992 203.999 263.1445 204.1084 c +%_260.4785 209.5146 253.8926 215.9268 244.5391 214.9932 c +%_235.9824 214.1377 231.0176 205.9775 230.0156 199.3018 C +%_229.459 207.8232 231.4102 213.8369 238.7695 219.4463 c +%_238.8672 219.5205 238.8965 219.6533 238.8418 219.7627 c +%_238.7871 219.8721 238.6621 219.9268 238.5449 219.8916 c +%_231.7598 217.9326 226.3145 214.4678 223.4961 207.3486 C +%_223.4961 213.5088 225.6348 219.7197 231.0215 223.8584 c +%_231.1191 223.9326 231.1484 224.0654 231.0938 224.1748 c +%_231.0391 224.2822 230.916 224.3369 230.7988 224.3037 c +%_227.3457 223.3213 224.627 221.8154 222.6602 219.1201 C +%_221.3496 230.2197 216.1387 236.8096 210.1348 236.8096 c +%_206.0098 236.8096 202.9297 233.7764 202.9297 228.9404 c +%_202.9297 226.1104 204.418 222.1377 207.7402 219.9189 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_108.5137 128.3018 m +%_111.6758 124.3975 118.0527 122.9092 124.9453 124.3135 C +%_124.4355 120.0107 125.2793 115.5225 126.5566 112.8271 c +%_126.6094 112.7197 126.7305 112.6611 126.8477 112.6904 c +%_126.9648 112.7197 127.0449 112.8271 127.041 112.9482 c +%_126.666 121.7139 131.6641 128.79 140.4902 131.8564 C +%_133.584 127.1006 131.5645 117.6631 134.8516 112.792 c +%_134.9199 112.6924 135.0469 112.6533 135.1582 112.6982 c +%_135.2695 112.7432 135.334 112.8604 135.3125 112.9795 c +%_134.9395 115.04 135.918 117.6631 138.0254 119.7041 c +%_140.9316 122.5186 144.875 123.1572 146.8359 121.1338 c +%_148.7969 119.1084 148.0332 115.1865 145.1289 112.374 c +%_144.0684 111.3467 142.8691 110.6104 141.6797 110.1885 c +%_141.5664 110.1475 141.498 110.0342 141.5137 109.917 c +%_141.5273 109.7979 141.623 109.7061 141.7422 109.6963 c +%_148.1309 109.1416 152.5117 112.9482 155.2578 117.5732 c +%_158.0527 122.2783 162.8281 125.9854 168.4688 125.2451 c +%_168.5879 125.2295 168.7012 125.2998 168.7422 125.4131 c +%_168.7813 125.5264 168.7363 125.6514 168.6328 125.7139 c +%_165.8359 127.3975 162.7617 128.0967 158.7695 126.7666 C +%_164.5645 131.6748 172.8164 134.5068 180.6104 131.9932 c +%_180.7197 131.958 180.8389 132.001 180.9014 132.0967 c +%_180.9639 132.1924 180.9541 132.3193 180.876 132.4053 c +%_174.9668 138.9697 163.1855 139.1006 155.7656 133.7764 C +%_158.8027 138.0928 162.834 141.2627 170.0586 142.2549 c +%_170.1738 142.2705 170.2637 142.3643 170.2773 142.4795 c +%_170.2891 142.5947 170.2227 142.7041 170.1133 142.7451 c +%_161.8223 145.8213 153.5137 142.7002 146.668 134.5283 C +%_149.6602 140.9072 154.5742 146.0146 161.4355 148.542 c +%_161.5508 148.583 161.6191 148.7002 161.5977 148.8213 c +%_161.5781 148.9424 161.4746 149.0303 161.3535 149.0322 c +%_157.4102 149.1143 153.8672 148.1748 149.0879 145.4619 C +%_152.5957 151.1533 151.8281 161.1006 146.7188 167.7217 c +%_146.6484 167.8135 146.5234 167.8447 146.416 167.7998 c +%_146.3105 167.7529 146.248 167.6396 146.2676 167.5244 c +%_147.4473 160.3252 144.9688 152.1963 140.6582 147.8838 C +%_142.8105 155.5146 140.6641 162.46 134.7617 167.5264 c +%_134.6914 167.5869 134.5918 167.6045 134.5059 167.5713 c +%_134.418 167.5381 134.3574 167.46 134.3438 167.3682 c +%_133.1094 157.9502 122.5742 148.3936 113.7422 147.5928 c +%_113.6172 147.5811 113.5195 147.4814 113.5117 147.3564 c +%_113.5039 147.2314 113.5859 147.1201 113.709 147.0928 c +%_117.9883 146.124 122.4004 146.6025 126.0977 148.1221 C +%_123.4375 145.1904 120.1582 143.0127 116.543 141.8779 c +%_116.4258 141.8408 116.3535 141.7275 116.3672 141.6064 c +%_116.3809 141.4854 116.4805 141.3896 116.6016 141.3818 c +%_121.1113 141.0713 125.5254 142.3877 129.332 144.9209 C +%_124.9707 138.2998 118.3516 133.376 109.9043 131.4131 c +%_109.7832 131.3857 109.7012 131.2744 109.707 131.1514 c +%_109.7148 131.0283 109.8105 130.9287 109.9336 130.915 c +%_121.8516 129.6123 131.6797 134.2334 138.1543 142.833 C +%_136.5059 137.9307 131.7891 133.0771 125.209 130.2139 c +%_119.3633 127.6689 113.3594 127.2666 108.7871 128.7041 c +%_108.6816 128.7373 108.5645 128.6963 108.502 128.6045 c +%_108.4395 128.5107 108.4434 128.3877 108.5137 128.3018 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_161.418 203.874 m +%_156.6113 193.3877 156.9531 185.1885 160.8242 174.8193 c +%_160.8691 174.7021 160.9902 174.6338 161.1133 174.6592 c +%_161.2363 174.6846 161.3223 174.7959 161.3164 174.9189 c +%_160.6953 187.542 164.1426 196.5732 171.6152 202.7275 C +%_163.3652 192.874 167.2617 173.167 180.4385 173.167 c +%_190.0244 173.167 197.9531 181.1436 199.8926 190.6924 c +%_199.918 190.8135 199.8516 190.9346 199.7344 190.9795 c +%_199.6191 191.0244 199.4883 190.9795 199.4258 190.8721 c +%_196.584 186.1104 192.0176 183.0205 186.9697 183.0205 c +%_178.834 183.0205 176.4277 189.4873 176.4277 194.0205 c +%_176.4277 200.2061 181.3545 205.3623 185.1357 205.3623 c +%_188.5732 205.3623 190.1768 202.54 190.1768 200.4365 c +%_190.1768 196.5381 187.1787 193.2705 183.8018 192.2725 c +%_183.6807 192.2354 183.6045 192.1182 183.6221 191.9932 c +%_183.6396 191.8682 183.7451 191.7744 183.8721 191.7744 c +%_187.9775 191.749 191.4473 193.6279 193.5 197.3428 C +%_193.7695 194.4678 193.7715 192.6572 192.8594 189.6182 c +%_192.8242 189.501 192.877 189.376 192.9844 189.3193 c +%_193.0938 189.2646 193.2266 189.292 193.3008 189.3896 c +%_200.6582 198.7822 197.1367 215.0127 191.3223 221.7471 C +%_196.8535 217.7646 201.7383 209.1123 201.6621 197.3525 c +%_201.6602 197.2314 201.7461 197.126 201.8672 197.1025 c +%_201.9863 197.0791 202.1055 197.1436 202.1504 197.2568 c +%_206.2598 207.5107 204.0801 226.5049 192.8691 237.1084 C +%_195.7539 237.5068 198.7363 237.4561 201.9941 236.417 c +%_202.1094 236.3799 202.2344 236.4307 202.293 236.5361 c +%_202.3516 236.6416 202.3281 236.7744 202.2344 236.8525 c +%_198.1426 240.3076 192.4199 241.3936 186.9697 241.3936 C +%_191.666 235.8936 190.1064 224.8408 182.6162 224.8408 c +%_177.2656 224.8408 174.8379 233.1396 178.9668 237.6221 c +%_179.0449 237.708 179.0547 237.835 178.9922 237.9326 c +%_178.9277 238.0303 178.8066 238.0713 178.6953 238.0342 c +%_173.916 236.3779 168.75 232.2451 168.75 227.0166 c +%_168.75 221.9756 173.5625 217.6221 180.5537 217.9658 C +%_171.7324 215.4619 162.5 218.2334 157.6699 224.2197 c +%_157.5957 224.3115 157.4648 224.3408 157.3594 224.2861 c +%_157.252 224.2334 157.1973 224.1123 157.2266 223.9951 c +%_160.0176 213.2803 169.1934 208.7959 180.667 210.29 C +%_171.3848 206.5322 157.416 209.8076 151.2422 217.5986 c +%_151.1699 217.6904 151.043 217.7217 150.9355 217.6709 c +%_150.8301 217.6221 150.7715 217.5049 150.7949 217.3896 c +%_152.166 210.7744 155.6582 205.8291 161.418 203.874 C +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_*U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Repeated_Art) , +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Main_Copy_of_EditGroup) , +%_; +%_ +%_9 () XW +%_u +%_*u +%_1 D +%_1 0.771237 0.226078 0.073854 0 0.258824 0.494118 Xa +%_0 1 0 0 0 Xy +%_26.6963 184.5869 m +%_26.7178 184.7061 26.8213 184.792 26.9424 184.7939 c +%_39.8486 184.9287 51.6963 188.0615 60.9141 196.3086 C +%_52.8838 190.751 37.9717 188.7979 29.3867 192.6904 c +%_29.2764 192.7402 29.2178 192.8604 29.2451 192.9785 c +%_29.2715 193.0967 29.3779 193.1787 29.499 193.1748 c +%_40.1787 192.8857 48.7783 196.1816 55.4834 202.1396 C +%_48.6143 202.5615 42.9092 206.8799 42.9268 211.9844 c +%_42.9268 212.1035 43.0107 212.2061 43.1279 212.2314 c +%_43.2441 212.2568 43.3623 212.1963 43.4111 212.0879 c +%_44.5322 209.5986 48.1592 208.3076 51.9941 209.208 c +%_56.1738 210.1885 58.9941 213.3975 58.2949 216.373 c +%_57.8232 218.3877 55.8584 219.7764 53.3428 220.1602 c +%_53.2158 220.1787 53.123 220.29 53.126 220.418 c +%_53.1299 220.5459 53.2285 220.6514 53.3564 220.6631 c +%_54.4248 220.7656 55.5361 220.7695 56.6738 220.6611 c +%_63.1641 220.0439 68.1875 216.0654 68.623 211.4834 C +%_73.3359 212.0303 77.5078 214.6396 79.002 218.2568 c +%_79.0469 218.3652 79.1621 218.4287 79.2773 218.4111 c +%_79.3926 218.3916 79.4805 218.2969 79.4902 218.1807 c +%_79.8672 213.4287 78.2324 210.3418 74.5195 207.3262 C +%_79.9043 209.3857 85.9648 209.4912 91.7754 206.7881 c +%_91.8809 206.7393 91.9395 206.624 91.918 206.5088 c +%_91.8945 206.3936 91.7949 206.3096 91.6777 206.3057 c +%_86.7988 206.1152 83.2617 204.5498 79.9473 201.2334 C +%_98.2012 206.3672 113.0332 195.0322 107.9004 178.1807 c +%_107.8652 178.0654 107.7539 177.9902 107.6328 178.0029 c +%_107.5117 178.0146 107.416 178.1104 107.4063 178.2314 c +%_106.4883 187.9453 99.7031 194.3467 89.5449 195.3076 C +%_94.9316 193.2471 100.5449 188.3311 101.1016 179.7734 c +%_101.1094 179.6514 101.0293 179.54 100.9102 179.5107 c +%_100.791 179.4814 100.668 179.54 100.6172 179.6514 c +%_97.8184 185.8057 92.3203 188.917 86.457 189.4639 C +%_92.791 186.8838 96.8535 180.8623 98.0273 173.0439 c +%_98.0469 172.9209 97.9727 172.8018 97.8535 172.7646 c +%_97.7363 172.7256 97.6074 172.7803 97.5508 172.8896 c +%_93.6855 180.4727 85.3945 185.6836 75.1035 181.7021 c +%_64.4863 177.5928 59.8291 165.3154 58.7998 156.6611 c +%_58.7852 156.54 58.6846 156.4463 58.5615 156.4385 c +%_58.4395 156.4307 58.3291 156.5127 58.3008 156.6338 c +%_54.5811 172.3213 61.8838 188.583 74.9375 195.4736 C +%_67.8418 193.4707 61.498 189.2139 57.9102 182.1191 C +%_49.6162 181.1006 43.9063 178.2568 41.0527 172.8799 c +%_40.9961 172.7725 40.8721 172.7197 40.7568 172.7549 c +%_40.6416 172.7881 40.5654 172.8994 40.5752 173.0205 c +%_40.7578 175.1299 41.5166 179.3506 44.6494 181.291 C +%_37.6846 181.2803 32.1436 182.1846 26.8506 184.3037 c +%_26.7393 184.3496 26.6738 184.4678 26.6963 184.5869 c +%_f +%_0 D +%_56.1826 131.1162 m +%_56.084 131.1826 55.9541 131.1709 55.8672 131.0908 c +%_55.7813 131.0088 55.7627 130.8799 55.8213 130.7783 c +%_57.4414 127.9814 55.9619 123.9639 52.7705 123.9639 c +%_47.0498 123.9639 44.2998 134.7334 45.1748 144.5576 C +%_47.3379 138.8018 49.208 136.5029 52.5225 133.7627 c +%_52.6162 133.6846 52.751 133.6846 52.8447 133.7607 c +%_52.9385 133.8389 52.9658 133.9697 52.9082 134.0771 c +%_48.0518 143.1572 47.0107 150.1436 47.0107 158.1631 C +%_48.4736 152.2041 50.2061 148.8408 55.1377 143.7822 c +%_55.2236 143.6943 55.3604 143.6807 55.4629 143.749 c +%_55.5645 143.8193 55.6016 143.9521 55.5498 144.0654 c +%_50.252 155.6553 50.6563 168.5127 54.6025 178.3291 c +%_54.6416 178.4268 54.6172 178.5381 54.54 178.6104 c +%_54.4629 178.6807 54.3506 178.6982 54.2549 178.6514 c +%_49.0498 176.1006 45.9912 174.4248 41.5029 168.2627 C +%_42.8604 160.8643 41.7314 157.2139 38.3311 151.0674 C +%_42.2686 160.9854 40.1729 174.9619 30.1436 180.6592 c +%_30.0342 180.7207 29.8955 180.6934 29.8193 180.5947 c +%_29.7412 180.4951 29.748 180.3535 29.835 180.2627 c +%_33.6162 176.3076 36.3662 169.6279 33.9912 162.335 C +%_35.5205 172.7236 26.3955 181.4502 16.2119 181.4502 c +%_6.6123 181.4502 0.061523 173.9404 0.602539 166.5088 c +%_1.13965 159.1436 6.0459 155.54 10.2744 154.0107 c +%_10.3857 153.9717 10.5107 154.0127 10.5742 154.1123 c +%_10.6377 154.2139 10.624 154.3428 10.541 154.4287 c +%_4.93066 160.1201 4.16309 170.9209 14.124 174.1885 C +%_8.26465 169.1318 10.4346 157.3584 19.8135 156.4639 c +%_19.9307 156.4521 20.04 156.5225 20.0781 156.6338 c +%_20.1162 156.7451 20.0732 156.8682 19.9746 156.9307 c +%_17.9658 158.208 16.2959 160.7021 16.2959 163.5049 c +%_16.2959 168.1787 19.7178 170.0146 21.9717 170.0146 c +%_25.3936 170.0146 28.2314 166.7588 28.2314 161.835 c +%_28.2314 155.9912 22.9717 151.1514 16.2119 150.3994 c +%_9.58594 149.665 3.42969 152.5537 0.461914 156.8584 c +%_0.392578 156.96 0.260742 156.9971 0.148438 156.9463 c +%_0.036133 156.8955 -0.022461 156.7705 0.007813 156.6514 c +%_3.02637 144.9482 16.8037 139.7744 26.8955 147.1455 C +%_20.2822 139.6436 9.88965 139.54 1.17383 147.2314 c +%_1.08301 147.3115 0.948242 147.3154 0.851563 147.2412 c +%_0.754883 147.1689 0.724609 147.0361 0.77832 146.9287 c +%_3.44531 141.5205 10.0313 135.1084 19.3838 136.0439 c +%_27.9404 136.8994 32.9053 145.0576 33.9072 151.7354 C +%_34.4639 143.2139 32.5137 137.1982 25.1533 131.5889 c +%_25.0566 131.5146 25.0264 131.3818 25.0811 131.2725 c +%_25.1357 131.165 25.2607 131.1104 25.3779 131.1436 c +%_32.1631 133.1045 37.6084 136.5693 40.4268 143.6885 C +%_40.4268 137.5264 38.2881 131.3154 32.9014 127.1768 c +%_32.8037 127.1025 32.7744 126.9717 32.8291 126.8623 c +%_32.8838 126.7529 33.0078 126.6982 33.125 126.7314 c +%_36.5781 127.7158 39.2959 129.2197 41.2627 131.917 C +%_42.5732 120.8174 47.7842 114.2256 53.7881 114.2256 c +%_57.9131 114.2256 60.9932 117.2588 60.9932 122.0967 c +%_60.9932 124.9268 59.5049 128.8994 56.1826 131.1162 c +%_f +%_155.4102 222.7354 m +%_152.248 226.6396 145.8711 228.1279 138.9785 226.7236 C +%_139.4883 231.0244 138.6445 235.5146 137.3672 238.208 c +%_137.3145 238.3174 137.1934 238.375 137.0762 238.3467 c +%_136.959 238.3174 136.8789 238.21 136.8828 238.0889 c +%_137.2578 229.3223 132.2598 222.2451 123.4336 219.1787 C +%_130.3398 223.9346 132.3594 233.3721 129.0723 238.2451 c +%_129.0039 238.3438 128.877 238.3828 128.7656 238.3369 c +%_128.6543 238.292 128.5898 238.1748 128.6113 238.0576 c +%_128.9844 235.9971 128.0059 233.373 125.8984 231.3311 c +%_122.9922 228.5166 119.0488 227.8779 117.0879 229.9014 c +%_115.127 231.9268 115.8906 235.8486 118.7949 238.6631 c +%_119.8555 239.6904 121.0547 240.4248 122.2441 240.8477 c +%_122.3574 240.8877 122.4258 241.001 122.4102 241.1191 c +%_122.3965 241.2383 122.3008 241.3301 122.1816 241.3398 c +%_115.793 241.8945 111.4121 238.0879 108.666 233.4619 c +%_105.8711 228.7568 101.0957 225.0518 95.4551 225.792 c +%_95.3359 225.8076 95.2227 225.7373 95.1816 225.624 c +%_95.1426 225.5107 95.1875 225.3838 95.291 225.3223 c +%_98.0879 223.6377 101.1621 222.9385 105.1543 224.2705 C +%_99.3594 219.3613 91.1074 216.5283 83.3145 219.043 c +%_83.2051 219.0791 83.0859 219.0361 83.0234 218.9395 c +%_82.9609 218.8428 82.9727 218.7168 83.0488 218.6318 c +%_88.957 212.0674 100.7383 211.9365 108.1582 217.2588 C +%_105.1211 212.9424 101.0898 209.7744 93.8652 208.7803 c +%_93.75 208.7646 93.6602 208.6729 93.6465 208.5576 c +%_93.6348 208.4414 93.7012 208.332 93.8105 208.292 c +%_102.1016 205.2139 110.4102 208.3369 117.2559 216.5068 C +%_114.2637 210.1299 109.3496 205.0225 102.4883 202.4951 c +%_102.373 202.4531 102.3047 202.335 102.3262 202.2158 c +%_102.3457 202.0947 102.4492 202.0059 102.5703 202.0029 c +%_106.5137 201.9219 110.0566 202.8604 114.8359 205.5732 C +%_111.3281 199.8838 112.0957 189.9346 117.2051 183.3154 c +%_117.2754 183.2236 117.4004 183.1914 117.5078 183.2373 c +%_117.6133 183.2842 117.6758 183.3965 117.6563 183.5107 c +%_116.4766 190.7119 118.9551 198.8408 123.2656 203.1533 C +%_121.1133 195.5215 123.2598 188.5771 129.1621 183.5088 c +%_129.2324 183.4482 129.332 183.4316 129.418 183.4648 c +%_129.5059 183.498 129.5664 183.5771 129.5801 183.6689 c +%_130.8145 193.0869 141.3496 202.6436 150.1816 203.4443 c +%_150.3066 203.4551 150.4043 203.5557 150.4121 203.6797 c +%_150.4199 203.8037 150.3379 203.917 150.2148 203.9443 c +%_145.9355 204.9131 141.5234 204.4346 137.8262 202.9131 C +%_140.4863 205.8467 143.7656 208.0244 147.3809 209.1592 c +%_147.498 209.1953 147.5703 209.3096 147.5566 209.4307 c +%_147.543 209.5518 147.4434 209.6455 147.3223 209.6543 c +%_142.8125 209.9658 138.3984 208.6484 134.5918 206.1162 C +%_138.9531 212.7373 145.5723 217.6611 154.0195 219.6221 c +%_154.1406 219.6504 154.2227 219.7607 154.2168 219.8848 c +%_154.209 220.0088 154.1133 220.1084 153.9902 220.1221 c +%_142.0723 221.4238 132.2441 216.8037 125.7695 208.2041 C +%_127.418 213.1045 132.1348 217.96 138.7148 220.8232 c +%_144.5605 223.3682 150.5645 223.7695 155.1367 222.333 c +%_155.2422 222.2998 155.3594 222.3398 155.4219 222.4326 c +%_155.4844 222.5244 155.4805 222.6475 155.4102 222.7354 c +%_f +%_102.5059 147.1631 m +%_107.3125 157.6494 106.9707 165.8486 103.0996 176.2178 c +%_103.0547 176.335 102.9336 176.4023 102.8105 176.3779 c +%_102.6875 176.3525 102.6016 176.2412 102.6074 176.1162 c +%_103.2285 163.4951 99.7813 154.4619 92.3086 148.3096 C +%_100.5586 158.1611 96.6621 177.8691 83.4863 177.8691 c +%_73.9004 177.8691 65.9697 169.8936 64.0303 160.3447 c +%_64.0059 160.2236 64.0723 160.1006 64.1885 160.0576 c +%_64.3037 160.0127 64.4346 160.0576 64.4971 160.1631 c +%_67.3398 164.9248 71.9063 168.0146 76.9551 168.0146 c +%_85.0898 168.0146 87.4961 161.5479 87.4961 157.0166 c +%_87.4961 150.8291 82.5703 145.6729 78.7891 145.6729 c +%_75.3516 145.6729 73.748 148.4971 73.748 150.6006 c +%_73.748 154.499 76.7461 157.7666 80.125 158.7646 c +%_80.2441 158.7998 80.3223 158.9189 80.3047 159.0439 c +%_80.2852 159.1689 80.1797 159.2607 80.0547 159.2627 c +%_75.9473 159.2881 72.4766 157.4072 70.4238 153.6943 C +%_70.1543 156.5693 70.1514 158.3799 71.0645 161.417 c +%_71.0996 161.5342 71.0459 161.6592 70.9385 161.7158 c +%_70.8291 161.7725 70.6963 161.7432 70.6221 161.6475 c +%_63.2656 152.2549 66.7861 136.0225 72.6016 129.29 C +%_67.0693 133.2725 62.1846 141.9229 62.2617 153.6826 c +%_62.2627 153.8057 62.1768 153.9092 62.0566 153.9326 c +%_61.9365 153.958 61.8174 153.8916 61.7725 153.7783 c +%_57.6641 143.5264 59.8438 124.5303 71.0537 113.9268 C +%_68.1699 113.5303 65.1865 113.5811 61.9287 114.6201 c +%_61.8135 114.6553 61.6885 114.6064 61.6299 114.501 c +%_61.5713 114.3936 61.5947 114.2607 61.6885 114.1826 c +%_65.7803 110.7275 71.5029 109.6416 76.9551 109.6416 C +%_72.2578 115.1416 73.8184 126.1963 81.3105 126.1963 c +%_86.6582 126.1963 89.0859 117.8975 84.957 113.415 c +%_84.8789 113.3291 84.8691 113.2002 84.9316 113.1045 c +%_84.9961 113.0068 85.1172 112.9639 85.2285 113.0029 c +%_90.0078 114.6572 95.1738 118.792 95.1738 124.0186 c +%_95.1738 129.0615 90.3613 133.4131 83.373 133.0693 C +%_92.1914 135.5752 101.4238 132.8018 106.2539 126.8174 c +%_106.3281 126.7236 106.459 126.6963 106.5645 126.749 c +%_106.6719 126.8037 106.7266 126.9248 106.6973 127.04 c +%_103.9063 137.7568 94.7305 142.2393 83.2578 140.7471 C +%_92.5391 144.5029 106.5078 141.2275 112.6816 133.4365 c +%_112.7539 133.3447 112.8809 133.3154 112.9883 133.3643 c +%_113.0938 133.415 113.1523 133.5322 113.1289 133.6455 c +%_111.7578 140.2607 108.2656 145.208 102.5059 147.1631 C +%_f +%_*U +%_*u +%_1 D +%_0.41001 0 0.011078 0 0.615686 0.862745 0.976471 Xa +%_0 0.4 0 0 0 Xy +%_128.8887 166.4502 m +%_128.8672 166.3311 128.7637 166.2432 128.6426 166.2432 c +%_115.7363 166.1064 103.8887 162.9756 94.6719 154.7275 C +%_102.7012 160.2861 117.6133 162.2373 126.1992 158.3467 c +%_126.3086 158.2959 126.3672 158.1748 126.3398 158.0576 c +%_126.3145 157.9404 126.207 157.8584 126.0859 157.8604 c +%_115.4063 158.1514 106.8066 154.8545 100.1016 148.8975 C +%_106.9707 148.4736 112.6758 144.1572 112.6582 139.0518 c +%_112.6582 138.9326 112.5742 138.8291 112.457 138.8037 c +%_112.3418 138.7803 112.2227 138.8389 112.1738 138.9482 c +%_111.0527 141.4365 107.4258 142.7295 103.5918 141.8291 c +%_99.4121 140.8467 96.5918 137.6396 97.291 134.6631 c +%_97.7617 132.6494 99.7266 131.2607 102.2422 130.876 c +%_102.3691 130.8564 102.4629 130.7471 102.459 130.6182 c +%_102.4551 130.4912 102.3574 130.3857 102.2285 130.3721 c +%_101.1602 130.2705 100.0488 130.2666 98.9121 130.376 c +%_92.4219 130.9932 87.3984 134.9697 86.9629 139.5537 C +%_82.25 139.0068 78.0781 136.3955 76.584 132.7803 c +%_76.5391 132.6709 76.4258 132.6084 76.3086 132.626 c +%_76.1934 132.6436 76.1055 132.7393 76.0957 132.8564 c +%_75.7188 137.6064 77.3535 140.6943 81.0664 143.71 C +%_75.6816 141.6514 69.6201 141.5459 63.8096 144.2471 c +%_63.7041 144.2979 63.6455 144.4131 63.667 144.5283 c +%_63.6904 144.6436 63.79 144.7275 63.9072 144.7314 c +%_68.7861 144.9209 72.3242 146.4873 75.6406 149.8037 C +%_57.3838 144.6689 42.5518 156.0049 47.6846 172.8545 c +%_47.7197 172.9717 47.8311 173.0459 47.9521 173.0342 c +%_48.0732 173.0225 48.1689 172.9268 48.1787 172.8057 c +%_49.0967 163.0908 55.8818 156.6885 66.04 155.7295 C +%_60.6533 157.7881 55.04 162.7041 54.4834 171.2627 c +%_54.4756 171.3857 54.5557 171.4951 54.6748 171.5264 c +%_54.7939 171.5557 54.917 171.4951 54.9678 171.3838 c +%_57.7666 165.2295 63.2646 162.1201 69.1279 161.5713 C +%_62.7939 164.1533 58.7314 170.1748 57.5576 177.9932 c +%_57.5381 178.1162 57.6123 178.2334 57.7314 178.2725 c +%_57.8486 178.3096 57.9775 178.2568 58.0342 178.1455 c +%_61.8994 170.5635 70.1904 165.3525 80.4824 169.335 c +%_91.0996 173.4443 95.7559 185.7197 96.7852 194.374 c +%_96.8008 194.4971 96.9004 194.5908 97.0234 194.5986 c +%_97.1465 194.6045 97.2559 194.5225 97.2852 194.4033 c +%_101.0039 178.7139 93.7012 162.4541 80.6484 155.5635 C +%_87.7441 157.5654 94.0879 161.8232 97.6758 168.917 C +%_105.9688 169.9346 111.6797 172.7803 114.5332 178.1572 c +%_114.5898 178.2627 114.7129 178.3154 114.8281 178.2822 c +%_114.9434 178.2471 115.0195 178.1357 115.0098 178.0166 c +%_114.8281 175.9072 114.0684 171.6865 110.9355 169.7451 C +%_117.9004 169.7568 123.4414 168.8525 128.7344 166.7314 c +%_128.8457 166.6865 128.9121 166.5693 128.8887 166.4502 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_0 D +%_99.4023 219.9189 m +%_99.502 219.8545 99.6309 219.8643 99.7188 219.9463 c +%_99.8047 220.0264 99.8223 220.1553 99.7637 220.2588 c +%_98.1445 223.0557 99.623 227.0713 102.8145 227.0713 c +%_108.5352 227.0713 111.2852 216.3018 110.4102 206.4795 C +%_108.248 212.2334 106.377 214.5342 103.0625 217.2744 c +%_102.9688 217.3506 102.834 217.3525 102.7402 217.2744 c +%_102.6465 217.1982 102.6191 217.0654 102.6777 216.958 c +%_107.5332 207.8799 108.5742 200.8936 108.5742 192.874 C +%_107.1113 198.8311 105.3789 202.1943 100.4473 207.2549 c +%_100.3613 207.3428 100.2246 207.3564 100.123 207.2861 c +%_100.0215 207.2158 99.9844 207.083 100.0352 206.9717 c +%_105.334 195.3799 104.9297 182.5244 100.9824 172.708 c +%_100.9434 172.6104 100.9688 172.499 101.0449 172.4268 c +%_101.123 172.3545 101.2344 172.3389 101.3301 172.3838 c +%_106.5352 174.9346 109.5938 176.6104 114.082 182.7744 C +%_112.7246 190.1729 113.8535 193.8213 117.2539 199.9678 C +%_113.3164 190.0518 115.4121 176.0752 125.4414 170.3779 c +%_125.5508 170.3154 125.6895 170.3428 125.7656 170.4424 c +%_125.8438 170.542 125.8379 170.6826 125.75 170.7744 c +%_121.9688 174.7295 119.2188 181.4092 121.5938 188.7002 C +%_120.0645 178.3115 129.1895 169.5869 139.373 169.5869 c +%_148.9727 169.5869 155.5234 177.0947 154.9824 184.5264 c +%_154.4453 191.8916 149.5391 195.4971 145.3105 197.0244 c +%_145.1992 197.0654 145.0742 197.0225 145.0117 196.9229 c +%_144.9473 196.8232 144.9609 196.6924 145.0449 196.6084 c +%_150.6543 190.915 151.4219 180.1162 141.4609 176.8486 C +%_147.3203 181.9053 145.1504 193.6768 135.7715 194.5732 c +%_135.6543 194.583 135.5449 194.5127 135.5078 194.4014 c +%_135.4688 194.292 135.5117 194.1689 135.6113 194.1064 c +%_137.6191 192.8271 139.2891 190.335 139.2891 187.5322 c +%_139.2891 182.8584 135.8672 181.0205 133.6133 181.0205 c +%_130.1914 181.0205 127.3535 184.2764 127.3535 189.2021 c +%_127.3535 195.0439 132.6133 199.8857 139.373 200.6357 c +%_146 201.3721 152.1563 198.4814 155.123 194.1768 c +%_155.1934 194.0752 155.3242 194.04 155.4375 194.0908 c +%_155.5488 194.1416 155.6074 194.2646 155.5781 194.3838 c +%_152.5586 206.0869 138.7813 211.2607 128.6895 203.8916 C +%_135.3027 211.3916 145.6953 211.4971 154.4121 203.8057 c +%_154.502 203.7256 154.6367 203.7197 154.7344 203.7939 c +%_154.8301 203.8682 154.8613 203.999 154.8066 204.1084 c +%_152.1406 209.5146 145.5547 215.9268 136.2012 214.9932 c +%_127.6445 214.1377 122.6797 205.9775 121.6777 199.3018 C +%_121.1211 207.8232 123.0723 213.8369 130.4316 219.4463 c +%_130.5293 219.5205 130.5586 219.6533 130.5039 219.7627 c +%_130.4492 219.8721 130.3242 219.9268 130.207 219.8916 c +%_123.4219 217.9326 117.9766 214.4678 115.1582 207.3486 C +%_115.1582 213.5088 117.2969 219.7197 122.6836 223.8584 c +%_122.7813 223.9326 122.8105 224.0654 122.7559 224.1748 c +%_122.7012 224.2822 122.5781 224.3369 122.4609 224.3037 c +%_119.0078 223.3213 116.2891 221.8154 114.3223 219.1201 C +%_113.0117 230.2197 107.8008 236.8096 101.7969 236.8096 c +%_97.6719 236.8096 94.5918 233.7764 94.5918 228.9404 c +%_94.5918 226.1104 96.0801 222.1377 99.4023 219.9189 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_0.174805 128.3018 m +%_3.33691 124.3975 9.71387 122.9092 16.6064 124.3135 C +%_16.0967 120.0107 16.9404 115.5225 18.2178 112.8271 c +%_18.2705 112.7197 18.3916 112.6611 18.5088 112.6904 c +%_18.626 112.7197 18.7061 112.8271 18.7021 112.9482 c +%_18.3271 121.7139 23.3252 128.79 32.1514 131.8564 C +%_25.2451 127.1006 23.2256 117.6631 26.5127 112.792 c +%_26.5811 112.6924 26.708 112.6533 26.8193 112.6982 c +%_26.9307 112.7432 26.9951 112.8604 26.9736 112.9795 c +%_26.6006 115.04 27.5791 117.6631 29.6865 119.7041 c +%_32.5928 122.5186 36.5361 123.1572 38.4971 121.1338 c +%_40.458 119.1084 39.6943 115.1865 36.79 112.374 c +%_35.7295 111.3467 34.5303 110.6104 33.3408 110.1885 c +%_33.2275 110.1475 33.1592 110.0342 33.1748 109.917 c +%_33.1885 109.7979 33.2842 109.7061 33.4033 109.6963 c +%_39.792 109.1416 44.1729 112.9482 46.9189 117.5732 c +%_49.7139 122.2783 54.4893 125.9854 60.1299 125.2451 c +%_60.249 125.2295 60.3623 125.2998 60.4033 125.4131 c +%_60.4424 125.5264 60.3975 125.6514 60.2939 125.7139 c +%_57.4971 127.3975 54.4229 128.0967 50.4307 126.7666 C +%_56.2256 131.6748 64.4775 134.5068 72.2715 131.9932 c +%_72.3809 131.958 72.5 132.001 72.5625 132.0967 c +%_72.625 132.1924 72.6152 132.3193 72.5371 132.4053 c +%_66.6279 138.9697 54.8467 139.1006 47.4268 133.7764 C +%_50.4639 138.0928 54.4951 141.2627 61.7197 142.2549 c +%_61.835 142.2705 61.9248 142.3643 61.9385 142.4795 c +%_61.9502 142.5947 61.8838 142.7041 61.7744 142.7451 c +%_53.4834 145.8213 45.1748 142.7002 38.3291 134.5283 C +%_41.3213 140.9072 46.2354 146.0146 53.0967 148.542 c +%_53.2119 148.583 53.2803 148.7002 53.2588 148.8213 c +%_53.2393 148.9424 53.1357 149.0303 53.0146 149.0322 c +%_49.0713 149.1143 45.5283 148.1748 40.749 145.4619 C +%_44.2568 151.1533 43.4893 161.1006 38.3799 167.7217 c +%_38.3096 167.8135 38.1846 167.8447 38.0771 167.7998 c +%_37.9717 167.7529 37.9092 167.6396 37.9287 167.5244 c +%_39.1084 160.3252 36.6299 152.1963 32.3193 147.8838 C +%_34.4717 155.5146 32.3252 162.46 26.4229 167.5264 c +%_26.3525 167.5869 26.2529 167.6045 26.167 167.5713 c +%_26.0791 167.5381 26.0186 167.46 26.0049 167.3682 c +%_24.7705 157.9502 14.2354 148.3936 5.40332 147.5928 c +%_5.27832 147.5811 5.18066 147.4814 5.17285 147.3564 c +%_5.16504 147.2314 5.24707 147.1201 5.37012 147.0928 c +%_9.64941 146.124 14.0615 146.6025 17.7588 148.1221 C +%_15.0986 145.1904 11.8193 143.0127 8.2041 141.8779 c +%_8.08691 141.8408 8.01465 141.7275 8.02832 141.6064 c +%_8.04199 141.4854 8.1416 141.3896 8.2627 141.3818 c +%_12.7725 141.0713 17.1865 142.3877 20.9932 144.9209 C +%_16.6318 138.2998 10.0127 133.376 1.56543 131.4131 c +%_1.44434 131.3857 1.3623 131.2744 1.36816 131.1514 c +%_1.37598 131.0283 1.47168 130.9287 1.59473 130.915 c +%_13.5127 129.6123 23.3408 134.2334 29.8154 142.833 C +%_28.167 137.9307 23.4502 133.0771 16.8701 130.2139 c +%_11.0244 127.6689 5.02051 127.2666 0.448242 128.7041 c +%_0.342773 128.7373 0.225586 128.6963 0.163086 128.6045 c +%_0.100586 128.5107 0.104492 128.3877 0.174805 128.3018 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_53.0791 203.874 m +%_48.2725 193.3877 48.6143 185.1885 52.4854 174.8193 c +%_52.5303 174.7021 52.6514 174.6338 52.7744 174.6592 c +%_52.8975 174.6846 52.9834 174.7959 52.9775 174.9189 c +%_52.3564 187.542 55.8037 196.5732 63.2764 202.7275 C +%_55.0264 192.874 58.9229 173.167 72.0996 173.167 c +%_81.6855 173.167 89.6152 181.1436 91.5547 190.6924 c +%_91.5801 190.8135 91.5137 190.9346 91.3965 190.9795 c +%_91.2813 191.0244 91.1504 190.9795 91.0879 190.8721 c +%_88.2461 186.1104 83.6797 183.0205 78.6309 183.0205 c +%_70.4951 183.0205 68.0889 189.4873 68.0889 194.0205 c +%_68.0889 200.2061 73.0156 205.3623 76.7969 205.3623 c +%_80.2344 205.3623 81.8379 202.54 81.8379 200.4365 c +%_81.8379 196.5381 78.8398 193.2705 75.4629 192.2725 c +%_75.3418 192.2354 75.2656 192.1182 75.2832 191.9932 c +%_75.3008 191.8682 75.4063 191.7744 75.5332 191.7744 c +%_79.6387 191.749 83.1094 193.6279 85.1621 197.3428 C +%_85.4316 194.4678 85.4336 192.6572 84.5215 189.6182 c +%_84.4863 189.501 84.5391 189.376 84.6465 189.3193 c +%_84.7559 189.2646 84.8887 189.292 84.9629 189.3896 c +%_92.3203 198.7822 88.7988 215.0127 82.9844 221.7471 C +%_88.5156 217.7646 93.4004 209.1123 93.3242 197.3525 c +%_93.3223 197.2314 93.4082 197.126 93.5293 197.1025 c +%_93.6484 197.0791 93.7676 197.1436 93.8125 197.2568 c +%_97.9219 207.5107 95.7422 226.5049 84.5313 237.1084 C +%_87.416 237.5068 90.3984 237.4561 93.6563 236.417 c +%_93.7715 236.3799 93.8965 236.4307 93.9551 236.5361 c +%_94.0137 236.6416 93.9902 236.7744 93.8965 236.8525 c +%_89.8047 240.3076 84.082 241.3936 78.6309 241.3936 C +%_83.3281 235.8936 81.7676 224.8408 74.2773 224.8408 c +%_68.9268 224.8408 66.499 233.1396 70.6279 237.6221 c +%_70.7061 237.708 70.7158 237.835 70.6533 237.9326 c +%_70.5889 238.0303 70.4678 238.0713 70.3564 238.0342 c +%_65.5771 236.3779 60.4111 232.2451 60.4111 227.0166 c +%_60.4111 221.9756 65.2236 217.6221 72.2148 217.9658 C +%_63.3936 215.4619 54.1611 218.2334 49.3311 224.2197 c +%_49.2568 224.3115 49.126 224.3408 49.0205 224.2861 c +%_48.9131 224.2334 48.8584 224.1123 48.8877 223.9951 c +%_51.6787 213.2803 60.8545 208.7959 72.3281 210.29 C +%_63.0459 206.5322 49.0771 209.8076 42.9033 217.5986 c +%_42.8311 217.6904 42.7041 217.7217 42.5967 217.6709 c +%_42.4912 217.6221 42.4326 217.5049 42.4561 217.3896 c +%_43.8271 210.7744 47.3193 205.8291 53.0791 203.874 C +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_*U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Main_Copy_of_EditGroup) , +%_; +%_ +%_9 () XW +%_U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_5 /Int (AIPattern_Editor_Preview_Cols) , +%_108.3384 /Real (AIPattern_Editor_Tile_Width) , +%_5 /Int (AIPattern_Editor_Preview_Rows) , +%_109.6416 /Real (AIPattern_Editor_Tile_Height) , +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Editor_Top_in_Front) , +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Editor_Left_in_Front) , +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Editor_Dim_Copies_Key) , +%_4 /Int (AIPattern_Editor_Editable_Copy_Loc_Key) , +%_50 /Real (AIPattern_Editor_Dim_Percent_Key) , +%_; +%_ +%_9 () XW +E +%AI3_EndPattern +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI8_BeginBrushPattern +(Unnamed 6) 0 A +0 Xw +u +u +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +-4018.5 4018.5 m +-3917.1816 4018.5 L +-3917.1816 4010.7832 L +-4018.5 4010.7832 L +-4018.5 4018.5 L +n +u +0 O +0.720851 0.673426 0.586358 0.790768 0.137255 0.121569 0.12549 Xa +-3917.3 4012.207 m +-3917.1504 4012.2439 -3917.2041 4011.8247 -3917.1816 4011.7495 C +-3917.4319 4011.8423 -3917.2937 4012.3159 -3917.3 4012.207 C +f +-3919.7693 4013.1582 m +-3919.7256 4012.9871 L +-3920.0896 4013.4063 L +-3919.7693 4013.1582 L +f +-3922.0784 4013.1504 m +-3921.8601 4013.8643 -3921.2417 4013.0352 -3920.8303 4013.2888 C +-3920.7625 4013.4524 L +-3920.5769 4012.8772 L +-3921.0769 4012.9683 -3921.7263 4013.3499 -3922.0784 4013.1504 C +f +-3923.3096 4011.6072 m +-3923.2336 4011.8843 -3923.5759 4011.8455 -3923.0225 4011.6936 C +-3923.0503 4011.6631 -3923.0583 4011.6455 -3923.0745 4011.623 C +-3923.1243 4011.6272 -3923.1929 4011.6262 -3923.3096 4011.6072 C +f +-3923.0745 4011.623 m +-3922.8313 4011.603 -3923.2336 4011.3904 -3923.0745 4011.623 C +-3923.0745 4011.623 L +f +-3924.1975 4011.7822 m +-3923.8772 4011.5342 L +-3923.9441 4011.3704 -3924.2292 4011.333 -3924.1233 4011.2134 C +-3924.4519 4011.3496 -3924.3843 4011.5127 -3924.1975 4011.7822 C +f +-3924.5012 4012.303 m +-3924.3352 4012.1982 L +-3924.3643 4012.1294 -3924.4082 4012.105 -3924.5012 4012.303 C +f +-3923.9832 4011.9768 m +-3924.3352 4012.1982 L +-3924.2888 4012.313 -3924.2839 4012.5447 -3924.1736 4012.1184 C +-3924.2024 4012.3296 -3924.1328 4012.1262 -3923.9832 4011.9768 C +f +-3923.7839 4012.0852 m +-3923.6042 4012.24 -3923.3721 4012.3384 -3923.6936 4012.5852 C +-3923.0808 4012.4871 -3923.1711 4011.9856 -3923.7839 4012.0852 C +f +-3922.1963 4013.8887 m +-3921.9561 4014.0984 L +-3921.7483 4013.8584 L +-3921.8521 4013.9771 -3922.2112 4013.665 -3922.1963 4013.8887 C +f +-3926.1929 4011.4126 m +-3926.2129 4011.5647 -3926.0852 4011.8174 -3926.0613 4012.012 C +-3925.8247 4011.8374 L +-3925.9463 4011.7334 -3926.1768 4011.6375 -3926.1929 4011.4126 C +f +-3926.0613 4012.012 m +-3926.4153 4012.2727 L +-3926.0991 4012.303 -3926.0413 4012.1792 -3926.0613 4012.012 C +f +-3924.5583 4013.0955 m +-3923.9768 4012.5479 L +-3924.6704 4013.103 L +-3924.5583 4013.0955 L +f +-3927.5449 4011.3936 m +-3927.3442 4011.0422 L +-3927.7017 4011.5735 L +-3927.5449 4011.3936 L +f +-3928.4417 4011.4551 m +-3928.2932 4011.1638 -3928.6453 4010.9624 -3928.4883 4010.7832 C +-3928.7319 4010.8352 -3928.9399 4011.0852 -3929.1272 4011.3103 C +-3928.9282 4011.1848 -3928.7161 4011.2168 -3928.4417 4011.4551 C +f +-3929.4417 4011.6375 m +-3929.3423 4011.5679 -3929.2393 4011.4431 -3929.1272 4011.3103 C +-3929.2329 4011.3772 -3929.3369 4011.4744 -3929.4417 4011.6375 C +f +-3927.0183 4012.1975 m +-3927.0457 4012.1055 -3927.0984 4011.8655 -3927.2969 4011.7639 C +-3927.1577 4012.1912 L +-3927.1152 4012.1936 -3927.0671 4012.1951 -3927.0183 4012.1975 C +f +-3927.1528 4012.2046 m +-3927.1577 4012.1912 L +-3927.3088 4012.1814 -3927.4136 4012.1719 -3927.4585 4012.167 c +-3927.4199 4012.1707 -3927.3279 4012.1824 -3927.1528 4012.2046 C +f +-3926.9832 4012.1992 m +-3926.9961 4012.1982 -3927.0056 4012.1975 -3927.0183 4012.1975 C +-3927.0049 4012.24 -3926.9968 4012.2534 -3926.9832 4012.1992 C +f +-3925.4863 4012.709 m +-3925.6943 4012.948 -3926.1279 4013.2039 -3925.7083 4013.5686 C +-3925.5591 4013.2759 -3925.7993 4013.0686 -3925.4863 4012.709 c +f +-3926.8103 4012.7334 m +-3926.4343 4012.8311 L +-3926.4417 4012.7183 -3926.5095 4012.5535 -3926.4065 4012.4351 C +-3926.8103 4012.7334 L +f +-3926.9944 4012.8694 m +-3926.8103 4012.7334 L +-3926.9497 4012.6975 L +-3926.9944 4012.8694 L +f +-3928.7976 4012.0376 m +-3928.96 4012.2239 -3929.1377 4012.239 -3929.3384 4012.269 C +-3929.1233 4012.353 -3928.9009 4012.3992 -3928.6897 4012.3972 C +-3928.6599 4012.2632 -3928.5671 4012.0222 -3928.7976 4012.0376 C +f +-3927.9983 4012.1563 m +-3928.0095 4012.1663 -3928.0239 4012.1707 -3928.0344 4012.1807 C +-3928.0122 4012.217 -3927.9944 4012.2283 -3927.9983 4012.1563 C +f +-3931.3142 4012.2664 m +-3931.3032 4012.2896 -3931.2937 4012.3196 -3931.2825 4012.344 C +-3931.28 4012.3196 -3931.2783 4012.2952 -3931.2751 4012.27 C +-3931.3142 4012.2664 L +f +-3928.6536 4012.4771 m +-3928.4919 4012.5598 -3928.3953 4012.4551 -3928.3032 4012.324 C +-3928.4241 4012.3662 -3928.5522 4012.3943 -3928.6897 4012.3972 C +-3928.7031 4012.4583 -3928.7056 4012.4983 -3928.6536 4012.4771 C +f +-3929.9929 4011.8374 m +-3929.9087 4011.9272 -3929.8132 4012.0032 -3929.7129 4012.0723 C +-3929.7952 4011.937 -3929.9631 4011.7263 -3929.9929 4011.8374 C +f +-3928.0889 4012.0623 m +-3928.0808 4012.0559 -3928.0735 4012.0479 -3928.0647 4012.0432 C +-3928.1177 4011.9524 -3928.1111 4011.9966 -3928.0889 4012.0623 C +f +-3928.0889 4012.0623 m +-3928.1721 4012.1243 -3928.2375 4012.2295 -3928.3032 4012.324 C +-3928.2048 4012.2896 -3928.1135 4012.2439 -3928.0344 4012.1807 C +-3928.0544 4012.1504 -3928.0745 4012.104 -3928.0889 4012.0623 C +f +-3931.9128 4015.009 m +-3931.8843 4014.613 -3931.4592 4014.2471 -3931.0923 4014.6719 C +-3930.7312 4014.375 -3930.9673 4013.0723 -3931.2825 4012.344 C +-3931.2937 4012.5166 -3931.2937 4012.6763 -3931.6653 4012.9104 C +-3931.5352 4013.1262 -3930.8408 4013.4163 -3931.1543 4013.7747 C +-3931.6465 4013.9783 -3931.5576 4013.6343 -3931.7969 4013.425 C +-3931.5935 4013.9182 -3932.4231 4014.1431 -3932.3159 4014.8687 C +-3931.8843 4014.613 L +-3931.8762 4014.7263 -3932.0327 4014.9063 -3931.9128 4015.009 C +f +-3930.5745 4012.3843 m +-3930.4216 4012.3352 L +-3930.5959 4012.2664 -3930.7207 4012.1079 -3930.9504 4011.7976 C +-3931.2048 4011.9915 -3931.2576 4012.1382 -3931.2751 4012.27 C +-3930.5222 4012.3252 L +-3930.5745 4012.3843 L +f +-3929.7351 4012.3335 m +-3929.8545 4012.7644 -3930.2217 4012.948 -3929.9968 4013.4143 C +-3929.5481 4013.3843 -3929.6824 4013.0542 -3929.4143 4012.8672 C +-3930.1384 4012.9744 -3929.2063 4012.6272 -3929.7295 4012.3831 C +-3929.5872 4012.3096 -3929.4592 4012.2871 -3929.3384 4012.269 C +-3929.4688 4012.217 -3929.5945 4012.1519 -3929.7129 4012.0723 C +-3929.7063 4012.0823 -3929.7017 4012.0896 -3929.6963 4012.0984 C +-3929.6929 4012.0984 L +-3929.6929 4012.1006 -3929.6936 4012.1016 -3929.6936 4012.104 C +-3929.6624 4012.1582 -3929.6521 4012.1912 -3929.6873 4012.1604 C +-3929.6897 4012.165 -3929.6985 4012.167 -3929.7024 4012.1692 C +-3929.7073 4012.2283 -3929.7207 4012.2808 -3929.7351 4012.3311 C +-3929.9448 4012.2422 -3929.7681 4012.22 -3929.7024 4012.1692 C +-3929.7 4012.1472 -3929.6943 4012.1272 -3929.6936 4012.104 C +-3929.6943 4012.1023 -3929.6953 4012.1006 -3929.6963 4012.0984 C +-3930.4216 4012.3352 L +-3930.2681 4012.395 -3930.0759 4012.3831 -3929.7351 4012.3335 C +f +-3926.0952 4014.4951 m +-3926.1177 4014.457 -3926.1167 4014.4263 -3926.1184 4014.395 C +-3926.1653 4014.448 -3926.1831 4014.4839 -3926.0952 4014.4951 C +f +-3926.3936 4014.2351 m +-3926.3408 4014.175 -3926.2969 4014.0032 -3926.1255 4014.0471 C +-3925.9768 4014.1763 -3926.1262 4014.2534 -3926.1184 4014.395 C +-3926.0151 4014.2808 -3925.7568 4014.0862 -3926.0808 4013.8762 C +-3926.1321 4013.9351 L +-3926.4241 4013.7871 -3926.7993 4013.2495 -3926.7483 4013.1902 C +-3926.6631 4013.5784 -3926.5879 4013.8542 -3926.3936 4014.2351 C +f +-3928.0852 4013.3943 m +-3928.6892 4013.6055 L +-3928.3816 4013.9783 L +-3928.3972 4013.7544 L +-3928.0537 4013.8423 -3928.1279 4013.5667 -3928.0852 4013.3943 C +f +-3931.3833 4012.052 m +-3931.3032 4011.5967 L +-3931.6521 4012.24 L +-3931.3833 4012.052 L +f +-3932.1682 4012.1062 m +-3932.1392 4011.7112 L +-3932.3464 4011.9495 L +-3932.1682 4012.1062 L +f +-3976.4617 4017.0166 m +-3976.6392 4017.1287 L +-3976.5552 4017.0942 -3976.5012 4017.0564 -3976.4617 4017.0166 C +f +-3975.1768 4017.0435 m +-3975.1453 4016.8484 L +-3975.2048 4016.9558 -3975.2292 4017.0352 -3975.1768 4017.0435 C +f +-3951.4456 4012.1504 m +-3951.7041 4011.7815 -3951.9929 4011.2083 -3951.9617 4011.6536 C +-3951.8823 4012.0872 L +-3951.7017 4012.009 -3951.5632 4012.0576 -3951.4456 4012.1504 C +f +-3964.6479 4014.7415 m +-3964.6233 4014.7832 -3964.5977 4014.8286 -3964.5723 4014.8728 C +-3964.5095 4014.7246 -3964.4504 4014.5872 -3964.3977 4014.4583 C +-3964.4729 4014.5471 -3964.5583 4014.6416 -3964.6479 4014.7415 C +f +-3964.8303 4016.5364 m +-3965.1711 4016.2566 L +-3965.0945 4016.3542 -3964.9849 4016.448 -3964.8303 4016.5364 C +f +-3983.4792 4017.4768 m +-3983.6863 4017.9182 L +-3983.3623 4017.9163 -3983.5049 4017.6936 -3983.4792 4017.4768 C +f +-3940.2073 4012.2664 m +-3940.4304 4012.0967 -3940.6079 4012.0254 -3940.7639 4012.0044 C +-3940.4951 4012.2534 -3940.2783 4012.6272 -3940.2073 4012.2664 C +f +-3975.9561 4012.4126 m +-3976.0647 4012.4912 -3976.1111 4012.5796 -3976.1079 4012.6763 C +-3975.9961 4012.6023 -3975.9329 4012.519 -3975.9561 4012.4126 C +f +-3941.4082 4012.0059 m +-3941.3689 4012.0496 -3941.3303 4012.071 -3941.2903 4012.1079 C +-3941.1272 4012.0352 -3940.9631 4011.9768 -3940.7639 4012.0044 C +-3940.9624 4011.8196 -3941.1897 4011.7046 -3941.4082 4012.0059 C +f +-4008.9297 4017.1172 m +-4008.9482 4017.0984 -4008.9705 4017.0884 -4008.9873 4017.0652 C +-4008.9929 4017.1243 -4008.9673 4017.1272 -4008.9297 4017.1172 C +f +-4016.3442 4012.74 m +-4016.2712 4012.7124 -4016.1521 4012.7119 -4016.0398 4012.7063 C +-4016.0945 4012.6763 -4016.1863 4012.6792 -4016.3442 4012.74 c +f +-3935.3264 4011.917 m +-3935.1599 4011.8887 -3935.3 4011.8694 -3935.3264 4011.917 C +-3935.3264 4011.917 L +f +-3934.5168 4013.6331 m +-3934.5522 4013.6814 -3934.5791 4013.7439 -3934.5833 4013.844 C +-3934.5696 4013.74 -3934.5464 4013.6736 -3934.5168 4013.6331 c +f +-3943.0664 4014.7063 m +-3943.0713 4014.7063 -3943.0752 4014.7046 -3943.0808 4014.7046 C +-3943.0313 4014.7896 -3943.0398 4014.7732 -3943.0664 4014.7063 C +f +-3935.0759 4012.1143 m +-3935.1384 4012.061 -3935.2104 4012.0166 -3935.2888 4011.9856 C +-3935.2544 4012.019 -3935.1897 4012.061 -3935.0759 4012.1143 C +f +-3935.1096 4011.9092 m +-3935.0522 4011.9287 -3935.0071 4011.9395 -3934.9641 4011.9512 C +-3934.9431 4011.8792 -3934.9617 4011.8335 -3935.1096 4011.9092 C +f +-3935.5583 4011.9407 m +-3935.4631 4011.9336 -3935.3743 4011.9539 -3935.2888 4011.9856 C +-3935.3215 4011.9558 -3935.3352 4011.9319 -3935.3264 4011.917 C +-3935.3752 4011.9236 -3935.4441 4011.9326 -3935.5583 4011.9407 c +f +-3995.2932 4015.9558 m +-3995.3042 4015.9424 -3995.3169 4015.9336 -3995.3289 4015.915 C +-3995.4968 4016.0952 -3995.4231 4016.0667 -3995.2932 4015.9558 C +f +-3955.7783 4016.6563 m +-3955.7705 4016.6519 -3955.7664 4016.6404 -3955.7593 4016.636 C +-3955.7671 4016.6311 -3955.7769 4016.625 -3955.7839 4016.6199 C +-3955.7783 4016.6563 L +f +-3956.3762 4016.979 m +-3956.1216 4016.4392 -3955.9768 4016.5056 -3955.7839 4016.6199 C +-3955.9817 4015.3694 L +-3956.3762 4016.979 L +f +*u +-3979.5383 4017.1416 m +-3979.1184 4017.532 L +-3979.6252 4018.1736 -3979.9919 4017.9524 -3979.5977 4018.5 C +-3979.5383 4017.1416 -3977.9656 4018.3616 -3977.9072 4017.0039 C +-3977.6304 4017.2896 L +-3977.7097 4017.2766 -3977.7224 4017.356 -3977.8008 4017.343 C +-3977.2625 4017.9934 -3977.4009 4016.3616 -3976.7073 4016.5542 C +-3976.4656 4016.6582 -3976.2969 4016.855 -3976.4617 4017.0166 C +-3975.9231 4016.6807 L +-3975.7664 4016.707 -3975.8047 4016.9431 -3975.9607 4016.917 C +-3975.1392 4016.8086 L +-3975.1453 4016.8484 L +-3975.0281 4016.636 -3974.7625 4016.3064 -3974.6328 4016.1663 C +-3974.4241 4016.3616 -3974.7375 4016.3103 -3974.6841 4016.479 C +-3974.2292 4016.1504 L +-3974.0439 4016.5032 -3974.4209 4016.844 -3974.7351 4016.7935 C +-3974.3103 4018.1494 -3974.3577 4016.4524 -3973.4409 4017.2444 C +-3973.8704 4017.4163 L +-3973.5935 4018.1863 -3973.2583 4017.9072 -3972.7727 4018.3875 C +-3972.8879 4018.1367 -3973.7449 4017.1775 -3973.2512 4016.8391 C +-3973.1121 4016.9414 -3972.9287 4016.99 -3972.6624 4016.7168 C +-3972.6599 4017.2 -3972.3999 4017.0811 -3972.0745 4017.0535 C +-3972.0967 4017.6936 L +-3971.7449 4017.5088 -3971.7727 4017.1831 -3971.5657 4016.895 C +-3971.1736 4016.9583 -3971.0923 4017.4536 -3971 4017.8711 C +-3970.3721 4017.9727 -3971.4336 4017.0767 -3970.6904 4016.9558 C +-3970.1682 4017.2007 -3969.8015 4016.9392 -3969.1768 4016.5564 C +-3968.8113 4016.7776 -3969.2407 4016.948 -3969.1096 4017.1311 C +-3968.7856 4016.6206 L +-3968.7063 4016.6331 -3968.7319 4016.7896 -3968.7449 4016.8687 C +-3968.4719 4016.6707 -3968.7224 4016.229 -3968.2932 4016.0559 C +-3968.1775 4015.3511 -3967.4121 4017.0852 -3966.8809 4016.2854 C +-3966.75 4016.467 -3966.9441 4016.6775 -3966.9041 4016.925 C +-3966.1753 4016.3999 -3966.2793 4016.5435 -3965.6809 4015.8367 C +-3965.1711 4016.2566 L +-3965.5457 4015.7766 -3965.0671 4015.2083 -3964.6479 4014.7415 C +-3964.7808 4014.509 -3964.8943 4014.3064 -3964.9705 4014.2095 C +-3964.3015 4013.8662 L +-3964.2207 4013.9712 -3964.2881 4014.1912 -3964.3977 4014.4583 C +-3964.3521 4014.4055 -3964.3088 4014.353 -3964.2751 4014.3047 C +-3964.0359 4014.541 -3964.1599 4014.9104 -3964.3313 4015.2676 C +-3964.4128 4015.1416 -3964.4937 4015.0071 -3964.5723 4014.8728 C +-3964.7375 4015.2615 -3964.8921 4015.6919 -3964.8577 4016.0667 C +-3964.8142 4015.9927 -3964.7305 4015.9292 -3964.6384 4015.8936 C +-3964.6816 4015.999 -3964.7092 4016.0935 -3964.6892 4016.1575 c +-3964.6665 4016.2246 -3964.5967 4016.083 -3964.4873 4015.9192 C +-3964.3352 4016.6331 L +-3964.2983 4016.3499 L +-3963.4231 4016.7959 L +-3962.7969 4016.0784 -3962.2522 4015.021 -3961.2583 4014.7271 C +-3961.5049 4015.25 -3961.3113 4015.5811 -3961.3247 4016.2007 C +-3961.5959 4015.5447 -3962.0945 4016.479 -3962.6096 4016.3462 c +-3962.3408 4016.415 -3962.3999 4016.7112 -3962.4683 4016.813 C +-3961.5496 4016.2168 L +-3961.5703 4016.7239 -3961.3545 4016.5967 -3961.1145 4016.8064 C +-3961.2959 4015.8047 -3960.4297 4016.1392 -3960.0559 4015.8323 C +-3960.0327 4016.168 -3960.1223 4016.512 -3960.5784 4016.4304 C +-3960.0752 4017.1848 -3959.9282 4015.2544 -3959.4343 4015.895 C +-3959.5457 4015.9031 -3959.6057 4015.8518 -3959.6497 4016.0232 C +-3959.3896 4015.7239 -3958.7537 4015.9612 -3958.9033 4016.2534 C +-3959.0144 4016.2603 L +-3958.2751 4016.3792 -3956.7639 4016.2676 -3956.6536 4015.417 C +-3956.6462 4015.5276 -3956.7505 4016.4424 -3956.7952 4016.6143 C +-3955.4761 4013.7527 L +-3955.5923 4014.4832 -3955.1462 4016.2224 -3955.7593 4016.636 C +-3955.5833 4016.74 -3955.3655 4016.8616 -3954.9944 4016.603 C +-3955.1145 4016.499 -3955.2937 4015.5471 -3955.1296 4015.48 C +-3954.6792 4016.2932 -3954.8169 4015.915 -3954.2617 4016.6084 C +-3954.4417 4016.4524 -3954.2417 4015.3064 -3953.9573 4015.343 C +-3954.0017 4015.5144 -3953.9336 4016.4734 -3954.0376 4016.5928 C +-3953.3296 4015.4683 L +-3953.5063 4015.6707 -3953.3608 4016.4214 -3953.2024 4016.74 C +-3953.2759 4016.519 -3952.5903 4016.76 -3952.4016 4016.6487 C +-3952.7017 4016.3875 L +-3951.9023 4016.5579 -3951.9121 4014.8064 -3951.1191 4014.8655 C +-3951.2151 4015.0974 -3951.3562 4016.2952 -3950.9529 4016.4363 C +-3950.7681 4015.8606 -3950.1345 4013.6663 -3949.4329 4013.2227 C +-3949.2983 4013.552 L +-3948.76 4013.1768 L +-3949.0952 4014.0435 -3950.0359 4015.8672 -3950.5496 4016.5767 C +-3950.2505 4016.8374 -3950.4663 4016.9656 -3950.0183 4016.9351 C +-3949.8601 4017.2439 -3950.2625 4017.4031 -3950.3943 4017.4214 C +-3949.3513 4017.6206 L +-3949.3977 4016.948 -3948.5537 4016.9463 -3948.5935 4016.3862 C +-3949.7263 4017.083 L +-3949.7722 4016.4119 -3949.0713 4015.175 -3948.3323 4015.2932 C +-3948.1443 4015.561 -3948.4729 4016.49 -3948.4575 4016.7144 C +-3948.3616 4016.4832 -3947.7561 4016.272 -3947.6882 4016.4363 C +-3948.0017 4016.7959 L +-3947.5903 4017.0486 -3947.3303 4015.9048 -3946.8359 4016.5464 C +-3946.6653 4016.5896 -3946.3264 4017.4119 -3946.2969 4017.0144 C +-3946.5752 4016.2471 -3946.6296 4013.8743 -3946.4441 4013.2979 C +-3946.3843 4013.3499 -3945.5481 4014.031 -3945.3533 4014.4104 C +-3945.0723 4015.012 -3945.7751 4015.844 -3945.5359 4016.3606 C +-3945.5256 4016.1768 -3945.3704 4015.9502 -3945.3057 4015.8772 C +-3945.1265 4016.0342 -3945.3799 4016.4463 -3944.9905 4016.363 C +-3944.9255 4015.6824 -3944.1985 4016.4207 -3944.8064 4015.7871 C +-3944.4255 4015.5923 -3944.4016 4015.9282 -3943.9543 4015.8975 C +-3944.0967 4015.457 -3943.5527 4014.3992 -3943.1711 4014.2039 C +-3943.1936 4014.3772 -3943.1079 4014.603 -3943.0664 4014.7063 C +-3942.2856 4014.7676 -3941.8665 4015.0774 -3941.1384 4015.083 C +-3941.0713 4015.2483 -3940.72 4015.448 -3940.8696 4015.7415 C +-3940.7649 4015.6206 -3940.6687 4015.3894 -3940.4441 4015.373 C +-3940.0095 4015.9624 -3940.9448 4015.4646 -3940.6135 4016.1736 C +-3940.5852 4015.7776 -3940.0327 4015.6262 -3939.7129 4015.3792 C +-3939.8113 4014.7671 -3940.4519 4015.2615 -3940.7722 4015.5088 C +-3940.7737 4014.665 -3940.2161 4013.7815 -3939.4551 4013.3911 C +-3938.8503 4013.1814 -3939.1929 4013.9363 -3939.0879 4013.8167 C +-3937.9519 4013.9639 -3938.1201 4012.343 -3937.1768 4012.9524 C +-3936.8025 4013.4895 -3937.1599 4014.021 -3937.0769 4014.4092 C +-3937.5696 4014.6128 -3937.8333 4014.0679 -3938.1672 4014.0896 C +-3937.7561 4014.344 L +-3937.9128 4014.5232 -3938.2417 4014.6582 -3938.4209 4014.5032 C +-3938.1072 4014.9856 -3936.5017 4014.5952 -3935.6252 4015.041 C +-3935.4695 4014.8616 -3935.2007 4014.6743 -3935.3279 4014.4583 C +-3935.6052 4014.5332 L +-3935.8601 4014.0999 -3935.0833 4013.9336 -3935.4343 4013.7312 C +-3935.0623 4013.4263 -3934.6453 4012.947 -3934.1216 4013.1924 C +-3934.0232 4013.8054 L +-3934.0344 4013.6262 -3934.3655 4013.4407 -3934.5127 4013.6272 c +-3934.2944 4013.355 -3933.7097 4014.457 -3933.4705 4013.6543 C +-3933.8376 4013.2295 L +-3933.4641 4012.9214 -3933.0024 4012.2703 -3932.5383 4012.4639 C +-3932.7495 4011.8584 -3932.6453 4012.5332 -3932.9751 4011.8247 C +-3932.6892 4012.7063 -3934.1624 4011.7876 -3933.7031 4012.7134 C +-3934.0415 4011.8916 -3934.2888 4012.3655 -3934.7312 4011.6638 C +-3934.7175 4011.8662 -3934.5745 4012.051 -3934.9641 4011.9512 C +-3934.9817 4012.0103 -3935.0232 4012.0852 -3935.0496 4012.1294 C +-3935.0615 4012.1243 -3935.0657 4012.1206 -3935.0759 4012.1143 C +-3935.0681 4012.1223 -3935.0623 4012.1311 -3935.0544 4012.1382 C +-3935.0713 4012.1687 -3935.0728 4012.175 -3935.0464 4012.1462 C +-3934.9536 4012.2356 -3934.8784 4012.3416 -3934.8479 4012.4539 C +-3935.0413 4012.9182 -3935.6609 4012.9038 -3935.8704 4013.1443 C +-3936.1016 4013.0479 -3935.7737 4012.9119 -3935.8999 4012.6963 C +-3936.2129 4013.0559 L +-3936.2439 4012.6072 -3936.8271 4012.3096 -3936.2825 4012.0464 C +-3936.7727 4012.0264 L +-3937.0613 4011.7747 -3937.4583 4011.6743 -3937.7031 4011.863 C +-3937.9343 4011.7664 -3938.2871 4012.3606 -3938.0857 4012.0088 C +-3938.8545 4012.2871 L +-3938.8616 4012.175 L +-3939.6201 4012.1184 -3940.4231 4012.9192 -3941.2903 4012.1079 C +-3941.5457 4012.2212 -3941.8096 4012.3599 -3942.2368 4012.2327 C +-3942.3201 4011.844 L +-3942.6479 4011.979 -3943.3047 4011.4551 -3943.4456 4011.8599 C +-3943.7993 4010.8142 -3945.0369 4011.6316 -3945.6135 4011.4463 C +-3945.6353 4011.9536 L +-3946.0322 4011.925 -3946.4128 4012.0696 -3946.9055 4012.2727 C +-3946.8752 4012.7207 L +-3947.3 4013.0884 -3947.9673 4012.4019 -3948.6392 4012.448 C +-3948.5935 4012.2766 -3948.4231 4012.321 -3948.3025 4012.425 C +-3949.1052 4011.4119 -3949.9961 4013.1614 -3950.7241 4012.4236 C +-3950.9055 4012.5872 -3951.0369 4012.531 -3951.1641 4012.4192 C +-39 +endstream endobj 48 0 obj <>stream +51.1472 4012.4175 -3951.1321 4012.4092 -3951.1191 4012.395 C +-3951.1377 4012.3904 -3951.1653 4012.3887 -3951.1936 4012.3894 C +-3951.2737 4012.3123 -3951.3562 4012.2227 -3951.4456 4012.1504 C +-3951.3696 4012.26 -3951.2969 4012.3496 -3951.2336 4012.3911 C +-3951.3735 4012.4004 -3951.5857 4012.4558 -3951.7937 4012.5686 C +-3951.8823 4012.0872 L +-3951.8992 4012.0935 -3951.9128 4012.0923 -3951.9304 4012.1006 C +-3952.1345 4011.9231 -3952.0945 4012.3286 -3951.9856 4012.6912 C +-3952.0903 4012.77 -3952.1863 4012.8655 -3952.2607 4012.9812 C +-3952.4265 4012.2039 -3952.8064 4013.2432 -3953.0327 4012.4143 C +-3953.1729 4012.8184 -3954.0784 4012.7183 -3954.1892 4013.5696 C +-3954.1963 4013.4583 -3954.2576 4013.4055 -3954.1453 4013.3982 C +-3954.3772 4013.3015 -3954.6089 4013.2046 -3954.8169 4013.4446 C +-3954.9153 4012.8323 L +-3955.4216 4013.655 L +-3955.7292 4013.2822 -3955.8567 4013.0652 -3955.5513 4012.5942 C +-3956.2888 4013.3196 -3956.1497 4012.8672 -3956.7769 4013.5852 C +-3956.7463 4013.1895 L +-3956.9705 4013.2046 -3957.3289 4013.7356 -3957.4641 4013.408 C +-3957.9656 4012.655 -3959.9456 4013.304 -3961.2329 4012.604 C +-3960.9832 4013.77 -3961.8313 4012.0823 -3961.8823 4012.9856 C +-3961.9573 4012.7102 -3962.1367 4012.5542 -3961.9282 4012.3152 C +-3962.5852 4012.5852 -3962.9153 4011.8772 -3963.3689 4012.6392 C +-3963.4441 4012.3623 -3963.2283 4012.2356 -3963.2952 4012.071 C +-3963.3479 4012.1311 -3963.5039 4012.311 -3963.5723 4012.1462 c +-3963.6392 4011.9822 -3963.4761 4011.915 -3963.3721 4011.7952 C +-3964.0432 4011.8416 -3964.1111 4012.6912 -3964.1599 4013.4883 C +-3964.5 4013.1111 -3964.6697 4013.1638 -3964.9153 4013.687 C +-3965.0337 4013.4263 -3965.2312 4013.1536 -3964.8142 4013.0598 C +-3965.0488 4013.0215 -3966.2473 4012.6775 -3966.2712 4013.3167 C +-3966.3447 4013.1543 -3966.5991 4013.269 -3966.6609 4013.343 C +-3967.1873 4013.3047 -3967.2336 4013.2471 -3967.7505 4013.3079 C +-3967.6072 4013.4119 L +-3967.8113 4014.1831 -3968.0369 4013.584 -3968.4536 4013.6768 C +-3968.4417 4013.5984 L +-3969.3972 4013.0415 -3968.8542 4013.8643 -3969.7969 4013.229 C +-3969.7456 4013.709 L +-3969.8335 4014.74 -3970.5808 4013.1006 -3971.1279 4013.4951 C +-3970.9304 4013.769 L +-3971.2292 4014.1223 -3971.7656 4012.3662 -3972.0657 4012.2371 C +-3972.1311 4012.1472 -3971.9624 4012.0935 -3971.8711 4012.0276 C +-3972.6567 4011.4182 -3971.9729 4012.655 -3972.5583 4012.8015 C +-3972.6663 4012.4624 -3972.4192 4011.9392 -3972.8132 4011.876 C +-3973.0095 4011.6023 -3973.9561 4012.9768 -3974.4937 4012.3267 C +-3974.3752 4012.5879 -3974.2576 4012.8484 -3974.5295 4013.0447 C +-3974.9463 4013.1382 -3975.6563 4012.0579 -3976.0327 4012.8816 C +-3976.0857 4012.8096 -3976.1057 4012.7415 -3976.1079 4012.6763 C +-3976.4265 4012.8887 -3977.1433 4013.0291 -3977.3352 4013.4756 C +-3977.6296 4011.8191 -3979.3159 4014.2815 -3979.3088 4012.7534 C +-3980.2888 4012.8352 L +-3980.2632 4012.6792 L +-3980.8896 4012.5784 -3981.1111 4012.9446 -3981.3313 4013.311 C +-3981.4761 4013.207 -3981.3704 4013.064 -3981.3584 4012.9846 C +-3982.2737 4012.6763 -3982.3647 4012.7415 -3983.1321 4013.5032 C +-3983.2119 4013.0071 L +-3983.4199 4013.2952 -3984.5352 4012.2295 -3985.4329 4012.8079 C +-3985.4241 4012.751 -3985.4055 4012.655 -3985.3342 4012.5852 C +-3986.3442 4013.167 -3987.7522 4011.2112 -3988.1223 4013.0159 C +-3988.7888 4013.4607 L +-3987.9265 4013.6006 -3988.9172 4014.2444 -3988.5625 4014.5435 C +-3988.9016 4014.6494 -3989.4392 4013.999 -3989.0225 4013.9063 C +-3988.9573 4013.9966 L +-3988.8042 4013.0559 -3990.0288 4013.6631 -3990.0056 4013.0222 C +-3991.7024 4013.0696 -3993.3562 4012.5479 -3994.9456 4012.5078 C +-3994.7625 4013.239 L +-3995.3169 4013.1975 L +-3995.4624 4013.0276 -3995.5122 4012.625 -3995.1167 4012.655 C +-3995.3247 4012.24 -3995.78 4013.0032 -3995.7913 4013.1614 C +-3996.5657 4012.8655 -3995.4888 4012.3086 -3995.7263 4012.291 C +-3996.0488 4012.3455 L +-3995.9761 4012.4312 L +-3996.2375 4012.73 -3996.2607 4013.0471 -3996.7361 4013.0112 C +-3997.0369 4012.8643 -3996.8904 4012.5598 -3997.0088 4012.532 C +-3997.0081 4012.479 -3997.0481 4012.4551 -3997.1904 4012.5103 C +-3997.8889 4012.448 L +-3997.6096 4013.0254 L +-3997.9192 4013.3103 -3998.2664 4012.9951 -3997.9441 4013.6494 c +-3998.4172 4012.6404 -4000.5496 4013.2871 -4000.8401 4012.9744 C +-4001.2737 4013.395 -4001.7017 4013.3875 -4002.2319 4013.3367 C +-4002.1001 4013.457 -4002.0212 4014.1062 -4002.4785 4014.0271 C +-4002.3113 4012.687 -4003.3159 4013.4456 -4003.6855 4012.4812 C +-4003.3552 4013.1206 -4004.9856 4012.6392 -4004.4673 4013.5471 C +-4004.8489 4013.4382 -4004.4905 4013.0454 -4004.78 4012.73 C +-4005.6882 4013.249 -4006.7815 4012.3926 -4007.9041 4012.5679 C +-4007.9216 4012.7444 -4007.7336 4013.0127 -4007.9744 4013.2747 C +-4008.5671 4012.395 L +-4008.7888 4012.4812 -4008.7712 4013.4104 -4009.1763 4012.8 C +-4009.1191 4012.948 -4009.0337 4013.1707 -4009.1824 4013.2271 C +-4011.3816 4012.3704 -4013.6763 4013.9292 -4015.9097 4012.3191 C +-4015.6072 4012.6604 -4015.8088 4012.6936 -4016.0398 4012.7063 C +-4015.8896 4012.7876 -4016.0432 4013.1404 -4016.0137 4013.3792 C +-4016.9487 4012.7168 L +-4017.1191 4013.3784 -4017.9512 4012.7615 -4018.0488 4013.3943 C +-4017.7527 4013.28 L +-4018.1465 4014.0271 -4017.2017 4014.9395 -4017.2593 4015.8975 C +-4016.8184 4015.0486 -4016.0967 4017.1543 -4015.3733 4015.9395 C +-4015.2136 4016.135 -4015.5095 4016.2483 -4015.4241 4016.4702 C +-4015.2407 4016.0598 -4015.0193 4015.9744 -4014.6089 4016.1582 C +-4014.6553 4016.26 L +-4013.5024 4016.1599 -4013.0081 4016.5647 -4011.7129 4016.8342 C +-4011.8088 4016.3606 L +-4011.5305 4016.4236 -4011.4719 4016.5723 -4011.3416 4016.6912 C +-4011.0222 4015.9727 -4012.1233 4016.6504 -4011.8323 4015.8584 C +-4011.4631 4016.8223 -4009.8696 4015.8728 -4009.6201 4016.9683 C +-4009.1919 4016.9744 -4009.7456 4016.4192 -4009.3176 4016.4263 C +-4009.2041 4016.7227 L +-4009.0959 4016.3408 L +-4008.8152 4016.4038 -4008.6736 4016.7747 -4008.6631 4017.0254 C +-4008.7312 4016.9956 -4008.8567 4017.0955 -4008.9297 4017.1172 C +-4008.5657 4017.4663 -4007.9033 4016.9983 -4007.7783 4017.1118 C +-4008.1897 4016.9292 L +-4007.0212 4016.6519 -4005.5945 4017.041 -4004.4656 4016.4382 C +-4004.5513 4016.2151 L +-4003.6892 4015.8015 -4003.8608 4016.4607 -4002.9143 4016.269 C +-4002.9487 4016.3223 L +-4002.7593 4016.0999 -4002.5063 4015.9871 -4002.2473 4016.0127 C +-4002.4863 4016.2747 -4001.7976 4016.521 -4002.1111 4016.811 C +-4001.1763 4016.3672 -4001.6487 4016.4624 -4001.0313 4015.6316 C +-4000.8889 4016.0032 L +-4000.6785 4015.667 -4000.6609 4015.49 -4000.1882 4015.3943 C +-4000.5759 4015.7124 -3999.8865 4015.959 -4000.3208 4016.3799 C +-3999.3289 4017.1912 -3998.8479 4015.561 -3998.3928 4016.7471 C +-3997.9373 4015.7207 -3999.2512 4016.1775 -3998.9961 4015.9575 C +-3999.2097 4015.6223 -3998.6201 4015.1902 -3998.3088 4015.2932 C +-3997.9919 4015.3167 -3997.77 4016.6072 -3996.9729 4016.5872 C +-3997.0522 4016.5823 -3997.0576 4016.6604 -3997.1367 4016.655 C +-3996.8384 4016.917 -3996.5522 4016.3008 -3996.1863 4016.7263 C +-3995.9812 4016.105 -3995.7112 4016.7615 -3995.6521 4015.9702 C +-3996.3833 4016.1536 L +-3995.9688 4015.9463 -3995.5801 4015.02 -3994.8972 4015.4695 C +-3994.9504 4015.6287 -3995.1536 4015.8391 -3995.2932 4015.9558 C +-3995.0935 4016.1895 -3994.9087 4015.8015 -3994.7017 4016.041 C +-3994.7607 4016.8335 -3995.5903 4016.2134 -3996.0344 4016.8174 C +-3995.8201 4017.1519 -3995.1943 4016.2439 -3995.4175 4017.1016 c +-3995.0967 4016.0112 -3994.6321 4017.24 -3994.0923 4016.4063 C +-3994.1279 4016.8806 L +-3994.0425 4016.8064 -3993.8655 4016.5823 -3993.7083 4016.5942 C +-3993.9929 4017.2095 L +-3993.5559 4016.6848 -3993.1504 4017.6692 -3992.7312 4017.3831 C +-3993.6089 4017.3975 -3992.9282 4016.811 -3993.2993 4016.4646 C +-3992.2168 4015.8296 -3992.6768 4017.7063 -3991.4648 4017.4783 C +-3991.6289 4017.5454 -3992.0808 4017.1936 -3991.8242 4016.9734 C +-3991.5935 4017.071 -3991.2888 4017.2534 -3991.1472 4017.5032 C +-3990.3442 4017.4038 -3991.2705 4017.0144 -3990.9287 4016.7224 C +-3990.6553 4017.3008 -3990.5344 4016.4871 -3990.1824 4016.3022 C +-3990.1799 4016.7847 L +-3989.2649 4017.0942 -3989.9373 4015.7791 -3989.1135 4016.1536 C +-3989.4617 4016.8223 L +-3989.0322 4016.6494 L +-3989.1208 4017.1982 L +-3988.6536 4016.791 -3988.5081 4016.896 -3988.0503 4017.0503 C +-3988.1567 4016.7112 -3987.9905 4016.175 -3987.5852 4016.1599 C +-3987.3088 4016.4463 -3987.74 4016.6184 -3987.1655 4016.5496 C +-3987.2952 4016.8511 -3987.4373 4017.23 -3987.6873 4016.7864 C +-3987.7129 4016.9436 -3987.8152 4017.0884 -3987.8416 4017.2444 C +-3987.5439 4017.5735 -3987.0935 4017.3191 -3986.8855 4017.3142 C +-3986.9656 4017.2964 -3987.0613 4017.2703 -3987.1104 4017.2024 C +-3986.2776 4016.5332 L +-3986.1465 4016.7144 -3986.2505 4016.8599 -3986.3535 4017.0032 C +-3986.1848 4016.9502 -3986.0681 4016.7283 -3985.8201 4016.687 C +-3985.8843 4017.0791 -3985.8689 4017.4839 -3986.22 4017.6687 C +-3985.4265 4017.2334 L +-3985.3735 4017.4038 -3985.0193 4017.7024 -3985.1223 4017.8462 C +-3984.6824 4018.0767 -3984.0432 4017.0852 -3983.46 4017.3894 C +-3983.4297 4017.3135 -3983.3689 4017.24 -3983.2449 4017.1848 C +-3982.6968 4017.2732 -3982.2112 4017.7544 -3981.5615 4017.217 C +-3981.1929 4017.9192 L +-3980.6841 4017.7603 -3981.6919 4017.0342 -3980.8447 4016.769 C +-3980.2449 4016.5447 -3980.6208 4017.3687 -3980.4104 4017.564 C +-3980.1121 4017.2102 -3979.5935 4016.4888 -3979.0425 4017.061 C +-3979.2249 4017.1936 -3979.3679 4017.0896 -3979.5383 4017.1416 C +f +1 D +-3973.2632 4016.8296 m +-3973.3848 4016.9312 -3973.6272 4017.2439 -3973.7161 4016.959 C +-3973.5776 4016.4063 -3973.4705 4016.6707 -3973.2632 4016.8296 C +f +-3963.7241 4015.6692 m +-3963.8145 4015.8279 -3963.9543 4015.749 -3964.1121 4015.5667 C +-3963.9976 4015.5271 -3963.8679 4015.5447 -3963.7241 4015.6692 C +f +-3937.1511 4012.3096 m +-3937.1563 4012.3174 -3937.1599 4012.3232 -3937.1641 4012.333 C +-3937.4353 4012.145 -3937.3391 4012.22 -3937.1511 4012.3096 C +f +0 D +-3936.5879 4012.519 m +-3936.5313 4012.4524 -3936.5352 4012.3848 -3936.5591 4012.3174 C +-3936.5984 4012.4392 -3936.7249 4012.448 -3936.8689 4012.4136 C +-3936.8289 4012.5398 -3936.7561 4012.6272 -3936.5879 4012.519 C +f +1 D +-3997.0713 4012.709 m +-3996.9617 4012.8352 L +-3997.2092 4012.9744 -3997.1399 4012.8484 -3997.0713 4012.709 C +f +*U +0 D +-3964.8057 4016.3286 m +-3964.8401 4016.2471 -3964.8496 4016.1575 -3964.8577 4016.0667 C +-3964.9055 4016.1475 -3964.9065 4016.2415 -3964.8057 4016.3286 C +f +-3983.4409 4017.395 m +-3983.4473 4017.3911 -3983.4536 4017.3926 -3983.46 4017.3894 C +-3983.4705 4017.4182 -3983.4761 4017.448 -3983.4792 4017.4768 C +-3983.4409 4017.395 L +f +-3945.3123 4016.6096 m +-3945.4282 4016.5398 -3945.4929 4016.4524 -3945.5359 4016.3606 C +-3945.5422 4016.4783 -3945.4895 4016.5784 -3945.3123 4016.6096 C +f +-3933.6033 4011.6992 m +-3933.9641 4011.8247 L +-3933.7896 4011.8008 -3933.7273 4011.9063 -3933.6392 4011.9832 C +-3933.6472 4011.8704 -3933.7161 4011.707 -3933.6033 4011.6992 C +f +-3930.4719 4014.6848 m +-3930.4192 4014.6255 -3930.3601 4014.6782 -3930.3081 4014.6184 C +-3930.3225 4014.3943 L +-3930.5471 4014.4087 -3930.7041 4014.5896 -3930.4719 4014.6848 C +f +-3933.2693 4013.3022 m +-3933.2407 4013.7083 -3933.0144 4013.5703 -3932.7617 4013.4951 C +-3932.7769 4013.4966 -3932.7913 4013.5 -3932.8064 4013.4951 C +-3932.7319 4012.9282 -3933.0012 4013.1152 -3933.2693 4013.3022 C +f +-3932.7031 4013.4812 m +-3932.6252 4013.4624 -3932.5457 4013.4524 -3932.4695 4013.4712 C +-3932.4399 4013.2439 -3932.5642 4013.4236 -3932.7031 4013.4812 C +f +-3935.8735 4012.25 m +-3935.7537 4012.3542 -3935.7983 4011.7312 -3935.7305 4011.896 C +-3935.5967 4011.3799 -3936.5295 4012.521 -3935.8735 4012.25 C +f +-3933.0647 4014.6392 m +-3933.1553 4014.1382 L +-3933.2969 4014.5422 L +-3933.0647 4014.6392 L +f +-3935.0601 4014.271 m +-3934.6563 4014.4104 L +-3934.6624 4014.3264 -3934.6111 4014.2776 -3934.5481 4014.24 C +-3934.7969 4014.2224 -3935.0696 4014.123 -3935.0601 4014.271 C +f +-3934.5481 4014.24 m +-3934.4185 4014.249 -3934.2952 4014.2383 -3934.2231 4014.1563 C +-3934.2932 4014.1614 -3934.4441 4014.1782 -3934.5481 4014.24 C +f +-3933.6167 4014.7896 m +-3933.7361 4014.6851 L +-3934.0212 4014.6487 L +-3933.6167 4014.7896 L +f +-3939.4009 4014.175 m +-3939.8416 4014.3184 L +-3939.8865 4014.49 -3939.7664 4014.5952 -3939.6023 4014.5271 C +-3939.4968 4014.4072 -3939.3333 4014.3408 -3939.4009 4014.175 C +f +-3938.0681 4015.5471 m +-3938.1873 4015.4431 -3938.1953 4015.3311 -3938.2625 4015.1663 C +-3938.2759 4015.7871 L +-3938.0681 4015.5471 L +f +-3939.3533 4015.6919 m +-3939.3972 4015.8643 -3939.9929 4016.1863 -3939.4343 4016.1475 C +-3939.3896 4015.9768 -3938.9482 4015.8335 -3939.3533 4015.6919 C +f +-3945.9937 4014.9063 m +-3945.8816 4014.8982 L +-3945.8977 4013.8799 L +-3945.9937 4014.9063 L +f +-3951.8464 4017.343 m +-3951.3242 4017.5872 -3951.7224 4016.7144 -3951.2505 4017.019 C +-3951.1279 4016.7783 -3951.6362 4016.7703 -3951.5105 4016.5623 C +-3951.8257 4016.8167 -3951.9912 4016.6736 -3951.8464 4017.343 C +f +-3951.5105 4016.5623 m +-3951.46 4016.5222 -3951.4065 4016.4734 -3951.3496 4016.408 C +-3951.4409 4016.4712 -3951.4839 4016.52 -3951.5105 4016.5623 C +f +-4017.5745 4012.1924 m +-4017.9104 4011.98 L +-4017.6936 4012.3223 L +-4017.5745 4012.1924 L +f +-4018.2192 4012.948 m +-4018.2983 4012.2991 L +-4018.5 4012.8862 L +-4018.4241 4012.8572 -4018.2769 4012.8015 -4018.2192 4012.948 C +f +-3972.3303 4018.1375 m +-3972.3047 4017.9812 L +-3972.3567 4017.8123 -3972.4353 4017.8 -3972.5928 4017.7732 C +-3972.3303 4018.1375 L +f +-3976.8848 4017.6519 m +-3976.8064 4017.665 L +-3976.9529 4017.0784 L +-3976.8848 4017.6519 L +f +-3980.7073 4018.4004 m +-3980.5513 4018.425 -3980.3679 4018.2942 -3980.2112 4018.3196 C +-3980.5513 4018.425 -3980.7495 4017.6692 -3980.7073 4018.4004 C +f +U +9 () XW +U +9 () XW +U +%AI8_EndBrushPattern +%AI8_BeginBrushPattern +(Unnamed Brush Pattern 45) 0 A +0 Xw +u +u +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +-7890 7890 m +-7890 7859.3877 L +-7865.1748 7859.3877 L +-7865.1748 7890 L +-7890 7890 L +n +0 O +0.258488 0.130922 0.134035 0.001434 0.784314 0.823529 0.847059 Xa +-7890 7881.498 m +-7865.1738 7881.498 L +-7865.1738 7880.5142 L +-7890 7880.5142 L +-7890 7881.498 L +f +0.531884 0.324193 0.203311 0.042145 0.513726 0.6 0.694118 Xa +-7890 7880.5176 m +-7865.1738 7880.5176 L +-7865.1738 7873.7935 L +-7890 7873.7935 L +-7890 7880.5176 L +f +0.258488 0.130922 0.134035 0.001434 0.784314 0.823529 0.847059 Xa +-7890 7873.7959 m +-7865.1738 7873.7959 L +-7865.1738 7872.6367 L +-7890 7872.6367 L +-7890 7873.7959 L +f +0.420172 0.234684 0.133211 0.010101 0.627451 0.701961 0.792157 Xa +-7865.1738 7872.6367 m +-7865.1738 7860.5278 L +-7890 7860.5278 L +-7890 7872.6367 L +-7865.1738 7872.6367 L +f +U +9 () XW +U +%AI8_EndBrushPattern +%AI8_BeginBrushPattern +(Unnamed Brush Pattern 47) 0 A +0 Xw +u +u +u +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +-7890 7890 m +-7890 7859.3877 L +-7859.3848 7859.3877 L +-7859.3848 7890 L +-7890 7890 L +n +0 O +0.258488 0.130922 0.134035 0.001434 0.784314 0.823529 0.847059 Xa +-7859.3848 7880.5142 m +-7868.8672 7880.5142 L +-7868.8711 7889.998 L +-7867.8896 7889.998 L +-7867.8896 7881.4951 L +-7859.3848 7881.4951 L +-7859.3848 7880.5142 L +f +0.531884 0.324193 0.203311 0.042145 0.513726 0.6 0.694118 Xa +-7859.3848 7873.7935 m +-7875.5928 7873.791 L +-7875.5928 7890 L +-7868.8672 7890 L +-7868.8672 7880.5132 L +-7859.3848 7880.5132 L +-7859.3848 7873.7935 L +f +0.258488 0.130922 0.134035 0.001434 0.784314 0.823529 0.847059 Xa +-7859.3848 7872.6357 m +-7876.7485 7872.6357 L +-7876.7485 7889.999 L +-7875.5957 7889.999 L +-7875.5957 7873.791 L +-7859.3848 7873.791 L +-7859.3848 7872.6357 L +f +0.420172 0.234684 0.133211 0.010101 0.627451 0.701961 0.792157 Xa +-7859.3848 7860.5244 m +-7888.8594 7860.5244 L +-7888.8594 7889.998 L +-7876.7495 7890 L +-7876.7495 7872.6357 L +-7859.3848 7872.6357 L +-7859.3848 7860.5244 L +f +0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Xa +-7875.5918 7874.1533 m +-7876.7207 7872.6733 l +-7875.5918 7873.7959 l +-7875.5918 7874.1533 l +f +-7867.8896 7881.8096 m +-7868.8232 7880.5615 l +-7867.8896 7881.4951 l +-7867.8896 7881.8096 l +f +U +9 () XW +U +9 () XW +U +%AI8_EndBrushPattern +%AI8_BeginBrushPattern +(Unnamed Brush Pattern 49) 0 A +0 Xw +u +u +u +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +-7890 7890 m +-7859.3335 7890 L +-7859.3335 7859.334 L +-7890 7859.334 L +-7890 7890 L +n +u +u +u +0 O +0.258488 0.130922 0.134035 0.001434 0.784314 0.823529 0.847059 Xa +1 XR +-7881.4219 7889.9688 m +-7880.5039 7889.9688 L +-7880.5039 7868.8013 L +-7859.3389 7868.8013 L +-7859.3389 7867.8853 L +-7881.4219 7867.8853 L +-7881.4219 7889.9688 L +f +0.531884 0.324193 0.203311 0.042145 0.513726 0.6 0.694118 Xa +0 XR +-7880.5039 7889.9688 m +-7873.7539 7889.9688 L +-7873.7539 7875.5527 L +-7859.3389 7875.5527 L +-7859.3389 7876.7173 L +-7859.3389 7876.7173 L +-7859.3389 7868.8013 L +-7880.5039 7868.8013 L +-7880.5039 7889.9688 L +f +0.258488 0.130922 0.134035 0.001434 0.784314 0.823529 0.847059 Xa +1 XR +-7859.3389 7876.7173 m +-7859.3389 7875.5527 L +-7873.7539 7875.5527 L +-7873.7539 7889.9688 L +-7872.5889 7889.9688 L +-7872.5889 7876.7173 L +-7859.3389 7876.7173 L +f +0.420172 0.234684 0.133211 0.010101 0.627451 0.701961 0.792157 Xa +0 XR +-7872.5889 7876.7173 m +-7872.5889 7889.9688 L +-7860.5039 7889.9688 L +-7860.5352 7888.8135 L +-7859.3389 7888.8135 L +-7859.3389 7876.7173 L +-7872.5889 7876.7173 L +f +U +9 () XW +1 Ap +1 XR +-7890 7890 m +-7890 7859.334 L +-7859.3335 7859.334 L +-7859.3335 7890 L +-7890 7890 L +n +U +9 () XW +0 Ap +0 O +0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Xa +0 XR +-7872.5986 7877.0796 m +-7873.7285 7875.6016 l +-7872.5986 7876.7212 L +-7872.5986 7877.0796 l +f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(12.566368) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +-7880.5 7869.1255 m +-7881.3848 7867.9287 l +-7880.5 7868.8101 L +-7880.5 7869.1255 l +f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(12.566368) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +U +9 () XW +U +9 () XW +U +9 () XW +U +%AI8_EndBrushPattern +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI10_BeginSVGFilter +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(140%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (width) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(140%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (height) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : 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(xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(specularConstant) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (specularConstant) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(10) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(specularExponent) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (specularExponent) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(surfaceScale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (surfaceScale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-20000) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(z) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (z) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-5000) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-10000) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(fePointLight) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feSpecularLighting) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k3) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k4) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k1) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(arithmetic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMerge) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (width) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (height) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Alpha_1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (numOctaves) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stitchTiles) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.05) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (baseFrequency) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feTurbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (width) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (height) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Alpha_4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(fractalNoise) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (numOctaves) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stitchTiles) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (baseFrequency) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feTurbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Dehnen_3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(radius) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (radius) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(dilate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMorphology) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Dehnen_6) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(6) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(radius) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (radius) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(dilate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMorphology) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Erodieren_3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(radius) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (radius) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(erode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMorphology) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Erodieren_6) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(6) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(radius) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (radius) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(erode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMorphology) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_GaußscherWeichzeichner_4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_GaußscherWeichzeichner_7) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(7) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(150%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (width) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(150%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (height) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Holzmaserung) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-10%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-10%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dx) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dx) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dy) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dy) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offset) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feOffset) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(flood-color:black; flood-opacity:0.4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(style) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (style) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feFlood) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(shadowColor) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(resultScale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (resultScale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(diffuseConstant) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (diffuseConstant) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(white) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(lighting-color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (lighting-color) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(surfaceScale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (surfaceScale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(diffuse) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(diffuse) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(60) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(elevation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (elevation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(135) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(azimuth) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (azimuth) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(light2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feDistantLight) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feDiffuseLighting) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(specularConstant) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (specularConstant) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(10) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(specularExponent) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (specularExponent) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(white) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(lighting-color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (lighting-color) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(surfaceScale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (surfaceScale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(60) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(elevation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (elevation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(135) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(azimuth) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (azimuth) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(light) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feDistantLight) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feSpecularLighting) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k3) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k4) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k1) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(arithmetic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(diffuse) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k3) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k4) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k1) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(arithmetic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMerge) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(fractalNoise) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(10) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (numOctaves) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stitchTiles) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(.05) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (baseFrequency) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(Turbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feTurbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(matrix) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(values) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (values) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(Grayscale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(Turbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feColorMatrix) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(BlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dx) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dx) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dy) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dy) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(OffsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(BlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feOffset) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(OffsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(CompBlurTurb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(Grayscale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(CompBlurTurb2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attri +endstream endobj 49 0 obj <>stream +butes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1.5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(CompBlurTurb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(CompXferFire) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(Grayscale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(table) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(2 0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(tableValues) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (tableValues) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feFuncR) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(table) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(.7 0 ) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(tableValues) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (tableValues) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feFuncG) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(table) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(.1 0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(tableValues) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (tableValues) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feFuncB) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComponentTransfer) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(CompSourceFire) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(CompXferFire) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(MergeAll) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(CompSourceFire) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMerge) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(110%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (width) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(140%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (height) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_KühleBrise) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-5%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-40%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1.2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(radius) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (radius) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(dilate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(a) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(a) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMorphology) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1.2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(radius) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (radius) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(dilate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(a) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMorphology) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dy) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dy) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feOffset) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(fractalNoise) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (numOctaves) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stitchTiles) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (baseFrequency) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feTurbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(scale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (scale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(A) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(yChannelSelector) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (yChannelSelector) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(R) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(xChannelSelector) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (xChannelSelector) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feDisplacementMap) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(matrix) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(values) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (values) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feColorMatrix) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(freeze) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(fill) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (fill) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(attributeName) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (attributeName) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(5s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(none) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(accumulate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (accumulate) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(replace) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(additive) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (additive) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(begin) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (begin) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(linear) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(calcMode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (calcMode) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(from) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (from) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(to) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (to) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(always) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(restart) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (restart) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(animate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-8) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dy) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dy) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feOffset) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(fractalNoise) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(10) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (numOctaves) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stitchTiles) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.05) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (baseFrequency) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feTurbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(8) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(scale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (scale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(A) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(yChannelSelector) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (yChannelSelector) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(R) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(xChannelSelector) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (xChannelSelector) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feDisplacementMap) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(matrix) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(values) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (values) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feColorMatrix) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(a) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMerge) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(50 50) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterRes) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterRes) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Pixelspiel_1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(remove) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(fill) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (fill) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(indefinite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(repeatDur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (repeatDur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(filterRes) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(attributeName) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (attributeName) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(10s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(none) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(accumulate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (accumulate) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(replace) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(additive) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (additive) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(begin) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (begin) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(spline) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(calcMode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (calcMode) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(always) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(restart) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (restart) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1 1;20 15;200 200; 15 20;1 1 ) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(values) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (values) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(animate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(7) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(compositeOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k3) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k4) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k1) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(arithmetic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(compositeOut1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(compositeOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(compositeOut1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMerge) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(50 50) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterRes) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterRes) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Pixelspiel_2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(remove) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(fill) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (fill) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(indefinite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(repeatDur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (repeatDur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(filterRes) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(attributeName) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (attributeName) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(10s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(none) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(accumulate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (accumulate) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(replace) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(additive) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (additive) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(begin) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (begin) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(linear) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(calcMode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (calcMode) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(always) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(restart) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (restart) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(50 50;20 20;50 50) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(values) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (values) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(animate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(7) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(resultScale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (resultScale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(diffuseConstant) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (diffuseConstant) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(yellow) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(lighting-color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (lighting-color) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(surfaceScale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (surfaceScale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(diffuse) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(diffuse) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(remove) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(fill) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (fill) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(indefinite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(repeatDur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (repeatDur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(lighting-color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(attributeName) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (attributeName) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(15s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(none) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(accumulate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (accumulate) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(replace) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(additive) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (additive) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(begin) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (begin) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(linear) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(calcMode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (calcMode) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(always) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(restart) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (restart) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(yellow;green;blue;indigo;violet;red;orange) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(values) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (values) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(animate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(60) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(elevation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (elevation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(180) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(azimuth) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (azimuth) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feDistantLight) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feDiffuseLighting) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(10) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(specularConstant) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (specularConstant) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(15) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(specularExponent) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (specularExponent) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(red) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(lighting-color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (lighting-color) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(15) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(surfaceScale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (surfaceScale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(remove) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(fill) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (fill) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(indefinite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(repeatDur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (repeatDur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(lighting-color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(attributeName) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (attributeName) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(15s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(none) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(accumulate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (accumulate) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(replace) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(additive) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (additive) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(begin) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (begin) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(linear) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(calcMode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (calcMode) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(always) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(restart) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (restart) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(indigo;green;yellow;blue;violet;red;orange) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(values) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (values) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(animate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(60) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(elevation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (elevation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(180) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(azimuth) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (azimuth) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(light) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feDistantLight) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feSpecularLighting) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k3) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k4) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k1) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(arithmetic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(diffuse) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k3) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k4) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k1) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(arithmetic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMerge) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Schatten_1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dx) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dx) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dy) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dy) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feOffset) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMerge) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(140%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (width) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(130%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (height) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Schatten_2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-15%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-15%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(6) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(8) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dx) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dx) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(8) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dy) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dy) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feOffset) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMerge) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Statisch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(fractalNoise) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(10) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (numOctaves) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stitchTiles) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (baseFrequency) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-att +endstream endobj 50 0 obj <>stream +ributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(remove) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(fill) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (fill) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(indefinite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(repeatDur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (repeatDur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(attributeName) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (attributeName) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(5s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(none) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(accumulate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (accumulate) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(replace) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(additive) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (additive) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(linear) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(calcMode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (calcMode) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(from) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (from) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.7) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(to) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (to) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(always) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(restart) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (restart) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(animate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feTurbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (width) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (height) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Verwirbelung_3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(8) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (numOctaves) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stitchTiles) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.05) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (baseFrequency) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feTurbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (width) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (height) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Verwirbelung_5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(fractalNoise) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (numOctaves) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stitchTiles) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (baseFrequency) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feTurbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +%AI10_EndSVGFilter +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI14_BeginSymbol +(Kombinationsfeld) 0 A +0 Xw +u +u +0 O +9 0.7 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +6.5 -10 m +6.5 -10 L +-10.5 -10 L +-10.5 10 L +6.5 10 L +6.5 10 L +8.15625 10 9.5 8.6582 9.5 7 C +9.5 -7 L +9.5 -8.65625 8.15625 -10 6.5 -10 C +Bb +1 (Unnamed gradient 1) 0 0 -90 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +-0.000001 -20 -24 0.000001 -7879.5 7901 Xm +-0.000001 -23.5 -24 0.000001 -7879.5 7924.5 Bc +-0.000001 -20 -24 0.000001 -7879.5 7901 Bm +-0.000001 -23.5 -24 0.000001 -7879.5 7881 Bc +f +0 BB +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +6.5 -11 m +6.5 -11 L +-10.5 -11 L +-10.5 -10 L +6.5 -10 L +6.5 -10 L +8.15625 -10 9.5 -8.65625 9.5 -7 C +9.5 7 L +9.5 8.6582 8.15625 10 6.5 10 C +6.5 10 L +-9.5 10 L +-10.5 10 L +-10.5 11 L +6.5 11 L +6.5 11 L +8.70898 11 10.5 9.20898 10.5 7 C +10.5 -7 L +10.5 -9.20898 8.70898 -11 6.5 -11 C +Bb +1 (Unnamed gradient 2) 0 0 -90 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +-0.000001 -22 -25 0.000001 -7878.5 7902 Xm +-0.000001 -25 -25 0.000001 -7878.5 7927 Bc +-0.000001 -22 -25 0.000001 -7878.5 7902 Bm +-0.000001 -25 -25 0.000001 -7878.5 7880 Bc +f +0 BB +U +9 () XW +0.690608 0.595209 0.559747 0.655817 0.2 0.2 0.2 Xa +-3.5 -2 m +2.5 -2 L +-0.5 2 l +-3.5 -2 L +f +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_0 17 18 4 0 0 /RealMatrix +%_ (AI13Pattern9SliceScalingGridKey) , +%_5 /Int (AI13PatternRegistrationType) , +%_0 /Bool (AI15PixelPerfectSymbolEnablekey) , +%_1 /Bool (AI13PatternEnableGuides) , +%_2 /Int (AI13PatternExportType) , +%_; +%_ +9 () XW +%AI10_EndSymbol +%AI14_BeginSymbol +(Schaltfläche) 0 A +0 Xw +u +*u +1 D +0 O +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +0 g +28.0005 -11 m +28 -11 L +-28 -11 L +-30.21 -11 -32 -9.20898 -32 -7 C +-32 7 L +-32 9.20801 -30.21 10.999 -28 11 C +28 11 L +28.0005 11 L +30.2085 11 32 9.20898 32 7 C +32 -7 L +32 -9.20898 30.2085 -11 28.0005 -11 C +f +0 D +31 7 m +31 8.6582 29.6563 10 28.0005 10 C +28 10 L +-28 10 L +-29.6572 9.99902 -31 8.65625 -31 7 C +-31 -7 L +-31 -8.65527 -29.6572 -10 -28 -10 C +28 -10 L +28.0005 -10 L +29.6563 -10 31 -8.65625 31 -7 C +31 7 L +Bb +1 (Unnamed gradient 2) 0 0 -90 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +-0.000001 -22 -68 0.000003 -7857 7902 Xm +-0.000001 -25 -68 0.000003 -7857 7927 Bc +-0.000001 -22 -68 0.000003 -7857 7902 Bm +-0.000001 -25 -68 0.000003 -7857 7880 Bc +f +0 BB +*U +9 0.85 0 0 0 Xy +28.0005 -10 m +28 -10 L +28 -10 L +-28 -10 L +-28 -10 L +-29.6572 -10 -31 -8.65527 -31 -7 C +-31 7 L +-31 8.65625 -29.6572 9.99902 -28 10 C +-28 10 L +28 10 L +28 10 L +28.0005 10 l +29.6563 10 31 8.6582 31 7 C +31 -7 L +31 -8.65625 29.6563 -10 28.0005 -10 c +Bb +1 (Unnamed gradient 3) 0 0 -90 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +-0.000001 -20 -66 0.000003 -7858 7901 Xm +-0.000001 -23 -66 0.000003 -7858 7924 Bc +-0.000001 -20 -66 0.000003 -7858 7901 Bm +-0.000001 -23 -66 0.000003 -7858 7881 Bc +f +0 BB +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_4 60 18 4 0 0 /RealMatrix +%_ (AI13Pattern9SliceScalingGridKey) , +%_5 /Int (AI13PatternRegistrationType) , +%_0 /Bool (AI15PixelPerfectSymbolEnablekey) , +%_1 /Bool (AI13PatternEnableGuides) , +%_2 /Int (AI13PatternExportType) , +%_; +%_ +9 () XW +%AI10_EndSymbol +%AI14_BeginSymbol +(Suchen) 0 A +0 Xw +u +1 Ap +0 O +1 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +31 21.5322 m +31 24.0166 17.1211 26.0303 0 26.0303 c +-17.1191 26.0303 -31 24.0166 -31 21.5322 c +-31 19.0459 -17.1191 17.0303 0 17.0303 c +17.1211 17.0303 31 19.0459 31 21.5322 c +Bb +0 0 0 0 Bh +1 (Unnamed gradient 17) 0 0 0 1 1.4762 0 0 0.2143 -3789.1475 6144.7451 1 Bg +30.9986 0 0 -4.50006 -7891 7869.4692 Bm +f +0 BB +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +%_1.4762 0 0 0.2143 -3789.1475 6144.7451 /RealMatrix +%_ (CAIGradientTformMatrix) , +%_; (Adobe_AI9_ArtStyle_Dictionary) , +%_; +%_ +0 1 Xd +Bb +0 0 0 0 Bh +2 (Unnamed gradient 17) 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +0 BB +6 () XW +u +0 Ap +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +10 M -18.4502 21.9706 m +-18.7514 21.9706 -19.0387 21.8438 -19.2384 21.6228 C +-23.965 16.396 L +-24.1564 16.1854 -24.2537 15.9123 -24.2398 15.6264 c +-24.2259 15.3403 -24.1025 15.0776 -23.8923 14.8867 C +-10.655 2.8613 L +-10.4594 2.68388 -10.205 2.58601 -9.93892 2.58601 c +-9.63749 2.58601 -9.35004 2.7128 -9.15027 2.93386 C +-4.42351 8.15868 L +-4.23263 8.36885 -4.13573 8.64198 -4.15001 8.92848 c +-4.16429 9.21497 -4.28761 9.47757 -4.49724 9.66792 C +-17.7366 21.6953 L +-17.9317 21.873 -18.1849 21.9706 -18.4502 21.9706 C +Bb +0 0 0 0 Bh +1 (Unnamed gradient 28) -0.15047 0.64736 0 1.9211 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +18.1731 0 0 -18.1731 -7908.2183 7866.1729 Bm +f +0 BB +u +*u +0.478614 0.312474 0.290532 0.089723 0.54902 0.596078 0.627451 Xa +-9.93896 3.08594 m +-9.84473 3.08594 -9.66504 3.10986 -9.521 3.26953 C +-4.79297 8.49561 L +-4.65771 8.64453 -4.64502 8.81494 -4.64941 8.90381 C +-4.65723 9.05713 -4.72217 9.19678 -4.8335 9.29785 C +-18.0737 21.3262 L +-18.1763 21.4194 -18.3096 21.4707 -18.4502 21.4707 C +-18.5444 21.4707 -18.7236 21.4468 -18.8677 21.2871 C +-23.5957 16.0591 L +-23.8022 15.8315 -23.7842 15.4639 -23.5562 15.2568 C +-10.3193 3.23193 L +-10.2158 3.1377 -10.0806 3.08594 -9.93896 3.08594 C +F +1 D +-9.93896 2.08594 m +-10.3145 2.08594 -10.6919 2.21973 -10.9912 2.49121 C +-24.2285 14.5166 L +-24.8672 15.0967 -24.916 16.0928 -24.3359 16.7314 C +-19.6094 21.958 L +-19.3022 22.2979 -18.877 22.4707 -18.4502 22.4707 C +-18.0747 22.4707 -17.6982 22.3369 -17.4004 22.0654 C +-4.16113 10.0381 L +-3.52441 9.45996 -3.47266 8.46191 -4.05273 7.82324 C +-8.7793 2.59863 L +-9.08643 2.25879 -9.51172 2.08594 -9.93896 2.08594 C +-9.93896 2.08594 L +f +*U +U +0 0 Xd +6 () XW +U +0 0 Xd +6 () XW +%_0 D +%_-24.3359 16.7314 m +%_-24.916 16.0928 -24.8672 15.0967 -24.2285 14.5166 c +%_-10.9912 2.49121 l +%_-10.3516 1.91113 -9.35645 1.95996 -8.7793 2.59863 c +%_-4.05273 7.82324 l +%_-3.47266 8.46191 -3.52441 9.45996 -4.16113 10.0381 c +%_-17.4004 22.0654 l +%_-18.0371 22.6455 -19.0322 22.5967 -19.6094 21.958 c +%_-24.3359 16.7314 l +%_n +1 (Anon) XW +*u +0 O +0 R +0.478614 0.312474 0.290532 0.089723 0.54902 0.596078 0.627451 XA +4 M 0 g +7.40234 -25.5303 m +9.28125 -25.5303 11.1943 -25.2197 13.0703 -24.5713 C +22.1172 -21.4404 26.9102 -11.5713 23.7832 -2.52441 C +21.3018 4.64551 14.5879 9.14551 7.40234 9.14551 C +5.52344 9.14551 3.61328 8.83496 1.73438 8.18652 C +-7.3125 5.05762 -12.1084 -4.81348 -8.97852 -13.8584 C +-6.49707 -21.0283 0.219727 -25.5303 7.40234 -25.5303 C +B +1 D +7.40234 -20.374 m +2.21582 -20.374 -2.40918 -17.0791 -4.1084 -12.1729 C +-5.1709 -9.09863 -4.97363 -5.7959 -3.55176 -2.86816 C +-2.12988 0.055664 0.34668 2.25293 3.42188 3.31738 C +4.71191 3.76465 6.05176 3.99121 7.40234 3.99121 C +12.5889 3.99121 17.2139 0.696289 18.9131 -4.20801 C +19.9756 -7.28223 19.7783 -10.5869 18.3564 -13.5127 C +16.9346 -16.4404 14.458 -18.6377 11.3857 -19.7002 C +11.3857 -19.7002 L +10.0898 -20.1475 8.75 -20.374 7.40234 -20.374 C +7.40234 -20.374 L +Bb +0 0 0 0 Bh +1 (Unnamed gradient 28) 0.007548 0.433959 0 1.40083 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +17.0658 0 0 -17.0658 -7883.3364 7884.1445 Bm +b +2 BB +*U +u +0 D +10 M -8.90137 7.71973 m +-8.35059 7.21973 -7.53711 7.19043 -6.95215 7.59863 C +-9.96973 4.26465 L +-22.5664 15.708 L +-20.3691 18.1377 L +-8.90137 7.71973 L +Bb +1 (Unnamed gradient 7) -3.81729 0 -49.4846 6.03541 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +17.6244 -20.6243 -16.0703 -13.7328 -7910.499 7901.1626 Xm +33.9039 -39.6748 -16.0703 -13.7328 -7944.4028 7940.8374 Bc +17.6244 -20.6243 -16.0703 -13.7328 -7910.499 7901.1626 Bm +33.9039 -39.6748 -16.0703 -13.7328 -7892.8745 7880.5381 Bc +f +0 BB +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_0 /Int (AI10 compound shape mode) , +%_; +%_ +2 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 0 Xd +6 () XW +%_-8.90137 7.71973 m +%_-8.35059 7.21973 -7.53711 7.19043 -6.95215 7.59863 C +%_-9.96973 4.26465 L +%_-22.5664 15.708 L +%_-20.3691 18.1377 L +%_-8.90137 7.71973 L +%_n +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_0 /Int (AI10 compound shape mode) , +%_; +%_ +1 (Anon 437) XW +0 O +4 M 12.5801 -23.1553 m +10.9014 -23.7354 9.16016 -24.0283 7.40234 -24.0283 c +0.65918 -24.0283 -5.35449 -19.7451 -7.56152 -13.3682 c +-9.3125 -8.30762 -8.32813 -2.95605 -5.40723 1.08691 C +-5.00293 -0.069336 -4.43066 -1.18066 -3.72559 -2.23926 C +-3.80273 -2.38379 -3.88965 -2.52051 -3.96191 -2.66895 c +-5.43652 -5.70605 -5.6416 -9.13379 -4.53906 -12.3232 c +-2.77637 -17.4111 2.02148 -20.8291 7.40234 -20.8291 c +8.80078 -20.8291 10.1904 -20.5947 11.5352 -20.1299 c +14.7217 -19.0283 17.291 -16.749 18.7666 -13.7119 c +19.0146 -13.2021 19.2129 -12.6787 19.3887 -12.1494 C +19.7041 -12.1279 20.0215 -12.1143 20.3359 -12.0811 c +21.1885 -11.9932 22.0146 -11.8623 22.8184 -11.7021 C +21.6367 -16.8506 17.9277 -21.3037 12.5801 -23.1553 c +Bb +1 (Unnamed gradient 7) -0.837511 0 -63.554 2.1927 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +19.0977 -38.3947 -33.1435 -16.4857 -7881.2896 7936.3179 Xm +20.434 -41.0812 -33.1435 -16.4857 -7901.7231 7977.3994 Bc +19.0977 -38.3947 -33.1435 -16.4857 -7881.2896 7936.3179 Bm +20.434 -41.0812 -33.1435 -16.4857 -7862.1919 7897.9233 Bc +f +0 BB +-6.4707 -11.915 m +-4.26367 -18.292 1.75 -22.5752 8.49316 -22.5752 c +10.251 -22.5752 11.9922 -22.2822 13.6709 -21.7021 c +16.4521 -20.7393 18.7813 -19.0635 20.5557 -16.9619 C +18.7041 -19.7471 15.9766 -21.9795 12.5801 -23.1553 c +10.9014 -23.7354 9.16016 -24.0283 7.40234 -24.0283 c +0.65918 -24.0283 -5.35449 -19.7451 -7.56152 -13.3682 c +-9.45313 -7.90137 -8.14941 -2.10254 -4.66309 2.02637 C +-7.30762 -1.9502 -8.14941 -7.06348 -6.4707 -11.915 c +Bb +1 (Unnamed gradient 7) -0.284451 0 -62.8867 1.31311 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +11.6282 -22.7105 -32.3312 -16.5542 -7877.5737 7926.2744 Xm +13.8263 -27.0035 -32.3312 -16.5542 -7891.3999 7953.2778 Bc +11.6282 -22.7105 -32.3312 -16.5542 -7877.5737 7926.2744 Bm +13.8263 -27.0035 -32.3312 -16.5542 -7865.9453 7903.564 Bc +f +0 BB +u +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +10 M -9.12402 5.19824 m +-9.96973 4.26465 L +-22.5664 15.708 L +-21.7207 16.6436 L +-9.12402 5.19824 L +Bb +1 (Unnamed gradient 7) -0.125225 0 -65.913 1.33255 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +3.53784 -7.91375 -18.7709 -8.3915 -7899.1191 7888.4551 Xm +11.3559 -25.4018 -18.7709 -8.3915 -7910.4751 7913.8569 Bc +3.53784 -7.91375 -18.7709 -8.3915 -7899.1191 7888.4551 Bm +11.3559 -25.4018 -18.7709 -8.3915 -7895.5815 7880.541 Bc +f +0 BB +U +2 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 0 Xd +6 () XW +%_-9.12402 5.19824 m +%_-9.96973 4.26465 L +%_-22.5664 15.708 L +%_-21.7207 16.6436 L +%_-9.12402 5.19824 L +%_n +1 (Anon 438) XW +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_15.5 46.5 39.0454 13.0151 0 0 /RealMatrix +%_ (AI13Pattern9SliceScalingGridKey) , +%_5 /Int (AI13PatternRegistrationType) , +%_0 /Bool (AI15PixelPerfectSymbolEnablekey) , +%_0 /Bool (AI13PatternEnableGuides) , +%_2 /Int (AI13PatternExportType) , +%_; +%_ +9 () XW +%AI10_EndSymbol +%AI14_BeginSymbol +(Textbereich) 0 A +0 Xw +u +1 Ap +0 R +0.702296 0.157443 0 0 0.2 0.662745 0.882353 XA +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 0.991358 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +77.5 45.5 m +-77.5 45.5 L +-77.5 -45.5 L +77.5 -45.5 L +77.5 45.5 L +s +0 0.6 0 0 0 Xy +1.00864 w 78.5 46.5 m +-78.5 46.5 L +-78.5 -46.5 L +78.5 -46.5 L +78.5 46.5 L +s +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_2.0811 156.0811 91.4609 2.4609 0 0 /RealMatrix +%_ (AI13Pattern9SliceScalingGridKey) , +%_5 /Int (AI13PatternRegistrationType) , +%_0 /Bool (AI15PixelPerfectSymbolEnablekey) , +%_1 /Bool (AI13PatternEnableGuides) , +%_2 /Int (AI13PatternExportType) , +%_; +%_ +9 () XW +%AI10_EndSymbol +%AI14_BeginSymbol +(Texteingabe) 0 A +0 Xw +u +0 Ap +0 R +0.702296 0.157443 0 0 0.2 0.662745 0.882353 XA +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +77.5 11.5 m +-77.5 11.5 L +-77.5 -11.5 L +77.5 -11.5 L +77.5 11.5 L +s +0 0.6 0 0 0 Xy +78.5 12.5 m +-78.5 12.5 L +-78.5 -12.5 L +78.5 -12.5 L +78.5 12.5 L +s +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_1.7002 155.7002 24 2 0 0 /RealMatrix +%_ (AI13Pattern9SliceScalingGridKey) , +%_5 /Int (AI13PatternRegistrationType) , +%_0 /Bool (AI15PixelPerfectSymbolEnablekey) , +%_1 /Bool (AI13PatternEnableGuides) , +%_2 /Int (AI13PatternExportType) , +%_; +%_ +9 () XW +%AI10_EndSymbol +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI8_BeginPluginObject +(Adobe Brush Manager Order) +(Adobe Brush Manager Order) +( Adobe Calligraphic Brush Tool/ Rund - 3 Pt./ Adobe Calligraph) - +(ic Brush Tool/ Rund - 10 Pt./ Adobe Calligraphic Brush Tool/ O) - +(val - 3 Pt./ Adobe ArtOnPath Brush Tool/ Kohle - Feder/ Adobe ) - +(dBrush Brush Tool/ Stupfpinsel/ Adobe PatternOnPath Brush Tool) - +(/ Silber/) . +%AI8_EndPluginObject +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI8_BeginPluginObject +(Adobe dBrush Brush Tool) +(Stupfpinsel) +(0 4 0.75 0.75 0.33 0.75 1 3 AI_BristleBrushLibary_CS5 02_Round) - +(_Blunt) . +%AI8_EndPluginObject +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI8_BeginPluginObject +(Adobe Calligraphic Brush Tool) +(Oval - 3 Pt.) +(1 3 3 26 74 15 15 0 1 0 0) . +%AI8_EndPluginObject +%AI8_BeginPluginObject +(Adobe Calligraphic Brush Tool) +(Rund - 10 Pt.) +(1 10 10 100 100 0 0 1 0 0 0) . +%AI8_EndPluginObject +%AI8_BeginPluginObject +(Adobe Calligraphic Brush Tool) +(Rund - 3 Pt.) +(1 3 3 100 100 0 0 0 0 0 0) . +%AI8_EndPluginObject +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI8_BeginPluginObject +(Adobe ArtOnPath Brush Tool) +(Kohle - Feder) +(2 / Unnamed 6/ / / / / 0 1 / 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1) . +%AI8_EndPluginObject +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI8_BeginPluginObject +(Adobe PatternOnPath Brush Tool) +(Silber) +(2 / Unnamed Brush Pattern 45/ Unnamed Brush Pattern 49/ Unname) - +(d Brush Pattern 47/ / / 5 0.623529 0.67451 0.737255 / 1 0 1 0) - +( 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0) . +%AI8_EndPluginObject +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI9_BeginArtStyles +/KnownStyle : +(Anon) /Name , +/ActiveStyle : +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Adobe Stroke Offset) 1 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +(Illustrator.exe) /PluginFileName , +(Konturverschiebung: Live-Effekt) /Title , +2 /FillOrStroke , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +(Inside) /String (DisplayString) , +/StrokeStyle : 0 R +0.478614 0.312474 0.290532 0.089723 0.54902 0.596078 0.627451 XA +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +1 0 Xd +/Def ; + (StrokeStyle) , +1 /Bool (StrokeOffsetInside) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +; + /Part , +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +/FillStyle : 0 O +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +Bb +0 0 0 0 Bh +2 (Unnamed gradient 28) -0.15047 0.64736 0 1.9211 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +0 BB +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + +/Execution ; + /Def ; +/KnownStyle : +(Anon 437) /Name , +/ActiveStyle : +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Adobe Stroke Offset) 1 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +(Illustrator.exe) /PluginFileName , +(Konturverschiebung: Live-Effekt) /Title , +2 /FillOrStroke , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +(Inside) /String (DisplayString) , +/StrokeStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 0 Xd +/Def ; + (StrokeStyle) , +1 /Bool (StrokeOffsetInside) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +; + /Part , +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +/FillStyle : 0 O +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +Bb +2 (Unnamed gradient 7) -3.81729 0 -49.4846 6.03541 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +0 BB +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 2 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + +/Execution ; + /Def ; +/KnownStyle : +(Anon 438) /Name , +/ActiveStyle : +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Adobe Stroke Offset) 1 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +(Illustrator.exe) /PluginFileName , +(Konturverschiebung: Live-Effekt) /Title , +2 /FillOrStroke , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +(Inside) /String (DisplayString) , +/StrokeStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 0 Xd +/Def ; + (StrokeStyle) , +1 /Bool (StrokeOffsetInside) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +; + /Part , +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +/FillStyle : 0 O +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +Bb +2 (Unnamed gradient 7) -0.125225 0 -65.913 1.33255 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +0 BB +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 2 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + +/Execution ; + /Def ; +/KnownStyle : +(Jive_GS) /Name , +/ActiveStyle : +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +2 /FillOrStroke , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/StrokeStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 0 Xd +/Def ; + (StrokeStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +/FillStyle : 0 O +(Jive) 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 [0 1.47 -1.47 0 3405.7441 19244.7109] p +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +/FillStyle : 0 O +0.389013 0.068635 0.08426 0 0.65098 0.815686 0.894118 Xa +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + +/Execution ; + /Def ; +/KnownStyle : +(Schein nach außen - 5 Pt.) /Name , +/ActiveStyle : +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +2 /FillOrStroke , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/StrokeStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 0 Xd +/Def ; + (StrokeStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +/FillStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 0 Xd +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Adobe Outer Glow) 1 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +(Drop Shadow.aip) /PluginFileName , +(Schein nach au\337en) /Title , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/FillStyle : 0 O +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 Xa +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +/Def ; + (sclr) , +0.75 /Real (opac) , +5 /Real (blur) , +2 /Int (blnd) , +1 /Bool (usePSLBlur) , +16 /Int (Adobe Effect Expand Before Version) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + +/Execution ; + /Def ; +/KnownStyle : +(Schlagschatten) /Name , +/ActiveStyle : +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +2 /FillOrStroke , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/StrokeStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 0 Xd +/Def ; + (StrokeStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +/FillStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 0 Xd +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Adobe Drop Shadow) 1 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +(Drop Shadow.aip) /PluginFileName , +(Schlagschatten) /Title , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +1 /Int (csrc) , +/FillStyle : 0 O +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 Xa +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +/Def ; + (sclr) , +1 /Bool (pair) , +0.75 /Real (opac) , +50 /Real (dark) , +5 /Real (blur) , +1 /Int (blnd) , +7 /Real (vert) , +7 /Real (horz) , +1 /Bool (usePSLBlur) , +16 /Int (Adobe Effect Expand Before Version) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + +/Execution ; + /Def ; +/KnownStyle : +([Standard]) /Name , +/SimpleStyle : +0 O +0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Xa +0 R +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 XA +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +1 1 Xd +/Paint ; + /Def ; +%AI9_EndArtStyles +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_BeginPalette +0 0 Pb +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 ([Passermarken]) 0 1 Xz +([Passermarken]) +Pc +0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Xa +(Weiß) +Pc +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 Xa +(Schwarz) +Pc +0 0.94641 0.916289 0 1 0 0 Xa +(RGB Rot) +Pc +0.096254 0 0.951965 0 1 1 0 Xa +(RGB Gelb) +Pc +0.647547 0 1 0 0 1 0 Xa +(RGB Grün) +Pc +0.570733 0 0.153567 0 0 1 1 Xa +(RGB Cyan) +Pc +0.934081 0.745846 0 0 0 0 1 Xa +(RGB Blau) +Pc +0.409979 0.77676 0 0 1 0 1 Xa +(RGB Magenta) +Pc +0.168978 0.950286 0.823636 0.068666 0.756863 0.152941 0.176471 Xa +(R=193 G=39 B=45) +Pc +0 0.946624 0.85211 0 0.929412 0.109804 0.141176 Xa +(R=237 G=28 B=36) +Pc +0 0.752956 0.887388 0 0.945098 0.352941 0.141176 Xa +(R=241 G=90 B=36) +Pc +0 0.501823 0.907988 0 0.968627 0.576471 0.117647 Xa +(R=247 G=147 B=30) +Pc +0 0.365637 0.819852 0 0.984314 0.690196 0.231373 Xa +(R=251 G=176 B=59) +Pc +0.065736 0 0.852628 0 0.988235 0.933333 0.129412 Xa +(R=252 G=238 B=33) +Pc +0.231907 0 0.892332 0 0.85098 0.878431 0.129412 Xa +(R=217 G=224 B=33) +Pc +0.524254 0 0.880919 0 0.54902 0.776471 0.247059 Xa +(R=140 G=198 B=63) +Pc +0.718288 0 0.876951 0 0.223529 0.709804 0.290196 Xa +(R=57 G=181 B=74) +Pc +0.842954 0.14374 0.926757 0.021576 0 0.572549 0.270588 Xa +(R=0 G=146 B=69) +Pc +0.899077 0.322972 0.925994 0.247654 0 0.407843 0.215686 Xa +(R=0 G=104 B=55) +Pc +0.735958 0 0.689784 0 0.133333 0.709804 0.45098 Xa +(R=34 G=181 B=115) +Pc +0.766171 0.045533 0.450782 0 0 0.662745 0.615686 Xa +(R=0 G=169 B=157) +Pc +0.709987 0.132143 0.001953 0 0.160784 0.670588 0.886275 Xa +(R=41 G=171 B=226) +Pc +0.866178 0.492958 0 0 0 0.443137 0.737255 Xa +(R=0 G=113 B=188) +Pc +0.975586 0.89572 0 0.000824 0.180392 0.192157 0.572549 Xa +(R=46 G=49 B=146) +Pc +1 0.970001 0.322484 0.218753 0.105882 0.078431 0.392157 Xa +(R=27 G=20 B=100) +Pc +0.755703 0.923125 0 0.000031 0.4 0.176471 0.568627 Xa +(R=102 G=45 B=145) +Pc +0.5393 0.930297 0 0 0.576471 0.152941 0.560784 Xa +(R=147 G=39 B=143) +Pc +0.323583 1 0.236301 0.1673 0.619608 0 0.364706 Xa +(R=158 G=0 B=93) +Pc +0.097993 0.983551 0.407263 0.020691 0.831373 0.078431 0.352941 Xa +(R=212 G=20 B=90) +Pc +0 0.935058 0.142763 0 0.929412 0.117647 0.47451 Xa +(R=237 G=30 B=121) +Pc +0.220859 0.272648 0.389227 0.061189 0.780392 0.698039 0.6 Xa +(R=199 G=178 B=153) +Pc +0.354864 0.386694 0.466072 0.211734 0.6 0.52549 0.458824 Xa +(R=153 G=134 B=117) +Pc +0.446387 0.47068 0.52636 0.380346 0.45098 0.388235 0.341176 Xa +(R=115 G=99 B=87) +Pc +0.535302 0.542443 0.552728 0.542199 0.32549 0.278431 0.254902 Xa +(R=83 G=71 B=65) +Pc +0.204685 0.376715 0.593042 0.084871 0.776471 0.611765 0.427451 Xa +(R=198 G=156 B=109) +Pc +0.280308 0.462287 0.671046 0.207126 0.65098 0.486275 0.321569 Xa +(R=166 G=124 B=82) +Pc +0.324376 0.536675 0.760494 0.329229 0.54902 0.384314 0.223529 Xa +(R=140 G=98 B=57) +Pc +0.359228 0.605188 0.857359 0.451545 0.458824 0.298039 0.141176 Xa +(R=117 G=76 B=36) +Pc +0.391424 0.683131 0.943023 0.57116 0.376471 0.219608 0.07451 Xa +(R=96 G=56 B=19) +Pc +0.474617 0.7467 0.825315 0.730831 0.258824 0.129412 0.043137 Xa +(R=66 G=33 B=11) +Pc +Bb +2 (Weiß, Schwarz) 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +0 BB +(Weiß, Schwarz) +Pc +Bb +2 (Goldstaub) 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +0 BB +(Goldstaub) +Pc +Bb +2 (Blauer Himmel) 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +0 BB +(Blauer Himmel) +Pc +(Jive) 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 [1 0 0 1 0 0] p +(Jive) +Pc +1 (Kalt) 1 Pg +0.584497 0 0.222965 0 0.396078 0.784314 0.815686 Xa +(C=56 M=0 Y=20 K=0) +Pc +0.55404 0.445533 0 0 0.513726 0.545098 0.772549 Xa +(C=51 M=43 Y=0 K=0) +Pc +0.313512 0.439063 0.001465 0 0.729412 0.607843 0.788235 Xa +(C=26 M=41 Y=0 K=0) +Pc +1 (Graustufen) 1 Pg +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 Xa +(R=0 G=0 B=0) +Pc +0.762295 0.667414 0.60705 0.828763 0.101961 0.101961 0.101961 Xa +(R=26 G=26 B=26) +Pc +0.690608 0.595209 0.559747 0.655817 0.2 0.2 0.2 Xa +(R=51 G=51 B=51) +Pc +0.620386 0.5234 0.503532 0.47776 0.301961 0.301961 0.301961 Xa +(R=77 G=77 B=77) +Pc +0.559442 0.453803 0.448554 0.326848 0.4 0.4 0.4 Xa +(R=102 G=102 B=102) +Pc +0.492378 0.386633 0.38529 0.202182 0.501961 0.501961 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+ + + application/pdf + + + Nord Docs - Nord Repository Color Palettes + + + + + Arctic Ice Studio + + + + + Copyright (C) 2018-present Arctic Ice Studio (https://www.arcticicestudio.com) Copyright (C) 2018-present Sven Greb (https://www.svengreb.de) + + + + + Adobe Illustrator CS6 (Windows) + 2019-03-16T11:29:22+01:00 + 2019-03-16T13:37:44+01:00 + 2019-03-16T13:37:44+01:00 + + + + 240 + 256 + JPEG + /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAgEASABIAAD/7QAsUGhvdG9zaG9wIDMuMAA4QklNA+0AAAAAABAASAAAAAEA AQBIAAAAAQAB/+4ADkFkb2JlAGTAAAAAAf/bAIQABgQEBAUEBgUFBgkGBQYJCwgGBggLDAoKCwoK DBAMDAwMDAwQDA4PEA8ODBMTFBQTExwbGxscHx8fHx8fHx8fHwEHBwcNDA0YEBAYGhURFRofHx8f Hx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8fHx8f/8AAEQgBAADwAwER AAIRAQMRAf/EAaIAAAAHAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAQFAwIGAQAHCAkKCwEAAgIDAQEBAQEAAAAAAAAA AQACAwQFBgcICQoLEAACAQMDAgQCBgcDBAIGAnMBAgMRBAAFIRIxQVEGE2EicYEUMpGhBxWxQiPB UtHhMxZi8CRygvElQzRTkqKyY3PCNUQnk6OzNhdUZHTD0uIIJoMJChgZhJRFRqS0VtNVKBry4/PE 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proof:pdf + + + + + saved + xmp.iid:EDD037E1CC47E911803FFC57C7C44ED3 + 2019-03-16T11:29:23+01:00 + Adobe Illustrator CS6 (Windows) + / + + + + + + Basic RGB + Document + + + 1 + False + False + + 888.000000 + 800.000000 + Pixels + + + + Cyan + Magenta + Yellow + Black + + + + + + Standard-Farbfeldgruppe + 0 + + + + Weiß + RGB + PROCESS + 255 + 255 + 255 + + + Schwarz + RGB + PROCESS + 0 + 0 + 0 + + + RGB Rot + RGB + PROCESS + 255 + 0 + 0 + + + RGB Gelb + RGB + PROCESS + 255 + 255 + 0 + + + RGB Grün + RGB + PROCESS + 0 + 255 + 0 + + + RGB Cyan + RGB + PROCESS + 0 + 255 + 255 + + + RGB Blau + RGB + PROCESS + 0 + 0 + 255 + + + RGB Magenta + RGB + PROCESS + 255 + 0 + 255 + + + R=193 G=39 B=45 + RGB + PROCESS + 193 + 39 + 45 + + + R=237 G=28 B=36 + RGB + PROCESS + 237 + 28 + 36 + + + R=241 G=90 B=36 + RGB + PROCESS + 241 + 90 + 36 + + + R=247 G=147 B=30 + RGB + PROCESS + 247 + 147 + 30 + + + R=251 G=176 B=59 + RGB + PROCESS + 251 + 176 + 59 + + + R=252 G=238 B=33 + RGB + PROCESS + 252 + 238 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+2.734 2.121 2.986 1.969 3.215 1.756 c +3.441 1.545 3.623 1.264 3.758 0.916 c +3.893 0.568 3.961 0.141 3.961 -0.369 c +3.961 -0.725 l +0 -0.725 l +0.02 -1.307 0.186 -1.754 0.496 -2.063 c +0.807 -2.373 1.209 -2.527 1.701 -2.527 c +2.031 -2.527 2.314 -2.457 2.551 -2.314 c +2.787 -2.174 2.959 -1.961 3.064 -1.676 c +3.875 -1.902 l +3.748 -2.314 3.492 -2.648 3.107 -2.9 c +2.725 -3.154 2.256 -3.281 1.701 -3.281 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 367.6094 59.2529 cm +0 0 m +0.391 0 0.711 0.113 0.965 0.342 c +1.219 0.57 1.346 0.873 1.348 1.25 c +1.346 1.619 1.221 1.914 0.975 2.137 c +0.727 2.359 0.402 2.471 0 2.471 c +-0.408 2.471 -0.736 2.359 -0.982 2.137 c +-1.23 1.914 -1.354 1.619 -1.35 1.25 c +-1.354 0.873 -1.229 0.57 -0.977 0.342 c +-0.723 0.113 -0.398 0 0 0 c +0 -3.453 m +0.492 -3.453 0.881 -3.334 1.17 -3.1 c +1.457 -2.863 1.602 -2.551 1.604 -2.16 c +1.602 -1.885 1.531 -1.643 1.391 -1.432 c +1.252 -1.221 1.061 -1.055 0.82 -0.936 c +0.578 -0.814 0.305 -0.754 0 -0.754 c +-0.312 -0.754 -0.59 -0.814 -0.832 -0.936 c +-1.074 -1.055 -1.264 -1.221 -1.402 -1.432 c +-1.541 -1.643 -1.607 -1.885 -1.605 -2.16 c +-1.607 -2.551 -1.467 -2.863 -1.18 -3.1 c +-0.893 -3.334 -0.5 -3.453 0 -3.453 c +0 -4.234 m +-0.49 -4.234 -0.922 -4.146 -1.293 -3.973 c +-1.666 -3.799 -1.955 -3.559 -2.164 -3.252 c +-2.371 -2.945 -2.475 -2.596 -2.473 -2.203 c +-2.475 -1.896 -2.414 -1.613 -2.291 -1.35 c +-2.168 -1.088 -2 -0.867 -1.785 -0.691 c +-1.57 -0.516 -1.332 -0.402 -1.066 -0.355 c +-1.066 -0.312 l +-1.414 -0.223 -1.691 -0.027 -1.896 0.275 c +-2.104 0.576 -2.205 0.92 -2.203 1.307 c +-2.205 1.676 -2.111 2.006 -1.922 2.297 c +-1.732 2.588 -1.471 2.818 -1.139 2.986 c +-0.807 3.154 -0.428 3.238 0 3.238 c +0.42 3.238 0.797 3.154 1.129 2.986 c +1.459 2.818 1.721 2.588 1.912 2.297 c +2.102 2.006 2.199 1.676 2.201 1.307 c +2.199 0.92 2.094 0.576 1.887 0.275 c +1.68 -0.027 1.406 -0.223 1.064 -0.312 c +1.064 -0.355 l +1.324 -0.402 1.561 -0.516 1.773 -0.691 c +1.984 -0.867 2.154 -1.088 2.279 -1.35 c +2.404 -1.613 2.469 -1.896 2.471 -2.203 c +2.469 -2.596 2.363 -2.945 2.152 -3.252 c +1.943 -3.559 1.654 -3.799 1.283 -3.973 c +0.912 -4.146 0.484 -4.234 0 -4.234 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 373.6738 55.0049 cm +0 0 m +-0.512 0 -0.951 0.121 -1.32 0.363 c +-1.691 0.604 -1.975 0.936 -2.174 1.359 c +-2.373 1.783 -2.473 2.268 -2.473 2.813 c +-2.473 3.367 -2.369 3.855 -2.164 4.281 c +-1.959 4.705 -1.674 5.039 -1.305 5.279 c +-0.937 5.52 -0.508 5.639 -0.014 5.639 c +0.369 5.639 0.715 5.568 1.023 5.426 c +1.33 5.285 1.582 5.086 1.779 4.83 c +1.975 4.574 2.098 4.275 2.145 3.936 c +1.307 3.936 l +1.242 4.184 1.102 4.404 0.883 4.598 c +0.664 4.789 0.369 4.887 0 4.887 c +-0.49 4.887 -0.885 4.699 -1.184 4.328 c +-1.484 3.955 -1.633 3.459 -1.633 2.842 c +-1.633 2.209 -1.486 1.703 -1.189 1.322 c +-0.895 0.943 -0.498 0.754 0 0.754 c +0.326 0.754 0.605 0.838 0.84 1.006 c +1.072 1.174 1.229 1.406 1.307 1.705 c +2.145 1.705 l +2.098 1.383 1.98 1.094 1.795 0.836 c +1.609 0.58 1.363 0.375 1.061 0.227 c +0.756 0.076 0.402 0 0 0 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 269.9585 58.2861 cm +0 0 m +3.107 0 l +3.107 0.461 2.973 0.844 2.703 1.148 c +2.434 1.453 2.07 1.605 1.615 1.605 c +1.297 1.605 1.02 1.531 0.785 1.381 c +0.551 1.232 0.365 1.035 0.23 0.791 c +0.096 0.545 0.02 0.281 0 0 c +1.701 -3.281 m +1.176 -3.281 0.723 -3.164 0.344 -2.932 c +-0.037 -2.697 -0.33 -2.371 -0.535 -1.951 c +-0.738 -1.531 -0.842 -1.041 -0.842 -0.482 c +-0.842 0.076 -0.738 0.568 -0.535 0.996 c +-0.33 1.424 -0.043 1.758 0.324 1.998 c +0.693 2.238 1.123 2.357 1.615 2.357 c +1.9 2.357 2.18 2.311 2.457 2.217 c +2.734 2.121 2.986 1.969 3.215 1.756 c +3.441 1.545 3.623 1.264 3.758 0.916 c +3.893 0.568 3.959 0.141 3.959 -0.369 c +3.959 -0.725 l +0 -0.725 l +0.02 -1.307 0.184 -1.754 0.496 -2.063 c +0.807 -2.373 1.209 -2.527 1.701 -2.527 c +2.029 -2.527 2.313 -2.457 2.551 -2.314 c +2.787 -2.174 2.959 -1.961 3.064 -1.676 c +3.875 -1.902 l +3.746 -2.314 3.49 -2.648 3.107 -2.9 c +2.725 -3.154 2.256 -3.281 1.701 -3.281 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 276.021 57.8467 cm +0 0 m +0 -0.619 0.133 -1.121 0.402 -1.508 c +0.672 -1.895 1.057 -2.088 1.562 -2.088 c +1.912 -2.088 2.205 -1.996 2.441 -1.811 c +2.676 -1.625 2.854 -1.373 2.973 -1.057 c +3.094 -0.74 3.152 -0.389 3.152 0 c +3.152 0.383 3.094 0.729 2.977 1.037 c +2.859 1.348 2.684 1.592 2.447 1.773 c +2.213 1.955 1.916 2.045 1.562 2.045 c +1.051 2.045 0.662 1.857 0.396 1.48 c +0.133 1.104 0 0.609 0 0 c +-0.824 -2.729 m +-0.824 4.545 l +0.014 4.545 l +0.014 1.859 l +0.084 1.859 l +0.146 1.955 0.232 2.076 0.342 2.225 c +0.451 2.371 0.611 2.504 0.818 2.621 c +1.025 2.738 1.307 2.797 1.662 2.797 c +2.121 2.797 2.525 2.684 2.875 2.453 c +3.227 2.223 3.5 1.898 3.696 1.477 c +3.893 1.055 3.991 0.559 3.991 -0.016 c +3.991 -0.592 3.893 -1.092 3.696 -1.516 c +3.5 -1.937 3.227 -2.264 2.879 -2.496 c +2.531 -2.727 2.131 -2.842 1.676 -2.842 c +1.324 -2.842 1.045 -2.783 0.834 -2.666 c +0.623 -2.549 0.461 -2.414 0.348 -2.264 c +0.234 -2.115 0.146 -1.99 0.084 -1.891 c +-0.016 -1.891 l +-0.016 -2.729 l +h +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 283.5059 55.0049 cm +0 0 m +-0.51 0 -0.951 0.121 -1.32 0.363 c +-1.689 0.604 -1.975 0.936 -2.172 1.359 c +-2.371 1.783 -2.471 2.268 -2.471 2.813 c +-2.471 3.367 -2.369 3.855 -2.164 4.281 c +-1.959 4.705 -1.672 5.039 -1.305 5.279 c +-0.936 5.52 -0.506 5.639 -0.014 5.639 c +0.369 5.639 0.715 5.568 1.023 5.426 c +1.332 5.285 1.584 5.086 1.779 4.83 c +1.977 4.574 2.098 4.275 2.146 3.936 c +1.307 3.936 l +1.244 4.184 1.102 4.404 0.883 4.598 c +0.664 4.789 0.369 4.887 0 4.887 c +-0.49 4.887 -0.885 4.699 -1.184 4.328 c +-1.482 3.955 -1.633 3.459 -1.633 2.842 c +-1.633 2.209 -1.484 1.703 -1.189 1.322 c +-0.893 0.943 -0.496 0.754 0 0.754 c +0.328 0.754 0.607 0.838 0.84 1.006 c +1.074 1.174 1.229 1.406 1.307 1.705 c +2.146 1.705 l +2.098 1.383 1.982 1.094 1.795 0.836 c +1.609 0.58 1.365 0.375 1.061 0.227 c +0.756 0.076 0.402 0 0 0 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 287.6973 57.8467 cm +0 0 m +0 -0.619 0.133 -1.121 0.402 -1.508 c +0.672 -1.895 1.057 -2.088 1.562 -2.088 c +1.912 -2.088 2.205 -1.996 2.441 -1.811 c +2.676 -1.625 2.854 -1.373 2.973 -1.057 c +3.094 -0.74 3.152 -0.389 3.152 0 c +3.152 0.383 3.094 0.729 2.977 1.037 c +2.859 1.348 2.684 1.592 2.447 1.773 c +2.213 1.955 1.916 2.045 1.562 2.045 c +1.051 2.045 0.662 1.857 0.396 1.48 c +0.133 1.104 0 0.609 0 0 c +-0.824 -2.729 m +-0.824 4.545 l +0.014 4.545 l +0.014 1.859 l +0.084 1.859 l +0.146 1.955 0.232 2.076 0.342 2.225 c +0.451 2.371 0.611 2.504 0.818 2.621 c +1.025 2.738 1.307 2.797 1.662 2.797 c +2.121 2.797 2.525 2.684 2.875 2.453 c +3.227 2.223 3.5 1.898 3.695 1.477 c +3.893 1.055 3.99 0.559 3.99 -0.016 c +3.99 -0.592 3.893 -1.092 3.695 -1.516 c +3.5 -1.937 3.227 -2.264 2.879 -2.496 c +2.531 -2.727 2.131 -2.842 1.676 -2.842 c +1.324 -2.842 1.045 -2.783 0.834 -2.666 c +0.623 -2.549 0.461 -2.414 0.348 -2.264 c +0.234 -2.115 0.146 -1.99 0.084 -1.891 c +-0.016 -1.891 l +-0.016 -2.729 l +h +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 295.2812 59.2529 cm +0 0 m +0.391 0 0.713 0.113 0.967 0.342 c +1.221 0.57 1.348 0.873 1.35 1.25 c +1.348 1.619 1.223 1.914 0.975 2.137 c +0.729 2.359 0.402 2.471 0 2.471 c +-0.406 2.471 -0.734 2.359 -0.98 2.137 c +-1.229 1.914 -1.352 1.619 -1.35 1.25 c +-1.352 0.873 -1.227 0.57 -0.975 0.342 c +-0.723 0.113 -0.396 0 0 0 c +0 -3.453 m +0.492 -3.453 0.883 -3.334 1.17 -3.1 c +1.459 -2.863 1.604 -2.551 1.605 -2.16 c +1.604 -1.885 1.533 -1.643 1.393 -1.432 c +1.254 -1.221 1.062 -1.055 0.82 -0.936 c +0.58 -0.814 0.307 -0.754 0 -0.754 c +-0.312 -0.754 -0.59 -0.814 -0.83 -0.936 c +-1.072 -1.055 -1.262 -1.221 -1.4 -1.432 c +-1.539 -1.643 -1.607 -1.885 -1.605 -2.16 c +-1.607 -2.551 -1.465 -2.863 -1.178 -3.1 c +-0.893 -3.334 -0.498 -3.453 0 -3.453 c +0 -4.234 m +-0.49 -4.234 -0.92 -4.146 -1.293 -3.973 c +-1.664 -3.799 -1.953 -3.559 -2.162 -3.252 c +-2.371 -2.945 -2.473 -2.596 -2.471 -2.203 c +-2.473 -1.896 -2.412 -1.613 -2.289 -1.35 c +-2.166 -1.088 -1.998 -0.867 -1.783 -0.691 c +-1.57 -0.516 -1.33 -0.402 -1.064 -0.355 c +-1.064 -0.312 l +-1.412 -0.223 -1.689 -0.027 -1.896 0.275 c +-2.102 0.576 -2.203 0.92 -2.201 1.307 c +-2.203 1.676 -2.109 2.006 -1.92 2.297 c +-1.73 2.588 -1.471 2.818 -1.137 2.986 c +-0.805 3.154 -0.426 3.238 0 3.238 c +0.422 3.238 0.799 3.154 1.129 2.986 c +1.461 2.818 1.723 2.588 1.912 2.297 c +2.104 2.006 2.199 1.676 2.203 1.307 c +2.199 0.92 2.096 0.576 1.889 0.275 c +1.682 -0.027 1.406 -0.223 1.066 -0.312 c +1.066 -0.355 l +1.326 -0.402 1.562 -0.516 1.773 -0.691 c +1.986 -0.867 2.154 -1.088 2.281 -1.35 c +2.406 -1.613 2.471 -1.896 2.473 -2.203 c +2.471 -2.596 2.363 -2.945 2.154 -3.252 c +1.945 -3.559 1.654 -3.799 1.285 -3.973 c +0.914 -4.146 0.486 -4.234 0 -4.234 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 299.9551 57.8467 cm +0 0 m +0 -0.619 0.135 -1.121 0.402 -1.508 c +0.672 -1.895 1.059 -2.088 1.562 -2.088 c +1.912 -2.088 2.205 -1.996 2.441 -1.811 c +2.678 -1.625 2.854 -1.373 2.975 -1.057 c +3.094 -0.74 3.152 -0.389 3.152 0 c +3.152 0.383 3.094 0.729 2.977 1.037 c +2.859 1.348 2.684 1.592 2.449 1.773 c +2.213 1.955 1.918 2.045 1.562 2.045 c +1.051 2.045 0.662 1.857 0.398 1.48 c +0.133 1.104 0 0.609 0 0 c +-0.824 -2.729 m +-0.824 4.545 l +0.014 4.545 l +0.014 1.859 l +0.086 1.859 l +0.146 1.955 0.232 2.076 0.342 2.225 c +0.453 2.371 0.611 2.504 0.818 2.621 c +1.025 2.738 1.307 2.797 1.662 2.797 c +2.121 2.797 2.525 2.684 2.877 2.453 c +3.227 2.223 3.5 1.898 3.697 1.477 c +3.893 1.055 3.992 0.559 3.992 -0.016 c +3.992 -0.592 3.893 -1.092 3.697 -1.516 c +3.5 -1.937 3.229 -2.264 2.879 -2.496 c +2.531 -2.727 2.131 -2.842 1.676 -2.842 c +1.326 -2.842 1.045 -2.783 0.834 -2.666 c +0.623 -2.549 0.461 -2.414 0.348 -2.264 c +0.234 -2.115 0.146 -1.99 0.086 -1.891 c +-0.014 -1.891 l +-0.014 -2.729 l +h +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 202.7124 59.3271 cm +0 0 m +-0.266 0.377 -0.652 0.564 -1.164 0.564 c +-1.52 0.564 -1.814 0.475 -2.051 0.293 c +-2.285 0.111 -2.463 -0.133 -2.58 -0.443 c +-2.697 -0.752 -2.756 -1.098 -2.756 -1.48 c +-2.756 -1.869 -2.695 -2.221 -2.576 -2.537 c +-2.457 -2.854 -2.279 -3.105 -2.043 -3.291 c +-1.809 -3.477 -1.516 -3.568 -1.164 -3.568 c +-0.66 -3.568 -0.273 -3.375 -0.006 -2.988 c +0.264 -2.602 0.398 -2.1 0.398 -1.48 c +0.398 -0.871 0.266 -0.377 0 0 c +0.412 -4.209 m +0.412 -3.371 l +0.312 -3.371 l +0.252 -3.471 0.164 -3.596 0.051 -3.744 c +-0.064 -3.895 -0.227 -4.029 -0.436 -4.146 c +-0.646 -4.264 -0.928 -4.322 -1.277 -4.322 c +-1.732 -4.322 -2.135 -4.207 -2.482 -3.977 c +-2.83 -3.744 -3.102 -3.418 -3.299 -2.996 c +-3.496 -2.572 -3.594 -2.072 -3.594 -1.496 c +-3.594 -0.922 -3.496 -0.426 -3.299 -0.004 c +-3.102 0.418 -2.828 0.742 -2.479 0.973 c +-2.129 1.203 -1.723 1.316 -1.264 1.316 c +-0.908 1.316 -0.627 1.258 -0.42 1.141 c +-0.213 1.023 -0.055 0.891 0.055 0.744 c +0.166 0.596 0.252 0.475 0.312 0.379 c +0.385 0.379 l +0.385 3.064 l +1.223 3.064 l +1.223 -4.209 l +h +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 207.8257 55.7998 cm +0 0 m +0.531 0 0.943 0.256 1.236 0.768 c +1.529 1.279 1.678 2.008 1.678 2.955 c +1.678 3.9 1.529 4.631 1.232 5.148 c +0.937 5.666 0.525 5.924 0 5.924 c +-0.525 5.924 -0.936 5.666 -1.232 5.148 c +-1.527 4.631 -1.676 3.9 -1.676 2.955 c +-1.676 2.008 -1.527 1.279 -1.232 0.768 c +-0.939 0.256 -0.527 0 0 0 c +0 -0.781 m +-0.803 -0.781 -1.424 -0.455 -1.865 0.195 c +-2.307 0.848 -2.527 1.768 -2.527 2.955 c +-2.527 4.135 -2.305 5.051 -1.859 5.707 c +-1.414 6.363 -0.795 6.691 0 6.691 c +0.797 6.691 1.416 6.363 1.861 5.707 c +2.307 5.051 2.529 4.135 2.529 2.955 c +2.529 1.768 2.309 0.848 1.867 0.195 c +1.426 -0.455 0.803 -0.781 0 -0.781 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 214.0347 59.2529 cm +0 0 m +0.391 0 0.711 0.113 0.965 0.342 c +1.219 0.57 1.346 0.873 1.348 1.25 c +1.346 1.619 1.221 1.914 0.975 2.137 c +0.727 2.359 0.402 2.471 0 2.471 c +-0.408 2.471 -0.736 2.359 -0.982 2.137 c +-1.23 1.914 -1.354 1.619 -1.35 1.25 c +-1.354 0.873 -1.229 0.57 -0.977 0.342 c +-0.723 0.113 -0.398 0 0 0 c +0 -3.453 m +0.492 -3.453 0.881 -3.334 1.17 -3.1 c +1.457 -2.863 1.602 -2.551 1.604 -2.16 c +1.602 -1.885 1.531 -1.643 1.391 -1.432 c +1.252 -1.221 1.061 -1.055 0.82 -0.936 c +0.578 -0.814 0.305 -0.754 0 -0.754 c +-0.312 -0.754 -0.59 -0.814 -0.832 -0.936 c +-1.074 -1.055 -1.264 -1.221 -1.402 -1.432 c +-1.541 -1.643 -1.607 -1.885 -1.605 -2.16 c +-1.607 -2.551 -1.467 -2.863 -1.18 -3.1 c +-0.893 -3.334 -0.5 -3.453 0 -3.453 c +0 -4.234 m +-0.49 -4.234 -0.922 -4.146 -1.293 -3.973 c +-1.666 -3.799 -1.955 -3.559 -2.164 -3.252 c +-2.371 -2.945 -2.475 -2.596 -2.473 -2.203 c +-2.475 -1.896 -2.414 -1.613 -2.291 -1.35 c +-2.168 -1.088 -2 -0.867 -1.785 -0.691 c +-1.57 -0.516 -1.332 -0.402 -1.066 -0.355 c +-1.066 -0.312 l +-1.414 -0.223 -1.691 -0.027 -1.896 0.275 c +-2.104 0.576 -2.205 0.92 -2.203 1.307 c +-2.205 1.676 -2.111 2.006 -1.922 2.297 c +-1.732 2.588 -1.471 2.818 -1.139 2.986 c +-0.807 3.154 -0.428 3.238 0 3.238 c +0.42 3.238 0.797 3.154 1.129 2.986 c +1.459 2.818 1.721 2.588 1.912 2.297 c +2.102 2.006 2.199 1.676 2.201 1.307 c +2.199 0.92 2.094 0.576 1.887 0.275 c +1.68 -0.027 1.406 -0.223 1.064 -0.312 c +1.064 -0.355 l +1.324 -0.402 1.561 -0.516 1.773 -0.691 c +1.984 -0.867 2.154 -1.088 2.279 -1.35 c +2.404 -1.613 2.469 -1.896 2.471 -2.203 c +2.469 -2.596 2.363 -2.945 2.152 -3.252 c +1.943 -3.559 1.654 -3.799 1.283 -3.973 c +0.912 -4.146 0.484 -4.234 0 -4.234 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 218.0952 55.1182 cm +0 0 m +3.254 6.436 l +3.254 6.492 l +-0.496 6.492 l +-0.496 7.273 l +4.162 7.273 l +4.162 6.449 l +0.924 0 l +h +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 224.0054 55.1182 cm +0 0 m +3.252 6.436 l +3.252 6.492 l +-0.498 6.492 l +-0.498 7.273 l +4.162 7.273 l +4.162 6.449 l +0.922 0 l +h +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 231.7026 55.7998 cm +0 0 m +0.531 0 0.943 0.256 1.236 0.768 c +1.529 1.279 1.678 2.008 1.678 2.955 c +1.678 3.9 1.529 4.631 1.232 5.148 c +0.937 5.666 0.525 5.924 0 5.924 c +-0.525 5.924 -0.936 5.666 -1.232 5.148 c +-1.527 4.631 -1.676 3.9 -1.676 2.955 c +-1.676 2.008 -1.527 1.279 -1.232 0.768 c +-0.939 0.256 -0.527 0 0 0 c +0 -0.781 m +-0.803 -0.781 -1.424 -0.455 -1.865 0.195 c +-2.307 0.848 -2.527 1.768 -2.527 2.955 c +-2.527 4.135 -2.305 5.051 -1.859 5.707 c +-1.414 6.363 -0.795 6.691 0 6.691 c +0.797 6.691 1.416 6.363 1.861 5.707 c +2.307 5.051 2.529 4.135 2.529 2.955 c +2.529 1.768 2.309 0.848 1.867 0.195 c +1.426 -0.455 0.803 -0.781 0 -0.781 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 129.3853 57.8467 cm +0 0 m +0 -0.619 0.134 -1.121 0.402 -1.508 c +0.672 -1.895 1.058 -2.088 1.562 -2.088 c +1.912 -2.088 2.205 -1.996 2.441 -1.811 c +2.677 -1.625 2.854 -1.373 2.974 -1.057 c +3.094 -0.74 3.152 -0.389 3.152 0 c +3.152 0.383 3.094 0.729 2.977 1.037 c +2.859 1.348 2.684 1.592 2.448 1.773 c +2.213 1.955 1.917 2.045 1.562 2.045 c +1.051 2.045 0.662 1.857 0.397 1.48 c +0.133 1.104 0 0.609 0 0 c +-0.824 -2.729 m +-0.824 4.545 l +0.014 4.545 l +0.014 1.859 l +0.085 1.859 l +0.146 1.955 0.232 2.076 0.342 2.225 c +0.452 2.371 0.611 2.504 0.818 2.621 c +1.025 2.738 1.307 2.797 1.662 2.797 c +2.121 2.797 2.525 2.684 2.876 2.453 c +3.227 2.223 3.5 1.898 3.696 1.477 c +3.893 1.055 3.991 0.559 3.991 -0.016 c +3.991 -0.592 3.893 -1.092 3.696 -1.516 c +3.5 -1.937 3.228 -2.264 2.879 -2.496 c +2.531 -2.727 2.131 -2.842 1.676 -2.842 c +1.325 -2.842 1.045 -2.783 0.834 -2.666 c +0.623 -2.549 0.461 -2.414 0.348 -2.264 c +0.234 -2.115 0.146 -1.99 0.085 -1.891 c +-0.015 -1.891 l +-0.015 -2.729 l +h +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 137.0835 60.5732 cm +0 0 m +0 -0.711 l +-1.222 -0.711 l +-1.222 -5.455 l +-2.06 -5.455 l +-2.06 -0.711 l +-2.94 -0.711 l +-2.94 0 l +-2.06 0 l +-2.06 0.752 l +-2.06 1.064 -1.985 1.326 -1.839 1.533 c +-1.692 1.742 -1.502 1.898 -1.268 2.002 c +-1.033 2.107 -0.786 2.158 -0.525 2.158 c +-0.319 2.158 -0.151 2.143 -0.021 2.109 c +0.108 2.076 0.206 2.045 0.271 2.018 c +0.028 1.293 l +-0.015 1.307 -0.073 1.324 -0.147 1.346 c +-0.222 1.367 -0.319 1.377 -0.44 1.377 c +-0.718 1.377 -0.917 1.309 -1.038 1.168 c +-1.161 1.029 -1.222 0.824 -1.222 0.555 c +-1.222 0 l +h +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 140.6626 55.7998 cm +0 0 m +0.299 0 0.566 0.076 0.805 0.225 c +1.043 0.373 1.23 0.574 1.369 0.824 c +1.508 1.076 1.577 1.355 1.577 1.662 c +1.577 1.963 1.51 2.236 1.377 2.484 c +1.242 2.732 1.06 2.93 0.826 3.076 c +0.594 3.223 0.327 3.297 0.029 3.297 c +-0.271 3.297 -0.543 3.219 -0.784 3.064 c +-1.025 2.912 -1.217 2.709 -1.359 2.459 c +-1.502 2.211 -1.574 1.939 -1.576 1.648 c +-1.578 1.357 -1.512 1.086 -1.373 0.838 c +-1.236 0.588 -1.049 0.385 -0.812 0.232 c +-0.576 0.078 -0.305 0 0 0 c +0 -0.781 m +-0.298 -0.775 -0.596 -0.719 -0.895 -0.609 c +-1.192 -0.502 -1.465 -0.316 -1.711 -0.059 c +-1.957 0.201 -2.154 0.553 -2.305 0.996 c +-2.453 1.441 -2.527 1.998 -2.527 2.672 c +-2.527 3.963 -2.293 4.959 -1.821 5.658 c +-1.35 6.355 -0.705 6.705 0.114 6.705 c +0.725 6.705 1.232 6.527 1.636 6.17 c +2.039 5.811 2.285 5.346 2.373 4.773 c +1.506 4.773 l +1.426 5.107 1.27 5.383 1.037 5.6 c +0.806 5.816 0.498 5.924 0.114 5.924 c +-0.449 5.924 -0.893 5.678 -1.216 5.187 c +-1.539 4.695 -1.701 4.004 -1.704 3.111 c +-1.646 3.111 l +-1.448 3.412 -1.193 3.648 -0.884 3.82 c +-0.574 3.992 -0.231 4.078 0.143 4.078 c +0.559 4.078 0.94 3.975 1.286 3.768 c +1.632 3.559 1.908 3.273 2.117 2.91 c +2.325 2.547 2.43 2.131 2.43 1.662 c +2.43 1.213 2.329 0.801 2.128 0.428 c +1.926 0.057 1.645 -0.24 1.281 -0.459 c +0.918 -0.678 0.49 -0.785 0 -0.781 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 146.771 62.3916 cm +0 0 m +0 -7.273 l +-0.838 -7.273 l +-0.838 -1.279 l +-0.895 -1.279 l +-0.931 -1.346 -1.017 -1.42 -1.152 -1.504 c +-1.288 -1.588 -1.466 -1.662 -1.683 -1.725 c +-1.901 -1.787 -2.149 -1.818 -2.429 -1.818 c +-2.429 -1.08 l +-2.147 -1.08 -1.903 -1.029 -1.697 -0.928 c +-1.491 -0.826 -1.319 -0.705 -1.181 -0.568 c +-1.042 -0.432 -0.937 -0.307 -0.864 -0.195 c +-0.792 -0.084 -0.751 -0.02 -0.738 0 c +h +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 151.2739 55.7998 cm +0 0 m +0.299 0 0.566 0.076 0.805 0.225 c +1.043 0.373 1.23 0.574 1.369 0.824 c +1.508 1.076 1.576 1.355 1.576 1.662 c +1.576 1.963 1.51 2.236 1.376 2.484 c +1.242 2.732 1.059 2.93 0.826 3.076 c +0.593 3.223 0.326 3.297 0.028 3.297 c +-0.271 3.297 -0.543 3.219 -0.785 3.064 c +-1.026 2.912 -1.218 2.709 -1.359 2.459 c +-1.502 2.211 -1.574 1.939 -1.576 1.648 c +-1.579 1.357 -1.512 1.086 -1.374 0.838 c +-1.236 0.588 -1.05 0.385 -0.812 0.232 c +-0.576 0.078 -0.305 0 0 0 c +0 -0.781 m +-0.299 -0.775 -0.597 -0.719 -0.895 -0.609 c +-1.193 -0.502 -1.465 -0.316 -1.711 -0.059 c +-1.957 0.201 -2.155 0.553 -2.305 0.996 c +-2.453 1.441 -2.528 1.998 -2.528 2.672 c +-2.528 3.963 -2.293 4.959 -1.822 5.658 c +-1.351 6.355 -0.705 6.705 0.113 6.705 c +0.725 6.705 1.232 6.527 1.635 6.17 c +2.039 5.811 2.285 5.346 2.372 4.773 c +1.506 4.773 l +1.426 5.107 1.27 5.383 1.037 5.6 c +0.805 5.816 0.497 5.924 0.113 5.924 c +-0.449 5.924 -0.893 5.678 -1.217 5.187 c +-1.539 4.695 -1.702 4.004 -1.705 3.111 c +-1.647 3.111 l +-1.449 3.412 -1.194 3.648 -0.885 3.82 c +-0.574 3.992 -0.232 4.078 0.143 4.078 c +0.559 4.078 0.939 3.975 1.285 3.768 c +1.631 3.559 1.908 3.273 2.117 2.91 c +2.324 2.547 2.43 2.131 2.43 1.662 c +2.43 1.213 2.328 0.801 2.127 0.428 c +1.926 0.057 1.644 -0.24 1.28 -0.459 c +0.917 -0.678 0.49 -0.785 0 -0.781 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 156.8423 55.7432 cm +0 0 m +0.332 0 0.611 0.066 0.84 0.195 c +1.068 0.326 1.241 0.494 1.358 0.699 c +1.476 0.906 1.534 1.123 1.534 1.35 c +1.534 2.117 l +1.498 2.074 1.421 2.035 1.301 2.002 c +1.182 1.967 1.045 1.937 0.89 1.912 c +0.734 1.889 0.584 1.867 0.438 1.85 c +0.293 1.832 0.176 1.816 0.086 1.805 c +-0.133 1.775 -0.336 1.73 -0.523 1.668 c +-0.712 1.605 -0.863 1.512 -0.979 1.387 c +-1.094 1.264 -1.15 1.094 -1.15 0.881 c +-1.15 0.59 -1.043 0.371 -0.826 0.223 c +-0.609 0.074 -0.334 0 0 0 c +-0.128 -0.752 m +-0.474 -0.752 -0.787 -0.687 -1.068 -0.555 c +-1.351 -0.424 -1.574 -0.232 -1.74 0.016 c +-1.906 0.266 -1.988 0.568 -1.988 0.924 c +-1.988 1.236 -1.928 1.49 -1.805 1.686 c +-1.681 1.881 -1.516 2.033 -1.311 2.145 c +-1.104 2.256 -0.877 2.34 -0.627 2.396 c +-0.377 2.451 -0.125 2.496 0.128 2.529 c +0.459 2.572 0.729 2.605 0.936 2.633 c +1.143 2.658 1.295 2.699 1.391 2.754 c +1.486 2.811 1.534 2.906 1.534 3.041 c +1.534 3.393 1.439 3.668 1.25 3.865 c +1.061 4.064 0.771 4.162 0.383 4.162 c +-0.017 4.162 -0.33 4.074 -0.558 3.9 c +-0.785 3.725 -0.945 3.537 -1.037 3.338 c +-1.832 3.623 l +-1.69 3.953 -1.5 4.213 -1.262 4.398 c +-1.024 4.584 -0.764 4.715 -0.48 4.789 c +-0.198 4.863 0.08 4.9 0.355 4.9 c +0.53 4.9 0.732 4.881 0.961 4.84 c +1.189 4.797 1.41 4.713 1.625 4.586 c +1.839 4.457 2.018 4.264 2.159 4.006 c +2.301 3.748 2.372 3.402 2.372 2.969 c +2.372 -0.625 l +1.534 -0.625 l +1.534 0.113 l +1.492 0.113 l +1.435 -0.004 1.34 -0.131 1.207 -0.266 c +1.074 -0.4 0.898 -0.516 0.678 -0.609 c +0.458 -0.705 0.189 -0.752 -0.128 -0.752 c +f +Q +0.749 0.38 0.416 rg +q 1 0 0 1 179.0024 74.3916 cm +0 0 m +0 75 l +-60.002 75 l +-66.594 75 -71.99 69.609 -72 63.02 c +-72 0 l +h +f +Q +0.816 0.529 0.439 rg +250.501 74.392 -72.999 75 re +f +0.922 0.796 0.545 rg +322.502 74.392 -73 75 re +f +0.639 0.745 0.549 rg +394.502 74.392 -73 75 re +f +0.706 0.557 0.678 rg +q 1 0 0 1 454.834 149.3916 cm +0 0 m +-60.832 0 l +-60.832 -75 l +12.166 -75 l +12.166 -12 l +12.166 -5.4 6.689 0 0 0 c +f +Q +0.847 0.871 0.914 rg +431 163.892 -288 1 re +f +0.298 0.337 0.416 rg +q 1 0 0 1 259.4409 187.6885 cm +0 0 m +5.48 0 l +2.74 7.18 l +h +-3.42 -4.76 m +-3.5 -4.68 -3.539 -4.588 -3.539 -4.48 c +-3.5 -4.26 l +1.461 8.68 l +1.566 8.973 1.781 9.119 2.1 9.119 c +3.381 9.119 l +3.701 9.119 3.914 8.973 4.02 8.68 c +8.98 -4.26 l +9.02 -4.48 l +9.02 -4.588 8.977 -4.68 8.891 -4.76 c +8.803 -4.84 8.707 -4.881 8.6 -4.881 c +7.66 -4.881 l +7.527 -4.881 7.416 -4.844 7.33 -4.77 c +7.244 -4.697 7.187 -4.621 7.16 -4.541 c +6.041 -1.66 l +-0.58 -1.66 l +-1.68 -4.541 l +-1.787 -4.768 -1.953 -4.881 -2.18 -4.881 c +-3.141 -4.881 l +-3.246 -4.881 -3.34 -4.84 -3.42 -4.76 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 271.1616 183.8389 cm +0 0 m +-0.693 0.82 -1.041 1.91 -1.041 3.27 c +-1.041 8.91 l +-1.041 9.043 -0.996 9.152 -0.91 9.24 c +-0.824 9.326 -0.713 9.369 -0.58 9.369 c +0.34 9.369 l +0.473 9.369 0.582 9.326 0.67 9.24 c +0.756 9.152 0.801 9.043 0.801 8.91 c +0.801 3.369 l +0.801 1.342 1.68 0.33 3.439 0.33 c +4.293 0.33 4.971 0.6 5.471 1.139 c +5.971 1.68 6.221 2.422 6.221 3.369 c +6.221 8.91 l +6.221 9.043 6.264 9.152 6.35 9.24 c +6.436 9.326 6.547 9.369 6.68 9.369 c +7.6 9.369 l +7.732 9.369 7.844 9.326 7.93 9.24 c +8.016 9.152 8.061 9.043 8.061 8.91 c +8.061 -0.57 l +8.061 -0.703 8.016 -0.814 7.93 -0.9 c +7.844 -0.988 7.732 -1.031 7.6 -1.031 c +6.74 -1.031 l +6.605 -1.031 6.496 -0.988 6.41 -0.9 c +6.322 -0.814 6.279 -0.703 6.279 -0.57 c +6.279 0.33 l +5.893 -0.191 5.439 -0.58 4.92 -0.84 c +4.4 -1.1 3.74 -1.23 2.939 -1.23 c +1.674 -1.23 0.693 -0.82 0 0 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 282.3516 182.9385 cm +0 0 m +-0.086 0.086 -0.129 0.197 -0.129 0.33 c +-0.129 9.789 l +-0.129 9.924 -0.086 10.037 0 10.129 c +0.088 10.223 0.197 10.27 0.33 10.27 c +1.17 10.27 l +1.316 10.27 1.434 10.227 1.52 10.141 c +1.607 10.053 1.65 9.936 1.65 9.789 c +1.65 8.91 l +2.197 9.816 3.123 10.27 4.43 10.27 c +5.211 10.27 l +5.357 10.27 5.471 10.23 5.551 10.15 c +5.631 10.07 5.67 9.957 5.67 9.811 c +5.67 9.07 l +5.67 8.936 5.631 8.826 5.551 8.74 c +5.471 8.652 5.357 8.609 5.211 8.609 c +4.07 8.609 l +3.338 8.609 2.76 8.396 2.34 7.971 c +1.92 7.543 1.711 6.963 1.711 6.23 c +1.711 0.33 l +1.711 0.197 1.664 0.086 1.57 0 c +1.477 -0.088 1.363 -0.131 1.23 -0.131 c +0.33 -0.131 l +0.197 -0.131 0.088 -0.088 0 0 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 295.791 184.9189 cm +0 0 m +0.5 0.539 0.771 1.316 0.811 2.33 c +0.824 2.463 0.83 2.717 0.83 3.09 c +0.83 3.463 0.824 3.717 0.811 3.85 c +0.771 4.863 0.5 5.639 0 6.18 c +-0.5 6.719 -1.176 6.99 -2.029 6.99 c +-2.883 6.99 -3.559 6.719 -4.059 6.18 c +-4.559 5.639 -4.83 4.863 -4.869 3.85 c +-4.889 3.09 l +-4.869 2.33 l +-4.83 1.316 -4.559 0.539 -4.059 0 c +-3.559 -0.541 -2.883 -0.811 -2.029 -0.811 c +-1.176 -0.811 -0.5 -0.541 0 0 c +-5.42 -1.07 m +-6.213 -0.244 -6.637 0.855 -6.689 2.229 c +-6.709 3.09 l +-6.689 3.949 l +-6.637 5.322 -6.207 6.422 -5.398 7.25 c +-4.592 8.076 -3.469 8.49 -2.029 8.49 c +-0.59 8.49 0.533 8.076 1.34 7.25 c +2.146 6.422 2.578 5.322 2.631 3.949 c +2.658 3.656 2.67 3.369 2.67 3.09 c +2.67 2.809 2.658 2.523 2.631 2.229 c +2.578 0.855 2.154 -0.244 1.361 -1.07 c +0.566 -1.898 -0.562 -2.311 -2.029 -2.311 c +-3.496 -2.311 -4.627 -1.898 -5.42 -1.07 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 301.1113 182.9385 cm +0 0 m +-0.086 0.086 -0.129 0.197 -0.129 0.33 c +-0.129 9.789 l +-0.129 9.924 -0.086 10.037 0 10.129 c +0.088 10.223 0.197 10.27 0.33 10.27 c +1.17 10.27 l +1.316 10.27 1.434 10.227 1.52 10.141 c +1.607 10.053 1.65 9.936 1.65 9.789 c +1.65 8.91 l +2.197 9.816 3.123 10.27 4.43 10.27 c +5.211 10.27 l +5.357 10.27 5.471 10.23 5.551 10.15 c +5.631 10.07 5.67 9.957 5.67 9.811 c +5.67 9.07 l +5.67 8.936 5.631 8.826 5.551 8.74 c +5.471 8.652 5.357 8.609 5.211 8.609 c +4.07 8.609 l +3.338 8.609 2.76 8.396 2.34 7.971 c +1.92 7.543 1.711 6.963 1.711 6.23 c +1.711 0.33 l +1.711 0.197 1.664 0.086 1.57 0 c +1.477 -0.088 1.363 -0.131 1.23 -0.131 c +0.33 -0.131 l +0.197 -0.131 0.088 -0.088 0 0 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 313.7812 184.9287 cm +0 0 m +0.561 0.572 0.84 1.406 0.84 2.5 c +0.84 3.061 l +-1.5 2.719 l +-2.459 2.586 -3.186 2.359 -3.68 2.039 c +-4.172 1.719 -4.42 1.32 -4.42 0.84 c +-4.42 0.293 -4.195 -0.127 -3.75 -0.42 c +-3.303 -0.713 -2.773 -0.861 -2.16 -0.861 c +-1.279 -0.861 -0.559 -0.574 0 0 c +-4.369 -1.92 m +-4.922 -1.654 -5.363 -1.291 -5.689 -0.83 c +-6.016 -0.371 -6.18 0.139 -6.18 0.699 c +-6.18 1.58 -5.818 2.299 -5.1 2.859 c +-4.379 3.42 -3.398 3.793 -2.16 3.98 c +0.84 4.4 l +0.84 4.98 l +0.84 6.354 0.047 7.039 -1.539 7.039 c +-2.152 7.039 -2.646 6.916 -3.02 6.67 c +-3.393 6.422 -3.666 6.133 -3.84 5.799 c +-3.893 5.666 -3.949 5.576 -4.01 5.529 c +-4.068 5.482 -4.152 5.459 -4.26 5.459 c +-5.039 5.459 l +-5.16 5.459 -5.262 5.502 -5.35 5.59 c +-5.436 5.676 -5.479 5.779 -5.479 5.9 c +-5.479 6.207 -5.336 6.562 -5.049 6.969 c +-4.762 7.377 -4.318 7.73 -3.719 8.029 c +-3.119 8.33 -2.387 8.48 -1.52 8.48 c +-0.025 8.48 1.043 8.133 1.691 7.439 c +2.338 6.746 2.66 5.879 2.66 4.84 c +2.66 -1.66 l +2.66 -1.793 2.617 -1.904 2.531 -1.99 c +2.443 -2.078 2.334 -2.121 2.201 -2.121 c +1.32 -2.121 l +1.187 -2.121 1.08 -2.078 1 -1.99 c +0.92 -1.904 0.881 -1.793 0.881 -1.66 c +0.881 -0.781 l +0.588 -1.221 0.16 -1.588 -0.398 -1.881 c +-0.959 -2.174 -1.68 -2.32 -2.559 -2.32 c +-3.213 -2.32 -3.816 -2.188 -4.369 -1.92 c +f +Q +0.925 0.937 0.957 rg +q 1 0 0 1 691.001 337.0088 cm +0 0 m +-180.002 0 l +-180.002 -75 l +-270.002 -75 l +-270.002 -103.803 l +-270.002 -107.211 -267.139 -110 -263.639 -110 c +83.639 -110 l +87.137 -110 90 -107.211 90 -103.803 c +90 -75 l +0 -75 l +h +f +Q +0.298 0.337 0.416 rg +q 1 0 0 1 719.3604 242.2549 cm +0 0 m +-0.416 0 -0.791 0.082 -1.125 0.248 c +-1.459 0.414 -1.727 0.641 -1.928 0.93 c +-2.129 1.219 -2.238 1.549 -2.258 1.918 c +-1.406 1.918 l +-1.373 1.588 -1.223 1.316 -0.957 1.102 c +-0.689 0.889 -0.371 0.781 0 0.781 c +0.299 0.781 0.564 0.852 0.797 0.99 c +1.031 1.131 1.215 1.322 1.348 1.566 c +1.482 1.809 1.549 2.088 1.549 2.4 c +1.549 2.717 1.479 3 1.342 3.25 c +1.203 3.5 1.012 3.697 0.771 3.842 c +0.529 3.986 0.254 4.061 -0.057 4.062 c +-0.279 4.064 -0.508 4.031 -0.742 3.961 c +-0.977 3.891 -1.17 3.801 -1.32 3.693 c +-2.145 3.793 l +-1.705 7.371 l +2.074 7.371 l +2.074 6.59 l +-0.965 6.59 l +-1.221 4.445 l +-1.178 4.445 l +-1.029 4.564 -0.842 4.662 -0.617 4.74 c +-0.393 4.818 -0.158 4.857 0.086 4.857 c +0.531 4.857 0.928 4.752 1.277 4.539 c +1.627 4.328 1.9 4.037 2.102 3.67 c +2.301 3.301 2.4 2.883 2.4 2.414 c +2.4 1.951 2.297 1.537 2.09 1.174 c +1.883 0.811 1.598 0.523 1.236 0.314 c +0.873 0.104 0.463 0 0 0 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 723.7686 245.5225 cm +0 0 m +3.107 0 l +3.107 0.461 2.971 0.844 2.701 1.148 c +2.432 1.451 2.07 1.604 1.615 1.604 c +1.295 1.604 1.018 1.529 0.783 1.381 c +0.549 1.23 0.365 1.035 0.23 0.789 c +0.096 0.545 0.018 0.281 0 0 c +1.701 -3.281 m +1.174 -3.281 0.723 -3.166 0.342 -2.932 c +-0.037 -2.699 -0.33 -2.373 -0.535 -1.953 c +-0.74 -1.531 -0.842 -1.043 -0.842 -0.484 c +-0.842 0.074 -0.74 0.568 -0.535 0.996 c +-0.33 1.422 -0.045 1.756 0.324 1.996 c +0.691 2.236 1.123 2.357 1.615 2.357 c +1.898 2.357 2.18 2.311 2.457 2.215 c +2.734 2.121 2.986 1.967 3.213 1.756 c +3.439 1.543 3.621 1.264 3.756 0.916 c +3.891 0.566 3.959 0.139 3.959 -0.371 c +3.959 -0.725 l +0 -0.725 l +0.018 -1.309 0.184 -1.754 0.494 -2.064 c +0.807 -2.375 1.207 -2.529 1.701 -2.529 c +2.029 -2.529 2.313 -2.459 2.549 -2.316 c +2.785 -2.174 2.957 -1.961 3.064 -1.678 c +3.873 -1.904 l +3.746 -2.316 3.49 -2.648 3.107 -2.902 c +2.723 -3.156 2.254 -3.281 1.701 -3.281 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 731.3213 246.4873 cm +0 0 m +0.391 0 0.713 0.115 0.965 0.344 c +1.219 0.572 1.346 0.873 1.35 1.25 c +1.346 1.619 1.223 1.916 0.975 2.139 c +0.727 2.361 0.402 2.473 0 2.473 c +-0.408 2.473 -0.734 2.361 -0.982 2.139 c +-1.23 1.916 -1.352 1.619 -1.35 1.25 c +-1.352 0.873 -1.227 0.572 -0.975 0.344 c +-0.723 0.115 -0.398 0 0 0 c +0 -3.451 m +0.492 -3.451 0.883 -3.334 1.17 -3.098 c +1.457 -2.863 1.602 -2.549 1.605 -2.158 c +1.602 -1.885 1.531 -1.643 1.393 -1.432 c +1.252 -1.221 1.061 -1.055 0.82 -0.934 c +0.578 -0.812 0.305 -0.752 0 -0.752 c +-0.312 -0.752 -0.59 -0.812 -0.832 -0.934 c +-1.072 -1.055 -1.264 -1.221 -1.4 -1.432 c +-1.539 -1.643 -1.607 -1.885 -1.605 -2.158 c +-1.607 -2.549 -1.467 -2.863 -1.18 -3.098 c +-0.893 -3.334 -0.5 -3.451 0 -3.451 c +0 -4.232 m +-0.49 -4.232 -0.922 -4.146 -1.293 -3.973 c +-1.664 -3.797 -1.955 -3.557 -2.162 -3.25 c +-2.371 -2.943 -2.475 -2.594 -2.473 -2.201 c +-2.475 -1.896 -2.414 -1.611 -2.291 -1.35 c +-2.168 -1.086 -2 -0.867 -1.785 -0.691 c +-1.57 -0.514 -1.33 -0.402 -1.066 -0.355 c +-1.066 -0.312 l +-1.414 -0.223 -1.691 -0.027 -1.896 0.275 c +-2.104 0.578 -2.205 0.922 -2.201 1.307 c +-2.205 1.676 -2.111 2.006 -1.922 2.297 c +-1.732 2.59 -1.471 2.818 -1.139 2.986 c +-0.807 3.154 -0.426 3.238 0 3.238 c +0.422 3.238 0.797 3.154 1.129 2.986 c +1.461 2.818 1.721 2.59 1.912 2.297 c +2.102 2.006 2.199 1.676 2.201 1.307 c +2.199 0.922 2.094 0.578 1.887 0.275 c +1.68 -0.027 1.406 -0.223 1.064 -0.312 c +1.064 -0.355 l +1.326 -0.402 1.561 -0.514 1.773 -0.691 c +1.984 -0.867 2.154 -1.086 2.279 -1.35 c +2.404 -1.611 2.469 -1.896 2.471 -2.201 c +2.469 -2.594 2.363 -2.943 2.154 -3.25 c +1.943 -3.557 1.654 -3.797 1.283 -3.973 c +0.912 -4.146 0.484 -4.232 0 -4.232 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 737.4424 249.626 cm +0 0 m +0 -7.271 l +-0.838 -7.271 l +-0.838 -1.277 l +-0.895 -1.277 l +-0.93 -1.344 -1.016 -1.42 -1.152 -1.504 c +-1.287 -1.588 -1.465 -1.66 -1.684 -1.723 c +-1.9 -1.785 -2.148 -1.818 -2.428 -1.818 c +-2.428 -1.078 l +-2.146 -1.078 -1.902 -1.027 -1.697 -0.926 c +-1.49 -0.824 -1.318 -0.705 -1.18 -0.568 c +-1.041 -0.43 -0.936 -0.307 -0.863 -0.195 c +-0.793 -0.084 -0.75 -0.018 -0.738 0 c +h +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 741.2783 242.9795 cm +0 0 m +0.332 0 0.611 0.064 0.84 0.195 c +1.068 0.324 1.24 0.492 1.357 0.699 c +1.475 0.904 1.533 1.121 1.533 1.35 c +1.533 2.115 l +1.498 2.074 1.42 2.035 1.301 2 c +1.182 1.967 1.045 1.937 0.889 1.912 c +0.734 1.887 0.584 1.865 0.437 1.848 c +0.293 1.83 0.176 1.814 0.086 1.803 c +-0.133 1.775 -0.336 1.729 -0.523 1.666 c +-0.713 1.604 -0.863 1.51 -0.979 1.387 c +-1.094 1.262 -1.15 1.094 -1.15 0.881 c +-1.15 0.59 -1.043 0.369 -0.826 0.221 c +-0.609 0.074 -0.334 0 0 0 c +-0.129 -0.754 m +-0.475 -0.754 -0.787 -0.687 -1.068 -0.557 c +-1.352 -0.426 -1.574 -0.234 -1.74 0.016 c +-1.906 0.266 -1.988 0.568 -1.988 0.922 c +-1.988 1.234 -1.928 1.488 -1.805 1.684 c +-1.682 1.879 -1.516 2.033 -1.311 2.145 c +-1.105 2.256 -0.877 2.34 -0.627 2.395 c +-0.377 2.451 -0.125 2.494 0.127 2.527 c +0.459 2.57 0.729 2.605 0.936 2.631 c +1.143 2.656 1.295 2.697 1.391 2.754 c +1.486 2.809 1.533 2.904 1.533 3.039 c +1.533 3.393 1.439 3.668 1.25 3.865 c +1.061 4.062 0.771 4.162 0.383 4.162 c +-0.018 4.162 -0.33 4.074 -0.559 3.898 c +-0.785 3.723 -0.945 3.537 -1.037 3.338 c +-1.832 3.621 l +-1.691 3.953 -1.5 4.211 -1.262 4.398 c +-1.025 4.584 -0.764 4.713 -0.48 4.789 c +-0.199 4.863 0.08 4.9 0.355 4.9 c +0.529 4.9 0.732 4.879 0.961 4.838 c +1.189 4.797 1.41 4.711 1.625 4.584 c +1.838 4.457 2.018 4.264 2.158 4.006 c +2.301 3.748 2.371 3.402 2.371 2.969 c +2.371 -0.625 l +1.533 -0.625 l +1.533 0.113 l +1.492 0.113 l +1.434 -0.006 1.34 -0.133 1.207 -0.268 c +1.074 -0.402 0.898 -0.518 0.678 -0.611 c +0.457 -0.705 0.189 -0.754 -0.129 -0.754 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 747.3994 242.2412 cm +0 0 m +-0.51 0 -0.951 0.119 -1.32 0.361 c +-1.689 0.604 -1.975 0.936 -2.172 1.359 c +-2.371 1.783 -2.471 2.268 -2.471 2.813 c +-2.471 3.365 -2.369 3.855 -2.164 4.279 c +-1.959 4.705 -1.672 5.037 -1.305 5.277 c +-0.936 5.518 -0.506 5.639 -0.014 5.639 c +0.369 5.639 0.715 5.566 1.023 5.426 c +1.332 5.283 1.584 5.084 1.779 4.828 c +1.977 4.572 2.098 4.275 2.146 3.934 c +1.307 3.934 l +1.244 4.182 1.102 4.402 0.883 4.596 c +0.664 4.789 0.369 4.885 0 4.885 c +-0.49 4.885 -0.885 4.699 -1.184 4.326 c +-1.482 3.953 -1.633 3.457 -1.633 2.84 c +-1.633 2.207 -1.484 1.701 -1.189 1.322 c +-0.893 0.941 -0.496 0.752 0 0.752 c +0.328 0.752 0.607 0.836 0.84 1.004 c +1.074 1.172 1.229 1.406 1.307 1.703 c +2.146 1.703 l +2.098 1.381 1.982 1.092 1.795 0.836 c +1.609 0.578 1.365 0.375 1.061 0.225 c +0.756 0.074 0.402 0 0 0 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 632.8057 246.4873 cm +0 0 m +0.391 0 0.713 0.115 0.967 0.344 c +1.219 0.572 1.348 0.873 1.35 1.25 c +1.348 1.619 1.223 1.916 0.975 2.139 c +0.727 2.361 0.402 2.473 0 2.473 c +-0.406 2.473 -0.734 2.361 -0.982 2.139 c +-1.229 1.916 -1.352 1.619 -1.35 1.25 c +-1.352 0.873 -1.227 0.572 -0.975 0.344 c +-0.723 0.115 -0.398 0 0 0 c +0 -3.451 m +0.492 -3.451 0.883 -3.334 1.17 -3.098 c +1.457 -2.863 1.604 -2.549 1.605 -2.158 c +1.604 -1.885 1.531 -1.643 1.393 -1.432 c +1.252 -1.221 1.062 -1.055 0.82 -0.934 c +0.578 -0.812 0.305 -0.752 0 -0.752 c +-0.312 -0.752 -0.59 -0.812 -0.83 -0.934 c +-1.072 -1.055 -1.262 -1.221 -1.4 -1.432 c +-1.539 -1.643 -1.607 -1.885 -1.605 -2.158 c +-1.607 -2.549 -1.465 -2.863 -1.18 -3.098 c +-0.893 -3.334 -0.5 -3.451 0 -3.451 c +0 -4.232 m +-0.49 -4.232 -0.92 -4.146 -1.293 -3.973 c +-1.664 -3.797 -1.955 -3.557 -2.162 -3.25 c +-2.371 -2.943 -2.475 -2.594 -2.471 -2.201 c +-2.475 -1.896 -2.414 -1.611 -2.291 -1.35 c +-2.168 -1.086 -1.998 -0.867 -1.785 -0.691 c +-1.57 -0.514 -1.33 -0.402 -1.064 -0.355 c +-1.064 -0.312 l +-1.414 -0.223 -1.689 -0.027 -1.896 0.275 c +-2.102 0.578 -2.203 0.922 -2.201 1.307 c +-2.203 1.676 -2.111 2.006 -1.922 2.297 c +-1.732 2.59 -1.471 2.818 -1.139 2.986 c +-0.805 3.154 -0.426 3.238 0 3.238 c +0.422 3.238 0.799 3.154 1.129 2.986 c +1.461 2.818 1.723 2.59 1.912 2.297 c +2.104 2.006 2.199 1.676 2.201 1.307 c +2.199 0.922 2.094 0.578 1.887 0.275 c +1.68 -0.027 1.406 -0.223 1.066 -0.312 c +1.066 -0.355 l +1.326 -0.402 1.562 -0.514 1.773 -0.691 c +1.986 -0.867 2.154 -1.086 2.279 -1.35 c +2.406 -1.611 2.469 -1.896 2.473 -2.201 c +2.469 -2.594 2.363 -2.943 2.154 -3.25 c +1.945 -3.557 1.654 -3.797 1.283 -3.973 c +0.914 -4.146 0.486 -4.232 0 -4.232 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 638.9268 249.626 cm +0 0 m +0 -7.271 l +-0.838 -7.271 l +-0.838 -1.277 l +-0.895 -1.277 l +-0.93 -1.344 -1.016 -1.42 -1.152 -1.504 c +-1.287 -1.588 -1.465 -1.66 -1.682 -1.723 c +-1.9 -1.785 -2.148 -1.818 -2.428 -1.818 c +-2.428 -1.078 l +-2.146 -1.078 -1.902 -1.027 -1.697 -0.926 c +-1.49 -0.824 -1.318 -0.705 -1.18 -0.568 c +-1.041 -0.43 -0.936 -0.307 -0.863 -0.195 c +-0.791 -0.084 -0.75 -0.018 -0.738 0 c +h +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 642.7627 242.9795 cm +0 0 m +0.332 0 0.611 0.064 0.84 0.195 c +1.068 0.324 1.242 0.492 1.359 0.699 c +1.477 0.904 1.535 1.121 1.535 1.35 c +1.535 2.115 l +1.498 2.074 1.422 2.035 1.301 2 c +1.182 1.967 1.045 1.937 0.891 1.912 c +0.734 1.887 0.584 1.865 0.439 1.848 c +0.293 1.83 0.176 1.814 0.086 1.803 c +-0.133 1.775 -0.336 1.729 -0.523 1.666 c +-0.711 1.604 -0.863 1.51 -0.979 1.387 c +-1.094 1.262 -1.15 1.094 -1.15 0.881 c +-1.15 0.59 -1.043 0.369 -0.826 0.221 c +-0.609 0.074 -0.334 0 0 0 c +-0.127 -0.754 m +-0.473 -0.754 -0.787 -0.687 -1.068 -0.557 c +-1.35 -0.426 -1.574 -0.234 -1.74 0.016 c +-1.906 0.266 -1.988 0.568 -1.988 0.922 c +-1.988 1.234 -1.928 1.488 -1.805 1.684 c +-1.68 1.879 -1.516 2.033 -1.311 2.145 c +-1.104 2.256 -0.877 2.34 -0.627 2.395 c +-0.377 2.451 -0.125 2.494 0.129 2.527 c +0.459 2.57 0.729 2.605 0.936 2.631 c +1.143 2.656 1.295 2.697 1.391 2.754 c +1.486 2.809 1.535 2.904 1.535 3.039 c +1.535 3.393 1.439 3.668 1.25 3.865 c +1.061 4.062 0.771 4.162 0.383 4.162 c +-0.016 4.162 -0.33 4.074 -0.557 3.898 c +-0.785 3.723 -0.945 3.537 -1.037 3.338 c +-1.832 3.621 l +-1.689 3.953 -1.5 4.211 -1.262 4.398 c +-1.023 4.584 -0.764 4.713 -0.48 4.789 c +-0.197 4.863 0.08 4.9 0.355 4.9 c +0.531 4.9 0.732 4.879 0.961 4.838 c +1.189 4.797 1.41 4.711 1.625 4.584 c +1.84 4.457 2.018 4.264 2.16 4.006 c +2.301 3.748 2.373 3.402 2.373 2.969 c +2.373 -0.625 l +1.535 -0.625 l +1.535 0.113 l +1.492 0.113 l +1.436 -0.006 1.34 -0.133 1.207 -0.268 c +1.074 -0.402 0.898 -0.518 0.678 -0.611 c +0.459 -0.705 0.189 -0.754 -0.127 -0.754 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 648.5439 249.626 cm +0 0 m +0 -7.271 l +-0.838 -7.271 l +-0.838 -1.277 l +-0.895 -1.277 l +-0.93 -1.344 -1.016 -1.42 -1.152 -1.504 c +-1.287 -1.588 -1.465 -1.66 -1.684 -1.723 c +-1.9 -1.785 -2.148 -1.818 -2.428 -1.818 c +-2.428 -1.078 l +-2.146 -1.078 -1.902 -1.027 -1.697 -0.926 c +-1.49 -0.824 -1.318 -0.705 -1.18 -0.568 c +-1.041 -0.43 -0.936 -0.307 -0.863 -0.195 c +-0.793 -0.084 -0.75 -0.018 -0.738 0 c +h +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 652.8623 242.2412 cm +0 0 m +-0.512 0 -0.951 0.119 -1.32 0.361 c +-1.689 0.604 -1.975 0.936 -2.174 1.359 c +-2.371 1.783 -2.471 2.268 -2.471 2.813 c +-2.471 3.365 -2.369 3.855 -2.164 4.279 c +-1.959 4.705 -1.674 5.037 -1.305 5.277 c +-0.937 5.518 -0.506 5.639 -0.014 5.639 c +0.369 5.639 0.715 5.566 1.023 5.426 c +1.33 5.283 1.582 5.084 1.779 4.828 c +1.977 4.572 2.098 4.275 2.145 3.934 c +1.307 3.934 l +1.244 4.182 1.102 4.402 0.883 4.596 c +0.664 4.789 0.369 4.885 0 4.885 c +-0.49 4.885 -0.885 4.699 -1.184 4.326 c +-1.484 3.953 -1.633 3.457 -1.633 2.84 c +-1.633 2.207 -1.484 1.701 -1.189 1.322 c +-0.893 0.941 -0.496 0.752 0 0.752 c +0.326 0.752 0.607 0.836 0.84 1.004 c +1.074 1.172 1.229 1.406 1.307 1.703 c +2.145 1.703 l +2.098 1.381 1.98 1.092 1.795 0.836 c +1.609 0.578 1.365 0.375 1.061 0.225 c +0.756 0.074 0.402 0 0 0 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 658.501 249.626 cm +0 0 m +0 -7.271 l +-0.838 -7.271 l +-0.838 -1.277 l +-0.895 -1.277 l +-0.93 -1.344 -1.016 -1.42 -1.152 -1.504 c +-1.287 -1.588 -1.465 -1.66 -1.682 -1.723 c +-1.9 -1.785 -2.148 -1.818 -2.428 -1.818 c +-2.428 -1.078 l +-2.146 -1.078 -1.902 -1.027 -1.697 -0.926 c +-1.49 -0.824 -1.318 -0.705 -1.18 -0.568 c +-1.041 -0.43 -0.936 -0.307 -0.863 -0.195 c +-0.791 -0.084 -0.75 -0.018 -0.738 0 c +h +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 539.417 246.4873 cm +0 0 m +0.391 0 0.711 0.113 0.965 0.342 c +1.219 0.57 1.346 0.873 1.348 1.25 c +1.346 1.619 1.221 1.914 0.975 2.137 c +0.727 2.359 0.402 2.471 0 2.471 c +-0.408 2.471 -0.734 2.359 -0.982 2.137 c +-1.23 1.914 -1.352 1.619 -1.35 1.25 c +-1.352 0.873 -1.227 0.57 -0.975 0.342 c +-0.723 0.113 -0.398 0 0 0 c +0 -3.453 m +0.492 -3.453 0.881 -3.334 1.17 -3.1 c +1.457 -2.863 1.602 -2.551 1.604 -2.16 c +1.602 -1.885 1.531 -1.643 1.391 -1.432 c +1.252 -1.221 1.061 -1.055 0.82 -0.936 c +0.578 -0.814 0.305 -0.754 0 -0.754 c +-0.312 -0.754 -0.59 -0.814 -0.832 -0.936 c +-1.072 -1.055 -1.264 -1.221 -1.4 -1.432 c +-1.539 -1.643 -1.607 -1.885 -1.605 -2.16 c +-1.607 -2.551 -1.467 -2.863 -1.18 -3.1 c +-0.893 -3.334 -0.5 -3.453 0 -3.453 c +0 -4.234 m +-0.49 -4.234 -0.922 -4.146 -1.293 -3.973 c +-1.664 -3.799 -1.955 -3.559 -2.162 -3.252 c +-2.371 -2.945 -2.475 -2.596 -2.473 -2.203 c +-2.475 -1.896 -2.414 -1.613 -2.291 -1.35 c +-2.168 -1.088 -2 -0.867 -1.785 -0.691 c +-1.57 -0.516 -1.33 -0.402 -1.066 -0.355 c +-1.066 -0.312 l +-1.414 -0.223 -1.691 -0.027 -1.896 0.275 c +-2.104 0.576 -2.205 0.92 -2.201 1.307 c +-2.205 1.676 -2.111 2.006 -1.922 2.297 c +-1.732 2.588 -1.471 2.818 -1.139 2.986 c +-0.807 3.154 -0.426 3.238 0 3.238 c +0.42 3.238 0.797 3.154 1.129 2.986 c +1.459 2.818 1.721 2.588 1.912 2.297 c +2.102 2.006 2.199 1.676 2.201 1.307 c +2.199 0.92 2.094 0.576 1.887 0.275 c +1.68 -0.027 1.406 -0.223 1.064 -0.312 c +1.064 -0.355 l +1.324 -0.402 1.561 -0.516 1.773 -0.691 c +1.984 -0.867 2.154 -1.088 2.279 -1.35 c +2.404 -1.613 2.469 -1.896 2.471 -2.203 c +2.469 -2.596 2.363 -2.945 2.152 -3.252 c +1.943 -3.559 1.654 -3.799 1.283 -3.973 c +0.912 -4.146 0.484 -4.234 0 -4.234 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 545.5811 246.4873 cm +0 0 m +0.391 0 0.713 0.113 0.965 0.342 c +1.219 0.57 1.346 0.873 1.35 1.25 c +1.346 1.619 1.223 1.914 0.975 2.137 c +0.727 2.359 0.402 2.471 0 2.471 c +-0.408 2.471 -0.734 2.359 -0.982 2.137 c +-1.23 1.914 -1.352 1.619 -1.35 1.25 c +-1.352 0.873 -1.227 0.57 -0.975 0.342 c +-0.723 0.113 -0.398 0 0 0 c +0 -3.453 m +0.492 -3.453 0.883 -3.334 1.17 -3.1 c +1.457 -2.863 1.602 -2.551 1.605 -2.16 c +1.602 -1.885 1.531 -1.643 1.393 -1.432 c +1.252 -1.221 1.061 -1.055 0.82 -0.936 c +0.578 -0.814 0.305 -0.754 0 -0.754 c +-0.312 -0.754 -0.59 -0.814 -0.832 -0.936 c +-1.072 -1.055 -1.264 -1.221 -1.4 -1.432 c +-1.539 -1.643 -1.607 -1.885 -1.605 -2.16 c +-1.607 -2.551 -1.467 -2.863 -1.18 -3.1 c +-0.893 -3.334 -0.5 -3.453 0 -3.453 c +0 -4.234 m +-0.49 -4.234 -0.922 -4.146 -1.293 -3.973 c +-1.664 -3.799 -1.955 -3.559 -2.162 -3.252 c +-2.371 -2.945 -2.475 -2.596 -2.473 -2.203 c +-2.475 -1.896 -2.414 -1.613 -2.291 -1.35 c +-2.168 -1.088 -2 -0.867 -1.785 -0.691 c +-1.57 -0.516 -1.33 -0.402 -1.066 -0.355 c +-1.066 -0.312 l +-1.414 -0.223 -1.691 -0.027 -1.896 0.275 c +-2.104 0.576 -2.205 0.92 -2.201 1.307 c +-2.205 1.676 -2.111 2.006 -1.922 2.297 c +-1.732 2.588 -1.471 2.818 -1.139 2.986 c +-0.807 3.154 -0.426 3.238 0 3.238 c +0.422 3.238 0.797 3.154 1.129 2.986 c +1.461 2.818 1.721 2.588 1.912 2.297 c +2.102 2.006 2.199 1.676 2.201 1.307 c +2.199 0.92 2.094 0.576 1.887 0.275 c +1.68 -0.027 1.406 -0.223 1.064 -0.312 c +1.064 -0.355 l +1.326 -0.402 1.561 -0.516 1.773 -0.691 c +1.984 -0.867 2.154 -1.088 2.279 -1.35 c +2.404 -1.613 2.469 -1.896 2.471 -2.203 c +2.469 -2.596 2.363 -2.945 2.154 -3.252 c +1.943 -3.559 1.654 -3.799 1.283 -3.973 c +0.912 -4.146 0.484 -4.234 0 -4.234 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 551.6455 242.2393 cm +0 0 m +-0.512 0 -0.951 0.121 -1.32 0.363 c +-1.689 0.604 -1.975 0.936 -2.174 1.359 c +-2.371 1.783 -2.471 2.268 -2.471 2.813 c +-2.471 3.367 -2.369 3.855 -2.164 4.281 c +-1.959 4.705 -1.674 5.039 -1.305 5.279 c +-0.937 5.52 -0.506 5.639 -0.014 5.639 c +0.369 5.639 0.715 5.568 1.023 5.426 c +1.33 5.285 1.582 5.086 1.779 4.83 c +1.977 4.574 2.098 4.275 2.145 3.936 c +1.307 3.936 l +1.244 4.184 1.102 4.404 0.883 4.598 c +0.664 4.789 0.369 4.887 0 4.887 c +-0.49 4.887 -0.885 4.699 -1.184 4.328 c +-1.484 3.955 -1.633 3.459 -1.633 2.842 c +-1.633 2.209 -1.484 1.703 -1.189 1.322 c +-0.893 0.943 -0.496 0.754 0 0.754 c +0.326 0.754 0.607 0.838 0.84 1.006 c +1.074 1.174 1.229 1.406 1.307 1.705 c +2.145 1.705 l +2.098 1.383 1.98 1.094 1.795 0.836 c +1.609 0.58 1.365 0.375 1.061 0.227 c +0.756 0.076 0.402 0 0 0 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 557.3701 243.0342 cm +0 0 m +0.529 0 0.941 0.256 1.236 0.768 c +1.529 1.279 1.676 2.008 1.676 2.955 c +1.676 3.9 1.527 4.631 1.232 5.148 c +0.936 5.666 0.525 5.924 0 5.924 c +-0.525 5.924 -0.937 5.666 -1.232 5.148 c +-1.529 4.631 -1.676 3.9 -1.676 2.955 c +-1.676 2.008 -1.529 1.279 -1.234 0.768 c +-0.939 0.256 -0.527 0 0 0 c +0 -0.781 m +-0.803 -0.781 -1.426 -0.455 -1.867 0.195 c +-2.309 0.848 -2.529 1.768 -2.529 2.955 c +-2.529 4.135 -2.307 5.051 -1.861 5.707 c +-1.416 6.363 -0.795 6.691 0 6.691 c +0.795 6.691 1.416 6.363 1.861 5.707 c +2.305 5.051 2.527 4.135 2.527 2.955 c +2.527 1.768 2.307 0.848 1.865 0.195 c +1.424 -0.455 0.803 -0.781 0 -0.781 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 564.6006 246.5615 cm +0 0 m +-0.266 0.377 -0.654 0.564 -1.166 0.564 c +-1.52 0.564 -1.816 0.475 -2.051 0.293 c +-2.287 0.111 -2.463 -0.133 -2.58 -0.443 c +-2.697 -0.752 -2.756 -1.098 -2.756 -1.48 c +-2.756 -1.869 -2.697 -2.221 -2.576 -2.537 c +-2.457 -2.854 -2.279 -3.105 -2.045 -3.291 c +-1.809 -3.477 -1.516 -3.568 -1.166 -3.568 c +-0.66 -3.568 -0.275 -3.375 -0.006 -2.988 c +0.264 -2.602 0.396 -2.1 0.396 -1.48 c +0.396 -0.871 0.264 -0.377 0 0 c +0.412 -4.209 m +0.412 -3.371 l +0.312 -3.371 l +0.25 -3.471 0.162 -3.596 0.049 -3.744 c +-0.064 -3.895 -0.227 -4.029 -0.437 -4.146 c +-0.648 -4.264 -0.928 -4.322 -1.279 -4.322 c +-1.734 -4.322 -2.135 -4.207 -2.482 -3.977 c +-2.83 -3.744 -3.104 -3.418 -3.299 -2.996 c +-3.496 -2.572 -3.594 -2.072 -3.594 -1.496 c +-3.594 -0.922 -3.496 -0.426 -3.299 -0.004 c +-3.104 0.418 -2.83 0.742 -2.479 0.973 c +-2.129 1.203 -1.725 1.316 -1.266 1.316 c +-0.91 1.316 -0.629 1.258 -0.422 1.141 c +-0.215 1.023 -0.055 0.891 0.055 0.744 c +0.164 0.596 0.25 0.475 0.312 0.379 c +0.383 0.379 l +0.383 3.064 l +1.221 3.064 l +1.221 -4.209 l +h +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 569.7139 243.0342 cm +0 0 m +0.529 0 0.941 0.256 1.236 0.768 c +1.529 1.279 1.676 2.008 1.676 2.955 c +1.676 3.9 1.527 4.631 1.232 5.148 c +0.936 5.666 0.525 5.924 0 5.924 c +-0.525 5.924 -0.937 5.666 -1.232 5.148 c +-1.529 4.631 -1.676 3.9 -1.676 2.955 c +-1.676 2.008 -1.529 1.279 -1.234 0.768 c +-0.939 0.256 -0.527 0 0 0 c +0 -0.781 m +-0.803 -0.781 -1.426 -0.455 -1.867 0.195 c +-2.309 0.848 -2.529 1.768 -2.529 2.955 c +-2.529 4.135 -2.307 5.051 -1.861 5.707 c +-1.416 6.363 -0.795 6.691 0 6.691 c +0.795 6.691 1.416 6.363 1.861 5.707 c +2.305 5.051 2.527 4.135 2.527 2.955 c +2.527 1.768 2.307 0.848 1.865 0.195 c +1.424 -0.455 0.803 -0.781 0 -0.781 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 452.165 246.4873 cm +0 0 m +0.391 0 0.713 0.115 0.967 0.344 c +1.221 0.572 1.348 0.873 1.35 1.25 c +1.348 1.619 1.223 1.916 0.975 2.139 c +0.729 2.361 0.402 2.473 0 2.473 c +-0.406 2.473 -0.734 2.361 -0.98 2.139 c +-1.229 1.916 -1.352 1.619 -1.35 1.25 c +-1.352 0.873 -1.227 0.572 -0.975 0.344 c +-0.723 0.115 -0.396 0 0 0 c +0 -3.451 m +0.492 -3.451 0.883 -3.334 1.17 -3.098 c +1.459 -2.863 1.604 -2.549 1.605 -2.158 c +1.604 -1.885 1.533 -1.643 1.393 -1.432 c +1.254 -1.221 1.062 -1.055 0.82 -0.934 c +0.58 -0.812 0.307 -0.752 0 -0.752 c +-0.312 -0.752 -0.59 -0.812 -0.83 -0.934 c +-1.072 -1.055 -1.262 -1.221 -1.4 -1.432 c +-1.539 -1.643 -1.607 -1.885 -1.605 -2.158 c +-1.607 -2.549 -1.465 -2.863 -1.178 -3.098 c +-0.893 -3.334 -0.498 -3.451 0 -3.451 c +0 -4.232 m +-0.49 -4.232 -0.92 -4.146 -1.293 -3.973 c +-1.664 -3.797 -1.953 -3.557 -2.162 -3.25 c +-2.371 -2.943 -2.473 -2.594 -2.471 -2.201 c +-2.473 -1.896 -2.412 -1.611 -2.289 -1.35 c +-2.166 -1.086 -1.998 -0.867 -1.783 -0.691 c +-1.57 -0.514 -1.33 -0.402 -1.064 -0.355 c +-1.064 -0.312 l +-1.412 -0.223 -1.689 -0.027 -1.896 0.275 c +-2.102 0.578 -2.203 0.922 -2.201 1.307 c +-2.203 1.676 -2.109 2.006 -1.92 2.297 c +-1.73 2.59 -1.471 2.818 -1.137 2.986 c +-0.805 3.154 -0.426 3.238 0 3.238 c +0.422 3.238 0.799 3.154 1.129 2.986 c +1.461 2.818 1.723 2.59 1.912 2.297 c +2.104 2.006 2.199 1.676 2.203 1.307 c +2.199 0.922 2.096 0.578 1.889 0.275 c +1.682 -0.027 1.406 -0.223 1.066 -0.312 c +1.066 -0.355 l +1.326 -0.402 1.562 -0.514 1.773 -0.691 c +1.986 -0.867 2.154 -1.086 2.281 -1.35 c +2.406 -1.611 2.471 -1.896 2.473 -2.201 c +2.471 -2.594 2.363 -2.943 2.154 -3.25 c +1.945 -3.557 1.654 -3.797 1.285 -3.973 c +0.914 -4.146 0.486 -4.232 0 -4.232 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 458.4443 247.8076 cm +0 0 m +0 -0.709 l +-1.223 -0.709 l +-1.223 -5.453 l +-2.061 -5.453 l +-2.061 -0.709 l +-2.941 -0.709 l +-2.941 0 l +-2.061 0 l +-2.061 0.754 l +-2.061 1.066 -1.986 1.326 -1.84 1.535 c +-1.693 1.744 -1.502 1.9 -1.268 2.004 c +-1.033 2.107 -0.787 2.16 -0.525 2.16 c +-0.32 2.16 -0.152 2.143 -0.021 2.109 c +0.107 2.076 0.205 2.047 0.27 2.018 c +0.027 1.293 l +-0.016 1.309 -0.074 1.326 -0.148 1.348 c +-0.223 1.367 -0.32 1.379 -0.441 1.379 c +-0.719 1.379 -0.918 1.309 -1.039 1.17 c +-1.162 1.029 -1.223 0.824 -1.223 0.555 c +-1.223 0 l +h +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 460.4463 245.0811 cm +0 0 m +0 -0.617 0.135 -1.121 0.404 -1.508 c +0.672 -1.895 1.059 -2.088 1.562 -2.088 c +1.914 -2.088 2.207 -1.994 2.441 -1.809 c +2.678 -1.623 2.855 -1.373 2.975 -1.057 c +3.094 -0.74 3.154 -0.389 3.154 0 c +3.154 0.383 3.096 0.73 2.979 1.039 c +2.861 1.348 2.684 1.594 2.449 1.773 c +2.213 1.955 1.918 2.045 1.562 2.045 c +1.051 2.045 0.664 1.857 0.398 1.48 c +0.133 1.105 0 0.611 0 0 c +-0.824 -2.727 m +-0.824 4.545 l +0.014 4.545 l +0.014 1.861 l +0.086 1.861 l +0.146 1.955 0.232 2.076 0.344 2.225 c +0.453 2.373 0.611 2.506 0.818 2.623 c +1.025 2.74 1.307 2.799 1.662 2.799 c +2.121 2.799 2.525 2.684 2.877 2.453 c +3.227 2.225 3.5 1.898 3.697 1.477 c +3.893 1.057 3.992 0.559 3.992 -0.014 c +3.992 -0.592 3.893 -1.092 3.697 -1.514 c +3.5 -1.937 3.229 -2.264 2.881 -2.494 c +2.533 -2.725 2.131 -2.84 1.676 -2.84 c +1.326 -2.84 1.045 -2.781 0.834 -2.664 c +0.625 -2.547 0.463 -2.414 0.348 -2.264 c +0.234 -2.113 0.146 -1.988 0.086 -1.889 c +-0.014 -1.889 l +-0.014 -2.727 l +h +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 467.9326 242.2412 cm +0 0 m +-0.512 0 -0.951 0.119 -1.32 0.361 c +-1.691 0.604 -1.975 0.936 -2.174 1.359 c +-2.373 1.783 -2.473 2.268 -2.473 2.813 c +-2.473 3.365 -2.369 3.855 -2.164 4.279 c +-1.959 4.705 -1.674 5.037 -1.305 5.277 c +-0.937 5.518 -0.508 5.639 -0.014 5.639 c +0.369 5.639 0.715 5.566 1.023 5.426 c +1.33 5.283 1.582 5.084 1.779 4.828 c +1.975 4.572 2.098 4.275 2.145 3.934 c +1.307 3.934 l +1.242 4.182 1.102 4.402 0.883 4.596 c +0.664 4.789 0.369 4.885 0 4.885 c +-0.49 4.885 -0.885 4.699 -1.184 4.326 c +-1.484 3.953 -1.633 3.457 -1.633 2.84 c +-1.633 2.207 -1.486 1.701 -1.189 1.322 c +-0.895 0.941 -0.498 0.752 0 0.752 c +0.326 0.752 0.605 0.836 0.84 1.004 c +1.072 1.172 1.229 1.406 1.307 1.703 c +2.145 1.703 l +2.098 1.381 1.98 1.092 1.795 0.836 c +1.609 0.578 1.363 0.375 1.061 0.225 c +0.756 0.074 0.402 0 0 0 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 472.1221 245.0811 cm +0 0 m +0 -0.617 0.135 -1.121 0.404 -1.508 c +0.672 -1.895 1.059 -2.088 1.562 -2.088 c +1.914 -2.088 2.207 -1.994 2.441 -1.809 c +2.678 -1.623 2.855 -1.373 2.975 -1.057 c +3.094 -0.74 3.154 -0.389 3.154 0 c +3.154 0.383 3.096 0.73 2.979 1.039 c +2.861 1.348 2.684 1.594 2.449 1.773 c +2.213 1.955 1.918 2.045 1.562 2.045 c +1.051 2.045 0.664 1.857 0.398 1.48 c +0.133 1.105 0 0.611 0 0 c +-0.824 -2.727 m +-0.824 4.545 l +0.014 4.545 l +0.014 1.861 l +0.086 1.861 l +0.146 1.955 0.232 2.076 0.344 2.225 c +0.453 2.373 0.611 2.506 0.818 2.623 c +1.025 2.74 1.307 2.799 1.662 2.799 c +2.121 2.799 2.525 2.684 2.877 2.453 c +3.227 2.225 3.5 1.898 3.697 1.477 c +3.893 1.057 3.992 0.559 3.992 -0.014 c +3.992 -0.592 3.893 -1.092 3.697 -1.514 c +3.5 -1.937 3.229 -2.264 2.881 -2.494 c +2.533 -2.725 2.131 -2.84 1.676 -2.84 c +1.326 -2.84 1.045 -2.781 0.834 -2.664 c +0.625 -2.547 0.463 -2.414 0.348 -2.264 c +0.234 -2.113 0.146 -1.988 0.086 -1.889 c +-0.014 -1.889 l +-0.014 -2.727 l +h +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 478.2158 245.0811 cm +0 0 m +0 -0.617 0.135 -1.121 0.404 -1.508 c +0.672 -1.895 1.059 -2.088 1.562 -2.088 c +1.914 -2.088 2.207 -1.994 2.441 -1.809 c +2.678 -1.623 2.855 -1.373 2.975 -1.057 c +3.094 -0.74 3.154 -0.389 3.154 0 c +3.154 0.383 3.096 0.73 2.979 1.039 c +2.861 1.348 2.684 1.594 2.449 1.773 c +2.213 1.955 1.918 2.045 1.562 2.045 c +1.051 2.045 0.664 1.857 0.398 1.48 c +0.133 1.105 0 0.611 0 0 c +-0.824 -2.727 m +-0.824 4.545 l +0.014 4.545 l +0.014 1.861 l +0.086 1.861 l +0.146 1.955 0.232 2.076 0.344 2.225 c +0.453 2.373 0.611 2.506 0.818 2.623 c +1.025 2.74 1.307 2.799 1.662 2.799 c +2.121 2.799 2.525 2.684 2.877 2.453 c +3.227 2.225 3.5 1.898 3.697 1.477 c +3.893 1.057 3.992 0.559 3.992 -0.014 c +3.992 -0.592 3.893 -1.092 3.697 -1.514 c +3.5 -1.937 3.229 -2.264 2.881 -2.494 c +2.533 -2.725 2.131 -2.84 1.676 -2.84 c +1.326 -2.84 1.045 -2.781 0.834 -2.664 c +0.625 -2.547 0.463 -2.414 0.348 -2.264 c +0.234 -2.113 0.146 -1.988 0.086 -1.889 c +-0.014 -1.889 l +-0.014 -2.727 l +h +f +Q +0.561 0.737 0.733 rg +q 1 0 0 1 510.999 337.0088 cm +0 0 m +-83.637 0 l +-87.137 0 -90 -2.789 -90 -6.197 c +-90 -75 l +0 -75 l +h +f +Q +0.533 0.753 0.816 rg +600.499 262.009 -90.998 75 re +f +0.506 0.631 0.757 rg +690.501 262.009 -91.002 75 re +f +0.369 0.506 0.675 rg +q 1 0 0 1 774.4971 337.0088 cm +0 0 m +-85.496 0 l +-85.496 -75 l +6.504 -75 l +6.504 -6.197 l +6.504 -2.789 3.578 0 0 0 c +f +Q +0.847 0.871 0.914 rg +745.001 352.009 -288.002 1 re +f +0.298 0.337 0.416 rg +q 1 0 0 1 577.4912 370.5557 cm +0 0 m +-0.08 0.088 -0.121 0.197 -0.121 0.33 c +-0.121 13.391 l +-0.121 13.537 -0.08 13.654 0 13.74 c +0.08 13.826 0.186 13.871 0.32 13.871 c +8.439 13.871 l +8.586 13.871 8.703 13.826 8.789 13.74 c +8.875 13.654 8.92 13.537 8.92 13.391 c +8.92 12.65 l +8.92 12.518 8.875 12.406 8.789 12.32 c +8.703 12.234 8.586 12.189 8.439 12.189 c +1.74 12.189 l +1.74 7.451 l +8.039 7.451 l +8.186 7.451 8.303 7.406 8.389 7.32 c +8.477 7.234 8.52 7.123 8.52 6.99 c +8.52 6.23 l +8.52 6.098 8.473 5.986 8.379 5.9 c +8.285 5.814 8.172 5.77 8.039 5.77 c +1.74 5.77 l +1.74 0.33 l +1.74 0.197 1.693 0.088 1.6 0 c +1.506 -0.086 1.393 -0.129 1.26 -0.129 c +0.32 -0.129 l +0.186 -0.129 0.08 -0.086 0 0 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 588.6201 370.5557 cm +0 0 m +-0.086 0.088 -0.129 0.197 -0.129 0.33 c +-0.129 9.791 l +-0.129 9.924 -0.086 10.037 0 10.131 c +0.088 10.223 0.197 10.27 0.33 10.27 c +1.17 10.27 l +1.316 10.27 1.434 10.227 1.52 10.141 c +1.607 10.053 1.65 9.938 1.65 9.791 c +1.65 8.91 l +2.197 9.816 3.123 10.27 4.43 10.27 c +5.211 10.27 l +5.357 10.27 5.471 10.23 5.551 10.15 c +5.631 10.07 5.67 9.957 5.67 9.811 c +5.67 9.07 l +5.67 8.938 5.631 8.826 5.551 8.74 c +5.471 8.654 5.357 8.611 5.211 8.611 c +4.07 8.611 l +3.338 8.611 2.76 8.396 2.34 7.971 c +1.92 7.543 1.711 6.963 1.711 6.23 c +1.711 0.33 l +1.711 0.197 1.664 0.088 1.57 0 c +1.477 -0.086 1.363 -0.129 1.23 -0.129 c +0.33 -0.129 l +0.197 -0.129 0.088 -0.086 0 0 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 602.0615 372.5361 cm +0 0 m +0.5 0.539 0.77 1.316 0.809 2.33 c +0.822 2.463 0.83 2.717 0.83 3.09 c +0.83 3.463 0.822 3.717 0.809 3.85 c +0.77 4.863 0.5 5.641 0 6.18 c +-0.5 6.721 -1.178 6.99 -2.031 6.99 c +-2.885 6.99 -3.561 6.721 -4.061 6.18 c +-4.561 5.641 -4.83 4.863 -4.871 3.85 c +-4.891 3.09 l +-4.871 2.33 l +-4.83 1.316 -4.561 0.539 -4.061 0 c +-3.561 -0.541 -2.885 -0.811 -2.031 -0.811 c +-1.178 -0.811 -0.5 -0.541 0 0 c +-5.42 -1.07 m +-6.215 -0.244 -6.637 0.857 -6.691 2.23 c +-6.711 3.09 l +-6.691 3.949 l +-6.637 5.322 -6.207 6.424 -5.4 7.25 c +-4.594 8.076 -3.471 8.49 -2.031 8.49 c +-0.59 8.49 0.533 8.076 1.34 7.25 c +2.146 6.424 2.576 5.322 2.629 3.949 c +2.656 3.656 2.67 3.369 2.67 3.09 c +2.67 2.811 2.656 2.523 2.629 2.23 c +2.576 0.857 2.152 -0.244 1.359 -1.07 c +0.566 -1.896 -0.564 -2.311 -2.031 -2.311 c +-3.498 -2.311 -4.627 -1.896 -5.42 -1.07 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 608.4795 370.6768 cm +0 0 m +-0.633 0.299 -1.104 0.643 -1.41 1.029 c +-1.717 1.416 -1.869 1.736 -1.869 1.99 c +-1.869 2.123 -1.822 2.227 -1.729 2.299 c +-1.637 2.373 -1.535 2.41 -1.43 2.41 c +-0.59 2.41 l +-0.51 2.41 -0.445 2.396 -0.398 2.369 c +-0.354 2.342 -0.289 2.283 -0.209 2.189 c +0.098 1.816 0.441 1.521 0.82 1.309 c +1.201 1.096 1.711 0.99 2.352 0.99 c +3.07 0.99 3.646 1.123 4.08 1.389 c +4.514 1.656 4.73 2.043 4.73 2.549 c +4.73 2.883 4.637 3.148 4.451 3.35 c +4.264 3.549 3.953 3.729 3.521 3.889 c +3.088 4.049 2.443 4.223 1.59 4.41 c +0.432 4.662 -0.389 5.029 -0.869 5.51 c +-1.35 5.99 -1.59 6.609 -1.59 7.369 c +-1.59 7.863 -1.443 8.34 -1.148 8.799 c +-0.855 9.26 -0.42 9.633 0.16 9.92 c +0.74 10.205 1.432 10.35 2.23 10.35 c +3.07 10.35 3.787 10.209 4.381 9.93 c +4.975 9.648 5.42 9.322 5.721 8.949 c +6.021 8.576 6.17 8.262 6.17 8.01 c +6.17 7.889 6.127 7.789 6.041 7.709 c +5.953 7.629 5.852 7.59 5.73 7.59 c +4.971 7.59 l +4.783 7.59 4.65 7.662 4.57 7.809 c +4.344 8.063 4.154 8.26 4 8.398 c +3.848 8.539 3.623 8.66 3.33 8.76 c +3.037 8.859 2.67 8.91 2.23 8.91 c +1.578 8.91 1.078 8.771 0.73 8.5 c +0.385 8.227 0.211 7.863 0.211 7.41 c +0.211 7.129 0.283 6.893 0.432 6.699 c +0.578 6.506 0.857 6.326 1.271 6.16 c +1.684 5.992 2.297 5.822 3.111 5.648 c +4.377 5.383 5.273 5.002 5.801 4.51 c +6.328 4.016 6.59 3.383 6.59 2.609 c +6.59 2.035 6.428 1.516 6.102 1.049 c +5.773 0.582 5.287 0.217 4.641 -0.051 c +3.994 -0.316 3.225 -0.451 2.33 -0.451 c +1.41 -0.451 0.635 -0.301 0 0 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 618.29 373.9268 cm +0 0 m +0 5.359 l +-1.58 5.359 l +-1.713 5.359 -1.82 5.398 -1.9 5.479 c +-1.98 5.559 -2.02 5.666 -2.02 5.799 c +-2.02 6.439 l +-2.02 6.572 -1.98 6.682 -1.9 6.77 c +-1.82 6.855 -1.713 6.898 -1.58 6.898 c +0 6.898 l +0 10.24 l +0 10.373 0.041 10.482 0.121 10.568 c +0.201 10.656 0.307 10.699 0.439 10.699 c +1.32 10.699 l +1.453 10.699 1.562 10.656 1.65 10.568 c +1.736 10.482 1.781 10.373 1.781 10.24 c +1.781 6.898 l +4.26 6.898 l +4.393 6.898 4.504 6.855 4.59 6.77 c +4.678 6.682 4.721 6.572 4.721 6.439 c +4.721 5.799 l +4.721 5.666 4.678 5.559 4.59 5.479 c +4.504 5.398 4.393 5.359 4.26 5.359 c +1.781 5.359 l +1.781 0.139 l +1.781 -0.541 1.891 -1.055 2.109 -1.4 c +2.33 -1.748 2.707 -1.92 3.24 -1.92 c +4.461 -1.92 l +4.594 -1.92 4.701 -1.965 4.781 -2.051 c +4.859 -2.137 4.9 -2.248 4.9 -2.381 c +4.9 -3.041 l +4.9 -3.174 4.859 -3.283 4.781 -3.371 c +4.701 -3.457 4.594 -3.5 4.461 -3.5 c +3.1 -3.5 l +1.033 -3.5 0 -2.334 0 0 c +f +Q +0.925 0.937 0.957 rg +q 1 0 0 1 455 524.625 cm +0 0 m +-228 0 l +-228 -75.001 l +-348 -75.001 l +-348 -98.001 l +-348 -104.601 -342.599 -110 -336 -110 c +0 -110 l +6.6 -110 12 -104.601 12 -98.001 c +12 -12 l +12 -5.4 6.6 0 0 0 c +f +Q +0.298 0.337 0.416 rg +q 1 0 0 1 391.0195 433.5205 cm +0 0 m +3.107 0 l +3.107 0.461 2.973 0.844 2.703 1.148 c +2.434 1.451 2.07 1.604 1.615 1.604 c +1.297 1.604 1.02 1.529 0.785 1.381 c +0.551 1.23 0.365 1.035 0.23 0.789 c +0.096 0.545 0.02 0.281 0 0 c +1.701 -3.281 m +1.176 -3.281 0.723 -3.166 0.344 -2.932 c +-0.037 -2.699 -0.33 -2.373 -0.535 -1.953 c +-0.738 -1.531 -0.842 -1.043 -0.842 -0.484 c +-0.842 0.074 -0.738 0.568 -0.535 0.996 c +-0.33 1.422 -0.043 1.756 0.324 1.996 c +0.693 2.236 1.123 2.357 1.615 2.357 c +1.9 2.357 2.18 2.311 2.457 2.215 c +2.734 2.121 2.986 1.967 3.215 1.756 c +3.441 1.543 3.623 1.264 3.758 0.916 c +3.893 0.566 3.959 0.139 3.959 -0.371 c +3.959 -0.725 l +0 -0.725 l +0.02 -1.309 0.184 -1.754 0.496 -2.064 c +0.807 -2.375 1.209 -2.529 1.701 -2.529 c +2.029 -2.529 2.313 -2.459 2.551 -2.316 c +2.787 -2.174 2.959 -1.961 3.064 -1.678 c +3.875 -1.904 l +3.746 -2.316 3.49 -2.648 3.107 -2.902 c +2.725 -3.156 2.256 -3.281 1.701 -3.281 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 398.4727 430.2393 cm +0 0 m +-0.51 0 -0.951 0.119 -1.32 0.361 c +-1.689 0.604 -1.975 0.936 -2.172 1.359 c +-2.371 1.783 -2.471 2.268 -2.471 2.813 c +-2.471 3.365 -2.369 3.855 -2.164 4.279 c +-1.959 4.705 -1.672 5.037 -1.305 5.277 c +-0.936 5.518 -0.506 5.639 -0.014 5.639 c +0.369 5.639 0.715 5.566 1.023 5.426 c +1.332 5.283 1.584 5.084 1.779 4.828 c +1.977 4.572 2.098 4.275 2.146 3.934 c +1.307 3.934 l +1.244 4.182 1.102 4.402 0.883 4.596 c +0.664 4.789 0.369 4.885 0 4.885 c +-0.49 4.885 -0.885 4.699 -1.184 4.326 c +-1.482 3.953 -1.633 3.457 -1.633 2.84 c +-1.633 2.207 -1.484 1.701 -1.189 1.322 c +-0.893 0.941 -0.496 0.752 0 0.752 c +0.328 0.752 0.607 0.836 0.84 1.004 c +1.074 1.172 1.229 1.406 1.307 1.703 c +2.146 1.703 l +2.098 1.381 1.982 1.092 1.795 0.836 c +1.609 0.578 1.365 0.375 1.061 0.225 c +0.756 0.074 0.402 0 0 0 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 402.4258 433.5205 cm +0 0 m +3.107 0 l +3.107 0.461 2.973 0.844 2.703 1.148 c +2.434 1.451 2.07 1.604 1.615 1.604 c +1.297 1.604 1.02 1.529 0.785 1.381 c +0.551 1.23 0.365 1.035 0.23 0.789 c +0.096 0.545 0.02 0.281 0 0 c +1.701 -3.281 m +1.176 -3.281 0.723 -3.166 0.344 -2.932 c +-0.037 -2.699 -0.33 -2.373 -0.535 -1.953 c +-0.738 -1.531 -0.842 -1.043 -0.842 -0.484 c +-0.842 0.074 -0.738 0.568 -0.535 0.996 c +-0.33 1.422 -0.043 1.756 0.324 1.996 c +0.693 2.236 1.123 2.357 1.615 2.357 c +1.9 2.357 2.18 2.311 2.457 2.215 c +2.734 2.121 2.986 1.967 3.215 1.756 c +3.441 1.543 3.623 1.264 3.758 0.916 c +3.893 0.566 3.959 0.139 3.959 -0.371 c +3.959 -0.725 l +0 -0.725 l +0.02 -1.309 0.184 -1.754 0.496 -2.064 c +0.807 -2.375 1.209 -2.529 1.701 -2.529 c +2.029 -2.529 2.313 -2.459 2.551 -2.316 c +2.787 -2.174 2.959 -1.961 3.064 -1.678 c +3.875 -1.904 l +3.746 -2.316 3.49 -2.648 3.107 -2.902 c +2.725 -3.156 2.256 -3.281 1.701 -3.281 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 410.0918 435.8057 cm +0 0 m +0 -0.709 l +-1.221 -0.709 l +-1.221 -5.453 l +-2.059 -5.453 l +-2.059 -0.709 l +-2.939 -0.709 l +-2.939 0 l +-2.059 0 l +-2.059 0.754 l +-2.059 1.066 -1.984 1.326 -1.838 1.535 c +-1.691 1.744 -1.502 1.9 -1.268 2.004 c +-1.033 2.107 -0.785 2.16 -0.525 2.16 c +-0.318 2.16 -0.15 2.143 -0.02 2.109 c +0.109 2.076 0.207 2.047 0.271 2.018 c +0.029 1.293 l +-0.014 1.309 -0.072 1.326 -0.146 1.348 c +-0.221 1.367 -0.318 1.379 -0.439 1.379 c +-0.717 1.379 -0.916 1.309 -1.037 1.17 c +-1.16 1.029 -1.221 0.824 -1.221 0.555 c +-1.221 0 l +h +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 413.7012 435.8057 cm +0 0 m +0 -0.709 l +-1.223 -0.709 l +-1.223 -5.453 l +-2.061 -5.453 l +-2.061 -0.709 l +-2.941 -0.709 l +-2.941 0 l +-2.061 0 l +-2.061 0.754 l +-2.061 1.066 -1.986 1.326 -1.84 1.535 c +-1.693 1.744 -1.502 1.9 -1.268 2.004 c +-1.033 2.107 -0.787 2.16 -0.525 2.16 c +-0.32 2.16 -0.152 2.143 -0.021 2.109 c +0.107 2.076 0.205 2.047 0.27 2.018 c +0.027 1.293 l +-0.016 1.309 -0.074 1.326 -0.148 1.348 c +-0.223 1.367 -0.32 1.379 -0.441 1.379 c +-0.719 1.379 -0.918 1.309 -1.039 1.17 c +-1.162 1.029 -1.223 0.824 -1.223 0.555 c +-1.223 0 l +h +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 417.4941 432.624 cm +0 0 m +0 3.879 l +-0.059 3.879 l +-2.473 0.057 l +-2.473 0 l +h +-3.424 -0.781 m +-3.424 -0.057 l +-0.229 5 l +0.838 5 l +0.838 0 l +1.832 0 l +1.832 -0.781 l +0.838 -0.781 l +0.838 -2.271 l +0 -2.271 l +0 -0.781 l +h +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 269.688 433.5205 cm +0 0 m +3.107 0 l +3.107 0.461 2.971 0.844 2.701 1.148 c +2.432 1.451 2.07 1.604 1.615 1.604 c +1.295 1.604 1.018 1.529 0.783 1.381 c +0.549 1.23 0.365 1.035 0.23 0.789 c +0.096 0.545 0.018 0.281 0 0 c +1.701 -3.281 m +1.174 -3.281 0.723 -3.166 0.342 -2.932 c +-0.037 -2.699 -0.33 -2.373 -0.535 -1.953 c +-0.74 -1.531 -0.842 -1.043 -0.842 -0.484 c +-0.842 0.074 -0.74 0.568 -0.535 0.996 c +-0.33 1.422 -0.045 1.756 0.324 1.996 c +0.691 2.236 1.123 2.357 1.615 2.357 c +1.898 2.357 2.18 2.311 2.457 2.215 c +2.734 2.121 2.986 1.967 3.213 1.756 c +3.439 1.543 3.621 1.264 3.756 0.916 c +3.891 0.566 3.959 0.139 3.959 -0.371 c +3.959 -0.725 l +0 -0.725 l +0.018 -1.309 0.184 -1.754 0.494 -2.064 c +0.807 -2.375 1.207 -2.529 1.701 -2.529 c +2.029 -2.529 2.313 -2.459 2.549 -2.316 c +2.785 -2.174 2.957 -1.961 3.064 -1.678 c +3.873 -1.904 l +3.746 -2.316 3.49 -2.648 3.107 -2.902 c +2.723 -3.156 2.254 -3.281 1.701 -3.281 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 277.1841 430.2529 cm +0 0 m +-0.418 0 -0.793 0.082 -1.127 0.248 c +-1.461 0.414 -1.729 0.641 -1.93 0.93 c +-2.131 1.219 -2.24 1.549 -2.26 1.918 c +-1.406 1.918 l +-1.373 1.588 -1.225 1.316 -0.957 1.102 c +-0.691 0.889 -0.373 0.781 0 0.781 c +0.297 0.781 0.562 0.852 0.797 0.99 c +1.029 1.131 1.213 1.322 1.348 1.566 c +1.48 1.809 1.547 2.088 1.547 2.4 c +1.547 2.717 1.479 3 1.34 3.25 c +1.201 3.5 1.012 3.697 0.77 3.842 c +0.529 3.986 0.252 4.061 -0.057 4.062 c +-0.279 4.064 -0.508 4.031 -0.742 3.961 c +-0.977 3.891 -1.17 3.801 -1.322 3.693 c +-2.145 3.793 l +-1.705 7.371 l +2.074 7.371 l +2.074 6.59 l +-0.967 6.59 l +-1.223 4.445 l +-1.18 4.445 l +-1.031 4.564 -0.844 4.662 -0.619 4.74 c +-0.395 4.818 -0.16 4.857 0.084 4.857 c +0.529 4.857 0.928 4.752 1.275 4.539 c +1.625 4.328 1.9 4.037 2.099 3.67 c +2.3 3.301 2.4 2.883 2.4 2.414 c +2.4 1.951 2.296 1.537 2.089 1.174 c +1.883 0.811 1.598 0.523 1.234 0.314 c +0.873 0.104 0.461 0 0 0 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 281.5898 433.5205 cm +0 0 m +3.107 0 l +3.107 0.461 2.973 0.844 2.703 1.148 c +2.434 1.451 2.07 1.604 1.615 1.604 c +1.297 1.604 1.02 1.529 0.785 1.381 c +0.551 1.23 0.365 1.035 0.23 0.789 c +0.096 0.545 0.02 0.281 0 0 c +1.701 -3.281 m +1.176 -3.281 0.723 -3.166 0.344 -2.932 c +-0.037 -2.699 -0.33 -2.373 -0.535 -1.953 c +-0.738 -1.531 -0.842 -1.043 -0.842 -0.484 c +-0.842 0.074 -0.738 0.568 -0.535 0.996 c +-0.33 1.422 -0.043 1.756 0.324 1.996 c +0.693 2.236 1.123 2.357 1.615 2.357 c +1.9 2.357 2.18 2.311 2.457 2.215 c +2.734 2.121 2.986 1.967 3.215 1.756 c +3.441 1.543 3.623 1.264 3.758 0.916 c +3.893 0.566 3.959 0.139 3.959 -0.371 c +3.959 -0.725 l +0 -0.725 l +0.02 -1.309 0.184 -1.754 0.496 -2.064 c +0.807 -2.375 1.209 -2.529 1.701 -2.529 c +2.029 -2.529 2.313 -2.459 2.551 -2.316 c +2.787 -2.174 2.959 -1.961 3.064 -1.678 c +3.875 -1.904 l +3.746 -2.316 3.49 -2.648 3.107 -2.902 c +2.725 -3.156 2.256 -3.281 1.701 -3.281 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 289.1289 436.958 cm +0 0 m +-0.299 0 -0.566 -0.076 -0.805 -0.225 c +-1.043 -0.373 -1.23 -0.574 -1.369 -0.824 c +-1.508 -1.076 -1.576 -1.355 -1.576 -1.662 c +-1.576 -1.967 -1.51 -2.24 -1.377 -2.488 c +-1.242 -2.736 -1.059 -2.932 -0.826 -3.078 c +-0.592 -3.223 -0.326 -3.297 -0.029 -3.297 c +0.27 -3.297 0.541 -3.219 0.783 -3.066 c +1.025 -2.912 1.219 -2.709 1.361 -2.459 c +1.506 -2.207 1.576 -1.937 1.576 -1.648 c +1.576 -1.359 1.508 -1.09 1.373 -0.84 c +1.236 -0.588 1.049 -0.385 0.811 -0.232 c +0.574 -0.078 0.303 0 0 0 c +0 0.781 m +0.299 0.777 0.596 0.721 0.895 0.609 c +1.193 0.498 1.465 0.314 1.711 0.057 c +1.957 -0.201 2.156 -0.553 2.305 -0.996 c +2.453 -1.441 2.529 -1.998 2.529 -2.672 c +2.529 -3.965 2.293 -4.959 1.82 -5.658 c +1.348 -6.355 0.703 -6.705 -0.113 -6.705 c +-0.725 -6.705 -1.232 -6.527 -1.637 -6.172 c +-2.041 -5.814 -2.287 -5.35 -2.373 -4.773 c +-1.506 -4.773 l +-1.428 -5.107 -1.271 -5.383 -1.039 -5.6 c +-0.805 -5.816 -0.498 -5.924 -0.113 -5.924 c +0.447 -5.924 0.891 -5.68 1.217 -5.189 c +1.541 -4.699 1.705 -4.006 1.705 -3.111 c +1.648 -3.111 l +1.449 -3.41 1.195 -3.646 0.887 -3.818 c +0.576 -3.99 0.234 -4.078 -0.143 -4.078 c +-0.559 -4.078 -0.939 -3.975 -1.287 -3.768 c +-1.635 -3.561 -1.91 -3.275 -2.119 -2.91 c +-2.326 -2.547 -2.43 -2.131 -2.43 -1.662 c +-2.43 -1.213 -2.328 -0.803 -2.129 -0.43 c +-1.93 -0.059 -1.646 0.236 -1.283 0.457 c +-0.92 0.678 -0.492 0.785 0 0.781 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 295.4922 435.8057 cm +0 0 m +0 -0.709 l +-1.221 -0.709 l +-1.221 -5.453 l +-2.059 -5.453 l +-2.059 -0.709 l +-2.939 -0.709 l +-2.939 0 l +-2.059 0 l +-2.059 0.754 l +-2.059 1.066 -1.986 1.326 -1.84 1.535 c +-1.691 1.744 -1.502 1.9 -1.268 2.004 c +-1.033 2.107 -0.785 2.16 -0.525 2.16 c +-0.318 2.16 -0.15 2.143 -0.021 2.109 c +0.109 2.076 0.207 2.047 0.27 2.018 c +0.029 1.293 l +-0.014 1.309 -0.072 1.326 -0.146 1.348 c +-0.221 1.367 -0.318 1.379 -0.439 1.379 c +-0.717 1.379 -0.916 1.309 -1.039 1.17 c +-1.16 1.029 -1.221 0.824 -1.221 0.555 c +-1.221 0 l +h +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 299.0293 431.0342 cm +0 0 m +0.531 0 0.943 0.256 1.236 0.768 c +1.529 1.277 1.676 2.008 1.676 2.955 c +1.676 3.898 1.529 4.629 1.232 5.146 c +0.937 5.664 0.525 5.924 0 5.924 c +-0.525 5.924 -0.936 5.664 -1.232 5.146 c +-1.527 4.629 -1.676 3.898 -1.676 2.955 c +-1.676 2.008 -1.529 1.277 -1.234 0.768 c +-0.939 0.256 -0.527 0 0 0 c +0 -0.781 m +-0.803 -0.781 -1.424 -0.457 -1.865 0.195 c +-2.307 0.846 -2.527 1.766 -2.527 2.955 c +-2.527 4.133 -2.305 5.051 -1.861 5.707 c +-1.416 6.361 -0.795 6.689 0 6.689 c +0.795 6.689 1.416 6.361 1.861 5.707 c +2.307 5.051 2.529 4.133 2.529 2.955 c +2.529 1.766 2.309 0.846 1.867 0.195 c +1.426 -0.457 0.803 -0.781 0 -0.781 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 152.4399 434.5596 cm +0 0 m +-0.266 0.377 -0.654 0.564 -1.166 0.564 c +-1.52 0.564 -1.816 0.475 -2.051 0.293 c +-2.287 0.113 -2.463 -0.133 -2.58 -0.441 c +-2.697 -0.75 -2.756 -1.098 -2.756 -1.48 c +-2.756 -1.869 -2.697 -2.221 -2.576 -2.537 c +-2.457 -2.854 -2.279 -3.104 -2.045 -3.289 c +-1.809 -3.475 -1.516 -3.568 -1.166 -3.568 c +-0.66 -3.568 -0.275 -3.375 -0.006 -2.988 c +0.264 -2.602 0.396 -2.098 0.396 -1.48 c +0.396 -0.869 0.264 -0.375 0 0 c +0.412 -4.207 m +0.412 -3.369 l +0.312 -3.369 l +0.25 -3.469 0.162 -3.594 0.049 -3.744 c +-0.064 -3.895 -0.227 -4.027 -0.437 -4.145 c +-0.648 -4.262 -0.928 -4.32 -1.279 -4.32 c +-1.734 -4.32 -2.135 -4.205 -2.482 -3.975 c +-2.83 -3.744 -3.104 -3.418 -3.299 -2.994 c +-3.496 -2.572 -3.594 -2.072 -3.594 -1.494 c +-3.594 -0.922 -3.496 -0.424 -3.299 -0.004 c +-3.104 0.418 -2.83 0.744 -2.479 0.973 c +-2.129 1.203 -1.725 1.318 -1.266 1.318 c +-0.91 1.318 -0.629 1.26 -0.422 1.143 c +-0.215 1.025 -0.055 0.893 0.055 0.744 c +0.164 0.596 0.25 0.475 0.312 0.381 c +0.383 0.381 l +0.383 3.064 l +1.221 3.064 l +1.221 -4.207 l +h +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 157.5103 434.4854 cm +0 0 m +0.391 0 0.713 0.115 0.967 0.344 c +1.219 0.572 1.348 0.873 1.35 1.25 c +1.348 1.619 1.223 1.916 0.975 2.139 c +0.727 2.361 0.402 2.473 0 2.473 c +-0.406 2.473 -0.734 2.361 -0.982 2.139 c +-1.229 1.916 -1.352 1.619 -1.35 1.25 c +-1.352 0.873 -1.227 0.572 -0.975 0.344 c +-0.723 0.115 -0.398 0 0 0 c +0 -3.451 m +0.492 -3.451 0.883 -3.334 1.17 -3.098 c +1.457 -2.863 1.604 -2.549 1.605 -2.158 c +1.604 -1.885 1.531 -1.643 1.393 -1.432 c +1.252 -1.221 1.062 -1.055 0.82 -0.934 c +0.578 -0.812 0.305 -0.752 0 -0.752 c +-0.312 -0.752 -0.59 -0.812 -0.83 -0.934 c +-1.072 -1.055 -1.262 -1.221 -1.4 -1.432 c +-1.539 -1.643 -1.607 -1.885 -1.605 -2.158 c +-1.607 -2.549 -1.465 -2.863 -1.18 -3.098 c +-0.893 -3.334 -0.5 -3.451 0 -3.451 c +0 -4.232 m +-0.49 -4.232 -0.92 -4.146 -1.293 -3.973 c +-1.664 -3.797 -1.955 -3.557 -2.162 -3.25 c +-2.371 -2.943 -2.475 -2.594 -2.471 -2.201 c +-2.475 -1.896 -2.414 -1.611 -2.291 -1.35 c +-2.168 -1.086 -1.998 -0.867 -1.785 -0.691 c +-1.57 -0.514 -1.33 -0.402 -1.064 -0.355 c +-1.064 -0.312 l +-1.414 -0.223 -1.689 -0.027 -1.896 0.275 c +-2.102 0.578 -2.203 0.922 -2.201 1.307 c +-2.203 1.676 -2.111 2.006 -1.922 2.297 c +-1.732 2.59 -1.471 2.818 -1.139 2.986 c +-0.805 3.154 -0.426 3.238 0 3.238 c +0.422 3.238 0.799 3.154 1.129 2.986 c +1.461 2.818 1.723 2.59 1.912 2.297 c +2.104 2.006 2.199 1.676 2.201 1.307 c +2.199 0.922 2.094 0.578 1.887 0.275 c +1.68 -0.027 1.406 -0.223 1.066 -0.312 c +1.066 -0.355 l +1.326 -0.402 1.562 -0.514 1.773 -0.691 c +1.986 -0.867 2.154 -1.086 2.279 -1.35 c +2.406 -1.611 2.469 -1.896 2.473 -2.201 c +2.469 -2.594 2.363 -2.943 2.154 -3.25 c +1.945 -3.557 1.654 -3.797 1.283 -3.973 c +0.914 -4.146 0.486 -4.232 0 -4.232 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 164.6978 434.5596 cm +0 0 m +-0.266 0.377 -0.654 0.564 -1.164 0.564 c +-1.52 0.564 -1.814 0.475 -2.051 0.293 c +-2.287 0.113 -2.463 -0.133 -2.58 -0.441 c +-2.697 -0.75 -2.756 -1.098 -2.756 -1.48 c +-2.756 -1.869 -2.695 -2.221 -2.576 -2.537 c +-2.457 -2.854 -2.279 -3.104 -2.043 -3.289 c +-1.809 -3.475 -1.516 -3.568 -1.164 -3.568 c +-0.66 -3.568 -0.273 -3.375 -0.006 -2.988 c +0.264 -2.602 0.398 -2.098 0.398 -1.48 c +0.398 -0.869 0.266 -0.375 0 0 c +0.412 -4.207 m +0.412 -3.369 l +0.312 -3.369 l +0.25 -3.469 0.164 -3.594 0.049 -3.744 c +-0.064 -3.895 -0.227 -4.027 -0.437 -4.145 c +-0.648 -4.262 -0.928 -4.32 -1.279 -4.32 c +-1.732 -4.32 -2.135 -4.205 -2.482 -3.975 c +-2.83 -3.744 -3.104 -3.418 -3.299 -2.994 c +-3.496 -2.572 -3.594 -2.072 -3.594 -1.494 c +-3.594 -0.922 -3.496 -0.424 -3.299 -0.004 c +-3.104 0.418 -2.83 0.744 -2.479 0.973 c +-2.129 1.203 -1.723 1.318 -1.264 1.318 c +-0.91 1.318 -0.629 1.26 -0.422 1.143 c +-0.213 1.025 -0.055 0.893 0.055 0.744 c +0.164 0.596 0.25 0.475 0.312 0.381 c +0.383 0.381 l +0.383 3.064 l +1.221 3.064 l +1.221 -4.207 l +h +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 168.0396 433.5205 cm +0 0 m +3.107 0 l +3.107 0.461 2.973 0.844 2.701 1.148 c +2.432 1.451 2.07 1.604 1.615 1.604 c +1.295 1.604 1.02 1.529 0.785 1.381 c +0.551 1.23 0.365 1.035 0.23 0.789 c +0.096 0.545 0.02 0.281 0 0 c +1.701 -3.281 m +1.176 -3.281 0.723 -3.166 0.342 -2.932 c +-0.037 -2.699 -0.33 -2.373 -0.535 -1.953 c +-0.74 -1.531 -0.842 -1.043 -0.842 -0.484 c +-0.842 0.074 -0.74 0.568 -0.535 0.996 c +-0.33 1.422 -0.043 1.756 0.324 1.996 c +0.693 2.236 1.123 2.357 1.615 2.357 c +1.9 2.357 2.18 2.311 2.457 2.215 c +2.734 2.121 2.986 1.967 3.213 1.756 c +3.441 1.543 3.621 1.264 3.756 0.916 c +3.893 0.566 3.959 0.139 3.959 -0.371 c +3.959 -0.725 l +0 -0.725 l +0.02 -1.309 0.184 -1.754 0.494 -2.064 c +0.807 -2.375 1.209 -2.529 1.701 -2.529 c +2.029 -2.529 2.313 -2.459 2.549 -2.316 c +2.787 -2.174 2.957 -1.961 3.064 -1.678 c +3.873 -1.904 l +3.746 -2.316 3.49 -2.648 3.107 -2.902 c +2.723 -3.156 2.254 -3.281 1.701 -3.281 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 173.8638 433.5205 cm +0 0 m +3.107 0 l +3.107 0.461 2.971 0.844 2.701 1.148 c +2.432 1.451 2.07 1.604 1.615 1.604 c +1.295 1.604 1.018 1.529 0.783 1.381 c +0.549 1.23 0.365 1.035 0.23 0.789 c +0.096 0.545 0.018 0.281 0 0 c +1.701 -3.281 m +1.174 -3.281 0.723 -3.166 0.342 -2.932 c +-0.037 -2.699 -0.33 -2.373 -0.535 -1.953 c +-0.74 -1.531 -0.842 -1.043 -0.842 -0.484 c +-0.842 0.074 -0.74 0.568 -0.535 0.996 c +-0.33 1.422 -0.045 1.756 0.324 1.996 c +0.691 2.236 1.123 2.357 1.615 2.357 c +1.898 2.357 2.18 2.311 2.457 2.215 c +2.734 2.121 2.986 1.967 3.213 1.756 c +3.439 1.543 3.621 1.264 3.756 0.916 c +3.891 0.566 3.959 0.139 3.959 -0.371 c +3.959 -0.725 l +0 -0.725 l +0.018 -1.309 0.184 -1.754 0.494 -2.064 c +0.807 -2.375 1.207 -2.529 1.701 -2.529 c +2.029 -2.529 2.313 -2.459 2.549 -2.316 c +2.785 -2.174 2.957 -1.961 3.064 -1.678 c +3.873 -1.904 l +3.746 -2.316 3.49 -2.648 3.107 -2.902 c +2.723 -3.156 2.254 -3.281 1.701 -3.281 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 181.4028 436.958 cm +0 0 m +-0.299 0 -0.566 -0.076 -0.805 -0.225 c +-1.043 -0.373 -1.23 -0.574 -1.369 -0.824 c +-1.508 -1.076 -1.578 -1.355 -1.578 -1.662 c +-1.578 -1.967 -1.512 -2.24 -1.377 -2.488 c +-1.244 -2.736 -1.061 -2.932 -0.826 -3.078 c +-0.594 -3.223 -0.328 -3.297 -0.029 -3.297 c +0.27 -3.297 0.539 -3.219 0.781 -3.066 c +1.025 -2.912 1.217 -2.709 1.361 -2.459 c +1.504 -2.207 1.576 -1.937 1.576 -1.648 c +1.576 -1.359 1.508 -1.09 1.371 -0.84 c +1.236 -0.588 1.049 -0.385 0.811 -0.232 c +0.572 -0.078 0.303 0 0 0 c +0 0.781 m +0.297 0.777 0.596 0.721 0.895 0.609 c +1.191 0.498 1.465 0.314 1.711 0.057 c +1.957 -0.201 2.154 -0.553 2.305 -0.996 c +2.453 -1.441 2.527 -1.998 2.527 -2.672 c +2.527 -3.965 2.291 -4.959 1.818 -5.658 c +1.348 -6.355 0.703 -6.705 -0.115 -6.705 c +-0.725 -6.705 -1.232 -6.527 -1.639 -6.172 c +-2.043 -5.814 -2.287 -5.35 -2.373 -4.773 c +-1.506 -4.773 l +-1.428 -5.107 -1.273 -5.383 -1.039 -5.6 c +-0.807 -5.816 -0.498 -5.924 -0.115 -5.924 c +0.447 -5.924 0.891 -5.68 1.215 -5.189 c +1.541 -4.699 1.703 -4.006 1.703 -3.111 c +1.646 -3.111 l +1.447 -3.41 1.193 -3.646 0.885 -3.818 c +0.576 -3.99 0.234 -4.078 -0.143 -4.078 c +-0.561 -4.078 -0.941 -3.975 -1.289 -3.768 c +-1.635 -3.561 -1.912 -3.275 -2.119 -2.91 c +-2.326 -2.547 -2.43 -2.131 -2.43 -1.662 c +-2.43 -1.213 -2.33 -0.803 -2.129 -0.43 c +-1.93 -0.059 -1.648 0.236 -1.285 0.457 c +-0.922 0.678 -0.494 0.785 0 0.781 c +f +Q +0.847 0.871 0.914 rg +q 1 0 0 1 227.0005 524.625 cm +0 0 m +-108 0 l +-114.6 0 -120 -5.4 -120 -12 c +-120 -75.001 l +0 -75.001 l +h +f +Q +0.898 0.914 0.941 rg +346.5 449.624 -121 75.001 re +f +0.847 0.871 0.914 rg +431 539.125 -288 1 re +f +0.298 0.337 0.416 rg +q 1 0 0 1 233.3696 558.3633 cm +0 0 m +-0.807 0.346 -1.42 0.803 -1.84 1.369 c +-2.26 1.936 -2.482 2.547 -2.51 3.199 c +-2.51 3.307 -2.471 3.4 -2.391 3.479 c +-2.311 3.559 -2.209 3.6 -2.09 3.6 c +-1.109 3.6 l +-0.869 3.6 -0.703 3.467 -0.609 3.199 c +-0.49 2.639 -0.146 2.156 0.42 1.75 c +0.986 1.342 1.797 1.139 2.85 1.139 c +3.982 1.139 4.83 1.34 5.391 1.74 c +5.949 2.139 6.23 2.693 6.23 3.4 c +6.23 3.854 6.094 4.227 5.82 4.52 c +5.547 4.812 5.141 5.07 4.6 5.289 c +4.061 5.51 3.25 5.779 2.17 6.1 c +1.143 6.393 0.326 6.705 -0.279 7.039 c +-0.887 7.373 -1.344 7.783 -1.65 8.27 c +-1.957 8.756 -2.109 9.373 -2.109 10.119 c +-2.109 10.84 -1.916 11.482 -1.529 12.049 c +-1.143 12.615 -0.584 13.063 0.15 13.389 c +0.883 13.717 1.75 13.879 2.75 13.879 c +3.791 13.879 4.68 13.695 5.42 13.33 c +6.16 12.963 6.723 12.502 7.109 11.949 c +7.496 11.396 7.703 10.84 7.73 10.279 c +7.73 10.16 7.689 10.059 7.609 9.979 c +7.529 9.9 7.43 9.859 7.311 9.859 c +6.311 9.859 l +6.203 9.859 6.104 9.893 6.01 9.959 c +5.916 10.025 5.85 10.127 5.811 10.26 c +5.73 10.832 5.41 11.307 4.85 11.68 c +4.291 12.053 3.59 12.24 2.75 12.24 c +1.844 12.24 1.123 12.063 0.59 11.709 c +0.057 11.355 -0.209 10.832 -0.209 10.139 c +-0.209 9.672 -0.086 9.293 0.16 9 c +0.406 8.705 0.787 8.445 1.301 8.219 c +1.812 7.992 2.563 7.732 3.551 7.439 c +4.684 7.119 5.574 6.799 6.221 6.479 c +6.867 6.16 7.35 5.762 7.67 5.289 c +7.99 4.816 8.15 4.205 8.15 3.459 c +8.15 2.205 7.674 1.229 6.721 0.529 c +5.768 -0.17 4.477 -0.521 2.85 -0.521 c +1.756 -0.521 0.807 -0.348 0 0 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 244.0298 558.1719 cm +0 0 m +-0.088 0.088 -0.131 0.197 -0.131 0.33 c +-0.131 9.811 l +-0.131 9.943 -0.088 10.055 0 10.141 c +0.086 10.227 0.197 10.271 0.33 10.271 c +1.189 10.271 l +1.336 10.271 1.449 10.23 1.529 10.15 c +1.609 10.07 1.65 9.957 1.65 9.811 c +1.65 8.932 l +2.051 9.424 2.514 9.805 3.039 10.07 c +3.566 10.338 4.223 10.471 5.01 10.471 c +6.289 10.471 7.283 10.061 7.99 9.24 c +8.697 8.42 9.051 7.338 9.051 5.99 c +9.051 0.33 l +9.051 0.197 9.006 0.088 8.92 0 c +8.832 -0.086 8.723 -0.129 8.59 -0.129 c +7.67 -0.129 l +7.537 -0.129 7.426 -0.086 7.34 0 c +7.254 0.088 7.209 0.197 7.209 0.33 c +7.209 5.871 l +7.209 6.83 6.977 7.578 6.51 8.111 c +6.043 8.645 5.377 8.91 4.51 8.91 c +3.656 8.91 2.977 8.641 2.471 8.102 c +1.963 7.561 1.709 6.818 1.709 5.871 c +1.709 0.33 l +1.709 0.197 1.666 0.088 1.58 0 c +1.492 -0.086 1.383 -0.129 1.25 -0.129 c +0.33 -0.129 l +0.197 -0.129 0.086 -0.086 0 0 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 262.229 560.1523 cm +0 0 m +0.5 0.541 0.77 1.316 0.811 2.33 c +0.824 2.463 0.83 2.717 0.83 3.09 c +0.83 3.463 0.824 3.717 0.811 3.85 c +0.77 4.863 0.5 5.641 0 6.18 c +-0.5 6.721 -1.176 6.99 -2.029 6.99 c +-2.883 6.99 -3.561 6.721 -4.061 6.18 c +-4.561 5.641 -4.83 4.863 -4.869 3.85 c +-4.891 3.09 l +-4.869 2.33 l +-4.83 1.316 -4.561 0.541 -4.061 0 c +-3.561 -0.539 -2.883 -0.811 -2.029 -0.811 c +-1.176 -0.811 -0.5 -0.539 0 0 c +-5.42 -1.07 m +-6.213 -0.242 -6.637 0.857 -6.689 2.23 c +-6.709 3.09 l +-6.689 3.951 l +-6.637 5.324 -6.207 6.424 -5.4 7.25 c +-4.594 8.076 -3.471 8.49 -2.029 8.49 c +-0.59 8.49 0.533 8.076 1.34 7.25 c +2.146 6.424 2.576 5.324 2.631 3.951 c +2.656 3.656 2.67 3.371 2.67 3.09 c +2.67 2.811 2.656 2.523 2.631 2.23 c +2.576 0.857 2.154 -0.242 1.359 -1.07 c +0.566 -1.896 -0.562 -2.311 -2.029 -2.311 c +-3.496 -2.311 -4.627 -1.896 -5.42 -1.07 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 269.479 558.1621 cm +0 0 m +-0.094 0.08 -0.166 0.207 -0.219 0.381 c +-3.061 9.66 l +-3.1 9.861 l +-3.1 9.98 -3.061 10.08 -2.98 10.16 c +-2.9 10.24 -2.799 10.281 -2.68 10.281 c +-1.859 10.281 l +-1.727 10.281 -1.617 10.244 -1.529 10.17 c +-1.443 10.098 -1.393 10.027 -1.379 9.961 c +0.881 2.32 l +3.281 9.861 l +3.307 9.967 3.367 10.064 3.461 10.15 c +3.553 10.236 3.68 10.281 3.84 10.281 c +4.48 10.281 l +4.641 10.281 4.768 10.236 4.861 10.15 c +4.953 10.064 5.014 9.967 5.041 9.861 c +7.439 2.32 l +9.701 9.961 l +9.713 10.027 9.763 10.098 9.849 10.17 c +9.937 10.244 10.046 10.281 10.179 10.281 c +11 10.281 l +11.121 10.281 11.22 10.24 11.3 10.16 c +11.38 10.08 11.419 9.98 11.419 9.861 c +11.38 9.66 l +8.541 0.381 l +8.486 0.207 8.414 0.08 8.32 0 c +8.227 -0.08 8.088 -0.119 7.9 -0.119 c +7.18 -0.119 l +6.834 -0.119 6.607 0.047 6.5 0.381 c +4.16 7.621 l +1.82 0.381 l +1.713 0.047 1.486 -0.119 1.141 -0.119 c +0.42 -0.119 l +0.234 -0.119 0.094 -0.08 0 0 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 289.4687 558.3633 cm +0 0 m +-0.807 0.346 -1.42 0.803 -1.84 1.369 c +-2.26 1.936 -2.484 2.547 -2.51 3.199 c +-2.51 3.307 -2.471 3.4 -2.391 3.479 c +-2.311 3.559 -2.211 3.6 -2.09 3.6 c +-1.111 3.6 l +-0.871 3.6 -0.703 3.467 -0.611 3.199 c +-0.49 2.639 -0.146 2.156 0.42 1.75 c +0.986 1.342 1.797 1.139 2.85 1.139 c +3.982 1.139 4.83 1.34 5.389 1.74 c +5.949 2.139 6.23 2.693 6.23 3.4 c +6.23 3.854 6.092 4.227 5.82 4.52 c +5.547 4.812 5.139 5.07 4.6 5.289 c +4.061 5.51 3.25 5.779 2.17 6.1 c +1.143 6.393 0.326 6.705 -0.281 7.039 c +-0.887 7.373 -1.344 7.783 -1.65 8.27 c +-1.957 8.756 -2.111 9.373 -2.111 10.119 c +-2.111 10.84 -1.918 11.482 -1.531 12.049 c +-1.145 12.615 -0.584 13.063 0.15 13.389 c +0.883 13.717 1.75 13.879 2.75 13.879 c +3.789 13.879 4.68 13.695 5.42 13.33 c +6.16 12.963 6.723 12.502 7.109 11.949 c +7.496 11.396 7.703 10.84 7.73 10.279 c +7.73 10.16 7.689 10.059 7.609 9.979 c +7.529 9.9 7.43 9.859 7.311 9.859 c +6.311 9.859 l +6.203 9.859 6.104 9.893 6.01 9.959 c +5.916 10.025 5.85 10.127 5.811 10.26 c +5.73 10.832 5.41 11.307 4.85 11.68 c +4.289 12.053 3.59 12.24 2.75 12.24 c +1.842 12.24 1.123 12.063 0.59 11.709 c +0.057 11.355 -0.211 10.832 -0.211 10.139 c +-0.211 9.672 -0.088 9.293 0.16 9 c +0.406 8.705 0.787 8.445 1.299 8.219 c +1.812 7.992 2.563 7.732 3.549 7.439 c +4.684 7.119 5.572 6.799 6.219 6.479 c +6.865 6.16 7.35 5.762 7.67 5.289 c +7.99 4.816 8.15 4.205 8.15 3.459 c +8.15 2.205 7.672 1.229 6.719 0.529 c +5.766 -0.17 4.477 -0.521 2.85 -0.521 c +1.756 -0.521 0.807 -0.348 0 0 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 300.8984 561.543 cm +0 0 m +0 5.359 l +-1.58 5.359 l +-1.713 5.359 -1.82 5.4 -1.9 5.48 c +-1.98 5.561 -2.02 5.666 -2.02 5.799 c +-2.02 6.439 l +-2.02 6.572 -1.98 6.684 -1.9 6.77 c +-1.82 6.855 -1.713 6.9 -1.58 6.9 c +0 6.9 l +0 10.24 l +0 10.373 0.039 10.482 0.119 10.57 c +0.199 10.656 0.307 10.699 0.439 10.699 c +1.32 10.699 l +1.453 10.699 1.562 10.656 1.65 10.57 c +1.736 10.482 1.779 10.373 1.779 10.24 c +1.779 6.9 l +4.26 6.9 l +4.393 6.9 4.504 6.855 4.59 6.77 c +4.676 6.684 4.721 6.572 4.721 6.439 c +4.721 5.799 l +4.721 5.666 4.676 5.561 4.59 5.48 c +4.504 5.4 4.393 5.359 4.26 5.359 c +1.779 5.359 l +1.779 0.141 l +1.779 -0.541 1.891 -1.053 2.109 -1.4 c +2.33 -1.748 2.707 -1.92 3.24 -1.92 c +4.459 -1.92 l +4.594 -1.92 4.699 -1.963 4.779 -2.051 c +4.859 -2.137 4.9 -2.248 4.9 -2.381 c +4.9 -3.041 l +4.9 -3.174 4.859 -3.283 4.779 -3.371 c +4.699 -3.457 4.594 -3.5 4.459 -3.5 c +3.1 -3.5 l +1.033 -3.5 0 -2.334 0 0 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 314.0078 560.1523 cm +0 0 m +0.5 0.541 0.77 1.316 0.811 2.33 c +0.824 2.463 0.83 2.717 0.83 3.09 c +0.83 3.463 0.824 3.717 0.811 3.85 c +0.77 4.863 0.5 5.641 0 6.18 c +-0.5 6.721 -1.176 6.99 -2.029 6.99 c +-2.883 6.99 -3.561 6.721 -4.061 6.18 c +-4.561 5.641 -4.83 4.863 -4.869 3.85 c +-4.891 3.09 l +-4.869 2.33 l +-4.83 1.316 -4.561 0.541 -4.061 0 c +-3.561 -0.539 -2.883 -0.811 -2.029 -0.811 c +-1.176 -0.811 -0.5 -0.539 0 0 c +-5.42 -1.07 m +-6.213 -0.242 -6.637 0.857 -6.689 2.23 c +-6.709 3.09 l +-6.689 3.951 l +-6.637 5.324 -6.207 6.424 -5.4 7.25 c +-4.594 8.076 -3.471 8.49 -2.029 8.49 c +-0.59 8.49 0.533 8.076 1.34 7.25 c +2.146 6.424 2.576 5.324 2.631 3.951 c +2.656 3.656 2.67 3.371 2.67 3.09 c +2.67 2.811 2.656 2.523 2.631 2.23 c +2.576 0.857 2.154 -0.242 1.359 -1.07 c +0.566 -1.896 -0.562 -2.311 -2.029 -2.311 c +-3.496 -2.311 -4.627 -1.896 -5.42 -1.07 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 319.3281 558.1719 cm +0 0 m +-0.086 0.088 -0.129 0.197 -0.129 0.33 c +-0.129 9.791 l +-0.129 9.924 -0.086 10.037 0 10.131 c +0.088 10.225 0.197 10.271 0.33 10.271 c +1.17 10.271 l +1.316 10.271 1.434 10.227 1.521 10.141 c +1.607 10.055 1.65 9.938 1.65 9.791 c +1.65 8.91 l +2.197 9.818 3.123 10.271 4.43 10.271 c +5.211 10.271 l +5.357 10.271 5.471 10.23 5.551 10.15 c +5.631 10.07 5.67 9.957 5.67 9.811 c +5.67 9.07 l +5.67 8.938 5.631 8.828 5.551 8.74 c +5.471 8.654 5.357 8.611 5.211 8.611 c +4.07 8.611 l +3.338 8.611 2.76 8.396 2.34 7.971 c +1.92 7.545 1.711 6.965 1.711 6.23 c +1.711 0.33 l +1.711 0.197 1.664 0.088 1.57 0 c +1.477 -0.086 1.363 -0.129 1.23 -0.129 c +0.33 -0.129 l +0.197 -0.129 0.088 -0.086 0 0 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 326.8477 558.1719 cm +0 0 m +-0.086 0.088 -0.129 0.197 -0.129 0.33 c +-0.129 9.811 l +-0.129 9.943 -0.086 10.055 0 10.141 c +0.088 10.227 0.197 10.271 0.33 10.271 c +1.17 10.271 l +1.305 10.271 1.41 10.227 1.49 10.141 c +1.57 10.055 1.611 9.943 1.611 9.811 c +1.611 9.131 l +2.33 10.023 3.305 10.471 4.531 10.471 c +5.998 10.471 7.037 9.857 7.65 8.631 c +7.971 9.191 8.428 9.637 9.021 9.971 c +9.613 10.305 10.277 10.471 11.01 10.471 c +12.104 10.471 12.998 10.098 13.691 9.352 c +14.383 8.604 14.73 7.523 14.73 6.111 c +14.73 0.33 l +14.73 0.197 14.688 0.088 14.602 0 c +14.514 -0.086 14.404 -0.129 14.271 -0.129 c +13.41 -0.129 l +13.277 -0.129 13.168 -0.086 13.08 0 c +12.994 0.088 12.951 0.197 12.951 0.33 c +12.951 5.932 l +12.951 6.998 12.73 7.762 12.291 8.221 c +11.852 8.682 11.271 8.91 10.551 8.91 c +9.91 8.91 9.361 8.674 8.9 8.201 c +8.441 7.727 8.211 6.971 8.211 5.932 c +8.211 0.33 l +8.211 0.197 8.168 0.088 8.08 0 c +7.994 -0.086 7.883 -0.129 7.75 -0.129 c +6.871 -0.129 l +6.736 -0.129 6.627 -0.086 6.541 0 c +6.453 0.088 6.41 0.197 6.41 0.33 c +6.41 5.932 l +6.41 6.984 6.18 7.744 5.721 8.211 c +5.26 8.678 4.691 8.91 4.01 8.91 c +3.371 8.91 2.82 8.678 2.361 8.211 c +1.9 7.744 1.67 6.99 1.67 5.951 c +1.67 0.33 l +1.67 0.197 1.627 0.088 1.541 0 c +1.453 -0.086 1.344 -0.129 1.211 -0.129 c +0.33 -0.129 l +0.197 -0.129 0.088 -0.086 0 0 c +f +Q +0.925 0.937 0.957 rg +q 1 0 0 1 691 712.2441 cm +0 0 m +-180 0 l +-180 -75.002 l +-270 -75.002 l +-270 -103.805 l +-270 -107.213 -267.139 -110.002 -263.639 -110.002 c +83.637 -110.002 l +87.137 -110.002 90 -107.213 90 -103.805 c +90 -75.002 l +0 -75.002 l +h +f +Q +0.298 0.337 0.416 rg +q 1 0 0 1 720.3379 619.8594 cm +0 0 m +0 3.877 l +-0.057 3.877 l +-2.471 0.057 l +-2.471 0 l +h +-3.422 -0.781 m +-3.422 -0.057 l +-0.227 5 l +0.838 5 l +0.838 0 l +1.832 0 l +1.832 -0.781 l +0.838 -0.781 l +0.838 -2.273 l +0 -2.273 l +0 -0.781 l +h +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 725.7363 617.4727 cm +0 0 m +-0.512 0 -0.951 0.121 -1.32 0.363 c +-1.691 0.604 -1.975 0.936 -2.174 1.359 c +-2.373 1.783 -2.473 2.268 -2.473 2.813 c +-2.473 3.367 -2.369 3.855 -2.164 4.281 c +-1.959 4.705 -1.674 5.039 -1.305 5.279 c +-0.937 5.52 -0.508 5.639 -0.014 5.639 c +0.369 5.639 0.715 5.568 1.023 5.426 c +1.33 5.285 1.582 5.086 1.779 4.83 c +1.975 4.574 2.098 4.275 2.145 3.936 c +1.307 3.936 l +1.242 4.184 1.102 4.404 0.883 4.598 c +0.664 4.789 0.369 4.887 0 4.887 c +-0.49 4.887 -0.885 4.699 -1.184 4.328 c +-1.484 3.955 -1.633 3.459 -1.633 2.842 c +-1.633 2.209 -1.486 1.703 -1.189 1.322 c +-0.895 0.943 -0.498 0.754 0 0.754 c +0.326 0.754 0.605 0.838 0.84 1.006 c +1.072 1.174 1.229 1.406 1.307 1.705 c +2.145 1.705 l +2.098 1.383 1.98 1.094 1.795 0.836 c +1.609 0.58 1.363 0.375 1.061 0.227 c +0.756 0.076 0.402 0 0 0 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 731.3613 617.4863 cm +0 0 m +-0.416 0 -0.791 0.084 -1.125 0.25 c +-1.459 0.414 -1.727 0.643 -1.928 0.932 c +-2.129 1.221 -2.24 1.549 -2.258 1.918 c +-1.406 1.918 l +-1.373 1.59 -1.223 1.318 -0.957 1.104 c +-0.691 0.889 -0.371 0.781 0 0.781 c +0.299 0.781 0.564 0.852 0.797 0.992 c +1.031 1.131 1.213 1.322 1.348 1.566 c +1.48 1.811 1.549 2.088 1.549 2.4 c +1.549 2.719 1.479 3.002 1.34 3.252 c +1.201 3.502 1.012 3.699 0.771 3.844 c +0.529 3.988 0.254 4.061 -0.057 4.062 c +-0.279 4.066 -0.508 4.031 -0.742 3.963 c +-0.977 3.893 -1.17 3.803 -1.32 3.693 c +-2.145 3.793 l +-1.705 7.373 l +2.074 7.373 l +2.074 6.592 l +-0.967 6.592 l +-1.221 4.447 l +-1.18 4.447 l +-1.029 4.564 -0.844 4.664 -0.617 4.742 c +-0.393 4.82 -0.158 4.859 0.086 4.859 c +0.529 4.859 0.928 4.752 1.277 4.541 c +1.625 4.328 1.9 4.039 2.1 3.67 c +2.301 3.303 2.4 2.885 2.4 2.416 c +2.4 1.951 2.297 1.537 2.09 1.174 c +1.883 0.811 1.598 0.525 1.236 0.314 c +0.873 0.105 0.461 0 0 0 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 737.582 618.2676 cm +0 0 m +0.299 0 0.566 0.076 0.805 0.225 c +1.043 0.373 1.23 0.574 1.369 0.824 c +1.508 1.076 1.578 1.355 1.578 1.662 c +1.578 1.963 1.51 2.236 1.377 2.484 c +1.242 2.732 1.061 2.93 0.826 3.076 c +0.594 3.223 0.328 3.297 0.029 3.297 c +-0.271 3.297 -0.543 3.219 -0.783 3.064 c +-1.025 2.912 -1.217 2.709 -1.359 2.459 c +-1.502 2.211 -1.574 1.939 -1.576 1.648 c +-1.578 1.357 -1.512 1.086 -1.373 0.838 c +-1.236 0.588 -1.049 0.385 -0.812 0.232 c +-0.576 0.078 -0.305 0 0 0 c +0 -0.781 m +-0.297 -0.775 -0.596 -0.719 -0.895 -0.609 c +-1.191 -0.502 -1.465 -0.316 -1.711 -0.059 c +-1.957 0.201 -2.154 0.553 -2.305 0.996 c +-2.453 1.441 -2.527 1.998 -2.527 2.672 c +-2.527 3.963 -2.293 4.959 -1.82 5.658 c +-1.35 6.355 -0.705 6.705 0.115 6.705 c +0.725 6.705 1.232 6.527 1.637 6.17 c +2.039 5.811 2.285 5.346 2.373 4.773 c +1.506 4.773 l +1.426 5.107 1.27 5.383 1.037 5.6 c +0.807 5.816 0.498 5.924 0.115 5.924 c +-0.449 5.924 -0.893 5.678 -1.215 5.187 c +-1.539 4.695 -1.701 4.004 -1.703 3.111 c +-1.646 3.111 l +-1.447 3.412 -1.193 3.648 -0.883 3.82 c +-0.574 3.992 -0.23 4.078 0.143 4.078 c +0.559 4.078 0.941 3.975 1.287 3.768 c +1.633 3.559 1.908 3.273 2.117 2.91 c +2.326 2.547 2.43 2.131 2.43 1.662 c +2.43 1.213 2.33 0.801 2.129 0.428 c +1.926 0.057 1.645 -0.24 1.281 -0.459 c +0.918 -0.678 0.49 -0.785 0 -0.781 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 743.8184 618.2676 cm +0 0 m +0.299 0 0.566 0.076 0.805 0.225 c +1.043 0.373 1.23 0.574 1.369 0.824 c +1.508 1.076 1.576 1.355 1.576 1.662 c +1.576 1.963 1.51 2.236 1.377 2.484 c +1.242 2.732 1.059 2.93 0.826 3.076 c +0.594 3.223 0.326 3.297 0.029 3.297 c +-0.271 3.297 -0.543 3.219 -0.785 3.064 c +-1.025 2.912 -1.217 2.709 -1.359 2.459 c +-1.502 2.211 -1.574 1.939 -1.576 1.648 c +-1.578 1.357 -1.512 1.086 -1.373 0.838 c +-1.236 0.588 -1.049 0.385 -0.812 0.232 c +-0.576 0.078 -0.305 0 0 0 c +0 -0.781 m +-0.299 -0.775 -0.596 -0.719 -0.895 -0.609 c +-1.193 -0.502 -1.465 -0.316 -1.711 -0.059 c +-1.957 0.201 -2.154 0.553 -2.305 0.996 c +-2.453 1.441 -2.527 1.998 -2.527 2.672 c +-2.527 3.963 -2.293 4.959 -1.822 5.658 c +-1.35 6.355 -0.705 6.705 0.113 6.705 c +0.725 6.705 1.232 6.527 1.635 6.17 c +2.039 5.811 2.285 5.346 2.373 4.773 c +1.506 4.773 l +1.426 5.107 1.27 5.383 1.037 5.6 c +0.805 5.816 0.498 5.924 0.113 5.924 c +-0.449 5.924 -0.893 5.678 -1.217 5.187 c +-1.539 4.695 -1.701 4.004 -1.705 3.111 c +-1.646 3.111 l +-1.449 3.412 -1.193 3.648 -0.885 3.82 c +-0.574 3.992 -0.232 4.078 0.143 4.078 c +0.559 4.078 0.939 3.975 1.285 3.768 c +1.631 3.559 1.908 3.273 2.117 2.91 c +2.324 2.547 2.43 2.131 2.43 1.662 c +2.43 1.213 2.328 0.801 2.127 0.428 c +1.926 0.057 1.645 -0.24 1.281 -0.459 c +0.918 -0.678 0.49 -0.785 0 -0.781 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 749.3867 618.2109 cm +0 0 m +0.332 0 0.611 0.066 0.84 0.195 c +1.068 0.326 1.242 0.494 1.359 0.699 c +1.477 0.906 1.535 1.123 1.535 1.35 c +1.535 2.117 l +1.498 2.074 1.422 2.035 1.301 2.002 c +1.182 1.967 1.045 1.937 0.891 1.912 c +0.734 1.889 0.584 1.867 0.439 1.85 c +0.293 1.832 0.176 1.816 0.086 1.805 c +-0.133 1.775 -0.336 1.73 -0.523 1.668 c +-0.711 1.605 -0.863 1.512 -0.979 1.387 c +-1.094 1.264 -1.15 1.094 -1.15 0.881 c +-1.15 0.59 -1.043 0.371 -0.826 0.223 c +-0.609 0.074 -0.334 0 0 0 c +-0.127 -0.752 m +-0.473 -0.752 -0.787 -0.687 -1.068 -0.555 c +-1.35 -0.424 -1.574 -0.232 -1.74 0.016 c +-1.906 0.266 -1.988 0.568 -1.988 0.924 c +-1.988 1.236 -1.928 1.49 -1.805 1.686 c +-1.68 1.881 -1.516 2.033 -1.311 2.145 c +-1.104 2.256 -0.877 2.34 -0.627 2.396 c +-0.377 2.451 -0.125 2.496 0.129 2.529 c +0.459 2.572 0.729 2.605 0.936 2.633 c +1.143 2.658 1.295 2.699 1.391 2.754 c +1.486 2.811 1.535 2.906 1.535 3.041 c +1.535 3.393 1.439 3.668 1.25 3.865 c +1.061 4.064 0.771 4.162 0.383 4.162 c +-0.016 4.162 -0.33 4.074 -0.557 3.9 c +-0.785 3.725 -0.945 3.537 -1.037 3.338 c +-1.832 3.623 l +-1.689 3.953 -1.5 4.213 -1.262 4.398 c +-1.023 4.584 -0.764 4.715 -0.48 4.789 c +-0.197 4.863 0.08 4.9 0.355 4.9 c +0.531 4.9 0.732 4.881 0.961 4.84 c +1.189 4.797 1.41 4.713 1.625 4.586 c +1.84 4.457 2.018 4.264 2.16 4.006 c +2.301 3.748 2.373 3.402 2.373 2.969 c +2.373 -0.625 l +1.535 -0.625 l +1.535 0.113 l +1.492 0.113 l +1.436 -0.004 1.34 -0.131 1.207 -0.266 c +1.074 -0.4 0.898 -0.516 0.678 -0.609 c +0.459 -0.705 0.189 -0.752 -0.127 -0.752 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 630.3379 619.8594 cm +0 0 m +0 3.877 l +-0.057 3.877 l +-2.471 0.057 l +-2.471 0 l +h +-3.422 -0.781 m +-3.422 -0.057 l +-0.227 5 l +0.838 5 l +0.838 0 l +1.832 0 l +1.832 -0.781 l +0.838 -0.781 l +0.838 -2.273 l +0 -2.273 l +0 -0.781 l +h +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 635.9629 617.4863 cm +0 0 m +-0.469 0 -0.885 0.082 -1.252 0.242 c +-1.617 0.402 -1.906 0.627 -2.121 0.916 c +-2.336 1.203 -2.453 1.537 -2.471 1.918 c +-1.576 1.918 l +-1.551 1.568 -1.389 1.291 -1.092 1.088 c +-0.795 0.883 -0.436 0.781 -0.014 0.781 c +0.453 0.781 0.836 0.9 1.139 1.139 c +1.441 1.377 1.592 1.689 1.592 2.074 c +1.592 2.477 1.443 2.805 1.146 3.059 c +0.848 3.311 0.424 3.438 -0.127 3.438 c +-0.709 3.438 l +-0.709 4.219 l +-0.127 4.219 l +0.303 4.219 0.654 4.334 0.928 4.564 c +1.199 4.793 1.336 5.1 1.336 5.484 c +1.336 5.85 1.217 6.146 0.977 6.369 c +0.738 6.594 0.418 6.705 0.016 6.705 c +-0.236 6.705 -0.473 6.66 -0.693 6.568 c +-0.916 6.477 -1.096 6.346 -1.234 6.174 c +-1.375 6.002 -1.451 5.797 -1.463 5.555 c +-2.314 5.555 l +-2.301 5.936 -2.186 6.27 -1.971 6.559 c +-1.756 6.846 -1.473 7.07 -1.123 7.23 c +-0.773 7.393 -0.391 7.473 0.029 7.473 c +0.479 7.473 0.865 7.381 1.187 7.201 c +1.508 7.02 1.756 6.781 1.93 6.484 c +2.102 6.189 2.188 5.869 2.188 5.525 c +2.188 5.117 2.08 4.768 1.867 4.479 c +1.652 4.189 1.361 3.99 0.994 3.879 c +0.994 3.822 l +1.453 3.746 1.812 3.551 2.07 3.238 c +2.328 2.924 2.457 2.537 2.457 2.074 c +2.457 1.68 2.352 1.324 2.137 1.012 c +1.922 0.697 1.631 0.451 1.262 0.271 c +0.893 0.09 0.471 0 0 0 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 643.123 619.8594 cm +0 0 m +0 3.877 l +-0.057 3.877 l +-2.473 0.057 l +-2.473 0 l +h +-3.424 -0.781 m +-3.424 -0.057 l +-0.229 5 l +0.838 5 l +0.838 0 l +1.832 0 l +1.832 -0.781 l +0.838 -0.781 l +0.838 -2.273 l +0 -2.273 l +0 -0.781 l +h +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 648.5195 617.4727 cm +0 0 m +-0.51 0 -0.951 0.121 -1.32 0.363 c +-1.689 0.604 -1.975 0.936 -2.172 1.359 c +-2.371 1.783 -2.471 2.268 -2.471 2.813 c +-2.471 3.367 -2.369 3.855 -2.164 4.281 c +-1.959 4.705 -1.672 5.039 -1.305 5.279 c +-0.936 5.52 -0.506 5.639 -0.014 5.639 c +0.369 5.639 0.715 5.568 1.023 5.426 c +1.332 5.285 1.584 5.086 1.779 4.83 c +1.977 4.574 2.098 4.275 2.146 3.936 c +1.307 3.936 l +1.244 4.184 1.102 4.404 0.883 4.598 c +0.664 4.789 0.369 4.887 0 4.887 c +-0.49 4.887 -0.885 4.699 -1.184 4.328 c +-1.482 3.955 -1.633 3.459 -1.633 2.842 c +-1.633 2.209 -1.484 1.703 -1.189 1.322 c +-0.893 0.943 -0.496 0.754 0 0.754 c +0.328 0.754 0.607 0.838 0.84 1.006 c +1.074 1.174 1.229 1.406 1.307 1.705 c +2.146 1.705 l +2.098 1.383 1.982 1.094 1.795 0.836 c +1.609 0.58 1.365 0.375 1.061 0.227 c +0.756 0.076 0.402 0 0 0 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 654.1445 617.4863 cm +0 0 m +-0.416 0 -0.791 0.084 -1.125 0.25 c +-1.459 0.414 -1.727 0.643 -1.928 0.932 c +-2.129 1.221 -2.238 1.549 -2.258 1.918 c +-1.406 1.918 l +-1.373 1.59 -1.223 1.318 -0.957 1.104 c +-0.689 0.889 -0.371 0.781 0 0.781 c +0.299 0.781 0.564 0.852 0.799 0.992 c +1.031 1.131 1.215 1.322 1.348 1.566 c +1.482 1.811 1.549 2.088 1.549 2.4 c +1.549 2.719 1.48 3.002 1.342 3.252 c +1.203 3.502 1.014 3.699 0.771 3.844 c +0.529 3.988 0.254 4.061 -0.057 4.062 c +-0.279 4.066 -0.508 4.031 -0.742 3.963 c +-0.977 3.893 -1.168 3.803 -1.32 3.693 c +-2.145 3.793 l +-1.703 7.373 l +2.074 7.373 l +2.074 6.592 l +-0.965 6.592 l +-1.221 4.447 l +-1.178 4.447 l +-1.029 4.564 -0.842 4.664 -0.617 4.742 c +-0.393 4.82 -0.158 4.859 0.086 4.859 c +0.531 4.859 0.928 4.752 1.277 4.541 c +1.627 4.328 1.9 4.039 2.102 3.67 c +2.301 3.303 2.402 2.885 2.402 2.416 c +2.402 1.951 2.299 1.537 2.09 1.174 c +1.883 0.811 1.6 0.525 1.236 0.314 c +0.875 0.105 0.463 0 0 0 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 658.5527 620.7539 cm +0 0 m +3.107 0 l +3.107 0.461 2.973 0.844 2.701 1.148 c +2.432 1.453 2.07 1.605 1.615 1.605 c +1.295 1.605 1.02 1.531 0.785 1.381 c +0.551 1.232 0.365 1.035 0.23 0.791 c +0.096 0.545 0.02 0.281 0 0 c +1.701 -3.281 m +1.176 -3.281 0.723 -3.164 0.342 -2.932 c +-0.037 -2.697 -0.33 -2.371 -0.535 -1.951 c +-0.74 -1.531 -0.842 -1.041 -0.842 -0.482 c +-0.842 0.076 -0.74 0.568 -0.535 0.996 c +-0.33 1.424 -0.043 1.758 0.324 1.998 c +0.693 2.238 1.123 2.357 1.615 2.357 c +1.9 2.357 2.18 2.311 2.457 2.217 c +2.734 2.121 2.986 1.969 3.213 1.756 c +3.441 1.545 3.621 1.264 3.756 0.916 c +3.893 0.568 3.959 0.141 3.959 -0.369 c +3.959 -0.725 l +0 -0.725 l +0.02 -1.307 0.184 -1.754 0.494 -2.063 c +0.807 -2.373 1.209 -2.527 1.701 -2.527 c +2.029 -2.527 2.313 -2.457 2.549 -2.314 c +2.787 -2.174 2.957 -1.961 3.064 -1.676 c +3.873 -1.902 l +3.746 -2.314 3.49 -2.648 3.107 -2.9 c +2.723 -3.154 2.254 -3.281 1.701 -3.281 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 539.5449 617.4863 cm +0 0 m +-0.469 0 -0.887 0.082 -1.252 0.242 c +-1.619 0.402 -1.908 0.627 -2.123 0.916 c +-2.338 1.203 -2.453 1.537 -2.473 1.918 c +-1.578 1.918 l +-1.551 1.568 -1.391 1.291 -1.094 1.088 c +-0.795 0.883 -0.437 0.781 -0.016 0.781 c +0.451 0.781 0.836 0.9 1.137 1.139 c +1.439 1.377 1.59 1.689 1.59 2.074 c +1.59 2.477 1.441 2.805 1.145 3.059 c +0.848 3.311 0.422 3.438 -0.129 3.438 c +-0.711 3.438 l +-0.711 4.219 l +-0.129 4.219 l +0.303 4.219 0.654 4.334 0.926 4.564 c +1.197 4.793 1.334 5.1 1.334 5.484 c +1.334 5.85 1.215 6.146 0.977 6.369 c +0.736 6.594 0.416 6.705 0.014 6.705 c +-0.238 6.705 -0.475 6.66 -0.695 6.568 c +-0.916 6.477 -1.098 6.346 -1.236 6.174 c +-1.377 6.002 -1.453 5.797 -1.465 5.555 c +-2.316 5.555 l +-2.303 5.936 -2.188 6.27 -1.973 6.559 c +-1.756 6.846 -1.475 7.07 -1.125 7.23 c +-0.775 7.393 -0.391 7.473 0.027 7.473 c +0.477 7.473 0.863 7.381 1.186 7.201 c +1.508 7.02 1.754 6.781 1.928 6.484 c +2.1 6.189 2.188 5.869 2.188 5.525 c +2.188 5.117 2.08 4.768 1.865 4.479 c +1.65 4.189 1.359 3.99 0.994 3.879 c +0.994 3.822 l +1.453 3.746 1.811 3.551 2.07 3.238 c +2.328 2.924 2.457 2.537 2.457 2.074 c +2.457 1.68 2.35 1.324 2.135 1.012 c +1.92 0.697 1.629 0.451 1.26 0.271 c +0.891 0.09 0.471 0 0 0 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 544.2871 620.3145 cm +0 0 m +0 -0.619 0.135 -1.121 0.404 -1.508 c +0.672 -1.895 1.059 -2.088 1.562 -2.088 c +1.914 -2.088 2.207 -1.996 2.441 -1.811 c +2.678 -1.625 2.855 -1.373 2.975 -1.057 c +3.094 -0.74 3.154 -0.389 3.154 0 c +3.154 0.383 3.096 0.729 2.979 1.037 c +2.861 1.348 2.686 1.592 2.449 1.773 c +2.213 1.955 1.918 2.045 1.562 2.045 c +1.053 2.045 0.664 1.857 0.398 1.48 c +0.133 1.104 0 0.609 0 0 c +-0.822 -2.729 m +-0.822 4.545 l +0.016 4.545 l +0.016 1.859 l +0.086 1.859 l +0.148 1.955 0.234 2.076 0.344 2.225 c +0.453 2.371 0.611 2.504 0.82 2.621 c +1.027 2.738 1.309 2.797 1.662 2.797 c +2.121 2.797 2.527 2.684 2.877 2.453 c +3.229 2.223 3.502 1.898 3.697 1.477 c +3.895 1.055 3.992 0.559 3.992 -0.016 c +3.992 -0.592 3.895 -1.092 3.697 -1.516 c +3.502 -1.937 3.229 -2.264 2.881 -2.496 c +2.533 -2.727 2.131 -2.842 1.678 -2.842 c +1.326 -2.842 1.047 -2.783 0.836 -2.666 c +0.625 -2.549 0.463 -2.414 0.35 -2.264 c +0.234 -2.115 0.148 -1.99 0.086 -1.891 c +-0.014 -1.891 l +-0.014 -2.729 l +h +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 552.7969 619.8594 cm +0 0 m +0 3.877 l +-0.057 3.877 l +-2.473 0.057 l +-2.473 0 l +h +-3.424 -0.781 m +-3.424 -0.057 l +-0.229 5 l +0.838 5 l +0.838 0 l +1.832 0 l +1.832 -0.781 l +0.838 -0.781 l +0.838 -2.273 l +0 -2.273 l +0 -0.781 l +h +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 555.9648 617.5859 cm +0 0 m +0 0.641 l +2.4 3.268 l +2.682 3.576 2.914 3.844 3.096 4.072 c +3.277 4.301 3.414 4.516 3.502 4.719 c +3.592 4.92 3.635 5.133 3.635 5.355 c +3.635 5.738 3.502 6.043 3.236 6.268 c +2.969 6.492 2.639 6.605 2.244 6.605 c +1.822 6.605 1.486 6.48 1.238 6.227 c +0.99 5.975 0.865 5.643 0.865 5.229 c +0.027 5.229 l +0.027 5.654 0.125 6.027 0.322 6.35 c +0.52 6.672 0.787 6.922 1.125 7.104 c +1.463 7.283 1.846 7.373 2.271 7.373 c +2.697 7.373 3.076 7.283 3.404 7.104 c +3.734 6.922 3.992 6.68 4.18 6.375 c +4.365 6.07 4.459 5.73 4.459 5.355 c +4.459 5.088 4.412 4.826 4.316 4.572 c +4.219 4.318 4.055 4.035 3.818 3.725 c +3.582 3.412 3.256 3.033 2.84 2.586 c +1.207 0.838 l +1.207 0.781 l +4.588 0.781 l +4.588 0 l +h +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 564.2871 617.4863 cm +0 0 m +-0.416 0 -0.791 0.084 -1.125 0.25 c +-1.459 0.414 -1.727 0.643 -1.928 0.932 c +-2.129 1.221 -2.238 1.549 -2.258 1.918 c +-1.406 1.918 l +-1.373 1.59 -1.223 1.318 -0.957 1.104 c +-0.689 0.889 -0.371 0.781 0 0.781 c +0.299 0.781 0.564 0.852 0.799 0.992 c +1.031 1.131 1.215 1.322 1.348 1.566 c +1.482 1.811 1.549 2.088 1.549 2.4 c +1.549 2.719 1.48 3.002 1.342 3.252 c +1.203 3.502 1.014 3.699 0.771 3.844 c +0.529 3.988 0.254 4.061 -0.057 4.062 c +-0.279 4.066 -0.508 4.031 -0.742 3.963 c +-0.977 3.893 -1.168 3.803 -1.32 3.693 c +-2.145 3.793 l +-1.703 7.373 l +2.074 7.373 l +2.074 6.592 l +-0.965 6.592 l +-1.221 4.447 l +-1.178 4.447 l +-1.029 4.564 -0.842 4.664 -0.617 4.742 c +-0.393 4.82 -0.158 4.859 0.086 4.859 c +0.531 4.859 0.928 4.752 1.277 4.541 c +1.627 4.328 1.9 4.039 2.102 3.67 c +2.301 3.303 2.402 2.885 2.402 2.416 c +2.402 1.951 2.299 1.537 2.09 1.174 c +1.883 0.811 1.6 0.525 1.236 0.314 c +0.875 0.105 0.463 0 0 0 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 568.0957 617.5859 cm +0 0 m +0 0.641 l +2.4 3.268 l +2.682 3.576 2.914 3.844 3.096 4.072 c +3.277 4.301 3.414 4.516 3.502 4.719 c +3.592 4.92 3.635 5.133 3.635 5.355 c +3.635 5.738 3.502 6.043 3.236 6.268 c +2.969 6.492 2.639 6.605 2.244 6.605 c +1.822 6.605 1.486 6.48 1.238 6.227 c +0.99 5.975 0.865 5.643 0.865 5.229 c +0.027 5.229 l +0.027 5.654 0.125 6.027 0.322 6.35 c +0.52 6.672 0.787 6.922 1.125 7.104 c +1.463 7.283 1.846 7.373 2.271 7.373 c +2.697 7.373 3.076 7.283 3.404 7.104 c +3.734 6.922 3.992 6.68 4.18 6.375 c +4.365 6.07 4.459 5.73 4.459 5.355 c +4.459 5.088 4.412 4.826 4.316 4.572 c +4.219 4.318 4.055 4.035 3.818 3.725 c +3.582 3.412 3.256 3.033 2.84 2.586 c +1.207 0.838 l +1.207 0.781 l +4.588 0.781 l +4.588 0 l +h +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 448.0859 617.5859 cm +0 0 m +0 0.641 l +2.4 3.268 l +2.682 3.576 2.914 3.844 3.096 4.072 c +3.279 4.301 3.414 4.516 3.502 4.719 c +3.592 4.92 3.637 5.133 3.637 5.355 c +3.637 5.738 3.502 6.043 3.236 6.268 c +2.971 6.492 2.639 6.605 2.244 6.605 c +1.822 6.605 1.488 6.48 1.238 6.227 c +0.99 5.975 0.865 5.643 0.865 5.229 c +0.027 5.229 l +0.027 5.654 0.127 6.027 0.322 6.35 c +0.52 6.672 0.787 6.922 1.125 7.104 c +1.465 7.283 1.846 7.373 2.271 7.373 c +2.699 7.373 3.076 7.283 3.404 7.104 c +3.734 6.922 3.992 6.68 4.18 6.375 c +4.367 6.07 4.459 5.73 4.459 5.355 c +4.459 5.088 4.412 4.826 4.316 4.572 c +4.221 4.318 4.055 4.035 3.818 3.725 c +3.584 3.412 3.258 3.033 2.84 2.586 c +1.207 0.838 l +1.207 0.781 l +4.588 0.781 l +4.588 0 l +h +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 454.7363 620.7539 cm +0 0 m +3.107 0 l +3.107 0.461 2.973 0.844 2.703 1.148 c +2.434 1.453 2.07 1.605 1.615 1.605 c +1.297 1.605 1.02 1.531 0.785 1.381 c +0.551 1.232 0.365 1.035 0.23 0.791 c +0.096 0.545 0.02 0.281 0 0 c +1.701 -3.281 m +1.176 -3.281 0.723 -3.164 0.344 -2.932 c +-0.037 -2.697 -0.33 -2.371 -0.535 -1.951 c +-0.738 -1.531 -0.842 -1.041 -0.842 -0.482 c +-0.842 0.076 -0.738 0.568 -0.535 0.996 c +-0.33 1.424 -0.043 1.758 0.324 1.998 c +0.693 2.238 1.123 2.357 1.615 2.357 c +1.9 2.357 2.18 2.311 2.457 2.217 c +2.734 2.121 2.986 1.969 3.215 1.756 c +3.441 1.545 3.623 1.264 3.758 0.916 c +3.893 0.568 3.959 0.141 3.959 -0.369 c +3.959 -0.725 l +0 -0.725 l +0.02 -1.307 0.184 -1.754 0.496 -2.063 c +0.807 -2.373 1.209 -2.527 1.701 -2.527 c +2.029 -2.527 2.313 -2.457 2.551 -2.314 c +2.787 -2.174 2.959 -1.961 3.064 -1.676 c +3.875 -1.902 l +3.746 -2.314 3.49 -2.648 3.107 -2.9 c +2.725 -3.154 2.256 -3.281 1.701 -3.281 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 462.418 617.4863 cm +0 0 m +-0.469 0 -0.887 0.082 -1.252 0.242 c +-1.617 0.402 -1.908 0.627 -2.123 0.916 c +-2.336 1.203 -2.453 1.537 -2.473 1.918 c +-1.578 1.918 l +-1.551 1.568 -1.389 1.291 -1.092 1.088 c +-0.795 0.883 -0.436 0.781 -0.016 0.781 c +0.451 0.781 0.836 0.9 1.137 1.139 c +1.439 1.377 1.59 1.689 1.59 2.074 c +1.59 2.477 1.441 2.805 1.145 3.059 c +0.848 3.311 0.424 3.438 -0.129 3.438 c +-0.711 3.438 l +-0.711 4.219 l +-0.129 4.219 l +0.303 4.219 0.654 4.334 0.926 4.564 c +1.199 4.793 1.334 5.1 1.334 5.484 c +1.334 5.85 1.215 6.146 0.977 6.369 c +0.736 6.594 0.416 6.705 0.014 6.705 c +-0.236 6.705 -0.473 6.66 -0.695 6.568 c +-0.916 6.477 -1.096 6.346 -1.236 6.174 c +-1.375 6.002 -1.451 5.797 -1.463 5.555 c +-2.316 5.555 l +-2.301 5.936 -2.188 6.27 -1.971 