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BennieCopeland edited this page Jan 7, 2016 · 9 revisions

NSpec's Execution Order Demonstration. Visit for full docs about NSpec. This wiki entry was created to help visualize the execution order of inherited and abstract classes, as well as that of before/afterAll methods and sub-contexts.

using NSpec;
using System;

namespace NSpecExecutionOrder
    abstract class parent_class : nspec // this can be either an abstract class, or just a class
        public const int indentSize = 3;
        public static string order = "\n\n";
        public static int indent = 0;

        void Print(string s)

        protected void Increase(string s)
            indent += indentSize;

        protected void Decrease(string s)
            indent -= indentSize;

        protected void Write(string s)
            order += s.PadLeft(s.Length + indent);

        void before_all()
            Increase("parent: before all\n");

        void before_each()
            Write("parent: before each\n");

        void act_each()
            Write("parent: act each\n");

        void it_works_parent_1()
            Write("parent: it works 1\n");

        void it_works_parent_2()
            Write("parent: it works 2\n");

        void after_each()
            Write("parent: after each\n\n");

        void after_all()
            Decrease("parent: after all\n");

    class child_class : parent_class
        void before_all()
            Increase("child: before all\n");

        void before_each()
            Write("child: before each\n");

        void act_each()
            Write("child: act each\n");

        void it_works_child_3()
            Write("child: it works 3\n");

        void it_works_child_4()
            Write("child: it works 4\n");

        void after_each()
            Write("child: after each\n");

        void after_all()
            Decrease("child: after all\n");

        void method_level_context()
            beforeAll = () => Increase("method: before all\n");

            before = () => Write("method: before each\n");

            act = () => Write("method: act each\n");

            it["it works method 5"] = () => Write("method: it works 5\n");

            it["it works method 6"] = () => Write("method: it works 6\n");

            after = () => Write("method: after each\n");

            afterAll = () => Decrease("method: after all\n");

            context["sub context"] = () =>
                beforeAll = () => Increase("sub: before all\n");

                before = () => Write("sub: before each\n");

                act = () => Write("sub: act each\n");

                it["it works sub 7"] = () => Write("sub: it works 7 \n");

                it["it works sub 8"] = () => Write("sub: it works 8 \n");

                after = () => Write("sub: after each\n");

                afterAll = () => Decrease("sub: after all\n");

And the output for the spec above. Take note, NSpec follows the RSpec convention of executing beforeAll blocks prior to executing beforeEach blocks when building a test context. This can be seen in the output where the child: before all block is executed prior to the parent: before each block.

parent: before all
   child: before all
      parent: before each
      child: before each
      parent: act each
      child: act each
      parent: it works 1
      child: after each
      parent: after each

      parent: before each
      child: before each
      parent: act each
      child: act each
      parent: it works 2
      child: after each
      parent: after each

      parent: before each
      child: before each
      parent: act each
      child: act each
      child: it works 3
      child: after each
      parent: after each

      parent: before each
      child: before each
      parent: act each
      child: act each
      child: it works 4
      child: after each
      parent: after each

      method: before all
         parent: before each
         child: before each
         method: before each
         parent: act each
         child: act each
         method: act each
         method: it works 5
         method: after each
         child: after each
         parent: after each

         parent: before each
         child: before each
         method: before each
         parent: act each
         child: act each
         method: act each
         method: it works 6
         method: after each
         child: after each
         parent: after each

         sub: before all
            parent: before each
            child: before each
            method: before each
            sub: before each
            parent: act each
            child: act each
            method: act each
            sub: act each
            sub: it works 7
            sub: after each
            method: after each
            child: after each
            parent: after each

            parent: before each
            child: before each
            method: before each
            sub: before each
            parent: act each
            child: act each
            method: act each
            sub: act each
            sub: it works 8
            sub: after each
            method: after each
            child: after each
            parent: after each

         sub: after all
      method: after all
   child: after all
parent: after all
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