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Releases: nuxt/ui


26 May 21:57
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What's Changed

  • fix(VerticalNavigation): badge display in d2ee505
  • chore(VerticalNavigation): links badge type as number in 6eda322
  • chore(Avatar): allow default value for chipColor through app.config.ts in 570b82d
  • fix(Radio/Checkbox): remove ring offset on focus in a56dbea
  • chore(Notification): add progressColor and progressVariant props by @benjamincanac in #219
  • chore(CommandPalette): handle loading state by @benjamincanac in #221
  • chore(Dropdown): use ULinkCustom (fixes close on link clicks) in 55f115f
  • chore(Notification): move padding to app.config in 6d3309c
  • chore(VerticalNavigation)!: split preset in 19923cb
  • chore(SelectMenu): add searchablePlaceholder prop in b7099aa
  • chore(deps): switch to pnpm by @benjamincanac in #228
  • chore(Avatar)!: remove chipVariant prop in 1f22f84
  • chore(Notification)!: rename progressColor to color and style icon in 1b61ec7
  • chore(Avatar): dark variant for chip background color in 589f86e
  • feat!: handle color states on form elements by @benjamincanac in #234

Migration Guide

As this library is quite new, some breaking changes are necessary to make it granular and more flexible. If you didn't override the preset through your app.config.ts file, most of the changes won't affect you (except for the form elements).

We'll do our best to keep the breaking changes as minimal as possible in the future and will document them properly.


  • chipVariant prop has been removed and chip now uses chip.background preset class
  • chip.background preset class now defaults to 500 in light mode


  • Component has been renamed to FormGroup and now has its own documentation page
  • error prop has been added with its own preset classerror
  • Component now uses a render function to dynamically set the color prop of children to red
  • label, labelWrapper and required preset classes have been moved in label object

Input / Textarea / Select / SelectMenu

  • rounded preset class has been moved from variants to the root of the preset to be customizable globally
  • placeholder preset class has been moved from variants to the root of the preset to be customizable globally
  • appearance prop has been removed in favor of color (defaults to white) and variant (defaults to outline) to follow Badge and Button convention, this gives us color states for now will allow us to define other variants in the future
  • padded prop has been added to remove padding easily


  • searchablePlaceholder prop has been added


  • padding preset class has been added
  • color prop has been added to style progress bar and icon
  • default.icon preset class has been added to set a default icon on all your notifications
  • icon, avatar and progress preset classes have been turned into an object
  • avatar.size preset class now defaults to md to be centered

Vertical Navigation

  • ring, width, rounded, font and size preset classes have been pulled out of base to customize component with granularity

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.1.0...v2.2.0


19 May 10:39
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.0.4...v2.1.0


16 May 10:59
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Full Changelog: v2.0.3...v2.0.4


16 May 10:58
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Full Changelog: v2.0.2...v2.0.3


16 May 10:58
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Full Changelog: v2.0.1...v2.0.2


16 May 10:58
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v2.0.1


04 May 13:59
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Breaking Changes

Classes to invert dark mode like u-text-gray-900 have been removed.

  • Components now have a ui prop to override the entire preset instead of individual props
  • Components prop popperOptions has been renamed to popper
  • Alert, AlertDialog, Tabs and Pills components have been removed


  • wrapperClass, backgroundClass, placeholderClass and roundedClass props have been removed in favor of ui
  • rounded prop is now a class defaulting to rounded-full instead of a boolean prop, can be overriden through ui.avatar.rounded
  • chip prop is now chipVariant
  • ui.avatar.size and ui.avatar.chip.size xxs and xxxs have been renamed respectively to 2xs and 3xs


  • ringClass and marginClass props have been removed in favor of ui
  • group prop has been removed in favor of slots


  • baseClass prop has been removed in favor of ui
  • rounded prop is now a class defaulting to rounded-md instead of a boolean prop, can be overriden through ui.badge.rounded
  • color prop has been added to change the color scheme of the badge
  • variant prop is now the variant instead of the color
  • font-medium has been moved from ui.badge.base to ui.badge.font


  • customClass prop have been removed
  • baseClass, iconBaseClass and roundedClass props have been removed in favor of ui
  • leadingIconClass and trailingIconClass props have been removed
  • rounded prop is now a class defaulting to rounded-md instead of a boolean prop, can be overriden through ui.button.rounded
  • color prop has been added to change the color scheme of the badge
  • variant prop is now the variant instead of the color
  • labelCompact and compact props have been removed entirely alongside preset ui.button.compact and ui.button.icon.leading.compactSpacing and ui.button.icon.trailing.compactSpacing
  • padded prop has been added to remove padding
  • ui.button.size.xxs has been renamed to ui.button.size.2xs
  • ui.button.size.2xl has been introduced
  • has been introduced to replace margins defined in ui.button.icon.leading.spacing and ui.button.icon.trailing.spacing
  • ui.button.icon.leading.spacing and ui.button.icon.trailing.spacing that added negative margin to icons have been removed to keep consitency when surcharging a button through default slot (code has only been commented for now)
  • font-medium has been moved from ui.button.base to ui.button.font