6.559 c +-1.756 6.846 -1.473 7.07 -1.125 7.23 c +-0.775 7.393 -0.391 7.473 0.027 7.473 c +0.479 7.473 0.863 7.381 1.186 7.201 c +1.508 7.02 1.756 6.781 1.928 6.484 c +2.102 6.189 2.188 5.869 2.188 5.525 c +2.188 5.117 2.08 4.768 1.865 4.479 c +1.652 4.189 1.361 3.99 0.994 3.879 c +0.994 3.822 l +1.453 3.746 1.812 3.551 2.07 3.238 c +2.328 2.924 2.457 2.537 2.457 2.074 c +2.457 1.68 2.35 1.324 2.135 1.012 c +1.922 0.697 1.629 0.451 1.26 0.271 c +0.891 0.09 0.471 0 0 0 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 469.5762 619.8594 cm +0 0 m +0 3.877 l +-0.057 3.877 l +-2.471 0.057 l +-2.471 0 l +h +-3.422 -0.781 m +-3.422 -0.057 l +-0.227 5 l +0.838 5 l +0.838 0 l +1.832 0 l +1.832 -0.781 l +0.838 -0.781 l +0.838 -2.273 l +0 -2.273 l +0 -0.781 l +h +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 475.998 619.8594 cm +0 0 m +0 3.877 l +-0.059 3.877 l +-2.473 0.057 l +-2.473 0 l +h +-3.424 -0.781 m +-3.424 -0.057 l +-0.229 5 l +0.838 5 l +0.838 0 l +1.832 0 l +1.832 -0.781 l +0.838 -0.781 l +0.838 -2.273 l +0 -2.273 l +0 -0.781 l +h +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 481.5371 618.2676 cm +0 0 m +0.529 0 0.941 0.256 1.236 0.768 c +1.529 1.279 1.676 2.008 1.676 2.955 c +1.676 3.9 1.527 4.631 1.232 5.148 c +0.936 5.666 0.525 5.924 0 5.924 c +-0.525 5.924 -0.937 5.666 -1.232 5.148 c +-1.529 4.631 -1.676 3.9 -1.676 2.955 c +-1.676 2.008 -1.529 1.279 -1.234 0.768 c +-0.939 0.256 -0.527 0 0 0 c +0 -0.781 m +-0.803 -0.781 -1.426 -0.455 -1.867 0.195 c +-2.309 0.848 -2.529 1.768 -2.529 2.955 c +-2.529 4.135 -2.307 5.051 -1.861 5.707 c +-1.416 6.363 -0.795 6.691 0 6.691 c +0.795 6.691 1.416 6.363 1.861 5.707 c +2.305 5.051 2.527 4.135 2.527 2.955 c +2.527 1.768 2.307 0.848 1.865 0.195 c +1.424 -0.455 0.803 -0.781 0 -0.781 c +f +Q +0.18 0.204 0.251 rg +q 1 0 0 1 511 712.2441 cm +0 0 m +-83.639 0 l +-87.139 0 -90 -2.789 -90 -6.197 c +-90 -75.002 l +0 -75.002 l +h +f +Q +0.231 0.259 0.322 rg +600.5 637.242 -91 75.002 re +f +0.263 0.298 0.369 rg +690.5 637.242 -91 75.002 re +f +0.298 0.337 0.416 rg +q 1 0 0 1 774.4961 712.2441 cm +0 0 m +-85.496 0 l +-85.496 -75.002 l +6.504 -75.002 l +6.504 -6.197 l +6.504 -2.789 3.576 0 0 0 c +f +Q +0.847 0.871 0.914 rg +745 727.244 -288 1 re +f +0.298 0.337 0.416 rg +q 1 0 0 1 556.1602 752.7793 cm +0 0 m +2.012 0 3.02 0.873 3.02 2.621 c +3.02 3.475 2.77 4.127 2.27 4.58 c +1.77 5.033 1.012 5.26 0 5.26 c +-3.5 5.26 l +-3.5 0 l +h +-5.281 -6.99 m +-5.361 -6.902 -5.4 -6.793 -5.4 -6.66 c +-5.4 6.4 l +-5.4 6.547 -5.361 6.664 -5.281 6.75 c +-5.201 6.838 -5.094 6.881 -4.961 6.881 c +0.1 6.881 l +1.605 6.881 2.789 6.518 3.648 5.791 c +4.51 5.064 4.939 4.008 4.939 2.621 c +4.939 1.234 4.51 0.18 3.648 -0.539 c +2.789 -1.26 1.605 -1.619 0.1 -1.619 c +-3.5 -1.619 l +-3.5 -6.66 l +-3.5 -6.793 -3.545 -6.902 -3.631 -6.99 c +-3.717 -7.076 -3.828 -7.119 -3.961 -7.119 c +-4.961 -7.119 l +-5.094 -7.119 -5.201 -7.076 -5.281 -6.99 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 569.4297 747.7695 cm +0 0 m +0.5 0.541 0.77 1.316 0.811 2.33 c +0.822 2.463 0.83 2.717 0.83 3.09 c +0.83 3.463 0.822 3.717 0.811 3.85 c +0.77 4.863 0.5 5.641 0 6.18 c +-0.5 6.721 -1.178 6.99 -2.029 6.99 c +-2.883 6.99 -3.561 6.721 -4.061 6.18 c +-4.561 5.641 -4.83 4.863 -4.871 3.85 c +-4.891 3.09 l +-4.871 2.33 l +-4.83 1.316 -4.561 0.541 -4.061 0 c +-3.561 -0.539 -2.883 -0.811 -2.029 -0.811 c +-1.178 -0.811 -0.5 -0.539 0 0 c +-5.42 -1.07 m +-6.213 -0.242 -6.637 0.857 -6.689 2.23 c +-6.711 3.09 l +-6.689 3.951 l +-6.637 5.324 -6.207 6.424 -5.4 7.25 c +-4.594 8.076 -3.471 8.49 -2.029 8.49 c +-0.59 8.49 0.533 8.076 1.34 7.25 c +2.146 6.424 2.576 5.324 2.629 3.951 c +2.656 3.656 2.67 3.371 2.67 3.09 c +2.67 2.811 2.656 2.523 2.629 2.23 c +2.576 0.857 2.152 -0.242 1.359 -1.07 c +0.566 -1.896 -0.564 -2.311 -2.029 -2.311 c +-3.498 -2.311 -4.627 -1.896 -5.42 -1.07 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 574.7695 745.7891 cm +0 0 m +-0.088 0.088 -0.131 0.197 -0.131 0.33 c +-0.131 13.611 l +-0.131 13.758 -0.088 13.871 0 13.951 c +0.086 14.031 0.197 14.07 0.33 14.07 c +1.209 14.07 l +1.344 14.07 1.453 14.027 1.539 13.941 c +1.627 13.854 1.67 13.744 1.67 13.611 c +1.67 0.33 l +1.67 0.197 1.627 0.088 1.539 0 c +1.453 -0.086 1.344 -0.129 1.209 -0.129 c +0.33 -0.129 l +0.197 -0.129 0.086 -0.086 0 0 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 584.8789 747.7793 cm +0 0 m +0.561 0.574 0.84 1.406 0.84 2.5 c +0.84 3.061 l +-1.5 2.721 l +-2.459 2.588 -3.188 2.361 -3.68 2.041 c +-4.174 1.721 -4.42 1.32 -4.42 0.84 c +-4.42 0.293 -4.197 -0.127 -3.75 -0.42 c +-3.303 -0.713 -2.773 -0.859 -2.16 -0.859 c +-1.279 -0.859 -0.561 -0.572 0 0 c +-4.369 -1.92 m +-4.924 -1.652 -5.363 -1.289 -5.689 -0.83 c +-6.016 -0.369 -6.18 0.141 -6.18 0.701 c +-6.18 1.58 -5.82 2.301 -5.1 2.861 c +-4.379 3.42 -3.4 3.793 -2.16 3.98 c +0.84 4.4 l +0.84 4.98 l +0.84 6.354 0.047 7.041 -1.539 7.041 c +-2.152 7.041 -2.646 6.918 -3.02 6.67 c +-3.393 6.424 -3.666 6.133 -3.84 5.801 c +-3.893 5.668 -3.949 5.578 -4.01 5.531 c +-4.07 5.484 -4.152 5.461 -4.26 5.461 c +-5.039 5.461 l +-5.16 5.461 -5.264 5.504 -5.35 5.59 c +-5.437 5.678 -5.48 5.781 -5.48 5.9 c +-5.48 6.207 -5.336 6.564 -5.049 6.971 c +-4.764 7.377 -4.32 7.73 -3.719 8.031 c +-3.119 8.33 -2.387 8.48 -1.52 8.48 c +-0.027 8.48 1.043 8.133 1.689 7.441 c +2.336 6.748 2.66 5.881 2.66 4.84 c +2.66 -1.66 l +2.66 -1.793 2.617 -1.902 2.531 -1.99 c +2.443 -2.076 2.334 -2.119 2.201 -2.119 c +1.32 -2.119 l +1.187 -2.119 1.08 -2.076 1 -1.99 c +0.92 -1.902 0.881 -1.793 0.881 -1.66 c +0.881 -0.779 l +0.586 -1.219 0.16 -1.586 -0.4 -1.879 c +-0.959 -2.172 -1.68 -2.32 -2.561 -2.32 c +-3.213 -2.32 -3.816 -2.186 -4.369 -1.92 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 590.5684 745.7891 cm +0 0 m +-0.086 0.088 -0.129 0.197 -0.129 0.33 c +-0.129 9.791 l +-0.129 9.924 -0.086 10.037 0 10.131 c +0.088 10.225 0.197 10.271 0.33 10.271 c +1.17 10.271 l +1.316 10.271 1.434 10.227 1.52 10.141 c +1.607 10.055 1.65 9.938 1.65 9.791 c +1.65 8.91 l +2.197 9.818 3.123 10.271 4.43 10.271 c +5.211 10.271 l +5.357 10.271 5.471 10.23 5.551 10.15 c +5.631 10.07 5.67 9.957 5.67 9.811 c +5.67 9.07 l +5.67 8.938 5.631 8.828 5.551 8.74 c +5.471 8.654 5.357 8.611 5.211 8.611 c +4.07 8.611 l +3.338 8.611 2.76 8.396 2.34 7.971 c +1.92 7.545 1.711 6.965 1.711 6.23 c +1.711 0.33 l +1.711 0.197 1.664 0.088 1.57 0 c +1.477 -0.086 1.363 -0.129 1.23 -0.129 c +0.33 -0.129 l +0.197 -0.129 0.088 -0.086 0 0 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 602.7988 745.7891 cm +0 0 m +-0.08 0.088 -0.121 0.197 -0.121 0.33 c +-0.121 13.391 l +-0.121 13.537 -0.08 13.654 0 13.74 c +0.08 13.828 0.186 13.871 0.32 13.871 c +1.199 13.871 l +1.332 13.871 1.434 13.844 1.5 13.791 c +1.566 13.738 1.633 13.67 1.699 13.592 c +8.4 3.271 l +8.4 13.391 l +8.4 13.537 8.443 13.654 8.529 13.74 c +8.617 13.828 8.727 13.871 8.859 13.871 c +9.76 13.871 l +9.906 13.871 10.023 13.828 10.109 13.74 c +10.197 13.654 10.24 13.537 10.24 13.391 c +10.24 0.352 l +10.24 0.217 10.197 0.104 10.109 0.012 c +10.023 -0.082 9.912 -0.129 9.779 -0.129 c +8.879 -0.129 l +8.652 -0.129 8.492 -0.035 8.4 0.15 c +1.699 10.371 l +1.699 0.33 l +1.699 0.197 1.656 0.088 1.57 0 c +1.482 -0.086 1.373 -0.129 1.24 -0.129 c +0.32 -0.129 l +0.186 -0.129 0.08 -0.086 0 0 c +f +Q +q 1 0 0 1 616.4082 745.7891 cm +0 0 m +-0.086 0.088 -0.129 0.197 -0.129 0.33 c +-0.129 9.811 l +-0.129 9.943 -0.086 10.055 0 10.141 c +0.088 10.227 0.197 10.271 0.33 10.271 c +1.211 10.271 l +1.344 10.271 1.453 10.227 1.541 10.141 c +1.627 10.055 1.67 9.943 1.67 9.811 c +1.67 0.33 l +1.67 0.197 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422.9404 -513.6309 422.1377 -513.6309 c +f +1 D +422.1377 -512.8496 m +422.667 -512.8496 423.0791 -512.5938 423.374 -512.082 c +423.667 -511.5703 423.8135 -510.8418 423.8135 -509.8945 c +423.8135 -508.9492 423.665 -508.2188 423.3701 -507.7012 c +423.0732 -507.1836 422.6631 -506.9258 422.1377 -506.9258 c +421.6123 -506.9258 421.2002 -507.1836 420.9053 -507.7012 c +420.6084 -508.2188 420.4619 -508.9492 420.4619 -509.8945 c +420.4619 -510.8418 420.6084 -511.5703 420.9033 -512.082 c +421.1982 -512.5938 421.6104 -512.8496 422.1377 -512.8496 c +f +*U +*u +0 D +429.7803 -513.5313 m +429.7803 -512.6934 L +429.6807 -512.6934 l +429.6182 -512.793 429.5303 -512.918 429.417 -513.0664 c +429.3037 -513.2168 429.1416 -513.3516 428.9307 -513.4688 c +428.7197 -513.5859 428.4404 -513.6445 428.0889 -513.6445 c +427.6338 -513.6445 427.2334 -513.5293 426.8857 -513.2988 c +426.5381 -513.0664 426.2646 -512.7402 426.0693 -512.3184 c +425.8721 -511.8945 425.7744 -511.3945 425.7744 -510.8184 c +425.7744 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327.1318 -508.7578 326.7764 -508.7578 c +326.2646 -508.7578 325.8779 -508.9453 325.6123 -509.3223 c +325.3467 -509.6973 325.2139 -510.1914 325.2139 -510.8027 c +f +*U +*u +0 D +332.7002 -513.6426 m +332.1885 -513.6426 331.749 -513.5234 331.3799 -513.2813 c +331.0088 -513.0391 330.7256 -512.707 330.5264 -512.2832 c +330.3271 -511.8594 330.2275 -511.375 330.2275 -510.8301 c +330.2275 -510.2773 330.3311 -509.7871 330.5361 -509.3633 c +330.7412 -508.9375 331.0264 -508.6055 331.3955 -508.3652 c +331.7627 -508.125 332.1924 -508.0039 332.6865 -508.0039 c +333.0693 -508.0039 333.415 -508.0762 333.7236 -508.2168 c +334.0303 -508.3594 334.2822 -508.5586 334.4795 -508.8145 c +334.6748 -509.0703 334.7979 -509.3672 334.8447 -509.709 c +334.0068 -509.709 L +333.9424 -509.4609 333.8018 -509.2402 333.583 -509.0469 c +333.3643 -508.8535 333.0693 -508.7578 332.7002 -508.7578 c +332.21 -508.7578 331.8154 -508.9434 331.5166 -509.3164 c +331.2158 -509.6895 331.0674 -510.1855 331.0674 -510.8027 c +331.0674 -511.4355 331.2139 -511.9414 331.5107 -512.3203 c +331.8057 -512.7012 332.2021 -512.8906 332.7002 -512.8906 c +333.0264 -512.8906 333.3057 -512.8066 333.54 -512.6387 c +333.7725 -512.4707 333.9287 -512.2363 334.0068 -511.9395 c +334.8447 -511.9395 L +334.7979 -512.2617 334.6807 -512.5508 334.4951 -512.8066 c +334.3096 -513.0645 334.0635 -513.2676 333.7607 -513.418 c +333.4561 -513.5684 333.1025 -513.6426 332.7002 -513.6426 c +f +*U +*u +336.0654 -513.5293 m +336.0654 -506.2578 L +336.9033 -506.2578 L +336.9033 -508.9414 L +336.9756 -508.9414 L +337.0361 -508.8477 337.1221 -508.7266 337.2334 -508.5781 c +337.3428 -508.4297 337.501 -508.2969 337.708 -508.1797 c +337.915 -508.0625 338.1963 -508.0039 338.5518 -508.0039 c +339.0107 -508.0039 339.415 -508.1191 339.7666 -508.3496 c +340.1162 -508.5781 340.3896 -508.9043 340.5869 -509.3262 c +340.7822 -509.7461 340.8818 -510.2441 340.8818 -510.8164 c +340.8818 -511.3945 340.7822 -511.8945 340.5869 -512.3164 c +340.3896 -512.7402 340.1182 -513.0664 339.7705 -513.2969 c +339.4229 -513.5273 339.0205 -513.6426 338.5654 -513.6426 c +338.2158 -513.6426 337.9346 -513.584 337.7236 -513.4668 c +337.5146 -513.3496 337.3525 -513.2168 337.2373 -513.0664 c +337.124 -512.916 337.0361 -512.791 336.9756 -512.6914 c +336.876 -512.6914 L +336.876 -513.5293 l +336.0654 -513.5293 L +f +1 D +336.8896 -510.8027 m +336.8896 -511.4199 337.0244 -511.9238 337.2939 -512.3105 c +337.5615 -512.6973 337.9482 -512.8906 338.4521 -512.8906 c +338.8037 -512.8906 339.0967 -512.7969 339.3311 -512.6113 c +339.5674 -512.4258 339.7451 -512.1758 339.8643 -511.8594 c +339.9834 -511.543 340.0439 -511.1914 340.0439 -510.8027 c +340.0439 -510.4199 339.9854 -510.0723 339.8682 -509.7637 c +339.751 -509.4551 339.5732 -509.209 339.3389 -509.0293 c +339.1025 -508.8477 338.8076 -508.7578 338.4521 -508.7578 c +337.9404 -508.7578 337.5537 -508.9453 337.2881 -509.3223 c +337.0225 -509.6973 336.8896 -510.1914 336.8896 -510.8027 c +f +*U +*u +0 D +342.1592 -513.5293 m +342.1592 -506.2578 L +342.9971 -506.2578 L +342.9971 -508.9414 L +343.0693 -508.9414 L +343.1299 -508.8477 343.2158 -508.7266 343.3271 -508.5781 c +343.4365 -508.4297 343.5947 -508.2969 343.8018 -508.1797 c +344.0088 -508.0625 344.29 -508.0039 344.6455 -508.0039 c +345.1045 -508.0039 345.5088 -508.1191 345.8604 -508.3496 c +346.21 -508.5781 346.4834 -508.9043 346.6807 -509.3262 c +346.876 -509.7461 346.9756 -510.2441 346.9756 -510.8164 c +346.9756 -511.3945 346.876 -511.8945 346.6807 -512.3164 c +346.4834 -512.7402 346.2119 -513.0664 345.8643 -513.2969 c +345.5166 -513.5273 345.1143 -513.6426 344.6592 -513.6426 c +344.3096 -513.6426 344.0283 -513.584 343.8174 -513.4668 c +343.6084 -513.3496 343.4463 -513.2168 343.3311 -513.0664 c +343.2178 -512.916 343.1299 -512.791 343.0693 -512.6914 c +342.9697 -512.6914 L +342.9697 -513.5293 l +342.1592 -513.5293 L +f +1 D +342.9834 -510.8027 m +342.9834 -511.4199 343.1182 -511.9238 343.3877 -512.3105 c +343.6553 -512.6973 344.042 -512.8906 344.5459 -512.8906 c +344.8975 -512.8906 345.1904 -512.7969 345.4248 -512.6113 c +345.6611 -512.4258 345.8389 -512.1758 345.958 -511.8594 c +346.0771 -511.543 346.1377 -511.1914 346.1377 -510.8027 c +346.1377 -510.4199 346.0791 -510.0723 345.9619 -509.7637 c +345.8447 -509.4551 345.667 -509.209 345.4326 -509.0293 c +345.1963 -508.8477 344.9014 -508.7578 344.5459 -508.7578 c +344.0342 -508.7578 343.6475 -508.9453 343.3818 -509.3223 c +343.1162 -509.6973 342.9834 -510.1914 342.9834 -510.8027 c +f +*U +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/XMLUID : (nord7-hex) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +0 0 Xd +6 () XW +0 D +0 O +0.488228 0.123659 0.279637 0.003723 0.560784 0.737255 0.733333 Xa +375.7666 -418.875 m +292.1299 -418.875 L +288.6299 -418.875 285.7666 -421.6641 285.7666 -425.0723 C +285.7666 -493.875 L +375.7666 -493.875 L +375.7666 -418.875 L +f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/XMLUID : (nord7) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +1 Ap +0.505455 0.098695 0.171084 0.001251 0.533333 0.752941 0.815686 Xa +465.2666 -493.875 m +374.2686 -493.875 L +374.2686 -418.875 L +465.2666 -418.875 L +465.2666 -493.875 L +f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/XMLUID : (nord8) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +0.543694 0.290898 0.137392 0.013519 0.505882 0.631373 0.756863 Xa +555.2686 -493.875 m +464.2666 -493.875 L +464.2666 -418.875 L +555.2686 -418.875 L +555.2686 -493.875 L +f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/XMLUID : (nord9) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +0 Ap +0.682673 0.433692 0.160067 0.020752 0.368627 0.505882 0.67451 Xa +639.2646 -418.875 m +553.7686 -418.875 L +553.7686 -493.875 L +645.7686 -493.875 L +645.7686 -425.0723 L +645.7686 -421.6641 642.8428 -418.875 639.2646 -418.875 C +f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/XMLUID : (nord10) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/XMLUID : (card) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +9 () XW +u +1 A +1 Xw +/AI11Text : +0 /FreeUndo , +0 /FrameIndex , +4 /StoryIndex , +/Art : +X= +0 A +0 Xw +1 Ap +491.1563 -388.875 m +440.377 -388.875 L +440.377 -371.2578 L +491.1563 -371.2578 L +491.1563 -388.875 L +n +X+ +; /ConfiningPath , +2 /TextAntialiasing , +; + +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/XMLUID : (name-src_1_) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +0 0 Xd +6 () XW +0 O +0.179263 0.104372 0.058747 0 0.847059 0.870588 0.913725 Xa +609.7686 -403.875 m +321.7666 -403.875 L +321.7666 -402.875 L +609.7686 -402.875 L +609.7686 -403.875 L +f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/XMLUID : (line_1_) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +u +*u +0 Ap +0.723293 0.577508 0.383032 0.274357 0.298039 0.337255 0.415686 Xa +442.2588 -385.3281 m +442.1787 -385.2402 442.1377 -385.1309 442.1377 -384.998 c +442.1377 -371.9375 L +442.1377 -371.791 442.1787 -371.6738 442.2588 -371.5879 c +442.3389 -371.502 442.4443 -371.457 442.5791 -371.457 c +450.6982 -371.457 L +450.8447 -371.457 450.9619 -371.502 451.0479 -371.5879 c +451.1338 -371.6738 451.1787 -371.791 451.1787 -371.9375 c +451.1787 -372.6777 L +451.1787 -372.8105 451.1338 -372.9219 451.0479 -373.0078 c +450.9619 -373.0938 450.8447 -373.1387 450.6982 -373.1387 c +443.999 -373.1387 L +443.999 -377.877 L +450.2979 -377.877 L +450.4443 -377.877 450.5615 -377.9219 450.6475 -378.0078 c +450.7354 -378.0938 450.7783 -378.2051 450.7783 -378.3379 c +450.7783 -379.0977 L +450.7783 -379.2305 450.7314 -379.3418 450.6377 -379.4277 c +450.5439 -379.5137 450.4307 -379.5586 450.2979 -379.5586 c +443.999 -379.5586 L +443.999 -384.998 L +443.999 -385.1309 443.9521 -385.2402 443.8584 -385.3281 c +443.7646 -385.4141 443.6514 -385.457 443.5186 -385.457 c +442.5791 -385.457 l +442.4443 -385.457 442.3389 -385.4141 442.2588 -385.3281 c +f +*U +*u +453.3877 -385.3281 m +453.3018 -385.2402 453.2588 -385.1309 453.2588 -384.998 c +453.2588 -375.5371 L +453.2588 -375.4043 453.3018 -375.291 453.3877 -375.1973 c +453.4756 -375.1055 453.585 -375.0586 453.7178 -375.0586 c +454.5576 -375.0586 L +454.7041 -375.0586 454.8213 -375.1016 454.9072 -375.1875 c +454.9951 -375.2754 455.0381 -375.3906 455.0381 -375.5371 c +455.0381 -376.418 L +455.585 -375.5117 456.5107 -375.0586 457.8174 -375.0586 c +458.5986 -375.0586 L +458.7451 -375.0586 458.8584 -375.0977 458.9385 -375.1777 c +459.0186 -375.2578 459.0576 -375.3711 459.0576 -375.5176 c +459.0576 -376.2578 L +459.0576 -376.3906 459.0186 -376.502 458.9385 -376.5879 c +458.8584 -376.6738 458.7451 -376.7168 458.5986 -376.7168 c +457.458 -376.7168 L +456.7256 -376.7168 456.1475 -376.9316 455.7275 -377.3574 c +455.3076 -377.7852 455.0986 -378.3652 455.0986 -379.0977 c +455.0986 -384.998 L +455.0986 -385.1309 455.0518 -385.2402 454.958 -385.3281 c +454.8643 -385.4141 454.751 -385.457 454.6182 -385.457 c +453.7178 -385.457 l +453.585 -385.457 453.4756 -385.4141 453.3877 -385.3281 c +f +*U +*u +461.4092 -384.418 m +460.6143 -383.5918 460.1924 -382.4902 460.1377 -381.1172 c +460.1182 -380.2578 L +460.1377 -379.3984 L +460.1924 -378.0254 460.6221 -376.9238 461.4287 -376.0977 c +462.2354 -375.2715 463.3584 -374.8574 464.7979 -374.8574 c +466.2393 -374.8574 467.3623 -375.2715 468.1689 -376.0977 c +468.9756 -376.9238 469.4053 -378.0254 469.458 -379.3984 c +469.4854 -379.6914 469.499 -379.9785 469.499 -380.2578 c +469.499 -380.5371 469.4854 -380.8242 469.458 -381.1172 c +469.4053 -382.4902 468.9814 -383.5918 468.1885 -384.418 c +467.3955 -385.2441 466.2646 -385.6582 464.7979 -385.6582 c +463.3311 -385.6582 462.2021 -385.2441 461.4092 -384.418 c +f +1 D +466.8291 -383.3477 m +467.3291 -382.8086 467.5986 -382.0313 467.6377 -381.0176 c +467.6514 -380.8848 467.6592 -380.6309 467.6592 -380.2578 c +467.6592 -379.8848 467.6514 -379.6309 467.6377 -379.498 c +467.5986 -378.4844 467.3291 -377.707 466.8291 -377.168 c +466.3291 -376.627 465.6514 -376.3574 464.7979 -376.3574 c +463.9443 -376.3574 463.2686 -376.627 462.7686 -377.168 c +462.2686 -377.707 461.999 -378.4844 461.958 -379.498 c +461.9385 -380.2578 L +461.958 -381.0176 L +461.999 -382.0313 462.2686 -382.8086 462.7686 -383.3477 c +463.2686 -383.8887 463.9443 -384.1582 464.7979 -384.1582 c +465.6514 -384.1582 466.3291 -383.8887 466.8291 -383.3477 c +f +*U +*u +0 D +473.2471 -385.207 m +472.6143 -384.9082 472.1436 -384.5645 471.8369 -384.1777 c +471.5303 -383.791 471.3779 -383.4707 471.3779 -383.2168 c +471.3779 -383.084 471.4248 -382.9805 471.5186 -382.9082 c +471.6104 -382.834 471.7119 -382.7969 471.8174 -382.7969 c +472.6572 -382.7969 L +472.7373 -382.7969 472.8018 -382.8105 472.8486 -382.8379 c +472.8936 -382.8652 472.958 -382.9238 473.0381 -383.0176 c +473.3447 -383.3906 473.6885 -383.6855 474.0674 -383.8984 c +474.4482 -384.1113 474.958 -384.2168 475.5986 -384.2168 c +476.3174 -384.2168 476.8936 -384.084 477.3271 -383.8184 c +477.7607 -383.5508 477.9775 -383.1641 477.9775 -382.6582 c +477.9775 -382.3242 477.8838 -382.0586 477.6982 -381.8574 c +477.5107 -381.6582 477.2002 -381.4785 476.7686 -381.3184 c +476.335 -381.1582 475.6904 -380.9844 474.8369 -380.7969 c +473.6787 -380.5449 472.8584 -380.1777 472.3779 -379.6973 c +471.8975 -379.2168 471.6572 -378.5977 471.6572 -377.8379 c +471.6572 -377.3438 471.8037 -376.8672 472.0986 -376.4082 c +472.3916 -375.9473 472.8271 -375.5742 473.4072 -375.2871 c +473.9873 -375.002 474.6787 -374.8574 475.4775 -374.8574 c +476.3174 -374.8574 477.0342 -374.998 477.6279 -375.2773 c +478.2217 -375.5586 478.667 -375.8848 478.9678 -376.2578 c +479.2686 -376.6309 479.417 -376.9453 479.417 -377.1973 c +479.417 -377.3184 479.374 -377.418 479.2881 -377.498 c +479.2002 -377.5781 479.0986 -377.6172 478.9775 -377.6172 c +478.2178 -377.6172 L +478.0303 -377.6172 477.8975 -377.5449 477.8174 -377.3984 c +477.5908 -377.1445 477.4014 -376.9473 477.2471 -376.8086 c +477.0947 -376.668 476.8701 -376.5469 476.5771 -376.4473 c +476.2842 -376.3477 475.917 -376.2969 475.4775 -376.2969 c +474.8252 -376.2969 474.3252 -376.4355 473.9775 -376.707 c +473.6318 -376.9805 473.458 -377.3438 473.458 -377.7969 c +473.458 -378.0781 473.5303 -378.3145 473.6787 -378.5078 c +473.8252 -378.7012 474.1045 -378.8809 474.5186 -379.0469 c +474.9307 -379.2148 475.5439 -379.3848 476.3584 -379.5586 c +477.624 -379.8242 478.5205 -380.2051 479.0479 -380.6973 c +479.5752 -381.1914 479.8369 -381.8242 479.8369 -382.5977 c +479.8369 -383.1719 479.6748 -383.6914 479.3486 -384.1582 c +479.0205 -384.625 478.5342 -384.9902 477.8877 -385.2578 c +477.2412 -385.5234 476.4717 -385.6582 475.5771 -385.6582 c +474.6572 -385.6582 473.8818 -385.5078 473.2471 -385.207 c +f +*U +*u +483.0576 -381.957 m +483.0576 -376.5977 L +481.4775 -376.5977 L +481.3447 -376.5977 481.2373 -376.5586 481.1572 -376.4785 c +481.0771 -376.3984 481.0381 -376.291 481.0381 -376.1582 c +481.0381 -375.5176 L +481.0381 -375.3848 481.0771 -375.2754 481.1572 -375.1875 c +481.2373 -375.1016 481.3447 -375.0586 481.4775 -375.0586 c +483.0576 -375.0586 L +483.0576 -371.7168 L +483.0576 -371.584 483.0986 -371.4746 483.1787 -371.3887 c +483.2588 -371.3008 483.3643 -371.2578 483.4971 -371.2578 c +484.3779 -371.2578 L +484.5107 -371.2578 484.6201 -371.3008 484.708 -371.3887 c +484.7939 -371.4746 484.8389 -371.584 484.8389 -371.7168 c +484.8389 -375.0586 L +487.3174 -375.0586 L +487.4502 -375.0586 487.5615 -375.1016 487.6475 -375.1875 c +487.7354 -375.2754 487.7783 -375.3848 487.7783 -375.5176 c +487.7783 -376.1582 L +487.7783 -376.291 487.7354 -376.3984 487.6475 -376.4785 c +487.5615 -376.5586 487.4502 -376.5977 487.3174 -376.5977 c +484.8389 -376.5977 L +484.8389 -381.8184 L +484.8389 -382.498 484.9482 -383.0117 485.167 -383.3574 c +485.3877 -383.7051 485.7646 -383.877 486.2979 -383.877 c +487.5186 -383.877 L +487.6514 -383.877 487.7588 -383.9219 487.8389 -384.0078 c +487.917 -384.0938 487.958 -384.2051 487.958 -384.3379 c +487.958 -384.998 L +487.958 -385.1309 487.917 -385.2402 487.8389 -385.3281 c +487.7588 -385.4141 487.6514 -385.457 487.5186 -385.457 c +486.1572 -385.457 l +484.0908 -385.457 483.0576 -384.291 483.0576 -381.957 c +f +*U +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/XMLUID : (name_1_) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +0 0 Xd +6 () XW +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/XMLUID : (label_1_) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +9 () XW +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/XMLUID : (frost) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +9 () XW +u +u +0 O +0.089845 0.04889 0.032593 0 0.92549 0.937255 0.956863 Xa +319.7676 -231.2588 m +91.7681 -231.2588 L +91.7681 -306.2598 L +-28.2319 -306.2598 L +-28.2319 -329.2598 L +-28.2319 -335.8594 -22.8315 -341.2588 -16.2319 -341.2588 C +319.7676 -341.2588 L +326.3672 -341.2588 331.7676 -335.8594 331.7676 -329.2598 C +331.7676 -243.2593 L +331.7676 -236.6592 326.3672 -231.2588 319.7676 -231.2588 C +f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/XMLUID : (canvas_2_) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +1 A +1 Xw +/AI11Text : +0 /FreeUndo , +0 /FrameIndex , +16 /StoryIndex , +/Art : +X= +0 A +0 Xw +1 Ap +284.8496 -326.2598 m +254.4336 -326.2598 L +254.4336 -318.2598 L +284.8496 -318.2598 L +284.8496 -326.2598 L +n +X+ +; /ConfiningPath , +2 /TextAntialiasing , +; + +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/XMLUID : (nord6-hex-src) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +0 0 Xd +6 () XW +1 A +1 Xw +/AI11Text : +0 /FreeUndo , +0 /FrameIndex , +17 /StoryIndex , +/Art : +X= +0 A +0 Xw +167.7676 -326.2598 m +133.1016 -326.2598 L +133.1016 -318.2598 L +167.7676 -318.2598 L +167.7676 -326.2598 L +n +X+ +; /ConfiningPath , +2 /TextAntialiasing , +; + +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/XMLUID : (nord5-hex-src) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +0 0 Xd +6 () XW +1 A +1 Xw +/AI11Text : +0 /FreeUndo , +0 /FrameIndex , +18 /StoryIndex , +/Art : +X= +0 A +0 Xw +50.4336 -326.2598 m +13.1016 -326.2598 L +13.1016 -318.2598 L +50.4336 -318.2598 L +50.4336 -326.2598 L +n +X+ +; /ConfiningPath , +2 /TextAntialiasing , +; + +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/XMLUID : (nord4-hex-src) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +0 0 Xd +6 () XW +u +*u +0 Ap +0 O +0.723293 0.577508 0.383032 0.274357 0.298039 0.337255 0.415686 Xa +257.4883 -325.6445 m +256.9629 -325.6445 256.5098 -325.5293 256.1309 -325.2949 c +255.75 -325.0625 255.457 -324.7363 255.252 -324.3164 c +255.0488 -323.8945 254.9453 -323.4063 254.9453 -322.8477 c +254.9453 -322.2891 255.0488 -321.7949 255.252 -321.3672 c +255.457 -320.9414 255.7441 -320.6074 256.1113 -320.3672 c +256.4805 -320.127 256.9102 -320.0059 257.4023 -320.0059 c +257.6875 -320.0059 257.9668 -320.0527 258.2441 -320.1484 c +258.5215 -320.2422 258.7734 -320.3965 259.002 -320.6074 c +259.2285 -320.8203 259.4102 -321.0996 259.5449 -321.4473 c +259.6797 -321.7969 259.7461 -322.2246 259.7461 -322.7344 c +259.7461 -323.0879 L +255.7871 -323.0879 L +255.8066 -323.6719 255.9707 -324.1172 256.2832 -324.4277 c +256.5938 -324.7383 256.9961 -324.8926 257.4883 -324.8926 c +257.8164 -324.8926 258.0996 -324.8223 258.3379 -324.6797 c +258.5742 -324.5371 258.7461 -324.3242 258.8516 -324.041 c +259.6621 -324.2676 L +259.5332 -324.6797 259.2773 -325.0117 258.8945 -325.2656 c +258.5117 -325.5195 258.043 -325.6445 257.4883 -325.6445 c +f +1 D +255.7871 -322.3633 m +258.8945 -322.3633 L +258.8945 -321.9023 258.7598 -321.5195 258.4902 -321.2148 c +258.2207 -320.9121 257.8574 -320.7598 257.4023 -320.7598 c +257.084 -320.7598 256.8066 -320.834 256.5723 -320.9824 c +256.3379 -321.1328 256.1523 -321.3281 256.0176 -321.5742 c +255.8828 -321.8184 255.8066 -322.082 255.7871 -322.3633 c +f +*U +*u +0 D +263.2402 -325.6445 m +262.7305 -325.6445 262.2891 -325.5254 261.9199 -325.2832 c +261.5508 -325.041 261.2656 -324.709 261.0684 -324.2852 c +260.8691 -323.8613 260.7695 -323.377 260.7695 -322.832 c +260.7695 -322.2793 260.8711 -321.7891 261.0762 -321.3652 c +261.2813 -320.9395 261.5684 -320.6074 261.9355 -320.3672 c +262.3047 -320.127 262.7344 -320.0059 263.2266 -320.0059 c +263.6094 -320.0059 263.9551 -320.0781 264.2637 -320.2188 c +264.5723 -320.3613 264.8242 -320.5605 265.0195 -320.8164 c +265.2168 -321.0723 265.3379 -321.3691 265.3867 -321.7109 c +264.5469 -321.7109 L +264.4844 -321.4629 264.3418 -321.2422 264.123 -321.0488 c +263.9043 -320.8555 263.6094 -320.7598 263.2402 -320.7598 c +262.75 -320.7598 262.3555 -320.9453 262.0566 -321.3184 c +261.7578 -321.6914 261.6074 -322.1875 261.6074 -322.8047 c +261.6074 -323.4375 261.7559 -323.9434 262.0508 -324.3223 c +262.3477 -324.7031 262.7441 -324.8926 263.2402 -324.8926 c +263.5684 -324.8926 263.8477 -324.8086 264.0801 -324.6406 c +264.3145 -324.4727 264.4688 -324.2383 264.5469 -323.9414 c +265.3867 -323.9414 L +265.3379 -324.2637 265.2227 -324.5527 265.0352 -324.8086 c +264.8496 -325.0664 264.6055 -325.2695 264.3008 -325.4199 c +263.9961 -325.5703 263.6426 -325.6445 263.2402 -325.6445 c +f +*U +*u +268.8945 -325.6445 m +268.3691 -325.6445 267.916 -325.5293 267.5371 -325.2949 c +267.1563 -325.0625 266.8633 -324.7363 266.6582 -324.3164 c +266.4551 -323.8945 266.3516 -323.4063 266.3516 -322.8477 c +266.3516 -322.2891 266.4551 -321.7949 266.6582 -321.3672 c +266.8633 -320.9414 267.1504 -320.6074 267.5176 -320.3672 c +267.8867 -320.127 268.3164 -320.0059 268.8086 -320.0059 c +269.0938 -320.0059 269.373 -320.0527 269.6504 -320.1484 c +269.9277 -320.2422 270.1797 -320.3965 270.4082 -320.6074 c +270.6348 -320.8203 270.8164 -321.0996 270.9512 -321.4473 c +271.0859 -321.7969 271.1523 -322.2246 271.1523 -322.7344 c +271.1523 -323.0879 L +267.1934 -323.0879 L +267.2129 -323.6719 267.377 -324.1172 267.6895 -324.4277 c +268 -324.7383 268.4023 -324.8926 268.8945 -324.8926 c +269.2227 -324.8926 269.5059 -324.8223 269.7441 -324.6797 c +269.9805 -324.5371 270.1523 -324.3242 270.2578 -324.041 c +271.0684 -324.2676 L +270.9395 -324.6797 270.6836 -325.0117 270.3008 -325.2656 c +269.918 -325.5195 269.4492 -325.6445 268.8945 -325.6445 c +f +1 D +267.1934 -322.3633 m +270.3008 -322.3633 L +270.3008 -321.9023 270.166 -321.5195 269.8965 -321.2148 c +269.627 -320.9121 269.2637 -320.7598 268.8086 -320.7598 c +268.4902 -320.7598 268.2129 -320.834 267.9785 -320.9824 c +267.7441 -321.1328 267.5586 -321.3281 267.4238 -321.5742 c +267.2891 -321.8184 267.2129 -322.082 267.1934 -322.3633 c +f +*U +*u +0 D +274.8594 -320.0781 m +274.8594 -320.7871 L +273.6387 -320.7871 L +273.6387 -325.5313 L +272.8008 -325.5313 L +272.8008 -320.7871 L +271.9199 -320.7871 L +271.9199 -320.0781 L +272.8008 -320.0781 L +272.8008 -319.3242 L +272.8008 -319.0117 272.875 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-317.9355 278.4473 -317.9688 c +278.5762 -318.002 278.6738 -318.0313 278.7383 -318.0605 c +278.4961 -318.7852 L +278.4531 -318.7695 278.3945 -318.752 278.3203 -318.7305 c +278.2461 -318.7109 278.1484 -318.6992 278.0273 -318.6992 c +277.75 -318.6992 277.5508 -318.7695 277.4297 -318.9082 c +277.3066 -319.0488 277.2461 -319.2539 277.2461 -319.5234 c +277.2461 -320.0781 l +278.4688 -320.0781 L +f +*U +*u +278.8379 -324.041 m +278.8379 -323.3164 L +282.0332 -318.2598 L +283.0996 -318.2598 L +283.0996 -323.2598 L +284.0938 -323.2598 L +284.0938 -324.041 L +283.0996 -324.041 L +283.0996 -325.5313 L +282.2617 -325.5313 L +282.2617 -324.041 l +278.8379 -324.041 L +f +1 D +282.2617 -323.2598 m +282.2617 -319.3809 L +282.2031 -319.3809 L +279.7891 -323.2031 L +279.7891 -323.2598 l +282.2617 -323.2598 L +f +*U +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/XMLUID : (nord6-hex) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +0 0 Xd +6 () XW +u +*u +0 D +0 O +0.723293 0.577508 0.383032 0.274357 0.298039 0.337255 0.415686 Xa +136.1567 -325.6445 m +135.6294 -325.6445 135.1782 -325.5293 134.7974 -325.2949 c +134.4185 -325.0625 134.1255 -324.7363 133.9204 -324.3164 c +133.7153 -323.8945 133.6138 -323.4063 133.6138 -322.8477 c +133.6138 -322.2891 133.7153 -321.7949 133.9204 -321.3672 c +134.1255 -320.9414 134.4106 -320.6074 134.7798 -320.3672 c +135.147 -320.127 135.5786 -320.0059 136.0708 -320.0059 c +136.354 -320.0059 136.6353 -320.0527 136.9126 -320.1484 c +137.1899 -320.2422 137.4419 -320.3965 137.6685 -320.6074 c +137.895 -320.8203 138.0767 -321.0996 138.2114 -321.4473 c +138.3462 -321.7969 138.4146 -322.2246 138.4146 -322.7344 c +138.4146 -323.0879 L +134.4556 -323.0879 L +134.4731 -323.6719 134.6392 -324.1172 134.9497 -324.4277 c +135.2622 -324.7383 135.6626 -324.8926 136.1567 -324.8926 c +136.4849 -324.8926 136.7681 -324.8223 137.0044 -324.6797 c +137.2407 -324.5371 137.4126 -324.3242 137.52 -324.041 c +138.3286 -324.2676 L +138.2017 -324.6797 137.9458 -325.0117 137.563 -325.2656 c +137.1782 -325.5195 136.7095 -325.6445 136.1567 -325.6445 c +f +1 D +134.4556 -322.3633 m +137.563 -322.3633 L +137.563 -321.9023 137.4263 -321.5195 137.1567 -321.2148 c +136.8872 -320.9121 136.5259 -320.7598 136.0708 -320.7598 c +135.7505 -320.7598 135.4731 -320.834 135.2388 -320.9824 c +135.0044 -321.1328 134.8208 -321.3281 134.686 -321.5742 c +134.5513 -321.8184 134.4731 -322.082 134.4556 -322.3633 c +f +*U +*u +0 D +141.9517 -325.6309 m +141.5337 -325.6309 141.1587 -325.5488 140.8247 -325.3828 c +140.4907 -325.2168 140.2231 -324.9902 140.022 -324.7012 c +139.8208 -324.4121 139.7114 -324.082 139.6919 -323.7129 c +140.5454 -323.7129 L +140.5786 -324.043 140.7271 -324.3145 140.9946 -324.5293 c +141.2603 -324.7422 141.5786 -324.8496 141.9517 -324.8496 c +142.2485 -324.8496 142.5142 -324.7793 142.7485 -324.6406 c +142.981 -324.5 143.1646 -324.3086 143.2993 -324.0645 c +143.4321 -323.8223 143.4985 -323.543 143.4985 -323.2305 c +143.4985 -322.9141 143.4302 -322.6309 143.2915 -322.3809 c +143.1528 -322.1309 142.9634 -321.9336 142.7212 -321.7891 c +142.481 -321.6445 142.2036 -321.5703 141.895 -321.5684 c +141.6724 -321.5664 141.4438 -321.5996 141.2095 -321.6699 c +140.9751 -321.7402 140.7817 -321.8301 140.6294 -321.9375 c +139.8071 -321.8379 L +140.2466 -318.2598 L +144.0254 -318.2598 L +144.0254 -319.041 L +140.9849 -319.041 L +140.729 -321.1855 L +140.772 -321.1855 L +140.9204 -321.0664 141.1079 -320.9688 141.3325 -320.8906 c +141.5571 -320.8125 141.7915 -320.7734 142.0356 -320.7734 c +142.481 -320.7734 142.8794 -320.8789 143.2271 -321.0918 c +143.5767 -321.3027 143.8521 -321.5938 144.0508 -321.9609 c +144.252 -322.3301 144.3516 -322.748 144.3516 -323.2168 c +144.3516 -323.6797 144.248 -324.0938 144.041 -324.457 c +143.8345 -324.8203 143.5493 -325.1074 143.186 -325.3164 c +142.8247 -325.5273 142.4126 -325.6309 141.9517 -325.6309 c +f +*U +*u +148.0586 -325.6445 m +147.5332 -325.6445 147.0801 -325.5293 146.7012 -325.2949 c +146.3203 -325.0625 146.0273 -324.7363 145.8223 -324.3164 c +145.6191 -323.8945 145.5156 -323.4063 145.5156 -322.8477 c +145.5156 -322.2891 145.6191 -321.7949 145.8223 -321.3672 c +146.0273 -320.9414 146.3145 -320.6074 146.6816 -320.3672 c +147.0508 -320.127 147.4805 -320.0059 147.9727 -320.0059 c +148.2578 -320.0059 148.5371 -320.0527 148.8145 -320.1484 c +149.0918 -320.2422 149.3438 -320.3965 149.5723 -320.6074 c +149.7988 -320.8203 149.9805 -321.0996 150.1152 -321.4473 c +150.25 -321.7969 150.3164 -322.2246 150.3164 -322.7344 c +150.3164 -323.0879 L +146.3574 -323.0879 L +146.377 -323.6719 146.541 -324.1172 146.8535 -324.4277 c +147.1641 -324.7383 147.5664 -324.8926 148.0586 -324.8926 c +148.3867 -324.8926 148.6699 -324.8223 148.9082 -324.6797 c +149.1445 -324.5371 149.3164 -324.3242 149.4219 -324.041 c +150.2324 -324.2676 L +150.1035 -324.6797 149.8477 -325.0117 149.4648 -325.2656 c +149.082 -325.5195 148.6133 -325.6445 148.0586 -325.6445 c +f +1 D +146.3574 -322.3633 m +149.4648 -322.3633 L +149.4648 -321.9023 149.3301 -321.5195 149.0605 -321.2148 c +148.791 -320.9121 148.4277 -320.7598 147.9727 -320.7598 c +147.6543 -320.7598 147.377 -320.834 147.1426 -320.9824 c +146.9082 -321.1328 146.7227 -321.3281 146.5879 -321.5742 c +146.4531 -321.8184 146.377 -322.082 146.3574 -322.3633 c +f +*U +*u +0 D +153.8965 -318.1445 m +154.1953 -318.1484 154.4922 -318.2051 154.791 -318.3164 c +155.0898 -318.4277 155.3613 -318.6113 155.6074 -318.8691 c +155.8535 -319.127 156.0527 -319.4785 156.2012 -319.9219 c +156.3496 -320.3672 156.4258 -320.9238 156.4258 -321.5977 c +156.4258 -322.8906 156.1895 -323.8848 155.7168 -324.584 c +155.2441 -325.2813 154.5996 -325.6309 153.7832 -325.6309 c +153.1719 -325.6309 152.6641 -325.4531 152.2598 -325.0977 c +151.8555 -324.7402 151.6094 -324.2754 151.5234 -323.6992 c +152.3906 -323.6992 L +152.4688 -324.0332 152.625 -324.3086 152.8574 -324.5254 c +153.0918 -324.7422 153.3984 -324.8496 153.7832 -324.8496 c +154.3438 -324.8496 154.7871 -324.6055 155.1133 -324.1152 c +155.4375 -323.625 155.6016 -322.9316 155.6016 -322.0371 c +155.5449 -322.0371 L +155.3457 -322.3359 155.0918 -322.5723 154.7832 -322.7441 c +154.4727 -322.916 154.1309 -323.0039 153.7539 -323.0039 c +153.3379 -323.0039 152.957 -322.9004 152.6094 -322.6934 c +152.2617 -322.4863 151.9863 -322.2012 151.7773 -321.8359 c +151.5703 -321.4727 151.4668 -321.0566 151.4668 -320.5879 c +151.4668 -320.1387 151.5684 -319.7285 151.7676 -319.3555 c +151.9668 -318.9844 152.25 -318.6895 152.6133 -318.4688 c +152.9766 -318.248 153.4043 -318.1406 153.8965 -318.1445 c +f +1 D +153.8965 -318.9258 m +153.5977 -318.9258 153.3301 -319.002 153.0918 -319.1504 c +152.8535 -319.2988 152.666 -319.5 152.5273 -319.75 c +152.3887 -320.002 152.3203 -320.2813 152.3203 -320.5879 c +152.3203 -320.8926 152.3867 -321.166 152.5195 -321.4141 c +152.6543 -321.6621 152.8379 -321.8574 153.0703 -322.0039 c +153.3047 -322.1484 153.5703 -322.2227 153.8672 -322.2227 c +154.166 -322.2227 154.4375 -322.1445 154.6797 -321.9922 c +154.9219 -321.8379 155.1152 -321.6348 155.2578 -321.3848 c +155.4023 -321.1328 155.4727 -320.8633 155.4727 -320.5742 c +155.4727 -320.2852 155.4043 -320.0156 155.2695 -319.7656 c +155.1328 -319.5137 154.9453 -319.3105 154.707 -319.1582 c +154.4707 -319.0039 154.1992 -318.9258 153.8965 -318.9258 c +f +*U +*u +0 D +160.2598 -320.0781 m +160.2598 -320.7871 L +159.0391 -320.7871 L +159.0391 -325.5313 L +158.2012 -325.5313 L +158.2012 -320.7871 L +157.3203 -320.7871 L +157.3203 -320.0781 L +158.2012 -320.0781 L +158.2012 -319.3242 L +158.2012 -319.0117 158.2734 -318.752 158.4199 -318.543 c +158.5684 -318.334 158.7578 -318.1777 158.9922 -318.0742 c +159.2266 -317.9707 159.4746 -317.918 159.7344 -317.918 c +159.9414 -317.918 160.1094 -317.9355 160.2383 -317.9688 c +160.3691 -318.002 160.4668 -318.0313 160.5293 -318.0605 c +160.2891 -318.7852 L +160.2461 -318.7695 160.1875 -318.752 160.1133 -318.7305 c +160.0391 -318.7109 159.9414 -318.6992 159.8203 -318.6992 c +159.543 -318.6992 159.3438 -318.7695 159.2207 -318.9082 c +159.0996 -319.0488 159.0391 -319.2539 159.0391 -319.5234 c +159.0391 -320.0781 l +160.2598 -320.0781 L +f +*U +*u +163.7969 -325.6309 m +162.9941 -325.6309 162.373 -325.3066 161.9316 -324.6543 c +161.4902 -324.0039 161.2695 -323.084 161.2695 -321.8945 c +161.2695 -320.7168 161.4922 -319.7988 161.9355 -319.1426 c +162.3809 -318.4883 163.002 -318.1602 163.7969 -318.1602 c +164.5918 -318.1602 165.2129 -318.4883 165.6582 -319.1426 c +166.1035 -319.7988 166.3262 -320.7168 166.3262 -321.8945 c +166.3262 -323.084 166.1055 -324.0039 165.6641 -324.6543 c +165.2227 -325.3066 164.5996 -325.6309 163.7969 -325.6309 c +f +1 D +163.7969 -324.8496 m +164.3281 -324.8496 164.7402 -324.5938 165.0332 -324.082 c +165.3262 -323.5723 165.4727 -322.8418 165.4727 -321.8945 c +165.4727 -320.9512 165.3262 -320.2207 165.0293 -319.7031 c +164.7344 -319.1855 164.3223 -318.9258 163.7969 -318.9258 c +163.2715 -318.9258 162.8613 -319.1855 162.5645 -319.7031 c +162.2695 -320.2207 162.1211 -320.9512 162.1211 -321.8945 c +162.1211 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+23.1919 -325.5449 22.7642 -325.6309 22.2778 -325.6309 c +f +1 D +22.2778 -324.8496 m +22.77 -324.8496 23.1606 -324.7324 23.4478 -324.4961 c +23.7349 -324.2617 23.8813 -323.9473 23.8833 -323.5566 c +23.8813 -323.2832 23.8091 -323.041 23.6704 -322.8301 c +23.5298 -322.6191 23.3403 -322.4531 23.0981 -322.332 c +22.856 -322.2109 22.5825 -322.1504 22.2778 -322.1504 c +21.9653 -322.1504 21.688 -322.2109 21.4478 -322.332 c +21.2056 -322.4531 21.0161 -322.6191 20.8774 -322.8301 c +20.7388 -323.041 20.6704 -323.2832 20.6724 -323.5566 c +20.6704 -323.9473 20.813 -324.2617 21.0981 -324.4961 c +21.3853 -324.7324 21.7778 -324.8496 22.2778 -324.8496 c +f +22.2778 -321.3984 m +22.6685 -321.3984 22.9907 -321.2832 23.2446 -321.0547 c +23.4966 -320.8262 23.6255 -320.5254 23.6274 -320.1484 c +23.6255 -319.7793 23.5005 -319.4824 23.2524 -319.2598 c +23.0044 -319.0371 22.6802 -318.9258 22.2778 -318.9258 c +21.8716 -318.9258 21.5435 -319.0371 21.2954 -319.2598 c +21.0493 -319.4824 20.9263 -319.7793 20.9282 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35.2642 -320.1484 c +35.5415 -320.2422 35.7935 -320.3965 36.02 -320.6074 c +36.2485 -320.8203 36.4282 -321.0996 36.563 -321.4473 c +36.6997 -321.7969 36.7661 -322.2246 36.7661 -322.7344 c +36.7661 -323.0879 L +32.8071 -323.0879 L +32.8267 -323.6719 32.9907 -324.1172 33.3013 -324.4277 c +33.6138 -324.7383 34.0161 -324.8926 34.5083 -324.8926 c +34.8364 -324.8926 35.1196 -324.8223 35.356 -324.6797 c +35.5942 -324.5371 35.7642 -324.3242 35.8716 -324.041 c +36.6802 -324.2676 L +36.5532 -324.6797 36.2974 -325.0117 35.9146 -325.2656 c +35.5298 -325.5195 35.061 -325.6445 34.5083 -325.6445 c +f +1 D +32.8071 -322.3633 m +35.9146 -322.3633 L +35.9146 -321.9023 35.7798 -321.5195 35.5083 -321.2148 c +35.2388 -320.9121 34.8774 -320.7598 34.4224 -320.7598 c +34.1021 -320.7598 33.8267 -320.834 33.5923 -320.9824 c +33.3579 -321.1328 33.1724 -321.3281 33.0376 -321.5742 c +32.9028 -321.8184 32.8267 -322.082 32.8071 -322.3633 c +f +*U +*u +0 D +40.3325 -325.6445 m +39.8052 -325.6445 39.354 -325.5293 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41.6021 -321.5195 41.3325 -321.2148 c +41.063 -320.9121 40.7017 -320.7598 40.2466 -320.7598 c +39.9263 -320.7598 39.6489 -320.834 39.4146 -320.9824 c +39.1802 -321.1328 38.9966 -321.3281 38.8618 -321.5742 c +38.7271 -321.8184 38.6489 -322.082 38.6313 -322.3633 c +f +*U +*u +0 D +46.1704 -318.1445 m +46.4673 -318.1484 46.7661 -318.2051 47.0649 -318.3164 c +47.3618 -318.4277 47.6353 -318.6113 47.8813 -318.8691 c +48.1274 -319.127 48.3247 -319.4785 48.4751 -319.9219 c +48.6235 -320.3672 48.6978 -320.9238 48.6978 -321.5977 c +48.6978 -322.8906 48.4614 -323.8848 47.9888 -324.584 c +47.5181 -325.2813 46.8735 -325.6309 46.0552 -325.6309 c +45.4458 -325.6309 44.938 -325.4531 44.5317 -325.0977 c +44.1274 -324.7402 43.8833 -324.2754 43.7974 -323.6992 c +44.6646 -323.6992 L +44.7427 -324.0332 44.897 -324.3086 45.1313 -324.5254 c +45.3638 -324.7422 45.6724 -324.8496 46.0552 -324.8496 c +46.6177 -324.8496 47.061 -324.6055 47.3853 -324.1152 c +47.7114 -323.625 47.8735 -322.9316 47.8735 -322.0371 c 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99.9341 -196.3818 100.9868 -196.3818 c +102.1196 -196.3818 102.9673 -196.1807 103.5278 -195.7803 c +104.0864 -195.3818 104.3677 -194.8271 104.3677 -194.1201 c +104.3677 -193.667 104.231 -193.2939 103.9575 -193.001 c +103.6841 -192.708 103.2778 -192.4502 102.7368 -192.2314 c +102.1978 -192.0107 101.3872 -191.7412 100.3071 -191.4209 c +99.2798 -191.1279 98.4634 -190.8154 97.8579 -190.4814 c +97.2505 -190.1475 96.7935 -189.7373 96.4868 -189.251 c +96.1802 -188.7646 96.0278 -188.1475 96.0278 -187.4014 c +96.0278 -186.6807 96.2212 -186.0381 96.6079 -185.4717 c +96.9946 -184.9053 97.5532 -184.458 98.2876 -184.1318 c +99.02 -183.8037 99.8872 -183.6416 100.8872 -183.6416 c +101.9282 -183.6416 102.8169 -183.8252 103.5571 -184.1904 c +104.2974 -184.5576 104.8599 -185.0186 105.2466 -185.5713 c +105.6333 -186.124 105.8403 -186.6807 105.8677 -187.2412 c +105.8677 -187.3604 105.8267 -187.4619 105.7466 -187.542 c +105.6665 -187.6201 105.5669 -187.6611 105.4478 -187.6611 c +104.4478 -187.6611 L +104.3403 -187.6611 104.2407 -187.6279 104.147 -187.5615 c +104.0532 -187.4951 103.9868 -187.3936 103.9478 -187.2607 c +103.8677 -186.6885 103.5474 -186.2139 102.9868 -185.8408 c +102.4282 -185.4678 101.7271 -185.2803 100.8872 -185.2803 c +99.981 -185.2803 99.2603 -185.458 98.7271 -185.8115 c +98.1938 -186.165 97.9282 -186.6885 97.9282 -187.3818 c +97.9282 -187.8486 98.0513 -188.2275 98.2974 -188.5205 c +98.5435 -188.8154 98.9243 -189.0752 99.438 -189.3018 c +99.9497 -189.5283 100.6997 -189.7881 101.688 -190.0811 c +102.8208 -190.4014 103.7114 -190.7217 104.3579 -191.042 c +105.0044 -191.3604 105.4868 -191.7588 105.8071 -192.2314 c +106.1274 -192.7041 106.2876 -193.3154 106.2876 -194.0615 c +106.2876 -195.3154 105.811 -196.292 104.8579 -196.9912 c +103.9048 -197.6904 102.6138 -198.042 100.9868 -198.042 c +99.8931 -198.042 98.9438 -197.8682 98.1372 -197.5205 c +f +*U +*u +108.7974 -197.7119 m +108.7095 -197.624 108.6665 -197.5146 108.6665 -197.3818 c +108.6665 -187.9014 L +108.6665 -187.7686 108.7095 -187.6572 108.7974 -187.5713 c +108.8833 -187.4854 108.9946 -187.4404 109.1274 -187.4404 c +109.9868 -187.4404 L +110.1333 -187.4404 110.2466 -187.4814 110.3267 -187.5615 c +110.4067 -187.6416 110.4478 -187.7549 110.4478 -187.9014 c +110.4478 -188.7803 L +110.8481 -188.2881 111.311 -187.9072 111.8364 -187.6416 c +112.3638 -187.374 113.02 -187.2412 113.8071 -187.2412 c +115.0864 -187.2412 116.0806 -187.6514 116.7876 -188.4717 c +117.4946 -189.292 117.8481 -190.374 117.8481 -191.7217 c +117.8481 -197.3818 L +117.8481 -197.5146 117.8032 -197.624 117.7173 -197.7119 c +117.6294 -197.7979 117.52 -197.8408 117.3872 -197.8408 c +116.4673 -197.8408 L +116.3345 -197.8408 116.2231 -197.7979 116.1372 -197.7119 c +116.0513 -197.624 116.0063 -197.5146 116.0063 -197.3818 c +116.0063 -191.8408 L +116.0063 -190.8818 115.7739 -190.1338 115.3071 -189.6006 c +114.8403 -189.0674 114.1743 -188.8018 113.3071 -188.8018 c +112.4536 -188.8018 111.7739 -189.0713 111.2681 -189.6104 c +110.7603 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+135.1274 -195.4014 L +137.5278 -187.8604 L +137.5532 -187.7549 137.6138 -187.6572 137.7075 -187.5713 c +137.7993 -187.4854 137.9263 -187.4404 138.0864 -187.4404 c +138.7271 -187.4404 L +138.8872 -187.4404 139.0142 -187.4854 139.1079 -187.5713 c +139.1997 -187.6572 139.2603 -187.7549 139.2876 -187.8604 c +141.686 -195.4014 L +143.9478 -187.7607 L +143.9595 -187.6943 144.0098 -187.624 144.0957 -187.5518 c +144.1836 -187.4775 144.293 -187.4404 144.4258 -187.4404 c +145.2461 -187.4404 L +145.3672 -187.4404 145.4668 -187.4814 145.5469 -187.5615 c +145.627 -187.6416 145.666 -187.7412 145.666 -187.8604 c +145.627 -188.0615 L +142.7876 -197.3408 L +142.7329 -197.5146 142.6606 -197.6416 142.5669 -197.7217 c +142.4731 -197.8018 142.3345 -197.8408 142.147 -197.8408 c +141.4263 -197.8408 L +141.0806 -197.8408 140.854 -197.6748 140.7466 -197.3408 c +138.4067 -190.1006 L +136.0669 -197.3408 L +135.9595 -197.6748 135.7329 -197.8408 135.3872 -197.8408 c +134.6665 -197.8408 l +134.481 -197.8408 134.3403 -197.8018 134.2466 -197.7217 c +f +*U +*u +154.2363 -197.5205 m +153.4297 -197.1748 152.8164 -196.7178 152.3965 -196.1514 c +151.9766 -195.585 151.752 -194.9736 151.7266 -194.3213 c +151.7266 -194.2139 151.7656 -194.1201 151.8457 -194.042 c +151.9258 -193.9619 152.0254 -193.9209 152.1465 -193.9209 c +153.125 -193.9209 L +153.3652 -193.9209 153.5332 -194.0537 153.625 -194.3213 c +153.7461 -194.8818 154.0898 -195.3643 154.6563 -195.7705 c +155.2227 -196.1787 156.0332 -196.3818 157.0859 -196.3818 c +158.2188 -196.3818 159.0664 -196.1807 159.625 -195.7803 c +160.1855 -195.3818 160.4668 -194.8271 160.4668 -194.1201 c +160.4668 -193.667 160.3281 -193.2939 160.0566 -193.001 c +159.7832 -192.708 159.375 -192.4502 158.8359 -192.2314 c +158.2969 -192.0107 157.4863 -191.7412 156.4063 -191.4209 c +155.3789 -191.1279 154.5625 -190.8154 153.9551 -190.4814 c +153.3496 -190.1475 152.8926 -189.7373 152.5859 -189.251 c +152.2793 -188.7646 152.125 -188.1475 152.125 -187.4014 c +152.125 -186.6807 152.3184 -186.0381 152.7051 -185.4717 c +153.0918 -184.9053 153.6523 -184.458 154.3867 -184.1318 c +155.1191 -183.8037 155.9863 -183.6416 156.9863 -183.6416 c +158.0254 -183.6416 158.916 -183.8252 159.6563 -184.1904 c +160.3965 -184.5576 160.959 -185.0186 161.3457 -185.5713 c +161.7324 -186.124 161.9395 -186.6807 161.9668 -187.2412 c +161.9668 -187.3604 161.9258 -187.4619 161.8457 -187.542 c +161.7656 -187.6201 161.666 -187.6611 161.5469 -187.6611 c +160.5469 -187.6611 L +160.4395 -187.6611 160.3398 -187.6279 160.2461 -187.5615 c +160.1523 -187.4951 160.0859 -187.3936 160.0469 -187.2607 c +159.9668 -186.6885 159.6465 -186.2139 159.0859 -185.8408 c +158.5254 -185.4678 157.8262 -185.2803 156.9863 -185.2803 c +156.0781 -185.2803 155.3594 -185.458 154.8262 -185.8115 c +154.293 -186.165 154.0254 -186.6885 154.0254 -187.3818 c +154.0254 -187.8486 154.1484 -188.2275 154.3965 -188.5205 c +154.6426 -188.8154 155.0234 -189.0752 155.5352 -189.3018 c +156.0488 -189.5283 156.7988 -189.7881 157.7852 -190.0811 c +158.9199 -190.4014 159.8086 -190.7217 160.4551 -191.042 c +161.1016 -191.3604 161.5859 -191.7588 161.9063 -192.23 +endstream endobj 396 0 obj <>stream +14 c +162.2266 -192.7041 162.3867 -193.3154 162.3867 -194.0615 c +162.3867 -195.3154 161.9082 -196.292 160.9551 -196.9912 c +160.002 -197.6904 158.7129 -198.042 157.0859 -198.042 c +155.9922 -198.042 155.043 -197.8682 154.2363 -197.5205 c +f +*U +*u +165.666 -194.3408 m +165.666 -188.9814 L +164.0859 -188.9814 L +163.9531 -188.9814 163.8457 -188.9404 163.7656 -188.8604 c +163.6855 -188.7803 163.6465 -188.6748 163.6465 -188.542 c +163.6465 -187.9014 L +163.6465 -187.7686 163.6855 -187.6572 163.7656 -187.5713 c +163.8457 -187.4854 163.9531 -187.4404 164.0859 -187.4404 c +165.666 -187.4404 L +165.666 -184.1006 L +165.666 -183.9678 165.7051 -183.8584 165.7852 -183.7705 c +165.8652 -183.6846 165.9727 -183.6416 166.1055 -183.6416 c +166.9863 -183.6416 L +167.1191 -183.6416 167.2285 -183.6846 167.3164 -183.7705 c +167.4023 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+172.0859 -191.7803 L +172.1387 -190.4072 172.5684 -189.3076 173.375 -188.4814 c +174.1816 -187.6553 175.3047 -187.2412 176.7461 -187.2412 c +178.1855 -187.2412 179.3086 -187.6553 180.1152 -188.4814 c +180.9219 -189.3076 181.3516 -190.4072 181.4063 -191.7803 c +181.4316 -192.0752 181.4453 -192.3604 181.4453 -192.6416 c +181.4453 -192.9209 181.4316 -193.208 181.4063 -193.501 c +181.3516 -194.874 180.9297 -195.9736 180.1348 -196.8018 c +179.3418 -197.6279 178.2129 -198.042 176.7461 -198.042 c +175.2793 -198.042 174.1484 -197.6279 173.3555 -196.8018 c +f +1 D +178.7754 -195.7314 m +179.2754 -195.1904 179.5449 -194.415 179.5859 -193.4014 c +179.5996 -193.2686 179.6055 -193.0146 179.6055 -192.6416 c +179.6055 -192.2686 179.5996 -192.0146 179.5859 -191.8818 c +179.5449 -190.8682 179.2754 -190.0908 178.7754 -189.5518 c +178.2754 -189.0107 177.5996 -188.7412 176.7461 -188.7412 c +175.8926 -188.7412 175.2148 -189.0107 174.7148 -189.5518 c +174.2148 -190.0908 173.9453 -190.8682 173.9063 -191.8818 c +173.8848 -192.6416 L +173.9063 -193.4014 L +173.9453 -194.415 174.2148 -195.1904 174.7148 -195.7314 c +175.2148 -196.2705 175.8926 -196.542 176.7461 -196.542 c +177.5996 -196.542 178.2754 -196.2705 178.7754 -195.7314 c +f +*U +*u +0 D +184.0957 -197.7119 m +184.0098 -197.624 183.9668 -197.5146 183.9668 -197.3818 c +183.9668 -187.9209 L +183.9668 -187.7881 184.0098 -187.6748 184.0957 -187.5811 c +184.1836 -187.4873 184.293 -187.4404 184.4258 -187.4404 c +185.2656 -187.4404 L +185.4121 -187.4404 185.5293 -187.4854 185.6172 -187.5713 c +185.7031 -187.6572 185.7461 -187.7744 185.7461 -187.9209 c +185.7461 -188.8018 L +186.293 -187.8936 187.2188 -187.4404 188.5254 -187.4404 c +189.3066 -187.4404 L +189.4531 -187.4404 189.5664 -187.4814 189.6465 -187.5615 c +189.7266 -187.6416 189.7656 -187.7549 189.7656 -187.9014 c +189.7656 -188.6416 L +189.7656 -188.7744 189.7266 -188.8838 189.6465 -188.9717 c +189.5664 -189.0576 189.4531 -189.1006 189.3066 -189.1006 c +188.166 -189.1006 L +187.4336 -189.1006 186.8555 -189.3154 186.4355 -189.7412 c +186.0156 -190.167 185.8066 -190.7471 185.8066 -191.4814 c +185.8066 -197.3818 L +185.8066 -197.5146 185.7598 -197.624 185.666 -197.7119 c +185.5723 -197.7979 185.459 -197.8408 185.3262 -197.8408 c +184.4258 -197.8408 l +184.293 -197.8408 184.1836 -197.7979 184.0957 -197.7119 c +f +*U +*u +191.6152 -197.7119 m +191.5293 -197.624 191.4863 -197.5146 191.4863 -197.3818 c +191.4863 -187.9014 L +191.4863 -187.7686 191.5293 -187.6572 191.6152 -187.5713 c +191.7031 -187.4854 191.8125 -187.4404 191.9453 -187.4404 c +192.7852 -187.4404 L +192.9199 -187.4404 193.0254 -187.4854 193.1055 -187.5713 c +193.1855 -187.6572 193.2266 -187.7686 193.2266 -187.9014 c +193.2266 -188.5811 L +193.9453 -187.6885 194.9199 -187.2412 196.1465 -187.2412 c +197.6133 -187.2412 198.6523 -187.8545 199.2656 -189.0811 c +199.5859 -188.5205 200.043 -188.0752 200.6367 -187.7412 c +201.2285 -187.4072 201.8926 -187.2412 202.625 -187.2412 c +203.7188 -187.2412 204.6133 -187.6143 205.3066 -188.3604 c +205.998 -189.1084 206.3457 -190.1885 206.3457 -191.6006 c +206.3457 -197.3818 L +206.3457 -197.5146 206.3027 -197.624 206.2168 -197.7119 c +206.1289 -197.7979 206.0195 -197.8408 205.8867 -197.8408 c +205.0254 -197.8408 L +204.8926 -197.8408 204.7832 -197.7979 204.6953 -197.7119 c +204.6094 -197.624 204.5664 -197.5146 204.5664 -197.3818 c +204.5664 -191.7803 L +204.5664 -190.7139 204.3457 -189.9502 203.9063 -189.4912 c +203.4668 -189.0303 202.8867 -188.8018 202.166 -188.8018 c +201.5254 -188.8018 200.9766 -189.0381 200.5156 -189.5107 c +200.0566 -189.9854 199.8262 -190.7412 199.8262 -191.7803 c +199.8262 -197.3818 L +199.8262 -197.5146 199.7832 -197.624 199.6953 -197.7119 c +199.6094 -197.7979 199.498 -197.8408 199.3652 -197.8408 c +198.4863 -197.8408 L +198.3516 -197.8408 198.2422 -197.7979 198.1563 -197.7119 c +198.0684 -197.624 198.0254 -197.5146 198.0254 -197.3818 c +198.0254 -191.7803 L +198.0254 -190.7275 197.7949 -189.9678 197.3359 -189.501 c +196.875 -189.0342 196.3066 -188.8018 195.625 -188.8018 c +194.9863 -188.8018 194.4355 -189.0342 193.9766 -189.501 c +193.5156 -189.9678 193.2852 -190.7217 193.2852 -191.7607 c +193.2852 -197.3818 L +193.2852 -197.5146 193.2422 -197.624 193.1563 -197.7119 c +193.0684 -197.7979 192.959 -197.8408 192.8262 -197.8408 c +191.9453 -197.8408 l +191.8125 -197.8408 191.7031 -197.7979 191.6152 -197.7119 c +f +*U +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/XMLUID : (name_2_) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +0 0 Xd +6 () XW +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/XMLUID : (label_2_) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +9 () XW +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/XMLUID : (snow-storm) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +9 () XW +u +u +0 O +0.089845 0.04889 0.032593 0 0.92549 0.937255 0.956863 Xa +555.7676 -43.6396 m +375.7676 -43.6396 L +375.7676 -118.6416 L +285.7676 -118.6416 L +285.7676 -147.4443 L +285.7676 -150.8525 288.6289 -153.6416 292.1289 -153.6416 C +639.4043 -153.6416 L +642.9043 -153.6416 645.7676 -150.8525 645.7676 -147.4443 C +645.7676 -118.6416 L +555.7676 -118.6416 L +555.7676 -43.6396 L +f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/XMLUID : (canvas) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +1 A +1 Xw +/AI11Text : +0 /FreeUndo , +0 /FrameIndex , +0 /StoryIndex , +/Art : +X= +0 A +0 Xw +1 Ap +618.4336 -139.0244 m +581.1016 -139.0244 L +581.1016 -131.0244 L +618.4336 -131.0244 L +618.4336 -139.0244 L +n +X+ +; /ConfiningPath , +2 /TextAntialiasing , +; + +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/XMLUID : (nord3-hex-src) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +0 0 Xd +6 () XW +1 A +1 Xw +/AI11Text : +0 /FreeUndo , +0 /FrameIndex , +7 /StoryIndex , +/Art : +X= +0 A +0 Xw +528.4336 -139.0244 m +491.1016 -139.0244 L +491.1016 -131.0244 L +528.4336 -131.0244 L +528.4336 -139.0244 L +n +X+ +; /ConfiningPath , +2 /TextAntialiasing , +; + +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/XMLUID : (nord2-hex-src) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +0 0 Xd +6 () XW +1 A +1 Xw +/AI11Text : +0 /FreeUndo , +0 /FrameIndex , +8 /StoryIndex , +/Art : +X= +0 A +0 Xw +438.4336 -139.0244 m +401.1016 -139.0244 L +401.1016 -131.0244 L +438.4336 -131.0244 L +438.4336 -139.0244 L +n +X+ +; /ConfiningPath , +2 /TextAntialiasing , +; + +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/XMLUID : (nord1-hex-src) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +0 0 Xd +6 () XW +1 A +1 Xw +/AI11Text : +0 /FreeUndo , +0 /FrameIndex , +9 /StoryIndex , +/Art : +X= +0 A +0 Xw +349.4336 -139.0244 m +312.0996 -139.0244 L +312.0996 -131.0244 L +349.4336 -131.0244 L +349.4336 -139.0244 L +n +X+ +; /ConfiningPath , +2 /TextAntialiasing , +; + +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/XMLUID : (nord0-hex-src) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +0 0 Xd +6 () XW +u +*u +0 Ap +0 O +0.723293 0.577508 0.383032 0.274357 0.298039 0.337255 0.415686 Xa +581.6836 -136.8057 m +581.6836 -136.0811 L +584.8789 -131.0244 L +585.9434 -131.0244 L +585.9434 -136.0244 L +586.9375 -136.0244 L +586.9375 -136.8057 L +585.9434 -136.8057 L +585.9434 -138.2979 L +585.1055 -138.2979 L +585.1055 -136.8057 l +581.6836 -136.8057 L +f +1 D +585.1055 -136.0244 m +585.1055 -132.1475 L +585.0488 -132.1475 L +582.6348 -135.9678 L +582.6348 -136.0244 l +585.1055 -136.0244 L +f +*U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_; +%_ +*u +0 D +590.5039 -138.4111 m +589.9922 -138.4111 589.5527 -138.29 589.1836 -138.0479 c +588.8125 -137.8076 588.5293 -137.4756 588.3301 -137.0518 c +588.1309 -136.6279 588.0313 -136.1436 588.0313 -135.5986 c +588.0313 -135.0439 588.1348 -134.5557 588.3398 -134.1299 c +588.5449 -133.7061 588.8301 -133.3721 589.1992 -133.1318 c +589.5664 -132.8916 589.9961 -132.7725 590.4902 -132.7725 c +590.873 -132.7725 591.2188 -132.8428 591.5273 -132.9854 c +591.834 -133.126 592.0859 -133.3252 592.2832 -133.5811 c +592.4785 -133.8369 592.6016 -134.1357 592.6484 -134.4756 c +591.8105 -134.4756 L +591.7461 -134.2275 591.6055 -134.0068 591.3867 -133.8135 c +591.168 -133.6221 590.873 -133.5244 590.5039 -133.5244 c +590.0137 -133.5244 589.6191 -133.7119 589.3203 -134.083 c +589.0195 -134.4561 588.8711 -134.9521 588.8711 -135.5693 c +588.8711 -136.2021 589.0176 -136.708 589.3145 -137.0889 c +589.6094 -137.4678 590.0059 -137.6572 590.5039 -137.6572 c +590.8301 -137.6572 591.1094 -137.5732 591.3438 -137.4053 c +591.5762 -137.2373 591.7324 -137.0049 591.8105 -136.7061 c +592.6484 -136.7061 L +592.6016 -137.0283 592.4844 -137.3174 592.2988 -137.5752 c +592.1133 -137.8311 591.8672 -138.0361 591.5645 -138.1846 c +591.2598 -138.335 590.9063 -138.4111 590.5039 -138.4111 c +f +*U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_; +%_ +*u +596.1289 -138.3975 m +595.7129 -138.3975 595.3379 -138.3135 595.0039 -138.1475 c +594.6699 -137.9834 594.4023 -137.7549 594.2012 -137.4658 c +594 -137.1768 593.8887 -136.8486 593.8711 -136.4795 c +594.7227 -136.4795 L +594.7559 -136.8076 594.9063 -137.0791 595.1719 -137.2939 c +595.4375 -137.5088 595.7578 -137.6162 596.1289 -137.6162 c +596.4277 -137.6162 596.6934 -137.5459 596.9258 -137.4053 c +597.1602 -137.2666 597.3418 -137.0752 597.4766 -136.8311 c +597.6094 -136.5869 597.6777 -136.3096 597.6777 -135.9971 c +597.6777 -135.6787 597.6074 -135.3955 597.4688 -135.1455 c +597.3301 -134.8955 597.1406 -134.6982 596.9004 -134.5537 c +596.6582 -134.4092 596.3828 -134.3369 596.0723 -134.335 c +595.8496 -134.3311 595.6211 -134.3662 595.3867 -134.4346 c +595.1523 -134.5049 594.959 -134.5947 594.8086 -134.7041 c +593.9844 -134.6045 L +594.4238 -131.0244 L +598.2031 -131.0244 L +598.2031 -131.8057 L +595.1621 -131.8057 L +594.9082 -133.9502 L +594.9492 -133.9502 L +595.0996 -133.833 595.2852 -133.7334 595.5117 -133.6553 c +595.7363 -133.5771 595.9707 -133.5381 596.2148 -133.5381 c +596.6582 -133.5381 597.0566 -133.6455 597.4063 -133.8564 c +597.7539 -134.0693 598.0293 -134.3584 598.2285 -134.7275 c +598.4297 -135.0947 598.5293 -135.5127 598.5293 -135.9814 c +598.5293 -136.4463 598.4258 -136.8604 598.2188 -137.2236 c +598.0117 -137.5869 597.7266 -137.8721 597.3652 -138.083 c +597.002 -138.292 596.5898 -138.3975 596.1289 -138.3975 c +f +*U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_; +%_ +*u +602.3496 -138.3975 m +602.0527 -138.3916 601.7539 -138.335 601.4551 -138.2256 c +601.1582 -138.1182 600.8848 -137.9326 600.6387 -137.6748 c +600.3926 -137.415 600.1953 -137.0635 600.0449 -136.6201 c +599.8965 -136.1748 599.8223 -135.6182 599.8223 -134.9443 c +599.8223 -133.6533 600.0566 -132.6572 600.5293 -131.958 c +601 -131.2607 601.6445 -130.9111 602.4648 -130.9111 c +603.0742 -130.9111 603.582 -131.0889 603.9863 -131.4463 c +604.3887 -131.8057 604.6348 -132.2705 604.7227 -132.8428 c +603.8555 -132.8428 L +603.7754 -132.5088 603.6191 -132.2334 603.3867 -132.0166 c +603.1563 -131.7998 602.8477 -131.6924 602.4648 -131.6924 c +601.9004 -131.6924 601.457 -131.9385 601.1348 -132.4287 c +600.8105 -132.9209 600.6484 -133.6123 600.6465 -134.5049 c +600.7031 -134.5049 L +600.9023 -134.2041 601.1563 -133.9678 601.4668 -133.7959 c +601.7754 -133.624 602.1191 -133.5381 602.4922 -133.5381 c +602.9082 -133.5381 603.291 -133.6416 603.6367 -133.8486 c +603.9824 -134.0576 604.2578 -134.3428 604.4668 -134.7061 c +604.6758 -135.0693 604.7793 -135.4854 604.7793 -135.9541 c +604.7793 -136.4033 604.6797 -136.8154 604.4785 -137.1885 c +604.2754 -137.5596 603.9941 -137.8564 603.6309 -138.0752 c +603.2676 -138.2939 602.8398 -138.4014 602.3496 -138.3975 c +f +1 D +602.3496 -137.6162 m +602.6484 -137.6162 602.916 -137.54 603.1543 -137.3916 c +603.3926 -137.2432 603.5801 -137.042 603.7188 -136.792 c +603.8574 -136.54 603.9277 -136.2607 603.9277 -135.9541 c +603.9277 -135.6533 603.8594 -135.3799 603.7266 -135.1318 c +603.5918 -134.8838 603.4102 -134.6865 603.1758 -134.54 c +602.9434 -134.3936 602.6777 -134.3193 602.3789 -134.3193 c +602.0781 -134.3193 601.8066 -134.3975 601.5664 -134.5518 c +601.3242 -134.7041 601.1328 -134.9072 600.9902 -135.1572 c +600.8477 -135.4053 600.7754 -135.6768 600.7734 -135.9678 c +600.7715 -136.2588 600.8379 -136.5303 600.9766 -136.7783 c +601.1133 -137.0283 601.3008 -137.2314 601.5371 -137.3838 c +601.7734 -137.5381 602.0449 -137.6162 602.3496 -137.6162 c +f +*U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_; +%_ +*u +0 D +608.5859 -138.3975 m +608.2871 -138.3916 607.9902 -138.335 607.6914 -138.2256 c +607.3926 -138.1182 607.1211 -137.9326 606.875 -137.6748 c +606.6289 -137.415 606.4316 -137.0635 606.2813 -136.6201 c +606.1328 -136.1748 606.0586 -135.6182 606.0586 -134.9443 c +606.0586 -133.6533 606.293 -132.6572 606.7637 -131.958 c +607.2363 -131.2607 607.8809 -130.9111 608.6992 -130.9111 c +609.3105 -130.9111 609.8184 -131.0889 610.2207 -131.4463 c +610.625 -131.8057 610.8711 -132.2705 610.959 -132.8428 c +610.0918 -132.8428 L +610.0117 -132.5088 609.8555 -132.2334 609.623 -132.0166 c +609.3906 -131.7998 609.084 -131.6924 608.6992 -131.6924 c +608.1367 -131.6924 607.6934 -131.9385 607.3691 -132.4287 c +607.0469 -132.9209 606.8848 -133.6123 606.8809 -134.5049 c +606.9395 -134.5049 L +607.1367 -134.2041 607.3926 -133.9678 607.7012 -133.7959 c +608.0117 -133.624 608.3535 -133.5381 608.7285 -133.5381 c +609.1445 -133.5381 609.5254 -133.6416 609.8711 -133.8486 c +610.2168 -134.0576 610.4941 -134.3428 610.7031 -134.7061 c +610.9102 -135.0693 611.0156 -135.4854 611.0156 -135.9541 c +611.0156 -136.4033 610.9141 -136.8154 610.7129 -137.1885 c +610.5117 -137.5596 610.2305 -137.8564 609.8672 -138.0752 c +609.5039 -138.2939 609.0762 -138.4014 608.5859 -138.3975 c +f +1 D +608.5859 -137.6162 m +608.8848 -137.6162 609.1523 -137.54 609.3906 -137.3916 c +609.6289 -137.2432 609.8164 -137.042 609.9551 -136.792 c +610.0938 -136.54 610.1621 -136.2607 610.1621 -135.9541 c +610.1621 -135.6533 610.0957 -135.3799 609.9629 -135.1318 c +609.8281 -134.8838 609.6445 -134.6865 609.4121 -134.54 c +609.1797 -134.3936 608.9121 -134.3193 608.6152 -134.3193 c +608.3145 -134.3193 608.043 -134.3975 607.8008 -134.5518 c +607.5605 -134.7041 607.3691 -134.9072 607.2266 -135.1572 c +607.084 -135.4053 607.0117 -135.6768 607.0098 -135.9678 c +607.0078 -136.2588 607.0742 -136.5303 607.2129 -136.7783 c +607.3496 -137.0283 607.5371 -137.2314 607.7734 -137.3838 c +608.0098 -137.5381 608.2813 -137.6162 608.5859 -137.6162 c +f +*U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_; +%_ +*u +0 D +614.0273 -138.4248 m +613.6816 -138.4248 613.3672 -138.3604 613.0859 -138.2275 c +612.8047 -138.0967 612.5801 -137.9053 612.4141 -137.6572 c +612.248 -137.4072 612.166 -137.1045 612.166 -136.749 c +612.166 -136.4365 612.2266 -136.1826 612.3496 -135.9873 c +612.4746 -135.792 612.6387 -135.6396 612.8438 -135.5283 c +613.0508 -135.417 613.2773 -135.333 613.5273 -135.2764 c +613.7773 -135.2217 614.0293 -135.1768 614.2832 -135.1436 c +614.6133 -135.1006 614.8828 -135.0674 615.0898 -135.04 c +615.2969 -135.0146 615.4492 -134.9736 615.5449 -134.9189 c +615.6406 -134.8623 615.6895 -134.7666 615.6895 -134.6318 c +615.6895 -134.2803 615.5938 -134.0049 615.4043 -133.8076 c +615.2148 -133.6084 614.9258 -133.5107 614.5371 -133.5107 c +614.1387 -133.5107 613.8242 -133.5986 613.5977 -133.7725 c +613.3691 -133.9482 613.209 -134.1357 613.1172 -134.335 c +612.3223 -134.0498 L +612.4648 -133.7197 612.6543 -133.46 612.8926 -133.2744 c +613.1309 -133.0889 613.3906 -132.958 613.6738 -132.8838 c +613.957 -132.8096 614.2344 -132.7725 614.5098 -132.7725 c +614.6855 -132.7725 614.8867 -132.792 615.1152 -132.833 c +615.3438 -132.876 615.5645 -132.96 615.7793 -133.0869 c +615.9941 -133.2158 616.1719 -133.4092 616.3145 -133.667 c +616.4551 -133.9248 616.5273 -134.2705 616.5273 -134.7041 c +616.5273 -138.2979 L +615.6895 -138.2979 L +615.6895 -137.5596 L +615.6465 -137.5596 L +615.5898 -137.6768 615.4941 -137.8037 615.3613 -137.9385 c +615.2285 -138.0732 615.0527 -138.1885 614.832 -138.2822 c +614.6133 -138.3779 614.3438 -138.4248 614.0273 -138.4248 c +f +1 D +614.1543 -137.6729 m +614.4863 -137.6729 614.7656 -137.6064 614.9941 -137.4775 c +615.2227 -137.3467 615.3965 -137.1787 615.5137 -136.9736 c +615.6309 -136.7666 615.6895 -136.5498 615.6895 -136.3232 c +615.6895 -135.5557 L +615.6523 -135.5986 615.5762 -135.6377 615.4551 -135.6709 c +615.3359 -135.7061 615.1992 -135.7354 615.0449 -135.7607 c +614.8887 -135.7842 614.7383 -135.8057 614.5938 -135.8232 c +614.4473 -135.8408 614.3301 -135.8564 614.2402 -135.8682 c +614.0215 -135.8975 613.8184 -135.9424 613.6309 -136.0049 c +613.4434 -136.0674 613.291 -136.1611 613.1758 -136.2861 c +613.0605 -136.4092 613.0039 -136.5791 613.0039 -136.792 c +613.0039 -137.083 613.1113 -137.3018 613.3281 -137.4502 c +613.5449 -137.5986 613.8203 -137.6729 614.1543 -137.6729 c +f +*U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_; +%_ +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/XMLUID : (nord3-hex) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +0 0 Xd +6 () XW +u +*u +0 D +0 O +0.723293 0.577508 0.383032 0.274357 0.298039 0.337255 0.415686 Xa +491.6836 -136.8057 m +491.6836 -136.0811 L +494.8789 -131.0244 L +495.9434 -131.0244 L +495.9434 -136.0244 L +496.9375 -136.0244 L +496.9375 -136.8057 L +495.9434 -136.8057 L +495.9434 -138.2979 L +495.1055 -138.2979 L +495.1055 -136.8057 l +491.6836 -136.8057 L +f +1 D +495.1055 -136.0244 m +495.1055 -132.1475 L +495.0488 -132.1475 L +492.6348 -135.9678 L +492.6348 -136.0244 l +495.1055 -136.0244 L +f +*U +*u +0 D +500.7305 -138.3975 m +500.2617 -138.3975 499.8457 -138.3154 499.4785 -138.1553 c +499.1133 -137.9951 498.8242 -137.7705 498.6094 -137.4814 c +498.3945 -137.1943 498.2773 -136.8604 498.2598 -136.4795 c +499.1543 -136.4795 L +499.1797 -136.8291 499.3418 -137.1064 499.6387 -137.3096 c +499.9355 -137.5146 500.2949 -137.6162 500.7168 -137.6162 c +501.1836 -137.6162 501.5664 -137.4971 501.8691 -137.2588 c +502.1719 -137.0205 502.3223 -136.708 502.3223 -136.3232 c +502.3223 -135.9209 502.1738 -135.5928 501.877 -135.3389 c +501.5781 -135.0869 501.1543 -134.96 500.6035 -134.96 c +500.0215 -134.96 L +500.0215 -134.1787 L +500.6035 -134.1787 L +501.0332 -134.1787 501.3848 -134.0635 501.6582 -133.833 c +501.9297 -133.6045 502.0664 -133.2979 502.0664 -132.9131 c +502.0664 -132.5479 501.9473 -132.251 501.707 -132.0283 c +501.4688 -131.8037 501.1484 -131.6924 500.7461 -131.6924 c +500.4941 -131.6924 500.2578 -131.7373 500.0371 -131.8291 c +499.8145 -131.9209 499.6348 -132.0518 499.4961 -132.2236 c +499.3555 -132.3955 499.2793 -132.6006 499.2676 -132.8428 c +498.416 -132.8428 L +498.4297 -132.4619 498.5449 -132.1279 498.7598 -131.8389 c +498.9746 -131.5518 499.2578 -131.3271 499.6074 -131.167 c +499.957 -131.0049 500.3398 -130.9248 500.7598 -130.9248 c +501.209 -130.9248 501.5957 -131.0166 501.918 -131.1963 c +502.2383 -131.3779 502.4863 -131.6162 502.6602 -131.9131 c +502.832 -132.208 502.918 -132.5283 502.918 -132.8721 c +502.918 -133.2803 502.8105 -133.6299 502.5977 -133.9189 c +502.3828 -134.208 502.0918 -134.4072 501.7246 -134.5186 c +501.7246 -134.5752 L +502.1836 -134.6514 502.543 -134.8467 502.8008 -135.1592 c +503.0586 -135.4736 503.1875 -135.8604 503.1875 -136.3232 c +503.1875 -136.7178 503.082 -137.0732 502.8672 -137.3857 c +502.6523 -137.7002 502.3613 -137.9463 501.9922 -138.126 c +501.623 -138.3076 501.2012 -138.3975 500.7305 -138.3975 c +f +*U +*u +504.4668 -136.8057 m +504.4668 -136.0811 L +507.6621 -131.0244 L +508.7285 -131.0244 L +508.7285 -136.0244 L +509.7227 -136.0244 L +509.7227 -136.8057 L +508.7285 -136.8057 L +508.7285 -138.2979 L +507.8906 -138.2979 L +507.8906 -136.8057 l +504.4668 -136.8057 L +f +1 D +507.8906 -136.0244 m +507.8906 -132.1475 L +507.834 -132.1475 L +505.418 -135.9678 L +505.418 -136.0244 l +507.8906 -136.0244 L +f +*U +*u +0 D +513.2871 -138.4111 m +512.7773 -138.4111 512.3359 -138.29 511.9668 -138.0479 c +511.5977 -137.8076 511.3125 -137.4756 511.1152 -137.0518 c +510.916 -136.6279 510.8164 -136.1436 510.8164 -135.5986 c +510.8164 -135.0439 510.918 -134.5557 511.123 -134.1299 c +511.3281 -133.7061 511.6152 -133.3721 511.9824 -133.1318 c +512.3516 -132.8916 512.7813 -132.7725 513.2734 -132.7725 c +513.6563 -132.7725 514.002 -132.8428 514.3105 -132.9854 c +514.6191 -133.126 514.8711 -133.3252 515.0664 -133.5811 c +515.2637 -133.8369 515.3848 -134.1357 515.4336 -134.4756 c +514.5938 -134.4756 L +514.5313 -134.2275 514.3887 -134.0068 514.1699 -133.8135 c +513.9512 -133.6221 513.6563 -133.5244 513.2871 -133.5244 c +512.7969 -133.5244 512.4023 -133.7119 512.1035 -134.083 c +511.8047 -134.4561 511.6543 -134.9521 511.6543 -135.5693 c +511.6543 -136.2021 511.8027 -136.708 512.0977 -137.0889 c +512.3945 -137.4678 512.791 -137.6572 513.2871 -137.6572 c +513.6152 -137.6572 513.8945 -137.5732 514.127 -137.4053 c +514.3613 -137.2373 514.5156 -137.0049 514.5938 -136.7061 c +515.4336 -136.7061 L +515.3848 -137.0283 515.2695 -137.3174 515.082 -137.5752 c +514.8965 -137.8311 514.6523 -138.0361 514.3477 -138.1846 c +514.043 -138.335 513.6895 -138.4111 513.2871 -138.4111 c +f +*U +*u +518.9121 -138.3975 m +518.4961 -138.3975 518.1211 -138.3135 517.7871 -138.1475 c +517.4531 -137.9834 517.1855 -137.7549 516.9844 -137.4658 c +516.7832 -137.1768 516.6738 -136.8486 516.6543 -136.4795 c +517.5059 -136.4795 L +517.5391 -136.8076 517.6895 -137.0791 517.9551 -137.2939 c +518.2227 -137.5088 518.541 -137.6162 518.9121 -137.6162 c +519.2109 -137.6162 519.4766 -137.5459 519.7109 -137.4053 c +519.9434 -137.2666 520.127 -137.0752 520.2598 -136.8311 c +520.3945 -136.5869 520.4609 -136.3096 520.4609 -135.9971 c +520.4609 -135.6787 520.3926 -135.3955 520.2539 -135.1455 c +520.1152 -134.8955 519.9258 -134.6982 519.6836 -134.5537 c +519.4414 -134.4092 519.166 -134.3369 518.8555 -134.335 c +518.6328 -134.3311 518.4043 -134.3662 518.1699 -134.4346 c +517.9355 -134.5049 517.7441 -134.5947 517.5918 -134.7041 c +516.7676 -134.6045 L +517.209 -131.0244 L +520.9863 -131.0244 L +520.9863 -131.8057 L +517.9473 -131.8057 L +517.6914 -133.9502 L +517.7344 -133.9502 L +517.8828 -133.833 518.0703 -133.7334 518.2949 -133.6553 c +518.5195 -133.5771 518.7539 -133.5381 518.998 -133.5381 c +519.4434 -133.5381 519.8398 -133.6455 520.1895 -133.8564 c +520.5391 -134.0693 520.8125 -134.3584 521.0137 -134.7275 c +521.2129 -135.0947 521.3145 -135.5127 521.3145 -135.9814 c +521.3145 -136.4463 521.2109 -136.8604 521.002 -137.2236 c +520.7949 -137.5869 520.5117 -137.8721 520.1484 -138.083 c +519.7871 -138.292 519.375 -138.3975 518.9121 -138.3975 c +f +*U +*u +525.0215 -138.4111 m +524.4961 -138.4111 524.043 -138.2939 523.6621 -138.0615 c +523.2832 -137.8271 522.9902 -137.501 522.7852 -137.0811 c +522.5801 -136.6611 522.4785 -136.1709 522.4785 -135.6123 c +522.4785 -135.0537 522.5801 -134.5615 522.7852 -134.1338 c +522.9902 -133.7061 523.2773 -133.3721 523.6445 -133.1318 c +524.0137 -132.8916 524.4434 -132.7725 524.9355 -132.7725 c +525.2207 -132.7725 525.5 -132.8193 525.7773 -132.9131 c +526.0547 -133.0088 526.3066 -133.1611 526.5332 -133.374 c +526.7617 -133.585 526.9414 -133.8662 527.0762 -134.2139 c +527.2129 -134.5615 527.2793 -134.9893 527.2793 -135.499 c +527.2793 -135.8545 L +523.3203 -135.8545 L +523.3398 -136.4365 523.5039 -136.8838 523.8145 -137.1924 c +524.127 -137.5029 524.5293 -137.6572 525.0215 -137.6572 c +525.3496 -137.6572 525.6328 -137.5869 525.8691 -137.4443 c +526.1074 -137.3037 526.2773 -137.0908 526.3848 -136.8057 c +527.1934 -137.0322 L +527.0664 -137.4443 526.8105 -137.7783 526.4277 -138.0303 c +526.043 -138.2842 525.5742 -138.4111 525.0215 -138.4111 c +f +1 D +523.3203 -135.1299 m +526.4277 -135.1299 L +526.4277 -134.6689 526.293 -134.2861 526.0215 -133.9814 c +525.752 -133.6768 525.3906 -133.5244 524.9355 -133.5244 c +524.6152 -133.5244 524.3398 -133.5986 524.1055 -133.749 c +523.8711 -133.8975 523.6855 -134.0947 523.5508 -134.3389 c +523.416 -134.585 523.3398 -134.8486 523.3203 -135.1299 c +f +*U +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/XMLUID : (nord2-hex) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +0 0 Xd +6 () XW +u +*u +0 D +0 O +0.723293 0.577508 0.383032 0.274357 0.298039 0.337255 0.415686 Xa +404.3125 -138.3975 m +403.8438 -138.3975 403.4258 -138.3154 403.0605 -138.1553 c +402.6934 -137.9951 402.4043 -137.7705 402.1895 -137.4814 c +401.9746 -137.1943 401.8594 -136.8604 401.8398 -136.4795 c +402.7344 -136.4795 L +402.7617 -136.8291 402.9219 -137.1064 403.2188 -137.3096 c +403.5176 -137.5146 403.875 -137.6162 404.2969 -137.6162 c +404.7637 -137.6162 405.1484 -137.4971 405.4492 -137.2588 c +405.752 -137.0205 405.9023 -136.708 405.9023 -136.3232 c +405.9023 -135.9209 405.7539 -135.5928 405.457 -135.3389 c +405.1602 -135.0869 404.7344 -134.96 404.1836 -134.96 c +403.6016 -134.96 L +403.6016 -134.1787 L +404.1836 -134.1787 L +404.6152 -134.1787 404.9668 -134.0635 405.2383 -133.833 c +405.5098 -133.6045 405.6465 -133.2979 405.6465 -132.9131 c +405.6465 -132.5479 405.5273 -132.251 405.2891 -132.0283 c +405.0488 -131.8037 404.7285 -131.6924 404.3262 -131.6924 c +404.0742 -131.6924 403.8379 -131.7373 403.6172 -131.8291 c +403.3965 -131.9209 403.2148 -132.0518 403.0762 -132.2236 c +402.9355 -132.3955 402.8594 -132.6006 402.8477 -132.8428 c +401.9961 -132.8428 L +402.0098 -132.4619 402.125 -132.1279 402.3398 -131.8389 c +402.5566 -131.5518 402.8379 -131.3271 403.1875 -131.167 c +403.5371 -131.0049 403.9219 -130.9248 404.3398 -130.9248 c +404.7891 -130.9248 405.1758 -131.0166 405.498 -131.1963 c +405.8203 -131.3779 406.0664 -131.6162 406.2402 -131.9131 c +406.4121 -132.208 406.5 -132.5283 406.5 -132.8721 c +406.5 -133.2803 406.3926 -133.6299 406.1777 -133.9189 c +405.9629 -134.208 405.6719 -134.4072 405.3066 -134.5186 c +405.3066 -134.5752 L +405.7656 -134.6514 406.123 -134.8467 406.3828 -135.1592 c +406.6406 -135.4736 406.7695 -135.8604 406.7695 -136.3232 c +406.7695 -136.7178 406.6621 -137.0732 406.4473 -137.3857 c +406.2324 -137.7002 405.9414 -137.9463 405.5723 -138.126 c +405.2031 -138.3076 404.7832 -138.3975 404.3125 -138.3975 c +f +*U +*u +408.2324 -138.2979 m +408.2324 -131.0244 L +409.0703 -131.0244 L +409.0703 -133.71 L +409.1406 -133.71 L +409.2031 -133.6143 409.2891 -133.4932 409.3984 -133.3447 c +409.5078 -133.1982 409.666 -133.0654 409.875 -132.9482 c +410.082 -132.8311 410.3633 -132.7725 410.7168 -132.7725 c +411.1758 -132.7725 411.582 -132.8857 411.9316 -133.1162 c +412.2832 -133.3467 412.5566 -133.6709 412.752 -134.0928 c +412.9492 -134.5146 413.0469 -135.0107 413.0469 -135.585 c +413.0469 -136.1611 412.9492 -136.6611 412.752 -137.085 c +412.5566 -137.5068 412.2832 -137.833 411.9355 -138.0654 c +411.5879 -138.2959 411.1855 -138.4111 410.7324 -138.4111 c +410.3809 -138.4111 410.1016 -138.3525 409.8906 -138.2354 c +409.6797 -138.1182 409.5176 -137.9834 409.4043 -137.833 c +409.2891 -137.6846 409.2031 -137.5596 409.1406 -137.46 c +409.041 -137.46 L +409.041 -138.2979 l +408.2324 -138.2979 L +f +1 D +409.0547 -135.5693 m +409.0547 -136.1885 409.1895 -136.6904 409.459 -137.0771 c +409.7266 -137.4639 410.1133 -137.6572 410.6172 -137.6572 c +410.9688 -137.6572 411.2617 -137.5654 411.4961 -137.3799 c +411.7324 -137.1943 411.9102 -136.9424 412.0293 -136.626 c +412.1484 -136.3096 412.209 -135.958 412.209 -135.5693 c +412.209 -135.1865 412.1504 -134.8408 412.0332 -134.5322 c +411.916 -134.2217 411.7402 -133.9775 411.5039 -133.7959 c +411.2676 -133.6143 410.9727 -133.5244 410.6172 -133.5244 c +410.1074 -133.5244 409.7188 -133.7119 409.4531 -134.0889 c +409.1875 -134.4658 409.0547 -134.96 409.0547 -135.5693 c +f +*U +*u +0 D +414.1406 -136.8057 m +414.1406 -136.0811 L +417.3359 -131.0244 L +418.4023 -131.0244 L +418.4023 -136.0244 L +419.3965 -136.0244 L +419.3965 -136.8057 L +418.4023 -136.8057 L +418.4023 -138.2979 L +417.5645 -138.2979 L +417.5645 -136.8057 l +414.1406 -136.8057 L +f +1 D +417.5645 -136.0244 m +417.5645 -132.1475 L +417.5078 -132.1475 L +415.0918 -135.9678 L +415.0918 -136.0244 l +417.5645 -136.0244 L +f +*U +*u +0 D +420.7324 -138.2979 m +420.7324 -137.6572 L +423.1328 -135.0303 L +423.4141 -134.7217 423.6465 -134.4541 423.8281 -134.2256 c +424.0098 -133.9971 424.1465 -133.7822 424.2344 -133.5791 c +424.3242 -133.3779 424.3672 -133.165 424.3672 -132.9424 c +424.3672 -132.5596 424.2344 -132.2549 423.9688 -132.0303 c +423.7012 -131.8057 423.3711 -131.6924 422.9766 -131.6924 c +422.5547 -131.6924 422.2188 -131.8174 421.9707 -132.0713 c +421.7227 -132.3232 421.5977 -132.6553 421.5977 -133.0693 c +420.7598 -133.0693 L +420.7598 -132.6436 420.8574 -132.2705 421.0547 -131.9482 c +421.252 -131.626 421.5195 -131.376 421.8574 -131.1943 c +422.1953 -131.0146 422.5781 -130.9248 423.0039 -130.9248 c +423.4297 -130.9248 423.8086 -131.0146 424.1367 -131.1943 c +424.4668 -131.376 424.7246 -131.6182 424.9121 -131.9229 c +425.0977 -132.2275 425.1914 -132.5674 425.1914 -132.9424 c +425.1914 -133.21 425.1445 -133.4717 425.0488 -133.7256 c +424.9512 -133.9795 424.7871 -134.2627 424.5508 -134.5732 c +424.3145 -134.8857 423.9883 -135.2646 423.5723 -135.7119 c +421.9395 -137.46 L +421.9395 -137.5166 L +425.3203 -137.5166 L +425.3203 -138.2979 l +420.7324 -138.2979 L +f +*U +*u +429.0547 -138.3975 m +428.6387 -138.3975 428.2637 -138.3135 427.9297 -138.1475 c +427.5957 -137.9834 427.3281 -137.7549 427.127 -137.4658 c +426.9258 -137.1768 426.8164 -136.8486 426.7969 -136.4795 c +427.6484 -136.4795 L +427.6816 -136.8076 427.832 -137.0791 428.0977 -137.2939 c +428.3652 -137.5088 428.6836 -137.6162 429.0547 -137.6162 c +429.3535 -137.6162 429.6191 -137.5459 429.8535 -137.4053 c +430.0859 -137.2666 430.2695 -137.0752 430.4023 -136.8311 c +430.5371 -136.5869 430.6035 -136.3096 430.6035 -135.9971 c +430.6035 -135.6787 430.5352 -135.3955 430.3965 -135.1455 c +430.2578 -134.8955 430.0684 -134.6982 429.8262 -134.5537 c +429.584 -134.4092 429.3086 -134.3369 428.998 -134.335 c +428.7754 -134.3311 428.5469 -134.3662 428.3125 -134.4346 c +428.0781 -134.5049 427.8867 -134.5947 427.7344 -134.7041 c +426.9102 -134.6045 L +427.3516 -131.0244 L +431.1289 -131.0244 L +431.1289 -131.8057 L +428.0898 -131.8057 L +427.834 -133.9502 L +427.877 -133.9502 L +428.0254 -133.833 428.2129 -133.7334 428.4375 -133.6553 c +428.6621 -133.5771 428.8965 -133.5381 429.1406 -133.5381 c +429.5859 -133.5381 429.9824 -133.6455 430.332 -133.8564 c +430.6816 -134.0693 430.9551 -134.3584 431.1563 -134.7275 c +431.3555 -135.0947 431.457 -135.5127 431.457 -135.9814 c +431.457 -136.4463 431.3535 -136.8604 431.1445 -137.2236 c +430.9375 -137.5869 430.6543 -137.8721 430.291 -138.083 c +429.9297 -138.292 429.5176 -138.3975 429.0547 -138.3975 c +f +*U +*u +432.8633 -138.2979 m +432.8633 -137.6572 L +435.2637 -135.0303 L +435.5449 -134.7217 435.7773 -134.4541 435.959 -134.2256 c +436.1406 -133.9971 436.2773 -133.7822 436.3652 -133.5791 c +436.4551 -133.3779 436.498 -133.165 436.498 -132.9424 c +436.498 -132.5596 436.3652 -132.2549 436.0996 -132.0303 c +435.832 -131.8057 435.502 -131.6924 435.1074 -131.6924 c +434.6855 -131.6924 434.3496 -131.8174 434.1016 -132.0713 c +433.8535 -132.3232 433.7285 -132.6553 433.7285 -133.0693 c +432.8906 -133.0693 L +432.8906 -132.6436 432.9883 -132.2705 433.1855 -131.9482 c +433.3828 -131.626 433.6504 -131.376 433.9883 -131.1943 c +434.3262 -131.0146 434.709 -130.9248 435.1348 -130.9248 c +435.5605 -130.9248 435.9395 -131.0146 436.2676 -131.1943 c +436.5977 -131.376 436.8555 -131.6182 437.043 -131.9229 c +437.2285 -132.2275 437.3223 -132.5674 437.3223 -132.9424 c +437.3223 -133.21 437.2754 -133.4717 437.1797 -133.7256 c +437.082 -133.9795 436.918 -134.2627 436.6816 -134.5732 c +436.4453 -134.8857 436.1191 -135.2646 435.7031 -135.7119 c +434.0703 -137.46 L +434.0703 -137.5166 L +437.4512 -137.5166 L +437.4512 -138.2979 l +432.8633 -138.2979 L +f +*U +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/XMLUID : (nord1-hex) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +0 0 Xd +6 () XW +u +*u +0 O +0.723293 0.577508 0.383032 0.274357 0.298039 0.337255 0.415686 Xa +312.8535 -138.2979 m +312.8535 -137.6572 L +315.2539 -135.0303 L +315.5352 -134.7217 315.7676 -134.4541 315.9492 -134.2256 c +316.1328 -133.9971 316.2676 -133.7822 316.3555 -133.5791 c +316.4453 -133.3779 316.4902 -133.165 316.4902 -132.9424 c +316.4902 -132.5596 316.3555 -132.2549 316.0898 -132.0303 c +315.8242 -131.8057 315.4922 -131.6924 315.0977 -131.6924 c +314.6758 -131.6924 314.3418 -131.8174 314.0918 -132.0713 c +313.8438 -132.3232 313.7188 -132.6553 313.7188 -133.0693 c +312.8809 -133.0693 L +312.8809 -132.6436 312.9805 -132.2705 313.1758 -131.9482 c +313.373 -131.626 313.6406 -131.376 313.9785 -131.1943 c +314.3184 -131.0146 314.6992 -130.9248 315.125 -130.9248 c +315.5527 -130.9248 315.9297 -131.0146 316.2578 -131.1943 c +316.5879 -131.376 316.8457 -131.6182 317.0332 -131.9229 c +317.2207 -132.2275 317.3125 -132.5674 317.3125 -132.9424 c +317.3125 -133.21 317.2656 -133.4717 317.1699 -133.7256 c +317.0742 -133.9795 316.9082 -134.2627 316.6719 -134.5732 c +316.4375 -134.8857 316.1113 -135.2646 315.6934 -135.7119 c +314.0605 -137.46 L +314.0605 -137.5166 L +317.4414 -137.5166 L +317.4414 -138.2979 l +312.8535 -138.2979 L +f +*U +*u +321.2051 -138.4111 m +320.6797 -138.4111 320.2266 -138.2939 319.8477 -138.0615 c +319.4668 -137.8271 319.1738 -137.501 318.9688 -137.0811 c +318.7656 -136.6611 318.6621 -136.1709 318.6621 -135.6123 c +318.6621 -135.0537 318.7656 -134.5615 318.9688 -134.1338 c +319.1738 -133.7061 319.4609 -133.3721 319.8281 -133.1318 c +320.1973 -132.8916 320.627 -132.7725 321.1191 -132.7725 c +321.4043 -132.7725 321.6836 -132.8193 321.9609 -132.9131 c +322.2383 -133.0088 322.4902 -133.1611 322.7188 -133.374 c +322.9453 -133.585 323.127 -133.8662 323.2617 -134.2139 c +323.3965 -134.5615 323.4629 -134.9893 323.4629 -135.499 c +323.4629 -135.8545 L +319.5039 -135.8545 L +319.5234 -136.4365 319.6875 -136.8838 320 -137.1924 c +320.3105 -137.5029 320.7129 -137.6572 321.2051 -137.6572 c +321.5332 -137.6572 321.8164 -137.5869 322.0547 -137.4443 c +322.291 -137.3037 322.4629 -137.0908 322.5684 -136.8057 c +323.3789 -137.0322 L +323.25 -137.4443 322.9941 -137.7783 322.6113 -138.0303 c +322.2285 -138.2842 321.7598 -138.4111 321.2051 -138.4111 c +f +1 D +319.5039 -135.1299 m +322.6113 -135.1299 L +322.6113 -134.6689 322.4766 -134.2861 322.207 -133.9814 c +321.9375 -133.6768 321.5742 -133.5244 321.1191 -133.5244 c +320.8008 -133.5244 320.5234 -133.5986 320.2891 -133.749 c +320.0547 -133.8975 319.8691 -134.0947 319.7344 -134.3389 c +319.5996 -134.585 319.5234 -134.8486 319.5039 -135.1299 c +f +*U +*u +0 D +327.1855 -138.3975 m +326.7168 -138.3975 326.2988 -138.3154 325.9336 -138.1553 c +325.5684 -137.9951 325.2773 -137.7705 325.0625 -137.4814 c +324.8496 -137.1943 324.7324 -136.8604 324.7129 -136.4795 c +325.6074 -136.4795 L +325.6348 -136.8291 325.7969 -137.1064 326.0938 -137.3096 c +326.3906 -137.5146 326.75 -137.6162 327.1699 -137.6162 c +327.6367 -137.6162 328.0215 -137.4971 328.3223 -137.2588 c +328.625 -137.0205 328.7754 -136.708 328.7754 -136.3232 c +328.7754 -135.9209 328.627 -135.5928 328.3301 -135.3389 c +328.0332 -135.0869 327.6094 -134.96 327.0566 -134.96 c +326.4746 -134.96 L +326.4746 -134.1787 L +327.0566 -134.1787 L +327.4883 -134.1787 327.8398 -134.0635 328.1113 -133.833 c +328.3848 -133.6045 328.5195 -133.2979 328.5195 -132.9131 c +328.5195 -132.5479 328.4004 -132.251 328.1621 -132.0283 c +327.9219 -131.8037 327.6016 -131.6924 327.1992 -131.6924 c +326.9492 -131.6924 326.7129 -131.7373 326.4902 -131.8291 c +326.2695 -131.9209 326.0898 -132.0518 325.9492 -132.2236 c +325.8105 -132.3955 325.7344 -132.6006 325.7227 -132.8428 c +324.8691 -132.8428 L +324.8848 -132.4619 324.998 -132.1279 325.2148 -131.8389 c +325.4297 -131.5518 325.7129 -131.3271 326.0605 -131.167 c +326.4102 -131.0049 326.7949 -130.9248 327.2129 -130.9248 c +327.6641 -130.9248 328.0488 -131.0166 328.3711 -131.1963 c +328.6934 -131.3779 328.9414 -131.6162 329.1133 -131.9131 c +329.2871 -132.208 329.373 -132.5283 329.373 -132.8721 c +329.373 -133.2803 329.2656 -133.6299 329.0508 -133.9189 c +328.8379 -134.208 328.5469 -134.4072 328.1797 -134.5186 c +328.1797 -134.5752 L +328.6387 -134.6514 328.998 -134.8467 329.2559 -135.1592 c +329.5137 -135.4736 329.6426 -135.8604 329.6426 -136.3232 c +329.6426 -136.7178 329.5352 -137.0732 329.3203 -137.3857 c +329.1074 -137.7002 328.8145 -137.9463 328.4453 -138.126 c +328.0762 -138.3076 327.6563 -138.3975 327.1855 -138.3975 c +f +*U +*u +330.9219 -136.8057 m +330.9219 -136.0811 L +334.1172 -131.0244 L +335.1816 -131.0244 L +335.1816 -136.0244 L +336.1758 -136.0244 L +336.1758 -136.8057 L +335.1816 -136.8057 L +335.1816 -138.2979 L +334.3438 -138.2979 L +334.3438 -136.8057 l +330.9219 -136.8057 L +f +1 D +334.3438 -136.0244 m +334.3438 -132.1475 L +334.2871 -132.1475 L +331.873 -135.9678 L +331.873 -136.0244 l +334.3438 -136.0244 L +f +*U +*u +0 D +337.3418 -136.8057 m +337.3418 -136.0811 L +340.5371 -131.0244 L +341.6035 -131.0244 L +341.6035 -136.0244 L +342.5977 -136.0244 L +342.5977 -136.8057 L +341.6035 -136.8057 L +341.6035 -138.2979 L +340.7656 -138.2979 L +340.7656 -136.8057 l +337.3418 -136.8057 L +f +1 D +340.7656 -136.0244 m +340.7656 -132.1475 L +340.707 -132.1475 L +338.293 -135.9678 L +338.293 -136.0244 l +340.7656 -136.0244 L +f +*U +*u +0 D +346.3047 -138.3975 m +345.502 -138.3975 344.8789 -138.0713 344.4375 -137.4209 c +343.9961 -136.7686 343.7754 -135.8486 343.7754 -134.6611 c +343.7754 -133.4814 343.998 -132.5654 344.4434 -131.9092 c +344.8887 -131.2529 345.5098 -130.9248 346.3047 -130.9248 c +347.0996 -130.9248 347.7207 -131.2529 348.166 -131.9092 c +348.6094 -132.5654 348.832 -133.4814 348.832 -134.6611 c +348.832 -135.8486 348.6113 -136.7686 348.1699 -137.4209 c +347.7285 -138.0713 347.1074 -138.3975 346.3047 -138.3975 c +f +1 D +346.3047 -137.6162 m +346.834 -137.6162 347.2461 -137.3604 347.541 -136.8486 c +347.834 -136.3369 347.9805 -135.6084 347.9805 -134.6611 c +347.9805 -133.7158 347.832 -132.9854 347.5371 -132.4678 c +347.2402 -131.9502 346.8301 -131.6924 346.3047 -131.6924 c +345.7793 -131.6924 345.3672 -131.9502 345.0723 -132.4678 c +344.7754 -132.9854 344.6289 -133.7158 344.6289 -134.6611 c +344.6289 -135.6084 344.7754 -136.3369 345.0703 -136.8486 c +345.3652 -137.3604 345.7773 -137.6162 346.3047 -137.6162 c +f +*U +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/XMLUID : (nord0-hex) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +0 0 Xd +6 () XW +0 D +0 O +0.808438 0.673884 0.495369 0.548699 0.180392 0.203922 0.25098 Xa +375.7676 -43.6396 m +292.1289 -43.6396 L +288.6289 -43.6396 285.7676 -46.4287 285.7676 -49.8369 C +285.7676 -118.6416 L +375.7676 -118.6416 L +375.7676 -43.6396 L +f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/XMLUID : (nord0) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +1 Ap +0.778042 0.641077 0.445136 0.419196 0.231373 0.258824 0.321569 Xa +465.2676 -118.6416 m +374.2676 -118.6416 L +374.2676 -43.6396 L +465.2676 -43.6396 L +465.2676 -118.6416 L +f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/XMLUID : (nord1) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +0.753262 0.607141 0.415869 0.344121 0.262745 0.298039 0.368627 Xa +555.2676 -118.6416 m +464.2676 -118.6416 L +464.2676 -43.6396 L +555.2676 -43.6396 L +555.2676 -118.6416 L +f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/XMLUID : (nord2) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +0 Ap +0.723293 0.577508 0.383032 0.274357 0.298039 0.337255 0.415686 Xa +639.2637 -43.6396 m +553.7676 -43.6396 L +553.7676 -118.6416 L +645.7676 -118.6416 L +645.7676 -49.8369 L +645.7676 -46.4287 642.8398 -43.6396 639.2637 -43.6396 C +f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/XMLUID : (nord3) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/XMLUID : (card_1_) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +9 () XW +u +1 A +1 Xw +/AI11Text : +0 /FreeUndo , +0 /FrameIndex , +1 /StoryIndex , +/Art : +X= +0 A +0 Xw +1 Ap +517.7676 -13.6396 m +413.7676 -13.6396 L +413.7676 3.97559 L +517.7676 3.97559 L +517.7676 -13.6396 L +n +X+ +; /ConfiningPath , +2 /TextAntialiasing , +; + +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/XMLUID : (name-src) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +0 0 Xd +6 () XW +0 O +0.179263 0.104372 0.058747 0 0.847059 0.870588 0.913725 Xa +609.7676 -28.6396 m +321.7676 -28.6396 L +321.7676 -27.6396 L +609.7676 -27.6396 L +609.7676 -28.6396 L +f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/XMLUID : (line) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +u +*u +0 Ap +0.723293 0.577508 0.383032 0.274357 0.298039 0.337255 0.415686 Xa +415.6465 -10.0947 m +415.5664 -10.0068 415.5273 -9.89746 415.5273 -9.76465 c +415.5273 3.2959 L +415.5273 3.44238 415.5664 3.55957 415.6465 3.64551 c +415.7266 3.7334 415.834 3.77637 415.9668 3.77637 c +421.0273 3.77637 L +422.5332 3.77637 423.7168 3.41309 424.5762 2.68652 c +425.4375 1.95996 425.8672 0.90332 425.8672 -0.483398 c +425.8672 -1.87012 425.4375 -2.9248 424.5762 -3.64355 c +423.7168 -4.36426 422.5332 -4.72363 421.0273 -4.72363 c +417.4277 -4.72363 L +417.4277 -9.76465 L +417.4277 -9.89746 417.3828 -10.0068 417.2969 -10.0947 c +417.2109 -10.1807 417.0996 -10.2236 416.9668 -10.2236 c +415.9668 -10.2236 l +415.834 -10.2236 415.7266 -10.1807 415.6465 -10.0947 c +f +1 D +420.9277 -3.10449 m +422.9395 -3.10449 423.9473 -2.23145 423.9473 -0.483398 c +423.9473 0.370117 423.6973 1.02246 423.1973 1.47559 c +422.6973 1.92871 421.9395 2.15527 420.9277 2.15527 c +417.4277 2.15527 L +417.4277 -3.10449 l +420.9277 -3.10449 L +f +*U +*u +0 D +428.7773 -9.18457 m +427.9844 -8.35645 427.5605 -7.25684 427.5078 -5.88379 c +427.4863 -5.02441 L +427.5078 -4.16309 L +427.5605 -2.79004 427.9902 -1.69043 428.7969 -0.864258 c +429.6035 -0.038086 430.7266 0.375977 432.168 0.375977 c +433.6074 0.375977 434.7305 -0.038086 435.5371 -0.864258 c +436.3438 -1.69043 436.7734 -2.79004 436.8262 -4.16309 c +436.8535 -4.45801 436.8672 -4.74316 436.8672 -5.02441 c +436.8672 -5.30371 436.8535 -5.59082 436.8262 -5.88379 c +436.7734 -7.25684 436.3496 -8.35645 435.5566 -9.18457 c +434.7637 -10.0107 433.6328 -10.4248 432.168 -10.4248 c +430.6992 -10.4248 429.5703 -10.0107 428.7773 -9.18457 c +f +1 D +434.1973 -8.11426 m +434.6973 -7.57324 434.9668 -6.79785 435.0078 -5.78418 c +435.0195 -5.65137 435.0273 -5.39746 435.0273 -5.02441 c +435.0273 -4.65137 435.0195 -4.39746 435.0078 -4.26465 c +434.9668 -3.25098 434.6973 -2.47363 434.1973 -1.93457 c +433.6973 -1.39355 433.0195 -1.12402 432.168 -1.12402 c +431.3145 -1.12402 430.6367 -1.39355 430.1367 -1.93457 c +429.6367 -2.47363 429.3672 -3.25098 429.3262 -4.26465 c +429.3066 -5.02441 L +429.3262 -5.78418 L +429.3672 -6.79785 429.6367 -7.57324 430.1367 -8.11426 c +430.6367 -8.65332 431.3145 -8.9248 432.168 -8.9248 c +433.0195 -8.9248 433.6973 -8.65332 434.1973 -8.11426 c +f +*U +*u +0 D +439.5371 -10.0947 m +439.4492 -10.0068 439.4063 -9.89746 439.4063 -9.76465 c +439.4063 3.5166 L +439.4063 3.66309 439.4492 3.77637 439.5371 3.85645 c +439.623 3.93652 439.7344 3.97559 439.8672 3.97559 c +440.7461 3.97559 L +440.8809 3.97559 440.9902 3.93262 441.0762 3.84668 c +441.1641 3.75879 441.207 3.64941 441.207 3.5166 c +441.207 -9.76465 L +441.207 -9.89746 441.1641 -10.0068 441.0762 -10.0947 c +440.9902 -10.1807 440.8809 -10.2236 440.7461 -10.2236 c +439.8672 -10.2236 l +439.7344 -10.2236 439.623 -10.1807 439.5371 -10.0947 c +f +*U +*u +445.2773 -10.0244 m +444.7227 -9.75684 444.2832 -9.39355 443.957 -8.93457 c +443.6309 -8.47363 443.4668 -7.96387 443.4668 -7.40332 c +443.4668 -6.52441 443.8262 -5.80371 444.5469 -5.24316 c +445.2676 -4.68457 446.2461 -4.31152 447.4863 -4.12402 c +450.4863 -3.7041 L +450.4863 -3.12402 L +450.4863 -1.75098 449.6934 -1.06348 448.1074 -1.06348 c +447.4941 -1.06348 447 -1.18652 446.627 -1.43457 c +446.2539 -1.68066 445.9805 -1.97168 445.8066 -2.30371 c +445.7539 -2.43652 445.6973 -2.52637 445.6367 -2.57324 c +445.5762 -2.62012 445.4941 -2.64355 445.3867 -2.64355 c +444.6074 -2.64355 L +444.4863 -2.64355 444.3828 -2.60059 444.2969 -2.51465 c +444.209 -2.42676 444.166 -2.32324 444.166 -2.2041 c +444.166 -1.89746 444.3105 -1.54004 444.5977 -1.13379 c +444.8828 -0.727539 445.3262 -0.374023 445.9277 -0.073242 c +446.5273 0.225586 447.2598 0.375977 448.127 0.375977 c +449.6191 0.375977 450.6895 0.02832 451.3359 -0.663086 c +451.9824 -1.35645 452.3066 -2.22363 452.3066 -3.26465 c +452.3066 -9.76465 L +452.3066 -9.89746 452.2637 -10.0068 452.1777 -10.0947 c +452.0898 -10.1807 451.9805 -10.2236 451.8477 -10.2236 c +450.9668 -10.2236 L +450.834 -10.2236 450.7266 -10.1807 450.6465 -10.0947 c +450.5664 -10.0068 450.5273 -9.89746 450.5273 -9.76465 c +450.5273 -8.88379 L +450.2324 -9.32324 449.8066 -9.69043 449.2461 -9.9834 c +448.6875 -10.2764 447.9668 -10.4248 447.0859 -10.4248 c +446.4336 -10.4248 445.8301 -10.29 445.2773 -10.0244 c +f +1 D +449.6465 -8.10449 m +450.207 -7.53027 450.4863 -6.69824 450.4863 -5.60449 c +450.4863 -5.04395 L +448.1465 -5.38379 L +447.1875 -5.5166 446.459 -5.74316 445.9668 -6.06348 c +445.4727 -6.38379 445.2266 -6.78418 445.2266 -7.26465 c +445.2266 -7.81152 445.4492 -8.23145 445.8965 -8.52441 c +446.3438 -8.81738 446.873 -8.96387 447.4863 -8.96387 c +448.3672 -8.96387 449.0859 -8.67676 449.6465 -8.10449 c +f +*U +*u +0 D +455.3359 -10.0947 m +455.25 -10.0068 455.207 -9.89746 455.207 -9.76465 c +455.207 -0.303711 L +455.207 -0.170898 455.25 -0.057617 455.3359 0.036133 c +455.4238 0.129883 455.5332 0.176758 455.666 0.176758 c +456.5059 0.176758 L +456.6523 0.176758 456.7695 0.131836 456.8555 0.045898 c +456.9434 -0.040039 456.9863 -0.157227 456.9863 -0.303711 c +456.9863 -1.18457 L +457.5332 -0.276367 458.459 0.176758 459.7656 0.176758 c +460.5469 0.176758 L +460.6934 0.176758 460.8066 0.135742 460.8867 0.055664 c +460.9668 -0.024414 461.0059 -0.137695 461.0059 -0.28418 c +461.0059 -1.02441 L +461.0059 -1.15723 460.9668 -1.2666 460.8867 -1.35449 c +460.8066 -1.44043 460.6934 -1.4834 460.5469 -1.4834 c +459.4063 -1.4834 L +458.6738 -1.4834 458.0957 -1.69824 457.6758 -2.12402 c +457.2559 -2.5498 457.0469 -3.12988 457.0469 -3.86426 c +457.0469 -9.76465 L +457.0469 -9.89746 457 -10.0068 456.9063 -10.0947 c +456.8125 -10.1807 456.6992 -10.2236 456.5664 -10.2236 c +455.666 -10.2236 l +455.5332 -10.2236 455.4238 -10.1807 455.3359 -10.0947 c +f +*U +*u +467.5664 -10.0947 m +467.4863 -10.0068 467.4453 -9.89746 467.4453 -9.76465 c +467.4453 3.2959 L +467.4453 3.44238 467.4863 3.55957 467.5664 3.64551 c +467.6465 3.7334 467.752 3.77637 467.8867 3.77637 c +468.7656 3.77637 L +468.8984 3.77637 469 3.74902 469.0664 3.69629 c +469.1328 3.64355 469.1992 3.5752 469.2656 3.49707 c +475.9668 -6.82324 L +475.9668 3.2959 L +475.9668 3.44238 476.0098 3.55957 476.0957 3.64551 c +476.1836 3.7334 476.293 3.77637 476.4258 3.77637 c +477.3262 3.77637 L +477.4727 3.77637 477.5898 3.7334 477.6758 3.64551 c +477.7637 3.55957 477.8066 3.44238 477.8066 3.2959 c +477.8066 -9.74316 L +477.8066 -9.87793 477.7637 -9.99121 477.6758 -10.083 c +477.5898 -10.1768 477.4785 -10.2236 477.3457 -10.2236 c +476.4453 -10.2236 L +476.2188 -10.2236 476.0586 -10.1299 475.9668 -9.94434 c +469.2656 0.276367 L +469.2656 -9.76465 L +469.2656 -9.89746 469.2227 -10.0068 469.1367 -10.0947 c +469.0488 -10.1807 468.9395 -10.2236 468.8066 -10.2236 c +467.8867 -10.2236 l +467.752 -10.2236 467.6465 -10.1807 467.5664 -10.0947 c +f +*U +*u +481.0156 2.2666 m +480.9297 2.35254 480.8867 2.46191 480.8867 2.59668 c +480.8867 3.63574 L +480.8867 3.76855 480.9297 3.88184 481.0156 3.97559 c +481.1035 4.06934 481.2129 4.11621 481.3457 4.11621 c +482.5254 4.11621 L +482.6602 4.11621 482.7734 4.06934 482.8652 3.97559 c +482.959 3.88184 483.0059 3.76855 483.0059 3.63574 c +483.0059 2.59668 L +483.0059 2.46191 482.959 2.35254 482.8652 2.2666 c +482.7734 2.17871 482.6602 2.13574 482.5254 2.13574 c +481.3457 2.13574 l +481.2129 2.13574 481.1035 2.17871 481.0156 2.2666 c +f +481.1758 -10.0947 m +481.0898 -10.0068 481.0469 -9.89746 481.0469 -9.76465 c +481.0469 -0.28418 L +481.0469 -0.151367 481.0898 -0.040039 481.1758 0.045898 c +481.2637 0.131836 481.373 0.176758 481.5059 0.176758 c +482.3867 0.176758 L +482.5195 0.176758 482.6289 0.131836 482.7168 0.045898 c +482.8027 -0.040039 482.8457 -0.151367 482.8457 -0.28418 c +482.8457 -9.76465 L +482.8457 -9.89746 482.8027 -10.0068 482.7168 -10.0947 c +482.6289 -10.1807 482.5195 -10.2236 482.3867 -10.2236 c +481.5059 -10.2236 l +481.373 -10.2236 481.2637 -10.1807 481.1758 -10.0947 c +f +*U +*u +487.4063 -14.0635 m +486.7383 -13.6904 486.2695 -13.2646 485.9961 -12.7842 c +485.7227 -12.3037 485.5859 -11.8896 485.5859 -11.5439 c +485.5859 -11.4248 485.6328 -11.3213 485.7266 -11.2334 c +485.8184 -11.1475 485.9258 -11.1045 486.0469 -11.1045 c +486.9258 -11.1045 L +487.0469 -11.1045 487.1465 -11.1338 487.2266 -11.1943 c +487.3066 -11.2529 487.373 -11.3643 487.4258 -11.5244 c +487.7988 -12.5908 488.6465 -13.124 489.9668 -13.124 c +490.9668 -13.124 491.7051 -12.9111 492.1855 -12.4834 c +492.666 -12.0576 492.9063 -11.3037 492.9063 -10.2236 c 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9.81595 %_BS +%_0.150576 0.121614 0.130159 0.000183 0.87451 0.862745 0.858824 2 0.85 6 50 9.81595 Bs +0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 0 6 50 100 %_BS +%_0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 0 6 50 100 Bs +BD +%AI5_EndGradient +%AI5_BeginGradient: (Unnamed gradient 2) +(Unnamed gradient 2) 0 2 Bd +[ +< +B7B8B8B9B9BABBBBBCBDBDBEBEBFC0C0C1C1C2C2C3C3C4C4C5C6C6C7C7C7C8C8C9CACACBCBCCCCCD +CDCECECFCFD0D1D1D2D2D3D3D4D4D5D5D6D6D7D7D8D8D9D9DA +> +< +515251535253555455575657575859595A5C5B5C5B5D5E5D5F605F61606163626364636564656766 +6869686A696B6C6B6D6E6D6F6E6F7170727373747475777678 +> +0 +0 +0 +< +9D9C9C9B9B9A999998979796969594949392929191908F8F8E8D8D8C8C8B8A8A8988888787868585 +84838382828180807F7E7E7D7D7C7B7B7A7979787877767675 +> +< +FFFEFDFCFBFAF9F8F7F6F5F4F3F2F1F0EFEEEDECEBEAE9E8E7E6E5E4E3E2E1E0DFDDDCDBDAD9D8D7 +D6D5D4D3D2D1D0CFCECDCCCBCAC9C8C7C6C5C4C3C2C1C0BFBE +> +4 %_Br +[ +0.854643 0.468879 0 0 0 0.458824 0.745098 2 1 6 50 100 %_BS +%_0.854643 0.468879 0 0 0 0.458824 0.745098 2 1 6 50 100 Bs +0.717464 0.316075 0 0 0 0.615686 1 2 1 6 50 0 %_BS +%_0.717464 0.316075 0 0 0 0.615686 1 2 1 6 50 0 Bs +BD +%AI5_EndGradient +%AI5_BeginGradient: (Unnamed gradient 28) +(Unnamed gradient 28) 1 2 Bd +[ +< +0000010304050608090A0C0D0F10111314151617181A1B1C1D1E1F20212324262728292A2B2D2E30 +31323335363738393A3C3D3E404142434445464748494A4B4C4D4E4F5051525354565758595A +> +< +00000100010203040504060708090908090A0B0C0C0C0D0D0E0F100F101112131413141516171816 +1718191A1B1A1B1C1D1E1F1E1F20212223222324252627262728292A2B2A2B2C2D2E2F2E2F30 +> +< +0000000103040304050707080909090B0C0B0C0D0E0E0F100F10111312131415151717171818191A +1B1B1C1C1C1E1D1E1F20202122232223242425252625262829282829282A2B2C2B2D2E2F2F2F +> +< +00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 +0000000000000000000000000000000001000101010101010202020202020203030303030404 +> +< +FFFEFDFCFBFAF9F8F7F6F5F4F3F2F1F0EFEEEDECEBEAE9E8E7E6E5E4E3E2E1E0DFDEDDDCDBDAD9D7 +D6D5D4D3D2D1D0CFCECDCCCBCAC9C8C7C6C5C4C3C2C1C0BFBEBDBCBBBAB9B8B7B6B5B4B3B2B1 +> +< +FFFEFDFDFCFBFAF9F8F8F7F6F5F4F3F3F2F1F0EFEEEEEDECEBEAE9E9E8E7E6E5E4E4E3E2E1E0DFDF +DEDDDCDBDADAD9D8D7D6D5D5D4D3D2D1D0D0CFCECDCCCBCBCAC9C8C7C6C6C5C4C3C2C1C1C0BF +> +< +FFFEFEFDFCFBFBFAF9F8F8F7F6F6F5F4F3F3F2F1F0F0EFEEEEEDECEBEBEAE9E8E8E7E6E6E5E4E3E3 +E2E1E0E0DFDEDEDDDCDBDBDAD9D8D8D7D6D6D5D4D3D3D2D1D0D0CFCECECDCCCBCBCAC9C8C8C7 +> +4 %_Br +[ +0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 1 6 50 0 %_BS +%_0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 1 6 50 0 Bs +0.35288 0.187259 0.186221 0.014984 0.694118 0.74902 0.780392 2 1 6 50 100 %_BS +%_0.35288 0.187259 0.186221 0.014984 0.694118 0.74902 0.780392 2 1 6 50 100 Bs +BD +%AI5_EndGradient +%AI5_BeginGradient: (Unnamed gradient 3) +(Unnamed gradient 3) 0 2 Bd +[ +< +2C2D2E2F303132333435363738393B3C3D3E3F4142434445464748494A4B4C4D4F50505152535454 +5556575858595A5B5C5D5E5F606162636364656667686969 +> +< +00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000100000000000000010000 +010002010002010201000201020101030204040305040606 +> +0 +0 +< +DAD9D8D7D6D5D4D3D2D1D0CFCECDCCCBCAC9C8C7C6C5C4C3C2C1C0BFBEBDBCBBB9B8B7B6B5B4B3B2 +B1B0AFAEADACABAAA9A8A7A6A5A4A3A2A1A09F9E9D9C9B9A +> +< +F1F1F0F0EFEFEFEEEEEDEDEDECECEBEBEBEAEAE9E9E9E8E8E7E7E7E6E6E5E5E5E4E4E4E3E3E2E2E2 +E1E1E0E0E0DFDFDEDEDEDDDDDCDCDCDBDBDADADAD9D9D8D8 +> +1 +4 %_Br +[ +0.413245 0.021576 0 0 0.603922 0.847059 1 2 1 6 50 100 %_BS +%_0.413245 0.021576 0 0 0.603922 0.847059 1 2 1 6 50 100 Bs +0.17142 0 0 0 0.854902 0.945098 1 2 1 6 50 0 %_BS +%_0.17142 0 0 0 0.854902 0.945098 1 2 1 6 50 0 Bs +BD +%AI5_EndGradient +%AI5_BeginGradient: (Unnamed gradient 7) +(Unnamed gradient 7) 0 2 Bd +[ +< +0000010304050608090B0C0D0F1011121314151718191A1B1C1E1F21222324252728292A2B2C2D2E +2F3031323435363738393A3B3C3D3E3F404142434445464748494A4B4C4D4E4F5050515253545556 +5758595A5B5C5D5D5E5F5F6061626263646565666768696A6A6B6C6E6F7070717273747475767777 +78797A7A7B7C7D7E7E7F808181828383848585868687888889898A8B8B8C8D8D8E8F8F9090919292 +93949495959697979899999A9B9B9C9C9D9E9E9F9FA0A1A2A2A3A4A5A5A6A7A8A8A9AAAAABABACAD +ADAEAFB0B0B1B1B2B3B4B4B5B6B6B7B8B9B9BABBBCBDBDBEBFBFC0C1C1C2C3C4C5C6C7C8C9C9CACC +CED0D1D2D4D5D7D8DADCDEE0E3E5E7E9 +> +< +00000102030405060708090A0A0B0C0C0D0E0F1011111213141516171819191A1B1B1C1D1E1F2020 +2122232425262728292A2B2C2C2D2E2E2F303131323334353637373839393A3B3C3C3D3E3E3F4041 +424243444546474748494A4B4B4C4D4D4E4E4F4F505152525354555657575859595A5B5B5C5C5D5D +5E5F5F60616162636364656667676869696A6A6B6C6C6D6E6E6F6F70707172727374747576767778 +79797A7B7C7C7D7E7F7F80808182828384858586878888898A8A8B8C8C8D8E8E8F90919192939494 +959697979898999A9B9B9C9D9D9E9FA0A0A1A2A3A3A4A5A6A6A7A7A8A9AAABACADAEAFB0B1B1B2B3 +B5B6B7B8B9BABCBDBEC0C1C3C4C6C7C9 +> +< +000001020304050708090A0B0C0D0E0F10111112131415161718191A1B1C1C1D1E1F202121222323 +2425262728292A2B2C2D2D2E2F2F3031323233343536373738393A3B3B3C3D3D3E3F404041424243 +44444546464748494A4A4B4C4D4D4E4E4F505051515253535454555657575859595A5B5B5C5C5D5D +5E5F5F606161626263636465656667676869696A6A6B6C6C6D6D6E6F6F7070717272737474757676 +777778787879797A7B7B7C7D7D7E7E7F7F80808181828283838485858687878888898A8A8B8C8C8D +8D8E8E8E8F8F8F909091919293939494959596969798989999999A9A9B9B9B9B9C9C9C9C9C9D9D9D +9D9D9D9D9D9D9D9D9E9E9E9E9E9E9E9E +> +< +00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 +01010101010101020202020202030303040404050506060607070808080909090A0A0A0B0B0C0C0D +0D0E0F0F1011121213131414151616171819191A1B1B1C1D1E1E1F202122232425262728292A2B2C +2D2E2E2F3031323435363738393A3B3D3E3F40414344454647494A4B4C4E4F505253555658595B5C +5E5F6162646567686A6B6D6F7072737577787A7B7D7F8082848688898B8D8F91939496989A9C9E9F +A1A3A5A6A7A9AAACAEB0B2B3B5B7B9BBBDBFC1C3C5C7C9CACBCDCED0D1D3D5D7D9DADCDEDFE1E2E4 +E5E7E8E9E9EBECEDEEF0F1F3F4F6F7F9 +> +< +FFFEFDFCFBFAF9F8F7F6F5F4F3F2F1F0EFEEEDECEBEAE9E8E7E6E5E4E3E2E1E0DFDEDDDCDBDAD9D8 +D7D6D5D4D3D2D1D0CFCECDCCCBCAC9C8C7C6C5C4C3C2C1C0BFBEBDBCBBBAB9B8B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0 +AFAEADACABAAA9A8A7A6A5A4A3A2A1A09F9E9D9C9B9A999897969594939291908F8E8D8C8B8A8988 +87868584838281807F7E7D7C7B7A797877767574737271706F6E6D6C6B6A69686766656463626160 +5F5E5D5C5B5A595857565554535251504F4E4D4C4B4A494847464544434241403F3E3D3C3B3A3938 +37363534333231302F2E2D2C2B2A292827262524232221201F1E1D1C1B1A19181716151413121110 +0F0E0D0C0B0A09080706050403020100 +> +< +FFFEFDFCFBFAF9F8F7F6F5F4F3F2F1F0EFEEEDECEBEAE9E8E7E6E5E4E3E2E1E0DFDEDDDCDBDAD9D8 +D7D6D5D4D3D2D1D0CFCECDCCCBCAC9C8C7C6C5C4C3C2C1C0BFBEBDBCBBBAB9B8B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0 +AFAEADACABAAA9A8A7A6A5A4A3A2A1A09F9E9D9C9B9A999897969594939291908F8E8D8C8B8A8988 +87868584838281807F7E7D7C7B7A797877767574737271706F6E6D6C6B6A69686766656463626160 +5F5E5D5C5B5A595857565554535251504F4E4D4C4B4A494847464544434241403F3E3D3C3B3A3938 +37363534333231302F2E2D2C2B2A292827262524232221201F1E1D1C1B1A19181716151413121110 +0F0E0D0C0B0A09080706050403020100 +> +< +FFFEFDFCFBFAF9F8F7F6F5F4F3F2F1F0EFEEEDECEBEAE9E8E7E6E5E4E3E2E1E0DFDEDDDCDBDAD9D8 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178.9609 52.0059 c +%_171.6045 42.6133 175.125 26.3809 180.9404 19.6484 C +%_175.4082 23.6309 170.5234 32.2813 170.6006 44.041 c +%_170.6016 44.1641 170.5156 44.2676 170.3955 44.291 c +%_170.2754 44.3164 170.1563 44.25 170.1113 44.1367 c +%_166.0029 33.8848 168.1826 14.8887 179.3926 4.28516 C +%_176.5088 3.88867 173.5254 3.93945 170.2676 4.97852 c +%_170.1523 5.01367 170.0273 4.96484 169.9688 4.85938 c +%_169.9102 4.75195 169.9336 4.61914 170.0273 4.54102 c +%_174.1191 1.08594 179.8418 0 185.2939 0 C +%_180.5967 5.5 182.1572 16.5547 189.6494 16.5547 c +%_194.9961 16.5547 197.4238 8.25586 193.2949 3.77344 c +%_193.2168 3.6875 193.207 3.55859 193.2695 3.46289 c +%_193.334 3.36523 193.4551 3.32227 193.5664 3.36133 c +%_198.3457 5.01563 203.5117 9.15039 203.5117 14.377 c +%_203.5117 19.4199 198.6992 23.7715 191.7109 23.4277 C +%_200.5293 25.9336 209.7617 23.1602 214.5918 17.1758 c +%_214.666 17.082 214.7969 17.0547 214.9023 17.1074 c +%_215.0098 17.1621 215.0645 17.2832 215.0352 17.3984 c 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25.0215 c +%_206.0996 23.0078 208.0645 21.6191 210.5801 21.2344 c +%_210.707 21.2148 210.8008 21.1055 210.7969 20.9766 c +%_210.793 20.8496 210.6953 20.7441 210.5664 20.7305 c +%_209.498 20.6289 208.3867 20.625 207.25 20.7344 c +%_200.7598 21.3516 195.7363 25.3281 195.3008 29.9121 C +%_190.5889 29.3652 186.417 26.7539 184.9229 23.1387 c +%_184.8779 23.0293 184.7646 22.9668 184.6475 22.9844 c +%_184.5322 23.002 184.4443 23.0977 184.4346 23.2148 c +%_184.0576 27.9648 185.6924 31.0527 189.4053 34.0684 C +%_184.0205 32.0098 177.959 31.9043 172.1484 34.6055 c +%_172.043 34.6563 171.9844 34.7715 172.0059 34.8867 c +%_172.0293 35.002 172.1289 35.0859 172.2461 35.0898 c +%_177.125 35.2793 180.6631 36.8457 183.9795 40.1621 C +%_165.7227 35.0273 150.8906 46.3633 156.0234 63.2129 c +%_156.0586 63.3301 156.1699 63.4043 156.291 63.3926 c +%_156.4121 63.3809 156.5078 63.2852 156.5176 63.1641 c +%_157.4355 53.4492 164.2207 47.0469 174.3789 46.0879 C +%_168.9922 48.1465 163.3789 53.0625 162.8223 61.6211 c +%_162.8145 61.7441 162.8945 61.8535 163.0137 61.8848 c +%_163.1328 61.9141 163.2559 61.8535 163.3066 61.7422 c +%_166.1055 55.5879 171.6035 52.4785 177.4668 51.9297 C +%_171.1328 54.5117 167.0703 60.5332 165.8965 68.3516 c +%_165.877 68.4746 165.9512 68.5918 166.0703 68.6309 c +%_166.1875 68.668 166.3164 68.6152 166.373 68.5039 c +%_170.2383 60.9219 178.5293 55.7109 188.8213 59.6934 c +%_199.4375 63.8027 204.0938 76.0781 205.123 84.7324 c +%_205.1387 84.8555 205.2383 84.9492 205.3613 84.957 c +%_205.4844 84.9629 205.5938 84.8809 205.623 84.7617 c +%_209.3418 69.0723 202.0391 52.8125 188.9873 45.9219 C +%_196.082 47.9238 202.4258 52.1816 206.0137 59.2754 C +%_214.3066 60.293 220.0176 63.1387 222.8711 68.5156 c +%_222.9277 68.6211 223.0508 68.6738 223.166 68.6406 c +%_223.2813 68.6055 223.3574 68.4941 223.3477 68.375 c +%_223.166 66.2656 222.4063 62.0449 219.2734 60.1035 C +%_226.2383 60.1152 231.7793 59.2109 237.0723 57.0898 c +%_237.1836 57.0449 237.25 56.9277 237.2266 56.8086 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_0 D +%_207.7402 110.2773 m +%_207.8398 110.2129 207.9688 110.2227 208.0566 110.3047 c +%_208.1426 110.3848 208.1602 110.5137 208.1016 110.6172 c +%_206.4824 113.4141 207.9609 117.4297 211.1523 117.4297 c +%_216.873 117.4297 219.623 106.6602 218.748 96.8379 C +%_216.5859 102.5918 214.7148 104.8926 211.4004 107.6328 c +%_211.3066 107.709 211.1719 107.7109 211.0781 107.6328 c +%_210.9844 107.5566 210.957 107.4238 211.0156 107.3164 c +%_215.8711 98.2383 216.9121 91.252 216.9121 83.2324 C +%_215.4492 89.1895 213.7168 92.5527 208.7852 97.6133 c +%_208.6992 97.7012 208.5625 97.7148 208.4609 97.6445 c +%_208.3594 97.5742 208.3223 97.4414 208.373 97.3301 c +%_213.6719 85.7383 213.2676 72.8828 209.3203 63.0664 c +%_209.2813 62.9688 209.3066 62.8574 209.3828 62.7852 c +%_209.4609 62.7129 209.5723 62.6973 209.668 62.7422 c +%_214.873 65.293 217.9316 66.9688 222.4199 73.1328 C +%_221.0625 80.5313 222.1914 84.1797 225.5918 90.3262 C +%_221.6543 80.4102 223.75 66.4336 233.7793 60.7363 c +%_233.8887 60.6738 234.0273 60.7012 234.1035 60.8008 c +%_234.1816 60.9004 234.1758 61.041 234.0879 61.1328 c +%_230.3066 65.0879 227.5566 71.7676 229.9316 79.0586 C +%_228.4023 68.6699 237.5273 59.9453 247.7109 59.9453 c +%_257.3105 59.9453 263.8613 67.4531 263.3203 74.8848 c +%_262.7832 82.25 257.877 85.8555 253.6484 87.3828 c +%_253.5371 87.4238 253.4121 87.3809 253.3496 87.2813 c +%_253.2852 87.1816 253.2988 87.0508 253.3828 86.9668 c +%_258.9922 81.2734 259.7598 70.4746 249.7988 67.207 C +%_255.6582 72.2637 253.4883 84.0352 244.1094 84.9316 c +%_243.9922 84.9414 243.8828 84.8711 243.8457 84.7598 c +%_243.8066 84.6504 243.8496 84.5273 243.9492 84.4648 c +%_245.957 83.1855 247.627 80.6934 247.627 77.8906 c +%_247.627 73.2168 244.2051 71.3789 241.9512 71.3789 c +%_238.5293 71.3789 235.6914 74.6348 235.6914 79.5605 c +%_235.6914 85.4023 240.9512 90.2441 247.7109 90.9941 c +%_254.3379 91.7305 260.4941 88.8398 263.4609 84.5352 c +%_263.5313 84.4336 263.6621 84.3984 263.7754 84.4492 c +%_263.8867 84.5 263.9453 84.623 263.916 84.7422 c +%_260.8965 96.4453 247.1191 101.6191 237.0273 94.25 C +%_243.6406 101.75 254.0332 101.8555 262.75 94.1641 c +%_262.8398 94.084 262.9746 94.0781 263.0723 94.1523 c +%_263.168 94.2266 263.1992 94.3574 263.1445 94.4668 c +%_260.4785 99.873 253.8926 106.2852 244.5391 105.3516 c +%_235.9824 104.4961 231.0176 96.3359 230.0156 89.6602 C +%_229.459 98.1816 231.4102 104.1953 238.7695 109.8047 c +%_238.8672 109.8789 238.8965 110.0117 238.8418 110.1211 c +%_238.7871 110.2305 238.6621 110.2852 238.5449 110.25 c +%_231.7598 108.291 226.3145 104.8262 223.4961 97.707 C +%_223.4961 103.8672 225.6348 110.0781 231.0215 114.2168 c +%_231.1191 114.291 231.1484 114.4238 231.0938 114.5332 c +%_231.0391 114.6406 230.916 114.6953 230.7988 114.6621 c +%_227.3457 113.6797 224.627 112.1738 222.6602 109.4785 C +%_221.3496 120.5781 216.1387 127.168 210.1348 127.168 c +%_206.0098 127.168 202.9297 124.1348 202.9297 119.2988 c +%_202.9297 116.4688 204.418 112.4961 207.7402 110.2773 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_108.5137 18.6602 m +%_111.6758 14.7559 118.0527 13.2676 124.9453 14.6719 C +%_124.4355 10.3691 125.2793 5.88086 126.5566 3.18555 c +%_126.6094 3.07813 126.7305 3.01953 126.8477 3.04883 c +%_126.9648 3.07813 127.0449 3.18555 127.041 3.30664 c +%_126.666 12.0723 131.6641 19.1484 140.4902 22.2148 C +%_133.584 17.459 131.5645 8.02148 134.8516 3.15039 c +%_134.9199 3.05078 135.0469 3.01172 135.1582 3.05664 c +%_135.2695 3.10156 135.334 3.21875 135.3125 3.33789 c +%_134.9395 5.39844 135.918 8.02148 138.0254 10.0625 c +%_140.9316 12.877 144.875 13.5156 146.8359 11.4922 c +%_148.7969 9.4668 148.0332 5.54492 145.1289 2.73242 c +%_144.0684 1.70508 142.8691 0.96875 141.6797 0.546875 c +%_141.5664 0.505859 141.498 0.392578 141.5137 0.275391 c +%_141.5273 0.15625 141.623 0.064453 141.7422 0.054688 c +%_148.1309 -0.5 152.5117 3.30664 155.2578 7.93164 c +%_158.0527 12.6367 162.8281 16.3438 168.4688 15.6035 c +%_168.5879 15.5879 168.7012 15.6582 168.7422 15.7715 c +%_168.7813 15.8848 168.7363 16.0098 168.6328 16.0723 c +%_165.8359 17.7559 162.7617 18.4551 158.7695 17.125 C +%_164.5645 22.0332 172.8164 24.8652 180.6104 22.3516 c +%_180.7197 22.3164 180.8389 22.3594 180.9014 22.4551 c +%_180.9639 22.5508 180.9541 22.6777 180.876 22.7637 c +%_174.9668 29.3281 163.1855 29.459 155.7656 24.1348 C +%_158.8027 28.4512 162.834 31.6211 170.0586 32.6133 c +%_170.1738 32.6289 170.2637 32.7227 170.2773 32.8379 c +%_170.2891 32.9531 170.2227 33.0625 170.1133 33.1035 c +%_161.8223 36.1797 153.5137 33.0586 146.668 24.8867 C +%_149.6602 31.2656 154.5742 36.373 161.4355 38.9004 c +%_161.5508 38.9414 161.6191 39.0586 161.5977 39.1797 c +%_161.5781 39.3008 161.4746 39.3887 161.3535 39.3906 c +%_157.4102 39.4727 153.8672 38.5332 149.0879 35.8203 C +%_152.5957 41.5117 151.8281 51.459 146.7188 58.0801 c +%_146.6484 58.1719 146.5234 58.2031 146.416 58.1582 c +%_146.3105 58.1113 146.248 57.998 146.2676 57.8828 c +%_147.4473 50.6836 144.9688 42.5547 140.6582 38.2422 C +%_142.8105 45.873 140.6641 52.8184 134.7617 57.8848 c +%_134.6914 57.9453 134.5918 57.9629 134.5059 57.9297 c +%_134.418 57.8965 134.3574 57.8184 134.3438 57.7266 c +%_133.1094 48.3086 122.5742 38.752 113.7422 37.9512 c +%_113.6172 37.9395 113.5195 37.8398 113.5117 37.7148 c +%_113.5039 37.5898 113.5859 37.4785 113.709 37.4512 c +%_117.9883 36.4824 122.4004 36.9609 126.0977 38.4805 C +%_123.4375 35.5488 120.1582 33.3711 116.543 32.2363 c +%_116.4258 32.1992 116.3535 32.0859 116.3672 31.9648 c +%_116.3809 31.8438 116.4805 31.748 116.6016 31.7402 c +%_121.1113 31.4297 125.5254 32.7461 129.332 35.2793 C +%_124.9707 28.6582 118.3516 23.7344 109.9043 21.7715 c +%_109.7832 21.7441 109.7012 21.6328 109.707 21.5098 c +%_109.7148 21.3867 109.8105 21.2871 109.9336 21.2734 c +%_121.8516 19.9707 131.6797 24.5918 138.1543 33.1914 C +%_136.5059 28.2891 131.7891 23.4355 125.209 20.5723 c +%_119.3633 18.0273 113.3594 17.625 108.7871 19.0625 c +%_108.6816 19.0957 108.5645 19.0547 108.502 18.9629 c +%_108.4395 18.8691 108.4434 18.7461 108.5137 18.6602 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_161.418 94.2324 m +%_156.6113 83.7461 156.9531 75.5469 160.8242 65.1777 c +%_160.8691 65.0605 160.9902 64.9922 161.1133 65.0176 c +%_161.2363 65.043 161.3223 65.1543 161.3164 65.2773 c +%_160.6953 77.9004 164.1426 86.9316 171.6152 93.0859 C +%_163.3652 83.2324 167.2617 63.5254 180.4385 63.5254 c +%_190.0244 63.5254 197.9531 71.502 199.8926 81.0508 c +%_199.918 81.1719 199.8516 81.293 199.7344 81.3379 c +%_199.6191 81.3828 199.4883 81.3379 199.4258 81.2305 c +%_196.584 76.4688 192.0176 73.3789 186.9697 73.3789 c +%_178.834 73.3789 176.4277 79.8457 176.4277 84.3789 c +%_176.4277 90.5645 181.3545 95.7207 185.1357 95.7207 c +%_188.5732 95.7207 190.1768 92.8984 190.1768 90.7949 c +%_190.1768 86.8965 187.1787 83.6289 183.8018 82.6309 c +%_183.6807 82.5938 183.6045 82.4766 183.6221 82.3516 c +%_183.6396 82.2266 183.7451 82.1328 183.8721 82.1328 c +%_187.9775 82.1074 191.4473 83.9863 193.5 87.7012 C +%_193.7695 84.8262 193.7715 83.0156 192.8594 79.9766 c +%_192.8242 79.8594 192.877 79.7344 192.9844 79.6777 c +%_193.0938 79.623 193.2266 79.6504 193.3008 79.748 c +%_200.6582 89.1406 197.1367 105.3711 191.3223 112.1055 C +%_196.8535 108.123 201.7383 99.4707 201.6621 87.7109 c +%_201.6602 87.5898 201.7461 87.4844 201.8672 87.4609 c +%_201.9863 87.4375 202.1055 87.502 202.1504 87.6152 c +%_206.2598 97.8691 204.0801 116.8633 192.8691 127.4668 C +%_195.7539 127.8652 198.7363 127.8145 201.9941 126.7754 c +%_202.1094 126.7383 202.2344 126.7891 202.293 126.8945 c +%_202.3516 127 202.3281 127.1328 202.2344 127.2109 c +%_198.1426 130.666 192.4199 131.752 186.9697 131.752 C +%_191.666 126.252 190.1064 115.1992 182.6162 115.1992 c +%_177.2656 115.1992 174.8379 123.498 178.9668 127.9805 c +%_179.0449 128.0664 179.0547 128.1934 178.9922 128.291 c +%_178.9277 128.3887 178.8066 128.4297 178.6953 128.3926 c +%_173.916 126.7363 168.75 122.6035 168.75 117.375 c +%_168.75 112.334 173.5625 107.9805 180.5537 108.3242 C +%_171.7324 105.8203 162.5 108.5918 157.6699 114.5781 c +%_157.5957 114.6699 157.4648 114.6992 157.3594 114.6445 c +%_157.252 114.5918 157.1973 114.4707 157.2266 114.3535 c +%_160.0176 103.6387 169.1934 99.1543 180.667 100.6484 C +%_171.3848 96.8906 157.416 100.166 151.2422 107.957 c +%_151.1699 108.0488 151.043 108.0801 150.9355 108.0293 c +%_150.8301 107.9805 150.7715 107.8633 150.7949 107.748 c +%_152.166 101.1328 155.6582 96.1875 161.418 94.2324 C +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_*U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Repeated_Art) , +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Main_Copy_of_EditGroup) , +%_; +%_ +%_9 () XW +%_u +%_*u +%_1 D +%_1 0.771237 0.226078 0.073854 0 0.258824 0.494118 Xa +%_0 1 0 0 0 Xy +%_26.6963 74.9453 m +%_26.7178 75.0645 26.8213 75.1504 26.9424 75.1523 c +%_39.8486 75.2871 51.6963 78.4199 60.9141 86.667 C +%_52.8838 81.1094 37.9717 79.1563 29.3867 83.0488 c +%_29.2764 83.0986 29.2178 83.2188 29.2451 83.3369 c +%_29.2715 