command is a command to automate typical tasks that exist in
competitive programming.
You can install with the following command if Python is already installed.
$ pip3 install --user online-judge-tools
Linux (including Windows Subsystem for Linux) or macOS is recommended for the OS, but it also works on Windows.
For detailed instructions, read docs/INSTALL.md.
Do you test with sample cases before submission? Have you ever felt it troublesome and omitted? You should always test before submitting, since submitting a solution that doesn't even pass the sample cases will just make a penalty. It is also useful for debugging, so you should test your program with the sample cases every time you rewrite your program.
However, "opening the problem page, copying the sample inputs, running the program, pasting it into shell, and comparing the output result with the sample output" is tedious tasks. Doing this for every sample case and for every submission is quite troublesome. Doing the tedious tasks manually is easy to be omitted or be mistaken. This problem can be solved by automation.
By oj
command, you can automate testing with sample cases.
Specifically, it automatically does the following:
- Open the problem page and get sample cases
- Run the program and give the sample inputs
- Compare program outputs with sample outputs
You can download the sample cases by oj d URL
and test your solution
with the downloaded sample cases by oj t
. For example:
$ oj d https://atcoder.jp/contests/agc001/tasks/agc001_a
[x] problem recognized: AtCoderProblem.from_url('https://atcoder.jp/contests/agc001/tasks/agc001_a')
[x] load cookie from: /home/ubuntu/.local/share/online-judge-tools/cookie.jar
[x] GET: https://atcoder.jp/contests/agc001/tasks/agc001_a
[x] 200 OK
[x] save cookie to: /home/ubuntu/.local/share/online-judge-tools/cookie.jar
[x] append history to: /home/ubuntu/.cache/online-judge-tools/download-history.jsonl
[*] sample 0
[x] input: Input example 1
1 3 1 2
[+] saved to: test/sample-1.in
[x] output: Input example 1
[+] saved to: test/sample-1.out
[*] sample 1
[x] input: Input example 2
100 1 2 3 14 15 58 58 58 29
[+] saved to: test/sample-2.in
[x] output: Sample output 2
[+] saved to: test/sample-2.out
$ g++ main.cpp
$ oj t
[*] 2 cases found
[*] sample-1
[x] time: 0.003978 sec
[+] AC
[*] sample-2
[x] time: 0.004634 sec
[-] WA
[x] slowest: 0.004634 sec (for sample-2)
[x] max memory: 2.344000 MB (for sample-1)
[-] test failed: 1 AC / 2 cases
The basic feature of oj t
is almost equivalent to prepare files such
as test/sample-1.in
, test/sample-1.out
and then to run
for f in test/*.in ; do diff <(./a.out < $f) ${f/.in/.out} ; done
. If
you want to test against commands other than ./a.out
python3 main.py
), use the -c
option (e.g.
oj t -c "python3 main.py"
). Use the --system
option if you want to
get testcases that are used for system tests instead of samples. Run
oj d --help
or oj t --help
to see other features.
When submitting your solution, you have to select "Problem to submit for" and "Language of the solution" with your mouse, copy and paste the source code into the text box, and click the send button. This series of operations is tedious. Have you ever experienced a penalty when you made a mistake in selecting the "problem" or "language" at the time of submission? If you have any such experience, we recommend automating submission.
By oj
command, you can automate submission. For exampl,e if you
want to submit the file main.cpp
to the problem
https://codeforces.com/contest/1200/problem/F, you can do
oj s https://codeforces.com/contest/1200/problem/F
. The actual output
is as follows:
$ oj d https://atcoder.jp/contests/agc001/tasks/agc001_a
[x] problem recognized: AtCoderProblem.from_url('https://atcoder.jp/contests/agc001/tasks/agc001_a')
[x] load cookie from: /home/ubuntu/.local/share/online-judge-tools/cookie.jar
[x] GET: https://atcoder.jp/contests/agc001/tasks/agc001_a
[x] 200 OK
[x] save cookie to: /home/ubuntu/.local/share/online-judge-tools/cookie.jar
[x] append history to: /home/ubuntu/.cache/online-judge-tools/download-history.jsonl
[*] sample 0
[x] input: Input example 1
1 3 1 2
[+] saved to: test/sample-1.in
[x] output: Input example 1
[+] saved to: test/sample-1.out
[*] sample 1
[x] input: Input example 2
100 1 2 3 14 15 58 58 58 29
[+] saved to: test/sample-2.in
[x] output: Sample output 2
[+] saved to: test/sample-2.out
$ g++ main.cpp
$ oj t
[*] 2 cases found
[*] sample-1
[x] time: 0.003978 sec
[+] AC
[*] sample-2
[x] time: 0.004634 sec
[-] WA
[x] slowest: 0.004634 sec (for sample-2)
[x] max memory: 2.344000 MB (for sample-1)
[-] test failed: 1 AC / 2 cases
$ oj s https://codeforces.com/contest/1200/problem/F main.cpp
[x] read history from: /home/ubuntu/.cache/online-judge-tools/download-history.jsonl
[x] found urls in history:
[x] problem recognized: CodeforcesProblem.from_url('https://codeforces.com/contest/1200/problem/F'): https://codeforces.com/contest/1200/problem/F
[*] code (2341 byte):
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define REP(i, n) for (int i = 0; (i) < (int)(n); ++ (i))
using namespace std;
constexpr int MAX_M = 10;
constexpr int MOD = 2520; // lcm of { 1, 2, 3, ..., 10 }
int main() {
// config
int n; scanf("%d", &n);
... (62 lines) ...
