This bundle aims to make life easier to developers who want to set encrypted fields in their entities thanks to Ciphersweet library. This bundle is inspired from the talk given at Afup ForumPHP : REX sur le chiffrement de base de données. We also used the WIP public repository :
Add this repositories section on your composer.json project.
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": "[email protected]:odandb/doctrine-ciphersweet-encryption-bundle.git"
And run
composer require odandb/doctrine-ciphersweet-encryption-bundle
// config/bundle.php
return [
// ...
Odandb\DoctrineCiphersweetEncryptionBundle\OdandbDoctrineCiphersweetEncryptionBundle::class => ['all' => true]
This bundle comes with several commands and annotations/attributes but first of all, you'll need to setup the DOCTRINE_CIPHERSWEET_KEY
secret environment key.
First of all, you can just init a random one in your environment file.
// .env
Next you can generate your final key with this command :
php bin/console odb:enc:generate-string-key
You can even chain it with the Symfony's secrets manager like this :
php bin/console odb:enc:generate-string-key | php bin/console secrets:set DOCTRINE_CIPHERSWEET_KEY -
Then remove the entry in your .env file
This bundle comes with 2 annotations / attributes in order to set encryption fields :
- EncryptedField : Marks the field as encrypted and will automatically use Ciphersweet library to encrypt/decrypt on onFlush and onLoad events
- IndexableField : Marks the field as searchable and several indexes can be generated in a separate table in order to search by terms starting by or ending by.
This annotation/attribute comes with 3 options:
- (int) $filterBits : Number of bits used for encryption. (Default :
) - (bool) $indexable : Activate a default index for exact search apart of the IndexableField annotation. If true, will try to set index string data into a field named with a "_bi" suffix. (Default :
) - (string) $mappedTypedProperty: If you want to encrypt data other than strings (other types currenty supported : int, float, bool), you'll need to set a string field used by doctrine for persistance purpose instead of your raw field. Then use this parameter to automatically hydrate decrypted data into the target field. (Default :
This annotation/attribute comes with 4 options:
- (string) $indexesEntityClass : Name of the entity class that will store the indexes (can be mutualized)
- (bool) $autoRefresh : Automatically regenerate related indexes to an entity upon persist or update event. (Default :
) - (array) $indexesGenerationMethods : List of methods used to generate several searchable values from the original one. For example the
can take the value "abcdef" in order to generate indexes for ["a", "ab", "abc', "abcd", ...]. So that you can search entities with a field starting by those values. (Default :[]
) - (string) $valuePreprocessMethod : Before indexes generation, you may need to clean your input in order to reduce the number of indexes to generate (trim value, slug it, etc.). You can do it by setting this option. For the moment, the method mention can only by related to the current entity class. (Default :
) - (bool) $fastIndexing : If true, will use a faster indexing method. (Default :
To make the entities searchable, the library provides a feature called "Blind Index" which is a unique index calculated from the original value.
By default, we provide a default index field to every encrypted ones (using the $indexable option). If you need to setup a search of values starting by a term, you'll need the IndexableField
annotation/attribute and set a dedicated indexes table.
This dedicated entity must implement the Odandb\DoctrineCiphersweetEncryptionBundle\Entity\IndexedEntityInterface
and you can use the Odandb\DoctrineCiphersweetEncryptionBundle\Entity\IndexedEntityTrait
to make your life easier.
Basically, this table will be composed of those columns :
- id
- fieldname
- targetEntityId
- indexBi
- if you generate to many indexes for a given entity, this may expose the security of your system because hackers may be able to guess encrypted data
- the more indexes you need to generate, the longer it will take
The bundle comes with a Symfony indexes generation command :
php bin/console odb:enc:indexes <className>
The classname to enter is the original entity classname, not the indexes one. If we refer to the full example section, it would be :
php bin/console odb:enc:indexes App\Repository\MySecretEntity
If you need to speedup things (in case of high volume), you can even activate a parallel mode :
php bin/console odb:enc:indexes App\Repository\MySecretEntity -l
In this mode, the command will split the work in smaller chuncks and start subprocesses for each one. Refer to the command for more informations.
#[ORM\Entity(repositoryClass: App\Repository\MySecretEntityRepository::class)
#[ORM\Index(name: 'anum_blind_idx', columns: ['account_number_bi'])]
class MySecretEntity
#[ORM\Column(type: 'integer')]
private int $id;
#[ORM\Column(type: 'string', length: 36)]
private string $uuid;
#[ORM\Column(type: 'string')]
#[IndexableField(indexesEntityClass: App\Entity\MySecretEntityIndexes::class, autoRefresh: false, indexesGenerationMethods: ['ValueStartingBy'], valuePreprocessMethod: 'cleanAccountNumber')]
private string $accountNumber;
#[ORM\Column(type: 'string', length: 10)]
private string $accountNumberBi;
private int $secretNumber;
#[ORM\Column(type: 'string')]
#[EncryptedField(mappedTypedProperty: 'secretNumber', indexable: false)]
private string $secretNumberEncrypted;
* @var Collection|null
#[ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity: MySecretEntityIndexes::class, mappedBy: 'targetEntity', cascade: ['persist'])]
private ?Collection $indexes;
* @param string $value
* @return string
public function cleanAccountNumber(string $value): string
$value = trim($value);
$value = ltrim($value, '0');
return $value;
public function setMySecretEntityIndexes(array $indexes): self
$this->indexes = new ArrayCollection($indexes);
return $this;
// ...
use Odandb\DoctrineCiphersweetEncryptionBundle\Entity\IndexedEntityInterface;
use Odandb\DoctrineCiphersweetEncryptionBundle\Entity\IndexedEntityTrait;
* Class storing indexes for MySecretEntity.
#[ORM\Entity(repositoryClass: App\Repository\MySecretEntityIndexesRepository::class)
#[ORM\Index(name: 'blind_idx', columns: ['index_bi'])]
#[ORM\Index(name: 'field_and_blind_idx', columns: ['fieldname', 'index_bi'])]
class MySecretEntityIndexes implements IndexedEntityInterface
use IndexedEntityTrait;
* @var MySecretEntity|null
#[ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity: App\Entity\MySecretEntity::class, inversedBy: 'indexes')]
#[ORM\JoinColumn(name: 'target_entity_id', referencedColumnName: 'id', onDelete: 'CASCADE')]
protected object $targetEntity;