83.4551 29.3779 83.5371 29.499 83.5332 c +%_40.1787 83.2441 48.7783 86.54 55.4834 92.498 C +%_48.6143 92.9199 42.9092 97.2383 42.9268 102.3428 c +%_42.9268 102.4619 43.0107 102.5645 43.1279 102.5898 c +%_43.2441 102.6152 43.3623 102.5547 43.4111 102.4463 c +%_44.5322 99.957 48.1592 98.666 51.9941 99.5664 c +%_56.1738 100.5469 58.9941 103.7559 58.2949 106.7314 c +%_57.8232 108.7461 55.8584 110.1348 53.3428 110.5186 c +%_53.2158 110.5371 53.123 110.6484 53.126 110.7764 c +%_53.1299 110.9043 53.2285 111.0098 53.3564 111.0215 c +%_54.4248 111.124 55.5361 111.1279 56.6738 111.0195 c +%_63.1641 110.4023 68.1875 106.4238 68.623 101.8418 C +%_73.3359 102.3887 77.5078 104.998 79.002 108.6152 c +%_79.0469 108.7236 79.1621 108.7871 79.2773 108.7695 c +%_79.3926 108.75 79.4805 108.6553 79.4902 108.5391 c +%_79.8672 103.7871 78.2324 100.7002 74.5195 97.6846 C +%_79.9043 99.7441 85.9648 99.8496 91.7754 97.1465 c +%_91.8809 97.0977 91.9395 96.9824 91.918 96.8672 c +%_91.8945 96.752 91.7949 96.668 91.6777 96.6641 c +%_86.7988 96.4736 83.2617 94.9082 79.9473 91.5918 C +%_98.2012 96.7256 113.0332 85.3906 107.9004 68.5391 c +%_107.8652 68.4238 107.7539 68.3486 107.6328 68.3613 c +%_107.5117 68.373 107.416 68.4688 107.4063 68.5898 c +%_106.4883 78.3037 99.7031 84.7051 89.5449 85.666 C +%_94.9316 83.6055 100.5449 78.6895 101.1016 70.1318 c +%_101.1094 70.0098 101.0293 69.8984 100.9102 69.8691 c +%_100.791 69.8398 100.668 69.8984 100.6172 70.0098 c +%_97.8184 76.1641 92.3203 79.2754 86.457 79.8223 C +%_92.791 77.2422 96.8535 71.2207 98.0273 63.4023 c +%_98.0469 63.2793 97.9727 63.1602 97.8535 63.123 c +%_97.7363 63.084 97.6074 63.1387 97.5508 63.248 c +%_93.6855 70.8311 85.3945 76.042 75.1035 72.0605 c +%_64.4863 67.9512 59.8291 55.6738 58.7998 47.0195 c +%_58.7852 46.8984 58.6846 46.8047 58.5615 46.7969 c +%_58.4395 46.7891 58.3291 46.8711 58.3008 46.9922 c +%_54.5811 62.6797 61.8838 78.9414 74.9375 85.832 C +%_67.8418 83.8291 61.498 79.5723 57.9102 72.4775 C +%_49.6162 71.459 43.9063 68.6152 41.0527 63.2383 c +%_40.9961 63.1309 40.8721 63.0781 40.7568 63.1133 c +%_40.6416 63.1465 40.5654 63.2578 40.5752 63.3789 c +%_40.7578 65.4883 41.5166 69.709 44.6494 71.6494 C +%_37.6846 71.6387 32.1436 72.543 26.8506 74.6621 c +%_26.7393 74.708 26.6738 74.8262 26.6963 74.9453 c +%_f +%_0 D +%_56.1826 21.4746 m +%_56.084 21.541 55.9541 21.5293 55.8672 21.4492 c +%_55.7813 21.3672 55.7627 21.2383 55.8213 21.1367 c +%_57.4414 18.3398 55.9619 14.3223 52.7705 14.3223 c +%_47.0498 14.3223 44.2998 25.0918 45.1748 34.916 C +%_47.3379 29.1602 49.208 26.8613 52.5225 24.1211 c +%_52.6162 24.043 52.751 24.043 52.8447 24.1191 c +%_52.9385 24.1973 52.9658 24.3281 52.9082 24.4355 c +%_48.0518 33.5156 47.0107 40.502 47.0107 48.5215 C +%_48.4736 42.5625 50.2061 39.1992 55.1377 34.1406 c +%_55.2236 34.0527 55.3604 34.0391 55.4629 34.1074 c +%_55.5645 34.1777 55.6016 34.3105 55.5498 34.4238 c +%_50.252 46.0137 50.6563 58.8711 54.6025 68.6875 c +%_54.6416 68.7852 54.6172 68.8965 54.54 68.9688 c +%_54.4629 69.0391 54.3506 69.0566 54.2549 69.0098 c +%_49.0498 66.459 45.9912 64.7832 41.5029 58.6211 C +%_42.8604 51.2227 41.7314 47.5723 38.3311 41.4258 C +%_42.2686 51.3438 40.1729 65.3203 30.1436 71.0176 c +%_30.0342 71.0791 29.8955 71.0518 29.8193 70.9531 c +%_29.7412 70.8535 29.748 70.7119 29.835 70.6211 c +%_33.6162 66.666 36.3662 59.9863 33.9912 52.6934 C +%_35.5205 63.082 26.3955 71.8086 16.2119 71.8086 c +%_6.6123 71.8086 0.061523 64.2988 0.602539 56.8672 c +%_1.13965 49.502 6.0459 45.8984 10.2744 44.3691 c +%_10.3857 44.3301 10.5107 44.3711 10.5742 44.4707 c +%_10.6377 44.5723 10.624 44.7012 10.541 44.7871 c +%_4.93066 50.4785 4.16309 61.2793 14.124 64.5469 C +%_8.26465 59.4902 10.4346 47.7168 19.8135 46.8223 c +%_19.9307 46.8105 20.04 46.8809 20.0781 46.9922 c +%_20.1162 47.1035 20.0732 47.2266 19.9746 47.2891 c +%_17.9658 48.5664 16.2959 51.0605 16.2959 53.8633 c +%_16.2959 58.5371 19.7178 60.373 21.9717 60.373 c +%_25.3936 60.373 28.2314 57.1172 28.2314 52.1934 c +%_28.2314 46.3496 22.9717 41.5098 16.2119 40.7578 c +%_9.58594 40.0234 3.42969 42.9121 0.461914 47.2168 c +%_0.392578 47.3184 0.260742 47.3555 0.148438 47.3047 c +%_0.036133 47.2539 -0.022461 47.1289 0.007813 47.0098 c +%_3.02637 35.3066 16.8037 30.1328 26.8955 37.5039 C +%_20.2822 30.002 9.88965 29.8984 1.17383 37.5898 c +%_1.08301 37.6699 0.948242 37.6738 0.851563 37.5996 c +%_0.754883 37.5273 0.724609 37.3945 0.77832 37.2871 c +%_3.44531 31.8789 10.0313 25.4668 19.3838 26.4023 c +%_27.9404 27.2578 32.9053 35.416 33.9072 42.0938 C +%_34.4639 33.5723 32.5137 27.5566 25.1533 21.9473 c +%_25.0566 21.873 25.0264 21.7402 25.0811 21.6309 c +%_25.1357 21.5234 25.2607 21.4688 25.3779 21.502 c +%_32.1631 23.4629 37.6084 26.9277 40.4268 34.0469 C +%_40.4268 27.8848 38.2881 21.6738 32.9014 17.5352 c +%_32.8037 17.4609 32.7744 17.3301 32.8291 17.2207 c +%_32.8838 17.1113 33.0078 17.0566 33.125 17.0898 c +%_36.5781 18.0742 39.2959 19.5781 41.2627 22.2754 C +%_42.5732 11.1758 47.7842 4.58398 53.7881 4.58398 c +%_57.9131 4.58398 60.9932 7.61719 60.9932 12.4551 c +%_60.9932 15.2852 59.5049 19.2578 56.1826 21.4746 c +%_f +%_155.4102 113.0938 m +%_152.248 116.998 145.8711 118.4863 138.9785 117.082 C +%_139.4883 121.3828 138.6445 125.873 137.3672 128.5664 c +%_137.3145 128.6758 137.1934 128.7334 137.0762 128.7051 c +%_136.959 128.6758 136.8789 128.5684 136.8828 128.4473 c +%_137.2578 119.6807 132.2598 112.6035 123.4336 109.5371 C +%_130.3398 114.293 132.3594 123.7305 129.0723 128.6035 c +%_129.0039 128.7021 128.877 128.7412 128.7656 128.6953 c +%_128.6543 128.6504 128.5898 128.5332 128.6113 128.416 c +%_128.9844 126.3555 128.0059 123.7314 125.8984 121.6895 c +%_122.9922 118.875 119.0488 118.2363 117.0879 120.2598 c +%_115.127 122.2852 115.8906 126.207 118.7949 129.0215 c +%_119.8555 130.0488 121.0547 130.7832 122.2441 131.2061 c +%_122.3574 131.2461 122.4258 131.3594 122.4102 131.4775 c +%_122.3965 131.5967 122.3008 131.6885 122.1816 131.6982 c +%_115.793 132.2529 111.4121 128.4463 108.666 123.8203 c +%_105.8711 119.1152 101.0957 115.4102 95.4551 116.1504 c +%_95.3359 116.166 95.2227 116.0957 95.1816 115.9824 c +%_95.1426 115.8691 95.1875 115.7422 95.291 115.6807 c +%_98.0879 113.9961 101.1621 113.2969 105.1543 114.6289 C +%_99.3594 109.7197 91.1074 106.8867 83.3145 109.4014 c +%_83.2051 109.4375 83.0859 109.3945 83.0234 109.2979 c +%_82.9609 109.2012 82.9727 109.0752 83.0488 108.9902 c +%_88.957 102.4258 100.7383 102.2949 108.1582 107.6172 C +%_105.1211 103.3008 101.0898 100.1328 93.8652 99.1387 c +%_93.75 99.123 93.6602 99.0313 93.6465 98.916 c +%_93.6348 98.7998 93.7012 98.6904 93.8105 98.6504 c +%_102.1016 95.5723 110.4102 98.6953 117.2559 106.8652 C +%_114.2637 100.4883 109.3496 95.3809 102.4883 92.8535 c +%_102.373 92.8115 102.3047 92.6934 102.3262 92.5742 c +%_102.3457 92.4531 102.4492 92.3643 102.5703 92.3613 c +%_106.5137 92.2803 110.0566 93.2188 114.8359 95.9316 C +%_111.3281 90.2422 112.0957 80.293 117.2051 73.6738 c +%_117.2754 73.582 117.4004 73.5498 117.5078 73.5957 c +%_117.6133 73.6426 117.6758 73.7549 117.6563 73.8691 c +%_116.4766 81.0703 118.9551 89.1992 123.2656 93.5117 C +%_121.1133 85.8799 123.2598 78.9355 129.1621 73.8672 c +%_129.2324 73.8066 129.332 73.79 129.418 73.8232 c +%_129.5059 73.8564 129.5664 73.9355 129.5801 74.0273 c +%_130.8145 83.4453 141.3496 93.002 150.1816 93.8027 c +%_150.3066 93.8135 150.4043 93.9141 150.4121 94.0381 c +%_150.4199 94.1621 150.3379 94.2754 150.2148 94.3027 c +%_145.9355 95.2715 141.5234 94.793 137.8262 93.2715 C +%_140.4863 96.2051 143.7656 98.3828 147.3809 99.5176 c +%_147.498 99.5537 147.5703 99.668 147.5566 99.7891 c +%_147.543 99.9102 147.4434 100.0039 147.3223 100.0127 c +%_142.8125 100.3242 138.3984 99.0068 134.5918 96.4746 C +%_138.9531 103.0957 145.5723 108.0195 154.0195 109.9805 c +%_154.1406 110.0088 154.2227 110.1191 154.2168 110.2432 c +%_154.209 110.3672 154.1133 110.4668 153.9902 110.4805 c +%_142.0723 111.7822 132.2441 107.1621 125.7695 98.5625 C +%_127.418 103.4629 132.1348 108.3184 138.7148 111.1816 c +%_144.5605 113.7266 150.5645 114.1279 155.1367 112.6914 c +%_155.2422 112.6582 155.3594 112.6982 155.4219 112.791 c +%_155.4844 112.8828 155.4805 113.0059 155.4102 113.0938 c +%_f +%_102.5059 37.5215 m +%_107.3125 48.0078 106.9707 56.207 103.0996 66.5762 c +%_103.0547 66.6934 102.9336 66.7607 102.8105 66.7363 c +%_102.6875 66.7109 102.6016 66.5996 102.6074 66.4746 c +%_103.2285 53.8535 99.7813 44.8203 92.3086 38.668 C +%_100.5586 48.5195 96.6621 68.2275 83.4863 68.2275 c +%_73.9004 68.2275 65.9697 60.252 64.0303 50.7031 c +%_64.0059 50.582 64.0723 50.459 64.1885 50.416 c +%_64.3037 50.3711 64.4346 50.416 64.4971 50.5215 c +%_67.3398 55.2832 71.9063 58.373 76.9551 58.373 c +%_85.0898 58.373 87.4961 51.9063 87.4961 47.375 c +%_87.4961 41.1875 82.5703 36.0313 78.7891 36.0313 c +%_75.3516 36.0313 73.748 38.8555 73.748 40.959 c +%_73.748 44.8574 76.7461 48.125 80.125 49.123 c +%_80.2441 49.1582 80.3223 49.2773 80.3047 49.4023 c +%_80.2852 49.5273 80.1797 49.6191 80.0547 49.6211 c +%_75.9473 49.6465 72.4766 47.7656 70.4238 44.0527 C +%_70.1543 46.9277 70.1514 48.7383 71.0645 51.7754 c +%_71.0996 51.8926 71.0459 52.0176 70.9385 52.0742 c +%_70.8291 52.1309 70.6963 52.1016 70.6221 52.0059 c +%_63.2656 42.6133 66.7861 26.3809 72.6016 19.6484 C +%_67.0693 23.6309 62.1846 32.2813 62.2617 44.041 c +%_62.2627 44.1641 62.1768 44.2676 62.0566 44.291 c +%_61.9365 44.3164 61.8174 44.25 61.7725 44.1367 c +%_57.6641 33.8848 59.8438 14.8887 71.0537 4.28516 C +%_68.1699 3.88867 65.1865 3.93945 61.9287 4.97852 c +%_61.8135 5.01367 61.6885 4.96484 61.6299 4.85938 c +%_61.5713 4.75195 61.5947 4.61914 61.6885 4.54102 c +%_65.7803 1.08594 71.5029 0 76.9551 0 C +%_72.2578 5.5 73.8184 16.5547 81.3105 16.5547 c +%_86.6582 16.5547 89.0859 8.25586 84.957 3.77344 c +%_84.8789 3.6875 84.8691 3.55859 84.9316 3.46289 c +%_84.9961 3.36523 85.1172 3.32227 85.2285 3.36133 c +%_90.0078 5.01563 95.1738 9.15039 95.1738 14.377 c +%_95.1738 19.4199 90.3613 23.7715 83.373 23.4277 C +%_92.1914 25.9336 101.4238 23.1602 106.2539 17.1758 c +%_106.3281 17.082 106.459 17.0547 106.5645 17.1074 c +%_106.6719 17.1621 106.7266 17.2832 106.6973 17.3984 c +%_103.9063 28.1152 94.7305 32.5977 83.2578 31.1055 C +%_92.5391 34.8613 106.5078 31.5859 112.6816 23.7949 c +%_112.7539 23.7031 112.8809 23.6738 112.9883 23.7227 c +%_113.0938 23.7734 113.1523 23.8906 113.1289 24.0039 c +%_111.7578 30.6191 108.2656 35.5664 102.5059 37.5215 C +%_f +%_*U +%_*u +%_1 D +%_0.41001 0 0.011078 0 0.615686 0.862745 0.976471 Xa +%_0 0.4 0 0 0 Xy +%_128.8887 56.8086 m +%_128.8672 56.6895 128.7637 56.6016 128.6426 56.6016 c +%_115.7363 56.4648 103.8887 53.334 94.6719 45.0859 C +%_102.7012 50.6445 117.6133 52.5957 126.1992 48.7051 c +%_126.3086 48.6543 126.3672 48.5332 126.3398 48.416 c +%_126.3145 48.2988 126.207 48.2168 126.0859 48.2188 c +%_115.4063 48.5098 106.8066 45.2129 100.1016 39.2559 C +%_106.9707 38.832 112.6758 34.5156 112.6582 29.4102 c +%_112.6582 29.291 112.5742 29.1875 112.457 29.1621 c +%_112.3418 29.1387 112.2227 29.1973 112.1738 29.3066 c +%_111.0527 31.7949 107.4258 33.0879 103.5918 32.1875 c +%_99.4121 31.2051 96.5918 27.998 97.291 25.0215 c +%_97.7617 23.0078 99.7266 21.6191 102.2422 21.2344 c +%_102.3691 21.2148 102.4629 21.1055 102.459 20.9766 c +%_102.4551 20.8496 102.3574 20.7441 102.2285 20.7305 c +%_101.1602 20.6289 100.0488 20.625 98.9121 20.7344 c +%_92.4219 21.3516 87.3984 25.3281 86.9629 29.9121 C +%_82.25 29.3652 78.0781 26.7539 76.584 23.1387 c +%_76.5391 23.0293 76.4258 22.9668 76.3086 22.9844 c +%_76.1934 23.002 76.1055 23.0977 76.0957 23.2148 c +%_75.7188 27.9648 77.3535 31.0527 81.0664 34.0684 C +%_75.6816 32.0098 69.6201 31.9043 63.8096 34.6055 c +%_63.7041 34.6563 63.6455 34.7715 63.667 34.8867 c +%_63.6904 35.002 63.79 35.0859 63.9072 35.0898 c +%_68.7861 35.2793 72.3242 36.8457 75.6406 40.1621 C +%_57.3838 35.0273 42.5518 46.3633 47.6846 63.2129 c +%_47.7197 63.3301 47.8311 63.4043 47.9521 63.3926 c +%_48.0732 63.3809 48.1689 63.2852 48.1787 63.1641 c +%_49.0967 53.4492 55.8818 47.0469 66.04 46.0879 C +%_60.6533 48.1465 55.04 53.0625 54.4834 61.6211 c +%_54.4756 61.7441 54.5557 61.8535 54.6748 61.8848 c +%_54.7939 61.9141 54.917 61.8535 54.9678 61.7422 c +%_57.7666 55.5879 63.2646 52.4785 69.1279 51.9297 C +%_62.7939 54.5117 58.7314 60.5332 57.5576 68.3516 c +%_57.5381 68.4746 57.6123 68.5918 57.7314 68.6309 c +%_57.8486 68.668 57.9775 68.6152 58.0342 68.5039 c +%_61.8994 60.9219 70.1904 55.7109 80.4824 59.6934 c +%_91.0996 63.8027 95.7559 76.0781 96.7852 84.7324 c +%_96.8008 84.8555 96.9004 84.9492 97.0234 84.957 c +%_97.1465 84.9629 97.2559 84.8809 97.2852 84.7617 c +%_101.0039 69.0723 93.7012 52.8125 80.6484 45.9219 C +%_87.7441 47.9238 94.0879 52.1816 97.6758 59.2754 C +%_105.9688 60.293 111.6797 63.1387 114.5332 68.5156 c +%_114.5898 68.6211 114.7129 68.6738 114.8281 68.6406 c +%_114.9434 68.6055 115.0195 68.4941 115.0098 68.375 c +%_114.8281 66.2656 114.0684 62.0449 110.9355 60.1035 C +%_117.9004 60.1152 123.4414 59.2109 128.7344 57.0898 c +%_128.8457 57.0449 128.9121 56.9277 128.8887 56.8086 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_0 D +%_99.4023 110.2773 m +%_99.502 110.2129 99.6309 110.2227 99.7188 110.3047 c +%_99.8047 110.3848 99.8223 110.5137 99.7637 110.6172 c +%_98.1445 113.4141 99.623 117.4297 102.8145 117.4297 c +%_108.5352 117.4297 111.2852 106.6602 110.4102 96.8379 C +%_108.248 102.5918 106.377 104.8926 103.0625 107.6328 c +%_102.9688 107.709 102.834 107.7109 102.7402 107.6328 c +%_102.6465 107.5566 102.6191 107.4238 102.6777 107.3164 c +%_107.5332 98.2383 108.5742 91.252 108.5742 83.2324 C +%_107.1113 89.1895 105.3789 92.5527 100.4473 97.6133 c +%_100.3613 97.7012 100.2246 97.7148 100.123 97.6445 c +%_100.0215 97.5742 99.9844 97.4414 100.0352 97.3301 c +%_105.334 85.7383 104.9297 72.8828 100.9824 63.0664 c +%_100.9434 62.9688 100.9688 62.8574 101.0449 62.7852 c +%_101.123 62.7129 101.2344 62.6973 101.3301 62.7422 c +%_106.5352 65.293 109.5938 66.9688 114.082 73.1328 C +%_112.7246 80.5313 113.8535 84.1797 117.2539 90.3262 C +%_113.3164 80.4102 115.4121 66.4336 125.4414 60.7363 c +%_125.5508 60.6738 125.6895 60.7012 125.7656 60.8008 c +%_125.8438 60.9004 125.8379 61.041 125.75 61.1328 c +%_121.9688 65.0879 119.2188 71.7676 121.5938 79.0586 C +%_120.0645 68.6699 129.1895 59.9453 139.373 59.9453 c +%_148.9727 59.9453 155.5234 67.4531 154.9824 74.8848 c +%_154.4453 82.25 149.5391 85.8555 145.3105 87.3828 c +%_145.1992 87.4238 145.0742 87.3809 145.0117 87.2813 c +%_144.9473 87.1816 144.9609 87.0508 145.0449 86.9668 c +%_150.6543 81.2734 151.4219 70.4746 141.4609 67.207 C +%_147.3203 72.2637 145.1504 84.0352 135.7715 84.9316 c +%_135.6543 84.9414 135.5449 84.8711 135.5078 84.7598 c +%_135.4688 84.6504 135.5117 84.5273 135.6113 84.4648 c +%_137.6191 83.1855 139.2891 80.6934 139.2891 77.8906 c +%_139.2891 73.2168 135.8672 71.3789 133.6133 71.3789 c +%_130.1914 71.3789 127.3535 74.6348 127.3535 79.5605 c +%_127.3535 85.4023 132.6133 90.2441 139.373 90.9941 c +%_146 91.7305 152.1563 88.8398 155.123 84.5352 c +%_155.1934 84.4336 155.3242 84.3984 155.4375 84.4492 c +%_155.5488 84.5 155.6074 84.623 155.5781 84.7422 c +%_152.5586 96.4453 138.7813 101.6191 128.6895 94.25 C +%_135.3027 101.75 145.6953 101.8555 154.4121 94.1641 c +%_154.502 94.084 154.6367 94.0781 154.7344 94.1523 c +%_154.8301 94.2266 154.8613 94.3574 154.8066 94.4668 c +%_152.1406 99.873 145.5547 106.2852 136.2012 105.3516 c +%_127.6445 104.4961 122.6797 96.3359 121.6777 89.6602 C +%_121.1211 98.1816 123.0723 104.1953 130.4316 109.8047 c +%_130.5293 109.8789 130.5586 110.0117 130.5039 110.1211 c +%_130.4492 110.2305 130.3242 110.2852 130.207 110.25 c +%_123.4219 108.291 117.9766 104.8262 115.1582 97.707 C +%_115.1582 103.8672 117.2969 110.0781 122.6836 114.2168 c +%_122.7813 114.291 122.8105 114.4238 122.7559 114.5332 c +%_122.7012 114.6406 122.5781 114.6953 122.4609 114.6621 c +%_119.0078 113.6797 116.2891 112.1738 114.3223 109.4785 C +%_113.0117 120.5781 107.8008 127.168 101.7969 127.168 c +%_97.6719 127.168 94.5918 124.1348 94.5918 119.2988 c +%_94.5918 116.4688 96.0801 112.4961 99.4023 110.2773 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_0.174805 18.6602 m +%_3.33691 14.7559 9.71387 13.2676 16.6064 14.6719 C +%_16.0967 10.3691 16.9404 5.88086 18.2178 3.18555 c +%_18.2705 3.07813 18.3916 3.01953 18.5088 3.04883 c +%_18.626 3.07813 18.7061 3.18555 18.7021 3.30664 c +%_18.3271 12.0723 23.3252 19.1484 32.1514 22.2148 C +%_25.2451 17.459 23.2256 8.02148 26.5127 3.15039 c +%_26.5811 3.05078 26.708 3.01172 26.8193 3.05664 c +%_26.9307 3.10156 26.9951 3.21875 26.9736 3.33789 c +%_26.6006 5.39844 27.5791 8.02148 29.6865 10.0625 c +%_32.5928 12.877 36.5361 13.5156 38.4971 11.4922 c +%_40.458 9.4668 39.6943 5.54492 36.79 2.73242 c +%_35.7295 1.70508 34.5303 0.96875 33.3408 0.546875 c +%_33.2275 0.505859 33.1592 0.392578 33.1748 0.275391 c +%_33.1885 0.15625 33.2842 0.064453 33.4033 0.054688 c +%_39.792 -0.5 44.1729 3.30664 46.9189 7.93164 c +%_49.7139 12.6367 54.4893 16.3438 60.1299 15.6035 c +%_60.249 15.5879 60.3623 15.6582 60.4033 15.7715 c +%_60.4424 15.8848 60.3975 16.0098 60.2939 16.0723 c +%_57.4971 17.7559 54.4229 18.4551 50.4307 17.125 C +%_56.2256 22.0332 64.4775 24.8652 72.2715 22.3516 c +%_72.3809 22.3164 72.5 22.3594 72.5625 22.4551 c +%_72.625 22.5508 72.6152 22.6777 72.5371 22.7637 c +%_66.6279 29.3281 54.8467 29.459 47.4268 24.1348 C +%_50.4639 28.4512 54.4951 31.6211 61.7197 32.6133 c +%_61.835 32.6289 61.9248 32.7227 61.9385 32.8379 c +%_61.9502 32.9531 61.8838 33.0625 61.7744 33.1035 c +%_53.4834 36.1797 45.1748 33.0586 38.3291 24.8867 C +%_41.3213 31.2656 46.2354 36.373 53.0967 38.9004 c +%_53.2119 38.9414 53.2803 39.0586 53.2588 39.1797 c +%_53.2393 39.3008 53.1357 39.3887 53.0146 39.3906 c +%_49.0713 39.4727 45.5283 38.5332 40.749 35.8203 C +%_44.2568 41.5117 43.4893 51.459 38.3799 58.0801 c +%_38.3096 58.1719 38.1846 58.2031 38.0771 58.1582 c +%_37.9717 58.1113 37.9092 57.998 37.9287 57.8828 c +%_39.1084 50.6836 36.6299 42.5547 32.3193 38.2422 C +%_34.4717 45.873 32.3252 52.8184 26.4229 57.8848 c +%_26.3525 57.9453 26.2529 57.9629 26.167 57.9297 c +%_26.0791 57.8965 26.0186 57.8184 26.0049 57.7266 c +%_24.7705 48.3086 14.2354 38.752 5.40332 37.9512 c +%_5.27832 37.9395 5.18066 37.8398 5.17285 37.7148 c +%_5.16504 37.5898 5.24707 37.4785 5.37012 37.4512 c +%_9.64941 36.4824 14.0615 36.9609 17.7588 38.4805 C +%_15.0986 35.5488 11.8193 33.3711 8.2041 32.2363 c +%_8.08691 32.1992 8.01465 32.0859 8.02832 31.9648 c +%_8.04199 31.8438 8.1416 31.748 8.2627 31.7402 c +%_12.7725 31.4297 17.1865 32.7461 20.9932 35.2793 C +%_16.6318 28.6582 10.0127 23.7344 1.56543 21.7715 c +%_1.44434 21.7441 1.3623 21.6328 1.36816 21.5098 c +%_1.37598 21.3867 1.47168 21.2871 1.59473 21.2734 c +%_13.5127 19.9707 23.3408 24.5918 29.8154 33.1914 C +%_28.167 28.2891 23.4502 23.4355 16.8701 20.5723 c +%_11.0244 18.0273 5.02051 17.625 0.448242 19.0625 c +%_0.342773 19.0957 0.225586 19.0547 0.163086 18.9629 c +%_0.100586 18.8691 0.104492 18.7461 0.174805 18.6602 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_53.0791 94.2324 m +%_48.2725 83.7461 48.6143 75.5469 52.4854 65.1777 c +%_52.5303 65.0605 52.6514 64.9922 52.7744 65.0176 c +%_52.8975 65.043 52.9834 65.1543 52.9775 65.2773 c +%_52.3564 77.9004 55.8037 86.9316 63.2764 93.0859 C +%_55.0264 83.2324 58.9229 63.5254 72.0996 63.5254 c +%_81.6855 63.5254 89.6152 71.502 91.5547 81.0508 c +%_91.5801 81.1719 91.5137 81.293 91.3965 81.3379 c +%_91.2813 81.3828 91.1504 81.3379 91.0879 81.2305 c +%_88.2461 76.4688 83.6797 73.3789 78.6309 73.3789 c +%_70.4951 73.3789 68.0889 79.8457 68.0889 84.3789 c +%_68.0889 90.5645 73.0156 95.7207 76.7969 95.7207 c +%_80.2344 95.7207 81.8379 92.8984 81.8379 90.7949 c +%_81.8379 86.8965 78.8398 83.6289 75.4629 82.6309 c +%_75.3418 82.5938 75.2656 82.4766 75.2832 82.3516 c +%_75.3008 82.2266 75.4063 82.1328 75.5332 82.1328 c +%_79.6387 82.1074 83.1094 83.9863 85.1621 87.7012 C +%_85.4316 84.8262 85.4336 83.0156 84.5215 79.9766 c +%_84.4863 79.8594 84.5391 79.7344 84.6465 79.6777 c +%_84.7559 79.623 84.8887 79.6504 84.9629 79.748 c +%_92.3203 89.1406 88.7988 105.3711 82.9844 112.1055 C +%_88.5156 108.123 93.4004 99.4707 93.3242 87.7109 c +%_93.3223 87.5898 93.4082 87.4844 93.5293 87.4609 c +%_93.6484 87.4375 93.7676 87.502 93.8125 87.6152 c +%_97.9219 97.8691 95.7422 116.8633 84.5313 127.4668 C +%_87.416 127.8652 90.3984 127.8145 93.6563 126.7754 c +%_93.7715 126.7383 93.8965 126.7891 93.9551 126.8945 c +%_94.0137 127 93.9902 127.1328 93.8965 127.2109 c +%_89.8047 130.666 84.082 131.752 78.6309 131.752 C +%_83.3281 126.252 81.7676 115.1992 74.2773 115.1992 c +%_68.9268 115.1992 66.499 123.498 70.6279 127.9805 c +%_70.7061 128.0664 70.7158 128.1934 70.6533 128.291 c +%_70.5889 128.3887 70.4678 128.4297 70.3564 128.3926 c +%_65.5771 126.7363 60.4111 122.6035 60.4111 117.375 c +%_60.4111 112.334 65.2236 107.9805 72.2148 108.3242 C +%_63.3936 105.8203 54.1611 108.5918 49.3311 114.5781 c +%_49.2568 114.6699 49.126 114.6992 49.0205 114.6445 c +%_48.9131 114.5918 48.8584 114.4707 48.8877 114.3535 c +%_51.6787 103.6387 60.8545 99.1543 72.3281 100.6484 C +%_63 +endstream endobj 398 0 obj <>stream +.0459 96.8906 49.0771 100.166 42.9033 107.957 c +%_42.8311 108.0488 42.7041 108.0801 42.5967 108.0293 c +%_42.4912 107.9805 42.4326 107.8633 42.4561 107.748 c +%_43.8271 101.1328 47.3193 96.1875 53.0791 94.2324 C +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_*U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Repeated_Art) , +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Main_Copy_of_EditGroup) , +%_; +%_ +%_9 () XW +%_u +%_*u +%_1 D +%_1 0.771237 0.226078 0.073854 0 0.258824 0.494118 Xa +%_0 1 0 0 0 Xy +%_135.0352 184.5869 m +%_135.0566 184.7061 135.1602 184.792 135.2813 184.7939 c +%_148.1875 184.9287 160.0352 188.0615 169.2529 196.3086 C +%_161.2227 190.751 146.3105 188.7979 137.7256 192.6904 c +%_137.6152 192.7402 137.5566 192.8604 137.584 192.9785 c +%_137.6104 193.0967 137.7168 193.1787 137.8379 193.1748 c +%_148.5176 192.8857 157.1172 196.1816 163.8223 202.1396 C +%_156.9531 202.5615 151.248 206.8799 151.2656 211.9844 c +%_151.2656 212.1035 151.3496 212.2061 151.4668 212.2314 c +%_151.583 212.2568 151.7012 212.1963 151.75 212.0879 c +%_152.8711 209.5986 156.498 208.3076 160.333 209.208 c +%_164.5127 210.1885 167.333 213.3975 166.6338 216.373 c +%_166.1621 218.3877 164.1973 219.7764 161.6816 220.1602 c +%_161.5547 220.1787 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209.3672 179.54 209.248 179.5107 c +%_209.1289 179.4814 209.0059 179.54 208.9551 179.6514 c +%_206.1563 185.8057 200.6582 188.917 194.7949 189.4639 C +%_201.1289 186.8838 205.1914 180.8623 206.3652 173.0439 c +%_206.3848 172.9209 206.3105 172.8018 206.1914 172.7646 c +%_206.0742 172.7256 205.9453 172.7803 205.8887 172.8896 c +%_202.0234 180.4727 193.7324 185.6836 183.4424 181.7021 c +%_172.8252 177.5928 168.168 165.3154 167.1387 156.6611 c +%_167.124 156.54 167.0234 156.4463 166.9004 156.4385 c +%_166.7783 156.4307 166.668 156.5127 166.6396 156.6338 c +%_162.9199 172.3213 170.2227 188.583 183.2764 195.4736 C +%_176.1807 193.4707 169.8369 189.2139 166.249 182.1191 C +%_157.9551 181.1006 152.2451 178.2568 149.3916 172.8799 c +%_149.335 172.7725 149.2109 172.7197 149.0957 172.7549 c +%_148.9805 172.7881 148.9043 172.8994 148.9141 173.0205 c +%_149.0967 175.1299 149.8555 179.3506 152.9883 181.291 C +%_146.0234 181.2803 140.4824 182.1846 135.1895 184.3037 c +%_135.0781 184.3496 135.0127 184.4678 135.0352 184.5869 c +%_f +%_0 D +%_164.5215 131.1162 m +%_164.4229 131.1826 164.293 131.1709 164.2061 131.0908 c +%_164.1201 131.0088 164.1016 130.8799 164.1602 130.7783 c +%_165.7803 127.9814 164.3008 123.9639 161.1094 123.9639 c +%_155.3887 123.9639 152.6387 134.7334 153.5137 144.5576 C +%_155.6768 138.8018 157.5469 136.5029 160.8613 133.7627 c +%_160.9551 133.6846 161.0898 133.6846 161.1836 133.7607 c +%_161.2773 133.8389 161.3047 133.9697 161.2471 134.0771 c +%_156.3906 143.1572 155.3496 150.1436 155.3496 158.1631 C +%_156.8125 152.2041 158.5449 148.8408 163.4766 143.7822 c +%_163.5625 143.6943 163.6992 143.6807 163.8018 143.749 c +%_163.9033 143.8193 163.9404 143.9521 163.8887 144.0654 c +%_158.5908 155.6553 158.9951 168.5127 162.9414 178.3291 c +%_162.9805 178.4268 162.9561 178.5381 162.8789 178.6104 c +%_162.8018 178.6807 162.6895 178.6982 162.5938 178.6514 c +%_157.3887 176.1006 154.3301 174.4248 149.8418 168.2627 C +%_151.1992 160.8643 150.0703 157.2139 146.6699 151.0674 C +%_150.6074 160.9854 148.5117 174.9619 138.4824 180.6592 c +%_138.373 180.7207 138.2344 180.6934 138.1582 180.5947 c +%_138.0801 180.4951 138.0869 180.3535 138.1738 180.2627 c +%_141.9551 176.3076 144.7051 169.6279 142.3301 162.335 C +%_143.8594 172.7236 134.7344 181.4502 124.5508 181.4502 c +%_114.9512 181.4502 108.4004 173.9404 108.9414 166.5088 c +%_109.4785 159.1436 114.3848 155.54 118.6133 154.0107 c +%_118.7246 153.9717 118.8496 154.0127 118.9131 154.1123 c +%_118.9766 154.2139 118.9629 154.3428 118.8799 154.4287 c +%_113.2695 160.1201 112.502 170.9209 122.4629 174.1885 C +%_116.6035 169.1318 118.7734 157.3584 128.1523 156.4639 c +%_128.2695 156.4521 128.3789 156.5225 128.417 156.6338 c +%_128.4551 156.7451 128.4121 156.8682 128.3135 156.9307 c +%_126.3047 158.208 124.6348 160.7021 124.6348 163.5049 c +%_124.6348 168.1787 128.0566 170.0146 130.3105 170.0146 c +%_133.7324 170.0146 136.5703 166.7588 136.5703 161.835 c +%_136.5703 155.9912 131.3105 151.1514 124.5508 150.3994 c +%_117.9248 149.665 111.7686 152.5537 108.8008 156.8584 c +%_108.7314 156.96 108.5996 156.9971 108.4873 156.9463 c +%_108.375 156.8955 108.3164 156.7705 108.3467 156.6514 c +%_111.3652 144.9482 125.1426 139.7744 135.2344 147.1455 C +%_128.6211 139.6436 118.2285 139.54 109.5127 147.2314 c +%_109.4219 147.3115 109.2871 147.3154 109.1904 147.2412 c +%_109.0938 147.1689 109.0635 147.0361 109.1172 146.9287 c +%_111.7842 141.5205 118.3701 135.1084 127.7227 136.0439 c +%_136.2793 136.8994 141.2441 145.0576 142.2461 151.7354 C +%_142.8027 143.2139 140.8525 137.1982 133.4922 131.5889 c +%_133.3955 131.5146 133.3652 131.3818 133.4199 131.2725 c +%_133.4746 131.165 133.5996 131.1104 133.7168 131.1436 c +%_140.502 133.1045 145.9473 136.5693 148.7656 143.6885 C +%_148.7656 137.5264 146.627 131.3154 141.2402 127.1768 c +%_141.1426 127.1025 141.1133 126.9717 141.168 126.8623 c +%_141.2227 126.7529 141.3467 126.6982 141.4639 126.7314 c +%_144.917 127.7158 147.6348 129.2197 149.6016 131.917 C +%_150.9121 120.8174 156.123 114.2256 162.127 114.2256 c +%_166.252 114.2256 169.332 117.2588 169.332 122.0967 c +%_169.332 124.9268 167.8438 128.8994 164.5215 131.1162 c +%_f +%_263.748 222.7354 m +%_260.5859 226.6396 254.209 228.1279 247.3164 226.7236 C +%_247.8262 231.0244 246.9824 235.5146 245.7051 238.208 c +%_245.6523 238.3174 245.5313 238.375 245.4141 238.3467 c +%_245.2969 238.3174 245.2168 238.21 245.2207 238.0889 c +%_245.5957 229.3223 240.5977 222.2451 231.7715 219.1787 C +%_238.6777 223.9346 240.6973 233.3721 237.4102 238.2451 c +%_237.3418 238.3438 237.2148 238.3828 237.1035 238.3369 c +%_236.9922 238.292 236.9277 238.1748 236.9492 238.0576 c +%_237.3223 235.9971 236.3438 233.373 234.2363 231.3311 c +%_231.3301 228.5166 227.3867 227.8779 225.4258 229.9014 c +%_223.4648 231.9268 224.2285 235.8486 227.1328 238.6631 c +%_228.1934 239.6904 229.3926 240.4248 230.582 240.8477 c +%_230.6953 240.8877 230.7637 241.001 230.748 241.1191 c +%_230.7344 241.2383 230.6387 241.3301 230.5195 241.3398 c +%_224.1309 241.8945 219.75 238.0879 217.0039 233.4619 c +%_214.209 228.7568 209.4336 225.0518 203.793 225.792 c +%_203.6738 225.8076 203.5605 225.7373 203.5195 225.624 c +%_203.4805 225.5107 203.5254 225.3838 203.6289 225.3223 c +%_206.4258 223.6377 209.5 222.9385 213.4922 224.2705 C +%_207.6973 219.3613 199.4453 216.5283 191.6523 219.043 c +%_191.543 219.0791 191.4238 219.0361 191.3613 218.9395 c +%_191.2988 218.8428 191.3105 218.7168 191.3867 218.6318 c +%_197.2949 212.0674 209.0762 211.9365 216.4961 217.2588 C +%_213.459 212.9424 209.4277 209.7744 202.2031 208.7803 c +%_202.0879 208.7646 201.998 208.6729 201.9844 208.5576 c +%_201.9727 208.4414 202.0391 208.332 202.1484 208.292 c +%_210.4395 205.2139 218.748 208.3369 225.5938 216.5068 C +%_222.6016 210.1299 217.6875 205.0225 210.8262 202.4951 c +%_210.7109 202.4531 210.6426 202.335 210.6641 202.2158 c +%_210.6836 202.0947 210.7871 202.0059 210.9082 202.0029 c +%_214.8516 201.9219 218.3945 202.8604 223.1738 205.5732 C +%_219.666 199.8838 220.4336 189.9346 225.543 183.3154 c +%_225.6133 183.2236 225.7383 183.1914 225.8457 183.2373 c +%_225.9512 183.2842 226.0137 183.3965 225.9941 183.5107 c +%_224.8145 190.7119 227.293 198.8408 231.6035 203.1533 C +%_229.4512 195.5215 231.5977 188.5771 237.5 183.5088 c +%_237.5703 183.4482 237.6699 183.4316 237.7559 183.4648 c +%_237.8438 183.498 237.9043 183.5771 237.918 183.6689 c +%_239.1523 193.0869 249.6875 202.6436 258.5195 203.4443 c +%_258.6445 203.4551 258.7422 203.5557 258.75 203.6797 c +%_258.7578 203.8037 258.6758 203.917 258.5527 203.9443 c +%_254.2734 204.9131 249.8613 204.4346 246.1641 202.9131 C +%_248.8242 205.8467 252.1035 208.0244 255.7188 209.1592 c +%_255.8359 209.1953 255.9082 209.3096 255.8945 209.4307 c +%_255.8809 209.5518 255.7813 209.6455 255.6602 209.6543 c +%_251.1504 209.9658 246.7363 208.6484 242.9297 206.1162 C +%_247.291 212.7373 253.9102 217.6611 262.3574 219.6221 c +%_262.4785 219.6504 262.5605 219.7607 262.5547 219.8848 c +%_262.5469 220.0088 262.4512 220.1084 262.3281 220.1221 c +%_250.4102 221.4238 240.582 216.8037 234.1074 208.2041 C +%_235.7559 213.1045 240.4727 217.96 247.0527 220.8232 c +%_252.8984 223.3682 258.9023 223.7695 263.4746 222.333 c +%_263.5801 222.2998 263.6973 222.3398 263.7598 222.4326 c +%_263.8223 222.5244 263.8184 222.6475 263.748 222.7354 c +%_f +%_210.8438 147.1631 m +%_215.6504 157.6494 215.3086 165.8486 211.4375 176.2178 c +%_211.3926 176.335 211.2715 176.4023 211.1484 176.3779 c +%_211.0254 176.3525 210.9395 176.2412 210.9453 176.1162 c +%_211.5664 163.4951 208.1191 154.4619 200.6465 148.3096 C +%_208.8965 158.1611 205 177.8691 191.8242 177.8691 c +%_182.2393 177.8691 174.3086 169.8936 172.3691 160.3447 c +%_172.3447 160.2236 172.4111 160.1006 172.5273 160.0576 c +%_172.6426 160.0127 172.7734 160.0576 172.8359 160.1631 c +%_175.6787 164.9248 180.2451 168.0146 185.2939 168.0146 c +%_193.4277 168.0146 195.834 161.5479 195.834 157.0166 c +%_195.834 150.8291 190.9082 145.6729 187.1279 145.6729 c +%_183.6904 145.6729 182.0869 148.4971 182.0869 150.6006 c +%_182.0869 154.499 185.085 157.7666 188.4639 158.7646 c +%_188.583 158.7998 188.6611 158.9189 188.6436 159.0439 c +%_188.624 159.1689 188.5186 159.2607 188.3936 159.2627 c +%_184.2861 159.2881 180.8154 157.4072 178.7627 153.6943 C +%_178.4932 156.5693 178.4902 158.3799 179.4033 161.417 c +%_179.4385 161.5342 179.3848 161.6592 179.2773 161.7158 c +%_179.168 161.7725 179.0352 161.7432 178.9609 161.6475 c +%_171.6045 152.2549 175.125 136.0225 180.9404 129.29 C +%_175.4082 133.2725 170.5234 141.9229 170.6006 153.6826 c +%_170.6016 153.8057 170.5156 153.9092 170.3955 153.9326 c +%_170.2754 153.958 170.1563 153.8916 170.1113 153.7783 c +%_166.0029 143.5264 168.1826 124.5303 179.3926 113.9268 C +%_176.5088 113.5303 173.5254 113.5811 170.2676 114.6201 c +%_170.1523 114.6553 170.0273 114.6064 169.9688 114.501 c +%_169.9102 114.3936 169.9336 114.2607 170.0273 114.1826 c +%_174.1191 110.7275 179.8418 109.6416 185.2939 109.6416 C +%_180.5967 115.1416 182.1572 126.1963 189.6494 126.1963 c +%_194.9961 126.1963 197.4238 117.8975 193.2949 113.415 c +%_193.2168 113.3291 193.207 113.2002 193.2695 113.1045 c +%_193.334 113.0068 193.4551 112.9639 193.5664 113.0029 c +%_198.3457 114.6572 203.5117 118.792 203.5117 124.0186 c +%_203.5117 129.0615 198.6992 133.4131 191.7109 133.0693 C +%_200.5293 135.5752 209.7617 132.8018 214.5918 126.8174 c +%_214.666 126.7236 214.7969 126.6963 214.9023 126.749 c +%_215.0098 126.8037 215.0645 126.9248 215.0352 127.04 c +%_212.2441 137.7568 203.0684 142.2393 191.5957 140.7471 C +%_200.877 144.5029 214.8457 141.2275 221.0195 133.4365 c +%_221.0918 133.3447 221.2188 133.3154 221.3262 133.3643 c +%_221.4316 133.415 221.4902 133.5322 221.4668 133.6455 c +%_220.0957 140.2607 216.6035 145.208 210.8438 147.1631 C +%_f +%_*U +%_*u +%_1 D +%_0.41001 0 0.011078 0 0.615686 0.862745 0.976471 Xa +%_0 0.4 0 0 0 Xy +%_237.2266 166.4502 m +%_237.2051 166.3311 237.1016 166.2432 236.9805 166.2432 c +%_224.0742 166.1064 212.2266 162.9756 203.0098 154.7275 C +%_211.0391 160.2861 225.9512 162.2373 234.5371 158.3467 c +%_234.6465 158.2959 234.7051 158.1748 234.6777 158.0576 c +%_234.6523 157.9404 234.5449 157.8584 234.4238 157.8604 c +%_223.7441 158.1514 215.1445 154.8545 208.4395 148.8975 C +%_215.3086 148.4736 221.0137 144.1572 220.9961 139.0518 c +%_220.9961 138.9326 220.9121 138.8291 220.7949 138.8037 c +%_220.6797 138.7803 220.5605 138.8389 220.5117 138.9482 c +%_219.3906 141.4365 215.7637 142.7295 211.9297 141.8291 c +%_207.75 140.8467 204.9297 137.6396 205.6289 134.6631 c +%_206.0996 132.6494 208.0645 131.2607 210.5801 130.876 c +%_210.707 130.8564 210.8008 130.7471 210.7969 130.6182 c +%_210.793 130.4912 210.6953 130.3857 210.5664 130.3721 c +%_209.498 130.2705 208.3867 130.2666 207.25 130.376 c +%_200.7598 130.9932 195.7363 134.9697 195.3008 139.5537 C +%_190.5889 139.0068 186.417 136.3955 184.9229 132.7803 c +%_184.8779 132.6709 184.7646 132.6084 184.6475 132.626 c +%_184.5322 132.6436 184.4443 132.7393 184.4346 132.8564 c +%_184.0576 137.6064 185.6924 140.6943 189.4053 143.71 C +%_184.0205 141.6514 177.959 141.5459 172.1484 144.2471 c +%_172.043 144.2979 171.9844 144.4131 172.0059 144.5283 c +%_172.0293 144.6436 172.1289 144.7275 172.2461 144.7314 c +%_177.125 144.9209 180.6631 146.4873 183.9795 149.8037 C +%_165.7227 144.6689 150.8906 156.0049 156.0234 172.8545 c +%_156.0586 172.9717 156.1699 173.0459 156.291 173.0342 c +%_156.4121 173.0225 156.5078 172.9268 156.5176 172.8057 c +%_157.4355 163.0908 164.2207 156.6885 174.3789 155.7295 C +%_168.9922 157.7881 163.3789 162.7041 162.8223 171.2627 c +%_162.8145 171.3857 162.8945 171.4951 163.0137 171.5264 c +%_163.1328 171.5557 163.2559 171.4951 163.3066 171.3838 c +%_166.1055 165.2295 171.6035 162.1201 177.4668 161.5713 C +%_171.1328 164.1533 167.0703 170.1748 165.8965 177.9932 c +%_165.877 178.1162 165.9512 178.2334 166.0703 178.2725 c +%_166.1875 178.3096 166.3164 178.2568 166.373 178.1455 c +%_170.2383 170.5635 178.5293 165.3525 188.8213 169.335 c +%_199.4375 173.4443 204.0938 185.7197 205.123 194.374 c +%_205.1387 194.4971 205.2383 194.5908 205.3613 194.5986 c +%_205.4844 194.6045 205.5938 194.5225 205.623 194.4033 c +%_209.3418 178.7139 202.0391 162.4541 188.9873 155.5635 C +%_196.082 157.5654 202.4258 161.8232 206.0137 168.917 C +%_214.3066 169.9346 220.0176 172.7803 222.8711 178.1572 c +%_222.9277 178.2627 223.0508 178.3154 223.166 178.2822 c +%_223.2813 178.2471 223.3574 178.1357 223.3477 178.0166 c +%_223.166 175.9072 222.4063 171.6865 219.2734 169.7451 C +%_226.2383 169.7568 231.7793 168.8525 237.0723 166.7314 c +%_237.1836 166.6865 237.25 166.5693 237.2266 166.4502 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_0 D +%_207.7402 219.9189 m +%_207.8398 219.8545 207.9688 219.8643 208.0566 219.9463 c +%_208.1426 220.0264 208.1602 220.1553 208.1016 220.2588 c +%_206.4824 223.0557 207.9609 227.0713 211.1523 227.0713 c +%_216.873 227.0713 219.623 216.3018 218.748 206.4795 C +%_216.5859 212.2334 214.7148 214.5342 211.4004 217.2744 c +%_211.3066 217.3506 211.1719 217.3525 211.0781 217.2744 c +%_210.9844 217.1982 210.957 217.0654 211.0156 216.958 c +%_215.8711 207.8799 216.9121 200.8936 216.9121 192.874 C +%_215.4492 198.8311 213.7168 202.1943 208.7852 207.2549 c +%_208.6992 207.3428 208.5625 207.3564 208.4609 207.2861 c +%_208.3594 207.2158 208.3223 207.083 208.373 206.9717 c +%_213.6719 195.3799 213.2676 182.5244 209.3203 172.708 c +%_209.2813 172.6104 209.3066 172.499 209.3828 172.4268 c +%_209.4609 172.3545 209.5723 172.3389 209.668 172.3838 c +%_214.873 174.9346 217.9316 176.6104 222.4199 182.7744 C +%_221.0625 190.1729 222.1914 193.8213 225.5918 199.9678 C +%_221.6543 190.0518 223.75 176.0752 233.7793 170.3779 c +%_233.8887 170.3154 234.0273 170.3428 234.1035 170.4424 c +%_234.1816 170.542 234.1758 170.6826 234.0879 170.7744 c +%_230.3066 174.7295 227.5566 181.4092 229.9316 188.7002 C +%_228.4023 178.3115 237.5273 169.5869 247.7109 169.5869 c +%_257.3105 169.5869 263.8613 177.0947 263.3203 184.5264 c +%_262.7832 191.8916 257.877 195.4971 253.6484 197.0244 c +%_253.5371 197.0654 253.4121 197.0225 253.3496 196.9229 c +%_253.2852 196.8232 253.2988 196.6924 253.3828 196.6084 c +%_258.9922 190.915 259.7598 180.1162 249.7988 176.8486 C +%_255.6582 181.9053 253.4883 193.6768 244.1094 194.5732 c +%_243.9922 194.583 243.8828 194.5127 243.8457 194.4014 c +%_243.8066 194.292 243.8496 194.1689 243.9492 194.1064 c +%_245.957 192.8271 247.627 190.335 247.627 187.5322 c +%_247.627 182.8584 244.2051 181.0205 241.9512 181.0205 c +%_238.5293 181.0205 235.6914 184.2764 235.6914 189.2021 c +%_235.6914 195.0439 240.9512 199.8857 247.7109 200.6357 c +%_254.3379 201.3721 260.4941 198.4814 263.4609 194.1768 c +%_263.5313 194.0752 263.6621 194.04 263.7754 194.0908 c +%_263.8867 194.1416 263.9453 194.2646 263.916 194.3838 c +%_260.8965 206.0869 247.1191 211.2607 237.0273 203.8916 C +%_243.6406 211.3916 254.0332 211.4971 262.75 203.8057 c +%_262.8398 203.7256 262.9746 203.7197 263.0723 203.7939 c +%_263.168 203.8682 263.1992 203.999 263.1445 204.1084 c +%_260.4785 209.5146 253.8926 215.9268 244.5391 214.9932 c +%_235.9824 214.1377 231.0176 205.9775 230.0156 199.3018 C +%_229.459 207.8232 231.4102 213.8369 238.7695 219.4463 c +%_238.8672 219.5205 238.8965 219.6533 238.8418 219.7627 c +%_238.7871 219.8721 238.6621 219.9268 238.5449 219.8916 c +%_231.7598 217.9326 226.3145 214.4678 223.4961 207.3486 C +%_223.4961 213.5088 225.6348 219.7197 231.0215 223.8584 c +%_231.1191 223.9326 231.1484 224.0654 231.0938 224.1748 c +%_231.0391 224.2822 230.916 224.3369 230.7988 224.3037 c +%_227.3457 223.3213 224.627 221.8154 222.6602 219.1201 C +%_221.3496 230.2197 216.1387 236.8096 210.1348 236.8096 c +%_206.0098 236.8096 202.9297 233.7764 202.9297 228.9404 c +%_202.9297 226.1104 204.418 222.1377 207.7402 219.9189 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_108.5137 128.3018 m +%_111.6758 124.3975 118.0527 122.9092 124.9453 124.3135 C +%_124.4355 120.0107 125.2793 115.5225 126.5566 112.8271 c +%_126.6094 112.7197 126.7305 112.6611 126.8477 112.6904 c +%_126.9648 112.7197 127.0449 112.8271 127.041 112.9482 c +%_126.666 121.7139 131.6641 128.79 140.4902 131.8564 C +%_133.584 127.1006 131.5645 117.6631 134.8516 112.792 c +%_134.9199 112.6924 135.0469 112.6533 135.1582 112.6982 c +%_135.2695 112.7432 135.334 112.8604 135.3125 112.9795 c +%_134.9395 115.04 135.918 117.6631 138.0254 119.7041 c +%_140.9316 122.5186 144.875 123.1572 146.8359 121.1338 c +%_148.7969 119.1084 148.0332 115.1865 145.1289 112.374 c +%_144.0684 111.3467 142.8691 110.6104 141.6797 110.1885 c +%_141.5664 110.1475 141.498 110.0342 141.5137 109.917 c +%_141.5273 109.7979 141.623 109.7061 141.7422 109.6963 c +%_148.1309 109.1416 152.5117 112.9482 155.2578 117.5732 c +%_158.0527 122.2783 162.8281 125.9854 168.4688 125.2451 c +%_168.5879 125.2295 168.7012 125.2998 168.7422 125.4131 c +%_168.7813 125.5264 168.7363 125.6514 168.6328 125.7139 c +%_165.8359 127.3975 162.7617 128.0967 158.7695 126.7666 C +%_164.5645 131.6748 172.8164 134.5068 180.6104 131.9932 c +%_180.7197 131.958 180.8389 132.001 180.9014 132.0967 c +%_180.9639 132.1924 180.9541 132.3193 180.876 132.4053 c +%_174.9668 138.9697 163.1855 139.1006 155.7656 133.7764 C +%_158.8027 138.0928 162.834 141.2627 170.0586 142.2549 c +%_170.1738 142.2705 170.2637 142.3643 170.2773 142.4795 c +%_170.2891 142.5947 170.2227 142.7041 170.1133 142.7451 c +%_161.8223 145.8213 153.5137 142.7002 146.668 134.5283 C +%_149.6602 140.9072 154.5742 146.0146 161.4355 148.542 c +%_161.5508 148.583 161.6191 148.7002 161.5977 148.8213 c +%_161.5781 148.9424 161.4746 149.0303 161.3535 149.0322 c +%_157.4102 149.1143 153.8672 148.1748 149.0879 145.4619 C +%_152.5957 151.1533 151.8281 161.1006 146.7188 167.7217 c +%_146.6484 167.8135 146.5234 167.8447 146.416 167.7998 c +%_146.3105 167.7529 146.248 167.6396 146.2676 167.5244 c +%_147.4473 160.3252 144.9688 152.1963 140.6582 147.8838 C +%_142.8105 155.5146 140.6641 162.46 134.7617 167.5264 c +%_134.6914 167.5869 134.5918 167.6045 134.5059 167.5713 c +%_134.418 167.5381 134.3574 167.46 134.3438 167.3682 c +%_133.1094 157.9502 122.5742 148.3936 113.7422 147.5928 c +%_113.6172 147.5811 113.5195 147.4814 113.5117 147.3564 c +%_113.5039 147.2314 113.5859 147.1201 113.709 147.0928 c +%_117.9883 146.124 122.4004 146.6025 126.0977 148.1221 C +%_123.4375 145.1904 120.1582 143.0127 116.543 141.8779 c +%_116.4258 141.8408 116.3535 141.7275 116.3672 141.6064 c +%_116.3809 141.4854 116.4805 141.3896 116.6016 141.3818 c +%_121.1113 141.0713 125.5254 142.3877 129.332 144.9209 C +%_124.9707 138.2998 118.3516 133.376 109.9043 131.4131 c +%_109.7832 131.3857 109.7012 131.2744 109.707 131.1514 c +%_109.7148 131.0283 109.8105 130.9287 109.9336 130.915 c +%_121.8516 129.6123 131.6797 134.2334 138.1543 142.833 C +%_136.5059 137.9307 131.7891 133.0771 125.209 130.2139 c +%_119.3633 127.6689 113.3594 127.2666 108.7871 128.7041 c +%_108.6816 128.7373 108.5645 128.6963 108.502 128.6045 c +%_108.4395 128.5107 108.4434 128.3877 108.5137 128.3018 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_161.418 203.874 m +%_156.6113 193.3877 156.9531 185.1885 160.8242 174.8193 c +%_160.8691 174.7021 160.9902 174.6338 161.1133 174.6592 c +%_161.2363 174.6846 161.3223 174.7959 161.3164 174.9189 c +%_160.6953 187.542 164.1426 196.5732 171.6152 202.7275 C +%_163.3652 192.874 167.2617 173.167 180.4385 173.167 c +%_190.0244 173.167 197.9531 181.1436 199.8926 190.6924 c +%_199.918 190.8135 199.8516 190.9346 199.7344 190.9795 c +%_199.6191 191.0244 199.4883 190.9795 199.4258 190.8721 c +%_196.584 186.1104 192.0176 183.0205 186.9697 183.0205 c +%_178.834 183.0205 176.4277 189.4873 176.4277 194.0205 c +%_176.4277 200.2061 181.3545 205.3623 185.1357 205.3623 c +%_188.5732 205.3623 190.1768 202.54 190.1768 200.4365 c +%_190.1768 196.5381 187.1787 193.2705 183.8018 192.2725 c +%_183.6807 192.2354 183.6045 192.1182 183.6221 191.9932 c +%_183.6396 191.8682 183.7451 191.7744 183.8721 191.7744 c +%_187.9775 191.749 191.4473 193.6279 193.5 197.3428 C +%_193.7695 194.4678 193.7715 192.6572 192.8594 189.6182 c +%_192.8242 189.501 192.877 189.376 192.9844 189.3193 c +%_193.0938 189.2646 193.2266 189.292 193.3008 189.3896 c +%_200.6582 198.7822 197.1367 215.0127 191.3223 221.7471 C +%_196.8535 217.7646 201.7383 209.1123 201.6621 197.3525 c +%_201.6602 197.2314 201.7461 197.126 201.8672 197.1025 c +%_201.9863 197.0791 202.1055 197.1436 202.1504 197.2568 c +%_206.2598 207.5107 204.0801 226.5049 192.8691 237.1084 C +%_195.7539 237.5068 198.7363 237.4561 201.9941 236.417 c +%_202.1094 236.3799 202.2344 236.4307 202.293 236.5361 c +%_202.3516 236.6416 202.3281 236.7744 202.2344 236.8525 c +%_198.1426 240.3076 192.4199 241.3936 186.9697 241.3936 C +%_191.666 235.8936 190.1064 224.8408 182.6162 224.8408 c +%_177.2656 224.8408 174.8379 233.1396 178.9668 237.6221 c +%_179.0449 237.708 179.0547 237.835 178.9922 237.9326 c +%_178.9277 238.0303 178.8066 238.0713 178.6953 238.0342 c +%_173.916 236.3779 168.75 232.2451 168.75 227.0166 c +%_168.75 221.9756 173.5625 217.6221 180.5537 217.9658 C +%_171.7324 215.4619 162.5 218.2334 157.6699 224.2197 c +%_157.5957 224.3115 157.4648 224.3408 157.3594 224.2861 c +%_157.252 224.2334 157.1973 224.1123 157.2266 223.9951 c +%_160.0176 213.2803 169.1934 208.7959 180.667 210.29 C +%_171.3848 206.5322 157.416 209.8076 151.2422 217.5986 c +%_151.1699 217.6904 151.043 217.7217 150.9355 217.6709 c +%_150.8301 217.6221 150.7715 217.5049 150.7949 217.3896 c +%_152.166 210.7744 155.6582 205.8291 161.418 203.874 C +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_*U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Repeated_Art) , +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Main_Copy_of_EditGroup) , +%_; +%_ +%_9 () XW +%_u +%_*u +%_1 D +%_1 0.771237 0.226078 0.073854 0 0.258824 0.494118 Xa +%_0 1 0 0 0 Xy +%_26.6963 184.5869 m +%_26.7178 184.7061 26.8213 184.792 26.9424 184.7939 c +%_39.8486 184.9287 51.6963 188.0615 60.9141 196.3086 C +%_52.8838 190.751 37.9717 188.7979 29.3867 192.6904 c +%_29.2764 192.7402 29.2178 192.8604 29.2451 192.9785 c +%_29.2715 193.0967 29.3779 193.1787 29.499 193.1748 c +%_40.1787 192.8857 48.7783 196.1816 55.4834 202.1396 C +%_48.6143 202.5615 42.9092 206.8799 42.9268 211.9844 c +%_42.9268 212.1035 43.0107 212.2061 43.1279 212.2314 c +%_43.2441 212.2568 43.3623 212.1963 43.4111 212.0879 c +%_44.5322 209.5986 48.1592 208.3076 51.9941 209.208 c +%_56.1738 210.1885 58.9941 213.3975 58.2949 216.373 c +%_57.8232 218.3877 55.8584 219.7764 53.3428 220.1602 c +%_53.2158 220.1787 53.123 220.29 53.126 220.418 c +%_53.1299 220.5459 53.2285 220.6514 53.3564 220.6631 c +%_54.4248 220.7656 55.5361 220.7695 56.6738 220.6611 c +%_63.1641 220.0439 68.1875 216.0654 68.623 211.4834 C +%_73.3359 212.0303 77.5078 214.6396 79.002 218.2568 c +%_79.0469 218.3652 79.1621 218.4287 79.2773 218.4111 c +%_79.3926 218.3916 79.4805 218.2969 79.4902 218.1807 c +%_79.8672 213.4287 78.2324 210.3418 74.5195 207.3262 C +%_79.9043 209.3857 85.9648 209.4912 91.7754 206.7881 c +%_91.8809 206.7393 91.9395 206.624 91.918 206.5088 c +%_91.8945 206.3936 91.7949 206.3096 91.6777 206.3057 c +%_86.7988 206.1152 83.2617 204.5498 79.9473 201.2334 C +%_98.2012 206.3672 113.0332 195.0322 107.9004 178.1807 c +%_107.8652 178.0654 107.7539 177.9902 107.6328 178.0029 c +%_107.5117 178.0146 107.416 178.1104 107.4063 178.2314 c +%_106.4883 187.9453 99.7031 194.3467 89.5449 195.3076 C +%_94.9316 193.2471 100.5449 188.3311 101.1016 179.7734 c +%_101.1094 179.6514 101.0293 179.54 100.9102 179.5107 c +%_100.791 179.4814 100.668 179.54 100.6172 179.6514 c +%_97.8184 185.8057 92.3203 188.917 86.457 189.4639 C +%_92.791 186.8838 96.8535 180.8623 98.0273 173.0439 c +%_98.0469 172.9209 97.9727 172.8018 97.8535 172.7646 c +%_97.7363 172.7256 97.6074 172.7803 97.5508 172.8896 c +%_93.6855 180.4727 85.3945 185.6836 75.1035 181.7021 c +%_64.4863 177.5928 59.8291 165.3154 58.7998 156.6611 c +%_58.7852 156.54 58.6846 156.4463 58.5615 156.4385 c +%_58.4395 156.4307 58.3291 156.5127 58.3008 156.6338 c +%_54.5811 172.3213 61.8838 188.583 74.9375 195.4736 C +%_67.8418 193.4707 61.498 189.2139 57.9102 182.1191 C +%_49.6162 181.1006 43.9063 178.2568 41.0527 172.8799 c +%_40.9961 172.7725 40.8721 172.7197 40.7568 172.7549 c +%_40.6416 172.7881 40.5654 172.8994 40.5752 173.0205 c +%_40.7578 175.1299 41.5166 179.3506 44.6494 181.291 C +%_37.6846 181.2803 32.1436 182.1846 26.8506 184.3037 c +%_26.7393 184.3496 26.6738 184.4678 26.6963 184.5869 c +%_f +%_0 D +%_56.1826 131.1162 m +%_56.084 131.1826 55.9541 131.1709 55.8672 131.0908 c +%_55.7813 131.0088 55.7627 130.8799 55.8213 130.7783 c +%_57.4414 127.9814 55.9619 123.9639 52.7705 123.9639 c +%_47.0498 123.9639 44.2998 134.7334 45.1748 144.5576 C +%_47.3379 138.8018 49.208 136.5029 52.5225 133.7627 c +%_52.6162 133.6846 52.751 133.6846 52.8447 133.7607 c +%_52.9385 133.8389 52.9658 133.9697 52.9082 134.0771 c +%_48.0518 143.1572 47.0107 150.1436 47.0107 158.1631 C +%_48.4736 152.2041 50.2061 148.8408 55.1377 143.7822 c +%_55.2236 143.6943 55.3604 143.6807 55.4629 143.749 c +%_55.5645 143.8193 55.6016 143.9521 55.5498 144.0654 c +%_50.252 155.6553 50.6563 168.5127 54.6025 178.3291 c +%_54.6416 178.4268 54.6172 178.5381 54.54 178.6104 c +%_54.4629 178.6807 54.3506 178.6982 54.2549 178.6514 c +%_49.0498 176.1006 45.9912 174.4248 41.5029 168.2627 C +%_42.8604 160.8643 41.7314 157.2139 38.3311 151.0674 C +%_42.2686 160.9854 40.1729 174.9619 30.1436 180.6592 c +%_30.0342 180.7207 29.8955 180.6934 29.8193 180.5947 c +%_29.7412 180.4951 29.748 180.3535 29.835 180.2627 c +%_33.6162 176.3076 36.3662 169.6279 33.9912 162.335 C +%_35.5205 172.7236 26.3955 181.4502 16.2119 181.4502 c +%_6.6123 181.4502 0.061523 173.9404 0.602539 166.5088 c +%_1.13965 159.1436 6.0459 155.54 10.2744 154.0107 c +%_10.3857 153.9717 10.5107 154.0127 10.5742 154.1123 c +%_10.6377 154.2139 10.624 154.3428 10.541 154.4287 c +%_4.93066 160.1201 4.16309 170.9209 14.124 174.1885 C +%_8.26465 169.1318 10.4346 157.3584 19.8135 156.4639 c +%_19.9307 156.4521 20.04 156.5225 20.0781 156.6338 c +%_20.1162 156.7451 20.0732 156.8682 19.9746 156.9307 c +%_17.9658 158.208 16.2959 160.7021 16.2959 163.5049 c +%_16.2959 168.1787 19.7178 170.0146 21.9717 170.0146 c +%_25.3936 170.0146 28.2314 166.7588 28.2314 161.835 c +%_28.2314 155.9912 22.9717 151.1514 16.2119 150.3994 c +%_9.58594 149.665 3.42969 152.5537 0.461914 156.8584 c +%_0.392578 156.96 0.260742 156.9971 0.148438 156.9463 c +%_0.036133 156.8955 -0.022461 156.7705 0.007813 156.6514 c +%_3.02637 144.9482 16.8037 139.7744 26.8955 147.1455 C +%_20.2822 139.6436 9.88965 139.54 1.17383 147.2314 c +%_1.08301 147.3115 0.948242 147.3154 0.851563 147.2412 c +%_0.754883 147.1689 0.724609 147.0361 0.77832 146.9287 c +%_3.44531 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132.2598 222.2451 123.4336 219.1787 C +%_130.3398 223.9346 132.3594 233.3721 129.0723 238.2451 c +%_129.0039 238.3438 128.877 238.3828 128.7656 238.3369 c +%_128.6543 238.292 128.5898 238.1748 128.6113 238.0576 c +%_128.9844 235.9971 128.0059 233.373 125.8984 231.3311 c +%_122.9922 228.5166 119.0488 227.8779 117.0879 229.9014 c +%_115.127 231.9268 115.8906 235.8486 118.7949 238.6631 c +%_119.8555 239.6904 121.0547 240.4248 122.2441 240.8477 c +%_122.3574 240.8877 122.4258 241.001 122.4102 241.1191 c +%_122.3965 241.2383 122.3008 241.3301 122.1816 241.3398 c +%_115.793 241.8945 111.4121 238.0879 108.666 233.4619 c +%_105.8711 228.7568 101.0957 225.0518 95.4551 225.792 c +%_95.3359 225.8076 95.2227 225.7373 95.1816 225.624 c +%_95.1426 225.5107 95.1875 225.3838 95.291 225.3223 c +%_98.0879 223.6377 101.1621 222.9385 105.1543 224.2705 C +%_99.3594 219.3613 91.1074 216.5283 83.3145 219.043 c +%_83.2051 219.0791 83.0859 219.0361 83.0234 218.9395 c +%_82.9609 218.8428 82.9727 218.7168 83.0488 218.6318 c +%_88.957 212.0674 100.7383 211.9365 108.1582 217.2588 C +%_105.1211 212.9424 101.0898 209.7744 93.8652 208.7803 c +%_93.75 208.7646 93.6602 208.6729 93.6465 208.5576 c +%_93.6348 208.4414 93.7012 208.332 93.8105 208.292 c +%_102.1016 205.2139 110.4102 208.3369 117.2559 216.5068 C +%_114.2637 210.1299 109.3496 205.0225 102.4883 202.4951 c +%_102.373 202.4531 102.3047 202.335 102.3262 202.2158 c +%_102.3457 202.0947 102.4492 202.0059 102.5703 202.0029 c +%_106.5137 201.9219 110.0566 202.8604 114.8359 205.5732 C +%_111.3281 199.8838 112.0957 189.9346 117.2051 183.3154 c +%_117.2754 183.2236 117.4004 183.1914 117.5078 183.2373 c +%_117.6133 183.2842 117.6758 183.3965 117.6563 183.5107 c +%_116.4766 190.7119 118.9551 198.8408 123.2656 203.1533 C +%_121.1133 195.5215 123.2598 188.5771 129.1621 183.5088 c +%_129.2324 183.4482 129.332 183.4316 129.418 183.4648 c +%_129.5059 183.498 129.5664 183.5771 129.5801 183.6689 c +%_130.8145 193.0869 141.3496 202.6436 150.1816 203.4443 c +%_150.3066 203.4551 150.4043 203.5557 150.4121 203.6797 c +%_150.4199 203.8037 150.3379 203.917 150.2148 203.9443 c +%_145.9355 204.9131 141.5234 204.4346 137.8262 202.9131 C +%_140.4863 205.8467 143.7656 208.0244 147.3809 209.1592 c +%_147.498 209.1953 147.5703 209.3096 147.5566 209.4307 c +%_147.543 209.5518 147.4434 209.6455 147.3223 209.6543 c +%_142.8125 209.9658 138.3984 208.6484 134.5918 206.1162 C +%_138.9531 212.7373 145.5723 217.6611 154.0195 219.6221 c +%_154.1406 219.6504 154.2227 219.7607 154.2168 219.8848 c +%_154.209 220.0088 154.1133 220.1084 153.9902 220.1221 c +%_142.0723 221.4238 132.2441 216.8037 125.7695 208.2041 C +%_127.418 213.1045 132.1348 217.96 138.7148 220.8232 c +%_144.5605 223.3682 150.5645 223.7695 155.1367 222.333 c +%_155.2422 222.2998 155.3594 222.3398 155.4219 222.4326 c +%_155.4844 222.5244 155.4805 222.6475 155.4102 222.7354 c +%_f +%_102.5059 147.1631 m +%_107.3125 157.6494 106.9707 165.8486 103.0996 176.2178 c +%_103.0547 176.335 102.9336 176.4023 102.8105 176.3779 c +%_102.6875 176.3525 102.6016 176.2412 102.6074 176.1162 c +%_103.2285 163.4951 99.7813 154.4619 92.3086 148.3096 C +%_100.5586 158.1611 96.6621 177.8691 83.4863 177.8691 c +%_73.9004 177.8691 65.9697 169.8936 64.0303 160.3447 c +%_64.0059 160.2236 64.0723 160.1006 64.1885 160.0576 c +%_64.3037 160.0127 64.4346 160.0576 64.4971 160.1631 c +%_67.3398 164.9248 71.9063 168.0146 76.9551 168.0146 c +%_85.0898 168.0146 87.4961 161.5479 87.4961 157.0166 c +%_87.4961 150.8291 82.5703 145.6729 78.7891 145.6729 c +%_75.3516 145.6729 73.748 148.4971 73.748 150.6006 c +%_73.748 154.499 76.7461 157.7666 80.125 158.7646 c +%_80.2441 158.7998 80.3223 158.9189 80.3047 159.0439 c +%_80.2852 159.1689 80.1797 159.2607 80.0547 159.2627 c +%_75.9473 159.2881 72.4766 157.4072 70.4238 153.6943 C +%_70.1543 156.5693 70.1514 158.3799 71.0645 161.417 c +%_71.0996 161.5342 71.0459 161.6592 70.9385 161.7158 c +%_70.8291 161.7725 70.6963 161.7432 70.6221 161.6475 c +%_63.2656 152.2549 66.7861 136.0225 72.6016 129.29 C +%_67.0693 133.2725 62.1846 141.9229 62.2617 153.6826 c +%_62.2627 153.8057 62.1768 153.9092 62.0566 153.9326 c +%_61.9365 153.958 61.8174 153.8916 61.7725 153.7783 c +%_57.6641 143.5264 59.8438 124.5303 71.0537 113.9268 C +%_68.1699 113.5303 65.1865 113.5811 61.9287 114.6201 c +%_61.8135 114.6553 61.6885 114.6064 61.6299 114.501 c +%_61.5713 114.3936 61.5947 114.2607 61.6885 114.1826 c +%_65.7803 110.7275 71.5029 109.6416 76.9551 109.6416 C +%_72.2578 115.1416 73.8184 126.1963 81.3105 126.1963 c +%_86.6582 126.1963 89.0859 117.8975 84.957 113.415 c +%_84.8789 113.3291 84.8691 113.2002 84.9316 113.1045 c +%_84.9961 113.0068 85.1172 112.9639 85.2285 113.0029 c +%_90.0078 114.6572 95.1738 118.792 95.1738 124.0186 c +%_95.1738 129.0615 90.3613 133.4131 83.373 133.0693 C +%_92.1914 135.5752 101.4238 132.8018 106.2539 126.8174 c +%_106.3281 126.7236 106.459 126.6963 106.5645 126.749 c +%_106.6719 126.8037 106.7266 126.9248 106.6973 127.04 c +%_103.9063 137.7568 94.7305 142.2393 83.2578 140.7471 C +%_92.5391 144.5029 106.5078 141.2275 112.6816 133.4365 c +%_112.7539 133.3447 112.8809 133.3154 112.9883 133.3643 c +%_113.0938 133.415 113.1523 133.5322 113.1289 133.6455 c +%_111.7578 140.2607 108.2656 145.208 102.5059 147.1631 C +%_f +%_*U +%_*u +%_1 D +%_0.41001 0 0.011078 0 0.615686 0.862745 0.976471 Xa +%_0 0.4 0 0 0 Xy +%_128.8887 166.4502 m +%_128.8672 166.3311 128.7637 166.2432 128.6426 166.2432 c +%_115.7363 166.1064 103.8887 162.9756 94.6719 154.7275 C +%_102.7012 160.2861 117.6133 162.2373 126.1992 158.3467 c +%_126.3086 158.2959 126.3672 158.1748 126.3398 158.0576 c +%_126.3145 157.9404 126.207 157.8584 126.0859 157.8604 c +%_115.4063 158.1514 106.8066 154.8545 100.1016 148.8975 C +%_106.9707 148.4736 112.6758 144.1572 112.6582 139.0518 c +%_112.6582 138.9326 112.5742 138.8291 112.457 138.8037 c +%_112.3418 138.7803 112.2227 138.8389 112.1738 138.9482 c +%_111.0527 141.4365 107.4258 142.7295 103.5918 141.8291 c +%_99.4121 140.8467 96.5918 137.6396 97.291 134.6631 c +%_97.7617 132.6494 99.7266 131.2607 102.2422 130.876 c +%_102.3691 130.8564 102.4629 130.7471 102.459 130.6182 c +%_102.4551 130.4912 102.3574 130.3857 102.2285 130.3721 c +%_101.1602 130.2705 100.0488 130.2666 98.9121 130.376 c +%_92.4219 130.9932 87.3984 134.9697 86.9629 139.5537 C +%_82.25 139.0068 78.0781 136.3955 76.584 132.7803 c +%_76.5391 132.6709 76.4258 132.6084 76.3086 132.626 c +%_76.1934 132.6436 76.1055 132.7393 76.0957 132.8564 c +%_75.7188 137.6064 77.3535 140.6943 81.0664 143.71 C +%_75.6816 141.6514 69.6201 141.5459 63.8096 144.2471 c +%_63.7041 144.2979 63.6455 144.4131 63.667 144.5283 c +%_63.6904 144.6436 63.79 144.7275 63.9072 144.7314 c +%_68.7861 144.9209 72.3242 146.4873 75.6406 149.8037 C +%_57.3838 144.6689 42.5518 156.0049 47.6846 172.8545 c +%_47.7197 172.9717 47.8311 173.0459 47.9521 173.0342 c +%_48.0732 173.0225 48.1689 172.9268 48.1787 172.8057 c +%_49.0967 163.0908 55.8818 156.6885 66.04 155.7295 C +%_60.6533 157.7881 55.04 162.7041 54.4834 171.2627 c +%_54.4756 171.3857 54.5557 171.4951 54.6748 171.5264 c +%_54.7939 171.5557 54.917 171.4951 54.9678 171.3838 c +%_57.7666 165.2295 63.2646 162.1201 69.1279 161.5713 C +%_62.7939 164.1533 58.7314 170.1748 57.5576 177.9932 c +%_57.5381 178.1162 57.6123 178.2334 57.7314 178.2725 c +%_57.8486 178.3096 57.9775 178.2568 58.0342 178.1455 c +%_61.8994 170.5635 70.1904 165.3525 80.4824 169.335 c +%_91.0996 173.4443 95.7559 185.7197 96.7852 194.374 c +%_96.8008 194.4971 96.9004 194.5908 97.0234 194.5986 c +%_97.1465 194.6045 97.2559 194.5225 97.2852 194.4033 c +%_101.0039 178.7139 93.7012 162.4541 80.6484 155.5635 C +%_87.7441 157.5654 94.0879 161.8232 97.6758 168.917 C +%_105.9688 169.9346 111.6797 172.7803 114.5332 178.1572 c +%_114.5898 178.2627 114.7129 178.3154 114.8281 178.2822 c +%_114.9434 178.2471 115.0195 178.1357 115.0098 178.0166 c +%_114.8281 175.9072 114.0684 171.6865 110.9355 169.7451 C +%_117.9004 169.7568 123.4414 168.8525 128.7344 166.7314 c +%_128.8457 166.6865 128.9121 166.5693 128.8887 166.4502 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_0 D +%_99.4023 219.9189 m +%_99.502 219.8545 99.6309 219.8643 99.7188 219.9463 c +%_99.8047 220.0264 99.8223 220.1553 99.7637 220.2588 c +%_98.1445 223.0557 99.623 227.0713 102.8145 227.0713 c +%_108.5352 227.0713 111.2852 216.3018 110.4102 206.4795 C +%_108.248 212.2334 106.377 214.5342 103.0625 217.2744 c +%_102.9688 217.3506 102.834 217.3525 102.7402 217.2744 c +%_102.6465 217.1982 102.6191 217.0654 102.6777 216.958 c +%_107.5332 207.8799 108.5742 200.8936 108.5742 192.874 C +%_107.1113 198.8311 105.3789 202.1943 100.4473 207.2549 c +%_100.3613 207.3428 100.2246 207.3564 100.123 207.2861 c +%_100.0215 207.2158 99.9844 207.083 100.0352 206.9717 c +%_105.334 195.3799 104.9297 182.5244 100.9824 172.708 c +%_100.9434 172.6104 100.9688 172.499 101.0449 172.4268 c +%_101.123 172.3545 101.2344 172.3389 101.3301 172.3838 c +%_106.5352 174.9346 109.5938 176.6104 114.082 182.7744 C +%_112.7246 190.1729 113.8535 193.8213 117.2539 199.9678 C +%_113.3164 190.0518 115.4121 176.0752 125.4414 170.3779 c +%_125.5508 170.3154 125.6895 170.3428 125.7656 170.4424 c +%_125.8438 170.542 125.8379 170.6826 125.75 170.7744 c +%_121.9688 174.7295 119.2188 181.4092 121.5938 188.7002 C +%_120.0645 178.3115 129.1895 169.5869 139.373 169.5869 c +%_148.9727 169.5869 155.5234 177.0947 154.9824 184.5264 c +%_154.4453 191.8916 149.5391 195.4971 145.3105 197.0244 c +%_145.1992 197.0654 145.0742 197.0225 145.0117 196.9229 c +%_144.9473 196.8232 144.9609 196.6924 145.0449 196.6084 c +%_150.6543 190.915 151.4219 180.1162 141.4609 176.8486 C +%_147.3203 181.9053 145.1504 193.6768 135.7715 194.5732 c +%_135.6543 194.583 135.5449 194.5127 135.5078 194.4014 c +%_135.4688 194.292 135.5117 194.1689 135.6113 194.1064 c +%_137.6191 192.8271 139.2891 190.335 139.2891 187.5322 c +%_139.2891 182.8584 135.8672 181.0205 133.6133 181.0205 c +%_130.1914 181.0205 127.3535 184.2764 127.3535 189.2021 c +%_127.3535 195.0439 132.6133 199.8857 139.373 200.6357 c +%_146 201.3721 152.1563 198.4814 155.123 194.1768 c +%_155.1934 194.0752 155.3242 194.04 155.4375 194.0908 c +%_155.5488 194.1416 155.6074 194.2646 155.5781 194.3838 c +%_152.5586 206.0869 138.7813 211.2607 128.6895 203.8916 C +%_135.3027 211.3916 145.6953 211.4971 154.4121 203.8057 c +%_154.502 203.7256 154.6367 203.7197 154.7344 203.7939 c +%_154.8301 203.8682 154.8613 203.999 154.8066 204.1084 c +%_152.1406 209.5146 145.5547 215.9268 136.2012 214.9932 c +%_127.6445 214.1377 122.6797 205.9775 121.6777 199.3018 C +%_121.1211 207.8232 123.0723 213.8369 130.4316 219.4463 c +%_130.5293 219.5205 130.5586 219.6533 130.5039 219.7627 c +%_130.4492 219.8721 130.3242 219.9268 130.207 219.8916 c +%_123.4219 217.9326 117.9766 214.4678 115.1582 207.3486 C +%_115.1582 213.5088 117.2969 219.7197 122.6836 223.8584 c +%_122.7813 223.9326 122.8105 224.0654 122.7559 224.1748 c +%_122.7012 224.2822 122.5781 224.3369 122.4609 224.3037 c +%_119.0078 223.3213 116.2891 221.8154 114.3223 219.1201 C +%_113.0117 230.2197 107.8008 236.8096 101.7969 236.8096 c +%_97.6719 236.8096 94.5918 233.7764 94.5918 228.9404 c +%_94.5918 226.1104 96.0801 222.1377 99.4023 219.9189 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_0.174805 128.3018 m +%_3.33691 124.3975 9.71387 122.9092 16.6064 124.3135 C +%_16.0967 120.0107 16.9404 115.5225 18.2178 112.8271 c +%_18.2705 112.7197 18.3916 112.6611 18.5088 112.6904 c +%_18.626 112.7197 18.7061 112.8271 18.7021 112.9482 c +%_18.3271 121.7139 23.3252 128.79 32.1514 131.8564 C +%_25.2451 127.1006 23.2256 117.6631 26.5127 112.792 c +%_26.5811 112.6924 26.708 112.6533 26.8193 112.6982 c +%_26.9307 112.7432 26.9951 112.8604 26.9736 112.9795 c +%_26.6006 115.04 27.5791 117.6631 29.6865 119.7041 c +%_32.5928 122.5186 36.5361 123.1572 38.4971 121.1338 c +%_40.458 119.1084 39.6943 115.1865 36.79 112.374 c +%_35.7295 111.3467 34.5303 110.6104 33.3408 110.1885 c +%_33.2275 110.1475 33.1592 110.0342 33.1748 109.917 c +%_33.1885 109.7979 33.2842 109.7061 33.4033 109.6963 c +%_39.792 109.1416 44.1729 112.9482 46.9189 117.5732 c +%_49.7139 122.2783 54.4893 125.9854 60.1299 125.2451 c +%_60.249 125.2295 60.3623 125.2998 60.4033 125.4131 c +%_60.4424 125.5264 60.3975 125.6514 60.2939 125.7139 c +%_57.4971 127.3975 54.4229 128.0967 50.4307 126.7666 C +%_56.2256 131.6748 64.4775 134.5068 72.2715 131.9932 c +%_72.3809 131.958 72.5 132.001 72.5625 132.0967 c +%_72.625 132.1924 72.6152 132.3193 72.5371 132.4053 c +%_66.6279 138.9697 54.8467 139.1006 47.4268 133.7764 C +%_50.4639 138.0928 54.4951 141.2627 61.7197 142.2549 c +%_61.835 142.2705 61.9248 142.3643 61.9385 142.4795 c +%_61.9502 142.5947 61.8838 142.7041 61.7744 142.7451 c +%_53.4834 145.8213 45.1748 142.7002 38.3291 134.5283 C +%_41.3213 140.9072 46.2354 146.0146 53.0967 148.542 c +%_53.2119 148.583 53.2803 148.7002 53.2588 148.8213 c +%_53.2393 148.9424 53.1357 149.0303 53.0146 149.0322 c +%_49.0713 149.1143 45.5283 148.1748 40.749 145.4619 C +%_44.2568 151.1533 43.4893 161.1006 38.3799 167.7217 c +%_38.3096 167.8135 38.1846 167.8447 38.0771 167.7998 c +%_37.9717 167.7529 37.9092 167.6396 37.9287 167.5244 c +%_39.1084 160.3252 36.6299 152.1963 32.3193 147.8838 C +%_34.4717 155.5146 32.3252 162.46 26.4229 167.5264 c +%_26.3525 167.5869 26.2529 167.6045 26.167 167.5713 c +%_26.0791 167.5381 26.0186 167.46 26.0049 167.3682 c +%_24.7705 157.9502 14.2354 148.3936 5.40332 147.5928 c +%_5.27832 147.5811 5.18066 147.4814 5.17285 147.3564 c +%_5.16504 147.2314 5.24707 147.1201 5.37012 147.0928 c +%_9.64941 146.124 14.0615 146.6025 17.7588 148.1221 C +%_15.0986 145.1904 11.8193 143.0127 8.2041 141.8779 c +%_8.08691 141.8408 8.01465 141.7275 8.02832 141.6064 c +%_8.04199 141.4854 8.1416 141.3896 8.2627 141.3818 c +%_12.7725 141.0713 17.1865 142.3877 20.9932 144.9209 C +%_16.6318 138.2998 10.0127 133.376 1.56543 131.4131 c +%_1.44434 131.3857 1.3623 131.2744 1.36816 131.1514 c +%_1.37598 131.0283 1.47168 130.9287 1.59473 130.915 c +%_13.5127 129.6123 23.3408 134.2334 29.8154 142.833 C +%_28.167 137.9307 23.4502 133.0771 16.8701 130.2139 c +%_11.0244 127.6689 5.02051 127.2666 0.448242 128.7041 c +%_0.342773 128.7373 0.225586 128.6963 0.163086 128.6045 c +%_0.100586 128.5107 0.104492 128.3877 0.174805 128.3018 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_53.0791 203.874 m +%_48.2725 193.3877 48.6143 185.1885 52.4854 174.8193 c +%_52.5303 174.7021 52.6514 174.6338 52.7744 174.6592 c +%_52.8975 174.6846 52.9834 174.7959 52.9775 174.9189 c +%_52.3564 187.542 55.8037 196.5732 63.2764 202.7275 C +%_55.0264 192.874 58.9229 173.167 72.0996 173.167 c +%_81.6855 173.167 89.6152 181.1436 91.5547 190.6924 c +%_91.5801 190.8135 91.5137 190.9346 91.3965 190.9795 c +%_91.2813 191.0244 91.1504 190.9795 91.0879 190.8721 c +%_88.2461 186.1104 83.6797 183.0205 78.6309 183.0205 c +%_70.4951 183.0205 68.0889 189.4873 68.0889 194.0205 c +%_68.0889 200.2061 73.0156 205.3623 76.7969 205.3623 c +%_80.2344 205.3623 81.8379 202.54 81.8379 200.4365 c +%_81.8379 196.5381 78.8398 193.2705 75.4629 192.2725 c +%_75.3418 192.2354 75.2656 192.1182 75.2832 191.9932 c +%_75.3008 191.8682 75.4063 191.7744 75.5332 191.7744 c +%_79.6387 191.749 83.1094 193.6279 85.1621 197.3428 C +%_85.4316 194.4678 85.4336 192.6572 84.5215 189.6182 c +%_84.4863 189.501 84.5391 189.376 84.6465 189.3193 c +%_84.7559 189.2646 84.8887 189.292 84.9629 189.3896 c +%_92.3203 198.7822 88.7988 215.0127 82.9844 221.7471 C +%_88.5156 217.7646 93.4004 209.1123 93.3242 197.3525 c +%_93.3223 197.2314 93.4082 197.126 93.5293 197.1025 c +%_93.6484 197.0791 93.7676 197.1436 93.8125 197.2568 c +%_97.9219 207.5107 95.7422 226.5049 84.5313 237.1084 C +%_87.416 237.5068 90.3984 237.4561 93.6563 236.417 c +%_93.7715 236.3799 93.8965 236.4307 93.9551 236.5361 c +%_94.0137 236.6416 93.9902 236.7744 93.8965 236.8525 c +%_89.8047 240.3076 84.082 241.3936 78.6309 241.3936 C +%_83.3281 235.8936 81.7676 224.8408 74.2773 224.8408 c +%_68.9268 224.8408 66.499 233.1396 70.6279 237.6221 c +%_70.7061 237.708 70.7158 237.835 70.6533 237.9326 c +%_70.5889 238.0303 70.4678 238.0713 70.3564 238.0342 c +%_65.5771 236.3779 60.4111 232.2451 60.4111 227.0166 c +%_60.4111 221.9756 65.2236 217.6221 72.2148 217.9658 C +%_63.3936 215.4619 54.1611 218.2334 49.3311 224.2197 c +%_49.2568 224.3115 49.126 224.3408 49.0205 224.2861 c +%_48.9131 224.2334 48.8584 224.1123 48.8877 223.9951 c +%_51.6787 213.2803 60.8545 208.7959 72.3281 210.29 C +%_63.0459 206.5322 49.0771 209.8076 42.9033 217.5986 c +%_42.8311 217.6904 42.7041 217.7217 42.5967 217.6709 c +%_42.4912 217.6221 42.4326 217.5049 42.4561 217.3896 c +%_43.8271 210.7744 47.3193 205.8291 53.0791 203.874 C +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_*U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Main_Copy_of_EditGroup) , +%_; +%_ +%_9 () XW +%_U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_5 /Int (AIPattern_Editor_Preview_Cols) , +%_108.3384 /Real (AIPattern_Editor_Tile_Width) , +%_5 /Int (AIPattern_Editor_Preview_Rows) , +%_109.6416 /Real (AIPattern_Editor_Tile_Height) , +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Editor_Top_in_Front) , +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Editor_Left_in_Front) , +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Editor_Dim_Copies_Key) , +%_4 /Int (AIPattern_Editor_Editable_Copy_Loc_Key) , +%_50 /Real (AIPattern_Editor_Dim_Percent_Key) , +%_; +%_ +%_9 () XW +E +%AI3_EndPattern +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI8_BeginBrushPattern +(Unnamed 6) 0 A +0 Xw +u +u +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +-4018.5 4018.5 m +-3917.1816 4018.5 L +-3917.1816 4010.7832 L +-4018.5 4010.7832 L +-4018.5 4018.5 L +n +u +0 O +0.720851 0.673426 0.586358 0.790768 0.137255 0.121569 0.12549 Xa +-3917.3 4012.2073 m +-3917.1504 4012.2439 -3917.2041 4011.8247 -3917.1816 4011.7495 C +-3917.4319 4011.8423 -3917.2937 4012.3159 -3917.3 4012.2073 C +f +-3919.7693 4013.1582 m +-3919.7256 4012.9871 L +-3920.0896 4013.4063 L +-3919.7693 4013.1582 L +f +-3922.0784 4013.1504 m +-3921.8601 4013.8643 -3921.2417 4013.0352 -3920.8303 4013.2888 C +-3920.7625 4013.4524 L +-3920.5769 4012.8772 L +-3921.0769 4012.9683 -3921.7263 4013.3499 -3922.0784 4013.1504 C +f +-3923.3096 4011.6072 m +-3923.2336 4011.8843 -3923.5759 4011.8455 -3923.0225 4011.6936 C +-3923.0503 4011.6631 -3923.0583 4011.6455 -3923.0745 4011.6233 C +-3923.1243 4011.6272 -3923.1929 4011.6262 -3923.3096 4011.6072 C +f +-3923.0745 4011.6233 m +-3922.8313 4011.6033 -3923.2336 4011.3904 -3923.0745 4011.6233 C +-3923.0745 4011.6233 L +f +-3924.1975 4011.7822 m +-3923.8772 4011.5342 L +-3923.9441 4011.3704 -3924.2292 4011.3333 -3924.1233 4011.2134 C +-3924.4519 4011.3496 -3924.3843 4011.5127 -3924.1975 4011.7822 C +f +-3924.5012 4012.3032 m +-3924.3352 4012.1982 L +-3924.3643 4012.1294 -3924.4082 4012.1052 -3924.5012 4012.3032 C +f +-3923.9832 4011.9768 m +-3924.3352 4012.1982 L +-3924.2888 4012.3132 -3924.2839 4012.5447 -3924.1736 4012.1184 C +-3924.2024 4012.3296 -3924.1328 4012.1262 -3923.9832 4011.9768 C +f +-3923.7839 4012.0852 m +-3923.6042 4012.24 -3923.3721 4012.3384 -3923.6936 4012.5852 C +-3923.0808 4012.4871 -3923.1711 4011.9856 -3923.7839 4012.0852 C +f +-3922.1963 4013.8887 m +-3921.9561 4014.0984 L +-3921.7483 4013.8584 L +-3921.8521 4013.9771 -3922.2112 4013.6653 -3922.1963 4013.8887 C +f +-3926.1929 4011.4126 m +-3926.2129 4011.5647 -3926.0852 4011.8174 -3926.0613 4012.0122 C +-3925.8247 4011.8374 L +-3925.9463 4011.7334 -3926.1768 4011.6375 -3926.1929 4011.4126 C +f +-3926.0613 4012.0122 m +-3926.4153 4012.2727 L +-3926.0991 4012.3032 -3926.0413 4012.1792 -3926.0613 4012.0122 C +f +-3924.5583 4013.0955 m +-3923.9768 4012.5479 L +-3924.6704 4013.1033 L +-3924.5583 4013.0955 L +f +-3927.5449 4011.3936 m +-3927.3442 4011.0422 L +-3927.7017 4011.5735 L +-3927.5449 4011.3936 L +f +-3928.4417 4011.4551 m +-3928.2932 4011.1638 -3928.6453 4010.9624 -3928.4883 4010.7832 C +-3928.7319 4010.8352 -3928.9399 4011.0852 -3929.1272 4011.3103 C +-3928.9282 4011.1848 -3928.7161 4011.2168 -3928.4417 4011.4551 C +f +-3929.4417 4011.6375 m +-3929.3423 4011.5679 -3929.2393 4011.4431 -3929.1272 4011.3103 C +-3929.2329 4011.3772 -3929.3369 4011.4744 -3929.4417 4011.6375 C +f +-3927.0183 4012.1975 m +-3927.0457 4012.1055 -3927.0984 4011.8655 -3927.2969 4011.7639 C +-3927.1577 4012.1912 L +-3927.1152 4012.1936 -3927.0671 4012.1951 -3927.0183 4012.1975 C +f +-3927.1528 4012.2046 m +-3927.1577 4012.1912 L +-3927.3088 4012.1814 -3927.4136 4012.1719 -3927.4585 4012.1672 c +-3927.4199 4012.1707 -3927.3279 4012.1824 -3927.1528 4012.2046 C +f +-3926.9832 4012.1992 m +-3926.9961 4012.1982 -3927.0056 4012.1975 -3927.0183 4012.1975 C +-3927.0049 4012.24 -3926.9968 4012.2534 -3926.9832 4012.1992 C +f +-3925.4863 4012.7092 m +-3925.6943 4012.9482 -3926.1279 4013.2039 -3925.7083 4013.5686 C +-3925.5591 4013.2759 -3925.7993 4013.0686 -3925.4863 4012.7092 c +f +-3926.8103 4012.7334 m +-3926.4343 4012.8311 L +-3926.4417 4012.7183 -3926.5095 4012.5535 -3926.4065 4012.4351 C +-3926.8103 4012.7334 L +f +-3926.9944 4012.8694 m +-3926.8103 4012.7334 L +-3926.9497 4012.6975 L +-3926.9944 4012.8694 L +f +-3928.7976 4012.0376 m +-3928.96 4012.2239 -3929.1377 4012.2393 -3929.3384 4012.2693 C +-3929.1233 4012.3533 -3928.9009 4012.3992 -3928.6897 4012.3972 C +-3928.6599 4012.2632 -3928.5671 4012.0222 -3928.7976 4012.0376 C +f +-3927.9983 4012.1563 m +-3928.0095 4012.1663 -3928.0239 4012.1707 -3928.0344 4012.1807 C +-3928.0122 4012.2173 -3927.9944 4012.2283 -3927.9983 4012.1563 C +f +-3931.3142 4012.2664 m +-3931.3032 4012.2896 -3931.2937 4012.3196 -3931.2825 4012.3442 C +-3931.28 4012.3196 -3931.2783 4012.2952 -3931.2751 4012.27 C +-3931.3142 4012.2664 L +f +-3928.6536 4012.4771 m +-3928.4919 4012.5598 -3928.3953 4012.4551 -3928.3032 4012.3242 C +-3928.4241 4012.3662 -3928.5522 4012.3943 -3928.6897 4012.3972 C +-3928.7031 4012.4583 -3928.7056 4012.4983 -3928.6536 4012.4771 C +f +-3929.9929 4011.8374 m +-3929.9087 4011.927 -3929.8132 4012.0032 -3929.7129 4012.0723 C +-3929.7952 4011.9373 -3929.9631 4011.7263 -3929.9929 4011.8374 C +f +-3928.0889 4012.0623 m +-3928.0808 4012.0559 -3928.0735 4012.0479 -3928.0647 4012.0432 C +-3928.1177 4011.9524 -3928.1111 4011.9966 -3928.0889 4012.0623 C +f +-3928.0889 4012.0623 m +-3928.1721 4012.1243 -3928.2375 4012.2295 -3928.3032 4012.3242 C +-3928.2048 4012.2896 -3928.1135 4012.2439 -3928.0344 4012.1807 C +-3928.0544 4012.1504 -3928.0745 4012.1042 -3928.0889 4012.0623 C +f +-3931.9128 4015.0093 m +-3931.8843 4014.6133 -3931.4592 4014.2471 -3931.0923 4014.6719 C +-3930.7312 4014.3752 -3930.9673 4013.0723 -3931.2825 4012.3442 C +-3931.2937 4012.5166 -3931.2937 4012.6763 -3931.6653 4012.9104 C +-3931.5352 4013.1262 -3930.8408 4013.4163 -3931.1543 4013.7747 C +-3931.6465 4013.9783 -3931.5576 4013.6343 -3931.7969 4013.4253 C +-3931.5935 4013.9182 -3932.4231 4014.1431 -3932.3159 4014.8687 C +-3931.8843 4014.6133 L +-3931.8762 4014.7263 -3932.0327 4014.9063 -3931.9128 4015.0093 C +f +-3930.5745 4012.3843 m +-3930.4216 4012.3352 L +-3930.5959 4012.2664 -3930.7207 4012.1079 -3930.9504 4011.7976 C +-3931.2048 4011.9915 -3931.2576 4012.1382 -3931.2751 4012.27 C +-3930.5222 4012.3252 L +-3930.5745 4012.3843 L +f +-3929.7351 4012.3335 m +-3929.8545 4012.7644 -3930.2217 4012.9482 -3929.9968 4013.4143 C +-3929.5481 4013.3843 -3929.6824 4013.0542 -3929.4143 4012.8672 C +-3930.1384 4012.9744 -3929.2063 4012.6272 -3929.7295 4012.3831 C +-3929.5872 4012.3096 -3929.4592 4012.2871 -3929.3384 4012.2693 C +-3929.4688 4012.2173 -3929.5945 4012.1519 -3929.7129 4012.0723 C +-3929.7063 4012.0823 -3929.7017 4012.0896 -3929.6963 4012.0984 C +-3929.6929 4012.0984 L +-3929.6929 4012.1006 -3929.6936 4012.1016 -3929.6936 4012.1042 C +-3929.6624 4012.1582 -3929.6521 4012.1912 -3929.6873 4012.1604 C +-3929.6897 4012.1653 -3929.6985 4012.1672 -3929.7024 4012.1692 C +-3929.7073 4012.2283 -3929.7207 4012.2808 -3929.7351 4012.3311 C +-3929.9448 4012.2422 -3929.7681 4012.22 -3929.7024 4012.1692 C +-3929.7 4012.1472 -3929.6943 4012.1272 -3929.6936 4012.1042 C +-3929.6943 4012.1023 -3929.6953 4012.1006 -3929.6963 4012.0984 C +-3930.4216 4012.3352 L +-3930.2681 4012.3953 -3930.0759 4012.3831 -3929.7351 4012.3335 C +f +-3926.0952 4014.4951 m +-3926.1177 4014.4573 -3926.1167 4014.4263 -3926.1184 4014.3953 C +-3926.1653 4014.4482 -3926.1831 4014.4839 -3926.0952 4014.4951 C +f +-3926.3936 4014.2351 m +-3926.3408 4014.1753 -3926.2969 4014.0032 -3926.1255 4014.0471 C +-3925.9768 4014.1763 -3926.1262 4014.2534 -3926.1184 4014.3953 C +-3926.0151 4014.2808 -3925.7568 4014.0862 -3926.0808 4013.876 C +-3926.1321 4013.9351 L +-3926.4241 4013.7871 -3926.7993 4013.2495 -3926.7483 4013.1902 C +-3926.6631 4013.5784 -3926.5879 4013.8542 -3926.3936 4014.2351 C +f +-3928.0852 4013.3943 m +-3928.6892 4013.6055 L +-3928.3816 4013.9783 L +-3928.3972 4013.7544 L +-3928.0537 4013.8423 -3928.1279 4013.5667 -3928.0852 4013.3943 C +f +-3931.3833 4012.0522 m +-3931.3032 4011.5967 L +-3931.6521 4012.24 L +-3931.3833 4012.0522 L +f +-3932.1682 4012.1062 m +-3932.1392 4011.7112 L +-3932.3464 4011.9495 L +-3932.1682 4012.1062 L +f +-3976.4617 4017.0166 m +-3976.6392 4017.1287 L +-3976.5552 4017.0942 -3976.5012 4017.0564 -3976.4617 4017.0166 C +f +-3975.1768 4017.0435 m +-3975.1453 4016.8484 L +-3975.2048 4016.9558 -3975.2292 4017.0352 -3975.1768 4017.0435 C +f +-3951.4456 4012.1504 m +-3951.7041 4011.7815 -3951.9929 4011.2083 -3951.9617 4011.6536 C +-3951.8823 4012.0872 L +-3951.7017 4012.0093 -3951.5632 4012.0576 -3951.4456 4012.1504 C +f +-3964.6479 4014.7415 m +-3964.6233 4014.7832 -3964.5977 4014.8286 -3964.5723 4014.8728 C +-3964.5095 4014.7246 -3964.4504 4014.5872 -3964.3977 4014.4583 C +-3964.4729 4014.5471 -3964.5583 4014.6416 -3964.6479 4014.7415 C +f +-3964.8303 4016.5364 m +-3965.1711 4016.2566 L +-3965.0945 4016.3542 -3964.9849 4016.4482 -3964.8303 4016.5364 C +f +-3983.4792 4017.4768 m +-3983.6863 4017.9182 L +-3983.3623 4017.9163 -3983.5049 4017.6936 -3983.4792 4017.4768 C +f +-3940.2073 4012.2664 m +-3940.4304 4012.0967 -3940.6079 4012.0254 -3940.7639 4012.0044 C +-3940.4951 4012.2534 -3940.2783 4012.6272 -3940.2073 4012.2664 C +f +-3975.9561 4012.4126 m +-3976.0647 4012.4912 -3976.1111 4012.5796 -3976.1079 4012.6763 C +-3975.9961 4012.6023 -3975.9329 4012.5193 -3975.9561 4012.4126 C +f +-3941.4082 4012.0059 m +-3941.3689 4012.0496 -3941.3303 4012.0713 -3941.2903 4012.1079 C +-3941.1272 4012.0352 -3940.9631 4011.9768 -3940.7639 4012.0044 C +-3940.9624 4011.8196 -3941.1897 4011.7046 -3941.4082 4012.0059 C +f +-4008.9297 4017.1172 m +-4008.9482 4017.0984 -4008.9705 4017.0884 -4008.9873 4017.0652 C +-4008.9929 4017.1243 -4008.9673 4017.1272 -4008.9297 4017.1172 C +f +-4016.3442 4012.74 m +-4016.2712 4012.7124 -4016.1521 4012.7119 -4016.0398 4012.7063 C +-4016.0945 4012.6763 -4016.1863 4012.6792 -4016.3442 4012.74 c +f +-3935.3264 4011.9172 m +-3935.1599 4011.8887 -3935.3 4011.8694 -3935.3264 4011.9172 C +-3935.3264 4011.9172 L +f +-3934.5168 4013.6331 m +-3934.5522 4013.6814 -3934.5791 4013.7439 -3934.5833 4013.8442 C +-3934.5696 4013.74 -3934.5464 4013.6736 -3934.5168 4013.6331 c +f +-3943.0664 4014.7063 m +-3943.0713 4014.7063 -3943.0752 4014.7046 -3943.0808 4014.7046 C +-3943.0313 4014.7896 -3943.0398 4014.7732 -3943.0664 4014.7063 C +f +-3935.0759 4012.1143 m +-3935.1384 4012.0613 -3935.2104 4012.0166 -3935.2888 4011.9856 C +-3935.2544 4012.0193 -3935.1897 4012.0613 -3935.0759 4012.1143 C +f +-3935.1096 4011.9092 m +-3935.0522 4011.9287 -3935.0071 4011.9395 -3934.9641 4011.9512 C +-3934.9431 4011.8792 -3934.9617 4011.8335 -3935.1096 4011.9092 C +f +-3935.5583 4011.9407 m +-3935.4631 4011.9336 -3935.3743 4011.9539 -3935.2888 4011.9856 C +-3935.3215 4011.9558 -3935.3352 4011.9319 -3935.3264 4011.9172 C +-3935.3752 4011.9236 -3935.4441 4011.9326 -3935.5583 4011.9407 c +f +-3995.2932 4015.9558 m +-3995.3042 4015.9424 -3995.3169 4015.9336 -3995.3289 4015.9153 C +-3995.4968 4016.0952 -3995.4231 4016.0667 -3995.2932 4015.9558 C +f +-3955.7783 4016.6563 m +-3955.7705 4016.6519 -3955.7664 4016.6404 -3955.7593 4016.6362 C +-3955.7671 4016.6311 -3955.7769 4016.6252 -3955.7839 4016.6199 C +-3955.7783 4016.6563 L +f +-3956.3762 4016.9792 m +-3956.1216 4016.4392 -3955.9768 4016.5056 -3955.7839 4016.6199 C +-3955.9817 4015.3694 L +-3956.3762 4016.9792 L +f +*u +-3979.5383 4017.1416 m +-3979.1184 4017.5322 L +-3979.6252 4018.1736 -3979.9919 4017.9524 -3979.5977 4018.5 C +-3979.5383 4017.1416 -3977.9656 4018.3616 -3977.9072 4017.0039 C +-3977.6304 4017.2896 L +-3977.7097 4017.2766 -3977.7224 4017.3562 -3977.8008 4017.3433 C +-3977.2625 4017.9934 -3977.4009 4016.3616 -3976.7073 4016.5542 C +-3976.4656 4016.6582 -3976.2969 4016.8552 -3976.4617 4017.0166 C +-3975.9231 4016.6807 L +-3975.7664 4016.7073 -3975.8047 4016.9431 -3975.9607 4016.9172 C +-3975.1392 4016.8086 L +-3975.1453 4016.8484 L +-3975.0281 4016.6362 -3974.7625 4016.3064 -3974.6328 4016.1663 C +-3974.4241 4016.3616 -3974.7375 4016.3103 -3974.6841 4016.4792 C +-3974.2292 4016.1504 L +-3974.0439 4016.5032 -3974.4209 4016.8442 -3974.7351 4016.7935 C +-3974.3103 4018.1494 -3974.3577 4016.4524 -3973.4409 4017.2444 C +-3973.8704 4017.4163 L +-3973.5935 4018.1863 -3973.2583 4017.907 -3972.7727 4018.3875 C +-3972.8879 4018.1367 -3973.7449 4017.1775 -3973.2512 4016.8391 C +-3973.1121 4016.9414 -3972.9287 4016.99 -3972.6624 4016.7168 C +-3972.6599 4017.2 -3972.3999 4017.0811 -3972.0745 4017.0535 C +-3972.0967 4017.6936 L +-3971.7449 4017.5088 -3971.7727 4017.1831 -3971.5657 4016.8953 C +-3971.1736 4016.9583 -3971.0923 4017.4536 -3971 4017.8711 C +-3970.3721 4017.9727 -3971.4336 4017.0767 -3970.6904 4016.9558 C +-3970.1682 4017.2007 -3969.8015 4016.9392 -3969.1768 4016.5564 C +-3968.8113 4016.7776 -3969.2407 4016.9482 -3969.1096 4017.1311 C +-3968.7856 4016.6206 L +-3968.7063 4016.6331 -3968.7319 4016.7896 -3968.7449 4016.8687 C +-3968.4719 4016.6707 -3968.7224 4016.2292 -3968.2932 4016.0559 C +-3968.1775 4015.3511 -3967.4121 4017.0852 -3966.8809 4016.2854 C +-3966.75 4016.4673 -3966.9441 4016.6775 -3966.9041 4016.9253 C +-3966.1753 4016.3999 -3966.2793 4016.5435 -3965.6809 4015.8367 C +-3965.1711 4016.2566 L +-3965.5457 4015.7766 -3965.0671 4015.2083 -3964.6479 4014.7415 C +-3964.7808 4014.5093 -3964.8943 4014.3064 -3964.9705 4014.2095 C +-3964.3015 4013.8662 L +-3964.2207 4013.9712 -3964.2881 4014.1912 -3964.3977 4014.4583 C +-3964.3521 4014.4055 -3964.3088 4014.3533 -3964.2751 4014.3047 C +-3964.0359 4014.5413 -3964.1599 4014.9104 -3964.3313 4015.2676 C +-3964.4128 4015.1416 -3964.4937 4015.0071 -3964.5723 4014.8728 C +-3964.7375 4015.2615 -3964.8921 4015.6919 -3964.8577 4016.0667 C +-3964.8142 4015.9927 -3964.7305 4015.9292 -3964.6384 4015.8936 C +-3964.6816 4015.9993 -3964.7092 4016.0935 -3964.6892 4016.1575 c +-3964.6665 4016.2246 -3964.5967 4016.0833 -3964.4873 4015.9192 C +-3964.3352 4016.6331 L +-3964.2983 4016.3499 L +-3963.4231 4016.7959 L +-3962.7969 4016.0784 -3962.2522 4015.0212 -3961.2583 4014.7271 C +-3961.5049 4015.25 -3961.3113 4015.5811 -3961.3247 4016.2007 C +-3961.5959 4015.5447 -3962.0945 4016.4792 -3962.6096 4016.3462 c +-3962.3408 4016.4153 -3962.3999 4016.7112 -3962.4683 4016.8132 C +-3961.5496 4016.2168 L +-3961.5703 4016.7239 -3961.3545 4016.5967 -3961.1145 4016.8064 C +-3961.2959 4015.8047 -3960.4297 4016.1392 -3960.0559 4015.8323 C +-3960.0327 4016.1682 -3960.1223 4016.5122 -3960.5784 4016.4304 C +-3960.0752 4017.1848 -3959.9282 4015.2544 -3959.4343 4015.8953 C +-3959.5457 4015.9031 -3959.6057 4015.8518 -3959.6497 4016.0232 C +-3959.3896 4015.7239 -3958.7537 4015.9612 -3958.9033 4016.2534 C +-3959.0144 4016.2603 L +-3958.2751 4016.3792 -3956.7639 4016.2676 -3956.6536 4015.4172 C +-3956.6462 4015.5276 -3956.7505 4016.4424 -3956.7952 4016.6143 C +-3955.4761 4013.7527 L +-3955.5923 4014.4832 -3955.1462 4016.2224 -3955.7593 4016.6362 C +-3955.5833 4016.74 -3955.3655 4016.8616 -3954.9944 4016.6033 C +-3955.1145 4016.4993 -3955.2937 4015.5471 -3955.1296 4015.48 C +-3954.6792 4016.2932 -3954.8169 4015.9153 -3954.2617 4016.6084 C +-3954.4417 4016.4524 -3954.2417 4015.3064 -3953.9573 4015.3433 C +-3954.0017 4015.5144 -3953.9336 4016.4734 -3954.0376 4016.5928 C +-3953.3296 4015.4683 L +-3953.5063 4015.6707 -3953.3608 4016.4214 -3953.2024 4016.74 C +-3953.2759 4016.5193 -3952.5903 4016.76 -3952.4016 4016.6487 C +-3952.7017 4016.3875 L +-3951.9023 4016.5579 -3951.9121 4014.8064 -3951.1191 4014.8655 C +-3951.2151 4015.0974 -3951.3562 4016.2952 -3950.9529 4016.4363 C +-3950.7681 4015.8606 -3950.1345 4013.6663 -3949.4329 4013.2227 C +-3949.2983 4013.5522 L +-3948.76 4013.1768 L +-3949.0952 4014.0435 -3950.0359 4015.8672 -3950.5496 4016.5767 C +-3950.2505 4016.8374 -3950.4663 4016.9656 -3950.0183 4016.9351 C +-3949.8601 4017.2439 -3950.2625 4017.4031 -3950.3943 4017.4214 C +-3949.3513 4017.6206 L +-3949.3977 4016.9482 -3948.5537 4016.9463 -3948.5935 4016.3862 C +-3949.7263 4017.0833 L +-3949.7722 4016.4119 -3949.0713 4015.1753 -3948.3323 4015.2932 C +-3948.1443 4015.5613 -3948.4729 4016.49 -3948.4575 4016.7144 C +-3948.3616 4016.4832 -3947.7561 4016.2722 -3947.6882 4016.4363 C +-3948.0017 4016.7959 L +-3947.5903 4017.0486 -3947.3303 4015.9048 -3946.8359 4016.5464 C +-3946.6653 4016.5896 -3946.3264 4017.4119 -3946.2969 4017.0144 C +-3946.5752 4016.2471 -3946.6296 4013.8743 -3946.4441 4013.2979 C +-3946.3843 4013.3499 -3945.5481 4014.0313 -3945.3533 4014.4104 C +-3945.0723 4015.0122 -3945.7751 4015.8442 -3945.5359 4016.3606 C +-3945.5256 4016.1768 -3945.3704 4015.9502 -3945.3057 4015.8772 C +-3945.1265 4016.0342 -3945.3799 4016.4463 -3944.9905 4016.3633 C +-3944.9255 4015.6824 -3944.1985 4016.4207 -3944.8064 4015.7871 C +-3944.4255 4015.5923 -3944.4016 4015.928 -3943.9543 4015.8975 C +-3944.0967 4015.4573 -3943.5527 4014.3992 -3943.1711 4014.2039 C +-3943.1936 4014.3772 -3943.1079 4014.6033 -3943.0664 4014.7063 C +-3942.2856 4014.7676 -3941.8665 4015.0774 -3941.1384 4015.0833 C +-3941.0713 4015.2483 -3940.72 4015.4482 -3940.8696 4015.7415 C +-3940.7649 4015.6206 -3940.6687 4015.3894 -3940.4441 4015.3733 C +-3940.0095 4015.9624 -3940.9448 4015.4646 -3940.6135 4016.1736 C +-3940.5852 4015.7776 -3940.0327 4015.6262 -3939.7129 4015.3792 C +-3939.8113 4014.7671 -3940.4519 4015.2615 -3940.7722 4015.5088 C +-3940.7737 4014.6653 -3940.2161 4013.7815 -3939.4551 4013.3911 C +-3938.8503 4013.1814 -3939.1929 4013.9363 -3939.0879 4013.8167 C +-3937.9519 4013.9639 -3938.1201 4012.3433 -3937.1768 4012.9524 C +-3936.8025 4013.4895 -3937.1599 4014.0212 -3937.0769 4014.4092 C +-3937.5696 4014.6128 -3937.8333 4014.0679 -3938.1672 4014.0896 C +-3937.7561 4014.3442 L +-3937.9128 4014.5232 -3938.2417 4014.6582 -3938.4209 4014.5032 C +-3938.1072 4014.9856 -3936.5017 4014.5952 -3935.6252 4015.0413 C +-3935.4695 4014.8616 -3935.2007 4014.6743 -3935.3279 4014.4583 C +-3935.6052 4014.5332 L +-3935.8601 4014.0999 -3935.0833 4013.9336 -3935.4343 4013.7312 C +-3935.0623 4013.4263 -3934.6453 4012.9473 -3934.1216 4013.1924 C +-3934.0232 4013.8054 L +-3934.0344 4013.6262 -3934.3655 4013.4407 -3934.5127 4013.6272 c +-3934.2944 4013.3552 -3933.7097 4014.4573 -3933.4705 4013.6543 C +-3933.8376 4013.2295 L +-3933.4641 4012.9214 -3933.0024 4012.2703 -3932.5383 4012.4639 C +-3932.7495 4011.8584 -3932.6453 40 +endstream endobj 399 0 obj <>stream +12.5332 -3932.9751 4011.8247 C +-3932.6892 4012.7063 -3934.1624 4011.7876 -3933.7031 4012.7134 C +-3934.0415 4011.8916 -3934.2888 4012.3655 -3934.7312 4011.6638 C +-3934.7175 4011.8662 -3934.5745 4012.0513 -3934.9641 4011.9512 C +-3934.9817 4012.0103 -3935.0232 4012.0852 -3935.0496 4012.1294 C +-3935.0615 4012.1243 -3935.0657 4012.1206 -3935.0759 4012.1143 C +-3935.0681 4012.1223 -3935.0623 4012.1311 -3935.0544 4012.1382 C +-3935.0713 4012.1687 -3935.0728 4012.1753 -3935.0464 4012.1462 C +-3934.9536 4012.2356 -3934.8784 4012.3416 -3934.8479 4012.4539 C +-3935.0413 4012.9182 -3935.6609 4012.9038 -3935.8704 4013.1443 C +-3936.1016 4013.0479 -3935.7737 4012.9119 -3935.8999 4012.6963 C +-3936.2129 4013.0559 L +-3936.2439 4012.6072 -3936.8271 4012.3096 -3936.2825 4012.0464 C +-3936.7727 4012.0264 L +-3937.0613 4011.7747 -3937.4583 4011.6743 -3937.7031 4011.8633 C +-3937.9343 4011.7664 -3938.2871 4012.3606 -3938.0857 4012.0088 C +-3938.8545 4012.2871 L +-3938.8616 4012.1753 L +-3939.6201 4012.1184 -3940.4231 4012.9192 -3941.2903 4012.1079 C +-3941.5457 4012.2212 -3941.8096 4012.3599 -3942.2368 4012.2327 C +-3942.3201 4011.8442 L +-3942.6479 4011.9792 -3943.3047 4011.4551 -3943.4456 4011.8599 C +-3943.7993 4010.8142 -3945.0369 4011.6316 -3945.6135 4011.4463 C +-3945.6353 4011.9536 L +-3946.0322 4011.9253 -3946.4128 4012.0696 -3946.9055 4012.2727 C +-3946.8752 4012.7207 L +-3947.3 4013.0884 -3947.9673 4012.4019 -3948.6392 4012.4482 C +-3948.5935 4012.2766 -3948.4231 4012.3213 -3948.3025 4012.4253 C +-3949.1052 4011.4119 -3949.9961 4013.1614 -3950.7241 4012.4236 C +-3950.9055 4012.5872 -3951.0369 4012.5313 -3951.1641 4012.4192 C +-3951.1472 4012.4175 -3951.1321 4012.4092 -3951.1191 4012.3953 C +-3951.1377 4012.3904 -3951.1653 4012.3887 -3951.1936 4012.3894 C +-3951.2737 4012.3123 -3951.3562 4012.2227 -3951.4456 4012.1504 C +-3951.3696 4012.26 -3951.2969 4012.3496 -3951.2336 4012.3911 C +-3951.3735 4012.4004 -3951.5857 4012.4558 -3951.7937 4012.5686 C +-3951.8823 4012.0872 L +-3951.8992 4012.0935 -3951.9128 4012.0923 -3951.9304 4012.1006 C +-3952.1345 4011.9231 -3952.0945 4012.3286 -3951.9856 4012.6912 C +-3952.0903 4012.77 -3952.1863 4012.8655 -3952.2607 4012.9812 C +-3952.4265 4012.2039 -3952.8064 4013.2432 -3953.0327 4012.4143 C +-3953.1729 4012.8184 -3954.0784 4012.7183 -3954.1892 4013.5696 C +-3954.1963 4013.4583 -3954.2576 4013.4055 -3954.1453 4013.3982 C +-3954.3772 4013.3015 -3954.6089 4013.2046 -3954.8169 4013.4446 C +-3954.9153 4012.8323 L +-3955.4216 4013.6553 L +-3955.7292 4013.2822 -3955.8567 4013.0652 -3955.5513 4012.5942 C +-3956.2888 4013.3196 -3956.1497 4012.8672 -3956.7769 4013.5852 C +-3956.7463 4013.1895 L +-3956.9705 4013.2046 -3957.3289 4013.7356 -3957.4641 4013.4082 C +-3957.9656 4012.6553 -3959.9456 4013.3042 -3961.2329 4012.6042 C +-3960.9832 4013.77 -3961.8313 4012.0823 -3961.8823 4012.9856 C +-3961.9573 4012.7102 -3962.1367 4012.5542 -3961.9282 4012.3152 C +-3962.5852 4012.5852 -3962.9153 4011.8772 -3963.3689 4012.6392 C +-3963.4441 4012.3623 -3963.2283 4012.2356 -3963.2952 4012.0713 C +-3963.3479 4012.1311 -3963.5039 4012.3113 -3963.5723 4012.1462 c +-3963.6392 4011.9822 -3963.4761 4011.9153 -3963.3721 4011.7952 C +-3964.0432 4011.8416 -3964.1111 4012.6912 -3964.1599 4013.4883 C +-3964.5 4013.1111 -3964.6697 4013.1638 -3964.9153 4013.6873 C +-3965.0337 4013.4263 -3965.2312 4013.1536 -3964.8142 4013.0598 C +-3965.0488 4013.0215 -3966.2473 4012.6775 -3966.2712 4013.3167 C +-3966.3447 4013.1543 -3966.5991 4013.2693 -3966.6609 4013.3433 C +-3967.1873 4013.3047 -3967.2336 4013.2471 -3967.7505 4013.3079 C +-3967.6072 4013.4119 L +-3967.8113 4014.1831 -3968.0369 4013.5842 -3968.4536 4013.6768 C +-3968.4417 4013.5984 L +-3969.3972 4013.0415 -3968.8542 4013.8643 -3969.7969 4013.2292 C +-3969.7456 4013.7092 L +-3969.8335 4014.74 -3970.5808 4013.1006 -3971.1279 4013.4951 C +-3970.9304 4013.7693 L +-3971.2292 4014.1223 -3971.7656 4012.3662 -3972.0657 4012.2371 C +-3972.1311 4012.1472 -3971.9624 4012.0935 -3971.8711 4012.0276 C +-3972.6567 4011.4182 -3971.9729 4012.6553 -3972.5583 4012.8015 C +-3972.6663 4012.4624 -3972.4192 4011.9392 -3972.8132 4011.8762 C +-3973.0095 4011.6023 -3973.9561 4012.9768 -3974.4937 4012.3267 C +-3974.3752 4012.5879 -3974.2576 4012.8484 -3974.5295 4013.0447 C +-3974.9463 4013.1382 -3975.6563 4012.0579 -3976.0327 4012.8816 C +-3976.0857 4012.8096 -3976.1057 4012.7415 -3976.1079 4012.6763 C +-3976.4265 4012.8887 -3977.1433 4013.0291 -3977.3352 4013.4756 C +-3977.6296 4011.8191 -3979.3159 4014.2815 -3979.3088 4012.7534 C +-3980.2888 4012.8352 L +-3980.2632 4012.6792 L +-3980.8896 4012.5784 -3981.1111 4012.9446 -3981.3313 4013.3113 C +-3981.4761 4013.2073 -3981.3704 4013.0642 -3981.3584 4012.9846 C +-3982.2737 4012.6763 -3982.3647 4012.7415 -3983.1321 4013.5032 C +-3983.2119 4013.0071 L +-3983.4199 4013.2952 -3984.5352 4012.2295 -3985.4329 4012.8079 C +-3985.4241 4012.7512 -3985.4055 4012.6553 -3985.3342 4012.5852 C +-3986.3442 4013.1672 -3987.7522 4011.2112 -3988.1223 4013.0159 C +-3988.7888 4013.4607 L +-3987.9265 4013.6006 -3988.9172 4014.2444 -3988.5625 4014.5435 C +-3988.9016 4014.6494 -3989.4392 4013.9993 -3989.0225 4013.9063 C +-3988.9573 4013.9966 L +-3988.8042 4013.0559 -3990.0288 4013.6631 -3990.0056 4013.0222 C +-3991.7024 4013.0696 -3993.3562 4012.5479 -3994.9456 4012.5078 C +-3994.7625 4013.2393 L +-3995.3169 4013.1975 L +-3995.4624 4013.0276 -3995.5122 4012.6252 -3995.1167 4012.6553 C +-3995.3247 4012.24 -3995.78 4013.0032 -3995.7913 4013.1614 C +-3996.5657 4012.8655 -3995.4888 4012.3086 -3995.7263 4012.2913 C +-3996.0488 4012.3455 L +-3995.9761 4012.4312 L +-3996.2375 4012.73 -3996.2607 4013.0471 -3996.7361 4013.011 C +-3997.0369 4012.8643 -3996.8904 4012.5598 -3997.0088 4012.5322 C +-3997.0081 4012.4792 -3997.0481 4012.4551 -3997.1904 4012.5103 C +-3997.8889 4012.4482 L +-3997.6096 4013.0254 L +-3997.9192 4013.3103 -3998.2664 4012.9951 -3997.9441 4013.6494 c +-3998.4172 4012.6404 -4000.5496 4013.2871 -4000.8401 4012.9744 C +-4001.2737 4013.3953 -4001.7017 4013.3875 -4002.2319 4013.3367 C +-4002.1001 4013.4573 -4002.0212 4014.1062 -4002.4785 4014.0271 C +-4002.3113 4012.6873 -4003.3159 4013.4456 -4003.6855 4012.4812 C +-4003.3552 4013.1206 -4004.9856 4012.6392 -4004.4673 4013.5471 C +-4004.8489 4013.4382 -4004.4905 4013.0454 -4004.78 4012.73 C +-4005.6882 4013.2493 -4006.7815 4012.3926 -4007.9041 4012.5679 C +-4007.9216 4012.7444 -4007.7336 4013.0127 -4007.9744 4013.2747 C +-4008.5671 4012.3953 L +-4008.7888 4012.4812 -4008.7712 4013.4104 -4009.1763 4012.8 C +-4009.1191 4012.9482 -4009.0337 4013.1707 -4009.1824 4013.2271 C +-4011.3816 4012.3704 -4013.6763 4013.9292 -4015.9097 4012.3191 C +-4015.6072 4012.6604 -4015.8088 4012.6936 -4016.0398 4012.7063 C +-4015.8896 4012.7876 -4016.0432 4013.1404 -4016.0137 4013.3792 C +-4016.9487 4012.7168 L +-4017.1191 4013.3784 -4017.9512 4012.7615 -4018.0488 4013.3943 C +-4017.7527 4013.28 L +-4018.1465 4014.0271 -4017.2017 4014.9395 -4017.2593 4015.8975 C +-4016.8184 4015.0486 -4016.0967 4017.1543 -4015.3733 4015.9395 C +-4015.2136 4016.1353 -4015.5095 4016.2483 -4015.4241 4016.4702 C +-4015.2407 4016.0598 -4015.0193 4015.9744 -4014.6089 4016.1582 C +-4014.6553 4016.26 L +-4013.5024 4016.1599 -4013.0081 4016.5647 -4011.7129 4016.8342 C +-4011.8088 4016.3606 L +-4011.5305 4016.4236 -4011.4719 4016.5723 -4011.3416 4016.6912 C +-4011.0222 4015.9727 -4012.1233 4016.6504 -4011.8323 4015.8584 C +-4011.4631 4016.8223 -4009.8696 4015.8728 -4009.6201 4016.9683 C +-4009.1919 4016.9744 -4009.7456 4016.4192 -4009.3176 4016.4263 C +-4009.2041 4016.7227 L +-4009.0959 4016.3408 L +-4008.8152 4016.4038 -4008.6736 4016.7747 -4008.6631 4017.0254 C +-4008.7312 4016.9956 -4008.8567 4017.0955 -4008.9297 4017.1172 C +-4008.5657 4017.4663 -4007.9033 4016.9983 -4007.7783 4017.1118 C +-4008.1897 4016.9292 L +-4007.0212 4016.6519 -4005.5945 4017.0413 -4004.4656 4016.4382 C +-4004.5513 4016.2151 L +-4003.6892 4015.8015 -4003.8608 4016.4607 -4002.9143 4016.2693 C +-4002.9487 4016.3223 L +-4002.7593 4016.0999 -4002.5063 4015.9871 -4002.2473 4016.0127 C +-4002.4863 4016.2747 -4001.7976 4016.5212 -4002.1111 4016.8113 C +-4001.1763 4016.3672 -4001.6487 4016.4624 -4001.0313 4015.6316 C +-4000.8889 4016.0032 L +-4000.6785 4015.6672 -4000.6609 4015.49 -4000.1882 4015.3943 C +-4000.5759 4015.7124 -3999.8865 4015.9592 -4000.3208 4016.3799 C +-3999.3289 4017.1912 -3998.8479 4015.5613 -3998.3928 4016.7471 C +-3997.9373 4015.7207 -3999.2512 4016.1775 -3998.9961 4015.9575 C +-3999.2097 4015.6223 -3998.6201 4015.1902 -3998.3088 4015.2932 C +-3997.9919 4015.3167 -3997.77 4016.6072 -3996.9729 4016.5872 C +-3997.0522 4016.5823 -3997.0576 4016.6604 -3997.1367 4016.6553 C +-3996.8384 4016.9172 -3996.5522 4016.3008 -3996.1863 4016.7263 C +-3995.9812 4016.1052 -3995.7112 4016.7615 -3995.6521 4015.9702 C +-3996.3833 4016.1536 L +-3995.9688 4015.9463 -3995.5801 4015.02 -3994.8972 4015.4695 C +-3994.9504 4015.6287 -3995.1536 4015.8391 -3995.2932 4015.9558 C +-3995.0935 4016.1895 -3994.9087 4015.8015 -3994.7017 4016.0413 C +-3994.7607 4016.8335 -3995.5903 4016.2134 -3996.0344 4016.8174 C +-3995.8201 4017.1519 -3995.1943 4016.2439 -3995.4175 4017.1016 c +-3995.0967 4016.011 -3994.6321 4017.24 -3994.0923 4016.4063 C +-3994.1279 4016.8806 L +-3994.0425 4016.8064 -3993.8655 4016.5823 -3993.7083 4016.5942 C +-3993.9929 4017.2095 L +-3993.5559 4016.6848 -3993.1504 4017.6692 -3992.7312 4017.3831 C +-3993.6089 4017.3975 -3992.9282 4016.8113 -3993.2993 4016.4646 C +-3992.2168 4015.8296 -3992.6768 4017.7063 -3991.4648 4017.4783 C +-3991.6289 4017.5454 -3992.0808 4017.1936 -3991.8242 4016.9734 C +-3991.5935 4017.0713 -3991.2888 4017.2534 -3991.1472 4017.5032 C +-3990.3442 4017.4038 -3991.2705 4017.0144 -3990.9287 4016.7224 C +-3990.6553 4017.3008 -3990.5344 4016.4871 -3990.1824 4016.3022 C +-3990.1799 4016.7847 L +-3989.2649 4017.0942 -3989.9373 4015.7791 -3989.1135 4016.1536 C +-3989.4617 4016.8223 L +-3989.0322 4016.6494 L +-3989.1208 4017.1982 L +-3988.6536 4016.7913 -3988.5081 4016.8962 -3988.0503 4017.0503 C +-3988.1567 4016.7112 -3987.9905 4016.1753 -3987.5852 4016.1599 C +-3987.3088 4016.4463 -3987.74 4016.6184 -3987.1655 4016.5496 C +-3987.2952 4016.8511 -3987.4373 4017.23 -3987.6873 4016.7864 C +-3987.7129 4016.9436 -3987.8152 4017.0884 -3987.8416 4017.2444 C +-3987.5439 4017.5735 -3987.0935 4017.3191 -3986.8855 4017.3142 C +-3986.9656 4017.2964 -3987.0613 4017.2703 -3987.1104 4017.2024 C +-3986.2776 4016.5332 L +-3986.1465 4016.7144 -3986.2505 4016.8599 -3986.3535 4017.0032 C +-3986.1848 4016.9502 -3986.0681 4016.7283 -3985.8201 4016.6873 C +-3985.8843 4017.0791 -3985.8689 4017.4839 -3986.22 4017.6687 C +-3985.4265 4017.2334 L +-3985.3735 4017.4038 -3985.0193 4017.7024 -3985.1223 4017.8462 C +-3984.6824 4018.0767 -3984.0432 4017.0852 -3983.46 4017.3894 C +-3983.4297 4017.3135 -3983.3689 4017.24 -3983.2449 4017.1848 C +-3982.6968 4017.2732 -3982.2112 4017.7544 -3981.5615 4017.2173 C +-3981.1929 4017.9192 L +-3980.6841 4017.7603 -3981.6919 4017.0342 -3980.8447 4016.7693 C +-3980.2449 4016.5447 -3980.6208 4017.3687 -3980.4104 4017.5642 C +-3980.1121 4017.2102 -3979.5935 4016.4888 -3979.0425 4017.0613 C +-3979.2249 4017.1936 -3979.3679 4017.0896 -3979.5383 4017.1416 C +f +1 D +-3973.2632 4016.8296 m +-3973.3848 4016.9312 -3973.6272 4017.2439 -3973.7161 4016.9592 C +-3973.5776 4016.4063 -3973.4705 4016.6707 -3973.2632 4016.8296 C +f +-3963.7241 4015.6692 m +-3963.8145 4015.8279 -3963.9543 4015.7493 -3964.1121 4015.5667 C +-3963.9976 4015.5271 -3963.8679 4015.5447 -3963.7241 4015.6692 C +f +-3937.1511 4012.3096 m +-3937.1563 4012.3174 -3937.1599 4012.323 -3937.1641 4012.3333 C +-3937.4353 4012.1453 -3937.3391 4012.22 -3937.1511 4012.3096 C +f +0 D +-3936.5879 4012.5193 m +-3936.5313 4012.4524 -3936.5352 4012.3848 -3936.5591 4012.3174 C +-3936.5984 4012.4392 -3936.7249 4012.4482 -3936.8689 4012.4136 C +-3936.8289 4012.5398 -3936.7561 4012.6272 -3936.5879 4012.5193 C +f +1 D +-3997.0713 4012.7092 m +-3996.9617 4012.8352 L +-3997.2092 4012.9744 -3997.1399 4012.8484 -3997.0713 4012.7092 C +f +*U +0 D +-3964.8057 4016.3286 m +-3964.8401 4016.2471 -3964.8496 4016.1575 -3964.8577 4016.0667 C +-3964.9055 4016.1475 -3964.9065 4016.2415 -3964.8057 4016.3286 C +f +-3983.4409 4017.3953 m +-3983.4473 4017.3911 -3983.4536 4017.3926 -3983.46 4017.3894 C +-3983.4705 4017.4182 -3983.4761 4017.4482 -3983.4792 4017.4768 C +-3983.4409 4017.3953 L +f +-3945.3123 4016.6096 m +-3945.4282 4016.5398 -3945.4929 4016.4524 -3945.5359 4016.3606 C +-3945.5422 4016.4783 -3945.4895 4016.5784 -3945.3123 4016.6096 C +f +-3933.6033 4011.6992 m +-3933.9641 4011.8247 L +-3933.7896 4011.8008 -3933.7273 4011.9063 -3933.6392 4011.9832 C +-3933.6472 4011.8704 -3933.7161 4011.7073 -3933.6033 4011.6992 C +f +-3930.4719 4014.6848 m +-3930.4192 4014.6255 -3930.3601 4014.6782 -3930.3081 4014.6184 C +-3930.3225 4014.3943 L +-3930.5471 4014.4087 -3930.7041 4014.5896 -3930.4719 4014.6848 C +f +-3933.2693 4013.3022 m +-3933.2407 4013.7083 -3933.0144 4013.5703 -3932.7617 4013.4951 C +-3932.7769 4013.4966 -3932.7913 4013.5 -3932.8064 4013.4951 C +-3932.7319 4012.928 -3933.0012 4013.115 -3933.2693 4013.3022 C +f +-3932.7031 4013.4812 m +-3932.6252 4013.4624 -3932.5457 4013.4524 -3932.4695 4013.4712 C +-3932.4399 4013.2439 -3932.5642 4013.4236 -3932.7031 4013.4812 C +f +-3935.8735 4012.25 m +-3935.7537 4012.3542 -3935.7983 4011.7312 -3935.7305 4011.8962 C +-3935.5967 4011.3799 -3936.5295 4012.5212 -3935.8735 4012.25 C +f +-3933.0647 4014.6392 m +-3933.1553 4014.1382 L +-3933.2969 4014.5422 L +-3933.0647 4014.6392 L +f +-3935.0601 4014.2712 m +-3934.6563 4014.4104 L +-3934.6624 4014.3264 -3934.6111 4014.2776 -3934.5481 4014.24 C +-3934.7969 4014.2224 -3935.0696 4014.1233 -3935.0601 4014.2712 C +f +-3934.5481 4014.24 m +-3934.4185 4014.2493 -3934.2952 4014.2383 -3934.2231 4014.1563 C +-3934.2932 4014.1614 -3934.4441 4014.1782 -3934.5481 4014.24 C +f +-3933.6167 4014.7896 m +-3933.7361 4014.6851 L +-3934.0212 4014.6487 L +-3933.6167 4014.7896 L +f +-3939.4009 4014.1753 m +-3939.8416 4014.3184 L +-3939.8865 4014.49 -3939.7664 4014.5952 -3939.6023 4014.5271 C +-3939.4968 4014.407 -3939.3333 4014.3408 -3939.4009 4014.1753 C +f +-3938.0681 4015.5471 m +-3938.1873 4015.4431 -3938.1953 4015.3311 -3938.2625 4015.1663 C +-3938.2759 4015.7871 L +-3938.0681 4015.5471 L +f +-3939.3533 4015.6919 m +-3939.3972 4015.8643 -3939.9929 4016.1863 -3939.4343 4016.1475 C +-3939.3896 4015.9768 -3938.9482 4015.8335 -3939.3533 4015.6919 C +f +-3945.9937 4014.9063 m +-3945.8816 4014.8982 L +-3945.8977 4013.8799 L +-3945.9937 4014.9063 L +f +-3951.8464 4017.3433 m +-3951.3242 4017.5872 -3951.7224 4016.7144 -3951.2505 4017.0193 C +-3951.1279 4016.7783 -3951.6362 4016.7703 -3951.5105 4016.5623 C +-3951.8257 4016.8167 -3951.9912 4016.6736 -3951.8464 4017.3433 C +f +-3951.5105 4016.5623 m +-3951.46 4016.5222 -3951.4065 4016.4734 -3951.3496 4016.4082 C +-3951.4409 4016.4712 -3951.4839 4016.52 -3951.5105 4016.5623 C +f +-4017.5745 4012.1924 m +-4017.9104 4011.98 L +-4017.6936 4012.3223 L +-4017.5745 4012.1924 L +f +-4018.2192 4012.9482 m +-4018.2983 4012.2991 L +-4018.5 4012.8862 L +-4018.4241 4012.8572 -4018.2769 4012.8015 -4018.2192 4012.9482 C +f +-3972.3303 4018.1375 m +-3972.3047 4017.9812 L +-3972.3567 4017.8123 -3972.4353 4017.8 -3972.5928 4017.7732 C +-3972.3303 4018.1375 L +f +-3976.8848 4017.6519 m +-3976.8064 4017.6653 L +-3976.9529 4017.0784 L +-3976.8848 4017.6519 L +f +-3980.7073 4018.4004 m +-3980.5513 4018.4253 -3980.3679 4018.2942 -3980.2112 4018.3196 C +-3980.5513 4018.4253 -3980.7495 4017.6692 -3980.7073 4018.4004 C +f +U +9 () XW +U +9 () XW +U +%AI8_EndBrushPattern +%AI8_BeginBrushPattern +(Unnamed Brush Pattern 45) 0 A +0 Xw +u +u +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +-7890 7890 m +-7890 7859.3877 L +-7865.1748 7859.3877 L +-7865.1748 7890 L +-7890 7890 L +n +0 O +0.258488 0.130922 0.134035 0.001434 0.784314 0.823529 0.847059 Xa +-7890 7881.4985 m +-7865.1738 7881.4985 L +-7865.1738 7880.5142 L +-7890 7880.5142 L +-7890 7881.4985 L +f +0.531884 0.324193 0.203311 0.042145 0.513726 0.6 0.694118 Xa +-7890 7880.5176 m +-7865.1738 7880.5176 L +-7865.1738 7873.7935 L +-7890 7873.7935 L +-7890 7880.5176 L +f +0.258488 0.130922 0.134035 0.001434 0.784314 0.823529 0.847059 Xa +-7890 7873.7959 m +-7865.1738 7873.7959 L +-7865.1738 7872.6367 L +-7890 7872.6367 L +-7890 7873.7959 L +f +0.420172 0.234684 0.133211 0.010101 0.627451 0.701961 0.792157 Xa +-7865.1738 7872.6367 m +-7865.1738 7860.5278 L +-7890 7860.5278 L +-7890 7872.6367 L +-7865.1738 7872.6367 L +f +U +9 () XW +U +%AI8_EndBrushPattern +%AI8_BeginBrushPattern +(Unnamed Brush Pattern 47) 0 A +0 Xw +u +u +u +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +-7890 7890 m +-7890 7859.3877 L +-7859.3848 7859.3877 L +-7859.3848 7890 L +-7890 7890 L +n +0 O +0.258488 0.130922 0.134035 0.001434 0.784314 0.823529 0.847059 Xa +-7859.3848 7880.5142 m +-7868.8672 7880.5142 L +-7868.8711 7889.9985 L +-7867.8896 7889.9985 L +-7867.8896 7881.4951 L +-7859.3848 7881.4951 L +-7859.3848 7880.5142 L +f +0.531884 0.324193 0.203311 0.042145 0.513726 0.6 0.694118 Xa +-7859.3848 7873.7935 m +-7875.5928 7873.7915 L +-7875.5928 7890 L +-7868.8672 7890 L +-7868.8672 7880.5132 L +-7859.3848 7880.5132 L +-7859.3848 7873.7935 L +f +0.258488 0.130922 0.134035 0.001434 0.784314 0.823529 0.847059 Xa +-7859.3848 7872.6357 m +-7876.7485 7872.6357 L +-7876.7485 7889.9995 L +-7875.5957 7889.9995 L +-7875.5957 7873.7915 L +-7859.3848 7873.7915 L +-7859.3848 7872.6357 L +f +0.420172 0.234684 0.133211 0.010101 0.627451 0.701961 0.792157 Xa +-7859.3848 7860.5244 m +-7888.8594 7860.5244 L +-7888.8594 7889.9985 L +-7876.7495 7890 L +-7876.7495 7872.6357 L +-7859.3848 7872.6357 L +-7859.3848 7860.5244 L +f +0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Xa +-7875.5918 7874.1533 m +-7876.7207 7872.6733 l +-7875.5918 7873.7959 l +-7875.5918 7874.1533 l +f +-7867.8896 7881.8096 m +-7868.8232 7880.5615 l +-7867.8896 7881.4951 l +-7867.8896 7881.8096 l +f +U +9 () XW +U +9 () XW +U +%AI8_EndBrushPattern +%AI8_BeginBrushPattern +(Unnamed Brush Pattern 49) 0 A +0 Xw +u +u +u +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +-7890 7890 m +-7859.3335 7890 L +-7859.3335 7859.3345 L +-7890 7859.3345 L +-7890 7890 L +n +u +u +u +0 O +0.258488 0.130922 0.134035 0.001434 0.784314 0.823529 0.847059 Xa +1 XR +-7881.4219 7889.9688 m +-7880.5039 7889.9688 L +-7880.5039 7868.8013 L +-7859.3389 7868.8013 L +-7859.3389 7867.8853 L +-7881.4219 7867.8853 L +-7881.4219 7889.9688 L +f +0.531884 0.324193 0.203311 0.042145 0.513726 0.6 0.694118 Xa +0 XR +-7880.5039 7889.9688 m +-7873.7539 7889.9688 L +-7873.7539 7875.5527 L +-7859.3389 7875.5527 L +-7859.3389 7876.7173 L +-7859.3389 7876.7173 L +-7859.3389 7868.8013 L +-7880.5039 7868.8013 L +-7880.5039 7889.9688 L +f +0.258488 0.130922 0.134035 0.001434 0.784314 0.823529 0.847059 Xa +1 XR +-7859.3389 7876.7173 m +-7859.3389 7875.5527 L +-7873.7539 7875.5527 L +-7873.7539 7889.9688 L +-7872.5889 7889.9688 L +-7872.5889 7876.7173 L +-7859.3389 7876.7173 L +f +0.420172 0.234684 0.133211 0.010101 0.627451 0.701961 0.792157 Xa +0 XR +-7872.5889 7876.7173 m +-7872.5889 7889.9688 L +-7860.5039 7889.9688 L +-7860.5352 7888.8135 L +-7859.3389 7888.8135 L +-7859.3389 7876.7173 L +-7872.5889 7876.7173 L +f +U +9 () XW +1 Ap +1 XR +-7890 7890 m +-7890 7859.3345 L +-7859.3335 7859.3345 L +-7859.3335 7890 L +-7890 7890 L +n +U +9 () XW +0 Ap +0 O +0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Xa +0 XR +-7872.5986 7877.0796 m +-7873.7285 7875.6016 l +-7872.5986 7876.7212 L +-7872.5986 7877.0796 l +f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(12.566368) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +-7880.5 7869.1255 m +-7881.3848 7867.9287 l +-7880.5 7868.8101 L +-7880.5 7869.1255 l +f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(12.566368) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +U +9 () XW +U +9 () XW +U +9 () XW +U +%AI8_EndBrushPattern +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI10_BeginSVGFilter +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(140%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (width) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(140%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (height) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_AbgeflachteKanteMitSchatten_1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 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(xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k3) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k4) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k1) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(arithmetic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMerge) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (width) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (height) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Alpha_1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (numOctaves) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stitchTiles) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.05) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (baseFrequency) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feTurbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (width) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (height) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Alpha_4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(fractalNoise) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (numOctaves) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stitchTiles) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (baseFrequency) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feTurbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Dehnen_3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(radius) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (radius) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(dilate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMorphology) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Dehnen_6) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(6) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(radius) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (radius) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(dilate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMorphology) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Erodieren_3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(radius) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (radius) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(erode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMorphology) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Erodieren_6) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(6) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(radius) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (radius) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(erode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMorphology) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_GaußscherWeichzeichner_4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_GaußscherWeichzeichner_7) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(7) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(150%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (width) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(150%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (height) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Holzmaserung) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-10%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-10%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dx) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dx) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dy) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dy) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offset) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feOffset) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(flood-color:black; flood-opacity:0.4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(style) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (style) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feFlood) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(shadowColor) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(resultScale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (resultScale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(diffuseConstant) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (diffuseConstant) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(white) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(lighting-color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (lighting-color) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(surfaceScale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (surfaceScale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(diffuse) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(diffuse) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(60) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(elevation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (elevation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(135) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(azimuth) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (azimuth) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(light2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feDistantLight) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feDiffuseLighting) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(specularConstant) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (specularConstant) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(10) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(specularExponent) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (specularExponent) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(white) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(lighting-color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (lighting-color) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(surfaceScale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (surfaceScale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(60) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(elevation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (elevation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(135) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(azimuth) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (azimuth) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(light) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feDistantLight) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feSpecularLighting) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k3) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k4) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k1) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(arithmetic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(diffuse) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k3) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k4) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k1) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(arithmetic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMerge) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(fractalNoise) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(10) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (numOctaves) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stitchTiles) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(.05) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (baseFrequency) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(Turbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feTurbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(matrix) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(values) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (values) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(Grayscale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(Turbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feColorMatrix) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(BlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dx) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dx) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dy) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dy) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(OffsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attribute +endstream endobj 400 0 obj <>stream +s) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(BlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feOffset) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(OffsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(CompBlurTurb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(Grayscale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(CompBlurTurb2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1.5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(CompBlurTurb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(CompXferFire) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(Grayscale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(table) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(2 0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(tableValues) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (tableValues) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feFuncR) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(table) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(.7 0 ) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(tableValues) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (tableValues) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feFuncG) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(table) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(.1 