// query
int q; scanf("%d", &q);
while (q --) {
int x, c; scanf("%d%d", &x, &c);
-- x;
printf("%d\n", solve1(x, c));
return 0;
[x] load cookie from: /home/ubuntu/.local/share/online-judge-tools/cookie.jar
[x] GET: https://codeforces.com/contest/1200/problem/F
[x] 200 OK
[x] both GCC and Clang are available for C++ compiler
[x] use: GCC
[*] chosen language: 54 (GNU G++17 7.3.0)
[x] sleep(3.00)
Are you sure? [y/N] y
[x] GET: https://codeforces.com/contest/1200/problem/F
[x] 200 OK
[x] POST: https://codeforces.com/contest/1200/problem/F
[x] redirected: https://codeforces.com/contest/1200/my
[x] 200 OK
[+] success: result: https://codeforces.com/contest/1200/my
[x] open the submission page with: sensible-browser
[1513:1536:0910/223148.485554:ERROR:browser_process_sub_thread.cc(221)] Waited 5 ms for network service
Opening in existing browser session.
[x] save cookie to: /home/ubuntu/.local/share/online-judge-tools/cookie.jar
(However, since login is required for submission, please execute
oj login https://atcoder.jp/
in advance. If
Selenium is installed
(apt install python3-selenium firefox-geckodriver
etc. is executed),
the GUI browser will start, so please login normally on it. (If you
don't have Selenium, you will be asked for your username and password
directly on the CUI.)
If you already executed oj d URL
in the same directory,
oj s main.cpp
will guess the URL and submit it. In order to prevent
URL specification mistakes, we recommend using this labor-saving form.
The language is automatically recognized and set appropriately.
What should you do when you get a situation where you implemented your solution and submitted it because it passes the sample cases but it gets WA or RE and you don't know the cause at all? In such a situation, you can debug using randomly generated cases. Specifically:
- Implement a program that randomly generates test inputs that satisfies the constraints
- Prepare many test inputs with the program of (1.)
- (If possible, implement a straightforward solution that you can believe that it always outputs the correct answer, and prepare the test outputs for the inputs)
- Test your solution using the testcases generated in (2.) and (3.)
- Analyze the hack case found in (4.) to find bugs
command also has features to help with this. You can use the
command oj g/i
for (2.) and the command oj g/o
for (3.). Also, another command online-judge-tools/template-generator can automatically generates a program of (1.).
For example, for a problem
https://onlinejudge.u-aizu.ac.jp/courses/library/7/DPL/1/DPL_1_B, you
can use oj
command as follows.
$ cat generate.py
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import random
N = random.randint(1, 100)
W = random.randint(1, 10000)
print(N, W)
for _ in range(N):
v = random.randint(1, 1000)
w = random.randint(1, 1000)
print(v, w)
$ oj g/i ./generate.py
[*] random-000
[x] generate input...
[x] time: 0.041610 sec
1 4138
505 341
[+] saved to: test/random-000.in
[*] random-099
[x] generate input...
[x] time: 0.036598 sec
9 2767
868 762
279 388
249 673
761 227
958 971
589 590
34 100
689 635
781 361
[+] saved to: test/random-099.in
$ cat tle.cpp
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define REP(i, n) for (int i = 0; (i) < (int)(n); ++ (i))
using namespace std;
int main() {
// input
int N, W; cin >> N >> W;
vector<int> v(N), w(N);
REP (i, N) {
cin >> v[i] >> w[i];
// solve
int answer = 0;
REP (x, 1 << N) {
int sum_v = 0;
int sum_w = 0;
REP (i, N) if (x & (1 << i)) {
sum_v += v[i];
sum_w += w[i];
if (sum_w <= W) {
answer = max(answer, sum_v);
// output
cout << answer << endl;
return 0;
$ g++ tle.cpp -o tle
$ oj g/o -c ./tle
[*] 102 cases found
[*] random-000
[x] time: 0.003198 sec
[+] saved to: test/random-000.out
[*] random-099
[x] time: 0.005680 sec
[+] saved to: test/random-099.out
[*] sample-1
[*] output file already exists.
