## Time-stamp: <2017-12-26 16:24:44 vk> ## This file is best viewed with GNU Emacs Org-mode: http://orgmode.org/
If you would like to use this module to track your office hours, please refer to the example in FAQs and Best Practices.
, path to phone log file
On Android devices you can install Tasker which is a very flexible app to customize your device.
I am using Tasker to log certain things like booting (after awaking), shutdown (before sleeping), recognizing my home WiFi (coming home), losing my home WiFi (leaving home), and so forth.
Every now and then, I copy the generated log file (example see below) to my computer and run this Memacs module. This way, I do get the events into my Agenda.
I am using this script to log, when my phone boots into /sdvcard/path/to/syncfolder/phone-logs.csv
<TaskerData sr="" dvi="1" tv="1.3.3u2"> <Profile sr="prof41" ve="2"> <cdate>1362471068320</cdate> <clp>true</clp> <edate>1362472983691</edate> <flags>16</flags> <id>41</id> <mid0>40</mid0> <nme>log phone boot</nme> <Event sr="con0" ve="2"> <code>411</code> </Event> </Profile> <Task sr="task40"> <cdate>1362471068355</cdate> <edate>1362472983691</edate> <id>40</id> <nme>log device boot</nme> <pri>10</pri> <Action sr="act0" ve="3"> <code>410</code> <Str sr="arg0" ve="3">path/to/syncfolder/phone-logs.csv</Str> <Str sr="arg1" ve="3">%DATE # %TIME # boot # %BATT # %UPS</Str> <Int sr="arg2" val="1"/> <Int sr="arg3" val="1"/> </Action> </Task> </TaskerData>
Following script I am using for logging shutdown events:
<TaskerData sr="" dvi="1" tv="1.3.3u2"> <Profile sr="prof29" ve="2"> <cdate>1362471068321</cdate> <clp>true</clp> <edate>1362473001325</edate> <flags>16</flags> <id>29</id> <mid0>28</mid0> <nme>log phone shutdown</nme> <Event sr="con0" ve="2"> <code>413</code> <pri>1</pri> </Event> </Profile> <Task sr="task28"> <cdate>1362471068303</cdate> <edate>1362473001324</edate> <id>28</id> <nme>log phone shutdown</nme> <pri>10</pri> <Action sr="act0" ve="3"> <code>410</code> <Str sr="arg0" ve="3">path/to/syncfolder/phone-logs.csv</Str> <Str sr="arg1" ve="3">%DATE # %TIME # shutdown # %BATT # %UPS</Str> <Int sr="arg2" val="1"/> <Int sr="arg3" val="1"/> </Action> </Task> </TaskerData>
This profile logs when my phone enters and leaves my home WiFi (ID is MY-WIFI-ID
<TaskerData sr="" dvi="1" tv="1.3.3u2"> <Profile sr="prof38" ve="2"> <cdate>1362471068351</cdate> <clp>true</clp> <edate>1362472952981</edate> <flags>16</flags> <id>38</id> <mid0>42</mid0> <mid1>45</mid1> <nme>log phone wifi-home</nme> <State sr="con0"> <code>160</code> <Str sr="arg0" ve="3">MY-WIFI-ID</Str> <Str sr="arg1" ve="3"/> <Str sr="arg2" ve="3"/> </State> </Profile> <Task sr="task42"> <cdate>1362471068353</cdate> <edate>1362472897795</edate> <id>42</id> <nme>log phone wifi-home</nme> <pri>10</pri> <Action sr="act0" ve="3"> <code>410</code> <Str sr="arg0" ve="3">path/to/syncfolder/phone-logs.csv</Str> <Str sr="arg1" ve="3">%DATE # %TIME # wifi-home # %BATT # %UPS</Str> <Int sr="arg2" val="1"/> <Int sr="arg3" val="1"/> </Action> </Task> <Task sr="task45"> <cdate>1362471068356</cdate> <edate>1362472952981</edate> <id>45</id> <nme>log phone wifi-home-end</nme> <pri>10</pri> <Action sr="act0" ve="3"> <code>410</code> <Str sr="arg0" ve="3">path/to/syncfolder/phone-logs.csv</Str> <Str sr="arg1" ve="3">%DATE # %TIME # wifi-home-end # %BATT # %UPS</Str> <Int sr="arg2" val="1"/> <Int sr="arg3" val="1"/> </Action> </Task> </TaskerData>
Of course, you can adopt these scripts to your needs and add profiles for your office-wifi or similar. If you try to log places with multiple access points per WiFi network, it might be a good idea to add the MAC of the access point to the Tasker profile.