0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(tableValues) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (tableValues) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feFuncB) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComponentTransfer) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(CompSourceFire) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(CompXferFire) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(MergeAll) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(CompSourceFire) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMerge) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(110%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (width) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(140%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (height) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_KühleBrise) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-5%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-40%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1.2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(radius) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (radius) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(dilate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(a) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(a) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMorphology) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1.2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(radius) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (radius) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(dilate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(a) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMorphology) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dy) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dy) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feOffset) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(fractalNoise) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (numOctaves) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stitchTiles) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (baseFrequency) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feTurbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(scale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (scale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(A) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(yChannelSelector) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (yChannelSelector) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(R) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(xChannelSelector) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (xChannelSelector) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feDisplacementMap) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(matrix) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(values) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (values) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feColorMatrix) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(freeze) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(fill) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (fill) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(attributeName) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (attributeName) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(5s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(none) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(accumulate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (accumulate) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(replace) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(additive) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (additive) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(begin) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (begin) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(linear) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(calcMode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (calcMode) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(from) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (from) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(to) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (to) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(always) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(restart) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (restart) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(animate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-8) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dy) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dy) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feOffset) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(fractalNoise) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(10) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (numOctaves) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stitchTiles) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.05) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (baseFrequency) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feTurbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(8) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(scale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (scale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(A) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(yChannelSelector) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (yChannelSelector) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(R) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(xChannelSelector) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (xChannelSelector) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feDisplacementMap) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(matrix) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(values) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (values) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feColorMatrix) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(a) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMerge) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(50 50) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterRes) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterRes) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Pixelspiel_1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(remove) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(fill) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (fill) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(indefinite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(repeatDur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (repeatDur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(filterRes) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(attributeName) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (attributeName) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(10s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(none) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(accumulate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (accumulate) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(replace) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(additive) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (additive) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(begin) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (begin) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(spline) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(calcMode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (calcMode) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(always) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(restart) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (restart) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1 1;20 15;200 200; 15 20;1 1 ) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(values) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (values) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(animate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(7) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(compositeOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k3) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k4) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k1) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(arithmetic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(compositeOut1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(compositeOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(compositeOut1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMerge) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(50 50) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterRes) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterRes) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Pixelspiel_2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(remove) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(fill) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (fill) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(indefinite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(repeatDur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (repeatDur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(filterRes) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(attributeName) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (attributeName) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(10s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(none) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(accumulate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (accumulate) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(replace) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(additive) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (additive) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(begin) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (begin) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(linear) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(calcMode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (calcMode) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(always) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(restart) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (restart) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(50 50;20 20;50 50) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(values) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (values) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(animate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(7) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(resultScale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (resultScale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(diffuseConstant) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (diffuseConstant) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(yellow) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(lighting-color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (lighting-color) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(surfaceScale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (surfaceScale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(diffuse) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(diffuse) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(remove) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(fill) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (fill) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(indefinite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(repeatDur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (repeatDur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(lighting-color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(attributeName) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (attributeName) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(15s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(none) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(accumulate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (accumulate) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(replace) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(additive) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (additive) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(begin) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (begin) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(linear) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(calcMode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (calcMode) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(always) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(restart) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (restart) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(yellow;green;blue;indigo;violet;red;orange) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(values) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (values) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(animate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(60) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(elevation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (elevation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(180) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(azimuth) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (azimuth) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feDistantLight) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feDiffuseLighting) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(10) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(specularConstant) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (specularConstant) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(15) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(specularExponent) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (specularExponent) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(red) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(lighting-color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (lighting-color) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(15) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(surfaceScale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (surfaceScale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(remove) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(fill) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (fill) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(indefinite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(repeatDur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (repeatDur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(lighting-color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(attributeName) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (attributeName) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(15s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(none) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(accumulate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (accumulate) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(replace) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(additive) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (additive) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(begin) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (begin) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(linear) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(calcMode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (calcMode) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(always) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(restart) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (restart) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(indigo;green;yellow;blue;violet;red;orange) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(values) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (values) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(animate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(60) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(elevation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (elevation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(180) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(azimuth) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (azimuth) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(light) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feDistantLight) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feSpecularLighting) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k3) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k4) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k1) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(arithmetic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(diffuse) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k3) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k4) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k1) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(arithmetic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMerge) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Schatten_1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dx) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dx) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dy) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dy) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feOffset) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMerge) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(140%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (width) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(130%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (height) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Schatten_2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-15%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-15%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(6) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(8) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dx) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dx) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(8) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dy) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dy) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feOffset) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMerge) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-n +endstream endobj 401 0 obj <>stream +odevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Statisch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(fractalNoise) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(10) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (numOctaves) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stitchTiles) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (baseFrequency) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(remove) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(fill) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (fill) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(indefinite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(repeatDur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (repeatDur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(attributeName) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (attributeName) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(5s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(none) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(accumulate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (accumulate) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(replace) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(additive) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (additive) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(linear) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(calcMode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (calcMode) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(from) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (from) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.7) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(to) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (to) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(always) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(restart) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (restart) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(animate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feTurbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (width) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (height) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Verwirbelung_3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(8) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (numOctaves) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stitchTiles) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.05) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (baseFrequency) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feTurbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (width) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (height) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Verwirbelung_5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(fractalNoise) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (numOctaves) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stitchTiles) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (baseFrequency) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feTurbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +%AI10_EndSVGFilter +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI14_BeginSymbol +(Kombinationsfeld) 0 A +0 Xw +u +u +0 O +9 0.7 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +6.5 -10 m +6.5 -10 L +-10.5 -10 L +-10.5 10 L +6.5 10 L +6.5 10 L +8.15625 10 9.5 8.6582 9.5 7 C +9.5 -7 L +9.5 -8.65625 8.15625 -10 6.5 -10 C +Bb +1 (Unnamed gradient 1) 0 0 -90 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +-0.000001 -20 -24 0.000001 -7879.5 7901 Xm +-0.000001 -23.5 -24 0.000001 -7879.5 7924.5 Bc +-0.000001 -20 -24 0.000001 -7879.5 7901 Bm +-0.000001 -23.5 -24 0.000001 -7879.5 7881 Bc +f +0 BB +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +6.5 -11 m +6.5 -11 L +-10.5 -11 L +-10.5 -10 L +6.5 -10 L +6.5 -10 L +8.15625 -10 9.5 -8.65625 9.5 -7 C +9.5 7 L +9.5 8.6582 8.15625 10 6.5 10 C +6.5 10 L +-9.5 10 L +-10.5 10 L +-10.5 11 L +6.5 11 L +6.5 11 L +8.70898 11 10.5 9.20898 10.5 7 C +10.5 -7 L +10.5 -9.20898 8.70898 -11 6.5 -11 C +Bb +1 (Unnamed gradient 2) 0 0 -90 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +-0.000001 -22 -25 0.000001 -7878.5 7902 Xm +-0.000001 -25 -25 0.000001 -7878.5 7927 Bc +-0.000001 -22 -25 0.000001 -7878.5 7902 Bm +-0.000001 -25 -25 0.000001 -7878.5 7880 Bc +f +0 BB +U +9 () XW +0.690608 0.595209 0.559747 0.655817 0.2 0.2 0.2 Xa +-3.5 -2 m +2.5 -2 L +-0.5 2 l +-3.5 -2 L +f +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_0 17 18 4 0 0 /RealMatrix +%_ (AI13Pattern9SliceScalingGridKey) , +%_5 /Int (AI13PatternRegistrationType) , +%_0 /Bool (AI15PixelPerfectSymbolEnablekey) , +%_1 /Bool (AI13PatternEnableGuides) , +%_2 /Int (AI13PatternExportType) , +%_; +%_ +9 () XW +%AI10_EndSymbol +%AI14_BeginSymbol +(Schaltfläche) 0 A +0 Xw +u +*u +1 D +0 O +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +0 g +28.0005 -11 m +28 -11 L +-28 -11 L +-30.21 -11 -32 -9.20898 -32 -7 C +-32 7 L +-32 9.20801 -30.21 10.999 -28 11 C +28 11 L +28.0005 11 L +30.2085 11 32 9.20898 32 7 C +32 -7 L +32 -9.20898 30.2085 -11 28.0005 -11 C +f +0 D +31 7 m +31 8.6582 29.6563 10 28.0005 10 C +28 10 L +-28 10 L +-29.6572 9.99902 -31 8.65625 -31 7 C +-31 -7 L +-31 -8.65527 -29.6572 -10 -28 -10 C +28 -10 L +28.0005 -10 L +29.6563 -10 31 -8.65625 31 -7 C +31 7 L +Bb +1 (Unnamed gradient 2) 0 0 -90 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +-0.000001 -22 -68 0.000003 -7857 7902 Xm +-0.000001 -25 -68 0.000003 -7857 7927 Bc +-0.000001 -22 -68 0.000003 -7857 7902 Bm +-0.000001 -25 -68 0.000003 -7857 7880 Bc +f +0 BB +*U +9 0.85 0 0 0 Xy +28.0005 -10 m +28 -10 L +28 -10 L +-28 -10 L +-28 -10 L +-29.6572 -10 -31 -8.65527 -31 -7 C +-31 7 L +-31 8.65625 -29.6572 9.99902 -28 10 C +-28 10 L +28 10 L +28 10 L +28.0005 10 l +29.6563 10 31 8.6582 31 7 C +31 -7 L +31 -8.65625 29.6563 -10 28.0005 -10 c +Bb +1 (Unnamed gradient 3) 0 0 -90 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +-0.000001 -20 -66 0.000003 -7858 7901 Xm +-0.000001 -23 -66 0.000003 -7858 7924 Bc +-0.000001 -20 -66 0.000003 -7858 7901 Bm +-0.000001 -23 -66 0.000003 -7858 7881 Bc +f +0 BB +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_4 60 18 4 0 0 /RealMatrix +%_ (AI13Pattern9SliceScalingGridKey) , +%_5 /Int (AI13PatternRegistrationType) , +%_0 /Bool (AI15PixelPerfectSymbolEnablekey) , +%_1 /Bool (AI13PatternEnableGuides) , +%_2 /Int (AI13PatternExportType) , +%_; +%_ +9 () XW +%AI10_EndSymbol +%AI14_BeginSymbol +(Suchen) 0 A +0 Xw +u +1 Ap +0 O +1 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +31 21.5322 m +31 24.0166 17.1211 26.0303 0 26.0303 c +-17.1191 26.0303 -31 24.0166 -31 21.5322 c +-31 19.0459 -17.1191 17.0303 0 17.0303 c +17.1211 17.0303 31 19.0459 31 21.5322 c +Bb +0 0 0 0 Bh +1 (Unnamed gradient 17) 0 0 0 1 1.4762 0 0 0.2143 -3789.1475 6144.7451 1 Bg +30.9986 0 0 -4.50006 -7891 7869.4692 Bm +f +0 BB +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +%_1.4762 0 0 0.2143 -3789.1475 6144.7451 /RealMatrix +%_ (CAIGradientTformMatrix) , +%_; (Adobe_AI9_ArtStyle_Dictionary) , +%_; +%_ +0 1 Xd +Bb +0 0 0 0 Bh +2 (Unnamed gradient 17) 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +0 BB +6 () XW +u +0 Ap +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +10 M -18.4502 21.9706 m +-18.7514 21.9706 -19.0387 21.8438 -19.2384 21.6228 C +-23.965 16.396 L +-24.1564 16.1854 -24.2537 15.9123 -24.2398 15.6264 c +-24.2259 15.3403 -24.1025 15.0776 -23.8923 14.8867 C +-10.655 2.8613 L +-10.4594 2.68388 -10.205 2.58601 -9.93892 2.58601 c +-9.63749 2.58601 -9.35004 2.7128 -9.15027 2.93386 C +-4.42351 8.15868 L +-4.23263 8.36885 -4.13573 8.64198 -4.15001 8.92848 c +-4.16429 9.21497 -4.28761 9.47757 -4.49724 9.66792 C +-17.7366 21.6953 L +-17.9317 21.873 -18.1849 21.9706 -18.4502 21.9706 C +Bb +0 0 0 0 Bh +1 (Unnamed gradient 28) -0.15047 0.64736 0 1.9211 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +18.1731 0 0 -18.1731 -7908.2183 7866.1729 Bm +f +0 BB +u +*u +0.478614 0.312474 0.290532 0.089723 0.54902 0.596078 0.627451 Xa +-9.93896 3.08594 m +-9.84473 3.08594 -9.66504 3.10986 -9.521 3.26953 C +-4.79297 8.49561 L +-4.65771 8.64453 -4.64502 8.81494 -4.64941 8.90381 C +-4.65723 9.05713 -4.72217 9.19678 -4.8335 9.29785 C +-18.0737 21.3262 L +-18.1763 21.4194 -18.3096 21.4707 -18.4502 21.4707 C +-18.5444 21.4707 -18.7236 21.4468 -18.8677 21.2871 C +-23.5957 16.0591 L +-23.8022 15.8315 -23.7842 15.4639 -23.5562 15.2568 C +-10.3193 3.23193 L +-10.2158 3.1377 -10.0806 3.08594 -9.93896 3.08594 C +F +1 D +-9.93896 2.08594 m +-10.3145 2.08594 -10.6919 2.21973 -10.9912 2.49121 C +-24.2285 14.5166 L +-24.8672 15.0967 -24.916 16.0928 -24.3359 16.7314 C +-19.6094 21.958 L +-19.3022 22.2979 -18.877 22.4707 -18.4502 22.4707 C +-18.0747 22.4707 -17.6982 22.3369 -17.4004 22.0654 C +-4.16113 10.0381 L +-3.52441 9.45996 -3.47266 8.46191 -4.05273 7.82324 C +-8.7793 2.59863 L +-9.08643 2.25879 -9.51172 2.08594 -9.93896 2.08594 C +-9.93896 2.08594 L +f +*U +U +0 0 Xd +6 () XW +U +0 0 Xd +6 () XW +%_0 D +%_-24.3359 16.7314 m +%_-24.916 16.0928 -24.8672 15.0967 -24.2285 14.5166 c +%_-10.9912 2.49121 l +%_-10.3516 1.91113 -9.35645 1.95996 -8.7793 2.59863 c +%_-4.05273 7.82324 l +%_-3.47266 8.46191 -3.52441 9.45996 -4.16113 10.0381 c +%_-17.4004 22.0654 l +%_-18.0371 22.6455 -19.0322 22.5967 -19.6094 21.958 c +%_-24.3359 16.7314 l +%_n +1 (Anon) XW +*u +0 O +0 R +0.478614 0.312474 0.290532 0.089723 0.54902 0.596078 0.627451 XA +4 M 0 g +7.40234 -25.5303 m +9.28125 -25.5303 11.1943 -25.2197 13.0703 -24.5713 C +22.1172 -21.4404 26.9102 -11.5713 23.7832 -2.52441 C +21.3018 4.64551 14.5879 9.14551 7.40234 9.14551 C +5.52344 9.14551 3.61328 8.83496 1.73438 8.18652 C +-7.3125 5.05762 -12.1084 -4.81348 -8.97852 -13.8584 C +-6.49707 -21.0283 0.219727 -25.5303 7.40234 -25.5303 C +B +1 D +7.40234 -20.374 m +2.21582 -20.374 -2.40918 -17.0791 -4.1084 -12.1729 C +-5.1709 -9.09863 -4.97363 -5.7959 -3.55176 -2.86816 C +-2.12988 0.055664 0.34668 2.25293 3.42188 3.31738 C +4.71191 3.76465 6.05176 3.99121 7.40234 3.99121 C +12.5889 3.99121 17.2139 0.696289 18.9131 -4.20801 C +19.9756 -7.28223 19.7783 -10.5869 18.3564 -13.5127 C +16.9346 -16.4404 14.458 -18.6377 11.3857 -19.7002 C +11.3857 -19.7002 L +10.0898 -20.1475 8.75 -20.374 7.40234 -20.374 C +7.40234 -20.374 L +Bb +0 0 0 0 Bh +1 (Unnamed gradient 28) 0.007548 0.433959 0 1.40083 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +17.0658 0 0 -17.0658 -7883.3364 7884.1445 Bm +b +2 BB +*U +u +0 D +10 M -8.90137 7.71973 m +-8.35059 7.21973 -7.53711 7.19043 -6.95215 7.59863 C +-9.96973 4.26465 L +-22.5664 15.708 L +-20.3691 18.1377 L +-8.90137 7.71973 L +Bb +1 (Unnamed gradient 7) -3.81729 0 -49.4846 6.03541 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +17.6244 -20.6243 -16.0703 -13.7328 -7910.499 7901.1626 Xm +33.9039 -39.6748 -16.0703 -13.7328 -7944.4028 7940.8374 Bc +17.6244 -20.6243 -16.0703 -13.7328 -7910.499 7901.1626 Bm +33.9039 -39.6748 -16.0703 -13.7328 -7892.8745 7880.5381 Bc +f +0 BB +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_0 /Int (AI10 compound shape mode) , +%_; +%_ +2 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 0 Xd +6 () XW +%_-8.90137 7.71973 m +%_-8.35059 7.21973 -7.53711 7.19043 -6.95215 7.59863 C +%_-9.96973 4.26465 L +%_-22.5664 15.708 L +%_-20.3691 18.1377 L +%_-8.90137 7.71973 L +%_n +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_0 /Int (AI10 compound shape mode) , +%_; +%_ +1 (Anon 437) XW +0 O +4 M 12.5801 -23.1553 m +10.9014 -23.7354 9.16016 -24.0283 7.40234 -24.0283 c +0.65918 -24.0283 -5.35449 -19.7451 -7.56152 -13.3682 c +-9.3125 -8.30762 -8.32813 -2.95605 -5.40723 1.08691 C +-5.00293 -0.069336 -4.43066 -1.18066 -3.72559 -2.23926 C +-3.80273 -2.38379 -3.88965 -2.52051 -3.96191 -2.66895 c +-5.43652 -5.70605 -5.6416 -9.13379 -4.53906 -12.3232 c +-2.77637 -17.4111 2.02148 -20.8291 7.40234 -20.8291 c +8.80078 -20.8291 10.1904 -20.5947 11.5352 -20.1299 c +14.7217 -19.0283 17.291 -16.749 18.7666 -13.7119 c +19.0146 -13.2021 19.2129 -12.6787 19.3887 -12.1494 C +19.7041 -12.1279 20.0215 -12.1143 20.3359 -12.0811 c +21.1885 -11.9932 22.0146 -11.8623 22.8184 -11.7021 C +21.6367 -16.8506 17.9277 -21.3037 12.5801 -23.1553 c +Bb +1 (Unnamed gradient 7) -0.837511 0 -63.554 2.1927 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +19.0977 -38.3947 -33.1435 -16.4857 -7881.2896 7936.3179 Xm +20.434 -41.0812 -33.1435 -16.4857 -7901.7231 7977.3994 Bc +19.0977 -38.3947 -33.1435 -16.4857 -7881.2896 7936.3179 Bm +20.434 -41.0812 -33.1435 -16.4857 -7862.1919 7897.9233 Bc +f +0 BB +-6.4707 -11.915 m +-4.26367 -18.292 1.75 -22.5752 8.49316 -22.5752 c +10.251 -22.5752 11.9922 -22.2822 13.6709 -21.7021 c +16.4521 -20.7393 18.7813 -19.0635 20.5557 -16.9619 C +18.7041 -19.7471 15.9766 -21.9795 12.5801 -23.1553 c +10.9014 -23.7354 9.16016 -24.0283 7.40234 -24.0283 c +0.65918 -24.0283 -5.35449 -19.7451 -7.56152 -13.3682 c +-9.45313 -7.90137 -8.14941 -2.10254 -4.66309 2.02637 C +-7.30762 -1.9502 -8.14941 -7.06348 -6.4707 -11.915 c +Bb +1 (Unnamed gradient 7) -0.284451 0 -62.8867 1.31311 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +11.6282 -22.7105 -32.3312 -16.5542 -7877.5737 7926.2744 Xm +13.8263 -27.0035 -32.3312 -16.5542 -7891.3999 7953.2778 Bc +11.6282 -22.7105 -32.3312 -16.5542 -7877.5737 7926.2744 Bm +13.8263 -27.0035 -32.3312 -16.5542 -7865.9453 7903.564 Bc +f +0 BB +u +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +10 M -9.12402 5.19824 m +-9.96973 4.26465 L +-22.5664 15.708 L +-21.7207 16.6436 L +-9.12402 5.19824 L +Bb +1 (Unnamed gradient 7) -0.125225 0 -65.913 1.33255 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +3.53784 -7.91375 -18.7709 -8.3915 -7899.1191 7888.4551 Xm +11.3559 -25.4018 -18.7709 -8.3915 -7910.4751 7913.8569 Bc +3.53784 -7.91375 -18.7709 -8.3915 -7899.1191 7888.4551 Bm +11.3559 -25.4018 -18.7709 -8.3915 -7895.5815 7880.541 Bc +f +0 BB +U +2 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 0 Xd +6 () XW +%_-9.12402 5.19824 m +%_-9.96973 4.26465 L +%_-22.5664 15.708 L +%_-21.7207 16.6436 L +%_-9.12402 5.19824 L +%_n +1 (Anon 438) XW +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_15.5 46.5 39.0454 13.0151 0 0 /RealMatrix +%_ (AI13Pattern9SliceScalingGridKey) , +%_5 /Int (AI13PatternRegistrationType) , +%_0 /Bool (AI15PixelPerfectSymbolEnablekey) , +%_0 /Bool (AI13PatternEnableGuides) , +%_2 /Int (AI13PatternExportType) , +%_; +%_ +9 () XW +%AI10_EndSymbol +%AI14_BeginSymbol +(Textbereich) 0 A +0 Xw +u +1 Ap +0 R +0.702296 0.157443 0 0 0.2 0.662745 0.882353 XA +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 0.991358 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +77.5 45.5 m +-77.5 45.5 L +-77.5 -45.5 L +77.5 -45.5 L +77.5 45.5 L +s +0 0.6 0 0 0 Xy +1.00864 w 78.5 46.5 m +-78.5 46.5 L +-78.5 -46.5 L +78.5 -46.5 L +78.5 46.5 L +s +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_2.0811 156.0811 91.4609 2.4609 0 0 /RealMatrix +%_ (AI13Pattern9SliceScalingGridKey) , +%_5 /Int (AI13PatternRegistrationType) , +%_0 /Bool (AI15PixelPerfectSymbolEnablekey) , +%_1 /Bool (AI13PatternEnableGuides) , +%_2 /Int (AI13PatternExportType) , +%_; +%_ +9 () XW +%AI10_EndSymbol +%AI14_BeginSymbol +(Texteingabe) 0 A +0 Xw +u +0 Ap +0 R +0.702296 0.157443 0 0 0.2 0.662745 0.882353 XA +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +77.5 11.5 m +-77.5 11.5 L +-77.5 -11.5 L +77.5 -11.5 L +77.5 11.5 L +s +0 0.6 0 0 0 Xy +78.5 12.5 m +-78.5 12.5 L +-78.5 -12.5 L +78.5 -12.5 L +78.5 12.5 L +s +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_1.7002 155.7002 24 2 0 0 /RealMatrix +%_ (AI13Pattern9SliceScalingGridKey) , +%_5 /Int (AI13PatternRegistrationType) , +%_0 /Bool (AI15PixelPerfectSymbolEnablekey) , +%_1 /Bool (AI13PatternEnableGuides) , +%_2 /Int (AI13PatternExportType) , +%_; +%_ +9 () XW +%AI10_EndSymbol +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI8_BeginPluginObject +(Adobe Brush Manager Order) +(Adobe Brush Manager Order) +( Adobe Calligraphic Brush Tool/ Rund - 3 Pt./ Adobe Calligraph) - +(ic Brush Tool/ Rund - 10 Pt./ Adobe Calligraphic Brush Tool/ O) - +(val - 3 Pt./ Adobe ArtOnPath Brush Tool/ Kohle - Feder/ Adobe ) - +(dBrush Brush Tool/ Stupfpinsel/ Adobe PatternOnPath Brush Tool) - +(/ Silber/) . +%AI8_EndPluginObject +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI8_BeginPluginObject +(Adobe dBrush Brush Tool) +(Stupfpinsel) +(0 4 0.75 0.75 0.33 0.75 1 3 AI_BristleBrushLibary_CS5 02_Round) - +(_Blunt) . +%AI8_EndPluginObject +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI8_BeginPluginObject +(Adobe Calligraphic Brush Tool) +(Oval - 3 Pt.) +(1 3 3 26 74 15 15 0 1 0 0) . +%AI8_EndPluginObject +%AI8_BeginPluginObject +(Adobe Calligraphic Brush Tool) +(Rund - 10 Pt.) +(1 10 10 100 100 0 0 1 0 0 0) . +%AI8_EndPluginObject +%AI8_BeginPluginObject +(Adobe Calligraphic Brush Tool) +(Rund - 3 Pt.) +(1 3 3 100 100 0 0 0 0 0 0) . +%AI8_EndPluginObject +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI8_BeginPluginObject +(Adobe ArtOnPath Brush Tool) +(Kohle - Feder) +(2 / Unnamed 6/ / / / / 0 1 / 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1) . +%AI8_EndPluginObject +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI8_BeginPluginObject +(Adobe PatternOnPath Brush Tool) +(Silber) +(2 / Unnamed Brush Pattern 45/ Unnamed Brush Pattern 49/ Unname) - +(d Brush Pattern 47/ / / 5 0.623529 0.67451 0.737255 / 1 0 1 0) - +( 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0) . +%AI8_EndPluginObject +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI9_BeginArtStyles +/KnownStyle : +(Anon) /Name , +/ActiveStyle : +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Adobe Stroke Offset) 1 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +(Illustrator.exe) /PluginFileName , +(Konturverschiebung: Live-Effekt) /Title , +2 /FillOrStroke , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +(Inside) /String (DisplayString) , +/StrokeStyle : 0 R +0.478614 0.312474 0.290532 0.089723 0.54902 0.596078 0.627451 XA +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +1 0 Xd +/Def ; + (StrokeStyle) , +1 /Bool (StrokeOffsetInside) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +; + /Part , +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +/FillStyle : 0 O +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +Bb +0 0 0 0 Bh +2 (Unnamed gradient 28) -0.15047 0.64736 0 1.9211 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +0 BB +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + +/Execution ; + /Def ; +/KnownStyle : +(Anon 1208) /Name , +/SimpleStyle : +0 O +0.723293 0.577508 0.383032 0.274357 0.298039 0.337255 0.415686 Xa +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +/Paint ; + /Def ; +/KnownStyle : +(Anon 1209) /Name , +/SimpleStyle : +0 O +0.723293 0.577508 0.383032 0.274357 0.298039 0.337255 0.415686 Xa +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +/Paint ; + /Def ; +/KnownStyle : +(Anon 437) /Name , +/ActiveStyle : +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Adobe Stroke Offset) 1 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +(Illustrator.exe) /PluginFileName , +(Konturverschiebung: Live-Effekt) /Title , +2 /FillOrStroke , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +(Inside) /String (DisplayString) , +/StrokeStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 0 Xd +/Def ; + (StrokeStyle) , +1 /Bool (StrokeOffsetInside) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +; + /Part , +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +/FillStyle : 0 O +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +Bb +2 (Unnamed gradient 7) -3.81729 0 -49.4846 6.03541 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +0 BB +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 2 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + +/Execution ; + /Def ; +/KnownStyle : +(Anon 438) /Name , +/ActiveStyle : +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Adobe Stroke Offset) 1 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +(Illustrator.exe) /PluginFileName , +(Konturverschiebung: Live-Effekt) /Title , +2 /FillOrStroke , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +(Inside) /String (DisplayString) , +/StrokeStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 0 Xd +/Def ; + (StrokeStyle) , +1 /Bool (StrokeOffsetInside) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +; + /Part , +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +/FillStyle : 0 O +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +Bb +2 (Unnamed gradient 7) -0.125225 0 -65.913 1.33255 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +0 BB +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 2 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + +/Execution ; + /Def ; +/KnownStyle : +(Jive_GS) /Name , +/ActiveStyle : +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +2 /FillOrStroke , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/StrokeStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 0 Xd +/Def ; + (StrokeStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +/FillStyle : 0 O +(Jive) 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 [0 1.47 -1.47 0 3405.7441 19244.7109] p +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +/FillStyle : 0 O +0.389013 0.068635 0.08426 0 0.65098 0.815686 0.894118 Xa +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + +/Execution ; + /Def ; +/KnownStyle : +(Schein nach außen - 5 Pt.) /Name , +/ActiveStyle : +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +2 /FillOrStroke , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/StrokeStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 0 Xd +/Def ; + (StrokeStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +/FillStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 0 Xd +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Adobe Outer Glow) 1 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +(Drop Shadow.aip) /PluginFileName , +(Schein nach au\337en) /Title , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/FillStyle : 0 O +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 Xa +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +/Def ; + (sclr) , +0.75 /Real (opac) , +5 /Real (blur) , +2 /Int (blnd) , +1 /Bool (usePSLBlur) , +16 /Int (Adobe Effect Expand Before Version) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + +/Execution ; + /Def ; +/KnownStyle : +(Schlagschatten) /Name , +/ActiveStyle : +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +2 /FillOrStroke , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/StrokeStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 0 Xd +/Def ; + (StrokeStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +/FillStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 0 Xd +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Adobe Drop Shadow) 1 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +(Drop Shadow.aip) /PluginFileName , +(Schlagschatten) /Title , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +1 /Int (csrc) , +/FillStyle : 0 O +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 Xa +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +/Def ; + (sclr) , +1 /Bool (pair) , +0.75 /Real (opac) , +50 /Real (dark) , +5 /Real (blur) , +1 /Int (blnd) , +7 /Real (vert) , +7 /Real (horz) , +1 /Bool (usePSLBlur) , +16 /Int (Adobe Effect Expand Before Version) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + +/Execution ; + /Def ; +/KnownStyle : +([Standard]) /Name , +/SimpleStyle : +0 O +0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Xa +0 R +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 XA +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +1 1 Xd +/Paint ; + /Def ; +%AI9_EndArtStyles +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_BeginPalette +0 0 Pb +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 ([Passermarken]) 0 1 Xz +([Passermarken]) +Pc +0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Xa +(Weiß) +Pc +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 Xa +(Schwarz) +Pc +0 0.94641 0.916289 0 1 0 0 Xa +(RGB Rot) +Pc +0.096254 0 0.951965 0 1 1 0 Xa +(RGB Gelb) +Pc +0.647547 0 1 0 0 1 0 Xa +(RGB Grün) +Pc +0.570733 0 0.153567 0 0 1 1 Xa +(RGB Cyan) +Pc +0.934081 0.745846 0 0 0 0 1 Xa +(RGB Blau) +Pc +0.409979 0.77676 0 0 1 0 1 Xa +(RGB Magenta) +Pc +0.168978 0.950286 0.823636 0.068666 0.756863 0.152941 0.176471 Xa +(R=193 G=39 B=45) +Pc +0 0.946624 0.85211 0 0.929412 0.109804 0.141176 Xa +(R=237 G=28 B=36) +Pc +0 0.752956 0.887388 0 0.945098 0.352941 0.141176 Xa +(R=241 G=90 B=36) +Pc +0 0.501823 0.907988 0 0.968627 0.576471 0.117647 Xa +(R=247 G=147 B=30) +Pc +0 0.365637 0.819852 0 0.984314 0.690196 0.231373 Xa +(R=251 G=176 B=59) +Pc +0.065736 0 0.852628 0 0.988235 0.933333 0.129412 Xa +(R=252 G=238 B=33) +Pc +0.231907 0 0.892332 0 0.85098 0.878431 0.129412 Xa +(R=217 G=224 B=33) +Pc +0.524254 0 0.880919 0 0.54902 0.776471 0.247059 Xa +(R=140 G=198 B=63) +Pc +0.718288 0 0.876951 0 0.223529 0.709804 0.290196 Xa +(R=57 G=181 B=74) +Pc +0.842954 0.14374 0.926757 0.021576 0 0.572549 0.270588 Xa +(R=0 G=146 B=69) +Pc +0.899077 0.322972 0.925994 0.247654 0 0.407843 0.215686 Xa +(R=0 G=104 B=55) +Pc +0.735958 0 0.689784 0 0.133333 0.709804 0.45098 Xa +(R=34 G=181 B=115) +Pc +0.766171 0.045533 0.450782 0 0 0.662745 0.615686 Xa +(R=0 G=169 B=157) +Pc +0.709987 0.132143 0.001953 0 0.160784 0.670588 0.886275 Xa +(R=41 G=171 B=226) +Pc +0.866178 0.492958 0 0 0 0.443137 0.737255 Xa +(R=0 G=113 B=188) +Pc +0.975586 0.89572 0 0.000824 0.180392 0.192157 0.572549 Xa +(R=46 G=49 B=146) +Pc +1 0.970001 0.322484 0.218753 0.105882 0.078431 0.392157 Xa +(R=27 G=20 B=100) +Pc +0.755703 0.923125 0 0.000031 0.4 0.176471 0.568627 Xa +(R=102 G=45 B=145) +Pc +0.5393 0.930297 0 0 0.576471 0.152941 0.560784 Xa +(R=147 G=39 B=143) +Pc +0.323583 1 0.236301 0.1673 0.619608 0 0.364706 Xa +(R=158 G=0 B=93) +Pc +0.097993 0.983551 0.407263 0.020691 0.831373 0.078431 0.352941 Xa +(R=212 G=20 B=90) +Pc +0 0.935058 0.142763 0 0.929412 0.117647 0.47451 Xa +(R=237 G=30 B=121) +Pc +0.220859 0.272648 0.389227 0.061189 0.780392 0.698039 0.6 Xa +(R=199 G=178 B=153) +Pc +0.354864 0.386694 0.466072 0.211734 0.6 0.52549 0.458824 Xa +(R=153 G=134 B=117) +Pc +0.446387 0.47068 0.52636 0.380346 0.45098 0.388235 0.341176 Xa +(R=115 G=99 B=87) +Pc +0.535302 0.542443 0.552728 0.542199 0.32549 0.278431 0.254902 Xa +(R=83 G=71 B=65) +Pc +0.204685 0.376715 0.593042 0.084871 0.776471 0.611765 0.427451 Xa +(R=198 G=156 B=109) +Pc +0.280308 0.462287 0.671046 0.207126 0.65098 0.486275 0.321569 Xa +(R=166 G=124 B=82) +Pc +0.324376 0.536675 0.760494 0.329229 0.54902 0.384314 0.223529 Xa +(R=140 G=98 B=57) +Pc +0.359228 0.605188 0.857359 0.451545 0.458824 0.298039 0.141176 Xa +(R=117 G=76 B=36) +Pc +0.391424 0.683131 0.943023 0.57116 0.376471 0.219608 0.07451 Xa +(R=96 G=56 B=19) +Pc +0.474617 0.7467 0.825315 0.730831 0.258824 0.129412 0.043137 Xa +(R=66 G=33 B=11) +Pc +Bb +2 (Weiß, Schwarz) 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +0 BB +(Weiß, Schwarz) +Pc +Bb +2 (Goldstaub) 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +0 BB +(Goldstaub) +Pc +Bb +2 (Blauer Himmel) 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +0 BB +(Blauer Himmel) +Pc +(Jive) 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 [1 0 0 1 0 0] p +(Jive) +Pc +1 (Kalt) 1 Pg +0.584497 0 0.222965 0 0.396078 0.784314 0.815686 Xa +(C=56 M=0 Y=20 K=0) +Pc +0.55404 0.445533 0 0 0.513726 0.545098 0.772549 Xa +(C=51 M=43 Y=0 K=0) +Pc +0.313512 0.439063 0.001465 0 0.729412 0.607843 0.788235 Xa +(C=26 M=41 Y=0 K=0) +Pc +1 (Graustufen) 1 Pg +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 Xa +(R=0 G=0 B=0) +Pc +0.762295 0.667414 0.60705 0.828763 0.101961 0.101961 0.101961 Xa +(R=26 G=26 B=26) +Pc +0.690608 0.595209 0.559747 0.655817 0.2 0.2 0.2 Xa +(R=51 G=51 B=51) +Pc +0.620386 0.5234 0.503532 0.47776 0.301961 0.301961 0.301961 Xa +(R=77 G=77 B=77) +Pc +0.559442 0.453803 0.448554 0.326848 0.4 0.4 0.4 Xa +(R=102 G=102 B=102) +Pc +0.492378 0.386633 0.38529 0.202182 0.501961 0.501961 0.501961 Xa +(R=128 G=128 B=128) +Pc +0.410864 0.319738 0.323857 0.110109 0.6 0.6 0.6 Xa +(R=153 G=153 B=153) +Pc +0.32575 0.244968 0.255344 0.043549 0.701961 0.701961 0.701961 Xa +(R=179 G=179 B=179) +Pc +0.231479 0.170962 0.180972 0.008301 0.8 0.8 0.8 Xa +(R=204 G=204 B=204) +Pc +0.11664 0.082246 0.092653 0 0.901961 0.901961 0.901961 Xa +(R=230 G=230 B=230) +Pc +0.062196 0.043153 0.05127 0 0.94902 0.94902 0.94902 Xa +(R=242 G=242 B=242) +Pc +PB +%AI5_EndPalette +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI9_BeginArtStyleList +([Standard]) +(Schlagschatten) +(Schein nach außen - 5 Pt.) +(Jive_GS) +%AI9_EndArtStyleList +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI10_BeginSymbolList +(Textbereich) +(Schaltfläche) +(Kombinationsfeld) +(Texteingabe) +(Suchen) +%AI10_EndSymbolList +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- 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-699.9648 161.2188 -699.7305 c +161.5078 -699.4941 161.6523 -699.1816 161.6543 -698.791 c +161.6523 -698.5156 161.582 -698.2734 161.4414 -698.0625 c +161.3027 -697.8516 161.1113 -697.6855 160.8691 -697.5664 c +160.6289 -697.4453 160.3555 -697.3848 160.0488 -697.3848 c +159.7363 -697.3848 159.459 -697.4453 159.2188 -697.5664 c +158.9766 -697.6855 158.7871 -697.8516 158.6484 -698.0625 c +158.5098 -698.2734 158.4414 -698.5156 158.4434 -698.791 c +158.4414 -699.1816 158.584 -699.4941 158.8711 -699.7305 c +159.1563 -699.9648 159.5508 -700.084 160.0488 -700.084 c +f +160.0488 -696.6309 m +160.4395 -696.6309 160.7617 -696.5176 161.0156 -696.2891 c +161.2695 -696.0605 161.3965 -695.7578 161.3984 -695.3809 c +161.3965 -695.0117 161.2715 -694.7168 161.0234 -694.4941 c +160.7773 -694.2715 160.4512 -694.1602 160.0488 -694.1602 c +159.6426 -694.1602 159.3145 -694.2715 159.0684 -694.4941 c +158.8203 -694.7168 158.6973 -695.0117 158.6992 -695.3809 c +158.6973 -695.7578 158.8223 -696.0605 159.0742 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m +164.7227 -698.6563 164.8574 -699.1582 165.125 -699.5449 c +165.3945 -699.9316 165.7813 -700.125 166.2852 -700.125 c +166.6348 -700.125 166.9277 -700.0332 167.1641 -699.8477 c +167.4004 -699.6621 167.5762 -699.4102 167.6973 -699.0938 c +167.8164 -698.7773 167.875 -698.4258 167.875 -698.0371 c +167.875 -697.6543 167.8164 -697.3086 167.6992 -697 c +167.582 -696.6895 167.4063 -696.4453 167.1719 -696.2637 c +166.9355 -696.082 166.6406 -695.9922 166.2852 -695.9922 c +165.7734 -695.9922 165.3848 -696.1797 165.1211 -696.5566 c +164.8555 -696.9336 164.7227 -697.4277 164.7227 -698.0371 c +f +*U +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/XMLUID : (nord13-hex) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +0 0 Xd +6 () XW +u +*u +0 D +0 O +0.723293 0.577508 0.383032 0.274357 0.298039 0.337255 0.415686 Xa +67.8921 -700.7656 m +67.8921 -699.9277 L +67.7925 -699.9277 l +67.7319 -700.0273 67.644 -700.1523 67.5308 -700.3008 c +67.4155 -700.4512 67.2534 -700.5859 67.0444 -700.7031 c +66.8335 -700.8203 66.5522 -700.8789 66.2026 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-694.9551 81.0034 -695.3242 c +81.0015 -695.7109 80.896 -696.0547 80.689 -696.3555 c +80.4819 -696.6582 80.2085 -696.8535 79.8667 -696.9434 c +79.8667 -696.9863 L +80.1265 -697.0332 80.3628 -697.1465 80.5757 -697.3223 c +80.7866 -697.498 80.9565 -697.7188 81.0815 -697.9805 c +81.2065 -698.2441 81.271 -698.5273 81.2729 -698.834 c +81.271 -699.2266 81.1655 -699.5762 80.9546 -699.8828 c +80.7456 -700.1895 80.4565 -700.4297 80.0854 -700.6035 c +79.7144 -700.7773 79.2866 -700.8652 78.8022 -700.8652 c +f +1 D +78.8022 -700.084 m +79.2944 -700.084 79.6831 -699.9648 79.9722 -699.7305 c +80.2593 -699.4941 80.4038 -699.1816 80.4058 -698.791 c +80.4038 -698.5156 80.3335 -698.2734 80.1929 -698.0625 c +80.0542 -697.8516 79.8628 -697.6855 79.6226 -697.5664 c +79.3804 -697.4453 79.1069 -697.3848 78.8022 -697.3848 c +78.4897 -697.3848 78.2124 -697.4453 77.9702 -697.5664 c +77.728 -697.6855 77.5386 -697.8516 77.3999 -698.0625 c +77.2612 -698.2734 77.1948 -698.5156 77.1968 -698.791 c +77.1948 -699.1816 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-700.8027 15.147 -700.6934 c +14.8481 -700.5859 14.5767 -700.4004 14.3306 -700.1426 c +14.0845 -699.8828 13.8862 -699.5313 13.7368 -699.0879 c +13.5884 -698.6426 13.5132 -698.0859 13.5132 -697.4121 c +13.5132 -696.1211 13.7485 -695.125 14.2192 -694.4258 c +14.6909 -693.7285 15.3364 -693.3789 16.1548 -693.3789 c +16.7661 -693.3789 17.2739 -693.5566 17.6763 -693.9141 c +18.0806 -694.2734 18.3267 -694.7383 18.4136 -695.3105 c +17.5474 -695.3105 L +17.4673 -694.9766 17.311 -694.7012 17.0786 -694.4844 c +16.8462 -694.2676 16.5386 -694.1602 16.1548 -694.1602 c +15.5923 -694.1602 15.1489 -694.4063 14.8247 -694.8965 c +14.5024 -695.3887 14.3394 -696.0801 14.3364 -696.9727 c +14.394 -696.9727 L +14.5923 -696.6719 14.8472 -696.4355 15.1567 -696.2637 c +15.4673 -696.0918 15.8091 -696.0059 16.1841 -696.0059 c +16.6001 -696.0059 16.981 -696.1094 17.3267 -696.3164 c +17.6724 -696.5254 17.9497 -696.8105 18.1587 -697.1738 c +18.3657 -697.5371 18.4712 -697.9531 18.4712 -698.4219 c +18.4712 -698.8711 18.3696 -699.2832 18.1685 -699.6563 c +17.9673 -700.0273 17.6851 -700.3242 17.3218 -700.543 c +16.9585 -700.7617 16.5317 -700.8691 16.0415 -700.8652 c +f +1 D +16.0415 -700.084 m +16.3403 -700.084 16.6079 -700.0078 16.8462 -699.8594 c +17.0845 -699.7109 17.272 -699.5098 17.4106 -699.2598 c +17.5493 -699.0078 17.6177 -698.7285 17.6177 -698.4219 c +17.6177 -698.1211 17.5513 -697.8477 17.4175 -697.5996 c +17.2837 -697.3516 17.1001 -697.1543 16.8677 -697.0078 c +16.6343 -696.8613 16.3677 -696.7871 16.0698 -696.7871 c +15.77 -696.7871 15.4985 -696.8652 15.2563 -697.0195 c +15.0151 -697.1719 14.8237 -697.375 14.6821 -697.625 c +14.5396 -697.873 14.4673 -698.1445 14.4653 -698.4355 c +14.4624 -698.7266 14.5298 -698.998 14.6675 -699.2461 c +14.8052 -699.4961 14.9917 -699.6992 15.229 -699.8516 c +15.4653 -700.0059 15.7368 -700.084 16.0415 -700.084 c +f +*U +*u +0 D +21.4819 -700.8926 m +21.1362 -700.8926 20.8228 -700.8281 20.5415 -700.6953 c +20.2593 -700.5645 20.0356 -700.373 19.8696 -700.125 c +19.7036 -699.875 19.6216 -699.5723 19.6216 -699.2168 c +19.6216 -698.9043 19.6821 -698.6504 19.8052 -698.4551 c +19.9292 -698.2598 20.0942 -698.1074 20.2993 -697.9961 c +20.5054 -697.8848 20.7329 -697.8008 20.9829 -697.7441 c +21.2329 -697.6895 21.4849 -697.6445 21.7378 -697.6113 c +22.0688 -697.5684 22.3384 -697.5352 22.5454 -697.5078 c +22.7524 -697.4824 22.9048 -697.4414 23.0005 -697.3867 c +23.0962 -697.3301 23.144 -697.2344 23.144 -697.0996 c +23.144 -696.748 23.0493 -696.4727 22.8599 -696.2754 c +22.6704 -696.0762 22.3813 -695.9785 21.9927 -695.9785 c +21.5933 -695.9785 21.2798 -696.0664 21.0522 -696.2402 c +20.8247 -696.416 20.6646 -696.6035 20.5728 -696.8027 c +19.7778 -696.5176 L +19.9194 -696.1875 20.1099 -695.9277 20.3481 -695.7422 c +20.5854 -695.5566 20.8462 -695.4258 21.1294 -695.3516 c +21.4116 -695.2773 21.6899 -695.2402 21.9653 -695.2402 c +22.1401 -695.2402 22.3423 -695.2598 22.5708 -695.3008 c +22.7993 -695.3438 23.02 -695.4277 23.2349 -695.5547 c +23.4487 -695.6836 23.6274 -695.877 23.769 -696.1348 c +23.9106 -696.3926 23.9819 -696.7383 23.9819 -697.1719 c +23.9819 -700.7656 L +23.144 -700.7656 L +23.144 -700.0273 L +23.1021 -700.0273 L +23.0444 -700.1445 22.9497 -700.2715 22.8169 -700.4063 c +22.6841 -700.541 22.5083 -700.6563 22.2876 -700.75 c +22.0679 -700.8457 21.7993 -700.8926 21.4819 -700.8926 c +f +1 D +21.6099 -700.1406 m +21.9419 -700.1406 22.2212 -700.0742 22.4497 -699.9453 c +22.6782 -699.8145 22.8511 -699.6465 22.9683 -699.4414 c +23.0854 -699.2344 23.144 -699.0176 23.144 -698.791 c +23.144 -698.0234 L +23.1079 -698.0664 23.0308 -698.1055 22.9106 -698.1387 c +22.7915 -698.1738 22.6548 -698.2031 22.4995 -698.2285 c +22.3442 -698.252 22.1938 -698.2734 22.0483 -698.291 c +21.9028 -698.3086 21.7856 -698.3242 21.6958 -698.3359 c +21.4771 -698.3652 21.2739 -698.4102 21.0864 -698.4727 c +20.8979 -698.5352 20.7466 -698.6289 20.6313 -698.7539 c +20.5161 -698.877 20.4595 -699.0469 20.4595 -699.2598 c +20.4595 -699.5508 20.5669 -699.7695 20.7837 -699.918 c +21.0005 -700.0664 21.2759 -700.1406 21.6099 -700.1406 c +f +*U +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/XMLUID : (nord11-hex) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +0 0 Xd +6 () XW +0 D +0 O +0.200626 0.697658 0.448096 0.087892 0.74902 0.380392 0.415686 Xa +43.77 -681.4922 m +43.77 -606.4922 L +-16.2319 -606.4922 L +-22.8237 -606.4922 -28.2202 -611.8828 -28.23 -618.4727 C +-28.23 -681.4922 L +43.77 -681.4922 L +f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/XMLUID : (nord11) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +1 Ap +0.158144 0.528008 0.529046 0.042939 0.815686 0.529412 0.439216 Xa +115.269 -681.4922 m +42.27 -681.4922 L +42.27 -606.4922 L +115.269 -606.4922 L +115.269 -681.4922 L +f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/XMLUID : (nord12) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +0.090394 0.206973 0.525292 0.006714 0.921569 0.796078 0.545098 Xa +187.2695 -681.4922 m +114.269 -681.4922 L +114.269 -606.4922 L +187.2695 -606.4922 L +187.2695 -681.4922 L +f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/XMLUID : (nord13) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +0.428778 0.116335 0.537163 0.005432 0.639216 0.745098 0.54902 Xa +259.2695 -681.4922 m +186.2695 -681.4922 L +186.2695 -606.4922 L +259.2695 -606.4922 L +259.2695 -681.4922 L +f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/XMLUID : (nord14) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +0 Ap +0.334752 0.486244 0.155215 0.011048 0.705882 0.556863 0.678431 Xa +319.6016 -606.4922 m +258.7695 -606.4922 L +258.7695 -681.4922 L +331.7676 -681.4922 L +331.7676 -618.4922 L +331.7676 -611.8926 326.291 -606.4922 319.6016 -606.4922 C +f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/XMLUID : (nord15) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/XMLUID : (card_3_) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +9 () XW +u +1 A +1 Xw +/AI11Text : +0 /FreeUndo , +0 /FrameIndex , +15 /StoryIndex , +/Art : +X= +0 A +0 Xw +1 Ap +183.2686 -576.4922 m +120.2686 -576.4922 L +120.2686 -558.875 L +183.2686 -558.875 L +183.2686 -576.4922 L +n +X+ +; /ConfiningPath , +2 /TextAntialiasing , +; + +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/XMLUID : (name-src_3_) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +0 0 Xd +6 () XW +0 O +0.179263 0.104372 0.058747 0 0.847059 0.870588 0.913725 Xa +295.7676 -591.9922 m +7.76807 -591.9922 L +7.76807 -590.9922 L +295.7676 -590.9922 L +295.7676 -591.9922 L +f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/XMLUID : (line_3_) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +u +*u +0 Ap +0.723293 0.577508 0.383032 0.274357 0.298039 0.337255 0.415686 Xa +120.7886 -572.9551 m +120.7085 -572.875 120.6694 -572.7832 120.6694 -572.6758 c +120.7085 -572.4551 L +125.6694 -559.5156 L +125.7749 -559.2227 125.9897 -559.0762 126.3081 -559.0762 c +127.5894 -559.0762 L +127.9097 -559.0762 128.1226 -559.2227 128.228 -559.5156 c +133.189 -572.4551 L +133.228 -572.6758 L +133.228 -572.7832 133.1851 -572.875 133.0991 -572.9551 c +133.0112 -573.0352 132.9155 -573.0762 132.8081 -573.0762 c +131.8687 -573.0762 L +131.7358 -573.0762 131.6245 -573.0391 131.5386 -572.9648 c +131.4526 -572.8926 131.396 -572.8164 131.3687 -572.7363 c +130.2495 -569.8555 L +123.6284 -569.8555 L +122.5288 -572.7363 L +122.4214 -572.9629 122.2554 -573.0762 122.0288 -573.0762 c +121.0679 -573.0762 l +120.9624 -573.0762 120.8687 -573.0352 120.7886 -572.9551 c +f +1 D +124.2085 -568.1953 m +129.689 -568.1953 L +126.9487 -561.0156 l +124.2085 -568.1953 L +f +*U +*u +0 D +135.9292 -572.0449 m +135.2358 -571.2246 134.8882 -570.1348 134.8882 -568.7754 c +134.8882 -563.1348 L +134.8882 -563.002 134.9331 -562.8926 135.019 -562.8047 c +135.105 -562.7188 135.2163 -562.6758 135.3491 -562.6758 c +136.269 -562.6758 L +136.4019 -562.6758 136.5112 -562.7188 136.5991 -562.8047 c +136.6851 -562.8926 136.73 -563.002 136.73 -563.1348 c +136.73 -568.6758 L +136.73 -570.7031 137.6089 -571.7148 139.3687 -571.7148 c +140.2222 -571.7148 140.8999 -571.4453 141.3999 -570.9063 c +141.8999 -570.3652 142.1499 -569.623 142.1499 -568.6758 c +142.1499 -563.1348 L +142.1499 -563.002 142.1929 -562.8926 142.2788 -562.8047 c +142.3647 -562.7188 142.4761 -562.6758 142.6089 -562.6758 c +143.5288 -562.6758 L +143.6616 -562.6758 143.7729 -562.7188 143.8589 -562.8047 c +143.9448 -562.8926 143.9897 -563.002 143.9897 -563.1348 c +143.9897 -572.6152 L +143.9897 -572.748 143.9448 -572.8594 143.8589 -572.9453 c +143.7729 -573.0332 143.6616 -573.0762 143.5288 -573.0762 c +142.6694 -573.0762 L +142.5347 -573.0762 142.4253 -573.0332 142.3394 -572.9453 c +142.2515 -572.8594 142.2085 -572.748 142.2085 -572.6152 c +142.2085 -571.7148 L +141.8218 -572.2363 141.3687 -572.625 140.8491 -572.8848 c +140.3296 -573.1445 139.6694 -573.2754 138.8687 -573.2754 c +137.603 -573.2754 136.6226 -572.8652 135.9292 -572.0449 c +f +*U +*u +147.1191 -572.9453 m +147.0332 -572.8594 146.9902 -572.748 146.9902 -572.6152 c +146.9902 -563.1563 L +146.9902 -563.0215 147.0332 -562.9082 147.1191 -562.8164 c +147.207 -562.7227 147.3164 -562.6758 147.4492 -562.6758 c +148.2891 -562.6758 L +148.4355 -562.6758 148.5527 -562.7188 148.6387 -562.8047 c +148.7266 -562.8926 148.7695 -563.0098 148.7695 -563.1563 c +148.7695 -564.0352 L +149.3164 -563.1289 150.2422 -562.6758 151.5488 -562.6758 c +152.3301 -562.6758 L +152.4766 -562.6758 152.5898 -562.7148 152.6699 -562.7949 c +152.75 -562.875 152.7891 -562.9883 152.7891 -563.1348 c +152.7891 -563.875 L +152.7891 -564.0098 152.75 -564.1191 152.6699 -564.2051 c +152.5898 -564.293 152.4766 -564.3359 152.3301 -564.3359 c +151.1895 -564.3359 L +150.457 -564.3359 149.8789 -564.5488 149.459 -564.9746 c +149.0391 -565.4023 148.8301 -565.9824 148.8301 -566.7148 c +148.8301 -572.6152 L +148.8301 -572.748 148.7832 -572.8594 148.6895 -572.9453 c +148.5957 -573.0332 148.4824 -573.0762 148.3496 -573.0762 c +147.4492 -573.0762 l +147.3164 -573.0762 147.207 -573.0332 147.1191 -572.9453 c +f +*U +*u +155.1387 -572.0352 m +154.3457 -571.209 153.9219 -570.1094 153.8691 -568.7363 c +153.8496 -567.875 L +153.8691 -567.0156 L +153.9219 -565.6426 154.3516 -564.543 155.1602 -563.7148 c +155.9668 -562.8887 157.0898 -562.4746 158.5293 -562.4746 c +159.9688 -562.4746 161.0918 -562.8887 161.8984 -563.7148 c +162.7051 -564.543 163.1367 -565.6426 163.1895 -567.0156 c +163.2168 -567.3086 163.2285 -567.5957 163.2285 -567.875 c +163.2285 -568.1563 163.2168 -568.4414 163.1895 -568.7363 c +163.1367 -570.1094 162.7129 -571.209 161.9199 -572.0352 c +161.125 -572.8633 159.9961 -573.2754 158.5293 -573.2754 c +157.0625 -573.2754 155.9316 -572.8633 155.1387 -572.0352 c +f +1 D +160.5586 -570.9648 m +161.0586 -570.4258 161.3301 -569.6484 161.3691 -568.6348 c +161.3828 -568.502 161.3887 -568.248 161.3887 -567.875 c +161.3887 -567.502 161.3828 -567.248 161.3691 -567.1152 c +161.3301 -566.1016 161.0586 -565.3262 160.5586 -564.7852 c +160.0586 -564.2461 159.3828 -563.9746 158.5293 -563.9746 c +157.6758 -563.9746 157 -564.2461 156.5 -564.7852 c +156 -565.3262 155.7285 -566.1016 155.6895 -567.1152 c +155.6699 -567.875 L +155.6895 -568.6348 L +155.7285 -569.6484 156 -570.4258 156.5 -570.9648 c +157 -571.5059 157.6758 -571.7754 158.5293 -571.7754 c +159.3828 -571.7754 160.0586 -571.5059 160.5586 -570.9648 c +f +*U +*u +0 D +165.8789 -572.9453 m +165.793 -572.8594 165.75 -572.748 165.75 -572.6152 c +165.75 -563.1563 L +165.75 -563.0215 165.793 -562.9082 165.8789 -562.8164 c +165.9668 -562.7227 166.0762 -562.6758 166.209 -562.6758 c +167.0488 -562.6758 L +167.1953 -562.6758 167.3125 -562.7188 167.3984 -562.8047 c +167.4863 -562.8926 167.5293 -563.0098 167.5293 -563.1563 c +167.5293 -564.0352 L +168.0762 -563.1289 169.002 -562.6758 170.3086 -562.6758 c +171.0898 -562.6758 L +171.2363 -562.6758 171.3496 -562.7148 171.4297 -562.7949 c +171.5098 -562.875 171.5488 -562.9883 171.5488 -563.1348 c +171.5488 -563.875 L +171.5488 -564.0098 171.5098 -564.1191 171.4297 -564.2051 c +171.3496 -564.293 171.2363 -564.3359 171.0898 -564.3359 c +169.9492 -564.3359 L +169.2168 -564.3359 168.6387 -564.5488 168.2188 -564.9746 c +167.7988 -565.4023 167.5898 -565.9824 167.5898 -566.7148 c +167.5898 -572.6152 L +167.5898 -572.748 167.543 -572.8594 167.4492 -572.9453 c +167.3555 -573.0332 167.2422 -573.0762 167.1094 -573.0762 c +166.209 -573.0762 l +166.0762 -573.0762 165.9668 -573.0332 165.8789 -572.9453 c +f +*U +*u +174.1797 -572.875 m +173.627 -572.6094 173.1855 -572.2461 172.8594 -571.7852 c +172.5332 -571.3262 172.3691 -570.8164 172.3691 -570.2559 c +172.3691 -569.375 172.7305 -568.6563 173.4492 -568.0957 c +174.1699 -567.5352 175.1504 -567.1621 176.3887 -566.9746 c +179.3887 -566.5547 L +179.3887 -565.9746 L +179.3887 -564.6016 178.5957 -563.916 177.0098 -563.916 c +176.3965 -563.916 175.9023 -564.0391 175.5293 -564.2852 c +175.1563 -564.5332 174.8828 -564.8223 174.709 -565.1563 c +174.6563 -565.2891 174.5996 -565.3789 174.5391 -565.4258 c +174.4805 -565.4727 174.3965 -565.4961 174.2891 -565.4961 c +173.5098 -565.4961 L +173.3887 -565.4961 173.2871 -565.4531 173.1992 -565.3652 c +173.1133 -565.2793 173.0703 -565.1758 173.0703 -565.0547 c +173.0703 -564.748 173.2129 -564.3926 173.5 -563.9863 c +173.7871 -563.5781 174.2305 -563.2246 174.8301 -562.9258 c +175.4297 -562.625 176.1621 -562.4746 177.0293 -562.4746 c +178.5234 -562.4746 179.5918 -562.8223 180.2402 -563.5156 c +180.8867 -564.209 181.209 -565.0762 181.209 -566.1152 c +181.209 -572.6152 L +181.209 -572.748 181.166 -572.8594 181.0801 -572.9453 c +180.9922 -573.0332 180.8828 -573.0762 180.75 -573.0762 c +179.8691 -573.0762 L +179.7363 -573.0762 179.6289 -573.0332 179.5488 -572.9453 c +179.4688 -572.8594 179.4297 -572.748 179.4297 -572.6152 c +179.4297 -571.7363 L +179.1367 -572.1758 178.709 -572.543 178.1504 -572.8359 c +177.5898 -573.1289 176.8691 -573.2754 175.9902 -573.2754 c +175.3359 -573.2754 174.7324 -573.1426 174.1797 -572.875 c +f +1 D +178.5488 -570.9551 m +179.1094 -570.3828 179.3887 -569.5488 179.3887 -568.4551 c +179.3887 -567.8945 L +177.0488 -568.2363 L +176.0898 -568.3691 175.3633 -568.5957 174.8691 -568.916 c +174.377 -569.2363 174.1289 -569.6348 174.1289 -570.1152 c +174.1289 -570.6621 174.3535 -571.082 174.7988 -571.375 c +175.2461 -571.668 175.7754 -571.8164 176.3887 -571.8164 c +177.2695 -571.8164 177.9902 -571.5293 178.5488 -570.9551 c +f +*U +U 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-509.7383 582.958 -509.8281 582.8076 -509.9355 c +581.9834 -509.8359 L +582.4229 -506.2578 L +586.2021 -506.2578 L +586.2021 -507.0391 L +583.1631 -507.0391 L +582.9072 -509.1836 L +582.9502 -509.1836 L +583.0986 -509.0645 583.2861 -508.9668 583.5107 -508.8887 c +583.7354 -508.8105 583.9697 -508.7715 584.2139 -508.7715 c +584.6592 -508.7715 585.0557 -508.877 585.4053 -509.0898 c +585.7549 -509.3008 586.0283 -509.5918 586.2295 -509.959 c +586.4287 -510.3281 586.5283 -510.7461 586.5283 -511.2148 c +586.5283 -511.6777 586.4248 -512.0918 586.2178 -512.4551 c +586.0107 -512.8184 585.7256 -513.1055 585.3643 -513.3145 c +585.001 -513.5254 584.5908 -513.6289 584.1279 -513.6289 c +f +*U +*u +590.2373 -513.6426 m +589.71 -513.6426 589.2588 -513.5273 588.8779 -513.293 c +588.499 -513.0605 588.2061 -512.7344 588.001 -512.3145 c +587.7959 -511.8926 587.6943 -511.4043 587.6943 -510.8457 c +587.6943 -510.2871 587.7959 -509.793 588.001 -509.3652 c +588.2061 -508.9395 588.4912 -508.6055 588.8604 -508.3652 c +589.2275 -508.125 589.6592 -508.0039 590.1514 -508.0039 c +590.4346 -508.0039 590.7158 -508.0508 590.9932 -508.1465 c +591.2705 -508.2402 591.5225 -508.3945 591.749 -508.6055 c +591.9756 -508.8184 592.1572 -509.0977 592.292 -509.4453 c +592.4268 -509.7949 592.4951 -510.2227 592.4951 -510.7324 c +592.4951 -511.0859 L +588.5361 -511.0859 L +588.5537 -511.6699 588.7197 -512.1152 589.0303 -512.4258 c +589.3428 -512.7363 589.7432 -512.8906 590.2373 -512.8906 c +590.5654 -512.8906 590.8486 -512.8203 591.085 -512.6777 c +591.3213 -512.5352 591.4932 -512.3223 591.6006 -512.0391 c +592.4092 -512.2656 L +592.2822 -512.6777 592.0264 -513.0098 591.6436 -513.2637 c +591.2588 -513.5176 590.79 -513.6426 590.2373 -513.6426 c +f +1 D +588.5361 -510.3613 m +591.6436 -510.3613 L +591.6436 -509.9004 591.5068 -509.5176 591.2373 -509.2129 c +590.9678 -508.9102 590.6064 -508.7578 590.1514 -508.7578 c +589.8311 -508.7578 589.5537 -508.832 589.3193 -508.9805 c +589.085 -509.1309 588.9014 -509.3262 588.7666 -509.5723 c +588.6318 -509.8164 588.5537 -510.0801 588.5361 -510.3613 c +f +*U +*u +0 D +596.0889 -513.6289 m +595.5986 -513.6289 595.167 -513.543 594.7959 -513.3691 c +594.4248 -513.1934 594.1338 -512.9531 593.9268 -512.6465 c +593.7178 -512.3398 593.6143 -511.9902 593.6162 -511.5977 c +593.6143 -511.293 593.6748 -511.0078 593.7979 -510.7461 c +593.9209 -510.4824 594.0889 -510.2637 594.3037 -510.0879 c +594.5186 -509.9102 594.7588 -509.7988 595.0225 -509.752 c +595.0225 -509.709 L +594.6748 -509.6191 594.3975 -509.4238 594.1924 -509.1211 c +593.9854 -508.8184 593.8838 -508.4746 593.8877 -508.0898 c +593.8838 -507.7207 593.9775 -507.3906 594.167 -507.0996 c +594.3564 -506.8066 594.6182 -506.5781 594.9502 -506.4102 c +595.2822 -506.2422 595.6631 -506.1582 596.0889 -506.1582 c +596.5107 -506.1582 596.8857 -506.2422 597.2178 -506.4102 c +597.5498 -506.5781 597.8096 -506.8066 598.001 -507.0996 c +598.1904 -507.3906 598.2881 -507.7207 598.29 -508.0898 c +598.2881 -508.4746 598.1826 -508.8184 597.9756 -509.1211 c +597.7686 -509.4238 597.4951 -509.6191 597.1533 -509.709 c +597.1533 -509.752 L +597.415 -509.7988 597.6494 -509.9102 597.8623 -510.0879 c +598.0732 -510.2637 598.2432 -510.4824 598.3682 -510.7461 c +598.4932 -511.0078 598.5576 -511.293 598.5596 -511.5977 c +598.5576 -511.9902 598.4521 -512.3398 598.2432 -512.6465 c +598.0322 -512.9531 597.7432 -513.1934 597.3721 -513.3691 c +597.001 -513.543 596.5732 -513.6289 596.0889 -513.6289 c +f +1 D +596.0889 -512.8477 m +596.5811 -512.8477 596.9717 -512.7305 597.2588 -512.4941 c +597.5459 -512.2598 597.6904 -511.9453 597.6943 -511.5547 c +597.6904 -511.2813 597.6201 -511.0391 597.4814 -510.8281 c +597.3408 -510.6172 597.1494 -510.4512 596.9092 -510.3301 c +596.667 -510.209 596.3936 -510.1484 596.0889 -510.1484 c +595.7764 -510.1484 595.499 -510.209 595.2568 -510.3301 c +595.0166 -510.4512 594.8252 -510.6172 594.6885 -510.8281 c +594.5498 -511.0391 594.4814 -511.2813 594.4834 -511.5547 c +594.4814 -511.9453 594.6221 -512.2598 594.9092 -512.4941 c +595.1963 -512.7305 595.5889 -512.8477 596.0889 -512.8477 c +f +596.0889 -509.3965 m +596.4795 -509.3965 596.8018 -509.2813 597.0537 -509.0527 c +597.3076 -508.8242 597.4346 -508.5234 597.4385 -508.1465 c +597.4346 -507.7773 597.3115 -507.4805 597.0635 -507.2578 c +596.8154 -507.0352 596.4912 -506.9238 596.0889 -506.9238 c +595.6807 -506.9238 595.3545 -507.0352 595.1064 -507.2578 c +594.8584 -507.4805 594.7373 -507.7773 594.7393 -508.1465 c +594.7373 -508.5234 594.8623 -508.8242 595.1143 -509.0527 c +595.3662 -509.2813 595.6904 -509.3965 596.0889 -509.3965 c +f +*U +*u +0 D +602.21 -506.2578 m +602.21 -513.5293 L +601.3721 -513.5293 L +601.3721 -507.5352 L +601.3154 -507.5352 L +601.2803 -507.6016 601.1943 -507.6777 601.0576 -507.7617 c +600.9229 -507.8457 600.7451 -507.918 600.5264 -507.9805 c +600.3096 -508.043 600.0615 -508.0762 599.7822 -508.0762 c +599.7822 -507.3359 L +600.0635 -507.3359 600.3076 -507.2852 600.5127 -507.1836 c +600.7197 -507.082 600.8916 -506.9629 601.0303 -506.8262 c +601.1689 -506.6875 601.2744 -506.5645 601.3467 -506.4531 c +601.417 -506.3418 601.46 -506.2754 601.4717 -506.2578 c +602.21 -506.2578 L +f +*U +*u +605.917 -513.6582 m +605.5713 -513.6582 605.2588 -513.5918 604.9775 -513.4609 c +604.6943 -513.3301 604.4717 -513.1387 604.3057 -512.8887 c +604.1396 -512.6387 604.0576 -512.3359 604.0576 -511.9824 c +604.0576 -511.6699 604.1182 -511.416 604.2412 -511.2207 c +604.3643 -511.0254 604.5303 -510.8711 604.7354 -510.7598 c +604.9404 -510.6484 605.1689 -510.5645 605.4189 -510.5098 c +605.6689 -510.4531 605.9209 -510.4102 606.1729 -510.377 c +606.5049 -510.334 606.7744 -510.2988 606.9814 -510.2734 c +607.1885 -510.248 607.3408 -510.207 607.4365 -510.1504 c +607.5322 -510.0957 607.5791 -510 607.5791 -509.8652 c +607.5791 -509.5117 607.4854 -509.2363 607.2959 -509.0391 c +607.1064 -508.8418 606.8174 -508.7422 606.4287 -508.7422 c +606.0283 -508.7422 605.7158 -508.8301 605.4873 -509.0059 c +605.2607 -509.1816 605.1006 -509.3672 605.0088 -509.5664 c +604.2139 -509.2832 L +604.3545 -508.9512 604.5459 -508.6934 604.7842 -508.5059 c +605.0205 -508.3203 605.2822 -508.1914 605.5654 -508.1152 c +605.8467 -508.041 606.126 -508.0039 606.4014 -508.0039 c +606.5752 -508.0039 606.7783 -508.0254 607.0068 -508.0664 c +607.2354 -508.1074 607.4561 -508.1934 607.6709 -508.3203 c +607.8838 -508.4473 608.0635 -508.6406 608.2041 -508.8984 c +608.3467 -509.1563 608.417 -509.502 608.417 -509.9355 c +608.417 -513.5293 L +607.5791 -513.5293 L +607.5791 -512.791 L +607.5381 -512.791 L +607.4795 -512.9102 607.3857 -513.0371 607.2529 -513.1719 c +607.1201 -513.3066 606.9443 -513.4219 606.7236 -513.5156 c +606.5029 -513.6094 606.2354 -513.6582 605.917 -513.6582 c +f +1 D +606.0459 -512.9043 m +606.3779 -512.9043 606.6572 -512.8398 606.8857 -512.709 c +607.1143 -512.5801 607.2861 -512.4121 607.4033 -512.2051 c +607.5205 -512 607.5791 -511.7832 607.5791 -511.5547 c +607.5791 -510.7891 L +607.5439 -510.8301 607.4658 -510.8691 607.3467 -510.9043 c +607.2275 -510.9375 607.0908 -510.9668 606.9346 -510.9922 c +606.7803 -511.0176 606.6299 -511.0391 606.4834 -511.0566 c +606.3389 -511.0742 606.2217 -511.0898 606.1318 -511.1016 c +605.9131 -511.1289 605.71 -511.1758 605.5225 -511.2383 c +605.333 -511.3008 605.1826 -511.3945 605.0674 -511.5176 c +604.9521 -511.6426 604.8955 -511.8105 604.8955 -512.0234 c +604.8955 -512.3145 605.0029 -512.5352 605.2197 -512.6836 c +605.4365 -512.8301 605.7119 -512.9043 606.0459 -512.9043 c +f +*U +*u +0 D +612.167 -513.6426 m +611.6572 -513.6426 611.2158 -513.5234 610.8467 -513.2813 c +610.4775 -513.0391 610.1924 -512.707 609.9951 -512.2832 c +609.7959 -511.8594 609.6963 -511.375 609.6963 -510.8301 c +609.6963 -510.2773 609.7979 -509.7871 610.0029 -509.3633 c +610.208 -508.9375 610.4951 -508.6055 610.8623 -508.3652 c +611.2314 -508.125 611.6611 -508.0039 612.1533 -508.0039 c +612.5361 -508.0039 612.8818 -508.0762 613.1904 -508.2168 c +613.499 -508.3594 613.751 -508.5586 613.9463 -508.8145 c +614.1436 -509.0703 614.2646 -509.3672 614.3135 -509.709 c +613.4736 -509.709 L +613.4111 -509.4609 613.2686 -509.2402 613.0498 -509.0469 c +612.8311 -508.8535 612.5361 -508.7578 612.167 -508.7578 c +611.6768 -508.7578 611.2822 -508.9434 610.9834 -509.3164 c +610.6846 -509.6895 610.5342 -510.1855 610.5342 -510.8027 c +610.5342 -511.4355 610.6826 -511.9414 610.9775 -512.3203 c +611.2744 -512.7012 611.6709 -512.8906 612.167 -512.8906 c +612.4951 -512.8906 612.7744 -512.8066 613.0068 -512.6387 c +613.2412 -512.4707 613.3955 -512.2363 613.4736 -511.9395 c +614.3135 -511.9395 L +614.2646 -512.2617 614.1494 -512.5508 613.9619 -512.8066 c +613.7764 -513.0645 613.5322 -513.2676 613.2275 -513.418 c +612.9229 -513.5684 612.5693 -513.6426 612.167 -513.6426 c +f +*U +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/XMLUID : (nord10-hex) ; (AI10_ArtUID) , +%_; +%_ +0 0 Xd +6 () XW +u +*u +0 O +0.723293 0.577508 0.383032 0.274357 0.298039 0.337255 0.415686 Xa +497.5732 -513.6289 m +497.083 -513.6289 496.6533 -513.543 496.2803 -513.3691 c +495.9092 -513.1934 495.6182 -512.9531 495.4111 -512.6465 c +495.2021 -512.3398 495.0986 -511.9902 495.1025 -511.5977 c +495.0986 -511.293 495.1592 -511.0078 495.2822 -510.7461 c +495.4053 -510.4824 495.5752 -510.2637 495.7881 -510.0879 c +496.0029 -509.9102 496.2432 -509.7988 496.5088 -509.752 c +496.5088 -509.709 L +496.1592 -509.6191 495.8838 -509.4238 495.6768 -509.1211 c +495.4717 -508.8184 495.3701 -508.4746 495.3721 -508.0898 c +495.3701 -507.7207 495.4619 -507.3906 495.6514 -507.0996 c +495.8408 -506.8066 496.1025 -506.5781 496.4346 -506.4102 c +496.7686 -506.2422 497.1475 -506.1582 497.5732 -506.1582 c +497.9951 -506.1582 498.3721 -506.2422 498.7021 -506.4102 c +499.0342 -506.5781 499.2959 -506.8066 499.4854 -507.0996 c +499.6768 -507.3906 499.7725 -507.7207 499.7744 -508.0898 c +499.7725 -508.4746 499.667 -508.8184 499.46 -509.1211 c +499.2529 -509.4238 498.9795 -509.6191 498.6396 -509.709 c +498.6396 -509.752 L +498.8994 -509.7988 499.1357 -509.9102 499.3467 -510.0879 c +499.5596 -510.2637 499.7275 -510.4824 499.8525 -510.7461 c +499.9795 -511.0078 500.042 -511.293 500.0459 -511.5977 c +500.042 -511.9902 499.9365 -512.3398 499.7275 -512.6465 c +499.5186 -512.9531 499.2275 -513.1934 498.8564 -513.3691 c +498.4873 -513.543 498.0596 -513.6289 497.5732 -513.6289 c +f +1 D +497.5732 -512.8477 m +498.0654 -512.8477 498.4561 -512.7305 498.7432 -512.4941 c +499.0303 -512.2598 499.1768 -511.9453 499.1787 -511.5547 c +499.1768 -511.2813 499.1045 -511.0391 498.9658 -510.8281 c +498.8252 -510.6172 498.6357 -510.4512 498.3936 -510.3301 c +498.1514 -510.209 497.8779 -510.1484 497.5732 -510.1484 c +497.2607 -510.1484 496.9834 -510.209 496.7432 -510.3301 c +496.501 -510.4512 496.3115 -510.6172 496.1729 -510.8281 c +496.0342 -511.0391 495.9658 -511.2813 495.9678 -511.5547 c +495.9658 -511.9453 496.1084 -512.2598 496.3936 -512.4941 c +496.6807 -512.7305 497.0732 -512.8477 497.5732 -512.8477 c +f +497.5732 -509.3965 m 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+93949495959697979899999A9B9B9C9C9D9E9E9F9FA0A1A2A2A3A4A5A5A6A7A8A8A9AAAAABABACAD +ADAEAFB0B0B1B1B2B3B4B4B5B6B6B7B8B9B9BABBBCBDBDBEBFBFC0C1C1C2C3C4C5C6C7C8C9C9CACC +CED0D1D2D4D5D7D8DADCDEE0E3E5E7E9 +> +< +00000102030405060708090A0A0B0C0C0D0E0F1011111213141516171819191A1B1B1C1D1E1F2020 +2122232425262728292A2B2C2C2D2E2E2F303131323334353637373839393A3B3C3C3D3E3E3F4041 +424243444546474748494A4B4B4C4D4D4E4E4F4F505152525354555657575859595A5B5B5C5C5D5D +5E5F5F60616162636364656667676869696A6A6B6C6C6D6E6E6F6F70707172727374747576767778 +79797A7B7C7C7D7E7F7F80808182828384858586878888898A8A8B8C8C8D8E8E8F90919192939494 +959697979898999A9B9B9C9D9D9E9FA0A0A1A2A3A3A4A5A6A6A7A7A8A9AAABACADAEAFB0B1B1B2B3 +B5B6B7B8B9BABCBDBEC0C1C3C4C6C7C9 +> +< +000001020304050708090A0B0C0D0E0F10111112131415161718191A1B1C1C1D1E1F202121222323 +2425262728292A2B2C2D2D2E2F2F3031323233343536373738393A3B3B3C3D3D3E3F404041424243 +44444546464748494A4A4B4C4D4D4E4E4F505051515253535454555657575859595A5B5B5C5C5D5D +5E5F5F606161626263636465656667676869696A6A6B6C6C6D6D6E6F6F7070717272737474757676 +777778787879797A7B7B7C7D7D7E7E7F7F80808181828283838485858687878888898A8A8B8C8C8D +8D8E8E8E8F8F8F909091919293939494959596969798989999999A9A9B9B9B9B9C9C9C9C9C9D9D9D +9D9D9D9D9D9D9D9D9E9E9E9E9E9E9E9E +> +< +00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 +01010101010101020202020202030303040404050506060607070808080909090A0A0A0B0B0C0C0D +0D0E0F0F1011121213131414151616171819191A1B1B1C1D1E1E1F202122232425262728292A2B2C +2D2E2E2F3031323435363738393A3B3D3E3F40414344454647494A4B4C4E4F505253555658595B5C +5E5F6162646567686A6B6D6F7072737577787A7B7D7F8082848688898B8D8F91939496989A9C9E9F +A1A3A5A6A7A9AAACAEB0B2B3B5B7B9BBBDBFC1C3C5C7C9CACBCDCED0D1D3D5D7D9DADCDEDFE1E2E4 +E5E7E8E9E9EBECEDEEF0F1F3F4F6F7F9 +> +< +FFFEFDFCFBFAF9F8F7F6F5F4F3F2F1F0EFEEEDECEBEAE9E8E7E6E5E4E3E2E1E0DFDEDDDCDBDAD9D8 +D7D6D5D4D3D2D1D0CFCECDCCCBCAC9C8C7C6C5C4C3C2C1C0BFBEBDBCBBBAB9B8B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0 +AFAEADACABAAA9A8A7A6A5A4A3A2A1A09F9E9D9C9B9A999897969594939291908F8E8D8C8B8A8988 +87868584838281807F7E7D7C7B7A797877767574737271706F6E6D6C6B6A69686766656463626160 +5F5E5D5C5B5A595857565554535251504F4E4D4C4B4A494847464544434241403F3E3D3C3B3A3938 +37363534333231302F2E2D2C2B2A292827262524232221201F1E1D1C1B1A19181716151413121110 +0F0E0D0C0B0A09080706050403020100 +> +< +FFFEFDFCFBFAF9F8F7F6F5F4F3F2F1F0EFEEEDECEBEAE9E8E7E6E5E4E3E2E1E0DFDEDDDCDBDAD9D8 +D7D6D5D4D3D2D1D0CFCECDCCCBCAC9C8C7C6C5C4C3C2C1C0BFBEBDBCBBBAB9B8B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0 +AFAEADACABAAA9A8A7A6A5A4A3A2A1A09F9E9D9C9B9A999897969594939291908F8E8D8C8B8A8988 +87868584838281807F7E7D7C7B7A797877767574737271706F6E6D6C6B6A69686766656463626160 +5F5E5D5C5B5A595857565554535251504F4E4D4C4B4A494847464544434241403F3E3D3C3B3A3938 +37363534333231302F2E2D2C2B2A292827262524232221201F1E1D1C1B1A19181716151413121110 +0F0E0D0C0B0A09080706050403020100 +> +< +FFFEFDFCFBFAF9F8F7F6F5F4F3F2F1F0EFEEEDECEBEAE9E8E7E6E5E4E3E2E1E0DFDEDDDCDBDAD9D8 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+78797A7A7B7C7D7E7E7F808181828383848585868687888889898A8B8B8C8D8D8E8F8F9090919292 +93949495959697979899999A9B9B9C9C9D9E9E9F9FA0A1A2A2A3A4A5A5A6A7A8A8A9AAAAABABACAD +ADAEAFB0B0B1B1B2B3B4B4B5B6B6B7B8B9B9BABBBCBDBDBEBFBFC0C1C1C2C3C4C5C6C7C8C9C9CACC +CED0D1D2D4D5D7D8DADCDEE0E3E5E7E9 +> +< +00000102030405060708090A0A0B0C0C0D0E0F1011111213141516171819191A1B1B1C1D1E1F2020 +2122232425262728292A2B2C2C2D2E2E2F303131323334353637373839393A3B3C3C3D3E3E3F4041 +424243444546474748494A4B4B4C4D4D4E4E4F4F505152525354555657575859595A5B5B5C5C5D5D +5E5F5F60616162636364656667676869696A6A6B6C6C6D6E6E6F6F70707172727374747576767778 +79797A7B7C7C7D7E7F7F80808182828384858586878888898A8A8B8C8C8D8E8E8F90919192939494 +959697979898999A9B9B9C9D9D9E9FA0A0A1A2A3A3A4A5A6A6A7A7A8A9AAABACADAEAFB0B1B1B2B3 +B5B6B7B8B9BABCBDBEC0C1C3C4C6C7C9 +> +< +000001020304050708090A0B0C0D0E0F10111112131415161718191A1B1C1C1D1E1F202121222323 +2425262728292A2B2C2D2D2E2F2F3031323233343536373738393A3B3B3C3D3D3E3F404041424243 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161.6953 111.0215 c +%_162.7637 111.124 163.875 111.1279 165.0127 111.0195 c +%_171.5029 110.4023 176.5264 106.4238 176.9619 101.8418 C +%_181.6748 102.3887 185.8467 104.998 187.3408 108.6152 c +%_187.3857 108.7236 187.501 108.7871 187.6162 108.7695 c +%_187.7314 108.75 187.8193 108.6553 187.8291 108.5391 c +%_188.2061 103.7871 186.5713 100.7002 182.8584 97.6846 C +%_188.2432 99.7441 194.3027 99.8496 200.1133 97.1465 c +%_200.2188 97.0977 200.2773 96.9824 200.2559 96.8672 c +%_200.2324 96.752 200.1328 96.668 200.0156 96.6641 c +%_195.1367 96.4736 191.5996 94.9082 188.2861 91.5918 C +%_206.5391 96.7256 221.3711 85.3906 216.2383 68.5391 c +%_216.2031 68.4238 216.0918 68.3486 215.9707 68.3613 c +%_215.8496 68.373 215.7539 68.4688 215.7441 68.5898 c +%_214.8262 78.3037 208.041 84.7051 197.8828 85.666 C +%_203.2695 83.6055 208.8828 78.6895 209.4395 70.1318 c +%_209.4473 70.0098 209.3672 69.8984 209.248 69.8691 c +%_209.1289 69.8398 209.0059 69.8984 208.9551 70.0098 c +%_206.1563 76.1641 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21.1367 c +%_165.7803 18.3398 164.3008 14.3223 161.1094 14.3223 c +%_155.3887 14.3223 152.6387 25.0918 153.5137 34.916 C +%_155.6768 29.1602 157.5469 26.8613 160.8613 24.1211 c +%_160.9551 24.043 161.0898 24.043 161.1836 24.1191 c +%_161.2773 24.1973 161.3047 24.3281 161.2471 24.4355 c +%_156.3906 33.5156 155.3496 40.502 155.3496 48.5215 C +%_156.8125 42.5625 158.5449 39.1992 163.4766 34.1406 c +%_163.5625 34.0527 163.6992 34.0391 163.8018 34.1074 c +%_163.9033 34.1777 163.9404 34.3105 163.8887 34.4238 c +%_158.5908 46.0137 158.9951 58.8711 162.9414 68.6875 c +%_162.9805 68.7852 162.9561 68.8965 162.8789 68.9688 c +%_162.8018 69.0391 162.6895 69.0566 162.5938 69.0098 c +%_157.3887 66.459 154.3301 64.7832 149.8418 58.6211 C +%_151.1992 51.2227 150.0703 47.5723 146.6699 41.4258 C +%_150.6074 51.3438 148.5117 65.3203 138.4824 71.0176 c +%_138.373 71.0791 138.2344 71.0518 138.1582 70.9531 c +%_138.0801 70.8535 138.0869 70.7119 138.1738 70.6211 c +%_141.9551 66.666 144.7051 59.9863 142.3301 52.6934 C +%_143.8594 63.082 134.7344 71.8086 124.5508 71.8086 c +%_114.9512 71.8086 108.4004 64.2988 108.9414 56.8672 c +%_109.4785 49.502 114.3848 45.8984 118.6133 44.3691 c +%_118.7246 44.3301 118.8496 44.3711 118.9131 44.4707 c +%_118.9766 44.5723 118.9629 44.7012 118.8799 44.7871 c +%_113.2695 50.4785 112.502 61.2793 122.4629 64.5469 C +%_116.6035 59.4902 118.7734 47.7168 128.1523 46.8223 c +%_128.2695 46.8105 128.3789 46.8809 128.417 46.9922 c +%_128.4551 47.1035 128.4121 47.2266 128.3135 47.2891 c +%_126.3047 48.5664 124.6348 51.0605 124.6348 53.8633 c +%_124.6348 58.5371 128.0566 60.373 130.3105 60.373 c +%_133.7324 60.373 136.5703 57.1172 136.5703 52.1934 c +%_136.5703 46.3496 131.3105 41.5098 124.5508 40.7578 c +%_117.9248 40.0234 111.7686 42.9121 108.8008 47.2168 c +%_108.7314 47.3184 108.5996 47.3555 108.4873 47.3047 c +%_108.375 47.2539 108.3164 47.1289 108.3467 47.0098 c +%_111.3652 35.3066 125.1426 30.1328 135.2344 37.5039 C +%_128.6211 30.002 118.2285 29.8984 109.5127 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245.5313 128.7334 245.4141 128.7051 c +%_245.2969 128.6758 245.2168 128.5684 245.2207 128.4473 c +%_245.5957 119.6807 240.5977 112.6035 231.7715 109.5371 C +%_238.6777 114.293 240.6973 123.7305 237.4102 128.6035 c +%_237.3418 128.7021 237.2148 128.7412 237.1035 128.6953 c +%_236.9922 128.6504 236.9277 128.5332 236.9492 128.416 c +%_237.3223 126.3555 236.3438 123.7314 234.2363 121.6895 c +%_231.3301 118.875 227.3867 118.2363 225.4258 120.2598 c +%_223.4648 122.2852 224.2285 126.207 227.1328 129.0215 c +%_228.1934 130.0488 229.3926 130.7832 230.582 131.2061 c +%_230.6953 131.2461 230.7637 131.3594 230.748 131.4775 c +%_230.7344 131.5967 230.6387 131.6885 230.5195 131.6982 c +%_224.1309 132.2529 219.75 128.4463 217.0039 123.8203 c +%_214.209 119.1152 209.4336 115.4102 203.793 116.1504 c +%_203.6738 116.166 203.5605 116.0957 203.5195 115.9824 c +%_203.4805 115.8691 203.5254 115.7422 203.6289 115.6807 c +%_206.4258 113.9961 209.5 113.2969 213.4922 114.6289 C +%_207.6973 109.7197 199.4453 106.8867 191.6523 109.4014 c +%_191.543 109.4375 191.4238 109.3945 191.3613 109.2979 c +%_191.2988 109.2012 191.3105 109.0752 191.3867 108.9902 c +%_197.2949 102.4258 209.0762 102.2949 216.4961 107.6172 C +%_213.459 103.3008 209.4277 100.1328 202.2031 99.1387 c +%_202.0879 99.123 201.998 99.0313 201.9844 98.916 c +%_201.9727 98.7998 202.0391 98.6904 202.1484 98.6504 c +%_210.4395 95.5723 218.748 98.6953 225.5938 106.8652 C +%_222.6016 100.4883 217.6875 95.3809 210.8262 92.8535 c +%_210.7109 92.8115 210.6426 92.6934 210.6641 92.5742 c +%_210.6836 92.4531 210.7871 92.3643 210.9082 92.3613 c +%_214.8516 92.2803 218.3945 93.2188 223.1738 95.9316 C +%_219.666 90.2422 220.4336 80.293 225.543 73.6738 c +%_225.6133 73.582 225.7383 73.5498 225.8457 73.5957 c +%_225.9512 73.6426 226.0137 73.7549 225.9941 73.8691 c +%_224.8145 81.0703 227.293 89.1992 231.6035 93.5117 C +%_229.4512 85.8799 231.5977 78.9355 237.5 73.8672 c +%_237.5703 73.8066 237.6699 73.79 237.7559 73.8232 c +%_237.8438 73.8564 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84.1797 225.5918 90.3262 C +%_221.6543 80.4102 223.75 66.4336 233.7793 60.7363 c +%_233.8887 60.6738 234.0273 60.7012 234.1035 60.8008 c +%_234.1816 60.9004 234.1758 61.041 234.0879 61.1328 c +%_230.3066 65.0879 227.5566 71.7676 229.9316 79.0586 C +%_228.4023 68.6699 237.5273 59.9453 247.7109 59.9453 c +%_257.3105 59.9453 263.8613 67.4531 263.3203 74.8848 c +%_262.7832 82.25 257.877 85.8555 253.6484 87.3828 c +%_253.5371 87.4238 253.4121 87.3809 253.3496 87.2813 c +%_253.2852 87.1816 253.2988 87.0508 253.3828 86.9668 c +%_258.9922 81.2734 259.7598 70.4746 249.7988 67.207 C +%_255.6582 72.2637 253.4883 84.0352 244.1094 84.9316 c +%_243.9922 84.9414 243.8828 84.8711 243.8457 84.7598 c +%_243.8066 84.6504 243.8496 84.5273 243.9492 84.4648 c +%_245.957 83.1855 247.627 80.6934 247.627 77.8906 c +%_247.627 73.2168 244.2051 71.3789 241.9512 71.3789 c +%_238.5293 71.3789 235.6914 74.6348 235.6914 79.5605 c +%_235.6914 85.4023 240.9512 90.2441 247.7109 90.9941 c +%_254.3379 91.7305 260.4941 88.8398 263.4609 84.5352 c +%_263.5313 84.4336 263.6621 84.3984 263.7754 84.4492 c +%_263.8867 84.5 263.9453 84.623 263.916 84.7422 c +%_260.8965 96.4453 247.1191 101.6191 237.0273 94.25 C +%_243.6406 101.75 254.0332 101.8555 262.75 94.1641 c +%_262.8398 94.084 262.9746 94.0781 263.0723 94.1523 c +%_263.168 94.2266 263.1992 94.3574 263.1445 94.4668 c +%_260.4785 99.873 253.8926 106.2852 244.5391 105.3516 c +%_235.9824 104.4961 231.0176 96.3359 230.0156 89.6602 C +%_229.459 98.1816 231.4102 104.1953 238.7695 109.8047 c +%_238.8672 109.8789 238.8965 110.0117 238.8418 110.1211 c +%_238.7871 110.2305 238.6621 110.2852 238.5449 110.25 c +%_231.7598 108.291 226.3145 104.8262 223.4961 97.707 C +%_223.4961 103.8672 225.6348 110.0781 231.0215 114.2168 c +%_231.1191 114.291 231.1484 114.4238 231.0938 114.5332 c +%_231.0391 114.6406 230.916 114.6953 230.7988 114.6621 c +%_227.3457 113.6797 224.627 112.1738 222.6602 109.4785 C +%_221.3496 120.5781 216.1387 127.168 210.1348 127.168 c +%_206.0098 127.168 202.9297 124.1348 202.9297 119.2988 c +%_202.9297 116.4688 204.418 112.4961 207.7402 110.2773 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_108.5137 18.6602 m +%_111.6758 14.7559 118.0527 13.2676 124.9453 14.6719 C +%_124.4355 10.3691 125.2793 5.88086 126.5566 3.18555 c +%_126.6094 3.07813 126.7305 3.01953 126.8477 3.04883 c +%_126.9648 3.07813 127.0449 3.18555 127.041 3.30664 c +%_126.666 12.0723 131.6641 19.1484 140.4902 22.2148 C +%_133.584 17.459 131.5645 8.02148 134.8516 3.15039 c +%_134.9199 3.05078 135.0469 3.01172 135.1582 3.05664 c +%_135.2695 3.10156 135.334 3.21875 135.3125 3.33789 c +%_134.9395 5.39844 135.918 8.02148 138.0254 10.0625 c +%_140.9316 12.877 144.875 13.5156 146.8359 11.4922 c +%_148.7969 9.4668 148.0332 5.54492 145.1289 2.73242 c +%_144.0684 1.70508 142.8691 0.96875 141.6797 0.546875 c +%_141.5664 0.505859 141.498 0.392578 141.5137 0.275391 c +%_141.5273 0.15625 141.623 0.064453 141.7422 0.054688 c +%_148.1309 -0.5 152.5117 3.30664 155.2578 7.93164 c +%_158.0527 12.6367 162.8281 16.3438 168.4688 15.6035 c +%_168.5879 15.5879 168.7012 15.6582 168.7422 15.7715 c +%_168.7813 15.8848 168.7363 16.0098 168.6328 16.0723 c +%_165.8359 17.7559 162.7617 18.4551 158.7695 17.125 C +%_164.5645 22.0332 172.8164 24.8652 180.6104 22.3516 c +%_180.7197 22.3164 180.8389 22.3594 180.9014 22.4551 c +%_180.9639 22.5508 180.9541 22.6777 180.876 22.7637 c +%_174.9668 29.3281 163.1855 29.459 155.7656 24.1348 C +%_158.8027 28.4512 162.834 31.6211 170.0586 32.6133 c +%_170.1738 32.6289 170.2637 32.7227 170.2773 32.8379 c +%_170.2891 32.9531 170.2227 33.0625 170.1133 33.1035 c +%_161.8223 36.1797 153.5137 33.0586 146.668 24.8867 C +%_149.6602 31.2656 154.5742 36.373 161.4355 38.9004 c +%_161.5508 38.9414 161.6191 39.0586 161.5977 39.1797 c +%_161.5781 39.3008 161.4746 39.3887 161.3535 39.3906 c +%_157.4102 39.4727 153.8672 38.5332 149.0879 35.8203 C +%_152.5957 41.5117 151.8281 51.459 146.7188 58.0801 c +%_146.6484 58.1719 146.5234 58.2031 146.416 58.1582 c +%_146.3105 58.1113 146.248 57.998 146.2676 57.8828 c +%_147.4473 50.6836 144.9688 42.5547 140.6582 38.2422 C +%_142.8105 45.873 140.6641 52.8184 134.7617 57.8848 c +%_134.6914 57.9453 134.5918 57.9629 134.5059 57.9297 c +%_134.418 57.8965 134.3574 57.8184 134.3438 57.7266 c +%_133.1094 48.3086 122.5742 38.752 113.7422 37.9512 c +%_113.6172 37.9395 113.5195 37.8398 113.5117 37.7148 c +%_113.5039 37.5898 113.5859 37.4785 113.709 37.4512 c +%_117.9883 36.4824 122.4004 36.9609 126.0977 38.4805 C +%_123.4375 35.5488 120.1582 33.3711 116.543 32.2363 c +%_116.4258 32.1992 116.3535 32.0859 116.3672 31.9648 c +%_116.3809 31.8438 116.4805 31.748 116.6016 31.7402 c +%_121.1113 31.4297 125.5254 32.7461 129.332 35.2793 C +%_124.9707 28.6582 118.3516 23.7344 109.9043 21.7715 c +%_109.7832 21.7441 109.7012 21.6328 109.707 21.5098 c +%_109.7148 21.3867 109.8105 21.2871 109.9336 21.2734 c +%_121.8516 19.9707 131.6797 24.5918 138.1543 33.1914 C +%_136.5059 28.2891 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128.0664 179.0547 128.1934 178.9922 128.291 c +%_178.9277 128.3887 178.8066 128.4297 178.6953 128.3926 c +%_173.916 126.7363 168.75 122.6035 168.75 117.375 c +%_168.75 112.334 173.5625 107.9805 180.5537 108.3242 C +%_171.7324 105.8203 162.5 108.5918 157.6699 114.5781 c +%_157.5957 114.6699 157.4648 114.6992 157.3594 114.6445 c +%_157.252 114.5918 157.1973 114.4707 157.2266 114.3535 c +%_160.0176 103.6387 169.1934 99.1543 180.667 100.6484 C +%_171.3848 96.8906 157.416 100.166 151.2422 107.957 c +%_151.1699 108.0488 151.043 108.0801 150.9355 108.0293 c +%_150.8301 107.9805 150.7715 107.8633 150.7949 107.748 c +%_152.166 101.1328 155.6582 96.1875 161.418 94.2324 C +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_*U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Repeated_Art) , +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Main_Copy_of_EditGroup) , +%_; +%_ +%_9 () XW +%_u +%_*u +%_1 D +%_1 0.771237 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+%_79.0469 108.7236 79.1621 108.7871 79.2773 108.7695 c +%_79.3926 108.75 79.4805 108.6553 79.4902 108.5391 c +%_79.8672 103.7871 78.2324 100.7002 74.5195 97.6846 C +%_79.9043 99.7441 85.9648 99.8496 91.7754 97.1465 c +%_91.8809 97.0977 91.9395 96.9824 91.918 96.8672 c +%_91.8945 96.752 91.7949 96.668 91.6777 96.6641 c +%_86.7988 96.4736 83.2617 94.9082 79.9473 91.5918 C +%_98.2012 96.7256 113.0332 85.3906 107.9004 68.5391 c +%_107.8652 68.4238 107.7539 68.3486 107.6328 68.3613 c +%_107.5117 68.373 107.416 68.4688 107.4063 68.5898 c +%_106.4883 78.3037 99.7031 84.7051 89.5449 85.666 C +%_94.9316 83.6055 100.5449 78.6895 101.1016 70.1318 c +%_101.1094 70.0098 101.0293 69.8984 100.9102 69.8691 c +%_100.791 69.8398 100.668 69.8984 100.6172 70.0098 c +%_97.8184 76.1641 92.3203 79.2754 86.457 79.8223 C +%_92.791 77.2422 96.8535 71.2207 98.0273 63.4023 c +%_98.0469 63.2793 97.9727 63.1602 97.8535 63.123 c +%_97.7363 63.084 97.6074 63.1387 97.5508 63.248 c +%_93.6855 70.8311 85.3945 76.042 75.1035 72.0605 c +%_64.4863 67.9512 59.8291 55.6738 58.7998 47.0195 c +%_58.7852 46.8984 58.6846 46.8047 58.5615 46.7969 c +%_58.4395 46.7891 58.3291 46.8711 58.3008 46.9922 c +%_54.5811 62.6797 61.8838 78.9414 74.9375 85.832 C +%_67.8418 83.8291 61.498 79.5723 57.9102 72.4775 C +%_49.6162 71.459 43.9063 68.6152 41.0527 63.2383 c +%_40.9961 63.1309 40.8721 63.0781 40.7568 63.1133 c +%_40.6416 63.1465 40.5654 63.2578 40.5752 63.3789 c +%_40.7578 65.4883 41.5166 69.709 44.6494 71.6494 C +%_37.6846 71.6387 32.1436 72.543 26.8506 74.6621 c +%_26.7393 74.708 26.6738 74.8262 26.6963 74.9453 c +%_f +%_0 D +%_56.1826 21.4746 m +%_56.084 21.541 55.9541 21.5293 55.8672 21.4492 c +%_55.7813 21.3672 55.7627 21.2383 55.8213 21.1367 c +%_57.4414 18.3398 55.9619 14.3223 52.7705 14.3223 c +%_47.0498 14.3223 44.2998 25.0918 45.1748 34.916 C +%_47.3379 29.1602 49.208 26.8613 52.5225 24.1211 c +%_52.6162 24.043 52.751 24.043 52.8447 24.1191 c +%_52.9385 24.1973 52.9658 24.3281 52.9082 24.4355 c +%_48.0518 33.5156 47.0107 40.502 47.0107 48.5215 C +%_48.4736 42.5625 50.2061 39.1992 55.1377 34.1406 c +%_55.2236 34.0527 55.3604 34.0391 55.4629 34.1074 c +%_55.5645 34.1777 55.6016 34.3105 55.5498 34.4238 c +%_50.252 46.0137 50.6563 58.8711 54.6025 68.6875 c +%_54.6416 68.7852 54.6172 68.8965 54.54 68.9688 c +%_54.4629 69.0391 54.3506 69.0566 54.2549 69.0098 c +%_49.0498 66.459 45.9912 64.7832 41.5029 58.6211 C +%_42.8604 51.2227 41.7314 47.5723 38.3311 41.4258 C +%_42.2686 51.3438 40.1729 65.3203 30.1436 71.0176 c +%_30.0342 71.0791 29.8955 71.0518 29.8193 70.9531 c +%_29.7412 70.8535 29.748 70.7119 29.835 70.6211 c +%_33.6162 66.666 36.3662 59.9863 33.9912 52.6934 C +%_35.5205 63.082 26.3955 71.8086 16.2119 71.8086 c +%_6.6123 71.8086 0.061523 64.2988 0.602539 56.8672 c +%_1.13965 49.502 6.0459 45.8984 10.2744 44.3691 c +%_10.3857 44.3301 10.5107 44.3711 10.5742 44.4707 c +%_10.6377 44.5723 10.624 44.7012 10.541 44.7871 c +%_4.93066 50.4785 4.16309 61.2793 14.124 64.5469 C +%_8.26465 59.4902 10.4346 47.7168 19.8135 46.8223 c +%_19.9307 46.8105 20.04 46.8809 20.0781 46.9922 c +%_20.1162 47.1035 20.0732 47.2266 19.9746 47.2891 c +%_17.9658 48.5664 16.2959 51.0605 16.2959 53.8633 c +%_16.2959 58.5371 19.7178 60.373 21.9717 60.373 c +%_25.3936 60.373 28.2314 57.1172 28.2314 52.1934 c +%_28.2314 46.3496 22.9717 41.5098 16.2119 40.7578 c +%_9.58594 40.0234 3.42969 42.9121 0.461914 47.2168 c +%_0.392578 47.3184 0.260742 47.3555 0.148438 47.3047 c +%_0.036133 47.2539 -0.022461 47.1289 0.007813 47.0098 c +%_3.02637 35.3066 16.8037 30.1328 26.8955 37.5039 C +%_20.2822 30.002 9.88965 29.8984 1.17383 37.5898 c +%_1.08301 37.6699 0.948242 37.6738 0.851563 37.5996 c +%_0.754883 37.5273 0.724609 37.3945 0.77832 37.2871 c +%_3.44531 31.8789 10.0313 25.4668 19.3838 26.4023 c +%_27.9404 27.2578 32.9053 35.416 33.9072 42.0938 C +%_34.4639 33.5723 32.5137 27.5566 25.1533 21.9473 c +%_25.0566 21.873 25.0264 21.7402 25.0811 21.6309 c +%_25.1357 21.5234 25.2607 21.4688 25.3779 21.502 c +%_32.1631 23.4629 37.6084 26.9277 40.4268 34.0469 C +%_40.4268 27.8848 38.2881 21.6738 32.9014 17.5352 c +%_32.8037 17.4609 32.7744 17.3301 32.8291 17.2207 c +%_32.8838 17.1113 33.0078 17.0566 33.125 17.0898 c +%_36.5781 18.0742 39.2959 19.5781 41.2627 22.2754 C +%_42.5732 11.1758 47.7842 4.58398 53.7881 4.58398 c +%_57.9131 4.58398 60.9932 7.61719 60.9932 12.4551 c +%_60.9932 15.2852 59.5049 19.2578 56.1826 21.4746 c +%_f +%_155.4102 113.0938 m +%_152.248 116.998 145.8711 118.4863 138.9785 117.082 C +%_139.4883 121.3828 138.6445 125.873 137.3672 128.5664 c +%_137.3145 128.6758 137.1934 128.7334 137.0762 128.7051 c +%_136.959 128.6758 136.8789 128.5684 136.8828 128.4473 c +%_137.2578 119.6807 132.2598 112.6035 123.4336 109.5371 C +%_130.3398 114.293 132.3594 123.7305 129.0723 128.6035 c +%_129.0039 128.7021 128.877 128.7412 128.7656 128.6953 c +%_128.6543 128.6504 128.5898 128.5332 128.6113 128.416 c +%_128.9844 126.3555 128.0059 123.7314 125.8984 121.6895 c +%_122.9922 118.875 119.0488 118.2363 117.0879 120.2598 c +%_115.127 122.2852 115.8906 126.207 118.7949 129.0215 c +%_119.8555 130.0488 121.0547 130.7832 122.2441 131.2061 c +%_122.3574 131.2461 122.4258 131.3594 122.4102 131.4775 c +%_122.3965 131.5967 122.3008 131.6885 122.1816 131.6982 c +%_115.793 132.2529 111.4121 128.4463 108.666 123.8203 c +%_105.8711 119.1152 101.0957 115.4102 95.4551 116.1504 c +%_95.3359 116.166 95.2227 116.0957 95.1816 115.9824 c +%_95.1426 115.8691 95.1875 115.7422 95.291 115.6807 c +%_98.0879 113.9961 101.1621 113.2969 105.1543 114.6289 C +%_99.3594 109.7197 91.1074 106.8867 83.3145 109.4014 c +%_83.2051 109.4375 83.0859 109.3945 83.0234 109.2979 c +%_82.9609 109.2012 82.9727 109.0752 83.0488 108.9902 c +%_88.957 102.4258 100.7383 102.2949 108.1582 107.6172 C +%_105.1211 103.3008 101.0898 100.1328 93.8652 99.1387 c +%_93.75 99.123 93.6602 99.0313 93.6465 98.916 c +%_93.6348 98.7998 93.7012 98.6904 93.8105 98.6504 c +%_102.1016 95.5723 110.4102 98.6953 117.2559 106.8652 C +%_114.2637 100.4883 109.3496 95.3809 102.4883 92.8535 c +%_102.373 92.8115 102.3047 92.6934 102.3262 92.5742 c +%_102.3457 92.4531 102.4492 92.3643 102.5703 92.3613 c +%_106.5137 92.2803 110.0566 93.2188 114.8359 95.9316 C +%_111.3281 90.2422 112.0957 80.293 117.2051 73.6738 c +%_117.2754 73.582 117.4004 73.5498 117.5078 73.5957 c +%_117.6133 73.6426 117.6758 73.7549 117.6563 73.8691 c +%_116.4766 81.0703 118.9551 89.1992 123.2656 93.5117 C +%_121.1133 85.8799 123.2598 78.9355 129.1621 73.8672 c +%_129.2324 73.8066 129.332 73.79 129.418 73.8232 c +%_129.5059 73.8564 129.5664 73.9355 129.5801 74.0273 c +%_130.8145 83.4453 141.3496 93.002 150.1816 93.8027 c +%_150.3066 93.8135 150.4043 93.9141 150.4121 94.0381 c +%_150.4199 94.1621 150.3379 94.2754 150.2148 94.3027 c +%_145.9355 95.2715 141.5234 94.793 137.8262 93.2715 C +%_140.4863 96.2051 143.7656 98.3828 147.3809 99.5176 c +%_147.498 99.5537 147.5703 99.668 147.5566 99.7891 c +%_147.543 99.9102 147.4434 100.0039 147.3223 100.0127 c +%_142.8125 100.3242 138.3984 99.0068 134.5918 96.4746 C +%_138.9531 103.0957 145.5723 108.0195 154.0195 109.9805 c +%_154.1406 110.0088 154.2227 110.1191 154.2168 110.2432 c +%_154.209 110.3672 154.1133 110.4668 153.9902 110.4805 c +%_142.0723 111.7822 132.2441 107.1621 125.7695 98.5625 C +%_127.418 103.4629 132.1348 108.3184 138.7148 111.1816 c +%_144.5605 113.7266 150.5645 114.1279 155.1367 112.6914 c +%_155.2422 112.6582 155.3594 112.6982 155.4219 112.791 c +%_155.4844 112.8828 155.4805 113.0059 155.4102 113.0938 c +%_f +%_102.5059 37.5215 m +%_107.3125 48.0078 106.9707 56.207 103.0996 66.5762 c +%_103.0547 66.6934 102.9336 66.7607 102.8105 66.7363 c +%_102.6875 66.7109 102.6016 66.5996 102.6074 66.4746 c +%_103.2285 53.8535 99.7813 44.8203 92.3086 38.668 C +%_100.5586 48.5195 96.6621 68.2275 83.4863 68.2275 c +%_73.9004 68.2275 65.9697 60.252 64.0303 50.7031 c +%_64.0059 50.582 64.0723 50.459 64.1885 50.416 c +%_64.3037 50.3711 64.4346 50.416 64.4971 50.5215 c 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+%_65.7803 1.08594 71.5029 0 76.9551 0 C +%_72.2578 5.5 73.8184 16.5547 81.3105 16.5547 c +%_86.6582 16.5547 89.0859 8.25586 84.957 3.77344 c +%_84.8789 3.6875 84.8691 3.55859 84.9316 3.46289 c +%_84.9961 3.36523 85.1172 3.32227 85.2285 3.36133 c +%_90.0078 5.01563 95.1738 9.15039 95.1738 14.377 c +%_95.1738 19.4199 90.3613 23.7715 83.373 23.4277 C +%_92.1914 25.9336 101.4238 23.1602 106.2539 17.1758 c +%_106.3281 17.082 106.459 17.0547 106.5645 17.1074 c +%_106.6719 17.1621 106.7266 17.2832 106.6973 17.3984 c +%_103.9063 28.1152 94.7305 32.5977 83.2578 31.1055 C +%_92.5391 34.8613 106.5078 31.5859 112.6816 23.7949 c +%_112.7539 23.7031 112.8809 23.6738 112.9883 23.7227 c +%_113.0938 23.7734 113.1523 23.8906 113.1289 24.0039 c +%_111.7578 30.6191 108.2656 35.5664 102.5059 37.5215 C +%_f +%_*U +%_*u +%_1 D +%_0.41001 0 0.011078 0 0.615686 0.862745 0.976471 Xa +%_0 0.4 0 0 0 Xy +%_128.8887 56.8086 m +%_128.8672 56.6895 128.7637 56.6016 128.6426 56.6016 c +%_115.7363 56.4648 103.8887 53.334 94.6719 45.0859 C +%_102.7012 50.6445 117.6133 52.5957 126.1992 48.7051 c +%_126.3086 48.6543 126.3672 48.5332 126.3398 48.416 c +%_126.3145 48.2988 126.207 48.2168 126.0859 48.2188 c +%_115.4063 48.5098 106.8066 45.2129 100.1016 39.2559 C +%_106.9707 38.832 112.6758 34.5156 112.6582 29.4102 c +%_112.6582 29.291 112.5742 29.1875 112.457 29.1621 c +%_112.3418 29.1387 112.2227 29.1973 112.1738 29.3066 c +%_111.0527 31.7949 107.4258 33.0879 103.5918 32.1875 c +%_99.4121 31.2051 96.5918 27.998 97.291 25.0215 c +%_97.7617 23.0078 99.7266 21.6191 102.2422 21.2344 c +%_102.3691 21.2148 102.4629 21.1055 102.459 20.9766 c +%_102.4551 20.8496 102.3574 20.7441 102.2285 20.7305 c +%_101.1602 20.6289 100.0488 20.625 98.9121 20.7344 c +%_92.4219 21.3516 87.3984 25.3281 86.9629 29.9121 C +%_82.25 29.3652 78.0781 26.7539 76.584 23.1387 c +%_76.5391 23.0293 76.4258 22.9668 76.3086 22.9844 c +%_76.1934 23.002 76.1055 23.0977 76.0957 23.2148 c +%_75.7188 27.9648 77.3535 31.0527 81.0664 34.0684 C +%_75.6816 32.0098 69.6201 31.9043 63.8096 34.6055 c +%_63.7041 34.6563 63.6455 34.7715 63.667 34.8867 c +%_63.6904 35.002 63.79 35.0859 63.9072 35.0898 c +%_68.7861 35.2793 72.3242 36.8457 75.6406 40.1621 C +%_57.3838 35.0273 42.5518 46.3633 47.6846 63.2129 c +%_47.7197 63.3301 47.8311 63.4043 47.9521 63.3926 c +%_48.0732 63.3809 48.1689 63.2852 48.1787 63.1641 c +%_49.0967 53.4492 55.8818 47.0469 66.04 46.0879 C +%_60.6533 48.1465 55.04 53.0625 54.4834 61.6211 c +%_54.4756 61.7441 54.5557 61.8535 54.6748 61.8848 c +%_54.7939 61.9141 54.917 61.8535 54.9678 61.7422 c +%_57.7666 55.5879 63.2646 52.4785 69.1279 51.9297 C +%_62.7939 54.5117 58.7314 60.5332 57.5576 68.3516 c +%_57.5381 68.4746 57.6123 68.5918 57.7314 68.6309 c +%_57.8486 68.668 57.9775 68.6152 58.0342 68.5039 c +%_61.8994 60.9219 70.1904 55.7109 80.4824 59.6934 c +%_91.0996 63.8027 95.7559 76.0781 96.7852 84.7324 c +%_96.8008 84.8555 96.9004 84.9492 97.0234 84.957 c +%_97.1465 84.9629 97.2559 84.8809 97.2852 84.7617 c 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83.6797 73.3789 78.6309 73.3789 c +%_70.4951 73.3789 68.0889 79.8457 68.0889 84.3789 c +%_68.0889 90.5645 73.0156 95.7207 76.7969 95.7207 c +%_80.2344 95.7207 81.8379 92.8984 81.8379 90.7949 c +%_81.8379 86.8965 78.8398 83.6289 75.4629 82.6309 c +%_75.3418 82.5938 75.2656 82.4766 75.2832 82.3516 c +%_75.3008 82.2266 75.4063 82.1328 75.5332 82.1328 c +%_79.6387 82.1074 83.1094 83.9863 85.1621 87.7012 C +%_85.4316 84.8262 85.4336 83.0156 84.5215 79.9766 c +%_84.4863 79.8594 84.5391 79.7344 84.6465 79.6777 c +%_84.7559 79.623 84.8887 79.6504 84.9629 79.748 c +%_92.3203 89.1406 88.7988 105.3711 82.9844 112.1055 C +%_88.5156 108.123 93.4004 99.4707 93.3242 87.7109 c +%_93.3223 87.5898 93.4082 87.4844 93.5293 87.4609 c +%_93.6484 87.4375 93.7676 87.502 93.8125 87.6152 c +%_97.9219 97.8691 95.7422 116.8633 84.5313 127.4668 C +%_87.416 127.8652 90.3984 127.8145 93.6563 126.7754 c +%_93.7715 126.7383 93.8965 126.7891 93.9551 126.8945 c +%_94.0137 127 93.9902 127.1328 93.8965 127.2109 c +%_89.8047 130.666 84.082 131.752 78.6309 131.752 C +%_83.3281 126.252 81.7676 115.1992 74.2773 115.1992 c +%_68.9268 115.1992 66.499 123.498 70.6279 127.9805 c +%_70.7061 128.0664 70.7158 128.1934 70.6533 128.291 c +%_70.5889 128.3887 70.4678 128.4297 70.3564 128.3926 c +%_65.5771 126.7363 60.4111 122.6035 60.4111 117.375 c +%_60.4111 112.334 65.2236 107.9805 72.2148 108.3242 C +%_63.3936 105.8203 54.1611 108.5918 49.3311 114.5781 c +%_49.2568 114.6699 49.126 114.6992 49.0205 114.6445 c +%_48.9131 114.5918 48.8584 114.4707 48.8877 114.3535 c +%_51.6787 103.6387 60.8545 99.1543 72.3281 100.6484 C +%_63.0459 96.8906 49.0771 100.166 42.9033 107.957 c +%_42.8311 108.0488 42.7041 108.0801 42.5967 108.0293 c +%_42.4912 107.9805 42.4326 107.8633 42.4561 107.748 c +%_43.8271 101.1328 47.3193 96.1875 53.0791 94.2324 C +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_*U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_U +%_/ArtDictionary 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209.248 179.5107 c +%_209.1289 179.4814 209.0059 179.54 208.9551 179.6514 c +%_206.1563 185.8057 200.6582 188.917 194.7949 189.4639 C +%_201.1289 186.8838 205.1914 180.8623 206.3652 173.0439 c +%_206.3848 172.9209 206.3105 172.8018 206.1914 172.7646 c +%_206.0742 172.7256 205.9453 172.7803 205.8887 172.8896 c +%_202.0234 180.4727 193.7324 185.6836 183.4424 181.7021 c +%_172.8252 177.5928 168.168 165.3154 167.1387 156.6611 c +%_167.124 156.54 167.0234 156.4463 166.9004 156.4385 c +%_166.7783 156.4307 166.668 156.5127 166.6396 156.6338 c +%_162.9199 172.3213 170.2227 188.583 183.2764 195.4736 C +%_176.1807 193.4707 169.8369 189.2139 166.249 182.1191 C +%_157.9551 181.1006 152.2451 178.2568 149.3916 172.8799 c +%_149.335 172.7725 149.2109 172.7197 149.0957 172.7549 c +%_148.9805 172.7881 148.9043 172.8994 148.9141 173.0205 c +%_149.0967 175.1299 149.8555 179.3506 152.9883 181.291 C +%_146.0234 181.2803 140.4824 182.1846 135.1895 184.3037 c +%_135.0781 184.3496 135.0127 184.4678 135.0352 184.5869 c +%_f +%_0 D +%_164.5215 131.1162 m +%_164.4229 131.1826 164.293 131.1709 164.2061 131.0908 c +%_164.1201 131.0088 164.1016 130.8799 164.1602 130.7783 c +%_165.7803 127.9814 164.3008 123.9639 161.1094 123.9639 c +%_155.3887 123.9639 152.6387 134.7334 153.5137 144.5576 C +%_155.6768 138.8018 157.5469 136.5029 160.8613 133.7627 c +%_160.9551 133.6846 161.0898 133.6846 161.1836 133.7607 c +%_161.2773 133.8389 161.3047 133.9697 161.2471 134.0771 c +%_156.3906 143.1572 155.3496 150.1436 155.3496 158.1631 C +%_156.8125 152.2041 158.5449 148.8408 163.4766 143.7822 c +%_163.5625 143.6943 163.6992 143.6807 163.8018 143.749 c +%_163.9033 143.8193 163.9404 143.9521 163.8887 144.0654 c +%_158.5908 155.6553 158.9951 168.5127 162.9414 178.3291 c +%_162.9805 178.4268 162.9561 178.5381 162.8789 178.6104 c +%_162.8018 178.6807 162.6895 178.6982 162.5938 178.6514 c +%_157.3887 176.1006 154.3301 174.4248 149.8418 168.2627 C +%_151.1992 160.8643 150.0703 157.2139 146.6699 151.0674 C +%_150.6074 160.9854 148.5117 174.9619 138.4824 180.6592 c +%_138.373 180.7207 138.2344 180.6934 138.1582 180.5947 c +%_138.0801 180.4951 138.0869 180.3535 138.1738 180.2627 c +%_141.9551 176.3076 144.7051 169.6279 142.3301 162.335 C +%_143.8594 172.7236 134.7344 181.4502 124.5508 181.4502 c +%_114.9512 181.4502 108.4004 173.9404 108.9414 166.5088 c +%_109.4785 159.1436 114.3848 155.54 118.6133 154.0107 c +%_118.7246 153.9717 118.8496 154.0127 118.9131 154.1123 c +%_118.9766 154.2139 118.9629 154.3428 118.8799 154.4287 c +%_113.2695 160.1201 112.502 170.9209 122.4629 174.1885 C +%_116.6035 169.1318 118.7734 157.3584 128.1523 156.4639 c +%_128.2695 156.4521 128.3789 156.5225 128.417 156.6338 c +%_128.4551 156.7451 128.4121 156.8682 128.3135 156.9307 c +%_126.3047 158.208 124.6348 160.7021 124.6348 163.5049 c +%_124.6348 168.1787 128.0566 170.0146 130.3105 170.0146 c +%_133.7324 170.0146 136.5703 166.7588 136.5703 161.835 c +%_136.5703 155.9912 131.3105 151.1514 124.5508 150.3994 c +%_117.9248 149.665 111.7686 152.5537 108.8008 156.8584 c +%_108.7314 156.96 108.5996 156.9971 108.4873 156.9463 c +%_108.375 156.8955 108.3164 156.7705 108.3467 156.6514 c +%_111.3652 144.9482 125.1426 139.7744 135.2344 147.1455 C +%_128.6211 139.6436 118.2285 139.54 109.5127 147.2314 c +%_109.4219 147.3115 109.2871 147.3154 109.1904 147.2412 c +%_109.0938 147.1689 109.0635 147.0361 109.1172 146.9287 c +%_111.7842 141.5205 118.3701 135.1084 127.7227 136.0439 c +%_136.2793 136.8994 141.2441 145.0576 142.2461 151.7354 C +%_142.8027 143.2139 140.8525 137.1982 133.4922 131.5889 c +%_133.3955 131.5146 133.3652 131.3818 133.4199 131.2725 c +%_133.4746 131.165 133.5996 131.1104 133.7168 131.1436 c +%_140.502 133.1045 145.9473 136.5693 148.7656 143.6885 C +%_148.7656 137.5264 146.627 131.3154 141.2402 127.1768 c +%_141.1426 127.1025 141.1133 126.9717 141.168 126.8623 c +%_141.2227 126.7529 141.3467 126.6982 141.4639 126.7314 c +%_144.917 127.7158 147.6348 129.2197 149.6016 131.917 C +%_150.9121 120.8174 156.123 114.2256 162.127 114.2256 c +%_166.252 114.2256 169.332 117.2588 169.332 122.0967 c +%_169.332 124.9268 167.8438 128.8994 164.5215 131.1162 c +%_f +%_263.748 222.7354 m +%_260.5859 226.6396 254.209 228.1279 247.3164 226.7236 C +%_247.8262 231.0244 246.9824 235.5146 245.7051 238.208 c +%_245.6523 238.3174 245.5313 238.375 245.4141 238.3467 c +%_245.2969 238.3174 245.2168 238.21 245.2207 238.0889 c +%_245.5957 229.3223 240.5977 222.2451 231.7715 219.1787 C +%_238.6777 223.9346 240.6973 233.3721 237.4102 238.2451 c +%_237.3418 238.3438 237.2148 238.3828 237.1035 238.3369 c +%_236.9922 238.292 236.9277 238.1748 236.9492 238.0576 c +%_237.3223 235.9971 236.3438 233.373 234.2363 231.3311 c +%_231.3301 228.5166 227.3867 227.8779 225.4258 229.9014 c +%_223.4648 231.9268 224.2285 235.8486 227.1328 238.6631 c +%_228.1934 239.6904 229.3926 240.4248 230.582 240.8477 c +%_230.6953 240.8877 230.7637 241.001 230.748 241.1191 c +%_230.7344 241.2383 230.6387 241.3301 230.5195 241.3398 c +%_224.1309 241.8945 219.75 238.0879 217.0039 233.4619 c +%_214.209 228.7568 209.4336 225.0518 203.793 225.792 c +%_203.6738 225.8076 203.5605 225.7373 203.5195 225.624 c +%_203.4805 225.5107 203.5254 225.3838 203.6289 225.3223 c +%_206.4258 223.6377 209.5 222.9385 213.4922 224.2705 C +%_207.6973 219.3613 199.4453 216.5283 191.6523 219.043 c +%_191.543 219.0791 191.4238 219.0361 191.3613 218.9395 c +%_191.2988 218.8428 191.3105 218.7168 191.3867 218.6318 c +%_197.2949 212.0674 209.0762 211.9365 216.4961 217.2588 C +%_213.459 212.9424 209.4277 209.7744 202.2031 208.7803 c +%_202.0879 208.7646 201.998 208.6729 201.9844 208.5576 c +%_201.9727 208.4414 202.0391 208.332 202.1484 208.292 c +%_210.4395 205.2139 218.748 208.3369 225.5938 216.5068 C +%_222.6016 210.1299 217.6875 205.0225 210.8262 202.4951 c +%_210.7109 202.4531 210.6426 202.335 210.6641 202.2158 c +%_210.6836 202.0947 210.7871 202.0059 210.9082 202.0029 c +%_214.8516 201.9219 218.3945 202.8604 223.1738 205.5732 C +%_219.666 199.8838 220.4336 189.9346 225.543 183.3154 c +%_225.6133 183.2236 225.7383 183.1914 225.8457 183.2373 c +%_225.9512 183.2842 226.0137 183.3965 225.9941 183.5107 c +%_224.8145 190.7119 227.293 198.8408 231.6035 203.1533 C +%_229.4512 195.5215 231.5977 188.5771 237.5 183.5088 c +%_237.5703 183.4482 237.6699 183.4316 237.7559 183.4648 c +%_237.8438 183.498 237.9043 183.5771 237.918 183.6689 c +%_239.1523 193.0869 249.6875 202.6436 258.5195 203.4443 c +%_258.6445 203.4551 258.7422 203.5557 258.75 203.6797 c +%_258.7578 203.8037 258.6758 203.917 258.5527 203.9443 c +%_254.2734 204.9131 249.8613 204.4346 246.1641 202.9131 C +%_248.8242 205.8467 252.1035 208.0244 255.7188 209.1592 c +%_255.8359 209.1953 255.9082 209.3096 255.8945 209.4307 c +%_255.8809 209.5518 255.7813 209.6455 255.6602 209.6543 c +%_251.1504 209.9658 246.7363 208.6484 242.9297 206.1162 C +%_247.291 212.7373 253.9102 217.6611 262.3574 219.6221 c +%_262.4785 219.6504 262.5605 219.7607 262.5547 219.8848 c +%_262.5469 220.0088 262.4512 220.1084 262.3281 220.1221 c +%_250.4102 221.4238 240.582 216.8037 234.1074 208.2041 C +%_235.7559 213.1045 240.4727 217.96 247.0527 220.8232 c +%_252.8984 223.3682 258.9023 223.7695 263.4746 222.333 c +%_263.5801 222.2998 263.6973 222.3398 263.7598 222.4326 c +%_263.8223 222.5244 263.8184 222.6475 263.748 222.7354 c +%_f +%_210.8438 147.1631 m +%_215.6504 157.6494 215.3086 165.8486 211.4375 176.2178 c +%_211.3926 176.335 211.2715 176.4023 211.1484 176.3779 c +%_211.0254 176.3525 210.9395 176.2412 210.9453 176.1162 c +%_211.5664 163.4951 208.1191 154.4619 200.6465 148.3096 C +%_208.8965 158.1611 205 177.8691 191.8242 177.8691 c +%_182.2393 177.8691 174.3086 169.8936 172.3691 160.3447 c +%_172.3447 160.2236 172.4111 160.1006 172.5273 160.0576 c +%_172.6426 160.0127 172.7734 160.0576 172.8359 160.1631 c +%_175.6787 164.9248 180.2451 168.0146 185.2939 168.0146 c +%_193.4277 168.0146 195.834 161.5479 195.834 157.0166 c +%_195.834 150.8291 190.9082 145.6729 187.1279 145.6729 c +%_183.6904 145.6729 182.0869 148.4971 182.0869 150.6006 c +%_182.0869 154.499 185.085 157.7666 188.4639 158.7646 c +%_188.583 158.7998 188.6611 158.9189 188.6436 159.0439 c +%_188.624 159.1689 188.5186 159.2607 188.3936 159.2627 c +%_184.2861 159.2881 180.8154 157.4072 178.7627 153.6943 C +%_178.4932 156.5693 178.4902 158.3799 179.4033 161.417 c +%_179.4385 161.5342 179.3848 161.6592 179.2773 161.7158 c +%_179.168 161.7725 179.0352 161.7432 178.9609 161.6475 c +%_171.6045 152.2549 175.125 136.0225 180.9404 129.29 C +%_175.4082 133.2725 170.5234 141.9229 170.6006 153.6826 c +%_170.6016 153.8057 170.5156 153.9092 170.3955 153.9326 c +%_170.2754 153.958 170.1563 153.8916 170.1113 153.7783 c +%_166.0029 143.5264 168.1826 124.5303 179.3926 113.9268 C +%_176.5088 113.5303 173.5254 113.5811 170.2676 114.6201 c +%_170.1523 114.6553 170.0273 114.6064 169.9688 114.501 c +%_169.9102 114.3936 169.9336 114.2607 170.0273 114.1826 c +%_174.1191 110.7275 179.8418 109.6416 185.2939 109.6416 C +%_180.5967 115.1416 182.1572 126.1963 189.6494 126.1963 c +%_194.9961 126.1963 197.4238 117.8975 193.2949 113.415 c +%_193.2168 113.3291 193.207 113.2002 193.2695 113.1045 c +%_193.334 113.0068 193.4551 112.9639 193.5664 113.0029 c +%_198.3457 114.6572 203.5117 118.792 203.5117 124.0186 c +%_203.5117 129.0615 198.6992 133.4131 191.7109 133.0693 C +%_200.5293 135.5752 209.7617 132.8018 214.5918 126.8174 c +%_214.666 126.7236 214.7969 126.6963 214.9023 126.749 c +%_215.0098 126.8037 215.0645 126.9248 215.0352 127.04 c +%_212.2441 137.7568 203.0684 142.2393 191.5957 140.7471 C +%_200.877 144.5029 214.8457 141.2275 221.0195 133.4365 c +%_221.0918 133.3447 221.2188 133.3154 221.3262 133.3643 c +%_221.4316 133.415 221.4902 133.5322 221.4668 133.6455 c +%_220.0957 140.2607 216.6035 145.208 210.8438 147.1631 C +%_f +%_*U +%_*u +%_1 D +%_0.41001 0 0.011078 0 0.615686 0.862745 0.976471 Xa +%_0 0.4 0 0 0 Xy +%_237.2266 166.4502 m +%_237.2051 166.3311 237.1016 166.2432 236.9805 166.2432 c +%_224.0742 166.1064 212.2266 162.9756 203.0098 154.7275 C +%_211.0391 160.2861 225.9512 162.2373 234.5371 158.3467 c +%_234.6465 158.2959 234.7051 158.1748 234.6777 158.0576 c +%_234.6523 157.9404 234.5449 157.8584 234.4238 157.8604 c +%_223.7441 158.1514 215.1445 154.8545 208.4395 148.8975 C +%_215.3086 148.4736 221.0137 144.1572 220.9961 139.0518 c +%_220.9961 138.9326 220.9121 138.8291 220.7949 138.8037 c +%_220.6797 138.7803 220.5605 138.8389 220.5117 138.9482 c +%_219.3906 141.4365 215.7637 142.7295 211.9297 141.8291 c +%_207.75 140.8467 204.9297 137.6396 205.6289 134.6631 c +%_206.0996 132.6494 208.0645 131.2607 210.5801 130.876 c +%_210.707 130.8564 210.8008 130.7471 210.7969 130.6182 c +%_210.793 130.4912 210.6953 130.3857 210.5664 130.3721 c +%_209.498 130.2705 208.3867 130.2666 207.25 130.376 c +%_200.7598 130.9932 195.7363 134.9697 195.3008 139.5537 C +%_190.5889 139.0068 186.417 136.3955 184.9229 132.7803 c +%_184.8779 132.6709 184.7646 132.6084 184.6475 132.626 c +%_184.5322 132.6436 184.4443 132.7393 184.4346 132.8564 c +%_184.0576 137.6064 185.6924 140.6943 189.4053 143.71 C +%_184.0205 141.6514 177.959 141.5459 172.1484 144.2471 c +%_172.043 144.2979 171.9844 144.4131 172.0059 144.5283 c +%_172.0293 144.6436 172.1289 144.7275 172.2461 144.7314 c +%_177.125 144.9209 180.6631 146.4873 183.9795 149.8037 C +%_165.7227 144.6689 150.8906 156.0049 156.0234 172.8545 c +%_156.0586 172.9717 156.1699 173.0459 156.291 173.0342 c +%_156.4121 173.0225 156.5078 172.9268 156.5176 172.8057 c +%_157.4355 163.0908 164.2207 156.6885 174.3789 155.7295 C +%_168.9922 157.7881 163.3789 162.7041 162.8223 171.2627 c +%_162.8145 171.3857 162.8945 171.4951 163.0137 171.5264 c +%_163.1328 171.5557 163.2559 171.4951 163.3066 171.3838 c +%_166.1055 165.2295 171.6035 162.1201 177.4668 161.5713 C +%_171.1328 164.1533 167.0703 170.1748 165.8965 177.9932 c +%_165.877 178.1162 165.9512 178.2334 166.0703 178.2725 c +%_166.1875 178.3096 166.3164 178.2568 166.373 178.1455 c +%_170.2383 170.5635 178.5293 165.3525 188.8213 169.335 c +%_199.4375 173.4443 204.0938 185.7197 205.123 194.374 c +%_205.1387 194.4971 205.2383 194.5908 205.3613 194.5986 c +%_205.4844 194.6045 205.5938 194.5225 205.623 194.4033 c +%_209.3418 178.7139 202.0391 162.4541 188.9873 155.5635 C +%_196.082 157.5654 202.4258 161.8232 206.0137 168.917 C +%_214.3066 169.9346 220.0176 172.7803 222.8711 178.1572 c +%_222.9277 178.2627 223.0508 178.3154 223.166 178.2822 c +%_223.2813 178.2471 223.3574 178.1357 223.3477 178.0166 c +%_223.166 175.9072 222.4063 171.6865 219.2734 169.7451 C +%_226.2383 169.7568 231.7793 168.8525 237.0723 166.7314 c +%_237.1836 166.6865 237.25 166.5693 237.2266 166.4502 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_0 D +%_207.7402 219.9189 m +%_207.8398 219.8545 207.9688 219.8643 208.0566 219.9463 c +%_208.1426 220.0264 208.1602 220.1553 208.1016 220.2588 c +%_206.4824 223.0557 207.9609 227.0713 211.1523 227.0713 c +%_216.873 227.0713 219.623 216.3018 218.748 206.4795 C +%_216.5859 212.2334 214.7148 214.5342 211.4004 217.2744 c +%_211.3066 217.3506 211.1719 217.3525 211.0781 217.2744 c +%_210.9844 217.1982 210.957 217.0654 211.0156 216.958 c +%_215.8711 207.8799 216.9121 200.8936 216.9121 192.874 C +%_215.4492 198.8311 213.7168 202.1943 208.7852 207.2549 c +%_208.6992 207.3428 208.5625 207.3564 208.4609 207.2861 c +%_208.3594 207.2158 208.3223 207.083 208.373 206.9717 c +%_213.6719 195.3799 213.2676 182.5244 209.3203 172.708 c +%_209.2813 172.6104 209.3066 172.499 209.3828 172.4268 c +%_209.4609 172.3545 209.5723 172.3389 209.668 172.3838 c +%_214.873 174.9346 217.9316 176.6104 222.4199 182.7744 C +%_221.0625 190.1729 222.1914 193.8213 225.5918 199.9678 C +%_221.6543 190.0518 223.75 176.0752 233.7793 170.3779 c +%_233.8887 170.3154 234.0273 170.3428 234.1035 170.4424 c +%_234.1816 170.542 234.1758 170.6826 234.0879 170.7744 c +%_230.3066 174.7295 227.5566 181.4092 229.9316 188.7002 C +%_228.4023 178.3115 237.5273 169.5869 