[*] skipped.
[*] sample-2
[*] output file already exists.
[*] skipped.
The basic feature of oj g/i ./generate.py
is almost equivalent to
for i in $(seq 100) ; do ./generate.py > test/random-$i.in ;
. And the
basic feature of oj g/o
is almost equivalent to
for i in test/*.in ; do ./a.out < $f > ${f/.in/.out} ; done
. There are
some ways such as --hack
option and parallelization option -j
, etc.,
for cases where it is difficult to find hacking cases.
You can use the -e
option for problems with errors, e.g. problems
which accept answers which absolute or relative error are within
10⁻⁶. In this case, use oj t -e 1e-6
You can validate simply by using assert in your solution.
Also, you can write a program for the judge side, and use it for
test. For example, if the problem is
https://atcoder.jp/contests/abc074/tasks/arc083_a, write the
following program as the judge program and save it as judge.py
then oj t --judge-command "python3 judge.py"
will run the tests.
import sys
# input
with open(sys.argv[1]) as testcase:
A, B, C, D, E, F = list(map(int, testcase.readline().split()))
with open(sys.argv[2]) as your_output:
y_all, y_sugar = list(map(int, your_output.readline().split()))
with open(sys.argv[3]) as expected_output:
e_all, e_sugar = list(map(int, expected_output.readline().split()))
# check
assert 100 * A <= y_all <= F
y_water = y_all - y_sugar
assert any(100 * A * i + 100 * B * j == y_water for i in range(3001) for j in range(3001))
assert any(C * i + D * j == y_sugar for i in range(3001) for j in range(3001))
assert y_sugar <= E * y_water / 100
assert y_sugar * e_all == e_sugar * y_all
assert (e_sugar > 0 and y_sugar == 0) is False
A program for judge can get the input of a testcase, the output of
your program, and the expected output of the testcase, via files.
The command for judge is executed as
<command> <input> <your_output> <expected_output>
. <command>
the command specified via the option of oj
command. <input>
, and <expected_output>
are file paths of the input
of the testcase, the output of your program, and the expected output
of the testcase, respectively. If the exit code of the judge command
is 0, then the output becomes AC
, otherwise WA
There is a problem submitting a program that works interactively with
the judge program. The command oj t/r
is provided to run tests for
such a problem.
For example, if the problem is
https://codeforces.com/gym/101021/problem/0, write the following
program as the judge program and save it as judge.py
and run
oj t/r ./judge.py
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import random
n = random.randint(1, 10 ** 6)
print('[*] n =', n, file=sys.stderr)
for i in range(25 + 1):
s = input()
if s.startswith('!'):
x = int(s.split()[1])
assert x == n
print('<' if n < int(s) else '>=')
assert False
Please see the table at online-judge-tools/api-client.
To describe "what it is", it's necessary to tell about "what it can do". But it's not sufficient. Also we should tell about "what it cannot do".
In oj
command, there are no features like:
The feature to prepare the directory for a contest at once
For the feature to prepare the directory for a contest, please use a related command,
in online-judge-tools/template-generator.oj
command is "a command to help with solving individual problems (mainly, with testing)", so other things are out of scope. -
The feature to generate template code
To analyze a problem of competitive programming and automatically generate the template code for the given problem including the main function and the input/output part, you can use
command in online-judge-tools/template-generator. -
The feature to automatically compile code before running tests
command doesn't have such a feature because using shell is sufficient. Please use your shell. For example,$ g++ main.cpp && oj t
does this feature.There are too many ways to compile and run source code of various language. Also, we don't ignore users who use minor programming languages or minor online judges. So, implementing this feature is not realistic.
The feature to schedule to submit code
command doesn't have such a feature because using shell is sufficient. Please use your shell. For example,$ sleep 3600 && oj s --yes main.cpp
will submit your code after one hour. -
Configuration files
command doesn't have such a feature because using shell is sufficient. Please use the configuration file of your shell (e.g.~/.bashrc
). Please use aliases of shell functions.Configuration files introduce "implicit states" and increase the costs of maintenance and user-supporting. Except internal cookies for HTTP accessing (and, as an exception, the history to guess URLs to submit in
oj s