This is an example phone log from my phone:
2013-04-06 # 15.55 # boot # 84 # 25761 2013-04-06 # 22.10 # wifi-home # 75 # 48241 2013-04-06 # 23.31 # shutdown # 71 # 53150 2013-04-07 # 09.50 # boot # 100 # 81 2013.04.07 # 09.50 # wifi-home # 100 # 98 2013-04-07 # 17.55 # wifi-home-end # 82 # 29158 2013-04-07 # 17.59 # wifi-home # 82 # 29441 2013-04-07 # 21.06 # wifi-home # 68 # 97 2013-04-07 # 21.06 # boot # 68 # 104 2013-04-08 # 00.19 # shutdown # 56 # 11692 2013-04-08 # 10.10 # boot # 100 # 82 2013-04-08 # 10.10 # wifi-home # 100 # 89 2013-04-09 # 00.11 # shutdown # 73 # 50596 2013-04-09 # 09.02 # boot # 100 # 94 2013-04-09 # 09.02 # wifi-home # 100 # 97 2013-04-09 # 12.42 # wifi-home-end # 81 # 474
bin/memacs_simplephonelogs.py --file /path/to/phone-log/logs.csv > phonelog.org_archive
PYTHONPATH="~/src/memacs/memacs:" bin/memacs_simplephonelogs.py --file /path/to/phone-log/logs.csv --output phonelog.org_archive --columns-header "%65ITEM(What) %10UPTIME(uptime) %10BATT-LEVEL(batt) %10IN-BETWEEN-S(in-between)"
This is the Org-mode result file of the example log file from above:
## -*- coding: utf-8 mode: org -*- ## this file is generated by bin/memacs_simplephonelogs.py. Any modification will be overwritten upon next invocation! ## To add this file to your org-agenda files open the stub file (file.org) not this file(file.org_archive) with emacsand do following: M-x org-agenda-file-to-front #+COLUMNS: %65ITEM(What) %10UPTIME(uptime) %10BATT-LEVEL(batt) %10IN-BETWEEN-S(in-between) * Memacs for simple phone logs :Memacs:phonelog: ** <2013-04-06 Sat 15:55> boot :PROPERTIES: :IN-BETWEEN: :BATT-LEVEL: 84 :UPTIME: 7:09:21 :UPTIME-S: 25761 :IN-BETWEEN-S: :ID: c5b661d6a8f4d6764de222fe4c5d9b3809f407f2 :END:
** <2013-04-06 Sat 22:10> wifi-home :PROPERTIES: :IN-BETWEEN: :BATT-LEVEL: 75 :UPTIME: 13:24:01 :UPTIME-S: 48241 :IN-BETWEEN-S: :ID: e43d41ec999efd0437df37471efb4b5aff774f9a :END:
** <2013-04-06 Sat 23:31> shutdown (on for 7:36:00) :PROPERTIES: :IN-BETWEEN: 7:36:00 :BATT-LEVEL: 71 :UPTIME: 14:45:50 :UPTIME-S: 53150 :IN-BETWEEN-S: 27360 :ID: 2cfab66399455cb6907d4e413a7b2c3a5cf4778f :END:
** <2013-04-07 Sun 09:50> boot (off for 10:19:00) :PROPERTIES: :IN-BETWEEN: 10:19:00 :BATT-LEVEL: 100 :UPTIME: 0:01:21 :UPTIME-S: 81 :IN-BETWEEN-S: 37140 :ID: ea0194482671b593413f7f8115ec516cc26b4b93 :END:
** <2013-04-07 Sun 17:55> wifi-home-end (home for 