247.7109 169.5869 c +%_257.3105 169.5869 263.8613 177.0947 263.3203 184.5264 c +%_262.7832 191.8916 257.877 195.4971 253.6484 197.0244 c +%_253.5371 197.0654 253.4121 197.0225 253.3496 196.9229 c +%_253.2852 196.8232 253.2988 196.6924 253.3828 196.6084 c +%_258.9922 190.915 259.7598 180.1162 249.7988 176.8486 C +%_255.6582 181.9053 253.4883 193.6768 244.1094 194.5732 c +%_243.9922 194.583 243.8828 194.5127 243.8457 194.4014 c +%_243.8066 194.292 243.8496 194.1689 243.9492 194.1064 c +%_245.957 192.8271 247.627 190.335 247.627 187.5322 c +%_247.627 182.8584 244.2051 181.0205 241.9512 181.0205 c +%_238.5293 181.0205 235.6914 184.2764 235.6914 189.2021 c +%_235.6914 195.0439 240.9512 199.8857 247.7109 200.6357 c +%_254.3379 201.3721 260.4941 198.4814 263.4609 194.1768 c +%_263.5313 194.0752 263.6621 194.04 263.7754 194.0908 c +%_263.8867 194.1416 263.9453 194.2646 263.916 194.3838 c +%_260.8965 206.0869 247.1191 211.2607 237.0273 203.8916 C +%_243.6406 211.3916 254.0332 211.4971 262.75 203.8057 c +%_262.8398 203.7256 262.9746 203.7197 263.0723 203.7939 c +%_263.168 203.8682 263.1992 203.999 263.1445 204.1084 c +%_260.4785 209.5146 253.8926 215.9268 244.5391 214.9932 c +%_235.9824 214.1377 231.0176 205.9775 230.0156 199.3018 C +%_229.459 207.8232 231.4102 213.8369 238.7695 219.4463 c +%_238.8672 219.5205 238.8965 219.6533 238.8418 219.7627 c +%_238.7871 219.8721 238.6621 219.9268 238.5449 219.8916 c +%_231.7598 217.9326 226.3145 214.4678 223.4961 207.3486 C +%_223.4961 213.5088 225.6348 219.7197 231.0215 223.8584 c +%_231.1191 223.9326 231.1484 224.0654 231.0938 224.1748 c +%_231.0391 224.2822 230.916 224.3369 230.7988 224.3037 c +%_227.3457 223.3213 224.627 221.8154 222.6602 219.1201 C +%_221.3496 230.2197 216.1387 236.8096 210.1348 236.8096 c +%_206.0098 236.8096 202.9297 233.7764 202.9297 228.9404 c +%_202.9297 226.1104 204.418 222.1377 207.7402 219.9189 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_108.5137 128.3018 m +%_111.6758 124.3975 118.0527 122.9092 124.9453 124.3135 C +%_124.4355 120.0107 125.2793 115.5225 126.5566 112.8271 c +%_126.6094 112.7197 126.7305 112.6611 126.8477 112.6904 c +%_126.9648 112.7197 127.0449 112.8271 127.041 112.9482 c +%_126.666 121.7139 131.6641 128.79 140.4902 131.8564 C +%_133.584 127.1006 131.5645 117.6631 134.8516 112.792 c +%_134.9199 112.6924 135.0469 112.6533 135.1582 112.6982 c +%_135.2695 112.7432 135.334 112.8604 135.3125 112.9795 c +%_134.9395 115.04 135.918 117.6631 138.0254 119.7041 c +%_140.9316 122.5186 144.875 123.1572 146.8359 121.1338 c +%_148.7969 119.1084 148.0332 115.1865 145.1289 112.374 c +%_144.0684 111.3467 142.8691 110.6104 141.6797 110.1885 c +%_141.5664 110.1475 141.498 110.0342 141.5137 109.917 c +%_141.5273 109.7979 141.623 109.7061 141.7422 109.6963 c +%_148.1309 109.1416 152.5117 112.9482 155.2578 117.5732 c +%_158.0527 122.2783 162.8281 125.9854 168.4688 125.2451 c +%_168.5879 125.2295 168.7012 125.2998 168.7422 125.4131 c +%_168.7813 125.5264 168.7363 125.6514 168.6328 125.7139 c +%_165.8359 127.3975 162.7617 128.0967 158.7695 126.7666 C +%_164.5645 131.6748 172.8164 134.5068 180.6104 131.9932 c +%_180.7197 131.958 180.8389 132.001 180.9014 132.0967 c +%_180.9639 132.1924 180.9541 132.3193 180.876 132.4053 c +%_174.9668 138.9697 163.1855 139.1006 155.7656 133.7764 C +%_158.8027 138.0928 162.834 141.2627 170.0586 142.2549 c +%_170.1738 142.2705 170.2637 142.3643 170.2773 142.4795 c +%_170.2891 142.5947 170.2227 142.7041 170.1133 142.7451 c +%_161.8223 145.8213 153.5137 142.7002 146.668 134.5283 C +%_149.6602 140.9072 154.5742 146.0146 161.4355 148.542 c +%_161.5508 148.583 161.6191 148.7002 161.5977 148.8213 c +%_161.5781 148.9424 161.4746 149.0303 161.3535 149.0322 c +%_157.4102 149.1143 153.8672 148.1748 149.0879 145.4619 C +%_152.5957 151.1533 151.8281 161.1006 146.7188 167.7217 c +%_146.6484 167.8135 146.5234 167.8447 146.416 167.7998 c +%_146.3105 167.7529 146.248 167.6396 146.2676 167.5244 c +%_147.4473 160.3252 144.9688 152.1963 140.6582 147.8838 C +%_142.8105 155.5146 140.6641 162.46 134.7617 167.5264 c +%_134.6914 167.5869 134.5918 167.6045 134.5059 167.5713 c +%_134.418 167.5381 134.3574 167.46 134.3438 167.3682 c +%_133.1094 157.9502 122.5742 148.3936 113.7422 147.5928 c +%_113.6172 147.5811 113.5195 147.4814 113.5117 147.3564 c +%_113.5039 147.2314 113.5859 147.1201 113.709 147.0928 c +%_117.9883 146.124 122.4004 146.6025 126.0977 148.1221 C +%_123.4375 145.1904 120.1582 143.0127 116.543 141.8779 c +%_116.4258 141.8408 116.3535 141.7275 116.3672 141.6064 c +%_116.3809 141.4854 116.4805 141.3896 116.6016 141.3818 c +%_121.1113 141.0713 125.5254 142.3877 129.332 144.9209 C +%_124.9707 138.2998 118.3516 133.376 109.9043 131.4131 c +%_109.7832 131.3857 109.7012 131.2744 109.707 131.1514 c +%_109.7148 131.0283 109.8105 130.9287 109.9336 130.915 c +%_121.8516 129.6123 131.6797 134.2334 138.1543 142.833 C +%_136.5059 137.9307 131.7891 133.0771 125.209 130.2139 c +%_119.3633 127.6689 113.3594 127.2666 108.7871 128.7041 c +%_108.6816 128.7373 108.5645 128.6963 108.502 128.6045 c +%_108.4395 128.5107 108.4434 128.3877 108.5137 128.3018 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_161.418 203.874 m +%_156.6113 193.3877 156.9531 185.1885 160.8242 174.8193 c +%_160.8691 174.7021 160.9902 174.6338 161.1133 174.6592 c +%_161.2363 174.6846 161.3223 174.7959 161.3164 174.9189 c +%_160.6953 187.542 164.1426 196.5732 171.6152 202.7275 C +%_163.3652 192.874 167.2617 173.167 180.4385 173.167 c +%_190.0244 173.167 197.9531 181.1436 199.8926 190.6924 c +%_199.918 190.8135 199.8516 190.9346 199.7344 190.9795 c +%_199.6191 191.0244 199.4883 190.9795 199.4258 190.8721 c +%_196.584 186.1104 192.0176 183.0205 186.9697 183.0205 c +%_178.834 183.0205 176.4277 189.4873 176.4277 194.0205 c +%_176.4277 200.2061 181.3545 205.3623 185.1357 205.3623 c +%_188.5732 205.3623 190.1768 202.54 190.1768 200.4365 c +%_190.1768 196.5381 187.1787 193.2705 183.8018 192.2725 c +%_183.6807 192.2354 183.6045 192.1182 183.6221 191.9932 c +%_183.6396 191.8682 183.7451 191.7744 183.8721 191.7744 c +%_187.9775 191.749 191.4473 193.6279 193.5 197.3428 C +%_193.7695 194.4678 193.7715 192.6572 192.8594 189.6182 c +%_192.8242 189.501 192.877 189.376 192.9844 189.3193 c +%_193.0938 189.2646 193.2266 189.292 193.3008 189.3896 c +%_200.6582 198.7822 197.1367 215.0127 191.3223 221.7471 C +%_196.8535 217.7646 201.7383 209.1123 201.6621 197.3525 c +%_201.6602 197.2314 201.7461 197.126 201.8672 197.1025 c +%_201.9863 197.0791 202.1055 197.1436 202.1504 197.2568 c +%_206.2598 207.5107 204.0801 226.5049 192.8691 237.1084 C +%_195.7539 237.5068 198.7363 237.4561 201.9941 236.417 c +%_202.1094 236.3799 202.2344 236.4307 202.293 236.5361 c +%_202.3516 236.6416 202.3281 236.7744 202.2344 236.8525 c +%_198.1426 240.3076 192.4199 241.3936 186.9697 241.3936 C +%_191.666 235.8936 190.1064 224.8408 182.6162 224.8408 c +%_177.2656 224.8408 174.8379 233.1396 178.9668 237.6221 c +%_179.0449 237.708 179.0547 237.835 178.9922 237.9326 c +%_178.9277 238.0303 178.8066 238.0713 178.6953 238.0342 c +%_173.916 236.3779 168.75 232.2451 168.75 227.0166 c +%_168.75 221.9756 173.5625 217.6221 180.5537 217.9658 C +%_171.7324 215.4619 162.5 218.2334 157.6699 224.2197 c +%_157.5957 224.3115 157.4648 224.3408 157.3594 224.2861 c +%_157.252 224.2334 157.1973 224.1123 157.2266 223.9951 c +%_160.0176 213.2803 169.1934 208.7959 180.667 210.29 C +%_171.3848 206.5322 157.416 209.8076 151.2422 217.5986 c +%_151.1699 217.6904 151.043 217.7217 150.9355 217.6709 c +%_150.8301 217.6221 150.7715 217.5049 150.7949 217.3896 c +%_152.166 210.7744 155.6582 205.8291 161.418 203.874 C +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_*U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Repeated_Art) , +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Main_Copy_of_EditGroup) , +%_; +%_ +%_9 () XW +%_u +%_*u +%_1 D +%_1 0.771237 0.226078 0.073854 0 0.258824 0.494118 Xa +%_0 1 0 0 0 Xy +%_26.6963 184.5869 m +%_26.7178 184.7061 26.8213 184.792 26.9424 184.7939 c +%_39.8486 184.9287 51.6963 188.0615 60.9141 196.3086 C +%_52.8838 190.751 37.9717 188.7979 29.3867 192.6904 c +%_29.2764 192.7402 29.2178 192.8604 29.2451 192.9785 c +%_29.2715 193.0967 29.3779 193.1787 29.499 193.1748 c +%_40.1787 192.8857 48.7783 196.1816 55.4834 202.1396 C +%_48.6143 202.5615 42.9092 206.8799 42.9268 211.9844 c +%_42.9268 212.1035 43.0107 212.2061 43.1279 212.2314 c +%_43.2441 212.2568 43.3623 212.1963 43.4111 212.0879 c +%_44.5322 209.5986 48.1592 208.3076 51.9941 209.208 c +%_56.1738 210.1885 58.9941 213.3975 58.2949 216.373 c +%_57.8232 218.3877 55.8584 219.7764 53.3428 220.1602 c +%_53.2158 220.1787 53.123 220.29 53.126 220.418 c +%_53.1299 220.5459 53.2285 220.6514 53.3564 220.6631 c +%_54.4248 220.7656 55.5361 220.7695 56.6738 220.6611 c +%_63.1641 220.0439 68.1875 216.0654 68.623 211.4834 C +%_73.3359 212.0303 77.5078 214.6396 79.002 218.2568 c +%_79.0469 218.3652 79.1621 218.4287 79.2773 218.4111 c +%_79.3926 218.3916 79.4805 218.2969 79.4902 218.1807 c +%_79.8672 213.4287 78.2324 210.3418 74.5195 207.3262 C +%_79.9043 209.3857 85.9648 209.4912 91.7754 206.7881 c +%_91.8809 206.7393 91.9395 206.624 91.918 206.5088 c +%_91.8945 206.3936 91.7949 206.3096 91.6777 206.3057 c +%_86.7988 206.1152 83.2617 204.5498 79.9473 201.2334 C +%_98.2012 206.3672 113.0332 195.0322 107.9004 178.1807 c +%_107.8652 178.0654 107.7539 177.9902 107.6328 178.0029 c +%_107.5117 178.0146 107.416 178.1104 107.4063 178.2314 c +%_106.4883 187.9453 99.7031 194.3467 89.5449 195.3076 C +%_94.9316 193.2471 100.5449 188.3311 101.1016 179.7734 c +%_101.1094 179.6514 101.0293 179.54 100.9102 179.5107 c +%_100.791 179.4814 100.668 179.54 100.6172 179.6514 c +%_97.8184 185.8057 92.3203 188.917 86.457 189.4639 C +%_92.791 186.8838 96.8535 180.8623 98.0273 173.0439 c +%_98.0469 172.9209 97.9727 172.8018 97.8535 172.7646 c +%_97.7363 172.7256 97.6074 172.7803 97.5508 172.8896 c +%_93.6855 180.4727 85.3945 185.6836 75.1035 181.7021 c +%_64.4863 177.5928 59.8291 165.3154 58.7998 156.6611 c +%_58.7852 156.54 58.6846 156.4463 58.5615 156.4385 c +%_58.4395 156.4307 58.3291 156.5127 58.3008 156.6338 c +%_54.5811 172.3213 61.8838 188.583 74.9375 195.4736 C +%_67.8418 193.4707 61.498 189.2139 57.9102 182.1191 C +%_49.6162 181.1006 43.9063 178.2568 41.0527 172.8799 c +%_40.9961 172.7725 40.8721 172.7197 40.7568 172.7549 c +%_40.6416 172.7881 40.5654 172.8994 40.5752 173.0205 c +%_40.7578 175.1299 41.5166 179.3506 44.6494 181.291 C +%_37.6846 181.2803 32.1436 182.1846 26.8506 184.3037 c +%_26.7393 184.3496 26.6738 184.4678 26.6963 184.5869 c +%_f +%_0 D +%_56.1826 131.1162 m +%_56.084 131.1826 55.9541 131.1709 55.8672 131.0908 c +%_55.7813 131.0088 55.7627 130.8799 55.8213 130.7783 c +%_57.4414 127.9814 55.9619 123.9639 52.7705 123.9639 c +%_47.0498 123.9639 44.2998 134.7334 45.1748 144.5576 C +%_47.3379 138.8018 49.208 136.5029 52.5225 133.7627 c +%_52.6162 133.6846 52.751 133.6846 52.8447 133.7607 c +%_52.9385 133.8389 52.9658 133.9697 52.9082 134.0771 c +%_48.0518 143.1572 47.0107 150.1436 47.0107 158.1631 C +%_48.4736 152.2041 50.2061 148.8408 55.1377 143.7822 c +%_55.2236 143.6943 55.3604 143.6807 55.4629 143.749 c +%_55.5645 143.8193 55.6016 143.9521 55.5498 144.0654 c +%_50.252 155.6553 50.6563 168.5127 54.6025 178.3291 c +%_54.6416 178.4268 54.6172 178.5381 54.54 178.6104 c +%_54.4629 178.6807 54.3506 178.6982 54.2549 178.6514 c +%_49.0498 176.1006 45.9912 174.4248 41.5029 168.2627 C +%_42.8604 160.8643 41.7314 157.2139 38.3311 151.0674 C +%_42.2686 160.9854 40.1729 174.9619 30.1436 180.6592 c +%_30.0342 180.7207 29.8955 180.6934 29.8193 180.5947 c +%_29.7412 180.4951 29.748 180.3535 29.835 180.2627 c +%_33.6162 176.3076 36.3662 169.6279 33.9912 162.335 C +%_35.5205 172.7236 26.3955 181.4502 16.2119 181.4502 c +%_6.6123 181.4502 0.061523 173.9404 0.602539 166.5088 c +%_1.13965 159.1436 6.0459 155.54 10.2744 154.0107 c +%_10.3857 153.9717 10.5107 154.0127 10.5742 154.1123 c +%_10.6377 154.2139 10.624 154.3428 10.541 154.4287 c +%_4.93066 160.1201 4.16309 170.9209 14.124 174.1885 C +%_8.26465 169.1318 10.4346 157.3584 19.8135 156.4639 c +%_19.9307 156.4521 20.04 156.5225 20.0781 156.6338 c +%_20.1162 156.7451 20.0732 156.8682 19.9746 156.9307 c +%_17.9658 158.208 16.2959 160.7021 16.2959 163.5049 c +%_16.2959 168.1787 19.7178 170.0146 21.9717 170.0146 c +%_25.3936 170.0146 28.2314 166.7588 28.2314 161.835 c +%_28.2314 155.9912 22.9717 151.1514 16.2119 150.3994 c +%_9.58594 149.665 3.42969 152.5537 0.461914 156.8584 c +%_0.392578 156.96 0.260742 156.9971 0.148438 156.9463 c +%_0.036133 156.8955 -0.022461 156.7705 0.007813 156.6514 c +%_3.02637 144.9482 16.8037 139.7744 26.8955 147.1455 C +%_20.2822 139.6436 9.88965 139.54 1.17383 147.2314 c +%_1.08301 147.3115 0.948242 147.3154 0.851563 147.2412 c +%_0.754883 147.1689 0.724609 147.0361 0.77832 146.9287 c +%_3.44531 141.5205 10.0313 135.1084 19.3838 136.0439 c +%_27.9404 136.8994 32.9053 145.0576 33.9072 151.7354 C +%_34.4639 143.2139 32.5137 137.1982 25.1533 131.5889 c +%_25.0566 131.5146 25.0264 131.3818 25.0811 131.2725 c +%_25.1357 131.165 25.2607 131.1104 25.3779 131.1436 c +%_32.1631 133.1045 37.6084 136.5693 40.4268 143.6885 C +%_40.4268 137.5264 38.2881 131.3154 32.9014 127.1768 c +%_32.8037 127.1025 32.7744 126.9717 32.8291 126.8623 c +%_32.8838 126.7529 33.0078 126.6982 33.125 126.7314 c +%_36.5781 127.7158 39.2959 129.2197 41.2627 131.917 C +%_42.5732 120.8174 47.7842 114.2256 53.7881 114.2256 c +%_57.9131 114.2256 60.9932 117.2588 60.9932 122.0967 c +%_60.9932 124.9268 59.5049 128.8994 56.1826 131.1162 c +%_f +%_155.4102 222.7354 m +%_152.248 226.6396 145.8711 228.1279 138.9785 226.7236 C +%_139.4883 231.0244 138.6445 235.5146 137.3672 238.208 c +%_137.3145 238.3174 137.1934 238.375 137.0762 238.3467 c +%_136.959 238.3174 136.8789 238.21 136.8828 238.0889 c +%_137.2578 229.3223 132.2598 222.2451 123.4336 219.1787 C +%_130.3398 223.9346 132.3594 233.3721 129.0723 238.2451 c +%_129.0039 238.3438 128.877 238.3828 128.7656 238.3369 c +%_128.6543 238.292 128.5898 238.1748 128.6113 238.0576 c +%_128.9844 235.9971 128.0059 233.373 125.8984 231.3311 c +%_122.9922 228.5166 119.0488 227.8779 117.0879 229.9014 c +%_115.127 231.9268 115.8906 235.8486 118.7949 238.6631 c +%_119.8555 239.6904 121.0547 240.4248 122.2441 240.8477 c +%_122.3574 240.8877 122.4258 241.001 122.4102 241.1191 c +%_122.3965 241.2383 122.3008 241.3301 122.1816 241.3398 c +%_115.793 241.8945 111.4121 238.0879 108.666 233.4619 c +%_105.8711 228.7568 101.0957 225.0518 95.4551 225.792 c +%_95.3359 225.8076 95.2227 225.7373 95.1816 225.624 c +%_95.1426 225.5107 95.1875 225.3838 95.291 225.3223 c +%_98.0879 223.6377 101.1621 222.9385 105.1543 224.2705 C +%_99.3594 219.3613 91.1074 216.5283 83.3145 219.043 c +%_83.2051 219.0791 83.0859 219.0361 83.0234 218.9395 c +%_82.9609 218.8428 82.9727 218.7168 83.0488 218.6318 c +%_88.957 212.0674 100.7383 211.9365 108.1582 217.2588 C +%_105.1211 212.9424 101.0898 209.7744 93.8652 208.7803 c +%_93.75 208.7646 93.6602 208.6729 93.6465 208.5576 c +%_93.6348 208.4414 93.7012 208.332 93.8105 208.292 c +%_102.1016 205.2139 110.4102 208.3369 117.2559 216.5068 C +%_114.2637 210.1299 109.3496 205.0225 102.4883 202.4951 c +%_102.373 202.4531 102.3047 202.335 102.3262 202.2158 c +%_102.3457 202.0947 102.4492 202.0059 102.5703 202.0029 c +%_106.5137 201.9219 110.0566 202.8604 114.8359 205.5732 C +%_111.3281 199.8838 112.0957 189.9346 117.2051 183.3154 c +%_117.2754 183.2236 117.4004 183.1914 117.5078 183.2373 c +%_117.6133 183.2842 117.6758 183.3965 117.6563 183.5107 c +%_116.4766 190.7119 118.9551 198.8408 123.2656 203.1533 C +%_121.1133 195.5215 123.2598 188.5771 129.1621 183.5088 c +%_129.2324 183.4482 129.332 183.4316 129.418 183.4648 c +%_129.5059 183.498 129.5664 183.5771 129.5801 183.6689 c +%_130.8145 193.0869 141.3496 202.6436 150.1816 203.4443 c +%_150.3066 203.4551 150.4043 203.5557 150.4121 203.6797 c +%_150.4199 203.8037 150.3379 203.917 150.2148 203.9443 c +%_145.9355 204.9131 141.5234 204.4346 137.8262 202.9131 C +%_140.4863 205.8467 143.7656 208.0244 147.3809 209.1592 c +%_147.498 209.1953 147.5703 209.3096 147.5566 209.4307 c +%_147.543 209.5518 147.4434 209.6455 147.3223 209.6543 c +%_142.8125 209.9658 138.3984 208.6484 134.5918 206.1162 C +%_138.9531 212.7373 145.5723 217.6611 154.0195 219.6221 c +%_154.1406 219.6504 154.2227 219.7607 154.2168 219.8848 c +%_154.209 220.0088 154.1133 220.1084 153.9902 220.1221 c +%_142.0723 221.4238 132.2441 216.8037 125.7695 208.2041 C +%_127.418 213.1045 132.1348 217.96 138.7148 220.8232 c +%_144.5605 223.3682 150.5645 223.7695 155.1367 222.333 c +%_155.2422 222.2998 155.3594 222.3398 155.4219 222.4326 c +%_155.4844 222.5244 155.4805 222.6475 155.4102 222.7354 c +%_f +%_102.5059 147.1631 m +%_107.3125 157.6494 106.9707 165.8486 103.0996 176.2178 c +%_103.0547 176.335 102.9336 176.4023 102.8105 176.3779 c +%_102.6875 176.3525 102.6016 176.2412 102.6074 176.1162 c +%_103.2285 163.4951 99.7813 154.4619 92.3086 148.3096 C +%_100.5586 158.1611 96.6621 177.8691 83.4863 177.8691 c +%_73.9004 177.8691 65.9697 169.8936 64.0303 160.3447 c +%_64.0059 160.2236 64.0723 160.1006 64.1885 160.0576 c +%_64.3037 160.0127 64.4346 160.0576 64.4971 160.1631 c +%_67.3398 164.9248 71.9063 168.0146 76.9551 168.0146 c +%_85.0898 168.0146 87.4961 161.5479 87.4961 157.0166 c +%_87.4961 150.8291 82.5703 145.6729 78.7891 145.6729 c +%_75.3516 145.6729 73.748 148.4971 73.748 150.6006 c +%_73.748 154.499 76.7461 157.7666 80.125 158.7646 c +%_80.2441 158.7998 80.3223 158.9189 80.3047 159.0439 c +%_80.2852 159.1689 80.1797 159.2607 80.0547 159.2627 c +%_75.9473 159.2881 72.4766 157.4072 70.4238 153.6943 C +%_70.1543 156.5693 70.1514 158.3799 71.0645 161.417 c +%_71.0996 161.5342 71.0459 161.6592 70.9385 161.7158 c +%_70.8291 161.7725 70.6963 161.7432 70.6221 161.6475 c +%_63.2656 152.2549 66.7861 136.0225 72.6016 129.29 C +%_67.0693 133.2725 62.1846 141.9229 62.2617 153.6826 c +%_62.2627 153.8057 62.1768 153.9092 62.0566 153.9326 c +%_61.9365 153.958 61.8174 153.8916 61.7725 153.7783 c +%_57.6641 143.5264 59.8438 124.5303 71.0537 113.9268 C +%_68.1699 113.5303 65.1865 113.5811 61.9287 114.6201 c +%_61.8135 114.6553 61.6885 114.6064 61.6299 114.501 c +%_61.5713 114.3936 61.5947 114.2607 61.6885 114.1826 c +%_65.7803 110.7275 71.5029 109.6416 76.9551 109.6416 C +%_72.2578 115.1416 73.8184 126.1963 81.3105 126.1963 c +%_86.6582 126.1963 89.0859 117.8975 84.957 113.415 c +%_84.8789 113.3291 84.8691 113.2002 84.9316 113.1045 c +%_84.9961 113.0068 85.1172 112.9639 85.2285 113.0029 c +%_90.0078 114.6572 95.1738 118.792 95.1738 124.0186 c +%_95.1738 129.0615 90.3613 133.4131 83.373 133.0693 C +%_92.1914 135.5752 101.4238 132.8018 106.2539 126.8174 c +%_106.3281 126.7236 106.459 126.6963 106.5645 126.749 c +%_106.6719 126.8037 106.7266 126.9248 106.6973 127.04 c +%_103.9063 137.7568 94.7305 142.2393 83.2578 140.7471 C +%_92.5391 144.5029 106.5078 141.2275 112.6816 133.4365 c +%_112.7539 133.3447 112.8809 133.3154 112.9883 133.3643 c +%_113.0938 133.415 113.1523 133.5322 113.1289 133.6455 c +%_111.7578 140.2607 108.2656 145.208 102.5059 147.1631 C +%_f +%_*U +%_*u +%_1 D +%_0.41001 0 0.011078 0 0.615686 0.862745 0.976471 Xa +%_0 0.4 0 0 0 Xy +%_128.8887 166.4502 m +%_128.8672 166.3311 128.7637 166.2432 128.6426 166.2432 c +%_115.7363 166.1064 103.8887 162.9756 94.6719 154.7275 C +%_102.7012 160.2861 117.6133 162.2373 126.1992 158.3467 c +%_126.3086 158.2959 126.3672 158.1748 126.3398 158.0576 c +%_126.3145 157.9404 126.207 157.8584 126.0859 157.8604 c +%_115.4063 158.1514 106.8066 154.8545 100.1016 148.8975 C +%_106.9707 148.4736 112.6758 144.1572 112.6582 139.0518 c +%_112.6582 138.9326 112.5742 138.8291 112.457 138.8037 c +%_112.3418 138.7803 112.2227 138.8389 112.1738 138.9482 c +%_111.0527 141.4365 107.4258 142.7295 103.5918 141.8291 c +%_99.4121 140.8467 96.5918 137.6396 97.291 134.6631 c +%_97.7617 132.6494 99.7266 131.2607 102.2422 130.876 c +%_102.3691 130.8564 102.4629 130.7471 102.459 130.6182 c +%_102.4551 130.4912 102.3574 130.3857 102.2285 130.3721 c +%_101.1602 130.2705 100.0488 130.2666 98.9121 130.376 c +%_92.4219 130.9932 87.3984 134.9697 86.9629 139.5537 C +%_82.25 139.0068 78.0781 136.3955 76.584 132.7803 c +%_76.5391 132.6709 76.4258 132.6084 76.3086 132.626 c +%_76.1934 132.6436 76.1055 132.7393 76.0957 132.8564 c +%_75.7188 137.6064 77.3535 140.6943 81.0664 143.71 C +%_75.6816 141.6514 69.6201 141.5459 63.8096 144.2471 c +%_63.7041 144.2979 63.6455 144.4131 63.667 144.5283 c +%_63.6904 144.6436 63.79 144.7275 63.9072 144.7314 c +%_68.7861 144.9209 72.3242 146.4873 75.6406 149.8037 C +%_57.3838 144.6689 42.5518 156.0049 47.6846 172.8545 c +%_47.7197 172.9717 47.8311 173.0459 47.9521 173.0342 c +%_48.0732 173.0225 48.1689 172.9268 48.1787 172.8057 c +%_49.0967 163.0908 55.8818 156.6885 66.04 155.7295 C +%_60.6533 157.7881 55.04 162.7041 54.4834 171.2627 c +%_54.4756 171.3857 54.5557 171.4951 54.6748 171.5264 c +%_54.7939 171.5557 54.917 171.4951 54.9678 171.3838 c +%_57.7666 165.2295 63.2646 162.1201 69.1279 161.5713 C +%_62.7939 164.1533 58.7314 170.1748 57.5576 177.9932 c +%_57.5381 178.1162 57.6123 178.2334 57.7314 178.2725 c +%_57.8486 178.3096 57.9775 178.2568 58.0342 178.1455 c +%_61.8994 170.5635 70.1904 165.3525 80.4824 169.335 c +%_91.0996 173.4443 95.7559 185.7197 96.7852 194.374 c +%_96.8008 194.4971 96.9004 194.5908 97.0234 194.5986 c +%_97.1465 194.6045 97.2559 194.5225 97.2852 194.4033 c +%_101.0039 178.7139 93.7012 162.4541 80.6484 155.5635 C +%_87.7441 157.5654 94.0879 161.8232 97.6758 168.917 C +%_105.9688 169.9346 111.6797 172.7803 114.5332 178.1572 c +%_114.5898 178.2627 114.7129 178.3154 114.8281 178.2822 c +%_114.9434 178.2471 115.0195 178.1357 115.0098 178.0166 c +%_114.8281 175.9072 114.0684 171.6865 110.9355 169.7451 C +%_117.9004 169.7568 123.4414 168.8525 128.7344 166.7314 c +%_128.8457 166.6865 128.9121 166.5693 128.8887 166.4502 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_0 D +%_99.4023 219.9189 m +%_99.502 219.8545 99.6309 219.8643 99.7188 219.9463 c +%_99.8047 220.0264 99.8223 220.1553 99.7637 220.2588 c +%_98.1445 223.0557 99.623 227.0713 102.8145 227.0713 c +%_108.5352 227.0713 111.2852 216.3018 110.4102 206.4795 C +%_108.248 212.2334 106.377 214.5342 103.0625 217.2744 c +%_102.9688 217.3506 102.834 217.3525 102.7402 217.2744 c +%_102.6465 217.1982 102.6191 217.0654 102.6777 216.958 c +%_107.5332 207.8799 108.5742 200.8936 108.5742 192.874 C +%_107.1113 198.8311 105.3789 202.1943 100.4473 207.2549 c +%_100.3613 207.3428 100.2246 207.3564 100.123 207.2861 c +%_100.0215 207.2158 99.9844 207.083 100.0352 206.9717 c +%_105.334 195.3799 104.9297 182.5244 100.9824 172.708 c +%_100.9434 172.6104 100.9688 172.499 101.0449 172.4268 c +%_101.123 172.3545 101.2344 172.3389 101.3301 172.3838 c +%_106.5352 174.9346 109.5938 176.6104 114.082 182.7744 C +%_112.7246 190.1729 113.8535 193.8213 117.2539 199.9678 C +%_113.3164 190.0518 115.4121 176.0752 125.4414 170.3779 c +%_125.5508 170.3154 125.6895 170.3428 125.7656 170.4424 c +%_125.8438 170.542 125.8379 170.6826 125.75 170.7744 c +%_121.9688 174.7295 119.2188 181.4092 121.5938 188.7002 C +%_120.0645 178.3115 129.1895 169.5869 139.373 169.5869 c +%_148.9727 169.5869 155.5234 177.0947 154.9824 184.5264 c +%_154.4453 191.8916 149.5391 195.4971 145.3105 197.0244 c +%_145.1992 197.0654 145.0742 197.0225 145.0117 196.9229 c +%_144.9473 196.8232 144.9609 196.6924 145.0449 196.6084 c +%_150.6543 190.915 151.4219 180.1162 141.4609 176.8486 C +%_147.3203 181.9053 145.1504 193.6768 135.7715 194.5732 c +%_135.6543 194.583 135.5449 194.5127 135.5078 194.4014 c +%_135.4688 194.292 135.5117 194.1689 135.6113 194.1064 c +%_137.6191 192.8271 139.2891 190.335 139.2891 187.5322 c +%_139.2891 182.8584 135.8672 181.0205 133.6133 181.0205 c +%_130.1914 181.0205 127.3535 184.2764 127.3535 189.2021 c +%_127.3535 195.0439 132.6133 199.8857 139.373 200.6357 c +%_146 201.3721 152.1563 198.4814 155.123 194.1768 c +%_155.1934 194.0752 155.3242 194.04 155.4375 194.0908 c +%_155.5488 194.1416 155.6074 194.2646 155.5781 194.3838 c +%_152.5586 206.0869 138.7813 211.2607 128.6895 203.8916 C +%_135.3027 211.3916 145.6953 211.4971 154.4121 203.8057 c +%_154.502 203.7256 154.6367 203.7197 154.7344 203.7939 c +%_154.8301 203.8682 154.8613 203.999 154.8066 204.1084 c +%_152.1406 209.5146 145.5547 215.9268 136.2012 214.9932 c +%_127.6445 214.1377 122.6797 205.9775 121.6777 199.3018 C +%_121.1211 207.8232 123.0723 213.8369 130.4316 219.4463 c +%_130.5293 219.5205 130.5586 219.6533 130.5039 219.7627 c +%_130.4492 219.8721 130.3242 219.9268 130.207 219.8916 c +%_123.4219 217.9326 117.9766 214.4678 115.1582 207.3486 C +%_115.1582 213.5088 117.2969 219.7197 122.6836 223.8584 c +%_122.7813 223.9326 122.8105 224.0654 122.7559 224.1748 c +%_122.7012 224.2822 122.5781 224.3369 122.4609 224.3037 c +%_119.0078 223.3213 116.2891 221.8154 114.3223 219.1201 C +%_113.0117 230.2197 107.8008 236.8096 101.7969 236.8096 c +%_97.6719 236.8096 94.5918 233.7764 94.5918 228.9404 c +%_94.5918 226.1104 96.0801 222.1377 99.4023 219.9189 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_0.174805 128.3018 m +%_3.33691 124.3975 9.71387 122.9092 16.6064 124.3135 C +%_16.0967 120.0107 16.9404 115.5225 18.2178 112.8271 c +%_18.2705 112.7197 18.3916 112.6611 18.5088 112.6904 c +%_18.626 112.7197 18.7061 112.8271 18.7021 112.9482 c +%_18.3271 121.7139 23.3252 128.79 32.1514 131.8564 C +%_25.2451 127.1006 23.2256 117.6631 26.5127 112.792 c +%_26.5811 112.6924 26.708 112.6533 26.8193 112.6982 c +%_26.9307 112.7432 26.9951 112.8604 26.9736 112.9795 c +%_26.6006 115.04 27.5791 117.6631 29.6865 119.7041 c +%_32.5928 122.5186 36.5361 123.1572 38.4971 121.1338 c +%_40.458 119.1084 39.6943 115.1865 36.79 112.374 c +%_35.7295 111.3467 34.5303 110.6104 33.3408 110.1885 c +%_33.2275 110.1475 33.1592 110.0342 33.1748 109.917 c +%_33.1885 109.7979 33.2842 109.7061 33.4033 109.6963 c +%_39.792 109.1416 44.1729 112.9482 46.9189 117.5732 c +%_49.7139 122.2783 54.4893 125.9854 60.1299 125.2451 c +%_60.249 125.2295 60.3623 125.2998 60.4033 125.4131 c +%_60.4424 125.5264 60.3975 125.6514 60.2939 125.7139 c +%_57.4971 127.3975 54.4229 128.0967 50.4307 126.7666 C +%_56.2256 131.6748 64.4775 134.5068 72.2715 131.9932 c +%_72.3809 131.958 72.5 132.001 72.5625 132.0967 c +%_72.625 132.1924 72.6152 132.3193 72.5371 132.4053 c +%_66.6279 138.9697 54.8467 139.1006 47.4268 133.7764 C +%_50.4639 138.0928 54.4951 141.2627 61.7197 142.2549 c +%_61.835 142.2705 61.9248 142.3643 61.9385 142.4795 c +%_61.9502 142.5947 61.8838 142.7041 61.7744 142.7451 c +%_53.4834 145.8213 45.1748 142.7002 38.3291 134.5283 C +%_41.3213 140.9072 46.2354 146.0146 53.0967 148.542 c +%_53.2119 148.583 53.2803 148.7002 53.2588 148.8213 c +%_53.2393 148.9424 53.1357 149.0303 53.0146 149.0322 c +%_49.0713 149.1143 45.5283 148.1748 40.749 145.4619 C +%_44.2568 151.1533 43.4893 161.1006 38.3799 167.7217 c +%_38.3096 167.8135 38.1846 167.8447 38.0771 167.7998 c +%_37.9717 167.7529 37.9092 167.6396 37.9287 167.5244 c +%_39.1084 160.3252 36.6299 152.1963 32.3193 147.8838 C +%_34.4717 155.5146 32.3252 162.46 26.4229 167.5264 c +%_26.3525 167.5869 26.2529 167.6045 26.167 167.5713 c +%_26.0791 167.5381 26.0186 167.46 26.0049 167.3682 c +%_24.7705 157.9502 14.2354 148.3936 5.40332 147.5928 c +%_5.27832 147.5811 5.18066 147.4814 5.17285 147.3564 c +%_5.16504 147.2314 5.24707 147.1201 5.37012 147.0928 c +%_9.64941 146.124 14.0615 146.6025 17.7588 148.1221 C +%_15.0986 145.1904 11.8193 143.0127 8.2041 141.8779 c +%_8.08691 141.8408 8.01465 141.7275 8.02832 141.6064 c +%_8.04199 141.4854 8.1416 141.3896 8.2627 141.3818 c +%_12.7725 141.0713 17.1865 142.3877 20.9932 144.9209 C +%_16.6318 138.2998 10.0127 133.376 1.56543 131.4131 c +%_1.44434 131.3857 1.3623 131.2744 1.36816 131.1514 c +%_1.37598 131.0283 1.47168 130.9287 1.59473 130.915 c +%_13.5127 129.6123 23.3408 134.2334 29.8154 142.833 C +%_28.167 137.9307 23.4502 133.0771 16.8701 130.2139 c +%_11.0244 127.6689 5.02051 127.2666 0.448242 128.7041 c +%_0.342773 128.7373 0.225586 128.6963 0.163086 128.6045 c +%_0.100586 128.5107 0.104492 128.3877 0.174805 128.3018 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_53.0791 203.874 m +%_48.2725 193.3877 48.6143 185.1885 52.4854 174.8193 c +%_52.5303 174.7021 52.6514 174.6338 52.7744 174.6592 c +%_52.8975 174.6846 52.9834 174.7959 52.9775 174.9189 c +%_52.3564 187.542 55.8037 196.5732 63.2764 202.7275 C +%_55.0264 192.874 58.9229 173.167 72.0996 173.167 c +%_81.6855 173.167 89.6152 181.1436 91.5547 190.6924 c +%_91.5801 190.8135 91.5137 190.9346 91.3965 190.9795 c +%_91.2813 191.0244 91.1504 190.9795 91.0879 190.8721 c +%_88.2461 186.1104 83.6797 183.0205 78.6309 183.0205 c +%_70.4951 183.0205 68.0889 189.4873 68.0889 194.0205 c +%_68.0889 200.2061 73.0156 205.3623 76.7969 205.3623 c +%_80.2344 205.3623 81.8379 202.54 81.8379 200.4365 c +%_81.8379 196.5381 78.8398 193.2705 75.4629 192.2725 c +%_75.3418 192.2354 75.2656 192.1182 75.2832 191.9932 c +%_75.3008 191.8682 75.4063 191.7744 75.5332 191.7744 c +%_79.6387 191.749 83.1094 193.6279 85.1621 197.3428 C +%_85.4316 194.4678 85.4336 192.6572 84.5215 189.6182 c +%_84.4863 189.501 84.5391 189.376 84.6465 189.3193 c +%_84.7559 189.2646 84.8887 189.292 84.9629 189.3896 c +%_92.3203 198.7822 88.7988 215.0127 82.9844 221.7471 C +%_88.5156 217.7646 93.4004 209.1123 93.3242 197.3525 c +%_93.3223 197.2314 93.4082 197.126 93.5293 197.1025 c +%_93.6484 197.0791 93.7676 197.1436 93.8125 197.2568 c +%_97.9219 207.5107 95.7422 226.5049 84.5313 237.1084 C +%_87.416 237.5068 90.3984 237.4561 93.6563 236.417 c +%_93.7715 236.3799 93.8965 236.4307 93.9551 236.5361 c +%_94.0137 236.6416 93.9902 236.7744 93.8965 236.8525 c +%_89.8047 240.3076 84.082 241.3936 78.6309 241.3936 C +%_83.3281 235.8936 81.7676 224.8408 74.2773 224.8408 c +%_68.9268 224.8408 66.499 233.1396 70.6279 237.6221 c +%_70.7061 237.708 70.7158 237.835 70.6533 237.9326 c +%_70.5889 238.0303 70.4678 238.0713 70.3564 238.0342 c +%_65.5771 236.3779 60.4111 232.2451 60.4111 227.0166 c +%_60.4111 221.9756 65.2236 217.6221 72.2148 217.9658 C +%_63.3936 215.4619 54.1611 218.2334 49.3311 224.2197 c +%_49.2568 224.3115 49.126 224.3408 49.0205 224.2861 c +%_48.9131 224.2334 48.8584 224.1123 48.8877 223.9951 c +%_51.6787 213.2803 60.8545 208.7959 72.3281 210.29 C +%_63.0459 206.5322 49.0771 209.8076 42.9033 217.5986 c +%_42.8311 217.6904 42.7041 217.7217 42.5967 217.6709 c +%_42.4912 217.6221 42.4326 217.5049 42.4561 217.3896 c +%_43.8271 210.7744 47.3193 205.8291 53.0791 203.874 C +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_*U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_1 /Bool 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+-3824.3352 4212.1982 L +-3824.2888 4212.3135 -3824.2839 4212.5449 -3824.1736 4212.1182 C +-3824.2024 4212.3296 -3824.1328 4212.126 -3823.9832 4211.9766 C +f +-3823.7839 4212.085 m +-3823.6042 4212.2402 -3823.3721 4212.3384 -3823.6936 4212.585 C +-3823.0808 4212.4873 -3823.1711 4211.9854 -3823.7839 4212.085 C +f +-3822.1963 4213.8887 m +-3821.9561 4214.0986 L +-3821.7483 4213.8584 L +-3821.8521 4213.9771 -3822.2112 4213.665 -3822.1963 4213.8887 C +f +-3826.1929 4211.4126 m +-3826.2129 4211.5645 -3826.0852 4211.8174 -3826.0613 4212.0122 C +-3825.8247 4211.8374 L +-3825.9463 4211.7334 -3826.1768 4211.6377 -3826.1929 4211.4126 C +f +-3826.0613 4212.0122 m +-3826.4153 4212.2725 L +-3826.0991 4212.3032 -3826.0413 4212.1792 -3826.0613 4212.0122 C +f +-3824.5583 4213.0957 m +-3823.9768 4212.5479 L +-3824.6704 4213.1035 L +-3824.5583 4213.0957 L +f +-3827.5449 4211.3936 m +-3827.3442 4211.042 L +-3827.7017 4211.5732 L +-3827.5449 4211.3936 L +f +-3828.4417 4211.4551 m +-3828.2932 4211.1641 -3828.6453 4210.9624 -3828.4883 4210.7832 C +-3828.7319 4210.835 -3828.9399 4211.085 -3829.1272 4211.3105 C +-3828.9282 4211.1846 -3828.7161 4211.2168 -3828.4417 4211.4551 C +f +-3829.4417 4211.6377 m +-3829.3423 4211.5679 -3829.2393 4211.4434 -3829.1272 4211.3105 C +-3829.2329 4211.377 -3829.3369 4211.4746 -3829.4417 4211.6377 C +f +-3827.0183 4212.1973 m +-3827.0457 4212.1055 -3827.0984 4211.8652 -3827.2969 4211.7637 C +-3827.1577 4212.1914 L +-3827.1152 4212.1934 -3827.0671 4212.1953 -3827.0183 4212.1973 C +f +-3827.1528 4212.2046 m +-3827.1577 4212.1914 L +-3827.3088 4212.1816 -3827.4136 4212.1719 -3827.4585 4212.167 c +-3827.4199 4212.1709 -3827.3279 4212.1826 -3827.1528 4212.2046 C +f +-3826.9832 4212.1992 m +-3826.9961 4212.1982 -3827.0056 4212.1973 -3827.0183 4212.1973 C +-3827.0049 4212.2402 -3826.9968 4212.2534 -3826.9832 4212.1992 C +f +-3825.4863 4212.709 m +-3825.6943 4212.9482 -3826.1279 4213.2041 -3825.7083 4213.5684 C +-3825.5591 4213.2759 -3825.7993 4213.0684 -3825.4863 4212.709 c +f +-3826.8103 4212.7334 m +-3826.4343 4212.8311 L +-3826.4417 4212.7183 -3826.5095 4212.5537 -3826.4065 4212.4351 C +-3826.8103 4212.7334 L +f +-3826.9944 4212.8691 m +-3826.8103 4212.7334 L +-3826.9497 4212.6973 L +-3826.9944 4212.8691 L +f +-3828.7976 4212.0376 m +-3828.96 4212.2236 -3829.1377 4212.2393 -3829.3384 4212.2695 C +-3829.1233 4212.3535 -3828.9009 4212.3994 -3828.6897 4212.3975 C +-3828.6599 4212.2632 -3828.5671 4212.0225 -3828.7976 4212.0376 C +f +-3827.9983 4212.1563 m +-3828.0095 4212.166 -3828.0239 4212.1709 -3828.0344 4212.1807 C +-3828.0122 4212.2173 -3827.9944 4212.2285 -3827.9983 4212.1563 C +f +-3831.3142 4212.2666 m +-3831.3032 4212.2896 -3831.2937 4212.3193 -3831.2825 4212.3442 C +-3831.28 4212.3193 -3831.2783 4212.2949 -3831.2751 4212.27 C +-3831.3142 4212.2666 L +f +-3828.6536 4212.4771 m +-3828.4919 4212.5596 -3828.3953 4212.4551 -3828.3032 4212.3242 C +-3828.4241 4212.3662 -3828.5522 4212.3945 -3828.6897 4212.3975 C +-3828.7031 4212.458 -3828.7056 4212.498 -3828.6536 4212.4771 C +f +-3829.9929 4211.8374 m +-3829.9087 4211.9268 -3829.8132 4212.0029 -3829.7129 4212.0723 C +-3829.7952 4211.9375 -3829.9631 4211.7266 -3829.9929 4211.8374 C +f +-3828.0889 4212.0625 m +-3828.0808 4212.0557 -3828.0735 4212.0479 -3828.0647 4212.043 C +-3828.1177 4211.9521 -3828.1111 4211.9966 -3828.0889 4212.0625 C +f +-3828.0889 4212.0625 m +-3828.1721 4212.124 -3828.2375 4212.2295 -3828.3032 4212.3242 C +-3828.2048 4212.2896 -3828.1135 4212.2441 -3828.0344 4212.1807 C +-3828.0544 4212.1504 -3828.0745 4212.1045 -3828.0889 4212.0625 C +f +-3831.9128 4215.0093 m +-3831.8843 4214.6133 -3831.4592 4214.2471 -3831.0923 4214.6719 C +-3830.7312 4214.375 -3830.9673 4213.0723 -3831.2825 4212.3442 C +-3831.2937 4212.5166 -3831.2937 4212.6763 -3831.6653 4212.9102 C +-3831.5352 4213.126 -3830.8408 4213.416 -3831.1543 4213.7744 C +-3831.6465 4213.9785 -3831.5576 4213.6343 -3831.7969 4213.4253 C +-3831.5935 4213.918 -3832.4231 4214.1431 -3832.3159 4214.8687 C +-3831.8843 4214.6133 L +-3831.8762 4214.7266 -3832.0327 4214.9063 -3831.9128 4215.0093 C +f +-3830.5745 4212.3843 m +-3830.4216 4212.335 L +-3830.5959 4212.2666 -3830.7207 4212.1079 -3830.9504 4211.7979 C +-3831.2048 4211.9912 -3831.2576 4212.1382 -3831.2751 4212.27 C +-3830.5222 4212.3252 L +-3830.5745 4212.3843 L +f +-3829.7351 4212.3335 m +-3829.8545 4212.7646 -3830.2217 4212.9482 -3829.9968 4213.4141 C +-3829.5481 4213.3843 -3829.6824 4213.0542 -3829.4143 4212.8672 C +-3830.1384 4212.9746 -3829.2063 4212.627 -3829.7295 4212.3828 C +-3829.5872 4212.3096 -3829.4592 4212.2871 -3829.3384 4212.2695 C +-3829.4688 4212.2173 -3829.5945 4212.1519 -3829.7129 4212.0723 C +-3829.7063 4212.082 -3829.7017 4212.0898 -3829.6963 4212.0986 C +-3829.6929 4212.0986 L +-3829.6929 4212.1006 -3829.6936 4212.1016 -3829.6936 4212.1045 C +-3829.6624 4212.1582 -3829.6521 4212.1914 -3829.6873 4212.1602 C +-3829.6897 4212.165 -3829.6985 4212.167 -3829.7024 4212.1689 C +-3829.7073 4212.2285 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4213.5664 -3828.0852 4213.3945 C +f +-3831.3833 4212.0522 m +-3831.3032 4211.5967 L +-3831.6521 4212.2402 L +-3831.3833 4212.0522 L +f +-3832.1682 4212.1064 m +-3832.1392 4211.7109 L +-3832.3464 4211.9492 L +-3832.1682 4212.1064 L +f +-3876.4617 4217.0166 m +-3876.6392 4217.1289 L +-3876.5552 4217.0942 -3876.5012 4217.0566 -3876.4617 4217.0166 C +f +-3875.1768 4217.0435 m +-3875.1453 4216.8486 L +-3875.2048 4216.9561 -3875.2292 4217.0352 -3875.1768 4217.0435 C +f +-3851.4456 4212.1504 m +-3851.7041 4211.7813 -3851.9929 4211.208 -3851.9617 4211.6533 C +-3851.8823 4212.0869 L +-3851.7017 4212.0093 -3851.5632 4212.0576 -3851.4456 4212.1504 C +f +-3864.6479 4214.7412 m +-3864.6233 4214.7832 -3864.5977 4214.8286 -3864.5723 4214.873 C +-3864.5095 4214.7246 -3864.4504 4214.5869 -3864.3977 4214.458 C +-3864.4729 4214.5469 -3864.5583 4214.6416 -3864.6479 4214.7412 C +f +-3864.8303 4216.5361 m +-3865.1711 4216.2568 L +-3865.0945 4216.3545 -3864.9849 4216.4482 -3864.8303 4216.5361 C +f +-3883.4792 4217.4766 m +-3883.6863 4217.918 L +-3883.3623 4217.916 -3883.5049 4217.6934 -3883.4792 4217.4766 C +f +-3840.2073 4212.2666 m +-3840.4304 4212.0967 -3840.6079 4212.0254 -3840.7639 4212.0044 C +-3840.4951 4212.2534 -3840.2783 4212.627 -3840.2073 4212.2666 C +f +-3875.9561 4212.4126 m +-3876.0647 4212.4912 -3876.1111 4212.5796 -3876.1079 4212.6763 C +-3875.9961 4212.6025 -3875.9329 4212.5195 -3875.9561 4212.4126 C +f +-3841.4082 4212.0059 m +-3841.3689 4212.0498 -3841.3303 4212.0713 -3841.2903 4212.1079 C +-3841.1272 4212.0352 -3840.9631 4211.9766 -3840.7639 4212.0044 C +-3840.9624 4211.8193 -3841.1897 4211.7046 -3841.4082 4212.0059 C +f +-3908.9297 4217.1172 m +-3908.9482 4217.0986 -3908.9705 4217.0884 -3908.9873 4217.0654 C +-3908.9929 4217.124 -3908.9673 4217.127 -3908.9297 4217.1172 C +f +-3916.3442 4212.7402 m +-3916.2712 4212.7124 -3916.1521 4212.7119 -3916.0398 4212.7061 C +-3916.0945 4212.6763 -3916.1863 4212.6792 -3916.3442 4212.7402 c +f +-3835.3264 4211.917 m +-3835.1599 4211.8887 -3835.3 4211.8691 -3835.3264 4211.917 C +-3835.3264 4211.917 L +f +-3834.5168 4213.6328 m +-3834.5522 4213.6816 -3834.5791 4213.7441 -3834.5833 4213.8442 C +-3834.5696 4213.7402 -3834.5464 4213.6738 -3834.5168 4213.6328 c +f +-3843.0664 4214.7061 m +-3843.0713 4214.7061 -3843.0752 4214.7046 -3843.0808 4214.7046 C +-3843.0313 4214.7896 -3843.0398 4214.7734 -3843.0664 4214.7061 C +f +-3835.0759 4212.1143 m +-3835.1384 4212.0615 -3835.2104 4212.0166 -3835.2888 4211.9854 C +-3835.2544 4212.0195 -3835.1897 4212.0615 -3835.0759 4212.1143 C +f +-3835.1096 4211.9092 m +-3835.0522 4211.9287 -3835.0071 4211.9395 -3834.9641 4211.9512 C +-3834.9431 4211.8789 -3834.9617 4211.8335 -3835.1096 4211.9092 C +f +-3835.5583 4211.9404 m +-3835.4631 4211.9336 -3835.3743 4211.9541 -3835.2888 4211.9854 C +-3835.3215 4211.9561 -3835.3352 4211.9316 -3835.3264 4211.917 C +-3835.3752 4211.9238 -3835.4441 4211.9326 -3835.5583 4211.9404 c +f +-3895.2932 4215.9561 m +-3895.3042 4215.9424 -3895.3169 4215.9336 -3895.3289 4215.915 C +-3895.4968 4216.0952 -3895.4231 4216.0664 -3895.2932 4215.9561 C +f +-3855.7783 4216.6563 m +-3855.7705 4216.6519 -3855.7664 4216.6406 -3855.7593 4216.6362 C +-3855.7671 4216.6309 -3855.7769 4216.625 -3855.7839 4216.6201 C +-3855.7783 4216.6563 L +f +-3856.3762 4216.9795 m +-3856.1216 4216.4395 -3855.9768 4216.5059 -3855.7839 4216.6201 C +-3855.9817 4215.3691 L +-3856.3762 4216.9795 L +f +*u +-3879.5383 4217.1416 m +-3879.1184 4217.5322 L +-3879.6252 4218.1738 -3879.9919 4217.9521 -3879.5977 4218.5 C +-3879.5383 4217.1416 -3877.9656 4218.3613 -3877.9072 4217.0039 C +-3877.6304 4217.2896 L +-3877.7097 4217.2764 -3877.7224 4217.3564 -3877.8008 4217.3433 C +-3877.2625 4217.9932 -3877.4009 4216.3613 -3876.7073 4216.5542 C +-3876.4656 4216.6582 -3876.2969 4216.8555 -3876.4617 4217.0166 C +-3875.9231 4216.6807 L +-3875.7664 4216.707 -3875.8047 4216.9434 -3875.9607 4216.917 C +-3875.1392 4216.8086 L +-3875.1453 4216.8486 L +-3875.0281 4216.6362 -3874.7625 4216.3066 -3874.6328 4216.166 C +-3874.4241 4216.3613 -3874.7375 4216.3105 -3874.6841 4216.4795 C +-3874.2292 4216.1504 L +-3874.0439 4216.5029 -3874.4209 4216.8442 -3874.7351 4216.7935 C +-3874.3103 4218.1494 -3874.3577 4216.4521 -3873.4409 4217.2441 C +-3873.8704 4217.416 L +-3873.5935 4218.1865 -3873.2583 4217.9072 -3872.7727 4218.3877 C +-3872.8879 4218.1367 -3873.7449 4217.1777 -3873.2512 4216.8389 C +-3873.1121 4216.9414 -3872.9287 4216.9902 -3872.6624 4216.7168 C +-3872.6599 4217.2002 -3872.3999 4217.0811 -3872.0745 4217.0537 C +-3872.0967 4217.6934 L +-3871.7449 4217.5088 -3871.7727 4217.1831 -3871.5657 4216.8955 C +-3871.1736 4216.958 -3871.0923 4217.4536 -3871 4217.8711 C +-3870.3721 4217.9727 -3871.4336 4217.0767 -3870.6904 4216.9561 C +-3870.1682 4217.2007 -3869.8015 4216.9395 -3869.1768 4216.5566 C +-3868.8113 4216.7773 -3869.2407 4216.9482 -3869.1096 4217.1309 C +-3868.7856 4216.6206 L +-3868.7063 4216.6328 -3868.7319 4216.7896 -3868.7449 4216.8687 C +-3868.4719 4216.6709 -3868.7224 4216.2295 -3868.2932 4216.0557 C +-3868.1775 4215.3511 -3867.4121 4217.085 -3866.8809 4216.2852 C +-3866.75 4216.4673 -3866.9441 4216.6777 -3866.9041 4216.9253 C +-3866.1753 4216.3999 -3866.2793 4216.5435 -3865.6809 4215.8369 C +-3865.1711 4216.2568 L +-3865.5457 4215.7764 -3865.0671 4215.208 -3864.6479 4214.7412 C +-3864.7808 4214.5093 -3864.8943 4214.3066 -3864.9705 4214.2095 C +-3864.3015 4213.8662 L +-3864.2207 4213.9712 -3864.2881 4214.1914 -3864.3977 4214.458 C +-3864.3521 4214.4053 -3864.3088 4214.3535 -3864.2751 4214.3047 C +-3864.0359 4214.541 -3864.1599 4214.9102 -3864.3313 4215.2676 C +-3864.4128 4215.1416 -3864.4937 4215.0068 -3864.5723 4214.873 C +-3864.7375 4215.2617 -3864.8921 4215.6919 -3864.8577 4216.0664 C +-3864.8142 4215.9927 -3864.7305 4215.9292 -3864.6384 4215.8936 C +-3864.6816 4215.999 -3864.7092 4216.0938 -3864.6892 4216.1572 c +-3864.6665 4216.2246 -3864.5967 4216.083 -3864.4873 4215.9189 C +-3864.3352 4216.6328 L +-3864.2983 4216.3496 L +-3863.4231 4216.7959 L +-3862.7969 4216.0781 -3862.2522 4215.0215 -3861.2583 4214.7271 C +-3861.5049 4215.25 -3861.3113 4215.5811 -3861.3247 4216.2007 C +-3861.5959 4215.5449 -3862.0945 4216.4795 -3862.6096 4216.3462 c +-3862.3408 4216.415 -3862.3999 4216.7109 -3862.4683 4216.8135 C +-3861.5496 4216.2168 L +-3861.5703 4216.7236 -3861.3545 4216.5967 -3861.1145 4216.8066 C +-3861.2959 4215.8047 -3860.4297 4216.1392 -3860.0559 4215.832 C +-3860.0327 4216.168 -3860.1223 4216.5122 -3860.5784 4216.4307 C +-3860.0752 4217.1846 -3859.9282 4215.2544 -3859.4343 4215.8955 C +-3859.5457 4215.9033 -3859.6057 4215.8516 -3859.6497 4216.0234 C +-3859.3896 4215.7236 -3858.7537 4215.9609 -3858.9033 4216.2534 C +-3859.0144 4216.2603 L +-3858.2751 4216.3789 -3856.7639 4216.2676 -3856.6536 4215.417 C +-3856.6462 4215.5273 -3856.7505 4216.4424 -3856.7952 4216.6143 C +-3855.4761 4213.7529 L +-3855.5923 4214.4834 -3855.1462 4216.2227 -3855.7593 4216.6362 C +-3855.5833 4216.7402 -3855.3655 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C +-3849.7263 4217.083 L +-3849.7722 4216.4121 -3849.0713 4215.1753 -3848.3323 4215.293 C +-3848.1443 4215.5615 -3848.4729 4216.4902 -3848.4575 4216.7144 C +-3848.3616 4216.4834 -3847.7561 4216.2725 -3847.6882 4216.4365 C +-3848.0017 4216.7959 L +-3847.5903 4217.0488 -3847.3303 4215.9048 -3846.8359 4216.5464 C +-3846.6653 4216.5898 -3846.3264 4217.4121 -3846.2969 4217.0146 C +-3846.5752 4216.2471 -3846.6296 4213.874 -3846.4441 4213.2979 C +-3846.3843 4213.3496 -3845.5481 4214.0313 -3845.3533 4214.4102 C +-3845.0723 4215.0122 -3845.7751 4215.8442 -3845.5359 4216.3604 C +-3845.5256 4216.1768 -3845.3704 4215.9502 -3845.3057 4215.877 C +-3845.1265 4216.0342 -3845.3799 4216.4463 -3844.9905 4216.3633 C +-3844.9255 4215.6826 -3844.1985 4216.4209 -3844.8064 4215.7871 C +-3844.4255 4215.5923 -3844.4016 4215.9277 -3843.9543 4215.8975 C +-3844.0967 4215.457 -3843.5527 4214.3994 -3843.1711 4214.2041 C +-3843.1936 4214.377 -3843.1079 4214.6035 -3843.0664 4214.7061 C +-3842.2856 4214.7676 -3841.8665 4215.0771 -3841.1384 4215.083 C +-3841.0713 4215.248 -3840.72 4215.4482 -3840.8696 4215.7412 C +-3840.7649 4215.6206 -3840.6687 4215.3896 -3840.4441 4215.373 C +-3840.0095 4215.9624 -3840.9448 4215.4648 -3840.6135 4216.1738 C +-3840.5852 4215.7773 -3840.0327 4215.626 -3839.7129 4215.3789 C +-3839.8113 4214.7671 -3840.4519 4215.2617 -3840.7722 4215.5088 C +-3840.7737 4214.665 -3840.2161 4213.7813 -3839.4551 4213.3911 C +-3838.8503 4213.1816 -3839.1929 4213.9365 -3839.0879 4213.8164 C +-3837.9519 4213.9639 -3838.1201 4212.3433 -3837.1768 4212.9521 C +-3836.8025 4213.4893 -3837.1599 4214.0215 -3837.0769 4214.4092 C +-3837.5696 4214.6128 -3837.8333 4214.0679 -3838.1672 4214.0898 C +-3837.7561 4214.3442 L +-3837.9128 4214.5234 -3838.2417 4214.6582 -3838.4209 4214.5029 C +-3838.1072 4214.9854 -3836.5017 4214.5952 -3835.6252 4215.041 C +-3835.4695 4214.8613 -3835.2007 4214.6743 -3835.3279 4214.458 C +-3835.6052 4214.5332 L +-3835.8601 4214.0996 -3835.0833 4213.9336 -3835.4343 4213.7314 C 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4212.8672 -3856.7769 4213.585 C +-3856.7463 4213.1895 L +-3856.9705 4213.2046 -3857.3289 4213.7354 -3857.4641 4213.4082 C +-3857.9656 4212.6553 -3859.9456 4213.3042 -3861.2329 4212.6045 C +-3860.9832 4213.77 -3861.8313 4212.082 -3861.8823 4212.9854 C +-3861.9573 4212.71 -3862.1367 4212.5542 -3861.9282 4212.3154 C +-3862.5852 4212.585 -3862.9153 4211.877 -3863.3689 4212.6392 C +-3863.4441 4212.3623 -3863.2283 4212.2354 -3863.2952 4212.0713 C +-3863.3479 4212.1309 -3863.5039 4212.3115 -3863.5723 4212.1465 c +-3863.6392 4211.9824 -3863.4761 4211.915 -3863.3721 4211.7949 C +-3864.0432 4211.8418 -3864.1111 4212.6914 -3864.1599 4213.4883 C +-3864.5 4213.1113 -3864.6697 4213.1641 -3864.9153 4213.6875 C +-3865.0337 4213.4263 -3865.2312 4213.1533 -3864.8142 4213.0596 C +-3865.0488 4213.0215 -3866.2473 4212.6777 -3866.2712 4213.3164 C +-3866.3447 4213.1543 -3866.5991 4213.2695 -3866.6609 4213.3433 C +-3867.1873 4213.3047 -3867.2336 4213.2471 -3867.7505 4213.3076 C +-3867.6072 4213.4121 L +-3867.8113 4214.1831 -3868.0369 4213.584 -3868.4536 4213.6768 C +-3868.4417 4213.5986 L +-3869.3972 4213.0415 -3868.8542 4213.8643 -3869.7969 4213.2295 C +-3869.7456 4213.709 L +-3869.8335 4214.7402 -3870.5808 4213.1006 -3871.1279 4213.4951 C +-3870.9304 4213.7695 L +-3871.2292 4214.1221 -3871.7656 4212.3662 -3872.0657 4212.2373 C +-3872.1311 4212.1475 -3871.9624 4212.0938 -3871.8711 4212.0273 C +-3872.6567 4211.418 -3871.9729 4212.6553 -3872.5583 4212.8018 C +-3872.6663 4212.4624 -3872.4192 4211.9395 -3872.8132 4211.876 C +-3873.0095 4211.6025 -3873.9561 4212.9766 -3874.4937 4212.3267 C +-3874.3752 4212.5879 -3874.2576 4212.8486 -3874.5295 4213.0449 C +-3874.9463 4213.1382 -3875.6563 4212.0576 -3876.0327 4212.8818 C +-3876.0857 4212.8096 -3876.1057 4212.7412 -3876.1079 4212.6763 C +-3876.4265 4212.8887 -3877.1433 4213.0293 -3877.3352 4213.4756 C +-3877.6296 4211.8193 -3879.3159 4214.2813 -3879.3088 4212.7534 C +-3880.2888 4212.835 L +-3880.2632 4212.6792 L +-3880.8896 4212.5781 -3881.1111 4212.9443 -3881.3313 4213.3115 C +-3881.4761 4213.207 -3881.3704 4213.0645 -3881.3584 4212.9844 C +-3882.2737 4212.6763 -3882.3647 4212.7412 -3883.1321 4213.5029 C +-3883.2119 4213.0068 L +-3883.4199 4213.2949 -3884.5352 4212.2295 -3885.4329 4212.8076 C +-3885.4241 4212.751 -3885.4055 4212.6553 -3885.3342 4212.585 C +-3886.3442 4213.167 -3887.7522 4211.2109 -3888.1223 4213.0156 C +-3888.7888 4213.4609 L +-3887.9265 4213.6006 -3888.9172 4214.2441 -3888.5625 4214.5435 C +-3888.9016 4214.6494 -3889.4392 4213.999 -3889.0225 4213.9063 C +-3888.9573 4213.9966 L +-3888.8042 4213.0557 -3890.0288 4213.6631 -3890.0056 4213.0225 C +-3891.7024 4213.0693 -3893.3562 4212.5479 -3894.9456 4212.5078 C +-3894.7625 4213.2393 L +-3895.3169 4213.1973 L +-3895.4624 4213.0273 -3895.5122 4212.625 -3895.1167 4212.6553 C +-3895.3247 4212.2402 -3895.78 4213.0029 -3895.7913 4213.1611 C +-3896.5657 4212.8652 -3895.4888 4212.3086 -3895.7263 4212.291 C +-3896.0488 4212.3457 L +-3895.9761 4212.4312 L +-3896.2375 4212.73 -3896.2607 4213.0469 -3896.7361 4213.0107 C +-3897.0369 4212.8643 -3896.8904 4212.5596 -3897.0088 4212.5322 C +-3897.0081 4212.4795 -3897.0481 4212.4551 -3897.1904 4212.5103 C +-3897.8889 4212.4482 L +-3897.6096 4213.0254 L +-3897.9192 4213.3105 -3898.2664 4212.9951 -3897.9441 4213.6494 c +-3898.4172 4212.6406 -3900.5496 4213.2871 -3900.8401 4212.9746 C +-3901.2737 4213.3955 -3901.7017 4213.3877 -3902.2319 4213.3369 C +-3902.1001 4213.457 -3902.0212 4214.1064 -3902.4785 4214.0273 C +-3902.3113 4212.6875 -3903.3159 4213.4453 -3903.6855 4212.4814 C +-3903.3552 4213.1206 -3904.9856 4212.6392 -3904.4673 4213.5469 C +-3904.8489 4213.4385 -3904.4905 4213.0454 -3904.78 4212.73 C +-3905.6882 4213.249 -3906.7815 4212.3926 -3907.9041 4212.5679 C +-3907.9216 4212.7441 -3907.7336 4213.0127 -3907.9744 4213.2744 C +-3908.5671 4212.3955 L +-3908.7888 4212.4814 -3908.7712 4213.4102 -3909.1763 4212.7998 C +-3909.1191 4212.9482 -3909.0337 4213.1709 -3909.1824 4213.2271 C +-3911.3816 4212.3701 -3913.6763 4213.9292 -3915.9097 4212.3193 C +-3915.6072 4212.6602 -3915.8088 4212.6934 -3916.0398 4212.7061 C +-3915.8896 4212.7876 -3916.0432 4213.1406 -3916.0137 4213.3789 C +-3916.9487 4212.7168 L +-3917.1191 4213.3784 -3917.9512 4212.7617 -3918.0488 4213.3945 C +-3917.7527 4213.2803 L +-3918.1465 4214.0273 -3917.2017 4214.9395 -3917.2593 4215.8975 C +-3916.8184 4215.0488 -3916.0967 4217.1543 -3915.3733 4215.9395 C +-3915.2136 4216.1353 -3915.5095 4216.248 -3915.4241 4216.4702 C +-3915.2407 4216.0596 -3915.0193 4215.9746 -3914.6089 4216.1582 C +-3914.6553 4216.2598 L +-3913.5024 4216.1602 -3913.0081 4216.5645 -3911.7129 4216.834 C +-3911.8088 4216.3604 L +-3911.5305 4216.4238 -3911.4719 4216.5723 -3911.3416 4216.6914 C +-3911.0222 4215.9727 -3912.1233 4216.6504 -3911.8323 4215.8584 C +-3911.4631 4216.8223 -3909.8696 4215.873 -3909.6201 4216.9683 C +-3909.1919 4216.9746 -3909.7456 4216.4189 -3909.3176 4216.4263 C +-3909.2041 4216.7227 L +-3909.0959 4216.3408 L +-3908.8152 4216.4038 -3908.6736 4216.7744 -3908.6631 4217.0254 C +-3908.7312 4216.9956 -3908.8567 4217.0957 -3908.9297 4217.1172 C +-3908.5657 4217.4663 -3907.9033 4216.998 -3907.7783 4217.1118 C +-3908.1897 4216.9292 L +-3907.0212 4216.6519 -3905.5945 4217.041 -3904.4656 4216.4385 C +-3904.5513 4216.2148 L +-3903.6892 4215.8018 -3903.8608 4216.4609 -3902.9143 4216.2695 C +-3902.9487 4216.3223 L +-3902.7593 4216.0996 -3902.5063 4215.9873 -3902.2473 4216.0127 C +-3902.4863 4216.2744 -3901.7976 4216.5215 -3902.1111 4216.8115 C +-3901.1763 4216.3672 -3901.6487 4216.4624 -3901.0313 4215.6318 C +-3900.8889 4216.0029 L +-3900.6785 4215.667 -3900.6609 4215.4902 -3900.1882 4215.3945 C +-3900.5759 4215.7124 -3899.8865 4215.959 -3900.3208 4216.3799 C +-3899.3289 4217.1914 -3898.8479 4215.5615 -3898.3928 4216.7471 C +-3897.9373 4215.7207 -3899.2512 4216.1777 -3898.9961 4215.9575 C +-3899.2097 4215.6221 -3898.6201 4215.1904 -3898.3088 4215.293 C +-3897.9919 4215.3164 -3897.77 4216.6074 -3896.9729 4216.5869 C +-3897.0522 4216.582 -3897.0576 4216.6602 -3897.1367 4216.6553 C +-3896.8384 4216.917 -3896.5522 4216.3008 -3896.1863 4216.7266 C +-3895.9812 4216.1055 -3895.7112 4216.7617 -3895.6521 4215.9702 C +-3896.3833 4216.1533 L +-3895.9688 4215.9463 -3895.5801 4215.02 -3894.8972 4215.4697 C +-3894.9504 4215.6289 -3895.1536 4215.8389 -3895.2932 4215.9561 C +-3895.0935 4216.1895 -3894.9087 4215.8018 -3894.7017 4216.041 C +-3894.7607 4216.8335 -3895.5903 4216.2134 -3896.0344 4216.8174 C +-3895.8201 4217.1519 -3895.1943 4216.2441 -3895.4175 4217.1016 c +-3895.0967 4216.0107 -3894.6321 4217.2402 -3894.0923 4216.4063 C +-3894.1279 4216.8809 L +-3894.0425 4216.8066 -3893.8655 4216.582 -3893.7083 4216.5942 C +-3893.9929 4217.2095 L +-3893.5559 4216.6846 -3893.1504 4217.6689 -3892.7312 4217.3828 C +-3893.6089 4217.3975 -3892.9282 4216.8115 -3893.2993 4216.4648 C +-3892.2168 4215.8296 -3892.6768 4217.7061 -3891.4648 4217.4785 C +-3891.6289 4217.5454 -3892.0808 4217.1934 -3891.8242 4216.9736 C +-3891.5935 4217.0713 -3891.2888 4217.2534 -3891.1472 4217.5029 C +-3890.3442 4217.4038 -3891.2705 4217.0146 -3890.9287 4216.7227 C +-3890.6553 4217.3008 -3890.5344 4216.4873 -3890.1824 4216.3022 C +-3890.1799 4216.7847 L +-3889.2649 4217.0942 -3889.9373 4215.7793 -3889.1135 4216.1533 C +-3889.4617 4216.8223 L +-3889.0322 4216.6494 L +-3889.1208 4217.1982 L +-3888.6536 4216.791 -3888.5081 4216.8965 -3888.0503 4217.0503 C +-3888.1567 4216.7109 -3887.9905 4216.1753 -3887.5852 4216.1602 C +-3887.3088 4216.4463 -3887.74 4216.6182 -3887.1655 4216.5498 C +-3887.2952 4216.8511 -3887.4373 4217.23 -3887.6873 4216.7861 C +-3887.7129 4216.9434 -3887.8152 4217.0884 -3887.8416 4217.2441 C +-3887.5439 4217.5732 -3887.0935 4217.3193 -3886.8855 4217.3145 C +-3886.9656 4217.2964 -3887.0613 4217.2705 -3887.1104 4217.2021 C +-3886.2776 4216.5332 L +-3886.1465 4216.7144 -3886.2505 4216.8599 -3886.3535 4217.0029 C +-3886.1848 4216.9502 -3886.0681 4216.7285 -3885.8201 4216.6875 C +-3885.8843 4217.0791 -3885.8689 4217.4839 -3886.22 4217.6689 C +-3885.4265 4217.2334 L +-3885.3735 4217.4038 -3885.0193 4217.7021 -3885.1223 4217.8462 C +-3884.6824 4218.0767 -3884.0432 4217.085 -3883.46 4217.3896 C +-3883.4297 4217.3135 -3883.3689 4217.2402 -3883.2449 4217.1846 C +-3882.6968 4217.2734 -3882.2112 4217.7544 -3881.5615 4217.2173 C +-3881.1929 4217.9189 L +-3880.6841 4217.7603 -3881.6919 4217.0342 -3880.8447 4216.7695 C +-3880.2449 4216.5449 -3880.6208 4217.3687 -3880.4104 4217.5645 C +-3880.1121 4217.21 -3879.5935 4216.4888 -3879.0425 4217.0615 C +-3879.2249 4217.1934 -3879.3679 4217.0898 -3879.5383 4217.1416 C +f +1 D +-3873.2632 4216.8296 m +-3873.3848 4216.9312 -3873.6272 4217.2441 -3873.7161 4216.959 C +-3873.5776 4216.4063 -3873.4705 4216.6709 -3873.2632 4216.8296 C +f +-3863.7241 4215.6689 m +-3863.8145 4215.8281 -3863.9543 4215.749 -3864.1121 4215.5664 C +-3863.9976 4215.5273 -3863.8679 4215.5449 -3863.7241 4215.6689 C +f +-3837.1511 4212.3096 m +-3837.1563 4212.3174 -3837.1599 4212.3232 -3837.1641 4212.333 C +-3837.4353 4212.1455 -3837.3391 4212.2197 -3837.1511 4212.3096 C +f +0 D +-3836.5879 4212.5195 m +-3836.5313 4212.4521 -3836.5352 4212.3848 -3836.5591 4212.3174 C +-3836.5984 4212.4395 -3836.7249 4212.4482 -3836.8689 4212.4136 C +-3836.8289 4212.54 -3836.7561 4212.627 -3836.5879 4212.5195 C +f +1 D +-3897.0713 4212.709 m +-3896.9617 4212.835 L +-3897.2092 4212.9746 -3897.1399 4212.8486 -3897.0713 4212.709 C +f +*U +0 D +-3864.8057 4216.3286 m +-3864.8401 4216.2471 -3864.8496 4216.1572 -3864.8577 4216.0664 C +-3864.9055 4216.1475 -3864.9065 4216.2412 -3864.8057 4216.3286 C +f +-3883.4409 4217.3955 m +-3883.4473 4217.3911 -3883.4536 4217.3926 -3883.46 4217.3896 C +-3883.4705 4217.418 -3883.4761 4217.4482 -3883.4792 4217.4766 C +-3883.4409 4217.3955 L +f +-3845.3123 4216.6094 m +-3845.4282 4216.54 -3845.4929 4216.4521 -3845.5359 4216.3604 C +-3845.5422 4216.4785 -3845.4895 4216.5781 -3845.3123 4216.6094 C +f +-3833.6033 4211.6992 m +-3833.9641 4211.8247 L +-3833.7896 4211.8008 -3833.7273 4211.9063 -3833.6392 4211.9834 C +-3833.6472 4211.8701 -3833.7161 4211.707 -3833.6033 4211.6992 C +f +-3830.4719 4214.6846 m +-3830.4192 4214.6255 -3830.3601 4214.6782 -3830.3081 4214.6182 C +-3830.3225 4214.3945 L +-3830.5471 4214.4087 -3830.7041 4214.5898 -3830.4719 4214.6846 C +f +-3833.2693 4213.3022 m +-3833.2407 4213.708 -3833.0144 4213.5703 -3832.7617 4213.4951 C +-3832.7769 4213.4966 -3832.7913 4213.5 -3832.8064 4213.4951 C +-3832.7319 4212.9277 -3833.0012 4213.1152 -3833.2693 4213.3022 C +f +-3832.7031 4213.4814 m +-3832.6252 4213.4624 -3832.5457 4213.4521 -3832.4695 4213.4712 C +-3832.4399 4213.2441 -3832.5642 4213.4238 -3832.7031 4213.4814 C +f +-3835.8735 4212.25 m +-3835.7537 4212.3545 -3835.7983 4211.7314 -3835.7305 4211.8965 C +-3835.5967 4211.3799 -3836.5295 4212.5215 -3835.8735 4212.25 C +f +-3833.0647 4214.6392 m +-3833.1553 4214.1382 L +-3833.2969 4214.542 L +-3833.0647 4214.6392 L +f +-3835.0601 4214.2715 m +-3834.6563 4214.4102 L +-3834.6624 4214.3262 -3834.6111 4214.2773 -3834.5481 4214.2402 C +-3834.7969 4214.2227 -3835.0696 4214.123 -3835.0601 4214.2715 C +f +-3834.5481 4214.2402 m +-3834.4185 4214.249 -3834.2952 4214.2383 -3834.2231 4214.1563 C +-3834.2932 4214.1611 -3834.4441 4214.1782 -3834.5481 4214.2402 C +f +-3833.6167 4214.7896 m +-3833.7361 4214.6851 L +-3834.0212 4214.6484 L +-3833.6167 4214.7896 L +f +-3839.4009 4214.1753 m +-3839.8416 4214.3184 L +-3839.8865 4214.4902 -3839.7664 4214.5952 -3839.6023 4214.5273 C +-3839.4968 4214.4072 -3839.3333 4214.3408 -3839.4009 4214.1753 C +f +-3838.0681 4215.5469 m +-3838.1873 4215.4434 -3838.1953 4215.3311 -3838.2625 4215.166 C +-3838.2759 4215.7871 L +-3838.0681 4215.5469 L +f +-3839.3533 4215.6919 m +-3839.3972 4215.8643 -3839.9929 4216.1865 -3839.4343 4216.1475 C +-3839.3896 4215.9766 -3838.9482 4215.8335 -3839.3533 4215.6919 C +f +-3845.9937 4214.9063 m +-3845.8816 4214.8984 L +-3845.8977 4213.8799 L +-3845.9937 4214.9063 L +f +-3851.8464 4217.3433 m +-3851.3242 4217.5869 -3851.7224 4216.7144 -3851.2505 4217.0195 C +-3851.1279 4216.7783 -3851.6362 4216.7705 -3851.5105 4216.5625 C +-3851.8257 4216.8164 -3851.9912 4216.6738 -3851.8464 4217.3433 C +f +-3851.5105 4216.5625 m +-3851.46 4216.5225 -3851.4065 4216.4736 -3851.3496 4216.4082 C +-3851.4409 4216.4712 -3851.4839 4216.52 -3851.5105 4216.5625 C +f +-3917.5745 4212.1924 m +-3917.9104 4211.98 L +-3917.6936 4212.3223 L +-3917.5745 4212.1924 L +f +-3918.2192 4212.9482 m +-3918.2983 4212.2988 L +-3918.5 4212.8862 L +-3918.4241 4212.8574 -3918.2769 4212.8018 -3918.2192 4212.9482 C +f +-3872.3303 4218.1377 m +-3872.3047 4217.9814 L +-3872.3567 4217.8125 -3872.4353 4217.7998 -3872.5928 4217.7734 C +-3872.3303 4218.1377 L +f +-3876.8848 4217.6519 m +-3876.8064 4217.665 L +-3876.9529 4217.0781 L +-3876.8848 4217.6519 L +f +-3880.7073 4218.4004 m +-3880.5513 4218.4253 -3880.3679 4218.2939 -3880.2112 4218.3193 C +-3880.5513 4218.4253 -3880.7495 4217.6689 -3880.7073 4218.4004 C +f +U +9 () XW +U +9 () XW +U +%AI8_EndBrushPattern +%AI8_BeginBrushPattern +(Unnamed Brush Pattern 45) 0 A +0 Xw +u +u +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +-7790 8090 m +-7790 8059.3877 L +-7765.1748 8059.3877 L +-7765.1748 8090 L +-7790 8090 L +n +0 O +0.258488 0.130922 0.134035 0.001434 0.784314 0.823529 0.847059 Xa +-7790 8081.4985 m +-7765.1738 8081.4985 L +-7765.1738 8080.5142 L +-7790 8080.5142 L +-7790 8081.4985 L +f +0.531884 0.324193 0.203311 0.042145 0.513726 0.6 0.694118 Xa +-7790 8080.5176 m +-7765.1738 8080.5176 L +-7765.1738 8073.7935 L +-7790 8073.7935 L +-7790 8080.5176 L +f +0.258488 0.130922 0.134035 0.001434 0.784314 0.823529 0.847059 Xa +-7790 8073.7959 m +-7765.1738 8073.7959 L +-7765.1738 8072.6367 L +-7790 8072.6367 L +-7790 8073.7959 L +f +0.420172 0.234684 0.133211 0.010101 0.627451 0.701961 0.792157 Xa +-7765.1738 8072.6367 m +-7765.1738 8060.5278 L +-7790 8060.5278 L +-7790 8072.6367 L +-7765.1738 8072.6367 L +f +U +9 () XW +U +%AI8_EndBrushPattern +%AI8_BeginBrushPattern +(Unnamed Brush Pattern 47) 0 A +0 Xw +u +u +u +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +-7790 8090 m +-7790 8059.3877 L +-7759.3848 8059.3877 L +-7759.3848 8090 L +-7790 8090 L +n +0 O +0.258488 0.130922 0.134035 0.001434 0.784314 0.823529 0.847059 Xa +-7759.3848 8080.5142 m +-7768.8672 8080.5142 L +-7768.8711 8089.9985 L +-7767.8896 8089.9985 L +-7767.8896 8081.4951 L +-7759.3848 8081.4951 L +-7759.3848 8080.5142 L +f +0.531884 0.324193 0.203311 0.042145 0.513726 0.6 0.694118 Xa +-7759.3848 8073.7935 m +-7775.5928 8073.7915 L +-7775.5928 8090 L +-7768.8672 8090 L +-7768.8672 8080.5132 L +-7759.3848 8080.5132 L +-7759.3848 8073.7935 L +f +0.258488 0.130922 0.134035 0.001434 0.784314 0.823529 0.847059 Xa +-7759.3848 8072.6357 m +-7776.7485 8072.6357 L +-7776.7485 8089.9995 L +-7775.5957 8089.9995 L +-7775.5957 8073.7915 L +-7759.3848 8073.7915 L +-7759.3848 8072.6357 L +f +0.420172 0.234684 0.133211 0.010101 0.627451 0.701961 0.792157 Xa +-7759.3848 8060.5244 m +-7788.8594 8060.5244 L +-7788.8594 8089.9985 L +-7776.7495 8090 L +-7776.7495 8072.6357 L +-7759.3848 8072.6357 L +-7759.3848 8060.5244 L +f +0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Xa +-7775.5918 8074.1533 m +-7776.7207 8072.6733 l +-7775.5918 8073.7959 l +-7775.5918 8074.1533 l +f +-7767.8896 8081.8096 m +-7768.8232 8080.5615 l +-7767.8896 8081.4951 l +-7767.8896 8081.8096 l +f +U +9 () XW +U +9 () XW +U +%AI8_EndBrushPattern +%AI8_BeginBrushPattern +(Unnamed Brush Pattern 49) 0 A +0 Xw +u +u +u +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +-7790 8090 m +-7759.3335 8090 L +-7759.3335 8059.3345 L +-7790 8059.3345 L +-7790 8090 L +n +u +u +u +0 O +0.258488 0.130922 0.134035 0.001434 0.784314 0.823529 0.847059 Xa +1 XR +-7781.4219 8089.9688 m +-7780.5039 8089.9688 L +-7780.5039 8068.8013 L +-7759.3389 8068.8013 L +-7759.3389 8067.8853 L +-7781.4219 8067.8853 L +-7781.4219 8089.9688 L +f +0.531884 0.324193 0.203311 0.042145 0.513726 0.6 0.694118 Xa +0 XR +-7780.5039 8089.9688 m +-7773.7539 8089.9688 L +-7773.7539 8075.5527 L +-7759.3389 8075.5527 L +-7759.3389 8076.7173 L +-7759.3389 8076.7173 L +-7759.3389 8068.8013 L +-7780.5039 8068.8013 L +-7780.5039 8089.9688 L +f +0.258488 0.130922 0.134035 0.001434 0.784314 0.823529 0.847059 Xa +1 XR +-7759.3389 8076.7173 m +-7759.3389 8075.5527 L +-7773.7539 8075.5527 L +-7773.7539 8089.9688 L +-7772.5889 8089.9688 L +-7772.5889 8076.7173 L +-7759.3389 8076.7173 L +f +0.420172 0.234684 0.133211 0.010101 0.627451 0.701961 0.792157 Xa +0 XR +-7772.5889 8076.7173 m +-7772.5889 8089.9688 L +-7760.5039 8089.9688 L +-7760.5352 8088.8135 L +-7759.3389 8088.8135 L +-7759.3389 8076.7173 L +-7772.5889 8076.7173 L +f +U +9 () XW +1 Ap +1 XR +-7790 8090 m +-7790 8059.3345 L +-7759.3335 8059.3345 L +-7759.3335 8090 L +-7790 8090 L +n +U +9 () XW +0 Ap +0 O +0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Xa +0 XR +-7772.5986 8077.0796 m +-7773.7285 8075.6016 l +-7772.5986 8076.7212 L +-7772.5986 8077.0796 l +f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(12.566368) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +-7780.5 8069.1255 m +-7781.3848 8067.9287 l +-7780.5 8068.8101 L +-7780.5 8069.1255 l +f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(12.566368) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +U +9 () XW +U +9 () XW +U +9 () XW +U +%AI8_EndBrushPattern +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI10_BeginSVGFilter +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(140%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (width) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(140%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (height) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_AbgeflachteKanteMitSchatten_1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-20%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-20%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dx) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dx) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dy) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dy) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feOffset) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(lighting-color:white) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(style) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (style) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(specularConstant) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (specularConstant) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(10) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(specularExponent) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (specularExponent) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(surfaceScale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (surfaceScale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-20000) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(z) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (z) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-5000) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-10000) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(fePointLight) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feSpecularLighting) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k3) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k4) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k1) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(arithmetic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMerge) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (width) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (height) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Alpha_1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (numOctaves) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stitchTiles) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.05) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (baseFrequency) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feTurbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (width) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (height) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Alpha_4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(fractalNoise) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (numOctaves) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stitchTiles) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (baseFrequency) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feTurbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Dehnen_3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(radius) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (radius) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(dilate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMorphology) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Dehnen_6) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(6) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(radius) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (radius) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(dilate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMorphology) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Erodieren_3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(radius) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (radius) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(erode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMorphology) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Erodieren_6) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(6) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(radius) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (radius) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(erode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMorphology) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_GaußscherWeichzeichner_4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_GaußscherWeichzeichner_7) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(7) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(150%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (width) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(150%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (height) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Holzmaserung) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-10%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-10%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dx) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dx) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dy) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dy) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offset) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feOffset) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(flood-color:black; flood-opacity:0.4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(style) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (style) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feFlood) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(shadowColor) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(resultScale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (resultScale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(diffuseConstant) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (diffuseConstant) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(white) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(lighting-color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (lighting-color) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(surfaceScale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (surfaceScale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(diffuse) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(diffuse) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(60) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(elevation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (elevation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(135) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(azimuth) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (azimuth) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(light2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feDistantLight) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feDiffuseLighting) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(specularConstant) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (specularConstant) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(10) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(specularExponent) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (specularExponent) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(white) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(lighting-color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (lighting-color) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(surfaceScale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (surfaceScale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(60) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(elevation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (elevation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(135) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(azimuth) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (azimuth) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(light) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feDistantLight) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feSpecularLighting) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k3) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k4) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k1) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(arithmetic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(diffuse) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k3) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k4) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k1) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(arithmetic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMerge) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(fractalNoise) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(10) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (numOctaves) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stitchTiles) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(.05) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (baseFrequency) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(Turbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feTurbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(matrix) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(values) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (values) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(Grayscale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(Turbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feColorMatrix) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(BlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dx) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dx) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dy) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dy) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(OffsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(BlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feOffset) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(OffsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(CompBlurTurb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(Grayscale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(CompBlurTurb2) /Uni +endstream endobj 25 0 obj <>stream +codeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1.5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(CompBlurTurb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(CompXferFire) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(Grayscale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(table) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(2 0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(tableValues) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (tableValues) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feFuncR) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(table) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(.7 0 ) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(tableValues) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (tableValues) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feFuncG) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(table) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(.1 0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(tableValues) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (tableValues) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feFuncB) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComponentTransfer) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(CompSourceFire) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(CompXferFire) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(MergeAll) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(CompSourceFire) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMerge) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(110%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (width) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(140%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (height) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_KühleBrise) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-5%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-40%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1.2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(radius) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (radius) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(dilate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(a) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(a) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMorphology) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1.2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(radius) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (radius) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(dilate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(a) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMorphology) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dy) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dy) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feOffset) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(fractalNoise) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (numOctaves) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stitchTiles) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (baseFrequency) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feTurbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(scale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (scale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(A) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(yChannelSelector) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (yChannelSelector) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(R) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(xChannelSelector) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (xChannelSelector) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feDisplacementMap) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(matrix) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(values) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (values) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feColorMatrix) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(freeze) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(fill) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (fill) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(attributeName) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (attributeName) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(5s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(none) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(accumulate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (accumulate) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(replace) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(additive) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (additive) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(begin) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (begin) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(linear) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(calcMode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (calcMode) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(from) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (from) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(to) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (to) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(always) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(restart) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (restart) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(animate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-8) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dy) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dy) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feOffset) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(fractalNoise) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(10) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (numOctaves) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stitchTiles) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.05) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (baseFrequency) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feTurbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(8) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(scale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (scale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(A) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(yChannelSelector) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (yChannelSelector) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(R) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(xChannelSelector) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (xChannelSelector) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feDisplacementMap) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(matrix) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(values) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (values) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feColorMatrix) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(a) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMerge) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(50 50) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterRes) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterRes) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Pixelspiel_1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(remove) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(fill) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (fill) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(indefinite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(repeatDur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (repeatDur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(filterRes) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(attributeName) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (attributeName) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(10s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(none) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(accumulate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (accumulate) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(replace) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(additive) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (additive) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(begin) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (begin) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(spline) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(calcMode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (calcMode) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(always) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(restart) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (restart) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1 1;20 15;200 200; 15 20;1 1 ) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(values) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (values) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(animate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(7) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(compositeOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k3) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k4) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k1) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(arithmetic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(compositeOut1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(compositeOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(compositeOut1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMerge) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(50 50) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterRes) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterRes) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Pixelspiel_2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(remove) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(fill) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (fill) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(indefinite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(repeatDur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (repeatDur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(filterRes) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(attributeName) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (attributeName) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(10s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(none) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(accumulate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (accumulate) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(replace) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(additive) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (additive) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(begin) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (begin) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(linear) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(calcMode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (calcMode) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(always) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(restart) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (restart) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(50 50;20 20;50 50) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(values) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (values) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(animate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(7) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(resultScale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (resultScale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(diffuseConstant) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (diffuseConstant) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(yellow) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(lighting-color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (lighting-color) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(surfaceScale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (surfaceScale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(diffuse) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(diffuse) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(remove) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(fill) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (fill) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(indefinite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(repeatDur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (repeatDur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(lighting-color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(attributeName) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (attributeName) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(15s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(none) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(accumulate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (accumulate) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(replace) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(additive) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (additive) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(begin) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (begin) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(linear) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(calcMode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (calcMode) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(always) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(restart) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (restart) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(yellow;green;blue;indigo;violet;red;orange) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(values) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (values) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(animate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(60) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(elevation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (elevation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(180) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(azimuth) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (azimuth) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feDistantLight) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feDiffuseLighting) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(10) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(specularConstant) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (specularConstant) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(15) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(specularExponent) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (specularExponent) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(red) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(lighting-color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (lighting-color) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(15) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(surfaceScale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (surfaceScale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(remove) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(fill) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (fill) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(indefinite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(repeatDur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (repeatDur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(lighting-color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(attributeName) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (attributeName) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(15s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(none) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(accumulate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (accumulate) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(replace) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(additive) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (additive) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(begin) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (begin) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(linear) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(calcMode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (calcMode) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(always) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(restart) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (restart) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(indigo;green;yellow;blue;violet;red;orange) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(values) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (values) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(animate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(60) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(elevation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (elevation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(180) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(azimuth) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (azimuth) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(light) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feDistantLight) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feSpecularLighting) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k3) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k4) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k1) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(arithmetic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(diffuse) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k3) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k4) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k1) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(arithmetic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMerge) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Schatten_1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dx) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dx) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dy) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dy) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feOffset) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMerge) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(140%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (width) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(130%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (height) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Schatten_2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-15%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-15%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(6) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(8) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dx) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dx) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(8) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dy) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dy) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feOffset) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMerge) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Statisch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(fractalNoise) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(10) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (numOctaves) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stitchTiles) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (baseFrequency) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +endstream endobj 26 0 obj <>stream + +(c1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(remove) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(fill) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (fill) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(indefinite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(repeatDur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (repeatDur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(attributeName) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (attributeName) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(5s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(none) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(accumulate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (accumulate) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(replace) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(additive) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (additive) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(linear) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(calcMode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (calcMode) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(from) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (from) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.7) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(to) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (to) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(always) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(restart) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (restart) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(animate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feTurbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (width) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (height) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Verwirbelung_3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(8) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (numOctaves) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stitchTiles) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.05) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (baseFrequency) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feTurbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (width) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (height) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Verwirbelung_5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(fractalNoise) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (numOctaves) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stitchTiles) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (baseFrequency) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feTurbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +%AI10_EndSVGFilter +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI14_BeginSymbol +(Kombinationsfeld) 0 A +0 Xw +u +u +0 O +9 0.7 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +6.5 -10 m +6.5 -10 L +-10.5 -10 L +-10.5 10 L +6.5 10 L +6.5 10 L +8.15625 10 9.5 8.6582 9.5 7 C +9.5 -7 L +9.5 -8.65625 8.15625 -10 6.5 -10 C +Bb +1 (Unnamed gradient 1) 0 0 -90 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +-0.000001 -20 -24 0.000001 -7779.5 8101 Xm +-0.000001 -23.5 -24 0.000001 -7779.5 8124.5 Bc +-0.000001 -20 -24 0.000001 -7779.5 8101 Bm +-0.000001 -23.5 -24 0.000001 -7779.5 8081 Bc +f +0 BB +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +6.5 -11 m +6.5 -11 L +-10.5 -11 L +-10.5 -10 L +6.5 -10 L +6.5 -10 L +8.15625 -10 9.5 -8.65625 9.5 -7 C +9.5 7 L +9.5 8.6582 8.15625 10 6.5 10 C +6.5 10 L +-9.5 10 L +-10.5 10 L +-10.5 11 L +6.5 11 L +6.5 11 L +8.70898 11 10.5 9.20898 10.5 7 C +10.5 -7 L +10.5 -9.20898 8.70898 -11 6.5 -11 C +Bb +1 (Unnamed gradient 2) 0 0 -90 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +-0.000001 -22 -25 0.000001 -7778.5 8102 Xm +-0.000001 -25 -25 0.000001 -7778.5 8127 Bc +-0.000001 -22 -25 0.000001 -7778.5 8102 Bm +-0.000001 -25 -25 0.000001 -7778.5 8080 Bc +f +0 BB +U +9 () XW +0.690608 0.595209 0.559747 0.655817 0.2 0.2 0.2 Xa +-3.5 -2 m +2.5 -2 L +-0.5 2 l +-3.5 -2 L +f +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_0 17 18 4 0 0 /RealMatrix +%_ (AI13Pattern9SliceScalingGridKey) , +%_5 /Int (AI13PatternRegistrationType) , +%_0 /Bool (AI15PixelPerfectSymbolEnablekey) , +%_1 /Bool (AI13PatternEnableGuides) , +%_2 /Int (AI13PatternExportType) , +%_; +%_ +9 () XW +%AI10_EndSymbol +%AI14_BeginSymbol +(Schaltfläche) 0 A +0 Xw +u +*u +1 D +0 O +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +0 g +28.0005 -11 m +28 -11 L +-28 -11 L +-30.21 -11 -32 -9.20898 -32 -7 C +-32 7 L +-32 9.20801 -30.21 10.999 -28 11 C +28 11 L +28.0005 11 L +30.2085 11 32 9.20898 32 7 C +32 -7 L +32 -9.20898 30.2085 -11 28.0005 -11 C +f +0 D +31 7 m +31 8.6582 29.6563 10 28.0005 10 C +28 10 L +-28 10 L +-29.6572 9.99902 -31 8.65625 -31 7 C +-31 -7 L +-31 -8.65527 -29.6572 -10 -28 -10 C +28 -10 L +28.0005 -10 L +29.6563 -10 31 -8.65625 31 -7 C +31 7 L +Bb +1 (Unnamed gradient 2) 0 0 -90 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +-0.000001 -22 -68 0.000003 -7757 8102 Xm +-0.000001 -25 -68 0.000003 -7757 8127 Bc +-0.000001 -22 -68 0.000003 -7757 8102 Bm +-0.000001 -25 -68 0.000003 -7757 8080 Bc +f +0 BB +*U +9 0.85 0 0 0 Xy +28.0005 -10 m +28 -10 L +28 -10 L +-28 -10 L +-28 -10 L +-29.6572 -10 -31 -8.65527 -31 -7 C +-31 7 L +-31 8.65625 -29.6572 9.99902 -28 10 C +-28 10 L +28 10 L +28 10 L +28.0005 10 l +29.6563 10 31 8.6582 31 7 C +31 -7 L +31 -8.65625 29.6563 -10 28.0005 -10 c +Bb +1 (Unnamed gradient 3) 0 0 -90 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +-0.000001 -20 -66 0.000003 -7758 8101 Xm +-0.000001 -23 -66 0.000003 -7758 8124 Bc +-0.000001 -20 -66 0.000003 -7758 8101 Bm +-0.000001 -23 -66 0.000003 -7758 8081 Bc +f +0 BB +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_4 60 18 4 0 0 /RealMatrix +%_ (AI13Pattern9SliceScalingGridKey) , +%_5 /Int (AI13PatternRegistrationType) , +%_0 /Bool (AI15PixelPerfectSymbolEnablekey) , +%_1 /Bool (AI13PatternEnableGuides) , +%_2 /Int (AI13PatternExportType) , +%_; +%_ +9 () XW +%AI10_EndSymbol +%AI14_BeginSymbol +(Suchen) 0 A +0 Xw +u +1 Ap +0 O +1 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +31 21.5322 m +31 24.0166 17.1211 26.0303 0 26.0303 c +-17.1191 26.0303 -31 24.0166 -31 21.5322 c +-31 19.0459 -17.1191 17.0303 0 17.0303 c +17.1211 17.0303 31 19.0459 31 21.5322 c +Bb +0 0 0 0 Bh +1 (Unnamed gradient 17) 0 0 0 1 1.4762 0 0 0.2143 -3789.1475 6144.7451 1 Bg +30.9986 0 0 -4.50006 -7791 8069.4692 Bm +f +0 BB +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +%_1.4762 0 0 0.2143 -3789.1475 6144.7451 /RealMatrix +%_ (CAIGradientTformMatrix) , +%_; (Adobe_AI9_ArtStyle_Dictionary) , +%_; +%_ +0 1 Xd +Bb +0 0 0 0 Bh +2 (Unnamed gradient 17) 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +0 BB +6 () XW +u +0 Ap +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +10 M -18.4502 21.9706 m +-18.7514 21.9706 -19.0387 21.8438 -19.2384 21.6228 C +-23.965 16.396 L +-24.1564 16.1854 -24.2537 15.9123 -24.2398 15.6264 c +-24.2259 15.3403 -24.1025 15.0776 -23.8923 14.8867 C +-10.655 2.8613 L +-10.4594 2.68388 -10.205 2.58601 -9.93892 2.58601 c +-9.63749 2.58601 -9.35004 2.7128 -9.15027 2.93386 C +-4.42351 8.15868 L +-4.23263 8.36885 -4.13573 8.64198 -4.15001 8.92848 c +-4.16429 9.21497 -4.28761 9.47757 -4.49724 9.66792 C +-17.7366 21.6953 L +-17.9317 21.873 -18.1849 21.9706 -18.4502 21.9706 C +Bb +0 0 0 0 Bh +1 (Unnamed gradient 28) -0.15047 0.64736 0 1.9211 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +18.1731 0 0 -18.1731 -7808.2183 8066.1729 Bm +f +0 BB +u +*u +0.478614 0.312474 0.290532 0.089723 0.54902 0.596078 0.627451 Xa +-9.93896 3.08594 m +-9.84473 3.08594 -9.66504 3.10986 -9.521 3.26953 C +-4.79297 8.49561 L +-4.65771 8.64453 -4.64502 8.81494 -4.64941 8.90381 C +-4.65723 9.05713 -4.72217 9.19678 -4.8335 9.29785 C +-18.0737 21.3262 L +-18.1763 21.4194 -18.3096 21.4707 -18.4502 21.4707 C +-18.5444 21.4707 -18.7236 21.4468 -18.8677 21.2871 C +-23.5957 16.0591 L +-23.8022 15.8315 -23.7842 15.4639 -23.5562 15.2568 C +-10.3193 3.23193 L +-10.2158 3.1377 -10.0806 3.08594 -9.93896 3.08594 C +F +1 D +-9.93896 2.08594 m +-10.3145 2.08594 -10.6919 2.21973 -10.9912 2.49121 C +-24.2285 14.5166 L +-24.8672 15.0967 -24.916 16.0928 -24.3359 16.7314 C +-19.6094 21.958 L +-19.3022 22.2979 -18.877 22.4707 -18.4502 22.4707 C +-18.0747 22.4707 -17.6982 22.3369 -17.4004 22.0654 C +-4.16113 10.0381 L +-3.52441 9.45996 -3.47266 8.46191 -4.05273 7.82324 C +-8.7793 2.59863 L +-9.08643 2.25879 -9.51172 2.08594 -9.93896 2.08594 C +-9.93896 2.08594 L +f +*U +U +0 0 Xd +6 () XW +U +0 0 Xd +6 () XW +%_0 D +%_-24.3359 16.7314 m +%_-24.916 16.0928 -24.8672 15.0967 -24.2285 14.5166 c +%_-10.9912 2.49121 l +%_-10.3516 1.91113 -9.35645 1.95996 -8.7793 2.59863 c +%_-4.05273 7.82324 l +%_-3.47266 8.46191 -3.52441 9.45996 -4.16113 10.0381 c +%_-17.4004 22.0654 l +%_-18.0371 22.6455 -19.0322 22.5967 -19.6094 21.958 c +%_-24.3359 16.7314 l +%_n +1 (Anon) XW +*u +0 O +0 R +0.478614 0.312474 0.290532 0.089723 0.54902 0.596078 0.627451 XA +4 M 0 g +7.40234 -25.5303 m +9.28125 -25.5303 11.1943 -25.2197 13.0703 -24.5713 C +22.1172 -21.4404 26.9102 -11.5713 23.7832 -2.52441 C +21.3018 4.64551 14.5879 9.14551 7.40234 9.14551 C +5.52344 9.14551 3.61328 8.83496 1.73438 8.18652 C +-7.3125 5.05762 -12.1084 -4.81348 -8.97852 -13.8584 C +-6.49707 -21.0283 0.219727 -25.5303 7.40234 -25.5303 C +B +1 D +7.40234 -20.374 m +2.21582 -20.374 -2.40918 -17.0791 -4.1084 -12.1729 C +-5.1709 -9.09863 -4.97363 -5.7959 -3.55176 -2.86816 C +-2.12988 0.055664 0.34668 2.25293 3.42188 3.31738 C +4.71191 3.76465 6.05176 3.99121 7.40234 3.99121 C +12.5889 3.99121 17.2139 0.696289 18.9131 -4.20801 C +19.9756 -7.28223 19.7783 -10.5869 18.3564 -13.5127 C +16.9346 -16.4404 14.458 -18.6377 11.3857 -19.7002 C +11.3857 -19.7002 L +10.0898 -20.1475 8.75 -20.374 7.40234 -20.374 C +7.40234 -20.374 L +Bb +0 0 0 0 Bh +1 (Unnamed gradient 28) 0.007548 0.433959 0 1.40083 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +17.0658 0 0 -17.0658 -7783.3364 8084.1445 Bm +b +2 BB +*U +u +0 D +10 M -8.90137 7.71973 m +-8.35059 7.21973 -7.53711 7.19043 -6.95215 7.59863 C +-9.96973 4.26465 L +-22.5664 15.708 L +-20.3691 18.1377 L +-8.90137 7.71973 L +Bb +1 (Unnamed gradient 7) -3.81729 0 -49.4846 6.03541 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +17.6244 -20.6243 -16.0703 -13.7328 -7810.499 8101.1626 Xm +33.9039 -39.6748 -16.0703 -13.7328 -7844.4028 8140.8374 Bc +17.6244 -20.6243 -16.0703 -13.7328 -7810.499 8101.1626 Bm +33.9039 -39.6748 -16.0703 -13.7328 -7792.8745 8080.5381 Bc +f +0 BB +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_0 /Int (AI10 compound shape mode) , +%_; +%_ +2 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 0 Xd +6 () XW +%_-8.90137 7.71973 m +%_-8.35059 7.21973 -7.53711 7.19043 -6.95215 7.59863 C +%_-9.96973 4.26465 L +%_-22.5664 15.708 L +%_-20.3691 18.1377 L +%_-8.90137 7.71973 L +%_n +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_0 /Int (AI10 compound shape mode) , +%_; +%_ +1 (Anon 437) XW +0 O +4 M 12.5801 -23.1553 m +10.9014 -23.7354 9.16016 -24.0283 7.40234 -24.0283 c +0.65918 -24.0283 -5.35449 -19.7451 -7.56152 -13.3682 c +-9.3125 -8.30762 -8.32813 -2.95605 -5.40723 1.08691 C +-5.00293 -0.069336 -4.43066 -1.18066 -3.72559 -2.23926 C +-3.80273 -2.38379 -3.88965 -2.52051 -3.96191 -2.66895 c +-5.43652 -5.70605 -5.6416 -9.13379 -4.53906 -12.3232 c +-2.77637 -17.4111 2.02148 -20.8291 7.40234 -20.8291 c +8.80078 -20.8291 10.1904 -20.5947 11.5352 -20.1299 c +14.7217 -19.0283 17.291 -16.749 18.7666 -13.7119 c +19.0146 -13.2021 19.2129 -12.6787 19.3887 -12.1494 C +19.7041 -12.1279 20.0215 -12.1143 20.3359 -12.0811 c +21.1885 -11.9932 22.0146 -11.8623 22.8184 -11.7021 C +21.6367 -16.8506 17.9277 -21.3037 12.5801 -23.1553 c +Bb +1 (Unnamed gradient 7) -0.837511 0 -63.554 2.1927 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +19.0977 -38.3947 -33.1435 -16.4857 -7781.2896 8136.3179 Xm +20.434 -41.0812 -33.1435 -16.4857 -7801.7231 8177.3994 Bc +19.0977 -38.3947 -33.1435 -16.4857 -7781.2896 8136.3179 Bm +20.434 -41.0812 -33.1435 -16.4857 -7762.1919 8097.9233 Bc +f +0 BB +-6.4707 -11.915 m +-4.26367 -18.292 1.75 -22.5752 8.49316 -22.5752 c +10.251 -22.5752 11.9922 -22.2822 13.6709 -21.7021 c +16.4521 -20.7393 18.7813 -19.0635 20.5557 -16.9619 C +18.7041 -19.7471 15.9766 -21.9795 12.5801 -23.1553 c +10.9014 -23.7354 9.16016 -24.0283 7.40234 -24.0283 c +0.65918 -24.0283 -5.35449 -19.7451 -7.56152 -13.3682 c +-9.45313 -7.90137 -8.14941 -2.10254 -4.66309 2.02637 C +-7.30762 -1.9502 -8.14941 -7.06348 -6.4707 -11.915 c +Bb +1 (Unnamed gradient 7) -0.284451 0 -62.8867 1.31311 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +11.6282 -22.7105 -32.3312 -16.5542 -7777.5737 8126.2744 Xm +13.8263 -27.0035 -32.3312 -16.5542 -7791.3999 8153.2778 Bc +11.6282 -22.7105 -32.3312 -16.5542 -7777.5737 8126.2744 Bm +13.8263 -27.0035 -32.3312 -16.5542 -7765.9453 8103.564 Bc +f +0 BB +u +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +10 M -9.12402 5.19824 m +-9.96973 4.26465 L +-22.5664 15.708 L +-21.7207 16.6436 L +-9.12402 5.19824 L +Bb +1 (Unnamed gradient 7) -0.125225 0 -65.913 1.33255 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +3.53784 -7.91375 -18.7709 -8.3915 -7799.1191 8088.4551 Xm +11.3559 -25.4018 -18.7709 -8.3915 -7810.4751 8113.8569 Bc +3.53784 -7.91375 -18.7709 -8.3915 -7799.1191 8088.4551 Bm +11.3559 -25.4018 -18.7709 -8.3915 -7795.5815 8080.541 Bc +f +0 BB +U +2 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 0 Xd +6 () XW +%_-9.12402 5.19824 m +%_-9.96973 4.26465 L +%_-22.5664 15.708 L +%_-21.7207 16.6436 L +%_-9.12402 5.19824 L +%_n +1 (Anon 438) XW +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_15.5 46.5 39.0454 13.0151 0 0 /RealMatrix +%_ (AI13Pattern9SliceScalingGridKey) , +%_5 /Int (AI13PatternRegistrationType) , +%_0 /Bool (AI15PixelPerfectSymbolEnablekey) , +%_0 /Bool (AI13PatternEnableGuides) , +%_2 /Int (AI13PatternExportType) , +%_; +%_ +9 () XW +%AI10_EndSymbol +%AI14_BeginSymbol +(Textbereich) 0 A +0 Xw +u +1 Ap +0 R +0.702296 0.157443 0 0 0.2 0.662745 0.882353 XA +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 0.991358 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +77.5 45.5 m +-77.5 45.5 L +-77.5 -45.5 L +77.5 -45.5 L +77.5 45.5 L +s +0 0.6 0 0 0 Xy +1.00864 w 78.5 46.5 m +-78.5 46.5 L +-78.5 -46.5 L +78.5 -46.5 L +78.5 46.5 L +s +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_2.0811 156.0811 91.4609 2.4609 0 0 /RealMatrix +%_ (AI13Pattern9SliceScalingGridKey) , +%_5 /Int (AI13PatternRegistrationType) , +%_0 /Bool (AI15PixelPerfectSymbolEnablekey) , +%_1 /Bool (AI13PatternEnableGuides) , +%_2 /Int (AI13PatternExportType) , +%_; +%_ +9 () XW +%AI10_EndSymbol +%AI14_BeginSymbol +(Texteingabe) 0 A +0 Xw +u +0 Ap +0 R +0.702296 0.157443 0 0 0.2 0.662745 0.882353 XA +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +77.5 11.5 m +-77.5 11.5 L +-77.5 -11.5 L +77.5 -11.5 L +77.5 11.5 L +s +0 0.6 0 0 0 Xy +78.5 12.5 m +-78.5 12.5 L +-78.5 -12.5 L +78.5 -12.5 L +78.5 12.5 L +s +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_1.7002 155.7002 24 2 0 0 /RealMatrix +%_ (AI13Pattern9SliceScalingGridKey) , +%_5 /Int (AI13PatternRegistrationType) , +%_0 /Bool (AI15PixelPerfectSymbolEnablekey) , +%_1 /Bool (AI13PatternEnableGuides) , +%_2 /Int (AI13PatternExportType) , +%_; +%_ +9 () XW +%AI10_EndSymbol +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI8_BeginPluginObject +(Adobe Brush Manager Order) +(Adobe Brush Manager Order) +( Adobe Calligraphic Brush Tool/ Rund - 3 Pt./ Adobe Calligraph) - +(ic Brush Tool/ Rund - 10 Pt./ Adobe Calligraphic Brush Tool/ O) - +(val - 3 Pt./ Adobe ArtOnPath Brush Tool/ Kohle - Feder/ Adobe ) - +(dBrush Brush Tool/ Stupfpinsel/ Adobe PatternOnPath Brush Tool) - +(/ Silber/) . +%AI8_EndPluginObject +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI8_BeginPluginObject +(Adobe dBrush Brush Tool) +(Stupfpinsel) +(0 4 0.75 0.75 0.33 0.75 1 3 AI_BristleBrushLibary_CS5 02_Round) - +(_Blunt) . +%AI8_EndPluginObject +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI8_BeginPluginObject +(Adobe Calligraphic Brush Tool) +(Oval - 3 Pt.) +(1 3 3 26 74 15 15 0 1 0 0) . +%AI8_EndPluginObject +%AI8_BeginPluginObject +(Adobe Calligraphic Brush Tool) +(Rund - 10 Pt.) +(1 10 10 100 100 0 0 1 0 0 0) . +%AI8_EndPluginObject +%AI8_BeginPluginObject +(Adobe Calligraphic Brush Tool) +(Rund - 3 Pt.) +(1 3 3 100 100 0 0 0 0 0 0) . +%AI8_EndPluginObject +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI8_BeginPluginObject +(Adobe ArtOnPath Brush Tool) +(Kohle - Feder) +(2 / Unnamed 6/ / / / / 0 1 / 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1) . +%AI8_EndPluginObject +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI8_BeginPluginObject +(Adobe PatternOnPath Brush Tool) +(Silber) +(2 / Unnamed Brush Pattern 45/ Unnamed Brush Pattern 49/ Unname) - +(d Brush Pattern 47/ / / 5 0.623529 0.67451 0.737255 / 1 0 1 0) - +( 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0) . +%AI8_EndPluginObject +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI9_BeginArtStyles +/KnownStyle : +(Anon) /Name , +/ActiveStyle : +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Adobe Stroke Offset) 1 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +(Illustrator.exe) /PluginFileName , +(Konturverschiebung: Live-Effekt) /Title , +2 /FillOrStroke , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +(Inside) /String (DisplayString) , +/StrokeStyle : 0 R +0.478614 0.312474 0.290532 0.089723 0.54902 0.596078 0.627451 XA +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +1 0 Xd +/Def ; + (StrokeStyle) , +1 /Bool (StrokeOffsetInside) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +; + /Part , +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +/FillStyle : 0 O +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +Bb +0 0 0 0 Bh +2 (Unnamed gradient 28) -0.15047 0.64736 0 1.9211 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +0 BB +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + +/Execution ; + /Def ; +/KnownStyle : +(Anon 437) /Name , +/ActiveStyle : +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Adobe Stroke Offset) 1 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +(Illustrator.exe) /PluginFileName , +(Konturverschiebung: Live-Effekt) /Title , +2 /FillOrStroke , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +(Inside) /String (DisplayString) , +/StrokeStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 0 Xd +/Def ; + (StrokeStyle) , +1 /Bool (StrokeOffsetInside) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +; + /Part , +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +/FillStyle : 0 O +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +Bb +2 (Unnamed gradient 7) -3.81729 0 -49.4846 6.03541 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +0 BB +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 2 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + +/Execution ; + /Def ; +/KnownStyle : +(Anon 438) /Name , +/ActiveStyle : +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Adobe Stroke Offset) 1 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +(Illustrator.exe) /PluginFileName , +(Konturverschiebung: Live-Effekt) /Title , +2 /FillOrStroke , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +(Inside) /String (DisplayString) , +/StrokeStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 0 Xd +/Def ; + (StrokeStyle) , +1 /Bool (StrokeOffsetInside) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +; + /Part , +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +/FillStyle : 0 O +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +Bb +2 (Unnamed gradient 7) -0.125225 0 -65.913 1.33255 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +0 BB +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 2 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + +/Execution ; + /Def ; +/KnownStyle : +(Jive_GS) /Name , +/ActiveStyle : +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +2 /FillOrStroke , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/StrokeStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 0 Xd +/Def ; + (StrokeStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +/FillStyle : 0 O +(Jive) 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 [0 1.47 -1.47 0 3799.7441 19297.7109] p +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +/FillStyle : 0 O +0.389013 0.068635 0.08426 0 0.65098 0.815686 0.894118 Xa +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + +/Execution ; + /Def ; +/KnownStyle : +(Schein nach außen - 5 Pt.) /Name , +/ActiveStyle : +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +2 /FillOrStroke , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/StrokeStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 0 Xd +/Def ; + (StrokeStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Conduit Filter) 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(sclr) , +1 /Bool (pair) , +0.75 /Real (opac) , +50 /Real (dark) , +5 /Real (blur) , +1 /Int (blnd) , +7 /Real (vert) , +7 /Real (horz) , +1 /Bool (usePSLBlur) , +16 /Int (Adobe Effect Expand Before Version) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + +/Execution ; + /Def ; +/KnownStyle : +([Standard]) /Name , +/SimpleStyle : +0 O +0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Xa +0 R +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 XA +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +1 1 Xd +/Paint ; + /Def ; +%AI9_EndArtStyles +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_BeginPalette +0 0 Pb +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 ([Passermarken]) 0 1 Xz +([Passermarken]) +Pc +0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Xa +(Weiß) +Pc +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 Xa +(Schwarz) +Pc +0 0.94641 0.916289 0 1 0 0 Xa +(RGB Rot) +Pc +0.096254 0 0.951965 0 1 1 0 Xa +(RGB Gelb) +Pc 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0.247654 0 0.407843 0.215686 Xa +(R=0 G=104 B=55) +Pc +0.735958 0 0.689784 0 0.133333 0.709804 0.45098 Xa +(R=34 G=181 B=115) +Pc +0.766171 0.045533 0.450782 0 0 0.662745 0.615686 Xa +(R=0 G=169 B=157) +Pc +0.709987 0.132143 0.001953 0 0.160784 0.670588 0.886275 Xa +(R=41 G=171 B=226) +Pc +0.866178 0.492958 0 0 0 0.443137 0.737255 Xa +(R=0 G=113 B=188) +Pc +0.975586 0.89572 0 0.000824 0.180392 0.192157 0.572549 Xa +(R=46 G=49 B=146) +Pc +1 0.970001 0.322484 0.218753 0.105882 0.078431 0.392157 Xa +(R=27 G=20 B=100) +Pc +0.755703 0.923125 0 0.000031 0.4 0.176471 0.568627 Xa +(R=102 G=45 B=145) +Pc +0.5393 0.930297 0 0 0.576471 0.152941 0.560784 Xa +(R=147 G=39 B=143) +Pc +0.323583 1 0.236301 0.1673 0.619608 0 0.364706 Xa +(R=158 G=0 B=93) +Pc +0.097993 0.983551 0.407263 0.020691 0.831373 0.078431 0.352941 Xa +(R=212 G=20 B=90) +Pc +0 0.935058 0.142763 0 0.929412 0.117647 0.47451 Xa +(R=237 G=30 B=121) +Pc +0.220859 0.272648 0.389227 0.061189 0.780392 0.698039 0.6 Xa +(R=199 G=178 B=153) 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+(Blauer Himmel) +Pc +(Jive) 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 [1 0 0 1 0 0] p +(Jive) +Pc +1 (Kalt) 1 Pg +0.584497 0 0.222965 0 0.396078 0.784314 0.815686 Xa +(C=56 M=0 Y=20 K=0) +Pc +0.55404 0.445533 0 0 0.513726 0.545098 0.772549 Xa +(C=51 M=43 Y=0 K=0) +Pc +0.313512 0.439063 0.001465 0 0.729412 0.607843 0.788235 Xa +(C=26 M=41 Y=0 K=0) +Pc +1 (Graustufen) 1 Pg +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 Xa +(R=0 G=0 B=0) +Pc +0.762295 0.667414 0.60705 0.828763 0.101961 0.101961 0.101961 Xa +(R=26 G=26 B=26) +Pc +0.690608 0.595209 0.559747 0.655817 0.2 0.2 0.2 Xa +(R=51 G=51 B=51) +Pc +0.620386 0.5234 0.503532 0.47776 0.301961 0.301961 0.301961 Xa +(R=77 G=77 B=77) +Pc +0.559442 0.453803 0.448554 0.326848 0.4 0.4 0.4 Xa +(R=102 G=102 B=102) +Pc +0.492378 0.386633 0.38529 0.202182 0.501961 0.501961 0.501961 Xa +(R=128 G=128 B=128) +Pc +0.410864 0.319738 0.323857 0.110109 0.6 0.6 0.6 Xa +(R=153 G=153 B=153) +Pc +0.32575 0.244968 0.255344 0.043549 0.701961 0.701961 0.701961 Xa +(R=179 G=179 B=179) +Pc 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Verwenden Sie diese Einstellungen, wenn Sie die Datei später in Illustrator oder in einem Layoutprogramm wie z. B. 