  • New component


  • wrapperClass, containerClass, widthClass, backgroundClass, shadowClass, roundedClass, ringClass, divideClass, baseClass, transitionClass, groupClass, itemBaseClass, itemActiveClass, itemInactiveClass, itemDisabledClass, itemIconClass, itemAvatarClass and itemShortcutsClass props have been removed in favor of ui
  • preset has been updated to improve dark mode


  • baseClass, backgroundClass, borderColorClass, shadowClass, ringClass, roundedClass, bodyClass, bodyBackgroundClass, headerClass, headerBackgroundClass, footerClass, footerBackgroundClass props have been removed in favor of ui
  • rounded prop is now a class defaulting to rounded-lg instead of a boolean prop, can be overriden through ui.avatar.rounded
  • padded prop has been removed, use ui.rounded = 'sm:rounded-lg' instead when false
  • ui.card.border has been removed in favor of ui.card.divide
  • ui.card.header & ui.card.footer are now { spacing: '', background: '' }


  • constrainedClass prop has been removed in favor of ui
  • ui.container.base and ui.container.spacing have been added
  • padded prop has been removed, use ui.spacing = 'sm:px-6 lg:px-8' instead when false
  • constrained prop has been removed, use ui.constrained = '' instead when false


  • wrapperClass, baseClass, iconBaseClass and customClass props have been removed in favor of ui


  • Renamed to InputGroup
  • wrapperClass, containerClass, labelClass, labelWrapperClass, descriptionClass, requiredClass and hintClass props have been removed in favor of ui


  • wrapperClass, baseClass and customClass props have been removed in favor of ui
  • resize is now false by default


  • wrapperClass, baseClass, iconBaseClass and customClass props have been removed in favor of ui


  • Renamed to SelectMenu
  • placeholder prop is now null by default
  • nullable prop has been removed
  • textAttribute has been renamed to optionAttribute and now defaults to label
  • wrapperClass, baseClass, iconBaseClass, customClass, listBaseClass, listContainerClass, listWidthClass, listInputClass, listTransitionClass, listOptionBaseClass, listOptionContainerClass, listOptionActiveClass, listOptionInactiveClass, listOptionSelectedClass, listOptionUnselectedClass, listOptionDisabledClass, listOptionEmptyClass, listOptionIcon, listOptionIconBaseClass, listOptionIconActiveClass, listOptionIconInactiveClass and listOptionIconSizeClass props have been removed in favor of ui
  • ui.selectCustom.list has been moved to the root of ui.selectMenu, the component now uses to render the default slot


  • wrapperClass, baseClass, labelClass, requiredClass, helpClass and customClass props have been removed in favor of ui


  • wrapperClass, baseClass, labelClass, requiredClass, helpClass and customClass props have been removed in favor of ui


  • baseClass, activeClass, inactiveClass, containerBaseClass, containerActiveClass, containerInactiveClass, iconBaseClass, iconActiveClass, iconInactiveClass, iconOnClass and iconOffClass props have been removed in favor of ui


  • inputCloseIcon and emptyIcon props have been removed in favor of ui
  • inputIcon prop has been renamed to icon
  • inputPlaceholder prop has been renamed to placeholder
  • options prop has been renamed to fuse to follow the popper and ui props convention


  • wrapperClass, innerClass, containerClass, baseClass, backgroundClass, overlayBackgroundClass, overlayTransitionClass, shadowClass, ringClass, roundedClass, widthClass and transitionClass props have been removed in favor of ui
  • innerStyle prop has been removed
  • #header and #footer slots have been removed


  • wrapperClass, baseClass, backgroundClass, overlayBackgroundClass, overlayTransitionClass, widthClass, headerClass and transitionClass props have been removed in favor of ui
  • #header slot has been removed


  • wrapperClass, containerClass, widthClass, baseClass, backgroundClass, shadowClass, roundedClass, ringClass and transitionClass props have been removed in favor of ui


  • wrapperClass, containerClass, baseClass, widthClass, backgroundClass, shadowClass, ringClass, roundedClass, shortcutsClass and transitionClass props have been removed in favor of ui


  • wrapperClass, containerClass, widthClass, backgroundClass, shadowClass, roundedClass, ringClass, baseClass and transitionClass


  • backgroundClass, shadowClass, ringClass, roundedClass, transitionClass, customClass and iconBaseClass props have been removed in favor of ui
  • type prop has been removed
  • ui.notification.type and ui.notification.icon.color have been removed
  • has been moved to ui.notification.default.closeIcon


  • addNotification and removeNotification have been renamed to add and remove
  • success, info, warning and error methods have been removed as type disappeared from Notification


01 Dec 13:15
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What's Changed

  • chore(components): update props with optional fields by @smarroufin in #118
  • chore(deps): update all non-major dependencies by @renovate in #117

Full Changelog: v0.1.12...v0.1.13


26 Oct 11:14
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v0.1.1