19:45:00) :PROPERTIES: :IN-BETWEEN: 19:45:00 :BATT-LEVEL: 82 :UPTIME: 8:05:58 :UPTIME-S: 29158 :IN-BETWEEN-S: 71100 :ID: c5b49df472feaf4d85c17b652862f354191080b1 :END:
** <2013-04-07 Sun 17:59> wifi-home (not home for 0:04:00) :PROPERTIES: :IN-BETWEEN: 0:04:00 :BATT-LEVEL: 82 :UPTIME: 8:10:41 :UPTIME-S: 29441 :IN-BETWEEN-S: 240 :ID: 584f367cb14158f9be8ea2afd0e976990791d7c1 :END:
** <2013-04-07 Sun 21:06> wifi-home (not home for 3:11:00) :PROPERTIES: :IN-BETWEEN: 3:11:00 :BATT-LEVEL: 68 :UPTIME: 0:01:37 :UPTIME-S: 97 :IN-BETWEEN-S: 11460 :ID: c6a8391e2b167b9de3c2799096ed84489114352f :END:
** <2013-04-07 Sun 21:06> boot after crash :PROPERTIES: :IN-BETWEEN: :BATT-LEVEL: 68 :UPTIME: 0:01:44 :UPTIME-S: 104 :IN-BETWEEN-S: :ID: f1dd366c9104bc1dca357b4e27690337bf7cc209 :END:
** <2013-04-08 Mon 00:19> shutdown (on for 14:29:00) :PROPERTIES: :IN-BETWEEN: 14:29:00 :BATT-LEVEL: 56 :UPTIME: 3:14:52 :UPTIME-S: 11692 :IN-BETWEEN-S: 52140 :ID: 16bcadaebb4fe7a5c27f624b355462edd35f7769 :END:
** <2013-04-08 Mon 10:10> boot (off for 9:51:00) :PROPERTIES: :IN-BETWEEN: 9:51:00 :BATT-LEVEL: 100 :UPTIME: 0:01:22 :UPTIME-S: 82 :IN-BETWEEN-S: 35460 :ID: 8c21fc93ba5e2784d614cbdab1bbe07188f56c2e :END:
** <2013-04-08 Mon 10:10> wifi-home (not home for 16:15:00) :PROPERTIES: :IN-BETWEEN: 16:15:00 :BATT-LEVEL: 100 :UPTIME: 0:01:29 :UPTIME-S: 89 :IN-BETWEEN-S: 58500 :ID: 99874ecc984ea8439c401d3edec2765e76a9b0b4 :END:
** <2013-04-09 Tue 00:11> shutdown (on for 14:01:00) :PROPERTIES: :IN-BETWEEN: 14:01:00 :BATT-LEVEL: 73 :UPTIME: 14:03:16 :UPTIME-S: 50596 :IN-BETWEEN-S: 50460 :ID: fbc7611c3b92207be81f763d4ac8cddded0dc24b :END:
** <2013-04-09 Tue 09:02> boot (off for 8:51:00) :PROPERTIES: :IN-BETWEEN: 8:51:00 :BATT-LEVEL: 100 :UPTIME: 0:01:34 :UPTIME-S: 94 :IN-BETWEEN-S: 31860 :ID: 0b65fa0ea8ec0ea744d9c42acbffb1bd9bc4ccf2 :END:
** <2013-04-09 Tue 09:02> wifi-home (not home for 1d 15:07:00) :PROPERTIES: :IN-BETWEEN: 39:07:00 :BATT-LEVEL: 100 :UPTIME: 0:01:37 :UPTIME-S: 97 :IN-BETWEEN-S: 140820 :ID: 5dda4b8862028a6acf7d1b8e5f497c44765f5cd4 :END:
** <2013-04-09 Tue 12:42> wifi-home-end (home for 3:40:00) :PROPERTIES: :IN-BETWEEN: 3:40:00 :BATT-LEVEL: 81 :UPTIME: 0:07:54 :UPTIME-S: 474 :IN-BETWEEN-S: 13200 :ID: cfc66c9b44599f09e5558364a5485d06cf5a7f5d :END:
* successfully parsed 15 entries by bin/memacs_simplephonelogs.py at [2013-04-09 Tue 19:42:50] in ~0.002607s .