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0.594781 1 0.099977 0.74902 0.435294 0 2 1 6 50 99.4382 %_BS +%_0.202823 0.594781 1 0.099977 0.74902 0.435294 0 2 1 6 50 99.4382 Bs +0.12842 0.177859 0.957183 0.013581 0.898039 0.772549 0 2 1 6 50 86.5168 %_BS +%_0.12842 0.177859 0.957183 0.013581 0.898039 0.772549 0 2 1 6 50 86.5168 Bs +0.090089 0.413703 0.981842 0.01062 0.898039 0.619608 0.011765 2 1 6 50 55.211 %_BS +%_0.090089 0.413703 0.981842 0.01062 0.898039 0.619608 0.011765 2 1 6 50 55.211 Bs +0 0.648035 0.942992 0 1 0.45098 0 2 1 6 59.5506 0 %_BS +%_0 0.648035 0.942992 0 1 0.45098 0 2 1 6 59.5506 0 Bs +BD +%AI5_EndGradient +%AI5_BeginGradient: (Unnamed gradient 1) +(Unnamed gradient 1) 0 2 Bd +[ +< +0000010304050608090B0C0D0F10111213141718191A1B1C1E1F21222324252728292A +> +< +00000102030405060708090A0A0B0C0C0D0E1011111213141516171819191A1B1B1C1D +> +< +000001020304050708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1C1D1E1F2021 +> +< +0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 +> +< +FFFEFDFCFBFAF9F8F7F6F5F4F3F2F1F0EFEEECEBEAE9E8E7E6E5E4E3E2E1E0DFDEDDDC +> +< +FFFEFDFCFBFAF9F8F7F6F5F4F3F2F1F0EFEEECEBEAE9E8E7E6E5E4E3E2E1E0DFDEDDDC +> +< +FFFEFDFCFBFAF9F8F7F6F5F4F3F2F1F0EFEEECEBEAE9E8E7E6E5E4E3E2E1E0DFDEDDDC +> +4 %_Br +[ +0.81 0 1 6 50 100 %_BS +%_0.81 0 1 6 50 100 Bs +1 0 1 6 50 0 %_BS +%_1 0 1 6 50 0 Bs +BD +%AI5_EndGradient +%AI5_BeginGradient: (Unnamed gradient 17) +(Unnamed gradient 17) 1 2 Bd +[ +< +26252423222121201E1D1B1A191716151413131211100F0D0C0B09080605050403010000 +> +< +1F1E1D1D1C1B1A19181716151413131211100F0E0D0C0C0B0A0A09070605040302010000 +> +< +2120201F1E1D1C1C1B1A1817161615141312100F0F0E0D0C0B0A09080605040302010000 +> +< +000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 +> +< +DFE0E1E2E3E4E4E5E6E7E8E9EAEBECEDEEEFEFF0F1F2F3F4F5F6F7F8F9FAFAFBFCFDFEFF +> +< +DCDDDEDFE0E1E2E3E4E5E6E7E8E9EAEBECEDEEEFF0F1F2F3F4F5F6F7F8F9FAFBFCFDFEFF +> +< +DBDCDDDEDFE0E1E2E3E4E5E6E7E8E9EAEBECEEEFF0F1F2F3F4F5F6F7F8F9FAFBFCFDFEFF +> +4 %_Br +[ 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0 0 0 0.458824 0.745098 2 1 6 50 100 Bs +0.717464 0.316075 0 0 0 0.615686 1 2 1 6 50 0 %_BS +%_0.717464 0.316075 0 0 0 0.615686 1 2 1 6 50 0 Bs +BD +%AI5_EndGradient +%AI5_BeginGradient: (Unnamed gradient 28) +(Unnamed gradient 28) 1 2 Bd +[ +< +0000010304050608090A0C0D0F10111314151617181A1B1C1D1E1F20212324262728292A2B2D2E30 +31323335363738393A3C3D3E404142434445464748494A4B4C4D4E4F5051525354565758595A +> +< +00000100010203040504060708090908090A0B0C0C0C0D0D0E0F100F101112131413141516171816 +1718191A1B1A1B1C1D1E1F1E1F20212223222324252627262728292A2B2A2B2C2D2E2F2E2F30 +> +< +0000000103040304050707080909090B0C0B0C0D0E0E0F100F10111312131415151717171818191A +1B1B1C1C1C1E1D1E1F20202122232223242425252625262829282829282A2B2C2B2D2E2F2F2F +> +< +00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 +0000000000000000000000000000000001000101010101010202020202020203030303030404 +> +< +FFFEFDFCFBFAF9F8F7F6F5F4F3F2F1F0EFEEEDECEBEAE9E8E7E6E5E4E3E2E1E0DFDEDDDCDBDAD9D7 +D6D5D4D3D2D1D0CFCECDCCCBCAC9C8C7C6C5C4C3C2C1C0BFBEBDBCBBBAB9B8B7B6B5B4B3B2B1 +> +< +FFFEFDFDFCFBFAF9F8F8F7F6F5F4F3F3F2F1F0EFEEEEEDECEBEAE9E9E8E7E6E5E4E4E3E2E1E0DFDF +DEDDDCDBDADAD9D8D7D6D5D5D4D3D2D1D0D0CFCECDCCCBCBCAC9C8C7C6C6C5C4C3C2C1C1C0BF +> +< +FFFEFEFDFCFBFBFAF9F8F8F7F6F6F5F4F3F3F2F1F0F0EFEEEEEDECEBEBEAE9E8E8E7E6E6E5E4E3E3 +E2E1E0E0DFDEDEDDDCDBDBDAD9D8D8D7D6D6D5D4D3D3D2D1D0D0CFCECECDCCCBCBCAC9C8C8C7 +> +4 %_Br +[ +0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 1 6 50 0 %_BS +%_0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 1 6 50 0 Bs +0.35288 0.187259 0.186221 0.014984 0.694118 0.74902 0.780392 2 1 6 50 100 %_BS +%_0.35288 0.187259 0.186221 0.014984 0.694118 0.74902 0.780392 2 1 6 50 100 Bs +BD +%AI5_EndGradient +%AI5_BeginGradient: (Unnamed gradient 3) +(Unnamed gradient 3) 0 2 Bd +[ +< +2C2D2E2F303132333435363738393B3C3D3E3F4142434445464748494A4B4C4D4F50505152535454 +5556575858595A5B5C5D5E5F606162636364656667686969 +> +< +00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000100000000000000010000 +010002010002010201000201020101030204040305040606 +> +0 +0 +< +DAD9D8D7D6D5D4D3D2D1D0CFCECDCCCBCAC9C8C7C6C5C4C3C2C1C0BFBEBDBCBBB9B8B7B6B5B4B3B2 +B1B0AFAEADACABAAA9A8A7A6A5A4A3A2A1A09F9E9D9C9B9A +> +< +F1F1F0F0EFEFEFEEEEEDEDEDECECEBEBEBEAEAE9E9E9E8E8E7E7E7E6E6E5E5E5E4E4E4E3E3E2E2E2 +E1E1E0E0E0DFDFDEDEDEDDDDDCDCDCDBDBDADADAD9D9D8D8 +> +1 +4 %_Br +[ +0.413245 0.021576 0 0 0.603922 0.847059 1 2 1 6 50 100 %_BS +%_0.413245 0.021576 0 0 0.603922 0.847059 1 2 1 6 50 100 Bs +0.17142 0 0 0 0.854902 0.945098 1 2 1 6 50 0 %_BS +%_0.17142 0 0 0 0.854902 0.945098 1 2 1 6 50 0 Bs +BD +%AI5_EndGradient +%AI5_BeginGradient: (Unnamed gradient 7) +(Unnamed gradient 7) 0 2 Bd +[ +< +0000010304050608090B0C0D0F1011121314151718191A1B1C1E1F21222324252728292A2B2C2D2E +2F3031323435363738393A3B3C3D3E3F404142434445464748494A4B4C4D4E4F5050515253545556 +5758595A5B5C5D5D5E5F5F6061626263646565666768696A6A6B6C6E6F7070717273747475767777 +78797A7A7B7C7D7E7E7F808181828383848585868687888889898A8B8B8C8D8D8E8F8F9090919292 +93949495959697979899999A9B9B9C9C9D9E9E9F9FA0A1A2A2A3A4A5A5A6A7A8A8A9AAAAABABACAD +ADAEAFB0B0B1B1B2B3B4B4B5B6B6B7B8B9B9BABBBCBDBDBEBFBFC0C1C1C2C3C4C5C6C7C8C9C9CACC +CED0D1D2D4D5D7D8DADCDEE0E3E5E7E9 +> +< +00000102030405060708090A0A0B0C0C0D0E0F1011111213141516171819191A1B1B1C1D1E1F2020 +2122232425262728292A2B2C2C2D2E2E2F303131323334353637373839393A3B3C3C3D3E3E3F4041 +424243444546474748494A4B4B4C4D4D4E4E4F4F505152525354555657575859595A5B5B5C5C5D5D +5E5F5F60616162636364656667676869696A6A6B6C6C6D6E6E6F6F70707172727374747576767778 +79797A7B7C7C7D7E7F7F80808182828384858586878888898A8A8B8C8C8D8E8E8F90919192939494 +959697979898999A9B9B9C9D9D9E9FA0A0A1A2A3A3A4A5A6A6A7A7A8A9AAABACADAEAFB0B1B1B2B3 +B5B6B7B8B9BABCBDBEC0C1C3C4C6C7C9 +> +< +000001020304050708090A0B0C0D0E0F10111112131415161718191A1B1C1C1D1E1F202121222323 +2425262728292A2B2C2D2D2E2F2F3031323233343536373738393A3B3B3C3D3D3E3F404041424243 +44444546464748494A4A4B4C4D4D4E4E4F505051515253535454555657575859595A5B5B5C5C5D5D +5E5F5F606161626263636465656667676869696A6A6B6C6C6D6D6E6F6F7070717272737474757676 +777778787879797A7B7B7C7D7D7E7E7F7F80808181828283838485858687878888898A8A8B8C8C8D +8D8E8E8E8F8F8F909091919293939494959596969798989999999A9A9B9B9B9B9C9C9C9C9C9D9D9D +9D9D9D9D9D9D9D9D9E9E9E9E9E9E9E9E +> +< +00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 +01010101010101020202020202030303040404050506060607070808080909090A0A0A0B0B0C0C0D +0D0E0F0F1011121213131414151616171819191A1B1B1C1D1E1E1F202122232425262728292A2B2C +2D2E2E2F3031323435363738393A3B3D3E3F40414344454647494A4B4C4E4F505253555658595B5C +5E5F6162646567686A6B6D6F7072737577787A7B7D7F8082848688898B8D8F91939496989A9C9E9F +A1A3A5A6A7A9AAACAEB0B2B3B5B7B9BBBDBFC1C3C5C7C9CACBCDCED0D1D3D5D7D9DADCDEDFE1E2E4 +E5E7E8E9E9EBECEDEEF0F1F3F4F6F7F9 +> +< +FFFEFDFCFBFAF9F8F7F6F5F4F3F2F1F0EFEEEDECEBEAE9E8E7E6E5E4E3E2E1E0DFDEDDDCDBDAD9D8 +D7D6D5D4D3D2D1D0CFCECDCCCBCAC9C8C7C6C5C4C3C2C1C0BFBEBDBCBBBAB9B8B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0 +AFAEADACABAAA9A8A7A6A5A4A3A2A1A09F9E9D9C9B9A999897969594939291908F8E8D8C8B8A8988 +87868584838281807F7E7D7C7B7A797877767574737271706F6E6D6C6B6A69686766656463626160 +5F5E5D5C5B5A595857565554535251504F4E4D4C4B4A494847464544434241403F3E3D3C3B3A3938 +37363534333231302F2E2D2C2B2A292827262524232221201F1E1D1C1B1A19181716151413121110 +0F0E0D0C0B0A09080706050403020100 +> +< +FFFEFDFCFBFAF9F8F7F6F5F4F3F2F1F0EFEEEDECEBEAE9E8E7E6E5E4E3E2E1E0DFDEDDDCDBDAD9D8 +D7D6D5D4D3D2D1D0CFCECDCCCBCAC9C8C7C6C5C4C3C2C1C0BFBEBDBCBBBAB9B8B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0 +AFAEADACABAAA9A8A7A6A5A4A3A2A1A09F9E9D9C9B9A999897969594939291908F8E8D8C8B8A8988 +87868584838281807F7E7D7C7B7A797877767574737271706F6E6D6C6B6A69686766656463626160 +5F5E5D5C5B5A595857565554535251504F4E4D4C4B4A494847464544434241403F3E3D3C3B3A3938 +37363534333231302F2E2D2C2B2A292827262524232221201F1E1D1C1B1A19181716151413121110 +0F0E0D0C0B0A09080706050403020100 +> +< +FFFEFDFCFBFAF9F8F7F6F5F4F3F2F1F0EFEEEDECEBEAE9E8E7E6E5E4E3E2E1E0DFDEDDDCDBDAD9D8 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21.1367 c +%_165.7803 18.3398 164.3008 14.3223 161.1094 14.3223 c +%_155.3887 14.3223 152.6387 25.0918 153.5137 34.916 C +%_155.6768 29.1602 157.5469 26.8613 160.8613 24.1211 c +%_160.9551 24.043 161.0898 24.043 161.1836 24.1191 c +%_161.2773 24.1973 161.3047 24.3281 161.2471 24.4355 c +%_156.3906 33.5156 155.3496 40.502 155.3496 48.5215 C +%_156.8125 42.5625 158.5449 39.1992 163.4766 34.1406 c +%_163.5625 34.0527 163.6992 34.0391 163.8018 34.1074 c +%_163.9033 34.1777 163.9404 34.3105 163.8887 34.4238 c +%_158.5908 46.0137 158.9951 58.8711 162.9414 68.6875 c +%_162.9805 68.7852 162.9561 68.8965 162.8789 68.9688 c +%_162.8018 69.0391 162.6895 69.0566 162.5938 69.0098 c +%_157.3887 66.459 154.3301 64.7832 149.8418 58.6211 C +%_151.1992 51.2227 150.0703 47.5723 146.6699 41.4258 C +%_150.6074 51.3438 148.5117 65.3203 138.4824 71.0176 c +%_138.373 71.0791 138.2344 71.0518 138.1582 70.9531 c +%_138.0801 70.8535 138.0869 70.7119 138.1738 70.6211 c +%_141.9551 66.666 144.7051 59.9863 142.3301 52.6934 C +%_143.8594 63.082 134.7344 71.8086 124.5508 71.8086 c +%_114.9512 71.8086 108.4004 64.2988 108.9414 56.8672 c +%_109.4785 49.502 114.3848 45.8984 118.6133 44.3691 c +%_118.7246 44.3301 118.8496 44.3711 118.9131 44.4707 c +%_118.9766 44.5723 118.9629 44.7012 118.8799 44.7871 c +%_113.2695 50.4785 112.502 61.2793 122.4629 64.5469 C +%_116.6035 59.4902 118.7734 47.7168 128.1523 46.8223 c +%_128.2695 46.8105 128.3789 46.8809 128.417 46.9922 c +%_128.4551 47.1035 128.4121 47.2266 128.3135 47.2891 c +%_126.3047 48.5664 124.6348 51.0605 124.6348 53.8633 c +%_124.6348 58.5371 128.0566 60.373 130.3105 60.373 c +%_133.7324 60.373 136.5703 57.1172 136.5703 52.1934 c +%_136.5703 46.3496 131.3105 41.5098 124.5508 40.7578 c +%_117.9248 40.0234 111.7686 42.9121 108.8008 47.2168 c +%_108.7314 47.3184 108.5996 47.3555 108.4873 47.3047 c +%_108.375 47.2539 108.3164 47.1289 108.3467 47.0098 c +%_111.3652 35.3066 125.1426 30.1328 135.2344 37.5039 C +%_128.6211 30.002 118.2285 29.8984 109.5127 37.5898 c +%_109.4219 37.6699 109.2871 37.6738 109.1904 37.5996 c +%_109.0938 37.5273 109.0635 37.3945 109.1172 37.2871 c +%_111.7842 31.8789 118.3701 25.4668 127.7227 26.4023 c +%_136.2793 27.2578 141.2441 35.416 142.2461 42.0938 C +%_142.8027 33.5723 140.8525 27.5566 133.4922 21.9473 c +%_133.3955 21.873 133.3652 21.7402 133.4199 21.6309 c +%_133.4746 21.5234 133.5996 21.4688 133.7168 21.502 c +%_140.502 23.4629 145.9473 26.9277 148.7656 34.0469 C +%_148.7656 27.8848 146.627 21.6738 141.2402 17.5352 c +%_141.1426 17.4609 141.1133 17.3301 141.168 17.2207 c +%_141.2227 17.1113 141.3467 17.0566 141.4639 17.0898 c +%_144.917 18.0742 147.6348 19.5781 149.6016 22.2754 C +%_150.9121 11.1758 156.123 4.58398 162.127 4.58398 c +%_166.252 4.58398 169.332 7.61719 169.332 12.4551 c +%_169.332 15.2852 167.8438 19.2578 164.5215 21.4746 c +%_f +%_263.748 113.0938 m +%_260.5859 116.998 254.209 118.4863 247.3164 117.082 C +%_247.8262 121.3828 246.9824 125.873 245.7051 128.5664 c +%_245.6523 128.6758 245.5313 128.7334 245.4141 128.7051 c +%_245.2969 128.6758 245.2168 128.5684 245.2207 128.4473 c +%_245.5957 119.6807 240.5977 112.6035 231.7715 109.5371 C +%_238.6777 114.293 240.6973 123.7305 237.4102 128.6035 c +%_237.3418 128.7021 237.2148 128.7412 237.1035 128.6953 c +%_236.9922 128.6504 236.9277 128.5332 236.9492 128.416 c +%_237.3223 126.3555 236.3438 123.7314 234.2363 121.6895 c +%_231.3301 118.875 227.3867 118.2363 225.4258 120.2598 c +%_223.4648 122.2852 224.2285 126.207 227.1328 129.0215 c +%_228.1934 130.0488 229.3926 130.7832 230.582 131.2061 c +%_230.6953 131.2461 230.7637 131.3594 230.748 131.4775 c +%_230.7344 131.5967 230.6387 131.6885 230.5195 131.6982 c +%_224.1309 132.2529 219.75 128.4463 217.0039 123.8203 c +%_214.209 119.1152 209.4336 115.4102 203.793 116.1504 c +%_203.6738 116.166 203.5605 116.0957 203.5195 115.9824 c +%_203.4805 115.8691 203.5254 115.7422 203.6289 115.6807 c +%_206.4258 113.9961 209.5 113.2969 213.4922 114.6289 C +%_207.6973 109.7197 199.4453 106.8867 191.6523 109.4014 c +%_191.543 109.4375 191.4238 109.3945 191.3613 109.2979 c +%_191.2988 109.2012 191.3105 109.0752 191.3867 108.9902 c +%_197.2949 102.4258 209.0762 102.2949 216.4961 107.6172 C +%_213.459 103.3008 209.4277 100.1328 202.2031 99.1387 c +%_202.0879 99.123 201.998 99.0313 201.9844 98.916 c +%_201.9727 98.7998 202.0391 98.6904 202.1484 98.6504 c +%_210.4395 95.5723 218.748 98.6953 225.5938 106.8652 C +%_222.6016 100.4883 217.6875 95.3809 210.8262 92.8535 c +%_210.7109 92.8115 210.6426 92.6934 210.6641 92.5742 c +%_210.6836 92.4531 210.7871 92.3643 210.9082 92.3613 c +%_214.8516 92.2803 218.3945 93.2188 223.1738 95.9316 C +%_219.666 90.2422 220.4336 80.293 225.543 73.6738 c +%_225.6133 73.582 225.7383 73.5498 225.8457 73.5957 c +%_225.9512 73.6426 226.0137 73.7549 225.9941 73.8691 c +%_224.8145 81.0703 227.293 89.1992 231.6035 93.5117 C +%_229.4512 85.8799 231.5977 78.9355 237.5 73.8672 c +%_237.5703 73.8066 237.6699 73.79 237.7559 73.8232 c +%_237.8438 73.8564 237.9043 73.9355 237.918 74.0273 c +%_239.1523 83.4453 249.6875 93.002 258.5195 93.8027 c +%_258.6445 93.8135 258.7422 93.9141 258.75 94.0381 c +%_258.7578 94.1621 258.6758 94.2754 258.5527 94.3027 c +%_254.2734 95.2715 249.8613 94.793 246.1641 93.2715 C +%_248.8242 96.2051 252.1035 98.3828 255.7188 99.5176 c +%_255.8359 99.5537 255.9082 99.668 255.8945 99.7891 c +%_255.8809 99.9102 255.7813 100.0039 255.6602 100.0127 c +%_251.1504 100.3242 246.7363 99.0068 242.9297 96.4746 C +%_247.291 103.0957 253.9102 108.0195 262.3574 109.9805 c +%_262.4785 110.0088 262.5605 110.1191 262.5547 110.2432 c +%_262.5469 110.3672 262.4512 110.4668 262.3281 110.4805 c +%_250.4102 111.7822 240.582 107.1621 234.1074 98.5625 C +%_235.7559 103.4629 240.4727 108.3184 247.0527 111.1816 c +%_252.8984 113.7266 258.9023 114.1279 263.4746 112.6914 c +%_263.5801 112.6582 263.6973 112.6982 263.7598 112.791 c +%_263.8223 112.8828 263.8184 113.0059 263.748 113.0938 c +%_f +%_210.8438 37.5215 m +%_215.6504 48.0078 215.3086 56.207 211.4375 66.5762 c +%_211.3926 66.6934 211.2715 66.7607 211.1484 66.7363 c +%_211.0254 66.7109 210.9395 66.5996 210.9453 66.4746 c +%_211.5664 53.8535 208.1191 44.8203 200.6465 38.668 C +%_208.8965 48.5195 205 68.2275 191.8242 68.2275 c +%_182.2393 68.2275 174.3086 60.252 172.3691 50.7031 c +%_172.3447 50.582 172.4111 50.459 172.5273 50.416 c +%_172.6426 50.3711 172.7734 50.416 172.8359 50.5215 c +%_175.6787 55.2832 180.2451 58.373 185.2939 58.373 c +%_193.4277 58.373 195.834 51.9063 195.834 47.375 c +%_195.834 41.1875 190.9082 36.0313 187.1279 36.0313 c +%_183.6904 36.0313 182.0869 38.8555 182.0869 40.959 c +%_182.0869 44.8574 185.085 48.125 188.4639 49.123 c +%_188.583 49.1582 188.6611 49.2773 188.6436 49.4023 c +%_188.624 49.5273 188.5186 49.6191 188.3936 49.6211 c +%_184.2861 49.6465 180.8154 47.7656 178.7627 44.0527 C +%_178.4932 46.9277 178.4902 48.7383 179.4033 51.7754 c +%_179.4385 51.8926 179.3848 52.0176 179.2773 52.0742 c +%_179.168 52.1309 179.0352 52.1016 178.9609 52.0059 c +%_171.6045 42.6133 175.125 26.3809 180.9404 19.6484 C +%_175.4082 23.6309 170.5234 32.2813 170.6006 44.041 c +%_170.6016 44.1641 170.5156 44.2676 170.3955 44.291 c +%_170.2754 44.3164 170.1563 44.25 170.1113 44.1367 c +%_166.0029 33.8848 168.1826 14.8887 179.3926 4.28516 C +%_176.5088 3.88867 173.5254 3.93945 170.2676 4.97852 c +%_170.1523 5.01367 170.0273 4.96484 169.9688 4.85938 c +%_169.9102 4.75195 169.9336 4.61914 170.0273 4.54102 c +%_174.1191 1.08594 179.8418 0 185.2939 0 C +%_180.5967 5.5 182.1572 16.5547 189.6494 16.5547 c +%_194.9961 16.5547 197.4238 8.25586 193.2949 3.77344 c +%_193.2168 3.6875 193.207 3.55859 193.2695 3.46289 c +%_193.334 3.36523 193.4551 3.32227 193.5664 3.36133 c +%_198.3457 5.01563 203.5117 9.15039 203.5117 14.377 c +%_203.5117 19.4199 198.6992 23.7715 191.7109 23.4277 C +%_200.5293 25.9336 209.7617 23.1602 214.5918 17.1758 c +%_214.666 17.082 214.7969 17.0547 214.9023 17.1074 c +%_215.0098 17.1621 215.0645 17.2832 215.0352 17.3984 c +%_212.2441 28.1152 203.0684 32.5977 191.5957 31.1055 C +%_200.877 34.8613 214.8457 31.5859 221.0195 23.7949 c +%_221.0918 23.7031 221.2188 23.6738 221.3262 23.7227 c +%_221.4316 23.7734 221.4902 23.8906 221.4668 24.0039 c +%_220.0957 30.6191 216.6035 35.5664 210.8438 37.5215 C +%_f +%_*U +%_*u +%_1 D +%_0.41001 0 0.011078 0 0.615686 0.862745 0.976471 Xa +%_0 0.4 0 0 0 Xy +%_237.2266 56.8086 m +%_237.2051 56.6895 237.1016 56.6016 236.9805 56.6016 c +%_224.0742 56.4648 212.2266 53.334 203.0098 45.0859 C +%_211.0391 50.6445 225.9512 52.5957 234.5371 48.7051 c +%_234.6465 48.6543 234.7051 48.5332 234.6777 48.416 c +%_234.6523 48.2988 234.5449 48.2168 234.4238 48.2188 c +%_223.7441 48.5098 215.1445 45.2129 208.4395 39.2559 C +%_215.3086 38.832 221.0137 34.5156 220.9961 29.4102 c +%_220.9961 29.291 220.9121 29.1875 220.7949 29.1621 c +%_220.6797 29.1387 220.5605 29.1973 220.5117 29.3066 c +%_219.3906 31.7949 215.7637 33.0879 211.9297 32.1875 c +%_207.75 31.2051 204.9297 27.998 205.6289 25.0215 c +%_206.0996 23.0078 208.0645 21.6191 210.5801 21.2344 c +%_210.707 21.2148 210.8008 21.1055 210.7969 20.9766 c +%_210.793 20.8496 210.6953 20.7441 210.5664 20.7305 c +%_209.498 20.6289 208.3867 20.625 207.25 20.7344 c +%_200.7598 21.3516 195.7363 25.3281 195.3008 29.9121 C +%_190.5889 29.3652 186.417 26.7539 184.9229 23.1387 c +%_184.8779 23.0293 184.7646 22.9668 184.6475 22.9844 c +%_184.5322 23.002 184.4443 23.0977 184.4346 23.2148 c +%_184.0576 27.9648 185.6924 31.0527 189.4053 34.0684 C +%_184.0205 32.0098 177.959 31.9043 172.1484 34.6055 c +%_172.043 34.6563 171.9844 34.7715 172.0059 34.8867 c +%_172.0293 35.002 172.1289 35.0859 172.2461 35.0898 c +%_177.125 35.2793 180.6631 36.8457 183.9795 40.1621 C +%_165.7227 35.0273 150.8906 46.3633 156.0234 63.2129 c +%_156.0586 63.3301 156.1699 63.4043 156.291 63.3926 c +%_156.4121 63.3809 156.5078 63.2852 156.5176 63.1641 c +%_157.4355 53.4492 164.2207 47.0469 174.3789 46.0879 C +%_168.9922 48.1465 163.3789 53.0625 162.8223 61.6211 c +%_162.8145 61.7441 162.8945 61.8535 163.0137 61.8848 c +%_163.1328 61.9141 163.2559 61.8535 163.3066 61.7422 c +%_166.1055 55.5879 171.6035 52.4785 177.4668 51.9297 C +%_171.1328 54.5117 167.0703 60.5332 165.8965 68.3516 c +%_165.877 68.4746 165.9512 68.5918 166.0703 68.6309 c +%_166.1875 68.668 166.3164 68.6152 166.373 68.5039 c +%_170.2383 60.9219 178.5293 55.7109 188.8213 59.6934 c +%_199.4375 63.8027 204.0938 76.0781 205.123 84.7324 c +%_205.1387 84.8555 205.2383 84.9492 205.3613 84.957 c +%_205.4844 84.9629 205.5938 84.8809 205.623 84.7617 c +%_209.3418 69.0723 202.0391 52.8125 188.9873 45.9219 C +%_196.082 47.9238 202.4258 52.1816 206.0137 59.2754 C +%_214.3066 60.293 220.0176 63.1387 222.8711 68.5156 c +%_222.9277 68.6211 223.0508 68.6738 223.166 68.6406 c +%_223.2813 68.6055 223.3574 68.4941 223.3477 68.375 c +%_223.166 66.2656 222.4063 62.0449 219.2734 60.1035 C +%_226.2383 60.1152 231.7793 59.2109 237.0723 57.0898 c +%_237.1836 57.0449 237.25 56.9277 237.2266 56.8086 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_0 D +%_207.7402 110.2773 m +%_207.8398 110.2129 207.9688 110.2227 208.0566 110.3047 c +%_208.1426 110.3848 208.1602 110.5137 208.1016 110.6172 c +%_206.4824 113.4141 207.9609 117.4297 211.1523 117.4297 c +%_216.873 117.4297 219.623 106.6602 218.748 96.8379 C +%_216.5859 102.5918 214.7148 104.8926 211.4004 107.6328 c +%_211.3066 107.709 211.1719 107.7109 211.0781 107.6328 c +%_210.9844 107.5566 210.957 107.4238 211.0156 107.3164 c +%_215.8711 98.2383 216.9121 91.252 216.9121 83.2324 C +%_215.4492 89.1895 213.7168 92.5527 208.7852 97.6133 c +%_208.6992 97.7012 208.5625 97.7148 208.4609 97.6445 c +%_208.3594 97.5742 208.3223 97.4414 208.373 97.3301 c +%_213.6719 85.7383 213.2676 72.8828 209.3203 63.0664 c +%_209.2813 62.9688 209.3066 62.8574 209.3828 62.7852 c +%_209.4609 62.7129 209.5723 62.6973 209.668 62.7422 c +%_214.873 65.293 217.9316 66.9688 222.4199 73.1328 C +%_221.0625 80.5313 222.1914 84.1797 225.5918 90.3262 C +%_221.6543 80.4102 223.75 66.4336 233.7793 60.7363 c +%_233.8887 60.6738 234.0273 60.7012 234.1035 60.8008 c +%_234.1816 60.9004 234.1758 61.041 234.0879 61.1328 c +%_230.3066 65.0879 227.5566 71.7676 229.9316 79.0586 C +%_228.4023 68.6699 237.5273 59.9453 247.7109 59.9453 c +%_257.3105 59.9453 263.8613 67.4531 263.3203 74.8848 c +%_262.7832 82.25 257.877 85.8555 253.6484 87.3828 c +%_253.5371 87.4238 253.4121 87.3809 253.3496 87.2813 c +%_253.2852 87.1816 253.2988 87.0508 253.3828 86.9668 c +%_258.9922 81.2734 259.7598 70.4746 249.7988 67.207 C +%_255.6582 72.2637 253.4883 84.0352 244.1094 84.9316 c +%_243.9922 84.9414 243.8828 84.8711 243.8457 84.7598 c +%_243.8066 84.6504 243.8496 84.5273 243.9492 84.4648 c +%_245.957 83.1855 247.627 80.6934 247.627 77.8906 c +%_247.627 73.2168 244.2051 71.3789 241.9512 71.3789 c +%_238.5293 71.3789 235.6914 74.6348 235.6914 79.5605 c +%_235.6914 85.4023 240.9512 90.2441 247.7109 90.9941 c +%_254.3379 91.7305 260.4941 88.8398 263.4609 84.5352 c +%_263.5313 84.4336 263.6621 84.3984 263.7754 84.4492 c +%_263.8867 84.5 263.9453 84.623 263.916 84.7422 c +%_260.8965 96.4453 247.1191 101.6191 237.0273 94.25 C +%_243.6406 101.75 254.0332 101.8555 262.75 94.1641 c +%_262.8398 94.084 262.9746 94.0781 263.0723 94.1523 c +%_263.168 94.2266 263.1992 94.3574 263.1445 94.4668 c +%_260.4785 99.873 253.8926 106.2852 244.5391 105.3516 c +%_235.9824 104.4961 231.0176 96.3359 230.0156 89.6602 C +%_229.459 98.1816 231.4102 104.1953 238.7695 109.8047 c +%_238.8672 109.8789 238.8965 110.0117 238.8418 110.1211 c +%_238.7871 110.2305 238.6621 110.2852 238.5449 110.25 c +%_231.7598 108.291 226.3145 104.8262 223.4961 97.707 C +%_223.4961 103.8672 225.6348 110.0781 231.0215 114.2168 c +%_231.1191 114.291 231.1484 114.4238 231.0938 114.5332 c +%_231.0391 114.6406 230.916 114.6953 230.7988 114.6621 c +%_227.3457 113.6797 224.627 112.1738 222.6602 109.4785 C +%_221.3496 120.5781 216.1387 127.168 210.1348 127.168 c +%_206.0098 127.168 202.9297 124.1348 202.9297 119.2988 c +%_202.9297 116.4688 204.418 112.4961 207.7402 110.2773 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_108.5137 18.6602 m +%_111.6758 14.7559 118.0527 13.2676 124.9453 14.6719 C +%_124.4355 10.3691 125.2793 5.88086 126.5566 3.18555 c +%_126.6094 3.07813 126.7305 3.01953 126.8477 3.04883 c +%_126.9648 3.07813 127.0449 3.18555 127.041 3.30664 c +%_126.666 12.0723 131.6641 19.1484 140.4902 22.2148 C +%_133.584 17.459 131.5645 8.02148 134.8516 3.15039 c +%_134.9199 3.05078 135.0469 3.01172 135.1582 3.05664 c +%_135.2695 3.10156 135.334 3.21875 135.3125 3.33789 c +%_134.9395 5.39844 135.918 8.02148 138.0254 10.0625 c +%_140.9316 12.877 144.875 13.5156 146.8359 11.4922 c +%_148.7969 9.4668 148.0332 5.54492 145.1289 2.73242 c +%_144.0684 1.70508 142.8691 0.96875 141.6797 0.546875 c +%_141.5664 0.505859 141.498 0.392578 141.5137 0.275391 c +%_141.5273 0.15625 141.623 0.064453 141.7422 0.054688 c +%_148.1309 -0.5 152.5117 3.30664 155.2578 7.93164 c +%_158.0527 12.6367 162.8281 16.3438 168.4688 15.6035 c +%_168.5879 15.5879 168.7012 15.6582 168.7422 15.7715 c +%_168.7813 15.8848 168.7363 16.0098 168.6328 16.0723 c +%_165.8359 17.7559 162.7617 18.4551 158.7695 17.125 C +%_164.5645 22.0332 172.8164 24.8652 180.6104 22.3516 c +%_180.7197 22.3164 180.8389 22.3594 180.9014 22.4551 c +%_180.9639 22.5508 180.9541 22.6777 180.876 22.7637 c +%_174.9668 29.3281 163.1855 29.459 155.7656 24.1348 C +%_158.8027 28.4512 162.834 31.6211 170.0586 32.6133 c +%_170.1738 32.6289 170.2637 32.7227 170.2773 32.8379 c +%_170.2891 32.9531 170.2227 33.0625 170.1133 33.1035 c +%_161.8223 36.1797 153.5137 33.0586 146.668 24.8867 C +%_149.6602 31.2656 154.5742 36.373 161.4355 38.9004 c +%_161.5508 38.9414 161.6191 39.0586 161.5977 39.1797 c +%_161.5781 39.3008 161.4746 39.3887 161.3535 39.3906 c +%_157.4102 39.4727 153.8672 38.5332 149.0879 35.8203 C +%_152.5957 41.5117 151.8281 51.459 146.7188 58.0801 c +%_146.6484 58.1719 146.5234 58.2031 146.416 58.1582 c +%_146.3105 58.1113 146.248 57.998 146.2676 57.8828 c +%_147.4473 50.6836 144.9688 42.5547 140.6582 38.2422 C +%_142.8105 45.873 140.6641 52.8184 134.7617 57.8848 c +%_134.6914 57.9453 134.5918 57.9629 134.5059 57.9297 c +%_134.418 57.8965 134.3574 57.8184 134.3438 57.7266 c +%_133.1094 48.3086 122.5742 38.752 113.7422 37.9512 c +%_113.6172 37.9395 113.5195 37.8398 113.5117 37.7148 c +%_113.5039 37.5898 113.5859 37.4785 113.709 37.4512 c +%_117.9883 36.4824 122.4004 36.9609 126.0977 38.4805 C +%_123.4375 35.5488 120.1582 33.3711 116.543 32.2363 c +%_116.4258 32.1992 116.3535 32.0859 116.3672 31.9648 c +%_116.3809 31.8438 116.4805 31.748 116.6016 31.7402 c +%_121.1113 31.4297 125.5254 32.7461 129.332 35.2793 C +%_124.9707 28.6582 118.3516 23.7344 109.9043 21.7715 c +%_109.7832 21.7441 109.7012 21.6328 109.707 21.5098 c +%_109.7148 21.3867 109.8105 21.2871 109.9336 21.2734 c +%_121.8516 19.9707 131.6797 24.5918 138.1543 33.1914 C +%_136.5059 28.2891 131.7891 23.4355 125.209 20.5723 c +%_119.3633 18.0273 113.3594 17.625 108.7871 19.0625 c +%_108.6816 19.0957 108.5645 19.0547 108.502 18.9629 c +%_108.4395 18.8691 108.4434 18.7461 108.5137 18.6602 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_161.418 94.2324 m +%_156.6113 83.7461 156.9531 75.5469 160.8242 65.1777 c +%_160.8691 65.0605 160.9902 64.9922 161.1133 65.0176 c +%_161.2363 65.043 161.3223 65.1543 161.3164 65.2773 c +%_160.6953 77.9004 164.1426 86.9316 171.6152 93.0859 C +%_163.3652 83.2324 167.2617 63.5254 180.4385 63.5254 c +%_190.0244 63.5254 197.9531 71.502 199.8926 81.0508 c +%_199.918 81.1719 199.8516 81.293 199.7344 81.3379 c +%_199.6191 81.3828 199.4883 81.3379 199.4258 81.2305 c +%_196.584 76.4688 192.0176 73.3789 186.9697 73.3789 c +%_178.834 73.3789 176.4277 79.8457 176.4277 84.3789 c +%_176.4277 90.5645 181.3545 95.7207 185.1357 95.7207 c +%_188.5732 95.7207 190.1768 92.8984 190.1768 90.7949 c +%_190.1768 86.8965 187.1787 83.6289 183.8018 82.6309 c +%_183.6807 82.5938 183.6045 82.4766 183.6221 82.3516 c +%_183.6396 82.2266 183.7451 82.1328 183.8721 82.1328 c +%_187.9775 82.1074 191.4473 83.9863 193.5 87.7012 C +%_193.7695 84.8262 193.7715 83.0156 192.8594 79.9766 c +%_192.8242 79.8594 192.877 79.7344 192.9844 79.6777 c +%_193.0938 79.623 193.2266 79.6504 193.3008 79.748 c +%_200.6582 89.1406 197.1367 105.3711 191.3223 112.1055 C +%_196.8535 108.123 201.7383 99.4707 201.6621 87.7109 c +%_201.6602 87.5898 201.7461 87.4844 201.8672 87.4609 c +%_201.9863 87.4375 202.1055 87.502 202.1504 87.6152 c +%_206.2598 97.8691 204.0801 116.8633 192.8691 127.4668 C +%_195.7539 127.8652 198.7363 127.8145 201.9941 126.7754 c +%_202.1094 126.7383 202.2344 126.7891 202.293 126.8945 c +%_202.3516 127 202.3281 127.1328 202.2344 127.2109 c +%_198.1426 130.666 192.4199 131.752 186.9697 131.752 C +%_191.666 126.252 190.1064 115.1992 182.6162 115.1992 c +%_177.2656 115.1992 174.8379 123.498 178.9668 127.9805 c +%_179.0449 128.0664 179.0547 128.1934 178.9922 128.291 c +%_178.9277 128.3887 178.8066 128.4297 178.6953 128.3926 c +%_173.916 126.7363 168.75 122.6035 168.75 117.375 c +%_168.75 112.334 173.5625 107.9805 180.5537 108.3242 C +%_171.7324 105.8203 162.5 108.5918 157.6699 114.5781 c +%_157.5957 114.6699 157.4648 114.6992 157.3594 114.6445 c +%_157.252 114.5918 157.1973 114.4707 157.2266 114.3535 c +%_160.0176 103.6387 169.1934 99.1543 180.667 100.6484 C +%_171.3848 96.8906 157.416 100.166 151.2422 107.957 c +%_151.1699 108.0488 151.043 108.0801 150.9355 108.0293 c +%_150.8301 107.9805 150.7715 107.8633 150.7949 107.748 c +%_152.166 101.1328 155.6582 96.1875 161.418 94.2324 C +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_*U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Repeated_Art) , +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Main_Copy_of_EditGroup) , +%_; +%_ +%_9 () XW +%_u +%_*u +%_1 D +%_1 0.771237 0.226078 0.073854 0 0.258824 0.494118 Xa +%_0 1 0 0 0 Xy +%_26.6963 74.9453 m +%_26.7178 75.0645 26.8213 75.1504 26.9424 75.1523 c +%_39.8486 75.2871 51.6963 78.4199 60.9141 86.667 C +%_52.8838 81.1094 37.9717 79.1563 29.3867 83.0488 c +%_29.2764 83.0986 29.2178 83.2188 29.2451 83.3369 c +%_29.2715 83.4551 29.3779 83.5371 29.499 83.5332 c +%_40.1787 83.2441 48.7783 86.54 55.4834 92.498 C +%_48.6143 92.9199 42.9092 97.2383 42.9268 102.3428 c +%_42.9268 102.4619 43.0107 102.5645 43.1279 102.5898 c +%_43.2441 102.6152 43.3623 102.5547 43.4111 102.4463 c +%_44.5322 99.957 48.1592 98.666 51.9941 99.5664 c +%_56.1738 100.5469 58.9941 103.7559 58.2949 106.7314 c +%_57.8232 108.7461 55.8584 110.1348 53.3428 110.5186 c +%_53.2158 110.5371 53.123 110.6484 53.126 110.7764 c +%_53.1299 110.9043 53.2285 111.0098 53.3564 111.0215 c +%_54.4248 111.124 55.5361 111.1279 56.6738 111.0195 c +%_63.1641 110.4023 68.1875 106.4238 68.623 101.8418 C +%_73.3359 102.3887 77.5078 104.998 79.002 108.6152 c +%_79.0469 108.7236 79.1621 108.7871 79.2773 108.7695 c +%_79.3926 108.75 79.4805 108.6553 79.4902 108.5391 c +%_79.8672 103.7871 78.2324 100.7002 74.5195 97.6846 C +%_79.9043 99.7441 85.9648 99.8496 91.7754 97.1465 c +%_91.8809 97.0977 91.9395 96.9824 91.918 96.8672 c +%_91.8945 96.752 91.7949 96.668 91.6777 96.6641 c +%_86.7988 96.4736 83.2617 94.9082 79.9473 91.5918 C +%_98.2012 96.7256 113.0332 85.3906 107.9004 68.5391 c +%_107.8652 68.4238 107.7539 68.3486 107.6328 68.3613 c +%_107.5117 68.373 107.416 68.4688 107.4063 68.5898 c +%_106.4883 78.3037 99.7031 84.7051 89.5449 85.666 C +%_94.9316 83.6055 100.5449 78.6895 101.1016 70.1318 c +%_101.1094 70.0098 101.0293 69.8984 100.9102 69.8691 c +%_100.791 69.8398 100.668 69.8984 100.6172 70.0098 c +%_97.8184 76.1641 92.3203 79.2754 86.457 79.8223 C +%_92.791 77.2422 96.8535 71.2207 98.0273 63.4023 c +%_98.0469 63.2793 97.9727 63.1602 97.8535 63.123 c +%_97.7363 63.084 97.6074 63.1387 97.5508 63.248 c +%_93.6855 70.8311 85.3945 76.042 75.1035 72.0605 c +%_64.4863 67.9512 59.8291 55.6738 58.7998 47.0195 c +%_58.7852 46.8984 58.6846 46.8047 58.5615 46.7969 c +%_58.4395 46.7891 58.3291 46.8711 58.3008 46.9922 c +%_54.5811 62.6797 61.8838 78.9414 74.9375 85.832 C +%_67.8418 83.8291 61.498 79.5723 57.9102 72.4775 C +%_49.6162 71.459 43.9063 68.6152 41.0527 63.2383 c +%_40.9961 63.1309 40.8721 63.0781 40.7568 63.1133 c +%_40.6416 63.1465 40.5654 63.2578 40.5752 63.3789 c +%_40.7578 65.4883 41.5166 69.709 44.6494 71.6494 C +%_37.6846 71.6387 32.1436 72.543 26.8506 74.6621 c +%_26.7393 74.708 26.6738 74.8262 26.6963 74.9453 c +%_f +%_0 D +%_56.1826 21.4746 m +%_56.084 21.541 55.9541 21.5293 55.8672 21.4492 c +%_55.7813 21.3672 55.7627 21.2383 55.8213 21.1367 c +%_57.4414 18.3398 55.9619 14.3223 52.7705 14.3223 c +%_47.0498 14.3223 44.2998 25.0918 45.1748 34.916 C +%_47.3379 29.1602 49.208 26.8613 52.5225 24.1211 c +%_52.6162 24.043 52.751 24.043 52.8447 24.1191 c +%_52.9385 24.1973 52.9658 24.3281 52.9082 24.4355 c +%_48.0518 33.5156 47.0107 40.502 47.0107 48.5215 C +%_48.4736 42.5625 50.2061 39.1992 55.1377 34.1406 c +%_55.2236 34.0527 55.3604 34.0391 55.4629 34.1074 c +%_55.5645 34.1777 55.6016 34.3105 55.5498 34.4238 c +%_50.252 46.0137 50.6563 58.8711 54.6025 68.6875 c +%_54.6416 68.7852 54.6172 68.8965 54.54 68.9688 c +%_54.4629 69.0391 54.3506 69.0566 54.2549 69.0098 c +%_49.0498 66.459 45.9912 64.7832 41.5029 58.6211 C +%_42.8604 51.2227 41.7314 47.5723 38.3311 41.4258 C +%_42.2686 51.3438 40.1729 65.3203 30.1436 71.0176 c +%_30.0342 71.0791 29.8955 71.0518 29.8193 70.9531 c +%_29.7412 70.8535 29.748 70.7119 29.835 70.6211 c +%_33.6162 66.666 36.3662 59.9863 33.9912 52.6934 C +%_35.5205 63.082 26.3955 71.8086 16.2119 71.8086 c +%_6.6123 71.8086 0.061523 64.2988 0.602539 56.8672 c +%_1.13965 49.502 6.0459 45.8984 10.2744 44.3691 c +%_10.3857 44.3301 10.5107 44.3711 10.5742 44.4707 c +%_10.6377 44.5723 10.624 44.7012 10.541 44.7871 c +%_4.93066 50.4785 4.16309 61.2793 14.124 64.5469 C +%_8.26465 59.4902 10.4346 47.7168 19.8135 46.8223 c +%_19.9307 46.8105 20.04 46.8809 20.0781 46.9922 c +%_20.1162 47.1035 20.0732 47.2266 19.9746 47.2891 c +%_17.9658 48.5664 16.2959 51.0605 16.2959 53.8633 c +%_16.2959 58.5371 19.7178 60.373 21.9717 60.373 c +%_25.3936 60.373 28.2314 57.1172 28.2314 52.1934 c +%_28.2314 46.3496 22.9717 41.5098 16.2119 40.7578 c +%_9.58594 40.0234 3.42969 42.9121 0.461914 47.2168 c +%_0.392578 47.3184 0.260742 47.3555 0.148438 47.3047 c +%_0.036133 47.2539 -0.022461 47.1289 0.007813 47.0098 c +%_3.02637 35.3066 16.8037 30.1328 26.8955 37.5039 C +%_20.2822 30.002 9.88965 29.8984 1.17383 37.5898 c +%_1.08301 37.6699 0.948242 37.6738 0.851563 37.5996 c +%_0.754883 37.5273 0.724609 37.3945 0.77832 37.2871 c +%_3.44531 31.8789 10.0313 25.4668 19.3838 26.4023 c +%_27.9404 27.2578 32.9053 35.416 33.9072 42.0938 C +%_34.4639 33.5723 32.5137 27.5566 25.1533 21.9473 c +%_25.0566 21.873 25.0264 21.7402 25.0811 21.6309 c +%_25.1357 21.5234 25.2607 21.4688 25.3779 21.502 c +%_32.1631 23.4629 37.6084 26.9277 40.4268 34.0469 C +%_40.4268 27.8848 38.2881 21.6738 32.9014 17.5352 c +%_32.8037 17.4609 32.7744 17.3301 32.8291 17.2207 c +%_32.8838 17.1113 33.0078 17.0566 33.125 17.0898 c +%_36.5781 18.0742 39.2959 19.5781 41.2627 22.2754 C +%_42.5732 11.1758 47.7842 4.58398 53.7881 4.58398 c +%_57.9131 4.58398 60.9932 7.61719 60.9932 12.4551 c +%_60.9932 15.2852 59.5049 19.2578 56.1826 21.4746 c +%_f +%_155.4102 113.0938 m +%_152.248 116.998 145.8711 118.4863 138.9785 117.082 C +%_139.4883 121.3828 138.6445 125.873 137.3672 128.5664 c +%_137.3145 128.6758 137.1934 128.7334 137.0762 128.7051 c +%_136.959 128.6758 136.8789 128.5684 136.8828 128.4473 c +%_137.2578 119.6807 132.2598 112.6035 123.4336 109.5371 C +%_130.3398 114.293 132.3594 123.7305 129.0723 128.6035 c +%_129.0039 128.7021 128.877 128.7412 128.7656 128.6953 c +%_128.6543 128.6504 128.5898 128.5332 128.6113 128.416 c +%_128.9844 126.3555 128.0059 123.7314 125.8984 121.6895 c +%_122.9922 118.875 119.0488 118.2363 117.0879 120.2598 c +%_115.127 122.2852 115.8906 126.207 118.7949 129.0215 c +%_119.8555 130.0488 121.0547 130.7832 122.2441 131.2061 c +%_122.3574 131.2461 122.4258 131.3594 122.4102 131.4775 c +%_122.3965 131.5967 122.3008 131.6885 122.1816 131.6982 c +%_115.793 132.2529 111.4121 128.4463 108.666 123.8203 c +%_105.8711 119.1152 101.0957 115.4102 95.4551 116.1504 c +%_95.3359 116.166 95.2227 116.0957 95.1816 115.9824 c +%_95.1426 115.8691 95.1875 115.7422 95.291 115.6807 c +%_98.0879 113.9961 101.1621 113.2969 105.1543 114.6289 C +%_99.3594 109.7197 91.1074 106.8867 83.3145 109.4014 c +%_83.2051 109.4375 83.0859 109.3945 83.0234 109.2979 c +%_82.9609 109.2012 82.9727 109.0752 83.0488 108.9902 c +%_88.957 102.4258 100.7383 102.2949 108.1582 107.6172 C +%_105.1211 103.3008 101.0898 100.1328 93.8652 99.1387 c +%_93.75 99.123 93.6602 99.0313 93.6465 98.916 c +%_93.6348 98.7998 93.7012 98.6904 93.8105 98.6504 c +%_102.1016 95.5723 110.4102 98.6953 117.2559 106.8652 C +%_114.2637 100.4883 109.3496 95.3809 102.4883 92.8535 c +%_102.373 92.8115 102.3047 92.6934 102.3262 92.5742 c +%_102.3457 92.4531 102.4492 92.3643 102.5703 92.3613 c +%_106.5137 92.2803 110.0566 93.2188 114.8359 95.9316 C +%_111.3281 90.2422 112.0957 80.293 117.2051 73.6738 c +%_117.2754 73.582 117.4004 73.5498 117.5078 73.5957 c +%_117.6133 73.6426 117.6758 73.7549 117.6563 73.8691 c +%_116.4766 81.0703 118.9551 89.1992 123.2656 93.5117 C +%_121.1133 85.8799 123.2598 78.9355 129.1621 73.8672 c +%_129.2324 73.8066 129.332 73.79 129.418 73.8232 c +%_129.5059 73.8564 129.5664 73.9355 129.5801 74.0273 c +%_130.8145 83.4453 141.3496 93.002 150.1816 93.8027 c +%_150.3066 93.8135 150.4043 93.9141 150.4121 94.0381 c +%_150.4199 94.1621 150.3379 94.2754 150.2148 94.3027 c +%_145.9355 95.2715 141.5234 94.793 137.8262 93.2715 C +%_140.4863 96.2051 143.7656 98.3828 147.3809 99.5176 c +%_147.498 99.5537 147.5703 99.668 147.5566 99.7891 c +%_147.543 99.9102 147.4434 100.0039 147.3223 100.0127 c +%_142.8125 100.3242 138.3984 99.0068 134.5918 96.4746 C +%_138.9531 103.0957 145.5723 108.0195 154.0195 109.9805 c +%_154.1406 110.0088 154.2227 110.1191 154.2168 110.2432 c +%_154.209 110.3672 154.1133 110.4668 153.9902 110.4805 c +%_142.0723 111.7822 132.2441 107.1621 125.7695 98.5625 C +%_127.418 103.4629 132.1348 108.3184 138.7148 111.1816 c +%_144.5605 113.7266 150.5645 114.1279 155.1367 112.6914 c +%_155.2422 112.6582 155.3594 112.6982 155.4219 112.791 c +%_155.4844 112.8828 155.4805 113.0059 155.4102 113.0938 c +%_f +%_102.5059 37.5215 m +%_107.3125 48.0078 106.9707 56.207 103.0996 66.5762 c +%_103.0547 66.6934 102.9336 66.7607 102.8105 66.7363 c +%_102.6875 66.7109 102.6016 66.5996 102.6074 66.4746 c +%_103.2285 53.8535 99.7813 44.8203 92.3086 38.668 C +%_100.5586 48.5195 96.6621 68.2275 83.4863 68.2275 c +%_73.9004 68.2275 65.9697 60.252 64.0303 50.7031 c +%_64.0059 50.582 64.0723 50.459 64.1885 50.416 c +%_64.3037 50.3711 64.4346 50.416 64.4971 50.5215 c +%_67.3398 55.2832 71.9063 58.373 76.9551 58.373 c +%_85.0898 58.373 87.4961 51.9063 87.4961 47.375 c +%_87.4961 41.1875 82.5703 36.0313 78.7891 36.0313 c +%_75.3516 36.0313 73.748 38.8555 73.748 40.959 c +%_73.748 44.8574 76.7461 48.125 80.125 49.123 c +%_80.2441 49.1582 80.3223 49.2773 80.3047 49.4023 c +%_80.2852 49.5273 80.1797 49.6191 80.0547 49.6211 c +%_75.9473 49.6465 72.4766 47.7656 70.4238 44.0527 C +%_70.1543 46.9277 70.1514 48.7383 71.0645 51.7754 c +%_71.0996 51.8926 71.0459 52.0176 70.9385 52.0742 c +%_70.8291 52.1309 70.6963 52.1016 70.6221 52.0059 c +%_63.2656 42.6133 66.7861 26.3809 72.6016 19.6484 C +%_67.0693 23.6309 62.1846 32.2813 62.2617 44.041 c +%_62.2627 44.1641 62.1768 44.2676 62.0566 44.291 c +%_61.9365 44.3164 61.8174 44.25 61.7725 44.1367 c +%_57.6641 33.8848 59.8438 14.8887 71.0537 4.28516 C +%_68.1699 3.88867 65.1865 3.93945 61.9287 4.97852 c +%_61.8135 5.01367 61.6885 4.96484 61.6299 4.85938 c +%_61.5713 4.75195 61.5947 4.61914 61.6885 4.54102 c +%_65.7803 1.08594 71.5029 0 76.9551 0 C +%_72.2578 5.5 73.8184 16.5547 81.3105 16.5547 c +%_86.6582 16.5547 89.0859 8.25586 84.957 3.77344 c +%_84.8789 3.6875 84.8691 3.55859 84.9316 3.46289 c +%_84.9961 3.36523 85.1172 3.32227 85.2285 3.36133 c +%_90.0078 5.01563 95.1738 9.15039 95.1738 14.377 c +%_95.1738 19.4199 90.3613 23.7715 83.373 23.4277 C +%_92.1914 25.9336 101.4238 23.1602 106.2539 17.1758 c +%_106.3281 17.082 106.459 17.0547 106.5645 17.1074 c +%_106.6719 17.1621 106.7266 17.2832 106.6973 17.3984 c +%_103.9063 28.1152 94.7305 32.5977 83.2578 31.1055 C +%_92.5391 34.8613 106.5078 31.5859 112.6816 23.7949 c +%_112.7539 23.7031 112.8809 23.6738 112.9883 23.7227 c +%_113.0938 23.7734 113.1523 23.8906 113.1289 24.0039 c +%_111.7578 30.6191 108.2656 35.5664 102.5059 37.5215 C +%_f +%_*U +%_*u +%_1 D +%_0.41001 0 0.011078 0 0.615686 0.862745 0.976471 Xa +%_0 0.4 0 0 0 Xy +%_128.8887 56.8086 m +%_128.8672 56.6895 128.7637 56.6016 128.6426 56.6016 c +%_115.7363 56.4648 103.8887 53.334 94.6719 45.0859 C +%_102.7012 50.6445 117.6133 52.5957 126.1992 48.7051 c +%_126.3086 48.6543 126.3672 48.5332 126.3398 48.416 c +%_126.3145 48.2988 126.207 48.2168 126.0859 48.2188 c +%_115.4063 48.5098 106.8066 45.2129 100.1016 39.2559 C +%_106.9707 38.832 112.6758 34.5156 112.6582 29.4102 c +%_112.6582 29.291 112.5742 29.1875 112.457 29.1621 c +%_112.3418 29.1387 112.2227 29.1973 112.1738 29.3066 c +%_111.0527 31.7949 107.4258 33.0879 103.5918 32.1875 c +%_99.4121 31.2051 96.5918 27.998 97.291 25.0215 c +%_97.7617 23.0078 99.7266 21.6191 102.2422 21.2344 c +%_102.3691 21.2148 102.4629 21.1055 102.459 20.9766 c +%_102.4551 20.8496 102.3574 20.7441 102.2285 20.7305 c +%_101.1602 20.6289 100.0488 20.625 98.9121 20.7344 c +%_92.4219 21.3516 87.3984 25.3281 86.9629 29.9121 C +%_82.25 29.3652 78.0781 26.7539 76.584 23.1387 c +%_76.5391 23.0293 76.4258 22.9668 76.3086 22.9844 c +%_76.1934 23.002 76.1055 23.0977 76.0957 23.2148 c +%_75.7188 27.9648 77.3535 31.0527 81.0664 34.0684 C +%_75.6816 32.0098 69.6201 31.9043 63.8096 34.6055 c +%_63.7041 34.6563 63.6455 34.7715 63.667 34.8867 c +%_63.6904 35.002 63.79 35.0859 63.9072 35.0898 c +%_68.7861 35.2793 72.3242 36.8457 75.6406 40.1621 C +%_57.3838 35.0273 42.5518 46.3633 47.6846 63.2129 c +%_47.7197 63.3301 47.8311 63.4043 47.9521 63.3926 c +%_48.0732 63.3809 48.1689 63.2852 48.1787 63.1641 c +%_49.0967 53.4492 55.8818 47.0469 66.04 46.0879 C +%_60.6533 48.1465 55.04 53.0625 54.4834 61.6211 c +%_54.4756 61.7441 54.5557 61.8535 54.6748 61.8848 c +%_54.7939 61.9141 54.917 61.8535 54.9678 61.7422 c +%_57.7666 55.5879 63.2646 52.4785 69.1279 51.9297 C +%_62.7939 54.5117 58.7314 60.5332 57.5576 68.3516 c +%_57.5381 68.4746 57.6123 68.5918 57.7314 68.6309 c +%_57.8486 68.668 57.9775 68.6152 58.0342 68.5039 c +%_61.8994 60.9219 70.1904 55.7109 80.4824 59.6934 c +%_91.0996 63.8027 95.7559 76.0781 96.7852 84.7324 c +%_96.8008 84.8555 96.9004 84.9492 97.0234 84.957 c +%_97.1465 84.9629 97.2559 84.8809 97.2852 84.7617 c +%_101.0039 69.0723 93.7012 52.8125 80.6484 45.9219 C +%_87.7441 47.9238 94.0879 52.1816 97.6758 59.2754 C +%_105.9688 60.293 111.6797 63.1387 114.5332 68.5156 c +%_114.5898 68.6211 114.7129 68.6738 114.8281 68.6406 c +%_114.9434 68.6055 115.0195 68.4941 115.0098 68.375 c +%_114.8281 66.2656 114.0684 62.0449 110.9355 60.1035 C +%_117.9004 60.1152 123.4414 59.2109 128.7344 57.0898 c +%_128.8457 57.0449 128.9121 56.9277 128.8887 56.8086 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_0 D +%_99.4023 110.2773 m +%_99.502 110.2129 99.6309 110.2227 99.7188 110.3047 c +%_99.8047 110.3848 99.8223 110.5137 99.7637 110.6172 c +%_98.1445 113.4141 99.623 117.4297 102.8145 117.4297 c +%_108.5352 117.4297 111.2852 106.6602 110.4102 96.8379 C +%_108.248 102.5918 106.377 104.8926 103.0625 107.6328 c +%_102.9688 107.709 102.834 107.7109 102.7402 107.6328 c +%_102.6465 107.5566 102.6191 107.4238 102.6777 107.3164 c +%_107.5332 98.2383 108.5742 91.252 108.5742 83.2324 C +%_107.1113 89.1895 105.3789 92.5527 100.4473 97.6133 c +%_100.3613 97.7012 100.2246 97.7148 100.123 97.6445 c +%_100.0215 97.5742 99.9844 97.4414 100.0352 97.3301 c +%_105.334 85.7383 104.9297 72.8828 100.9824 63.0664 c +%_100.9434 62.9688 100.9688 62.8574 101.0449 62.7852 c +%_101.123 62.7129 101.2344 62.6973 101.3301 62.7422 c +%_106.5352 65.293 109.5938 66.9688 114.082 73.1328 C +%_112.7246 80.5313 113.8535 84.1797 117.2539 90.3262 C +%_113.3164 80.4102 115.4121 66.4336 125.4414 60.7363 c +%_125.5508 60.6738 125.6895 60.7012 125.7656 60.8008 c +%_125.8438 60.9004 125.8379 61.041 125.75 61.1328 c +%_121.9688 65.0879 119.2188 71.7676 121.5938 79.0586 C +%_120.0645 68.6699 129.1895 59.9453 139.373 59.9453 c +%_148.9727 59.9453 155.5234 67.4531 154.9824 74.8848 c +%_154.4453 82.25 149.5391 85.8555 145.3105 87.3828 c +%_145.1992 87.4238 145.0742 87.3809 145.0117 87.2813 c +%_144.9473 87.1816 144.9609 87.0508 145.0449 86.9668 c +%_150.6543 81.2734 151.4219 70.4746 141.4609 67.207 C +%_147.3203 72.2637 145.1504 84.0352 135.7715 84.9316 c +%_135.6543 84.9414 135.5449 84.8711 135.5078 84.7598 c +%_135.4688 84.6504 135.5117 84.5273 135.6113 84.4648 c +%_137.6191 83.1855 139.2891 80.6934 139.2891 77.8906 c +%_139.2891 73.2168 135.8672 71.3789 133.6133 71.3789 c +%_130.1914 71.3789 127.3535 74.6348 127.3535 79.5605 c +%_127.3535 85.4023 132.6133 90.2441 139.373 90.9941 c +%_146 91.7305 152.1563 88.8398 155.123 84.5352 c +%_155.1934 84.4336 155.3242 84.3984 155.4375 84.4492 c +%_155.5488 84.5 155.6074 84.623 155.5781 84.7422 c +%_152.5586 96.4453 138.7813 101.6191 128.6895 94.25 C +%_135.3027 101.75 145.6953 101.8555 154.4121 94.1641 c +%_154.502 94.084 154.6367 94.0781 154.7344 94.1523 c +%_154.8301 94.2266 154.8613 94.3574 154.8066 94.4668 c +%_152.1406 99.873 145.5547 106.2852 136.2012 105.3516 c +%_127.6445 104.4961 122.6797 96.3359 121.6777 89.6602 C +%_121.1211 98.1816 123.0723 104.1953 130.4316 109.8047 c +%_130.5293 109.8789 130.5586 110.0117 130.5039 110.1211 c +%_130.4492 110.2305 130.3242 110.2852 130.207 110.25 c +%_123.4219 108.291 117.9766 104.8262 115.1582 97.707 C +%_115.1582 103.8672 117.2969 110.0781 122.6836 114.2168 c +%_122.7813 114.291 122.8105 114.4238 122.7559 114.5332 c +%_122.7012 114.6406 122.5781 114.6953 122.4609 114.6621 c +%_119.0078 113.6797 116.2891 112.1738 114.3223 109.4785 C +%_113.0117 120.5781 107.8008 127.168 101.7969 127.168 c +%_97.6719 127.168 94.5918 124.1348 94.5918 119.2988 c +%_94.5918 116.4688 96.0801 112.4961 99.4023 110.2773 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_0.174805 18.6602 m +%_3.33691 14.7559 9.71387 13.2676 16.6064 14.6719 C +%_16.0967 10.3691 16.9404 5.88086 18.2178 3.18555 c +%_18.2705 3.07813 18.3916 3.01953 18.5088 3.04883 c +%_18.626 3.07813 18.7061 3.18555 18.7021 3.30664 c +%_18.3271 12.0723 23.3252 19.1484 32.1514 22.2148 C +%_25.2451 17.459 23.2256 8.02148 26.5127 3.15039 c +%_26.5811 3.05078 26.708 3.01172 26.8193 3.05664 c +%_26.9307 3.10156 26.9951 3.21875 26.9736 3.33789 c +%_26.6006 5.39844 27.5791 8.02148 29.6865 10.0625 c +%_32.5928 12.877 36.5361 13.5156 38.4971 11.4922 c +%_40.458 9.4668 39.6943 5.54492 36.79 2.73242 c +%_35.7295 1.70508 34.5303 0.96875 33.3408 0.546875 c +%_33.2275 0.505859 33.1592 0.392578 33.1748 0.275391 c +%_33.1885 0.15625 33.2842 0.064453 33.4033 0.054688 c +%_39.792 -0.5 44.1729 3.30664 46.9189 7.93164 c +%_49.7139 12.6367 54.4893 16.3438 60.1299 15.6035 c +%_60.249 15.5879 60.3623 15.6582 60.4033 15.7715 c +%_60.4424 15.8848 60.3975 16.0098 60.2939 16.0723 c +%_57.4971 17.7559 54.4229 18.4551 50.4307 17.125 C +%_56.2256 22.0332 64.4775 24.8652 72.2715 22.3516 c +%_72.3809 22.3164 72.5 22.3594 72.5625 22.4551 c +%_72.625 22.5508 72.6152 22.6777 72.5371 22.7637 c +%_66.6279 29.3281 54.8467 29.459 47.4268 24.1348 C +%_50.4639 28.4512 54.4951 31.6211 61.7197 32.6133 c +%_61.835 32.6289 61.9248 32.7227 61.9385 32.8379 c +%_61.9502 32.9531 61.8838 33.0625 61.7744 33.1035 c +%_53.4834 36.1797 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17.1865 32.7461 20.9932 35.2793 C +%_16.6318 28.6582 10.0127 23.7344 1.56543 21.7715 c +%_1.44434 21.7441 1.3623 21.6328 1.36816 21.5098 c +%_1.37598 21.3867 1.47168 21.2871 1.59473 21.2734 c +%_13.5127 19.9707 23.3408 24.5918 29.8154 33.1914 C +%_28.167 28.2891 23.4502 23.4355 16.8701 20.5723 c +%_11.0244 18.0273 5.02051 17.625 0.448242 19.0625 c +%_0.342773 19.0957 0.225586 19.0547 0.163086 18.9629 c +%_0.100586 18.8691 0.104492 18.7461 0.174805 18.6602 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_53.0791 94.2324 m +%_48.2725 83.7461 48.6143 75.5469 52.4854 65.1777 c +%_52.5303 65.0605 52.6514 64.9922 52.7744 65.0176 c +%_52.8975 65.043 52.9834 65.1543 52.9775 65.2773 c +%_52.3564 77.9004 55.8037 86.9316 63.2764 93.0859 C +%_55.0264 83.2324 58.9229 63.5254 72.0996 63.5254 c +%_81.6855 63.5254 89.6152 71.502 91.5547 81.0508 c +%_91.5801 81.1719 91.5137 81.293 91.3965 81.3379 c +%_91.2813 81.3828 91.1504 81.3379 91.0879 81.2305 c +%_88.2461 76.4688 83.6797 73.3789 78.6309 73.3789 c +%_70.4951 73.3789 68.0889 79.8457 68.0889 84.3789 c +%_68.0889 90.5645 73.0156 95.7207 76.7969 95.7207 c +%_80.2344 95.7207 81.8379 92.8984 81.8379 90.7949 c +%_81.8379 86.8965 78.8398 83.6289 75.4629 82.6309 c +%_75.3418 82.5938 75.2656 82.4766 75.2832 82.3516 c +%_75.3008 82.2266 75.4063 82.1328 75.5332 82.1328 c +%_79.6387 82.1074 83.1094 83.9863 85.1621 87.7012 C +%_85.4316 84.8262 85.4336 83.0156 84.5215 79.9766 c +%_84.4863 79.8594 84.5391 79.7344 84.6465 79.6777 c +%_84.7559 79.623 84.8887 79.6504 84.9629 79.748 c +%_92.3203 89.1406 88.7988 105.3711 82.9844 112.1055 C +%_88.5156 108.123 93.4004 99.4707 93.3242 87.7109 c +%_93.3223 87.5898 93.4082 87.4844 93.5293 87.4609 c +%_93.6484 87.4375 93.7676 87.502 93.8125 87.6152 c +%_97.9219 97.8691 95.7422 116.8633 84.5313 127.4668 C +%_87.416 127.8652 90.3984 127.8145 93.6563 126.7754 c +%_93.7715 126.7383 93.8965 126.7891 93.9551 126.8945 c +%_94.0137 127 93.9902 127.1328 93.8965 127.2109 c +%_89.8047 130.666 84.082 131.752 78.6309 131.752 C +%_83.3281 126.252 81.7676 115.1992 74.2773 115.1992 c +%_68.9268 115.1992 66.499 123.498 70.6279 127.9805 c +%_70.7061 128.0664 70.7158 128.1934 70.6533 128.291 c +%_70.5889 128.3887 70.4678 128.4297 70.3564 128.3926 c +%_65.5771 126.7363 60.4111 122.6035 60.4111 117.375 c +%_60.4111 112.334 65.2236 107.9805 72.2148 108.3242 C +%_63.3936 105.8203 54.1611 108.5918 49.3311 114.5781 c +%_49.2568 114.6699 49.126 114.6992 49.0205 114.6445 c +%_48.9131 114.5918 48.8584 114.4707 48.8877 114.3535 c +%_51.6787 103.6387 60.8545 99.1543 72.3281 100.6484 C +%_63.0459 96.8906 49.0771 100.166 42.9033 107.957 c +%_42.8311 108.0488 42.7041 108.0801 42.5967 108.0293 c +%_42.4912 107.9805 42.4326 107.8633 42.4561 107.748 +endstream endobj 20 0 obj <>stream + c +%_43.8271 101.1328 47.3193 96.1875 53.0791 94.2324 C +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_*U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Repeated_Art) , +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Main_Copy_of_EditGroup) , +%_; +%_ +%_9 () XW +%_u +%_*u +%_1 D +%_1 0.771237 0.226078 0.073854 0 0.258824 0.494118 Xa +%_0 1 0 0 0 Xy +%_135.0352 184.5869 m +%_135.0566 184.7061 135.1602 184.792 135.2813 184.7939 c +%_148.1875 184.9287 160.0352 188.0615 169.2529 196.3086 C +%_161.2227 190.751 146.3105 188.7979 137.7256 192.6904 c +%_137.6152 192.7402 137.5566 192.8604 137.584 192.9785 c +%_137.6104 193.0967 137.7168 193.1787 137.8379 193.1748 c +%_148.5176 192.8857 157.1172 196.1816 163.8223 202.1396 C +%_156.9531 202.5615 151.248 206.8799 151.2656 211.9844 c +%_151.2656 212.1035 151.3496 212.2061 151.4668 212.2314 c +%_151.583 212.2568 151.7012 212.1963 151.75 212.0879 c +%_152.8711 209.5986 156.498 208.3076 160.333 209.208 c +%_164.5127 210.1885 167.333 213.3975 166.6338 216.373 c +%_166.1621 218.3877 164.1973 219.7764 161.6816 220.1602 c +%_161.5547 220.1787 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209.3672 179.54 209.248 179.5107 c +%_209.1289 179.4814 209.0059 179.54 208.9551 179.6514 c +%_206.1563 185.8057 200.6582 188.917 194.7949 189.4639 C +%_201.1289 186.8838 205.1914 180.8623 206.3652 173.0439 c +%_206.3848 172.9209 206.3105 172.8018 206.1914 172.7646 c +%_206.0742 172.7256 205.9453 172.7803 205.8887 172.8896 c +%_202.0234 180.4727 193.7324 185.6836 183.4424 181.7021 c +%_172.8252 177.5928 168.168 165.3154 167.1387 156.6611 c +%_167.124 156.54 167.0234 156.4463 166.9004 156.4385 c +%_166.7783 156.4307 166.668 156.5127 166.6396 156.6338 c +%_162.9199 172.3213 170.2227 188.583 183.2764 195.4736 C +%_176.1807 193.4707 169.8369 189.2139 166.249 182.1191 C +%_157.9551 181.1006 152.2451 178.2568 149.3916 172.8799 c +%_149.335 172.7725 149.2109 172.7197 149.0957 172.7549 c +%_148.9805 172.7881 148.9043 172.8994 148.9141 173.0205 c +%_149.0967 175.1299 149.8555 179.3506 152.9883 181.291 C +%_146.0234 181.2803 140.4824 182.1846 135.1895 184.3037 c +%_135.0781 184.3496 135.0127 184.4678 135.0352 184.5869 c +%_f +%_0 D +%_164.5215 131.1162 m +%_164.4229 131.1826 164.293 131.1709 164.2061 131.0908 c +%_164.1201 131.0088 164.1016 130.8799 164.1602 130.7783 c +%_165.7803 127.9814 164.3008 123.9639 161.1094 123.9639 c +%_155.3887 123.9639 152.6387 134.7334 153.5137 144.5576 C +%_155.6768 138.8018 157.5469 136.5029 160.8613 133.7627 c +%_160.9551 133.6846 161.0898 133.6846 161.1836 133.7607 c +%_161.2773 133.8389 161.3047 133.9697 161.2471 134.0771 c +%_156.3906 143.1572 155.3496 150.1436 155.3496 158.1631 C +%_156.8125 152.2041 158.5449 148.8408 163.4766 143.7822 c +%_163.5625 143.6943 163.6992 143.6807 163.8018 143.749 c +%_163.9033 143.8193 163.9404 143.9521 163.8887 144.0654 c +%_158.5908 155.6553 158.9951 168.5127 162.9414 178.3291 c +%_162.9805 178.4268 162.9561 178.5381 162.8789 178.6104 c +%_162.8018 178.6807 162.6895 178.6982 162.5938 178.6514 c +%_157.3887 176.1006 154.3301 174.4248 149.8418 168.2627 C +%_151.1992 160.8643 150.0703 157.2139 146.6699 151.0674 C +%_150.6074 160.9854 148.5117 174.9619 138.4824 180.6592 c +%_138.373 180.7207 138.2344 180.6934 138.1582 180.5947 c +%_138.0801 180.4951 138.0869 180.3535 138.1738 180.2627 c +%_141.9551 176.3076 144.7051 169.6279 142.3301 162.335 C +%_143.8594 172.7236 134.7344 181.4502 124.5508 181.4502 c +%_114.9512 181.4502 108.4004 173.9404 108.9414 166.5088 c +%_109.4785 159.1436 114.3848 155.54 118.6133 154.0107 c +%_118.7246 153.9717 118.8496 154.0127 118.9131 154.1123 c +%_118.9766 154.2139 118.9629 154.3428 118.8799 154.4287 c +%_113.2695 160.1201 112.502 170.9209 122.4629 174.1885 C +%_116.6035 169.1318 118.7734 157.3584 128.1523 156.4639 c +%_128.2695 156.4521 128.3789 156.5225 128.417 156.6338 c +%_128.4551 156.7451 128.4121 156.8682 128.3135 156.9307 c +%_126.3047 158.208 124.6348 160.7021 124.6348 163.5049 c +%_124.6348 168.1787 128.0566 170.0146 130.3105 170.0146 c +%_133.7324 170.0146 136.5703 166.7588 136.5703 161.835 c +%_136.5703 155.9912 131.3105 151.1514 124.5508 150.3994 c +%_117.9248 149.665 111.7686 152.5537 108.8008 156.8584 c +%_108.7314 156.96 108.5996 156.9971 108.4873 156.9463 c +%_108.375 156.8955 108.3164 156.7705 108.3467 156.6514 c +%_111.3652 144.9482 125.1426 139.7744 135.2344 147.1455 C +%_128.6211 139.6436 118.2285 139.54 109.5127 147.2314 c +%_109.4219 147.3115 109.2871 147.3154 109.1904 147.2412 c +%_109.0938 147.1689 109.0635 147.0361 109.1172 146.9287 c +%_111.7842 141.5205 118.3701 135.1084 127.7227 136.0439 c +%_136.2793 136.8994 141.2441 145.0576 142.2461 151.7354 C +%_142.8027 143.2139 140.8525 137.1982 133.4922 131.5889 c +%_133.3955 131.5146 133.3652 131.3818 133.4199 131.2725 c +%_133.4746 131.165 133.5996 131.1104 133.7168 131.1436 c +%_140.502 133.1045 145.9473 136.5693 148.7656 143.6885 C +%_148.7656 137.5264 146.627 131.3154 141.2402 127.1768 c +%_141.1426 127.1025 141.1133 126.9717 141.168 126.8623 c +%_141.2227 126.7529 141.3467 126.6982 141.4639 126.7314 c +%_144.917 127.7158 147.6348 129.2197 149.6016 131.917 C +%_150.9121 120.8174 156.123 114.2256 162.127 114.2256 c +%_166.252 114.2256 169.332 117.2588 169.332 122.0967 c +%_169.332 124.9268 167.8438 128.8994 164.5215 131.1162 c +%_f +%_263.748 222.7354 m +%_260.5859 226.6396 254.209 228.1279 247.3164 226.7236 C +%_247.8262 231.0244 246.9824 235.5146 245.7051 238.208 c +%_245.6523 238.3174 245.5313 238.375 245.4141 238.3467 c +%_245.2969 238.3174 245.2168 238.21 245.2207 238.0889 c +%_245.5957 229.3223 240.5977 222.2451 231.7715 219.1787 C +%_238.6777 223.9346 240.6973 233.3721 237.4102 238.2451 c +%_237.3418 238.3438 237.2148 238.3828 237.1035 238.3369 c +%_236.9922 238.292 236.9277 238.1748 236.9492 238.0576 c +%_237.3223 235.9971 236.3438 233.373 234.2363 231.3311 c +%_231.3301 228.5166 227.3867 227.8779 225.4258 229.9014 c +%_223.4648 231.9268 224.2285 235.8486 227.1328 238.6631 c +%_228.1934 239.6904 229.3926 240.4248 230.582 240.8477 c +%_230.6953 240.8877 230.7637 241.001 230.748 241.1191 c +%_230.7344 241.2383 230.6387 241.3301 230.5195 241.3398 c +%_224.1309 241.8945 219.75 238.0879 217.0039 233.4619 c +%_214.209 228.7568 209.4336 225.0518 203.793 225.792 c +%_203.6738 225.8076 203.5605 225.7373 203.5195 225.624 c +%_203.4805 225.5107 203.5254 225.3838 203.6289 225.3223 c +%_206.4258 223.6377 209.5 222.9385 213.4922 224.2705 C +%_207.6973 219.3613 199.4453 216.5283 191.6523 219.043 c +%_191.543 219.0791 191.4238 219.0361 191.3613 218.9395 c +%_191.2988 218.8428 191.3105 218.7168 191.3867 218.6318 c +%_197.2949 212.0674 209.0762 211.9365 216.4961 217.2588 C +%_213.459 212.9424 209.4277 209.7744 202.2031 208.7803 c +%_202.0879 208.7646 201.998 208.6729 201.9844 208.5576 c +%_201.9727 208.4414 202.0391 208.332 202.1484 208.292 c +%_210.4395 205.2139 218.748 208.3369 225.5938 216.5068 C +%_222.6016 210.1299 217.6875 205.0225 210.8262 202.4951 c +%_210.7109 202.4531 210.6426 202.335 210.6641 202.2158 c +%_210.6836 202.0947 210.7871 202.0059 210.9082 202.0029 c +%_214.8516 201.9219 218.3945 202.8604 223.1738 205.5732 C +%_219.666 199.8838 220.4336 189.9346 225.543 183.3154 c +%_225.6133 183.2236 225.7383 183.1914 225.8457 183.2373 c +%_225.9512 183.2842 226.0137 183.3965 225.9941 183.5107 c +%_224.8145 190.7119 227.293 198.8408 231.6035 203.1533 C +%_229.4512 195.5215 231.5977 188.5771 237.5 183.5088 c +%_237.5703 183.4482 237.6699 183.4316 237.7559 183.4648 c +%_237.8438 183.498 237.9043 183.5771 237.918 183.6689 c +%_239.1523 193.0869 249.6875 202.6436 258.5195 203.4443 c +%_258.6445 203.4551 258.7422 203.5557 258.75 203.6797 c +%_258.7578 203.8037 258.6758 203.917 258.5527 203.9443 c +%_254.2734 204.9131 249.8613 204.4346 246.1641 202.9131 C +%_248.8242 205.8467 252.1035 208.0244 255.7188 209.1592 c +%_255.8359 209.1953 255.9082 209.3096 255.8945 209.4307 c +%_255.8809 209.5518 255.7813 209.6455 255.6602 209.6543 c +%_251.1504 209.9658 246.7363 208.6484 242.9297 206.1162 C +%_247.291 212.7373 253.9102 217.6611 262.3574 219.6221 c +%_262.4785 219.6504 262.5605 219.7607 262.5547 219.8848 c +%_262.5469 220.0088 262.4512 220.1084 262.3281 220.1221 c +%_250.4102 221.4238 240.582 216.8037 234.1074 208.2041 C +%_235.7559 213.1045 240.4727 217.96 247.0527 220.8232 c +%_252.8984 223.3682 258.9023 223.7695 263.4746 222.333 c +%_263.5801 222.2998 263.6973 222.3398 263.7598 222.4326 c +%_263.8223 222.5244 263.8184 222.6475 263.748 222.7354 c +%_f +%_210.8438 147.1631 m +%_215.6504 157.6494 215.3086 165.8486 211.4375 176.2178 c +%_211.3926 176.335 211.2715 176.4023 211.1484 176.3779 c +%_211.0254 176.3525 210.9395 176.2412 210.9453 176.1162 c +%_211.5664 163.4951 208.1191 154.4619 200.6465 148.3096 C +%_208.8965 158.1611 205 177.8691 191.8242 177.8691 c +%_182.2393 177.8691 174.3086 169.8936 172.3691 160.3447 c +%_172.3447 160.2236 172.4111 160.1006 172.5273 160.0576 c +%_172.6426 160.0127 172.7734 160.0576 172.8359 160.1631 c +%_175.6787 164.9248 180.2451 168.0146 185.2939 168.0146 c +%_193.4277 168.0146 195.834 161.5479 195.834 157.0166 c +%_195.834 150.8291 190.9082 145.6729 187.1279 145.6729 c +%_183.6904 145.6729 182.0869 148.4971 182.0869 150.6006 c +%_182.0869 154.499 185.085 157.7666 188.4639 158.7646 c +%_188.583 158.7998 188.6611 158.9189 188.6436 159.0439 c +%_188.624 159.1689 188.5186 159.2607 188.3936 159.2627 c +%_184.2861 159.2881 180.8154 157.4072 178.7627 153.6943 C +%_178.4932 156.5693 178.4902 158.3799 179.4033 161.417 c +%_179.4385 161.5342 179.3848 161.6592 179.2773 161.7158 c +%_179.168 161.7725 179.0352 161.7432 178.9609 161.6475 c +%_171.6045 152.2549 175.125 136.0225 180.9404 129.29 C +%_175.4082 133.2725 170.5234 141.9229 170.6006 153.6826 c +%_170.6016 153.8057 170.5156 153.9092 170.3955 153.9326 c +%_170.2754 153.958 170.1563 153.8916 170.1113 153.7783 c +%_166.0029 143.5264 168.1826 124.5303 179.3926 113.9268 C +%_176.5088 113.5303 173.5254 113.5811 170.2676 114.6201 c +%_170.1523 114.6553 170.0273 114.6064 169.9688 114.501 c +%_169.9102 114.3936 169.9336 114.2607 170.0273 114.1826 c +%_174.1191 110.7275 179.8418 109.6416 185.2939 109.6416 C +%_180.5967 115.1416 182.1572 126.1963 189.6494 126.1963 c +%_194.9961 126.1963 197.4238 117.8975 193.2949 113.415 c +%_193.2168 113.3291 193.207 113.2002 193.2695 113.1045 c +%_193.334 113.0068 193.4551 112.9639 193.5664 113.0029 c +%_198.3457 114.6572 203.5117 118.792 203.5117 124.0186 c +%_203.5117 129.0615 198.6992 133.4131 191.7109 133.0693 C +%_200.5293 135.5752 209.7617 132.8018 214.5918 126.8174 c +%_214.666 126.7236 214.7969 126.6963 214.9023 126.749 c +%_215.0098 126.8037 215.0645 126.9248 215.0352 127.04 c +%_212.2441 137.7568 203.0684 142.2393 191.5957 140.7471 C +%_200.877 144.5029 214.8457 141.2275 221.0195 133.4365 c +%_221.0918 133.3447 221.2188 133.3154 221.3262 133.3643 c +%_221.4316 133.415 221.4902 133.5322 221.4668 133.6455 c +%_220.0957 140.2607 216.6035 145.208 210.8438 147.1631 C +%_f +%_*U +%_*u +%_1 D +%_0.41001 0 0.011078 0 0.615686 0.862745 0.976471 Xa +%_0 0.4 0 0 0 Xy +%_237.2266 166.4502 m +%_237.2051 166.3311 237.1016 166.2432 236.9805 166.2432 c +%_224.0742 166.1064 212.2266 162.9756 203.0098 154.7275 C +%_211.0391 160.2861 225.9512 162.2373 234.5371 158.3467 c +%_234.6465 158.2959 234.7051 158.1748 234.6777 158.0576 c +%_234.6523 157.9404 234.5449 157.8584 234.4238 157.8604 c +%_223.7441 158.1514 215.1445 154.8545 208.4395 148.8975 C +%_215.3086 148.4736 221.0137 144.1572 220.9961 139.0518 c +%_220.9961 138.9326 220.9121 138.8291 220.7949 138.8037 c +%_220.6797 138.7803 220.5605 138.8389 220.5117 138.9482 c +%_219.3906 141.4365 215.7637 142.7295 211.9297 141.8291 c +%_207.75 140.8467 204.9297 137.6396 205.6289 134.6631 c +%_206.0996 132.6494 208.0645 131.2607 210.5801 130.876 c +%_210.707 130.8564 210.8008 130.7471 210.7969 130.6182 c +%_210.793 130.4912 210.6953 130.3857 210.5664 130.3721 c +%_209.498 130.2705 208.3867 130.2666 207.25 130.376 c +%_200.7598 130.9932 195.7363 134.9697 195.3008 139.5537 C +%_190.5889 139.0068 186.417 136.3955 184.9229 132.7803 c +%_184.8779 132.6709 184.7646 132.6084 184.6475 132.626 c +%_184.5322 132.6436 184.4443 132.7393 184.4346 132.8564 c +%_184.0576 137.6064 185.6924 140.6943 189.4053 143.71 C +%_184.0205 141.6514 177.959 141.5459 172.1484 144.2471 c +%_172.043 144.2979 171.9844 144.4131 172.0059 144.5283 c +%_172.0293 144.6436 172.1289 144.7275 172.2461 144.7314 c +%_177.125 144.9209 180.6631 146.4873 183.9795 149.8037 C +%_165.7227 144.6689 150.8906 156.0049 156.0234 172.8545 c +%_156.0586 172.9717 156.1699 173.0459 156.291 173.0342 c +%_156.4121 173.0225 156.5078 172.9268 156.5176 172.8057 c +%_157.4355 163.0908 164.2207 156.6885 174.3789 155.7295 C +%_168.9922 157.7881 163.3789 162.7041 162.8223 171.2627 c +%_162.8145 171.3857 162.8945 171.4951 163.0137 171.5264 c +%_163.1328 171.5557 163.2559 171.4951 163.3066 171.3838 c +%_166.1055 165.2295 171.6035 162.1201 177.4668 161.5713 C +%_171.1328 164.1533 167.0703 170.1748 165.8965 177.9932 c +%_165.877 178.1162 165.9512 178.2334 166.0703 178.2725 c +%_166.1875 178.3096 166.3164 178.2568 166.373 178.1455 c +%_170.2383 170.5635 178.5293 165.3525 188.8213 169.335 c +%_199.4375 173.4443 204.0938 185.7197 205.123 194.374 c +%_205.1387 194.4971 205.2383 194.5908 205.3613 194.5986 c +%_205.4844 194.6045 205.5938 194.5225 205.623 194.4033 c +%_209.3418 178.7139 202.0391 162.4541 188.9873 155.5635 C +%_196.082 157.5654 202.4258 161.8232 206.0137 168.917 C +%_214.3066 169.9346 220.0176 172.7803 222.8711 178.1572 c +%_222.9277 178.2627 223.0508 178.3154 223.166 178.2822 c +%_223.2813 178.2471 223.3574 178.1357 223.3477 178.0166 c +%_223.166 175.9072 222.4063 171.6865 219.2734 169.7451 C +%_226.2383 169.7568 231.7793 168.8525 237.0723 166.7314 c +%_237.1836 166.6865 237.25 166.5693 237.2266 166.4502 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_0 D +%_207.7402 219.9189 m +%_207.8398 219.8545 207.9688 219.8643 208.0566 219.9463 c +%_208.1426 220.0264 208.1602 220.1553 208.1016 220.2588 c +%_206.4824 223.0557 207.9609 227.0713 211.1523 227.0713 c +%_216.873 227.0713 219.623 216.3018 218.748 206.4795 C +%_216.5859 212.2334 214.7148 214.5342 211.4004 217.2744 c +%_211.3066 217.3506 211.1719 217.3525 211.0781 217.2744 c +%_210.9844 217.1982 210.957 217.0654 211.0156 216.958 c +%_215.8711 207.8799 216.9121 200.8936 216.9121 192.874 C +%_215.4492 198.8311 213.7168 202.1943 208.7852 207.2549 c +%_208.6992 207.3428 208.5625 207.3564 208.4609 207.2861 c +%_208.3594 207.2158 208.3223 207.083 208.373 206.9717 c +%_213.6719 195.3799 213.2676 182.5244 209.3203 172.708 c +%_209.2813 172.6104 209.3066 172.499 209.3828 172.4268 c +%_209.4609 172.3545 209.5723 172.3389 209.668 172.3838 c +%_214.873 174.9346 217.9316 176.6104 222.4199 182.7744 C +%_221.0625 190.1729 222.1914 193.8213 225.5918 199.9678 C +%_221.6543 190.0518 223.75 176.0752 233.7793 170.3779 c +%_233.8887 170.3154 234.0273 170.3428 234.1035 170.4424 c +%_234.1816 170.542 234.1758 170.6826 234.0879 170.7744 c +%_230.3066 174.7295 227.5566 181.4092 229.9316 188.7002 C +%_228.4023 178.3115 237.5273 169.5869 247.7109 169.5869 c +%_257.3105 169.5869 263.8613 177.0947 263.3203 184.5264 c +%_262.7832 191.8916 257.877 195.4971 253.6484 197.0244 c +%_253.5371 197.0654 253.4121 197.0225 253.3496 196.9229 c +%_253.2852 196.8232 253.2988 196.6924 253.3828 196.6084 c +%_258.9922 190.915 259.7598 180.1162 249.7988 176.8486 C +%_255.6582 181.9053 253.4883 193.6768 244.1094 194.5732 c +%_243.9922 194.583 243.8828 194.5127 243.8457 194.4014 c +%_243.8066 194.292 243.8496 194.1689 243.9492 194.1064 c +%_245.957 192.8271 247.627 190.335 247.627 187.5322 c +%_247.627 182.8584 244.2051 181.0205 241.9512 181.0205 c +%_238.5293 181.0205 235.6914 184.2764 235.6914 189.2021 c +%_235.6914 195.0439 240.9512 199.8857 247.7109 200.6357 c +%_254.3379 201.3721 260.4941 198.4814 263.4609 194.1768 c +%_263.5313 194.0752 263.6621 194.04 263.7754 194.0908 c +%_263.8867 194.1416 263.9453 194.2646 263.916 194.3838 c +%_260.8965 206.0869 247.1191 211.2607 237.0273 203.8916 C +%_243.6406 211.3916 254.0332 211.4971 262.75 203.8057 c +%_262.8398 203.7256 262.9746 203.7197 263.0723 203.7939 c +%_263.168 203.8682 263.1992 203.999 263.1445 204.1084 c +%_260.4785 209.5146 253.8926 215.9268 244.5391 214.9932 c +%_235.9824 214.1377 231.0176 205.9775 230.0156 199.3018 C +%_229.459 207.8232 231.4102 213.8369 238.7695 219.4463 c +%_238.8672 219.5205 238.8965 219.6533 238.8418 219.7627 c +%_238.7871 219.8721 238.6621 219.9268 238.5449 219.8916 c +%_231.7598 217.9326 226.3145 214.4678 223.4961 207.3486 C +%_223.4961 213.5088 225.6348 219.7197 231.0215 223.8584 c +%_231.1191 223.9326 231.1484 224.0654 231.0938 224.1748 c +%_231.0391 224.2822 230.916 224.3369 230.7988 224.3037 c +%_227.3457 223.3213 224.627 221.8154 222.6602 219.1201 C +%_221.3496 230.2197 216.1387 236.8096 210.1348 236.8096 c +%_206.0098 236.8096 202.9297 233.7764 202.9297 228.9404 c +%_202.9297 226.1104 204.418 222.1377 207.7402 219.9189 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_108.5137 128.3018 m +%_111.6758 124.3975 118.0527 122.9092 124.9453 124.3135 C +%_124.4355 120.0107 125.2793 115.5225 126.5566 112.8271 c +%_126.6094 112.7197 126.7305 112.6611 126.8477 112.6904 c +%_126.9648 112.7197 127.0449 112.8271 127.041 112.9482 c +%_126.666 121.7139 131.6641 128.79 140.4902 131.8564 C +%_133.584 127.1006 131.5645 117.6631 134.8516 112.792 c +%_134.9199 112.6924 135.0469 112.6533 135.1582 112.6982 c +%_135.2695 112.7432 135.334 112.8604 135.3125 112.9795 c +%_134.9395 115.04 135.918 117.6631 138.0254 119.7041 c +%_140.9316 122.5186 144.875 123.1572 146.8359 121.1338 c +%_148.7969 119.1084 148.0332 115.1865 145.1289 112.374 c +%_144.0684 111.3467 142.8691 110.6104 141.6797 110.1885 c +%_141.5664 110.1475 141.498 110.0342 141.5137 109.917 c +%_141.5273 109.7979 141.623 109.7061 141.7422 109.6963 c +%_148.1309 109.1416 152.5117 112.9482 155.2578 117.5732 c +%_158.0527 122.2783 162.8281 125.9854 168.4688 125.2451 c +%_168.5879 125.2295 168.7012 125.2998 168.7422 125.4131 c +%_168.7813 125.5264 168.7363 125.6514 168.6328 125.7139 c +%_165.8359 127.3975 162.7617 128.0967 158.7695 126.7666 C +%_164.5645 131.6748 172.8164 134.5068 180.6104 131.9932 c +%_180.7197 131.958 180.8389 132.001 180.9014 132.0967 c +%_180.9639 132.1924 180.9541 132.3193 180.876 132.4053 c +%_174.9668 138.9697 163.1855 139.1006 155.7656 133.7764 C +%_158.8027 138.0928 162.834 141.2627 170.0586 142.2549 c +%_170.1738 142.2705 170.2637 142.3643 170.2773 142.4795 c +%_170.2891 142.5947 170.2227 142.7041 170.1133 142.7451 c +%_161.8223 145.8213 153.5137 142.7002 146.668 134.5283 C +%_149.6602 140.9072 154.5742 146.0146 161.4355 148.542 c +%_161.5508 148.583 161.6191 148.7002 161.5977 148.8213 c +%_161.5781 148.9424 161.4746 149.0303 161.3535 149.0322 c +%_157.4102 149.1143 153.8672 148.1748 149.0879 145.4619 C +%_152.5957 151.1533 151.8281 161.1006 146.7188 167.7217 c +%_146.6484 167.8135 146.5234 167.8447 146.416 167.7998 c +%_146.3105 167.7529 146.248 167.6396 146.2676 167.5244 c +%_147.4473 160.3252 144.9688 152.1963 140.6582 147.8838 C +%_142.8105 155.5146 140.6641 162.46 134.7617 167.5264 c +%_134.6914 167.5869 134.5918 167.6045 134.5059 167.5713 c +%_134.418 167.5381 134.3574 167.46 134.3438 167.3682 c +%_133.1094 157.9502 122.5742 148.3936 113.7422 147.5928 c +%_113.6172 147.5811 113.5195 147.4814 113.5117 147.3564 c +%_113.5039 147.2314 113.5859 147.1201 113.709 147.0928 c +%_117.9883 146.124 122.4004 146.6025 126.0977 148.1221 C +%_123.4375 145.1904 120.1582 143.0127 116.543 141.8779 c +%_116.4258 141.8408 116.3535 141.7275 116.3672 141.6064 c +%_116.3809 141.4854 116.4805 141.3896 116.6016 141.3818 c +%_121.1113 141.0713 125.5254 142.3877 129.332 144.9209 C +%_124.9707 138.2998 118.3516 133.376 109.9043 131.4131 c +%_109.7832 131.3857 109.7012 131.2744 109.707 131.1514 c +%_109.7148 131.0283 109.8105 130.9287 109.9336 130.915 c +%_121.8516 129.6123 131.6797 134.2334 138.1543 142.833 C +%_136.5059 137.9307 131.7891 133.0771 125.209 130.2139 c +%_119.3633 127.6689 113.3594 127.2666 108.7871 128.7041 c +%_108.6816 128.7373 108.5645 128.6963 108.502 128.6045 c +%_108.4395 128.5107 108.4434 128.3877 108.5137 128.3018 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_161.418 203.874 m +%_156.6113 193.3877 156.9531 185.1885 160.8242 174.8193 c +%_160.8691 174.7021 160.9902 174.6338 161.1133 174.6592 c +%_161.2363 174.6846 161.3223 174.7959 161.3164 174.9189 c +%_160.6953 187.542 164.1426 196.5732 171.6152 202.7275 C +%_163.3652 192.874 167.2617 173.167 180.4385 173.167 c +%_190.0244 173.167 197.9531 181.1436 199.8926 190.6924 c +%_199.918 190.8135 199.8516 190.9346 199.7344 190.9795 c +%_199.6191 191.0244 199.4883 190.9795 199.4258 190.8721 c +%_196.584 186.1104 192.0176 183.0205 186.9697 183.0205 c +%_178.834 183.0205 176.4277 189.4873 176.4277 194.0205 c +%_176.4277 200.2061 181.3545 205.3623 185.1357 205.3623 c +%_188.5732 205.3623 190.1768 202.54 190.1768 200.4365 c +%_190.1768 196.5381 187.1787 193.2705 183.8018 192.2725 c +%_183.6807 192.2354 183.6045 192.1182 183.6221 191.9932 c +%_183.6396 191.8682 183.7451 191.7744 183.8721 191.7744 c +%_187.9775 191.749 191.4473 193.6279 193.5 197.3428 C +%_193.7695 194.4678 193.7715 192.6572 192.8594 189.6182 c +%_192.8242 189.501 192.877 189.376 192.9844 189.3193 c +%_193.0938 189.2646 193.2266 189.292 193.3008 189.3896 c +%_200.6582 198.7822 197.1367 215.0127 191.3223 221.7471 C +%_196.8535 217.7646 201.7383 209.1123 201.6621 197.3525 c +%_201.6602 197.2314 201.7461 197.126 201.8672 197.1025 c +%_201.9863 197.0791 202.1055 197.1436 202.1504 197.2568 c +%_206.2598 207.5107 204.0801 226.5049 192.8691 237.1084 C +%_195.7539 237.5068 198.7363 237.4561 201.9941 236.417 c +%_202.1094 236.3799 202.2344 236.4307 202.293 236.5361 c +%_202.3516 236.6416 202.3281 236.7744 202.2344 236.8525 c +%_198.1426 240.3076 192.4199 241.3936 186.9697 241.3936 C +%_191.666 235.8936 190.1064 224.8408 182.6162 224.8408 c +%_177.2656 224.8408 174.8379 233.1396 178.9668 237.6221 c +%_179.0449 237.708 179.0547 237.835 178.9922 237.9326 c +%_178.9277 238.0303 178.8066 238.0713 178.6953 238.0342 c +%_173.916 236.3779 168.75 232.2451 168.75 227.0166 c +%_168.75 221.9756 173.5625 217.6221 180.5537 217.9658 C +%_171.7324 215.4619 162.5 218.2334 157.6699 224.2197 c +%_157.5957 224.3115 157.4648 224.3408 157.3594 224.2861 c +%_157.252 224.2334 157.1973 224.1123 157.2266 223.9951 c +%_160.0176 213.2803 169.1934 208.7959 180.667 210.29 C +%_171.3848 206.5322 157.416 209.8076 151.2422 217.5986 c +%_151.1699 217.6904 151.043 217.7217 150.9355 217.6709 c +%_150.8301 217.6221 150.7715 217.5049 150.7949 217.3896 c +%_152.166 210.7744 155.6582 205.8291 161.418 203.874 C +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_*U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Repeated_Art) , +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Main_Copy_of_EditGroup) , +%_; +%_ +%_9 () XW +%_u +%_*u +%_1 D +%_1 0.771237 0.226078 0.073854 0 0.258824 0.494118 Xa +%_0 1 0 0 0 Xy +%_26.6963 184.5869 m +%_26.7178 184.7061 26.8213 184.792 26.9424 184.7939 c +%_39.8486 184.9287 51.6963 188.0615 60.9141 196.3086 C +%_52.8838 190.751 37.9717 188.7979 29.3867 192.6904 c +%_29.2764 192.7402 29.2178 192.8604 29.2451 192.9785 c +%_29.2715 193.0967 29.3779 193.1787 29.499 193.1748 c +%_40.1787 192.8857 48.7783 196.1816 55.4834 202.1396 C +%_48.6143 202.5615 42.9092 206.8799 42.9268 211.9844 c +%_42.9268 212.1035 43.0107 212.2061 43.1279 212.2314 c +%_43.2441 212.2568 43.3623 212.1963 43.4111 212.0879 c +%_44.5322 209.5986 48.1592 208.3076 51.9941 209.208 c +%_56.1738 210.1885 58.9941 213.3975 58.2949 216.373 c +%_57.8232 218.3877 55.8584 219.7764 53.3428 220.1602 c +%_53.2158 220.1787 53.123 220.29 53.126 220.418 c +%_53.1299 220.5459 53.2285 220.6514 53.3564 220.6631 c +%_54.4248 220.7656 55.5361 220.7695 56.6738 220.6611 c +%_63.1641 220.0439 68.1875 216.0654 68.623 211.4834 C +%_73.3359 212.0303 77.5078 214.6396 79.002 218.2568 c +%_79.0469 218.3652 79.1621 218.4287 79.2773 218.4111 c +%_79.3926 218.3916 79.4805 218.2969 79.4902 218.1807 c +%_79.8672 213.4287 78.2324 210.3418 74.5195 207.3262 C +%_79.9043 209.3857 85.9648 209.4912 91.7754 206.7881 c +%_91.8809 206.7393 91.9395 206.624 91.918 206.5088 c +%_91.8945 206.3936 91.7949 206.3096 91.6777 206.3057 c +%_86.7988 206.1152 83.2617 204.5498 79.9473 201.2334 C +%_98.2012 206.3672 113.0332 195.0322 107.9004 178.1807 c +%_107.8652 178.0654 107.7539 177.9902 107.6328 178.0029 c +%_107.5117 178.0146 107.416 178.1104 107.4063 178.2314 c +%_106.4883 187.9453 99.7031 194.3467 89.5449 195.3076 C +%_94.9316 193.2471 100.5449 188.3311 101.1016 179.7734 c +%_101.1094 179.6514 101.0293 179.54 100.9102 179.5107 c +%_100.791 179.4814 100.668 179.54 100.6172 179.6514 c +%_97.8184 185.8057 92.3203 188.917 86.457 189.4639 C +%_92.791 186.8838 96.8535 180.8623 98.0273 173.0439 c +%_98.0469 172.9209 97.9727 172.8018 97.8535 172.7646 c +%_97.7363 172.7256 97.6074 172.7803 97.5508 172.8896 c +%_93.6855 180.4727 85.3945 185.6836 75.1035 181.7021 c +%_64.4863 177.5928 59.8291 165.3154 58.7998 156.6611 c +%_58.7852 156.54 58.6846 156.4463 58.5615 156.4385 c +%_58.4395 156.4307 58.3291 156.5127 58.3008 156.6338 c +%_54.5811 172.3213 61.8838 188.583 74.9375 195.4736 C +%_67.8418 193.4707 61.498 189.2139 57.9102 182.1191 C +%_49.6162 181.1006 43.9063 178.2568 41.0527 172.8799 c +%_40.9961 172.7725 40.8721 172.7197 40.7568 172.7549 c +%_40.6416 172.7881 40.5654 172.8994 40.5752 173.0205 c +%_40.7578 175.1299 41.5166 179.3506 44.6494 181.291 C +%_37.6846 181.2803 32.1436 182.1846 26.8506 184.3037 c +%_26.7393 184.3496 26.6738 184.4678 26.6963 184.5869 c +%_f +%_0 D +%_56.1826 131.1162 m +%_56.084 131.1826 55.9541 131.1709 55.8672 131.0908 c +%_55.7813 131.0088 55.7627 130.8799 55.8213 130.7783 c +%_57.4414 127.9814 55.9619 123.9639 52.7705 123.9639 c +%_47.0498 123.9639 44.2998 134.7334 45.1748 144.5576 C +%_47.3379 138.8018 49.208 136.5029 52.5225 133.7627 c +%_52.6162 133.6846 52.751 133.6846 52.8447 133.7607 c +%_52.9385 133.8389 52.9658 133.9697 52.9082 134.0771 c +%_48.0518 143.1572 47.0107 150.1436 47.0107 158.1631 C +%_48.4736 152.2041 50.2061 148.8408 55.1377 143.7822 c +%_55.2236 143.6943 55.3604 143.6807 55.4629 143.749 c +%_55.5645 143.8193 55.6016 143.9521 55.5498 144.0654 c +%_50.252 155.6553 50.6563 168.5127 54.6025 178.3291 c +%_54.6416 178.4268 54.6172 178.5381 54.54 178.6104 c +%_54.4629 178.6807 54.3506 178.6982 54.2549 178.6514 c +%_49.0498 176.1006 45.9912 174.4248 41.5029 168.2627 C +%_42.8604 160.8643 41.7314 157.2139 38.3311 151.0674 C +%_42.2686 160.9854 40.1729 174.9619 30.1436 180.6592 c +%_30.0342 180.7207 29.8955 180.6934 29.8193 180.5947 c +%_29.7412 180.4951 29.748 180.3535 29.835 180.2627 c +%_33.6162 176.3076 36.3662 169.6279 33.9912 162.335 C +%_35.5205 172.7236 26.3955 181.4502 16.2119 181.4502 c +%_6.6123 181.4502 0.061523 173.9404 0.602539 166.5088 c +%_1.13965 159.1436 6.0459 155.54 10.2744 154.0107 c +%_10.3857 153.9717 10.5107 154.0127 10.5742 154.1123 c +%_10.6377 154.2139 10.624 154.3428 10.541 154.4287 c +%_4.93066 160.1201 4.16309 170.9209 14.124 174.1885 C +%_8.26465 169.1318 10.4346 157.3584 19.8135 156.4639 c +%_19.9307 156.4521 20.04 156.5225 20.0781 156.6338 c +%_20.1162 156.7451 20.0732 156.8682 19.9746 156.9307 c +%_17.9658 158.208 16.2959 160.7021 16.2959 163.5049 c +%_16.2959 168.1787 19.7178 170.0146 21.9717 170.0146 c +%_25.3936 170.0146 28.2314 166.7588 28.2314 161.835 c +%_28.2314 155.9912 22.9717 151.1514 16.2119 150.3994 c +%_9.58594 149.665 3.42969 152.5537 0.461914 156.8584 c +%_0.392578 156.96 0.260742 156.9971 0.148438 156.9463 c +%_0.036133 156.8955 -0.022461 156.7705 0.007813 156.6514 c +%_3.02637 144.9482 16.8037 139.7744 26.8955 147.1455 C +%_20.2822 139.6436 9.88965 139.54 1.17383 147.2314 c +%_1.08301 147.3115 0.948242 147.3154 0.851563 147.2412 c +%_0.754883 147.1689 0.724609 147.0361 0.77832 146.9287 c +%_3.44531 141.5205 10.0313 135.1084 19.3838 136.0439 c +%_27.9404 136.8994 32.9053 145.0576 33.9072 151.7354 C +%_34.4639 143.2139 32.5137 137.1982 25.1533 131.5889 c +%_25.0566 131.5146 25.0264 131.3818 25.0811 131.2725 c +%_25.1357 131.165 25.2607 131.1104 25.3779 131.1436 c +%_32.1631 133.1045 37.6084 136.5693 40.4268 143.6885 C +%_40.4268 137.5264 38.2881 131.3154 32.9014 127.1768 c +%_32.8037 127.1025 32.7744 126.9717 32.8291 126.8623 c +%_32.8838 126.7529 33.0078 126.6982 33.125 126.7314 c +%_36.5781 127.7158 39.2959 129.2197 41.2627 131.917 C +%_42.5732 120.8174 47.7842 114.2256 53.7881 114.2256 c +%_57.9131 114.2256 60.9932 117.2588 60.9932 122.0967 c +%_60.9932 124.9268 59.5049 128.8994 56.1826 131.1162 c +%_f +%_155.4102 222.7354 m +%_152.248 226.6396 145.8711 228.1279 138.9785 226.7236 C +%_139.4883 231.0244 138.6445 235.5146 137.3672 238.208 c +%_137.3145 238.3174 137.1934 238.375 137.0762 238.3467 c +%_136.959 238.3174 136.8789 238.21 136.8828 238.0889 c +%_137.2578 229.3223 132.2598 222.2451 123.4336 219.1787 C +%_130.3398 223.9346 132.3594 233.3721 129.0723 238.2451 c +%_129.0039 238.3438 128.877 238.3828 128.7656 238.3369 c +%_128.6543 238.292 128.5898 238.1748 128.6113 238.0576 c +%_128.9844 235.9971 128.0059 233.373 125.8984 231.3311 c +%_122.9922 228.5166 119.0488 227.8779 117.0879 229.9014 c +%_115.127 231.9268 115.8906 235.8486 118.7949 238.6631 c +%_119.8555 239.6904 121.0547 240.4248 122.2441 240.8477 c +%_122.3574 240.8877 122.4258 241.001 122.4102 241.1191 c +%_122.3965 241.2383 122.3008 241.3301 122.1816 241.3398 c +%_115.793 241.8945 111.4121 238.0879 108.666 233.4619 c +%_105.8711 228.7568 101.0957 225.0518 95.4551 225.792 c +%_95.3359 225.8076 95.2227 225.7373 95.1816 225.624 c +%_95.1426 225.5107 95.1875 225.3838 95.291 225.3223 c +%_98.0879 223.6377 101.1621 222.9385 105.1543 224.2705 C +%_99.3594 219.3613 91.1074 216.5283 83.3145 219.043 c +%_83.2051 219.0791 83.0859 219.0361 83.0234 218.9395 c +%_82.9609 218.8428 82.9727 218.7168 83.0488 218.6318 c +%_88.957 212.0674 100.7383 211.9365 108.1582 217.2588 C +%_105.1211 212.9424 101.0898 209.7744 93.8652 208.7803 c +%_93.75 208.7646 93.6602 208.6729 93.6465 208.5576 c +%_93.6348 208.4414 93.7012 208.332 93.8105 208.292 c +%_102.1016 205.2139 110.4102 208.3369 117.2559 216.5068 C +%_114.2637 210.1299 109.3496 205.0225 102.4883 202.4951 c +%_102.373 202.4531 102.3047 202.335 102.3262 202.2158 c +%_102.3457 202.0947 102.4492 202.0059 102.5703 202.0029 c +%_106.5137 201.9219 110.0566 202.8604 114.8359 205.5732 C +%_111.3281 199.8838 112.0957 189.9346 117.2051 183.3154 c +%_117.2754 183.2236 117.4004 183.1914 117.5078 183.2373 c +%_117.6133 183.2842 117.6758 183.3965 117.6563 183.5107 c +%_116.4766 190.7119 118.9551 198.8408 123.2656 203.1533 C +%_121.1133 195.5215 123.2598 188.5771 129.1621 183.5088 c +%_129.2324 183.4482 129.332 183.4316 129.418 183.4648 c +%_129.5059 183.498 129.5664 183.5771 129.5801 183.6689 c +%_130.8145 193.0869 141.3496 202.6436 150.1816 203.4443 c +%_150.3066 203.4551 150.4043 203.5557 150.4121 203.6797 c +%_150.4199 203.8037 150.3379 203.917 150.2148 203.9443 c +%_145.9355 204.9131 141.5234 204.4346 137.8262 202.9131 C +%_140.4863 205.8467 143.7656 208.0244 147.3809 209.1592 c +%_147.498 209.1953 147.5703 209.3096 147.5566 209.4307 c +%_147.543 209.5518 147.4434 209.6455 147.3223 209.6543 c +%_142.8125 209.9658 138.3984 208.6484 134.5918 206.1162 C +%_138.9531 212.7373 145.5723 217.6611 154.0195 219.6221 c +%_154.1406 219.6504 154.2227 219.7607 154.2168 219.8848 c +%_154.209 220.0088 154.1133 220.1084 153.9902 220.1221 c +%_142.0723 221.4238 132.2441 216.8037 125.7695 208.2041 C +%_127.418 213.1045 132.1348 217.96 138.7148 220.8232 c +%_144.5605 223.3682 150.5645 223.7695 155.1367 222.333 c +%_155.2422 222.2998 155.3594 222.3398 155.4219 222.4326 c +%_155.4844 222.5244 155.4805 222.6475 155.4102 222.7354 c +%_f +%_102.5059 147.1631 m +%_107.3125 157.6494 106.9707 165.8486 103.0996 176.2178 c +%_103.0547 176.335 102.9336 176.4023 102.8105 176.3779 c +%_102.6875 176.3525 102.6016 176.2412 102.6074 176.1162 c +%_103.2285 163.4951 99.7813 154.4619 92.3086 148.3096 C +%_100.5586 158.1611 96.6621 177.8691 83.4863 177.8691 c +%_73.9004 177.8691 65.9697 169.8936 64.0303 160.3447 c +%_64.0059 160.2236 64.0723 160.1006 64.1885 160.0576 c +%_64.3037 160.0127 64.4346 160.0576 64.4971 160.1631 c +%_67.3398 164.9248 71.9063 168.0146 76.9551 168.0146 c +%_85.0898 168.0146 87.4961 161.5479 87.4961 157.0166 c +%_87.4961 150.8291 82.5703 145.6729 78.7891 145.6729 c +%_75.3516 145.6729 73.748 148.4971 73.748 150.6006 c +%_73.748 154.499 76.7461 157.7666 80.125 158.7646 c +%_80.2441 158.7998 80.3223 158.9189 80.3047 159.0439 c +%_80.2852 159.1689 80.1797 159.2607 80.0547 159.2627 c +%_75.9473 159.2881 72.4766 157.4072 70.4238 153.6943 C +%_70.1543 156.5693 70.1514 158.3799 71.0645 161.417 c +%_71.0996 161.5342 71.0459 161.6592 70.9385 161.7158 c +%_70.8291 161.7725 70.6963 161.7432 70.6221 161.6475 c +%_63.2656 152.2549 66.7861 136.0225 72.6016 129.29 C +%_67.0693 133.2725 62.1846 141.9229 62.2617 153.6826 c +%_62.2627 153.8057 62.1768 153.9092 62.0566 153.9326 c +%_61.9365 153.958 61.8174 153.8916 61.7725 153.7783 c +%_57.6641 143.5264 59.8438 124.5303 71.0537 113.9268 C +%_68.1699 113.5303 65.1865 113.5811 61.9287 114.6201 c +%_61.8135 114.6553 61.6885 114.6064 61.6299 114.501 c +%_61.5713 114.3936 61.5947 114.2607 61.6885 114.1826 c +%_65.7803 110.7275 71.5029 109.6416 76.9551 109.6416 C +%_72.2578 115.1416 73.8184 126.1963 81.3105 126.1963 c +%_86.6582 126.1963 89.0859 117.8975 84.957 113.415 c +%_84.8789 113.3291 84.8691 113.2002 84.9316 113.1045 c +%_84.9961 113.0068 85.1172 112.9639 85.2285 113.0029 c +%_90.0078 114.6572 95.1738 118.792 95.1738 124.0186 c +%_95.1738 129.0615 90.3613 133.4131 83.373 133.0693 C +%_92.1914 135.5752 101.4238 132.8018 106.2539 126.8174 c +%_106.3281 126.7236 106.459 126.6963 106.5645 126.749 c +%_106.6719 126.8037 106.7266 126.9248 106.6973 127.04 c +%_103.9063 137.7568 94.7305 142.2393 83.2578 140.7471 C +%_92.5391 144.5029 106.5078 141.2275 112.6816 133.4365 c +%_112.7539 133.3447 112.8809 133.3154 112.9883 133.3643 c +%_113.0938 133.415 113.1523 133.5322 113.1289 133.6455 c +%_111.7578 140.2607 108.2656 145.208 102.5059 147.1631 C +%_f +%_*U +%_*u +%_1 D +%_0.41001 0 0.011078 0 0.615686 0.862745 0.976471 Xa +%_0 0.4 0 0 0 Xy +%_128.8887 166.4502 m +%_128.8672 166.3311 128.7637 166.2432 128.6426 166.2432 c +%_115.7363 166.1064 103.8887 162.9756 94.6719 154.7275 C +%_102.7012 160.2861 117.6133 162.2373 126.1992 158.3467 c +%_126.3086 158.2959 126.3672 158.1748 126.3398 158.0576 c +%_126.3145 157.9404 126.207 157.8584 126.0859 157.8604 c +%_115.4063 158.1514 106.8066 154.8545 100.1016 148.8975 C +%_106.9707 148.4736 112.6758 144.1572 112.6582 139.0518 c +%_112.6582 138.9326 112.5742 138.8291 112.457 138.8037 c +%_112.3418 138.7803 112.2227 138.8389 112.1738 138.9482 c +%_111.0527 141.4365 107.4258 142.7295 103.5918 141.8291 c +%_99.4121 140.8467 96.5918 137.6396 97.291 134.6631 c +%_97.7617 132.6494 99.7266 131.2607 102.2422 130.876 c +%_102.3691 130.8564 102.4629 130.7471 102.459 130.6182 c +%_102.4551 130.4912 102.3574 130.3857 102.2285 130.3721 c +%_101.1602 130.2705 100.0488 130.2666 98.9121 130.376 c +%_92.4219 130.9932 87.3984 134.9697 86.9629 139.5537 C +%_82.25 139.0068 78.0781 136.3955 76.584 132.7803 c +%_76.5391 132.6709 76.4258 132.6084 76.3086 132.626 c +%_76.1934 132.6436 76.1055 132.7393 76.0957 132.8564 c +%_75.7188 137.6064 77.3535 140.6943 81.0664 143.71 C +%_75.6816 141.6514 69.6201 141.5459 63.8096 144.2471 c +%_63.7041 144.2979 63.6455 144.4131 63.667 144.5283 c +%_63.6904 144.6436 63.79 144.7275 63.9072 144.7314 c +%_68.7861 144.9209 72.3242 146.4873 75.6406 149.8037 C +%_57.3838 144.6689 42.5518 156.0049 47.6846 172.8545 c +%_47.7197 172.9717 47.8311 173.0459 47.9521 173.0342 c +%_48.0732 173.0225 48.1689 172.9268 48.1787 172.8057 c +%_49.0967 163.0908 55.8818 156.6885 66.04 155.7295 C +%_60.6533 157.7881 55.04 162.7041 54.4834 171.2627 c +%_54.4756 171.3857 54.5557 171.4951 54.6748 171.5264 c +%_54.7939 171.5557 54.917 171.4951 54.9678 171.3838 c +%_57.7666 165.2295 63.2646 162.1201 69.1279 161.5713 C +%_62.7939 164.1533 58.7314 170.1748 57.5576 177.9932 c +%_57.5381 178.1162 57.6123 178.2334 57.7314 178.2725 c +%_57.8486 178.3096 57.9775 178.2568 58.0342 178.1455 c +%_61.8994 170.5635 70.1904 165.3525 80.4824 169.335 c +%_91.0996 173.4443 95.7559 185.7197 96.7852 194.374 c +%_96.8008 194.4971 96.9004 194.5908 97.0234 194.5986 c +%_97.1465 194.6045 97.2559 194.5225 97.2852 194.4033 c +%_101.0039 178.7139 93.7012 162.4541 80.6484 155.5635 C +%_87.7441 157.5654 94.0879 161.8232 97.6758 168.917 C +%_105.9688 169.9346 111.6797 172.7803 114.5332 178.1572 c +%_114.5898 178.2627 114.7129 178.3154 114.8281 178.2822 c +%_114.9434 178.2471 115.0195 178.1357 115.0098 178.0166 c +%_114.8281 175.9072 114.0684 171.6865 110.9355 169.7451 C +%_117.9004 169.7568 123.4414 168.8525 128.7344 166.7314 c +%_128.8457 166.6865 128.9121 166.5693 128.8887 166.4502 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_0 D +%_99.4023 219.9189 m +%_99.502 219.8545 99.6309 219.8643 99.7188 219.9463 c +%_99.8047 220.0264 99.8223 220.1553 99.7637 220.2588 c +%_98.1445 223.0557 99.623 227.0713 102.8145 227.0713 c +%_108.5352 227.0713 111.2852 216.3018 110.4102 206.4795 C +%_108.248 212.2334 106.377 214.5342 103.0625 217.2744 c +%_102.9688 217.3506 102.834 217.3525 102.7402 217.2744 c +%_102.6465 217.1982 102.6191 217.0654 102.6777 216.958 c +%_107.5332 207.8799 108.5742 200.8936 108.5742 192.874 C +%_107.1113 198.8311 105.3789 202.1943 100.4473 207.2549 c +%_100.3613 207.3428 100.2246 207.3564 100.123 207.2861 c +%_100.0215 207.2158 99.9844 207.083 100.0352 206.9717 c +%_105.334 195.3799 104.9297 182.5244 100.9824 172.708 c +%_100.9434 172.6104 100.9688 172.499 101.0449 172.4268 c +%_101.123 172.3545 101.2344 172.3389 101.3301 172.3838 c +%_106.5352 174.9346 109.5938 176.6104 114.082 182.7744 C +%_112.7246 190.1729 113.8535 193.8213 117.2539 199.9678 C +%_113.3164 190.0518 115.4121 176.0752 125.4414 170.3779 c +%_125.5508 170.3154 125.6895 170.3428 125.7656 170.4424 c +%_125.8438 170.542 125.8379 170.6826 125.75 170.7744 c +%_121.9688 174.7295 119.2188 181.4092 121.5938 188.7002 C +%_120.0645 178.3115 129.1895 169.5869 139.373 169.5869 c +%_148.9727 169.5869 155.5234 177.0947 154.9824 184.5264 c +%_154.4453 191.8916 149.5391 195.4971 145.3105 197.0244 c +%_145.1992 197.0654 145.0742 197.0225 145.0117 196.9229 c +%_144.9473 196.8232 144.9609 196.6924 145.0449 196.6084 c +%_150.6543 190.915 151.4219 180.1162 141.4609 176.8486 C +%_147.3203 181.9053 145.1504 193.6768 135.7715 194.5732 c +%_135.6543 194.583 135.5449 194.5127 135.5078 194.4014 c +%_135.4688 194.292 135.5117 194.1689 135.6113 194.1064 c +%_137.6191 192.8271 139.2891 190.335 139.2891 187.5322 c +%_139.2891 182.8584 135.8672 181.0205 133.6133 181.0205 c +%_130.1914 181.0205 127.3535 184.2764 127.3535 189.2021 c +%_127.3535 195.0439 132.6133 199.8857 139.373 200.6357 c +%_146 201.3721 152.1563 198.4814 155.123 194.1768 c +%_155.1934 194.0752 155.3242 194.04 155.4375 194.0908 c +%_155.5488 194.1416 155.6074 194.2646 155.5781 194.3838 c +%_152.5586 206.0869 138.7813 211.2607 128.6895 203.8916 C +%_135.3027 211.3916 145.6953 211.4971 154.4121 203.8057 c +%_154.502 203.7256 154.6367 203.7197 154.7344 203.7939 c +%_154.8301 203.8682 154.8613 203.999 154.8066 204.1084 c +%_152.1406 209.5146 145.5547 215.9268 136.2012 214.9932 c +%_127.6445 214.1377 122.6797 205.9775 121.6777 199.3018 C +%_121.1211 207.8232 123.0723 213.8369 130.4316 219.4463 c +%_130.5293 219.5205 130.5586 219.6533 130.5039 219.7627 c +%_130.4492 219.8721 130.3242 219.9268 130.207 219.8916 c +%_123.4219 217.9326 117.9766 214.4678 115.1582 207.3486 C +%_115.1582 213.5088 117.2969 219.7197 122.6836 223.8584 c +%_122.7813 223.9326 122.8105 224.0654 122.7559 224.1748 c +%_122.7012 224.2822 122.5781 224.3369 122.4609 224.3037 c +%_119.0078 223.3213 116.2891 221.8154 114.3223 219.1201 C +%_113.0117 230.2197 107.8008 236.8096 101.7969 236.8096 c +%_97.6719 236.8096 94.5918 233.7764 94.5918 228.9404 c +%_94.5918 226.1104 96.0801 222.1377 99.4023 219.9189 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_0.174805 128.3018 m +%_3.33691 124.3975 9.71387 122.9092 16.6064 124.3135 C +%_16.0967 120.0107 16.9404 115.5225 18.2178 112.8271 c +%_18.2705 112.7197 18.3916 112.6611 18.5088 112.6904 c +%_18.626 112.7197 18.7061 112.8271 18.7021 112.9482 c +%_18.3271 121.7139 23.3252 128.79 32.1514 131.8564 C +%_25.2451 127.1006 23.2256 117.6631 26.5127 112.792 c +%_26.5811 112.6924 26.708 112.6533 26.8193 112.6982 c +%_26.9307 112.7432 26.9951 112.8604 26.9736 112.9795 c +%_26.6006 115.04 27.5791 117.6631 29.6865 119.7041 c +%_32.5928 122.5186 36.5361 123.1572 38.4971 121.1338 c +%_40.458 119.1084 39.6943 115.1865 36.79 112.374 c +%_35.7295 111.3467 34.5303 110.6104 33.3408 110.1885 c +%_33.2275 110.1475 33.1592 110.0342 33.1748 109.917 c +%_33.1885 109.7979 33.2842 109.7061 33.4033 109.6963 c +%_39.792 109.1416 44.1729 112.9482 46.9189 117.5732 c +%_49.7139 122.2783 54.4893 125.9854 60.1299 125.2451 c +%_60.249 125.2295 60.3623 125.2998 60.4033 125.4131 c +%_60.4424 125.5264 60.3975 125.6514 60.2939 125.7139 c +%_57.4971 127.3975 54.4229 128.0967 50.4307 126.7666 C +%_56.2256 131.6748 64.4775 134.5068 72.2715 131.9932 c +%_72.3809 131.958 72.5 132.001 72.5625 132.0967 c +%_72.625 132.1924 72.6152 132.3193 72.5371 132.4053 c +%_66.6279 138.9697 54.8467 139.1006 47.4268 133.7764 C +%_50.4639 138.0928 54.4951 141.2627 61.7197 142.2549 c +%_61.835 142.2705 61.9248 142.3643 61.9385 142.4795 c +%_61.9502 142.5947 61.8838 142.7041 61.7744 142.7451 c +%_53.4834 145.8213 45.1748 142.7002 38.3291 134.5283 C +%_41.3213 140.9072 46.2354 146.0146 53.0967 148.542 c +%_53.2119 148.583 53.2803 148.7002 53.2588 148.8213 c +%_53.2393 148.9424 53.1357 149.0303 53.0146 149.0322 c +%_49.0713 149.1143 45.5283 148.1748 40.749 145.4619 C +%_44.2568 151.1533 43.4893 161.1006 38.3799 167.7217 c +%_38.3096 167.8135 38.1846 167.8447 38.0771 167.7998 c +%_37.9717 167.7529 37.9092 167.6396 37.9287 167.5244 c +%_39.1084 160.3252 36.6299 152.1963 32.3193 147.8838 C +%_34.4717 155.5146 32.3252 162.46 26.4229 167.5264 c +%_26.3525 167.5869 26.2529 167.6045 26.167 167.5713 c +%_26.0791 167.5381 26.0186 167.46 26.0049 167.3682 c +%_24.7705 157.9502 14.2354 148.3936 5.40332 147.5928 c +%_5.27832 147.5811 5.18066 147.4814 5.17285 147.3564 c +%_5.16504 147.2314 5.24707 147.1201 5.37012 147.0928 c +%_9.64941 146.124 14.0615 146.6025 17.7588 148.1221 C +%_15.0986 145.1904 11.8193 143.0127 8.2041 141.8779 c +%_8.08691 141.8408 8.01465 141.7275 8.02832 141.6064 c +%_8.04199 141.4854 8.1416 141.3896 8.2627 141.3818 c +%_12.7725 141.0713 17.1865 142.3877 20.9932 144.9209 C +%_16.6318 138.2998 10.0127 133.376 1.56543 131.4131 c +%_1.44434 131.3857 1.3623 131.2744 1.36816 131.1514 c +%_1.37598 131.0283 1.47168 130.9287 1.59473 130.915 c +%_13.5127 129.6123 23.3408 134.2334 29.8154 142.833 C +%_28.167 137.9307 23.4502 133.0771 16.8701 130.2139 c +%_11.0244 127.6689 5.02051 127.2666 0.448242 128.7041 c +%_0.342773 128.7373 0.225586 128.6963 0.163086 128.6045 c +%_0.100586 128.5107 0.104492 128.3877 0.174805 128.3018 c +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_53.0791 203.874 m +%_48.2725 193.3877 48.6143 185.1885 52.4854 174.8193 c +%_52.5303 174.7021 52.6514 174.6338 52.7744 174.6592 c +%_52.8975 174.6846 52.9834 174.7959 52.9775 174.9189 c +%_52.3564 187.542 55.8037 196.5732 63.2764 202.7275 C +%_55.0264 192.874 58.9229 173.167 72.0996 173.167 c +%_81.6855 173.167 89.6152 181.1436 91.5547 190.6924 c +%_91.5801 190.8135 91.5137 190.9346 91.3965 190.9795 c +%_91.2813 191.0244 91.1504 190.9795 91.0879 190.8721 c +%_88.2461 186.1104 83.6797 183.0205 78.6309 183.0205 c +%_70.4951 183.0205 68.0889 189.4873 68.0889 194.0205 c +%_68.0889 200.2061 73.0156 205.3623 76.7969 205.3623 c +%_80.2344 205.3623 81.8379 202.54 81.8379 200.4365 c +%_81.8379 196.5381 78.8398 193.2705 75.4629 192.2725 c +%_75.3418 192.2354 75.2656 192.1182 75.2832 191.9932 c +%_75.3008 191.8682 75.4063 191.7744 75.5332 191.7744 c +%_79.6387 191.749 83.1094 193.6279 85.1621 197.3428 C +%_85.4316 194.4678 85.4336 192.6572 84.5215 189.6182 c +%_84.4863 189.501 84.5391 189.376 84.6465 189.3193 c +%_84.7559 189.2646 84.8887 189.292 84.9629 189.3896 c +%_92.3203 198.7822 88.7988 215.0127 82.9844 221.7471 C +%_88.5156 217.7646 93.4004 209.1123 93.3242 197.3525 c +%_93.3223 197.2314 93.4082 197.126 93.5293 197.1025 c +%_93.6484 197.0791 93.7676 197.1436 93.8125 197.2568 c +%_97.9219 207.5107 95.7422 226.5049 84.5313 237.1084 C +%_87.416 237.5068 90.3984 237.4561 93.6563 236.417 c +%_93.7715 236.3799 93.8965 236.4307 93.9551 236.5361 c +%_94.0137 236.6416 93.9902 236.7744 93.8965 236.8525 c +%_89.8047 240.3076 84.082 241.3936 78.6309 241.3936 C +%_83.3281 235.8936 81.7676 224.8408 74.2773 224.8408 c +%_68.9268 224.8408 66.499 233.1396 70.6279 237.6221 c +%_70.7061 237.708 70.7158 237.835 70.6533 237.9326 c +%_70.5889 238.0303 70.4678 238.0713 70.3564 238.0342 c +%_65.5771 236.3779 60.4111 232.2451 60.4111 227.0166 c +%_60.4111 221.9756 65.2236 217.6221 72.2148 217.9658 C +%_63.3936 215.4619 54.1611 218.2334 49.3311 224.2197 c +%_49.2568 224.3115 49.126 224.3408 49.0205 224.2861 c +%_48.9131 224.2334 48.8584 224.1123 48.8877 223.9951 c +%_51.6787 213.2803 60.8545 208.7959 72.3281 210.29 C +%_63.0459 206.5322 49.0771 209.8076 42.9033 217.5986 c +%_42.8311 217.6904 42.7041 217.7217 42.5967 217.6709 c +%_42.4912 217.6221 42.4326 217.5049 42.4561 217.3896 c +%_43.8271 210.7744 47.3193 205.8291 53.0791 203.874 C +%_f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_*U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(-3.141593) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +%_U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Is_Main_Copy_of_EditGroup) , +%_; +%_ +%_9 () XW +%_U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_5 /Int (AIPattern_Editor_Preview_Cols) , +%_108.3384 /Real (AIPattern_Editor_Tile_Width) , +%_5 /Int (AIPattern_Editor_Preview_Rows) , +%_109.6416 /Real (AIPattern_Editor_Tile_Height) , +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Editor_Top_in_Front) , +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Editor_Left_in_Front) , +%_1 /Bool (AIPattern_Editor_Dim_Copies_Key) , +%_4 /Int (AIPattern_Editor_Editable_Copy_Loc_Key) , +%_50 /Real (AIPattern_Editor_Dim_Percent_Key) , +%_; +%_ +%_9 () XW +E +%AI3_EndPattern +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI8_BeginBrushPattern +(Unnamed 6) 0 A +0 Xw +u +u +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +-3874.5 4018.5 m +-3773.1816 4018.5 L +-3773.1816 4010.7832 L +-3874.5 4010.7832 L +-3874.5 4018.5 L +n +u +0 O +0.720851 0.673426 0.586358 0.790768 0.137255 0.121569 0.12549 Xa +-3773.3 4012.2073 m +-3773.1504 4012.2439 -3773.2041 4011.8247 -3773.1816 4011.7495 C +-3773.4319 4011.8423 -3773.2937 4012.3159 -3773.3 4012.2073 C +f +-3775.7693 4013.1582 m +-3775.7256 4012.9871 L +-3776.0896 4013.4063 L +-3775.7693 4013.1582 L +f +-3778.0784 4013.1504 m +-3777.8601 4013.8643 -3777.2417 4013.0352 -3776.8303 4013.2888 C +-3776.7625 4013.4524 L +-3776.5769 4012.8772 L +-3777.0769 4012.9683 -3777.7263 4013.3499 -3778.0784 4013.1504 C +f +-3779.3096 4011.6072 m +-3779.2336 4011.8843 -3779.5759 4011.8455 -3779.0225 4011.6936 C +-3779.0503 4011.6631 -3779.0583 4011.6455 -3779.0745 4011.6233 C +-3779.1243 4011.6272 -3779.1929 4011.6262 -3779.3096 4011.6072 C +f +-3779.0745 4011.6233 m +-3778.8313 4011.6033 -3779.2336 4011.3904 -3779.0745 4011.6233 C +-3779.0745 4011.6233 L +f +-3780.1975 4011.7822 m +-3779.8772 4011.5342 L +-3779.9441 4011.3704 -3780.2292 4011.3333 -3780.1233 4011.2134 C +-3780.4519 4011.3496 -3780.3843 4011.5127 -3780.1975 4011.7822 C +f +-3780.5012 4012.3032 m +-3780.3352 4012.1982 L +-3780.3643 4012.1294 -3780.4082 4012.1052 -3780.5012 4012.3032 C +f +-3779.9832 4011.9768 m +-3780.3352 4012.1982 L +-3780.2888 4012.3132 -3780.2839 4012.5447 -3780.1736 4012.1184 C +-3780.2024 4012.3296 -3780.1328 4012.1262 -3779.9832 4011.9768 C +f +-3779.7839 4012.0852 m +-3779.6042 4012.24 -3779.3721 4012.3384 -3779.6936 4012.5852 C +-3779.0808 4012.4871 -3779.1711 4011.9856 -3779.7839 4012.0852 C +f +-3778.1963 4013.8887 m +-3777.9561 4014.0984 L +-3777.7483 4013.8584 L +-3777.8521 4013.9771 -3778.2112 4013.6653 -3778.1963 4013.8887 C +f +-3782.1929 4011.4126 m +-3782.2129 4011.5647 -3782.0852 4011.8174 -3782.0613 4012.0122 C +-3781.8247 4011.8374 L +-3781.9463 4011.7334 -3782.1768 4011.6375 -3782.1929 4011.4126 C +f +-3782.0613 4012.0122 m +-3782.4153 4012.2727 L +-3782.0991 4012.3032 -3782.0413 4012.1792 -3782.0613 4012.0122 C +f +-3780.5583 4013.0955 m +-3779.9768 4012.5479 L +-3780.6704 4013.1033 L +-3780.5583 4013.0955 L +f +-3783.5449 4011.3936 m +-3783.3442 4011.0422 L +-3783.7017 4011.5735 L +-3783.5449 4011.3936 L +f +-3784.4417 4011.4551 m +-3784.2932 4011.1638 -3784.6453 4010.9624 -3784.4883 4010.7832 C +-3784.7319 4010.8352 -3784.9399 4011.0852 -3785.1272 4011.3103 C +-3784.9282 4011.1848 -3784.7161 4011.2168 -3784.4417 4011.4551 C +f +-3785.4417 4011.6375 m +-3785.3423 4011.5679 -3785.2393 4011.4431 -3785.1272 4011.3103 C +-3785.2329 4011.3772 -3785.3369 4011.4744 -3785.4417 4011.6375 C +f +-3783.0183 4012.1975 m +-3783.0457 4012.1055 -3783.0984 4011.8655 -3783.2969 4011.7639 C +-3783.1577 4012.1912 L +-3783.1152 4012.1936 -3783.0671 4012.1951 -3783.0183 4012.1975 C +f +-3783.1528 4012.2046 m +-3783.1577 4012.1912 L +-3783.3088 4012.1814 -3783.4136 4012.1719 -3783.4585 4012.1672 c +-3783.4199 4012.1707 -3783.3279 4012.1824 -3783.1528 4012.2046 C +f +-3782.9832 4012.1992 m +-3782.9961 4012.1982 -3783.0056 4012.1975 -3783.0183 4012.1975 C +-3783.0049 4012.24 -3782.9968 4012.2534 -3782.9832 4012.1992 C +f +-3781.4863 4012.7092 m +-3781.6943 4012.9482 -3782.1279 4013.2039 -3781.7083 4013.5686 C +-3781.5591 4013.2759 -3781.7993 4013.0686 -3781.4863 4012.7092 c +f +-3782.8103 4012.7334 m +-3782.4343 4012.8311 L +-3782.4417 4012.7183 -3782.5095 4012.5535 -3782.4065 4012.4351 C +-3782.8103 4012.7334 L +f +-3782.9944 4012.8694 m +-3782.8103 4012.7334 L +-3782.9497 4012.6975 L +-3782.9944 4012.8694 L +f +-3784.7976 4012.0376 m +-3784.96 4012.2239 -3785.1377 4012.2393 -3785.3384 4012.2693 C +-3785.1233 4012.3533 -3784.9009 4012.3992 -3784.6897 4012.3972 C +-3784.6599 4012.2632 -3784.5671 4012.0222 -3784.7976 4012.0376 C +f +-3783.9983 4012.1563 m +-3784.0095 4012.1663 -3784.0239 4012.1707 -3784.0344 4012.1807 C +-3784.0122 4012.2173 -3783.9944 4012.2283 -3783.9983 4012.1563 C +f +-3787.3142 4012.2664 m +-3787.3032 4012.2896 -3787.2937 4012.3196 -3787.2825 4012.3442 C +-3787.28 4012.3196 -3787.2783 4012.2952 -3787.2751 4012.27 C +-3787.3142 4012.2664 L +f +-3784.6536 4012.4771 m +-3784.4919 4012.5598 -3784.3953 4012.4551 -3784.3032 4012.3242 C +-3784.4241 4012.3662 -3784.5522 4012.3943 -3784.6897 4012.3972 C +-3784.7031 4012.4583 -3784.7056 4012.4983 -3784.6536 4012.4771 C +f +-3785.9929 4011.8374 m +-3785.9087 4011.927 -3785.8132 4012.0032 -3785.7129 4012.0723 C +-3785.7952 4011.9373 -3785.9631 4011.7263 -3785.9929 4011.8374 C +f +-3784.0889 4012.0623 m +-3784.0808 4012.0559 -3784.0735 4012.0479 -3784.0647 4012.0432 C +-3784.1177 4011.9524 -3784.1111 4011.9966 -3784.0889 4012.0623 C +f +-3784.0889 4012.0623 m +-3784.1721 4012.1243 -3784.2375 4012.2295 -3784.3032 4012.3242 C +-3784.2048 4012.2896 -3784.1135 4012.2439 -3784.0344 4012.1807 C +-3784.0544 4012.1504 -3784.0745 4012.1042 -3784.0889 4012.0623 C +f +-3787.9128 4015.0093 m +-3787.8843 4014.6133 -3787.4592 4014.2471 -3787.0923 4014.6719 C +-3786.7312 4014.3752 -3786.9673 4013.0723 -3787.2825 4012.3442 C +-3787.2937 4012.5166 -3787.2937 4012.6763 -3787.6653 4012.9104 C +-3787.5352 4013.1262 -3786.8408 4013.4163 -3787.1543 4013.7747 C +-3787.6465 4013.9783 -3787.5576 4013.6343 -3787.7969 4013.4253 C +-3787.5935 4013.9182 -3788.4231 4014.1431 -3788.3159 4014.8687 C +-3787.8843 4014.6133 L +-3787.8762 4014.7263 -3788.0327 4014.9063 -3787.9128 4015.0093 C +f +-3786.5745 4012.3843 m +-3786.4216 4012.3352 L +-3786.5959 4012.2664 -3786.7207 4012.1079 -3786.9504 4011.7976 C +-3787.2048 4011.9915 -3787.2576 4012.1382 -3787.2751 4012.27 C +-3786.5222 4012.3252 L +-3786.5745 4012.3843 L +f +-3785.7351 4012.3335 m +-3785.8545 4012.7644 -3786.2217 4012.9482 -3785.9968 4013.4143 C +-3785.5481 4013.3843 -3785.6824 4013.0542 -3785.4143 4012.8672 C +-3786.1384 4012.9744 -3785.2063 4012.6272 -3785.7295 4012.3831 C +-3785.5872 4012.3096 -3785.4592 4012.2871 -3785.3384 4012.2693 C +-3785.4688 4012.2173 -3785.5945 4012.1519 -3785.7129 4012.0723 C +-3785.7063 4012.0823 -3785.7017 4012.0896 -3785.6963 4012.0984 C +-3785.6929 4012.0984 L +-3785.6929 4012.1006 -3785.6936 4012.1016 -3785.6936 4012.1042 C +-3785.6624 4012.1582 -3785.6521 4012.1912 -3785.6873 4012.1604 C +-3785.6897 4012.1653 -3785.6985 4012.1672 -3785.7024 4012.1692 C +-3785.7073 4012.2283 -3785.7207 4012.2808 -3785.7351 4012.3311 C +-3785.9448 4012.2422 -3785.7681 4012.22 -3785.7024 4012.1692 C +-3785.7 4012.1472 -3785.6943 4012.1272 -3785.6936 4012.1042 C +-3785.6943 4012.1023 -3785.6953 4012.1006 -3785.6963 4012.0984 C +-3786.4216 4012.3352 L +-3786.2681 4012.3953 -3786.0759 4012.3831 -3785.7351 4012.3335 C +f +-3782.0952 4014.4951 m +-3782.1177 4014.4573 -3782.1167 4014.4263 -3782.1184 4014.3953 C +-3782.1653 4014.4482 -3782.1831 4014.4839 -3782.0952 4014.4951 C +f +-3782.3936 4014.2351 m +-3782.3408 4014.1753 -3782.2969 4014.0032 -3782.1255 4014.0471 C +-3781.9768 4014.1763 -3782.1262 4014.2534 -3782.1184 4014.3953 C +-3782.0151 4014.2808 -3781.7568 4014.0862 -3782.0808 4013.876 C +-3782.1321 4013.9351 L +-3782.4241 4013.7871 -3782.7993 4013.2495 -3782.7483 4013.1902 C +-3782.6631 4013.5784 -3782.5879 4013.8542 -3782.3936 4014.2351 C +f +-3784.0852 4013.3943 m +-3784.6892 4013.6055 L +-3784.3816 4013.9783 L +-3784.3972 4013.7544 L +-3784.0537 4013.8423 -3784.1279 4013.5667 -3784.0852 4013.3943 C +f +-3787.3833 4012.0522 m +-3787.3032 4011.5967 L +-3787.6521 4012.24 L +-3787.3833 4012.0522 L +f +-3788.1682 4012.1062 m +-3788.1392 4011.7112 L +-3788.3464 4011.9495 L +-3788.1682 4012.1062 L +f +-3832.4617 4017.0166 m +-3832.6392 4017.1287 L +-3832.5552 4017.0942 -3832.5012 4017.0564 -3832.4617 4017.0166 C +f +-3831.1768 4017.0435 m +-3831.1453 4016.8484 L +-3831.2048 4016.9558 -3831.2292 4017.0352 -3831.1768 4017.0435 C +f +-3807.4456 4012.1504 m +-3807.7041 4011.7815 -3807.9929 4011.2083 -3807.9617 4011.6536 C +-3807.8823 4012.0872 L +-3807.7017 4012.0093 -3807.5632 4012.0576 -3807.4456 4012.1504 C +f +-3820.6479 4014.7415 m +-3820.6233 4014.7832 -3820.5977 4014.8286 -3820.5723 4014.8728 C +-3820.5095 4014.7246 -3820.4504 4014.5872 -3820.3977 4014.4583 C +-3820.4729 4014.5471 -3820.5583 4014.6416 -3820.6479 4014.7415 C +f +-3820.8303 4016.5364 m +-3821.1711 4016.2566 L +-3821.0945 4016.3542 -3820.9849 4016.4482 -3820.8303 4016.5364 C +f +-3839.4792 4017.4768 m +-3839.6863 4017.9182 L +-3839.3623 4017.9163 -3839.5049 4017.6936 -3839.4792 4017.4768 C +f +-3796.2073 4012.2664 m +-3796.4304 4012.0967 -3796.6079 4012.0254 -3796.7639 4012.0044 C +-3796.4951 4012.2534 -3796.2783 4012.6272 -3796.2073 4012.2664 C +f +-3831.9561 4012.4126 m +-3832.0647 4012.4912 -3832.1111 4012.5796 -3832.1079 4012.6763 C +-3831.9961 4012.6023 -3831.9329 4012.5193 -3831.9561 4012.4126 C +f +-3797.4082 4012.0059 m +-3797.3689 4012.0496 -3797.3303 4012.0713 -3797.2903 4012.1079 C +-3797.1272 4012.0352 -3796.9631 4011.9768 -3796.7639 4012.0044 C +-3796.9624 4011.8196 -3797.1897 4011.7046 -3797.4082 4012.0059 C +f +-3864.9297 4017.1172 m +-3864.9482 4017.0984 -3864.9705 4017.0884 -3864.9873 4017.0652 C +-3864.9929 4017.1243 -3864.9673 4017.1272 -3864.9297 4017.1172 C +f +-3872.3442 4012.74 m +-3872.2712 4012.7124 -3872.1521 4012.7119 -3872.0398 4012.7063 C +-3872.0945 4012.6763 -3872.1863 4012.6792 -3872.3442 4012.74 c +f +-3791.3264 4011.9172 m +-3791.1599 4011.8887 -3791.3 4011.8694 -3791.3264 4011.9172 C +-3791.3264 4011.9172 L +f +-3790.5168 4013.6331 m +-3790.5522 4013.6814 -3790.5791 4013.7439 -3790.5833 4013.8442 C +-3790.5696 4013.74 -3790.5464 4013.6736 -3790.5168 4013.6331 c +f +-3799.0664 4014.7063 m +-3799.0713 4014.7063 -3799.0752 4014.7046 -3799.0808 4014.7046 C +-3799.0313 4014.7896 -3799.0398 4014.7732 -3799.0664 4014.7063 C +f +-3791.0759 4012.1143 m +-3791.1384 4012.0613 -3791.2104 4012.0166 -3791.2888 4011.9856 C +-3791.2544 4012.0193 -3791.1897 4012.0613 -3791.0759 4012.1143 C +f +-3791.1096 4011.9092 m +-3791.0522 4011.9287 -3791.0071 4011.9395 -3790.9641 4011.9512 C +-3790.9431 4011.8792 -3790.9617 4011.8335 -3791.1096 4011.9092 C +f +-3791.5583 4011.9407 m +-3791.4631 4011.9336 -3791.3743 4011.9539 -3791.2888 4011.9856 C +-3791.3215 4011.9558 -3791.3352 4011.9319 -3791.3264 4011.9172 C +-3791.3752 4011.9236 -3791.4441 4011.9326 -3791.5583 4011.9407 c +f +-3851.2932 4015.9558 m +-3851.3042 4015.9424 -3851.3169 4015.9336 -3851.3289 4015.9153 C +-3851.4968 4016.0952 -3851.4231 4016.0667 -3851.2932 4015.9558 C +f +-3811.7783 4016.6563 m +-3811.7705 4016.6519 -3811.7664 4016.6404 -3811.7593 4016.6362 C +-3811.7671 4016.6311 -3811.7769 4016.6252 -3811.7839 4016.6199 C +-3811.7783 4016.6563 L +f +-3812.3762 4016.9792 m +-3812.1216 4016.4392 -3811.9768 4016.5056 -3811.7839 4016.6199 C +-3811.9817 4015.3694 L +-3812.3762 4016.9792 L +f +*u +-3835.5383 4017.1416 m +-3835.1184 4017.5322 L +-3835.6252 4018.1736 -3835.9919 4017.9524 -3835.5977 4018.5 C +-3835.5383 4017.1416 -3833.9656 4018.3616 -3833.9072 4017.0039 C +-3833.6304 4017.2896 L +-3833.7097 4017.2766 -3833.7224 4017.3562 -3833.8008 4017.3433 C +-3833.2625 4017.9934 -3833.4009 4016.3616 -3832.7073 4016.5542 C +-3832.4656 4016.6582 -3832.2969 4016.8552 -3832.4617 4017.0166 C +-3831.9231 4016.6807 L +-3831.7664 4016.7073 -3831.8047 4016.9431 -3831.9607 4016.9172 C +-3831.1392 4016.8086 L +-3831.1453 4016.8484 L +-3831.0281 4016.6362 -3830.7625 4016.3064 -3830.6328 4016.1663 C +-3830.4241 4016.3616 -3830.7375 4016.3103 -3830.6841 4016.4792 C +-3830.2292 4016.1504 L +-3830.0439 4016.5032 -3830.4209 4016.8442 -3830.7351 4016.7935 C +-3830.3103 4018.1494 -3830.3577 4016.4524 -3829.4409 4017.2444 C +-3829.8704 4017.4163 L +-3829.5935 4018.1863 -3829.2583 4017.907 -3828.7727 4018.3875 C +-3828.8879 4018.1367 -3829.7449 4017.1775 -3829.2512 4016.8391 C +-3829.1121 4016.9414 -3828.9287 4016.99 -3828.6624 4016.7168 C +-3828.6599 4017.2 -3828.3999 4017.0811 -3828.0745 4017.0535 C +-3828.0967 4017.6936 L +-3827.7449 4017.5088 -3827.7727 4017.1831 -3827.5657 4016.8953 C +-3827.1736 4016.9583 -3827.0923 4017.4536 -3827 4017.8711 C +-3826.3721 4017.9727 -3827.4336 4017.0767 -3826.6904 4016.9558 C +-3826.1682 4017.2007 -3825.8015 4016.9392 -3825.1768 4016.5564 C +-3824.8113 4016.7776 -3825.2407 4016.9482 -3825.1096 4017.1311 C +-3824.7856 4016.6206 L +-3824.7063 4016.6331 -3824.7319 4016.7896 -3824.7449 4016.8687 C +-3824.4719 4016.6707 -3824.7224 4016.2292 -3824.2932 4016.0559 C +-3824.1775 4015.3511 -3823.4121 4017.0852 -3822.8809 4016.2854 C +-3822.75 4016.4673 -3822.9441 4016.6775 -3822.9041 4016.9253 C +-3822.1753 4016.3999 -3822.2793 4016.5435 -3821.6809 4015.8367 C +-3821.1711 4016.2566 L +-3821.5457 4015.7766 -3821.0671 4015.2083 -3820.6479 4014.7415 C +-3820.7808 4014.5093 -3820.8943 4014.3064 -3820.9705 4014.2095 C +-3820.3015 4013.8662 L +-3820.2207 4013.9712 -3820.2881 4014.1912 -3820.3977 4014.4583 C +-3820.3521 4014.4055 -3820.3088 4014.3533 -3820.2751 4014.3047 C +-3820.0359 4014.5413 -3820.1599 4014.9104 -3820.3313 4015.2676 C +-3820.4128 4015.1416 -3820.4937 4015.0071 -3820.5723 4014.8728 C +-3820.7375 4015.2615 -3820.8921 4015.6919 -3820.8577 4016.0667 C +-3820.8142 4015.9927 -3820.7305 4015.9292 -3820.6384 4015.8936 C +-3820.6816 4015.9993 -3820.7092 4016.0935 -3820.6892 4016.1575 c +-3820.6665 4016.2246 -3820.5967 4016.0833 -3820.4873 4015.9192 C +-3820.3352 4016.6331 L +-3820.2983 4016.3499 L +-3819.4231 4016.7959 L +-3818.7969 4016.0784 -3818.2522 4015.0212 -3817.2583 4014.7271 C +-3817.5049 4015.25 -3817.3113 4015.5811 -3817.3247 4016.2007 C +-3817.5959 4015.5447 -3818.0945 4016.4792 -3818.6096 4016.3462 c +-3818.3408 4016.4153 -3818.3999 4016.7112 -3818.4683 4016.8132 C +-3817.5496 4016.2168 L +-3817.5703 4016.7239 -3817.3545 4016.5967 -3817.1145 4016.8064 C +-3817.2959 4015.8047 -3816.4297 4016.1392 -3816.0559 4015.8323 C +-3816.0327 4016.1682 -3816.1223 4016.5122 -3816.5784 4016.4304 C +-3816.0752 4017.1848 -3815.9282 4015.2544 -3815.4343 4015.8953 C +-3815.5457 4015.9031 -3815.6057 4015.8518 -3815.6497 4016.0232 C +-3815.3896 4015.7239 -3814.7537 4015.9612 -3814.9033 4016.2534 C +-3815.0144 4016.2603 L +-3814.2751 4016.3792 -3812.7639 4016.2676 -3812.6536 4015.4172 C +-3812.6462 4015.5276 -3812.7505 4016.4424 -3812.7952 4016.6143 C +-3811.4761 4013.7527 L +-3811.5923 4014.4832 -3811.1462 4016.2224 -3811.7593 4016.6362 C +-3811.5833 4016.74 -3811.3655 4016.8616 -3810.9944 4016.6033 C +-3811.1145 4016.4993 -3811.2937 4015.5471 -3811.1296 4015.48 C +-3810.6792 4016.2932 -3810.8169 4015.9153 -3810.2617 4016.6084 C +-3810.4417 4016.4524 -3810.2417 4015.3064 -3809.9573 4015.3433 C +-3810.0017 4015.5144 -3809.9336 4016.4734 -3810.0376 4016.5928 C +-3809.3296 4015.4683 L +-3809.5063 4015.6707 -3809.3608 4016.4214 -3809.2024 4016.74 C +-3809.2759 4016.5193 -3808.5903 4016.76 -3808.4016 4016.6487 C +-3808.7017 4016.3875 L +-3807.9023 4016.5579 -3807.9121 4014.8064 -3807.1191 4014.8655 C +-3807.2151 4015.0974 -3807.3562 4016.2952 -3806.9529 4016.4363 C +-3806.7681 4015.8606 -3806.1345 4013.6663 -3805.4329 4013.2227 C +-3805.2983 4013.5522 L +-3804.76 4013.1768 L +-3805.0952 4014.0435 -3806.0359 4015.8672 -3806.5496 4016.5767 C +-3806.2505 4016.8374 -3806.4663 4016.9656 -3806.0183 4016.9351 C +-3805.8601 4017.2439 -3806.2625 4017.4031 -3806.3943 4017.4214 C +-3805.3513 4017.6206 L +-3805.3977 4016.9482 -3804.5537 4016.9463 -3804.5935 4016.3862 C +-3805.7263 4017.0833 L +-3805.7722 4016.4119 -3805.0713 4015.1753 -3804.3323 4015.2932 C +-3804.1443 4015.5613 -3804.4729 4016.49 -3804.4575 4016.7144 C +-3804.3616 4016.4832 -3803.7561 4016.2722 -3803.6882 4016.4363 C +-3804.0017 4016.7959 L +-3803.5903 4017.0486 -3803.3303 4015.9048 -3802.8359 4016.5464 C +-3802.6653 4016.5896 -3802.3264 4017.4119 -3802.2969 4017.0144 C +-3802.5752 4016.2471 -3802.6296 4013.8743 -3802.4441 4013.2979 C +-3802.3843 4013.3499 -3801.5481 4014.0313 -3801.3533 4014.4104 C +-3801.0723 4015.0122 -3801.7751 4015.8442 -3801.5359 4016.3606 C +-3801.5256 4016.1768 -3801.3704 4015.9502 -3801.3057 4015.8772 C +-3801.1265 4016.0342 -3801.3799 4016.4463 -3800.9905 4016.3633 C +-3800.9255 4015.6824 -3800.1985 4016.4207 -3800.8064 4015.7871 C +-3800.4255 4015.5923 -3800.4016 4015.928 -3799.9543 4015.8975 C +-3800.0967 4015.4573 -3799.5527 4014.3992 -3799.1711 4014.2039 C +-3799.1936 4014.3772 -3799.1079 4014.6033 -3799.0664 4014.7063 C +-3798.2856 4014.7676 -3797.8665 4015.0774 -3797.1384 4015.0833 C +-3797.0713 4015.2483 -3796.72 4015.4482 -3796.8696 4015.7415 C +-3796.7649 4015.6206 -3796.6687 4015.3894 -3796.4441 4015.3733 C +-3796.0095 4015.9624 -3796.9448 4015.4646 -3796.6135 4016.1736 C +-3796.5852 4015.7776 -3796.0327 4015.6262 -3795.7129 4015.3792 C +-3795.8113 4014.7671 -3796.4519 4015.2615 -3796.7722 4015.5088 C +-3796.7737 4014.6653 -3796.2161 4013.7815 -3795.4551 4013.3911 C +-3794.8503 4013.1814 -3795.1929 4013.9363 -3795.0879 4013.8167 C +-3793.9519 4013.9639 -3794.1201 4012.3433 -3793.1768 4012.9524 C +-3792.8025 4013.4895 -3793.1599 4014.0212 -3793.0769 4014.4092 C +-3793.5696 4014.6128 -3793.8333 4014.0679 -3794.1672 4014.0896 C +-3793.7561 4014.3442 L +-3793.9128 4014.5232 -3794.2417 4014.6582 -3794.4209 4014.5032 C +-3794.1072 4014.9856 -3792.5017 4014.5952 -3791.6252 4015.0413 C +-3791.4695 4014.8616 -3791.2007 4014.6743 -3791.3279 4014.4583 C +-3791.6052 4014.5332 L +-3791.8601 4014.0999 -3791.0833 4013.9336 -3791.4343 4013.7312 C +-3791.0623 4013.4263 -3790.6453 4012.9473 -3790.1216 4013.1924 C +-3790.0232 4013.8054 L +-3790.0344 4013.6262 -3790.3655 4013.4407 -3790.5127 4013.6272 c +-3790.2944 4013.3552 -3789.7097 4014.4573 -3789.4705 4013.6543 C +-3789.8376 4013.2295 L +-3789.4641 4012.9214 -3789.0024 4012.2703 -3788.5383 4012.4639 C +-3788.7495 4011.8584 -3788.6453 4012.5332 -3788.9751 4011.8247 C +-3788.6892 4012.7063 -3790.1624 4011.7876 -3789.7031 4012.7134 C +-3790.0415 4011.8916 -3790.2888 4012.3655 -3790.7312 4011. +endstream endobj 21 0 obj <>stream +6638 C +-3790.7175 4011.8662 -3790.5745 4012.0513 -3790.9641 4011.9512 C +-3790.9817 4012.0103 -3791.0232 4012.0852 -3791.0496 4012.1294 C +-3791.0615 4012.1243 -3791.0657 4012.1206 -3791.0759 4012.1143 C +-3791.0681 4012.1223 -3791.0623 4012.1311 -3791.0544 4012.1382 C +-3791.0713 4012.1687 -3791.0728 4012.1753 -3791.0464 4012.1462 C +-3790.9536 4012.2356 -3790.8784 4012.3416 -3790.8479 4012.4539 C +-3791.0413 4012.9182 -3791.6609 4012.9038 -3791.8704 4013.1443 C +-3792.1016 4013.0479 -3791.7737 4012.9119 -3791.8999 4012.6963 C +-3792.2129 4013.0559 L +-3792.2439 4012.6072 -3792.8271 4012.3096 -3792.2825 4012.0464 C +-3792.7727 4012.0264 L +-3793.0613 4011.7747 -3793.4583 4011.6743 -3793.7031 4011.8633 C +-3793.9343 4011.7664 -3794.2871 4012.3606 -3794.0857 4012.0088 C +-3794.8545 4012.2871 L +-3794.8616 4012.1753 L +-3795.6201 4012.1184 -3796.4231 4012.9192 -3797.2903 4012.1079 C +-3797.5457 4012.2212 -3797.8096 4012.3599 -3798.2368 4012.2327 C +-3798.3201 4011.8442 L +-3798.6479 4011.9792 -3799.3047 4011.4551 -3799.4456 4011.8599 C +-3799.7993 4010.8142 -3801.0369 4011.6316 -3801.6135 4011.4463 C +-3801.6353 4011.9536 L +-3802.0322 4011.9253 -3802.4128 4012.0696 -3802.9055 4012.2727 C +-3802.8752 4012.7207 L +-3803.3 4013.0884 -3803.9673 4012.4019 -3804.6392 4012.4482 C +-3804.5935 4012.2766 -3804.4231 4012.3213 -3804.3025 4012.4253 C +-3805.1052 4011.4119 -3805.9961 4013.1614 -3806.7241 4012.4236 C +-3806.9055 4012.5872 -3807.0369 4012.5313 -3807.1641 4012.4192 C +-3807.1472 4012.4175 -3807.1321 4012.4092 -3807.1191 4012.3953 C +-3807.1377 4012.3904 -3807.1653 4012.3887 -3807.1936 4012.3894 C +-3807.2737 4012.3123 -3807.3562 4012.2227 -3807.4456 4012.1504 C +-3807.3696 4012.26 -3807.2969 4012.3496 -3807.2336 4012.3911 C +-3807.3735 4012.4004 -3807.5857 4012.4558 -3807.7937 4012.5686 C +-3807.8823 4012.0872 L +-3807.8992 4012.0935 -3807.9128 4012.0923 -3807.9304 4012.1006 C +-3808.1345 4011.9231 -3808.0945 4012.3286 -3807.9856 4012.6912 C +-3808.0903 4012.77 -3808.1863 4012.8655 -3808.2607 4012.9812 C +-3808.4265 4012.2039 -3808.8064 4013.2432 -3809.0327 4012.4143 C +-3809.1729 4012.8184 -3810.0784 4012.7183 -3810.1892 4013.5696 C +-3810.1963 4013.4583 -3810.2576 4013.4055 -3810.1453 4013.3982 C +-3810.3772 4013.3015 -3810.6089 4013.2046 -3810.8169 4013.4446 C +-3810.9153 4012.8323 L +-3811.4216 4013.6553 L +-3811.7292 4013.2822 -3811.8567 4013.0652 -3811.5513 4012.5942 C +-3812.2888 4013.3196 -3812.1497 4012.8672 -3812.7769 4013.5852 C +-3812.7463 4013.1895 L +-3812.9705 4013.2046 -3813.3289 4013.7356 -3813.4641 4013.4082 C +-3813.9656 4012.6553 -3815.9456 4013.3042 -3817.2329 4012.6042 C +-3816.9832 4013.77 -3817.8313 4012.0823 -3817.8823 4012.9856 C +-3817.9573 4012.7102 -3818.1367 4012.5542 -3817.9282 4012.3152 C +-3818.5852 4012.5852 -3818.9153 4011.8772 -3819.3689 4012.6392 C +-3819.4441 4012.3623 -3819.2283 4012.2356 -3819.2952 4012.0713 C +-3819.3479 4012.1311 -3819.5039 4012.3113 -3819.5723 4012.1462 c +-3819.6392 4011.9822 -3819.4761 4011.9153 -3819.3721 4011.7952 C +-3820.0432 4011.8416 -3820.1111 4012.6912 -3820.1599 4013.4883 C +-3820.5 4013.1111 -3820.6697 4013.1638 -3820.9153 4013.6873 C +-3821.0337 4013.4263 -3821.2312 4013.1536 -3820.8142 4013.0598 C +-3821.0488 4013.0215 -3822.2473 4012.6775 -3822.2712 4013.3167 C +-3822.3447 4013.1543 -3822.5991 4013.2693 -3822.6609 4013.3433 C +-3823.1873 4013.3047 -3823.2336 4013.2471 -3823.7505 4013.3079 C +-3823.6072 4013.4119 L +-3823.8113 4014.1831 -3824.0369 4013.5842 -3824.4536 4013.6768 C +-3824.4417 4013.5984 L +-3825.3972 4013.0415 -3824.8542 4013.8643 -3825.7969 4013.2292 C +-3825.7456 4013.7092 L +-3825.8335 4014.74 -3826.5808 4013.1006 -3827.1279 4013.4951 C +-3826.9304 4013.7693 L +-3827.2292 4014.1223 -3827.7656 4012.3662 -3828.0657 4012.2371 C +-3828.1311 4012.1472 -3827.9624 4012.0935 -3827.8711 4012.0276 C +-3828.6567 4011.4182 -3827.9729 4012.6553 -3828.5583 4012.8015 C +-3828.6663 4012.4624 -3828.4192 4011.9392 -3828.8132 4011.8762 C +-3829.0095 4011.6023 -3829.9561 4012.9768 -3830.4937 4012.3267 C +-3830.3752 4012.5879 -3830.2576 4012.8484 -3830.5295 4013.0447 C +-3830.9463 4013.1382 -3831.6563 4012.0579 -3832.0327 4012.8816 C +-3832.0857 4012.8096 -3832.1057 4012.7415 -3832.1079 4012.6763 C +-3832.4265 4012.8887 -3833.1433 4013.0291 -3833.3352 4013.4756 C +-3833.6296 4011.8191 -3835.3159 4014.2815 -3835.3088 4012.7534 C +-3836.2888 4012.8352 L +-3836.2632 4012.6792 L +-3836.8896 4012.5784 -3837.1111 4012.9446 -3837.3313 4013.3113 C +-3837.4761 4013.2073 -3837.3704 4013.0642 -3837.3584 4012.9846 C +-3838.2737 4012.6763 -3838.3647 4012.7415 -3839.1321 4013.5032 C +-3839.2119 4013.0071 L +-3839.4199 4013.2952 -3840.5352 4012.2295 -3841.4329 4012.8079 C +-3841.4241 4012.7512 -3841.4055 4012.6553 -3841.3342 4012.5852 C +-3842.3442 4013.1672 -3843.7522 4011.2112 -3844.1223 4013.0159 C +-3844.7888 4013.4607 L +-3843.9265 4013.6006 -3844.9172 4014.2444 -3844.5625 4014.5435 C +-3844.9016 4014.6494 -3845.4392 4013.9993 -3845.0225 4013.9063 C +-3844.9573 4013.9966 L +-3844.8042 4013.0559 -3846.0288 4013.6631 -3846.0056 4013.0222 C +-3847.7024 4013.0696 -3849.3562 4012.5479 -3850.9456 4012.5078 C +-3850.7625 4013.2393 L +-3851.3169 4013.1975 L +-3851.4624 4013.0276 -3851.5122 4012.6252 -3851.1167 4012.6553 C +-3851.3247 4012.24 -3851.78 4013.0032 -3851.7913 4013.1614 C +-3852.5657 4012.8655 -3851.4888 4012.3086 -3851.7263 4012.2913 C +-3852.0488 4012.3455 L +-3851.9761 4012.4312 L +-3852.2375 4012.73 -3852.2607 4013.0471 -3852.7361 4013.011 C +-3853.0369 4012.8643 -3852.8904 4012.5598 -3853.0088 4012.5322 C +-3853.0081 4012.4792 -3853.0481 4012.4551 -3853.1904 4012.5103 C +-3853.8889 4012.4482 L +-3853.6096 4013.0254 L +-3853.9192 4013.3103 -3854.2664 4012.9951 -3853.9441 4013.6494 c +-3854.4172 4012.6404 -3856.5496 4013.2871 -3856.8401 4012.9744 C +-3857.2737 4013.3953 -3857.7017 4013.3875 -3858.2319 4013.3367 C +-3858.1001 4013.4573 -3858.0212 4014.1062 -3858.4785 4014.0271 C +-3858.3113 4012.6873 -3859.3159 4013.4456 -3859.6855 4012.4812 C +-3859.3552 4013.1206 -3860.9856 4012.6392 -3860.4673 4013.5471 C +-3860.8489 4013.4382 -3860.4905 4013.0454 -3860.78 4012.73 C +-3861.6882 4013.2493 -3862.7815 4012.3926 -3863.9041 4012.5679 C +-3863.9216 4012.7444 -3863.7336 4013.0127 -3863.9744 4013.2747 C +-3864.5671 4012.3953 L +-3864.7888 4012.4812 -3864.7712 4013.4104 -3865.1763 4012.8 C +-3865.1191 4012.9482 -3865.0337 4013.1707 -3865.1824 4013.2271 C +-3867.3816 4012.3704 -3869.6763 4013.9292 -3871.9097 4012.3191 C +-3871.6072 4012.6604 -3871.8088 4012.6936 -3872.0398 4012.7063 C +-3871.8896 4012.7876 -3872.0432 4013.1404 -3872.0137 4013.3792 C +-3872.9487 4012.7168 L +-3873.1191 4013.3784 -3873.9512 4012.7615 -3874.0488 4013.3943 C +-3873.7527 4013.28 L +-3874.1465 4014.0271 -3873.2017 4014.9395 -3873.2593 4015.8975 C +-3872.8184 4015.0486 -3872.0967 4017.1543 -3871.3733 4015.9395 C +-3871.2136 4016.1353 -3871.5095 4016.2483 -3871.4241 4016.4702 C +-3871.2407 4016.0598 -3871.0193 4015.9744 -3870.6089 4016.1582 C +-3870.6553 4016.26 L +-3869.5024 4016.1599 -3869.0081 4016.5647 -3867.7129 4016.8342 C +-3867.8088 4016.3606 L +-3867.5305 4016.4236 -3867.4719 4016.5723 -3867.3416 4016.6912 C +-3867.0222 4015.9727 -3868.1233 4016.6504 -3867.8323 4015.8584 C +-3867.4631 4016.8223 -3865.8696 4015.8728 -3865.6201 4016.9683 C +-3865.1919 4016.9744 -3865.7456 4016.4192 -3865.3176 4016.4263 C +-3865.2041 4016.7227 L +-3865.0959 4016.3408 L +-3864.8152 4016.4038 -3864.6736 4016.7747 -3864.6631 4017.0254 C +-3864.7312 4016.9956 -3864.8567 4017.0955 -3864.9297 4017.1172 C +-3864.5657 4017.4663 -3863.9033 4016.9983 -3863.7783 4017.1118 C +-3864.1897 4016.9292 L +-3863.0212 4016.6519 -3861.5945 4017.0413 -3860.4656 4016.4382 C +-3860.5513 4016.2151 L +-3859.6892 4015.8015 -3859.8608 4016.4607 -3858.9143 4016.2693 C +-3858.9487 4016.3223 L +-3858.7593 4016.0999 -3858.5063 4015.9871 -3858.2473 4016.0127 C +-3858.4863 4016.2747 -3857.7976 4016.5212 -3858.1111 4016.8113 C +-3857.1763 4016.3672 -3857.6487 4016.4624 -3857.0313 4015.6316 C +-3856.8889 4016.0032 L +-3856.6785 4015.6672 -3856.6609 4015.49 -3856.1882 4015.3943 C +-3856.5759 4015.7124 -3855.8865 4015.9592 -3856.3208 4016.3799 C +-3855.3289 4017.1912 -3854.8479 4015.5613 -3854.3928 4016.7471 C +-3853.9373 4015.7207 -3855.2512 4016.1775 -3854.9961 4015.9575 C +-3855.2097 4015.6223 -3854.6201 4015.1902 -3854.3088 4015.2932 C +-3853.9919 4015.3167 -3853.77 4016.6072 -3852.9729 4016.5872 C +-3853.0522 4016.5823 -3853.0576 4016.6604 -3853.1367 4016.6553 C +-3852.8384 4016.9172 -3852.5522 4016.3008 -3852.1863 4016.7263 C +-3851.9812 4016.1052 -3851.7112 4016.7615 -3851.6521 4015.9702 C +-3852.3833 4016.1536 L +-3851.9688 4015.9463 -3851.5801 4015.02 -3850.8972 4015.4695 C +-3850.9504 4015.6287 -3851.1536 4015.8391 -3851.2932 4015.9558 C +-3851.0935 4016.1895 -3850.9087 4015.8015 -3850.7017 4016.0413 C +-3850.7607 4016.8335 -3851.5903 4016.2134 -3852.0344 4016.8174 C +-3851.8201 4017.1519 -3851.1943 4016.2439 -3851.4175 4017.1016 c +-3851.0967 4016.011 -3850.6321 4017.24 -3850.0923 4016.4063 C +-3850.1279 4016.8806 L +-3850.0425 4016.8064 -3849.8655 4016.5823 -3849.7083 4016.5942 C +-3849.9929 4017.2095 L +-3849.5559 4016.6848 -3849.1504 4017.6692 -3848.7312 4017.3831 C +-3849.6089 4017.3975 -3848.9282 4016.8113 -3849.2993 4016.4646 C +-3848.2168 4015.8296 -3848.6768 4017.7063 -3847.4648 4017.4783 C +-3847.6289 4017.5454 -3848.0808 4017.1936 -3847.8242 4016.9734 C +-3847.5935 4017.0713 -3847.2888 4017.2534 -3847.1472 4017.5032 C +-3846.3442 4017.4038 -3847.2705 4017.0144 -3846.9287 4016.7224 C +-3846.6553 4017.3008 -3846.5344 4016.4871 -3846.1824 4016.3022 C +-3846.1799 4016.7847 L +-3845.2649 4017.0942 -3845.9373 4015.7791 -3845.1135 4016.1536 C +-3845.4617 4016.8223 L +-3845.0322 4016.6494 L +-3845.1208 4017.1982 L +-3844.6536 4016.7913 -3844.5081 4016.8962 -3844.0503 4017.0503 C +-3844.1567 4016.7112 -3843.9905 4016.1753 -3843.5852 4016.1599 C +-3843.3088 4016.4463 -3843.74 4016.6184 -3843.1655 4016.5496 C +-3843.2952 4016.8511 -3843.4373 4017.23 -3843.6873 4016.7864 C +-3843.7129 4016.9436 -3843.8152 4017.0884 -3843.8416 4017.2444 C +-3843.5439 4017.5735 -3843.0935 4017.3191 -3842.8855 4017.3142 C +-3842.9656 4017.2964 -3843.0613 4017.2703 -3843.1104 4017.2024 C +-3842.2776 4016.5332 L +-3842.1465 4016.7144 -3842.2505 4016.8599 -3842.3535 4017.0032 C +-3842.1848 4016.9502 -3842.0681 4016.7283 -3841.8201 4016.6873 C +-3841.8843 4017.0791 -3841.8689 4017.4839 -3842.22 4017.6687 C +-3841.4265 4017.2334 L +-3841.3735 4017.4038 -3841.0193 4017.7024 -3841.1223 4017.8462 C +-3840.6824 4018.0767 -3840.0432 4017.0852 -3839.46 4017.3894 C +-3839.4297 4017.3135 -3839.3689 4017.24 -3839.2449 4017.1848 C +-3838.6968 4017.2732 -3838.2112 4017.7544 -3837.5615 4017.2173 C +-3837.1929 4017.9192 L +-3836.6841 4017.7603 -3837.6919 4017.0342 -3836.8447 4016.7693 C +-3836.2449 4016.5447 -3836.6208 4017.3687 -3836.4104 4017.5642 C +-3836.1121 4017.2102 -3835.5935 4016.4888 -3835.0425 4017.0613 C +-3835.2249 4017.1936 -3835.3679 4017.0896 -3835.5383 4017.1416 C +f +1 D +-3829.2632 4016.8296 m +-3829.3848 4016.9312 -3829.6272 4017.2439 -3829.7161 4016.9592 C +-3829.5776 4016.4063 -3829.4705 4016.6707 -3829.2632 4016.8296 C +f +-3819.7241 4015.6692 m +-3819.8145 4015.8279 -3819.9543 4015.7493 -3820.1121 4015.5667 C +-3819.9976 4015.5271 -3819.8679 4015.5447 -3819.7241 4015.6692 C +f +-3793.1511 4012.3096 m +-3793.1563 4012.3174 -3793.1599 4012.323 -3793.1641 4012.3333 C +-3793.4353 4012.1453 -3793.3391 4012.22 -3793.1511 4012.3096 C +f +0 D +-3792.5879 4012.5193 m +-3792.5313 4012.4524 -3792.5352 4012.3848 -3792.5591 4012.3174 C +-3792.5984 4012.4392 -3792.7249 4012.4482 -3792.8689 4012.4136 C +-3792.8289 4012.5398 -3792.7561 4012.6272 -3792.5879 4012.5193 C +f +1 D +-3853.0713 4012.7092 m +-3852.9617 4012.8352 L +-3853.2092 4012.9744 -3853.1399 4012.8484 -3853.0713 4012.7092 C +f +*U +0 D +-3820.8057 4016.3286 m +-3820.8401 4016.2471 -3820.8496 4016.1575 -3820.8577 4016.0667 C +-3820.9055 4016.1475 -3820.9065 4016.2415 -3820.8057 4016.3286 C +f +-3839.4409 4017.3953 m +-3839.4473 4017.3911 -3839.4536 4017.3926 -3839.46 4017.3894 C +-3839.4705 4017.4182 -3839.4761 4017.4482 -3839.4792 4017.4768 C +-3839.4409 4017.3953 L +f +-3801.3123 4016.6096 m +-3801.4282 4016.5398 -3801.4929 4016.4524 -3801.5359 4016.3606 C +-3801.5422 4016.4783 -3801.4895 4016.5784 -3801.3123 4016.6096 C +f +-3789.6033 4011.6992 m +-3789.9641 4011.8247 L +-3789.7896 4011.8008 -3789.7273 4011.9063 -3789.6392 4011.9832 C +-3789.6472 4011.8704 -3789.7161 4011.7073 -3789.6033 4011.6992 C +f +-3786.4719 4014.6848 m +-3786.4192 4014.6255 -3786.3601 4014.6782 -3786.3081 4014.6184 C +-3786.3225 4014.3943 L +-3786.5471 4014.4087 -3786.7041 4014.5896 -3786.4719 4014.6848 C +f +-3789.2693 4013.3022 m +-3789.2407 4013.7083 -3789.0144 4013.5703 -3788.7617 4013.4951 C +-3788.7769 4013.4966 -3788.7913 4013.5 -3788.8064 4013.4951 C +-3788.7319 4012.928 -3789.0012 4013.115 -3789.2693 4013.3022 C +f +-3788.7031 4013.4812 m +-3788.6252 4013.4624 -3788.5457 4013.4524 -3788.4695 4013.4712 C +-3788.4399 4013.2439 -3788.5642 4013.4236 -3788.7031 4013.4812 C +f +-3791.8735 4012.25 m +-3791.7537 4012.3542 -3791.7983 4011.7312 -3791.7305 4011.8962 C +-3791.5967 4011.3799 -3792.5295 4012.5212 -3791.8735 4012.25 C +f +-3789.0647 4014.6392 m +-3789.1553 4014.1382 L +-3789.2969 4014.5422 L +-3789.0647 4014.6392 L +f +-3791.0601 4014.2712 m +-3790.6563 4014.4104 L +-3790.6624 4014.3264 -3790.6111 4014.2776 -3790.5481 4014.24 C +-3790.7969 4014.2224 -3791.0696 4014.1233 -3791.0601 4014.2712 C +f +-3790.5481 4014.24 m +-3790.4185 4014.2493 -3790.2952 4014.2383 -3790.2231 4014.1563 C +-3790.2932 4014.1614 -3790.4441 4014.1782 -3790.5481 4014.24 C +f +-3789.6167 4014.7896 m +-3789.7361 4014.6851 L +-3790.0212 4014.6487 L +-3789.6167 4014.7896 L +f +-3795.4009 4014.1753 m +-3795.8416 4014.3184 L +-3795.8865 4014.49 -3795.7664 4014.5952 -3795.6023 4014.5271 C +-3795.4968 4014.407 -3795.3333 4014.3408 -3795.4009 4014.1753 C +f +-3794.0681 4015.5471 m +-3794.1873 4015.4431 -3794.1953 4015.3311 -3794.2625 4015.1663 C +-3794.2759 4015.7871 L +-3794.0681 4015.5471 L +f +-3795.3533 4015.6919 m +-3795.3972 4015.8643 -3795.9929 4016.1863 -3795.4343 4016.1475 C +-3795.3896 4015.9768 -3794.9482 4015.8335 -3795.3533 4015.6919 C +f +-3801.9937 4014.9063 m +-3801.8816 4014.8982 L +-3801.8977 4013.8799 L +-3801.9937 4014.9063 L +f +-3807.8464 4017.3433 m +-3807.3242 4017.5872 -3807.7224 4016.7144 -3807.2505 4017.0193 C +-3807.1279 4016.7783 -3807.6362 4016.7703 -3807.5105 4016.5623 C +-3807.8257 4016.8167 -3807.9912 4016.6736 -3807.8464 4017.3433 C +f +-3807.5105 4016.5623 m +-3807.46 4016.5222 -3807.4065 4016.4734 -3807.3496 4016.4082 C +-3807.4409 4016.4712 -3807.4839 4016.52 -3807.5105 4016.5623 C +f +-3873.5745 4012.1924 m +-3873.9104 4011.98 L +-3873.6936 4012.3223 L +-3873.5745 4012.1924 L +f +-3874.2192 4012.9482 m +-3874.2983 4012.2991 L +-3874.5 4012.8862 L +-3874.4241 4012.8572 -3874.2769 4012.8015 -3874.2192 4012.9482 C +f +-3828.3303 4018.1375 m +-3828.3047 4017.9812 L +-3828.3567 4017.8123 -3828.4353 4017.8 -3828.5928 4017.7732 C +-3828.3303 4018.1375 L +f +-3832.8848 4017.6519 m +-3832.8064 4017.6653 L +-3832.9529 4017.0784 L +-3832.8848 4017.6519 L +f +-3836.7073 4018.4004 m +-3836.5513 4018.4253 -3836.3679 4018.2942 -3836.2112 4018.3196 C +-3836.5513 4018.4253 -3836.7495 4017.6692 -3836.7073 4018.4004 C +f +U +9 () XW +U +9 () XW +U +%AI8_EndBrushPattern +%AI8_BeginBrushPattern +(Unnamed Brush Pattern 45) 0 A +0 Xw +u +u +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +-7746 7890 m +-7746 7859.3877 L +-7721.1748 7859.3877 L +-7721.1748 7890 L +-7746 7890 L +n +0 O +0.258488 0.130922 0.134035 0.001434 0.784314 0.823529 0.847059 Xa +-7746 7881.4985 m +-7721.1738 7881.4985 L +-7721.1738 7880.5142 L +-7746 7880.5142 L +-7746 7881.4985 L +f +0.531884 0.324193 0.203311 0.042145 0.513726 0.6 0.694118 Xa +-7746 7880.5176 m +-7721.1738 7880.5176 L +-7721.1738 7873.7935 L +-7746 7873.7935 L +-7746 7880.5176 L +f +0.258488 0.130922 0.134035 0.001434 0.784314 0.823529 0.847059 Xa +-7746 7873.7959 m +-7721.1738 7873.7959 L +-7721.1738 7872.6367 L +-7746 7872.6367 L +-7746 7873.7959 L +f +0.420172 0.234684 0.133211 0.010101 0.627451 0.701961 0.792157 Xa +-7721.1738 7872.6367 m +-7721.1738 7860.5278 L +-7746 7860.5278 L +-7746 7872.6367 L +-7721.1738 7872.6367 L +f +U +9 () XW +U +%AI8_EndBrushPattern +%AI8_BeginBrushPattern +(Unnamed Brush Pattern 47) 0 A +0 Xw +u +u +u +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +-7746 7890 m +-7746 7859.3877 L +-7715.3848 7859.3877 L +-7715.3848 7890 L +-7746 7890 L +n +0 O +0.258488 0.130922 0.134035 0.001434 0.784314 0.823529 0.847059 Xa +-7715.3848 7880.5142 m +-7724.8672 7880.5142 L +-7724.8711 7889.9985 L +-7723.8896 7889.9985 L +-7723.8896 7881.4951 L +-7715.3848 7881.4951 L +-7715.3848 7880.5142 L +f +0.531884 0.324193 0.203311 0.042145 0.513726 0.6 0.694118 Xa +-7715.3848 7873.7935 m +-7731.5928 7873.7915 L +-7731.5928 7890 L +-7724.8672 7890 L +-7724.8672 7880.5132 L +-7715.3848 7880.5132 L +-7715.3848 7873.7935 L +f +0.258488 0.130922 0.134035 0.001434 0.784314 0.823529 0.847059 Xa +-7715.3848 7872.6357 m +-7732.7485 7872.6357 L +-7732.7485 7889.9995 L +-7731.5957 7889.9995 L +-7731.5957 7873.7915 L +-7715.3848 7873.7915 L +-7715.3848 7872.6357 L +f +0.420172 0.234684 0.133211 0.010101 0.627451 0.701961 0.792157 Xa +-7715.3848 7860.5244 m +-7744.8594 7860.5244 L +-7744.8594 7889.9985 L +-7732.7495 7890 L +-7732.7495 7872.6357 L +-7715.3848 7872.6357 L +-7715.3848 7860.5244 L +f +0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Xa +-7731.5918 7874.1533 m +-7732.7207 7872.6733 l +-7731.5918 7873.7959 l +-7731.5918 7874.1533 l +f +-7723.8896 7881.8096 m +-7724.8232 7880.5615 l +-7723.8896 7881.4951 l +-7723.8896 7881.8096 l +f +U +9 () XW +U +9 () XW +U +%AI8_EndBrushPattern +%AI8_BeginBrushPattern +(Unnamed Brush Pattern 49) 0 A +0 Xw +u +u +u +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +-7746 7890 m +-7715.3335 7890 L +-7715.3335 7859.3345 L +-7746 7859.3345 L +-7746 7890 L +n +u +u +u +0 O +0.258488 0.130922 0.134035 0.001434 0.784314 0.823529 0.847059 Xa +1 XR +-7737.4219 7889.9688 m +-7736.5039 7889.9688 L +-7736.5039 7868.8013 L +-7715.3389 7868.8013 L +-7715.3389 7867.8853 L +-7737.4219 7867.8853 L +-7737.4219 7889.9688 L +f +0.531884 0.324193 0.203311 0.042145 0.513726 0.6 0.694118 Xa +0 XR +-7736.5039 7889.9688 m +-7729.7539 7889.9688 L +-7729.7539 7875.5527 L +-7715.3389 7875.5527 L +-7715.3389 7876.7173 L +-7715.3389 7876.7173 L +-7715.3389 7868.8013 L +-7736.5039 7868.8013 L +-7736.5039 7889.9688 L +f +0.258488 0.130922 0.134035 0.001434 0.784314 0.823529 0.847059 Xa +1 XR +-7715.3389 7876.7173 m +-7715.3389 7875.5527 L +-7729.7539 7875.5527 L +-7729.7539 7889.9688 L +-7728.5889 7889.9688 L +-7728.5889 7876.7173 L +-7715.3389 7876.7173 L +f +0.420172 0.234684 0.133211 0.010101 0.627451 0.701961 0.792157 Xa +0 XR +-7728.5889 7876.7173 m +-7728.5889 7889.9688 L +-7716.5039 7889.9688 L +-7716.5352 7888.8135 L +-7715.3389 7888.8135 L +-7715.3389 7876.7173 L +-7728.5889 7876.7173 L +f +U +9 () XW +1 Ap +1 XR +-7746 7890 m +-7746 7859.3345 L +-7715.3335 7859.3345 L +-7715.3335 7890 L +-7746 7890 L +n +U +9 () XW +0 Ap +0 O +0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Xa +0 XR +-7728.5986 7877.0796 m +-7729.7285 7875.6016 l +-7728.5986 7876.7212 L +-7728.5986 7877.0796 l +f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(12.566368) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +-7736.5 7869.1255 m +-7737.3848 7867.9287 l +-7736.5 7868.8101 L +-7736.5 7869.1255 l +f +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_(12.566368) /String (BBAccumRotation) , +%_; +%_ +U +9 () XW +U +9 () XW +U +9 () XW +U +%AI8_EndBrushPattern +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI10_BeginSVGFilter +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(140%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (width) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(140%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (height) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_AbgeflachteKanteMitSchatten_1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , 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, +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(10) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(specularExponent) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (specularExponent) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(surfaceScale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (surfaceScale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-20000) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(z) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (z) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-5000) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-10000) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(fePointLight) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feSpecularLighting) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k3) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k4) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k1) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(arithmetic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMerge) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (width) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (height) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Alpha_1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (numOctaves) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stitchTiles) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.05) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (baseFrequency) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feTurbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (width) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (height) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Alpha_4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(fractalNoise) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (numOctaves) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stitchTiles) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (baseFrequency) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feTurbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Dehnen_3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(radius) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (radius) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(dilate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMorphology) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Dehnen_6) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(6) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(radius) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (radius) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(dilate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMorphology) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Erodieren_3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(radius) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (radius) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(erode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMorphology) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Erodieren_6) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(6) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(radius) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (radius) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(erode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMorphology) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_GaußscherWeichzeichner_4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_GaußscherWeichzeichner_7) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(7) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(150%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (width) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(150%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (height) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Holzmaserung) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-10%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-10%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dx) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dx) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dy) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dy) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offset) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feOffset) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(flood-color:black; flood-opacity:0.4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(style) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (style) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feFlood) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(shadowColor) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(resultScale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (resultScale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(diffuseConstant) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (diffuseConstant) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(white) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(lighting-color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (lighting-color) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(surfaceScale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (surfaceScale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(diffuse) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(diffuse) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(60) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(elevation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (elevation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(135) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(azimuth) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (azimuth) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(light2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feDistantLight) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feDiffuseLighting) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(specularConstant) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (specularConstant) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(10) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(specularExponent) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (specularExponent) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(white) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(lighting-color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (lighting-color) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(surfaceScale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (surfaceScale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(60) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(elevation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (elevation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(135) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(azimuth) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (azimuth) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(light) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feDistantLight) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feSpecularLighting) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k3) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k4) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k1) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(arithmetic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(diffuse) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k3) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k4) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k1) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(arithmetic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMerge) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(fractalNoise) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(10) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (numOctaves) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stitchTiles) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(.05) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (baseFrequency) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(Turbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feTurbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(matrix) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(values) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (values) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(Grayscale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(Turbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feColorMatrix) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(BlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dx) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dx) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dy) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dy) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(OffsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(BlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-noden +endstream endobj 22 0 obj <>stream +ame) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feOffset) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(OffsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(CompBlurTurb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(Grayscale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(CompBlurTurb2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1.5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(CompBlurTurb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(CompXferFire) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(Grayscale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(table) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(2 0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(tableValues) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (tableValues) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feFuncR) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(table) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(.7 0 ) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(tableValues) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (tableValues) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feFuncG) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(table) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(.1 0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(tableValues) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (tableValues) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feFuncB) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComponentTransfer) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(CompSourceFire) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(CompXferFire) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(MergeAll) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(CompSourceFire) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMerge) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(110%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (width) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(140%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (height) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_KühleBrise) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-5%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-40%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1.2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(radius) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (radius) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(dilate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(a) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(a) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMorphology) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1.2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(radius) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (radius) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(dilate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(a) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMorphology) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dy) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dy) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feOffset) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(fractalNoise) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (numOctaves) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stitchTiles) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (baseFrequency) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feTurbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(scale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (scale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(A) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(yChannelSelector) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (yChannelSelector) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(R) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(xChannelSelector) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (xChannelSelector) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feDisplacementMap) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(matrix) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(values) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (values) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feColorMatrix) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(freeze) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(fill) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (fill) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(attributeName) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (attributeName) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(5s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(none) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(accumulate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (accumulate) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(replace) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(additive) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (additive) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(begin) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (begin) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(linear) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(calcMode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (calcMode) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(from) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (from) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(to) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (to) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(always) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(restart) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (restart) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(animate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-8) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dy) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dy) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feOffset) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(fractalNoise) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(10) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (numOctaves) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stitchTiles) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.05) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (baseFrequency) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feTurbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(8) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(scale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (scale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(A) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(yChannelSelector) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (yChannelSelector) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(R) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(xChannelSelector) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (xChannelSelector) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feDisplacementMap) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(matrix) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(values) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (values) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feColorMatrix) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(b5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(a) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMerge) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(50 50) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterRes) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterRes) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Pixelspiel_1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(remove) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(fill) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (fill) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(indefinite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(repeatDur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (repeatDur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(filterRes) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(attributeName) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (attributeName) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(10s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(none) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(accumulate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (accumulate) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(replace) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(additive) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (additive) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(begin) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (begin) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(spline) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(calcMode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (calcMode) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(always) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(restart) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (restart) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1 1;20 15;200 200; 15 20;1 1 ) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(values) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (values) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(animate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(7) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(compositeOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k3) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k4) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k1) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(arithmetic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(compositeOut1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(compositeOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(compositeOut1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMerge) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(50 50) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterRes) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterRes) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Pixelspiel_2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(remove) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(fill) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (fill) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(indefinite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(repeatDur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (repeatDur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(filterRes) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(attributeName) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (attributeName) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(10s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(none) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(accumulate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (accumulate) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(replace) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(additive) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (additive) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(begin) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (begin) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(linear) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(calcMode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (calcMode) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(always) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(restart) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (restart) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(50 50;20 20;50 50) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(values) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (values) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(animate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(7) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(resultScale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (resultScale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(diffuseConstant) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (diffuseConstant) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(yellow) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(lighting-color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (lighting-color) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(surfaceScale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (surfaceScale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(diffuse) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(diffuse) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(remove) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(fill) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (fill) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(indefinite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(repeatDur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (repeatDur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(lighting-color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(attributeName) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (attributeName) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(15s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(none) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(accumulate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (accumulate) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(replace) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(additive) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (additive) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(begin) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (begin) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(linear) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(calcMode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (calcMode) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(always) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(restart) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (restart) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(yellow;green;blue;indigo;violet;red;orange) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(values) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (values) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(animate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(60) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(elevation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (elevation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(180) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(azimuth) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (azimuth) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feDistantLight) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feDiffuseLighting) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(10) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(specularConstant) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (specularConstant) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(15) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(specularExponent) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (specularExponent) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(red) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(lighting-color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (lighting-color) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(15) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(surfaceScale) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (surfaceScale) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(remove) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(fill) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (fill) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(indefinite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(repeatDur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (repeatDur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(lighting-color) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(attributeName) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (attributeName) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(15s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(none) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(accumulate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (accumulate) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(replace) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(additive) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (additive) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(begin) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (begin) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(linear) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(calcMode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (calcMode) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(always) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(restart) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (restart) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(indigo;green;yellow;blue;violet;red;orange) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(values) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (values) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(animate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(60) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(elevation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (elevation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(180) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(azimuth) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (azimuth) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(light) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feDistantLight) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feSpecularLighting) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k3) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k4) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k1) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(arithmetic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(diffuse) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k3) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k4) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(k1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (k1) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(arithmetic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(specularOut) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(litPaint1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMerge) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Schatten_1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dx) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dx) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dy) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dy) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feOffset) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMerge) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(140%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (width) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(130%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (height) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Schatten_2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-15%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(-15%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(6) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stdDeviation) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stdDeviation) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feGaussianBlur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(8) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dx) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dx) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(8) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dy) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dy) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(blur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feOffset) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(offsetBlurredAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceGraphic) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMergeNode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feMerge) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode +endstream endobj 23 0 obj <>stream +-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Statisch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(fractalNoise) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(10) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (numOctaves) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stitchTiles) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (baseFrequency) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c1) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(remove) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(fill) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (fill) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(indefinite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(repeatDur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (repeatDur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(attributeName) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (attributeName) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(5s) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(dur) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (dur) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(none) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(accumulate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (accumulate) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(replace) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(additive) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (additive) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(linear) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(calcMode) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (calcMode) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(from) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (from) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.7) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(to) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (to) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(always) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(restart) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (restart) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(animate) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feTurbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(c2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (width) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (height) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Verwirbelung_3) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(8) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (numOctaves) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stitchTiles) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.05) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (baseFrequency) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feTurbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +/SVGFilter : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(width) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (width) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(100%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(height) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (height) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(objectBoundingBox) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filterUnits) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (filterUnits) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(AI_Verwirbelung_5) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(id) /String (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (id) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(x) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (x) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0%) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(y) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (y) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(fractalNoise) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(type) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (type) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(numOctaves) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (numOctaves) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(noStitch) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(stitchTiles) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (stitchTiles) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(0.4) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(baseFrequency) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (baseFrequency) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(result) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (result) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feTurbulence) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(operator) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (operator) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(SourceAlpha) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in2) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in2) , +/XMLNode : +/Dictionary : +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +2 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , +(turb) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(in) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; (in) , +; (xmlnode-attributes) , +/Array : +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(feComposite) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; , +; (xmlnode-children) , +1 /Int (xmlnode-nodetype) , + /String (xmlnode-nodevalue) , +(filter) /UnicodeString (xmlnode-nodename) , +; /Def ; +%AI10_EndSVGFilter +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI14_BeginSymbol +(Kombinationsfeld) 0 A +0 Xw +u +u +0 O +9 0.7 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +6.5 -10 m +6.5 -10 L +-10.5 -10 L +-10.5 10 L +6.5 10 L +6.5 10 L +8.15625 10 9.5 8.6582 9.5 7 C +9.5 -7 L +9.5 -8.65625 8.15625 -10 6.5 -10 C +Bb +1 (Unnamed gradient 1) 0 0 -90 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +-0.000001 -20 -24 0.000001 -7735.5 7901 Xm +-0.000001 -23.5 -24 0.000001 -7735.5 7924.5 Bc +-0.000001 -20 -24 0.000001 -7735.5 7901 Bm +-0.000001 -23.5 -24 0.000001 -7735.5 7881 Bc +f +0 BB +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +6.5 -11 m +6.5 -11 L +-10.5 -11 L +-10.5 -10 L +6.5 -10 L +6.5 -10 L +8.15625 -10 9.5 -8.65625 9.5 -7 C +9.5 7 L +9.5 8.6582 8.15625 10 6.5 10 C +6.5 10 L +-9.5 10 L +-10.5 10 L +-10.5 11 L +6.5 11 L +6.5 11 L +8.70898 11 10.5 9.20898 10.5 7 C +10.5 -7 L +10.5 -9.20898 8.70898 -11 6.5 -11 C +Bb +1 (Unnamed gradient 2) 0 0 -90 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +-0.000001 -22 -25 0.000001 -7734.5 7902 Xm +-0.000001 -25 -25 0.000001 -7734.5 7927 Bc +-0.000001 -22 -25 0.000001 -7734.5 7902 Bm +-0.000001 -25 -25 0.000001 -7734.5 7880 Bc +f +0 BB +U +9 () XW +0.690608 0.595209 0.559747 0.655817 0.2 0.2 0.2 Xa +-3.5 -2 m +2.5 -2 L +-0.5 2 l +-3.5 -2 L +f +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_0 17 18 4 0 0 /RealMatrix +%_ (AI13Pattern9SliceScalingGridKey) , +%_5 /Int (AI13PatternRegistrationType) , +%_0 /Bool (AI15PixelPerfectSymbolEnablekey) , +%_1 /Bool (AI13PatternEnableGuides) , +%_2 /Int (AI13PatternExportType) , +%_; +%_ +9 () XW +%AI10_EndSymbol +%AI14_BeginSymbol +(Schaltfläche) 0 A +0 Xw +u +*u +1 D +0 O +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +0 g +28.0005 -11 m +28 -11 L +-28 -11 L +-30.21 -11 -32 -9.20898 -32 -7 C +-32 7 L +-32 9.20801 -30.21 10.999 -28 11 C +28 11 L +28.0005 11 L +30.2085 11 32 9.20898 32 7 C +32 -7 L +32 -9.20898 30.2085 -11 28.0005 -11 C +f +0 D +31 7 m +31 8.6582 29.6563 10 28.0005 10 C +28 10 L +-28 10 L +-29.6572 9.99902 -31 8.65625 -31 7 C +-31 -7 L +-31 -8.65527 -29.6572 -10 -28 -10 C +28 -10 L +28.0005 -10 L +29.6563 -10 31 -8.65625 31 -7 C +31 7 L +Bb +1 (Unnamed gradient 2) 0 0 -90 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +-0.000001 -22 -68 0.000003 -7713 7902 Xm +-0.000001 -25 -68 0.000003 -7713 7927 Bc +-0.000001 -22 -68 0.000003 -7713 7902 Bm +-0.000001 -25 -68 0.000003 -7713 7880 Bc +f +0 BB +*U +9 0.85 0 0 0 Xy +28.0005 -10 m +28 -10 L +28 -10 L +-28 -10 L +-28 -10 L +-29.6572 -10 -31 -8.65527 -31 -7 C +-31 7 L +-31 8.65625 -29.6572 9.99902 -28 10 C +-28 10 L +28 10 L +28 10 L +28.0005 10 l +29.6563 10 31 8.6582 31 7 C +31 -7 L +31 -8.65625 29.6563 -10 28.0005 -10 c +Bb +1 (Unnamed gradient 3) 0 0 -90 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +-0.000001 -20 -66 0.000003 -7714 7901 Xm +-0.000001 -23 -66 0.000003 -7714 7924 Bc +-0.000001 -20 -66 0.000003 -7714 7901 Bm +-0.000001 -23 -66 0.000003 -7714 7881 Bc +f +0 BB +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_4 60 18 4 0 0 /RealMatrix +%_ (AI13Pattern9SliceScalingGridKey) , +%_5 /Int (AI13PatternRegistrationType) , +%_0 /Bool (AI15PixelPerfectSymbolEnablekey) , +%_1 /Bool (AI13PatternEnableGuides) , +%_2 /Int (AI13PatternExportType) , +%_; +%_ +9 () XW +%AI10_EndSymbol +%AI14_BeginSymbol +(Suchen) 0 A +0 Xw +u +1 Ap +0 O +1 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +31 21.5322 m +31 24.0166 17.1211 26.0303 0 26.0303 c +-17.1191 26.0303 -31 24.0166 -31 21.5322 c +-31 19.0459 -17.1191 17.0303 0 17.0303 c +17.1211 17.0303 31 19.0459 31 21.5322 c +Bb +0 0 0 0 Bh +1 (Unnamed gradient 17) 0 0 0 1 1.4762 0 0 0.2143 -3789.1475 6144.7451 1 Bg +30.9986 0 0 -4.50006 -7747 7869.4692 Bm +f +0 BB +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +%_1.4762 0 0 0.2143 -3789.1475 6144.7451 /RealMatrix +%_ (CAIGradientTformMatrix) , +%_; (Adobe_AI9_ArtStyle_Dictionary) , +%_; +%_ +0 1 Xd +Bb +0 0 0 0 Bh +2 (Unnamed gradient 17) 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +0 BB +6 () XW +u +0 Ap +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +10 M -18.4502 21.9706 m +-18.7514 21.9706 -19.0387 21.8438 -19.2384 21.6228 C +-23.965 16.396 L +-24.1564 16.1854 -24.2537 15.9123 -24.2398 15.6264 c +-24.2259 15.3403 -24.1025 15.0776 -23.8923 14.8867 C +-10.655 2.8613 L +-10.4594 2.68388 -10.205 2.58601 -9.93892 2.58601 c +-9.63749 2.58601 -9.35004 2.7128 -9.15027 2.93386 C +-4.42351 8.15868 L +-4.23263 8.36885 -4.13573 8.64198 -4.15001 8.92848 c +-4.16429 9.21497 -4.28761 9.47757 -4.49724 9.66792 C +-17.7366 21.6953 L +-17.9317 21.873 -18.1849 21.9706 -18.4502 21.9706 C +Bb +0 0 0 0 Bh +1 (Unnamed gradient 28) -0.15047 0.64736 0 1.9211 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +18.1731 0 0 -18.1731 -7764.2183 7866.1729 Bm +f +0 BB +u +*u +0.478614 0.312474 0.290532 0.089723 0.54902 0.596078 0.627451 Xa +-9.93896 3.08594 m +-9.84473 3.08594 -9.66504 3.10986 -9.521 3.26953 C +-4.79297 8.49561 L +-4.65771 8.64453 -4.64502 8.81494 -4.64941 8.90381 C +-4.65723 9.05713 -4.72217 9.19678 -4.8335 9.29785 C +-18.0737 21.3262 L +-18.1763 21.4194 -18.3096 21.4707 -18.4502 21.4707 C +-18.5444 21.4707 -18.7236 21.4468 -18.8677 21.2871 C +-23.5957 16.0591 L +-23.8022 15.8315 -23.7842 15.4639 -23.5562 15.2568 C +-10.3193 3.23193 L +-10.2158 3.1377 -10.0806 3.08594 -9.93896 3.08594 C +F +1 D +-9.93896 2.08594 m +-10.3145 2.08594 -10.6919 2.21973 -10.9912 2.49121 C +-24.2285 14.5166 L +-24.8672 15.0967 -24.916 16.0928 -24.3359 16.7314 C +-19.6094 21.958 L +-19.3022 22.2979 -18.877 22.4707 -18.4502 22.4707 C +-18.0747 22.4707 -17.6982 22.3369 -17.4004 22.0654 C +-4.16113 10.0381 L +-3.52441 9.45996 -3.47266 8.46191 -4.05273 7.82324 C +-8.7793 2.59863 L +-9.08643 2.25879 -9.51172 2.08594 -9.93896 2.08594 C +-9.93896 2.08594 L +f +*U +U +0 0 Xd +6 () XW +U +0 0 Xd +6 () XW +%_0 D +%_-24.3359 16.7314 m +%_-24.916 16.0928 -24.8672 15.0967 -24.2285 14.5166 c +%_-10.9912 2.49121 l +%_-10.3516 1.91113 -9.35645 1.95996 -8.7793 2.59863 c +%_-4.05273 7.82324 l +%_-3.47266 8.46191 -3.52441 9.45996 -4.16113 10.0381 c +%_-17.4004 22.0654 l +%_-18.0371 22.6455 -19.0322 22.5967 -19.6094 21.958 c +%_-24.3359 16.7314 l +%_n +1 (Anon) XW +*u +0 O +0 R +0.478614 0.312474 0.290532 0.089723 0.54902 0.596078 0.627451 XA +4 M 0 g +7.40234 -25.5303 m +9.28125 -25.5303 11.1943 -25.2197 13.0703 -24.5713 C +22.1172 -21.4404 26.9102 -11.5713 23.7832 -2.52441 C +21.3018 4.64551 14.5879 9.14551 7.40234 9.14551 C +5.52344 9.14551 3.61328 8.83496 1.73438 8.18652 C +-7.3125 5.05762 -12.1084 -4.81348 -8.97852 -13.8584 C +-6.49707 -21.0283 0.219727 -25.5303 7.40234 -25.5303 C +B +1 D +7.40234 -20.374 m +2.21582 -20.374 -2.40918 -17.0791 -4.1084 -12.1729 C +-5.1709 -9.09863 -4.97363 -5.7959 -3.55176 -2.86816 C +-2.12988 0.055664 0.34668 2.25293 3.42188 3.31738 C +4.71191 3.76465 6.05176 3.99121 7.40234 3.99121 C +12.5889 3.99121 17.2139 0.696289 18.9131 -4.20801 C +19.9756 -7.28223 19.7783 -10.5869 18.3564 -13.5127 C +16.9346 -16.4404 14.458 -18.6377 11.3857 -19.7002 C +11.3857 -19.7002 L +10.0898 -20.1475 8.75 -20.374 7.40234 -20.374 C +7.40234 -20.374 L +Bb +0 0 0 0 Bh +1 (Unnamed gradient 28) 0.007548 0.433959 0 1.40083 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +17.0658 0 0 -17.0658 -7739.3364 7884.1445 Bm +b +2 BB +*U +u +0 D +10 M -8.90137 7.71973 m +-8.35059 7.21973 -7.53711 7.19043 -6.95215 7.59863 C +-9.96973 4.26465 L +-22.5664 15.708 L +-20.3691 18.1377 L +-8.90137 7.71973 L +Bb +1 (Unnamed gradient 7) -3.81729 0 -49.4846 6.03541 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +17.6244 -20.6243 -16.0703 -13.7328 -7766.499 7901.1626 Xm +33.9039 -39.6748 -16.0703 -13.7328 -7800.4028 7940.8374 Bc +17.6244 -20.6243 -16.0703 -13.7328 -7766.499 7901.1626 Bm +33.9039 -39.6748 -16.0703 -13.7328 -7748.8745 7880.5381 Bc +f +0 BB +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_0 /Int (AI10 compound shape mode) , +%_; +%_ +2 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 0 Xd +6 () XW +%_-8.90137 7.71973 m +%_-8.35059 7.21973 -7.53711 7.19043 -6.95215 7.59863 C +%_-9.96973 4.26465 L +%_-22.5664 15.708 L +%_-20.3691 18.1377 L +%_-8.90137 7.71973 L +%_n +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_0 /Int (AI10 compound shape mode) , +%_; +%_ +1 (Anon 437) XW +0 O +4 M 12.5801 -23.1553 m +10.9014 -23.7354 9.16016 -24.0283 7.40234 -24.0283 c +0.65918 -24.0283 -5.35449 -19.7451 -7.56152 -13.3682 c +-9.3125 -8.30762 -8.32813 -2.95605 -5.40723 1.08691 C +-5.00293 -0.069336 -4.43066 -1.18066 -3.72559 -2.23926 C +-3.80273 -2.38379 -3.88965 -2.52051 -3.96191 -2.66895 c +-5.43652 -5.70605 -5.6416 -9.13379 -4.53906 -12.3232 c +-2.77637 -17.4111 2.02148 -20.8291 7.40234 -20.8291 c +8.80078 -20.8291 10.1904 -20.5947 11.5352 -20.1299 c +14.7217 -19.0283 17.291 -16.749 18.7666 -13.7119 c +19.0146 -13.2021 19.2129 -12.6787 19.3887 -12.1494 C +19.7041 -12.1279 20.0215 -12.1143 20.3359 -12.0811 c +21.1885 -11.9932 22.0146 -11.8623 22.8184 -11.7021 C +21.6367 -16.8506 17.9277 -21.3037 12.5801 -23.1553 c +Bb +1 (Unnamed gradient 7) -0.837511 0 -63.554 2.1927 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +19.0977 -38.3947 -33.1435 -16.4857 -7737.2896 7936.3179 Xm +20.434 -41.0812 -33.1435 -16.4857 -7757.7231 7977.3994 Bc +19.0977 -38.3947 -33.1435 -16.4857 -7737.2896 7936.3179 Bm +20.434 -41.0812 -33.1435 -16.4857 -7718.1919 7897.9233 Bc +f +0 BB +-6.4707 -11.915 m +-4.26367 -18.292 1.75 -22.5752 8.49316 -22.5752 c +10.251 -22.5752 11.9922 -22.2822 13.6709 -21.7021 c +16.4521 -20.7393 18.7813 -19.0635 20.5557 -16.9619 C +18.7041 -19.7471 15.9766 -21.9795 12.5801 -23.1553 c +10.9014 -23.7354 9.16016 -24.0283 7.40234 -24.0283 c +0.65918 -24.0283 -5.35449 -19.7451 -7.56152 -13.3682 c +-9.45313 -7.90137 -8.14941 -2.10254 -4.66309 2.02637 C +-7.30762 -1.9502 -8.14941 -7.06348 -6.4707 -11.915 c +Bb +1 (Unnamed gradient 7) -0.284451 0 -62.8867 1.31311 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +11.6282 -22.7105 -32.3312 -16.5542 -7733.5737 7926.2744 Xm +13.8263 -27.0035 -32.3312 -16.5542 -7747.3999 7953.2778 Bc +11.6282 -22.7105 -32.3312 -16.5542 -7733.5737 7926.2744 Bm +13.8263 -27.0035 -32.3312 -16.5542 -7721.9453 7903.564 Bc +f +0 BB +u +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +10 M -9.12402 5.19824 m +-9.96973 4.26465 L +-22.5664 15.708 L +-21.7207 16.6436 L +-9.12402 5.19824 L +Bb +1 (Unnamed gradient 7) -0.125225 0 -65.913 1.33255 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +3.53784 -7.91375 -18.7709 -8.3915 -7755.1191 7888.4551 Xm +11.3559 -25.4018 -18.7709 -8.3915 -7766.4751 7913.8569 Bc +3.53784 -7.91375 -18.7709 -8.3915 -7755.1191 7888.4551 Bm +11.3559 -25.4018 -18.7709 -8.3915 -7751.5815 7880.541 Bc +f +0 BB +U +2 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 0 Xd +6 () XW +%_-9.12402 5.19824 m +%_-9.96973 4.26465 L +%_-22.5664 15.708 L +%_-21.7207 16.6436 L +%_-9.12402 5.19824 L +%_n +1 (Anon 438) XW +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_15.5 46.5 39.0454 13.0151 0 0 /RealMatrix +%_ (AI13Pattern9SliceScalingGridKey) , +%_5 /Int (AI13PatternRegistrationType) , +%_0 /Bool (AI15PixelPerfectSymbolEnablekey) , +%_0 /Bool (AI13PatternEnableGuides) , +%_2 /Int (AI13PatternExportType) , +%_; +%_ +9 () XW +%AI10_EndSymbol +%AI14_BeginSymbol +(Textbereich) 0 A +0 Xw +u +1 Ap +0 R +0.702296 0.157443 0 0 0.2 0.662745 0.882353 XA +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 0.991358 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +77.5 45.5 m +-77.5 45.5 L +-77.5 -45.5 L +77.5 -45.5 L +77.5 45.5 L +s +0 0.6 0 0 0 Xy +1.00864 w 78.5 46.5 m +-78.5 46.5 L +-78.5 -46.5 L +78.5 -46.5 L +78.5 46.5 L +s +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_2.0811 156.0811 91.4609 2.4609 0 0 /RealMatrix +%_ (AI13Pattern9SliceScalingGridKey) , +%_5 /Int (AI13PatternRegistrationType) , +%_0 /Bool (AI15PixelPerfectSymbolEnablekey) , +%_1 /Bool (AI13PatternEnableGuides) , +%_2 /Int (AI13PatternExportType) , +%_; +%_ +9 () XW +%AI10_EndSymbol +%AI14_BeginSymbol +(Texteingabe) 0 A +0 Xw +u +0 Ap +0 R +0.702296 0.157443 0 0 0.2 0.662745 0.882353 XA +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +77.5 11.5 m +-77.5 11.5 L +-77.5 -11.5 L +77.5 -11.5 L +77.5 11.5 L +s +0 0.6 0 0 0 Xy +78.5 12.5 m +-78.5 12.5 L +-78.5 -12.5 L +78.5 -12.5 L +78.5 12.5 L +s +U +%_/ArtDictionary : +%_1.7002 155.7002 24 2 0 0 /RealMatrix +%_ (AI13Pattern9SliceScalingGridKey) , +%_5 /Int (AI13PatternRegistrationType) , +%_0 /Bool (AI15PixelPerfectSymbolEnablekey) , +%_1 /Bool (AI13PatternEnableGuides) , +%_2 /Int (AI13PatternExportType) , +%_; +%_ +9 () XW +%AI10_EndSymbol +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI8_BeginPluginObject +(Adobe Brush Manager Order) +(Adobe Brush Manager Order) +( Adobe Calligraphic Brush Tool/ Rund - 3 Pt./ Adobe Calligraph) - +(ic Brush Tool/ Rund - 10 Pt./ Adobe Calligraphic Brush Tool/ O) - +(val - 3 Pt./ Adobe ArtOnPath Brush Tool/ Kohle - Feder/ Adobe ) - +(dBrush Brush Tool/ Stupfpinsel/ Adobe PatternOnPath Brush Tool) - +(/ Silber/) . +%AI8_EndPluginObject +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI8_BeginPluginObject +(Adobe dBrush Brush Tool) +(Stupfpinsel) +(0 4 0.75 0.75 0.33 0.75 1 3 AI_BristleBrushLibary_CS5 02_Round) - +(_Blunt) . +%AI8_EndPluginObject +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI8_BeginPluginObject +(Adobe Calligraphic Brush Tool) +(Oval - 3 Pt.) +(1 3 3 26 74 15 15 0 1 0 0) . +%AI8_EndPluginObject +%AI8_BeginPluginObject +(Adobe Calligraphic Brush Tool) +(Rund - 10 Pt.) +(1 10 10 100 100 0 0 1 0 0 0) . +%AI8_EndPluginObject +%AI8_BeginPluginObject +(Adobe Calligraphic Brush Tool) +(Rund - 3 Pt.) +(1 3 3 100 100 0 0 0 0 0 0) . +%AI8_EndPluginObject +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI8_BeginPluginObject +(Adobe ArtOnPath Brush Tool) +(Kohle - Feder) +(2 / Unnamed 6/ / / / / 0 1 / 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1) . +%AI8_EndPluginObject +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI8_BeginPluginObject +(Adobe PatternOnPath Brush Tool) +(Silber) +(2 / Unnamed Brush Pattern 45/ Unnamed Brush Pattern 49/ Unname) - +(d Brush Pattern 47/ / / 5 0.623529 0.67451 0.737255 / 1 0 1 0) - +( 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0) . +%AI8_EndPluginObject +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_Begin_NonPrinting +Np +%AI9_BeginArtStyles +/KnownStyle : +(Anon) /Name , +/ActiveStyle : +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Adobe Stroke Offset) 1 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +(Illustrator.exe) /PluginFileName , +(Konturverschiebung: Live-Effekt) /Title , +2 /FillOrStroke , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +(Inside) /String (DisplayString) , +/StrokeStyle : 0 R +0.478614 0.312474 0.290532 0.089723 0.54902 0.596078 0.627451 XA +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d 0 XR +1 0 Xd +/Def ; + (StrokeStyle) , +1 /Bool (StrokeOffsetInside) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +; + /Part , +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +/FillStyle : 0 O +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +Bb +0 0 0 0 Bh +2 (Unnamed gradient 28) -0.15047 0.64736 0 1.9211 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +0 BB +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + +/Execution ; + /Def ; +/KnownStyle : +(Anon 437) /Name , +/ActiveStyle : +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Adobe Stroke Offset) 1 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +(Illustrator.exe) /PluginFileName , +(Konturverschiebung: Live-Effekt) /Title , +2 /FillOrStroke , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +(Inside) /String (DisplayString) , +/StrokeStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 0 Xd +/Def ; + (StrokeStyle) , +1 /Bool (StrokeOffsetInside) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +; + /Part , +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +/FillStyle : 0 O +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +Bb +2 (Unnamed gradient 7) -3.81729 0 -49.4846 6.03541 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +0 BB +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 2 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + +/Execution ; + /Def ; +/KnownStyle : +(Anon 438) /Name , +/ActiveStyle : +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Adobe Stroke Offset) 1 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +(Illustrator.exe) /PluginFileName , +(Konturverschiebung: Live-Effekt) /Title , +2 /FillOrStroke , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +(Inside) /String (DisplayString) , +/StrokeStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 0 Xd +/Def ; + (StrokeStyle) , +1 /Bool (StrokeOffsetInside) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +; + /Part , +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +/FillStyle : 0 O +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +Bb +2 (Unnamed gradient 7) -0.125225 0 -65.913 1.33255 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 Bg +0 BB +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 2 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + +/Execution ; + /Def ; +/KnownStyle : +(Anon 692) /Name , +/SimpleStyle : +0 O +0.808438 0.673884 0.495369 0.548699 0.180392 0.203922 0.25098 Xa +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +/Paint ; + /Def ; +/KnownStyle : +(Anon 693) /Name , +/SimpleStyle : +0 O +0.505455 0.098695 0.171084 0.001251 0.533333 0.752941 0.815686 Xa +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +/Paint ; + /Def ; +/KnownStyle : +(Jive_GS) /Name , +/ActiveStyle : +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +2 /FillOrStroke , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/StrokeStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 0 Xd +/Def ; + (StrokeStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +/FillStyle : 0 O +(Jive) 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 [0 1.47 -1.47 0 3549.7441 19033.0313] p +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +/FillStyle : 0 O +0.389013 0.068635 0.08426 0 0.65098 0.815686 0.894118 Xa +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + +/Execution ; + /Def ; +/KnownStyle : +(Schein nach außen - 5 Pt.) /Name , +/ActiveStyle : +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +2 /FillOrStroke , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/StrokeStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 0 Xd +/Def ; + (StrokeStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +/FillStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 0 Xd +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Adobe Outer Glow) 1 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +(Drop Shadow.aip) /PluginFileName , +(Schein nach au\337en) /Title , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/FillStyle : 0 O +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 Xa +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +/Def ; + (sclr) , +0.75 /Real (opac) , +5 /Real (blur) , +2 /Int (blnd) , +1 /Bool (usePSLBlur) , +16 /Int (Adobe Effect Expand Before Version) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + +/Execution ; + /Def ; +/KnownStyle : +(Schlagschatten) /Name , +/ActiveStyle : +/CompoundFilter : +(Chain Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/CompoundFilter : +(Stack Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/BasicFilter : +(Stroke Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +2 /FillOrStroke , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/StrokeStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 0 Xd +/Def ; + (StrokeStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Conduit Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Fill Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +0 /Bool (UseEvenOdd) , +/FillStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 0 Xd +/Def ; + (FillStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Adobe Drop Shadow) 1 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +(Drop Shadow.aip) /PluginFileName , +(Schlagschatten) /Title , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +1 /Int (csrc) , +/FillStyle : 0 O +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 Xa +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +0 1 Xd +/Def ; + (sclr) , +1 /Bool (pair) , +0.75 /Real (opac) , +50 /Real (dark) , +5 /Real (blur) , +1 /Int (blnd) , +7 /Real (vert) , +7 /Real (horz) , +1 /Bool (usePSLBlur) , +16 /Int (Adobe Effect Expand Before Version) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +/BasicFilter : +(Blend Style Filter) 0 0 /Filter , +1 /Visible , +/Dictionary : /NotRecorded , +/BlendStyle : 0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +/Def ; + (BlendStyle) , +; /Dict ; + /Part , +; + +/Execution ; + /Def ; +/KnownStyle : +([Standard]) /Name , +/SimpleStyle : +0 O +0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Xa +0 R +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 XA +0 1 0 0 0 Xy +0 J 0 j 1 w 10 M []0 d 0 XR +1 1 Xd +/Paint ; + /Def ; +%AI9_EndArtStyles +%AI5_End_NonPrinting-- +%AI5_BeginPalette +0 0 Pb +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 ([Passermarken]) 0 1 Xz +([Passermarken]) +Pc +0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Xa +(Weiß) +Pc +0.912474 0.787625 0.619837 0.97467 0 0 0 Xa +(Schwarz) +Pc +0 0.94641 0.916289 0 1 0 0 Xa +(RGB Rot) +Pc +0.096254 0 0.951965 0 1 1 0 Xa +(RGB Gelb) +Pc +0.647547 0 1 0 0 1 0 Xa +(RGB Grün) +Pc +0.570733 0 0.153567 0 0 1 1 Xa +(RGB Cyan) +Pc +0.934081 0.745846 0 0 0 0 1 Xa +(RGB Blau) +Pc +0.409979 0.77676 0 0 1 0 1 Xa +(RGB Magenta) +Pc +0.168978 0.950286 0.823636 0.068666 0.756863 0.152941 0.176471 Xa +(R=193 G=39 B=45) +Pc +0 0.946624 0.85211 0 0.929412 0.109804 0.141176 Xa +(R=237 G=28 B=36) +Pc +0 0.752956 0.887388 0 0.945098 0.352941 0.141176 Xa +(R=241 G=90 B=36) +Pc +0 0.501823 0.907988 0 0.968627 0.576471 0.117647 Xa +(R=247 G=147 B=30) +Pc +0 0.365637 0.819852 0 0.984314 0.690196 0.231373 Xa +(R=251 G=176 B=59) +Pc +0.065736 0 0.852628 0 0.988235 0.933333 0.129412 Xa +(R=252 G=238 B=33) +Pc +0.231907 0 0.892332 0 0.85098 0.878431 0.129412 Xa +(R=217 G=224 B=33) +Pc +0.524254 0 0.880919 0 0.54902 0.776471 0.247059 Xa +(R=140 G=198 B=63) +Pc +0.718288 0 0.876951 0 0.223529 0.709804 0.290196 Xa +(R=57 G=181 B=74) +Pc +0.842954 0.14374 0.926757 0.021576 0 0.572549 0.270588 Xa +(R=0 G=146 B=69) +Pc +0.899077 0.322972 0.925994 0.247654 0 0.407843 0.215686 Xa +(R=0 G=104 B=55) +Pc +0.735958 0 0.689784 0 0.133333 0.709804 0.45098 Xa +(R=34 G=181 B=115) +Pc +0.766171 0.045533 0.450782 0 0 0.662745 0.615686 Xa +(R=0 G=169 B=157) +Pc +0.709987 0.132143 0.001953 0 0.160784 0.670588 0.886275 Xa +(R=41 G=171 B=226) +Pc +0.866178 0.492958 0 0 0 0.443137 0.737255 Xa +(R=0 G=113 B=188) +Pc +0.975586 0.89572 0 0.000824 0.180392 0.192157 0.572549 Xa +(R=46 G=49 B=146) +Pc +1 0.970001 0.322484 0.218753 0.105882 0.078431 0.392157 Xa +(R=27 G=20 B=100) +Pc +0.755703 0.923125 0 0.000031 0.4 0.176471 0.568627 Xa +(R=102 G=45 B=145) +Pc +0.5393 0.930297 0 0 0.576471 0.152941 0.560784 Xa +(R=147 G=39 B=143) +Pc +0.323583 1 0.236301 0.1673 0.619608 0 0.364706 Xa +(R=158 G=0 B=93) +Pc +0.097993 0.983551 0.407263 0.020691 0.831373 0.078431 0.352941 Xa +(R=212 G=20 B=90) +Pc +0 0.935058 0.142763 0 0.929412 0.117647 0.47451 Xa +(R=237 G=30 B=121) +Pc +0.220859 0.272648 0.389227 0.061189 0.780392 0.698039 0.6 Xa +(R=199 G=178 B=153) +Pc +0.354864 0.386694 0.466072 0.211734 0.6 0.52549 0.458824 Xa +(R=153 G=134 B=117) +Pc +0.446387 0.47068 0.52636 0.380346 0.45098 0.388235 0.341176 Xa +(R=115 G=99 B=87) +Pc +0.535302 0.542443 0.552728 0.542199 0.32549 0.278431 0.254902 Xa +(R=83 G=71 B=65) +Pc +0.204685 0.376715 0.593042 0.084871 0.776471 0.611765 0.427451 Xa +(R=198 G=156 B=109) +Pc +0.280308 0.462287 0.671046 0.207126 0.65098 0.486275 0.321569 Xa +(R=166 G=124 B=82) +Pc +0.324376 0.536675 0.760494 0.329229 0.54902 0.384314 0.223529 Xa +(R=140 G=98 B=57) +Pc +0.359228 0.605188 0.857359 0.451545 0.458824 0.298039 0.141176 Xa +(R=117 G=76 B=36) +Pc 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b/assets/images/nord/repository-nordify.svg new file mode 100755 index 00000000..bb580724 --- /dev/null +++ b/assets/images/nord/repository-nordify.svg @@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/assets/repository-hero.ai b/assets/images/repository-hero.ai similarity index 100% rename from assets/repository-hero.ai rename to assets/images/repository-hero.ai diff --git a/assets/repository-hero.svg b/assets/images/repository-hero.svg similarity index 100% rename from assets/repository-hero.svg rename to assets/images/repository-hero.svg diff --git a/content/docs/colors-and-palettes/index.mdx b/content/docs/colors-and-palettes/index.mdx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2948264a --- /dev/null +++ b/content/docs/colors-and-palettes/index.mdx @@ -0,0 +1,214 @@ +import { ShrinkedWidth, SpaceBox } from "atoms/core/mdx-elements"; +import ColorPaletteCard from "atoms/core/ColorPaletteCard"; +import { ReactComponent as ColorPalette } from "assets/images/illustrations/color-palette.svg"; +import { palettes } from "styles/theme"; +import { ROUTE_DOCS_SWATCHES, ROUTE_DOCS_USAGE } from "config/routes/mappings"; + +export const frontmatter = { + title: "Colors and Palettes", + subline: + "A total of sixteen, carefully selected, dimmed pastel colors for a eye-comfortable, but yet colorful ambiance." +}; + + + + + + + + + + + +Nord consists of four named color palettes providing different syntactic meanings and color effects for dark & bright ambiance designs. + +It has been created for **clear, uncluttered and elegant designs** following a **minimal and flat** style pattern. +For syntax highlighting it aims to ensure an **undisturbed focus on important parts of the code**, a **good readability** and a **quick visual distinction** between the different syntax elements. + +All colors are numbered from `nord0` to `nord15` where each palette contains a different amount of colors. The naming convention preserves the compatibility for terminal color schemes and allows an uncomplicated use as base for such. + +This document provides a set of guidelines detailing how to style and highlight code syntax and UI elements. +Please note that these guidelines are “soft“ recommendations to describe the original idea of Nord! +They may be used in a modified form like e.g. different use cases for a specific color or with different shading options applied. + +> This is a _living document_ which means it is **work in progress**, not completed yet and **can change at any time** while the project is still in development! + +Make sure to check out the guides about how to install and integrate Nord in your own projects or use the color swatches for your favorite applications. + + + + + + + + + +**Polar Night** is made up of four darker colors that are commonly used for base elements like backgrounds or text color in _bright ambiance designs_. + +### `nord0` + +**The origin color or the _Polar Night_ palette.** + +For _dark ambiance designs_, it is used for background and area coloring while it's not used for syntax highlighting at all because otherwise it would collide with the same background color. + +For _bright ambiance designs_, it is used for base elements like plain text, the text editor caret and reserved syntax characters like curly- and square brackets. +It is rarely used for passive UI elements like borders, but might be possible to achieve a higher contrast and better visual distinction (harder/not flat) between larger components. + +### `nord1` + +**A brighter shade color based on `nord0`.** + +For _dark ambiance designs_ it is used for elevated, more prominent or focused UI elements like + +- status bars and text editor gutters +- panels, modals and floating popups like notifications or auto completion +- user interaction/form components like buttons, text/select fields or checkboxes + +It also works fine for more inconspicuous and passive elements like borders or as dropshadow between different components. +There's currently no official port project that makes use of it for syntax highlighting. + +For _bright ambiance designs_, it is used for more subtle/inconspicuous UI text elements that do not need so much visual attention. +Other use cases are also state animations like a more brighter text color when a button is hovered, active or focused. + +### `nord2` + +**An even more brighter shade color of `nord0`.** + +For _dark ambiance designs_, it is used to colorize the currently active text editor line as well as selection- and text highlighting color. +For both _bright & dark ambiance designs_ it can also be used as an brighter variant for the same target elements like `nord1`. + +### `nord3` + +**The brightest shade color based on `nord0`.** + +For _dark ambiance designs_, it is used for UI elements like indent- and wrap guide marker. +In the context of code syntax highlighting it is used for comments and invisible/non-printable characters. + +For _bright ambiance designs_, it is, next to `nord1` and `nord2` as darker variants, also used for the most subtle/inconspicuous UI text elements that do not need so much visual attention. + + + + + +**Snow Storm** is made up of three bright colors that are commonly used for text colors or base UI elements in _bright ambiance designs_. + +The palette can be used for two different shading ambiance styles: + +- bright to dark — This is the **recommended style** that uses `nord6` as base color and highlights other UI elements with `nord5` and `nord4`. +- dark to bright (_semi-light_) — This style uses `nord4` as base color and highlights other UI elements with `nord5` and `nord6`. + +The documentation of the different colors from this palette are based on the recommended _bright to dark_ ambiance style. +To apply the color purposes to the _dark to bright_ style the definitions can be used in reversed order. + +### `nord4` + +**The origin color or the _Snow Storm_ palette.** + +For _dark ambiance designs_, it is used for UI elements like the text editor caret. +In the context of syntax highlighting it is used as text color for variables, constants, attributes and fields. + +For _bright ambiance designs_, it is used for elevated, more prominent or focused UI elements like + +- status bars and text editor gutters +- panels, modals and floating popups like notifications or auto completion +- user interaction/form components like buttons, text/select fields or checkboxes + +It also works fine for more inconspicuous and passive elements like borders or as dropshadow between different components. +In the context of syntax highlighting it's not used at all. + +### `nord5` + +**A brighter shade color of `nord4`.** + +For _dark ambiance designs_, it is used for more subtle/inconspicuous UI text elements that do not need so much visual attention. +Other use cases are also state animations like a more brighter text color when a button is hovered, active or focused. + +For _bright ambiance designs_, it is used to colorize the currently active text editor line as well as selection- and text highlighting color. + +### `nord6` + +**The brightest shade color based on `nord4`.** + +For _dark ambiance designs_, it is used for elevated UI text elements that require more visual attention. +In the context of syntax highlighting it is used as text color for plain text as well as reserved and structuring syntax characters like curly- and square brackets. + +For _bright ambiance designs_, it is used as background and area coloring while it's not used for syntax highlighting at all because otherwise it would collide with the same background color. + + + + + +**Frost** can be described as the heart palette of Nord, a group of four bluish colors that are commonly used for primary UI component and text highlighting and essential code syntax elements. + +All colors of this palette are used the same for both _dark & bright ambiance designs_. + +### `nord7` + +**A calm and highly contrasted color reminiscent of frozen polar water.** + +Used for UI elements that should, next to the primary accent color `nord8`, stand out and get more visual attention. +In the context of syntax highlighting it is used for classes, types and primitives. + +### `nord8` + +**The bright and shiny primary accent color reminiscent of pure and clear ice.** + +Used for primary UI elements with main usage purposes that require the most visual attention. +In the context of syntax highlighting it is used for declarations, calls and execution statements of functions, methods and routines. + +### `nord9` + +**A more darkened and less saturated color reminiscent of arctic waters.** + +Used for secondary UI elements that also require more visual attention than other elements. +In the context of syntax highlighting it is used for language specific, syntactic and reserved keywords as well as + +- support characters +- operators +- tags +- units +- punctuations like (semi)colons, points and commas + +### `nord10` + +**A dark and intensive color reminiscent of the deep arctic ocean.** + +Used for tertiary UI elements that require more visual attention than default elements. +In the context of syntax highlighting it is used for pragmas, comment keywords and pre-processor statements. + + + + + +**Aurora** consists of five colorful components reminiscent of the [„Aurora borealis“][wiki-aurora], sometimes referred to as _polar lights_ or _northern lights_. + +All colors of this palette are used the same for both _dark & bright ambiance designs_. + +### `nord11` + +Used for UI elements that are rendering error states like linter markers and the highlighting of Git `diff` deletions. +In the context of syntax highlighting it is used to override the highlighting of syntax elements that are detected as errors. + +### `nord12` + +Rarely used for UI elements, but it may indicate a more advanced or dangerous functionality. +In the context of syntax highlighting it is used for special syntax elements like annotations and decorators. + +### `nord13` + +Used for UI elements that are rendering warning states like linter markers and the highlighting of Git `diff` modifications. +In the context of syntax highlighting it is used to override the highlighting of syntax elements that are detected as warnings as well as escape characters and within regular expressions. + +### `nord14` + +Used for UI elements that are rendering success states and visualizations and the highlighting of Git `diff` additions. +In the context of syntax highlighting it is used as main color for strings of any type like double/single quoted or interpolated. + +### `nord15` + +Rarely used for UI elements, but it may indicate a more uncommon functionality. +In the context of syntax highlighting it is used as main color for numbers of any type like integers and floating point numbers. + + + +[wiki-aurora]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aurora diff --git a/content/docs/query-error-draft-stub/index.mdx b/content/docs/query-error-draft-stub/index.mdx deleted file mode 100644 index 3d1d6fbb..00000000 --- a/content/docs/query-error-draft-stub/index.mdx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -export const frontmatter = { - title: "GraphQL query error draft stub", - subline: "This file must be kept to prevent GraphQL queries to fail when no docs pages are in the filesystem.", - draft: true -}; diff --git a/content/docs/query-error-draft-stub/placeholder.png b/content/docs/query-error-draft-stub/placeholder.png deleted file mode 100644 index 25455958..00000000 Binary files a/content/docs/query-error-draft-stub/placeholder.png and /dev/null differ diff --git a/content/docs/swatches/index.mdx b/content/docs/swatches/index.mdx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..24757754 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/docs/swatches/index.mdx @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +import Button from "atoms/core/Button"; +import Link from "atoms/core/Link"; +import { ShrinkedWidth, SpaceBox } from "atoms/core/mdx-elements"; +import { ReactComponent as ColorSwatches } from "assets/images/illustrations/color-swatches-stripes.svg"; +import { ROUTE_DOCS_COLOR_AND_PALETTES, ROUTE_DOCS_USAGE } from "config/routes/mappings"; + +export const frontmatter = { + title: "Swatches", + subline: + "No matter what's your design tool stack — we've got you covered with native color swatches for your favorite applications." +}; + + + + + + + + + + + +Next to the many ways of integrating Nord into your project, all color palettes of Nord are also available in various native color swatch formats. + +> This is a _living document_ which means it is **work in progress**, not completed yet and **can change at any time** while the project is still in development! +> There will also be detailed **install instructions** for all supported formats, but in the meantime please refer to the documentation of the specific application. + +### Adobe Products + +There are two different color swatches available for _Adobe_ products like [Photoshop][] and [Illustrator][]: + +- `.aco` — A format especially designed for and only compatible with _Adobe Photoshop_. + + + +- `.ase` — The “_Adobe Swatch Exchange_“ format that allows to share color swatches between different _Adobe_ products. + + + + +**Install instructions** on how to import and use the swatches are documented in [_Adobe_'s Help Center Guide][illustrator-help-swatches]. + +### Apple macOS + +For use with the macOS system color app Nord is available as `.clr` file format. + +**Install instructions** and more details are available through [_Apple's Visual Color Design_ guidelines][apple-dev-design-color]. + + + +### Gpick + +To use Nord with [Gpick][] the palettes are available as `.gpa` format. + + + +### GIMP, Krita and Inkscape + +The universal `.gpl` file format allows to use Nord with [GIMP], [Krita] and [Inkscape]. + + + +### Alias and WaveFront Material + +For applications that make use of the _Alias_ and _WaveFront Material_ format Nord also provides a `.mtl` file. + + + + + +[apple-dev-design-color]: https://developer.apple.com/design/human-interface-guidelines/macos/visual-design/color +[gimp-doc-color-palette]: https://docs.gimp.org/en/gimp-concepts-palettes.html +[gpick]: http://gpick.org +[illustrator-help-swatches]: https://helpx.adobe.com/illustrator/using/using-creating-swatches.html +[illustrator]: https://www.adobe.com/products/illustrator +[inkscape-wiki-color-palette]: http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/ColorPalette +[inkscape]: https://inkscape.org +[krita-doc-color-palette]: https://docs.krita.org/Palette +[krita]: https://krita.org +[photoshop]: http://adobe.com/products/photoshop diff --git a/content/docs/usage/index.mdx b/content/docs/usage/index.mdx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7e380996 --- /dev/null +++ b/content/docs/usage/index.mdx @@ -0,0 +1,163 @@ +import Button from "atoms/core/Button"; +import Link from "atoms/core/Link"; +import { ShrinkedWidth, SpaceBox } from "atoms/core/mdx-elements"; +import { ReactComponent as PaintBrush } from "assets/images/illustrations/paint-brush.svg"; +import { ROUTE_DOCS_COLOR_AND_PALETTES, ROUTE_DOCS_SWATCHES } from "config/routes/mappings"; + +export const frontmatter = { + title: "Installation and Usage", + subline: "Learn how to install Nord, integrate the palettes and use the colors in your own projects." +}; + + + + + + + + + + + +Nord comes in many formats to cover a wide range of project types and tech stacks. +It's colors and palettes have especially been designed for UI elements and code syntax highlighting often found in projects build with web technologies like websites. + +## Installation + +Since Nord if heavily used in web technology based projects, it's main installation method is therefore [**npm**][npm], the [Node.js][] package manager. + +Install and add it as production dependency by running `npm` from the command line: + +```sh +npm install --save nord +``` + +If you're using [**yarn**][yarn] instead of `npm` run the following command: + +```sh +yarn add nord +``` + +### From Source + +If you'd like to install Nord without `npm` or `yarn` you can use it from source by either [downloading individual source files][gh-tree-src] or [cloning the repository][gh]. + +## Usage + +Next to the available color swatches for your favorite applications, Nord is available in many module formats for various CSS [preprocessors][wiki-preproc]. + +### Sass + +[Sass][] is a mature, stable, and powerful professional grade CSS preprocessor and extension language. +Nord is available as [SCSS syntax module][sass-docs-scss] that can be imported using the [`@import`][sass-docs-import] @-rule that extends the [default CSS `@import`][mdn-css-@import] @-rule: + +```scss +@import "node_modules/nord/src/nord.scss"; + +body { + background-color: $nord0; + color: $nord8; +} +``` + +Please see the official [Sass syntax][sass-docs-syntax] documentation for more details about differences to the [indented Sass syntax][sass-docs-syntax-indented]. + +The [Sass module][gh-tree-sass] provides all Nord colors as [Sass variables][sass-docs-vars] from `$nord0` to `$nord15`. + +### Less + +[Less][] is a dynamic CSS preprocessor and extension language that was influenced by [Sass][] and has influenced the newer [SCSS syntax][sass-docs-scss]. +Nord can be [imported as Less module][less-docs-importing] using the [`@import`][sass-docs-import] @-rule that extends the [default CSS `@import`][mdn-css-@import] @-rule: + +```less +@import "node_modules/nord/src/nord.less"; + +body { + background-color: @nord0; + color: @nord8; +} +``` + +The [Less module][gh-tree-less] provides all Nord colors as [Less variables][less-docs-vars] from `@nord0` to `@nord15`. + +### Stylus + +[Stylus][] is a dynamic CSS preprocessor and extension language that was influenced by [Sass][] and [Less][]. +Nord can be imported as [Stylus module][stylus-docs-import] using the `@import` @-rule, which extends the [default CSS `@import`][mdn-css-@import] @-rule, or the Stylus specific [`@require`][stylus-docs-import-req] @-rule: + +```stylus +@import "node_modules/nord/src/nord.styl"; + +body { + background-color: @nord0; + color: @nord8; +} +``` + +The [Stylus module][gh-tree-stylus] provides all Nord colors as [Stylus variables][stylus-docs-vars] from `@nord0` to `@nord15`. + +### CSS + +The [CSS specification][w3-css-spec-vars] supports the definition of **custom properties**, often referred to as **CSS variables**, that contain specific values to be reused throughout a document. +They are set using custom property notation (e.g. `--nord8: #88c0d0;`) and are accessed using the CSS [`var()`][mdn-css-func-var] function (e.g. `color: var(--nord8);`). + +Nord can be imported as [CSS module][stylus-docs-import] using the [CSS `@import`][mdn-css-@import] @-rule: + +```css +@import "node_modules/nord/src/nord.css"; + +body { + background-color: var(--nord0); + color: var(--nord8); +} +``` + +If you're using the [PostCSS][] plugin [postcss-import][gh-postcss-import], Nord can be simply imported like any JavaScript module: + +```css +@import "nord"; +``` + +The [CSS module][gh-tree-css] provides all Nord colors as variables `--nord0` to `--nord15` nested inside the `:root` element selector. + +## Source Code Documentation + +The Sass module is documented using the [SassDoc][] comment syntax, a documentation system to build pretty and powerful docs from Sass files, while the Less and Stylus modules are documented using the [KSS][] comment syntax, a documentation syntax that is human readable, but just structured enough to be machine parsable. + +Both SassDoc and KSS can be used to generate a static, fully styled HTML document from the source code. Please see the [official SassDoc documentation on how to get started][sassdoc-docs-start] and the [official KSS documentation on how to create styleguides][kss-docs-styleguides] for more details. + + + +[gh-postcss-import]: https://github.com/postcss/postcss-import +[gh-tree-css]: https://github.com/arcticicestudio/nord/blob/develop/src/nord.css +[gh-tree-less]: https://github.com/arcticicestudio/nord/blob/develop/src/nord.less +[gh-tree-sass]: https://github.com/arcticicestudio/nord/blob/develop/src/nord.scss +[gh-tree-src]: https://github.com/arcticicestudio/nord/tree/develop/src +[gh-tree-stylus]: https://github.com/arcticicestudio/nord/blob/develop/src/nord.styl +[gh]: https://github.com/arcticicestudio/nord +[kss-docs-styleguides]: http://warpspire.com/kss/styleguides +[kss]: https://warpspire.com/kss +[less-docs-import-rule]: http://lesscss.org/features/#import-atrules-feature +[less-docs-importing]: http://lesscss.org/#importing +[less-docs-vars]: http://lesscss.org/features/#variables-feature +[less]: http://lesscss.org +[mdn-css-@import]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@import +[mdn-css-func-var]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/var +[node.js]: https://nodejs.org +[npm]: https://www.npmjs.com +[postcss]: https://postcss.org +[sass-docs-import]: https://sass-lang.com/documentation/file.SASS_REFERENCE#import +[sass-docs-scss]: https://sass-lang.com/documentation/file.SCSS_FOR_SASS_USERS +[sass-docs-syntax-indented]: https://sass-lang.com/documentation/file.INDENTED_SYNTAX +[sass-docs-syntax]: https://sass-lang.com/documentation/file.SASS_REFERENCE#syntax +[sass-docs-vars]: https://sass-lang.com/documentation/file.SASS_REFERENCE#variables_ +[sass]: https://sass-lang.com +[sassdoc-docs-start]: http://sassdoc.com/getting-started +[sassdoc]: http://sassdoc.com +[stylus-docs-import-req]: http://stylus-lang.com/docs/import#require +[stylus-docs-import]: http://stylus-lang.com/docs/import +[stylus-docs-vars]: http://stylus-lang.com/docs/variables +[stylus]: http://stylus-lang.com +[w3-css-spec-vars]: https://www.w3.org/TR/css-variables +[wiki-preproc]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Preprocessor +[yarn]: https://yarnpkg.com diff --git a/src/assets/images/illustrations/color-palette.svg b/src/assets/images/illustrations/color-palette.svg new file mode 100755 index 00000000..8aba6bcb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/images/illustrations/color-palette.svg @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/src/assets/images/illustrations/color-swatches-stripes.svg b/src/assets/images/illustrations/color-swatches-stripes.svg new file mode 100755 index 00000000..624e5456 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/images/illustrations/color-swatches-stripes.svg @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/src/assets/images/illustrations/paint-brush.svg b/src/assets/images/illustrations/paint-brush.svg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4958481d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/assets/images/illustrations/paint-brush.svg @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/src/components/atoms/core/html-elements/inline-text-semantics/A.jsx b/src/components/atoms/core/html-elements/inline-text-semantics/A.jsx index 69b33199..3f9f2147 100644 --- a/src/components/atoms/core/html-elements/inline-text-semantics/A.jsx +++ b/src/components/atoms/core/html-elements/inline-text-semantics/A.jsx @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ const A = ({ children, href, to, linkRef, ...passProps }) => {children} ) : ( - + {children} ); diff --git a/src/components/atoms/core/html-elements/inline-text-semantics/Code.jsx b/src/components/atoms/core/html-elements/inline-text-semantics/Code.jsx index 93712387..0578ff03 100644 --- a/src/components/atoms/core/html-elements/inline-text-semantics/Code.jsx +++ b/src/components/atoms/core/html-elements/inline-text-semantics/Code.jsx @@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ const Code = styled.code` transition: background-color ${motion.speed.duration.transition.base.themeModeSwitch}ms ease-in-out; ${Pre} & { - margin-bottom: 1em; display: block; padding: 1em; font-size: 0.9375em; diff --git a/src/components/atoms/core/mdx-elements/SpaceBox.jsx b/src/components/atoms/core/mdx-elements/SpaceBox.jsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2fa8d1d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/components/atoms/core/mdx-elements/SpaceBox.jsx @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2018-present Arctic Ice Studio + * Copyright (C) 2018-present Sven Greb + * + * Project: Nord Docs + * Repository: https://github.com/arcticicestudio/nord-docs + * License: MIT + */ + +import styled, { css } from "styled-components"; +import PropTypes from "prop-types"; + +/** + * An container component that allows to add space around the wrapped components. + * The prefixed props `top`, `right`, `bottom` and `left` are mapped to their corresponding CSS `margin` and `padding` + * properties. + * + * @author Arctic Ice Studio + * @author Sven Greb + * @since 0.11.0 + */ +const SpaceBox = styled.div` + margin: ${({ mBottom, mLeft, mRight, mTop }) => `${mTop}em ${mRight}em ${mBottom}em ${mLeft}em`}; + padding: ${({ pBottom, pLeft, pRight, pTop }) => `${pTop}em ${pRight}em ${pBottom}em ${pLeft}em`}; + ${({ centered }) => + centered && + css` + display: flex; + justify-content: center; + align-items: center; + `} +`; + +SpaceBox.propTypes = { + mBottom: PropTypes.number, + mLeft: PropTypes.number, + mRight: PropTypes.number, + mTop: PropTypes.number, + pBottom: PropTypes.number, + pLeft: PropTypes.number, + pRight: PropTypes.number, + pTop: PropTypes.number +}; + +SpaceBox.defaultProps = { + mBottom: 0, + mLeft: 0, + mRight: 0, + mTop: 0, + pBottom: 0, + pLeft: 0, + pRight: 0, + pTop: 0 +}; + +export default SpaceBox; diff --git a/src/components/atoms/core/mdx-elements/index.js b/src/components/atoms/core/mdx-elements/index.js index cc62f251..d9eb81aa 100644 --- a/src/components/atoms/core/mdx-elements/index.js +++ b/src/components/atoms/core/mdx-elements/index.js @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import Image from "./Image"; import ShrinkedWidth from "./ShrinkedWidth"; +import SpaceBox from "./SpaceBox"; import Video from "./Video"; -export { Image, ShrinkedWidth, Video }; +export { Image, ShrinkedWidth, SpaceBox, Video }; diff --git a/src/components/organisms/page/blog/SectionBlogPosts/SectionBlogPosts.jsx b/src/components/organisms/page/blog/SectionBlogPosts/SectionBlogPosts.jsx deleted file mode 100644 index 65f05739..00000000 --- a/src/components/organisms/page/blog/SectionBlogPosts/SectionBlogPosts.jsx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ -/* - * Copyright (C) 2018-present Arctic Ice Studio - * Copyright (C) 2018-present Sven Greb - * - * Project: Nord Docs - * Repository: https://github.com/arcticicestudio/nord-docs - * License: MIT - */ - -import React from "react"; - -import { WaveFooter } from "atoms/core/vectors/divider"; -import Section, { Content } from "containers/core/Section"; -import EmptyState from "molecules/core/EmptyState"; - -import { emptyStateIllustrationStyles } from "../../shared/styles"; - -/** - * The component that represents the landing section of the blog posts page. - * - * @author Arctic Ice Studio - * @author Sven Greb - * @since 0.3.0 - */ -const SectionBlogPosts = () => ( -

- - - - -
-); - -export default SectionBlogPosts; diff --git a/src/components/organisms/page/blog/SectionBlogPosts/index.js b/src/components/organisms/page/blog/SectionBlogPosts/index.js deleted file mode 100644 index e9ca86c1..00000000 --- a/src/components/organisms/page/blog/SectionBlogPosts/index.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -/* - * Copyright (C) 2018-present Arctic Ice Studio - * Copyright (C) 2018-present Sven Greb - * - * Project: Nord Docs - * Repository: https://github.com/arcticicestudio/nord-docs - * License: MIT - */ - -export { default } from "./SectionBlogPosts"; diff --git a/src/components/organisms/page/blog/SectionBlogPostsCardGrid/SectionBlogPostsCardGrid.jsx b/src/components/organisms/page/blog/SectionBlogPostsCardGrid/SectionBlogPostsCardGrid.jsx index 69d99c97..b005e23f 100644 --- a/src/components/organisms/page/blog/SectionBlogPostsCardGrid/SectionBlogPostsCardGrid.jsx +++ b/src/components/organisms/page/blog/SectionBlogPostsCardGrid/SectionBlogPostsCardGrid.jsx @@ -50,9 +50,9 @@ const SectionBlogPostsCardGrid = ({ blogPosts, ...passProps }) => ( ) : ( )} diff --git a/src/components/organisms/page/docs/SectionContents/styled/ContentsCard/ContentsCard.jsx b/src/components/organisms/page/docs/SectionContents/styled/ContentsCard/ContentsCard.jsx index df29fef4..647a717e 100644 --- a/src/components/organisms/page/docs/SectionContents/styled/ContentsCard/ContentsCard.jsx +++ b/src/components/organisms/page/docs/SectionContents/styled/ContentsCard/ContentsCard.jsx @@ -61,12 +61,14 @@ ContentsCard.propTypes = { accentColor: PropTypes.string.isRequired, children: PropTypes.node.isRequired, svgType: PropTypes.string, - topics: PropTypes.shape({ - iconComponent: PropTypes.node, - svgType: PropTypes.string, - title: PropTypes.string, - url: PropTypes.string - }).isRequired + topics: PropTypes.arrayOf( + PropTypes.shape({ + iconComponent: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.element, PropTypes.func, PropTypes.node]).isRequired, + svgType: PropTypes.string, + title: PropTypes.string, + url: PropTypes.string + }) + ).isRequired }; ContentsCard.defaultProps = { diff --git a/src/components/organisms/page/docs/shared/propTypes.js b/src/components/organisms/page/docs/shared/propTypes.js index b6daacb5..802628a9 100644 --- a/src/components/organisms/page/docs/shared/propTypes.js +++ b/src/components/organisms/page/docs/shared/propTypes.js @@ -17,14 +17,14 @@ import PropTypes from "prop-types"; const cardBasePropTypes = { - logoComponent: PropTypes.node.isRequired, + logoComponent: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.element, PropTypes.func, PropTypes.node]).isRequired, title: PropTypes.string.isRequired }; const cardIconPropTypes = { accentColor: PropTypes.string.isRequired, - iconComponent: PropTypes.node.isRequired, - svgType: PropTypes.string.isRequired + iconComponent: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.element, PropTypes.func, PropTypes.node]).isRequired, + svgType: PropTypes.string }; export { cardBasePropTypes, cardIconPropTypes }; diff --git a/src/config/routes/constants.js b/src/config/routes/constants.js index 4b6695e7..000f5941 100644 --- a/src/config/routes/constants.js +++ b/src/config/routes/constants.js @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ const BASE_PUBLIC_URL = process.env.NORD_DOCS_BASE_PUBLIC_URL || `${metadataNord const ROOT = pathSeparator; /** - * The route name of the "blog" page. + * The route name of the `blog` page. * * @constant {string} * @since 0.1.0 @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ const ROOT = pathSeparator; const BLOG = "blog"; /** - * The route name of the "community" page. + * The route name of the `community` page. * * @constant {string} * @since 0.3.0 @@ -59,13 +59,37 @@ const BLOG = "blog"; const COMMUNITY = "community"; /** - * The route name of the "docs" page. + * The route name of the `docs` page. * * @constant {string} * @since 0.1.0 */ const DOCS = "docs"; +/** + * The route name of the `docs` page about Nord's colors and palettes. + * + * @constant {string} + * @since 0.11.0 + */ +const DOCS_COLORS_AND_PALETTES = "colors-and-palettes"; + +/** + * The route name of the `docs` page about Nord's color swatches. + * + * @constant {string} + * @since 0.11.0 + */ +const DOCS_SWATCHES = "swatches"; + +/** + * The route name of the `docs` page about Nord's installation and usage. + * + * @constant {string} + * @since 0.11.0 + */ +const DOCS_USAGE = "usage"; + /** * The route name of the landing page. * Alias that will be redirected to the {@link ROOT} route. @@ -88,6 +112,9 @@ module.exports = { BLOG, COMMUNITY, DOCS, + DOCS_COLORS_AND_PALETTES, + DOCS_SWATCHES, + DOCS_USAGE, LANDING, PORTS, ROOT diff --git a/src/config/routes/mappings.js b/src/config/routes/mappings.js index 2d9b11e0..3858cda9 100644 --- a/src/config/routes/mappings.js +++ b/src/config/routes/mappings.js @@ -14,7 +14,17 @@ * @since 0.1.0 */ -const { BLOG, COMMUNITY, DOCS, LANDING, PORTS, ROOT } = require("./constants"); +const { + BLOG, + COMMUNITY, + DOCS, + DOCS_COLORS_AND_PALETTES, + DOCS_SWATCHES, + DOCS_USAGE, + LANDING, + PORTS, + ROOT +} = require("./constants"); /** * The root route mapping. @@ -25,7 +35,7 @@ const { BLOG, COMMUNITY, DOCS, LANDING, PORTS, ROOT } = require("./constants"); const ROUTE_ROOT = ROOT; /** - * The route mapping for the "blog" page. + * The route mapping for the `blog` page. * * @constant {string} * @since 0.1.0 @@ -33,7 +43,7 @@ const ROUTE_ROOT = ROOT; const ROUTE_BLOG = ROUTE_ROOT + BLOG; /** - * The route mapping for the "community" page. + * The route mapping for the `community` page. * * @constant {string} * @since 0.3.0 @@ -41,16 +51,40 @@ const ROUTE_BLOG = ROUTE_ROOT + BLOG; const ROUTE_COMMUNITY = ROUTE_ROOT + COMMUNITY; /** - * The route mapping for the "docs" page. + * The route mapping for the `docs` page. * * @constant {string} * @since 0.1.0 */ const ROUTE_DOCS = ROUTE_ROOT + DOCS; +/** + * The route mapping for the `docs` page about Nord's colors and palettes. + * + * @constant {string} + * @since 0.11.0 + */ +const ROUTE_DOCS_COLOR_AND_PALETTES = `${ROUTE_ROOT}${DOCS}/${DOCS_COLORS_AND_PALETTES}`; + +/** + * The route mapping for the `docs` page about Nord's color swatches. + * + * @constant {string} + * @since 0.11.0 + */ +const ROUTE_DOCS_SWATCHES = `${ROUTE_ROOT}${DOCS}/${DOCS_SWATCHES}`; + +/** + * The route mapping for the `docs` page about Nord's installation and usage. + * + * @constant {string} + * @since 0.11.0 + */ +const ROUTE_DOCS_USAGE = `${ROUTE_ROOT}${DOCS}/${DOCS_USAGE}`; + /** * The route mapping for the landing page. - * Alias that will be redirected to {@link ROUTE_ROOT}. + * Alias that will be redirected to `${ROUTE_ROOT}`. * * @constant {string} * @since 0.1.0 @@ -90,6 +124,9 @@ module.exports = { ROUTE_BLOG, ROUTE_COMMUNITY, ROUTE_DOCS, + ROUTE_DOCS_COLOR_AND_PALETTES, + ROUTE_DOCS_SWATCHES, + ROUTE_DOCS_USAGE, ROUTE_LANDING, ROUTE_PORTS, ROUTE_ROOT, diff --git a/src/data/components/organisms/core/Footer/sitemapCategories.js b/src/data/components/organisms/core/Footer/sitemapCategories.js index 147b492f..6a3a687b 100644 --- a/src/data/components/organisms/core/Footer/sitemapCategories.js +++ b/src/data/components/organisms/core/Footer/sitemapCategories.js @@ -7,7 +7,16 @@ * License: MIT */ -import { ROUTE_BLOG, ROUTE_COMMUNITY, ROUTE_DOCS, ROUTE_PORTS, ROUTE_ROOT } from "config/routes/mappings"; +import { + ROUTE_BLOG, + ROUTE_COMMUNITY, + ROUTE_DOCS, + ROUTE_DOCS_COLOR_AND_PALETTES, + ROUTE_DOCS_SWATCHES, + ROUTE_DOCS_USAGE, + ROUTE_PORTS, + ROUTE_ROOT +} from "config/routes/mappings"; import { sectionIdFor } from "utils"; /** @@ -38,8 +47,9 @@ const sitemapCategories = [ name: "Docs", url: ROUTE_DOCS, links: [ - { title: "Getting Started", url: `${ROUTE_DOCS}#${sectionIdFor(ROUTE_DOCS, 1)}` }, - { title: "References", url: `${ROUTE_DOCS}#${sectionIdFor(ROUTE_DOCS, 1)}` } + { title: "Installation & Usage", url: ROUTE_DOCS_USAGE }, + { title: "Colors & Palettes", url: ROUTE_DOCS_COLOR_AND_PALETTES }, + { title: "Color Swatches", url: ROUTE_DOCS_SWATCHES } ] }, { diff --git a/src/data/components/organisms/page/docs/SectionContents/topics.js b/src/data/components/organisms/page/docs/SectionContents/topics.js index 7ccb0b55..d4cbcd2b 100644 --- a/src/data/components/organisms/page/docs/SectionContents/topics.js +++ b/src/data/components/organisms/page/docs/SectionContents/topics.js @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ */ import { Code, CodeDownload, Compass, Pantone, Layout, Terminal } from "atoms/core/vectors/icons"; +import { ROUTE_DOCS_COLOR_AND_PALETTES, ROUTE_DOCS_SWATCHES, ROUTE_DOCS_USAGE } from "config/routes/mappings"; /** * The mapping of topics for the "Getting Started" contents cards. @@ -19,15 +20,18 @@ import { Code, CodeDownload, Compass, Pantone, Layout, Terminal } from "atoms/co const topicsGettingStarted = [ { iconComponent: Compass, - title: "Learn about the colors and palettes" + title: "Learn about the colors and palettes", + url: ROUTE_DOCS_COLOR_AND_PALETTES }, { iconComponent: Pantone, - title: "Use native swatches for your favorite applications" + title: "Use native swatches for your favorite applications", + url: ROUTE_DOCS_SWATCHES }, { iconComponent: CodeDownload, - title: "Include Nord in your own project" + title: "Include Nord in your own project", + url: ROUTE_DOCS_USAGE } ]; diff --git a/test/components/atoms/core/Button/__snapshots__/Button.test.jsx.snap b/test/components/atoms/core/Button/__snapshots__/Button.test.jsx.snap index bdb870bf..cf96a510 100644 --- a/test/components/atoms/core/Button/__snapshots__/Button.test.jsx.snap +++ b/test/components/atoms/core/Button/__snapshots__/Button.test.jsx.snap @@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ exports[`logical behavior renders external URLs with \`href\` prop 1`] = ` Nord @@ -151,6 +152,7 @@ exports[`logical behavior renders external URLs with \`to\` prop 1`] = ` Nord diff --git a/test/components/atoms/core/Link/__snapshots__/Link.test.jsx.snap b/test/components/atoms/core/Link/__snapshots__/Link.test.jsx.snap index 5a337222..e9d5af7e 100644 --- a/test/components/atoms/core/Link/__snapshots__/Link.test.jsx.snap +++ b/test/components/atoms/core/Link/__snapshots__/Link.test.jsx.snap @@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ exports[`theme styles matches the snapshot with \`calmly\` variant 1`] = ` Nord @@ -68,6 +69,7 @@ exports[`theme styles matches the snapshot with \`decent\` variant 1`] = ` Nord @@ -103,6 +105,7 @@ exports[`theme styles matches the snapshot with \`minimal\` variant 1`] = ` Nord @@ -140,6 +143,7 @@ exports[`theme styles matches the snapshot with default variant 1`] = ` Nord diff --git a/test/components/atoms/core/html-elements/inlineTextSemantics/__snapshots__/A.test.jsx.snap b/test/components/atoms/core/html-elements/inlineTextSemantics/__snapshots__/A.test.jsx.snap index dbfd3a35..0d4395b8 100644 --- a/test/components/atoms/core/html-elements/inlineTextSemantics/__snapshots__/A.test.jsx.snap +++ b/test/components/atoms/core/html-elements/inlineTextSemantics/__snapshots__/A.test.jsx.snap @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ exports[`logical behavior renders external URLs with \`href\` prop 1`] = ` Docs @@ -41,6 +42,7 @@ exports[`logical behavior renders external URLs with \`to\` prop 1`] = ` Docs diff --git a/test/components/organisms/core/Footer/styled/__snapshots__/SitemapLink.test.jsx.snap b/test/components/organisms/core/Footer/styled/__snapshots__/SitemapLink.test.jsx.snap index 08a99304..34701520 100644 --- a/test/components/organisms/core/Footer/styled/__snapshots__/SitemapLink.test.jsx.snap +++ b/test/components/organisms/core/Footer/styled/__snapshots__/SitemapLink.test.jsx.snap @@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ exports[`theme styles matches the snapshot 1`] = ` Nord diff --git a/test/components/organisms/core/Header/styled/__snapshots__/SlideMenuNavLink.test.jsx.snap b/test/components/organisms/core/Header/styled/__snapshots__/SlideMenuNavLink.test.jsx.snap index 2e895b66..34561025 100644 --- a/test/components/organisms/core/Header/styled/__snapshots__/SlideMenuNavLink.test.jsx.snap +++ b/test/components/organisms/core/Header/styled/__snapshots__/SlideMenuNavLink.test.jsx.snap @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ exports[`theme styles matches the snapshot 1`] = ` class="c0 c1" href="" style="opacity: 0; transform: none;" + target="_blank" > Nord